Reading Matters
Reading Matters
Reading Matters
Photocopiable worksheets
Drama resources
The Guide to Using Graded Readers
Alan Pulverness
The Guide to Using Graded Readers
Alan Pulverness
Reading Matters
by Alan Pulverness
ISBN 978-3-85272-012-8
Photocopying of material from this book for classroom use where
indicated is permitted.
Every effort has been made to trace the owners of any copyright
material in this book. If notified, the publisher will be pleased to
rectify any errors or omissions.
Why reading matters
Reading can be a source of information: we read to learn things about the world, to add to our store of
knowledge. Reading can also be a source of pleasure: we read to be taken out of ourselves, to add to our
awareness of things outside ourselves. Reading matters because it helps to develop students’ awareness of
other cultures, small (local) cultures as well as big (national) cultures. This increased awareness of others
works on an interpersonal level as well. It helps to develop empathy – the ability to understand other
people’s experience.
For foreign language learners, however, extensive reading – reading for pleasure – is even more important,
for a number of reasons.
Reading skills
There are a number of key reading skills which can help learners to get the best out of the experience of
extensive reading, and which can be developed with the teacher’s guidance.
Prediction 2
Prediction is important not just before we Inferring meaning
read, but while we read, too. The process of When we meet unfamiliar words or phrases in
reading involves constant prediction, from a foreign language text, we can of course look
word to word, from sentence to sentence and them up in a dictionary. Knowing how to avoid
from paragraph to paragraph. At every stage, the pitfalls of a bilingual dictionary and how to
we use what we know so far to predict how get the best out of a monolingual dictionary are
the text is going to develop. As we read on, we themselves important support skills for reading
build up more information (either confirming in a foreign language. But our enjoyment of a
or diverging from our predictions), which then text can easily be lost if we read with a text in
forms the basis for our next prediction. one hand and a dictionary in the other. Reading
for pleasure will be more rewarding if we can
use what we know to make inferences about
Skimming what we do not know. Good readers – in their
Skimming simply means looking quickly through first language as well as in a foreign language
a text to find out the gist (what it is about) or – are good guessers. Extensive reading can help
learners develop the confidence sometimes to structure), knowledge of vocabulary (e.g. word
ignore unknown words that are not essential to formation, synonyms, collocations), knowledge
understanding, or at least to guess the meaning of the text (e.g. information given before and
of unfamiliar vocabulary items. This is not just wild after the unknown item) and knowledge of the
guessing, however, but a process of ‘intelligent’ world (i.e. what the reader knows about the
guesswork. The reader uses knowledge of topic or the setting) to make connections and to
grammar (e.g. verb tenses, agreement, sentence make informed guesses about meaning.
Extensive reading, on the other hand, has much more to do with content than with form. As we have seen, extensive
reading is likely to produce dramatic improvements in learners’ language ability in terms of both receptive and
productive skills, but this is a positive by-product rather than a primary objective. Instead of developing particular
reading skills (though again this may well occur), the purpose of extensive reading is to develop the habit of
reading and thus to build up learners’ confidence about reading as something they can do.
In addition to lexical density and grammatical One element of content that can be controlled
complexity, the third factor affecting readability at different levels is the amount of information
has to do with content rather than language. in a text and the ways in which that information
First, the topic needs to be one that will be is conveyed to the reader. Graded readers tend
interesting or relevant to the reader. Learners to avoid those features which make texts more
are simply more likely to read – and to read well challenging for readers in their first language,
– if they can make some connection between e.g. multiple narrative voices, complicated
the text and their own lives. subplots, unfamiliar (and unexplained) cultural
Here is the view of one Helbling author on her
attitude to writing readers: In short, in graded readers all aspects of the
“When I write readers, I don’t think: ‘I am text – language, content, context – are selected
writing for language learners and therefore or modified so as to ensure that the foreign
I need to write something specifically aimed language learner has a smooth and enjoyable
at that market’. I write stories. I write the reading experience, without any uncertainty
stories that I want to read. Often they are about what the text is saying, and without the
issue-based and relate to issues that concern need for frequent reference to the dictionary.
Graded readers offer learners excellent Graded readers also provide opportunities
opportunities to consolidate their experience for learners to expand their knowledge of the
of the language they know and to extend language, as some of the vocabulary items they
that experience, as they meet known items in meet will be new to them. But since great care
new contexts. Learners often feel uncertain is taken to make the meanings of such items
about the limits of the language they know, quite transparent, with the help of illustrations,
about whether and how vocabulary and supporting context etc., this new language can
grammatical structures they have encountered easily be absorbed in the process of reading
in their textbooks can be transferred to without learners feeling any sense of difficulty
other contexts. Inhibited by this uncertainty, or lack of comprehension.
they may lack the confidence to experiment
and take risks with the language they are CONFIDENCE
learning. By providing exposure to language
at an appropriate level, used naturally in vivid One major obstacle to progress in learning a
contexts, graded readers can add depth and foreign language is lack of confidence and lack
breadth to learners’ awareness of language of confidence leads to underperforming, which
and increase their confidence about using in turn reinforces lack of confidence. Because
what they know. graded readers are designed to give learners
a successful experience of reading, they can differentiate them from the textbooks used
increase learners’ confidence. So, as well as the in class, make them appealing to learners and
language benefits, graded readers can play an should help to establish a reading habit.
important part in enhancing learners’ image
of themselves as successful language users, STEPPING STONES
and thus create the ground for further success
that will boost their confidence, transforming Graded readers are designed to make the
negative feelings about themselves as language experience of reading as fluent and natural
learners into positive feelings of ‘can do’. as it would be in a first-language situation.
Language, content and text organization are
CONVENIENCE controlled in such a way that learners should be
able to read with pleasure, without the sense of
As well as being accessible and learner-friendly, frustration that arises when a text is too difficult.
graded readers have all the advantages of Graded readers thus provide excellent support
popular paperbacks: they are compact and for language learning and are an invaluable
handy to carry around, good to look at, with motivational tool. But graded readers should
attractive cover illustrations, and comparatively also be regarded as stepping stones, a bridge to
cheap. These ‘real book’ features all help to real, ungraded fiction and non-fiction.
THE CLASS READER want to read, to find out if the book coincides
with or diverges from the mental picture they
A class reader is a book that is read by the are beginning to build up.
whole class. The book is probably chosen by
the teacher and read in lockstep (i.e. at the Arousing curiosity
same pace) by all the students in the class Use cover illustrations, titles, blurbs to get
over a period of time. As students may not be students anticipating the kind of text they
habitual readers in their own language, this are going to read.
can be an effective way of introducing the
idea of extensive reading. PREDICTION
Before choosing your reader, give your
students the questionnaire on reading habits Use openings, illustrations, chapter titles, key
to fill in (see page 23). words or quotations from the text for students
to make predictions about characters, setting
Below are some ideas for getting started, and plot.
maintaining students’ interest and encouraging
* Everyday language * Putting the speech bubbles in order
• Fill in the speech bubbles with everyday • Put the students into pairs.
language from the story and make cards. • Ask them each to choose a dialogue from
• Put 2 chairs at the front of the class. the story and write it randomly in the
• Invite 2 students to the front. speech bubbles.
• Tell them that they are two strangers • They should then ask their partners to
sitting on a park bench and that they will put the dialogue in the correct order and
have a conversation. number the speech bubbles.
• Give one of the everyday language cards to
one of the students. Example:
• Tell him/her that s/he should try to From The Spring Cup
include this everyday language in his/her
conversation with the other student.
• The student with the card starts the
conversation. Caroline: I’m so
nervous. I must win,
I must, I must.
* Writing dialogues Fred: Don’t
Fill in the speech bubbles with speech from
worry. You will
the story.
win this time.
Put the students into teams. Caroline: Fred why
Give each team a speech bubble with text. do you think I’ll win?
Ask them to write the dialogue that I never win, I always
comes before or after that speech bubble. come second! Fred: I just
Students should try and remember what have a feeling
was said. that you will.
Caroline: That’s not
enough, Fred. A feeling is
From Ricky and the American Girl
not enough.
Fred: Be more
A fireworks party? confident. Hey,
You’re a good luck, sis.
bit late for fireworks,
aren’t you?
* Rewriting tasks * Creative summaries
Ask students to provide alternative endings, Invite students to produce very short texts,
to rewrite parts of the text from a different such as blurbs or mini-reviews. Although
point of view, to change reported speech to they involve minimal output, these tiny
direct speech or vice versa. summaries can only be produced after very
thorough processing and consideration of
* Creative additions the whole text. The same principle can be
Get students to add to the text, providing extended to the production of non-verbal
sequels describing what happened next, ‘texts’ such as cover designs and movie
‘prequels’ narrating the events that took posters, which call for a similar ability to
place before the beginning of the story, or identify and select key features.
interludes filling gaps in the narrative.
Graded readers are published at different In order to make appropriate choices, students
language levels according to size of vocabulary need to develop ‘browsing skills’, so that they can
and range of grammatical features. Some series make the best use of the information provided
are also designed for different age groups. The on the book covers. They may also need some
best guide to the right levels for a particular guidance on choosing the best level for their
group of learners is probably a combination stage of language development.
of teacher’s awareness of students’ abilities
Here are some ideas for supporting students’ Scanning
book choices:
* Book rush
Identifying genre Invite students to pick a book from the class
library. Give them a strict time limit (say, 5
* Matching minutes) to find out as much as they can
Ask students to match a selection of titles, about the book and tell the class about it.
blurbs, cover illustrations, chapter headings,
representing a variety of genres. Choosing the level
* Categorising * Blackout
Give students short extracts from a range of Give students a long-ish extract (say, a couple
different books. They have to decide which of pages) from a reader a little beyond their
genre each extract belongs to. current level. Ask them to black out (like
this ) any unknown words and then
Sampling to see if they can work out the meaning of
the blacked-out word and how much of the
* Snippets whole text they can understand. This should
Distribute mini-extracts from different books help to give them the confidence they need
to all the students in the class. In groups to choose books that are linguistically a little
students choose the most interesting extract(s) more challenging rather than always choosing
to tell the class about. ones that are easy for them to read.
Ask students to design posters for their favourite books in the class library. These posters may
be based on a very simple design representing a key element of the book. Or they may be more
complicated collages, combining many different ideas from the text. In both cases students
can be asked to explain their choice of design and to answer questions about it from other
members of the class.
of the
(Samples poster)
“These two are staying here. I know you Put students into pairs.
won’t try to escape if they are here. You Tell them that they will write an interview
won’t put their lives in danger. If I don’t between a TV presenter and a character
return with the Shining Star, my friend here from the book. They can choose the
will shoot them. Two silenced shots and character.
your precious sister and your best friend Tell them that they can expand on the
will be dead.” information already there in the book. They
should think about what films, books or
There was a silence. “I will take you to the sports the characters would like.
Shining Star,” said Mahir. “But I warn you
now, it is a dangerous journey. Are you Example:
prepared to face the dangers ahead?” What’s Mahir’s favourite film? (The Kingdom
of the Snow Leopard)
“I am prepared to face anything for the Maybe he would like a martial arts film.
Shining Star,” said the man. What’s Holly’s favourite TV programme?
(Holly the Eco Warrior)
* Script writing Maybe she would like documentaries about
Put the students into teams. the environment.
Each team chooses an incident from the
story. They should not mention the character’s
Each team writes a short script and acts it out. name in their scripts.
The other teams must act out what happens • Then they act out their dialogues for the
before or what happens next. class.
They must write the script from memory. It • The other students must try and guess who
doesn’t need to be completely accurate but the character is.
it should be based on the text and it need
only be very short.
* Guess the character * Miming actions 2
• Give each student a character role card. Students mime an incident/action from the
• Ask them to write notes about their story. The other students must guess who
characters and be ready to answer questions the characters are and what they are doing.
about them.
• Ask students to sit in a circle with 2 chairs in Examples:
the centre or put 2 chairs at the front of the Holly the Eco Warrior - Holly climbing up
class. into the tree house.
• Invite 2 students to sit on the chairs. The Kingdom of the Snow Leopard – Tom
• Tell them to ask each other questions to trying to eat the hot spicy food.
find out who their characters are. The Surprise – Dacty breaking out of the
• The other students should guess who the 2 egg.
characters are.
* Happy endings
* Character conflicts • Put the students into groups.
• Put the students into pairs. • Ask students to write an alternative ending
• Give each pair two characters and tell them for the story.
that they are stuck in a lift together. They • Ask them to write a dialogue and act it out
must decide what will they talk about. for the class.
• What questions will they ask each other? • Then ask the class to choose the best
• Tell them to write a dialogue. alternative ending.
* Movie pitch This extreme compression forces them to
A ‘pitch’ is the attempt by a screenwriter consider what features of the original are
to sell an idea for a film to a producer or a absolutely essential to any retelling, and the
studio boss. It has to convince the listener creative task is also a great deal of fun in
that the story would make a good film. In itself.
groups, students take it in turns to pitch a
book they have read. After they have heard Q&A
all the pitches, the group decides which Students prepare a set of 10-15 questions about
idea will be ‘greenlit’ (i.e. given the studio’s a book they have read to be answered by other
approval). students who have not read the book. In order
to answer the questions, the other students
CREATIVE WRITING in the group will be forced to imagine what
happens in the story. Their answers will create
Haikus and mini-sagas a parallel plot which may be quite close to the
Students compress the plot of a book they original, or may tell a very different story. In
have read into a haiku (a seventeen-syllable either case, the activity should create interest
poem) or a mini-saga (a fifty-word narrative). in reading the book.
Group reading
So far we have assumed that there are enough different titles available for each student in the class to choose
a book to read individually. Ideally this is the way a class library should work. But there may be occasions
when there simply aren’t enough books for the library to work like this. It may sometimes be more practical
for groups of learners to read the same book. This will create a situation a little more like using a class reader
than a class library. The essential difference, however, is that the learners will still have chosen to read the book
(albeit from a narrower selection) and they will still be reading at their own pace. Activities to support group
reading should therefore encourage learners in the same way as individual reading tasks. The only difference
is that the teacher can make use of the fact that a group of individuals happen to be reading the same book.
AFTER READING Analysing the characters
Get students to complete the Character
Role-based discussion Worksheets on pages 29 and 30.
Groups discuss the book they have read with
students in role, either as characters from the Adaptation
book or as people who might have a special Students plan a film adaptation. Each member
interest in the story (e.g. parents, teachers, of the group has a different role in the film
police officers, friends) crew – writer(s), director, producer, casting
director, camera operator, composer etc.
In a sense, reading should be its own reward, but the school or parents, or the students themselves, may
demand some way of evaluating the effectiveness of an extensive reading programme. Here are some
Where do graded readers fit in?
An ‘extensive reading programme’ sounds as though it is a stand-alone course. It may be possible to organize
a separate reading programme like this, with lessons set aside for activities to support students’ reading,
separate materials, a separate programme of homework, etc. But in most schools time is limited, language
classes are only allocated a few hours a week and there are too many other demands (curriculum, textbook,
exams) to be able to afford the time for extensive reading to have its own separate programme.
It is probably more realistic in most school situations, therefore, to integrate extensive reading into the
language programme. Since most, if not all the reading will be done at home, this need not take up a great
deal of class time, but it is important to create space in the timetable for the kind of extensive reading
activities described earlier in this guide. The reading programme is like a plant that does not require daily
attention, but that will wither if it is not fed at all.
Holiday reading
Many people look forward to holidays as an opportunity to do some reading. Students can be given longer
reading assignments for the holidays, and it should not be unreasonable to expect them to read two or
three books during a long summer break.
Without the support of regular classroom checks, however, they will need some kind of task framework
from the teacher to encourage them to keep up their reading. They can be asked to keep a reading diary,
keeping a day-to-day record of their reading and their thoughts and feelings about the books they have
chosen. The holidays also provide an opportunity for the kind of tasks that can be undertaken over a longer
timescale, such as compiling character profiles, building up plot graphs and diagrams, and comparing and
contrasting whole books.
The most important principle when designing tasks for holiday reading is for the tasks to support the
students’ reading and not to become an obstacle that gets in the way of their reading.
6 What kind of book was it?
7 Write a brief summary of the plot.
8 Who was your favourite character in the book and why? Describe him/her.
9 Did you enjoy the book? Why/Why not?
10 What is your favourite book? Why is it your favourite book?
Title………………………………………………… Level…….…………
Describe the book in one or two sentences. What type of story is it?
Where / When does it take place? Who are the main characters?
Write a few sentences saying why you liked (or didn’t like) the book.
E.g. What were the best things about the book? What other books did it
remind you of? What kind of reader do you think would enjoy this book?
Would you recommend this book to other readers? (Tick (4) one.)
Strongly recommended
Not recommended
Write below. Use them in sentences.
Noun Sentence
Write new adjectives below.
Decide if they have a positive ( ), negative ( ) or neutral ( ) meaning.
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
Write the adjectives in sentences.
Story Sentence My New Sentence
1 _____________________________ ____________________________
2 _____________________________ ____________________________
3 _____________________________ ____________________________
4 _____________________________ ____________________________
5 _____________________________ ____________________________
Write the Verbs + Prepositions in sentences.
1 _________________________________________________________
2 _________________________________________________________
3 _________________________________________________________
4 _________________________________________________________
5 _________________________________________________________
Idiom Meaning
I’m on top of the world. I’m very happy.
1 _____________________________ ____________________________
2 _____________________________ ____________________________
3 _____________________________ ____________________________
1 Who are the main characters in the story? Write their names below.
2 What are their functions in the story? Write sentences about each character.
The questions below will help you.
4 Which characters do these adjectives describe? Write the adjectives in the boxes.
Add some more of your own.
In pairs:
Student A: Choose a character.
Student B: Ask questions to find out who the character is.
2 Which is your favourite incident in the story? What does it show about
your favourite character?
Name: Name:
Nationality: Nationality:
Job: Job:
Appearance: Appearance:
Personality: Personality:
TITLE: .........................................
DATE: .........................................
understanding idoms
2 Tick (4) the phrase which is true for you. Then give examples from the story.
new words
useful expressions
new idioms
Reading Matters is for teachers who want to incorporate reading into the language
classroom. It explores different approaches to reading and identifies the distinctive
features of graded readers.
Reading Matters is packed with practical activities to make the most of your
Helbling Readers. It also includes photocopiable worksheets and lots of ideas for
dramatizing the texts.
The Stolen White David and the Great Fireball’s Heart The Canterville Ghost The Kingdom of the
Elephant Detective The Surprise The Garden Party and Snow Leopard
The Red-headed League Ricky and the American The Spring Cup Sixpence Operation Osprey
The Happy Prince and Girl Daisy Miller Red Water
The Nightingale and the Holly the Eco Warrior