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What It Is, What It Isn’t,and How To Do It

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King
James Version of the Bible.

Scriptures marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version of the
Bible © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible: New
International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by
International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing
House. All rights reserved.

What It Is, What It Isn’t, and How To Do It
ISBN: 978-1-68031-201-0
Copyright © 2017 by Rick Renner
8316 E. 73rd St.
Tulsa, OK 74133

Published by Harrison House

Tulsa, OK 74145 www.harrisonhouse.com

Editorial Consultant: Cynthia D. Hansen

Text Design: Lisa Simpson, www.SimpsonProductions.net
Cover: Debbie Pullman, Zoe Life Creative Media
Design@ZoeLifeCreative.com, www.ZoeLifeCreative.com

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Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrines of Christ, let us go unto
perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead
works, and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying
on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

— Hebrews 6:1,2

1 What Is Repentance?
2 The Right Kind of Pain
3 What Is Godly Sorrow?
4 The Difference Between Remorse, Guilt, Regret, and Repentance
5 Repentance — An Elementary Principle
Prayer of Salvation
Scriptures on Repentance for Prayer

In recent years, I have felt impressed to teach on the subject of

repentance as I’ve traveled and ministered in churches across the globe. As
a result, I’ve come to understand that a large number of people in the
Church have no knowledge of what true repentance is or why it’s so
foundational and necessary to the Christian walk.
Many believers equate the act of repentance with remorse. They
wrongly believe that repentance is little more than a spiritual “get-out-of-
jail-free card” that allows them to admit fault, ask for forgiveness, and then
dive right back into the same sin again. But as we shall see, personal
change and transformation — NOT remorse, regret, and sorrow — are the
true proof of repentance.
The purpose of this book is to provide you with a comprehensive
explanation of what it means to truly repent and why repentance is an
absolutely crucial ingredient of your walk with God. I have taken great care
to ensure that every aspect of this discussion is rooted firmly in the Word of
God. As you study the truths contained in these pages, I believe they will
prove to be a powerful asset to enhance your spiritual growth and deepen
your intimacy with the Lord. That is my prayer.

Rick Renner

What does it actually mean to “repent”?

In a recent national survey, churchgoers were asked to articulate what
the word “repentance” meant to them. The survey resulted in an assortment
of answers. The majority of those who participated in the survey stated that
they believed the word “repentance” meant one or more of the following:
To feel sorry about something one did or failed to do.
To feel remorseful about some act and to ask for forgiveness for it.
To walk forward in a church service to formally ask Jesus into one’s
life. Before we go any further, let’s include you in the survey. How
would you define the meaning of the word “repent”? Try to answer
that question before reading on.
The word “repent” is a very important New Testament word. The first
instances where this word is used in the New Testament are in Matthew 3:2
and Matthew 4:17 by John the Baptist and Jesus, respectively. John the
Baptist proclaimed, “…Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”
(Matthew 3:2). John’s ministry was literally launched with that one word
Jesus, too, began His public ministry by beckoning His listeners to
repent. In Matthew 4:17, Jesus commenced His preaching ministry when
He said, “…Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Like John the
Baptist, Jesus knew that the only way to enter the Kingdom of God was
through repentance.
Then in Acts 2:38, Peter launched his preaching ministry with the same
requirement of repentance. Just as John the Baptist and Jesus had called on
men to repent, so Peter told his audience in Acts 2:38, “Repent.”
Peter understood that repentance is the “birth canal” through which
people enter the Kingdom of God. In other words, it is the only way to truly
be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and to emerge spiritually reborn
and filled with the God-kind of life.
The word “repent” used by John the Baptist, Jesus, and Peter is the
Greek word metanoeo. It is a compound of the words meta and nous. The
word meta means to turn, and the word nous refers to the mind. When these
two words are compounded, the new word describes in its most basic sense
a change of mind or a complete conversion. The word metanoeo reflects a
turn, a change of direction, a new course, and a completely altered
behavior and view of life.
In the New Testament, this Greek word is used to denote a complete,
radical, total change. It means a decision to completely change one’s
thoughts, behavior, and actions or to entirely turn around in the way one is
thinking, believing, or living. Thus, the word “repent” in the New Testament
gives the image of a person changing from top to bottom — a total
transformation wholly affecting every part of a person’s life.
I must point out the importance of the word nous contained in this
definition of repentance.
As we have seen above, the word nous is the Greek word for the mind.
This means that the decision to repent lies in the mind, not in the emotions.
This is not the same as a fleeting sorrow for past actions; rather, it is a solid,
intellectual decision to turn about-face, take a new direction, and revise the
pattern of one’s life.
Emotions may accompany repentance, but they are not required in order
to repent. True repentance is a mental choice to leave what is displeasing to
God, and to turn toward Him with all of one’s heart and mind in order to
follow Jesus.
A prime example of such a turning can be seen in Paul’s first letter to
the Thessalonian believers when he commended them for the way in which
they had “…turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (1
Thessalonians 1:9). The word “turned” in this verse is the Greek word
epistrepho, which means to completely turn in a new direction.
Paul said the Thessalonian believers turned from idols “to serve the
living and true God.” The word “serve” is important, for it tells us that the
turn they made produced a life change with visible fruit that reflected the
transformation. It is the word douleuo, the word for a servant, implying that
the Thessalonian believers had fully left behind idolatry and had completely
dedicated their lives to serving Jesus.
By using this word douleuo, Paul informed us that the Thessalonians
didn’t just claim to have repented; they showed it by changing the way they
thought and lived and served. Their dramatically different outward behavior
was guaranteed proof that real repentance had occurred.
The word “repent” — from the Greek word metanoeo — denotes a
change of mind that has accompanying actions. Repentance is not the mere
acceptance of a new philosophy or new idea. It is a conversion to truth so
deep that it results in a total life change.
The idea of an across-the-board transformation is intrinsic to the word
“repent.” In fact, if there is no transformation, change of behavior, or
change of desire in a person who claims to have repented, it is doubtful that
true repentance ever occurred, no matter what the person claims. Real
repentance begins with a decision to make an about-face and to change, but
its proof can be witnessed as a person’s outward conduct consistently
complies with that decision.
We sing the old song, “Just as I Am, Without One Plea”1 — and
certainly we do come to God “just as we are.” However, God doesn’t expect
us to remain the way we are. He expects change, and that is what
repentance is all about.
As you will see in the pages to come, repentance is part of the lifestyle
of a serious believer. We repent to begin our relationship with God, and as
we grow in our walk with God, the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal
things in our lives that need to change. When He opens our eyes to those
things that are displeasing to Him, we must be willing to repent — to make
an intelligent decision to adjust our thinking and behavior to conform to
God’s ways.

Charlotte Elliott, “Just As I Am,” The Christian Remembrancer Pocket Book (Poetry, 1835).

None of us likes pain. Yet pain is very impor­tant because it is a signal

designed to alert us, for example, when something is wrong in our bodies.
Our response to physical pain may be to determine the root of the problem
or to simply numb the discomfort with painkillers. The painkillers may
work for a while, but when the numbing effect wears off, the pain often
reemerges because its source was never identified and corrected.
The only way to permanently get rid of pain is to go to the root of the
problem. Once the source is identified and the correct treatment is applied,
the pain can usually be eliminated.
We live in an age when people want to be told everything is going to be
all right. But the truth is, some things are not going to be all right unless a
change is made. We must love people enough to be honest with them,
regardless of how painful it is for them to hear the truth.
It’s good to preach uplifting messages. In fact, this is something we
need to do in a world where there is so much hurt, depression, difficulties,
and disappointments. Certainly we need to be a source of encouragement to
church members and other people who feel put down by life.
But when non-Christians or Christians knowingly living in sin are in our
midst, we are obligated to make sure they understand that sin separates
them from God. They are not all right with God. It may be painful for them
to hear the reality of their situation, but we must not merely toss
“painkillers” at people who are lost or out of fellowship with the Lord to
numb them and keep them ignorant of the truth. We must ask the Holy
Spirit to help us open their eyes to the root of the problem in their lives ––
their spiritual condition.
When we’re speaking about the subject of sin to the unsaved or to those
who have strayed from their walk with the Lord, we must address the root.
All the motivational and “how-to” sermons in the world cannot cure a sinful
or wayward heart. Certainly we’re to behave lovingly toward people who
live sinful lives. But a person’s sin cannot be changed by just a pat on the
back or a hug around the neck!
In Acts 2:37 and 38, we see how God used the apostle Peter to address
unbelievers on the Day of Pentecost.

Now when they heard this, they were pricked to their heart,
and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and
brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them,
— Acts 2:37,38

With a no-nonsense, unapologetic, and dir­ect approach, Peter preached

the Gospel with power. He didn’t attack his listeners, and neither should we
attack those we are trying to reach. There is never a reason to attack or to
speak disparagingly to people when sharing the Gospel. Even if people are
dead in sin, they were made in the image of God — and Jesus died on the
Cross for them. They deserve to be spoken to with dignity and respect.
Peter was respectful, yet he was forthright and honest as he went
straight for the root of his listeners’ problem. He preached a message that
made them so extremely uncomfortable and inwardly pained that they cried
out to learn how to be saved!
Acts 2:37 tells us the effect Peter’s message had on his listeners: “Now
when they [the unsaved crowd] heard this, they were pricked to their heart,
and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what
shall we do?”
I want you to especially notice that this verse says, “They were pricked
to their heart.” The word “pricked” in this verse is the Greek word
katanusso, a word that means to prick, to puncture, to stab, to sting, to stun,
or to pierce.
The only other time the word katanusso is found in the New Testament
is in John 19:34 where John writes about Jesus: “But one of the soldiers
with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and
water.” The word “pierced” in this verse is from this same root word nusso.
It tells how the soldiers with a spear pierced, punctured, stabbed, and sliced
open Jesus’ side. It was a deep puncturing of His side that pierced even His
This same root word is used in Acts 2:37, where it is translated as
“pricked” in the King James Version. This tells us that Peter’s words had the
effect of puncturing their consciences, causing them to feel inwardly sliced
wide open by his message, as we will see.
Peter’s listeners were deeply disturbed when they heard his message.
That message gave them such an intense stab to their hearts that it
penetrated their conscience, sliced open their souls, punctured them in their
inmost being, and cut them so deeply on the inside that they cried out for
help. The message stung their hearts and minds as they became aware of
their sin. Suddenly their souls felt an ache.
When Peter stood before that crowd and preached to them, he knew
they needed truth that would change them, not a painkiller that would make
them feel good while failing to remedy their very serious problem. The root
of the problem had to be identified so it could be dealt with and eliminated.
For those unbelievers to have a change of nature, it would require
repentance. To that end, Peter presented the truth boldly, plainly, and with
no apologies.
That day the Holy Spirit reached deep into those people’s hearts and
convicted them of their sinful condition. The crowd wasn’t offended by
Peter’s message. In fact, Acts 2:41 tells us that the unbelieving crowd
“gladly received his word.”
People are usually thankful when someone tells them the truth, even if it
is painful to hear at first. They appreciate an honest approach. That day
more than 3,000 souls came into the Kingdom of God as a result of a
piercing produced in people’s hearts by Peter’s honest preaching of the
Word. That was a very impressive outcome!
As we present truth to people who are non-Christians or to those who
are wayward Christians, we don’t need to be ugly or harsh. But neither do
we need to water down the truth or act apologetically regarding what the
Bible teaches.
When truth is presented clearly and powerfully, it puts a sharp, doubled-
edged sword into the hands of the Holy Spirit, which He uses to penetrate
people’s hearts. When the message is watered down, it dulls the edge of the
blade and makes it more difficult for the Holy Spirit to slice through the
demonic strongholds created in people’s minds by sinful habits, bondages,
and spiritual darkness.
Of course, we must always allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in knowing
how and when to present the truth to someone who is unsaved or who has
strayed away from the Lord. Then as we speak in a spirit of compassion —
and as we do it boldly and straightforwardly — the root of the listener’s
problem will be identified so he or she can make the choice to repent and
allow the Holy Spirit to eliminate it by His power.
We must never forget that the Gospel is the “power of God unto
salvation” (see Romans 1:16). There is never a reason for us to be ashamed
of the Gospel or to apologize for the requirements God has set forth for all
who would come to Him.
When the unsaved crowd heard Peter preach that day, their hearts were
sliced so wide open by the truth Peter preached that they cried out, “…Men
and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). The people asked Peter and
the other apostles to tell them what steps were required for them to be made
right with God. That’s when Peter boldly told them: “Repent.”
And that’s the pattern we’re to follow as we share truth with the lost or
with those who need to be restored in fellowship with the Lord. We must
present the truth compellingly, compassionately, and clearly enough for
them to understand the real root of their problem. We are not to comfort the
lost and the backslidden so that we leave them feeling like they’re all right
in their sin; rather, we are called to help them understand their need to
The truth is, people may at first feel stung by what we tell them, but that
sting may be the very thing that brings them to the point of repentance. Sin
and its consequences are eternal and unchangeable after death.
For the unsaved, the stakes couldn’t be higher. A wrong choice results
in eternal torment in hell, forever separated from the presence of God. For
wayward Christians, they stand to lose much when they trade a life of
obedience for sinful pleasure and willful disobedience. If we love these
individuals, we will lovingly tell them the truth to help them come back into
spiritual sobriety and get their spiritual priorities in right order again.
Think of people you know who need to receive Jesus as their Savior —
as well as Christian who have strayed and who need to rededicate their lives
to the Lord. Do you love them enough to sit down with them and tell them
the truth, explaining how serious their spiritual condition is according to the
Word of God? If you were unsaved — or living in a backslidden state —
wouldn’t you hope someone would care about you enough to tell you the

A study of the New Testament makes it clear that repentance is a

requirement for a non-Christian to come to God. It is also a vital part of the
Christian walk for every committed believer.
True repentance is different than simply being “sorry” for doing wrong.
We see this distinction in the case of the Corinthian church. When Paul
wrote his first letter to the Corinthians, he addressed many prob­lems that
existed in the congregation at Corinth, including strife, selfish ambition, and
drunkenness. However, the most notorious problem was an act of
immorality by a brother in the church who was committing fornication with
his father’s wife (see 1 Corinthians 5:1).
Paul was so stunned by this act of immorality that he told the
Corinthians that this kind of immorality didn’t even exist among non-
Christians. Paul loved this congregation, and he didn’t want to see the
church there jeopardized. Therefore, he adamantly urged these believers to
take immediate action against these spiritually poisonous activities before
the whole church became contaminated.
It is clear in reading Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians that this
congregation took Paul’s orders very seriously. They must have been
embarrassed and saddened by the fact that Paul had to rebuke them, because
the apostle told them, “…I made you sorry with my letter…” (2 Corinthians
7:8 NKJV).
The word “sorry” is from the Greek word lupeo, which describes pain
or grief. Apparently Paul’s first letter caused the Corinthian congregation to
feel deeply pained and grieved. Paul knew this had been their response so
he went on to tell them, “…I perceive that the same epistle made you
sorry.…” Twice in Second Corinthians 7:8, Paul acknowledged that they
had been pained by the previous letter he sent them.
However, Paul continued in Second Corinthians 7:9 (NKJV) by saying,
“Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to
repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner….”
The word “sorrowed” is again from the Greek word lupeo, denoting
pain or grief. The word “repentance” is metanoeo, which refers to a
complete, radical, total change. As we saw previously, it is a decision to
completely change or to entirely turn around in the way one is thinking,
believing, or living.
Paul revealed that the Corinthians didn’t just listen to his earlier
message — they heeded it completely and made the decision to change. In
fact, they had obeyed him so entirely that they experienced a total
transformation, mak­ing them unrecognizable from the sinful condition for
which Paul rebuked them in a previous epistle. Thus, the entire phrase in
Second Corinthians 7:9 could be interpreted, “I don’t rejoice that I caused
you to feel pain and grief, but I do rejoice that my letter made you purpose
in your hearts to change....”
Paul went on to elaborate: “…For you were made sorry in a godly
manner….” This phrase “godly manner” could be translated as, “Your pain
was in response to God’s dealing with you.” The Holy Spirit had used
Paul’s earlier epistle to prick their hearts, and Paul was quick to
acknowledge this.
Although the sorrow that the Corinthian believers felt may have been
initiated by Paul’s letter, the truth was that their hearts felt pained because
God’s Spirit was dealing with them. Thus, the verse could be rendered, “I
don’t rejoice that I caused you to feel pain and grief, but I rejoice that my
letter made you want to change. Your pain was your response to God’s
dealing with you….”
The Corinthian Christians were prompt to respond to God’s dealings
with them. In fact, they acted so swiftly and seriously to obey Paul’s
instruction that in his next letter to them, the apostle declared, “For observe
this very thing, that you sorrowed in a godly manner: What diligence it
produced in you, what clearing of yourselves, what indignation, what fear,
what vehement desire, what zeal, what vindication! In all things you proved
yourselves to be clear in this matter” (v. 11 NKJV).
Not wanting to grieve the Holy Spirit any longer, the Christians in
Corinth moved with urgency to repent and purge themselves of sin and
carnality. Their actions were outward proof that genuine repentance had
As we have seen, true repentance produces an indisputable
transformation in one’s behavior. The change in the Corinthian church was
evidence enough for Paul to say they were now completely “clear” in the
matters where they had previously been wrong. They had been completely
Have you ever felt sorrow because of a sin you committed that grieved
the heart of God? Did you allow that godly sorrow to do its full work in you
and produce a desire to change within your heart — resulting in a change in
your character, behavior, and lifestyle? Or did you merely brush off that
sorrow and thereby resist God’s dealings with you and His grace to help
you grow?
If we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and listen to His voice, we will
hear Him speak to us when we do something that grieves the heart of God.
In that moment, we have a choice: We can harden our hearts and turn a deaf
ear to God’s Spirit, or we can allow the Holy Spirit to deal deeply with us
and produce a desire in us to never transgress in that particular way again.
God is willing to work in us and with us, but we must have hearts that want
to positively respond to His dealings.
Take some time to evaluate how God’s Spirit has been trying to deal
with you. Can you honestly say that you’ve allowed a godly sorrow to have
its full effect in you — thereby producing a strong desire to change and
never fail in the same way again? Regardless of what you have done, God
offers you forgiveness, and He will give you the strength needed to enact
powerful, permanent change in your life if your heart is truly repentant. It’s
up to you.

I remember an experience as a young boy growing up in church that made a

huge impact on my life and helped me understand the vast difference
between two words: remorse and true repentance. Each year we had revival
meetings in our church. It was at one of these revival meetings that I heard
an evangelist preach about hell, and I became so convicted of sin that I
committed my life to Jesus.
However, not long after I walked the aisle and received Christ, I began
to seriously doubt whether I had really been saved. This doubt stemmed
from watching what happened when others got saved, which was entirely
different from my own experience.
Adults often wept and wept when they bowed at the altar, but I didn’t
shed a tear the day I got saved. The devil began to torment me every day
with thoughts, such as: Why didn’t you cry when you went forward to give
your heart to Christ? Maybe you’re not really saved! If you were really
sincere, shouldn’t you have cried like all the others did when they repented
and got saved?
But growing up in church gives a person time to watch people and
learn, and as time passed, I began to notice a very important trend.
Frequently the people who cried buckets of tears at the altar during revival
meetings were the same people who came forward in the altar calls every
I also noticed that after these “criers” walked out the door of the church,
many of them didn’t show their faces in church again until the next year’s
revival meeting. Then once again, they ended up back on their knees at the
altar — once again crying buckets of tears.
Finally, it dawned on me what was happening. Many of those who
repeatedly came forward to weep profusely at the altar never changed.
Although they used nearly an entire box of tissues sobbing, it appeared that
nothing much deeper occurred than the shedding of tears. I began to realize
that a show of emotion isn’t always a sign of repentance; sometimes it’s
only evidence of remorse.
Real repentance is very different from remorse.
Repentance produces true change, whereas remorse merely produces
natural sorrow, which is often confused with repentance. But there is an
enormous difference between repentance and remorse.
A perfect New Testament example of remorse is found in Matthew
27:3-5, where the Bible tells us about Judas Iscariot after his betrayal of
Jesus. It says, “Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he
was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of
silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, I have sinned in that I have
betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? See thou to
that. And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and
went and hanged himself.”
Notice the Bible says that Judas “repented” himself. Usually a person
who repents doesn’t go out and hang himself afterward, so what really
happened in this passage? The answer lies in the word “repented” that is
used in verse 3.
This is not the word metanoeo, the word most often used that means
“repent” in the New Testament. Instead, this particular word for “repent” is
the Greek word metamelomai, which portrays a person who is completely
overwhelmed with emotions. This word is used five times in the New
Testament, and in each instance, it expresses sorrow, mourning, or grief.
The word metamelomai rarely gives the picture of someone moved to
change, but rather depicts a person who is seized with remorse, guilt, or
Metamelomai can depict remorse that grips a person because of an act
he committed that he knows is wrong. If he were willing to repent, he
could be forgiven and could change. But because he has no plans to
repent, stop his sinful activities, and try to rectify what he has done, he
is therefore gripped with remorse. Consequently, this emotion
produces no change — no repen­tance — in a person’s life.
Metamelomai can also express the guilt a person feels because he
knows that he has done wrong, that he will continue to do wrong, and
that he has no plans to change his course of action. He feels shameful
about what he is doing but continues to do it anyway, which results in
a state of ongoing guilt. This guilt produces no change in a person’s
life or behavior. Yet genuine repentance would fix this feeling of guilt
and remove it completely.
Metamelomai best denotes the regret a person feels because he is
caught doing something wrong. He isn’t repentant for committing the
sin; instead, he is sorrowful only because he got caught. Now he’s in
trouble. Rather than being repentant, this person is regretful that he got
caught and must now pay the consequences. Chances are that if he’d
never been caught, he would have continued his activities. This kind of
regret likewise produces no change in a person’s heart, conduct, or
Because the word metamelomai is used in Matthew 27:3, it means Judas
Iscariot did not “repent” in the sense that he was sorry for what he did and
wanted to make it right with God. Rather, he was remorseful, seized with
guilt, and filled with regret. Because of his actions, Judas knew he had
blown his opportunity to be a high-ranking member of Jesus’ inner circle.
Judas was more sorrowful for himself than he was for his participation in
Jesus’ betrayal.
Don’t misunderstand me — emotion and tears may accompany
repentance. If we have sinned against the Holy Spirit, it is normal for us to
experience godly sorrow for our actions.
But godly sorrow produces more than tears; it produces a desire to
change that leads us to deliverance, freedom, and salvation in the fullest
sense of the word. What a contrast to the sorrow of the world that produces
hopelessness, defeat, and despair.
When I was a child and Satan tormented me because I didn’t cry at the
altar when I got saved, I was indeed saved. I just had no tears to cry over
my horrid sins because I was five years old when I committed my life to
Even though I didn’t cry, my decision to serve Jesus was firm and
therefore absolutely real. As a result of this experience, I learned to not
confuse sobbing with repentance.
Tears and emotions may accompany the decision to repent, but they’re
not requirements, nor are they necessarily evidence that repentance has
Remember, the word translated “repent” is metanoeo — referring to a
complete turn in the way one thinks, lives, or acts. For a person to repent, he
must simply make up his mind to change. God will help, but the decision to
change starts with the person.
So what is the difference between guilt, remorse, regret, and
Guilt is a prison that will keep you per­petually bound and unchanged.
Remorse enslaves you in sorrow that engulfs you emotionally and
leaves you feeling sad, depressed, hopeless, and unchanged.
Regret is self-pity that is focused more on your own personal loss than
on the pain or loss you caused to others or to the heart of God, and it
leaves you unchanged.
Repentance is a heartfelt, quality decision to change. And when
genuine repentance occurs in a person’s heart and mind, you can be
sure the Holy Spirit will release His power to effect change in that
person’s life and lead him to freedom!
I encourage you to set aside time to commune with the Holy Spirit
about these very personal matters. Give Him permission to take you on a
tour behind the doors of each “room” of your life. Let Him help you see
what you need to see in order to grow into all God has created you to be.
Are there any areas in your life in which you have felt guilty,
remorseful, or regretful — but unchanged? Could it be that you’ve never
really made a firm decision to change, and that’s why you’ve had no
enduring victory in those areas of your life?
If you’ve confused tears with repentance, now you know that you don’t
have to depend on your emotions to repent. If God is dealing with you
about something that needs to change in your life, you can repent right now
at this very moment, regardless of what you do or do not feel.

It’s amazing to realize that many Christians today don’t understand the
spiritual truths we just discussed in the last four chapters.
What would you think of a full-grown adult who never got serious
about learning his ABCs and therefore had to keep repeating the first grade
over and over again? Imagine that 50 or so years have passed since that
person first entered grade school. As he nears his sixtieth birthday, there he
still sits at a tiny little desk in a room full of young first-graders.
Would you find that to be a normal sit­­uation?
Strange as that scenario may seem, it happens all the time in the
Christian community. Many believers who have known the Lord for years
have remained at the level of spiritual immaturity they were at as baby
Christians. They never applied themselves or got serious about their
spiritual growth; thus, they perpetually remain spiritually immature.
Although these Christians have been saved for many years, they are still
sitting in “beginners’ class” in Sunday school with children, figuratively
speaking. They should be much further along in their spiritual growth, but
because they were never diligent about their walk with God, they just keep
repeating the basics over and over again.
In Hebrews 6:1 and 2, the writer of Hebrews listed what is referred to as
“the principles of the doctrines of Christ.”

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let

us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of
repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of the
doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of
resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
The word “principles” is the Greek word arches, which denotes
something that is original, early, or from the beginning. In Hebrews 6:1,
this word arches specifically refers to the elementary principles of Christ.
These elementary principles comprise the fundamental doctrine for
beginners. They encompass the basic spiritual principles that every new
believer should know, as well as the first steps of faith that every baby
Christian should be able to take. In other words, these are the ABCs of the
Christian faith!
The problem is, many Christians aren’t very familiar with these
elementary principles. In fact, some don’t even know them at all. This
failure to know the fundamental truths of the Christian faith causes them to
struggle in life. Had they been taught and then applied themselves at an
earlier age, they would be much further along in their walk with God and
therefore able to overcome the difficulties that confront them in life. But
because they never took time to learn the basics, they are still sitting in a
spiritual “beginners’ class”!
In the list of vital elementary principles found in Hebrews 6, the very
first one mentioned is “…the foundation of repentance from dead works…”
(v. 1).
This word “foundation” is the Greek word themelios. It is a combination
of the Greek word lithos, which means stone, and the word tithemi, which
means to place. When these words are combined, the new compound word
denotes something that is set in stone; a foundation that cannot be easily
moved or shaken; or something so solid that it will endure the test of time.
Taken together, these different nuances of meaning are the reason the word
themelios came to be translated as the word “foundation.”
By using the Greek word themelios, the writer of Hebrews was teaching
us that if we are serious about our walk with God, our understanding of
repentance will be positioned as a spiritual foundation that is set in stone.
This principle of repentance should be so rock-solid in our lives that we are
immovable and unshakable on this subject.
However, this is sadly not the case for many believers in the modern
Church. We saw earlier that many churchgoing Christians who were
surveyed couldn’t even provide an accurate definition of the word “repent”!
This is very alarming because it reveals that most believers are in a
stunted state of spiritual maturity. Regardless of their age or how many
years they’ve been saved, multitudes of people are still in “beginners’
class.” If they still can’t articulate an answer to such a simple question, they
are still in spiritual kindergarten!
Hebrews 6:1 states that our knowledge concerning repentance should be
so set in stone that it should never have to be repeated or taught to us again.
It reads, “...not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead
The words “not laying again” are derived from a Greek word that means
to lay something down. The use of this word in Hebrews 6:1 tells us that the
elementary principles of the Christian faith should be laid down in our lives
like a strong foundation as soon as we come to Christ. And once this
foundation is set in place, there should never be any need for it to be laid
down again.
In fact, Hebrews 6:1 says that seasoned Christians should be able to
leave the fundamental truths behind and “go on unto perfection.” The word
“leaving” in this verse is from the Greek word aphiemi, which means to
leave it or to let it go. It does not refer to the abandonment of truth, but
rather the realization that maturity requires pressing upward to the next
In other words, the beginning is not a stopping point — it is only a
This is why the writer of Hebrews continued by saying we must “go on
unto perfection….”
The words “go on” are derived from the word phero, which means to
carry or to bear. However, the tense used in this verse paints the picture of
a force that carries one onward or a force that bears one further. It could
literally be translated let us be carried, and it conveys the idea that as we
grow spiritually, the Holy Spirit picks us up and personally carries us
forward in our knowledge and understanding of God.
But where is the Holy Spirit carrying us? Hebrews 6:1 tells us that He is
carrying us toward “perfection.” The word “perfection” is the Greek word
teleiotes, which refers to a child graduating from one class to the next until
he finally reaches maturity.
This means that until we meet Jesus face to face in Heaven, there is no
end to our spiritual growth. That’s why it is so very serious when an older
Christian who has been saved for many years can’t even articulate the
meaning of the word “repentance.” He should be much further along in his
spiritual growth, but instead of reaching maturity, he is stuck in spiritual
Why is it so essential and elementary that we know and understand the
doctrine of repen­tance?
As we discussed in Chapter One, the word “repentance” in the New
Testament depicts a complete, radical, total change. It is a decision to
completely change or a decision to entirely turn around in the way that one
is thinking, believing, and living. It describes a person who is undergoing a
complete and radical transformation that literally affects every part of his or
her life.
We’ve seen that repentance is not a fleeting, temporary sorrow for past
actions. Rather, it is a solid, intellectual decision to turn around and take a
new direction in order to completely change the patterns of one’s life on
every level. It is a mental choice to turn toward God with all of one’s heart
in order to follow Jesus completely.
Repentance is the starting place for everyone and a lifestyle for every
committed Christian. As Christians who are serious about their walk with
God, we must be willing to quickly repent every time we have done
something out of character as those who represent Jesus.
This is a basic, foundational act of the Chris­tian life. It is our starting
place, and it is a part of the committed Christian’s lifestyle. It is the place
where our turning away from sin begins, and it is the point from which we
submit, and continually submit, our lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
So let the truths contained within these pages help you make sure that
your understanding of this essential “elementary doctrine” is laid down like
a strong, immovable foundation in your life. Once you are well established
in a life of continual repentance and submission before the Lord, the Holy
Spirit will carry you onward and upward as you reach toward spiritual
The fullness of God’s great plan for your life lies on the road ahead!

When Jesus Christ comes into your life, you are immediately
emancipated — totally set free from the bondage of sin! If you have never
received Jesus as your personal Savior, it is time to experience this new life
for yourself. The first step to freedom is simple. Just pray this prayer from
your heart:

Lord, I can never adequately thank You for all You did for me on the
Cross. I am so undeserving, Jesus, but You came and gave Your life
for me anyway. I repent for rejecting You, and I turn away from my
life of rebellion and sin right now. I turn to You and receive You as
my Savior, and I ask You to wash away my sin and make me
completely new in You by Your precious blood. I thank You from the
depths of my heart for doing what no one else could do for me. Had
it not been for Your willingness to lay down Your life for me, I would
be eternally lost.
Thank You, Jesus, that I am now redeemed by Your blood. On the
Cross, You bore my sin, my sickness, my pain, my lack of peace, and
my suffering. Your blood has removed my sin, washed me whiter
than snow, and given me rightstanding with the Father. I have no
need to be ashamed of my past sins because I am now a new
creature in You. Old things have passed away, and all things have
become new because I am in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Because of You, Jesus, today I am forgiven; I am filled with peace;
and I am a joint-heir with You! Satan no longer has a right to lay
any claim on me. From a grateful heart, I will faithfully serve You
the rest of my days!

If you prayed this prayer from your heart, something amazing has
happened to you. No longer a servant to sin, you are now a servant of
Almighty God. The evil spirits that once exacted every ounce of your being
and required your all-inclusive servitude no longer possess the authorization
to control you or dictate your destiny!
As a result of your decision to turn your life over to Jesus Christ, your
eternal home has been decided forever. Heaven will now be your permanent
address for all eternity.
God’s Spirit has moved into your own human spirit, and you have
become the “temple of God” (1 Corinthians 6:19). What a miracle! To think
that God, by His Spirit, now lives inside you!
Now you have a new Lord and Master, and His name is Jesus. From this
moment on, the Spirit of God will work in you and supernaturally energize
you to fulfill God’s will for your life. Everything will change for you as you
yield to His leadership in your life — and it’s all going to change for the

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chronicles
7:14 NIV).
Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he
is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he
relents from sending calamity (Joel 2:13 NIV).
…“Return to me,” declares the Lord Almighty, “and I will return to you,”
says the Lord Almighty (Zechariah 1:3 NIV).
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses
and renounces them finds mercy (Proverbs 28:13 NIV).
Produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Matthew 3:8 NIV).
From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of
heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17 NIV).
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that
times of refreshing may come from the Lord (Acts 3:19 NIV).
Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all
men everywhere to repent (Acts ١٧:٣٠ NKJV).
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone
to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9 NIV).
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9 NIV).
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you
sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded (James 4:8 NIV).
…You have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s
sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have this against you, that
you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have
fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and
remove your lampstand from its place — unless you repent (Revelation 2:3-
5 NKJV).
Reference Book List

1. How To Use New Testament Greek Study Aids by Walter Jerry Clark
(Loizeaux Brothers).
2. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by James H. Strong.
3. The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament by George Ricker Berry
(Baker Book House).
4. The Englishman’s Greek Concordance of the New Testament by George
Wigram (Hendrickson).
5. New Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament by Joseph
Thayer (Hendrickson).
6. The Expanded Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by
W. E. Vine (Bethany).
7. New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (DNTT); Colin
Brown, editor (Zondervan).
8. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT) by Geoffrey
Bromiley; Gephard Kittle, editor (Eerdmans Publishing Co.).
9. The New Analytical Greek Lexicon; Wesley Perschbacher, editor
10. The Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament by Fritz Rienecker and
Cleon Rogers (Zon­dervan).
11. Word Studies in the Greek New Testament by Kenneth Wuest, 4 Volumes
12. New Testament Words by William Barclay (West­minster Press).

Rick Renner is a prolific author and a highly

respec­ted Bible teacher and leader in the
international Christian community. Rick is the
author of more than 30 books, including the
bestsellers Dressed To Kill and Sparkling
Gems From the Greek 1, which have sold
more than 3 million copies combined.
In 1991, Rick and his family moved to
what is now the former Soviet Union. Today
he is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good
News Church and the founder of Media Mir,
the first Christian television network in the
former USSR that today broadcasts the Gospel
to countless Russian-speaking viewers around the world via multiple
satellites and the Internet. He is also the founder and president of Rick
Renner Ministries, based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and host to his TV program
that is seen around the world. Rick’s wife and lifelong ministry partner,
Denise, along with their three sons — Paul, Philip, and Joel — and their
families, lead this amazing work with the help of their committed
leadership team.

For further information about RENNER Ministries, please contact the

RENNER Ministries office nearest you, or visit the ministry website at


RENNER Ministries
P.O. Box 702040
Tulsa, OK 74170-2040
(918) 496-3213
or 1-800-RICK-593
Email: renner@renner.org
Website: www.renner.org

RENNER Ministries
P.O. Box 789
101000, Russia, Moscow
+7 (495) 727-14-67
Email: partner@rickrenner.ru
Website: www.ignc.org

RENNER Ministries
Unijas 99
Riga LV-1084, Latvia
+371 67802150
Email: info@goodnews.lv

RENNER Ministries
P.O. Box 300
01001, Ukraine, Kiev
+38 (044) 451-8115
Email: partner@rickrenner.ru

RENNER Ministries
Box 7, 266 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7DL, England 44
+44 (0) 1865 355509
Email: europe@renner.org
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