I Year I Semester
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
Professional Advanced Computer Aided Design
3 0 0 3
Core - I
Professional Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
3 0 0 3
Core - II
1. Optimization Techniques & Applications
2. MEMS & Micro Systems: Design & Manufacturing 3 0 0 3
Elective- I
3. Advanced Manufacturing Processes
1. Flexible Manufacturing Systems
2. Theory of Elasticity & Plasticity 3 0 0 3
3. Quality Engineering in Manufacturing
Research Methodology & IPR 2 0 0 2
Lab - I Advanced Computer Aided Design Lab 0 0 4 2
Lab - II Advanced Casting & Welding Lab 0 0 4 2
Audit - I Audit Course- I 2 0 0 0
Total 16 0 8 18
I Year II Semester
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
Professional Design of Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems
3 0 0 3
Core - III
Professional Manufacturing Systems: Simulation Modelling &
3 0 0 3
Core - IV Analysis
1. Precision Engineering
2. Advanced Tool Design 3 0 0 3
Elective- III
3. Product Data Management
1. Materials Technology
2. Vibration Analysis & Condition Monitoring 3 0 0 3
3. Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks
Mini Project with Seminar 0 0 4 2
Lab - III Hydraulic & Pneumatics Lab 0 0 4 2
Lab - IV Simulation of Manufacturing Systems Lab 0 0 4 2
Audit - II Audit Course- II 2 0 0 0
Total 14 0 12 18
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
II Year I Semester
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
1. Advanced Finite Element and Boundary Element 3 0 0 3
Professional Methods
Elective- V 2. Smart Materials & Structures
3. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Open Elective Open Elective 3 0 0 3
Dissertation Dissertation Work Review - II 0 0 12 6
Total 6 0 12 12
Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
Dissertation Dissertation Work Review - III 0 0 12 6
Dissertation Dissertation Viva-Voce 0 0 28 14
Total 0 0 40 20
*For Dissertation Work Review - I, Please refer 7.8 in R19 Academic Regulations.
Principles of Computer Graphics : Introduction, graphic primitives, point plotting, lines,
Bresenham’s circle algorithm, ellipse, transformation in graphics, coordinate systems, view port, 2D
and 3D transformation, hidden surface removal, reflection, shading and generation of characters.
Cad Tools: Definition of CAD Tools, Types of system, CAD/CAM system evaluation criteria, brief
treatment of input and output devices. Graphics standard, functional areas of CAD, Modeling and
viewing, software documentation, efficient use of CAD software.
Geometric modelling: Types of mathematical representation of curves, wire frame models wire
frame entities parametric representation of synthetic curves her mite cubic splines Bezier curves B-
splines rational curves.
Surface Modeling: Mathematical representation surfaces, Surface model, Surface entities surface
representation, parametric representation of surfaces, plane surface, rule surface, surface of
revolution, Tabulated Cylinder.
Parametric Representation of Synthetic Surfaces: Hermite Bicubic surface, Bezier surface, B-
Spline surface, COONs surface, Blending surface Sculptured surface, Surface manipulation —
Displaying, Segmentation, Trimming, Intersection, Transformations (both 2D and 3D).
Geometricmodelling-3D: Solid modeling, Solid Representation, Boundary Representation (13-rep),
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG).
CAD/CAM Exchange: Evaluation of data -exchange format, IGES data representations and structure,
STEP Architecture, implementation, ACIS & DXF. Design Applications: Mechanical tolerances, Mass
property calculations, Finite Element Modeling and Analysis and Mechanical Assembly.
Collaborative Engineering: Collaborative Design, Principles, Approaches, Tools, Design Systems.
1. CAD/CAM Concepts and Applications/ Alavala/ PHI
2. CAD/CAM /Groover M.P./ Pearson education
3. Mastering CAD/CAM / Ibrhim Zeid / McGraw Hill International.
4. CAD/CAM Principles and Applications/ P.N. Rao/TMH/3rd Edition
1. CAD / CAM / CIM, Radhakrishnan and Subramanian/ New Age
2. Principles of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing/ Farid Amirouche/ Pearson
3. Computer Numerical Control Concepts and programming/ Warren S Seames/ Thomson.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Objectives: The objective of course is identify the manufacturing constraints that influence
the design of parts and part systems. Students will be introduced to the Design for Manufacturability
(DFM) methodology, and will be motivated to understand infeasible or impractical designs.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Understand the quality aspects of design for manufacture and assembly
Apply Boothroyd method of DFM for product design and assembly
Apply the concept of DFM for casting, welding, forming and assembly
Identify the design factors and processes as per customer specifications
Apply the DFM method for a given product
Introduction: Design philosophy steps in Design process - General Design rules for manufacturability
- basic principles of design Ling for economical production - creativity in design. Materials: Selection
of Materials for design Developments in Material technology - criteria for material selection - Material
selection interrelationship with process selection process selection charts.
Machining Process: Overview of various machining processes - general design rules for machining -
Dimensional tolerance and surface roughness - Design for machining - Ease - Redesigning of
components for machining ease with suitable examples. General design recommendations for
machined parts. Metal Casting: Appraisal of various casting processes, selection of casting process,
- general design considerations for casting - casting tolerances - use of solidification simulation in
casting design - product design rules for sand casting.
Metal Joining: Appraisal of various welding processes, Factors in design of weldments
- general design guidelines - pre and post treatment of welds - effects of thermal stresses in weld
joints - design of brazed joints. Forging - Design factors for Forging - Closed dies forging design -
parting lines of dies drop forging die design - general design recommendations. Extrusion & Sheet
Metal Work: Design guidelines for extruded sections - design principles for Punching, Blanking,
Bending, Deep Drawing - Keeler Goodman Forming Line Diagram - Component Design for Blanking.
Plastics: Viscoelastic and Creep behavior in plastics – Design guidelines for Plastic components –
Design considerations for Injection Moulding.
Assemble Advantages: Development of the assemble process, choice of assemble method
assemble advantages social effects of automation.
Automatic Assembly Transfer Systems: Continuous transfer, intermittent transfer, indexing
mechanisms, and operator - paced free – transfer machine.
Design of Manual Assembly: Design for assembly fits in the design process, general design
guidelines for manual assembly, development of the systematic DFA methodology, assembly
efficiency, classification system for manual handling, classification system for manual insertion and
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
fastening, effect of part symmetry on handling time, effect of part thickness and size on handling time,
effect of weight on handling time, parts requiring two hands for manipulation, effects of combinations
of factors, effect of symmetry effect of chamfer design on insertion operations, estimation of insertion
1. Assembly Automation and Product Design/ Geoffrey Boothroyd/ Marcel Dekker Inc., NY,
2. Engineering Design - Material & Processing Approach/ George E. Deiter/McGraw Hill Intl. 2nd
Ed. 2000.
3. Hand Book of Product Design/ Geoffrey Boothroyd/ Marcel and Dekken, N.Y. 1990.
1. Computer Aided Assembly London/ A Delbainbre/.
2. Product Design for Manufacturing and Assembly/ Geoffrey Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst &
Winston Ansthony Knight/CRC Press/2010
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student is able to apply appropriate optimization
techniques and solve.
Based on the type of optimization problem like single variable or multivariable,
Make sensitivity analysis to study effect of changes in parameters of LPP on the optimal
solution without reworking.
Simulate the system to estimate specified performance measures.
Solve integer programming problem by either geometry cutting plane algorithm or branch
band method.
Apply chance constrained algorithm and solve stochastic linear programme.
Formulate GP model and solve it.
Solve given optimization problem by genetic algorithm or simulated annealing or PSO.
Single Variable Non-Linear Unconstrained Optimization: Elimination methods: Uni-Model
function-its importance, Fibonacci method & Golden section method. Interpolation methods: Quadratic
& Cubic interpolation methods.
Multi variable non-linear unconstrained optimization: Direct search methods – Univariant method,
Pattern search methods – Powell’s, Hook -Jeeves, Rosenbrock search methods. Gradient methods:
Gradient of function& its importance, Steepest descent method, Conjugate direction methods:
Fletcher-Reeves method & variable metric method.
Linear Programming: Formulation, Simplex method & Artificial variable optimization techniques: Big
M & Two-phase methods. Sensitivity analysis: Changes in the objective coefficients, constants&
coefficients of the constraints. Addition of variables, constraints. Simulation – Introduction – Types-
steps – applications: inventory & queuing – Advantages and disadvantages.
Integer Programming: Introduction – formulation – Geometry cutting plane algorithm – Zero or one
algorithm, branch and bound method
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Geometric Programming: Posynomials – Arithmetic - Geometric inequality – unconstrained G.P-
constrained G.P (≤ type only)
Non-Traditional Optimization Algorithms: Genetics Algorithm-Working Principles, Similarities and
Differences between Genetic Algorithm & Traditional Methods. Simulated Annealing-Working
Principle-Simple Problems. Introduction to Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (very brief)
1. Optimization theory & Applications by S. S. Rao, New Age International.
2. Optimization for Engineering Design by Kalyanmoy Deb, PHI
1. Operations Research by S. D. Sharma
2. Operation Research by H. A. Taha, TMH
3. Optimization in operations research by R. L Rardin
4. Optimization Techniques by Benugundu & Chandraputla, Pearson Asia.
5. Optimization Techniques theory and practice by M. C. Joshi, K. M. Moudgalya, Narosa
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Overview and Working Principles of Mems and Microsystems: MEMS & Microsystems, Evolution
of Micro fabrication, Microsystems & Microelectronics, Microsystems & Miniaturization, Applications of
MEMS in Industries, Micro sensors, Micro actuation, MEMS with Micro actuators Micro
accelerometers, Micro fluidics.
Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrication: Atomic structure of Matter, Ions
and Ionization, Molecular Theory of Matter and Intermolecular Forces, Doping of Semiconductors,
The Diffusion Process, Plasma Physics, Electrochemistry, Quantum Physics
Engineering Mechanics for Microsystems Design: Static Bending of Thin Plates, Mechanical
Vibration, Thermo mechanics Fracture Mechanics, Thin-Film Mechanics, Overview of Finite Element
Stress Analysis
Thermo Fluid Engineering & Microsystems Design: Overview of Basis of Fluid Mechanics in
Macro and Mesoscales, Basic equations in Continuum Fluid Dynamics, Laminar Fluid Flow in Circular
Conduits, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Incompressible Fluid Flow in Micro conduits, Fluid Flow in
Sub micrometer and Nanoscale, Overview of Heat conduction in Solids, Heat conduction in
Multilayered Thin films and in solids in sub micrometer scale, Design Considerations, Process Design
Mechanical Design, Mechanical Design using FEM, Design of a Silicon Die for a Micro pressure
Materials for Mems & Microsystems and Their Fabrication: Substrates and Wafers, Active
substrate materials, Silicon as a substrate material, Silicon Compounds, Silicon Piezoresistors,
Gallium Arsenide, Quartz, Piezoelectric Crystals and Polymers, Photolithography, Ion implantation,
Diffusion and oxidation, Chemical and physical vapor deposition, Etching, Bulk micro manufacturing,
Surface Micromachining, The LIGA Process.
1. Tai – Ram Hsu, MEMS & Microsystems: Design & Manufacturing, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,ed.,
2. Maluf, M., “An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering”, Artech House,
Boston, 2000
3. Trimmer, W.S.N., “Micro robots and Micromechanical Systems”, Sensors & Actuators, vol. 19,
4. Trim, D.W., “Applied Partial Differential Equations”, PWS-Kent Publishing, Boston, 1990.
5. Madou, M., “Fundamentals of Microfabrication”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1997.
6. Hsu, T.R., “The Finite Element Method in Thermomechanics”, Alien & Unwin, London, 1986.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Objectives:
To make acquainted the various unconventional manufacturing processes
To know about the applications of advanced manufacturing processes (which are exceptional)
To encourage the students for developing the models of Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the working principle of Electron
beam, laser beam and laser beam processes.
Able to understand different types of composite material characteristics, types of micro & macro
machining processes.
Understand the e-manufacturing & nano materials.
Surface treatment: Scope, Cleaners, Methods of cleaning, Surface coating types, and ceramic and
organic methods of coating, economics of coating. Electro forming, Chemical vapour deposition,
thermal spraying, Ion implantation, diffusion coating, Diamond coating and cladding.
Non-Traditional Machining: Introduction, need, AJM, Parametric Analysis, Process capabilities, USM
–Mechanics of cutting, models, Parametric Analysis, WJM –principle, equipment, process
characteristics, performance, EDM – principles, equipment, generators, analysis of R-C circuits, MRR,
Surface finish, WEDM.
Laser Beam Machining – Principle of working, equipment, Material removal rate, Process parameters,
performance characterization, Applications.
Plasma Arc Machining – Principle of working, equipment, Material removal rate, Process parameters,
performance characterization, Applications.
Electron Beam Machining - Principle of working, equipment, Material removal rate, Process
parameters, performance characterization, Applications.
Electro Chemical Machining – Principle of working, equipment, Material removal rate, Process
parameters, performance characterization, Applications.
Processing of ceramics: Applications, characteristics, classification. Processing of particulate
ceramics, Powder preparations, consolidation, Drying, sintering, Hot compaction, Area of application,
finishing of ceramics.
Processing of Composites: Composite Layers, Particulate and fiber reinforced composites,
Elastomers, Reinforced plastics, MMC, CMC, Polymer matrix composites.
Fabrication of Microelectronic devices: Crystal growth and wafer preparation, Film Deposition
oxidation, lithography, bonding and packaging, reliability and yield, Printed Circuit boards, computer
aided design in microelectronics, surface mount technology, Integrated circuit economics.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
1. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by Kalpakijian, Adisson Wesley, 1995.
2. Foundation of MEMS by Chang Liu, Pearson, 2012.
3. Advanced Machining Processes by V.K.Jain, Allied Publications.
1. Process and Materials of Manufacturing by R. A. Lindburg, 4th edition, PHI 1990.
2. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes by John A Schey, Mc Graw Hill.
3. Micro Machining of Engineering Materials by J.Mc Geough, CRC Press.
4. Non-Traditional Manufacturing Processes by Gary F Benedict, CRC Press.
5. Advanced Methods of Machining by J.A Mc Geough, Springer.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Objectives:
To Understand the role of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) in manufacturing
To Understand the concept of Group Technology
To Understand the concept of Cellular Mfg Systems
To Understand the benefits of automation
To Know types of manufacturing industries
To have a basic knowledge of automation equipment
To Understand logic control and associated technologies
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
Develop FMS using the most appropriate technique.
Implement FMS concept in a manufacturing environment
Use various types of sensors and actuators in PLC implementations
Explain the role of automation in manufacturing
Tell the difference between Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing
Classify automation equipment and assembly systems into different categories.
Understanding of FMS: Evolution of Manufacturing Systems, Definition, objective and Need,
Components, Merits, Demerits and Applications Flexibility in Pull and Push type
Classification of FMS Layout: Layouts and their Salient features, Single line, dual line, loop, ladder,
robot centre type etc.
Processing stations: Salient features Machining Centers, Turning centre, Coordinate measuring
machine (CMM), Washing/Deburring station
Material Handling System: An introduction, Conveyor, Robots, Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV),
Automated Storage Retrieval System (ASRS) Management technology: Tool Management, tool
magazine, Tool preset, identification, Tool monitoring and fault detection, routing, Production Planning
and Control, Scheduling and loading of FMS
Design of FMS: Performance Evaluation of FMS, Analytical model and Simulation model of FMS
Case studies: Typical FMS problems from research papers
1. Flexible Manufacturing Cells and System by William W Luggen, Prentice Hall of Inc New
Jersey, 1991
2. Flexible Manufacturing system by Reza A Maleki, Prentice Hall of Inc New Jersey, 1991
3. Flexible Manufacturing by John E Lenz, marcel Dekker Inc New York ,1989.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing by Groover, M.P,
Prentice Hall.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Elasticity: Two-dimensional stress analysis - Plane stress - Plane strain - Equations of compatibility -
Stress function - Boundary conditions.
Problem in Rectangular Coordinates - Solution by polynomials - Saint Venent's principles -
Determination of displacement - Simple beam problems.
Problems in Polar Coordinates - General equations in polar coordinates - Stress distribution
symmetrical about axis - Strain components in polar coordinates - Simple and symmetric problems.
Analysis of Stress and Strain in Three Dimensions: Principle stresses - Homogeneous
deformations - Strain spherical and deviatoric stress - Hydrostatic strain.
General theorems: Differential equations of equilibrium and compatibility - Displacement -
Uniqueness of solution - Reciprocal theorem.
Bending of Prismatic Bars: Stress function - Bending of cantilever beam - Beam of rectangular
cross-section - Beams of circular cross-section.
Plasticity: Plastic deformation of metals - Structure of metals - Deformation - Creep stress relaxation
of deformation - Strain rate condition of constant maximum shear stress - Condition of constant strain
energy - Approximate equation of plasticity.
Methods of Solving Practical Problems: The characteristic method - Engineering method -
Compression of metal under press - Theoretical and experimental data drawing.
1. Theory of Elasticity/Timoshenko S.P. and Goodier J.N./Koakusha Publishers
2. An Engineering Theory of Plasticity/E.P. Unksov/Butterworths
3. Applied Elasticity/W.T. Wang/TMH
4. Theory of Plasticity for Engineers/Hoffman and Sacks/TMH
5. Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity/Sadhu Singh/ Khanna Publishers
6. Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity/Harold Malcolm Westergaard/Harvard University Press
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Quality Value and Engineering: An overall quality system, quality engineering in production design,
quality engineering in design of production processes. Loss Function and Quality Level: Derivation
and use of quadratile loss function, economic consequences of tightening tolerances as a means to
improve quality, evaluations and types tolerances. (N-type, S-type and L-type)
Tolerance Design and Tolerancing: Functional limits, tolerance design for N-type. L-type and S-type
characteristics, tolerance allocation fbr multiple components. Parameter and Tolerance Design:
Introduction to parameter design, signal to noise ratios, Parameter design strategy, some of the case
studies on parameter and tolerance designs.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): NO-way ANOVA, One-way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, Critique of
F-test, ANOVA for four level factors, multiple level factors.
Orthogonal Arrays: Typical test strategies, better test strategies, efficient test strategies, steps in
designing, conducting and analyzing an experiment. Interpolation of Experimental Results:
Interpretation methods, percent contributor, estimating the mean.
ISO-9000 Quality System, BDRE, 6.-sigma, Bench marking, Quality circles Brain Storming
— Fishbone diagram — problem analysis.
1. Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering / Phillip J. Ross / McGraw Hill, Intl. II Edition,
2. Quality Engineering in Production systems I G. Taguchi, A. Elsayed et al / McGraw Hill Intl.
Edition, 1989.
3. Taguchi Methods explained: Practical steps to Robust Design / Papan P. BagchiI Prentice
Hall md. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
To understand the research problem
To know the literature studies, plagiarism and ethics
To get the knowledge about technical writing
To analyze the nature of intellectual property rights and new developments
To know the patent rights
Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria Characteristics of a good
research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and objectives of research problem.
Approaches of investigation of solutions for research problem, data collection, analysis, interpretation,
Necessary instrumentations
Effective literature studies approaches, analysis, Plagiarism, Research ethics
Effective technical writing, how to write report, Paper Developing a Research Proposal, Format of
research proposal, a presentation and assessment by a review committee
Nature of Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs, Trade and Copyright. Process of Patenting and
Development: technological research, innovation, patenting, development. International Scenario:
International cooperation on Intellectual Property. Procedure for grants of patents, Patenting under
Patent Rights: Scope of Patent Rights. Licensing and transfer of technology. Patent information
and databases. Geographical Indications. New Developments in IPR: Administration of Patent
System. New developments in IPR; IPR of Biological Systems, Computer Software etc. Traditional
knowledge Case Studies, IPR and IITs.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
1. Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science &
engineering students’”
2. Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction”
1. Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition, “Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for beginners”
2. Halbert, “Resisting Intellectual Property”, Taylor & Francis Ltd ,2007.
3. Mayall, “Industrial Design”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
4. Niebel, “Product Design”, McGraw Hill, 1974.
5. Asimov, “Introduction to Design”, Prentice Hall, 1962.
6. Robert P. Merges, Peter S. Menell, Mark A. Lemley, “Intellectual Property in New
Technological Age”, 2016.
7. T. Ramappa, “Intellectual Property Rights Under WTO”, S. Chand, 2008
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Note: Conduct any Ten exercises from the list given below:
List of Experiments:
1. Tensile Strength Evaluation of TIG Welded Specimens under variable conditions.
2. Hardness Evaluation of TIG Welded Specimens under variable conditions.
3. Tensile Strength Evaluation of MIG Welded Specimens under variable conditions.
4. Hardness Evaluation of MIG Welded Specimens under variable conditions.
5. Inclusion Analysis of Cast Specimens
6. Size Analysis of Grains for Cast Specimens under different input variables
7. Design of Runner & Riser
8. Non-Destructive Testing of Welded Joint
9. Study of Blow Moulding
10. Study of Injection Moulding
Note: Each experiment involves preparation of Joint/ Casting, specimen preparation, testing,
evaluation and reporting may be chosen from the above list.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Oil hydraulic systems Hydraulic pumps, types and construction details, sizing and selection.
Direction control valves, flow and pressure control valves.
Linear actuators types Piston rod design sizing and selection, Rotary actuators, hydraulic reservoir
Design of hydraulic circuits, seals and packings, hydraulic servo techniques, cylinders and air motors.
Sequencing and synchronizing circuits, accumulator, low cost automation Hydro circuits,
accumulators, Hydro pneumatic circuits principles of pneumatic circuit design.
Maintenance and trouble shooting of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits, components,
PLC Automation and uses of Microprocessors.
1. Oil Hydraulic Systems/ S.R. Majumdar/ Tata McGraw Hill
2. Pneumatic systems, principles and maintenance/ S.R. Majumdar/Tata McGraw Hill
3. Hydraulic and pneumatics/ Andrew Darr/ Jaico Publishing Hoise.
4. Fluid power with applications/ Antony Esponssito/ Prentice Hall
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Objectives:
Learn way of analyzing the systems.
Classification of systems based nature of dynamics and knowledge of elements.
To develop simulation model for dynamic discrete – event stochastic system.
To run the model and collect the data.
To analyze the output data of simulation for specified for performance measures bases on type
of simulation and method of output data analysis.
System – ways to analyze the system – Model - types of models – Simulation – Definition – Types of
simulation models – steps involved in simulation – Advantages & Disadvantages. Parameter
estimation – estimator – properties – estimate – point estimate – confidence interval estimates –
independent – dependent – hypothesis – types of hypothesis- steps – types 1& 2 errors – Framing –
strong law of large numbers.
Building of Simulation model – validation – verification – credibility – their timing – principles of valid
simulation Modeling – Techniques for verification – statistical procedures for developing credible
model. Modeling of stochastic input elements – importance – various procedures – theoretical
distribution – continuous – discrete – their suitability in modeling.
Generation of random variates – factors for selection – methods – inverse transform – composition –
convolution – acceptance – rejection – generation of random variables – exponential – uniform –
weibull – normal Bernoullie – Binomial – uniform – poison. Simulation languages – comparison of
simulation languages with general purpose languages – Simulation languages vs Simulators –
software features – statistical capabilities – G P S S – SIMAN- SIMSCRIPT –Simulation of M/M/1
queue – comparison of simulation languages.
Output data analysis – Types of Simulation with respect to output data analysis – warm up period-
Welch algorithm – Approaches for Steady – State Analysis – replication – Batch means methods –
Applications of Simulation – flow shop system – job shop system – M/M/1 queues with infinite and
finite capacities – Simple fixed period inventory system – New boy paper problem.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
1. Simulation Modelling and Analysis by Law, A.M. & Kelton, McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, New York,
2. Discrete Event System Simulation by Banks J. & Carson J.S., PH, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984.
1. Simulation of Manufacturing Systems by Carrie A., Wiley, NY, 1990.
2. A Course in Simulation by Ross, S.M., McMillan, NY, 1990.
3. Simulation Modelling and SIMNET by Taha H.A., PH, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Objectives:
To give the basic precision engineering methodology and state-of-the-art concepts for
designing high-precision CNC machines and products.
The course is specifically tailored to teach the novel design principles leading to improved
machine performance and reliability.
To apply the acquired knowledge to other design efforts and fields as well
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Apply fits and tolerances for parts and assemblies according to ISO standards.
Apply selective assembly concept for quality and economic production.
Assign tolerances using principles of dimensional chains for individual features of a part or
Evaluate the part and machine tool accuracies.
Analyze the causes for dimensional and geometrical errors prior to and during machining and
suggest remedies
Concepts of Accuracy: Introduction – Concept of Accuracy of Machine Tools – Spindle and
Displacement Accuracies – Accuracy of numerical Control Systems – Errors due to Numerical
Interpolation Displacement Measurement System and Velocity Lags.
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance: Tolerance Zone Conversions – Surfaces, Features,
Features of Size, Datum Features – Datum Oddly Configured and Curved Surfaces as Datum
Features, Equalizing Datum –Datum Feature of Representation – Form Controls, Orientation Controls
– Logical Approach to Tolerance.
Datum Systems: Design of freedom, Grouped Datum Systems – different types, two and three
mutually perpendicular grouped datum planes; Grouped datum system with spigot and recess, pin
and hole; Grouped Datum system with spigot and recess pair and tongue – slot pair – Computation of
Transnational and rotational accuracy, Geometric analysis and application.
Tolerance Analysis: Process Capability, Mean, Variance, Skewness, Kurtosis, Process Capability
Metrics, Cp, Cpk, Cost aspects, Feature Tolerances, Geometric Tolerances.
Tolerance Charting Techniques: Operation Sequence for typical shaft type of components,
Preparation of Process drawings for different operations, Tolerance worksheets and central analysis,
Examples. Design features to facilitate machining; Datum Features – functional and manufacturing.
Components design – Machining considerations, Redesign for manufactured parts examples
Surface finish, Review of relationship between attainable tolerance grades and different machining
process. Cumulative effect of tolerances sure fit law, normal law and truncated normal law.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Measuring Systems Processing: In process or in-situ measurement of position of processing point-
Post process and on-machine measurement of dimensional features and surface-mechanical and
optical measuring systems.
1. Precision Engineering in Manufacturing by Murthy R. L., New Age International (P) limited,
2. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing by James D. Meadows, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1995.
1. Engineering Design – A systematic Approach by Matousek, Blackie & Son Ltd, London.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students will be able to
Develop the conceptual design, manufacturing framework and systematic analysis of design
problems on the machine tools apply the design procedures for different types of design
problems such as gear box design, guide way
Design, shaft loading and its associated parts, rolling bearings, die design and jigs and
fixtures and so on.
Tool Materials:
Prosperities of materials: Tools steels, Cast Iron, Mild or low carbon steels, Non metallic and
nonferrous materials, Heat treating
Design of Cutting Tools:
Single Point cutting tools: Milling cutters, Drills, Selection of carbide steels – Determination of shank
size for single point carbide tools, Determining the insert thickness for carbide tools
Design of Jigs and Fixtures:
Basic principles of location and clamping: Locating methods and devices, Jigs-Definition Types,
General considerations in the design of Drill jigs, Drill bushing, Methods of Construction. Fixtures-Vice
fixtures, Milling, Boring Lathe Grinding fixtures.
Design of Sheet Metal Blanking and Piercing Dies:
Fundamentals of Die cutting operation, Power press types, General press information, Materials
Handling equipment. Cutting action in Punch and die operations. Die clearance, Types of Die
construction. Die design fundamentals-Banking and piercing die construction, pilots, stripper and
pressure pads presswork material, Strip layout, Short run tooling for piercing.
Design of Sheet Metal Bending, Forming and Drawing Dies:
Bending dies, drawing dies, forming dies, drawing operations, Variables that effect metal flow during
drawing. Determination of blank size, Drawing force, Single, and double action draw dies.
1. Donaldson “Tool Design”/ Tata McGraw Hill
2. Production Technology/HMT/Tata McGraw Hill/
1. Production Technology by R.K. Jain and S.C. Gupta.
2. Mechanical Metallurgy/ George F Dieter/ Tata McGraw Hill
3. Machine Tools/C Elanchezhian & M. Vijayan/Anuradha Publications
4. Principles of Machine Tools, Bhattacharya A and Sen. G. C. New Central Book Agency.
1. Hand Book of Metal forming/ Kurt Lange/ Mc Graw-Hill, 1987.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Introduction-Need for IPPD – strategic importance of product development – integration of customer,
designer, material supplier and process planner, Competitor and costumer – behavior analysis.
Understanding customer – promoting customer understanding – involve customer in development and
managing requirements – Organization – process management and improvement – Plan and
establish product specification.
Concept Generation and Selection: Task – Structured approaches – Clarification – Search –
Externally and internally – explore systematically – reflect on the solutions and process – concept
selection – methodology – benefits.
Product Architecture: Implications – Product change – variety – component standardization –
product performance – manufacturability.
Product Development Management: Establishing the architecture – creation – clustering –
geometric layout development – fundamental and incidental interactions – related system level design
issues – secondary systems – architecture of the chunks – creating detailed interface specifications.
Industrial Design: Integrate process design – Managing costs – Robust design – Integrating CAE,
CAD, CAM tools – simulating product performance and manufacturing processing electronically –
Need for industrial design – impact – design process.
Investigation of customer needs – conceptualization – refinement – management of the industrial
design process – technology driven products – user – driven products – assessing the quality of
industrial design.
Design for Manufacturing and Product Development: Definition – Estimation of manufacturing
cost – reducing the component costs and assembly costs – Minimize system complexity. Prototype
basics – Principles of prototyping – planning for prototypes – Economics analysis – Understanding
and representing tasks – baseline project planning – accelerating the project execution.
1. Product Design and Development / Kari T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger / McGraw Hill
International Edns. 1999.
2. Concurrent Engg/integrated Product development / Kemnneth Crow / DRM Associates, 26/3,
Via Olivera, Palos Verdes, CA 90274(310)377-569, Workshop Book.
3. Effective Product Design and Development / Stephen Rosenthal / Business One Orwin,
Homewood, 1992, ISBN, 1-55623-603-4.
4. Tool Design–Integrated Methods for Successful Product Engineering / Staurt Pugh / Addsion
Wesley Publishing, Neyourk, NY, 1991, ISBN 0-202-41369-5.
5. Production and Operations Management/Chase/TMH
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Elasticity in metals and polymers, mechanism of plastic deformation, role of dislocations, yield stress,
shear strength of perfect and real crystals, strengthening mechanism, work hardening, solid solution,
grain boundary strengthening. Poly phase mixture, precipitation, particle, fiber and dispersion
strengthening, effect of temperature, strain and strain rate on plastic behavior, super plasticity,
deformation of non crystalline material
Griffth’s Theory, stress intensity factor and fracture Toughness, Toughening Mechanisms, Ductile and
Brittle transition in steel, High Temperature Fracture, Creep, Larson – Miller parameter, Deformation
and Fracture mechanism maps.
Fatigue, Low and High cycle fatigue test, Crack Initiation and Propagation mechanism and paris Law,
Effect of surface and metallurgical parameters on Fatigue, Fracture of non-metallic materials, fatigue
analysis, Sources of failure, procedure of failure analysis.
Motivation for selection, cost basis and service requirements, Selection for Mechanical Properties,
Strength, Toughness, Fatigue and Creep. Selection for Surface durability, Corrosion and Wear
resistance, Relationship between Materials Selection and Processing, Case studies in Materials
Selection with relevance to Aero, Auto , Marine, Machinery and Nuclear Applications.
Modern Metallic Materials: Dual Steels, Micro alloyed, High Strength Low alloy (HSLA) Steel,
Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) Steel, Maraging Steel, Inter metallics, Ni and Ti Aluminides,
Smart Materials, Shape Memory alloys, Metallic Glass Quasi Crystal and Nano Crystalline Materials.
Nonmetallic Materials: Polymeric materials and their molecular structures, Production Techniques
for Fibers, Foams, Adhesives and Coatings, structure, Properties and Applications of Engineering
Polymers, Advanced Structural Ceramics WC, TiC, TaC, A12 O3, SiC, Si3N4, CBN and Diamond –
properties, Processing and applications.
1. Mechanical Behavior of Materials/Thomas H. Courtney/ McGraw Hill/2nd Edition/2000
2. Mechanical Metallurgy/George E. Dicter/McGraw Hill, 1998.
1. Selection and use of Engineering Materials 3e/Charles J.A/Butterworth Heiremann.
2. Engineering Materials Technology/James A Jacob Thomas F Kilduff/Pearson
3. Material Science and Engineering/William D Callister/John Wiley and Sons.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students will be able to
To study the vibrations in machine elements and how to control them.
Ability to analyze the mathematical model of linear vibratory system to determine its
Obtain linear mathematical models of real life engineering systems
Determine vibratory responses of single and multi degree of freedom systems to harmonic,
periodic and non-periodic excitation
Causes and effects of vibration, Vibration of single Degree and Multi Degree of freedom systems.
Steady state and transient characteristics of Vibration.
Introduction to Condition Monitoring, Failures types, investigation and occurrences. Causes of failure,
Characteristics of vibration ~SHM, Periodic motion, Displacement, Velocity and acceleration. Peak to
peak & RMS, Linear and logarithmic scales and phase angle.
Vibration measuring instruments, vibration transducers, signal conditioning elements. Display and
recording elements. Vibration meters and analyzers.
Condition monitoring through vibration analysis. Frequency analysis, Filters, Vibration signature of
active systems, vibration limits and standards. Contaminant analysis, SOAP and other contaminant
monitoring techniques,
Special vibration measuring techniques Change in sound method, Ultrasonic measurement method,
Shock pulse measurement, Kurtosis, Acoustic emission monitoring, Cepstrum analysis, Modal
analysis, critical speed analysis, shaft -orbit & position analysis.
Text Books:
1. Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring/ Collacott. R.A./ Chapman & Hall,
London, 1982
2. Vibration Measurement and Analysis/ Nakra. B. C. Yadava, G. S. and Thuested .L./ National
Productivity Council, New Delhi, 1989.
1. Theory of vibrations with applications by W.T. Thompson, Pearson publications.
2. Mechanical Vibrations by SS Rao, PHI Publications
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Fuzzy Set Theory and Fuzzy Logic Control: Basic concepts of fuzzy sets- Operations on fuzzy
sets- Fuzzy relation equations- Fuzzy logic control- Fuzzification –Defuzzificatiuon- Knowledge base-
Decision making logic- Membership functions – Rule base.
Adaptive Fuzzy Systems: Performance index- Modification of rule base0- Modification of
membership functions- Simultaneous modification of rule base and membership functions- Genetic
Algorithms-Adaptive fuzzy system- Neuro fuzzy systems.
Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction- History of neural networks- multilayer perceptions- Back
propagation algorithm and its Variants- Different types of learning, examples.
Mapping and Recurrent Networks: Counter propagation –Self organization Map- Congnitron and
Neocognitron- Hopfield Net- Kohonnen Nets- Grossberg Nets- Art-I, Art-II reinforcement learning
Case Studies: Application of fuzzy logic and neural networks to Measurement- Control- Adaptive
Neural Controllers – Signal Processing and Image Processing
1. Vallum B. R And Hayagriva V.R C++, Neural networks and Fuzzy logic, BPB Publications,
New Delhi, 1996
1. Fuzzy logic &Neural Networks/ Chennakesava R. Alavala/ New Age International, 2008
2. Neural Networks for control, Millon W. T, Sutton R.S and Werbos P.J, MIT Press 1992
3. Fuzzy sets Fuzzy logic, Klir, G.J anfd Yuan B.B Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,, New Delhi
4. Neural Networks and Fuzzy systems, Kosko.. Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,, New Delhi 1994
5. Introduction to Fuzzy control, Dirankov D. Hellendoorn H, Reinfrank M., Narosa Publications
House, New Delhi 1996.
6. Introduction to Artificial Neural systems, Zurada J. M Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi 1994
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
1. Study of Pressure relief valve and Directional Control valves in Hydraulic System.
2. Draw the Circuit diagram to operate Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder using 4/3 Direction Control
Valve (Manual type).
3. Draw the Circuit diagram to operate Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder using 4/2 Direction Control
Valve (Single Solenoid) using Push button momentary switch/using Latch Switch.
4. Draw the Circuit diagram to operate Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder using 4/2 Direction Control
Valve (Solenoid Control) using Push button switch for varying flow rate using flow control
valve/using Latch for varying flow rate using flow control valve.
5. Simulation of Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder using 4/2 Direction Control Valve (manual control)
using simulation software.
6. Simulation of Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder using 4/2 Direction Control Valve using Push
button with spring return valve.
7. Study of pneumatic components:
i. Air compressor along with air receiver tank
ii. FRL unit
iii. Control valves
8. Draw the Circuit diagram to operate a Single Acting Pneumatic Cylinder using 3/2 Push Button
Direction Control Valve (Manual).
9. Draw the circuit diagram to operate Double Acting Pneumatic Cylinder using 5/2 Direction Control
Valve (solenoid) and Push button momentary switch/Latch Switch.
10. Draw the circuit diagram for speed control of single & Double Acting Pneumatic Cylinder.
11. Simulation of Single Acting Pneumatic Cylinder using 3/2 Push Button Direction Control Valve
using Simulation software.
12. Simulation of Double Acting Pneumatic Cylinder using 5/2 Push Button Direction Control Valve
using Simulation software.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
The students will be given training on the use and application of the following software to
manufacturing problems:
1. Auto MOD Software.
5. Flexsim
They also learn how to write sub routines in C-language and interlinking with the above packages.
Problems for modelling and simulation experiments:
1. AGV planning
2. ASRS simulation and performance evaluation
3. Machines, AGVs and AS/RS integrated problems
4. JIT system
5. Kanban flow
6. Material handling systems
7. M.R.P. Problems
8. Shop floor scheduling etc.
1. Hydraulic and Pneumatic circuits
2. Closed loop control systems
3. Study of the chip formation in turning process
4. Study of operation of tool and cutter grinder, twist drill grinder, Centreless grinder
5. Determination of cutting forces in turning
6. Experiments in unconventional manufacturing processes-AJM and study of USM, EDM, Laser
Machining and Plasma spraying
7. Inspection of parts using tool makers microscope, roughness and form tester
8. Study of micro-controllers, programming on various CNC machine tools and also controllers
9. Studies on PLC programming
10. Study and programming of robots
11. Condition monitoring in machining process using acoustic emission.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Course outcomes: After completing this course, the student should be able to
Understand the background of mathematical equations used for development of modeling
software modules to develop the various structural related applications
Identify mathematical model for solution of common engineering problems.
Solve structural, thermal, fluid flow problems.
Use professional-level finite element software to solve engineering problems in Solid
mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
One Dimensional Problems: Formulation of Stiffness Matrix for a Bar Element by the Principle of
Minimum Potential Energy, Properties of Stiffness Matrix, Characteristics of Shape Functions,
Quadratic shape functions.
Analysis of Trusses: Derivation of Stiffness Matrix for Trusses, Stress and strain Calculations,
Calculation of reaction forces and displacements.
Analysis of Beams: Derivation of Stiffness matrix for two noded, two degrees of freedom per node
beam element, Load Vector, Deflection, Stresses, Shear force and Bending moment, Problems on
uniform and stepped beams for different types of loads applied on beams.
Finite element – formulation of 2D Problems: Derivation of Element stiffness matrix for two-
dimensional CST Element, Derivation of shape functions for CST Element, Elasticity Equations,
constitutive matrix formulation, Formulation of Gradient matrix. Two dimensional Isoparametric
Elements and Numerical integration.
Finite element – formulation of 3D problems: Derivation of Element stiffness matrix for
Tetrahedron Element, Properties of Shape functions for 3D Tetrahedral Element, Stress-Strain
Analysis for 3D Element, Strain Displacement for Relationship Formulation.
Steady state heat transfer analysis: One Dimensional Finite Element analysis of fin and composite
slabs. Two-dimensional steady state heat transfer problems: Derivation of Thermal Stiffness
matrix for 2D heat transfer problems-CST, Derivation of thermal force vector for 2D heat transfer
Dynamic Analysis: Formulation of mass matrices for uniform bar and beam Elements using lumped
and consistent mass methods, Evaluation of Eigen values and Eigen vectors for a stepped bar and
beam Problems.
Plate Bending: Introduction – Plate behavior – C1 (Kirchoff) Plate elements – C0 (Mindlin) Plate
elements – Mindlin beam – More devices for C0 Plate elements – Boundary conditions - Analytical
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Nonlinear finite element of solids: Material Nonlinearities, objective rates, nonlinear elasticity,
Plasticity, viscoplasticity, viscoelasticity
Boundary Element Method: Potential Problems: Introduction, boundary Element Approach-
Fundamental solution. Numerical Implementation - Determination of Ci, Final Relation, Three-
dimensional analysis, tackling kernel singularity.
Boundary Element Formulation for Electrostatic Problems: Introduction, Basic Relation-
Boundary condition, other relations. Discretization and Matrix Formulation – Determination of term
Text Books:
1. Finite and Boundary Element Methods in Engineering by O.P. Gupta, Oxford & IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd
2. The finite element methods in Engineering by S.S. Rao, Elsevier, 4th edition
Reference Books:
1. Finite Element Methods by Alavala, PHI.
2. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering by Tirupathi K. Chandrupatla and Ashok D.
3. An Introduction to Finite Element Methods by J. N. Reddy, Mc Grawhill
4. The Finite element method in engineering science by O.C. Zienkowitz, Mc Graw hill.
5. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis by Robert Cook, Wiley
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Overview of Smart Materials, Structures and Products Technologies.
Smart materials (Physical Properties) Piezoelectric Materials, Elecrostrictive Materials,
Magnetostrictive Materials, Magneto electric Materials. Magnetorheological Fluids, Electroheological
Fluids, Shape Memory Materials, Fiber-Optic Sensors.
Smart Sensor, Actuator and Transducer Technologies: Smart Sensors: Accelerometers; Force
Sensors; Load Cells; Torque Sensors; Pressure Sensors; Microphones; Impact Hammers; MEMS
Sensors; Sensor Arrays Smart Actuators; Displacement Actuators; Force Actuators; Power Actuators:
Vibration Dampers; Shakers; Fluidic Pumps; Motors ; smart Transducers: Ultrasonic Transducers;
Sonic Transducers.
Measurement, Signal Processing, Drive and Control Techniques: Quasi -static and Dynamic
Measurement Methods; Signal conditioning devices; Constant voltage, Constant-current and Pulse
drive methods; Calibration methods; Structural dynamics and Identification techniques; Passive, Semi
-active and Active control; Feedback and feed forward/control strategies
Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Applications of Engineering Smart Structures and
Products: Case studies incorporating design, analysis, manufacturing and application issues
involved in integrating smart materials and devices with signal processing and control capabilities to
engineering smart structures and products; Emphasis on structures, automation and precision
manufacturing equipment, automotives, consumer products, sporting products, computer and
telecommunications products, as well as medical and dental tools and equipment.
1. Smart Materials and Structures/ M. V. Gandhi and_B.So Thompson/ Chapman & Hall,
London; New York, 1992 (ISBN 0412370107).
2. Smart Structures and Materials/ B.Cui Shaw/Artech House, Boston, 1996 (ISBN:0890066817)
3. Smart Structures; Analysis and Design/ A.V. Srinivasan/ Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge; New York, 2001 (ISBN: 0521650267).
1. Electro ceramics: Materials, Properties/ A.J. Moulson and J.M-Herbert/ Wiley/ 2nd Edition,
(ISBN: 0471497479).
2. Piezoelectric Sensories: Force, Strain, Pressure, Acceleration and Acoustic Emission
Sensors. Materials and Amplifiers/ G. Gautschi/ Springer, Berlin; New York,2002
(ISBN:3540422595) Piezoelectric Actuators and wtrasonic Motors/ K.Uchino/ Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Boston, 1997 (ISBN: 0792398114)
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems Structure and functional areas of CIM system, - CAD,
CAPP, CAM, CAQC, ASRS. Advantages of CIM. Manufacturing Communication Systems -
MAP/TOP, OSI Model, Data Redundancy, Top- down and Bottom-up Approach, Volume of
Information. Intelligent Manufacturing System Components, System Architecture, and Data Flow,
System Operation.
Components of Knowledge Based Systems - Basic Components of Knowledge Based Systems,
Knowledge Representation, Comparison of Knowledge Representation Schemes, Interference
Engine, Knowledge Acquisition.
Machine Learning - Concept of Artificial Intelligence, Conceptual Learning, Artificial Neural Networks -
Biological Neuron, Artificial Neuron, Types of Neural Networks, Applications in Manufacturing.
Automated Process Planning - Variant Approach, Generative Approach, Expert Systems for Process
Planning, Feature Recognition, Phases of Process planning. Knowledge Based System for
Equipment Selection (KBSES) - Manufacturing system design. Equipment Selection Problem,
Modeling the Manufacturing Equipment Selection Problem, Problem Solving approach in KBSES,
Structure of the KRSES.
Group Technology: Models and Algorithms Visual Method, Coding Method, Cluster Analysis Method,
Matrix Formation - Similarity Coefficient Method, Sorting-based Algorithms, Bond Energy Algorithm,
Cost Based method, Cluster Identification Method, Extended CI Method. Knowledge Based Group
Technology - Group Technology in Automated Manufacturing System. Structure of Knowledge based
system for group technology (KBSCIT) — Data Base, Knowledge Base, Clustering Algorithm.
1. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems/ Andrew Kusiak/Prentice Hall.
2. Artificial Neural Networks/ Yagna Narayana/PHI/2006
3. Automation, Production Systems and CIM / Groover M.P./PHI/2007
4. Neural networks: A comprehensive foundation/ Simon Haykin/ PHI.
1. Artificial neural networks/ B. Vegnanarayana/PHI
2. Neural networks in Computer intelligence/ Li Min Fu/ TMH/2003
3. Neural networks/ James A Freeman David M S kapura/ Pearson education/2004
4. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems/Jacek M. Zurada/JAICO Publishing House Ed. 2006.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Prerequisite: None
Planning and Preparation, Word Order, Breaking up long sentences, Structuring Paragraphs and
Sentences, Being Concise and Removing Redundancy, Avoiding Ambiguity and Vagueness
Clarifying Who Did What, Highlighting Your Findings, Hedging and Criticising, Paraphrasing and
Plagiarism, Sections of a Paper, Abstracts. Introduction
Review of the Literature, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, The Final Check.
key skills are needed when writing a Title, key skills are needed when writing an Abstract, key skills
are needed when writing an Introduction, skills needed when writing a Review of the Literature,
skills are needed when writing the Methods, skills needed when writing the Results, skills are needed
when writing the Discussion, skills are needed when writing the Conclusions
useful phrases, how to ensure paper is as good as it could possibly be the first- time submission
Prerequisite: None
Disaster: Definition, Factors And Significance; Difference Between Hazard And Disaster; Natural And
Manmade Disasters: Difference, Nature, Types And Magnitude.
Repercussions Of Disasters And Hazards:
Economic Damage, Loss Of Human And Animal Life, Destruction Of Ecosystem. Natural Disasters:
Earthquakes, Volcanisms, Cyclones, Tsunamis, Floods, Droughts And Famines, Landslides And
Avalanches, Man-made disaster: Nuclear Reactor Meltdown, Industrial Accidents, Oil Slicks And
Spills, Outbreaks Of Disease And Epidemics, War And Conflicts.
Disaster Prone Areas In India:
Study Of Seismic Zones; Areas Prone To Floods And Droughts, Landslides And Avalanches; Areas
Prone To Cyclonic And Coastal Hazards With Special Reference To Tsunami; Post-Disaster Diseases
And Epidemics
Disaster Preparedness And Management:
Preparedness: Monitoring Of Phenomena Triggering A Disaster Or Hazard; Evaluation Of Risk:
Application Of Remote Sensing, Data From Meteorological And Other Agencies, Media Reports:
Governmental And Community Preparedness.
Risk Assessment Disaster Risk:
Concept And Elements, Disaster Risk Reduction, Global And National Disaster Risk Situation.
Techniques Of Risk Assessment, Global Co- Operation In Risk Assessment And Warning, People’s
Participation In Risk Assessment. Strategies for Survival.
Disaster Mitigation:
Meaning, Concept And Strategies Of Disaster Mitigation, Emerging Trends In Mitigation. Structural
Mitigation And Non-Structural Mitigation, Programs Of Disaster Mitigation In India.
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
To get a working knowledge in illustrious Sanskrit, the scientific language in the world
Learning of Sanskrit to improve brain functioning
Learning of Sanskrit to develop the logic in mathematics, science & other subjects enhancing the
memory power
The engineering scholars equipped with Sanskrit will be able to explore the huge knowledge
from ancient literature
Alphabets in Sanskrit,
Past/Present/Future Tense, Simple Sentences
Order, Introduction of roots,
Technical information about Sanskrit Literature
Technical concepts of Engineering-Electrical, Mechanical, Architecture, Mathematics
Prerequisite: None
Values and self-development –Social values and individual attitudes. Work ethics, Indian vision of
humanism. Moral and non- moral valuation. Standards and principles. Value judgements
Importance of cultivation of values. Sense of duty. Devotion, Self-reliance. Confidence, Concentration.
Truthfulness, Cleanliness. Honesty, Humanity. Power of faith, National Unity. Patriotism. Love for
nature, Discipline
Personality and Behavior Development - Soul and Scientific attitude. Positive Thinking. Integrity and
discipline, Punctuality, Love and Kindness.
Avoid fault Thinking. Free from anger, Dignity of labour. Universal brotherhood and religious
tolerance. True friendship. Happiness Vs suffering, love for truth. Aware of self-destructive habits.
Association and Cooperation. Doing best for saving nature
Character and Competence –Holy books vs Blind faith. Self-management and Good health. Science
of reincarnation, Equality, Nonviolence, Humility, Role of Women. All religions and same message.
Mind your Mind, Self-control. Honesty, Studying effectively
Prerequisite: None
History of Making of the Indian Constitution: History Drafting Committee, (Composition & Working)
Philosophy of the Indian Constitution: Preamble, Salient Features
Contours of Constitutional Rights & Duties: Fundamental Rights Right to Equality, Right to
Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights,
Right to Constitutional Remedies, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties.
Organs of Governance: Parliament, Composition, Qualifications and Disqualifications, Powers and
Functions, Executive, President, Governor, Council of Ministers, Judiciary, Appointment and Transfer
of Judges, Qualification, Powers and Functions
Local Administration: District’s Administration head: Role and Importance, Municipalities:
Introduction, Mayor and role of Elected Representative, CEO of Municipal Corporation. Pachayati raj:
Introduction, PRI: Zila Pachayat. Elected officials and their roles, CEO Zila Pachayat: Position and
role. Block level: Organizational Hierarchy (Different departments), Village level: Role of Elected and
Appointed officials, Importance of grass root democracy
R19 M.Tech. Design & Mfg./Design for Mfg.
Election Commission: Election Commission: Role and Functioning. Chief Election Commissioner
and Election Commissioners. State Election Commission: Role and Functioning. Institute and Bodies
for the welfare of SC/ST/OBC and women.
Prerequisite: None
Introduction and Methodology: Aims and rationale, Policy background, Conceptual framework and
terminology Theories of learning, Curriculum, Teacher education. Conceptual framework, Research
questions. Overview of methodology and Searching.
Thematic overview: Pedagogical practices are being used by teachers in formal and informal
classrooms in developing countries. Curriculum, Teacher education.
Evidence on the effectiveness of pedagogical practices, Methodology for the indepth stage: quality
assessment of included studies. How can teacher education (curriculum and practicum) and the scho
curriculum and guidance materials best support effective pedagogy? Theory of change. Strength and
nature of the body of evidence for effective pedagogical practices. Pedagogic theory and pedagogical
approaches. Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs and Pedagogic strategies.
Professional development: alignment with classroom practices and follow-up support, Peer support,
Support from the head teacher and the community. Curriculum and assessment, Barriers to learning:
limited resources and large class sizes
Research gaps and future directions: Research design, Contexts, Pedagogy, Teacher education,
Curriculum and assessment, Dissemination and research impact.
Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives:
To achieve overall health of body and mind
To overcome stress
Definitions of Eight parts of yog. (Ashtanga)
Yam and Niyam.
Do`s and Don’t’s in life.
i) Ahinsa, satya, astheya, bramhacharya and aparigraha
ii) Shaucha, santosh, tapa, swadhyay, ishwarpranidhan
Asan and Pranayam
i) Various yog poses and their benefits for mind & body
ii) Regularization of breathing techniques and its effects-Types of pranayam
Neetisatakam-Holistic development of personality
Verses- 19,20,21,22 (wisdom)
Verses- 29,31,32 (pride & heroism)
Verses- 26,28,63,65 (virtue)
Neetisatakam-Holistic development of personality
Verses- 52,53,59 (dont’s)
Verses- 71,73,75,78 (do’s)
Approach to day to day work and duties.
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta: Chapter 2-Verses 41, 47,48,
Chapter 3-Verses 13, 21, 27, 35, Chapter 6-Verses 5,13,17, 23, 35,
Chapter 18-Verses 45, 46, 48.
Statements of basic knowledge.
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta: Chapter2-Verses 56, 62, 68
Chapter 12 -Verses 13, 14, 15, 16,17, 18
Personality of Role model. Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta:
Chapter2-Verses 17, Chapter 3-Verses 36,37,42,
Chapter 4-Verses 18, 38,39
Chapter18 – Verses 37,38,63