Ec3352 - Digital Systems Design Set I - Iat2
Ec3352 - Digital Systems Design Set I - Iat2
Ec3352 - Digital Systems Design Set I - Iat2
PART A (5 x 2 = 10 marks)
CO2 R 1. Define Combinational Circuits? (2)
CO2 U 2. What is a Full Adder? (2)
CO2 R 3. List out the various applications of Multiplexer? (2)
CO3 U 4. Differentiate Flipflop & Latches (2)
CO3 C 5. Write down the characteristic’s equation for JK & T Flipflop. (2)
CO2 U a) Explain in detail about the function of Parity Generator / Parity Checker. (OR)
7. (13)
CO2 U b) What is Encoder? Explain the function of Priority Encoder.
PART C (1x 14 = 14 marks)
CO2 U a) With a neat diagram explain in detail about the working principle of a 4-bit
look ahead carry adder. (OR)
CO2 U b) Explain in detail about the working principle of Seven Segment Display
8. Decoder.