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Panel Zone Modelling of Flanged Crucifor

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Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507

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Engineering Structures
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Panel zone modelling of Flanged Cruciform Columns: An analytical and

numerical approach
Mohammad Motallebi Nasrabadi, Shahabeddin Torabian ⇑, Seyed Rasoul Mirghaderi
School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 11365-4563, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Flanged cruciform sections are proper alternatives for columns of orthogonal moment-resisting frames
Received 6 May 2012 because of their outstanding structural characteristics and their easy fabrication process, especially
Revised 19 November 2012 regarding continuity plates. However, providing all conventional details of I-shaped columns, such as
Accepted 21 November 2012
panel zone doubler plates, is not applicable. In this paper, a new panel zone detail for Flanged Cruciform
Columns is proposed as a practical solution to increase the shear strength and stiffness of the panel zone
region and to supersede the common doubler plates. The proposed detail includes inclined plates welded
to edges of the column flanges and to continuity plates and two new corrugated panel zones parallel to
Panel zone
Continuity plates
the main panel zone. According to the different load path and behaviour of the proposed detail, new
Flanged Cruciform Column behaviour models and design equations are provided. The results of detailed parametric finite element
Finite element analysis analyses showed that the inclined plates and Accordion Paths effectively contributed to panel zone shear
Analytical approach strength and stiffness. Furthermore, the proposed behaviour models and the designed relationships are in
Inclined plates good agreement to numerical results and can estimate the connection behaviour reasonably well.
Accordion Path Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corrugated panel zone

1. Introduction these sections, and predominant beam inelastic behaviour com-

pared with the column.
Flanged cruciform sections are proper choices for columns in While all mentioned similarities really exist, there are some
orthogonal moment-resisting frames due to similar flexural inconstancies with I-shaped columns, especially in designing and
strength and stiffness about both principal axes. These sections detailing of column panel zone.
consist of two rolled or built-up I-shaped sections that are perpen- Although a number of researchers [3–5] demonstrate that panel
dicularly connected to each other at the mid-point of their webs zones can exhibit very ductile and stable behaviour, even for large
after splitting one of them into two symmetric T-shaped sections. inelastic deformation it has been shown that an excessive inelastic
For columns of orthogonal moment frames, box-sections are also a deformation provides large localised deformation or local kinks in
common alternative, although they require a difficult and costly column flanges, which leads to fracture in beam-to-column flange
fabrication process due to closed shape of the section and necessity welding region [3,5–9].
for internal continuity plates. However, flanged cruciform sections In rolled I-shaped columns, the excessive panel zone deforma-
could allow for a simpler construction process due to open and tion is controlled by increasing the panel zone shear capacity by
accessible shape of the section, especially for preparing continuity providing doubler plates. Correspondingly, in built-up sections, lo-
plates and panel zone regions. cally increasing the column web thickness is possible to increase
These sections are addressed in AISC 358-5 as Flanged Cruci- shear capacity. As shown in Fig. 1, providing doubler plates in
form Columns (FCCs) and proposed for use in special moment- rolled FCCs could be effective for principal direction of the column,
resisting frames (SMRFs), although limited experimental results but the other direction might not be effective due to a discontinu-
are available for this type of column section either in SAC Steel Pro- ity in load path within panel zone region. As shown in Fig. 1a, the
ject or other research programs [1,2]. Actually, AISC extends the panel zone in x-direction is strengthened by two complete and
qualification of I-shaped sections to the flanged cruciform sections continuous spaced doubler plates, where the doubler plates in
based on engineering judgment, the similar planar behaviour of y-directions could not be continuous and terminated at the
x-direction doubler plates. The same or maybe a worse situation
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 4405 3876; fax: +98 21 8874 1819. happened for in-contact doubler plates as shown in Fig. 3b and c.
E-mail addresses: mmotallebi@ut.ac.ir (M. Motallebi Nasrabadi), torabian@ut.a- Furthermore, the construction of doubler plates may be a costly
c.ir, shtorabian@gmail.com (S. Torabian), rmirghaderi@ut.ac.ir (S.R. Mirghaderi). and difficult process due to need for difficult and hard-to-access

0141-0296/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
492 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507


effective shear area of each Accordion Path tcw thickness of column webs
V ap yield shear strength of each Accordion Path
effective shear area of web panel zone y

bcf width of column flanges Vcol column shear

bin width of inclined plates V cpz yield shear strength of corrugated panel zone
bpz width of panel zone: dc  tcf
Vpz equivalent shear force
c projected length of one-half of a repeating corrugation
db beam depth V pz
y1 shear strength of panel zone: first limit state
dc column depth
V pz
y2 shear strength of panel zone: second limit state
dpz panel zone depth: db  tbf
E Young’s modulus V pz
y3 shear strength of panel zone: third limit state
Fy yield stress of the column Vu panel zone design strength
G elastic shear modulus Vwpz average shear force at web panel zone
in-plane shear modulus of equivalent flat plate V wpz plastic shear capacity of web panel zone
Hc column height
V wpz yield shear strength of web panel zone
K ap
e elastic shear stiffness of each Accordion Path (V  D) y

K ap
Accordion Path stiffness in strain hardening range aap Accordion Path shear stiffness coefficient
(V  D)
acpz stiffness coefficient of the corrugated panel zone
K cp elastic shear stiffness of continuity plates
e b dimensionless parameter: bcf/bpz
K cp;1
e shear stiffness of beam-1 (V  D) c shear distortion
K cp;2
e shear stiffness of beam-2 (V  D) cap
y average shear strain of the Accordion Path
y yield shear strain of the Accordion Path
K cpz
e elastic stiffness of the corrugated panel zone (V  D) ccpz shear strain in corrugated panel zone
K cpz
ec elastic stiffness of the corrugated panel zone (V  c) ccpz
y yield shear strain of corrugated panel zone
cpz average shear distortion of panel zone
K cpz corrugated panel zone strain hardening stiffness (V  c)
shc cwpz average shear strain at web panel zone
K wpz
ec elastic stiffness of web panel zone (V  c) cwpz
y yield shear strain of web panel zone
D shear displacement
K wpz
pc post-elastic stiffness of web panel zone (V  c) Dc contraction of the diagonals of panel zone
K wpz web panel zone stiffness in strain hardening range De extension of the diagonals of panel zone
MLb moment of left beam. enom nominal strain
MPZ sum of right beam and left beam moment ep1 true strain (logarithmic strain)
MRb moment of right beam.
P axial force on the column h angle between inclined plates and column flange
Pbf beam flange compressive force k dimensionless parameter: 2(b + 1)/(b2  b + 2)
Py axial yield strength of column, including the inclined m Poisson’s ratio
plates q dimensionless parameter: dpz/(Hc  dpz)
s developed length of one-half of a repeating corrugation rnom nominal stress
tap Accordion Path thickness rtrue true stress
tbf thickness of beam flanges scpz mobilised shear stress in corrugated panel zone
Tbf beam flange tensile force sy yield shear stress of panel zone
tcf thickness of column flanges swpz mobilised shear stress in web panel zone
tcp thickness of continuity plate

welding at the conjunction of all column webs and continuity models and analytical equations, including both effective stiffness
plates. As shown in Fig. 1d a large amount of welding should be and strength, are provided for designing and modelling the panel
deposited at the intersection of two doubler plates and the welded zone. Correspondingly, a detailed parametric finite element analy-
areas may be affected by welding heat. sis is conducted to figure out the connection behaviour and to as-
In rolled-sections, the thickness of the column web is often sess accuracy of the proposed models and design equations.
insufficient to provide the required panel zone strength and stiff-
ness, and therefore doubler plates should be provided. The perfor-
mance of FCCs in orthogonal moment frames might be questioned 2. Flanged cruciform sections
without a proper detail to reinforce the panel zone region.
In this paper, a new panel zone detail for Flanged Cruciform Col- As shown in Fig. 2a, a flanged cruciform section consists of two
umns is proposed as a practical solution to increase the shear connected I-shaped sections (rolled or built-up) that are perpen-
strength and stiffness of panel zone region and to supersede the dicularly connected to each other at mid-point of the webs. As
doubler plate detail. The new detail provides a different load path one of the sections bends about its major axis (which is called
in the panel zone region rather than the common reinforced panel strong part or principal part), the other one bends about its minor
zones and also facilitates the fabrication process. According to dif- axis (weak part). When continuity plates are not provided, the out-
ferent load path and panel zone behaviour, specific behaviour of-plane stiffness of the web of weak part is not adequate to pro-
M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507 493

In-contact In-contact In-contact
Doubler plates
Doubler Plates Doubler Plates Doubler Plates

Fillet Groove Groove
Cruciform Column welds
Welds welds

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 1. Doubler plates in Flanged Cruciform Columns. (a) Spaced doubler plates. (b–d) In-contact doubler plates.

Weak part My

Strong part Web out-of-plane


(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Flanged cruciform section. (b) Weak part mobilisation by the web out-of-plane action.

vide enough constraint between these two parts. Therefore, a rela- flanges is small, and the total shear strength and stiffness of FCC
tive displacement takes place between the strong part and the panel zone should be calculated based on the principal part only.
weak part due to different bending stiffness and pertinent curva- Practically, rolled FCCs are more economical than built-up ones
tures. As shown in Fig. 2b, when the strong part bends about its because fewer welds are required and fabrication process is simpler.
major axis, the weak part should be mobilised by out-of-plane ac- Correspondingly, providing a proper method to strengthen the panel
tion of its web. Furthermore, under concentrated loads, such as zone and providing a proper load path for this region is needed for
tension and compression of beam flanges, the inconsistency be- rolled sections, as discussed in the following section.
tween strong and weak part is highlighted due to low strength
and stiffness of the load path between strong and weak parts. Con-
sequently, providing an adequate connection between both parts 3. Proposed panel zone detail for FCCs
plays an important role in mobilising their stiffness and strength
simultaneously. To strengthen the panel zone of FCCs in connection region of
While FCCs are composed of two perpendicular I-shaped sec- orthogonal moment-resisting frames, a new detail with a definite
tions, all the connection requirements for the beam to both weak load path is proposed herein. The proposed detail is composed of
and strong axis of I-shaped columns should be rationally provided. inclined vertical plates welded to the edges of column flanges
Similar to the moment connections proposed for weak axis of I- and to horizontal continuity plates. The inclined plates, column
shaped columns, providing continuity plates is necessary to com- flange of weak part, and continuity plates fulfil two load paths par-
plete the load path and to provide required connection between allel to column web to withstand shear demands of panel zone re-
the two parts of FCCs. Several researchers have demonstrated the gion within the connection.
need for stiffeners that are welded to column web and flanges to pre- As shown in Fig. 3, the inclined vertical plates are groove-welded
vent formation of a yield line mechanism or local buckling in the web to the vertical edges of column flanges and extended approximately
of I-shaped columns [8,10–12]. Accordingly, providing continuity 150 mm above and below the top and bottom of the beam. The hor-
plates is considered a basic assumption in orthogonal moment izontal continuity plates with a minimum thickness equal to thick-
frames, including FCCs. In most of the prequalified connections ad- ness of beam flanges are considered in front of the beam top and
dressed in FEMA and AISC for special moment-resisting frames in bottom flanges and groove-welded to the column web’s column
high seismic areas, providing continuity plates and doubler plates flanges and the inclined plates to provide internal load path.
is necessary not only to increase the shear capacity of panel zone re- Although groove welding is a time and labour consuming pro-
gion but also to resist the bending deformations in column flanges cess, it cannot be avoided in the most rigid connections. The main
[13]. In the presence of continuity plates, the concentrated forces concern in groove welding is weld soundness. Accordingly, it is
of the beam flanges effectively mobilise panel zone in the web of necessary to do welding and to perform inspecting process in a
strong part and, to some extent, in flanges of the weak part. proper and easy-to-access situation. From a practical point of view,
For bending in the principal plane of FCCs, the weak part flanges, all welds and connection parts in the proposed detail are outside
which have two free edges, are near the column neutral axis. There- the column section, whereas, the doubler plates should be placed
fore, the portion of shear that can be transmitted to the weak part inside the column section. According to accessibility of connections
494 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507


Fig. 3. (a) Detail proposed to strengthen the panel zone of FCCs. (b) Connection assembly. (c) Connection detail in the panel zone region.

parts in the proposed detail, the manufacturing process including In this study, equal-depth beams are assumed for orthogonal
assemblage of connection parts, welding, and performing the re- beams, and the weld type and behaviour are not explicitly studied
quired inspections can be facilitated and improved. Notably, while herein.
the continuity plates are necessary for both details, the compari-
sons were more concentrated on the differences between perfor-
mance of inclined plates and doubler plates. 4. Proposed analytical model for the panel zone
As shown in Fig. 4, the inclined plates and parts of the weak part
column flanges positioned between the beam top and bottom As the panel zone plays an important role in nonlinear response
flanges form two trapezoidal corrugated plates on both sides of of moment frames under lateral loads, an accurate analytical
the web of strong part, which are called Accordion Paths herein. behaviour model, including panel zone behaviour, is necessary
Accordion Paths could serve as folded plate shear panels parallel for an accurate nonlinear modelling of the structure. As the pro-
to column principal panel zone; the performance of folded plates posed detail for panel zone of FCCs has a different load path and
for shear stiffness and strength is well established in the literature behaviour in comparison with the conventional panel zone details,
[14–22]. a new analytical behaviour model is proposed herein to express
Outside the connection region, most of the beam plastic mo- nonlinear behaviour of the panel zones, including Accordion Paths.
ment is converted into a couple of tensile and compressive flange In the proposed detail, Accordion Paths play a role as spaced
forces (Tbf and Pbf), which are applied to the column flange. In doubler plates in conventional connections connecting I-beams
the presence of continuity plates, the concentrated tensile and to I- or H-shaped columns. Spaced doubler plates are welded to
compressive flange forces on both sides of the column are received the column flanges to develop the available strength of full doubler
by the in-plane component of continuity plates, and the resulting plate thickness [23,24]. Experimental studies have revealed that
unbalanced force is shared between the panel zone elements, the effectiveness of doubler plates in terms of shear stiffness and
including Accordion Paths and column web, as illustrated in capacity depends on the attachment method to the column section
Fig. 4. The portion of shear transferred to each connection part [4,5,25]. Accordingly, shear distortions are first mobilised in col-
not only depends on the relative shear stiffness of these parts umn web and later in doubler plates. Although this detected
but also on the stiffness of continuity plates. Based on the equilib- shear-lag is small for doubler plates in contact with column web,
rium, the unbalanced forces that are transferred to panel zone re- it might be significant for spaced doubler plates.
gion provide a couple of forces acting on the column flanges and Therefore, a detailed analytical study is considered to propose a
reproduce column moments. realistic shear model for the proposed connection detail.
M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507 495

Fig. 4. Connection load path.

As mentioned before, the beam flange forces on both sides of tionships have been proposed to express the load-deformation
the column are transferred through continuity plates to the panel behaviour of panel zone region. Accordingly, the shear behaviour
zone elements, including column web and Accordion Paths. The is found to be the governing action of this region and there is a
continuity plates are in the load path of connection; therefore, an common practice to use shear behaviour in both modelling and de-
analytical model that includes the shear stiffness of continuity sign of this region [3–5,25–28]. However, bending deformation
plates, the web panel zone and the Accordion Paths are proposed mode can be considered in panel zone region as well as the shear
to model the panel zone behaviour. Accordingly, the simplified deformation mode [29–31]. Accounting for bending deformations
model of proposed detail is illustrated in Fig. 5. As shown in the provides more realistic predictions for panel zone behaviour.
model, the continuity plates are modelled as a shear beam sup- It has been shown that bending deformation mode becomes
ported by three nonlinear springs. The central spring represents more significant in panel zones with high depth-to-width ratio
the behaviour of column web shear panel, and two other springs [32]. In FCCs, the case of shallow column and deep beam which re-
represent Accordion Paths’ shear behaviour. To analyse this model, sults in high depth-to-width ratio of panel zone region is less prob-
the stiffness and nonlinear behaviour of each component, including able. From the practical point of view, shallow columns could not
web panel zone, Accordion Paths and continuity plates, are deter- be used for manufacturing cruciform columns, because enough
mined independently and combined thereafter according to the space cannot be provided for welding at the intersection of webs
model shown in Fig. 5b. and installing continuity plates. Accordingly, the effect of bending
For more clarity, a model is presented for the web panel zone of deformation is neglected for more simplification, and a common
column, which is called (W-PZM). Correspondingly, a combined shear behaviour tri-linear model consistent with current design
model is presented for Accordion Path and its connected continuity codes is assumed for web panel zone in this study [3–6,8,28].
plates, which are two serial springs. This model is called Corru- The tri-linear model comprises an elastic behaviour, a post-elastic
gated Panel Zone Model (C-PZM). The Panel Zone Model (PZM) is behaviour through a strong reduction of stiffness (to approxi-
composed of two corrugated panel zone models and web panel mately 6–8% of elastic stiffness) and a linear material strain hard-
zone model, which are represented by three parallel springs. ening behaviour through an additional reduction of stiffness to
approximately 2–3% of the elastic stiffness [8,27]. The hardened
4.1. Web Panel Zone Model (W-PZM) behaviour of panel zone in the post-elastic range is addressed by
the contribution of column flanges and continuity plates, while
Based on both experimental and finite element studies on I- the hardening behaviour in the third region is attributed to mate-
shaped beam to I- and H-shaped column connections, several rela- rial hardening.
496 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. (a) Connection detail within the panel zone region. (b) Simplified model for the web and Accordion Path. (c) Simplified model for the panel zone region.

an effective shear area equal to (dc  tcf)tcw, whereas Wang consid-

ered (dc  2tcf)tcw as the effective shear area [29]. Accordingly, the
effective shear area of panel zone is assumed to be the following
for consistency.
eff ¼ bpz t cw ¼ ðdc  t cf Þt cw ð2Þ
where bpz = dc - tcf is panel zone depth. Correspondingly, the yield
shear strength of web panel zone, V wpz
y , is assumed as follows:
V wpz
y Aeff ¼ Gcwpz
¼s y Awpz
eff ð3Þ
where c ¼s
y y =G is the yield shear strain of web panel zone and s
is the yielding shear stress of panel zone when considering the
existing axial force based on the Von Mises criterion:
Fig. 6. Web panel zone model. vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
" #2
Fy u P
sy ¼ pffiffiffi t1  ð4Þ
3 Py
The assumed tri-linear behaviour curve of panel zone is shown
in Fig. 6. Accordingly, the elastic shear stiffness of the web panel where Fy is the yield stress of column web, P is the axial force on
zone can be expressed as follows: column, and P y is the axial yield strength of column including the
inclined plates.
V wpz
K wpz
ec ¼ ¼ GAwpz
eff ð1Þ To demonstrate the web panel zone behaviour between initial
cwpz yielding and full plastic capacity, the post-elastic stiffness, K wpz

where K wpz wpz (V  c), is defined by the following relationship [5,6,8]:

ec is the elastic stiffness of web panel zone (V  c), V
and c are the average shear force and shear strain in the web pa- Gbcf t 2cf
nel zone, respectively, G is the elastic shear modulus, and Awpz
eff is the
K wpz
pc ¼ ð5Þ
effective shear area of web panel zone.
The main difference between research works investigating the where bcf and tcf are the width and thickness of column flanges,
panel zone elastic stiffness is the way the effective shear area of respectively, and dpz is the panel zone depth, which is typically
web panel zone is determined. Krawinkler and Fielding proposed equal to (db  tbf) .
M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507 497

Based on the experimental investigations, the plastic shear by a material-hardening behaviour, as shown in Fig. 8. As schemat-
capacity of web panel zone, V wpz
p , is assumed to be the panel zone ically shown in Fig. 4, Accordion Paths and web of the column are
shear strength at 4cwpz
y shear distortion [3,5]. Consequently, V wpz
p , not in the same plane, and therefore, the yield shear strength of
can be calculated as follows: Accordion Paths should be projected to the plane of column web
      for consistency. Consequently, an effective area, Aap
eff , may be used
3bcf t2
V wpz
p ¼ K wpz
ec cy
þ K wpz wpz
pc 3cy
y Awpz
¼s eff 1 þ wpz cf ð6Þ in calculating Accordion Path yield shear strength based on its cor-
Aeff dpz rugated shape. Accordingly, the yield shear strength of each Accor-
dion Path, V ap
y , can be calculated as follows:
The panel zone stiffness in strain hardening range, K wpz
shc , is consid-
ered to be 2% of the elastic stiffness of web panel zone ð0:02K wpz ec Þ V ap  ap ap ap ap
y ¼ sy Aeff ¼ Geff cy Aeff ð9Þ
[8,27]. It is noteworthy that the presence of Accordion Paths, like
doubler plates in common details, does not affect the proposed where cap y =Gap
y ¼ s eff is the shear strain corresponding to the yield
post-elastic stiffness, while the stiffness primarily depends on the shear stress, Aap
eff ¼ bpz t ap , and tap is the Accordion Path thickness
stiffness of elements surrounding the web panel zone, such as the and is considered to be equal to column flange thickness, while a
column flanges. The W-PZM is illustrated in Fig. 6 based on the constant thickness is assumed for each Accordion Path herein.
parameters defined in above equations. Based on Eq. (9), the elastic shear stiffness of each Accordion
Path, K ap
e ðV  DÞ, could be written as follows:

4.2. Accordion Path model V ap ap

y Gap
eff Aeff
K ap
e ¼ ap ¼ ð10Þ
As shown in Fig. 7, Accordion Paths are geometrically similar to
cy dpz dpz
the trapezoidal corrugated plates that have definite shear behav- Correspondingly, the Accordion Path stiffness in strain hardening
iour. As corrugated plates are widely used as shear diaphragms range, K ap
sh , is considered to be 3% of the elastic stiffness of Accordion
and as the web of plate girders, their shear stiffness and strength Path ð0:03K ap e Þ [27]. The Accordion Path model is illustrated in Fig. 8
have been widely investigated [14–22]. based on the parameters defined in above relationships.
The shear stiffness of corrugated plates is commonly less than
the shear stiffness of dimensionally equivalent flat plate with a 4.3. Continuity plate model
similar thickness. The equivalent shear stiffness of trapezoidal cor-
rugated plates, subjected to a uniform shear stress has been calcu- As shown in Fig. 5b and c, the continuity plates are assumed to
lated by modelling the corrugated plate as an equivalent share the panel zone shear demand between column web and
orthotropic plate and implementing an energy method, as follows Accordion Paths. A rigid continuity plate could mobilise all con-
[17]: nected springs simultaneously and load each spring according to
c E its pertinent stiffness. However, the continuity plates could not
eff ¼ ¼ aap G ð7Þ be treated as rigid elements, while the continuity plate shear defor-
s 2ð1 þ mÞ
mations could affect panel zone stiffness significantly.
where Gapeff is the in-plane shear modulus of equivalent flat plate, c is While the distribution of beam flange axial stress on column
the projected length of one-half of repeating corrugation, s is the flange depends on several factors, such as column web thickness
developed length of one-half of repeating corrugation (as shown and thickness of Accordion Paths and continuity plates, it is as-
in Fig. 7), E is Young’s modulus, G is the shear modulus, m is Pois- sumed that the beam flange axial stress has been replaced by an
son’s ratio and aap is a coefficient represents the ratio of shear stiff- equivalent concentrated force that acts on the mid-width of col-
ness of the corrugated plate to the flat plate with a similar umn flange.
thickness. To determine the continuity plate stiffness in load path, the
If Eq. (7) is adopted for the shear modulus of Accordion Path, the continuity plate behaviour is considered to be a shear-dominated
shear factor, aap, can be calculated based on corrugated plate beam behaviour, where the perimeter components of continuity
dimensions, as follows: plate, such as column flanges and inclined plate, provide high flex-
ural stiffness to the continuity plate in comparison to shear stiff-
bcf þ 2bin cos h bpz
aap ¼ ¼ ð8Þ ness. As the behaviour of the continuity plates is commonly
bcf þ 2bin bcf þ 2bin
considered elastic and it is recommended that shear yielding be
As shown in Fig 7, bin is the width of inclined plates, bpz = dc  tcf is prevented, an elastic shear behaviour model is considered for panel
the width of column panel zone, and h is the angle between the in- zone.
clined plates and column flange. To determine the shear stiffness of continuity plates, K cp
e ðV  DÞ,
While all post-elastic behaviours of the panel zone due to the the continuity plate is treated as a two-beam serial system in
contribution of column flanges and continuity plates are consid- shear, and the stiffness of each beam is estimated separately, as
ered in web panel zone model, the Accordion Path model is as-
sumed to be a bi-linear one with an elastic behaviour followed

Corrugated Plate

s θ
bpz Accordion

Fig. 7. Accordion Path as a trapezoidal corrugated plate. Fig. 8. Shear Behaviour of the Accordion Path.
498 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507

illustrated in Fig. 5c. The shear stiffness of beam-1 can be derived

as follows:
K cp;1
e ¼ Gtcp ð11Þ
bcf =2
The shear stiffness of beam-2 is estimated based on the average
cross section of variable-depth beam and can be written as
ðbpz þ bcf Þ=2 ðbpz þ bcf Þ
K cp;2
e ¼ Gtcp ¼ Gtcp ð12Þ
ðbpz  bcf Þ=2 ðbpz  bcf Þ
Accordingly, the total stiffness of continuity plates, K cp
e ðV  DÞ, can
be described as follows:
1 1 1
¼ cp;1 þ cp;2
K cp
e Ke Ke
2ðbpz þ bcf Þbpz Fig. 9. Corrugated panel zone model.
K cp
e ¼ Gt cp 2 2
ðbcf  bpz bcf þ 2bpz Þ
The stiffness may be rewritten in terms of k and b as follows: V cpz
ccpz ¼ ð20Þ
K cpz
K cp
e ¼ kGt cp ð14Þ ec

The C-PZM model is depicted in Fig. 9 according to above equations.

k ¼ 2ðb þ 1Þ=ðb2  b þ 2Þ; b ¼ bcf =bpz ð15Þ From Eqs. (1) and (18), the mobilised shear stress of web panel
zone and corrugated panel zone in the elastic range of behaviour
As the ratio of the column flange width to the width of panel zone
can be calculated as follows:
(b) is limited between 0 and 1, k is more than 1 and less than 2.
K wpz
4.4. Corrugated Panel Zone Model (C-PZM) swpz ¼ cwpz ¼ Gcwpz ð21Þ
bpz t cw

As mentioned before, the corrugated panel zone model is a K cpz

combination of Accordion path model and continuity plate model. scpz ¼ ccpz ¼ acpz G ccpz ð22Þ
bpz t ap
The continuity plate model is assumed to be linear-elastic, whereas
a bi-linear elasto-plastic model with material hardening is consid- where swpz and scpz are the mobilised shear stresses in web panel
ered for Accordion Path. As Accordion Paths and continuity plates zone and corrugated panel zone, respectively, K wpz cpz
ec and K ec are
are assumed to be serial springs, the resultant model for C-PZM wpz cpz
the shear stiffness of each part (V  c), and c and c are the
will also be a bi-linear elasto-plastic model. As shown in Fig. 5c, shear strains in each part.
the elastic stiffness of corrugated panel zone, K ecpz ðVDÞ , can be cal- A comparison of Eqs. (21) and (22) at the onset of shear yielding
culated as follows: ðswpz ¼ scpz ¼ sy Þ shows that the yielding strain of corrugated pa-
1 1 1 1 dpz nel zone, ccpz
y , is greater than the yielding strain of web panel zone,
¼ cp þ ap ¼ þ cwpz , while acpz is less than 1.0. According to Eq. (23), the corru-
K cpz
e K e K e kGt cp aap Gbpz t ap y
ð16Þ gated panel zone experiences shear yielding later than web panel
Gb t t a
pz ap cp ap k
K cpz
e ¼ zone.
aap bpz tap þ tcp kdpz
The stiffness of corrugated panel zone in shear force–displacement ccpz
y ¼ ð23Þ
(V  D) unit, K cpz
e , can be transformed into stiffness in the shear-dis-
tortion unit, K cpz
ec , by

K cpz cpz
ec ¼ K e dpz ð17Þ 5. Panel Zone Model (PZM)

Accordingly, the stiffness relationship can be summarised as As mentioned in the previous section, there is a shear lag be-
follows: tween web panel zone and corrugated panel zone. Accordingly,
K cpz the corrugated panel zone yields after web panel zone due to its
ec ¼ acpz Gbpz t ap ð18Þ
lower shear stiffness.
where the stiffness coefficient of corrugated panel zone, acpz, is as To prevent excessive shear deformation and its deleterious ef-
follows: fects on connection performance, the total shear deformation of
k panel zone region is limited to 4cwpz
y , based on the previous studies
acpz ¼ aap b t
ð19Þ by Krawinkler [3,5,6,8]. Therefore, the main parameters of PZM are
k þ aap dpz ap
pz t cp
calculated in following sections.
The value of stiffness coefficient, acpz, is less than one because it is
the product of two terms, both of which are less than 1.0. 5.1. PZM parameters ðccpz
y < 4cwpz
y Þ
It is assumed that the panel zone post-elastic stiffness, K cpzshc , is
equal to 3% of the elastic stiffness of corrugated panel zone On the basis of estimated stiffness of web panel zone and corru-
ð0:03K cpz
ec Þ [27]. It should be noted that the yield shear strength gated panel zone, the shear strength of panel zone, V pz
y1 , when the
of corrugated panel zone, V cpzy , is exactly equal to the yield shear web panel zone reaches a shear strain of cwpz y can be computed
strength of Accordion path, V apy , due to the elastic behaviour of con- as follows:
tinuity plates. Correspondingly, the yield shear strain of corrugated sy
panel zone, ccpzy , can be calculated as follows: V pz wpz wpz
y1 ¼ K ec ðcy Þ þ 2K cpz wpz
ec ðcy Þ ¼ pffiffiffi bpz ðt cw þ 2acpz tap Þ ð24Þ
M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507 499

The shear strength of panel zone, when corrugated panel zone V

reaches shear strain of ccpz
y can be computed as follows:

V pz wpz wpz
y2 ¼ K ec ðcy Þ þ K wpz cpz
pc cy  cy
þ 2K cpz cpz
ec ðcy Þ Vupz

Shear Force
sy   Gbcf t 2cf  cpz 
¼ pffiffiffi bpz 1cw þ 2t ap þ cy  cwpz
3 dpz

The maximum panel zone strength, V pz
u , which corresponds to 4cy ,
is determined in following equations: Vy1pz

V pz
y3 ¼ K wpz wpz
ec ð y c Þ þ K wpz wpz
pc ð3 y Þ þ 2K cpz
c cpz
c cpz wpz
ec ð y Þ þ 2K shc ð4 y c c cpz
y Þ
sy 3bcf t2cf
V pz ¼ pffiffiffi bpz t cw þ þ 2tap þ 2ð0:02acpz Gbpz t ap Þ 4cwpz  ccpz γ
3 bpz dpz y y
γ ywpz 4γywpz γycpz

The Panel Zone Model (PZM) representing shear strength versus Panel Zone Shear Distortion
shear strain of the connection panel zone, where ccpz
y < 4cwpz
y , is Web Panel Zone Corrugated Panel Zone Panel Zone

shown in Fig. 10. cpz wpz

Fig. 11. Panel zone model ðc y > 4cy Þ.
cpz wpz
5.2. PZM parameters ðc y > 4cy Þ

In this condition, V pz
MbR þ M bL ð1  qÞ
y1 can be calculated in accordance with Eq. V pz ¼  V col ¼ M PZ ð29Þ
(24). Consequently, V pz wpz dpz dpz
y2 , which corresponds to 4cy , is calculated
as follows: where MPZ is the sum of right beam and left beam moment (MbR, -
V pz wpz wpz
y2 ¼ K ec ðcy Þ þ K wpz
pc ð3cy
Þ þ 2K cpz wpz
ec ð4cy Þ MbL), Vcol is column shear, Vpz is equivalent shear force, and, q = dpz/
 2  (Hc  dpz) in which dpz and Hc are the beam depth and the column
sy 3bcf t cf height, respectively.
¼ pffiffiffi bpz t cw þ þ 8tap acpz ð27Þ
3 bpz dpz The panel zone design strength is calculated in accordance with
Regarding the behaviour model of the panel zone depicted in the behaviour models shown in Figs. 10 and 11 by ignoring the
Fig. 11, the post yield capacity of panel zone region, V pz capacity resulting from strain-hardening phenomenon, as follows:
y3 , may be cal-
culated as follows: 8  
> 3b t2
< psyffiffi bpz t cw þ b cfd cf þ 2t ap acpz P 0:25
V pz K wpz K wpz K wpz 2K cpz
wpz wpz cpz pz pz
y3 ¼ ec ð y Þc þ c
pc ð3 y Þ þ shc ð yc  4cwpz
y Þþ c cpz
e ð y Þ Vu ¼ ð30Þ
: psyffiffi bpz ðt cw þ 3bcf t 2cf
sy 3bcf t2cf   3 bpz dpz
þ 8tap acpz Þ acpz < 0:25
V pz
y3 ¼ pffiffiffi bpz tcw þ þ 2t ap þ ð0:02Gbpz tcw Þ ccpz wpz
y  4cy
3 bpz dpz
For design purposes, the panel zone demand, Vpz, should be less
ð28Þ than panel zone shear capacity, Vu.
The Panel Zone Model (PZM) representing shear strength versus
shear strain, where ccpz
y > 4cwpz
y , is shown in Fig. 11. 7. Parametric finite element analyses

6. Panel zone design To provide further insight into the load transfer mechanism of
proposed detail, nine different groups of the cruciform interior
The boundary forces on a joint panel are converted into an connection subassemblies were modelled by a general-purpose fi-
equivalent force couple acting at the beam flanges by following nite element analysis program (ABAQUS) [33]. In addition, para-
expression: metric analyses were conducted to assess the accuracy of the
proposed analytical model of FCC panel zone.
Since verification study is necessary for all numerical studies,
V before performing parametric study on the proposed detail, a
well-known experimental program including panel zone studies
Vupz was considered to verify the finite element modelling methodology
Vy2pz and general assumptions on the material behaviour and nonlinear

7.1. Verification study

As noted before, experimental results on seismic performances
of FCCs are not available in the database of prequalified connec-
tions. Accordingly, experimental results of a well-known experi-
mental program on ‘‘Welded Unreinforced Flange-Welded Web’’
(WUF-W), which is adopted by AISC 358-10 as a prequalified con-
nection for moment resisting frames in seismic areas [28], were
γ ywpz γ ycpz 4γ ywpz γ used to validate the methods and strategies applied in models used
for parametric study on the proposed detail for FCCs [34]. The geo-
metrical characteristics of the analysis configuration used in this
Web Panel Zone Corrugated Panel Zone Panel Zone
verification model are derived from the specimen C2 tested by Ri-
cpz wpz
Fig. 10. Panel zone model ðc y < 4c y Þ. cles et al. [34]. The main reasons for choosing this specimen were
500 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507

the occurrence of panel zone yielding throughout the experiment 7.1.1. Finite element modelling for verification study
and ductile behaviour of the specimen before fracture. While the Quadrilateral four-node elements (S4 elements) were used to
main purpose of this section is to verify numerical modelling model C2 specimen. The size and geometry, boundary supports,
methodologies, the specific details of tested connection are not dis- lateral braces, and loading history of finite element models were
cussed herein and detailed specifications and exact dimensions for adopted from the test specimen and test setup configuration, as
all parts of the specimen could be found in [34]. shown in Fig. 12.

Displacement 3.96 m

Lateral Bracing

4.496 m

4.496 m
1.45 m

Roller Hinge
(Uz=0) (Ux=Uy=Uz=0)

z y

Fig. 12. Details of finite element model in the verification study.

Column web yielding

(Doubler plate is not shown)

Flange local

Doubler plate

Fig. 13. Deformed shape and distribution of plastic equivalent strain at the first cycle of 4% drift.
M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507 501

According to the details of specimen and test setup in the exper- umn height was also measured from point of loading to the bottom
imental program, hinged and roller restraints were used to support hinged connection and equalled to 3.96 m.
bottom end of the column and beams ends, respectively. The top The material properties were considered on the basis of mate-
end of column was subject to displacement controlled loading on rial coupon tests and results were converted into true stress–strain
the basis of AISC cyclic loading protocol. To avoid global instability, values. Material nonlinearities have been accounted for in this
lateral bracing, as placed in experimental program, was used at the analysis through classical metal plasticity theory based on Von
particular location of beam and column flanges. Mises yield criterion and kinematic hardening rule. The geometric
The length of the beams, measured from the centre of roller nonlinearities were considered through a large deformation analy-
supports to the column centre line, was equal to 4.496 m. The col- sis and consideration of geometric imperfections in accordance

Column top displacement (mm)

-254 -152.4 -50.8 50.8 152.4 254
800 3559

600 2669
Column top load (kips)

Column top load (kN)

400 1779

200 890

0 0

-200 -890

-400 -1779
FE verification Study FE verification Study

-600 Experimental results Experimental results -2669

(Ricles et.al.) (Ricles et.al.)
-800 -3559
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06
Column top displacement (in.) Panel Zone Plastic Rotation (rad.)

Fig. 14. Comparison between the predicted response in FE verification study and experimental results of C2 specimen: (a) Column top load versus column top displacement.
(b) Column top load versus panel zone plastic rotation.


Lateral Bracing
Displacement 4.0m

3.25 m (Uz=0)

2.60 m

3.25 m


z x

y Hinge

Fig. 15. Three-dimensionally meshed specimen (Model-1).

502 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507

with the scaled buckling shapes resulted from the eigen buckling 7.2. Properties of numerical models
analysis of the specimen.
In the numerical study, the connection subassemblies were
7.1.2. Finite element results of verification study composed of two beams joined to the column by Welded Unrein-
The deformed shape of FE model and distribution of plastic forced flange-welded web (WUF-W) connections. All the require-
equivalent strain throughout FE model in the first cycle of 4% drift ments of AISC prequalified connections were considered in
is shown in Fig. 13. As shown, panel zone yielding was occurred in designing connection subassemblies, except for the shear capacity
panel zone doubler plates as well as the column web. The panel of panel zone [1,2,23,24]. The beam size was selected to satisfy the
zone yielding was also observed throughout the experiment. weak-beam strong-column criterion. Furthermore, the width-to-
As shown in Fig. 14a, the predicted response and response of C2 thickness ratios were assumed to be seismically compact. The pa-
specimen in the experiment are in reasonably good agreement. nel zone of design subassemblies were assumed to be weak in
However, as crack propagation and fracture were not considered accordance with the beam demands to investigate the behaviour
in this finite element model, the numerical analysis could not pre- of proposed detail including the web and corrugated panel zones.
dict the fracture point of the specimen during 6% drift cycles. As Accordingly, the panel zone shear yielding occurred prior to the
depicted in Fig. 14b, the panel zone yielding, initiated during the beam plastic mechanisms, and therefore, the beam remained rela-
1% drift cycles, reached the maximum plastic deformation of panel tively elastic throughout the analysis. By considering a capacity de-
zone, 0.7% radian, during the early cycles of 4% drift, where the col- sign approach, the continuity plate thickness was assumed to be
umn tip load was also maximum. equal to Accordion Path thickness.

Table 1
General properties of FEM models.

FEM Model Column section Beam section tap tcp bpz bpz
2t ap
m  102 m  102 m  102
1–1a W21  182 W12  106 3.8 3.8 26.9 7.2
1–2 W21  182 W12  106 3.8 4.5 26.9 6.0
1–3 W21  182 W12  106 3.8 6.8 26.9 4.0
1–4 W21  182 W12  106 3.8 13.6 26.9 2.0
1–5 W21  182 W12  106 3.8 Rigid 26.9 0.0
2–1 W21  201 W12  120 4.1 3.4 27.1 8.0
2–2a W21  201 W12  120 4.1 4.1 27.1 6.6
2–3 W21  201 W12  120 4.1 6.8 27.1 4.0
2–4 W21  201 W12  120 4.1 13.6 27.1 2.0
2–5 W21  201 W12  120 4.1 Rigid 27.1 0.0
3–1 W24  279 W12  170 5.3 3.9 31.3 8.0
3–2a W24  279 W12  170 5.3 5.3 31.3 5.9
3–3 W24  279 W12  170 5.3 7.8 31.3 4.0
3–4 W24  279 W12  170 5.3 15.6 31.3 2.0
3–5 W24  279 W12  170 5.3 Rigid 31.3 0.0
4–1 W24  306 W12  190 5.8 3.9 31.5 8.0
4–2a W24  306 W12  190 5.8 5.8 31.5 5.4
4–3 W24  306 W12  190 5.8 7.8 31.5 4.0
4–4 W24  306 W12  190 5.8 15.6 31.5 2.0
4–5 W24  306 W12  190 5.8 Rigid 31.5 0.0
5–1 W24  335 W12  210 6.3 4.0 31.8 8.0
5–2a W24  335 W12  210 6.3 6.3 31.8 5.0
5–3 W24  335 W12  210 6.3 7.9 31.8 4.0
5–4 W24  335 W12  210 6.3 15.9 31.8 2.0
5–5 W24  335 W12  210 6.3 Rigid 31.8 0.0
6–1 W24  370 W12  230 6.9 4.0 32.1 8.0
6–2a W24  370 W12  230 6.9 5.3 32.1 6.0
6–3 W24  370 W12  230 6.9 6.9 32.1 4.6
6–4 W24  370 W12  230 6.9 15.9 32.1 2.0
6–5 W24  370 W12  230 6.9 Rigid 32.1 0.0
7–1 W27  307 W12  190 5.3 4.4 35.0 8.0
7–2 W27  307 W12  190 5.3 5.3 35.0 6.6
7–3 W27  307 W12  190 5.3 8.7 35.0 4.0
7–4 W27  307 W12  190 5.3 17.4 35.0 2.0
7–5 W27  307 W12  190 5.3 Rigid 35.0 0.0
8–1 W27  336 W12  210 5.8 4.4 35.2 8.0
8–2a W27  336 W12  210 5.8 5.8 35.2 6.1
8–3 W27  336 W12  210 5.8 8.8 35.2 4.0
8–4 W27  336 W12  210 5.8 17.5 35.2 2.0
8–5 W27  336 W12  210 5.8 Rigid 35.2 0.0
9–1 W27  368 W12  230 6.3 4.4 35.5 8.0
9–2a W27  368 W12  230 6.3 6.3 35.5 5.6
9–3 W27  368 W12  230 6.3 8.9 35.5 4.0
9–4 W27  368 W12  230 6.3 17.7 35.5 2.0
9–5 W27  368 W12  230 6.3 Rigid 35.5 0.0
Designed specimen.
M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507 503

The subassemblies were extracted from deflected shapes of the For all materials of the models, the Young’s modulus of elastic-
rigid moment frames under lateral loads in which inflection points ity, E, and Poisson’s ratio, m, were assumed to be 200 GPa and 0.3,
were formed near the mid-height of column and mid-span of the respectively. On the basis of Von Mises yielding criterion, the kine-
beams. The general dimensions of the subassemblies are shown matic hardening rule and the tri-linear stress–strain relationship,
in Fig. 15. classical metal plasticity was implemented to consider material
Accordingly, each specimen consisted of two similar 3.25-m- nonlinearities. The yield strength, Fy, the ultimate strength, Fu,
long beams attached to the opposite faces of a 4-m-high FCC. The and tangent modulus, Esh, of the materials were assumed to be
top end of column was subject to a horizontal displacement-con- 250 MPa, 400 MPa and 0.01 times Young’s modulus, respectively.
trolled loading, and the column base was supported by a hinged Correspondingly, the engineering stress and strain values were
connection. Furthermore, roller boundary conditions were used converted into true stress–strain values by the following equations
to support beams ends. In each model, lateral braces were used [33]:
at the base and top of the column to avoid global instabilities.
Additionally, the out-of-plane movement of beam flanges was re- rtrue ¼ rnom ð1 þ enom Þ
strained at the plastic hinge locations and at the end of beams. r ð31Þ
eplln ¼ lnð1 þ enom Þ  true
The general properties of each assembly are shown in Table 1. E
Each group of configurations considered for finite element anal-
ysis consisted of five different subassemblies with a range of con- where rtrue and rnom are the true stress and the nominal stress,
tinuity plate thicknesses. To assess the accuracy of the proposed respectively, epl
is the true strain (logarithmic strain), and enom is
analytical models for FCCs, the beam and column sizes were not the nominal strain. In addition, geometric nonlinearities were ac-
changed in each group, while the thickness of the continuity plates counted for through a small strain, large displacement formulation.
was changed therein. The subassemblies with rigid continuity In finite element analyses, the subassemblies were monotonically
plates were also considered to examine the models for an ultimate loaded by imposing a lateral displacement for the interstory drift
condition and to investigate Accordion Path behaviour more angle up to 0.06 rad.
7.4. Finite element results
7.3. Finite element modelling
To evaluate the accuracy of analytical models proposed for the
To achieve a computationally efficient model, quadrilateral web and corrugated panel zone in Sections 4 and 5, it is necessary
four-node shell elements (the S4 element in ABAQUS) were used to accurately obtain the mobilised shear forces in panel zone and
for constructing three-dimensional models of subassemblies. As its components versus the average shear distortion of panel zone.
it was assumed that the connected parts were completely joined Correspondingly, free body cuts were used to separately detect
together by welds, complete joint penetration welds and fillet the mobilised shear force of each component at the mid-height
welds were not explicitly modelled herein. In addition, beam weld of panel zone regions, including the web and corrugated panel
access holes were not included in the models. Accordingly, a de- zone. Free body cuts use the nodal forces of each element to dis-
tailed three-dimensionally meshed specimen, including the overall play resultant forces and moments transmitted across a selected
dimensions and locations of the lateral braces, is shown in Fig. 15. surface.

Fig. 16. Plastic shear strain on the deformed shape of the specimen at 6% story drift (Model-1).
504 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507

Fig. 17. Von Mises stress on the deformed shape of the specimen at 6% story drift (Model-1): (a) Outside. (b) Inside.

Fig. 18. Comparison of the FEM and analytical results for shear force versus shear distortion (V  c).
M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507 505

The average shear distortion of panel zone can be obtained from specimen of each group of subassemblies, as specified in Table 1.
the extension (De) and contraction (Dc) of the diagonals of panel The horizontal axis of each graph is the normalised shear strain.
zone with a width and height of bpz and dpz, respectively, as The shear strain is normalised with respect to the shear yield
follows: strain of web panel zone, cwpzy . The vertical axis shows the shear
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi force in each connection part, including the web panel zone and
2 2 one of the corrugated panel zones. The Panel Zone Model (PZM)
bpz þ dpz
cpz ¼ ð De  Dc Þ ð32Þ considers the web panel zone and both of the corrugated panel
2bpz dpz
In the case of finite element analyses, the nodal displacements of The results showed that the proposed analytical model for cor-
four corners of panel zone were used to obtain the diagonal defor- rugated panel zone (C-PZM) effectively predicted the nonlinear
mations ðDe and Dc Þ within the panel zone. behaviour in both elastic and plastic ranges of behaviour, including
Fig. 16 shows the mobilised plastic shear strain of any compo- the elastic stiffness and the shear yield strength of corrugated pa-
nents of the proposed connection on the deformed shaped of the nel zone.
specimen. Accordingly, the plastic mechanism of web panel zone Moreover, the web panel zone analytical results (W-PZM) were
and Accordion Paths showed their effective contribution to load in good agreement to finite element results. Although, the tri-lin-
transfer mechanism of the connection. ear web panel zone model considered in this study typically over-
As depicted in Fig. 17, Von Mises stress within the web and cor- estimates the panel zone strength for thick column flange
rugated panel zone justified that both the web panel zone and cor- thickness [5,29], the analytical model proposed for the whole panel
rugated panel zone provided shear strength to panel zone region, zone (PZM) and finite element results were in a reasonable agree-
and the in-plane shear strains were mobilised through the continu- ment in terms of the panel zone stiffness and design strength, as
ity plates. shown in Fig. 18.
The shear force versus shear distortion (V  c) resulting from To evaluate the accuracy of acpz coefficient proposed to deter-
the finite element analyses is plotted in Fig. 18, along with the mine the elastic stiffness of corrugated panel zone, the elastic stiff-
behaviour curves predicted by the proposed analytical models ness of corrugated panel zone, K cpz
ec , was compared with the panel
presented in Section 4. The results are presented for the design zone stiffness from the finite element study. Accordingly, the equa-

Fig. 19. Comparison of the FEM and analytical results for the elastic shear stiffness of the connection components.
506 M. Motallebi Nasrabadi et al. / Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 491–507

tion for computing elastic stiffness of the corrugated panel zone  The results showed that the inclined plates and Accordion Paths
can be rewritten as follows: effectively contributed to panel zone shear strength and
0 1
 While all the connection parts are accessible in the proposed
acpz k
K cpz
ec ¼ Gbpz dpz @ dpz b
A ð33Þ detail, it is expected that the proposed detail facilitates fabrica-
k tap þ acpz 2tpzcp tion process.
 To further investigate the behaviour of the proposed detail for
where dpz/tap and bpz/(2tcp) are dimensionless parameters. tap is panel zone of cruciform columns, more analytical, numerical
considered to be equal to the thickness of column flanges. There- and also experimental studies should be performed to verify
fore, dpz/tap is related to global dimensions and properties of the the behaviour models and panel zone shear strength.
beams and the column in each group of configurations considered
for finite element analysis. Correspondingly, bpz/(2tcp) was changed References
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