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Lesson 7:

Problem Solving
Shaidie Rose Atienza
Rona Liza Vivero

Plan a lesson that uses problem-solving strategy


Not all word problems promote problem-solving skills. In

this lesson, you will learn the characteristics of a good word
problem, when it is best to give a word problem, and how to
process students’ varied solution.
The problem-solving strategy involves students being
challenged to collaboratively solve real-world math problems which
they have not yet previously encountered. It is student-centered
and promotes critical and creative thinking skills, problem-solving
abilities, and communication skills. The integral part of this strategy
is the time given to the students to struggle with the problem and
its beauty is in the varied solutions that the students would

There are three main elements of problem-solving that you

should take note of: (1) the word problem, (2) the time given for
the students to struggle with the problem, and (3) the
mathematical discourse that happens during the struggle and
during the processing of the student-generated solutions.
The word problem:
In many Filipino classrooms, word problems are given at the end of the lesson
and students are expected to answer them by applying the concept or skills
that had just been taught to them. In most cases, the teacher first
demonstrates how to solve a problem and then the students would
independently answer a similarly-structured problem. In this practice, the
students are not doing problem–solving they already know how to solve the
problem! They know that the just-taught lesson is the key to solve the
problem and they pattern their solutions to what the teacher demonstrated.
In using the problem-solving strategy, the problem serves as the starting point
of the learning experience. Therefore, it is given at the beginning of the lesson.
The challenge for you, the teacher, is to choose or create a problem, which can
be solved using the target concept of the lesson at hand but can also be
answered using previously learned knowledge and skills.
How you present the problem also matters especially for
the primary grades. It is not always helpful to introduce the
problem by posting it on the board; doing this may
intimidate some students and reading and comprehension
skills may intervene. Instead, it is suggested to narrate the
problem the problem in a story-telling manner to engage
the learners. Encourage the students to imagine the
scenario and allow them to clarify information if they find
some details confusing. Showing drawings or real objects
might help.
The time given to struggle with the problem:
The goal is for the students to collaborate or share ideas with each other to
come up with a solution. Encourage the students to use their previously-
learned knowledge and skills to solve the problem, and to communicate
their ideas with their classmate through words, equations, and/or
illustrations. It is their first time to engage in such an activity; critical
thinking and communicating ideas are not easy tasks after all. So, it is the
task of the teacher to encourage the students to think out of the box. Tell
the students that there is more than one way to solve the problem, so they
do not need to worry about their solution being wrong as long as every
step they did is meaningful in solving the problem.
The mathematical discourse:
This is the most exciting element of the problem-solving strategy. While the students are
working in small groups to solve the problem, you get to move around and enjoy the
mathematical talk that the students are engaging in. Of course, you may intervene in the
students’ discussions when corrections and clarifications are needed but be careful not to
give hints. It may be tempting to do so especially when the students are struggling but do
not. As you encourage your students to think, believe that they actually can. Allow
yourself to be amazed at how the students would defend their thinking, correct each
other’s ideas, and figure things out on their own.

Remember that all the student-generated solutions, as long as correct, can be directed to
the concept or skill that is the objective of the lesson. The challenge is how you would
process those various solutions, make sense of each of them, and use them to generalize
or come up with a solution that makes use of the knowledge/skill that is the objective of
the lesson. In this phase comes the importance of the teacher’s fluency of the subject
Topic: Apply properties of multiplication to mentally multiply whole
numbers up to two digits.

Grade level: 3

Target learning competency: By the end of the lesson, the learners will
be able to mentally multiply whole numbers up to two digits.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills: Multiplication of whole numbers up

to two digits
Presentation of the problem: Mentally multiply 18 and 5 .
• Present the problem above in a narrative approach which will engage the students.

Example: “Hannah is next in line to pay at the counter. She will buy 5 pieces of bread which cost
18 pesos each. She would like to know how much she need to pay for all the bread. Her hands
are full so she couldn’t write her solution nor use her phone calculator. She need to solve
mentally! If you were in Hannah’s shoes, how would you solve it?”

Generation of solutions:
Students will work in pairs or triads. Encourage the students to think about the problem and
share their thoughts with their classmates. Assure them that there is no one right solution. They
may do calculations or draw; any solution is welcome as long as they can explain why they did

The problem calls for mental calculations but for the sake of discussion and to facilitate
mathematical communication through writing, instruct the students to write down their
thoughts as they explain to their groupmates/partner.
Watch out:
The students should realize that the given is a multiplication
problem. Give guide questions to pairs/groups who may have not
realized this. In giving guide questions, determine first what the
students know and then build on that.

Processing of solutions:
Have some pair/group write their solutions on the board and
Possible solutions:

Use solution (1) to introduce the commutative and associative

properties. Solutions (2) and (3) will aid in the discussion of the
distributive property. Solution (4) is the usual in multiplying but done in
the imagination of the student.
Guide the students to realize that the different solutions all lead to
the same answer, which is 90. Ask the students who among them did
the same as the ones presented in class.

Name a solution after the students who shared it. For example,
the illustration is “Paolo and Jose’s technique.” Doing this would (1)
deepen the students’ sense of ownership of their learning and (2)
motivate them to think of unique solutions when given the same
task in the future.

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