AS Notes
AS Notes
AS Notes
1. Which of the following is not an SI base unit 9. When a beam of light is incident on a surface, it
(Systeme International Units)? delivers energy to the surface. The intensity of
A Kelvin (K) B coulomb (C) the beam is defined as the energy delivered per
C second (s) D Ampere (A) unit area per unit time.
What is the unit of intensity, expressed in SI base
2. Which of the following quantities do not carry units?
any units? A kg m 2 s 1 B kg m2 s 3 C kg s 2 D kg s 3
A Impulse
Index 10. Which of the following definitions is correct and
Electric Electric field uses only quantities rather than units?
B A Density is mass per cubic metre.
potential strength
Power / B Potential difference is energy per unit current.
C Strain C Pressure is force per unit area.
Refractive D Speed is distance travelled per second.
D Strain
11. Which of the following statements is false?
3. What is the special name given to the unit of A A homogeneous equation is a physical correct
electromotive force of a battery, and what are the equation.
base units of electromotive force? B The principle of homogeneity of an equation
2 -3 -1
A V, kg m s A cannot determine the value of a unitless constant
B N, kg m s -2 in an equation.
2 -3 -1
C N, kg m s A C For an equation to be physically correct, it must
D V, kg m s -2 have dimensional consistency.
D The principle of homogeneity of an equation of
4. The electrical power, P dissipated in a resistor of an equation cannot discriminate between two
resistance R when a current I passes through the quantities having the same units(e.g. length of
resistor is given by P=I R. How may R be pendulum string, radius of pendulum bob).
expressed in base units?
A A2 kg-1 m-2 s3 B kg m2 s-2 A-2 12. Which of the following has different SI units from
2 -3 -2
C kg m s A DWA -2 the other.
A stress x strain B stress / strain
5. Which of the following pairs of quantities are C potential energy per unit volume
both scalars? D Moment of a force
A speed, velocity B current, charge
C pressure, force 13. The unit of strain are
D electric potential, work A mass / (length x time2) B (length)-1
C length D no units
6. E is given by
14. What is the SI base unit of pressure?
E = (F / A) / (e / l) A kg m s-2 B kg m2 s-2
-1 -2
Where C kg m s D kg m-2 s-2
F = force exerted on cross-sectional area A of the
material. 15. r V
e = deformation produced (an extension or under steamline conditions in a viscous fluid
compression) experiences a retarding force, given by F = KrV ,
l = original length of the material. K K
2 -1
E possesses a unit similar to A kg m s B kg s-1 m-1
-2 -2
A work B power C kg m s D kg m s-2
C energy D pressure
16. which one of the following pairs of electrical units
7. Which is a pair of SI base units? are the units not equivalent?
A ampere joule A J s-1; W B J C-1; V
B coulomb second CAs ; C D N c-1; V m-1
C kilogram kelvin
D metre newton 17. What is the ratio 1µm / 1 Gm ?
A 10-3 B 10-9 C 10-12 D 10-15
8. If p is the momentum of an object of mass m,
then the expression p2 / m has the same units as Note
A acceleration B energy For formulae see back side of this work sheet
C force D impulse
1. Refractive index: Refractive index = speed of light in vacuum or air ; n=c/v
speed of light in any medium
4. Electric field strength: Electric field strength = Force / charge = P.d/ distance ; E=F / Q = V /d
Answer grid:
Q.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
2. Complete following table to show each quantity and its unit. [4]
quantity unit
m s-1
electric field strength
kg m s-1
3. (a)
...................................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Explain why an equation must be homogeneous with respect to the units if it is to be correct.
(c) Write down an equation which is homogeneous, but still incorrect.
CIE Questions on Physical Quantities and Units
1. A 9. Which of the following could be measured in the
moves a distance L in time T. The equation relating same units as force?
these quantities is A energy / distance B energy x distance
C energy / time D momentum x distance
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(g) (h)
(i) (j)
1(g) Estimation (Answers)
Q. 1 Give an SI unit and an estimate of the magnitude of each of the following physical quantities.
(Marks will be awarded for the correct order of magnitude of each estimate, not necessary for its
Physical Quantity Magnitude unit
(g) Volume of a pea 0.5 cm3 (h) The speed of a jumbo jet 220 m s-1
(i) The temperature of the human body 310 K (j) The height of ceiling in a room 2.5-3.5m
{Q. 1/Nov. 17/9702/22}
(b) Two forces of magnitude 6.0 N and 8.0 N act at a point P. Both forces act away from point P and the
angle between them is 40°. Figure below shows two lines at an angle of 40° to one another.
Draw a vector diagram to determine the magnitude of the resultant of two forces. [4]
{Q.1 / June 2004/9702-1}
Q.2 A picture of weight 5 N is suspended from a hook on a wall by a cord which has a breaking strength of
25 N. Initially (Fig. 2.1) the picture is found to be too low; the cord is shortened, with the intention of
hanging the picture as in Fig. 2.2.
However, when the picture is replaced the chord breaks immediately. Explain why the cord broke when
supporting a load so much less than its breaking strength.
Surprise Test (Topic : Vectors )
Name :_____________________________________________
Paper 1 (MCQ)
Q. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The diagram shows the forces acting on a stationary kite. The force F is the force that the air exerts on the kite. The
weight of the kite is 2.5 N
(a) Show on the diagram how force F can be resolved into horizontal and vertical components. [1]
(b) The magnitude of the tension, T, is 25 N. [1]
(i) the horizontal component of the tension,
(ii) the vertical component of the tension.
(c) (i) Calculate the magnitude of the vertical component of F.
(ii) State the magnitude of the horizontal component of F.
(iii) Hence calculate the magnitude of F.
1. Which pair contains one vector and one 8. Two forces, each of 10 N, act at a point P as hown
scalar quantity? in the diagram. The angle between the directions of
A displacement : acceleration the forces is 120°.
B force : kinetic energy
C momentum : velocity 10 N
D power : speed
3N 5N
The magnitude of the resultant of these three forces
OY is of magnitude 3 N. is 1N. What is the direction of this resultant.
Which vector diagram shows the resultant R
of these two forces? Q R P R
Y Y *************************
The diagram shows two vectors X and Y.
D Draw the vector triangle in which the vector Z
X Y (a) the magnitude and direction of vector X + Y?
(b) the magnitude and direction of vector X Y?
A 5 B 45
(c) the magnitude and direction of vector Y X?
30° H
Which statement is correct?
A H = T cos 30° B T = H cos 30° **********************
C W = T cos 30° D W = Tsin 30°
1. The diagram below shows a heavy flagpole PQ hinged 6. Two forces act on a circular disc as shown.
at a vertical wall at end P and held by a wire connected
between end Q and a point R on the wall. The weight of
the flagpole is w and the tension in the wire is T.
Which two vector diagrams represent forces in
What is the direction of the force exerted by the wall on equilibrium?
the flagpole?
Which diagram represents the vector (P + Q)? A cyclist is travelling due south with velocity u.
The wind is blowing from the north-east with
velocity w.
What is its speed while it is moving?
A 0.70ms 1 B 0.80ms 1 C 1.25ms 1
D 1.40ms 1
2. At time t = 0, a body moves from rest with constant What is the quantity y ?
acceleration in a straight line. At time t, the body is A acceleration B displacement
distance s from its rest position. A graph is drawn of s C kinetic energy D velocity
against t2, as shown. {Q.8/J13/12, Q.6/N09/11}
{Q.9/J12/12, Q.9/J10/11}
6. The variation with time t of the distance s moved by a
body is shown below.
8. {Q.8/J11/12}
1. The graph of velocity against time for an object 3. The diagram shows a velocity-time graph for a mass
moving in a straight line is shown. moving up and down on the end of a spring.
Which point represents the velocity of the mass when
at the lowest point of its motion?
What is the distance travelled between time t = 0 and
t = 4 s?
A 2.5 m B 3.0 m C 20 m D 28 m
7. A boy throws a ball vertically upwards. It rises to a
maximum height, where it is momentarily at rest, and
falls back to his hands.
Which of the following gives the acceleration of the
ball at various stages in its motion? Take vertically
upwards as positive. Neglect air resistance. 9. The graph shows the variation with time of the
displacement for a particle moving along a straight
at maximum
rising falling track.
2 2
A 9.81 m s 0 + 9.81 m s
2 2 2
B 9.81 m s 9.81 m s 9.81 m s
2 2 2
C + 9.81 m s + 9.81 m s + 9.81 m s
2 2
D + 9.81 m s 0 9.81 m s
Which graph best shows the variation with time of the
8. When a car driver sees a hazard ahead, she applies the velocity of the particle?
brakes as soon as she can and brings the car to rest.
The graph shows how the speed v of the car varies with
time t after the hazard is seen.
1. A train, initially at rest at a station, has a 4. A steel ball is dropped from rest from a height h
uniform acceleration of 0.20 m s 2 until it above the ground. The ball hits the ground after a
reaches a speed of 20 m s-1. It travels for time t.
a time at this constant speed and then This is repeated for a number of different heights.
has a uniform deceleration of 0.40 m s-2 The graph shows the variation of h with t2 for the
until it comes to rest at the next station. ball.
The distance between the two stations is
3000 m.
What is the time taken by the train to
travel between the two stations?
A 75s B 150s C 230s D 300s
What is the magnitude of the average 12 A ball is released from rest above a horizontal
velocity of the car for the journey from P surface. The graph shows the variation with time
to Q? of its velocity.
A 4.2ms-1 B 4.7ms-1
C 6.0ms D 14 m s-1
Initial velocity
15 m s-1
Fig. 1.1
(ii) Assuming that air resistance can be neglected, use your answers in (i) to determine
1. the maximum height to which the ball rises,
2. the time of flight, i.e. the time interval between the ball being thrown and returning to ground level,
3. the horizontal distance between the point from which the ball was thrown and the point where it strikes the
(iii) Use your answers to (ii) to sketch the path of the ball, assuming air resistance is negligible. [2]
1. On your sketch in (iii), draw the path of the ball, assuming that air resistancer cannot be neglected. Label this
path A.
2. Suggest an explanation for any difference between the two paths N and A.
Q.2 A steel ball is projected horizontally from a catapult near the ceiling of a laboratory. Photographs of the position of
the ball are taken at 0.10 s intervals. The photographs are superimposed and the result is illustrated in Fig. 2.1
horizontal distance / m
distance / m
Fig. 2.1
The first photograph is taken at the instant when the ball is projected.
(a) (i) Use Fig. 2.1 to show, by considering the horizontal motion of the ball, that air resistance is negligible.
distance = .......................................... m
(ii) Use your answer to (i) to calculate the vertical speed of the ball 0.60 s after projection.
Fig. 3.1
(a) The ball takes 1.5 s to reach a point vertically above the cross-bar of the posts.
(i) al component of velocity, Vh. Ignore air resistance.
Vh .............................................[2]
(ii) The ball reaches its maximum height at the same time as it passes over the cross-bar.
State the vertical component of velocity when the ball is at its maximum height.
(iii) ight is 11 m. Calculate, Vv, the vertical component of velocity of the ball immediately
after it has been kicked. Ignore the effects of air resistance.
acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.8 m s-2
(b) (i) Determine the magnitude of the initial velocity, v, of the ball immediately after it is kicked.
(ii) Determine the angle above the horizontal at which the ball was kicked.
(c) State and explain at what instant the ball will have its maximum kinetic energy.
................................................................................................................................................................................... [2]
Q.4 A stone is thrown with a horizontal velocity of 20 m s 1 from the top of a cliff 15 m high.
The path of the stone is shown in Fig. 4.1.
Fig. 4.1
.............................................................................................................................................................................. [2]
A moving body undergoes uniform acceleration while travelling in a straight line between points X, Y and Z. The
distances XY and YZ are both 40 m. The time to travel from X to Y is 12 s and from Y to Z is 6.0 s.
What is the acceleration of the body?
A 0.37 m s 2 B 0.49 m s 2 C 0.56 m s 2 D 1.1 m s 2
Q.5 A ball is thrown from a point P, which is at ground level, as illustrated in Fig. 5.1.
The initial velocity of the ball is 12.4 m s 1 at an angle of 36° to the horizontal.The ball just passes over a wall of height h. The
ball reaches the wall 0.17 s after it has been thrown.
(a) Assuming air resistance to be negligible, calculate
(i) the horizontal distance of point P from the wall,
h = .............................................. m [3]
(b) A second ball is thrown from point P with the same velocity as the ball in (a). For this ball, air resistance is not
This ball hits the wall and rebounds.
On Fig. 5.1, sketch the path of this ball between point P and the point where it first hits the ground. [2]
PROJECTILE (Motion in two dimensions)
1. In the absence of air resistance, a stone is thrown from P and follows a parabolic path in which the higher
point reached is T.
2. A motorcycle stunt-rider moving horizontally takes off from a point 1.25 m above the ground, landing 10
m away as shown.
What are the vertical and horizontal components of its velocity after a time t ?
Assume that air resistance is negligible. The acceleration of free fall is g.
4. A projectile is launched at point O and follows the path OPQRS, as shown. Air resistance may be
Which statement is true for the projectile when it is at the highest point Q of its path?
C The kinetic energy of the projectile is zero. D The momentum of the projectile is zero.
5. A stone is projected horizontally in a vacuum and moves along a path as shown. X is a point on this path.
XV and XH are vertical and horizontal lines respectively through X. XT is the tangent to the path at X.
1. The diagram shows two trolleys, X and Y, about to collide and gives the momentum of each
trolley before the collision.
20 Ns 12 N s
After the collision, the directions of motion of both trolleys are reversed and the magnitude of
the momentum of X is then 2 Ns. What is the magnitude of the corresponding momentum of Y?
A6Ns B8Ns C 10 N s D 30 N s
2. Three identical stationary discs, P, Q and R are placed in a line on a horizontal, flat, frictionless
surface. Disc P is projected straight towards disc Q.
If all consequent collisions are perfectly elastic, what will be the final motion of three discs?
A moving left moving left moving right
B moving left stationary moving right
C moving left moving right moving right
D stationary stationary moving right
3. Which graph best shows the variation with time of the momentum of a body accelerated by a
constant force?
0 t 0 t 0 t 0 t
t t t t
6. A body of mass m traveling with speed 5u collides with and sticks to a body of mass 5m
travelling in the same direction with speed u.
m 5m
What is the speed with which the two travel after sticking together?
A (3/10)u B u C (6/5)u D (10/6)u
7. A car driver presses the accelerator sharply down when the traffic lights go green. The force on the car
varies with time as shown.
0 time
v v v v
t t t t
8. A vehicle, initially at rest on a horizontal road, is subject to a horizontal resultant force F which
varies with time t as shown.
0 t
0 t 0 t 0 t 0 t
9. Two similar spheres, each of mass m and travelling with speed v, are moving towards each other.
v v
m m
10. A body, initially at rest, explodes into two masses M1 and M2 that move apart with speeds V1
and V2 respectively. What is the ratio V1 / V2 ?
A M1/ M2 B M2/ M1 C ( M1/ M2 )½ D ( M2/ M1 )½
11. Two spheres A and B approach each other along the same straight line with speeds UA and UB.
The spheres collide and move off with speeds V A and VB, both in the same direction as the initial
direction of sphere A, as shown below.
Before collision UA UB
After collision
Which equation applies to an elastic collision?
A UA + UB = VB - VA B UA - UB = VB - VA
C UA UB = VB + VA D UA + UB = VB + VA
12. Two equal masses travel towards each other on a frictionless air track at speeds of 60 cm s-1 and
30 cm s-1. They stick together on impact.
60 cm s-1 30 cm s-1
After collision, both balls move at the same velocity v. What is the magnitude of the velocity v?
A 4ms 1 B 5ms 1 C 6ms 1 D 8ms 1
14. Two balls X and Y approach each other along the same straight line and collide elastically.
Their speeds are uX and uY respectively. After the collision they move apart with speeds vX and
vY respectively. Their directions are shown on the diagram.
15. The diagram shows a situation just before a head-on collision. A lorry of mass 20 000 kg is
travelling at 20.0 m s 1 towards a car of mass 900 kg travelling at 30.0 m s 1 towards the lorry.
16. A particle of mass m strikes a vertical rigid wall perpendicularly from the left with velocity v.
If the collision is perfectly elastic, the total change in momentum of the particle that occurs as a
result of the collision is
A 2mv to the right. B 2mv to the left.
C mv to the right. D mv to the left.
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B
8. B 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. A
15. A 16. B
1. Two blocks X and Y, of masses m and 3m respectively, are accelerated along a smooth horizontal surface by
a force F applied to block X as shown.
What is the magnitude of the force exerted by block X on block Y during this acceleration?
AF/4 BF/3 C F /2 D3F/4
3. A motorist travelling at 10ms 1 can bring his car to rest in a distance of 10 m. If he had been travelling at
30ms 1, in what distance could he bring the car to rest using the same braking force?
A 17 m B 30 m C 52 m D 90m
4. A child (mass m) sits on a car seat which is accelerating horizontally at 0.50 g (where g is the acceleration of
free fall)
What is the magnitude of the total force F exerted by the car seat on the child?
A 0.50 mg B 1.0 mg C 1.1 mg D 1.5 mg
8. A molecule of mass m travelling horizontally with velocity u hits a vertical wall at right angles to the wall. It
then rebounds horizontally with the same speed. What is its change in momentum?
A zero B mu C mu D 2mu
9. A force F is applied to a freely moving object. At one instant of time, the object has velocity v and
acceleration a. Which quantities must be in the same direction?
A a and v only B a and F only C v and F only D v, F and a
Fig 1
3. In fig. 3, find the acceleration of the system and the tension in the string between the two masses
if m = 1.0 kg and F = 12 N
2m T T F
m Fig 3
4. In fig. 4, find the acceleration of the system and the tension in the string between the two masses
if m = 1.o kg and F = 12 N. F
2m Fig. 4
5. In fig. 5, the surface and pulley are ideal. Let m1 = 1.0 kg and m2 = 4.0 kg.
Fig. 5
(a) Calculate the acceleration of the system;
(b) Calculate the tension in the string connecting the masses.
6. A box of mass 8.0 kg rests on a horizontal, rough surface. A string attached to the box passes
over a smooth pulley and supports a 2.0 kg mass at its other end.
8. 0 kg
box smooth pulley
rough surface
When the box is released, a friction force of 6.0 N acts on it. What is the acceleration of the box?
A 1.4 ms-2 B 1.7 ms-2 C 2.0 ms-2 D 2.5 ms-2
7. In fig. 7, calculate the acceleration of the system and the tension in the connecting strings. Take
m = 2.0 kg.( neglect friction and mass of the pulley)
Fig. 7
Newton s
1. given : F = 100 N ; W = 500 N
first find the mass : W = mg ; 500 = m (9.81) ; m = 51.0 kg
nd law: F = ma ; 100 = (51.0 ) a ; a = 1.96 ms-2
2 .given : F = 10 N ; m = 2.0 kg
first find the acceleration : F = ma ; 10 = (2.0) a ; a = 5.0 ms-2
constant force produce constant acceleration ;
(a) v = u + a t ; v = 0 + ( 5.0 )( 10 ) ; v = 50 ms-1
(b) S = u t + (1/2) a t 2 ; S = 0 + (1/2)( 5.0 )( 10 )2 ; S = 2.5 x102 m
4. For top mass, one upward force and two downward forces
F T 2mg=2ma
For bottom mass, one upward force and one downward force
T mg = ma
Adding both these equations,
F 3mg = 3ma
12 3( 1.0 ) (9.81) = 3 ( 1.0 ) ( a )
a = - 5.8 m s-2
Note: The negative sign means the system is accelerating downward instead of upward. The upward force is
less than the total weight of the system.
5. Since the surface is frictionless, the mass m1 moves downward and m2 to the right.
For m1 : m1 g T = m1 a
For m2 : T = m2 a
Adding these equations:
m1 g = m1 a + m2 a
( 1.0 ) ( 9.81 ) = (1.0) a + ( 4.0 ) a
a = 2.0 ms-2
To find T, substitute a = 2.0 ms-2 in equation for mass m2.
T = m2 a ; T = ( 4.0 ( 2.0 ) ; T = 8.0 N
The ball is dropped from rest and it bounces on the plate, reaching a height h.
(a) Calculate the speed of the ball as it reaches the plate.
h = ............................................... m
(ii) the speed of the ball as it leaves the plate after bouncing.
Q. A ball falls from rest onto a flat horizontal surface. Fig. 1.1 shows the variation with time t of the velocity v
of the ball as it approaches and rebounds from the surface.
Fig. .1.1
Use data from Fig. 1.1 to determine
(a) the distance travelled by the ball during the first 0.40 s,
(b) the change in momentum of the ball, of mass 45 g, during contact of the ball with the surface,
(c) the average force acting on the ball during contact with the surface.
Q. An experiment is carried out to determine the speed of a bullet. The bullet, of mass 15 g and speed v, is fired
horizontally at a box of sand of mass 6000 g, suspended by strings as shown in Fig. 1.1.
(iv) the average force acting on the ball during contact with the bat,
(v) the kinetic energy lost by the ball as a result of the collision.
1. Two blocks X and Y, of masses m and 3m respectively, are accelerated along a smooth horizontal surface by
a force F applied to block X as shown.
What is the magnitude of the force exerted by block X on block Y during this acceleration?
AF/4 BF/3 C F /2 D3F/4
3. A motorist travelling at 10ms 1 can bring his car to rest in a distance of 10 m. If he had been travelling at
30ms 1, in what distance could he bring the car to rest using the same braking force?
A 17 m B 30 m C 52 m D 90m
4. A child (mass m) sits on a car seat which is accelerating horizontally at 0.50 g (where g is the acceleration of
free fall)
What is the magnitude of the total force F exerted by the car seat on the child?
A 0.50 mg B 1.0 mg C 1.1 mg D 1.5 mg
8. A molecule of mass m travelling horizontally with velocity u hits a vertical wall at right angles to the wall. It
then rebounds horizontally with the same speed. What is its change in momentum?
A zero B mu C mu D 2mu
9. A force F is applied to a freely moving object. At one instant of time, the object has velocity v and
acceleration a. Which quantities must be in the same direction?
A a and v only B a and F only C v and F only D v, F and a
The ball is dropped from rest and it bounces on the plate, reaching a height h.
(a) Calculate the speed of the ball as it reaches the plate.
h = ............................................... m
(ii) the speed of the ball as it leaves the plate after bouncing.
Q. A ball falls from rest onto a flat horizontal surface. Fig. 1.1 shows the variation with time t of the velocity v
of the ball as it approaches and rebounds from the surface.
Fig. .1.1
Use data from Fig. 1.1 to determine
(a) the distance travelled by the ball during the first 0.40 s,
(b) the change in momentum of the ball, of mass 45 g, during contact of the ball with the surface,
(c) the average force acting on the ball during contact with the surface.
Q. An experiment is carried out to determine the speed of a bullet. The bullet, of mass 15 g and speed v, is fired
horizontally at a box of sand of mass 6000 g, suspended by strings as shown in Fig. 1.1.
(iv) the average force acting on the ball during contact with the bat,
(v) the kinetic energy lost by the ball as a result of the collision.
(b) Ball A moves with speed v along a horizontal frictionless surface towards a stationary ball B,
as shown in Fig. 3.1.
6.0 m s–1
4.0 kg A
v initial path
of ball A 30°
4.0 kg 12 kg
12 kg B
3.5 m s–1
before collision after collision
(i) By considering the components of momentum at right-angles to the direction of the initial
path of ball A, calculate .
= ........................................................ ° [3]
(ii) Use your answer in (i) to show that the initial speed v of ball A is 12 m s–1.
Explain your working.
(iii) By calculation of kinetic energies, state and explain whether the collision is elastic or
[Total: 10]
(b) A stationary firework explodes into three different fragments that move in a horizontal plane,
as illustrated in Fig. 2.1.
7.0 m s–1
2.0M 1.5M
Fig. 2.1
The fragment of mass 2.0M has a velocity of 6.0 m s–1 at angle to line AB.
The fragment of mass 1.5M has a velocity of 8.0 m s–1 at angle to line AB.
= ........................................................ [3]
ratio = ...........................................................[2]