Apomixis Molecular Life of Plants
Apomixis Molecular Life of Plants
Apomixis Molecular Life of Plants
Figure 16.43 Mechanisms of gametophytic apomixis compared with normal sexual fertilization. In each case, female
reproduction occurs in the nucellus of the ovule, where a single cell typically becomes the megaspore mother cell (MMC). (A) Sexual
fertilization. Meiosis of the 2n MMC gives rise to the four haploid cells of the reduced embryo sac. Double fertilization results in
diploid embryo and triploid endosperm. (B) Diplosporous apomixis. In this type, there is no meiotic reduction of the MMC. The
embryo is 2n without fertilization and only the sperm cell nucleus destined to form endosperm penetrates the embryo sac. (C) In
apospory, the MMC undergoes meiotic reduction, but one or more embryo sacs form from 2n aposporous initials adjacent to the
MMC or megaspore. Endosperm may result from the fusion of one sperm nucleus with the polar nucleus. In apospory and
diplospory, endosperm may also form in the absence of a pollen nucleus.
form of gametophytic apomixis is apospory, exemplified into major crop species has the prospect of
by members of the hawkweed genus (Hieracium). In revolutionizing crop breeding. Many of the most
apospory the embryo sac is derived from one or more productive and stress-resistant agricultural and
somatic ovule cells, called aposporous initials. Diploid horticultural crop varieties are hybrids. The superior
embryo sacs can differentiate from aposporous initials at performance of the progeny of a cross between two
various times during ovule development and may coexist inbred parents is called heterosis or hybrid vigor.
with meiotically haploid embryo sacs in the same ovule Conversely, the consequence of self-pollinating hybrids
or may continue to develop while the haploid sexual over several generations is inbreeding depression, that
embryo sac degenerates (Figure 16.43C). is, progressive reduction in heterozygosity and vigor. An
Apomixis has been called an evolutionary dead end or example of the exploitation of heterosis in a major crop
blind alley because of its postulated association with is maize. The discoverer of heterosis in maize was
genetic uniformity, low adaptive potential and the Charles Darwin, who noted that the progeny of
accumulation of deleterious mutations. On the other cross-pollinated maize were 25% taller than the progeny
hand apomixis, like other forms of asexual reproduction of inbred parents. Hybrid varieties were first developed
(discussed in detail in Section 11.4.2 and in Chapter 17), by maize breeders early in the 20th century. Since that
is an abundant and widely distributed attribute that time their use has increased, together with crop yields,
clearly confers adaptive and evolutionary advantages in until today hybrids are planted in about 95% of maize
dynamic natural populations. This makes the genetic acreage in the United States, and two-thirds worldwide.
regulation of apomixis a subject of ecological interest. Figure 16.44 shows that the heterotic effect is apparent
Apomixis has also attracted agronomic and not only in grain yield at maturity but also from the
biotechnological attention because introducing the trait earliest phase of seedling development.
622 Part VI Renewal
Inbred A
Inbred B
Inbred A Hybrid A × B Inbred B Hybrid A × B
Figure 16.44 Heterosis in maize. (A) Grain yield in the hybrid between A and B exceeds that of either inbred parent. (B) Hybrid
vigor is expressed from the earliest stages of seedling growth.
The downside to F1 hybrid varieties is that they do not segregation, meiosis is totally replaced by mitosis. Such
breed true, and suffer from inbreeding depression if so-called MiMe plants produce diploid male and female
propagated by conventional methods of seed gametes that are genetically identical to their parent, and
multiplication. It is therefore necessary to recreate the ploidy doubles at each generation. As more detailed
hybrid each season by crossing inbred parents, an molecular understanding of meiosis and apomixis is
expensive and time-consuming business. This is where acquired, new tools and approaches such as MiMe plants
interest in apomixis comes in, because it offers the are becoming available to help the biotechnologist and
prospect of creating hybrids that propagate asexually via plant breeder reach the goal of being able to manipulate
seeds and in which desirable traits are therefore the reproductive systems of crops at will.
transmitted faithfully to the progeny. The genus
Tripsacum (gamagrass), which is related to Zea, includes