English 6 Q4 Module 8
English 6 Q4 Module 8
English 6 Q4 Module 8
Quarter 4 - Module 8
Compose a Persuasive Essay
Based on Self-Selected Topic
English – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 8: Compose a Persuasive Essay Based on Self Selected Topic
First Edition, 2021
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Quarter 4 - Module 8
Compose a Persuasive Essay
Based on Self-Selected Topic
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to
ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that
you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best
help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
This module provides varied activities that will help you learn how
to compose a persuasive essay on self-selected topic. LC code
What I Know
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on another
sheet of paper.
Refer to the selection below to answer items 4-10.
Discover Bulacan
Join a trip to Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan where you experience lavish
surprise for only P299 per head!
Package includes:
• Trekking to Puning Cave
• Traverse Talon Pari
• Hiking and swimming in Verdivia Falls
• Te Amo DRT camping place and resort
We have a 5/5 rating in Metro and Cosmopolitan Magazine. So, what are you
waiting for? Visit DRT and experience the thrill of a lifetime. Waste no time
and book with us immediately.
_____6. What does the advertisement tell us about Doña Remedios Trinidad?
A. DRT has luxurious hotels.
B. It has the cheapest places to explore.
C. It is the only place in Bulacan to explore.
D. It offers exciting activities at an affordable price.
_____8. How do you think this advertisement convinces people to visit DRT?
A. appeal to credibility
B. appeal to emotions
C. use of powerful words
D. all of these
_____10. What information will you get if call the phone number provided?
A. group rates
B. places to go
C. who can join
D. time of departure
What’s In
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on another
sheet of paper.
C. Hide and seek is the best game to play during recess.
D. “Those who had more than 15 minutes of recess a day showed better
behavior in class than those who had little or none” (Parker-Pope
_____5. The following are types of writing that involves persuasion except
A. editorial
B. manual
C. propaganda
D. review
_____6. Which of the following can help you construct a coherent paragraph?
A. outline
B. graphic organizers
C. proper use of transition words and phrases
D. all of the above
_____9. School uniforms are important. Which of the following reasons does
NOT support this statement?
A. Uniforms make the pupils feel equal.
B. School sports team wears colorful uniforms.
C. Pupils will save time deciding on what to wear.
D. Uniforms help pupils feel they belong to a group.
_____10. Jollibee’s slogan during the COVID-19 pandemic is Langhap-
Sarap Bida ang Saya! Safe at ang Saya!
What is the purpose of this ad?
A. to describe
B. to entertain
C. to inform
D. to persuade
What’s New
My Aspin
Meldrid M. Olis
My dog is lovable
Truly incredible
He can read my feelings,
If I am happy, sad, or raging.
When I come
To our humble home
He scampers and scuttles
Asking for kisses and cuddles.
Answer these questions:
2. How do you think the speaker of the poem feels about the Aspin?
Give evidence from the poem to support your ideas.
What is It
Persuasive Essay
1. Prewriting – is the first stage in writing where the author or writer thinks of
the topic, audience, and purpose of the essay.
• What facts and • Give details and
details can I facts for each
provide to support reason you
each of my provided. Save
reasons? your strongest
reason for last to
end your essay with
a powerful note.
To provide reasons:
• First…Second…Third…
• To begin with…
• Another reason….
• Lastly…Finally
• Most importantly…
When concluding:
• In conclusion…
• To sum it up…
• Finally…
• If you like to be…then
Using these transition words and phrases will make sure that your
sentences and paragraphs have coherence. These transition words act as a
bridge linking together ideas, show relationships, and guide the reader to reach
an understanding of your point of view.
2. Drafting - is the stage of the writing process in which you develop a complete
first version of a piece of writing. In drafting, observe the three parts of a
Body Sentences – this part contains reasons to explain and support your
stance or position. Provide at least three reasons. Use facts and
statistics to back up your opinion and reasons. Use strong words
to appeal to your reader’s emotions. Make sure you stay with your
You can use an outline to help you organize your thoughts and main
3. Revising – once you’re done drafting your essay, reread your work to improve
your paragraph. Leave out unnecessary sentences not related to your topic.
4. Editing – check for errors in spelling, punctuation marks, and mechanics in
5. Publishing – after checking your work one last time, you are now ready to
publish. You may type or write your final copy neatly on a sheet of paper.
What’s More
To start with, cellphones provide safety for kids. For example, kids can
immediately contact their parents in cases of emergencies. Parents will be able
to keep track of their children’s activities at home while they are at work.
Another reason is, cellphones are excellent learning resources. Kids can
use their phones to do homework and research in solving problems and finding
2. Who is the writer trying to persuade?
3. Is the writing fit for the purpose and audience? Why or why not?
5. What are the supporting details the writer used to support his/her reasons?
Independent Activity 1
Directions: Put a check mark (✔) before each sentence which shows a
helpful way to persuade others, (x) if not. Write your answer on another sheet
of paper.
_____1. brainstorming
Independent Assessment 1
Directions: Choose from the transition words inside the box to complete the
table. Write your answer on another sheet of paper.
I should… To summarize…
In conclusion… In my opinion…
First… Finally…
Independent Activity 2
Directions: Complete the flowchart below to show the writing process. Write
your answer on another sheet of paper.
Independent Assessment 2
_________1. Join Sto. Niño Elementary School’s Scouting for exciting activities
to learn positive values, community involvement, and personal growth.
Everyone is guaranteed to experience an amazing time!
(drivers, pupils, vendors)
_________2. Nothing is more important than taking care of our planet we live
in. We will cease to exist without it. You must take care of it. Practice proper
waste management. Use renewable energy and lessen your carbon footprint.
(athletes, fishermen, all human beings)
_________3. Why buy a dog when you can adopt? There are many dogs in the
shelter that deserves a forever loving home. You should adopt. Not only will it
save a life, but also good for your health.
(boxers, mechanics, pet lovers)
_________4. If you like the story of Si Pagong at si Matsing, then this book is
definitely for you. It is full of fun and adventure. At the same time, you will learn
a valuable lesson. This book is quite interesting. You would enjoy reading it.
(children, doctors, grandparents)
B. Directions: Read the opinions and reasons below. Identify the reason which
is NOT relevant to the topic. Write the letter of the correct answer on another
sheet of paper.
Filipinos love
Reason Reason
Reason C. Chess is a
A. It promotes
good sport too.
sportsmanship. B. It is a popular
and thrilling
_____6. Opinion
Excessive use of
technology is bad.
Reason C. Children are
A. It causes lack
not getting
of sleep. B. Gadgets are
enough exercise.
C. Directions: Write one reason and one detail for each opinion. Write your
answer on another sheet of paper.
Opinion: Dogs are better than cats.
Reason: Dogs are easier to train.
Detail: They can be trained to obey and protect you.
Independent Activity 3
Directions: Choose a topic that you are interested in. Use the web below to
organize your thoughts and ideas. Write your answer on another sheet of paper.
My purpose:
My audience: _____________________
________________ _____________________
My opinion:
Reason 1: Reason 3:
____________ _____________
____________ Reason 2: _____________
____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ ___
Independent Assessment 3
(Introduction) _____________________________________________
(Reason 1) _______________________________________________
(Reason 2) _______________________________________________
(Reason 3) _______________________________________________
(Conclusion) ______________________________________________
5 4 3 2 1
Clearly expressed point of view or stance
Provided clear reasons and/or evidence to
support opinion
Organized supporting details ending with a strong
Grammar and mechanics
What I Have Learned
Directions: Supply the missing word or set of words for each blank to make
the sentences correct. Write your answer on another sheet of paper.
What I Can Do
Directions: Compose a persuasive essay about a topic that you are interested
about. Write your essay on another sheet of paper.
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Reason 3:
Guide questions:
➢ Does your writing fit your purpose and audience?
➢ Do you capture the reader’s attention with your introduction?
➢ Is your opinion clearly stated?
➢ Did you back up your opinion with strong reasons?
➢ Did you organize your reasons in a logical manner?
➢ Did you conclude with a strong ending?
5 4 3 2 1
Clearly expressed point of view or stance
Provided clear reasons and/or evidence to
support opinion
Organized supporting details ending with a strong
Grammar and mechanics
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer that best complete the
statement or answers the question. Write your answer on another sheet of
______4. It is adding details and reasons to explain your ideas and opinion.
A. conclusion
B. elaboration
C. stance
D. summary
_____6. What part of a persuasive essay will you find restatement of claim or
A. body sentences
B. conclusion
C. hook
D. introduction
_____7. Violent video game is bad for children. Which of the following reasons
support this claim?
A. Video games are the best past time.
B. If you are done with your homework, you can play video games.
C. Adult can play violent video games because they are old enough.
D. According to studies, children exposed to violent video games
display aggressive behaviors.
______10. What might happen if you fail to consider your audience before
writing your persuasive piece?
A. Your audience will lose interest.
B. Your audience will agree with you.
C. Your audience will less likely to be persuaded.
D. Both A and C are correct.
Additional Activities
Directions: Compose a persuasive letter addressed to your barangay officials
about a project that you are interested. State in your letter why you think this
project should be created. Support your opinion with convincing reasons. Write
your persuasive letter on another sheet of paper.
(Heading) ________________
5 4 3 2 1
Takes a clear position or stance
Supports position or stance with well-chosen
reasons and/or examples
Well organized with effective use of transitions
Answer Key
Independent Assessment 1
Cidro, Mark Glenn, De Peralta Honeylein, Gahol, Pacita and Gorgon Eugenia. Across
Borders Through Language. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc. 2014.
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