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Sinumerik 808d

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Fundamental safety
instructions 1
Explanation of machine data
SINUMERIK and setting data 2

Machine data 3
Parameter Manual NC setting data 4
Detailed descriptions of
List Manual
interface signals 5

PLC user interface 6

SINAMICS parameters 7


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Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in
this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG Copyright © Siemens AG 2017.

Division Digital Factory Ⓟ 01/2017 Subject to change All rights reserved
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Applicable products
This manual is valid for the following control systems:

Control system Software version

SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED T (Turning) V4.7.4: PPU161.3/PPU160.2 with spindle/feed servo system
SINUMERIK 808D (Turning) V4.7.4: PPU141.2 with feed servo system
SINUMERIK 808D (Milling)

Documentation components and target audience

End-user documentation Target audience

Programming and Operating Manual (Turning) Programmers and operators of turning machines
Programming and Operating Manual (Milling) Programmers and operators of milling machines
Programming and Operating Manual (ISO Turning/Milling) Programmers and operators of turning/milling machines
Programming and Operating Manual (Manual Machine Plus Programmers and operators of turning machines
(MM+), Turning)
Diagnostics Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, commissioning engi‐
neers, machine operators, and service and maintenance per‐
Manufacturer/service documentation Target audience
Commissioning Manual Installation personnel, commissioning engineers, and service
and maintenance personnel
Function Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, technical professionals
Parameter Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, technical professionals
Service Manual Mechanical and electrical designers, technical professionals,
commissioning engineers, and service and maintenance per‐
Readme file
Third-party software - Licensing terms and copyright information

My Documentation Manager (MDM)

Under the following link you will find information to individually compile your documentation
based on the Siemens content:

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Standard scope
This manual only describes the functionality of the standard version. Extensions or changes
made by the machine tool manufacturer are documented by the machine tool manufacturer.

Technical support

Country Hotline 1) Further service contact information:

Germany +49 911 895 7222 ● Worldwide Web site:
China +86 400 810 4288 https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/
● Chinese Web site:
You can find more hotline information at the worldwide Web site given above.

EC Declaration of Conformity
The EC Declaration of Conformity for the EMC Directive can be found on the Internet at http://
Here, enter the number "67385845" as the search term or contact your local Siemens office.

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Table of contents

1 Fundamental safety instructions...................................................................................................................9
1.1 General safety instructions.......................................................................................................9
1.2 Industrial security...................................................................................................................10
2 Explanation of machine data and setting data............................................................................................11
2.1 Data in the list........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Overview of the data..............................................................................................................18
3 Machine data..............................................................................................................................................21
3.1 Display machine data.............................................................................................................21
3.2 General machine data............................................................................................................32
3.3 Channel-specific machine data............................................................................................118
3.4 Axis-specific machine data...................................................................................................220
4 NC setting data.........................................................................................................................................321
5 Detailed descriptions of interface signals.................................................................................................375
5.1 General information..............................................................................................................375
5.2 User alarm............................................................................................................................376
5.3 Signals from / to HMI............................................................................................................377
5.3.1 Program control signals from HMI........................................................................................377
5.3.2 Signals from HMI..................................................................................................................380
5.3.3 Signals from PLC.................................................................................................................381
5.3.4 Signals from operator panel.................................................................................................381
5.3.5 General selection / status signals from HMI.........................................................................382
5.3.6 General selection / status signals to HMI.............................................................................384
5.4 Auxiliary function transfer from NC channel.........................................................................385
5.5 NCK signals.........................................................................................................................388
5.5.1 General signals to NCK........................................................................................................388
5.5.2 General signals from NCK...................................................................................................389
5.6 Mode signals........................................................................................................................391
5.7 Channel-specific signals......................................................................................................396
5.7.1 Signals to channel................................................................................................................396
5.7.2 Signals from NC channel.....................................................................................................412
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals...............................................................................................424
5.8.1 Transferred axis-specific M, S functions..............................................................................424
5.8.2 Signals to axis / spindle........................................................................................................425
5.8.3 Signals from axis / spindle...................................................................................................447

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Table of contents

6 PLC user interface....................................................................................................................................471

6.1 Addressing ranges...............................................................................................................471
6.2 Signals from/to the MCP......................................................................................................473
6.3 Reading/Writing NC data ....................................................................................................475
6.3.1 Reading/writing NC data: Job..............................................................................................475
6.3.2 Reading/writing NC data: Result..........................................................................................476
6.4 PI Service.............................................................................................................................476
6.4.1 PI service: Job......................................................................................................................476
6.4.2 PI service: Result.................................................................................................................477
6.5 Retentive data area..............................................................................................................477
6.6 User Alarms.........................................................................................................................478
6.6.1 User alarms: Activating........................................................................................................478
6.6.2 Variables for user alarms.....................................................................................................478
6.6.3 Active alarm response..........................................................................................................479
6.6.4 Alarm acknowledgement......................................................................................................479
6.7 Signals from/to HMI..............................................................................................................479
6.7.1 Program control signals from the HMI (retentive area)........................................................479
6.7.2 Program selection from PLC (retentive area).......................................................................480
6.7.3 Checkback signal: Program selection from HMI (retentive area).........................................480
6.7.4 Signals from HMI..................................................................................................................480
6.7.5 Signals from PLC.................................................................................................................481
6.7.6 Signals to maintenance planners.........................................................................................481
6.7.7 Signals from maintenance planners.....................................................................................482
6.7.8 Signals from operator panel (retentive area)........................................................................482
6.7.9 General selection/status signals from HMI (retentive area).................................................483
6.7.10 General selection/status signals to HMI (retentive area).....................................................483
6.8 Auxiliary functions transfer from NC channel.......................................................................484
6.8.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................484
6.8.2 Decoded M signals (M0 to M99)..........................................................................................485
6.8.3 Transferred T functions........................................................................................................485
6.8.4 Transferred M functions.......................................................................................................486
6.8.5 Transferred S functions........................................................................................................486
6.8.6 Transferred D functions........................................................................................................486
6.8.7 Transferred H functions........................................................................................................487
6.9 NCK signals.........................................................................................................................487
6.9.1 General signals to NCK........................................................................................................487
6.9.2 General signals from NCK...................................................................................................487
6.9.3 Signals at fast inputs and outputs........................................................................................488
6.9.4 Signals from fast inputs and outputs....................................................................................489
6.10 Channel signals....................................................................................................................490
6.10.1 Signals to NC channel..........................................................................................................490
6.10.2 Signals from NC channel.....................................................................................................492
6.11 Axis/spindle signals..............................................................................................................496
6.11.1 Transferred M and S functions, axis specific.......................................................................496
6.11.2 Signals to axis/spindle..........................................................................................................496
6.11.3 Signals from axis/spindle.....................................................................................................499

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Table of contents

6.12 PLC machine data................................................................................................................502

6.12.1 INT values (MD 14510 USER_DATA_INT)..........................................................................502
6.12.2 HEX values (MD 14512 USER_DATA_HEX).......................................................................502
6.12.3 FLOAT values (MD 14514 USER_DATA_FLOAT)..............................................................502
6.12.4 User alarm: Configuring (MD 14516 USER_DATA_PLC_ALARM)......................................503
6.13 Signals, synchronized actions..............................................................................................503
6.13.1 Signals, synchronized actions to channel............................................................................503
6.13.2 Signals, synchronized actions from channel........................................................................504
6.13.3 Reading and writing PLC variables......................................................................................504
6.14 Axis actual values and distance-to-go..................................................................................504
6.15 Maintenance scheduler: User interface................................................................................505
6.15.1 Initial (start) data..................................................................................................................505
6.15.2 Actual data...........................................................................................................................505
6.16 User interface for ctrl energy................................................................................................506
7 SINAMICS parameters.............................................................................................................................509
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters.................................................................................................509
7.1.1 V70 parameters on BOP......................................................................................................510
7.1.2 Drive basic list on HMI.........................................................................................................518
7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters.................................................................................................520

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Table of contents

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Fundamental safety instructions 1
1.1 General safety instructions

Danger to life if the safety instructions and residual risks are not observed
If the safety instructions and residual risks in the associated hardware documentation are not
observed, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur.
● Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation.
● Consider the residual risks for the risk evaluation.

Danger to life or malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed
As a result of incorrect or changed parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn
can lead to injuries or death.
● Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access.
● Respond to possible malfunctions by applying suitable measures (e.g. EMERGENCY

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Fundamental safety instructions
1.2 Industrial security

1.2 Industrial security

Industrial security
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens products and solutions only represent one component of such a
The customer is responsible for preventing unauthorized access to its plants, systems,
machines and networks. Systems, machines and components should only be connected to
the enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate
security measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.
Additionally, Siemens’ guidance on appropriate security measures should be taken into
account. For more information about industrial security, please visit:
Industrial security (http://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity).
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always
use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and
failure to apply latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed at:
Industrial security (http://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity).

Danger to life as a result of unsafe operating states resulting from software manipulation
Software manipulations (e.g. viruses, trojans, malware or worms) can cause unsafe operating
states in your system that may lead to death, serious injury, and property damage.
● Keep the software up to date.
● Incorporate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept for the installation or machine.
● Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept.
● Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by with
suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners.

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Explanation of machine data and setting data 2
2.1 Data in the list
The machine data and the setting data are listed in form of tables shown below:

MD number Identifier Display filter Reference

Units Name Data type Activation
System Dimension Default value Minimum value Maximum value Protection Class

Expanded table
The expanded table includes data from the standard table plus additional rows with system-
specific values.

MD number Identifier Display filter Reference

Units Name Data type Activation
- Dimension Default value Minimum value Maximum value Protection
<System 1> - Default value - - -/-
<System 2> - - - - -1/-

A dash "-" in a field means that the same value as for <System 1> applies for the specified
The entry "-/-" in the "Protection" field means that the machine data is not available for the
specified system.


- ISO_3 Mode: GCodeSystem DWORD Power On
808d-me42 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 1 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 1 0 2 1/1 M

MD number and identifier

MD and SD are addressed via their numbers or their names (identifiers). The number and the
name, as well as the activation type and the unit are displayed on the screen of the control
In the field "identifier", you can see the name of the data.

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list

For a detailed description of the appropriate data, refer to the SINUMERIK 808D/SINUMERIK
808D ADVANCED Function Manual.
Example: "S1" - refer to Chapter "Spindle (S1)" in the Function Manual.

The "Attributes" field contains additional attributes of the data:

Attribute Meaning
NBUP No Back UP: The data is not backed up as part of the data backup.
ODLD Only DownLoaD: The data can only be written to via an INI file, archive, or from the part
NDLD No DownLoaD: The data can only be written to via the HMI user interface.
SFCO SaFety COnfiguration: Component of the "Safety Integrated" function
SCAL SCaling ALarm: Scaling data; when changed, alarm 4070 is displayed
LINK LINK description: The data describes a link cluster, component of the "NCU Link" function
CTEQ ConTainer EQual: The data must be the same for all axes in an axis container, component
of the "Axis container" function
CTDE ConTainer DEscription: The data describes an axis container, component of the "Axis con‐
tainer" function

Unit/unit system
Depending on MD10240 SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC, the physical units of the machine
data (MD) differ as follows:

MD10240 = 1 MD10240 = 0
mm inch
mm/min inch/min
m/s 2
m/s 3
mm/rev. inch/rev.

If there are machine data with no physical unit assigned, a hyphen ("-") can be found in the
relevant field.

The default setting for MD10240 SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_MERIC is "1".

The "Name" field contains the name of the data in plain text.

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list

The "Dimension" field contains the number of elements of a data field.

The control system has defined four activating conditions. Each machine has a corresponding
activating condition:
● PO: Power On (activate by powering on)
● RE: Reset (activate by pressing the following hardkey)

● CF: Config (activate by pressing the following softkey)

● IM: Immediate (activate immediately after your change)

Display filter
The "Display filter" field contains the identifier of the data filter setting that enables the data to
be seen. Using the filter setting, the exact data areas required at a given time can be selected
for display.

ID Data area
EXP Expert mode
General machine data
N01 Configuration/scaling
N02 Memory configuration
N03 PLC machine data
N04 Drive control
N05 Status data/diagnostics
N06 Monitoring/limiting functions
N07 Auxiliary functions
N08 Corrections/compensations
N09 Technological functions
N10 I/O configuration
N11 Standard machine
A12 NC language, ISO dialect
Channel machine data
C01 Configuration
C02 Memory configuration
C03 Initial states
C04 Auxiliary functions
C05 Velocities

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list

ID Data area
C06 Monitoring/limiting functions
C07 Transformations
C08 Corrections/compensations
C09 Technological functions
C10 Standard machine
C11 NC language, ISO dialect
Axis machine data
A01 Configuration (including memory)
A02 Measuring system
A03 Machine geometry
A04 Velocities / accelerations
A05 Monitoring/limiting functions
A06 Spindle
A07 Controller data
A08 Status data
A09 Corrections/compensations
A10 Technological functions
A11 Standard machine
A12 NC language, ISO dialect

Data type
In the "Data type" field, the short designators indicate the data types. They have the following

Designator Meaning
BOOLEAN Boolean value
● 1: TURE
● 0: FALSE
BYTE I8-bit value
● As an INTEGER value: -128 to 127
● As a hexadecimal value: 00 to FF
● As a character as per ASCII character set, e.g. "a"
STRING Sequence of characters (max. 16)
WORD 16-bit value
● As an INTEGER value: 0 to 65535
● As a hexadecimal value: 0000 to FFFF
UNSIGNED WORD I16-bit value
● As an INTEGRER value: 0 to 65535
● As a hexadecimal value: 0000 to FFFF
INTEGER I16-bit value (here defined locally)
● INTEGER value: -32768 to 32767

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list

Designator Meaning
DWORD 32-bit value
● As an INTEGER value: -2147483648 to 2147483647
● As a hexadecimal value: 0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF
UNSIGNED DWORD I32-bit value
● As an INTEGER value: 0 to 4294967295
● As a hexadecimal value: 0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF
DOUBLE 64-bit value
● Floating point value: ±4.19 × 10-307 to ±1.57 × 10308
FLOAT DWORD Real value: ±7.43 × 10-37 to 3.37 × 1038
UBYTE Integer value: 0 to 255
LONG Integer value: 4294967296 to 4294967295

Specifies the control system for which the data with the entered values applies.
By default, the entered values apply for both SINUMERIK 808D/SINUMERIK 808D
If no "default" entry exists, the data only applies for the control variants specified:

808d-te62 SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED T (Turning)

808d-me62 SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED M (Milling)
808d-te42 SINUMERIK 808D (Turning)
808d-me42 SINUMERIK 808D (Milling)

Default values
Specifies a default value fort he machine data. If the default values for the channels are
different, they are separated with a comma ",".

Range of values (minimum/maximum value)

Specifies the limits for the entered values. If no range of value is specified, the data type
determines the input limits, and the field is marked with a dash "-".

The control system provides a concept of access levels for enabling data areas. The access
levels correspond with protection levels 0 to 7 (0: the highest level; 7: the lowest level). You
can view such information from the table shown as below:

Protection level Access level Default password Target group

0 Siemens - Reserved for Siemens
1 Manufacturer SUNRISE Machine manufacturers
2 Reserved

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list

Protection level Access level Default password Target group

3 Customer CUSTOMER End users
4 - Key-operated switch setting 3 End users
5 - Key-operated switch setting 2 End users
6 - Key-operated switch setting 1 End users
7 No password - -

For the function areas listed below, the input and modification of data depends on the protection
level you have set:
● Tool offsets
● Work offsets
● Setting data
● Program creation / program correction
You can set the protection levels for these function areas through the following key operations

+ → → → →
Protection levels: 1, 3
Both of the two access levels require a password.
You can change the password only after an activation with the protection level 1.
If you forget your password, you can carry out a start-up through the following operations (with
the manufacturer password):

1. Select the desired operating area.

2. Press this softkey to enter the main screen of start-up.

3. Press this softkey to enter the main screen of NC start-up.

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.1 Data in the list

4. Use the cursor keys to select the second start-up mode.

5. Press this softkey to confirm your selection.

This will reset all passwords to their defaults according to the software release you have

Before performing a start-up with default data, you must backup your data; otherwise, you will
have your data lost.

Protection level: 7
If you have deleted your password or do not set a password, you only have the access right
of viewing above-mentioned function areas.

The system by default has no password.

The "Class" field contains the data class to which the control-relevant data is assigned.
The data are divided into the following four data classes:

Data class Write rights Access right

S (System) System Access level 0
M (Manufacturer) Manufacturer Access levels 1 (password: SUNRISE)

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.2 Overview of the data

Data class Write rights Access right

I (Individual) Manufacturer Access levels 1 (password: SUNRISE)
Note: or or
Individual machine data are grouped in this data class, Customer Access level 3 (password: CUSTOMER)
e.g. the leadscrew error compensation values.
Depending on the contents, these are accessible via dif‐
ferent access levels.
U (User) Customer Access level 3 (password: CUSTOMER)
Access levels 4 to 6 (key-operated switch)

Access rights for protection levels 4 to 6 are only suggestions and can be altered by the machine tool manufacturer or end

2.2 Overview of the data

Machine and setting data (SINUMERIK)

The machine and setting data are divided into the following areas:

Range Designation
from 200 to 9999 Display machine data
from 10000 to 18999 General NC machine data
from 19000 to 19999 Reserved
from 20000 to 28999 Channel-specific machine data
from 29000 to 29999 Reserved
from 30000 to 38999 Axis-specific machine data
from 39000 to 39999 Reserved
from 41000 to 41999 General setting data
from 42000 to 42999 Channel-specific setting data
from 43000 to 43999 Axis-specific setting data

Data identifiers
The identifier specified in the data description is displayed on the HMI user interface; however,
if the data is addressed in the parts program, for example, the identifier of the relevant data
area must precede the data identifier (designator).

Identifier Data area

$MM_ Display machine data
$MN_/ $SN_ General machine/setting data
$MNS_/ $SNS_

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.2 Overview of the data

Identifier Data area

$MC_/ $SC_ Channel-specific machine/setting data
$MCS_/ $SCS_
$MA_/ $SA_ Axis-specific machine/setting data
$MAS_/ $SAS_

Characters Meanings
$ System variables
M Machine data (first letter)
S Setting data (first letter)
M, N, C, A, D Subarea (second letter)
S Siemens data (third letter)

Axis-specific data can also be addressed with the axis name as an index. The internal axis
identifier (AX1, AX2, AX3, etc.) or the identifier specified in MD10000
$MA_AX_CONF_NAME_TAB can be used as the axis name.

Example: $MA_JOG_VELO[Y1]=2000
The JOG velocity of axis Y1 is 2000 mm/min.
If the content of a machine data is a STRING (e.g., X1) or a hexadecimal value (e.g., H41),
the content must be enclosed in single quotation marks (e.g., 'X1' or 'H41').

Example: $MA_FIX_POINT_POS[0,X1]=500.000
The value 500 is assigned to the first fixed point position on axis 1.

Output instant in time of the auxiliary functions of the 3rd auxiliary function group.
String "X1" is assigned as name for the first machine axis.
A value of 100 mm is assigned to the first reference point of axis X1.

Assignment to channel-specific machine data:

CHANDATA(1) ; Selection of the first channel

$MC_CHAN_NAME='CHAN1' ; Name of the first channel
$MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB[1]='Y' ; Name of the 2nd geometry axis
; of the first channel 'Y'
R10=33.75 ; R10 of the first channel

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Explanation of machine data and setting data
2.2 Overview of the data

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Machine data 3
You can call the help information for the machine data on the PPU by proceeding through the
following steps:

+ 1. Select the system data operating area.

2. Press this softkey to open the machine data window.

3. Open the target data list and select the desired data using the cursor

4. Press this key to call the help information for the selected data.

Note: You can further press this softkey in the current help screen to
show a complete list of all SINUMERIK 808D/SINUMERIK 808D AD‐
VANCED machine data. In addition, you can also use the following
softkey to search for a specific MD by number in this list:

5. Pressing this softkey exits the help system.

3.1 Display machine data

- Wait time when reading in parameters for Sinamics commissioning DWORD Immediately
- - 230 0 1000 3/3 U
Description: Defines the wait time on read-in of the parameters for all SINAMICS devices during

- Input limit spindle speed MM+ DOUBLE Immediately
- - 99999.00000 0 99999.00000 2/2 M
Description: Input limit spindle speed MM+

- Input limit cutting meter MM+ DOUBLE Immediately
- - 99999.00000 0 99999.00000 2/2 M

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Machine data
3.1 Display machine data

Description: Input limit cutting meter MM+

- Input limit time feed MM+ DOUBLE Immediately
- - 99999.00000 0 99999.00000 2/2 M
Description: Input limit time feed MM+

- Input limit rotation feed MM+ DOUBLE Immediately
- - 99999.00000 0 99999.00000 2/2 M
Description: Input limit rotation feed MM+

- Number of managed masks per cycle in manual mode of MM+ DWORD Immediately
- - 9 1 9 3/3 U
Description: Number of managed masks per cycle in manual mode of MM+

- Number of managed cutting edges in MM+ DWORD Immediately
- - 9 1 9 3/3 U
Description: Number of managed cutting edges in MM+

- The direction of spindle rotation is displayed inverted. BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/2 M
Description: The direction of spindle rotation is displayed inverted.

- Tool change step MM+ BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Tool change increment MM+:
The selection field for fixed-point approach is selected or deselected by default

- Measuring the tool offset data in the X direction with the spindle BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/2 M
Description: If the value is 1, the tool offset data can be measured in the X direction with
rotating spindle.

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Machine data
3.1 Display machine data

- Tool change step MM+ BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Tool change increment MM+:
If the value is 1, input of a tool or cutting edge number is permissible.

- Input mode T no. in the cycle screen forms MM+ BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Input mode T no. in the cycle masks MM+:
0: No T no. input by the operator. T no. is automatically created from SGUD.
>=1: T no. input by the operator

- Preselection cycle type for thread tapping MM+ BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Preselection of cycle type on tapping MM+:
With compensating chuck without compensating chuck
>=2 CYCLE840 not possible

- Enable tool change in the jog function of the MM+ BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Tool change enable in the JOG function of the MM+

- Automatic start of the MM+ after power on BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Automatic start of MM+ after power ON

- Softkey text is adjusted BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Text on the softkeys is justified

1107 AX_LOAD_DISPL - -
- Activate axis utilization display BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Activate axis utilization display

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3.1 Display machine data

- DB representation in the PLC ladder viewer BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 7/2 M
Description: DB representation in the PLC ladder viewer
0 - VB representation of the PLC signals
1 - DB representation of the PLC signals

- Activate/deactivate PLC ladder editor BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 7/2 M
Description: Activate/deactivate PLC ladder editor
0 - No editing functionality for PLC programs
1 - Activate edit functionality for PLC programs

- EasyXML function mask DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0xFFFF 1/1 M
Description: Bit 0: The TrueType fonts are set for displaying texts.
- 1: set the TrueType fonts explicitly for displaying texts for compatibility
- 0: Bitmap fonts or overwritten with TRUETYPEFONT tag

Bit 1: no autozoom for displays

- 1: no autozoom for the displays used in the script for compatibility
- 0: autozoom

Bit 2 - 15: reserved

- Display resolution for mm dimension system BYTE Immediately
- 0 3 0 5 3/2 M
Description: This MD is used to define the number of decimal places of the position display, for
linear axes in metric systems, in general for rotary axes.
Spindle positions are treated like rotary axis positions.
The position display is displayed with a max. of 10 characters including signs and
decimal places. A positive sign is not displayed.
By default 3 digits are displayed after the decimal point.
MD value=3: display resolution = 10-3 [mm] or [degree],
Related to:

- Display resolution for inch system of measurement BYTE Immediately
- 0 4 0 5 3/2 M

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3.1 Display machine data

Description: This MD is used to define the number of decimal places of the position display for
linear axes in the inch system of measurement.
The position display is displayed with a max. of 10 characters including signs and
decimal places. A positive sign is not displayed.
By default 4 digits are displayed after the decimal point.
MD value=4: display resolution = 10-4 [inch]
For rotary axes and spindle positions the display is maintained as in MD 203.
Related to:

- Display resolution for spindle values BYTE Immediately
- 0 1 0 5 3/2 M
Description: This MD is used to define the number of decimal places for spindle speed display.
The values are displayed with a max. of 10 characters including sign and decimal point.
A positive sign is not displayed.
By default 1 digit is displayed after the decimal point.
MD value=1: display resolution = 10-1

- Read tool offsets protection level, general BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level of the tool offsets, general

- Write tool geometry protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level for tool offsets (geometry) for writing

- Write tool wear data protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level of tool offsets (wear) for writing

- Write settable work offset protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level Settable work offset for writing

- Protection level write setting data BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level Setting data for writing

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3.1 Display machine data

- Read protection level of part program BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Read protection level of part program

- Enter part program protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Enter part program protection level

- Program selection protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level program selection

- Protection level write R variables BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level write R variables

219 USER_CLASS_SET_V24 - -
- Set RS-232 protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level Change parameters for RS-232 interface

- Directory access protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Directory access protection level

- PLC project protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 2/2 M
Description: PLC project protection level

- Protected work area protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/2 M
Description: Protected work area protection level

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Machine data
3.1 Display machine data

247 V24_PG_PC_BAUD - -
- PG: baud rate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400) BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 5 9 3/3 U
Description: PG: baud rate (300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400)

280 V24_PPI_ADDR_PLC - -
- PLC station address BYTE PowerOn
- - 2 0 126 3/3 U
Description: PLC station address

281 V24_PPI_ADDR_NCK - -
- NCK station address BYTE PowerOn
- - 3 0 126 3/3 U
Description: NCK station address

- Simulation of actual value update rate BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 100 0 4000 4/3 U
Description: Use this MD to define the time intervals in which the simulation graphic is updated on
the current machine tool machining.
Value = 0 means no update

- Coordinate system position BYTE Immediately
- 0 2 0 7 4/3 U
Description: The position of the coordinate system can be changed as follows:

- Diameter display active for transv. axes BYTE Immediately
- 0 1 0 1 4/3 U
Description: 0: Input of absolute values as radius value
Work offsets always in radius
Tool lengths always in radius
Tool wear always in radius
1: Position display in diameter
Distance to go in diameter
Absolute paths in diameter

- Incremental infeed BYTE Immediately
- 0 1 0 1 7/3 U

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3.1 Display machine data

Description: 0: Input in radius

1: Input in diameter

305 G_GROUP1 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 1 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display

306 G_GROUP2 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 2 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display

307 G_GROUP3 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 8 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display

308 G_GROUP4 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 9 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display

309 G_GROUP5 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 10 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display

310 FG_GROUP1 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display (external language) BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 1 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display (ext. language)

311 FG_GROUP2 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display (external language) BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 2 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display (ext. language)

312 FG_GROUP3 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display (external language) BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 8 1 1000 7/3 U

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Machine data
3.1 Display machine data

Description: User-oriented G group for position display (ext. language)

313 FG_GROUP4 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display (external language) BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 9 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display (ext. language)

314 FG_GROUP5 - -
- User-oriented G group for position display (external language) BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 19 1 1000 7/3 U
Description: User-oriented G group for position display (ext. language)

- Coordinate position of the machine axis BYTE Immediately
- 0 0 0 7 7/3 U
Description: Coordinate position of the machine

- Enable 802 contour definition programming BYTE Immediately
- 0 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Enable 802 contour definition programming

- Enable the location number in the tool list BOOLEAN Immediately
- 0 0 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Enable the location number in the tool list

- Switch on spindle 1 utilization display BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 0 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Switch on spindle 1 utilization display

- Input enable for T/D no. in tool measuring window BYTE Immediately
- - 0 0 1 3/3 U
Description: 0: Input of T/D no. disabled
1: Input of T/D no. enabled

- Switch on spindle 2 utilization display BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U

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3.1 Display machine data

Description: Switch on spindle 2 utilization display

- Utilization display spindle limit value 2 BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 100 0 9999999 3/3 U
Description: Utilization display spindle limit value 2

- Utilization display spindle limit value 3 BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 100 0 9999999 3/3 U
Description: Utilization display spindle limit value 3

- Utilization display spindle maximum BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 120 0 120 3/3 U
Description: Utilization display spindle maximum

- Color utilization display spindle area 1 BYTE Immediately
- - 10 0 15 3/3 U
Description: Color utilization display spindle area 1

- Color utilization display spindle area 2 BYTE Immediately
- - 9 0 15 3/3 U
Description: Color utilization display spindle area 2

- Color utilization display spindle area 3 BYTE Immediately
- - 9 0 15 3/3 U
Description: Color utilization display spindle area 3

369 PROBE_MODE - -
- Type of measuring system: 1: probe, 2: opt. measuring procedure BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 2 3/3 U
Description: Type of measuring system: 1: probe, 2: opt. measuring procedure

- Absolute position probe X DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0 -999999.999 999999.999 2/2 M
Description: Absolute position probe X

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3.1 Display machine data

- Absolute position probe Y DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0 -999999.999 999999.999 2/2 M
Description: Absolute position probe Y

- Absolute position probe Z DOUBLE Immediately
- - 9 -999999.999 999999.999 2/2 M
Description: Absolute position probe Z

- Limit value wear control on input DOUBLE Immediately
- - 9.999 0 9.999 2/2 M
Description: Limit value wear control on input

- Write user cycles protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Protection level User cycles for writing

- Tool monitoring protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 7 0 7 3/2 M
Description: Tool monitoring protection level

- Select User Ladder View protection level BYTE Immediately
- 0 2 0 7 2/2 M
Description: Select User Ladder View protection level

- Spindle display mode BYTE Immediately
- 0 0 0 2 3/3 U
Description: 0: Standard Mode; spindle speed display
1: Constant cutting speed display when G96 is set
2: Mixed display

383 V24_PPI_ADDR_DRV1 - -
- Station address Drives BYTE PowerOn
- 0 5 0 126 3/3 U

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Description: Station address Drives

- Defines the access level for the CMA directory in the NCK BYTE Immediately
- - 7 1 7 2/2 M
Description: Defines the access level for the CMA directory in the NCK

- Defines the display format of an indexing axis. DWORD Immediately
- - 0 0 1 7/2 M
Description: Defines the display format of an indexing axis.
0 = indexing position
1 = type-spec. actual value

- Access authorization for writing the location number into the tool BYTE Immediately
- - 7 0 7 3/2 M
Description: Defines the access authorization for writing the location number in the tool list

- Check box in tool list BOOLEAN Immediately
- - 1 0 1 3/3 U
Description: Check box in tool list

s Screen saver timeout. DWORD PowerOn
- - 3600 0 36000 1/1 M
Description: Screen saver timeout.

s Interval between pictures DWORD Immediately
- - 10 1 60 1/1 M
Description: Interval between pictures

3.2 General machine data

10000 AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB N01, N11 K2, F1, G2, F2, K5, M1

- Machine axis name STRING PowerOn
808d-me42 4 MX1, MY1, MZ1, MSP1 - - 2/2 M

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

808d-me62 5 MX1, MY1, MZ1, - - 2/2 M

808d-te42 4 MX1, MZ1, MSP1, MC1 - - 2/2 M
808d-te62 5 MX1, MZ1, MSP1, MC1 - - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 4 X1, Y1, Z1, A1 - - 2/2 M
808d-mte60 5 X1, Y1, Z1, A1, B1 - - 2/2 M
Description: List of the machine axis identifiers
The name of the machine axis is entered in this MD.
In addition to the fixed, defined machine axis identifiers "AX1", "AX2" ..., user-
defined identifiers for the machine axes can also be assigned in this data.
The identifiers defined here can be used parallel to the fixed, defined identifiers
for addressing axial data (e.g. MD) and machine axis-related NC functions (reference
point approach, axial measurement, travel to fixed stop).
Special cases:
● The input machine axis name must not conflict with the names and assignments of the
geometry axes (MD20060 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB, MD20050
The input machine axis name must not conflict with

● The input machine axis name must not include any of the following reserved address
D Tool offset (D function) E Reserved
F V Feedrate (F function) G Path condition
H Auxiliary function (H function) L Subroutine call
M Miscellaneous function (M function) N Subblock
P Subroutine number of passes R Arithmetic parameters
S Spindle speed (S function) T Tool (T function)
The name must not include any keywords (e.g. DEF, SPOS etc.) or pre-defined
identifiers (e.g. ASPLINE, SOFT).
The use of an axis identifier consisting of a valid address letter (A, B, C, I, J, K,
Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z), followed by an optional numerical extension (1-99) gives slightly
better block change times than a general identifier.
If no identifier is assigned to a machine axis, the predefined name ("AXn") applies to
the nth machine axis).
Related to....
MD20060 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB (geometry axis name in the channel [GEOAxisno.]
MD20080 $MC_AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB (channel axis name in the channel [Channelaxisno.]

10050 SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME N01, N05, N11 G3, G2, R1

s System clock cycle DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0.002 0.001 0.008 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0.004 0.001 0.008 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0.002 0.001 0.008 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.004 0.001 0.008 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.002 0.001 0.008 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.004 0.001 0.008 7/2 M
Description: Basic cycle time of the system software
The cycle time settings of cyclical tasks (position controller/IPO) are multiples of
this basic cycle.

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3.2 General machine data

In the case of systems with a PROFIBUS DP connection, this MD corresponds to the
PROFIBUS DP cycle time. This time is read from the configuration file (SDB-Type-2000)
during startup and written to the MD.
This MD can only be changed via the configuration file.
Reducing this MD can result in an automatic correction of
that cannot be undone by a subsequent increase!
The basic cycle is incremented in multiples of units of the measured value sampling
cycle. When the system powers up, the entered value is automatically rounded to a
multiple of this incrementation.
Discrete timer division ratios can give rise to the entered value producing a value
that is not an integer after a Power OFF/ON.
For example:
Input =0.005s
after power OFF/ON =0.00499840
Input =0.006s
after power OFF/ON =0.0060032


s Clock skew of the DMA for the setpoints DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0.0 0.000 0.008 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 0.000 0.008 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0.0 0.000 0.008 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 0.000 0.008 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 0.000 0.008 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 0.000 0.008 7/2 M
Description: For SINAMICS-Integrated only:
Only relevant to operation with SINAMICS-Integrated drives on SOC modules.
Offset of the output of the setpoints via DMA in relation to the PROFIBUS DP cycle.
Modification of MD10064 POSCTRL_CYCLE_DESVAL_DELAY requires a warm restart of the NCK
and drive.
Offsets that exceed the set DP cycle are automatically corrected to a substitute value.
MD10062 $MN_POSCTRL_CYCLE_DESVAL_DELAY > 0: Default setpoint offset
MD10062 $MN_POSCTRL_CYCLE_DESVAL_DELAY = 0: Automatic determination of the setpoint
offset on the basis of the hardware transfer rates
The actually active offset value is displayed in MD10063
to the automatic correction of this MD, which cannot be undone by a subsequent
In this case, set the original value or default value again.

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

10074 PLC_IPO_TIME_RATIO N01, N05 -

- Factor of PLC task for the main run. DWORD PowerOn
- - 1 1 50 2/2 M
Description: Division ratio between IPO and PLC tasks.
A value of 2 means, e. g. that the PLC task is only processed in every second IPO
cycle. The PLC cycle time is then 2 IPO cycle times. This makes more runtime available
for the other tasks.
The PLC run time must not exceed this PLC cycle time, otherwise an alarm with PLC STOP
is triggered.

10075 PLC_CYCLE_TIME N01, N05 -

- PLC cycle time DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
Description: Display of the PLC cycle time (not modifiable, is internally generated)


- Screen refresh response under overload BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 2 0 2 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 2 0 2 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 2 0 2 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 2 0 2 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 2 0 2 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 2 0 2 7/2 M
Description: There are part programs in which the main run (HL) has to wait until the pre-processing
(VL) makes new blocks available.
The pre-processing and display update compete for NC computing time. The MD defines
how the NC is to respond when the pre-processing is too slow.
0: When the VL of a channel is too slow, the updating of the display is suppressed
in all channels.
1: When the VL of a channel is too slow, the updating of the display is suppressed
only in the time-critical channels in order to gain time for the pre-processing.
2: The updating of the display is never suppressed.


- Display mode for actual position in the work DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 1 0 1 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 1 0 1 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 1 0 1 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 1 0 1 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 1 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 1 1/1 M
Description: Defines how the position and the distance to go are displayed in the Work.
0: Display as in software version 5 and earlier

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3.2 General machine data

1: At end of block, the actual value display is in principle the same as the
programmed end point, irrespective of where the machine actually is (e.g. as a result
of the tool radius compensation). The distance to go is the same as the actual distance
to be traversed. This means that the displayed actual postion has to be the same as
the displayed end position minus the distance to go, irrespective of the actual
machine position. If the block end points are changed by chamfers, radii, contour
definitions, splines or SAR in comparison to the NC programm, then these changes are
reflected in the display as if thay had been programmed. This does not apply to changes
resulting from tool radius compensation or smoothing.


- Factor for communication with HMI DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 3 1 50 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 3 1 50 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 3 1 50 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 3 1 50 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 3 1 50 7/1 M
808d-mte60 - 3 1 50 7/1 M
Description: This machine data specifies the division ratio used for activating the communication
task in the non-cyclic time level. This allows the time share of preparation in the
non-cyclic time level to be increased, which reduces block change times. This slows
down external communication (file transfer), especially during program execution
(group-by-group reload).


s Prewarning limit for computation time exceeded SW-PLC2xx DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.000393 0.0 0.000436 1/1 M
Description: The machine data defines the duration for the prewarning of the computation time
exceeded for SW-PLC2xx in seconds. After this time has expired, SW-PLC2xx generates
display alarm 400026 "PLC cycle time has exceeded the alarm threshold".


s Gear stage change waiting time DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 10.0 0.0 1.0e5 1/1 M
Description: External events which trigger reorganization, wait for the end of a gear stage change.
GEAR_CHANGE_WAIT_TIME now determines the waiting time for the gear stage change. Time
unit in seconds.
When this time expires without the gear stage change having been terminated, the NCK
reacts with an alarm.
Among others, the following events will cause reorganization:
Mode change
Delete distance-to-go
Axis replacement
Activate user data

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

10200 INT_INCR_PER_MM N01 G2, K3

- Calculation resolution for linear positions DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 10000. 1.0 1.0e9 2/2 M
Description: This MD defines the number of internal increments per millimeter.
The accuracy of the input of linear positions is limited to the calculation accuracy
by rounding the product of the programmed value and the calculation accuracy to an
In order to keep the executed rounding easily understandable it is useful to use powers
of 10 for the calculation accuracy.

10210 INT_INCR_PER_DEG N01 G2, K3, R2

- Calculation resolution for angular positions DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 10000. 1.0 1.0e9 2/2 M
Description: This MD defines the number of internal increments per degree.
The accuracy of the input of angular positions is limited to the calculation accuracy
by rounding the product of the programmed value and the calculation accuracy to an
In order to keep the executed rounding easily understandable it is useful to use powers
of 10 for the calculation accuracy.


- Basic system metric BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: The MD defines the basic system used by the control for scaling length-dependent
physical variables for data input/output.
All corresponding data are stored internally in the basic units of 1 mm, 1 degree and
1 sec.
In the case of access from the interpreter ( part program and download ), from the
operator panel ( variable service ) or through external communication, scaling takes
place in the following units:
MD10240 $MN_SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC = 1: scaled in:
mm, mm/min, m/s2 , m/s3, mm/rev.
MD10240 $MN_SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC = 0: scaled in:
inch, inch/min, inch/s2, inch/s3, inch/rev.
The selection of the basic system also defines the interpretation of the programmed F
value for linear axes:
metric inch
G94 mm/min inch/min
G95 mm/rev. inch/rev.
If this machine data is changed, a startup is required because otherwise the
associated machine data that have physical units would be incorrectly scaled.
Proceed as follows:
● MD changed manually
First start up and then enter the associated machine data with physical units.
● MD changed via machine data file
First start up and then reload the machine data file so that the new physical units
are taken into account.
If the machine data are altered, alarm 4070 "Scaling machine data altered" is output.

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3.2 General machine data

Application example(s):
Setup is in the metric system and then changed over to the inch system.
Special cases:


- Enable basic system conversion BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - TRUE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - TRUE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - TRUE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - TRUE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: Determines the handling of MD10240 $MN_SCALING_SYSTEM_IS_METRIC.
0: Inch/metric behavior conforms to SW1-SW4
1: Inch/metric behavior from SW5
Inch/metric functionality of SW5:
1. Switch over the systems of units with HMI softkey
2. New G codes G700/G710
3. Data backup with system of unit recognition INCH/METRIC
4. Automatic data conversion on change of system of units
● All zero point offsets
● Compensation data (EEC, QEC)
● Tool offsets
● etc.
The change from MD10260 $MN_CONVERT_SCALING_SYSTEM leads to alarm 4070!
This alarm is designed to indicate that data which remain active after a POWERON are
not subjected to automatic conversion from SW1-SW4 and SW5 formats.


- Bit screen form to parameterize various part program commands DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x10 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0x10 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0x10 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0x10 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0x0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
Description: Bit screen form for parameterizing various part program commands
Bit Hexadec. Meaning with bit set
0: 0x1 Comparison commands ">" and "<" are processed as with SINUMERIK 840D:
Part program data of the type REAL are mapped internally in the IEEE 64 bit
format. This mode maps decimal numbers inaccurately if this format's 52-bit wide
mantissa is inadequate to map the number in binary notation. To solve this problem,
all comparison commands ( ==, <>, >=, <=, > and < ) are checked for relative equality
of 1E-12.
This procedure is deactivated for greater than (>) and less than ( < )
comparisons by setting bit 0. (Compatibility setting for SINUMERIK 840D)
1: 0x2 Programming the channel names from machine data MD20000 $MC_CHAN_NAME

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3.2 General machine data

By setting bit 1, the channel name stored in machine data MD20000 $MC_CHAN_NAME
can be programmed in the part program. The channel name can thus also be programmed
instead of a numerical value for the channel number in programming coordination
commands such as (START(), INIT(), WAIT() etc.)
2: 0x4 Reserved
3: 0x8 Convert illegal ASCII characters into blanks
By setting bit3, the previous behavior is activated when interpreting a part
program block. This means that all invalid ASCII characters in a part program block
are handled internally as blank.
4: 0x10 The wait time G4 F<wait time> is rounded off as a multiple integer
of an IPO cycle.
This means that a G4 F0.001 only takes one cycle, for an IPO cycle of 1 msec.


- Behavior of various display variables DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
Description: Bit mask for parameterizing various display variables:
BitNo. Hexadec. Meaning with bit set
Bit0: 0x1
Parameters are assigned to the OPI variable lastBlockNoStr in the SPARP and SPARPP
Bit1: 0x2
Concerns the OPI variable cmdSpeed in the SPARPP block. If the bit is set, the variable
returns the programmed speed even if the spindle is at a standstill or in another mode
(positioning mode, axis mode).
Bit2 0x4
Concerns the OPI variable cmdSpeed in the SPARPP block. (reserved for constant cutting
Bit8: 0x100
Servotrace manages larger numerical values internally. Overruns in data format are
avoided. The accuracy may be reduced with large numerical values.


- Hardware assignment of external digital NCK outputs DWORD PowerOn
- 4 0x01000000, 0x01000000 0x060003FF 2/2 M
0x01000000, 0x01...
1st + 2nd byte indicate the logical start address of the I/O slot on the PROFIBUS/
Value 0000 means NO active slot
Values 0001..0100 are reserved for the PLC process image (the value of input slots can
be read by the NCK without errors; however, output slots are forbidden in this range,
and cause an alarm on power up)
1st byte = LowByte of the logical start address
2nd byte = HighByte of the logical start address
3rd byte = 0 = without meaning
4th byte = 5 = segment no. for PROFIBUS/PROFINET

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3.2 General machine data

The individual bytes are explained under MD10366 $MN_HW_ASSIGN_DIG_FASTIN.

[hw] = Index (0 to 3) for addressing the external digital output bytes
Related to:


- Program preprocessing level BYTE PowerOn
- - 0x01 0 0x7F 1/1 M
Description: Bit 0= 0:
No preprocessing
Bit 0= 1:
The call description of the cycles is formed during control power on. All the programs
in the directories _N_CUS_DIR, _N_CMA_DIR and _N_CST_DIR can be called in the part
program without EXTERNAL declaration. If the parameter interface of a cycle is changed
in the control, then this change does not become active until after Power On.
Bit 1=1:
During control power on, all cycles in the directories _N_CUS_DIR, _N_CMA_DIR and
_N_CST_DIR are preprocessed to form a process-optimizing compilation. These cycles are
then processed more quickly. Changes to the cycle programs do not become active until
after the next Power On.
Bit 2=1:
During control power on, the Siemens cycles in the directory _N_CST_DIR are
preprocessed to form a process-optimizing compilation (from SW 3.5).
Bit 3=1:
During control power on, the user cycles in the directory _N_CUS_DIR are preprocessed
to form a process-optimizing compilation (from SW 3.5).
Bit 4=1:
Preprocessing the user cycles in the directory _N_CMA_DIR
Bit 5=1:
All files marked with PREPRO in the PROG statement line are preprocessed (from SW 6.4)
Bit 5=0:
During control power on, all cycles in the directories activated by bits 1 to 4 are
preprocessed. This also applies to programs that are not marked with PREPRO.
Bit 6=1:
The compilation is stored in SRAM if there is inadequate space in DRAM (from SW 7.1).
Memory space is required for preprocessing cycles. Better utilization of memory can
be achieved by selective setting of the preprocessing:
The runtime-critical cycles are brought together in one directory. The remaining
cycles are in the other directory.
/PG/, "Programming Guide Fundamentals" (EXTERNAL declaration)


- Prevents stopping at specific blocks in single block mode DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x1B 0 0x1FFFF 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0x1B 0 0x1FFFF 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x1B 0 0x1FFFF 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x1B 0 0x1FFFF 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 0x1FFFF 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 0x1FFFF 1/1 M

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3.2 General machine data

Description: This machine data prevents stopping at certain blocks with

single block.
Single block stop can be prevented with the following bits of the mask:
Bit0 = 1
Means that there is no stop in any internal ASUB block. Exception: The single block
stop has been explicitly activated by the SBLON command.
There are three different internal ASUBs that are triggered by different events.
- Repos: In the case of the events: change of operating mode to a manual mode (JOG,
JOGREF, etc.) unless MODESWITCH_MASK is not set, switch skip block on and off,
activate machine data, switch-on overstore, axis replacement, subroutine level
cancelation, switch-on single block, switch dry run feedrate on and off, alarm with
compensation block.
- Return: Delete distance-to-go, switchover after TEACH-IN (if available), or
deselection of MDI with corresponding MODESWITCH_MASK.
- _N_PROG_EVENT_SPF: Parameterizing MD 20108 $MC_PROG_EVENT_MASK parameterizes the
events whereby _N_PROG_EVENT_SPF is executed.
Bit1 = 1
Means that there is no stop in any user ASUB block. Exception: The single block stop
has been explicitly activated via the SBLON command.
User ASUBs are linked to an interrupt by the part program command SETINT or via the
PI- _N_ASUP__. The interrupt is then activated via PLC or the high-speed inputs, and
the user ASUBs are retracted.
This disables machine data MD20117 $MC_IGNORE_SINGLEBLOCK_ASUP. The NCK behavior
corresponds to the machine data assignment MD20117 $MC_IGNORE_SINGLEBLOCK_ASUP=
Bit2 = 1
Means that there is no stop in any intermediate block. Intermediate blocks are
generated at, among other events, tool change, ADIS and complicated geometry.
Bit3 = 1
Means that there is no stop in the block search pickup block. The block search pickup
block is the 1st block that is loaded into the main run at the start after the search
target has been found in the program.
Bit4 = 1
Means that there is no stop in the INIT blocks. INIT blocks are generated from reset
immediately after a part program start.
Bit5 = 1
Means that there is no stop in any subprogram block with the parameter DISPLOF.
Bit6 = 1
Means that there is no stop in any block in which the NCK cannot reorganize.
Reorganize is an internal procedure that is needed for mode change after JOG/
JOGREF..., switch skip block on and off, activate machine data, axis replacement,
switch on overstore, switch on single block, switch dry run feedrate on and off,
subroutine level cancelation, user ASUBs delete distance-to-go, switchover after TEACH-
IN (if available). Reorganize is never needed in Reset state.
Example blocks in which reorganize is impossible:
● Tool change
● 1st block after the Repos procedure
● Block after an ASUB from JOG/canceled
Bit7 = 1
Means that there cannot be a stop in any block in which repositioning is impossible.

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3.2 General machine data

Reposition is an internal procedure that is needed for mode change after JOG/
JOGREF..., switch skip block on and off, activate machine data, axis replacement,
switch on overstore, switch on single block, switch dry run feedrate on and off,
subroutine level cancelation, and possibly user ASUBs. Reposition is never needed in
Reset state.
Example blocks in which reposition is impossible:
- G33 + blocks in which reorganize is impossible.
Bit8 = 1
Means that there is no stop in a residual block that does not contain traversing
Bit9 = 1
Means that there is no stop in a run in/main run synchronization block (e.g.STOPRE,
$Variable) that is repeated because of an interruption with Reorg (e.g. mode change).
Bit10= 1
Means that there is no stop in a "tool selection block". "Tool selection block" only
occurs with tool management (magazine management or TMMG) active. This block gives the
corresponding tool change command to the PLC.
This block is generally generated by T programming from the part program.
Example block "N1010 T="Drill" M6 D1"
Bit11= 1
The control has to automatically generate implicit GET blocks for the axis replacement
function (axis replacement: 2 or more channels control one axis alternately) if no
explicit GET(D) has been programmed and the following block wants to traverse the
axis. (The other channel had previously used this axis).
An explicitly programmed GET may appear as follows "getd(x1,y1,z1) or get(x1,y1,z1)".
There is no stop at explicit or implicit GET blocks in the single block with this bit
Bit12= 1
There is no stop in the single block type 2 in the SBLON block.
Bit13= 1
If an axis is pulled out in the middle of a block and possibly assigned to another
channel, then there is no stop at the PREMATURE end of this block. This block follows
a REPOSA in order to traverse it to the end, there is no stop until this end has been
In a part program line, in which a substitution subroutine is called due to NC language
replacement, only one stop is performed under the condition that the subroutine
includes PROC attribute SBLOF. It is irrelevant whether the subroutine is called at
block start and/or end or whether it is exited with M17 or RET.
Means that there is no stop in any user ASUB block. Exception: The single block stop
has been explicitly activated via the SBLON command.
There are three different internal ASUBs that are triggered by different events.
- Repos: In the case of the events: change of operating mode to a manual mode (JOG,
JOGREF,...) unless MODESWITCH_MASK is not set, switch skip block on and off, activate
machine data, switch-on overstore, axis replacement, subroutine level cancelation,
switch-on single block, switch dry run feedrate on and off, alarm with compensation
- Return: Delete distance-to-go, switchover after TEACH-IN (if available), or
deselection of MDI with corresponding MODESWITCH_MASK.
Activating SERUPRO (search run via prog test) prevents stopping at single blocks.
Related to:

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3.2 General machine data

10704 DRYRUN_MASK N01 V1

- Dry run feedrate activation BYTE PowerOn
- - 0 0 2 1/1 M
Description: DRYRUN_MASK == 0
Dryrun can only be switched on or off at the end of the block.
When DRYRUN_MASK = 1 is set, the dry run feedrate can also be activated during program
execution (in the part program block).
After activating dry run feedrate, the axes are stopped for the duration of the
reorganization process.
Dryrun can be switched on or off in every phase and the axes are not stopped.
However, the function does not become active until a "later" block in the program
execution and this is with the next (implicit) StopRe block.
Related to:

10706 SLASH_MASK N01 PG, A2

- Activation of block skip BYTE PowerOn
- - 0 0 2 1/1 M
Description: If SLASH_MASK = 0, skip block can only be activated when stopped at the end of the block
If SLASH_MASK = 1, skip block can also be activated during program execution.
After activating skip block, the axes are stopped for the duration of the
reorganization process.
If SLASH_MASK = 2 ,skip block can be activated in every phase.
However, the function does not become active until a "later" block in the program
execution, and this is with the next (implicit) StopRe block.


- Program test mode DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x1 0 0x1B 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0x1 0 0x1B 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x1 0 0x1B 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x1 0 0x1B 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0x11 0 0x1F 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0x11 0 0x1F 1/1 M
Description: Bit-coded mask for program test
Bit 0 == 1 Program test cannot be deselected in 'Stopped' program status.
Bit 1 == 1 Enable to activate the program test using the PI command _N_NCKMOD
Bit 2 == 1 Activation of program test with accelerated feed in normal program
processing. If the bit is set, the program test is active in all channels with
accelerated feed via the VDI signal in the first channel. The VDI signal has no effect
in all other channels as long as the bit is set. The value in $MC_SERUPRO_SPEED_FACTOR
of the first channel is used as the feed. Only released for test purposes.

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3.2 General machine data

Bit 3 == 1 Activation of program test with accelerated feed in the simulation.

Bit 4 == 1 Activation of accelerated program test takes place in synchronized multi-
channel mode.
Bit 5..31 As yet unused.
Program test with normal processing is always activated via the VDI interface.
Program test in simulation is always activated via the NCKMode PI.
Program test block search is always activated via the Find-Pi.


- Setting data to be initialized DWORD PowerOn
- 30 43200, 43202, 0, 0, 0, - - 2/2 M
0, 0, 0...
Description: Setting data to be initialized:
The values of the programmable SD indicated in this MD are set to their initial values
on control power up.
Only the setting data listed in the table below, however, can be initialized. If
invalid setting data numbers are configured, then the alarm 4009 is output at the next
run-up of the control. The alarm shows the index used for configuring the invalid
setting data. The alarm can only be eliminated by changing the invalid setting data,
i.e. by entering either a valid number or zero!
SD43200 $SA_SPIND_S S wih G94,G95,G97,G971,G972
SD43202 $SA_SPIND_CONSTCUT_S S with G96,G961,G962

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3.2 General machine data



- Setting data to be updated DWORD PowerOn
- 30 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 2/2 M
Description: Setting data to be backed up
The values of the SDs listed in this table are stored in non-volatile memory, i.e. they
remain valid after power ON. The setting data whose HMI numbers were entered in the
backup list are written into the (buffered) active file system after the description
of the part program on reset.
Programmable setting data are:
SD 43200: $SA_SPIND_S S with G94,G95,G97,G971,G972
SD 43202: $SA_SPIND_CONSTCUT_S S with G96,G961,G962
The values of D43420 $SA_WORKAREA_LIMIT_PLUS (working area limitation plus) and
SD43430 $SA_WORKAREA_LIMIT_MINUS (working area limitation minus) are to be stored in
the buffered RAM after every RESET, M02, M30 or M17.
--> PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB[0] = 43420
--> PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB[1] = 43430
See also: 'REDEF: change attributes of NC language elements', setting data/PRLOC


- List of reconfigured NC codes STRING PowerOn
- 22 G58, G59, G505, G58, - - 2/2 M
G506, G59, WAITM,
Description: List of identifiers of the NC codes reconfigured by the user.
The list is to be structured as follows:
Even address: Identifier to be changed

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3.2 General machine data

Subsequent odd address: New identifier

The following three types of NC codes can reconfigured:
1. G codes e.g.: G02, G64, ASPLINE...
2. NC addresses e.g.: RND, CHF, ...
3. Pre-defined subprograms e.g.: CONTPRON, ...

10713 M_NO_FCT_STOPRE EXP, N12, N07 H2

- M function with preprocessing stop DWORD PowerOn
- 15 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 2/2 M
Description: The M functions defined by MD10713 $MN_M_NO_FCT_STOPRE perform an implicit
preprocessing stop.
That is, the interpretation of the next part program line will be stopped until the
block with the M function defined in that way has been processed completely
(PLC acknowledgment, motion, etc.).

10714 M_NO_FCT_EOP EXP, N07 K1, H2

- M function for spindle active after reset DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 32 - - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 32 - - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 32 - - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 32 - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - -1 - - 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - -1 - - 2/2 M
Description: For spindles where a '2' is configured in MD35040 $MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET, no
spindle reset is enabled with this M function when the part program is terminated. The
spindle therefore remains active after the end of the part program.
Proposal: M32
Restrictions: see MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE
Related to:

10715 M_NO_FCT_CYCLE EXP, N12, N07 H2, K1

- M function to be replaced by a subroutine DWORD PowerOn
- 30 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 2/2 M
Description: M number with which a subprogram is called.

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3.2 General machine data

The name of the subprogram is stated in MD10716 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME[n]. If the M

function defined in MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE[n] is programmed in a part program
block, the subprogram defined in MD10716 $MN_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME[n] will be started at
the end of the block. If the M function is programmed again in the subprogram, no
further substitution is performed by a subprogram call. Other substitutions configured
in MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE are not performed in the subprogram either. MD10715
$MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE[n] is effective both in Siemens mode G290 and in external language
mode G291.
The subprograms configured with MD10716 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME[n] and MD10717
$MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME must not be active simultaneously in one block (line of a part
program). This means that no more than one M/T function replacement can be active in
any one block. Neither an M98 nor a modal subprogram call may be programmed in a block
with the M function replacement.
Subprogram return and end of part program are also not permitted. Alarm 14016 is output
in the event of a conflict.
M functions with a fixed meaning and configurable M functions are checked for
conflicting settings. A conflict is reported with an alarm.
The following M functions are checked:
● M0 to M5,
● M17, M30,
● M19,
● M40 to M45,
● M function for spindle/axis mode switchover according to MD20094
Exception: The M functions for the tool change defined by MD22560

10716 M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME EXP, N12, N07 K1

- Subroutine name for M function replacement STRING PowerOn
- 30 - - - 2/2 M
Description: The machine data contains the name of the cycle. This cycle is called if the M function
has been programmed from MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE.
If the M function is programmed in a motion block, the cycle is executed after the
MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE is active in both Siemens mode G290 and in external
language mode G291.
If a T number is programmed in the call block, then the programmed T number can be
polled in the cycle under the variable $P_TOOL.
M and T function replacements must not be programmed simultaneously in one block. This
means that not more than one M or T function replacement may be active in any one block.
Neither an M98 nor a modal subprogram call may be programmed in a block with M function
Moreover, neither subprogram return nor part program end are allowed.
Alarm 14016 is issued if there is a conflict.
Related to:

10717 T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME EXP, N12, N07 K1

- Name of tool-changing cycle for T function replacement STRING PowerOn
- - - - - 2/2 M

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Description: Cycle name for tool change routine on call-up with a T function.
If a T function is programmed in a part program block, the subprogram defined in
T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME is called at the end of the block.
The T number programmed can be polled in the cycle via system variables $C_T /
$C_T_PROG as a decimal value and via $C_TS / $C_TS_PROG as a string (only with tool
management). MD10717 $MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME is active both in Siemens mode G290 and
in external language mode G291.
MD10716 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME and MD10717 $MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME must not be active
in one block at the same time, i.e. no more than one M/T function replacement can be
active per block. Neither an M98 nor a modal subprogram call can be programmed in a
block with a T function replacement. Furthermore, neither subprogram return nor part
program end are allowed.
Alarm 14016 is output in the event of a conflict.
Related to:

10718 M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_PAR EXP, N12, N07 K1

- M function replacement with parameters DWORD PowerOn
- - -1 - - 2/2 M
Description: If an M function replacement was configured with MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE[n] /
MD10716 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME[n], a parameter transfer via system variable can be
specified for one of these M functions using MD10718 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_PAR, in the
same way as T function replacement. The parameters stored in the system variables
always refer to the part program line where the M function to be replaced was
The following system variables are available:
$C_ME : Address extension of the replaced M function
$C_T_PROG : TRUE if address T was programmed
$C_T : Value of address T ( Integer )
$C_TE : Address extension of address T
$C_TS_PROG : TRUE if address TS was programmed
$C_TS : Value of address TS (string, only with tool management )
$C_D_PROG : TRUE if address D was programmed
$C_D : Value of address D
$C_DL_PROG : TRUE if address DL was programmed
$C_DL : Value of address DL

10719 T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_MODE EXP, N12, N07 K1

- Setting of T function substitution DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0x7 2/2 M
Description: This machine data parameterizes the execution of the replacement subprogram for the
tool and tool offset selection.
Bit 0 = 0:
D or DL number is transferred to the replacement subprogram (default value)
Bit 0 = 1:
The D or DL number is not transferred to the replacement subprogram if the following
conditions are fulfilled: MD22550 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1 Programming D/DL with T
or M function with which the tool change cycle is called, in a part program line.
Bit 1 = 0

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Execution of the replacement subprogram at end of block (default value)

Bit 1 = 1
Execution of the replacement subprogram at block start
Bit 2 = 0:
Execution of the replacement subprogram according to the settin of bit 1
Bit 2 = 1:
Execution of the replacement subprogram at block start and at end of block.


- Setting of mode after power ON BYTE PowerOn
- 1 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7... 0 12 1/1 M
Description: Default modes of the mode groups after power ON.
If no mode is selected by the PLC, all the channels associated with mode group n are
in the mode preset by OPERATING_MODE_DEFAULT[ n -1 ] after power ON:
0 = Automatic mode
1 = Automatic mode, submode REPOS
2 = MDI mode
3 = MDI mode, submode REPOS
5 = MDI mode, submode Reference point approach
6 = JOG mode
7 = JOG mode, submode Reference point approach
NOTICE! Depending on the machine data MD10721 $MN_OPERATING_MODE_EXTENDED, the mode
set here might not be adopted after power ON


- Extended setting of mode after power ON BYTE PowerOn
- 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 1/1 M
Description: Extended setting of an operating mode of the operating mode groups after power on:
0 = Selection of the operating mode according to MD10720 $MN_OPERATING_MODE_DEFAULT
1 = Selection of the JOG mode if the PLC signal "Retract data available"
(DB3300.DBX4005.5) is set in at least one channel of the operating mode group


- Parameterization for axis replacement behavior DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 0xFFFF 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 0xFFFF 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 0xFFFF 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 0xFFFF 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 0xFFFF 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 0xFFFF 7/2 M
Description: The axis replacement behavior can be changed with this
machine data.
Bit0 = 1
Means that there is an automatic axis replacement via channels even if the axis has
been brought into a neutral state by Waitp.
Bit1 = 1

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Means that an AXCTSWE fetches all the axis container axes that can be assigned to the
channel by means of implicit GET or GETD, and an axis replacement is not permitted
again until after the axis container rotation.
Bit2 = 1
Means that, in the case of a GET, an intermediate block without preprocessing stop is
generated, and whether a reorganization is needed is not checked until main run.
Bit3 = 1 means, that the NC carries out an axis replacement request for the VDI
interface only for:
- an axis exclusively controlled by the PLC (MD30460 $MA_BASE_FUNCTION_MASK
Bit 4 == 1)
- a permanently assigned PLC axis (MD30460 $MA_BASE_FUNCTION_MASK Bit 5 == 1)
For such axes, the VDI interface signal 'Axis replacement possible' is always
For all other axes, the VDI interface signal 'Axis replacement possible' is
always 0.
For permanently assigned PLC axes, an axis replacement is possible only from
neutral axis to PLC axis
or from PLC axis to neutral axis.
Bit3 = 0 means that an axis replacement can be requested by the PLC for each axis.
For permanently assigned PLC axes, an axis replacement is only possible from
neutral axis to PLC axis
or from PLC axis to neutral axis.


- List of internal NC codes STRING PowerOn
- 20 - - - ReadOnly S
Description: Identifier list of internal NC codes
Reserved for internal applications


- Settings for JOG mode DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0x1ff 2/2 M
Description: Bit 0:
Enables JOG in automatic.
JOG is enabled in automatic when all channels in the mode group are in the RESET state
and no channel of the DRF mode group has been selected. The mode group changes
internally to JOG with the +/- key and the handwheel, and the axis moves. After the
JOG motion has ended, a change back to AUTO is also made internally.
Bit 1:
Position with AxFrame.
The function 'JOG to position' considers all axial frames and, in the case of an axis
configured as geometry axis, the tool length offset.
Bit 2:
Travel in opposite direction.
The functions 'JOG to position' and 'Approach machine fixed point manually' allow
travel in opposite direction, i.e. away from the specified position.
Bit 3:
Tool radius offset.
MD21020 $MC_WORKAREA_WITH_TOOL_RADIUS is active with JOG motions of the geometry axes.
Bit 4:

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Alarm suppression operating range limit in the basic coordinate system in JOG.
Alarms that would be output in JOG when an operating range limit is reached in the
basic coordinate system, are suppressed.
Bit 5:
Alarm suppression operating range limit in the workpiece coordinate system in JOG.
Alarms that would be output in JOG when an operating range limit is reached in the
workpiece coordinate system, are suppressed.
Bit 6, 7:
JOG of circles:
Bit 7 and bit 6 = 0: traversing the 2nd geometry axis of the active plane to PLUS for
radius increase, traversing to MINUS for radius decrease independently of inner or
outer machining being active.
Bit 7 = 1 and bit 6 = 0: traversing the 2nd geometry axis of the active plane to PLUS
always travels in the direction of the limiting circle. This means that the radius is
increased on inner machining and decreased on outer machining.
Bit 7 = 1 and bit 6 = 1: traversing the 2nd geometry axis of the active plane to MINUS
always travels in the direction of the limiting circle. This means that the radius is
increased on inner machining and decreased on outer machining.
Bit 8:
Bit 8 = 0 If there is a JOG retract movement, the retraction axis can only be jogged
in the plus direction.
Bit 8 = 1 If there is a JOG retract movement, the retraction axis can only be jogged
in the plus and minus direction.
Bits 9-31:
Currently unassigned.


- Method of operation of G53, G153 and SUPA DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0 0 0x3 2/2 M
Description: With this MD you define whether tool length offset and tool radius offset are also to
be suppressed with language commands G53, G153 and SUPA
The machine data is bit-coded.
Bit 0 = 0: G53, G153 and SUPA cause block-by-block suppression of work offsets. The
active tool length offset and tool radius offset remain active.
Bit 0 = 1: G53, G153 and SUPA cause block-by-block suppression of work offsets, active
tool length offset and tool radius offset. The tool length behavior can be modified
with bit 1.
Bit 1 is only evaluated, if the value of bit 0 is 1.
Bit1 = 0: with bit 0 set, the tool length is always suppressed with G53, G153 and SUPA.
Bit1 = 1: with bit 0 set the tool length is only suppressed with G53, G153 and SUPA,
if a cutting edge is not selected in the same block (this can also be the cutting edge
that is already active).


- Activate interrupt program (ASUB) DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
Description: Setting the various bits can influence the processing of the interrupt routine
activated by M96 P...
Bit 0 = 0,
No interrupt program possible, M96/M97 are normal M functions
Bit 0 = 1,

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Using M96/M97 to activate an interrupt program is allowed

Bit 1 = 0,
Continue processing part program at the final position of the next block after the
interrupt block
Bit 1 = 1,
Continue processing part program from interrupt position
Bit 2 = 0,
The interrupt signal immediately interrupts the current block and starts the interrupt
Bit 2 = 1,
The interrupt routine will not be started until the end of the block
Bit 3 = 0,
Interrupt machining cycle at an interupt signal
Bit 3 = 1,
Do not start interrupt program until the end of a machining cycle.


- Config. of measuring inputs for G31 P.. BYTE PowerOn
- 4 1, 1, 1, 1 0 0x3 2/2 M
Description: This machine data defines the assignment of measurement inputs 1 and 2 to the P numbers
programmed with G31 P1 ( - P4). The machine data is bit-coded. Only bits 0 and 1 are
evaluated. For example, if bit 0 = 1 in MD10810 $MN_EXTERN_MEAS_G31_P_SIGNAL[1], the
1st measurement input is activated with G31 P2. If MD10810
$MN_EXTERN_MEAS_G31_P_SIGNAL[3]=2, the 2nd measurement input is activated with G31 P4.
Bit 0: = 0, Do not evaluate measurement input 1 with G31 P1 (- P4)
Bit 0: = 1, Activate measurement input 1 with G31 P1 (- P4)
Bit 1: = 0, Do not evaluate measurement input 2 with G31 P1 (- P4)
Bit 1: = 1, Activate measurement input 2 with G31 P1 (- P4)


- Macro call via M function DWORD PowerOn
- 30 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 2/2 M
Description: A macro is called with this M number.
The name of the subprogram is stated in MD10815 $MN_EXTERN_M_NO_MAC_CYCLE_NAME[n].
If the M function specified with MD10814 $MN_EXTERN_M_NO_MAC_CYCLE[n] is programmed in
a part program block, the subprogram defined in MD10815
$MN_EXTERN_M_NO_MAC_CYCLE_NAME[n] is started. All addresses programmed in the block
are written into the corresponding variables.
If the M function is programmed again in the subprogram, there is no longer a
replacement by a subprogram call.
MD10814 $MN_EXTERN_M_NO_MAC_CYCLE[n] is only active in the external language mode G291.
The subprograms configured with MD10815 $MN_EXTERN_M_NO_MAC_CYCLE_NAME[n] must not be
active simultaneously in a block (part program line), i.e. only one M function
replacement can become active in any one block. Neither an M98 nor a modal subprogram
call may be programmed in the block with the M function replacement.
Subprogram return and the part program end are also not permitted. Alarm 14016 is
issued in case of a conflict. Restrictions: see MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE
Related to:

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3.2 General machine data



- Name of subroutine for M function macro call STRING PowerOn
- 30 - - - 2/2 M
Description: Name of the subprogram started by a call via the M function defined by MD10814


- Macro call via G function DOUBLE PowerOn
- 50 -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., - - 2/2 M
-1., -1....
Description: G number for calling a macro.
The name of the subprogram is stated in MD10817 $MN_EXTERN_G_NO_MAC_CYCLE_NAME[n].
If the G function specified with MD10816 $MN_EXTERN_G_NO_MAC_CYCLE[n] is programmed in
a part program block, the subprogram defined in MD10817
$MN_EXTERN_M_NO_MAC_CYCLE_NAME[n] is started. All addresses programmed in the block
are written in the corresponding $C_xx variables.
No subprogram call is executed if a subprogram call is already active via an M/G macro
or an M replacement. If a standard G function is programmed in this case, this code is
executed. Otherwise, alarm 12470 is issued.
MD10816 $MN_EXTERN_G_NO_MAC_CYCLE[n] is only active in the external language mode G291.
Only a single subprogram call may be included in any one block. This means that only
a single M/G function replacement may be programmed in a block, and no additional
subprogram (M98) or cycle call may be included in the block.
Furthermore, a subprogram return and a part program end are not permitted in the same
Alarm 14016 is issued in case of a conflict.


- Name of subroutine for G function macro call STRING PowerOn
- 50 - - - 2/2 M
Description: Name of the subprogram started by call via the G function defined by MD10816


- Interrupt number for ASUB start (M96) BYTE PowerOn
- - 1 1 8 1/1 M
Description: Number of the interrupt input starting an asynchronous subprogram activated in ISO
mode. (M96 <program number>)

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3.2 General machine data


- Interrupt number for rapid retraction (G10.6) BYTE PowerOn
- - 2 1 8 2/2 M
Description: Number of the interrupt input triggering rapid retraction to the position programmed
with G10.6 in ISO mode.


- Definition of the control system to be adapted DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1 1 1 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 1 1 1 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 2 2 2 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 2 2 2 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 1 1 5 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1 1 5 7/2 M
Description: Definition of the external CNC system whose part programs are to be executed on the
SINUMERIK control in addition to SINUMERIK code (ISO_1):
1: ISO_21: System Fanuc0 milling (5.1 and higher)
2: ISO_31: System Fanuc0 turning (P5.2 and higher)
3: External language via OEM application (P6.2 and higher)
4: ISO_22: System Fanuc0 Milling (P7 and higher)
5: ISO_32: System Fanuc0 Turning (P7 and higher)


- ISO_3 Mode: GCodeSystem DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 1 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 1 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 2 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 2 7/2 M
Description: Definition of the GCodeSystem to be actively executed in ISO_3 Mod (turning):
Value = 0 : ISO_3: Code system B
Value = 1 : ISO_3: Code system A
Value = 2 : ISO_3: Code system C


- List of user-specific G commands of an external NC language STRING PowerOn
- 60 - - - 1/1 M
Description: List of G commands of external NC languages which have been reconfigured by the user.
The implemented G commands are to be taken from the current Siemens documentation for
this programming language.
The list is structured as follows:
Even address: G command to be changed
Subsequent odd address: New G command

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3.2 General machine data

Only G codes can be reconfigured, e.g.: G20, G71.


- Evaluation of programmed values without decimal point BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: This MD defines how programmed values without a decimal point are evaluated:
0: 'Standard notation', values without a decimal point are interpreted in internal
units. For example, X1000 = 1 mm (for 0.001 mm input resolution) X1000.0 = 1000 mm
1: 'Pocket calculator notation', values without a decimal point are interpreted as mm,
inches or degrees. For example, X1000 = 1000 mm X1000.0 = 1000 mm
Related to:


- Incremental system in external language mode BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data is active for external programming languages,
This machine data specifies which incremental system is active:
0: Incremental system IS-B = 0.001 mm/degree
= 0.0001 inch
1: Incremental system IS-C = 0.0001 mm/degree
= 0.00001 inch
Related to:


- Digits for T number in ISO mode BYTE PowerOn
- - 2 0 8 2/2 M
Description: This machine data is only active when MD10880 $MN_MM_EXTERN_CNC_SYSTEM == 2.
Number of digits of the tool number in the programmed T word.
From the programmed T word, the number of leading digits specified in MD10888
$MN_EXTERN_DIGITS_TOOL_NO are interpreted as the tool number.
The following digits address the offset memory.
Entering a value > 0 in MD10889 $MN_EXTERN_DIGITS_OFFSET_NO renders MD10888
MD10889 $MN_EXTERN_DIGITS_OFFSET_NO has priority over MD10888


- Digits for offset number in ISO mode BYTE PowerOn
- - 0 0 8 2/2 M
Description: This machine data is only active when MD10880 $MN_MM_EXTERN_CNC_SYSTEM == 2.
Number of digits of the offset number in the programmed T word.
From the programmed T word, the number of leading digits specified in MD10889
$MN_EXTERN_DIGITS_OFFSET_NO are interpreted as the offset number.
The following digits address the tool number.

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3.2 General machine data


- Tool change programming for external language DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0x04 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0x04 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
Description: Configuration for programming the tool change in an external programming language:
Only active for the ISO mode turning: The tool number and offset number are programmed
in the T word. $MN_DIGITS_TOOLNO defines the number of leading digits, which form the
tool number.
T=1234 ; tool number 12,
; offset number 34
Only active in the ISO mode turning: Only the tool number is programmed in the T word.
Offset number == tool number. $MN_DIGITS_TOOLNO is irrelevant.
T=12 ; tool number 12
; offset number 12
Only active in the ISO mode turning:
If the number of digits programmed in the T word is the same as the number defined in
MD10888 $MN_EXTERN_DIGITS_TOOL_NO, then leading 0s are added
Is only active for the ISO mode turning:
If the number of digits programmed in the T word is the same as the number of digits
specified in MD10888 $MN_EXTERN_DIGITS_TOOL_NO, the programmed number is the offset
number and tool number
Is only active for the ISO mode turning: ISO T offset selection only with D (Siemens
cutting edge number)
Is only active for the ISO mode turning: ISO T offset selection only with H
The offset memories for the tool length and tool radius are linked so
that tool length and tool radius are always selected when either H or D is programmed.
The offset memories for the tool length and tool radius are not linked,
so that the number of the tool length value is selected when H is programmed, and the
number of the tool radius value is selected when D is programmed.
Is only active for the ISO mode turning. If T substitution ( MD10717
$MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME ) is active, the H number programmed in the T word is
transferred to the cycle in the variable $C_D.

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3.2 General machine data

Is only active in the ISO mode turning. If T substitution ( MD10717
$MN_T_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME ) is active, the Siemens cutting edge number D corresponding
to the H number programmed in the T word is transferred to the cycle in the variable


- Number of positions for indexing axis table 1 DWORD Reset
- - 0 0 60 2/2 M
Description: The indexing position table is used to assign the axis positions in the valid unit of
measurement (mm, inches or degrees) to the indexing positions [n] on the indexing
axis. The number of indexing positions used in table 1 is defined by MD10900
These indexing positions must be assigned valid values in table 1. Any indexing
positions in the table above the number specified in the machine data are ignored. Up
to 60 indexing positions (0 to 59) can be entered in the table.
Table length = 0 means that the table is not evaluated. If the length is not equal to
0, then the table must be assigned to an axis with MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB.
If the indexing axis is defined as a rotary axis (MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = "1") with
modulo 360° (MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO = "1"), the machine data defines the last
indexing position after which, with a further traversing movement in the positive
direction, the indexing positions begin again at 1.
Special cases:
Alarm 17090 "Value violates upper limit" if values over 60 are entered in MD10900
Related to:
MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB (axis is an indexing axis)
MD10910 $MN_INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_1 (indexing position table 1)
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX(rotary axis)
MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO (modulo conversion for rotary axis)

10910 INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_1 N09 T1

mm/inch, Indexing position table 1 DOUBLE Reset
- 60 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 2/2 M
Description: The indexing position table is used to assign the axis positions in the valid unit of
measurement (mm, inches or degrees) to the indexing positions [n] on the indexing axis.
[n] = indexing for the entry of the indexing positions in the indexing position table.
Range: 0 y n x 59, where 0 corresponds to the 1st indexing position and 59 to the 60th
indexing position.
Programming with the absolute indexing position (e.g. CAC) starts with indexing
position 1. This corresponds to the indexing position with indexing n = 0 in the
indexing position table.
The following should be noted when entering the indexing positions:

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● Up to 60 different indexing positions can be stored in the table.

● The 1st entry in the table corresponds to indexing position 1; the nth entry
corresponds to indexing position n.
● The indexing positions must be entered in the table in ascending order (starting
with the negative and going to the positive traversing range) with no gaps between
the entries. Consecutive position values must not be identical.
● If the indexing axis is defined as a rotary axis (MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = "1") with
modulo 360° (MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO = "1"), then the position values are limited
to a range of 0° x pos. < 360°.
The number of indexing positions used in the table is defined by MD10900
Entering the value 1 in axial MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB assigns indexing
position table 1 to the current axis.
Special cases:
Alarm 17020 "Illegal array index" if over 60 positions are entered in the table.
Related to:
MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB (axis is an indexing axis)
MD10900 $MN_INDEX_AX_LENGTH_POS_TAB_1 (number of indexing positions used in table 1)
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX(rotary axis)
MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO (modulo conversion for rotary axis)


- Number of positions for indexing axis table 2 DWORD Reset
- - 0 0 60 2/2 M
Description: The indexing position table is used to assign the axis positions in the valid unit of
measurement (mm, inches or degrees) to the indexing positions [n] on the indexing
axis. The number of indexing positions used in table 2 is defined by MD10920
These indexing positions in table 2 must be assigned valid values. Any indexing
positions in the table above the number specified in the machine data are ignored.
Up to 60 indexing positions (0 to 59) can be entered in the table.
Table length = 0 means that the table is not evaluated. If the length is not equal to
0, the table must be assigned to an axis with MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB.
If the indexing axis is defined as a rotary axis (MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = "1") with
modulo 360° (MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO = "1"), the machine data defines the last
indexing position after which, with a further traversing movement in the positive
direction, the indexing positions begin again at 1.
Not relevant for tool magazines (revolvers, chain magazines)
Special cases:
Alarm 17090 "Value violates upper limit" if a value over 60 is entered in MD10920
Related to:
MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB (axis is an indexing axis)
MD10930 $MN_INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_2 (indexing position table 2)
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX(rotary axis)
MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO (modulo conversion for rotary axis)

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3.2 General machine data

10930 INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_2 N09 T1

mm/inch, Indexing position table 2 DOUBLE Reset
- 60 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 2/2 M
Description: The indexing position table is used to assign the axis positions in the valid unit of
measurement (mm, inches or degrees) to the indexing positions [n] on the indexing axis.
[n] = indexing for the entry of the indexing positions in the indexing position
Range: 0 y n x 59, where 0 corresponds to the 1st indexing position and 59 to the 60th
indexing position.
Programming with the absolute indexing position (e.g. CAC) starts with indexing
position 1. This corresponds to the indexing position with indexing n = 0 in the table.
The following should be noted when entering the indexing positions:
● Up to 60 different indexing positions can be stored in the table.
● The 1st entry in the table corresponds to indexing position 1; the nth entry
corresponds to indexing position n.
● The indexing positions should be entered in the table in ascending order (starting
with the negative and going to the positive traversing range) with no gaps between
the entries. Consecutive position values must not be identical.
● If the indexing axis is defined as a rotary axis (MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = "1") with
modulo 360° (MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO = "1"), then the position values are limited
to a range of 0° x pos. < 360°.
The number of indexing positions used in the table is defined by MD10920
Entering the value 1 in axial MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB assigns indexing
position table 1 to the current axis.
Special cases:
Alarm 17020 "Illegal array index" if over 60 positions are entered in the table.
Related to:
MD30500 $MA_INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB (axis is an indexing axis)
MD10920 $MN_INDEX_AX_LENGTH_POS_TAB_2 (num ber of indexing positions used in table 2)
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX(rotary axis)
MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO (modulo conversion for rotary axis)


- Settings for indexing position DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x1 0 0x1 1/1 M
Description: Affects the display of indexing positions (AA_ACT_INDEX_AX_POS_NO and
Bit 0 = 0:
Indexing position display changes on reaching/passing the indexing position (indexing
range lies between the indexing positions, compatible behavior).
Bit 0 = 1:
Indexing position display changes on passing the half indexing axis position (indexing
range lies quasi symmetrically round the indexing position)

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3.2 General machine data


- Number of auxiliary functions distr. amongst aux. fct. groups DWORD PowerOn
- - 1 1 255 2/2 M
Description: The maximum number of auxiliary functions that can be assigned to a group by
This number includes only the user-defined auxiliary functions, not the predefined
auxiliary functions.
Related to:


- Auxiliary function group specification DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 168 0x8081, 0x8021, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041...
808d-me62 168 0x8081, 0x8021, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041...
808d-te42 168 0x8081, 0x8021, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041...
808d-te62 168 0x8081, 0x8021, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041,
0x8041, 0x8041...
808d-mte40 168 0x81, 0x21, 0x41, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x41, 0x41, 0x41,
0x41, 0x41...
808d-mte60 168 0x81, 0x21, 0x41, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x41, 0x41, 0x41,
0x41, 0x41...
Description: Defines the output options for the auxiliary functions belonging to a group.
However, the output option of an auxiliary function configured by MD22080
$MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_SPEC[ preIndex ] or MD22035 $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_SPEC[ auxIndex ] has a
higher priority.
Bit 0=1 "Normal" acknowledgment after an OB1 cycle
Bit 1=1 "Quick" acknowledgment with OB40
Bit 2=1 No predefined auxiliary function
Bit 3=1 No output to PLC
Bit 4=1 Spindle response after acknowledgment by the PLC
Bit 5=1 Output prior to motion
Bit 6=1 Output during motion
Bit 7=1 Output at end of block
Bit 8=1 No output after block search types 1, 2, 4

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Bit 9=1 Collection during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)

Bit 10 = 1 No output during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 11 = 1 Cross-channel auxiliary function during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 12 = 1 Output via synchronized action
Bit 13 = 1 Implicit auxiliary function
Bit 14 = 1 Active M01
Bit 15 = 1 No output during running-in test
Bit 16 = 1 Nibbling off
Bit 17 = 1 Nibbling on
Bit 18 = 1 Nibbling
The MD must be defined for each existing auxiliary function group.
The index [n] corresponds to the auxiliary function group index: 0...63
The assignment of individual auxiliary functions to specific groups is defined in
channel-specific machine data ( AUXFU_PREDEF_TYPE, AUXFU_PREDEF_EXTENTION,
M0, M1, M2, M17 and M30 are assigned to group 1 by default.
The specification of this group ( 0x81: output duration 1 OB1 pass, output at end of
block ) must not be changed.
All spindle-specific auxiliary functions ( M3, M4, M5, M19, M70 ) are assigned to group
2 by default.
If several auxiliary functions with different output types ( before / during / at end
of motion ) are programmed in one motion block, then the output of the individual
auxiliary functions corresponds to their output types.
All auxiliary functions are output simultaneously in a block without motion.
Default setting:


- Execution right for /_N_CST_DIR BYTE PowerOn
- - 7 0 7 2/2 M
Description: Execution right assigned to the program stored in directory /_N_CST_DIR :
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
Machine data can only be written with values 0 and 1, and with the corresponding
password also active.

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3.2 General machine data


- Execution right for /_N_CMA_DIR BYTE PowerOn
- - 7 0 7 2/2 M
Description: Execution right assigned to the programs stored in directory /_N_CMA_DIR :
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
Machine data can only be written with values 0 and 1, and with the corresponding
password also active.


- Execution right for /_N_CUS_DIR BYTE PowerOn
- - 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Execution right assigned to the programs stored in directory /_N_CUS_DIR :
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
Machine data can only be written with values 0, 1 and 2, and with the corresponding
password also active.


- Write protection for directory /_N_CST_DIR DWORD PowerOn
- - -1 -1 7 2/2 M
Description: Set write protection for cycle directory /_N_CST_DIR:
Assigned to the programs:
Value -1: Keep the value currently set
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0

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3.2 General machine data

The machine data can only be written with values 0 and 1, and with the corresponding
password also active.


- Write protection for directory /_N_CMA_DIR DWORD PowerOn
- - -1 -1 7 2/2 M
Description: Set write protection for cycle directory /_N_CMA_DIR:
Assigned to the programs:
Value -1: Keep the value currently set
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
The machine data can only be written with values 0 and 1, and with the corresponding
password also active.


- Write protection for directory /_N_CUS_DIR DWORD PowerOn
- - -1 -1 7 2/2 M
Description: Set write protection for cycle directory /_N_CUS_DIR:
Assigned to the programs:
Value -1: Keep the value currently set
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
The machine data can only be written with values 0, 1 and 2, and with the
corresponding password also active.


- Write protection for _N_SACCESS_DEF BYTE PowerOn
- - 7 0 7 2/2 M
Description: Set write protection for definition file /_N_DEF_DIR/_N_SACCESS_DEF:
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3

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3.2 General machine data

Value 5: Keyswitch position 2

Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
The machine data can only be written with values 0 and 1, and with the corresponding
password also active.


- Write protection for _N_MACCESS_DEF BYTE PowerOn
- - 7 0 7 2/2 M
Description: Set write protection for definition file /_N_DEF_DIR/_N_MACCESS_DEF:
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
The machine data can only be written with values 0 and 1, and with the corresponding
password also active.


- Write protection for _N_UACCESS_DEF BYTE PowerOn
- - 7 0 7 3/3 U
Description: Set write protection for definition file /_N_DEF_DIR/_N_UACCESS_DEF:
Value 0: Siemens password
Value 1: Machine OEM password
Value 2: Password of setup engineer, service
Value 3: End user password
Value 4: Keyswitch position 3
Value 5: Keyswitch position 2
Value 6: Keyswitch position 1
Value 7: Keyswitch position 0
The machine data can only be written with values 0, 1 and 2, and with the
corresponding password also active.


- Machine data backup of changed machine data only BYTE Immediately
- - 0x0F 0 - 2/2 M
Description: Either all data or only those data which differ from the default setting can be set to
be output when creating standard archives (ARC) and copying 'NC active data'.
Bit0(LSB) Effectiveness of the differential upload with INI/TEA files
0: All data are output
1: Only those MDs that have changed in comparison to the compiled values are output
Bit1 is reserved and acts like bit 0
Bit2 Change to an array element
0: Complete arrays are output

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

1: Only those elements of an array that have changed are output

Bit3 R variables (only for INI files)
0: All R variables are output
1: Only R variables not equal to '0' are output
Bit4 Frames (only for INI files)
0: All frames are output
1: Only those frames that are not zero frames are output.
Bit5 Tool data (cutting edge parameters) (only for INI files)
0: All tool data are output
1: Only those tool data not equal to '0' are output.
Bit6 Buffered system variables ($AC_MARKER[], $AC_PARAM[] only for INI files)
0: All system variables are output
1: Only those system variables not equal to '0' are output
Bit7 Synchronized actions GUD (for INI files only)
0: All Syna GUD are output
1: Only those Syna GUD not equal to '0' are output
Active: The change in the data becomes active on the start of the upload for the next
The settings are only active, if MD11212 $MN_UPLOAD_CHANGES_ONLY=FALSE.


- Data backup type for an active file system. BOOLEAN Immediately
- - TRUE - - 2/2 M
Description: Only values of the selected file of the active file system
that deviate from the default setting are backed up.
TRUE = only the values of the selected file of the active file system that deviate
from the standard setting are backed up (a differential data backup)
The value of MD11210 $MN_UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY than has no effect.
FALSE = all values of the selected file of the active file system are backed up.
Same significance as MD11210 $MN_UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY=0.
However, if MD11210 $MN_UPLOAD_MD_CHANGES_ONLY is not equal to 0, then this
setting is active.


- SDB number DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 4 -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 7, 7, 7, 7 2/2 M
808d-me62 4 0, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 7, 7, 7, 7 2/2 M
808d-te42 4 -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 7, 7, 7, 7 2/2 M
808d-te62 4 0, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 7, 7, 7, 7 2/2 M
808d-mte40 4 -1, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 7, 7, 7, 7 2/2 M
808d-mte60 4 0, -1, -1, -1 -1, -1, -1, -1 7, 7, 7, 7 2/2 M
Description: Number of the system data block (SDB) used for configuring the I/Os.
The following assignments of MD11240[0,1,2,3] are prmitted:
[0, -1, 0, 0] telegram 136 and axis extension NX10.3
[1, -1, 1, 1] telegram 136 and axis extension NX15.3 (= default)
[2, -1, 2, 2] telegram 136 and axis extension NX15.3, 1x CU320-2 PN (only PPU 26x.3/28x.

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

[3, -1, 3, 3] telegram 116 and axis extension NX10.3

[4, -1, 4, 4] telegram 136 and axis extension NX15.3, 1x CU310-2 PN (only PPU 26x.3/28x.
[5, -1, 5, 5] telegram 136 and axis extension NX15.3, 2x CU310-2 PN (only PPU 26x.3/28x.


- Configuration of the SIEM* trace file DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
Description: Configuration of the tracefiles SIEM*
Additional information about the PDUs sent is to be entered in _N_SIEMDOMAINSEQ_MPF
for download
Additional information about the PDUs received is to be entered in
Trace of warm start and connection cancelation in_N_SIEMDOMAINSEQ_MPF
Additional information about the PDUs sent is to be entered in _N_SIEMDOMAINSEQ_MPF
for upload
Additional information about the PDUs received is to be entered in


- Prevent overrun of IPO time level BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 1 0/0 S
808d-me62 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 1 0/0 S
808d-te42 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 1 0/0 S
808d-te62 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 1 0/0 S
808d-mte40 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 1 1/1 M
808d-mte60 10 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 1 1/1 M
Description: Setting whether an overflow of the time level is to be prevented during the recording
of data in the time level of the IPO.
If applicable, data sets are discarded when the function is active, and are not entered
in the log file in order to prevent an impending overflow of the IPO time level.
This may mean that data sets are also then lost if a level overflow would not yet have
occurred with the function inactive.
The individual values apply to the users of the logging function, which are assigned
the following functions:
0: Reserved for system functions: simultaneous recording, simulation, synchronized
action analysis
1: Reserved for system functions: determining program runtimes, multi-step editor
2: Reserved for OEM applications
3: Reserved for OEM applications
4: Reserved for OEM applications
5: Reserved for system functions: trace
6: Reserved for system functions: trace

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

7: Reserved for system functions: trace

8: Reserved for system functions: trace
9: Reserved for system functions: action log


- Interruption time prep time level in seconds. DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-me62 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te42 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te62 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte40 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte60 10 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
Description: Time in seconds, for which the prep time level may be blocked. If the PREP does not
manage to pass through within the set time, the cyclic events are not logged. It is
thus ensured that operation cannot be completely blocked by data recording.
The individual values apply to the users of the logging function, which are assigned
the following functions:
0: Reserved for system functions: simultaneous recording, simulation, synchronized
action analysis
1: Reserved for system functions: determining program runtimes, multi-step editor
2: Reserved for OEM applications
3: Reserved for OEM applications
4: Reserved for OEM applications
5: Reserved for system functions: trace
6: Reserved for system functions: trace
7: Reserved for system functions: trace
8: Reserved for system functions: trace
9: Reserved for system functions: action log


- INC and REF in jog mode BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: 1: Jog mode for JOG-INC and reference point approach
When the traversing key is pressed in the required direction (e.g. +), the axis begins
to traverse the set increment. If the key is released before the increment has been
completely the traversed, the movement is interrupted and the axis stops. If the same
key is pressed again, the axis completes the remaining distance-to-go until this is 0.
0: Continuous operation for JOG-INC and reference point approach
When the traversing key is pressed (first rising edge) the axis travels the whole set
increment. If the same key is pressed again (second rising edge) before the axis has
completed traversing the increment, the movement is canceled, i.e. not completed.

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

The differences in axis travel behavior between the jog mode and continuous operation
in incremental traversing are described in detail in the relevant chapters.
For travel behavior in reference point approach see
References: /FB/, R1, "Reference Point Approach"
MD irrelevant for:
Continuous traversing (JOG continuous)


- Threshold for direction change handwheel BYTE PowerOn
- - 2 0 - 2/2 M
Description: Handwheel travel:
Value = 0:
No immediate travel in the opposite direction
Value > 0:
Immediate travel in the opposite direction if the handwheel is turned at least the
stated number of pulses in the opposite direction.
Whether this machine data is also active for handwheel travel with DRF depends on bit10


- Handwheel pulses per detent position DOUBLE PowerOn
- 6 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. - - 2/2 M
Description: The connected handwheels are adapted to the control in MD11320
The number of pulses generated by the handwheel for each handwheel detent position has
to be entered. The handwheel pulse weighting must be defined separately for each
connected handwheel (1 to 3). With this adaptation, each handwheel detent position has
the same effect as one press of the traversing key in incremental traversal.
Entering a negative value reverses the direction of rotation of the handwheel.
Related to:
(weighting of an increment of a machine axis for


- Contour handwheel pulses per detent position DOUBLE PowerOn
- 6 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. - - 2/2 M
Description: Adaptation factor to the hardware of the contour handwheel:
Enter the number of pulses issued per detent position by the contour
Because of this normalization, a detent position of the contour handwheel
corresponds to one press of a key with incremental jog processes.
Sign reversal reverses the direction of evaluation.

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data


- Increment size for INC/handwheel DOUBLE PowerOn
- 5 1., 10., 100., 1000., 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: In incremental traversal or handwheel travel, the number of increments to be traversed
by the axis can be defined by the user, e.g. via the machine control panel.
In addition to the variable increment size (INCvar), 5 fixed increment sizes (INC...)
can also be set.
The increment size for each of these 5 fixed increments is defined collectively for
all axes by entering values in JOG_INCR_SIZE_TAB [n]. The default setting is INC1,
INC10, INC100, INC1000 and INC10000.
The entered increment sizes are also active for DRF.
The size of the variable increment is defined in SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE.
Related to:
MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT (weighting of an increment for INC/manual)
NC/PLC interface signal DB3300 DBX1001.0-4,1005.0-4,1009.0-4
(Geometry axis 1-3 active machine function: INC1; ...; INC10000)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5.0 - .5
(active machine function: INC1; ...; INC10000).


- Handwheel default path or velocity BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 6 0 7 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 6 0 7 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 6 0 7 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 6 0 7 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 1 0 7 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 1 0 7 1/1 M
Description: Setting the behavior for traversing with the handwheel, contour handwheel and with
Value = 1: (default value)
The default settings of the handwheel are path inputs. No pulses are lost. Residual
axis motions occur as a result of the limitation to a maximal permissible velocity.
Value = 0:
The default settings of the handwheel are velocity inputs. The axes stop as soon as
the handwheel stops. The motion is immediately braked if no pulses come from the
handwheel in an interpolation cycle. Therefore, only a short residual motion of the
axes can occur as a result of the braking ramp. The handwheel pulses do not supply a
path default.
Value = 2:
The default settings of the handwheel are velocity inputs. The axes are intended to
stop as soon as the handwheel stops. The motion is immediately braked if no pulses come
from the handwheel in an interpolation cycle. However, in contrast to value = 0 braking
is not along the shortest possible path but to the next possible point in an intended
Each increment in the grid corresponds to a displacement which the selected axis
travels per handwheel grid position (see MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT and
see MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT and,

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

The start of the traversing is taken as the zero point of the grid.
Value = 3:
The default settings of the handwheel are path inputs. If premature braking is
required on account of settings in other machine data
then in contrast to value = 1 braking is not along the shortest possible path, but to
the next possible point in an intentional grid (see value = 2).
Value = 6:
Same as value = 2, but travel does not stop at the last possible grid position in front
of a limit, but at the limit.
Value = 7:
Same as value = 3, but travel does not stop at the last possible grid position in front
of a limit, but at the limit.


- Handwheel segment BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 6 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 6 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 6 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 6 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 6 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 6 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - 7/2 M
Description: Machine data defines which
hardware segment the handwheel is connected to:
0 = SEGMENT_EMPTY ;no handwheel
1 = SEGMENT_840D_HW ;handwheel at 840D HW
2 = SEGMENT_8xxD_HW ;handwheel at 828D sl, 808D -HW
7 = SEGMENT_ETHERNET ;handwheel at Ethernet


- Handwheel module BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 6 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 6 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 6 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 6 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 6 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 7/2 M
808d-mte60 6 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 7/2 M
Description: Machine data specifies the hardware module to which
the handwheel is connected.
(Content dependent on MD11350 $MN_HANDWHEEL_SEGMENT):
0 = no handwheel configured

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

1 ;SEGMENT_8xxD_HW; 828D sl, 808D -HW
1..6 ;SEGMENT_PROFIBUS/PROFINET ;index for MD11353


- Handwheel connection BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 6 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 6 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 6 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 6 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 6 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 7/2 M
808d-mte60 6 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 6 7/2 M
Description: Machine data which is intended to select
the handwheels connected to
a hardware module:
0 = No handwheel configured
1..6 = Handwheel connection to HW module/Ethernet interface


- Logical handwheel slot addresses DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 16383 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 16383 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 16383 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 16383 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 16383 7/2 M
808d-mte60 6 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 16383 7/2 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only:
Logical start address of the hand wheel slots if handwheels are connected by PROFIBUS/


s Filter time for handwheel pulses DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 2.0 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 2.0 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 2.0 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 2.0 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 2.0 7/2 M
808d-mte60 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 2.0 7/2 M

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Description: The filter time indicates the time during which the pulses from the handwheel are
output to the interpolator. The values are incremented internally in interpolation
In the case of a filter time setting = 0.0, the pulses from the handwheel are output
to the interpolator within a single interpolation cycle. This can cause the controlled
axis to exhibit jerk during traversing.
Machine data is valid for the following types of handwheel (see 11350
● Recommended filter time: 0.2 - 0.5 s


- Clear NCSTART alarms with CANCEL BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
Description: If this MD is set, then alarms that have ClearInfo=NCSTART are cleared by the Alarm
Cancel button as well as by NC-Start.
If this MD is not set, then NCSTART alarms are not cleared by Cancel.
The purpose of this MD is to provide compatibility with system behavior.

11450 SEARCH_RUN_MODE EXP, N01 K1, TE3, N4, H2, Z1

- Parameterization for search run DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x40 0 0xFF 1/1 M
Description: The behavior during the action blocks after block search can be affected by the
following bits:
Bit 0 = 0:
Machining is stopped after loading of the last action block after block search, the NC/
PLC interface signal DB3300 DBX0.6 (last action block active) is set and alarm 10208
is output.
Bit 0 = 1:
Machining is stopped with the loading of the last action block after block search, and
the NC/PLC interface signal DB3300 DBX0.6 (last action block active) is set. Alarm
10208 is not output until the PLC requests it by setting the NC/PLC interface signal
DB3200 DBX1.6 (PLC action finished).
Starting an ASUB from the PLC after block search.
The message to the operator that another NC start is required in order to continue with
the program is not to be displayed until after the end of the ASUB.
Bit 1 = 1
Automatic ASUB start after output of the action blocks. Alarm 10208 is not output until
the ASUB has finished.
Bit 2 = 0:
Spindle: auxiliary functions are output in the action blocks.
Bit 2 = 1:

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

The output of the auxiliary functions in the action blocks is suppressed. The spindle
programming collected by block search can be output at a later point in time (e.g. in
an ASUB).
The program data for this are stored in the following system variables:
Bit 3 = 1:
The cascaded search run is disabled (default setting: release).
Cascaded search run means that the search run is restarted immediately after finding
a search target.
Bit 4: Reserved
Bit 5 = 0:
During block search tp a nibbling block, the 1st nibbling stroke is not executed.
Bit 5 = 1:
During block search to a nibbling block, a punching stroke is triggered at block start
(1st nibbling stroke).
Bit 6 = 0:
With block search, complex path calculations are made.
Bit 6 = 1:
With block search, calculation is made with simple, computing-time-optimized
Bit 7 = 0:
Any adjustment movements that may be necessary on activation of a tangential axis
coupling, during or after an SSL, are performed with the feed conditions active in the
activation block (G0 or G1 with feedrate). In the case of G1, the feedrate can
additionally be set in SD 42121: $SC_AX_ADJUST_FEED.
Bit 7 = 1:
The adjustment movements necessary on activation of a tangential axis coupling, during
or after an SSL, are always performed with rapid traverse feedrate (G0). In this case,
the feedrate value in SD 42121: $SC_AX_ADJUST_FEED is ignored.


- Repositioning properties DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x8 0 0xFFFF 1/1 M
Description: This bit mask can be used to set the behavior of the control during repositioning.
Bit no. Meaning when bit set
0 (LSB)
The dwell time is continued in the residual block of the repositioning from where it
was interrupted. (If the bit is not set, the dwell time is repeated completely).
1 Reserved
2 When the bit is set, the repositioning of individual axes can be prevented or
delayed via the VDI interface.
3 When the bit is set, positioning axes are repositioned in the approach block
during search run via program test.
4 As 3, but after every Repos, not only during search run.
5 When the bit is set, changed feeds and spindle speeds already become valid in the
residual block, otherwise not until the following block.

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

6 When the bit is set, neutral axes and positioning spindles are repositioned after
SERUPRO as command axes in the approach block.
7 The bit changes the behavior of the VDI-AXIN interface signal "Repos Delay". The
level of "Repos Delay" is read if REPOSA is interpreted. Axes that are neither geo nor
orientation axes are then excluded from the REPOS, that is REPOS does NOT move these
axes. NOTICE: This bit completely switches off the channel-specific VDI Signal

11510 IPO_MAX_LOAD N01, N05 -

% Max. permitted IPO load DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.00 0.0 100.0 1/1 M
Description: Enable utilization analysis via synchronized actions.
This MD11510 $MN_IPO_MAX_LOAD sets the IPO computing time (in % of the IPO cycle) after
which the variable $AN_IPO_LOAD_LIMIT is to be set to TRUE. The variable is reset to
FALSE if the value falls below this after having once exceeded it.
This diagnostics function is disabled if the machine data is 0.


- Defines the stop behavior. DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0x1 2/2 M
Description: This MD describes the stop behavior of the NCK under certain conditions:
Bit no. Meaning
Bit 0 == 0 :=
No stop if G codes G331/G332 are active and a path motion or G4 has also been
Bit 0 == 1 :=
A stop is possible during G331/G332 with interruption of the continuous-path mode (G60
or G4 between G331/G332 blocks interrupt the continuous-path mode).
Bits 1.....15
Not assigned

11602 ASUP_START_MASK N01 K1, M3, TE3, TE7

- Ignore stop conditions for ASUB DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x01 0 0xf 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0x01 0 0xf 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x01 0 0xf 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x01 0 0xf 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 0xf 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 0xf 2/2 M
Description: This machine data defines which stop reasons are to be ignored on an ASUB start. The
ASUB is started or the following stop reasons are ignored:
Bit 0:
STOP reason: STOP key, M0 or M01
An ASUB is started immediately if NCK is in RESET status (or JOG mode) (no ASUB can be
started in RESET/JOG without this bit).
Bit 1:
Reserved! This bit was replaced by MD20105 $MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_REFP_LOCK and MD20115

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Bit 2:
Start allowed even if a read-in disable is active; in other words, the blocks of the
ASUB program are loaded and executed immediately. This therefore disables machine data
behavior corresponds to the machine data assignment $MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_INHIBIT=H3F
If the bit is not set:
The assignment of machine data MD20107 $MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_INHIBIT and MD20116
$MC_IGNORE_INHIBIT_ASUP are evaluated.
If the particular bit in $MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_INHIBIT or $MC_IGNORE_INHIBIT_ASUP is 0,
then although an ASUB or prog event are immediately internally initiated, the blocks
of the ASUB program are only loaded when the read-in inhibit is withdrawn.
The path is decelerated immediately when the ASUB is triggered (except with option
The read-in disable is set once more in the ASUB program.
Bit 3:
If an ASUB is started automatically from JOG, the user may stop in the middle of the
ASUB program. JOG mode is displayed continuously for the user. With bit 3 set, the user
may jog in this situation. This is not possible without bit 3. In this case, mode
change is locked with alarm 16927. By pressing the Start key, the user can continue
the ASUB program. As long as the ASUB program is running, the user is naturally not
able to jog. At the end of the ASUB program, the user may jog again.
Bit 4...15: Reserved
Corresponds with:


- Priorities from which 'ASUP_START_MASK' is effective DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 7 0 128 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 7 0 128 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 7 0 128 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 7 0 128 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 128 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 128 2/2 M
Description: This machine data defines the ASUB priority from which MD11602 $MN_ASUP_START_MASK is
to be applied. MD11602 $MN_ASUP_START_MASK is applied from the level specified here up
to the highest ASUB priority level 1.
Related to:


- Activation of a user-specific ASUB program DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0x7 2/2 M
Description: This MD determines whether user-specific routine: _N_ASUP_SPF stored in directory
_N_CUS_DIR/ _N_CMA_DIR is to be used to process RET and REPOS. The user ASUB is
searched for first in _N_CUS_DIR.

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3.2 General machine data

Value: Meaning:
0 Routine _N_ASUP_SPF is not activated for either RET or REPOS.
Bit0 = 1 User-specific routine _N_ASUP_SPF is executed for RET, the routine supplied
by the system is executed for REPOS.
Bit1 = 1 User-specific routine _N_ASUP_SPF is executed for REPOS, the routine
supplied by the system is executed for RET
Bit0= + bit1 = 3 User-specific routine _N_ASUP_SPF is executed for both RET and REPOS
Bit2 = 1 User ASUB _N_ASUP_SPF is searched for first in _N_CMA_DIR
Related to:


- Protection level of the user-specific ASUB program DWORD PowerOn
- - 2 0 7 2/2 M
Description: Protection level of the user-specific ASUB program for RET and/or REPOS
The data is active only if MD11610 $MN_ASUP_EDITABLE is set to a value other than 0.
This machine data defines the protection level of the program _N_ASU_CUS.
MD irrelevant for:
MD11610 $MN_ASUP_EDITABLE set to 0
Related to:


- Call path for PROG_EVENT BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 2 0 3 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 2 0 3 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 2 0 3 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 2 0 3 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 3 0 3 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 3 0 3 7/2 M
Description: Path on which the user program set with MD11620 $MN_PROG_EVENT_NAME is called in
response to an event-driven program call configured with MD20108 $MC_PROG_EVENT_MASK:
0: /_N_CMA_DIR
1: /_N_CUS_DIR
2: /_N_CST_DIR
3: Search path in the sequence /_N_CUS_DIR, /_N_CMA_DIR, and /_N_CST_DIR

11717 D_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME EXP, N12, N07 K1

- Subroutine name for D function replacement STRING PowerOn
- - - - - 2/2 M
Description: Cycle name for replacement routine of the D function.
If a D function is programmed in a part program block, then, depending on machine data
$MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE_PAR, the MD subprogram defined in MD11717 $MN_D_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME
is called.
The programmed D number can be polled in the cycle via system variable $C_D /

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3.2 General machine data

MD11717 $MN_D_NO_FCT_CYCLE_NAME is only active in Siemens mode (G290).

No more than one M/T/D function replacement can be active per part program line.
A modal subprogram call must not be programmed in the block with the D function
replacement. Furthermore, neither subprogram return nor part program end are allowed.
In the event of a conflict alarm 14016 is output.


- Axis feedrate override switch Gray-coded BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data is used to adapt the axis feed override switch to the interface
coding of the PLC interface.
1: The 5 low-order bits of the PLC interface signal DB380x DBX0 (Feed override A-H)
are interpreted as a Gray code. The value which is read corresponds to a switch
setting. It is used as an index for selecting the correct override factor from the
table of MD12010 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_AX_SPEED [n].
0: The feed override byte of the PLC interface is interpreted as a binary
representation of the override value in percent (limit 200 percent).
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX0 (Feed override A-H), (axis-specific)
(Evaluation of the axis feed override switch)


- Evaluation of axis feedrate override switch DOUBLE PowerOn
- 31 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.00 2.00 1/1 M
0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.20...
Description: Evaluation of the axis velocity override switch with gray-coded interface.
Not relevant with:
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX0 (Feed override A-H), (axis-specific)


- Path feedrate override switch Gray-coded BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data is used to adapt the path feed override switch to the interface
coding of the PLC interface.
1: The 5 low-order bits of the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX0 (Feed override
A-H) are interpreted as a Gray code. The value which is read corresponds to a switch
setting. It is used as an index for selecting the correct override factor from the
table of MD12030 $MN_OVR_FACTOR_FEEDRATE [n].
0: The feed override byte of the PLC interface is interpreted as a binary
representation of the override value in percent (limit 200 percent).
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX0 (Feed override A-H)
(Evaluation of the path feed override switch)

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3.2 General machine data


- Evaluation of path feedrate override switch DOUBLE PowerOn
- 31 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.00 2.00 1/1 M
0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.20...
Description: Evaluation of the feedrate override switch with gray-coded interface.
Special function of the 31st value for the velocity control:
The setting of the 31st override value defines the dynamic reserves which take the
velocity control to be an excessive increase in the path feed. The setting should
correspond to the highest override factor actually used.
Not relevant with:
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX0 (Feed override A-H)


- Rapid traverse override switch Gray-coded BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data is used to adapt the rapid traverse override switch to the interface
coding of the PLC interface.
1: The 5 low-order bits of the PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX5 (Rapid traverse
override A-H) are interpreted as a Gray code. The value which is read corresponds to
a switch setting.
It is used as an index for selecting the correct override factor from the table of
0: The rapid traverse override byte of the PLC interface is interpreted as a binary
representation of the override value in percent (limit 200 percent).
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX5 (Rapid traverse override A-H)
(Evaluation of the rapid traverse override switch)


- Evaluation of rapid traverse override switch DOUBLE PowerOn
- 31 0.00, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.00 1.00 1/1 M
0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.20...
Description: Evaluation of the rapid traverse override switch with gray-coded interface.
Not relevant with:
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX5 (Rapid traverse override A-H)


- Spindle override switch Gray-coded BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data is used to adapt the spindle speed override switch to the interface
coding of the PLC interface.

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3.2 General machine data

1: The 5 low-order bits of the "spindle speed override" PLC interface signal are
interpreted as a Gray code. The value which is read corresponds to a switch setting.
It is used as an index for selecting the correct override factor from the table of
0: The spindle speed override byte of the PLC interface is interpreted as a binary
representation of the override value in percent (limit 200 percent).
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2003 (Spindle speed override)
(Evaluation of the spindle speed override switch)


- Evaluation of spindle override switch DOUBLE PowerOn
- 31 0.5, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.00 2.00 1/1 M
0.70, 0.75, 0.80, 0.85...
Description: Evaluation of the spindle-specific override switch with Gray-coded interface.
Special function of the 31st value for the velocity control:
The setting of the 31st override value defines the dynamic reserves which take the
velocity control to be an excessive increase in the spindle feed. The setting should
correspond to the highest override factor actually used.
Not relevant for:
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2003 (Spindle speed override)


- Deactivation of I/O connection to the PLC image DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 16 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 96, -1 255 ReadOnly M
112, -1...
808d-me62 16 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 96, -1 255 1/1 M
112, -1...
808d-te42 16 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 96, -1 255 ReadOnly M
112, -1...
808d-te62 16 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 96, -1 255 1/1 M
112, -1...
808d-mte40 16 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 96, -1 255 1/1 M
112, -1...
808d-mte60 16 0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 96, -1 255 1/1 M
112, -1...
Description: The PLC input/output image of the stations with these logical addresses
is not connected to the real I/Os


- Deactivation of I/O connection to the PLC image DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 16 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 255 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 16 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 255 1/1 M

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3.2 General machine data

808d-te42 16 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 255 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 16 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 255 1/1 M
808d-mte40 16 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 255 1/1 M
808d-mte60 16 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 255 1/1 M
Description: The PLC input/output image of the stations with these logical addresses
is not connected to the real I/Os


808d-me42 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 7/2 M
808d-mte60 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 7/2 M
Description: MD is relevant to PROFIdrive drives at the PROFIBUS/PROFINET:
Drive type:
0: No drive or drive type unknown (default),
software-internally treated as:
1: FDD drive (SRM: Synchronous rotary drive)
2: MSD drive (ARM: Asynchronous rotary drive)
3: Linear drive
4: Analog drive (no automatic entry)
5: Hydraulic drive
In general, the drive type is entered automatically with Siemens drives as soon as the
drives start operating.
With non-Siemens drives (at least with linear drives), the value must be entered
manually if automatic drive recognition is not possible.


808d-me42 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 2/2 M
808d-mte60 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 2/2 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only:
Logical I/O address that is to be recorded.

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3.2 General machine data


808d-me42 - 0 0 3 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 3 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 3 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 3 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 3 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 3 2/2 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only:
0: Recording to the part program memory /_N_MPF_DIR/_N_SIEMDPTRC_MPF
1: Recording to mass storage /user/sinumerik/data/temp/siemdptrc.trc
2: Recording to the part program memory with runtime measurement
3: Recording of cyclic PN-NCULINK communication


- Maximum trace file size in kbytes DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 40 - - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 40 - - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 40 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 40 - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 40 - - 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 40 - - 2/2 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only:
0: Trace without file size limitation
>0: Trace with file size limitation


- Activation of PROFIBUS/PROFINET trace DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 1 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 1 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 1 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 1 2/2 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only:
0: Trace off
1: Trace on
MD13112 $MN_PROFIBUS_TRACE_FILE_SIZE > 0: Trace is automatically disabled when the
file size is reached.


- Trigger conditions for PROFIBUS/PROFINET trace DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0x00000000 0x111fffff 0/0 S

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3.2 General machine data

808d-me62 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0x00000000 0x111fffff 1/1 M

808d-te42 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0x00000000 0x111fffff 0/0 S
808d-te62 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0x00000000 0x111fffff 1/1 M
808d-mte40 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0x00000000 0x111fffff 2/2 M
808d-mte60 14 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0x00000000 0x111fffff 2/2 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only:
The trigger frequency is configured bit-by-bit
Bits 0-15: 0x0001-0xffff: bit mask
Bits 16-23: 0x01-0x14: process data number (a maximum of 20 words are permissible)
Bits 24-27:0x01: status change 0->1
0x00: status change 1->0
Bits 28-31:0x10: send slot
0x00: receive slot
When MD13113 $MN_PROFIBUS_TRACE_START=1 and MD13114
$MN_PROFIBUS_TRACE_START_EVENT=0x0 Recording starts immediately
When MD13113 $MN_PROFIBUS_TRACE_START=1 and MD13114
$MN_PROFIBUS_TRACE_START_EVENT=0x1 Recording starts on control power on
When MD13113 $MN_PROFIBUS_TRACE_START=1 and MD13114
$MN_PROFIBUS_TRACE_START_EVENT=0x2 Recording starts on loss of the sign of life


- Logical address of SINAMICS CU DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 6500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 16383 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 5 0 0 8191 0/2 M
808d-te42 1 6500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 16383 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 5 0 0 8191 0/2 M
808d-mte40 15 6500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 16383 7/2 M
808d-mte60 15 0 0 8191 0/2 M
Logical I/O address of a SINAMICS-CU (Control Unit) on the PROFIBUS/PROFINET.
The cyclic DP communication with SINAMICS-CU is activated by taking over the
associated slot address from the STEP7 project. The onboard I/Os cannot be accessed
until after configuration.


- Alarm response of PROFIBUS/PROFINET drives on power up DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 1 0 2 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 1 0 2 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 1 0 2 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 1 0 2 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 1 0 2 2/7 M
808d-mte60 - 1 0 2 2/7 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only:
Specifies the time of activation for evaluation/transmission of
PROFIBUS/PROFINET node alarms or warnings
(fine diagnostics messages) on the NCK.
Affects drive alarms or warnings 380500, 380501

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

(or alarms 200000ff etc. created from these in the HMI)

as well as drive safety alarms 27900.
Meaning of the MD values:
0 = alarms/warnings are evaluated immediately
1 = alarms/warnings are not evaluated
2 = alarms are evaluated only after power up, i.e.
as soon as HMI has set value 2 active again (NCK automatically
resets the MD value to 1 at every power up; HMI must
explicitely articulate its readiness for message processing
by setting value 2)
Note: the MD restricts the range or effectiveness
Default: the display default behavior of the mentioned drive
alarms changes with the introduction of this MD.
Now the alarms are not transported and displayed
by default.
The previous default behavior can be restored


- Activate fault and warning buffer output for Sinamics DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/2 M
Description: For PROFIBUS/PROFINET only, especially SINAMICS:
Relevant to SINAMICS diagnostics:
Note: the effect of this MD may be hidden independently of
the value of MD13140 $MN_PROFIBUS_ALARM_ACCESS.
Mask for displaying the SINAMICS DOS fault and warning buffers
Bit set: Alarms in this DO group are output
Bit not set: Alarms in this DO group are not output
Bit Hex. Meaning
0: 0x1 Output faults of the Control Units
1: 0x2 Reserved
2: 0x4 Output faults of the Drive Controls
3: 0x8 Output faults of the Line Modules
4: 0x10 Output faults of the Terminal Boards
5: 0x20 Output faults of the Terminal Modules
8: 0x100 Output warnings of the Control Units
9: 0x200 Output warnings of the Communication Objects
10: 0x400 Output warnings of the Drive Controls
11: 0x800 Output warnings of the Line Modules
12: 0x1000 Ouptut warnings of the Terminal Boards

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

13: 0x2000 Output warnings of the Terminal Modules


- Highest SINAMICS slave address DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 - 7/2 M
Description: Highest slave/device address supported per bus
All slaves/devices with an address higher than the address set here are ignored by the
Value 0: No limitation


- Polarity reversal of sensor BOOLEAN PowerOn
- 2 FALSE, FALSE 0 - 3/3 U
Description: This MD defines the electrical polarity of each connected sensor.
Value 0:
(Default setting)
Non-deflected state 0 V
Deflected state 24 V
Value 1:
Non-deflected state 24 V
Deflected state 0 V
The programmed edges of the sensor are independent of the electrical polarity, and are
to be regarded as purely mechanical. The programming of a positive edge always means
the transition from the non-deflected into the deflected state. The programming of a
negative edge always means the transition from the deflected into the non-deflected


s Delay time between probe deflection and recognition DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 2 0.0, 0.0 0 0.1 3/3 U
Description: For probes with, for example, radio transmission, the probe deflection can be detected
in the NC only with delay.
With this MD, the transmission link delay between the probe deflection and its
detection is set in the control.
The measured value is corrected internally by the control by the distance that
corresponds to the traversing motion during this time before measuring (modeling).
As the modeling does not work with the expected accuracy at higher position control
cycles, the delay time is limited independently of the input value to 31 position
control cycles).

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

13230 MEAS_PROBE_SOURCE N10, N09 -

- Probe simulation BYTE PowerOn
- - 0 0 9 3/2 M
Description: Simulation of the probe only works when all axes are simulated.
Value = 0: the probe is triggered on the programmed end position.
Value = 1-8: the probe is triggered via digital output with the number=value.
Value = 9: reserved

13231 MEAS_PROBE_OFFSET N10, N09 -

mm/inch, Probe offset DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.1 - - 7/7 U
Description: The switching position of the probe is offset by the value.
The offset is only active with the simulated probes and MD 13230

14510 USER_DATA_INT N03 P3, "PLC-Maschinendaten", P4,

- User data (INT) DWORD PowerOn
- 32 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -32768 32767 7/3 I
Description: User data is stored in the NCK-PLC interface, and can already be read from the machine
data block by the PLC user during the runup of the PLC.

14512 USER_DATA_HEX N03 P3, "PLC-Maschinendaten", P4,

- User data (HEX) DWORD PowerOn
- 32 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x0FF 7/3 I
Description: User data is stored in the NCK-PLC interface, and can already be read from the machine
data block by the PLC user during the runup of the PLC.

14514 USER_DATA_FLOAT N03 P3, "PLC-Maschinendaten", P4,

- User data (FLOAT) DOUBLE PowerOn
- 8 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -3.40e38 3.40e38 7/3 I
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: User data is stored in the NCK-PLC interface, and can already be read from the machine
data block by the PLC user during the runup of the PLC.


- User data (HEX) BYTE PowerOn
- 128 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 7/3 U
Description: Configuration of alarm responses to user PLC alarms
Bit 0 NC start disabled
Bit 1 Read-in disable

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3.2 General machine data

Bit 2 Feed disable for all axes

Bit 4 PLC in stop
Bit 5 Alarm log
Bit 6 Definition for alarm or message (1: Alarm, 0: Message
Bit 7 Delete at POWER ON

15700 LANG_SUB_NAME N01 K1

- Name for substitution subroutine STRING PowerOn
- - - - - 2/2 M
Description: Name of the user program called on the basis of a substitution configured by MD30465
The user program is called with the path configured by MD15702 $MN_LANG_SUB_PATH.

15702 LANG_SUB_PATH N01 K1

- Call path for substitution subroutine BYTE PowerOn
- - 0 0 2 2/2 M
Description: Path with which the user program set by MD15700 $MN_LANG_SUB_NAME is called on the
basis of a substitution configured by MD30465 $MA_AXIS_LANG_SUB_MASK:
0: /_N_CMA_DIR (default)
1: /_N_CUS_DIR
2: /_N_CST_DIR


- Extensions of binary files STRING PowerOn
- 20 JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, - - 2/2 M
Description: Extensions of files which are saved in the binary format in the passive NCKs file
For these files, there are no restrictions regarding the content.
For ASCII content (e.g. HTM) any line length is possible; this is not permissible for
NC programs (e.g. MPF, SPF and DEF).
Each extension must comprise precisely three uppercase letters.


- Prewarning time for triggering the CNC lock function DWORD PowerOn
- - 30 1 90 1/1 I
Description: Definition of the time period for triggering the CNC lock function from which the
clearable information alarms of this function will be output (in days).

17400 OEM_GLOBAL_INFO A01, A11 -

- OEM version information STRING PowerOn
- 5 - - - 2/2 I
Description: A version information freely available to the user
(is indicated in the version screen)

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Note: MD17400 $MN_OEM_GLOBAL_INFO[0] is used with functions such as logbook,

licensing, etc. to store the machine identity.


- Tool data behavior with RESETMON DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x14 0 0x49F 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0x14 0 0x49F 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0x14 0 0x49F 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0x14 0 0x49F 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0x14 0 0x49F 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x14 0 0x49F 7/2 M
Description: The 5th parameter of the RESETMON command defines which tool status is to be reset. If
the 5th parameter is omitted, it is replaced by the value in this MD. With the PI
service "_N_TRESMON", work is always done with this value.
In that case, the bits are always assigned as the bits in the tool status $TC_TP8[x].
Bit no.: 0 Bit value: 0 hex value: -
Meaning: Tool status "active" remains unchanged
Bit no.: 0 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H1'
Meaning: Tool status "active" is deleted
Bit no.: 1 Bit value: 0 hex value: -
Meaning: Tool status "released" remains unchanged
Bit no.: 1 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H2'
Meaning: Tool status "released" is set
Bit no.: 2 Bit value: 0 hex value: -
Meaning: Tool status "locked" remains unchanged
Bit no.: 2 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H4'
Meaning: Tool status "locked" is deleted, if this is permitted by the monitoring data
and the 4th parameter is set correspondingly.
Bit no.: 3 Bit value: 0 hex value: -
Meaning: Tool status "measure" remains unchanged
Bit no.: 3 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H8'
Meaning: Tool status "measure" is set.
Bit no.: 4 Bit value: 0 hex value: -
Meaning: Tool status "prewarning limit" remains unchanged
Bit no.: 4 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H10'
Meaning: Tool status "prewarning limit" is deleted, if this is permitted by the
monitoring data and the 4th parameter is set.
Bit no.: 5 Not permitted (tool status "tool is being changed")
Bit no.: 6 Not permitted (tool status "tool is fixed-location-coded")
Bit no.: 7 Bit value: 0 hex value: -
Meaning: Tool status "was in use" remains unchanged
Bit no.: 7 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H80'
Meaning: Tool status "was in use" is deleted
Bit no.: 8 Bit value: 0 Not permitted (tool status "is in retract")
Bit no.: 9 Bit value: 0 hex value: -
Meaning: Tool status "locked is ignored" remains unchanged
Bit no.: 9 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H200'
Meaning: Tool status "locked is ignored" is deleted
Bit no.: 10 Bit value: 0 hex value: -

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Meaning: Tool status "to unload" remains unchanged

Bit no.: 10 Bit value: 1 hex value: 'H400'
Meaning: Tool status "to unload" is deleted
Bit no.: 11 Not permitted (tool status "to load")
Bit no.: 12 Bit value: 0 Not permitted (tool status "master tool")
Bit no.: 13 Not permitted (reserved)
The default setting corresponds to the previous behavior.
Impermissible bits are filtered and not displayed in the limit mask.
Bits not defined here are ignored when writing the machine data.


- Create new tool: default settings DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
Description: When defining a tool for the first time (bits 0, 1, 2) or the magazine locations (bit
3) for the first time, certain data of the tool can be set to fixed default values.
Bit 4 can couple the magazine location status 'Overlapping allowed' ('H2000') to the
value of the magazine location status 'disabled' ('H1'). This can prevent simple
applications from dealing with data which do not necessarily have to be assigned
individual values.
Bit no.: 0 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), bit1=0 ='not released'
Bit no.: 0 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H1'
Meaning: Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), bit1=1 ='released'
Bit no.: 1 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), bit6=0 ='not fixed-location-coded'
Bit no.: 1 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H2'
Meaning: Default value of tool status ($TC_TP8), bit6=1 ='fixed-location-coded'
Bit no.: 2 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: The tool is only accepted in the tool group when the explicit write command
is used for the tool name. Only then can it be loaded via programming.
Bit no.: 2 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H4'
Meaning: The tool is automatically accepted in the tool group corresponding to the
tool name when it is defined for the first time. The tool can then be changed using
the default name ("t" = t-No.).
The term 'tool name' ($TC_TP2) can be hidden from the user. (This only makes sense if
you do not use replacement tools or if the tool name is not written explicitly, as this
may give rise to data consistency problems.)
Bit no.: 3 Bit value: 0 Only with TMMG: Default value of location type
($TC_TP7)=9999=not defined
Bit no.: 3 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H8'
Meaning: Only with TMMG: Default value of location type ($TC_TP7) = 1 and consequently
the default value of magazine location type ($TC_MPP2)=1. This means that all magazine
locations can accept all tools.
Bit no.: 4 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -

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Meaning: Only with TMMG + active consider adjacent location: With SET/RESET of the
magazine location status 'disabled', the magazine location status 'Overlapping
allowed' remains unchanged.
Bit no.: 4 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H10'
Meaning: Only with TMMG + active consider adjacent location: With SET/RESET of the
magazine location status 'disabled', the magazine location status 'Overlapping
allowed' is automatically SET/RESET.


- Mark tool data change for HMI DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 0x1F 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
Description: HMI display support. This data enables individual data to be explicitly taken into
account or not taken into account in the OPI variables (block C/S) toolCounter,
toolCounterC, toolCounterM.
Bit no. : 0 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: Changes to the values of the tool status ($TC_TP8) are not taken into account
in toolCounterC
Bit no. : 0 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H1'
Meaning: Changes to the values of the tool status ($TC_TP8) are taken into account in
Bit no. : 1 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: Changes to the values of the remaining number of tools ($TC_MOP4) are not
taken into account in toolCounterC
Bit no. : 1 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H2'
Meaning: Changes to the values of the remaining number of tools ($TC_MOP4) are taken
into account in toolCounterC
Bit no. : 2 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: Changes to the values of the tool data are not taken into account in the tool
data update service
Bit no. : 2 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H4'
Meaning: Changes to the values of the tool data are taken into account in the tool data
update service
Bit no. : 3 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: Changes to the values of the magazine data are not taken into account in the
tool data update service
Bit no. : 3 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H8'
Meaning: Changes to the values of the magazine data are taken into account in the tool
data update service.
Bit no. : 4 Bit value: 0 Hex value: -
Meaning: Changes to the values of the ISO tool offset data are not taken into account
in the tool data update service
Bit no. : 4 Bit value: 1 Hex value: 'H10' Meaning: Changes to the values of the
ISO tool offset data are taken into account in the tool data update service
The statements "Changes to the values of the tool status" and "Changes to the values
of the remaining number of tools" refer not only to value changes effected by internal
processes in the NC but also to value changes produced by writing the corresponding
system variables.

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3.2 General machine data


- Permitted tool types DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x3CF 0 0x3CF 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0x3CF 0 0x3CF 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0x3EF 0 0x3EF 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0x3EF 0 0x3EF 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0x3FF 0 0x3FF 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x3FF 0 0x3FF 7/2 M
Description: Definition of the tool types permitted in NCK (see $TC_DP1) with the tool offset
selection. That is, tools of any type may be loaded in the NCK; but only the tools
types defined here may be defined in the offset defining tool. A bit value = 1 means
that the named tool type range is permitted for the offset selection. A bit value = 0
means that the named tool type range is rejected with an offset-capable alarm in the
case of an attempted offset selection of a cutting edge of this type. The special value
= 0, 9999 for the tool type means "undefined". Tool offsets with this tool type value
generally cannot be selected.
Bit no.: 0 value 0x1 means: Tool types 1 to 99 permitted
Bit no.: 1 value 0x2 means: Tool types 100 to 199 permitted (milling tools)
Bit no.: 2 value 0x4 means: Tool types 200 to 299 permitted (drilling tools)
Bit no.: 3 value 0x8 means: Tool types 300 to 399 permitted
Bit no.: 4 value 0x10 means: Tool types 400 to 499 permitted (grinding tools)
Bit no.: 5 value 0x20 means: Tool types 500 to 599 permitted (turning tools)
Bit no.: 6 value 0x40 means: Tool types 600 to 699 permitted
Bit no.: 7 value 0x80 means: Tool types 700 to 799 permitte
Bit no.: 8 value 0x100 means: Tool types 800 to 899 permitted
Bit no.: 9 value 0x200 means: Tool types 900 to 999 permitted
Related to:


- Depth of the PowerFail log memory optimization DWORD Reset
- 3 100, 10, 30 0 1000 1/1 M
Description: Depth of the memory optimization in the PowerFail log file (=search depth, to find out
whether a parameter to be written is already included in the PowerFail log file).
It is possible to increase the value of the machine data if
alarm 15120 occurs during program processing and if you wish to avoid it.
0 = same effect as value 1.
Writing of a variable value is therefore very time-efficient at the
cost of the required memory.
0< n <= Maximum value
= Writing of a new variable value leads, prior to saving of the new
variable value in the PowerFail log file, to the last n write
operations which have been being checked to see whether
the new parameter to be written has already been written once.
If yes, the new value is not entered again in the PowerFail log
file, but the old value is overwritten with the new one.

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If no, the new value is entered.

At the cost of the required time, writing of a variable value
can therefore be designed very memory-efficiently.
Changing of the data can shorten/increase the time requirement of the present
Changing of the data can fill the available log buffers faster/more slowly.
Frequent occuring of alarm 15120 -> Increase values for index=0,1,2.
The value indicating the index to be changed can be deducted from the parameter of
alarm 15120:
Index Meaning
0 Search depth in preprocessing buffer
1 Search depth in buffer for data changes within the range of tool change
2 Search depth in buffer for data changes of main processing (especially
synchronized actions)


- Setting to VDI signals DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0 0 0x1 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0x0 0 0x1 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0x0 0 0x1 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0x0 0 0x1 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0x0 0 0x1 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x0 0 0x1 7/2 M
Description: Settings for VDI signals:
Bit 0 == 0:
The VDI signals motion command + / motion command - are already issued if there is a
travel request (default).
Bit 0 == 1:
The VDI signals motion command + / motion command - are issued only if the axis
actually moves.


- System: automatic memory reconfiguration BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE - - ReadOnly S
Description: Value = 0 : If machine data that redefines the buffered memory is modified, then
generally the alarm 4400 is output which indicates that the user data will be deleted
the next the software is started.
Value = 1 : If machine data that redefines the buffered memory is modified, then
generally the alarm 4400 is not output. This means the data is retained the next time
the software is started.
The preassigned value is selected model-specifically and generally it must not be


- Path and file name for internal data backup STRING PowerOn
- - /siemens/sinumerik/ - - ReadOnly S

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3.2 General machine data

Description: File name with file path where the data backup file is stored if the persistent memory
is reconfigured.


- Hardware series number STRING PowerOn
- 1 - - - 2/- M
Description: During power on of the control, a unique hardware serial number is stored in this MD:
● For Powerline series modules this is the serial number of the NCU module
● For Solutionline series modules this is the serial number of the CF card, or the
unique number of the MCI module in the case of PC-based systems
This data cannot be written.

18040 VERSION_INFO N05 -

- Version STRING PowerOn
- 5 - - - 2/- M
Description: Version identifiers of the system software

18050 INFO_FREE_MEM_DYNAMIC N01, N02, N05 S7

- Display data of the free volatile memory DWORD PowerOn
- - 1310720 0 268435456 1/- M
Description: The data is used for
a) the manufacturer's presetting of the memory size [ bytes ] available to the user
for each channel after cold restart.
b) displaying the available volatile memory [ bytes ]
The data cannot be written.
The contents of the data state how much volatile memory is available per channel for
increasing the volatile user data storage area via MD.
It is advisable to check whether the available memory is sufficient before increasing,
for example, the number of LUDs, number of functional parameters, or the size of the
IPO buffer.
If necessary, proceed step by step:
● increase by 1, note (old) value
● NCK startup (= 'warm start' or NCK reset), read off new value
● memory requirement = new value - old value

18060 INFO_FREE_MEM_STATIC N01, N02, N05 S7

- Display data of the free nonvolatile memory DWORD PowerOn
- - 409600 0 48234496 1/- M
Description: The preassigned value specifies how many bytes, as a minimum, are free for the user
when the NCK runs up with a 'cold restart'.
The contents of the data state how much nonvolatile memory is available during startup
for configuration of the active and passive file system and other functions.
e.g. MD18082 $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL

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On the first NCK power-up or cold restart of the control (=deletion of user data)
MD18230 $MN_MM_USER_MEM_BUFFERED is set by the NCK software so that at least the
default value results for MD18060 $MN_INFO_FREE_MEM_STATIC.
Machine data for configuration of functions that require nonvolatile memory (tools,
GUDs, compensations, ...) can be increased until this memory has all been allocated.

18082 MM_NUM_TOOL N02, N09 FBWsl, S7

- Number of tools the NCK can manage (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 64 0 64 ReadOnly S
808d-me62 - 64 0 64 ReadOnly S
808d-te42 - 64 0 64 ReadOnly S
808d-te62 - 64 0 64 ReadOnly S
808d-mte40 - - 0 128 ReadOnly S
808d-mte60 - - 0 128 ReadOnly S
Description: The NC cannot manage more tools than the number entered in the MD. A tool has at least
one cutting edge.
Buffered user memory is used.
The maximum possible number of tools is equal to the number of cutting edges. The MD
must also be set when TOOLMAN is not used.
The buffered data are lost when the machine data is changed.
Related to:

18094 MM_NUM_CC_TDA_PARAM N02, N09 H2

- Number of OEM tool data (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 64 2/2 M
Description: Number of tool-specific data (of type Integer) which can be created per tool, and which
are available to the user or the compile cycle.
This machine data increases the buffered memory requirement by sizeof(double)*max.
number of tools.
Related to:

18095 MM_TYPE_CC_TDA_PARAM N02, N09 -

- Type of OEM tool data (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 64 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-mte60 64 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
Description: Individual types can be assigned to the parameters in this way. The array index n can
accept values from 0 to the value of MD18094 $MN_MM_NUM_CC_TDA_PARAM.
The possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 represent the NC language types
3 INT,

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5 STRING and
The type FRAME cannot be defined here. The type STRING can be up to 31 characters long.
"UserTool" can then be programmed for parameter $TC_TPC1.
Buffered user memory is used. A value change leads to reconfiguration of the buffered
Related to:

18096 MM_NUM_CC_TOA_PARAM N02, N09 G2

- Number of data per tool edge for compile cycles (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 64 2/2 M
Description: Number of TOA data (of type Real) which can be created per tool, and which are
available to the user or the compile cycle.
This MD increases the buffered memory requirement by sizeof(double)*max. number of
cutting edges.
Related to:

18097 MM_TYPE_CC_TOA_PARAM N02, N09 -

- Type of OEM data per cutting edge (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-me62 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-te42 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-te62 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-mte40 64 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-mte60 64 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
Description: Work may only be done with the default setting.
Individual types can be assigned to the parameters in this way.
The array index n can accept values from 0 to the value of MD18096
The possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 represent the NC language types
3 INT,
4 REAL and
The type STRING is explicitly not possible here. The value 5 is treated like value 2).
The type FRAME cannot be defined here.

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"A" can then be programmed for parameter $TC_DPC1.
Buffered user memory is used. A value change leads to reconfiguration of the buffered
Related to:

18098 MM_NUM_CC_MON_PARAM N02, N09 FBWsl

- Number of monitoring data per tool for compile cycles DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 64 2/2 M
Description: Number of monitoring data (of type Integer) which can be created per tool, and which
are available to the user or the compile cycle.
This MD increases the buffered memory requirement by sizeof(int)*max. number of
cutting edges.
Related to:


- Type of OEM monitor data (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-me62 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-te42 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-te62 64 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 1 2/2 M
808d-mte40 64 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-mte60 64 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 2/2 M
Description: Individual types can be assigned to the parameters in this way. The array index n can
accept values from 0 to the value of MD18098 $MN_MM_NUM_CC_MON_PARAM.
Possible values of the MD = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 represent the NC language types
3 INT,
4 REAL and
The FRAME type cannot be defined here.
(The type STRING is explicitly not possible here. The value 5 is treated like value 2.)
"A" can then be programmed for the parameter $TC_MOPC1.
Buffered user memory is used. A value change leads to reconfiguration of the buffered
Related to:

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3.2 General machine data


- Type of D No. programming (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 1 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 1 2/2 M
Description: This MD activates the 'flat D number management'.
The default value is zero. This means that the NCK manages the T and D numbers.
Value: Meaning
0: No 'flat D number management' active
1: 'Flat D number' function is active

18108 MM_NUM_SUMCORR N02, N09 W1

- Resulting offsets in TO area (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - -1 -1 9000 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - -1 -1 9000 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - -1 -1 9000 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - -1 -1 9000 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - -1 -1 9000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - -1 -1 9000 7/2 M
Description: Total number of resulting offsets in the NCK.
The value = -1 means that the number of resulting offsets is equal to the number of
cutting edges multiplied by the number of resulting offsets per cutting edge.
A value > 0 and < "number of cutting edges multiplied by the number of resulting
offsets per cutting edge" means that a maximum "number of resulting offsets per
cutting edge" can be defined per cutting edge but do not have to be. This means that
buffered memory can be used economically. Only those cutting edges for which expliicit
data have been defined have a resulting offset data block.
Buffered memory is reserved. The memory requirement for a resulting offset doubles if
"setup offset active" has also been configured, see MD18112 $MN_MM_KIND_OF_SUMCORR.
See also:


- Max. number of additive offsets per edge (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1 1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 1 1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 1 1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 1 1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 1 1 6 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1 1 6 7/2 M
Description: Maximum number of resulting offsets per cutting edge.

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If MD18108 $MN_MM_NUM_SUMCORR > 0 then:

The data is not memory defining, but is only used for monitoring.
If MD18108 $MN_MM_NUM_SUMCORR = -1 then:
The data is memory defining.
See also

18112 MM_KIND_OF_SUMCORR N02, N09 W1

- Properties of resulting offsets in TO area (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 0x1F ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0 0 0x1F ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0 0 0x1F ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0 0 0x1F ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 0x1F 7/2 M
Description: Properties of the resulting offsets in NCK.
Bit 0=0 "Resulting offsets fine" are backed up when the tool data are backed up.
Bit 0=1 "Resulting offsets fine" are backed up when the tool data are backed up.
Bit 1=0 Set-up offsets are backed up when the tool data are backed up.
Bit 1=1 Set-up offsets are not backed up when the tool data are backed up.
Bit 2=0 If work is done with the function tool management (TOOLMAN) and/or tool
monitoring (TMMO), existing "resulting offsets fine/setup offsets" are not affected
when the tool status is set to "active".
Bit 2 =1 Existing resulting offsets are set to zero when the tool status is set to
Bit 3=0 If work is done with the function "TOOLMAN" +"adapter", the "resulting offsets
fine"/setup offsets are transformed.
Bit 3=1 No transformation of the "resulting offsets fine"/setup offsets
Bit 4=0 No set-up offset data blocks
Bit 4=1 Set-up offset data blocks are additionally created. Whereby the resulting
offset is composed of the sum of the set-up offset + "resulting offset fine"
Changing the status of bits 0, 1, 2, 3 does not change the memory structure.
Changing the status of bit 4 triggers restructuring of the buffered memory after the
next PowerOn.
See also


- Assign tool cutting edge orientation DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M

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3.2 General machine data

808d-te42 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 3 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 3 7/2 M
Description: The function allows an orientation deviating from the default value to be assigned to
each tool cutting edge.
Value = 0:
The tool orientation function is inactive.
Value = 1:
The system parameter $TC_DPV[n, m] is assigned to each tool cutting edge D=m of the
tool T=n, with the aid of which one of 6 possible tool orientations in positive or
negative coordinate direction can be defined.
Value = 2:
Not only the system parameter $TC_DPV[n, m] but also the additional three system
parameters $TC_DPV3[n, m], $TC_DPV4[n, m] and $TC_DPV5[n, m] are assigned to each tool
cutting edge D=m of the tool T=n, with the aid of which any spatial tool orientation
can be defined
T, D are the NC addresses T and D with which the tool change or the tool selection and
the offset selection are programmed.
Value = 3:
Not only the system parameters $TC_DPV[n, m] and $TC_DPV3 - $TC_DPV5 but also the
additional three system parameters $TC_DPVN3[n, m], $TC_DPVN4[n, m] and $TC_DPVN5[n,
m] are assigned to each tool cutting edge D=m of the tool T=n, with the aid of which
a vector (normal vector) can be defined that is preferably perpendicular to the tool
orientation. The normal vector may be modified so that it lies in the plane formed by
the orientation and the programmed normal vector but perpendicular to the orientation
The orientation and the possibly modified normal vector together define a complete
orientation coordinate system. The machine data affects the requirement for battery-
backed memory.


- Number of GUD files in active file system (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1 1 1 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 1 1 1 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 1 1 1 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1 1 1 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 7 1 9 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 7 1 9 7/2 M
Description: A GUD block corresponds to a file in which user-defined data can be stored. 9 GUD
blocks are available of which 3 are already assigned to specific users/applications.
UGUD_DEF_USER (block for user)
MGUD_DEF_USER (block for machine manufacturer)
Special cases:
The number of GUD modules is determined by the GUD module with the highest number
If the following GUD modules are defined,

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3.2 General machine data

then the machine data must be set to a value of 8, signifying a memory requirement of
8 x 120 bytes = 960 bytes.
It is therefore advisable to selected the "lowest" possible GUD module. If GUD modules
UGUD and MGUD have not been assigned elsewhere, then they may be used for this purpose.
Related to:
(Memory space for user variables)


- Number of global user variable names (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 60 60 32000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 60 60 32000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 60 60 32000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 60 60 32000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 60 60 32000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 60 60 32000 7/2 M
Description: Defines the number of user variables for NCK global user data (GUD). Approximately 80
bytes of memory per variable are reserved in the SRAM for the names of the variables.
The additional memory required for the value of the variable depends on the data type
of the variable. The number of available NCK global user data is exhausted on reaching
the limit value set in MD18120 $MN_MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_NCK or MD18150
$MN_MM_GUD_VALUES_MEM (memory space for user variables).
Buffered user memory is used.
Special cases:
The battery-backed data are lost if this machine data is altered.
Related to:
(Memory space for user variables)


- Number of channel-specific user variable names (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 200 200 32000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 200 200 32000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 200 200 32000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 200 200 32000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 200 200 32000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 200 200 32000 7/2 M
Description: Defines the number of user variable names for channel-specific global user data (GUD).
Approximately 80 bytes of memory are reserved in the SRAM for each variable name. The
additional memory required for the value of the variable is equal to the size of the
data type of the variable multiplied by the number of channels. This means that each
channel has its own memory available for the variable values. The number of available
channel-specific global user data is exhausted on reaching the limit value set in
MD18130 $MN_MM_NUM_GUD_NAMES_CHAN or MD18150 $MN_MM_GUD_VALUES_MEM (memory space for
user variables).
The name created with the DEF statement is valid for all channels.
The memory requirement for the variable value is equal to the size of the data type
multiplied by the number of channels.
Buffered user memory is used.

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Special cases:
The battery-backed data are lost if this machine data is altered.
Related to:
(Memory space for user variables)


- Memory location for global user variable values (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 48 32 32000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 48 32 32000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 48 32 32000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 48 32 32000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 196 136 32000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 196 136 32000 7/2 M
Description: The specified value reserves memory space for the variable values of the global user
data (GUD). The dimensioning of the memory depends to a large extent on the data types
used for the variables.
Overview of the memory requirements of the data types:
Data type Memory requirement
REAL 8 bytes
INT 4 bytes
BOOL 1 byte
CHAR 1 byte
STRING 1 byte per character, 100 characters permitted per string
AXIS 4 bytes
FRAME up to 1KB depending on control model
The total memory required by a channel or axis-specific global user variable is the
memory requirement of the variables multiplied by the number of channels or axes. The
number of global user variables available is given when the limit defined in MD18120
Buffered user memory is used.
Special cases:
The buffered data are lost if this machine data is altered!
Related to:
(Number of GUD blocks)
(Number of global user variables)
(Number of channel-specific user variables)


- Number of miscellaneous functions (cycles, DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 100 0 32000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 100 0 32000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 100 0 32000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 100 0 32000 0/0 S

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100 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

808d-mte40 - 100 0 32000 7/2 M

808d-mte60 - 100 0 32000 7/2 M
Description: The data limits the maximum number of special functions over and above the predefined
functions (such as sine, cosine, etc.) which can be used in
● cycle programs
● compile cycle software.
The function names are entered in the global NCK dictionary and must not conflict with
the names that already exist.
The SIEMENS cycle package contains special functions that are taken into account by
the default setting of the MD.
The data are stored in unbuffered memory. Approximately 150 bytes are required for
each special function for management purposes.
Related to:
(Number. of additional parameters)


- Number of additional parameters for cycles according to MD 18170 DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1000 0 32000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 1000 0 32000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 1000 0 32000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1000 0 32000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 1000 0 32000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1000 0 32000 7/2 M
Description: Defines the maximum number of parameters required for the special functions in
● cycle programs
● compile cycle software.
50 parameters are required for the special functions of the SIEMENS cycle package,
software version 1.
The data are stored in unbuffered memory. 72 bytes of memory are reserved for each
Related to:
(Number of special functions)

18190 MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_NCK N12, N02, N06, A3

- Number of control-specific protection areas (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 10 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 10 1/1 M
Description: This machine data defines how many control-specific protection areas have been created.
Related to:
MD28200 $MC_MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_CHAN (number of channel-specific protection areas)

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

MD28210 $MC_MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_ACTIVE (number of simultaneously active protection

/FB/, A3, "Axis Monitoring, Protection Areas"


- Number of Siemens OEM tool data (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 10 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0 0 10 0/0 S
Description: Only when MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 2=1 ('H4'), is set:
User or OEM data of the tools.
Number of Siemens OEM TDA (=tool-specific) data (standard format Int).
See also: MD18094 $MN_MM_NUM_CC_TDA_PARAM, MD18082 $MN_MM_NUM_TOOL
Buffered user memory is used


- Type of Siemens OEM tool data (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 10 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-me62 10 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-te42 10 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-te62 10 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-mte40 10 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 0/0 S
808d-mte60 10 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 0/0 S
Description: Only when MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 2=1 ('H4'), is set:
User or OEM data in the tool management.
Type of tool-specific Siemens user data configured by MD18204 $MN_MM_NUM_CCS_TDA_PARAM.
Each parameter can be assigned its own type. The permissible types are
Type Value of the machine data
(See types of the NC language)
STRING 5 (permits identifiers up to 31 characters long)
FRAME not defined
Buffered user memory is used. A change in value leads to reconfiguration of the
buffered memory.

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102 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data


- No. of Siemens OEM data per cutting edge (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 10 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0 0 10 0/0 S
Description: Only when MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 2=1 ('H4'), is set:
User or OEM data of the tools.
Number of Siemens OEM TOA data (standard format IN_Real).
Buffered user memory is used


- Type of Siemens OEM data per cutting edge (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- 10 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4... 1 6 2/2 M
Description: Only when MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 2=1 ('H4'), is set:
User or OEM data in the tool management.
Type of cutting-edge-specific Siemens user data configured by MD18206
Each parameter can be assigned its own type. The permissible types are
Type Value of the machine data
(See types of the NC language)
● (STRING is explicitly impossible here; value 5 is treated like value 2)
FRAME not defined
Buffered user memory is used. A change in value leads to reconfiguration of the
buffered memory.


- No. of Siemens OEM monitor data (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0 0 10 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 10 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0 0 10 0/0 S

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Description: Only when MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 0 = 1 or bit 1 = 1 and bit 2=1
('H4'), is set:
User or OEM data in the tool management.
Number of Siemens OEM monitoring data; standard format IN_Int).
Buffered user memory is used


- Type of Siemens OEM monitor data (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 10 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-me62 10 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-te42 10 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-te62 10 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 2/2 M
808d-mte40 10 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 0/0 S
808d-mte60 10 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 6 0/0 S
Description: Only when MD18080 $MN_MM_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_MASK, bit 0 = 1 or bit 1 = 1 and bit 2=1
('H4'), is set:
User or OEM data in the tool management.
Type of monitoring-specific Siemens user data configured by MD18208
Each parameter can be assigned its own type. The permissible types are
Type Value of the machine data
(See types of the NC language)
● (STRING is explicitly impossible here; value 5 is treated like value 2)
FRAME not defined
Buffered user memory is used. A change in value leads to reconfiguration of the
buffered memory.


- Buffered user memory DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - - 0 7168 0/0 S
808d-me62 - - 0 7168 0/0 S
808d-te42 - - 0 7168 0/0 S
808d-te62 - - 0 7168 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - - 0 7168 ReadOnly M
808d-mte60 - - 0 7168 ReadOnly M
Description: Nonvolatile user memory (in kB).
Various types of user data are stored in this memory area.
For example:

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104 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

● NC part programs
● R variables
● Global user data (GUD)
● Definitions of the protection zones
● Correction tables EEC, CEC, QEC
● Tool / magazine data
This data is retained after control power-off.
(Provided the data backup (battery,...) is in good working order, i.e. the Init switch
is correctly set on the control).
This means that they are available unchanged after restart.
Each additional active channel occupies some nonvolatile memory. With channel
activation, the value of the MD is automatically increased accordingly; the value of
MD18060 $MN_INFO_FREE_MEM_STATIC is retained if possible.
To enlarge this user memory further, MD19250 $ON_USER_MEM_BUFFERED must be increased.
The available values depend on the hardware and software configurations.
Information alarms 6030, 6035 can indicate that the desired total memory may not be
available on the model or on the hardware. See also MD11415 $MN_SUPPRESS_ALARM_MASK_2,
bit 22
See also the meaning of MD18060 $MN_INFO_FREE_MEM_STATIC


- Number of system files DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 2 300, 0 300, 0 1000, 1000 ReadOnly S
808d-me62 2 300, 0 300, 0 1000, 1000 ReadOnly S
808d-te42 2 300, 0 300, 0 1000, 1000 ReadOnly S
808d-te62 2 300, 0 300, 0 1000, 1000 ReadOnly S
808d-mte40 2 500, 0 500, 0 1000, 1000 1/1 M
808d-mte60 2 500, 0 500, 0 1000, 1000 1/1 M
Description: Index 0: Number of temporary system files in the passive file system (see also MD18355
e.g.: system traces
Index 1: Number of temporary Siemens cycles in the passive file system (see also
The data can be written, but will be overwritten during the runup by the value
requested by the Siemens cycles.

18342 MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS N01, N02 K3

- Max. number of interpolation points on sag compensation (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 6 128, 128, 128, 128, 0 128 ReadOnly S
128, 128, 0, 0
808d-me62 8 128, 128, 128, 128, 0 128 ReadOnly S
128, 128, 128, 128
808d-te42 6 128, 128, 128, 128, 0 128 ReadOnly S
128, 128, 0, 0
808d-te62 8 128, 128, 128, 128, 0 128 ReadOnly S
128, 128, 128, 128

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

808d-mte40 6 128, 128, 128, 128, 0 128 7/2 M

128, 128, 0, 0
808d-mte60 8 128, 128, 128, 128, 0 128 7/2 M
128, 128, 128, 128
Description: The MD defines the memory space available for the compensation tables.
When MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS = 0, no memory is set up for the table. The sag
compensation function cannot then be used.
If MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS[t] is changed, when the system is powered up, the
buffered NC user memory is automatically reset. This deletes all user data in the
buffered user memory (e.g. drive and HMI machine data, tool offsets, part programs
Related to:
Evaluation of the sag compensation table (t) enabled.
/FB/, S7, "Memory Configuration"


- End user memory for part programs/cycles/files DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 3 1280, 0, 0 0 1280 0/0 S
808d-me62 3 1280, 0, 0 0 1280 0/0 S
808d-te42 3 1280, 0, 0 0 1280 0/0 S
808d-te62 3 1280, 0, 0 0 1280 0/0 S
808d-mte40 3 1280, 0, 0 0 1280 2/2 M
808d-mte60 3 1280, 0, 0 0 1280 2/2 M
Description: The machine data is not available or not defined for PowerLine control models.
End user memory for files in the passive file system ( in kbyte ).
There are various types of user data in this memory area.
E.g.: NC part programs, cycle programs of the end user, diagnostic files, ....
The settable values depend on the hardware and software configurations.
The settable size of the part program memory is, apart from the upper limit value,
determined by the MD18230 $MN_MM_USER_MEM_BUFFERED and can also
be determined by a software option.
Index 0 = Size of the battery-backed part program / cycle program memory
Index 1 = Reserved
Index 2 = Reserved


- Memory capacity for machine manufacturer's cycles/files DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 3 160, 0, 0 0 256 0/0 S
808d-me62 3 160, 0, 0 0 256 0/0 S
808d-te42 3 160, 0, 0 0 256 0/0 S
808d-te62 3 160, 0, 0 0 256 0/0 S
808d-mte40 3 160, 0, 0 0 256 1/1 M
808d-mte60 3 160, 0, 0 0 256 1/1 M
Description: The machine data is not available or not defined for PowerLine control models.
Memory for machine manufacturer files in the passive file system ( in kbyte ).

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

The machine manufacturer's files are in this memory area of the passive file system.
E.g.: cycle programs
The settable values depend on the hardware and software configurations.
The settable size of the memory is, apart from the upper limit value,
determined by the MD18230 $MN_MM_USER_MEM_BUFFERED.
Index 0 = Minimum size of the battery-backed (persistent) part program / cycle program
Index 1 = Reserved
Index 2 = Reserved


- Size of the Siemens cycle program memory DWORD PowerOn
[0] Size of the volatile cycle program memory
[1] Size of the non-volatile Siemens cycle program memory
[2] Size of the volatile memory for system files (NRK fault file, etc.)
808d-me42 3 64, 0, 10 0 256 0/0 S
808d-me62 3 64, 0, 10 0 256 0/0 S
808d-te42 3 64, 0, 10 0 256 0/0 S
808d-te62 3 64, 0, 10 0 256 0/0 S
808d-mte40 3 256, 0, 10 0 512 7/2 M
808d-mte60 3 256, 0, 10 0 512 7/2 M
Description: Memory for the control manufacturer's files in the passive file system ( in KB )
The control manufacturer's files are in this memory area of the passive file system,
e.g: cycle programs, system files
The settable values depend on the hardware and software configurations.
The settable size of the memory, apart from the upper limit value
for index = 0 is limited by the size of the available nonvolatile memory (see siehe
for index = 1, is limited by the size of the available non-volatile memory (see MD18210
for Index = 2, is limited by the wize of the internally available buffered (SRAM)
Index 0 = Size of the nonvolatile cycle program memory
Index 1 = Size of the volatile Siemens cycle program memory; the data may be written,
but will overwritten during the runup by the value requested by the Siemens cycles.
Index 2 = Size of the non-volatile memory for system files in the SRAM. E.g. storage
location of the NRK fault file.


- Memory size for temporary files DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 2048 0 1048576 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 2048 0 1048576 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 2048 0 1048576 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 2048 0 1048576 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 2048 0 1048576 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 2048 0 1048576 7/2 M
Description: Memory for temporary files in the passive file system ( in KB ), e.g. compilations of
cycles (preprocessing), cycles on CF, system traces

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data


- FIFO buffer size for processing from external source (DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 100 30 1000000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 200 30 1000000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 100 30 1000000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 100 30 1000000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 50 30 1000000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 50 30 1000000 7/2 M
Description: A FIFO buffer is needed on the NCK for each program level (main program or subprogram)
that is processed externally (reload mode).
The size of the FIFO buffer is defined in kbyte by MD18360 $MN_MM_EXT_PROG_BUFFER_SIZE.
MD18360 $MN_MM_EXT_PROG_NUM sets the number of FIFO buffers which are simultaneously
During startup, the memory size determined by multiplying MD18360
$MN_MM_EXT_PROG_BUFFER_SIZE by MD18362 $MN_MM_EXT_PROG_NUM is reserved in the DRAM.
If the stated value exceeds the available memory space, alarm 4077 is output when
writing the machine data.
/PGA/Programming Guide Advanced, Section 2

18362 MM_EXT_PROG_NUM N01 K1

- Number of program levels which can be simultaneously processed BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1 0 13 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 2 2 3 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 1 0 13 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1 0 13 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 1 0 13 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1 0 13 7/2 M
Description: Number of program levels that can simultaneously be in "Processing from external
source" mode NCK-wide.
System resources are reserved for the HMI <-> NCK communication during "Processing
from external source". Machine data MD18362$MN_EXT_PROG_NUM defines the number of
possible program levels.
The memory space is reserved during power on by MD18360 $MN_MM_EXT_PROG_BUFFER_SIZE *
MD18362 $MN_MM_EXT_PROG_NUM. If it is found during program execution that all system
resources are occupied, this is reported by alarm 14600.


- Max.no. of log files in passive file system DWORD PowerOn
- 10 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2... 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1/1 M
2... 10, 10, 10, 10...
Description: Maximum number of log files in the passive file system.
The individual values involve the users of the logging function, which are assigned
the following functions:
0: Reserved for system functions: simultaneous recording, simulation, synchronized
actions analysis
1: Reserved for system functions: determining program runtimes, multi-step editor

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

2: Reserved for OEM applications

3: Reserved for OEM applications
4: Reserved for OEM applications
5: Reserved for system functions: trace
6: Reserved for system functions: trace
7: Reserved for system functions: trace
8: Reserved for system functions: trace
9: Reserved for system functions: action log


- Number of standard data lists ETPD. DWORD PowerOn
- 10 25, 6, 0, 0, 0, 25, 25, 25, 6, 0, 0, 0, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 1/1 M
25... 25, 25... 25, 25, 25, 25...
Description: Number of standard data lists in the OPI module ETPD (user-specific).
The individual values involve the users of the logging function, which are assigned
the following functions:
0: Reserved for system functions: simultaneous recording, simulation, synchronized
action analysis
1: Reserved for system functions: determining program runtimes, multi-step editor
2: Reserved for OEM applications
3: Reserved for OEM applications
4: Reserved for OEM applications
5: Reserved for system functions: trace
6: Reserved for system functions: trace
7: Reserved for system functions: trace
8: Reserved for system functions: trace
9: Reserved for system functions: action log


- Number of servo data for log DWORD PowerOn
- 10 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10... 0 20 1/1 M
Description: Number of servo data, which must be recordable at the same time (user-specific).
The individual values involve the users of the logging function, which are assigned
the following functions:
0: Reserved for system functions: simultaneous recording, simulation, synchronized
action analysis
1: Reserved for system functions: determining program runtimes, multi-step editor
2: Reserved for OEM applications
3: Reserved for OEM applications
4: Reserved for OEM applications
5: Reserved for system functions: trace
6: Reserved for system functions: trace
7: Reserved for system functions: trace
8: Reserved for system functions: trace
9: Reserved for system functions: action log

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data


- Size of log file buffer DWORD PowerOn
- 10 15000, 8000, 8000, 5000 1073741824 1/1 M
8000, 8000, 15000,
15000, 15000...
Description: Size of the data buffer between the IPO and preprocessing time levels of a log file
[ Bytes ].
The individual values involve the users of the logging function, which are assigned
the following functions:
0: Reserved for system functions: simultaneous recording, simulation, synchronized
action analysis
1: Reserved for system functions: determining program runtimes, multi-step editor
2: Reserved for OEM applications
3: Reserved for OEM applications
4: Reserved for OEM applications
5: Reserved for system functions: trace
6: Reserved for system functions: trace
7: Reserved for system functions: trace
8: Reserved for system functions: trace
9: Reserved for system functions: action log


- Users enabled for sessions BYTE PowerOn
- 10 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1... 0 1 1/1 M
Description: Users that are available for session management
The individual values involve the users of the logging function, which are assigned
the following functions:
0: Reserved for system functions: simultaneous recording, simulation, synchronized
action analysis
1: Reserved for system functions: determining program runtimes, multi-step editor
2: Reserved for OEM applications
3: Reserved for OEM applications
4: Reserved for OEM applications
5: Reserved for system functions: trace
6: Reserved for system functions: trace
7: Reserved for system functions: trace
8: Reserved for system functions: trace
9: Reserved for system functions, action log


- Number of global predefined user frames (SRAM). DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 100 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 100 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 100 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 100 0/0 S

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

808d-mte40 - 0 0 100 7/2 M

808d-mte60 - 0 0 100 7/2 M
Description: Number of global predefined user frames.
The value corresponds to the number of field elements for the predefined field
If the value of the data is greater than 0, then all settable fields are only global.
The MD28080 $MC_MM_NUM_USER_FRAMES is then ignored.


- Number of global base frames (SRAM). DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 16 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 16 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 16 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 16 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 16 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 16 7/2 M
Description: Number of NCU basic frames.
The value corresponds to the number for the predefined field $P_NCBFR[].


- Number of global grinding frames (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 100 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 100 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 100 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 100 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 100 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 100 7/2 M
Description: Number of global grinding frames.
The value corresponds to the number of field elements for the predefined field
If the value of the data is greater than 0, all settable frames are only global.
MD28079 $MC_MM_NUM_G_FRAMES is then ignored.


- Number of configurable GUD variables of type REAL DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-mte40 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
808d-mte60 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
Description: The MD18660 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_REAL[ ] can be used to extend individual GUD blocks
by additional channel-specific parameter areas of type REAL. The GUD blocks are
differentiated by the field index:
MD18660 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_REAL[0] = <value> -> extension of the SGUD block
MD18660 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_REAL[1] = <value> -> extension of the MGUD block

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

MD18660 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_REAL[2] = <value> -> extension of the UGUD block

MD18660 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_REAL[3] = <value> -> extension of the GUD4 block
MD18660 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_REAL[8] = <value> -> extension of the GUD9 block
In each case, fields with the following properties are created:
Data type REAL
Field size corresponding to <value> of the relevant machine data
Predefined names:
SYG_RS[ ] -> Synact parameter of type REAL in the SGUD block
SYG_RM[ ] -> Synact parameter of type REAL in the MGUD block
SYG_RU[ ] -> Synact parameter of type REAL in the UGUD block
SYG_R4[ ] -> Synact parameter of type REAL in the GUD4 block
SYG_R9[ ] -> Synact parameter of type REAL in the GUD9 block
The parameters can be read and written both by the part program and also via
synchronous actions.


- Number of configurable GUD variables of type integer DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-mte40 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
808d-mte60 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
Description: The MD18661 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_INT[ ] can be used to extend individual GUD blocks
by additional channel-specific parameter areas of type INTEGER. The GUD blocks are
differentiated by the field index:
MD18661 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_INT[0] = <value> -> extension of the SGUD block
MD18661 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_INT[1] = <value> -> extension of the MGUD block
MD18661 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_INT[2] = <value> -> extension of the UGUD block
MD18661 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_INT[3] = <value> -> extension of the GUD4 block
MD18661 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_INT[8] = <value> -> extension of the GUD9 block
In each case, fields with the following properties are created:
Data type BOOL
Field size corresponding to <value> of the relevant machine data
Predefined names:
SYG_IS[ ] -> Synact parameter of type INT in the SGUD block
SYG_IM[ ] -> Synact parameter of type INT in the MGUD block
SYG_IU[ ] -> Synact parameter of type INT in the UGUD block
SYG_I4[ ] -> Synact parameter of type INT in the GUD4 block
SYG_I9[ ] -> Synact parameter of type INT in the GUD9 block
The parameters can be read and written both by the part program and also via
synchronous actions.

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112 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data


- Number of configurable GUD variables of type Boolean DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-mte40 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
808d-mte60 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
Description: The MD18662 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_BOOL[ ] can be used to extend individual GUD blocks
by additional channel-specific parameter areas of type Boolean. The GUD blocks are
differentiated by the field index:
MD18662 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_BOOL[0] = <value> -> extension of the SGUD block
MD18662 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_BOOL[1] = <value> -> extension of the MGUD block
MD18662 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_BOOL[2] = <value> -> extension of the UGUD block
MD18662 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_BOOL[3] = <value> -> extension of the GUD4 block
MD18662 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_BOOL[8] = <value> -> extension of the GUD9 block
In each case, fields with the following properties are created:
Data type BOOL
Field size corresponding to <value> of the relevant machine data
Predefined names:
SYG_BS[ ] -> Synact parameter of type Boolean in the SGUD block
SYG_BM[ ] -> Synact parameter of type Boolean in the MGUD block
SYG_BU[ ] -> Synact parameter of type Boolean in the UGUD block
SYG_B4[ ] -> Synact parameter of type Boolean in the GUD4 block
SYG_B9[ ] -> Synact parameter of type Boolean in the GUD9 block
The parameters can be read and written both by the part program and also via
synchronous actions.


- Number of configurable GUD variables of type Axis DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-mte40 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
808d-mte60 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
Description: The MD18663 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_AXIS[ ] can be used to extend individual GUD blocks
by additional channel-specific parameter areas of type AXIS. The GUD blocks are
differentiated by the field index:
MD18663 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_AXIS[0] = <value> -> extension of the SGUD block
MD18663 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_AXIS[1] = <value> -> extension of the MGUD block
MD18663 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_AXIS[2] = <value> -> extension of the UGUD block
MD18663 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_AXIS[3] = <value> -> extension of the GUD4 block
MD18663 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_AXIS[8] = <value> -> extension of the GUD9 block
In each case, fields with the following properties are created:
Data type AXIS

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

Field size corresponding to <value> of the relevant machine data

Predefined names:
SYG_AS[ ] -> Synact parameter of type AXIS in the SGUD block
SYG_AM[ ] -> Synact parameter of type AXIS in the MGUD block
SYG_AU[ ] -> Synact parameter of type AXIS in the UGUD block
SYG_A4[ ] -> Synact parameter of type AXIS in the GUD4 block
SYG_A9[ ] -> Synact parameter of type AXIS in the GUD9 block
The parameters can be read and written both by the part program and also via
synchronous actions.


- Configurable GUD variable of type Char DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 0/0 S
808d-mte40 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
808d-mte60 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32767 7/2 M
Description: The MD18664 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_CHAR[ ]
can be used to extend individual GUD blocks by additional
channel-specific parameter areas of type CHAR.
The GUD blocks are differentiated by the field index:
MD18664 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_CHAR[0] = <value> -> extension of the SGUD block
MD18664 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_CHAR[1] = <value> -> extension of the MGUD block
MD18664 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_CHAR[2] = <value> -> extension of the UGUD block
MD18664 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_CHAR[3] = <value> -> extension of the GUD4 block
MD18664 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_CHAR[8] = <value> -> extension of the GUD9 block
In each case, fields with the following properties are created:
Data type CHAR
Field size corresponding to <value> of the relevant machine data
Predefined names:
SYG_CS[ ] -> Synact parameter of type CHAR in the SGUD block
SYG_CM[ ] -> Synact parameter of type CHAR in the MGUD block
SYG_CU[ ] -> Synact parameter of type CHAR in the UGUD block
SYG_C4[ ] -> Synact parameter of type CHAR in the GUD4 block
SYG_C9[ ] -> Synact parameter of type CHAR in the GUD9 block
The parameters can be read and written both by the part program
and also via synchronous actions.


- Configurable GUD variable of type STRING DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 25 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 25 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 25 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 25 0/0 S

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

808d-mte40 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 25 7/2 M

808d-mte60 9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 25 7/2 M
Description: The MD18665 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_STRING[ ] can be
used to extend individual GUD blocks by additional channel-specific
parameter areas of type STRING.
The GUD blocks are differentiated by the field index:
MD18665 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_STRING[0] = <value> -> extension of the SGUD block
MD18665 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_STRING[1] = <value> -> extension of the MGUD block
MD18665 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_STRING[2] = <value> -> extension of the UGUD block
MD18665 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_STRING[3] = <value> -> extension of the GUD4 block
MD18665 $MN_MM_NUM_SYNACT_GUD_STRING[8] = <value> -> extension of the GUD9 block
In each case, fields with the following properties are created:
Data type STRING
Field size corresponding to <value> of the relevant machine data
The maximum length of a string is 31 characters.
Predefined names:
SYG_SS[ ] -> Synact parameter of type STRING in the SGUD block
SYG_SM[ ] -> Synact parameter of type STRING in the MGUD block
SYG_SU[ ] -> Synact parameter of type STRING in the UGUD block
SYG_S4[ ] -> Synact parameter of type STRING in the GUD4 block
SYG_S9[ ] -> Synact parameter of type STRING in the GUD9 block
The parameters can be read and written both by the part program
and also via synchronous actions.

18710 MM_NUM_AN_TIMER N02 -

- Number of global time variable for synchronized actions DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 10000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 10000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 0 10000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 10000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 10000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 10000 7/2 M
Description: Number of global time variables for motion-synchronous actions (DRAM)


- Setpoint value for buffer size between IPO and position control DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 2 2 35 0/0 M
808d-me62 - 2 2 35 0/0 M
808d-te42 - 2 2 35 0/0 M
808d-te62 - 2 2 35 0/0 M
808d-mte40 - 2 2 35 3/2 M
808d-mte60 - 2 2 35 3/2 M
Description: The machine data determines the size of the setpoint value buffer between interpolator
and position control, and has a direct effect on the dynamic user memory requirement.

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

That is normally 2. If several NCUs are connected via NCU link for e.g. rotary indexing
machines, the value should be set to 3 on all NCUs. This will balance the transmission
rates of the setpoint values via the link.
In a master value application (e.g. line shaft), the value should be set to 4, but only
on the NCU that generates the master value. For all the other NCUs, the preset value
should be maintained at 2.
In control loops that are connected via interpolator, every increase of the value
generates a further dead-time.
When the IPO cycles of the NCUs within an NCU group are set to different values, the
link communication will only run in the slowest IPO cycle. The MD must be increased in
the ratio of the NCU IPO cycle to the slowest IPO cycle in the NCU group, in order to
achieve a synchronized output of the setpoint values on the drive interface. The
formula for this is as follows:
MM_SERVO_FIFO_SIZE = 2 * IPO cycle ratio + 1
In an IPO cycle ratio of 4:1, the value on the fast NCU should be set to 9 instead of
3. On the slow NCU, the value must be set to 3.


- Length of the alarm action list DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 250 100 2000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 250 100 2000 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 250 100 2000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 250 100 2000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 500 100 2000 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 500 100 2000 1/1 M
Description: Maximum number of alarm actions that are retained. This is the length of the alarm
action list.


- Trace specification of VDI signals DWORD PowerOn
- - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
Description: The NCK sends and receives PLC VDI signals. The Trace function stores the signals which
have changed in each interpolation cycle in an FIFO memory (first in-first out) having
The FIFO is written to a file (for the 1st channel: ncsctr01.mpf) when a "trigger
event" occurs (e.g. Cancel Alarm key, see MD22704 $MC_TRACE_STOPTRACE_EVENT and
The machine data should be interpreted as bit mask. The corresponding VDI signals are
recorded depending on which bit is set.
Bits 1.. 6 describe which axial VDI input signals are recorded in the trace


- Activation of maintenance data recording BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M

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Machine data
3.2 General machine data

808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M

808d-mte40 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
Description: Maintenance data is recorded when this MD has the value TRUE.
The axial MD33060 $MA_MAINTENANCE_DATA sets which data are to be recorded.
Details are to be found in the service documentation.

18866 MM_NUM_KIN_TRAFOS N02, N09 W1

- Maximum number of transformations that can be defined by DWORD PowerOn
kinematic chains.
808d-me42 - 0 0 200 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0 0 200 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0 0 200 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0 0 200 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 200 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 200 7/2 M
Description: This machine data defines the maximum number of transformations in the NCK that can be
defined by kinematic chains.
It also defines the number of data blocks ($NT_...[1] to $NT_...
[$MN_MM_NUM_KIN_TRAFOS] available for parameterizing these transformations. The data
record with index 0 is locked.)
The kinematic transformations conventionally parameterized in machine data can exist
irrespective of this.

18960 POS_DYN_MODE N01 K1

- Type of positioning axis dynamic response BYTE Reset
- - 0 0 1 1/1 M
Description: The machine data deterrmines the accelerations and jerks which are applied in the case
of positioning axis motion.
Value 0:
The acceleration is taken from the first field entry in MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL
(value for DYNNORM).
With G75 and active jerk limitation (SOFT), the jerk is taken from the first field
entry in MD32431 $MA_MAX_AX_JERK (value for DYNNORM); without jerk limitation (BRISK)
it is infinite.
The following applies for all other positioning axis movements:
If MD32420 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE is true, the jerk is taken from MD32430
$MA_JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK; otherwise it is infinite (BRISK behavior).
Value 1:
The acceleration is taken from the second field entry in MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL
(value for DYNPOS).
The jerk is taken from the second field entry in MD32431 $MA_MAX_AX_JERK (value for
For BRISK behavior, enter very high values here.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20050 AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB C01, C10 TE7, TE8, M1, R2, K1, K2

- Assignment of geometry axis to channel axis BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 3 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-me62 3 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te42 3 1, 0, 2 0 20 1/1 M
808d-te62 3 1, 0, 2 0 20 1/1 M
808d-mte40 3 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte60 3 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: This MD is used to specify which channel axis the geometry axis is assiged to. Each
geometry axis must be assigned to a specific channel. If a geometry axis is not
assigned to a channel axis, then this geometry axis is not available, and cannot be
programmed (with the name defined under MD20060 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB).
For example: Turning machine without transformation:
MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB[ 0 ] = 1 ; 1st geometry axis = 1st channel axis
MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB[ 1 ] = 0 ; 2nd geometry axis not defined
MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB[ 2 ] = 2 ; 3rd geometry axis = 2nd channel axis
The assignment made here is valid if no transformation is active. With active
transformation n, the transformation-specific assignment table MD24...
$MC_TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_... becomes active.

20060 AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB C01, C11, C10 F2, V2, M1, K2

- Geometry axis name in channel STRING PowerOn
808d-me42 3 X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, - - 1/1 M
X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z,
X, Y, Z, X...
808d-me62 3 X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, - - 1/1 M
X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z,
X, Y, Z, X...
808d-te42 3 X, , Z - - 1/1 M
808d-te62 3 X, , Z - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 3 X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, - - 1/1 M
X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z,
X, Y, Z, X...
808d-mte60 3 X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, - - 1/1 M
X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z,
X, Y, Z, X...
Description: This MD is used to enter the names of the geometry axes separately for each channel.
Geometry axes can be programmed in the part program using the names specified here.
Special cases:

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

● The geometry axis name entered must not conflict with the designations and
assignments of the machine and channel axis names or other identifiers.
● The geometry axis name entered must not include any of the following reserved
address letters:
- D Tool offset (D function) - E Reserved
- F Feedrate (F function) - G Path condition
- H Auxiliary function (H function) - L Subroutine call
- M Miscellaneous function (M function) - N Subblock
- P Subroutine number of passes - R Arithmetic parameters
- S Spindle speed (S function) - T Tool (T function)
● The name must not include any keywords (e.g. DEF, SPOS etc.) or pre-defined
identifiers (e.g. ASPLINE, SOFT).
● The use of an axis identifier consisting of a valid address letter (A, B, C, I, J,
K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) followed by an optional numerical extension (1-99) gives
slightly better block change times than a general identifier.
● Identical names may be given to geometry axes assigned to different channels.
Related to:
(machine axis name [axis no.])
(channel axis name in the channel [channel axis no.])

20070 AXCONF_MACHAX_USED C01, C10 TE3, B3, K5, M1, K1, K2, P3 pl,
P3 sl, S1
- Machine axis number valid in channel BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 4 1, 2, 3, 4 0 31 2/2 M
808d-me62 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 0 31 2/2 M
808d-te42 4 1, 3, 4, 0 0 31 2/2 M
808d-te62 5 1, 3, 4, 0, 0 0 31 2/2 M
808d-mte40 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 31 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
808d-mte60 20 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 31 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: This MD is used to specify the machine axis which the channel axis/special axis is
assigned to. Each channel axis has to be assigned to a specific channel. A machine axis
that has not been assigned to a channel is inactive, i.e. the axis control is not
computed, the axis is not shown on the screen, and it cannot be programmed in any
Special cases:
● Each geometry axis must be assigned to a channel axis and a machine axis so that it
can be programmed.
● Up to software version 4, the list of entries must not contain any gaps (as from
software version 5 - see above). In contrast, the assignment of the machine axes
used may contain gaps.
For example:
AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [0] = 3; 3rd MA is the 1st axis in the channel
AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [1] = 1; 1st MA is the 2nd axis in the channel
AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [2] = 5; 5th MA is the 3rd axis in the channel
Error for software version 4, permissible for version 5:

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [0] = 1; 1st MA is the 1st axis in the channel

AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [1] = 2; 2nd MA is the 2nd axis in the channel
AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [2] = 0; gap in the list ...
AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [3] = 3; ... of the channel axes
Axis identifiers must be defined in the corresponding list places of
AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB for the axes activated in the channel.
Related to:
Description of Functions B3.

20080 AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB C01, C11, C10 F2, V2, M1, K2, V1

- Channel axis name in channel STRING PowerOn
808d-me42 4 X, Y, Z, SP - - 2/2 M
808d-me62 5 X, Y, Z, SP, A - - 2/2 M
808d-te42 4 X, Z, SP, C - - 2/2 M
808d-te62 5 X, Z, SP, C, Q - - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 4 X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, - - 2/2 M
V, X11, Y11,, X, Y, Z,
A, B, ...
808d-mte60 20 X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, - - 2/2 M
V, X11, Y11,, X, Y, Z,
A, B, ...
Description: The name of the channel axis/special axis is entered in this MD. Normally the first
three channel axes are assigned by the three assigned geometry axes
The remaining channel axes are also called special axes. The channel axis/special axis
on the screen in the WCS (workpiece coordinate system) is always displayed with the
name entered in this MD.
Special cases:
● The specified channel axis name/special axis name must not conflict with the
designation and assignment of the machine and geometry axis names or other
● The channel axis name entered must not include any of the following reserved address
- D Tool offset (D function) - E Reserved
- F Feedrate (F function) - G Path condition
- H Auxiliary function (H function) - L Subroutine call
- M Miscellaneous function (M function) - N Subblock
- P Subroutine number of passes - R Arithmetic parameters
- S Spindle speed (S function) - T Tool (T function)
● The name must not include any keywords (e.g. DEF, SPOS etc.) or pre-defined
identifiers (e.g. ASPLINE, SOFT).
● The use of an axis identifier consisting of a valid address letter (A, B, C, I, J,
K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) followed by an optional numerical extension (1-99) gives
slightly better block change times than a general identifier.
● No special names need be entered in this MD for channel axes to which geometry axes
are assigned (normally the first three channel axes).
Axis identifiers that are not allowed are rejected with an alarm during runup.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20090 SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND C01, C03 H2, K1, K2, P3 pl, P3 sl, S1, W1
- Initial setting of master spindle in channel BYTE PowerOn
- - - 1 1 1/1 M
Description: Definition of the default setting for the master spindle (in the channel).
The number of the spindle is entered.
A number of functions are linked to the master spindle, which are not possible with
any other spindle.
The language command SETMS(n) can declare the spindle number as the master spindle.
The spindle defined in this MD is declared once again as the master spindle with SETMS.
The spindle defined in this MD is also declared as the master spindle at program end
and program cancelation.

20094 SPIND_RIGID_TAPPING_M_NR C01, C03, C10 H2, K1, S1

- M function for switching into controlled axis mode DWORD PowerOn
- - 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, - - 2/2 M
70, 70...
Description: This machine data defines the M auxiliary function number with which the spindle is
switched into axis mode.
The M number defined in the machine data replaces M70 in Siemens mode.
On the VDI interface, M70 is always output with the corresponding address extension to
indicate the switch to axis mode.
Restrictions: Refer to machine data MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE
Related to:

20095 EXTERN_RIGID_TAPPING_M_NR C01, C11, C03, H2, K1

- M function for switching to controlled axis mode(external mode) DWORD PowerOn
- - 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, - - 2/2 M
29, 29...
Description: This machine data defines the M function number with which the switchover to
controlled spindle/axis mode is to be carried out.
The M number defined in the machine data replaces M29 in external language mode.
Pre-defined M numbers, such as M00,M1,M2,M3, etc., are not allowed as M numbers.
Restrictions: See machine data MD10715 $MN_M_NO_FCT_CYCLE
Related to:

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data


20096 T_M_ADDRESS_EXT_IS_SPINO C01, C04, C09 H2, W1

- Meaning of address extension at T, M tool change BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This MD is only significant if the functions 'Tool management'/'flat D numbers' are
The contents of the address extensions of the NC addresses T and M 'tool change command
number' are not evaluated by the NCK. The PLC decides on the significance of the
programmed extension.
The address extensions of the NC addresses T and M 'tool change command number' - 'tool
change command number'=TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE with 6 as the default value - are
interpreted as spindle numbers.
NCK treats the extension in the same way as the active functions 'tool management' and
'flat D number management'.
That is, the programmed D number always refers to the T number of the programmed main
spindle number.
See also:


- Display axis on HMI DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 4 0x7FFFFFFF, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x7FFFFFFF,, 0x7...
808d-me62 5 0x7FFFFFFF, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x7FFFFFFF,, 0x7...
808d-te42 4 0x7FFFFFFF, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x7FFFFFFF,, 0x7...
808d-te62 4 0x7FFFFFFF, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x7FFFFFFF,, 0x7...

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122 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-mte40 4 0x7FFFFFFF, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M

0x7FFFFFFF,, 0x7...
808d-mte60 20 0x7FFFFFFF, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x7FFFFFFF,, 0x7...
Description: Identifies whether the axis will be displayed by the HMI as a machine, geometry, or
auxiliary axis.
This data is only evaluated by the HMI.
Bit 0 to 15: Machine (MCS)
Bit 0= 1 Machine - display machine axis in the actual value windows
0 Machine - hide machine axis in the actual value windows
Bit 1= 1 Machine - display machine axis in the reference point window
0 Machine - hide machine axis in the reference point window
Bit 2= 1 Machine - display machine axis in preset/scratch/parameter work offset windows
0 Machine - hide machine axis in preset/scratch/parameter work offset windows
Bit 3= 1 Machine - display machine axis in the handwheel selection window
0 Machine - hide machine axis in the handwheel selection window
(Bit 4) Not assigned
Bit 5= 1 Display spindle in the T,F,S window
0 Hide spindle in the T,F,S window
Bit 16 to 31: Work (WCS)
Bit 16= 1 Work - display geometry axis in the actual value windows
0 Work - hide geometry axis in the actual value windows
(Bit 17) Not assigned
Bit 18= 1 Work - display geometry axis in parameter work offset window
0 Work - hide geometry axis in parameter work offset window
Bit 19= 1 Work - display geometry axis in the handwheel selection window
0 Work - hide geometry axis in the handwheel selection window
Bit 20= 1 Work - display position axis in the position/straight line windows
0 Work - hide position axis in the position/straight line windows
(Bit 21) Not assigned

20100 DIAMETER_AX_DEF C01, C10 H1, M5, P1, V1, W1

- Geometry axis with transverse axis function STRING PowerOn
808d-me42 - - - - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - - - - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - X - - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - X - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - - - - 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - - - - 1/1 M
Description: This MD is used to define a geometry axis as a transverse axis. Only one transverse
axis can be defined here for each channel.
Further transverse axes for axis-specific diameter programming can be activated via

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

The axis identifier of an active geometry axis that has been defined in the channel-
or MD24120 $MC_TRAFO_AX_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1[n] (from SW 4) and
MD20060 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB[n] must be specified.
If space characters are entered or if an axis identifier is specified for an axis which
is not defined as a geometry axis, this leads to the following alarms:
● during runup, to alarm 4032 "Channel %1 wrong identifier for transverse axis in %2",
if the "Diameter programming" function (DIAMON) or constant cutting velocity G96/
G961/G962 is the switch-on setting.
● when the "Diameter programming (DIAMON)" function is activated, to alarm 16510
"Channel %1 block %2 No transverse axis available for diameter programming", if no
axis has been permitted via DIAMCHANA[AX] for channel-specific diameter programming.
● when G96/G961/G962 has been programmed, to alarm 10870 "Channel %1 block %2 No
transverse axis defined as reference axis for G96/G961/G962", if no geometry axis
has been defined as the reference axis for G96/G961/G962 by the instruction SCC[ax].
Related to:


- Start Prog-Events despite non-referenced axes. DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3F 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: The behavior of event-driven program calls (prog-events) regarding non-referenced axes
can be set.
Bit 0 = 1 :
Prog-event ignores non-referenced axes after part program start
Bit 1 = 1 :
Prog-event after part program end ignores non-referenced axes
Bit 2 = 1 :
Prog-event after operator panel reset ignores non-referenced axes
Bit 3 = 1 :
Prog-event after power-up ignores non-referenced axes
Bit 4 = 1 :
Prog-event after 1st start after search ignores non-referenced axes
Bit 5 = 1 :
Corresponds with:
The machine data MD20105 $MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_REFP_LOCK and MD20115
If MD20700 $MC_REFP_NC_START_LOCK is equal to 0, the setting in MD20105
$MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_REFP_LOCK is ignored, and non-referenced axes are always ignored.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Prog-Events ignore single block DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x1F 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0x1F 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0x1F 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0x1F 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3F 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte60 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3F 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Event-driven program calls (Prog-Events) can be set regarding their single-block
Bit 0 = 1 :
Prog-Event after start-of-part-program causes block change without restart
Bit 1 = 1 :
Prog-Event after end-of-part-program causes block change without restart
Bit 2 = 1 :
Prog-Event after OP reset causes block change without restart
Bit 3 = 1 :
Prog-Event after ramp-up causes block change without restart
Bit 4 = 1 :
Prog-Event after 1st start after search causes block change without restart
Bit 5 = 1 :
Safety Prog-Event during ramp-up causes block change without restart
Corresponds to:


- Prog-Events ignore read-in disable DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0C 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0x0C 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0x0C 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0x0C 0 0x3F 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3F 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte60 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3F 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Event-driven programm calls (Prog-Events) can be set regarding their read-in disable
Bit 0 = 1 :
Prog-Event after start-of-part-program causes block change despite read-in disable
Bit 1 = 1 :
Prog-Event after end-of-part-program causes block change despite read-in disable

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 2 = 1 :
Prog-Event after OP reset causes block change despite read-in disable
Bit 3 = 1 :
Prog-Event after ramp-up causes block change despite read-in disable
Bit 4 = 1 :
Prog-Event after 1st start after search run causes block change despite read-in disable
Bit 5 = 1 :
Safety-Prog-Event during ramp-up causes block change despite read-in disable
Corresponds to:


- Setting of event-driven programm calls DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3F 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: The user program is called via the following search path:
The safety program has to be available in the following location:
Corresponds to:


- Properties of Prog-Events DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x01 0 0x1 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0x01 0 0x1 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0x01 0 0x1 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0x01 0 0x1 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x1 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte60 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x1 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Parameterization of additional properties of the event-controlled program calls (in
short, Prog-Event), that is, the MD20108 $MC_PROG_EVENT_MASK is further parameterized.
Bit 0 = 1 :
An ASUB started from channel status RESET does not result in a Prog-Event.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20110 RESET_MODE_MASK C11, C03 F2, K6, M3, TE4, W5, B3, K5,
M1, G2, K1, K2, P1, S1, W1, 2.4,
- Definition of basic control settings after reset/PP end DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 0x4045, 0x4045, 0 0x17FFFF 1/1 M
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045...
808d-me62 - 0x4045, 0x4045, 0 0x17FFFF 1/1 M
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045...
808d-te42 - 0x4045, 0x4045, 0 0x17FFFF 1/1 M
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045...
808d-te62 - 0x4045, 0x4045, 0 0x17FFFF 1/1 M
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045,
0x4045, 0x4045...
808d-mte40 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0 0x17FFFF 1/1 M
0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1...
808d-mte60 - 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0 0x17FFFF 1/1 M
0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1...
Description: Definition of the initial setting of the control after ramp-up and at reset/end-of-
part-program with regard to the G codes (in particular the active plane and the
settable work offset), tool length offset and transformation by setting the following
Bit 0: Reset mode
Bit 1: Suppress aux. funct. output on tool selection
Bit 2: Select reset response after power-on (e.g. tool offset)
Bit 3: Select reset response after end of test mode with regard to active tool offsets.
Bit 4: Reserved
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6: Reset response "Active tool length offset"
Bit 7: Reset response "Active kinematic transformation"
Bit 8: Reset response "Coupled-motion axes"
Bit 9: Reset response "Tangential correction"
Bit 10: Reset response "Synchronous spindle"
Bit 11: Reset response "Revolutional feedrate"
Bit 12: Reset response "Geo axis replacement"
Bit 13: Reset response "Master value coupling"
Bit 14: Reset response "Basis frame"
Bit 15: Reset response "Electronic gearbox"
Bit 16: Reset response "Master spindle"
Bit 17: Reset response "Master toolholder"
Bit 18: Reset response "Reference axis for G96/G961/G962"
Bit 19: Reserved "Adjustable software limit switch ineffective"
Bit 20: Reset response "$P_USEKT"
Bits 4 to 11, 16 and 17 are only evaluated for bit 0 = 1.
Meaning of the individual bits:

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 0 (LSB) = 0: corresponds to the behavior of SW release 1, is only recommended for

test mode
Initial setting after ramp-up:
- G codes according to MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES
- Tool length offset not active
- Transformation not active
- No coupled-motion axis groupings active
- No tangential correction active
- No axial revolutional feedrate active
- Path revolutional feedrate with master spindle (default))
Initial setting after reset or end of part program:
The current settings are retained.
When next part program is started, the following initial setting is effective:
- G codes according to MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES
- Tool length offset not active
- Transformation not active
- No coupled-motion axis groupings active
- No tangential correction active
- No master value coupling active
- No axial revolutional feedrate active
- Path revolutional feedrate with master spindle (default)
Bit 0 (LSB) = 1: Standard value for Powerline and Solutionline systems
Initial setting after startup:
- G codes acc. to MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES
- Tool length offset active acc. to MD20120 $MC_TOOL_RESET_VALUE, MD20130
- Transformation active acc. to MD20140 $MC_TRAFO_RESET_VALUE
- Geometry axis replacement acc. to MD20118 $MC_GEOAX_CHANGE_RESET
- No coupled-motion axis groupings active
- No tangential correction active
Initial setting after reset or end of part program:
Depending on MD20152 $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE, the current settings are retained for the
G groups or the initial settings stored in MD20150$MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES are set.
Initial setting after reset or end of part program
Depending on MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK bits 6 to 7, for
- Tool length offset
- Transformation
either the current settings are retained or the initial settings saved in the MDs are
Depending on bits 8 and 9, the current settings of coupled-motion axes or tangentially
corrected axes are either deactivated or retained.
Configured synchronous spindle coupling:
The coupling is deselected depending on the setting in MD21330 $MC_COUPLE_RESET_MODE_1.
Non-configured synchronous spindle coupling:
Depending on bit 10, the coupling is either deactivated or retained.
Depending on bit 14, the basic frame is either retained or deselected.
Bit 1 = 0:
Auxiliary function output (D,T,M) at the PLC for tool selection corresponding to
machine data

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

When magazine management is active, T, M are not output as auxiliary functions.
The function uses its own communication to output T, M to the PLC, for example.
Bit 1 = 1:
Suppress aux. funct. output to PLC on tool selection.
If tool management or magazine management is active, T, M are never output as auxiliary
Bit 2 = 0:
If tool or magazine management is not active:
- No tool offset active after power-on. Active and programmed T depend on the
subsequent settings of the machine data (bits 0, 6).
If tool or magazine management is active:
- No meaning.
Bit 2 = 1:
If tool or magazine management is not active:
- If bits 0 and 6 both = 1 (0x41), the tool offset of the last tool active in the NCK
is active after the first reset after power-on.
(The value of the programmed tool depends on the value of machine data MD20121
Notice: The NCK does not know the conditions at the machine.
For active tool or magazine management:
- No meaning
Bit 3 = 0:
With and without active tool management:
- End of test mode: "Retain current setting for active tool length offset" (bits 0 and
6 set) refers to the program that was active before test mode was activated.
Bit 3 = 1:
Relevant only if tool management is not active:
- End of test mode: "Retain current setting for active tool length offset" (bits 0 and
6 set) refers to the program that was active when test mode ended. (If tool management
is active, the tool on the spindle is generally the active tool. Exception only for
Bit 4 = 0: Reserved
Bit 4 = 1: Reserved
Bit 5 = 0: Reserved
Bit 5 = 1: Reserved
Bit 6 = 0:
Initial setting for active tool length offset after reset/end of part program acc. to
If MD22550 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1, the tool specified in MD20121
$MC_TOOL_PRESEL_RESET_VALUE is additionally preselected.
If tool or magazine management is active, MD20122 $MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME is used instead
of data MD20120 $MC_TOOL_RESET_VALUE.
Bit 6 = 1:
The current setting for active tool length offset is retained after reset/end of part
If tool or magazine management is active, the tool currently on the master spindle
(generally = master toolholder) is selected.
If the tool on the master spindle is disabled, the "disabled" status is ignored.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Please note that after a program ends or is terminated, either the most recent value
for master spindle or master toolholder programmed in the program, or the value set in
the master spindle or master toolholder.
(The selection is made in bit 16 or bit 17.)
For MD20270 $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT = -2, the following applies specifically:
If a tool has been loaded into the spindle, but a new offset D has not yet been
programmed, the previous tool is still active in the NCK.
If machining is canceled in this status (e.g. with the Reset key), the offset is
defined with the smallest D number of the master spindle tool.
Bit 7 = 0:
Initial setting for active transformation after reset/end of part program according to
Bit 7 = 1:
The current setting for active transformation is retained after reset/end of part
Bit 8 = 0:
Coupled-motion axis groups are ungrouped at reset/end of part program.
Bit 8 = 1:
Coupled-motion axis groups remain active after reset/end of part program.
Bit 9 = 0:
Tangential correction is deactivated at reset/end of part program.
Bit 9 = 1:
Tangential correction remains active after reset/end of part program.
Bit 10 = 0:
Non-configured synchronous spindle coupling is deactivated at reset/end of part
Bit 10 = 1:
Non-configured synchronous spindle coupling remains active after reset/end of part
Bit 11 = 0:
At reset/end of part program, the setting data SD43300 $SA_ASSIGN_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE
is reset to 0 for all non-active axes/spindles, i.e. traversing at revolutional
feedrate is canceled and the setting for path and synchronous axes is reset to the
master spindle (default).
Bit 11 = 1:
The current setting for revolutional feedrate is retained after reset/end of part
program. At the start of the part program, the setting data SD43300
$SA_ASSIGN_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE is reset to 0 for all non-active axes/spindles, i.e.
traversing at revolutional feedrate is canceled and the setting for path and
synchronous axes is reset to the master spindle (default).
Bit 12 = 0:
If machine data MD20118 $MC_GEOAX_CHANGE_RESET is set, a changed geometry axis
assignment is canceled at reset/end of part program. The initial setting for the
geometry axis assignment defined in the machine data becomes active.
Bit 12 = 1:
A changed geometry axis assignment remains active after reset/end of part program.
Bit 13 = 0:
Master value couplings are canceled at reset/end of part program.
Bit 13 = 1:
Master value couplings remain active after reset/end of part program.
Bit 14 = 0:
The basic frame is deselected.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 14 = 1:
The current setting of the basic frame is retained.
Bit 15 = 0:
Active electronic gearboxes remain active at reset/end of part program.
Bit 15 = 1:
Active electronic gearboxes are canceled at reset/end of part program.
Bit 16 = 0:
Initial setting for the master spindle according to MD20090 $MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND.
Bit 16 = 1:
The current setting of the master spindle (SETMS) is retained.
For MD20124 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER = 0, this bit also influences the behavior
of bit 6.
Bit 17 = 0:
Initial setting for the master toolholder according to MD20124
Bit 17 = 1:
The current setting of the master toolholder (SETMTH) is retained.
(Bit17 is only relevant for active tool or magazine management MD20124
$MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER > 0. Otherwise, the setting is valid for master spindle
bit 16, for active tool or magazine management. This bit also influences the behavior
of bit6.)
Bit 18 = 0:
Reference axis for G96/G961/G962 acc. to MD 20100: $MC_DIAMETER_AX_DEF.
When using SCC for your own spindle reset, bit 18 = 1 is recommended (see also MD 20112
Bit 18 = 1:
Reference axis for G96/G961/G962 is retained.
Bit 19: Reserved!
Bit 19= 0:
The two adjustable software limit switches are deleted after reset and are no longer
Bit 19 = 1:
The two adjustable software limit switches remain active after reset.
Bit 20: Reset response for $P_USEKT (use kind of tool)
Bit 20= 0:
After the RESET, $P_USEKT is set to $MC_USEKT_RESET_VALUE (default=0).
Bit 20 = 1:
On RESET, $P_USEKT is retained.
Related to:

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20112 START_MODE_MASK C03 K6, M3, K5, M1, K1, K2, P1, S1,
- Definition of basic setting of control after part program start DWORD Reset
- - 0x400, 0x400, 0x400, 0 0x7FFFF 1/1 M
0x400, 0x400, 0x400,
0x400, 0x400...
Description: The initial setting of the control at the start of the part program with respect to G
codes (in particular, current plane and settable work offset), tool length offset,
transformation, and axis couplings is defined by setting the following bits:
Bit 0: Start mode
Bit 1: Suppress aux. funct. output on tool selection
Bit 2: Not assigned, but reserved (see corresponding bit in RESET_MODE_MASK)
Bit 3: Not assigned, but reserved (see corresponding bit in RESET_MODE_MASK)
Bit 4: Start response for G code "Current plane"
Bit 5: Start response for G code "Settable work offset"
Bit 6: Start response for "Active tool length offset"
Bit 7: Start response for "Active kinematic transformation"
Bit 8: Start response for "Coupled-motion axes"
Bit 9: Start response for "Tangential correction"
Bit 10: Start response for "Synchronous spindle"
Bit 11: Not assigned, but reserved (see corresponding bit in RESET_MODE_MASK)
Bit 12: Start response for "Geo axis replacement"
Bit 13: Start response for "Master value coupling"
Bit 14: Not assigned, but reserved (see corresponding bit in RESET_MODE_MASK)
Bit 15: Not assigned, but reserved (see corresponding bit in RESET_MODE_MASK)
Bit 16: Start response for "Master spindle"
Bit 17: Start response for "Master toolholder"
Bit 18: Start response for "Reference axis for G96/G961/G962"
Bit 19: Reserved "Adjustable software limit switch ineffective"
Bit 20: Reserved "$P_USEKT reset response"
Meaning of individual bits:
Bit 0 = 0:
The bits 8 (TRAIL), 10 (COUP), bit 13 (LEAD) and bit 15 (EG) are evaluated on part
program start and event-driven program calls of the Progevent ASUB
Bit 0 = 1:
The bits 8 (TRAIL), 10 (COUP), bit 13 (LEAD) and bit 15 EG) are evaluated only on part
program start
Bit 1 = 0:
Auxiliary function output (D, T, M, DL) to PLC on tool selection according to the
If tool or magazine management is active, only auxiliary functions D and DL are
Bit 1 = 1:
Suppress auxiliary function output to PLC on tool selection.
Bit 1 is not relevant if tool or magazine management is active.
Bit 2 : Reserved (reset response after power-on)
Bit 3 : Reserved (end of test mode)

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 4 = 0:
The current setting for G code "current plane" is retained.
Bit 4 = 1:
Initial setting for G code "current plane" according to MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES
Bit 5 = 0:
The current setting for G code "settable work offset" is retained.
Bit 5 = 1:
Initial setting for G code "settable work offset" according to MD20150
Bit 6 = 0:
The current setting for active tool length offset is retained.
If tool or magazine management is active, the tool currently on the active toolholder
(spindle) is always selected.
If the tool that is currently on the spindle is disabled, it is automatically replaced
by a suitable replacement tool.
If such a replacement tool does not exist, an alarm is output.
Bit 6 = 1:
Initial setting for active tool length offset according to MD20120
If MD22550 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1, the tool selected via MD20121
$MC_TOOL_PRESEL_RESET_VALUE is preselected in addition.
If tool or magazine management is active, MD20120 $MC_TOOL_RESET_NAME is used instead
Bit 7 = 0:
The current setting for the active transformation is retained.
Bit 7 = 1:
Initial setting for active transformation after reset/end of part program according to
Bit 8 = 0:
Coupled-motion axis groupings remain active.
Bit 8 = 1:
Coupled-motion axis groupings are deactivated.
Bit 9 = 0:
Tangential correction remains active.
Bit 9 = 1:
Tangential correction is deactivated.
Bit 10 = 0:
Non-configured synchronous spindle coupling remains active.
Bit 10 = 1:
Non-configured synchronous spindle coupling is deactivated.
Bit 11 : Reserved (revolutional feedrate)
Bit 12 = 0:
A changed geometry axis assignment remains active when the part program starts.
Bit 12 = 1:
If machine data MD20118 $MC_GEOAX_CHANGE_RESET is set, a changed geometry axis
assignment is deleted when the part program starts.
Bit 13 = 0:
Master value couplings remain active.
Bit 13 = 1:
Master value couplings are deactivated.

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List Manual, 01/2017 133

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 14 : Reserved (basic frame)

Bit 15 = 0:
Active electronic gearboxes remain active.
Bit 15 = 1:
Active electronic gearboxes are deactivated.
Bit 16 = 0:
The current setting of the master spindle (SETMS) is retained.
Bit 16 = 1:
Initial setting for the master spindle according to MD20090 $MC_SPIND_DEF_MASTER_SPIND
Bit 17 = 0:
The current setting of the master toolholder (SETMTH) is retained (relevant only if
tool or magazine management is active)
Bit 17 = 1:
Only if MD20124 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER> 0: Initial setting for the master
toolholder according to MD20124 $MC_TOOL_MANAGEMENT_TOOLHOLDER.
Otherwise, the setting for the master spindle applies.
Bit 18 = 0:
Reference axis for G96/G961/G962 according to MD20100 $MC_DIAMETER_AX_DEF.
When using SCC with its own spindle reset, setting bit 18 = 1 is recommended (see also
MD20110: $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK, bit 18).
Bit 18 = 1:
Reference axis for G96/G961/G962 is retained.
Related to:


- Interruption MDI by mode change DWORD Reset
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0xFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: After program interruption in MDI mode (e.g. in order to carry out a measurement on
the workpiece and to correct the tool wear values or after tool breakage) the tool can
be manually withdrawn from the contour by changing into JOG mode.
In this case, the control stores the coordinates of the position of the interruption
and indicates the path differences traversed by the axes in JOG mode as "Repos offset".
When MDI mode is selected again, the axis is repositioned on the contour. This response
can be canceled by means of this machine data.
Bit 0 (LSB)= 0:
When MDI (JOG, JOGREF, JOGREPOS, MDIREF and MDIREPOS) are deselected in stopped
status, the system ASUB Repos is selected.
Bit 0 (LSB) = 1:
When MDI (JOG, JOGREF, JOGREPOS, MDIREF and MDIREPOS) are deselected in stopped
status, the system ASUB Repos is not selected.
Bit 1 (LSB) = 0:
If the NCK stops at a part program block in the program execution in which
repositioning is not possible, alarm 16916 is generated if an attempt is made to switch
to manual mode.

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 1 (LSB) = 1:
If the NCK stops at a part program block in the program execution in which
repositioning is not possible, no alarm is generated if an attempt is made to switch
to manual mode.


- Process interrupt program despite non-referenced axes DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0x200, 0x200, 0x200, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
0x200, 0x200, 0x200,
0x200, 0x200...
Description: Despite non-referenced axes, the assigned ASUB with the set bit is processed for the
Bit 0 = 1: Enable interrupt 1 (user interrupt)
Bit 1 = 1: Enable interrupt 2 (user interrupt)
Bit 7 = 1: Enable interrupt 8 (user interrupt)
Bit 8 = 1: Enable interrupt 9 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 9 = 1: Enable interrupt 10 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 10 = 1: Enable interrupt 11 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 31 = 1: Enable interrupt 32 (system interrupt, reserved)
System interrupts can start system ASUBs with traversing motions
1. Replace following machine data MD11602 $MN_ASUP_START_MASK, bit1.
2. If MD20700 $MC_REFP_NC_START_LOCK == 0, the setting in MD20105
$MC_PROG_EVENT_IGN_REFP_LOCK will be ignored, and non-referenced axes will be ignored.
Related to:


- Execute interrupt program despite read-in disable DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
Description: The assigned ASUB with the set bit is executed in spite of read-in disable being set.
Bit 0 = 1: Enable interrupt 1 (user interrupt)
Bit 1 = 1: Enable interrupt 2 (user interrupt)
Bit 7 = 1: Enable interrupt 8 (user interrupt)
Bit 8 = 1: Enable interrupt 9 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 9 = 1: Enable interrupt 10 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 10 = 1: Enable interrupt 11 (system interrupt, reserved)

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 31 = 1: Enable interrupt 32 (system interrupt, reserved)

System ASUBs started by system interrupts may contain traversing motions.
Related to:


- Execute interrupt program completely despite single block DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
Description: In spite of the set single-block processing mode, the assigned ASUB with the set bit
is executed for the interrupt.
Bit 0 = 1: Enable interrupt 1 (user interrupt)
Bit 1 = 1: Enable interrupt 2 (user interrupt)
Bit 7 = 1: Enable interrupt 8 (user interrupt)
Bit 8 = 1: Enable interrupt 9 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 9 = 1: Enable interrupt 10 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 10 = 1: Enable interrupt 11 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 31 = 1: Enable interrupt 32 (system interrupt, reserved)
System-ASUBs started by system interrupts may contain traversing motions.
The machine data is only active with single block SBL1.
Related to:


- Tool with length compens. during runup (reset/part program end). DWORD Reset
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32000 1/1 M
Description: Definition of the tool for which tool length compensation is selected during runup or
on reset or part program end as a function of MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK, and on part
program start as a function of MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK
Related to:

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136 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Preselected tool on RESET DWORD Reset
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32000 1/1 M
Description: A tool is selected after runup, or on reset or part program end as a function of
MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK, and on part program start as a function of MD20112
This MD is valid only without tool management.
Related to:


- Tool edge with length compens. during runup (reset/end of pp) DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 32000 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 32000 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 32000 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 32000 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32000 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32000 1/1 M
Description: Definition of the cutting edge for which tool length compensation is selected during
runup or on reset or part program end as a function of MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK,
and as a function of MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK on part program start.
With active tool management and with bit 0 and bit 6 set in MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK
at selection, the last offset of the tool active at power OFF - as a rule the tool on
the spindle - is effective after runup.
Related to:


- Effective resulting offset on RESET DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 6 7/2 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 6 7/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 6 7/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 6 7/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 6 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 6 0/0 S
Description: Definition of the total offset with which the tool length compensation is selected in
the runup and on reset or part program end as a function of MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK
and as a function of MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK on part program start.
MD18110 $MN_MM_MAX_SUMCORR_PER_CUTTEDGE determines the maximum useful value which can
be entered.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES C11, C03 F2, TE4, K3, M1, M5, K1, K2, P1,
- Initial setting of G groups BYTE Reset
808d-me42 70 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 - 1/1 M
2, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2,
808d-me62 70 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 - 1/1 M
2, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2,
808d-te42 70 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0 - 1/1 M
2, 0, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2,
808d-te62 70 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0 - 1/1 M
2, 0, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2,
808d-mte40 70 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1,, ...
808d-mte60 70 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1,, ...
Description: Definition of the G codes, which are active when powering up and reset and/or end of
part program depending on MD20152 $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE and for the start of part
program depending on MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK.
The index of the G codes in the respective groups must be programmed as the default
For a list of the G groups and their G functions, please refer to References:
Programming Manual, Fundamentals
Designation Group Standard value for 840D
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[1] 2 0 (inactive)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[2] 3 0 (inactive)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[4] 5 0 (inactive)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[8] 9 0 (inactive)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[10] 11 0 (inactive)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[11] 12 1 (G601)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[17] 18 1 (G450)

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

GCODE_RESET_VALUES[30] 31 1 (inaktiv)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[31] 32 1 (inactive)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[42] 43 1 (G140)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[43] 44 1 (G340)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[47] 48 3 (G462)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[61] 62 1 (inactive)
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[62] 63 1 (inactive)
: : :
GCODE_RESET_VALUES[69] 70 1 (not defined)

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20152 GCODE_RESET_MODE C03 M1, K1, K2, P1

- Reset response of G groups BYTE Reset
808d-me42 70 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 1 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
808d-me62 70 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 1 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
808d-te42 70 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 1 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
808d-te62 70 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 1 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
808d-mte40 70 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
808d-mte60 70 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: This MD is only evaluated if bit 0 is set in MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK.
For each entry in MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES (that is for each G group), this MD
is used to determine whether, on reset/part program end, the setting in MD20150
$MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES is used again (MD = 0) or the current setting is retained (MD
= 1).
Example 1:
Here, the basic setting for the 6th G group (current plane) is read from MD20150
$MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES at each reset / part program end:
MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[5]=1 ; reset value of the 6th G group is G17
MD20152$MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE[5]=0 ; after reset / part program end, the basic setting
for 6th G group corresponds to MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[5]
However, if the current setting for the 6th G group (current plane) is to be retained
after reset / part program end, then the following setting results:
MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[5]=1 ; reset value of the 6th G group is G17
MD20152 $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE[5]=1 ; current setting for the 6th G group
;is retained even after reset / part program end.
Example 2:
Here, the basic setting for the 8th G group (work offset) is read from MD20150
$MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES at each reset / part program end
MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[7]=2 ; Reset value of the 8th G group is G54
MD20152 $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE[7]=0 after reset / part program end, the basic setting
for the 8th G group corresponds to MD20150 $MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[7]
If G54 was already active, especially at the time of reset, the values of the
corresponding data handling frame at the time of reset are activated.
However, if the current setting for the 8th G group (work offset) is to be retained
after reset / part program end, then the following setting results:
MD20152 $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE[7]=1 ; if a work offset (e.g. G54) was active at the time
of reset, then the values of the corresponding data handling frame at the time of reset
are activated (that is UIFR[1] with G54)
Related to:

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Initial setting of G groups in ISO mode BYTE Reset
808d-me42 31 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1,, ...
808d-me62 31 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1,, ...
808d-te42 31 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1,
808d-te62 31 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1,
808d-mte40 31 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1,, ...
808d-mte60 31 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 0 - 1/1 M
1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0,
1, 1, 1,, ...
Description: When an external NC programming language is used, the G codes which become active on
runup and reset or at part program end are defined as a function of MD20110
$MC_RESET_MODE_MASK and at part program start as a function of MD20112
The following external programming languages are possible:
ISO mode Milling
ISO mode Turning
The G group division that is to be used is stated in the current SINUMERIK
The following groups within MD20154 $MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES can be written:
ISO mode M:
G group 2: G17/G18/G19
G group 3: G90/G91
G group 5: G94/G95
G group 6: G20/G21
G group 13: G96/G97
G group 14: G54-G59
ISO mode T:
G group 2: G96/G97
G group 3: G90/G91
G group 5: G94/G95
G group 6: G20/G21
G group 16: G17/G18/G19


- Reset response of external G groups BYTE Reset
- 31 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 1 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: This MD is evaluated only if bit0 is set in MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK (see there).

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

For each entry in MD20154 $MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES (that is for each G group),

this MD is used to determine whether, on reset/part program end, the setting in MD20154
$MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES is used again (MD = 0) or the current setting is
retained (MD = 1).
Example for ISO mode M:
Here, the basic setting for the 14th G group (settable work offset) is read from
MD20154 $MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES at each reset / part program end:
MD20154 $MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[13]=1 ; the reset value for the 14th G group
;is G54
MD20156 $MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_MODE[13]=0 ; the basic setting for the 14th G group
;after reset / part program end is defined
However, if the current setting for the 14th G group is to be retained beyond reset /
part program end, this results in the following setting:
MD20154 $MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_VALUES[13]=1 ;reset value for the 14th G group
;is G54
MD20156 $MC_EXTERN_GCODE_RESET_MODE[13]=1 ;current setting for the 14th
;G group is retained even after
;reset / part program end


- Number of blocks for C spline BYTE PowerOn
- - 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8... 4 9 1/1 M
Description: Number of motion blocks across which a spline section is calculated with the cubic
spline (CSPLINE) function.
The larger the value, the closer the generated contour is to the ideal mathematical
cubic spline, which in the boundary condition CUBIC_SPLINE_BLOCKS = reaches infinity.
However, the higher the value, the longer the block search calculation time.
/PA/, Programming Guide: Fundamentals


mm Maximum traversing distance of an NC block with compression DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-me62 - 20.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte40 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte60 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
Description: The machine data defines the maximum traversing length of a block that can be
compressed. Longer blocks interrupt the compression and are traversed in the normal
Related to:

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL (maximum deviation with compression)

/PA/, Programming Guide: Fundamentals


mm Maximum traverse length of an NC block for the COMPSURF DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: The machine data defines the maximum traverse length of a block that is still regarded
as compressible. Longer blocks interrupt the smoothing and are traversed normally.
If the value 0 is entered, then the maximum traverse length in the control is
determined by the specified tolerance.


mm/min Max. permissible deviation of path feedrate with compression DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 60000.0, 60000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 6...
808d-me62 - 1000.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 60000.0, 60000.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 6...
808d-te62 - 60000.0, 60000.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 6...
808d-mte40 - 60000.0, 60000.0, 0.0 - 7/2 M
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 6...
808d-mte60 - 60000.0, 60000.0, 0.0 - 7/2 M
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 60000.0,
60000.0, 6...
Description: The value indicates the maximum permissible deviation for the compression for the path
feedrate. The larger the value, the more short blocks can be compressed into one long
block. The maximum number of compressible blocks is limited by the size of the spline
In this way, the the compressors COMPON and COMPCURV may limit the compression of the
path axes.
Compressor COMPCAD acts differently: It ignores changes to the F word as long as they
lie below the threshold defined by COMPRESS_VELO_TOL. If the feed programmed in a
block changes more than COMPRESS_VELO_TOL, COMPCAD interrupts the compression at this
block transition so that the feed change takes place at exactly the desired position.
Related to:
/PGA/, Programming Guide, Advanced

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20173 SURF_VELO_TOL C09 -

mm/min Maximum permitted deviation of the path feed on compression DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
808d-me62 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
808d-te42 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
808d-te62 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
808d-mte40 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 - 7/2 M
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
808d-mte60 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 0.0 - 7/2 M
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
Description: The value specifies the maximum permitted deviation for compression for the path feed.
The larger the value, the more short blocks can be compressed into one long block.


- Rotary axis increment of orientable tool holder DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-me62 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-te42 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-te62 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-mte40 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 0/0 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-mte60 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 0/0 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
Description: For orientable tool carriers, this machine data defines the size of the minimum
increment (in degrees) by which the first or second orientation axis can be changed
(e.g. for Hirth tooth systems).

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

A programmed or calculated angle is rounded to the nearest value resulting from

phi = s + n * d
with integer n.
In which:
and i is 0 for the 1st and 1 for the 2nd axis.
There is no rounding if this machine data is equal to zero.


- Rotary axis offset of orientable tool holder DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-me62 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-te42 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-te62 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/3 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-mte40 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 0/0 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-mte60 2 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 0/0 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
Description: This machine data defines the offset of the rotary axis for an orientable tool holder
if its position cannot be continuously changed.
It is only evaluated if MD20180 $MC_TOCARR_ROT_ANGLE_INCR is not equal to zero.
For the precise meaning of this machine data, see the description of MD20180


- Base frame number for holding machine table offset DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 15 7/3 M
808d-me62 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 15 7/3 M
808d-te42 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 15 7/3 M
808d-te62 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 15 7/3 M
808d-mte40 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 15 0/0 M
808d-mte60 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 15 0/0 M
Description: This machine data indicates into which channel-specific base frame the table offset of
an orientable tool holder with a rotary table is written.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

This machine data must refer to a valid base frame.

If its content is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the maximum number of base
frames set in MD28081 $MC_MM_NUM_BASE_FRAMES, selection of a corresponding tool holder
causes an alarm.


mm Limit of linear fine offset TCARR DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-me62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte40 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 0/0 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte60 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 0/0 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
Description: Indicates for each channel the input limit for the linear fine offset values of an
orientable tool holder.


degrees Limit of rotary fine offset TCARR DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-me62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/3 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte40 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 0/0 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte60 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 0/0 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
Description: Indicates for each channel the input limit for the rotary fine offset values of an
orientable tool holder.


- Do not display interrupt program execution on OPI DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
Description: The execution of the ASUB assigned to the interrupt is NOT displayed by the OPI
variables "progStatus" and "chanStatus".
Bit 0 = 1: Enable interrupt 1 (user interrupt)
Bit 1 = 1: Enable interrupt 2 (user interrupt)
Bit 7 = 1: Enable interrupt 8 (user interrupt)
Bit 8 = 1: Enable interrupt 9 (system interrupt, reserved)

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 9 = 1: Enable interrupt 10 (system interrupt, reserved)

Bit 10 = 1: Enable interrupt 11 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 31 = 1: Enable interrupt 32 (system interrupt, reserved)
System ASUBs started by system interrupts may contain traversing motions.
Related to:


- Do not display the Prog-Event on OPI DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3F 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Event-driven program calls (Prog-Events) can be set regarding their response on the
The progStatus and chanStatus variables remain unaffected despite Prog-Event
processing being active and retain the old value. This provides a means of concealing
Prog-Event processing from the HMI.
Bit 0 = 1 :
Reserved bit, ineffective
Bit 1 = 1 :
Prog-Event after end-of-part-program does not change progStatus and chanStatus
Bit 2 = 1 :
Prog-Event after OP reset does not change progStatus and chanStatus
Bit 3 = 1 :
Prog-Event after ramp-up does not change progStatus and chanStatus
Bit 4 = 1 :
Bit 5 = 1 :
Safety-Prog-Event during ramp-up does not change progStatus and chanStatus
Corresponds to:


- Prog-Events ignore the stop key DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0xF 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Event-controlled program calls (Prog-Events) can be influenced with regard to their
behavior after pressing of the stop key.
The Stop, StopAll and StopAtEnd key of the PLC is ignored, if required.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 0 = 1 :
Prog-Event after part program start delays the stop until the part program starts,
i.e. the stop only becomes active in the part program, not before its start. If the
part program starts with a traversing block, it is possible that it starts briefly,
i.e. a short motion occurs, although Stop has already been pressed in the Start-Prog-
Bit 1 = 1 :
Prog-Event after part program end ignores the stop
Bit 2 = 1 :
Prog-Event after operator panel reset ignores the stop
Bit 3 = 1 :
Prog-Event after power up ignores the stop
Corresponds to:


- Permit ASUB in spite of "Interlock NC-START" if user alarms DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
Description: A user alarm from the number range 65500-65999 sets the signal "NC start interlock".
By default, an ASUB is not executed on account of interrupts.
Despite the presence of signal "NC start interlock", the assigned ASUB with the set
bit is executed for the interrupt:
Bit 0 = 1: Enable interrupt 1 (user interrupt)
Bit 1 = 1: Enable interrupt 2 (user interrupt)
Bit 7 = 1: Enable interrupt 8 (user interrupt)
Bit 8 = 1: Enable interrupt 9 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 9 = 1: Enable interrupt 10 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 10 = 1: Enable interrupt 11 (system interrupt, reserved)
Bit 31 = 1: Enable interrupt 32 (system interrupt, reserved)
System ASUBs started by system interrupts may contain traversing motions.
Related to:


- ToolCarrier: rotary axis setting with axis positions not defined DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2... 0 0x7 7/3 U

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-me62 - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2... 0 0x7 7/3 U

808d-te42 - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2... 0 0x7 7/3 U
808d-te62 - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2... 0 0x7 7/3 U
808d-mte40 - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2... 0 0x7 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2... 0 0x7 0/0 S
Description: The MD is bit-coded. Bit 0 applies to orientable tool holders with one axis, bit 1 for
those with 2 axes.
When the axis positions of an orientable tool holder are determined from a specified
frame, it may happen that the required orientation is achieved at any position of a
rotary axis.
This MD specifies how the rotary axis position is defined in these cases:
If the relevant bit is 0, the position of the rotary axis will be 0; a possibly
necessary rotation is performed through the specified frame.
If the relevant bit is 1, the rotation is performed by means of the rotary axis of
the orientable tool holder. The resulting frame will no longer include a rotation.
A tool in its basic position points into the Z direction, and an axis of the orientable
tool holder rotates the workpiece around Z (C_Axis). If the tool is to be oriented
parallel to the Z axis of a rotating frame, and if the frame only rotates around the
Z axis, the tool orientation will not be changed if the C axis is rotated. The
condition stating that the tool is to point in the direction of the Z axis defined by
the frame is therefore fulfilled for any position of the Z axis.
Bit 2: If this bit is set, the value 1 is output in the system variable $P_TCSOL as
the number of solutions in a singular position for which there is one unique solution
because of the alignment with the vertical coordinate axes perpendicular to the
orientation. If this bit is not set, two solutions are output (the angles around the
orientation axis differ by 180 degrees). This variant is required for compatibility
with older software versions.


- Chamfer/rounding behavior DWORD Reset
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0xFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Determination of the chamfer/rounding behavior
Bit 0: (LSB) Assignment of the chamfer/rounding to the preceding or following block.
This influences:
● The technology of the chamfer/rounding (feed, type of feed, M commands ...)
● The execution of the blocks without movement in the active plane (e.g. M commands,
movement in the applicate) before or after a modal rounding (RNDM)
Bit 1: free
Meaning of the individual bits:
Bit 0 = 0
Chamfer/rounding is derived from the following block (default value).
The technology of the chamfer/rounding is determined by the following block. Blocks
without movement (M commands) or movement only in the applicate between two movement
blocks in the plane are executed before the modal rounding.
Bit 0 = 1:
Chamfer/rounding is derived from the preceding block.
The technology of the chamfer/rounding is determined by the preceding block. Blocks
without movement (M commands) or movement only in the applicate between two movement
blocks in the plane are executed after the modal rounding.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Maximum number of blocks w/o traversing movement with SAR BYTE Reset
- - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5... 0 10 7/2 M
Description: Maximum number of blocks which can appear between the SAR (soft approach and
retraction) block and the traversing block which determines the direction of the
approach or retraction tangent.


mm Change of direction with SAR DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0 - 1/1 M
0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01...
Description: In the case of smooth approach and retraction, the point defined with DISCL, from
which, in the case of infeed from the initial plane, traversing is carried out at lower
speed (G341) or the point in which the actual approach movement begins (G 340), must
lie between the initial plane and the approach plane.
If this point lies outside this interval and the deviation is less than or equal to
this machine data, it is assumed that the point lies in the approach or retraction
If the deviation is greater, then alarm 10741 is output.
An approach is made from position Z = 20. The SAR plane is at Z = 0. The point defined
by DISCL must therefore lie between these two values. If it lies between 20.000 and
20.010 or between 0 and -0.010, it is assumed that the value 20.0 or 0.0 was programmed
(under the condition that the MD has the value 0.010). The alarm is output if the
position is greater than 20.010 or less than -0.010.


- Intersection procedure for polynomials is possible BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: If this machine data is TRUE and tool radius compensation active, the transitions at
outer corners where polynomes (splines) are involved can be treated with the
intersection mode. If the machine data is FALSE, conic sections (circles) are always
inserted in this case.
If the machine data is FALSE, the response is identical to that of software releases
older than 4.0.


- Initial position of tool cutting edge without programming DWORD PowerOn
- - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... -2 32000 1/1 M
Description: Default cutting edge after tool change
If no cutting edge has been programmed after a tool change, the default cutting edge
number set in MD20270 $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT is used.
:= 0
Initially, no cutting edge is active after a tool change.
The cutting edge is not selected until D programming.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

:= 1
No. of cutting edge (MD_SLMAXCUTTINGEDGENUMBER=9 is valid up to P4)
:= -1
Cutting edge number of old tool also applies to new tool.
:= -2
Cutting edge (correction) of old tool remains active until D is programmed. This means
that the old tool remains the active tool until D is programmed. In other words, the
tool on the spindle remains the programmed tool until D is programmed.
After a tool change, the first cutting edge is active if no other cutting edge has been


- Initial position resulting offset without program DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -1 6 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -1 6 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -1 6 7/2 M
Description: The number of the total offset of the cutting edge which becomes active when a new
cutting edge compensation is activated without a programmed DL value being available.
defines the maximum useful value which can be entered.
Value Meaning
> 0 Number of the total offset
= 0 No total offset active with D programming
= 1 The total offset number for the previously programmed D is used.
Related to:


- Time monitoring for tool in tool holder DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-me62 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-te42 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-te62 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte40 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte60 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Activation of the tool time monitoring for the tool holders and spindles 1..x.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

As soon as the path axes have been traversed (not with G00, always with G63), the tool
time monitoring data of the active D compensation are updated for the tool in the
selected tool holder, which is also the master tool holder.
Bit 0...x-1: Monitoring of the tool in tool holder 1...x


- Definition of tool parameters DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3FFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-me62 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3FFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-te42 - 0x283 0 0x3FFFFF 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x283 0 0x3FFFFF 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3FFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte60 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x3FFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Definition of the effects of tool parameters.
Bit no. meaning when bit is set
Bit 0: (LSB):
For turning and grinding tools, the wear parameter of the transverse axis is included
in the calculation as a diameter value.
Bit 1:
For turning and grinding tools, the tool length component of the transverse axis is
included in the calculation as a diameter value.
Bit 2:
If a tool length correction is included in the calculation as a diameter value, the
tool may only be used in the plane that was active when the tool was selected. If this
bit is set, a plane change leads to an alarm.
Bit 3:
Work offsets in frames in the transverse axis are included in the calculation as
diameter values.
Bit 4:
PRESET value is included in the calculation as a diameter value
Bit 5:
Include the external work offset in the transverse axis in the calculation as a
diameter value
Bit 6:
Read actual values of the transverse axis as diameter values (AA_IW, AA_IEN, AA_IBN,
AA_IB. Notice: Not AA_IM.)
Bit 7:
Display all actual values of the transverse axis as diameter values, irrespective of
the G code of group 29 (DIAMON / DIAMOF)
Bit 8:
Always display the distance-to-go as a radius in the work coordinate system (Work)
Bit 9:
During DRF handwheel travel of a transverse axis, only half the distance of the
specified increment is traveled (on condition that MD11346 $MN_HANDWH_TRUE_DISTANCE =

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Activate the tool component of an active, orientable tool holder even if no tool is
The tool parameter $TC_DP6 is not interpreted as a tool radius but as a tool diameter.
The tool parameter $TC_DP15 is not interpreted as wear of the tool radius but as wear
of the tool diameter.
During JOG of circles, the circle center coordinate is always a radius value, see
Absolute values of the transverse axis with cycle masks in the radius
Incremental values of the transverse axis with cycle masks as diameter
For GWPS (GWPSON/TMON), the tool parameters, tool length, wear and base dimension, are
interpreted as diameter values
With cutting edge position compensation (CUTMOD) for turning and grinding tools, the
cutting plane for calculating the compensation values is rotated into the machining
plane. If this bit is not set, the cutting edge is projected into the machining plane
With cutting edge position compensation (CUTMOD) for turning and grinding tools,
always use the active plane (G17 - G19). If this bit is not set, the plane specified
by setting data SD42940 $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_CONST has priority over the plane specified by
the G code group 6 (plane selection, G17 - G19).
The tool orientation change caused by an orientable tool holder becomes effective even
if no tool is active. This bit is only effective if bit 10 is also set.
If this bit is zero, and if the tool parameter $TC_DP10 (holder angle) and/or $TC_DP24
(clearance angle) contain the value 0, the following default values are used as the
basis for the function CUTMOD to calculate the modified cutting-edge position and the
modified cutting-edge direction:
Holder angle 112.5 degrees for cutting-edge positions 1 - 4
Holder angle 67.5 degrees for cutting-edge positions 5 - 8
Clearance angle 22.5 degrees for cutting edge positions 1 - 4
Clearance angle 67.5 degrees for cutting-edge positions 5 - 8
If this bit is set, an alarm is output in the cases mentioned. This bit is used to
establish compatibility with older software releases.
If this bit is zero, any existing rotation in the part proportion of the tool carrier
is taken into account for CUTMOD with tool carrier when modifying the cutting edge
position. Frames are ignored.
If this bit is 1, in the place of the part proportion of the tool carrier, the
active total frame is taken into account with CUTMOD with tool carrier with
modification of the cutting edge position. The total frame can also contain a part
proportion of the tool carrier.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20370 SHAPED_TOOL_TYPE_NO C01, C08 -

- Tool type number for contour tools DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-me62 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te42 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te62 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte40 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 0/0 S
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte60 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 0/0 S
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: Indicates for each channel max. two number ranges for tool types that are treated as
forming tools. Therefore individual ranges are possible both for grinding and for
turning tools.
The first range is specified by the first and the second number, the second range by
the third and fourth number.
If the first number is not smaller than the second one (the same applies for the third
and fourth number), no range will be defined, but two individual numbers will be
specified instead.
The numbers 400 through 599 are permissible (tool type numbers for turning and
grinding tools), and also value 0 (no tool type number defined).
400 405 590 596 : Tool types 400-405 and 590-596 are contour tools
410 400 590 596 : tool types 400, 410 and 590-596 are contour tools
450 0 420 430 : Tool types 450 and 420-430 are contour tools


- Checksum test for contour tools BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/5 U
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/5 U
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/5 U

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/5 U

808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
Description: Indicates for each channel whether for completion of the contour tool definition an
edge must be available that includes the negative sums of tool length components and
tool radius of the previous edges.

20380 TOOL_CORR_MODE_G43G44 C01, C08, C11 -

- Treatment of tool length compensation with G43 / G44 BYTE Reset
808d-me42 - 1 0 2 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 1 0 2 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 2/2 M
Description: This machine data determines in ISO mode M (G43 / G44) the way in which length
compensations programmed with H are processed.
0: Mode A
Tool length H always acts on the third geometry axis (usually Z)
1: Mode B
Tool length H acts, depending on the active plane, on one of the three geometry axes.
This means with
G17 on the 3rd geometry axis (usually Z)
G18 on the 2nd geometry axis (usually Y)
G19 on the 1st geometry axis (usually X)
In this mode, compensations in all three geometry axes can be configured through
multiple programming, i.e. through the activation of one component, the length
compensation possibly active in another axis is not deleted.
2: Mode C
The tool length acts, irrespective of the active plane, on the axis that has
simultaneously been programmed with H. Otherwise, the response is the same as with
mode B.

20382 TOOL_CORR_MOVE_MODE C01, C08 -

- Traversing of tool length compensation BOOLEAN Reset
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data determines how the tool length compensations are traversed.
0: A tool length compensation is only traversed if the associated axis has been
programmed (behavior as in previous software versions)

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

1: Tool lengths are always traversed independently of whether the associated axes
are programmed or not.


- Tool length compensation in several axes simultaneously BOOLEAN Reset
- - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data determines for tool length compensation in ISO mode M (ISO2) (G43 /
G44), whether the compensation shall be allowed in mode C (selection of the axis on
which the compensation is acting by specifying the corresponding axis letter) to act
on several axes simultaneously.
If this machine data is 1, this type of programming is allowed; otherwise it is
rejected with an alarm.

20390 TOOL_TEMP_COMP_ON C01, C08 K3, W1

- Activation of temperature compensation for tool length BOOLEAN Reset
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
Description: This machine data activates the temperature compensation in tool direction (see also


mm Max. temperature compensation for tool length DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 3 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 0.0 - 7/7 U
1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0,
1.0 , 1.0, ...
808d-me62 3 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 0.0 - 7/7 U
1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0,
1.0 , 1.0, ...

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808d-te42 3 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 0.0 - 7/7 U

1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0,
1.0 , 1.0, ...
808d-te62 3 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 0.0 - 7/7 U
1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0,
1.0 , 1.0, ...
808d-mte40 3 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 0.0 - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0,
1.0 , 1.0, ...
808d-mte60 3 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 0.0 - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0 , 1.0, 1.0,
1.0 , 1.0, ...
Description: With temperature compensation, this machine data indicates the maximum permissible
value for the tool length for each geometry axis.
If a temperature compensation value larger than this limit value is entered, it will
be limited without an alarm.


- Activate extended LookAhead BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 2 0/0 S
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-me62 5 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 0 2 2/2 M
808d-te42 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 2 0/0 S
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te62 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 2 0/0 S
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte40 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 2 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte60 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 2 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: The MD specifies for which technology groups the extended LookAhead is active.
Value 0: Default LookAhead
Value 1: Extended LookAhead
Value 2: reserved
E.g. MD20443 $MC_LOOKAH_FFORM[4]=1; i.e. activation for DYNFINISH.
Entry for all dynamic G code groups.
When changing between default LookAhead and extended LookAhead or vice versa, the
continuous-path mode is interrupted by an interpolatory stop.


- Adaptation of the IPO buffer control DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 1.0 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: The MD defines how significantly the IPO buffer control (FIFOCTRL) should influence
the path feedrate with the buffer full.

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0.0 means that the IPO buffer control, for a full IPO buffer stops limiting the path
feedrate. This shortens the machining time, but it can increase the risk of the IPO
buffer running empty.
1.0 means that the IPO buffer control, with full IPO buffer continues to control the
path feedrate, and therefore avoids the IPO buffer becoming empty faster. This results
in minor fluctuations of the IPO buffer fill level. However, a longer machining time
must be expected.
Values between 0.0 and 1.0 permit a smooth, seamless transition from the old to the
new response.
Corresponds with:

20470 CPREC_WITH_FFW EXP, C06, C05 K6

- Programmable contour accuracy BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 3 0 5 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 7/2 M
Description: This machine data defines the behaviour of the programmable function CPRECON.
0: The CPRECON function is inactive when feedforward control is activated
1: CPRECON is also active with feedforward control.
2: As 1, but the function is parameterised with MD32415 $MA_EQUIV_CPREC_TIME.
3: As 2, but any contour accuracy programmed with CTOL has priority over SD42450
4: CPRECON is active independently of the feedforward control and jerk filter. Only
MD32415 $MA_EQUIV_CPREC_TIME is taken into account in the calculation of the contour
error. All time constants that have effects on the contour error must be summated and
entered MD32415 $MA_EQUIV_CPREC_TIME.
5: As 4, but a contour accuracy that may have been programmed with CTOL has priority
over SD42450 $SC_CONTPREC.
The values 0 and 1 are no longer recommended. They only provide compatibility with
older software versions.
Related to:


- Behavior of smoothing with G64x DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 75744 1/1 M
Description: Configuration of smoothing with G641 and G642 or G643.
The MD is decimal-coded. The units digits define the response with G643, and the tens
digits the response with G642. The hundreds digit can define whether, with G641 or
G642, the axes may be accelerated within the smoothing range or traversed at constant
velocity. The thousands and ten-thousands digits are used to configure smoothing with
x0: G643 uses axis-specific tolerances; these are set with the axis-specific MD33100

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x1: G643 uses the contour tolerance SD42465 $SC_SMOOTH_CONTUR_TOL for smoothing the
geometry axes. The axis-specific tolerances in MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL are used
for smoothing all other axes.
x2: The angular tolerance SD42466 $SC_SMOOTH_ORI_TOL is used for smoothing the
orientation movement. The axis-specific tolerances in MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL are
used for all other axes.
x3: Combination of the two options 01 and 02. This means that G643 uses the
tolerances SD42465 $SC_SMOOTH_CONTUR_TOL and SD42466 $SC_SMOOTH_ORI_TOL. All other
axes are smoothed with an axis-specific tolerance.
x4: G643 uses the smoothing length programmed with ADIS= or ADISPOS=. The
specification of possible axis-specific tolerances or contour and orientation
tolerances is ignored.
0x: G642 uses axis-specific tolerances; these are set with the axis-specific MD33100
1x: G642 uses the contour tolerance for smoothing the geometry axes. The axis-
specific tolerances in MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL are used for smoothing all other
2x: The orientation movement with G642 is smoothed using the angular tolerance
SD42466 $SC_SMOOTH_ORI_TOL. The axis-specific tolerances in MD33100
$MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL are used for smoothing all other axes.
3x: Combination of both options 10 and 20. This means that G642 uses the tolerances
SD42465 $SC_SMOOTH_CONTUR_TOL and SD42466 $SC_SMOOTH_ORI_TOL. Other axes are smoothed
with an axis-specific tolerance.
4x: G642 uses the smoothing length programmed with ADIS= or ADISPOS=. The
specification of possible axis-specific tolerances or contour and orientation
tolerances is ignored.
Possible values of the hundreds digit (specification of path velocity for smoothing):
0xx: A profile of the limit velocity is calculated within the smoothing range
from the specified maximum values for acceleration and jerk of the axes or path
involved. This can lead to an increase in
path velocity in the smoothing range and consequently to an acceleration
of the axes involved.
1xx: A profile of the limit velocity is not calculated for smoothing blocks with
G641. Only a constant limit velocity is specified. In the case of smoothing with G641/
G642, this prevents the axes involved accelerating in the
smoothing range. However, this setting may lead to smoothing blocks
being traversed at a velocity that is too low, especially in the case of long smoothing
2xx: No velocity profile for G642 and G645 (see the above scenario for
4xx: The "effective" path velocity in a smoothing block will remain constant,
if possible, as long as the dynamic response of the axes permits this. Unlike the
default setting, the smoothing blocks are also interpolated as a path with this
Possible values for the thousands digit (configuration of G644):
When smoothing with G644, the maximum deviations of each axis specified in MD
COMPRESS_POS_TOL are adhered to. If the dynamic response of the axis allows, the
specified tolerance may not be fully utilized.
When smoothing with G644, the smoothing distance is specified.
When smoothing with G644, the maximum frequency at which the smoothing movement of
each axis occurs is limited. The maximum frequency is specified in MD32440

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When smoothing with G644, neither the tolerance nor the smoothing distance is
monitored. Each axis traverses around a corner with the maximum possible dynamic
response. With SOFT, both the maximum acceleration and the maximum jerk of each axis
are observed. With BRISK, the jerk is not limited; instead, each axis traverses with
the maximum possible acceleration.
When smoothing with G644, the maximum deviations of each axis specified in MD
COMPRESS_POS_TOL are adhered to. In contrast to the value 0xxx, the specified
tolerance is fully utilized where possible. The axis then does not reach its maximum
possible dynamic response.
When smoothing with G644, the smoothing distance is specified (ADIS or ADISPOS). In
contrast to the value 1xxx, the specified smoothing distance is also fully utilized
where possible. The axes involved then might not reach their maximum dynamic response.
Possible values for the ten-thousands digit (various special setting options for G641/
The velocity profiles of the axes in the smoothing range are defined without jerk
limitation when BRISK is active, and with jerk limitation when SOFT is active.
The velocity profiles of the axes in the smoothing range are always defined with jerk
limitation no matter whether BRISK or SOFT is active.
2xxxx: When smoothing tangential block transitions with G645, "counter motion" may
occur when moving along the contour. This can be avoided if circles are involved. If
this function is activated, the circles involved are reduced by the set tolerance. As
a consequence, the smoothed contour runs on the inner side of the tolerance band and
"counter motion" is avoided.
4xxxx: When smoothing with G641/G642 and G645, the smoothing movements of the
orientation axes are made with vector interpolation if possible, this is conditional
upon vector interpolation being active in both the blocks involved and the active
orientation transformation permitting this (e.g. by pole handling).
By default, the orientation axes are always smoothed by means of rotary
axis interpolation.
The values of the units, tens, hundreds and ten-thousands digits are added.
The values of the thousands digit are interpreted individually.
Related to:


- Mode of compressor DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1333 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 300 0 1333 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1333 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1333 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1333 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1333 7/7 U
Description: This MD is used to set the compressor operating mode.
The units digits, the tens digits and the hundreds digits have different meanings.
The following options are available:
Units digits:

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0: With the compressor, the tolerances specified with MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL

are met for all axes (geometry and orientation axes).
1: With the compressor, the contour tolerances specified with SD42475
$SC_COMPRESS_CONTUR_TOL are active for the geometry axes.
For the orientation axes, the axis-specific tolerances MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL
are active.
2: With the compressor, the axis-specific tolerances MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL
become active for the geometry axes. The orientation movement is compressed in
compliance with the maximum angular deviations specified with SD42476
3: With the compressor, the contour tolerance SD42475 $SC_COMPRESS_CONTUR_TOL
becomes active for the geometry axes and the maximum angular deviation SD42476
$SC_COMPRESS_ORI_TOL or SD42477 $SC_COMPRESS_ORI_ROT_TOL becomes active for the
orientation axes.
Tens digits:
The tens digits of this MD can be used to set a compressor response that is compatible
with previous software releases (< SW 6.3).
0x: All blocks with orientations and value assignments are compressed.
This is the default setting.
Notice: This response is incompatible with previous software releases!
1x: Blocks with value assignments are not compressed (e.g. X=100 ..., etc.)
2x: Blocks with a programmed tool orientation are not compressed.
(e.g. A3= B3= C3=).
3x: All blocks with value assignments and/or programmed tool orientation are not
compressed. With this setting, the response is fully compatible with previous software
releases (< 6.3).
Hundreds digits:
The hundreds digit can be used to set which blocks in addition to G01 blocks are to be
compressed or not:
0xx: Circular blocks and G00 blocks are not compressed. Is compatible with previous
1xx: Circular blocks are linearized and compressed by COMPCAD.
2xx: G00 blocks are compressed; a different tolerance may be applied here (see MD 20560
3xx: Combination of the two previous options: Both circular blocks and G00 blocks are
The thousands digits optimize the compressor for different machine types:
0xxx: Optimization for a good surface quality in tool and mold building.
1xxx: Optimization for soft and fast traversing in special applications.


- Smoothing by compressor DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-me62 5 0., 0., 0.0001, 0.0001, 0. 1. 1/1 M
808d-te42 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-te62 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-mte40 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M

0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-mte60 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
Description: Smoothing of the programmed block end points with compressor type COMPCAD. Value 0: no
smoothing. Value 1: maximum smoothing.
Entry for all dynamic G code groups.


- Smoothing by compressor DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-me62 5 0., 0., 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 0. 1. 1/1 M
808d-te42 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-te62 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-mte40 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-mte60 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
Description: Extent to which the programmed block end points are smoothed in the case of compressor
type COMPCAD for non-geometry axes. Value 0: No smoothing. Value 1: Maximum smoothing.
Entry for each dynamic G code group.


- Setting for spline interpolation BYTE NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7 3/3 M
Description: This MD is used to determine the settings for spline interpolation. The allocation of
the spline segments to the NC blocks can thus be influenced. With spline
interpolation, the spline blocks are combined, if possible, in such a way, that there
are no blocks that are too short and could lead to a reduction in the possible path
Bit 0: With BSPLINE, blocks that are too short are avoided.
Bit 1: With BSPLINE/ORICURVE, blocks that are too short are avoided.
Bit 2: With CSPLINE, blocks that are too short are avoided.


- G64x independent of overload factor BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M

808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: A block transition is normally only smoothed with G64x when the path velocity at block
transition is reduced by the overload factor set in MD32310 $MA_MAX_ACCEL_OVL_FACTOR.
When SOFT is active, the maximum jerk occurring at block transitions is also limited
by MD32432 $MA_PATH_TRANS_JERK_LIM. This means that the effect of smoothing with G64x
depends on the values set for the overload factor and possibly for the maximum jerk.
By setting MD20490 $MC_IGNORE_OVL_FACTOR_FOR_ADIS = TRUE, a block transition can be
smoothed with G64x, irrespectively of the values set for the overload factor.


s Minimum time with constant velocity DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 0.1 2/2 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: Defines the minimum time for constant velocity during transition from acceleration to
deceleration in short blocks in which the set velocity cannot be reached. Entering a
time of at least several IPO cycles prevents a direct transition from the acceleration
to the deceleration phase and thus reduces the acceleration jump to half. This
acceleration limitation is only active with the acceleration profile BRISK.
MD irrelevant for:
Look Ahead does not take account of this function.


- Exact stop conditions on G00/G01. BYTE NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 33 2/2 M
Description: Configuration of the exact stop conditions for G00 and other G codes of the 1st G code
The MD is decimal-coded. The units digits define the behavior at G00 (infeed motion)
and the tens digits the behavior of all the other G codes of the 1st group ("machining
G codes").
x0: At G00, the relevant programmed exact stop conditions become active.
x1: At G00, G601 (fine positioning window) becomes active independent of the
programmed exact stop condition.
x2: At G00, G602 (coarse positioning window) becomes active independent of the
programmed exact stop condition.
x3: At G00, G603 (setpoint value reached) becomes active independent of the
programmed exact stop condition.
0x: At the machining G codes, the relevant programmed exact stop conditions become

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1x: At the machining G codes, G601 (fine positioning window) becomes active
independent of the programmed exact stop condition.
2x: At the machining G codes, G602 (coarse positioning window) becomes active
independent of the programmed exact stop condition.
3x: At the machining G codes, G603 (setpoint value reached) becomes active
independent of the programmed exact stop condition.
The values of the units digits and tens digits are added.
For example, the value of EXACT_POS_MODE = 2 means that the exact stop condition G602
is always activated automatically at G00, independently of which exact stop condition
was programmed. At all other G codes of group 1, the programmed exact stop condition
becomes active.


- Exact stop condition at G00-G01 transition BYTE NEW CONF
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 2/2 M
Description: Configuration of a stop at transition from G00 to a different G code of the 1st G code
group, and also vice versa, at transition from non-G00 to G00 in continuous-path mode.
In exact-stop mode, the positioning window programmed or set in MD20550
The following applies:
0: No additional stop, no control of exact stop
1: Behavior active as with G601 (positioning window, fine).
2: Behavior active as with G602 (positioning window, coarse).
3: Behavior active as with G603 (setpoint reached).
4: As 0,
in addition, the override of the subsequent non-G00 block is taken into account in the
G00 block via LookAhead in the case of a change from G00 to non-G00.
5: As 0,
in addition, the override of the subsequent block is taken into account via LookAhead
in the case of a change from G00 to non-G00 and non-G00 to G00.


- Tolerance factor for G00 DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-me62 - 3.0 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte40 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte60 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
Description: Tolerance factor for G00.
This factor is used to make different settings for the tolerances for processing when
G00 is active (rapid traverse, infeed motion).
This tolerance factor is relevant for the following control functions:
1. Compressor (COMPCAD, COMPCURV, and COMPON)
2. Smoothing with G64x

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

3. Smoothing of orientation with OST

4. Smoothing of orientation response with ORISON
This factor can be both greater than 1 and less than 1. However, higher tolerance
settings are usual for infeed motion.
If the factor is equal to 1, the tolerances applied for G00 motion are the same as
those for non-G00 motion.

20600 MAX_PATH_JERK C05 B1, B2

m/s³ Path-related maximum jerk DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e-9 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 5 10000., 10000., 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
10000., 10000., 10000.
808d-te42 5 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e-9 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 5 10000., 10000., 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
10000., 10000., 10000.
808d-mte40 5 100., 100., 100., 100., 1.e-9 - 7/2 M
100., 100., 100., 100.,
100., 100., 100....
808d-mte60 5 100., 100., 100., 100., 1.e-9 - 7/2 M
100., 100., 100., 100.,
100., 100., 100....
Description: The jerk limitation restricts the path acceleration change in SOFT mode. The path
acceleration divided by the jerk limitation value produces a time in which the
acceleration change takes place.
The jerk limitation is activated on the path by the NC command SOFT, and deactivated
MD irrelevant for:
Error states that lead to a rapid stop. In addition, the limitation is also inactive
for positioning axes.
There is an entry for each dynamic G code group.


- Effect of path curvature on path dynamic DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 0.95 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
Description: This MD is used to determine whether the reaction of path curvature on path
acceleration and path velocity is taken into account.
Not taken into account
> 0:
If required, the path velocity and path acceleration are reduced in order to keep a
sufficient reserve on the machine axes for centripetal acceleration.
0.75: Recommended setting.
MD20602 $MC_CURV_EFFECT_ON_PATH_ACCEL defines the proportion of the axis accelerations
(see MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL[..]) that can be used for centripetal acceleration. The
remainder is used for changing the path velocity.

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Centripetal acceleration is not required for linear blocks; the full axis acceleration
is therefore available for the path acceleration. On slightly curved contours or with
a sufficiently low maximum path feedrate $MC_CURV_EFFECT_ON_PATH_ACCEL has only a
partial or no effect. Accordingly, the path acceleration is higher than that specified
by (1. - MD20602 $MC_CURV_EFFECT_ON_PATH_ACCEL) * MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL[..].
There is an entry for each dynamic G code group.


- Effect of path curvature on path jerk DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 5 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1000. 1/1 M
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
Description: Allows the reaction of the path curvature on the path jerk to be taken into account on
especially jerk-sensitive machines.
Entry for each dynamic G code group.


- Factor for curve smoothing DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.0 - 1/1 M
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., ...
808d-me62 5 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.0 - 1/1 M
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., ...
808d-te42 5 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.0 - 0/0 S
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., ...
808d-te62 5 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.0 - 0/0 S
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., ...
808d-mte40 5 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.0 - 1/1 M
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., ...
808d-mte60 5 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.0 - 1/1 M
1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
1., 1., ...
Description: Factor to determine the degree of smoothing and torsion.
A larger value of this MD causes a stronger smoothing and thus a more homogenous
curvature/torsion and resulting path velocity.
With this factor being zero no smoothing is performed.
There is an entry for all dynamic G code groups.


- Activation of curve smoothing BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-me62 5 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - 0/0 S
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-te62 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - 0/0 S
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte40 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte60 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - 7/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: Switch on of curve and torsion smoothing.
Smoothing of the curve or torsion causes a homogenous path velocity.
Smoothing is only performed, when the relevant factor is MD 20605
There is an entry for all dynamic G code groups.


mm Limitation handwheel increment for geometry axes DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: > 0: Limitation of the size of the selected increment for geometry axes
MD 11330 $MN_JOG_INCR_SIZE0[<increment/VDI signal>] or
SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE for geometry axes
0: No limitation on geometry axes


mm/min Path velocity override DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 500., 500., 500., 500., 0.0 - 0/0 S
500., 500., 500., 500....
808d-me62 - 500., 500., 500., 500., 0.0 - 0/0 S
500., 500., 500., 500....
808d-te42 - 500., 500., 500., 500., 0.0 - 0/0 S
500., 500., 500., 500....
808d-te62 - 500., 500., 500., 500., 0.0 - 0/0 S
500., 500., 500., 500....
808d-mte40 - 500., 500., 500., 500., 0.0 - 7/2 M
500., 500., 500., 500....
808d-mte60 - 500., 500., 500., 500., 0.0 - 7/2 M
500., 500., 500., 500....
Description: The following applies to the velocity override of the path:
> 0: Limitation of the size of the selected increment
(MD11330 $MN_JOG_INCR_SIZE_[<increment/VDI signal>] or
SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE) / 1000*IPO sampling time
= 0: No limitation

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Definition of response of handwheel travel, channel-specific DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x13FF, 0x13FF, 0 0x1FFFF 2/2 M
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF...
808d-me62 - 0x13FF, 0x13FF, 0 0x1FFFF 2/2 M
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF...
808d-te42 - 0x13FF, 0x13FF, 0 0x1FFFF 2/2 M
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF...
808d-te62 - 0x13FF, 0x13FF, 0 0x1FFFF 2/2 M
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF...
808d-mte40 - 0x13FF, 0x13FF, 0 0x1FFFF 7/2 M
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF...
808d-mte60 - 0x13FF, 0x13FF, 0 0x1FFFF 7/2 M
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF,
0x13FF, 0x13FF...
Description: Definition of the response for handwheel travel to channel-specific VDI interface
signals (bit 0 to bit 7) or CP-SW limit stop or stop by an OEM application (bit 7):
Bit = 0:
Interruption or collection of the displacements entered via the handwheel.
Bit = 1:
Traversing canceled and no collecting.
Bit assignment:
Bit 0: Mode group stop
Bit 1: Mode group stop, axes plus spindle
Bit 2: NC stop
Bit 3: NC stop, axes plus spindles
Bit 4: Feedrate disable (exception for MD30460 $MA_BASE_FUNCTION_MASK bit6)
For bit 4 feed disable, it must be taken into account that a PLC-controlled axis,
for which MD30460 $MA_BASE_FUNCTION_MASK bit 6 = 1, is not stopped by the feed disable,
and that no interruption and no cancellation are triggered here.
Bit 5: Feedrate override
Bit 6: Rapid traverse override
Bit 7: Feedrate stop, geometry axis or CP-SW limit stop or stop by an OEM application
Bit 8 = 0:
The maximum feedrate for handwheel travel of geometry axes is that specified in
machine data JOG_AX_VELO for the corresponding machine axis/axes.
Bit 8 = 1:
The maximum feedrate for handwheel travel of geometry axes is that specified in
machine data MAX_AX_VELO for the corresponding machine axis/axes.
Bit 9 = 0:
The override is active during handwheel travel of geometry axes.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bit 9 = 1:
During handwheel travel of geometry axes, the override is assumed to be 100%
irrespective of the position of the override switch.
Exception: override 0, which is always active.
Bit 10 = 0:
MD11310 $MN_HANDWH_REVERSE is not active for DRF, i.e. handwheel travel with DRF is
carried out as if MD11310 $MN_HANDWH_REVERSE = 0.
Bit 10 = 1:
MD11310 $MN_HANDWH_REVERSE is active for DRF.
Bit 11 = 0:
When the contour handwheel is deselected, program processing is continued
Bit 11 = 1:
When the contour handwheel is deselected, an NCSTOP is triggered automatically.
Program processing is not continued until NCSTART is entered.
Bit 12 = 0:
NC start has no effect on handwheel travel.
Bit 12 = 1:
The previously collected paths are rejected at NC start.
Bit 13 = 0:
For DRF, bits 0 - 3 and bit 12: bit = 0 / bit = 1 are active (see above).
Bit 13 = 1:
For DRF, bits 0 - 3 and bit 12 are NOT active: the DRF motion is not interrupted by a
stop, and a DRF motion can take place even in "Automatic interrupted" state (achieved
by NC Stop).
If an alarm leads to an axis stop and if such an alarm is pending, no DRF motion
can take place.
Bit 14 = 0:
The maximum feedrate for handwheel travel of geometry axes is that specified in
SD41120 $SN_JOG_REV_SET_VELO or in MD32050 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO (for revolutional
feedrate) or in MD32040 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO_RAPID (for rapid traverse) for the
corresponding machine axis, the spindle or rotary axis feedrate is included in the
Bit 14 = 1:
The maximum rotational feedrate for handwheel travel of geometry axes is the feedrate
specified in MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO for the corresponding machine axis (see also bit
Bit 15 = 0:
If an axis with active diameter programming is traversed in the channel, only half the
distance of the specified increment is traveled during handwheel travel (MD11346
Bit 15 = 1:
If an axis with active diameter programming is traversed in the channel, the specified
increment is fully traveled during handwheel travel (MD11346 $MN_HANDWH_TRUE_DISTANCE
= 1 or 3).
Bit 16 = 0:
Return traveling is possible to the start of the block.
Bit 16 = 1:
Return traveling is not possible (response as at start of block, i.e. pulses are

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

20700 REFP_NC_START_LOCK C01, C03 D1, R1, Z1

- NC start disable without reference point BYTE Reset
- - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 2 2/2 M
Description: 0: The NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX7.1 (NC start) for starting part programs
or part program blocks (MDI and overstore) is active even if one or all axes of the
channel have not yet been referenced.
To ensure that the axes nevertheless reach the correct position after NC startup, the
work (workpiece coordinate system = work) must be set to the correct value by means of
other methods (scratch method, automatic work offset determination etc.).
1: Axes for which the axial MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR specifies that a reference
point is mandatory (value > -1), must be referenced for NC startup to be enabled.
2: Advanced form of setting 1 in that the axis state "Position restored" (instead
of "referenced") is sufficient for NC startup in MDI or overstore.

20730 G0_LINEAR_MODE C09 P2

- G0 interpolation mode BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data defines the interpolation behavior of G0:
0: Non-linear interpolation (RTLIOF): Each path axis interpolates as an individual
axis (positioning axis), independently of the other axes, at the rapid traverse
velocity of the axis (MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO).
1: Linear interpolation (RTLION): The path axes are interpolated jointly.


- Function mask for external language DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 0x4800 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0x4800 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x4800 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x4800 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
Description: This machine data is used to influence functions in ISO mode.
Bit0: 0:
ISO mode T: "A" and "C" are interpreted as axes. If contour definition has been
programmed, "A" or "C" must be preceded by a comma.
"A" and "C" in the part program are always interpreted as a contour definition. An axis
"A" or "C" is not allowed.
Bit1: 0:
ISO mode T: G10 P < 100 tool geometry
P > 100 tool wear
G10 P < 10000 tool geometry
P > 10000 tool wear
Bit2: 0:

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

G04 dwell time: always [s] or [ms]

If G95 is active, in spindle revolutions
Bit3: 0:
Errors in ISO mode lead to an alarm
Errors in ISO mode are not output, the block is translated in Siemens mode.
Bit4: 0:
G00 is traversed with the current exact stop - continuous-path mode G code
G00 is always traversed with G09
Bit5: 0:
Modulo rotary axis is positioned at the shortest possible distance
Direction of rotation of modulo rotary axis depends on sign
Bit6: 0:
Only 4-digit program number allowed.
8-digit program number allowed. If the program number has less than 4 digits, it is
expanded to 4 digits with 0.
Bit7: 0:
Axis programming for geometry axis exchange/parallel axes is compatible with ISO mode.
Axis programming for geometry axis exchange/parallel axes in ISO mode is compatible
with Siemens mode.
Bit8: 0:
With cycles, the F value transferred is always interpreted as a feedrate.
With threading cycles, the F value transferred is interpreted as a pitch.
Bit9: 0:
Multiplication with 0.01mm / 0.0001inch is carried out in ISO mode T for G84, G88 and
in standard mode F for G95.
Multiplication with 0.001mm / 0.00001inch is carried out in ISO mode T for G84, G88
and in standard mode F for G95.
Bit10: 0:
With M96 Pxx, the program programmed with Pxx is always called in the case of an
With M96 Pxx, CYCLE396.spf is always called in the case of an interrupt
Bit11: 0:
With G54 Pxx, only G54.1 is displayed
With G54 Pxx, the programmed program is displayed after the point, e.g. G54.48
Bit12: 0:
When the subroutine defined with M96 Pxx is called, $P_ISO_STACK is not modified
When the subroutine defined with M96 Pxx is called, $P_ISO_STACK is incremented
Bit13: 0:
G10 is executed without internal STOPRE

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

G10 is executed with internal STOPRE
Bit14: 0:
ISO mode T: No alarm if a cutting edge has been programmed in the T command.
ISO mode T: Alarm 14185 if a cutting edge has not been programmed in the T command.
Bit 15: 0:
ISO mode M: G51 Scale, the axial scale factors I, J, K work with 'pocket calculator
notation' as programmed.
ISO mode M: G51 Scale, the axial scale factors I, J, K with 'pocket calculator
notation', are multiplied by the value in MD22910 $MC_WEIGHTING_FACTOR_FOR_SCALE.
Bit 16: 0:
In circular-path programming with radius R, there is no replacement of missing
geometry axes of the selected plane. This corresponds to the behavior in Siemens mode
In circular-path programming with radius R, missing geometry axes of the selected
plane are supplemented by incremental distance 0

20750 ALLOW_G0_IN_G96 C09, C05 P2, V1

- G0 logic with G96, G961 BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data defines the speed regulation characteristic of the spindle in G0
blocks with constant cutting rate (G96, G961) selected .
1: In a G0 block, the spindle speed is kept constant at the last value of the
previous block that was unequal G0.
Prior to a subsequent block that does not contain G0, the spindle speed is increased
to a value that belongs to the transverse axis position of the subsequent block.
0: In a G0 block, the spindle speed changes against the transverse axis position.

20800 SPF_END_TO_VDI C04, C03 H2, K1

- End of subroutine to PLC BYTE PowerOn
- - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... - - 1/1 M
Description: Bit 0 = 1:
The M functions for subroutine end (M17 and/or M2/M30) are transferred to the PLC
Bit 0 = 0:
The M functions for subroutine end (M17 and/or M2/M30) are not transferred to the PLC
To prevent stopping in continuous-path mode, M17 must not be programmed alone in a
Example of a subroutine: G64 F2000 G91 Y10 X10
X10 Z10 M17
Bit 1 = 0:
conditional program stop is always output to PLC, irrespective of whether the M01
signal is active or not.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Fast auxiliary function output M=QU(1) is inactive because M01 is assigned to the 1st
M function group and thus is always output at block end.
Bit 1 = 1:
conditional program stop is only output to PLC, if M01 is also active.
This thus enables optimal run-time processing of the part program.
With fast auxiliary function output M=QU(1), M1 is output during the movement; thus it
is possible to traverse blocks in continuous-path mode with programmed M01 as long as
M01 is not active.
The request of the M01 signal with M=QU(1) no longer occurs at block end but during
the movement.

20850 SPOS_TO_VDI C04, C03 S1

- Output of M19 to PLC on SPOS/SPOSA BYTE PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
Description: Bit 0 = 0:
When bit 19 is also set to '0' in MD35035 $MA_SPIND_FUNCTION_MASK, auxiliary function
M19 is not generated with SPOS and SPOSA. This also eliminates the acknowledgment time
for the auxiliary function, which can cause faults wiith very short blocks.
Bit 0 = 1:
When SPOS and SPOSA are programmed in the part program, auxiliary function M19 is
generated and output to the PLC. The address extension corresponds to the spindle
Related to:


mm Circle end point monitoring constant DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01...
Description: This machine data is used to specify the permissible absolute circle error [mm].
When a circle is programmed, both conditions (that the distances from the programmed
center point to the start and end points (circle radius) must be the same and that the
center point of the circle must be located on the perpendicular bisector of the
straight line connecting the start and end points (perpendicular bisector of the
circular plane)) apply.
The fact that the circular parameters can be freely programmed means that these
conditions are not usually met exactly in the case of circular-path programming with
I, J, and K (the circle is "overdefined").
The maximum permissible difference between the two radii that is accepted without an
alarm, as well as the distance between the programmied center point of the circle and
the perpendicular bisector described above, is defined by the larger value in the
following data:
● Start radius multiplied by MD21010 $MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_FACTOR
This means that for small circles the tolerance is a fixed value (MD21000
$MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_CONST), and for large circles it is proportional to the start radius.
Related to:
(circle end point monitoring factor)

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

In the context of the predefined tolerances, conflicting circle data is compensated

essentially by moving the center point of the circle. Please note that the deviation
between the programmed center point and the actual center point can reach the order of
magnitude set with machine data MD21000 $MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_CONST and/or MD21010
$MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_FACTOR. In the case of circles which are almost full circles in
particular, this can also lead to contour deviations of the same order of magnitude.


- Circle end point monitoring factor DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.001, 0.001, 0.001,
0.001, 0.001...
Description: Factor for permissible radius difference.
Defines the factor for large circles by which the starting radius and end radius may
deviate from each other
(see also MD21000 $MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_CONST (circle end point monitoring constant).
When a circle is programmed, both conditions (that the distances from the programmed
center point to the start and end points (circle radius) must be the same and that the
center point of the circle must be located on the perpendicular bisector of the
straight line connecting the start and end points (perpendicular bisector of the
circular plane)) apply.
The fact that the circular parameters can be freely programmed means that these
conditions are not usually met exactly in the case of circular-path programming with
I, J, and K (the circle is "overdefined").
The maximum permissible difference between the two radii that is accepted without an
alarm, as well as the distance between the programmied center point of the circle and
the perpendicular bisector described above, is defined by the larger value in the
following data:
● Start radius multiplied by MD21010 $MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_FACTOR
This means that for small circles the tolerance is a fixed value (MD21000
$MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_CONST), and for large circles it is proportional to the start radius.
Related to:
(circle end point monitoring factor)
In the context of the predefined tolerances, conflicting circle data is compensated
essentially by moving the center point of the circle. Please note that the deviation
between the programmed center point and the actual center point can reach the order of
magnitude set with machine data MD21000 $MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_CONST and/or MD21010
$MC_CIRCLE_ERROR_FACTOR. In the case of circles which are almost full circles in
particular, this can also lead to contour deviations of the same order of magnitude.


- Consideration of tool radius for working area limitation BOOLEAN Reset
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data indicates whether the tool radius is taken into account in the
working area limitation.
0: It is checked whether the tool center lies within the working area limits.
1: The tool radius is taken into account when the working area limitation is
checked. This means that the working area is reduced by the tool radius.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

21110 X_AXIS_IN_OLD_X_Z_PLANE EXP, C01, C09 M1, K2

- Coordinate system for automatic frame definition BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: 1 = With automatic definition of a frame (TOFRAME), the Z direction of which equals
the current tool orientation, the new coordinate system is additionally rotated around
the new Z axis so that the new X axis is in the old Z-X plane.
0 = With automatic definition of a frame (TOFRAME), the Z direction of which equals
the current tool orientation, the new coordinate system is maintained as it results
from the kinematics of the machine, i.e. it is assumed that the coordinate system is
fixed to the tool and rotates with the tool (orientation).
From SW 5.3:
This machine data is only effective when the three lowest value decimal positions
(units, tens, hundreds) of SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE) equal zero. Otherwise the frame
definition is specified by SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE.
MD irrelevant for:
No orientation programming
Related to:
Further references:
/PG/, Programming Guide, Fundamentals


mm/min JOG rapid traverse for geometry axes DOUBLE Reset
- 3 10000., 10000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
10000., 10000.,
10000.0, 10000.,
10000., 10000....
Description: Velocity in JOG mode with rapid traverse override for geometry axes in the channel (mm/

21165 JOG_VELO_GEO C07 F2

mm/min Jog feedrate for geometry axes DOUBLE Reset
- 3 1000., 1000., 1000., 0.0 - 1/1 M
1000., 1000., 1000.,
1000., 1000., 1000., 1...
Description: JOG velocity for geometry axes in the channel (mm/min)


- Offset of TOCARR rotary axes from WO BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M

808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
Description: Rotary axes offset for the orientable tool holder is automatically accepted from the
work offset activated on activation of the orientable tool holder for the rotary axes.

21200 LIFTFAST_DIST C09 K1, V1, 2.6, 6.1

mm Traversing distance on rapid lift from contour DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0 - ReadOnly M
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-me62 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0 - ReadOnly M
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-te42 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0 - ReadOnly M
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-te62 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0 - ReadOnly M
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-mte40 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0 - 7/2 M
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-mte60 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0 - 7/2 M
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
Description: The machine data determines the absolute value of the traverse movement for rapid
lift. The direction of the traverse movement is defined in the part program by the
command ALF.
/PA/, Programming Guide: Fundamentals


- Rapid retract with mirrorring BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M

808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
Description: 1: When determining the retraction direction, if mirroring of the contour is active
then the retraction direction is also mirrored. Mirroring of the retraction direction
only refers to the directional components vertical to the tool direction.
0: Mirroring of the contour is NOT taken into account when determining the
retraction direction.


- Settings for fast retraction DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 0x1 ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-me62 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 0x1 ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-te42 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 0x1 ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-te62 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 0x1 ReadOnly M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte40 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 0x1 7/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte60 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 0x1 7/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Bit0: Behavior of LFWP with active frame
=0 If the retraction direction is defined with LFWP, the active frame is not effective.
=1 If the retraction direction is defined with LFWP, the active frame is effective. In
this case MD21202 $MC_LIFTFAST_WITH_MIRROR has no effect.


- Stop behavior with fast retraction DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/2 M
Description: Specifies the stop behavior of the liftfast motion under different stop conditions
Bit0: Axial NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX4.3 (Axial feed stop / Spindle stop) or
CP-SW limit stop or a stop by an OEM application
=0 Stop of the retraction motion in case of an axial feed stop or CP-SW limit stop or
stop by an OEM application

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

=1 No stop of the retraction motion in case of an axial feedstop or CP-SW limit stop
or stop by an OEM application
Bit1: Feed disable in channel NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX6.0 (Feed stop)
=0 Stop of the retraction motion in case of a feed stop in the channel
=1 No stop of the retraction motion in case of a feed stop in the channel


- Auxiliary function group DWORD PowerOn
- 64 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 168 2/2 M
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1,1, 1,
Description: See MD22010 $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_TYPE [n] (auxiliary function type)


- Auxiliary function type STRING PowerOn
- 64 M, M, , , , , , , , , , , , , , - - 2/2 M
Description: Machine data
AUXFU_ASSIGN_TYPE[n] (auxiliary function type),
AUXFU_ASSIGN_EXTENSION[n] (auxiliary function extension),
AUXFU_ASSIGN_VALUE[n] (auxiliary function value) and
AUXFU_ASSIGN_GROUP[n] (auxiliary function group)
assign an auxiliary function type (M,S,H,T,F,D,DL), the associated extension and the
auxiliary function value to an auxiliary function group.
M0 = 100 => Group 5 (corr. M100)
Auxiliary function type M
Auxiliary function extension 0
Auxiliary function value 100
Auxiliary function group 5
MD22040 $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_GROUP[0] = 5 ; (5th group)
M00, M01, M02, M17 and M30 are assigned to group 1 as default.
M3, M4, M5 and M70 of the master spindle are assigned to group 2 as default.
The S functions of the master spindle are assigned to group 3 as default.
The four machine data for assigning an auxiliary function to an auxiliary function
group must always be given the same index [n].
Special cases:
If the value of an auxiliary function is less than 0, all auxiliary functions of this
type and extension are assigned to one group.
S2 = -1 => group 9
(all S values of the 2nd spindle are assigned to group 9)
Only one auxiliary function from a group may be programmed in each block, otherwise
alarm 14760 is output.
Related to:

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- Auxiliary function extension DWORD PowerOn
- 64 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 99 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: See MD22010 $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_TYPE[n] (auxiliary function type)
Special cases:
With the spindle functions M3, M4, M5, M19, M70, M40, M41, M42, M43, M44, M45 and S,
the spindle number is output to the PLC in the auxiliary function extension.


- Auxiliary function value DWORD PowerOn
- 64 8, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,
Description: See MD22010 $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_TYPE[n] (auxiliary function type)


- Output specification DWORD PowerOn
- 64 0x21, 0x21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0x7FFFFFFF 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
Description: Specification of the output behavior of the user-defined auxiliary functions.
Bit 0 = 1 Acknowledgment "normal" after an OB1 cycle
Bit 1 = 1 Acknowledgment "quick" with OB40
Bit 2 = 1 No predefined auxiliary function
Bit 3 = 1 No output to the PLC
Bit 4 = 1 Spindle reaction after acknowledgment by the PLC
Bit 5 = 1 Output before the motion
Bit 6 = 1 Output during the motion
Bit 7 = 1 Output at block end
Bit 8 = 1 No output after block search types 1, 2, 4
Bit 9 = 1 Collection during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 10 = 1 No output during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 11 = 1 Cross-channel auxiliary function during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 12 = 1 Output via synchronized action
Bit 13 = 1 Implicit auxiliary function
Bit 14 = 1 Active M01
Bit 15 = 1 No output during running-in test
Bit 16 = 1 Nibbling off
Bit 17 = 1 Nibbling on
Bit 18 = 1 Nibbling

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- Acknowledgment time DWORD PowerOn
- 64 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0x7FFFFFF 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: Acknowledgment time for auxiliary functions in ms.
See MD22010 $MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_TYPE[n] (auxiliary function type)


- Predefined auxiliary function groups DWORD PowerOn
- 301 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0 168 2/2 M
2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3,
1, 1, 1,, ...
Description: Group assignment of predefined auxiliary functions.
The predefined groups cannot be changed for indices 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24.


- Predefined auxiliary function type STRING PowerOn
- 301 M, M, M, M, M, M, M, - - 2/2 M
M, M, M,M, M, M,, M,
M, M, M, M, M, M, M,
Description: The address codes of the predefined auxiliary functions are fix.
This setting cannot be changed!


- Predefined auxiliary function extension DWORD PowerOn
- 301 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, -1 99 2/2 M
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: Address extension for predefined auxiliary functions:
This setting can be changed only for indices 5 to 17 and 21!


- Predefined auxiliary function value DWORD PowerOn
- 301 0, 1, 2, 17, 30, 6, 3, 4, - - 2/2 M
5, 19, 70, 40, 41, 42,
43, 44, 45, -1,...
Description: Value of predefined auxiliary functions.
This setting cannot be changed!

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- Output specification DWORD PowerOn
- 301 0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x77FFF, 1/1 M
0x81, 0x81, 0x8021, 0x0, 0x0, 0x77FFF,
0x8021, 0x8021, 0x8000, 0x8000, 0x77FFF,
0x8021, 0x8000... 0x77FFF,
0x7FFFF, 0...
Description: Specification of the output behavior of the predefined auxiliary functions.
Bit 0 = 1 Acknowledgment "normal" after an OB1 cycle
Bit 1 = 1 Acknowledgment "quick" with OB40
Bit 2 = 1 No predefined auxiliary function
Bit 3 = 1 No output to the PLC
Bit 4 = 1 Spindle reaction after acknowledgment by the PLC
Bit 5 = 1 Output before the motion
Bit 6 = 1 Output during the motion
Bit 7 = 1 Output at block end
Bit 8 = 1 No output after block search types 1, 2, 4
Bit 9 = 1 Collection during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 10 = 1 No output during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 11 = 1 Cross-channel auxiliary function during block search type 5 (SERUPRO)
Bit 12 = 1 Output via synchronized action
Bit 13 = 1 Implicit auxiliary function
Bit 14 = 1 Active M01
Bit 15 = 1 No output during running-in test
Bit 16 = 1 Nibbling off
Bit 17 = 1 Nibbling on
Bit 18 = 1 Nibbling


- Acknowledgment time DWORD PowerOn
- 64 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0x7FFFFFF 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: Acknowledgment time for auxiliary functions in ms.
See MD22010 $MC_AUXFU_PREDEF_TYPE[n] (auxiliary function type)

22210 AUXFU_S_SYNC_TYPE C04 H2, 2.4

- Output time of S functions (see MD22200 for values) BYTE PowerOn
- - 1 0 4 1/1 M
Description: Synchronization of the S auxiliary functions with regard to a simultaneously
programmed axis motion.
0 = Output before motion
1 = Output during motion
2 = Output at block end
3 = No output to the PLC (therefore no block change delay)

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4 = Output in accordance with the predefined output specification

An auxiliary function output specification configured by MD22035
$MC_AUXFU_ASSIGN_SPEC[ auxIndex ] has a higher priority.

22254 AUXFU_ASSOC_M0_VALUE C01, C03, C10 H2, K1

- Additional M function to stop a program DWORD PowerOn
- - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data defines an additional, predefined M function, which behaves in the
same way as M0. The value of the machine data corresponds to the number of the
auxiliary M function.
Predefined M numbers, such as M0, M1, M2, M3, etc., are not allowed.
Related to:

22256 AUXFU_ASSOC_M1_VALUE C01, C03, C10 H2

- Additional M function for conditional stop DWORD PowerOn
- - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data defines an additional, predefined M function, which behaves in the
same way as M1. The value of the machine data corresponds to the number of the
auxiliary M function.
Predefined M numbers, such as M0, M1, M2, M3, etc., are not allowed.
Related to:


- S function active beyond RESET BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 2/2 M
Description: 1: The last S values set in the main run are still active after a RESET.

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This also applies to the dynamic correction values ACC, VELOLIM in spindle mode.
0: The various S values are equal to 0 after a RESET, and must therefore be
The dynamic correction values ACC and VELOLIM are reset to 100% for spindle mode if
the axis-specific MD35040 $MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET and MD32320
$MA_DYN_LIMIT_RESET_MASK do not specify anything else.
The values for ACC and VELOLIM are also retained for spindle mode if MD35040
$MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET is not equal to zero or the axis-specific MD35040
$MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET is not equal to zero.


- F function active beyond RESET BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 2/2 M
Description: 1: The last programmed F, FA, OVR and OVRA values are still active after RESET.
This also applies to the dynamic correction values (ACC, VELOLIM, JERKLIM, ACCLIMA,
0: The various values are set to their default values after reset.
This does not apply to the dynamic correction values if the axis-specific MD32320
$MA_DYN_LIMIT_RESET_MASK specifies anything else.
The dynamic correction values are also retained if the axis-specific MD32320
$MA_DYN_LIMIT_RESET_MASK is not equal to zero.
Related to:

22510 GCODE_GROUPS_TO_PLC C04 K1, P3 pl, P3 sl

- G codes output at NCK-PLC interface on block change/RESET BYTE PowerOn
- 8 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - - 1/1 M
Description: Specification of the G code group, the G codes of which are output to the NCK/PLC
interface in case of block change/ reset.
The interface is updated after each block change and reset.
It is not guaranteed that a PLC user program has at all times a block-synchronous
relation between the active NC block and the G codes present.
Example: Path mode with very short blocks


- Send G codes of an external NC language to PLC BYTE PowerOn
- 8 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - - 1/1 M
Description: Specification of the G code group of external languages, the G codes of which are
output at the NCK interface on block change/reset.
The interface is updated at each block change and after RESET.
It is not guaranteed that a PLC user program has at all times a block-synchronous
relation between the active NC block and the G codes present. (Example: Path mode with
very short blocks).

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- Behavior of G group transfer to PLC DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x1 1/1 M
Description: For setting the behavior, i.e. how the G groups are to be interpreted in the PLC with
regard to data.
With the current behavior (bit 0 = 0), the G group is the array index of a 64-byte
field (DBB 208 - DBB 271).
Maximally the 64th G group can be reached in this way.
With the new behavior (bit 0 = 1), the data storage in the PLC consists of max. 8 bytes
(DBB 208 - DBB 215).
With this procedure, the array index of this byte array is identical with the index of
the MD22510 $MC_GCODE_GROUPS_TO_PLC[Index] and MD22512
Each index (0 - 7) may only be set for one of the two machine data; the value 0 must
be entered for the other MD.
Bit 0(LSB) = 0:
Behavior as before, the 64-byte field is used for displaying the G codes
Bit 0(LSB) = 1:
The user specifies for which G groups the first 8 bytes are to be used


- M code at change of tool holder DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -99999999 99999999 7/2 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -99999999 99999999 7/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -99999999 99999999 7/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -99999999 99999999 7/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -99999999 99999999 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -99999999 99999999 0/0 S
Description: The absolute value of this machine data indicates the number of the M code, which is
output at the VDI interface when a tool holder is activated.
● If the MD is positive, the unchanged M code is always output.
● If the MD is negative, the number of the tool holder is added to the absolute value
of the machine data and the number is output.
Special cases:
N M code is output, if the number of the M code to be output or the absolute value of
this MD is set to one of the values 0 to 6, 17 or 30. It is not monitored whether an
M code created in this way will conflict with other functions.
/FB/, H2, Auxiliary Function Output to PLC

22550 TOOL_CHANGE_MODE C01, C11, C04, W3, K1, W1

- New tool compensation for M function BYTE PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 2/2 M
Description: The T function is used to select a tool in the program. The setting in this machine
data determines whether the new tool is loaded immediately on execution of the T

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The new tool is loaded directly with the programming of T or D. This setting is mainly
used on turning machines. If a D is not programmed in the block by T, then the tool
offset defined in MD20270 $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT is active.
In this case, the function "Manual tools" is not enabled.
The new tool is prepared for loading on execution of the T function. This setting is
used mainly on milling machines with a tool magazine in order to bring the new tool
into the tool change position without interrupting the machining process. The M
function entered in MD22560 $MC_ TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE is used to remove the old tool
from the spindle and load the new tool onto the spindle. According to DIN 66025, this
tool change has to be programmed with M function M06.
Related to:

22560 TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE C01, C04, C09 H2, K1, W1

- M function for tool change DWORD PowerOn
- - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6... 6 99999999 1/1 M
Description: If the T function is only used to prepare a new tool for a tool change (this setting
is used mainly on milling machines with a tool magazine, in order to bring the new tool
into the tool change position without interrupting the machining process), another M
function must be used to trigger the tool change.
The M function entered in TOOL_CHANGE_M_CODE triggers the tool change (remove old tool
from the spindle and load new tool into the spindle). This tool change is required to
be programmed with M function M06, in accordance with DIN 66025.
Related to:


- Response to tool change errors DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x1FF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Behavior if faults/problems occur during programmed tool change.
Bit 0=0: Standard behavior: Stop at the faulty NC block
Bit 0=1: If a fault is detected in the block with the tool change preparation, the
alarm relevant to the preparation command T is delayed until the corresponding tool
change command (M06) has been interpreted in the program sequence. Until then, the
alarm triggered by the preparation command is not output. The operator can take
corrective actions in this block. When the program continues, the faulty NC block is
re-interpreted, and the preparation command is automatically executed again internally.
The value = 1 is relevant only if the setting MD22550 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE = 1 is used.
Bit 1 Only relevant with active tool management.
Bit 1=0: Standard behavior: Only tools with data assigned to a magazine are detected
during tool change preparation.
Bit 1=1: Manual tools can be loaded.
A tool will also be loaded if its data is known in the NCK but has not been assigned
to a magazine. In this case, the tool data is automatically assigned to the programmed
The user is prompted to insert tools into or remove tools from the toolholder.
Bit 2 qualifies the offset programming
Bit 2=0: active D no. > 0 and active T no.=0 gives offset 0
Active D no. > 0 and active D no.=0 gives total offset 0

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Bit 2=1: active D no. > 0 and active T no.=0 lead to an alarm message
Active D no. > 0 and active D no.=0 lead to an alarm message
Bits 3 and 4 are only relevant with active tool management.
Control of the behavior of the init. block generation on program start if a disabled
tool is on the spindle and this tool is to be activated.
On RESET, this does not affect the behavior "Keep disabled tool on the spindle active".
Bit 3=0: Standard: If the tool on the spindle is disabled, generate a tool change
command requesting a replacement tool. An alarm will be generated if there is no such
replacement tool.
Bit 3=1: The disabled status of the spindle tool is ignored. The tool becomes active.
The subsequent part program should be formulated so that no parts are machined with
the disabled tool.
Bit 4=0: Standard: The system tries to activate the spindle tool or its replacement
Bit 4=1: If the tool on the spindle is disabled, T0 is programmed in the start init
The combination of bits 3 and 4 produces the following statements:
0 / 0: Behavior as before, automatic change on NC start if a disabled tool is in the
1 / 0: No automatic change
0 / 1: A T0 is automatically generated if a disabled tool is in the spindle at NC start
1 / 1: No statement
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6=0: Standard: If T0 or D0, only T0 or D0 is exactly programmed.
define, with the programming of T0 the value of D, DL.
For example, MD20270 $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT=1
MD22550 $MC_TOOL_CHANGE_MODE=0 (tool change with T programming)
N10 T0; T no. 0 has active number D1 and DL=2 which results in offset zero. If bit 2
is also set:
Programming of
a) T0; for tool deselection
b) D0; for offset deselection
generates an alarm, if at least one of the machine data
is not equal to zero (T0 D0 DL=0 is the correct programming).
or MD20272 $MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT is not equal to zero (D0 DL=0 is the correct
Bit 6=1: controls the NCK response when programming (x, y, z all greater than zero),
if at least one of
is not equal to zero.
a) Tx Dy -> T0
T0 is automatically programmed in NCK D0 or D0 DL=0; i.e. values not equal to zero of
MD20270 $MC_CUTTING_EDGE_DEFAULT, MD20272 $MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT are treated as value
equal to zero.

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b) Tx Dy -> T0 Dy, or T0 DL =z, or T0 Dy DL=z, or T0 D0 DL=z explicitly programmed

values of D, DL are not influenced.
c) Dy DL=z -> D0
With D0, DL=0 is automatically programmed in the NCK; i.e. values in MD20272
$MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT unequal to zero are treated as values equal to zero.
d) Dy DL=z -> D0 DL=z
Explicitly programmed values of DL are not influenced.
If bit 2 is also set:
Only T0 / D0 have to be programmed for tool/offset deselection, and this does not
generate an alarm.
The statements relating to MD20272 $MC_SUMCORR_DEFAULT or DL are only valid if the
total offset function is active
Bit 7=0: When Tx is programmed, a check is made to see whether a tool with T number x
is known in the TO unit of the channel. If not, the program is stopped in this block
with alarm 17190.
Bit 7=1: only if the tool basic functionality is active
When Tx is programmed, an unknown Tx is intially ignored, and the alarm relating to
the preparation command (Tx) is also ignored until the D selection is interpreted in
the program sequence. Only then is alarm 17191, which has been triggered by the
preparation command, output. This means that the operator can take corrective actions
with the D selection in this block. When the program is continued, the incorrect NC
block is re-interpreted, and the preparation command is automatically executed again
(This is of interest for Cutting-Edge-Default=0 or =-2 and D0 programming, otherwise
the D of Cutting-Edge-Default is deselected on tool change.).)
This variant is justified for programming "Tool number=Location" (revolver as
toolholder) without tool management. The revolver can now be positioned on a location
for which a tool has not (yet) been defined.
This bit has no meaning if bit 0=1 is set.
Bit 8=0: A tool that is located at a blocked magazine location is not taken into
account when selecting a tool. (default setting)
Bit 8=1: Even a tool that is located at a blocked magazine location is taken into
account when selecting a tool (this corresponds to the previous behavior.)


- Initial setting on special starts DWORD Reset
- - 0x400, 0x400, 0x400, 0 0xFFFF 1/1 M
0x400, 0x400, 0x400,
0x400, 0x400...
Description: This machine data is activated via MD22621 $MC_ENABLE_START_MODE_MASK_PRT.
If MD22621 $MC_ENABLE_START_MODE_MASK_PRT is in its initial setting, MD22620
$MC_START_MODE_MASK_PRT is inactive.
If MD22620 $MC_START_MODE_MASK_PRT is activated for "search via program test" (abbr.
when "search via program test" is started.
This enables a behavior deviating from PLC start to be set at the start of the search.
The meaning of the bit-by-bit assignment of MD22620 $MC_START_MODE_MASK_PRT is the
same as that in MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK.

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- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x1 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: MD22620 $MC_START_MODE_MASK_PRT is activated via MD22621
If MD22621 $MC_ENABLE_START_MODE_MASK_PRT is in its initial setting, MD22620
$MC_START_MODE_MASK_PRT is inactive.
Bit0 = 1:
If a "search via program test" (English abbr. SERUPRO) is started from RESET (PI
service _N_FINDBL mode paramter == 5), MD22620 $MC_START_MODE_MASK_PRT replaces
This method can be used to set a start behavior differing from PLC start when the
search is started.


- Diagnostic data rec. starts with event STRING PowerOn
- - - - - 1/1 M
Description: The machine data is intended for diagnostics.
The recording of the diagnostic data does not start until the event
(TRACE_STARTTRACE_EVENT) has occurred at the trace point
The machine data is additionally activated using the Cancel alarm key.


- Conditions for start of trace recording STRING PowerOn
- 2 ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ... - - 1/1 M
Description: The machine data is only intended for diagnostic use.
interpreted as a file name and block number!
For BSEVENTTYPE_SETALARM the string is interpreted as an alarm number.
The machine data can be additionally activated using the Cancel alarm key.


- Conditions for stop of trace recording STRING PowerOn
M_M, CLEA...
Description: The machine data is only intended for diagnostics.
The recording of the diagnostic data ends when the event (TRACE_STOPTRACE_EVENT) has
occurred at the trace point (TRACE_STOPTRACE_TRACEPOINT) and in the correct step

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

After reaching the stop condition, the previously recorded diagnostic data is stored
in a file "NCSCTRyy.MPF" or for NCU-LINK in "NCxxTRyy.MPF" in the MPF directory.
The machine data is additionally activated using the Cancel alarm key.


- CommandSequenzStep with which the recording ends STRING PowerOn
- 2 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ... - - 1/1 M
Description: The machine data is only intended for diagnostics.
The machine data can be additionally activated using the Cancel alarm key.


- Selects the contents of the trace file STRING PowerOn
- - - - - 1/1 M
Description: The machine data is only intended for diagnostics purposes.
Specific trace contents are selected with the MD data.
The entry SETALARM records the alarm environment and the block change in the main run
is also logged by means of BLOCK_CHANGE.
The machine data is additionally activated using the Cancel alarm key.

- Definition of trace data STRING PowerOn
- 10 BL_NR, TR_POINT, - - 1/1 M
Description: The machine data is only intended for diagnostic purposes.
The MD datum defines which data are recorded in the trace file.


- Index for trace recording data DWORD PowerOn
- 10 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0xFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
Description: The machine data is only intended for diagnostic use.
The MD data, together with TRACE_VARIABLE_NAME, determines which data are recorded in
the trace file.
It enables access to an array element.
E.g. use as an axis index when accessing axis data.


- Activating diagnostics DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0xFFFFFF 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: The machine data is only intended for diagnostic purposes.
Activating diagnostics

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An internal ring buffer records important events.

After a trigger event, with the 'Cancel alarm' key set as default,
the ring buffer is briefly frozen, read, and converted into an ASCII file
in the part program directory. The file name for the 1st channel
is ncsctr01.mpf and for the 7th channel it is ncsctr07.mpf.
The data in the ring buffer is referred to as dynamic data in the following.
In addition to the trigger event, other up-to-date data is read from the
NCK and transferred to the ASCII file. These recordings do
NOT have a history and are referred to as static data in the following.
Bit no. Significance when bit is set
0 (LSB) Recording of dynamic data (see TRACE_VARIABLE_NAME)
1 Recording of block control static data
2 Recording of alarm data static data
3 Recording of process data static data
4 Recording of command sequence static data
5 Recording of tool management static data
6 Recording of the NCK version file. Static data
7 Recording of the statuses of the current block
Various statuses of the axes and the SPARPI. Static data
8 Recording of various statuses of the channel. Static data
9 Error statuses in the NCK memory management are scanned during trace generation.
An error renames the trace file. Static data
Possible names and their meaning:
NCFIER.MPF Error in the file system
NCSLER.MPF Error during string creation
NCFIER.MPF Error on New/Delete
10 All block changes in the interpreter are recorded. Dynamic data.
11 Axial VDI signals are recorded. Dynamic data.
Only in conjunction with MD18794 $MN_MM_TRACE_VDI_SIGNAL
12 OEM traces are activated. Dynamic data.
13 Synchronized actions are recorded. Dynamic data.
NOTICE: Filled in applications with intensive use of
these trace points, other events are ignored!
That is why this bit should remain at 0 in these cases.
14 Reserved.
15 Recording of station commands. Dynamic data.
Note: Most important output of the NCK module NCSC!
16 Recording of gantry commands
17 Recording of changes in the drive's status
18 Recording of the processing of the Event-Queue and generation of command sequences
19 Recording of event destructor call
20 Recording of the dynamic limitations per block (only active when bit 0 is set).
21 Recording of the Look Ahead data (only active when bit 0 is set).
22 Recording of all Functions Config data.
Both a static part as well as a block-related part with the dynamic block data
are output at the time of trace generation.
22 Config data output (static)

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

23 Recording if computing time is given away in the preprocessing (only active when
bit 0 is set).


- Input resolution for scaling factor BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 2/2 M
Description: Definition of the unit for the scaling factor P and for the axial scaling factors I,
J, K.
0 Scale factor in 0.001
1 Scale factor in 0.00001
Related to:


- Activation for axial scaling factor ( G51 ) BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 2/2 M
Description: This MD enables axial scaling.
0: Axial scaling not possible
1: Axial scaling possible -> MD DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR_AXIS is active
Related to:


- Activation of fixed feedrates F1 - F9 BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M

808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
Description: This MD is used to activate the fixed feedrates set in SD42160
0: no fixed feedrates with F1 - F9
1: the feedrates set in SD42160 $SC_EXTERN_FIXED_FEEDRATE_F1_F9[] become active
when F1 - F9 are programmed.


- Assignment of a parallel channel axis to the geometry axis BYTE PowerOn
- 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: Assignment table of the axes positioned parallel to the geometry axes.
This table can be used to assign channel axes positioned parallel to the geometry axes.
The parallel axes can then be activated as geometry axes in ISO mode using the G
functions of plane selection (G17 - G19) and the axis name of the parallel axis.
The axis is then replaced by the axis defined via MD20050
The channel axes used must be active. ( list position assigned in
AXCONF_MACHAX_USED ). Entering zero deactivates the corresponding parallel geometry


- Positions for frame suppression DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x0000003 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Bit mask for configuring the positions for frame suppressions (SUPA, G153, G53).
The following rule applies:
Bit 0: Positions for display (OPI) without frame suppression
Bit 1: Position variables without frame suppression

24030 FRAME_ACS_SET C03 K2

- Adjustment of SZS coordinate system DWORD PowerOn
- - 1 0 1 1/1 M
Description: 0: SZS results from the Work transformed with $P_CYCFRAME and $P_PFRAME.
1: SZS results from the Work transformed with the $P_CYCFRAME.

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Adaptation of active frames DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x0000007 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Bit mask for adapting the active frames or axis configuration
The following applies:
Bit 0:
Rotations in active frames that rotate coordinate axes for which there are no geometry
axes are deleted from the active frames.
Bit 1:
Shear angles in active frames are orthogonalized.
Bit 2:
Scalings of all geometry axes in the active frames are set to value 1.

24050 FRAME_SAA_MODE C03 -

- Saving and activating of data management frames DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x0000003 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Bit mask for saving and activating data management frames.
The following applies:
Bit 0:
Data management frames are only activated by programming the bit masks $P_CHBFRMASK,
$P_NCBFRMASK and $P_CHSFRMASK. G500..G599 only activate the relevant settable frame,
GFRAME0..GFRAME100 only activate the corresponding grinding frame. The reset behavior
is independent of this.
Bit 1:
Data handling frames are not written implicitly by system functions such as TOROT,
PAROT, ext. work offset, transformations.


- Parameterize properties for settable frame DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x1 7/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Setting the following bits activates certain properties of the settable frame:
Bit 0 = 0: default behavior.
Bit 0 = 1: if MD20152 $MC_GCODE_RESET_MODE[7] = 1, the last active settable frame is
selected again according to G code group 8 after power up of the control.

24100 TRAFO_TYPE_1 C07 F2, TE4, M1, K1, W1

- Definition of transformation 1 in channel DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Description: This MD specifies the first available transformation in each channel.

The 4 low-value bits identify the specific transformation of a specific transformation
group. The transformation group is identified by a number starting with the 5th bit.
0 No transformation
ab 16
5-axis transformation with turnable tool
ab 32
5-axis transformation with turnable workpiece
ab 48
5-axis transformation with turnable tool and turnable workpiece
Generic 5-axis transformation. Type and kinematic data are determined by an
associated, orientable toolholder.
The 4 low-value bits have the following meaning for a 5-axis transformation:
0 axis sequence AB
1 axis sequence AC
2 axis sequence BA
3 axis sequence BC
4 axis sequence CA
5 axis sequence CB
8 Generic orientation transformation (3- 5 axes)
ab 256
TRANSMIT transformation
ab 512
TRACYL transformation
ab 1024
TRAANG transformation
TRACLG: centerless transformation
ab 4096 bis 4098
OEM transformation
ab 8192
TRACON: cascaded transformations
A 5-axis transformation with turnable tool and axis sequence CA (i.e. C axis turns A
axis) has number 20 ( = 16 + 4 )
Not all combinations of group numbers and axis sequence numbers are allowed. An error
message is output if a number for a non-existent transformation is entered.
Corresponds with:
MD24200 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_2, MD24300 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_3, ... MD24460 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_8
/FB/, F2, "5-Axis Transformation"

24110 TRAFO_AXES_IN_1 C07 F2, TE4, M1, K1, W1

- Axis assignment for the 1st transformation in the channel BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-me62 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M
808d-te42 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M
808d-te62 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M
808d-mte40 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
808d-mte60 20 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: Axis assignment at input point of 1st transformation
The index input at the nth position states which axis is mapped internally from the
transformation to axis n.
Not relevant:
No transformation
Releated to:
MD24200 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_2, MD24300 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_3, ...
/FB/, F2, "5-Axis Transformation"

24120 TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1 C07 F2, TE4, TE4, M1, K1, W1

- Assignment of the geometry axes to channel axes for BYTE NEW CONF
transformation 1
808d-me42 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-me62 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te42 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te62 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte40 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte60 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: This MD states the channel axes on which the axes of the cartesian coordinate system
are mapped for active transformation 1.
Not relevant:
No transformation
Related to:
MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB, if no transformation is active.
/FB/, K2, "Coordinate Systems, Axis Types, Axis Configurations, Workpiece-Related
Actual Value System, External Work Offset"

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Tool handling with active 1st transformation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: This machine data states for each channel whether the tool is handled during the 1st
transformation or externally.
This machine data is evaluated only with specific transformations.
It is evaluated on the condition that the orientation of the tool with reference to
the Basic Coordinate System cannot be changed by the transformation. In standard
transformations, only the "inclined-axis transformation" fulfills this condition.
If this machine data is set, the Basic Coordinate System (BCS) refers to the tool
reference point even with active transformations. Otherwise, it refers to the tool tip
(Tool Center Point - TCP).
The method of operation of protection zones and working area limitations varies

24200 TRAFO_TYPE_2 C07 F2, M1

- Definition of the 2nd transformation in the channel DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: This MD states the second available transformation in each channel.
Same as TRAFO_TYPE_1, but for the second available transformation in the channel.
/FB/, F2, "5-Axis Transformation"

24210 TRAFO_AXES_IN_2 C07 F2, M1

- Axis assignment for transformation 2 BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-me62 5 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M
808d-te42 4 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M
808d-te62 4 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 20 1/1 M
808d-mte40 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
808d-mte60 20 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0,, ...
Description: TRAFO_AXES_IN_2(n)
Axis assignment at input of 2nd to 8th transformation.
Same meaning as for TRAFO_AXES_IN_1.


- Assignment of geometry axes to channel axes for transformation BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-me62 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te42 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te62 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 1/1 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte40 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte60 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 20 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: This MD states the channel axes on which the axes of the cartesian coordinate system
are mapped for active transformation 2.
Otherwise the meaning corresponds to TRAFO_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB_1.


- Tool handling with active 2nd transformation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U

808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: This machine data states for each channel whether the tool is handled during the 2nd
transformation or externally.
This machine data is evaluated only with specific transformations.
It is evaluated on the condition that the orientation of the tool with reference to
the Basic Coordinate System cannot be changed by the transformation. In standard
transformations, only "inclined-axis transformation" fulfills this condition.
If this machine data is set, the Basic Coordinate System (BCS) refers to the tool
reference point even with active transformations. Otherwise, it refers to the tool tip
(Tool Center Point - TCP).
The method of operation of protection zones and working area limitations varies


degrees Offset of rotary axis for the 1st TRACYL transformation DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-me62 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-te42 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-te62 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-mte40 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-mte60 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: Indicates the offset of the rotary axis for the first agreed TRACYL transformation in
degrees in relation to the neutral position while TRACYL is active.
Related to:


- Rotary axis offset TRACYL 1 BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
Description: 0: axial rotary axis offset is not considered.
1: axial rotary axis offset is considered.
2: axial rotary axis offset is considered until SZS.
SZS frames include transformed axial rotary axis offsets.

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- TRACYL mode selection BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 7/7 U
Description: Default setting of TRACYL type 514:
0: without groove side offset (i.e. TRACYL type 514 - equals 512)
1: with groove side offset (i.e. TRACYL type 514 - equals 513)
MD2.... $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_... = 514 can be used to decide, via the selection parameters,
whether calculation is made with or without groove side offset. The parameter defines
the variable to be selected if no selection is made in the call parameters.
If MD24808 $MC_TRACYL_DEFAULT_MODE_1 = 1, it is sufficient to program TRACYL(30) in
the part program instead of TRACYL(30,1,1).


- Sign of rotary axis for 1st TRACYL transformation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: Indicates the sign with which the rotary axis is taken into account in the TRACYL
transformation for the first agreed TRACYL transformation.
Related to:


mm Vector of base tool for 1st TRACYL transformation DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-me62 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M

0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-te42 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-te62 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-mte40 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-mte60 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
Description: Indicates a basic offset of the tools zero for the 1st TRACYL transformation. The
offset is referenced to the geometry axes valid when TRACYL is active. The basic offset
is included with and without selection of the tool length compensation. Programmed
length corrections have an additive effect with respect to the basic tool.
The index i takes the values 0, 1, 2 for the 1st to 3rd geometry axes.
Related to:


degrees Offset of rotary axis for the 1st TRANSMIT transformation DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-me62 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-te42 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-te62 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-mte40 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-mte60 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: Indicates the offset of the rotary axis for the first agreed TRANSMIT transformation
in degrees in relation to the neutral position while TRANSMIT is active.
Related to:


- Rotary axis offset TRANSMIT 1 BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
Description: 0: axial rotary axis offset is not considered.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

1: axial rotary axis offset is considered.

2: axial rotary axis offset is considered until SZS.
SZS frames include transformed rotations around the rotary axis.


- Sign of rotary axis for 1st TRANSMIT transformation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: Indicates the sign with which the rotary axis is taken into account in the TRANSMIT
transformation for the first agreed TRANSMIT transformation for each channel.
Related to:


- Restriction of working range in front of / behind the pole, 1. BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
Description: Restriction of the working area in front of/behind pole or no restriction, i.e.
traversal through the pole.
The assigned values have the following meanings:
1: Working area of linear axis for positions >=0,
(if tool length compensation parallel to linear axis equals 0)
2: Working area of linear axis for positions <=0,
(if tool length compensation parallel to linear axis equals 0)
0: No restriction of working area. Traversal through pole.

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


mm Vector of base tool for 1st TRANSMIT transformation DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-me62 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-te42 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-te62 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-mte40 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-mte60 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
Description: Indicates a basic offset of the tools zero for the 1st TRANSMIT transformation. The
offset is referenced to the geometry axes valid when TRANSMIT is active. The basic
offset is included with and without selection of the tool length compensation.
Programmed length corrections have an additive effect with respect to the basic tool.
The index i takes the values 0, 1, 2 for the 1st to 3rd geometry axes.
Related to:


degrees Offset of rotary axis for the 2nd TRANSMIT transformation DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-me62 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-te42 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-te62 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-mte40 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
808d-mte60 - 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0...
Description: Indicates the offset of the rotary axis for the second agreed TRANSMIT transformation
in degrees in relation to the neutral position while TRANSMIT is active.
Related to:

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202 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Rotary axis offset TRANSMIT 2 BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
Description: 0: axial rotary axis offset is not considered.
1: axial rotary axis offset is considered.
2: axial rotary axis offset is considered until SZS.
SZS frames include transformed rotations around the rotary axis.


- Sign of rotary axis for 2nd TRANSMIT transformation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: Indicates the sign with which the rotary axis is taken into account in the TRANSMIT
transformation for the second agreed TRANSMIT transformation for each channel.
Related to:


- Restriction of working range before/behind the pole, 2. TRANSMIT BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 2 7/7 U

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Description: Restriction of working area in front of/behind pole or no restriction, i.e. traversal
through pole.
The assigned values have the following meanings:
1: Working area of linear axis for positions >=0,
(if tool length compensation parallel to linear axis equals 0)
2: Working area of linear axis for positions <=0,
(if tool length compensation parallel to linear axis equals 0)
0: No restriction of working area. Traversal through pole.


mm Vector of base tool for 2nd TRANSMIT transformation DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-me62 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-te42 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-te62 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 1/1 M
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-mte40 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
808d-mte60 3 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, ...
Description: Indicates a basic offset of the tools zero for the 2nd TRANSMIT transformation. The
offset is referenced to the geometry axes valid when TRANSMIT is active. The basic
offset is included with and without selection of the tool length compensation.
Programmed length corrections have an additive effect with respect to the basic tool.
The index i takes the values 0, 1, 2 for the 1st to 3rd geometry axes.
Related to:


- Parameterize basic blocks with absolute values DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x1 2/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Parameterization of the "basic blocks with absolute values" function
Bit 0 = 1 :
The position values of the transverse axis are always displayed as diameter values.
Transverse axes can be applied using MD20100 $MC_DIAMETER_AX_DEF or MD30460

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204 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

27400 OEM_CHAN_INFO A01, A11 -

- OEM version information STRING PowerOn
- 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - - 2/2 M
, , , , ...
Description: A version information freely available to the user
(is indicated in the version screen)


- Mode of technology in channel BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - ReadOnly S
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - ReadOnly S
808d-te42 - 1 0 - ReadOnly S
808d-te62 - 1 0 - ReadOnly S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 7/2 M
Description: This machine data can be used for stating the technology independently of the channel.
This information is used, among other things, for evaluating HMI, PLC and standard
MD = 0: Milling
MD = 1: Turning
MD = 2: Grinding
21: Cylindrical grinding
22: Surface grinding
MD = 3: Nibbling
MD = 4: ...
(Enter additional technologies as and when required.)


- Impact of the program runtime net counter DWORD Reset
- - 0x01 0x00 0x03 1/1 M
Description: The program run time is measured using system variables and can be read out. It
provides a means of outputting the current progress of the processing of a part
program. This MD can be used to make the following settings on a channel-specific
Bit 0 = 0
$AC_ACT_PROG_NET_TIME is not deleted on a jump to the start of the program with
Bit 0 = 1
$AC_ACT_PROG_NET_TIME is deleted on a jump to the start of the program with GOTOS, the
value is saved in $AC_OLD_PROG_NET_TIMES, and the program counter
$AC_OLD_PROG_NET_TIME_COUNT is incremented.
Bit 1 = 0
$AC_ACT_PROG_NET_TIME ceases to be increased if override = 0 is set; in other
words, the program run time is measured without the time for which the override was
set to 0.
Bit 1 = 1

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

$AC_ACT_PROG_NET_TIME is increased if override = 0; in other words, the program

run time is measured with the time for which the override was set to 0.
Bits 2 to 31


- Activation and impact of program runtime measurement DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 0x177 0 0x7FF 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0x177 0 0x7FF 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x177 0 0x7FF 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x177 0 0x7FF 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0 0x7FF 1/1 M
0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00...
808d-mte60 - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0 0x7FF 1/1 M
0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00...
Description: Timers are provided as system variables under the function program runtime. While the
NCK-specific timers are always activated (for time measurements since the last control
power on), the channel-specific timers have to be started via this machine data.
Bit 0 = 0
No measurement of total operating time for any part program
Bit 0 = 1
Measurement of total operating time is active for all part programs
Bit 1 = 0
No measurement of current program runtime
Bit 1 = 1
Measurement of current program runtime is active ($AC_CYCLE_TIME)
Bit 2 = 0
No measurement of tool operating time
Bit 2 = 1
Measurement of tool operating time is active ($AC_CUTTING_TIME)
Bit 3
Bits 4,5 only when bit 0, 1, 2 = 1:
Bit 4 = 0 No measurement with active dry run feed
Bit 4 = 1 Measurement also with active dry run feed
Bit 5 = 0 No measurement with program test
Bit 5 = 1 Measurement also with program test
Bit 6 only when Bit 1 = 1:
Bit 6 = 0
Delete $AC_CYCLE_TIME also with start by ASUB and PROG_EVENTs
Bit 6 = 1
$AC_CYCLE_TIME is not deleted on start by ASUB and PROG_EVENTs.
Bit 7 only when bit 2 = 1:
Bit 7 = 0 $AC_CUTTING_TIME counts only with active tool
Bit 7 = 1 $AC_CUTTING_TIME counts irrespective of tool

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Bits 8 only when bit 1 = 1

Bit 8 = 0
$AC_CYCLE_TIME is not deleted on jumping to program start with GOTOS
Bit 8 = 1
$AC_CYCLE_TIME is deleted on jumping to program start with GOTOS.
Bit 9 only when bits 0, 1 = 1:
Bit 9 = 0
$AC_OPERATING_TIME, $AC_CYCLE_TIME: No measurement with override = 0.
Bit 9 = 1
$AC_OPERATING_TIME, $AC_CYCLE_TIME: Measurement also with override = 0.
Bits 10 to 31


- Activation of workpiece counter DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 0x901 0 0x0FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0x901 0 0x0FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x901 0 0x0FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x901 0 0x0FFFFFFF 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x0FFFFFFF 7/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
808d-mte60 - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x0FFFFFFF 7/2 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: The part counters can be configured with this machine data.
Note: with bit 0 = 1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS less than 0, all workpiece counts
activated in this MD are frozen at the status reached.
Meaning of the individual bits:
Bits 0 - 3: Activating $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS
Bit 0 = 1: Counter $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS is activated
Further meaning of bits 1-3 only when bit 0 =1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS > 0:
Bit 1 = 0: Alarm/VDI output if $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS corresponds to $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS
Bit 1 = 1: Alarm/VDI output if $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS corresponds to $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS
Bit 2 Reserved!
Bit 3 Reserved!
Bits 4 - 7: Activating $AC_TOTAL_PARTS
Bit 4 = 1: Counter $AC_TOTAL_PARTS is active
Further meaning of bits 5-7 only when bit 4 =1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS > 0:
Bit 5 = 0: Counter $AC_TOTAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 with a VDI output of M02/M30
Bit 5 = 1: Counter $AC_TOTAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 with output of the M command
Bit 6 = 0: $AC_TOTAL_PARTS also active with program test/block search
Bit 6 = 1: No machining $AC_TOTAL_PARTS with program test/block search
Bit 7 = 1: Counter $AC_TOTAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 on a return with GOTOS
Bits 8 - 11: Activating $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS
Bit 8 = 1: Counter $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS is active

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data

Further significance of bits 9-11 only when bit 8 =1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS > 0:
Bit 9 = 0: Counter $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 with a VDI output of M02/M30
Bit 9 = 1: Counter $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 with output of the M command
Bit 10 = 0: $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS also active with program test/block search
Bit 10 = 1: No machining $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS with program test/block search
Bit 11 = 1: Counter $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 on a return with GOTOS
Bit 12 - 15: Activating $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS
Bit 12 = 1: Counter $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS is active
Further significance of bits 13-15 only when bit 12 =1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS > 0:
Bit 13 = 0: Counter $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 with a VDI output of M02/
Bit 13 = 1: Counter $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 with output of the M
command from MD PART_COUNTER_MCODE[2]
Bit 14 = 0: $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS also active with program test/block search
Bit 14 = 1: No machining $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS with program test/block search
Bit 15 = 1: Counter $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS is incremented by 1 on a return with GOTOS
Bit 16 - 19: Extension $AC_TOTAL_PARTS
Meaning of the bits 16-19 applies only if Bit4 =1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS > 0:
Bit 16 = 0: $AC_TOTAL_PARTS is active in MDI mode
Bit 16 = 1: No machining $AC_TOTAL_PARTS in MDI mode
Bit 17 Reserved!
Bit 18 Reserved!
Bit 19 Reserved!
Bit 20 - 23: Extension $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS
Meaning of bits 20-23 only if bit8 =1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS > 0:
Bit 20 = 0: $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS is active in MDI mode
Bit 20 = 1: No machining $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS in MDI mode
Bit 21 Reserved!
Bit 22 Reserved!
Bit 23 Reserved!
Bit 24 - 27: Extension $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS
Meaning of bits 24-27 only if bit12 =1 and $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS > 0:
Bit 24 = 0: $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS is active in MDI mode
Bit 24 = 1: No machining $AC_SPECIAL_PARTS in MDI mode
Bit 25 Reserved!
Bit 26 Reserved!
Bit 27 Reserved!
Related to:

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Workpiece counting with user-defined M command BYTE PowerOn
- 3 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 99 3/2 M
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2...
Description: If part counting is activated via MD27880 $MC_PART_COUNTER, the count pulse can be
triggered by a special M command.
Only then are the values defined here taken into account:
The part counters are incremented by 1 in the NST signal output of the M command
described, where:


s Runtime limit of interpreter subtask DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.001 0.100 ReadOnly S
0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
0.005, 0.005...
Description: With MD27920 $MC_TIME_LIMIT_NETTO_INT_TASK, the maximum runtime of the interpreter
subtask is set. The interpreter subtask is started from the preprocessing task. If the
interpreter task does not end on its own within the time set with MD27920
$MC_TIME_LIMIT_NETTO_INT_TASK, it will be stopped and continued after a preprocessing


s Runtime limit of the EES async. subtask DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0.001 0.100 ReadOnly S
0.008, 0.008, 0.008,
0.008, 0.008...
Description: The maximum runtime of the EES async. subtask is set with this machine data. The EES
async. subtask is started from the preprocessing task. If the EES async. subtask does
not end automatically within the time set in this machine data, it will be stopped and
resumed after a preprocessing cycle.


- Number of blocks for local user variables in REORG (DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8... 0 SLMAXNUMBE 1/1 M
Description: Defines the number of additional LUD data blocks available for the function REORG (see
Description of Functions, Channels, Mode Groups, Program Operation (K1)).
This value can be 0 if the function REORG is not used. The CNC always opens 12 LUD data
blocks, of which 8 are used for NC programs and 4 for the ASUBs.
An LUD data block is needed for each NC program and ASUB in which a local user variable
is defined. This value may have to be increased for the function REORG if a large IPO
buffer is present and a large number of short NC programs in which LUD variables are
defined are active (prepared NC blocks of the programs are located in the IPO buffer).

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

An LUD data block is needed for each of these programs. The size of the reserved memory
is affected by the number of LUDs per NC program and their individual memory
requirements. The LUD data blocks are stored in the dynamic memory.


- Number of local user variables (DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000 32000 1/1 M
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000...
Description: Defines the number of variables for the local user data (LUD) which are permitted to
exist in the active sections of the program. Approximately 150 bytes of memory per
variable are reserved for the names of the variables and the variable values. The
memory required for the variable value is equal to the size of the data type. If the
total of the local user variables from the active main program and the related
subprograms is larger than the defined limit, the variables which are over the limit
are not accepted during execution of the program. Dynamic memory is used for the
variable names and variable values.
Overview of the memory used by the data types:
Data type Memory used
REAL 8 bytes
INT 4 bytes
BOOL 1 byte
CHAR 1 byte
STRING 1 byte per character, 200 characters per string are possible
AXIS 4 bytes
FRAME 400 bytes

28040 MM_LUD_VALUES_MEM C02 V2, K1

- Memory space for local user variables (DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 125, 125, 125, 125, 125 32000 1/1 M
125, 125, 125, 125...
Description: This MD defines the amount of memory space available for LUD variables.
The maximum number of available LUDs is given by one of the limit values of MD28020
Related to:
(number of local user variables (DRAM))

28050 MM_NUM_R_PARAM C02 K1

- Number of channel-specific R variables (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 300 0 32535 ReadOnly S
Description: Defines the number of R variables available in the channel. This machine data reserves
8 bytes of buffered user memory per R variable.


- Number of blocks for block preparation (DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 50 50 1000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 80 50 1000 1/1 M

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data

808d-te42 - 50 50 1000 0/0 S

808d-te62 - 50 50 1000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 20 1000 7/2 M
50, 50...
808d-mte60 - 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 20 1000 7/2 M
50, 50...
Description: Defines the number of NC blocks available for NC block preparation. This figure is
determined mainly by the system software and is used largely for optimization.
Approximately 10 Kbytes of dynamic memory is reserved per NC block.
Related to:
(number of NC blocks with IPO buffer)


- Number of base frames (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 0 16 1/1 M
Description: Number of channel-specific base frames per channel.
The value corresponds to the number of field elements for the predefined field
Buffered memory is reserved for this.


- System frames (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x7A1 0 0x00000FFF ReadOnly S
808d-me62 - 0x7A1 0 0x00000FFF ReadOnly S
808d-te42 - 0x7A1 0 0x00000FFF ReadOnly S
808d-te62 - 0x7A1 0 0x00000FFF ReadOnly S
808d-mte40 - 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0 0x00000FFF 7/2 S
0x21, 0x21, 0x21,
0x21, 0x21...
808d-mte60 - 0x21, 0x21, 0x21, 0 0x00000FFF 7/2 S
0x21, 0x21, 0x21,
0x21, 0x21...
Description: Bit mask for configuring channel-specific system frames included in the channel.
Bit 0: System frame for setting actual value and scratching
Bit 1: System frame for external work offset
Bit 2: System frame for TCARR aund PAROT
Bit 3: System frame for TOROT and TOFRAME
Bit 4: System frame for workpiece reference points
Bit 5: System frame for cycles
Bit 6: System frame for transformations
Bit 7: System frame $P_ISO1FR for ISO G51.1 Mirror
Bit 8: System frame $P_ISO2FR for ISO G68 2DROT
Bit 9: System frame $P_ISO3FR for ISO G68 3DROT
Bit 10: System frame $P_ISO4FR for ISO G51 Scale
Bit 11: System frame $P_RELFR for relative coordinate systems

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- System frames (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 0xF9F, 0xF9F, 0xF9F, 0 0x00000FFF 1/1 S
0xF9F, 0xF9F, 0xF9F,
0xF9F, 0xF9F...
Description: Bit mask for configuring channel-specific system frames in the data storage (SRAM).
Bit 0: System frame for setting actual value and scratching
Bit 1: System frame for external work offset
Bit 2: System frame for TCARR aund PAROT
Bit 3: System frame for TOROT and TOFRAME
Bit 4: System frame for workpiece reference points
Bit 5: System frame for cycles
Bit 6: System frame for transformations
Bit 7: System frame $P_ISO1FR for ISO G51.1 Mirror
Bit 8: System frame $P_ISO2FR for ISO G68 2DROT
Bit 9: System frame $P_ISO3FR for ISO G68 3DROT
Bit 10: System frame $P_ISO4FR for ISO G51 Scale
Bit 11: System frame $P_RELFR for relative coordinate systems


- Length of the trace data buffer DWORD PowerOn
- - 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 20000 1/1 M
100, 100, 100, 100...
Description: MM_MAX_TRACE_DATAPOINTS defines the size of an internal data buffer which contains the
trace recordings.


- Number of channel-specific protection zones (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 10 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 10 1/1 M
Description: This machine data defines how many channel-specific protection areas are set up.
Related to:
MD28210 $MC_MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_ACTIVE (number of simultaneously active protection
MD18190 $MN_MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_NCK (number of control-specific protection areas
/FB/, A3, "Axis/Contour Tunnel Monitoring, Protection Areas"

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212 List Manual, 01/2017

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Machine data
3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Number of simultaneously active protection zones in one channel DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 10 0 10 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 10 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 10 1/1 M
Description: This machine data defines the number of protection areas that may be activated
simultaneously for each channel.
It is not practical to enter a numerical value greater than MD18190
Related to:
MD28200 $MC_MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_CHAN (Number of blocks for channel-specific
protection areas)
MD18190 $MN_MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_NCK (Number of control-specific protection areas
/FB1/ Function Manual Basic Functions; Axis Monitoring, Protection Areas (A3)


- Elements for active protection zones (DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 0 50 1/1 M
30, 30...
Description: This machine data defines for each channel how many internal contour elements in total
are held available for active protection zones.
Dynamic memory is used.
The MD affects the memory requirements for the activated protection zones.
This machine data is active only if MD28210 $MC_MM_NUM_PROTECT_AREA_ACTIVE is not
equal to 0.


- Number of diagnostic elements for expressions in synchronized DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32000 1/1 M
Description: The values of the variables and machine data during diagnostics of the motion-
synchronous actions are saved to memory elements for storage in the control. A motion-
synchronous action uses up to the number of elements for as many variables as are set
The following are assigned:
● 1 element for each variable
● 1 element for each index
WHEN $R1 == 1 DO $R2 = $R[AC_MARKER[1]]
R1 = 2 elements, variable with written value 1 element, index "1" an element
R2 = 2 elements, variable with written value 1 Element, index "2" an element

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AC_MARKER = 2 elements, variable with read value 1 element, index "1" an element
R = 2 elements, variable with written value 1 element, index "1" an element
Total 8 elements.


- Maximum number of diagnostics variables per synchronized action DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 10000 1/1 M
Description: Maximum number of diagnostics variables per synchronized action.

28250 MM_NUM_SYNC_ELEMENTS C02 2.8, 6.1

- Number of elements for expressions in synchronized actions DWORD PowerOn
- - 90 0 159 ReadOnly S
Description: The expressions of the motion-synchronous actions are stored in memory elements in the
control. A motion-synchronous action occupies at least 4 elements.
It occupies:
● 1 element for each operand in the condition
● >= 1 element for each action
● 2 elements for each assignment
● 1 element for each further operand in complex expressions.
One element occupies approx. 64 bytes.
The option "Synchronous actions stage 2" is required if the MD can be written to.

28252 MM_NUM_FCTDEF_ELEMENTS C02 2.4, 2.8, 6.1

- Number of FCTDEF elements DWORD PowerOn
- - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 0 100 1/1 M
Description: Defines the number of FCTDEF elements.


- Number of strings for expressions in synchronized actions DWORD PowerOn
- - 200, 200, 200, 200, 0 32000 7/2 M
200, 200, 200, 200...
Description: The expressions of motion-synchronous actions are saved in memory elements for storage
in the control. Elements have to be reserved specifically for strings within

28254 MM_NUM_AC_PARAM C02 -

- Dimension of $AC_PARAM. DWORD PowerOn
- - 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 0 20000 1/1 M
50, 50...
Description: Panel size of $AC_PARAM.

28255 MM_BUFFERED_AC_PARAM C02 2.3, 6.1

- $AC_PARAM[] is stored in SRAM. DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 1/1 M

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Description: $AC_PARAM[] is stored in SRAM.

28256 MM_NUM_AC_MARKER C02 2.3, 6.1

- Dimension of $AC_MARKER DWORD PowerOn
- - 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8... 0 20000 1/1 M
Description: Number of channel-specific markers $AC_MARKER for motion-synchronous actions.
DRAM or SRAM is required depending on MD28257 $MC_MM_BUFFERED_AC_MARKER.

28257 MM_BUFFERED_AC_MARKER C02 2.3, 6.1

- $AC_MARKER[] is stored in SRAM. DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 1 1/1 M
Description: $AC_MARKER[] is stored in SRAM.

28258 MM_NUM_AC_TIMER C02 2.3, 2.4, 6.1

- Number of time variables $AC_TIMER (DRAM) DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 10000 1/1 M
Description: Number of channel-specific time variables $AC_TIMER for motion-synchronous actions

28260 NUM_AC_FIFO C01 2.3, 2.4, 6.1

- Number of FIFO variable for synchronized actions DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 10 1/1 M
Description: Number of FIFO variables $AC_FIFO1 - $AC_FIFO10 for motion-synchronous actions.
FIFO variables are used for product tracking. A piece of information (e.g. the product
length) for each part on a conveyor belt can be temporarily stored in each FIFO
FIFO variables are stored in R variables.
MD28262 $MC_START_AC_FIFO defines the number of the R variable as from which the FIFO
variables can be stored. All R variables with lower numbers can be used freely in the
part program.
R variables above the FIFO range cannot be written from the part program.
The number of R variables must set via MD28050 $MC_MM_NUM_R_PARAM so that all FIFI
variables can be accommodated from the start of the R variables:
(MD28264 $MC_LEN_AC_FIFO + 6)
The FIFO variables bear the names $AC_FIFO1 to $AC_FIFOn.
They are stored as arrays.
The indices 0 - 5 have special meanings:
n= 0:
A new value is stored in the FIFO when writing with index 0.
The oldest element is read and removed from the FIFO when writing with index 0.
n=1: Access to the first element read in
n=2: Access to the last element 1 read in
n=3: Sum of all FIFO elements
n=4: Number of elements available in the FIFO
n=5: Current write index relative to FIFO start

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n=6: 1st element read in

28262 START_AC_FIFO C01 2.3, 2.4, 6.1

- FIFO variables store from R variable DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32535 1/1 M
Description: Number of the R variable as from which FIFO variables are stored. All R variables with
lower numbers can be used freely in the part program. R variables above the FIFO range
cannot be written from the part program.
The number of R variables must set via MD28050 $MC_MM_NUM_R_PARAM so that all FIFI
variables can be accommodated from the start of the R variables:
*(MD28264 $MC_LEN_AC_FIFO + 6)
The FIFO variables bear the names $AC_FIFO1 to $AC_FIFOn. They are stored as arrays.
The indices 0 - 5 have special meanings:
n= 0:
A new value is stored in the FIFO when writing with index 0.
The oldest element is read and removed from the FIFO when reading with index 0.
n=1: Access to the first element read in
n=2: Access to the last element read in
n=3: Sum of all FIFO elements
n=4: Number of elements available in the FIFO
n=5: Current write index relative to FIFO start
Related to:

28264 LEN_AC_FIFO C01 2.3, 2.4, 6.1, M5

- Length of FIFO variables $AC_FIFO1-$AC_FIFO10 DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 32535 1/1 M
Description: Length of the FIFO variables $AC_FIFO1 to $AC_FIFO10.
All FIFO variables are the same length.

28266 MODE_AC_FIFO C01 2.3, 2.4, 6.1

- Mode of FIFO processing BYTE PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 - 1/1 M
Description: Mode of FIFO processing:
Bit 0 = 1:
The sum of all FIFO contents is updated at each write access.
Bit 0 = 0:
No summation
Related to:


- Number of $AC_SYSTEM_ PARAM for motion-synchronous DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 20000 1/1 M

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Description: Number of $AC_SYSTEM_ PARAM parameters for motion-synchronous actions.

Depending on MD28255 $MC_MM_BUFFERED_AC_PARAM, DRAM or SRAM is required.
Reserved for SIEMENS applications.


- Number of $AC_SYSTEM_MARKER for motion-synchronous DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 20000 1/1 M
Description: Number of $AC_SYSTEM_MARKER markers for motion-synchronous actions.
Depending on MD28257 $MC_MM_BUFFERED_AC_MARKER, DRAM or SRAM is required.
Reserved for SIEMENS applications.

28290 MM_SHAPED_TOOLS_ENABLE C01, C08, C02 -

- Enable tool radius compensation for contour tools BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/2 M
Description: The function "Tool radius compensation for contour tools" is enabled with this tool.


- Activation of logging for a user BOOLEAN PowerOn
- 10 TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
FALSE,, T...
Description: Activation of recording for a user.
The users 0 and 1, and 5 - 9 are reserved for system functions.
The users 2, 3 and 4 can be used by OEM.

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- Number of standard event types ETP DWORD PowerOn
- 10 28, 6, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 28, 6, 0, 0, 0, 20, 61, 61, 61, 61, 1/1 M
20, 0, 3, 28, 6, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20... 61, 61, 61, 61...
20, 20, 20, 0,...
Description: Number of standard event types required in the ETP OPI block.


- Activate basic blocks with absolute values DWORD PowerOn
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 512 2/2 M
Description: Value:
0: Basic blocks with absolute values deactivated.
1: Basic blocks with absolute values activated;
A display buffer of the following size is created:
>= 128: Basic blocks with absolute values activated.


- Setting of upload buffer size DWORD PowerOn
- 2 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 32000 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: Dimensioning the size of the upload buffer:
MD28402 $MC_MM_ABSBLOCK_BUFFER_CONF[0] : Number of blocks before the current block
MD28402 $MC_MM_ABSBLOCK_BUFFER_CONF[1] : Number of blocks after the current block
The machine data is tested for the following upper / lower limits during startup:
0 <= MD28402 $MC_MM_ABSBLOCK_BUFFER_CONF[0] <= 8
Alarm 4152 is issued when the limits are violated.


- Maximal number of axial polynomials per block DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1 1 15 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 15 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 1 1 15 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1 1 15 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 15 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3... 1 15 0/0 S
Description: Maximum number of axis polynomials which can be contained in a block.
In the standard case, each block contains only one polynomial per axis, i.e. this data
can be set to 1 immediately.
More polynomials are required in the following cases:
This data must have a value of at least 3 for smoothing with G642 to G645.
A value of 5 is recommended if COMPCAD (Advanced Surface) is used.
A value of 15 is recommended if COMPSURF is used.

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3.3 Channel-specific machine data


- Number of memory elements for path velocity limitation DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 5 0 100 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
Description: Number of memory elements available for limiting the path velocity and changing it in
the block.
0 : Each block is limited by a maximum path velocity.
> 0 : If required, a profile of the permissible path velocity
; and its modification options is generated and monitored
; in the block.
; This results in a smoother axis velocity progression and
; a shorter travel time.
; MD28530 $MC_MM_PATH_VELO_SEGMENTS defines the average
; number of segments available in the block.
; The necessary setting essentially depends
; on the requirements.
The following values are recommended:
3: for G643 and G644, if only geometry axes are traversed
5: for G643 and G644, if geometry and rotary axes are traversed
5: for COMPCAD
5: for dyn. transformation
A value that is too low may lead to additional velocity limitations if a sufficient
number of blocks cannot be made available for interpolation.
MD28530 $MC_MM_PATH_VELO_SEGMENTS additionally increases the memory requirement of
dyn. Look Ahead. Values higher than 8 are only practical in exceptional cases.
3 ... 8 :
Recommended setting.


- Memory for extended LookAhead DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100000 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 18 0 100000 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100000 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100000 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100000 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100000 0/0 S
Description: The machine data is used to configure the work memory for extended LookAhead.
The MD scales the value defined internally through MD28060 $MC_MM_IPO_BUFFER_SIZE,
Its practical size depends on the part program, the block lengths, the axis dynamics,
and an active kinematic transformation.

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The MD should only be set for those channels in which free-form surfaces are also
0 : default LookAhead is active.
> 0 : extended LookAhead is active if switched on by MD20443 $MC_LOOKAH_FFORM.
The set value for free-form surface applications is: 18.


- Number of memory elements for arc length function representation DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 5 0 100 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 100 0/0 S
Description: Number of memory elements available for the arc length function for parameterizing
If this machine data is equal to zero, a fixed interval division is used to represent
the arc length function. In this case, the calculated function is only tangent-
continuous. This can lead to discontinuities in the axis accelerations.
If the function G643 or G644 is used for smoothing and/or COMPCAD or COMPSURF, this MD
should be assigned a value of at least 10. In this case, the function also has a
constant curvature which results in a smoother progression of the path velocity, as
well as the axis velocities and accelerations.
A value of 10 is sufficient when using COMPSURF and 3-axis applications.
Up to 20 may be useful for COMPSURF and 5-axis applications.


- Data restore after simulation DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0 0x00000001 1/1 M
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...
Description: Bit mask to restore data after cancelation of a simulated program execution. The
following applies:
Bit 0: All frames in the data storage are restored.

3.4 Axis-specific machine data


- Setpoint assignment: bus segment number BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0 0 0 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 5 0 5 2/2 M
808d-te42 1 0 0 0 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 5 0 5 2/2 M
808d-mte40 1 0 0 5 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 5 0 5 7/2 M
Description: In this MD, enter the number of the bus segment through which the output is addressed.

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0: Local bus (808d, 828d analog spindle)

1: reserved (previously SIMODRIVE611D bus, 1st DCM)
2: reserved (previously local P bus)
3: reserved (previously SIMODRIVE611D-Bus, 2. DCM)
4: reserved (virtual buses)
6: reserved (same effect as 5)

30110 CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR A01, A11 G2, S9

- Setpoint assignment: module number BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 1 31 2/2 M
808d-me62 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 1 31 2/2 M
808d-te42 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 1 31 2/2 M
808d-te62 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 1 31 2/2 M
808d-mte40 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 1 31 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... 1 31 7/2 M
Description: In this MD, enter the number of the module within a bus segment through which the
output is addressed.
For an axis on the PROFIBUS/PROFINET, the logical I/O address from MD13050
$MN_DRIVE_LOGIC_ADDRESS[index] is assigned by entering index+1 in MD30110

30120 CTRLOUT_NR EXP, A01 G2

- Setpoint assignment: Setpoint output on drive submodule/module BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 2/2 M
808d-me62 1 - 1 4 2/2 M
808d-te42 1 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 2/2 M
808d-te62 1 - 1 4 2/2 M
808d-mte40 1 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 2/2 M
808d-mte60 1 - 1 4 2/2 M
Description: Number of the output on a module which is used to address the setpoint output.
The value is always 1 for modular drives.

30130 CTRLOUT_TYPE A01, A11 G2, M3, S9

- Output type of setpoint BYTE PowerOn
- 1 0 0 3 2/2 M
Description: The type of speed setpoint output is entered into this MD:
0: Simulation (no HW required)
1: Setpoint output active (differentiation via hardware configuration)
2: Semi servo -only when the hardware is available onboard
3: Reserved
4: Reserved

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- Setpoint output is unipolar BYTE PowerOn
- 1 0 0 2 2/2 M
Description: Only for PROFIdrive, special application of analog additional drives:
Unipolar output driver (for unipolar analog drive actuator):
Only positive set speeds are supplied to the drive, the sign of the set speed is
separately output in its own digital control signal.
Input value "0":
Bipolar output with pos./neg. set speed (this is the normal case)
Input value "1":
0. Digital bit = servo enable
1. Digital bit = neg. direction of travel
Input value "2": (linking of enable and direction of travel signals):
0. Digital bit = servo enable pos. direction of travel
1. Digital bit = servo enable neg. direction of travel

30200 NUM_ENCS A01, A02 G2, R1, Z1

- Number of encoders BYTE PowerOn
- - - 0 1 2/2 M
Description: The number of encoders of the axis or spindle is to be entered in the MD for actual
position value sensing (the differentiation between direct and indirect measuring
systems, i.e. the locations at which these encoders are installed, is then specified,
for example, in MD31040 $MA_ENC_IS_DIRECT).
For simulation axes/spindles, MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS > 0 must be specified for

30210 ENC_SEGMENT_NR EXP, A01, A02 G2

- Actual value assignment: bus segment number. BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0 0 0 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 5, 5 0 5 2/2 M
808d-te42 1 0, 0 0 0 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 5, 5 0 5 2/2 M
808d-mte40 1 0, 0 0 5 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 5, 5 0 5 7/2 M
Description: Number of the bus segment, through which the encoder is addressed.
The bus segments must be firmly assigned to the control systems.
0: local bus
1: reserved (previously SIMODRIVE611D bus, 1st DCM)
2: reserved (previously local P bus)
3: reserved (previously SIMODRIVE611D-Bus, 2. DCM)
4: reserved (virtual buses)
6: reserved (same effect as 5)
Index [n] has the following coding [Encoder no.]: 0 or 1

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30220 ENC_MODULE_NR A01, A02, A11 G2

- Actual value assignment: Drive number/measuring circuit number BYTE PowerOn
- 1 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 1 31 2/2 M
5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8...
Description: In this MD, enter the number of the module within a bus segment through which the
encoder is addressed.
For an axis on the PROFIBUS/PROFINET, the logical I/O address from MD13050
$MN_DRIVE_LOGIC_ADDRESS[index] is assigned by entering index+1 in MD30220
The index[n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[Encoder no.]: 0 or 1
Related to:
MD30110 $MA_CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR (setpoint assignment)

30230 ENC_INPUT_NR A01, A02, A11 G2, S9

- Actual value assignm.: Input on drive module/meas. circuit board BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 2/2 M
808d-me62 1 - 1 4 2/2 M
808d-te42 1 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 2/2 M
808d-te62 1 - 1 4 2/2 M
808d-mte40 1 1, 2, 3, 4 1 4 2/2 M
808d-mte60 1 - 1 4 2/2 M
Description: For PROFIdrive:
Number of the encoder within the PROFIdrive message frame through which the encoder is
For example telegram 103: 1 (=G1_ZSW etc.) or 2 (=G2_ZSW etc.).
The index[n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[Encoder no.]: 0 or 1
If an input is selected, to which no encoder is connected, alarm 300008 "Measuring
circuit not available on drive" is output.

30240 ENC_TYPE A01, A02, A11 A3,, G2, R1

- Encoder type of actual value sensing (actual position value). BYTE PowerOn
- 1 - 0 3 2/2 M
Description: Encoder type:
0: Simulation
1: Raw signal encoder (high resolution)
2: Square-wave encoder - only when the onboard hardware is available
3: Encoder for semi servo - only when the onboard hardware is available
4: General absolute encoders (e.g. EnDat interface)
5: Reserved
Corresponds with
PROFIdrive parameter P979 (refer there)

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30242 ENC_IS_INDEPENDENT A02, A11 G2, R1

- Encoder is independent BYTE NEW CONF
- 1 0, 0 0 3 1/1 M
Description: If actual value corrections performed by the NC on the encoder selected for position
control are not to influence the actual value of any other encoder defined in the same
axis, then the position control encoder must be declared to be "independent".
Actual value corrections include the following:
● Modulo treatment,
● Reference point approach,
● Measuring system calibration,
MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS[ AX1 ] = 2
MD30242 $MA_ENC_IS_INDEPENDENT[ 0, AX1 ] = 0
MD30242 $MA_ENC_IS_INDEPENDENT[ 1, AX1 ] = 1
When the VDI interface has selected the first encoder for position control, the above
mentioned actual value corrections will be executed on this encoder only.
When the VDI interface has selected the second encoder for position control, the above
mentioned actual value corrections will be executed on both encoders.
The machine data is therefore only valid for encoders that have not been selected by
the VDI interface for positon control (passive encoders).
As from SW5, the scope of functions has been extended:
In reference mode MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 3 (distance-coded reference marks), the
passive encoder is automatically referenced with the next traversing movement after
zero mark distance overtravel. This is done independently of the current mode setting.
In contrast to MD30242 $MA_ENC_IS_INDEPENDENT = 1, modulo actual value corrections are
executed in the passive encoder of modulo rotary axes.

30250 ACT_POS_ABS EXP, A02, A08 R1

- Internal encoder position DOUBLE PowerOn
ODLD, -, -
808d-me42 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-me62 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-te42 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-te62 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-mte40 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 7/2 I
808d-mte60 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 7/2 I
Description: The actual position (hardware counter status only without machine reference) is stored
(in internal format display) in this MD.
At power ON (or encoder activation), it acts with:
● Absolute encoders:
To restore the current position (in combination with the position, possibly with
several meanings, buffered in the encoder).
● Incremental encoders:
To buffer the actual value beyond power OFF when the functionality is activated
MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE = 1 or. 2 (i.e. as a reference point replacement).
To buffer the actual value beyond power OFF when the functionality is activated
MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE = 3 (i.e. as a restored position value).

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

This MD is changed internally by the control during traversing movements. Loading a
previously saved MD data block can therefore destroy the encoder calibration (machine
position reference) of absolute encoders.
For software conversions, we recommend removing the MD data block from the old
software release prior to conversion and reloading it into the new software release
without moving any axis in the meantime. Protection level 1 should be set for SW 3.6;
protection level 2 suffices for SW 4 and higher. The encoder calibration must be
explicitly verified (controlled, calibrated) after the software conversion.

30260 ABS_INC_RATIO EXP, A01, A02 -

- Absolute encoder: Ratio of absolute to incremental resolution DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 4, 4 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 4, 4 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 4, 4 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 4, 4 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 1 4, 4 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 4, 4 0 - 7/2 M
Description: Absolute track resolution in relation to the incremental signal resolution.
This MD only applies for absolute encoders:
- PROFIBUS drives:
Absolute information XIST2 related to incremental information XIST1.
In the case of plausible drive parameters (e.g. in PROFIdrive parameter P979) the
value of this MD is automatically calculated and updated from drive parameters (if
parameter read-out has not been deactivated with MD13070 $MN_DRIVE_FUNCTION_MASK, bit2)
Implausible drive parameters (e.g. multiplication of absolute track higher than that
of the incremental signal) are rejected and replaced by the value entered in the
current MD.
Implausible input values in the current MD (e.g. value=0) are reset to the default
value. In addition, alarm 26025 or 26002 is output to inform the user accordingly.


- Absolute encoder: Traversing range extension BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 0, 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-te42 1 0, 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 0, 0 0 1 0/0 S
808d-mte40 1 0, 0 0 1 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 0, 0 0 1 7/2 M
Description: This MD defines the way in which the absolute encoder position is buffered, and whether
a traversing range extension is active on software side (exceeding the limits of the
absolute value encoder range that can be displayed on the hardware).
"0" = standard = traversing range extension (compare ACT_POS_ABS) is active.
"1" = traversing range extension on software side is inactive.
When using an absolute linear scale, there will not be a traversing range overflow for
mechanical reasons. This MD is therefore only valid for rotary absolute value encoders.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

For rotary absolute value encoders, the traversing range that can be clearly displayed
on the encoder side, is stored in MD34220 $MA_ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO. You can do without
a traversing range extension without any problems (a hardware counter overflow that
might be within the traversing range is concealed in the software via shortest-path
a. in linear axes or limited rotary axes, if the actual traversing range on the load
side is smaller than the traversing range on the load side that corresponds to MD34220
b. in endlessly turning rotary axes (ROT_IS_MODULO = TRUE), if the absolute encoder
is connected on the load side (no gear to be considered) or if "without remainder" can
be calculated:
Number of rotations on the load side = ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO * gear ratio
(Example: ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO = 4096 encoder rotations, gear 25:32, i.e. number of
rotations on load side = 4096*(25/32)=3200).
If you do not meet the conditions under a. or b., you run the risk of getting a wrong
absolute encoder position at next Power ON or encoder activation after parking without
prewarning if the traversing range extension is not working. Therefore, the traversing
range extension remains active in the standard version.
Related to:

30300 IS_ROT_AX A01, A06, A11 G1, K3, R2, T1, G2, K2, R1, S1,
- Rotary axis / spindle BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: 1: Axis: The axis is defined as a "rotary axis".

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

● The special functions of the rotary axis are active or can be activated by means of
additional machine data according to the type of machine required (see below).
● The unit of measurement is degrees.
● The units of the axis-specific machine and setting data are interpreted as follows
with the standard control setting:
- Positions in "degrees"
- Speeds in "rev/minute"
- Acceleration in "rev/second²"
- Jerk limitation in "rev/second³"
The machine data should always be set to "1" for a spindle, otherwise alarm 4210
"Rotary axis declaration missing" is output.
0: The axis is defined as a "linear axis".
Special cases:
● For an axis: Alarm 4200 if the axis is already defined as a geometry axis.
● For a spindle: Alarm 4210
Related to:
The following machine data are active only after activation of MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX
= "1":
● MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO "Modulo conversion for rotary axis"
● MD30320 $MA_DISPLAY_IS_MODULO "Position display is modulo"
● MD10210 $MN_INT_INCR_PER_DEG "Calculation precision for angular positions"

30310 ROT_IS_MODULO A01, A06, A11 TE3, K3, R2, T1, A3, R1, R2, S1
- Modulo conversion for rotary axis / spindle BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: 1: A modulo conversion is performed on the setpoints for the rotary axis. The software
limit switches and the working area limitations are inactive; the traversing range is
therefore unlimited in both directions. MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX must be set to "1"
0: No modulo conversion
MD irrelevant for:
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = "0" (linear axes)
Related to:
MD30320 $MA_DISPLAY_IS_MODULO "Position display is modulo 360°"
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = 1 "Rotary axis"
MD36100 $MA_POS_LIMIT_MINUS "Software limit switch minus"
MD36110 $MA_POS_LIMIT_PLUS "Software limit switch plus"
SD43430 $SA_WORKAREA_LIMIT_MINUS "Working area limitation minus"

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

SD43420 $SA_WORKAREA_LIMIT_PLUS "Working area limitation plus"

30320 DISPLAY_IS_MODULO A01, A06, A11 R2, T1, K2

- Modulo 360 degrees displayed for rotary axis or spindle. BOOLEAN PowerOn
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
Description: 1: "Modulo 360 degrees" position display is active:
The position display of the rotary axis or spindle (for basic or machine coordinate
system) is defined as "Modulo 360 degrees". In the case of a positive direction of
rotation, the control resets the position display internally to 0.000 degrees
following each cycle of 359.999 degrees. The display range is always positive and lies
between 0 and 359.999 degrees.
0: Absolute position display is active:
In contrast to the modulo 360 degrees position display, absolute positions are
indicated by the absolute position display, e.g. +360 degrees after 1 rotation, and
+720 degrees after 2 rotations, etc in the positive direction. In this case, the
display range is limited by the control in accordance with the linear axes.
MD irrelevant for:
Linear axes MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = "0"
Related to:
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX = 1 "Axis is rotary axis"

30330 MODULO_RANGE EXP, A01 R2, T1, R1

degrees Size of modulo range. DOUBLE Reset
- - 360.0 1.0 360000000.0 1/1 M
Description: Defines the size of the modulo range. Default positions are accepted and displayed
within this range. Useful modulo ranges are n * 360 degrees with integer n. Other
settings are equally possible in principle. Attention should be paid to having a
useful relationship between the positions in the NC and the mechanics (ambiguity).
Velocity definitions are not affected by settings in this MD.


degrees Modulo range start position DOUBLE Reset
- - 0.0 - - 1/1 M
Description: Defines the start position for the modulo range.
Start = 0 degree -> modulo range 0 <->360 degrees

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Start = 180 degrees -> modulo range 180 <->540 degrees

Start = -180 degrees -> modulo range -180 <->180 degrees

30350 SIMU_AX_VDI_OUTPUT A01, A06 A2, G2, Z1

- Axis signals output for simulation axes BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: The machine data defines whether axis-specific interface signals are output to the PLC
while an axis is being simulated.
1: The axis-specific NC/PLC interface signals for a simulated axis are output to the
This means that the user PLC program can be tested without the drives having to be
0: The axis-specific NC/PLC interface signals for a simulated axis are not output to
the PLC.
All axis-specific NC/PLC interface signals are set to "0".
Not relevant for:
MD30130 $MA_CTRLOUT_TYPE (setpoint output type) = 1


- Default for reset: neutral/channel axis BOOLEAN Reset
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
Description: For SW4.3:
If FALSE: On RESET, a neutral axis is reassigned to the NC program.
If TRUE: On RESET, a neutral axis remains in the neutral axis state and an axis
assigned to the NC program becomes a neutral axis

30455 MISC_FUNCTION_MASK A06, A10 R2, S3, R1

- Axis functions DWORD Reset
- - 0x00 0 0x7FFF 1/1 M
Description: Bit 0 = 0:
Modulo rotary axis/spindle: programmed positions must be in the modulo range.
Otherwise an alarm is output.
Bit 0 = 1:
When programming positions outside the modulo range, an alarm is not signaled. The
position is modulo-converted internally.
Example: B-5 has the same significance as B355, POS[A]=730 is identical to POS[A]=10
and SPOS=-360 behaves the same as SPOS=0 (modulo range 360 degrees)
Bit 1 = 0:
Determination of reference point position of rotary, distance-coded encoders analog
(1:1) in relation to the mechanical absolute position.
Bit 1 = 1:
Determination of reference point position of rotary, distance-coded encoders within
the configured modulo range.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

For rotary axes with MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO=0, which use rotary, distance-coded
encoder MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE=3, the reference point position is determined in
response to MD30330 $MA_MODULO_RANGE and MD30340 $MA_MODULO_RANGE_START. This is
automatically adapted to the traversing limits of the modulo range. For rotary axes
with MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO=1, this bit has no significance, as the reference point
position is always determined within the modulo range.
Bit 2 = 0:
Modulo rotary axis positioned at G90 with AC as default.
Bit 2 = 1:
Modulo rotary axis positioned at G90 with DC as default (shortest path).
Bit 3 = 0:
For spindle/axis disable $VA_IM, $VA_IM1, $VA_IM2 supply the setpoint value.
Bit 3 = 1:
For spindle/axis disable $VA_IM, $VA_IM1, $VA_IM2 supply the actual value.
Bit 4 = 0:
Synchronous spindle coupling, slave spindle: cancellation of feedrate enable will
brake the coupled group.
Bit 4 = 1:
Slave spindle: Feedrate enable only applies to the interpolation portion of the
overlaid motion (SPOS, etc.) and has no impact on the coupling.
Bit 5 = 0:
Synchronous spindle coupling, slave spindle: Position control, feedforward control,
and parameter block are set in response to the master spindle.
Bit 5 = 1:
Synchronous spindle coupling: The parameters of the slave spindle are set as they
would be without coupling.
Bit 6 = 0:
Programming of FA, OVRA, ACC, and VELOLIM is applied separately to spindle and axis
modes. The assignment is made by the programmed axis or spindle identifier.
Bit 6 = 1:
Programming of FA, OVRA, ACC, and VELOLIM is applied jointly to spindle and axis modes,
irrespective of the programmed identifier.
Bit 7 = 0:
Synchronous spindle, correct synchronism error: Correction value $AA_COUP_CORR[Sn] is
continuously calculated as long as the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX5007.6
(Correct synchronism) is set and setpoint-related synchronism is present.
Bit 7 = 1:
Synchronous spindle, correct synchronism error: Correction value $AA_COUP_CORR[Sn] is
calculated only at the moment the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX5007.6 (Correct
synchronism) is set from 0 to 1.
Bit 8 = 0:
Absolute encoders can only be readjusted in the enabled state MD34210
Bit 8 = 1:
Absolute encoders can also be readjusted in the adjusted state MD34210
Bit 9 = 0:
Coupled axes (e.g. gantry) jointly delete their pulse enable if an error occurs.
Bit 9 = 1:
Coupled axes (e.g. gantry) only delete their pulse enable for their own errors.
Bit 10 = 0:
The maximum dynamic performance of a TRAIL or TANGON axis limits the maximum dynamic
path response.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Bit 10 = 1:
The maximum dynamic performance of a TRAIL or TANGON axis has no effect on the dynamic
path response. This can result in a longer overtravel of the dependent axis.
Bit 11 = 0:
Deactivation of the CP software limit monitoring
Bit 11 = 1:
Activation of the CP software limit monitoring for the following slave axes/spindles:
- coupling, type CP with CPSETTYPE[FAx] = "CP"
- coupling, type CP, TRAIL, EG, LEAD, or COUP with a maximum of one active master axis/
Bit 12 = 0:
When resetting the control enable of the stationary axis/spindle (in respect of this
master axis/spindle), you must always switch over to actual value coupling, just as
for a fast stop after resetting the control enable during motion (alarm 21612). This
applies to generic couplings (with replacement cycles or for CP programming).
Bit 12 = 1:
When resetting the control enable of the stationary axis/spindle (in respect of this
master axis/spindle), changeover to actual value coupling is inhibited. This applies
to generic couplings (with replacement cycles or for CP programming).
Bit 13 = 0:
An axis-specific DRIVE setting by means of MD35240 $MA_ACCEL_TYPE_DRIVE[] or by
programming DRIVEA() of an axis is ignored by the path dynamic response if the relevant
axis is interpolated with the path.
Bit 13 = 1:
An acceleration characteristic of an axis activated by MD35240 $MA_ACCEL_TYPE_DRIVE[]
or by programming of DRIVEA() is taken into account when defining the path dynamic
response if the relevant axis is interpolated with the path.
Bit 14 = 0:
During cartesian PTP traversing, the "shortest path" strategy for
software limit crossing of a rotary axis is retained.
Bit 14 = 1:
The "long path" strategy for avoiding the software limit crossing is
used if a rotary axis were to cross the software limit switch during cartesian PTP
traversing with the "shortest path" strategy.


- Axis functions DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x00 0 0x3FF 1/1 M
Description: Axis-specific functions can be set using this MD.
The MD is bit-coded; the following bits are assigned:
Bit 0 = 0:
"Axis control" is not permissible.
Bit 0 = 1:
"Axis control" is permissible (the axis moves in the speed mode, if the NC/PLC
interface signal DB380x DBX5000.1 (Axis control) is set).
Bit 1:
Reserved for "Axis control".
Bit 2 = 0:
Axis-specific diameter programming not permitted.
Bit 2 = 1:
Axis-specific diameter programming permitted.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Bit 3:
Reserved for "Axis control".
Bit 4 = 0:
For control purposes, the axis can be used by NC and PLC.
Bit 4 = 1:
The axis is exclusively controlled by the PLC.
Bit 5 = 0:
The axis can be used by the NC and PLC.
Bit 5 = 1:
The axis is a permanently assigned PLC axis. However, the axis can be jogged and
Axis exchange between channels is not possible. The axis cannot be assigned to the NC
Bit 6 = 0:
The channel-specific interface signal DB3200 DBX6.0 (feedrate disable) has an effect
on the axis, even though it is a PLC-controlled axis.
Bit 6 = 1:
The channel-specific interface signal DB3200 DBX6.0 (feedrate disable) has no effect
on the axis, if it is a PLC-controlled axis.
Bit 7 = 0:
The channel-specific interface signal DB3300 DBX4.3 (all axes stationary) is set
dependent on the axis, even though it is PLC-controlled.
Bit 7 = 1:
The channel-specific interface signal DB3300 DBX4.3 (all axes stationary) is set
independent of the axis, if this axis is PLC-controlled..
Bit 8 = 0:
The axis is an 'interpolating (full) axis' (path/GEO/additional path axis/GEOAX()/
spindle for thread cutting/tapping)
Bit 8 = 1:
The axis is a positioning axis / auxiliary spindle
Bit 9 = 0:
The PRESETON is enabled. PRESETONS is inhibited.
Bit 9 = 1:
The PRESETON is inhibited. PRESETONS is enabled.


- Substitution of NC language commands DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x0 0x0 0xF 1/1 M
Description: MD30465 $MA_AXIS_LANG_SUB_MASK defines for the leading spindle(s) of a coupling
(synchronous spindle coupling, electronic gear, coupled motion, master value coupling,
master-slave) which language constructs/functions are to be substituted by the user
program set by MD15700 $MN_LANG_SUB_NAME / MD15702 $MN_LANG_SUB_PATH (default: /
The substitution is executed only if a coupling is active for the relevant spindle and,
in the case of a gear stage change, only if a gear stage change is actually pending.
Bit 0 and bit 1 are relevant for the axis coupling types: synchronous spindle coupling,
electronic gear, coupled motion and master value coupling.
Bit 2 and bit 3 are relevant for the master-slave coupling
Bit 0 = 1:
Axis coupling: Automatic (M40) and direct (M41-M45) gear stage change
Bit 1 = 1:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Axis coupling: Spindle positioning with SPOS/SPOSA/M19

Bit 2 = 1:
Master-slave coupling: Automatic (M40) and direct (M41-M45) gear stage change
Bit 3 = 1:
Master-slave coupling: Spindle positioning with SPOS/SPOSA/M19


- Axis is an indexing axis BYTE Reset
- - 0 0 3 1/1 M
Description: The axis is declared as an indexing axis by assignment of indexing position table 1 or
0: The axis is not declared as an indexing axis
1: The axis is an indexing axis. The associated indexing positions are stored in
table 1 (MD10910 $MN_INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_1).
2: The axis is an indexing axis. The associated indexing positions are stored in
table 2 (MD10930 $MN_INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_2).
3: Equidistant indexing with SW 4.3 and higher (840D) and SW 2.3 and higher (810D)
>3: Alarm 17090 "Value violates upper limit"
Special cases:
Several axes can be assigned to an indexing position table on the condition that all
these indexing axes are of the same type (linear axis, rotary axis, modulo 360°
function). If they are not, alarm 4000 is output during power-up.
Alarm 17500 "Axis is not an indexing axis"
Alarm 17090 "Value violates upper limit"
Related to:
MD10910 $MN_INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_1 (indexing position table 1)
(no. of indexing positions used in table 1)
MD10930 $MN_INDEX_AX_POS_TAB_2 (indexing position table 2)
(no. of indexing positions used in table 2)
For equidistant indexings with value 3:
MD30503 $MA_INDEX_AX_OFFSET First indexing position
MD30505 $MA_HIRTH_IS_ACTIVE Hirth tooth system


mm, degrees Indexing axis equidistant positions numerator DOUBLE Reset
- - 0.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: Defines the value of the numerator for calculating the distances between two indexing
positions when the positions are equidistant. Modulo axes ignore this value and use
MD30330 $MA_MODULO_RANGE instead.
MD irrelevant for non-equidistant indexes in accordance with tables.
Related to:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data


- Indexing axis equidistant positions denominator DWORD Reset
- - 1 1 - 1/1 M
Description: Defines the value of the denominator for calculating the distances between two
indexing positions when the positions are equidistant. For modulo axes it therefore
specifies the number of indexing positions.
MD irrelevant for non-equidistant indexes in accordance with tables.
Related to:

30503 INDEX_AX_OFFSET A01, A10 T1, R2

mm, degrees Indexing axis with equidistant positions first index position DOUBLE Reset
- - 0.0 - - 1/1 M
Description: Defines the position of the first indexing position from zero for an indexing axis with
equidistant positions.
MD irrelevant for non-equidistant indexes in accordance with tables.
Related to:

30600 FIX_POINT_POS A03, A10 K1, W3

mm, degrees Fixed-value positions of axis with G75 DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 4 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-me62 4 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-te42 4 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-te62 4 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
808d-mte40 4 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - - 7/2 I
808d-mte60 4 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - - 7/2 I
Description: The fixed-point positions (4 max.) for each axis which can be approached when G75 is
programmed or via JOG are entered in these machine data.
/PA/, "Programming Guide: Fundamentals"

30610 NUM_FIX_POINT_POS A03, A10 K1

- Number of fixed-value positions of an axis DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 4 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0 0 4 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 4 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0 0 4 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 4 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 4 7/2 M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: Number of fixed point positions set, i.e. the number of valid entries in MD30600
For G75, two (2) fixed point positions are assumed in MD30600 $MA_FIX_POINT_POS for
reasons of compatibility, even if '0' has been entered in this machine data.

31000 ENC_IS_LINEAR A02, A11 G2

- Linear scale BOOLEAN PowerOn
- 1 FALSE, FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: MD = 1: Encoder for position actual-value acquisition is linear (linear scale).
MD = 0: Encoder for position actual-value acquisition is rotary.
The index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[encoder no.]: 0 or 1


mm Division period for linear scales DOUBLE PowerOn
- 1 0.01, 0.01 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: For linear measuring system only:
The distance between the reference marks on the linear scale must be entered in this
Index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[encoder no.]: 0 or 1

31020 ENC_RESOL A02, A11 G2, R1

- Encoder lines per revolution DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 10000, 10000, 10000, 1 - 2/2 M
10000, 10000, 10000,
2048, 2048
808d-me62 1 2048, 2048, 2048, 1 - 2/2 M
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048...
808d-te42 1 10000, 10000, 10000, 1 - 2/2 M
10000, 10000, 10000,
2048, 2048
808d-te62 1 2048, 2048, 2048, 1 - 2/2 M
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048...
808d-mte40 1 2048, 2048, 2048, 1 - 2/2 M
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048...
808d-mte60 1 2048, 2048, 2048, 1 - 2/2 M
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048, 2048,
2048, 2048...
Description: For rotary measuring system only:
The number of encoder lines per encoder revolution must be entered in this MD.
Index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[encoder no.]: 0 or 1

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

31030 LEADSCREW_PITCH A02, A11 G2, A3

mm Pitch of leadscrew DOUBLE PowerOn
- - 10.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: The ball screw lead must be entered in the MD (see data sheet: mm/rev or inch/rev).
Special meaning for hydraulic linear drives:
If a hydraulic linear drive (HLA) is configured as rotary axis, it must be specified
in this MD, which drive feedrate in mm corresponds to a programmed revolution (360

31040 ENC_IS_DIRECT A02, A11 G2, S1

- Direct measuring system (no compilation to load position) BOOLEAN PowerOn
- 1 FALSE, FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: MD = 1:
Encoder for actual position value sensing is attached directly to the machine (without
an intermediate gear unit).
MD = 0:
Encoder for actual position value sensing is attached to the motor (MD31060
$MA_DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA and MD31050 $MA_DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM are included in the
encoder valuation).
The index[n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[encoder no.]: 0 or 1
Special cases:
An incorrect entry may result in an incorrect encoder resolution, as, for example, the
gear ratios would be calculated incorrectly.

31050 DRIVE_AX_RATIO_DENOM A02, A11 A2, A3, G2, S1, V1

- Denominator load gearbox DWORD PowerOn
- 6 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1 2147000000 2/2 M
Description: The load gearbox denominator is entered in this MD.
The index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[control parameter set no.]: 0-5

31060 DRIVE_AX_RATIO_NUMERA A02, A11 A2, A3, G2, S1, V1

- Numerator load gearbox DWORD PowerOn
- 6 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 -2147000000 2147000000 2/2 M
Description: The load gearbox numerator is entered in this MD.
The index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[control parameter set no.]: 0-5

31070 DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_DENOM A02, A11 A3, G2, S1

- Denominator measuring gearbox DWORD PowerOn
- 1 1, 1 1 2147000000 2/2 M
Description: The measuring gearbox denominator is entered in this MD.
The index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

[encoder no.]: 0 or 1

31080 DRIVE_ENC_RATIO_NUMERA A02, A11 A3, G2, S1

- Numerator measuring gearbox DWORD PowerOn
- 1 1, 1 1 2147000000 2/2 M
Description: The measuring gearbox numerator is entered in this MD.
The index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[encoder no.]: 0 or 1

31090 JOG_INCR_WEIGHT A01, A12 H1, G2

mm, degrees Evaluation of an increment with INC/handwheel DOUBLE Reset
- 2 0.001, 0.00254 - - 2/2 M
Description: The value entered in this MD defines the path of an increment which applies when an
axis is traversed with the JOG keys in incremental mode or with the handwheel.
The path traveled by the axis on each increment each time the traversing key is pressed
or for each handwheel detent position is defined by the following parameters:
(Weighting of an increment of a machine axis for INC/handwheel)
● Selected increment size (INC1, ..., INCvar)
The possible increment stages are defined globally for all axes in MD11330
Entering a negative value reverses the direction of evaluation of the traverse keys
and the handwheel rotation.
Related to:


mm, degrees Evaluation of an increment for INC/handwheel for active DOUBLE Reset
- 2 0.0, 0.0 - - 2/2 M
Description: The input value is used to define the distance of an increment which, when traversing
an axis during active transformation using the JOG keys, is valid for the incremental
dimension or via handwheel.
The distance, through which the axis traverses when executing the incremental
dimension with transformation active, depending on the traversing key actuated or
handwheel grid position, is defined by the following parameters:
(Evaluating an increment of a machine axis for INC/handwheel)
● selected increment size (INC1, ..., INCvar)
The possible increment steps are globally defined for all axes in MD11330
Entering a negative value reverses the direction evaluation of the traversing keys and/
or the handwheel direction of rotation.
The set value is only effective, if this is > 0 ist. For values of zero, then MD31090
$MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT is effective
Corresponds with:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data


31100 BERO_CYCLE A02, EXP, A01 G2

- Steps for rotation monitoring DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 10000, 10000, 10000, 0 0 10000000 1/1 M
808d-me62 1 2000, 2000, 2000, 10 10000000 0/0 S
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000...
808d-te42 1 10000, 10000, 10000, 0 0 10000000 1/1 M
808d-te62 1 2000, 2000, 2000, 10 10000000 0/0 S
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000...
808d-mte40 1 2000, 2000, 2000, 10 10000000 1/1 M
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000...
808d-mte60 1 2000, 2000, 2000, 10 10000000 0/0 S
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000, 2000,
2000, 2000...
Description: Repetition cycle from BERO in steps

31110 BERO_EDGE_TOL A02, A01, A12 H1, G2

- Step tolerance for rotation monitoring DWORD NEW CONF
808d-me42 1 4000, 4000, 4000, 0 0 10000000 1/1 M
808d-me62 1 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 10 10000000 0/0 S
50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
50, 50, 50, 50...
808d-te42 1 4000, 4000, 4000, 0 0 10000000 1/1 M
808d-te62 1 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 10 10000000 0/0 S
50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
50, 50, 50, 50...
808d-mte40 1 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 10 10000000 1/1 M
50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
50, 50, 50, 50...
808d-mte60 1 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 10 10000000 0/0 S
50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
50, 50, 50, 50...
Description: BERO edge tolerance in steps

31122 BERO_DELAY_TIME_PLUS A02, A06 S1, R1

s BERO delay time Plus DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.000110, 0.000110 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data in combination with the setting in MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE
(referencing mode) = 7 causes a signal runtime compensation in the positive direction
of movement at a position determined by a BERO (zero mark).
The typical total delay time of the BERO message path for overtravel in the positive
direction of movement is entered.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

This time includes:

● the BERO edge delay time
● the time for digitizing the signal
● the time for processing the measured value, etc.
The periods of time depend on the hardware used. The default value is typical for
SIEMENS products. Adjustment by the customer is only required in exceptional cases.
Input of the minimum value "0.0" deactivates the compensation (only active in
combination with MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 7).
The machine data is available for all encoders.
Related to:
MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE (referencing mode)
(reference point creep velocity [Enc. no.])


s BERO delay time minus DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.000078, 0.000078 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data in combination with the setting in MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE
(referencing mode) = 7 causes a signal runtime compensation in the negative direction
of movement at a position determined by a BERO (zero mark).
The typical total delay time of the BERO message path for overtravel in the negative
direction of movement is entered.
The time includes:
● the BERO edge delay time
● the time for digitizing the signal
● the time for processing the measured value, etc.
The periods of time depend on the hardware used. The default value is typical for
SIEMENS products. Adjustment by the customer is only required in exceptional cases.
Input of the minimum value "0.0" deactivates the compensation (only active in
combination with MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 7).
The machine data is available for all encoders.
Related to:
MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE (referencing mode)
(creep velocity [Enc. no.])


- Maximum frequency of the semi servo DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 75000.0 1000.0 2000000.0 0/0 S
808d-me62 1 75000.0 1000.0 2000000.0 7/2 M
808d-te42 1 75000.0 1000.0 2000000.0 0/0 S
808d-te62 1 75000.0 1000.0 2000000.0 7/2 M
808d-mte40 1 75000.0 1000.0 2000000.0 0/0 S
808d-mte60 1 75000.0 1000.0 2000000.0 7/2 M
Description: Maximum frequency in Hz permissible for a semi-servo
This MD is only effective for a semi-servo solution

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

31400 STEP_RESOL EXP, A01 G2

- Steps per motor revolution (semi servo) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 10000 100 100000 1/1 M
808d-me62 1 1000 100 100000 7/2 M
808d-te42 1 10000 100 100000 1/1 M
808d-te62 1 1000 100 100000 7/2 M
808d-mte40 1 10000 100 100000 1/1 M
808d-mte60 1 1000 100 100000 7/2 M
Description: Steps per motor revolution (semi servo)

31600 TRACE_VDI_AX EXP, N06 -

- Trace-specification for axial VDI signals BOOLEAN PowerOn
- - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: This machine data determines whether the axial VDI signals for this axis are recorded
in the NCSC trace (according to MD18794 $MN_MM_TRACE_VDI_SIGNAL).

32000 MAX_AX_VELO A11, A04 M3, TE1, TE3, W6, Z3, H1, K3,
M1, P2, A3, B2, G2, H2, S1, V1,
mm/min, rev/min Maximum axis velocity DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 10000., 10000., (1e-9/ 1e-9) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000.
808d-me62 - 10000., 10000., (1e-9/ 1e-9) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000., 36000.
808d-te42 - 10000., 10000., (1e-9/ 1e-9) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000.
808d-te62 - 10000., 10000., (1e-9/ 1e-9) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000.,
36000., 36000.
808d-mte40 - (10000./3000), (1e-9/ 1e-9) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
(10000./3000), (100...
808d-mte60 - (10000./3000), (1e-9/ 1e-9) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
(10000./3000), (100...
Description: Maximum velocity at which the axis can permanently travel. The value limits both the
positive and the negative axis velocity. The axis traverses at this velocity, if rapid
traverse has been programmed.
Depending on the MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX, the maximum rotary or linear axis velocity has
to be entered.
In the machine data, the dynamic behavior of the machine and drive and the limit
frequency of the actual value acquisition must be taken into account.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

32010 JOG_VELO_RAPID A11, A04 H1

mm/min, rev/min Rapid traverse in jog mode DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000.
808d-me62 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000., 36000.
808d-te42 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000.
808d-te62 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 36000.,
36000., 36000.
808d-mte40 - (10000./100), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - (10000./100), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
Description: The axis velocity entered applies when the rapid traverse override key is pressed in
JOG mode and when the axial feedrate override is set to 100%.
The value entered must not exceed the maximum permissible axis velocity (MD32000
This machine data is not used for the programmed rapid traverse G0.
MD irrelevant to:
Operating modes AUTOMATIC and MDI
Related to:
MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)
(revolutional feedrate for JOG with rapid traverse override)
NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX1000.5,1004.5,1008.5 (Rapid traverse override)
NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX4 (Feedrate override A-H)

32020 JOG_VELO A11, A04 H1

mm/min, rev/min Jog axis velocity DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 2000., 2000., 2000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 2000., 2000., 2000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
36000., 36000.
808d-te42 - 2000., 2000., 2000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 2000., 2000., 2000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
36000., 36000., 36000.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-mte40 - (2000./30), (2000./30), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M

(2000./30), (2000./30),
(2000./30), (200...
808d-mte60 - (2000./30), (2000./30), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
(2000./30), (2000./30),
(2000./30), (200...
Description: The velocity entered applies to traversing in JOG mode when the axial feedrate
override switch position is 100%.
This velocity is only used when general SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO = 0 for linear axes,
and linear feedrate is selected (SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE = 0) or SD41130
$SN_JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO = 0 for rotary axes.
If this is the case, the axis velocity is active for
● continuous jogging
● incremental jogging (INC1, ... INCvar)
● handwheel jogging
The value entered must not exceed the maximum permissible axis velocity (MD32000
If DRF is active, the axis velocity for JOG must be reduced with MD32090
Spindles in JOG mode:
This machine data can also be used to define the JOG mode speed for specific spindles
(if SD41200 $SN_JOG_SPIND_SET_VELO = 0). However, the speed can be modified with the
spindle override switch.
Related to:
(maximum axis velocity)
(revolutional feedrate for JOG)
(ratio of JOG velocity to handwheel velocity (DRF))
(JOG velocity for G94)
(JOG velocity for rotary axes)
NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX4 (Feedrate override A-H)

32040 JOG_REV_VELO_RAPID A11, A04 H1, P2, R2, T1, V1, Z1

mm/rev Revolutional feedrate in JOG with rapid traverse override DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 0.0 - 1/1 M
2.5, 2.5, 2.5...
808d-mte60 - 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 0.0 - 1/1 M
2.5, 2.5, 2.5...
Description: The value entered defines the revolutional feedrate of the axis in JOG mode with rapid
traverse override in relation to the revolutions of the master spindle. This feedrate
is active when SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE = 1. (Revolutional feedrate active with

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

MD irrelevant for:
Related to:
SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional feedrate with JOG active)
MD32050 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO (revolutional feedrate with JOG)

32050 JOG_REV_VELO A11, A04 H1, P2, R2, T1, V1, Z1

mm/rev Revolutional feedrate in JOG DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0 - 1/1 M
0.5, 0.5, 0.5...
808d-mte60 - 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0 - 1/1 M
0.5, 0.5, 0.5...
Description: The value entered defines the revolutional feedrate of the axis in JOG mode in relation
to the revolutions of the master spindle.
This feedrate is active when SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE= 1 (revolutional feedrate
active with JOG).
MD irrelevant for:
Linear feedrate; i.e. SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE = 0
Related to:
(revolutional feedrate for JOG active)
(JOG revolutional feedrate with rapid traverse override)

32060 POS_AX_VELO A12, A04 H1, P2, K1, V1, 2.4, 6.2
mm/min, rev/min Initial setting for positioning axis velocity DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
10000., 36000.
808d-me62 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
10000., 36000., 36000.
808d-te42 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
10000., 36000.
808d-te62 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
10000., 36000.,
36000., 36000.
808d-mte40 - (10000./30), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - (10000./30), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: If a positioning axis is programmed in the part program without specifying the axis-
specific feedrate, the feedrate entered in MD32060 $MA_POS_AX_VELO is automatically
used for this axis. The feedrate in MD32060 $MA_POS_AX_VELO applies until an axis-
specific feedrate is programmed in the part program for this positioning axis.
MD irrelevant for:
MD32060 $MA_POS_AX_VELO is irrelevant for all axis types other than positioning axis.
Special cases:
If a ZERO velocity is entered in MD32060 $MA_POS_AX_VELO, the positioning axis does
not traverse if it is programmed without feed. If a velocity is entered in MD32060
$MA_POS_AX_VELO that is higher than the maximum velocity of the axis (MD32000
$MA_MAX_AX_VELO), the velocity is automatically restricted to the maximum rate.


mm, degrees Limitation of selected increment DOUBLE Reset
- - 0.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: > 0: Limitation of size of selected increment MD11330 $MN_JOG_INCR_SIZE <Increment/
VDI signal>Ü or SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE for the associated machine axis
0: No limitation


mm/min, rev/min Limitation for velocity override DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 500., 500., 500., 1800. (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 500., 500., 500., 1800., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 500., 500., 500., 1800. (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 500., 500., 500., 1800., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
1800., 1800.
808d-mte40 - (500.0/1.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - (500.0/1.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 1/1 M
Description: For the velocity override of positioning axes:
>0: Limitation of size of selected increment $MN_JOG_INCR_SIZEL<Increment/VDI
signal> 0 or SD41010 $SN_JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE for the associated machine axis
0: No limitation


- Handwheel travel behavior DWORD Reset
- - 0x10FF 0 0x17FF 1/1 M
Description: Definition of the response of the handwheel travel to axis-specific VDI interface
signals or the CP-SW limit stop or a stop from an OEM application:
Bit = 0:
Interruption or collection of the distances preset via the handwheel.
Bit = 1:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Cancelation of the traversing motion or no collection.

Bit assignment:
Bit 0: feedrate override
Bit 1: spindle speed override
Bit 2: feedrate stop/spindle stop or CP-SW limit stop or stop from an OEM
Bit 3: clamping procedure running (= 0 no effect)
Bit 4: servo enable
Bit 5: pulse enable
For machine axis:
Bit 6 = 0
For handwheel travel, the maximum velocity at which the relevant machine axis can be
traversed is the feedrate set in MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO.
Bit 6 = 1
For handwheel travel, the maximum velocity at which the relevant machine axis can be
traversed is the feedrate set in MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO.
Bit 7 = 0
The override is active in handwheel travel.
Bit 7 = 1
The override is always assumed to be 100% for handwheel travel, regardless of how the
override switch is set.
Exception: override 0% is always active.
Bit 8 = 0
The override is active with DRF
Bit 8 = 1
The override is always assumed to be 100% for DRF, regardless of how the override
switch is set.
Exception: override 0% is always active.
Bit 9 = 0
For handwheel travel, the maximum possible velocity with revolutional feedrate is
- with the feedrate in SD41120 $SN_JOG_REV_SET_VELO or
- the feedrate in MD32050 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO or
- in the case of rapid traverse with MD32040 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO_RAPID
of the relevant machine axis calculated with the spindle or rotary axis feedrate.
Bit 9 = 1
For handwheel travel, the maximum possible velocity is with the revolutional feedrate
in MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO of the relevant machine axis. (see also bit 6)
Bit 10 = 0
For overlaid motions, $AA_OVR is not active.
Bit 10 = 1
For overlaid motions (DRF, $AA_OFF, external work offset, online tool offset), the
override $AA_OVR settable via synchronized actions is active.
Bit 11 = 0
With the VDI interface signal DB390x DBX4001.5 (Drive Ready) missing, paths defined by
the handwheel are not collected, but a traversing request is displayed. Start of a
continuous JOG motion in continuous mode (MD41050 $SN_JOG_CONT_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD 41050
= 0) or an incremental JOG motion in continuous mode (MS11300
$MN_JOG_INC_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD 11300 = 0) is displayed as a traversing request. With
"driveReady" = 1, however, the tool is not traversed, but the procedure is canceled
and must be started again.
Bit 11 = 1

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

With the VDI interface DB390x DBX4001.5 (Drive Ready) missing, the paths defined by
the handwheel are collected. Start of a continuous JOG motion in continuous mode
(MD41050 $SN_JOG_CONT_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD 41050 = 0) or an incremental JOG motion in
continuous mode (MS11300 $MN_JOG_INC_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD 11300 = 0) is displayed and
saved as a traversing request. With "driveReady" = 1 the traversing motion is
started. |
Bit 12 = 0
Interruption or collection of the distances preset via the handwheel with safe
operational stop.
Bit 12 = 1
Cancelation of the traversing motion or no collection with safe operational stop.


- Ratio of JOG velocity to handwheel velocity (DRF) DOUBLE Reset
- - 0.5 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: The velocity active with the handwheel in DRF can be reduced from the JOG velocity with
this machine data.
The following applies to linear axes for the velocity active with DRF:
or when SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO = 0:
The velocity setting in SD41130 $SN_JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO applies for DRF on rotary axes
instead of the value in SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO.
MD irrelevant for:
JOG handwheel
Related to:
MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (JOG axis velocity)
SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for G94)
SD41130 $SN_JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for rotary axes)

32100 AX_MOTION_DIR A07, A03, A11 G1, TE3, G2

- Traversing direction (not control direction) DWORD PowerOn
- - 1 -1 1 2/2 M
Description: The direction of movement of the machine can be reversed with this MD.
The control direction is, however, not destroyed; i.e. closed-loop control remains
-1: Direction reversal
0, 1: No direction reversal

32110 ENC_FEEDBACK_POL A07, A02, A11 G2

- Sign actual value (control direction) DWORD PowerOn
- 1 1, 1 -1 1 2/2 M
Description: The evalution direction of the shaft encoder signals is entered in the MD.
-1: Actual value reversal
0, 1: No actual value reversal
The index[n] of the machine data is encoded as follows:
[Encoder no.]: 0 or 1
Special cases:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

The axis can run off if an incorrect control direction is entered.

Depending on the setting of the corresponding limit values, one of the following
alarms is displayed:
Alarm 25040 "Standstill monitoring"
Alarm 25050 "Contour monitoring"
Alarm 25060 "Speed setpoint limitation"
If an uncontrolled setpoint step change occurs on connection of a drive, the control
direction might be incorrect.
In the case of SINAMICS drives, we recommend that the direction of motion is reversed
in the drive (see P410).
This is obligatory if you are using DSC (see also MD32640

32200 POSCTRL_GAIN A07, A11 G1, TE1, TE9, K3, S3, A2, A3,
D1, G2, S1, V1
1000/min Servo gain factor DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 6 16.66666667, 0 2000. 7/2 M
808d-me62 6 33.33333334, 0 2000. 7/2 M
808d-te42 6 16.66666667, 0 2000. 7/2 M
808d-te62 6 16.66666667, 0 2000. 7/2 M
808d-mte40 6 16.66666667, 0 2000. 7/2 M
808d-mte60 6 16.66666667, 0 2000. 7/2 M
Description: Position controller gain, or servo gain factor.
The input/output unit for the user is [ (m/min)/mm].
I.e. MD32200 $MA_POSCTRL_GAIN[n] = 1 corresponds to a 1 mm following error at V = 1m/
If the value "0" is entered the position controller is opened.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

When entering the servo gain factor it is important to take into account that the gain
factor of the whole position control loop is still dependent on other parameters of
the controlled system. A distinction should be made between a "desired servo gain
factor" (MD32200 $MA_POSCTRL_GAIN) and an "actual servo gain factor" (produced by the
machine). Only when all the parameters of the control loop are matched will these servo
gain factors be the same.
Other factors are:
● Speed setpoint adjustment (MD32260 $MA_RATED_VELO, MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL)
or automatic speed setpoint interface adjustment (with MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL = 0
● Correct actual value recording of the position encoder (no. of encoder marks, high
resolution, encoder mounting location, gear etc.)
● Correct actual speed recording on the drive (standardization, possibly tacho
compensation, tacho generator)
Axes which interpolate together and are to perform a machining operation, must either
have the same gain setting (i.e. have the identical following error = 45° slope at the
same velocity) or they must be matched via MD32910 $MA_DYN_MATCH_TIME.
The actual servo gain factor can be checked by means of the following error (in the
service display).
In the case of analog axes, a drift compensation must be performed prior to the control.
The index [n] of the machine data has the following coding:
[control parameter set no.]: 0-5

32250 RATED_OUTVAL A01, A11 A3, D1, G2

% Rated output voltage DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 1 100.0 0.0 100 1/1 M
808d-me62 1 0.0 0.0 200 1/1 M
808d-te42 1 100.0 0.0 100 1/1 M
808d-te62 1 0.0 0.0 200 1/1 M
808d-mte40 1 100.0 0.0 100 1/1 M
808d-mte60 1 0.0 0.0 200 1/1 M
Description: a.)
Scaling of the manipulated variable with analog drives:
The value of the speed setpoint in percent is to be entered in this MD, in relation to
the maximum speed setpoint at which the motor speed specified in MD32260
$MA_RATED_VELO[n] is reached.
Related to:
MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL[n] only makes sense in combination with MD32260
1. At a voltage of 5V, the drive reaches a speed of
1875 rpm ==> RATED_OUTVAL = 50%, RATED_VELO = 11250 [degrees/s]
2. At a voltage of 8V, the drive reaches a speed of
3000 rpm ==> RATED_OUTVAL = 80%, RATED_VELO = 18000 [degrees/s]
3. At a voltage of 1.5V, the drive reaches a speed of
562.5 rpm ==> RATED_OUTVAL = 15%, RATED_VELO = 3375 [degrees/s]
All three examples are possible for one and the same drive/converter. The ratio of the
two values is decisive; it is the same in all three examples.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL and MD32260 $MA_RATED_VELO describe physical characteristics

of converter and drive; they can therefore only be determined by means of a measurement
or commissioning instructions (converter, drive).
Scaling of the manipulated variable with digital PROFIdrive drives:
Default value "0" declares MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL and MD32260 $MA_RATED_VELO as
invalid. Scaling of the manipulated variable is automatically determined and adjusted
from the drive parameters instead.
Otherwise (MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL unequal to zero), the scaling of the manipulated
variable is not determined from the drive (for example non-Siemens PROFIdrive drives),
but set with RATED_VELO and RATED_OUTVAL, even in the case of these, irrespective of
the scaling active on the drive side. In this case, the following applies:
Scaling of the manipulated variable on the drive = RATED_VELO / RATED_OUTVAL
Further scalings from drive parameters, such as torque scaling, are not active if
MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL is not equal to zero, the values based on it remain zero.
In the case of simultaneous operation of analog and PROFIdrive drives, the settings
for the analog axes must be adjusted as described in a.).

32260 RATED_VELO A01, A11 A3, D1, G2

rev/min Rated motor speed DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 1 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 1 3000.0, 3000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0...
808d-te42 1 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 1 3000.0, 3000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0...
808d-mte40 1 3000.0, 3000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0...
808d-mte60 1 3000.0, 3000.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0,
3000.0, 3000.0...
Description: Only applies when:
MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL is set greater than 0.
The drive speed (scaled on the drive) that is reached with the percentual speed
setpoint specified in MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL[n] must be entered in the MD.
Related to:
MD32260 $MA_RATED_VELO[n] only makes sense in combination with MD32250

32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL A11, A04 M3, TE6, Z3, H1, K3, M1, A3,
B1, B2, K1, V1, 2.4
m/s², rev/s² Maximum axis acceleration DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-me62 5 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M

2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0,
2.0, 2.0, 2.0,...
808d-te42 5 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
808d-te62 5 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0,
2.0, 2.0, 2.0,...
808d-mte40 5 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
808d-mte60 5 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
Description: Maximum acceleration, i.e. change in setpoint velocity, which is to act upon the axis.
The value limits both positive and negative axis acceleration.
The maximum angular or linear axis acceleration must be entered dependent on machine
data MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX.
In the case of linear interpolation of the axes in a grouping, the grouping is limited
in such a way that no axis is overloaded. With regard to contour accuracy, the control
dynamic behavior has to be taken into account.
Not relevant for error states that lead to quick stop.
Each field element corresponds to a G code in the 59th G code group.
Related to:


- Overload factor for axial velocity steps DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 5 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: The overload factor limits the velocity jump of the machine axis on block transition.
The value entered is related to the value of MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL (axis
acceleration) and states by how much the maximum acceleration can be exceeded for one
IPO cycle.
Related to:
MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL (axis acceleration)
Each field element corresponds to a G code in the 59th G group.

32400 AX_JERK_ENABLE A07, A04 B2

- Axial jerk limitation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
- - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: Enables the function of an axial jerk limitation.
The limitation is set via a time constant; it is always active.
The limitation works independently of the limitations "path-related maximum jerk",
"knee-shaped acceleration characteristic" and the axial jerk limitation of the axes
that are operated in JOG mode or positioning axis mode.
Related to:
MD32410 $MA_AX_JERK_TIME (time constant for axial jerk limitation)

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

32402 AX_JERK_MODE A07, A04 B2, G2, B3

- Filter type for axial jerk limitation BYTE PowerOn
- - 2 2 2 1/1 M
Description: Filter type for axial jerk limitation:
1: 2nd order filter (as in SW 1 through 4)
2: Moving averaging (SW 5 and higher)
3: Bandstop filter (SW 6 and higher)
Type 2 requires more computing time, but causes smaller contour errors for the same
smoothing effect, or smoother movements at the same accuracy.
Type 2 is recommended; type 1 is set as a default value for reasons of compatibility.
The maximum jerk is set in the time constant MD32410 $MA_AX_JERK_TIME.
Recommended values for type 1:
Min. 0.03 s; max. 0.06s.
Recommended values for type 2:
Min. 1 position-control cycle; max. 16 position-control cycles
At a position-control cycle of 2ms, this corresponds to 0.002 to 0.032 seconds.
Type 3 requires the setting of
To parameterize a simple bandstop filter, we recommend setting MD32410
However, MD32410 $MA_AX_JERK_TIME > 0 is used to set a specific denominator frequency,
which makes it possible to implement a bandstop filter with amplitude increase for
frequencies beyond the blocking frequency.
MD32402 $MA_AX_JERK_MODE is only active if MD32400 $MA_AX_JERK_ENABLE has been set to
Special cases, errors:
The machine data must be same for all axes of an axis container.
Related to:
and for type 3:

32410 AX_JERK_TIME A07, A04 G1, TE1, S3, B2, G2

s Time constant for axial jerk filter DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.001 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: Time constant of the axial jerk filter which causes a smoother axis setpoint
characteristic. The jerk filter will only be active, if the time constant is higher
than a position control cycle.
Not active in case of errors that cause a change in follow-up mode (for example
Special cases:
Machine axes that are supposed to be interpolating with one another, must have the same
effective jerk filtering (for example the same time constant for tapping without
compensating chuck).
Related to:
MD32400 $MA_AX_JERK_ENABLE (axial jerk limitation)

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

32415 EQUIV_CPREC_TIME A07, A04 MD32410

s Time constant for the programmable contour accuracy DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0 - - 1/1 M
Description: The data states the jerk filter time constant at which the contour error with active
feedforward control is negligibly small.

32420 JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE A04 G1, H1, P2, S3, B2

- Default setting of axis jerk limitation BOOLEAN Reset
- - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: Enables the function of the axis-specific jerk limitation for the operating modes JOG,
REF and positioning axis mode.
1: Axial jerk limitation for JOG mode and positioning axis mode
0: No jerk limitation for JOG mode and positioning axis mode
The maximum jerk occurring is defined in MD32430 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK.
Related to:
MD32430 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK (axial jerk)

32430 JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK A04 G1, P2, S3, B2

m/s³, rev/s³ Axial jerk DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 20, 20, 20, 20 1.e-9 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 1.e-9 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 20, 20, 20, 20 1.e-9 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 100, 100, 100, 100, 1.e-9 - 2/2 M
100, 100
808d-mte40 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 1.e-9 - 2/2 M
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
808d-mte60 - 1000.0, 1000.0, 1.e-9 - 2/2 M
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0,
1000.0, 1000.0...
Description: The jerk limit value limits the rate of change of axis acceleration in JOG and REF
modes as well as in positioning axis mode with MD18960 $MN_POS_DYN_MODE=0.
The setting and time calculation are made as for MD20600 $MC_MAX_PATH_JERK (path-
related maximum jerk).
Not relevant for:
● Path interpolation
● Error states that lead to quick stop.
Related to:
MD32420 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE (initial setting of axial jerk limitation)

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

32431 MAX_AX_JERK A04 B1, B2

m/s³, rev/s³ Maximum axial jerk for path movement DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 20., 20., 40., 20., 20., 1.e-9 - 3/3 I
20., 20., 40., 20., 20.,
20., 20., 40.,...
808d-me62 5 40., 40., 40., 20., 20., 1.e-9 - 3/3 I
40., 40., 40., 20., 20.,
40., 40., 40.,...
808d-te42 5 20., 20., 40., 20., 20., 1.e-9 - 3/3 I
20., 20., 40., 20., 20.,
20., 20., 40.,...
808d-te62 5 40., 40., 40., 20., 20., 1.e-9 - 3/3 I
40., 40., 40., 20., 20.,
40., 40., 40.,...
808d-mte40 5 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e-9 - 3/3 I
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6,
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6...
808d-mte60 5 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e-9 - 3/3 I
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6,
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6...
Description: Maximum axial jerk for path motion
Each field element corresponds to a G code in the 59th G code group.


m/s³, rev/s³ Maximum axial jerk at block transition in continuous-path mode DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 5 20., 20., 40., 20., 20., 0.0 - 3/3 I
20., 20., 40., 20., 20.,
20., 20., 40.,...
808d-me62 5 40., 40., 40., 20., 20., 0.0 - 3/3 I
40., 40., 40., 20., 20.,
40., 40., 40.,...
808d-te42 5 20., 20., 40., 20., 20., 0.0 - 3/3 I
20., 20., 40., 20., 20.,
20., 20., 40.,...
808d-te62 5 40., 40., 40., 20., 20., 0.0 - 3/3 I
40., 40., 40., 20., 20.,
40., 40., 40.,...
808d-mte40 5 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 0.0 - 3/3 I
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6,
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6...
808d-mte60 5 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 0.0 - 3/3 I
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6,
1.e6, 1.e6, 1.e6...
Description: The control limits the jerk (acceleration jump) at a block transition between contour
sections of different curvature to the value set with active jerk limitation.
Not relevant for:
Exact stop
There is an entry for each G code from the 59th G code group (dynamic G code group).
Related to:
Path control, SOFT type of acceleration

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data


- Scaling of acceleration limitation with SOFT DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 5 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. 1e-9 - 1/1 I
Description: Scaling of acceleration limitation with SOFT.
Relevant axial acceleration limitation for SOFT =:
(MD32433 $MA_SOFT_ACCEL_FACTOR[..] * MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL[..])
Each field element corresponds to a G code in the 59th G code group.

32434 G00_ACCEL_FACTOR A04 TE9, B1, B2

- Scaling of acceleration limitation with G00. DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1. 1e-9 - 1/1 I
Description: Scaling of the acceleration limitation with G00.
Relevant axial acceleration limitation for G00 =:
(MD32433 $MA_G00_ACCEL_FACTOR[..] * MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL[..])

32435 G00_JERK_FACTOR A04 B1, B2

- Scaling of jerk limitation with G00. DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1. 1e-9 - 1/1 I
Description: Scaling of the jerk limitation with G00.
Relevant axial jerk limitation for G00 =:
(MD32435 $MA_G00_JERK_FACTOR[..] * MD32431 $MA_MAX_AX_JERK[..])

32450 BACKLASH A09 K3, G2

mm, degrees Backlash DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 2/2 I
Description: Backlash on reversal between positive and negative travel directions.
Input of the compensation value is
● positive, if the encoder is leading the machine part (normal situation)
● negative, if the encoder is behind the machine part.
Backlash compensation is not active when 0 is entered.
Backlash compensation is always active after reference point approach in all operating
Special cases:
A specific backlash on reversal must be entered for each measuring system.
Related to:
MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS (number of measuring systems)
(Maximum tolerance at actual position value change)

32452 BACKLASH_FACTOR A09 K3, G2, S1, V1

- Evaluation factor for backlash DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.01 100.0 1/1 I

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: Evaluation factor for backlash.

The machine data enables the backlash defined in MD32450 $MA_BACKLASH to be changed as
a function of the parameter set, in order to take a gear stage dependent backlash into
account, for example.
Related to:


- Backlash compensation mode BYTE NEW CONF
- 1 0, 0 0 0x3 2/2 I
Description: Bit 0 = 0:
The backlash compensation value is not restored at Power On.
Bit 0 = 1:
The backlash compensation value is restored at Power On.
Bit 1 = 0:
The backlash compensation responds to other compensation movements (temperature
compensation, sag and angularity error compensation).
Bit 1 = 1:
The backlash compensation does not respond to other compensation movements
(temperature compensation, sag and angularity error compensation).

32456 BACKLASH_DYN A09 -

mm, degrees Compensation value of dynamic backlash compensation DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 2 0.0, 0.0 - - 1/1 I
Description: Compensation value for dynamic backlash compensation value
The entry of the compensation value is
● positive if the encoder leading the machine part (normal case)
● negative if the encoder is following the machine part.
Backlash compensation becomes ineffective if 0 is entered.
The dynamic backlash compensation can only be activated after the reference point
approach. Activation takes place via PLC user interface signals.
Special cases:
A separate compensation value must be entered for each measuring system.
Corresponds to:
(limitation of the compensation value change)
(maximum axis velocity)
(number of measuring systems)
MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS (number of measuring systems)


% Limitation of dynamic backlash compensation value change DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1.0 - - 1/1 I

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: Relative velocity at which a dynamic backlash compensation value is retracted.

Limitation of compensation value change. This is entered as percentage of MD32000
Corresponds to:
(compensation value of dynamic backlash compensation)
(maximum axis velocity)


- Type of friction compensation BYTE PowerOn
- 1 1 0 4 2/2 I
Description: 0: No friction compensation
1: Friction compensation with constant injected value or adaptive characteristic
2: Friction compensation with learned characteristic via neural network
3: Friction compensation with adaptive characteristics, injection time depends on
velocity setpoint
4: Friction compensation with adaptive characteristics, injection time depends on
position controller output
Not relevant for:
Modes 1 and 2 related to:
Modes 3 and 4 related to:


- Friction compensation active BOOLEAN NEW CONF
- - FALSE 0 - 2/2 I
Description: 1: Friction compensation is enabled for this axis.
The corresponding friction compensation is active as function of the setting of
In the case of neural QEC, the machine data should not be set to "1" until a valid
characteristic has been "learnt".
During the learning stage, the compensation values are added on independently of the
contents of this machine data.
0: Friction compensation is not enabled for this axis.
Thus, no friction compensation values are entered.
Related to:


- Adaptation friction compensation active BOOLEAN NEW CONF
- 1 FALSE 0 - 2/2 I
Description: 1: Friction compensation with amplitude adaptation is enabled for the axis. Quadrant
errors on circular contours can be compensated with friction compensation.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

The amplitude of the friction compensation value required to be added on is frequently

not constant over the entire acceleration range. That is, a lower compensation value
needs to be entered for optimum friction compensation for higher accelerations than
for lower accelerations.
The parameters of the adaptation curve have to be determined, and entered in the
machine data.
0: Friction compensation with amplitude adaptation is not enabled for the axis.
MD irrelevant for:
Related to:
Friction compensation active
Maximum friction compensation value
Minimum friction compensation value
Adaptation acceleration value 1
Adaptation acceleration value 2
Adaptation acceleration value 3
Friction compensation time constant


mm/min, rev/min Maximum friction compensation value DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 - - 2/2 I
Description: If adaptation is inactive (MD32510 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE=0), the maximum
friction compensation is applied throughout the entire acceleration range.
If adaptation is active (MD32510 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE=1), the maximum friction
compensation is applied in accordance with the adaptation curve.
In the 1st acceleration range ( a < MD32550), the switching amplitude =
MD32520 * (a/MD32550).
In the 2nd acceleration range (MD32550 <= a <= MD32560), the switching amplitude =
In the 3rd acceleration range (MD32560 < a < MD32570), the switching amplitude =
MD32520 + (MD32530-MD32520)/(MD32570-MD32560) * (a - MD32560).
In the 4th acceleration range (MD32570 <= a ), the switching amplitude =
Not relevant for:
MD32490 $MA_FRICT_COMP_MODE = 2 (neural QEC)
Related to:
Friction compensation active
Friction compensation adaptation active

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Minimum friction compensation value

Adaptation acceleration value 1
Adaptation acceleration value 2
Adaptation acceleration value 3
Friction compensation time constant


mm/min, rev/min Minimum friction compensation value DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 - - 2/2 I
Description: The minimum friction compensation value is active only if "Friction compensation with
adaptation" (MD32510 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE=1) is active.
The amplitude of the friction compensation value is entered in the 4th acceleration
range (MD32570 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ACCEL3 <= a).
MD irrelevant for:
MD32490 $MA_FRICT_COMP_MODE = 2 (neural QEC)
Special cases:
In special cases, the value for FRICT_COMP_CONST_MIN may be even higher than for
Related to:
Friction compensation active
Friction compensation adaptation active
Maximum friction compensation value
Adaptation acceleration value 1
Adaptation acceleration value 2
Adaptation acceleration value 3
Friction compensation time constant


s Friction compensation time constant DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.015 0.0 - 2/2 I
Description: The friction compensation value is entered via a DT1 filter.
The add-on amplitude decays in accordance with the time constant.
MD irrelevant for:
Related to:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Friction compensation active
Maximum friction compensation value


m/s², rev/s² Adaptation acceleration value 1 DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 0.0 - 2/2 I
Description: The adaptation acceleration value is only required if "Friction compensation with
adaptation" (MD32510=1) is active.
The adaptation acceleration values 1 to 3 are interpolation points for defining the
adaptation curve. The adaptation curve is subdivided into 4 ranges, in each of which
a different friction compensation value applies.
For the 1st range (a < MD32550), the add-on amplitude = a * MD32520/ MD32550
MD irrelevant for:
Related to:
Friction compensation active
Friction compensation adaptation active
Maximum friction compensation value
Minimum friction compensation value
Adaptation acceleration value 2
Adaptation acceleration value 3
Friction compensation time constant


m/s², rev/s² Adaptation acceleration value 2 DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 0.0 - 2/2 I
Description: The adaptation acceleration value is only required if "Friction compensation with
adaptation" (MD32510 $MA_FRICT_COMP_ADAPT_ENABLE=1) is active.
Adaptation acceleration values 1 to 3 are interpolation points for defining the
adaptation curve. The adaptation curve is subdivided into 4 ranges, in each of which
a different friction compensation value applies.
In the 1st acceleration range ( a < MD32550), the switching amplitude =
MD32520 * (a/MD32550).
In the 2nd acceleration range (MD32550 <= a <= MD32560), the switching amplitude =
In the 3rd acceleration range (MD32560 < a < MD32570), the switching amplitude =
MD32520 + (MD32530-MD32520)/(MD32570-MD32560) * (a - MD32560).
In the 4th acceleration range (MD32570 <= a ), the switching amplitude =

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Not relevant for:

Related to:
Friction compensation active
Friction compensation adaptation active
Maximum friction compensation value
Minimum friction compensation value
Adaptation acceleration value 1
Adaptation acceleration value 3
Friction compensation time constant


m/s², rev/s² Adaptation acceleration value 3 DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 0.0 - 2/2 I
Description: The adaptation acceleration value is only required if "Friction compensation with
adaptation" (MD32510=1) is active.
Adaptation acceleration values 1 to 3 are interpolation points for defining the
adaptation curve. The adaptation curve is subdivided into 4 ranges, in each of which
a different friction compensation value applies.
In the 1st acceleration range ( a < MD32550), the switching amplitude =
MD32520 * (a/MD32550).
In the 2nd acceleration range (MD32550 <= a <= MD32560), the switching amplitude =
In the 3rd acceleration range (MD32560 < a < MD32570), the switching amplitude =
MD32520 + (MD32530-MD32520)/(MD32570-MD32560) * (a - MD32560).
In the 4th acceleration range (MD32570 <= a ), the switching amplitude =
Not relevant for:
Related to:
Friction compensation active
Friction compensation adaptation active
Maximum friction compensation value
Minimum friction compensation value
Adaptation acceleration value 1

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Adaptation acceleration value 2
Friction compensation time constant

32620 FFW_MODE A07, A09 G1, K3, S3, G2, S1

- Feedforward control mode BYTE Reset
- - 3 0 4 1/1 M
Description: FFW_MODE defines the feedforward control mode to be applied on an axis-specific basis:
0 = No feedforward control
1 = Speed feedforward control with PT1 balancing
2 = Torque feedforward control (only for SINAMICS) with PT1 balancing
3 = Speed feedforward control with Tt balancing
4 = Torque feedforward control (only for SINAMICS) with Tt balancing
The high-level language instructions FFWON and FFWOF are used to activate and
deactivate feedforward control for specific channels on all axes.
To prevent feedforward control from being affected by these instructions on individual
axes, you can define that it is always activated or always deactivated in machine data
If a feedforward control mode is selected (speed or torque feedforward control),
MD32630 $MA_FFW_ACTIVATION_MODE can be used to program in addition whether feedforward
control can be activated or deactivated by the part program.
Note for SINAMICS drives with torque feedforward control selected:
Alarm 26016 refers to the current machine data if
the telegram used (see MD13060 $MN_DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE) does not support the torque
feedforward control function. Remedy: Use telegram 136.
Related to:


- Activate feedforward control from program BYTE Reset
808d-me42 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 2 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 2 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 2 7/2 M
Description: MD32630 $FFW_ACTIVATION_MODE can be used to define whether the feedforward control for
this axis/spindle can be switched on and off by the part program.
0 = The feedforward control cannot be switched on or off by the high-level language
elements FFWON and FFWOF respectively.
For the axis/spindle, the state specified by MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE is therefore always
1 = The feedforward control can be switched on and off by the part program with
FFWON and FFWOF respectively.
The instruction FFWON/FFWOF becomes active immediately

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

2 = The feedforward control can be switched on and off by the part program with
FFWON and FFWOF respectively.
The instruction FFWON/FFWOF does not become active until the next axis standstill
The default setting is specified by the channel-specific MD20150
$MC_GCODE_RESET_VALUES. This setting is valid even before the first NC block is
The last valid state continues to be active even after Reset (and therefore also with
As the feedforward control of all axes of the channel is switched on and off by FFWON
and FFWOF respectively, MD32630 $MA_FFW_ACTIVATION_MODE should be set identically for
axes interpolating with one naother.
Switching feedforward control on or off while the axis/spindle is traversing may cause
compensation operations in the control loop. Interpolating axes are therefore stopped
by the part program if such switching operations occur (internal stop Stop G09 is
Related to:


- Dynamic stiffness control BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 1 FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 1 FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 1 FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
Description: Activate dynamic stiffness control, if bit is set.
Higher servo gain factors are possible if stiffness control is active (MD32200
The availability of this function is determined by the drive used (the drive has to
support the DSC function).
Note on PROFIdrive drives:
Alarm 26017 refers to this machine data if:
a. The PROFIdrive telegram used (see MD13060 $MN_DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE) does not
support the DSC function or does not contain an encoder 1 (such as Tel. 118), to which
the DSC scaling for PZD XERR refers. Remedy: Use a sufficiently powerful telegram
which also includes encoder 1 (e.g. Tel. 106, 116).
b. Specifically for SINAMICS drives, if inversion of the encoder signal is
parameterized in MD32110 $MA_ENC_FEEDBACK_POL=-1 with active DSC. Remedy: Remove
inversion of the encoder signal from MD32110 $MA_ENC_FEEDBACK_POL, and enter it in
SINAMICS parameter P410 instead.


- Dynamic stiffness control configuration (DSC) BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 1 0 0 1 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 0 0 1 1/1 M
808d-te42 1 0 0 1 ReadOnly M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-te62 1 0 0 1 1/1 M
808d-mte40 1 0 0 1 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 0 0 1 7/2 M
Description: Configuration of the dynamic stiffness control (DSC):
0: DSC in drive works with indirect measuring system, i.e. motor measuring system
(default scenario).
1: DSC in drive works with direct measuring system.
The availability of this function is determined by the drive used (the drive must
support the DSC function).
With SINAMICS (P1193 not equal to 0), the value of this machine data must be set to 0.


s Dynamic stiffness control: Delay DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0.0 -0.02 0.02 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 0.0 -0.02 0.02 1/1 M
808d-te42 1 0.0 -0.02 0.02 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 0.0 -0.02 0.02 1/1 M
808d-mte40 1 0.0 -0.02 0.02 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 0.0 -0.02 0.02 7/2 M
Description: Configuration of compensation dead time of the dynamic stiffness control (DSC) with
optimized PROFIBUS/PROFINET cycle, unit: seconds


- Encoder/spindle error compensation. BOOLEAN NEW CONF
- 1 FALSE, FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: 1: LEC (leadscrew error compensation) is activated for the measuring system.
This enables leadscrew and measuring system errors to be compensated.
The function is not enabled internally until the relevant measuring system has been
referenced (NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.4 / .5 (Referenced/synchronized 1 or
2) = 1).
write protect function (compensation values) active.
0: LEC is not active for the axis/measuring system.
Related to:
MD38000 $MA_MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTS number of interpolation points with LEC
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.4 (Referenced/synchronized 1)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.5 (Referenced/synchronized 2)

32710 CEC_ENABLE A09 K3

- Enable of sag compensation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: 1: Sag compensation is enabled for this axis.

Inter-axis machine geometry errors (e.g. sag and angularity errors) can be compensated
with sag compensation.
The function is not activated until the following conditions have been fulfilled:
● The "Interpolatory compensation" option is set
● The associated compensation tables have been loaded into the NC user memory and
enabled (SD41300 $SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[t] = 1)
● The relevant position measuring system is referenced (NC/PLC interface signal
DB390x DBX0.4 / .5 = 1 (Referenced/synchronized 1 or 2)):
0: Sag compensation is not enabled for the compensation axis.
Related to:
Number of interpolation points for sag compensation
Enable evaluation of sag compensation table t
Weighting factor of the sag compensation table t
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.4 / .5
(referenced/synchronized 1 or 2)


- Measuring system of sag compensation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
808d-me42 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - TRUE 0 - 7/2 M
Description: Compensation data exist in:
0: inch system
1: metric system

32720 CEC_MAX_SUM A09 K3

mm, degrees Maximum compensation value for sag compensation DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - - 0 1.0 1/1 M
808d-me62 - - 0 1.0 1/1 M
808d-te42 - - 0 1.0 1/1 M
808d-te62 - - 0 1.0 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 1.0 0 10.0 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1.0 0 10.0 7/2 M
Description: In sag compensation, the absolute value of the total compensation value (sum of
compensation values of all active compensation relations) is monitored axially with
machine data value CEC_MAX_SUM.
If the determined total compensation value is larger than the maximum value, alarm
20124 is triggered. Program processing is not interrupted. The compensation value
output as the additional setpoint is limited to the maximum value.
MD irrelevant to:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

● Backlash compensation
● Temperature compensation
Related to:
Enable sag compensation
Enable evaluation of sag compensation table t
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.4 / .5
(referenced/synchronized 1 or 2)

32730 CEC_MAX_VELO EXP, A09, A04 K3

% Change in velocity at CEC DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 10.0 0 100.0 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 10.0 0 100.0 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 10.0 0 100.0 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 10.0 0 100.0 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 10.0 0 100.0 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 10.0 0 100.0 7/2 M
Description: In sag compensation, modification of the total compensation value (sum of the
compensation values of all active compensation relations) is limited axially. The
maximum change value is defined in this machine data as a percentage of MD32000
$MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity).
If the change in the total compensation value is greater than the maximum value, alarm
20125 is output. Program processing is however continued. The path not covered because
of the limitation is made up as soon as the compensation value is no longer subject to
MD irrelevant to:
● Backlash compensation
● Temperature compensation
Related to:
Enable sag compensation
Maximum axis velocity
Enable evaluation of sag compensation table t
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.4 / .5
(referenced/synchronized 1 or 2)

32750 TEMP_COMP_TYPE A09 K3, W1

- Temperature compensation type BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 0x7 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0 0 0x7 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0 0 0x7 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0 0 0x7 ReadOnly M

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-mte40 - 0 0 0x7 7/2 M

808d-mte60 - 0 0 0x7 7/2 M
Description: The type of temperature compensation applicable to the machine axis is activated in
A distinction is made between the following types:
Bit 0 = 0:
Position-independent temperature compensation not active
Bit 0 = 1:
Position-independent temperature compensation active
Bit 1 = 0:
Position-dependent temperature compensation not active
Bit 1 = 1:
Position-dependent temperature compensation active
Bit 2 = 0:
Temperature compensation not active in tool direction
Bit 2 = 1:
Temperature compensation active in tool direction
Related to:
Position-dependent temperature compensation value
Reference point for position-dependent temperature compensation
Gradient for position-dependent temperature compensation
Excessive velocity due to compensation


- Excessive velocity due to compensation DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.01 0. 0.10 1/1 M
Description: The maximum distance that can be traversed because of temperature compensation in one
IPO cycle can be limited by the axial MD32760 $MA_COMP_ADD_VELO_FACTOR.
If the resulting temperature compensation value is above this maximum, it is traversed
over several IPO cycles. There is no alarm.
The maximum compensation value per IPO cycle is specified as a factor referring to the
maximum axis velocity (MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO).
The maximum gradient of the temperature compensation tanbmax is also limited with this
machine data.
Example of calculation of the maximum gradient tanb(max):
1. Calculation of the interpolator cycle time (see Description of Functions
Velocities, Setpoint/Actual Value Systems, Cycle Times (G2))
Interpolator cycle time = Basic system clock rate * factor for interpolation cycle
Interpolator cycle time = MD10050 $MN_SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME ^ MD10070
MD10050 $MN_SYSCLOCK_CYCLE_TIME = 0.004 [s]
-> Interpolator cycle time = 0.004 * 3 = 0.012 [s]
2. Calculation of the maximum velocity increase resulting from a change made to the
temperature compensation parameter DvTmax

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data


Example: MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO = 10 000 [mm/min]
-> DvTmax = 10 000 * 0.01 = 100 [mm/min]
3. Calculation of the traverse distances per interpolator cycle
S1 (at vmax) = 10 000 x --------- = 2.0 [mm]
ST (at DvTmax) = 100 x --------- = 0.02 [mm]
4. Calculation of tanbmax
ST 0.02
tanbmax = ---- = ------ = 0.01 (corresponds to value for
-> bmax = arc tan 0.01 = 0.57 degrees
With larger values of SD43910 $SA_TEMP_COMP_SLOPE, the maximum gradient (here 0.57
degrees) for the position-dependent temperature compensation value is used internally.
There is no alarm.
Any additional excessive velocity resulting from temperature compensation must be
taken into account when defining the limit value for velocity monitoring (MD36200
MD irrelevant for:
MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE = 0, sag compensation, LEC, backlash compensation
Related to:

32810 EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME A07, A09 G1, K3, S3, A2, A3, G2, S1, V1
s Equiv. time constant speed control loop for feedforward control DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 6 -0.0017, -0.0017, - - 1/1 M
-0.0017, -0.0017,
-0.0017, -0.0017,
-0.0017, -...
808d-me62 6 0.0045, 0.0045, - - 1/1 M
0.0045, 0.0045,
0.0045, 0.0045,
0.0045, 0.0045, ...
808d-te42 6 -0.0017, -0.0017, - - 1/1 M
-0.0017, -0.0017,
-0.0017, -0.0017,
-0.0017, -...
808d-te62 6 0.0045, 0.0045, - - 1/1 M
0.0045, 0.0045,
0.0045, 0.0045,
0.0045, 0.0045, ...

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-mte40 6 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, - - 1/1 M

0.008, 0.008, 0.008,
0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0...
808d-mte60 6 0.008, 0.008, 0.008, - - 1/1 M
0.008, 0.008, 0.008,
0.008, 0.008, 0.008, 0...
Description: This time constant must be equal to the equivalent time constant of the closed current
control loop.
It is used for parameterizing the speed feedforward control and for calculating the
dynamic following error model (contour monitoring).
In addition, this MD determines the time behavior of the closed-loop speed control
circuit for simulated drives (MD30130 $MA_CTRLOUT_TYPE 0).
In order to set the speed feedforward control correctly, the equivalent time constant
of the current control loop must be determined exactly by measuring the step response
of the current control loop.
Closed-loop control free of following errors can be set by inputting negative values
when MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE=3 (but positioning overshoots may then occur).
Delay values taken into account automatically by the software internally are thus
compensated again until the actually active minimum symmetrizing time "0" is reached.
Any other negative input values have no further effect.
Negative values input when MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE=1 are automatically converted
internally to the input value "0", which means that they are not active in this case.
Related to:
MD32620 $MA_FFW_MODE (type of feedfoward control)
MD32610 $MA_VELO_FFW_WEIGHT (moment of inertia for speed feedforward control)
MD36400 $MA_CONTOUR_TOL (tolerance band contour monitoring)

32900 DYN_MATCH_ENABLE A07 G21, S3, G2

- Dynamic response adaptation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
- - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: With dynamic response adaptation, axes with different servo gain factors can be set to
the same following error with MD32910 $MA_DYN_MATCH_TIME.
1: Dynamic response adaptation active.
0: Dynamic response adaptation inactive.
Related to:
(time constant of dyamic response adaptation)

32910 DYN_MATCH_TIME A07 G1, K3, S3, A2, A3, G2, S1, V1
s Time constant of dynamic response adaptation DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: The time constant of the dynamic response adaptation of an axis has to be entered in
this MD.
Axes interpolating with each other but having different dynamic responses can be
adapted to the "slowest" control loop by means of this value.
The difference of the equivalent time constant of the "slowest" control loop to the
individual axis has to be entered here as the time constant of the dynamic response
The MD is only active if MD32900 $MA_DYN_MATCH_ENABLE = 1.
Related to:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

MD32900 $MA_DYN_MATCH_ENABLE (dynamic response adaptation)

33050 LUBRICATION_DIST A03, A10 A2, Z1

mm, degrees Traversing path for lubrication from PLC DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1.0e8 0.0 - 3/3 I
Description: After the traversing path defined in the MD has been covered, the state of the axial
interface signal "Lubrication pulse" is inverted, this can activate an automatic
lubrication device.
The traversing path is summated after Power on.
The "Lubrication pulse" can be used with axes and spindles.
Application example(s):
The machine bed lubrication can be carried out as a function of the relevant traversed
When 0 is entered, the NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX1002.0 (Lubrication pulse) is
set in every cycle.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX1002.0 (Lubrication pulse)

33100 COMPRESS_POS_TOL A10 F2, B1, K1

mm, degrees Maximum deviation during compression DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.1 1.e-9 - 1/1 I
808d-me62 - 0.1 1.e-9 - 3/3 I
808d-te42 - 0.1 1.e-9 - 0/0 I
808d-te62 - 0.1 1.e-9 - 0/0 I
808d-mte40 - 0.1 1.e-9 - 7/7 I
808d-mte60 - 0.1 1.e-9 - 7/7 I
Description: The value specifies the maximum permissible path deviation for each axis with
The higher the value, the more short blocks can be compressed into a long block.
Not relevant for:
Active programmable contour/orientation tolerance (CTOL, OTOL, ATOL)


mm, degrees Maximum deviation for smoothing with G645 DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.005 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0.005 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0.005 1.e-9 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.005 1.e-9 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.005 1.e-9 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.005 1.e-9 - 7/7 U
Description: The value specifies the maximum permitted path deviation for smoothing with G645.
This is only relevant to tangential block transitions that are not acceleration-
For smoothing of corner with G645 tolerance MD33100 $MA_COMPRESS_POS_TOL becomes
active like with G642.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

34000 REFP_CAM_IS_ACTIVE A03, A11 G1, R1

- Axis with reference point cam BOOLEAN Reset
- - TRUE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: 1: There is at least one reference point cam for this axis
0: This axis does not have a reference point cam (e.g. rotary axis)
The referencing cycle starts immediately with phase 2 (see documentation)
Machine axes that have only one zero mark over the whole travel range or rotary axes
that have only one zero mark per revolution do not require an additional reference cam
that selects the zero mark (select MD34000 $MA_REFP_CAM_IS_ACTIVE = 0).
The machine axis marked this way accelerates to the velocity specified in MD34040
$MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (reference point creep velocity) when the plus/minus
traversing key is pressed, and synchronizes with the next zero mark.

34010 REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS A03, A11 G1, R1

- Approach reference point in minus direction BOOLEAN Reset
- - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: 0: MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS Reference point approach in plus direction
1: MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS Reference point approach in minus direction
For incremental measuring systems:
If the machine axis is positioned in front of the reference cam, it accelerates,
depending on the plus/minus traversing key pressed, to the velocity specified in
MD34020 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM (reference point approach velocity) in the direction
specified in MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS. If the wrong traversing key is
pressed, reference point approach is not started.
If the machine axis is positioned on the reference cam, it accelerates to the velocity
specified in MD34020 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM and travels in the direction opposite to
that specified in MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS.
For linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks:
If the machine axis has a reference cam (linear measuring systems with distance-coded
reference marks do not necessarily require a reference cam) and the machine axis is
positioned on the reference cam, it accelerates, irrespectively of the plus/minus
traversing key pressed, to the velocity specified in MD34040
$MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (reference point creep velocity) in the direction opposite
to that specified in MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS.

34020 REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM A03, A11, A04 G1, R1

mm/min, rev/min Reference point approach velocity DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 5000., 5000., 5000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 5000., 5000., 5000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
720., 720.
808d-te42 - 5000., 5000., 5000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 5000., 5000., 5000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
720., 720., 720.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-mte40 - (5000.0/10.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M

(5000.0/10.0), (500...
808d-mte60 - (5000.0/10.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
(5000.0/10.0), (500...
Description: The reference point approach velocity is the velocity at which the machine axis
travels in the direction of the reference cam after the traversing key has been pressed
(phase 1). This value should be set at a magnitude large enough for the axis to be
stopped to 0 before it reaches a hardware limit switch.
MD irrelevant for:
Linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks

34030 REFP_MAX_CAM_DIST A03, A11 G1, R1

mm, degrees Maximum distance to reference cam DOUBLE Reset
- - 10000.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: If the machine axis travels a maximum distance defined in MD34030
$MA_REFP_MAX_CAM_DIST from the starting position in the direction of the reference
cam, without reaching the reference cam (NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.7
(Reference point approach delay) is reset), the axis stops and alarm 20000 "Reference
cam not reached" is output.
Irrelevant to:
Linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks

34040 REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER A03, A11, A04 G1, R1, S1

mm/min, rev/min Creep velocity DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 1 300.00, 300.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
300.00, 300.00,
300.00, 300.00,
720.00, 720.00
808d-me62 1 300.00, 300.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
300.00, 300.00,
300.00, 300.00,
720.00, 720.00, ...
808d-te42 1 300.00, 300.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
300.00, 300.00,
300.00, 300.00,
720.00, 720.00
808d-te62 1 300.00, 300.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
300.00, 300.00,
300.00, 300.00,
720.00, 720.00, ...
808d-mte40 1 (300.0/ 300.0)/ (1.0/ (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
1.0), (300.0/ 300.0)/
(1.0/ 1.0), (300.0/ ...
808d-mte60 1 (300.0/ 300.0)/ (1.0/ (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
1.0), (300.0/ 300.0)/
(1.0/ 1.0), (300.0/ ...
Description: 1) For incremental measuring systems:
This is the velocity at which the axis travels during the time between initial
detection of the reference cam and synchronization with the first zero mark (phase 2).

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Traversing direction: Opposite to the direction specified for the cam search (MD34010
If MD34050 $MA_REFP_SEARCH_MARKER_REVERSE (direction reversal on reference cam) is
enabled, then if the axis is synchronized with a rising reference cam signal edge on
the cam, the axis traverses at the velocity defined in MD34020
2) Indirect measuring system with BERO on the load-side (preferred for spindles):
At this velocity, a search is made for the zero mark associated with the BERO (zero
mark selection per VDI signal). The zero mark is accepted if the actual velocity lies
within the tolerance range defined in MD35150 $MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL as a deviation
from the velocity specified in MD34040 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER[n].
3) For linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks:
The axis crosses the two reference marks at this velocity. The maximum velocity must
be low enough to ensure that the time required to travel the smallest possible
reference mark distance [(x(minimum)] on the linear measuring system is longer than
one position controller cycle.
The formula
Basic dist. Meas.length
[x(minimum)] [mm] = ----------- * Grad.cycle - --------------
2 Basic dist.
with Basic distance [multiple of graduation cycle]
Graduation cycle [mm]
Measuring length [mm] yields:
x(minimum) [mm]
max. velocity [m/s] = ---------------------------------
Position controller cycle [ms]
This limiting value consideration also applies to the other measuring systems.
Traversing direction:
● as defined in MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS;
● if the axis is already positioned on the cam, the axis is traversed in the opposite


- Direction reversal to reference cam BOOLEAN Reset
- 1 FALSE, FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
Description: This MD can be used to set the direction of search for the zero mark:
Synchronization with falling reference cam signal edge
The machine axis accelerates to the velocity specified in MD34040
$MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER (reference point creep velocity) in the opposite direction
to that specified in MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS (reference point approach in
minus direction).
If the axis leaves the reference cam (NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.7
(Reference point approach delay) is reset) the control is synchronized with the first
zero mark.
Synchronization with rising reference cam signal edge

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

The machine axis accelerates to the velocity defined in MD34020

$MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM (reference point creep velocity) in the opposite direction to
that specified in the MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS. If the axis leaves the
reference cam (NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.7 (Reference point approach
delay) is reset), the machine axis decelerates to a halt and accelerates in the
opposite direction towards the reference cam at the velocity specified in MD34040:
$MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER. When the reference cam is reached (NC/PLC interface
signal DB380x DBX1000.7 (Reference point approach delay) is enabled) the control is
synchronized with the first zero mark.
MD irrelevant to:
Linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks

34060 REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST A03, A11 G1, R1, S1

mm, degrees Maximum distance to reference mark DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 1 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
20.0, 20.0, 720.0, 720.0
808d-me62 1 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
20.0, 20.0, 720.0,
720.0, 720.0, 720.0
808d-te42 1 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
20.0, 20.0, 720.0, 720.0
808d-te62 1 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
20.0, 20.0, 720.0,
720.0, 720.0, 720.0, ...
808d-mte40 1 (20.0/ 20.0)/(720.0/ (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
720.0), (20.0/ 20.0)/
(720.0/ 720.0), (20.0/...
808d-mte60 1 (20.0/ 20.0)/(720.0/ (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
720.0), (20.0/ 20.0)/
(720.0/ 720.0), (20.0/...
Description: For incremental measuring systems:
If, after leaving the reference cam (NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.7
(Reference point approach delay) is reset), the machine axis travels a distance
defined in MD34060: $MA_REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST without detecting the zero mark, the axis
stops and alarm 20002 "Zero mark missing" is output.
For linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks:
If the machine axis travels a distance defined in MD34060 $MA_REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST
from the starting position without crossing two zero marks, the axis stops and alarm
20004 "Reference mark missing" is output.

34070 REFP_VELO_POS A03, A11, A04 G1, R1

mm/min, rev/min Reference point positioning velocity DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 720.
808d-me62 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 720., 720.
808d-te42 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 720.
808d-te62 - 10000., 10000., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
10000., 720., 720., 720.

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808d-mte40 - (10000.0/ 20.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M

(10000.0/ 20.0),
(10000.0/ 20.0),
(10000.0/ 20....
808d-mte60 - (10000.0/ 20.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
(10000.0/ 20.0),
(10000.0/ 20.0),
(10000.0/ 20....
Description: For incremental measuring systems:
The axis travels at this velocity between the time of synchronization with the first
zero mark and arrival at the reference point.
For linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks:
The axis travels at this velocity between the time of synchronization (crossing two
zero marks) and arrival at the target point.

34080 REFP_MOVE_DIST A03, A11 G1, R1, S1, S3, G2

mm, degrees Reference point distance DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 -2.0, -2.0 -1e15 1e15 2/2 I
Description: 1. Standard measuring system (incremental with equidistant zero marks)
Reference point positioning movement: 3rd phase of the reference point approach:
The axis traverses from the position at which the zero mark is detected with the
(relative to the marker).
REFP_SET_POS is set as the current axis position at the target point.
2. Irrelevant for distance-coded measuring system.
Override switch and selection jog/continuous mode ( MD JOG_INC_MODE_IS_CONT ) are

34090 REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR A03, A02, A08, G1, R1, S1, S3, G2

mm, degrees Reference point offset/absolute offset DOUBLE NEW CONF
-, -
- 1 0.0, 0.0 -1e12 1e12 2/2 I
Description: ● Incremental encoder with zero mark(s):
After detection of the zero mark, the axis is positioned away from the zero mark by
the distance specified in MD34080 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST + MD34090
$MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR. After traversing this distance, the axis has reached the
reference point. MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS is transferred into the actual value.
During traversing by MD34080 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST + MD34090 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR, the
override switch and MD11300 $MN_JOG_INC_MODE_LEVELTRIGGRD (jog/continuous mode) are
● Distance-coded measuring system:
MD34090 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR acts as an absolute offset. It describes the offset
between the machine zero and the first reference mark of the measuring system.
● Absolute encoder:
MD34090 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR acts as an absolute offset.
It describes the offset between the machine zero and the zero point of the absolute
measuring system.
In conjunction with absolute encoders, this MD is modified by the control during
calibration processes and modulo offset.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

With rotary absolute encoders (on linear and rotary axes), the modification frequency
also depends on the setting of MD34220 $MA_ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO.
Manual input or modification of this MD via the part program should therefore be
followed by a Power ON Reset to activate the new value and prevent it from being lost.
The following applies to an NCU-LINK:
If a link axis uses an absolute encoder, every modification of MD34090
$MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR on the home NCU (servo physically available) is updated only
locally and not beyond the limits of the NCU. The modification is therefore not visible
to the link axis. Writing MD34090 $MA_REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR through the link axis is
rejected with alarm 17070.

34092 REFP_CAM_SHIFT A03, A11 G1, R1

mm, degrees Electronic cam offset for incremental measuring systems DOUBLE Reset
- 1 0.0, 0.0 0.0 - 2/2 I
Description: Electronic cam offset for incremental measuring systems with equidistant zero marks.
When the reference cam signal occurs, the zero mark search does not start immediately
but is delayed until after the distance from REFP_CAM_SHIFT.
This ensures the reproducibility of the zero mark search through a defined selection
of a zero mark, even with temperature-dependent expansion of the reference cam.
Because the reference cam offset is calculated by the control in the interpolation
cycle, the actual cam offset is at least REFP_CAM_SHIFT and at most REFP_CAM_SHIFT+
(MD34040 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_MARKER*interpolation cycle)
The reference cam offset is effective in the search direction of the zero mark.
The reference cam offset is only active if existing cam MD34000


mm, degrees Reference cam/reference mark distance DOUBLE PowerOn
- 1 0.0, 0.0 - - 2/2 I
Description: The value displayed corresponds to the distance between exiting the reference cam and
the occurrence of the reference mark. If the values are too small, there is a risk of
not being able to determine the reference point due to temperature reasons or varying
operating times of the cam signal. The distance travelled may serve as a clue for
setting the electronic reference cam offset.
This machine data is a display data and can therefore not be changed.

34100 REFP_SET_POS A03, A11 G1, S3, G2, R1, S1

mm, degrees Reference point for incremental system DOUBLE Reset
- 4 0., 0., 0., 0. -45000000 45000000 2/2 I
Description: ● Incremental encoder with zero mark(s):
The position value which is set as the current axis position after detection of the
zero mark and traversal of the distance REFP_MOVE_DIST + REFP_MOVE_DIST_CORR
(relative to zero mark). REFP_SET_POS of the reference point number, which is set
at the instant that the edge of the reference cam signal rises (NC/PLC interface
signal DB380x DBX2.4 - .7 (Reference point value 1 to 4)), is set as the axis
● Distance-coded measuring system:
Target position which is approached when MD34330 $MA_REFP_STOP_AT_ABS_MARKER is set to
0 (FALSE) and two zero marks have been crossed.
● Absolute encoder:

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS corresponds to the correct actual value at the calibration

The reaction on the machine depends on the status of MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE: When
MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE = 1, the value of MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS is transferred
as the absolute value.
(FALSE), the axis approaches the target position stored in MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS.
The value of MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS that has been set via NC/PLC interface signal
DB380x DBX2.4 - .7 (Reference point value 1 to 4) is used.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.4 - .7 (Reference point value 1 to 4)


- Enable referencing in follow-up mode BOOLEAN Reset
- - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: An axis can also be referenced in the follow-up mode under JOG+REF mode by means of an
external motion.

34110 REFP_CYCLE_NR A03 G1, TE3, D1, R1, Z1

- Sequence of axes in channel-specific referencing DWORD PowerOn
- - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... -1 31 2/2 M
Description: MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR = 0 -----> axis-specific referencing
Axis-specific referencing is started separately for each machine axis with the NC/PLC
interface signal DB380x DBX4.7 / 4.6 (Plus/minus travel keys).
Up to 8 axes (840D) can be referenced simultaneously.
The following alternatives are provided for referencing the machine axes in a specific
● The operator has to observe the correct sequence on startup.
● The PLC checks the sequence on startup or defines the sequence itself.
● The channel-specific referencing function is used.
MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR = 1 -----> channel-specific referencing
Channel-specific referencing is started with the NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX1.0
(Activate referencing). The control acknowledges a successful start with the NC/PLC
interface signal DB3300 DBX1.0 (Referencing active). Each machine axis assigned to the
channel can be referenced with channel-specific referencing (this is achieved
internally on the control by simulating the plus/minus traversing keys). The axis-
specific MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR can be used to define the sequence in which the
machine axes are referenced:
-1 means:
The machine axis is not started by channel-specific referencing, and NC start is
possible without referencing this axis.
0 means:
The machine axis is not started by channel-specific referencing, and NC start is not
possible without referencing this axis.
1 means:
The machine axis is started by channel-specific referencing.
2 means:
The machine axis is started by channel-specific referencing if all machine axes
identified by a 1 in MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR are referenced.
3 means:

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

The machine axis is started by channel-specific referencing if all machine axes

identified by a 2 in MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR are referenced.
4 to 8 :
As above for further machine axes.
Setting the channel-specific MD20700 $MC_REF_NC_START_LOCK (NC start disable without
reference point) to zero has the effect of entering -1 for all the axes of a channel.
MD irrelevant to:
Axis-specific referencing
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX1.0 (Activate referencing)
NC/PLC interface signal DB3300 DBX1.0 (Referencing active)

34200 ENC_REFP_MODE A03, A02 G1, R1, S1

- Referencing mode BYTE PowerOn
- 1 1, 1 0 8 2/2 M
Description: The mounted position measuring systems can be classified for referencing as follows
with MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE:
● MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 0
If an absolute encoder is available: MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS is taken over
Other encoders: Reference point approach not possible (SW2.2 and higher)
● MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 1
Referencing of incremental, rotary or linear measuring systems:
Zero pulse on the encoder track
Referencing of absolute, rotary measuring systems:
Replacement zero pulse based on the absolute information
● MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 3
Referencing on linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks:
Linear measuring system with distance-coded reference marks (as specified by
● MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 4 :
Reserved (BERO with 2-edge evaluation)
● MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE = 8:
Referencing for linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks:
Linear measuring system with distance-coded reference marks over 4 zero marks
(increased safety).

34210 ENC_REFP_STATE A07, A03, A02 R1

- Adjustment status of absolute encoder BYTE Immediately
808d-me42 1 0, 0 0 3 1/1 I
808d-me62 1 0, 0 0 3 1/1 I
808d-te42 1 0, 0 0 3 1/1 I
808d-te62 1 0, 0 0 3 1/1 I
808d-mte40 1 0, 0 0 3 7/4 I
808d-mte60 1 0, 0 0 3 7/4 I
Description: ● Absolute encoder:
This machine data contains the absolute encoder status
0: Encoder is not calibrated
1: Encoder calibration enabled (but not yet calibrated)
2: Encoder is calibrated
Default setting for recommissioning: Encoder is not calibrated.
3: No significance, has the same effect as "0"

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

● Incremental encoder:
This machine data contains the "Referenced status", which can be saved beyond Power
0: Default setting: No automatic referencing
1: Automatic referencing enabled, but encoder not yet referenced
2: Encoder is referenced and at exact stop, automatic referencing becomes active at
the next encoder activation
3: The last axis position buffered before switch off is restored, no automatic
Default setting for recommissioning: No automatic referencing


- Modulo range for rotary absolute encoder DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 4096, 4096 1 100000 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 4096, 4096 1 100000 1/1 M
808d-te42 1 4096, 4096 1 100000 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 4096, 4096 1 100000 1/1 M
808d-mte40 1 4096, 4096 1 100000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 4096, 4096 1 100000 7/2 M
Description: Number of encoder revolutions a rotary absolute encoder is able to resolve (see also
the maximum multiturn information of the absolute encoder, see encoder data sheet or
PROFIdrive parameter P979).
The absolute position of a rotary axis is reduced to this resolvable range when an
absolute encoder is switched on:
In other words, a MODULO transformation takes place if the actual position sensed is
larger than the position permitted by MD ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO.
0 degrees <= position <= n*360 degrees (with n = ENC_ABS_TURNS_MODULO)
With SW 2.2, the position is reduced to this range when the control/encoder is switched
on. With SW 3.6 and higher, half of this value represents the maximum permissible
travel distance with the control swiched off/the encoder inactive.
Special cases:
For PROFIdrive, any integer value is permissible.
The MD is relevant only for rotary encoders (on linear and rotary axes).
Corresponds to:
PROFIdrive parameter P979


- Encoder serial number DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 0, 0 - - 0/0 I
808d-me62 1 0, 0 - - 1/1 I
808d-te42 1 0, 0 - - 0/0 I
808d-te62 1 0, 0 - - 1/1 I
808d-mte40 1 0, 0 - - 7/2 I
808d-mte60 1 0, 0 - - 7/2 I
Description: The encoder serial number (EnDat encoders) can be read out here.
It is updated at PowerOn or when parking is deselected.
"0" is supplied for encoders which do not have a serial number available.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Manipulating this MD normally causes automatic absolute encoder maladjustment (MD34200

$MA_ENC_REFP_MODE returns to "0").


mm, degrees Basic distance of reference marks of distance-coded encoders. DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 1 10.0, 10.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 10.0, 10.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 1 10.0, 10.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 10.0, 10.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 1 10.0, 10.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 10.0, 10.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
Description: In addition to the incremental encoder track, a further encoder track is available
with distance-coded measuring systems for determining the absolute encoder position.
This encoder track has reference marks at defined, different distances. The basic
distance between the fixed reference marks (which are the reference marks that are
always the same distance from one another) can be taken from the data sheet, and
directly transferred into machine data MD34300 $MA_ENC_REFP_MARKER_DIST.
With the basic distance between the fixed reference marks (MD34300
$MA_ENC_REFP_MARKER_DIST), the distance between two reference marks (MD34310
$MA_ENC_MARKER_INC), and the number of encoder marks (MD31020 $MA_ENC_RESOL) on
angular measuring systems or the graduation cycle (MD31010 $MA_ENC_GRID_POINT_DIST) on
linear measuring systems, the absolute encoder position can be determined once two
successive reference marks have been crossed.
MD34300 $MA_ENC_REFP_MARKER_DIST is also used for a plausibility check of reference
mark distances.
Examples of application:
For example: Heidenhain LS186 C
MD 31010 = 0.02mm (graduation cycle)
MD 34300 = 20.00mm (basic distance between the reference marks)
MD 34310 = 0.02mm (distance between two reference marks corresponds to one graduation

34310 ENC_MARKER_INC A03, A02 R1

mm, degrees Interval between two reference marks for distance-coded scales DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 1 0.02, 0.02 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 0.02, 0.02 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 1 0.02, 0.02 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 0.02, 0.02 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 1 0.02, 0.02 0.0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 0.02, 0.02 0.0 - 7/2 M
Description: The distances between two reference marks are defined variably, so that the position
of the crossed reference marks can be determined accurately in linear measuring
systems with distance-coded reference marks.
The difference between two reference mark distances is entered in MD34310
MD irrelevant for:
Incremental measuring systems
Special cases:

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

On linear measuring systems with distance-coded reference marks supplied by

Heidenhain, the interval between two reference marks is always equal to one graduation


- Distance-coded linear measuring system without target point BOOLEAN Reset
808d-me42 1 TRUE, TRUE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 1 TRUE, TRUE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 1 TRUE, TRUE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 1 TRUE, TRUE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 1 TRUE, TRUE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 TRUE, TRUE 0 - 7/2 M
Description: ● Distance-coded measuring system:
At the end of the reference cycle, the position entered in MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS is
approached (normal case for phase 2).
The axis is braked after detection of the second reference mark (shortening of phase
● Absolute encoder:
MD34330 $MA_REFP_STOP_AT_ABS_MARKER defines the response of an axis with a valid
calibration identifier (MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE = 2) with G74 or when a traversing
key is actuated in JOG-REF:
Axis traverses to the position entered in MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS
Axis does not traverse.
MD irrelevant for:
Incremental encoders with zero mark (standard encoders)
Related to:
(reference point distance/target point for distance-coded system)


s Smoothing time constant for actual values. DOUBLE Reset
- 1 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.5 3/3 I
Description: Using low-resolution encoders, a more continuous motion of coupled path or axis
motions can be achieved with smoothed actual values. The bigger the time constant, the
better the smoothing of actual values and the larger the overtravel.
Smoothed actual values are used for:
● Thread-cutting (G33, G34, G35)
● Revolutional feedrate (G95, G96, G97, FPRAON)
● Display of actual position and velocity, or speed respectively.

35000 SPIND_ASSIGN_TO_MACHAX A01, A06, A11 M1, S3, K2, S1

- Assignment of spindle to machine axis BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 1 0 20 1/1 M

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 1 0 20 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 1 0 20 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 1 0 20 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 20 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 20 1/1 M
Description: Spindle definition. The spindle is defined when the spindle number has been entered in
this MD.
If the corresponding axis is to be spindle 1, value "1" must be entered in this MD.
The spindle functions are possible only for modulo rotary axes. For this purpose
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX and MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO must be set.
The axis functionality is maintained; transition to axis operation can be performed
with M70.
The lowest spindle number is 1, the highest number depends on the number of axes in
the channel.
If other spindle numbers are to be assigned, the function "spindle converter" must be

35010 GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE A06, A11 P3 pl, P3 sl, S1

- Parameterize gear stage change DWORD Reset
- - 0x00 0 0x2B 2/2 M
Description: Meaning of bit places:
Bit 0 = 0 and bit 1 = 0:
There is an invariable gear ratio between motor and load. The MD of the first gear
stage is active. Gear stage change is not possible with M40 to M45.
Bit 0 = 1:
Gear stage change at undefined change position. The gear can have up to 5 gear stages,
which can be selected with M40, M41 to M45. To support the gear stage change, the motor
can carry out oscillating motions, which must be enabled by the PLC program.
Bit 1 = 1:
Same meaning as bit 0 = 1, although the gear stage change is carried out in a
configured spindle position (SW 5.3 and higher). The change position is configured in
MD35012 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_POSITION. The position is approached in the current gear
stage before the gear stage change. If this bit is set, bit 0 is not taken into account!
Bit 2: Reserved
Bit 3 = 1:
The gear stage change dialog between NCK and PLC is simulated. The setpoint gear stage
is output to the PLC. A checkback signal from the PLC is not awaited. The
acknowledgment is generated internally in the NCK.
Bit 4: Reserved
Bit 5 = 1:
The second gear stage data set is used for tapping with G331/G332. The bit must be set
for the master spindle used for tapping. Bit 0 or bit 1 must be set.
Related to:
MD35090 $MA_NUM_GEAR_STEPS (number of gear stages 1st data set, see bit 5)
MD35092 $MA_NUM_GEAR_STEPS2 (number of gear stages 2nd data set, see bit 5)
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (max. speed for autom. gear stage change)
MD35112 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO2 (max. speed for autom. gear stage change 2nd data set,
see bit 5)
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (min. speed for autom. gear stage change)

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

MD35122 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO2 (min. speed for autom. gear stage change 2nd data set,
see bit 5)


mm, degrees Gear stage change position DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: Gear stage change position.
The value range must be within the configured modulo range.
Related to:


- Gear stage for axis mode with M70 DWORD NEW CONF
- - 0 0 5 1/1 M
Description: With this MD, a gear stage can be defined which can be loaded into the axis mode during
the transition with M70. The parameter set zero used in axis mode is to be optimized
on this gear stage.
Significance of the values:
0: There is no implicit gear stage change with M70.
The current gear stage is retained.
1 ... 5:
There is a change into gear stage (1...5) during the execution of M70.
During the transition into axis mode without M70, there is monitoring for this gear
stage and alarm 22022 is issued if necessary. The condition for a gear stage change is
the general release of the function in MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE.
Secondary conditions:
When changing from axis mode into spindle mode, the configured gear stage continues to
remain active. There is no automatic return to the last active gear stage in spindle


- Initial spindle setting BYTE Reset
- - 0 0 3 2/2 M
Description: SPIND_DEFAULT_MODE activates the set operating mode of the spindle at the time
specified in MD35030 $MA_SPIND_DEFAULT_ACT_MASK. The appropriate spindle operating
modes can be set with the following values:
0 Speed mode, position control deselected
1 Speed mode, position control activated
2 Positioning mode, no check for synchronized/referenced position on NC start
3 Axis mode, MD34110 $MA_REFP_CYCLE_NR can be used to configure / deactivate forced
referencing on NC start
Corresponds with:
MD35030 $MA_SPIND_DEFAULT_ACT_MASK (activate spindle initial setting)
MD20700 $MC_REFP_NC_START_LOCK (NC start disable without reference point)

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data


- Time at which initial spindle setting is effective BYTE Reset
- - 0x00 0 0x03 2/2 M
Description: SPIND_DEFAULT_ACT_MASK specifies the time at which the operating mode defined in
MD35020 $MA_SPIND_DEFAULT_MODE becomes effective. The initial spindle setting can be
assigned the following values at the following points in time:
1 POWER ON and NC program start
2 POWER ON and RESET (M2/M30)
Special cases:
If MD35040 $MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET = 1, the following supplementary conditions
are applicable:
● SPIND_DEFAULT_ACT_MASK should be set to 0
● If this is not possible, the spindle must be at a standstill prior to activation.
Related to:
MD35020 $MA_SPIND_DEFAULT_MODE (initial spindle setting)
MD35040 $MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET (spindle active after reset)


- Reset response of individual spindle functions DWORD PowerOn
- - 0x00 0 0x01 1/1 M
Description: This data allows the "GWPS in every operating mode" function to be selected/deselected.
SPIND_FUNC_RESET_MODE, bit 0 = 0 : "GWPS in every operating mode" is deselected
SPIND_FUNC_RESET_MODE, bit 0 = 1 : "GWPS in every operating mode" is selected


- Spindle functions DWORD Reset
- - 0x510 0 0x7FFFFFFF 1/1 M
Description: This MD allows spindle-specific functions to be set.
The MD is bit-coded, the following bits are assigned:
Bit 0 = 1: Gear stage changes are suppressed with activated DryRun function for
block programming (M40, M41 to M45), programming via FC18,
and synchronized actions.
Bit 1 = 1: Gear stage changes are suppressed with activated program test function
for block programming (M40, M41 to M45), programming via
FC18, and synchronized actions.
Bit 2 = 1: Gear stage change for programmed gear stage will finally be carried
out after deselection of DryRun or program test functions with REPOS.
Bit 3: reserved
Bit 4 = 1:
The programmed speed is transferred to SD 43200 $SA_SPIND_S (incl. speed default
settings via FC18 and synchronized actions).
S programmings that are not speed programmings are not written to the SD. These
include, for example, S value with constant cutting velocity (G96, G961), S value with
revolution-related dwell time (G4).
Bit 5 = 1:

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The content of SD 43200 $SA_SPIND_S is applied as the speed setpoint for JOG. If the
content is zero, then other JOG speed default settings become active (see SD 41200
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 7: reserved
Bit 8 = 1:
The programmed cutting velocity is transferred to SD 43202 $SA_SPIND_CONSTCUT_S (incl.
default settings via FC18). S programmings, that are not cutting velocity
programmings, are not written to the SD. These include, for example, S value outside
of constant cutting velocity (G96, G961, G962), S value with revolution-related dwell
time (G4), S value in synchronized actions.
Bit 9: reserved
Bit 10 = 0:
SD 43206 $SA_SPIND_SPEED_TYPE is not changed by part program or channel settings,
= 1:
For the master spindle, the value of the 15th G group (type of feedrate) is transferred
to SD 43206 $SA_SPIND_SPEED_TYPE. For all other spindles, the corresponding SD remains
Bit 11: reserved
Bit 12 = 1:
Spindle override is active with zero mark search for M19, SPOS, and SPOSA
= 0:
Previous response (default)
The following bits 16-20 can be used to set spindle-specific M functions which are
output to the VDI interface
if the corresponding M functionality has been generated implicitly for the program
Bit 16: reserved
Bit 17: reserved
Bit 18: reserved
Bit 19:"Output implicit M19 to PLC"
= 0: If MD20850 $MC_SPOS_TO_VDI = 0 too, no auxiliary function M19 is generated for
SPOS and SPOSA. As a result, the acknowledgment time for the auxiliary function is also
eliminated. This can cause problems in the case of short blocks.
= 1: The implicit auxiliary function M19 is generated with the programming of SPOS
and SPOSA and output to the PLC. The address is expanded in accordance with the spindle
Bit 20:"Output implicit M70 to PLC"
= 0: No generation of implicit auxiliary function M70. Note: A programmed auxiliary
function M70 is always output to the PLC.
= 1: Auxiliary function M70 is generated implicitly and output to the PLC on
transition to axis mode. The address is expanded in accordance with the spindle number.
Bit 21: reserved
Bit 22 = 0: As of NCK version 78.00.00: The NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2001.6
(invert M3/M4) is applied to the function for interpolatory tapping G331/G332.
Bit 22 = 1: Response is compatible with SW releases prior to NCK version 78.00.00: The
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2001.6 (invert M3/M4) is not applied to the
function for interpolatory tapping G331/G332.
Bit 23: "Calculation of the acceleration reduction with velocity control DRIVE"
= 0: The currently active spindle speed limit is used as the maximum speed to
calculate the acceleration reduction (compatibility mode).

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

= 1: Only machine data MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT, MD35130

$MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT and, with position control, MD35135
$MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT are used for the maximum speed to calculate the
acceleration reduction."
MD related to:

35040 SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET A06, A10 S1, Z1, 2.7

- Own spindle RESET BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 2 1/1 M
Description: MD35040 $MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET defines the response of the spindle after channel
reset NC/PLC interface signal DB3000 DBX0.7 (Reset) and program end (M2, M30).
This MD is only active in the spindle mode open-loop control mode. In positioning mode
or oscillation mode, the spindle is always stopped.
● Spindle stops (with M2/M30 and channel and mode group reset).
● Program is canceled.
● For spindle mode, the programmed ACC and VELOLIM are reset to 100% if MD22400
$MC_S_VALUES_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET and the axis-specific MD32320
$MA_DYN_LIMIT_RESET_MASK do not specify anything else.
● Spindle does not stop.
● Program is canceled.
● For spindle mode, the programmed ACC and VELOLIM are retained.
● Spindle does not stop at the M function configured via MD10714 $MN_M_NO_FCT_EOP
(e.g. M32).
● However, the spindle stops at channel or mode group reset.
● For spindle mode, the programmed ACC and VELOLIM are retained.
The NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.2 (Delete distance-to-go/Spindle reset) is
always effective, independent of MD35040 $MA_SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET.
Not relevant to:
● Spindle modes other than open-loop control mode.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB3000 DBX0.7 (Reset)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.2 (Delete distance-to-go/Spindle reset)

35090 NUM_GEAR_STEPS A06, A10 S1

- Number of gear stages DWORD Reset
- - 5 1 5 1/1 M
Description: Number of set gear stages.

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

The first gear stage is always available.

Corresponding MDs:
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stages available/functions)
MD35012 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_POSITION (gear stage change position)
MD35014 $MA_GEAR_STEP_USED_IN_AXISMODE (gear stage for axis mode with M70)
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (max. speed for gear stage change)
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (min. speed for gear stage change)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (max. speed of gear stage)
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (min. speed of gear stage)
MD35200 $MA_GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in speed control mode)
MD35210 $MA_GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL (acceleration in position control mode)
MD35310 $MA_SPIND_POSIT_DELAY_TIME (positioning delay time)
MD35550 $MA_DRILL_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speeds for tapping)
MD35092 $MA_NUM_GEAR_STEPS2 (number of gear stages 2nd gear stage data set)

35092 NUM_GEAR_STEPS2 A06, A10 S1

- Number of gear stages of 2nd gear stage data set DWORD Reset
- - 5 1 5 1/1 M
Description: Number of set gear stages of the second gear stage data set for the function 'Tapping
with G331/G332'.
Activation (only makes sense for master spindle on tapping): MD 35010
The number of gear stages must not be the same in the first and second gear stage data
Corresponding MD:
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stages available/functions)
MD35112 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO2 (2nd gear stage data set: max. speed for gear stage
MD35122 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO2 (2nd gear stage data set: min. speed for gear stage
MD35212 $MA_GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL2 (2nd gear stage data set: acceleration in
position control mode)

35100 SPIND_VELO_LIMIT A06, A11, A04 TE3, G2, S1, V1, Z1

rev/min Maximum spindle speed DOUBLE Reset
- - 10000.0 1.0e-6 - 7/2 M
Description: MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT defines the maximum spindle speed that the spindle (the
spindle chuck with the workpiece or the tool) must not exceed. The NCK limits an
excessive spindle setpoint speed to this value. If the maximum spindle actual speed is
exceeded, even allowing for the spindle speed tolerance (MD35150
$MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL), there is a fault with the drive and the NC/PLC interface
signal DB390x DBX2001.0 (speed limit exceeded) is set. Alarm 22100 "Maximum speed
reached" is also output and all axes and spindles on the channel are decelerated
(provided the encoder is still functioning correctly). The spindle has to be brought
to a standstill before modifying the MD.
Corresponds with:
MD35150 $MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL (spindle speed tolerance)
SD43235 $SD_SPIND_USER_VELO_LIMIT (speed limitation set by user)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2001.0 (speed limit exceeded)
Alarm 22100 "Maximum speed reached"

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

35110 GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO A06, A11, A04 A3, S1

rev/min Maximum speed for gear stage change DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 500., 500., 1000., 0.0 - 2/2 M
2000., 4000., 8000.
Description: MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO defines the maximum speed (upper switching threshold)
of the gear stage for automatic gear stage change M40 S... The speed ranges for the
gear stages must be defined without gaps between them or can overlap.
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO [gear stage1] =1000
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO [gear stage2] =1200
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO [gear stage1] =1000
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO [gear stage2] = 950
● Programming a spindle speed which exceeds the highest numbered gear stage MD35110
$MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO [MD35090] triggers a switch to the highest gear stage
Related to:
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (min. speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)
MD35090 $MA_NUM_GEAR_STEPS (number of gear stages)
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage change is possible)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with speed control
MD35135 $MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with position
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (min. speed of gear stage)

35112 GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO2 A06, A11, A04 S1

rev/min 2nd data set: Maximum speed for gear stage change DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 500., 500., 1000., 0.0 - 1/1 M
2000., 4000., 8000.
Description: -
The 2nd gear stage data block for tapping with G331/G332 is activated with MD
35010:$MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE bit 5 for the master spindle.
Related to:
MD35122 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO2 (minimum speed for 2nd data block gear stage selection)
MD35092 $MA_NUM_GEAR_STEPS2 (number of gear stages 2nd gear stage data block)
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage change, 2nd data block is possible)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with speed control)
MD35135 $MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with position
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (min. speed of gear stage)

35120 GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO A06, A11, A04 S1

rev/min Minimum speed for gear stage change DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 50., 50., 400., 800., 0.0 - 2/2 M
1500., 3000.
Description: -

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

See MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO for more information.

● Programming a spindle speed which undershoots the lowest speed of the first gear
stage MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO[1] triggers a switch to the first gear stage.
Not relevant for:
● Programming of speed 0 (S0) if MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO[1] > 0
Related to:
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (maximum speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)
MD35090 $MA_NUM_GEAR_STEPS (number of gear stages)
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage change is possible)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of the gear stage with speed
MD35135 $MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of the gear stage with position
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (min. speed of the gear stage)

35122 GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO2 A06, A11, A04 S1

rev/min 2nd data set: Minimum speed for gear stage change DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 50., 50., 400., 800., 0.0 - 1/1 M
1500., 3000.
Description: The minimum speed (lower switching threshold) of the gear stage for automatic gear
stage change M40 G331 S.. is set in GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO2 for interpolatory tapping
G331, G332. The speed ranges of the gear stages must be defined so that there are no
gaps between them or they can overlap.
The 2nd gear stage data block for tapping with G331/G332 is activated with MD35010
$MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE bit 5 for the master spindle.
Related to:
MD35112 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO2 (maximum speed for 2nd data block gear stage change)
MD35092 $MA_NUM_GEAR_STEPS2 (number of gear stages 2nd gear stage data block)
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage change, 2nd data block is possible)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with speed control)
MD35135 $MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with position
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (min. speed of gear stage)

35130 GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT A06, A11, A04 A2, S1, V1

rev/min Maximum speed of gear stage DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 500., 500., 1000., 1.0e-6 - 2/2 M
2000., 4000., 8000.
Description: The maximum speed of the current gear stage for speed control mode (position control
not active) is configured in MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT. The speed setpoints
generated taking the override into account are limited to this speed.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

● The configured speed cannot exceed the value from MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT.
● If position control is active for the spindle, the speed is limited to the maximum
● The NC/PLC interface signal "Setpoint speed limited" is set to indicate that the
speed is being limited.
● The maximum speed entered here has no effect on the automatic gear stage selection
M40 S..
● The upper switching threshold for the automatic gear stage selection M40 is
configured in MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO.
Related to:
MD35135 $MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of the gear stage with position
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (minimum speed of the gear stage)
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage selection is possible)
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (max. speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (min. speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)


rev/min Maximum speed of the gear stage with position control DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 0 - 2/2 M
Description: The maximum speed of the current gear stage is configured in MD35135
$MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT with position control active. The speed setpoints
generated taking the override into account are limited to this speed.
If a value of 0 is set (default), 90% of the value from MD35130
$MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT will become the maximum speed with position control
● The configured speed cannot exceed the value from MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT.
● The NC/PLC interface signal "Setpoint speed limited" is set to indicate that the
speed is being limited.
● The maximum speed entered here has no effect on the automatic gear stage selection
M40 S..
● The upper switching threshold for the automatic gear stage selection M40 is
configured in MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO.
Related to:
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of the gear stage with spee
MD35140 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT (minimum speed of the gear stage)
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage selection is possible)
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (max. speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (min. speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)

35140 GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT A06, A11, A04 S1, V1

rev/min Minimum speed of gear stage DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 5., 5., 10., 20., 40., 80. 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: The minimum speed of the current gear stage is configured in MD35140
$MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO_LIMIT. The minimum speed is applied only if the spindle is in
speed control mode. The speed setpoints generated taking the override into account do
not undershoot the minimum speed.

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

● If an S value lower than the minimum speed is programmed, the setpoint speed is
increased to the minimum speed.
● The NC/PLC interface signal "Setpoint speed increased" is set to indicate that the
speed has been increased.
● The minimum speed entered here has no effect on the automatic gear stage selection
M40 S..
● The lower switching threshold for the automatic gear stage selectionM40 is
configured in MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO.
Not relevant for:
● Spindle oscillation mode(gear stage change)
● Positioning and axis spindle modes
● Signals which cause the spindle to stop
Related to:
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with speed control)
MD35135 $MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speed of gear stage with position
MD35010 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE (gear stage change is possible)
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (max. speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)
MD35120 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MIN_VELO (min. speed for automatic gear stage selection M40)

35150 SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL A03, A05, A06, R1, S1, Z1

A10, A04
- Spindle speed tolerance DOUBLE Reset
- - 0.1 0.0 1.0 2/2 M
Description: In spindle control mode, the set speed (programmed speed x spindle offset, allowing
for limits) is compared with the actual speed.
● If the actual speed deviates from the set speed by more than MD35150
$MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL, the NC/PLC interface signal is DB390x DBX2001.5 (Spindle in
setpoint range) is set to zero.
● If the actual speed deviates from the set speed by more than MD35150
$MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL, the path feed is disabled (positioning axes continue
● If the actual speed exceeds the maximum spindle speed (MD35100
interface signal is DB390x DBX2001.0 (Speed limit exceeded) is enabled and alarm
22050 "Maximum speed reached" is output. All axes and spindles on the channel are
MD irrelevant to:
● Spindle oscillation mode
● Spindle positioning mode
The actual spindle speed must not deviate from the set speed by more than +/- 10%.
Related to:
(feed enable for spindle in setpoint range)
(maximum spindle speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2001.5 (Spindle in setpoint range)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2001.0 (Speed limit exceeded)
Alarm 22050 "Maximum speed reached"

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

35160 SPIND_EXTERN_VELO_LIMIT A06, A04 A3, S1, V1, Z1

rev/min Spindle speed limitation from PLC DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1000.0 1.0e-6 - 2/2 M
Description: A limiting value for the maximum spindle speed is entered in MD35160
$MA_SPIND_EXTERN_VELO_LIMIT, which is taken into account exactly when the NC/PLC
interface signal DB380x DBX3.6 (Velocity/speed limitation) is set.
The control limits a spindle speed which is too high to this value.


rev/s² Acceleration in speed control mode DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 30.0, 30.0, 25.0, 20.0, 1.0e-7 - 1/1 M
15.0, 10.0
Description: If the spindle is in speed control mode, the acceleration is entered in MD35200
The spindle is in speed control mode with the function SPCOF.
Special cases:
The acceleration in speed control mode (MD35200 $MA_GEAR_STEP_SPEEDCTRL_ACCEL) can be
set so that the electric current limit is reached.
Related to:
MD35210 $MA_GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL(acceleration in position control mode)
MD35220 $MA_ACCEL_REDUCTION_SPEED_POINT (speed limit for reduced acceleration)


rev/s² Acceleration in position control mode DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 30.0, 30.0, 25.0, 20.0, 1.0e-7 - 2/2 M
15.0, 10.0
Description: The acceleration in position control mode must be set so that the electric current
limit is not reached.
Related to:


rev/s² 2nd data set: Acceleration in position control mode DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 30.0, 30.0, 25.0, 20.0, 1.0e-3 - 1/1 M
15.0, 10.0
Description: Second gear stage data set for maximum acceleration capability of the gear stages in
position control mode.
The acceleration in position control mode must be set so that the electric current
limit is not reached.
The 2nd data set for tapping with G331/G332 is activated by MD35010
$MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_ENABLE, bit 5 for the master spindle.
Related to:

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data


- Speed for reduced acceleration DOUBLE Reset
- - 1.0 0.0 1.0 1/1 M
Description: This machine data defines the threshold speed/velocity for spindles/positioning/path
axes from which the acceleration reduction is to start. The reference is the defined
maximum speed/velocity. The starting point is a percentage of the maximum values.
The maximum speed for spindles is determined as the lowest value from machine data
MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT, MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT and, with position
Example: MD35220 $MA_ACCEL_REDUCTION_SPEED_POINT = 0.7, the maximum speed is 3000 rpm.
Acceleration reduction starts at v_on = 2100 rpm, i.e. the maximum acceleration
capacity is utilized in the speed range 0...2099.99 rpm. Reduced acceleration is used
from 2100 rpm to the maximum speed.
Related to:
MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)
MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (maximum spindle speed)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum gear stage speed)
MD35135 $MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum gear stage speed with position
MD35230 $MA_ACCEL_REDUCTION_FACTOR (reduced acceleration)


- Reduced acceleration DOUBLE Reset
- - 0.0 0.0 0.95 1/1 M
Description: The machine data contains the factor by which the acceleration of the spindle/
positioning/path axes is reduced with reference to the maximum speed/velocity. The
acceleration is reduced by this factor between the threshold speed/velocity defined in
MD35220 $MA_ACCEL_REDUCTION_SPEED_POINT and the maximum speed/velocity.
a= 10 rev/s², v_on = 2100 rpm, MD35230 $MA_ACCEL_REDUCTION_FACTOR = 0.3.
Acceleration and deceleration take place within the speed range 0...2099.99 rpm with
an acceleration of 10 rev/s². From a speed of 2100 rpm up to the maximum speed, the
acceleration is reduced from 10 rev/s² to 7 rev/s².
MD irrelevant to:
Errors that lead to rapid stop.
Related to:
MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL (axis acceleration)
(acceleration in speed control mode)
(acceleration in position control mode)
(speed for reduced acceleration)


- Acceleration curve DRIVE for axes ON/OFF BOOLEAN Reset
- - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: Basic setting of the acceleration response of the axis (positioning, oscillation, JOG,
path motions):
FALSE: No acceleration reduction
TRUE: Acceleration reduction active
MD is active only when MD32420 $MA_JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE = FALSE.
The settings in MD35220 $MA_ACCEL_REDUCTION_SPEED_POINT and MD35230
$MA_ACCEL_REDUCTION_FACTOR are always active for spindles (in spindle mode).
This MD also influences the path motion with SOFT, BRISK, TRAFO


- Type of acceleration reduction BYTE Reset
- - 1 0 2 1/1 M
Description: Shape of acceleration reduction characteristic with DRIVE velocity control
0: Constant
1: Hyperbolic
2: Linear
The end point of the acceleration curve for spindles depending on MD35035
$MA_SPIND_FUNCTION_MASK Bit23 is selected either from the maximum speed determined
$MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT or the relevant currently active speed limit.

35300 SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO A06, A04 P3 pl, P3 sl, R1, S1

rev/min Position control activation speed DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 0.0 - 2/2 M
500.0, 500.0, 500.0
Description: When positioning a spindle that is not in position control mode from a high speed, the
position control is not activated until the spindle has reached or falls below the
velocity defined in MD35300 $MA_SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO.
The speed can be changed with FA[Sn] from the part program. Please refer to the
/FB1/ Function Manual, Basic Functions; Spindles (S1), section "Spindle mode
'positioning operation" for a description of the spindle behavior under various
supplementary conditions (positioning from rotation, positioning from standstill).
The active speed from MD35300 $MA_SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO cannot exceed the max. speed set
$MA_GEAR_STEP_PC_MAX_VELO_LIMIT = 0, the value is limited to 90% of MD35130
Related to:
MD35350 $MA_SPIND_POSITIONING_DIR (direction of rotation during positioning from
standstill, if no synchronization is available)
MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (chuck speed)


s Positioning delay time DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 0.0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: Positioning delay time.

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After reaching the positioning end (exact stop fine), there is a waiting time equal to
the time set in this MD. The position matching the currently set gear stage is selected.
The delay time is activated for:
● Gear stage change at defined spindle position. After reaching the position
configured in MD35012 $MA_GEAR_STEP_CHANGE_POSITION, there is a waiting period
equal to the time specified here. After expiry of this time, the position control
is switched off for an active direct measuring system, and the NC/PLC interface
signals DB390x DBX2000.3 (Change gear) and DB390x DBX2000.0 - .2 (Setpoint gear
stage A-C) are output.
● Block search upon the output of an accumulated positioning block (SPOS, SPOSA, M19).


- Direction of rotation when positioning BYTE Reset
- - 3 3 4 2/2 M
Description: When SPOS or SPOSA is programmed, the spindle is switched to position control mode and
accelerates with the acceleration defined in MD35210 $MA_GEAR_STEP_POSCTRL_ACCEL
(acceleration in position control mode) if the spindle is not synchronized. The
direction of rotation is defined by MD35350 $MA_SPIND_POSITIONING_DIR (direction of
rotation for positioning from standstill).
MD35350 $MA_SPIND_POSITIONING_DIR = 3 ---> Clockwise direction of rotation
MD35350 $MA_SPIND_POSITIONING_DIR = 4 ---> Counterclockwise direction of rotation
Related to:
MD35300 $MA_SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO (position control activation speed)

35400 SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO A06, A04 P3 pl, P3 sl, S1

rev/min Oscillation speed DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 500.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: During oscillation, the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed)
is used to select a motor speed for the spindle motor. This motor speed is defined in
MD35400 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO. The motor speed defined in this MD is independent
of the current gear stage. In the AUTOMATIC and MDI displays, the oscillation speed is
displayed in the "Spindle setpoint" window until the gear is changed.
MD irrelevant to:
All spindle modes except oscillation mode
Special cases:
The acceleration during oscillation (MD35410 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL) is valid for the
oscillation speed defined in this MD.
Related to:
MD35410 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL (acceleration during oscillation)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC)

35410 SPIND_OSCILL_ACCEL A06, A04 S1, Z1

rev/s² Acceleration during oscillation DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 16.0 1.0e-7 - 2/2 M
Description: The acceleration specified here is only effective for the output of the oscillation
speed (MD35400 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO) to the spindle motor. The oscillation speed
is selected using the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed).
MD irrelevant to:
All spindle modes except oscillation mode

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Related to:
MD35400 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO (oscillation speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC)


- Start direction during oscillation BYTE Reset
- - 0 0 4 2/2 M
Description: With the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed), the spindle
motor accelerates to the speed specified in MD35400: $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO.
The start direction is defined by MD35430 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR if the NC/PLC
interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC) is not enabled.
MD35430 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR = 0 ---> Start direction same as the last direction
of rotation
MD35430 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR = 1 ---> Start direction counter to the last
direction of rotation
MD35430 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR = 2 ---> Start direction counter to the last
direction of rotation
MD35430 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR = 3 ---> Start direction is M3
MD35430 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_START_DIR = 4 ---> Start direction is M4
MD irrelevant to:
All spindle modes except oscillation mode
Related to:
MD35400 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_DES_VELO (oscillation speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC)


s Oscillation time for M3 direction DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: The oscillation time defined here is active in the M3 direction.
MD irrelevant to:
● All spindle modes except oscillation mode
● Oscillation via PLC (NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC)
Related to:
MD35450 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CCW (oscillation time for M4 direction)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC)


s Oscillation time for M4 direction DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.5 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: The oscillation time defined here is active in the M4 direction.
MD irrelevant to:

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● All spindle modes except oscillation mode

● Oscillation via PLC (NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC)
Related to:
MD35440 $MA_SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CW (oscillation time for M3 direction)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.4 (Oscillation via PLC)

35500 SPIND_ON_SPEED_AT_IPO_START A03, A06, A10 S1, Z1

- Feedrate enable for spindle in the set range BYTE Reset
808d-me42 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 2 0 2 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 1 0 2 2/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1 0 2 2/2 M
Description: For SW 4.2 and higher:
Byte = 0:
The path interpolation is not affected
Byte = 1:
The path interpolation is not enabled (positioning axes continue traversing) until the
spindle has reached the specified speed. The tolerance range can be set in MD 35150:
$MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL. If a measuring system is active, the actual speed is
monitored, otherwise the set speed. Path axes traversing in continuous-path mode (G64)
are not stopped.
Byte = 2:
In addition to 1, traversing path axes are also stopped before machining begins, e.g.
continuous-path mode (G64) and the change from rapid traverse (G0) to a machining
block (G1, G2,..). The path is stopped at the last G0 block, and does not start
traversing until the spindle is within the set speed range. If the spindle speed is re-
programmed between two machining blocks, and the spindle speed is not yet in the
setpoint range during transition from the first to the second machining block, the
traversing path axes are also braked.
If the spindle is re-programmed by the PLC (FC18) or a synchronized action "shortly"
before the end of the last G0 block, the path decelerates on the basis of the dynamic
limitations. Since the spindle programming is asynchronous, a traverse can be made
into the machining block if necessary. If the spindle has reached the setpoint speed
range, machining starts from this position.
Byte = 3:
No longer available for SW 5.3 and higher.
Related to:
MD35150 $MA_SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL (Spindle speed tolerance)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2001.5 (Spindle in setpoint range)


- Feedrate enable for spindle stopped BOOLEAN Reset
- - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M

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Description: When a spindle is stopped (M5), the path feed is disabled (positioning axes continue
traversing) if MD35510 $MA_SPIND_STOPPED_AT_IPO_START is enabled and the spindle is in
control mode.
When the spindle has come to a standstill (NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX1.4 (Axis/
spindle stationary) enabled), the path feed is enabled.
Related to:
MD35500 $MA_SPIND_ON_SPEED_AT_IPO_START (feed enable for spindle in setpoint range)

35550 DRILL_VELO_LIMIT A06, A11, A04 -

rev/min Maximum speeds for tapping DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 10000., 10000., 0.1 - 1/1 M
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000.
Description: Limit speed values for tapping without compensating chuck with G331/G332.
The maximum speed of the linear motor characteristic range (constant acceleration
capacity) must be specified depending on the gear stage.

36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE A05 TE1, A3, B1, G2, S1, Z1

mm, degrees Exact stop coarse DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.4 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.4, 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.4 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.4, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.4, 0.4
808d-mte40 - 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04...
808d-mte60 - 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04...
Description: Threshold for exact stop coarse
An NC block is considered as terminated if the actual position of the path axes is away
from the setpoint position by the value entered for the exact stop limit. If the actual
position of a path axis is not within this limit, the NC block is considered as not
terminated, and further part program execution is not possible. The magnitude of the
value entered influences the transition to the next block. The larger the value, the
earlier the block change is initiated.
If the specified exact stop limit is not reached, then
● the block is considered as not terminated,
● further traversing of the axis is not possible,
● alarm 25080 Positioning monitoring is output after expiry of the time specified in
MD36020 $MA_POSITIONING_TIME (monitoring time for exact stop fine),
● the direction of movement +/- is indicated for the axis in the positioning display.
The exact stop window is also evaluated for spindles in position control mode (SPCON
Special cases:
MD36000 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_COARSE must not be set smaller than MD36010 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE
(exact stop fine). To achieve the identical block change behavior as with the "exact
stop fine" criterion, the exact stop coarse window may be identical to the exact stop
fine window. MD36000 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_COARSE must not be set equal to or greater than
MD36030 $MA_STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (standstill tolerance).
Related to:
MD36020 $MA_POSITIONING_TIME (delay time, exact stop fine)

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36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE A05 TE1, A3, B1, D1, G2, S1, Z1

mm, degrees Exact stop fine DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.1, 0.1
808d-mte40 - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01...
808d-mte60 - 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01...
Description: Threshold for exact stop fine
See also MD36000 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_COARSE (exact stop coarse)
Special cases:
MD36010 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE must not be set greater than MD36000 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_COARSE
(exact stop coarse).
MD36010 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE must not be set greater than or equal to MD36030
$MA_STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (standstill tolerance).
Related to:
MD 36020: $MA_POSITIONING_TIME (delay time, exact stop fine)

36012 STOP_LIMIT_FACTOR A05 G1, A3, B1, G2, S1, Z1

- Factor for exact stop coarse/fine and standstill DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 6 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.001 1000.0 1/1 M
Description: With this factor,
can be re-assessed as a function of the parameter set. The relationship between these
three values always remains the same.
Application examples:
Adapting the positioning behavior if the mass relationships change significantly with
a gear change, or if it is desired to save on machine positioning time at the cost of
accuracy in various operating conditions.
Related to:

36020 POSITIONING_TIME A05 TE1, A3, B1, G2

s Delay time exact stop fine DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: The following error must have reached the limit value for exact stop fine by the expiry
of the time entered in this MD for traveling into the position (position setpoint has
reached the destination).

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The current following error is therefore continuously monitored for the time limit
MD36010 $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE. If this time is exceeded, alarm 25080 "Positioning
monitoring" is output, and the axis stopped. The time entered in this MD should be long
enough to ensure that the monitoring function is not triggered under normal operating
conditions, taking into account any settling times.
Related to:
MD 36010: $MA_STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine)

36030 STANDSTILL_POS_TOL A05 G1, A3, D1, G2

mm, degrees Standstill tolerance DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.2, 0.2, 0.2...
808d-mte60 - 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0 - 2/2 M
0.2, 0.2, 0.2...
Description: This MD serves as a tolerance band for the following monitoring functions:
● After termination of a traversing block (position partial setpoint=0 at the end of
the movement), whether the following error has reached the limit value for MD36030
$MA_STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (standstill tolerance) is monitored after the programmable
MD36040 $MA_STANDSTILL_DELAY_TIME (delay time, standstill monitoring).
● After termination of a positioning action (exact stop fine reached), positioning
monitoring is replaced by standstill monitoring. The axis is monitored for moving
from its position by more than defined in MD36030 $MA_STANDSTILL_POS_TOL
(standstill tolerance).
If the setpoint position is over- or undershot by the standstill tolerance, alarm
25040 "Standstill monitoring" is output and the axis stopped.
Special cases:
The standstill tolerance must be greater than the "exact stop limit coarse".
Related to:
MD36040 $MA_STANDSTILL_DELAY_TIME (delay time, standstill monitoring)


s Delay time for standstill monitoring DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.4 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: See MD36030 $MA_STANDSTILL_POS_TOL (standstill tolerance)

36050 CLAMP_POS_TOL A05 A3, D1, Z1

mm, degrees Clamping tolerance DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.5 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: With NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.3 (Blocking action active), blocking
monitoring is activated. If the monitored axis is forced away from the setpoint
position (exact stop limit) by more than the blocking tolerance, alarm 26000 "Blocking
monitoring" is output and the axis stopped.
Threshold value for clamping tolerance (half width of window).
Special cases:

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The clamping tolerance must be greater than the "exact stop limit coarse".
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.3 (Blocking action active)

36051 CLAMP_POS_TOL_TIME A05 A3, D1, Z1

s Alarm delay time for clamping monitoring DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: The MD defines the length of time for which the clamping tolerance can be exceeded
before alarm 26000 "Clamping monitoring" is output.
If the clamping tolerance is exceeded before the expiry of this time, the user is first
informed via the NC/PLC interface signal DB3900, ... DBX5006.3 (Clamping tolerance
exceeded) (without alarm)
If the clamping tolerance is undershot before the expiry of this time, the clamping
monitoring is reset with the NC/PLC interface signal DB3900, ... DBX5006.3 (Clamping
tolerance exceeded) (without alarm)
See MD36050 $MA_CLAMP_POS_TOL (clamping tolerance).
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.3 (Clamping process active)
NC/PLC interface signal DB3900, ... DBX5006.3 (Clamping tolerance exceeded)

36060 STANDSTILL_VELO_TOL A05, A04 TE1, A2, A3, D1, Z1

mm/min, rev/min Threshold velocity/speed 'Axis/spindle in stop' DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 5.00, 5.00, 5.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 5.00, 5.00, 5.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
1800.00, 360.00
808d-te42 - 5.00, 5.00, 5.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 5.00, 5.00, 5.00, (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
1800.00, 360.00,
808d-mte40 - (5.0/ 1.0), (5.0/ 1.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
(5.0/ 1.0), (5.0/ 1.0),
(5.0/ 1.0), (5.0...
808d-mte60 - (5.0/ 1.0), (5.0/ 1.0), (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
(5.0/ 1.0), (5.0/ 1.0),
(5.0/ 1.0), (5.0...
Description: This MD defines the standstill range for the axis velocity / spindle speed. If the
current actual velocity of the axis or the actual speed of the spindle is less than
the value entered in this MD, the NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX1.4 (Axis/spindle
stationary) is set.
To bring the axis/spindle to a standstill under control, the pulse enable should not
be removed until the axis/spindle is at a standstill. Otherwise the axis will coast
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX1.4 (Axis/spindle stationary)

36100 POS_LIMIT_MINUS A03, A05, A11 TE1, R2, T1, A3, Z1

mm, degrees 1st software limit switch minus DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - -1.0e8 - - 2/2 M

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Description: Same meaning as 1st software limit switch plus, however the traversing range
limitation is in the negative direction.
The MD becomes active after reference point approach if the NC/PLC interface signal
DB380x DBX1000.2 (2nd software limit switch minus) is not set.
MD irrelevant:
if axis is not referenced.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.2 (2nd software limit switch minus)

36110 POS_LIMIT_PLUS A03, A05, A11 TE1, R2, T1, G2, A3, Z1
mm, degrees 1st software limit switch plus DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1.0e8 - - 2/2 M
Description: A software limit switch can be activated in addition to the hardware limit switch. The
absolute position in the machine axis system of the positive range limit of each axis
is entered.
The MD is active after reference point approach if NC/PLC interface signal DB380x
DBX1000.3 (2nd software limit switch plus) has not been set.
MD irrelevant:
if axis is not referenced.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.3 (2nd software limit switch plus)

36120 POS_LIMIT_MINUS2 A03, A05 TE1, A3, Z1

mm, degrees 2nd software limit switch minus DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - -1.0e8 - - 2/2 M
Description: Same meaning as 2nd software limit switch plus, but the traversing range limitation is
in the negative direction.
The PLC can select whether software limit switch 1 or 2 is to be active by means of
the interface signal.
For example:
DB380x DBX1000.2 = 0 (1st software limit switch minus) active for 1st axis
DB380x DBX1000.2 = 1 (2nd software limit switch minus) active for 1st axis
MD irrelevant:
if axis is not referenced.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.2 (2nd software limit switch minus)

36130 POS_LIMIT_PLUS2 A03, A05 TE1, A3, Z1

mm, degrees 2nd software limit switch plus DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 1.0e8 - - 2/2 M
Description: This machine data can define a 2nd software limit switch position in the positive
direction in the machine axis system. The PLC can select which of the two software
limit switches 1 or 2 is to be active by means of an interface signal.
For example:
DB380x DBX1000.3 = 0 (1st software limit switch plus) active for 1st axis
DB380x DBX1000.3 = 1 (2nd software limit switch plus) active for 1st axis
MD irrelevant:
if axis is not referenced.

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Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.3 (2nd software limit switch plus)

36200 AX_VELO_LIMIT A05, A11, A04 TE3, A3, G2, S1, V1

mm/min, rev/min Threshold value for velocity monitoring DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 6 11500., 11500., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500., ...
808d-me62 6 11500., 11500., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500., ...
808d-te42 6 11500., 11500., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500., ...
808d-te62 6 11500., 11500., (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500.,
11500., 11500., ...
808d-mte40 6 - (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
808d-mte60 6 - (0./ 0.) (1.e300/ 1.e300) 2/2 M
Description: The threshold value for actual velocity monitoring is entered in this machine data.
If the axis has at least one active encoder and if this encoder is below its limit
frequency, alarm 25030 "Actual velocity alarm limit" is triggered when the threshold
value is exceeded, and the axis is stopped.
● For axes, a value should be selected that is 10-15 % higher than that in MD32000
$MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity).
When temperature compensation is active MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE, the maximum axis
velocity is increased by an additional factor, which is obtained from MD32760
$MA_COMP_ADD_VELO_FACTOR (velocity increase as a result of compensation). Therefore,
the following should apply for the threshold value of the velocity monitoring:
MD36200 $MA_AX_VELO_LIMIT[n] > MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO * (1,1 ... 1,15 + MD32760
● For spindles, a value should be selected for each gear stage that is 10-15 % above
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT[n] (maximum speed of the gear stage).
The index of the machine data has the following coding: [control parameter set no.]:

36210 CTRLOUT_LIMIT EXP, A05 A3, D1, G2

% Maximum speed setpoint DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 110.0 0 200 1/1 M
Description: This MD defines the maximum speed setpoint in percent. 100% is the maximum speed
setpoint, this corresponds to 10 V for an analog interface or the maximum speed for
PROFIdrive drives (manufacturer-specific adjustable parameter in the drive, e.g. p1082
and, if applicable, p2000 for SINAMICS.
The maximum speed setpoint depends on whether there are any setpoint limitations in
the speed and current controller.
An alarm is output and the axis is stopped when the limit is exceeded.

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The limit is to be selected so that the maximum velocity (rapid traverse) can be
reached, and an appropriate additional control margin is available.


s Delay time for speed setpoint monitoring DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: This MD defines how long the speed setpoint may be within the limit CTRLOUT_LIMIT[n]
(max. speed setpoint) until the monitoring function is triggered.
Monitoring (and with it also this machine data) is always active.
Reaching the limit renders the position control loop non-linear, which results in
contour errors provided that the speed setpoint limited axis is participating in
contour generation. That is why this MD has default value 0, i.e. the monitoring
function responds as soon as the speed setpoint reaches the limit.

36300 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT EXP, A02, A05, A3, D1, R1, Z1

- Encoder limit frequency DOUBLE PowerOn
- 1 333000, 3.0e5 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: This MD is used to enter the encoder frequency, which,
in general, is a manufacturer specification (type plate, documentation).
For PROFIdrive:
No automatic, software-internal limitation for encoders on the PROFIdrive drive; here,
the limit values of the measuring circuit module depend on the drive hardware used,
i.e. known only by the drive. Therefore, it is the user who is responsible for taking
into account the limit frequency of the measuring circuit module.

36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW EXP, A02, A05, A3, R1, S1, Z1

% Encoder limit frequency for new encoder synchronization. DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 99.9, 99.9 0 100 2/2 M
Description: Encoder frequency monitoring uses a hysteresis.
MD36300 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT defines the encoder limit frequency. The encoder is
switched off when this frequency is exceeded. The encoder is switched on again when
the frequency falls below that defined in MD36302 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW.
MD36300 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMITis entered directly in Hertz,
whereas MD36302 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW is a fraction, expressed as a percentage, of
MD36302 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW is therefore already correctly preset for most of the
encoders used.
Exception: In the case of absolute encoders with an En-Dat interface, the limit
frequency of the absolute track is significantly lower than the limit frequency of the
incremental track. A low value in MD36302 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW ensures that the
encoder is not switched on again until it falls below the limit frequency of the
absolute track, and therefore is not referenced until permitted by the absolute track.
For spindles, this referencing is carried out automatically.
Example EnDat encoder EQN 1325:
Limit frequency of the electronics of the incremental track: 430 kHz
===> MD36300 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT = 430 kHz
The limit frequency of the absolute track is approx. 2000 encoder rpm at 2048
increments/encoder revolution, i.e. the limit frequency is 2000/60 * 2048 Hz = 68 kHz

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===> MD36302 $MA_ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW = 68/430 = 15%


- Zero mark monitoring DWORD NEW CONF
- 1 0, 0 0 - 2/2 M
Description: This MD is used to activate zero mark monitoring.
For PROFIdrive drives (the corresponding diagnostics system variables are not
currently supplied for incremental measuring systems):
For PROFIdrive, the permissible deviation must be set in the drive, *not* in the NC.
Zero mark monitoring reported by the drive is mapped to the NCK according to the
following rule:
0: no zero mark monitoring
100: no zero mark monitoring together with suppression of all encoder monitoring
operations, i.e. not only alarm 25020 but also alarms 25000, 25010 etc. are suppressed.
>0 but less than 100: direct triggering of power ON alarm 25000 ( or 25001).
>100: attenuated error message: reset alarm 25010 (25011) is output instead of
power ON alarm 25000 (25001).
For absolute measuring systems (MD30240 $MA_ENC_TYPE=4):
Permissible deviation in 1/2 coarse increments between the absolute and the
incremental encoder track (one 1/2 coarse increment is sufficient).

36400 CONTOUR_TOL A05, A11 A3, D1, G2

mm, degrees Tolerance band for contour monitoring DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 20.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0, 0.0 - 2/2 M
20.0, 20.0
808d-mte40 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 2/2 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte60 - 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 2/2 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
Description: Tolerance band for axial contour monitoring (dynamic following error monitoring).
The permissible deviation between the real and the modelled following error is entered
in this MD.
The input of the tolerance band is intended to avoid spurious tripping of the dynamic
following error monitoring caused by minor speed fluctuations, which occur during
normal closed-loop control operations (e.g. during first cut).
Following error modelling and thus the input of this MD depend on the position control
and, in the case of precontrol or simulation, on the accuracy of the controlled system
model MD32810 $MA_EQUIV_SPEEDCTRL_TIME (equivalent time constant for precontrol of
speed control loop), as well as on the accelerations and velocities used.


mm, degrees Tolerance for speed control mode DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 5.0 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: Permissible deviation between actual and setpoint positions of an axis in speed
control mode ("control axis").

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This MD has to be adapted to the accuracy of the speed controller as well as the
permissible accelerations and velocities.

36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL A02, A05 G1, K6, K3, A3, D1, G2, Z1
mm, degrees Tolerance at actual position value change. DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.1 0.0 - 2/2 M
Description: The permissible deviation between the actual values of the two measuring systems is
entered in this MD.
This difference must not be exceeded when switching over the measuring system used for
closed-loop control, in order to avoid compensating processes that are too strong.
Otherwise, the error message 25100 "Axis %1 Switchover of measuring system not
possible" is generated and the switchover does not take place.
This MD is relevant only if MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS = 2.
MD36500 also limits, in the form of a ramp, the rate of change of the backlash
compensation values in MD32450 $MA_BACKLASH. The limitation depends on the setting of
the position controller cycle. The lower the value in MD36500, the longer the duration
of the backlash compensation during the change of direction.
This MD is relevant only if MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS =1 or 2.

36520 DES_VELO_LIMIT A02, A05 -

% Threshold for setpoint velocity monitoring DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 125.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
Description: Maximum permissible setpoint velocity as a percentage of the maximum axis velocity/
spindle speed.
With MD36520 $MA_DES_VELO_LIMIT, the position setpoint is monitored for abrupt
changes. If the permissible limit value is exceeded, alarm 1016 error code 550010 is
With axes, this machine data refers to MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO.
With spindles, this MD refers to the lower of the speeds set in
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT of the current gear stage and MD35100


- Deceleration response on hardware limit switch BYTE PowerOn
- - 0 0 1 2/2 M
Description: If a rising edge of the axis-specific hardware limit switch is detected while the axis
is traversing, the axis is braked immediately.
The type of braking is determined by this machine data:
Value = 0:
Controlled braking along the acceleration ramp defined by MD32300 $MA_MAX_AX_ACCEL
(axis acceleration).
Value = 1:
Rapid braking (selection of setpoint = 0) with reduction of following error.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.1 und .0 (Hardware limit switch plus or minus)

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME A05 TE3, K3, A2, A3, N2, Z1

s Maximum time for braking ramp in case of error. DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.05 0.0 1.0e15 2/2 M
Description: This MD defines the braking ramp time that an axis or spindle requires to brake from
maximum velocity/speed to a standstill in the event of errors (e.g. emergency stop).
At the same lead/brake acceleration, standstill is reached correspondingly earlier
from lower velocities/speeds.
Mechanically robust axes are normally stopped abruptly with speed setpoint 0; values
in the lower ms range are appropriate in these cases (default setting).
However, high moving masses or limited mechanical conditions (e.g. gear load capacity)
often have to be taken into account for spindles. This means that the MD has to be
changed to set a longer braking ramp.
● With interpolating axes or axis/spindle couplings, it cannot be ensured that the
contour or coupling will be maintained during the braking phase.
● If the time set for the braking ramp for error states is too long, the controller
enable will be removed although the axis/spindle is still moving. Depending on the
drive type used and the activation of the pulse enable, either an immediate stop
with speed setpoint 0 will be initiated or the axis/spindle will coast down without
power. The time selected in MD36610 $MA_AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME should therefore be
shorter than the time in MD36620 $MA_SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME (cutout delay,
controller enable) so that the configured braking ramp can be fully active
throughout the entire braking operation.
● The braking ramp may be ineffective or not maintained if the active drive follows
its own braking ramp logic (e.g. SINAMICS).
Related to:
MD36620 $MA_SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME (cutout delay controller enable)
MD36210 $MA_CTRLOUT_LIMIT (maximum speed setpoint)

36620 SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME A05 TE3, K3, A2, A3, N2, Z1

s Cutout delay servo enable DOUBLE NEW CONF
- - 0.1 0.0 1.0e15 2/2 M
Description: Maximum time delay for removal of "controller enable" after faults. The speed enable
(controller enable) of the drive is removed internally within the controller after the
set delay time, at the latest.
The delay time entered becomes active as a result of the following events:
● Errors that lead to immediate stopping of the axes
● Removal of the interface signal DB380x DBX2.1 (Controller enable) from the PLC
As soon as the actual speed reaches the standstill range (MD36060
$MA_STANDSTILL_VELO_TOL), the "controller enable" for the drive is removed. The time
set should be long enough to enable the axis / spindle to brake down to a standstill
from maximum traversing velocity or maximum speed. If the axis / spindle is
stationary, the "controller enable" for the drive is removed immediately (i.e. the
time defined in MD36620 $MA_SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME is terminated prematurely).
Application example(s):
Speed control of the drive should be retained long enough to enable the axis / spindle
to brake down to standstill from maximum traversing velocity or maximum speed.

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If the cutout delay controller enable is set too short, controller enable will be
removed although the axis/spindle is still moving. This axis/spindle then coasts down
without power (which may be appropriate for grinding wheels, for example); otherwise
the time set in MD36620 $MA_SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME should be longer than the
duration of the braking ramp for error states (MD36610 $MA_AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME).
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.1 (Controller enable)
For SINAMICS drives: Drive parameter P1082 (maximum speed / velocity)

36700 DRIFT_ENABLE EXP, A07, A09 G2

- Automatic drift compensation BOOLEAN NEW CONF
- - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
Description: Only for special analog and hydraulic drives (not active with PROFIdrive drives):
Automatic drift compensation is activated with MD36700 $MA_DRIFT_ENABLE.
1: Automatic drift compensation active (only for position-controlled axes/spindles).
With automatic drift compensation, while the axis is at a standstill, the control
continually calculates the additional drift value still required to ensure that the
following error reaches the value 0 (compensation criterion). The total drift value
is, therefore, formed from the drift basic value (MD36720 $MA_DRIFT_VALUE) and the
drift additional value.
0: Automatic drift compensation not active.
The drift value is formed only from the drift basic value (MD36720 $MA_DRIFT_VALUE).
Not relevant for:
Non-position-controlled spindles
Related to:
MD36710 $MA_DRIFT_LIMIT drift limit value for automatic drift compensation
MD36720 $MA_DRIFT_VALUE drift basic value

36710 DRIFT_LIMIT EXP, A07, A09 -

% Drift limit value for automatic drift compensation DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 0 1.e9 1/1 M
Description: Only for special analog and hydraulic drives (not active with PROFIdrive drives):
The magnitude of the drift additional value calculated during automatic drift
compensation can be limited with MD36710 $MA_DRIFT_LIMIT.
If the drift additional value exceeds the limit value entered in MD36710
$MA_DRIFT_LIMIT, alarm 25070 "Drift value too large" is output and the drift
additional value is limited to this value.
Not relevant for:

36720 DRIFT_VALUE EXP, A07, A09 -

% Basic drift value DOUBLE NEW CONF
- 1 0.0 -1e15 1e15 1/1 M
Description: Only for special analog and hydraulic drives (not active with PROFIdrive drives):
The value entered in MD36720 $MA_DRIFT_VALUE is always added as an offset to the
manipulated variable. Whereas automatic drift compensation is active only for position-
controlled axes, this machine data is always active.
Special case: the following applies to PROFIdrive drives:

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This MD can also be used for "simple" drives that have drift problems due to drive-
internal implementation as analog drives. To avoid erroneous settings, this static
drift compensation only becomes active with PROFIdrive if MD32250 $MA_RATED_OUTVAL !=
0 (i.e. the MD has no effect in the case of automatic interface adjustment between the
NC and the drive).
Drift compensation must not be active if the DSC function (MD32640
$MA_STIFFNESS_CONTROL_ENABLE=1) is being used, otherwise unexpected speed
oscillations will occur when DSC is enabled/disabled.
Standardization: The input value is related to the corresponding interface
standardization in
MD32260 $MA_RATED_VELO, and


- Acquisition of additional drive actual values BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 4 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 1 0 1 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0 0 4 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1 0 1 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 4 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 4 7/2 M
Description: MD36730 $MA_DRIVE_SIGNAL_TRACKING = 1 activates the acquisition of the following drive
actual values (if they are made available by the drive):
● $AA_LOAD Drive load
● $AA_POWER Drive active power
● $AA_TORQUE Drive torque setpoint
● $AA_CURR Smoothed current setpoint (q-axis current) of drive
MD36730 $MA_DRIVE_SIGNAL_TRACKING = 2 activates the acquisition of the following drive
actual values:
With PROFIdrive, it must be ensured that the stated values are also transmitted in the
drive actual message frame (provide sufficient message frame length on the bus, assign
the values to the message frame content in the drive, e.g. use message frame 116).
● $VA_DP_ACT_TEL shows actual value message frame words
Note: Values 3 and 4 are reserved
Note: The value range of MD36730 $MA_DRIVE_SIGNAL_TRACKING can be restricted because
of reduced functions of control systems


- Travel to fixed stop mode BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 7/2 M
Description: Activation of subfunctions of "Travel to fixed stop".
Bit 0: Reserved

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Bit 1: Enable the Safe brake test (NC-controlled)

= 0: Safe brake test not available
= 1: Safe brake test can be executed under the control of the PLC
Note: The user must ensure that Travel to fixed stop and Safe brake test are not
assigned simultaneously.


- Sequence control for travel to fixed stop BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 7/2 M
Description: Sequence control for travel to fixed stop.
Bit 0: behavior on pulse disable at fixed stop
= 0: travel to fixed stop is canceled
= 1: travel to fixed stop is interrupted, i.e. the drive is without power.
As soon as the pulse disable is canceled again, the drive continues with the limited
Control of the torque injection see bit 1.
Bit 1: behavior after pulse disable at the fixed stop
= 0: the torque is applied in steps.
= 1: the torque is applied in ramps (see MD37012 $MA_FIXED_STOP_TORQUE_RAMP_TIME)


% Default fixed stop clamping torque DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 7/2 M
Description: The clamping torque is set in this machine data as a % of the maximum motor torque (in
the case of FDD this corresponds to the % of the max. current setpoint).
The clamping torque becomes active as soon as the fixed stop is reached or the NC/PLC
interface signal DB380x DBX1.1 (Acknowledge fixed stop reached) has been set.
The entered value is a default and is active only as long as
● no clamping torque has been programmed with command FXST[x]
● the clamping torque set in SD 43510: FIXED_STOP_TORQUE was not changed after fixed
stop had been reached.
In the case of "Travel to fixed stop" with an analog drive (611-A) and fixed clamping
torque, the torque limit set in the drive should be the same as the limit entered in
Related to:

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data


s Time period until reaching the changed torque limit DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
Description: Period in seconds until the changed torque limit is reached.
The value 0.0 deactivates the ramp function.


- Adaption factor torque limit DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 1.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 1.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 1.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 1.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 1.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
Description: Interface factor torque limit.
With this factor, the torque limit of linked slave axes (MD 37250) can be weighted
Even with different motors, the torque limits can be kept equal in all linked axes.


mm, degrees Default fixed-stop monitoring window DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 1.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 1.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 1.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 1.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 1.0 0.0 1.0e15 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1.0 0.0 1.0e15 7/2 M
Description: This machine data is used to enter the default for the standstill monitoring window at
fixed stop.
Fixed stop monitoring becomes active as soon as the fixed stop is reached, i.e. NC/PLC
interface signal DB390x DBX2.5 (Fixed stop reached) is set.
If the position at which the fixed stop is detected is left by more than the tolerance
specified in MD37020 $MA_FIXED_STOP_WINDOW_DEF alarm 20093 "Fixed stop monitoring has
responded" is output and the "FXS" function is deselected.
The value entered is a default setting and is active only as long as
● no fixed stop monitoring window is programmed with command FXSW[x],
● the fixed stop monitoring window is not changed via SD 43520: FIXED_STOP_WINDOW
(after reaching of fixed stop).
Related to:
SD43520 $SA_FIXED_STOP_WINDOW (fixed stop monitoring window)

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data


mm, degrees Threshold for fixed stop detection DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 2.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 2.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 2.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 2.0 0.0 1.0e15 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 2.0 0.0 1.0e15 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 2.0 0.0 1.0e15 7/2 M
Description: Threshold value for fixed stop detection.
The contour deviation is checked for this threshold as a criterion for reaching the
fixed stop. Waiting until the set torque limit is reached is a further condition for
digital drives.
This machine data is only active if MD37040 $MA_FIXED_STOP_BY_SENSOR = 0.
The NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2.5 (Fixed stop reached) is set if the axial
contour deviation exceeds the threshold value set in MD37030 $MA_FIXED_STOP_THRESHOLD.
MD irrelevant to:
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2.5 (Fixed stop reached)


- Fixed stop detection by sensor BYTE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0 0 3 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 3 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 3 7/2 M
Description: This machine data defines how the criterion "Fixed stop reached" is determined.
A change of this machine data becomes active with the next selection of travel to fixed
The criterion "Fixed stop reached" is determined internally on the basis of the axial
The criterion "Fixed stop reached" is determined via an external sensor and signalled
to the NC via the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1.2 (Sensor fixed stop).
The criterion "Fixed stop reached" is accepted if either the contour monitoring (MD =
0) or the signal of the external sensor (MD = 1) has responded.
Triggering through movement analysis (only as an alternative to triggering via sensor)
Related to:
(threshold for fixed stop detection)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1.2 (Sensor fixed stop)

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- Enable of the fixed stop alarms BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 1 0 31 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 1 0 31 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 1 0 31 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 1 0 31 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 1 0 31 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 1 0 31 7/2 M
Description: This machine data defines whether the alarms
20091 "Fixed stop not reached",
20094 "Fixed stop canceled" and
25042 "FOC: Standstill monitoring" are output.
MD= 0
Suppression of alarm 20091 "Fixed stop not reached"
MD= 2
Suppression of alarms
20091 "Fixed stop not reached" and
20094 "Fixed stop canceled" (SW 4 and higher)
Suppression of alarm 20094 "Fixed stop canceled" (SW 4 and higher)
Add value 8
Suppression of alarm 25042 "FOC: Standstill monitoring" (SW 7 and higher)
Add value 16
Trigger alarm 20095 only if the brake test torque is less than the holding torque
Errors occurring during travel to fixed stop can be read out from the status variable
$AA_FXS irrespective of the setting of the alarm screen.
Standard: 1 = Alarms 20091, 20094 and 25042 are triggered


- Reaction with fixed stop alarms BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 - 7/1 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 - 7/1 M
Description: Behavior of VDI signal "Mode group ready" in case of fixed stop alarms:
Bit value = 0: "Mode group ready" will be deleted (drives de-energized)
Bit value = 1: "Mode group ready" remains active
Bit0: Alarm 20090 Travel to fixed stop not possible
Bit1: Alarm 20091 Fixed stop not reached
Bit2: Alarm 20092 Travel to fixed stop still active
Bit3: Alarm 20093 Standstill monitoring at fixed stop has triggered
Bit4: Alarm 20094 Travel to fixed stop canceled
All other bits without meaning.
Standard: 0 = All alarms de-energize the drives

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3.4 Axis-specific machine data


- Waiting for PLC acknowledgments during travel to fixed stop BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0x0 0x0 0x3 7/2 M
Description: This machine data defines whether or not the NC waits for acknowledgment messages from
the PLC when the "Travel to fixed stop" function is active.
Bit 0 = 0
Once the NC has transmitted the interface signal DB390x DBX2.4 (Activate travel to
fixed stop) to the PLC, it starts the programmed traversing.
Bit 0 = 1
After the NC has transmitted the interface signal DB390x DBX2.4 (Activate travel to
fixed stop) to the PLC, it waits for the PLC to acknowledge with the interface signal
DB380x DBX3.1 (Enable travel to fixed stop) and then starts the programmed traversing.
Bit 0 = 1 should be set for analog drives so that the motion is not started before the
PLC has limited the torque in the drive.
Bit 1 = 0
Once the NC has transmitted the interface signal DB390x DBX2.5 (Fixed stop reached) to
the PLC, the program advances to the next block.
Bit 1 = 1
After the NC has transmitted the interface signal DB390x DBX2.5 (Fixed stop reached)
to the PLC, it waits for the PLC to acknowledge with the interface signal DB380x DBX1.1
(Acknowledge fixed stop reached), outputs the programmed torque and then advances to
the next block.
Bit 1 should be set for analog drives so that the PLC can switch the drive to torque-
controlled operation if a programmable clamping torque has to be specified.
With digital drives (PROFIdrive), the "Travel to fixed stop" function can be executed
without any acknowledgments, thus allowing program run times to be reduced.
Related to:
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2.4 (Activate travel to fixed stop)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX3.1 (Enable travel to fixed stop)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX2.5 (Fixed stop reached)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1.1 (Acknowledge fixed stop reached)


% Torque limit when approaching the fixed stop for analog drives DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 5.0 0.0 100.0 7/2 M
Description: Only for analog drives (not relevant for PROFIdrive digital drives):

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

This machine data defines an internal NC torque limit for analog drives. It is
specified as a percentage of the maximum drive torque (corresponds to % of max. current
setpoint with FDD).
This torque limit is active in the NC from the start of the motion (acceleration
torque) until the instant the fixed stop is reached.
The torque limit must have the same effect as the torque limit set in the drive.
This torque limit is required to ensure that:
● There are no step changes in torque during switchover from speed-controlled to
current-controlled or torque-controlled operation
● The acceleration is reduced to the correct value in the NC

37100 GANTRY_AXIS_TYPE A01, A10 G1, TE1, Z3

- Gantry axis definition BYTE PowerOn
808d-me42 - - 0 11 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - - 0 11 1/1 M
808d-te42 - - 0 11 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - - 0 11 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 33 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 33 7/2 M
Description: General: decimal representation, with a b
0: Leading axis
1: Synchronized axis
0: No gantry axis
1: Axis in gantry grouping 1
2: Axis in gantry grouping 2
3: Axis in gantry grouping 3
A max. of 8 gantry groupings is possible.
11: Axis is a synchronized axis in a gantry grouping 1
2: Axis is a leading axis in gantry a grouping 2
12: Axis is a synchronized axis in a gantry grouping 2
3: Axis is a leading axis in a gantry grouping 3
13: Axis is a synchronized axis in a gantry grouping 3
Special cases:
Alarm 10650 "Incorrect gantry machine data" and 10651 "Gantry unit not defined" in the
case of an incorrect gantry axis definition.
Related to:
MD37110 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING (gantry warning limit)
MD37120 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR (gantry trip limit)
MD37130 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_REF (gantry trip limit during referencing)


mm, degrees Gantry warning limit DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 1/1 M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-te42 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 ReadOnly M

808d-te62 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 7/2 M
Description: Value > 0
With gantry axes, the difference between the position actual values of the leading and
synchronized axes is constantly monitored.
MD37110 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING is used to define a limit value for the position
actual value difference; when the limit is exceeded, warning 10652 "Warning limit
exceeded" is output. However, the gantry axes are not stopped internally in the
control. The warning threshold must therefore be selected so that the machine can
withstand the position actual value deviation between the gantry axes without
sustaining mechanical damage.
Furthermore, the NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.3 (Gantry warning limit
exceeded) to the PLC is set to "1". The PLC user program can thus initiate the
necessary measures (e.g. program interruption at block end) when the warning limit is
As soon as the current position actual value difference has dropped below the warning
limit again, the message is canceled and the interface signal "Gantry warning limit
exceeded" is reset.
Effect of the gantry warning limit on the gantry synchronization process:
The position actual value difference between the leading and synchronized axes is
determined during gantry synchronization. If the deviation is less than the gantry
warning limit, the synchronizing motion of the gantry axes is automatically started
internally in the control.
Otherwise the synchronizing motion has to be initiated via the PLC interface
(interface signal DB380x DBX5005.4 (Start gantry synchronization process))
Value = 0
The setting MD37110 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING = 0 is the monitoring for violation of
the warning limit deactivated.
The gantry synchronization is not initiated internally in the control.
Special cases:
Alarm 10652 "Warning limit exceeded" in response to violation of the gantry warning
Related to:
MD37100 $MA_GANTRY_AXIS_TYPE Gantry axis definition
MD37120 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR Gantry trip limit
Gantry trip limit during referencing
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.3 (Gantry warning limit exceeded)
NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX5005.4 (Start gantry synchronization process)

37120 GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR A05, A10 G1, Z3

mm, degrees Gantry trip limit DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 7/2 M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: With gantry axes, the difference between the position actual values of the leading and
synchronized axes is continuously monitored. MD37120 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR defines
the maximum permissible deviation in position actual value between the synchronized
axis and the leading axis in the gantry axis grouping. Violation of this limit value
is monitored only if the gantry axis grouping is already synchronized (NC/PLC
interface signal DB390x DBX5005.5 (Gantry grouping is synchronized) = 1); otherwise
the value set in MD37130 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_REF is used.
When this limit value is exceeded, alarm 10653 "Error limit exceeded" is output. The
gantry axes are immediately stopped internally in the control to prevent any damage to
the machine.
In addition, the NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.2 (Gantry trip limit exceeded)
to the PLC is set to "1".
Special cases:
Alarm 10653 "Error limit exceeded" in response to violation of the gantry trip limit.
Related to:
MD37100 $MA_GANTRY_AXIS_TYPE Gantry axis definition
MD37110 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING Gantry warning limit
Gantry trip limit during referencing
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.5 (Gantry grouping is synchronized)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.2 (Gantry trip limit exceeded)

37130 GANTRY_POS_TOL_REF A05, A10 G1, Z3

mm, degrees Gantry trip limit during referencing DOUBLE PowerOn
808d-me42 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 -1e15 1e15 7/2 M
Description: With gantry axes, the difference between the position actual values of the leading and
synchronized axes is continuously monitored. MD37130 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_REF defines
the maximum permissible difference between the position actual values of the
synchronized axis and the leading axis that is monitored if the gantry axis grouping
has not yet been synchronized (NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.5 (Gantry
grouping is synchronized) = 0).
Alarm 10653 "Error limit exceeded" is output if the limit value is exceeded. The gantry
axes are immediately stopped internally in the control to prevent any damage to the
In addition, the NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.2 (Gantry trip limit exceeded)
to the PLC is set to "1".
Special cases:
Alarm 10653 "Error limit exceeded" in response to violation of the gantry trip limit.
Related to:
MD37100 $MA_GANTRY_AXIS_TYPE Gantry axis definition
MD37110 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING Gantry warning limit
MD37120 $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_ERROR Gantry trip limit
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.5 (Gantry grouping is synchronized)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.2 (Gantry trip limit exceeded)

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data


mm, degrees Current gantry trip limit DOUBLE Reset
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/2 M
Description: Actual value difference between master axis and slave axis in the case of alarm 10653.
Leads to alarm 10657 after Power ON.

37140 GANTRY_BREAK_UP EXP, A01, A10 G1, Z3

- Invalidate gantry axis grouping BOOLEAN Reset
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - FALSE 0 - 7/2 M
Description: GANTRY_BREAK_UP = "0"
The forced coupling of the gantry axis grouping remains valid! Monitoring of violation
of the gantry warning or trip limit is active!
This breaks up the forced coupling of the gantry grouping, thus allowing all gantry
axes in this grouping to be traversed individually in JOG, AUTOMATIC, and MDI modes.
Monitoring for violation of the gantry warning or trip limit is deactivated! The NC/
PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.5 "gantry grouping is synchronized" is set to "0".
In cases where the gantry axes continue to be mechanically coupled, the machine may
sustain damage in this operating state when the leading or synchronized axis is
The gantry axes cannot be referenced individually.
Corresponds with:
MD 37100: $MA_GANTRY_AXIS_TYPE Gantry axis definition
MD 37110: $MA_GANTRY_POS_TOL_WARNING Gantry warning limit
Gantry trip limit during referencing
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.5 (gantry grouping is synchronized)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5005.2 (gantry trip limit exceeded)


- Gantry functions DWORD Reset
808d-me42 - 0x00 0 0x7 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0x00 0 0x7 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x00 0 0x7 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0x00 0 0x7 1/1 M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

808d-mte40 - 0x00 0 0x7 7/2 M

808d-mte60 - 0x00 0 0x7 7/2 M
Description: Special gantry functions are set with this MD.
The MD is bit-coded, the following bits are assigned:
Bit 0 == 0:
Extended monitoring of the actual value difference is inactive.
An offset between master and slave axes occurring in tracking or BREAK_UP is not taken
into account in the monitoring of the actual value difference.
Alarm 10657 is not output if alarm 10563 occurs before Power OFF.
Bit 0 = 1:
Extended monitoring of the actual value difference is active.
An offset between master and slave axes occurring in tracking or BREAK_UP is taken into
account in the monitoring of the actual value difference.
Prerequisite: The gantry grouping must be rereferenced or resynchronized after control
Alarm 10657 is output if alarm 10563 occurs before Power OFF.
Bit 1 = 0:
Zero mark search direction of the slave axis analogous to MD 34010
Bit 1 = 1:
Zero mark search direction of the slave axis same as for master axis
Bit 2 = 0 :
Alarm 10655 "Synchronization in progress" is output
Bit 2 = 1
Alarm 10655 "Synchronization in progress" is not output

37500 ESR_REACTION EXP, A01, A10 M3, P2

- Axial mode of "Extended Stop and Retract" BYTE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0 0 22 ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0 0 22 ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0 0 22 ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0 0 22 ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0 0 22 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0 0 22 7/2 M
Description: Selection of the response to be triggered via system variable "$AN_ESR_TRIGGER".
0 = No response Reaktion (or only external response through synchronized action
programming of rapid digital outputs).
21 = NC-controlled retraction axis
22 = NC-controlled stopping axis

37510 AX_ESR_DELAY_TIME1 EXP, A01, A10 P2

s Delay time ESR single axis DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/2 M

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

Description: If, for example, an alarm occurs, the deceleration time can be delayed by means of this
MD, e.g. to allow in case of gear hobbing the retraction from the tooth gap first.

37511 AX_ESR_DELAY_TIME2 EXP, A01, A10 P2

s ESR time for interpolatory deceleration of single axis DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 0.0 - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
808d-mte60 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/2 M
Description: The time for interpolatory braking specified here in MD37511 $MA_AX_ESR_DELAY_TIME2
still remains after expiry of the time MD37510 $MA_AX_ESR_DELAY_TIME1.
Rapid braking with subsequent tracking is initiated after expiry of the time MD37511


% Resolution PROFIdrive torque reduction DOUBLE NEW CONF
808d-me42 - 1.0 0.005 10.0 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 1.0 0.005 10.0 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 1.0 0.005 10.0 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1.0 0.005 10.0 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 1.0 0.005 10.0 0/0 S
808d-mte60 - 1.0 0.005 10.0 1/1 M
Description: For PROFIdrive only:
Resolution of torque reduction on the PROFIdrive (LSB significance)
The MD is only relevant for controls with PROFIdrive drives. For these controls, it
defines the resolution of the cyclic interface data "Torque reduction value" (only
exists for MD13060 $MN_DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE = 101 ff. or 201 ff.), which is required
for the "Travel to fixed stop" functionality.
The 1% default value corresponds to the original significance. The torque limit is
transferred on the PROFIdrive with increments of 1%; the value 100 in the
corresponding PROFIdrive message frame data cell corresponds to full torque reduction
(i.e. without force).
By changing this MD to 0.005%, for example, the value can be entered in increments of
0.005%, i.e. the increments for the torque limit value become finer by a factor of 200.
For limitation to the rated torque, the value 0 is transmitted in this case; complete
torque reduction (i.e. without force) characterizes the transmittable value 10000.
To avoid misadaptation, the setting value of the MD must be selected to match the
interpretation configured on the drive side or the firmly defined interpretation of
the torque reduction value. If the setting of the control on the drive (manufacturer-
specific drive parameter) is known (i.e. with SIEMENS drives), the software
automatically sets the MD; in other words, in this case the MD is merely used for
display purposes.

37800 OEM_AXIS_INFO A01, A11 -

- OEM version information STRING PowerOn
- 2 , - - 2/2 M
Description: A version information freely available to the user

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Machine data
3.4 Axis-specific machine data

(is indicated in the version screen)

38000 MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTS A01, A09, A02 K3

- Number of intermediate points for interpol. compensation (SRAM) DWORD PowerOn
808d-me42 1 200 0 5000 ReadOnly S
808d-me62 1 200 0 5000 ReadOnly S
808d-te42 1 200 0 5000 ReadOnly S
808d-te62 1 200 0 5000 ReadOnly S
808d-mte40 1 200 0 5000 7/2 M
808d-mte60 1 200 0 5000 7/2 M
Description: The number of interpolation points required per measuring system must be defined for
the leadscrew error compensation.
The required number can be calculated as follows using the defined parameters:
MD38000 $MA_MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTS = ---------------------------------- + 1
$AA_ENC_COMP_MIN Initial position (system variable)
$AA_ENC_COMP_MAX End position (system variable)
$AA_ENC_COMP_STEP Distance between interpolation points (system variable)
When selecting the number of interpolation points and/or the distances between them,
it is important to take into account the size of the resulting compensation table and
the space required in the buffered NC user memory (SRAM). 8 bytes are required for each
compensation value (interpolation point).
The index [n] has the following coding: [encoder no.]: 0 or 1
Special cases: Notice:
After any change in MD38000 $MA_MM_ENC_COMP_MAX_POINTS, the buffered NC user memory is
automatically re-allocated on system power-on.
All data in the buffered NC user memory are then lost (e.g. part programs, tool offsets
etc.). Alarm 6020 "Machine data changed - memory reallocated" is output.
If reallocation of the NC user memory fails because the total memory capacity
available is insufficient, alarm 6000 "Memory allocation made with standard machine
data" is output.
In this case, the NC user memory division is allocated using the default values of the
standard machine data.
/FB/, S7, "Memory Configuration"
/DA/, "Diagnostics Guide"
Related to:
MD32700 $MA_ENC_COMP_ENABLE[n] LEC active
/FB/, S7, "Memory Configuration"

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NC setting data 4
You can call the help information for the setting data on the PPU by proceeding through the
following steps:

+ 1. Select the system data operating area.

2. Press this softkey to open the machine data window.

3. Open the target setting data list and select the desired data using the
cursor keys.

4. Press this key to call the help information for the selected data.

Note: You can further press this softkey in the current help screen to
show a complete list of all NC setting data. In addition, you can also
use the following softkey to search for a specific SD by number in this

5. Pressing this softkey exits the help system.

- Size of the variable increment for JOG DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0. - - 7/7 U
Description: This setting data defines the number of increments when variable increment (INCvar) is
selected. This increment size is traversed by the axis in JOG mode each time the
traverse key is pressed or the handwheel is turned one detent position and variable
increment is selected (PLC interface signal "Active machine function: INC variable"
for machine or geometry axes is set to 1). The defined increment size also applies to
Please note that the increment size is active for incremental jogging and handwheel
jogging. So, if a large increment value is entered and the handwheel is turned, the
axis might cover a large distance (depends on setting in MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT).
SD irrelevant to ......
JOG continuous
Related to ....
NC/PLC interface signal DB3300 DBX1001.5,1005.5,1009.5 (Geometry axis 1-3 active
machine function: INC variable) or NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX5.5 (Active
machine function: INC variable)
MD31090 $MA_JOG_INCR_WEIGHT (weighting of an increment for INC/handwheel)

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NC setting data

- Jog mode / continuous operation with continuous JOG BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE 0 - 7/7 U
Description: 1: Jog mode for JOG continuous
In jog mode (default setting) the axis traverses as long as the traverse key is held
down and an axis limitation has not been reached. When the key is released the axis is
decelerated to zero speed and the movement is considered complete.
0: Continuous operation for JOG continuous
In continuous operation the traverse movement is started with the first rising edge of
the traverse key and continues to move even after the key is released. The axis can be
stopped again by pressing the traverse key again (second rising edge).
SD irrelevant for ......
Incremental jogging (JOG INC)
Reference point approach (JOG REF)

- JOG mode: revolutional feedrate / linear feedrate BYTE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0x0E 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0x0E 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0x0E 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0x0E 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0x0E 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0x0E 0 - 7/7 U
Description: Bit 0 = 0:
The behavior depends on the following:
- in the case of an axis/spindle:
- in the case of a geometry axis with an active frame with rotation:
on the channel-specific SD42600 $SC_JOG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE
- in the case of an orientation axis:
on the channel-specific SD42600 $SC_JOG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE
Bit 0 = 1:
A JOG motion with revolutional feedrate shall be traversed depending on the master
The following must be considered:
- If a spindle is the master spindle itself, it will be traversed without revolutional
- If the master spindle is in stop position and if SD43300
$SA_ASSIGN_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE (with an axis/spindle) or SD42600
$SC_JOG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE (with a geometry axis with an active frame with rotation,
or with an orientation axis) = -3, traversing will be carried out without revolutional
Bit 1 = 0:

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NC setting data

The axis/spindle, geometry axis or orientation axis will be traversed with

revolutional feedrate even during rapid traverse (see bit 0 for selection).
Bit 1 = 1:
The axis/spindle, geometry axis or orientation axis is always traversed without
revolutional feedback during rapid traverse.
Bit 2 = 0:
The axis/spindle, geometry axis or orientation axis is traversed with revolutional
feedrate during JOG handwheel travel, too (see bit 0 for selection).
Bit 2 = 1:
The axis/spindle, geometry axis or orientation axis is always traversed without
revolutional feedrate during JOG handwheel travel.
Bit 3 = 0:
The axis/spindle is traversed with revolutional feedrate during DRF handwheel travel,
too (see bit 0 for selection).
Bit 3 = 1:
The axis/spindle is always traversed without revolutional feedrate during DRF
handwheel travel.

41110 JOG_SET_VELO - H1
mm/min Axis velocity in JOG DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Value not equal to 0:
The velocity value entered applies to linear axes traversed in JOG mode if linear
feedrate (G94) is active for the relevant axis (SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE = 0).
The axis velocity is active for
● continuous jogging
● incremental jogging (INC1, ... INCvar)
● handwheel traversing.
The value entered is valid for all linear axes and must not exceed the maximum
permissible axis velocity (MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO).
In the case of DRF, the velocity defined by SD41110 $SN_JOG_SET_VELO is reduced by
Value = 0:
If 0 has been entered in the setting data, the active linear feedrate in JOG mode is
MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO "Jog axis velocity". Each axis can be given its own JOG velocity
with this MD (axial MD).
SD irrelevant for ......
● Linear axes if SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE = 1
● Rotary axes (SD41130 $SN_JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO is active here)
Application example(s)
The operator can thus define a JOG velocity for a specific application.
Related to ....
SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional feedrate with JOG active)
Axial MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (JOG axis velocity)
Axial MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)
Axial MD32090 $MA_HANDWH_VELO_OVERLAY_FACTOR (ratio of JOG velocity to handwheel
velocity (DRF))
SD41130 $SN_JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO (JOG speed with rotary axes)

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NC setting data

mm/rev Revolutional feedrate of axes in JOG mode DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0.0 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Value not equal to 0:
The velocity value entered applies to axes traversed in JOG mode if revolutional
feedrate (G95) is active for the relevant axis (SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE = 1).
The axis velocity is active for
● continuous jogging
● incremental jogging (INC1, ... INCvar)
● handwheel traversing. The value entered is valid for all axes and must not exceed
the maximum permissible axis velocity (MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO).
Value = 0:
If 0 has been entered in the setting data, the active revolutional feedrate in JOG mode
is MD32050 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO "revolutional feedrate with JOG".
Each axis can be given its own revolutional feedrate with this MD (axial MD).
SD irrelevant for ......
● For axes if SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE = 0
Application example(s)
The operator can define a JOG velocity for a particular application.
Related to ....
Axial SD41100 $SN_JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional feedrate for JOG active)
Axial MD32050 $MA_JOG_REV_VELO (revolutional feedrate with JOG)
Axial MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)

rev/min Axis velocity for rotary axes in JOG mode DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Value not equal to 0:
The velocity entered applies to rotary axes in JOG mode (to continuous jogging,
incremental jogging, jogging with handwheel). The value entered is common to all
rotary axes, and must not exceed the maximum permissible axis velocity (MD32000
With DRF, the velocity set with SD41130 $SN_JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO must be reduced by
Value equal to 0:
If the value 0 is entered in the setting data, the velocity applied to rotary axes in
JOG mode is the axial MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (jog axis velocity). In this way, it is
possible to define a separate JOG velocity for each axis.
Application example(s)
The operator can define a JOG velocity for a particular application.
Related to ....
MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (JOG axis velocity)
MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)

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NC setting data

MD32090 $MA_HANDWH_VELO_OVERLAY_FACTOR (ratio JOG velocity to handwheel velocity (DRF)

rev/min Speed for spindle JOG mode DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Value not equal to 0:
The speed entered applies to spindles in JOG mode if they are traversed manually by
the "Plus and minus traversing keys" or the handwheel. The speed is active for
● continuous jogging
● incremental jogging (INC1, ... INCvar)
● handwheel traversing. The value entered is valid for all spindles, and must not
exceed the maximum permissible speed (MD32000 $MA_MAX_AX_VELO).
Value = 0:
If 0 has been entered in the setting data, MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (JOG axis velocity)
acts as the JOG velocity. Each axis can thus be given its own JOG velocity with this
MD (axial MD).
The maximum speeds of the active gear stage (MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT) are
taken into account when traversing the spindle with JOG.
SD irrelevant for ......
Application example(s). The operator can thus define a JOG speed for the spindles for
a specific application.
Related to ....
Axial MD32020 $MA_JOG_VELO (JOG axis velocity)
MD35130 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (maximum speeds of the gear stages)

- Compensation table enable BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 6 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 8 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 6 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 8 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 6 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 8 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: 1: The evaluation of the compensation table [t] is enabled.

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NC setting data

The compensation table is now included in the calculation of the compensation value
for the compensation axis.
The compensation axis $AN_CEC_OUTPUT_AXIS can be taken from the table configuration.
The effective total compensation value in the compensation axis can be adapted to the
current machining by the targeted activation of tables (from NC part program or PLC
user program).
The function does not become active until the following conditions have been fulfilled:
● The option "Interpolatory compensation" is set
● The associated compensation tables in the NC user memory have been loaded and
enabled (SD41300 $SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLEt] = 1)
● The current position measuring system is referenced (NC/PLC interface signal DB390x
DBX0.4 / .5 (Referenced/synchronized 1 or 2) = 1).
0: The evaluation of the sag compensation table [t] is not enabled.
Related to ....
MD18342 $MN_MM_CEC_MAX_POINTS[t] Number of interpolation points with sag
SD41300 $SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[t] Evaluation of the sag compensation table t is
SD41310 $SN_CEC_TABLE_WEIGHT[t] Weighting factor of the sag compensation
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.4 (Referenced/synchronized 1)
NC/PLC interface signal DB390x DBX0.5 (Referenced/synchronized 2)

- Weighting factor compensation table DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 6 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-me62 8 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te42 6 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-te62 8 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 1/1 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte40 6 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 7/7 U
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
808d-mte60 8 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, - - 7/7 U
1.0, 1.0, 1.0...
Description: The compensation value stored in the table [t] is multiplied by the weighting factor.
When selecting the weighting factor it should be ensured that the total compensation
value in the compensation axis does not exceed the maximal value of
(MD18342 $MN_CEC_MAX_SUM). With [t] = index of the compensation table (see MD18342
If, for example, the weight of the tools used on the machine or the workpieces to be
machined are too different and this affects the error curve by changing the amplitude,
this can be corrected by changing the weighting factor. In the case of sag
compensation, the weighting factor in the table can be changed for specific tools or
workpieces from the PLC user program or the NC program by overwriting the setting data.
However, different compensation tables are to be used if the course of the error curve
is substantially changed by the different weights.
Related to ....
SD41300 $SN_CEC_TABLE_ENABLE[t] Evaluation of the sag compensation table t is enabled
MD18342 $MN_CEC_MAX_SUM Maximum compensation value for sag compensation

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NC setting data

41356 CEC_CALC_ADD - K3
- Absolute or additive calculation of $SN_CEC_0[t] and BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 6 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-me62 8 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-te42 6 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-te62 8 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte40 6 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 8 FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: $SN_CEC_0[t] and $SN_CEC_1[t] can be calculated absolutely or additively:
FALSE: Absolute, the calculated values of $SN_CEC_0[t] and $SN_CEC_1[t] are included
as absolute values.
TRUE: Additive, the calculated values of $SN_CEC_0[t] and $SN_CEC_1[t] are added to
the existing values.
Related to ....
$SN_CEC_BAS_0[t], $SN_CEC_BAS_1[t] distance to measuring point in the basic axis
$SN_CEC_COMP_0[t], $SN_CEC_COMP_1[t] cylinder error in the compensation axis

degrees Starting angle for thread DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: In the case of multiple thread cutting, the offset of the individual threads can be
programmed with the aid of this setting data.
This SD can be changed by the part program with the command SF.
MD10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)

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NC setting data

mm Acceleration behavior of axis when thread cutting DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 3 -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. 999999., 3/3 U
-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 999999., 0.
808d-me62 3 -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. 999999., 3/3 U
-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 999999., 0.
808d-te42 3 -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. 999999., 3/3 U
-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 999999., 0.
808d-te62 3 -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. 999999., 3/3 U
-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 999999., 0.
808d-mte40 3 -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. 999999., 7/7 U
-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 999999., 0.
808d-mte60 3 -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. 999999., 7/7 U
-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 999999., 0.
Description: The SD is active for thread cutting with G33 (G34, G35).
It has three elements that define the behavior of the thread axis during runup (1st
element), during deceleration/smoothing "G33(G34, G35) on G00/G01" (2nd element), and
during smoothing between 2 thread blocks (3rd element).
The first two values have the same properties for thread run-in and thread run-out:
The thread axis is started/decelerated with configured acceleration. Jerk is according
to the current programming of BRISK/SOFT. Behavior is compatible with MD
20650__THREAD_START_IS_HARD = FALSE used until now.
Starting/deceleration of the feed axis during thread cutting is stepped. Behavior is
compatible with MD 20650__THREAD_START_IS_HARD = TRUE used until now.
The maximum thread starting or deceleration path is specified. The specified distance
can lead to acceleration overload of the axis. The SD is written from the block when
DITR (displacement thread ramp) is programmed. An excessively long path has no effect.
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
The 3rd value enables smoothing at a corner between 2 thread blocks in order to soften
the transition. There is no rounding by smoothing if the dynamic response of the
machine allows a hard transition on account of MD32210 $MA_MAX_ACCEL_OVL_FACTOR:
The transition is made as geometrically soft as possible.
The corner is left with hard retraction, the axes follow the specification of the
control loops.
> 0:
Reserved for an expansion of the function.

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328 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

42100 DRY_RUN_FEED - V1
mm/min Dry run feedrate DOUBLE Immediately
- - 5000., 5000., 5000., 0.0 - 7/7 U
5000., 5000., 5000.,
5000., 5000....
Description: The feedrate for the active dry run is entered in this setting data. The setting data
can be altered on the operator panel in the "Parameters" operating area.
The entered dry run feedrate is always interpreted as a linear feed (G94). If the dry
run feedrate is activated via the PLC interface, the dry run feedrate is used as the
path feed after a reset instead of the programmed feed. The programmed velocity is used
for traversing if it is greater than the velocity stored here.
Application example(s)
Program testing
Related to ....
NC/PLC interface signal DB3200 DBX0.6 (Activate dry run feedrate)
NC/PLC interface signal DB1700 DBX0.6 (Dry run feedrate selected)

- Mode for dry run velocity BYTE Immediately
- - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 12 7/7 U
Description: This SD can be used to set the method of operation of the dry run velocity set by
The following values are possible:
The maximum of SD42100 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED and the programmed velocity become active.
This is the standard setting and corresponds to the behavior up to SW 5.
The minimum of SD42100 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED and the programmed velocity become active.
SD42100 $SC_DRY_RUN_FEED becomes active directly, irrespective of the programmed
The values 3...9 are reserved for extensions.
As configuration 0, except for thread cutting (G33, G34, G35) and tapping (G331, G332,
G63). These functions are executed as programmed.
As configuration 1, except for thread cutting (G33, G34, G35) and tapping (G331, G332,
G63). These functions are executed as programmed.
As configuration 2, except for thread cutting (G33, G34, G35) and tapping (G331, G332,
G63). These functions are executed as programmed.


mm/min Path feed default value DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U

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NC setting data

Description: Default value for path feedrate, This setting data is evaluated when the part program
starts taking into account the feedrate type active at this time (see MD20150

mm/min Path feedrate in approach blocks DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Default value for path feedrate in approach blocks (after repos., block search,
The contents of this settting data are only used when it is non-zero.
It is evaluated like an F word programmed for G94.

42121 AX_ADJUST_FEED - -
mm/min Path feed in adjustment movements DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 7/7 U
Description: Default value for the path feed in adjustment movements of tangential axes on
activation of a tangential axis coupling during or after block search.
The content of this setting data is only used if it is not equal to zero and bit7 = 0
It is evaluated as an F-word programmed in G94.

42122 OVR_RAPID_FACTOR - MD12050

% Add. rapid traverse override can be specified through operation DOUBLE Immediately
- - 100., 100., 100., 100., 0.0 - 7/7 U
100., 100., 100., 100....

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NC setting data

Description: Additional channel-specific rapid traverse override in %. The value is calculated as

a function of the OPI variable enablOvrRapidFactor on the path and during jogging of
geometry axes . The value multiplies the other overrides relevant to rapid traverse
(rapid traverse override of the machine control panel, override default through
synchronized actions $AC_OVR).

- Synchronization in approach blocks DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: A synchronized approach can be set for the search type SERUPRO with the setting data
SERUPRO uses the function REPOS to move from the current machine position to the target
block of the search. A synchronization of the channels can be forced between the
reapproach block and the target block via SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK which would correspond to
the use of WAIT markers.
The user cannot program WAIT markers between reapproach block and target block in a
part program.
SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK activates this intermal WAIT marker, and defines for which other
channels this channel is to wait.
Example for channel 3: SD42125 $SC_SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK= 0x55
A new block is now inserted in the Serupro approach between the reapproach block and
the target block, the function of which corresponds to the following programming:
WAITM( 101, 1,3,5,7), i.e. a WAIT marker synchronizes the channels 1, 3, 5 and 7.
The WAIT markers used internally cannot be explicitly programmed by the user.
Similarly to the part program, the user can make the error of not setting the marker
in a channel, so that the other channels naturally wait for ever!
The bit mask can contain a channel that does not exist (channel gaps) without a
deadlock occurring.
Example for channel 3: SD42125 $SC_SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK= 0x55 and channel 5 do not
exist, so WAITM( 101, 1,3,7) is set.
Note: The block content corresponds to "WAITM( 101, 1,3,5,7)", the user does not see
this block content, he sees REPOSA!
SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK is evaluated as soon as the part program command REPOSA is
SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK can still be changed if SERUPRO is in the state "search target
If REPOSA has already been executed, a change to SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK can only become
active if a new REPOS is set. This occurs, for example, by:
● Starting a new ASUB.
● STOP - select a new REPOS mode RMI/RMN/RME/RMB - START

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NC setting data

If one uses the prog. event for search and if the NCK is at alarm 10208 then a change
of SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK is not active unless one sets a new REPOS.
SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK == 0 A block is NOT inserted.
If the bit for the current channel is not set in SD42125 $SC_SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK then a
block is NOT inserted.
If SD42125 $SC_SERUPRO_SYNC_MASK= 0xE is programmed in channel 1, then a block is NOT
This assignment is reserved for a future function!


- Default scaling factor for address P DWORD Immediately
- - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... - - 7/7 U
Description: The value in this machine data is active if no scaling factor P has been programmed in
the block.
Related to:

- Default rotation factor for address R DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., - - 7/7 U
Description: The value in this machine data is active if no factor for rotation R is programmed in
the block.


- Fixed feedrates F1 - F9 DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 10 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 0/0 S
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-me62 10 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 0/0 S
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-te42 10 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 0/0 S
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-te62 10 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 0/0 S
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-mte40 10 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
808d-mte60 10 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., ...
Description: Fixed feedrate values for programming with F1 - F9. If the machine data
$MC_FEEDRATE_F1_F9_ON = TRUE is set with the programming of F1 - F9, the feedrate
values are read from SD42160 $SC_EXTERN_FIXED_FEEDRATE_F1_F9[0] - SD42160
$SC_EXTERN_FIXED_FEEDRATE_F1_F9[8], and activated as the machining feedrate.

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332 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

The rapid traverse feedrate must be entered in SD42160



- Double turret head tool distance DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Distance between both tools of a double turret head.

- Activate SBL2 debug mode BOOLEAN Immediately
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: Value = TRUE:
A preprocessing stop is made with every block if SBL2 (single block with stop after
every block) is active. This suppresses the premachining of part program blocks. This
variant of the SBL2 is not true-to-contour.
This means that a different contour characteristic might be generated as a result of
the preprocessing stop than without single block or with SBL1.
Application: Debug mode for testing part programs.


- Work offsets in frames BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: 0: When incremental programming is used on an axis, only the programmed position
delta is traversed after a frame change. Work offsets in FRAMES are only traversed when
an absolute position is specified.
1: When incremental programming is used on an axis, changes to work offsets are
traversed after a frame change (standard response up to software version 3).
Related to ....


- Tool length compensations BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M

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NC setting data

808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - 2/2 M

808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: 0: When incremental programming is used on an axis, only the programmed position
delta is traversed after a frame change. Tool length offsets in FRAMES are only
traversed when an absolute position is specified.
1: When incremental programming is used on an axis, changes to tool length offsets
are traversed after a tool change (standard response up to SW version 3).
Related to ....

- Set down mode after search run with calculation BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: If the first programming of an axis after "Search run with calculation to end of block"
is incremental, the incremental value is added as a function of SD42444
$SC_TARGET_BLOCK_INCR_PROG to the value accumulated up to the search target :
SD = TRUE: Incremental value is added to accumulated position
SD = FALSE: Incremental value is added to current actual value
The setting data is evaluated on NC start for output of the action blocks.

42450 CONTPREC - B1, K6

mm Contour accuracy DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-me62 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-te42 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-te62 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...

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334 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

808d-mte40 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.000001 999999. 7/7 U

0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
808d-mte60 - 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.000001 999999. 7/7 U
0.1, 0.1, 0.1...
Description: Contour accuracy. This setting data can be used to define the accuracy to be maintained
for the path of the geometry axes on curved contours. The lower the value and the lower
the servogain factor of the geometry axes, the greater the reduction of path feed on
curved contours.
Related to ....

42460 MINFEED - B1, K6

mm/min Minimum path feedrate for CPRECON DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.e-6 1.e9 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.e-6 1.e9 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.e-6 1.e9 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.e-6 1.e9 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.e-6 1.e9 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.e-6 1.e9 7/7 U
Description: Minimum path feedrate with the "Contour accuracy" function active. The feedrate is not
limited to below this value unless a lower F value has been programmed or the axis
dynamics do not permit it.
Related to ....

mm Maximum contour tolerance on smoothing DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-me62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte40 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte60 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
Description: This setting data defines the maximum tolerance for smoothing the contour.
Related to:

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NC setting data

degrees Maximum deviation of tool orientation during smoothing. DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-me62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte40 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte60 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
Description: This setting data defines the maximum tool orientation tolerance during smoothing.
The data determines the maximum permissible
angular displacement of the tool orientation.
This data only applies if an orientation tranformation
is active.
Related to:


degrees Corner limit angle for compressor DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 0.0 89.0 0/0 S
36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0...
808d-me62 - 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 0.0 89.0 0/0 S
36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0...
808d-te42 - 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 0.0 89.0 0/0 S
36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0...
808d-te62 - 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 0.0 89.0 0/0 S
36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0...
808d-mte40 - 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 0.0 89.0 7/7 U
36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0...
808d-mte60 - 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 0.0 89.0 7/7 U
36.0, 36.0, 36.0, 36.0...
Description: The setting data defines the limit angle from which the compressor COMPCAD interprets
a block transition as a corner. Practical values lie between 10 and 40 degrees. Values
from 0 to 89 degrees inclusive are permitted.
The angle only serves as an approximate measure for corner detection. The compressor
can also classify flatter block transitions as corners and eliminate larger angles as
outliers on account of plausibility considerations.


mm Minimum radius of curvature DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
3.0, 3.0, 3.0...

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336 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

808d-me62 - 1.0 0.0 - 2/2 M

808d-te42 - 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
3.0, 3.0, 3.0...
808d-te62 - 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
3.0, 3.0, 3.0...
808d-mte40 - 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0 - 7/7 U
3.0, 3.0, 3.0...
808d-mte60 - 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0 - 7/7 U
3.0, 3.0, 3.0...
Description: The setting data defines a typical tool radius. It is only evaluated in compressor
COMPCAD. The lower the value, the greater the precision, but the slower the program


mm Minimum curvature radius for COMPSURF DOUBLE Immediately
[0] Minimum curvature radius for geometry axes
[1] Minimum curvature radius for the orientation axes
[2] Minimum curvature radius for other axes
808d-me42 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
808d-me62 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 2/2 M
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
808d-te42 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
808d-te62 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
808d-mte40 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/7 U
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
808d-mte60 3 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 - 7/7 U
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0,...
Description: The setting data specifies a typical tool radius. It is evaluated for the COMPSURF
compressor only. A smaller value results in greater precision but also slower program


- Currently desired COMPSURF function dimensioning in respect DWORD Immediately
of axis groups.
808d-me42 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 3 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 3 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 3 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 3 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 3 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1... 1 3 7/7 U

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NC setting data

Description: The setting data dimensions the COMPSURF function in respect of axis groups for
following machining. Values greater than $MC_MM_MAXNUM_SURF_GROUPS are limited without
an alarm.
Related to:


mm Maximum contour deviation with compressor DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-me62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte40 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte60 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 999999. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
Description: This setting data defines the maximum contour tolerance in the compressor.


degrees Maximum deviation of tool rotation with compressor DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-me62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te42 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-te62 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 0/0 S
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte40 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
808d-mte60 - 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.000001 90. 7/7 U
0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05...
Description: This setting data defines the maximum tolerance in the compressor for turning the tool
orientation. This data defines the maximum permissible angular displacement of the
tool rotation.
This data is only active if an orientation transformation is active.
Turning the tool orientation is only possible with 6-axis machines.


mm Adaptation of the CPU time utilization with COMPSURF. DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0001 0.1 0/0 S
0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
0.005, 0.005...
808d-me62 - 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0001 0.1 1/1 M
0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
0.005, 0.005...

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338 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

808d-te42 - 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0001 0.1 0/0 S

0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
0.005, 0.005...
808d-te62 - 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0001 0.1 0/0 S
0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
0.005, 0.005...
808d-mte40 - 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0001 0.1 1/1 M
0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
0.005, 0.005...
808d-mte60 - 0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.0001 0.1 1/1 M
0.005, 0.005, 0.005,
0.005, 0.005...
Description: Represents a compromise between computational utilization and accuracy. The higher the
value, the lower the computational utilization, the lower the value the higher the
A sharper surface can be achieved, especially by COMPSURF with "Smoothing off"

- Alarm response with tool radius compensation and preproc. stop BOOLEAN Immediately
- - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 3/3 U
Description: If this setting data is TRUE, block execution is stopped by preprocessing stop and
active tool radius compensation, and does not resume until after a user acknowledgment
If it is FALSE, machining is not interrupted at such a program point.

42490 CUTCOM_G40_STOPRE - W1
- Retraction behavior of tool radius compensation with prep. stop BOOLEAN Immediately
- - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 3/3 U
Description: FALSE:
If there is a preprocessing stop (either programmed or generated internally by the
control) before the deselection block (G40) when tool radius compensation is active,
then firstly the starting point of the deselection block is approached from the last
end point before the preprocessing stop. The deselection block itself is then
executed, i.e. the deselection block is usually replaced by two traversing blocks.
Tool radius compensation is no longer active in these blocks. The behavior is thus
identical with that before the introduction of this setting data.
If there is a preprocessing stop (either programmed or generated internally by the
control) before the deselection block (G40) when tool radius compensation is active,
the end point of the deselection point is traversed in a straight line from the last
end point before the preprocessing stop.

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NC setting data

- Approach & retraction behavior with 2-1/2D tool radius compens. DWORD Immediately
- - 2222, 2222, 2222, - - 3/3 U
2222, 2222, 2222,
2222, 2222...
Description: This setting data controls the approach and retraction behavior with tool radius
compensation if the activation or deactivation block does not contain any traversing
information. It is only evaluated with 2-1/2D TRC
(CUT2D or CUT2DF).
The decimal coding is as follows:
| | | |____ Approach behavior for tools with tool point direction
| | | (turning tools)
| | |______ Approach behavior for tools without tool point direction
| | (milling tools)
| |________ Retract behavior for tools with tool point direction
| (turning tools)
|__________ Retract behavior for tools without tool point direction
(milling tools)
If the position in question contains a 1, approach or retraction is always performed,
even if G41/G42 or G40 stands alone in a block.
For example:
N100 x10 y0
N110 G41
N120 x20
If a tool radius of 10mm is assumed in the above example, position x10y10 is approached
in block N110.
If the position in question contains the value 2, the approach or retraction movement
is only performed if at least one geometry axis is programmed in the activation/
deactivation block. To obtain the same results as the above example with this setting,
the program must be altered as follows:
N100 x10 y0
N110 G41 x10
N120 x20
If axis information x10 is missing in block N110, activation of TRC is delayed by one
block, i.e. the activation block would now be N120.
If the position in question contains a 3, retraction is not performed in a deactivation
block (G40) if only the geometry axis perpendicular to the compensation plane is
programmed. In this case, the motion perpendicular to the compensation plane is
performed first. This is followed by the retraction motion in the compensation plane.
In this case, the block after G40 must contain motion information in the compensation
plane. The approach motions for values 2 and 3 are identical.
If the position in question contains a value other than 1, 2 or 3, i.e. in particular
the value 0, an approach or retraction movement is not performed in a block that does
not contain any traversing information.
About the term "Tools with tool point direction":
These are tools with tool numbers between 400 and 599 (turning and grinding tools),
whose tool point direction has a value between 1 and 8. Turning and grinding tools with
tool point direction 0 or 9 or other undefined values are treated like milling tools.

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NC setting data

If the value of this setting data is changed within a program, we recommend programming
a preprocessing stop (stopre) before the description to avoid the new value being used
in program sections before that point. The opposite case is not serious, i.e. if the
setting data is written, subsequent NC blocks will definitely access the new value.

- Tool radius compensation behavior with closed contour BOOLEAN Immediately
- - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 3/3 U
Description: FALSE:
CASE A: If two intersections arise on correction of the inner side with an (almost)
closed contour consisting of two successive circle blocks or a circle and a linear
block, by default the intersection is chosen that is located on the first partial
contour nearer to the beginning of the block.
A contour is considered (almost) closed if the distance between the starting point of
the first block and the end point of the second block is less than 10% of the active
compensation radius, but not greater than 1000 path increments (corresponds to 1mm
with 3 decimal places).
CASE B: If on correction of the inner side and a block transition between a straight
line and a circle with an angle of aperture of more than approx. 315 degrees, the
offset curve of the straight line intersects the offset curve of the circle at two
points, by default the point of intersection is chosen that is located on the first
partial contour nearer to the beginning of the block.
CASE A: In the same situation as described above, the point of intersection is chosen
that is located on the first partial contour nearer to the block end.
CASE B: In the same situation as described above, the point of intersection is chosen
that is located on the first partial contour nearer to the block end, but only if the
absolute value of the contour violation caused by this is less than the effective
contour tolerance. For the effective contour tolerance, see the description "Contour/
orientation tolerance" in FB1. The currently effective tolerance can be read with
$AC_CTOL. If a tolerance of zero is programmed in this way, a permanently assigned
tolerance of 0.002mm applies.
The tolerance value is applied that is valid for activation of the tool radius
correction with G41 or G42.

m/s² Maximum path acceleration DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 10000., 10000., 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000....
808d-me62 - 10000., 10000., 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000....
808d-te42 - 10000., 10000., 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000....

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NC setting data

808d-te62 - 10000., 10000., 1.0e-6 - 1/1 M

10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000....
808d-mte40 - 10000., 10000., 1.0e-6 - 7/7 U
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000....
808d-mte60 - 10000., 10000., 1.0e-6 - 7/7 U
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000.,
10000., 10000....
Description: Setting data for additional limitation of (tangential) path acceleration
Related to ...

- Evaluate SD42500 $SC_SD_MAX_PATH_ACCEL BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: SD42500 $SC_SD_MAX_PATH_ACCEL is included in the limit calculations if SD42502
Related to ...

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NC setting data

m/s³ Maximum path-related jerk as setting data DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 100000., 100000., 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
100000., 100000.,
100000., 100000.,
100000., 1...
808d-me62 - 100000., 100000., 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
100000., 100000.,
100000., 100000.,
100000., 1...
808d-te42 - 100000., 100000., 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
100000., 100000.,
100000., 100000.,
100000., 1...
808d-te62 - 100000., 100000., 1.e-9 - 1/1 M
100000., 100000.,
100000., 100000.,
100000., 1...
808d-mte40 - 100000., 100000., 1.e-9 - 7/7 U
100000., 100000.,
100000., 100000.,
100000., 1...
808d-mte60 - 100000., 100000., 1.e-9 - 7/7 U
100000., 100000.,
100000., 100000.,
100000., 1...
Description: Related to ...

- Evaluate SD42510 $SC_SD_MAX_PATH_JERK BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 1/1 M

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NC setting data

808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U

808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: SD42510 $SC_SD_MAX_PATH_JERK is included in the limit calculations if SD42512
Related to ...
SD42510 $SC_SD_MAX_PATH_JERK (SD for additional limitation of (tangential) path jerk)

mm Start of feed reduction at G62. DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Traverse path distance from which the feed is reduced before the corner with G62.

mm End of feed reduction at G62. DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Traverse path distance up to which the feed remains reduced after a corner with G62.

% Feed override reduction at G62 DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M

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NC setting data

808d-me62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Override used to multiply the feed at the corner with G62.

degrees Corner detection at G62 DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Angle from which a corner is taken into account when reducing the feed with G62.
For example SD42526 $SC_CORNER_SLOWDOWN_CRIT = 90 means that all corners of 90 degrees
or a more acute angle are traversed slower with G62.

- Feed lowering on circles with tool radius compensation DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. 1. 7/7 U
Description: The setting data limits feed lowering of the tool center point on concave circle
segments with tool radius compensation active and CFC or CFIN selected.
With CFC, the feed is defined at the contour. On concave circular arcs, feed lowering
of the tool center point is created by the ratio of the contour curvature to the tool
center point path curvature. The setting data is limiting this effect, reducing
backing off and overheating of the tool.
For contours with varying curvatures, a mid-range curvature is used.

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NC setting data

0: Provides the previous behavior: If the ratio between contour radius and tool
center point path radius is less than or equal to 0.01 the feed is applied to the tool
center point path. Less pronounced feed reductions are executed.
>0: Feed lowering is limited to the programmed factor. At 0.01, this means that the
feed of the tool center point path is possibly only 1 percent of the programmed feed
1: On concave contours, the tool center point feed equals the programmed feed (the
behavior then corresponds to CFTCP).

- Control revolutional feedrate in JOG DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -3 31 1/1 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -3 31 1/1 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -3 31 1/1 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -3 31 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -3 31 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -3 31 7/7 U
Description: The revolutional feedrate in JOG mode for geometry axes on which a frame with rotation
0= No revolutional feedrate is active.
>0= Machine axis index of the rotary axis/spindle from which the revolutional
feedrate is derived.
-1= The revolutional feedrate is derived from the master spindle of the channel in
which the axis/spindle is active.
-2= The revolutional feedrate is derived from the axis with machine axis index ==
-3= The revolutional feedrate is derived from the master spindle of the channel in
which the axis/spindle is active. No revolutional feedrate is active if the master
spindle is at a standstill.
Related to ....
SD43300: $SA_ASSIGN_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE (revolutional feedrate for position axes/

42660 ORI_JOG_MODE - -
- Definition of virtual kinematics for JOG DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 5 7/7 U
Description: This SD can be used to define virtual kinematics, which become active for the manual
travel of orientations.
This setting data is evaluated only by the generic 5/6-axis transformation. This data
has no meaning for OEM transformations.
The following setting options are available:
0: The virtual kinematics are defined by the transformation.
1: Euler angles are traversed during jog, that is the 1st axis turns round the Z
direction, the 2nd axis turns around the X direction and, if present, the 3rd axis
turns aound the new Z direction.

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346 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

2: RPY angles are traversed during jog with the turning sequence XYZ, that is the
1st axis turns around the x direction, the 2nd axis turns around the Y direction and,
if present, the 3rd axis turns around the new Z direction.
3: RPY angles are traversed during jog with the turning sequence ZYX, that is the
1st axis turns around the Z direction, the 2nd axis turns around the Y direction and,
if present, the 3rd axis turns around the new X direction.
4: The turning sequence of the rotary axes is set by means of MD21120
5: The turning sequence of the rotary axes is set by means of MD21130

mm Center of the circle DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-me62 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te42 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-te62 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 2/2 M
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte40 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
808d-mte60 3 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, - - 7/7 U
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0...
Description: This setting data is used to define the circle center point in the workpiece coordinate
system during JOG of circles.
Only the relevant center point coordinates of the geometry axes in the active plane
are evaluated, not the coordinate of the geometry axis vertical to the plane. This
setting data is written via the user interface.
By default the coordinate of an axis with diameter programming is in the diameter. This
can be changed with MD20360 $MC_TOOL_PARAMETER_DEF_MASK Bit 13 = 1 by indicating a

mm Circle radius DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: With this setting data, the circle radius in the machine, the maximum circle during
inner machining or the minimum circle during outer machining are defined when jogging
circles. This setting data is written via the user interface.

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NC setting data

- JOG of circles mode DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0xf 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0xf 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0xf 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0xf 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0xf 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0xf 7/7 U
Description: This setting data sets the following during JOG of circles:
Bit 0 = 0 :
Travel to + creates traversing on a circular path in counterclockwise direction;
travel to - creates traversing in clockwise direction.
Bit 0 = 1 :
Travel to + creates traversing on a circular path in clockwise direction; travel to -
creates traversing in counterclockwise direction.
Bit 1 = 0 :
The tool radius is not taken into account in checking the limitation produced by the
specified circle or by the circle segment limited by the start and end angles.
Bit 1 = 1 :
The tool radius is taken into account in checking the limitation produced by the
specified circle or by the circle segment limited by the start and end angles.
Bit 2 = 0 :
Internal machining is performed. The circle radius in SD42691 $SC_JOG_CIRCLE_RADIUS is
the maximum possible radius.
Bit 2 = 1 :
External machining is performed. The circle radius in SD42691 $SC_JOG_CIRCLE_RADIUS
is the minimum possible radius.
Bit 3 = 0 :
Given a full circle, the radius is enlarged starting from the circle center point in
the direction of the ordinate (2nd geometry axis) of the plane.
Bit 3 = 1 :
Given a full circle, the radius is enlarged starting from the circle center point in
the direction of the abscissa (1st geometry axis) of the plane.
This setting data should be written via the user interface.

degrees Circle start angle DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 7/7 U
Description: This setting data defines the start angle during JOG of circles.
The start angle refers to the abscissa of the current plane. Traversing is only
possible within the range

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between the start and the end angle. SD42692 $SC_JOG_CIRCLE_MODE bit 0 defines the
direction from the start to the end angle. If start and end angle equal zero, no
limitation is active.
This setting data is written via the user interface.

degrees Circle end angle DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 360 7/7 U
Description: This setting data defines the end angle during JOG of circles.
The end angle refers to the abscissa of the current plane. Traversing is only possible
within the range
between the start and the end angle. SD42692 $SC_JOG_CIRCLE_MODE bit 0 defines the
direction from the start to the end angle. If start and end angle equal zero, no
limitation is active.
This setting data is written via the user interface.

42700 EXT_PROG_PATH - K1
- Program path for external subroutine call EXTCALL STRING Immediately
808d-me42 - - - - 3/3 U
808d-me62 - - - - 3/3 U
808d-te42 - - - - 3/3 U
808d-te62 - - - - 3/3 U
808d-mte40 - - - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - - - - 7/7 U
Description: The total path results from the string chaining of SD42700 $SC_EXT_PROG_PATH + the
programmed subprogram identifier.

- Enable base block display BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 1/1 M

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808d-mte40 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U

808d-mte60 - TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: Value 0: Disable basic blocks with absolute values (basic block display)
Value 1: Enable basic blocks with absolute values (basic block display)

- Sign change of tool length with mirror image machining BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: TRUE:
If a frame with mirror image machining is active, the tool components
($TC_DP3[..., ...] to $TC_DP5[..., ...]) and the components of the base dimensions
($TC_DP21[..., ...] to $TC_DP23[..., ...]) whose associated axes
are mirrored, are also mirrored, i.e. their sign is inverted. The wear values
are not mirrored. If the wear values are to be mirrored too,
SD42910 $SC_MIRROR_TOOL_WEAR must be set.
The sign for tool length components is unaffected by whether a frame with mirror image
machining is active.

- Sign change of tool wear with mirror image machining BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S

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808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S

808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: TRUE:
If a frame with mirror image machining is activated, the signs of the wear values of
the components in question are inverted. The wear values of the components that are
not assigned to mirrored axes remain unchanged.
The signs for wear values are unaffected by whether a frame with mirror image machining
is active.

- Sign of tool wear depending on tool point direction BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: TRUE:

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In the case of tools with a relevant tool point direction (turning and grinding tools),
the sign for wear of the tool length components depends on the tool point direction.
The sign is inverted in the following cases (marked with an X):
Tool point direction Length 1 Length 2
2 X
3 X X
4 X
7 X
8 X
The sign for wear value of length 3 is not influenced by this setting data.
The SD42930 $SC_WEAR_SIGN acts in addition to this setting data.
The sign for wear of the tool length components is unaffected by the tool point

42930 WEAR_SIGN - W1
- Sign of wear BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: TRUE:
The sign for wear of the tool length components and the tool radius are inverted, i.e.
if a positive value in entered, the total dimension is decreased.
The sign for wear of the tool length components and the tool radius is not inverted.

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- Transformations for tool components DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: This setting data is bit-coded.
It determines which of the three wear components
($TC_DP12 - $TC_DP14),
additive offsets fine ($TC_SCPx3 - $TC_SCPx5),
and additive offsets coarse ($TC_ECPx3 - $TC_ECPx5)
are subject to adapter transformation and transformation by an orientable tool holder,
if one of the two G codes TOWMCS or TOWWCS from G code group 56 is active. If initial-
setting G code TOWSTD is active, this setting data will not become active.
Then, the following assignment is valid:
Bit 0 = TRUE: Do not apply transformations to $TC_DP12 - $TC_DP14.
Bit 1 = TRUE: Do not apply transformations to $TC_SCPx3 - $TC_SCPx5.
Bit 2 = TRUE: Do not apply transformations to $TC_ECPx3 - $TC_ECPx5.
The bits not mentioned here are (currently) not assigned.

- Change of tool length components with change of active plane DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 18 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 18 - - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: If this setting data is not equal to 0, the assignment of tool length components
(length, wear, base dimensions) to geometry axes is not changed when the machining
plane (G17 - G19) is changed.
The assignment of tool length components to geometry axes can be derived from the value
of the setting data according to the following tables.
The assignment of the tool orientation components is not affected by this setting
data. Setting data SD42945 $SC_TOOL_ORI_CONST_M and SD42947 $SC_TOOL_ORI_CONST_T may
have to be set accordingly.
A distinction is made between turning and grinding tools (tool types 400 to 599) and
other tools (typically milling tools) in the assignment.
Representation of this information in tables assumes that geometry axes 1 to 3 are
called X, Y and Z. For assignment of an offset to an axis, not the axis identifier but
the axis sequence is relevant.
Assignment for turning tools and grinding tools (tool types 400 to 599):
Content Length 1 Length 2 Length 3
17 Y X Z
18* X Z Y

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19 Z Y X
-17 X Y Z
-18 Z X Y
-19 Y Z X
* Any value which is not 0 and is not one of the six values listed, is treated as value
For values that are the same but with a different sign, assignment of length 3 is
always the same, lengths 1 and 2 are reversed. Assignment for all tools which are
neither turning nor grinding tools (tool types < 400 or > 599):
Content Length 1 Length 2 Length 3
17* Z Y X
18 Y X Z
19 X Z Y
-17 Z X Y
-18 Y Z X
-19 X Y Z
* Any value which is not 0 and is not one of the six values listed, is treated as
value 17.
For values that are the same but with a different sign, assignment of length 1 is
always the same, lengths 2 and 3 are reversed.
If the 100s digit of the settings data is 1, the sign of the second length component
is inverted.
If the setting data SD42950 $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_TYPE has the value 3, this setting data is
only active with milling tools. Together with setting data SD42942
$SC_TOOL_LENGTH_CONST_T, the length assignments can then be set separately for turning
and milling tools.

- Change tool length components for turning tools with change of DWORD Immediately
active plane
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 18 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 18 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: This setting data is only evaluated if SD42950 $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_TYPE has the value 3.
Under this condition, it has the following meaning:
If this setting data is not equal to zero, the assignment of the tool length components
(length, wear and base dimensions) of turning and grinding tools (tool types 400 to
599) to geometry axes is not changed when the machining plane (G17 - G19) is changed.
The assignment of tool orientation components is not affected by this setting data.
Setting data SD42957 $SC_TOOL_ORI_CONST_T may have to be set correspondingly.
The assignment of tool orientation components to the geometry results from the value
of the setting data according to the following table.
The representation of this information in tables assumes that geometry axes 1 to 3 are
called X, Y and Z. For assignment of an offset to an axis, not the axis identifier but
the axis sequence is relevant.
Content Length 1 Length 2 Length 3
17 Y X Z
18* X Z Y

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19 Z Y X
-17 X Y Z
-18 Z X Y
-19 Y Z X
* Any value which is not 0 and is not one of the six values listed, is evaluated as
value 18.
For values that are the same but with a different sign, assignment of length 3 is
always the same, lengths 1 and 2 are reversed.
If the 100s digit of the settings data is 1, the sign of the second length component
is inverted.

- Assignment of tool length compensation independent of tool type DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 2 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 2 - - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: This setting data defines the assignment of the tool length components to the geometry
axes irrespective of the tool type. It can assume any value between 0 and 3. Any other
value is interpreted as 0.
0: Standard assignment. A distinction is made between turning and grinding tools
(tool types 400 to 599) and other tools (milling tools).
1: The tool length components are assigned irrespective of the actual tool type,
always as for milling tools.
2. The tool length components are assigned irrespective of the actual tool type,
always as for turning and grinding tools.
3. The tool length components are assigned separately, on the one hand for turning
and grinding tools (tool types 400 to 599) and, on the other hand, for all other tools
(milling tools).
The assignment of tool components is specified as follows:
Milling tools:
The assignment of tool length components is specified by SD42940
Turning and grinding tools:
The assignment of tool length components is specified by SD42942
The setting data also affects the wear values assigned to the length components.
If SD42940 $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_CONST is set, the tables defined there access the table for
milling and turning tools defined by SD42950 $SC_TOOL_LENGTH_TYPE irrespective of the
actual tool type if the value of the latter is 1 or 2.

- Change of the tool orientation component for milling tools on plane DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 0 - - 0/0 S

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808d-te62 - 0 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
Description: If this setting data is not equal to zero, a clockwise, orthogonal tool coordinate
system is defined for milling tools (all tool types except 400 to 599), which remains
unchanged when the machining plane is changed (G17 - G19. It has no relevance for
turning and grinding tools.
The orientation coordinate system is determined by the orientation vector and a normal
orientation vector extending perpendicularly to it. It is completed by a third vector,
the binormal vector, which derives from the cross product of the normal orientation
vector and the orientation vector.
The basic orientation is determined by the units and tens digits of the setting data.
Apart from the value 0, only the values 17, 18 and 19 are permissible. All other values
are treated as if their value were 17.
Orientation Normal orient- Binormal
Content vector ation vector vector
17* (0, 0, 1) (0, 1, 0) (1, 0, 0)
18 (0, 1, 0) (1, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1)
19 (1, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1) (0, 1, 0)
* Each value not equal to 0 that is not one of the listed values is evaluated as if it
were the value 17.
If n is the content of the 100s digit of the setting data, the coordinate system is
rotated around the orientation vector by the angle n * 90 degrees. n may have the
values 0 to 3. Larger values are evaluated as if they were 0.
If the sign of the setting data is negative, the coordinate system is rotated around
the axis by 180 degrees, which is defined by the original position of the normal
orientation vector (that is, before any rotation due to n being unequal to 0).
If the content of the setting data is -18, then:
Orientation vector (0, -1, 0)
Normal orientation vector (1, 0, 0)
Binormal vector (0 , 0, -1)
Handling of tools with an explicitly programmed tool orientation by means of cutting
edge data ($TC_DPV..):
This setting data is normally ignored for tools for which the orientation is defined
in this way. This means that the programmed orientation vectors are assigned to the
geometry axes in response to the active machining plane (G17 - G19).
If the setting data is also active for such tools, the 1000s digit must be equal to 1.
However, the 100s digit and the sign are not evaluated. This means that the setting
data only defines how the orientation components are assigned to the geometry axis
directions. No additional rotations are performed.

- Change in the tool orientation component for turning tools on plane DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - 18 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 18 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... - - 7/7 U

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NC setting data

Description: If this setting data is not equal to zero, the assignment of the tool orientation
components of turning and grinding tools (tool types 400 to 599) to the geometry axes
is not changed if the machining plane changes (G17 - G19. It has no relevance for tools
other than turning and grinding tools.
The orientation coordinate system is determined by the orientation vector and a normal
orientation vector lying at right-angles to it. It is completed by a third vector, the
binormal vector, which is given by the cross product of the normal orientation vector
and the orientation vector.
The basic orientation is determined by the units and tens digits of the setting data.
Apart from the value 0, only the values 17, 18 and 19 are permissible. All other values
are treated as if their value were 18.
Orientation Normal orient- Binormal
Content vector ation vector vector
17 (0, 0, 1) (0, 1, 0) (1, 0, 0)
18* (0, 1, 0) (1, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1)
19 (1, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1) (0, 1, 0)
* Each value not equal to 0, which is not one of the listed values is evaluated as if
it were the value 18.
If n is the content of the 100s digit of the setting data, the coordinate system is
rotated around the orientation vector by the angle n * 90 degrees. n may have the
values 0 to 3. Larger values are evaluated as if they were 0.
If the sign of the setting data is negative, the coordinate system is rotated around
the axis by 180 degrees, which is defined by the original position of the normal
orientation vector (that is before any rotation on account of n being unequal to 0).
If the content of the setting data is -18, then:
Orientation vector (0, -1, 0)
Normal orientation vector (1, 0, 0)
Binormal vector (0 , 0, -1)
Handling of tools with an explicitly programmed tool orientation by using cutting edge
data ($TC_DPV..):
This setting data is normally ignored for tools for which the orientation is defined
in this way. This means that the programmed orientation vectors are assigned to the
geometry axes according to the active machining plane (G17 - G19).
If the setting data is also active for such tools, then the 1000s digit must be equal
to 1. However, the 100s digit and the sign are not evaluated. This means that the
setting data only defines how the orientation components are assigned to the geometry
axis directions. No additional rotations are executed.

- Temperature compensation for tool DOUBLE Immediately
- 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - - 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
Description: Temperature compensation value for the tool. The compensation value acts as vector
according to the current rotation of the tool direction.
This setting data will only be evaluated, if temperature compensation has been
activated for tools with MD20390 $MC_TOOL_TEMP_COMP_ON.
Apart from that, the temperature compensation type must be set in bit 2 for the
"Compensation in tool direction" MD32750 $MA_TEP_COMP_TYPE.
The "Temperature compensation" is an option that has to be previously enabled.

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42970 TOFF_LIMIT - F2
mm Upper limit of correction value via $AA_TOFF DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 3 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0,
10.0, 10.0, 10.0...
808d-me62 3 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0,
10.0, 10.0, 10.0...
808d-te42 3 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0,
10.0, 10.0, 10.0...
808d-te62 3 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0 - 0/0 S
10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0,
10.0, 10.0, 10.0...
808d-mte40 3 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0 - 7/7 U
10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0,
10.0, 10.0, 10.0...
808d-mte60 3 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0 - 7/7 U
10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0,
10.0, 10.0, 10.0...
Description: Upper limit of the offset value which can be defined by means of synchronized actions
via the $AA_TOFF system variable.
This limit value influences the absolutely effective amount of offset through $AA_TOFF.
Whether the offset value is within the limit range can be checked via the
$AA_TOFF_LIMIT system variable.

mm Lower limit of the offset value $AA_TOFF DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - 0.0 0/0 S
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-me62 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - 0.0 0/0 S
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-te42 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - 0.0 0/0 S
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-te62 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - 0.0 0/0 S
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-mte40 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - 0.0 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
808d-mte60 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, - 0.0 7/7 U
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,...
Description: Lower limit of the offset value which can be specified through synchronous actions via
the system variable $AA_TOFF.
This limit value acts on the active correction through $AA_TOFF in the minus direction.
This limit value is only effective if $MC_TOFF_MODE Bit6 = 1 is set.
Über die Systemvariable $AA_TOFF_LIMIT kann abgefragt werden, ob sich der
Korrekturwert im Grenzbereich befindet.

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- Fine offset TCARR ON / OFF BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - FALSE, FALSE, 0 - 7/7 U
Description: TRUE:
On activating an orientable tool holder, the fine offset values are considered.
On activating an orientable tool holder, the fine offset are not considered.

- Frame definition at TOFRAME, TOROT and PAROT DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 1000, 1000, 1000, - - 0/0 S
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000...
808d-me62 - 1000, 1000, 1000, - - 0/0 S
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000...
808d-te42 - 1000, 1000, 1000, - - 0/0 S
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000...
808d-te62 - 1000, 1000, 1000, - - 0/0 S
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000...
808d-mte40 - 1000, 1000, 1000, - - 7/7 U
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000...
808d-mte60 - 1000, 1000, 1000, - - 7/7 U
1000, 1000, 1000,
1000, 1000...

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List Manual, 01/2017 359

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NC setting data

Description: This setting data defines the direction of the geometry axes on the machining plane
(XY in the case of G17) in the case of the frame definition by means of (TOROTY,
When a frame is calculated, the tool direction (Z in the case of G17) is uniquely
defined so that the tool direction and vertical axis (Z in the case of G17) of the
frame are parallel and lie perpendicular on the machining plane.
Rotation around the tool axis is free at first. This free rotation can be defined using
this setting data so that the newly defined frame deviates as little as possible from
a previously active frame.
In all cases in which the setting data is not zero, an active frame remains unchanged
if the tool direction (Z in the case of G17) of the old and the new frame are the same.
SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE>= 2000:
In the case of TOROT (or TOROTY and TOROTX), the rotations and translations of the
frame chain are used to calculate a frame in the tool reference system frame
($P_TOOLFRAME) berechnet.
Machine data 21110 $MC_X_AXIS_IN_OLD_X_Z_PLANE is not evaluated.
The explantory notes below refer to the G17 plane with the XY axes in the machining
plane and the tool axis being Z.
SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE = 2000:
Rotation around the Z axis is selected so that the angle between the new X axis and
the old X-Z plane has the same absolute value as the angle between the new Y axis and
the old Y-Z plane. This setting corresponds to the mean value of both settings which
would result for values 2001 and 2002 of this setting data.
It is also applied if the value of the units digit is greater than 2.
SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE = 2001:
The new X direction is selected so that it lies in the X-Z plane of the old coordinate
system. The angular difference between the old and new Y axes is minimal with this
SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE = 2002:
The new Y direction is selected so that it lies in the Y-Z plane of the old coordinate
system. The angular difference between the old and new X axes is minimal with this
None of the other settings of SD42980 $SC_TOFRAME_MODE (0,1,2,...1000,1001..) should
be used for recommissioning.
For compatibility reasons, the following settings remain valid:
0: The orientation of the coordinate system is determined by the value of machine data
1: The new X direction is selected so that it lies in the X-Z plane of the old
coordinate system. The angular difference between the old and new Y axes is minimal
with this setting.
2: The new Y direction is selected so that it lies in the Y-Z plane of the old
coordinate system. The angular difference between the old and new X axes is minimal
with this setting.
3: The average of the two settings resulting from 1 and 2 is selected.
Addition of 100: In the case of a plane change from G17 to G18 or G19, a tool matrix
is generated, in which the new axis directions are parallel to the old directions. The
axes are swapped cyclically accordingly (standard transformation on plane changes). If
the hundreds digit equals zero, a matrix is supplied in the cases of G18 and G19 which
is derived from the unit matrix by simply rotating through 90 degrees around the X axis
(G18) or through 90 degrees around the Y axis (G19). Thus in each case one axis is
antiparallel to an initial axis. This setting is required to remain compatible with
old software versions.
Addition of 1000: The tool-frame is linked to any active basic frames and settable
frames. The response is thus compatible with earlier software versions (before 5.3).
If the thousands digit is not set, the tool frame is calculated so that any active
basic frames and settable frames are taken into account.

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360 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

42984 CUTDIRMOD C08 -

- Modification of $P_AD[2] or $P_AD[11] STRING Immediately
808d-me42 - - - - 0/0 S
808d-me62 - - - - 0/0 S
808d-te42 - - - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - - - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - - - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - - - - 7/7 U
Description: States whether the tool point direction and cutting direction are to be modified on
reading the corresponding system variables $P_AD[2] and $P_AD[11].
Modification is made by rotating the vector of the tool point direction or cutting
direction by a specific angle in the active machining plane (G17-G19). The resulting
output value is always the tool point direction or cutting direction created by the
rotation or to which the rotated value is closest. the angle of rotation can be defined
by one of the following six options:
1: The string is empty. The stated data are output unchanged.
2: The contents of the string is "P_TOTFRAME". The resulting rotation is determined
from the total frame.
3: The contents of the string is a valid frame name (e.g. $P_NCBFRAME[3]). The
resulting rotation is then calculated from this frame.
4: The contents of the string has the form "Frame1 : Frame2". The resulting rotation
is determined from the part frame chain that is created by chaining all frames from
Frame1 to Frame2 (in each case inclusive). Frame1 and Frame2 are valid frame names such
5: The contents of the frame is the valid name of a rotary axis (machine axis). The
resulting rotation is determined from the programmed end position of this rotary axis.
Additionally, an offset can be stated (in degrees, e.g. "A+90).
6: The rotation is programmed explicitly (in degrees).
Optionally, the first character of the string can be written as sign (+ or -). A plus
sign will not have any effect on the angle calculation, but a minus sign will invert
the sign of the calculated angle.

- Maximum number of blocks in IPO buffer DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 1/1 M
808d-me62 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 1/1 M
808d-te42 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 1/1 M
808d-te62 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 1/1 M
808d-mte40 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, - - 7/7 U

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NC setting data

42995 CONE_ANGLE - -
- Taper angle DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - - -90 90 7/7 U
808d-me62 - - -90 90 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -359.9 359.9 7/7 U
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... -359.9 359.9 7/7 U
808d-mte40 - - -90 90 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - - -90 90 7/7 U
Description: This setting data writes the taper angle for taper turning. This setting data is
written via the operator interface.

- JOG of geometry axis mode DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7 2/2 M
808d-me62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7 2/2 M
808d-te42 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7 2/2 M
808d-te62 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7 2/2 M
808d-mte40 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0... 0 0x7 7/7 U
Description: This setting data sets the following during JOG of geometry axes:
Bit 0 = 1 :
A traversing request for the 1st geometry axis is inverted, i.e. a traversing request
to + triggers a traversing motion to - .
Bit 1 = 1 :
A traversing request for the 2nd geometry axis is inverted, i.e. a traversing request
to + triggers a traversing motion to -.
Bit 2 = 1:
A traversing request for the 3rd geometry axis is inverted, i.e. a traversing request
to + triggers a traversing motion to -.


- Axial default scaling factor with G51 active DWORD Immediately
- - 1 - - 2/2 M
Description: If no axial scaling factor I, J, or K is programmed in the G51 block, SD43120
$SA_DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR_AXIS is active. The scaling factor is only active if MD22914
Related to:

43200 SPIND_S - S1
rev/min Speed for spindle start by VDI DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U

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362 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

Description: Spindle speed at spindle start by NC/PLC interface signals DB380x DBX5006.1 (Spindle
start clockwise rotation) and DB380x DBX5006.2 (Spindle start counterclockwise
Example: SD43200 $SA_SPIND_S[S1] = 600
Spindle 1 is started at a speed of 600 rpm upon detection of the positive edge of one
of the above-mentioned VDI starting signals.
Speed programming values are entered in the SD by setting bit 4=1 in MD35035
The SD becomes active in JOG mode as a default speed by setting bit 5=1 in MD35035
$MA_SPIND_FUNCTION_MASK (exception: the value is zero).
Related to:

m/min Const cut speed for spindle start by VDI DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Definition of the constant cutting speed for the master spindle.
The setting data is evaluated at spindle start by the NC/PLC interface signals DB380x
DBX5006.1 (Spindle start clockwise rotation) and DB380x DBX5006.2 (Spindle start
counterclockwise rotation)
Cutting speed programming values are entered in the SD by setting bit 8=1 in MD35035
Related to:


- Spindle speed type for spindle start through VDI DWORD Immediately
- - 94 93 973 7/7 U
Description: Definition of the spindle speed type for the master spindle.
The range of values and the functionality correspond to the 15th G group "feed type".
Permissible values are the G values: 93, 94, 95, 96, 961, 97, 971 and 973.
The stated values make a functional distinction between the following variants:
==> 93, 94, 95, 97 and 971: The spindle is started at the speed in SD 43200
==> 96 and 961: The speed of the spindle is derived from the cutting speed of SD
43202 $SA_SPIND_CONSTCUT_S and the radius of the transverse axis.
==> 973: G973 behaves like G97, but the spindle speed limitation is not active
The default value is 94 (corresponds to G94)
The default value becomes active if the SD is written with impermissible values.

43210 SPIND_MIN_VELO_G25 - S1
rev/min Programmed spindle speed limitation G25 DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U

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NC setting data

Description: A minimum spindle speed limit below which the spindle must not fall is entered in
SPIND_MIN_VELO_G25. The NCK limits the set spindle speed to this value if it is too
The spindle speed may only fall below the minimum as a result of:
● Spindle offset 0%
● M5
● S0
● NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX4.3 (Spindle stop)
● NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.1 (Servo enable)
● NC/PLC interface signal DB3300 DBX3.7 (Channel status: Reset)
● NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2.2 (Delete distance-to-go/Spindle reset)
● NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX2002.5 (Oscillation speed)
● Cancel S value
SD irrelevant to ......
other spindle modes used in open-loop control mode (SPOS, M19, SPOSA)
Related to:

43220 SPIND_MAX_VELO_G26 - S1
rev/min Programmable upper spindle speed limitation G26 DOUBLE Immediately
- - 1000.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: A maximum spindle speed is entered in SD43220 $SA_SPIND_MAX_VELO_G26, which the
spindle must not exceed. The NCK limits an excessive spindle speed setpoint to this
SD irrelevant for ......
all spindle modes except open-loop control mode.
Special cases, errors, ......
The value in SD43210 $SA_SPIND_MIN_VELO_G26 can be altered by means of:
● G26 S.... in the part program
● Operator commands via HMI
The value in SD43210 $SA_SPIND_MIN_VELO_G26 is retained after a reset or Power Off.
Related to ....
SD43210 $SA_SPIND_MIN_VELO_G25 (programmed spindle speed limit G25)
SD43230 $SA_SPIND_MAX_VELO_LIMS (programmed spindle speed limit G96/961)


rev/min Spindle speed limitation with G96 DOUBLE Immediately
- - 100.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Limits the spindle speed with G96, G961, G97 to the stated maximum value [degrees/
second]. This setting data can be written from the block with LIMS.
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred into the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset).
Related to ....
SD43210 $SA_SPIND_MIN_VELO_G25 (programmed spindle speed limit G25)

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364 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

SD43230 $SA_SPIND_MAX_VELO_LIMS (programmed spindle speed limit with G96/961)



rev/min Maximum spindle speed DOUBLE Immediately
- - 1.0e+8 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: The user can enter a maximum spindle speed.
The NCK limits an excessive spindle setpoint speed to this value. The SD is effective
Corresponds with:
MD35100 $MA_SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (maximum spindle speed)
MD35110 $MA_GEAR_STEP_MAX_VELO (maxmum speed for gear stage change)

43240 M19_SPOS , A12 S1

degrees Spindle position for spindle positioning with M19. DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 -10000000.0 10000000.0 7/7 U
Description: Spindle position in [ DEGREES ] for spindle positioning with M19.
The position approach mode is defined in SD43250 $SA_M19_SPOSMODE.
Default positions must lie in the range 0 <= pos < MD30330 $MA_MODULO_RANGE.
Path defaults (SD43250 $SA_M19_SPOSMODE = 2) can be positive or negative and are only
limited by the input format.

43250 M19_SPOSMODE , A12 S1

- Spindle position approach mode for spindle positioning with M19. DWORD Immediately
- - 0 0 5 7/7 U
Description: Spindle position approach mode for spindle positioning with M19.
In which signify:
0: DC (default) approach position on the shortest path.
1: AC approach position normally.
2: IC approach incrementally (as path), sign gives the traversing direction
3: DC approach position on the shortest path.
4: ACP approach position from the positive direction.
5: ACN approach position from the negative direction.


- Revolutional feedrate for positioning axes/spindles DWORD Immediately
- - 0 -3 31 1/1 M
Description: 0= No revolutional feedrate is active.
>0= Machine axis index of the rotary axis/spindle, from which the revolutional
feedrate is derived.
-1= The revolutional feedrate is derived from the master spindle of the channel in
which the axis/spindle is active
-3= The revolutional feedrate is derived from the master spindle of the channel in
which the axis/spindle is active. No revolutional feedrate is active if the master
spindle is at a standstill.

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NC setting data

Related to ....
SD42600 $SC_JOG_FEED_PER_REV_SOURCE (revolutional feedrate for geometry axes on
which a frame with rotation acts in JOG mode.)

43320 JOG_POSITION - -
mm, degrees JOG position DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Position to be approached in JOG. Depending on MD10735 $MN_JOG_MODE_MASK bit 4 axial
frames and, with an axis configured as geometry axis, the tool length offset are


- Reference point position for G30.1 DOUBLE Immediately
- - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Reference point position for G30.1.
This setting data will be evaluated in CYCLE328.

- Working area limitation active in positive direction BOOLEAN Immediately
- - FALSE 0 - 7/7 U
Description: 1: The working area limitation of the axis concerned is active in the positive
0: The working area limitation of the axis concerned is switched off in the positive
The setting data is parameterized via the operator panel in the operating area
"Parameters" by activating/deactivating the working area limitation.
SD irrelevant for ......

- Working area limitation active in the negative direction BOOLEAN Immediately
- - FALSE 0 - 7/7 U
Description: 1: The working area limitation of the axis concerned is active in the negative
0: The working area limitation of the axis concerned is switched off in the negative
The setting data is parameterized via the operator panel in the operating area
"Parameters" by activating/deactivating the working area limitation.
SD irrelevant for ......

mm, degrees Working area limitation plus DOUBLE Immediately
- - 1.0e+8 - - 7/7 U

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NC setting data

Description: The working area defined in the basic coordinate system in the positive direction of
the axis concerned can be limited with axial working area limitation.
The setting data can be changed on the operator panel in the operating area
The positive working area limitation can be changed in the program with G26.
SD irrelevant for ......
Related to ....

mm, degrees Working area limitation minus DOUBLE Immediately
- - -1.0e+8 - - 7/7 U
Description: The working area defined in the basic coordinate system in the negative direction of
the axis concerned can be limited with axial working area limitation.
The setting data can be changed on the operator panel in the operating area
The negative working area limitation can be changed in the program with G25.
SD irrelevant for ......
Related to ....

mm, degrees Oscillation reversal point 1 DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Position of the oscillating axis at reversal point 1.
MD10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after RESET.)
Application example(s)
NC language: OSP1[Axis]=Position
Related to ....

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NC setting data

mm, degrees Oscillation reversal point 2 DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Position of the oscillating axis at reversal point 2.
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
Application example(s)
NC language: OSP2[Axis]=Position
Related to ....

s Hold time at oscillation reversal point 1 DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Hold time of the oscillating axis at reversal point 1.
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
Application example(s)
NC language: OST1[Axis]=Position
Related to ....

s Hold time at oscillation reversal point 2 DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S

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368 List Manual, 01/2017

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NC setting data

808d-te62 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S

808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Hold time of the oscillating axis at reversal point 2.
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
Application example(s)
NC language: OST2[Axis]=Position
Related to ....

43740 OSCILL_VELO - P5
mm/min, rev/min Feedrate of reciprocating axis DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0.0 0.0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.0 0.0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Feed rate of the oscillating axis
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
Application example(s)
NC language: FA[Axis]=F value
Related to ....

- Number of spark-out strokes DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0 0.0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0.0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0.0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0 0.0 - 7/7 U
Description: Number of sparking-out strokes performed after ending the oscillating movement
Application example(s)
NC language: OSNSC[Axis]=Stroke number

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NC setting data

MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
Related to ....

mm, degrees End position of the reciprocating axis DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Position the oscillating axis travels to after ending the sparking-out strokes.
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
Application example(s)
NC language: OSE[Axis]=Position
Related to ....

- Oscillation sequence control mask DWORD Immediately
808d-me42 - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0 0 0x7FFFFFFF 7/7 U
Description: Bit mask:
Bit no. | Meaning in OSCILL_CTRL_MASK
0(LSB)-1 | 0: Stop at the next reversal point if the
| oscillating movement is switched off
| 1: Stop at reversal point 1 if the
| oscillating movement is switched off
| 2: Stop at reversal point 2 if the
| oscillating movement is switched off
| 3: Do not approach a reversal point when the oscillating movement is
switched off
| if no sparking-out strokes are programmed

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NC setting data

2 | 1: Approach end position after sparking out

3 | 1: If the oscillating movement is canceled by delete distance-to-go,
| then the sparking-out strokes are to be executed afterwards
| and the end position approached if necessary
4 | 1: If the oscillating movement is canceled by delete distance-to-go,
| then the corresponding reversal point
| is approached on switch off
5 | 1: Changed feedrate does not become active until the next reversal point
6 | 1: Path override is active if the feed rate is 0,
| otherwise speed override is active
7 | 1: In the case of rotary axes DC (shortest path)
8 | 1: Execute sparking-out stroke as single stroke not as double stroke
9 | 1: On starting, first approach the starting position, see
Application example(s)
NC language: OSCTRL[Axis]=(setting options, reset options)
Related to ....

- Activate oscillation movement BOOLEAN Immediately
808d-me42 - FALSE 0 - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - FALSE 0 - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - FALSE 0 - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - FALSE 0 - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - FALSE 0 - 7/7 U
Description: Switching the oscillating movement on and off
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)
Application example(s)
NC language: OS[Axis]=1, OS[Axis]=0
Related to ....

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List Manual, 01/2017 371

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NC setting data

mm, degrees Start position of reciprocating axis DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - 0/0 S
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: Position approached by the oscillating axis at the start of oscillation if this is set
MD 10710 $MN_PROG_SD_RESET_SAVE_TAB can be be set so that the value written by the part
program is transferred to the active file system on reset (that is the value is
retained after reset.)

- Position-independent temperature compensation value DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: The position-independent temperature compensation value is defined by SD43900
The machine axis traverses this additional compensation value as soon as the position-
independent temperature compensation has been activated (MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE =
1 oder 3).
SD irrelevant for ......
MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE = 0 or 2
Related to ....
MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE Temperature compensation type
MD32760 $MA_COMP_ADD_VELO_FACTOR Velocity overshoot caused by compensation

- Lead angle for position-dependent temperature compensation DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U

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NC setting data

Description: In the case of position-dependent temperature compensation, the error curve

characteristic of the temperature-dependent actual-value deviation can often be
approximated by a straight line. This straight line is defined by a reference point
P_0 and a slope tan-ß.
SD43910 $SA_TEMP_COMP_SLOPE defines the slope tan-ß. This slope can be changed by the
PLC user program as a function of the current temperature.
The axis traverses additionally the compensation value calculated for the current
actual position as soon as the position-dependent temperature compensation becomes
active (MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE = = 2 or 3).
MD32760 $MA_COMP_ADD_VELO_FACTOR limits the maximum angle of slope tan-ß_max of the
error curve. This maximum angle of slope cannot be exceeded.
SD irrelevant for ......
MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE = 0 or 1
Special cases, errors, ......
When SD43910 $SA_TEMP_COMP_SLOPE is greater than tan-ß_max, the slope tan-ß_max is
used to calculate the position-dependent temperature compensation value internally. No
alarm is output.
Related to ....
MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE Temperature compensation type
SD43920 $SA_TEMP_COMP_REF_POSITION Reference position for position-dependent
temperature compensation
MD32760 $MA_COMP_ADD_VELO_FACTOR Velocity overshoot caused by compensation

- Ref. position of position-dependent temperature compensation DOUBLE Immediately
808d-me42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-me62 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te42 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-te62 - 0.0 - - ReadOnly M
808d-mte40 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
808d-mte60 - 0.0 - - 7/7 U
Description: In the case of position-dependent temperature compensation, the error curve
characteristic of the temperature-dependent actual-value deviation can often be
approximated by a straight line. This straight line is defined by a reference point
P_0 and a slope tan-ß.
SD43920 $SA_TEMP_COMP_REF_POSITION defines the position of the reference point P_0.
This reference position can be changed by the PLC user program as a function of the
current temperature.
The axis traverses additionally the compensation value calculated for the current
actual position as soon as the position-dependent temperature compensation becomes
active (MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE = 2 or 3).
SD irrelevant for ......
MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE = 0 or 1
Related to ....
MD32750 $MA_TEMP_COMP_TYPE Temperature compensation type
SD43910 $SA_TEMP_COMP_SLOPE Angle of slope for position-dependent temperature

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NC setting data

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals 5
5.1 General information

The PLC user interface exchanges signals and data with the following units via the PLC user
● NCK (NC kernel),
● HMI (display unit)
Signal and data are exchanged via different data areas.
The PLC user program need not take care of the exchange which is performed automatically
from the user's view.







$[LV $[LV


Cyclic signal exchange

The control and status signals of the PLC/NCK interface are updated cyclically.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.2 User alarm

The signals can be subdivided into the following groups (see above):
● General signals
● Mode signals
● Channel signals
● Axis / spindle signals

Notes on the PLC interface signal address representation

Currently, PLC interface signal addresses are represented by the V structure on the HMI while
the manual shows them by the DB structure.
See the following table for the relationship between the two representations.

V Structure DB Structure
Access Example Example Access
Bit V38000002.1 DB3800.DBX2.1 Bit
Byte VB38000002 DB3800.DBB2 Byte
Word VW38000002 DB3800.DBW2 Word
Double Word VD38000004 DB3800.DBD4 Double word

5.2 User alarm

Active alarm response

DB1600 NC start disable

DBX2000.0 Signal(s) from PLC → HMI
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NC start disable prevents a part program from being started with the NC
start signal DB3200 DBX7.1 (NC start) == 1.
Signal state 0 The NC start disable is not active.
Special cases, errors, ... The start of a part program selected in the channel by part program command
START in another channel (program coordination) is not prevented by the
interface signal:
DB3200 DBX7.0 (NC start disable) == 1.
corresponding to ... IS "NC start"
Note for the reader

DB1600 Read-in disable

DBX2000.1 Signal(s) from PLC → HMI
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The main run reads in no more preprocessed part program blocks.
The signal is only active in the AUTOMATIC and MDI modes.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

Signal state 0 The main run reads in preprocessed part program blocks.
corresponding to ... IS "Program status running"
Note for the reader

5.3 Signals from / to HMI

5.3.1 Program control signals from HMI

DB1700 DRF selected

DBX0.3 Signal(s) from HMI → PLC
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The operator has selected DRF on the operator panel front. The PLC pro‐
gram (basic PLC program or user program) transfers this HMI interface signal
to the interface signal corresponding to the logic operation:
Activate DRF.
As soon as DRF is active, the DRF offset can be changed in the AUTOMATIC
or MDI mode using the handwheel assigned to the axis.
Signal state 0 The operator has not selected DRF on the operator panel front.
corresponding to ... JOG mode
Note for the reader Activate DRF

DB1700 M01 selected

DBX0.5 Signal(s) from HMI → PLC
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activate program control M1 has been selected from the operator interface.
This does not activate the function.
Signal state 0 Activate program control M1 has not been selected from the operator inter‐
corresponding to ... IS "Activate M01"
IS "M0/1 active"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB1700 Dry run feedrate selected

DBX0.6 Signal(s) to channel (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Dry run feedrate is selected.
Instead of the programmed feedrate, the dry run feedrate entered in SD
42100: DRY_RUN_FEED is active.
When activated from the operator panel, the dry run feedrate signal is auto‐
matically entered in the PLC interface and transferred by the PLC basic pro‐
gram to the PLC interface signal "Activate dry run feedrate".

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

Signal state 0 Dry run feedrate is not selected.

The programmed feedrate is active.
corresponding to ... IS "Activate dry run feedrate" (DB3200 DBX0.6)
SD: DRY_RUN_FEED (dry run feedrate)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1, K1

DB1700 Feedrate override selected for rapid traverse

DBX1.3 Signal(s) to channel (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The feedrate override switch should also be active as rapid traverse override
Override values above 100% are limited to the maximum value for 100%
rapid traverse override.
The IS "Feedrate override for rapid traverse selected" is automatically en‐
tered from the operator panel into the PLC interface and is transferred from
the basic PLC program to the PLC interface signal "Rapid traverse override
Further, the IS "Feedrate override" (DB3200 DBB4) is copied from the
basic PLC program into the IS "Rapid traverse override" (DB3200 DBB5).
Signal state 0 The feedrate override switch should not be activated as rapid traverse over‐
ride switch.
Application The signal is used when no separate rapid traverse override switch is avail‐
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB1700 Program test selected

DBX1.7 Signal(s) from HMI → PLC
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program control program test has been selected from the operator interface.
This does not activate the function.
Signal state 0 Program control program test has not been selected from the operator inter‐
corresponding to ... IS "Activate program test"
IS "Program test active"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB1700 Skip block selected

DBX2.0 to 3.1 Signal(s) from HMI → PLC
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program control – skip block – has been selected from the operator interface.
This does not activate the function.
Signal state 0 Program control – skip block – has not been selected from the operator in‐
corresponding to ... IS "Activate skip block"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

DB1700 NC start
DBX7.1 Signal(s) to PLC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge AUTOMATIC mode:
change 0 → 1 The selected NC program is started or continued, or the auxiliary functions
that were saved during the program interruption are output.
If data is transferred from the PLC to the NC during program status "Program
interrupted," then this data is immediately processed with NC start.
MDI mode:
The entered block information or part program blocks are released for exe‐
Signal state 0 or edge No effect.
change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB1700 NC stop
DBX7.3 Signal(s) to PLC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 AUTOMATIC or MDI mode:
Execution of the active part program in the channel is stopped. The axes
(not spindles) are braked to a standstill maintaining the parameterized ac‐
celeration rates.
● Program status: Stopped
● Channel status: Interrupted
JOG mode:
In the JOG mode, incompletely traversed incremental paths (INC...) are
executed at the next NC start.
If data is transferred to the NCK after NC stop (e.g. tool offset), then this
data is processed with the next NC start.
Signal state 0 No effect.
corresponding to ... DB3300 DBX3.2 (program status stopped)
DB3300 DBX3.6 (channel status interrupted)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB1700 Reset
DBX7.7 Signal(s) to PLC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The channel is reset. The initial settings are made (e.g. for G functions).
The channel alarms are deleted if they are not POWER ON alarms. The
"Reset" signal must be issued by the PLC (e.g. using a logic operation with
the reset key on the MCP). The signal is only evaluated by the selected
The program status changes to "Interrupted".
Signal state 0 No effect.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

corresponding to ... DB3300 DBX3.7 (channel status reset)

Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

5.3.2 Signals from HMI


DBX0.0 Signal(s) to PLC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge AUTOMATIC mode is selected from the HMI.
change 0 → 1 The signal state 1 is only available for one PLC cycle.
Signal state 0 AUTOMATIC mode is not selected by HMI.
Signal irrelevant for ... if signal "Mode change disable"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions M5

DB1800 MDI mode

DBX0.1 Signal(s) to PLC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge MDI mode is selected from the HMI.
change 0 → 1 The signal state 1 is only available for one PLC cycle.
Signal state 0 MDI mode is not selected by HMI.
Signal irrelevant for ... if signal "Mode change disable"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions M5

DB1800 JOG mode

DBX0.2 Signal(s) to PLC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge JOG mode is selected from the HMI.
change 0 → 1 The signal state 1 is only available for one PLC cycle.
Signal state 0 JOG mode is not selected by HMI.
Signal irrelevant for ... if signal "Mode change disable"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions M5

DB1800 Reset
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge A reset is initiated for the channel period. All of the current programs are
change 0 → 1 then in the program status "Aborted". All moving axes and spindles are
decelerated to zero speed according to their acceleration ramp without con‐
tour violation. The initial settings are set (e.g. for G functions). The alarms
are cleared if they are not POWER ON alarms.
Signal state 0 or edge Channel status and program execution are not influenced by this signal.
change 1 → 0

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

Special cases, errors, ... An alarm that withdraws the IS "808D READY" (DB3100 DBX0.3), ensures
that the channel is no longer in the reset state.
In order to switch to another mode, a reset (DB1800 DBX0.7) must be initi‐
Note for the reader

DB1800 Active machine function REF

DBX1.2 Signal(s) to PLC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The machine function REF is selected in the JOG mode
change 0 → 1 The signal state 1 is only present for one PLC cycle.
Signal state 0 The machine function REF is not selected.
Signal irrelevant for ... if JOG mode is not active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions M5

5.3.3 Signals from PLC

DB1800 Commissioning archive was read in

Edge evaluation: Signal(s) updated:
Meaning Is set, if a commissioning archive or a data class file tree was read in and
is present for one PLC cycle. The PLC system then deletes the signal.

5.3.4 Signals from operator panel

DB1900 Simulation active

DBX0.6 Signal(s) from HMI → PLC
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The function – Simulation – has been selected from the operator interface.
Signal state 0 The function – Simulation – has not been selected from the operator inter‐
corresponding to ... if JOG mode is not active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB1900 Switch over Machine/Work

DBX0.7 Signal(s) from HMI → PLC
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The coordinate system is switched over from workpiece coordinate system
(Work) to machine coordinate system (Machine) or from Machine to Work.
After actuation, the signal is present for 1 PLC cycle.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

Signal state 0 No effect.

Application example The interface signal:
DB1900 DBX0.7 (switchover Machine/Work)
must be transferred to the interface signal:
DB1900 DBX5000.7 (actual value in Work)
in order that switchover becomes effective.
corresponding to ... DB1900 DBX5000.7 (actual value in Work)

5.3.5 General selection / status signals from HMI

DB1900 Axis number

DBX1003.0 to .2 for handwheel 1
DBX1004.0 to .2 for handwheel 2
Signal(s) from NC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Significance of signal The operator can assign an axis to every handwheel directly at the operator
panel. To do so, he defines the required axis (e.g. X).
The axis number associated with the axis and the information "machine or
geometry axis" (IS "machine axis") is made available as HMI interface signal
in the PLC user interface.
The interface signal "Activate handwheel" must be set for the specified axis
from the PLC user program. Depending on the setting in the HMI interface
signal "machine axis", either the interface for the geometry axis or for the
machine axis is used.
The following must be noted when assigning the axis identifier to the axis
● IS "Machine axis" = 1; i.e. the machine axis - not the geometry axis:
The assignment is made via MD10000
(machine axis name).
● IS "Machine axis" = 0; i.e. geometry axis (axis in the Work):
The assignment is made via MD20060 AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB[n]
(geometry axis name in the channel). The channel number assigned to
the handwheel is specified using IS "Channel number geometry axis
handwheel n".
The following codes are used for the axis number:
Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Axis number
0 0 0 -
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
Bit 3 and bit 4 must always be kept at the value = 0..

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

corresponding to ... IS "Machine axis" (DB1900 DBX1003.7, DB1900 DBX1004.7)

IS "Activate handwheel" 1 to 2 / geometry axes 1, 2
(DB3200 DBX1000.0 to .2, DB3200 DBX1004.0 to .2,
DB3200 DBX1008.0 to .2)
IS "Activate handwheel" 1 to 2 (DB380x DBX4.0 to .1)
MD10000 AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB [n] (machine axis name)
MD20060 AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB [n] (geometry axis name in the
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DBX1003.5 Define handwheel 1 as contour handwheel
DBX1004.5 Define handwheel 2 as contour handwheel
Signal(s) from NC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The handwheel is defined as contour handwheel via the HMI.
Signal state 0 The handwheel is not defined as contour handwheel.
Application In order that the handwheel, defined from the HMI, is effective as contour
handwheel, then the IS "Activate handwheel 1/2 as contour handwheel"
must also be set to "1".
corresponding to ... DB3200 DBX14.0/.1 (activate handwheel 1/2 as contour handwheel)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB1900 Handwheel selected

DBX1003.6 for handwheel 1
DBX1004.6 for handwheel 2
Signal(s) from NC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The operator has selected the handwheel for the defined axis via the oper‐
ator panel front (i.e. activated). The basic PLC program provides this infor‐
mation to the HMI interface.
The basic PLC program sets the interface signal "Activate handwheel" for
the defined axis to "1".
The associated axis is also displayed at the HMI interface via the IS "Ma‐
chine axis" and "Axis number for handwheel".
As soon as the handwheel is active, the axis can be traversed in JOG mode
with the handwheel: IS "Handwheel active" = 1.
Signal state 0 The operator has disabled the handwheel for the defined axis at the operator
panel front. The basic PLC program provides this information to the HMI
This means that for the specified axis, the IS "Activate handwheel" can be
set to "0" from the basic PLC program.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.3 Signals from / to HMI

corresponding to ... DB1900 DBX1003.0 - .2 (axis number for handwheel 1)

DB1900 DBX1004.0 - .2 (axis number for handwheel 2)
DB1900 DBX1003.7/1004.7 (machine axis for handwheel 1/2)
DB380x DBX4.0/.1 (activate handwheel 1/2)
DB390x DBX4.0/.1 (handwheel 1/2 active)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB1900 Machine axis

DBX1003.7 for handwheel 1
DBX1004.7 for handwheel 2
Signal(s) from NC (HMI → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The operator has assigned an axis to the handwheel (1, 2) directly at the
operator panel. This axis is a machine axis – no geometry axis (axis in the
For further information see IS "Axis number".
Signal state 0 The operator has assigned an axis to the handwheel (1, 2) directly at the
operator panel. This axis is a geometry axis (axis in the Work).
For further information see IS "Axis number".
corresponding to ... IS "Axis number" (DB1900 DBX3.0 to .4, ff)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

5.3.6 General selection / status signals to HMI

DB1900 OP key lock

DBX5000.2 Signal(s) from PLC → HMI
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The OP keyboard is locked for the user.
Signal state 0 The OP keyboard is enabled for the user.

DB1900 Actual value in the Work

DBX5000.7 Signal(s) from PLC → HMI
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC selects the display of actual values in the workpiece coordinate
system (Work). This means that when the machine area is selected, the
Work display is activated; i.e. the machine and the supplementary axes as
well as their actual positions and distances to go are displayed in the Work
in the "Position" window.
The interface signal is only evaluated when it enters the basic machine
screen; this means that the operator, within the machine area, can toggle
as required between the particular coordinate systems using the softkeys
"actual values Machine" and "actual values Work".
Signal state 0 This means that when the machine area is selected the coordinate system
previously selected (Work or Machine) is reactivated and displayed.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.4 Auxiliary function transfer from NC channel

corresponding to ... DB1900 DBX0.7 (switchover Machine/Work)

Note for the reader Operating manual (corresponding to the software being used)

5.4 Auxiliary function transfer from NC channel

DBX4.0 to .4 M function Change 1 to 5
DBX6.0 S function Change 1
DBX8.0 T function Change 1
DBX10.0 D function Change 1
DBX12.0 to .2 H function Change 1 to 3
Signal(s) from channel (PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 M, S, T, D, H information was output at the interface together with a new value
and the associated change signal. In this case, the change signal indicates
that the corresponding value is valid.
The change signals are only valid for one PLC cycle! This means that if the
signal is 1, then a change is pending for this cycle.
Signal state 0 The value of the data involved is not valid.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

DB2500 Decoded M signals: M0 - M99

DBB1000 to DBB1012 Signal(s) from channel (NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The dynamic M signal bits are set by decoded M functions.
Signal state 0 For a general auxiliary function output, the dynamic M signal bits are ac‐
knowledged by the PLC system program after the user program has been
completely run-through (executed once).
Application Spindle clockwise/counterclockwise rotation, switch coolant on/off
corresponding to ... IS "M function for the spindle (DINT), axis-specific" (DB370x DBD0)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

DB2500 T function 1
DBD2000 Signal(s) from channel (PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: job-control‐
led by NCK
Signal state 1 The T function programmed in an NC block is made available here as soon
as the T change signal is available.
Value range of the T function: 0-32000 ; integer number
The T function remains valid until it is overwritten by a new T function.
Signal state 0 ● After the PLC has ramped-up.
● All auxiliary functions are deleted before a new function is entered.
Application Control of automatic tool selection.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.4 Auxiliary function transfer from NC channel

Special cases, errors, ... With T0, the actual tool is removed from the tool holder but not replaced by
a new tool (default configuration of the machine manufacturer).
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

DBD3000 M function 1
DBD3008 M function 2
DBD3016 M function 3
DBD3024 M function 4
DBD3032 M function 5
DBB3004 Extended address of M function 1
DBB3012 Extended address of M function 2
DBB3020 Extended address of M function 3
DBB3028 Extended address of M function 4
DBB3036 Extended address of M function 5
Signal(s) from channel (PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: job-control‐
led by NCK
Signal state 1 Up to 5 M functions programmed in an NC block are simultaneously made
available here as soon as the M change signals are available.
Value range of the M functions: 0 to 99; integer number
Value range of the extended address: 1-2; integer number (spindle number)
The M functions remain valid until they are overwritten by new M functions.
Signal state 0 ● After the PLC has ramped-up.
● All auxiliary functions are deleted before a new function is entered.
Application Control of automatic tool selection.
corresponding to ... IS "M function for the spindle (DINT), axis-specific" (DB370x DBD0)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

DBD4000 S function 1
DBD4008 S function 2
DBB4004 Extended address of S function 1
DBB4012 Extended address of S function 2
Signal(s) from channel (PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: job-control‐
led by NCK
Signal state 1 Here, an S function programmed in an NC block (speed or cutting value for
G96) is provided as soon as the S change signal is available.
Value range of the S function: Floating point (REAL format/4 bytes)
Value range of the extended address: 1 ... 2; integer number (spindle num‐
The S function remains valid until it is overwritten by a new S function.
Signal state 0 ● After the PLC has ramped-up.
● All auxiliary functions are deleted before a new function is entered.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.4 Auxiliary function transfer from NC channel

Application Control of automatic tool selection.

corresponding to ... IS "S function for the spindle (REAL), axis-specific" (DB370x DBD4)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

DB2500 D function 1
DBD5000 Signal(s) from channel (PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: job-control‐
led by NCK
Signal state 1 The D function programmed in an NC block is made available here as soon
as the D change signal is available.
Value range of the D function: 0-9; integer number
The D function remains valid until it is overwritten by a new D function.
Signal state 0 ● After the PLC has ramped-up.
● All auxiliary functions are deleted before a new function is entered.
corresponding to ... D0 is reserved for deselecting the actual tool offset.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

DBD6000 H function 1
DBD6008 H function 2
DBD6016 H function 3
DBW6004 Extended address of H function 1
DBW6012 Extended address of H function 2
DBW6020 Extended address of H function 3
Signal(s) from channel (PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: job-control‐
led by NCK
Signal state 1 Up to 3 H functions programmed in an NC block are simultaneously made
available here as soon as the H change signals are available.
Value range of the H functions: Floating point (REAL format/4 bytes)
Value range of the extended address: 0 to 99; integer number
The H functions remain valid until they are overwritten by new H functions.
Signal state 0 ● After the PLC has ramped-up.
● All auxiliary functions are deleted before a new function is entered.
Application Switching functions on the machine.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.5 NCK signals

5.5 NCK signals

5.5.1 General signals to NCK


DBX0.1 Signal(s) to NC (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The NC is brought into the EMERGENCY OFF state and the EMERGENCY
change 0 → 1 OFF sequence in the NC is started.
Signal state 0 or edge ● The NC is not in the EMERGENCY OFF state
change 1 → 0
● The EMERGENCY OFF state is (still) active, however, it can be reset
with IS: "Acknowledge EMERGENCY OFF" and IS "Reset".
corresponding to ... IS "Acknowledge EMERGENCY OFF" (DB2600 DBX0.2)
IS "EMERGENCY OFF active" (DB2700 DBX0.1)

DB2600 Acknowledge EMERGENCY OFF

DBX0.2 Signal(s) to NC (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The EMERGENCY OFF state is only reset if IS "Acknowledge EMERGEN‐
change 0 → 1 CY OFF" is first set and then IS "Reset" (DB3000 DBX0.7) is set. It must
be noted in this respect that IS "Acknowledge EMERGENCY OFF" and IS
"Reset" must be set together for a long enough period until the IS "EMER‐
GENCY OFF active" (DB2600 DBX0.1) was reset.
By resetting the EMERGENCY OFF state, the following happens:
● IS "EMERGENCY OFF active" is reset
● The controller enable is switched in
● IS "Position control active" is set
● IS "808D-Ready" is set.
● Alarm 3000 is cleared
● The part program processing is aborted.
corresponding to ... IS "EMERGENCY OFF" (DB2600 DBX0.1)
IS "EMERGENCY OFF active" (DB2700 DBX0.1)
IS "Reset" (DB3000 DBX0.7)

DB2600 INC inputs in the mode signal range active

DBX1.0 Signal(s) from channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: job-control‐
led by NCK
Signal state 1 or edge The IS "1 INC", "10 INC", ..., "continuous" in the mode area are used as
change 0 → 1 input signals (DB3000 DBX2.0 to .6).
Signal state 0 or edge The IS "1 INC", "10 INC", ..., "continuous" in the axis and geometry axis
change 1 → 0 area are used as input signals.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.5 NCK signals

corresponding to ... IS "Machine function 1 INC up to continuous" in the mode area (DB3000
DBX2.0 to .6)
IS "Machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1001.0 to .6)
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1005.0 to .6)
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1009.0 to .6)
IS "Machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous" in the axis area (DB380x
DBX5.0 to .6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

5.5.2 General signals from NCK


DBX0.1 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The NC is in the EMERGENCY OFF state.
change 0 → 1
corresponding to ... IS "EMERGENCY OFF" (DB2600 DBX0.1)
IS "Acknowledge EMERGENCY OFF" (DB2600 DBX0.2)

DB2700 Probe actuated

DBX1.0 and .1 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Probe 1 or 2 is actuated.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge Probe 1 or 2 is not actuated.
change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions M5

DB2700 Inch measuring system

DBX1.7 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NC operates with the inch measuring system.
Signal state 0 The NC operates with the metric measuring system.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

DB2700 HMI ready

DBX2.3 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The CPU is ready and registers itself cyclically with the NCK.
change 0 → 1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.5 NCK signals

Signal state 0 or edge The CPU is not ready.

change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

DB2700 Drive ready

DBX2.6 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge All existing drives signal the status drive ready (summary of axial interface
change 0 → 1 signals "DRIVE ready").
Signal state 0 or edge As soon as the drive not ready status is signaled from a drive (i.e. IS "DRIVE
change 1 → 0 ready" = 0).
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4001.5 (DRIVE ready)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

DB2700 NC ready
DBX2.7 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The control system is ready.
change 0 → 1 This interface signal is an image of the relay contact "NC Ready".
This signal is set if:
● Relay contact "NC Ready" is closed
● All the voltages in the control have been established
● The control is in the cyclic mode
Signal state 0 or edge The control is not ready. The relay contact "NC Ready" is open.
change 1 → 0 The following faults will cause NC Ready to be canceled:
● Undervoltage and overvoltage monitoring function has responded
● Individual components are not ready (NCK CPU Ready)
● NC CPU watchdog
If the signal "NC Ready" goes to 0 the following measures are introduced by
the control if they are still possible:
● The controller enable signals are withdrawn (this stops the drives)
● The following measures are introduced by the PLC basic program:
– Status signals from NCK to PLC (user interface) are deleted (cleared)
– Change signals for auxiliary functions are deleted
– Cyclic processing of the user interface is exited
The control is not ready again until after POWER ON.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

DB2700 NCK alarm is active

DBX3.0 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.6 Mode signals

Signal state 1 or edge At least one NCK alarm is present.

change 0 → 1 This is a group signal for the interface signals of all available channels:
DB3300 DBX4.6 (channel-specific NCK alarm pending).
Signal state 0 or edge No NCK alarm is active.
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... DB3300 DBX4.6 (channel-specific NCK alarm pending)
DB3300 DBX4.7 (NCK alarm with processing stop active)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

DB2700 NCK alarm is active

DBX3.6 Signal(s) from NC (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The temperature monitoring has identified an ambient temperature that is too
change 0 → 1 high (approx. 60 ). Alarm 2110 "NCK temperature alarm" is output.
Signal state 0 or edge The temperature monitoring has not responded.
change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

5.6 Mode signals


DBX0.0 Signal(s) to NCK (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge AUTOMATIC mode is selected by the PLC program.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge AUTOMATIC mode is not selected by the PLC program.
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... if signal "Mode change disable"
corresponding to ... IS "active AUTOMATIC mode"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3000 MDI mode

DBX0.1 Signal(s) to NCK (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge MDI mode is selected by the PLC program.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge MDI mode is not selected by the PLC program.
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... if signal "Mode change disable"
corresponding to ... IS "active MDI mode"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.6 Mode signals

DB3000 JOG mode

DBX0.2 Signal(s) to NCK (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge JOG mode is selected by the PLC program.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge JOG mode is not selected by the PLC program.
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... if signal "Mode change disable"
corresponding to ... IS "active JOG mode"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3000 Mode change disable

DBX0.4 Signal(s) to NCK (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The currently active mode (JOG, MDI or Automatic) cannot be changed.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 The mode can be changed.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3000 Reset
DBX0.7 Signal(s) to NCK (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The channel should change into the "RESET" state. The program being exe‐
change 0 → 1 cuted is then in the program "Aborted" program state. All moving axes and
spindles are decelerated to zero speed according to their acceleration ramp
without contour violation. The initial settings are set (e.g. for G functions). The
alarms are cleared if they are not POWER ON alarms.
Signal state 0 or edge Channel status and program execution are not influenced by this signal.
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... IS "Channel reset"
IS "all channels in the Reset state"
Special cases, er‐ An alarm that withdraws the IS "808D-Ready" ensures that the channel is no
rors, ... longer in the Reset state. A "Reset" must be initiated in order to be able to
switch over to another mode.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3000 Machine function REF

DBX1.2 Signal(s) to NCK (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Machine function REF is activated in the JOG mode.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge Machine function REF is not activated.
change 1 → 0

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.6 Mode signals

Signal irrelevant for ... if JOG mode is not active.

Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3000 Single block type B

Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated:
Signal state 1 or edge Bit set and DB3000 DBX1.7 not set: Response across mode groups
change 0 → 1 ● Channel is stopped.
● Channel receives a start command.
● Channel KS stops at the end of the block.
(If DB3000 DBX1.6 and DB3000 DBX1.7 are set simultaneously, it is impos‐
sible to determine which single block type is required. The control then as‐
sumes: No single block across mode groups.)
Signal state 0 or edge If bit DB3000 DBX1.6 is not set and bit DB3000 DBX1.7 is set, then it is single
change 1 → 0 block type A.
(If DB3000 DBX1.6 and DB3000 DBX1.7 are not set, it is impossible to de‐
termine which single block type is required. The control then assumes: No
single block across mode groups).
corresponding to ... Single block type A
Note for the reader

DB3000 Single block type A

Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated:
Signal state 1 or edge DB3000 DBX1.7 set and DB3000 DBX1.6 not set: Response across modes
change 0 → 1 ● Channel is stopped.
● Channel receives a start command.
● Channel KS stops at the end of the block.
(If DB3000 DBX1.6 and DB3000 DBX1.7 are set simultaneously, it is impos‐
sible to determine which single block type is required. The control then as‐
sumes: No single block access across modes).
Signal state 0 or edge If DB3000 DBX1.7 is not set and DB3000 DBX1.6 is set, then it is single block
change 1 → 0 type B.
(If DB3000 DBX1.6 and DB3000 DBX1.7 are not set, it is impossible to de‐
termine which single block type is required. The control then assumes: No
single block access across modes).
corresponding to ... Single block type B
Note for the reader

DB3000 Machine function 1 INC, 10 INC, 100 INC, 1000 INC, 10000 INC, var. INC,
DBX2.0 to .6 continuous
Signal(s) to modes (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.6 Mode signals

Signal state 1 or edge The input range is only used if IS "INC inputs active in the mode area" (DB2600
change 0 → 1 DBX1.0) is set. These signals are valid for all axes and geometry axes.
With the IS "INC..." it is defined by how many increments the axis moves when
actuating the traversing key or when rotating the handwheel for each grid
position. In this case, the JOG mode must be active. For "var. INC", the value
generally applies in SD41010 JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE.
For "continuous" the associated axis can be traversed with the plus or minus
traversing key by keeping the traversing key pressed.
As soon as the selected machine function becomes active, this is signaled to
the PLC interface (IS "Active machine function 1 INC; ..." ). If several machine
function signals (1 INC, INC... or "Continuous traversing") are selected at the
interface simultaneously, then no machine function is activated by the control.
The input IS "INC..." or "continuous" to change an active machine function
must be present for at least one PLC cycle. A steady-state signal is not re‐
Signal state 0 or edge The machine function in question is not selected. No change is requested to
change 1 → 0 the active machine function.
If an axis is currently traversing an increment, this movement is also aborted
if this machine function is deselected or switched over.
corresponding to ... IS "INC inputs active in the mode area" (DB2600 DBX1.0)
IS "Machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1001.0 to .6)
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1005.0 to .6)
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1009.0 to .6)
IS "Machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous" in the axis area (DB380x DBX5.0
to .6)
IS "Active machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3300 DBX1001.0 to .6)
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3300 DBX1005.0 to .6)
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3300 DBX1005.0 to .6)
IS "Active machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous" in the axis area (DB390x
DBX5.0 to .6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB3100 Active AUTOMATIC mode

DBX0.0 Signal(s) from NCK (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge AUTOMATIC mode is active.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge AUTOMATIC mode is not active.
change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3100 Active MDI mode

DBX0.1 Signal(s) from NCK (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge MDI mode is active.
change 0 → 1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.6 Mode signals

Signal state 0 or edge MDI mode is not active.

change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3100 Active JOG mode

DBX0.2 Signal(s) from NCK (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge JOG mode is active.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge JOG mode is not active
change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3100 808D READY

DBX0.3 Signal(s) from NCK (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge This signal is set after power on and all of the voltage have been established.
change 0 → 1 The mode group is now ready and part programs can be executed and axes
Signal state 0 or edge The mode group/channel is not ready. Possible causes for this are:
change 1 → 0 ● There is a critical axis or spindle alarm present
● Hardware fault
● Mode group incorrectly configured (machine data)
If the mode group ready changes to signal state "0", then
● the axis and spindle drives are braked down to standstill with the max.
braking current.
● the signals from the PLC to the NCK are brought into an inactive state
(initial setting).
Special cases, er‐ An alarm that withdraws IS "808D READY" ensures that the channel is no
rors, ... longer in the reset state. A reset is required to switch over to another mode.
(DB3000 DBX0.7)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3100 Active machine function REF

DBX1.2 Signal(s) from NCK (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Machine function REF is active within JOG.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge Machine function REF is not active.
change 1 → 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

5.7 Channel-specific signals

5.7.1 Signals to channel

DB3200 Activate DRF

DBX0.3 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The function DRF is selected.
change 0 → 1 The function can either be selected directly from the PLC user program or
from the operator panel front via HMI interface signal:
DB1700 DBX0.3 (DRF selected)
As soon as the function DRF is active, DRF offset can be modified in the
Signal state 0 or edge The DRF function is not selected.
change 1 → 0
Application The DRF function can be specifically enabled from the PLC user program
using the IS "Activate DRF".
corresponding to ... DB1700 DBX0.3 (DRF selected)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Activate single block

DBX0.4 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge In the AUTOMATIC mode, the program is executed in the single block mode;
change 0 → 1 only 1 block can be entered anyway in MDI.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
Application A new program can first be tested in single block mode in order to monitor
the individual program steps more exactly.
Special cases, er‐ ● When tool radius correction (offset) (G41, G42) is selected, then where
rors, ... necessary, intermediate blocks are inserted.
● In a series of G33 blocks single block is effective only if "dry run feedrate"
is selected.
● For "individual block coarse", pure computation blocks are not processed
in the single step, but only for "single block fine". The pre-selection is made
by pressing the "Program control" softkey.
corresponding to ... IS "Single block selected"
IS "Program status stopped"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Activate M01

DBX0.5 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge M1 programmed in the part program leads to a programmed stop when being
change 0 → 1 executed in the AUTOMATIC or MDI mode.
Signal state 0 or edge M1 programmed in the part program does not lead to a programmed stop.
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... IS "M01 selected" (DB1700 DBX0.5)
IS "M0/M1 active" (DB3300 DBX0.5)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Activate dry run feedrate

DBX0.6 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Instead of with the programmed feedrate (for G1, G2, G3, CIP, CT), the axis
change 0 → 1 moves with the dry run feedrate specified using SD 42100: DRY_RUN_FEED
if the dry run feedrate is greater than the one that has been programmed.
This interface signal is evaluated at NC start when the channel was in the
"Reset" state.
When selected using the PLC, the IS "activate dry run feedrate" should be set
from the PLC user program.
Signal state 0 or edge The axis travels with the programmed feedrate.
change 1 → 0 Effective after reset state.
Application Testing a workpiece program with an increased feedrate.
corresponding to ... IS "Dry run feedrate selected" (DB1700 DBX0.6)
SD 42100: DRY_RUN_FEED (dry run feedrate)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3200 Activate referencing

DBX1.0 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Channel-specific referencing is started with the IS "Activate referencing". The
change 0 → 1 control acknowledges a successful start with the IS "Referencing active".
Each machine axis assigned to the channel can be referenced with channel-
specific referencing (this is achieved internally in the control by simulating the
plus/minus traversing keys). Via the axis-specific MD 34110: REFP_CY‐
CLE_NR (axis sequence for channel-specific referencing) can be used to de‐
fine the sequence in which the machine axes are referenced. If all of the axes
entered in MD: REFP_CYCLE_NR have reached there reference point, then
IS "all axes referenced" (DB3300 DBX4.2) is set.
Application If the machine axes are to be referenced in a particular sequence, the follow‐
ing options are available:
● The operator must observe the correct sequence when starting.
● The PLC must check the sequence when starting or define it itself.
● The function channel specific referencing is used.
corresponding to ... IS "Referencing active" (DB3300 DBX1.0)
IS "All axes that must have a reference point are referenced"
(DB3300 DBX4.2)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

DB3200 Enable protection zones

DBX1.1 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge When a positive edge of this signal appears, a protection zone is enabled
change 0 → 1 and the active alarm cleared. Then, motion can start in the same protection
As a result of the start of motion, the protection zone is enabled, the IS
"machine or channel-specific protection zone violated" is set, and the axis
starts to move.
The enable signal is not required if a motion is started that does not lead
into the enabled protection zone.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
Application example This allows protection zones to be enabled:
● if the actual position is within a protection zone (alarm 2 present)
● if motion is to be started towards the protection zone limit (alarm 1 or 2
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Activate the program test

DBX1.7 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Axis disable is set internally for all axes (not spindles). Therefore the ma‐
change 0 → 1 chine axes do not move when a part program block or a part program is
being processed. The axis movements are simulated on the operator inter‐
face with changing axis position values. The axis position values for the
display are generated from the calculated setpoints.
Otherwise, the part program is executed normally.
Signal state 0 or edge The part program execution is not affected by the program test function.
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... IS "Program test selected"
IS "Program test active"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Activate skip block

DBB2 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
DBX15.6 and .7
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Blocks marked in the part program with a slash (/) are skipped. If there is a
change 0 → 1 series of skip blocks, this signal is only active if it is present before decoding
of the first block of the series, ideally before "NC start".
Signal state 0 or edge The marked part program blocks are not skipped.
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... IS "Skip block selected"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

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398 List Manual, 01/2017

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

DB3200 Feedrate override

DBB4 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Gray coding for feedrate override
change 0 → 1 Switch set‐ Code Feedrate override factor
1 00001 0.0
2 00011 0.01
3 00010 0.02
4 00110 0.04
5 00111 0.06
6 00101 0.08
7 00100 0.10
8 01100 0.20
9 01101 0.30
10 01111 0.40
11 01110 0.50
12 01010 0.60
13 01011 0.70
14 01001 0.75
15 01000 0.80
16 11000 0.85
17 11001 0.90
18 11011 0.95
19 11010 1.00
20 11110 1.05
21 11111 1.10
22 11101 1.15
23 11100 1.20
24 10100 1.20
25 10101 1.20
26 10111 1.20
27 10110 1.20
28 10010 1.20
29 10011 1.20
30 10001 1.20
31 10000 1.20
corresponding to ... IS "Feedrate override active" (DB3200 DBX6.7)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3200 Rapid traverse override

DBB5 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge Gray coding for rapid traverse override

change 0 → 1 Switch set‐ Code Rapid traverse override
1 00001 0.0
2 00011 0.01
3 00010 0.02
4 00110 0.04
5 00111 0.06
6 00101 0.08
7 00100 0.10
8 01100 0.20
9 01101 0.30
10 01111 0.40
11 01110 0.50
12 01010 0.60
13 01011 0.70
14 01001 0.75
15 01000 0.80
16 11000 0.85
17 11001 0.90
18 11011 0.95
19 11010 1.00
20 11110 1.00
21 11111 1.00
22 11101 1.00
23 11100 1.00
24 10100 1.00
25 10101 1.00
26 10111 1.00
27 10110 1.00
28 10010 1.00
29 10011 1.00
30 10001 1.00
31 10000 1.00
corresponding to ... IS "Rapid traverse override active" (DB3200 DBX6.6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3200 Feedrate disable

DBX6.0 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge The signal is active in one channel in all modes.
change 0 → 1 ● Signal causes a feedrate disable of all of the axes that are interpolating
relative to each other if no G33 (thread) is present.
All axes are brought to a standstill, maintaining the path contour. When
the feedrate disable is canceled (0 signal), the interrupted part program
is continued.
● The position control is kept, i.e. the following error is eliminated.
● If a travel request is issued for an axis with an active "Feedrate disable",
then this is kept. This pending travel request is executed directly when
"Feedrate disable" is withdrawn.
If the axis is interpolating relative to others, then this also applies to these
Signal state 0 or edge ● The feedrate is enabled for all axes of the channel.
change 1 → 0 ● If a travel request ("travel command") exists for an axis or group of axes
when the "feedrate disable" is canceled, then this is executed immediately.
Special cases, er‐ The feedrate disable is inactive when G33 is active.
rors, ...
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3200 Read-in disable

DBX6.1 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The data transfer for the next block is locked in the interpolator. This signal
change 0 → 1 is only active in the AUTOMATIC and MDI modes.
Signal state 0 or edge The data transfer for the next block in the interpolator is released. This signal
change 1 → 0 is only active in the AUTOMATIC and MDI modes.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

Application In a case there an auxiliary function has to have been executed before the
next block can be processed (e.g. for a tool change), automatic block change
must be inhibited with read-in disable.

 17 1*
; 0

17 1

7 0







corresponding to ... IS "Program status running"

Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Delete distance-to-go

DBX6.2 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge IS "Delete distance-to-go" for path axes is only active in AUTOMATIC mode.
change 0 → 1 The rising edge of the interface signal is only effective for the axes involved
in the geometry grouping. These are also stopped with a ramp stop and their
distance-to-go deleted (setpoint - actual value difference). Any remaining fol‐
lowing error is still removed. The next program block is then started.
IS "Delete distance-to-go" does not influence the running dwell time in a pro‐
gram block with dwell time.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... Positioning axes
Application example Terminating motion because of an external signal (e.g. probe)

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Special cases, errors, ... When the axes have been stopped with IS "Delete distance-to-go" the next
program block is prepared with the new positions. After a "Delete distance-
to-go", geometry axes thus follow a different contour to the one originally
defined in the part program.
If G90 is programmed in the block after "Delete distance-to-go" it is at least
possible to approach the programmed absolute position. On the other hand,
with G91, the position originally defined in the part program is not reached in
the following block.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX2.2 (Distance-to-go / Spindle reset)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Program level abort

DBX6.4 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge At each edge change 0 → 1 the actual program level being processed (sub‐
change 0 → 1 program level) is immediately aborted. Processing of the part program con‐
tinues at the next higher program level from the exit point.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
Special cases, errors, ... The main program level cannot be interrupted with the IS, but only with the
IS "Reset".
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Rapid traverse override active

DBX6.6 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The rapid traverse override between 0 and a maximum of 100% entered in
change 0 → 1 the PLC interface is channel-specific.
Signal state 0 or edge The rapid traverse override entered at the PLC interface is ignored.
change 1 → 0 When the rapid traverse override is inactive, the NC always uses 100% as
the internal override factor.
The 1st switch position of the gray-coded interface for the value is an excep‐
tion. Also here for "Rapid traverse override inactive", this override factor is
used and for axes, 0% is output as override value.
Special cases, er‐ The rapid traverse override is inactive when G33 is active.
rors, ...
corresponding to ... IS "Rapid traverse override" (DB3200 DBX5)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3200 Feedrate override active

DBX6.7 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge The feedrate override between 0 and a maximum of 120% entered at the PLC
change 0 → 1 interface is active for the path feedrate and therefore automatically for the
related axes.
In JOG mode, the feedrate override acts directly on the axes.
Signal state 0 or edge The feedrate override entered at the PLC interface is ignored.
change 1 → 0 When the feedrate override is inactive, the NC always uses 100% as the
internal override factor.
The 1st switch position of the gray-coded interface for the value is an excep‐
tion. Also here, for "Feedrate override inactive", this override factor is used
and for axes, 0% is output as override value (acts the same as "feedrate
Special cases, er‐ The feedrate override is inactive when G33 is active.
rors, ...
corresponding to ... IS "Feedrate override" (DB3200 DBX4)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3200 NC start disable

DBX7.0 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge IS "NC start" is inactive.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge IS "NC start" is active.
change 1 → 0
Application This signal is used to suppress renewed program execution because, for
example, there is no lubricant.
corresponding to ... IS "NC start"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 NC start
DBX7.1 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge AUTOMATIC mode: The selected NC program is started or continued.
change 0 → 1 If data is transferred from the PLC to the NC during program status "Program
interrupted," then this data is immediately processed with NC start.

MDI mode: The part program blocks that were entered are enabled for exe‐
cution or are continued.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... IS "NC start disable"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 NC stop at block limit

DBX7.2 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge The NC program being executed is stopped after the part program block being
change 0 → 1 executed has been completely processed. Otherwise, as for "NC stop".
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... IS "NC stop"
IS "NC stop axes plus spindles"
IS "Program status stopped"
IS "Channel status interrupted"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 NC stop
DBX7.3 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or The NC program being executed is immediately stopped, the actual block is not
edge change 0 completed. Only the axes are stopped without contour violation.
→1 Distances to go are only traversed through after a new start.
The program status changes to "stopped", the channel status changes to "interrup‐
Signal state 0 or No effect
edge change 1
Application On NC start the program is continued at the point of interruption.






Special cases, The signal NC stop must be active for at least one PLC cycle.
errors, ...
corresponding IS "NC stop at block limit"
to ... IS "NC stop axes plus spindles"
IS "Program status stopped"
IS "Channel status interrupted"
Note for the Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 NC stop axes plus spindles

DBX7.4 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 or The NC program being executed is immediately stopped, the actual block is not
edge change 0 completed. Distances-to-go are only completed after a new start. The axes and spin‐
→1 dle are stopped. However, these are stopped in a controlled fashion.
The program status changes to stopped, the channel status changes to interrupted.
Signal state 0 or No effect
edge change 1
Signal irrele‐ Channel status reset
vant for ... Program status interrupted
Special cases, All axes and spindles that were not caused to move by program or program block
errors, ... (e.g. axes are moved by pressing the traverse keys on the machine control panel)
are not decelerated to zero speed with "NC stop axes plus spindles".
The program is continued at the interrupted place with NC Start.
The signal "NC stop axes plus spindles" must be pending for at least one PLC cycle.







corresponding IS "NC stop at block limit"

to ... IS "NC stop"
IS "Program status stopped"
IS "Channel status interrupted"
Note for the Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3200 Deactivate workpiece counter

DBX13.5 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The workpiece count monitoring is deactivated with activated tool monitoring.
Signal state 0 No effect
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions W1

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

DBX14.0 Activate handwheel 1 as contour handwheel
DBX14.1 Activate handwheel 2 as contour handwheel
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Handwheel 1/2 is selected as contour handwheel.
Signal state 0 Handwheel 1/2 is deselected as contour handwheel.
Application Enabling/disabling the contour handwheel can be performed in the middle
of a block.
When enabled, the movement is first decelerated and then traversed ac‐
cording to the contour handwheel.
When disabled, the movement is decelerated and the NC program is con‐
tinued immediately. If the NC program is to be continued only after a new
NC start, then disabling the contour handwheel in the PLC user program
must be logically combined with an NC stop.
Special cases, errors, ... The signal is kept beyond an NC reset.
corresponding to ... DB3300 DBX5.0 and 5.1 (handwheel 1/2 active as contour handwheel)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DBX14.3 Simulation contour handwheel on
DBX14.4 Negative direction simulation contour handwheel
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Description For enabling/disabling simulation of the contour handwheel and to define the
traversing direction, these signals have to be set as follows:
● Bit 3 = 0: Simulation off
● Bit 3 = 1: Simulation on
● Bit 4 = 0: Direction as programmed
● Bit 4 = 1: Direction opposite to what was programmed
Application During simulation the feedrate is no longer defined by the contour hand‐
wheel, but traversing occurs with the programmed feedrate along the con‐
When the function is deselected, the movement is decelerated along the
braking ramp. When the traversing direction is reversed, axis motion is de‐
celerated along the braking ramp and the axis traverses in the opposite di‐
Special cases, errors, ... The simulation is only effective in the AUTOMATIC mode and can only be
enabled if the contour handwheel has been activated.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DBX14.5 Activate associated M01
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated:

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 PLC signals the NCK that the associated M01 (auxiliary function) should be
Signal state 0 Deactivate the associated M01 (auxiliary function).
corresponding to ... DB21, ... DBX 318.5 (associated M01 active) ???
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DBX16.0 Control program branching
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated:
Signal state 1 GOTOS in the part program initiates a return jump to the program start. The
program is then processed again.
Signal state 0 GOTOS does not initiate a return jump. Program execution is continued with
the next part program block after GOTOS.
corresponding to ... MD27860 PROCESSTIMER_MODE
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB3200 Activate handwheel (1 and 2)

DBX1000.0 to .1 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1004.0 to .1 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1008.0 to .1 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge These PLC interface signals are used to define whether this geometry axis
change 0 → 1 is assigned to handwheel 1 or 2 or is not assigned to any handwheel.
Only one handwheel can be assigned to an axis at any one time.
If several interface signals "activate handwheel" are set, then 'Handwheel 1'
has a higher priority than 'Handwheel 2'.
Two geometry axes can be simultaneously traversed using handwheels 1
to 2!
Signal state 0 or edge Neither handwheel 1 or 2 is assigned to this axis.
change 1 → 0
Application The PLC user program can use this interface signal to interlock the influence
on the geometry axis when turning a handwheel.
corresponding to ... IS "Handwheel active" 1 to 2
for axis 1 in the Work: DB3300 DBX1000.0 to .2
for axis 2 in the Work: DB3300 DBX1004.0 to .2
for axis 3 in the Work: DB3300 DBX1008.0 to .2
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

DBX1000.3 Feedrate stop for axes in the Work
DBX1004.3 Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The signal is only active in the JOG mode (axes are traversed in the Work).
change 0 → 1 ● The signal triggers a feedrate stop for the axis. For a traversing axis, this
signal brings it to a standstill with a controlled braking (ramp stop). No
alarm is output.
● The position control is kept, i.e. the following error is eliminated.
● If a travel request is issued for an axis with an active "feedrate stop", then
this is kept. This queued travel request is executed immediately after the
"feedrate stop" has been withdrawn.
Signal state 0 or edge ● The feedrate is enabled for the axis.
change 1 → 0
● If a travel request ("travel command") is active when the "feedrate stop"
is withdrawn, this is executed immediately.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3200 Traversing key disable

DBX1000.4 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1004.4 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1008.4 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The plus and minus traversing keys have no effect on the geometry axes in
change 0 → 1 question. It is thus not possible to traverse the geometry axis in JOG with
the traversing keys on the machine control panel.
If the traversing key disable is activated while traversing, the geometry axis
is stopped.
Signal state 0 The plus and minus traversing keys are enabled.
Application It is thus possible, depending on the operating state, to interlock traversing
of the geometry axis in JOG mode using the traversing keys from the PLC
user program.
corresponding to ... IS "Traversing key plus" and " ... minus"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1000.7 and .6 )
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1004.7 and .6 )
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1008.7 and .6 )
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB3200 Rapid traverse override

DBX1000.5 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1004.5 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1008.5 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge If, together with the "Traversing key plus" or "Traversing key minus" the PLC
change 0 → 1 interface signal "Rapid traverse override" is issued, then the geometry axis
that is addressed traverses with the rapid traverse - intended for JOG - of
the associated machine axis (e.g.: X → X1).
This rapid traverse velocity is defined using MD32010 JOG_VELO_RAPID.
The rapid traverse override is effective in the JOG mode for the following
● for continuous travel
● for incremental travel
If rapid traverse override is active, the velocity can be modified with the rapid
traverse override switch.
Signal state 0 or edge The geometry axis traverses with the specified JOG velocity (SD41110
change 1 → 0 JOG_SET_VELO or MD32020 JOG_VELO).
Signal irrelevant for ... ● AUTOMATIC and MDI modes
● Reference point approach (JOG mode)
corresponding to ... IS "Traversing key plus" and " ... minus"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1000.7 and .6 )
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1004.7 and .6 )
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1008.7 and .6 )
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1, V1

DB3200 Traversing keys plus and minus

DBX1000.7 and .6 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1004.7 and .6 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1008.7 and .6 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The selected axis can be traversed in both directions in JOG mode using
change 0 → 1 the plus and minus traversing keys.
Incremental travel
With signal state 1 the axis starts to traverse the set increment. If the signal
changes to the 0 state before the increment is traversed, the traversing
movement is interrupted. With a new signal state 1, the traversing motion is
Until the increment has been completely traversed, the axis traversing mo‐
tion can be stopped and continued a multiple number of times as described
Continuous traversing
If an INC dimension has not been selected, but "continuous", then the axis
traverses as long as the traversing key is kept pressed.
If both traverse signals (plus and minus) are set at the same time, no move‐
ment occurs, or any current movement is aborted!
The effect of the traversing keys can be disabled for every axis individually
using the PLC interface signal "Traversing key disable".
In contrast to machine axes, for geometry axes, only one geometry axis can
be traversed at any one time using the traversing keys. Alarm 20062 is output
if an attempt is made to traverse more than one axis using the traversing

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 0 or edge No traversing

change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... AUTOMATIC and MDI modes
Special cases, errors, ... The geometry axis cannot be traversed in JOG mode:
● If it is already being traversed via the axis-specific PLC interface (as a
machine axis).
● If another geometry axis is already being traversed with the traversing
Alarm 20062 "Axis already active" is output.
corresponding to ... IS "Traversing keys plus and minus" for machine axes (DB380x DBX4.7 and .
IS "Traversing key disable"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1000.4)
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1004.4)
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1008.4)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

Machine function 1 INC, 10 INC, 100 INC, 1000 INC, 10000 INC, var. INC,
DB3200 continuous
DBX1001.0 to .6 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1005.0 to .6 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1009.0 to .6 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) to channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge This input range is only used if IS "INC inputs active in the mode area"
change 0 → 1 (DB2600 DBX1.0) is not set.
Interface signals INC... is used to define how many increments the geometry
axis traverses when the traversing key is pressed or the handwheel is turned
one detent position. In this case, the JOG mode must be active.
For "var. INC", generally the value in SD41010 JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE ap‐
For "continuous", the associated geometry axis can be traversed with the
plus or minus traversing key by keeping the traversing key pressed.
As soon as the selected machine function becomes active, this is signaled
to the PLC interface (IS "Active machine function 1 INC; ..." ).
If several machine function signals (1 INC, INC... or "Continuous traversing")
are selected at the interface simultaneously, then no machine function is
activated by the control.
The input IS "INC..." or "continuous" to change an active machine function
must be present for at least one PLC cycle. A steady-state signal is not
Signal state 0 or edge The machine function in question is not selected. No request is made to
change 1 → 0 change an active machine function.
If an axis is currently traversing an increment, this movement is also aborted
if this machine function is deselected or switched over.

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

corresponding to ... IS "Active machine function 1 INC, ..."

for axis 1 in the Work (DB3300 DBX1001.0 ... .6)
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3300 DBX1005.0 ... .6)
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3300 DBX1009.0 ... .6)
IS "INC inputs active in the mode group area" (DB2600 DBX1.0)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

5.7.2 Signals from NC channel

DB3300 Action block active

DBX0.3 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Block search: Output of the collective auxiliary functions running.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Approach block active

DBX0.4 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Block search with calculation / at contour: Approach block running
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 M0/M1 active

DBX0.5 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The part program block is executed, the auxiliary functions are output, and
● M0 is located in the work memory, or
● M1 is in the work memory and IS "Activate M01" is active
The program status changes to stopped.
Signal state 0 ● With IS "NC start"
● For a program abort as a result of a reset

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5.7 Channel-specific signals








Corresponding IS "Activate M01"

to ... IS "M01 selected"
Note for the Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Last action block active

DBX0.6 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Block search: Last block of the output with collected auxiliary functions.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Referencing active

DBX1.0 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The channel-specific referencing was started using the IS: "Activate refer‐
change 0 → 1 encing" and the successful start was acknowledged using IS "Referencing
active". The channel-specific referencing is running.
Signal state 0 or edge ● Channel-specific referencing has been completed
change 1 → 0 ● Axis-specific referencing is running
● No referencing active
Signal irrelevant for ... Spindles
Corresponding to ... IS "Activate referencing" (DB3200 DBX1.0)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1

DB3300 Revolutional feedrate active

DBX1.2 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 When programming of G95 (revolutional feedrate) in the JOG or automatic

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Corresponding to ... SD41100 JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (JOG: Revolutional / linear feedrate)

(control revolutional feedrate in JOG)
(revolutional feedrate for positioning axes / spindles)
MD32040 JOG_REV_VELO_RAPID (revolutional feedrate for JOG with
rapid traverse override)
MD32050 JOG_REV_VELO (revolutional feedrate for JOG)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB3300 Handwheel override active

DBX1.3 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The function "Handwheel override in AUTOMATIC mode" is active for the
programmed path axes.
Handwheel pulses of the 1st geometry axis function as a velocity override
over the programmed path feedrate.
Signal state 0 The function "Handwheel override in AUTOMATIC mode" is not active for
the programmed path axes.
An active handwheel override is not active if:
● The path axes have reached the target position
● The distance-to-go is deleted by the channel-specific interface signal
DB21, ... DBX6.2 (delete distance-to-go)
● A RESET is performed.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H2

DB3300 Block search active

DBX1.4 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The block search function is active. It was selected and started from the
operator interface.
Signal state 0 The block search function is not active.
Application The block search function makes it possible to jump to a certain block within
a part program and to start processing the part program from this block.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 M2/M30 active

DBX1.5 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 NC block with M2 has been completely executed. If traversing motion is also pro‐
grammed in this block, the signal is only output when the target position has been

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 0 No end of program or program abort

Status after the control has been switched on
Start of an NC Program






The PLC can detect the end of program processing with this signal and react appro‐
Special cases, ● The M2 and M30 functions have equal priority. Only M2 should be used.
errors, ... ● The IS "M2/M30 active" is present as steady-state signal after the end of the
● Not suitable for automatic follow-on functions such as workpiece counting, bar
feed, etc. For these functions, M2 should be written into a separate block and
the word M2 or the decoded M signal should be used.
● Auxiliary functions must not be written in the last block of a program that should
result in a read-in stop.
Note for the Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Program test active

DBX1.7 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Program control "Program test" is active. Axis disable is set internally for all
axes (not spindles). Therefore the machine axes do not move when a part
program block or a part program is being processed. The axis movements
are simulated on the operator interface with changing axis position values.
The axis position values for the display are generated from the calculated
Otherwise, the part program is executed in the normal way.
Signal state 0 Program control program test is not active.
Corresponding to ... IS "Activate program test"
IS "Program test selected"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

DB3300 Program status running

DBX3.0 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The part program was started with IS "NC start" and is running.

Signal state 0 ● Program stopped by M0/M1 or NC stop or mode change.

● For single block mode, the block is executed.
● End of program reached (M2)
● Program aborted due to a reset
● The actual block cannot be executed
Special cases, er‐ The IS "Program status running" does not change to 0 if workpiece machining
rors, ... is stopped due to the following events:
● A feedrate disable or spindle disable was output
● IS "Read-in disable"
● Feedrate override to 0%
● The spindle and axis monitoring functions respond
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Program status wait

DBX3.1 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The running program has come to a program command WAIT_M or WAIT_E
in an NC block. The wait condition specified in the WAIT command for the
channel or channels has not yet been fulfilled.
Signal state 0 Program status wait is not active.
Corresponding to ...
Note for the reader /PG/ Programming Manual, Fundamentals

DB3300 Program status stopped

DBX3.2 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NC part program has been stopped by an "NC stop", "NC stop axes plus
spindles", "NC stop at the block limit", programmed M0 or M1 or single block
Signal state 0 Program status "stopped" is not present.
Corresponding to ... IS "NC stop"
IS "NC stop axes plus spindles"
IS "NC stop at block limit"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Program status interrupted

DBX3.3 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 1 When the mode changes from AUTOMATIC or MDI (in stopped program
status) to JOG, the program status changes to "interrupted". The program
can be continued at the point of interruption in AUTOMATIC or MDI mode
when "NC start" is issued.
Signal state 0 Program status interrupted is not active.
Special cases, errors, ... The IS "Program status interrupted" indicates that the part program can con‐
tinue to be processed by restarting it.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Program status aborted

DBX3.4 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The program has been selected but not started, or the program was aborted
with a reset.
Signal state 0 Program status interrupted is not active.
Corresponding to ... IS "Reset"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Channel status active

DBX3.5 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 In this channel
● A part program or block is presently being executed in the automatic or
MDI mode.
● At least one axis is being traversed in JOG mode
Signal state 0 "Channel status interrupted" or "Channel status reset" is active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Channel status interrupted

DBX3.6 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NC part program in AUTOMATIC or MDI can be interrupted by "NC stop",
"NC stop axes plus spindles", "NC stop at the block limit", programmed M0
or M1 or single block mode.
With an NC start, the part program or the interrupted traversing movement
can be continued.
Signal state 0 "Channel status active" or "Channel status reset" is active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Channel status reset

DBX3.7 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The signal is set to 1 as soon as the channel goes into the reset state, i.e. no
processing taking place.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

Signal state 0 The signal is set to 0 as soon as processing takes place in the channel, e.g.:
a program is being executed or block search.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 All axes referenced

DBX4.2 Signal(s) from channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 All axes that must have a reference point have been referenced.
(Note for axes that must have a reference point:
Signal state 0 One or more axes of the channel have not been referenced.
Special cases, errors, ... The spindles of the channel have no effect on this IS.
Corresponding to ... IS "Referenced/synchronized 1" (DB390x DBX0.4)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1

DB3300 All axes stationary

DBX4.3 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 All axes assigned to the channel are stationary with interpolator end. No
other traversing motions are active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions B1

DB3300 Channel-specific NCK alarm is active

DBX4.6 Signal(s) from channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 At least one NCK alarm is present for the channel.
Thus the following group interface signal is also set:
DB2700 DBX3.0 (NCK alarm is present)
The PLC user program can interrogate whether processing for the channel
in question has been interrupted because of an NCK channel:
DB3300 DBX4.7 (NCK alarm with processing stop active).
Signal state 0 No NCK alarm is present for the channel.
Corresponding to ... DB3300 DBX4.7 (NCK alarm with processing stop active)
DB2700 DBX3.0 (NCK alarm present)
Note for the reader /DA/ Diagnostics Guide

DB3300 NCK alarm with processing stop active

DBX4.7 Signal(s) from channel (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 At least one NCK alarm, which is causing a processing stop of the part pro‐
gram running in the channel, is active.
Signal state 0 There is no alarm active for the channel that is causing a processing stop.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

Corresponding to ... DB2700 DBX3.0 (NCK alarm present)

Note for the reader /DA/ Diagnostics Guide

DBX5.0 Handwheel 1 active as contour handwheel
DBX5.1 Handwheel 2 active as contour handwheel
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Description These signals show which handwheel is selected as contour handwheel:
Signal = 1 Handwheel x is selected as contour handwheel.
Signal = 0 Handwheel x is deselected as contour hand‐
Special cases, The signal is kept beyond an NC Reset.
errors, ...
Corresponding to ... DB3200.DBX14.0, DBX14.1 (handwheel x active as contour handwheel)

DBX7.5 Handwheel direction of rotation inversion active for contour handwheel
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Description This signal indicates whether the direction of rotation was inverted for the
contour handwheel:
Signal = 1 The direction of rotation of the contour hand‐
wheel is inverted.
Signal = 0 The direction of rotation of the contour hand‐
wheel is not inverted.
Corresponding to ... DB3200.DBX14.0, DBX14.1 (handwheel x active as contour handwheel)

DB3300 Handwheel active (1 to 2)

DBX1000.0 and .1 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1004.0 and .1 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1008.0 and .1 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 These PLC interface signals are used to define whether this geometry axis
is assigned to handwheel 1/2 or is not assigned to any handwheel.
Only one handwheel can be assigned to an axis at any one time.
If several interface signals "activate handwheel" are set, then 'Handwheel
1' has a higher priority than 'Handwheel 2'.
If the assignment is active, then the geometry axis can be traversed using
the handwheel in the JOG mode.
Signal status This geometry axis is not assigned to handwheel 1/2.
Corresponding to ... IS "Activate handwheel" (DB3200 DBX1000.0/.1,
DB3200 DBX1004.0/.1, DB3200 DBX1008.0/.1)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

DBX1000.5 and .4 Plus and minus travel request (for axis in the Work)
DBX1004.5 and .4 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
DBX1008.5 and .4
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 0 A travel command in the relevant axis direction has not been given or a
traverse movement has been completed.
● JOG mode:
The travel command is reset depending on the actual setting "Jog or
continuous mode".
While traversing with the handwheel.
● Under REF mode: When the reference point is reached
● AUT/MDI mode:
The program block has been executed (and the next block does not
contain any coordinate values for the axis in question). Cancel using
"RESET", etc. IS "Axis disabled" is active.
Corresponding to ... DB3300 DBX1000.7 or .6
DB3300 DBX1004.7 or .6
DB3300 DBX1008.7 or .6 (travel command plus and travel command minus)

DB3300 Travel command plus and minus

DBX1000.7 and .6 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1004.7 and .6 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1008.7 and .6 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Travel is to be executed in the axis direction involved. Depending on the
mode selected, the travel command is triggered in different ways.
● JOG mode: With the plus or minus traversing key
● Under REF mode: With traversing key that takes the axis to the reference
● AUTO/MDI mode: A program block containing a coordinate value for the
axis in question is executed.
Signal state 0 A travel command in the relevant axis direction has not been given or a
traverse movement has been completed.
● JOG mode:
– Withdrawing the traversing key
– When ending traversing with the handwheel.
● Under REF mode:
When the reference point is reached
● AUTO/MDI mode:
– The program block has been executed (and the next block does not
contain any coordinate values for the axis in question)
– Cancel using "RESET", etc.
– IS "Axis disable" is active

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

Application Releasing the clamping for axes with clamping

If the clamping is not released until the travel command is given, these axes
cannot be operated under continuous path control!
Corresponding to ... IS "Traversing key plus" and " ...minus"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1000.7 and .6 )
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1004.7 and .6 )
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1008.7 and .6 )
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB3300 Active machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous

DBX1001.0 to .6 for axis 1 in the Work
DBX1005.0 to .6 for axis 2 in the Work
DBX1009.0 to .6 for axis 3 in the Work
Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC interface receives a signal stating which machine function is active
in the JOG mode for the geometry axes.
Signal state 0 The machine function in question is not active.
Corresponding to ... IS "Machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1001.0 ... .6)
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1005.0 ... .6)
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1009.0 ... .6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB3300 Workpiece setpoint reached

DBX4001.1 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The specified workpiece target has been reached.
Depending on the setting in MD27880 PART_COUNTER:
Bit 1 = 0:for $AC_REQUIRED_PARTS equal to $AC_ACTUAL_PARTS
Signal state 0 The specified workpiece target has not been reached.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 ASUP is stopped

DBX4002.0 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The signal is set to 1 if the control stops automatically prior to the end of ASUP
(interrupt in a program mode and channel status stopped).
Signal state 0 The IS is set to 0 with start and reset.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

DB3300 Associated M01/M00 active

DBX4002.5 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The IS is used to display that for a corresponding previous enable / activation,
an associated M00 or M01 auxiliary function is active.
Signal state 0 No associated M00/M01 auxiliary functions active.
Corresponding to ... DB3200 DBX14.5 (activate associated M01)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 Dry run feedrate active

DBX4002.6 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The dry run feedrate is active.
Instead of the programmed feedrate, the dry run feedrate entered in setting
is active.
When activated from the operator panel, the dry run feedrate signal is auto‐
matically entered in the PLC interface and transmitted by the PLC basic pro‐
gram to the PLC interface signal:
DB3200 DBX0.6 (activate dry run feedrate).
Signal state 0 Dry run feedrate is not active. The programmed feedrate is active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DBB4004 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Event-controlled
Signal state 1 The event assigned to the bit has activated the "Event-driven program call"
Bit 0 → Part program start from channel status RESET
Bit 1 → End of part program
Bit 2 → Operator panel reset
Bit 3 → Boot
Bit 4 → 1st start after search run
Bit 5 - 7 → Reserved, currently always 0
Signal duration: At least one complete PLC cycle
Signal state 0 ● The event assigned to the bit has not activated the "Event-driven program
call" function.
● The event-driven user program has expired or was cancelled with RESET.
Note for the reader

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.7 Channel-specific signals

DB3300 ASUP active

DBX4006.0 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 One ASUP is active.
Signal state 0 No ASUP is active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3300 ASUP active

DBX4006.0 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 An ASUP with suppressed display update is active (refer to MD20191).
Signal state 0 No ASUP with suppressed display update is active.
Corresponding to ... MD20191 IGN_PROG_STATE_ASUP
(do not display execution of the interrupt program on the OPI)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB3500 Active G function of groups 1 to 64

DBB0 - 63 Signal(s) from channel (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Event-controlled
Signal status > 1 A G function of the G group is active.
The active G group is saved in the dual format in the byte involved, e.g. G90:
Signal state 0 No G function of the G group is active.
Special cases, er‐ In contrast to auxiliary functions, G functions are not output to the PLC subject
rors, ... to acknowledgement, i.e. processing of the part program is continued imme‐
diately after the G function output.
Note for the reader Programming Manual, Fundamentals

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List Manual, 01/2017 423

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

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Figure 5-1 PLC interface signals for axis monitoring

5.8.1 Transferred axis-specific M, S functions

DB370x M function for spindle

DBD0 Signal(s) from axis/spindle (NCK → PLC), axis-specific
Edge evaluation: Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Application Generally, the M functions are output for specific channels in DB2500. In the
range DB2500 DBB1000 ... these are only present for one PLC cycle; in
DB2500 DBD3000 ... up to a new output.
Selected "M functions for the spindle" are available as integer number actual
value of the PLC in this IS "M function for spindle".
● M3→ Value: 3
● M4→ Value: 4
● M5→ Value: 5
corresponding to ... IS "S function for spindle" (DB370x DBD4), axis-specific
IS auxiliary function transfer from NC channel (DB2500)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB370x S function for spindle

DBD4 Signal(s) from axis/spindle (NCK → PLC), axis-specific
Edge evaluation: Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Application Generally, the S function is transferred channel-specific in DB2500

DBD4000 ... as floating-point value to the PLC.
In this IS "S function for the spindle", this output is realized to the PLC as
floating-point value for specific axes:
● S... as spindle speed in rpm (programmed value)
● S... as constant cutting speed in m/min or ft/min for G96
The following S functions are not output here:
● S... as programmed spindle speed limiting G25
● S... as programmed spindle speed limiting G26
● S... as the dwell time in spindle revolutions
corresponding to ... IS "M function for spindle" (DB370x DBD0), axis-specific
IS "Transferred S function" (DB2500 DBD4000 ...), channel-specific
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

5.8.2 Signals to axis / spindle

DB380x Feedrate override (axis-specific)

DBB0 Signal(s) to axis (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 The axis-specific feedrate override is entered from the PLC gray-coded.

Gray coding for axis-specific feedrate override

Switch set‐ Code Axial feedrate override
ting factor
1 00001 0.0
2 00011 0.01
3 00010 0.02
4 00110 0.04
5 00111 0.06
6 00101 0.08
7 00100 0.10
8 01100 0.20
9 01101 0.30
10 01111 0.40
11 01110 0.50
12 01010 0.60
13 01011 0.70
14 01001 0.75
15 01000 0.80
16 11000 0.85
17 11001 0.90
18 11011 0.95
19 11010 1.00
20 11110 1.05
21 11111 1.10
22 11101 1.15
23 11100 1.20
24 10100 1.20
25 10101 1.20
26 10111 1.20
27 10110 1.20
28 10010 1.20
29 10011 1.20
30 10001 1.20
31 10000 1.20
corresponding to ... IS "Override active" (DB380x DBX1.7)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB380x Axis/spindle disable

DBX1.3 Signal(s) to axis/spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 Axis disable;

If the interface signal "Axis disable" is output - for this axis - no more setpoints
are output to the position controller; the axis travel is therefore disabled. The
position control loop remains closed and the remaining following error is
reduced to zero. A moving axis is stopped with a ramp stop.
If an axis is moved with axis disable the actual value position display shows
the setpoint position and the actual velocity value display shows the setpoint
velocity even though the machine axis is not actually moving.
With a RESET the position actual value display is set to the real actual value
of the machine.
Travel commands continue to be output to the PLC for this axis.
If the interface signal is canceled again the associated axis can again tra‐
verse normally.
Spindle disable:
If the interface signal "Spindle disable" is issued, then for this spindle no
more setpoints are output to the speed controller in the open-loop controlled
mode or to the position controller in positioning mode. The movement of the
spindle is thus disabled. For a rotating spindle, the spindle is stopped corre‐
sponding to its acceleration characteristic.
The speed actual value display displays the speed setpoint value.
Spindle disable can only be canceled per "Reset" or with M2 followed by a
program restart.
Signal state 0 The position setpoint values are transferred to the position controller cycli‐
The speed setpoint values are transferred to the speed controller cyclically.
Cancellation of the "Axis / spindle disable" does not take effect until the axis /
spindle is stationary (i.e. an interpolation setpoint is no longer present).
Application The interface signal "Axis / spindle disable" is used when running-in and
testing a new NC part program. In so doing, the machine axes and spindles
should not execute any traversing or rotational movement.
Special cases, errors, ... If the IS "Axis / spindle disable" is active, then the interface signals:
DB380x DBX2.1 (controller enable),
DB380x DBX4.3 (feedrate / spindle stop) and where relevant
DB380x DBX1000.0/.1 (hardware limit switch)
are ineffective with reference to braking the axis / spindle.
The axis / spindle can however be brought into the "follow up" or "hold" state
(see DB380x DBX1.4 (follow-up mode)).
For response together with synchronized operation, see:
/FB2/ Function Manual Basic Functions; Expanded Functions; Synchronized
Spindle (S3)
corresponding to ... DB3300 DBX1.7 (program test active)
Note for the reader Function Manuals

DB380x Follow-up mode

DBX1.4 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 Follow-up mode is selected for the axis / spindle by the PLC.
The means that the position setpoint continually tracks the actual value if the
controller enable for the drive is withdrawn.
As soon as the follow-up mode is effective, the interface signal:
DB390x DBX1.3 (follow-up mode active)
is set.
The actual value continues to be acquired and updated. If the axis / spindle
is moved from its current position by an external effect the zero speed and
clamping monitoring do not issue an alarm.
When the closed-loop control system is switched-on again, a control internal
repositioning operation is performed (REPOSA: linear approach with all ax‐
es) to the last programmed position if a part program is active.
Signal state 0 Follow-up mode is not selected (so-called holding).
When "controller enable" is removed the previous position setpoint is kept
in the control. If the axis / spindle is pushed out of position during this time
a following error occurs between the position setpoint and the position actual
value. This position difference is reduced to zero immediately by issuing
"controller enable" so that the previous setpoint position is restored.
Then, all the other axis movements start from the setpoint position valid
before "controller enable" was removed. When the position control is switch‐
ed in again the axis may make a speed setpoint jump.
Zero speed monitoring or clamping monitoring is still active.
In order to disable (switch-out) the zero speed monitoring, when clamping
an axis, the interface signal:
DB380x DBX2.3 (clamping operation running)
should be set.
Special cases, errors, ... If the drive controller enable is withdrawn inside the control due to faults,
then the following should be carefully observed:
Before an NC start, after the queued alarms have been successfully deleted
(i.e. inside the control, the controller enable is re-issued), then "holding"
should be activated. Otherwise, for an NC start and selected follow-up mode,
the traversing distance of the previous NC block would not be executed due
to the internal delete distance to go.
When changing over from the "follow-up" state to the "hold" state and in the
control mode (a controller enable is issued), a delete distance-to-go com‐
mand is activated in the control. As a consequence, for example, an NC block
- in which only this axis is traversed - is ended directly.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX2.1 (controller enable)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1

DB380x Position measuring system 1 (PMS1) / Position measuring system 2 (PMS2)

DBX1.5 / 1.6 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
PMS1: Signal state 1 Position measuring system 1 is used for the axis / spindle (e.g. for position
PMS2: Signal state 0 control, absolute value calculation, display). If a position measuring system
2 also exists (MD30200 NUM_ENCS = 2), this actual value is also acquired.
PMS1: Signal state 0 Position measuring system 2 is used for the axis / spindle (e.g. for position
PMS2: Signal state 1 control, absolute value calculation, display). If a position measuring system
2 also exists, this actual value is also acquired.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

PMS1: Signal state 1 As it is not possible to use both position measuring systems simultaneously
PMS2: Signal state 1 for the position control of an axis / spindle, the control automatically selects
position measuring system 1. If a position measuring system 2 also exists,
this actual value is also acquired.
Signal state 0 1. The axis is in the park position. This means that the following features
are valid:
– The position measuring system is inactive.
– There is no actual value acquisition.
– The monitoring functions of the position measuring system have been
disabled (among others, the cable connection of the measuring value
The reference point is ineffective:
The IS "Referenced/synchronized 1/2" has signal state 0.
As soon as an axis is in the parked position, the interface signals:
DB390x DBX1.5 (position controller active),
DB390x DBX1.6 (speed controller active) and
DB390x DBX1.7 (current controller active)
are set to a 0 signal.
After parking has been completed the axis must be re-referenced
(reference point approach).
If IS "Position measuring system 1" is set to a 0 signal while the axis
is moving, the axis is stopped with a ramp stop without the controller
enable being internally withdrawn in the control. This is appropriate
for the following situations:
– Spindle encoder no longer outputs a signal above a certain speed
(no longer supplies any pulses).
– Spindle encoder is decoupled mechanically because it would not be
able to handle the speed.
As a consequence, the spindle can then continue to run in speed-
controlled mode. In order to really bring the axis / spindle to a stop,
the controller enable must always be removed additionally by the
2. The spindle does not have a position measuring system and is only speed
controlled. In this case, IS "Controller enable" should be set to a 1 signal.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Application 1. Switching over from position measuring system 1 to position measuring

system 2 (and vice versa):
If the axis was referenced in both position measuring systems and in the
meantime, the limit frequency of the measuring encoder used was not
exceeded, i.e. IS "Referenced/synchronized 1/2" has a signal state 1,
then after the switchover, a new reference point approach is not required.
At switchover, the actual difference between position measuring system
1 and 2 is traversed immediately.
Using MD36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL, a tolerance bandwidth can be
specified in which the deviation between the two actual values may lie at
the switchover. If the actual value difference is greater than the tolerance,
a switchover between the two systems does not take place and alarm
25100 "Measuring system switchover" not possible is triggered.
2. Parking axis (i.e. no PMS is active:
If the encoder has to be removed - e.g. if a rotary table has to be removed
from the machine - the position measuring system monitoring is switched
off in the parking position.
The mounted axis / spindle encoder turns so quickly in certain
applications that it can no longer maintain its electrical characteristics
(edge rate-of-rise, etc.).
3. Switching-off the measuring system:
When the measuring system is switched-off, the associated IS
"Referenced/synchronized 1/2" is reset.
4. Reference point approach:
The reference point approach of the axis is executed with the selected
position measuring system.
Special cases, errors, ... If the "parking axis" state is active, then the interface signal "Referenced/
synchronized 1/2" is ignored at NC start for this axis.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX0.4/.5 (referenced/synchronized 1/2)
DB380x DBX2.1 (controller enable)
MD36500 ENC_CHANGE_TOL (max. tolerance for the actual position value
MD30200 NUM_ENCS (number of encoders)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

DB380x Override active

DBX1.7 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedrate override active (for axes):
● The axis-specific feedrate override between 0 and a maximum of 120%
entered in the PLC interface is used.
Spindle override active (for spindle):
● The spindle override - input at the PLC interface - of 50 to a maximum of
120% is taken into account.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 The existing axis-specific feedrate override or spindle override is not active.
If the feedrate override is inactive, "100%" is used as the internal override
The 1st switch position of the gray-coded interface for the value is an excep‐
tion. Also here, for "Override inactive", the override factor of the 1st switch
position is used and for axes, 0% is output as override value (acts the same
as "Feedrate disable"); correspondingly 50% for the spindle.
Special cases, er‐ ● The spindle override is always accepted with 100% in the spindle
rors, ... "Oscillation mode".
● The spindle override acts on the programmed values before limits (e.g.
G26) intervene.
● The feedrate override is inactive when G33 is active.
corresponding to ... IS "Feedrate override" and IS "Spindle override"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB380x Controller enable

DBX2.1 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The position control loop of the axis / spindle is closed; the axis / spindle is
in closed-loop control.
When "controller enable" is set by the PLC user program:
● Position control loop of axis is closed.
● Position actual value is no longer switched to the position setpoint.
● The controller enable of the drive is output.
● The interface signal:
DB390x DBX1.5 (position controller active)
is set to a 1 signal.
When "controller enable" has been issued no new actual value synchroniza‐
tion of the axis (reference point approach) of the axis is necessary if the
maximum permissible limit frequency of the axis measuring system has not
been exceeded during follow-up mode.
As a function of the interface signal:
DB380x DBX1.4 (follow-up mode)
it is possible to select whether or not the axis first traverses back to the earlier
setpoint position (i.e. the positional deviation caused by the clamping proc‐
ess is moved through to eliminate the deviation).

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 "Controller enable" will be/is removed.

The interface signals:
DB390x DBX1.5 (position controller active)
DB390x DBX1.6 (speed controller active)
DB390x DBX1.7 (current controller active)
are set to a 0 signal.
The procedure for removing "controller enable" depends on whether the ax‐
is / spindle or an axis of the geometry grouping is stationary or traversing at
this point in time.
● Axis / spindle stationary:
– Position control loop of axis is opened.
For IS "follow-on mode" = 1, the position actual value is switched to
the position setpoint (i.e. the position setpoint tracks the actual
position). The position actual value of the axis / spindle continues to
be acquired by the control.
– The controller enable of the drive is removed.
● Axis / spindle traverses:
– The axis is stopped with rapid stop.
– Alarm 21612 "VDI signal controller enable reset during movement" is
– The position control loop of the axis / spindle is opened.
– Independent of IS: "Follow-up mode" at the end of braking the position
actual value is switched to the position setpoint (i.e. the setpoint
position is corrected to track the actual value position).
– The position actual value of the axis / spindle continues to be acquired
by the control. IS "Follow-up mode" is set.
The axis status cannot be changed again until after RESET.
Application Using the controller enable when clamping the axis:
The axis is positioned to the clamping position. As soon as it has stopped it
is clamped and then controller enable is removed. Controller enable is re‐
moved because the axis could be mechanically pressed out of position
slightly by clamping and the position controller would continuously have to
work against the clamping.
When clamping is to be withdrawn again, a controller enable signal is first
set again and then the axis is freed from clamping.
Special cases, errors, ... If an attempt is made to traverse the axis without controller enable, the axis
remains stationary but sends a travel command to the PLC. The travel com‐
mand is kept and is executed when the controller enable is re-activated.
If the controller enable of a traversing geometry axis is removed the pro‐
grammed contour cannot be maintained.
Controller enable is automatically cancelled by the control when certain faults
occur at the machine, the position measuring system or the control.
corresponding to ... MD36620 SERVO_DISABLE_DELAY_TIME (switch-off delay controller en‐
MD36610 AX_EMERGENCY_STOP_TIME (time for braking ramp when
fault conditions occur)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions G2

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB380x Distance-to-go / Spindle reset

DBX2.2 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Independent of MD35040 SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET selects a spin‐
change 0 → 1 dle reset for the various spindle modes in the following fashion:
Control mode:
● Spindle stops
● Program continues to run
● Spindle continues to run with subsequent M and S program commands
Oscillating mode:
● Oscillation is interrupted
● Axes continue to run
● Program continues with the actual gearbox stage
● With subsequent M value and higher S value, it is
● possible that IS "Setpoint speed limited" (DB390x DBX2001.1) is set.
Positioning mode:
● Is stopped
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... MD35040 SPIND_ACTIVE_AFTER_RESET (own spindle reset)
IS "Reset" (DB3000 DBX0.7)
IS "Delete distance to go" (DB380x DBX2.2), another name applies for the
same signal, however, for an axis
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Reference point values 1 to 4

DBX2.4 - .7 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 When the reference cam is reached, the NCK is signaled which coded ref‐
erence cam is actuated.
The IS must remain set until the reference point is reached or until a new
coded reference cam is approached.
If the machine axis has reached the reference point (axis stationary) then
reference point value, pre-selected via the IS from MD34100 is accepted as
new reference position in the control.
Signal state 0 No effect.
Signal irrelevant for ... Length measurement systems with distance-coded reference marks
Application On a machine tool with large traversing distances, four coded reference
cams can be distributed over the entire distance traveled by the axis, four
different reference points approached and the time required to reach a valid
referenced point reduced.
Special cases, errors If the machine axis has reached the reference point and none of the four IS
are set, then reference point value 1 is automatically valid.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

corresponding to ... MD34100 REFP_SET_POS (reference point value)

MD36050 CLAMP_POS_TOL (clamping tolerance)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1

DB380x Enable travel to fixed stop

DBX3.1 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Meaning when the "FXS" function is selected via part program,
change 0 → 1 (IS "Activate travel to fixed stop" = 1):
Travel to fixed stop is enabled and the axis traverses from the start position
at the programmed velocity to the programmed target position.
Signal state 0 Meaning when function "FXS" is selected via part program
(IS "Activate travel to fixed stop" = 1):
→ Travel to fixed stop is locked.
→ The axis remains at the start position with reduced torque.
→ The channel message "Wait: Aux fct ackn missing" is displayed.
Edge change 1 → 0 Meaning before the fixed stop has been reached
IS "Fixed stop reached" = 0.
→ Travel to fixed stop is interrupted
→ Alarm "20094: Axis%1 function was aborted" is displayed
Meaning once fixed stop has been reached
IS "Fixed stop reached" = 1.
Torque limiting and the monitoring of the fixed stop monitoring window are
IS irrelevant for ... MD 37060: FIXED_STOP_ACKN_MASK (observing PLC acknowledgments
for travel to fixed stop) = 0 or 2
corresponding to ... MD 37060: FIXED_STOP_ACKN_MASK (observe PLC acknowledgments
for travel to fixed stop)
IS "Activate travel to fixed stop"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions F1

DB380x Velocity / spindle speed limitation

DBX3.6 Signal(s)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NCK limits the velocity / spindle speed to the limit value set in MD35160
Signal state 0 No limiting active.
corresponding to ... MD35100 SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (max. spindle speed)
SD43220 SPIND_MAX_VELO_G26 (prog. spindle speed limit G26)
SD43230 SPIND_MAX_VELO_LIMIT (spindle speed limit G96)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions A3

DB380x Activate handwheel (1 to 2)

DBX4.0 to .1 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 These PLC interface signals are used to define whether this machine axis
is assigned to handwheel 1 or 2 or is not assigned to any handwheel.
Only one handwheel can be assigned to an axis at any one time.
If several interface signals "Activate handwheel" are set, then the following
priority applies: Handwheel 1 before handwheel 2.
If the assignment is active, then the machine axis can be traversed using the
handwheel in the JOG mode.
Signal state 0 This machine axis is neither assigned to handwheel 1 nor 2.
Application The PLC user program can use this interface signal to interlock the influence
on the axis by turning a handwheel.
corresponding to ... IS "Handwheel 1/2 active" (DB390x DBX4.0/.1)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB380x Feedrate stop / spindle stop (axis-specific)

DBX4.3 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The signal is active in all modes.
Feedrate stop:
● The signal triggers a feedrate stop for the axis. For a traversing axis, this
signal brings it to a standstill with a controlled braking (ramp stop). No
alarm is output.
● The signal triggers a "feedrate stop" for all path axes interpolating relative
to each other when the "feedrate stop" is activated for any one of these
path axes. In this case, all the axes are brought to a stop maintaining the
path contour. When the feedrate stop signal is withdrawn, execution of
the interrupted parts program is resumed.
● The position control is kept, i.e. the following error is eliminated.
● If a travel request is issued for an axis with an active "feedrate stop", then
this is kept. This pending travel request is executed directly when
"Feedrate stop" is withdrawn.
If the axis is interpolating in relation to others, this also applies to these
Spindle stop:
● The spindle is brought to a standstill along the acceleration characteristic.
● In the positioning mode, when the "Spindle stop" signal is set positioning
is interrupted. The above response applies with respect to individual axes.
Signal state 0 Feedrate stop:
● The feedrate is enabled for the axis.
● If a travel request ("travel command") is active when the "feedrate stop"
is withdrawn, this is executed immediately.
Spindle stop:
● The speed is enabled for the spindle.
● When "spindle stop" is withdrawn, the spindle is accelerated to the
previous speed setpoint with the acceleration characteristic or, in the
positioning mode, positioning is resumed.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Application Feedrate stop:

The traversing motion of the machine axes is not started with "feedrate stop",
if, for example, certain operating states exist at the machine that do not per‐
mit the axes to be moved (e.g. a door is not closed).
Spindle stop:
In order to change a tool.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB380x Traversing key disable

DBX4.4 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The traversing keys plus and minus have no effect on the machine axes in
question. It is thus not possible to traverse the machine axis in JOG using
the traversing keys on the machine control panel.
If the traversing key disable is activated during a traversing movement, the
machine axis is stopped.
Signal state 0 The plus and minus traversing keys are enabled.
Application It is thus possible, depending on the mode, to interlock manual traversing of
the machine axis in JOG mode using the traversing keys from the PLC user
corresponding to ... IS "Traversing key plus" and "Traversing key minus" (DB380x DBX4.7 and .
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB380x Rapid traverse override

DBX4.5 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 If the PLC interface signal "Rapid traverse override" is issued together with
the "Traversing key plus" or "Traversing key minus", then the machine axis
involved moves with rapid traverse.
MD32010 JOG_VELO_RAPID defines the rapid traverse velocity.
The rapid traverse override is effective in the JOG mode for the following
● For continuous travel
● For incremental travel
If rapid traverse override is active, the velocity can be modified using the axis-
specific feedrate override switch.
Signal state 0 The machine axis traverses with the specified JOG velocity
(SD41110 JOG_SET_VELO or SD41130 or MD32020 JOG_VELO).
Signal irrelevant for ... ● AUTOMATIC and MDI modes
● Reference point approach (JOG mode)
corresponding to ... IS "Traversing key plus" and "Traversing key minus" (DB380x DBX4.7 and .
IS "Axis-specific feedrate override" (DB380x DBX0)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB380x Plus and minus traversing keys

DBX4.7 and .6 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The selected axis can be traversed in both directions in JOG mode using the
change 0 → 1 plus and minus traversing keys.
Incremental travel
With signal state 1 the axis starts to traverse the set increment. If the signal
changes to the 0 state before the increment is traversed, the traversing
movement is interrupted. With a new signal state 1, the traversing motion is
Until the increment has been completely traversed, the axis traversing mo‐
tion can be stopped and continued a multiple number of times as described
Continuous traversing
If an INC dimension has not been selected, but "continuous", then the axis
traverses as long as the traversing key is kept pressed.
If both traversing signals (plus and minus) are set at the same time there is
no movement or a current movement is aborted.
The effect of the traversing keys can be disabled for a specific axis using the
PLC interface signal "Traversing key disable".
Signal state 0 or edge No traversing
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... AUTOMATIC and MDI modes
Application The machine axis cannot be traversed in JOG mode if it is already being
traversed via the channel-specific PLC interface (as a geometry axis). Alarm
20062 is signaled.
Special cases, ... Indexing axes
corresponding to ... IS "Traversing key plus" and " ...minus"
for axis 1 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1000.7 and .6 )
for axis 2 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1004.7 and .6 )
for axis 3 in the Work (DB3200 DBX1008.7 and .6 )
IS "Traversing key disable" (DB380x DBX4.4 )
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

Machine function 1 INC, 10 INC, 100 INC, 1000 INC, 10000 INC, var. INC,
DB380x continuous
DBX5.0 and .6 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 This input range is only used if IS "INC inputs active in the mode group area"
(DB2600 DBX1.0) is not set.
IS "INC... is used to define how many increments the machine axis traverses
when the traversing key is pressed or the handwheel is turned one detent
position. In this case, the JOG mode must be active.
For "var. INC", the value in SD41010 JOG_VAR_INCR_SIZE is generally
For "continuous", the associated axis can be traversed using either the plus
or minus traversing key by keeping the key pressed.
As soon as the selected machine function becomes active, this is signaled
at the PLC interface (IS "Active machine function 1 INC..." ).
If several machine function signals (1 INC, INC... or "Continuous traversing")
are selected at the interface simultaneously, then no machine function is
activated by the control.
The input IS "INC..." or "continuous" to change an active machine function
must be present for at least one PLC cycle. A steady-state signal is not
Signal state 0 The machine function in question is not selected. No request is made to
change an active machine function.
If an axis is currently traversing an increment, this movement is also aborted
if this machine function is deselected or switched over.
corresponding to ... IS "Active machine function 1 INC, ..." (DB390x DBX5.0 ... .6)
IS "INC inputs active in the mode group area" (DB2600 DBX1.0)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB380x Hardware limit switches plus and minus

DBX1000.1 and .0 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 A switch can be mounted at each end of the travel range of a machine axis
which will cause a signal "hardware limit switch plus or minus" to be signaled
to the NC via the PLC if it is actuated.
If the signal is recognized as set, alarm 021614 "Hardware limit switch plus
or minus" is output and the axis is immediately braked. The braking type is
defined using MD 36600: BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (braking behavior with
hardware limit switch).
Signal state 0 Normal condition - a hardware limit switch has not responded.
corresponding to ... MD36600 BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE (braking behavior for the hardware limit
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions A3

DB380x 2. software limit switch plus or minus

DBX1000.3 or .2 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 2nd software limit switch for the plus or minus direction is active.
1st software limit switch for the plus or minus direction is inactive.
In addition to the 1st software limit switches (plus or minus), 2nd software
limit switch (plus or minus) can be activated via these interface signals.
The position is defined using MD36130 POS_LIMIT_PLUS2,
MD36120 POS_LIMIT_MINUS2 (2nd software limit switch plus, 2nd software
limit switch minus).
Signal state 0 1st software limit switch for the plus or minus direction is active
2nd software limit switch for the plus or minus direction is inactive
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions A3

DB380x Reference point approach deceleration

DBX1000.7 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The machine axis is positioned at the reference cam.
Signal state 0 The machine axis is positioned in front of the reference cam. An appropriately
long reference cam (up to the end of the traversing range) should be used
to prevent the machine axis from being located behind (after) the referencing
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1

DB380x Activate the program test

DBX1002.1 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Activation of the program test is requested.
During the program test, all motion commands of axes (not spindles) take
place under "Axis disable."
Because of the axis disable, the assignment of a tool magazine is not
changed during program testing. The user/machine manufacturer must uti‐
lize a suitable PLC user program to ensure that the NCK-internal tool man‐
agement and the actual assignment of the tool magazine remain consistent.
Refer to the program example included in the PLC Toolbox.
Signal state 0 Activation of the program test is not requested.
corresponding to ... DB1700 DBX1.7 (program test selected)
DB3300 DBX1.7 (program test active)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions K1

DB380x Actual gear stage A to C

DBX2000.0 to .2 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1(status- If the new gearbox stage is engaged, then the PLC user sets the IS "Actual
controlled) gear stage A" to "...C" and the IS "Gear is changed over". This signals to the
NCK that the correct gear stage has been successfully engaged. The gear
change is considered to have been completed (spindle oscillation mode is
deselected), the spindle accelerates in the new gear stage to the last pro‐
grammed spindle speed and the next block in the parts program can be exe‐
The actual gear stage is specified coded (ABC values).
There is one parameter set for each of the 5 gear stages, which is parameter‐
ized as follows:
Parameter Code Data of the data set Content
set No. CBA
0 - Data for axis mode Kv factor
1 000 Data for the 1st gear stage M40 speed
001 Min / max speed
2 010 Data for the 2nd gear stage etc.
3 011 Data for the 3rd gear stage
4 100 Data for the 4th gear stage
5 101 Data for the 5th gear stage
Special cases, er‐ If the PLC user signals back to the NCK with a different actual gear stage than
rors, ... issued by the NCK as the setpoint gear stage, the gear change is still consid‐
ered to have been successfully completed and the actual gear stage A to C is
corresponding to ... IS "Setpoint gear stage A" to "...C" (DB390x DBX2000.0 to .2)
IS "Change gear stage" (DB390x DBX2000.3)
IS "Gear stage is changed over" (DB380x DBX2000.3)
IS "Oscillation speed" (DB380x DBX2002.5)
Parameter sets (MDs) for gear stages
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Gear is changed over

DBX2000.3 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge If the new gearbox stage is engaged, then the PLC user program sets the
change 0 → 1 IS "Actual gear stage A to C" and the IS "Gear stage is changed over". This
signals the NCK that the correct gear stage has been successfully engaged.
The gear stage change is complete (spindle oscillation mode is deselected),
the spindle accelerates in the new gear stage to the last programmed spindle
speed and the next block in the parts program can be executed. The NCK
resets the IS "Change gear stage" and then the PLC user program resets
the IS "Gear stage is changed over".
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... spindle modes other than the oscillation mode

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Special cases, errors, ... If the PLC user signals back to the NCK with a different actual gear stage
than issued by the NCK as the setpoint gear stage, the gear change is still
considered to have been successfully completed and the actual gear stage
A to C is activated.
corresponding to ... IS "Actual gear stage A" to "...C "(DB380x DBX2000.0 to .2)
IS "Setpoint gear stage A" to "...C" (DB390x DBX2000.0 to .2)
IS "Change gear stage" (DB390x DBX2000.3)
IS "Oscillation speed" (DB380x DBX2002.5)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Re-synchronizing spindles 1 and 2

DBX2000.4 and .5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The spindle should be resynchronized, as the synchronization between the
change 0 → 1 position measuring system of the spindle and the 0° position has been lost.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect.
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... ... spindle modes other than the control mode.
Application The machine has a selector switch for a vertical and horizontal spindle. Two
different position measuring encoders are required, but only one actual value
input is used at the control. When the system switches from the vertical to
the horizontal spindle, the spindle must be resynchronized.
This synchronization is triggered by the IS "Re-synchronize spindle 1 or 2".
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX0.4/.5 (referenced / synchronized 1/2)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB380x Delete S value

DBX2000.7 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Control mode:
change 0 → 1 ● Spindle stops
● Program continues to run
● Spindle continues to run with the following S value, if M3 or M4 were
Oscillation mode, axis mode, positioning mode:
Signal is inactive. However, if the open-loop control mode is selected again,
a new S value must be programmed.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect.
change 1 → 0
Application Terminating traversing motion on account of an external signal (e.g. probe).
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Feedrate override for spindle valid (instead of spindle override)

DBX2001.0 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge Instead of the value for "Spindle override" the value of "feedrate override"
change 0 → 1 (DB380x DBB0) is used for the spindle.
Signal state 0 or edge The value of "spindle override" is used.
change 1 → 0
corresponding to ... IS"Spindle override" (DB380x DBB2003)
IS"Feedrate override" (DB380x DBB0)
IS"Override active" (DB380x DBX1.7)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB380x Re-synchronize spindle during positioning 1

DBX2001.4 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 When positioning, the spindle must be re-synchronized.
Signal state 0 or edge No effect
change 1 → 0
Signal irrelevant for ... ... spindle modes other than the positioning mode
Application The spindle has an indirect measuring system and slip may occur between
the motor and clamp. If the signal = 1, when positioning is started, the old
reference is deleted and the zero mark is searched for again before the end
position is approached.
corresponding to ... IS "Referenced / synchronized 1" (DB390x DBX0.4)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Invert M3/M4

DBX2001.6 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The direction of rotation of the spindle motor changes for the following func‐
change 0 → 1 tions:
● M3
● M4
● M5
● SPOS from the motion; not active for SPOS from standstill
Application The machine has a selector switch for a vertical and horizontal spindle. The
mechanical design is implemented so that for the horizontal spindle, one
more gearwheel is engaged than for the vertical spindle. The direction of
rotation must therefore be changed for the vertical spindle if the spindle is
always to rotate clockwise with M3.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Oscillation via PLC

DBX2002.4 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge If the IS "Oscillation via PLC" is set, then with the IS "Oscillation speed", a
change 0 → 1 speed is output in conjunction with the IS "Setpoint direction of rotation,
clockwise and counter-clockwise).

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 or edge If the IS "Oscillation via the PLC" is not set, then automatic oscillation is
change 1 → 0 executed in the NCK using the IS "Oscillation speed". The two times for the
directions of rotation are entered into MD35440 and MD35450.
Application If the new gear stage cannot be engaged in spite of several oscillation at‐
tempts by the NCK, the system can be switched to oscillation via the PLC.
Both of the times for the directions of rotation can then be altered by the PLC
user program as required. This ensures that the gear stage is reliably
changed - even with unfavorable gear wheel positions.
corresponding to ... MD35440 SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CW (oscillation time for M3direction)
MD35450 SPIND_OSCILL_TIME_CCW (oscillation time for M4 direction)
IS "Oscillation speed" (DB380x DBX2002.5)
IS "Setpoint direction of rotation counter-clockwise" (DB380x DBX2002.7)
IS "Setpoint direction of rotation clockwise" (DB380x DBX2002.6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Oscillation speed

DBX2002.5 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 If the gear stage is to be changed (IS "Change gear stage" (DB390x
DBX2000.3) is set), then the spindle operating mode changes to the oscilla‐
tion mode.
Depending on the instant in time that IS "Oscillation speed" is set, the spindle
brakes down to standstill with different acceleration levels:
1. The IS "Oscillation speed" is set before the IS "Change gear stage" is set
by the NCK. The spindle is braked down to standstill with the acceleration
when oscillating (MD35410). Oscillation starts immediately once the
spindle is stationary.
2. The IS "Oscillation speed" is set after the IS "Change gear stage" is set
by the NCK and after the spindle is stationary. The position controller is
disabled. The spindle is braked with the acceleration in the speed
controlled mode. After the IS "Oscillation speed" is set, the spindle starts
to oscillate with the oscillation acceleration (MD35410).
If the IS "Oscillation via the PLC" (DB380x DBX2002.4) is not set, then au‐
tomatic oscillation is executed in the NCK using the IS "Oscillation speed".
The two times for the directions of rotation are entered into MD35440 and
If the IS "Oscillation via PLC" is set, then with the IS "Oscillation speed", a
speed is output in conjunction with the IS "Setpoint direction of rotation,
clockwise and counter-clockwise).
Signal state 0 The spindle does not oscillate.
Signal irrelevant for ... ... all spindle modes except for the oscillation mode
Application The oscillation speed is used to make it easier to engage a new gear stage.
corresponding to ... IS oscillation via the PLC (DB380x DBX2002.4)
IS setpoint direction of rotation counter-clockwise (DB380x DBX2002.7)
IS setpoint of rotation clockwise (DB380x DBX2002.6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB380x Setpoint direction of rotation, counter-clockwise and clockwise

DBX2002.7 and .6 Signal(s) to axis / spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge If the IS "Oscillation via the PLC" is set, then the direction of rotation for the
change 0 → 1 oscillation speed can be specified using the two IS "Setpoint direction of
rotation counter-clockwise and clockwise". The times for the oscillation
movement of the spindle motor are defined by setting the IS "Setpoint direc‐
tion of rotation counter-clockwise and clockwise" for a corresponding length
of time.
Signal irrelevant for ... ... spindle modes other than the oscillation mode
Application see IS "Oscillation via PLC"
Special cases, errors, ... ● If both IS are set simultaneously, no oscillation speed is output.
● If no IS is set, then an oscillation speed is not output.
corresponding to ... IS "Oscillation via the PLC" (DB380x DBX2002.4)
IS "Oscillation speed" (DB380x DBX2002.5)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB380x Spindle override

DBB2003 Signal(s) to spindle (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 The spindle override is specified via the PLC in the Gray code.
The override value determines the percentage of the programmed speed
setpoint that is issued to the spindle.

Gray coding for spindle override

Switch set‐ Code Spindle override factor
1 00001 0.5
2 00011 0.55
3 00010 0.60
4 00110 0.65
5 00111 0.70
6 00101 0.75
7 00100 0.80
8 01100 0.85
9 01101 0.90
10 01111 0.95
11 01110 1.00
12 01010 1.05
13 01011 1.10
14 01001 1.15
15 01000 1.20
16 11000 1.20
17 11001 1.20
18 11011 1.20
19 11010 1.20
20 11110 1.20
21 11111 1.20
22 11101 1.20
23 11100 1.20
24 10100 1.20
25 10101 1.20
26 10111 1.20
27 10110 1.20
28 10010 1.20
29 10011 1.20
30 10001 1.20
31 10000 1.20
corresponding to ... IS "Override active" (DB380x DBX1.7)
IS "Feedrate override for spindle valid" (DB380x DBX2001.0)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions V1

DB380x Parameter set selection A, B, C

DBX4001.0 to .2 Signal(s) to drive (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 With bit combinations A, B and C, 8 different drive parameter sets can be
The following assignment applies:
Drive parameter set C B A
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 1
3 0 1 0
4 0 1 1
5 1 0 0
6 1 0 1
7 1 1 0
8 1 1 1
The switchable drive parameters are as follows:
● Current setpoint filters (lowpass, bandstop); for adaptation to the
mechanic system
● Motor speed normalization
● Speed controller parameters
● Speed setpoint filter
● Speed monitoring data
As soon as the new drive parameter becomes effective, the drive signals
this to the PLC using the interface signals:
DB390x DBX4001.0 to 2 (active drive parameter set).
Application Drive parameter switchover can be used, for example, for the following:
● To change the gear stage
● To change over the measuring circuit
Special cases, errors, ... In principle it is possible to switch over drive parameter sets at any time.
However, as torque jumps can occur when switching over speed controller
parameters and motor speed normalization, parameters should only be
switched over when stationary at zero speed (especially when the axis is
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4001.0 to 2 (active parameter set)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB380x Speed controller integrator disable

DBX4001.6 Signal(s) to drive (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 For the drive, the interface signal is used to disable the speed controller
integrator. The speed controller is thus changed over from a PI to a P con‐
If the speed controller integrator disable is activated, compensation opera‐
tions might take place in certain applications (e.g. if the integrator was al‐
ready holding a load while stationary).
The drive acknowledges the integrator disable:
DB390x DBX4001.6 (speed controller integrator disabled)
Signal state 0 The integrator of the speed controller is enabled.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4001.6 (integrator n-controller disabled)

Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB380x Pulse enable.

DBX4001.7 Signal(s) to drive (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Pulse enable is signaled by the PLC for this drive (axis / spindle). The pulses
are only enabled if the drive signals IS:
DB390x DBX4001.5 (drive ready)
using a 1 signal.
In this case, the interface signal:
DB390x DBX4001.7 (pulses enabled) is signaled to the PLC
with a 1 signal.
Signal state 0 The pulses are disabled by the PLC for this drive.
Application Signal-oriented signal.
Special cases, errors, ... If pulse enable is withdrawn for a moving axis / spindle the axis / spindle is
not longer braked in a controlled fashion. The axis / spindle coasts down.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4001.7 (pulses enabled)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB380x Torque equalization controller on

DBX5000.4 Signal(s) to drive (PLC → NCK)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Torque compensation controller is to be activated.
change 0 → 1
Signal state 0 or edge Torque compensation controller is to be deactivated.
change 1→ 0
Note for the reader Function Manual, Special functions TE3

5.8.3 Signals from axis / spindle

DB390x Spindle / no axis

DBX0.0 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The machine axis is operated as spindle in the following spindle modes:
change 0 → 1 ● Control mode
● Oscillation mode
● Positioning mode
● Rigid tapping
The IS's to the axis (DB380x DBX1000 to DB380x DBX1003) and from the
axis (DB390x DBX1000 to DB390x DBX1003) are invalid.
The IS's to the spindle (DB380x DBX2000 to DB380x DBX2003) and from
the spindle (DB380x DBX2000 to DB380x DBX2003) are valid.

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5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 or edge The machine axis is operated as an axis.

change 1 → 0 The IS's to the axis (DB380x DBX1000 to DB380x DBX1003) and from the
axis (DB390x DBX1000 to DB390x DBX1003) are valid.
The IS's to the spindle (DB380x DBX2000 to DB380x DBX2003) and from
the spindle (DB380x DBX2000 to DB380x DBX2003) are invalid.
Application If a spindle is sometimes also used as a rotary axis on a machine tool (lathe
with spindle / Caxis or milling machine with spindle / rotary axis for rigid
tapping), then the IS "Spindle / no axis" can be used to identify as to whether
the machine axis is in the axis or spindle mode.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Encoder limit frequency exceeded 1

DBX0.2 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The limit frequency set in MD36300 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT (encoder limit fre‐
quency) has been exceeded. The reference point for the position measuring
system involved has been lost (IS: Referenced/synchronized is in signal
state 0). Closed-loop position control is no longer possible. Spindles continue
to operate with closed-loop speed control.
Axes are stopped with a fast stop (with open-circuit position control loop)
along a speed setpoint ramp.
Signal state 0 The limit frequency set in MD36300 is no longer exceeded.
For the edge change 1 → 0, the encoder frequency must have fallen below
the value of MD36302 ENC_FREQ_LIMIT_LOW (% value of MD 36300).
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions A3

DB390x Referenced / synchronized 1

DBX0.4 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Signal(s) updated:
Signal state 1 or edge Axes:
change 0 → 1 When being referenced, if the machine axis has reached the reference point
(incremental measuring systems) or the target point (for length measuring
system with distance-coded reference marks), then the machine axis is ref‐
erenced and the IS "Referenced / synchronized 1" (for position measuring
system 1) is set.
After "power-on", a spindle is synchronized the latest after one spindle rev‐
olution (zero mark) or when passing the BERO.
Signal state 0 or edge The machine axis / spindle with position measuring system 1 is not refer‐
change 1 → 0 enced/synchronized.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX0.5 (position measuring system 1)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1, S1

DB390x Referenced / synchronized 2

DBX0.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Signal(s) updated:

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge Axes:

change 0 → 1 When being referenced, if the machine axis has reached the reference point
(incremental measuring systems) or the target point (for length measuring
system with distance-coded reference marks), then the machine axis is ref‐
erenced and the IS "Referenced / synchronized 2" (for position measuring
system 2) is set.
After "power-on", a spindle is synchronized the latest after one spindle rev‐
olution (zero mark) or when passing the BERO.
Signal state 0 or edge The machine axis / spindle with position measuring system 2 is not refer‐
change 1 → 0 enced / synchronized.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX0.6 (position measuring system 2)
MD34102 REFP_SYNC_ENCS (measuring system calibration) = 0
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions R1, S1

DB390x Position reached with exact stop coarse

DBX0.6 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is in the appropriate exact stop and no interpolator is active for the
axis and
● the control is in the reset state (reset key or end of program).
● the axis was last programmed as a positioning spindle.
● the path motion was terminated with NC stop.
● the spindle is in position-controlled mode and is stationary.
● the axis is switched from closed-loop speed-controlled to closed-loop
position-controlled mode with IS "position measuring system".
Signal state 0 The axis is not in the appropriate exact stop or the interpolator is active for
the axis or
● the path motion was terminated with NC stop.
● the spindle is in the speed-controlled mode.
● the "parking" mode is active for the axis.
● the axis is switched-over from the position-controlled to the speed-
controlled mode with using the IS "Position measuring system".
corresponding to ... MD36000 STOP_LIMIT_COARSE (exact stop coarse)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions B1

DB390x Position reached with exact stop fine

DBX0.7 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 See IS "Position reached with exact stop coarse".
Signal state 0 See IS "Position reached with exact stop coarse"
corresponding to ... MD36010 STOP_LIMIT_FINE (exact stop fine)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions B1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Axis ready

DBX1.2 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated:
Meaning The signal is fed to the PPU, to which the axis is physically connected.
Signal state 1 Axis is ready.
Signal state 0 Axis is not ready.
This status is set if the channel, the mode group or the NCK have generated
the alarm "Not ready".

DB390x Follow-up mode active

DBX1.3 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The control signals that the follow-up mode for the axis / spindle is active.
Prerequisites for this are:
● The controller enable for the drive has been withdrawn (either by the PLC
with "controller enable " = 0 signal or inside the control for faults).
● Follow-up operation is selected (either by the PLC with IS "follow-up
operation" = 1 signal or in the control, e.g. when withdrawing the
controller enable from an axis that is moving)
The position setpoint continually tracks the actual value while the follow-up
mode is active. The standstill and clamping monitoring are not active.
Signal state 0 The control signals that follow-up mode for the axis / spindle is not active,
i.e. the above mentioned prerequisites are not fulfilled.
Zero speed and clamping monitoring are active.
In the "Hold" state, the IS "Follow-up mode active" has a 0 signal.
Special cases, errors, ... Notice:
A delete distance-to-go is triggered internally in the control at the transition
from "Follow up" to "Hold" (IS "Follow-up mode" = 0) or in the closed-loop
control mode (IS "Controller enable" = 1).
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB380x DBX1.4 (controller enable!)
Note for the reader Function Manual, Special Functions; M3/T3

DB390x Axis / spindle stationary (n < nmin)

DBX1.4 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The actual velocity of the axis or the actual speed of the spindle lies under
the limit defined using the MD36060.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 The actual velocity of the axis or the actual spindle speed is greater than the
value specified in MD36060 (standstill / zero speed range).
If a travel command is present, e.g. for a spindle, then the signal is always
= 0 - even if the actual speed lies below that specified in MD36060.
If the IS "Axis / spindle stationary" is signaled and there is no closed-loop
position control active for the spindle, then at the operator interface, an actual
speed of zero is displayed and with the system variable $AA_S[n] zero is
Application ● Enable signal for opening a protective device (e.g. "Open door").
● The workpiece chuck or the tool clamping device is only opened when
the spindle is stationary.
● The oscillation mode can be switched-in during gear stage change after
the spindle has been braked down to standstill.
● The tool clamping device must have been closed before the spindle can
be accelerated.
corresponding to ... MD36060 STANDSTILL_VELO_TOL
(maximum velocity / speed for signal "Axis / spindle stationary")
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Position controller active

DBX1.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The control signals that the position controller is closed.
Signal state 0 The control signals that the position controller is open.
If "controller enable" is withdrawn because of a fault or from the PLC user
program the position controller is opened and therefore the interface signal
"Position controller active" is set to a 0 signal.
Spindle without position control: Signal "Position controller active" is always
Application ● The IS "Position controller active" can be used as feedback signal for the
IS "Controller enable".
● The holding brake of a vertical axis must be activated as soon as the
position control is no longer active.
● If a spindle has been technically designed/dimensioned for the purpose,
in the part program, it can be changed-over into the closed-loop position
controlled mode as spindle or as axis (with SPCON or M70). In these
cases, the interface signal "position controller active" is set.
Special cases, errors, ... The IS "Position controller active" is also set for simulation axes as soon as
MD30350 = 1.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB380x DBX1.5 (position measuring system 1)
(output of axis signals for simulation axes)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Speed controller active

DBX1.6 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The control signals that the speed controller is closed.
Signal state 0 The control signals that the speed controller is open. The speed controller
output is cleared.
Application For spindles without closed-loop position control, the interface signal can be
used as feedback for the IS "Controller enable".
Special cases, errors, ... The IS "Speed controller active" is also set for simulation axes, as soon as
MD30350 = 1.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX2.1 (controller enable)
DB390x DBX1.5 (position controller active)
(output of axis signals for simulation axes)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Current controller active

DBX1.7 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The control signals that the current controller is closed.
Signal state 0 The control signals that the current controller is open. The current controller
output (including the feedforward quantities on the manipulated variable for
the voltage) is cleared.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX1.5 (position controller active)
DB390x DBX1.6 (speed controller active)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Handwheel override active

DBX2.1 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The function "Handwheel override in Automatic mode" is active for the pro‐
grammed positioning axis (FDA[AXi]). Handwheel pulses for this axis affect
the programmed axis feedrate either as path definition (FDA = 0) or as ve‐
locity override (FDA > 0).
Signal state 0 The function "Handwheel override in Automatic mode" is not active for the
programmed positioning axis (or concurrent positioning axis).
An active handwheel override is not active if:
● The positioning axis has reached the target position.
● The distance-to-go is deleted by the axis-specific interface signal
DB3200 DBX6.2 (delete distance to go).
● A RESET is performed.
Note for the reader Function Manual, Expansion Functions H1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Revolutional feedrate active

DBX2.2 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 When programming G95 (revolutional feedrate) in the JOG mode or auto‐
matic mode.
corresponding to ... SD41100 JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE
(revolutional feedrate for JOG active)
(In the JOG mode revolutional feedrate for geometry axes, on which the
frame with rotation acts)
(Revolutional feedrate for position axes/spindles)
(Revolutional feedrate for JOG with rapid traverse override)
MD32050 JOG_REV_VELO (revolutional feedrate for JOG)
Note for the reader Function Manual, Expansion Functions P2
Function Manual, Special Functions M3

DB390x Measurement active

DBX2.3 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Measuring" function is active.
The instantaneous measurement status of the axis is displayed (measuring
set with this axis is running).
Signal state 0 The "Measuring" function is not active.
Note for the reader Function Manual, Expansion Functions M5

DB390x Activate travel to fixed endstop

DBX2.4 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The "Travel to fixed stop" function is active.
Signal state 0 The "Travel to fixed stop" function is not active.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions F1

DB390x Fixed stop reached

DBX2.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The fixed stop was reached after selecting the "FXS" function.
Signal state 0 The fixed stop has still not been reached after selecting the "FXS" function.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions F1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Handwheel active (1 to 2)

DBX4.0 to .1 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 These PLC interface signals provide feedback as to whether this machine
axis is assigned to handwheel 1 or 2 or is not assigned to any handwheel.
Only one handwheel can be assigned to an axis at any one time.
If several interface signals "activate handwheel" are set, then 'Handwheel 1'
has a higher priority than 'Handwheel 2'.
If the assignment is active, then the machine axis can be traversed using the
handwheel in the JOG mode.
Signal state 0 This machine axis is neither assigned to handwheel 1 nor 2.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX4.0 to .1 (activate handwheel)
DB1900 DBX?, ff (handwheel selected)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB390x Plus and minus travel request

DBX4.5 and.4 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Travel is to be executed in the axis direction involved. Depending on the
mode selected, the travel command is triggered in different ways:
● JOG mode: Using the plus or minus traversing key
● REF mode: With traversing key that takes the axis to the reference point.
● AUTO/MDI mode: A program block containing a coordinate value for the
axis in question is executed.
Signal state 0 A travel command in the relevant axis direction has not been given or a
traverse movement has been completed.
● JOG mode: The travel command is reset depending on the setting "Jog
or continuous mode".
● REF mode: When the reference point is reached.
● AUTO/MDI mode:
– The program block has been executed (and the next block does not
contain any coordinate values for the axis in question).
– Cancel using "RESET", etc.
– IS "Axis / spindle disable" is active
Application To release clamped axes (e.g. on a rotary table).
If the clamping is not released until the travel command is given, these axes
cannot be operated under continuous path control!
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX1.3 (axes/spindle disable)
DB380x DBX4.7 and .6 (plus and minus traversing key)
DB390x DBX4.7 and .6 (plus and minus travel command)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Plus and minus travel command

DBX4.7 and .6 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Travel is to be executed in the axis direction involved. Depending on the
mode selected, the travel command is triggered in different ways.
● JOG mode: With the plus or minus traversing key
● Under REF mode: With traversing key that takes the axis to the reference
● AUTO/MDI mode: A program block containing a coordinate value for the
axis in question is executed.
Signal state 0 A travel command in the relevant axis direction has not been given or a
traverse movement has been completed.
● JOG mode:
– Withdrawing the traversing key.
– When ending traversing with the handwheel.
– Under REF mode: When the reference point is reached
● AUTO/MDI mode:
– The program block has been executed (and the next block does not
contain any coordinate values for the axis in question)
– Cancel using "RESET", etc.
– IS "Axis disable" is active
Application To release clamped axes (e.g. on a rotary table).
If the clamping is not released until the travel command is given, these axes
cannot be operated under continuous path control!
corresponding to ... IS "Traversing key plus" and "Traversing key minus" (DB380x DBX4.7 and .
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB390x Active machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous

DBX5.0 to .6 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC interface receives a signal stating which JOG mode machine func‐
tion is active for the machine axes.
Signal state 0 The machine function in question is not active.
corresponding to ... IS "Machine function 1 INC, ..., continuous" (DB380x DBX5.0 ... .6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions H1

DB390x Lubrication pulse

DBX1002.0 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Edge change 0 → 1 or 1 As soon as the axis / spindle has traveled through the distance set in
→0 MD33050, the "lubrication pulse" interface signal is inverted and lubrication
is started.
The position measurement is restarted after each Power On.
Application The lubrication pump for the axis / spindle can be activated with IS "Lubrica‐
tion pulse". Machine bed lubrication therefore depends on the distance trav‐
corresponding to ... MD33050 LUBRICATION_DIST (lubrication pulse distance)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions A2

DB390x Path axis

DBX1002.4 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis is involved in the path (path axis).
Signal state 0 The axis is not involved in the path.
Note for the reader Function Manuals

DB390x Positioning axis

DBX1002.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The NCK handles the axis as positioning axis. This means that it has:
● its own axis interpolator (linear interpolator)
● its own feedrate (F value)
● its own feedrate override
● exact stop (G09) at the progr. end position
Signal state 0 The axis is not a positioning axis.
Note for the reader Function Manual, Expansion Functions P2

DB390x Indexing axis in position

DBX1002.6 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The signal is dependent on "Exact stop fine":
The signal is set if "Exact stop fine" is reached. The signal is reset when
exiting "Exact stop fine".
● The indexing axis is located on an indexing position.
● The indexing axis has been positioned with instructions for "Coded

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 The axis is not defined as an indexing axis.

● The indexing axis travels: DB390x DBX4.7/.6 (travel command +/-) is
● The indexing axis is located at a position which is not an indexing position,
– For JOG after termination of travel movement, e.g. with RESET
– in the Automatic mode: the indexing axis has, for example,
approached a selected position controlled by an AC or DC instruction
● The indexing axis has not been positioned with instructions for "coded
position" (CAC, CACP, CACN, CDC, CIC) in the automatic mode.
● The "Controller enable" signal for the indexing axis has been withdrawn:
DB380x DBX2.1 (controller enable)
Application Tool magazine: Activation of the gripper to remove the tool from the maga‐
zine is initiated as soon as the indexing axis is in position.
The PLC user program must ensure this happens.
Special cases, errors, ... ● The axis positions entered in the indexing position table for the individual
divisions can be changed using work offsets (including DRF).
● If a DRF is applied to an indexing axis in AUTOMATIC mode, then
interface signal "Indexing axis in position" remains active even though
the axis is no longer at an indexing position.
corresponding to ... MD30500 INDEX_AX_ASSIGN_POS_TAB (axis is an indexing axis)
Note for the reader Function Manual, Expansion Functions T1

DB390x Setpoint gear stage A to C

DBX2000.0 to .2 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge A gear stage can be defined as follows:

change 0 → 1 ● Permanently by the part program (M41 to M45)
● Automatically by the programmed spindle speed (M40)
M41 to M45:
● The gear stage can be permanently defined in the part program with M41
to M45. If a gear stage is specified using M41 to M45, which is not equal
to the actual (actual) gear stage, then the IS "Change gear stage" and
the IS "Setpoint gear stage" A" to "...C" are set.
● The control automatically defines the gear stage with M40 in the part
program. The control checks which gear stage is possible for the
programmed spindle speed (S function). If a gear stage is selected that
is not the same as the actual (actual) gear stage, then the IS "Change
gear stage" and the IS "Setpoint gear stage" A" to "...C" are set.
The setpoint gear stage is output in coded format:
1. Gear stage 0 0 0 (C B A)
1st gear stage 001
2nd gear stage 010
3rd gear stage 011
4th gear stage 100
5th gear stage 101
invalid value 110
invalid value 111
Signal irrelevant for ... Other spindle modes except oscillation mode
corresponding to ... IS "Change gear stage" (DB390x DBX2000.3)
IS "Actual gear stage A" to "...C" (DB380x DBX2000.0 to .2)
IS "Gear stage is changed over" (DB380x DBX2000.3)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Change gear stage

DBX2000.3 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge A gear stage can be defined as follows:

change 0 → 1 ● Permanently by the part program (M41 to M45)
● Automatically by the programmed spindle speed (M40)
M41 to M45:
● The gear stage can be permanently defined in the part program with M41
to M45. If a gear stage is specified using M41 to M45, which is not equal
to the actual (actual) gear stage, then the IS "Change gear stage" and
the IS "Setpoint gear stage" A" to ...C" are set.
● The control automatically defines the gear stage with M40 in the part
program. The control checks which gear stage is possible for the
programmed spindle speed (S function). If a gear stage is selected that
is not the same as the actual (actual) gear stage, then the IS "Change
gear stage" and the IS "Setpoint gear stage" A" to "...C" are set.
● While the signal = 1, the text "Wait for gear stage change" is displayed
in the channel operating message".
Special cases, errors, ... The IS "Change gear stage" is only set if a new gear stage is defined that is
not the same as the actual gear stage.
corresponding to ... IS "Setpoint gear stage A" to "...C" (DB390x DBX2000.0 to .2)
IS "Actual gear stage A" to "...C" (DB380x DBX2000.0 to .2)
IS "Gear stage has been changed over" (DB380x DBX2000.3)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Speed limit exceeded

DBX2001.0 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge If the actual speed exceeds the max. spindle speed MD35100, by more than
change 0 → 1 the spindle speed tolerance MD35150, the IS "Speed limit exceeded" is set
and alarm 22050 "Maximum speed reached" is output. All axes and spindles
of the channel are braked.
corresponding to ... MD35150 SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL (spindle speed tolerance)
MD35100 SPIND_VELO_LIMIT (maximum spindle speed)
Alarm 22050 "maximum speed reached"
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Set speed limited (programmed speed too high)

DBX2001.1 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 1 or edge If a spindle speed (rpm) or a constant cutting speed (m/min or ft/min) is
change 0 → 1 programmed, one of the following limits has been exceeded:
● Maximum speed of specified gear stage
● Maximum spindle speed
● Speed limiting by the interface signal from the PLC
● Progr. spindle speed limiting G26
● Progr. spindle speed limiting for G96
The spindle speed is limited to the maximum value.
Signal state 0 or edge If a spindle speed (rpm) or a constant cutting speed (m / min or ft / min) is
change 1 → 0 programmed, no limit values were exceeded.
Application The IS "Setpoint speed limited" can be used to determine if the programmed
speed cannot be reached. The PLC user program can identify this state as
not permissible and disable path feed, or it can disable the path feed or the
complete channel. For IS "Spindle in setpoint range" processing is executed.
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Setpoint speed increased (programmed speed too low)

DBX2001.2 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge If a spindle speed (rpm) or a constant cutting speed (m/min or ft/min) is
change 0 → 1 programmed, one of the following limits was fallen below:
● Minimum speed of the specified gear stage
● Minimum spindle speed
● Speed limiting by the PLC
● Progr. spindle speed limiting G25
● Progr. spindle speed limiting with G96
The spindle speed is limited to the minimum limit value.
Signal state 0 or edge If a spindle speed (rpm) or a constant cutting speed (m / min or ft / min) is
change 1 → 0 programmed, no limit values were fallen below.
Application The IS "Setpoint speed increased" can be used to detect that the program‐
med speed cannot be reached. The PLC user program can identify this state
as not permissible and disable path feed, or it can disable the path feed or
the complete channel. For IS "Spindle in setpoint range" processing is exe‐
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Spindle in setpoint range

DBX2001.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The IS "Spindle in setpoint range" is used to signal whether the programmed
change 0 → 1 - and if relevant - limited spindle speed is reached.
In the spindle control mode, the speed setpoint (programmed speed + spin‐
dle override including limits) is compared with the actual speed. If the actual
speed deviates from the setpoint speed by less than the spindle speed tol‐
erance MD35150, then the IS "Spindle in the setpoint range" is set.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 or edge The IS "Spindle in setpoint range" signals whether the spindle is accelerating
change 1 → 0 or braking.
In the spindle control mode, the speed setpoint (programmed speed * spindle
override including limits) is compared with the actual speed. If the actual
speed deviates from the setpoint speed by more than the spindle speed
tolerance MD35150, then the IS "Spindle in the setpoint range" is reset.
Signal irrelevant for ... all spindle modes except for speed mode (control mode).
Application The path feed must generally be disabled when the spindle is in the accel‐
eration phase (programmed speed setpoint not yet reached).
This can be done in the following way:
● The IS "Spindle in the setpoint range" is evaluated and the IS "Feedrate
disable" (DB3200 DBX6.0) is set.
● MD35500 is set and the NCK evaluates internally as to whether the
spindle is in the setpoint range. The path feed is only enabled if the
spindle is within the setpoint range. Positioning axes are never stopped
by this function.
corresponding to ... MD35150 SPIND_DES_VELO_TOL (spindle speed tolerance)
(feedrate enable with spindle in the setpoint range)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Actual direction of rotation clockwise

DBX2001.7 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge If the spindle is rotating, the CLOCKWISE direction of rotation is signaled
change 0 → 1 using IS "Actual direction or rotation, clockwise" = 1. The actual direction of
rotation is derived from the spindle position measuring encoder.
Signal state 0 or edge If the spindle is rotating, then the COUNTER-CLOCKWISE direction of rota‐
change 1 → 0 tion is signaled using IS "Actual direction or rotation, clockwise" = 0.
Signal irrelevant for ... ● Spindle stationary, IS "Axis / spindle stationary" = 1(at standstill it is not
possible to evaluate a direction of rotation)
● Spindles without position measuring encoder
corresponding to ... IS "Spindle stationary" (DB390x DBX1.4)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Active spindle positioning mode

DBX2002.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge When programming SPOS=... the spindle is in positioning mode.
change 0 → 1
corresponding to ... IS "Active spindle control mode" (DB390x DBX2002.7)
IS "Active spindle mode, oscillating mode" (DB390x DBX2002.6)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Active spindle mode oscillation mode

DBX2002.6 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge The spindle is in the oscillation mode if a new gear stage was defined using
change 0 → 1 the automatic gear stage selection (M40) or using M41 to M45 (IS "Change
gear stage" is set). The IS "Change gear stage" is only set if a new gear
stage is defined that is not the same as the actual gear stage.
corresponding to ... IS "Active spindle control mode" (DB390x DBX2002.7)
IS "Active spindle positioning mode" (DB390x DBX2002.5)
IS "Change gear stage" (DB390x DBX2000.3)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Active spindle control mode

DBX2002.7 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge With the following function, the spindle is in the control mode:
change 0 → 1 Spindle direction of rotation input M3/M4 or spindle stop M5
corresponding to ... IS "Active spindle oscillating mode" (DB390x DBX2002.6)
IS "Active spindle positioning mode" (DB390x DBX2002.5)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Spindle in position

DBX2003.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: Yes Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 or edge Precondition for the output of IS "Spindle in position" is reaching the IS "Exact
change 0 → 1 stop fine". Additionally, the last programmed spindle position must have been
reached on the setpoint side.
If the spindle is already at the programmed position after a positioning, then
the signal "Spindle in position" is set.
Signal state 0 or edge The IS "Spindle in position" is always reset when withdrawing IS "Exact stop
change 1 → 0 fine".
Application The interface signal is processed exclusively with the function spindle posi‐
tioning. This includes:
● SPOS, SPOSA and M19 in the part program
● SPOS and M19 in synchronized actions
Spindle in position for the tool change.
If the tool change cycle is interrupted by the machine operator e.g. with NC
stop, NC stop axis plus spindle, mode stop etc., then the correct position to
which the spindle is to travel in the tool changer can be queried using the IS
"Spindle in position".
Special cases, errors, ... If the spindle is traversed after a positioning for already set "Spindle in posi‐
tion" signal, e.g. in the JOG mode, then this signal is deleted. If the spindle
returns to its original position in the JOG mode, then the signal "Spindle in
position" is set again. The last position selection is maintained.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX0.7 (exact stop fine)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Active parameter set A, B, C

DBX4001.0 to .2 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Meaning The drive signals back to the PLC which drive parameter set is presently
With bit combinations A, B and C, 8 different drive parameter sets can be
The following assignment applies:
Drive parameter set C B A
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 1
3 0 1 0
4 0 1 1
5 1 0 0
6 1 0 1
7 1 1 0
8 1 1 1
Application Drive parameter switchover can be used, for example, for the following:
● To change the gear stage
● To change over the measuring circuit
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX4001.0 to 2 (parameter set selection)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x Drive ready

DBX4001.5 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 Feedback signal from the drive to the PLC that the drive is ready.
Signal state 0 The drive is not ready.
The drive might be disabled for the following reasons:
● Drive alarm active (e.g. motor temperature has reached switch-off
● DC link voltage is too low.
● Drive has not yet reached the cyclic state.
● Hardware fault present.
● No position measuring system is active ("parking axis" state).
● I/R is not switched on.
As soon as the drive is not ready, it is stopped (depending on the fault state
either with pulse disable or fast stop) or pulses remain disabled while pow‐
ering up.
The interface signals:
DB2700 DBX2.6 (drive ready)
DB390x DBX1.7 (current controller active)
DB390x DBX1.6 (speed controller active)
are also withdrawn.
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Speed controller integrator disable

DBX4001.6 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The request from the PLC to disable the integrator of the speed controller
using the interface signal "Speed controller integrator disable" is active for
the drive.
The speed controller has therefore switched from a PI to a P controller.
Signal state 0 The integrator of the speed controller is enabled. The speed controller func‐
tions as a PI controller.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX4001.6 (speed controller integrator disable)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x Pulses enabled

DBX4001.7 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The pulse enable for the drive is present. The axis / spindle can now be
Signal state 0 The drive pulses are disabled. Therefore, the axis / spindle cannot be trav‐
The pulses are disabled as soon as there is no enable signal.
Also, if the "controller enable of drive" is withdrawn, the drive is stopped with
setpoint 0 (regenerative braking).
Pulse disable is also triggered if there is no position measuring system
("parking axis" state).
As soon as the pulses are disabled, then the following IS are also reset:
DB390x DBX1.7 (current controller active)
DB390x DBX1.6 (speed controller active)
Application Signal-oriented signal.
Special cases, errors, ... If pulse enable is withdrawn for a moving axis / spindle the axis / spindle is
not longer braked in a controlled fashion. The axis / spindle coasts down.
corresponding to ... DB380x DBX4001.7 (pulse enable)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x Ramp-up completed

DBX4002.2 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC is signaled that after a new speed setpoint input, the speed actual
value has reached the speed tolerance bandwidth and has remained within
this tolerance bandwidth for the specified time.
Even if the speed actual value leaves the tolerance bandwidth (because of
speed fluctuations resulting from load changes) the "ramp-up completed"
signal remains.
Signal state 0 The conditions described above have not yet been fulfilled. Ramp-up has
therefore not yet been completed.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4002.6 (nact = nset)

DB390x DBX4002.3 (Md = Mdx)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x Ramp-up completed

DBX4002.2 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC is signaled that after a new speed setpoint input, the speed actual
value has reached the speed tolerance bandwidth and has remained within
this tolerance bandwidth for the specified time.
Even if the speed actual value leaves the tolerance bandwidth (because of
speed fluctuations resulting from load changes) the "ramp-up completed"
signal remains.
Signal state 0 The conditions described above have not yet been fulfilled. Ramp-up has
therefore not yet been completed.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4002.6 (nact = nset)
DB390x DBX4002.3 (Md < Mdx)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x Md < Mdx

DBX4002.3 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals to the PLC that the torque setpoint Md does not exceed the
threshold torque Mdx in the steady-state condition (i.e. ramp-up completed).
The torque threshold characteristic is speed-dependent.
While ramping-up, the IS "Md < Mdx" remains at 1.
The signal only becomes active after ramp-up has been completed (DB390x
DBX4002.2 = 1) and the signal interlock time for the threshold torque has
Signal state 0 The torque setpoint Md is greater than the threshold torque Mdx.
If necessary, the PLC user program can initiate a response.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4002.2 (ramp-up completed)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x nact < nmin

DBX4002.4 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals to the PLC that the actual speed value nact is less than the
minimum speed (nmin).
Signal state 0 The speed actual value is higher than the minimum speed.
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x nact < nx

DBX4002.5 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals to the PLC that the speed actual value nact is less than the
threshold speed (nx).
Signal state 0 The speed actual value is higher than the threshold speed.
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x nact = nset

DBX4002.6 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The PLC is signaled that after a new speed setpoint input, the speed actual
value has reached the speed tolerance bandwidth and has remained within
this tolerance bandwidth for the specified time.
If the actual speed value then leaves the tolerance band, then contrary to
the "Ramp-up completed" signal, the interface signal "nact = nset" is set to 0.
Signal state 0 The conditions described above have not yet been fulfilled. The speed actual
value is outside the speed tolerance bandwidth.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX4002.2 (ramp-up completed)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x Variable signaling function

DBX4002.7 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals to the PLC that the threshold value of the quantity to be
monitored has been exceeded. Using the variable signaling function, it is
possible to monitor for any axis any quantity from the drive, which can be
parameterized, to check if it violates a certain threshold, which can then be
signaled as interface signal to the PLC.
The parameterized variable is monitored to check whether it exceeds a de‐
fined threshold. In addition, a tolerance band (hysteresis) can be defined
which is considered when scanning for violation of the threshold value. Fur‐
ther, the "threshold value exceeded" signal can be logically combined with
a pull-in and drop-out delay time.
The quantity to be monitored can be selected by entering a signal number
or by entering a symbolic address.
Signal state 0 The drive signals the PLC that the threshold value of the quantity to be moni‐
tored has not been exceeded or the specified conditions are not fulfilled.
If the variable signaling function is disabled the signal state "0" is output to
the PLC.

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Application With the variable signaling function the machine tool manufacturer can mon‐
itor one additional threshold value for specific applications for each axis /
spindle and evaluate the result in the PLC user program.
The interface signal "Variable signaling function" should be set to 1 when
the motor torque exceeds 50% of the rated torque.
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x VDClink < VDClinkx

DBX4003.0 Signal(s) to drive (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The drive signals the PLC that the DC link voltage VDClink is less than the DC
link undervoltage threshold VDClinkx.
The DC link undervoltage threshold is defined using r0296.
The DC link undervoltage threshold should be defined to be greater than 400
V. If the DC link voltage drops below 280 V, the unit is powered-down by the
Signal state 0 The DC link voltage is less than the DC link undervoltage alarm threshold.
corresponding to ... r0296 (DC link voltage, undervoltage threshold)
Note for the reader Commissioning Manual, Turning and Milling

DB390x Superimposed motion

DBX5002.4 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The following spindle executes an additional motion component, that is su‐
perimposed on the motion from the coupling with the leading spindle.
Example for superimposed motion of the following spindle:
● Activating the synchronous mode with a defined angular offset between
the following spindle and leading spindle.
● Activating the synchronous mode for rotating leading spindle.
● Changing the ratio while the synchronous mode is active.
● Entering a new defined angular offset when the synchronous mode is
● Traversing the following spindle with plus or minus traversing keys or
handwheel in JOG when the synchronous mode is active.
As soon as the following spindle executes a superimposed motion, IS "Fine
synchronism" or IS "Coarse synchronism" (depending on threshold value)
may be canceled immediately.
Signal state 0 The following spindle does not traverse through any additional motion com‐
ponent or this has been completed.
corresponding to ... DB390x DBX2002.4 (synchronous mode)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

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Detailed descriptions of interface signals
5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

DB390x Velocity alarm threshold reached

DBX5002.5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 When the velocity of the following axis in the axis grouping of the electronic
gear reaches or exceeds the percentage of the velocity entered in MD37550 ,
which is set in MD32000, then the signal is set to 1.
Signal state 0 The velocity of the following axis in the axis grouping of the electronic gear
falls below the threshold value described above.
corresponding to ... MD37550 EG_VEL_WARNING
(threshold value, velocity alarm threshold)
MD32000 MAX_AX_VELO (maximum axis velocity)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Acceleration alarm threshold reached

DBX5002.6 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 When the acceleration of the following axis in the axis grouping of the elec‐
tronic gear reaches or exceeds the percentage of the acceleration entered
in MD37550, which is set in MD32300, then the signal is set to 1.
Signal state 0 The acceleration of the following axis in the axis grouping of the electronic
gear falls below the threshold value described above.
corresponding to ... MD37550 EG_VEL_WARNING
(threshold value, velocity alarm threshold)
MD32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL (axis acceleration)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Axis is accelerating

DBX5003.3 Signal(s) from axis / spindle (NCK → PLC)
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 When the acceleration of the following axis in the axis grouping of the elec‐
tronic gear reaches or exceeds the percentage of the acceleration entered
in MD37560, which is set in MD32300, then the signal is set to 1.
Signal state 0 The acceleration of the following axis in the axis grouping of the electronic
gear falls below the response value described above.
corresponding to ... MD37560 EG_ACC_TOL (threshold value for "accelerate axis")
MD32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL (axis acceleration)
Note for the reader Function Manual Basic Functions S1

DB390x Active infeed axes

DBX5008.0 to .5 Signal(s) from axis / spindle
Edge evaluation: No Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1 The axis, from which the signal is received is presently the oscillating axis
and in this field, signals its active infeed axes (DBX5008.0 axis 1 is the
infeed axis, DBX5008.1 axis 2 is the infeed axis, etc.)

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5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

Signal state 0 The associated axis is not an infeed axis.

corresponding to ... DB390x DBX5004.7 (oscillation active)
Note for the reader Function Manual, Expansion Functions P5

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5.8 Axis / spindle-specific signals

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PLC user interface 6
6.1 Addressing ranges

Operand identifier

Address identifier Description Range

DB Data DB1000 to DB7999
DB9900 to DB9906
T Times T0 to T15 (100 ms)
T16 to T63 (10 ms)
C Counters C0 to C63
I Image of digital inputs I0.0 to I8.7
Q Image of digital outputs Q0.0 to Q5.7
M Bit memory M0.0 to M255.7
SM Special bit memory SM0.0 to SM0.6 ()
AC Accumulator AC0 to AC3

Structure of the DB-range address







Access Example Description

Bit DB3801.DBX1000.7 Bit 7 of the byte with offset 0 in subrange 1 for axis 2, user range
Byte DB3801.DBB0 Byte with offset 0 in subrange 0 for axis, user range 38
Word DB4500.DBW2 Work with offset 2 in subrange 0, range 0, user range 45
Double Word DB2500.DBD3004 Double word with offset 4 in subrange 3, range 0, user range

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PLC user interface
6.1 Addressing ranges

The permitted offset for an address depends on the access:
● Bit or byte access: any offset.
Byte-size variables are placed one beside another seamlessly in a DB.
● Word access: the offset must be divisible by 2.
Word-size variables (2 bytes) are always saved on straight offsets.
● Double word access: the offset must be divisible by 4.
Double word-size variables (4 bytes) are always saved on offsets that are divisible by 4.

Special bit memory SM bit definition (read-only)

Special marker bit definition

SM bits Description
SM 0.0 Bit memory with the defined ONE signal
SM 0.1 Initial setting: first PLC cycle '1', subsequent cycles '0'
SM 0.2 buffered data lost - only valid in first PLC cycle
('0' data ok, '1' data lost)
SM 0.3 POWER ON: first PLC cycle '1', subsequent cycles '0'
SM 0.4 60 s clock (alternating '0' for 30 s, then '1' for 30 s)
SM 0.5 1 s clock (alternating '0' for 0.5 s, then '1' for 0.5 s)
SM 0.6 PLC cycle clock (alternating one cycle '0', then one cycle'1')

Variable access rights

[r] You can "read only" designated area

[r/w] You can "read and write" designated area

Data format information


All of the empty fields in the user interface are "reserved for Siemens" and may neither be
written to nor evaluated.
Fields designated with "0" always have the value "logical 0".
If there is no data format information, you can read or write to all the specified data formats.

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PLC user interface
6.2 Signals from/to the MCP

6.2 Signals from/to the MCP

Horizontal MCP with override switches

The figure below takes the horizontal MCP variant with override switches as an example. The
vertical MCP variants share the same PLC interface addresses for the corresponding keys.
Note that labels K13, K15, K19, and K21 are not included in the pre-inserted labeling strips for
keys of the MCP. The figure includes these labels so that when you read the information in
the following two tables, you know which keys on the MCP it refers to.

7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0 7 0

. .

. .

From the MCP

DB1000 From the MCP [r]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2 100 (INC) 10 (INC) 1 (INC) Key 12 Key 11 Key 10 Key 9 Key 8
4 Key 21 Axis tra‐ Key 19 Axis tra‐ RAPID Axis tra‐ Key 15
versing key versing key versing key
(↓x) (→z) (←z)
8 Feed override value (in Gray code)
9 Spindle override value (in Gray code)

To the MCP

DB1100 To the MCP [r/w]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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PLC user interface
6.2 Signals from/to the MCP


2 100 (INC) 10 (INC) 1 (INC) Key 12 Key 11 Key 10 Key 9 Key 8
4 Key 21 Axis tra‐ Key 19 Axis tra‐ RAPID Axis tra‐ Key 15
versing key versing key versing key
(↓x) (→z) (←z)
8 1 1) 1 1) 7 SEG LED1 2)
9 1 1)
1 1)
7 SEG LED2 2)
To ensure the correct display of the active tool number, make sure that you set Bit 4 and Bit 5 to 1.
You can set only values 0 to 9 for each 7-segment LED (LED1 and LED2).

Horizontal MCP with a reserved slot for the handwheel

From the MCP

DB1000 From the MCP [r]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
ride key (-) STOCK CHANGE
2 100 (INC) / 10 (INC) / 1 (INC) / F0 G00 Key 5 Key 4 Feed over‐ Feed over‐
100% G00 50% G00 25% G00 ride key (+) ride key
versing key override START STOP RIGHT STOP LEFT
(↑x) key (-)
4 M01 PRO‐ Axis tra‐ Spindle Axis tra‐ RAPID Axis tra‐ Spindle
GRAM versing key override versing key versing key override
TEST (↓x) key (+) (→z) (←z) key (100%)

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PLC user interface
6.3 Reading/Writing NC data


To the MCP

DB1100 To the MCP [r/w]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
ride key (-) STOCK CHANGE
2 100 (INC) / 10 (INC) / 1 (INC) / F0 G00 Key 5 Key 4 Feed over‐ Feed over‐
100% G00 50% G00 25% G00 ride key (+) ride key
versing key override START STOP RIGHT STOP LEFT
(↑x) key (-)
4 M01 PRO‐ Axis tra‐ Spindle Axis tra‐ RAPID Axis tra‐ Spindle
GRAM versing key override versing key versing key override
TEST (↓x) key (+) (→z) (←z) key (100%)
8 1 1) 1 1) 7 SEG LED1 2)
9 1 1) 1 1) 7 SEG LED2 2)
To ensure the correct display of the active tool number, make sure that you set Bit 4 and Bit 5 to 1.
You can set only values 0 to 9 for each 7-segment LED (LED1 and LED2).

6.3 Reading/Writing NC data

6.3.1 Reading/writing NC data: Job

DB1200 Reading/writing NC data [r/w]

PLC → NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Write varia‐ Start
1 Number of variables

DB1200 ... Reading/writing NC data [r/w]

1203 PLC → NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Variable index

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PLC user interface
6.4 PI Service

1001 Area number

1002 Line index for the NCK variable x (WORD)
1004 Column index for the NCK variable x (WORD)
1008 Writing: data to NCK variable x (data type of the variables: 1 to 4 bytes)

6.3.2 Reading/writing NC data: Result

DB1200 Reading/writing NC data [r]

NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 Error in job Job com‐

DB1200 ... Reading/writing NC data [r]

1203 NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
3000 Error has Valid varia‐
occurred ble
3001 Access result 1)
3004 Reading: data from NCK variable x (data type of the variables: 1 to 4 bytes)
0: no error; 3: illegal access to object; 5: invalid address; 10: object does not exist

6.4 PI Service

6.4.1 PI service: Job

DB1200 PI service [r/w]

PLC → NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4000 Start
4001 PI index
4004 PI parameter 1

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PLC user interface
6.5 Retentive data area

4006 PI parameter 2
4008 PI parameter 3
4010 PI parameter 4
4012 PI parameter 5
4014 PI parameter 6
4016 PI parameter 7
4018 PI parameter 8
4020 PI parameter 9
4022 PI parameter 10

6.4.2 PI service: Result

DB1200 Reading / writing NC data [r]

NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
5000 Error in job Job com‐

6.5 Retentive data area

DB1400 Retentive data [r/w]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
User data
User data
User data

User data
User data

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PLC user interface
6.6 User Alarms

6.6 User Alarms

6.6.1 User alarms: Activating

DB1600 Activating alarm [r/w]

PLC -> HMI interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Activation of alarm no.
700007 700006 700005 700004 700003 700002 700001 700000
1 Activation of alarm no.
700015 700014 700013 700012 700011 700010 700009 700008
2 Activation of alarm no.
700023 700022 700021 700020 700019 700018 700017 700016
3 Activation of alarm no.
700031 700030 700029 700028 700027 700026 700025 700024
4 Activation of alarm no.
700039 700038 700037 700036 700035 700034 700033 700032
5 Activation of alarm no.
700047 700046 700045 700044 700043 700042 700041 700040
... ...

15 Activation of alarm no.

700127 700126 700125 700124 700123 700122 700121 700120

6.6.2 Variables for user alarms

DB1600 Variables for user alarms [r32/w32]

PLC -> HMI interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
DBD1000 Variable for alarm 700000
DBD1004 Variable for alarm 700001
DBD1008 Variable for alarm 700002
… …
DBD1500 Variable for alarm 700125
DBD1504 Variable for alarm 700126
DBD1508 Variable for alarm 700127

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PLC user interface
6.7 Signals from/to HMI

6.6.3 Active alarm response

DB1600 Active alarm response [r]

PLC -> HMI interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 Acknowledge Acknowledge PLC STOP EMERGENCY Feedrate disa‐ Read-in NC start
POWER ON with STOP ble all axes disable disable

6.6.4 Alarm acknowledgement

DB1600 Alarm acknowledgement [r/w]

PLC -> HMI interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
3000 Ack

6.7 Signals from/to HMI

6.7.1 Program control signals from the HMI (retentive area)

DB1700 Signals, HMI [r/w]

HMI -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Dry run M01 selec‐ DRF selec‐
feedrate ted ted
1 Program Feedrate
test selected override se‐
lected for
rapid tra‐
2 Skip block 7 Skip block Skip block Skip block Skip block Skip block Skip block Skip block
selected 6 selected 5 selected 4 selected 3 selected 2 selected 1 selected 0 selected

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PLC user interface
6.7 Signals from/to HMI

3 Measure‐ Calcula‐ Skip block Skip block

ment in JOG tion of 9 selected 8 selected
active measure‐
ment value
not finish‐
7 Reset NC stop NC start

6.7.2 Program selection from PLC (retentive area)

DB1700 Program selection [r/w]

PLC -> HMI interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Program selection from the PLC: Program number
1001 Command job from the PLC: Command

6.7.3 Checkback signal: Program selection from HMI (retentive area)

DB1700 Program selection [r]

HMI -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 Error pro‐ Program
gram selec‐ selected
2001 Error com‐ Execute
mand exe‐ command

6.7.4 Signals from HMI

DB1800 Signals from HMI [r]

HMI -> PLC interface (signals are only present for PLC cycle)
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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PLC user interface
6.7 Signals from/to HMI

0 Reset Start meas‐ JOG Mode MDI AUTOMAT‐

urement in IC
1 Active the machine function

6.7.5 Signals from PLC

DB1800 Signals from PLC [r]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Commis‐ Boot with Boot with
sioning ar‐ saved data default val‐
chive has ues
been read
1004 PLC cycle in μs [DINT]
1008 Year: Tens digit, BCD Year: Units digit, BCD
1009 Month: Tens digit, BCD Month: Units digit, BCD
1010 Day: Tens digit, BCD Day: Units digit, BCD
1011 Hour: Tens digit, BCD Hour: Units digit, BCD
1012 Minute: Tens digit, BCD Minute: Units digit, BCD
1013 Second: Tens digit, BCD Second: Units digit, BCD
1014 Millisecond: Hundreds digit, BCD Millisecond: Tens digit, BCD
1015 Millisecond: Units digit, BCD Weekday, BCD {1, 2, ... 7} (1 = Sunday)

6.7.6 Signals to maintenance planners

DB1800 Deactivation [r/w]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐
tion 8 tion 7 tion 6 tion 5 tion 4 tion 3 tion 2 tion 1
2001 Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐
tion 16 tion 15 tion 14 tion 13 tion 12 tion 11 tion 10 tion 9
2002 Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐
tion 24 tion 23 tion 22 tion 21 tion 20 tion 19 tion 18 tion 17
2003 Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐ Deactiva‐
tion 32 tion 31 tion 30 tion 29 tion 28 tion 27 tion 26 tion 25

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PLC user interface
6.7 Signals from/to HMI

DB1800 Deactivation [r/w]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4000 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement 8 edgement 7 edgement 6 edgement 5 edgement 4 edgement 3 edgement 2 edgement 1
4001 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement 9
16 15 14 13 12 11 10
4002 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
4003 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

DB1800 Deactivation [r/w]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
5000 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement 8 edgement 7 edgement 6 edgement 5 edgement 4 edgement 3 edgement 2 edgement 1
5001 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement 9
16 15 14 13 12 11 10
5002 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement
24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
5003 Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐ Acknowl‐
edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement edgement
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

6.7.7 Signals from maintenance planners

DB1800 Warnings/Alarms [r]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
3000 Alarm 8 Alarm 7 Alarm 6 Alarm 5 Alarm 4 Alarm 3 Alarm 2 Alarm 1
3001 Alarm 16 Alarm 15 Alarm 14 Alarm 13 Alarm 12 Alarm 11 Alarm 10 Alarm 9
3002 Alarm 24 Alarm 23 Alarm 22 Alarm 21 Alarm 20 Alarm 19 Alarm 18 Alarm 17
3003 Alarm 32 Alarm 31 Alarm 30 Alarm 29 Alarm 28 Alarm 27 Alarm 26 Alarm 25

6.7.8 Signals from operator panel (retentive area)

DB1900 Signals from operator panel [r/w]

HMI -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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PLC user interface
6.7 Signals from/to HMI

0 Switch over Simulation

Machine/ active



6.7.9 General selection/status signals from HMI (retentive area)

DB1900 Signals from HMI [r]

HMI -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1003 Axis number for handwheel 1
Machine Handwheel Contour C B A
axis selected handwheel
1004 Axis number for handwheel 2
Machine Handwheel Contour C B A
axis selected handwheel

6.7.10 General selection/status signals to HMI (retentive area)

DB1900 Signals to HMI [r/w]

PLC -> HMI interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
5000 OP key
5002 Enable
ment in

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PLC user interface
6.8 Auxiliary functions transfer from NC channel

5004 ... T-number for tool measurement in JOG (DINT)
5008 ...
5012 ...
5016 ...

6.8 Auxiliary functions transfer from NC channel

6.8.1 Overview

DB2500 Auxiliary functions from NCK channel [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4 M fct. 5 M fct. 4 M fct. 3 M fct. 2 M fct. 1
change change change change change
6 S fct. 1
8 T fct. 1
10 D fct.
12 H fct. 3 H fct. 2 H fct.
change change change

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PLC user interface
6.8 Auxiliary functions transfer from NC channel

6.8.2 Decoded M signals (M0 to M99)

The signals are output for the duration of a PLC cycle.

DB2500 M functions from NCK channel [r] 1) 2)

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Dynamic M functions
M7 M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 M0
1001 Dynamic M functions
M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8
1002 Dynamic M functions
M23 M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16
… ...

1012 Dynamic M functions

M99 M98 M97 M96
As the PLC user, you must generate basic functions yourself from the dynamic M functions.
The basic program decodes dynamic M functions (M0 to M99).

6.8.3 Transferred T functions

DB2500 T functions from NCK channel [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 T function 1 (DINT)

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PLC user interface
6.8 Auxiliary functions transfer from NC channel

6.8.4 Transferred M functions

DB2500 M functions from NCK channel [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
3000 M function 1 (DINT)
3004 Extended address M function 1 (byte)
3008 M function 2 (DINT)
3012 Extended address M function 2 (byte)
3016 M function 3 (DINT)
3020 Extended address M function 3 (byte)
3024 M function 4 (DINT)
3028 Extended address M function 4 (byte)
3032 M function 5 (DINT)
3036 Extended address M function 5 (byte)

6.8.5 Transferred S functions

DB2500 S functions from NCK channel [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4000 S function 1 (REAL) (DINT)
4004 Extended address S function 1 (byte)
4008 S function 2 (REAL)
4012 Extended address S function 2 (byte)

6.8.6 Transferred D functions

DB2500 D functions from NCK channel [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
5000 D function 1 (DINT)

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PLC user interface
6.9 NCK signals

6.8.7 Transferred H functions

DB2500 H functions from NCK channel [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
6000 H function 1 (REAL) (DINT)
6004 Extended address H function 1 (byte)
6008 H function 2 (REAL)
6012 Extended address H function 2 (byte)
6016 H function 3 (REAL)
6020 Extended address H function 3 (byte)

6.9 NCK signals

6.9.1 General signals to NCK

DB2600 General signals to NCK [r/w]

PLC → NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Protection level Acknowl‐ EMER‐ Braking
Keyswitch position 0 to 3 edge GENCY along the
EMER‐ STOP contour in
4 5 6 7
GENCY case of
1 Request ax‐ Request ax‐ INC inputs
is distances is actual in mode sig‐
to go values nal range
active 1)
Refer to mode signals

6.9.2 General signals from NCK

DB2700 General signals from NCK [r/w]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

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PLC user interface
6.9 NCK signals

OFF active
1 Inch meas‐ Probe actuated
uring sys‐ Probe 2 Probe 1
2 NC ready Drive ready Drives in cy‐
clic opera‐
3 Air temper‐ NCK alarm
ature alarm is active
12 Change counter for motion, handwheel 1
13 Modification counter for motion, handwheel 2
15 Change counter , inch/metric measuring system

6.9.3 Signals at fast inputs and outputs

DB2800 Signals at fast inputs and outputs [r/w]

PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Block digital NCK inputs
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Hardware input
1 Value from PLC for NCK inputs
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Hardware input
4 Block digital NCK outputs
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Hardware
5 Overwrite mask for digital NCK outputs
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Hardware

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PLC user interface
6.9 NCK signals

6 Value from PLC for digital NCK outputs

Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Hardware
7 Setting mask for NCK outputs
Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Hardware

6.9.4 Signals from fast inputs and outputs

DB2900 Signals from fast inputs and outputs [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Actual value for digital NCK inputs
Input 8 Input 7 Input 6 Input 5 Input 4 Hardware input

4 Setpoint for digital NCK outputs

Output 8 Output 7 Output 6 Output 5 Output 4 Output 3 Output 2 Hardware

DB3000 Mode signals to NCK [r/w]

PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Reset Mode Mode
1 Single block Machine function
Type A Type B REF
2 Machine function 1)
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC

To use the machine function signals in DB3000.DBB2, you must set the "INC inputs in the

operating-mode signal range active" signal (DB2600.DBX1.0) to "1".

DB3100 Mode signals from NCK [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Reset 808 READY Mode
1 Active machine function

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PLC user interface
6.10 Channel signals

2 Machine function
Continuous Var. INC ac‐ 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC ac‐ 10 INC ac‐ 1 INC active
traversing tive active active tive tive

6.10 Channel signals

6.10.1 Signals to NC channel

Control signals to NC channel

DB3200 Signals to NCK channel [r/w]

PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Activate Activate Activate Activate Activate tra‐ Activate tra‐
test run fee‐ M01 single block DRF verse for‐ verse back‐
drate 1)
wards wards
1 Activate Enable pro‐ Activate ref‐
program tection erencing
test zones
2 Activate skip block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

4 Feedrate offset 2)
5 Rapid traverse override
6 Feedrate Rapid tra‐ Path veloci‐ Program Delete Delete dis‐ Read-in dis‐ Federate
override ac‐ verse over‐ ty limiting level abort number of tance -to-go able disable
tive 3) ride active subroutine
7 Suppress NC stop ax‐ NC stop NC stop at NC start NC start
start lock es plus block limit disable
8 Activate machine-related protection zone
Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
9 Activate machine-related protection zone
Area 10 Area 9
10 Activate channel-specific protection zone
Area 5 Area 5 Area 5 Area 5 Area 5 Area 5 Area 5 Area 5

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PLC user interface
6.10 Channel signals

11 Activate channel-specific protection zone

Area 10 Area 9
13 Do not Deactivate Activate fixed feedrate
block tool workpiece Feed 4 Feed 3 Feed 2 Feed 1
14 No tool JOG circle Activate as‐ Negative di‐ Simulate Activate contour handwheel (bit/binary
change sociated rection for contour coded)
commands M01 contour handwheel Handwheel Handwheel
handwheel 2 1
15 Activate Activate Invert con‐
skip block 9 skip block 8 tour hand‐
wheel direc‐
16 Program
Select single-block type selection using the softkey.
31 positions (Gray code)

Controls signals to axes in Work

DB3200 Signals to NCK channel [r/w]

PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Axis 1 in Work
Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel (bit/binary coded) 1)
Plus Minus verse over‐ key dis‐ stop 2 1
ride tance disa‐
1001 Axis 1 in Work
Machine function 2)
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC
direction of
rotation in‐

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PLC user interface
6.10 Channel signals

1004 Axis 2 in Work

Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel (bit/binary coded)
Plus Minus vers over‐ key disable stop 2 1
1005 Axis 2 in Work
Machine function 2)
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC
Invert hand‐
wheel direc‐
1008 Axis 3 in Work
Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traversing Feedrate Activate handwheel (bit/binary coded)
Plus Minus verse over‐ key disable stop 2 1
1009 Axis 3 in Work
Machine function 2)
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC
1011 Invert hand‐
wheel direc‐
The handwheel number is represented according to the $MD_HANDWH_VDI_REPRESENTATION machine data in a bit-
coded (=0) or binary-coded (=1) manner.
Machine function: the machine function is only entered if the "INC inputs in the operating-mode signal range active" signal
(DB2600.DBX1.0) is not set.

6.10.2 Signals from NC channel

Status signals from NC channel

DB3300 Signals from NCK channel [r]

NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Last action M0/M1 ac‐ Approach Action Forwards Backwards Execution
block active tive block active block active traverse ac‐ traverse ac‐ from exter‐
tive tive nal active
1 program M2/M30 ac‐ Block Handwheel Rev. feder‐ Referenc‐
test active tive search ac‐ override ac‐ ate active ing active
tive tive

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PLC user interface
6.10 Channel signals

3 Channel status Program status

Reset Interrupted Active Aborted Interrupted Stopped Waiting Running
4 NCK alarm Channel Channel All axes Stop re‐ Start re‐
with pro‐ specific operational Stationary Referenced quest quest
cessing NCK alarm
stop is active
5 Contour handwheel active (bit/binary co‐
Handwheel Handwheel
2 1

7 Invert con‐ Protection

tour hand‐ zone not
wheel direc‐ guaranteed
8 Machine-related protection zone pre-activated
Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
9 Machine-related protection zone pre-activated
Area 10 Area 9
10 Channel-specific protection zone pre-activated
Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
11 Channel-specific protection zone pre-activated
Area 10 Area 9
12 Machine-related protection zone violated
Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
13 Machine-related protection zone violated
Area 10 Area 9
14 Channel-specific protection zone violated
Area 8 Area 7 Area 6 Area 5 Area 4 Area 3 Area 2 Area 1
15 Channel-specific protection zone violated
Area 10 Area 9

Status signals, axes in Work

DB3300 Signals from NCK channel [r]

NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Axis 1 in Work
Travel command Travel request Handwheel active (bit/binary coded) 1)
Plus Minus Plus Minus 2 1
1001 Axis 1 in Work
Machine function 2)
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC

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PLC user interface
6.10 Channel signals

direction of
rotation in‐
1004 Axis 2 in Work
Traversing command Travel request Handwheel active (bit/binary coded)
Plus Minus Plus Minus 2 1
1005 Axis 2 in Work
Machine function
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC
direction of
rotation in‐
1008 Axis 3 in Work
Traversing command Travel request Handwheel active (bit/binary coded)
Plus Minus Plus Minus 2 1
1009 Axis 3 in Work
Machine function
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC
1011 Contour
direction of
rotation in‐

Additional status signals from NC channel

DB3300 Signals from NCK channel [r]

NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4000 G00 active
4001 Travel re‐ Workpiece External
quest, drive setpoint language
test present reached mode active
4002 Dry run fee‐ Associated STOP_DE‐ ASUP is
drate M01/M00 LAYED stopped
Active Active

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494 List Manual, 01/2017

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PLC user interface
6.10 Channel signals

4003 No tool DELAY DELAY

change FST SUP‐ FST
command PRESS
4004 ProgEvent display
Start after Boot Operator Part pro‐ Part pro‐
block panel gram gram
search Reset End Start from
4005 Jog circle Stop condi‐ StopByColl
Active tion Danger
4006 Dormant ASUP ac‐
ASUP tive
4008 Active transformation number

4009 Reserved

4010 Reserved

4011 Reserved

Asynchronous subroutines (ASUPs): Job

DB3400 ASUP: Result [r/w]

PLC → NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 INT1
1 INT2

Asynchronous subroutines (ASUPs): Result

DB3400 ASUP: Result [r]

NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 INT1
ASUP exe‐ Interrupt ASUP is be‐ ASUP
cution not no. not allo‐ ing execu‐ ended
possible cated ted

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PLC user interface
6.11 Axis/spindle signals

1001 INT2
ASUP exe‐ Interrupt ASUP is be‐ ASUP
cution not no. not allo‐ ing execu‐ ended
possible cated ted

G functions from NCK channel

DB3500 G functions from NCK channel [r]

NCK → PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Active G function of group 1 (8 bit int)
1 Active G function of group 2 (8 bit int)
2 Active G function of group 3 (8 bit int)
... ...
62 Active G function of group 63 (8 bit int)
63 Active G function of group 64 (8 bit int)

6.11 Axis/spindle signals

6.11.1 Transferred M and S functions, axis specific

DB3700 … 3703 M, S functions [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 M function for spindle (DINT)
4 S function for spindle (REAL)

6.11.2 Signals to axis/spindle

Common signals to axis/spindle

DB3800 ... Signals to axis/spindle [r/w]

3803 PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Feedrate override

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PLC user interface
6.11 Axis/spindle signals

1 Override Position Position Follow up Axis spin‐

active measuring measuring mode dle disable
system 2 system 1
2 Reference point value Clamping Distance- Drive ena‐
4 3 2 1 in progress to-go/spin‐ ble
dle reset
3 Axis/spin‐ Velocity/ Activate fixed feedrate Enable ap‐
dle enable spindle Feed 4 Feed 3 Feed 2 Feed 1 proach to
program speed limit‐ fixed stop
test ing
4 Traversing keys Rapid tra‐ Traverse Feedrate Activate handwheel
Plus Minus verse over‐ key disable stop/spin‐ 2 1
ride dle stop
5 Machine function 1)
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC
7 Contour-
direction of
rotation in‐
The machine function is only entered if the signal "INC inputs in the operating-mode signal range active" (DB2600.DBX1.0)
is not set.

Signals to axis

DB3800 ... Signals to axis [r/w]

3803 PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Delay Ref. Module lim‐ Software limit switch Hardware limit switch
pt. ap‐ it enabled Plus Minus Plus Minus
1002 Activate Suppress
program program
test test

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List Manual, 01/2017 497

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PLC user interface
6.11 Axis/spindle signals

Signals to spindle

DB3800 ... Signals to axis [r/w]

3803 PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 Delete S No speed Resynchronize spindle Gear Actual gear stage
value monitoring 2 1 changed C B A
for gear
2001 Invert M3/ Re‐ Feedrate
M4 synchron‐ override for
ize during spindle val‐
positioning id
2002 Setpoint direction of rota‐ Oscillation Oscillation
tion speed controlled
Counter- Clockwise by PLC
2003 Spindle override

Signals to drive

DB3800 ... Signals to axis/spindle [r/w]

3803 PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4000 Holding
4001 Pulse ena‐ Integrator
ble disable
speed con‐

Signals to technology functions

DB3800 ... Signals to axis/spindle [r/w]

3803 PLC -> NCK interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
5000 Torque
tion control‐
ler on
5003 Stop Resume

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498 List Manual, 01/2017

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PLC user interface
6.11 Axis/spindle signals

5006 (spin‐ Spindle po‐ Automatic Setpoint direction of rota‐ Spindle
dle) sitioning gear stage tion stop
change Counter- Clockwise
5007 (cou‐ Delete syn‐
plings) chronism
5008 (SISI-
5009 (SISI-

6.11.3 Signals from axis/spindle

General signals from axis/spindle

DB3900 ... Signals from axis/spindle [r]

3903 NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Position reached Referenced Encoder limit freq. excee‐ Spindle/no
ded axis
With exact/ With exact Synchron‐ Synchron‐ 2 1
stop, fine stop, ized 2 ized 1
1 Current Speed con‐ Position Axis/spin‐ Follow up Axis ready Traversing
controller troller active controller dle station‐ mode active for opera‐ requests
active active ary tion
(n < nmm)
2 Force fixed Fixed stop Activate Measure‐ Handwheel
stop limited reached travel to ment active override ac‐
fixed stop tive
3 AxStop ac‐
4 Travel command Travel request Handwheel active (bit/binary coded)
Plus Minus Plus Minus 2 1
5 Active machine function
Continuous Var. INC 10000 INC 1000 INC 100 INC 10 INC 1 INC

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List Manual, 01/2017 499

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PLC user interface
6.11 Axis/spindle signals

7 Contour-
direction of
rotation in‐

Signals from axis

DB3900 ... Signals from axis [r]

3903 NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Module lim‐
it enabled

1002 Rotary axis Indexing Positioning Path axis Lubrication

in position axis in posi‐ axis pulse

Signals from spindle

DB3900 ... Signals from spindle [r]

3903 NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 Change Setpoint gear stage
gear stage C B A
2001 Actual di‐ Speed Spindle in Overlay Setpoint Speed limit
rection of monitoring setpoint range limit Increased Limited exceeded
rotation, range violated
2002 Active spindle mode Rigid tap‐ GWPS ac‐ Const. Cut‐
Control Oscillation Positioning ping tive ting velocity
mode mode mode active
2003 Spindle in Tool with
position dynamic
reached limiting

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PLC user interface
6.11 Axis/spindle signals

Signals from drive

DB3900 ... Signals from axis/spindle [r]

3903 NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
4000 Holding RLI active
4001 Pulse ena‐ Speed con‐ Drive ready
bled troller inte‐
grator disa‐
4002 nact = nset nact < nx nact < nmin Md < Mdx Ramp-up
4003 Generator VDClink <
operation, alarm
minimum threshold
speed fal‐
led below

Signals from technology functions

DB3900 ... Signals from axis/spindle [r]

3903 NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
5002 Accelera‐ Velocity Superim‐ Actual val‐ Synchronous operation
tion warn‐ warning posed mo‐ ue coupling Coarse Fine
ing thresh‐ threshold tion
old reached reached
5003 Max. accel‐ Max. veloci‐ Synchroni‐ Axis is ac‐ Synchron‐
eration ty reached zation in celerating ism over‐
reached progress ride travel
5007 Synchron‐
ism over‐
ride is fac‐
tored in
5008 (grind‐ Active special axis
ing) Axis 6 Axis 5 Axis 4 Axis 3 Axis 2 Axis 1

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PLC user interface
6.12 PLC machine data

6.12 PLC machine data

6.12.1 INT values (MD 14510 USER_DATA_INT)

DB4500 Signals from NCK [r16]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Int value (WORD/2 byte)
2 Int value (WORD/2 byte)
4 Int value (WORD/2 byte)
6 Int value (WORD/2 byte)
... ...
60 Int value (WORD/2 byte)
62 Int value (WORD/2 byte)

6.12.2 HEX values (MD 14512 USER_DATA_HEX)

DB4500 Signals from NCK [r8]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1000 Hex value (BYTE)
1001 Hex value (BYTE)
1002 Hex value (BYTE)
1003 Hex value (BYTE)
... ...
1030 Hex value (BYTE)
1031 Hex value (BYTE)

6.12.3 FLOAT values (MD 14514 USER_DATA_FLOAT)

DB4500 Signals from NCK [r32]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
2000 Float value (REAL/4 byte)
2004 Float value (REAL/4 byte)
2008 Float value (REAL/4 byte)
2012 Float value (REAL/4 byte)
2016 Float value (REAL/4 byte)
2020 Float value (REAL/4 byte)

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PLC user interface
6.13 Signals, synchronized actions

2024 Float value (REAL/4 byte)

2028 Float value (REAL/4 byte)

6.12.4 User alarm: Configuring (MD 14516 USER_DATA_PLC_ALARM)

DB4500 Signals from NCK [r8]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
3000 Alarm response/cancel criteria, alarm 700000
3001 Alarm response/cancel criteria, alarm 700001
3002 Alarm response/cancel criteria, alarm 700002
... ...
3247 Alarm response/cancel criteria, alarm 700247

For more information about how to configure user alarms, see Section "Editing PLC alarm

6.13 Signals, synchronized actions

6.13.1 Signals, synchronized actions to channel

DB4600 Signals, synchronized actions to channel [r/w]

PLC -> HMI interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Deactivate synchronized action with ID...
1 Deactivate synchronized action with ID...
ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10 ID9
2 Deactivate synchronized action with ID...
ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20 ID19 ID18 ID17

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PLC user interface
6.14 Axis actual values and distance-to-go

6.13.2 Signals, synchronized actions from channel

DB4700 Signals, synchronized actions from channel [r]

NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Synchronized action with ID...can be blocked from the PLC
1 Synchronized action with ID...can be blocked from the PLC
ID16 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10 ID9
2 Synchronized action with ID...can be blocked from the PLC
ID24 ID23 ID22 ID21 ID20 ID19 ID18 ID17

6.13.3 Reading and writing PLC variables

DB4900 PLC variables [r/w]

PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Offset [0]
1 Offset [1]
2 Offset [2]
… …
4094 Offset [4094]
4095 Offset [4095]

The programming engineer (NCK and PLC) is responsible for organizing (structuring) this
memory area. Every storage position in the memory can be addressed provided that the limit
is selected according to the appropriate data format (i.e. a 'DWORD' for a 4byte limit, a WORD
for a 2byte limit, etc.). The memory area is always accessed with the information about the
data type and the position offset within the memory area. The PLC variables can be read or
written in the NC program $A_DBB[n] ("n" stands for the position offset in bytes).

6.14 Axis actual values and distance-to-go

DB5700 ... Signals from axis/spindle [r]

5704 NCK -> PLC interface
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Axis actual value (REAL)
4 Axis distance-to-go (REAL)

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PLC user interface
6.15 Maintenance scheduler: User interface

The axis actual values and distances-to-go can be separately requested:
● DB2600.DBX0001.1 Request axis actual values
● DB2600.DBX0001.2 Request axis distances-to-go
If the particular request is set, then the NCK supplies these values for all axes.

6.15 Maintenance scheduler: User interface

6.15.1 Initial (start) data

DB9903 Initial data table [r16]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Interval 1 [h]
2 Time of first warning 1 [h]
4 Number of warnings to be output 1
6 Reserved 1
8 Interval 2 [h]
10 Time of first warning 2 [h]
11 Number of warnings to be output 2
14 Reserved 2
... ...
248 Interval 32 [h]
250 Time of first warning 32 [h]
252 Number of warnings to be output 32
254 Reserved 32

6.15.2 Actual data

DB9904 Actual data table [r16]

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Interval 1 [h]
2 Number of warnings to be output 1
4 Reserved_1 1
6 Reserved_2 1
8 Interval 2 [h]
10 Number of warnings to be output 2

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PLC user interface
6.16 User interface for ctrl energy

11 Reserved_1 2
14 Reserved_2 2
... ...
248 Interval 32 [h]
250 Number of warnings to be output 32
252 Reserved_1 32
254 Reserved_2 32

6.16 User interface for ctrl energy

Energy saving profile

DB9906 Ctrl energy

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Control signals
Set time to Immediate‐
pre-warn‐ ly activate
ing limit energy sav‐
ing profile
1 Control signals (HMI -> PLC)
ly activate
energy sav‐
ing profile
2 Signals to check/test the energy-saving profile
PLC user Master
signal computer
3 Reserved

4 Status signal
Activation Energy sav‐
time T1 ex‐ ing profile
pired active
5 Reversed

6 Actual value: actual value T1

8 Actual value: actual value T2

10 Effectiveness, profile
Disable en‐ Energy sav‐
ergy saving ing profile
profile configured

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PLC user interface
6.16 User interface for ctrl energy

11 State conditions (HMI -> PLC)

Screen Data trans‐ Operator
change fer panel
12 State conditions (HMI -> PLC)
control pan‐
13 State conditions (HMI -> PLC)
NC channel
1 in reset
15 State conditions (HMI -> PLC)
PLC user Master
signal computer
16 State conditions (HMI -> PLC)
Activation time T1

18 State conditions (HMI -> PLC)

Activation time T2

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PLC user interface
6.16 User interface for ctrl energy

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SINAMICS parameters 7
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters
This section lists only the parameters displayed on the drive BOP and those frequently used
for drive commissioning. For more parameters of the servo drive, see SINUMERIK 808D
ADVANCED HMI through the following operations:

+ → → →
All parameters beginning with "p" are editable parameters, for example, p29000.
All parameters beginning with "r" are read-only parameters, for example, r0018.

Indicates the conditions for making parameterization effective. Two conditions are possible:
● IM (Immediately): Parameter value becomes effective immediately after changing.
● RE (Reset): Parameter value becomes effective after repower-on.

Can be changed
Indicates the state in which a parameter is changeable. Two states are possible:
● U (Run): Can be changed in the "Running" state when the enable signal is available. The
"RDY" LED indicator lights up green.
● T (Ready to run): Can be changed in the "Ready" state when the enable signal is missing.
The "RDY" LED indicator lights up red.

When judging the state of the drive according to the "RDY" LED indicator, ensure that no faults
or alarms exist.

Data type

Type Description
I16 16-bit integer
I32 32-bit integer
U16 16 bits without sign
U32 32 bits without sign
Uint16 16-bit unsigned integer

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Type Description
Uint32 32-bit unsigned integer
Float 32-bit floating point number

Calling help information for V70 parameters

You can call the help information for the V70 drive parameters on the PPU by proceeding
through the following steps:

+ 1. Select the system data operating area.

2. Press this softkey to open the machine data window.

3. Open the drive data list through the following softkey operations:

4. Select the desired parameter using the cursor keys.

5. Press this key to call the help information for the selected parameter.

Note: You can further press this softkey in the current help screen to
show a complete list of all SINAMICS V70 parameters. In addition,
you can also use the following softkey to search for a specific param‐
eter by number in this list:

6. Pressing this softkey exits the help system.

7.1.1 V70 parameters on BOP

The table below lists the parameters displayed on the drive BOP only.

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
r0020 Speed setpoint smoothed - - - rpm Float - -
Description: Displays the currently smoothed speed setpoint at the input of the speed controller or U/f char‐
acteristic (after the interpolator).
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
r0021 Actual speed smoothed - - - rpm Float - -
Description: Displays the smoothed actual value of the motor speed.
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
r0026 DC link voltage smoothed - - - V Float - -
Description: Displays the smoothed actual value of the DC link voltage.
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
r0027 Absolute actual current - - - Arms Float - -
Description: Displays the smoothed absolute actual current value.
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
Dependency: r0068
r0029 Current actual value field- - - - Arms Float - -
generating smoothed
Description: Displays the smoothed field-generating actual current.
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
r0030 Current actual value torque- - - - Arms Float - -
generating smoothed
Description: Displays the smoothed torque-generating actual current.
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
r0031 Actual torque smoothed - - - Nm Float - -
Description: Displays the smoothed torque actual value.
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.
r0032 Active power actual value - - - kW Float - -
Description: Displays the smoothed actual value of the active power.
Significance for the drive: Power output at the motor shaft
r0033 Torque utilization smoothed - - - % Float - -
Description: Displays the smoothed torque utilization as a percentage.
Smoothing time constant = 100 ms
The signal is not suitable as a process quantity and may only be used as a display quantity.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
r0037[0...19] Servo drive temperatures - - - °C Float - -
Description: Displays the temperatures in the servo drive.
● [0] = Inverter, maximum value
● [1] = Depletion layer maximum value
● [2] = Rectifier maximum value
● [3] = Air intake
● [4] = Interior of servo drive
● [5] = Inverter 1
● [6] = Inverter 2
● [7] = Inverter 3
● [8] = Inverter 4
● [9] = Inverter 5
● [10] = Inverter 6
● [11] = Rectifier 1
● [12] = Rectifier 2
● [13] = Depletion layer 1
● [14] = Depletion layer 2
● [15] = Depletion layer 3
● [16] = Depletion layer 4
● [17] = Depletion layer 5
● [18] = Depletion layer 6
● [19] = Cooling system liquid intake
The value of -200 indicates that there is no measuring signal.
● r0037[0]: Maximum value of the inverter temperatures (r0037[5...10]).
● r0037[1]: Maximum value of the depletion layer temperatures (r0037[13...18]).
● r0037[2]: Maximum value of the rectifier temperatures (r0037[11...12]).
The maximum value is the temperature of the hottest inverter, depletion layer, or rectifier.
r0068 Absolute current actual val‐ - - - Arms Float - -
Description: Displays actual absolute current.
For A_INF, S_INF the following applies:
● The value is updated with the current controller sampling time.
The following applies for SERVO:
● The value is updated with a sampling time of 1 ms.
● Absolute current value = sqrt(Iq^2 + Id^2)
● The absolute current actual value is available smoothed (r0027) and unsmoothed (r0068).
Dependency: r0027

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
r0069[0...6] Phase current actual value - - - A Float - -
Description: Displays the measured actual phase currents as peak value.
● [0] = Phase U
● [1] = Phase V
● [2] = Phase W
● [3] = Phase U offset
● [4] = Phase V offset
● [5] = Phase W offset
● [6] = Total U, V, W
In indices 3 ... 5, the offset currents of the 3 phases, which are added to correct the phase currents, are
The sum of the 3 corrected phase currents is displayed in index 6.
r0079[0...1] Torque setpoint total - - - Nm Float - -
Description: Displays the torque setpoint at the output of the speed controller (before clock cycle interpola‐
● [0]: Unsmoothed
● [1]: Smoothed
r0632 Motor temperature model, - - - °C Float - -
stator winding temperature
Description: Displays the stator winding temperature of the motor temperature model.
p0918 Drive Bus address 10 15 10 - U16 RE T
Description: Displays or sets the Drive Bus address for Drive Bus interface on the servo drive.
The address can be set as follows:
Using p0918
● Only if the address 00 hex, 7F hex, 80 hex, or FF hex has been set using the address switch.
● The address is saved in a non-volatile fashion using the function "copy from RAM to ROM".
● A change only becomes effective after a POWER ON.
p1058 Jog 1 speed setpoints 0 210000.0 100 rpm Float IM T
Description: Sets the speed/velocity for jog 1. Jogging is level-triggered and allows the motor to be incre‐
mentally moved.
p1082 Maximum speed 0.000 210000.0 1500.00 rpm Float IM T
00 0
Description: Sets the highest possible speed.
Dependency: p0322
p1083 Speed limit in positive direc‐ 0.000 210000.0 210000. rpm Float IM T, U
tion of rotation 00 000
Description: Sets the maximum speed for the positive direction.
p1086 Speed limit in negative direc‐ -210000. 0.000 -210000 rpm Float IM T, U
tion of rotation 000 .000
Description: Sets the speed limit for the negative direction.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
p1120 Ramp-function generator 0.000 999999.0 10.000 s Float IM T, U
ramp-up time 00
Description: The ramp-function generator ramps-up the speed setpoint from standstill (setpoint = 0) up to
the maximum speed (p1082) in this time.
Dependency: p1082
p1121 Ramp-function generator 0.000 999999.0 10.000 s Float IM T, U
ramp-down time 00
Description: The ramp-function generator ramps-down the speed setpoint from the maximum speed (p1082)
down to standstill (setpoint = 0) in this time.
Further, the ramp-down time is always effective for OFF1.
Dependency: p1082
p1215 Motor holding brake config‐ 0 3 0 - I16 IM T
Description: Sets the holding brake configuration.
● 0: No motor holding brake being used
● 1: Motor holding brake according to sequence control
● 2: Motor holding brake always open
● 3: Motor holding brake like sequence control
Dependency: p1216, p1217, p1226, p1227, p1228
p1216 Motor holding brake, open‐ 0 10000 100 ms Float IM T, U
ing time
Description: Sets the time to open the motor holding brake.
After controlling the holding brake (opens), the speed/velocity setpoint remains at zero for this time. After
this, the speed/velocity setpoint is enabled.
This time should be set longer than the actual opening time of the brake, which ensures that the drive cannot
accelerate when the brake is applied.
Dependency: p1215, p1217
p1217 Motor holding brake closing 0 10000 100 ms Float IM T, U
Description: Sets the time to apply the motor holding brake.
After OFF1 or OFF3 and the holding brake is controlled (the brake closes), then the drive remains closed-
loop controlled for this time stationary with a speed setpoint/velocity setpoint of zero. The pulses are sup‐
pressed when the time expires.
This time should be set longer than the actual closing time of the brake, which ensures that the pulses are
only suppressed after the brake has closed.
Dependency: p1215, p1216

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
p1226 Threshold for zero speed de‐ 0.00 210000.0 20.00 rpm Float IM T, U
tection 0
Description: Sets the speed threshold for the standstill identification.
Acts on the actual value and setpoint monitoring.
● When braking with OFF1 or OFF3, when the threshold is undershot, standstill is identified.
The following applies when the brake control is activated:
● When the threshold is undershot, the brake control is started and the system waits for the brake closing
time in p1217. The pulses are then suppressed.
If the brake control is not activated, the following applies:
● When the threshold is undershot, the pulses are suppressed and the drive coasts down.
Dependency: p1215, p1216, p1217, p1227
p1227 Zero speed detection moni‐ 0.000 300.000 300.000 s Float IM T, U
toring time
Description: Sets the monitoring time for the standstill identification.
When braking with OFF1 or OFF3, standstill is identified after this time has expired, after the setpoint speed
has fallen below p1226.
After this, the brake control is started, the system waits for the closing time in p1217 and then the pulses
are suppressed.
Dependency: p1215, p1216, p1217, p1226
p1228 Pulse suppression delay 0.000 299.000 0.000 s Float IM T, U
Description: Sets the delay time for pulse suppression.
After OFF1 or OFF3 and zero speed detection, the system waits for this time to expire and the pulses are
then suppressed.
Standstill is identified in the following cases:
● The speed actual value falls below the speed threshold in p1226 and the time started after this in p1228
has expired.
● The speed setpoint falls below the speed threshold in p1226 and the time started after this in p1227 has
Dependency: p1226, p1227
p1414 Speed setpoint filter activa‐ - - 0000 bin - U16 IM T, U
Description: Setting for activating/de-activating the speed setpoint filter.
If only one filter is required, filter 1 should be activated and filter 2 de-activated, to avoid excessive processing
Dependency: The individual speed setpoint filters are parameterized as of p1415.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
p1415 Speed setpoint filter 1 type 0 2 0 - I16 IM T, U
Description: Sets the type for speed setpoint filter 1.
● 0: Low pass: PT1
● 1: Low pass: PT2
● 2: General 2nd-order filter
● PT1 low pass: p1416
● PT2 low pass: p1417, p1418
● General filter: p1417 ... p1420
p1416 Speed setpoint filter 1 time 0.00 5000.00 0.00 ms Float IM T, U
Description: Sets the time constant for the speed setpoint filter 1 (PT1).
This parameter is only effective if the filter is set as a PT1 low pass.
Dependency: p1414, p1415
p1417 Speed setpoint filter 1 de‐ 0.5 16000.0 1999.0 Hz Float IM T, U
nominator natural frequency
Description: Sets the denominator natural frequency for speed setpoint filter 1 (PT2, general filter).
This parameter is only effective if the speed filter is parameterized as a PT2 low pass or as general filter.
The filter is only effective if the natural frequency is less than half of the sampling frequency.
Dependency: p1414, p1415
p1418 Speed setpoint filter 1 de‐ 0.001 10.000 0.700 - Float IM T, U
nominator damping
Description: Sets the denominator damping for velocity setpoint filter 1 (PT2, general filter).
This parameter is only effective if the speed filter is parameterized as a PT2 low pass or as general filter.
Dependency: p1414, p1415
p1419 Speed setpoint filter 1 nu‐ 0.5 16000.0 1999.0 Hz Float IM T, U
merator natural frequency
Description: Sets the numerator natural frequency for speed setpoint filter 1 (general filter).
This parameter is only effective if the speed filter is set as a general filter.
The filter is only effective if the natural frequency is less than half of the sampling frequency.
Dependency: p1414, p1415
p1420 Speed setpoint filter 1 nu‐ 0.000 10.000 0.700 - Float IM T, U
merator damping
Description: Sets the numerator damping for speed setpoint filter 1 (general filter).
This parameter is only effective if the speed filter is set as a general filter.
Dependency: p1414, p1415
p1460 Speed controller P gain 0.000 999999.0 0.300 Nms/ Float IM T, U
adaptation speed, lower 00 rad
Description: Sets the P gain of the speed controller before the adaptation speed range.
This value corresponds to the basic setting of the P gain of the speed controller without adaptation.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
p1462 Speed controller integral 0.00 100000.0 20.00 ms Float IM T, U
time adaptation speed lower 0
Description: Sets the integration time of the speed controller before the adaptation speed range.
This value corresponds to the basic setting of the integral time of the speed controller without adaptation.
p1520 Torque limit upper/motoring -1000000 2000000 0.00 Nm Float IM T, U
.00 0.00
Description: Sets the fixed upper torque limit or the torque limit when motoring.
Negative values when setting the upper torque limit (p1520 < 0) can result in the motor accelerating in an
uncontrollable fashion.
The maximum value depends on the maximum torque of the connected motor.
Dependency: p1521
p1521 Torque limit lower/regenera‐ -2000000 1000000. 0.00 Nm Float IM T, U
tive 0.00 00
Description: Sets the fixed lower torque limit or the torque limit when regenerating.
Positive values when setting the lower torque limit (p1521 > 0) can result in the motor accelerating in an
uncontrollable fashion.
The maximum value depends on the maximum torque of the connected motor.
Dependency: p1520
p1656 Activates current setpoint fil‐ - - 0001 bin - U16 IM T, U
Description: Setting for activating/de-activating the current setpoint filter.
If not all of the filters are required, then the filters should be used consecutively starting from filter 1.
Dependency: The individual current setpoint filters are parameterized as of p1657.
p1657 Current setpoint filter 1 type 1 2 1 - I16 IM T, U
Description: Sets the current setpoint filter 1 as low pass (PT2) or as extended general 2nd-order filter.
● 1: Low pass: PT2
● 2: General 2nd-order filter
Dependency: Current setpoint filter 1 is activated via p1656.0 and parameterized via p1657 ... p1661.
p1658 Current setpoint filter 1 de‐ 0.5 16000.0 1999.0 Hz Float IM T, U
nominator natural frequency
Description: Sets the denominator natural frequency for current setpoint filter 1 (PT2, general filter).
Dependency: Current setpoint filter 1 is activated via p1656.0 and parameterized via p1657 ... p1661.
p1659 Current setpoint filter 1 de‐ 0.001 10.000 0.700 - Float IM T, U
nominator damping
Description: Sets the denominator damping for current setpoint filter 1.
Dependency: Current setpoint filter 1 is activated via p1656.0 and parameterized via p1657 ... p1661.
p1660 Current setpoint filter 1 nu‐ 0.5 16000.0 1999.0 Hz Float IM T, U
merator natural frequency
Description: Sets the numerator natural frequency for current setpoint filter 1 (general filter)
Dependency: Current setpoint filter 1 is activated via p1656.0 and parameterized via p1657 ... p1661.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
p1661 Current setpoint filter 1 nu‐ 0.000 10.000 0.700 - Float IM T, U
merator damping
Description: Sets the numerator damping for current setpoint filter 1.
Dependency: Current setpoint filter 1 is activated via p1656.0 and parameterized via p1657 ... p1661.
r2114[0...1] System runtime total - - - - U32 - -
Description: Displays the total system runtime for the drive unit.
The time comprises r2114[0] (milliseconds) and r2114[1] (days).
After r2114[0] has reached a value of 86.400.000 ms (24 hours) this value is reset and r2114[1] is incre‐
● [0] = Milliseconds
● [1] = Days
p2153 Speed actual value filter 0 1000000 0 ms Float IM T, U
time constant
Description: Sets the time constant of the PT1 element to smooth the speed/velocity actual value.
The smoothed actual speed/velocity is compared with the threshold values and is only used for messages
and signals.
p29000 Motor type selection 0 54251 - - U16 IM T
Description: Motor type number is printed on the motor rating plate as motor ID. For a motor with an incre‐
mental encoder, you need to manually input the parameter value, ranging from 18 to 39. For a motor with
an absolute encoder, the drive reads the parameter value automatically, ranging from 10009 to 10048.
p29002 BOP operating display se‐ 0 2 0 - U16 IM T, U
Description: BOP operating display selection.
● 0: Actual speed
● 1: DC voltage
● 2: Actual torque
r29018[0...1] Firmware version - - - - U32 - -
Description: Firmware version.
● [0]: Firmware version number
● [1]: Build increment number
Index [1] only applies to V70 firmware versions higher than 1.00.
For example, when r29018[0] = 10100 and r29018[1] = 10, the firmware version is displayed as
on the HMI.

7.1.2 Drive basic list on HMI

The drive basic list on HMI contains the most frequently used drive parameters for
commissioning. You can also view them through the following operations:

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SINAMICS parameters
7.1 SINAMICS V70 parameters

+ → →

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
p0977 Save all parameters 0 1013 [0] 0 - U16 IM T, U
Saves all parameters of the drive system to the non-volatile memory. When saving, only the adjustable pa‐
rameters intended to be saved are taken into account.
Dependency: p0976
Memory card inserted:
The drive parameterization is also saved on the card. Any backed-up data is overwritten!
The Control Unit power supply may only be powered down after data has been saved (i.e. after data save
has been started, wait until the parameter again has the value 0). Writing to parameters is inhibited while
Parameters saved with p0977 = 10, 11 or 12 can be downloaded again with p0976 = 10, 11 or 12.
p1460[0...n] Speed controller P gain adap‐ 0.000 999999.0 0.300 Nms/ Float IM T, U
tation speed lower 00 rad
Sets the P gain of the speed controller before the adaptation speed range (0 ... p1464). This value corresponds
to the basic setting of the P gain of the speed controller without adaptation (p1461 = 100 %).
Dependency: p1461
When automatically calculating the speed controller, only the motor moment of inertia is taken into account
(p0341). For higher load moments of inertia (p0342 > 1 or p1498 > 0), you are advised to check the speed
controller gain.
p1461[0...n] Speed controller Kp adapta‐ 0.0 200000.0 [0] [%] Float IM T, U
tion speed upper scaling 100.0
Sets the P gain of the speed controller for the upper adaptation speed range (> p1465). The entry is made
referred to the P gain for the lower adaptation speed range of the speed controller (% referred to p1460).
Dependency: p1460
When automatically calculating the speed controller, only the motor moment of inertia is taken into account
(p0341). For higher load moments of inertia (p0342 > 1 or p1498 > 0), you are advised to check the speed
controller gain.
p1462 Speed controller integral time 0.00 100000.0 20.00 ms Float IM T, U
adaptation speed lower 0
Sets the integration time of the speed controller before the adaptation speed range (0 ... p1464).
This value corresponds to the basic setting of the integral time of the speed controller without adaptation
(p1461 = 100 %).
Dependency: p1463

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SINAMICS parameters
7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters

Par. No. Name Min Max Factory Unit Data type Effective Can be
setting changed
p1821[0...n] Direction of rotation 0 1 [0] 0 - I16 IM -
Setting to change the direction of rotation. If the parameter is changed, it reverses the direction of rotation of
the motor and the encoder actual value without changing the setpoint.
Dependency: F07434
Changing the direction using p1820 or p1821 is not recognized by the "Safe Direction without encoder". As
a consequence, the limit provided by SDI (Safe Direction) from r9733 no longer functions.
An appropriate fault is output for a drive data set changeover where the direction of rotation changes and the
pulses are enabled.
For operation with the phase sequence U/V/W, the direction of rotation is defined when viewing the face side
of the motor output shaft.
When changing the direction of rotation, the rotating field direction of the current controller is reversed. The
speed actual value (e.g. r0063) is also reversed so that the control sense is kept and internally causing the
direction of rotation to be reversed with the same setpoint. Further, the position actual values of the actual
encoder are reversed (e.g. r0482[0...2]).
p29000 Motor ID 0 54251 [0] 0 - U16 IM T
Motor type number is printed on the motor rating plate as motor ID.
For a motor with an incremental encoder, users need to manually input the parameter value, ranging from 18
to 39. For a motor with an absolute encoder, the drive automatically reads the parameter value, ranging from
10009 to 10048.
Dependency: -
r3998[0...n] First drive commissioning 0 65535 - - U16 IM -
Displays whether the drive still has to be commissioned for the first time.
0 = Yes
2 = No
Dependency: -

7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters

Editable parameters

Par. No. Name Range Default Increment Unit Effective

P01 Parameter write protection 0-1 0 1 - Immediately
0: Sets all parameters other than P01 as read-only parameters.
1: Sets all parameters to be both readable and writable.
P01 automatically resets to 0 after power-on.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters

Par. No. Name Range Default Increment Unit Effective

P05 Internal enable 0-1 0 1 - Immediately
0: JOG mode can be enabled externally.
1: JOG mode can be enabled internally.
P05 automatically resets to 0 after power-on.
P16 Maximum motor current 0-100 100 1 % Power On
This parameter specifies the maximum motor current (2 x rated motor current) of your choice.
P20 * Speed loop proportional gain 0.01-5.00 Depends on 0.01 Nm*s/rad Immediately
drive version
Factory defaults:
4 Nm: 0.81 (0.54); 6 Nm: 1.19 (0.79); 7.7 Nm: 1.50 (1.00); 10 Nm: 2.10 (1.40)
Default value varies with software version.
This parameter specifies the proportional gain (Kp, proportional component) of speed control loop.
The bigger the value, the higher the gain and rigidity. The setting depends on specific drive and load. Generally,
the bigger the load inertia, the bigger the value is to set. If however, there is no oscillation occurred in the system,
you can set the value as big as possible.
P21 * Speed loop integral time con‐ 0.1-300.0 Depends on 0.1 ms Immediately
stant drive version
Factory defaults:
4 Nm: 17.7 (44.2); 6 Nm: 17.7 (44.2); 7.7 Nm: 17.7 (44.2); 10 Nm: 18.0 (45.0)
Default value varies with software version.
This parameter specifies the integral action time (Tn, integral component) of speed control loop.
The smaller the value, the higher the gain and rigidity. The setting depends on specific drive and load.
P26 Maximum motor speed 0-2200 2200 20 rpm Power On
Sets the maximum possible motor speed.
P30 * Position loop proportional 0.1-3.2 3.0 (2.0) 0.1 1000/min Immediately
● This parameter specifies the proportional gain of position loop.
● The bigger the value, the higher both the gain and rigidity, and at the same pulse command frequency the
smaller the position hysteresis. However, excessively high value setting may cause system oscillation or
● The setting depends on specific drive and load.
P31* Position loop feedforward 0-100 85 (0) 1 % Immediately
● This parameter specifies the feedforward gain of position loop.
● Setting the value to 100 % means position hysteresis is always 0 at any pulse command frequency.
● Increasing the feedforward gain of position loop improves the high-speed response characteristics of the
control system, but meanwhile causes the system's position loop unstable and liable to oscillation.
● Unless very high response characteristics are necessary, set the feedforward gain of position loop to 0.
P34 Maximum following error 20-999 500 1 100 pulses Immediately
This parameter specifies the maximum possible following error. When the actual following error is larger than the
setpoint, the drive sends an over-position alarm (A43)

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SINAMICS parameters
7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters

Par. No. Name Range Default Increment Unit Effective

P36 Input pulse multiplier 1, 2, 4, 5, 1 - - Power On
8, 10, 16,
20, 100,
This parameter specifies the input pulse multiplier. For example, when P36 = 100, input frequency = 1 kHz, output
frequecy = 1 kHz × 100 = 100 kHz
Pulse frequency setpoint = Actual pulse frequency x input pulse multiplier;
This parameter is applicable only when the software version is V01.06 or later;
When P36 = 100 or 1000, speed stability will decrease with higher multiplication factor.
P38 Pulse tracking enable 0-1 0 1 - Power On
This parameter enables/disables the pulse tracking function.
0: Disables the pulse tracking function.
● No matter whether the difference between the position setpoint and the position actual value is smaller than
1000 pulses or not when the drive is in "S-2", "S-3", or "S-4" state, both the two values will be set to 0 after
the drive becomes "S-Run".
1: Enables the pulse tracking function.
● If it's detected that the difference between the position setpoint and the position actual value is smaller than
or equal to 1000 pulses when the drive is in "S-2", "S-3", or "S-4" state, the motor will be aligned to the position
setpoint after the drive becomes "S-Run".
● If it's detected that the difference between the position setpoint and the position actual value is greater than
1000 pulses when the drive is in "S-2", "S-3", or "S-4" state, Fault A24 is thrown out after the drive becomes
This parameter is applicable only when the software version is V01.08 or later.
P41 Brake open delay 20-2000 100 10 ms Power On
When the drive is enabled, the drive brake will be opened after a delay which is set by P41.
Drive can be enabled under the following conditions:

A: When the following three conditions are all met:

● Terminal 65 (external enable) has been enabled;
● The drive has received an enable signal from NC;
● No alarm is detected by the drive.
B: When the following two conditions are both met:
● Terminal 65 (control enable) has been activated;
● Motor operates in "JOG-RUN" mode (enabled from function menu )
C: When the following two conditions are both met:
● P05 = 1 (The JOG mode can be enabled internally);
● Motor operates in "JOG-RUN' mode (enabled from function menu )
P42 Brake close time while motor 20-2000 100 10 ms Power On
When motor speed exceeds 30 rpm and the drive generates an alarm, if, within the specified brake close time
(P42), actual motor speed remains bigger than brake close speed setpoint (P43), brake is closed after the specified
brake close time (P42) expires.

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SINAMICS parameters
7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters

Par. No. Name Range Default Increment Unit Effective

P43 Brake close speed while mo‐ 20-2000 100 20 r/min Power on
tor operation
When motor speed exceeds 30 rpm and the drive generates an alarm, if, within the specified brake close time
(P42), the actual motor speed becomes smaller than the P43 setpoint, brake is closed when the actual speed
reaches the speed P43 sets.
P44 Drive enable time after the 20-2000 600 10 ms Power on
brake close
When motor speed is lower than 30 rpm, the drive remains enabled within the time period set by P44 after brake
P46 JOG speed 0-2000 200 10 rpm Immediately
This parameter specifies the motor speed in JOG mode.
P47 Ramp-up/-down time con‐ 0.0 – 10.0 4.0 0.1 s Power on
This parameter defines the time period when the motor ramps up from 0 rpm to 2,000 rpm or ramps down from
2, 000 rpm to 0 rpm in JOG mode.
P99 Reserved for Siemens internal use only

For parameters with an asterisk (*), the values in brackets are the second default values. For
details, see Section "Function menu" in the SINUMERIK 808D/SINUMERIK 808D ADVANCED
Commissioning Manual.

Display data (read-only)

Data Name Data for‐ Unit Data Display example

no. mat group
D10 1) Torque setpoint Decimal Nm Current
D11 1)
Actual value of the torque Nm
D12 1)
Actual value of the A
phase current
D20 Motor speed setpoint Integer RPM Speed -
D21 Actual motor speed RPM
D30 Position revolution set‐ Motor revo‐ Position -
point lutions
D31 Position angle setpoint Increments
D32 Actual position revolu‐ Motor revo‐
tions lutions
D33 Actual position angle Increments
D34 Position deviation angle Increments

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SINAMICS parameters
7.2 SINAMICS V60 parameters

Data Name Data for‐ Unit Data Display example

no. mat group
D50 2) Digital input signal Bit Bits in hex I/O



D51 2) Digital output signal Bits in hex





D80 1) Firmware version Decimal HW, FW

D81 Power Board rated cur‐ Integer -

D82 1) Parameter version num‐ Decimal
The type of these display data is all decimal format.
The display value for these display data respectively varies as the case may require.

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