Yang 2014
Yang 2014
Yang 2014
Published in IET Power Electronics
Received on 2nd October 2013
Revised on 16th December 2013
Accepted on 1st February 2014
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0734
ISSN 1755-4535
Abstract: Future photovoltaic (PV) inverters are expected to comply with more stringent grid codes and reliability requirements,
especially when a high penetration degree is reached, and also to lower the cost of energy. A junction temperature control concept
is proposed in this study for the switching devices in a single-phase PV inverter in order to reduce the junction temperature stress,
and thus to achieve improved reliability of a PV inverter. The thermal stresses of the switching devices are analysed during low-
voltage ride-through operation with different levels of reactive power injection, allowing an optimal design of the proposed
control scheme with controlled mean junction temperature and reduced junction temperature swings. The effectiveness of the
control method in terms of both thermal performance and electrical performance is validated by the simulations and
experiments, respectively. Both test results show that single-phase PV inverters with the proposed control approach not only
can support the grid voltage recovery in low-voltage ride-through operation but also can improve the overall reliability with a
reduced junction temperature.
especially when an accurate knowledge of the mission 2 Reduced junction temperature control
profiles (e.g. ambient temperature and solar irradiance) is
available. 2.1 System description and requirements
A PV inverter typically consists of power switching
devices (e.g. insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) and Since the PV systems are still dominantly for residential
metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor applications at present, single-phase topologies are more
(MOSFET)), where various factors can contribute to the widely used solutions for PV systems [7, 12]. Fig. 2
failures of them, such as thermal stress, electrical stress, represents the hardware schematic of an inductor-capacitor-
mechanical stress, materials of the part and deviation in inductor (LCL)-filter based single-phase single-stage
product process and thus they affect the reliability of the full-bridge PV system with the proposed control structure.
entire inverter [16, 17, 23–26]. Among those factors, the Standard functionalities for a PV inverter are (i)
most commonly observed ones are related to the thermal optimisation/maximisation of the input power, (ii)
stresses, including the mean junction temperature and the manipulation of the inverter output voltage (i.e. voltage
junction temperature swings on the power switching devices control) and (iii) synchronisation with the grid voltage [3,
[15–17]. By means of proper component selection 7, 12]. Hence, in normal operation, the system is required
(considering rated power, advanced packaging technologies, to inject the maximum active power, known as maximum
the most stressed situations and the severe users), effective power point tracking (MPPT) control and typically, the
thermal management and robust design and validation, the MPPT control can be enhanced by integrating a boost stage
reliability of a PV inverter can be improved [27–31]. Thus, between the PV panels and the inverter shown in Fig. 2.
in this paper, an operation mode, which can achieve a Moreover, the injected grid current should have less
reduced junction temperature, is addressed for single-phase harmonic components, which is referred as total harmonic
PV inverter during ride-through operation. This control distortion (THD). In normal operation mode, the PV system
method is based on an appropriate thermal management by is required to operate at a minimum power factor (PF) of
properly allocating the reactive power and the active power 0.85, and the injected current THD should be lower than
in LVRT operation mode. 5% [7, 8]. Traditionally, in response to a grid variation, for
This paper is organised as follows: the viability of the example, a voltage sag or a frequency disturbance, the PV
proposed junction temperature control method is illustrated systems should disconnect from the grid in order to prevent
in § II, including the LVRT requirements and possible from islanding operation [4]. However, with an even higher
reactive power injection strategies. It is followed by some installation rate of PV systems, the disconnection of a
implementation examples. In § III, the analysis is firstly considerable amount of PV systems unintentionally will
Fig. 2 Hardware schematic and control diagram of a single-phase single-stage full-bridge PV system with LVRT capability to achieve a
reduced junction temperature under grid faults based on single-phase PQ theory
Pn Pn
cos w = =
S Pn + Q2
⎪ 2
⎪ 1
⎨ 1/ 1 + k 2 · Vg − Vg2 1 − pu ≤ Vg , 0.9pu
⎪ 1
⎩ 0 Vg , 1 − pu
Fig. 4 Control structure of the proposed junction temperature
where k is defined previously, Pn is the nominal active power control method through active power and reactive power regulation
and S is the apparent power.
Although the const.-P control can output the maximum areas. This is the main idea of the proposed control method
power in different operation modes, it is known from (6) in order to achieve a constant or reduced junction
that the const.-P control strategy can only be adopted when temperature of the power devices.
Imax ≥ 2.236 IN with k being 2.0 pu, which is very large for For example, as it is shown in Fig. 3, a voltage sag (0.3 pu)
the inverter design and will increase the cost of the PV occurs and the const.-I control strategy is firstly activated once
inverter. Moreover, an inappropriate design margin the voltage sag is detected. In this case, the required PF
(e.g. Imax = 1.5 IN) may cause the power devices more should be approximately 0.8 when k = 2 pu. By adjusting k
easily to fail when a grid fault happens. Whereas for the to 3 pu or changing the mode of control to const.- P control
const.-I control, the peak value of the injected grid current strategy, the operation points will change from C to D or
is kept constant during operation, and thus there is no risk from C to A, and thus the injected active power and reactive
of over-current shutdown. power are manipulated, leading to a change of loss
distribution on the power devices. According to (2) and
2.3 Reduced junction temperature control previous discussions, since the power losses have a
significant impact on the thermal behaviour of the power
Based on the previous discussions, the thermal performance devices, a manipulation of the junction temperature is
of a PV inverter is affected by the power losses, which are achieved by varying k or changing the control strategies.
dependent on the grid conditions and the power allocations. The control philosophy of the proposed method has been
Under different control strategies, the ratio between the illustrated in the last paragraph. A detailed implementation
active power and the required reactive power is varied, and of this control strategy is shown in Fig. 4. By optimising
thus the PF. Therefore the junction temperature is affected. the power references (P* and Q*) shown in Fig. 2
According to (4) and (7), the control areas for these two according to voltage sag depths, an allocation of the powers
strategies under grid faults can be plotted in Fig. 3. The can be done and thus the control goals can be achieved. As
upper borders (solid lines) of the control areas (I and II) are it is shown in Fig. 4, the proposed control method can not
the maximum PF (k = 2) that is required under grid faults only meet the reactive power injection requirement but also
according to Fig. 1. Thus, in these control areas (I and II), enhance the reliability performance by means of controlling
the active power and reactive power can be allocated the power device junction temperature through active and
properly and intentionally, and varied by adjusting the slope reactive powers exchanging with the grid. The key of the
k or by changing the control strategies. As aforementioned, implementation of this control method is to find the
this will lead to a redistribution of the power losses on the optimum power references under different grid levels by
switching devices, and thus offers the control possibility to means of look-up tables or mathematical derivations. Thus,
achieve a reduced or constant junction temperature by an appropriate thermal model of the power devices is
optimising the active power and reactive power in those necessary, since the electrical model of the power devices is
coupled with the thermal model through the power losses
on the device [24, 25].
Fig. 5 shows a thermal model of the power devices, where
Z th is the thermal impedance between two nodes. It is
illustrated in Fig. 5 that the power losses (Ptot(S) and Ptot(D))
on the power devices will cause temperature rise at different
nodes because of the thermal impedances. This relationship
can be described as
+ Ta (t)
Fig. 3 PF curves against voltage levels for different control (8)
strategies according to Fig. 1: solid lines: k = 2.0 and dashed
lines: k = 3.0 in which, Tj(S/D) is the IGBT/diode junction temperature,
Fig. 5 Thermal models from a full-bridge PV inverter in Fig. 2 to a single power device and the thermal impedance [26, 32–34]
Notes: Tj – junction temperature, Tc – case temperature, Th – heatsink temperature, Ta – ambient temperature.
Ptot(S/D) is the IGBT/diode total losses, Zth(S/D)( j-c) is dependent on the voltage sag level. One method is based on
the thermal impedance from junction to case, Zth(c-h) is the mathematical derivations, and it requires a better knowledge
thermal impedance from case to heat sink, Zth(h-a) is the of the power device materials, the topologies, the switch
thermal impedance from heat sink to ambient, Tc is the case schemes etc. Meanwhile, the coupled relationship between
temperature, and S represents the IGBT and D denotes the power losses and the junction temperature further increase
diode. Typically, the thermal impedance can be modelled as the derivation complexity. An alternative is based on
a multi-layer Foster model [28, 33–35], which is a look-up tables, although at a cost of the accuracy. This
series-connected model as shown in Fig. 5, and it can be method is simple and can easily be implemented. Thus, in
expressed as this paper, the look-up table based implementation method
is chosen for a single-phase PV system.
4 To create a satisfied look-up table and thus to find the
Zth(S/D) (t) = Rthi (1 − e−t/ti ) (9) optimum power references for the proposed method,
i=1 different cases (varying allocations of reactive power and
active power) should be studied first. Referring to Fig. 2, a
with ti = CiRthi. Those parameters in (9) can be found in the 3 kW single-phase system is simulated under various active
datasheet. It is shown in (8) and (9) that the junction power levels with reactive power injection when a
temperature is dependent on the dissipated power. This also low-voltage fault occurs. The results are presented in Fig. 6,
implies the viability of the proposed method. where it is noted that the maximum junction temperature
(Tjmax) of the power devices will exceed the allowable
2.4 Implementation of the proposed method value (e.g. 125 °C) under very-low-voltage conditions (e.g.
(power references) 0.4 pu). It also reveals that the maximum junction
temperature will increase with injecting required reactive
Regarding the implementation of the proposed method, there power in const.-P control mode. By decreasing the active
are two possibilities to obtain the power references, which are power output and limiting the reactive power injection, the
Fig. 6 Maximum junction temperature (Tjmax) of a full-bridge inverter (Pn = 3 kW) under grid faults with different reactive power injection
a P = 80% Pn
b P = 60% Pn
c P = 40% Pn
d P = 20% Pn
maximum junction temperature could be controlled below a is shown in Fig. 7c. It should be pointed out that, by
desirable value (e.g. Tjmax_d = 80°C) and thus can be kept applying curve-fitting to Fig. 7b, the power references can
almost constant during ride-through. Considering the be formulised.
required reactive power injection in Fig. 1, the active power
and reactive power references can be obtained as shown in 3 Simulation and experimental results
Fig. 7a under different voltage sag levels. Whereas, for a
constant junction temperature of 80°C, based on Fig. 6, the 3.1 Simulation tests
power references can be obtained and shown in Fig. 7b.
Consequently, the reference generation zones can be As it is discussed above, by adjusting the active power and
implemented as the ‘power reference generation’ unit in reactive power according to Fig. 7 and (10), a reduced or
Fig. 2. In the detailed control structure of the proposed even constant junction temperature operation can be
method in Fig. 4, the power references for LVRT achieved for single-phase grid-connected PV inverter. The
requirements (Fig. 7a) and constant junction temperature hardware and overall control structure of the single-phase
(Fig. 7b) can be implemented as the ‘grid requirements’ and PV system is shown in Fig. 2. Instead of PV panels, a DC
‘thermal optimisation’ units, respectively. source is used in this system on the assumption that the
For instance, when the grid sags to be 0.6 pu, there are MPPT control is very robust. The proposed control method
several sets of power references available in Fig. 7b – (i) shown in Fig. 7 was implemented in MATLAB/Simulink.
P*J = 0.2 pu and Q*J = 0.68 pu; (ii) P*J = 0 pu and Q*J = A 0.43 pu voltage sag is generated in the simulations. The
0.68 pu; and (iii) P*J = 0 pu and Q*J = 1.0 pu. For the first second-order generalised integrator based phase locked loop
case, the active power should be 0.2 pu ( point B in [7] is adopted to synchronise the current with the grid
Fig. 7a). One way to generate this active power is to voltage. In order to directly and intuitively control the
change the slope k, being 2.36 pu, while the corresponding active power and reactive power, the single-phase PQ
reactive power Q*L = 0.57 pu ( point D in Fig. 7a). This control method is adopted in this system. A proportional
reactive power is insufficient to keep the junction resonant current controller with harmonic compensators has
temperature constant as shown in Fig. 7b ( point A), and been selected in order to guarantee a good power quality.
thus, the maximum junction will be lower than Tjmax_d. If An IGBT module (600 V and 50 A) from a leading
the required reactive power (Q*J = Q*L = 0.68 pu) is manufacturer is selected with the thermal parameters shown
injected to the grid, the peak value of the injected current in Table 1. The other specifications of the system are listed
will not be constant during LVRT, however, the maximum in Table 2.
junction temperature will be kept constant. Another way to The power losses and the cyclic temperature on the power
achieve a constant junction temperature is to further devices of a 3 kW single-phase PV system are firstly tested
decrease the active power generation either by increasing k for constant junction temperature control. When a voltage
or chaning the reactive power injection strategies (from A to fault (0.43 pu) is detected, the system can immediately be
C), as it is shown in Fig. 7. changed to the proposed control operation mode from
According to Fig. 6, the junction temperature of the power normal operation condition with the MPPT control. For
devices of a full-bridge inverter is proportional to the injected
reactive power and the generated active power. Thus, to
ensure a reduced junction temperature and considering the Table 1 Foster thermal parameters for an IGBT module from a
leading manufacturer
grid requirements, the power references optimised by the
central control unit in Fig. 4 can be given as Impedance Zth( j-c) Zth(c-h)
I 1 2 3 4
P∗ = min PL∗ , PJ∗
(10) IGBT Rthi (K/W) 0.074 0.173 0.526 0.527 0.7
Q∗ = min Q∗L , Q∗J ti (s) 0.0005 0.005 0.05 0.2 0
diode Rthi (K/W) 0.123 0.264 0.594 0.468 0.7
ti (s) 0.0005 0.005 0.05 0.2 0
Consequently, the control flowchart of the proposed method
Table 3 Power loss distributions of the IGBT modules of a 3 kW single-phase PV inverters in different operation modes (unit: W)
Module no. 1 2 3 4
S1 D1 S2 D2 S3 D3 S4 D4
normal operation (MPPT) 19.2 3.1 18.95 3.1 18.95 3.1 19.2 3.1
low-voltage ride-through (const.-P, 0.43 pu) 48.1 13.6 47.65 13.47 47.65 13.47 48.1 13.6
constant junction temperature control (0.43 pu) 18.7 8.1 18.4 8.0 18.4 8.0 18.7 8.1
Fig. 8 Simulation results of a 3 kW single-phase full-bridge PV inverter with the proposed control method to
a Achieve constant maximum junction temperature
b Reduce junction temperature (voltage sag depth: 0.43 pu): ig: grid current, vg: grid voltage, P: injected active power to the grid, Q: injected reactive power to the
grid, Tj: junction temperature, S: IGBT, D: diode
Fig. 9 Experimental results of a 1 kW single-phase grid-connected system in LVRT operation modes (0.43 pu voltage sag): time [40 ms/div]
a Grid voltage vg [100 V/div] and grid current ig [5 A/div]
b Active power P [500 W/div] and reactive power Q [500 Var/div]
Fig. 10 Experimental results (thermal performance) of a single-phase three level NPC PV inverter under different PFs: Sp1 – IGBT, Sp2 –
clamped diode and Sp3 – MOSFET