Unit-1 MLT
Unit-1 MLT
Unit-1 MLT
Text Books
Course Outcomes
Text Books
1) Tom M. Mitchell, ―Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill
Education (India) Private Limited, 2013.
2) Ethem Alpaydin, ―Introduction to Machine Learning
(Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning), The
MIT Press 2004.
3) Stephen Marsland, ―Machine Learning: An
Algorithmic Perspective, CRC Press, 2009.
4) Bishop, C., Pattern Recognition and Machine
Learning. Berlin: Springer-Verlag
Course Outcomes
“Artificial Intelligence, deep learning,
machine learning — whatever you’re doing if
you don’t understand it — learn it. Because
otherwise, you’re going to be a dinosaur
within 3 years.”
- Mark Cuban, American entrepreneur
What is Machine Learning?
What is Machine Learning?
Artificial Intelligence is the concept of creating smart
intelligent machines.
Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence
that helps you build AI-driven applications.
Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning that
uses vast volumes of data and complex algorithms to
train a model.
Let’s have a look at an example of an AI-driven product
- Amazon Echo :
How Does Machine Learning Work?
Machine learning accesses vast amounts of data (both
structured and unstructured) and learns from it to
predict the future. It learns from the data by using
multiple algorithms and techniques.
ML Applications & Examples
1) Social Media Features : E.g : Facebook notices &
records your activities, chats, likes, and comments,
and the time you spend on specific kinds of
posts. ML learns from your own experience & makes
friends & page suggestions for your profile.
2) Product Recommendations Using ML & AI,
websites track your behavior based on your previous
purchases, searching patterns, and cart history, and
then make product recommendations.
3) Image Recognition : Image recognition is an approach
for cataloging and detecting a feature or an object in the
digital image.
4) Sentiment Analysis : It is a real-time ML application
that determines the emotion or opinion of the speaker
or the writer. For e.g, if someone has written a review
or email (or any form of a document), a sentiment
analyzer will instantly find out the actual thought and
tone of the text.
5) Language Translation : One of the most common
ML applications is language translation. It plays a
significant role in the translation of one language to
another. E.g: websites can translate from one language
to another effortlessly.
6) Medical diagnosis :
Real-world examples for medical diagnosis:
Assisting in formulating a diagnosis or recommends a
treatment option
Oncology & pathology use ML to recognise cancerous
Types of ML
1) Supervised Learning
In supervised learning technique, we train the
machines using the "labelled" dataset, and based on
the training, the machine predicts the output
The labelled data specifies that some of the inputs are
already mapped to the output.
First, we train the machine with the input &
corresponding output, and then we ask the machine to
predict the output using the test dataset.
Supervised Learning Techniques
Supervised machine learning can be classified into two
types of problems, which are given below:
1) Classification A classification problem is when the
output variable is a category, such as “Red” or “blue” ,
“disease” or “no disease”.
Some popular classification algorithms are given below:
Random Forest Algorithm
Decision Tree Algorithm (ID3)
Naïve Bayes Algorithm
Support Vector Machine Algorithm
Supervised Learning
2) Regression A regression problem is when the output
variable is a real value, such as “dollars” or “weight”.
Techniques of Regression :