SSRN 3368605
SSRN 3368605
SSRN 3368605
and Technologies
June 4, 2019
While artificial intelligence (AI) promises to spur economic growth, there is widespread concern
that new technologies may replace human labor. We investigate the effect of AI on labor by
studying how advances in specific functions of AI in subcategories of AI, such as image
recognition, translation, or ability to play strategic games, affect different occupation-level
abilities. We provide broad evidence that, on average, occupations impacted by AI experience a
growth in wages. Our findings suggest that the effects of AI on labor are not uniform across
occupations and that access to complementary skills and technologies may play an important role
in determining the impact of AI on occupations.
1. Introduction
In recent years, development in artificial intelligence (AI) has created excitement regarding AI’s
potential to spur economic growth in the future. The data-heavy, algorithmic approach of
artificial intelligence (AI) has applications in multiple domains in the economy (Agarwal & Dhar
2014; Agrawal, Gans & Goldfarb 2018), and scholars believe that AI has the potential to be “the
most important general-purpose technology of our era” (Brynjolfsson & McAfee 2017).
However, while innovation has historically led to economic growth (Romer 1990; Solow 1957),
enthusiasm for radical new technologies is often accompanied by anxiety regarding the potential
for labor substitution (Mokyr, Vickers & Ziebarth 2015).
Articles in the public press frequently discuss the threat that developments in AI may
pose to workers (e.g., Jordan 2018; Stark 2017; Wacker 2017). A nascent stream of research has
begun to examine how AI may affect the workforce and what occupations may be more
susceptible to substitution (e.g., Arntz, Gregory & Zierahn 2016; Frey & Osborne 2017; Mann &
Puttman 2017; MGI Report 2017; Acemoglu & Restrepo 2018; Pavlou 2018). Yet, there is ample
reason to believe that AI, like other “general purpose technologies,” may also complement
human labor (Cockburn, Henderson & Stern 2018).
In this paper, we contribute to the growing literature examining the effect of AI on work
by utilizing a recently developed methodology to analyze the effect of AI on workers and
occupations (Felten, Raj & Seamans 2018). While previous literature examining AI has largely
focused on machine learning, a subset of AI that uses large quantities of data to provide
computers the ability to improve performance on a task without being explicitly programmed
(e.g., Brynjolfsson & McAfee 2017; Brynjolfsson, Rock & Syverson 2017; Brynjolfsson &
Mitchell 2017; Mann & Puttman 2017; Brynjolfsson, Mitchell & Rock 2018; Cowgill 2019), our
methodology allows us to isolate the effect of advances in specific functions of AI, such as
image recognition, translation, or ability to play strategic games. In addition, it is dynamic to
new and different forms of AI as well as to current and future advances in technology. We use
our methodology to evaluate how AI affects occupations differentially, and whether and under
what conditions AI emerges as a substitute or complement to labor.
We find broad evidence that, despite broad concerns regarding AI’s potential to substitute
for labor, exposure to AI is not significantly related to employment growth, but is positively
correlated with wage growth, on average. Specifically, an increase of one standard deviation in
our AI impact score is associated with a 0.41% increase in wage growth. We find that the
complementary effect seen in wage growth is largely driven by occupations that require a high-
level of familiarity with software. While occupations that require a low or medium-level of
familiarity of software do not have a meaningful relationship between the AI impact score and
wage growth, among high software prevalence occupations, a one standard deviation increase in
AI impact score associates with a 0.61% increase in wage growth. We assume that occupations
that feature a higher level of software usage may be more familiar with emerging AI
technologies due to similarities in form and function between some AI technologies and
software. Because of familiarity, these occupations are better able to take advantage of
complementarities between AI and the tasks required by the occupation, leading to increased
productivity and wage growth. This is in line with literature suggesting that investment in and
access to complementary skills, assets, and routines has been shown to increase value, improve
performance, and unlock complementary uses of information technologies in the past (e.g., Aral,
Brynjolsson & Wu 2012; Avgar, Tambe & Hitt 2018; Choudhury, Starr & Agarwal 2018).
We proceed as follows. In the next section, we review related literature before describing
our methodology for linking advances in AI to abilities and occupations. We then describe how
we use our methodology to study the conditions under which AI is a complement or substitute to
labor and examine consequences by income group before discussing our results and their
2. Related Literature
Innovation and radical technological change are key drivers in stimulating economic growth
(e.g., Solow 1957; Romer 1990). However, innovation also has the potential to reshape the labor
market and substitute for human labor (Mokyr, Vickers & Ziebarth 2015). Advances in robotics
and artificial intelligence have worried academics and policy-makers, who theorize that the set of
activities for which labor is more appropriate than technology is shrinking, and have spurred
debates regarding who may stand to gain or lose from this technology (Brynjolfsson & Mcafee
2014; Frey & Osborne 2017; Autor & Salomons 2018).
Scholars have examined a number of factors that influence a firm’s ability to survive and
thrive through radical innovation. Amongst other considerations, Teece (1986) argues that firms
can appropriate gains from an innovation when the firm has access to specialized complementary
assets or capabilities. Complementary assets also play a crucial role in buffering incumbents
from radical technological change (Tripsas 1997). Prior investments in related assets and
capabilities can also provide a competitive advantage for firms as they prepare to enter novel
domains (Klepper & Simons 2000; Klepper 2002). Skills, tools, knowledge, and capabilities that
have been acquired in the past, without anticipation of future need, can become useful in a new
technological era in a process known as technological pre-adaptation (Cattani 2006). Taken
together, the literature suggests that an organization’s existing assets and capabilities, as well as
its ability to redeploy these resources to a new technology, may positively affect its ability to
react successfully to radical shifts in the technological landscape (Roy & Sarkar 2016).
A key asset a firm can invest in is human capital through the education and training of its
employees (Becker 1962; Becker 1993). Compared to general-purpose or firm-specific human
capital, task-specific human capital, defined as human capital accumulated on the job through
task-specific learning-by-doing, tends to be occupation-specific (Gibbons & Waldman 2004).
Task-specific human capital, as displayed by experience and background with a technology, is an
important asset that can help unlock complementarities and superior performance with artificial
intelligence and machine learning technologies (Choudhury, Starr & Agarwal 2018).
We extend the logic above on the enabling role of complementary assets in response to
innovation at the firm-level to the occupation-level and suggest that the effects of AI will vary
across occupations. Historically, automation has had different effects across occupations. For
example, in the 1980s and 1990s middle-skill jobs were displaced by automation, leading to
labor market polarization (Autor, Katz & Kearney 2006). Specifically, we draw attention to the
important role of complementary skills and technology in unlocking the complementary effects
of AI. We examine heterogeneity in response to AI across occupations, and identify how and
when AI is more likely to complement or substitute for human labor. Below, we explain our
methodology before discussing our results and their implications.
3. Methodology
3.1. Data
We use an adjusted version of Felten et al.’s (2018) methodology in the construction of our AI
occupation-level impact scores. Our method links advances in specific functions of AI to
different types of skills and abilities in the U.S. workforce. “Labor” can be described via the
bundle of skills and abilities that are used within a specific occupation (Autor & Handel 2013),
and this “micro” approach allows us to examine the abilities that comprise each occupation. Our
analysis isolates the impact of advances in specific functions of AI on occupational abilities, and
then creates a measure of the aggregate effect of AI at the occupation-level by looking across all
abilities used within an occupation.
For the construction of our AI impact scores and the following analysis, we rely upon
four independent databases: the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) AI Progress Measurement
dataset, the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) database developed by the United
States Department of Labor, Labor Insight data from Burning Glass Technologies, and labor
market outcomes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The EFF AI Progress Measurement
experiment is a pilot project that tracks reported progress on metrics of AI performance across
separate artificial intelligence categories, such as image recognition, speech recognition,
translation, or abstract strategy games. For each category, the EFF monitors progress in the field
by drawing on data from multiple sources, including academic literature, review articles, blog
posts, and websites focused on artificial intelligence. The EFF data is publicly available (AI
Progress Measurement).
multiple jobs” (O*NET Online). Thus, abilities appear to capture something more fundamental
about what a human can bring to a given occupation. For example “deductive reasoning” is an
ability, while “management of personnel resources” is a skill and “selling or influencing others”
is a work activity.
The proprietary Labor Insight data from Burning Glass provides labor market
information by compiling internet job postings from more than 40,000 publicly available
sources, such as internet job boards or corporate websites, for each year from 2010 to 2018. The
data classifies each job posting using the O*NET occupational classifications and provides a list
and taxonomy of requirements for each job posting. The Burning Glass data allows us to track
how job descriptions and skills change across occupations over time.
Following Felten et al. (2018), we construct our AI impact score using data from the nine
EFF AI categories with enough information available at the time of writing to measure clear
progress in the metric from 2010 onwards: abstract strategy games, real-time video games, image
recognition, visual question answering, image generation, reading comprehension, language
modeling, translation, and speech recognition. The EFF often tracks several metrics within one
category. To calculate the rate of progress within each category, we first scale each metric to
account for the exponential rate of progress in the technology. For example, if a metric measures
the error rate on a task, we take the negative logarithm of the metric to arrive at a scaled figure
that will grow linearly as the error rate decreases exponentially. Within a category, we then
calculate the rate of progress by fitting a linear model across the scaled metrics. The calculated
rate of progress for each AI category along with the definition used by the EFF is included in
Appendix A.
We next link the rate of progress across the nine EFF AI categories with the set of 52
abilities in the O*NET databases using survey responses from hundreds of mTurk respondents.
We provide a detailed description of how we use mTurk responses to construct the matrix
connecting the AI categories with the O*NET abilities in Appendix B, along with several
robustness checks. Robustness checks have been conducted using subsamples of mTurk
respondents based on level of education as well as for individuals with backgrounds in Computer
Science and Engineering. Correlation coefficients are presented in Appendix Table B1 and
suggest high levels of consistency across survey responses (ρ>0.87 for all iterations). This matrix
allows us to measure the relative effect of different categories of AI technology on the different
abilities used in O*NET’s occupations. We use the O*NET occupational definitions to evaluate
the impact of the AI technology on each occupation by weighting the effect at the ability-level by
the ability’s prevalence and importance within each occupation. We next aggregate the impact
across all abilities. In an adjustment to Felten et al.’s (2018) methodology, we scale the
aggregated impact of AI across all abilities by the weighted some of the prevalence and
importance of all abilities used in the occupation to construct our occupation-level AI impact
score. We note that the methodology is flexible; scores can be updated based on the changing
occupational descriptions and definitions provided by the O*NET database as well as continued
progress in the AI categories as measured by the EFF. We describe the validation of the
methodology in Appendix C, along with a list of each occupation and its associated AI impact
score in Appendix D.
While our occupation-level score measures the impact of AI on an occupation, it does not
suggest what form that impact takes nor the extent to which AI is complementary to or a
substitute for labor. To shed light on these issues, we adopt a more granular approach that relies
upon state-occupation level data from the BLS regarding employment and wages to identify the
change in employment and wages for each occupation from 2010 to 2016. We then conduct
regression analyses to identify how changes in wages and employment at the occupation-state
level relate to the AI occupation impact score. For this analysis, we rely upon the O*NET
database as of January 2010 to take a view of occupations prior to any impact of AI as recorded
by the EFF. We control for a variety of occupational characteristics from the O*NET and
Burning Glass data that we believe may be related both to the adoption and usage of AI as well
as growth in employment and wages within an occupation.
state. Errors are clustered at the state level. β1 captures the effect of the AI occupation score on
the outcome of interest. For some sets of results, we run separate sets of regressions for terciles
of software usage, as described below.
Dependent variables. We use data from the BLS’s Occupational Employment Statistics
database to construct two dependent variables. Employment Growthis is the percent change in
employment from 2010 to 2016 for each occupation in each state. Wage Growthis is the percent
change in median wages from 2010 to 2016 for each occupation in each state. We note that these
dependent variables do not allow us to see the emergence of new occupations or the complete
removal of others; however, they do allow us to examine within-occupation changes in
employment and wages over time.
Independent variables. Our main independent variable is the AI Occupation Impact Scorei
described in Section 3 above. We use BLS, O*NET, and Burning Glass data to construct
additional variables.
Using data from the BLS’s Occupational Employment Statistics database, we construct a
measure of employment and wage growth from 2005 to 2010 for each occupation at the state-
level. For each regression, we control for employment or wage growth from 2005 to 2010
depending on the dependent variable to account for any pre-existing trends.
We construct a “skill” variables from the Burning Glass data which allow us to measure
the prevalence of skills required in occupations at the beginning of the time period. The Burning
Glass data classifies whether each skill involves the use of software. For each occupation, we
construct the variable Proportion of Software Skills, which is the average proportion of software
skills in 2010 job postings. We assume that occupations with a higher proportion of software
skills will feature a higher usage of technologies that are related and relevant to artificial
intelligence technologies. We believe this is reasonable given the role of software in intelligent
computing and that many emerging forms of artificial intelligence technologies take the form of
software (e.g., Norvig & Russell 1994; Buchanan 2005; Menzies 2003).
Degree of Automation and Importance of Programming are two additional variables that
we create using information from O*NET. For each of these skills or characteristics, O*NET
assigns a value from 1 to 5 for each occupation, constructed using a weighted average of survey
responses from occupational experts and incumbent employees, which we scale to 20 to 100. We
use these variables as controls in our analysis.
In some of our regressions, we include the variable State Population Change, which we
obtain from the publicly available Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) database. (We do not
include this variable in regressions that use state fixed effects.) We present the summary
statistics of all variables in Table 1.
4.3. Results
Table 2 shows the OLS estimates of the effect of AI as measured by our AI occupation impact
score on employment growth (Columns 1-4) and wage growth (Columns 5-8) between 2010 and
2016. For each dependent variable, we first run a simple regression including the AI impact
score and the measure of employment or wage growth from 2005 to 2010, then expand upon the
model by 1) adding a control for the change in a state’s population between 2010 and 2016, 2)
adding in state fixed effects, and 3) finally estimating a model containing the full set of controls
outlined above as well as state fixed effects.
Consistent across all models, the regression estimates indicate that employment growth
does not have a meaningful relationship with AI impact as measured by the occupation impact
score. Using the results from Column (4), we find that an in AI impact is associated with a
positive but statistically insignificant relationship with employment growth. However, the
occupation-level AI impact has a positive and statistically significant relationship with wage
growth. The results in Column (8) indicate that an increase of one standard deviation in the
impact score is associated with a 0.41% decrease in wage growth (p<0.001).
We next attempt to parse how the effect of AI may differ depending on occupation-
specific characteristics. In particular, we examine the presence of complementary skills,
techniques, and capabilities within an occupation using the proportion of software skills required
within an occupation in 2010. We classify occupations into terciles depending on the proportion
of software skills scores constructed using Burning Glass data and classify occupations in the top
tercile as “High Software Prevalence”, occupations in the middle tercile as “Medium Software
Prevalence”, and occupations in the bottom quartile as “Low Software Prevalence.” As discussed
above, we believe that exposure to software skills are especially relevant in this context given the
relationship between AI and software, and the manifestation of many emerging AI tools as
software (e.g., Norvig & Russell 1994; Buchanan 2005; Menzies 2003). We then run our
preferred regression specification, with state fixed effects and the full set of controls, using
employment and wage changes from 2010-2016 as our dependent variables, separately for
occupations in each of these terciles.
These results, presented in Table 3, suggest that the complementary effects of AI, at least
as it relates to wage growth, are largely driven by occupations involving a high level of software
skills.1 While there is no statistically significant relationship between the impact of AI and wage
growth for occupations with low or medium software prevalence occupations (Columns 4 and 5),
there is a positive and significant effect for high software prevalence occupations (p<0.001)
(Column 3). An increase of one standard deviation in the occupation impact score is associated
with a 0.61% increase in employment growth for high software prevalence occupations
(compared to 0.41% for all occupations). There is no statistically significant relationship between
AI impact and employment growth for low, medium, or high software prevalence occupations
(Columns 1, 2, and 3)..
In this work, we develop and apply a methodology to evaluate the effect of advances in AI on
labor market outcomes. Our results suggest that AI does not have a uniform effect on
occupations, but that some occupations have more exposure than others. While many have feared
that AI may substitute for labor, our results suggest that it does not have a meaningful effect on
employment growth and may increase wages. Most of this increase in wages will be in
occupations that already involve a significant amount of technology use and automation, as there
will be access to potential complementarities.
While other scholars have looked at similar phenomena, we believe that our work is
unique on a number of dimensions. We focus exclusively on AI rather than looking at a broader
set of automating technologies including robotics, sensors, and 3-D printing. We therefore
complement recent work that considers the effect of automation more generally (e.g., Frey &
These results are largely robust to using the O*NET designation for Importance of Interacting with Computers and
Degree of Automation to construct high, medium, and low tercile subsamples as well.
Osborne, 2017). Further, using data from the EFF, we focus on advances in specific functions of
AI, such as image recognition, language translation, strategy games, and other categories, and
therefore remain agnostic about the underlying algorithmic technique used by AI. This approach
complements recent work that more specifically study the effect of machine learning (e.g.,
Brynjolfsson et al., 2018). In addition, our approach allows us to update our analysis over time as
the EFF updates progress in specific functions of AI and adds new categories of functions of AI.
For example, more recently the EFF has added a category for reading technical papers and
instrumental track recognition, and may add other categories in the future. Our approach can use
progress in the new categories to develop an understanding of how AI may affect other
occupations in the future.
The AI occupational impact scores allow for an examination of the effects of AI beyond
labor substitution. The scores remain agnostic in the treatment of AI as a substitute for or
complement to human labor, and instead measure the impact that advances in AI have on
different occupations. In a departure from past work focusing on the complete replacement of
tasks or occupations (e.g., Frey & Osborne 2017; Brynjolfsson et al. 2018), we instead identify
which occupations are more likely to see AI incorporated in some part of their work.
Our analysis has its limitations that offer opportunities for further research. We rely on
O*NET data for much of our information on occupations and we must assume this information is
accurate for the results of our analysis to hold. Additionally, empirical identification is a
challenge. We measure the impact of AI in the same period that we collect data regarding AI
progress. We believe this is appropriate, given our interest in capturing the effect of the advances
in technology as they happen. Nonetheless, this makes it difficult to establish causality. There
may also be a lag between the advances in the technology and its adoption and effect in the labor
market. We do not examine this; however, future research could seek to identify how quickly
adoption of AI technology occurs and how long it takes to affect the labor market. Future work is
also needed to tease out the mechanisms that link AI to higher overall wages (on average). We
believe the role of specific skills and abilities used in occupations are an important piece to the
While our results provide broad evidence that AI may largely complement rather than
substitute for human labor, future work can continue to investigate how the impact of AI
manifests itself across occupations, geographies, and backgrounds. For example, other research
has described conditions under which AI may exacerbate existing trends in inequality and pose
significant challenges with labor reskilling (Korinek & Stiglitz 2018; Acemoglu & Restrepo
2018). The AI impact scores generated by our methodology could be used to study heterogeneity
of impact across educational backgrounds, income levels, and other demographics. It is our hope
that our methods and results can be a useful tool for scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners
moving forward to predict how AI may affect different occupations.
AI technologies are rapidly advancing and are expected to have dramatic effects on the
economy. In sum, our results indicate that we must be careful when talking about the impact of
AI as a monolithic, primarily negative force, and that there is significant nuance in understanding
and interpreting its effect on the labor market. While much work must still be done to examine
the relationship between AI technology and labor, we believe our study contributes to the
nascent and growing body of literature examining this important topic.
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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics
Note: Statistics are calculated for all occupations for which data are available for the given variable. Employment and wage growth are calculated at the state-
occupation level for all occupations for which there is employment and wage data in both 2010 and 2016. All variables relying on information from O*NET,
including the AI Occupation Impact Score, rely upon the O*NET data as of January 2010. All variables derived from the Burning Glass data rely on occupation
data from 2010. See draft for a detailed description of the construction of the AI Occupation Impact Score and the set of control variables used.
Table 2: Effect of AI on Employment and Wage Growth: 2010 to 2016
Employment Growth (2010-2016) Wage Growth (2010-2016)
AI Occupation Impact Score -0.0254 -0.0292 -0.0463 0.1231 0.1367*** 0.1345*** 0.1311*** 0.1160***
(0.0003) (0.0001)
(0.0004) (0.0001)
(0.2185) (0.1495)
Note: Ordinary least squares estimates with standard errors clustered at the state level. Employment and wage growth are calculated for all occupations for which
there is employment and wage data in both 2010 and 2016. Employment growth is the percent change in total employment. Wage growth is calculated as the
percent change in median wage. Occupations with missing values for any data are dropped from the analysis. All variables relying on information from O*NET
rely upon the O*NET data as of December 2009. All variables derived from the Burning Glass data from 2010. See draft for a detailed description of the
construction of the AI Occupation Impact Score and the set of control variables used.
Table 3: Effect of AI on Employment and Wage Growth by Prevalence of Software Skills: 2010 to 2016
Note: Ordinary least squares estimates with standard errors clustered at the state level. Employment and wage growth are calculated for all occupations for which
there is employment and wage data in both 2010 and 2016. Employment growth is the percent change in total employment. Wage growth is calculated as the
percent change in median wage. Occupations with missing values for any data are dropped from the analysis. All variables relying on information from O*NET
rely upon the O*NET data as of December 2009. All variables derived from the Burning Glass data from 2010. See draft for a detailed description of the
construction of the AI Occupation Impact Score and the set of control variables used. Occupations are classified as low, medium, or high automation based on
which tercile the proportion of software skills score, constructed using Burning Glass data, falls in. Standard errors are clustered at the state level. See draft for a
detailed description of the construction of the AI Occupation Impact Score and the set of control variables used.
Online Appendix for
The Variable Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Labor: The Role of Complementary Skills
and Technologies
Appendix A: EFF Category Definitions and Calculated Rates of Progress
Appendix A: EFF Category Definitions and Calculated Rates of Progress
Rate of Progress
AI Categories Definition (2010-2015)
The ability to play abstract games involving sometimes complex strategy and
Abstract Strategy Games 0.0180
reasoning ability, such as Chess, Go, or Checkers, at a high level.
The ability to play a variety of real-time video games of increasing complexity at
Real-Time Video Games 0.2710
a high level.
Image Recognition The determination of what objects are present in a still image. 0.2300
Visual Question Answering The recognition of events, relationships, and context from a still image. 0.1490
Language Modeling The ability to model, predict, or mimic human language. 0.0127
Translation The translation of words or text from one language into another. 0.0091
Note: To calculate the rate of progress within each category, we first scale each metric to account for the exponential rate of progress using the
negative logarithm of the metric. Within a category, we then calculate the rate of progress by fitting a linear model across the scaled metrics along
with a per-metric offset.
Appendix B. MTurk Matrix Creation
We rely upon survey responses from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) web service to
construct our matrix connecting the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) AI data to the DOL’s
Occupational Information Network (O*NET)’s abilities. MTurk functions as a crowdsourced
internet marketplace allowing payment for the completion of tasks by workers.
For each of the nine EFF AI categories considered in our analysis (abstract strategy
games, real-time video games, image recognition, visual question answering, image generation,
reading comprehension, language modeling, translation, and speech recognition), we survey a
sample of 200 different individual respondents, using Amazon’s MTurk screens to only include
individuals residing in the United States. Each respondent is asked to consider how the AI
category related to each of the 52 abilities considered by O*NET in its occupational definitions.
Specifically, the survey provides descriptions of the AI categories from EFF as well as a
definitions of the O*NET abilities. For each ability, we then ask respondents to answer “Yes” or
“No” based on whether they believe that the AI category was related to or could be used for each
ability. An example of a question used for “image recognition” is provided below (Figure B1).
The questions are identical for each category-ability combination except for the definitions
The survey is designed to take five to ten minutes to complete and respondents are paid
$1 upon completion of the survey. The order of the abilities presented to the respondent is
randomized and an attention check question is included in the middle portion of the survey.
Respondents that fail the attention check or do not complete the survey entirely are removed
from the sample. We additionally collect background information from respondents regarding
the highest level of education reached and the area in which they obtained their highest degree.
As part of our robustness checks, we compare the matrices constructed using samples of just
those who had graduate degrees, those who had studied Computer Science or Engineering, and
those who had graduate degrees in Computer Science or Engineering. We find a high degree of
correspondence across the matrices, as shown by the correlations between the scores of the
survey responses for each EFF AI category for the different subsamples (Table B1).
Figure B1. MTurk Survey Question
Table B1: Correlation Coefficients across MTurk Subsamples
Correlation Coefficient between Subsample and the Full Sample
Computer Science or Engineering Graduate Students with Computer
EFF AI Categories Graduate Students Backgrounds Science or Engineering Backgrounds
Abstract Strategy Games 0.97 0.92 0.89
Real-Time Video Games 0.96 0.87 0.80
Image Recognition 0.97 0.94 0.91
Visual Question Answering 0.98 0.90 0.88
Image Generation 0.98 0.94 0.91
Reading Comprehension 0.99 0.95 0.93
Language Modeling 0.99 0.96 0.95
Translation 0.99 0.95 0.92
Speech Recognition 0.99 0.94 0.91
Note: Correlation coefficients are calculated for the vectors of responses of the different subsamples listed in the MTurk survey described above.
Appendix C: Validation of Methodology
We conduct two checks on our methodology to test its validity. Because our score is
designed to measure the holistic effect of AI on occupations rather than provide a measure of
substitution, we cannot test our scores against changes in labor or wages. Rather, we rely on two
measures of occupational change: a measure of the change in the use of AI skills and a measure
of the change in the use of software skills, both constructed using proprietary Labor Insight Data
from Burning Glass from 2010-2016. We believe that both these measures allow us to measure
change in an occupation independent from changes in employment or wages and may be directly
associated with the impact of AI technologies.
Burning Glass identifies skills listed in each job posting and classifies them according to
an internal taxonomy. In particular, Burning Glass classifies each skill into “skill clusters” and
“skill cluster families”. We use the Burning Glass designation for “Artificial Intelligence”,
“Machine Learning”, and “Natural Language Processing (NLP)” to classify skills as “AI Skills”.
We identify the average count of AI skills in job postings for an occupation in 2010 and compare
it to the average count of AI skills in job postings for the same occupation in 2016 to construct a
measure of the change in AI skills within an occupation. We find a statistically significant and
positive correlation between the AI occupation impact scores and the change in the average
count of AI skills required in an occupation (r=0.169; p<0.001), suggesting that the AI
occupation impact score is associated with greater use of AI within an occupation.
Additionally, Burning Glass classifies whether each skill listed in a job posting is
classified as a “software” skill. We similarly utilize the Burning Glass data to construct an
occupation-level measure of the change in the prevalence of software skills from 2010 to 2016.
We find a statistically significant and positive correlation between the constructed AI occupation
impact scores and the change in the average count of software skills required in an occupation
(r=0.178; p<0.001). This provides further evidence suggesting that the AI occupation impact
score is associated with change in an occupation, and particularly, change related to the use of
technology adjacent to AI.
Appendix D: AI Impact Scores by Occupation Based on December 2009 O*NET
Occupational Definitions
13-1041 Compliance Officers, Except Agriculture, Construction, Health and Safety, 0.697
and Transportation
13-1051 Cost Estimators 0.726
13-1061 Emergency Management Specialists 0.720
13-1071 Employment, Recruitment, and Placement Specialists 0.715
13-1072 Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists 0.721
13-1073 Training and Development Specialists 0.710
13-1081 Logisticians 0.724
13-1111 Management Analysts 0.722
13-1121 Meeting and Convention Planners 0.672
13-1199 Business Operations Specialists, All Other 0.669
13-2011 Accountants and Auditors 0.728
13-2021 Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate 0.701
13-2031 Budget Analysts 0.730
13-2041 Credit Analysts 0.726
13-2051 Financial Analysts 0.726
13-2052 Personal Financial Advisors 0.718
13-2053 Insurance Underwriters 0.721
13-2061 Financial Examiners 0.731
13-2071 Loan Counselors 0.724
13-2072 Loan Officers 0.718
13-2081 Tax Examiners, Collectors, and Revenue Agents 0.724
13-2082 Tax Preparers 0.723
15-1011 Computer and Information Scientists, Research 0.719
15-1021 Computer Programmers 0.727
15-1031 Computer Software Engineers, Applications 0.726
15-1032 Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software 0.716
15-1041 Computer Support Specialists 0.683
15-1051 Computer Systems Analysts 0.721
15-1061 Database Administrators 0.724
15-1071 Network and Computer Systems Administrators 0.715
15-1081 Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts 0.719
15-1099 Computer Specialists, All Other 0.718
15-2011 Actuaries 0.731
15-2021 Mathematicians 0.728
15-2031 Operations Research Analysts 0.727
15-2041 Statisticians 0.729
15-2091 Mathematical Technicians 0.708
17-1011 Architects, Except Landscape and Naval 0.722
17-1012 Landscape Architects 0.714
17-1021 Cartographers and Photogrammetrists 0.729
17-1022 Surveyors 0.674
17-2011 Aerospace Engineers 0.724
17-2021 Agricultural Engineers 0.711
17-2031 Biomedical Engineers 0.680
17-2041 Chemical Engineers 0.730
17-2051 Civil Engineers 0.731
17-2061 Computer Hardware Engineers 0.715
17-2071 Electrical Engineers 0.715
17-2072 Electronics Engineers, Except Computer 0.710
17-2081 Environmental Engineers 0.725
17-2111 Health and Safety Engineers, Except Mining Safety Engineers and Inspectors 0.719
17-2112 Industrial Engineers 0.712
17-2121 Marine Engineers and Naval Architects 0.693
17-2131 Materials Engineers 0.713
17-2141 Mechanical Engineers 0.730
17-2151 Mining and Geological Engineers, Including Mining Safety Engineers 0.700
17-2161 Nuclear Engineers 0.726
17-2171 Petroleum Engineers 0.722
17-2199 Engineers, All Other 0.708
17-3011 Architectural and Civil Drafters 0.714
17-3012 Electrical and Electronics Drafters 0.715
17-3013 Mechanical Drafters 0.720
17-3021 Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technicians 0.691
17-3022 Civil Engineering Technicians 0.718
17-3023 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technicians 0.696
17-3024 Electro-Mechanical Technicians 0.678
17-3025 Environmental Engineering Technicians 0.680
17-3026 Industrial Engineering Technicians 0.710
17-3027 Mechanical Engineering Technicians 0.667
17-3029 Engineering Technicians, Except Drafters, All Other 0.678
17-3031 Surveying and Mapping Technicians 0.686
19-1011 Animal Scientists 0.718
19-1012 Food Scientists and Technologists 0.696
19-1013 Soil and Plant Scientists 0.694
19-1020 Biologists 0.721
19-1021 Biochemists and Biophysicists 0.705
19-1022 Microbiologists 0.706
19-1023 Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists 0.700
19-1031 Conservation Scientists 0.675
19-1032 Foresters 0.669
19-1041 Epidemiologists 0.728
19-1042 Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists 0.718
19-2011 Astronomers 0.729
19-2012 Physicists 0.726
19-2021 Atmospheric and Space Scientists 0.728
19-2031 Chemists 0.695
19-2032 Materials Scientists 0.713
19-2041 Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health 0.714
19-2042 Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers 0.726
19-2043 Hydrologists 0.725
19-2099 Physical Scientists, All Other 0.720
19-3011 Economists 0.718
19-3021 Market Research Analysts 0.725
19-3022 Survey Researchers 0.720
19-3031 Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists 0.718
19-3032 Industrial-Organizational Psychologists 0.722
19-3041 Sociologists 0.713
19-3051 Urban and Regional Planners 0.720
19-3091 Anthropologists and Archeologists 0.697
19-3092 Geographers 0.723
19-3093 Historians 0.694
19-3094 Political Scientists 0.716
19-4011 Agricultural and Food Science Technicians 0.682
19-4021 Biological Technicians 0.691
19-4031 Chemical Technicians 0.674
19-4041 Geological and Petroleum Technicians 0.680
19-4051 Nuclear Technicians 0.675
19-4061 Social Science Research Assistants 0.719
19-4091 Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health 0.676
19-4092 Forensic Science Technicians 0.690
19-4093 Forest and Conservation Technicians 0.657
19-4099 Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians, All Other 0.681
21-1011 Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors 0.702
21-1012 Educational, Vocational, and School Counselors 0.707
21-1013 Marriage and Family Therapists 0.721
21-1014 Mental Health Counselors 0.712
21-1015 Rehabilitation Counselors 0.676
21-1021 Child, Family, and School Social Workers 0.691
21-1022 Medical and Public Health Social Workers 0.698
21-1023 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers 0.706
21-1091 Health Educators 0.692
21-1092 Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists 0.676
21-1093 Social and Human Service Assistants 0.681
21-2011 Clergy 0.705
21-2021 Directors, Religious Activities and Education 0.699
23-1011 Lawyers 0.718
23-1021 Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers 0.720
23-1022 Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators 0.715
23-1023 Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates 0.718
23-2011 Paralegals and Legal Assistants 0.723
23-2091 Court Reporters 0.695
23-2092 Law Clerks 0.725
23-2093 Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers 0.720
25-1011 Business Teachers, Postsecondary 0.713
25-1021 Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary 0.704
25-1022 Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary 0.714
25-1031 Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary 0.708
25-1032 Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary 0.716
25-1041 Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary 0.702
25-1042 Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary 0.700
25-1043 Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers, Postsecondary 0.706
25-1051 Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary 0.716
25-1052 Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary 0.705
25-1053 Environmental Science Teachers, Postsecondary 0.714
25-1054 Physics Teachers, Postsecondary 0.707
25-1061 Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary 0.718
25-1062 Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teachers, Postsecondary 0.710
25-1063 Economics Teachers, Postsecondary 0.714
25-1064 Geography Teachers, Postsecondary 0.705
25-1065 Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary 0.702
25-1066 Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary 0.705
25-1067 Sociology Teachers, Postsecondary 0.705
25-1071 Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary 0.714
25-1072 Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary 0.697
25-1081 Education Teachers, Postsecondary 0.700
25-1082 Library Science Teachers, Postsecondary 0.720
25-1111 Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary 0.709
25-1112 Law Teachers, Postsecondary 0.707
25-1113 Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary 0.707
25-1121 Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary 0.689
25-1122 Communications Teachers, Postsecondary 0.703
25-1123 English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary 0.711
25-1124 Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary 0.704
25-1125 History Teachers, Postsecondary 0.709
25-1126 Philosophy and Religion Teachers, Postsecondary 0.704
25-1191 Graduate Teaching Assistants 0.698
25-1192 Home Economics Teachers, Postsecondary 0.713
25-1193 Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers, Postsecondary 0.686
25-1194 Vocational Education Teachers, Postsecondary 0.672
25-2011 Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education 0.667
25-2012 Kindergarten Teachers, Except Special Education 0.681
25-2021 Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education 0.681
25-2022 Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education 0.684
25-2023 Vocational Education Teachers, Middle School 0.673
25-2031 Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education 0.679
25-2032 Vocational Education Teachers, Secondary School 0.670
25-2041 Special Education Teachers, Preschool, Kindergarten, and Elementary School 0.684
25-2042 Special Education Teachers, Middle School 0.696
25-2043 Special Education Teachers, Secondary School 0.697
25-3011 Adult Literacy, Remedial Education, and GED Teachers and Instructors 0.709
25-3021 Self-Enrichment Education Teachers 0.668
25-4011 Archivists 0.699
25-4012 Curators 0.681
25-4013 Museum Technicians and Conservators 0.680
25-4021 Librarians 0.714
25-4031 Library Technicians 0.669
25-9011 Audio-Visual Collections Specialists 0.684
25-9021 Farm and Home Management Advisors 0.703
25-9031 Instructional Coordinators 0.710
25-9041 Teacher Assistants 0.695
27-1011 Art Directors 0.713
27-1012 Craft Artists 0.641
27-1013 Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, and Illustrators 0.658
27-1014 Multi-Media Artists and Animators 0.707
27-1021 Commercial and Industrial Designers 0.714
27-1022 Fashion Designers 0.697
27-1023 Floral Designers 0.675
27-1024 Graphic Designers 0.710
27-1025 Interior Designers 0.720
27-1026 Merchandise Displayers and Window Trimmers 0.619
27-1027 Set and Exhibit Designers 0.666
27-2011 Actors 0.673
27-2012 Producers and Directors 0.702
27-2021 Athletes and Sports Competitors 0.596
27-2022 Coaches and Scouts 0.664
27-2023 Umpires, Referees, and Other Sports Officials 0.680
27-2031 Dancers 0.559
27-2032 Choreographers 0.603
27-2041 Music Directors and Composers 0.696
27-2042 Musicians and Singers 0.658
27-3011 Radio and Television Announcers 0.706
27-3012 Public Address System and Other Announcers 0.679
27-3021 Broadcast News Analysts 0.711
27-3022 Reporters and Correspondents 0.704
27-3031 Public Relations Specialists 0.713
27-3041 Editors 0.720
27-3042 Technical Writers 0.711
27-3043 Writers and Authors 0.706
27-3091 Interpreters and Translators 0.694
27-4011 Audio and Video Equipment Technicians 0.668
27-4012 Broadcast Technicians 0.692
27-4013 Radio Operators 0.701
27-4014 Sound Engineering Technicians 0.668
27-4021 Photographers 0.681
27-4031 Camera Operators, Television, Video, and Motion Picture 0.666
27-4032 Film and Video Editors 0.687
29-1011 Chiropractors 0.653
29-1021 Dentists, General 0.674
29-1022 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 0.658
29-1023 Orthodontists 0.684
29-1024 Prosthodontists 0.665
29-1031 Dietitians and Nutritionists 0.714
29-1041 Optometrists 0.703
29-1051 Pharmacists 0.691
29-1061 Anesthesiologists 0.680
29-1062 Family and General Practitioners 0.707
29-1063 Internists, General 0.708
29-1064 Obstetricians and Gynecologists 0.677
29-1065 Pediatricians, General 0.711
29-1066 Psychiatrists 0.712
29-1067 Surgeons 0.671
29-1071 Physician Assistants 0.681
29-1081 Podiatrists 0.695
29-1111 Registered Nurses 0.661
29-1121 Audiologists 0.700
29-1122 Occupational Therapists 0.662
29-1123 Physical Therapists 0.648
29-1124 Radiation Therapists 0.665
29-1125 Recreational Therapists 0.651
29-1126 Respiratory Therapists 0.667
29-1127 Speech-Language Pathologists 0.700
29-1131 Veterinarians 0.672
29-1199 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other 0.690
29-2011 Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists 0.683
29-2012 Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians 0.669
29-2021 Dental Hygienists 0.654
29-2031 Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians 0.668
29-2032 Diagnostic Medical Sonographers 0.661
29-2033 Nuclear Medicine Technologists 0.670
29-2034 Radiologic Technologists and Technicians 0.648
29-2041 Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics 0.647
29-2051 Dietetic Technicians 0.667
29-2052 Pharmacy Technicians 0.675
29-2053 Psychiatric Technicians 0.652
29-2054 Respiratory Therapy Technicians 0.669
29-2055 Surgical Technologists 0.657
29-2056 Veterinary Technologists and Technicians 0.654
29-2061 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 0.641
29-2071 Medical Records and Health Information Technicians 0.673
29-2081 Opticians, Dispensing 0.686
29-2091 Orthotists and Prosthetists 0.678
29-2099 Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other 0.672
29-9011 Occupational Health and Safety Specialists 0.711
29-9012 Occupational Health and Safety Technicians 0.688
29-9091 Athletic Trainers 0.645
31-1011 Home Health Aides 0.645
31-1012 Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants 0.624
31-1013 Psychiatric Aides 0.662
31-2011 Occupational Therapist Assistants 0.649
31-2012 Occupational Therapist Aides 0.631
31-2021 Physical Therapist Assistants 0.649
31-2022 Physical Therapist Aides 0.632
31-9011 Massage Therapists 0.602
31-9091 Dental Assistants 0.645
31-9092 Medical Assistants 0.679
31-9093 Medical Equipment Preparers 0.660
31-9094 Medical Transcriptionists 0.703
31-9095 Pharmacy Aides 0.666
31-9096 Veterinary Assistants and Laboratory Animal Caretakers 0.634
33-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Correctional Officers 0.650
33-1012 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Police and Detectives 0.669
33-1021 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers 0.654
33-2011 Fire Fighters 0.626
33-2021 Fire Inspectors and Investigators 0.687
33-2022 Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists 0.675
33-3011 Bailiffs 0.642
33-3012 Correctional Officers and Jailers 0.632
33-3021 Detectives and Criminal Investigators 0.674
33-3031 Fish and Game Wardens 0.651
33-3041 Parking Enforcement Workers 0.655
33-3051 Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers 0.651
33-3052 Transit and Railroad Police 0.647
33-9011 Animal Control Workers 0.650
33-9021 Private Detectives and Investigators 0.689
33-9031 Gaming Surveillance Officers and Gaming Investigators 0.694
33-9032 Security Guards 0.647
33-9091 Crossing Guards 0.641
33-9092 Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers 0.660
33-9099 Protective Service Workers, All Other 0.654
35-1011 Chefs and Head Cooks 0.660
35-1012 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 0.672
35-2011 Cooks, Fast Food 0.624
35-2012 Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria 0.643
35-2013 Cooks, Private Household 0.642
35-2014 Cooks, Restaurant 0.664
35-2015 Cooks, Short Order 0.648
35-2021 Food Preparation Workers 0.637
35-3011 Bartenders 0.649
35-3021 Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food 0.642
35-3022 Counter Attendants, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop 0.626
35-3031 Waiters and Waitresses 0.626
35-3041 Food Servers, Nonrestaurant 0.649
35-9011 Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants and Bartender Helpers 0.595
35-9021 Dishwashers 0.605
35-9031 Hosts and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop 0.670
37-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers 0.649
37-1012 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and 0.650
Groundskeeping Workers
37-2011 Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 0.611
37-2012 Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 0.607
37-2021 Pest Control Workers 0.650
37-3011 Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers 0.620
37-3012 Pesticide Handlers, Sprayers, and Applicators, Vegetation 0.648
37-3013 Tree Trimmers and Pruners 0.615
39-1011 Gaming Supervisors 0.706
39-1012 Slot Key Persons 0.654
39-1021 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Personal Service Workers 0.657
39-2011 Animal Trainers 0.640
39-2021 Nonfarm Animal Caretakers 0.645
39-3011 Gaming Dealers 0.673
39-3012 Gaming and Sports Book Writers and Runners 0.690
39-3021 Motion Picture Projectionists 0.670
39-3031 Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers 0.668
39-3091 Amusement and Recreation Attendants 0.665
39-3092 Costume Attendants 0.651
39-3093 Locker Room, Coatroom, and Dressing Room Attendants 0.649
39-4011 Embalmers 0.644
39-4021 Funeral Attendants 0.641
39-5011 Barbers 0.649
39-5012 Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists 0.646
39-5091 Makeup Artists, Theatrical and Performance 0.657
39-5092 Manicurists and Pedicurists 0.676
39-5093 Shampooers 0.631
39-5094 Skin Care Specialists 0.663
39-6011 Baggage Porters and Bellhops 0.607
39-6012 Concierges 0.678
39-6021 Tour Guides and Escorts 0.670
39-6022 Travel Guides 0.696
39-6031 Flight Attendants 0.636
39-6032 Transportation Attendants, Except Flight Attendants and Baggage Porters 0.652
39-9011 Child Care Workers 0.656
39-9021 Personal and Home Care Aides 0.650
39-9031 Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors 0.579
39-9032 Recreation Workers 0.654
39-9041 Residential Advisors 0.708
41-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Retail Sales Workers 0.662
41-1012 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Non-Retail Sales Workers 0.708
41-2011 Cashiers 0.649
41-2012 Gaming Change Persons and Booth Cashiers 0.669
41-2021 Counter and Rental Clerks 0.659
41-2022 Parts Salespersons 0.668
41-2031 Retail Salespersons 0.666
41-3011 Advertising Sales Agents 0.712
41-3021 Insurance Sales Agents 0.719
41-3031 Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents 0.713
41-3041 Travel Agents 0.707
41-4011 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and 0.706
Scientific Products
41-4012 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and 0.694
Scientific Products
41-9011 Demonstrators and Product Promoters 0.672
41-9012 Models 0.617
41-9021 Real Estate Brokers 0.708
41-9022 Real Estate Sales Agents 0.710
41-9031 Sales Engineers 0.714
41-9041 Telemarketers 0.688
41-9091 Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and Related 0.696
43-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Office and Administrative Support 0.717
43-2011 Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service 0.700
43-2021 Telephone Operators 0.695
43-3011 Bill and Account Collectors 0.714
43-3021 Billing and Posting Clerks and Machine Operators 0.724
43-3031 Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 0.723
43-3041 Gaming Cage Workers 0.683
43-3051 Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks 0.724
43-3061 Procurement Clerks 0.721
43-3071 Tellers 0.693
43-4011 Brokerage Clerks 0.715
43-4021 Correspondence Clerks 0.714
43-4031 Court, Municipal, and License Clerks 0.708
43-4041 Credit Authorizers, Checkers, and Clerks 0.721
43-4051 Customer Service Representatives 0.713
43-4061 Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs 0.714
43-4071 File Clerks 0.685
43-4081 Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks 0.706
43-4111 Interviewers, Except Eligibility and Loan 0.710
43-4121 Library Assistants, Clerical 0.678
43-4131 Loan Interviewers and Clerks 0.721
43-4141 New Accounts Clerks 0.717
43-4151 Order Clerks 0.701
43-4161 Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping 0.721
43-4171 Receptionists and Information Clerks 0.698
43-4181 Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks 0.678
43-5011 Cargo and Freight Agents 0.707
43-5021 Couriers and Messengers 0.637
43-5031 Police, Fire, and Ambulance Dispatchers 0.702
43-5032 Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire, and Ambulance 0.719
43-5041 Meter Readers, Utilities 0.646
43-5051 Postal Service Clerks 0.649
43-5052 Postal Service Mail Carriers 0.638
43-5053 Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators 0.637
43-5061 Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks 0.709
43-5071 Shipping, Receiving, and Traffic Clerks 0.645
43-5081 Stock Clerks and Order Fillers 0.640
43-5111 Weighers, Measurers, Checkers, and Samplers, Recordkeeping 0.675
43-6011 Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 0.719
43-6012 Legal Secretaries 0.705
43-6013 Medical Secretaries 0.711
43-6014 Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 0.715
43-9011 Computer Operators 0.695
43-9021 Data Entry Keyers 0.694
43-9022 Word Processors and Typists 0.702
43-9031 Desktop Publishers 0.699
43-9041 Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks 0.717
43-9051 Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, Except Postal Service 0.648
43-9061 Office Clerks, General 0.699
43-9071 Office Machine Operators, Except Computer 0.662
43-9081 Proofreaders and Copy Markers 0.723
43-9111 Statistical Assistants 0.724
45-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers 0.659
45-1012 Farm Labor Contractors 0.658
45-2011 Agricultural Inspectors 0.684
45-2021 Animal Breeders 0.644
45-2041 Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products 0.611
45-2091 Agricultural Equipment Operators 0.640
45-2092 Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse 0.620
45-2093 Farmworkers, Farm and Ranch Animals 0.637
45-3011 Fishers and Related Fishing Workers 0.621
45-3021 Hunters and Trappers 0.639
45-4011 Forest and Conservation Workers 0.637
45-4021 Fallers 0.610
45-4022 Logging Equipment Operators 0.651
45-4023 Log Graders and Scalers 0.670
47-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Construction Trades and Extraction 0.671
47-2011 Boilermakers 0.638
47-2021 Brickmasons and Blockmasons 0.595
47-2022 Stonemasons 0.608
47-2031 Carpenters 0.622
47-2041 Carpet Installers 0.611
47-2042 Floor Layers, Except Carpet, Wood, and Hard Tiles 0.622
47-2043 Floor Sanders and Finishers 0.609
47-2044 Tile and Marble Setters 0.630
47-2051 Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers 0.624
47-2053 Terrazzo Workers and Finishers 0.608
47-2061 Construction Laborers 0.609
47-2071 Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators 0.641
47-2072 Pile-Driver Operators 0.633
47-2073 Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators 0.652
47-2081 Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers 0.621
47-2082 Tapers 0.629
47-2111 Electricians 0.647
47-2121 Glaziers 0.626
47-2131 Insulation Workers, Floor, Ceiling, and Wall 0.610
47-2132 Insulation Workers, Mechanical 0.624
47-2141 Painters, Construction and Maintenance 0.607
47-2142 Paperhangers 0.610
47-2151 Pipelayers 0.637
47-2152 Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 0.637
47-2161 Plasterers and Stucco Masons 0.609
47-2171 Reinforcing Iron and Rebar Workers 0.606
47-2181 Roofers 0.607
47-2211 Sheet Metal Workers 0.624
47-2221 Structural Iron and Steel Workers 0.608
47-3011 Helpers--Brickmasons, Blockmasons, Stonemasons, and Tile and Marble 0.613
47-3012 Helpers--Carpenters 0.619
47-3013 Helpers--Electricians 0.615
47-3014 Helpers--Painters, Paperhangers, Plasterers, and Stucco Masons 0.594
47-3015 Helpers--Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 0.611
47-3016 Helpers--Roofers 0.600
47-4011 Construction and Building Inspectors 0.685
47-4021 Elevator Installers and Repairers 0.646
47-4031 Fence Erectors 0.606
47-4041 Hazardous Materials Removal Workers 0.658
47-4051 Highway Maintenance Workers 0.613
47-4061 Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators 0.624
47-4071 Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners 0.636
47-4091 Segmental Pavers 0.638
47-5011 Derrick Operators, Oil and Gas 0.622
47-5012 Rotary Drill Operators, Oil and Gas 0.649
47-5013 Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas, and Mining 0.643
47-5021 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas 0.668
47-5031 Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters 0.652
47-5041 Continuous Mining Machine Operators 0.637
47-5042 Mine Cutting and Channeling Machine Operators 0.633
47-5051 Rock Splitters, Quarry 0.608
47-5061 Roof Bolters, Mining 0.612
47-5071 Roustabouts, Oil and Gas 0.627
47-5081 Helpers--Extraction Workers 0.629
49-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 0.670
49-2011 Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers 0.671
49-2021 Radio Mechanics 0.669
49-2022 Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line 0.645
49-2091 Avionics Technicians 0.673
49-2092 Electric Motor, Power Tool, and Related Repairers 0.651
49-2093 Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment 0.653
49-2094 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment 0.657
49-2095 Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Powerhouse, Substation, and Relay 0.666
49-2096 Electronic Equipment Installers and Repairers, Motor Vehicles 0.653
49-2097 Electronic Home Entertainment Equipment Installers and Repairers 0.659
49-2098 Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers 0.648
49-3011 Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians 0.655
49-3021 Automotive Body and Related Repairers 0.636
49-3022 Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers 0.645
49-3023 Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics 0.641
49-3031 Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists 0.634
49-3041 Farm Equipment Mechanics 0.637
49-3042 Mobile Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Except Engines 0.636
49-3043 Rail Car Repairers 0.622
49-3051 Motorboat Mechanics 0.644
49-3052 Motorcycle Mechanics 0.641
49-3053 Outdoor Power Equipment and Other Small Engine Mechanics 0.645
49-3091 Bicycle Repairers 0.644
49-3092 Recreational Vehicle Service Technicians 0.641
49-3093 Tire Repairers and Changers 0.612
49-9011 Mechanical Door Repairers 0.623
49-9012 Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical Door 0.644
49-9021 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers 0.634
49-9031 Home Appliance Repairers 0.644
49-9041 Industrial Machinery Mechanics 0.638
49-9042 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 0.643
49-9043 Maintenance Workers, Machinery 0.646
49-9044 Millwrights 0.634
49-9045 Refractory Materials Repairers, Except Brickmasons 0.630
49-9051 Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers 0.634
49-9052 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers 0.640
49-9061 Camera and Photographic Equipment Repairers 0.689
49-9062 Medical Equipment Repairers 0.666
49-9063 Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners 0.653
49-9064 Watch Repairers 0.683
49-9091 Coin, Vending, and Amusement Machine Servicers and Repairers 0.651
49-9092 Commercial Divers 0.638
49-9093 Fabric Menders, Except Garment 0.630
49-9094 Locksmiths and Safe Repairers 0.652
49-9095 Manufactured Building and Mobile Home Installers 0.626
49-9096 Riggers 0.633
49-9097 Signal and Track Switch Repairers 0.652
49-9098 Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers 0.626
51-1011 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Production and Operating Workers 0.673
51-2011 Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers 0.646
51-2021 Coil Winders, Tapers, and Finishers 0.646
51-2022 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assemblers 0.656
51-2023 Electromechanical Equipment Assemblers 0.662
51-2031 Engine and Other Machine Assemblers 0.642
51-2041 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters 0.632
51-2091 Fiberglass Laminators and Fabricators 0.633
51-2092 Team Assemblers 0.646
51-2093 Timing Device Assemblers, Adjusters, and Calibrators 0.677
51-3011 Bakers 0.663
51-3021 Butchers and Meat Cutters 0.641
51-3022 Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers 0.638
51-3023 Slaughterers and Meat Packers 0.604
51-3091 Food and Tobacco Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and 0.648
51-3092 Food Batchmakers 0.652
51-3093 Food Cooking Machine Operators and Tenders 0.667
51-4011 Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and Plastic 0.652
51-4012 Numerical Tool and Process Control Programmers 0.675
51-4021 Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and 0.634
51-4022 Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 0.650
51-4023 Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 0.639
51-4031 Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal 0.641
and Plastic
51-4032 Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and 0.647
51-4033 Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, 0.648
and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
51-4034 Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and 0.640
51-4035 Milling and Planing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and 0.642
51-4041 Machinists 0.652
51-4051 Metal-Refining Furnace Operators and Tenders 0.637
51-4052 Pourers and Casters, Metal 0.641
51-4061 Model Makers, Metal and Plastic 0.650
51-4062 Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic 0.654
51-4071 Foundry Mold and Coremakers 0.610
51-4072 Molding, Coremaking, and Casting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, 0.630
Metal and Plastic
51-4081 Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 0.646
51-4111 Tool and Die Makers 0.648
51-4121 Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers 0.645
51-4122 Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.643
51-4191 Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 0.641
51-4192 Lay-Out Workers, Metal and Plastic 0.656
51-4193 Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and 0.633
51-4194 Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners 0.656
51-5011 Bindery Workers 0.631
51-5012 Bookbinders 0.645
51-5021 Job Printers 0.649
51-5022 Prepress Technicians and Workers 0.698
51-5023 Printing Machine Operators 0.647
51-6011 Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers 0.639
51-6021 Pressers, Textile, Garment, and Related Materials 0.607
51-6031 Sewing Machine Operators 0.654
51-6041 Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers 0.641
51-6042 Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders 0.639
51-6051 Sewers, Hand 0.667
51-6052 Tailors, Dressmakers, and Custom Sewers 0.665
51-6061 Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Machine Operators and Tenders 0.645
51-6062 Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.637
51-6063 Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.628
51-6064 Textile Winding, Twisting, and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators, and 0.630
51-6091 Extruding and Forming Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Synthetic 0.638
and Glass Fibers
51-6092 Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers 0.680
51-6093 Upholsterers 0.630
51-7011 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters 0.627
51-7021 Furniture Finishers 0.632
51-7031 Model Makers, Wood 0.650
51-7032 Patternmakers, Wood 0.642
51-7041 Sawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Wood 0.641
51-7042 Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing 0.645
51-8011 Nuclear Power Reactor Operators 0.708
51-8012 Power Distributors and Dispatchers 0.712
51-8013 Power Plant Operators 0.662
51-8021 Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators 0.656
51-8031 Water and Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and System Operators 0.652
51-8091 Chemical Plant and System Operators 0.665
51-8092 Gas Plant Operators 0.669
51-8093 Petroleum Pump System Operators, Refinery Operators, and Gaugers 0.667
51-9011 Chemical Equipment Operators and Tenders 0.664
51-9012 Separating, Filtering, Clarifying, Precipitating, and Still Machine Setters, 0.645
Operators, and Tenders
51-9021 Crushing, Grinding, and Polishing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.640
51-9022 Grinding and Polishing Workers, Hand 0.644
51-9023 Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.647
51-9031 Cutters and Trimmers, Hand 0.645
51-9032 Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.646
51-9041 Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, 0.640
and Tenders
51-9051 Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders 0.637
51-9061 Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers 0.675
51-9071 Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers 0.685
51-9081 Dental Laboratory Technicians 0.690
51-9082 Medical Appliance Technicians 0.662
51-9083 Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians 0.661
51-9111 Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders 0.644
51-9121 Coating, Painting, and Spraying Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.641
51-9122 Painters, Transportation Equipment 0.625
51-9123 Painting, Coating, and Decorating Workers 0.637
51-9131 Photographic Process Workers 0.681
51-9132 Photographic Processing Machine Operators 0.670
51-9141 Semiconductor Processors 0.655
51-9191 Cementing and Gluing Machine Operators and Tenders 0.626
51-9192 Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders 0.622
51-9193 Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders 0.644
51-9194 Etchers and Engravers 0.656
51-9195 Molders, Shapers, and Casters, Except Metal and Plastic 0.635
51-9196 Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 0.649
51-9197 Tire Builders 0.612
51-9198 Helpers--Production Workers 0.626
53-1011 Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors 0.650
53-1021 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Helpers, Laborers, and Material Movers, 0.667
53-1031 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Transportation and Material-Moving 0.682
Machine and Vehicle Operators
53-2011 Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers 0.687
53-2012 Commercial Pilots 0.677
53-2021 Air Traffic Controllers 0.721
53-2022 Airfield Operations Specialists 0.707
53-3011 Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians 0.646
53-3021 Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity 0.662
53-3022 Bus Drivers, School 0.667
53-3031 Driver/Sales Workers 0.654
53-3032 Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer 0.636
53-3033 Truck Drivers, Light or Delivery Services 0.636
53-3041 Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs 0.668
53-4011 Locomotive Engineers 0.668
53-4012 Locomotive Firers 0.656
53-4013 Rail Yard Engineers, Dinkey Operators, and Hostlers 0.650
53-4021 Railroad Brake, Signal, and Switch Operators 0.634
53-4031 Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters 0.652
53-4041 Subway and Streetcar Operators 0.660
53-5011 Sailors and Marine Oilers 0.634
53-5021 Captains, Mates, and Pilots of Water Vessels 0.671
53-5022 Motorboat Operators 0.652
53-5031 Ship Engineers 0.653
53-6011 Bridge and Lock Tenders 0.656
53-6021 Parking Lot Attendants 0.649
53-6031 Service Station Attendants 0.629
53-6041 Traffic Technicians 0.704
53-6051 Transportation Inspectors 0.669
53-7011 Conveyor Operators and Tenders 0.657
53-7021 Crane and Tower Operators 0.648
53-7031 Dredge Operators 0.645
53-7032 Excavating and Loading Machine and Dragline Operators 0.640
53-7033 Loading Machine Operators, Underground Mining 0.634
53-7041 Hoist and Winch Operators 0.643
53-7051 Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 0.631
53-7061 Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment 0.616
53-7062 Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 0.622
53-7063 Machine Feeders and Offbearers 0.634
53-7064 Packers and Packagers, Hand 0.597