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Service Manual NE-7910, NE-7910C NE-7810, NE-7810CWARNING “Ti pods eed any by tied gail person “Thnh th pdt has Bon manta in oman wth “Fen Penance Standard 31 CFR Subchapter J” (HEN): NE7910,NES1O "Raton Eoin Dos Aet”(NBW)- NE7910C, NE7S10C Ie sry important when sercng C0 aod being expel fo exces mionve rata This my be haadows._ A ep shold be mae in acordane with Check for radon leakage after every seg scesiing Lo the “proce for essing ation kage” on pages 23126. Any sericea wo ae of nyse pertain to microwave ation leap ‘Boul immedltly otiy the appropiate dre se below, ‘ateca tece Corpor of Areca (201) 340.7000 won 20 Wane Rong, Hota S817 (900) eers61 INCANADA MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC OF CANADA LimMTED (OHELCA) 4 Ronan rive, Rete, Ontri, Cnu, MN 185 16) 2488551 5. Thee ae speci imponets wed inthe rome oven which te port fr fy, Thee pte shaded othe chen Ggam sd onthe epaceat pats TI omenti htthee cia par soul be repced with apace specified par to prevent mre lege shock eo the hard De nt ‘oy the orginal dsCONTENTS INSTALLATION ‘nenarion RUTION wen vss Scueuane biaceane incur pesearrrion Pear tens To Be oasehvEd BEFORE AND DURING SERVICING Fouawors ossiace ExPosUnE 70 EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY ERorions To Be OBSENVEDIHEN TAOUBLESVOOTING SISAssewsLy AND PARTS REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE. PEASUNEMENT AND ADJUSTMENT. Unig te Sten oer oo Sate rt $RGceoune ron MEASURING RADIATION LEAKAGE ‘srowen conPuains NOT RELATED TOOV=N FAILURE Brerrat exocaames cincur Test procsoun neta Toga me Heasynne maTROENS INSTALLATION |. Use he microns ovina ante tempers of etn 18°F 0° 6. lee the rowan cron naa OPERATION WY tien ey sferne ismade outing, ate ping of NEB, NETBIOC[Rott] wos We:7010 ma Me 70100 provided ir «apse ch cnt pan. Apu baton sich con! pele fo mad NE7BNO ang HEB. EEE & eaWan 9 covet Button fe suhed ane ep sound tid, a pp and no ep sundisherhe nit ha ot 2 cot ep ha icin. A syine the ven ares cooking tu of 8 bap sur il ea ‘Ore tp: ‘HIGH poner Fouts | M-LOW power Twotape 5 ML MIGH power Fwetene © LOW pone Torestie MEDIUM pom Sictape = WARM poner [Rane] Te onion sn fe ohn oan cil aie * Tae sam powerin secon DeFnosr ~ beFROST [AUTOSENSOR tay power {TOMER PAD (Exe) Brin 45a ‘en Ger lsd he eee wo prota an automate and ine equ ode in, Dering cooking (np tenpoay nop te cooking ace. othr pean a proses TOO eppnrn the Die Wado oor elon ard START pd pon Two tor: AUTO? Fete AUTOS: Tweety: AUTOS Sieape = AUTOS:‘OPERATION PROCEDURE NETO NETOIOG E710 NE7BIOC “Tne COOKING "AUTO SENSOR COOKING ‘on Phas cooking “Two Phe ooh 1 Se Power 1 Se Powe ] 1. Samo simor contrat 2 SaTere 2 sation, a er 2. Tan START Pt 2 Ser wend Pome | 2 rouen stant pos 4 Seton Tre 1 TapSTART pad [a Tap DEFROST pt 4. TapOEFROST pot. ONEPHASE COOKING oe ‘Step 1. Sa coking pow by ping the pone de appropri aber sample: Top PoP vie or ih = TOD snd colon eispprar, xo (000) appar In he Disay Window ndeor Lit sopas above he ‘Sp 2. Seeoking ney ping the appropiate tr a, example: Tose 15 mits an'30 seer, tap TOM pd one, in pd Sens 10s 299 is Step. Top START pia hen cooking tine hat eae, oven Bega! eof aon, Mironve att stops an pomsr lnaetrtantan oven amp tun oft. Tamale sop, TOD tegpsin Hw Spey wna ernest Sup. Tap OEFROST ~ TOO an exon dssopr zeros (0000) appearin te Disa Widow. Detonator Lib Pp Sup 2. Set defo ime by aoing Tine pu (Retr ta Step under One at Cahir Step, TapSTART pt = Mixonove acti sak Oven amp in on a Defoe Ines Ligh inks. Turmble baiet ae~ When the dton tne counts awn 10 sent en aapeasin he Diy Wink, Oss itor Li tops linkin. Meroe ety oe poten bite san i = When the tnd tie pad oars down 0°, he ven bees and i of evamtiy, Oven amp at ‘eto nets Light turn of, Turtle stop TOD espns inthe ple window ‘Sup, Set it pha okra poi by tapping th panera. (Refer tStp Tuner One Pa okra) = TOD and elon gion. Zaye (000 appetite Dipay Window, Index ht spot above the ‘ip2, Stn phan cooking te by ping te seropeise Tne pu (Refer 0 Sep 1 under Ove Pha cookin = Finch ootag re pparin the Diy Wied. Siep3. Setsecon pie cooking Powe by tong he Po Bs. ~ Sean at soon ower instar ht pps ow th pom seed ‘tend, Seed pat coking time ping the seo Time pa. ~ Second pot cooking tie appa in the Diy Window ~ Second ghte cooking tine taper and et shee cooking tne rexppeasin ne iy window ae bie > ‘coun down. Sind his Powi Ineo Li sts toto Fs phase power and hte bis = nan th i packing ne at an, cand sat cocking tine spp e Diay Window sd tin count down, Power Ir Lihat to stand phase cooking pon odor Lig nd bins, = sian scan pine cooking ine at loi pseu an oven ur ff sonata, Oven mp nd Powe ndeatr Lt sur of, Turi topn, TOD apn the Dioy Wino EFROST.TO-POWER PROGRAMMED COOKING Sie, Tue OEFROST Pac 700 and clon snopes, Zee 000 an Dero nestor Li spe in the Diy Window ‘Step. Settt i by taping the appre Tee Pak ‘Sten. $1 coking poner by ping the Powe = Delos tndestr Lis dexgpeen tot tiny desea Zeer (0000) appear the Dislay Window. Step 4 Set ootng do by ping te apart Tine a = cookin ti pps ia he Opty Window. loft Des nator Ligh tune on an ink Oven lp ton, Tube rte. Mire sty When dete ine hs pd rome tty op, eto Into Light stp bling. Te tose — ten a tie ha apes, cock ie spin Dia Windom. Dent inet ah nt, Pomer Indicator ih wn onan lik. Cookin ie bis ont own, Mlcrowae ey bine ~ When eookng time hat sad, bsp sound, Cooking iio snd onan ang tr of Turtle stops icon iy 98, TOD reappoint Digsay Wino( RUTO SENSOR COOKING ONLY ON MODELS NE TIO AND NETHIEC ‘Sep Pat fos ino orn [OTE] For test cnokng ts, be uo wrap fond ina sooking bi. covery with asi wrap ee ‘Sip 2, Se the apenas Aut Program by tpg Av Ser Control Pad unl ed proyam appecin the dey = 700 and clon diapoem, The selsed Auto Progam spars inthe Diay Winkow, Auto ctr taht Sp Touen START se Oven amp tur nnd Ate nestor Light sine bln ‘Turnane oats, Mleronave sci are — nan Aut Senior pogram vl cape, tine wil apni te Dil Window nesting He renin of alae of te coking en, Th ety ao rogram inset (A2 fr example: nd he em ~ Wren te tne deco own 0, the be oven bw nn aso tomatic, Miowere ety sop a the orn ap sto inestr IN ten of Turable supe The [RTE] rennin of xa coking ne poe nt wih he A208 ting: Wh AIA Ht ne sample the ne tou be 4 mira, he Dil Window wl sh’ 134. The onde wil nt wily count down in the Disly Window wt the 34 nue sade nly 60 mit rnin. AE he nit wil ain show moves resco. Sena wil rw wy count down (RPORTANT) 2. sing ato srr etre, mk re sty in the na iyo ase at uo Eonar 421 for wt sear cookin 4 Raum temperature or hast sumoundn he ove shoul at be ove 05 BB] when wig hw ato fersor coking 5 Foden anor ounce saul be cook by power and ing, not by he auto srr cooing ele ‘AUTO COOK TO WARM ovCLE ‘Sup2,_Satane aporoprine Aut rear tepgng Auto Stor Como pa. “YOO and clon dine. The lee Alto Progam, A2 for exe appear nthe Dil Window. Auto‘Sup Seta Power by ping Power 8 ines ~ Auto Program inition (A formal Sappi Ruto nase ih goat and er power sestar Yi eon ‘Step Set ming ir by aon Tie pa ~ arming ie sce apo te ay window ‘95, Touth Stet pos = via power Insar Uh Goat a Au ndstor Loh tune anand link Wig ene Sepa ad Auto Prsram (82, fo sx) rape, Ov ap ts on. Turtabierott. Mirowave iy = tne Auto Senor Cokin i ut, AM nator Lint en ff, Warm power Inde Light comet ri inks Waring ti spin the ay window ae bape cent dow es wig Se hg te oe Dee an sts of extort Mina tty ops Tutable stop, vane tur ff and TOD reaps te gy won TIMER. Ths mos’ gil ple window can be wed a9 tne inte fling manne Sup 1 Sete eed ne by toi Tr as Turntable dove net ott. hs pp = When sme a ae, ven beep. TOD reppin he Diay Wind, DELAYSTART. This oven dy test of ny cookin fanetion by up 199 ina ae 0 cond Sp 1, Se sh of ie you woul ke tony he stat of ooking, esting oto eo coking (so) wot ete a oT eat be asta. "Ending earl apis he ly window, Tose = 2nd phase coating ston apps the ey sn asp in the Display Wino an tr to eount = er clay ea ape, on atoms ners sean progres cele [[eEGRING PROCEDURE ON OPERATION ) ng Aut Sean Cooking ony for E7910, NE TOTO, 1. 1°€ ication cpm in the Diy Wino: ‘You hav hen wronginstivcion. Tous “RESET” pole and i nw nin a ha ban ad tr Dorr Tinie satefe) a CAUTION WHEN USING ‘ak ae no fo ef a te gape ay be kent contCIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 11. When the food is plcad iid the oven and door i cosa {AL Te tow yore taster suppose acess vot to HW cota roma cut when powsr crt I ua in (2) The ert of me hot ch open. Thissitch rt stot att blow TBA fu and Cop meyReTON ose ()Thedocr ayer cut by he dot Nok, te conte of th seh A an ose inary eu 2, When cooking power and cooking time aro sot by tapping the power pad (button) and the desired numerical pads (buttons) (AL Ponerinae ah urn on inne ht power ha ben (0), Thetme you set opps in he city window (Ch Thecinitalpromanmer cult memorize th fustion set. 2° When auto sonsor cooking is st by tapping the auto sensor control pa (a) Auto intetor at tron, (8) Theses m0 22 (C)_Thecinal prosammar aut manors: the information atthe ato aso eecing ha been 3. Whan the start pa button is tapped. 1A) TISV AC. is pple tothe pve trmlomer hau power ly whl rue by gl rane |B) Fan motor sar ottig and sol th maton by Doing he coming ror ha tec the bak panel ee ‘tw magn fg. Ale the fon motor ste ube by So DA an lle fr norm king (set. 8) Te {©} Theoven lame tun on {01 Powe (or Set to ito instr tah ea ar biking trite maguton xiao, IF) 20. AC i wpptog to 2 it programmer aout Ham te high oan neorme.waite SS ae ‘OUTROT ROWER AGANST ‘OFF TivEW ceca High POWER WaRIRBLe FONERSHITCA in za | —=——s : pie Eo a ge 20122 918 Fa ae tow 28 30s) tow aii 2ima1 wo pint am re4. Wen the door is opened during cooking, (A) Lath teh A (ima an eh ste 8 eon) Oper Ko eu ff the pins vlan othe sh vie 18) Pome inesto (o2o detonator it op blinking ad ay stop outing down (F)_Assoon as the or hane bust pid ho shar (Ol if he coms of th nich A and the conc of a 5, When the resetstop pad (buton) is tapped once uring cooking (A) ‘The at prontammer et cm the 0. vote big spp tthe poner yell cag he tron to 18) Power inser (or suo deft nao! i ep blinking ays on. (©) Oren lamp turn oft [NOTE] At this moment the nan it in "le ention wher tesa ed ttn tapped enn the ne et 5. When the reset/stop pad (button) i tapped twice daring cooking (8) Tha sinatpeomameer ru cin linctins you sve (8) Power oy stop feet to op the agreton oh {C1 Power into or aio, atonal i ur off a he say window sate TOD. 10) Owe imp tinea 1E) Fan motor and turtle op oa,PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED BEFORE AND DURING SERVICING TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY (AD De nt opm ra ta aan toe apart withthe dor open. |B) Make the following sey eckson al ovine to be sain foe ath He agnetren or other meronme (1 tock opeation (21, Prope dor cing (9) Stal na sting tac acing wer an thr dome) 18) Evident ropa or sae (} Before ting on iron pnet foray seve tt a spon within the mironave per an, (0) Any dteive orm jst components inthe nerd, marie, door wl nd mlrouse ron nd ai el epceo ade by procs ena in his maa tare the ve read (€) Acros nko ek 0 wety complies withthe Feral parforanes stand soul be prtrmed on ech CAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED WHEN TROUBLESHOOTING nie many ater aniline the mironeve een Woah, ighcurantaulpment. Though it ee PACEMAKER WEARERS MUST CONSULT THEIR PHYSICIAN BEFORE ATTEMPTING SERVICE, SERVICEMEN SHOULD REMOVE THEIR WATCHES WHENEVER WORKING CLOSE TO OR REPLACING 1. Check the grounding 2. Warning about the olctric charge in the high voltage eapector{TWERE 18 MIGHLVOLTAGE PRESENT, WITH HIGILCURRENT CAPABILITIES IN THE CRCUITS OF THE HIGH \VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER SECONDARY AND FILAMENT TRANSFORMER SECONDARY. IT IS EXTREMELY ‘DANGEROUS TO WORK ON OR NEAR THESE CIRCUITS WITH THE OVEN ENERGIZED, [NEVER TOUCH ANY CIRCUIT WIRING WITH YOUR HAND OR INSULATED TOOL DURING OPERATION [D0 NOT TOUCH ANY PART OF THE CIRCUITRY ON THE DIGITAL PROGRAMMER CINCUTT, SINCE A STATIC ELECTRIC DISCHARGE MAY DAMAGE THIS CONTROL PANEL. ‘DONOT TOUCH FILTER CAPACITOR ON THE TOUCH CONTROL CCUIT. THERE 18 $0VOLTS OR MORE PRE SENT, WHILE POWER SUPPLY CORD IS PLUGGING IN. 3. When pars must be replaced, remove the power plug from the outlet 4 When the 18 Amp fuse blown due tothe operation of short switch: (A) Replace heh oth A ona, ch nite andy) a sor sith. Ths ismndtony, 15, Avoid inserting nal, wir, oe throogh any hole inthe unit during operation. Neve rt 2 wire ol rs the alain ous the mp hol on he cay er any ete ols 16. Pacemaker wearers should consult their physician before attempting to serves oF rapa ‘oven. For ational information onthe subjac, write to: the manufacturer of your pacemaker, 7. Contem ator repair (A) After rape replacement ps, ke rea the sro he en, te 28 th Koen isn. (0) Makossa contin et bos inating te lan it he wl oi {6} Chek fran eam (Retr to pron or masccng ration Ikon es 2,288 25. DISASSEMBLY AND PARTS REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE 1. Removal of outer panel2. Raplacament ofthe magnetron for NE-7910, NE-7910C, NE-7B10 and NE-7100 SSERVICENEN SHOULD REMOVE THEIR WATCHES WHENEVER WORKING CLOSE TO OR REPAIRING THE MAGNETRON move th magnench with hele cae, permanent map, coke ei ard SOOP caput bau they te 1A) ihre thigh ota captor, Sapa 18 1) Remove hh tg a rom nant ert [ROE] A aces oem bons hy stachd on te ragnevon sod (Fa 16) Fa) mo 3. Replacement ofthe digits programmer circuit for NE-7B10 and NE-7910¢ (4). Diesnt 10 pn connector adn costo. (8) Unite fou loo ites canst to sain en the hut Nor emo to soe Halting humiity [NOTE] When epcing the it prorarmw cut, you mt uzoBer the two wat om te huniy (6) Revove hae sr lta the cit programe rout to he ratcheon be Se Fi 15 (0) Ranove cen hling the digit! pote cout a wotneen be (ef 17)rate gtal programmer cicult for NE-7610 and NE-7810C a - re7. Replacement ofthe door assembly. (A) Remove the ol igh par igen lane igs ote oan seb (@) Open the door nd whi ula tw Sor twa you, wk he ge Neg out ough he hola ht oan nb Ae} When mounting the door ss to thee by, be i act the oe sembly eral 1 the sesh by MEASUREMENT AND ADJUSTMENT Pe oon madels NET, NE7910C, NE-TBIO and NETIC, tt OIODE CURRENT nor ANODE [NOE] whim you mane ace curnt tess of ane oxen complaint, eck Fe diode fist 1 he ‘odie Sod do ot mene the sd uant Oteni TOM etx wl But by AC caren 1. Measurement and adjustment ofthe die current re, i voi captor the mapreron meme te dose cent (A) To munis the die curt ofthe motion, Jo not ui an arate, wat the DC BV DC TOV range of © (0) Acsroun ini. erove te jane conncts 10 the sitet te TON esi ne he tr pre inboth sarees, rconsec thefamprto the @ sie the TON eit (€) Tecan the ie ureter terns vay VI Die Caren (nt) ~ 1000 (©) Diode erat, under numero is 300820 with fw power onthe “High power eson, Butt may ‘Sona, shown in 8.27 dapnsig ont power sous volt (2) Attract of ets, maka the ade enti within he age of 00820 mArm mm [a] ‘WHEN THE 15 AMP FUSE IS BLOWN DUE TO THE OPERATION OF SHORT SWITCH, YOU MUST REPLACE LATCH ‘SWITCH A, LATCIISWITCH B AND SHORT SWITCH THEN FOLLOW THE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES BELOW, 2. Adjustment of latch suite A (primary) re) Faas) {81 Isaition oft doorhoak sandy 0h oven ey ran mounting the doar Rok stay te ose, De raat he or hokey by moving the trom cecton ota he ove oo i a ave any yn "Mae sure tat the chy psn corset ing scistmant. Alo mokesire that Um th key moves secthy4. Measurement ofthe magneton's output prem output he ringetin con bern by parferming ingle nate rear + seopwat [RE] cre eto volt ander, Lon vote ower be maeton ett a) ines 1 er ben with water ard mask ae a one {o) Tae urge vue (11) oF TIA an T18 aeltd olows (2) Wr the (6) The svape vale [72 oA T2A and T2B incline at flows: (oh Suiee Tt om 2, Thi ae youre tnt (00 Thema temperature for hs mol i120 20°F Ft engender to Ne "TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE" PROCEDURE FOR MEASURING RADIATION LEAKAGE “cha for ralinon leakage oer ery serie Sold the age be more chan 2 fon? CL mWew? for Cada) ‘Stam he PANASONIC CO (MECA PIL oe MELCA) immedi. Aer reiting rein ay ation ey dis, ep writen eo fr fue eee, eu by HEW and NHW regulon, Tis eet mast be ty ered tnadon the eke reading mst be icon n thee rp kt whit in the santo’ home [RFE] mes ewer sani 6 en wie isco stone, 2? ste eens 1. Equipment + eleaomaqpte sasononitor * ons darter ins thomametr 10° Cor 212°F3. Note when measuring {A} Donat ene tr alaclcetecton. {a} Thee probe mst be moet ro Seth Ihc (25 erie long she sade othe 1c) The tn orbe must al with the in pron of se hand A fae eding may et te operator's han is bof theo es ot elon 2 nce fem om any eta It dee reneous edgy eu (hen tit Tete is spec do not mow the fb oar aona fw evn srface,thimay posi tue 4. Record! keeping ad notiistion aftr measurement {A} Afr atistinot an epi of ay ration nruingeracson locking dave, make reps apo er the (8) Shout the ation esgs be mor tan 2 en® (mien fr Cds) afr dear tat al pars ar plscaent prt Hed i acl ave ee 5, At leet once a yaar, ave the redation monitor checked fo calibration by ts manufacturerCUSTOMER COMPLAINTS NOT RELATED TO OVEN FAILURE Wren you gt compan rom your crtomer lu invite te compli Gly befor gong 9 sutomar tome. Ifthe flowin sympa pay ese wucte the castor ine ober eof Ye tonne ven ert netaad” "orca nats ac Tearisomene ——] Leta J [arson | Vowsowrtauge Tate mcron ome I s ecm 2 Bron oem hie L sae |TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 1. Check pouring blr cteting for eovble, 2, Be caretl of tag vckape cet 2. Dinars meni vokap cpa fe 29816) 4. nan ehatng th contnty f th aut of tomar cacenet an lad wire am thse pr arte ‘is convo! pst. Atwas ove your gourd whl working onthe pn cca ny se halt Ft of al paras the microwave oven flowing he core eating recede Unite on ae 31210 etary tine [TROUBLE 1] The following vinus conditions indicate a probable defetive dtl programme circuit (ore. A Stamens ig ‘a wsan te lt karin 2. A dininet charge in the trhtnar of one oF mere 5. Digiay nes om For exam, 0c 6, rd 3 ont n the. 6. Spee nunbes for example? or 3 wl et il 8. Oven programe and cooks normaly tm ely sh 10. Die obvi ings in tine whi count donno 13. Dita does not top counting dn with tne cooking een when stoop tn tapped[TROUBLE 2) Oven does not operat at all; Display window does not dspaly any figures and ony cova ne ([coxomnion cnece _] [resucr] [cause] REMEDY ES See Eee ee Rest 8A tu Gi cominaty ah | Rapes ner are rivet ech as Ripa in Steincth See tects ‘pencret rar noes Seawes | [Newnan ——— (Seeazer) Le Sieariad ate i ee NOTE 1: All te sites mus erent the stn, planet pups 21 an 2 for arent insetions fae Leen | aa f= Ft | Ummm | fe] ope frome[TROUBLES] Display shows all figures st, but microwave oven does not start cooking oven though esved power and tne ee sat nd start pd (or button) tappe [Eonorron CHECK reso] [cause mewcoy _] [Faroe] [ie | atunctan at | [Raia or rice es Seem | [iki wee | Seas” [Se ne ee {sericea} [Stem [ferret See” | fone [= [reverie ser ee oe[TROUBLE 4] The oven doss not cook even though oven lamp lights and fan motor rotates. (No microwave oscilsion) consiTiON. usc ResuT cause Remeoy 1 Redioae (Ww oe Nore2 rete 8 vb pwns el it shuld ad worn, 24V D.C conta. cm power at ih postin. 0[TROUBLE 5] Output powers iow Firtof al check if ott poner i realy low following “measrement of magnetron = ‘output on pag 22. | ] Samstag | |-oAbemt_| 15 ie | mt Genesee LtLasema [Fate mameven [Foe i + ee Se + ite —{— ir rm [TROUBLE 6) Only for model NE-7810, NE-7810C. Microwave oven doesnot operate normally, only when aut snsor cooking selected. [conoiTiow cae nesuct cause (Citenor puooive |-olPerisar | eee |} ————fr="_ ee rd 1 (==) enerCOMPONENT TEST PROCEDURE Tigray pot oe igh vgs el heh wltoeatlor o aye cyee 2 tlenithr neem nor avinblatoatanot aurora the i von. 3 Bsoretuching any an compat oF wing nae pig the own om Is power rea 1, High vottage transformer (er to Fig 38) (A) Remove conneson em ty raafrmer win and check conta, (8) Nox easing shoal ofan: en somo s00~730 va wna enon on _ Dil open ig Ae i, | 2. High voltage capacitor 1A) Chick eoninly of capac ith meter on et OFM el, {81 noma caactor wil haw conn fr sor tne a he Indeste open one theca carh {C)_ Aor espastar wll tow coninuos conto. {0}. Ancpen apcr wl how pen oii ao {EF Resse betwen ech terial can sould nite 2. Diode TAD latte dade samy Side nd vari the ero daconasting he ad (2) wie onmmaar ston the Nps itn SE, ee the estas ao the de erly tia, in ere the eine eng, Mah with, V or Neer oe teri sow ue eh oh ont obck rasan ofthe dade, tere ions Aaa ioe usage wl biting in one recon a seal hanged KD. in te othr etn 4. Mogneton For comlet magnetron Sor ft "Mareen ftw Magno utp” (a9 23. socal magreven. {ad ole magneton fom the eet by dannetiog the7. Sensor element and Digital programmer circuit eof to Fig, 2), 18) Check sro ear ster termi, Noms col re (0) tn order to make sue if the sat srr futon of oe ee mal 4 Tap the srt pad to srt ao cooking 5} Auto cooking insta Hah srs biking One thik oye on scons, 6) 10 sone ao Hap toh, snr ta acorns a wes for Scand and an open. You ean count 10 sean by 10 Binks of ato iat gh. Before shorting al wis, you an wae theese 21h oven lap wil im sit abu minute tr the sar pa sauce. 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