Chatgpt l2 Writing Preprint
Chatgpt l2 Writing Preprint
Chatgpt l2 Writing Preprint
Da Yan*
* Correspondence:
performance and engagement of L2 learners. Since the advent of tools based on recent
powered chatbot named ChatGPT capable of automatic text generation was introduced
to the public. The study tried to apply ChatGPT’s text generation feature in a one-week
and reflections were triangulated for the piloting evaluation of the impact of ChatGPT
on L2 writing learners. The findings revealed the affordance and potential applicability
of the tool in L2 writing pedagogy. Additionally, the tool also showcased an automatic
participants generally expressed their concern with its threats to academic honesty and
educational equity. The study impelled the reconceptualization of plagiarism in the new
era and development of regulatory policies and pedagogical guidance to regulate proper
utilization of the tool. Being a pioneering effort, the study accentuated future research
directions for more insights into the application of ChatGPT in L2 learning, and the
1. Introduction
2019). In the contemporary era, many aspects in the L2 writing have been digitalized
classrooms (Bikowski & Vithanage, 2016), using interactive e-feedback for students’
improve writing quality (Crosthwaite et al., 2020), etc. Particularly, the introduction of
tools and applications based on artificial intelligence (AI) have brought about
paradigmatical changes to technology-enhance L2 writing. Tools such as Grammarly
(Koltovskaia, 2020), Quillbot (Kurniati & Fithriani, 2022), Google Translate (Cancino
& Panes, 2021) have significantly automated the workflow of writing, assessment,
proofreading, etc.
In November 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT, its latest AI-based chatbot. Despite
its recent appearance, ChatGPT has attracted the attention of educators from various
plagiarism issue raised by the fully automatic workflow is aggravated by the low
other AI-based rephrasing tools (Gao et al., 2022; Haque et al., 2022). Paradoxical to
its popularity across the globe, empirical evidence for the affordance and impact of the
and hazard underneath the mighty strength of ChatGPT leaves much space for
Against the above backdrops, the study ventures into investigating the impact of
Classroom observations, learning log analysis and interview data are triangulated to
provide insights into the potential and threat posed by ChatGPT. The study is significant
for its conceptual and pedagogical contribution to L2 writing in the contemporary era.
The study expands the understanding of plagiarism and the impact of latest technologies
on language education in the age of AI. For pedagogical practice, the study reveals the
2. Literature Review
played a role of growing importance in the pedagogy of L2 writing (Adams & Chuah,
become comprehensive, e.g., using e-feedback for revisions (Tuzi, 2004), applying
(Yoon & Hirvela, 2004), focusing on students’ behavior in using computer for writing
(Miller et al., 2008), writing with social media (Lee, 2020), etc. Focusing on different
effect size (g=1.00) was reported regarding the impact of technology-enhance language
introduced AI-based tools to L2 writing in recent years (Nazari et al., 2021; Wu et al.,
2021). The first line in recent research examined the effects of replacing existing
situated in a Chilean high school EFL program, the researchers endorsed the affordance
(Cancino & Panes, 2021). Similarly, Tsai’s (2019) findings pinpointed the strength of
composition (Tsai, 2019). In a similar vein, the feedback on writing quality began to
Grammarly. Dizon & Gayed (2021) asserted that Grammarly users outperformed their
peers in L2 writing tasks. Nazari et al. (2021) confirmed the positive effect of AI-based
a relatively conservative finding was reported from a similar setting, in which students
The second line in research focused on the augmentation of students’ roles and
perspective, plagiarism detection was generally beyond the reach of learners. However,
in a study using the plagiarism detector Turnitin for peer-feedback in an ESL writing
setting, the researchers identified the positive role of the application in augmenting
students’ ability to produce accurate and holistic feedback on the quality of peers’ L2
writing (Jinrong & Mimi, 2018). Similarly, researchers paid growing attention to the
technology and human intelligence (Fitria, 2022). In a recent study examining the
scale language modeling and AI expedited the development interactive text generators
that can respond to user’s prompts (Hagendorff et al., 2022). Nonetheless, the
built on top of GPT-3.5 family of large-scale language models (OpenAI, 2022). Unlike
its predecessors, ChatGPT has grasped the attention of researchers and the public for
its ability to respond smartly, rapidly, and multilingually. At present stage, a few studies
were published to explore the potential and strength of using ChatGPT’s features in
education, e.g., enhancing creativity and critical thinking (Zhai, 2022), sitting for an
medical exam (Gilson et al., 2022), and empowering learners in engineering education
(Qadir, 2022). A consensus in the power of ChatGPT for education was reached in
Among its versatile utilization, the power of ChatGPT’s automatic text generation
attracted interest of researchers increasingly. Wenzlaff and Spaeth (2022) affirmed that
ChatGPT-generated texts were praised for overall quality (Gao et al., 2022), originality
in contents (Yeadon et al., 2022), good performance in writing literature reviews (Aydın
& Karaarslan, 2022). Apart from the promising effects in writing, thought-provoking
concerns emerged for its potential to elude plagiarism detection (Yeadon et al., 2022).
Haque et al. (2022) pointed out that social media users were more concerned for
highlighted the potential threats posed by ChatGPT to academic integrity in tests and
exams (Susnjak, 2022). For academic writing, diversified opinions were heard about
whether using automatically generated text was plagiarizing (Frye, 2022; Jabotinsky &
Sarel, 2022; Yeadon et al., 2022).
education. Most existing literature piloted the application of ChatGPT in a setting out
reflection about ChatGPT were trivial. Consequently, we are now facing a knowledge
According to Pecorari (2001), plagiarism was defined as “material that has been
peers, 3) self-plagiarism and 4) buying articles from the Internet. Researchers have
advocated the inclusion of all “cheating behaviors” under the umbrella of plagiarism
The plagiarizing behaviors have been sternly criticized for being a “heinous crime”
(Pecorari, 2003) and “intellectual theft” (Traniello & Bakker, 2016). In actual
educational settings, plagiarism was often intertwined with other aspects other than
contradiction in perception of plagiarism between learners and educators was
paraphrasing and patchwriting to avoid explicit plagiarism (Liu et al., 2018). Educators
have complained that such behaviors were hard to detect (Pecorari, 2022), even with
For decades, researchers have produced prolific evidence for the perception
(Chien, 2017; Hu & Lei, 2012; Merkel, 2020), practice (Keck, 2006; Neumann et al.,
2019), detection (Hayes & Introna, 2005; Stapleton, 2012) and countermeasures (Keck,
a major source of information for learners, scholars has warned that “unconventional
(Li & Casanave, 2012, p. 166). Subsequently, an array of research was undertaken to
reconceptualize plagiarism and suggest coping strategies (Davies & Howard, 2016;
Flowerdew & Li, 2007). The issue emerged anew amid the advancement of AI.
plagiarism detection (Gao et al., 2022; Haque et al., 2022; Susnjak, 2022). Additionally,
plagiarism. As a result, the existing gap in understanding the potential plagiarism with
AI-based tools and learners’ perceptions in pedagogy should be imperatively
The study set out to examine the impact of ChatGPT’s automatic text generation
theoretical underpinning of the study was grounded in peer scaffolding (Taheri &
Nazmi, 2021) and reflective learning (Morris, 2020; Şener & Mede, 2022) theories.
Adhering to Kolb’s experiential learning cycles (Kolb & Kolb, 2017), the study
learning sessions, students were encouraged to explore the features of ChatGPT with
introspect and analyze the values and threats of using ChatGPT in L2 writing learning.
in L2 Writing?
3. Methods and Materials
Specifically, the study encompassed two strands, through which both research questions
were answered respectively. Result and findings from each strand were collectively
university. A special practicum was developed for learning and practicing introductory
knowledge in applying ChatGPT for L2 writing. To recruit participants for the study, a
were finally recruited out of the pool through case-by-case observation and screening.
From December 12th to December 18th, 2022, 116 ELF majors in an undergraduate
all the instructional sessions of other courses were suspended during the practicum. For
each day, two instructional sessions (each of 45 minutes) and six practical sessions were
Studying how to improve the
Collaborative quality of the writing through Finish five task random
activity: improving group practices. assigned for the improvement in
the quality of auto- textual quality of auto-generated
generated texts Automatic grading of learning texts.
Providing feedback about the
Peer-feedback of
Saturday textual quality of writings
textual quality
provided by peer learners.
Learning how to combine
Collaborative Self-directed learning and
other AI-based or automatic
activity: towards an practice to improve proficiency.
software and applications to
Sunday automatic workflow
for writing in second
in general writing scenarios were provided to students. The videos were collected from
Youtube and Bilibili, two major video-sharing social media websites. A series of
supplementary didactic materials with which students could become skillful at utilizing
ChatGPT in L2 writing. Most of the videos and materials were produced and published
within two weeks after the release of ChatGPT. The contents of the materials were about
using the text generated in ChatGPT’s interactive chat flows for generic writing tasks,
e.g., casual essay, blog posts, and fictions. Nevertheless, we provided several videos
created by Chinese content producers whose foci included high-stakes tests and
On Thursday, student exchanged with and learned from peer learners for advanced
tips and techniques discovered during their practices. A brainstorm approach was
the textual quality of peer learners. On Friday and Sunday, two sessions of collaborative
activities were prescribed in which students honed their skills through extensive
Writing on Friday.
With the arrangement of the practicum, students could focus on learning and
practicing relevant skills and techniques required by developer of the practicum. In pre-
perspective towards the behavior of using auto-generated text for completing L2 writing
tasks. Academic integrity and honesty were upheld throughout the practicum and
3.3. Procedures
Different data collection strategies were employed in both research strands, i.e.,
analysis for learning log (G. A. Bowen, 2009) and thematic analysis for the interview
behaviors. Multiple methods were employed for observation, e.g., screen monitoring,
writing. Upon the completion of the practicum, all learning logs and classroom
observations were collected and screened by researcher based on the relevance to the
topic. Eventually, 159 learning log items and 89 pieces of classroom observation details
Second, the eight participants were invited for three sessions of in-depth interview.
Students were required to follow the instruction of the moderator to answer and discuss
about questions from the interview protocol. Each interview session lasted for about 45
to 60 minutes. The interview was audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Upon the
completion of the interview sessions, member checking was conducted to ensure that
3.4. Analysis
Daglish et al. (2020), was applied to the analysis of classroom observation and learning
logs. For the analysis of the interview, the thematic analysis strictly followed the six-
step procedures suggest by Braun and Clarke (2012). Two additional lecturers were
recruited to assist the researchers in coding and theme extraction. A joint discussion
was convened to settle disagreements among coders. When the data analyses were
finalized, all findings were converged and triangulated for the major findings of the
4. Findings
ChatGPT through classroom observation and learning logs were analyzed. As a result,
experimenting the basic usage, and 3) exploration for advanced techniques. Figure 1
Figure 1. Developmental Stages of Using ChatGPT in L2 Writing
individually after learning from introductory videos. Most of the students were able to
effectively prompts ChatGPT to generate text for a given topic. However, most of the
practices at this stage remained one-time performances, i.e., students were unable to
formatively amend the prompt for regeneration of texts until satisfaction. The students
were able to post-edit the generated texts for improvement in the choice of words,
generally satisfied with the quality of the generated text in language accuracy, syntactic
coherence, grammatical correctness, language styles and the compliance with academic
After the initial introduction and familiarization, students practiced the obtained
skills for multiple writing tasks. At this stage, students reported that they gradually
learned how to utilize the interactive features of ChatGPT for improvement in text
quality and relevance to the task requirements. According to the learning logs, students
began to seek external sources for hints and assistance. Through the practice sessions,
answers to amended prompts. According to the results of automatic grading, the overall
quality of the writing has significantly improved after two or three rounds of
the writing, were generally attained after one iteration of the “prompting-regeneration”
version of ChatGPT’s text generation and an improved version with explicit prompt for
Figure 2. Automatic grading of direct output (A) from ChatGPT’s text generation and an
improved version (B)
Note: The holistic grading was composed of three dimensions: vocabulary-level quality,
sentence-making abilities and overall quality.
In the final stage during the practicum, students began to finetune textual quality
with other automatic text processing tools. Based on students’ experiences, four major
detection; 3) grammar checkers, which provided automatic grammatical checking and
students turn the text from a redundant and repetitive style to a more concise one.
automate the workflow in L2 writing and attaining better textual quality through AI-
based rephrasing and amendments. As a result, relevant tips and techniques for
automatic editing spread rapidly among learners. As the students reported in learning
logs, the further modification and rewriting not only lead to better writing quality but
through extant means of detection. Upon completion of the practicum, most students
showed sufficient mastery in using ChatGPT and relevant AI-based tools for
obtained from the in-depth interview sessions were synthesized. Therefore, the
following themes were identified: 1) the Power of ChatGPT, 2) the potential threats
posed by ChatGPT for learners, and 3) suggestions for proper use of ChatGPT in L2
writing. Figure 3 shows a thematic map illustrating the themes and key contents of the
Figure 3. Thematic map of the in-depth interview
When asked about the effects of the application of ChatGPT on L2 writing, students
expressed their appreciation of the tool in generating text for multilingual writing tasks.
[ChatGPT] has been really fast in generating text. When you give it a topic,
the application will return with a short essay of about 300 words in no time. (Julia,
Session #2).
ChatGPT’s writing was at “above average or at least acceptable levels”. To the students,
the generated text was idiomatic and well-structured. In addition, ChatGPT was
believed to be “good at giving examples” from “many disciplines and fields”. Most
students have tried to check the grammar and textual quality in applications such as
include an opening paragraph to lead in, several detailed paragraphs to fill in and
a concluding one to finish. I can’t say it’s perfect, but it is at least complete,
obedience to the standards of academic writing. Users could prompt the application to
include legitimate in-text citation and references list. Furthermore, users could wield
the flexibility provided by the platform to request for a change in linguistics tones or
generated. For example, when you ask it to produce a text with “academic tone”
or “casual style”, it would generate very different writings. [This means that] it is
In regard to the automatic workflow of ChatGPT, students argued that better results
could be obtained through the interaction with the platform. Users could ask ChatGPT
Session #2).
concern about inequity. To many student participants in the practicum, the power of
ChatGPT to generate a piece of writing “in the blink of an eye” violated the basic
principle of educational equity. Students affirmed that the knowledge and experiences
for writing, literature reading and data gathering. The complex process of “reading-
demanded for an apparent lower level of language competence and writing skills.
I found it utterly unfair for students using traditional ways learning … For
us, we needed to spend hours reading and searching for the specific piece of
Furthermore, students argued that the chances for the generated document to be
approximately 10%-15%, which were “distinctly far away from the danger zone”. As
argued by the students, ChatGPT was not the first widely used tool for plagiarism,
patchwriting and paraphrasing. However, its ability to elude detection and recognition
was shockingly impactful on learners. As a student put it, ChatGPT “depreciated her
Last but not least, the spread of “tips and tricks” of using ChatGPT for plagiarism
was viral on major social media platforms. To the dismay of many respondents, the
high-stakes tests “made him sad and helpless” (Benjamin, Session #3). In addition,
The combination of ChatGPT and tools such as quillbot was a blessing for
those seeking shortcuts. The whole workflow was automatic, all you need to do
is just copying and pasting a few keywords and a few clicks for final production.
From the perspective of ideal plagiarism, it seems perfect. (Olivia, Session #3)
4.2.3 Suggestions for proper use
First and foremost, Students claimed that the usage of ChatGPT in L2 writing
should be strictly limited. It was advised by the respondents that ChatGPT should be
completing writing tasks and tests should be prohibited and punished. Specifically,
didactic materials. As the students put it, it would be beneficial to use ChatGPT to
provide “extra materials for studying and comparison” (Lucas, Session #2) against the
[It’s natural] that a tool’s value is justified by its proper usage. I am angry
not controlled and limited, the true learners would be hurt eventually. (Riley,
Session #2)
practicum, the chance for lecturers (with or without plagiarism detection technologies)
to discover the traces of plagiarizing with ChatGPT remained minimal at current stage.
Students expressed their concerns that the development of AI-based plagiarism
detection lagged behind the “leaps and bounds in software and applications such as
ChatGPT and Quillbot” (David, Session #1). Additionally, suggestions were made to
For the pedagogy of L2 writing, students emphasized the urgency for developing
regulations and guidance regarding the use of ChatGPT and similar tools. Students
believed that the continuous exposure to AI-based tools would be a “new normal”. In
Unfortunately, the prerequisites for such transformation, i.e., regulations, guidance, and
protocols for practice, were nonexistent. Additionally, students believed that their
awareness of the ethical and academic danger resulted from plagiarism with state-of-
5. Discussions
ChatGPT’s text generation functions and apply in L2 writing, the following major
findings were reached: students could easily grasp the basic skills to use ChatGPT in
writing and improved their proficiency and capabilities through collaborative activities;
students acknowledge the strength of ChatGPT and expressed more concern for
educational equity. In the following sections, the findings and implications are
According to the experiences and the quality of learning artifacts in the practicum,
the AI-based strength of ChatGPT was fully displayed. The acceptable quality of direct
output observed in the study was in tandem with the promising results reported in study
by Aydın and Karaarslan (2022). Students’ experiences from the self-evaluation and
automatic grading systems supported the claim from other studies that ChatGPT’s
to its versatility for various educational domains. From the viewpoints of the
disciplines and fields. This was in tandem with the diversity of educational settings in
which ChatGPT has proved its potential and applicability (Gilson et al., 2022; Qadir,
The study was in agreement with the finding from a previous study that students
wrote with fewer grammatical errors and more lexical diversities with technologies
(Dizon & Gayed, 2021). However, due to the variances in internal mechanism, the
direct comparison between ChatGPT and precedented writing assistants would be
impossible. By the same token, the researcher have observed a similar improvement in
(Koltovskaia, 2020). The similarities revealed that fact that ChatGPT’s strength in
assisting L2 writing was significant, yet it offered a totally different way to write.
However, it was inappropriate to infer that ChatGPT was capable of all writing
ChatGPT as a major information source was risky. Gao et al. (2022) have criticized that
ChatGPT’s production lacked in-depth insights which were required for high quality
existing in other studies (Haque et al., 2022; M. Alshater, 2022) such as the lack of
domain expertise and limited abilities to generate original text. Therefore, the relatively
offered an “all-in-one” solution for users. In the past, the technology-based tools were
basically used for a specific aspect in the writing process, e.g., grammar checking
(Dizon & Gayed, 2021), rephrasing (Fitria, 2022), feedback (Koltovskaia, 2020), etc.
In the study, students can take advantage of ChatGPT’s interaction functionalities for
almost all the tasks conceivable. The difference could be attributed to the fact that
ChatGPT is innately designed to be a chatbot that will respond to all kinds of requests.
Furthermore, ChaGPT provided a linear workflow to writing. For example, in the cases
using Grammarly, students are required to write by themselves and use the tool to check
the textual quality of the composition (Dizon & Gayed, 2021). The grammar check is a
one-time action with constant evaluation as long as the source text remains unchanged.
However, for the workflow of ChatGPT, users can always prompt the AI-powered
The experiences from students were in alignment with the articulation of Benzon
iterations of conversation with the users, ChatGPT could adjust its text generation
strategies to better suit the explicit demands. This could be deemed as one of ChatGPT’s
advantage over precedent text generators. In addition, the iterative and interactive
feature happened to be the actual connotation of the word “chat” in its name. At present
the bar exam, the authors purposefully used a “re-prompt and regeneration” strategy for
eliciting answers from ChatGPT (Bommarito II & Katz, 2022). The findings from the
present study indicated that learners could attain significant improvement in textual
quality through interaction with the system. Nevertheless, the elicitation of satisfactory
responses from ChatGPT was a craft in need of special expertise and repeated practices.
In the study, participants generally showed more concern rather than satisfaction
towards the unrestricted application of ChatGPT in L2 writing. This was the unexpected
yet understandable finding of the study. In the first place, the relatively conservative
and negative attitudes were beyond the expectations in designing the practicum. In
(Seyyedrezaei et al., 2022; Tuzi, 2004). In the study, the strength and versatility of
unexpected aspect of the finding could be attributed to the design of the practicum. In
From another perspective, students’ concerns and worries were reasonable. The
whose exposure to latest technologies was limited, concerned about the position of
concerns were heard from participants and scholars (Haque et al., 2022; Susnjak, 2022).
unethical application (Gao et al., 2022). The concerted concerns pinpointed that
ChatGPT could be a double-edged sword for students and educators. However, the
adjustments were mandatory for education to embrace AI-based tools. The issues
5.4. Implications
language education.
Goh’s (2013) tetrachotomous taxonomy of plagiarism is proposed. The original
classification was incapacitated confronting the practice of using AI generated text for
classified under plagiarism as the writing process is based on the collective intelligence
in the database but void of the practitioner’s contribution. Automatic paraphrasing with
the recent finding in plagiarism detection (Roe & Perkins, 2022; Wahle et al., 2022).
Moreover, according to Pecorari & Petrić (2014), the shortage and misuse of quotation
For pedagogy, extra attention should be paid to the application of tools such as
writing for a given topic. The research suggests educators to adopt a rational perspective
towards the emergence of ChatGPT and follow-up applications taking advantage of the
powerful GPT-3.5 language model. Instead of obstructing students’ exposure and access
to such tools, lecturers should develop and implement a protocol of application to make
6. Conclusions
ChatGPT’s automatic text generation features. Their practices in applying the tool and
corresponding reflections were collected and analyzed. The findings revealed that the
tool and the revolutionary workflow around it were powerful and potentially applicable
for L2 writing learners who were more perturbed than jubilant for its presence. The
study is significant for its contribution to expand our knowledge in plagiarism and to
The study faced the limitation in the duration and design of the practicum.
fully grasp and attain proficiency in the features of ChatGPT. Moreover, the impact of
ChatGPT on other aspects in L2 writing were not measured and investigated. However,
the study had the merits of being a pioneering effort to evaluate the impact of the AI-
studies, researchers could expand the scope of the research in the following directions:
literacy facing AI-based tools; and 3) the longitudinal effects of ChatGPT on learning
achievements, etc.
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