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Christain Religious Studies CRS Primary 3

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1 – 2 Deliverance Pupils should (1) Israel (1) Explain (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
from Egypt be able to: Ek.1:8-22 how Israel answer (2) Pictures (1) Tell how Israel
(1) Narrate the (2) became slaves questions illustrating the birth became slaves in
story of the Deliverance in Egypt. (2) of Moses Egypt
Israelites’ of Israel from (2) Leads Participate (3) Biblical pictures (2) Narrate how God
bondage in Egyptian Pupils to in illustrating the delivered Israel from
Egypt bondage discover how dramatizing crossing of the Red the Egyptians
(2) Explain how - The birth of Israel was the birth of Sea (3) Narrate the story
God delivered Moses delivered Moses of the crossing of the
the Israelites Ek.2:1-2 (3) Narrates (3) Sing Red Sea
from their - The call of the story of from (4) Name two
bondage Moses the crossing of Ex.13:1; punishments of the
(3) Say how Ek.3:1-4 the Red Sea 15:11 Egyptians
God helped the - God gave (4) Tells what
Israelites to Moses happened to
cross the red Miraculous the pursuers of
sea Power the Israelites
(4) Tell how the Ek.4:1-7 etc.
Egyptians (3) The
perished in the Israelites
Red Sea. crossed the
red sea
(4) The
perished in
the red sea
3–4 The Passover Pupils should (1) Explain (1) Explains the (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
be able to: the meaning meaning of the answer (2) Biblical pictures of (1) Explain the
(1) Explain the of Passover Passover questions the Passover meaning of the
meaning of Ex.12:21-28 (2) Narrates (2) (3) Picture showing Passover
Passover (2) The story the story of Participate Israelites eating the (2) Tell the story of
(2) Narrate the of the the Passover in discussing Passover lamb Passover
story of the Passover (3) Lists the the (3) Mention two of
Passover (3) Precepts precepts for importance God’s laws about the
(3) List God’s for Passover Passover of the Passover feast
precepts for Ex.12:43-50 (4) Leads the Passover (4) Mention one
Passover (4) The pupils to importance of the
(4) Explain the importance identify the Passover
importance of of the importance of
Passover Passover the Passover
Reminder of
over His
5–6 Moses and the Pupils should (1) Why the Tells the story Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
Bronze Serpent be able to Israelites of the answer (2) Pictures showing (1) Tell the story of
in the (1) Explain why complained Israelites questions Moses hanging the Moses and the
Wilderness the Israelites in the complaining (2) bronze serpent on a Serpent in the
grumbled wilderness the wilderness Participate tree wilderness
against Moses Num.21:4-7 (2) Tells the in discussing (3) Picture of Jesus on (2) Point out the
(2) Describe (2) What story of the the result of the cross relationship between
what happened happened as result of their complaining the bronze serpent on
as a result of a result of complaint tree and Jesus Christ
the grumbling their (3) Helps on the cross
(2) Describe compliant pupils to (3) Explain one
what happened Num.4:6 identify the importance of bronze
as a result of (3) God’s similarity serpent on the tree
the grumbling instruction to between
(3) Tell the Moses serpent on the and Christ on the
similarity Num.21:8 tree and Christ Christ
between the (4) Moses on the cross
hanging of the made bronze (4) Leads a
bronze serpent serpent discussion in
on the tree and Num.21:9 the
hanging of (5) significance of
Jesus on the Importance the bronze
cross. of the story
7 Mid - Term Test
8 Entry into the Pupils should (1) Israel (1) Tell the (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
promised Land be able to: passed story of answer (2) Bible Picture (1) Narrate the story of
(1) Narrate the through the crossing of questions illustrating the story Crossing of the River
story of the River Jordan River Jordan (2) of the River Jordan Jordan
crossing of to the (2) Explains the Participate (2) Explain the
River Jordan promised significance of in the significance of the
(2) Say the land Jos.3:1- the twelve discussion of twelve stones
significance of 17 stones the twelve
the twelve (2) stones
stories carried Significance
out of the of the twelve
Jordan. stones
carried out
of the River
the twelve
tribes of
Jos.4:1-5 & 9
– 24

9– Promise of the Pupils should (1) The (1) Explains the (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
10 Saviour be able to: meaning of meaning of answer (2) Picture or drawing (1) Explain the
(1) Give the Emmanuel Emmanuel questions of a Prophet. meaning of Emmanuel
meaning of Matt.1:23 (2) Leads pupil (2) (3) Pictures or (2) Tell the prophecy
Emmanuel (2) Prophet to identify the Participate drawing of Jesus of Isaiah on the birth
(2) State some Isaiah prophecies of in discussing being arrested or of Jesus
of the foretold the Isaiah about the being tried (3) Describe the kind
Prophecies of birth of Jesus the birth of significance (4) Audio-visual of Saviour Jesus is
Isaiah Christ Jesus Christ of a savior materials (4) Mention the
concerning the Isa.7:14; 9:6- (3) Explains (3) Read importance of a savior
birth of Jesus 7; 11:1-5 the type of passage and
(3) Explain the (3) The type Saviour Jesus is copy note
type of savior of savior that (4) Lists out
that Jesus is Jesus is (a the
and enumerate suffering importance of
the significance messiah. a savior
of a savior Isa.53:1-11;
(4) The
of a savior
protects and
11 Revision
12 – Examination



1–2 Jesus the way to Pupils should be (1) Jesus is the (1) Tells the (1) Ask and (1) Pictures or drawing Pupil to:
the Father able to: only way to the story of Jesus answer of Nicodemus meeting (1) State the
(1) Explain that rather Jn.14:6-7 and Nicodemus; questions Jesus way to God
Jesus is the only Meaning of the way to (2) (2) Picture of a man (2) Tell what
way to God Born-Again father Participate in being baptized must be done
(2) Explain the Jn.3:1-21 (2) Explains how discussing (3) The Holy Bible to be born
meaning and (3) How to be to see the Father how to be again
how a person born again through Jesus born again
can be born - Through Christ
again baptism (3) Explains the
- Through life in meaning of
Christ “Born Again”
- Through the and how to be
acceptance of born again
Christ into one’s
Life Col.3:1-15
3–4 Jesus the Good Pupils should be (1) Meaning of (1) Explains the (1) Look at (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
Shepherd able to: the term “Good meaning of and (2) Picture or drawing (1) Explain the
(1) Explain the shepherd” Good Shepherd meditate on of a shepherd tending meaning of the
meaning of the Jn.10:11-12 with story of the the picture his sheep term “Good
term “good (2) Qualities of lost sheep of Jesus the (3) The picture of Jesus Shepherd”
shepherd” good Shepherd (2) Asks the good the Good shepherd (2) Explain how
(2) Enumerate - Kind pupils to explain shepherd Jesus proved
the qualities of a - Loving how they take (2) Himself to be a
Good shepherd - Caring care of their Participate “Good
(3) Explain how - Protective etc domestic by reciting Shepherd”
Jesus Lk.15:1-17, Jn.10 animals Ps.23 (3) Give two
demonstrated (3) (3) Leads the (3) instances of
these qualities Demonstration pupils to identify Participate in Jesus showing
(4) Explain how of how Jesus is a the qualities of a dramatizing His goodness to
Jesus showed Good Shepherd good shepherd how to take people.
goodness to (4) Jesus showed (4) Leads the care of the
people goodness to pupils to recite sick
people Jn.2:1-11 Ps.23 (4) Ask and
- Helping people (5) State answer
in need evidences of questions
- Listening to Jesus goodness
people who e.g healing at
asked Him for Bethsaida Jn.5:1-
help 13
5–6 Jesus the Bread Pupils should be (1) Meaning of (1) Explains the (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
of Life able to: the Bred of Life term bread of answer (2) Bible Pictures (1) Explain the
(1) Give the Jn.6:35 life questions illustrating Jesus as the meaning of the
spiritual (2) Jesus the (2) Summarizes (2) Bread of Life term “Bread of
meaning of Bread of Life Jesus teaching of Participate in (3) Picture showing a Life”
“Bread of Life” Jn.6:51; 1Cor.11- Himself as the discussing preacher preaching (2) Point out
(2) Explain what 24 Bread of Life Jesus as the the word of God two differences
Jesus meant by (3) Leads the Bread of Life between the
referring to class to identify bread of life
Himself as the the significance and the
“Bread of Life” of Jesus as bread physical bread
of life e.g the
importance of
Jesus as Bread of
life e.g the
importance of
the word of God
7 Mid – Term Test
8 Christians as salt Pupils should be (1) Functions of (1) Leads the (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
of the Earth able to: natural salt pupils to answer (2) Charts showing (1) Explain in
(preservative enumerate questions uses of salt the salt of the
and taste) (3) Salt earth
(1) Enumerate (2) Meaning of functions of (2) (2) State two
the function of Christians as salt
natural salt Participate in functions of the
natural salt of the earth (2) Explains the discussing natural salt
(2) Explain the (Righteousness, meaning of the (3) Explain the
meaning of Goodness… etc) Christians as salt importance term salt of the
Christian as the (3) Jesus of the earth of salt earth
salt of the earth. teaching of (3) Explains (4) Explain how
(3) Explain Jesus Christians as salt
Jesus’ teaching Christians are
teaching on of the earth on Christians as the salt of earth
Christians as salt Matt.5:13 salt of the earth
of the earth (4) Leads the
class in
reasons why
Christians are
salt of the earth
9– Christians as Pupils shoud be (1) (1) Explains the (1) (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
10 Light of the able to: Characteristics characteristic of Participate in (2) Torch light, Candle (1) Mention
world (1) Explain the of light light discussion Sticks, Matches and two
characteristics of - Illuminates (2) Explains the on Christians lamps Characteristics
light - Attracts meaning of as the light of light
(2) Give the - Gives life Christians as of the world (2) Give the
meaning of (2) Meaning of light of the (2) Ask and meaning of
Christian as Light Christian as light world and leads answer Christians as
of the world of the earth the pupils in questions light of the
(3) Explain Jesus (examples to identifying the world
teaching on others) uses of light (3) Explain
Christians as (3) Jesus’ (3) Summarizes Jesus’ teaching
light of the world teaching on Jesus teaching on Christians as
(4) State the Christians as on Christians as light of the
importance of light of the world light of the world
Christians as Matt.5:15-16 world (4) State two
light of the world (4) Importance (4) Explain importance of
of Christians as importance of Christians as
light of the world Christians as light of the
Matt.5:15-16 light of the world
world (5) State two
things they
should do to
shine as light in
the world
11 Revision
12 – Examination



1–2 Suffering of Pupils should be (1) Meaning of suffering (1) Explain (1) Read (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
Jesus Christ able to: (2) Examples of people the meaning Bible (2) Pictures of people (1) Give the
(1) Explain the in the Bible who of suffering passages on imprisoned meaning of
meaning of suffered (Jesus, (2) Guides the suffering (3) Audio – visuals on the term
suffering Stephen, His pupils to of Jesus, His the suffering of Jesus suffering
(2) Give disciples…etc) Lk.22:47- give disciples and Christ (2) Give two
examples of 71, Act.7:54-60, examples of Stephen examples of
people in the Acts.5:7-18, Acts.5:40 people in the (2) Listen to people who
Bible that (3) Reasons for their Bible who teacher’s suffered in
suffered suffering Jn.15:18-20 suffered explanation the Bible
(3) Identify (4) Importance of (3) Leads the of the Bible (3) State the
reasons for their Christ’s suffering (For class to passages reasons for
suffering our redemption) identify the (3) Ask and their
(4) State the Jn.18:1-13 and 19-41 reasons for answer sufferings
importance of their questions (4) Identify
Christ’s suffering (4) two
suffering for (4) Guides Participate importance
mankind the class to in discussion of Christ’s
discuss the on the suffering for
importance importance mankind
of Christ’s of Christ’s
suffering suffering
3–5 Death and Pupils should be (1) Death and (1) Tells the (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
Resurrection able to: resurrection of Jesus stories of the answer (2) Pictures showing (1) Narrate
(1) Mention the Lk.23:33-46; Lk.24:1-6 death and question the death of Jesus the stories of
stories of the (2) Importance of the resurrection (2) Christ His resurrection the
death and death and resurrection of Jesus Participate and appearance resurrection
resurrection of of Jesus Christ (2) Explains in discussing of Jesus
Jesus (Salvation/redemption) the the death
(2) Identify the (3) Appearance of Christ importance and (2) Discuss
importance of to Mary Magdalene of the death resurrection the
the death and Jn.20:16-18; Lk.24:44-47 and of Jesus importance
resurrection resurrection of the death
(3) Explain the of Jesus and
importance of (3) Tells resurrection
Jesus as stories about of Jesus
evidence of the (3) Mention
resurrection appearance two people to
of Jesus after whom Jesus
His appeared
6 Promise of the Pupils should be (1) The person of the (1) Explains (1) Ask and (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
comforter able to: Holy Spirit the Bible answer (2) Pictures of (1) Explain
(1) Explain the (2) The coming of the passages on questions believers worshipping what they
person of the power of the Holy Spirit the person (2) and praying understand
Holy Spirit upon the disciples of the Holy Participate (3) Charts showing the by Holy Spirit
(2) Mention Act.21:8; Act.2:1-4; Spirit. in class gifts of the Holy Spirit (2) Identify
how the power Jn.15:26 (2) Leads a discussions two things
of the Holy discussion the Holy
Spirit came on areas of Spirit does in
upon disciples the pupils the life of
as a result of lives they Christians
their obedience can
associate it
the power of
the Holy
7 Mid – Term Test
8 Promise of the Pupils should be The gifts of the Holy (1) Explains Identify the (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to
Comfort (Contd) able to: Spirit (boldness, the Bible gifts of the (2) Charts showing the mention the
Enumerate the powers, ability to heal passages Holy Spirit gifts of the Holy Spirit gifts of the
gifts of the Holy comfort, protection, read Holy Spirit
deliverance… etc.) (2) Guides
Act.1:8; 2Tim.1:7-8 the class to
the gifts of
the Holy
9– The second Pupils should be Christ ascension and Tells the (1) Listen to (1) The Holy Bible Pupils to:
10 coming of Jesus able to: promise of His second story of Bible stories (2) Audio – Visuals (1) Narrate
Christ (1) Narrate the coming Act.1:6-12 Christ and with stories on the story of
story of the (2) Preparation for the ascension passages vigilance and last the ascension
ascension of second coming and promise read judgment of Christ
Jesus Matt.25:1-13; 28:19-20 of His (2) (2) Narrate
(2) Give reasons vigilance, prayerfulness, coming participate ways they can
why Jesus is evangelism good works (2) Narrates in class prepare for
coming back the Jm.2:14-18 the story of discussion the second
second time (3) Why He is coming the 10 (3) Ask and coming of
(3) Identify the second time Jn.14:1- virgins answer Jesus Christ
things they need 3 practical question (3) Explain
to ask from God (4) The need to live a lessons of why Jesus is
to change their good life Titus.2:1-9 wisdom coming
lives charity, (4) List things
vigilance that lead to
(3) Guides good
discussion Christian life
on things
they need to
change in
their lives
(4) Guides
pupils on the
acts of good
11 Revision
12 – Examination


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