Amorc Degree 11 - 137 À 160
Amorc Degree 11 - 137 À 160
Amorc Degree 11 - 137 À 160
Q O ° O Q
Degree Degree
Lr 11 11
Monograph Monograph
137 137
You see m any stars at night in the sk y but find them not when
the sun rises; can you sa y that there are no stars in the heaven of
d ay ? So, O m an! because you behold not God in the days of your
ignorance, sa y not that there is no god.
As one and the sam e m aterial, water, is called by different nam es
by different peoples, one c allin g it water, another eau, a third agua,
and another p an i, so the one Sat-chit-ananda, the everlasting-
intelligent-bliss, is invoked by some as God, by some as A llah, by
some as Jehovah, by some as Hari, and by others as Brahm an.
As one can ascend to the top of a house by m eans of a ladder or a
bamboo or a staircase or a rope, so diverse are the w ays and m eans
to approach God, and every religion in the world shows one of these
w ays.
Different creeds are but different p ath s to reach the A lm ighty.
Various and different are the w ays th at lead to the temple of
Mother K ali at K aligh at (Calcutta). S im ilarly, various are the w ays
that lead to the house of the Lord. Every religion is nothing but one
of such p ath s that lead to God.
- S R I R A M A K R IS H N A , 1836-1886
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
New York and start for Gibraltar, taking any one of five or six
different courses or paths diagonally across the Atlantic to get
there, and yet reach Gibraltar in about the same time as a ship on
any of the other paths.
All this applies equally well to the paths in life leading to
our individual goal. Poets in their writings have called attention
to the fact that there may be many paths to heaven but all lead
eventually to the goal desired. We ourselves must select the path
which is the one sacred to us. Some of us select such paths solely
because they seem to be sacred and lined with holy shrines, sacred
music, inspiring pictures, calm vibrations, chanting, and paved
with purity and goodness. Such paths appeal to something within us
and make us prefer them above all other paths. Others choose the
path that is instructive and lined with schools in which the
lessons of life may be learned and where the mind may be improved
while making the journey toward the goal. Others seek a simple
path that is out in the open, going over the hilltops and down into
the valleys with no structures and no signposts, no music, no
ritualism, and no companionship. Such persons love the solitude of
the private path. Others like the path that is the most popular,
where the majority of their friends and acquaintances and eminent
persons are journeying so that they will have companionship.
Others like the secret path that winds its way out of the crowded
sections into the beautiful valleys and over the wooded hills where
there is only the music of the spheres and the divine paintings of
nature's lights playing on the fantastic forms of God's rustic
creations. Such persons like to give the soul greater freedom in
the journey and wish to be separated from those who like the other
Some like the pathway that is all ritual, with each step
marked and numbered and each rest along the way definitely estab
lished, with the key to each portal furnished to them in advance.
Others like the path that is purely mental, with no physical effort
at all. Their pathway is the cloud of smoke that arises from their
incense while they sit comfortably in an easy chair and let it
carry their thoughts into the distance. Others, whose goals are
not so glorious, choose a pathway that is lined with pleasures for
the flesh while the soul must steal its benefits in the silent
hours of the night while the body and mind are asleep. Others like
a pathway that is emblazoned with artificialities, signposts, and
great publicity, with heralds announcing along the way the progress
of the journey one is making. Others like to blazon a new pathway
and to be pioneers along untrodden grounds. Others want to follow
the way that their parents trod before them, believing
that their parents had greater foresight than themselves
and safely reached the goal by sticking to the path they
chose. Such persons are fearful that the least
Temple Section A M O R C The Rosicrucian Order
The many paths to a single port as referred to in this monograph is an apt reminder to each of us
that there are many paths to a goal. This is true, if for no other reason than that we all begin our
path in life from a different location, from a different human environment, and from a different
background of incarnations. Thus, if some giant figure towered over the Earth with a starting flag,
named a goal for us to reach, and let down the flag with a flourish, we would all go our separate
ways in trying to reach that goal. For the most part, we would all reach that goal, by a million
different routes. At the beginning, if we had heard from several others regarding their planned
routes, we may have argued or disagreed with them, because we were looking at a route from our
particular background and point of view. In our daily lives, it behooves us to leave people to travel
their own routes a great deal more than we do. It is a fascinating experience to see people come
through on their own without any advice or help on our part, assuming they haven’t asked for that
help, and assuming they expressed a desire to go it alone. Try for one week not to give unsolicited
advice, and observe the results.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the
essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the
complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read.
Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary
during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
H God has given us the power to direct our course in life; so we may choose
w hich path we take leading to the goal desired.
H The path we choose becomes a law unto us, a violation of w hich becomes a
sin, so far as our individual karm a is concerned. The mystic chooses the
path w hich is silent, sweet and yet filled w ith unexpected lessons, for he
realizes that this path w ith its experiences w ill make him stronger day by
H It is suggested that the student meditate upon the various paths he has
taken since childhood, his present path, and the goal he wishes to achieve.
This m onograph is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale or
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D eg re e D eg re e
11 11
M o n o g ra p h M o n o g ra p h
138 138
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The matter contained herein is officially Issued through the Su
preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, which
was registered In the United States Patent Office for the purpose of
protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic
copies o f officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis
sertations. scientific postulations. philosophicaJ discourses, academic
studies, diagrams, illustrations, and charts" as authorized by the
Imperator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the
Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All
matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member
receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. The
ownership of, the legal title, and the right of possession to this
monograph is and shall remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of
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This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion
may think that it does not include you, whereas it may include you
very definitely, for interviews made for the purpose of analyzing
the development of members of this Degree brought out the fact that
some have a very large degree of inner development but are looking
for outer manifestations. I could not help smiling a few days ago
when discussing this point with a frater. He said, "Well, I try to
discover this inner development but I don't seem to find any
unusual manifestations. My health is good, my personal affairs are
going along nicely, and I seem to attract a certain amount of
happiness and contentment; but nothing unusual happens."
I said to him: "Now suppose that when you had finished high
school, the teacher who had watched your progress had said to you,
'John, you have a good mind, a good brain, and you have made fine
progress in your studies.' Would you have said to the teacher, 'I
can't find any evidence of my mind or brain and I don't seem to see
anything bulging out of my head to indicate I have any more knowl
edge than I ever had before'?"
Psychic development, spiritual progress, Cosmic unfoldment,
self-mastership, and a high degree of evolutionary attainment are
not things that bulge out of the head or stick out on the body like
bumps or give a person a particular appearance. Nor do they cause
any strange manifestations except when there is some need for these
things to demonstrate themselves.
I recall one of our high-Degree members who went to Vienna,
Austria, to study in some of the hospitals because of their excel
lent postgraduate work. Afterwards, she went to several other
cities to improve herself in the art of nursing. It cost her time
and money. When she said good-bye, she told me what marvelous
things these additional studies were going to do for her and how
completely her life and her very being would be changed. Upon
returning to California, she called on me and I said, "Well, now
that you are a changed being and possess something that you never
had before, I must be frank and tell you that you look just the
same; I cannot see a single thing about you that is different."
She smiled and told me that the additional knowledge she had would
never make itself manifest until she was called in to nurse some
extraordinary case that required a nurse of exceptional training.
On ordinary cases she might accept, or in the general course of
affairs in her life, the special power and knowledge, the special
faculties and abilities that she had attained would never show
themselves and never even be suspected by the average physician or
NEED CALLS FORTH After all, is this not true with
LATENT ABILITIES each of us in regard to our spirit
ual, Cosmic, and psychic develop
ment? One of our members, living within a few hundred
miles of our Grand Lodge, telephoned to ask for my
Temple Section A MO R C The Rosicrucian Order
Assumption. Now, some evening when you can be alone, assume for
half an hour that you are preparing to become that character, that
type of personality inwardly that you have selected for your next
incarnation. Make it as idealistic as the character and personal
ity you have selected will permit. If you are thinking of healing,
think of the Great Healer whose very words, very touch, very look
will bring relief and strength to others. If you contemplate being
a musician, think of the greatly inspired one whose thoughts con
stantly turn to music and whose words are always musical.
As you sit each night, throughout this coming week, in a short
period of assumption, assuming yourself to be starting the next
personality that you have decided upon, think of your Inner Self as
being attuned with the Cosmic powers that will bring about your
desire. In other words, after you have selected the type of char
acter and personality you think best, sit alone in meditation each
night for ten or fifteen minutes or half an hour, or, upon retir
ing, lie awake in the silence of your room contemplating the great
change within you, turning your thoughts inwardly as though you
were mentally dictating to the Inner Self the qualities, the ideals
and standards that your next incarnation is to express.
Think of planting mental seed into fertile ground within you.
Put in one at a time, each representing a quality of the self that
you desire, just as though each one of these qualities were a seed
you were planting in the ground. If you want your character to
have softness and tenderness, think of that as a seed. If you want
to have the ability to play the piano, harp, or violin, think of
that as a seed. If you want to have a highly receptive nature so
that you may be easily inspired or moved by a Cosmic urge, think of
that faculty as another seed. If, on the other hand, you need
great strength and resistance against easy influence, put in a seed
of resistance and strength. If you want to have a strong dominat
ing will because of some special use for it in the next incarna
tion, put that in as another seed. Do this as often as you can
during the coming week.
To some of you it may seem rather early to have thoughts about
the future life or the next incarnation. Most certainly, the
object in bringing up this point of our work so definitely at this
time is not because I contemplate that any of the members in this
Degree are near the close of life in this incarnation. I am always
aware of the fact that the members in this higher Degree are
greatly diversified in age, general nature, business occupation,
social standing, and general method of living. There are some
among you as young as twenty-eight or thirty years of age,
and there are some who are over ninety-five. I should say
that the majority are around fifty or sixty years of age,
not an age when one is strongly impressed that a future
existence is close at hand. So that is not the reason why
Temple Section A MO R C The Rosicrucian Order
While you are practicing the planting of seeds for your next incarnation, do
not lose sight of the fact that you may still be in the youth of this incarnation. If
you are relatively young, the seeds you are planting may already take root in
this incarnation, and you may experience your goals sometime later in this life.
This would be a bonus for you, and it would prepare you even more for the next
incarnation. The foundation would already have been laid, and you will need
only to build on it and grow to greater heights than you may ever have antici
pated in your next life. It is well to remember that growth is a continuing
process, and that transition is but a short interlude between lives. When we
think of planting seeds and achieving goals, we should not emphasize so much-
in what lifetime the goals will be achieved, but rather let the maturation process
take place in its natural cycle, whether it takes only part of one lifetime, or runs
into two, or three, or more. Thus, think about the goal you have set for your next
life and tell yourself that you will be ready for, and welcome it at any time; that
you will begin working toward that goal now, and leave it to the Cosmic as to
when it will be reached.
Summary of This Monograph
11 We realize that the flesh cannot be made im m ortal, but that the soul is
immortal; and our job is to bring about a greater attunement between the
two selves to attain the sublime condition of harmonium.
11 Psychic development, spiritual progress, Cosmic unfoldment, self-master
ship, and a high degree of evolutionary attainm ent are not manifested
physically; but consist of inner growth which we use in our daily lives.
H In attempting to judge our development or that of another, we must care
fully attune to the inner, spiritual, and psychic self.
11 This week’s exercise consists of contemplating the state of life and the
degree of earthly existence you would consider ideal for your next incarna
tio n —not the social status, or business, religion, or language, but the
ethical, moral and emotional status preferred.
K Sow the seed by the process of assumption: Assume for h a lf an hour that you
are preparing to become the type of personality in w ard ly that you have
selected for your next incarnation—meditate upon the ideals and standards
of the chosen personality.
f Members of this Degree are diversified in age, general nature, business
occupation, social standing and method of living; but in every case, the
earlier a foundation is laid for an improved way of living, the greater the
benefit one w ill derive from it.
H The complete change—strange location, unfam iliar environment, character,
and occupation—that the pioneers of 1849 experienced is sim ilar to that
change each of us experiences at transition and for which we should be
prepared. In addition, there should be the realization that transition is the
agent for transm uting our dreams and plans into realities.
H Though we are all affected by prenatal influences, these are small indeed
compared to those we can bring to bear upon our next incarnation by
choosing a goal, a purpose, and a plan, and m aking them a living self w ithin
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««<NTtO IH kj.S.A.
desire, and this in turn will arouse many other emotions and
benefits that will surely come to you at the right time. It is
necessary, however, to build up this future character in minute
detail. It is necessary to create it within you at the present
time so that it becomes a living self within you. It is this
created self, then, that will dominate the spirit of your ego after
transition, and will determine the next place of your birth, and
the next parents, and the next environment for you.
Let me urge you, therefore, to give this matter attention
throughout the week as often as you can, thinking what nationality,
country, and environment you would like to have in order to further
the good interests of your life. To aid in this process of analy
sis and attunement of the inner and outer selves, an exercise was
assigned many years ago to this Degree. It concerned the word
Mertham. Having used it myself for a long time, being strangely
impressed by its use, and feeling that there was something familiar
about it, I discovered that this new word is really the great key
word Mathrem reversed. You will remember that the word Mathrem was
given to you gradually in installments throughout the Degrees from
the Fourth to the Ninth and you will remember that the letters TH
really constitute a diphthong and are considered in the Sanskrit
and ancient languages as one letter. Now this new word Mertham is
to be used for vowel sounds in connection with your meditations.
The way in which this word is to be used is told in some manu
scripts as follows:
Immediately upon arising, face the East and take three deep
breaths of fresh air; exhale slowly; then pronounce the word
Mertham very slowly. It is not to be said loudly, but holding onto
each vowel sound and saying it slowly. The correct pronunciation
is necessary, for the vowel sounds are important. h A W 1_
should be stretched out so that they are given their full tone
value slowly. Repeat the word Mertham three times, being sure that
your hands do not touch each other when saying these vowels.
The second time that these vowels should be used each day is
some time in the evening when you can be absolutely alone. It
should be after and not before sunset and should be before two
o 1clock in'The mornijig. Theref(5T&~,— sometime between sunset and two
o '"clock in the morning you should be alone and pronounce the word
Mertham again three times slowly without doing any breathing exer
cise s^jaefore or^aTter usTng thle^vowel SGunds, ancTthen .foTlowing
with the simple process _6T turning your thoughts inward
Tnner SelTT If ”Che seTf withirT~seem'g~to urge you to speak
or to pronounce some additional words or to state some affirmation,
you should do so and remember it and write it down in some notebook
where you can preserve it and put the date under it. These phrases
and words are to be for your own reference only. The ancient manu
scripts say that such words, phrases, or thoughts as may come to
you at such a time from within are Cosmic messages or Cosmic
instructions or key words for you to follow during the next twenty-
four hours.
I remember well that the first time I tried the experiment,
something within me seemed to say, "Read the 27th Psalm." I said
it aloud as though I had planned to say it sometime and I found
afterwards that it referred to some passages in the Bible that were
intensely interesting and very helpful in the matters that I had to
deal with during the following twenty-four hours. Each time after
that, I had some other thought or phrase expressed. One time, I
could not control the Inner Self from speaking out and saying, "Go
get the letter." This puzzled me for half an hour, when I suddenly
realized that it meant I should go to the letter box in front of
the house. I went there and found an important letter which had
been delivered and which I might have overlooked until the morning;
and it had a very important bearing on matters that had to be
attended to before morning. At other times, just simple little
thoughts come at such a time but they are highly significant.
The real effect of the vowel sound of this word is quite mys
tical and psychic and you will sense it during the night as you
sleep and during the day in connection with your health, your
nervous system and general well-being. More than this, I am not
going to tell you now, for I do not want you to create any artifi
cial conditions based upon the suggestions from my statements.
Continue your analysis of yourself as explained in last week's
monograph and next week we will take up another point in the use of
this word.
The Weekly Application
Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish .—UNTO THEE I GRANT
[r <f>
Degree Degree
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Monograph Monograph
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R EG ISTER EO 1H U .» . K A T t N ’ ’ O f TICE
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MiMTCO ifc U.ft.A.
The matter contained herein Is officially Issued through the Su
preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, which
was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of
protecting all the 'printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic
copies of officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis
sertations. scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic
studies, diagrams. Illustrations, and charts" as authorized by the
I hear the drops of my life falling distinctly one by one into the devouring
abyss of eternity. I feel my days flying before the pursuit of death. All that
remains to me of weeks, or months, or years, in which I may drin^ in the
light of the sun, seems to me no more than a single night, a summer night,
which scarcely counts, because it will so soon be at an end.. . . Where shall
I be to-morrow—in a little while—when the breath of life has forsaken me?
Where will those be whom I love? Whither are we all going? . . . 7^0
matter!—so long as the world is the wor\ of eternal goodness, and so long
as conscience has not deceived us.— To give happiness and to do good,
there is our only law, our anchor of salvation, our beacon light, our reason
for existing. . . . Toothing can lessen the dignity and value of humanity so
long as the religion of love, of unselfishness and devotion endures.
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
— F—
The first reports coming to me from those who have tried the new
word are surprisingly interesting and several of the reports indicate
that most unusual things are happening.
— F—
— F—
things and loves small and delicate devices such as electrical instru
ments, small pieces of Jewelry, or ornaments. Think of one man pos
sessing so many abilities that have been brought into use. He prob
ably has a number of others that he uses only occasionally or that
have not been brought into use. Undoubtedly, if we were to analyze
him carefully, we should find that there are many abilities which he
is using only in a casual way, but this combination of abilities is
what constitutes this particular man. They are the bricks composing
his mental and physical structure, or forming his character or per
— F—
feits, hiding from his family for long periods. He was in a damp cel
lar working, eating and sleeping in these conditions day after day so
that the police would not know he was in the city. He caught cold and
finally tuberculosis. He hesitated to see a physician, and he neg
lected being properly treated. Finally, he had to be taken from the
hiding place where he had been working for over a year and put in a
colony of incurable tuberculosis patients on North Brothers* Island in
New York. The last time I saw him, his arms and body were so thin
that I hardly knew him, his hands were shaking, and his eyes watering.
He had lost all his money, and his friends, including the evil ones.
His parents had believed him dead for a number of years, and the art
world lost a good worker. In police records, the man was undoubtedly
classified as a forger and counterfeiter, in other words, a criminal.
By perverting his talents, he had put himself into another classifi
cation of individuals.
The foregoing is to make plain why we should spend our time Just
now in analyzing ourselves and picking out those abilities which we
feel we have, and which have not been awakened or quickened. Have you
ever felt that if you had had the proper training, you might have be
come a good singer or a musician? Have you ever looked at a piece of
machinery and felt that you would like to build it, create it, invent
it? Have you ever desired to paint or design? By such questions,
you may discover what talents and abilities you have, and what unful
filled desires are within you. In your next incarnation those abili
ties should be awakened, quickened and applied so that you will have
the experience and training that you have lacked in this one. If there
is any longing or yearning in your soul for expression or action along
certain lines, it indicates that you have unawakened or partially
awakened ability or talent that should be quickened into action either
in this incarnation or in the next.
The Cosmic in planning our next incarnation will take into con
sideration such dominant desires at the time of our transition,
or during the latter half of our lives. Those are the ones
that will help us most and serve us best if they are good. We
shall be more successful in the next incarnation, and more
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
— F—
tf The greatest work that can be done in behalf of humanity is to work with humani
ty and with those who need our help and guidance; therefore, we should strive not
to overemphasize our spiritual unfoldment, but to make it commensurate with our
material and physical obligations.
^ The real purpose back of reincarnation is to enable each of us to work out particu
lar or individual life missions, to evolve our special character or personality, and
eventually to reach a state of perfect balance.
9 Each of us has his own set of abilities which are like bricks composing our mental
and physical structure. Many of these abilities we have not learned to apply.
Q The Cosmic in planning our next incarnation will take into consideration our domi
nant desires during the latter half of our lives or at transition.
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'ALSO flLOl&TEHEO Tm«0 i>UM0 uT Trtl W0 AL01 TGI
t>Binrro in J.S.A.
But, friends,
Truth is w ithin ourselves; it takes no rise
From outward things, w hate’er you m ay believe.
There is an inmost centre in us all,
Where truth abides in fulness; and around
Wall upon w all, the gross flesh hems it in,
This perfect, clear perception—which is truth.
A baffling and perverting c arn al mesh
Binds it, and m akes a ll error: and to KNOW
R ather consists in opening out a w ay
Whence the im prisoned splendour m ay escape ,
Than in effecting entry for a ligh t
Supposed to be without.
—R O B E R T B R O W N IN G , 1812-1889
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
doing, the lessons vou are learning and the experiences you are
having are part of the human ^ross, and the i q v s . hapninpss. and
the blessings of life belong to the beautiful rose unfolding on it.
The cross represents the material, physical, earthly labors of
life which are necessary for youruntoldment : therefore, it is not"~
you but your cross that must be evolved. To put it another way:
Think of vour body as the cross and yourself as a wooacarverT
After the cross has been roughly cut out of wood, you must begin
planing and scraping it, .taking off the sharp edges and corners and
making every surface smooth and pollshecl. Every irregularity jnust
be eliminated, every blemish poll sVigfl rm-t-. This is what you are
doing all day long by your labor, your trials and tribulations.
F,flr-h i-Tmg y have a profriein7~a~'trouble. a~ worry, and overcome it,
you are taking out a blemish, a ronph corner, or an uneven surface
on tne crngg * y <~>w own. At the end of each day, the lessons
you have learned while polishing and making it smooth, will make it
blossom with the fragrance and beauty of the rose upon it.
With these thoughts in mind, proceed carefully, remembering
that evil thoughts, unkind acts, injurious or destructive things
simply add blemishes to vour cross- and close the unfolding rose and
take from its perfume and sweetness. All of which you must work
out while vou still have that same cross or later in another incar-
A magnificent story or poem or a great anthem could be written
about the esoteric symbolism of the rose and cross, for it is one
of the most beautiful of the esoteric Rosicrucian principles and is
still a great mystery, even to the most advanced members of the
Order. One thing is certain and that is that those who adopted the
rose and cross as a symbol were inspired by the Cosmic to do so,
for no other symbols have the deep esoteric meaning to be found in
the cross, the rose, and the Rosy Cross when the two are combined.
The esoteric symbolism of the Rosy Cross constantly unfolds
itself to those who study it. As we go into the higher Degrees, we
find both the rose and the cross becoming of greater interest to us
and more expressive of deep fundamental laws.
Undoubtedly, the cross is the second most important geometri
cal symbol of an esoteric nature and it is the first and most
important of all in its application to mystical principles. The
first geometrical symbol is the dot or the point— the beginning.
Before there can be a line of any kind, there must be a starting
point. That starting point is the dot. The line is
merely the dot extended into space or lengthened. If we
take a pencil and put a dot in the center of a sheet of
paper, we have the first element of esoteric symbolism as
well as of geometric law and design. As we draw the
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
pencil across the paper, we simply make that dot longer in one
direction or extend it; therefore, a line of any kind is merely an
extension of the original dot. After we have drawn a line, if we
draw another across it, we have a cross or the letter X. The
crossing of two lines esoterically represents two laws crossing
each other and modifying each other. Where they cross, a new con
dition is created; therefore, the center of a cross or letter X is
the third point or the beginning of the symbolism of the triangle.
If we take the cross or the letter X and cut it in half, we will
have two triangles, each with its point coming toward the center
where the lines cross each other.
The cross is probably one of the oldest marks used by man to
indicate a meeting place or a point where two conditions come
together. In the oldest and most primitive stones in buildings,
columns, temples, pyramids, and walls, we find the cross carved
somewhere to indicate where the stone was to be cut or had been
cut, or to indicate where the next stone was to be placed. Even
today the cross is used in the same manner by builders, by artists,
and by architects. _In an esoteric sense, however, the cross has
always represented man's body in its materiaX rorm and in
earthly trials and tribulations^
The ancient mystics also hermetically referred to the cross by
the use of the Latin word Lux# mp.ani ng J.ight;. This word, they
said, was made from the cross itself. Remembering that the U was
made like V, it is possible to see how the elements of the cross
could be arranged to spell LVX— Light.
The rose, on the other hand, is certainly an esoteric symbol
of the soul or consciousness or ego of man. The fact that the rose
comes from an invisible something, in the stem of the Plantf fnrmg
into a bud, and opens its petals to become a flower;that it must
-<Trow . ~ u n f 6 1 d 1^5 full bttauLv/ dl'iU richness, p e r f u m e , a n d m a r v e l o u s
color-, and fade, lose lt'ia fomr aftfl finally pass, leaving the seed to
reproduce itself, is typical of the soul personality's experience.
ItTenters into the physical body, it develops, evolves, a n d fina’lj.y
passes through transition f,r? Hrvrn Adding the rose to the
cimjsii makes the mystery of its symbo 1ism sublime.
In some modern encyclopedias, there is an occasional reference
to the idea that the word rose came from a root meaning dew.
Alchemists and hermetic philosophers did use dew as a chemical in
their laboratory work. The association of the word dew with the
Rosy Cross is therefore understandable. It adds to our considera
tion of the symbol. Dew is one of the strangest chemical
elements known to man. In the first place, water today is
considered as the greatest asset to the chemist. It is
his greatest solvent and were it not for water the chemist
would be in a sorry state. Dew is the purest form of
Temple Section A MO R C The Rosicrucian Order
Sum m ary of This Monograph
H The old Latin formula: Ad rosam per crucem, ad crucem per rosam, esoteri-
cally means that the ufiToldment of the soul p e r s o n a li t y (represented by th e
rose) is attained hv trials (represented by the cross). The correct pronuncia-
no n of this phrase is not difficult. The *W* is to be pronounced as in fath e r :
the “ o” is long, as in the word rose; and the “ e” short, as in the word men.
The~word crucem should be pronounced as though it were crewtchem.
H A ff.p r n p r f n r m i n g the e x e r c is e in connection w ith the word M ertham , visual
ize yourself as a huge cross w ith arms outstretched. Think of your heart in
the center of this cross as your soul personality in thg f o r m o f a rose on the
cross. Thus visualizing vourself as a hum an cross, w ith the rose at its
center, repeat the formula s l o w l y , two or three times.
% Esoterically, the crossing o f two lines represents two laws crossing each
other and m odifying each other. The rose is an esoteric symbol erf th° °™tl1
Dew on the rose brings forth its fragrance, symbolizing that Cosmic energy,
represented by the dew, brings forth the character and spiritual essence of
the soul.
We can never say too much about the sacred symbol of the Order, the Rosy Cross. The story of life,
the keys to the universe, the extremes of our emotions, are all reflected in its structure. After every
discussion of mystical subjects, you will find that reference to the Rosy Cross is almost certain to
come up. Even in serious discussions on other subjects, the elements of the rose and cross will be
mentioned, without specific reference to those two words, of course. This is how much it is part of our
lives. It would be a very worthwhile exercise for you to take a note pad and set down the incidents in
this week’s happenings wherein the symbolism of the rose and cross came into evidence. Remember
that the cross is the essence of our daily activities, those many elements of our activities that require
effort, thought, application, or adjustment. The rose is the essence of our achievements; the satis
factions that we receive from our labors, the joys and good feelings from each job well done. In more
common parlance, doing the dishes is the cross. Having the job well done is the rose. You will find
the rose and cross in almost everything you do.
This m onograph is no t subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale or
purchase may make the seller and purchaser subfect to civil liability-
ETSJ This monograph alw ays remains the property of the
Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not
purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
Degree Degree
11 11
M o n o g rap h M o n o g rap h
142 14 2
r e g ister ed in u .b . pa t e n t o ffic e
P M tN T I O IN U . *• A.
The matter contained herein is officially issued through the Su
preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, which
was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of
protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic
copies of officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis
sertations. scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic
studies, diagrams, illustrations, and charts” as authorized by the
Imperator of A. M. O■R. C. (The above emblem and name of the
Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All
matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member
receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. The
ownership of. the legal title, and the right of possession to this
monograph is and snail remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of
A. M. O. R. C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request The
contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive
information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other
use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of tne
member, and Is a violation of tne Statutes of this Order.
A. M. O. R. C. Is the only organization authorized to use the Reg
istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant
the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion
to thee, O Great God, thou Lord of Maati, I have
come to thee, O my Lord, and I have brought myself
hither that I may behold thy beauties. I \now thee,
and I \now thy name, and I \now the names of the
two and forty gods who exist with thee in this Hall
of Maati.
“Chapters of Coming Forth by Day”—
Temple Section- AMORC ■The Rosicrucian Order
Last week you were told to add the Latin phrase "Ad rosam per
crucem, ad crucem per rosam" to your mystical formula. You may have
found results as good or better by reversing the phrase, and those of
you who added the thought of dew on the rose to your visualization
must have found it especially rewarding and refreshing. As you visu
alize the rose as your soul in the center of your body, try to think
of dew as having fallen freshly and gathered on each petal of the rose.
Think of the rose as being moist with dew, and through the moisture,
made to express its fragrance and inner beauty.
ORIENTAL Many of the magicians in the Orient are in the same cate-
MAGICIANS gory as Thurston. A few whom I have met have given the
signs of the Brotherhood, and later tests and investiga
tions showed they were honored members of the fraternity. They were not
officers but members. The magical things that they did in hotel gardens
to entertain guests were done for a fee the same as many other forms of
entertainment which one sees in the highways and byways of the Orient.
There are very few theaters and practically no halls of entertainment in
most of the communities and towns of the Orient. Hundreds or thousands
of people gathering together in a great theater or amphitheater to see a
magician perform would be incredible to Orientals. In the Orient, all
such entertaining— whether dancing, playing native music, charming
snakes, or doing tricks— is done in the courtyards in hotels or large
public places, or on the highways, or in the hotel dining rooms; in the
open more often than within a walled enclosure.
The magician does his work in the open, often in the bright sun
light, with the audience completely surrounding him instead of being
Just in front of him. Because he must travel by foot from place to
place and carry all his equipment as well as his living requirements
along with him, he has the minimum of equipment and must therefore de
pend more on cleverness of hand than the Western world magician. He
has one advantage, however, and that is the enormous number of robes
and capes and long skirts and other things which constitute his elabo
rate attire. Some of these fellows must be very slender; yet they
look to be large, heavily-built individuals. They probably have a hun
dred or more things concealed in the folds of their large and flowing
garments. I have seen one of them take a complete bird cage out of
one sleeve.
The point to be noted is that when they are doing their tricks,
all of these magicians in the Oriental lands do a great deal of chant-
______ ing and use a great many vowel sounds which gradually impress
audience with the idea that each word is so magical that
V y something happens Just through its sound. If one knew the
V Egyptian language, one would instantly recognize some of these
Temple Section- AMORC ■The Rosicrucian Order
One of the words most frequently used during the various tricks
sounds in Egyptian like Fatah. The "ah" sound is very strong. The
word means to open, and is used in commanding a flower to unfold or
a box to open and allow live chickens to come forth. The opposite
word is Dafan with the "ah" sound very strong. This does not neces
sarily mean to close, although it is used in that sense, but to bury
or to hide or to become concealed. It is used when things are being
made to disappear suddenly. The word zahar with the strong "r" sound
is also used to make a thing come back after it has once disappeared.
The word does not mean reappear, however, but merely means to appear.
To have a thing burn or become consumed by a fire that suddenly ig
nites, they use the word haraq or ithraq with a strong "ah" sound.
These words are used to mean to burn. The "ah" sound is used very
liberally for no other reason than to encourage tourists and strangers
to think that there is a magical value in it. We know this is true,
but only when it is used in combination with certain consonants. Re
peated alone without the "m" or "r" sound, the "ah" sound loses its
vibratory effect.
In one of the past Degrees of the Temple work, you were told that,
in case of accidents which you fear are likely to occur or in the face
of any emergency, you could use the word mathrem pronounced several
times slowly with the broad "a" and it would tend to prevent
disaster affecting you. You were also told that it would pre
vent injury in connection with any operation. The word ambetta
is an even greater protective sound than mathrem in certain
Temple Section- AMORC ■The Rosicrucian Order
After your phrase |*AsLrosam per orucem ? ad crucem per rosam* pro-
nounce~^ambetta three times then embatta three times and notice lhfi
difference in your personal,.affair^ everything runs, and
how easily the things you plan and hope for seem to oofe a^out.
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono
graph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
Throughout Egypt and Oriental lands, there are mystics and magicians, mostly trick
sters, who travel about performing, invariably accompanying their tricks by peculiar
and strange combinations of vowel sounds.
Thurston, the professional entertainer and magician, did not claim genuine occult
powers and did not mix religion with his professional work though he was a student
of mystical philosophy. He made no claim of doing more than entertaining his public.
Cf Many magicians in Oriental lands today use certain words merely to impress the au
dience, usually tourists, and to make people believe there is some magical power in
the words they use. In nearly every case, however, there is no meaning whatsoever
in the sounds.
The ancient mystical words, ambetta or embatta, have a value, especially when used
in certain circumstances for protection, after an injury, or when suffering.^ Murmur
ambetta three times every half hour to minimize pain and suffering from injuries or
operations. In case of colds, fevers, or illness, use the other form of the word, em-
batta, every half hour during one whole day.
If these words are used after the formula* “Ad rnsam per crucem. ad crucem per
rosam” the ten or twelve hours following their use will be protected against contrary
influences or frustrating vibrations.
This m onograph is no t subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale or
purchose may malce the seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.
This monograph always remains the property of the
Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not
purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
143 143
HE OI BT E R CO i n U . S . PA T E N T O P P IC E
f R I N T I O I N U . S- A .
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and
let it divide the waters from the waters.
— Genesis 1:6
. . . and thou shalt smite the roc\, and there shall come water out of it,
that the people may drin\. And "Moses did so in the sight of the elders of
— Exodus 17:6
I indeed baptize you with > Jter unto repentance: but he that cometh
after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall
baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.
— Matthew 3:11
Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou %newest the gift of God, and
who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drin\; thou wouldst have as\ed of
him, and he would have given thee living water.
— John 4:10
For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drin\ in my name, be'
cause ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.
— Mark 9:41
Temple Section- A M O R C ■The Rosicrucian Order
the same time, we know that the vibrations from the water or moisture
will affeot other things. In humidors a little moisture on a sponge
will affeot suoh things as tobaooo leaves, films, and other creations
that require moisture.
Therefore, try taking a shallow dish of water (it need not be more
than one and one-half inches deep but should hold one or two quarts of
watAc) and letting it_stand in your sanctum during the coming jr^ek.
Keep it on your sanctum table, changing the water every morning. Its
slow evaporation will give a certain amount of moisture i6'"!he air and
will make the room extremely sensitive to higher rates of vibrations.
Each evening before retiring, dip vour hands in the water, leavin g t
them there for three or four minutes. You will find that you* have I
added some of your aurcPto'The wa£er. — -■ — —
--^If you then sit down and proceed to do some exercises immediately,
you will notice a condition in your room that is atmospherically dif
ferent from what it has been. This should oause various lights to
appear in the room and perhaps a faint glow to surround the dish of
water, iYou. should not be closer than about three feet from the dish;/
otherwise, yotnJ_aura may take in all of the vibrations of the moisture
and thus interfere with manifestations occurring in various parts of
the room. Under these circumstances, you will notice that you can
easily make projections or contact the Celestial Sanctum, and also
that various sounds, colors, lights, and sensations will impress them
selves. After ten or fifteen minutes of concentration in this manner,
the experiment sEould be"brought to an end, the water in the bowl emp
tied*. and clean water put remain overnight. Sleeping in a room
with a bowl of fresh water will make breathing easier and your sleep
more restful.
These experiments with water will give you the opportunity for
meditating upon the significance of water and its place in our lives
and in mystical affairs.
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono
graph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
(J In all sacred ceremonies, water has been used symbolically and practically; in all
practical phases of life, water is essential.
(| Cosmologically, the planets and stars could not function properly without water or
moisture; so, symbolically, water is used in nearly all religions for purification and
^jf “Holy Water” is natural water made holy by the thoughts of the user and the pur
poses to which it is devoted.
Esoterically, we find that water takes on vibrations that surround it and gives off vi
brations that affect other things.
This week try taking a shallow dish of water and letting it stand on your sanctum
table, changing the water every morning. This will make the room sensitive to higher
rates of vibrations. Each evening before retiring, dip your hands into it for three or
four minutes. Experiments after this will probably be more successful and sleep will
be more restful.
This m onograph is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale or
purchase may make the seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.
n o o o o
’cP'0 °*4*,
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
144 144
P R I N T E D I N U . S- A .
The matter contained herein is officially issued through the Su
preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, wliich
was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of
protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic
copies of officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis
sertations. scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic
studies diagrams, illustrations, and charts” as authorized by the
Imperator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the
Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All
matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member
receiving and are imparted only as an incident lo membership. The
ownership of, the legal title, and the right of possession to this
monograph is and shall remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of
A. M. O. R. C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request The
contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive
information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other
use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of the
member, and is a violation of the Statutes of this Order.
A. M. O. R. C. is the only organization authorized to use the Reg
istered nam e and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant
the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion
John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance
for the remission of sins.
And there went out unto him all the land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem,
and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.
And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a s\in about
his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;
And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the
latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.
I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the
Holy Ghost.
— THE BIBLE, M A R K 1:4*8
Temple Section A MO R C The Rosicrucian Order
may tell his pupil, or pupils, that any one thing will help him purge
himself of Karma due to error he has committed, but he may hint at
such a purification process and leave it to the disciple to discover
from experience what occurs.
Another law admonishes the pupil never to approach the presence
of the Masters, and certainly never to enter into communion with God,
without having symbolically purified himself with spiritual ablution,
or the bathing of the face and hands. It is not altogether a mystical
or spiritual process, and has nothing to do with supersitition. There
is a cosmic power in water, which you will discover from time to time.
It is not my place to suggest what the results will be, nor how they
will manifest to you, for this you must discover for yourself. The
Master simply rejoices at your continued growth and improvement and
therefore only occasionally suggests what you should and should not do.
As a preparation for other interesting exercises to come, I sug
gest an open bowl of water in your sanctum and that you practice some
of the exercises you found difficult. Try sending mental messages and
projecting. Watch for messages to come to you in your mirror, but
most of all notice the effect that you have upon the water and the
effect the water has upon the intensity of the vibrations in your room.
In the next lesson, we shall have one more talk about water and its
use, and then proceed to some new esoteric principle. In the meantime,
continue to use the formulas of words and vowel sounds as given re
cently, and use them in connection with your open dish of water and
your ablutions.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono
graph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
In the Fayum district of Egypt the ceremony of purification by water was used, and
later it became an established rite of baptism because of its continued use by John
the Baptist.
In a spiritual sense, water represents the divine essence of the creative power of God,
for water was the first effect produced and through it, living things came into ex
All forms of water— dew, rain, spring, reservoir or river— have magnetism that is
Cosmic and spiritual. Ocean water is especially magnetic and beneficial to bathers.
Bathing the hands, face, and forehead with cold water in the morning and late at
night in addition to drinking very cold water during the day, is sure to build up
health. Wading in streams or in any hole in the ground capable of holding water,
is beneficial because of the magnetism imparted to the water from clays or certain
forms of earth.
This monograph always remains the property of the 0
Supreme Grand Lodge of A . M. O. R. C. It is not 0
purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
Degree Degree o
11 11 0
Monograph Monograph 0
145 145 0
II 0
The matter contained herein Is officially Issued through the Su
preme Council of the A. M. O. R. C. under the emblem above, wruch 0
was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of
protecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic 0
copies of officially prescribed and copyrighted monographs, dis
sertations. scientific postulations, philosophical discourses, academic o
studies, diagrams, illustrations, and charts" as authorized by the
Imperator of A. M. O. R. C. (The above emblem and name of the
Order are also registered in countries throughout the world.) All
matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member
receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. The
ownership of. the legal title, and the right of possession to this
monograph is and shall remain in the Supreme Grand Lodge of
A. M. O. R. C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request. The
contents herein are loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive
information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any other 0
use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights oi tne
member, and is a violation of tne Statutes of this Order.
A. M. O. R. C. is the only organization authorized to use the Reg 0
istered name and symbols, and the Imperator has sole right to grant 0
the use of them to other allied organizations or movements.
This Week’s Consideration of a Famous Opinion
<|The subject of root races is too large to permit
exhaustive study. It dem ands for its pursuit, a
preparation too arduous for most. Yet the general
outlines of such a study have been set forth by
Madame H. P. Blavatsky in fascinating and intri
guing fashion. The following quotation is from The
Secret Doctrine :
The question of which exercises to use after having been given an average of
twenty or thirty each year for the past ten years is indeed a timely
consideration. Rosicrucian exercises are so structured that one builds upon
another, and most new exercises carry some elements of the ones previous to
them. Obviously, we cannot perform all the exercises given to us, all of the time.
Then we would be doing nothing but exercising, and certainly over-exercising.
Actually, as your primary goal, the practice of the last exercise given is the most
important in your program. Do this until another set is given. If you have time,
or if there is a past exercise that you particularly like, you should continue with
these as well. But you should never do these in preference to the one last given to
you. The one last given should have its turn and its chance to affect your system
and start a new constructive process on its way.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the
essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the
complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read.
Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary
during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
1f A t this point in the studies, many members become aware o f their own
regenerative psychic processes and those gradually taking place in the
world as a whole.
11 The purpose of present world changes is the preparation for a new am al
gamation o f peoples.
K The functioning of the third eye, increased use of psychic sight, superior
health, and the ability to solve personal problems are some of the qualities
which w ill become more highly developed in each successive generation.
11 Concentration is one of the most fundam ental principles in psychic work,
and many experiments to develop it have been presented, especially in the
early Degrees. Those experiments should be continued.
1f You should go over past lessons and exercises, reviewing and recalling
them mentally, using soft music to aid relaxation. In this way concentration
helpful to Cosmic Attunement w ill be developed.
O o O
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
146 146
R E G I S T E R E D IW U .S . P A T E N T O F F I C E
Before men actually knew, through the means of surgery and later the
X Ray, the exact location of the pineal gland, they imagined that it was in
the anterior portion of the cortex, about the center of the forehead. It is a
very small organ, about the size of a grain of wheat, and yet it is a most
vital one. It is, shall we say, a transformer of the Cosmic Consciousness, of
the intelligence of the Cosmic, into rates of vibration, into an energy which
is discernible by our objective minds. For further explanation, and as an
analogy, we may say it is like a little valve that at certain times, depending
upon our thinking and our meditation, and because of certain psychic
exercises we perform, opens and permits Cosmic inspirations and Divine
Wisdom to pass through and become reduced to a means that the brain can
translate into comprehensible notions and concepts. Again, we may say, it
is like a radio receiver that reduces high frequency electrical radiations to
sound waves to which our ears respond and which can be conveyed to our
brain where we can interpret them. It is a bridge across which the Divine
Consciousness passes from the Cosmic to the mortal mind of man.
This, then, is the Third Eye. It gives us vision of the Cosmic, a perception
of God, and an insight into those Divine realms, far removed from the
physical. It is the true eye of the soul.
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
would be selfish and would incur many Cosmic errors. For instance,
man's laws teach that man should punish man for evil, and that an
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth should be demanded. Man-
made laws say that if someone kills my brother, I have the right to
kill him. Cosmic law says that I have absolutely no right to take
anyone's life, except possibly in self-defense, and that even then
occult and mystical laws could be used to avert such a necessity.
Man-made laws say that if a man steals even a loaf of bread when
his children are starving, he must be sent to jail and punished for
stealing. Cosmic laws disagree with such laws; therefore, the
earthly code of living would not guarantee a perfect life.
This week, give consideration to your intuitive psychic facul
ties and discover how you are using them. If you are not using
them daily, you should proceed at once to do so. But do not allow
their use to be centered exclusively in material things. Use them
for such material purposes as will protect you from errors, mis
takes of judgment, or losses, but also use them at least once a day
for receiving Cosmic impressions of a spiritual nature, and of a
higher thought. Start this week to develop your inner sensitive
ness. Look over the monographs of the Tenth or Eleventh Degree and
select those exercises that will help you quicken these faculties
The Weekly Application
Whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the
evening what the morning may accomplish.—UNTO THEE I GRANT
The psychic sense organ referred to in this monograph is often called a Third
Eye, for it permits “seeing” beyond the limits of physical sight. It is however a
receptor for other perceptions as well. The sound of bells, the fragrance of
incense, or the touch of air on the skin are some of the effects experienced by
persons using their psychic sense faculty. It adds to one’s total perceptive
abilities, and literally multiplies the range of all the normal sense faculties.
Notice this in your life during the coming week. Try experiments with each of
the senses. Each day, take a moment to try and sense the odor of the evening
meal you will have at day's end. Take another moment to feel the touch of a
loved one, so close that you will actually feel the presence. Take another moment
to visualize the time of day without looking at a clock or watch, and finally, take
a moment to listen for instructions on a particular question you have in mind.
All the impressions that come to you from these exercises are being transmitted
through your psychic sense faculty.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the
essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the
complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read.
Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary
during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
f Evolution has gradually modified not only the physical form of man, but
also his mental and psychic functioning, for the nonuse of any part of the
body retards its development.
t According to ancient w ritings, the organ, the Third Eye, originally intended
for psychic comprehension and use, was used for such m aterial purposes as
a means of communication. Through its misuse, it atrophied and became
^1 Today the phy sical form and fu n c tio n o f the T hird Eye have been
eliminated, and it is an invisible organ and psychic center which can
function only after proper development.
Successful businessmen, though hesitant to admit the need for developing
psychic functioning, agree quite frankly that the man who has foresight and
who is sensitive to external and distant impressions is capable o f becoming
a great creator in business. I f such faculties, however, are used only in
m aterial matters, we shall lose them, for the Cosmic w ill not allow us to
commercialize or degrade them.
1J This week, consider your inner sensitiveness. Begin using the intuitive
psychic faculties for receiving Cosmic impressions daily as well as for
protection from errors, and mistakes of judgment.
San Jose, California, U. S. A.
Rosicrucian Park
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
147 147
i* u.s. p a t e n t o f n e e
reg ister ed
f A i so * c c i s r e » e o rnt
who avoid and evade man-made laws, and use money and influence to
dodge those laws, still have a fear of some law above and beyond
human law. Criminologists who study crime and the life of crimi
nals know that hardened criminals, faced with death, often confess
and plead for mercy. They know they cannot suffer more at the
hands of man, but they fear what may come through divine law. If
there were no life beyond this present one, these criminals would
not fear any divine laws after their transition.
GREAT FEAR Aside from the fear that comes to them when face to
face with death, criminals are always fearful of
some "all-seeing eye" that may catch them in their criminal acts
and demand compensation. They often say among themselves that they
know how to evade the watchful eye of detectives, police, and
public investigators, but they do not know how to evade some invis
ible eye able to catch them at a most unexpected moment and expose
them. Such criminals will say this is the great fear of their
lives. Often, when caught in a crime they will say that the devil
or God went against them and brought their plans to an end. They
will deny that it was cleverness on the part of the police or lack
of cleverness on their own part that brought them to conviction,
but some higher law that suddenly operated against them. They live
in constant fear of such higher principles and this leads them to
many superstitious beliefs. For this reason, many criminals and
racketeers, who boast of the fact that they never go to church,
still fear the shadow of a cross on their paths, the appearance of
a ghostly light in their rooms, or the mysterious things that occur
while they are in concentration or alone in some room. Many such
criminals carry a rosary or some sacred thing to which to appeal
hurriedly for protection when they feel they have gone too far in
their crime.
This indicates that even the most depraved man has an inherent
sense of a higher justice and a higher law of compensation than
that made by man. Such a universal feeling can only come through
a fundamental belief that man's existence continues after so-called
death. If death ended everything, then man's suffering and his
rewards, good and bad, would be here on Earth in a material form,
and he would have neither fear of nor respect for them.
In this connection, there is an interesting question many have
asked: "Did not Jesus say what other great masters have said, that
man should give up his earthly riches, material possessions, and
worldly conditions in order to attain spirituality and enter the
kingdom of heaven? If this is true, how can anyone ask for pros
perity, affluence, and abundance, thinking that God will grant
these things and still open to him the kingdom of heaven?"
The question centers around the interpretation found
in Christian teachings attributed to Jesus and other great
spiritual teachers. The general idea promulgated by Jesus
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
and others was that until man abandoned his search for worldly
power and gave up his love of worldly riches, he would not be
qualified for entrance into heaven. This is easily understood by
the mystic, for it is discernible in contact with men and women
every day. Persons interested in spending and getting money,
building up of big business, having fine clothes, big homes, ban
quets, and other worldly pleasures, are seldom enough interested in
spiritual matters even to read any of our books. They never become
members of our organization, and while they may give the church
some support, it is usually done for a selfish purpose. Inwardly,
such persons have no concept of spirituality or the kingdom of
heaven and are about as much qualified to enter heaven as a person
would be to enter college with no idea of study, no interest in
books, and no notion of what a college was intended to do for an
There is a considerable difference, however, between a person
constantly seeking wealth and worldly pleasures, and one seeking
peace, contentment, the necessities of life, and freedom from worry
and constant struggle. Most certainly Jesus and the great spirit
ual leaders did not mean that to enter the kingdom of heaven, or to
enjoy spiritual things, it was necessary to starve, to live in
nakedness, to have no happiness, to refuse the fruits of nature,
the songs of birds or to deny oneself a musical instrument and
song. These teachers did not mean that man should reduce himself
to the level of the pig in its pen, or the cattle in the fields.
Between the extremes of absolute want and mere existence and
the enjoyment of wealth and fortune and the acquiring of material
things through evil and sinful ways, there is a big gap. In this
gap live those who want what life has to offer, who are willing to
share with others, and who yet seek spiritual happiness without
neglecting the necessities of life. Jesus had clothing; and he had
food. So did other great leaders of spiritual thought and their
families. They had homes, their pleasures and enjoyments, and ways
and means of traveling and moving about.
Some possessed camels and in those days a camel was the equiv
alent of an automobile or an airplane. They had the necessary
clothing, the equivalent of what the average person today finds
necessary. These great spiritual leaders spoke of the necessity of
keeping the body clean and of wearing clean apparel; so they did
not wear soiled and torn linen from one end of the year to the
other. These teachers had sufficient food and knew how to secure
it; even Jesus attended banquets and helped to provide food for
them. He believed in rejoicing and happiness of the spirit as well
as of the body and mind.
When Jesus told the young man, however, that unless
he gave up his great wealth and became humble he could not
even approach the kingdom, he was talking to a type of man
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
much like the greedy millionaire of today, not the average human
asking only a comfortable home, the necessities of life and a few
of its luxuries and pleasures. The young man was attempting to
control the wealth of his country. He had been boasting that in
his hands rested the wealth of a nation, that he could make and
break great families and that there was nothing in the whole of
Jerusalem and Syria that he could not have by the snap of his
fingers through the money he had acquired. This young man’s sole
god was money, or wealth and power of a material nature. He
laughed at any other kind of power, laughed at anybody's claiming
to be king or ruler without having more money than he. Do you
wonder then at Jesus' telling him that unless he gave up his great
wealth and power and became humble in spirit, he could not enter
the kingdom of heaven? It is unthinkable that Jesus told any of
his humble Disciples to take off their clothing and throw it away,
to stop eating food, to stop riding and walk, to stop sleeping on
beds and sleep on the ground, to stop drinking wine or pure water
and drink dirty water, eat grass, sleep with cattle and be unclean
of body in order to become spiritual and prepared for the kingdom
of heaven!
The ancients walked many miles to springs and wells for their
water, carrying it home in large jars. From these jars, water for
all purposes was dipped. Our congested and stationary way of
living has made necessary both a larger and more constant supply of
water. The water jar had to give way to a faucet. A thousand such
things might have been luxuries once but are necessities now.
It is a false idea that the mystic should not seek some
worldly blessings in his own life. Instead, he should have all of
the pleasures of life that are wholesome, clean, and good. He
should have all of the necessities that relieve him of the pain or
worry. Seeking such things is not inconsistent with spiritual
illumination and spiritual development. Only the fanatic and the
extremist argue otherwise. I suggest, therefore, that you use this
subject for occasional meditation throughout the week: Examine your
own needs, wants, requirements, and note how many are necessities
in a real sense and how many are merely desires for luxury. Deter
mine which you could do without as well as those you really need;
then remember that the Cosmic will cooperate and give you the
necessities for pleasure and happiness if you are willing to share
with others who lack them. In this way you will come to a better
understanding of the law of humility and of the true preparation
for whatever kingdom the future may open to you.
Summary of This Monograph
The use of wealth is the measure of its value to you and society. The manner in which it is accumu
lated also determines its true value. People who are naturally energetic and optimistic are those
most likely to accumulate wealth. It will just naturally accrue to them. They then have been put in a
position to use more of the wealth of the world than others around them. Many people pray to the
Cosmic for wealth so that they can give it to worthwhile causes. If that is what they want the wealth
for, they should not ask for the wealth, but for the purpose they have in mind. They should ask for
the improvement of the lives of other people, and let the Cosmic decide how that help will be
provided. Too often when asking for Cosmic aid, we are placing the emphasis on intermediary steps
rather than for the final result we want. In the Cosmic, there may be better ways to accomplish our
ends other than the steps we request. Thus, we should look to our petitions in this way: When asking
the Cosmic for some benefit in your life, keep only the final goal in your picture. Don’t try to second-
guess the means of getting that goal. That will come with the response from the Cosmic, and often in
a way that will surprise you.
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The Rosicrucian Order
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in every possible way during your daily life. Begin the morning by
letting your first conscious thoughts be not only a prayer of
thankfulness for the life that remains with you and the conscious
ness that is yours, but also for the opportunities to serve and
help others. Let these thoughts be followed by thoughts of the
sorrows in the world and your sympathetic understanding of them.
Think of those to whom you can send, or speak, a kind word, or for
whom you can do a kind deed. Even if you find the deed impossible
to carry out, thinking of it and desiring to do it will lift your
consciousness closer to the Cosmic. Think of the little things
done the day before which should be corrected, undone, or compen
sated for. Think of the unkind words spoken, which you now wish to
retract. Do not hesitate to say that you are sorry you have said
or done certain things, and that you want forgiveness and kindness
in place of regrets. All day long in business or home affairs try
to express some Cosmic ideals. Try to imitate what you conceive to
be the highest type of person attuned with the Cosmic. Try to live
that life in all of your thinking and actions. If you are in
contact with another member of this Degree, and can do so, discuss
with him the ways and means of imitating the ideal person. You
will find you can bring this attunement closer to you and make it
a vital part of your daily life.
Sum m ary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete monograph, try
to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this summary and see if
you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing week to refresh your
H O ur developm ent o f psychic attun em en t is controlled by our m ental attitude, the
health o f our bodies, o u r general mode o f liv in g , a n d the tho ug hts we th in k .
H M an has a greater a b ility to direct h is th in k in g , analy ze it, and to adjust h im s e lf more
quickly and com pletely th a n any mem ber o f the a n im a l kingd om .
H In attem p ting to attun e ourselves to the Cosmic, we are a llo w in g o u r consciousness to
reach outside the p rison in w h ich it is locked by o u r th in k in g and liv in g . Every k in d
and noble tho ug ht, w ord, and deed, as w ell as every tim e we avoid som ething no t
noble, not k in d , m akes the channel o f attun em en t stronger.
H T hrough concentration we can b ring ourselves to the p o in t o f attunem ent. T hrough
the gradual u p liftin g o f o u r consciousness, we establish a degree o f p erm anent
attunem ent and become m ore in h arm o ny w ith the universe. The change becomes
apparent w henever there is a need o r test.
H Begin the m o rn in g by a llo w in g your first conscious tho ug hts to be a prayer o f th a n k
fulness for life and for the opportunities to serve others. Next, recall the sorrow s o f
the w o rld and have sym pathetic u nderstanding o f them . R em em ber the deeds to be
corrected, and undone. A t w o rk , express Cosmic ideals. Im ita te w h a t you conceive to
be the highest type o f person attuned w ith the Cosmic.
It will be interesting for you to reflect for a moment on a point brought up in this monograph, and
that is the establishment of a degree of permanent attunement so that all through the day and night
our inner consciousness is vibrating in h arm o ny w ith the Cosmic. Have you ever thought of the
fact that by the time you reach this point in your studies, you have attained such a degree, or close to
it? Perhaps you aren’t aware of it, because it isn’t something that you can pick out and look at, as
you would some object. It is rather an acquisition of something that becomes part of you, like
breathing, or a heart beat. You aren’t aware that they are present, most of the time, because your
thoughts are on so many things, but if you were to stop and reflect on your health, you would
suddenly be conscious of the fact that your heart and breathing are sound and active in maintaining
you in a healthy condition. So with Cosmic Attunement; it is something that develops slowly and
becomes part of you. The only way you can really recognize its presence in your life is to analyze
elements of your life that have changed over the past few years. Such things as the decisions you
have made. Were you guided increasingly toward paths that made you feel more free and satisfied?
The whole flow of your life could be immeasurably smoother, and yet it would seem perfectly normal
to you, and you take it for granted.
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^iiim SinSSSSSSSKiiSSiniiim iiiim iiiim iiiim SiliiiiSvi*
n O O O o
A M $ R C
Degree // Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
149 149
R E C ' S T £ f t £ 0 IN U . S . PA T E N T © F r i C E
P R I N T E D I N \J . 5 . A .
inner circles. Our Grand Master, Charles Dana Dean, who passed
through transition in the summer of 1933, was typical of the Rosi
crucian who devotes his time and thought to being an exemplary
Rosicrucian. He was in charge of a number of departments of the
telephone company in San Francisco and had a hundred employees under
him. They loved him for his kindness, consideration, constant sug
gestions for improvement, and his fair dealing under every condition.
They not only held banquets and entertained in his honor on every
possible occasion but they visited his home, helped him to spread
Rosicrucian literature and many became members. They came to his
funeral in a body to act as an escort at the last service held in his
honor. Officials of the company declared that they had never had
a man so dependable and reliable in every way and so cheerful under
all circumstances as Charlie Dean. They spoke of his cheerful out
look on life and of his influencing men in different departments to
look upon their positions and work as something high and noble.
His attitude of mind was contagious ; yet he had never preached a sermon
nor urged anyone to look into the Rosicrucian teachings. One
official told me that throughout the company, there was a remark
ably high opinion of the Rosicrucian Order due solely to Charles
Dana Dean as a representative of it.
The point for you to consider, therefore, is what you are doing
to make the most of the work and bring its benefit into your own life
while preparing to share in future responsibilities. Even if you do
not seek to lead, even if you do not ever anticipate holding a posi
tion in the organization, even if you have never thought of becoming
one of the leaders of the future; nevertheless, as a foundation stone,
as an important pillar in the superstructure, a certain amount of re
sponsibility rests upon you. Even though you may be hardly known as a
Rosicrucian, never lecturing, teaching or conducting any specific
branch of the work, you will nevertheless inspire and encourage others
to seek the path through the manner in which you live and conduct your
own life. As persons discover that you are a Rosicrucian, or your
children, your relatives* friends, and acquaintances speak of you as a
Rosicrucian, there must be an immediate response in the hearts and
minds of those who know you and an immediate recognition of the fact
that your whole life has shown a degree of mastership, a high degree
of understanding, and a still higher degree of sincerity. This, in
itself, would be the greatest lesson that you can teach and the great
est encouragement that you can give to others.
Think these things over and see how you can modify or strengthen
your way of thinking and living so that your life may be a living
exemplification of the true Rosicrucian. In this way we who are at
present carrying the responsibility will feel assured that after
our day the great work will continue.
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono
graph. try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
C|[ The real Rosicrucian knows that a constant reformation must take place within him
self and that improving his own thinking and living will completely occupy him.
^jf The true representative of the Rosicrucian Order never loses sight of the fact that
he is a representative of a system of living. He is happy and so spreads goodness
where he can.
Neither lecturing, teaching, nor other forms of leadership are necessary to demon
strate that one’s life has shown a degree of mastership, understanding and sincerity.
Mastery is demonstrated in the manner in which one lives and in the conduct of his
(][ Many monuments have been built to those who have contributed to the world’s hap
piness and peace— the musician, artist, inventor, philosopher and religious student.
However, the greatest monuments are those built in the heart and mind.
C[J This week’s exercise for increasing the power of the aura is given in connection with
that of the water. The arms crossed over the chest fold the aura close to the upper
part of the body and thus strengthen the vitality of the heart and other psychic
This m onograph it not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale or
purchase may m ale th e seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.
The Rosicrucian Ordtr
Not only poetry but also the p lastic arts recall the dream by their
origin, for their roots reach into the unconscious. The artist speaks
about inspiration. B y this he m eans th at the idea of his work comes
to him as a m essage from w ithin. A sudden flash reveals the
artistic thought th at eventually takes tangible form in his studio.
Translated into the lan guage of depth psychology, this experience
m ay be called the sudden revelation of the unconscious to the
conscious m ind. The m a te ria l of the unconscious co n sists of
complexes, or “psychic knots” formed of forgotten experiences
charged with strong emotions. We have to im agine these psychic
knots as dynam ic elements that strive for release. The situation is
sim ilar to that of the dream. But w hereas the dream performs its
show in the darkened and closed theatre of the sleeping soul and at
best leaves a dim memory sw allow ed up sooner or later by the
stronger experiences of the d ay; the work of art originates in a
w aking hour of the artist in full ligh t an d freedom and becomes a
la stin g structure. Moreover, the w ay in which the release of the
psychic knot is achieved is peculiar to jh e artist, and so is his a tti
tude toward the unconscious m aterial that offers itself to him as a
stim ulus.
—“ The Dream And A rt” by Wolfgang Born, Ph.D .
(Reprinted from Ciba Sym posia, Sept.-Oct., 1948)
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
their ancient faiths the beautiful manner in which they keep holy
and sacred some of these symbolical and mystical principles. You
would come away with the deep impression that the holy water foun
tain that has been so well preserved in the ritualism of the Roman
Catholic Church is based upon something that is truly spiritual and
mystical. It is really a shame that this usage of water has been
eliminated from so many of the other religions and churches.
Therefore, I hope you will go back over those lessons of some weeks
ago and read them again in regard to the use of water, and practice
the exercises I gave you with real, intense interest.
In connection with the exercise given last week, I want to
give you an additional point for this week so that you may derive
as much benefit from it as possible. Before giving you this second
point, however, I should like to answer a few questions that appear
to be of special interest to the members of this Degree at present.
First, there is the question as to how a member of this Degree
will be able to tell what is merely a dream or visionary experience
on the part of the brain or outer consciousness, and what is a
genuine psychic or Cosmic experience. The question really is much
like the old one discussed in the lower Degrees; namely, what is
the difference between a dream and a psychic experience? We know
that the human brain is a very uncontrollable organ so far as its
functioning is concerned. You may think that it should be an easy
matter to keep the brain from thinking or functioning so far as
your objective consciousness is concerned. We laughingly say that
there are many people in the world who do not think at all, but the
truth is that the most primitive classes of uneducated and illiter
ate beings and even the insane do a great deal of thinking; but
there is great difference between rational, logical, reasonable
thinking and the other kind.
There are thousands of people who suffer at times from wake
fulness and cannot sleep because the brain keeps too active and all
kinds of ideas, impressions, pictures, and thoughts push themselves
forward into the consciousness. To sit down and think of almost
nothing, or to have the brain inactive, or to concentrate on only
one thought, requires a great deal of practice. If it were not for
the tendency of the brain to be quick and active and constantly
functioning in the thought world, it would not be difficult for
anybody to concentrate deeply and very successfully. Many people
think that the person who cannot concentrate is weak-minded. The
truth is that the strongest minds are those which usually find it
most difficult to concentrate on one point. A really strong,
active mind is generally so filled with thoughts and ideas that it
is hard to focus all of the strength of the brain on one
point. However, when it is done and the whole brain is
concentrated on one study or one subject, very successful
concentration results.
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
the brain. For instance, perhaps some weeks ago you were worrying
about a debt you had and the facts were registered in the brain;
and in your dream somebody tries to collect the debt again. In the
midst of your figuring about the debt, another fact comes forward,
pertaining to a new book that you have been reading. While you try
to add that to the other facts about the payment of a debt, along
come some facts about an experience you had in a dentist's chair
while having your teeth fixed and you fit that into the dream
story, and so it goes.
Each of these dreams is uncontrollable as far as reasoning or
logical thinking is concerned. In none of them do you stop and say
to yourself, "Why, this can't be true because that thing happened
years ago." Or, "That thing can't be true because the person is no
longer alive." Or, "I wouldn't do a thing like this; it is against
my beliefs or my religion or my policies."
In dreams it makes no difference whether you are standing on
your head or feet, whether you are dressed as a man or a woman, or
whether you are suddenly at the North or South Pole, rich or poor,
black or white, for it all seems perfectly logical and true. It is
not until you awaken that you begin to analyze and discover where
the inconsistencies are. During dreams the brain is incapable of
logic, of inductive or syllogistical reasoning and it cannot ana
lyze and compare facts and seek analogies.
A psychic experience is entirely different. In a psychic or
Cosmic experience many strange things may occur, but they are
always logically connected; and if any of them are unusual, you
immediately reason about them. If in a psychic experience you
suddenly find yourself standing in the center of Paris, for
instance, or on some important building of Paris looking down at
the Arc de Triomphe as though you were floating through space, and
looking down on it you stop in your experience and say to yourself,
"This is strange that I am over here in Paris looking at this
foreign scene because I haven't left America (or Canada or Mexico)
where I live and I am still there and yet I can sense this strange
foreign place."
Or, if in your psychic experiences you suddenly find yourself
in some person's living room trying to give a message to some
friend, you say to yourself right at the moment of the contact,
"Why, I must have traveled through space because I am still in my
home and yet I can see this home and see this person." And as you
reason about it you have the sensation of still being in your bed
or in your chair or in your room, or sitting or standing
where you are physically, and at the same time a sense of
being in the other place. In other words, you have a
sense of duality of consciousness, accompanied by the
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
If you feel that you are still in the Obscure Night, and that a new and brighter
life has still not opened up for you, it might be that you are being held back by
indecisiveness. It is perfectly normal to have this experience, because of the very
fact that the Obscure Night is a time of decision. It is a transition period of great
moment for every student. For some the step from an old way of life to a new one
is not too difficult, nor too severe, but for others the step can be a major
departure from what has been used to before. Generally, the more fearful and
hesitant a person has been in the past, the longer will it take for him to make the
transition to a new, more open life and personality. The emergence into the light
of a new day for that person, however, is all the more exciting and rewarding,
because of the great change. To all students who have still a sense of indecisive
ness, let us recommend that you use this week to concentrate on decision
making. As a rule of thumb, when you have a decision to make, make it. It is
better to decide, even though it may turn out to be least favorable for you, than
not to decide at all. By making a wrong decision, you have also found out which
was the right way to go. Very few decisions in life are final. You can almost
always turn around and go the better way in due time. Furthermore, you learn
from the experience and gain more courage to decide again and again. You
become less afraid of making wrong decisions, and each succeeding decision
will be more on track, more in favor of your goals and ambitions.
Sum m ary of This Monograph
11 A member satisfied w ith his advancem ent is lik ely to be lacking in any re a l
progress. The adept keeps his eyes on the heights above; faith in his a b ility
to reach those heights keeps him con stan tly rising.
H During sleep, the brain is not controlled, and facts w hich have caused us
concern, as w ell as m any scenes from our past, jam them selves into the
b ra in c o n s c io u s n e ss w ith o u t lo g ic a l seq u en ce o r c o n n e c tio n . D u rin g
dream s, the brain is incapable o f logic, o f inductive o r syllog istical re aso n
ing; and it cannot analyze and com pare facts.
H In a psychic experience, though stran ge things m ay occur, they w ill a lw a y s
be log ically connected. T here w ill be an a b ility to reason and analyze the
situation, and a sense o f duality o f consciousness.
11 This w eek, upon re tirin g , fold you r arm s across y o u r chest as described la st
w eek, and keep them folded w h ile going to sleep; this w ill be conducive to
Cosmic contacts.
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o o o o o
A M & R C
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph M onograph
151 151
of the universe affect each one of us, for we are more sensitive
than a radio set. Many mental and physical diseases are caused by
the human body's being upset in its balanced magnetic condition
through strong electrical or magnetic vibrations reaching us from
space. If we had no aura around our body, we would be very easily
affected by these outside vibrations and our internal balance and
harmony would be changing every few minutes.
In the early days of radio before engineers knew how to pro
tect the magnetic condition of radio sets, there used to be a great
deal of trouble through placing the sets in wrong places. In many
homes there were electric wires and water pipes, as well as gas
pipes, in the walls of the buildings. If a carefully balanced
radio set were placed near electric wires or water pipes, it would
soon be unbalanced by the vibrations radiating from them. We are
affected in the same way by electrical and magnetic conditions at
home, on the street, wherever we go. Persons riding in trolley
cars operated by electricity are practically surrounded by powerful
electric currents. If it were not for our auras, these electrical
and magnetic effects would disturb and perhaps affect us adversely.
The weaker our health, the weaker the aura around us because the
aura depends for its power upon the vitality in the human body.
The healthier we are, the more spread out and vital the aura.
Great care must be taken not to bring into our homes and lives un
desirable conditions through allowing our auras to become weakened.
As we proceed with the development of the psychic centers in
the human body, more psychic power is added to the physical energy
of the aura and this causes colors in the aura and enables us to
quickly attune ourselves with cosmic vibrations. By folding the
arms across the chest we bring more of the aura closer to the body
and keep it from radiating away from us. This helps to awaken,
quicken, and strengthen the psychic centers and makes the mind
stronger, concentration easier, and leads to many cosmic experi
ences. That is why this week I wish to have you continue the
experiment of sleeping with your arms folded across your chest, at
least going to sleep that way. Any other experiments should be
done before you retire and fold your arms in this manner.
My attention has been called to the fact that in most of the
pictures of Jesus and the earlier Masters, the position of folded
arms is almost rigidly held to. In looking through a collection of
ancient pictures the other evening, I noticed that a great many of
the ancient Masters, including Buddha, Confucius, and even those of
Egypt and India, had the folded arms. When one journeys through
the Old World, one is impressed with the fact that many of the
statues of the Christ and the disciples ornamenting the fronts of
cathedrals show them with folded arms.
In Rosicrucian rituals and ceremonies, as well as in
some of the ceremonies of other fraternal organizations,
the arms are folded across the initiates' chest as a
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
The magnetic push and pull of an aura in relation to other things around it is a relationship
between two magnetic fields. You have been well-schooled in the subject of the aura and the power of
attraction. If we did nothing more than concentrate on developing an aura that would attract to us
the things we desire, we would have more of the good things in life than we could ever obtain by the
use of will, or sheer force. A beautiful aura will attract to it beautiful things. On the other hand, an
aura infused with anger, envy, hate, or jealousy, will keep beautiful things away and leave you
susceptible and open to negative things of a like nature. Thus, in the weeks ahead, concentrate on
putting into your aura vibrations of goodness, health, and knowledge. Every thought you form in
your consciousness becomes part of your aura. Every bit of knowledge you gain becomes part of your
aura. As your aura grows in strength and goodness you will find the good things of life drawn to
you, and you to them. By concerted attention to this exercise, you will see results in just a few days,
so powerful is the law of attraction.
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The matter contained herein is officially issued through the Su
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This Week's Consideration of a Famous Opinion
If she had gone away to study art and had become a famous artist,
she would have to have paints or materials with which to express that
development, and the development would have to express itself in its
own particular way. If I asked her to play for me Home. Sweet Home.
Ben Bolt. My Old Kentucky Home, or the Amerioan Anthem, or one of the
old British or Canadian folk songs, or something of that kind, it
would never reveal to me that she had perfected herself to a high de
gree in musio. I would have to let her sit at the piano and demonstrate
her development through allowing the highest power within her to ex
press itself in its own way and through its own channels. If 1 asked
an artist who came baok from Europe as a master painter to take a pen
cil and draw some squares and circles for me on a pieoe of paper, it
would never reveal to me what he had attained in his art development,
nor, if I asked him to paint a simple little picture of some kind,
would it reveal anything of the great development he had. He would
have to wait until the development within Inspired him to paint some
thing different, unique, and original that was truly an expression of
the higher development he had acquired.
4J Each member develops in a different manner and at a different rate; each develops
special abilities and qualities according to God’s intentions.
(][ Each member should hope for the establishment in the mind and heart of certain
fundamentals of life and certain principles upon which each can build.
(I Most psychic and spiritual development and regeneration will manifest in our think
ing, our many personal habits, our health, and it will affect our understanding and
comprehension of the great principles of life.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono
graph, try to recall as m any as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
4] Each member develops in a different manner and at a different rate; each develops
special abilities and qualities according to God’s intentions.
(][ Each member should hope for the establishment in the mind and heart of certain
fundamentals of life and certain principles upon which each can build.
Most psychic and spiritual development and regeneration will manifest in our think
ing, our many personal habits, our health, and it will affect our understanding and
comprehension of the great principles of life.
Thit m onograph it not subject to sole or purchose by anyone. A tale or
purchase may make th e teller and purchaser subject to civil liability.
n o Q o o
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, ^ an4iV
> J to Degree
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153 W 153
»«iario im U.S.*.
For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no
more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he
shall hear it, he will answer thee.
And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity, and the water of
affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a comer any more, but
thine eyes shall see thy teachers:
And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way,
wal\ ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.
(King James Version, Isaiah 30:19-21)
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
his life and as his mission in life that which was golden, or in other
words, that which was uncontaminated and could not be tarnished or
blackened. Having that idea in mind, he could change the phrase to
any other words he wished, but he was not to think of one word as rep
resenting the idea, but to think of the idea as representing a word.
Another member received the phrase, "Avoid the analytical." It
was also more or less of a command, and quite puzzling, and here there
was no way by which he could determine which one of the three words
would be the most important. But it was really the idea back of the
phrase that was important. It meant that his mission and great objec
tive in his mystical unfoldment should be to avoid those discussions,
those studies, and those pursuits which were purely analytical. You
know that persons who constantly analyze and seek the analysis of
everything do not arrive at any great constructive conclusion. The
whole process of analysis is a breaking-down process rather than a
building-up process. The moment we take the word God, for instance,
and seek to analyze its meaning and analyze its significance, we ar
rive nowhere, and we really get further away from the idea than we
would by accepting it in its broadest sense and centering our thinking
upon its significance rather than its analysis. Undoubtedly this per
son had been of that type of mind which is constantly tempted to ana
lyze every phrase and every thought contained in our monographs, or
in his studies, and this kept his mind so busy tearing apart every
thought that he never obtained the beauty and magnificence of it.
One of the most magnificent buildings I have ever seen is the
Blue Mosque which we visited on our journey through Egypt, Palestine,
Turkey, and other lands. But if we were to take that magnificent
structure and analyze it, we would eventually have a pile of blue
tiles, and a pile of bricks, and a pile of stones, and a pile of blue
glass, and a pile of mortar, and a pile of wood, and other piles
spread out on the ground, and we would have nothing that was attrac
tive in any sense. Even the blue tile that covers the interior wall
of the Mosque, and is illuminated by the sun shining through the blue
glass of the windows, would look very ordinary and common if taken
down from the walls and piled up outside of the building.
^ The revelation of “the word” consists of a single idea expressed in a word or words.
4J Ideas are expressed by words when we attempt to convey them from one mind to an
other. Sometimes a single word will express a complete idea, but sometimes several
words are needed. This applies to the individual member’s “word” from the Cosmic.
Each individual has something to do that is of special benefit to his own advance
ment and attainment, and these words or phrases coming from the Cosmic are words
or ideas which explain what course that particular form of development is to follow.
Cjf The Cosmic alone knows what is good for the individual and God has ordained every
individual to fill some niche, to work along some path or through some channel to
contribute his share to the advancement of civilization. He must begin by improving
himself and must qualify for the special work he is to do.
Q The Cosmic is willing to help each individual make the utmost of this incarnation
so that the next will begin with the highest possible development and will give the
greatest opportunities for a happy, successful life, beneficial to himself and others.
This m onograph is not subject to sole or purchase by anyone. A sole or
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:rww!: This monograph always remains the property of the
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purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
t m
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
154 154
Each man has his own vocation. T h e talent is the call. There is one
direction in which all space is open to him. H e has faculties silently in v it'
ing him thither to endless exertion. H e is li\e a ship in a river; he runs
against obstructions on every side but one; on that side all obstruction is
ta^en away, and he sweeps serenely over a deepening channel into an infi'
nite sea. T h is talent and this call depend on his organization, or the mode
in which the general soul incarnates itself in him. H e inclines to do some'
thing which is easy to him, and good when it is done, but which no other
man can do. H e has no rival. F o r the m ore truly he consults his own powers,
the m ore difference w ill his wor\ exhibit fro m the wor\ o f any other. His
ambition is exactly proportioned to his powers. T h e height of the pinna'
cle is determined by the breadth o f the base. Every man has this call o f the
pow er to do somewhat unique, and no man has any other call.
We know that there are students who do this very thing and who
leave the university with an excellently balanced education and are,
therefore, qualified to do many things in life without specializing
in any particular one. Thousands of successful men and women in the
business and social world today are accomplishing great good in the
name of humanity and contributing to the general advancement of civi
lization through industry and social affairs who are not specializing
in any particular way nor working through any one specialized channel.
It has not always been their money that has rendered the greatest
service, for Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., has assisted a great many
movements solely through his moral support and the prestige that he
has given them. I stood with John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in the great
open plaza in front of the Akhnaton temple in Luxor, Egypt, while he
was directing and supervising the engineering staff which he had sent
there for the purpose of restoring and rebuilding those temples which
had long been in ruins. I have been in the homes of his father and
his uncle and discussed with them certain plans for gathering together
research matter of great educational and historical interest, thus
preserving many ancient records that were collected under their di
rection, not with the expenditure of great sums of money, but through
their personal interest, influence, and moral support. Surely what
ever else may be said about the business or social activities of the
Rockefellers, all must admit that they have contributed to the benefit
of mankind in so many ways that no one could say that their humanitar
ian services were specialized or that any one of them had been chosen
by the Cosmic to carry out only one humanitarian mission in life.
any one of them since I did not devote myself specifically to one, but
•dabbled* in all three. In fact, there was even a fourth urge within
me, namely, that of mechanics, including some interest in electricity
and chemistry. But between my sixteenth and twenty-fifth years I was
attracted in many strange ways to positions of employment which
doubled and encouraged each of the talents or urges that I felt be
longed to me. Without going to any school of art, music, or litera
ture, or without having any scholastic training in chemistry and elec
tricity, I received a good education in these fields by being employed
in them and serving under qualified persons. Thus I received a train
ing that was more practical and more definite than I might have re
ceived theoretically in any school or university.
I trust that you will pardon me for having used personal affairs
to illustrate a point. There are others here in the organization,
including my son, whose lives are typical of the strange ways in which
the Cosmic prepares individuals for some definite future work.
Not all checkers can be crowned kings; not all can make jumps and
capture prizes; there must be those who are captured and lost just as
there must be those who remain as guardians and do nothing but fill
space. Each in his own way serves some great purpose in the scheme of
From the fact that you and others are in A.M.O.R.C.. studying.
finding interest in it, and making progress through it, it is evident
that thft.-£oflmin-has, decreed that you are not to remain fixed find per
manent in one position, but that you are to move on the checjcerpoard ~
<5f lifeand play some active part in the great game, serve some pur
pose and accomplish something. If this were not true, you would not
be~imtinir organization. The cosmic would not have directed your
Tootsteps nor awakened your interest~ln these subjects, you would not
g e rinding happiness in this workT and you would not now be in this
Eleventh Degree.
Because a member has not received “the word,” he is not necessarily less qualified
for progress than the one who has, for the esoteric idea of the word is that it is
to serve as a special guide in the development of certain faculties. A member may
have many missions in various channels to fulfill and therefore receive no particular
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr., Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie are examples
of successful men who accomplished great good by contributing to the general ad
vancement of civilization and who did not specialize in any one channel. Einstein,
Madame Blavatsky, and Helen Keller are typical of the specialized worker. We need
not assume that each of us must specialize our humanitarian service in order to
carry out our Cosmic mission.
€J The uncertainty and lack of definite accomplishment of some persons may simply
be representative of their special position and may be a preparation for something
in the future. Each in his own way serves some great purpose in the scheme of
We are not to judge our fitness or our importance in the great game, nor our abil
ity to serve the Cosmic plans— all we can do is to hold fast to the path on which
we have been placed, making the most of it, and remembering that development is
taking place within and will reveal itself.
This m onograph is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale or
purchase may make th e seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.
This monograph always remains the property of the
Supreme Grand Lodge of A. M. O. R. C. It is not
purchased by, but loaned to, the receiving member.
"c*o 0
D e g re e D e g re e
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ii M o n o g ra p h M o n o g ra p h
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are of a certain age or only after we have had a certain amount of ex
perience in this life so that we can use that experience in helping to
carry out our mission. I really believe that some of the ancient mas
ters of music who began to play and compose music only in the last
years of their lives were purposely decreed not to compose music until
after they had had fifty or sixty years of experience in life— experi
ence of all kinds— so that their music would express that human under
standing and that human interpretation of life itself which would make
it a means of revelation and unfoldment in the lives of others.
Each of us may at this very hour be on the brink of a new career.
We may be just approaching the crossroads where we are to branch off
from our present path and start upon another. We may not be on the
main path right now, but on a branch that is leading to the main path.
After we come to the main path, we may find our mission and work in
life to be entirely different from that with which we have occupied
ourselves during the past years.
We know, furthermore, that as we behave each day and as we think
and evolve we are affecting that future path, that future mission. If
we are sinful, immoral, unmoral, or unjust to others or even to our
selves, we will bring about karmic conditions which will affect that
future path. If we are progressive in our thinking, evolve properly
and lift ourselves up to a higher plane day by day, we will make the
future mission in life easier, more pleasant, and more beneficial to
These are things for you to consider in connection with your daily
activities, your studies, your thinking, and all the things you do. You
must not measure karmic acts or things that create Karma by their outer
appearance or by their worldliness. You can create much important or
serious Karma for yourself in one hour of silent meditation when you
are at home alone or at the countryside in deep thought. Many acts on
your part that no one else ever notices and that affect no one else can
have a very important bearing upon your future karmic conditions. The
making of a decision that you will stop smoking, for instance, and making
a solemn promise to yourself that you will not smoke again and then
later in a few hours or days breaking down your will power and giving in
to your habit is a serious thing, for it has an important effect upon
your karmic conditions. You are violating a promise to yourself and you
are breaking down the integrity of your moral fortitude, and that will
count in your karmic record just as greatly as though you had gone out
and committed an injury to another person. Unfaithfulness or lack of
faithfulness is equivalent to an injury of the grossest kind. Holding
hatred or enmity toward an individual even if you never express it, but
allow it to remain constantly in your heart or mind, is a very
sprinns karmic factor. Being jealous of someone or something and
allowing that jealousy to color your thinking is another serious
thing. Too many persons believe that only the important things
\/ in life create Karma. For that reason, they go about withholding
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
Below is a summary of the important principles o f this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono
graph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
The word Karma simply means future conditions, future obligations, future rewards, and
future responsibilities, many of which are pleasant and many of which are unfortunate,
according to that which we have created.
U Karmic conditions, created daily by every act and thought, m a y take place instantly, the
next hour, next day, week, month, year or may be held over for another incarnation.
% Our daily behavior and our thoughts continually affect our future path, our future mission.
By being progressive in our thinking, evolving properly, and lifting ourselves to a higher
plane, we shall make our future mission easier, more pleasant, and more beneficial to all.
f We should not measure karmic acts by their outer appearance or by their worldliness.
f B y surveying our lives and noting what things we have done or may be doing which affect
our Karma, we may prepare ourselves for the revelation o f what our mission in life is to be.
When and if we receive “ the word,” we should analyze it, knowing that its revelation will be
to the best interests of everyone concerned.
San Jose, California, U. S. A.
Rosicrucian Park
a # xbjft
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
156 156
• ■ m rto m u.s«*.
But most men either revile or contemn that our manifesto, or else,
w aiving the spirit of God, they except the proposals thereof from us,
supposing we w ill straig h tw ay teach them how to m ake gold by art,
or furnish them with am ple treasures, whereby they m ay live
pompously in the face of the world—sw agger and m ake w ars—turn
usurers, gluttons an d drunkards, live unchastely, and defile their
whole life with several other sins, a ll which things are contrary to
the blessed w ill of God. These men should have learnt from those
ten virgins—whereof five that were foolish dem anded oil for their
lam ps from those five that were wise—how that the case is much
otherwise. It is expedient that every m an should labour for this
treasure by the assistan ce of God and his own p articu lar search
and industry.
-THOM AS VAUGHAN, 1622(?)-1666(?)
Temple Section A M0 R C The Rosicrucian Order
any line, the one to whom we could look u p as being the greatest in
his neid, the 0h6 "WTTom We could love, respect, and admire and
almost~WQT'ghip because of his great wisdom and ability/ would
excrecTT'liis pupil to._be~ quite prepared and thoroughly-trained in
(InHerstandijig a n d int^erpreting~~e5cTT~and everyTpoint that: he gives?
W5ul"d~nbt the same idea apply, thenT in connection with this matter
of psychic development and Cosmic unfoldment? nnt-il we have
learned how to be tolerant in our emotions, how to be logical in
rtrrr relinking, dp nnnst-.nipMvp. in m r r ^ 1-igns a n d how 1-n
master our own material, pftyglca3r~conditions, we are not ready for
the instruction and guidance ot great Masters or of great minds.-
Recently, a young friend of mine who has artistic abilities
and has done a great deal of amateur work, asked me to put her in
touch with someone who could give her lessons in the higher forms
of art. I listened to her request with a great deal of patience
and interest, for I was very eager to help this person, but I had
to warn her that the first thing which any teacher would require of
her would be that she undo and wipe out of her consciousness all of
the amateurish ideas she had developed in the past. The master
teacher could not spend his time nor devote his attention to a
pupil whose work for a long time under his guidance would have to
be corrective rather than constructive. Before he could teach her
the first proper strokes with a brush, she would have to get out of
habits of painting in the wrong manner which she had been doing
during her period of amateurish work. Her mind would have to be
cleared of false conceptions, false ideas, and false interpreta^
tions~of color, form, and composition. "
I knew that he would say to her, "Until you learn that the
great painter's duty is not to mimic nature or to duplicate or make
an exact copy of it but rather to see back of Nature her principles
and interpret them better than she interprets them herself, you
will never be a great artist." An artist when painting a beautiful
tree, a group of trees, or a landscape, does not seek some land
scape that is precisely as he wants it and then make an exact copy
of it. The camera with its precise vision would do this better
than any hand could do it. The real artist seeks for his landscape
picture the ideal lawn for one part of it, the ideal trees and ’
bushes in 6theT~~T5Xaces~Tor another "part uf it, the ideal sky for
the ^uppeT-parL u£ the picture^ and other 'elements gathered here and
there, andT then unites Lliem into one interpretative picture,— all -of
whi^~^ature~ w o ^ aV'~mluht, ui cuuld d<J7 but has not done in any one
particular place. ~ “ ~
Therefore, the student of mysticism in the highest
esoteric sense must be "ready to cast aside a n ot his
previous viewpoints and understanding ahd'wlpe out Of his
consciousness all of the^inibinLeipietratidns; all of~"ETie
grossly-£alse~~icte'a§7~all of the erroneous conceptions that
Temple Section A M O RC The Rosicrucian Order
The following discourse was especially prepared by Frater
Raymond Bernard, Supreme Legate of AMORC for Europe. It has been
translated from the original French, and is entitled: ECSTASY OR
COSMIC COMMUNION. We think it will have a particular interest to
you at this point in the 11th Degree, and it is our pleasure to
include this discourse as Part Two of this monograph.
"COSMIC COMMUNION is a state of being. It is a
flight of the soul personality Efl the hlcrnest summits
vmere individuality becomes integrated into the whole, the
e*go transformed into the super-ego, ceasing to be merely a
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
segment of fhfl One but in trm-h humming the One, outside of time
and space, in the eternal Present.
"Philosophers speak of the objective and subjective minds and
the subconscious. Thanks to such classifications, an understanding
is gained of the great phenomenon that constitutes consciousness.
But as in all of our being, from its most subtle to its grossest
physical aspect, no difference exists except that of vibratory
frequency; so it is between the different forms of consciousness
where a difference can be seen only in intensity and gradation.
During our stay on this physical plane, our wills must be exercised
to decide which state of consciousness we should arinpt.
"During our working hours, that time we call exteriorization,
our existence is divided between the objective and subjective con-
sciousness, with emphasis upon the first. In the graduated scale
of consciousness, our perception will be pinpointed on the lowest
level. As the heartbeat does not cease because it is not per-__
ceived, HU Tliu superior flow continues although under the control
of the
1 1
subconscious, 'mis is the state otJ man generally.
- - - — - -___ ____
We can continue our last week’s exercise of being prepared. Being prepared is a motto of that great
humanitarian organization, the Boy Scouts. That is another mark of its significance in our growth
and progress. This monograph of course takes it one step further, and that is; that until we have
taken those first steps toward our goal, we can expect little help from the outside. Those steps are a
test of our willingness and perseverance as mature soul personalities who are making our own
choices and decisions. Knowing this, note the message or inspiration that will come to you after
continuing your practice for another week. By virtue of your accomplishments that far, and by your
earnestness in working with Cosmic laws during that time, you will find that the first inkling of
help will be forthcoming. Later, as you reach different plateaus in your growth on this particular
path, you will find helpful suggestions coming to you through your inner senses at the same regular
intervals. It will urge you on to the next plateau because of the great feeling of accomplishment and
satisfaction it gives you.
I f
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-G . R. S. MEAD, 1863-1933
Temple Section A MO RC The Rosicrucian Order
contact with a great Master will ever be made while there is alcoholic
liquor in your system. A slight sip of wine will make very little dif
ference, or none at all, but if you have been indulging in beer or wine
and drinking several glasses of it, or have been drinking whiskey,
brandy or other liquors, the presence of it in your system will prevent
you from making any contact with the Masters. Second, the eating of a
heavy meal with much meat will likewise prevent that fine degree of
psychic attunement that will permit you to have contact with the Masters.
They do not forbid meat eating, but there is something about it that
increases the animal nature of the body too greatly to permit of psy
chic contact for several hours after eating heavily of meat. Therefore,
on any night or day that you want to make satisfactory cosmic contacts
in the evening, be sure that at meals you do not eat much meat, but
mostly vegetables.
Drinking too much coffee at the evening meal is another thing that
interferes with psychic contacts, whereas just one cup of coffee does
not matter. Neither will the Masters make any contact with you in your
sanctum or in any room where the odor of cigarette or tobacco smoke is
very strong. Any uncleanliness or unwholesomeness of the body at any
time will prevent a contact for the few hours or for the few days while
such condition exists. Any attitude, mental or otherwise, of anger,
hatred, envy, jealousy, or deceitfulness will close the doors tightly
against any cosmic contact. The mind must be as clean in thoughts and
attitude as a child's mind at the time the contacts are desired. Re
member these things.
I would like you also to keep up the practice that I outlined in
the last monograph. Each evening this week sit in your sanctum for
five or ten minutes at a time, or do it sometime during the day when
you can be alone, and see how soon now the contacts will begin, and
certain symbols and ideas come to you. Everything has been arranged
so that at this point in your studies of the Eleventh Degree you are
ready for the next step in making such contacts. Most of you have al
ready had some signs, symbols, or strange impressions given to you
during the past weeks and months, but you are ready to derive all of
the benefit from the exercises given to you throughout this Degree.
You are not far from the end of this Degree, and will soon be ready
for something higher and more sublime. It all depends now upon how
receptive you make yourself, and how many opportunities you give to the
Cosmic throughout the week for contacting you and giving you the first
inspirational instructions.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the essential
statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the complete mono
graph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read. Then read this
summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary during the ensuing
week to refresh your memory.
The Masters of the Great White Lodge have given the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC,
their full support and direction, for the Order has followed the principles of this
{J The Great White Lodge is composed of many Masters who help students according
to the diversity of their needs, requirements, and missions in life.
-The Master who will help you will not make his appearance and contact in any
phvsical sense, but rather by what may seem at first to be inspirational ideas. Each
Master has a name, a symbol, a word, which will serve to identify him in his contacts.
CJ The preparation for contact with these Masters should be sincerely undertaken and
conscientiously adhered to, for everything depends upon it. The practice outlined
last week should be continued.
This m onograph is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sole or
purchase may make the seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.
<-> O O O o
Degree Degree
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158 158
various parts of the world who are working out the same mission in
life as you.
This leads me to answer a few questions in regard to these
contacts. I expected such letters would come/ and I am delighted
to find that a great many of them are precisely of the nature that
I hoped they would be. Those of you who have not written will
probably do so within the next week or two, and I am not urging you
to write if you have nothing definite to tell me; but as certain
experiences come to you, I am sure you will want to tell me briefly
about them so that I may know.
To save answering a great many questions that may be in your
mind in regard to these contacts, I want to emphasize again that
spiritual or Cosmic contacts are not likely to be such as to pound
themselves into your outer consciousness and force you to take
notice of them. In the lower Degrees a great many of our members
think that when they are sitting in concentration or meditation and
make any contact with the Cosmic, there should be some marvelous
and startling occurrence to overwhelm them and carry them away.
They often think that there should be the sudden formation of vast
clouds in the room, the impression of being lifted into the clouds
and floating through space, probably looking down on the universe
and planets as though from Cosmic space high above the universe.
At least, they expect wonderful music in the room, or intense
vibrations that will cause everything to tremble with the power and
energy that have come into their environment. They feel disap
pointed if there is not a physical touch on some part of the body
and some sort of message given from out of space.
In other words, they expect their outer objective conscious
ness and their objective seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, and
tasting to receive some evidence of a very positive nature regard
ing the contact they are making. It takes time, as you probably
know from your own experience, to have such members realize that
only occasionally does the Cosmic contact manifest itself defi
nitely in the objective consciousness. Sometimes a very delicate
impression of incense or perfume does accompany a Cosmic contact,
and sometimes there is a slight and delicate impression of strange
music, and of course, at times, a slight impression of lights or
clouds. But the most convincing and the most sublime manifestation
of Cosmic contact is an inner sensation and the quickening of some
inner emotion. It is not the outer self that makes the contact,
but the Inner Self, and the evidence must be from the Inner Self.
Such inner contacts occasionally translate or transmute themselves
to the objective consciousness and give an objective
impression as evidence.
We must remember, however, that when the Inner Self
attempts to translate those impressions to the outer self,
the outer self is likely to give a coloring of its own to
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
their concentration and during the night they have been in contact
with someone or something, and that the contact has left an effect
upon them, but they cannot tell exactly what it was. They have an
impression that in some way they have been made healthier or given
a tonic treatment, or have been made lighter or cleansed in some
way, or that they have been inspired with some beautiful message,
but it all seems to be on the other side of the veil, and they can
not reach through and bring it out and present it to themselves in
definite, concrete, material form.
Not every Cosmic contact has to do with a message that can be
represented by words, and not every one has a beautiful vision
accompanying it. The little child who is tired and sleepy, and who
gets into its mother's arms and nestles close and goes to sleep,
feels a soothing, protective, inspiring sensation that neither you
nor I can reduce to words, nor explain in its real fullness of
meaning. The same is true regarding these Cosmic contacts.
I expect that each of you will have during the next week or
two a number of unusual Cosmic contacts that you will not be able
to turn into any material or worldly description. Do not allow
this to disturb or worry you. Do not attempt to translate or
interpret these things with your material consciousness. If you
arise from your concentration chair, or from your bed in the
morning, or at any other time, and if you feel that during your
sleep, or during your period of concentration, there was some
unusual occurrence of a Cosmic nature, or some sort of Cosmic con
tact, be satisfied with this impression that something happened.
Whatever may happen that is important for you to know will be
revealed, and whatever may happen that is of value to your progress
will be taken care of by the Cosmic.
Your outer self alone could not be evolved by the Cosmic; it
is the Inner Self, the personality, that also evolves, and, as you
know, it is the Inner Self that guides and directs you, since it is
in contact with the soul, being an attribute of it. Therefore,
your duty is always to be prepared for Cosmic contacts by following
the method of asking for them just before you go to sleep, or when
you sit for meditation and concentration in your Sanctum. It is
your duty, too, to keep yourself clean in thought and body, and be
careful of what you eat so that there will be a high degree of
readiness for the coming of any master. Follow this advice and I
will touch on some more of these subjects next week. I will also
advise you how to encourage Cosmic contacts, and about keeping a
good record of them.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the
essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the
complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read.
Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary
during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
U History has shown that those engaged in some spiritual or psychic work,
where there is not only a m ental interest in common but also a spiritual tie
and a united effort, are most closely attuned. Such an attunement exists
among members of this Degree.
U The most convincing and sublime manifestation of Cosmic contact is an
in ner sensation and the quickening of some inner emotion. It is not the
outer self that makes the contact. Only occasionally do such inner contacts
give an objective impression.
H The Inner Self may make a Cosmic contact and have very sublime realiza
tion of some Cosmic experience for a moment, but it w ill be impossible for
that impression to be translated to the objective consciousness, for the
outer self has no understanding of an intangible thing.
H Not every Cosmic contact has to do w ith a message that can be represented
by words or accompanied by a vision. I f when concentrating, there is a
feeling of some unusual occurrence taking place, be satisfied w ith this
H It is our duty to ask for Cosmic contacts before going to sleep and to hold
ourselves in readiness for the coming of any master.
One of the most beautiful stories in the Christian Bible is that of the wise and foolish virgins. It is a
parable that teaches the value of preparedness. You are at that point in your studies now where that
is even more important. You are at a point where Cosmic contacts are to come more frequently and
more readily, and your main obligation is to be prepared. Make a special effort this week to be a
vessel that has been cleansed of all impurities of body and soul. Keep your meals light. Drink plenty
of fluids. Bathe and wash frequently. Wear clean clothes as much as possible. Think good of people.
Love as you would be loved. Drive envy, bitterness, sorrow, and greed from your thoughts. In every
way, think of being a receptacle that is ready to receive the very highest of Cosmic inspiration.
San Jose, California, U. S. A.
Rosicrucian Park
Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
159 159
WBGIftTBRfcO IN U.S. P A T f N T O ^ H C E
• « t o i * r t « £ o tw* omomout THt
MlfttfO * k.i.A.
The disciple said to his m aster: Sir, how m ay I come to the super-
sensual life, so th at I m ay see God, and m ay hear God sp eak?
The m aster answ ered and said: Son, when thou canst throw
th yself into THAT, where no creature dwelleth, though it be but for
a moment, then thou hearest w hat God speaketh.
Disciple. Is that where no creature dwelleth near at hand; or is it
afar off?
Master. It is in thee. And if thou canst, my son, for a while but
cease from a ll thy thinking and w illing, then thou sh alt hear the
unspeakable words of God.
Disciple. How can I hear him speak, when I stand still from
thinking and w illin g ?
Master. When thou standest still from the thinking of self, and
the w illing of self; ‘When both thine intellect and thy w ill are quiet,
and passive to the im pressions of the E ternal Word and Spirit; and
when thy soul is winged up, and above that which is temporal, the
outward senses, and the im agination being locked up by holy
abstraction,’ then the eternal hearing, seeing, and sp eaking w ill be
revealed in thee; and so God heareth ‘and seeth through thee,’ being
now the organ of his Spirit; and so God speaketh in thee, and
whispereth to thy spirit, and thy sp irit heareth his voice. Blessed
art thou therefore if that thou canst stan d still from self-thinking
and self-w illing, and canst stop the wheel of thy im agination and
senses; forasm uch as hereby thou m ayest arrive a t length to see the
great salvatio n of God, being made capable of a ll m anner of divine
sensations and heavenly communications.
- J A C O B BOEHME, 1 5 7 5 - 1 6 2 4
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
The disciple said to his m aster: Sir, how m ay I come to the super-
sen su al life, so that I m ay see God, and m ay hear God sp eak ?
The m aster answ ered and said : Son, when thou canst throw
th yself into THAT, where no creature dwelleth, though it be but for
a moment, then thou hearest w hat God speaketh.
Disciple. Is that where no creature dwelleth near a t hand; or is it
afar off?
Master. It is in thee. And if thou canst, my son, for a w hile but
cease from a ll thy thinking an d w illing, then thou sh alt hear the
unspeakable words of God.
Disciple. How can I hear him speak, when I stand still from
thinking and w illin g ?
Master. When thou standest still from the thinking of self, and
the w illin g of self; ‘When both thine intellect and thy w ill are quiet,
and passive to the im pressions of the E ternal Word and Spirit; and
when thy soul is winged up, and above that which is temporal, the
outward senses, and the im agin atio n being locked up by holy
abstraction / then the eternal hearing, seeing, and sp eaking w ill be
revealed in thee; and so God heareth ‘an d seeth through thee / being
now the organ of his Sp irit ; and so God speaketh in thee, and
whispereth to thy spirit, and thy sp irit heareth his voice. Blessed
art thou therefore if that thou canst stan d s till from self-thinking
and self-w illing, an d canst stop the wheel of thy im agin atio n and
senses; forasm uch as hereby thou m ayest arrive a t length to see the
g reat salvatio n of God, being made capable of a ll m anner of divine
sensations and heavenly communications.
- J A C O B BOEHME, 1 5 7 5 - 1 6 2 4
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
person, but they do not desire that anyone should look upon them as
uniquely Divine or as gods in any sense. We refer to them as the
great Masters not because this is a name that they accept or have
adopted, but to distinguish them from other masters of Lodges and
groups in our organization throughout the world. They have per
mitted themselves to be called "the Invisible Masters" or "the
invisible brethren," and when they make a contact with a pupil they
like to feel that there is a wholehearted, deep, sincere respect
and love for them as masters, but not as Divine beings in any
special sense. I think that this fundamental understanding is very
necessary because if the understanding of the pupil is not accurate
in this regard he cannot make a perfect contact with them nor they
with him.
One other particular thing is that they do not like the pupil
to visualize them as belonging to any particular location. They do
not like to be called the Masters of Tibet, or the Masters of
India, or the Masters of Persia, or Egypt, or anywhere else. The
fact that they have a home or a Sanctum at some material point on
the Earth does not mean that they are bound to that point or place.
They are simply on the Earth. They like to have pupils think of
them as being on the psychic plane, or, in other words, on a plane
that is midway between the Earth and the heavens, or the heavenly
spiritual world. Most certainly they do not want themselves
thought of as being in the spiritual world or in heaven along with
angels and other Divine beings.
They are inclined to give the impression that they are every
where in space, and that they can instantly contact you or anyone
else anywhere, any time. That is the one point you must get into
your consciousness if you are going to deal with the greater work
of the next Degree. You must stop thinking of countries, and of
national boundaries; you must think of space as nonexistent and of
time as only an error of human conception. You must begin to think
of the past, present, and future not in the sense of time, but in
the sense of actions that are taking place. The things you did
yesterday or last year or ten years ago are in the past, but you
must not try to divide that past into days, weeks, months, and
years. The words I spoke a moment ago are just as much in the past
as something I said one hundred years or fifty years ago. The
moment a thing is done, it is in the past. While you are doing a
thing, it is in the present, and you know that the present time is
no time at all, but a mere transition period from the future into
the past. In the same way, you must think of the future not as
consisting of days, weeks, months, and years, but as being right at
hand, and of each moment as the future becoming the pre
sent and instantly becoming the past.
Now if you can get these conceptions into your mind,
it will make it easier for you to understand what I am
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
going to tell you next week. In the meantime also try to visualize
and comprehend these Masters in the manner in which I have just
referred to them, for some contacts may be made with you even
before or immediately after receiving this present lesson, and I
do not want you to get a wrong conception of any of the Masters who
may contact you.
As I have previously said, the Masters are not desirous of
personal adoration. They do not want to be worshipped and they try
to avoid confusing the student's mind in regard to his proper view
point. There is only one earthly thing which should have the
eternal respect of every Rosicrucian while on this Earth plane, and
that is the symbol of the Rosy Cross. In my private Sanctum, there
is a small, framed picture of the symbolical Rosy Cross. The frame
is so old that the back of it has actually been eaten away in
places by insects, termites, or possibly by little worms that
attacked it many years ago. The little nails that hold the frame
together are so rusted that they are ready to drop out of place.
The face of the frame is gilded with gold leaf, and the glass in
the frame is handmade. Underneath the glass is a piece of parch
ment— genuine sheepskin— old, brittle, and discolored. Painted on
it with handmade earthen colors is a symbol of the Rosy Cross with
other hieroglyphic and Kabalistic writing around it.
This framed picture of the symbol was for years in the living
room of the Napoleon who was a Rosicrucian, and it had been handed
down to him by members of his family. It is definitely stated in
records by those who were frequent visitors that this particular
framed picture hung above the mantel at the fireplace where he was
accustomed to sit or stand to think or to talk to others. These
persons have recorded that in the days of trial and tribulation—
when other worldly powers and representatives of countries tried to
dominate the will and the plans of Napoleon— he would stand and
face this symbolical Rosy Cross and then turn to the others in the
room and say, "That is the only sceptre, the only emblem of power,
the only sign of autocracy or authority on this Earth plane that I
will bow down to."
This is precisely the way the Masters would have the student
behave. Our whole lives are contests between an inner desire or
determination to do the right things, and the temptations from
within and without to do the wrong thing. Some of us succeed more
than others in doing certain things which we think are in accord
ance with our obligations as Rosicrucians. We never measure one
another by any standard of our own making. We dare not pass judg
ment upon the frailties of our spirit or of our actions. We can
only analyze and possibly criticize those actions which are delib
erately done with malice aforethought and with the intention to do
injury and to do harm. The strength of one Rosicrucian may be the
weakness of another. The great good accomplished by one and for
which all of us as Rosicrucians might hail him as great, might be
mere incidents of casual value if performed by another. We can
judge the acts and accomplishments, the progress and the attainment
of any Rosicrucian only by comparing these things with his past
life, his state of evolution, and the environment and opportunities
surrounding him. Each in his own way and in accordance with his
abilities and opportunities may serve the Order greatly or fail to
serve it at all, and it is difficult for any one of us to view such
matters correctly.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the
essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the
complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read.
Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary
during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.
It is human nature to find fault with others. It is one of our most grievous errors, and one we
should try hard to overcome. We do it because we have an innate drive to extend the Self, to enlarge
its image and increase its influence over the environment. There are normally two ways in which we
do this; one is to actually evolve the image of Self by study, experience, and positive living, to make
ourselves greater than the environment; the other is to depreciate the environment, to make yourself
look better by making others look worse, thus creating an apparent elevation in status. Consider
your feelings toward others. Watch for elements of your conversation that may tend to judge others.
Try to eliminate this from your character as part of your continuing preparation for the coming of
Cosmic Light.
This m onograph is not subject to sale or purchase by anyone. A sale or
purchase may malce th e seller and purchaser subject to civil liability.
*«>■■■■ i i S a a a i a a i f S i ■■■■■■■• ■ C '^ J / ii* M B 5 5 a * B B " a * 2 " a 5 a !a B a a * " a !5
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Degree Degree
11 11
Monograph Monograph
160 160
studies, diagrams, illustrations, and charts” as authorized by the
crucial moment, I should have been the one to cross the track and
be struck by the train.
GUIDANCE I have noted hundreds of such instances in the past ten
or more years of my life. I have dictated letters, and
then when about to sign them, have felt the impulse to withhold
them for a day or two, only to find later that by withholding them
I had saved myself from real regret. Such things cause others to
say that the one guided in this manner is "lucky"; but they cause
the student to know that he is under the guidance or protection of
some Master. It is inconceivable to think that the entire Cosmic
world, or God as an individual is personally watching each of my
acts and devoting his time exclusively to guiding me alone out of
the millions and millions of other human beings in the world; but
it is plausible and reasonable that something or somebody is taking
a special interest in me, and is creating in me at the crucial
moment the proper impulses and tendencies.
Everyone here at the Grand Lodge knows that from time to time
throughout the year I suddenly announce that a spirit of painting
has come over me, and that an impulse that is almost irresistible
has suddenly come to me, creating an uncontrollable, restless
desire to paint. I have learned during the past ten years to yield
to these impulses and that each one of them is good. For that
reason I quickly bring out painting materials and blank canvas, and
proceed to paint whatever picture may be suggested. Those who have
watched me at work have realized that under such impulses the
painting is made more rapidly, and finished more perfectly than any
that I may make at other times merely out of a desire for the
pleasure of painting. Every stroke of the brush seems properly
done, and not one has to be altered or modified in any way. This
is unusual, for ordinarily, the artist has to "feel" his way in
translating from his inner consciousness to the canvas what he
senses, and there is an almost continuous process of putting on and
taking off of paint, color, and lines. The same is true in regard
to writing. On such occasions I just allow myself to be the
channel for the expression of the Master who seems to express him
self through my words, and it is seldom that anything dictated at
such times needs changing or modification. It is true that such
dictated matter may not be in the most perfect literary style, but
there is a readability about it, a personality of expression, and
a continuity of ideas that is unmistakably beneficial and helpful
to the reader, and many of our members have commented on the fact
that such matter when read by them seems to be in a conversational
style rather than in the stilted literary style that is manifest
when something is deliberately, carefully, and laboriously
composed word for word and sentence for sentence.
On the other hand, an idea, an impulse, or the solu
tion of a problem by a symbol or vision may be given the
Temple Section AMORC The Rosicrucian Order
It has been many years since we spoke to you about a notebook. You probably
started one when you first joined the Order, but may have laid it aside in the
meantime. At that time, the notebook was used mostly for the purpose of writing
down points of the lesson so that they would be more indelibly impressed in your
consciousness. At this time we are recommending that you keep a small, pocket-
size notebook, or small tape recorder with you or near you at all times. This is for
the purpose of recording those flashes of information that should be coming to
you at any odd moment from now on. If you do not record them almost
immediately, as the monograph suggests, there is a good chance that you will
lose those thoughts, without much hope of the exact words returning.
Summary of This Monograph
Below is a summary of the important principles of this monograph. It contains the
essential statements which you should not forget. After you have carefully read the
complete monograph, try to recall as many as you can of the important points you read.
Then read this summary and see if you have forgotten any. Also refer to this summary
during the ensuing week to refresh your memory.