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Medical Research: A General Perspective

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Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

www.medjpps.com ISSN: 2789-1895 online ISSN: 2958-3101 print


Medical research: a general perspective

Dhastagir S. Sheriff * , Bhaskaran K and Rashmi K

Anna Medical College, Montagne Blanche, Mauritius

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed

Received: 18-08-2023, Revised: 30-09-2023, Accepted: 06-10-2023, Published: 31-12-2023

Copyright © 2023 Sheriff et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Sheriff et al. (2023) Medical research: a general perspective. Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci. 3 (4): 3-6.

Medical research is truly one of the world’s most powerful tools to improve the quality of other people’s lives.
Ross McKinney Jr., Association of American Medical Collages

Keywords: Health sciences, medical education, quality of life, research

Medical research is defined as "all scholarly activities that deal with any of the areas of studies being conducted
in the pre, para, and clinical areas being taught in a medical school". Such a definition is somewhat arbitrary,
as medical research covers a much larger field and ultimately affects every individual. The results of research
activities are directly translated into social action, such as pollution control, vaccinations, mass fluoridation
and nutritional improvements. The eradication of diseases like smallpox, poliomyelitis and plague, the decline
in the death rate from infectious and cardiovascular diseases, and the diagnosis of genetic disorders are some
examples of how medical research helps to provide improved health care. Thus, the wealth of medical
knowledge that grows through the process of discovery and research development becomes part of daily living.
The aim of scientific research is always to extend the frontiers of knowledge and to discover rational
correlations and principles [1, 2]. Medical research can be divided into biomedical (basic medical), clinical,
and health science research. The areas overlap each other and health science research has a component of
social research. Experimental research covers areas such as physiology, biochemistry, microbiology,
pharmacology and pathology and is relatively easy to conduct. If adequate financial support is obtained, the
necessary infrastructure for laboratory research could be built and experimental animals maintained in an
animal house. For clinical research, the patients with a particular disease are the direct object of study. This
type of research involves dealing with the clinical picture, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of the disease.
Dealing with human beings requires stringent regulations and precautions to be observed. It requires setting
up a research team in the hospital to monitor and chart out guidelines involving the ethical dimension of the
problem to be studied and maintain a systematic medical recording system. Moreover, it is through a prolonged
study of a large number of cases of the same disease that clinical research learns to predict the likely prognosis
and judge the efficacy of the treatment. This type of research activity has limitations in the form of having a
restricted number of cases of the disease under investigation, a need to update one's knowledge concerning
laboratory techniques from which he obtains his 'cues', and the longer time interval required to complete the
work. Health science research is a recent development of medical research due to the demands placed on many
health services. More often basic medical and clinical research go hand in hand and are inseparable.
Furthermore, clinical research workers often conduct studies on experimental animals, due to either the limited
number of human cases or for ethical considerations.

Sheriff et al. (2023) Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci. 3(4): 3-6. 3-6
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
www.medjpps.com ISSN: 2789-1895 online ISSN: 2958-3101 print

Medical research worker: An experienced research worker can recognize a problem, analyze its various
hypotheses, and choose the appropriate methods that are at his disposal during the study. The organization of
research requires good experience in various laboratory techniques and a trained mind that can dissect a
problem into its essential components in a logical sequence and analyze the findings of the investigations.
Scrupulous honesty, persistence, hard work and intellectual integrity are some of the basic requirements of a
good research worker. Therefore, a research worker attains his proficiency only after a period of disciplined
training [3]. It is extremely beneficial to encourage and conduct research in a medical school, which could be
applied to improving health conditions and promoting the teaching of undergraduates, postgraduates and
junior teaching staff [4]. Progress in medical research is hampered due to a lack of opportunities to recruit
good scientists. Another drawback is the inflexible training programs followed for medical graduates coupled
with a lack of financial support and research coordination and integration. Medical science research is usually
undertaken both by medical and science graduates to develop an academic career and also to work in a hospital
department of medicine. Research in a department is supervised and led by the heads of the departments in
association with senior members and postdoctoral staff. The research personnel and their interactions are
shown in Figure 1.

Dean - Academic

Head if required

Principal Investigator


Research scientist Technical assistance Statistical assistance

Figure 1: Hierarchy of research spiral

Plan of research: the central dogma: Biomedical research could broadly be classified as fundamental (basic)
research and applied research. However, there is considerable overlap between the two. Basic research, though
it may not have specific applications, is directed toward advancing scientific knowledge. On the other hand,
applied research is of practical value and beneficial to the community. Most medical research is usually of the
latter type where the information gathered by scientists is applied to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention
of human diseases [4, 5]. The selection of a research project often involves a critical appraisal of the existing
knowledge on a particular subject, thus prompting certain questions to be answered after a carefully planned
scientific study. In addition, certain phenomena may be observed that cannot be explained based on current
knowledge, thereby necessitating research into potential causative factors and management of complications.
A certain form of research is conducted to test or prove the hypotheses of other researchers. The research plan
in a medical school needs scrutiny. The interest and background of the researcher play an important part in
the choice of the research project. Encouragement must also be given to studies related to community-based
genetic or acquired diseases pertinent to the environment and the community at large. Most of the research in
medicine is interdisciplinary bringing clinicians closer to scientists. This has led to great advances in medical
research and to shed greater light on the diagnosis and/or management of health disorders Figure 2.
The planning of research: how to start it? After selecting a good research project the following steps need
to be taken: Literature review: a comprehensive and critical review of the existing knowledge on the work
needs to be carried out to extract information relevant to the project. Formulation of a hypothesis, project
preparation including experimental design. Application to relevant sector or agency for financial support.
Acquisition of research tools, laboratory equipment and materials. Implementation of the work plan, including

Sheriff et al. (2023) Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci. 3(4): 3-6. 3-6
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
www.medjpps.com ISSN: 2789-1895 online ISSN: 2958-3101 print

initiation of experimental investigation. Tabulation of study data and statistical analyses. Drawing research
conclusions and reporting. Periodical checkup and submission of progress report. However, a research worker
has to overcome many problems before a successful research project can be initiated Figure 3.


Figure 2: Interdependence of basic, clinical and health research

Research worker


Feasible Innovative Novel Ethical Relevant

Figure 3: A research worker's difficulties

Finance: Financial funding is given to a research project through some agencies [6]. Such finance requires
the support of the institution where the research work is to be carried out. The institute has to provide the
following facilities: Basic laboratory facilities (equipment, technical/personnel), an undertaking by the
institute to support research throughout the tenure of work, and qualified staff members to start such a project.
Basic requirements of research: Getting laboratories equipped with standard instruments and chemicals is a
basic obstacle in developing countries. Some of the sophisticated instruments need to be purchased from
abroad and this takes time due to various causes including customs restrictions. Instruments such as electron
microscopes, immunoassay systems, automated instruments, and high-voltage electrophoresis apparatus need
special space and installation conditions. Tissue culture studies, genetic engineering, biotechnology
experiments and working on certain organisms and animals need extra financial support. Apart from providing
the basic facilities, the installation of instruments, maintenance, training of personnel and updating the
equipment are essential and usually not given adequate attention. The information explosion, statistical
evaluation and three-dimensional elucidation of structures are some of the areas which require the participation
of computer technology. Such computer-aided provisions remain an important area for consideration for
furthering research studies. With artificial intelligence, machine learning e-learning and digital education play
an important role in medical education and research. Financial constraints, administrative delays, teaching
loads, poor study designs lack of statistical support, improper motivation of research in the minds of
undergraduate students through the threat of examination system and lack of coordination between different
departments are some of the grey areas one needs to watch for improving and initiating research projects in a
medical school or university or an organization. In short medical research, particularly basic fundamental
research is the foundation stone for the development of medical science and education [6, 7]. Medical research
has to give priority to basic and then applied research. Research is part and parcel of higher education. With
Department of Community Medicine and Postgraduate students' need to conduct and submit dissertations
makes it relevant to introspect the status of medical research and its role in medical education.

Sheriff et al. (2023) Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci. 3(4): 3-6. 3-6
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
www.medjpps.com ISSN: 2789-1895 online ISSN: 2958-3101 print

Conflict of interest: The authors declare the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest.
Ethical issues: Including plagiarism, informed consent, data fabrication or falsification and double publication or submission
have completely been observed by the authors.


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Sheriff et al. (2023) Mediterr J Pharm Pharm Sci. 3(4): 3-6. 3-6

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