Call For Papers Krise Engl
Call For Papers Krise Engl
Call For Papers Krise Engl
Social Critique
at Humboldt-
Universität zu
April 17 –19, 2024, Berlin
This is to say, the often quite varied and inconsistent use of the concept
of crisis in today’s media and political discourse should be scrutinized.
Keeping the Marxist critique in mind, the experience of crises as isola-
ted and contingent phenomena with vague criteria can dissimulate the
deeper crisis-nature of the societal formation and therefore ultimately
serve the interest of those in power. A crisis is not a phenomenon that
is “given,” but rather one that must be analytically divulged and situa-
ted within a larger social and historical context.
Seite 1
One of early Critical Theory’s more enduring contributions was its sug-
gestion that a symptom of this crisis-nature was the crisis of experien-
ce itself. Over the last decades, the epistemological critiques of post-
structural, feminist, queer-theoretical, race-critical and anti-colonial
theory have brought even the legitimacy of (certain understandings of)
“experience” into question, making a confrontation with this contribu-
tion of early Critical Theory ever more urgent. For when a crisis of expe-
rience feeds back into the experience of crisis, then not only knowledge
but the very agency of subjects and collectives is problematized.
Seite 2
Questions of particular importance:
Seite 3
Seite 4
Seite 5