Assessment Rubric - TASK 2
Assessment Rubric - TASK 2
Assessment Rubric - TASK 2
Assessment Details
Course Name:
Course Teacher:
Task Description: This practical assessment will help you to be able to understand
the purpose of assessment, how to create different assessment
tools, when to use different assessment tools, analyze
assessment data, and write a summative report on the students
learning. There are two parts to this assessment task which is to
be done independently.
Part 1: Assessment Portfolio
Part 2: Assessment Report
1. During teaching practice, in consultation with the MST,
you will become one student’s key person while on
teaching practice to monitor and assess the student,
collecting assessment data in a portfolio
2. You will perform observations and assessments of the
student’s learnings in a minimum of 2 different learning
(subject) domains or one development domain
3. You will also pick samples of work that the student
performed to include in your assessment portfolio of the
4. After completing different observations and collecting
this in a portfolio, you will analyse the data and write a
short student report on this student.
Special Instructions: Your final portfolio will include all of the observation data and
the final completed student report.
Your assessments (observations) must be based on the
following observational techniques as discussed by Brodie
(2013) in Chapter 4 and from the website about observations.
You must use at least five of these to meet a C grade or at
standard and one must be a learning story.
Observational Description
Magic Moment
Learning Stories
Time Sample
Running Record
Anecdotal Note
2 pieces of
student work for
Weighting: 40%
Grading/Marking Criteria: Your grade will be determined using the relevant criteria from
the attached rubric.
(to be determined by the
teacher using the attached
criteria matrix)
Course Name: Planning and Assessment for Early Course Code ECE 3503
Instructor Name:
Student Name:
Final Grade/Mark
General Comments
Achievement that does not meet
Significantly Achievement that
below course narrowly fails to
requirements meet the Achievement that is Achievement that is
MARKING Asse ssme Clearly requirements Achievement that minimally meets the Achievement that satisfactorily
CRITERIA nt has not does not significantly above the outstanding relative to
course requirements meets the course requirements
been meet course requirements the course requirements
submitted the
at all, is require
not- ments
or not
GPA Range 0 – 0.99 1.0 – 1.99 2.0 – 2.99 3.0 – 3.69 3.7 – 4.0
F D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A
0 -29 30 - 59 60 – 63 64 – 66 67 – 69 70 – 73 74 – 76 77 – 79 80 – 83 84 – 86 87 – 89 90 - 100
GPA 0 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0
Displays some
Does not address
Attention to knowledge but is Addresses the questions clearly,
the question Attempts to address the questions, but there is Makes a sound attempt at addressing questions. Addresses the purpose of the
Purpose and not linked to the systematically and
and/or digression and some misunderstanding. Some minor digression or misunderstanding questions clearly.
questions in the comprehensively.
Questions assignment task.
No attempt or Represents an Represents a Represents a Represents Represents Represents an Represents a Represents a Represents an Represents Represents an
Addresses the
submitted work unsuccessful very limited limited andeveloping an improved adequate satisfactory good accomplished an excellent outstanding
purpose and
which represents attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that attempt that assessment assessment portfolio and assessment
questions related
an unsuccessful provides a very presents provides provides provides provides some provides portfolio and portfolio and report portfolio and
to the
attempt that general reflection general general general some assessment enough report with report with addressing report
assignment/ task
displays very little with no relevant reflections reflections reflections with meaningful evidence in assessment sufficient sufficient the task addressing the
knowledge of the evidence and with no with little insufficient assessment the portfolio evidence in details and details and systematicall task
10% requirements of numerous evidence and evidence and evidence and with some and report; the portfolio only minor only minor y and systematically
an evidence-based digressions and/ or frequent clear noticeable relevant there are and report; digressions inaccuracies comprehensi and
reflection inaccuracies digressions digressions digressions evidence insignificant there are and/or with one of vely with comprehensivel
and/or and/or and/or despite digressions insignificant inaccuracies the tools. almost no y with no
inaccuracies inaccuracies inaccuracies some and/or digressions with 2 tools. inaccuracies. inaccuracies
digressions misunderstan and/or
and/or ding inaccuracies
Displays significant
Depth of gaps in knowledge
Attempts to show some understanding of Demonstrates the depth of
subject Fails to include and/or Demonstrates factual/conceptual understanding
knowledge with limited relevant terminology, Demonstrates the depth of subject knowledge clearly,
any relevant misunderstanding and appropriate terminology with minor
knowledge theory or subject knowledge subject knowledge clearly. systematically, and
knowledge of facts, omissions.
terminology and
Displays theory.
knowledge of
No attempt or Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates
submitted work some significant insufficient basic developing s and adequate satisfactory good accomplished s detailed outstanding
ory including
which shows gaps in knowledge understanding understanding understanding improved understanding understanding knowledge of and in-depth and in-depth and detailed,
range, depth and
almost no related to creating of how to of assessment of assessment; understandi of assessment of assessment assessment knowledge of knowledge and in-depth
accuracy of
knowledge of assessments create and shows provides little ng of and provides supported by and provides assessment of knowledge of
creating and appropriate some relevant assessment enough some details relevant and provides assessment; assessment in a
implementing assessment misconception evidence in with minor relevant and provides evidence for relevant assesses in a clear,
assessments tools s; provides support of the inaccuracies; evidence for enough the creation evidence in clear and systematic, and
little relevant creation of provides the creation relevant of appropriate support of the systematic comprehensive
assessments to
evidence in appropriate sufficient of appropriate evidence for assessment creation of way; way; provides
support of the assessment relevant assessment the creation tools appropriate provides an array of
creations of tools evidence for tools of appropriate assessment relevant relevant
appropriate the creation assessment tools evidence in evidence in
learning in
assessment of tools support of support of the
different context)
tools appropriate the creation creation of
assessment of appropriate
tools appropriate and valid and
assessment reliable
tools assessment
Demonstrates critical thinking
Demonstrates very Demonstrates critical thinking
Depth of and/or analysis to compare and
limited critical Demonstrates some critical thinking and/or and/or analysis to compare and
Analysis Fails to show contrast alternative positions
thinking or analysis Demonstrates limited critical thinking or analysis to analysis to compare and contrast alternative contrast alternative positions,
critical thinking or clearly, coherently,
to compare and compare and contrast alternative positions positions, and/or generate arguments or and/or generate arguments or
Demonstrates analysis. appropriately.
contrast alternative inferences inferences citing evidence to
solid Arguments and/or inferences
positions support their position
understanding of are clear and comprehensive
the problem or No attempt or has Demonstrates very Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates
situation, not submitted limited critical very limited limited developing s improved adequate satisfactory good critical accomplished s a very an outstanding,
considering work; provides no analysis of student analysis of analysis of ability to analysis of critical critical analysis of critical coherent, clear, coherent,
relevant facts evidence of learning and student student analyze student analysis of analysis of student analysis of and and
and evidence of analysis of student assessment data; learning and learning when assessment of learning student student learning when student appropriatel appropriately
critical thinking. learning and limited attempt to assessment observing and student when learning and learning when assessing and learning when y carried out carried out
assessment data; assess student data reporting. No learning, but assessing, generates few assessing, but generates assessing and critical analysis of
(Analyses no evidence of the learning observing and evidence is there is limited but little inferences there are some generates analysis of student
assessment assessment of reporting; provided critical thinking critical when some meaningful meaningful student learning when
instrument and learning limited ability when when reporting; thinking assessing and digressions inferences inferences learning assessing and
data to assess to assess reporting somewhat when reporting; and supported by supported by when reporting.
student learning; student student limited ability reporting, some ability misunderstan some clear evidence assessing Reporting
displays ability to learning learning. of how to some ability to assess dings when evidence when and generates
make outcomes; analyze to assess student reporting and when reporting. reporting; outstanding
appropriate there is no learning student learning assessing. reporting. Outlines next exemplary inferences
decisions) assessment of outcomes and learning outcomes and Outlines few Outlines some steps with and supported by
development development outcomes limited in the next steps; next steps; minor thorough clear and
levels levels and very assessment of some d ability ability to omissions; understandi comprehensive
20% limited in development to assess assess student ability to ng and evidence;
the levels in the student learning assess student ability to exemplary and
assessment classroom and learning outcomes and learning assess thorough ability
of for the final outcomes and development outcomes and student to assess
developmen report development levels. Only development learning student
t levels in levels; some some minor levels. Very outcomes learning
the understanding digressions few and outcomes and
classroom and ability to digressions or developmen development
and for final assess student errors. t levels. levels. No
report learning Limited errors or
outcomes and digressions digressions.
development or errors.
Demonstrates valid and reliable
Demonstrates very
Data Fails to use data Demonstrates valid and reliable use of appropriate data
limited use of valid Demonstrates limited use of valid and reliable data Demonstrates some use of valid and reliable data
Collection collection tools use of appropriate data collection tools with clear
and reliable data collection tools. collection tools.
collection tools. justification aligned to the
collection tools.
specific assessment task.
No attempt or Demonstrates very Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates
tools are
submitted work limited use of limited use of insufficient developing use s improving adequate satisfactory good evidence accomplished s excellent outstanding
provides no formative formative use formative of formative ability. There evidence of evidence of of evidence of sevidence of evidence of
designed, and/or
evidence of using observational observational observational observational is enough independent independent independent independent independent independent
used to ensure
formative assessment tools assessment assessment assessment evidence of use of use of 5 use and development development development
valid &/ or
observational with no validity tools and tools and tools and independent different different development and the use of and use of 8 of a range of
reliable data
assessment tools consideration displays many displays some use of formative formative of 6 different 7 different formative high-quality
of the learning inappropriate inappropriate formative observational observational formative formative observational formative
domain steps or steps or choices observationa tools to assess tools to assess observational observational assessment observational
(Uses a sufficient
choices of the of the learning l assessment student student assessment assessment tools which assessment
range of
learning domain. tools with learning. Has learning, but tools to assess tools to assess are tools. Use
domain only a few used the some minor and report on students and implemented more than 8
inappropriat required 4 digressions report on and used different
assessment tools
for the e choices different with student student appropriately assessment
completion of and tools. Some implementati learning. learning. to assess and tools
the portfolio and implementat digression and on report on systematically,
report) ion errors with student appropriately,
use learning and successful
20% ly to assess
and report on
Demonstrates a
Does not use Demonstrates use of language Demonstrates exemplary use of
Language very limited use of
language Demonstrates a limited use of language conventions Demonstrates some use of language conventions conventions with only some language conventions in the
Conventions language
conventions minor digressions writing
(Grammar and No attempt or Demonstrates very Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrate Outstanding
Mechanics) fails to use correct limited range of a general a limited range developing s an an adequate a satisfactory correct accomplished s an excellent use of a variety
grammar correct grammar limited range of correct range of improved range of range of grammar in grammar in variety of of error-free
Appropriate of correct grammar in correct range of correct correct simple simple complex simple and
sentence and No attempt or Demonstrates very grammar both simple grammar in grammar for grammar for grammar for sentences but sentences but sentences complex
paragraph fails to use limited correct use and complex both simple both simple both simple both simple commits some commits few with sentences
structure; and punctuation of full stops but Demonstrates sentences and complex and complex and complex and complex mistakes in mistakes occasional using the
spelling and correctly and other punctuation limited correct sentences sentences sentences complex complex errors that do passive voice
punctuation spelling mistakes is inaccurate and use of full Demonstrates despite few Demonstrates sentences sentences not impede where
impede spelling errors stops and basic use of Demonstrates inaccuracies Demonstrates satisfactory that do not the meaning, appropriate
understanding sometimes impede capital letters full stops and developing use adequate use use of Demonstrates impede the using the
10% understanding but other capital letters, of full stops Demonstrate of punctuation overall good meaning passive voice
punctuation but other and capital s improving punctuation and spelling, command of where Demonstrates
errors persist, punctuation letters and use of and spelling, and punctuation Demonstrates appropriate advanced
and spelling errors persist, question punctuation and the committed and spelling accomplished command of
errors and spelling marks but and spelling committed errors do not with only command of Demonstrate spelling and
sometimes errors do not other though errors have affect occasional punctuation s well- punctuation
impede clearly impede punctuation errors only limited understanding non-intrusive and spelling developed with almost no
understanding understanding errors persist, persist, but impact errors which with only command of errors
and spelling without understanding do not affect occasional spelling and
errors do not much impact meaning or non-intrusive punctuation
impede on understanding errors which errors with
understanding understandi do not affect rare non-
ng meaning or intrusive
understanding errors which
do not affect
meaning or
Presentation is
Presentation Fails to present disorganized, lacks Presentation is accurate,
Tool work according to appropriate support attractive, and creates a strong
the task from visual tool, Presentation clearly has a strong visual impact which enhances
Minimally meets visual aspects of the task, but Presentation of work is generally satisfactory and
Presents work instructions. and barely meets visual effect covering the task the message.
some omissions and/or inaccuracies are evident. has some visual impact
according to the task instructions to a good standard.
the instructions.
specified in the
task Does not follow Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
instructions correct formatting very limited a limited basic a developing improving adequate satisfactory good accomplished excellent outstanding
with the appropriate understanding understanding understanding formatting, correct formatting formatting formatting formatting formatting
appropriate formatting and ability to and ability to and ability to but there are formatting with few requirements requirements and meets the and meets the
tool selected. meet meet meet some errors with some errors or with only with only task task
formatting formatting formatting or and falls errors or omissions, minor minor requirements. requirements.
(Follows format requirement; requirement. requirement; slightly below omissions, meets most digressions in digressions in There are There are no
and assignment there are There are there are the but meets of the the the minimal errors errors or
requirements many issues issues with issues with requirements most of the requirements requirement requirement, or omissions omissions
including with use of organization, organization for the requirements of the which but this does
correct use of headings, use of and some use portfolio of the portfolio minimally not impact
headings, organization, headings, of headings portfolio impacts the the overall
subheadings, neatness, and formatting, and overall effectiveness
tables, formatting neatness effectiveness the portfolio
diagrams, and of the
labels; portfolio
and neatness of
portfolio and
and initiative No attempt to Demonstrates very Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
during activities complete or initiate minimal little basic developing improving adequate satisfactory good accomplished excellent outstanding
task productivity and productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity, productivity,
initiative and/or initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and initiative, and
10% does not engage engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement engagement
with feedback and with feedback with feedback with feedback with feedback with feedback with feedback with feedback with feedback with feedback with feedback
self-assessment. and self- and self- and self- and self- and self- and self- and self- and self- and self- and self-
assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment assessment
with some with little with little or reflection using consistently consistently
support from support from no support reflection using depth of using depth of
the teacher the teacher from the reflection reflection
and/or peers and/or peers teacher
and/or peers
Practical Assessment Task #2
Assessment Task: Practical Assessment Task (Assessment Portfolio and Report)
1. During teaching practice, in consultation with the MST, you will become one student’s key person while on teaching practice to learn how to create and
implement assessment and the write a summative report on their learning.
2. After you have chosen a student after discussion with your MST, during TP you will complete observations and collect assessment information so you can write a
report on a minimum of two key learning areas on that student when TP is done. (See report template below)
3. You will also pick samples of work that the student performed to include with your assessment of the student.
Part 1: Teaching practice observations and collection of student data (one student) which comes from observational tools
Part 2: Report for the student based on two key learning areas. ( i.e., Math/English/Social Studies, etc.).
Therefore, your final portfolio will include:
For Part 1, your observations (assessment) must be based on the following observational techniques discussed by Brodie (2013) in Chapter 4 and from
the website about observations. You must use at least five of these to meet a C grade or at standard, and one must be a learning story. If you want to
exceed expectations, you will do more assessments using more than five different strategies.
Checklist/Rating Scale
Running Record
Anecdotal Note
Student work (worksheets,
writing, etc.)
2 pieces of student work for
portfolio (mandatory)
STEPS while teaching practice to complete Assessment Task: The following steps will help you carry out your assessment task.
Step 1: Discuss the project with MST and get approval to observe and assess one student in the class.
Step 2: Plan what (two subjects) you will observe and what type of observations you will use. You must use at least five different methods, and one must
be a learning story.
Step 3: Develop and collect any materials or resources you will need.
Step 3: Complete observation techniques (must use at least five different types) throughout your placement. Try and implement as many as you can.
Use of at least five different observations; some can be multiple times (these must be done in real-time – so be sure to include time, date,
setting, and focus of observation ).
For some tools, you might have to design the tool (anecdotal note; checklist) or you can use tools created by others
Choose two items that illustrate creativity, language, or relationships that you might include in a portfolio.
Fill in a summary report on student learning using observations in the different areas of learning (template below)
Use a pseudonym for the student with this project to protect the student's identity
Lastly, consult the assessment rubric to see how you will be assessed for this assignment and meet the assessment criteria.
1. Introduction which includes the following;
Topic sentence about formative assessment in ECE. Importance of observations and ongoing data collection for ECE
children. You will mention that you are going to focus on the following areas………………
In this report, I will ………………………and ……………………..
2. Section 1: Assessment data (all the tools and samples of work that you used (observational tools)
3. Section 2: Report (Use template)
4. Conclusion:
Discuss what you learned about assessing students in ECE
Discuss the relationship between observation and assessment
Discussion about how you summatively assess students in ECE
Note: When you return from TP, you will put your portfolio together and write your student report. You need to make sure that your e-portfolio is
complete but also your observations and assessment is of high quality.