Keb F5
Keb F5
Keb F5
Version 3.31
REV 1A - 2/2018
This instruction manual describes the KEB F5 ELEVATOR DRIVE. Before working with
the unit the user must become familiar with it. This especially applies to the knowledge
and observance of the following safety and warning indications. The icons used in this
instruction manual have the following meaning:
c i
Danger Pay Attention Information
Discharge Time Important Help
Caution Warning Tip
For online elevator support, pdf manuals, and instructional videos, visit our blog
Table of Contents
1. General...................................................... 6 3.3.4 SSi Encoder Interface X3A .........................................53
3.3.5 BiSS / EnDat 2.2 Encoder Interface X3A ...................56
1.1 Product Description......................................... .....6 3.3.6 Hiperface Encoder Interface X3A................................59
3.3.7 UVW Encoder Interface X3A........................................62
1.2 Summary of Changes...................................... .....7 3.3.8 Incremental TTL Encoder Interface X3A SubD .........64
1.2.1 Functions..........................................................................7
3.3.9 X3B Output TTL Incremental......................................66
1.2.2 Parameters........................................................................7
9. Errata.................................................... 316
AC motor controls and servo drives contain dangerous voltages which
Danger to Life
can cause death or serious injury. During operation they can have live
"energized" un-insulated parts, moving parts, as well as hot surfaces.
Care should be taken to ensure correct and safe operation in order to
minimize risk to personnel and equipment.
All work involving this product, installation, start up as well as mainte-
Only Qualified nance, may only be performed by qualified electrical technical person-
Personnel nel. According to this manual "qualified" means: those who are able to
recognize and acknowledge the possible dangerous conditions based
on their training and experience and those who are familiar with the
relevant standards and installation codes as well as the field of power
Protect Against damage during transport, installation, and use. Components or covers
Accidental must not be bent or deformed as this may decrease insulation distances
Contact inside the unit resulting in an unsafe condition. On receipt of the unit
visual damage should be reported immediately to the supplier. DO NOT
This unit contains electrostatically sensitive components which can
be destroyed by incorrect handling. For that reason, disassembly of the
unit or contact with the components should be avoided.
Note Capacitor Before any installation and connection work can be done, the supply
voltage must be turned off and locked out. After turning off the supply
Discharge Time
voltage, dangerous voltages may still be present within the unit as the
bus capacitors discharge. Therefore it is necessary to wait 5 minutes
before working on the unit after turning off the supply voltage.
The low voltage control terminal strip and communication ports are se-
Secure curely isolated in accordance with EN50178. When connecting to other
Isolation systems, it is necessary to verify the insulation ratings of these sys-
tems in order to ensure the EN requirements are still met. When con-
necting the unit to a grounded delta power system, the control circuit
can no longer be classified as a "securely isolated circuit".
Before putting the motor control into operation be sure the connection
terminals are tight and all covers removed for installation have been
The AC motor control or servo system can be adjusted to self initiate an
Damage to
automatic restart in the event of a fault or error condition. The design
Property and In- of the system must take this into account, such that personnel are safe
jury to Persons guarded against potentially dangerous circumstances.
Redundant Safety
used to control or regulate external systems. However, in the event of
failure of the motor control or servo system there is no guarantee these
software function(s) will continue to provide the desired level of con-
trol. As a result, when operator or machine safety is at stake, external
elements must be used to supplement or override the software function
within the AC motor control or servo system.
1. General
1.2.1 Functions The following functions are new. Each will be described in more detail on
the following pages.
1.2.2 Parameters The following parameters are new to software version 3.31. Each will be
described in more detail on the following pages.
Technical Information
2. Technical Information
2.1.1 Classification The elevator drive is classified as an “Open Type” inverter with an IP20
rating and is intended for “use in a pollution degree 2 environment.”
The unit must be mounted inside of a control cabinet offering proper
environmental protection.
2.1.2 Physical Install the inverter in a stationary location offering a firm mounting point with
Mounting low vibration.
Installation of the inverter on a moving system may require special earth ground
connections to the inverter.
For best high frequency grounding, install the inverter on a bare metal sub-
panel, i.e. zinc plated steel or galvanized steel.
Technical Information
2.1.3 Harsh For extended life, prevent dust from getting into the inverter.
When installing the unit inside a sealed enclosure, make sure the enclosure is
sized correctly for proper heat dissipation or that a cooling system has been
installed in the panel.
Protect the inverter against conductive and corrosive gases and
liquids. Water or mist should not be allowed into the inverter.
2.1.4 Ambient Maximum Surrounding Air Temperature 45°C! The operating temperature
Conditions range of the unit is -10°C to + 45°C (14°F to +113°F). Operation outside
of this temperature range can lead to shut down of the inverter.
The unit can be stored (power off) in the temperature range -25°C to 70°C
(-13°F to +158°F).
The power rating of the inverter must be derated for operation above 3,300
ft (1000 m). Reduce the rated power 1% for each additional 330 ft (100 m).
The maximum elevation for operation is 6,560 ft (2000 m).
Technical Information
2.2.1 Safety First CAUTION - RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK! Always disconnect supply
voltage before servicing the F5 Elevator Drive.
2.2.2 Voltage Supply Pay attention to the supply voltage and be sure the supply voltage matches
that of the inverter. A 240V unit can be supplied with voltage in the range 180
to 260VAC +/-0%, for a 480V unit the range is 305 to 528VAC +/- 0%, 48Hz
to 62 Hz.
All 240V models are suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more
than ___ kA rms symmetrical amperes, 240 volts maximum when protected
by class ___ fuses rated ___ Amperes as specified in table or when
protected by a circuit breaker having an interrupt rating not less than ___ kA
rms symmetrical amperes, 240V maximum, rated ___ amperes as specified
in table
All 480V models are suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more
than ___ kA rms symmetrical amperes, 480 volts maximum when protected
by class ___ fuses rated ___ Amperes as specified in table or when
protected by a circuit breaker having an interrupt rating not less than ___ kA
rms symmetrical amperes, 480V maximum, rated ___ amperes as specified
in table
Connection of the F5 series inverters to voltage systems configured
as a corner grounded delta, center tap grounded delta, open delta, or
ungrounded delta, may defeat the internal noise suppression of the
inverter. Increased high frequency disturbance in the controller and on the
line may be experienced. A balanced, neutral grounded wye connection
is always recommended. The three phase voltage imbalance must be
less than 2% phase-to-phase. Greater imbalance can lead to damage of
the inverter’s power circuit.
Repetitive cycling on and off of the input supply voltage more than once every
two minutes can lead to damage of the inverter.
Technical Information
2.2.4 Fusing Integral solid state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit
protection. Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance
with the Manufacturer Instructions, National Electrical Code (NFPA70 or
CSA22.1) and any additional local codes.
The minimum voltage rating for protection devices used with 240V inverters
shall be 250VAC. The minimum voltage rating for protection devices used with
480V inverters shall be 600VAC.
Fuses shall not be installed between the drive and the motor.
In PM motor applications where the drive input current can be lower than the
output current, it is allowed to use a protection device with a lower current
rating thus being able to optimize line side wiring and ancillary components.
If the controller / elevator drive is supplied through an individual isolation
transformer, the maximum fuse amperage rating shall not be greater than
125% of the secondary current rating of the transformer per NFPA70 and
CSA 22.1. This value may be significantly lower than the values in the
preceding tables.
Branch circuit protection for the F5 must be provided using the fuses as
listed in the tables and below. Fast Acting class J fuses
are recommended due to size and trip speed. Note the amperage value
is the maximum value. Lower values may be used based on the relative
sizing of the motor to the inverter. If there is an isolation transformer and
a harmonic filter installed, a high speed class J fuse must be used (only
Ferraz type HSJ is approved).
Technical Information
16 / G, H 10, 18 50 50 140 06 63 / 63
17 / G, H 10, 18 60 50 140 06 80 / 80
18 / H 18 70 50 140 06 80 / 80
19 / H 18 90 50 140 06 100 / 100
* Semiconductor fuses are manufactured by Siba Fuse Inc. When using this type of fuse,
this is the model number of the fuse that must be used.
Technical Information
2.2.5 Line Chokes A line choke with minimum 3% impedance is required for all 230 V
inverters 50hp (size 20) and greater. A line choke with minimum 3%
impedance is required for all 480V inverters 100hp (size 23) and greater.
The line choke (or transformer) is used to prevent nuisance errors and damage
caused by voltage spikes. Additionally, the use of a line choke will double the
operational lifetime of the DC bus capacitors in the unit. At the same time the
choke will reduce the harmonic distortion of the line current from very high
values of 80-100% THiD to around 45% THiD.
If lower values of line current distortion are required, Contact KEB regarding
an applicable harmonic filter. With such a device it is possible to reduce the
harmonic distortion below 8% THiD.
2.2.6 Motor Thermal The F5 series elevator drive is UL approved as a solid state motor overload
Protection protection device. It is necessary to adjust the current trip level in parameter
LM09 Electric Motor Protection Current (IM) or LM03 Motor Current (PM).
The function assumes the use of a non-ventilated motor. The function meets
the requirements set forth in VDE 0660 Part 104, UL508C section 42, NFPA
70 Article 430 part C. See the description for parameter LM08 Electric Motor
Protection for the trip characteristics.
A motor winding sensor can also be used for additional safety and the highest
level of protection. Either a normally closed contact (rating: 15V / 6mA) or a
PTC (positive temperature coefficient) resistor can be connected to the T1,
T2 terminals on the inverter. The thermal device should be connected as
indicated in Sections 2.7 and 2.8.
The F5 Elevator drive can also accept a KTY type temperature sensor. This
sensor will give an analog temperature reading which can be displayed directly
in the diagnostic parameters. Additionally, a temperature level can be set to
give a warning signal to the controller to indicate the motor is becoming too
hot. This allows the controller to stop taking calls or adjust door open time
in an effort to reduce motor temp. A KTY sensor is standard on drive sizes
with R-housing and above or as an added option to drive sizes in housings
H and below.
The KTY device is a solid state device. The approved model number is KTY-
84 (1000Ω at 100° C).
Technical Information
2.2.7 Motor Cable In some conventional installations and many MRL applications, the motor
Length can be a considerable distance (greater then 40 feet) from the elevator drive.
Under these circumstances the long cable length can cause high voltage
peaks or high dV/dt (rate of voltage rise) on the motor windings. Depending
on the design of the motor, the long runs can cause damage to the motor
winding. Therefore, in these installations the use of a special dV/dt filter is
highly recommended.
The standard approved solution is a special output choke. The choke is designed
to be used with a maximum of 16kHz switching frequency and low inductance
so it does not drastically influence the motor’s equivalent circuit model.
There are three sizes available for motors rated up to 100A - All chokes are
rated for use up to 550VAC. The part numbers and current ratings are listed
Part Number Rated Current
15Z1F04-1005 22A
17Z1F04-1005 42A
21Z1F04-1005 100A
The use of a conventional line or motor choke on the output of the drive is
not recommended since the inductance value is high enough that it would
distort the values in the motor model and result in poor control of the motor.
In addition, these chokes may not be designed to handle the heating incurred
from 16kHz switching operation.
Electrical Connection
2.2.8 High Voltage Always note inverter voltage. Select appropriate over current protection
Connections devices, select disconnect device, and select proper wire size before be-
ginning the wiring process. Wire the drive according to NFPA 70 Class 1
The correct wire gauge for each size inverter can be selected from the charts
in Sections 2.4-2.5. The wire gauge is based on the maximum fuse rating for
the inverter. The terminal tightening torque can be found for each unit in the
same charts.
Always use UL listed and CSA approved wire. Use 60/75°C copper conductors
only for equipment rated 100 Amperes or less and use 75°C copper conductors
only for equipment rated greater than 100 Amperes! Use minimum 300V rated
wire with 230V systems and minimum 600V rated wire with 480V systems.
To prevent coupling high frequency noise, the following wires must be spatially
separated from each other a minimum distance of 8 inches (20 cm) when they
are laid parallel to each other.
When using EMI filters, use only the wire provided with the filter to connect
the filter to the inverter. Do not add additional wire between the filter and the
inverter as this will have a negative effect on the operation of the filter.
Electrical Connection
2.2.9 Ground When working with high frequencies ( > 1kHz ) and power semiconductors
Connections it is recommended to make all ground connections with large exposed metal
surfaces to minimize the ground resistance.
The metal sub-plate the inverter is mounted on is regarded as the central ground
point for the machine or the equipment. For best results use an unpainted,
galvanized or plated sub-panel.
The EMI filter should be mounted to the drive or as close as possible to the
inverter and on the same sub-panel as the inverter. Good metallic surface
contact to the sub-panel is required to provide adequate high frequency
grounding of the filter.
2.2.10 High Frequency Use of shielded cable is recommended when high frequency emissions or
Shielding easily disturbed signals are present. Examples are as follows:
• Motor wires: Connect shield to ground at both the drive and motor. NOTE
the shield should never be used as the protective ground conductor
required by NFPA70 or CSA22.1. Always use a separate conductor
for this.
• Digital control wires: Connect shield to ground at both ends.
• Analog control wires: Connect shield to ground only at the inverter.
Electrical Connection
Rigid metal conduit can be used as the shield of the motor wires. Always
observe the following points:
• Remove all paint from the control cabinet and motor housing where
the conduit is fastened.
• Securely fasten all conduit fittings.
• Run only the motor wires through the conduit, all other wires, high voltage
AC and low voltage signal, should be pulled through a separate conduit.
• Connect the control panel to the Sub-panel with a heavy ground strap.
Should EMI filters be used, they should be mounted to the inverter or as close
as possible to the inverter and on the same sub-panel as the inverter. Good
metallic surface contact to the sub-panel is required to provide adequate high
frequency grounding of the filter. Always use the shielding plate provided with
the filter when connecting the filter to the inverter.
2.2.11 Storage of Unit The DC bus of the KEB F5 is equipped with electrolytic capacitors. If the
electrolytic capacitors are stored de-energized, the oxide film working as a
dielectric fluid reacts with the acidic electrolyte and destroys itself slowly. This
affects the dielectric strength and capacity of the unit. If the capacitors start
running with rated voltage again, the oxide film tries to build up quickly. This
causes heat and gas and leads to the destruction of the capacitors.
Technical Data
2.3 Model Number Information
Part Number
Unit Ident. B= LCD Oper. with Serial/CAN
D = LCD Oper. with Serial/CAN + boosted peak output
Feedback Card 0 = None installed at the factory
B = Incremental TTL (terminal).....TTL output
D = Incremental TTL (SubD)........ TTL output
F = Hiperface ...............................TTL output
M = Sin/Cos .................................TTL output
P = EnDat ....................................TTL output
V = SSi ........................................TTL output
9 = UVW ......................................TTL output
*Additional interfaces types and channel
configurations available
Housing Type E, G, H, R, U, W
Unit Type F5
Technical Data
The recommended motor rating is for 4/6 pole standard motors. When using motors with different
numbers of poles, the inverter must be dimensioned based on the motor rated current. Contact
the manufacturer for special frequency motors.
The power rating of the inverter must be de-rated for operation above 3,300 ft (1000 m). Reduce
the rated power 1% for each additional 330 ft (100 m). The maximum elevation for operation is
6,560 ft (2000 m)
Technical Data
Inverter Size 19 20 21 23
Max Motor Power [hp] 40 50 60 100
Housing Size R R R U
Unit Hardware B B B B
Input Ratings
Supply voltage [V] 180...260 +/- 0 (240V Nominal Voltage)
Supply voltage frequency [Hz] 50 / 60 +/- 2
Input phases 3 3 3 3
Rated input current [A] 126 143 169 264
UL minimum wire gauge 1) [awg] 2 2 6 2
UL maximum wire gauge 1 [awg] 4/0 4/0 1/0 300 kcmil
Output Ratings
Rated output power [kVA] 46 59 71 115
Rated motor power [kW] 30 37 45 75
Rated output current [A] 115 130 154 224
Peak current (30 seconds) 2) [A] 230 217 270 363
Over current fault (E.OC) trip level [A] 276 270 315 435
Output voltage [V] 3 x 0...V input (3 x 0...255V 2) )
Output frequency [Hz] Generally 0 to 599Hz (limited by control board and carrier frequency)
1) The wire gauge is based on the maximum fuse rating, copper wire with a 75°C insulation rating, THHW or equivalent. If circuit protection is selected
based on the actual input current, the wire size could be reduced.
2) This is the peak output current limited by hardware regulation. The software current control reserves 5% for closed loop regulation.
3) This is the maximum carrier frequency the power stage can support. The actual operating carrier frequency is adjusted and limited by the control
4) This is the power dissipation at the rated carrier frequency, rated voltage and rated load. Operation at reduced carrier frequencies or reduced load
will decrease this value.
5) Max motor cable length when using shielded cable, KEB EMI filter, and the installation must conform to EN55011 / EN55022.
Technical Data
The recommended motor rating is for 4/6 pole standard motors. When using motors with different
numbers of poles, the inverter must be dimensioned based on the motor rated current. Contact
the manufacturer for special frequency motors.
The power rating of the inverter must be de-rated for operation above 3,300 ft (1000 m). Reduce
the rated power 1% for each additional 330 ft (100 m). The maximum elevation for operation is
6,560 ft (2000 m)
Technical Data
Inverter Size 20 22 24 26 28
Max Motor Power [hp] 50 75 125 175 250
Housing Size H R U U W
Unit Hardware B B D B B D B
Input Ratings
Supply voltage [V] 305...528 ±0 (480 V Nominal voltage )
Supply voltage frequency [Hz] 50 / 60 +/- 2
Input phases 3 3 3 3 3 or 2x3 1)
Rated input current 400VAC [A] 83 127 198 275 385
(UL) Rated input current 480VAC [A] 72 105 172 231 362
UL minimum wire gauge 2)
[awg] 12 6 2 2 16mm stay
bolt for ring
UL maximum wire gauge 2) [awg] 0 1/0 4/0 300 kcmill thimble
Output Ratings
Rated output power [kVA] 52 80 125 173 256
Rated motor power [kW] 37 55 90 132 200
Rated output current 400VAC [A] 75 115 180 250 370
(UL) Rated output current 480VAC [A] 65 96 172 231 332
Peak current (30 seconds) 3)
[A] 135 172 230 270 375 450 740
Over current fault (E.OC) trip level [A] 162 207 276 324 450 540 888
Output voltage [V] 3 x 0…Vsupply
Output frequency [Hz] Generally 0 to 599Hz (limited by control board and carrier frequency)
A A 31lb / 14kg
11lb / 5kg 22lb / 10kg
55lb / 32kg 166lb / 75kg 353lb / 160kg
Dimensions in inches
Housing A B C F G H Mounting Holes
E 5.12 11.4 8.75 0.28 - 10.8
G 6.7 13.4 10.0 0.28 5.9 13.0
H 11.7 13.4 10.0 0.28 9.8 13.0
R 13.5 20.5 14.0 0.394 11.8 19.5
U 13.5 31.5 14.0 0.394 11.8 30.5 G,H,R,U,W
W 26.4 37.0 14.5 0.512 24.8 35.8 Housings
Dimensions in mm
Housing A B C F G H
E 130 290 222 7 - 275
G 170 340 255 7 150 330
H 297 340 255 7 250 330
R 340 520 357 11 300 495
U 340 800 357 11 300 775
W 670 940 368 13 630 910
Power Connections
2.7 Summary of the power circuit terminals
Housing Size E
Verify input voltage with name plate for proper connection 230V or 480V
L1, L2, L3 3 phase supply voltage
++, - - Connection for DC supply
++, PB Connection for braking resistor
U, V, W Motor connection
T1, T2 Connection for temperature sensor
Connection for earth ground
Housing Size G
Verify input voltage with name plate for proper connection 230V or 480V
L1, L2, L3 3 phase supply voltage
++, - - Connection for DC supply
++, PB Connection for braking resistor
Housing Size H Verify input voltage with name plate for proper connection 230V or 480V
L1 L2 L3 PE PE ++ -- PB PE U V W
L1, L2, L3 3 phase supply voltage T1, T2 Connection for temperature sensor
+ +, - - DC supply connection U, V, W Motor connection
+ +, PB Connection for braking resistor PE Connection for earth ground
Power Connections
Housing Size R and U Verify input voltage with name plate for proper connection 230V or 480V
Note always verify input voltage with name plate for proper connection
L1, L2, L3 3 phase supply voltage T1, T2 Connection for temperature sensor
+ +, - - DC supply connection U, V, W Motor connection
+ +, PB Connection for braking resistor
Connection for earth ground M8 stud.
If the supply voltage is connected to the motor Pay attention to the supply voltage 230/480V
terminals, the unit will be destroyed! and the correct polarity of the motor!
Wiring diagram 1
Wiring diagram 2
Power Connections
Wiring diagram 3
This is the only way to turn
off voltage to the resistor in
the event of failure of the
internal braking transistor
24VDC or 120VAC contactor control voltage
of the inverter. Note: a NC thermal switch not PTC device on the resistor is required.
Power Connections
2.8.1 Ferrite Ring All PWM type frequency inverters generate high frequencies as a result of
Installation fast switching of the IGBT output transistors. As these high frequencies travel
along the motor wires they can easily be coupled to other wires in proximity to
the motor leads. This is especially true for low voltage encoders. The included
ferrite rings can be used to limit the high frequency noise which is transmitted
on the motor wires by inserting a small amount of inductance on each motor
lead. These rings can also be useful when shielded cables are used, since
they will limit the available high frequencies even before the shield on the
cable. Refer to the following table for quantity and part numbers.
Power Connections
The ferrite rings are to be installed on the motor wires as close to the inverter
as possible.
Take the ferrite(s) and pass all three motor phases through the center. Use
a wire tie to secure the ferrite(s) to the wire. Note: Do not pass the earth
ground wire through the ferrite(s). Connect the motor wires to the U,V, W
terminals on the inverter using the specified terminal tightening torque. When
using shielded motor cable, the ferrites are to be installed on an unshielded
section of the cable before the shielding begins. Terminate the shield of the
cable either to the inverter or directly to the bare metal sub panel in the control
Power Connections
Ferrite rings are required to limit common mode noise and minimize electrical
disturbances on the DC bus connections between the inverter and regen
unit(s). Ferrite rings are to be installed over both the ++ and -- DC bus
connectors and should be installed as close to the inverter as possible. Do
not pass ground conductors through the ferrite rings. When multiple
regen units in parallel are used with a single inverter, the number of ferrite
rings on the DC bus to be installed should be the same as the number of
regen units.
Each KEB R6 regen unit is provided with a ferrite ring with the following part
number and dimension:
If the regen unit is not installed inside the same control cabinet as the
inverter, a second ferrite ring is required between the inverter and regen
to further limit common mode noise on the DC bus.
Overload Curves
2.9 Time dependent overload curve
If the load current exceeds the rated current but is below the overcurrent level, an overload
timer begins counting. The rate at which the timer increments is a function of load current.
The higher the current the faster the increments. When the counter reaches the limit the
Error Overload (E.OL) fault is triggered and the output to the motor is shut off. At this
point, the inverter begins a cool down period where the inverter is allowed to cool before
the fault can be reset. When the drive displays a No Error Overload (E.nOL) message,
the inverter has reached an acceptable temperature level and can be restarted.
The overload curves are
dependent on the inverter
housing size.
Load [%]
0 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 160 170 180 190 200
Load [%]
0 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150
Overload Curves
Load [%]
(0 Hz)
At low speeds (below 3 Hz G-W housings, below 6Hz D-E housings) the rms
current flowing through the power transistors is higher, reaching 1.4 times
the rated 60Hz rms value. This is caused by the low frequency sine wave
created by the PWM. As a result, the continuous output current must be
limited at low speeds to prevent the power transistors from overheating. The
COMBIVERT F5 will drop the carrier frequency to 4kHz if necessary to be
able to continue to provide current to the motor. Once the output frequency
rises above low frequency or the current drops below the levels listed below,
the carrier frequency will be returned to the higher value.
230V Maximum stall current (amps at 0Hz)
Inverter Carrier Inverter Size
Housing Frequency 13 14 15 15+ 16 17 17+ 19 20 21 23
E 8 kHz 24 24
16 kHz 16.8 16.8
G 8 kHz 33 31 53
16 kHz 33 26 43
H 8 kHz 73 109 97
16 kHz 73 92 59
R 8 kHz 115 145 180
16 kHz 70 102 102
U 4 kHz 319
8 kHz 203
16 kHz -
10 Prog. Input LI04 I1 When I1...I6, I8 are assigned as speed selection, Ri = 2.1 kOhm,
11 Prog. Input LI05 I2 I1>I2>...I8 scan time: 1msec,
12 Prog. Input LI06 I3
Inputs not used for speed selection can be assigned LI02 digital filter reduces
13 Prog. Input LI07 I4 special functions. false trigger due to
14 Prog. Input LI08 I5 When I1...I8 are assigned as direction inputs, both relay chatter, filter time:
directions cannot be signaled together 5-50msec (adjustable)
15 Prog. Input LI09 I6
16 Drive Enable I7 Enable/Disable; response time < 1 msec;
Enable instantly turns off motor current
17 Prog. Input LI11 I8 Same as I1...I6
18 Digital Out 1 O1 Programmable output LO05 - Default = At Speed
19 Digital Out 2 O2 Programmable output LO10 - Default = Deceleration Active
20 24V-Output Vout Approx. 24V output (max.100 mA load)
21 20...30V-Input Vin Voltage input when an external 24VDC supply is used
22 Digital Common 0V Common for digital in-/outputs
23 Digital Common 0V Common for digital in-/outputs
24 Relay 1 NO
25 NC Programmable output LO15 - Default “Off”
26 COM
max. 30VDC, 1A
27 Relay 2 NO
28 NC Programmable output LO20 - Default - “Brake Control”
29 COM
Control Connections
3.1.2 Connection of the To prevent a malfunction caused by interference voltages on the control
control signals inputs, the following steps should be observed:
• Establish a true earth ground for all ground connections!
• Do not connect drive signal commons to earth ground!
• Use shielded cable with twisted pair wires!
• Terminate shield wires to earth ground, only at inverter!
• Separate control and power wires by 8" or more!
• Control and power wires should cross at a right angle!
20...30 VDC
Ri = 2.1 kΩ
0...±10 VDC
Ri = 55 k
0(4)...20 mADC
Ri = 250
Control Connections
3.1.5 Voltage Input / The supply to the control circuit through an external voltage source keeps the
External Power Supply control in operational condition even if the power stage is switched off. The
external power supply should have the 0VDC connected to ground, preferably
at the supply device itself. To prevent undefined conditions (false triggering),
first switch on the power supply then the inverter.
20...30V ±0%, 1 A DC regulated
A total of max.
50 mA DC for
both outputs
3.1.9 Voltage Output The voltage output serves for triggering the digital inputs as well as for
supplying external control devices. Do not exceed the maximum output
current of 100 mA. This output is short circuit protected.
Control Connections (Safety)
3.2 Control Circuit - An optional Safe Torque Off (STO) control card can be used with the F5 drive.
STO The safety control card provides Safe Torque Off functionality in accordance
to IEC 61800-5-2.
These inverter units with a safety control card can be identifed by the KEB
part number and will have a “K” in the 5th placeholder (e.g. xx.F5.Kxx-xxxx)
The KEB STO card meets performance levels (ISO13849-1) and SIL 3 (IEC
61508 and IEC62061).
For more information on the control card, see KEB document (00F5NES-
Control Connections (Safety)
D, E Housings G, H, R, U, W Housings
X3 X4A
A X2
Terminal Description
X2A Control terminal strip
X2B STO terminal block
X3A Encoder Interface channel 1
X3B Encoder Interface channel 2
X4A HSP5 interface
3.2.1 Assembly of the The STO control card uses a spring-loaded terminal strip. Use the following
wires (F5-K) instructions when wiring the control terminals
Required Tools:
Screw Driver SD 0.4 x 2.5 (DIN 5264)
Control Connections (Safety)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Control Connections (Safety)
3.2.3 Digital Inputs Use of internal voltage supply Use of external voltage supply
4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12
3 5 7 9 11 3 5 7 9 11
Control Connections (Safety)
Control Connections (Safety)
Status 0 Status 1
STO Inputs
UL (V) IL (mA) UH (V) IH (mA)
max. 5 25 30 25
min. -3 not defined 15 5
The maximum short-term starting current of the input is limited to 300 mA.
3.2.10 STO Output The short-circuit proof, digital output is specified in accordance with IEC
(F5-K) 61131-2. The output current is 100 mA at 24VDC.
3.2.11 STO Input The output is 24VDC if modulation is possible. Inputs STO1, STO2 and ST
Control Sequence must be set for it.
The STO circuitry requires a control sequence specific to the F5-K card.
The X2A.16 hardware enable and all X2B STO inputs are ANDED to
activate the I7 drive enable. In addition if either the X2A.16 hardware
enable or any X2B STO inputs are deactivated the I7 drive enable will
also deactivate preventing drive modulation. Verification of the hardware
enable and STO inputs can be seen in DG.01. The X2A.16 hardware enable
will be displayed as ST-EXT (8192) and the STO input will be displayed as
STO (4096) in the DG.01 input status. Once ST-EXT and STO are activated
the I7 (1) input will be activated.
Encoder Connections
3.3 Encoder The encoder feedback interface is a modular board installed on the control
Feedback card of the drive depending on encoder type. If the encoder interface is pre-
installed by the factory, it will be denoted in the 10th digit of the drive material
number (eg. 20F5A1H-RLBA). The encoder feedback interface board will
have to two ports, X3A and X3B. Various options are available for each port
with each combination having a unique indicator in the part number digit.
The primary channel X3A will be the input connection from the motor encoder.
The following encoder interface types are available:
The secondary channel X3B can be either an emulated output of the encoder
input or a secondary input (eg. hoistway position, governor encoder, etc.).
The following input and output types are available:
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage supply
is disconnected may the feedback connectors be removed
or connected!
For information on interfaces without details listed in this manual,
contact KEB.
Encoder Connections
Depending on the type of encoder interface used, below are the general
specifications of the incremental channel signals
TTL Incremental Terminal Strip - Encoder Connections
3.3.1 Incremental TTL Connect the incremental encoder mounted on the motor to the 8 posi-
Encoder Interface X3A tion terminal connector at X3A. This connection provides speed feed-
Screw Terminals back and is imperative to the proper operation of the F5.
nel 2
Chan X3
nel 1 Cha B
nnel X3
Cha A
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the volt-
age supply is disconnected may the feedback con-
nectors be removed or connected!
Plug in screw
terminal X3A
*If the encoder has no zero channel, connect N+ (X3A.5) to 5V (X3B.7)
and N- (X3A.6) to 0V common (X3A.8 or X3B.8) to avoid ‘Error Encod-
er1’ faults.
TTL Incremental Terminal Strip - Encoder Connections
The following specifications apply to encoder interface X3A, channel 1
• Max. operating frequency: 300 kHz.
• Internal terminating resistance: Rt = 120 Ω
• RS422 or TTL level square wave
voltage level: 2...5 Vdc
15 V
24 V or external sup-
ply via the control
control card
The specified currents are reduced by any current drawn on the second
interface X3B (see Section 3.3.9).
For maximum noise immunity, the encoder cable shall consist of individually
shielded twisted pairs with one overall shield. The individual shields should be
connected to 0V (com) pin 8 on the X3A terminal strip and be kept electrically
isolated from the outer shield. The outer shield should be connected to earth
ground on the elevator drive.
The cable shall be kept a minimum of 8 inches (20 cm) away from all wires
having greater than 24VDC on them. For best results run the encoder
cable in a separate conduit from the controller to the motor.
EnDat - Encoder Connections
3.3.2 EnDat Encoder The EnDat encoder provides two differential analog channels for incremental
Interface X3A position and one serial data channel with clock for communication with the
encoder. This serial data channel can provide the drive with the absolute
position of the motor as well as other operating data. The EnDat encoder
must be version 2.1 or greater for compatibility reasons; EnDat 2.2 and only
digital EnDat 2.1 utilize the EnDat 2.2 / BiSS interface, Section 3.3.5.
The analog cosine and sine wave signals of tracks A and B have a voltage
of 1 Vpp with an Offset of 2.5 V. This analog voltage is measured and a
high resolution position value is determined as a result. This high resolution
position value is very important for good speed control of a gearless motor.
Therefore it is absolutely necessary to ensure these signals are well
shielded! Noise on the analog signals resulting from breaks in the
shield or improper shield termination will result in vibration in the motor
and poor ride quality.
The internal stored ppr value is compared to the adjusted value in LE02. If the
two are not the same the drive will trigger the ‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault.
Refer to parameter LE12 for more information.
During normal operation, the difference between the internal absolute position
of the encoder and the measured position value in the drive is compared. If
the two deviate by more than 2.8 degrees, the drive will trigger the ‘Error
Encoder Interface’ fault. Refer to parameter LE12 for more information.
The clock signal serves as synchronization for the serial data channel.
EnDat - Encoder Connections
10 9 8 7 6
9 B+ COS+ signal input B (absolute track for counter and direction detection)
15 14 13 12 11 12 + 5V Supply voltage for encoder
13 COM Reference potential for supply voltage
14 DATA - Data channel RS485
15 DATA + Data channel RS485
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage supply is
disconnected may the feedback connectors be removed or connected!
Encoder Card Part Number: Housing Size ≤ E, 1MF5K8G-PZ43. Housing Size ≥ G 2MF5K8G-PY33
• Max. Load capacity depending on Voltage Supply
• Max. Load capacity at +5.0V; 300 mA. The specified current is reduced by the current taken from
the second encoder interface X3B interface (see Section 3.3.9).
EnDat Cable
Pre-manufactured EnDat cables offer the best solution against noise and disturbance while at the same
time saving installation time. The cables come in standard lengths of 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m and 30m.
Specially designed cables are available for applications 40m, 50, 75 and 85m. The maximum length
of KEB cable offered is 85m.
Cable Part Number
00F50C1-40xx xx = length in meters, 10 = 10 meters
For lengths above 30 m a different cable is used.
00F50C1-L0xx xx = length in meters, 40 = 40 meters
Mating Connector
0090912-004U for encoder (solder type), Torin Adaptor 00F50C2-T0P3
Running in Conduit
When this cable must be pulled through metallic conduit, it is necessary to over size the conduit!
Use of a 1 1/2 inch trade size conduit will allow the connectors to pass without removal of the connec-
tors. Cutting the cable, or removal of the connectors or their housings voids the warranty and will result
in problems with electrical noise after the fact.
X3A pin-out channel 1 Wire Color
Encoder pin-out
-40xx -L0xx
Circular connector on
COM 10 13 0V (com) White White
EnDat encoder.
+5.0V 7 12 +5.0V Brown Brown
B- 13 4 B- Red Violet
B+ 12 9 B+ Blue Blue
DATA - 17
14 DATA - Pink Pink
DATA + 14 15 DATA + Gray Gray
A- 16 3 A - Yellow Brown
A+ 15 8 A + Green Green
Clock - 9 7 Clock - Violet Red
Clock + 8 6 Clock + Black Black
Technical Data
• Input resistance: 120 Ohm
• Process data channel: 1Vpp
• Parameter channel: EIA RS485 half duplex
• Clock signal output: EIA RS485
• Maximum input frequency: 200 kHz
• Encoder line number: 1...2048 inc
• Maximum cable length: 100 m (based on signal levels, otherwise see below)
Cable length based on cable resistance
The maximum cable length is calculated as follows:
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same
specifications of other manufacturers
If the encoder is replaced or disconnected, the drive will trigger an error
or warning that the encoder was changed. The drive will display the
error message ‘Error Encoder Interface’.
If the encoder was exchanged the drive will auto reset the ‘Error Encoder
Interface’ fault. The user will need to learn the new encoder position
before operation can continue. See section 5.10.
Sin/Cos - Encoder Connections
3.3.3 Sin/Cos Encoder The Sin/Cos encoder provides two differential analog channels for incre-
Interface X3A mental position and two differential analog channels for the absolute posi-
tion of the motor
The analog cosine and sine wave signals of tracks A and B have a voltage
of 1 Vpp with an Offset of 2.5 V. This analog voltage is measured and a
high resolution position value is determined as a result. This high resolution
position value is very important for good speed control of a gearless mo-
tor. Tracks C and D give an absolute signal to the control unit. The period
corresponds exactly to one mechanical revolution of the encoder.
Therefore it is absolutely necessary to ensure these signals are well
shielded! Noise on the analog signals resulting from breaks in the
shield or improper shield termination will result in vibration in the mo-
tor and poor ride quality.
During start-up and then every 30 ms a position value is read from the ab-
solute tracks. This initial readout of the absolute position provides the drive
with the commutation angle for permanent magnet motors.
During normal operation, the difference between the internal absolute posi-
tion of the encoder and the measured position value in the drive is com-
pared. If the two deviate by more than 2.8 degrees, the drive will trigger the
‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault. Refer to parameter LE12 for more informa-
Sin/Cos - Encoder Connections
Sin/Cos Pin No. Signal Description
Drive connection X3A 1 C- Differential signal to C+
Female SUBD 15 HD 2 D- Differential signal to D+
3 A- Differential signal to A+
4 B- Differential signal to B+
6 C+ SIN+ Absolute track for initial position and angular calculation
5 4 3 2 1
7 D+ COS+ Absolute track for initial position and angular calculation
10 9 8 7 6 8 A+ COS+ Incremental signals A for counter and direction detection
15 14 13 12 11
9 B+ SIN+ Incremental signals B for counter and direction detection
12 +5.25V Power supply for encoder
13 COM Reference potential for supply voltage
14 R- Differential signal to zero track R+
15 R+ Zero track
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage supply is discon-
nected may the feedback connectors be removed or connected!
Encoder Card Part Number: Housing Size ≤ E 1MF5K8G-MZ56. Housing Size ≥ G 2MF5K8G-MZ26
• Max. Load capacity depending on Voltage Supply
• Max. Load capacity at +5.0V; 300 mA. The specified current is reduced by the current taken from
the second encoder interface X3B interface (see Section 3.3.9).
Pre-manufactured Sin/Cos cables offer the best solution against noise and disturbance while at the
same time saving installation time. The cables come in standard lengths of 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m
and 30m. Specially designed cables are available for applications 40m and up. The maximum length
of KEB cable offered is is 50m.
Cable Part Number
00S4209-00xx xx = length in meters, 10 = 10 meters
Mating Connector
0090912-004U for encoder (solder type)
Running in Conduit
When this cable must be pulled through metallic conduit, it is necessary to over size the conduit!
Use of a 1 1/2 inch trade size conduit will allow the connectors to pass without removal of the connec-
tors. Cutting the cable, or removal of the connectors or their housings voids the warranty and will result
in problems with electrical noise after the fact.
Connection of the encoder cable
Encoder interface X3A
Circular connector on
SIN/COS encoder 5 4 3 2 1
10 9 8 7 6
3 4 15 14 13 12 11
2 5
1 14 6
17 A+ 1 8 A+
12 15
11 7 A- 2 3 A-
10 8 B+ 11 9 B+
B- 12 4 B-
C+ 5 6 C+
C- 6 1 C-
D+ 14 7 D+
D- 4 2 D-
R+ 3 15 R+
R- 13 14 R-
+5.25 V 10 12 +5,25 V
COM 7 13 COM
Sin/Cos - Encoder Connections
Technical Data
• Input resistance: 120 Ohm
• Process data channel: 1Vpp
• Maximum input frequency: 200 kHz
• Encoder line number: 1...2048 inc
• Maximum cable length: 100 m (based on signal levels, otherwise see below)
• Cable length based on cable resistance
The maximum cable length is calculated as follows:
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same specifi-
cations of other manufacturers
If there is an encoder triggered fault or problems with the encoder
cable the ‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault will not clear and the prob-
lems must be diagnosed through parameter LE12. To clear the ‘Error
Encoder Interface’ fault, it is necessary to go to parameter LE01, press
"Enter" and then press "Enter" again to confirm.
SSi - Encoder Connections
3.3.4 SSi Encoder The SSi encoder provides two differential analog channels for incremental
Interface X3A position and one serial data channel with clock for communication with the
encoder. This serial data channel can provide the drive with the absolute
position of the motor.
The analog cosine and sine wave signals of tracks A and B have a voltage
of 1 Vpp with an Offset of 2.5 V. This analog voltage is measured and a
high resolution position value is determined as a result. This high resolution
position value is very important for good speed control of a gearless motor.
The inputs for A and B tracks are designed for sinusoidal waveforms,
as shown in Section 3.3. TTL waveforms are possible with adapter
During normal operation, the difference between the internal absolute position
of the encoder and the measured position value in the drive is compared. If
the two deviate by more than 2.8 degrees, the drive will trigger the ‘Error
Encoder Interface’ fault. Refer to parameter LE12 for more information.
The clock signal serves as synchronization for the serial data channel.
SSi - Encoder Connections
15 14 13 12 11
12 + 5V Supply voltage for encoder
13 COM reference potential for supply voltage
14 DATA - Data channel RS485
15 DATA + Data channel RS485
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage supply is
disconnected may the feedback connectors be removed or connected!
SSI Cable
Pre-manufactured SSI cables offer the best solution against noise and disturbance while at the same
time saving installation time. The cables come in standard lengths of 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m and
Technical Data
• Input resistance: 120 Ohm
• Process data channel: 1Vpp
• Parameter channel: EIA RS485 half duplex
• Clock signal output: EIA RS485
• Maximum input frequency: 200 kHz
• Encoder line number: 1...2048 inc
• Maximum cable length: 100 m (based on signal levels, otherwise see below)
Cable length based on cable resistance
The maximum cable length is calculated as follows:
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same
specifications of other manufacturers
The inputs for A and B tracks are designed for sinusoidal waveforms,
as shown in Section 3.3. TTL waveforms are possible with adapter
If the encoder is replaced or disconnected, the drive will trigger an error
or warning that the encoder was changed. The drive will display the
‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault. If the encoder was exchanged the drive
will auto reset the ‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault. The user will need
to learn the new encoder position before operation can continue. See
section 5.10.
3.3.5 BiSS / EnDat 2.2 The BiSS/EnDat 2.2 encoder supports encoders with bidirectional serial
Encoder Interface X3A communication for incremental and absolute position with high transfer rates.
The encoder provides one serial data channel with clock for communication
with the encoder. The clock signal serves as synchronization for the serial
data channel. This serial data channel can provide the drive with the absolute
position of the motor as well as other operating data.
Setting: NUM
EnDat 2.2 0
BiSS Hengstler Acuro 1
BiSS C-Mode 2
During start-up and run, a request is transmitted to the encoder and the
absolute position is read out via serial communication. This initial readout
of the absolute position provides the drive with the commutation angle for
permanent magnet motors. On the very first operation of a permanent
magnet motor it is necessary to synchronize the encoder position to one of
the pole pairs of the motor. See parameter LE06 for more information and
section 5.10.
Due to the high clock frequencies, it is absolutely necessary to ensure
these signals are well shielded!
BiSS / EnDat 2.2 - Encoder Connections
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage supply is
disconnected may the feedback connectors be removed or connected!
Biss/EnDat 2.2
Pre-manufactured BiSS/EnDat 2.2 cables offer the best solution due to high clock frequencies
and protection against noise and disturbance while at the same time saving installation time. The
maximum length is 50m.
BiSS / EnDat 2.2 - Encoder Connections
Technical Data
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same
specifications of other manufacturers
If the encoder is replaced or disconnected, the drive will trigger an error
or warning that the encoder was changed. The drive will display the
‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault
If the encoder was exchanged the drive will auto reset the ‘Error Encoder
Interface’ fault. The user will need to learn the new encoder position
before operation can continue. See section 5.10.
Hiperface - Encoder Connections
3.3.6 Hiperface The Hiperface encoder provides two differential analog channels for
Encoder Interface X3A incremental position and one serial data channel for communication with the
encoder. This serial data channel can provide the drive with the absolute
position of the motor as well as other operating data.
The analog cosine and sine wave signals of tracks A and B have a voltage
of 1 Vpp with an Offset of 2.5 V. This analog voltage is measured and a
high resolution position value is determined as a result. This high resolution
position value is very important for good speed control of a gearless motor.
The internal stored ppr value is compared to the adjusted value in LE02. If the
two are not the same the drive will trigger the ‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault.
Refer to parameter LE12 for more information.
During start-up and then every 100 ms a request is transmitted to the encoder
and the absolute position is read out via serial communication. This initial
readout of the absolute position provides the drive with the commutation angle
for permanent magnet motors. On the very first operation of a permanent
magnet motor it is necessary to synchronize the encoder position to one of
the pole pairs of the motor. See parameter LE06 for more information and
section 5.10.
During normal operation, the difference between the internal absolute position
of the encoder and the measured position value in the drive is compared. If
the two deviate by more than 2.8 degrees, the drive will trigger the ‘Error
Encoder Interface’ fault. Refer to parameter LE12 for more information.
Hiperface - Encoder Connections
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage
supply is disconnected may the feedback connectors
be removed or connected!
Encoder Card Part Number: Housing Size ≤ E, 1MF5K8G-FZ49. Housing Size ≥ G 2MF5K8G-FZ39
• Max. Load capacity depending on Voltage Supply
• Max. Load capacity at +7.5 V = 300 mA. The specified current is reduced by the load current taken
from the second encoder interface X3B interface (see Section 3.3.9).
Pre-manufactured Hiperface cables offer the best solution against noise and disturbance while at the
same time saving installation time. The cables come in standard lengths of 5m,10m,15m,20m, 25m,
and 30m.
Running in Conduit
When this cable must be pulled through metallic conduit, it is necessary to over size the con-
duit! Use of a 1 1/2 inch trade size conduit will allow the connectors to pass without removal of the
connectors. Cutting the cable, or removal of the connectors or their housings voids the warranty and
Circular connector on
HIPERFACE encoder.
Encoder pin-out X3A pin-out channel 1 Wire color
Technical Data
• Input resistance: 120 Ohm
• Process data channel: 1Vpp
• Parameter channel: EIA RS485 half duplex
• Maximum input frequency: 200 kHz
• Encoder line number: 1024 inc
• Maximum cable length: <100 m (based on signal levels, otherwise see below)
Cable length based on cable resistance
The maximum cable length is calculated as follows:
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same
specifications of other manufacturers
If the encoder is replaced or disconnected, the drive will trigger an error
or warning that the encoder was changed. The drive will display the
error message ‘Error Encoder Interface’.
If the encoder was exchanged the drive will auto reset the ‘Error Encoder
Interface’ fault. The user will need to learn the new encoder position
before operation can continue. See section 5.10.
3.3.7 UVW Encoder The UVW encoder provides two differential analog channels for incremental
Interface X3A position and three analog channels for the absolute position of the motor.
The pole-pair number of the motor and encoder (the periods of the UVW
tracks) must be equal. If not, it may be possible to adjust the number of
UVW encoder commutation poles in LE13.
The order of the rising edge of the block commutation tracks must be
U, W, V with the reference being clockwise rotation as viewed from the
motor facing the encoder. If the encoder channels are specified to
have a different progression, then the corresponding channels must be
exchanged (eg. if U,V,W = 1,2,3, then V+, V- and W+, W- channels must
be swapped).
W 10°
The levels of the U, V ,W signals are measured after switching on and thus the
absolute position of the encoder is determined within an electrical revolution
of the motor (eg. revolution of the absolute tracks UVW). This position can
maximally vary with 30° of the electrical revolution. The current position is first
set to this start position. If the motor starts to turn and the first rising edge at
the U, V or W track is overdriven, the exact absolute position is determined
and the current position is corrected to this value. Only the rising edge of the
W track is evaluated for the position correction during normal operation.
UVW - Encoder Connections
UVW Pin No. Signal Description
Drive connection X3A 1 A+ Incremental encoder input track A
Female SUBD 15 HD 2 A- Differential signal to A+
3 B+ Incremental encoder input track
4 B- Differential signal to B+
5 N+ Input zero track (not evaluated)
6 N- Differential signal to N+ (not evaluated)
7 U+ Block commutation track U
5 4 3 2 1
10 9 8 7 6
8 U- Differential signal to U+
15 14 13 12 11 9 V+ Block commutation track
10 V- Differential signal to V+
11 W+ Block commutation track
12 W- Differential signal to W+
13 5V Voltage output 5V
14 COM Reference potential for voltage supply
15 - -
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage supply is
disconnected may the feedback connectors be removed or connected!
Encoder Card Part Number: Housing Size ≤ E, 1MF5K8G-ZZ08. Housing Size ≥ G 2MF5K8G-ZZ08
• Max. Load capacity depending on Voltage Supply
• Max. Load capacity at +5.2V = 400 mA. The specified current is reduced by the current taken from
the second encoder interface X3B interface (see Section 3.3.9).
Technical Data
• Input resistance: 120 Ohm
• Maximum input frequency: 200 kHz
• Encoder line number: 1...8192 inc
However, this does not restrict the use of rotary encoder with same
specifications of other manufacturers.
TTL Incremental SubD - Encoder Connections
3.3.8 Incremental TTL Connect the incremental encoder mounted on the motor to the 15-pin Sub-D
Encoder Interface X3A connector at X3A. This connection provides speed feedback and is imperative
SubD to the proper operation of the F5.
ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage supply
is disconnected may the feedback connectors be removed
or connected!
Input Wiring
approx. approx.
34 Ω 120 Ω
TTL Incremental SubD - Encoder Connections
3. Signal specifications:
2...5 V
Four signals consisting of two square-wave 0V
4. Cable specifications:
The encoder cable shall not be too long such that the voltage drop of supply
voltage on the encoder cable results in a voltage less than the minimum
encoder supply voltage. Typically encoder lines should not be longer than 160
ft (50 m). The following must be valid for trouble free operation.
For maximum noise immunity, the encoder cable shall consist of individually
shielded twisted pairs with one overall shield. The individual shields should
be connected to 0V (com) pin 13 on the Sub D connector and be kept separate
from the outer shield. The outer shield should be connected to earth ground,
the housing of the Sub D connector.
The cable shall be kept a minimum of 8 inches (20 cm) away from all
wires having greater than 24VDC on them. For best results run the
encoder cable in a separate conduit from the controller to the motor.
Output - Encoder Connections
3.3.9 X3B Output ONLY when the inverter is switched off and the voltage
TTL Incremental supply is disconnected may the feedback connectors
be removed or connected!
9 8 7 6
The internal 24VDC power supply has a maximum load capacity of 170mA .
The 5V supply has a maximum load capacity of 500mA. Both of these values
assume no loading on the supplies of connection X3A. If connections or
loads are placed on both terminals, the total load between the two must not
exceed these values.
For proper noise immunity, the RS422 standard requires a termination
resistor be placed at the device which is receiving the simulated encoder
signal. The resistors shall be connected from A+ to A-, B+ to B-, N+ to
N- (only when used).
LCD Keypad
4.1 LCD Operator The KEB Elevator drive uses a special operator keypad which provides a
user interface and functionality specific to elevator applications. The operator
must be plugged into the drive in order for the drive to function properly.
Unplugging the operator while the drive is in operation will result in an
immediate shutdown of the drive and will cause the ready relay to drop
and the fault output to activate.
If it is necessary to remove the operator, do so while the elevator is
standing still!
LED Indicators
(Serial Only)
Release Tab
F1 F2 F3 F4
Enter Enter Esc
X6C X6D Ports
(Serial Only)
LCD Keypad
4.2 Serial/CAN
Hardware Version X6C X6D
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6
Hardware CAN | RS 485 RS 232/485
Use Bus Communications Diagnostics
Pin Signal Signal
1 CAN V+
2 CAN L TxD, RS232
3 CAN H RxD, RS232
4 RxD B +, RS485 RxD B +, RS485
5 RxD A -, RS485 RxD A -, RS485
6 CAN GND ) VP +5V (10mA)
7 Bus Ground Bus Ground
8 TxD B +, RS485 TxD B +, RS485
9 TxD A -, RS485 TxD A -, RS485
4.2.1 LED Indicators The LED indicators are available only on the Serial LCD Operator. The LEDs
are used to indicate operational status. They can be used for troubleshooting
and diagnostics. In addition, the function of the LED can be changed with
parameters CH10 - 15. Refer to Section 6.12 for additional information on CH
No operation (noP)
Drive not enabled
Inverter running the Run mode
motor Drive is able to run
Stop mode:
Drive is being
(Orange) - programmed or making
FTP file transfer mode.
(Red - Blinking) A limit has been -
reached: Torque,
(Red - Solid) Current, or Voltage (not Drive is faulted
yet implemented)
LCD Keypad
4.3 Backward The Serial LCD v3.31 is supported by control card v4.3 or higher. The F5
Compatibility control card software version can be found in Diagnostics Screen #9 (See
section 4.8 for more information on Diagnostics).
F1 F2 F3 F4
LCD Keypad
• English
• Spanish
• French
• Portuguese
• Italian
• German
• Russian
• During boot-up, if the operator & keypad are not synchronized, the
user can access the language menu via the (F4) Hotkey
• At the Home screen, selecting the (F4) hotkey will take you directly to
the language settings.
• Or the language settings can be accessed from the programming
menu by selecting Setup (F3) > Language
LCD Keypad
4.7 Programming The programming menu is where all manual parameter adjustments are
Menu made and can be accessed at Home > Prog (F3).
Not all parameters may be viewable and changeable, depending
on the password accessibility. Refer to Section 4.8.2 for additional
information on password access.
LCD Keypad
4.7.1 Parameter When adjusting a parameter, press “ENTER” to access Edit Mode.
Adjustment Parameter values can only be changed in Edit Mode.
Num >>
F4 F4
i The NUM function can be useful for selecting parameter options from
a list using its assigned value as opposed to scrolling through the
text descriptions. Most parameters with a large list option will have a
corresponding NUM column listed in the parameter description of the
manual for quick and easy adjustment.
The NUM function can also be very quick and useful for adjusting
large numbers as opposed to scrolling.
LCD Keypad
4.7.2 Setting the The LCD keypad has different access levels that are password protected.
Password Different levels provide access to more parameters and give the read and
write privileges.
• Parameter OS01 at Home > Prog > Operator System > OS01
• Home > Prog (F3) > Pass (F2)
The password must be entered with the NUM method of adjustment
described in Section 4.8.1.
From the OEM level, parameters can be hidden in the Adjust, User,
and Basic access levels (ie. unused or OEM specific settings). Refer
to Section 4.11 for additional information.
LCD Keypad
Using the program Elevator Password Generator.exe, enter the date set in
the keypad operator. This can be changed at: Home > Prog > Setup > Date.
The program will generate a unique password based on the date set in the
keypad operator which will provide temporary OEM password access which
is valid until the date in the keypad operator changes.
LCD Keypad
4.7.3 Units The KEB LCD operator supports both imperial and metric units. Toggling
between unit settings only scales the parameters and does not change any
internal values.
The units can be changed at Home > Prog > Basic Setup > US02
LCD Keypad
4.8 Diagnostics The LCD operator has split-view diagnostic screens. The diagnostics are
Screen grouped together which makes it easier to view several related parameters.
The screens can be accessed at Home > Diag
4.8.1 Error Messages If a malfunction occurs during operation, the drive shuts down operation and
& Fault Log the keypad will display an error. Error messages can be reset by pressing
“RESET” F4 hotkey.
The LCD operator incorporates a real-time clock. This enables faults and
special events to be recorded with a time-stamp in the Diagnostics Screen
Log. To set the date and time, refer to Section 4.10. With Serial/CAN keypad
operator, the clock continues even when not powered on.
The Diagnostics Screen Log can be accessed in the Diagnostics menu and
is the last screen. To access: Home > Diag > Prev.
The EEProm will automatically create and store a new .txt file in flash memory
every 50 events.
LCD Keypad
4.8.2 Fault Data The fault data logging function can be used to capture a scope trace of up to
Logging four parameters in high resolution before and after a drive fault is triggered.
The scope file is then saved to flash memory on the keypad operator and the
file can be transferred from the keypad operator via FTP and be imported
within Combivis 6 to evaluate the scope trace.
The function is available under Prog > File > Fault Logging Menu.
Parameter Selection
Function Enabled/Disabled
The Base Block status indicates the output transistors have been safely shut
off and are being blocked from further operation. It is not an error, but will
appear before an error. Another typical occurence would be if the drive enable
is dropped while current is being output.
When Base Block Checking is off the scope is triggered only by a drive fault.
When active, the scope trace will be triggered additionally by the base block
Sample Time
Trigger Value
Percentage of the scope trace that is recorded before the trigger occurs with
the remainder of the trace after the trigger.
Indicates the last fault code. Refer to Section 6.16 Diagnostics Parameters
DG02 for text description of numerical fault code.
LCD Keypad
4.9 Date & Time The LCD keypad has a real-time clock and stores the date. This allows the
operator to keep time stamps of faults and track total run hours.
The Serial/CAN operator does keep track of the time/date and will do so
for several weeks without power.
4.9.1 Setting the date The date can be initialized from the home screen by selecting Prog > Setup >
Date. Press enter, scroll to edit the parameter and press enter again to save
the changes.
4.9.2 Setting the time The time can be initialized from the home screen by selecting Prog > Setup >
Time. Press enter, scroll to edit the parameter and press enter again to save
the changes.
LCD Keypad
4.10 Customizing Custom parameter lists can be made to mask off parameters from view,
Parameter Lists depending on user access password level.
The OEM password level provides read and write access to all applicable
keypad operator parameters. A custom parameter list applies to all lower
password levels, although whether a parameter is viewable or has write access
also depends on each password level which has precedence over the custom
parameter list. Minimum password access levels for parameters are listed in
Section 8.1.
To create a custom parameter list, the syntax of the list to be created in a text
files is:
0881 1
0882 0
0BA9 1
LCD Keypad
LS01 will be accessible in all password levels: OEM, Adjuster, User, Basic.
LS01 will read-only in the Basic password level
Once the text file for a custom parameter list has been created, it must be
saved as the following: para_dis.txt.
The para_dis.txt file must then be saved to the keypad operator flash memory.
To save the custom parameter list text file to flash, OEM password level is
required. From the Programming Menu, the ‘File’ option (F4) will then be listed.
Under the ‘File’ list, select ‘File Operations’. Under ‘File Operations’ select
FTP’(F2) When the text file has been transferred to the keypad operator flash
memory, select ‘Menu’ (F1), then ‘Prog’ (F1) to return to the Programming Menu.
LCD Keypad
4.11 Customizing A pre-saved parameter file can be used to create custom defaults settings.
The pre-saved parameter file can either be created using the Combivis
computer program or taken as an upload from a drive already programmed.
The file type needs to be .dw5.
The .dw5 file must then be saved to the keypad operator flash memory.
To save the custom parameter list text file to flash, OEM password level is
required. From the Programming Menu, the ‘File’ option (F4) will then be listed.
Under the ‘File’ list, select ‘File Operations’. Under ‘File Operations’ select
‘FTP’(F2) When the .dw5 file has been transferred to the keypad operator flash
memory, select ‘Menu’ (F1), then ‘Prog’ (F1) to return to the Programming Menu.
To load the .dw5 parameter file to the keypad operator, set CH03 Restore
Parameters = Load Motor Data.
To save the current settings as the new defaults, set US05 = Create OEM
To revert to the custom .defaults, set CH03 = Factory Reset or US05 = Restore
OEM Defaults
Initial Startup
5.Initial Start Up
5.1 Connecting the The drive and operator must be “synched” before being able to operate.
drive and operator When the operator/drive are initially booted up, the parameters of each are
compared and it is determined if the units are synched. If not, the user will
be prompted which parameters should be used.
A drive/operator will not be synched under the following conditions:
• A default drive and/or operator is being installed
• The operator was used to program another drive
5.1.1 Default Operator If the drive and operator are default the user will be prompted to either copy
and Drive preconfigured motor data to the drive and keypad operator or begin by
manually programming:
5.1.2 Previously If either the drive or operator have been previously programmed, the user
programmed Operator will be given the option to download from the keypad operator to the drive,
or Drive upload from the drive to keypad operator or copy motor data to the drive and
5.1.3 Copying Motor If copying motor data to drive and operator, the user will be directed to CH05
Data to Drive and Motor Type to select a particular model motor. Additional instructions are
Operator listed in Section 6.12.
Initial Startup
5.2 Manual This section serves as a quick guide to manually program a KEB Elevator
Programming drive from default. Please note that advanced functionality or settings might
not be listed in this section.
5.2.1 Getting Started The KEB drive can be manually programmed in the programming menu at
Home > Prog (F3).
Initial Startup
5.3 Basic Setup The Basic Setup is where the initial programming must begin. Here, the
application fundamentals are established prior to configuration.
i Note: In most cases the elevator control manufacturer will make the
adjustments in Basic Set-up but it is good to verify the correct settings.
The Basic Setup menu can be accessed by: Home > Prog (F3) > Basic Setup.
All these parameters must be adjusted:
Next, the configuration must be loaded using US05. This step serves to load
the KEB drive with the correct limits and internal settings according to the
If the US04 Control Type or US02 System Units settings are changed after
a configuration has been loaded, a new configuration must be written
to the drive. Writing the new configuration will NOT default all previous
If the US03 Motor Type must be changed after a configuration has been
loaded, a new configuration must be written to the drive and writing the
new configuration WILL default all previous settings.
Then, enter the contract speed of the application, this will set the speed safety
limits internal to the drive:
5.4 Inputs/Output Next, the inputs and outputs must be configured and assigned functionality
Configuration depending on the controller requirements.
Initial Startup
5.4.1 Inputs Enter the following input parameters (Home > Prog > Inputs) depending on
the controller requirements.
5.4.2 Ouputs Enter the following output parameters (Home > Prog > Outputs) depending
on the controller requirements.
Initial Startup
5.5 Motor Data Next, the basic motor parameters must be entered before doing an automatic
motor learn (Home > Prog > Motor Data).
5.5.1 Induction Motors For induction motors, enter the following parameters from the nameplate:
Further induction motor data parameters will be determined during the Motor
Tune process, described later.
5.5.2 Permanent For PM motors, enter the following parameters from the nameplate:
Magnet Motors
• LM02 - Motor Speed (RPM)
• LM03 - Motor Current
• LM04 - Motor Frequency
• LM05 - Motor Voltage (EMF rms @ rated speed)
• LM07 - Motor Torque (note units)
For synchronous motors it is important that the relationship between
the motor speed and rated frequency correlate to the number of poles.
The # of poles should always be an even number. It is important to verify
the following relationships! Refer to Calculated Motor Pole on Diagnostic
Screen #12 for verification.
LM04 * 120
LM02 =
# of Motor Poles
Initial Startup
Torque units will change depending on which units are set in US02. For
reference, here are the equations to convert between Imperial and Metric
units provided different nameplate information:
Nm HP * 5252 kW * 7051
lb-ft = = =
1.355 Rated Motor Speed Rated Motor Speed
Further PM motor data parameters will be determined during the Motor Tune
process, described later.
5.6 Encoder Data Next, the basic encoder parameters must be entered:
5.7 Machine Data Next, the basic machine data must be entered. The machine data determines
a scalar internal to the drive which translates a familiar linear speed (e.g. fpm)
to a rotary speed (e.g. rpm) which the drive uses:
i Note: Incorrect Machine Data would cause the elevator to run too fast
or too slow.
If the sheave diameter is not known, it can be measured with a tape measure.
Some sheave manufacturers will show “Minimum Groove Diameter” on a plate
attached to the sheave. This is the diameter to the bottom of the groove, which
is normally about one inch smaller than the actual diameter at which the rope
lies. Therefore, when this dimension is provided, add one inch to it and enter
that value in LN01.
For a gearless job, the Gear Ratio would be 1. If the gear ratio is unknown
for a geared machine, LN05 will calculate an Estimated Gear Ratio from the
motor rated speed, contract speed, roping ratio and sheave diameter. This
value could then be entered as the gear ratio in LN02.
Initial Startup
5.8 Speed Profile Next, the speed control parameters can be set for digital, binary, and positioning
The speed commands in Analog and Serial speed control are dictated by
the controller, so these speed parameters will have no effect on the actual
run speed. The LS02 High Speed must be set for Analog and Serial speed
control. For Analog speed control, 10V corresponds to LS02 High Speed.
Note: The nomenclature of the speeds above are defined (as default)
by KEB. Although, the controller manufacturer may assign speeds
differently (e.g. the controller manufacturer may use Intermediate Speed
1 for High Speed), it is suggested, however, that inspection and leveling
speeds are assigned accordingly based on functionality and/or speed
limits assigned to these speeds.
If the elevator does not move at the correct speed, verify which speed
is selected and its corresponding setting, as well as verify whether the
command speed and encoder speed match.
5.8.1 Profile For digital, binary, and positioning control, the available profile adjustments
Adjustment are shown below (for analog and serial speed control the controller will dictate
the profile and these settings can only be used to limit the rates).
The KEB LCD operator can approximate all relevant profile parameters
depending on the aggressiveness of the application. A user can select either
a soft, medium, or hard profile. The adjustments can be made with:
Alternatively, if a user wants to customize the profile, they can adjust the
different speed profiles based on the selected speed:
Initial Startup
Acceleration Deceleration
Stop Jerk
Final Stop
Start Jerk
One Floor
High (Short Runs -
Inspection (Intermediate
Speed Intermediate
Speed 3)
Speeds 1,2)
Acceleration LS20 LS30 LS50 LS40
Start Jerk LS21 LS31 LS51 LS41
Accel Jerk LS22 LS32 LS52 LS42
Deceleration LS23 LS33 LS53 LS43
Decel Jerk LS24 LS34 LS54 LS44
Stop Jerk LS25 LS35 LS55 LS45
Final Stop LS43-45 LS43-45 LS43-45 LS43-45
Initial Startup
5.9 Motor Learn Next, the complete motor data must be learned with the automated learn
Note: It may be necessary to program the drive outputs accordingly for
proper operation with the controller. Refer to Section 6.13 for setting
the output functions.
Follow the instructions on the LCD screen. The user is instructed to:
1. Disable the brake.
2. If the speed is generated by the controller (Analog or Serial), then set
external speed command to zero.
3. Press and hold inspection (speed + direction + enable inputs) until
completed. Upon successful completion LED 1 and LED 2 will blink green
and red until inspection is dropped.
The process should take 2-5 minutes and will emit a high pitched noise while
the drive measures various motor parameters.
Re-establish proper brake operation wire and return the inspection speed
if changed on the controller.
Scan the QR code to the left to view a walkthrough video of the Motor
Tune Procedure.
Initial Startup
5.10 Encoder Learn Next, the encoder needs to initialized and configured.
There are 2 functions available to determine the encoder pole position with
PM machines:
1. Stationary Pole Identification (SPI) - The SPI process can learn the
encoder position without movement (i.e. ropes on and brake set),
but does not determine whether the A/B encoder channels must be
swapped - this would be determined iteratively and is described later.
2. Encoder Pole Learn - This function will determine the encoder position
but requires sheave movement with a relatively frictionless load (i.e.
balanced car or unroped sheave). The benefit of this method is that
proper A/B phasing can be determined automatically.
Initial Startup
5.10.1 SPI Encoder SPI can be done with the ropes on and the brake set. To start the SPI
Learn functionality go to LL05 and follow the instructions on the LCD:
• LL05 - SPI (“START”)
During the SPI process, the motor will make a series of chirps and the
LCD display will show the encoder position samples. During the tune nine
samples will be taken, the first is dropped and an average will be taken of
the last eight. Upon completion the display will show the last sample taken
and an average of the samples. The encoder pole position found by SPI will
be written to parameter LE06.
After the process has completed, the user will be prompted to complete the
Encoder Synchronization procedure to establish the correct A/B encoder
channel phasing and direction of rotation. Proceed to Section 5.10.3 for
further details. If the Encoder Synchronization process has previously been
completed, the user may Abort the Encoder Synchronization step without
losing the learned Encoder Pole Position.
Scan the QR code to the left to view a walkthrough video of the SPI
Initial Startup
5.10.2 Encoder Pole As an alternative to using the SPI function, a user can use the Encoder
Position Learn Pole Position Learn. The advantage of the Encoder Pole Position Learn
is that it learns the correct A/B channel phasing in addition to the pole
position. However, the procedure does require frictionless movement
(unroped sheave or balanced car).
For an unroped machine, the speed gains may need to be reduced
beforehand to prevent vibration during the encoder synchronization...
During the process, the sheave will align to a motor pole and move back
and forth a few degrees. During this time the encoder position will be
shown on the keypad.
If the A/B phasing is incorrect the process will stop and notify the user.
Then it will resume and automatically make the change and prompt the user
to hold the inspection again.
When the process is complete, the keypad will prompt the user to release
the inspection. The encoder position and A/B phasing information will be
automatically written to parameters LL06 and LL03, respectively.
After the process has completed, the user will be prompted to complete the
portion of the Encoder Synchronization procedure to establish the correct
direction of rotation. Proceed to Section 5.10.3 for further details. If the
Encoder Synchronization process has previously been completed, the user
may Abort the Encoder Synchronization step without losing the learned
Encoder Pole Position.
Initial Startup
5.10.3 Encoder The Encoder Synchronization process will determine the correct A/B
Synchronization encoder channel phasing and direction of rotation for both IM and PM
motors. For PM motors, the Encoder Synchronization process immediately
follows either method of learning the encoder pole position.
Begin the process by setting:
Then follow the directions on the keypad. The drive will iteratively run the
elevator and swap the phasing and direction of the A/B channels as needed.
5.11 Running the At this point, the drive should be set up far enough to run reasonably well
Motor on inspection speed. At this point, the user should run the elevator in
both the up/down directions, verifying that the current in both directions
is reasonable. The current can be viewed from the Home or Diagnostics
screens. For a balanced car, the current should be reasonably low. For an
empty car, the running current should be less than motor rated current in
both directions.
Before this is done, there may be a few parameters which need adjustment:
5.11.1 Running at High Now, the elevator should be able to run at high speed with no major issues.
Speed At this point, if the user is satisfied, no further adjustments may be needed
to increase ride quality since the default settings for the speed control
provide a very good starting point in most cases.
Initial Startup
FFTC reduces the dependence on the speed feedback from the motor
by predicting what the system will do and providing the required torque
command based on that prediction.
The first step in learning the system inertia is to get the car running at
contract speed over multiple floors.
The next step is to balance the car and run on inspection in the middle of
the hoist way and monitor the torque (Diag. screen #3). The motor torque in
the up and down directions should be equal but in opposite direction. If this
is not the case, adjust the counter weights before proceeding.
For buildings with 12 floors or less, run the car from bottom to top and top
to bottom. For taller buildings, run between at least 10 floors in the middle
of the hoist way (5 above and 5 below). This function will also take into
account rope compensation or lack there of. So it is necessary to make this
measurement in the middle of the hoist way.
When ready, run the car between floors at high speed. High speed must be
reached! If it can’t, then lower the speed such that the car reaches a stable
speed for at least two seconds.
Then follow the directions on the keypad. After each run, the user will have
the option to calculate the inertia for that run. After four runs, the drive will
automatically calculate the inertia based on the averages.
Note: During the Inertia Learn process, the drive reduces the
acceleration to a fixed rate (1.5 ft/sec^2). It may be necessary to adjust
any speed following or tach error settings in the controller to prevent
Initial Startup
5.12.2 Synthetic The drive’s internal pre-torque is a feature of the drive which can be used to
Pretorque minimize, if not totally eliminate, the rollback which may occur at brake pick,
without the need for external load weighing devices. Pretorque is available
when the LC01 Control Mode is set for Closed Loop FOC or Closed Loop
Synthetic Pretorque.
Adjust the brake spring tension, brake voltage, and brake timing
first. Note that it is often advantageous to use a lower spring tension
and lower brake pick voltage to provide a softer lifting of the brake.
This allows for a smoother transition from brake to motor. It should
be noted that any subsequent changes to the brake could require
readjustment of the pre-torque.
During the pre-torque period, the corresponding speed gains for pretorque,
LC05 KP Speed Pretorque and LC10 KI Speed Pretorque, are active; These
can be adjusted generally by increasing LC10 in steps of 1000. Typical LC10
ranges between 10,000 - 20,000. After the LT03 Speed Start Delay timer
has expired, the pretorque period expires, the acceleration begins and the
corresponding speed gains for acceleration and high speed are now active.
For control modes which dictate the speed profile and when it begins (i.e.
analog or serial) the pretorque period will expire as the acceleration begins.
For best adjustment delay the start of the run profile by either
delaying the pattern with LT02 (binary, digital,...) or via the controller
for external speed command (serial, analog,...). Suggested delay is
2 seconds. This will allow the brake to pick, rollback to occur, and a
stabilized hold at zero speed before acceleration. This will help assess
the amount of rollback and timers can be reduced for normal timing
sequence after synthetic pretorque has been optimally adjusted.
Initial Startup
5.12.3 Closed Loop Setting the Control Mode LC01 = 3, Closed Loop Analog Pretorque allows the
Analog Pretorque drive to use an external pretorque input signal via AN2+ and AN2- on terminal
strip X2A for use with an analog load weighing device.
Set the inspection speed in the controller to zero. Set LT01, Brake Pick Delay
and LT03, Speed Start Delay, to values larger than one second.
Pick a direction so that the motor holds at zero speed. Monitor “Actual Torque”
on the keypad and make a note of the value before the brake lifts and the
value after the brake lifts with the motor holding at zero speed.
Adjust LA16 and LA17, Analog Input 2 X & Y offsets and repeat the previous
step until the value of “Actual Torque” before the brake lifts matches the value
after the brake lifts. When this occurs, there should be no noticeable rollback
when the brake lifts.
Load the car with weights. Full load is preferred, but not required.
Monitor the value of “Actual Torque” before the brake picks and when the motor
holds zero speed. Adjust LA15, Analog Input 2 Gain until the value of “Actual
Torque” before the brake lifts matches the value after the brake lifts. When this
occurs there should be no noticeable rollback when the brake lifts.
Remove the load, repeat the previous step, and adjust LA15 as needed.
Return the inspection speed, LT01 Brake Pick Delay, and LT03 Speed Start
Delay to their original values.
Initial Startup
5.12.4 Predictive By setting the Control Mode LC01 = 5, Closed Loop Synthetic Pretorque
Synthetic Pretorque the drives internal pre-torque function is activated with predictive synthetic
pretorque and brake release timing.
This function dynamically measures the time that was taken for the brake to
release from the point when the enable signal was given. Brake release time
is displayed in DG59 Brake Release Time. This allows for the adjustment of
the LT02-LT03 timers, reducing the difficulty in calculating this time. The time
measured is from when the enable signal is received to when the torque of
the motor changes.
For adjustment, adjust synthetic pretorque with LC01 = 2, Closed Loop FOC
as outlined in section 5.12.2, before setting LC01 = 5, Closed Loop Synthetic
Pretorque. This function will dynamically determine the load inside of the car
and then use 90% of that as the torque for the next run in the same direction.
This function requires that the brake is open before the end of the Speed Start
Delay Timer LT03 in order to accurately calculate the load previously. The
required holding torque of the previous run can be seen in DG58 Car Load.
Initial Startup
Direction + Speed
Current Check
Drive On
Brake Control
Main Contact
Parameters Descriptions
6.Parameter Description
Inputs: LI01...LI20
These parameters define the logic of the inputs and assign control
functionality to the digital inputs.
Parameters Descriptions
Outputs: LO01...LO32
These parameters define the functionality of the relay and solid-state
drive outputs.
Not all parameters may be viewable and changeable, depending on the
password accessibility. Refer to Section 4.8.2 for additional informa-
tion on password access.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
US02 This parameter chooses to display the speed, accel, and torque units in either
System Units Imperial or Metric format.
Settings: NUM
m / sec 0
ft / min 1
Default = ft / min
This parameter chooses the motor type and gearing configuration of the
US03 system.
Motor Type
Settings: NUM
Induction Geared 0
Induction Gearless 1
PM synchronous Geared 2
PM synchronous Gearless 3
Default = Induction Geared
Changing to a new configuration will return the parameter values to
default! If a new configuration is loaded, a user will need to go through
all start-up steps before running the motor.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
US04 This parameter selects the type of speed selection and rotation setting. Further
Control Type details for each are provided on the following pages.
Digital inputs for speed and direction can be programmed to I1...I6, I8
with LI04-11, where I1>I2>...I8 for speed inputs
LI15 determines whether digital inputs and/or Control Word are used as
direction signal for serial speed control modes.
See section 3.1 and 3.2 for the appropriate control terminal layout.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
Digital Speed Selection utilizes four digital inputs assigned in LI04-11 as Speed
Selection (27) to select up to five speeds. Input priority will be I1>I2>...I8. The
input logic table can be defined in LI03 Speed Input Decoding as to which
corresponding speed in the LS parameter group is selected.
The speed profile between selected speeds will be internally generated by the
drive according to the programmed acceleration, deceleration and jerk rates
in the LS parameters group.
The speed profile between selected speeds will be internally generated by the
drive according to the programmed acceleration, deceleration and jerk rates
in the LS parameters group.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
The speed profile acceleration, deceleration and jerk rates are externally
generated by the controller. It is possible to limit external profile rates by
setting LS15 = Internal Profile (4) and adjusting the according LS20-25 High
Speed profile rates.
A bi-polar, 0... ±10V analog signal connected to the terminals AN1+ and AN1-
controls the speed from 0...±High Speed. The High Speed must be set in
LS02. For controllers which do not output 10V corresponding to High Speed,
the analog input can be scaled by LA05 AnIn1 Gain. In addition, the AN1+
and AN1- inputs can be programmed to receive the speed profile as either a
voltage or current signal using parameter LA50.
The speed profile acceleration, deceleration and jerk rates are externally
generated by the controller. It is possible to limit external profile rates by
setting LS15 = Internal Profile (4) and adjusting the according LS20-25 High
Speed profile rates.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
The serial communication connected to the keypad operator terminal port X6C
controls the speed via the Process Data Input assigned as Field Bus Speed.
The High Speed must be set in LS02.
The speed profile acceleration, deceleration and jerk rates are externally
generated by the controller. It is possible to limit external profile rates by
setting LS15 = Internal Profile (4) and adjusting the according LS20-25 High
Speed profile rates.
The direction is determined by the sign of the Field Bus Speed, although a
direction is needed to control the start and stop routines. Either a hardware
or software direction input can be utilized. Either or both Up and Down inputs
can be used for direction but the direction selected does not matter since the
actual direction is determined by the sign of the Field Bus Speed. Software
directions can be controlled via direction bits in the Process Data Input assigned
as Control Word or assigned to software inputs Fb21-27 as Up (25) or Down
(26) Direction and controlled via the Control Word. Hardware digital inputs
can be assigned in LI04-11 as Up (25) or Down (26). If both software Control
Word direction and hardware direction inputs are used, LI15 Direction Selection
Inputs determines whether they are OR (0: Up and Down Inputs) or AND (2:
Up & Down AND Serial Control Word) activated; if a software input is assigned
as direction (as opposed to the Control Word direction bits), the hardware and
software inputs are OR activated. If both hardware and software direction inputs
are used, the selected direction must match. If both Up and Down directions
are used, they cannot be signaled simultaneously at the beginning of a run,
otherwise ‘Direction Selection Failure’ will occur.
The Drive Enable is AND activated by the Control Word and hardware input I7.
Refer to Section 6.15 for additional information regarding Field Bus
parameters and serial communication.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
The serial communication connected to the keypad operator terminal port X6C
controls the speed via the Process Data Input assigned as Field Bus Speed.
The High Speed must be set in LS02.
The speed profile acceleration, deceleration and jerk rates are externally
generated by the controller. It is possible to limit external profile rates by
setting LS15 = Internal Profile (4) and adjusting the according LS20-25 High
Speed profile rates.
The direction is determined by the sign of the Field Bus Speed, although a
direction is needed to control the start and stop routines. Either a hardware
or software direction input can be utilized. Either or both Up and Down inputs
can be used for direction but the direction selected does not matter since the
actual direction is determined by the sign of the Field Bus Speed. Software
directions can be controlled via direction bits in the Process Data Input assigned
as Control Word or assigned to software inputs Fb21-27 as Up (25) or Down
(26) Direction and controlled via the Control Word. Hardware digital inputs
can be assigned in LI04-11 as Up (25) or Down (26). If both software Control
Word direction and hardware direction inputs are used, LI15 Direction Selection
Inputs determines whether they are OR (0: Up and Down Inputs) or AND (2:
Up & Down AND Serial Control Word) activated; if a software input is assigned
as direction (as opposed to the Control Word direction bits), the hardware and
software inputs are OR activated. If both hardware and software direction inputs
are used, the selected direction must match. If both Up and Down directions
are used, they cannot be signaled simultaneously at the beginning of a run,
otherwise ‘Direction Selection Failure’ will occur.
The Drive Enable is AND activated by the Control Word and hardware input I7.
Refer to Section 6.15 for additional information regarding Field Bus
parameters and serial communication.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
The speed selection for Serial Binary Speed is done through the control-word
bits 4, 5, and 6 (Bin. Speed 1 - Bin. Speed 3). The input logic table can be
defined in LI03 Speed Input Decoding and or LI16 Custom Input Decoding as
to which corresponding speed in the LS parameter group is selected.
The speed profile between selected speeds will be internally generated by the
drive according to the programmed acceleration, deceleration and jerk rates
in the LS parameters group.
The Drive Enable is AND activated by the Control Word and hardware input I7.
Refer to Section 6.15 for additional information regarding Field Bus
parameters and serial communication.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
Control Sequence
Up or Down direction.
If both the Up and Down directions are given, a Direction Selection Failure
will occur.
If the check does not pass, Error Low Motor Current will occur.
After the check passes, the drive will begin to modulate and output current.
After LT02 Control Hold Off timer expires, LC05 and LC10 pretorque speed
control gains are active.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
Acceleration to selected speed will begin after LT01 Brake Release Delay
and LT03 Speed Start Delay
For external profile pattern from Analog or Serial speed control, LT03
Speed Start Delay will expire automatically when command becomes
After an initial speed is selected, any higher speed selected will be ignored
until zero speed is selected.
When a speed less than the run speed is selected (eg. leveling), the
acceleration/run speed stage is exited and the deceleration/leveling stage
begins; LC04, LC09, and LC12 speed control gains are active.
If all speed inputs or direction are dropped deceleration to zero speed will begin.
When zero speed command is reached and direction is dropped, the LT10
Brake Drop Delay timer begins. After the timer expires:
The LT12 Current Hold Time begins. After the timer expires:
The LT13 Current Ramp Down Time begins. After the timer expires:
The output current will have reached zero and the modulation
will be turned off. The Drive Enable, I7, can be dropped.
Dropping the Drive Enable before the LT12 + LT13 timers have
expired and the current has ramped down to zero will shut off the
output current and modulation immediately, which may cause
an abnormal stopping sensation.
US - Basic Setup Parameters
US05 After entering the basic setup parameters (US02-US04 & US06) the system
Load Configuration configuration must be written to the drive. This procedure loads the drive with
the correct parameters depending on the motor type and sets the correct limits
and scalings.
A user can also save/load OEM defaults and read/write to various memory
locations. These are the following options available in US05:
Settings: NUM
Not Configured 0
Configuration OK 1
Write Configuration to Drive 2
Read Configuration from Drive 3
Write Configuration to Flash 4
Read Configuration to Flash 5
Create OEM Default 8
Restore OEM Defaults 9
Restore KEB Defaults 10
If the parameters US02 System Units, US03 Motor Type, or US04 Control Type
are changed, the configuration will need to be reloaded in US05 for changes
to take effect.
US06 This parameter sets the contract speed which serves as an upper speed limit
Contract Speed for normal operation.
LI - Input Parameters
LI01 Determines whether the digital inputs are PNP (sourcing, +24VDC = ON) or
NPN (sinking, 0VDC = ON). This setting is applied globally to all inputs.
Type of Input
Settings: NUM
Default = PNP (0)
LI02 This parameter controls a digital noise filter which can be used to mask relay
bounce or other unwanted momentary signals. This filter applies to all digital
Digital Input Filter inputs except the Drive Enable input (I7). The drive enable input is processed
LI03 When the Control Type US04 is set as Digital (0) or Binary (1) Speed Selection,
the logic table to which selected speed for a digital input combination must
Speed Input Decoding be determined.
Settings: NUM
US04 = Binary Speed Selection
B(Level - Correction - Inspection) + D(Level - Correct. - High - Inspect.) 0
B(Inspection - Level - Correction) + D(Level - Correct. - High - Inspect.) 1
B(Level - Correction - High) + D(Level - Correct. - High - Inspect.) 2
Decode with LI16 + D(Level - Correct. - High - Inspect.) 3
US04 = Digital Speed Selection
B(Level - Correction - Inspection) + D(Level - Correct. - High - Inspect.) 0
B(Level - Correction - Inspection) + D(Level - High - Inspect. - Interm.) 4
B(Level - Correction - Inspection) + D(Inspect. - Level - High - Interm.) 8
B(Level - Correction - Inspection) + D(Level - Int.2 - High - Inspect.) 12
Default = B(Level - Correction - Inspection) + D(Level - Correct. - High - Inspect.)(0)
Refer to US04 Control Type = Binary Speed Selection & Digital Speed
Selection for description of the basic operation.
The LI03 setting only changes the logic table according to the
corresponding US04 Control Type setting.
LI - Input Parameters
Older KEB elevator software and worldwide variants are available. Because of
this, several different truth tables for the Digital Speed Selection are available:
The following are the corresponding logic tables. Although inputs I1...I4 are
shown, the inputs actually used for speed selection are configurable and
can be defined in LI04-11. Refer to Section 3.1.1 or 3.2.2 for input terminal
LI - Input Parameters
* Valid only at start (once leveling speed is reached it is not possible
to accelerate up to high speed again until after zero speed has been
LI - Input Parameters
Older KEB elevator software and worldwide variants are available. Because of
this, several different truth tables for the Binary Speed selection are available:
The following are the corresponding logic tables. Although inputs I2...I4 are
shown, the inputs actually used for speed selection are configurable and
can be defined in LI04-11. Refer to Section 3.1.1 or 3.2.2 for input terminal
Custom binary table selections can be created with LI16 Custom Input
LI - Input Parameters
LI - Input Parameters
Input 1 Function If this input is available, then it is free to be programmed with the one of the
following input functions:
LI - Input Parameters
Note: Two inputs cannot be assigned the same function, except Brake
Release Confirmation.
t = LT10 + LT12
= Brake Drop Delay + Current Hold Time
Two inputs can be programmed for the brake switch. During stop, the
switches should be closed and open during run. If the brake switch is open
during Mode = Idle, then the Brake Switch Failure fault will also occur. If
during the run, the brake switch closes, the Brake Switch Failure fault will not
Refer to section 12.3 for function testing of the Brake Release Confirmation
LI - Input Parameters
UPS Operation
During UPS Operation there is the option for the drive to determine the
direction of travel based on the load to utilize the least amount of power under
a UPS supply. This option is called “Easy Direction”. During the brake release
sequence the drive will measure the motor torque and travel in the direction
of least resistance. The conditions for determining direction of travel are:
• Less than Balanced = Up
• Greater than Balanced = Down
If the drive is programmed for Binary, Digital, Absolute Analog or CAN speed
control modes, LI50 UPS Mode becomes active while UPS Operation is
being utilized. When LI50 is set to default (0), both up and down directions
must be signalled to determine the Easy Direction. When LI50 is set to Easy
Direction (1), either up or down direction can be commanded and the drive
will determine the Easy Direction (signalling both directions is not required).
Note: If using CAN speed control, LI50 must be set to Easy Direction (1).
Easy Direction is not available if the drive is programmed for Serial Service
49, Serial Service 50, Serial Binary or Bi-polar Analog speed control. During
UPS Operation, the direction of travel will be as commanded.
During regular operation (not UPS mode), if both direction inputs are signalled
simultaneously, a ‘Direction Selection Failure’ fault will occur.
LI - Input Parameters
MCC Output
The MCC output is used to control the motor contactor. The MCC
output is ON when the drive processes the Direction + Speed input
commands (or direction only for analog and serial speed control
modes). As the contactor closes, the Normally Open (NO) contact on
the contactor should be used to signal the drive enable input.
The MCC output will turn OFF at the end of the run after the Direction
input has been dropped AND the output current has ramped down to
zero; the drive will be in Mode = No Direction (LS) at this point. As the
contactor opens, the Normally Open (NO) contact on the contactor
should be used to drop the drive enable input.
MCC Input
LI - Input Parameters
MCC Input
Enable 24VDC NO
LI - Input Parameters
Speed Selection
When the US04 Control Type = Binary Speed Selection (1) or Digital Speed
Selection (0), the X2A terminal strip inputs to be used for speed selection
must be assigned with LI04-11. For Binary Speed Selection, three inputs will
need to be assigned Speed Selection (27) and for Digital Speed Selection,
four inputs will need to be assigned as Speed Selection.
For the inputs assigned as Speed Selection, the priority will be: I1>I2>....I8.
For example, the following would be an abbreviated logic table for US04
Control Type = Binary Speed Selection (1) with LI03 Special Input Function =
B(Inspection - Level - Correction) (0) if LI05-07 (I2-I4) = Speed Selection and
LI04 (I1) is set to another function other than Speed Selection.
Control Inputs
I1 I2 I3 I4
S Leveling LS01 x 1 0 0
S High LS02 x 0 0 1
S Inspection LS03 x 1 1 0
S Correction LS04 x 0 1 0
Now, if LI04 were re-assigned such that I1 = Speed Selection, the table would
be as follows (table shifts left toward input with priority):
Control Inputs
I1 I2 I3 I4
S Leveling LS01 1 0 0 x
S High LS02 0 0 1 x
S Inspection LS03 1 1 0 x
S Correction LS04 0 1 0 x
Lastly, if LI05 (I2) were set to a function other than Speed Selection, then the
previous table would change to the following (I2 splits table):
Control Inputs
I1 I2 I3 I4
S Leveling LS01 1 x 0 0
S High LS02 0 x 0 1
S Inspection LS03 1 x 1 0
S Correction LS04 0 x 1 0
LI - Input Parameters
The ESD input is an active low input controlled by the controller. ‘ESD Input
Failure’ fault will occur if the ESD input is not detected (high) at the beginning
of a run.
When the ESD input is dropped (pulse or constant), the drive will decelerate
to the LS01 Leveling Speed using the dedicated ESD/ETS deceleration and
jerk profile settings (LS48-49). The ESD profile generated by the drive will
bypass any controller-generated serial or analog profile. The drive will then
continue to run at the LS01 Leveling Speed until the hardware direction input
is dropped. When the direction is dropped, the drive will decelerate to zero
After the ESD has been signalled, the maximum speed will be limited to the
LS01 Leveling Speed until the end of the run when the enable command is
The final stopping jerk when the direction is dropped at the end of the run will
use the LS43-45 Emergency profile deceleration and jerk rates.
High Speed
Normal Profile
Slowdown LS48
Profile LS43-45
Direction Dropped
ESD Input
LI - Input Parameters
The ETS input is an active low input controlled by the controller. ‘ETS Input
Failure’ fault will occur if the ETS input is not detected (high) at the beginning
of a run.
When the ETS input is dropped (pulse or constant), the drive will begin to
compare the encoder speed against the LX17 ETS Speed threshold.
ELSE, IF the encoder speed remains LESS than the corresponding LX17
ETS Speed threshold, the drive will continue as normal.
If an ETS slowdown has been initiated, the maximum speed will be limited to
the LS01 Leveling Speed until the end of the run when the enable command
is dropped.
The final stopping jerk when the direction is dropped at the end of the run will
use the LS43-45 Emergency profile deceleration and jerk rates.
LI - Input Parameters
When the NTS input is dropped (pulse or constant), the drive will begin to
compare the encoder speed against the corresponding NTSD threshold and
direction (TS03-08).
ELSE, IF the encoder speed remains LESS than the corresponding NTSD
speed threshold (TS03-08), the drive will continue as normal.
If an NTS slowdown is initiated, then the maximum speed will be limited to the
TS02 NTSD Target Speed until the end of the run when the enable command
is dropped.
The final stopping jerk when the direction is dropped at the end of the run will
use the LS43-45 Emergency profile deceleration and jerk rates.
LI - Input Parameters
Input 2 corresponds to digital control terminal I2, X2A.11 (F5-A, Section 3.1.1).
Input 2 Function
Input 3 corresponds to digital control terminal I3, X2A.12 (F5-A, Section 3.1.1).
Input 3 Function
Input 4 corresponds to digital control terminal I4, X2A.13 (F5-A, Section 3.1.1).
Input 4 Function
Input 5 corresponds to digital control terminal I5, X2A.14 (F5-A, Section 3.1.1).
Input 5 Function
Input 6 corresponds to digital control terminal I6, X2A.15 (F5-A, Section 3.1.1).
Input 6 Function
LI11 Input 8 corresponds to digital control terminal I8, X2A.17 (F5-A, Section 3.1.1).
Input 8 Function
LI - Input Parameters
LI15 Sets the function of inputs programmed as Up and Down according to US04
Control Type. In addition, the Brake Control output condition can be assigned
Direction Selection to direction or speed inputs. Direction Selection and Brake Function options
Inputs can be selected in combination.
LI - Input Parameters
LI16 Allows a custom input logic table to be defined for binary speed control mode,
US04 Control Type = Binary Speed Selection (1). This parameter must
Custom Input Decoding be adjusted as a hexadecimal number using the NUM function on the
keypad when editing.
To select this function, set LI03 Speed Input Decoding = Decode with LI16.
Speeds are assigned the following values:
2 = Leveling
4 = Correction
6 = Inspection
8 = High
A = Intermediate 1
C = Intermediate 2
E = Intermediate 3
The parameter is 7 digits, populated one digit at a time with the above values
to create the decoding. The first, right-most digit corresponds to binary 001
and the seventh, left-most digit corresponds to binary 111 where I8>...>I1.
Zero speed is fixed with binary 000.
I4 I3 I2 Digit
0 0 0 -
0 0 1 1 (Right-most)
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 7 (Left-most)
For example, the binary input logic table corresponding to the default setting
of LI03 Speed Input Decoding = B(Level - Correction - Inspection), NUM = 0,
would be LI16 = ECA8642 (note the order of the inputs).
LI20 Sets the response to a Brake Switch Failure fault, when an input is assigned
as Brake Release Confirmation.
Brake Switch Function
Setting: Description: NUM
General Reset Brake switch faults will automatically reset up to
the number of times adjusted in LX01.
Auto Reset The brake switch fault will only reset 3 times,
regardless of the LX01 setting.
Forced Resets A manual reset of the fault on the drive is required
(F1+F4), even after a power cycle. No auto reset 2
is possible.
Default = General Reset (0)
Refer to section 12.3 for function testing of the Brake Release Confirmation
LI50 This parameter is only active when an input (LI04-LI11) is set to use the UPS
function. The drive determines which direction will use less power based on
UPS Mode brief torque measurements made before the run and then commands the
motor to run in the Easy Direction. In default mode (0), with the UPS input
active, both directions must be signalled to activate the function. When LI50
is set to Easy Direction (1), the function will activate automatically each time
a UPS run is commanded. Regardless of the commanded direction, the drive
will determine and choose the Easy Direction (signalling both directions is
not required). The Easy Direction function is only available in Binary, Digital,
Absolute Analog and CAN speed control modes.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Parameters that pertain to induction motors will have the following icon listed
beside it.
Parameters that pertain to permanent magnet motors will have the following
icon listed beside it.
LM01 The rated power of the motor, according to nameplate. The unit will be either
HP or kW, according to the US02 System Units setting.
Motor Power
• 1 kW = 1.36 HP
• 1 HP = 0.735 kW
For PM Synchronous Motors, the rated power is calculated from the rated
motor speed (LM02) and rated motor torque (LM07) and is therefore read-
only. Refer to LM07 Motor Torque for further details.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Motor Speed
For an Induction Motor you may NOT enter the motor-synchronous speed
(e.g. 1200 rpm for a 6 pole, 60Hz motor) Rated Motor Speed = Synchronous
Speed - Slip Speed. Ask the motor manufacturer for the motor rated speed.
When the following synchronous speeds are entered, a warning
message will be displayed to the user, “Warning: Value entered appears
to be synchronous motor speed; for an induction motor the rated motor
speed will be less due to slip!”
60 Hz, 6-pole: 1200 rpm
60 Hz, 4-pole: 1800 rpm
60 Hz, 2-pole: 3600 rpm
50 Hz, 6-pole: 1000 rpm
50 Hz, 4-pole: 1500 rpm
50 Hz, 2-pole: 3000 rpm
If you cannot find it on the name plate, use the following example to estimate
the rated speed.
If the nameplate reads 1200 rpm (synchronous speed) then the value
that should be entered must be lower. For starting purposes, one can
estimate the slip at about 2.9%. Then through running the elevator it is
possible to determine whether further adjustments are necessary. 2.9%
of 1200 is 35 rpm. To begin with, use the value 1200 - 35 = 1165 rpm
which is the default value.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
For PM Synchronous Motors, the relationship between the rated motor speed,
rated motor frequency and the number of motor poles MUST NOT include
any slip.
For a given number of motor poles, the rated motor speed or frequency
should be verified against the nameplate values and changed accordingly
in the drive, as rounding may occur on the nameplate. The number of motor
poles will always be an even, whole number. If it is not known, then it may be
obtained from the motor manufacturer based on frame model of the motor.
Motor Calculated Poles on Diagnostic Screen #12 automatically
calculates the number of estimated motor poles, based on LM04 Motor
Frequency and LM02 Motor Speed.
The following equation is used to estimate the number of motor poles. If Motor
Calculated Poles on Diagnostic Screen #12 or the following equation yields a
result near an odd number, contact the motor manufacturer to determine the
correct number of motor poles.
LM04 * 120
LM02 =
# of Motor Poles
Once the correct number of motor poles has been determined as a whole,
even number, then the equation can be rearranged to solve for either the rated
motor speed or rated motor frequency, according to the equations above.
It is not important whether the rated motor speed or rated motor frequency
is changed to accurately reflect the number of motor poles as long as the
equation holds true, although it may be best to keep the rated motor speed
fixed to reflect the actual motor speed at high speed and solve for frequency.
It is recommended to perform this calculation to verify no rounding has
occurred for these values on the nameplate motor data. If this equation does
not hold true, the result may be higher current draw to produce a given torque.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Here, the number of motor poles is approximately 19. The number is not
even. This would indicate either the motor rated speed or frequency listed on
the nameplate was incorrect. Additionally, it cannot be determined whether
the correct number of motor poles should be either 18 or 20. In this case,
contact the motor manufacturer to confirm.
For this example, assume the motor manufacturer confirmed the number of
pole pairs to be 20. With this, we can assume either the rated motor speed of
95 rpm is correct or the rated motor frequency of 15 Hz is correct, then solve
for the other. Here, we will choose the 95 rpm to be correct and solve for the
rated motor frequency, given a 20 pole motor:
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Motor Current
FOR PM SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS, the relationship between the rated
motor speed, rated motor frequency and the number of motor poles
MUST NOT include any slip. For a given number of motor poles, the
rated motor speed or frequency should be verified against the nameplate
values and changed accordingly in the drive, as rounding may occur on
the nameplate. Refer to parameter LM02 Motor Speed for details.
Motor Voltage
For induction motors, enter the rated motor voltage according to nameplate.
For PM motors, enter the no load phase-to-phase back EMF rms voltage
at rated speed. This particular unit for voltage is not typically listed on the
nameplate. As a starting point, the nameplate voltage can be entered.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
This parameter is not the efficiency of the motor but the ratio of the magnetizing
current to the total phase current of the motor. Lower power factor values will
increase the magnetizing current to the motor and thus increase the field
strength resulting in tighter control of the motor. Higher values decrease the
magnetizing current and the field strength.
If not known, a value of 0.9 is recommended for old high slip motors and
a value of 0.75 is recommended for gearless induction motors.
LM07 The rated motor torque in lb-ft or Nm, depending on selection of US02 System
Motor Torque
For IM the torque value is calculated from the rated speed (LM02) and rated
power (LM01) and is therefore read-only. Refer to Motor Power (LM01).
For PM motors the torque value must be entered and is used to establish the
torque constant. Enter the rated name plate torque.
Since the desired unit for rated motor torque may not appear on the motor
nameplate, below are the appropriate conversions:
LM - Motor Data Parameters
LM08 This parameter is used to activate and select the type of motor overload
function. Depending on the setting of this parameter, the Elevator Drive will
Electric Motor trigger an ‘Error Motor Protection’ fault causing the motor to stop.
Settings: NUM
Off 0
On 1
Default = On (1)
The trip curve is in accordance with VDE 0660 Part 104, UL508C section 42,
and NFPA 70 Article 430 part C. It is defined as follows:
60 min
Non-ventilated motor
30 min
2 min
1 min
30 sec
5 sec
% of Motor
50 100 150 200 400 600 800 Current
This function must be activated to ensure the motor protection function
is operational!
The trigger level is established from the LM03 Motor Rated Current and LM11
Peak Motor Current Factor. Refer to LM11 Peak Motor Current Factor for
additional details.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Electric Motor
Protection Current
This parameter sets the current threshold in amps above which the Elevator
drive activates the motor overload function, described in LM08 Electric Motor
Protection.This parameter should be set in accordance with motor rated
For PM motors the current threshold for electronic motor protection is set
equal to the rated motor current in LM03 and therefore does not appear.
Additionally, some motors must be protected from long term peak current to
prevent damage to the motor windings. For additional settings and details,
refer to LM11 Peak Motor Current Factor.
If the motor utilizes a KTY thermistor for temperature detection then the
trigger temperature can be set directly. In addition, the drive hardware must
support KTY a sensor.
If the motor utilizes a PTC thermistor or relay for overheat detection, then the
drive will trigger based on the thermistor resistance or open relay, and not the
temperature setting. Refer to Section 2.8 for further details on PTC tripping
and reset resistances.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
LM11 Peak motor current factor for drive overload error for PM motors.
This parameter is not applicable to Induction Motors and therefore will not
For PM motors the current limit for electronic motor protection is set equal to
the rated motor current in LM03. Some motors must be protected from long
term peak current to prevent damage to the motor windings. This parameter
is then used to limit the time of peak current to the motor. If the motor current
exceeds this value for longer than 3.0 seconds, the drive will automatically
trigger the ‘Error Motor Protection’ fault and shut down operation.
When adjusting the rated motor current in LM03, this value is
automatically set to 200% of the LM03 Motor Current. After setting
LM03, this parameter can then be adjusted based on the max. current
allowed by the motor manufacturer.
If this parameter is set too low, it may interfere with operation of the
elevator resulting in shut downs, particularly during acceleration or
This parameter will NOT limit the maximum current output. It is only
used to start the timer which would trigger an ‘Error Motor Protection’
fault. Refer to LC30 Maximum Torque for issues with current limiting.
If the LC30 Maximum Torque is set lower than LM11, peak current will
be limited to the corresponding LC30 value and this function cannot be
realized. Likewise, if the LM11 value is set to a value corresponding to
current greater than the drive peak current rating (Refer to Section 2.4
or 2.5), then this function cannot be realized.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Motor Ls
This value can be learned for either motor type with a Motor Tune. Refer
to Section 5.9 Motor Learn for further details.
Motor Rs
For PM motors this is the phase-to-phase resistance value of the stator. Motor
manufacturers may list the per phase value; therefore you must multiply by
two. Incorrect settings of this parameter could lead to oscillation in the current
control and audible noise in the motor, since the regulator values for the
current control are calculated from this value.
This value can be learned for either motor type with a Motor Tune. Refer
to Section 5.9 for further details.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Motor Rr
This is the per phase induction motor rotor resistance.
This value can be learned with a Motor Tune. Refer to Section 5.9 for
further details.
Motor Lm
This is the per phase induction motor magnetizing inductance. The magnetizing
inductance can be monitored from Diagnostics Screen #1 or in parameter
DG09. If the actual magnetizing current is too high, lower this inductance
value in steps of 20. If it is too low, raise the value.
This value can be learned with a Motor Tune. Refer to Section 5.9 for
further details.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Field Weakening
The field weakening speed determines at which speed the peak torque limit
starts being reduced. It is necessary to reduce the peak torque limit of the
motor since the drive’s ability to force current into the motor is limited by the
applied voltage as rated speed is reached.
If the drive tries to demand more torque than the motor can produce given the
available voltage and actual motor speed, it is possible that the breakdown
torque of the motor will be exceeded and as a result the motor will appear to
stall and run at less than desired speed.
The solution is simply to reduce the value of LM24 to about 60% of synchronous
speed (720 rpm for a 1,200 rpm motor). A setting of 45% of synchronous
speed should be used as the practical lower limit of this parameter.
Rated Torque
Peak Torque
Motor Torque (%)
0 600 900 1200 1800 2400
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Field Weakening
To prevent this from occurring the drive has an adjustable torque curve which
prevents the voltage limit from being reached. The value of this parameter
is normally calculated when the motor data is loaded in the LM parameters.
After entering the data, this value can be fine tuned.
Speed (rpm)
LM22 LM25 LM26
LM - Motor Data Parameters
Motor Ls Max
This parameter is not applicable to Induction motors and therefore will not
This value can be learned with a Motor Tune. Refer to Section 5.9 for
further details.
Motor Inductance
This parameter is not applicable to Induction motors and therefore will not
This parameter selects the relationship between the motor rated and maximum
inductances. It is determined by the drive and is used as part of the LL05 SPI
function. If the LM01 Motor Tune has been completed, this parameter should
not need adjustment and is only available for advanced troubleshooting.
Settings: NUM
Ld <> Lq 0
Ld = Lq 1
Default = Ld <> Lq (0)
This value can be learned with a Motor Tune. Refer to Section 5.9 for
further details.
LM - Motor Data Parameters
This parameter activates various controllers in the drive. Multiple options may
LM30 be selected, in which the NUM value is the sum of the options selected.
Motor Control
Setting: Description: NUM
Motor Model Turns on motor model. The drive will
automatically activate the motor model after
the LL01 Motor Tune has been completed
Vmax Regulation Refer to LM31 for further details. 2
Flux Control Activates flux control. This setting only applies
to Induction motors. The drive will automatically
activate the flux control after the LM01 Motor
Tune has been completed successfully.
Flux Proofing Ensures sufficient flux build up before
activating Drive On or Brake Control outputs. 8
This setting only applies to Induction motors.
Zero Speed Model Keeps the motor model active at zero speed. 16
Default* = Vmax Regulation (2)
*After a LL01 Motor Tuning has been performed, the Motor Model will be
turned on and for Induction motors, Flux Control will also be turned on.
LM31 Sets the maximum output voltage level as a percentage of the available with
100% equal to the maximum available. The drive will attempt to regulate
Vmax Regulation the output voltage from going above this value by reducing the magnetizing
current of induction motors or de-fluxing for PM motors. The nominal value is
97% which will regulate the voltage to just under 100%.
LM32 Current control proportion gain. Calculated from motor data. This parameter
should not need adjustment and is only available for advanced troubleshooting.
KP Current
LM33 Current control integral gain. Calculated from motor data. This parameter
should not need adjustment and is only available for advanced troubleshooting.
KI Current
LE - Encoder Parameters
This parameter displays the type of encoder feedback card installed in the
LE01 drive.
Encoder Interface
This parameter is also used to reset ‘Error Encoder Interface’ faults. If an ‘Error
Encoder Interface’ fault has occurred, and the problem has been corrected,
the error can be reset by displaying the value of LE01 and pressing ENTER.
This is the only way to manually reset the ‘Error Encoder Interface’ fault.
LE02 Enter the encoder pulses per revolution (ppr) listed on the encoder. This
refers to the encoder input X3A.
Encoder 1 Pulse
Number Higher encoder pulses per revolution can be supported. Refer to LE08,
LE09 and LE10 for further details.
the motor can run very slowly and draw high current, run too fast and
OVERSPEED IS POSSIBLE, or other unforeseen conditions may occur.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to adjust this parameter correctly.
LE03 This parameter is used to invert the A and B incremental channels and/or
invert the direction of motor rotation.
Swap Encoder 1
Setting: Description: NUM
Not Inverted No changes are made to A/B or direction of
A-B Swapped Encoder channels A and B are swapped
Inverted Rotation The direction of motor rotation is inverted 2
A-B Swap & Encoder channels A and B are swapped
Inverted Rotation internally, and the direction of motor rotation 3
is inverted.
Default = Not Inverted (0)
For PM Synchronous Motors, if the A/B Channels are swapped, the
encoder pole position value in LE06 will have a different corresponding
value and must be relearned. See Section 5.10 for additional information.
This parameter is used to adjust the sample time of the encoder feedback for
LE04 calculation of the actual motor speed value. With certain motors or encoders
Sample Rate for it may be beneficial to use a time other than the factory setting. Lower values
Encoder 1 lead to higher bandwidth and faster response times of the motor. However
lower values also increase the systems susceptibility to electrical noise on
the encoder signal. Therefore on some systems having higher noise levels,
lower values may not be suitable. If this electrical noise is a problem, the
motor will produce an audible noise or vibration while running. If this is the
case, try increasing the rate by one step (e.g. from 4ms to 8ms) as a way to
filter electrical noise.
Settings: NUM
0.5 msec(2 kHz) 0
1 msec (1 kHz) 1
2 msec (500 Hz) 2
4 msec (250 Hz) 3
8 msec (125 Hz) 4
16 msec (63 Hz) 5
32 msec (31 Hz) 6
Default = 4 msec (250 Hz) (3)
LE05 This parameter can be used to increase the resolution of encoders with
analog sine/cosine tracks. The encoder types are EnDat, SIN/COS, SSi, and
Encoder 1 Multiplier Hiperface. For incremental encoders, adjustment of this parameter has no
effect; internally, the value will be set to a value of 2 due to the TTL pulse
Default Setting (Gearless modes) = 8
Default Setting (Geared modes) = 2
EnDat encoder with base resolution of 2048 ppr.
LE06 This parameter displays the position of the encoder in relation to one of the
motor poles. This may often be referred to as the encoder position.
Encoder 1 Pole
The parameter is only applicable to PM Synchronous motors. Refer to Section
5.10.1 or 5.10.2 for the procedures to learn the pole position.
The pole position must be known for proper operation of a PM
Synchronous motor. Failure to learn the pole position may result in
excessive current draw and may result in loss of control.
LE07 This parameter determines when the drive will automatically determine the
pole position for a PM Synchronous motor.
Rotor Detection Mode
LE - Encoder Parameters
LE08 For encoders whose pulses per revolution exceeds that accepted by the
encoder feedback card, encoder scaling can be enabled. Refer to the example
Encoder Scaling below and LE09 Encoder 1 Numerator and LE10 Encoder 1 Denominator for
further details.
An incremental encoder is listed as 36000 ppr. The maximum acceptable
ppr for the incremental encoder feedback interface card is 16384. In
this case, the LE02 Pulse Number can be set to 9000, the LE09 Enc1
Numerator can be set to 4 and the LE10 Enc1 Denominator can be set
to 1. Now, if the encoder scaling is activated by setting LE08 Encoder
Scaling = LE02 x LE09 / LE10, then the encoder pulses per revolution is
scaled back to 9000 x 4 / 1 = 36,000 ppr.
LE - Encoder Parameters
LE09 Numerator of encoder scaling factor when enabled with the setting of
LE08 Encoder Scaling = LE02 x LE09 / LE10.
Encoder 1 Numerator
LE10 Denominator of encoder scaling factor when enabled with the setting of
LE08 Encoder Scaling = LE02 x LE09 / LE10.
Encoder 1 Denominator
LE11 Encoders with serial communication to the drive (e.g. EnDat, SSi, Hiperface,
BiSS) can identify their type and would be displayed in this parameter.
Serial Encoder 1 Type
Incremental encoders do not transmit serially and therefore the encoder
type will display ‘No Encoder Detected’.
LE12 Encoders with serial communication to the drive (e.g. EnDat, SSi, Hiperface,
BiSS) can identify their connection status and errors to the drive and would be
Serial Encoder 1 displayed in this parameter. The table below lists common status messages.
Status For further troubleshooting, refer to ‘Error Encoder Interface’ in Section 7.2.
LE - Encoder Parameters
LE13 The number of commutation poles for a UVW encoder. In general, the
number of UVW encoder and motor poles should be the same; if different,
UVW Encoder it is possible to adjust the number of UVW encoder poles. This parameter
Commutation is only relevant when the encoder type is UVW and a UVW encoder
feedback is interface is used (LE01 = UVW Interface).
LE14 The type of encoder serial protocol. This parameter is only functioning
when the BiSS/EnDat 2.2 encoder interface card is installed.
Serial Encoder 1
Settings: NUM
EnDat 2.2 0
BiSS Hengstler Acuro 1
BiSS C-Mode 2
Default = EnDat 2.2 (0)
LE16 Sets the data format of the SSi transmission between encoder and inverter.
This parameter is only relevant when the encoder type is SSi and an SSi
SSi Data Format feedback interface is used (LE01 = SSi-SIN/COS).
Settings: NUM
Binary 0
Gray Scale 1
Default = Binary (0)
LE17 Sets the resolution of the data of the SSI transmission. This parameter is
only relevant when the encoder type is SSi and an SSi feedback interface
SSi Data Resolution is used (LE01 = SSi-SIN/COS).
LE - Encoder Parameters
LE31 This parameter displays the type of encoder feedback for X3B.
Encoder 2 Interface
This refers to X3B as an encoder input. Enter the encoder pulses per
LE32 revolution (ppr) listed on the encoder.
Encoder 2 Pulse
Swap Encoder 2
LE - Encoder Parameters
LE35 This parameter selects the output ppr for the encoder output channel X3B.
LN - Machine Data Parameters
The following parameters relate to the machine data of the elevator. It is
important to enter the correct values, such that both the motor and the
car run at the correct speed and the drive’s internal Overspeed Error
limit is calculated correctly. The drive uses the following equation to
calculate the motor speed in RPM from the machine data parameters.
12 x LN02 Gear Reduction Ratio x LN03 Roping Ratio x m/s Speed x 0.00508
RPM = _________________________________________
LN01 Traction Sheave Diameter x 3.141
LN01 The diameter of the sheave in either inches or mm, depending on US02
System Units (ft/min or m/s). Ideally this value would be measured from the
Traction Sheave center of the rope.
LN02 The gear ratio, X:1. If the gear ratio is unknown, refer to parameter LN05.
Gear Reduction Ratio Once the car is running on high speed, if the measured speed is slightly
above or below the contract speed, the gear ratio can be changed slightly to
compensate. Higher values in LN02 will increase the car speed, lower values
will decrease the car speed. Make very small changes at first!
For geared machines with an unknown ratio, the LN05 Estimated Gear
Reduction Ratio can be entered in LN02; refer to LN05 for additional
information. The gear ratio can also be determined by counting the
revolutions of the motor during one revolution of the traction sheave.
LN - Machine Data Parameters
LN04 The load capacity of the elevator, in lbs or Kg, depending on US02 System
Units (ft/min or m/s).
LN05 This parameter can be used to estimate the gear ratio if it is not known.
Estimated Gear After correctly entering values into LM02 Motor Speed, US06 Contract Speed,
Reduction Ratio LN01 Traction Sheave Diameter, LN03 Roping Ratio, read this value and then
enter this value into LN02 Gear Reduction Ratio.
Then, to verify, run the car at inspection speed, measure the actual speed
with a hand tach. If the car speed is slower than the adjusted LS03 Inspection
Speed, then increase LN02 Gear Reduction Ratio. If it is higher than the
adjusted inspection speed, decrease LN02 Gear Reduction Ratio.
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
i The inputs for each of the normal operating speed LS01-LS07 must be
assigned by setting the corresponding inputs functions in LI04-LI11
= Speed Selection (27). Refer to LI03 Speed Input Decoding for logic
tables and further details.
All speeds will use the LS43-45 deceleration and jerk settings for the
Final Stop portion of the profile.
When US04 Control Type = Binary Speed Selection (1), Digital Speed
Selection (0), or Serial Binary Speed DIN66019 Service 50 (6), a higher
speed than leveling or correction cannot be accepted. That is, for
example, if Leveling Speed is selected then the High Speed is selected
afterwards, the drive will not accept the High Speed command and
continue at Leveling Speed unless zero speed is selected between
Leveling Speed and other other higher speed selection.
For analog speed control, US04 Control Type = Bi-Polar Analog Speed
(3), Absolute Analog Speed (2), a speed for LS02 High Speed must be
entered. This adjusts the run speed to 10V input. Reducing this value
will lower the speed of the elevator (i.e. for testing purposes).
For serial speed control, US04 Control Type = Serial Speed DIN66019
Service 49 (4), Serial Speed DIN66019 Service 50 (5), a speed for LS02
High Speed must be entered.
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
LS00 Zero Speed Offset. When this parameter is set to a speed other than zero
and only the enable and direction signals have been sent to the drive (no
Zero Speed speed command), the motor will be run at the offset speed programmed in
LS00. This function only applies to binary and digital speed control modes.
LS01 Leveling speed. During Leveling Speed, a higher selected speed will be
ignored unless zero speed is commanded beforehand.
Leveling Speed
Max. Value: 25 fpm
High Speed. This speed setting uses the High Speed profile settings LS20-25
LS02 and LS27 Correction Distance.
High Speed
The High Speed must also be set when US04 Control Type = Bi-Polar
Analog Speed (3), Absolute Analog Speed (2), Serial Speed DIN66019
Service 49 (4), Serial Speed DIN66019 Service 50 (5).
LS03 Inspection Speed. This speed setting uses the Inspection Speed profile
settings LS50-55. If the Inspection Speed command is present when the
Inspection Speed drive is enabled, the inspection profile will be loaded. During the inspection
speed profile, all other speeds except Leveling Speed will be ignored.
LS04 Correction Speed, also known as High Leveling Speed. During Correction
Speed, a higher selected speed will be ignored unless zero speed is
Correction Speed commanded beforehand.
LS05 Intermediate Speed 1. This speed setting uses the One Floor Speed profile
settings LS30-35 and LS37 Correction Distance. Max. Value: US06 Contract
Intermediate Speed 1 Speed
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
LS06 Intermediate Speed 2. This speed setting uses the One Floor Speed profile
settings LS30-35 and LS38 Correction Distance. Max. Value: US06 Contract
Intermediate Speed 2 Speed
LS07 Intermediate Speed 3. This speed setting uses the Emergency Speed profile
settings LS40-45 and LS47 Correction Distance. Max. Value: US06 Contract
Intermediate Speed 3 Speed
LS08 Run speed when selected by an input programmed for Earthquake Speed is
activated before the start of the run. The High Speed, Intermediate Speed
Earthquake Speed 1, Intermediate Speed 2, and Intermediate Speed 3 selections are limited to
this speed.
LS09 Active when an input programmed for Emergency Power Speed is activated
before the run. All speeds adjusted higher than this speed are limited to this
Emergency Power value.
Max. Value: US06 Contract Speed
LS10 Run speed when selected by an input programmed for UPS Operation is
active before the start of the run. All speeds are limited to this value.
Battery Operation
Speed Max. Value: 50 fpm
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
Preset profile settings are available for selection based on type of desired
profile. The presets will automatically adjust the acceleration, deceleration
and jerk rates for a corresponding speed selection. ‘Soft’ settings will have a
relaxed profile, while ‘Hard’ settings will have quicker, more aggressive rates.
If changes are made to any of the pre-settings, the option will reflect this by
displaying ‘Custom’ to indicate changes have been made.
Settings: NUM
Default = Custom (0)
Custom 0
Soft 1
Medium 2
Hard 3
Profile Mode (High Speed Profile only)
External Profile 0
Internal Profile 4
Default = Custom (0)
When US04 Control Type = Bi-polar Analog Speed (3), Absolute Analog
Speed (2), Serial Speed DIN66019 Service 49 (4), Serial Speed DIN66019
Service 50 (5) , the speed profile is generated externally by the controller
and the drive’s ramp generator is turned off. It is possible to override
the external profile and utilize the drive’s internal profile with LS15 =
Internal Profile; refer to LS15 for additional information. When US04
Control Type = Binary Speed Selection (1), Digital Speed Selection (0),
or Serial Binary Speed DIN66019 Service 50 (6), only Internal Profile
Mode is actually used and setting for External Profile in LS15 is ignored.
High Speed Profile Additionally, there is the option Internal Profile (4), in which the High Speed
profile settings LS20-25 can be used to limit the rates of externally generated
speed profiles from analog or serial speed control modes. That is, the profile
will be generated by the drive when the rates are less than those dictated by
the controller.
LS16 Preset speed profile for One Floor Speed profiles (Intermediate Speeds 1
and 2).
One Floor Profile
LS17 Preset speed profile for Emergency Speed profile (Intermediate Speed 3 or
Emergency Profile input function).
Emergency Profile
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
The run profile is defined by jerks, acceleration, and deceleration.
Different run profiles are available based on selected speed and/or input
function (e.g. Emergency Profile). The speed profiles and corresponding
parameters are broken down into the following groups:
Starting Jerk
Acceleration Jerk
Deceleration Jerk
Stopping Jerk
*ESD and ETS Profile will only have deceleration and deceleration jerk settings.
Acceleration Deceleration
Stop Jerk
Final Stop
Start Jerk
All speeds will use the LS43-45 deceleration and jerk settings for the
Final Stop portion of the profile.
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
In general, higher values result in a hard/fast profile, while lower values give
softer, slower transitions.
Start Jerk
Empirical values:
2.00...3.00 for retirement homes, hospitals, apartment buildings
3.00...4.50 for office buildings, banks etc.
Each jerk rate will have a calculated minimum value depending on the
value of the rate of acceleration or deceleration that the jerk must work
with. Therefore the minimum jerk value is limited by the actual adjusted
value of the acceleration or deceleration. If a lower jerk value is required,
you must first reduce the rate of acceleration or deceleration.
For externally generated speed profile control modes, analog and serial
speed control modes (US04 Control Type = Bi-polar Analog Speed (3),
Absolute Analog Speed (2), Serial Speed DIN66019 Service 49 (4), Serial
Speed DIN66019 Service 50 (5)), the profile is generated by the controller
and the rates set in the drive will have no effect (except when ESD , ETS,
or NTS functions are activated) unless LS15 = Internal Profile.
Correction Speeds
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
Acceleration High
LS21 Start Jerk rate into acceleration for High Speed profile.
Acceleration Jerk rate into high speed for High Speed profile.
Acceleration Jerk High
Deceleration High
LS24 Jerk rate out of high speed into deceleration for High Speed profile.
LS27 The amount of leveling distance to be eliminated from a High Speed run.
High Speed Correction This adjustment can provide additional time running at the run speed after
the slowdown speed has been given to reduce the amount of time at leveling
speed. A value of 0 will have no effect, whereas a value too large may lead to
overshooting the floors. When decelerating from High Speed, it is necessary
to transition directly from high speed to leveling. Selecting another speed in
between will cancel the function.
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
LS30 Acceleration rate for One Floor profile (Intermediate Speed 1 or 2).
LS31 Start Jerk rate into acceleration for One Floor Speed profile (Intermediate
Speed 1 or 2).
Start Jerk One Floor
Acceleration Jerk rate into intermediate speed for One Floor Speed profile
LS32 (Intermediate Speed 1 or 2).
Acceleration Jerk One
Deceleration rate for One Floor Speed profile (Intermediate Speed 1 or 2), or
LS33 when NTS Slowdown Function is activated.
Deceleration One Floor
LS34 Jerk rate out of intermediate speed into deceleration for One Floor Speed
profile (Intermediate Speed 1 or 2), or when NTS Slowdown function is
Deceleration Jerk One activated.
Floor NTS
Jerk rate out of deceleration into leveling speed for One Floor Speed profile
LS35 (Intermediate Speed 1 or 2), or into TS02 NTSD Target Speed when NTS
Stop Jerk One Floor Slowdown function is activated.
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
Start Jerk rate into acceleration for Emergency Profile (Intermediate Speed 3
LS41 or Emergency Profile input).
Start Jerk Emergency
Acceleration Jerk rate into speed for Emergency Profile (Intermediate Speed
LS42 3 or Emergency Profile input).
Acceleration Jerk
i All speeds will use the LS43-45 deceleration and jerk settings for the
Final Stop portion of the profile. Additionally, for analog and serial
speed control modes, if the direction is dropped before zero speed has
been reached, these rates will be used for the final deceleration.
LS44 Jerk rate out of speed into deceleration for Emergency Profile (Intermediate
Speed 3 or Emergency Profile input).
Deceleration Jerk
LS45 Jerk rate out of deceleration into leveling speed and from leveling speed
to zero speed for Emergency Profile (Intermediate Speed 3 or Emergency
Stop Jerk Emergency Profile input). Also, final jerk rate from leveling to zero speed for all runs.
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
LS49 Deceleration Jerk rate for Emergency Slowdown (ESD) and Emergency
Terminal Slowdown (ETS) input functions.
LS - Speed Profile Parameters
Acceleration Inspection
LS52 Acceleration Jerk rate into inspection speed for Inspection Profile.
Acceleration Jerk
LS53 Deceleration rate for Inspection Speed profile. If the enable is dropped when
the user releases the inspection switch, there will be no deceleration.
LS54 Jerk rate out of inspection speed for Inspection Speed profile.
Deceleration Jerk
LS55 Jerk rate out of deceleration into leveling speed and from leveling speed to
zero speed for Inspection Speed profile.
Stop Jerk Inspection
LL - Tune Parameters
Auto tune of drive and motor characteristics. Refer to Section 5.9 for procedure.
Motor Tuning
LL02 Percentage of rated motor current the drive will use when measuring the stator
inductance of PM Synchronous motors. Lowering this value may decrease
Tuning Current the amount of noise produced from the motor during this measurement. 50%
is a good starting point.
LL05 Stationary Pole Identification. Learns the motor pole position (encoder
position) without movement, for synchronous motors. Refer to Section 5.10.1
SPI for procedure.
LL06 Learns the motor pole position (encoder position) and encoder A/B channel
phasing with movement, for synchronous motors. Method requires relatively
Encoder Pole Position frictionless load (unroped sheave or balanced car). Refer to 5.10.2 for
Learn procedure.
LL - Tune Parameters
LL07 Determines correct phasing of A/B encoder channels and direction of rotation.
Refer to Section 5.10.3 for procedure.
LL10 Learns the system inertia and activates the feed forward torque control
(FFTC). Method should be performed with a balanced car. Learning the
Inertia Learn system inertia can provide better dynamic performance and a better ride
quality with little or no adjustment of the speed control gains. Refer to Section
5.12.1 for procedure.
LL15 The Overspeed Test allows the drive to run at a speed higher than the
programmed contract speed for a single run in order to perform overspeed or
Overspeed Test governor tests. The speed at which the Overspeed Test will operate to is set
in LL16. The Overspeed test can also be used as the contract speed buffer
test with digital or binary speed control.
LL - Tune Parameters
LL17 The Safety Release function turns off the acceleration jerk rates and raises
the maximum torque limit to 300% of LM07 Motor Torque for one run in order
Safety Release to drive an elevator car off the safeties.
LL18 The NTSD Tune Mode can be used to automatically determine and set the
NTSD slowdown points.
NTSD Tune Mode
When activated, run the elevator to either terminal floor. The motor speed
when the NTSD switches are passed and the NTSD inputs are dropped will
be learned during the run and displayed after the end of the run. There will
also be the option to automatically set the TS03 - 08 Speed Thresholds for the
corresponding NTSD input thresholds and direction of travel from the learn
run. If values are automatically set from the learn run, the value entered will
be 10% above the speed at which the input was dropped. After the learn run
has been completed, the drive will return to normal operation.
LC - Control Setting Parameters
When using induction motors, the drive may be run open loop on
inspection to verify whether the encoder functions normally. By setting
the parameter LC01 Motor Control = Open Loop V/Hz, the inverter runs
the motor open loop. The encoder feedback (motor speed) is displayed
in Diagnostics Screen #2 or parameter DG07 Motor Speed, but has no
effect on the operation of the motor. Therefore, this mode can be used
to verify whether the encoder is functioning properly. Generally, when
running empty car up the actual motor speed in should be equal to the
set speed. If these values are off by more than 20 rpm when running
empty car up, there is most likely an encoder or encoder cable problem.
Running an induction motor in open loop can also be used to rule out
any issues when troubleshooting due to encoder feedback, motor data
settings, and speed control settings. The only parameter available for
adjustment in open loop V/Hz mode is LC32 Low Speed Torque Boost.
Running V/Hz mode at high speed or leveling speed can result in
high motor currents and or poor performance. Always verify that this
parameter is set correctly before running in automatic mode!
LC - Control Setting Parameters
LC02 If the inertia learn procedure has taken place, then the Speed Gain
Optimization provides a quick adjustment of the speed control response on
Speed Gain a scale between 0 = ‘Soft’ and 25= ‘Hard’. From the learned inertia value,
Optimization the drive determines a ratio between the proportional and integral gain and
adjustment of the optimization will scale each accordingly.
The system inertia must be learned for the Speed Gain Optimization
to be implemented. Optimization will lower the KI gain. For reference
a value of 10 in LC02 normalizes the Kp value to 3000. So if LC02 = 10,
the Kp gain goes to 3,000 and the KI gain drops to what is calculated.
This is the best starting point. Refer to section 5.12.1 for learning the
system inertia.
i In most cases, the default settings for the Proportional and Integral
speed control gains should provide a very good starting point for
proper operation and ride quality. If adjustment is needed, it would
be suggested to perform the Inertia Learn (Section 5.12.1) procedure,
which can improve performance with little or no further adjustment to
the Proportional and Integral speed control gains.
LC - Control Setting Parameters
Proportional Gain
The proportional gain maintains general control and stability over the
entire speed range. The proportional gain is split into three values: one
for acceleration and constant speed, (LC03), one for deceleration and
leveling (LC04) and one for pre-torque (LC05). Additionally, the value
can be made speed dependent to automatically increase/reduce (LC25)
with speed. Adjustments are also available for resonant frequencies
When control mode is selected for open loop vector (LC01 Control Mode =
(1); Open Loop Vector), these gains will be reduced to a very low setting. It is
recommended not to change the value for proporational or integral gains after
open loop vector has been selected. If closed loop is selected again (LC01
Control Mode = (2) Closed Loop FOC), the gain values will need to be raised
again (Proportional = 3,000 and Integral = 250).
Lower values (less than 1000) may result in loose control and overshoot of
the command speed as high speed is reached. High values can cause high
frequency oscillation resulting in vibration or a buzzing sound in the motor.
If tighter control is necessary, the corresponding proportional gain can be
raised accordingly.
LC03 Proportional speed control gain during acceleration and high speed.
KP Speed Acceleration
LC04 Proportional speed control gain during deceleration and low speed.
KP Speed Deceleration
KP Speed Pretorque In most cases it is not necessary to adjust the proportional gain. However, if a
vibration is felt in the car during the pre-torque phase this gain can influence
it. Try values of 500, 1000, 4000, and 6000 to determine whether or not there
is any influence. In some cases, a higher value may actually provide a more
smooth response.
LC - Control Setting Parameters
Integral Gain
The integral gain is responsible for correcting long term average error in
speed as well as providing increased control and rigidity at lower speeds
for starting and stopping. The integral gain is split into three values one
for acceleration and constant speed (LC08), one for deceleration and
leveling (LC09) and one for pre-torque (LC10). Additionally, an offset to
the integral gain value is adjustable if it is necessary to have higher gain
values to overcome starting friction as well as maintain good control
at low speeds for starting (LC11) and stopping (LC12). The total integral
gain value is the sum of integral and offset and the low speed range
over which the offset is ramped up and active is adjustable (LC13-16)
for both acceleration (LC13-14) and deceleration (LC15-16).
If this value becomes too high, it can result in torque pulsations during
acceleration, deceleration, or at sustained speed. If the value becomes
too low, the tracking of the command speed will suffer and the system may
not catch the load quickly or overcome starting friction at takeoff, may take
additional time to reach contract speed, or cause spotting during a dynamic
jerk into leveling speed.
Integral Gain High at High Speed (1500) - Ringing after overshoot into high
speed before speed settles.
LC08 Integral speed control gain during acceleration and high speed.
KI Speed Acceleration
LC09 Integral speed control gain during deceleration and low speed.
KI Speed Deceleration
LC - Control Setting Parameters
The integral offset gain value is effective only at low speeds. This value
is added to the integral term gain in LC08 for acceleration and LC09 for
deceleration, to provide greater control and more stability.
During acceleration the offset gain value is tapered off beginning at the defined
Max. corner speed and reaches zero at the defined Min. corner speed where
only the integral itself is active. The corner speeds can be defined through
parameters LC13 and LC14 for acceleration.
During deceleration the offset gain begins to increase at the defined Min.
corner speed and is fully added to the integral at the defined Max. corner
speed. The corner speeds can be defined through parameters LC15 and
LC16 for deceleration.
Integral + Offset
i The LC15-16 corner speeds can be used to tailor the KI Offset gain to
a specific speed range at low speed. Worm gear applications require
a smaller KI Offset value but over a broader speed range, whereas a
gearless motor will require a much higher KI Offset value but at only
the very lowest speed. With these two parameters the Offset can be
tailored to the application. The default values are applicable to worm
gear applications.
LC - Control Setting Parameters
KI Offset Acceleration This offset acceleration gain will assist the motor in catching the load during
starting. It is especially important for high efficiency geared or gearless
applications. Values of 2,000 to 5,000 are useful.
Integral Offset Acceleration Too Low (500) - Speed lags command on take off
LC - Control Setting Parameters
KI Offset Deceleration The offset deceleration gain will allow the system track the command speed
tightly at low speed. Often lower values are required for starting. Values of 500
to 2,000 are useful.
Integral Offset Deceleration Too Low (500) - Speed lags command during
final transition into leveling speed. Speed may appear to spot or stop briefly
just before stop; may undershoot floor.
Integral Offset Deceleration Too High (5000) during leveling - Bouncing feeling
during sustained leveling.
LC - Control Setting Parameters
Integral + Offset
LC13 Corner speed at which the acceleration integral offset (LC11) is fully added
to the acceleration integral term (LC08). At this speed, the total integral gain
Speed for Max. KI begins to taper off to only the integral term at the speed defined in LC14.
LC14 Corner speed at which only the acceleration integral gain is active (no
acceleration integral offset added).
Speed for Min. KI
LC15 Corner speed at which the deceleration integral offset (LC12) is fully added
to the deceleration integral term (LC09). At this speed, the total integral gain
Speed for Max. KI begins to taper off to only the integral term at the speed defined in LC16.
LC16 Corner speed at which only the deceleration integral gain is active (no
deceleration integral offset added).
Speed for Min. KI
Deceleration In the case where the speed begins to lag during the deceleration but then
recovers in the final approach, it may be necessary to raise the corner speed
of the start of the integral offset to a higher value. This may be useful for
gearless applications.
LC16 LC15
Speed for Min. Integral Offset Deceleration too low for gearless - Speed
begins to lag during deceleration but then recovers in the final approach.
LC - Control Setting Parameters
LC20 Selection of gain profile for the proportional speed control gain.
LC22 Speed at which the increase or decrease of the resonant proportional gain in
LC21 is fully effective.
Speed at Resonance
LC24 Speed at which the increase or decrease of the resonant proportional gain in
LC23 is fully effective.
Speed at Resonance
LC - Control Setting Parameters
LC - Control Setting Parameters
The maximum torque setting is used to limit the output current. For induction
LC30 motors, the limit prevents the motor from exceeding its breakdown torque
Maximum Torque limit.
The maximum output current is ultimately limited to the drive’s peak
current rating, regardless of how high the LC30 Maximum Torque may
be set. Refer to Sections 2.4 and 2.5 for ratings.
The low default setting is to protect the motor from excessively high
current which may occur during the commissioning process if there
are incorrect parameter settings (e.g. motor data incorrect, encoder
A/B phasing or ppr incorrect, encoder position for PM synchronous
motor incorrect, etc.). The default setting should be sufficient to
enable inspection operation with empty car. Under normal high speed
operation, this value will likely need to be increased, typically in the
range of 200-250% of rated motor torque.
LC31 The reduced maximum torque limit is activated when using an LI04-LI11 input
assigned as Reduced Torque (2). This allows the drive to limit the torque
Reduced Maximum and therefore the output current to prevent the drive from drawing too much
Torque current from a battery back up supply.
LC - Control Setting Parameters
LC32 Adjusts the torque boost only during open loop operation (LC01 Control
Mode = Open Loop V/Hz or Open Loop Vector). If the torque boost is too low
Low Speed Torque the motor may not be able to lift the load.
Too much or too little torque boost can lead to high current while running
open loop.
If open loop vector is selected, set to 1.00. If oscillations or vibrations are felt,
LC33 reduce in steps of 0.1 (1.0 --> 0.9 --> 0.8 etc.).
Auto Boost Gain
LC34 When US.04 Control Mode = Digital Speed Selection (0), and Binary Speed
Selection (1), Absolute Analog Speed (2), Bi-Polar Analog Speed(3), and
Digital Pretorque Serial Binary Speed DIN66019, Serv.50 (6) this parameter provides a fixed
pre-torque value and can compensate for roll back at one load condition (i.e.
empty car). This can be used when no load weigher is present. An additional
gain and offset may be applied to this value using LA.15 Analog Input 2
Gain and LA.17 Analog Input 2 Offset. Refer to section 6.13 for additional
When using US.04 = Serial Speed DIN66019 Serv. 49 (4), Serial Speed
DIN66019 Serv. 50 (5) the pretorque value is set via FB.03 Field Bus Pretorque.
Therefore LC34 will have no effect. Refer to Section 6.15 for additional
information on using these control modes
LC - Control Setting Parameters
LC35 This parameter is only utilized when the US04 control type is set to CiA417(7)
See CAN Open Lift supplemental manual 00F5LUZ-KCAN for adjustment.
No Load Torque
LC36 This parameter is only utilized when the US04 control type is set to CiA417(7)
See CAN Open Lift supplemental manual 00F5LUZ-KCAN for adjustment.
Full Load Torque
LC40 The acceleration torque is used to calculate the system inertia. By entering a
torque value in this parameter, the corresponding inertia is calculated from the
Acceleration Torque mechanical data in LN01…LN03. The acceleration rate is an internal value of
1.5ft/s^2 and is not adjustable. The resulting inertia value is loaded into LC41
System Inertia and the feed forward torque control is turned on.
The torque value can be learned by using the LL10 Inertia Learn. The value
is the acceleration torque minus the torque while running at contract speed.
The LL10 Inertia Learn procedure will automatically determine this value. A
balanced car is required for this procedure. Refer to Section 5.12.1 for the
Inertia Learn process.
LC41 The total system inertia, motor and load. Refer to section 5.12.1 on the Inertia
Learn process.
System Inertia
When the system inertia has been entered, settings for the FFTC feed forward
torque command (LC42-43) will be calibrated according to the control mode.
If activating the System Inertia and FFTC introduces vibration during
the acceleration or deceleration, it may be necessary to decrease the
LC42 Feed Forward Torque Command Filter by one step (eg. 31 to 16 Hz),
For externally generated speed profiles (serial, analog), this may help
filter the steps in the pattern. Increasing the filter further may introduce
unwanted delayed response.
Another option is to use the LC02 Speed Gain Optimization after the
System Inertia has been learned. The Speed Gain Optimization allows
for adjustment of the speed control gains on a sliding scale (e.g. 0 = Soft,
25 = Hard) which automatically adjusts the Proportional and Integral
Speed Control gains (but not the Integral Offset).
LC - Control Setting Parameters
LC42 This provides a low pass filter to the speed command. When the system inertia
has been entered, this setting will be calibrated according to the control mode.
Feed Forward Torque
Command Filter In control modes where the speed profile is generated by the controller (serial,
analog), decreasing the frequency (increasing sample time) may help reduce
any unwanted affects from discontinuous inflection points in the speed profile
generated by the controller.
Settings: NUM
Off 0
4 ms (250 Hz) 1
8 ms (125 Hz) 2
16 ms (63 Hz) 3
32 ms (31 Hz) 4
64 ms (16Hz) 5
128 ms (8.0 Hz) 6
256 ms (4.0 Hz) 7
512 ms (2.0 Hz) 8
1024 ms (1.0 Hz) 9
Default = Off (0)
LC43 Determines the relative gain of the feed forward torque command. 100% =
unity command. A value of 90% is recommended. Higher values strengthen
Feed Forward Torque the response, lower values weaken the response. When the system inertia
Command Gain has been entered, this setting will be calibrated.
LC44 Provides a low pass filter on the torque command signal before it is fed into
the current control. Lower values can be used to eliminate audible harmonic
Torque Command Filter sounds which may be heard in the motor.
Settings: NUM
Off 0
0.5 ms (2000 Hz) 1
1 ms (1000 Hz) 2
2 ms (500 Hz) 3
4 ms (250 Hz) 4
8 ms (125Hz) 5
16 ms (63 Hz) 6
32 ms (31 Hz) 7
Default = Off (0)
LT - Timer Parameters
LT01 This time delays the release of the brake when one of the outputs is assigned
as Brake Control or Drive On and that output is used to trigger the brake
Brake Release Delay release.
The LT01 Brake Release Delay timer begins after the Drive Enable and
Direction commands have been given and the current check has completed.
The Brake Control and Drive On outputs will be active after the expiration of
the LT01 Brake Release Delay time.
LT02 The amount of time after a run command has been given that the drive will
maintain very low speed control gains to prevent any reaction to movement
Control Hold Off or encoder disturbance while the brake is still set. If used, the timer must be
set to expire before the brake picks.
The LT02 Control Hold Off timer begins after the Drive Enable and Direction
commands have been given. The total time the Control Hold Off is active is
LT01 + LT02.
The amount of time the drive will hold the speed command at zero. This time
LT03 delay allows the brake to release before the motor starts turning. This applies
Speed Start Delay to control modes US04 Control Type = Binary Speed Selection (1), Digital
Speed Selection (0), or Serial Binary Speed DIN66019 Serv.50 (6).
For control Modes US04 Control Type = Bi-Polar Analog Speed (3),
Absolute Analog Speed (2), Serial Speed DIN66019 Service 49 (4), Serial
Speed DIN66019 Service 50 (5), the profile delay is controlled externally
by the controller and the drive will not clamp the value at zero speed
during this period. For these US04 Control Types this parameter will
only be used to limit the amount of time the controller can hold the
speed command at zero before a Serial Speed Command Failure or
Analog Signal Failure will occur.
The LT03 Speed Start Delay timer begins after the Drive Enable and
Direction commands have been given, current check has completed,
and the LT01 Brake Release Delay timer has expired.
LT - Timer Parameters
LT10 This timer delays the drop of the brake when one of the outputs is assigned
as Brake Control or Drive On and that output is actually used to control the
Brake Drop Delay brake.
The LT10 Brake Drop Delay timer begins after the Direction input has been
dropped and the speed command has reached zero speed.
The Brake Control output will turn off when the Brake Drop Delay time has
LT12 This parameter determines how long the drive will maintain full current and
control of the motor after the direction inputs have been turned off. During
Current Hold Time this time, motor current will continue to flow (however the analog input will be
clamped and the speed control gains will be reduced) to allow the motor to
hold zero speed until the brake has set. This timer should be adjusted longer
than the actual required time for the brake to mechanically drop.
The LT12 Current Hold Timer begins after the Direction input has been
dropped, the speed command has reached zero speed, and the LT10 Brake
Drop Delay timer has expired.
The Drive On output will turn off when the LT12 Current Hold Time has expired.
LT13 Once the time in the LT12 Current Hold Timer has expired, current will continue
flowing to the motor, but the drive will ramp the motor torque down to zero
Current Ramp Down over the time adjusted in the LT13 Current Ramp Down Timer. This provides
Time a smooth transition of the load to the brake and a quiet de-energization of the
motor. This timer should be adjusted such that the drive shuts off the current
before the controller drops the drive enable and opens the motor contactor.
If the drive enable is dropped before the current is shut off, it is possible
the drive will respond with base block protection “BBL” which can prevent
further operation for 1 to 3 seconds, depending on the drive size; likewise,
a Drive Enable Dropped event may be logged. Therefore the times should
be adjusted to prevent this. Additionally during this time the speed control is
turned off to prevent the motor from driving against the brake.
The LT13 Current Ramp Down Timer begins after the Direction input has
been dropped, the speed command has reached zero speed, the LT10 Brake
Drop Delay timer has expired, and the LT12 Current Hold Timer has expired.
The total time between the drop of the direction signals and the turn off
of motor current is the time to decelerate to zero speed + LT10 + LT12 +
LT13. The time delay for dropping the enable (I7) and the opening of the
motor contact should be greater than this sum. If the enable is dropped
prematurely, then current will be cut off immediately and this may be felt
as a ‘clunk’ in the motor.
LT - Timer Parameters
Direction + Speed
Current Check
Drive On
Brake Control
Main Contact
LP - Positioning Parameters
These parameters are used to configure the position controller in the drive. In
order to use this function, the elevator control must be designed to give the
proper signal sequence ensuring correct operation.
The general restrictions for using positioning control are as follows:
- The US04 Control Type must be set for Binary or Digital Speed Selection.
- There must be an encoder on the motor and that encoder must be
connected to interface X3A.
Before each run at high speed the drive must be disabled and re-enabled
to reset the position control.
- Re-leveling can occur at the end of the run without dropping the enable
Principle of operation:
When LP01 Positioning Control = Posi One Floor and high speed is selected
at the beginning of the run, the drive enters positioning active (PA) mode
and starts to accelerate the car up to high speed. When the car passes the
slowdown sensor in the hoist way, the controller turns off the high speed
command to the drive. At this moment the drive recognizes that the car is
at the learned LP03 High Speed Slowdown Distance and then proceeds to
create a slowdown profile to bring the car to leveling speed.
If the car is running at high speed, the drive simply calculates the deceleration
profile based on the adjusted values in LS23, LS24 and LS25, and then
decelerates the car accordingly down to leveling speed. Once at leveling
speed, the elevator runs until floor level is reached and then the leveling
speed and direction are turned off causing the elevator to stop.
If the car is still accelerating (<80% contract speed) when the slowdown is
reached (e.g. one floor run), the drive realizes this and calculates a profile to
continue the acceleration, up to the maximum high speed and then proceeds
to decelerate the elevator down to leveling speed.
LP - Positioning Parameters
LP - Positioning Parameters
The actual slow down distance can be learned by the drive or it can be
entered manually. However, it is recommended that the drive actually learn the
distance as this will also take into account the internal delays of the controller.
These delays will actually result in a lower value for the slowdown distance
than that actually measured with a tape measure.
First verify that the value in LP02 Minimum Slowdown Distance is at least 6-8
inches lower than the actual slowdown distance as measured in the hoist-
way with a tape measure. This distance reduction accounts for the delay in
the controller. If the LP02 Minimum Slowdown Distance is too high, adjust the
profile in parameters LS23, LS24, LS25 to achieve a lower value. Note: after
changing the profile parameters, the LP02 Minimum Slowdown Distance will
automatically re-calculate.
3) Place a call up or down for a High Speed (if necessary, multi-floor) or Short
Floor run.
4) At the moment the slowdown is crossed, the drive begins measuring the
slowdown distance.
5) Once the car comes to a stop and the drive is disabled, the drive will note
the actual position, subtract a portion and then load the value into parameter
LP03 High Speed Slowdown Distance or LP04 Short Floor Slowdown
Distance, depending on the speed that was selected for the run. At this point
the distance has been learned and LP01 will automatically be set to ‘Posi One
Floor’, activating positioning. The slowdown distance should be learned for
both a High Speed and Short Floor runs.
6) To verify distance, set the display to Home Screen. Place a call up or down
for a 1 floor run. The Inverter Status should show ‘Positioning Active’ while
the car runs to the floor all the way down to leveling speed, indicating the
positioning is functioning normally. Now the LP05 Correction distance can be
manually adjusted to minimize the leveling distance. Additionally the profile
can be further adjusted if needed for ride comfort. Repeat the process for
high speed run adjusting the LP03 High Speed Slowdown distance to adjust
the leveling distance in this case.
7) If the Inverter Status or Fault Log indicates ‘Position Not Accessible’, the
drive will attempt to increase the deceleration and jerks in an attempt to
LP - Positioning Parameters
prevent overshooting the floor. If the car under or overshoots the floor, the
position is not accessible. Increase the rate of deceleration and/or jerk and
then re-learn the position. If this still does not resolve the problem, it may be
necessary to move the slowdown point further away from the floor.
LP - Positioning Parameters
LP01 This parameter is used to turn on the One Floor Positioning Control functionality
or to learn the high speed and short floor slowdown distances.
Position Control
When set to Learn Slowdown, the slowdown for the selected speed (high
speed or short floor) will be measured on the next run. Afterwards, LP01 will
automatically be set for positioning turned on.
LP02 This parameter shows the minimum required slow down distance, based
on the adjusted profile (acceleration, jerks, high speed) to slow down from
Minimum Slowdown contract speed.
LP03 This value is the actual distance the drive uses to calculate the actual
deceleration profile for High Speed runs.
High Speed Slowdown
LP04 This value is the actual distance the drive uses to calculate the actual
deceleration profile for short floor runs
Short Floor Slowdown
LP - Positioning Parameters
LP05 The corrective distance can be used to reset the position error as the car
comes to the floor. When the drive sees the leveling zone marker, the position
Correction Distance counter is reset to reflect the actual distance entered in this parameter. The
controller passes the leveling zone sensor signal to the drive via an input
programmed as ‘Position Deviation Reset’. Refer to input parameters LI04-11
for further information on programmable input functions.
With this parameter the amount of stabilized leveling can be adjusted. A value
of zero means no correction, the function is off and the leveling distance is the
distance adjusted in the controller.
A value of 6.0”, the distance of the leveling zone to the dead zone, will provide
no leveling and the system will be on the verge of over shooting the floor.
The optimum adjustment for direction to the floor operation is a value of
5.7”...5.9”. If a little leveling is desired set the value to 5.0”...5.5”.
LP - Positioning Parameters
Initially these values are calculated from the values entered into parameters
LN21, LN22, LN23, LE02, and LE05. After adjusting these parameters, it is
possible to change the values in LP06, LP07, LP08. Keep in mind that any
changes made to the LN parameters LN21, LN22, LN23 or LE parameters
LE02 or LE05 will force LP06, LP07, LP08 to recalculate
Scaling Increments
Scaling Increments
Scaling Distance
LX - Special Function Parameters
LX01 With LX01 Auto Reset, all drive faults, except ‘Error Encoder Interface’ faults,
can be automatically reset.
Auto Reset
The number adjusted in this parameter determines how many times per hour
the elevator drive will automatically reset faults. Before resetting the fault, the
drive will wait 4 seconds to allow everything to stop or stabilize. It is not fault
specific, so with the default setting of 5, if the drive experiences 6 different
faults in one hour the unit will latch the last fault and not reset.
Note: Overload and overtemp faults are not reset until the overload
counter resets or the temperature value drops to the reset level.
LX02 The switching frequency of the inverter can be set with this parameter. The
switching frequency can be constantly 8 kHz or 16kHz, each with an automatic
Switching Frequency reduction based on the heat-sink temperature.
Settings: NUM
8 kHz 0
12 kHz 1
16 kHz 2
Default = 8 kHz (0)
If the display often shows the error message ‘Error Overheat Power
Module’, then this parameter should be set to 8kHz. Some power stages
may only support up to 8kHz. On these units it is not possible to change
to this value to 16kHz.
Since the drive’s fans are thermostatically controlled, this parameter allows
LX06 all fans to be turned on high to check their operation.
Function Test
Settings: NUM
Off 0
Fans On 1
Default = Off (0)
LX - Special Function Parameters
LX07 This function is designed to protect the inverter from dangerous currents when
operating at very low output frequencies. Depending on the motor design,
Carrier Frequency the drive may be forced to provide high currents at output frequencies below
Handling 3 Hz. This causes considerable thermal loading on the power transistors.
To protect itself, the drive will monitor the load current when operating at or
below 3 Hz. If the drive’s rated stall current limit is reached, the drive will
display “Error Low Speed Overload” and stop operation.(See section 2.10)
With LX07 turned off, the F5 will trigger the low speed overload error when the
stall current limit is reached. However, the F5 can also be set to automatically
lower the switching (carrier) frequency when the output current reaches the
stall current limit. By doing so, the stall current threshold is raised. This
prevents the Low Speed Overload Error from occurring; allowing the drive to
keep running.
The drive can also adjust the stall current threshold using both Switching
Frequency Management and Heatsink Temperature Dependence.
Settings: NUM
Off 0
Switching Frequency Management 1
Heatsink Temperature Dependence 2
Switching Freq. Mgmt.+ Heatsink Temp. Dependence 3
Default = Switching Freq.+ Heatsink Temp. Dependence (3)
LX08 This parameter can be used to select what type of current check is performed.
If Phase Current Check is selected, the Magnetizing Current Check will also
Phase Current Check be performed for induction motors.
The process is initiated at the beginning of a run with the drive enable and a
direction input. The phase current check completes in approximately 300ms.
Settings: NUM
Magnetizing Current Check 0
Phase Current Check 1
Default = Phase Current Check (1)
LX - Special Function Parameters
LX09 This parameter adjusts the serial watchdog timer between the keypad and
control card.
Watchdog Time
A setting of 0 or Off turns off the watchdog timer. This mode of operation
is recommended for trouble shooting purposes only.
LX10 This parameter can be used to activate the temperature sensor input (T1 and
T2) on the drive. With this input activated, if the resistance between T1 and
EdOH Function T2 becomes greater than 1650 ohms, the drive will trigger an ‘Error Motor
Overheat’ fault indicating that the temperature sensor is too hot.
This function creates a slope between two successive speed values which
LX11 are transferred serially. This parameter should be adjusted for a time double
Reference Splitting the actual serial update rate of the speed command. The function smooths
out the relative coarse steps which can occur during rapidly changing speed
This parameter sets the external serial communication baud rate at connector
LX12 X6D (typically used for connection with Combivis). This communication port
Baud Rate supports the DIN 66019 II standard.
Settings: NUM
1200 bps 0
2400 bps 1
4800 bps 2
9600 bps 3
19200 bps 4
38400 bps 5
55500 bps 6
115200 bps 7
Default = 38400 bps (5)
LX - Special Function Parameters
LX13 This parameter can be used to trigger a drive warning/error if the actual motor
speed deviates from the contract speed or command speed by more than the
Speed Following Error window defined in parameter LX14.
This function only works in closed loop speed control mode (i.e. LC01 = Closed
Loop FOC, Closed Loop Analog Pretorque, Closed Loop Digital Pretorque,
Closed Loop Synthetic Pretorque).
i The time window for which the duration of LX14 Speed Difference must
occur for the Speed Following Error occurs is fixed at 1.0 sec.
LX14 Sets the +/- window for the speed following error in percent of the contract
Speed Difference
Default = 10%
LX - Special Function Parameters
Since this function is based on actual encoder speed, it only works in closed
loop speed control mode (i.e. LC01 = Closed Loop FOC, Closed Loop Analog
Pretorque, Closed Loop Digital Pretorque, Closed Loop Synthetic Pretorque).
LX18 The braking resistor value can be set which allows the drive to calculate the
total energy dissipated by the resistor. A running total of the dissipated energy
Braking Resistance is measured in kWHrs and is stored in drive parameter DG42, or Diagnostic
Screen #8 Braking Energy.
LX21 This parameter controls if the unintended movement event will be triggered
or ignored. Refer to section 7.2 for additional Untintended Movement details
Unintended Motion
and section 12.2 for function testing.
LX - Special Function Parameters
LX22 This parameter sets the value that the rotor learn value can differ from the
average and still be acceptable for a run. If the difference between the learned
Encoder Deviation position and the average is greater than this setting a Rotor Learn Deviation
Error will be triggered.
LX23 When LE07 Rotor Detection Mode = NOP this parameter controls if each
rotor learn value will be compared with the average after each rotor learn.
Encoder Deviation
LX25 This parameter works in conjunction with LX21 and is used to set the distance
threshold at which the Unintended Movement event will occur. Refer to section
Unintended Motion 12.2 for function testing.
Min. value - 1.96 in. / 50mm
Max. value - 19.6 in. / 500mm
Default value - 7.875 in. / 200mm
CH - Configuration Handling
CH01 The drive can be reverted back to default settings. The default settings are
customizable and may vary from those from KEB.
Default Parameters
Setting: Description: NUM
Off No action taken 0
Factory Reset Will load defaults, as created by controller OEM 1
CH02 All current parameter settings can be saved to flash memory on the keypad
operator for future access. Or, current keypad operator settings can be
Save Parameters downloaded to the drive if a new or different keypad operator is installed.
Saving to the flash provides a ‘backup point’ during adjustment and allows a
user to revert back to known settings.
CH03 Previously saved parameters can be restored from keypad operator flash
memory to revert to previous settings. Or, current drive settings can be
Restore Parameters uploaded from the drive onto a new or different keypad operator.
CH - Configuration Handling
Name: NUM
IE 478-LS 35
IE 522 36
IE 522LS 37
IE 525 38
IE 525LS 39
IE 805 40
IE 808 41
IE 808-HD 42
Torin Drive
TD TGL1-3550 48
TD TGL1-3570 49
TD TGL1-3580 50
TD TGL2-3535-LV 51
TD TGL2-3535-HV 52
TD TGL2-3550-LV 53
TD TGL2-3550-HV 54
TD TGL2-3570-LV 55
TD TGL2-3570-HV 56
TD TGL2-5050 57
TD TGL2-5070 58
TD TGL2-5080 59
TD TGL3-8050 60
TD TGL3-8060 61
TD TGL3-8070 62
PR F03_AT/450 64
PR F03_BT/450 65
PR F04_AD/450 66
PR F04_AT/450 67
PR F04_BT/450 68
PR C-MAX_001/320 69
PR C-MAX_002/320 70
PR C-MAX_003/320 71
PR C-MAX_003/400 72
PR C-MAX_004/320 73
PR C-MAX_004/400 74
PR C-MAX_005/320 75
PR C-MAX_005/400 76
Default = None Selected (0)
CH - Configuration Handling
Setting: NUM
Rope Ratio
1:1 0
2:1 1
4:1 2
Default = 1:1 (0)
Contract Speed NUM
ft/min m/sec
75 0.38 0
100 0.5 1
150 0.75 2
200 1.0 3
250 1.27 4
300 1.5 5
315 1.6 6
350 1.77 7
400 2.0 8
450 2.3 9
500 2.5 10
600 3.0 11
700 3.6 12
800 4.0 13
1000 5.0 14
Default = 75 ft/min (0)
CH - Configuration Handling
Car Capacity Setting:
lbs kg
1000 480 0
1388 630 1
1500 680 2
2000 900 3
2200 1000 4
2500 1150 5
3000 1360 6
3500 1600 7
4000 1814 8
4400 2000 9
4500 2041 10
5000 2268 11
Default = 1000 lbs (0)
Program the selection
Setting: NUM
Off 0
Program 1
Default = Off (0)
CH - Configuration Handling
The LEDs on the serial operator are used to indicate operational status. In
addition they can be used for troubleshooting or diagnostics.
For each LED, a parameter will select whether the LED has its normal function
or is mapped to a special function. The tables below describe the function.
CH - Configuration Handling
CH10 Defines the function of the left LCD keypad operator LED.
CH11 The hexadecimal address of the corresponding function being mapped to the
left LED. This parameter auto populates once CH.10 and CH.13 have been
Left LED Address defined and will not need further adjustment.
CH12 Selects the bit and size of the CH.10 function which is mapped to the left LED
CH13 Defines the function of the right LCD keypad operator LED.
CH14 The hexadecimal address of the corresponding function being mapped to the
right LED. This parameter auto populates once CH.10 and CH.13 have been
Right LED Address defined and will not need further adjustment.
CH15 Selects the bit and size of the CH.13 function which is mapped to the right
Right LED Data Size /
Bit Number
CH - Configuration Handling
Input Status - This example provides parameter settings to map the Left LED to various
programmable inputs LI04-LI11 using the DG01 Input Status.
Parameter Setting
CH.10 Input Status(DG02)
CH.11 (Auto populated) 00009758h
LI04 00000010h
LI05 00000011h
LI06 00000012h
LI07 00000013h
LI08 00000014h
LI09 00000015h
LI10 00000016h
LI11 00000017h
Output Status- This example provides parameter settings to map the Left LED to various
outputs using the DG11 Ouput Status.
Parameter Setting
CH.10 Output Status(DG11)
CH.11 (Auto populated) 00009770h
Output 1 00000010h
Output 2 00000011h
CH.12 Relay 1 00000012h
Relay 2 00000013h
Field Bus Control Word- This example provides parameter settings to map the Left LED to
various bits of the Field Bus Control Word using the DG01 Input Status.
Parameter Setting
CH.10 Field Bus Control Word
CH.11 (Auto populated) 000013D8h
Enable 00000010h
Reset 00000011h
CH.12 Up 00000012h
Down 00000013h
LA - Analog I/O Parameters
Analog Input 1
LA01 The noise filters suppresses disturbances and ripples of the analog input
signals. If the noise filter is switched off the analog inputs are queried every
Analog Input 1 Noise 1 ms and the recorded value is then transferred. The noise filter adjustment
Filter specifies the time over which the data samples are averaged. This parameter
is automatically adjusted when LC40 > 0.
LA04 Through capacitive as well as inductive coupling on the input lines or voltage
fluctuations of the signal source, the motor connected to the inverter can still
Analog Input 1 Dead drift (tremble) during standstill in spite of the analog input filter. It is the task of
Band the dead band, or zero-point hysteresis, to suppress this. With this parameter
the respective analog signals can be faded out within a range of 0...±10%
(0…1V). The adjusted value is valid for positive and negative input signals.
If a negative percent value is adjusted the hysteresis acts in addition to the
zero point around the current setpoint. Setpoint changes are accepted only
if they are larger than the adjusted hysteresis.
-10% Range
LA - Analog I/O Parameters
LA05 The analog pattern can be scaled directly through this parameter. As an
Analog Input 1 Gain example, if the analog signal is +/- 0...5 V, the pattern gain can be changed to
2.00 to provide full scale control of the motor speed at +/- 0...10 V.
LA05 = 2.00
LA - Analog I/O Parameters
-10V LA06
+50% +10V
LA - Analog I/O Parameters
Analog Input 2
LA15 Refer to parameter LA05 for description. This parameter will also be applied
to the pretorque value if Control Mode LC.01 = Closed Loop Digital Pretorque
Analog Input 2 Gain (4). When US.04 Control Mode = Digital speed Selection (0), Binary Speed
Selection (1), Absolute Analog Speed (2), Bi-Polar Analog Speed (3) and
Serial Binary Speed DIN66019 (6) the gain will be applied to LC.34 Digital
Pretorque. When US.04 = Serial Speed DIN66019 Serv. 49 (4) , Serial Speed
DIN66019 Serv. 50 (5) the gain will be applied to FB.03 Field Bus Pretorque.
LA17 Refer to parameter LA07 for description.This parameter will also be applied
to the pretorque value if Control Mode LC.01 = Closed Loop Digital Pretorque
Analog Input 2 Y Offset (4). When US.04 Control Mode = Digital speed Selection (0),Binary Speed
Selection (1), Absolute Analog Speed (2), Bi-Polar Analog Speed (3), and
Serial Binary Speed DIN66019 (6) the offset will be applied to LC.34 Digital
Pretorque. When US.04 = Serial Speed DIN66019 Serv. 49 (4), Serial Speed
DIN66019 Serv. 50 (5), the offset will be applied to FB.03 Field Bus Pretorque.
LA - Analog I/O Parameters
Analog Output 1
LA31 The following options in the table below can be assigned to the analog output.
Speeds are scaled such that 10V = contract speed.
Analog Output 1
Function Setting: 0...10V = NUM
Absolute actual speed 0…RPM at Contract Speed 0
Absolute command speed 0…RPM at Contract Speed 1
Actual speed 0…RPM at Contract Speed 2
Command speed 0…RPM at Contract Speed 3
Output voltage 0…500V 4
DC bus voltage 0…1000V 5
Phase current 0…2 x Rated Inverter Current 6
Actual Torque 0…3 x Rated Motor Torque 7
Default (LA31) = Actual Speed (2)
Default (LA36) = Actual Torque (7)
Similar to the analog inputs, with parameters LA33-35 or LA38-40, the
corresponding analog output signals can be adapted in X and Y direction
as well as in the gain. The input values correspond to pre-processed
values internal to the drive and the output values would be the post-
processed analog output voltage from the drive output terminals.
LA33 The analog pattern can be scaled directly through this parameter. This
parameter is automatically scaled according to contract speed and machine
Analog Output 1 Gain data.
Analog Output 2
Analog Output 2
Analog Output 2 X
Analog Output 2 Y
LA50 This parameter allows for the selection of either a voltage or current input
signal to be used at the Analog 1 input.
Analog 1 Interface
LA60 This parameter allows for the selection of either a voltage or current input
signal to be used at the Analog 2 input.
Analog 2 Interface
LA 50 Analog 1 NUM LA 60 Analog 2 NUM
+/- 0 - 10V 0 +/- 0 - 10V 0
+/- 0 - 20mA 1 +/- 0 - 20mA 1
+/- 4 - 20mA 2 +/- 4 - 20mA 2
Default (LA50) = +/- 0 - 10V (0)
Default (LA60) = +/- 0 - 10V (0)
LO - Output Parameters
LO05 O1 corresponds to the digital output “O1” - See section 3.1.1 & 3.2.2.
Output Function O1 This output is available to be programmed with the one of the following output
functions listed on the next page.
LO10 O2 corresponds to the digital output “O2” - See section 3.1.1 & 3.2.2.
Output Function O2 This output is available to be programmed with the one of the following output
functions listed on the next page.
Output Function RLY1 This output is available to be programmed with the one of the following output
functions listed on the next page
The outputs are available to be programmed with one of the following output
functions listed in table below.
Setting: Description: NUM
Off Output is disabled.
Fault* Output is set when there is a drive fault.
Drive Ready* Output is set when there are no drive faults and
the drive is ready for operation. 2
*NOTE: Fault (1) and Drive Ready (2) cannot be used together!
LO - Output Parameters
Speed for Door Output is set when the speed is below LX15
Pre-opening * Speed for Pre-Opening to allow pre-opening of
the doors.
Main Contact Output is set when the speed and direction inputs
Control*** are signaled (direction only for analog and serial
speed control modes) Output turns off at end
of run after the current has ramped down and
the drive enters Mode = No Direction (LS). This
output function cannot be used in combination
with LI15 Direction Selection Inputs = Down (I6)
Input Only. Refer to LI04 Input Function 1 for
further details on the Main Contact Control.
LO - Output Parameters
LO - Output Parameters
If LO31 = ‘=’ and if LO32 = 30, then the output would become active when
the DG02 Inverter State = 30; Error Motor Protection (EOH2).
LO31 Determines the operand evaluating LO30 Data Value 1 against the LO32
Comparison Level 1.
Condition 1
The following operands are available according to the table below.
LO32 The value which the LO30 Data Value 1 is compared against for evaluation
according to the operand in LO31 Condition 1.
Comparison Level 1
LO - Output Parameters
Direction + Speed
Current Check
Drive On
Brake Control
Main Contact
FB - Field Bus Parameters
The DIN66019II serial protocol consists of various services, which are defined
telegram structures for serial communication between controller and keypad
• Service 48 = 2x32-bit
• Service 49 = 4x16-bit
• Service 50 = 2x16-bit + 1x32-bit + 1x32-bit AUX R/W*
FB - Field Bus Parameters
The basic serial interface on the keypad operator consists of four 32-bit
containers for incoming data (PDI - Process Data In) and four 32-bit containers
for outgoing data (PDO - Process Data Out).
Depending on the DIN66019II service used, the string of PDI data from the
telegram will be deposited into two or more of the containers. The containers
are then mapped (FB17-20) to a defined function (eg. Control Word, Speed,
Pretorque, Absolute Target Position) with the function structure also defined.
Depending on the function, the raw PDI data (FB34-37) may be scaled or
masked (FB05-07) before being processed by the drive (FB01-04).
The PDO data will originate from the DG parameters in the operator (viewable
from Combivis). This data will be mapped (Fb13-16) to the four PDO containers
and then depending on the service, taken from the container and placed in
the response telegram (Fb30-33).
PDI3 Map Assignment Target Position
Multiply, Right Shift (Divide)
32 bit raw data
Service 48
32 bit raw data
Fb30 - 33 Fb13 - 16
Map Assignment
32 bit raw data
For the PDI, there are four fixed-functions established, each with a
corresponding structure definition: Control Word, Speed, Pretorque, and
Absolute Target Position.
FB - Field Bus Parameters
The raw inputs may be masked with parameter FB05 Control Word Mask.
Bit: Function:
0 Enable
1 Reset
2 Up
3 Down
4 Binary Speed Input 1 or Binary Position 1
5 Binary Speed Input 2 or Binary Position 2
6 Binary Speed Input 3 or Binary Position 3
7 Reserved or Binary Position 4
8 Reserved or Binary Position 5
9 Special Function 1
10 Special Function 2
11 Special Function 3
12 Special Function 4
13 Special Function 5
14 Special Function 6
15 Special Function 7
Bits 0 - 3
Basic control word bits consisting of Enable, Up, Down, and Reset.
Bits 4 - 8
Bits 9 - 15
Serial input selection of special functions. Serial and discrete digital inputs
are independent unless assigned the same function; therefore, it is possible
to have up to 14 functions defined between both serial and digital inputs.
Serial and/or digital inputs assigned the same function will be OR activated.
The available functions are the same as those for discrete digital inputs,
described further under LI04.
FB - Field Bus Parameters
Speed values are assigned FPM, with resolution 1 Raw = 0.1 FPM.
FB - Field Bus Parameters
After the raw PDI Data (FB34-37) has been received from the controller, it
may be masked or scaled (FB05-09), depending on which function (FB01-
04: Control Word, Speed, Pretorque, Target Position) the data is mapped
to via the PDI Map Assignments (FB17-20). The PDI Map Assignments will
be chosen according to the order of each function’s data within the telegram
FB03 Read-only display of pretorque, where 1 = 1%. Additionally LA15 Analog Input
2 Gain and LA17 Analog Input 2 Offset can be applied to this value when
Field Bus Pretorque LC01 = Digital Pretorque (4). Refer to section 6.13 for additional information.
FB - Field Bus Parameters
Field Bus Target PDI Data (Target Position) x FB08 Position Scale Multiplier
Position FB04 = _________________________________________
2^FB09 Position Scale Shift Right
These parameters are used to mask or scale by multiplier or divide the raw
data received from FB34-37 before being processed in FB01-04.
FB07 Divide (1/2^x) applied only to the Field Bus Speed command.
FB08 Multiplier applied only to the Field Bus Target Position command.
FB09 Divide (1/2^x) applied only to the Field Bus Target Position command.
Position Scale Right
FB - Field Bus Parameters
FB10 Node ID must be set to agree with Node ID used in serial communication
service structure (default = 1).
DIN66019 Field Bus
Node ID
DIN66019 Field Bus As a note, the LX12 Baud Rate corresponds to the (Combivis) diagnostics
Baud Rate port X6D.
FB12 Watchdog of serial communication between the LCD keypad operator serial
communications port, X6C, and controller.
DIN66019 Field Bus
Watchdog Active only when Mode = Run (Home or Diagnostics Screen #6).
FB - Field Bus Parameters
These are the mappings of diagnostic parameter hex addresses for Process
Data Out. For example, FB13 PDO1 = 1182h = DG02 Inverter Status. These
parameters have the same structure as FB17-20; refer to these parameters
for further description.
FB - Field Bus Parameters
• The Field bus Parameter Hex Address is the keypad operator parameter
address of the PDI function which data is mapped to.
For example, if FB17 PDI1 = 12810102, this would correspond to
FB01 (1281h) = Control Word; thus PDI1 = Control Word.
• Set: This can be fixed at 01
• Size: 16-bit = 02, 32-bit = 04
FB17 Field bus parameter hex address, set, size, and bytes corresponding to
Process Data Input 1.
PDI1 Map Assignment
FB18 Field bus parameter hex address, set, size, and bytes corresponding to
Process Data Input 2.
PDI2 Map Assignment
FB19 Field bus parameter hex address, set, size, and bytes corresponding to
Process Data Input 3.
PDI3 Map Assignment
FB20 Field bus parameter hex address, set, size, and bytes corresponding to
Process Data Input 4.
PDI4 Map Assignment
FB - Field Bus Parameters
Function selection via control word serial inputs. The available functions are
the same as those for discrete digital inputs, described under parameter LI04.
If both discrete digital input and serial input are assigned as the same function,
then function will be OR-activated.
FB21 Function selection via serial input corresponding to Control Word bit 9.
FB22 Function selection via serial input corresponding to Control Word bit 10.
FB23 Function selection via serial input corresponding to Control Word bit 11.
FB24 Function selection via serial input corresponding to Control Word bit 12.
FB25 Function selection via serial input corresponding to Control Word bit 13.
Field Bus Special
Function 5
FB26 Function selection via serial input corresponding to Control Word bit 14.
Field Bus Special
Function 6
FB27 Function selection via serial input corresponding to Control Word bit 15.
Field Bus Special
Function 7
FB - Field Bus Parameters
The PDO Data are the actual value of the process data out, linked to the
diagnostics parameters from the FB13-16 map assignments.
PDO2 Data
PDO3 Data
PDO4 Data
The PDI Data is the actual raw data received from the controller and mapped
to the functions according to the FB17-20 PDI Map Assignments. The data
displayed is the raw data before being masked, scaled by parameters FB05-
09, then processed by the drive in FB01-04.
FB34 Actual Process Data Input 1 value from controller before Mask, Shift, or
PDI1 Data
FB35 Actual Process Data Input 2 value from controller before Mask, Shift, or
PDI2 Data
FB36 Actual Process Data Input 3 value from controller before Mask, Shift, or
PDI3 Data
FB37 Actual Process Data Input 4 value from controller before Mask, Shift, or
PDI4 Data
FB - Field Bus Parameters
Temporary DIN
Communication Error
Temporary DIN
Communication Error
Temporary DIN
Communication Error
Temporary DIN
Communication Error
FB54 This parameter is used to control the transmit enable, TxE, in regards to the
response telegram from the drive when using DIN66019 serial communication.
RS485 Mode
FB - Field Bus Parameters
FB55 By using FB55, the fieldbus input speed can be filtered. This allows for the
keypad operator to have an interpolation between the values that are being
Software Filter given over the fieldbus. This allows for a less jagged response inside of
the inverter due to the update rate being 5 ms between keypad operator
and inverter, whereas the update rate between the controller and keypad
operator can be much longer.
As a note, the LX11 Reference Splitting can also be used for interpolation
of the serial profile and is typically set at twice the serial update time, in
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
Para: Name: Unit - Unit - Hex:
English: Metric:
DG39 Carrier Frequency kHz kHz 11A7h
DG40 Electric Power kW kW 11A8h
DG41 Motor Power kW kW 11A9h
DG42 Braking Energy kWh kWh 11AAh
DG43 Power On Counter h h 11ABh
DG44 Run Time Counter h h 11ACh
DG45 Overload Counter % % 11ADh
DG46 Drive Load % % 11AEh
DG47 Peak Load % % 11AFh
DG49 Signed Elevator Speed ft / min m/s 11B1h
DG50 Elevator Speed ft / min m/s 11B2h
DG51* Mode 11B3h
DG52* Active Profile 11B4h
DG53* Active Speed 11B5h
DG54 Leveling Distance in cm 11B6h
DG55 Target Floor 11B7h
DG56 Current Floor 11B8h
DG57 Next Avail. Floor 11B9h
DG58 Car Load % % 11BAh
DG59 Brake Release Time s s 11BBh
DG60 Average Regen Power kW kW 11BCh
DG61 Peak Regen Power kW kW 11BDh
DG62 Runs Per Hour ft / min m/s 11BEh
DG63* NTSD Speed 1 Up ft / min m/s 11BFh
DG64* NTSD Speed 2 Up ft / min m/s 11C0h
DG65* NTSD Speed 3 Up ft / min m/s 11C1h
DG66* NTSD Speed 1 Down ft / min m/s 11C2h
DG67* NTSD Speed 2 Down ft / min m/s 11C3h
DG68* NTSD Speed 3 Down ft / min m/s 11C4h
DG69* Total Runs 11C5h
DG70* Calculated Motor Pole 11C6h
DG71* Encoder Deviation 11C7h
DG72* Actual Position 11C8h
DG73 Lift Control Word App 11C9h
DG75 Motor Speed (Calculated) 1 / min 1 / min 11CBh
DG76 Elevator Speed (Calculated) ft / min m/s 11CCh
DG77 Signed Elevator Speed (Calculated) ft / min m/s 11CDh
DG99 Last Fault 11E3h
*Denotes additional information regarding parameter listed in parameter
238 description.
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
DG01 The displayed numerical value is the sum of the individual inputs weightings.
For example, DG01 = 5 = I7 (1) + I15 (4).
Input Status
Value: Input:
0 None
1 I7
2 I8
4 I5
8 I6
16 I1
32 I2
64 I3
128 I4
4096 STO
8192 ST-EXT
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
DG02 The following table describes the various inverter statuses and the value
corresponding to each.
Inverter Status
Value: Description:
0 No Operation
1 EOP - Error Over Voltage
2 EUP - Error Under Voltage
3 EUPh - Error Input Phase Failure
4 EOC - Error Over Current
5 EIPh - Error Output Phase Failure
6 EOHI - Error Overheat Internal
7 EnOHI - No Error Overheat Internal
8 EOH - Error Overheat Power Module
9 EdOH - Error Motor Overheat
11 EndOH - No Error Motor Overheat
12 EPU - Error Power Unit
13 no_PU - Power Unit Not Ready
15 ELSF - Error Charge Relay Fault
16 EOL - Error Overload
17 EnOL - No Error Overload
18 EbuS - HSP5 Serial Comm.
19 EOL2 - Error Overload Low Speed
20 EnOL2 - No Error Overload Low Speed
23 ESbuS - Error Bus Synchronization
24 EACC - Error Maximum Acceleration
25 ESCL - Error Speed Control Limit
30 EOH2 - Error Motor Protection
31 EEF - Error External Fault
32 EEnC1 - Error Encoder 1
34 EEnC2 - Error Encoder 2
35 EEnCC - Error Encoder Interface
36 EnOH - No Error Overheat Power Module
39 ESEt - Error Set
44 ESLF - Error Software Limit Forward
45 ESLr - Error Software Limit Reverse
46 EPrF - Error Protection Rotation Forward
47 EPrr - Error Protection Rotation Reverse
49 EPuci - Error Power Unit Code Invalid
50 EPuch - Power Unit Changed
51 Edri - Error Driver Relay
52 EHyb - Error Encoder Card
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
Value: Description:
53 EiEd - Input Error Detection
54 Eco1 - Error Counter Overrun 1
55 Eco2 - Error Counter Overrun 2
56 Ebr - Error Low Motor Current
57 Eini - Error Initialization MFC
58 EOS - Error Overspeed
59 EHybC - Error Encoder Card Changed
60 ECdd - Error Calculating Motor Data
64 Up Acceleration
65 Up Deceleration
66 Up Constant Speed
67 Down Acceleration
68 Down Deceleration
69 Down Constant Speed
70 No Direction Selected
71 Stall
72 LA Stop
73 Ld Stop
74 Speed Search
75 DC Brake
76 Base Block
77 Low Speed / DC Brake
78 Power Off
79 Quick Stop
80 Hardware Current Limit
81 Search for Reference Active
82 Calculate Motor Data
83 Positioning
84 Low Speed / Power Off
85 Closing Brake
86 Opening Brake
87 Abnormal Stop Overheat Interior
88 No Alarm Overheat Power Module
89 Abnormal Stop Overheat Power Module
90 Abnormal Stop External Fault
91 No Alarm Drive Overheat
92 No Alarm Stop Overheat Interior
93 Abnormal Stop Bus
94 Abnormal Stop Protection Rotation Forward
95 Abnormal Stop Protection Rotation Reverse
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
Value: Description:
96 Abnormal Stop Drive Overheat
97 Abnormal Stop Motor Protection
98 No Abnormal Stop Overload
99 Abnormal Stop Overload
100 Abnormal Stop Overload 2
101 No Abnormal Stop Overload 2
102 Abnormal Stop Set
103 Abnormal Stop Bus Synchronization
104 Abnormal Stop Software Limit Forward
105 Abnormal Stop Software Limit Reverse
106 Abnormal Stop Maximum Acceleration
107 Abnormal Stop Speed Control Limit
121 Ready for Positioning
122 Positioning Active
123 Position Not Accessible
124 Protection Rotation Forward
125 Protection Rotation Reverse
126 Position Not Accessible Ignored
127 Calculate Motor Data Complete
128 Reference Found
132 STO Switched Off
150 Main Contact Failure
151 Brake Switch Failure
152 Speed Following Error
153 Speed Selection Error
154 ETS Input Failure
155 ETS Overspeed
156 NTS Input Failure
157 Analog Signal Failure
158 Unintended Movement
159 Secure Fault Reset
160 ESD Input Failure
161 Direction Selection Failure
162 Drive Enabled Switched Off
163 Error Field Bus Watchdog
164 Error Commutation Position
165 Error Excessive Acceleration
166 Error Serial Command Speed
170 UPS Mode
171 Reduced Torque
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
Value: Description:
172 Emergency Profile
173 Emergency Generator Speed
174 Earthquake Speed
175 Emergency Slowdown
180 Dropped Serial EN
200 No Communication to Encoder Card
201 Encoder Communication OK
202 Encoder Not Defined
206 No Communication to Encoder
207 Incremental Count Deviation
208 Encoder PPR does not match LE01
209 Interface ID is wrong
213 Encoder Overtemperature
214 Encoder Overspeed
215 Encoder Supply Voltage Too Low
216 Internal Encoder Error
217 Formatting Encoder
221 New Encoder Identified
222 Undefined Encoder Error
223 Encoder Interface Busy
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
DG11 The displayed numerical value is the sum of the individual output weightings.
For example, DG11 = 12 = Relay 1 (4) + Relay 2 (8).
Output Status
Value: Description:
0 None
1 Output 1
2 Output 2
4 Relay 1
8 Relay 2
DG16 The displayed numerical value is the sum of the individual output condition
Output Condition State
Value: Description:
0 None
1 Condition 0
2 Condition 1
4 Condition 2
8 Condition 3
16 Condition 4
32 Condition 5
64 Condition 6
128 Condition 7
DG19 The Parameter Set indicates the state of the run sequence in the drive. This
diagnostic parameter only applies to control modes US04 Control Type =
Parameter Set Binary Speed Selection (1) and Digital Speed Selection (0).
Value: Description:
0 Pre-torque
2 Normal Acceleration
3 Normal Deceleration
4 One Floor Acceleration
5 One Floor Deceleration
6 Emergency Acceleration
7 Emergency Deceleration
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
DG51 The Mode indicates the operating state of the keypad operator.
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
Value: Description:
255 Not Configured
Active Speed
Value: Description:
0 None
32 Inspection Speed
64 Leveling Speed
96 Correction Speed
128 High Speed
160 Intermediate Speed 1
256 Earthquake Speed
384 Intermediate Speed 2
512 Emergency Generator Speed
640 Intermediate Speed 3
768 UPS Speed
Car Load
DG - Diagnostics Parameters (Combivis only)
DG63 - 68 Displays the motor speed at which the corresponding NTSD input was last
dropped in the corresponding direction.
NTSD Speed
DG70 Displays the Calculated Motor Poles based on the following equation:
# of Motor Poles = Rated Frequency (Hz) x 120 / Rated Speed (rpm)
Calculated Motor Pole
DG71 When LE07 = NOP AND LX23 = On With Error this displays the difference
between the learned pole position value and the average.
Encoder Deviation
Position Counter
DG75 Displays the calculated motor speed while running in open-loop operation.
Motor Speed
DG76 Displays the calculated elevator speed while running in open-loop operation.
Elevator Speed
DG77 Displays the signed calculated elevator speed while running in open-loop
Signed Elevator Speed
Last Fault
TS - Terminal Slowdown Data Parameters
The terminal slowdown parameters configure the settings for inputs assigned
as Normal Terminal Slowdown (NTS) inputs. (LI04-11).
Up to three NTS speed thresholds in each direction can be set with each
input corresponding to an NTS speed threshold or two inputs can be binary-
coded (TS01 NTSD Mode). This provides multiple checks during slowdown
as the contract speed increases.
TS - Terminal Slowdown Parameters
When the NTS input is dropped (pulse or constant), the drive will begin to
compare the encoder speed against the corresponding NTSD threshold and
direction (TS03-08).
ELSE, IF the encoder speed remains LESS than the corresponding NTSD
speed threshold (TS03-08), the drive will continue as normal.
High Speed
NTSD 1, 2, or 3
Speed threshold
NTSD Slowdown
LS33 - 35
Normal Profile
NTSD Target
Normal Profile NTSD Slowdown
NTS Input
TS - Terminal Slowdown Data Parameters
High Speed
NTSD 1, 2, or 3
Speed threshold
NTSD Slowdown
Normal Profile
NTSD Target
1 2 3 4 5
TS01 The NTSD Mode defines the assignment of the NTS inputs to the NTSD
speed thresholds.
The NTSD inputs can be assigned in parameters LI04 - LI11 to the
corresponding hardware inputs X2A.10 - 18 or by FB21 - 27 to the
corresponding serial Control Word special function bits 9 - 15.
The following tables indicate the NTSD speed threshold according to the
NTSD mode and input states.
*If any NTS input is not active at the beginning of a run, the drive will enter
normal acceleration until the programmed NTS threshold speed is reached
then slow down to the NTSD target speed.
***If any NTS input is not active at the start a NTS Input Failure fault will be
TS - Terminal Slowdown Data Parameters
Threshold 1, NUM = 1
Input 2 Input 1
x 1 Normal operation
x 0 Evaluate NTSD 1 Speed
Input 2 Input 1
1 1 Normal operation
0 1 Evaluate NTSD 2 Speed
0 0 Evaluate NTSD 1 Speed
1 0 Evaluate NTSD 1 Speed
Input 2 Input 1
1 1 Normal operation
1 0 Evaluate NTSD 3 Speed
0 1 Evaluate NTSD 2 Speed
0 0 Evaluate NTSD 1 Speed
TS - Terminal Slowdown Parameters
TS02 The speed, when NTSD is active, to which the drive will decelerate and
maintain as the maximum speed until the end of the run (enable dropped).
NTSD Target Speed With analog and serial speed control, a speed command below the NTSD
target speed is allowed. When the direction command is dropped the LS43
- 45 emergency profile deceleration and jerk rates will be used to decelerate
to zero speed.
The speed threshold which the motor encoder speed is compared against
when the corresponding NTSD input drops (activates), in the indicated
direction. If the motor speed is above this threshold, the drive will initiate an
NTSD slowdown using the LS33 - 35 One Floor profile deceleration and
jerk rates.
NTSD 2 Speed Up
NTSD 3 Speed Up
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Home Screen
Inverter Status Mode
Motor Speed Command Speed
Elevator Speed Motor Current
Diagnostic Screen # 1
Inverter Status Motor Current
DC Bus Voltage Peak Current
Peak DC Volts Magnetizing Current
Diagnostic Screen # 2
Inverter Status Command Speed
Elevator Speed Motor Speed
Peak Speed Modulation Grade
Diagnostic Screen # 3
Inverter Status Motor Speed
Output Condition State Output Frequency
Actual Torque Output Voltage
Diagnostic Screen # 4
Inverter Status Parameter Set
Input Status
Output Status
Diagnostic Screen # 5
Inverter Status Command Speed
Raw Pattern Raw Pretorque
Processed Pattern Post Pretorque
Diagnostic Screen # 6
Inverter Status Mode
Analog Output 1
Analog Output 2
Diagnostic Screen # 7
Heatsink Temperature Motor Current
Motor Temperature Carrier Frequency
Electric Power Motor Power
Diagnostic Screen # 8
Power On Counter Overload Counter
Run Time Counter Drive Load
Braking Energy Peak Load
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Diagnostic Screen # 9
Operator Software Date (ddmm.y) Operator Software Version
Drive Software Version Drive Config ID
Drive Software Date (ddmm.y) Enc. Interface Software Date
Diagnostic Screen # 10
Inverter Status Active Profile
Elevator Speed Active Speed
Elevator Position Leveling Distance
Diagnostic Screen # 11
NTSD Speed 1 Up NTSD Speed 1 Down
NTSD Speed 2 Up NTSD Speed 2 Down
NTSD Speed 3 Up NTSD Speed 3 Down
Diagnostic Screen # 12
Total Runs Motor Frequency
Calculated Motor Pole Motor Power
Motor Speed Motor Current
Diagnostic Screen # 13
Car Load Post Pretorque
Brake Release Time Elevator Position
Field Bus Pretorque Actual Torque
Serial Diagnostics (*For Development Purposes)
Field Bus Control Word
0000 0000 0000 0000
CAN Diagnostics
Control Word and Status Word information
Diagnostic Screen Log
(Most Recent) Fault or Special Operating Mode
(Oldest) Fault or Special Operating Mode
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
7.2 Drive Faults
Faults and error, listed alphabetically. Additional troubleshooting of operational problems is listed in Section
7.3 and diagnostics solutions in Section 7.4.
Analog Signal - Analog speed When US04 = Absolute Analog Speed (2), Bipolar
Failure* (157) command not Analog Speed (3), Serial Speed Service 49 (4), Serial
present at the Speed Service 50 (5), the speed command must be
beginning of a received within t=2.5(LT01+LT03) sec. at beginning of
run. run. Refer to additional information at end of section.
Base Block bbL This message Indicates the output transistors have been safely shut off
(76) precedes most and are being blocked from further operation.
faults and
indicates the This generally indicates the drive enable input (I7) was
drive enable (I7) dropped prematurely or abruptly while the drive was still
was removed outputting current.
while the drive
was outputting This is not a drive error or fault, but a status message.
current. This is
not a drive fault.
Brake Switch - Brake switch not When LI04-11 input set as Brake Release
Failure* (151) open/closed at confirmation, switch must open at beginning of run
beginning/end of within t=LT01+LT03+2.5 sec and close at end within
run. t=LT10+LT12.Refer to additional information at end of
Direction - Both directions For LI15 = Up (I5) and Down (I6) inputs, the up/down
Selection (161) signaled at directions must independently be selected. If both are
Failure* beginning of run. selected simultaneously, the ‘Direction Selection Failure’
fault will occur, but not during UPS Operation Mode (refer
to LI04 UPS Operation for further details).
Drive Enable - Drive Enable (I7) Will occur whenever the Drive Enable (I7) is dropped
Switched Off* (162) input dropped while current is being output. Check input signal
while current connections, sequence, or reason for abrupt stop. (eg.
output. emergency stop, clip door lock, etc.)
Error Calculate ECdd The inverter is Verify correct motor data is entered in LM01-07 and re-try.
Motor Data (60) unable to learn
a value during Make sure motor contactor is closing.
the Motor Learn
procedure, Make sure motor is wired correctly.
SPI, or during
automatic learn If the problem occurs during an SPI, the following
of the encoder procedure can be done instead...
position during Verify LM27 Motor Inductance Mode is set to Ld = Lq.
each run. Set LE07 Rotor Detection Mode to NOP.
Prevent brake from releasing, set inspection speed = 0.
Give inspection command to allow sample to be taken.
Check the value in LE06 Encoder Pole Position.
Repeat several times to ensure consistency in LE06.
Samples should not vary by more than 2,000 counts.
Set LE07 to OFF and proceed as normal.
Error Encoder EHybC Indicates the This error should automatically clear itself. If not, re-
Card Changed (59) encoder interface Enter the read-only setting in parameter LE01.
card has been
Error Encoder EENCC Loss of encoder This error should be accompanied with further
Interface (35) channel or information describing the nature of the fault. Refer to
communication LE12 Serial Encoder 1 Status for further details.
between encoder
and drive for an
absolute encoder.
Error External EEF A digital input can The digital input for an External Fault may come from the
Fault (31) be programmed controller or may be jumpered from an inverter or regen
to trigger an error. digital output. The cause of the error will be variable.
Error HSP5 EBus This message Verify keypad operator is seated properly to the
Serial Com. (18) indicates inverter.
(EBus) that serial
communication Verify connection of the serial comm. to the keypad
between the operator at port X6C.
keypad operator
and the drive or Verify there are no bent or missing pins where the
the drive and the serial comm. cable from the controller plugs into the
elevator control keypad operator.
has been lost
(See parameter Verify serial comm. between controller and drive.
LX09 Ser.Com
Watchdog Time to Verify connection of keypad operator and inverter control
bypass this fault). card.
Error Low Ebr Error current Possible causes for low motor current error during
Motor Current (56) check. current check:
Error Motor EdOH The external If a motor PTC temperature sensor, relay, or KTY (special
Overheat (9) motor hardware required) is connected to terminals T1, T2 and
temperature the motor overheat function LX10 EdOH Function = On,
sensor tripped. then if the PTC resistance exceeds 1650 Ohms, relay
opens, or the KTY sensor is above the set value in LM10
Motor Overload temp, then a motor overheat is detected.
Excessive current.
Lack of control
Error Power EPU General power Inverter must be inspected and repaired by KEB or
Unit (12) circuit fault replaced.
Error Power EPuch The control card This error should automatically clear itself.
Unit Changed (50) recognizes a new
power stage (the
control card was
Error Power EPuci During the This error could occur from noise.
Unit Invalid (49) initialization the
power circuit Disconnect terminal strip, encoder cable and serial
could not be comm. (if used) and power cycle the drive.
or was identified Check phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground line
as invalid voltages to make sure they are balanced and not
causing noise.
Error Rotor (168) When LE07 Rotor Detection Mode = NOP and LX23
Learn Deviation Encoder Deviation Enable = On with Error. Learned
encoder pole position and average encoder position
having a difference value greater than LX22 Encoder
Deviation Value
Error Under EUP The DC bus Causes for under voltage include:
Voltage (2) voltage drops
below the Input voltage too low or unstable.
permissible value.
Verify input voltage and wiring. The DC bus should
For 460V drives, measure approximately 1.41 x AC Input phase-to-
the under voltage phase and should match the DC bus measurement
level is 240VDC by the drive in the Diagnostics Menu.
and for 230V
drives, the under One phase of the line input is missing.
voltage level is
216VDC. Line input phases are imbalanced. The phase-to-
phase voltage measurement should not exceed 2%.
The under voltage
level cannot be Isolation transformer undersized or wired incorrectly.
If there is an issue with the DC bus voltage measurement
Main Contact - Motor contactor When an input programmed as Main Contactor Check in
Failure* (150) not closed LI04-11 not present (high) at the beginning of run. Refer
to additional information at end of section.
no Error Motor nEdOH Over temperature Motor overheat sensor reset and Error Motor Overheat
Overheat (11) reset possible can be reset.
no Error nEOL No more Overload counter has reached 0%, allowing motor to
Overload (17) overload. cool and the error overload error may be reset.
Power Unit Not no_PU Control card is The Power Unit Not Ready message may occur due to
Ready (13) powered up, the following conditions:
but the power
stage is not, so Control card powered up by external power supply, but
consequently it drive is not powered up by line. Since the drive is not
is not seen by being powered by the line, the power stage cannot be
control card. identified.
Serial (166) Serial speed When US04 = Serial Speed DIN66019 Service 49
Command command not (4), Serial Speed DIN66019 Service 50 (5), the speed
Speed Error present at the command must be received within t=2.5(LT01+LT03) sec.
beginning of a at beginning of run. Not active on inspection run.Refer to
run additional information at end of section
Lack of control
Excessive current
Speed - Speed command For digital, binary and serial binary input speed selection
Selection Error* (153) input missing at control modes, the Speed Selection Error is triggered if
beginning of run. a speed input is not given before the LT01, LT03 timers
expire. These timers start after the drive enable and
direction have been given. Not active on inspection run.
Refer to additional information at end of section.
The Analog Signal Failure event will occur when no speed command is given within a certain time
period at the beginning of a run with external profile pattern generation US04 Control Type = Analog
(2,3) modes, and Serial (4,5) modes
While the inspection bit is active (field-bus control word or digital input) the zero-speed timer is
ignored. If the inspection bit is released after 20 seconds, the Analog Signal Failure or Serial
Command Speed fault will occur as a typical zero-speed timeout fault. If a speed command is
detected during the LT03 Speed Start Delay, the timer will automatically expire at the phase of the
profile where pretorque speed control gains (LC05, 10) are active and the drive will switch to the
acceleration phase (LC03, 08, 11).
When a digital (LI04-11) or serial (Fb21-27) input is programmed for Brake Release Confirmation (18),
the drive checks if the brake opens or closes within a set amount of time. The timers are defined as:
t = LT10 + LT12
= Brake Drop Delay + Current Hold Time
Two inputs can be programmed for the brake switch. During stop, the switches should be closed and
open during run. If the brake switch is open during the Idle Mode, then the Brake Switch Failure event
will also occur. If during the run, the brake switch closes, the Brake Switch Failure event will not occur.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
The Direction Selection Failure will occur if both direction inputs are signaled when the Drive Enable is
initially signaled at the beginning of a run.
Whenever the drive enable is dropped, output current will instantly be shut off. If the drive enable is
dropped any time during the course of a normal run a Drive Enable Dropped event is logged.
A normal run is considered any run profile that is not inspection. A Drive Enable Dropped event will
not occur on an inspection run.
• For US04 Control Type = Binary Speed (1), Digital Speed (0) Selection, or Serial Binary Speed
DIN66019 Serv. 50 (6), the speed signaled for inspection speed must match the corresponding
inspection speed according to the LI03 Speed Input Decoding.
• For US04 Control Type = Serial or Analog, a run is considered an inspection run when the
digital input (LI04-11) programmed as Inspection Speed (32) is on for the length of the entire run.
If a Drive Enable Dropped event occurs, a potential ensuing Unintended Movement event will not be
When a digital (LI04-11) or serial (Fb21-27) input is programmed for Emergency Slowdown (ESD)
or Emergency Terminal Slowdown (ETS), the input must be active at the start of a run, otherwise an
ESD or ETS Input Failure event will occur.
When a digital (LI04-11) or serial (Fb21-27) input is programmed for Main Contactor Check (19), the
drive checks for the signal that the contactor has closed at the beginning of a run. If not, the Main
Contact Failure event will occur.
When a digital (LI04-11) or serial (Fb21-27) input is programmed for Normal Terminal Slowdown
(NTS), the input must be active at the start of a run, otherwise an NTS Input Failure event will occur.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
The Speed Selection Error event will occur when no speed command input is given within a certain
time period at the beginning of a run with US04 Control Type = Binary Speed (1), Digital Speed (0),
or Serial Binary Speed (6). The speed inputs must be selected before the expiration of LT03 + 20
seconds. Toggling the speed before this does not reset the timer and does not have any effect; the
speed command must be present at the expiration of the timers.
i This timer is not active during an inspection run. Speed Selection Error will not
i The default setting for programmable digital inputs (LI04-11) is No Function (Off).
Likewise, for Serial Binary Speed control (US04 = 6) the (Fb21-27) serial inputs are
also set as No Function (Off) by default. The inputs must be assigned accordingly for
Speed Selection (27).
The Serial Command Speed Error event will occur when no speed command is given within a certain
time period at the beginning of a run with external profile pattern generation US04 Control Type =
Serial (4,5) modes. The speed pattern must be received before the expiration of LT03 + 20 seconds.
If a speed command is detected during the LT03 Speed Start Delay, the timer will automatically expire
at the phase of the profile where pretorque speed control gains (LC05, 10) are active and the drive will
switch to the acceleration phase (LC03, 08, 11).
i This timer is not active during an inspection run. Serial Command Speed Error will
not occur.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Unintended Movement
The Unintended Movement event occurs when the difference between the motor position during idle
after a normal run, changes by more than the value set in parameter LX25 Unintended Motion Distance.
The event is logged and requires a forced reset.
A normal run is considered any run profile that is not inspection. An Unintended Movement event will
not occur after an inspection run.
• For US04 Control Type = Binary Speed (1), Digital Speed (0) Selection, or Serial Binary Speed
DIN66019 Serv. 50 (6), the speed signaled for inspection speed must match the corresponding
inspection speed according to the LI03 Speed Input Decoding.
• For US04 Control Type = Serial or Analog, a run is considered an inspection run when the digital
input (LI04-11) programmed as Inspection Speed (32) is on for the length of the entire run.
After a normal run, the motor position is determined after the Brake Control output conditions have
set and the Enable input has been dropped. During idle until the next normal run, the motor position
is compared against the level set in LX25 before an Unintended Movement event occurs. The level of
comparison can be adjusted and the function can be turned off in Special Functions, LX21. The Elevator
Position can be monitored in Diagnostics Screen #10 or DG04. Since the motor position is determined
from the motor encoder, movement of the elevator car itself from rope stretch, etc., would not cause an
Unintended Movement event.
Once an Unintended Movement event has occurred, a forced reset is required by simultaneously
pressing the F1 and F4 hotkeys on the keypad operator. The event cannot be cleared by signaling the
reset on the drive or cycling power.
If the cause of unintended movement is from the drive enable being dropped, then a Drive Enable
Dropped event will occur instead of Unintended Movement.
The Unintended Movement Function can be turned off with LX21 Unintended Movement =
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem Cause/Solution/Troubleshoot
Motor Does Not Move Check the Motor Current. Refer to Motor Draws High Current for
additional troubleshooting.
Check Input Status to determine whether the correct inputs are being
signaled for a run command.
Check the Active Speed and Active Profile to determine what speed
setting is being selected.
Check to make sure the speed control gains (KP, KI Offset) are not set
too low.
For open loop induction motors, the Low Speed Torque Boost may
need to be increased to lift the load or decreased if either the Maximum
Torque of Inverter Peak Current limit is reached.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem Cause/Solution/Troubleshoot
Motor Draws High Current Verify correct motor data.
For induction motors, set LC01 Control Mode to Open Loop V/Hz to
determine if the issue is due to encoder, encoder settings or speed
control settings.
For open loop induction motors, the Low Speed Torque Boost may need
to be decreased or increased.
Verify the brake picks and does not drag and that there are no
other mechanical issues preventing the motor from rotating freely.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem Cause/Solution/Troubleshoot
Encoder slippage/mounting The position of the rotor must be known for synchronous (PM) motors
(PM motors) for the drive to properly commutate the stator magnetic field and
generate torque. Performing a encoder/rotor position learn (LL05 SPI
or LL06 Encoder Pole Position Learn) determines a corresponding
encoder position offset value for a given rotor position. The encoder is
a mechanical extension of the rotor and therefore acts as an electrical
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem Cause/Solution/Troubleshoot
Motor does not go the correct Check whether the Command Speed and Encoder Speed match
speed or cannot reach high (Home Screen or Diagnostics Screen #1). .
Verify whether the Motor (Encoder) Speed is tracking the Command
Check whether the Machine Data parameters (LN) are set correct.
Check whether the Maximum Torque Limit or Inverter Peak Current limit
are being reached.
Check if the speed control gains (KP Proportional, KI Integral Offset) are
set too low.
Overshoot into floor Check the motor current, whether the Maximum Torque Limit or
Inverter Peak Current limit are being reached.
Check if the speed control gains (KP Proportional, KI Integral Offset) are
set too low. Raise as needed.
Cannot lift full load Check the motor current, whether the Maximum Torque Limit or
Inverter Peak Current limit are being reached. Refer to Motor
Draws High Current for additional troubleshooting.
Check if the speed control gains (KP Proportional, KI Integral Offset) are
set too low.
For open loop induction motors, the Low Speed Torque Boost may need
to be increased or decreased if reaching the Maximum Torque Limit or
Inverter Peak Current.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem Cause/Solution/Troubleshoot
Motor only moves one Check the motor current. Refer to Motor Draws High Current for
direction; direction additional troubleshooting.
of weighting (e.g.
counterweights pulling up for Check the Command Speed for dictated speed direction and whether it
empty car) changes between directions.
Motor only moves slightly or Check the motor current. Refer to Motor Draws High Current for
jerks briefly additional troubleshooting.
Output current is limited Check the setting for Maximum Torque. Refer to Peak current limit or
(clamped) Maximum Torque limit reached for additional troubleshooting.
Verify the current is not being limited by the Inverter Peak Current
Limit. Refer to Peak current limit or Maximum Torque limit reached for
additional troubleshooting.
Maximum Torque limit or Check the setting for Maximum Torque. For full load and/or high
Peak Current limit reached. speed automatic operation, this value should be in the range of
Verify the current is not being limited by the Inverter Peak Current Limit.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem Cause/Solution/Troubleshoot
Motor noise (Vibration) Increase the Sample Rate for Encoder (LE04) from 4ms (default) to
Verify correct motor data and whether motor learn has been performed.
For induction motors, set the LC01 Control Mode to Open Loop V/Hz. If
the issue is still present, then it is a mechanical issue.
If occurs after Inertia/ FFTC Learn with Serial or Analog Speed control
reduce LC44 Torque Command Filter.
Motor noise (squealing/ Check whether the Sample Rate for Encoder (LE04) is too high or too
grinding sound), but not low; 4-8ms is typical.
vibration; does not affect ride
quality Check whether the setting for Encoder Multiplier Factor (LE05) is
correct. For TTL incremental encoder, this value can only be set to a
value of 2; for absolute encoders (e.g. EnDat) typically found on PM
motors, the setting should be a value of 8.
Unable to run induction motor For open loop induction motors, the Low Speed Torque Boost may need
in open loop. to be decreased or increased.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem Cause/Solution/Troubleshoot
(Voltage) Modulation Grade Verify correct wiring of the motor, in particular with motors which
limit Reached have multiple voltage winding arrangements (eg. dual rated 230/460V
motors, wye-star/delta)
For PM motor, check the current, particularly the peak current during
acceleration. Refer to Motor Draws High Current for additional
Clunk at end of run after Verify drive enable input is not being dropped prematurely while drive is
brake sets still outputting torque to motor.
High peak current at either Check the brake timing such that the motor is not starting against the
start or stop brake and that the brake is not stopping the load.
For digital input speed control, the Speed Start Delay LT03 can be
extended to prevent starting under the brake. For analog and serial
speed controls, this may need adjustment on the controller.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
7.4 Diagnostic Solutions
Typical solutions in reference to operational problems in section 7.3.
Item # Check/Solution
Monitor the Input Status to For the given combination of inputs selected, verify which speed
Determine Active Speed and/ command is selected according to the Control Type (US04) and
or Active Profile (digital input Special Input Functions (LI03). This should match the Active Speed
control modes) (Diagnostics Screen #10). Verify the corresponding speed setting in the
Speed Profile (LS) parameter group.
Determine the correct motor For a given command speed in FPM, the corresponding speed in rpm is
speed in rpm. calculated as:
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Item # Check/Solution
Monitor the Command Speed If the Command Speed and Motor (Encoder) Speed match, but the
and Motor (Encoder) Speed elevator does not travel at the correct speed:
Check Active Speed and Active Profile from Diagnostics and check
whether the corresponding speed setting in the LS parameters is
correct. Refer to Monitor the Active Speed and Active Profile for
additional info.
If the US04 Control Type is analog type, verify correct US06 Contract
Speed and LS02 High Speed settings. US06 Contract Speed
dictates the maximum setting for the LS02 High Speed and the LS02
High Speed dictates the speed corresponding to 10V.
If the US04 Control Type is analog type, verify the correct Raw and
Processed (Analog) Patterns in Diagnostics Screen #5 as well as any
Analog Pattern Gain in LA05.
If the US04 Control Type is serial type, verify the correct Field Bus
Control Word and Raw Com Data in Serial Diagnostics Screen
as well as proper field bus configuration (Refer to FB parameter
descriptions for further information.
Monitor the Active Speed The Active Speed will indicate which speed setting is selected according
and Active Profile (Diagnostic to the US04 Control Type and LI03 Special Functions.
Screen #11)
The Active Profile will indicate if any modes of operation (eg. UPS
Operation, Earthquake, Emergency) corresponding to programmed
input functions (LI04-11) are active. In the case of certain modes of
operation, the maximum speed may be limited to a speed lower than
that selected and show as the Active Speed (above).
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Item # Check/Solution
Verify correct Machine Data The Machine Data parameters are used as a scalar to translate the
(LN) parameter settings. command speeds programmed in FPM to an rpm value used by the
drive. Incorrect setting of the machine data parameters may cause the
command speed in rpm to be too high or too low.
For example, if a machine has a 1:1 roping ratio, then setting this
value in the drive as 2 (:1) will cause the speeds to be calculated as
twice as fast.
Refer to Determine the Correct Motor Speed in RPM for further details.
Encoder/Motor Pole Position For PM motors, the absolute encoder position is used to properly
Incorrect indicate the position of the rotor. If the connection of the encoder
to the motor shaft changes (removed/replaced, slippage, etc.), the
absolute encoder position relative to the motor poles is no longer valid
and will require the position to be relearned. If the LE06 Encoder
Pole Position has changed by more than 2,000 from the previous
value, this indicates a change in physical position relation of the
encoder to the rotor, generally due to encoder slippage over time
(potentially distance or change in direction as well), mounting
issues, or mechanical aspects.
When the encoder/motor pole position is incorrect, the motor will tend to
draw high current, hitting the LC30 Maximum Torque setting or Inverter
Peak Current Limit, and tending to stall or only move in the direction of
Motor Data Incorrect Check the motor data against the nameplate values and perform a LL01
Motor Tune if not previously completed.
For PM motors, ensure the relationship between the motor rated speed,
motor rated frequency and number for motor poles is correct in case of
any nameplate rounding. Refer to the LM02 Motor Speed for further
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Item # Check/Solution
Check whether Maximum The LC30 Maximum Torque is used to limit the output current to the
Torque setting is reached motor. It is primarily to protect the motor from extreme or prolonged
and high enough for normal high currents, which may occur during initial setup or troubleshooting.
operation. The limiting current can be calculated as LM07 Motor Torque x LC30
Maximum Torque (%) / LM03 Motor Current.
Under normal operation, this will typically need to be set in the range of
Anytime any of the LM Motor Data parameters are changed, the LC30
Maximum Torque will be reset to 150%. This may be too low for normal,
automatic operation.
Anytime a keypad operator and drive are synched, the LC30 Maximum
Torque will be reset to 150%. This may be too low for normal, automatic
The maximum output current rating of the inverter will be the limiting
factor, if reached. The LC30 Maximum Torque setting will not provide a
current beyond the drive’s peak rating.
If the maximum torque limit is being reached, this may be due to:
For open loop induction motors, the LC32 Low Speed Torque Boost
may be too high or too low.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Item # Check/Solution
Check whether Inverter The drive will limit the maximum current to the inverter’s peak current
Maximum Current Limit is rating. Refer to Section 2.4 and 2.5 for ratings.
being reached.
If the peak current limit is being reached, this may be due to:
For open loop induction motors, the LC32 Low Speed Torque Boost
may be too high or too low.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem: Troubleshoot:
Unable to start learn procedure. Check input signals:
The Motor Tune, SPI, and the Encoder Pole Position Learn only
require the Drive Enable (I7) to begin (for serial speed control
modes, this includes the enable of the Control Word).
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem: Troubleshoot:
Unable to complete SPI Ensure correct motor data and that a Motor Tune has been
procedure successfully completed.
Unable to complete Encoder The motor must be able to run normally during this procedure.
Synchronization procedure
successfully Check for any mechanical issues preventing movement.
For PM motors, the LE03 Swap Encoder Channels setting for the
A/B phasing must be correct, which cannot be determined from the
SPI procedure. If the SPI procedure was used to learn the encoder/
pole position, change LE03 as needed and relearn encoder/pole
position with SPI again before doing the Encoder Synchronization
For Induction motors, the motor must be able to run in open loop.
Adjust the LC32 Low Speed Torque Boost as necessary.
If unable to run the car in the up direction (eg. at top terminal, etc.)
as described in the procedure, run the car instead in the down
direction. When prompted whether the elevator traveled in the up
direction, answer No if it did and Yes if it didn’t.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Problem: Troubleshoot:
Unable to complete Encoder Pole Ensure brake picks and the sheave is free to move relatively easily;
Position Learn successfully should be able to rotate by hand.
Parameter Reference
8. Parameter Reference
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
m/sec 0
US02 System Units 0282 - RO RO RO RO
ft/min 1
- - ft/min m/sec ft/min OEM
Induction Geared 0
Induction Gearless 1 Induction
US03 Motor Type 0283 US10
PM Synchronous Geared 2
- - - -
PM Synchronous Gearless 3
Not Configured
Configuration OK
Write Config. to Drive
Read Config. from Drive
Write Config. to Flash Not
US05 Load Configuration 0285 US4
Read Config. from Flash
5 - - - -
- 6
- 7
Create OEM Defaults 8
Restore OEM Defaults 9
Restore KEB Defaults 10
LI01 Type of Input 0381 di0
- - - - PNP OEM
B(Inspection - Level -
Correction) + D(Level - Correct. 1
- High - Inspect.)
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
No Function* 0
UPS Operation* 1
Reduced Torque* 2
Emergency Profile* 4
Emergency Generator Speed* 8
Fault Reset 16
External Fault 17
Brake Release Confirm. 18
Main Contactor Check 19
Earthquake Speed 20
Emergency Slowdown (ESD) 21
Position Selection 22
Position Deviation Reset 23
LI04 Input 1 Function (I1) 0384 -
Teach Value 24
- - - - No Function OEM
Up Direction 25
Down Direction 26
Speed Selection 27
ETS (Emergency Terminal 28
NTS1 (Normal Terminal Slowdown 29
NTS2 30
NTS3 31
Inspection Speed 32
Regen Fault 33
Braking Transistor On 34
*Can be selected together
Direction Selection
Up and Down Inputs 0
Down Input Only 1 (0); Up and
Up & Down AND Serial Control 2 Down Inputs
LI15 Direction Selection Inputs 038F - Word - - - - + Function OEM
by Direction
Brake Function Inputs
Function by Direction Inputs 0
Function by Speed Selection 4
General Reset 0
LI20 Brake Switch Function 0394 - 3 Auto Resets 1 - - - -
Forced Reset 2
Default 0
LI50 UPS Mode 03B2 -
Easy Direction 1
- - - - Default OEM
0.5 299.5 HP - 10
0.3 225 - kW 7.5
LM01 Motor Power 0681 LF10
- Basic
0.5 299.5 HP - Calculated
0.3 225 - kW Calculated
LM03 Motor Current 0683 LF12 - - 1.0 1000.0 Amps 1.0 Basic
10 32000 V 400
LM05 Motor Voltage 0685 LF14 - - Basic
10 500 V 100
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
0 4797 lb-ft - 0
1 65000 - Nm 0
Off 0
LM08 Electric Motor Protection 0688 LF8
On 1
- - - - On Adjuster
LM10 Motor Overheat Temp. 068A - - - 50 240 deg. Celsius 140 Adjuster
- - NA NA NA NA NA -
LM11 Peak Motor Current Factor - -
- - 100 500 % 200 OEM
Ld20 -
LM21 Motor Rs 0995 - 0.000 65.535 Ohm 1.000 Adjuster
LF18 -
- - NA NA NA NA NA -
LM26 Motor Ls Max. 069A Ld23
- - 0.01 500.00 mH 0.01 Adjuster
- - NA NA NA NA NA -
LM27 Motor Inductance Mode 069B Ld26 Ld <> Lq 0
- - - - Ld <> Lq Adjuster
Ld = Lq 1
Off 0
Motor Model 1
Vmax Regulation 2
Flux Control 4 - - - -
Flux Proofing 8
LM30 Motor Control 069E LM30 Zero Speed Model 16 Adjuster
*Can be selected together
Off 0
Motor Model 1 Vmax
- - - -
Vmax Regulation 2 Regulation
*Can be selected together
LE02 Encoder 1 Pulse Number 0582 LF27 - - 256 16384 ppr 1024 Basic
Not Inverted 0
A-B Swapped 1
LE03 Swap Encoder 1 Channels 0583 LF28
Inverted Rotation 2
- - - - Not Inverted Basic
A-B Swapped & Inv. Rotation 3
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
0.5 ms (2kHz) 0
1 ms (1kHz) 1
2 ms (500Hz) 2
LE04 Sample Rate for Encoder 1 0584 LF29 4 ms (250Hz) 3 - - ms (Hz) 4 (250) Basic
8 ms (125Hz) 4
16 ms (63Hz) 5
32 ms (31Hz) 6
LE05 Encoder 1 Multiplier 0585 LF76 - - 0 13 - - Adjuster
LE06 Encoder 1 Pole Position 0586 LF77 Basic
- - 0 65535 - - 1000
Power on
LE07 Rotor Detection Mode 0587 - NOP+Power on Adjuster
After reset - - - - Off
NOP+After reset
Power on+After reset
NOP+Power on+After reset
Off 0
LE08 Encoder Scaling 0588 - Reserved 1 - - - - Off OEM
LE02 x LE09 / LE10 2
LE11 Serial Encoder 1 Type 058B - Basic
- - - - - - -
LE12 Serial Encoder 1 Status 058C - Basic
- - - - - - -
LE13 UVW Enc. Commutation 058D - OEM
(0) = Motor Pairs of Poles - 0 127 - - 0
Binary 0
LE16 SSi Data Format 0590 -
Gray Scale 1
- - - - Binary OEM
Not Inverted 0
A-B Swapped 1
LE33 Encoder 2 Rotation 05A1 -
Inverted Rotation 2
- - - - Not Inverted Basic
A-B Swapped & Inv. Rotation 3
0.5 ms (2kHz) 0
1 ms (1kHz) 1
2 ms (500Hz) 2
LE34 Sample Rate for Encoder 2 05A2 - 4 ms (250Hz) 3 - - ms (Hz) 4 (250) OEM
8 ms (125Hz) 4
16 ms (63Hz) 5
32 ms (31Hz) 6
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
Channel 1 0
Channel 2 1
Actual Value 2
Reserved 3
Actual Value
256 0
512 4
1024 8
Channel 1
LE35 Encoder 2 Output PPR 05A3 US83 2048 12 - - -
Direct 0
2 16
4 32
8 48
16 64
32 80
64 96
128 112
LN02 Gear Reduction Ratio 0782 LF22 - - 1.00 250.00 x:1 30.00 Basic
0 30000 lb - 0
LN04 Load 0784 LF24 - - Basic
0 13607 - kg 0
LN05 Estimated Gear Ratio 0785 LF25 RO RO RO RO - - 0.00 250.00 x:1 Calculated Basic
- 0 2 ft/min - 0
LS00 Zero Speed Offset 0880 - - OEM
- 0 0.478 - m/s 0
- 0 25 ft/min - 4
LS01 Leveling Speed 0881 LF41 - Basic
- 0.00 0.13 - m/s 0.02
- 0 1600 ft/min - 0
LS02 High Speed 0882 LF42 - Basic
- 0.00 8.00 - m/s 0.00
- 0 150 ft/min - 30
LS03 Inspection Speed 0883 LF43 - Basic
- 0.00 0.63 - m/s 0.15
- 0 50 ft/min - 0
LS04 Correction Speed 0884 LF44 - Basic
- 0.00 0.25 - m/s 0.00
- 0 1600 ft/min - 0
LS05 Intermediate Speed 1 0885 LF45 - Basic
- 0.00 8.00 - m/s 0.00
- 0 1600 ft/min - 0
LS06 Intermediate Speed 2 0886 LF46 - Basic
- 0.00 8.00 - m/s 0.00
- 0 1600 ft/min - 0
LS07 Intermediate Speed 3 0887 LF47 - Basic
- 0.00 8.00 - m/s 0.00
- 0 150 ft/min - 0
LS08 Earthquake Speed 0888 - - Basic
- 0.00 0.76 - m/s 0.00
- 0 1600 ft/min - 0
LS09 Emergency Power Speed 0889 - - Basic
- 0.00 8.00 - m/s 0.00
- 0 50 ft/min - 0
LS10 Battery Operation Speed 088A - - Basic
- 0.00 0.25 - m/s 0.00
Profile Setting
Custom 0
Medium 1
Soft 2 (0); Custom
LS15 High Speed Profile 088F - Hard 3 - - - - + External Basic
Profile Source
External Profile 0
Internal Profile 4
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
Custom 0
Medium 1
LS16 One Floor Profile 0890 -
Soft 2
- - - - Custom Basic
Hard 3
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
Off 0
LL01 Motor Tuning 0981 LF3
Start 1
- - - - Off Basic
LL02 Tuning Current 0982 - - -
10 100 % 100 Basic
- - NA NA NA NA NA -
LL05 SPI 0985 LF3 Off 0
- - - - Off Basic
Start 1
Encoder Pole Position
LL06 0986 LF3 Off 0
Learn - - - - Off Basic
Start 1
Off 0
LL07 Encoder Synchronization 0987 LF3
Start 1
- - - - Off Basic
Off 0
LL10 Inertia Learn 098A LF3
Start 1
- - - - Off Basic
Off 0
LL15 Overspeed Test 098F LF3
Start 1
- - - - Off Basic
- 0 2400 ft/min - 0
LL16 Overspeed Test Speed 0990 - - Basic
- 0.000 12.190 m/s - 0.000
Off 0
LL17 Safety Release 0991 -
Start 1
- - - - Off Basic
Off 0
LL18 NTSD Tune Mode 0992 -
Start 1
- - - - Off OEM
- 1 50 ft/min - 4
LC13 Speed for max KI Accel 0B8D US20 - Adjuster
- 0.00 0.25 - m/s 0.02
- 1 200 ft/min - 16
LC14 Speed for min KI Decel 0B8E US21 - Adjuster
- 0.00 1.00 - m/s 0.08
- 1 50 ft/min - 8
LC15 Speed for max KI Accel 0B8F US20 - Adjuster
- 0.00 0.25 - m/s 0.04
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
- 1 200 ft/min - 24
LC16 Speed for min KI Decel 0B90 US21 - Adjuster
- 0.000 1.001 - m/s 0.122
Variable 0
LC20 Gain Profile Mode 0B94 -
Resonant 1
- - - - Variable Adjuster
KP Speed Resonance
LC21 0B95 - - - 0 5000 % 50 Adjuster
- 1 2000 ft/min - 4
LC22 Speed at Resonance Accel 0B96 - - Adjuster
- 0.00 10.16 - m/s 0.02
KP Speed Resonance
LC23 0B97 - - - 0 5000 % 50 Adjuster
0 25.5 % 5.0
LC32 Low Speed Torque Boost 0BA0 LF37 - - Basic
0 2.50 - - 0.00
LC33 Auto Boost Gain 0BA1 - - - Adjuster
LC35 No Load Torque 0BA3 - See CAN Open Lift manual - 0 10000 18376 lb-ft Nm 0 OEM
LC36 Full Load Torque 0BA4 - See CAN Open Lift manual - 0 10000 18376 lb-ft Nm 0 OEM
0 12036 lb-ft - 0
LC40 Accel. Torque 0BA8 Ld29 - - Adjuster
0 30000 - Nm 0
0 65501 lb-in2 - 0
0 65501 - kgcm 2
LC41 System Inertia 0BA9 Ld30 - - Adjuster
0.0 1073.7 lb-yd2 - 0.0
Off 0
250 Hz 1
125 Hz 2
63 Hz 3
31 Hz 4
LC42 FFTC Filter 0BAA Ld31
16 Hz 5
- - Hz Off Adjuster
8.0 Hz 6
4.0 Hz 7
2.0 Hz 8
1.0 Hz 9
Off 0
2000 Hz 1
1000 Hz 2
500 Hz 3
LC44 Torque Command Filter 0BAC Ld33
250 Hz 4
- - Hz 2000 Adjuster
125 Hz 5
63 Hz 6
31 Hz 7
LT01 Brake Release Delay 0E81 LF71 - - 0.00 1.00 sec 0.05 Basic
LT02 Control Hold Off 0E82 - - - 0.00 1.00 sec 0.40 Basic
LT03 Speed Start Delay 0E83 LF70 - - 0.00 10.00 sec 0.70 Basic
LT10 Brake Drop Delay 0E8A - - - 0.00 1.00 sec 0.10 Basic
LT12 Current Hold Time 0E8C LF78 - - 0.00 2.00 sec 0.50 Adjuster
LT13 Current Ramp Down Time 0E8D LF79 - - 0.10 2.55 sec 0.30 Adjuster
Off 0
Posi One Floor 1
LP01 Positioning Control 0C81 LP1
Learn Slowdown 2
- - - - Off Basic
Position Value Reset 3
Setting Pass
Para. Name Hex v1.72 Motor/Gear Type
NUM Range Units Default
0 1600 ft/min - 0
LP15 Max Floor Speed 0C8F - Not yet implemented - -
0.00 8.00 - m/s 0.00
0 1600 ft/min - 0
LP23 Reference Speed 0C97 - Not yet implemented - OEM
0.00 8.00 - m/s 0.00
LP24 Kp Position Acceleration 0C98 - Not yet implemented - 0 32767 - 500 OEM
LP25 Kp Position Deceleration 0C99 - Not yet implemented - 0 32767 - 500 OEM
LP26 Kp Speed Limit Reduction 0C9A - Not yet implemented - 0 100 % 100 OEM
LP27 Limit for p/s control 0C9B - Not yet implemented - 0 100 % 10 OEM
8 kHz 0
LX02 Switching Frequency 0D82 LF38 12 kHz 1 - - kHz 8 Basic
16 kHz 2
Off 0
LX06 Function Test 0D86 US37
Fans On 1
- - - - Off Basic
Switching Freq. Management
Carrier Frequency 1
LX07 0D87 - Heatsink Temp. Dependence
- - - - 3 OEM
Handling Switching Freq. Management &
Heatsink Temp. Dependence
LX09 Watchdog Time 0D89 US29 - - Off (0) 10.00 sec 1.00 Adjuster
Off 0
LX10 EdOH Function 0D8A US33
On 1
- - - - Off Adjuster
1200 bps 0
2400 bps 1
4800 bps 2
9600 bps 3
LX12 Baud Rate 0D8C US36
19200 bps 4
- - bps 38400 OEM
38400 bps 5
55500 bps 6
115200 bps 7
- 1 100 ft/min - 59
LX15 Speed for Pre-Opening 0D8F - - Adjuster
- 0.005 0.508 - m/s 0.300
- 0 1600 ft/min - 0
LX16 Decel Confirmation Speed 0D90 - - Adjuster
- 0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
- 0 1600 ft/min - 0
LX17 ETS Speed 0D91 - - Adjuster
- 0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
Off 0
LX 21 Unintended Motion 0D95 -
On 1
- - - Off OEM
LX23 Encoder Deviation Enable 0D97 -
On with Error 1
- - - Off OEM
Off 0
CH01 Default Parameters 0F81 -
Factory Reset 1
- - - - Off Basic
CH02 Save Parameters 0F82 - Save to flash
- - - - Off Basic
Write to drive
Off 0
Restore from flash 1
CH03 Restore Parameters 0F83 -
Restore from drive 3
- - - - Off Basic
Load Motor Data 4
1:1 0
CH06 Rope Ratio 0F86 2:1 1 - - - - 1:1 Basic
4:1 2
CH07 Contract Speed 0F87 See parameter description 0 14 ft/min m/sec Basic
Off 0
CH09 Program the selection 0F89
Program 1
0 1 - - Off Basic
CH13 Right LED Function 0F8D - Same as CH10 - 0h 7FFFFFFF - - Normal Adjuster
Off 0
2 ms 1
4 ms 2
LA01 AnIn1 Noise Filter 0A81 - 8 ms 3 - - ms 16 Adjuster
16 ms 4
32 ms 5
64 ms 6
LA36 AnOut2 Function 0AA4 - Same as LA31 - - - - -
+/- 0 - 10V 0
Analog 1 Interface
LA50 0AB2 - +/- 0 - 20mA 1 - - - +/- 0 - 10V OEM
Selection +/- 4 - 20mA 2
+/- 0 - 10V 0
Analog 2 Interface
LA60 0ABC - +/- 0 - 20mA 1 - - - +/- 0 - 10V OEM
Selection +/- 4 - 20mA 2
None 0
/O1 1
/O2 2
/O1 + /O2 3
/RLY1 4
/RLY1 + /O1 5
/RLY1 + /O2 6
/RLY1 + /O1 + /O2 7
LO01 Output Inversion 1081 do42
/RLY2 8
- - - - None OEM
/RLY2 + /O1 9
/RLY2 + /O2 10
/RLY2 + /O1 + /O2 11
/RLY2 + /RLY1 12
/RLY1 + /RLY2 + /O1 13
/RLY1 + /RLY2 + /O2 14
/RLY1 + /RLY2 + /O1 + /O2 15
Off 0
Fault 1
Drive Ready 2
Drive On 3
Brake Control 4
At Speed 5
High Speed 6
LO05 Output Function O1 1085 - Deceleration Active 7 - - - - At Speed OEM
Speed for Door Pre-Opening 8
Leveling Zone 9
Main Contact Control 10
Motor Overheat 11
Cabinet Fan On 12
Condition 1 13
NTSD Output 14
LO20 Output Function RLY2 1094 - Same as LO05 ““ - - - -
< 0
<= 1
= 2
>= 3
LO31 Condition 1 109F -
> 4
- - - - > OEM
< (AbsVal) 5
= (AbsVal) 6
> (AbsVal) 7
None 0
I7 1
I8 2
I5 4
DG01 Input Status 1181h ru21 RO RO RO RO I6 8 0 255 - - -
I1 16
I2 32
I3 64
I4 128
DG02 Inverter Status 1182h
RO RO RO RO See Section 6.16 - 0 255 - - -
DG06 Motor Current 1186h
RO RO RO RO - - -3200.0 3200.0 Amps 0.0
DG08 DC Bus Voltage 1188h
RO RO RO RO - - 0 1000 Volts 0
None 0
O1 1
DG11 Output Status 118Bh
RO RO RO RO O2 2 0 15 - - 0
RLY1 4
RLY2 8
None 0
Condition 0 1
Condition 1 2
Condition 2 4
DG16 Output Condition State 1190h ru23 RO RO RO RO Condition 3 8 0 255 - - 0
Condition 4 16
Condition 5 32
Condition 6 64
Condition 7 128
DG17 Output Frequency 1191h
RO RO RO RO - - -400.0 400.0 Hz 0.0
DG30 Peak DC Volts 119Eh
RO RO RO RO - - 0 1500 Volts 0
DG31 Peak Current 119Fh
RO RO RO RO - - -3200.0 3200.0 Amps 0.0
0 2500 ft/min - 0
DG32 Peak Speed 11A0h ru85 RO RO RO RO - -
0.000 12.700 - m/s 0.000
0: T1-T2
DG38 Motor Temeprature 11A6h ru46 RO RO RO RO - -
150 Degree Celsuis 0
2 kHz 0
4 kHz 1
DG39 Carrier Frequency 11A7h ru45 RO RO RO RO 8 kHz 2 2 16 kHz 0
12 kHz 3
16 kHz 4
DG46 Drive Load 11AEh
RO RO RO RO - - 0 500 % 0
0 2000 ft/min - 0
DG50 Elevator Speed 11B2h LF90 RO RO RO RO - -
0.000 10.160 - m/s 0.000
None 0
Inspection 1
High Speed 2
DG52 Active Profile 11B4h RO RO RO RO One Floor 4 0 65535 - - 0
Emergency 8
Correction 16
Emergency Slowdown 32
None 0
Inspection Speed 32
Leveling Speed 64
Correction Speed 96
High Speed 128
DG53 Active Speed 11B5h RO RO RO RO Intermediate Speed 1 160 0 65535 - - 0
Earthquake Speed 256
Intermediate Speed 2 384
Emergency Generator Speed 512
Intermediate Speed 3 640
UPS Speed 768
Elevator Speed
DG76 11CCh RO RO RO RO - - ft/min m.s -
Signed Elevator Speed
DG77 11CDh RO RO RO RO - - ft/min m/s -
DG99 Last Fault 11E3h - - - - -
9600 bps 0
19200 bps 1
FB11 DIN66019 Fb Baud Rate 128B 38400 bps 2 - - - - 38400 OEM
55500 bps 3
115200 bps 4
No Function* 0
UPS Operation* 1
Reduced Torque* 2
Emergency Profile* 4
Emergency Generator Speed* 8
Fault Reset 16
External Fault 17
Brake Release Confirm. 18
Main Contactor Check 19
Earthquake Speed 20
Emergency Slowdown (ESD) 21
Position Selection 22
FB21 Fb Special Function 1 1295
Position Deviation Reset 23
- - - - No Function OEM
Teach Value 24
Up Direction 25
Down Direction 26
Speed Selection 27
ETS (Emergency Terminal 28
NTS1 (Normal Terminal Slowdown 29
NTS2 30
NTS3 31
Inspection Speed 32
*Can be selected together
FB52 Temp DIN Com Err. Ack. 12B4 - - -32768 32768 - - 0 OEM
FB53 Temp DIN Com Err. Val. 12B5 - - -2147483647 2147483647 - - 0 OEM
Full Duplex 0
FB54 RS485 Mode 12B6
Half Duplex 1
0 1 - Full Duplex OEM
External 0
Threshold 1 1
TS01 NTSD Mode 1381h Threshold 2, Binary Encoded 2 0 4 - - External OEM
Threshold 3, Binary Encoded 3
One switch per threshold 4
0 1600 ft/min - 0
TS02 NTSD Target Speed 1382h - - OEM
0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
0 1600 ft/min - 0
TS03 NTSD Speed 1 Up 1383h - - OEM
0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
0 1600 ft/min - 0
TS04 NTSD Speed 2 Up 1384h - - OEM
0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
0 1600 ft/min - 0
TS05 NTSD Speed 3 Up 1385h - - OEM
0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
0 1600 ft/min - 0
TS06 NTSD Speed 1 Down 1386h - - OEM
0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
0 1600 ft/min - 0
TS07 NTSD Speed 2 Down 1387h - - OEM
0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
0 1600 ft/min -
TS08 NTSD Speed 3 Down 1388h - - OEM
0.000 8.128 - m/s 0.000
Crossover Reference
Crossover Reference
Crossover Reference
Crossover Reference
Crossover Reference
v1.72 Description v3.31 v3.31 Description
Parameter Parameter
ru.30 AN2 Post Amplifier Display DG34 Processed Pretorque
ru.34 ANOUT1 Post Amplified Display DG35 Analog Output 1
ru.36 ANOUT2 Post Amplified Display DG36 Analog Output 2
ru.38 Power Module Temperature DG37 Heatsink Temp
ru.39 OL Counter Display DG40 Overload Counter
ru.40 Power On Counter DG43 Power On Counter
ru.41 Modulation On Counter DG44 Run Time Counter
ru.42 Modulation Grade DG10 Modulation Grade
ru.45 Actual Switching Frequency DG39 Carrier Frequency
ru.46 Motor Temperature DG38 Motor Temp
ru.54 Actual Position DG72 Elevator Position
ru.81 Active Power DG41 Motor Power
ru.85 Peak Encoder 1 Speed DG32 Peak Speed
ru.87 Magnetizing Current DG09 Magnetizing Current
ru.91 Energy Over GTR7 DG42 Braking Energy
ru.92 Input Power DG40 Electric Power
SD Card Keypad: 00F5060-K000 keypad with SD card port is not used with 3.31;
all references to the SD card keypad have been removed.
TTL Incremental Terminal Strip - Encoder Connections: Updated the wiring
instruction for encoders with no zero channel - the N-(X3A.6) can be connected to
0V common X3B.8 as well as X3A.8 - both are 0V common.
Replacement Parts: Updated encoder card part#’s - 2MF5K81-BZ05 changed to
2MF5K81-BY05 and 2MF5K8G-PZ33 changed to 2MF5K8G-PY33
Section 4.9: Setting date and time description corrected; The date/time can be
initialized by going to home>prog>setup>date/time, select and press enter, set the
date/time and press enter to save.
Section 6.1: Added CAN Open lift functionality to the list of control type options.
Section 6.2: Added Braking Transistor On functionality to the list of digital input
functions. Added LI50 UPS Mode (Easy Direction).
Section 6.4: LE07 Rotor Detection function updated to include more power on /
reset options.
Section 6.6: Added LS00 Zero Speed Offset to speed profile parameters.
Section 6.8: Added parameters LC35 No Load Torque and LC36 Full Load Torque
to control settings parameters. LC13 description corrected; Corner speed at which
(not below) the acceleration integral offset (LC11) is fully added. LC15 description
corrected; Corner speed at which (not below) the deceleration integral offset (LC12) is
fully added. LC16 description corrected; Corner speed at which only the deceleration
integral gain is active (no deceleration integral offset added) - (not acceleration
integral offset added)
Section 6.11: Added LX25 Unintended Motion Distance and LX07 Carrier Frequency
Handling to special functions parameters.
Section 6.13: Added parameters LA50 Analog 1 Interface Selection, LA60 Analog
2 Interface Selection.
Section 6.16: Added DG58 Car Load and DG99 Last Fault to diagnostic parameters.
Section 7.2: Speed Selection Error description corrected; binary and serial binary
modes added as they were not included in the description. Unintended Movement
description updated to reflect the addition of LX25. Encoder slippage description
corrected - in reference to a pole position count that is more than 4000 off; this was
changed to 2000 as this value is referenced elsewhere in the manual. Modulation
Grade Limit Reached description corrected; in reference to LM22, the lower limit of
the parameter should be around 45%. Analog Signal Failure description corrected -
Serial Serv. 49 and 50 were missing from the text.
Section 8.1: Updated parameter reference table with new parameters LX25, LA50,
LA60, LC35, LC36. Increased value ranges for parameters LC21-LC24, LT13.
Section 10.1: Combivis 5.6 is no longer supported; software and connection
information has been removed.
Section 12: Added sections 12.2, 12.3 to include UIM and Brake Release Confirmation
function tests.
(v3.21) Rev1F Corrections
Section 2.3: Input ratings and Output ratings updated for 230V drives.
Section 2.4: Input ratings and Output ratings updated for 480V drives.
Section 6.12: Programming Operator LED examples added.
Section 2.3: Min.braking resistance and Max. braking current updated for
230V H housing drives
Section 2.4: Min. braking resistance and Max. braking current updated for
480V H housing drives.
Section 2.8: Ferrite Ring Installation and part numbers updated
Section 7.3: DC bus voltage trip level for E.OP Errors updated for 480V Drives
Section 6.2: ETS deceleration rates changed from One Floor profile rates
to LS48-49 NTS/ETS rates.
Section 6.2: NTSD deceleration rates changed from NTS/ETS rates to
LS33-35 One Floor profile rates.
10. Combivis
Combivis is a computer program that can be used to connect with the drive.
The program can be used to set parameters in the drive, upload parameter
settings from the drive, download parameters to the drive, and take scope
traces of parameters for evaluation and diagnostics.
10.1 Software Combivis 6 software is available for download free of charge from the
The Combivis 6 software download is a full version and does not need
to be registered.
10.1.2 Combivis 6 XML Combivis 6 uses an XML file to provide the corresponding parameter
File structure and text for the drive data to be viewed with Combivis. The drive
and keypad operator both have an XML file for different modes of operation.
Without the proper XML file, Combivis may not be able to connect with the
drive or display the correct parameter information. In addition, the XML file
may not necessarily be uploaded from the drive or keypad operator when
connecting to Combivis; in particular, the keypad operator XML file.
XML files are available upon request from KEB. The files can then be saved
to the directory C:\Program Files\KEB\Combivis_6\KEB\Parameter
10.1.3 Connection A PC computer can be connected to Combivis 6 using a KEB USB Serial
Cables Converter or a Combivis Cable and USB to serial adapter.
Combivis Cable
Part Number: 0058025-001D
Replacement Parts
***Whenever replacement parts are needed it is required that the
F5 drive serial number is given to the KEB Service and Repair
Department to ensure the correct parts are sent with each
replacement part kit. This will prevent software and hardware
incompatibility problems when interchanging parts***
Transistor Tests
12.1 Transistor Tests
The input and output circuits of the inverter can be checked externally with the inverter
power off and the motor leads disconnected by use of a multi-meter set to diode check.
Note: Different drive housings will have different readings. Measured values per
housing are given in tables below.
The inverter power must be de-energized and locked out for these tests! Disconnect
the mains wiring, motor wiring, and braking resistor from the inverter before taking
+ + + -
- - - +
Transistor Tests
Testing the IGBTs, output circuit measurement
Positive Side
Negative lead of meter to positive DC terminal. E, G, and H Housings
- + + +
+ - - -
G Housing
Measurement To Value Measurement To Value
+ Terminal PB 0.4 - Terminal PB 1.5
- +
R, U, and W Housings
Measurement To Value Measurement To Value
+ Terminal PB 0.3 - Terminal PB 0.3
+ -
Unintended Movement Test
Checking the
Movement Funcon
Drive trips
Error is No
Checking the
Brake Switch
Funcon in idle
Drive trips No
Brake [1 or 2]
Switch Failure?
Error is No
Drive trips No
Brake [1 or 2]
Switch Failure?
Error is No
Brake Release Confirmation Tests
Drive trips
Brake [1 or 2]
Switch Failure?
Error is No
CE Marking
CE marked frequency inverter and servo drives were developed and manufactured
to comply with the regulations of the Low-Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
The inverter or servo drive must not be started until it is determined that the installation complies with
the Machine directive (2006/42/EC) as well as the EMC-directive (2004/108/EC)(note EN 60204).
The frequency inverters and servo drives meet the requirements of the Low-Voltage Directive
2006/95/EC. They are subject to the harmonized standards of the series EN61800-5-1.
This is a product of limited availability in accordance with IEC 61800-3. This product may cause radio
interference in residential areas. In this case the operator may need to take corresponding measures.
UL Marking
This device has been investigated by UL according to United States Standard UL508C, Third Edition
(Power Conversion Equipment) and to the Canadian Standard CSA C22.2 No.14-2010, 11th Edition
(Industrial Control Equipment).
5100 Valley Industrial Blvd. © KEB
Shakopee, MN 55379 Document 20164758
Phone: 952-224-1400
Part/Version USA 01
Elevator Drives:
Elevator Support: Date 2/2018