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Win TAX4

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Data Analysis PC Software

Marelli WinTAX4 is a complete suite of analysis software
developed for the most advanced levels of motorsport.

WinTAX4 is currently without a doubt one of the best PC

applications for data acquisition and analysis in Motorsport

It is the result of more than 20 years of continuous

evolution and close partnership with the top teams in F1,
WEC, Formula E, ELMS, WRC, WTCC, DTM, MotoGP,
Superbike, as well as event organizers such as FIA, ACO
and FOM. WinTAX is equally suitable as a data analysis software
for third-party telemetry systems. Its extra modules allow
you to decode uploaded data or live telemetry from any
external Data logger or data format.

The integrated CAN-line analyser with DBC file support is

the perfect integrated instrument for the live monitoring
of either electronic devices or full car diagnostics via the
OBD plug.

Offering data protection, add-on modules and dedicated

support for the development of innovative and integrated
When combined with Marelli’s ground-breaking Telemetry solutions, WinTAX4, Marelli’s flagship data management
System, WinTAX4 provides highly-advanced real time tool, is the perfect solution for the most ambitious
analysis functions as well as a standard interface for team development programmes.
proprietary software applications.
Quick, easy to use, fully customisable
Via a radio link, vehicles can even be monitored from WinTAX4 is your essential tool for both the race track
remote base stations. and the dyno
Thanks to its open nature WinTAX4 is the ideal tool for
With an Ethernet cable link, the telemetry information can the data analysis of third-party systems
be used either in the laboratory or on the dyno.

• WinTAX4 is compatible with all the latest Microsoft Operating systems such as Windows® 7 32/64 bit,
Windows® 8 32/64 bit and Windows® 10 32/64 bit.

• A wide range of analysis and reporting windows: time/distance line, 2d Scatter, 3d Scatter, Bar graph,
Frequency, Histogram, Trends, lap-based Report, sector-based Report, Events, Alarms, Pop-ups,
Diagnostics, Numeric data, Gauges, Bitmap, Notes…

• Support for data acquisition and elaboration at up to 100 kHz. Real time CAN acquisition and USB/Flash
acquisition support.

• High performance and reliable data storage system with encryption mechanisms. Support for any kind of
data architecture via customizable Data Plugins.

• Circuit data-mapping and analysis of vehicle GPS trajectories with the use of satellite images (Google Earth®,
Google Maps®), with an integrated designer.

• Real time computation engine with full function libraries and an integrated debug instrument. Available
functions can be extended by the user via external DLLs.

• Full Customisation: layouts, graphs, mathematical libraries, keyboard shortcuts, User privileges, colours
schemes can all be tailored to suit user preferences or to adapt to the team environment.
All custom settings can be shared between users or forced by the team administrator. Global & Local setting

• Open to external commercial tools such as Excel®, Matlab®, including Import/Export of textual data from/to
any proprietary format.

• Data-Video synchronisation, high-speed camera support with up to nanosecond precision.

• Support of Vector® MDF - ASAM standard data format and Vector® BLF Logging File.

• OLE/Automation inter-process communication protocol supported via VBScript® and JScript®.

• Interfaced with third-party data systems via dedicated and documented APIs, complete with examples.

• ECU virtualisation: PC-run Simulink-based model of the on-board ECU.

• Car modelling and simulation ➞ interface with VI-Grade®, Cruden®, ChassisSim® and rFactor®

• Multicast real time telemetry (radio & dyno) data distribution over TCP/IP network. Multi-vehicle display and
simultaneous analysis of up to 64 devices with “pause” and “roll-back” features.

• Multi-language user interface and extensive Help with context-sensitive links: English, French, German,
Italian, Japanese.

• Multi-installation which can be managed either with USB key or password protection. Master/Satellite
protection paradigm support.

• Execution with standard user privileges.

• Support for 4k monitor displays.

• Dedicated Expert Support.

Data Analysis PC Software

WinTAX4 analysis windows Colour schemes for the overall appearance of WinTAX4 may be
changed to suit User preferences or ambient light conditions
The main screen area of WinTAX4 contains graphic or (e.g. Pitwall, Garage etc.).
alphanumeric analysis windows in which logged data can be
represented in a variety of different ways. Each User can save Global settings can be modified locally to each window
commonly-used combinations of analysis windows as Layouts, making WinTAX4 completely configurable and adaptable to
which allow the waveforms to be organised into logical screen user requirements. For each window: changes can be made to
compartments. colours, styles, fonts, scales, filters, channel position…
All displays are linked so they can all show the same point of
interest at the same time. User-configurable accelerator keys make WinTAX4 easy and
fast to use. Import & Export of WinTAX4 settings allows users
Channel Parameters define global settings for all channels e.g. to share setups.
colour, scale, display format, Offset&Gain, Alarm, Filters…

Workspace Transparent
selection Trace

Min-Max Logical
Popup Areas

Event Lap-By-Lap
tooltip Report

FFT Event
analysis Report

Instruments Video Sync Event tools Diagnostics

Graph Circuit & Google Earth Maps
Shows channels as waveforms against time, absolute time, WinTAX4 allows you to calculate and display the trajectories
distance or revolutions. of the vehicles along the track. The circuit map is auto-created
from basic logged channels such as acceleration, speed and
• Compare data against distance or GPS position distance or using GPS coordinates.
• Compare data in difference or average mode
• Compare offline and real time data Track report channels, useful to identify for example brakes
• Controls for channel layouts, lap offset adjustment, navigation and acceleration areas, can be displayed over Google Earth
and data analysis background image as gradients of colours.
• Logical Areas with quick resize, keyboard show/hide
• Show time variance between compared laps
• Fixed Zoom, Box Zoom, Pan
• Copy & Paste elements and styles from/to other waveforms/
• Display of events, alarms, pop-ups, delta values, slopes
• Display of Min/Max values into graphs, Min/Max Peak-to-peak
• Hide channels, blink channels, Multi-coloured channels
• Open data in Excel® or Matlab®
• Notations and free drawing
• Event-base scripting

Track values: values of channels are displayed together with

cursor when moving.
Sections report channels show statistics in a graphic format
along the circuit split areas

Measurement functionality is available on Track displays to


WinTAX4 Graph is capable of displaying finish line as well as • flight distance between two points
sector separation. • circuit distance between two points ➞ distance travelled on
By using the panning feature, data can be temporarily shifted: • circuit distance comparison among trajectories ➞
channel vs channel, lap vs lap, channel vs lap. comparison of travelled distance (CAR/Driver versus another
CAR/Driver; CAR/Driver versus itself)
2D-3D Scatter (XY, XYZ)
• Shows the relationship of pairs of parameters in a cross plot WinTAX4 designed for the Boat applications allows to define
• Advanced 2d, 3d waveforms with multi-axes representation the race area and the buoy positioning & style
(x & y), best-fit curve, data gating, logarithmic scales, hide Google Earth images can be used directly in WinTAX4 through
channels standard commands such as zoom, pan, rotate and fine
• Link between XY plots and Graphs and vice versa calibration.
• Data can be exported in an Excel® spreadsheet just by
mouse right click Lap-by-Lap Reports - Section Time Reports - Trend
• Multi best fit representation on the 2D display (XY)➞ e.g. Channel reports allow users to view statistical summaries
separated best fit line of Speed versus Engine revolution for across track sections (or laps, runs, sessions) for any number
each Gear number. Display of best-fit coefficients of configured channels. Statistical functions include min, max,
• Generate math channel formula from Best Fit equation average, change and standard deviation as well as section start
• 3D view, Smooth view, Density view and end values.

• Display absolute min, absolute max

• Background Colour Level ➞ colour percentage of cells w.r.t.
• Display conditional alarms and warning colours
• Trend Display allowing graph visualization
• Lap Filter based on main lap properties

Sector-analysis shows sector time comparison with ideal and

rolling lap computation.

Data Analysis PC Software

FFT Analysis
The power spectral density analysis functions are based on the
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.

Windowing (Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming and Blackman/

Harris) allows the reduction of both leakage and discontinuity
effects for the time interval limits in the power spectrum

On-Demand virtual channels allow users to enter maths

equations for quick data inspection.

Comparison functions are supported both in Lap Report and

Trend window so that you can calculate and compare statistics
of more than one vehicle at the same time.

Histograms, Diagnostics, Instruments, GG In addition to power spectrum density, the following functions
Histograms show the distribution of a parameter and support: are also included:

• Horizontal or vertical layout • Display of channel Phase & Module: calculation is based on
• Bars or Line display the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm
• Time or percentage • Display of channel Power Spectrum Density (PSD)
• 3D, cumulative mode, comparison • Display of channel Spectrogram: colour-based visualization
• Colour Z axis channel of the evolution of power spectrum through time

Diagnostics shows the status of bit-mapped channels bit per bit Value and Picture display
The Condition Light window can be used to highlight conditions
• Multiplexed bit-mapped diagnostic of the data with clear and immediate output. For example an
• Single-Bit value interpretation alarm can be displayed with a custom blinking colour and
• Labels, colours, latch-up times for each bit custom text.

The Steering Wheel is dedicated to steered angle value analysis

and supports both “Clockwise” and “Counter clockwise”
Beginning with lateral and longitudinal acceleration, the GG
acceleration window displays the circle of accelerations. The Bitmap Window allows you to insert one or more images
into WinTAX layouts. Standard Jpeg, Bmp, PNG and GIF files
The overall appearance of the instruments is fully configurable are supported.
to suit your preferences or to adjust the display to different
brightness scenarios (e.g. pit-lane, indoor garage etc.). The Display Value window allows you to display a channel value
with a clear graphic format.
All instrument parts are configurable: scale, font, colours, hand, The window is fully configurable in terms of colour, font
alarm, layout, ticks, as well as units and work in post processing (7-segment included) and text and also supports enum values
and real time modes. and alarms.
Data Preview • Custom advanced maths formulae can be generated by
Via the Data Preview window, the user can see an overview of external applications through the optional MathDLL plug-in
complete session data while browsing specific time segments
without the need to have all the data in the memory. Fast maths processing: maths channels are only calculated if
required, this ensures excellent performances.

Events & Alarms

Advanced checks (Events & Alarms) for automated Engine &
Chassis monitoring can be displayed in waveforms as graph
On-Demand virtual channels allow users to enter maths symbols, with multiline reports and popups in post-processing
equations for quick data inspection. / real time.

Data preview allows measurement display organisation features Events are basically changes in status of a variable from False to
and allows quick data loading via the data selection bar. True or vice versa. The variable can be a logged channel, such as
a diagnostic or an error flag, or a derived channel which has two
Playback Function meaningful states (e.g. a Boolean condition).

Replay function for the playback of the logged data in all WinTAX
waveforms with the option to Play (with multiple play speeds),
Pause, Loop, Rewind.

Run Time Analysis

VCH Math Channels
A graphical editor, with advanced features (such as find &
replace, auto-compose, tooltips, import/export from CSV),
allows complex math expressions to be constructed quickly with A variety of styles and options can be configured for individual
logged Data. event types.
In defining each event it is possible to search when the event
has occurred. A time offset parameter is used to place the cursor
and centre the zoom at a predefined time either before or after
the event.

• Events can be displayed either as icons on graphs or multiline

• It is possible to set up a specific layout which will open when
the event is detected, or a zoom range that is automatically
applied when focusing
• Values of other channels can also be displayed within event
occurrences. WinTAX can compute min, max and average
statistic value in the selected time range
• Preconfigured Events like “Gear Change” are also available
in WinTAX4

Virtual channels can be organised into libraries which can be Real time Telemetry
shared between Users.
WinTAX4 includes modules for displaying and recording
Debug Virtual Channels parses complex formulae and allows telemetry either from a radio or wire link (Dyno cable telemetry).
you to explore them graphically in order to find errors.
WinTAX4 supports both wide band and narrow band radio
The statement formats available in WinTAX4 are: telemetry. Radio telemetry can be distributed to the garage
• Local and global variables network via the WinTAX Telemetry Server (WTS) to an unlimited
• Control Flow statements (conditionals and iterations) number of clients. Telemetry can also be replayed for debugging
• Variables and relational operators purposes.

The main functions available in WinTAX4 are: • Each waveform can switch from post-processing to real time
• Trigonometric, Boolean, Math and statistic operators mode through a quickly-configurable shortcut
• Digital Low-Pass & High-Pass filters, IIR, Butterworth, FTT, • Each Layout can contain post and real time waveforms
Run Average filters • Advanced “real time freeze” & and “real time compare”
• Digital Filter up to 4th order: digital filter with customisable utilities
filter coefficients, allowing you to design Low, High, Pass • Ability to backfile radio dropout data (fifo and lifo) and live
band and Band stop filters data simultaneously
• Unlimited nested VCH formulae works for real time and post-
processing analysis Communication with 3rd party applications
• Global & Local libraries levels
• On-Demand VCH expression: as in Microsoft Excel®, OLE / Automaton
WinTAX4 allows you to define temporary maths channels WinTAX4 provides powerful possibilities for interfacing with
directly in graphs with simple syntax, e.g. A_Y_filtered = Filter external applications via Automation Server technology
(A_Y, 1 Hz) (formerly OLE Automation Server). 149
Data Analysis PC Software

In this way WinTAX4 can be run and controlled by any program An internal wizard, as for ASCII Import & Export, interprets the
which has the characteristics of Automation controller and vice Matlab® files with a run-time preview. The import multi files
versa. Examples of applications which make excellent use of option permits large data archives from other tools to be quickly
Automation are Microsoft Excel®, Access®, Matlab®, Simulink® converted.
and many others written in C#, Visual Basic or Visual C++.
Video Management
It is possible, for example, to open a WinTAX4 window from an
Excel spreadsheet, analyse information via Matlab or run print WinTAX4 includes an integrated video function. This feature
or copy commands directly from an application written in Visual allows a video file to be linked to the logged data from a vehicle
Basic. and displayed along with the rest of data within WinTAX4 with
nanosecond precision.
Matlab & Simulink Integration Video produced from high speed cameras (400fps or more)
WinTAX4 provides powerful possibilities for interfacing with allow very accurate analysis of events of interest and can be
Matlab and Simulink. used, for example, for medical/safety purposes.

Just a few source code lines in WinTAX4 allow the content of

the Matlab® workspace to be displayed without loading logged
laps ➞ WinTAX4 becomes a Matlab displayer.

The logged telemetry data can be also exported as Matlab

sessions and Matlab files can be imported into WinTAX4 to be
displayed and analysed against logged parameters.

Management of multi frequency MAT files: WinTAX4 can import/

export MAT binary files which contain arrays with different
logging rates.

Import & Export ASCII Once the data and video are loaded, overlaying laps also
WinTAX4 provides the possibility to import and export textual overlays the video files. It is then possible to see how racing
data (e.g. CSV, ASCII, and XLS) saved in any proprietary formats. lines differ from lap to lap, or how driver technique affects lap
A custom wizard, as in Excel®, interprets the text files with a run- • Compare laps and videos
time preview. The User can select, for example, column data • The most common video formats/containers such as MPEG-
type, column separators, channel frequencies, and much more. 2, MPEG-4, H264, TS, AVI are supported
• Runtime video rotation of -90°, +90° or +180° can be applied
in the event of special camera installation
• Manual video sync adjustment

Data Acquisition from CAN Lines

WinTAX has a function that allows direct acquisition of data
from CAN lines.
A powerful graphical editor allows you to define the structure of
the CAN packets to be acquired.
Simultaneous acquisition from up to four CAN lines.
Import & Export Matlab • Multiplexed signal support
WinTAX4 provides the possibility to import and export Matlab® • CAN Signal Database storage for load/save
data (mat files). • Import DBC files for automatic CAN packet definition
• Supported for most commercial PC CAN cards such as Several operational modes, such as play speed, allow you to
Vector, Peak, and CanDo. simulate cases of real use.

rFactor: Vehicle & Driver Simulator integration

rFactor is probably one of the world’s most advanced and well-
known racing simulators. It is used by Formula 1 teams both for
driver training and driver capability evaluation.

Product Extensions
The real time result of rFactor can be viewed and analysed in
A complete suite of add-on modules increases the potential of WinTAX4. This allows team engineers, mechanics and drivers
WinTAX4, and the API interfaces allow WinTAX4 to be used in to analyse every parameter of the car’s performance live.
conjunction with external applications or third-party telemetry
systems. While the driver is on the Simulator, the data are transmitted via
Ethernet to several WinTAX4 workstations for analysing.
WTS: WinTAX4 Telemetry Server
WTS is the real time telemetry data distribution infrastructure. WinTAX4 APIs – Plug-Ins
The system efficiently and reliably distributes real time live
telemetry fluxes over the garage network to an unlimited TelDataX
number of PC clients. WinTAX4 data access library: allows the reading of WinTAX4
data from 3rd party applications. It includes a WinTAX4
WTS distributes all “off-car” setup files, synchronising all PCs computation engine to access Virtual Channels and user Math
to the same session and vehicle setup. DLL Plugins.
WTS can distribute simulated data as well as car data.
WTS provides an option for simultaneously activating more WinTAX4 data creation library: allows the generation of
than one Server within the same network. In this scenario it is WinTAX4 data from 3rd party applications. It supports writing
therefore possible, for example, to configure one WTS Server the complete data context and vehicle setup.
to manage the data streams from the first vehicle and the other
Server to manage data streams relating to the second vehicle TelDSTClient
or to use a second server as backup. Library for the reading of the WinTAX4 real time Telemetry
stream by 3rd party applications. By using this library, the
A remarkably-intuitive user interface and low system resources WinTAX4 Data stream can be pushed into a 3rd party system.
are the main characteristics of this WinTAX4 add-on.
VMS: ECU Virtualization Plug-In Library for the generation of a WinTAX4 real time
Simulink-based models of the on-board ECU running on the PC Telemetry stream from 3rd party applications. By using this
allow the user to simulate or compare controls and strategies in library, a 3rd party system data stream can be pushed into
off-line mode against logged data. WinTAX4.

External math channel definition: it is possible to enhance the
current math functions (e.g. SIN, COS, INTEG, etc.) available
in WinTAX4 with a series of “Custom Math Functions” with
an unlimited number of parameters and no limits regarding
programming language.

DataBrowser Plug-In
This enables WinTAX4 to display any kind of data such as
NoSQL JSON databases or custom Matlab formats.

The DataBrowser plug-in allows you to transfer generic data into

WinTAX4 with the same performance as its own data format,
but at the same time in an extremely flexible and scalable way.

The DataBrowser UI can be driven from any external application

The VMS Server module, the WinTAX4 add-on, is the dedicated or can be completely by-passed.
Marelli software for running ECU Simulink® models.
The Simulink® model can be executed in post processing,
generating a set of simulated data that is treated by WinTAX4
as standard logged data (e.g. comparable with logged car data). 151
Data Analysis PC Software

WinTAX4 License Levels

WinTAX4 is provided with four different licensing levels, each offering different functions, ranging from JUNIOR level up to the TEAM
and PRO formula used by professional data analysts working in Motorsport.

- JUNIOR is a simple WintAX4 version with basic features and no protection

- USER is a more complete version, USB key protected; it can optionally include real time acquisition in a dedicated version –
usually for teams with a limited number of users
- TEAM provides powerful features with personal data encryption ensuring confidentiality – usually for a structured team
- PRO includes all the TEAM features plus real time acquisition


Licensing & Main Features

License Multi Workstation Single Workstation Multi Workstation Multi Workstation
Protection USB Key
or Password or Password
Data encryption Shared Shared Private Private
Multi Language English Only ✔ ✔ ✔
Master/Satellite support Optional Optional
Analysis windows
2 Graphs,
Graph 16 channels Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
per Graph
XY 1 XY, 2 channels Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
XY advanced features ✔ ✔
XYZ ✔ ✔ ✔
XYZ advanced features ✔ ✔
Histogram 1 Histogram ✔ ✔ ✔
Track Basic Track ✔ ✔ ✔
Compare / Multiple overlay Max 2 ✔ ✔ ✔
Lap Report Basic, Single Lap ✔ ✔ ✔
Data Preview ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Alarms ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Compare – Difference ✔ ✔ ✔
Google Earth Maps ✔ ✔ ✔
Section Time Report ✔ ✔ ✔
Trend ✔ ✔ ✔
Diagnostics ✔ ✔ ✔
Gauge/Instrument ✔ ✔ ✔
Events ✔ ✔ ✔
Events – advanced ✔ ✔
Power Spectrum Density ✔ ✔ ✔
PSD advanced ✔ ✔
Video management ✔ ✔ ✔
Display Value/Bitmap/GG ✔ ✔


Real Time analysis

CAN Line Analyser ✔ ✔
Dyno Ethernet Telemetry Optional Optional ✔
Real time Telemetry Optional Optional ✔
Real time Telemetry - Advanced Optional ✔
Real time Maths Channels Optional ✔
Maths analysis
Maths Channels ✔ ✔ ✔
Maths Channel Statements ✔ ✔
On-demand Maths Channels ✔ ✔ ✔
Lookup Table ✔ ✔ ✔
FFT – Run AVG Filters ✔ ✔ ✔
IIR – Digital Filters ✔ ✔
Math plug-in - external Math Functions Optional Optional
Import & Export Data
Export ASCII ✔ ✔ ✔
Import ASCII ✔ ✔
Import/Export Matlab ✔ ✔
Ole/Automation - Scripts ✔ ✔
Object Control window ✔ ✔
TelDataX – Read WinTAX4 data Optional Optional
TelDataZTX – Write WinTAX4 data Optional Optional
TelDSTClient – Read WinTAX4 stream Optional Optional
RT-PlugIn – Create WinTAX4 stream Optional Optional
Data plug-in – Make WinTAX4 read any
Optional Optional
rFactor plug-in for real time data Optional Optional
Product Extensions
WinTAX4 Telemetry Server Optional Optional ✔
Virtual ECU Manager Optional ✔
Software upgrades ✔ ✔
Software assistance ✔ ✔
Pay for Customizations ✔ ✔


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