DLL English3 Q1 W7
DLL English3 Q1 W7
DLL English3 Q1 W7
B. Establishing a Ask pupils to guess what will Ask: How many turtle is Let us read sentences. Where does the big tree Study the pictures. Complete
purpose for the you do with the object that there? How many frog is 1. Cas is at the dam. stand? the sentences with the plural
lesson you’ll hold. there? How many duck 2. Her dog id at the dam. Have you seen a garden form of the s-blend words.
is there? How many crocodile 3. Cas has a rod. before?
is there? She will get a fish. What do you usually see in a 1. My friend
Get a book and a bag. garden? collects __________
Ask: What will I do with the from the letters she
book? got.
(You will tuck the book in the
bag.) 2. The __________
of the door are
Get a pencil and a book. loose. That is why
Ask what will I do with the it fell.
(You will tuck the pencil in 3. Put more dried
the book.) __________ in the
fire to keep it
4. The __________
of the bed are
making a squeaky
5. The __________
of the plant have
many leaves
and flowers.
C. Presenting Let us read the story. Toto Where is Cas? Let us read some words Show your understanding
Examples/instance a. in a pit monkey about this word draw and
s of new lesson b. at the dam basket tell. Draw it and write a
c. in a bed pencil simple sentence below your
What does Cas have? picnic drawing.
a. a rod laptop
b. a net blanket
c. a rag
E. Discussing new Group will fill in confirm part Present the following s-blend Read story: Group work
concepts and of the graphic organizer after pictures and have the Bob the Bug Draw and Tell
practicing new reading. children identify Bob is a bug. His dad is a Group I-monkey
skills #2 the pictures. big bug. Bob and his dad Group II basket
Say: I have here pictures of sit on a log. Bugs like to sit Group III pencil
words with s-blends. Name in the sun. Group IV picnic
them then give Group V laptop
their plural.
F. Developing Make predictions about this. Study the pictures. Complete Read the story as a class. Show your understanding
mastery Title: Bud, the hungry Turtle the sentences with the plural about this word draw and tell.
(Leads to Formative form of the s-blend words. Draw it and write a simple
Assessment) sentence below your drawing.
1. My friend money
collects __________
from the letters she
What is deb?
Where is deb?
2. The __________ Where is the mud?
of the door are
loose. That is why
Answer the following it fell.
1. What animal is in the 3. Put more dried
story? __________ in the
2. Why was it hungry? fire to keep it
3. What will it do? burning.
4. How will it shop for food?
5. How much will he spend? 4. The __________
of the bed are
making a squeaky
5. The __________
of the plant have
many leaves
and flowers.
G. Finding Practical How is predicting and How does learning how to How does learning how to How does drawing and using
applications of confirming important when use plural nouns help in read sentences and story a word in simple sentence
concepts and skills wanting to know information constructing sentences? with short sound words broaden the words you know
heard? help in your daily life which you can use in your
activities? daily conversation with your
H. Making _______READING. Look at the Have the pupils give the We read stories and A ____ is a part of a word that
generalizations and title and the illustrations Look generalization. sentences with ______ contains a single vowel sound
abstractions about at the text features. Predict Ask: How do we make the words with ______, _______ and that is pronounced as a
the lesson what the text will be about. plural form of regular nouns? and proper phrasing. unit.
_______ READING - Stop and Bag has ____ syllable. Color
think about what you read. has ____ syllables.
What will happen next?
________ READING - Confirm
or adjust your prediction.
I. Evaluating 1. Who will get a new car? Use plural form of regular Read the story with Show your understanding
Learning 2. What will he do so he could nouns in sentences by accuracy, speed and proper about this word draw and tell.
buy a new car? adding -s or -es. phrasing. Draw it and write a simple
3. How long will it take him to sentence below your drawing.
save the money?
4. What is the color of his new
J. Additional Read a short story and make Read and answer questions Read stories at home. Draw and tell.
activities for predictions. Confirm your about a story you have at rainbow
application or prediction after. home.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of Learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?