EN5ider 034 - Chessmasters and Commanders - The Noble Class
EN5ider 034 - Chessmasters and Commanders - The Noble Class
EN5ider 034 - Chessmasters and Commanders - The Noble Class
C ommanders
The Noble Class
ome adventurers work their whole lives
Class Features
‣‣ Hit Dice. 1d6 per level of noble
‣‣ Hit Points. 6 + your Constitution modifier
‣‣ Hit Point Advancement. 1d6 + your Consti-
tution modifier per noble level gained
‣‣ Weapons: None
‣‣ Armor: None
‣‣ Tools: None
‣‣ Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
‣‣ Skills: Pick two from: Deception, Insight,
Medicine, Performance, and Persuasion
writing A. Nova
Equipment art Ellis Goodson
Nobles start with the following equipment in Shannon White
addition to the equipment granted by their back- editing James Haeck
ground. Alternatively, noble characters can start layout Eric Life-Putnam
with 5d4x10 gp to buy equipment.
Noble Paths Beginning at 17th level, you cannot be frightened
and allies who can see or hear you have advan-
Path of the Brave tage on saving throws made to resist becoming
Few nobles possess the courage and selflessness frightened.
to walk the Path of the Brave. Those who do often
won their rank through deeds of valor, or are Path of the Heart
descended from someone who did. Nobles who follow the Path of the Heart lead
When you first choose the Path of the Brave you on subtle ways. They inspire loyalty out of their
gain the following features: empathy, kindness, and even their own ingenuity.
A noble who follows the Path of the Heart may
Bonus Proficiencies lack ambition, but they make up for it in honesty
You gain proficiency with simple weapons, melee and charm.
martial weapons, and with light and medium
armors and shields. Noncombatant
You are the heart of your group, and you never
Resilient Leader draw a weapon except in dire circumstances. You
Your hit point maximum increases by 2 for every have disadvantage on all attack rolls and lose
noble level you possess. proficiency with all weapons and armor, includ-
ing those granted by your race. You cannot gain
Dauntless weapon or armor proficiencies from any source or
Starting at 2nd level, you have advantage on sav- cast spells that deal damage or require an attack
ing throws against spells and abilities that would roll or saving throw.
cause you to become frightened.
Aura of Innocence
Combat Style When unarmored and not wearing any shield,
At 6th level, you gain one Combat Style from you reflect an air of vulnerability and innocence
among those available to the fighter. that makes even the most heartless monster
hesitate to attack you. Your AC becomes 10 + your
Extra Attack Charisma bonus + your Dexterity bonus.
Starting 11th level, you may make two attacks in-
stead of one whenever you take the Attack action.
Force of Personality
At 6th level, you gain proficiency in the Persua-
sion skill. Additionally, you add your Charisma
bonus (minimum 1) to the hit points recovered by
your Rallying Word.
Stirring Words
Starting at 11th level, your allies add your Cha-
risma bonus to their attack rolls when they are
granted attacks through your Vicarious Attack,
Cry for Help, Coordinated Attack, or Direct Ally