OM.000130 - Consolette APX 8500 Motorola 2
OM.000130 - Consolette APX 8500 Motorola 2
OM.000130 - Consolette APX 8500 Motorola 2
Racing to an emergency or repairing a power The APX All-Band Consolette is the ideal
outage, every moment matters as you mount a complement to your dispatch console. It’s the low
response. The right control station can make all the cost, mid-power wireless control station for an
difference in making sure communications are clear, ASTRO 25 system. You can use it as an emergency
continuous and coordinated – across multiple users, backup station when infrastructure is off-line, or
agencies and miles. for wireless access to different system types for
increased interoperability between agencies.
And with Wi-Fi, the Consolette keeps your team in touch and within reach ROBUST AND MISSION-READY
of over-the-air updates. Receive new codeplugs, firmware updates and When you lose power, count on the automatic battery revert feature
software features at the speed of Wi-Fi—without interruptions to to keep your people connected. All you need is a DC source, such as a
voice communication. marine battery, and the Consolette will switch over automatically to keep
communications strong.
The APX All-Band Consolette is backwards and forwards compatible, Rich in features, the APX All-Band Consolette gives you the largest number
developed to meet current P25 standards and future-ready to support of interface connections to a wide variety of consoles and desk sets, and
new technology and data applications. Now you can achieve your easy access to contact information with one unified call list. What’s more,
interoperability objectives—whether upgrading an existing system or an ACIM wireless interface provides back-up dispatch if your console’s link
designing a new one—based on your dollars and deadlines. to the ASTRO 25 trunked system is ever lost.
Available in 700/800 MHz, VHF or Analog MDC-1200 and Digital Interfaces supported: Radio Profiles
UHF (R1/R2) bands APCO P25 • Recorder Unified Call List
Optional multiband operation Conventional System Configurations • Wireline Tone remote control
2000 Channels Narrow and wide bandwidth digital • Vehicle Interface Port
Tactical Inhibit
receiver (6.25 kHz equivalent/12.5 • Crosspatch
Trunking Standards supported: Instant Recall
kHz/30 kHz/25 kHz)* • Headsets (2)**
• Clear or digitally encrypted ACIM/CCGW interface including:
Embedded digital signaling (ASTRO and 110/220 VAC operation with battery
ASTRO 25) revert capability • ID decode
Trunked Operation
VU Meter and Clock • Call alert encode
• Capable of SmartZone®, Integrated Encryption Hardware
SmartZone Omnilink, Seamless Wideband Scan Expansion Slot Standard
SmartNet® Intelligent Priority Scan 2 configurations available:
* Per the FCC Narrowbanding rules, new
• Full featured front panel products submitted for FCC certification
Intelligent Lighting after January 1, 2011 are restricted from
• Limited front panel being granted certification at 25KHz for
United States – State & Local Markets only.
Enhanced Encryption Software Options
Programming over Project 25 (POP25)
Text Messaging
Over the Air Rekeying (OTAR)
Wi-Fi connectivity
Extended Dispatch Operation including:
• Emergency Alarm ACK Encode
• Radio Inhibit/Uninhibit Encode
• Radio Monitor Encode
• Radio Check Encode
• Status Query Encode
• Status Query Response Decode
• Status Update Decode
• Message Update Decode
Channel Spacing 25/20/12.5 kHz 25/20/12.5 kHz 30/25/12.5 kHz 25/20/12.5 kHz 25/20/12.5 kHz
Maximum Frequency Separation Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit Full Bandsplit
1-45 Watts (450-485 MHz)
Rated RF Output Power1
1-30 Watts 1-35 Watts 1-50 Watts 1-40 Watts (380-470 MHz) 1-40 Watts (485-512 MHz)
1-25 Watts (512-520 MHz)
Frequency Stability1
±0.8 PPM ±0.8 PPM ±0.8 PPM ±0.8 PPM ±0.8 PPM
(–30°C to +85°C; +25°C Ref.)
±5/±4 kHz (NPSPAC)
Modulation Limiting1 ±5/±2.5 kHz ±5/±2.5 kHz ±5/±2.5 kHz ±5/±2.5 kHz
/±2.5 kHz
Modulation Fidelity (C4FM)
1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10%
12.5kHz Digital Channel
Conducted Radiated Conducted Radiated Conducted Radiated Conducted Radiated Conducted Radiated
–75/–85 dBc –20/–40 dBm –75 dBc –20 dBm –85 dBc –20 dBm –85 dBc –20 dBm –85 dBc –20 dBm
Audio Response1 +1, –3 dB (EIA) +1, –3 dB (EIA) +1, –3 dB (EIA) +1, –3 dB (EIA) +1, –3 dB (EIA)
FM Hum & Noise 1
25 kHz 50 dB 50 dB 53 dB 53 dB 53 dB
12.5 kHz 48 dB 48 dB 52 dB 50 dB 50 dB
Audio Distortion1 20 & 25 kHz 0.50 % 0.50 % 0.50 % 0.50 % 0.50 %
12.5 kHz 0.50 % 0.50 % 0.50 % 0.50 % 0.50 %
AC Current 110VAC: 0.85A (Idle/Rx) 1.7A (Tx) Radio meets applicable regulatory
220VAC: 0.42A (Idle/Rx) 0.85A (Tx) requirements.
AC Surge Spec EN6100-4-5 Level 5
The All Band Consolette is J/F 12
DC Operation 13.8V DC ±20% Negative Ground 11207 and SPS 22237 certified.
Standby at 13.8V 1.4A (764-870 MHz), 1.4A (136-174 MHz), 1.4A (380-470 MHz), 1.4A (450-520 MHz)
Receive Current at Rated Audio at 13.8V 3.2A (764-870 MHz), 3.2A (136-174 MHz), 3.2A (380-470 MHz), 3.2A (450-520 MHz)
Transmit Current (A) at Rated Power 136-174 MHz (1-50 W) 15A (50W) 8A (15W) 764-870 MHz (1-35 Watt) 13A (50W) 8A (15W)
380-470 MHz (1-40 W) 15A (40W) 8A (15W)
450-520 MHz (1-45 W) 13A (45W) 8A (15W)
Motorola Solutions, Inc. 500 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Il 60661 U.S.A.
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