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Methotrexate action leads to decrease in synthesis of:

C. Deoxythymidine monophosphate

Prominent occiput, overlapping fingers, micrognathia:

A. Trisomy 21
B. Trisomy 18
C. Trisomy 13

Genetics Pedigree and asked about the mode of inheritance:

Mitochondrial inheritance
only from affected female not male.

. Two groups of animals, one has a maternal gene silenced, other has a
paternal gene
silenced, which is the mode of inheritance: Gene imprinting

7. Patient enter fasting training for 36 hours, and serum glucose during
this fasting not
change, which of the following processes maintain Glucose level?
A. Gluconeogenesis

Patient cannot exposed to sunlight ( UV ), Xeroderma pigmentosum.

Defect in?
Nucleotide excision repair

Interleukin with chemotactic effect on neutrophils: IL-8

Complement with chemotactic effect on neutrophils: C5a

Which is the mechanism of action of Cyclosporine Inhibits calcinurin

Trial on mice to produce lineage without MHC I, which of the following

must be mutated
or interrupted: microglobulin

Patient with several infections by several types of organims, which

diagnosis? SCID,
which Adenosine deaminase deficiency

Imatinib is used to treat CML, what is the MOA? Inhibits BCR-ABL

A splenic patient most susceptible to which organism? Encapsulated
such as Str.Pneumoniae.

Patient with infection ( I think meningitis ), and there is a grow on

chocolate agar, which
Bacteria? H. Influenza

Patient with renal transplantation ( Immunocompromised ), signs of

meningitis, which
cause? Listeria monocytogenes

Patient with wound after trauma, the wound has a green blue discharge,
which the bacteria
that cause it?
Aerobic bacilli

Patient take Ganciclovir, which enzyme affected by this drug? And

Which mutated
enzyme causes resistance to this drug?
DNA polymerase AND Viral kinase

Patient with cataract, rash, and Chorioretinitis, which virus caused this
triad? Rubella

Patient with anal itching, worm eggs was catched using scotch tape test.
Which parasite causes this scenario? Entrobius vermicularis.

Patient raises cat and dog, has a Chorioretinitis? T. gondi

Lobar pneumonia ( Str. Pneumoniae

Botulinum toxin MOA. Inhibits release of Acetylcholine.

Patient with scenario of RF, what is the drug used to prevent


Patient was taking Benzodiazepines, and started taking a drug for

stomach, the effect of
BZs is more than before starting GI drug. Which is the drug?
Patient with asthma needs Ipratropium, what is the MOA of this drug?
Muscarinic Antagonist.
Patient with asthma, needs another drug as a combination, this drug is
long acting drug act on one of the major substances implicated in
pathogenesis of asthma, what is the MOA of this drug. It means
Leukotriene. So the MOA is Leukotriene receptor blocker

Drug used to treat flu, but causes sedation and confusion, which drug?
What causes vasoconstriction of subcutaneous vessels, in physiological

Patient with End stage renal cancer, what is correct regarding, how to
break this news to
patient? Explore patient priorities.

Patient needs drug that Increase hepatic uptake of LDL. HMG-CoA

reductase inhibitors ( Statins )

Which of the following maintain pulmonary pressure higher than aortic

pressure in the fetus? Ductus arteriosus

Which gene would be mutated in case of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?

beta- myosin heavy chain

Case of MI, but the question was, After 48 hours post-MI, which of the
following you will see on microscope of the affected tissue. Leukocytic
infiltration with edema

Patient in case, but mentioned that there is blowing diastolic, decrescendo

Directly, this is Aortic regurgitation

Fixed split in Heart sounds, directly this is ASD

Patient with angina, needs drug with MOA of decrease preload and
increase blood flow to
cardiac tissue? Nitrates ( nitroglycerin

Patient with coughing, pain radiates to shoulder, what is nerve is affected,

there was a
picture similar not same to this? Phrenic nerve
A mass ( tumor ) above pectinate line, which is the first lymph nodes
receive metastasis? Internal iliac nodes.

Neonate with jaundice, icterus, no bilirubin in urine , which enzyme is

most likely not mature so far? UDP-glucuronosyltransferase

Patient has a bulge below inguinal ligament. Directly ( femoral hernia )

Histology picture, and what is the organ of origin? Small intestine ( Villi

Patient with signs of biliary stones ( Jaundice and others ), what is most
likely site of
lodgment? Common bile duct.

Patient with Peptic ulcer, Antacids was not effective, which of the
following best to
improve symptoms? Rabeprazole

Patient with ambiguous genitalia, develop lethargy, fever and poor

feeding, what is the
diagnosis? CAH ( Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Patient with ambiguous genitalia with HTN, levels of testosterone, 11-

is high. Which enzyme is most likely affected? 11-hydroxylase

Patient with galactorrhea, and other signs of prolactinoma. What is the

treatment? Bromocriptine
. Gag reflex, which is the afferent nerve? Glossopharyngeal .

The fibers that transmit taste sensation from the anterior two thirds of the
tongue, rely in which nucleus? Nucleus of the solitary tract.

Vocal cords, one is paralyzed ( I think Right ), and another is intact,

which nerve is affected? Right recurrent laryngeal nerve.

Patient with loss of pain and temperature and motor defect but
proprioception is intact. Which artery most affected? Anterior spinal

Two persons were in desert for a trip, their car was crashed, after that one
of them developed polyuria and dehydration, what is the explanation?
Pituitary stalk shearing

Patient with hydrocephalus, Lateral and third ventricles were affected but
fourth is intact. Where is the site of damage? Cerebral
aqueduct/aqueduct of selvious

Patient with Bipolar disorder, develops symptoms from these was

nephrogenic DI, what is the drug? Lithium

Female with several fractures in hip and vertebrae, but with normal Ca
level, which the most appropriate treatment: Bisphosphonates
( Alendronate,

Patient with hearing loss, ALP level is high, bone pain, there was a
histology picture ( Mosaic Pattern ): Paget disease

Patient was on scaffold and fall from it which bone is most likely to be
fractured: This is FOOSH fracture, so the bone is: Scaphoid bone

which of the following causes inflammatory process and swelling in RA?


Young patient with ambiguous genitalia, difficulty swallowing, skin

lesions. What is the
diagnosis? CREST syndrome

Prostate cancer with osteoblastic lesion in picture, which is the treatment?

GnRH analogue

. Boy and his father were mowing ) ‫ ( يحصد‬, after time, boy developed
pruritic wheals on his back, there was a picture. what is the diagnosis?

Patient with muscle weakness that improve with use. What is the
mechanism of this disease? Antibodies to presynaptic Ca channels

Question about two persons old, and young, what is the change between
Older one has a lower GFR.

Patient with obstructive sleep apnea, which is increased?

Pulmonary arterial pressure

In a clinical trial to produce plasmid that facilitate the transmission of

infection in the lung by destruction of Cilia, which of the following cells
most commonly affected? This MCQ is very direct, needs the type of
respiratory epithelium only.

Neonate with oligohydramnios and renal agenesis and he died, what is the
cause of death? Pulmonary hypoplasia.

Flushing, diarrhea, lung mass on X-Ray, What is the substance causes

these symptoms? Serotonin ( Carcinoid syndrome )

. Patient has dyspnea, PCWP is high, what is diagnosis? Mitral stenosis

Tumor in Ovary, which ligament aid in transmit the metastasis from it to

Round ligament of Uterus

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