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EFT Test

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Mẫu KT002

HỌC KỲ: NĂM HỌC: 2020-2021
Khoa/Bộ môn: Du lịch

Tên học phần: Tiếng anh chuyên ngành Du lịch 4

Đề số: 1
Thời gian làm bài: 75 phút (không kể thời gian chép/phát đề)
Lớp: Lữ hành K10

Câu 1: Multiple choices (2 điểm)

1. Additional services leave __________ that hotels give a special treatment for its
A. information
B. impression
C. service
D. expectation

2. __________ the tourism industry to the people, the economic benefits can be more
fully shared.
A. In return
B. Returning of
C. By returning
D. Not to return

3. The tourist resort __________ separate from the daily life of the people.
A. should be kept
B. is to keep
C. must keep
D. is keep

4. A local guide is expected to give information about historical, religious and

cultural aspects and to arrange sightseeing tours __________ the city.
A. between
B. upon
C. among
D. within
5. The tourists filled in the customs declaration and were given a boarding
pass after they __________ to the customs officer.
A. are talking
B. have to talk
C. had talked
D. have talked

6. An airline, a car rental agency, and a hotel __________ the same customer, but the
services they provide differ strikingly.
A. shouldn't share
B. may share
C. can't share
D. had to share

7. Travel and tourism are as American as baseball, hot dogs, apple pie as Americans
__________ a billion trips each year.
A. take out
B. take away
C. take over
D. take after

8. Recently tourism ___________ by more leisure time, rising family incomes, and
more favorable demographic trends.
A. had grown
B. has grown
C. grew
D. will grow

9. Although the typical workweek has stayed at 40 hours for many years, flex time
and other flexible scheduling arrangements __________ more people more leisure
time throughout 80-s and 90-s.
A. are giving
B. gave
C. has given
D. have to give

10. Driving in foreign countries is very popular nowadays, __________ when people
have a lot of time and can travel the side roads and byways.
A. especially
B. rarely
C. personally
D. exclusively

11. Local governments support families who are ready to invite foreign guests into
their homes and people __________ families abroad can be called sidewalk ambassa-
A. visited
B. have visited
C. never visiting
D. having visited
12. Today airlines keep pretty well __________ their schedules, provide a generally
smooth flight, offer movies and a good choice of music.
A. to
C. through
B. before
D. between

13. Clients rate highly different features of the hotel - __________ appreciate a
homey atmosphere, the other – VIP treatment.
A. all of them
B. everyone
C. some
D. they all

14. The group left for Europe only after the reservations __________, so all the
participants were completely carefree.
A. have been secured
B. having secured
C. have to be secured
D. had been secured

15. Even during unfavorable weather the room occupancy at top seaside resorts never
A. breaks off
B. turns off
C. falls off
D. puts off

16. We have no other _______ if we want to expand the company safely.

A. optimal
B. optimum
C. opt
D. option

17. I missed breakfast and lunch, so my _______ right now is to get something to eat.
A. priority
B. prior
C. prioritize
D. priors

18. Faxing, copying, and typing are available at most hotels, and guests __________
rooms to have two phone lines and functional desks.
A. can expect
B. have to expect
C. may expect
D.should never expect;
19. High on the list of construction and maintenance work done for tourism are the
new and remodeled airports to accommodate __________ planes, highways,
freeways, railways and modern docks.
A. more and larger
B. the most and largest
C. more or less
D. the more the larger

20. __________ travel operators have knowledge of all areas and all carrier services,
they are experts in organizing different types of tours.
A. That's why
B. As
C. Though
D. So that.

Câu 2: Vocabulary (1 điểm)

Petition express courier revision
Mention layout folding beforehand
Complicated registered asemble proofed

In small offices, it is often the executive assistant who must manage all of the printed
material that the firm produces. The job responsibilities include typing and printing
out the correspondence. These letters and memos must all be carefully 1.__________
to make sure they are error-free. If not, the errors should be corrected. If the meaning
is not clear, the correspondence should be revised. This 2.__________ should be done
3.__________, not when the letter is ready to be sent.

Once prepared, the correspondence must be sent appropriately. Local, urgent mail
could be hand-delivered by a 4.__________ service. Long-distance, urgent mail could
be sent overnight or by 5.__________mail. If a record is required mail can be
6.__________ and receipts are given.

In addition to transmitting and receiving faxes, the executive assistant must work
closely with company officials. When the company executives have to make a
presentation, the executive assistant often becomes a graphic designer charged with
the 7.__________, or the look of, the graphics and text for the printed materials used
during the presentations. Did I 8.__________that these duties generally involve
learning extremely 9.__________design software? It’s a wonder that more executive
assistants don’t 10.__________their bosses for a raise.
Câu 3: Reading (4 điểm)

We know that service is anything other than physical goods that is valuable to
customers. There are some laws that lead to good service. The most critical one is
about customers' satisfaction. The following article presents some golden rules that
restaurant staff members need to be aware of in order to provide good service.


We know that service is anything other than physical goods that is valuable to
customers. This customer perspective leads to the Law of Service - the most critical
relationship in all service work.

1. Accessibility. Customers expect prompt and efficient service. This means that they
must be able to get to someone in the organization who can help them. Whether it is
waiting for initial processing or talking to someone about fixing a problem, they do
not expect to go through a maze of paperwork and red tape. They want their questions
answered and their needs met as soon as possible.

2. Courtesy. Customers expect to be treated in a professional manner. They react

poorly to rudeness. Customers expect their property to be treated with respect as well.
Employees should treat customers' luggage, cars, and so on as if it were their own.
They also expect a neat and clean appearance.

3. Personal attention. Customers want to be treated as unique individuals. They want

to know that the company they are dealing with cares about them as individuals. They
expect to be told what services will be provided, and they expect someone to care
about their problems (and do something about them).

4. Empathy. Empathy is a person's ability to see and feel things from someone else's
point of view. Customers expect that service employees will understand what they
care about. Customers do not expect to be treated as though their presence is an
imposition on the employee or an interruption to an otherwise pleasant day.

5. Job knowledge. Customers expect that employees will know the facts about their
job and their company. They expect honest answers. On some special requests, they
may accept an employee going to a supervisor for an answer, provided that the answer
comes quickly.

6. Consistency. Customers expect to get the same answer no matter who they talk to.
If everyone meets the criteria for job knowledge, there is no reason for two different
employees to give conflicting answers. There are some instances where a variety of
treatment may be acceptable, but only when they see and understand an obvious and
compelling reason for a difference in treatment.

7. Teamwork. The company may be composed of many different departments with

different goals and methods of operation, but to customers it is a single entity. They
do not expect internal turf battles to affect them nor do they expect to be passed from
one department to another for answers to simple questions.
Seven Deadly Sins,

1. Leave someone expecting a reply. Whenever we tell someone we will call or send
something, we must follow through and do it. Even when we don't have an answer or
anything else useful to say to a customer, we can call the customer to say that we have
no new information yet and are still working on it. It is important that the person not
feel forgotten or ignored.

2. Argue with a customer. If you remember the old saying," The customer is always
right," you already know about this sin. Even when customers are completely wrong,
service providers do not get any points for proving it. Taking an argumentative tone
with a customer puts a service person in a poor position from the start.

3. Present a dirty or unprofessional look. This is one of the best ways to get off to
the wrong start with a customer. Dirty facilities or unprofessional-looking employees
immediately undermine the overall credibility of any service organization. Cleanliness
will almost never be cited as a particularly good service quality, but the lack of
cleanliness will be noticed immediately.

4. Give conflicting or incorrect information. Nothing is more frustrating to a

customer than hearing two conflicting pieces of information from two different people
in the same organization. Customers expect each of us to be perfectly up-to- date and
knowledgeable about practically everything to do with our products. When we don't
know something, we are much better off tactfully admitting our lack of knowledge
and promising to call them back.

5. Argue with a fellow worker in front of a customer. As human beings, we will

certainly have disagreements with fellow staff members. There is a time and a place
for working out these differences. It may even take a screaming match to work it out-
but not in front of customers. We can almost always wait to discuss it until the
customer has left. We can ask our co-worker to go into a back room where we can
discuss the problem, come to an agreement and then go back to deal with the
customer as a team.

6. Imply that a customer's needs are unimportant or trivial. Our customers may
be the fiftieth person that day that we have had to deal with on the same service need,
but to them, this is the first time that day they've needed it. The worst thing we can do
at that moment is to trivialize their needs or make it seem as if they are an imposition
on our otherwise carefree day.

7. Pass the buck. A common practice in service organizations, especially those with
large bureaucracies, passing the buck can be very frustrating to customers. Customers
already tense because something has or may go wrong, and we double that pressure
by sending them through a maze of red tape. The best way to avoid this is to be
knowledgeable about who in the organization has the authority to help this person. If
a supervisor is not immediately available, offer to have someone call the customer
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. _______ Customers' property should be handled with care and respect at a
2. _______ Service workers are supposed to understand what customers are expecting
of the service they are providing.
3. _______ Customers do not accept the situation where a service employee goes to
seek a supervisor if he/she cannot answer the customers' questions.
4. _______ The operation of a restaurant with different departments is still a single
entity in customers' viewpoint.
5. _______ If a service employee cannot have an answer immediately, he/she should
tell the customer to forget or ignore it.
6. _______ When customers are completely wrong, service workers need to say so to
them and prove it.
7. _______ If a service worker does not know an answer or information a customer is
requesting, he/she must politely admit his/her lack of knowledge.
8. _______ Service workers are never allowed to argue with each other at the
9. _______ Service workers should sometimes point out to customers that their
request is unimportant at all.
10. _______ The best way to avoid passing the buck is to get a supervisor to solve
the problem.

Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN three words taken from the text.
The law of service says that satisfaction is based on whether 1.__________ perceive
that the 2.___________ is good or bad, and this judgment is based on their subjective
attitudes, not necessarily on an objective evaluation of facts. Different customers
may perceive the same 3.___________ in different ways, and even the same customer
may perceive it differently at different times. In general, customers have
4.___________basic expectations relating to restaurant staff's professionalism. They
often expect 5.__________ service that does not let them wait or get through an
amount of 6.___________. As 7.___________, they expect the restaurant staff to
professionally pay individual attention to and care about them with the
staff's 8.___________. And while many acts may or may not be perceived poorly,
there are seven 9.___________
that are sure to upset customers. One of the bad habits is to 10.__________ when
customers have to go through a maze of paperwork and red tape in order to solve a
Câu 4: Writing (3 điểm)
Tourism has increasingly so much over the last 50 years that it is having a mainly
negative impact on local inhabitants and the environment. However, others claim that
it is good for the economy.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and give your own opinion
Write at least 250 words.

Tổng cộng có: 4 câu

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