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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 6

3rd Quarter

Content Standard

Students will understand identify different types of simple machines.

Performance Standard

Students should be able to discuss the purpose and basic functions of each type of
simple machine.

Learning competencies

Leaners will be able to design a simple machine based on the principles of levers,
inclined planes, pulleys, wheels and axles, screws, or wedges.

I. Objectives

a. Identify the different types of simple machines.

b. Explain the purpose and basic functions of each type of simple machine.
c. Design a simple machine that effectively performs a specific task.

II. Subject Matter

d. Topic: Simple Machines
e. Materials: Video Presentation, Laptop, Pictures, cardboard, popsicle sticks,
rubber bands, string, paper clips
f. Reference: SCI6-Q3-MODULE2

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Good morning class! "Good morning ma'am!"

How are you today? "We're good ma'am"


Can everyone stand up and let us pray. [Students stands up and pray]

[Student name], can you please lead the "Yes ma'am"

Checking of Attendance [Students sits down]

Okay, sit down class. I will be checking

your attendance.

Please raise your hand and say present

as I call on your name.

A. Motivation
"Yes ma'am"
Okay good morning again class. Are you
all excited for today’s lesson?

Before we start our lesson, I’m going to

show you pictures and tell me what are
these. Please raise your hand if you want
to answer.

Picture A


Picture B


Picture C

Very good!

B. Presentation

Does everybody have an idea of our

lesson? Please raise your hand if you (student raise hands)
want to answer

Yes (students name)

“Machine ma’am”

Very good! You may think some of the

examples are not machine, right? But
they are.

We are going to learn about simple

machines, these are the 6 types of them.
C. Discussion

Simple machine, any of several devices

with few or no moving parts that are
used to modify motion and the
magnitude of a force in order to perform

1. Lever

- a bar who turns or switches on a fixed

point called fulcrum. It can be used to
move or carry objects
Examples: seesaw, bottle openers, claws
of hammer, crowbar

2. Pulley

- it is a grooved wheel with a rope

moving over it. It is used to lift and lower
heavy objects

Example: crane, flagpole, elevator,

window blinds

3. Wedge

-a devise shaped like an inclined plane

that uses the sharp narrow end to cut
through a material

Example: axe, knife, bolo

4. Screw

- inclined plane wrapped around a

cylinder to form a spiral. It is used to join
or fastened two objects together

Example: faucets, bottle cap, light bulb,

jar lid.

5. Inclined Plane

- a ramp or slope that reduces the force

needed to exert in lifting objects

Example: stairs, ladders, playground


6. Wheel and Axle

- a devise in which a wheel is centered in

a rod or axle.

Example: gear, wheels of vehicle, bicycle


D. Post-Discussion

Okay class I’m going to form you into 6

groups, I will give you each one a picture
of a simple machine. At the back of the
picture write what type of simple machine
and the function of it

Group 1
Group 2

Lever - You use scissors for cutting

things such as paper and cloth.

Group 3

Pulley - to fly flags

Group 4

Wedge - to shape, split, and cut wood.


Group 5

Screw - A faucet is a device that controls

the flow of a liquid or gas from a pipe or
Group 6

Inclined Plane - a roof as a permanent

umbrella for your the home

E. Application

Great job, everyone! I hope you enjoyed Wheel and Axle - cooling down your
the activity. Now, to test if you have room (and yourself), dealing with
really understand the types of simple smokers, sleeping easier, keeping
machine I will give you a activity. humidity in check, protecting your
bathroom and accentuating your room.

Instruction: With the materials that I

gave you, design a simple machine that
can lift a small object.

(cardboard, popsicle sticks, rubber bands,

string, paper clips)

F. Generalization

Fantastic job, everyone! To see if you Possible Design

have understand our lesson I will ask you
question, please raise your hand if you
want to answer.

What is the purpose of simple machines?

Very good! Can you tell what are the six

types of simple machine?
Good job!

(student’s raise hand) I think all simple

machines we talked about today are
designed to make work easier.
G. Evaluation

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the

best answer.
(student’s raise hand) Lever, Pulley,
1. What kind of simple machine has a
Wedge, Screw, Inclined Plane, Wheel and
sharp edge that can split things apart?

a. Wheel and axle

b. Wedge

c. Screw

d. Pulley

2. What kind of simple machine has a rod

that goes through the wheel and it lets
the wheel turn?

a. Wheel and axle

b. Screw

c. Wedge

d. Pulley

3. What kind of simple machine is made

up of a wheel and a rope that fits on the
groove of the wheel?

a. Wheel and axle

b. Pulley

c. Wedge

d. Screw

4. What kind of simple machine has a

board or bar that rests on a turning point
and moves around increase and decrease
effort? to

a. Lever

b. Screw

c. Inclined Plane Answer:

1. c
d. Pulley
2. a

3. d
H. Assignment
4. d
Give me simple machine that you use in
everyday life and write what type of 5. b
simple machine it is.

Prepared by:
Lowela Joy Andarza


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