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Part 2 - Rev1

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Kinetics Of Particles

3 General Approaches for

Kinetics of Particles
1. Force-Mass-Acceleration Method

 Newton’s 2nd Law directly related to

forces and acceleration

 Bestused when acceleration or the

value of a force at an instant is desired
2. Work and Energy Principles

Newton’s 2nd Law integrated with

respect to position to get the
principle of work energy.
3. Impulse and Momentum Method

 Newton’s 2nd Law integrated with

respect to time to get the principle of
linear impulse and momentum

 Bestused when velocity of the body for

two different instants are to be related
and the forces involved can be related
as functions of time

 Good for studying collisions between

bodies and variable mass systems
1. FMA Method

Newton’s Second Law of Motion

A particle acted upon by an

unbalanced force F experiences an
acceleration a that has the same direction
as the force and a magnitude that is
directly proportional to the force

1. FMA Method
Dynamic Equilibrium

Equations of motion: When several forces

act on a particle of mass m,

𝐹 = ma

Using rectangular component,

𝐹𝑥 = m𝑎𝑥 𝐹𝑦 = m𝑎𝑦 𝐹𝑧 = m𝑎𝑧

1. FMA Method
Rectilinear Motion

𝐹𝑥 = m𝑎𝑥 𝐹𝑦 = m𝑎𝑦

Curvilinear motion
Rectangular components
𝐹𝑥 = m𝑎𝑥 𝐹𝑦 = m𝑎𝑦

Tangential and Normal components

𝐹𝑡 = m𝑎𝑡 𝐹𝑛 = m𝑎𝑛
The casting has a mass of 3 Mg.
Suspended in a vertical position and
initially at rest, it is given an upward speed
of 200 mm/s in 0.3 s using a crane hook H.
Determine the tension in cables AC and
AB during this time interval if the
acceleration is constant.
The 160-Mg train travels with a
speed of 80 km/h when it starts to
climb the slope. If the engine exerts
a traction force F of 1/20 of the
weight of the train and the rolling
resistance FD is equal to 1/500 of the
weight of the train, determine the
deceleration of the train.
The van is traveling at 20 km/h when
the coupling of the trailer at A fails. If the
trailer has a mass of 250 kg and coasts 45 m
before coming to rest, determine the
constant horizontal force created by rolling
friction which causes the trailer to stop.
A man having the mass of 75 kg sits in
the chair which is pin-connected to the
frame BC. If the man is always seated in an
upright position, determine the horizontal
and vertical reactions of the chair on the
man at the instant θ = 45°. At this instant he
has a speed of 6 m/s, which is increasing at
0.5 m/s2.
Work and Energy Method
Work - energy transferred to or from an
object by means of force acting on an
dU = F∙dr

Unit of work: N-m, kN-m, lb-ft, lb-in

Work Energy Method
Work Done by Commonly encountered

1. Work of a Force in Rectilinear Motion

U1→2 = ∫Fcosα dx

2. Work of a Constant Force in Rectilinear


U1→2 = Fcosα ∆x
Work Energy Method
Work Done by Commonly

3. Work of Weight

dU = -Wdy
→ U1→2 = 𝑦1
= -W (y2-y1)
→ U1→2 = -Wdy
U1→2 = W∆y
Work Energy Method
Work Energy Method

Work Energy Method
Conservative Forces

Potential Energy is a measure of the amount

of work a conservative force will do when it
changes its position with respect to the
Gravitational Potential
 Vg = Wy
Elastic Potential
 Ve = ½ ks2
Work Energy Method
Conservation of energy

If only conservative forces are applied

T1 + V1 = T2 + V2

If systems of particles

𝑇1+ 𝑉 1 = 𝑇2+ 𝑉2
The 4-lb collar slides on the
circular portion of a smooth rod, so
that when it is at A it has a speed of
12 ft/s. If the spring to which it is
attached has an undeformed
length of 2 ft and stiffness of k = 10
lb/ft, determine the normal force on
the collar and the acceleration of
the collar at this instant.
12 ft/s

θ = 30º

2 ft
Impulse and Momentum
𝐹 = ma = m
2 2
𝐹 𝑑𝑡 =m 1
𝐹 𝑑𝑡 = mv2 – mv1

Each of the two vectors L = mv is referred to as

particles linear momentum

The integral I = 𝐹𝑑𝑡 is referred to as the linear

Impulse and Momentum Method

Principles of Linear Impulse And Momentum

mv1 + 1
𝐹 𝑑𝑡 = mv2
A man wearing ice skates throws an
8-kg block with an initial velocity of 2 m/s,
measured relative to himself, in the
direction shown. If he is originally at rest
and completes the throw in 1.5 s while
keeping his legs rigid, determine the
horizontal velocity of the man just after
releasing the block. What is the vertical
reaction of both his skates on the ice
during the throw? The man has a mass of
70 kg. Neglect friction and the motion of
his arms.
 Occurs when two bodies collide wit each
other during a very short period of time,
causing relatively large (impulsive) forces
to be exerted between the bodies
 There are two types of impact: Central
and Oblique
Central Impact
 occurs when the
direction of motion
of the mass centers vB
of the two colliding
particles is along a
line passing through
the mass centers of Line of
the particles. This line impact
is called the line of Plane of impact
impact, which is
perpendicular to the
plane of contact
Central Impact

a. Before impact c. Maximum deformation

b. Deformation phase d. Restitution phase

e. After impact
Coefficient of Restitution, e
 Ratio
of restitution impulse to the
deformation impulse
Oblique Impact
• Impulsive forces
of deformation
and restitution
act only along
the line of
The three balls each have a
mass m. If A has a speed v just before
a direct collision with B, determine the
speed of C after collision. The
coefficient of restitution between
each ball is e. Neglect the size of
each ball.
The 2-kg ball is thrown at the
suspended 20-kg block with a velocity
of 4 m/s. If the time of impact
between the ball and the block is
0.005 s, determine the average
normal force exerted on the block
during this time. Take e = 0.8.
To test the manufactured properties
of 2-lb steel balls, each ball is released from
rest as shown and strikes the 45° smooth
inclined surface. If the coefficient of
restitution is to be e = 0.8, determine the
distance s to where the ball strikes the
horizontal plane at A. At what speed does
the ball strike point A?
The pile P has a mass of 800 kg and is
being driven into loose sand using the
300-kg hammer C which is dropped a
distance of 0.5 m from the top of the pile.
Determine the distance the pile is driven
into the sand after one blow if the sand
offers a frictional resistance against the
pile of 18 kN. The coefficient of restitution
between the hammer and the pile is e =
0.1. Neglect the impulses due to the
weights of the pile and hammer and the
impulse due to the sand during the
The girl throws the 0.5-kg ball toward
the wall with an initial velocity vA = 10 m/s.
Determine (a) the velocity at which it strikes
the wall at B, (b) the velocity at which it
rebounds from the wall if the coefficient of
restitution e = 0.5, and (c) the distance s
from the wall to where it strikes the ground
at C.
The girl throws the ball with a
horizontal velocity of v1 = 8 ft/s. If the
coefficient of restitution between the
ball and the ground is e = 0.8,
determine (a) the velocity of the ball
just after it rebounds from the ground
and (b) the maximum height to which
the ball rises after the first bounce.
Two disks A and B weigh 2 lb and
5 Ib, respectively. If they are sliding on
the smooth horizontal plane with the
velocities shown, determine their
velocities just after impact. The
coefficient of restitution between the
disks is e = 0.6.
The slider block B is confined to
move within the smooth slot. It is
connected to two springs, each of
which has a stiffness of k = 30 N/m.
They are originally stretched 0.5 m
when s = 0 as shown. Determine the
maximum distance, small block B
moves after it is hit by block A which
is originally traveling at (vA)1 = 8 m/s.
Take e = 0.4 and the mass of each
block to be 1.5 kg.

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