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Annamalai Mba Previous Question

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Total No.

of Pages : 3

Register Number : 7841

Name of the Candidate :




Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks


Answer any FIVE questions. (5 × 3 = 15)

1. Define financial management.

2. What do you mean by time value of money?

3. Define cash management.

4. What is mean by working capital?

5. What is the goal of finance function?

6. What is merger and acquisition?

7. What is mean by cost of retained earnings?

8. What do you understand by valuation of cost?


Answer any THREE questions. (3 × 10 = 30)

9. Sri Ganesh industries Ltd., issues 5000, 12% debentures of Rs. 100 each at par.
The tax rate is 40%. Calculate before tax and after tax cost of debt.

10. Describe the objectives of cash management.

11. What are the factors affecting dividend practices?

12. Discuss about the mechanics of merger.

13. Describe the approaches of capital structure.


Answer any ONE questions. (1 × 15 = 15)

14. Ascertain financial leverage from the information given below.

Net worth Rs. 20,00,000
Debt/equity ratio 3 : 1
Interest rate 10%
Operating profit Rs. 18,00,000.

15. Explain the cost benefits of merger in detail.

16. Explain the importance of cash and liquidity.


Compulsory. (1 × 15 = 15)

17. Explain in detail about the term analyzing alternative financial plans.


£Sv A
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1. {v {ºÁõPzøu Áøμ¯Ö.

2. £nzvß ÷|μ ©v¨¦ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

3. £n {ºÁõPzøu Áøμ¯Ö.

4. EøÇUS® ‰»uÚ® GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

5. {v ö\¯À£õmiß SÔU÷PõÒPÒ GßÚ?

6. Cøn¨¦ ©ØÖ® øP¯P¨£kzxuÀ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

7. uUPøÁUP¨£mh Á¸Áõ°ß Âø» GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

8. ö\»øÁ ©v¨¤kÁuß ‰»® }[PÒ GßÚ ¦›¢xöPõÒQÕºPÒ?

2 7841
£Sv B
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9. ÿ P÷nè CshìmŸì ¼ªöhm, 5000, 12% Phß £zvμ[PøÍ JÆöÁõßÖ® ¹.

100US \©©õP öÁΰkQÓx. Á› ÂQu® 40% Á›US •ß ©ØÖ® PhÝUS¨ ¤ÓS
Á›a ö\»øÁU PnUQk.

10. £n® {ºÁõPzvß ÷|õUP[PøÍ ÂÁ›.

11. DÄzöuõøP |øh•øÓPøÍ £õvUS® PõμoPÒ GßÚ?

12. Cøn¨¤ß C¯UP¯À £ØÔ ÂÁõv.

13. ‰»uÚ Pmhø©¨¤ß AqS•øÓPøÍ ÂÁ›.

£Sv C
GøÁ÷¯Ý® J¸ ÂÚõÂØS Âøh¯ÎUP. (1 × 15 = 15)

14. R÷Ç öPõkUP¨£mh uPÁ¼¼¸¢x {v BuõμzøuU PshԯĮ {Pμ ©v¨¦

¹. 20,00000 Phß/£[S ÂQu® 3 : 1 Ámi ÂQu® 10% ö\¯À£õmk »õ£®
¹. 18,00,000.

15. Cøn¨¤ß ö\»Ä |ßø©PøÍ Â›ÁõP ÂÍUSP.

16. £n® ©ØÖ® £n¨¦ÇPzvß •UQ¯zxÁzøu ÂÍUSP.

£Sv D
Pmhõ¯ÂÚõ. (1 × 15 = 15)

17. ©õØÖ {v vmh[PøÍ £S¨£õ´Ä ö\´Áx £ØÔ Â›ÁõP ÂÍUSP.


3 7841

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