Exercise 9
Exercise 9
Exercise 9
Re– inoculate bacterial cultures into nutrient agar slants and incubate for 18-24 hours.
Prepare Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA) plate, following manufacturer's instructions and 4 test tubes
with 5mL dH2O per group and sterilize.
Grind prepared plant extracts using mortar and pestle. If plant material is less succulent, add a small
amount of water.
Filter the extract with filter paper. Final volume must be at least 5 ml
Store extract in an amber vial or test tube wrapped in aluminum foil. Do not sterilize the extracts.
Prepare 6mm Whatman filter paper disks by using a paper puncher and place in clean dry beaker
and sterilize.
Prepare 0.5 McFarland turbidity standards by mixing 0.5 aliquot of 0.048 mol/L BaCI 2 and 99.5 mL
of 0.18 mol/L H2SO4. Mix constantly.
Store in a screw-cap tube.
Sterilize 10 pcs cotton swabs in autoclavable cellophane.
Prepare alcohol lamps and forceps.
I. Inoculum Preparation
Pick 3-5 well isolated pure colonies from the agar slant culture.
Use an inoculating loop and transfer to 5-mL sterile distilled water.
Compare turbidity to that of the 0.5 McFarland turbidity standards by using a card with a white
background and contrasting black lines.
Add more colonies if inoculum is less cloudy. Add sterile water if it’s too cloudy.
Result should contain approximately 1-2 x 108 CFU/mL of E. coli.