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Chapter 3

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Lesson 1 Learner's Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests, and Experiences

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities. This lesson will guide you in understanding your
students' gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences. The objectives of this lesson are the
1. observe how stakeholders can promote a gender-sensitive school/classroom;
2. discuss the steps in creating a student-centered classroom; and
3. determine the strengths and weaknesses of your students.

Education Theory

Aniekee Ezekiel once quoted that the ability to recognize and respect individual differences is the
beginning of a successful relationship. Student-teacher relationship is very important to promote a more
effective instruction. However, this will be impossible without knowing the uniqueness and differences of
your students-the heart and center of teaching and learning.
To promote gender-sensitive classrooms, the DepEd issued DepEd Order 32, series of 2017. This
policy ensures a gender-responsive physical and social environment that promotes respect for all people
and has a zero tolerance for all forms of discrimination, violence, and abuse. It also promotes the
institutionalization of gender-responsive teaching-learning plans, guides, processes, activities, mechanisms
and measures. With this policy, we can assure that gender stereotyping which ignores individual
differences in basic education will be prevented.
To ensure that classroom learning is fun and enjoyable, the needs and interests of the students
should be the priority of every school. RA 10533 adheres to this principle by making the curriculum learner-
centered, inclusive, and developmentally appropriate. Moreover, this policy makes education learner-
oriented and responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, as well as the circumstances and
diversity of learners, schools, and communities.
Through these policies, schools can follow a learner-centered curriculum that is anchored .in the
learners' needs and interests. Barnes (2013) outlines five steps to create a progressive, student-centered
1. create ongoing projects;
2. integrate technology;
3. replace homework with engaging in-class activities;
4. eliminate rules and consequences; and
5. involve students in evaluation.



1. Interview the following internal school stakeholders on how they promote a gender sensitive
school/classroom. Write their responses on the lines provided below.
School principal
Subject integration using of gender neutral language, gender equality comes first on the teacher to
students relations in every classroom, so for example in every classroom there must be a language gender
neutral language use that is not offensive by the other party and not offensive also to other party its neutral
language the usage of neutral language and then objectives of common or purpose a certain point. For
example you do have to discuss something that is related to gender equality that’s the time you’ll have to
use neutral language objectives of your purpose and somehow, activities also that could manage students
to identify their own skills and talent , it’s because every students have qualities different qualities to
develop their qualities, they need also to have varied activities to have a gender equality environment it
should fair quality should be catered will be accommodated and will be develop and no biases and fair to all
so whatever things coming up from qualities of the students it should be develop and it should be nurtured
the same with others.

Department head
Treating them as equal, every student must have an opportunity in all areas. A school should free from any
violence’s it should not be tolerated.
Cooperating teacher
Strictly implementation of no to bullying policy, subject integration

B. Discuss how the following steps create a progressive, student-centered classroom.

1. Create ongoing projects.
Base from the most essential learning competencies in which the objective type of the Higher
Order thinking Skills.
2. Integrate technology.
Promote technology, video presentation live, video presentation recording actual.
3. Replace homework with engaging in-class activities.
By the use of Formative assessment, evaluation. Module (Formative assessment ILP)
4. Eliminate rules and consequences.
These are the rules that the classroom should and must followed by the student:
1. Always say “Praise be Mary and Jesus” to your classmates and superiors (like, teacher, and
any employees of the institution). Be respectful to everyone. Avoid abusive language / verbal
language/ threatening language to everyone.
2. Observe silence and cleanliness.
3. Observe proper haircut for men, color of hair must be black for men and women, take off
earing/s for men if any, take off your cap/hat for men and women.


4. No facemask, No entry, wear your prescribed complete uniform with ID. During wash day,
wear formal attire according to the proper dress coding of the school.
5. Observe (2) meters of social / physical distancing.
6. No late no cutting classes! Attend classes 15 min. after from the starting class hour is
considered as late, if 30 min. late it is considered absent, if three consecutive late is
considered absent, if three consecutive absences you are subjective to submit a valid and
reasonable explanation letter to the immediate superior . If not, the hearing will be followed at
the Guidance office or principal/s office for final decision of your offenses.
7. No cheating during assessment (like quizzes and exams) are strictly prohibited.
8. No to bullying! Discrimination of culture, races, religion and gender must be avoided.
9. No illegal drugs, smoking, gambling and drinking alcohol inside the classroom / within school
10. Turn off your gadget during class hour.
11. Time management! Submit your projects/ requirements on time and base on the due date
5. Involve students in evaluation.
By using of Post assessment, Summative assessment
C. List down 10 strengths and weaknesses of the students from the class you have observed.

Student Name Strengths Weaknesses

1. Johny Have trouble saying “no”
2. Lara Cooperative, participative Time management
3. Lady Energetic, cooperative Shy, afraid to raise his hand
4. Precious Good Listener, confident to
speak and answer Time management
5. Joshua Cooperative and Active Shy, lack of confidence
6. Pugoy Polite Shy type
7. Jeka Energetic, cooperative explorer Shy, hesitate to raise questions.
8. Alham Explorer, Active, confident Lack of focus to the discussion
9. Sara Behave and participative Lack of focus to the discussion
10. Jomel Participative Shy, Lack of Confidence

Other comments and observations:

I’ve noticed that telling learners or parents to change or improve something is rather typical. How
about emphasizing the positive and finding student’s areas of strength in the classroom to help them
overcome challenges. I believed that by doing this, teachers will make their move.


Read carefully and answer the following questions.


1. Based on your interviews with internal school stakeholders on how to promote a gender-sensitive
school/classroom, which of the answers is the best? Why?
As a result of the interviews, I believe ma'am Hazel's response to be the best for promoting
a gender sensitive school or classroom. She teaches science at Christ the King College de
Maranding and, in addition to mentioning all the crucial ways to handle students. As such,
she may have a wealth of experience with gender sensitive issues. She serves as the
institution's role model so that she may train the teachers she supervises and encourage
both teachers and pupils to follow.

2. How will you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your students?
You can determine a student's strengths and shortcomings by daily observing them in
class and evaluating them using a variety of exercises.

3. Which among the steps on creating progressive, student-centered classroom is the best step?
Replace homework with engaging in-class activities is the best approach in my opinion
since it helps kids develop their higher-order, critical thinking skills, which in turn allows them to
explore new ideas. Additionally, participation can assist students learn from one another,
enhancing understanding through collaboration. All of the procedures should be followed by
teachers and incorporated into lessons in order to improve learning and create a more student-
centered environment.

4. How are you going to use the learners' needs and interests in creating a more effective instruction?
It makes sense that classrooms would reflect the diversity of the world we live in today.
The social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, and physical aptitudes of our kids range widely. In order
to best meet students where they are, teachers must take into account all of these variations. This
will assist our pupils learn more swiftly and effectively while also enhancing our teaching talents.

Complete the following:

1. I realized that there are lot of things that the teacher should acquire, this must need to accomplish
as a teacher like for example in implementing your own policies that good for all student you have
in classroom. As a teacher you must build a classroom that’s good for the students’ needs and

2. I believe that teachers spend day after day with the students, so by that teacher will know the
strengths and weaknesses of the students. Teacher must use this information to planning lesson
by differentiating intentionally with groups of learners so that teacher can teach well.

3. I feel that this would help me to become an efficient teacher in the near future.


4. When I become a teacher, I will teachers spend day after day with the students, so by that teacher
will know the strengths and weaknesses of the students. Teacher must use this information to
planning lesson by differentiating intentionally with groups of learners so that teacher can teach

Lesson 2 Learners' Linguistic, Cultural, Socio-economic, and Religious Backgrounds

Great teachers keep on learning to keep their minds young. This lesson will teach you to determine
the learners' linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds to understand their differences.
The objectives of this lesson are the following:
1. determine the learners' linguistic, cultural, and religious backgrounds;
2. assess how teachers can address individual differences; and
3. observe how teachers give importance in differentiated instruction.

Education Theory

Brown-Martin (2017) mentions in his article entitled Education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
that we are on the precipice of what the World Economic Forum calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The
artificial intelligence, automation, mobile supercomputing, intelligent robots, self-driving cars, and neuro-
technological brain enhancements are some of the products of this revolution. Evidence of dramatic change
is all around us and it is happening at an exponential rate. Almost everything has been replaced by robots
through artificial intelligence. However, teachers with a heart will never be replaced by a machine.
John C. Maxwell, an American author, speaker, and pastor, quoted that students do not care how
much you know until they know how much you care. Teachers who show care to their students will earn
respect and trust from their students, which will later lead to successful teaching and learning.
Knowing your learners' linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds and
adjusting the instruction based on their differences will direct you to differentiated instruction. Differentiated
means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process,
products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping make this a
successful approach to instruction (Tomlinson 2000).


A. Ask your cooperating teacher for a copy of his or her School Form 1 (School Register).
Paste a copy of the School Form 1 in the box below and answer the following questions.


1. What is the grade and section that you have observed?
The grade level of the student that I observe is a Grade 12 student section our lady of Victory.

2. How many boys and girls are there?

There are 18 males and 16 females.

3. What is the religion of the majority of the students?

Majority of them are Roman Catholic.

4. What is the common mother tongue of the students?

The common language use is Cebuano.

5. Does the class have a student who belongs to an ethnic group?

Yes there has.

B. List down 10 strategies your cooperating teacher can use to address the individual differences (linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds) of the students.

Strategy 1: Differentiate instruction.

Strategy 2. Capitalize on learning style.

Strategy 3: incorporate multiple intelligences into curriculum.

Strategy 4: Capitalize on student Interest

Strategy 5: Involve students to educational goals
Strategy 6: Adjustment of Method of Teaching.
Strategy 7: group students effectively


Strategy 8: Adjustment in Curriculum.
Strategy 9: Knowledge of Individual Personality
Strategy 10: Special Program or Individualizing Instruction.
C. Ask the cooperating teacher about how he or she gives importance to differentiated instruction in his or
her classes.
As a teacher I give importance to student who have difficulties In understanding instruction like student who
are not using the same native language, so what I do is I give an instruction using English and I translate it
into Cebuano and in Filipino so everyone will understand I get what my point is.

Other comments and observations

In teaching field teachers need to allow and maximize individual growth in the course
contents. So that learners can feel that they are belong.


Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Does the number of boys and girls affect the classroom instruction? How?
Yes, there are typical differences between boys and girls that correspond to traditional
gender stereotypes and have an impact on how the sexes interact in the classroom and at school.
The distinctions relate to physical actions, social interaction patterns, and academic motivation,
actions, and decisions.
2. Does the religious background of the students affect the preparation of the lesson? How?
Yes, it has an impact on preparation. You must take into account each students unique
characteristics, as well as their culture and religion. You must also get to know your
students very well, as you risk hurting them. Teachers should identify with religions they
teach so that they can impart positive values like love, empathy, respect, and harmony.

3. Does the mother tongue of most of the students affect the medium of instruction? How?
The mother language plays a vital role to student who has difficulties in understanding
English and other language. If this happen the teacher will elaborate it to a mother tongue
language so that the student can understand your discussion.

4. Do the socio-economic differences of the students affect their learning? How?

Yes, it has an impact on pupils' learning since urban children are much less enthusiastic
about learning than their rural counterparts. And in contrast to families with high socioeconomic
parental education engagement, their children's academic performance is significantly benefited by
the quality of their education.


5. Are contextualization, localization, and indigenization of the curricula being done to fit the cultural
background of the students?
The process of enhancing curriculum competencies, educational resources, and teaching
learning processes in relation to the biographical, historical, and sociocultural context of
the learners' community is referred to as the process of tailoring curricula to fit the cultural
background of the students.

Complete the following:

1. I realized that schools play a significant socializing role. They have a significant impact on how we
perceive the world around us and how we perceive racial, linguistic, handicap, and gender
inequality as well as how we perceive ourselves and others. Schools therefore have a duty to
provide an example, impart knowledge, and foster conditions where each kid can be valued and

2. I believe that learning in their own language will help the student express their thoughts and ideas
better and can be better for both students and teachers in understanding each other. Teachers
who care about their students will gain the respect and trust of their students, which will later lead
to successful teaching and learning.

3. I feel that a strong relationship based on a thorough understanding of my student can result in
effective teaching and learning.

4. When I become a teacher, I will make my lesson contextualize where my students can improve
their learning prior knowledge and can promote more effective problem solving.


Lesson 3 Learners with Disabilities, Giftedness, and Talents
A teacher deals with different students with different personalities on a daily basis. This is probably
one of the greatest challenges in teaching. This lesson will guide you in understanding the characteristics
and categories of exceptional learners and how a teachers should handle them. The objectives of this
lesson are the following:
1. determine how the internal stakeholders deals with exceptional learners;
2. observe how teachers use various strategies in teaching talented students; and
3. Write a reflection about the film Every Child is Special.

Education Theory

No learner should be left behind. This is a common tagline in promoting inclusive education, which
is being implemented nationwide. In every instruction, there are students who can easily cope with the
lessons and there are students who have difficulty in understanding a simple lesson. The latter are
considered exceptional learners. Integrating exceptional learners into the regular classroom adds further
challenge to the job of teaching diverse students.
Sadker et al. (2008) categorize exceptional learners into the following:
1. students with mental retardation;
2. students with learning disabilities;
3. students with emotional disturbance or behavior disorders;
4. students with hearing and language impairments;
5. students with visual impairments;
6. students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
7. students with other health and physical impairments;
8. students with severe and multiple disabilities; and
9. gifted and talented students.
Teaching exceptional learners offers teachers the opportunity to stretch their imagination and creativity.
Teachers use the term "students with disabilities" to highlight the person, not the disability. In the past, the
term "handicapped students" was used. On the other hand, "gifted and talented" refers to students with the
ability to learn fast and with ease. They may also possess exemplary ability in arts and music, sports,
leadership, and the like.

A. Interview the following internal school stakeholders on how they deal with students with disability and
gifted learners.


Internal Stakeholders How do you deal with learners with disability
and giftedness?
Name of the School Principal: Mr. Jaymar R. Pajente
Varied activities because every learners have
different qualities and different characteristics,
by means of varied activities we could identify
each qualities and improve each qualities by
means of different kinds of activities in every
Name of the Classroom Adviser: Jemuel Rabago
Let them work on their own, same treatment of
students, Equality.
Name of the Guidance Counselor: Sr. Ma. Hazel A. Mejorada MSOLTC
Varied activities that the student might
showcase their talent, schools are offering a
different kind of activities that the student’s
talent and giftedness may cater.

B. Sit in a class with exceptional learners. Observe how the teacher uses different strategies in teaching
exceptional learners. List down five observations.

Observation 1: The teacher use Differentiated Instruction it is where the instruction strategies allow
teachers to engage each student by accommodating to their specific learning style.

Observation 2: Cooperative Learning Strategies: The Jigsaw Method. Cooperative learning gives
students the opportunity to work with others and see different points of view. Students learn more
effectively when working together rather than apart, and it is also help to improve self-confidence in
Observation 3: Utilizing Technology in the Classroom. Teacher Empower students to stay
connected in this technological era. Technology-rich lessons have been found to keep students
motivated and engaged longer.
Observation 4: Inquiry-Based Instruction. Implies involving students in the learning process so they
will have a deeper understanding of what they are learning.
Observation 5: using of Graphic Organizers. Graphic organizers are a simple and effective tool to
help students brainstorm and organize their thoughts and ideas in a visual presentation.

C. Watch the film, Every Child is Special. After watching the movie, write a reflection about the film.

Every Child is Special

Don't be fooled by the cover of a book. Try to comprehend why this particular child
behaves in this manner, because everyone is unique, but not everyone understands. The
teacher understood Eshan since he had dyslexia himself and knew how difficult it was for him.
Never make assumptions based on a first impression. The story is about an 8-year-old boy
named Ishaan who cannot cope with the academic demands in school. He even finds it hard
to read because the letters are moving or dancing. He also can’t write correctly and his letters
and numbers are sometimes inverted. He is then in danger to repeat his grade level. Because
Other comments and observations:
He compares Ishaan and his sibling to the father's activities, which are not beneficial for the
youngster. Comparing your kids to other kids is not a constructive method to reprimand them. The best
thing to do is to understand them so that you can give them what they need. Instead, observe them first so
that you will know what behaviors they have.

Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. How do the answers of the school principal, classroom adviser, and guidance counselor on dealing
with exceptional learners differ from each other?
When working with exceptional learners, different people have different approaches
to handling each circumstance and potential teaching methods for each individual student.
They differ as well in terms of how they will modify their activities and techniques so that
children can feel like they belong and have potential.
2. Based on your five observations on how a teacher uses a strategy in teaching learners with
disability and giftedness, which strategy is the best? Why?
A seasoned educator is aware that not every teaching technique you employ will be
successful. There will be some successes and failures, and you will learn which
teaching methods are effective and which are not based on your teaching style and
how your students learn. Trial and error may be necessary, but it doesn't harm to try
them all.
3. What have you realized after watching the film Every Child is Special?

Teachers should help their learners in every way they can. They should look into child’s
potentials as a learner and of what motivates a child because it is our responsibilities as a teacher
to find way for our learners learn well.

4. Write a slogan to promote inclusive learning in the Philippines.



Complete the following:

1. I realized that every child is unique and has the ability to think for themselves, therefore we
shouldn't criticize someone before we know what they are capable of. People frequently stereotype
others based just on how they appear physically, but we shouldn't be like that since, if we tolerate
it, others will do the same to us.


2. I believe that the movie I watch will give a very inspirational movie to teachers who encountered
student who has giftedness and disabilities it will help teacher’s to be patience and find a strategy
on how to deal such kind of person.

1. I feel that having a learner with disabilities is a challenge for a teacher to change his teacher
strategies and make new one with improvement.

3. When I become a teacher, I will educate students at all levels while developing lesson plans and
being a responsible teacher. I need to be a teacher who can cover a range of topics and engage
students with interesting lesson plans.

Lesson 4 Learners in Difficult Circumstances

Stephen Covey once said that strength lies in differences, not in similarities. This lesson
enumerates the issues confronted by students who are experiencing different difficult circumstances while
enrolled in the academe. The objectives of this lesson are the following:
1. list down the difficult circumstances being experienced by the students;
2. observe how teachers prepare lessons for students in difficult circumstances; and
3. create a poster-slogan promoting a diverse and responsive classroom.

Education Theory

Every student is like a runner in a race. Learners often encounter obstacles on their way to the
finish line. However, it is important to note that learning should not be hindered by any difficult
circumstances. Hence, 21st century teachers should design special educational lessons and strategies to
make responsive classrooms that are ready to address these difficult circumstances.
Victor Hugo quoted that he who opens a school door, closes a prison. This just shows how
teachers can change the life of a person. The teachers are the students' second parents, and the future of
the students lies in the hands of their teachers. The most heroic task of the teacher is to shape good


There are different difficult circumstances that the students may face while in school. Here are some
1. 1.geographic isolation
2. chronic illness
3. displacement due to armed conflict
4. urban resettlement
5. abuse (physical, psychological, emotional)
Addressing these difficulties is key for more productive and more meaningful student learning.


A. Interview the students on the difficulties they encounter while enrolled in school. List down 10 difficulties
on the lines provided.
1. Lack of gadget like laptop for their studies especially the college students have thesis.
2. Wasting their time in surfing Tiktok, Facebook and more.
3. Distracted of online games.
4. Lack of Financial
5. Students cannot easily understand the lesson.
6. Students don’t know how to manage their time.
7. Lack of transportation.
8. Need to Follow COVID-19 protocols whenever they have to do regarding to their requirements in school.
9. Lack of support and motivation.
10. Students cannot really focus.
B. Interview the cooperating teacher. Ask how he or she considers the different difficult circumstances
faced by the students in preparing lessons and strategies.
I interview my cousin a teacher in Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Lanao del Norte, Ms. Sittienor P.
Mamay, through face to face.
She claims that good educational integration is essential given the current state of affairs, in which
the sole interaction between teacher and students in face to face. Therefore, in order to meet the demands
of the students, the teacher must employ several tactics. This indicates that the teacher is more actively
utilizing a variety of teaching techniques to aid in the learning of their students.

C. Create a poster-slogan promoting a diverse and responsive classroom.



A. Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Based on this lesson, what is the most heroic task of the teacher?
The most heroic task of the teacher is when the time that the student with difficulties even
if they don’t have when you see them grow themselves because of the teacher help. It is a sacrifice
that worth valuing when you see your student’s improvement. The patient and effort cannot paid by
money, the happiness there is real.
2. Among the different difficult circumstances given by the students, which is the most complicated?
The most challenging of the several challenging situation is “students can truly focus in
their places.” Because students may become distracted while studying in a noisy
atmosphere and find it difficult to concentrate. As a result, the students could find it difficult
to finish their tasks and submit their work on time.
B. In your own opinion, what is the best strategy to use when teaching a student with chronic disorder?
I have to initially provide a variety of activities that will pique their interest and curiosity
when working with this kind of pupil. Second, ask for guidance; the best course of action. Create an
inclusive learning environment where they may all participate and collaborate equally in class by treating
them the same as the other children. Fourth, motivate them to work toward their objectives and show
gratitude for success. Finally, make sure they participate in class so that we can see where we can improve
and what they need.



Complete the following:

1. I realized that due to a lack of performance procedure, students did learn what was stated in the
class goal throughout this pandemic. There were still instructors who were passionate about their
professions- those who were eager to teach- but there were also those who took teaching for
granted and saw it as a job. We cannot condemn them, but I hope they will recognize instances in
which children require their assistance in order to live in a better environment.

2. I believe that this would be a challenge to every teacher, to change the perspective of the student’s
life, changing the future of the student to become better.

3. I feel that learners are not born responsible. It is a skill they need to learn. The best ways to
promote responsibility are with involvement, ownership, and choices with limits and this is the best
way teacher must practice.

4. When I become a teacher, I will make sure that my students are motivated and willing to participate
in class. And because I know that this way, peace will always come out on top, I need to take
consideration into account and listen to the perspectives of my learners.


Lesson 5 Learners from Indigenous Groups
Respect begets respect, most especially in teaching and learning in a diverse classroom. This
lesson will guide you in understanding the various strategies in teaching students from different indigenous
groups. The objectives of this lesson are the following:
1. Determine the students who belong to indigenous groups;
2. evaluate the school programs for students from indigenous groups; and
3. observe how teachers use culturally responsive teaching strategies.

Education Theory

Classrooms in the 21st century are extremely different from the classrooms of the past. One of the
seven Cs in teaching and learning in the 21st century is cross-cultural understanding. Tracing where our
students came from and anticipating this in preparing the lessons is an essential ingredient toward a
successful and effective classroom instruction.
There are different indigenous groups in the country.Accordingto the UnitedNations Development
Program, the Philippines is a culturally diverse country with about 14-17 million indigenous people (IPs)
belonging to 110 ethno-linguistic groups. They are mainly concentrated in Northern Luzon (Cordillera
AdministrativeRegion,33%)and Mindanao (61%), withsome groups in the Visayas area.
In 1997, Republic Act 8371, also known as Indigenous Peoples Right Act, was enacted. This law
recognizes and promotes all the rights of indigenous cultural communities/indigenous people (ICCs and
IPs remain to be the most vulnerable and marginalized members of society. Many IP communities
continue to lack access to decent basic social services, have limited opportunities to engage in the


mainstream economy, and suffer social, economic, and political exclusion (DepEd Order 62, series of
As a result, the DepEd issued DepEd Order 32, series of 2015, entitled adopting the Indigenous
Peoples Education (IPED) Curriculum Framework. The DepEd order recognizes the right of IPs to basic
education that is culturally rooted and responsive. The IPED Curriculum Framework seeks to provide
guidance to schools and other education programs, both public and private, as they engage with
indigenous communities in localizing, indigenizing, and enhancing the K to 12 curriculum based on their
respective educational and social contexts.
Moreover, according to DepEd Order 62, series of 2011, the department is mandated to provide
inclusive basic education for all, and shall:
1. ensure the provision of universal and equitable access of all IPs to quality and relevant basic
education services towards functional literacy for all;
2. adopt appropriate basic education pedagogy, content, and assessment through the integration of
indigenous knowledge systems and practices (IKSPs) in all learning areas and process;
3. E provide adequate and culturally-appropriate learning resources and environment to IP learners;
4. strengthen the hiring, deployment, and continuous development of teachers and learning
facilitators in the implementation of the IP Education Program;
5. establish and strengthen appropriate multi-level units responsible for planning, implementing, and
monitoring IP education interventions;
6. expand and strengthen institutional and civil society linkages to ensure proper coordination,
knowledge-sharing, and sustainability of the IP Education Program; and
7. Implement stronger affirmative action to eradicate all forms of discrimination against IPs in the
Philippine educational system.


A. Based on the class that you have observed, list down 10 students who belong to IP groups. Fill in the
information below.

Name Grade and IP Group Province

1. Tawantawan, Romel Grade 7 Islam Lanao del Norte
2. Ibrahim, Aries Grade 10 Tausog North Cotabato
3. Dela Cerna. Rey Grade 10 Badjao Tawi- tawi
4. Padilla, Reyjane Grade 11 Manobo Agusan del Norte
5. Sandoy, Diana Grade 12 Ifugao Ifugao
6. Bejarasco, Caryl Grade 11 Manobo Basilan
7. Singgit, Pamela Grade 10 Maguindanao Maguidanao
8. Daarol, Alma Grade 7 Subanen Misamis Occidental
9. Sumile, Jesus Grade 8 Ifugao Ifugao


10. Badiang, Jobert Grade 12 Subanen Lanao Del Norte

B. Evaluate the school's programs for IPs by checking (✔️ ) the box that corresponds to what you have
observed in class.

DepEd Mandates Yes No

1. Ensures the provision of universal and equitable access of all IPs to
quality and relevant basic education services towards functional literacy 
for all.
2. Adopts appropriate basic education pedagogy, content, and assessment
through the integration of IKSPs in all learning areas and process. 
3. Provides adequate and culturally appropriate learning resources and
environment to IP learners. 
4. Strengthens the hiring, deployment, and continuous development of
teachers and learning facilitators in the implementation of the IP Education 
5. Establishes and strengthens appropriate multi-level units responsible for
planning, implementing, and monitoring IP education interventions. 
6. Expands and strengthens institutional and civil society linkages to ensure
proper coordination, knowledge-sharing, and sustainability of the IP 
Education Program.
7. Implements stronger affirmative action to eradicate all forms of
discrimination against IPs in the Philippine educational system. 

C. Interview the cooperating teacher. List down five culturally-responsive teaching strategies he or she are
using for students from Indigenous Groups.
Teaching Strategy 1: Mother tongue base instruction
Teaching Strategy 2: culture integration
Teaching Strategy 3: interdisciplinary approach
Teaching Strategy 4: scaffolding approach
Teaching Strategy 5: Audio visual approach
Other comments and observations
This can be use also to students, differentiation approach, and instructional material.



Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Why is it necessary to create the IPED Curriculum Framework?
It is necessary to create IPEd Curriculum Framework this is to provide guidance to schools
and other education programs, both public and private, as they work with indigenous
communities to localize, indigenize, and enhance the K–12 Curriculum based on their
educational and social settings.

2. What school program would you recommend to the school administrators to address the needs of
Studying at a catholic school gave me an understanding of how my teachers treat their
students fairly, regardless of the fact that we practice different religions. I now want to
implement this with other schools that have indigenous students. The educational program
that I can recommend to the school administrators is "The equality law."
3. Based on the list you made in the previous activity, most of the students belong to what particular
indigenous group? Why do you think so?
They are belong to an Islam group, I can tell that they are Islam because of how they dress
and they speak they are native Islam.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that education could provide the indigenous people to more access to different
opportunities because indigenous people will participate actively in community life their own. And
possible there are instances wherein education takes a backseat because work is a priority.

2. I believe that despite of what tribe we came from as long we know how to respect, people will be
respected us. No matter what indigenous group we came from.

3. I feel that involving communities is important because it is a way to show respect and honor to
indigenous peoples’ knowledge and culture. It helps in the implementation of development
programs as everybody is committed. Involving them in developing their own educational program
builds their pride as indigenous peoples and deepens their appreciation for their own knowledge
and culture.

4. When I become a teacher, I will make a positive force in the lives of as many children as possibly
can, and plan on doing that by improving standards and policies for early childhood education and
making more affordable with equality for all.


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