Session 4-Software Architecture of DS-Quiz Answer
Session 4-Software Architecture of DS-Quiz Answer
Session 4-Software Architecture of DS-Quiz Answer
Quiz Answer
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KITOUNI Ilham MCA Nouvelles Technologies
Dr KITOUNI Ilham 1
Distributed Application Development and Middleware (DARM) 2023/2024 Semester 1
Quiz Answer
Answers: A, B
Answer: E
3. Which layer is responsible for handling user interactions and presenting information to users?
Answer: A
4. Which layer is responsible for encapsulating the core functionality of the application?
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Dr KITOUNI Ilham 2
Distributed Application Development and Middleware (DARM) 2023/2024 Semester 1
15. What are some techniques used to handle data consistency challenges in microservices
Answer: D
16. What are some tools and frameworks specifically designed for managing microservices
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: D
Dr KITOUNI Ilham 3