Art Appreciation UNIT 1-3
Art Appreciation UNIT 1-3
Art Appreciation UNIT 1-3
PHILOSOPHY AND ARTS RELATED • He was a student of Plato who first distinguished
PHILOSOPHY between “what is good and what is beautiful''.
• The universal elements of beauty are manifested by
• It is a field of discipline which has attempted to order, symmetry, and definiteness. As exemplified
explain almost all aspects of human existence. in his Poetics, he stated that the physical
• It is the study of general and fundamental questions manifestation of beauty is affected by SIZE.
about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, • He considered art as imitation or a representation
and language. of nature and his emphasis of the artis on POETRY
• The term was probably coined by Pythagoras. which for him is more philosophical than Philosophy
• Poets imitated the following according to Aristotle:
• It is the study of beauty and taste, concerned with o Things and events which have been or still
the nature of art and used as a basis for interpreting are;
and evaluating individual works of art. o Things which are said to be seen and are
• It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the probable
nature of beauty and taste, as well as the o Things which essentially are
philosophy of art.
• It examines subjective and sensori-emotional
values, or sometimes called judgments of • He was a German, Enlightenment philosopher who
sentiment and taste wrote a treatise on Aesthetics: Observations on the
Feelings of the Beautiful and the Sublime.
• His main interest was not on art but on BEAUTY that
it is a matter of TASTE. Kant explained that TASTE
• For KANT, beauty is a question of form and color is
• He is a philosopher of Ancient Greece who is known NOT IMPORTANT
for his Dialogues together with Socrates. • The Kinds of Aesthetic Responses according to Kant
• With the Republic being his work, Plato was seen as are:
a good literary stylist and great story teller and o Beauty results in pleasure if there is order,
considered the arts as threatening. harmony and symmetry; and
• He believed that “though arts can be used to train o Beauty leads to a response of awe that
citizens to have an ideal society, using arts to overwhelms the viewers of the art.
accomplish this should be strictly controlled”
• He also explained that the physical world is a copy ARTISTS VS. ARTISANS
of a perfect, rational, eternal and changeless THE ARTIST
original which he called FORMS.
• Plato’s Ideas of the Arts: • A person engaged in an activity related to creating
o Art is imitation; art, practicing the arts, or demonstrating an art.
o Art is dangerous • The term is often used in the entertainment
• THE FORMS: business, especially in a business context, for
o EXAMPLE: Beauty, Justice, and The Circle
musicians and other performers (less often for
• There are some symbols that are archetypal and
commonly understood/interpreted by humanity in • It is equivalent to the
the same way. Therefore, symbols can be very natural world, physical
powerful when trying to convey a specific idea. universe, material world or
Some artworks have subjects and some do not. material universe.
• The art pieces which use a specific subject is called • “Nature” refers to the
representational art or objective art; while those phenomena of the physical
that have no subjects are called non- world, and also to life in
representational or non-objective art general.”
• It is considered the most commonly used source of
Representational Art
• It refers to art which represents something,
whether that be a tree in a landscape, apple in a still
life, or figure in a portrait.
• It does not need to be a completely realistic • They are considered the
depiction of the subject; there will often be varying most interesting subject of
levels of abstraction. an artwork which may be
• It is a term that generally refers to a painting or real or imagined.
sculpture that is clearly recognizable for what it • An artist’s thoughts, moods
claims to be. and even the genre of a
• It depicts any identifiable object or series of objects certain art work may be
and their physical appearance in reality. depicted by people by
• It is also referred to as Figurative Art, being that it is means of clues as
derived from real object sources. takeaways.
• People as subjects may be presented as individuals
or groups and may perform tasks as how they do in
their everyday life.
• It is a protest movement in
the art that is playful and
experimental. “Dada”
means a “hobby horse”.
• Dadaism is most often
• Marcel Duchamp is the
famous painter using this
• The aim of this method is to shock and provoke its
ART APPRECIATION (UNIT III PART 1) Soft Pastel, Hard Pastel, Oil Pastel
Stippling, Feathering, Scumbling, Impasto,
5. Fresco - Pigment is mixed with water and
applied on a portion of the wall with wet
plaster. It is used for mural paintings.
2. Intaglio Printing (Depressed) - Instead of E. TERRA COTTA (COOKED EARTH) Baked clay or
the surface of the plate for the image, the clay fired in a kiln at a relatively high
lines of the image are cut or incised to a temperature.
metal plate.
F. GLASS Made by heating and cooling a
3. Surface Printing (Flat) - Includes all combination of sand and soda lime.
processes in which printing is done from a
flat surface. G. PLASTIC Synthetic medium made from organic
Media Of Architecture