Social Science Sec 2023-24
Social Science Sec 2023-24
Social Science Sec 2023-24
Chapter No. Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcome with Specific
and Name Competencies
I Examine the impact of the Watch Videos/ read Textual materials/ Infer how the French Revolution
French Revolution on the read related novels on the French had an impact on the European
The Rise of European countries in the revolution followed by a Class room countries in the making of nation
Nationalism making of the Nation state. discussion and presentation. state.
in Europe
Explore the nature of the World café/ Panel discussion/ debate Enumerate and evaluate the
diverse social movements of using Collaborative learning, to explore validity of the nature of the
the time. (1830-1848) the diverse social groups and present it diverse social movements of the
as a group. time
Examine the ways by which
the idea of nationalism Use of graphic organizers to explain Analyse and infer how the idea
emerged and led to the the idea of unification of states to form of nationalism emerged and led
formation of nation states. one nation. (Italy/ Germany/ Greece) to the formation of nation states
in Europe and elsewhere.
Comprehend how the World Visual representation of the map of
War I was triggered by the Pre-First World War Europe followed Illustrate that ,the quest for
scramble for colonies in the by the Class discussion and reflection imperialism triggered the First
Balkan states activity based on the map of Post First World War.
World War Europe
II Explore various facets of Sequence chart/ story Board/ Story Illustrate various facets of
Nationalistic movements that telling pedagogy to Illustrate various Nationalistic movements that
ushered in the sense of facets of Nationalistic movements that ushered in the sense of
Collective Belonging ushered in the sense of Collective Collective Belonging
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Nationalism Discuss the impact of the Students will examine textual content Summarize the aspects of the
in India first world war on triggering and other references and Present First World War that triggered
two defining movements through PPT. two defining movements
(Khilafat & Non-cooperation (Khilafat & Non-cooperation
Movement) in India. Viewing the relevant Snippets from the Movement) in India
movies/ video clippings depicting
Assess/ appraise the role of various events involving Gandhiji and Evaluate the effectiveness of the
Mahatma Gandhi and other other leaders and present findings strategies applied by Gandhiji
leaders in the two through a panel discussion or and other leaders in the Two
movements (NCM & CDM) seminars. movements.
III Explore various aspects of Initiate an Inquiry based learning using Summarize the changes that
how the world changed world café’ strategy and present your transformed the world in terms of
profoundly in the 19th findings through café conversation economy, political, cultural and
The Making of century in terms of strategy of each area (transformed the
technological areas.
a Global Economic, Political, Social, world in terms of economy, political,
World Cultural and technological cultural and technological aspects.)
areas. Art integration and gallery walk to Depict the global
depict the interconnectedness. interconnectedness from the Pre
Sub topic 1 Analyse the destructive Students examine the photographic modern to the present day.
impact of colonialism on the
The pre display/ new paper cutting that depict
economy and the livelihoods Enumerate the destructive
modern world the destructive impact of colonialism
of colonised people.
on the livelihoods of colonised people impact of colonialism on the
and present their understandings in the livelihoods of colonised people
form of Newsletter/ cartoon strips/ Inter
Disciplinary Project
Chapter No. Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcome With Specific
and Name Competencies
1 Examines and comprehends Read relevant Newspaper articles/ Enumerate the need for power
how democracies handle clippings on Power sharing and present sharing in democracy.
Power - demands and need for the findings in the form of flow chart
sharing power sharing. Discuss various forms of power-sharing Analyse and infer the challenges
Classroom discussion on challenges faced by Belgium and Sri Lanka
Analyse the Challenges faced by Belgium& Sri Lanka in in ensuring Power sharing.
faced by countries like ensuring effective power sharing
Belgium and Sri Lanka Socratic discussion on Power Sharing Compare and contrast the power
ensuring effective power Techniques used by India, Sri Lanka sharing of India with Sri Lanka
sharing and Belgium and Belgium
Read Textual resource and other Summarize the purpose of
resources and present findings through power sharing in preserving the
graphic organizers unity and stability of a country.
2 Comprehend the theory and Group discussion on the distribution of Analyse and infer how
Practice of Federalism in powers between Union and state federalism is being practised in
Federalism India. Government and present the outcomes India.
through presentations.
Analyse the policies and Analyse and infer how the
politics that has Debate on policies and politics that policies and politics that has
strengthened federalism in strengthens Federalism in practice and strengthens federalism in
practice. present through mind map practice.
3 Examines the role and Skit/ street play to enumerate how the Enumerates how the differences
differences of Gender, differences in gender, religion and in gender, religion and caste
Gender, religion and Caste in caste impact the practicing healthy or impact the practicing healthy or
Religion and practicing Democracy in otherwise in a Democracy. otherwise in a Democracy
Caste India.
Analyses the different Graphic method to Analyse and infer Analyses and infers how
expressions based on these how different expressions based on different expressions based on
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differences are healthy or differences in Gender, Religion and the differences in Gender,
otherwise in a democracy Caste are healthy or unhealthy in a Religion and Caste are healthy
democracy. or unhealthy in a democracy
4 Examine the role, purpose Role play the role, purpose and no. of Enumerates the role, purpose,
and no. of Political Parties in Political Parties in Democracy and no. of Political Parties in
Political Democracy Democracy
Parties Reads newspapers, watches video
Evaluates the contributions clippings to justify the contributions /non Justifies the contributions /non
made by national and contributions made by national and contributions made by national
regional political parties in regional political parties in successful and regional political parties in
making or otherwise of functioning of Indian democracy. successful functioning of Indian
Indian democracy. democracy.
5 Comprehends the expected Graphic organizer to enumerates how a Enumerates how a success of
and actual outcomes of success of democracy depends on democracy depends on quality of
Outcomes of democracy in view of quality quality of government, economic government, economic
Democracy of government, economic wellbeing, in equality, social wellbeing, in equality, social
wellbeing, in equality, social differences, conflict, freedom and differences, conflict, freedom
differences, conflict, freedom dignity and dignity.
and dignity.
Case study to Analyses and infers why Analyses and infers why
Analyses the reasons behind sometimes the gap occurs between sometimes the gap occurs
gap that occurs in expected outcome and actual outcome between expected outcome and
conversion of expected effects the success of Democracy. actual outcome effects the
outcomes into actual success of Democracy.
outcomes of democracy in
various respects: quality of
government, economic well-
being, inequality, social
differences and conflict and
finally freedom and dignity
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Geography: Contemporary India - II
Chapter No. Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcome with Specific
and Name Competencies
1 Examine the significance, Brainstorming on how the resources Enumerates how the resources
interdependence, utilization are interdependent in nature and the are interdependent, justify how
Resources development need of need to develop them in India and planning is essential judicious
and Planning of resources in present in the form of Venn diagram utilization of resources and the
Development India. need to develop them in India
Summarise the rationale for Use of maps, charts, and other tools to Infers the rationale for
development of resources identify patterns and trends of land development of resources
Comprehends the reasons utilization Analyse and evaluate data and
for non-optimal utilization of information related to non-
land in India. Case study and debate on the topic “Is optimal land, utilization in India
Analyse the need to the development acting as an Appraise and infer the need to
conserve all the resources adversary for conservation” and present conserve all resources available
Examine the significant role a report in the form of PPT. in India suggest remedial
for resource planning in the measures for optimal utilization
light of the present of underutilized resources
requirements in India
2 Examine the importance of Read newspaper articles/ watch videos Enumerate how conservation of
conserving forests and wild on deforestation and need for forests and wildlife are
Forest and life and their interdependency conservation and through world café interdependent in nature and in
Wildlife in maintaining the ecology for strategy present your findings.
Resources maintain the ecology of India.
the sustainable development
of India. Debate how developmental works,
Analyse the role of grazing grazing wood cutting have impacted on Analyse and infer how some of
and wood cutting in the the survival or otherwise of the forests. the developmental works,
development and grazing wood cutting have
degradation impacted on the survival or
Use art integration strategy to
summarize and present the reasons for otherwise of the forests.
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Comprehends the reasons conservation of biodiversity in India Summarizes the reasons for
for conservation of under sustainable development. conservation of biodiversity in
biodiversity in India under India under sustainable
sustainable development. development.
3 Examine the reasons for Brainstorming session to discuss the Enumerate why the water
conservation of water scarcity of water and present through resource of India to be
Water resource in India. graphic organizers conserved.
Summarize the roles of
Analyse and infer how the Prepare a PPT to Summarize the roles
Multipurpose projects are Multipurpose projects in
of Multipurpose projects in supporting
supporting the requirement supporting the water requirement
the water requirement of India.
of water in India. of India.
4 Examine the crucial role Discusses the challenges faced by Enumerate how agriculture plays
played by agriculture in our farmers, such as low productivity, lack a contributory role in Indian
economy and society. of modern technology, inadequate economy
Agriculture irrigation facilities, and post-harvest
Analyses the challenges losses and presents the findings Analyses and infers the
faced by the farming through PPT challenges faced by the farming
community in India. community in India
Reads Newspapers and panel
Comprehends the various discusses the challenges faced by the Identifies and summarizes
aspects of agriculture, farming community in India various aspects of agriculture,
including crop production, including crop production, types
types of farming, modern Use of graphic organizers to distinguish of farming, modern agricultural
agricultural practices, and the traditional and modern farming practices, and the impact of
the impact of agriculture on methods agriculture on the environment.
the environment.
5 Comprehends the formation Usage of textual resource, mind maps, Analyses and infers how
of different types of minerals, pie charts to Analyse and infer how different types of minerals are
location, their uses, different types of minerals are formed, formed, where they are found,
importance for human life where they are found, their uses, their uses, importance for human
and the economy. importance for human life and the life and the economy
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Minerals and Analyses the importance of Use graphic organizers to Infer the Infers the resource distribution to
Energy minerals and natural resource distribution to real-world real-world situations and
Resources resources for economic situations and proposes strategies for proposes strategies for
development of the country sustainable use of natural resources sustainable use of natural
their distribution, and Use of flow chart to Differentiate resources
sustainable use. between Differentiates between the
Distinguishes between the the conventional and non-conventional conventional and
conventional and non- sources of energy nonconventional sources of
conventional sources of energy.
energy .
6 Distinguishes between Use of flow chart to differentiate Differentiates between various
various types of between various types of manufacturing types of manufacturing industries
manufacturing industries industries based on their input based on their input materials,
Manufactur- based on their input materials, processes, and end processes, and end products,
ing Industries materials, processes, and products. and analyse their significance in
end products, and analyse the Indian economy.
their significance in the Utilizes the textual information (data Enumerates the impact of
Indian economy. given through various maps/ graphs) to manufacturing industries on the
Enumerates the impact of environment, and develop
Examines the impact of manufacturing industries on the strategies for sustainable
manufacturing industries on environment, and develop strategies for development of the
the environment, and sustainable development of the manufacturing sector.
develop strategies for manufacturing sector. Infers the relation between
sustainable development of availability of raw material and
the manufacturing sector. Uses Case Studies to Infers the relation location of the Industry
between availability of raw material and
Analyses the relation location of the Industry
between the availability of
raw material and location of
the Industry
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7 Inter disciplinary project with Refer Annexure IV Refer Annexure IV
chapter 3 of History: The
Life Lines of making of a Global world and
National chapter 4 of Economics:
Economy Globalization and the Indian
Chapter No. Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Process Learning Outcome with Specific
and Name Competencies
1 Examine the significance of Hot seat strategy to enumerate different Enumerate different and examine
designing suitable developmental Goals that helps in the different processes involved in
Development developmental goals in nation building setting developmental Goals that
shaping the nation. helps in nation building
Case study to analyse and infer how Analyse and infer how the per
● Examine the importance of the per capita income depicts the capita income depicts the
per capita income and economic condition of the nation. economic condition of the nation.
compare the per capita Evaluate the development goals
income of various countries Graphic organizer to compare and that have been set for the nation
to infer about reasons for the contrast the t relation between HDI and by the Planning commission of
variance PCI India -with specific reference to
their efficacy, implemental
Analyse the HDI in relation to Declamation to Analyses the multiple strategies, relevance to current
PCI. perspectives on the need development requirements of the nation
Compare and contrast how the
Examine the need for per capita income of some
Sustainable development countries and infer reasons for
the variance
Analyses the multiple
perspectives on the need
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2 Analyse and evaluate the Data analyse various sectors and their Analyses and infer how the
economic activities in contribution in GDP and NDP. economic activities in different
different sectors and how sectors contribute to the overall
Sectors of the they contribute to the overall Research based strategy to propose growth and development of the
Indian growth and development of solutions to identified problems in Indian economy.
Economy the Indian economy. different sectors based on their
Identify problems in different understanding. Propose solutions to identified
sectors and propose problems in different sectors
solutions based on their Read Newspaper articles and group based on their understanding
understanding of the sectors. discuss to Summarize how the
Analyse the major organised and unorganised sectors are Summarize how the organised
employment generating providing employment and the and unorganised sectors are
sectors and observe the challenges faced by them providing employment and the
challenges faced in an effort challenges faced by them
to provide employment to all.
Examines the role of Enumerates the role of
Unorganised sector in unorganised sector in impacting
impacting PCI currently and PCI currently and proposes
proposes suggestive steps to suggestive steps to reduce the
reduce the unorganised unorganised sector for more
sector for more productive productive contributions to GDP
contributions to GDP
Examine and infer the Enumerates and infer the
essential role of the Public essential role of the Public and
and Private sectors the Private sectors the present
present trends of PPP and trends of PPP and efficacy of the
efficacy of the initiative initiative
3 Examine money as a Group discussion to Enumerate how Enumerate how money plays as
medium of exchange in all money plays as a medium exchange in a medium exchange in all
Money and transactions of goods and all transactions of goods and services transactions of goods and
Credit services since ancient times since ancient times to the present times services since ancient times to
to the present times. the present times
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Case based study to Analyse and infer Analyse and infer various
Analyse the different sources various sources of Credit sources of Credit
of credit
Guest Speaker Programme (bank Summarizes the significance and
Identify the significance manager/ a self-help group member) to role of self-help groups in the
and role of self-help groups Summarizes the significance and role betterment of the
in the betterment of the of self-help groups in the betterment of economic condition of rural
economic condition of rural the economic condition of rural people/ women.
people/women. people/ women.
4 Examine the concept of Watch videos on globalisation followed Enumerate the concept of
globalization and its by an interactive group discussion to globalization and its definition,
Globalization definition, evolution, and enumerate the concept of globalization evolution, and impact on the
and the impact on the global and its definition, evolution, and impact global economy.
Indian economy. on the global economy
Economy Evaluate the key role of the key
Explore the details of the key Read Textual and other resources to major drivers of globalization and
drivers of globalization and analyse and infer the key drivers of their role in shaping the global
Sub topics: globalization and their role in shaping economic landscape in various
their role in shaping the
What is global economic landscape the global economic landscape. countries
Globalization? in various countries
Factors that
have enabled Examines the significance of Enumerates the significance of
Globalisation role of G20 and its role of G20 and its significance in
significance in the light of the light of India's present role
India's present role
Sub topics: Inter disciplinary Project with Refer Annexure IV Refer Annexure IV
Production chapter 3 of History: “The
across the making of a Global World”
countries and chapter 7 of Geography:
“Lifelines of National Economy”
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Chinese toys in
World Trade
The Struggle
For A Fair
5 Project work Refer Annexure III Refer Annexure III
Social Issues
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Agriculture Identify:
Major areas of Rice and Wheat
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Largest/ Major producer states of
Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Rubber,
Cotton and Jute
a. Thermal
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b. Nuclear
Note: Items of Locating and Labelling may also be given for Identification.
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Money and Credit
Globalization and The Indian Economy
Sub topics:
What is Globalization?
Factors that have enabled
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Weightage to Competency Levels
Sr. No. Competencies Marks (80) Percentage
1 Remembering and Understanding: Exhibiting memory of previously
learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and
answers; Demonstrating understanding of facts and ideas by 24 30%
organizing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions and stating
main ideas.
2 Applying: Solving problems to new situations by applying acquired
11 13.25%
knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.
3 Formulating, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating:
Examining and breaking information into parts by identifying motives
or causes; Making inferences and finding evidence to support
generalizations; Presenting and defending opinions by making
40 50%
judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based
on a set of criteria;
Compiling information together in a different way by combining
elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.
4 Map Skill 5 6.25%
Total 80 100%
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Multiple Assessment Quiz, debate, role play, viva, group discussion, visual
expression, interactive bulletin boards, gallery walks, 5
exit cards, concept maps, peer assessment, Self-
assessment etc. through Inter disciplinary project
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