Barbarian Primal Paths - GM Binder
Barbarian Primal Paths - GM Binder
Barbarian Primal Paths - GM Binder
Primal Paths
At 3rd level, a Barbarian gains the Primal Path feature. The
following options are available to a Barbarian, in addition to
those in the Player's Handbook and other official options:
The Brute The Inferno The Reaver
The Champion The Lycan The Titan
The Deep The Mutant The Warden
The Favored The Packleader The Wyrmblood
Wild Fury
6th-level Path of the Packleader feature
Your ferocity infects your Companion. While you are Raging,
your Savage Companion also gains the benefits of Rage.
Moreover, when you Rage, your Savage Companion
can use its reaction to immediately move up to its
movement speed and make a Bite or Maul attack.
Pack Tactics
10th-level Path of the Packleader feature
You and your Companion fight as one in battle. Both you
and your Savage Companion have advantage on your attack
rolls against a creature if the other is within 5 feet of the
target creature and they are not incapacitated.
Primal Howl
14th-level Path of the Packleader feature
You savage spirit rivals that of the great predators of the wild.
When you Rage, either you or your Savage Companion can
let forth a wild howl, and force creatures of your choice that
can hear it within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw
(DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution
modifier). On a failed save, the creature is frightened of you
or your Companion (whoever howled) for up to 1 minute.
A creature can repeat this saving throw at the start of each
turn, ending the effect on a success. A creature that succeeds
on this saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.
Savage Superiority
3rd-level Path of the Reaver feature
You have studied martial techniques to enhance your ability
on the fields of battle. You gain the features below:
Maneuvers. You learn two Maneuvers of your
choice from the list at the end of this Primal Path.
You can use only one Maneuver per attack. When
you gain a level, you can replace one Maneuver you
know with another Manuever of your choice.
Superiority Dice. You have three Superiority Dice, which
are d6s. You must expend one of your Superiority Dice to use
one of the Maneuvers you know, and you regain all expended
Superiority Dice when you finish a short or long rest.
Saving Throws. Some of your Maneuvers require your
target to make a saving throw to resist the Maneuver's
effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).
Improved Technique
6th-level Path of the Reaver feature
Your combat prowess rivals that of heroes of great renown.
You gain one additional Superiority Die (for a total of four),
and all of your Superiority Dice become d8s.
You also learn one additional Maneuver of your choice.
Unstoppable Warrior
10th-level Path of the Reaver feature
The chaos of battle heightens your reflexes. While you are
Raging, you gain the benefits of freedom of movement.
You also learn one additional Maneuver of your choice.
Storm of Flesh and Steel
14th-level Path of the Reaver feature
You have reached the pinnacle of your training, and woe to Path of the Titan
any who stand against you on the field of battle. You gain a
final Superiority Die (for a total of five), and your Superiority Some Barbarians draw their Rage from their ancestry. Those
Dice become d10s. If you enter a Rage with no Superiority who walk the Path of the Titan fuel their Rage with the giant
Dice remaining, you regain one Superiority Die. blood that flows in their veins. While some Titanic warriors
You also learn one additional Maneuver of your choice. are direct descendants of giants, some are unaware of their
heritage until it manifests with their Rage. Unusually tall or
Maneuvers strong for their race, mortals with giant blood in their veins
Here's the list of Maneuvers you consult each time you learn are fairly obvious once you know the signs to look for.
a new Maneuver. The Maneuvers below are either from the Barbarian Level Primal Path Feature
Player's Handbook of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything*. 3rd Fury of the Titans, Giant Bloodline
Ambush* Menacing Attack 6th Titanic Vitality
Bait and Switch* Parry
Brace* Precision Attack 10th Awakened Bloodline
Disarming Attack Pushing Attack 14th Titanic Wrath
Goading Attack Riposte
Grappling Strike* Sweeping Attack Fury of the Titans
Lunging Attack Tripping Attack 3rd-level Path of the Titan feature
The fury of your Rage draws out the ancient power of your
bloodline. When you Rage, you gain the following benefits:
Martial Maneuvers If there is room, you can choose to grow by one size
If you enjoy the idea of a Barbarian with access to
Maneuvers, check out my Alternate Martial Classes
category for the duration of that Rage. For example, you
- where Maneuvers (called Exploits) are core class
grow from Medium to Large. Your physical size doubles
features: Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, and Warlord! in all dimensions, and your weight is multiplied by eight.
Your melee and thrown weapon attacks deal bonus
damage depending on your current size: Medium (1d4),
Large (1d6), Huge (1d12), and Gargantuan (2d12).
Giant Bloodline Titanic Wrath
3rd-level Path of the Titan feature 14th-level Path of the Titan feature
Whether by magic or ancestry, you bear the power of giants. You can strike with the power of a true giant. When you take
Choose the option below that best fits the type of giant whose the Attack action while Raging, you can focus all your power
power resides in you. This choice will affect features you gain into one strike. You make one attack for this action, even if
later from this Path. You gain resistance to the damage type you have a feature that lets you make more then one attack.
associated with that giant. This choice is permanent and can't On hit, it becomes a critical hit, regardless of your attack roll.
be changed short of a wish or the magic of elder giants. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
Giant Element Giant Element Constitution modifier (minimum of once) and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Hill Bludgeoning Fire Fire
Stone Psychic Cloud Thunder Path of the Warden
Frost Cold Storm Lightning Hailing from the wild places of the world where the power of
nature reigns supreme, Wardens are servants of the natural
Titanic Vitality
order who use the raw power of their Rage to channel spirits
of the natural world. They often serve as defenders of sacred
6th-level Path of the Titan feature groves, Druidic Circles, and other places of natural power.
Your Rage draws out an ever-increasing amount of resilience
from the power that flows in your blood. When you Rage, you Barbarian Level Primal Path Feature
gain temporary hit points equal to your Barbarian level. 3rd Primal Magic, Primal Rage
Awakened Bloodline 6th Guardian's Fury
10th-level Path of the Titan feature 10th Ward of the Ancients
The power of your blood is apparent at all times. You gain the
features below that correspond to your Giant Bloodline: 14th Improved Guardian's Fury
Artist Credits:
Covers - D. Alexander Gregory - Primal Hunter
Page 1 - Will Murai - Hero of Iroas
Page 2 - Ryan Pancoast - Haktos the Unscarred
Page 3 - W. Burt - Weight of the Underworld
Page 4 - G. Rutkowski - Demon Berserker Token
Page 5 - Mila Pesic - Savage Packmate
Page 6 - Izzy - Simic Ascendancy
Page 7 - Josu Hernaiz - Strange Augmentation
Page 8 - Anna Steinbauer - The Pack's Hope
Page 9 - Randy Vargas - Skemfar Avenger
Page 10 - velinov - Giant-Warrior
Page 12 - Alex Konstad - Ursa Barbarian
Page 13 - Lie Setiawan - Dragonkin Berserker
Page 14 - Andrew Mar - Plundering Barbarian