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Fault Analysis For Distribution Networks With Current-Controlled Three-Phase Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generators

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Fault Analysis for Distribution Networks with

Current-Controlled Three-Phase Inverter-
Interfaced Distributed Generators
Qianggang Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Niancheng Zhou, Ling Ye

Abstract-- The fault current of a three-phase inverter- the short-circuit behavior of IIDGs but are unable to
interfaced distributed generator (IIDG) depends on the control analytically calculate the short-circuit current. Under the
strategy employed during grid faults. A new short-circuit current assumption of constant output power before and after a grid
calculation method for IIDGs is developed in this study according
fault, a current source model based on the phase frame of a
to the current control and reactive power support during the low-
voltage ride-through operation period. To investigate how ride- current-controlled three-phase IIDG was established for short
through time relates to the short-circuit current of IIDGs, short- circuit calculation in [8, 9]. However, its controller was
circuit responses under different fault conditions are compared. designed to control both positive- and negative-sequence
The short-circuit current of a multi-IIDG distribution network is currents to flexibly regulate the output power of the inverter
determined with the proposed technique in consideration of ride- during a grid fault [10–13]. Thus, IIDGs must be modeled
through time and sequence current control. The correctness of the
based on the sequence component frame for fault analysis.
proposed method is verified by simulation.
Several distribution system analysis tools (i.e., CYMDIST [14])

Index Terms--short-circuit current, sequence components, have been utilized to develop IIDG models for short circuit
inverter interfaced distributed generator, current control, ride- calculation in sequence networks. However, the developed
through time, distribution network. models do not allow for the dynamic reactive power regulation
of IIDGs by positive- and negative-sequence current injections
I. INTRODUCTION [14]; such regulation is important for IIDGs to ride through

D ISTRIBUTED generators (DGs) in a distribution network

change the power flow and short-circuit current.
Protection and reclosing devices are affected by the short-
different types of grid faults. Furthermore, the transient fault
responses of IIDGs cannot be theoretically explained by the
aforementioned tools. A short-circuit current source model that
circuit current generated by DGs [1]. Three-phase inverter- provides reactive power support for a current-controlled three-
interfaced distributed generators (IIDGs), including phase IIDG was established in [10]. The IIDG only produces
photovoltaic, fuel cell, wind power, and micro-turbine, are positive-sequence current, and the power fluctuation caused by
widely utilized in power systems because of the fast and the negative-sequence component is ignored. However, this
flexible control provided by their power electronic devices [2– IIDG was designed to inject negative-sequence current to
4]. The basic control modes of IIDGs can be divided into enhance its output performance during an asymmetric grid
voltage and current control according to the different tracking fault. The model in [10] cannot obtain the negative-sequence
variables in the inner-loop control [5]. The fault features of current of three-phase IIDGs during an asymmetric fault.
IIDGs are different from those of synchronous generators The injected negative-sequence component of short-circuit
because the short-circuit current of IIDGs is limited by the current can restrain the DC voltage and power fluctuations of
maximum current rating of the inverter; in addition, the fault IIDG and ensure its safe operation [11–13]. Although a unified
response speed is within milliseconds [5, 6]. The short-circuit formula for positive- and negative-sequence currents was
current of IIDGs, particularly current-controlled IIDGs, mainly proposed to adjust the IIDG operating features during a fault in
depends on the control strategy, which acts as a current source. [12, 13], these studies do not consider the interaction between
Traditional fault analysis [6] based on the voltage source the sequence currents of IIDG and sequence networks and
equivalent has become inadequate to calculate the short-circuit cannot provide a solution to short-circuit currents in a
current of IIDGs and estimate its impact on protection and distribution grid with multi-IIDGs. The terminal voltages of
reclosing devices. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze IIDGs at different nodes differ from one another, and their
the fault of a distribution network integrated with current- ride-through time also differs [15] depending on the low-
controlled three-phase IIDGs. voltage ride-through (LVRT) requirement. The ride-through
When the terminal voltage of an IIDG drops after a grid time sequences of IIDGs affect the current distribution of a
fault, the output current of the inverter increases. Transient multi-IIDG system at different periods. Currently, no short
simulation [1] and physical experimentation [7] help explain circuit calculation tools and models of IIDG consider the ride-
through time (self-protection).
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission The advantage of sequence component-based fault analysis
Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing Unversity, is that the sequence networks are decoupled for a balanced
China (e-mail: yitagou@cqu.edu.cn).

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

three-phase distribution network. An unbalanced three-phase current of IIDG. According to the relationship between the
distribution network with single- and two-phase lines cannot node voltages and branch currents in Fig. 2, the terminal
be analyzed directly through the plain sequence component voltage of IIDG can be expressed as
method because of the coupling of three sequence networks
[16, 17]. However, compared with the phase component E (Z  ZL1  2ZL2  ZΣ0 )  I (Zs  ZL1 )2
U   s s 
method, the sequence component method can decrease the 2Zs  2ZL1  2ZL2  ZΣ0
scale and complexity of short-circuit current calculation, and (Z  ZL1  2ZL2  ZΣ0 )(Zs  ZL1 )
I [ZT  s ] (1)
the weak coupling among sequence networks can be solved by 2Zs  2ZL1  2ZL2  ZΣ0
parallel processing [18]. The sequence components of short-
U   Es  U   ( I  I )(Zs  ZL1  ZT ) (2)
circuit currents can be utilized in the protection and control of
IIDG under an asymmetric fault. where Z0=ZT(Zs+3ZL1)/(Zs+3ZL1+ZT)+3ZL2. The relationship
This paper proposes an analytical method to calculate the among substation voltage E s , system impedances, terminal
short-circuit currents of a multi-IIDG distribution network
voltage U  , U  , and short-circuit current I , I of IIDG
based on the short-circuit characteristics of current-controlled
represents the network constraint of the composite sequence
three-phase IIDGs under a grid fault. The proposed technique
network in Fig. 2. An iterative method is necessary to solve
can effectively address the mutual coupling of sequence
this constraint because of the nonlinear coupling between the
networks for an unbalanced distribution network. The current
short-circuit current and terminal voltage of IIDG, which
source models for positive- and negative-sequence components
depends on its current control. IIDG is assumed not to be
are established in consideration of the reactive power support
connected to the network and that the initial terminal voltage
and converter capacity constraint of IIDGs during LVRT.
after a fault can be obtained. According to the initial voltage
Terminal voltage and ride-through time, which affect the short-
and current control of IIDG, the sequence components of the
circuit current of IIDGs, are investigated. The method is
short-circuit current can be obtained and would be substituted
verified with PSCAD/EMTDC, where IIDGs are represented
into (1) and (2) to update the terminal voltage until
by the models in [11]. The errors arising from the difference
convergence. Notably, the current of IIDG has a strong
between analytical and simulation results are analyzed.
correlation with LVRT control.
E s I U 2
U 3
U 
A. Short Circuit Calculation Principle
Grid voltage includes positive-, negative-, and zero-
sequence components during an asymmetrical fault and a 
I  U 2 U 3
U 
three-phase IIDG can eliminate its zero-sequence current via
suitable control [19, 20]. Thus, after an asymmetrical grid fault,
IIDG injects only positive- and negative-sequence currents into U 20 U 30
sequence networks as a dynamic current source. In the single-
IIDG system in Fig. 1, Es is the equivalent substation voltage
Fig. 2. Composite sequence network when a single-phase-to-ground short-
and Zs is the short-circuit impedance. ZL1 and ZL2 are the circuit fault occurs at node 3.
impedances of L1 and L2. The positive- and negative-sequence
B. Short Circuit Calculation Model
impedances of lines are equal. Their zero-sequence
impedances are 3ZL1 and 3ZL2. ZT is the transformer impedance. Under an asymmetrical fault, the output current of an IIDG
The composite sequence network when a single-phase-to- contains positive- and negative-sequence components. Current
ground fault occurs is shown in Fig. 2 under the boundary and voltage can be described in space vector forms
conditions of sequence voltages U 3 , U 3 , U 30 and currents I3 , i(t)i(t)i(t) and u(t)u(t)u(t), where i(t)[ia(t), ib(t),
ic+(t)]T, i(t)[ia(t), ib(t), ic(t)]T, u(t)[ua(t), ub(t), uc(t)]T, and
I3 , I30 of fault node 3.
u(t)[ua(t), ub(t), uc(t)]T. To maintain the active and reactive
power of IIDG as constants P* and Q*, coefficients, , and 
are introduced based on the unified control strategy in [13] to
form a new current reference for IIDG.

P[u (t)  u (t)]  Q[u (t)  u (t)]

i (t)  (3)
| u (t) |2 (1   ) u (t)u (t)   | u (t) |2
Fig. 1. Distribution network with an IIDG.

In Fig. 2, U 2 , U 2 , and U 20 are the sequence voltages of IIDG where  and [1,1], [0,1], u and u are the orthogonal
at node 2. U  , U  and I , I are the positive- and negative- voltage vectors of u(t) and u(t), uh (t ) [uhb(t)uhc(t), uhc(t)
sequence components of the terminal voltage and short-circuit uha(t), uha(t)uhb(t)]T/ 3 . h,  stand for the positive- and

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

negative-sequence components. Different sequence current equations and (4) to (7) can be applied to calculate the short-
control strategies can be obtained by selecting different circuit currents of a distribution network with IIDGs in
coefficients , , and  [11–13]. For example, different values consideration of LVRT control. Given that the equations are
of  and  correspond to five types of asymmetric current nonlinear and complex, the short-circuit currents have to be
control in [11] while Q*=0. In (3), after a grid fault, the short- solved effectively by iteration.
circuit current of IIDG can be divided into two voltage- C. Short Circuit Fault Characteristics
controlled current sources (positive and negative sequence).
The short circuit capacity of the substation in Fig. 1 is 240
Ensuring that the current total harmonic distortion (THD)
MVA. L1 = 1 km, L2 = 0.5 km, ZL+ = ZL- = j0.47 Ω/km, ZL0 =
and peak current of the inverter are within the limit is
3ZL+, P0* = 0.8pu, and Q0* = 0.6pu. The IIDG parameters are
necessary. However, owing to the fluctuation component of the
shown in the Appendix. A distributed generation plant may
denominator in (3), the output current contains harmonic
contain multiple IIDGs that are connected by a collector
components, and the available range of  determined by
system. The short-circuit current of an IIDG is limited, and
harmonic limits is very small. Thus, =0 is employed to reduce
multiple IIDGs can provide a significant contribution to short-
the current harmonic to zero [19]. IIDG should prioritize the
circuit current during a grid fault. Therefore, short-circuit
provision of reactive power support after the grid fault.
currents under different IIDG capacities are calculated to study
Considering the demand of the dynamic reactive power of DG
the impact of control parameters of IIDG and fault types. IIDG
[21] and the inverter capacity constraint during LVRT, P*i and
capacity Sn can be changed by increasing the number of three-
Q*i can be calculated as
phase IIDGs at node 2 in Fig. 1. The short-circuit currents of a
U s+i single-phase-to-ground (phase A) and a two-phase-to-ground
Qi i [Qi0  kqi Sn2i Qi*20 (1 )], 0<Qi  Sni (4) (phases B and C) at the end of L2 are shown in Fig. 3.
U ni
Comparison of Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) shows that the change
i Pi*0 , Pi*0  [0, Sn2i  Qi2 ] ranges of positive-sequence currents and the magnitude of the
Pi   (5) currents become small because of a small kq. The different
i Sni  Qi ,
Pi*0  [0, Sn2i  Qi2 ]
coefficients lead to significant differences in the sequence
components of short-circuit current under the same conditions.
where i stands for the i-th IIDG; i= U s+2i  U s-2i Imaxi/(UniIni) is
1.3 1.3
the capacity factor of the inverter after the fault; Usi+ and 1.2 Single-phase fault 1.2 Two-phase fault
Usiare the positive- and negative-sequence components of 1 1
terminal voltage; Imaxi is the maximum allowable current; Sni, Is+, Is-/pu
Is+, Is-/pu

0.8 0.8
Uni and In are the rated capacity, voltage, and current; kqi is the Analytical Simulation
Is+ Is+
reactive power support factor; and Pi0* and Qi0* are the active 0.6
Is- Is -
Analytical Simulation
and reactive power reference in normal operation. 0.4 0.4 Is+ Is+
Is- Is -
The relationship between the short-circuit current and 0.2 0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
voltage of IIDG can be determined from (3) to (5). The Sn/MVA Sn/MVA
capability of reactive power is decided by kqi, and the positive- (a)
1.3 1.3
and negative-sequence current control of the i-th IIDG is 1.2 Single-phase fault 1.2
determined by i and i. Assuming that the sequence 1 1
components of terminal voltages of m IIDGs are U si+ and U si
Is+, Is-/pu
Is+, Is-/pu

0.8 0.8
(i=1, 2, …, m), the sequence short-circuit currents are
0.6 0.6
P U +  QiU si  ( Pi  Qie-jπ/2 )U s+i

0.4 0.4
Is+i  i +2si  (6) Two-phase fault
U si  iU si 2 i   iU si
U s+2 2
0.2 0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
 ( P U   Qi iU si  )  i ( Pi   Qi i e jπ/2 )U si (b)
Isi  i i +2si  (7)
U si   iU si 2 i   iU si
U s+2 2

Fig. 3. Short-circuit currents under different fault types: (a) =1, =1, and kq=1.
(b) =1, =1, and kq=1.6.
where U si+ and U si are the sequence components of orthogonal
voltage that lags and leads U + and U  by /2, respectively. The
si si
When kq=0, the controller regulates the output power of
terminal voltages of IIDGs are determined by the short-circuit IIDG according to the proportion of active and reactive power
current injections and the network equation, as shown in (1) reference in the normal operation. When =0, IIDG only
and (2). In return, the voltages affect the short-circuit current injects positive-sequence current to the grid under an
injections through (6) and (7). This problem can be formulated asymmetrical fault. The short-circuit current of IIDG enhances
based on the interaction between the short-circuit currents and the support to the terminal voltage because of the increase in
voltages of IIDGs, the parameters of the distribution network. connection capacity. The short-circuit currents of IIDGs are
Nonlinear algebraic equations combined with network determined by LVRT control and network equations.

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

III. INFLUENCE OF RIDE-THROUGH TIME ON SHORT-CIRCUIT when Sn  30 MVA. tr changes to 0.625 s and presents a
CURRENT OF IIDG tendency to climb straight with the increase in capacity when
The duration of the short-circuit current of an IIDG is Sn > 30 MVA. If multiple IIDGs are connected to a grid, the
decided by its ride-through time. According to the German different voltages at the connection points of IIDGs would lead
E.ON and China SGCC grid codes [22, 23], ride-through time to differences in ride-through time during a fault. The voltages
tr can be obtained by using the IIDG terminal voltage after a of the other IIDGs change because of the disconnection of
fault. A simulation was conducted based on the LVRT several IIDGs; this condition will affect their trip actions.
requirements in the rules [23]. The simulation results of short- Besides the interaction between short-circuit currents and the
circuit currents for 1 and 15 parallel IIDGs (the capacity of grid, the short circuit calculation should also consider the
each single IIDG is 2 MW) when a single-phase-to-ground influence of ride-through periods on the injected currents.
fault occurs are shown in Fig. 4. The simulation parameters
and fault conditions are similar to those in Fig. 3(a). IV. SHORT CIRCUIT CALCULATION FOR A DISTRIBUTION
The supporting effect of the injected current on terminal NETWORK WITH MULTI-IIDGS
voltage improves with the increase in IIDG connection
A. Network Equivalent Circuit
capacity. For this reason, the ride-through time of the 15 IIDGs
is longer than that of the single IIDG in Fig. 4. The fault Fig. 6 shows a distribution network with n nodes and m
voltages of phase A (lower than that of phases B and C) in the three-phase IIDGs. Only the current source based on the
single IIDG and 15 IIDGs are 0.362 and 0.409 pu, and tr are sequence components of the IIDG at node i is shown. Nodes
0.943 and 1.036 s in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 shows the voltage of LVRT from 2 to (m+1) are IIDG nodes, and node 1 is the main source
(phase-to-ground voltage for a single-phase fault and phase-to- node. E s is the main source voltage, and Zs+, Zs, Zs0 are the
phase voltage for a two-phase fault [23]) and the trend of tr positive-, negative-, zero-sequence short-circuit impedances.
with capacity as decided by the voltage of IIDG during a fault. The short-circuit fault occurs at node f. U f , U f , U f0 and If , If ,
0.4 If0 are the voltage and current sequence components at node f,
1 IIDG is+ is-
0.2 and ZTi and ZTi0 are the short-circuit and zero-sequence

impedances of the transformer at node i. IIDGs are considered
-0.2 tr=0.943s voltage controlled current sources in Fig. 6, and they do not
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 inject zero-sequence current into the grid.
4 15 IIDGs
2 Isi U si

-2 Isi
-4 tr=1.036s U si
-6 Es U f If
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

Fig. 4. Short-circuit currents under different connection capabilities. Isi U si

0.7 1.2 Isi

U si
0.6 
1.15 U f If
0.5 1.1 tr=1.036s


1.05 tr=0.943s Ii0

0.3 Analytical Simulation U si
0.2 Ua Ua 1
Ub Ub U i0 U si
0.1 0.95 0
Uc Uc Sn=2MW U f0 I f
0 0.9
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0.55 0.7 Fig. 6. Schematic of short circuit calculation of a multi-IIDG system.
0.5 0.6
0.45 Power reference Pi* and Qi* can be obtained with (4) and (5).
Analytical Simulation 0.5
0.4 By substituting them into (6) and (7), short-circuit current Is+i

Uab Uab 0.4


0.35 Analytical
Ubc Ubc 0.3 Simulation and Isi can be calculated, and the terminal voltage sequence
Uca Uca 0.2
0.25 components can be achieved. The same process is
0.2 0.1 implemented to update the current at the next step; the short-
0.15 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 circuit current and voltage of IIDG can be obtained by iteration.
Sn/MVA Sn/MVA To calculate tri of each IIDG, the examination voltage of IIDGs
can be obtained by transforming sequence voltage into phase
Fig. 5. Ride-through times under (a) single-phase-to-ground fault and (b) two- voltage. Then, the IIDGs that would be disconnected next time
phase-to-ground fault. and their trip time are determined. Based on the combination of
In Fig. 5(b), the fault voltage is less than 0.2 pu and tr = 0 IIDGs that are still connected to the grid, the short-circuit

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

current and voltage of each IIDG should be re-calculated. from the fault point by the voltage in the normal component
Voltage is used to determine the next tri and the ride-through network. Assuming that the initial sequence currents of the i-th
IIDGs next time. IIDG are Isi+(0) =0 and Isi(0) =0, the positive- and negative-
B. Short Circuit Iterative Calculation sequence node voltages of the normal component network
U (k) and U (k) during the k-th iteration can be calculated as
An unbalanced distribution network can be modeled based
on phase components by path matrix T to represent the U (k)  Ζ  Ζ    I  ( k 1) 
relationship between equivalent node currents (flowing out of   (k)     
U   Ζ Ζ    I  ( k 1) 
the node) Ie and branch currents Ib . Branch impedance matrix
Zb is utilized to represent the relationship between Ib and node I(k 1)  [I ,Is2(k1) ,, Is((mk1)1) ,0,,0]T

voltage drops U b . The procedure to construct the matrices, I(k 1)  [0, Is2(k1) ,, Is((mk1)1) ,0,,0]T (11)
source, line, transformer, and load models can be found in [17,
where I  Es / Zs is the positive-sequence equivalent current of
24–26]. The node voltages can be written as
the main source, and each of the IIDGs is equivalent to a
U  EE s  U b  EE s  Zb Ib  EE s  ZbTIe current source. The fault node voltage of the normal network
 EIs Zs  ZbTIe  ZbT[ Is  Ie1 ,  Ie2 ,,  Ien ]T  ZI (8) contains the negative-sequence component because of the
negative-sequence current injected into the normal network.
where U and I are the node voltage and current vectors, E s Fig. 7 shows the composite sequence network for the fault
=[ E sa , E sb , E sc ]T and Is =[ Isa , Isb , Isc ]T are 31 main source node with the negative-sequence voltage obtained from the
boundary conditions under different types of faults.
voltage and its Norton equivalent current vectors, E is a 3n3
matrix composed of n 33 identity matrices, Zs is a 33 short
circuit impedance matrix, and Z is a node impedance matrix
using phase components. For multiphase lines and nodes, If (k) If (k) I0(f k )
missed phases of node voltages and currents in (8) may exist U f (k ) U f (k)
[25, 26]. If node i is a two-phase node that includes phases A
and B and node j is a two-phase node that includes phases B (a)
and C, then sub-matrix Zij of Z can be obtained with a three-
phase form by setting the corresponding impedances of the I0(f k )
missed phases to zero.
If (k ) I(k )

0 Zijab Zijac 
  U f (k ) U f (k )
Zij  0 Zijbb Zijbc   (9)
0 0 0 

The phase components in sub-matrix Zij can be transformed
into sequence components as follows: If (k ) If (k )

1 a a2 0 Zijab Zijac   1 1 1  Zij Zij Zij0 

1      U f (k) U f (k )
Zij0  A1Zij A  1 a2 1 0 Zijbb Zijbc  a2 a 1  Zij Zij Zij0   (10)
3    0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0   a a 1 Zij Zij Zij 


Given that unbalanced lines exist in the distribution grid, Fig. 7. Composite sequence network with negative-sequence voltage: (a) A
sequence impedance sub-matrix Zij becomes full, and the single-phase-to-ground fault, (b) BC two-phase-to-ground fault, and (c) BC
two-phase fault.
sequence coupled impedance matrix is characterized by weak
mutual coupling. Node impedance matrices Z+, Z- of positive- The impedances of different phases in node phase
and negative-sequence networks and their coupled impedance impedance matrix Zff at node f are balanced; hence, node
matrices Z+-, Z-+ can be obtained with (8) to (10), in which sequence impedance matrix Zff+-0 is full and symmetrical [26],
impedance ZTi at node i with IIDG is disregarded. If the three- i.e., Z+-=Z-+. The node sequence impedance matrix involves the
phase distribution grid is balanced, the sequence networks can coupling of sequence networks. The fault currents of fault
be decoupled without the coupled impedances. node f in Figs. 7(a) to 7(c) can be expressed respectively as
The fault network in Fig. 6 can be decomposed into normal
and fault networks by adopting the superposition principle. U f (k )  U f (k )
If (k )  If (k )  I0(f k )  (12)
Only injected current at the fault point exists in the fault Z ff  Z ff  Z 0ff  3z f  2Z1 0
network. The IIDGs inject positive and negative short-circuit
currents into the normal component network as a voltage-
controlled current source; this condition affects the current

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

(Zff  Z0ff  3zf  2Zff0 )U f (k)  (Z0ff  3zf  Z2 0 )U f (k) phase-ground fault and minimum phase-to-phase voltage for
If (k)  
ff ff

(Z  Z  3zf  2Z )(Z  Z  3zf  2Z )  (Z  3zf  Z )
0 2
the other faults); and Ta, Tb, UTa, and UTb are the parameters of
If (k ) (Z ff  Z2 0  2Z ff0 )  U f (k ) U f (k ) 0(k )
the LVRT examination curve. According to tri|Sj-1 of IIDGs in
If (k )  , If  If (k )  If (k ) (13) the set of Sj-1, the next trip time is
Z ff  Z2 0  2Z ff0
tj1 min(tri | Sj1) min(tri | Sj2), min(tri | Sj1)  min(tri | Sj2)
U f (k) U f (k) tj   , i Sj1  (18)
I (k)
 (14) tj1 , min(tri | Sj1)  min(tri | Sj2)
  
Z  Z  z f  2Z
f f
ff ff ff

The IIDGs that need to be cut should meet tri|Sj-1=min(tri|Sj-1)

where Z1+-0=Zff+-+Zff+0+Zff-0, Z2+-0=Zff+--Zff+0-Zff-0. Given that and iSj-1. Sj is then updated for the next step. Fig. 8 shows
the injected current in the fault network is only from the fault examination voltages Urx and Ury of the x-th IIDG and y-th
point, the fault components of node voltages U (k) and U (k) IIDGs. Two IIDGs were disconnected at tj-1 and tj successively
during the k-th iteration step are provided by because they exceeded the ride-through regions.
 Z1f  Zif  Znf Z1f  Zif  Znf  If (k) 
U (k)          (k) 
  (k)  Z1 f  Zif  Znf Z1 f  Zif  Znf  If   (15)
U  Z0  Z0  Z0 Z0  Z0  Z0  I0(k) 
 1f if nf 1f if nf   f 

By using (11) and (15), the node voltages in the k-th

iteration step are U (k) U (k) U (k) , U (k) U (k) U (k) .
According to Fig. 6, the sequence components of the terminal
voltage of i-th IIDG can be written as

Us+( k)
 Ui+(k) Isi (k 1) 
  (k)    (k)  ZTi  (k 1)   (16)

Usi  Ui  Isi 

Fig. 8. Ride-through time sequence of multi-IIDG.
Pi* and Qi* of the i-th IIDG at the k-th iteration step can be
calculated by substituting U s+(i k) and Us(i k) into (4) and (5). The disconnection of several IIDGs (the x-th IIDG in Fig. 9)
Short-circuit current Is+(i k) and Is(i k) of the i-th IIDG can be when the set changes from Sj-2 to Sj-1 may result in min(tri|Sj-
obtained from (6) and (7). Equation (11) is then utilized for the 1)min(tri|Sj-2). In Fig. 9, the trip action of the x-th IIDG at tj-1
next iteration step calculation, and the above steps are repeated leads to the instantaneous disconnection of the y-th IIDG that
until the results meet the accuracy requirement. closely connects to the x-th IIDG. The trip at tj should be
merged into that at tj-1, namely, Sj-1=Sj. Then, the examination
C. Ride-Through Time Sequence voltages and ride-through times of IIDGs in Sj-1 are calculated
When a short circuit fault occurs in a multi-IIDG system, in the new combination. The set of the next step is updated.
several IIDGs are disconnected according to the LVRT
requirements. Then, the terminal voltages of ride-through
IIDGs connected to the grid change. The ride-through time
sequence of IIDGs and the combination of ride-through IIDGs
at different fault periods should be determined for the short
circuit calculation. We assume that tj (t0=0) is the time at the j-
th trip action, and Sj is the combination of ride-through IIDGs
after the j-th trip action (S0 includes m IIDGs).
The combination of ride-through IIDGs is Sj-1 during the
period from tj-1 to tj. The examination (phase-to-ground and
phase-to-phase) voltages of the ride-through IIDGs can be
obtained by symmetry transformation. From Fig. 8, the ride-
through time of the i-th IIDG during tj-1 and tj is
Fig. 9. Cascading trip of IIDGs during a grid fault.
 0 , Uri | Sj1 UTa
 The short-circuit currents and examination voltages of the
 Tb Ta multi-IIDG system during tj to tj+1 can be obtained according to
tri | Sj1  Ta  (Uri | Sj1 UTa ), UTa Uri | Sj1 UTb , i Sj1 (17)
 UTb UTa the set of ride-through IIDGs Sj after j-th trip action. Then the
  , Uri | Sj1 UTb
 next calculations are implemented for the ride-through time
sequence and short-circuit current. The flow chart of the
where |Sj-1 means that only the IIDGs in the group of Sj-1 proposed short circuit calculation method for a multi-IIDG
operate connected to the grid; Uri is the examination voltage of system when a fault occurs at node f is shown in Fig. 10. Node
the i-th IIDG (minimum phase-to-ground voltage for single- matrices Z+, Z-, and Z0 of pre-fault positive, negative, and zero

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

sequence networks and their coupled impedance matrices Z+-, test feeder [27] which represents a highly unbalanced feeder
Z+0, Z-+, Z-0, Z0+, and Z0- are calculated by integrating the including single-phase lines, two-phase lines and three-phase
models of the line, source, transformer, and load (modeled as lines with different mutual impedances between phases. The
the equivalent impedance) in [17, 24] and (8) to (10). The feeder is modified by adding 4 identical IIDGs on the main
combination of ride-through IIDGs (Sj) should be modified feeder, and each one has a capacity of 200 kW. Since the
during each j-th step of the iteration. small-capacity IIDGs are connected to the feeder serving a
mixed set of loads, the load current will contribute to the short-
circuit current (especially for a resistance grounding fault).
Therefore, the loads are represented by the equivalent
impedances to verify the proposed method.
A. Case 1: Balanced Distribution System
The balanced test system is shown in Fig. 11. The short-
k -1)
Isi+(0) Is(
k -1)  (0)
I si circuit currents and examination voltages when a single-phase-
to-ground fault occurs at node 6 are shown in Fig. 12(a). The
U (k) U (k) I f ( k ) I f ( k ) control parameters P0i* = 0.8pu, Q0i* = 0.6pu, i = 1, i = 1, and
I 0f ( k )
kqi = 1 are similar for each IIDG. The short-circuit currents
U (k) U (k) increase to a steady value according to the power reference and
U (k) U (k)
voltage during a fault. The analytical trip times of IIDG3,
U s(
+ k)
i U s(
 k)
IIDG2, and IIDG1 are 1.718, 1.733, and 1.952 s. The
analytical results of trip times agree with the simulation results.
The trip of IIDG decreases the voltages of the other ride-
through units because the fault point is at the end of the feeder.
k)  +(k 1)
I si Is(

k 1)

k)  
Is+i Is+(
i I si Is(
k)  +
Us i U s(
+ k)
U si U s(
 k)

U s+i U si
Fig. 11. Single-line diagram of a balanced distribution system.

1.6 Simulation Is1+ Is3+ Analytical Is1+ Is3+
Is+i Isi Is2+ Is4+ Is2+ Is4+



0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
Simulation Is1-
Is3- Analytical Is1- Is3-
0.6 Is2- Is4- Is2 - Is4-
Fig. 10. Flowchart of the developed short circuit calculation method.

The proposed method is applied to balanced and unbalanced 0.2

distribution networks with multi-IIDG. The results obtained 0

from the proposed method are verified by simulation with 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
PSCAD/ EMTDC. The model of IIDGs is from [11]. The 1.4
Ur1 Ur3 Ur1 Ur3
system parameters are shown in the Appendix. 1.2 Simulation
Ur2 Ur4
Ur2 Ur4
Case 1: A typical 24.9kV balanced distribution system with 1

4 feeders and 48MW IIDGs is analyzed. The capacity of each 0.8 Ur=0.9pu
IIDG is 2 MW, and the rated voltage is 0.69 kV. We assume 0.6
that 4 identical IIDGs connect to the grid by a transformer at 0.4
each node. The short-circuit current is significantly larger than 0.2
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
the current of local loads because of the high installed capacity t/s
of IIDGs, so the impact of loads can be ignored in the case. (a)
Case 2: The unbalanced system is a modified IEEE 13-node

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

2 and IIDG2 are disconnected at the same time (the analytical

Simulation Is1+ Is3+ Analytical Is1+ Is3+
1.6 Is2+ Is4+ Is2+ Is4+ trip time t = 2.142s). Zero-sequence voltage and current exist
1.2 in the neutral-grounded system when a grounded fault occurs.

Given the current control of IIDGs, their short-circuit currents

do not include zero-sequence component. The negative-
0.4 sequence voltages of IIDG1 and IIDG2 are smaller than that of
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
IIDG3 and IIDG4 after the fault, which is affected by the
t/s unbalanced line and load conditions. And the negative-
1.2 sequence currents of IIDG3 and IIDG4 are larger than that of
Simulation Is1- Is3- Analytical Is1- Is3-
1 the others, while their positive-currents are slightly lower than
Is2- Is4- Is2- Is4-
0.8 that of IIDG1 and IIDG2. The maximum relative error of the

0.6 positive- and negative-sequence short circuit-currents is 4.76%.

0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
Simulation Ur1 Ur3Analytical Ur1 Ur3
1.2 Ur2 Ur4 Ur2 Ur4

0.2 Fig. 13. Single-line diagram of an unbalanced distribution system.
0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
t/s 2
(b) Simulation Is1+ Is3+ Analytical Is1+ Is3+
1.6 Is2+ Is4+ Is2+ Is4+
Fig. 12. Short-circuit current and examination voltage of IIDGs: (a) single-

phase-to-ground fault at node 6 and (b) two-phase-to-ground fault at node 6.

Although the trip actions lead to a slight decay in the
terminal voltage of IIDG4, IIDG4 continues to ride through the
fault. When the fault is cleared at t = 2.5 s, the connected 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9
IIDGs return to normal operation. Given the small electrical t/s
1.2 -
Is3- Analytical Is1- Is3-
distance between IIDG2 and IIDG3, the deviation between Simulation Is1
1 Is2- Is4- Is2 - Is4-
their trip times is small. Adjusting the electrical distance
between two units adequately may lead a cascading trip. Fig.

12(b) shows the short-circuit currents and voltages when a
two-phase-to-ground fault occurs at node 6. The voltage sag is 0.4
more serious than that of a single-phase-to-ground fault. The 0.2
analytical results reveal that IIDG3, IIDG2, IIDG1, and IIDG4 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9
are disconnected from the grid successively at t = 1.251, 1.313, t/s
1.715, and 2.385 s. The change times of the short-circuit Simulation Ur1 Ur3 Ur1 Ur3
1.2 Analytical
current of IIDGs are similar to those in the simulation. Ur2 Ur4 Ur2 Ur4

B. Case 2: Unbalanced Distribution System 0.8 Ur=0.9pu

The IEEE 13-node test feeder is shown in Fig. 13 where 0.6
node 684 is a two-phase node of phases A and C, and node 611 0.4
is a single-phase node of phase C. Fig. 14 shows the short- 0.2
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9
circuit currents and examination voltages when a two-phase- t/s
to-ground fault occurs at node 684 and a single-phase-to- (a)
2 Is1+ Is3+ Analytical Is1+ Is3+
ground with 1.5Ω fault resistance occurs at node 611. The Simulation
1.6 Is2+ Is4+ Is2+ Is4+
IIDGs have the same control parameters (P0i* = 0.8pu, Q0i* =
0.6pu, i = 1, i = 1, and kqi = 1). The analytical trip time of 1.2

IIDG3 is 1.089s, and then IIDG4 is disconnected after the trip 0.8
action of IIDG3 in Fig. 14(a). The trip time of IIDG3
simulated by PSCAD/EMTDC is 1.1 s, which is approximately
equal to that of the analytical method. 0
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9
Given the large electric distance from the fault node, IIDG1 t/s

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http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

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0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2407883, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery


[23] Technical Rule for Connecting Wind Farm into Power Grid, State Grid the mutual impedance between phases is ZLm=j0.313Ω/km.
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a) Sn = 600 kVA, VI/VII (Yn/  ) = 4.16/0.69 kV;
VIII. APPENDIX b) XT = 0.06 p.u., RT = 0.03 p.u.

A. System Parameters of Balanced Distribution System IX. BIOGRAPHIES

1) The IIDGs have the same parameters as follows: Qianggang Wang (S’13) received his B.S. degree from Chongqing University,
a) Pn = 2 MW, Un = 0.69 kV, fn = 50 Hz; Chongqing, China, in 2009. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree at
b) Lf = 0.12 mH, Cf = 700 F; Chongqing University, Chongqing, China. His research interests include power
system operation, microgrids, and power quality.
c) Udcn = 1.5 kV.
2) Transformers T1, T2, T3, and T4 have the same Niancheng Zhou received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Chongqing
parameters as follows: University, Chongqing, China, in 1991, 1994, and 1997, respectively. He
worked at Chongqing Kuayue Technology Co., Ltd. from 1997 to 2003. He is a
a) Sn = 10 MVA, VI/VII (Yn/  ) = 24.9/0.69 kV; professor at the College of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University,
b) XT = 0.06 p.u., RT = 0.03 p.u. China. He was a research fellow of Nanyang Technological University,
3) The parameters of the substation are as follows: Singapore, from 2010 to 2011. His research interests include the analysis and
operation of power systems, microgrids, and power quality.
a) En = 24.9 kV, Es = 1 p.u.;
b) Short circuit level = 240 MVA, X/R = 10. Ling Ye received her B.S. degree from Chongqing University, Chongqing,
4) The line lengths and impedance (per km) are China, in 2013. She is currently pursuing her M.S. degree at Chongqing
University, Chongqing, China. Her research interests include power system
a) L1 = L2 = 6 km, L3 = L4 = 1 km, and L5 = 14 km; operation and power quality.
b) The self-impedance per phase is ZLs=j0.783Ω/km, and

0885-8977 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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