Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction
a. A - ii B - iii C-i
b. A - i B - iii C - ii
c. A - iii B - ii C-i
d. A - iii B-i C - ii
2 Bio Ch-2
Leydig Cell C Name the cell
Name of hormone A stimulate secretion of some factors
Name the process B D Name the
stimulated process
4 Bio Ch-2
5 Bio Ch-2
6. The region outside seminiterous tubule is called interstitial space which contains all except
a) immunologically active cells b) Blood vessels
c) Sertoli cells d) leydig cells
Mature gradian follicle is generally present in the ovary of a healthy human female around
a) 5 to 8 day of menstrual cycle b) 11 to 17 day of menstrual cycle
c) 18 to 23 day of menstrual cycle d) 24 to 28 day of menstrual cycle
Assertion Reason type questions.
In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement
reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
7. Assertion : Cilia lining fallopian tube help to pick up and push the ovum into oviduct
Reason : Cilia show their movement towards uterus
8. Assertion : Placenta acts like endocrine tissue and produces hormones like LH and FSH
Reason : Increased production of hormones is essential for foetal growth
SECTION - B (Answer any Three) 3×2=6
9. In the given figure give the name and functions of parts labelled A and B
SECTION - C (Answer any Four) 4 × 3 = 12
13. Differentiate between Sertoli cells and Leydig cells with reference to their
Location in the organ and their function.
14 Study the flow chart given below. Name the hormones involved at each stage and human
1 Name of hormone
Anterior Pituitary
2 3 Name of Hormone
Ovulation Stimulate growth
Convert empty follicles of ovarian follicles into
into corpus luterim graffian follicles
Hormone secreted ` 4 5 Hormone secreted
by corpus luteum by graffian follicles
15. How is a primary oocyte different from a secondary oocyte?
16. T.S of mammalian testis revealing semniferous tubules show different types of cell.
i Name the two types of cells of germinal epithelium
ii Name of cells scattered in connective tissue and lying between semniterous tubules.
Differentiate between them on the basis of their function
17 What are the functions of placenta other than its endocrine functions?
SECTION - D 4×1=4
18 Read the following passage and answer the questions below
In mammals, the first part of oogenesis starts in the germinal epithelium, which gives rise
to the development of ovarian follicles, the functional unit of ovary. Oogenesis consists of
several sub processes; oocytogenesis ootido genesis and finally accompanies all three
oogenetic sub processes.
(I) Which cell division is involoved in the formation of secondary oocyte?
(II) How many number of chromosomes in first polar body of humans?
(III) How many ova will be produced by one fully grown primary oocyte?
(iv) Name the important mammary gland secretion which provides resistance to diseases
in a newborn.
How many primary follicles are left in each ovary at puberty?
7 Bio Ch-2
SECTION - E 1×5=5
19. Study the figure given
8 Bio Ch-2