1 PCC Thermal Engineering-II 3 0 0 3
2 PCC Design of Machine Members-I 3 0 0 3
3 PCC Machining, Machine Tools & Metrology 3 0 0 3
4 OE Operations Research 3 0 0 3
5 PE Advanced Materials 3 0 0 3
6 PCC Machine Tools Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 PCC Thermal Engineering Lab 0 0 3 1.5
8 SOC Advanced Communication Skills Lab 0 0 4 2
9 MC Professional Ethics and Human Values 2 0 0 0
Evaluation of Summer Internship which is completed at the 1.5
end of II B.Tech II Semester
Course objectives:
1) To understand the basic concepts of thermal engineering and boilers.
2) To gain knowledge about the concepts of steam nozzles and steam turbines.
3) To gain knowledge about the concepts of reaction turbine and steam condensers.
4) To understand the concepts of reciprocating and rotary type of compressors.
5) To acquire knowledge about the centrifugal and axial flow compressors.
BASIC CONCEPTS: Rankine cycle - schematic layout, thermodynamic analysis, concept of
mean temperature of heat addition, methods to improve cycle performance – regeneration &
reheating. combustion: fuels and combustion, concepts of heat of reaction, adiabatic flame
temperature, Stoichiometry, flue gas analysis.
BOILERS : Classification – working principles of L.P & H.P boilers with sketches –
mountings and accessories – working principles, boiler horse power, equivalent evaporation,
efficiency and heat balance – Draught: classification – height of chimney for given draught
and discharge, condition for maximum discharge, efficiency of chimney – artificial draught,
induced and forced.
STEAM NOZZLES: Function of a nozzle – applications - types, flow through nozzles,
thermodynamic analysis – assumptions -velocity of fluid at nozzle exit-Ideal and actual
expansion in a nozzle, velocity coefficient, condition for maximum discharge, critical pressure
ratio, criteria to decide nozzle shape: Super saturated flow - its effects, degree of super
saturation and degree of under cooling, Wilson line.
STEAM TURBINES: Classification – impulse turbine; mechanical details – velocity diagram
– effect of friction – power developed, axial thrust, blade or diagram efficiency – condition for
maximum efficiency. De-laval turbine - methods to reduce rotor speed-velocity compounding,
pressure compounding and velocity & pressure compounding, velocity and pressure variation
along the flow – combined velocity diagram for a velocity compounded impulse turbine,
condition for maximum efficiency.
REACTION TURBINE: Mechanical details – principle of operation, thermodynamic
analysis of a stage, degree of reaction –velocity diagram – Parson’s reaction turbine –
condition for maximum efficiency – calculation of blade height.
STEAM CONDENSERS: Requirements of steam condensing plant – classification of
condensers – working principle of different types – vacuum efficiency and condenser
efficiency – air leakage, sources and its affects, air pump, cooling water requirem
CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS: Mechanical details and principle of operation –velocity
and pressure variation. Energy transfer-impeller blade shape-losses,slip factor, power input
factor, pressure coefficient and adiabatic coefficient– velocity diagrams – power.
AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSORS: Mechanical details and principle of operation – velocity
triangles and energy transfer per stage degree of reaction, work done factor – isentropic
efficiency- pressure rise calculations – Poly tropic efficiency
1) Thermodynamics and Heat Engines/R.Yadav, Volume -II /Central Publishing House
2) Heat Engineering /V.P Vasandani and D.S Kumar/Metropolitan Book Company, New
1) Thermal Engineering-M.L.Mathur & Mehta/Jain bros. Publishers
2) Thermal Engineering-P.L.Ballaney/ Khanna publishers.
3) Thermal Engineering / RK Rajput/ Lakshmi Publications
4) Thermal Engineering-R.S Khurmi, &J S Gupta/S.Chand.
Course objectives:
1) To understand the materials and their properties along with manufacturing considerations.
2) To gain knowledge about the strength of machine elements.
3) To understand and apply the knowledge in designing the riveted and welded joints, keys,
cotters and knuckle joints.
4) To understand and apply the knowledge in designing the shafts and shaft couplings.
5) To understand and apply the knowledge in designing the mechanical springs.
INTRODUCTION: General considerations in the design of Engineering Materials and their
properties – selection –Manufacturing consideration in design, tolerances and fits –BIS codes
of steels- ASHBY Charts.
STRESSES IN MACHINE MEMBERS: Simple stresses – combined stresses – torsional
and bending stresses – impact stresses – stress strain relation – various theories of failure –
factor of safety – design for strength and rigidity – preferred numbers-concept of stiffness in
tension, bending, torsion and combined situations – static strength design based on fracture
STRENGTH OF MACHINE ELEMENTS: Stress concentration – theoretical stress
concentration factor – fatigue stress concentration factor notch sensitivity – design for
fluctuating stresses – endurance limit – estimation of endurance strength – Goodman’s line –
Soderberg’s line – modified goodman’s line
RIVETED AND WELDED JOINTS – design of joints with initial stresses – eccentric
Bolted joints – design of bolts with pre-stresses – design of joints under eccentric loading –
locking devices – both of uniform strength, different seals.
KEYS, COTTERS AND KNUCKLE JOINTS: Design of keys-stresses in keys-cotter
joints-spigot and socket-sleeve and cotter-jib and cotter joints- knuckle joints.
SHAFTS: Design of solid and hollow shafts for strength and rigidity – design of shafts for
combined bending and axial loads – shaft sizes – BIS code- Use of internal and external
circlips- gaskets and seals (stationary & rotary).
SHAFT COUPLING: Rigid couplings – muff, split muff and flange couplings, flexible
couplings – flange coupling (modified).
Stresses and deflections of helical springs – extension -compression springs – springs for
fatigue loading, energy storage capacity – helical torsion springs – co-axial springs, leaf
1. Machine design / NC Pandya & CS Shah/Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Limited
2. Machine Design/V.B.Bhandari/ McGraw-Hill Education
1. Design of Machine Elements / V.M. Faires/McMillan
2. Machine design / Schaum Series/McGraw-Hill Professional
3. Machine Design/ Shigley, J.E/McGraw Hill.
4. Design data handbook/ K.Mahadevan & K. Balaveera Reddy/ CBS publishers.
5. Machine Design –Norton/ Pearson publishers
Course objectives:
1) To gain fundamental knowledge of machining processes.
2) To understand the principles of lathe, shaping, slotting and planning machines.
3) To demonstrate the principles of drilling, milling and boring processes.
4) To understand the concepts of finishing processes and the system of limits and fits.
5) To gain knowledge about the concepts of surface roughness and optical measuring instruments.
Elementary treatment of metal cutting theory – element of cutting process – Single point cutting
tools, nomenclature of single point cutting tool, tool signature, tool angles, mechanism of metal
cutting, types of chips and chip formation – built up edge and its effects, chip breakers, mechanics of
orthogonal and oblique cutting –Merchant’s force diagram, cutting forces, velocity ratio, cutting
speeds, feed, depth of cut, tool life, Taylor’s tool life equation, simple problems - Tool wear, tool
wear mechanisms, machinability, economics of machining, coolants, tool materials and properties.
Introduction- types of lathe - Engine lathe – principle of working - construction - specification of
lathe - work holders and tool holders – accessories and attachments – lathe operations – taper
turning methods and thread cutting – drilling on lathes – cutting speed and feed-depth of cut.
SHAPING, SLOTTING AND PLANNING MACHINES: Introduction - principle of working –
principle parts – specifications - operations performed - slider crank mechanism - machining time
DRILLING & BORING MACHINES: Introduction – construction of drilling machines – types of
drilling machines - principles of working – specifications- types of drills – geometry of twist drill -
operations performed –cutting speed and feed – machining time calculations - Boring Machines –
fine Boring Machines – jig boring machines - deep hole Drilling Machines.
MILLING MACHINES: Introduction - principle of working – specifications – milling methods -
classification of Milling Machines –types of cutters - geometry of milling cutters – methods of
indexing, accessories to milling machines - cutting speed and feed – machining time calculations
FINISHING PROCESSES: Introduction - theory of grinding – classification of grinding
machines- cylindrical and surface grinding machines- tool and cutter grinding machines- different
types of abrasives- bonds, specification and selection of a grinding wheel-lapping, Honing &
Broaching operations- comparison to grinding.
SYSTEMS OF LIMITS AND FITS: Introduction, nominal size, tolerance, limits, deviations,
different types of fits -Unilateral and bilateral tolerance system, hole and shaft basis systems-
interchangeability, deterministic & statistical tolerances, selective assembly- International standard
system of tolerances, selection of limits and tolerances for correct functioning, simple problems
related to limits and fits, Taylor’s principle – design of go and no go gauges; plug, ring, snap, gap,
taper, profile and position gauges – inspection of gauges.
SURFACE ROUGHNESS MEASUREMENT: Differences between surface roughness and
surface waviness –Numerical assessment of surface finish-CLA, Rt., R.M.S. Rz, R10 values, simple
problems - method of measurement of surface finish – Profilograph, Talysurf, ISI symbols for
indication of surface finish.
OPTICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: Tools maker’s microscope, Autocollimators, Optical
projector, Optical flats-working principle, construction, merits, demerits and their uses. optical
1) Manufacturing Processes / JP Kaushish/ PHI Publishers-2nd Edition
2) Manufacturing Technology Vol-II/P.N Rao/Tata McGraw Hill
3) Engineering Metrology – R.K. Jain/Khanna Publishers
1) Metal cutting and machine tools /Geoffrey Boothroyd, Winston A.Knight/ Taylor &
2) Production Technology / H.M.T. Hand Book (Hindustan Machine Tools).
3) Production Engineering/K.C Jain & A.K Chitaley/PHI Publishers
4) Technology of machine tools/S.F.Krar, A.R. Gill, Peter SMID/ TMH
5) Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials-Kalpak Jian S & Steven R Schmid/Pearson
Publications 5th Edition
Course objectives:
1) To understand the basics of operations research, applications and linear programming
2) To understand and apply the knowledge in solving problems of transportation, assignment
and sequencing.
3) To understand the replacement and game theories and apply the knowledge to solve
4) To gain knowledge about the waiting line models and project management techniques.
5) To understand and apply the knowledge in solving problems of dynamic programming and
INTRODUCTION - definition– characteristics and phases – types of operation research models –
LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Problem formulation – graphical solution – simplex method –
artificial variables techniques -two–phase method, big-M method – duality principle.
TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM: Formulation – optimal solution, unbalanced transportation
problem – degeneracy, assignment problem – formulation – optimal solution - variants of
assignment problem- travelling salesman problem.
SEQUENCING – Introduction – flow –shop sequencing – n jobs through two machines – n jobs
through three machines – job shop sequencing – two jobs through ‘m’ machines.
REPLACEMENT THEORY: Introduction – replacement of items that deteriorate with time –
when money value is not counted and counted – replacement of items that fail completely, group
GAME THEORY: Introduction – mini. max (max. mini) – criterion and optimal strategy – solution
of games with saddle points – rectangular games without saddle points – 2 x 2 games – dominance
principle – m x 2 & 2 x n games -graphical method.
WAITING LINES: Introduction – single channel – poison arrivals – exponential service times –
with infinite population and finite population models– multichannel – poison arrivals – exponential
service times with infinite population single channel.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Basics for construction of network diagram, Program Evaluation
and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM) – PERT Vs. CPM, determination of
floats- Project crashing and its procedure.
DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Introduction – Bellman’s principle of optimality – applications of
dynamic programming-shortest path problem – linear programming problem.
SIMULATION: Definition – types of simulation models – phases of simulation– applications of
simulation – inventory and queuing problems – advantages and disadvantages.
1. Operations Research-An Introduction/Hamdy A Taha/Pearson publishers
2. Operations Research –Theory & publications / S.D.Sharma-Kedarnath/McMillan
publishers India Ltd.
1. Introduction to O.R/Hiller & Libermann/TMH
2. Operations Research /A.M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, A. Tamilarasi /Pearson
3. Operations Research: Methods & Problems / Maurice Saseini, Arhur Yaspan & Lawrence
4. Operations Research / R.Pannerselvam/ PHI Publications.
5. Operations Research / Wagner/ PHI Publications.
6. Operation Research /J.K.Sharma/Macmillan Publ.
7. Operations Research/ Pai/ Oxford Publications
8. Operations Research/S Kalavathy / Vikas Publishers
9. Operations Research / DS Cheema/University Science Press
10. Operations Research / Ravindran, Philips, Solberg / Wiley publishers
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to
CO1: Apply the basics of operations research and linear programming problems.
CO2: Apply the knowledge in solving problems of transportation, assignment and
CO3: Judge the replacement and game theories and apply the knowledge to solve problems.
CO4: Discuss the waiting line models and project management techniques.
CO5: Apply the knowledge in solving problems of dynamic programming and simulation.
III Year - I Semester
3 0 0 3
Course objectives:
1) To gain knowledge about the metals and alloys and their utility in different environments.
2) To acquire knowledge about polymers and ceramics and their applications.
3) To analyze composite materials along with reinforcements and their applications.
4) To understand the basics of shape memory alloys and functionally graded materials.
5) To gain knowledge about the nanomaterials and their applications.
METALS & ALLOYS: Metallic materials- super alloys, Aluminium, Magnesium, titanium and
Nickel based alloys and inter-metallics, Materials for cryogenic application, Materials for space
environment, Evaluation of materials for extreme environment, Introduction to metallic foams.
POLYMERS: Natural Polymers-Synthetic polymers- Chemical & Physical structure, properties-
glass-transition temperature-Thermosets-Thermoplastics- characteristics & applications of
polymers-Elastomers- Processing of plastics.
CERAMICS: Applications-characteristics- classification-Processing of ceramics- Powder
preparations- consolidation- hot compaction-drying- sintering-finishing of ceramics-Areas of
COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Introduction, classification: polymer matrix composites, metal
matrix composites, ceramic matrix composites, carbon–carbon composites, fiber- reinforced
composites and nature-made composites, and applications
REINFORCEMENTS: Fibers- glass, silica, Kevlar, carbon, boron, silicon carbide, and boron
carbide fibers.
SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS: Introduction-shape memory effect-classification of shape memory
alloys-composition-properties and applications of shape memory alloys.
FUNCTIONALLY GRADED MATERIALS: Types of functionally graded materials-
classification different systems-preparation-properties and applications of functionally graded
1) Nanomaterial /A.K. Bandyopadyay/New age Publishers.
2) Material science and Technology: A comprehensive treatment/Robert W.Cahn, /VCH.
3) Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials / Isaac and M Daniel/Oxford University
1) Mechanics of Composite Materials / R. M. Jones/ Mc Graw Hill Company, New York,
2) Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures / L. R. Calcote/Van Nostrand Rainfold,NY
3) Analysis and performance of fibre Composites /B. D. Agarwal and L. J. Broutman /Wiley-
Inter science, New York, 1980.
4) Mechanics of Composite Materials - Second Edition (Mechanical Engineering) /Autar
K.Kaw /CRC Press.
Course objectives:
1) To understand general purpose machine tools in the machine shop.
2) To demonstrate various operations on lathe machine.
3) To demonstrate different operations on drilling machine.
4) To demonstrate basic operations on shaping machine.
5) To demonstrate the making of keyways on slotting machine.
6) To demonstrate the basic operations on milling machine.
Students are expected to perform the following experiments on different machine tools.
1) Introduction of general purpose machines -Lathe, Drilling machine, Milling machine, Shaper, Planing
machine, Slotting machine, Cylindrical grinder, Surface grinder and Tool and cutter grinder.
2) Operations on Lathe machine
a) Step turning and Knurling
b) Taper turning and Knurling
c) Thread cutting and knurling
d) Drilling and tapping
3) Operations on Drilling machine
a) Drilling, reaming and tapping
b) Rectangular drilling
c) Circumferential drilling
4) Operations on Shaping machine
a) Round to square
b) Round to Hexagonal
5) Operations on Slotter
a) Keyway (T–slot)
b) Keyway cutting
6) Operations on milling machines
a) Indexing
b) Gear manufacturing
Course objectives:
1) To demonstrate the characteristics of two stroke and four stroke compression and spark ignition engines.
2) To determine flash point, fire point, calorific value of different fuels using various apparatus.
3) To determine engine friction, heat balance test, volumetric efficiency, load test of petrol and diesel
4) To demonstrate speed test, performance test and cooling temperature on petrol and diesel engines.
5) To demonstrate performance test and determine efficiency of air compressor.
6) To understand the principles through assembly and disassembly of 2/3 wheelers, 2/4 stroke engines,
tractor, heavy duty engines and boilers and their mountings and accessories.
Experiments :
1. To determine the actual Valve Timing diagram of a four stroke Compression/Spark Ignition
2. To determine the actual Port Timing diagram of a two stroke Compression/Spark Ignition
3. Determination of Flash & Fire points of Liquid fuels / Lubricants using (i) Abels Apparatus; (ii)
Pensky Martin’s apparatus and (iii) Cleveland’s apparatus.
4. Determination of Viscosity of Liquid lubricants/Fuels using (i) Saybolt Viscometer and (ii)
Redwood Viscometer.
5. Determination of Calorific value of Gaseous Fuels using Junkers Gas Calorimeter.
6. Evaluation of engine friction by conducting Morse test on 4-stroke multi cylinder petrol/diesel
7. Evaluation of Engine Friction by Motoring/Retardation Test on a Single Cylinder 4 Stroke
Petrol/Diesel Engine.
8. To perform the Heat Balance Test on Single Cylinder four Stroke Petrol/Diesel Engine.
9. Determination of Air/Fuel Ratio and Volumetric Efficiency on a four Stroke Petrol/Diesel
10. To conduct a load test on a single cylinder Petrol/Diesel engine to study its performance under
various loads.
11. To determine the optimum cooling temperature of a Petrol/Diesel engine.
12. To conduct economical speed test on a four stroke Petrol/Diesel engine.
13. To conduct a performance test on a VCR engine, under different compression ratios and
determine its heat balance sheet.
14. To conduct a performance test on an air compressor and determine its different efficiencies.
15. Dis-assembly / assembly of different parts of two wheelers. 3 wheelers & 4 wheelers. Tractor &
Heavy duty engines covering 2-stroke and 4 stroke, SI and CI engines.Study of Boilers with
mountings and accessories.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to
CO1: Experiment with two stroke and four stroke compression and spark ignition engines for various
CO2: Perceive flash point, fire point, calorific value of different fuels using various apparatus.
CO3: Perform engine friction, heat balance test, volumetric efficiency, load test of petrol and diesel
CO4: Perform speed test, performance test and cooling temperature on petrol and diesel engines.
CO5: Utilize air compressor for its performance test and to determine efficiency.
CO6: Discuss the principles through assembly and disassembly of 2/3 wheelers, 2/4 stroke engines, tractor,
heavy duty engines, boilers and their mountings and accessories.
III Year - I Semester
1 0 2 2
Course Objectives: This Lab focuses on using multi-media instruction for language
development to meet the following targets:
To improve students’ fluency in spoken English
To enable them to listen to English spoken at normal conversational speed
To help students develop their vocabulary
To read and comprehend texts in different contexts
To communicate their ideas relevantly and coherently in writing
To make students industry-ready
To help students acquire behavioural skills for their personal and professional life
To respond appropriately in different socio-cultural and professional contexts
The following course activities will be conducted as part of the Advanced English
Communication Skills (AECS) Lab:
Advanced English Communication Skills (AECS) Laboratory shall have the following
infrastructural facilities to accommodate at least 30 students in the lab:
Spacious room with appropriate acoustics
Eight round tables with five movable chairs for each table.
Audio-visual aids
LCD Projector
Public Address system
Computer with suitable configuration
Suggested Software: The software consisting of the prescribed topics elaborated above
should be procured and used.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Compass, 10th Edition.
DELTA’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skill Practice.
Suggested Reading:
Course objective:
1) To understand the concepts of human values.
2) To gain knowledge about the principles of engineering ethics.
3) To interpret engineering as social experimentation.
4) To understand engineers’ responsibility for safety and risk.
5) To gain knowledge about the engineers’ rights and responsibilities.
HUMAN VALUES: Morals, Values and Ethics – Integrity – Work Ethics – Service Learning –
Civic Virtue – Respect for others – Living Peacefully – Caring – Sharing –Honesty –Courage –
Value time – Co-operation – Commitment – Empathy –Self-confidence – Spirituality- Character.
The History of Ethics-Purposes for Engineering Ethics-Engineering Ethics-Consensus and
Controversy –Professional and Professionalism –Professional Roles to be played by an Engineer –
Self Interest, Customs and Religion-Uses of Ethical Theories-Professional Ethics-Types of Inquiry –
Engineering and Ethics-Kohlberg’s Theory – Gilligan’s Argument –Heinz’s Dilemma.
Comparison with Standard Experiments – Knowledge gained –Conscientiousness – Relevant
Information – Learning from the Past – Engineers as Managers, Consultants, and Leaders –
Accountability – Role of Codes – Codes and Experimental Nature of Engineering.
Safety and Risk, Concept of Safety – Types of Risks – Voluntary v/s Involuntary Risk- Short term
v/s Long term Consequences- Expected Probability- Reversible Effects- Threshold Levels for Risk-
Delayed v/s Immediate Risk- Safety and the Engineer – Designing for Safety – Risk-Benefit
Collegiality-Techniques for Achieving Collegiality –Two Senses of Loyalty-obligations of Loyalty-
misguided Loyalty – professionalism and Loyalty-Professional Rights –Professional
Responsibilities – confidential and proprietary information-Conflict of Interest-solving conflict
problems – Self-interest, Customs and Religion- Ethical egoism-Collective bargaining-
Confidentiality-Acceptance of Bribes/Gifts-when is a Gift and a Bribe-examples of Gifts v/s Bribes-
problem solving-interests in other companies-Occupational Crimes-industrial espionage-price
fixing-endangering lives-Whistle Blowing-types of whistle blowing-when should it be attempted-
preventing whistle blowing.
1) Engineering Ethics and Human Values by M.Govindarajan, S.Natarajan and V.S.SenthilKumar-
PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd-2009.
2) Professional Ethics and Morals by Prof.A.R.Aryasri, Dharanikota, Suyodhana-Maruthi
1) Professional Ethics and Human Values by A.Alavudeen, R.Kalil Rahman and M.Jayakumaran-
Laxmi Publications.
2) Professional Ethics and Human Values by Prof. D. R. Kiran, TMH.
3) Indian Culture, Values and Professional Ethics by P.S.R. Murthy-BS Publication.
4) Ethics in Engineering by Mike W. Martin and Roland Schinzinger– Tata McGraw-Hill – 2003.
5) Engineering Ethics by Harris, Pritchard and Robins, CENGAGE Learning, Indian Edition, 2009.
Course objectives:
1) To gain knowledge about mechanism and modes of heat transfer.
2) To understand the concepts of conduction and convective heat transfer.
3) To gain knowledge about the forced and free convection.
4) To understand the concepts of heat transfer with phase change and condensation along
with heat exchangers.
5) To gain knowledge about radiation mode of heat transfer.
Introduction: Modes and mechanisms of heat transfer – Basic laws of heat transfer –General
discussion about applications of heat transfer.
Conduction Heat Transfer: Fourier rate equation – General heat conduction equation in Cartesian,
Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates – simplification and forms of the field equation – steady,
unsteady and periodic heat transfer – Initial and boundary conditions
One Dimensional Steady State Conduction Heat Transfer: Homogeneous slabs, hollow
cylinders and spheres- Composite systems– overall heat transfer coefficient – Electrical analogy –
Critical radius of insulation. Variable Thermal conductivity – systems with heat sources or Heat
generation-Extended surface (fins) Heat Transfer – Long Fin, Fin with insulated tip and Short Fin,
Application to error measurement of Temperature.
One Dimensional Transient Conduction Heat Transfer: Systems with negligible internal
resistance – Significance of Biot and Fourier Numbers –Infinite bodies- Chart solutions of transient
conduction systems- Concept of Semi-infinite body.
Convective Heat Transfer: Classification of systems based on causation of flow, condition of
flow, configuration of flow and medium of flow – Dimensional analysis as a tool for experimental
investigation – Buckingham π Theorem and method, application for developing semi – empirical
non- dimensional correlation for convection heat transfer – Significance of non-dimensional
numbers – Concepts of Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations
Forced convection: External Flows: Concepts about hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer
and use of empirical correlations for convective heat transfer -Flat plates and Cylinders.
Internal Flows: Concepts about Hydrodynamic and Thermal Entry Lengths – Division of internal
flow based on this –Use of empirical relations for Horizontal Pipe Flow and annulus flow.
Free Convection: Development of Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer along a vertical plate
- Use of empirical relations for Vertical plates and pipes.
Heat Transfer with Phase Change: Boiling: – Pool boiling – Regimes – Calculations on Nucleate
boiling, Critical Heat flux and Film boiling
Condensation: Film wise and drop wise condensation –Nusselt’s Theory of Condensation on a
vertical plate - Film condensation on vertical and horizontal cylinders using empirical correlations.
Heat Exchangers: Classification of heat exchangers – overall heat transfer Coefficient and fouling
factor – Concepts of LMTD and NTU methods - Problems using LMTD and NTU methods.
Radiation Heat Transfer: Emission characteristics and laws of black-body radiation – Irradiation –
total and monochromatic quantities – laws of Planck, Wien, Kirchhoff, Lambert, Stefan and
Boltzmann– heat exchange between two black bodies – concepts of shape factor – Emissivity – heat
exchange between grey bodies – radiation shields – electrical analogy for radiation networks.
1) Heat Transfer by HOLMAN, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2) Heat Transfer by P.K.Nag, TMH.
1) Fundamentals of Heat Transfer by Incropera& Dewitt, John Wiley.
2) Fundamentals of Engineering, Heat& Mass Transfer by R.C.Sachdeva, NewAge.
3) Heat& Mass Transfer by Amit Pal – Pearson Publishers.
4) Heat Transfer by Ghoshadastidar, Oxford University press.
5) Heat Transfer by a Practical Approach, YunusCengel, Boles, TMH.
6) Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer by Sarit K. Das, DhanpatRai Pub.
Note: Heat and Mass transfer Data Book by C P Kothandaraman and Subrahmanyan is used
design and analyze various thermal processes and thermal equipment.
Course objectives:
1) To gain knowledge about the design of bearings.
2) To understand the concepts in designing various engine parts.
3) To gain knowledge to design curved beams and power screws.
4) To understand power transmission systems and to design pulleys and gear drives.
5) To understand the concepts in designing various machine tool elements.
BEARINGS: Classification of bearings- applications, types of journal bearings – lubrication –
bearing modulus – full and partial bearings – clearance ratio – heat dissipation of bearings, bearing
materials – journal bearing design – ball and roller bearings – static loading of ball & roller
bearings, bearing life.
ENGINE PARTS: Connecting Rod: Thrust in connecting rod – stress due to whipping action on
connecting rod ends – cranks and crank shafts, strength and proportions of over hung and center
cranks – crank pins, crank shafts.
Pistons, forces acting on piston – construction design and proportions of piston, cylinder, cylinder
DESIGN OF CURVED BEAMS: introduction, stresses in curved beams, expression for radius of
neutral axis for rectangular, circular, trapezoidal and t-section, design of crane hooks, c –clamps.
DESIGN OF POWER SCREWS: Design of screw, square ACME, buttress screws, design of nut,
compound screw, differential screw, ball screw- possible failures.
POWER TRANSMISSIONS SYSTEMS, PULLEYS: Transmission of power by belt and rope
drives, transmission efficiencies, belts – flat and V types – ropes - pulleys for belt and rope drives,
materials, chain drives
SPUR & HELICAL GEAR DRIVES: Spur gears- helical gears – load concentration factor –
dynamic load factor, surface compressive strength – bending strength – design analysis of spur
gears – estimation of centre distance, module and face width, check for plastic deformation, check
for dynamic and wear considerations.
MACHINE TOOL ELEMENTS: Levers and brackets: design of levers – hand levers-foot lever –
cranked lever – lever of a lever loaded safety valve- rocker arm straight – angular- design of a crank
pin – brackets- hangers- wall boxes.
Wire Ropes: Construction, Designation, Stresses in wire ropes, rope sheaves and drums.
1. Machine Design/ V. Bhandari/TMH Publishers
2. Machine Design/ NC Pandya & CS Shaw/ Charotar publishers
1. Machine Design: An integrated Approach / R.L. Norton / Pearson Education
2. Mech. Engg. Design / JE Shigley/Tata McGraw Hill education
3. Design of machine elements- spots/Pearson Publications
4. Machine Design-Norton/Pearson Publications.
Course objectives:
1) To understand the basic concepts of artificial intelligence, neural networks and genetic
2) To understand the principles of knowledge representation and reasoning.
3) To gain knowledge about bayesian and computational learning and machine learning.
4) To explore various machine learning techniques.
5) To understand the machine learning analytics and deep learning techniques.
Introduction: Definition of Artificial Intelligence, Evolution, Need, and applications in real world.
Intelligent Agents, Agents and environments; Good Behavior-The concept of rationality, the nature
of environments, structure of agents.
Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms: Neural network representation, problems, perceptrons,
multilayer networks and back propagation algorithms, Genetic algorithms.
Knowledge–Representation and Reasoning: Logical Agents: Knowledge based agents, the
Wumpus world, logic. Patterns in Propositional Logic, Inference in First-Order Logic-Propositional
vs first order inference, unification and lifting
Bayesian and Computational Learning: Bayes theorem , concept learning, maximum likelihood,
minimum description length principle, Gibbs Algorithm, Naïve Bayes Classifier, Instance Based
Learning- K-Nearest neighbour learning
Introduction to Machine Learning (ML): Definition, Evolution, Need, applications of ML in
industry and real world, classification; differences between supervised and unsupervised learning
Basic Methods in Supervised Learning: Distance-based methods, Nearest-Neighbors, Decision
Trees, Support Vector Machines, Nonlinearity and Kernel Methods.
Unsupervised Learning: Clustering, K-means, Dimensionality Reduction, PCA and kernel.
Machine Learning Algorithm Analytics: Evaluating Machine Learning algorithms, Model,
Selection, Ensemble Methods (Boosting, Bagging, and Random Forests).
Modeling Sequence/Time-Series Data and Deep Learning: Deep generative models, Deep
Boltzmann Machines, Deep auto-encoders, Applications of Deep Networks.
1) Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2/e, Pearson
Education, 2010.
2) Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 2013.
3) Ethem Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine
Learning), The MIT Press, 2004.
1) Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Shivashankar B. Nair, Artificial Intelligence, 3/e, McGraw Hill
Education, 2008.
2) Dan W. Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, PHI Learning,
3) T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. H. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning, 1/e, Springer,
4) Bishop, C. M., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
5) M. Narasimha Murty, Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, World
Scientific Publishing Company, 2015.
Course objectives:
1) To understand various components of four wheeler automobile.
2) To gain knowledge of different parts of transmission system.
3) To understand the concepts of steering and suspension systems.
4) To gain knowledge about the braking system and electrical system used in automobiles.
5) To understand the concepts about engine specifications and service, safety and electronic system
used in automobiles.
INTRODUCTION: Components of four wheeler automobile – chassis and body – power unit –
power transmission – rear wheel drive, front wheel drive, 4 wheel drive – types of automobile
engines, engine construction, turbo charging and super charging – engine lubrication, splash and
pressure lubrication systems, oil filters, oil pumps – crank case ventilation – engine service,
reboring, decarbonisation, Nitriding of crank shaft.
TRANSMISSION SYSTEM: Clutches, principle, types, cone clutch, single plate clutch, multi
plate clutch, magnetic and centrifugal clutches, fluid fly wheel – gear boxes, types, sliding mesh,
construct mesh, synchro mesh gear boxes, epicyclic gear box, over drive torque converter. propeller
shaft – Hotch – Kiss drive, Torque tube drive, universal joint, differential rear axles – types –
wheels and tyres and their making.
STEERING SYSTEM: Steering geometry – camber, castor, king pin rake, combined angle toein,
centre point steering. types of steering mechanism – Ackerman steering mechanism, Davis steering
mechanism, steering gears – types, steering linkages.
SUSPENSION SYSTEM: Objects of suspension systems – rigid axle suspension system, torsion
bar, shock absorber, Independent suspension system.
BRAKING SYSTEM: Mechanical brake system, hydraulic brake system, master cylinder, wheel
cylinder tandem master cylinder requirement of brake fluid, pneumatic and vacuum brakes.
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM: Charging circuit, generator,current, voltage regulator, starting system,
Bendix drive mechanism solenoid switch, lighting systems, horn, wiper, fuel gauge,oil
ENGINE SPECIFICATION AND SAFETY SYSTEMS: Introduction- engine specifications with
regard to power, speed, torque, no. of cylinders and arrangement, lubrication and cooling etc.
SAFETY: Introduction, safety systems - seat belt, air bags, bumper, anti-lock brake system (ABS),
wind shield, suspension sensors, traction control, mirrors, central locking and electric windows,
speed control.
ENGINE SERVICE: Introduction, service details of engine cylinder head, valves and valve
mechanism, piston-connecting rod assembly, cylinder block, crank shaft and main bearings, engine
Concept of CPU and computer memory used in automobiles, sensors- Pressure sensor, Throttle
position sensor, fuel flow sensor, thermistor sensor, oxygen sensor, speed sensors, knock detecting
sensor, actuators solenoids and stepper motor, Electronic dash board instruments - Onboard
diagnosis system, security and warning system.
1) Automotive Mechanics – Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 / Kirpal Singh/standard publishers
2) Automobile Engineering / William Crouse/TMH Distributors
3) Automobile Engineering/P.S Gill/S.K. Kataria& Sons/New Delhi.
1) Automotive Engines Theory and Servicing/James D. Halderman and Chase D. Mitchell
Jr.,/ Pearson education inc.
2) Automotive Engineering / K Newton, W.Steeds& TK Garrett/SAE
3) Automotive Mechanics: Principles and Practices/ Joseph Heitner/Van Nostrand Reinhold
4. Automobile Engineering / C Srinivasan/McGraw-Hill.
Course objectives:
1) To understand the basic concepts and components of industrial robotics and automation.
2) To acquire knowledge about robot actuators and feedback components.
3) To analyze the motion of robot and manipulator kinematics.
4) To know the general considerations of path description and generation.
5) To gain knowledge about the image processing, machine vision and robotic applications.
INTRODUCTION: Automation and Robotics, CAD/CAM and Robotics – An overview of Robotics
–present and future applications – classification by coordinate system and control system.
components, number of degrees of freedom - robot drive systems, functions, line diagram
representation of robot arms,common types of arms -–requirements and challenges of end effectors,
determination of the end effectors.
actuators, electric& stepper motors. Comparison of Electric, Hydraulic and Pneumatic types of
actuation devices.
Feedback components: position sensors–potentiometers, resolvers, encoders–Velocity sensors.
MOTION ANALYSIS: Homogeneous transformations as applicable to rotation and translation –
MANIPULATOR KINEMATICS: Specifications of matrices, D-H notation joint coordinates and
world coordinates Forward and inverse kinematics–problems.
planning and avoidance of obstacles, path planning, Skew motion, joint integrated motion–straight line
motion–Robot programming, languages and software packages-description of paths with a robot
programming language.
IMAGE PROCESSING AND MACHINE VISION: Introduction to Machine Vision, Sensing and
Digitizing function in Machine Vision, Training and Vision System, Robotic Applications.
1) Industrial Robotics/GrooverMP/Pearson Edu.
2) Robotics and Control /MittalR K & Nagrathi J /TMH.
1) Robotics/Fu KS/ McGrawHill.
2) Robotic Engineering /Richard D. Klafter, PrenticeHal.l
3) Robot Analysis and Control/ H. Asada and J.J.E. Slotine/BSP Books Pvt.Ltd.
4) Introduction to Robotics/John JCraig/PearsonEdu.
Course objectives:
1) To determine the heat transfer rate and coefficient.
2) To determine the thermal conductivity, efficiency and effectiveness.
3) To determine the emissivity and Stefan-Boltzman constant.
4) To determine critical heat flux and investigate Lambert’s cosine law.
5) To experiment with Virtual labs and analyze conduction, HT coefficient.
6) To experiment with Virtual labs and investigate Lambert’s laws.
1. Determination of overall heat transfer co-efficient of a composite slab
2. Determination of heat transfer rate through a lagged pipe.
3. Determination of heat transfer rate through a concentric sphere
4. Determination of thermal conductivity of a metal rod.
5. Determination of efficiency of a pin-fin
6. Determination of heat transfer coefficient in natural and forced convection
7. Determination of effectiveness of parallel and counter flow heat exchangers.
8. Determination of emissivity of a given surface.
9. Determination of Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
10. Determination of heat transfer rate in drop and film wise condensation.
11. Determination of critical heat flux.
12. Determination of Thermal conductivity of liquids and gases.
13. Investigation of Lambert’s cosine law.
Virtual labs ( on
1) Conduction Analysis of a Single Material Slab
2) Conduction Analysis of a Single Material Sphere
3) Conduction Analysis of a Single Material Cylinder
4) Conduction Analysis of a Double Material Slab
5) Conduction Analysis of a Double Material Sphere
6) Conduction Analysis of Double Material Cylinder
7) To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient (U) in the (i) parallel flow heat exchanger and
(ii) Counter flow heat exchanger
8) To investigate the Lambert’s distance law.
9) To investigate the Lambert’s direction law (cosine law).
Note: Virtual labs are only for learning purpose, and are not for external examination.
Course outcomes: Students are expected to learn the concepts and to
CO1: Determine the heat transfer rate and coefficient.
CO2: Determine the thermal conductivity, efficiency and effectiveness.
CO3: Determine the emissivity and Stefan-Boltzman constant.
CO4: Determine critical heat flux and investigate Lambert’s cosine law.
CO5: Experiment with Virtual labs and analyse conduction, HT coefficient.
CO6: Experiment with Virtual labs and investigate Lambert’s laws.
III Year - II Semester
0 0 3 1.5
Course objectives:
1) To experiment with trusses and beams to determine stress, deflection, natural frequencies,
harmonic analysis, HT analysis and buckling analysis.
2) To demonstrate part programmes using FANUC controller.
3) To generate G-code for automated tool path using CAM software.
4) To demonstrate with rapid prototyping machine and to print simple parts.
5) To experiment with virtual 3D printing simulation using Vlabs.
Course objectives:
1) To demonstrate the calibration experiments with different gauges, transducers, thermocouple
and temperature detector.
2) To demonstrate the calibration experiments with rotameter, seismic apparatus.
3) To demonstrate the calibration experiments with vernier calipers, micrometer, height and dial
4) To analyze various machine tools for their alignment.
5) To measure angular and taper measurements, straightness, surface roughness.
1. Calibration of pressure gauge.
2. Calibration of transducer for temperature measurement.
3. Study and calibration of LVDT transducer for displacement measurement.
4. Calibration of strain gauge.
5. Calibration of thermocouple.
6. Calibration of capacitive transducer.
7. Study and calibration of photo and magnetic speed pickups.
8. Calibration of resistance temperature detector.
9. Study and calibration of a rotameter.
10. Study and use of a seismic pickup for the measurement of vibration amplitude of an engine bed
at various loads.
1. Calibration of vernier calipers, micrometer, vernier height gauge and dial gauges.
2. Measurement of bores by internal micrometers and dial bore indicators.
3. Use of gear tooth vernier caliper for tooth thickness inspection and flange micrometer for
checking the chordal thickness of spur gear.
4. Machine tool alignment test on the lathe.
5. Machine tool alignment test on drilling machine.
6. Machine tool alignment test on milling machine.
7. Angle and taper measurements with bevel protractor, Sine bar, rollers and balls.
8. Use of spirit level in finding the straightness of a bed and flatness of a surface.
9. Thread inspection with two wire/ three wire method & tool makers microscope.
10. Surface roughness measurement with roughness measuring instrument.
Course outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to
Course Objectives: The students will acquire the knowledge of artificial intelligence and machine
learning models along with image classifiers and automatic facial recognition using various
software tools.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, student will be able to apply the knowledge of
artificial intelligence and machine learning models along with image classifiers and automatic facial
recognition using various software tools.
III Year - II Semester
2 0 0 0
Research Methodology and IPR
Course objectives:
1) To understand the objectives and characteristics of a research problem.
2) To analyze research related information and to follow research ethics
3) To understand the types of intellectual property rights.
4) To learn about the scope of patent rights.
5) To understand the new developments in IPR.
Research problem: Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria
Characteristics of a good research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and
objectives of research problem. Approaches of investigation of solutions for research problem, data
collection, analysis, interpretation, Necessary instrumentations
Literature study: Effective literature studies approaches, analysis Plagiarism, Research ethics,
Technical writing: Effective technical writing, how to write report, Paper Developing a Research
Proposal, Format of research proposal, a presentation and assessment by a review committee
Nature of Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs, Trade and Copyright.
Process of Patenting and Development: technological research, innovation, patenting,
development. International Scenario: International cooperation on Intellectual Property. Procedure
for grants of patents, Patenting under PCT.
Patent Rights: Scope of Patent Rights. Licensing and transfer of technology. Patent information
and databases. Geographical Indications.
New Developments in IPR: Administration of Patent System. New developments in IPR; IPR of
Biological Systems, Computer Software etc, Traditional knowledge Case Studies, IPR and IITs.
1) Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science &
engineering students’”
2) Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction”
3) Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition, “Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for beginners”
1) Halbert, “Resisting Intellectual Property”, Taylor & Francis Ltd ,2007.
2) Mayall, “Industrial Design”, McGraw Hill, 1992.
3) Niebel, “Product Design”, McGraw Hill, 1974.
4) Asimov, “Introduction to Design”, Prentice Hall, 1962.