Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices
Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices
Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices
First Edition, November 1990
Reaffirmed, August, 1999
Revised edition------------
First Edition, August 1990
Reaffirmed, August, 1999
Revised edition ---------------
Prepared by
OISD publications are prepared for use in the Oil and
gas industry under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
These are the property of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or
exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.
The Coordinator
Functional Committee on Inspection of pressure relieving devices.
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
First edition --- August 1999
List of Members
Name Designation & Status
1. Sh. R.K. Sabharwal CMNM-IOC (R & P) Leader
2. Sh.D.P. Dhall CH INSP & AE MGR-BPC (REF) Member
3 Sh.R.H. Vohra DGM-IOC (Mkt.) Member
4. Sh.V.K. Moorthy DY.SUPTD. ENGINEER-ONGC. Member
5. Sh.I.M. Advani MGR - (PROJ) HPC (REF) Member
6. Sh.P. Dasgupta SR. MANAGER - INSPECTION IOC (R & P) Member
7. Sh.R.M.N. Marar Jt.Director, OISD Member
In addition to the above, several other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation,
review and finalisation of this document.
Functional committee on revision of OISD-STD 132
Inspection of pressure relieving devices
Name Designation & Status
Mr. N.Dasgupta (Convenor) DGM- (HSE & OPS), LPG, HQ, Convenor
BPCL Mumbai
1.0 Introduction 8
2.0 Scope 8
3.0 Definition & Types of Pressure Relieving Devices 8
4.0 Role of Inspection 9
5.0 Inspection of New Pressure Relieving Devices 9
6.0 Pre-Commission checklist for inspection of
Pressure Relieving Devices 10
7.0 Frequency of Inspection & testing 12
8.0 Inspection of On-line Pressure Relieving Devices 13
9.0 Testing procedure for Pressure Relieving Devices 16
10.0 Documentation 17
11.0 References 18
This standard outlines the
Pressure relieving devices are minimum inspection and testing
installed on process equipment, requirements applicable to all
storage tanks and piping to pressure relieving devices
release excess pressure resulting including those for vacuum service
from process upsets operational used in the petroleum industry.
errors and/or exposure to
excessive heat radiation during The standard does not cover the
fire. pressure relieving safety
arrangement provided in the
These devices protect equipment process / mechanical design like
and personnel by automatically weak seams or weak sections in
opening at predetermined storage tanks, explosion doors,
pressures and prevent the Motor operated isolation valves for
destructive consequences of vents etc.
excessive pressures in process
systems and storage tanks. Inspections and testing of
Pressure Relieving devices during
Periodic inspection and repair of manufacturing at manufacturer’s
these devices is, therefore, premises are not covered by this
essential to prevent their failure publication.
due to material defects and
malfunctioning. Control valves / ball valves used
as a means of relieving system
Latest editions of API-RP-576 on pressure into flare system are also
“Inspection of Pressure-Relieving not covered in this standard.
Devices” is a well recognised
document widely used in the
petroleum industry all over the The provisions of this standard are
world and the guidelines not intended to supersede
mentioned in this publication are requirements of applicable statues
also applicable to petroleum in force.
installations in India. However,
certain provisions of these
guidelines are modified to conform 3.0 DEFINITION AND TYPES
to Indian climatic conditions, local OF PRESSURE
practices and statutory
requirements, and supplement
with the provisions which are not
addressed specifically in these 3.1 DEFINITIONS
guidelines and are in practice
through other statutory rules and Definitions of terms related to
regulations such as Static & pressure relieving devices are
Mobile Pressure Vessels (unfired) given in Annexure-I. Graphic
Rules (SMPV), 1981. relationship between these terms
is illustrated in Annexure-II & III.
RELIEF VALVES iii) To inspect and determine the
physical condition of the different
parts (sub assemblies) of the
There are basically five type of device, record abnormalities and
safety devices used for relieving recommend repairs involving
pressure in a system. These welding & replacement of
damaged components.
iv) To study the cause of
i) Re-closing type Safety/Pressure abnormalities /deterioration of
relief valves parts and suggest suitable
remedial measures.
a. Conventional
b. Balanced Pressure relief v) To ensure engineering quality
valves during repair / overhauling of
c. Pilot-operated relief valves pressure relieving devices
ii) Name Plate for capacity & set
A sample inspection and test pressure.
plan covering all the aspects for
stage wise inspection of new iii) Gaskets, nuts & bolts for correct
pressure relieving devices is specifications.
placed at Annexure-VII for
reference. iv) Installation of valve.
iii) Before start-up of the installation ii) The Name Plate for
the test gag, if any, shall be Pressure/temperature & capacity.
iii) Use of specified gasket, nuts and
The following shall be checked: iv) In the case of breather valves, the
checks shall be for:
i) Tag number for proper location
and service. Correct weight & free movement of
v) In the case of hydraulic Safety c. Proper size of vent.
Valves, check shall be for: d. Proper size of mesh of
flame arrestor, if provided.
a. Right type of sealing liquid.
A sample check list for
b. Proper level of the sealing precommissioning checks of
liquid. pressure relieving devices is
placed at Annexure-XIII of this
vi) In case of vents, check shall be document.
i) Statutory requirements
ii) Service fluids.
iii) Service load like pulsating /
fluctuating type loads
iv) Difference between set and
operating pressures.
v) Operating History
Unless documented experience and/or a RBI assessment indicates that a longer interval,
the Testing and Inspection intervals for pressure relieving devices shall be governed as
per the following guidelines:
Hydrocarbon Service(Unit area) First inspection and testing within two years
of commissioning subsequent inspection &
testing shall be based on the operating
history / every turn around, but in no case
later than five years.
Hydrocarbon Service(Offsite area) First inspection and testing within three years
of commissioning subsequent inspection &
testing shall be based on the operating
history /every turn around, but in no case
later than five years.
7.2 Pressure and/or vacuum relief Offshore
7.5.1 All PSVs installed in offshore (E &
7.2.1 Insitu. Inspection of all types of P) installations shall be tested for
pressure and vacuum relief valves operation at a frequency of at least
shall be carried out every six once in twelve months. These
months. valves shall be either bench tested
or equipped to permit testing with
7.2.2 Following should be the frequency an external pressure source.
for shop Inspection of pressure
and vacuum relief valves 7.5.2 Inspection (and subsequent
testing) of PSV’s installed in
a) offshore ( E & P) installations
should be carried out at least once
Once in two years for valves in every five years or as per the
installed in fouling services. valve manufacturer’s
recommendations whichever is
Once in four years for valves earlier.
installed in clean services.
7.5.3 All PSVs installed in onshore (E &
Once in a year for valves installed P) installations shall be tested
in fouling services. inline with the requirements of the
Oil Mines Regulations, 1984.
Once in two years for valves
installed in clean services. 7.5.4 Inspection (and subsequent
testing) of PSVs installed in
7.3 Rupture Disc onshore ( E & P) installations
should be carried out at least once
7.3.1 Visual Inspection, torque check in every five years or as per the
and cleaning (without removing valve manufacturer’s
the disc from the holder) shall recommendations whichever is
be carried out during every earlier.
turnaround or every five years
whichever is earlier. 8.0 INSPECTION OF ONLINE
7.3.2 In the event of loose bolts and/or PRESSURE RELIEVING
removal of the disc from the DEVICES
holder, the rupture disc shall be
7.3.3 Since rupture discs cannot be
tested the replacement strategy of 8.1.1 Safety Valves/Relief Valves
these devices shall be based on
factors like application, past An on stream visual inspection should
experience and/or manufacturer’s
be carried out at least once in a year to
recommendations. However, check the following:
regardless of the applications, all
rupture discs shall be replaced on a) Gags, blinds do not exist.
or before ten years.
b) Upstream and down stream
isolation valves, if any, are opened
7.4 Vents and sealed.
c) Seals protecting the spring setting
have not been broken.
7.4.1 Inspection and cleaning of vents d) Relief device is not leaking. This
including emergency vents shall may be checked visually and by
be carried out once in a year. thermography, contact
thermometers or by hand touch or
7.5 PSV’s installed in (E&P) acoustic emission at outlet nozzle
Installations wherever practicable.
e) The continuous operation of heat Pressure relieving valves which
tracing provision, if any, provided are provided with isolation facility
for low temperature application on and wherein the flange rating of
valve and discharge piping. the outlet isolation valve flange is
f) Condition of insulation and less than the set pressure of the
cladding on the heat traced piping relief valve, need to be very
and valves. carefully isolated. Following should
be the sequence of isolation of
8.1.2 Pressure and Vacuum Relief such valves:
Valve on Storage Tanks
a) Close the inlet isolation valve of
i) The following inspection checks shall the relief valve.
be carried out once in every six b) Close the outlet isolation valve of
months for breather valves on the relief valve.
Storage Tanks. c) Venting of the pressure relief valve
a) Discharge opening should be body to be done immediately after
checked for obstruction. step (b) as above.
b) Flame arrestor wherever provided
shall be inspected, for fouling, bird All the above precautions must be
nests or clogging. Element shall exercised when installing a blind in
be inspected for mechanical the pressure relief valve outlet.
damage, deposits, scaling etc. and Installation of drain valves
cleaned before onset of monsoon. between the inlet and outlet block
c) Oil filled type liquid seal valve shall valves and the pressure relief
be inspected for oil level, fouling, valve can also be considered.
bird nests, foreign material etc.
d) Free movement of pallet shall be 8.2.2 REMOVAL / REINSTALLATION
a) It should be ensured that the
8.1.3 Rupture Disc connected piping and valves are
sufficiently supported before the
The integrity of the rupture disc relief valve is disconnected.
shall be verified with the help of
thermography, temperature b) At the time of reinstallation of
indicating crayons contact relief valve, thoroughly check the
thermometers or by hand touch at related piping to ensure that it is
a frequency not exceeding one not imposing loads that would
year. cause problems with the
pressure relief valve body such
8.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS as distortion leading to in-service
RELIEVING DEVICES c) For devices which are likely to
trap hazardous toxic process
Prior to execution of any repairs material in bonnet cavities or
on pressure-relieving devices dome cavities; special steps
some very important precautions during decontamination should
need to be taken to maintain the be taken to minimize exposure of
safety of the equipment protected shop personnel.
by such devices, especially if the
equipment is in operation. For d) Ensure that each relief valve is
inspection and repair of such having an identifying tag, stencil,
devices when the unit is in plate, or other means to show its
operation; it should be ensured company equipment number
that the unit operation is normal before its dispatch to shop for
and proper work permits should be inspection
obtained from concerned
authorities prior to execution of the
job. 8.2.3 Balanced safety valve(Bellow
Balanced type valves are iv) Position of set screws and
provided with vented bonnets. In opening in bonnet.
the event of bellows failure,
process media from the v) Inlet/outlet nozzles for evidence
discharge side of the valve will of deposits foreign material and
release from the bonnet vent. corrosion.
Based on the nature of the
process media (e.g., vi) Condition of external surface
liquid/vapour, toxicity, and and evidence of mechanical
flammability) likely to be damage.
discharged, a suitable
mechanism for safe disposal of vii) Body wall thickness.
the same should be put in place.
For example bonnet vents can be viii) Conditions of stem, guide disc,
typically routed to a drain, a nozzles etc. for evidence of wear
closed system. and corrosion.
ii) Spring, for evidence of bending, 8.3.3 Pressure and/or Vacuum Relief
corrosion or cracking, free Devices (PVRV)
length of spring.
These devices shall be checked
iii) Bellows (if applicable) for for the following damage,
damage. depending on the type of the
ii) Corrosion and surface roughening
of pallets. The welded type high pressure
iii) Quality of sealing liquid. safety valves shall be tested in-
iv) Internal corrosion of vents & situ.
flame arrestor bodies.
Reseating Pressure and blowdown
9.0 TESTING PROCEDURE shall also be checked as per IBR,
FOR PRESSURE by adjusting blowdown rings. The
blowdown shall be kept within 3-
RELIEVING DEVICES 5% of set pressure.
Testing of all Pressure Relieving When a safety valve fails to
Devices shall be carried out at operate at the set popping
frequencies indicated in Section pressure, attempt should not be
7.0 of this document. made to free it by striking the body
or other parts of the valve. The
9.1 SAFETY RELIEF VALVE valve shall be popped by means of
the lifting lever and allowed to
9.1.1 Set Pressure Test reseat, after which the pressure of
the boiler should be raised to the
It shall be ensured that correct set pressure. If the valve does not
calibrated test gauge is used. All still pop, the boiler shall be taken
safety relief valves shall be tested out of operation and safety valve
in accordance with the relevant attended.
code to which the protected
equipment is designed. After final It is advisable to check lifting lever
adjustment the valve shall be for free operation when there is at
popped at set pressure at least least 75 % of full working pressure
once to prove the accuracy of on boiler. This ensures that
setting. PSV test pressure moving parts are free to operate.
tolerance shall be +2 lbf/sq. inch
(0.138 Kg/cm2g) for pressures
less than 70 lbf/ sq. inch (4.83 9.3 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF
Kg/cm2g) and + 3% for pressures PILOT OPERATED SAFETY
greater than 70 lbf/ sq. inch. RELIEF VALVE
Allowance for hot setting shall be
made as per manufacturer’s Inspection of pilot operated valves
recommendations. The set is divided into two separate
pressure adjustment shall be phases, the pilot mechanism & the
sealed. main valve. In some types of
valves, the pilot can be blocked off
9.1.2 LEAK TEST from the vessel for inspection and
testing while the spring loaded
Leak test shall be performed in main valve continues to protect the
accordance with the relevant code. vessel. The diaphragms in both
the pilot and the main valve of
9.1.3 LOCKING certain designs shall be inspected
and replaced, if necessary with the
After set pressure test and leak main valve in service.
test, the valve shall be sealed after Manufacturer’s recommendation
tightening the lock nut of gap, as for inspection, testing and repairs
well as hand popping (if provided). shall be followed.
set pressure. Testing shall be
done as outlined in API 2521.
The documents to be maintained
shall include:
1. Accumulation
Accumulation is the pressure increase over the maximum allowable working pressure
(MAWP) of the vessel allowed during discharge through a pressure relief device,
expressed in pressure units or as a percentage of MAWP or design pressure.
2. Back Pressure
Back pressure is the increase in pressure at the outlet of a pressure relief valve as a
result of the pressure in the discharge system. This is the sum of superimposed and
built-up back pressures.
3. Blow Down
Blow down is the difference between set pressure and closing pressure of a pressure
relief valve, expressed as a percentage of set pressure or in pressure units.
Built-up back pressure is the increase in pressure at the outlet of a pressure relief valve
that develops as a result of flow after the pressure relief valve opens.
The burst pressure of a rupture disk at the specified temperature is the value of the
upstream static pressure minus the value of the downstream static pressure just prior to
when the disk bursts.
The variation around the marked burst pressure at the specified disk temperature in which
a rupture disk shall burst.
7. Car Seal
A closing seal which when placed in position and closed gets locked and the same need
to be cut using wire cutters or has to be physically broken for its removal.
8. Closing Pressure
The decreasing inlet static pressure at which the valve disc re-establishes contact with the
seat or at which lift becomes zero as determined by seeing, feeling or hearing.
The cold differential test pressure is the pressure at which a pressure relief valve is
adjusted to open at the test stand. A brief write up about CDTP with sample calculations
is placed at Annexure-IV of this document.
The design pressure of the vessel along with the design temperature is used to determine
the minimum required thickness or physical characteristic of each vessel component as
determined by the vessel design rules. It can be used in place of Maximum allowable
working pressure (MAWP) in all cases where MAWP has not been established. The
design pressure is equal to or less than the MAWP.
The specified inlet static pressure at which a seat leak test is performed.
12. Lift
The actual travel of the valve disc away from the closed position when the pressure relief
valve is relieving.
The maximum operating working pressure is the maximum gauge pressure permissible
at the top of the completed vessel in its operating position for a designated temperature.
The MAWP is based on the calculations for each element in a vessel using normal
thickness, exclusive of additional metal thickness allowed for corrosion and loadings
other than pressure. Normally the MAWP is the basis for pressure setting of the pressure
relief devices that protect the vessel.
The value of increasing inlet static pressure at which there is a measurable lift of the disk
or at which discharge of the fluid becomes continuous, as determined by seeing, feeling
or hearing.
Overpressure is the pressure increase over the set pressure of the relieving device
allowed to achieve rated flow. Overpressure is expressed in pressure units or as a
percentage of set pressure.
It is a generic term applied to relief valves, safety valves and safety relief valves. A
pressure relief valve is designed to automatically open during emergency or abnormal
conditions to prevent a rise of internal fluid pressure in excess of specified design value
and automatically reclose and prevent the flow of fluid.
20. Pressure Relieving Device
A pressure relief device is actuated by inlet static pressure and designed to open during
emergency or abnormal conditions to prevent a rise of internal fluid pressure in excess of
a specified design value.
The rupture disk burst pressure established by tests for the specified temperature and
marked on the disk tag by the manufacturer.
The relieving capacity used as the basis for the application of a pressure relief device
determined in accordance with the applicable code.
Relief Valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve actuated by the static pressure
upstream of the valve. The relief valve opens in proportion to the pressure increase over
the opening pressure. A relief valve is used primarily with incompressible fluids.
A combination of rupture disc holder and rupture disc is known as rupture disc device. It
is a non-reclosing device actuated by the static differential pressure between the inlet
and outlet of the device and designed to function by the bursting of a rupture disc.
Safety valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve actuated by the static pressure
upstream of the valve and characterized by rapid opening or pop action. A safety valve is
used primarily with compressible fluids.
Safety relief valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve that is used either as a safety or
relief depending on the application.
The set pressure is the inlet gauge pressure at which the relief device is set to open
under service conditions.
28. Simmer
The audible or visible escape of compressible fluid between the seat and disc which may
occur at an inlet static pressure below the set pressure prior to opening.
Superimposed back pressure is the static pressure that exists at the outlet of a pressure
relief device at the time the device is required to operate.
Definition: The cold differential test pressure is the pressure at which a pressure
relief valve is adjusted to open at the test stand.
The actual service conditions, under which a pressure relief valve is required to
open, may be different from the conditions at which the pressure relief valve is set to
operate on a test bench. To compensate for this effect, a CDTP is specified for
adjusting the set pressure of the valve for its testing on the bench. The CDTP may
include a correction for actual service conditions of back pressure and / or
When the CDTP is to include correction for back pressure and temperature, the
differential pressure is calculated and then multiplied by the temperature correction
to determine the CDTP.
Pilot-operated pressure relief valves may require a CDTP when used in high
temperature or back pressure service. The valve manufacturer should be consulted
regarding back pressure and temperature limits, and required correction factors.
Back-pressure can affect either the set pressure or the capacity of a relief valve. The
set pressure is the pressure at which the relief valve begins to open. Capacity is the
maximum flow rate that the relief valve will relieve. The set pressure for a
conventional relief valve increases directly with back-pressure. Conventional valves
can be compensated for constant back-pressure by lowering the set pressure. For
self-imposed back-pressure—back-pressure due to the valve itself relieving—there is
no way to compensate. In production facility design, the back-pressure is usually not
constant. It is due to the relief valve or other relief valves relieving into the header.
Conventional relief valves should be limited to 10% back-pressure due to the effect
of back-pressure on the set point.
The set points for pilot-operated and balanced-bellows relief valves are unaffected
by back-pressure, so they are able to tolerate higher backpressure than conventional
valves. For pilot-operated and balanced-bellows relief valves, the capacity is reduced
as the back-pressure goes above a certain limit.
All relief valves are affected by reaching critical flow, which corresponds to a back-
pressure of about 50% of the set pressure. Pilot-operated relief valves can handle up
to 50% back-pressure without any significant effect on valve capacity. Back-pressure
correction factors can be obtained from the relief valve manufacturers for back-
pressures above 50%, API RP 520 gives a generic method for sizing a pilot-operated
relief valve for sub-critical flow.
The relief piping design pressure is an additional limit to back-pressure. Relief piping
is usually designed as ANSI 150 piping with a MAWP of 285 psig. Relief valves with
ANSI 600 inlets usually have outlet flanges rated ANSI 150. A pilot-operated relief
valve set at 1,480 psig could have a back-pressure of 740 psig without affecting the
valve’s capacity, but that would overpressure the relief piping so the allowable back-
pressure is limited to 285 psig. For this reason, ANSI 900 and above relief valves
often have ANSI 300 outlet flanges to allow for higher back-pressure in the relief
1.1. Conventional
Conventional pressure relief valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve whose
operational characteristics are directly affected by changes in the back pressure. These
safety/relief /thermal safety (TSV) valves are susceptible to both superimposed and built-
up back pressure and are not recommended when the total back pressure exceeds 10% of
the set pressure.
These types of valves are shown in figure 1 and 3. In figure 3a, the bonnet is open vented
to atmosphere and the effect of back pressure is to reduce the set pressure. In figure 3b,
the bonnet is vented to valve outlet and the effect of back pressure is to increase the set
Balanced pressure relief valve is a spring loaded pressure relief valve that incorporates
bellows or other means for minimizing the effect of back pressure on the operational
characteristics of the valve. Balanced Bellow valves are not susceptible to back pressure
and can be used for back pressure up to 50% of set pressure.
a. Piston type
b. Bellow type
a. Piston Type
A typical piston type balanced valve is shown in figure 4a. In this valve, the guide is
vented so that the back pressure on opposing faces of the discs cancels itself. The top
face of the piston which has the same area as the nozzle seat area is subjected to
atmospheric pressure by venting the bonnet. The bonnet vented gases from balanced
piston type valve should be disposed of safely.
b. Bellow type
Typical bellow type valves are shown in figure 2 and 4b. In the bellow type of balanced
valve, the effective bellow area is the same as the nozzle seat area and by attachment to
the valve body excludes the back pressure from acting on the top side of the area of the
disc to provide for a possible bellow failure or leak. The bonnet must be vented
separately from the discharge to a safe location.
A pilot operated pressure relief valve is a pressure relief valve in which the major
relieving device or main valve is combined with and controlled by a self actuated
auxiliary pressure relief valve (pilot). In pilot-operated safety valves, the main safety
valve opens through a pilot valve
These relief valves essentially employ a self actuated auxiliary (pilot) pressure relief
valve to control main pressure relieving device (main valve) which results in keeping
system operating pressure within 5% of set pressure without the danger of increased seat
leakage in the main valve. Pilots are generally designed with a separate control for set
pressure and blow-down. Valves can be set to open fully at the set pressure and close
with very short blow down. Modulating designs are available to take care of minor
overpressure conditions without fully opening main valve to limit fluid loss and shock.
Pilot operated valves result in lower valve sizes and reduced costs.
Pilot operated valves are provided with filters to protect against foreign matter and are
used for relatively clean service (non-plugging, non-freezing). A typical pilot operated
valve is shown at Figure-5.
When metal temperature is increased above the specific design temperature due to
fire or exothermic or runaway reactions, the metal temperature can reach a level at
which stress rupture can occur. This is possible even though the system pressure does
not exceed the maximum allowable accumulation. Emergency depressurisation
valves are provided in high pressure systems to quickly depressurise the system
during operational emergencies. These valves do not have specific set point and are
part of shut down logic. These valves can also be operated from control room/ local
operating panel manually. (Examples: Dump Valves in Hydro cracker, DHDS etc).
Some of the eventualities which shall lead to creation of surge pressure in a liquid
pipeline are:
In order to protect the pipeline against surge pressure, a surge relief valve shall be
provided. The surge relief valve is a relief valve which responds quickly at the time
of pressure surge.
a) Breather Valve
Pressure and/or Vacuum Relief Valves are automatic pressure or vacuum relieving
devices actuated by the pressure or vacuum in the storage tank. These valves are
usually weight loaded on both the sides, pressure as well as vacuum side, the pallets
being calibrated to open at very low pressures. Although pressure and vacuum valves
are available as separate units, they are usually built as combination units as an
integral body and frequently referred to as breather valves.
A pressure and/or vacuum vent valve (also known as a pressure and/or vacuum relief
valve) is an automatic pressure or vacuum-relieving device actuated by the pressure
or vacuum in the protected equipment. A pressure and/or vacuum vent valve falls into
one of three basic categories:
A brief write up about pressure and/or vacuum relief valves is placed at Annexure-
XIV of this document.
In liquid seal valve, a liquid provides the closure against flow through the vent until
over pressure or over vacuum occurs.
d) Emergency Vents
1 Compliance with the specifications Specification, ME ME OE/ TPI 100 100
and codes-as enumerated in the Purchase Order % %
purchase order. & Vendor's As RW
2 Identification of materials. Built ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 S
Docs./Manuals. %
3 Physical inspections of the device and ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 R
its sub-assemblies. %
4 Inspection of Castings/weld joints, if ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 S
any. %
5 Hydraulic testing of the parts /sub- ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 R*
assemblies. %
6 Bench test for Set Pressure, ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 R*
blowdown and Leak Test. %
7 Burst pressure test in the case of ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 R*
rupture disc. %
8 Performance test in case of PV ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 R*
valves. %
9 Quality of sealing liquid and ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 R*
performance test in the case of liquid %
seal type PV valves.
10 Stamping of device after inspection. ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 100
% %
11 Final inspection/ packaging ME OE/ TPI OE/ TPI 100 S
1 Inspection of valve condition, Manufacturer's OE - OE 100% S
damages, if any. data record and
2 Checking of name plate, valve Inspection OE - OE 100% S
certificate and inspection release note. release notes.
1 Bench test for Set Pressure & seat OE - OE 100% W
2 Blowdown ring adjustment if Manufacturer's OE - OE 100% W
required. certificates.
3 Car sealing of the valve OE - PE 100% W
Prepared By Reviewed By Approved by
Legends: ME - Manufacturer's quality control Engr., OE - Owner's representative/ Engr. , TPI - Third party inspector,
PE - Plant Engr. W - Witness Point, RW - Review of Manufacturer/Contractor's Documentation, S - Surveillance Inspection by Owner/
TPI. R – Random witness inspection.
* 10% of each size, type and class rating subject to minimum one number of each size, type and class rating.
A. Test Apparatus
A typical test arrangement for determining seat tightness for safety relief valves is
shown in figure (6) leakage measurement shall be made with the use of 0.8 mm OD tubing.
The tube end shall be cut square and smooth. It shall be parallel to and 13 mm below the
surface of water.
B. Procedure
With the valve mounted vertically the leakage rate in bubbles/mnt shall be determined with
pressure at the 90% of the CDTP. The test pressure shall be applied for a minimum of 1
minute for valves of inlet sizes through 50 mm, 2 mins, for sizes 63 mm, 75 mm and 100mm,
5mins for 150mm and 200mm. Air at approximate ambient temperature shall be used as the
pressure medium.
C. Tightness Standard
The leakage rate in bubbles per minute shall not exceed the value indicated in figure in
the graphs (figure 7).
Card No._________
A. Technical Data:
Sl. Date Reason Set Date Cold E Leakag Details Recom Date of I
no of of pressure of Set Pr. S e rate of mendati installat G
. removal before test After E Repair ons/Re ion N
R dismantli Repair T & marks A
E ng Replac- T
M P ement U
V . E
Card No.______________
A. Technical Data:-
Capacity ___________
A. Technical Data:-
Ref: __________ Materials :
Drawing No. Operating Body: __________
Pressure: __________ Seat: __________
Pallets __________
Relief Operating
capacity: _________ Temp: __________
A) Corrosion
Nearly all types of corrosion i. e. acid, chloride and sulphide corrosion are present in
refinery, gas processing and petrochemical plants which is a basic cause of many
difficulties encountered in proper functioning of pressure relief valves.
Corrosion often appears as pitted, broken valve parts or deposits of corrosive residue
that interfere with the operation of the moving parts or causes deterioration of the
material of the relief valve. The corrosion can be slowed down or stopped by taking
one or more of the following measures:-
Differential loading must be small to prevent leakage of the fluid from pressure relief
valve. This can be achieved by maintaining an optical precision on the order of 3
beads/bands (0.0000348 inch or 0.0008838 mm) in the flatness of seating surfaces on
metal seated pressure relief valves. Any imperfection in these seating surfaces will
contribute to improper valve action in service. The cause of damaged valve seats are:-
i) Corrosion.
ii) Foreign particles that get into the valve inlet and pass through the valve when it opens.
The particles may damage the seat contact required for tightness in most pressure
relief valves. The damage can occur either in the shop during maintenance of the valve
or while the valve is in service.
iii) Improper or lengthy piping to the valve inlet or obstruction in the line. These can cause
a valve to chatter. The pressure under seat may become great to open the valve,
however, as soon as the flow is established, the built-up pressure drop in the
connecting piping may be so great that the valve pressure under the seat falls and
allows the valve to close. A cycle of opening and closing may develop, become rapid
and subject the valve seating surfaces to severe hammering, which damage the seating
surfaces sometimes beyond repair.
iv) Careless handling during maintenance such as bumping, dropping, jarring, or
scratching of the of the valve parts.
v) Leakage past the seating surfaces of a valve after it’s installation. The leakage
contributes to seat damage by causing erosion or corrosion of the seating surface and
thus aggravating itself. It may be due to improper maintenance of installation such as
misalignment of the parts, piping strains resulting from improper support or absence of
support to discharge piping. Other causes of leakage include improper alignment of the
spindle, improper fitting of the springs to the spring washers and improper bearing
between the spring washers and their respective bearing contacts or between the
spindle and disc or disc holder. Spindle should be checked for straightness. Springs
and spring washers should be kept together as a spring assembly during the life of the
spring. Seat leakage may also result from the operating pressure being too close to the
set pressure of the valve.
vi) Improper blow down settings. These can cause chattering in the pressure relief valves.
The manufacturer should be contacted for specific blow down ring settings for liquid
and vapour service.
vii) Over sizing of the pressure relief valve for the relief loads encountered can cause the
valve to close abruptly, resulting in disc and nozzle seating surface damage.
C) Spring Failure
• Spring failures occur in two forms. The first is a weakening of the spring, which
causes a reduction in set pressure and the possibility of premature opening. The
second is a total failure of the spring, which causes uncontrolled valve opening.
• Springs may weaken due to the use of improper materials in high temperature service
and corrosion. Surface corrosion and stress corrosion cracking are the most prevalent
of this type of failures.
• Surface corrosion attacks the spring surface until the cross sectional area is not
sufficient to provide the necessary closing force. It also produce pits that act as stress
risers and cause cracks in the spring surface and subsequent spring failure.
Where corrosion prevails, the following measures may be taken to prevent corrosion.
i) The spring material may be used that will satisfactorily resist the action of the
corrosive agent.
ii) The spring may be isolated from the process by a bellows.
iii) The spring may be coated with a corrosion resistant coating that can withstand the
operating temperature and environment.
• Water, air, or an inert gas such as bottled nitrogen may be used as the testing
medium. It is better to set a pressure relief valve on air, or some other gas, rather than
on water since, a gaseous effluent will produce either a definite pop or a clearly defied
audible opening at the set pressure.
• To ensure that the valve is opening, some overpressure should be carefully applied
because an audible leak could otherwise be misinterpreted as the result of reaching
the set pressure. However, most pressure relief valves produce a distinct pop at the
set pressure, making misinterpretation unlikely.
• The size of the test stand is important since insufficient surge volume might not cause
a distinct pop, and may cause an incorrect set pressure.
• Vapor service valves should be set using air or inert gas. Steam service valves should
be set using steam, but air may be sued if suitable corrections are applied. Liquid
service valves should be set using water.
• Consult the manufacturers for the proper technique for setting pilot-operated pressure
relief valves on liquid as the water in the dome area and pilot assembly may create
problems when placed in service.
• Incorrect calibration of pressure gauges is another frequent cause of improper valve
setting. To ensure accuracy, gauges should be calibrated frequently on a regularly
calibrated dead weight tester.
• The pressure range of the gauge should be chosen so that the required set pressure
of the pressure relief valve falls within the middle third of the gauge pressure range.
Snubbers on pressure gauges are not generally recommended since they tend to clog
and produce pressure lag.
• Adjustment of the ring or rings controlling the valve is frequently misunderstood. The
valve adjusting ring or rings will control either the valve blow down – the difference
between the set pressure and the reseating pressure – or valve blow down and
simmer, depending on the design of the valve being tested.
• Because the density and expansion characteristics of material handled through
pressure relief valves are variable and the volume of testing facilities is limited, it is
usually impractical to adjust the valve rings on a maintenance shop test block.
• The rings should therefore be adjusted to obtain a pop on the valve test drum and
then inspected and readjusted for proper blow down according to the manufacturer’s
• This should permit the best average performance characteristics of the valve when
• For liquid for vapor service, the relief valve manufacturers should be contacted
regarding the proper blow down ring settings. Full understanding of terminology is
• Process solids such as coke or solidified products can sometimes plug various parts
of the valve and connected piping. Additionally, monomer service can lead to polymer
formation and plugging. All valve parts, particularly guiding surfaces should be
checked thoroughly for any type of fouling. Lubricate all load bearing surfaces such as
spindle to disk holder, spring buttons to spindle, disk-to-disk holder and threads with a
lubricant that is comparable with the process materials and service temperatures.
• Valve malfunction may also be due to sticking of the disk or disk holder in the guide
which may be caused by corrosion or galling of the metal or by foreign particles in the
guiding surfaces.
• Foreign particles in the guiding surfaces tend to roll metal up, causing severe galling.
The use of a bellows can keep the foreign particles away from the guiding surfaces.
Sticking of valves can also result from machining of valve parts outside the
manufacturer’s tolerance limits.
• A disk can get frozen in the guide as a result of corrosion in sour gas service.
• If corrosion is the cause of the sticking, three possible cures are available. First, the
use of a bellows can protect moving parts from the corrosive substance, especially in
closed systems. Second, an o-ring seat can seal the guiding surfaces from the lading
fluid until a relief cycle occurs. Third, the use of a rupture disk on the valve inlet will
isolate the valve internals from the upstream process material.
• When galling of the metal in the guiding surfaces is not due to corrosion or foreign
particles, it is often due to valve chatter or flutter caused by improper piping at the
valve inlet or outlet or by severe over sizing of the valve.
• Correction of improper piping at the valve inlet or outlet will usually stop galling.
Improper finishing of the guiding surfaces can also cause galling caused by chatter or
flutter. To reduce the chances of galling, they should be polished until they are as
smooth as possible. Varying the materials and hardness of the contacting parts until
the best combinations are found may minimize galling. Consult valve manufacturers
for recommendations.
• Sticking of pressure relief valves may also be caused by poor alignment of the valve
disk, which is usually due to debris on the contact surface between the guide and the
body of the valve, or misalignment of a gasket at assembly.
F) Misapplication of Materials
• If not installed at the exact location for which it was intended, a pressure relief valve
might not provide the proper protection. To assist in the identification of valve and
provide information necessary for correct repairs installation, a comprehensive set of
specifications and history card should be maintained and referred to when valves are
removed for inspection and repairs. Pressure relief valves may be provided with
identifying serial number or shop number placed on the valve by manufacturer or an
identifying number tagged, stamped or otherwise placed on the valve by the user.
Sometimes user may stamp mating pipe flanges with device number.
H) Rough Handling
• Valves are checked for tightness in the manufacturer’s plant before they are shipped
to the user. Valve tightness is sometimes checked by the user in the maintenance
shop before initial use and usually checked after subsequent cleaning, repair, or
testing. This subsequent rough handling of the valve can change the set pressure,
damage lifting levers, damage tubing and tubing fittings, damage pilot assemblies or
cause internal or external leakage when the valve is in service. Rough handling can
occur during shipment, maintenance or installation.
• Because of their operation, pressure relief valve have a sturdy appearance which
obscure a fact that they are delicate instruments with very close tolerances and
sensitive dimensions. Hence, commercial carriers sometimes subject them to rough
handling during shipment, which cause a valve to leak excessively in service or during
testing. This mishandling may expose the valve inlet to dirt or foreign particles that
could damage the valve seating surface the first time the valve opens and cause
leakage thereafter. These valves should be shipped in an upright position, especially
large valves and valves with low set pressures because it they are allowed to lie on
their sides, the spring may not exert the same force all around the seating surfaces.
• Pressure relief valves are usually precision items manufactured to exactly close
tolerances. Rough handling during maintenance, can degrade these tolerances and
also destroy the basic valve alignment on which the fine, exacting performance of the
device depend. Both before and after repairs, rough handling of the completely
assembled valve should be avoided. Before the valve leaves the shop, valve inlet and
outlets should be covered. Rough handling during maintenance includes application of
excessive back pressure, which should not be applied to a bellow type valve during
maintenance related tests.
I) Improper Differential between Operating & Set Pressure
• The differential between operating and set pressure provides seat loading to keep the
pressure relief valve tightly closed. Due to variety of service conditions and valve
designs, only general guidelines can be given for designing a system. However,
individual applications and experience must ultimately be relied on. Although greater
differential between operating and set pressures promote trouble free operation, they
may also increase the cost of equipment. Inspections should record operating
experience and provide feedback to be considered in future design and remedial
a) The disc, spring, and body area on the discharge side of the valve are fouled.
b) The bellows of a balanced relief valve are damaged by excessive back pressure.
c) The dome area and/or pilot assembly of a pilot operated pressure relief valve are
fouled and damaged by the backflow of fluid.
Different components of the various pressure relieving devices are likely to deteriorate due to
any one or more of the following reasons.
b) Flanges of inlet and outlet nozzles Pitting and roughening due to corrosion,
mechanical damage.
f) Flame arrestor inlet Fouling, obstruction in the openings.
and discharge opening
Sr. Loop no: Tag Description P & ID Service Type Operatin Set PSV sizing Location Approach Installation Checked by(as part of Remarks
no. no. no. g pressure date PSSR)
pressure Kg/cm2
Kg/cm2g g
As per datasheet Inlet Outlet Yes No Name Date Sign
Annexure- XV
Pressure & Vacuum Relief Valves for Above Ground Atmospheric Storage Tanks:
Atmospheric tanks can be over pressurized or subjected to vacuum. Some of the probable
scenarios# for over pressurization and vacuum are described as below:
#Note: Some of these circumstances are described more exhaustively in Sections 4.2.2
through 4.2.5 of API-2000.
Tank shall be protected from over pressurization and vacuum both. The PVRVs (Pressure &
Vacuum relief valves) are the safety devices, which can protect the tanks from both over
pressurization and Vacuum. These can be:
Older tanks which have been constructed prior to 1970 may have most of the PVRVs which are
dead weight type and having metallic seats. Metal seated PVRVs have an inherent problem of
minor passing. Now-a-days most of the tanks are provided with soft seated Pressure and vacuum
relief valve to control the fugitive emission losses. Cross section drawings of the same PVRV
(Pressure Vacuum Relief Valves) used is as attached below:
Dead weight type soft seated PVRV
The basic principle of operation of soft/metal seated PVRVs is a primary physics formula
F = Force = Pressure x Area
The valve pressure pallet will operate when the pressure increases beyond set pressure since
then the pressure force acting will be more than the dead weight of pressure pallet. Similarly if
vacuum increases the vacuum pallet will operate allowing the outside atmosphere to enter the
The Pilot operated PVRV’s are used to provide maximum available control technology and
thereby ensuring dependable accurate operation.
The moving parts of the main valve are a soft seat assembly and flexible diaphragm. The System
pressure is contained beneath the soft, main valve seat, and normally transmitted through a pilot
tube up to and through the pilot, into the dome volume.
Since the effective diaphragm area is MUCH larger than the seat sealing area, the higher the
system pressure, the higher the down force on the seat, the opposite of a common weight -
loaded valve. System pressure acts upward on the underside of the main valve seat and also
downward on the much larger main valve diaphragm area, holding the main seat tightly closed.
The higher the system pressure, the higher the net down force on the main seat.
At set pressure, the pilot opens and reduces dome pressure by perhaps 75% or more, allowing
the system pressure to open the seat assembly and establish flow through the main valve.
According to the adjustment of the pilot, the main valve may have pop action and open fully at set
pressure or it may modulate (open only enough to satisfy the relief demand). During the time the
main valve is flowing, the pilot continually senses system pressure, normally through the pilot
tube in the valve inlet. At reseating pressure, the pilot has closed and replenished dome pressure
to be the same as the system pressure, closing the seat to a bubble-tightness.
With a vacuum beneath the main seat and also above the main valve diaphragms, atmospheric
pressure will push up the diaphragm(s) and open the main valve seat, allowing atmospheric
pressure into the vessel to break the vacuum. The vacuum at which the valve opens depends on
valve size, seat assembly materials, and whether one or two diaphragm chambers are utilized.
Emergency vents/Lifting Man Ways for Above Ground Atmospheric Storage Tanks:
Emergency relief man ways/vents are mounted on storage tanks to release excessive internal
pressure resulting from unusual conditions such as fire exposure or malfunctioning of the regular
PV vents. These vents are commonly used as replacements for roof manways. A properly
designed emergency device (i.e. emergency vent) can prevent a tank rupture in case of abnormal
rise in tank internal pressure beyond the capability of the pressure relief vents.
Generally following two types of emergency vents are used for tank protection:
Typical cross section drawings of the various emergency vents is attached below:
Figure: Typical Spring Loaded Emergency vents
In the event of over pressurization, the emergency vent lifts at a pre-determined set pressure and
provides large venting area, which allows the relief of the generated excessive pressure.
Generally weight loaded emergency vents are used in the storage tanks.
The emergency vent setting should be higher than the full capacity pressure of the PV vents so
as to assure the proper functioning of the regular venting equipment.
Operation sequence of dead-weight type emergency vent:
1. When pressure inside the tank is well below the set point, the deflated gasket diaphragm
(Shown in fig-1) rests on the seat ring in a typical manner, retaining internal pressure.
2. As the pressure approaches the set point, the gasket inflates and wraps around the
mating seat to achieve this unique sealing effect. The Teflon diaphragm expands like a
balloon, and prevents any passing of product due to tight sealing (Shown in fig-2).
3. When pressure in the tank is at or above set point, the valve lifts to relieve the excessive
pressure (Shown in fig-3)
1. Diaphragm material
2. Corrosivity of fluid
3. Vent body material
4. Pressurization frequency/events of pressurization in storage tank
5. N2 blanketing (No/Yes)
6. Past failure history