Pengajuan Judul
Pengajuan Judul
Pengajuan Judul
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Sebagai pertimbangan bagi bapak dan ibu saya melampirkan latar belakang dan referensi
untuk judul-judul diatas. Harapan saya kirannya ketua program studi program pendidikan bahasa
inggris berkenan untuk menyutujui dan menentukan dosen pembimbing dalam penyusunan
Mengetahui Pemohon
Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa
Background :
Reading is one of the most important things in life. Reading is important because it is
done in various activities. Humans are needed to support each of these activities. In the era of the
development of science and technology,growing up so fast, human life feels big this is closely
related to reading activities. information received every day. Almost everything is told to people
through the media in printed, electronic, oral or written form. this requires understanding to
understand it. become a reading activity. Basic human needs such as eating and drinking. A
person's reading ability can be acquired or practiced through education. In the world of
education, especially in elementary schools, reading is one of the main aspects of education in
indonesia. Reading is a productive activity for humans.
Reading comprehension is one of the most important activities to obtain knowledge,
information, or simply get entertainment. Reading comprehension is important education
community. But the child who doesn't understand the importance of learning to read is not
motivation to learn. to learn reading is a continuous effort and it is children who see high reading
scores in personal activities make them more active in learning compared with children who had
no effective reading activities.
In addition, with extensive reading and diverse reading materials, student reading makes
students more open to additional information enriches his words and collections of words and his
insights and knowledge experience.
This can be seen from the results of the pre-behavioral test reported by the researcher at
the time of observation. More participants appear less active students.
According to Burns (in Haryadi, 1996:32) there are four language skills, namely
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Spobek and Surasco (in Ahmad Rofi'udin and Darmayati Zuchdi, 2001: 8), reading is a
process of obtaining meaning from printed matter. Reading is not only an active activity but also
a means of obtaining meaning.
In line with this, the client (in Farida Rahim, 2008: 3) suggests that the definition of
reading includes (1) reading is a process, (2) reading is strategic, and (3) reading is interactive.
The definition of scramble itself is borrowed from English which means "fighting or
fighting". This scramble technique is used for a kind of children's game, which is practice.
Development and improvement of insight into vocabulary selection, by competing to form
vocabularies from existing letters. The main goal is basically the same, namely inviting students
to practice composing something so that something becomes meaningful.
References :
Andiani, Sural Reski and Asdar and Muhammad Yunus. 2020. “Increasing Of Reading
Comprehansion Skill Thourgh Scramble Method In Class IV Students SD NUSA HARAPAN
PERMAI MAKASSAR” In Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science volume 2.
University Bosowa Makassar Faculty of teacher training and education.
Elisabeth, Rohani Lasma. 2020. “improving reading comprehension skills using the discourse
scramble learning model in class IV SDV Mengkubumen kulon No. 83 Surakarta for the
2019/2020 academic year” In Journal skills, reading comprehension, scramble. UNS-FKIP,
Elementary school teacher education study program - k7116099-2020.
Putri, A. R., Ardianti, S. D., & Ermawati, D. (2022). Model Scramble Untuk Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa . Jurnal Educatio FKIP UNMA, 8(3), 1192–1199.
Title :
Backround :
The availability of printed and unprinted written texts nowadays manifests the way
humans think and actindaily life. This implies the needs forreading ability in order to be ableto
interpret and grasp the meaningof the texts(Glenberg, 2011). Students and practitioners,
particularly, cannot be separated from reading both primary and secondary sources such
astextbooks, research reports, or journal articles to construct knowledge, share understandings,
ideas, and feelings withothers, and develop new in sights and perceptions(Sulistyo, 2011:20).
Consequently, reading should be prioritized excessively by academicians since it is
apivotal skill to achieve academic purposes (Saville&Troike, 2005: 136). The variety
ofreading reasons aforementioned shows that reading is very influential for academician
activities. Education for All(EFA)global monitoring report team calculation reveals that
171million students in low income can escape from poverty after having basic reading
skills which would decrease 12% of world poverty(UNESCO, 2014: 13). The report shows that
reading constitutes a paramount implication in students’ further life to gain better prosperity.
Pertinent to academic context in Indonesia, readingis commonly taught from lowe
rsecondary schoolto tertiary level (UNESCO-IBE, 2011). Teaching reading in Indonesia can be
categorized asimproving reading comprehension; it is considered to be the core ofteaching
and learning reading process since the aimsare related to in creasing learners’
skills(Cahyono&Widiati, 2011: 49). As a matter of fact, in English as a foreign language (EFL)
learning context, nowadays, it can be seen that authentic input for reading in the forms of both
electronic and non-electronic texts can be accessed and gained easily from the internetand
library. Logically, the widespread of inpu tthrough reading will determine students’success
inlearning English(Dulay, Bur,&Krashen, 1982: 13).
In other words, the extra ordinary quantity and qualityof written texts may enhance
students’ reading abilities massively. Conversely, a large number of reading texts show the
idiosyn crasy of reading habit in Indonesia (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2012). In this
case, students do not develop and enrich their insight even though there are many authentic input
texts surrounding them. Iftanti (2012)in her study knowledged that few students have passion to
read various English written texts regularly and spend four hours or more every dayfor
reading. Asaconsequence, teachers should maximize reading activities in classrooms, teach the
students reading techniques,andgive adequate reading assignments.Educational institution sneed
towork on prepare human resources of high quality, especiallyin terms of reading proficiency,so
students can compete with other countries professionally.To deal with future challenges, a
plausible reading technique is needed in EFL reading activities to improve students’ reading
comprehension because nowadays teaching reading comprehension in the classroom come only
involvestesting reading comprehension whereas reading assessment must be commensurate with
providing the teachingo freading techniquein classroom (Block, Gambrell and Pressley, 2002).
Therefore, bringing students and textstogether in reading techniques that will be utilized in pre-
reading, whilst-reading and post-readingshould consider reading objectives(Brown, 2007:363),so
that basic competencesfor lower and upper secondary schoolsin EFL can bewell attained.
Concerning the development of instructional phases e.g., pre-reading, whilst-reading, and post-
reading, theactivities made by teacher should be relevantto students’ learning activities (Cahyono
and Widiati, 2011: 57),so thatteaching and learning reading processes in the classroom can boos
tstudents’ reading achievement properly, especially reading comprehension
(Kazemi,Hosseini, &Kohandani, 2013).
References :
Ahaour, T.,& Haradasht, P.N. 2014. The Comparative Effect of Using Competitive and
Cooperative Learning on the Reading Comprehension of Introvert and Extrovert
EFLlearners.Advances in Language and Literacy Studies. 5 (4): 2263-4714.
Cohen, L, Krustedt, R.,& May, M. 2009. Fluency, Text Structure, and Retelling: A
ComplexRelationship.Reading Horizon. 49 (2): 101-124.Cohen, A.D., Oxford, R.L.,& Chi,
J.C. 2001.Learning Style Survey.(Online),
profile.html,retrievedon February 22, 2015.Cohen, A.D.,& Weaver, S.J. 2005.Styles and
Strategies-Based Instruction:A Teachers’Guide. Minneapolis: UniversityofMinnesota
Title :
Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Yogyakarta: PT
Rineka Cipta.
Budden, Joanna. (2006). Role Play. London: BBC.
Hormailis,2003. The Use of Group Work Technique for the improvement of Speaking Ability the
Second Year Student on MAN 2 Pekanbaru Pekanbaru: A Thesis Unpublished Paper.