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Human Reproduction

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CLASS XII Time : 1½ hrs.

SET A Mark : 35
SECTION - A 8×1=8
1. Urethral meatSus refers to the
a) Urinogenital duct
b) Opening of vas deferens into urethra
c) External opening of the urinogenital duct
d) Muscles surrounding the urinogenital duct
2. Match the following and choose the correct options
Column 1 Column 11
A Trophoblast 1. Embedding of blastocyst in the endometrium
B Cleavage 2. Group of cells that would differentiate as embryo
C Inner cell mass 3. Outer layer of blastocyst attached to the endometrium
D Implantation 4. Mitotic division of zygote
a) 2 1 3 4 b) 3 4 2 1
c) 31 2 4 d) 2 4 3 1
3. Hormones secreted by placenta to maintain pregnancy are
a) h C G, h P L, Progestogen, Prolactin
b) h C G, Progestogen, Oestrogen, Glucocorticoids
c) h C G, h P L, Progestogen, Oestrogen
d) hCG h P L, Oestogen, relaxin, Oxytocin
4. Study the given diagram
A is the embryonic stage that gets transformed into B which in turn gets implanted in the
endometrium in human females

Identify A,B and its parts C and D

a. A - Morula, B - blastomere, C - blastula D - inner cell mass
b. A - blastula B - gastrula, C - trophoblast D - inner cell mass
c. A - morula B - blastocyst, C - stem cells D - trophoblast
d. A - blastocyst B - trophoblast C - stem cells D - morula
5. Decline of which hormone during menstrual cycle results in the degeneration of corpus

a) Progesterone b) Estorgen c) Both land 2 d) L - H

6. Match the columns and find the correct option


A Proliferative phase i. Break down of endometrial lining

B Secretary phase ii. follicular phase

C Menstruation iii. Luteal phase

a. A - ii B - iii C-i
b. A - i B - iii C - ii
c. A - iii B - ii C-i
d. A - iii B-i C - ii

Seminal plasma the fluid part of semen is contributed by

I Seminal vesicle II prostat
III urethra IV Bulbourethral gland
a) .I and II b) I, II and IV c) II, III and IV d) I and IV
Assertion Reason type questions.
In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement
reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
a) Both A and R are true and R the correct explanation of A
b) both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false d) A is false but R is true
7. Assertion : corpus lutem secretes female hormone progesterone
Reason : After ovulation the ruptured follicle turns into corpus luteum
8. Assertion : The secretions of acrosome help the sperm enter into the cytoplasm of the
ovum through zona pellucida
Reason : This induces the completion of mitoitic division of secondary oocyte .
SECTION - B (Answer any three) 3×2=6
9. Name the cells which produce testosterone. What is the function of this hormone?

10. What is the significance of LH surge through the menstrual cycle?

11. Failure of testes to descend into scrotal sacs leads to sterility.Why?

12 Given below is an incomplete flow chart showing influence of hormone on gametogenesis

in male, observe the flow chart carefully and fill in the blank A, B,C, and D

2 Bio Ch-2

 
 
Leydig Cell C Name the cell
 
Name of hormone A stimulate secretion of some factors
 
Name the process B D Name the
stimulated process

SECTION - C (Answer any Four) 4 × 3 = 12

13. Name the muscular and glandular layer of the human uterus. Which one of these layers
undergo cyclic changes during the menstrual cycle? Name the hormone essential for the
maintenance of this layer.
14. (a) Read the graph given below. Correlate the ovarian events that take place in the human
female according to the level of the pituitary hormone during the following day

(i) 10th -14th days (ii) 14th - 15th days

(ii) 16th - 23th days (iv) 25th - 29th days
(b) What are the uterine events that follow beyond 29th day if the ovum is not fertilised.
15. State the fate of the trophoblast of a human blastocyst at the time of implantation and that
of the inner cell mass immediately after implantation
16. Where are fimbriae present in human female reproductive system?Give their function
17. What are the various male accessory glands?Give their function
SECTION - D 4×1=4
18. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
The placenta facilitates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo.
Help in the removal of carbon dioxide and excretory/waste materials produced by the
embryo. The placenta is connected to the embryo through an umbilical cord which help
in the transports of substances to and from the embryo. Placenta also acts as an endocrine
tissue and produces several hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG),
human placental lactogen (hPL), estrogens, progestogen etc. A hormone called
relaxin is secreted by the ovary in the later phase of pregnancy.
hCG, hPL and relaxin are produced in women only during pregnancy. Level of other
hormones like estrogens,progestogens, cortisol, prolactin, thyroxine, etc, are
3 Bio Ch-2
increased several folds in the maternal blood. Increased production of all the hormones
is essential for supporting the foetal growth, metabolic changes in the mother and
maintenance of pregnancy.
I. A woman passes out hcG in the urine during the pregnancy.Why? II.
ii. State the functions of trophoblast in human embryo.
III. Which hormones are showing rapid surge leading to changes in Graffian follicle just
before ovulation.
IV. What are the functions of placenta?
SECTION - E 1×5=5
19 Explain the organization of the mammary gland with the help of a diagram
Describe the hormonal control of the male reproductive system

4 Bio Ch-2

CLASS XII Time : 1½ hrs.

SET B Mark : 35
SECTION - A 8×1=8
1. The membranous cover of the ovum at ovulation is
a) Corona radiata b) Zona radiata c) Zona pellucida d) chorion
2. Match between the following representing parts of the sperm and their functions and choose
the correct option
Column I Column II
A Head 1. Enzymes
B Middle piece 2. Sperm motility
C Acrosome 3 Energy
D Tail 4 genetic material
a) 2 4 1 3 c) 4 3 1 2
b) 4 1 2 3 d) 2 1 3 4
3. Spermiation is the process of the release of sperms from
a) seminiferous tubules b) vas deferens
c) epididymis d) prostate gland
4. Read the following statements
I Each testes has 25 compartments called testicular lobules
Ii Each testicular lobule contains one to three highly coiled seminiferous tubules in which
sperms are produced
III Sertoli cells provide nutrition to testicles
IV Sertoli cells are activated by F.SH
Which of the above statements are incorrect?
a) I and II b) Only I c) II and IV d) III and IV
5 Foetal ejection reflex in human female induces
a) Release of hormones from placenta
b) Growth and development of ovarian follicles
c) Release of oxytocin from maternal pituitary
d) Release of protactin from pituitary

5 Bio Ch-2
6. The region outside seminiterous tubule is called interstitial space which contains all except
a) immunologically active cells b) Blood vessels
c) Sertoli cells d) leydig cells
Mature gradian follicle is generally present in the ovary of a healthy human female around
a) 5 to 8 day of menstrual cycle b) 11 to 17 day of menstrual cycle
c) 18 to 23 day of menstrual cycle d) 24 to 28 day of menstrual cycle
Assertion Reason type questions.
In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement
reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
7. Assertion : Cilia lining fallopian tube help to pick up and push the ovum into oviduct
Reason : Cilia show their movement towards uterus
8. Assertion : Placenta acts like endocrine tissue and produces hormones like LH and FSH
Reason : Increased production of hormones is essential for foetal growth
SECTION - B (Answer any Three) 3×2=6
9. In the given figure give the name and functions of parts labelled A and B

10. Define spermiogenesis. Where does it occur?

11. Despite the presence of so many sperms in the vicinity of an egg cell, only one sperm
enters the ovum. Why?
12 Give reason for the following
a) The first half of the menstrual cycle is called follicular phase as well as proliferative
b) The second half of the menstrual cycle is called luteal phase as well as secretory

SECTION - C (Answer any Four) 4 × 3 = 12
13. Differentiate between Sertoli cells and Leydig cells with reference to their
Location in the organ and their function.
14 Study the flow chart given below. Name the hormones involved at each stage and human

1 Name of hormone

Anterior Pituitary

2  3 Name of Hormone

Ovulation Stimulate growth

Convert empty follicles of ovarian follicles into
into corpus luterim graffian follicles
 
Hormone secreted ` 4 5 Hormone secreted
by corpus luteum by graffian follicles
15. How is a primary oocyte different from a secondary oocyte?
16. T.S of mammalian testis revealing semniferous tubules show different types of cell.
i Name the two types of cells of germinal epithelium
ii Name of cells scattered in connective tissue and lying between semniterous tubules.
Differentiate between them on the basis of their function
17 What are the functions of placenta other than its endocrine functions?
SECTION - D 4×1=4
18 Read the following passage and answer the questions below
In mammals, the first part of oogenesis starts in the germinal epithelium, which gives rise
to the development of ovarian follicles, the functional unit of ovary. Oogenesis consists of
several sub processes; oocytogenesis ootido genesis and finally accompanies all three
oogenetic sub processes.
(I) Which cell division is involoved in the formation of secondary oocyte?
(II) How many number of chromosomes in first polar body of humans?
(III) How many ova will be produced by one fully grown primary oocyte?
(iv) Name the important mammary gland secretion which provides resistance to diseases
in a newborn.
How many primary follicles are left in each ovary at puberty?

7 Bio Ch-2
SECTION - E 1×5=5
19. Study the figure given

(i) Pick out the name of cells that undergo spermiogenesis.

(ii) Name A, B, C and F
(iii) Give ploidy or B and E
(iv) mention the function of ‘F’ cell
Explain the changes that take place during maturation of a follicle to graffian follicle in

8 Bio Ch-2

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