Wildlife Management TTD WHMP
Wildlife Management TTD WHMP
Wildlife Management TTD WHMP
Wildlife Hazard
Management Plan
January 2016
Submitted by:
Nick Atwell
FAA Qualified Airport Biologist
Per AC 150/5200-36A
Plan Approval
The Troutdale General Aviation Airport developed this Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
under the direction of Nick Atwell, a Qualified Airport Wildlife Biologist as stipulated in FAA
Advisory Circular 150/5200-36A. The following Wildlife Hazard Management Plan for
Troutdale General Aviation airport has been reviewed and approved by the Airport
Manager and the Federal Aviation Administration. This plan will become effective on the
signature date.
General Aviation Manager Date
(Printed Name)
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Airport Certification Manual Reference
The Port of Portland has completed a Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) and a Wildlife
Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) for Troutdale Airport (TTD) that conforms with 14 CFR
Part 139.337. While TTD is not a Part 139 certified airport, the Port decided to address the
wildlife hazard issues at TTD using the same Part 139 compliant model developed at PDX.
The TTD WHMP will be reviewed on an annual basis to determine the effectiveness of the
program. Coincident with the principals of adaptive management, appropriate changes will
be made as the need arises.
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1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Purpose and Application ...............................................................................................................1
1.1.1. National Perspective....................................................................................................................1
1.1.2. Local Perspective ..........................................................................................................................2
1.1.3. WHMP Objectives and Principles ...........................................................................................3
1.2. Wildlife Hazard Assessment ........................................................................................................3
1.2.1. Wildlife Strikes...............................................................................................................................4
1.2.2. Wildlife Species of Concern ......................................................................................................5
1.3. WHMP Administration (review and revision) .....................................................................6
2 APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS AND POLICIES ...............................................................................9
2.1. FAA Requirements ...........................................................................................................................9
2.1.1. Airport Grant Assurances ..........................................................................................................9
2.1.2. AC 150/5200-33B ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Other Applicable Federal Regulations ........................................................................................ 11
2.2.1. National Environmental Policy Act .................................................................................... 11
2.2.2. Clean Water Act, Section 404 ................................................................................................ 11
2.2.3. Endangered Species Act (16 USC 1531-1543, Endangered Species Act of 1973)
2.2.4. Migratory Bird Treaty Act ...................................................................................................... 12
2.2.5. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act ............................................................................... 12
2.2.6. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act................................................... 13
2.2.7. Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management........................................................ 13
2.3. State Of Oregon Regulations............................................................................................................ 13
2.3.1. Oregon Removal Fill Law........................................................................................................ 13
2.3.2. Oregon Endangered Species Act .......................................................................................... 14
2.3.3. Oregon Administrative Rules 635-43-0000 to 0045 [Scientific Taking Permit]
2.3.4. Oregon Administrative Rules 635-043-051 to 0115 [Take or Harass Wildlife
Permit] ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.5. Oregon Administrative Rules 837-12-305 to 370 [Agricultural Fireworks
Permit] ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.6. Oregon Revised Statute, ORS 836.623 .............................................................................. 15
2.3.7. State Planning Regulations .................................................................................................... 16
2.4. Local Regulations ................................................................................................................................. 16
2.4.1. City of Troutdale Overlay Zones: Vegetation Corridor and Slope District
(VECO) ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.4.2. City of Troutdale: Airport Landing Field ......................................................................... 17
2.4.3. City of Troutdale, Chapter 9.48.020 Discharge of Weapons .................................... 17
2.5. Permits ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.6. Port of Portland Goals, Policies and Procedures..................................................................... 19
2.6.1. Port Mission Statement: .......................................................................................................... 19
2.7. Discussion of Port Policies ............................................................................................................... 21
3 PROGRAM ORGANIZATION, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................ 23
3.1. Program Organization ...................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 Roles and Responsibilities of the Airports Operations Manager ...................................... 24
3.3. Roles and Responsibilities of other Port Staff.......................................................................... 24
3.3.1. General Aviation Manager...................................................................................................... 24
3.3.2. Aviation Wildlife Manager ..................................................................................................... 25
3.3.3. General Aviation Operations Supervisor ......................................................................... 26
3.3.4. PDX Wildlife Technicians (or outside contract resources) ...................................... 27
3.3.5. TTD General Aviation Maintenance Staff ......................................................................... 28
4 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES ................................................................................................................ 29
4.1. Risk Evaluation Process .................................................................................................................... 29
4.2. Zone Concept ......................................................................................................................................... 31
4.2.1. Primary Zone ............................................................................................................................... 31
4.2.2. Secondary Zone .......................................................................................................................... 31
4.3. Management Area Strategies .......................................................................................................... 36
4.4. General Operational Strategies ...................................................................................................... 40
4.5. Project Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 41
4.5.1. Project Screening for Proposed Development ............................................................... 41
4.5.2. Monitoring and Evaluation .................................................................................................... 42
5 RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AND PROTOCOLS ...................................................................... 43
5.1. Wildlife Control Procedures .......................................................................................................... 43
5.1.1. Personnel & Communications ............................................................................................. 44
5.1.2. Vehicles ......................................................................................................................................... 44
5.1.3. Wildlife Surveys ........................................................................................................................ 44
5.1.4. Data Collection Procedure .................................................................................................... 44
5.1.5. Hazing and Harassment ......................................................................................................... 46
5.1.6. Raptor Trapping and Translocation ................................................................................. 52
5.1.7. Avian Nest Intervention ......................................................................................................... 53
5.1.8. Lethal Action ............................................................................................................................... 53
5.2. Habitat Modification ......................................................................................................................... 56
5.2.1. Port-Owned Property.............................................................................................................. 57
5.2.2. Non-Port Owned Property .................................................................................................... 57
5.2.3. Water Management ................................................................................................................. 59
5.2.4. Vegetation Management ......................................................................................................... 61
5.2.5 Structure Management ............................................................................................................. 68
5.2.6. Wildlife Food Source Management ................................................................................... 72
5.3. Research and Development ........................................................................................................... 74
5.4. WHMP Information and Education............................................................................................. 75
5.4.1. Internal Port Communication ............................................................................................... 75
5.4.2. External Audiences .......................................................................................................................... 76
6 AIRPORT STAFF TRAINING REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................ 79
7 LITERATURE CITED .......................................................................................................................................... 83
Risk Evaluation Process ..................................................................................................................... 87
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APPENDIX A Wildlife Risk Evaluation Model
Figure 1. Troutdale Airport Vicinity Map .......................................................................................................7
Figure 2. Troutdale Airport Facilities Map.....................................................................................................8
Figure 3. Representation of key decision-making factors considered by the Chief Operating
Officer ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 4. Port's General Aviation & Wildlife Management Program Organization. ................... 23
Figure 5. Risk Evaluation Matrix……………………..………………………………………………………………31
Figure 6. Wildlife Habitats within 5,000’ of TTD. ..................................................................................... 33
Figure 7. Primary Zone around TTD. ............................................................................................................. 34
Figure 8. Secondary Zone around TTD. ........................................................................................................ 35
Figure 9. Location of Wildlife Management Areas around TTD. ........................................................ 39
Figure 10. Overlapping crown structures that allow birds to move safely from tree to tree
without exposure to predators or weather. ............................................................................................... 65
Figure 11. Conceptual landscaping design for the Secondary Zone. ................................................ 65
Figure 12. Example of a tree species that is attractive to birds due to horizontal branching
structure. ................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 13. Example of an ideal tree type for landscaping because of the minimal
opportunities for perching/nesting due to vertical branching structure. ..................................... 66
Table 1. Current (2015) list of wildlife species of concern and monitor species at TTD............6
Table 2. Potential Federal, State, and Local permits required for wildlife hazard
management practices at TTD. ........................................................................................................................ 18
Table 3. Aviation Grass Seed Specification.................................................................................................. 67
Table 4. Wildlife control measures & techniques evaluated and dismissed at PDX. ................. 75
Table 5. Wildlife Hazard Management program training requirements. ....................................... 79
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AC – FAA Advisory Circular
EA – Environmental Assessment
GA – General Aviation
NAVAID – Navigational Aid
RWY – Runway
An internal review of the Troutdale Airport WHMP will be conducted annually, and the plan
revised as necessary. The Port’s General Aviation Manager and the PDX Aviation Wildlife
Manager will conduct the review jointly. The Management Areas Tracking Table in
Appendix E will be updated annually, serving as the basis for annual review and reporting.
The intent is to develop accountability and program continuity over time, and provide
information in a timely manner that will contribute to a productive and mutually beneficial
dialog in support of the annual inspection process.
Revision of the WHMP will occur when either the program or the hazards and issues at the
airport change significantly or every 5 years. The intent is to maintain the WHMP as an
interactive program level plan that will continually adapt as necessary to effectively meet
the requirements of wildlife hazard management at TTD. The TTD WHMP provides both
strategic program guidance and the operational component that provides the basis for
annual work planning, budget development, and accomplishment reporting.
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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends that General Aviation airports
develop a Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) and if necessary implement a Wildlife Hazard
Management Plan (WHMP) at airports with aircraft that experience multiple wildlife
strikes, damaging collisions with wildlife, engine ingestion of wildlife, or wildlife of a size or
in numbers capable of causing such events. Aviation safety is paramount in the Port of
Portland’s airport management objectives for TTD. Although there have only been two
damaging wildlife strikes with private aircraft documented at TTD, development
surrounding the airport has accelerated resulting in the conversion of open space to a built
environment. The loss of surrounding open space may increase the presence of hazardous
wildlife on the airfield. Consequently, the Port elected to prepare a WHMP for TTD that
meets industry standards, including the delineation of responsibilities, policies, procedures
and regulations necessary to reduce identified wildlife hazards on or around TTD. This is a
voluntarily action that is not currently required by the FAA for General Aviation airports.
This WHMP starts with an overview of wildlife hazards as they pertain to airports on a
national level. The focus then shifts to a brief history of the TTD airport describing its
unique features and attributes along with a description of the surrounding area. Following
the local airport overview, the objectives and principles of this WHMP are outlined.
Discussed under this section are the main objectives of the Port, in regard to the WHMP, as
well as the parties responsible for implementation.
Following the Port objectives is a synopsis of the already completed WHA for TTD. This
includes details on the Port’s risk evaluation process as well as how it will be used to guide
management decisions as they pertain to the Port’s wildlife hazard management program.
Subsequent to the risk evaluation process is an overview of wildlife strikes including
national trends as well as specific numbers for wildlife strikes at TTD. Wildlife species of
concern are then discussed as they relate to TTD. This includes both a list of wildlife species
the Port has determined to be most hazardous to aircraft operations as well as those
categorized to pose a lower risk to aircraft at TTD. The section concludes with
administrative items related to the WHMP such as review and revision guidelines.
The overall objective of the WHMP is to develop an integrated and adaptive program to
effectively manage risk at TTD by reducing the probability of occurrence of wildlife/aircraft
collisions. While terrestrial wildlife are a concern at TTD, the security fencing that
surrounds the airfield perimeter lessens the incursion of larger terrestrial wildlife (e.g.,
black-tailed deer) onto the airfield. Bird strikes are statistically a much higher risk for
aircraft using TTD, especially during the critical phases of departure and landing operations.
Consequently, the risk evaluation process of the WHMP primarily focuses on avian wildlife.
It is recognized that the risk of a bird strike at TTD can never be completely eliminated due
to its location at the confluence of the Sandy and Columbia Rivers, an ecologically rich and
diverse area. However, the underlying premise of the WHMP is that it is possible to manage
the risk to an acceptable level, and it is the intent of the WHMP to provide the necessary
direction to do so, in a scientifically sound manner.
The Troutdale Airport is owned and operated by the Port of Portland and encompasses at
total of 287 acres It is located on the east side of the Portland Metropolitan region in the city
of Troutdale, south and southwest from the confluence of the Columbia and Sandy Rivers.
Geographically, the airport is located within Township 1 North, Range 3 East, and includes
parts of Sections 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, Willamette Meridian. The airport is bordered on the
north by the Columbia River and the Columbia River levee, to the east by the Sandy River, to
the south by Frontage Road and Interstate 84, and to the west by Fairview Lake.
The Troutdale airport is primarily a flight training and recreational airport with some
business class capabilities. Due to its location, TTD is also popular with businesses that
provide scenic tours of the Columbia River Gorge. The airport includes maintenance and
repair facilities as well as a Fixed Based Operator (FBO) and includes mowed grasslands
and service roads. Aircraft utilizing TTD have two taxiways available to them (A and B) and
one runway designated 07/25. The perimeter of the airfield is enclosed by a security fence
with electronic and manual gates regulating access.
A large variety of wildlife live in the vicinity of TTD, and many more birds pass through the
area during their seasonal migrations along the Pacific Flyway. Many of these species pose a
potential hazard to the safe operation of aircraft whenever they enter the
approach/departure path of TTD. As urban infrastructure increases in the surrounding
area, the airport and adjacent open green spaces become more attractive to resident and
migratory wildlife that seek out remaining expanses of relatively undeveloped open space.
The TTD WHMP will be reviewed at least annually, and an annual status report and
confirmation of this review will be filed with the Port’s General Aviation Manager and the
PDX Aviation Wildlife Manager. The TTD WHMP will be revised as necessary, when either
the program or the hazards and issues at the airport change significantly, or every 5 years.
Chapter 2 identifies the other major federal, state and local mandates that define the legal
context of compliance within which the WHMP must operate. Along with the external
mandates, the WHMP must demonstrate how it fits within and supports the stated missions
of the Port and the Aviation Division, and how Port and Aviation policies guide it. While the
priority of the wildlife hazard management program at TTD is aviation safety, the Port will
achieve this goal through responsible environmental stewardship. This reflects both the
overarching mission of the Port and also the values of the regional community.
Chapter 3 identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities of the various staff and
departments at the Port that are involved in and responsible for implementation of the
WHMP. The Port’s General Aviation Manager is ultimately responsible for the
implementation of the wildlife hazard management program at TTD. The Port’s Aviation
Wildlife Manager is the technical area expert that supports the GA Manager in this effort. In
order to fully implement a wildlife hazard management program that incorporates a
dedicated dawn-to-dusk hazing and harassment component (short-term operational
strategies), a research and development component, long-term management strategies, and
a proactive public information and education program, additional staffing and resources
would need to be identified.
Chapter 4 contains the strategies used to implement the WHMP at TTD. Included is an
overview of the risk evaluation model developed by the Port to assess wildlife hazards and
prioritize actions based on the relative levels of risk they pose. An overview of the zones
and management areas that have been designated at TTD are discussed. These zones are
based on the FAA separation criteria and allow for management prioritization of wildlife
hazards at TTD.
Along with the details of management areas, the chapter also describes the four
components used by the Port to implement specific strategies and includes the results of the
Port’s Environmental Management System (EMS). The EMS has been used to monitor and
evaluate habitat attractants near TTD. The chapter concludes with an overview of the
evaluation and monitoring methodology used by the Port to support an adaptive
management strategy.
The formal risk evaluation approach developed by the Port is based on the body of work of
Dr. J. R. Allan, adapted to the site-specific issues and FAA recommendations at TTD. This
risk-based approach is the primary assessment methodology for wildlife hazard
management in the future. All management scenarios presented in this document are to be
validated by the risk evaluation process, as it is refined in each update. It is expected that
this iterative process will evolve over time as new information and real world application
provide direction. The risk evaluation model is included as Appendix A.
The risk management techniques and protocols outlined in Chapter 5 define the full range
of operational tactics and management strategies designed to enhance public safety by
reducing the incidence of wildlife-aircraft collisions at TTD. Together these represent the
toolbox of acceptable techniques available to the Airport staff, and run the full range of
actions from day-to-day operational tactics to long-term habitat modification strategies.
Because the WHMP serves as the foundation for program development, operational
protocols that are responsive to legal, jurisdictional and safety constraints are included.
Wildlife control procedures are direct actions taken to discourage, disperse and remove
wildlife species of concern from the airfield and vicinity. Their implementation includes the
day-to-day operational efforts of the Airport staff to provide an approach and departure
airspace that is as free of potential wildlife hazards as practicable. Wildlife control actions
are generally reactive to the situation of the moment and are responsive to any perceived
threats that wildlife species of concern may pose to aircraft safety. While the management
objective is to accomplish this with non-lethal means whenever possible, protocols are
established defining the decision-making process and implementation requirements for
direct lethal control should the need arise.
Habitat modification and other long term management strategies attempt to address the
reasons why certain species of wildlife are attracted to the airfield environment, bringing
them into conflict with aircraft operations. These include the physical manipulation or
complete removal of features or characteristics (both natural and constructed) that are
attractive to wildlife species of concern and are spatially located such that they draw these
species into or across the critical flight paths. The design and installation of structures
intended to exclude wildlife species of concern from the airfield or from specific features on
the airfield are included in this section.
Given that wildlife hazard management is not an exact science, and that species of wildlife
respond differently to changing circumstances including sustained management actions, it
is critical that an ongoing research and development program be integrated with the
principles of adaptive management to provide the flexibility necessary to maintain an
effective program over time. The results of ongoing testing and monitoring are applied
directly to the development of operational tactics and management strategies.
Wildlife issues and management strategies at TTD are of interest to many people, both
internal to the Port and in the public arena. The need for an ongoing public information and
education component is recognized as essential to the success of the Wildlife Hazard
Management program at TTD. In addition to public information and education, there is a
need to continue to share and foster the exchange of technical information with other Port
functional areas, as well as the larger regional and national aviation and wildlife
Training is essential to provide Airport staff with the knowledge and skills needed to carry
out the WHMP. Chapter 6 presents training requirements that Airport staff must meet
before they can work independently on the airfield at TTD. The training curriculum was
developed by the Ports Wildlife Hazard Management Program and meets all requirements
found in FAA AC 150/5200-36A and is implemented with on the support of other Port
Departments and cooperating agencies (e.g., FAA Air Traffic Control Tower). As new
training needs are identified it is expected that this chapter will expand to meet those
Chapter 7 presents the literature citations referenced in the text of the WHMP.
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Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
1.1. Purpose and Application
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recognizes the potential hazards that certain
species of wildlife may pose, under certain circumstances, to aircraft operations at airports
regulated by the FAA. The FAA recommends General Aviation airports develop and
implement a Wildlife Hazard Management Assessment when aircraft experience multiple
wildlife strikes, damaging collisions with wildlife, engine ingestion of wildlife, or when
wildlife of a size or in numbers capable of causing such events are present. Since the Port of
Portland’s (Port) Troutdale Airport (TTD) does not service scheduled air carrier aircraft, it
is not obligated to develop and maintain a WHMP under current federal statute.
Nonetheless, aviation safety is paramount in the Port’s airport management objectives for
TTD. Given that there have been two damaging wildlife strike events with private aircraft
documented at TTD and development surrounding the airport has accelerated, the Port
elected to prepare a Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) and WHMP for TTD that meets FAA
standards. Included in this WHMP is the delineation of responsibilities, policies, procedures
and regulations necessary to reduce identified wildlife hazards on and around TTD. The
2014 WHA for TTD was submitted and approved by the FAA in October 2014.
Wildlife strikes have other impacts at airports and on the traveling public. Nine percent of
aircraft-bird strikes and thirty one percent of aircraft-mammal strikes reported from 1990
to 2014 resulted in damage to aircraft (Dolbeer et al. 2015). The FAA reports that at a
minimum, wildlife-aircraft strikes cost the USA civil aviation industry 981,200 hours of
aircraft down time, and $ 708 million in monetary losses every year (Dolbeer et al. 2015).
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The Airport is currently owned and operated by the Port of Portland, and is classified as a
General Aviation (GA) airport in the FAA National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. The
Airport accommodates aircraft models that range from single-engine propeller aircraft to
multiengine turboprops, business jets and helicopters. Types of operators include itinerant
general aviation, business aviation, aeromedical and flight training operations. There is no
scheduled passenger commercial service at TTD; however charter and air taxi operators
utilize the Airport.
TTD is primarily a flight training and recreational airport, although business class
capabilities are taking on increasing emphasis. It is home to flight schools, maintenance and
repair facilities as well as a FBO. The airport is also popular with aircraft performing scenic
aerial tours of the Columbia River Gorge. With 107,838 operations annually (in 2013) and
home to 151 based aircraft (2014), TTD is a unique and popular airport within the region.
Inside the perimeter fence, the airfield includes one runway (07/25) and two taxiways
(taxiway A and B), flat managed (mowed) grasslands, roadways, and buildings associated
with airport operations (Figure 2). A security fence with a minimum height of 7-feet
surrounds the entire airfield. The one runway, designated 7/25, is 5,399 feet long and 150
feet wide. The two parallel taxiways are 35 to 50-feet wide and run the full length of the
runway. Connector taxiways link the runway to services and aircraft parking and storage.
Land uses surrounding TTD include agriculture, light industrial, commercial, residential and
undeveloped open space, among others. Changes land use from open space to a built
environment could contribute to an increase in wildlife use of the remaining relatively
undeveloped areas, including the TTD airfield and vicinity. These cumulative events justify
the development and implementation of a WHMP for TTD that reduces identified wildlife
hazards on and around the airport.
A large variety of wildlife live in the vicinity of TTD, and many birds pass through the area
during their seasonal migrations along the Pacific Flyway. As urban density increases in the
surrounding area, the airport and adjacent open spaces become attractive to resident and
migratory wildlife that seek out remaining expanses of relatively undeveloped open space.
Port monitoring data from January 1st 2004 to December 31, 2014 indicate that 67 different
species of birds and 7 mammal species were observed in the vicinity of the airport. Many of
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
these species pose a potential hazard to the safe operation of aircraft whenever they enter
the approach/departure path.
Basic principles used by the Port in the implementation of the WHMP include:
The Port’s General Aviation (GA) Manager is responsible for the implementation of this
program. The PDX Aviation Wildlife Manager is the Port’s technical area expert and
supports the GA Manager in the development of this WHMP and future editions based on
the principles of adaptive management, as well as accomplishing the implementation of
specific management strategies at TTD. This team integrates the professional and technical
resources of the Aviation Wildlife Management Program into the General Aviation
management objectives at TTD to address specific wildlife hazard issues. Additionally, the
services and cooperation of city, state and/or federal agencies, as well as other Port
departments and airport tenants, are essential to ensure the program’s effectiveness.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
As part of this risk evaluation process, a Wildlife Hazard Assessment that meets the FAA’s
recommended standards was completed in October 2014. Information collected during the
Wildlife Hazard Assessment includes: an analysis of the events that prompted the
assessment; the identification of observed wildlife species, their movements, numbers and
locations; identification and location of wildlife attractants on and near the airport; a
description of wildlife hazards to aircraft operations; and recommended actions for
reducing wildlife hazards to aircraft operations. The findings of the wildlife hazard
assessment are incorporated into this WHMP.
In 2014, the FAA reported a record 13,668 wildlife strikes to civil aircraft. This increase in
wildlife strikes is attributed to an increase in large bird populations, quieter modern aircraft
and growth in the number of air traffic movements. Nationally, approximately 71% of all
bird-aircraft strikes occur below 500 feet above ground level (AGL), and 82% occur below
1,500 feet AGL. In addition, 71% of all damaging strikes occur below 1,500 feet AGL
(Dolbeer et al. 2015).
At airports, this low altitude generally corresponds with aircraft that are in either the
departure or landing phase of flight. The FAA requires the maintenance of a clear, safe
airspace for aircraft landings and departures. The runway protection zone (RPZ), a profile
of the approach and transition area located at the end of each runway, represents the area
in which aircraft are most vulnerable to wildlife strike hazards. Risk to aircraft is greatest
during takeoff when aircraft are likely to be at their maximum payload and thrust, and have
limited maneuverability.
Over the past 11 years (2004 through 2014) 10 bird strikes (involving at least 11 birds)
have been reported at TTD. No mammal strikes have been documented during this period.
Of the 10 strikes, two resulted in damage to the aircraft being struck. In 5 of the strikes, the
species involved was either unidentified or only identified to genus.
The low number of reported strikes at TTD as well as the high number of unidentified birds
involved is due to a current lack of consistent and accurate reporting. In general, bird strike
reporting at general aviation airports is estimated to be at less than 5 percent (Dolbeer,
Wright, Weller & Begier 2009). The combination of these factors indicates that strikes at TTD
are likely underreported. While TTD has only incurred two damaging strikes within the past
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
11 years, the two most recent strikes in 2014 involved medium-sized Rock Pigeon’s
(Columa livia) ,which are among the most hazardous species of concern at TTD.
Population abundance on and around the airfield (may vary diurnally and
Habitat use patterns on and around the airfield (what are their local habitat
preferences for feeding, breeding and resting?);
Distribution of suitable habitat patches and movement patterns in relation to
the airfield;
Airport facilities and operations that may act as attractants (e.g., structures,
landscaping, infield mowing) or deterrents (e.g., hazing, habitat
Behavioral patterns that may bring them into the approach/departure path of
aircraft (e.g., birds that soar, flocking, seasonal migrations);
Ability to detect and/or avoid aircraft (e.g., juveniles vs. adults, resident wildlife
vs. transient wildlife); and
Frequency of air traffic and air traffic patterns at the airport.
Whether wildlife at risk of being struck by aircraft pose a hazard to aircraft depends upon
the size and number of individuals involved. For example, it is well established that bird
strikes involving larger birds or flocks of smaller birds are more likely to result in damage
to aircraft than single small birds (Allan 2000). The current certification standards for
turbine engine (60 inch and 100 inch size) testing are as follows: an engine must be able to
withstand the ingestion of 16 small birds (3 oz. each); 8 medium birds (1.5 lbs each); or 1
large bird (4 lbs) (Eschenfelder 2000). Turbine engines are not required to be able to
withstand the ingestion of a bird larger than 4 pounds (Eschenfelder 2000). Eschenfelder
(2000) concluded that these engine ingestion standards may be inadequate because they do
not reflect the sizes and numbers of birds encountered in actual bird strike incidents. While
aircraft at TTD are primarily piston-powered, an estimated increase in aircraft movements
coupled with recent large bird population growth is likely to increase the risk of wildlife
strikes for all aircraft (Dolbeer et al. 2015).
For the purposes of this WHMP, the Wildlife Species of Concern identified in Table 1
constitute those wildlife species deemed most hazardous to aircraft operations at TTD,
while Monitor Wildlife represent those species determined to pose a lower risk to aircraft
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Table 1. Current (2015) list of wildlife species of concern and monitor species at TTD.
Wildlife Species of Concern Monitor Wildlife
Canada goose (3.5-9.8 lbs.) Mallard (2.4 lbs.) American Crow (1 lb.)
Doves & Pigeons (4.2-9 oz.) Northern Pintail (1.8 lbs.) Coyote (20-50 lbs.)
Great Blue Heron (5.3 lbs.) Osprey (3.5 lbs.)
Gull spp. (1.1-2.5 lbs.) Red-tailed hawk (2.4 lbs.) Bald Eagle (9.5 lbs.)
a Average body mass (Sibley 2000; Burt and Grossenheider 1980)
The WHMP is to be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary, when either the
program changes or management issues arise, or every 5 years, whichever comes first. This
review/revision protocol will ensure that the WHMP stays current and responsive to
changing conditions, and incorporates the principles of adaptive management.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Most wildlife management agencies issue permits to allow the harassment and/or take of
certain wildlife species when required by extenuating circumstances. These special permits
are especially relevant and necessary for implementation of a successful airport Wildlife
Hazard Management Program. Many of the regulatory requirements are interrelated, and
the Port will continue to work collaboratively with the regulatory agencies in evaluating its
WHMP implementation and ongoing compliance strategies.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
To a large extent, these requirements form the basis for the Wildlife Hazard Management
Program at TTD, which is designed to be responsive to both the statement and the intent of
the guidance.
2.1.2. AC 150/5200-33B
AC 150/5200-33B provides FAA guidance to airport operators on the recommended
locations of certain land uses that have the potential to attract hazardous wildlife relative to
the location of the airport. It also provides guidance on airport development projects,
including construction, expansion, and renovations which affect aircraft movements near
hazardous wildlife attractants.
In accordance with the Grant Assurances, the Port adheres to the guidance in AC 150/5200-
33B to ensure that the proposed wildlife management practices, including habitat
modification and mitigation activities, are consistent with the recommendations the AC
provides. Refer to Appendix B for the complete text of AC 150/5200-33B.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Several waters of the United States, including on-site wetlands, have been identified on and
around the TTD airfield. If activities designed to manage wildlife hazards would result in the
discharge of dredged or fill material into a jurisdictional water of the U.S., the Port would
apply for a permit from USACE before completing such activities. In Oregon, this is
accomplished via a joint permit process with the USACE and the Oregon Department of
State Lands (ODSL) (See Section 2.3.1). Mitigation for impacts to jurisdictional wetlands will
generally be mitigated off-site outside of the 5,000 ft. separation criteria as established in
FAA AC 150/5200-33B, unless specifically designed to mitigate the hazardous wildlife
attractant potential and authorized by the FAA Qualified Airport Wildlife Biologist.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Numerous migratory birds use habitats on and around TTD. Since wildlife management
activities could affect any of these birds, the Port has consulted with and obtained an
Airport Depredation permit from the USFWS, which includes hazing and lethal actions. This
annual permit is maintained on file at the PDX Wildlife office (See Section 2.5).
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
When wildlife hazard management practices at TTD require application of pesticide, the
Port will ensure that pesticides are applied in accordance with both the EPA, and
manufacturer’s instructions.
TTD is located entirely within the Sandy Drainage Improvements Company (SDIC), a
managed flood control district operated by the Multnomah County Drainage District
(MCDD). Levees along the Sandy and Columbia Rivers separate the historic floodplains from
their respective rivers. Floodplains associated with the Columbia River, Sandy River, Arata
Creek and Salmon Creek lie on and adjacent to TTD. If proposed wildlife management
practices would involve a federal action that could impact floodplains (e. g., stream piping),
the Port will take appropriate actions to minimize impacts to the floodplain.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
jurisdictional wetlands will be mitigated off-site outside of the 5,000 ft. separation criteria
as established in FAA AC 150/5200-33B, unless specifically designed to mitigate the
hazardous wildlife attractant potential and authorized by the FAA Qualified Airport Wildlife
No state listed species are known to occur on or adjacent to TTD, but listed bird species may
occur incidentally during normal movements between migratory ranges. If the Port receives
state funding, the Port may be required to consult with ODFW. However, in practice,
compliance with the Oregon ESA is typically achieved during consultations with the federal
agencies pursuant to the federal ESA.
Endangered species (OAR 635-100-125: green sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle,
short-tailed albatross, brown pelican, , , , California least tern, gray wolf, gray whale,
sei whale, sperm whale, blue whale, humpback whale, black right whale, fin whale,
and Washington Ground Squirrel);
Threatened species (OAR 635-100-125: loggerhead sea turtle, Pacific Ridley sea
turtle, , western snowy plover, northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, kit fox,
wolverine, and sea otter);
Game birds (ORS 496.007 - members of the following avian families: Anatidae
(swans, geese, brant, river ducks, sea ducks), Columbidae (mourning doves and
band-tailed pigeons), Tetranidae (grouse, ptarmigan prairie chickens), Phasianidae
(pheasants, quail, partridge), Meleagrididae (wild turkey), Scolopacidae (snipe,
woodcocks), Gruidae (cranes) and Rallidae (rails, gallinules, coots);
Game mammals (ORS 496.004(9): antelope, black bear, cougar, deer, elk, moose,
mountain goat, mountain sheep, and silver gray squirrel; and gray wolf as a special
status mammal.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Other wildlife protected under OAR 635-44-130 (includes a number of rare native
amphibians, reptiles, and mammals as well as all non-game birds except European
starling, house (English) sparrow, and rock pigeon).
Since wildlife hazard management practices at TTD may require that some of the above
species be collected, trapped and released, or salvaged for scientific purposes, the Port
holds a Scientific Taking Permit from ODFW. This permit is on file at the PDX Wildlife office
(see Section 2.5).
The current federal migratory bird permit that the Port maintains on an annual basis meets
the ODFW state requirements under OAR 635-043-051 to 0115 (see Section 2.5).
Under the provisions of this administrative rule, the airfield at TTD is considered equivalent
to other agricultural areas in the state of Oregon. Because wildlife hazard management
practices at TTD require the use of pyrotechnics, the Port holds an Agricultural Fireworks
Permit from the State Fire Marshal (see Section 2.5).
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The Oregon Department of Aviation has developed a guidebook to aid in compatible land
use planning. It contains the means and requirements for local governments and those
interested in Oregon aviation to comply with airport land use compatibility. The guidebook
provides the tools to assist local governments, planners, airport administrators, and citizens
wishing to update the aviation transportation element of their comprehensive plan (Airport
Land Use Compatibility Guidebook, 2003).
The Troutdale Development Code (TDC) Zoning District VECO Overlay’s purpose is to
promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by restricting or prohibiting uses,
activities, or development which is damage-prone or damage-inducing to land or water
quality. This overlay zone requires uses vulnerable to landslides, including public facilities
which serve such uses, to be protected at the time of initial construction and maintain land
and water quality by minimizing erosion and sedimentation, and by restricting or
prohibiting development, excavation, and vegetation removal on vegetation corridors and
slopes associated with primary and secondary protected water features, and on slopes of
25% or greater not directly associated with a protected water feature. Primary water
features include: Title 3 wetlands; rivers, streams (creeks or brooks) and drainages
downstream from the point at which 100 acres or more are drained to that water feature
(regardless of whether it carries year-round flow); streams carrying year-round flow;
springs which feed streams and wetlands and have perennial (year-round) flow; and
natural lakes. Secondary water features include intermittent streams and seeps
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
downstream of the point at which 50 acres are drained and upstream of the point at which
100 acres are drained to that water feature. Slope districts consists of slopes of 25% or
greater that have a horizontal distance of 50 feet or greater in any area of the City.
Activities, including vegetation removal, may be regulated in these areas. Depending on the
VECO feature, buffer width can range from 15 to 200 feet.
Permitted use within VECO (TDC 4.312A(1)) includes any development that must
implement a FAA compliant WHMP on property owned by the Port of Portland or within
10,000 feet of an Aircraft Operating Area, as defined by the FAA, and removal of trees that
interfere with the landing or takeoff flight path of aircraft at the Troutdale Airport or
otherwise interferes with the safe operation of the airport as determined by the Port of
Portland. The removal of trees that interfere with the operation of the Troutdale Airport is
only subject to implementation of either an on-site or off-site mitigation plan in accordance
with the standards of TDC 4.315A(3)(c).
B. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit the firing or discharging
of a weapon by any person:
2. Upon real property constituting the Troutdale Airport and adjacent Troutdale
Reynolds Industrial Park, for the purpose of taking or dispersing wildlife which pose
a risk to aircraft safety, in accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Federal
Aviation Administration authorizations.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
2.5. Permits
The Port shall apply for, obtain and/or renew all necessary federal and state permits
required to control wildlife on, and in the vicinity of, the airfield. Table 2 provides a
summary of the potential federal, state, and local permits that the Port may be required to
obtain prior to implementing wildlife hazard management practices at TTD. Copies of the
current permits issued to the Port for wildlife control can be found in Appendix C.
Section 404, Clean USACE Discharge of dredged or fill material into a water CWA Section 404
Water Act (CWA) of the US. Permit
Migratory Bird Treaty USFWS Take (pursue, hunt, shoot, capture, collect, or kill) Migratory Bird
Act of a migratory bird. Includes depredation and use Depredation
of lethal force. Permit
Removal-Fill Law DSL Removal or fill of materials into waters of the Removal-Fill
state. Permit
OAR 635-43-0000 ODFW Capture or handling of fur bearing mammals; Scientific Taking
threatened or endangered species; game birds or Permit - Salvage
mammals; or wildlife protected under OAR 635-
OAR 837-12-305 Office of State Storage and use of fireworks to scare or repel Agricultural
Fire Marshall birds or animals from the airfield. Fireworks Permit
TDC 4.313 (A) City of Any action listed in subsection 4.312 (A) not Administrative
Troutdale requiring building, plumbing, electrical, or right- Review
of-way permit.
In implementing the WHMP, the Port will continue to consult with the applicable regulatory
and resource agency personnel as appropriate. Since many of the proposed wildlife hazard
management activities represent a continuation of current practices, it is anticipated that
current permits, approvals and authorizations will be renewed. Prior to initiating any new
activities, the Port will secure any required permits or approvals.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
A summary of key mission statements, goals, and Port policies is provided below.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The Port developed an integrated Environmental Management System (EMS) in 2000. The
EMS was developed to enable the Port to effectively manage the full range of complex
environmental issues, both regulatory and non-regulatory, in support of the Port’s
operational mission. The Port’s EMS outlines specific Port policies and procedures that
guide and inform internal Port decision-making in the implementation of the Port mission.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Program Management:
Ensure that aviation wildlife hazard concerns are incorporated into project planning
early in the process.
Review and approve the annual budget for the Aviation Wildlife Management
Participate with local, state, and federal agencies on land use decisions that could
attract wildlife species of concern to properties around the airport.
Actively engage the regulatory agencies, Port staff, and the public in dialog to foster
the management objectives of the program.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Work with the Aviation Wildlife Manager and GA Operation Supervisor to develop
public information and education campaigns on specific issues of public interest or
Serve as the technical area expert for all Port owned aviation facilities (Portland,
Hillsboro, and Troutdale Airports) on wildlife hazard management issues and
regulatory requirements.
Facilitate the response to immediate wildlife concerns on the airfield if needed and
Obtain the permits needed for wildlife control activities, and write the end of the
year reports to renew permits. Coordinate with agency staff regarding permit
Oversee raptor trapping and translocation program. Connect these activities with
other wildlife management activities ongoing at PDX, HIO and TTD.
Analyze wildlife data, seasonally and annually, for identification of significant trends
or new hazards.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Provide briefings to the Natural Resource Manager on TTD WHMP events, projects,
and programs.
Agency Interaction:
When a strike occurs, gather the information needed and submit the strike report to
the FAA National Strike Database.
Serve as the primary Wildlife Hazard Management Program liaison with the FAA.
Act as the Port liaison with wildlife agencies for wildlife incidents that occur outside
of the perimeter fence.
Facilitate the Wildlife Advisory Committee to get input from outside agencies and
interest groups on the Wildlife Hazard Management Program.
Work with the Aviation Wildlife Manager to identify hazards, trends, or new
attractants that need to be addressed.
When a strike occurs, gather and submit the information to PDX Wildlife staff.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Gather information about wildlife activity and respond to wildlife situations on the
airfield when PDX Wildlife staff are not on duty.
Data Management:
Maintain accurate data of wildlife activity, both on the airfield and in adjacent Port-
owned properties. Providing quality assurance of the data in AIRMAN.
Conduct physical inspections and patrols of the airfield, conduct wildlife control
measures, and keep an accurate log of these activities in the AIRMAN database.
Respond to calls from the tower in order to alleviate any wildlife hazards.
During the spring, conduct inspections of the airfield and adjacent properties for
nesting species of concern.
Inspect the airfield during the winter season for areas of temporary standing water.
Annually, provide a map to engineering of problem areas that need drainage
Handle and transport wildlife removed from the airfield to the appropriate
rehabilitation, translocation, or disposal sites.
Screen design features and landscaping plans for wildlife attractants and
recommend modifications that are consistent with this plan.
When a strike occurs, gather and submit the information to the FAA National Strike
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Data Management:
Maintain accurate data of wildlife activity, both on the airfield and in adjacent Port-
owned properties. Providing quality assurance of the data in AIRMAN.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Several management strategies will be used to effectively implement the WHMP. The
management strategies are based on four program components or “pillars” that tie together
to address both the short and long term wildlife and habitat management needs at TTD. All
management actions identified in this chapter are subject to reassessment and validation
through the risk evaluation process and adaptive management.
This formal risk evaluation approach utilized by the Port builds on the body of work of Dr. J.
R. Allan, adapting it to the site-specific issues at TTD. This process is designed to evolve
over time as new information and real world application provide direction.
The potential severity of impact and probability of occurrence is rated as high, medium, or
low for each of the relevant species at the airport and placed in a risk evaluation matrix
(Figure 5). The Port will utilize the findings of the risk evaluation model to prioritize and
assess the effectiveness of different aviation wildlife hazard management strategies.
Included in this assessment will be an examination of potential impacts of proposed
management actions, so that the Port can identify and examine potentially undesirable
effects of its actions prior to implementation.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
Osprey Northern Pintail [Bald Eagle]
Gull spp. Canada Goose [Black-tailed Deer]
Very High
Peregrine Falcon
Moderate American Crow
European Starling
American Coot Swift Barn Owl
Low Short-eared Owl
Killdeer Northern Harrier
[Bracketed species] indicate species that have not been struck at PDX or TTD, but are present in the area, and have a high enough severity
potential to warrant inclusion in the model.
*Coyote--- This species has not been struck by aircraft at TTD but is frequently observed on the movement surface, thus warranting inclusion in
the model.
Source: Allan, J.R. “Birdstrike Assessment Model.” Central Science Laboratory, United Kingdom, 2003.
FAA National Wildlife Strike Database. “Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in the United States 1990 2002.” Washington DC, June 2004
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
For management prioritization the Port has divided the FAA’s 5,000-foot area around the
AOA at TTD into 2 zones: the Primary Zone, and the Secondary Zone. This tiered approach
to wildlife hazard management is based on the premise that the potential risk posed by a
hazard increases with proximity to aircraft operations. A brief description of these 2 zones
follows. Refer to Figures 7 & 8 for a map of these zones.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
on a daily basis, and include private property not directly under the management control of
the Port. Strategies on Port owned property in the Secondary Zone are by necessity less
prescriptive than in the Primary Zone. Early participation in Port land use and management
planning is required to enable integration of aviation concerns. Strategies on non-Port
owned properties within 5,000 feet of the airport are even more indirect, and require a
proactive and ongoing dialog with both private landowners and local/regional planners.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
D – Troutdale Airport
This approach categorizes wildlife hazards and explains the operational strategies for each
area in a comprehensive spatial context for all Port-administered properties in the Primary
and Secondary Zones. It also facilitates the development of management scenarios. The
effort utilizes the best information currently available, based on wildlife observations and
strike data at TTD. These management areas are subject to ongoing assessment and
The TTD Wildlife Attractants Table (Appendix D) also identifies the principal wildlife
habitats present in each management area, expected utilization by wildlife species of
concern, other management constraints and issues associate with the management areas,
and management actions taken to date in these areas.
Within each management area, the risk management techniques and protocols discussed in
Chapter 5 have been integrated into specific management strategies that address the
wildlife hazards unique to each management area. These management strategies are
organized according to four management components or “pillars” that support the Wildlife
Hazard Management program: (1) short-term operational strategies, (2) research and
development projects, (3) long-term management strategies, and (4) information and
educational programs. These program components are interconnected by lateral paths
representing information and technology transfer. A brief description of these 4 program
components or pillars follows.
The first pillar, short-term operational strategies, addresses the need of the moment. This
includes the reactive hazing program intended to clear the airspace of wildlife hazards that
pose an immediate threat to safe aircraft operations. In addition, short-term habitat
manipulations on a relatively small scale are included in this operational category, such as
mowing schedules, tree topping and pruning, netting projects, perching deterrents, and
rodenticide applications.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The Port set a wildlife management program goal to achieve this first pillar, when possible,
in a non-lethal manner by utilizing the full range of technologies available. However,
implicit in this statement is the recognition that it may not always be possible to avoid lethal
control. The WHMP identifies the risk based decision-making process preceding the
implementation of lethal action in section 5.1.8. A basic premise of the lethal action strategy
is that it will target an individual animal and its problematic behavior, rather than a
population. The only current exceptions to this rule are the European starling control
program, and the prey base control strategies for small mammals. The European starling is
an introduced pest that presents a significant hazard to aviation (due primarily to its
flocking behavior and abundance), but also represents an ecological risk as they threaten
native species diversity. Small mammals are found in abundance in the artificially created
and maintained short grass environment of the airfield. They are a primary food source and
attractant for red-tailed hawks and other predatory species. An effective prey base control
strategy is essential in order to reduce the attractiveness of the airfield to red-tailed hawks
and other predatory species.
The second pillar consists of ongoing applied research and development projects to expand
the range of aviation wildlife hazard management strategies, test new hypotheses, and
evaluate new technologies. Due to the adaptive nature of wildlife species of concern, an
effective Wildlife Hazard Management Program requires a high level of flexibility and a
commitment to the principles of adaptive management. The information gained from
ongoing research and development projects provide a scientific base for decisions on how
to best implement both short -term operational strategies and the long-term management
The third program pillar is the development of long-term management strategies, including
habitat modifications and permanent site conversion. These strategies are based on the
premise that both the physical presence of wildlife species of concern on the airfield and the
length of time that they are present, can be diminished by reducing the attractiveness of the
habitat on and around the airport. However, in highly modified environments like airports,
single-focused habitat alterations to discourage one species of concern can often create
enhanced conditions for another. Therefore, effective long-term habitat modifications must
be designed to consider what effect the changes will have across the whole ecological
system. Long-term management strategies may range from physically excluding the target
species permanently from the area (where possible) to habitat modifications such as tree or
wetland removal. Long-term management strategies also include compatible land use
planning during project design and City of Troutdale Land Use Review process for permit
The fourth pillar of the program is the information and education component, which
recognizes that wildlife issues are of widespread interest to both internal and external
groups and individuals. The success of the program is predicated on active cooperation with
a large number of stakeholders as well as an ongoing program to inform and elevate
awareness of wildlife issues at TTD. Outreach opportunities also provide input that helps to
incorporate TTD issues into the larger regional context.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Appendix E contains the Management Areas Tracking Table which provides a summary of
management strategies proposed for TTD. The information in Appendix E is based on the
ongoing and completed management actions well as potential management actions that
may be pursued in the future. The management strategies are organized by management
area, and categorized into one or more of the four pillars described above. In addition,
identified management strategies are also tied to their location within either the Primary or
Secondary Zone at TTD. As described this chapter, the management of wildlife species of
concern and wildlife attractants is driven, in part, by their location in these two areas, which
together define the 5,000-foot separation criteria area at TTD. This tiered approach to
wildlife hazard management is based on the assumption that the potential risk posed by a
hazard increases with its proximity to aircraft operations. A more complete discussion of
the Primary and Secondary Zones, and which management strategies apply to each, are
described in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. As mentioned previously, all management strategies
identified in Appendix E, as well as the need for the zone approach, are reassessed and
validated on an ongoing basis.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
GA airport staff and the Aviation Wildlife Manager will also consider whether an activity is
occurring that may be attracting wildlife hazards to an area, such as mowing, watering,
construction, or farming. Although these activities cannot always be stopped, they can often
be modified or completed at a time of day when the species of wildlife in question is less
active. Many times an awareness of the situation and responding with temporarily
increased hazing efforts is enough to resolve the issue.
If these measures are ineffective, the next step is to consider the option of deterring or
excluding wildlife from the area in question. This can be achieved through the installation of
a variety of products such as netting, bird spikes or fencing. If none of the above options are
effective or feasible, habitat modification will be considered to make the area less attractive
to wildlife species of concern. GA Airport staff and the Aviation Wildlife Manager will
determine what specific habitat is creating the attractant and then develop a range of
possible actions to modify or eliminate that habitat. Caution must be exercised to ensure
that the proposed habitat modification to deter one wildlife hazard does not inadvertently
attract another. Consideration must also be taken for permits that may be required for some
types of habitat modification, such as wetland modification or fill.
If habitat modification is not feasible, GA Airport staff and the Aviation Wildlife Manager
will consider whether the wildlife species in question can be trapped for translocation or
euthanasia. Coordination with the appropriate regulatory agencies is required in these
cases. The “research and development” pillar and the “information and education” pillar
(Section 4.3) also come into play at this stage. Airport staff and the Aviation Wildlife
Manager will contact other airports to see how they may have resolved a similar situation.
Often, the FAA has experience advising airports about wildlife situations and can provide
contacts that have experience with the problem species. Researchers, such as the USDA
National Wildlife Research Center or universities, may be contacted for ideas. Vendors of
wildlife control equipment can be a good source for new equipment that might be used in
specific situations. Even other industries that deal with wildlife control can provide ideas
about methods or equipment that can mitigate a specific situation.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
found to be effective, they will be integrated into the daily operation of the Port’s Wildlife
Hazard Management program.
If all non-lethal methods have been considered and are not effective or feasible, a lethal
action may be considered. An evaluation will be conducted on how the lethal control would
be implemented, who would implement it, and what the determination would be to start
and stop the lethal control. More detail on lethal control is presented in Section 5.1.8.
As the above discussion demonstrates, the integration of the four pillars works to achieve a
successful resolution to any wildlife hazard problem. Information gained from applying
each of the four aspects to a specific wildlife hazard situation is transferred to the other
components. The principles of adaptive management are used to try various options until
an acceptable one is found. The result is the generation of experience and data on the range
of effectiveness of the options available in dealing with a specific wildlife situation, using the
best science and technology available.
In addition, the Port’s BATS procedure was developed to provide early conceptual screening
for a wide range of potential impacts of proposed tenant projects. The wildlife program
utilizes the BATS process to screen project proposals for potential wildlife hazard attractant
features and recommendations are made as appropriate to the planning team.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Once the Aviation Wildlife Manager is made aware of a project, the initial step is to
determine whether the project may pose a hazard. If it is determined that the project would
not pose a potential hazard, the project would move forward. If a potential hazard were
identified, the project would undergo the risk evaluation to determine if the risk due to the
project is acceptable or if project modifications could be incorporated to lower the risk to an
acceptable level.
Port owned Mitigation sites within 5,000 feet are managed by the Port’s Natural Resources
program. Natural Resource staff works with the wildlife program to ensure that the
management of the mitigation sites is compatible with the WHMP. For projects that are not
on Port land within 5,000 feet, wildlife staff work cooperatively with local planning and
zoning staff to screen projects for potential wildlife hazards, primarily stormwater
management and landscaping.
The application of these principles at the operational and program levels provides the
flexibility necessary to respond to changes in environmental conditions, adjust to
unanticipated impacts, and modify management strategies to improve effectiveness. Given
that the Port’s Wildlife program is dealing with living organisms which are adaptive by
nature, and the complexity of ecological inter-relationships involved, this flexibility is
essential to the success of the program. The program has been developed to constantly
monitor success and re-assess strategies informally on an ongoing basis, and to formally
assess overall program effectiveness on an annual basis.
Examples include wildlife surveys, recording hazing results, wildlife trapping and
relocation; also, the monitoring of wildlife strikes, standing water, wetland development,
avian nests, wildlife food sources, wildlife distribution, and habitat use in general, is
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
2. Research and development projects to gather data and field test new equipment and
techniques, and to gain a better understanding of wildlife dynamics as they relate to
3. Habitat modification practices to reduce the attractiveness of lands on and around
the airport to wildlife species of concern; and
Through adaptive management and the risk evaluation process, current wildlife control
measures will periodically be reassessed by PDX Wildlife and TTD Airport staff for efficacy
and correct prioritization. It is expected that these measures will change and be refined
over time as more effective applications and new techniques are identified.
Wildlife hazards that develop on or around the airfield are assessed by Airport staff to
determine the most appropriate control option. A primary key to successful wildlife hazard
management is persistence and innovation on the part of the individuals implementing the
management strategies. Airport staff selects the appropriate control techniques according
to biological, sociologic, economic and political factors. Most common control techniques
retain their effectiveness if they are used infrequently, and in conjunction with other
methods. The control method(s) chosen will depend largely on the situation at hand and the
species involved.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
A variety of wildlife control equipment and resources are currently used to disperse wildlife
attempting to utilize TTD for food, shelter or resting. The type of equipment used in any
given situation will vary depending on the nature of the wildlife threat and the associated
risk. The ultimate goal of all wildlife control equipment is to achieve the most efficient
means of wildlife dispersal.
5.1.2. Vehicles
In order to effectively reach all areas of the airfield, Airport staff vehicles are all wheel drive
capable with the ability to communicate, via radios, with other airport assets including the
Air Traffic Control Tower. In addition, each vehicle is equipped with a variety of hazing tools
including but not necessarily limited to air horns, sirens, pyrotechnic devices, handheld
lasers, and spotlights.
Date/time of occurrence. The time of day is recorded when the wildlife species is initially
Weather. Airport staff records the current weather conditions by tuning the 800 MHz radio
frequency to Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) at 135.625. Temperature,
precipitation, cloud cover, wind speed and wind direction are recorded. If at any time
during each shift the weather changes significantly the weather data is updated to the
current weather conditions.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Grid location. The location where the species was first observed is recorded using a grid
system that is overlaid onto an aerial photograph. When wildlife is observed moving
through multiple grids, the first grid location is always recorded. A set of these aerial
photographs remains in the observer’s truck for easy access while recording wildlife
Species observed. Airport staff record the species observed using the assigned four letter
codes. The codes are listed in AIRMAN under the “Species” pull down menu. More specific
information is collected on raptors to identify individuals that are then classified as resident
or nonresidents. Plumage variation and band numbers are the primary characteristics used
to determine individual birds of the same species. Any species that is not positively
identified will be recorded as “unidentified”. If a species is observed multiple times
throughout the day in the same location and is exhibiting the same behavior, it is to be
recorded as one observation. If a species is observed multiple times throughout the day in
various locations, exhibiting different behavior, or if dispersal techniques are conducted, it
is then recorded as an additional observation.
Number observed. The number of individuals is recorded for each species observed.
When a particular species is exhibiting flocking behavior the total number of individuals in
the flock is estimated. Airport staff are trained to estimate flocking numbers before entering
data into the AIRMAN database.
Behavior. The behavior is intended to capture the conduct of the species when associated
with the attractant (below). The initial behavior of the observed species is recorded. If there
is a notable change in the species behavior during the observation, additional information is
recorded in the “notes” section for the intervention.
Attractant. Assumptions are made by Airport staff regarding what the observed species is
attracted to. These assumptions are based on the behavior of each individual species (e.g.
feeding, breeding, resting/loafing, territorial, etc.). Airport staff undergoes wildlife
behavioral training for species commonly observed at TTD before collecting data for the
AIRMAN database. If the observer is unable to determine the attractant, it is recorded as
“unknown”. A list of attractants and their codes are available in both a hard copy and
electronic format.
Dispersant. When hazing or dispersing wildlife from the airfield, the equipment or method
used is recorded. If multiple dispersants are used, there is an option in the database to
record the primary/secondary dispersants with primary being the most aggressive and
secondary being supportive. The AIRMAN database contains a list of dispersants and their
Result. Airport staff will record the outcome of their hazing attempt. If no dispersal action
is taken it is then recorded as observed.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The techniques and protocols followed for hazing and harassment are expected to change
over time as new information; including direction provided by the risk evaluation process
and through adaptive management, is integrated into the WHMP. Current Port methodology
appropriate for use at TTD is as follows.
Pyrotechnic Devices
TTD currently utilizes three types of pyrotechnic devices to control wildlife on the airfield,
shell launching pistols, 12-gauge shotguns, and propane cannons.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Visual Deterrents
- Green laser
The laser is primarily used to disperse birds that do not react to other hazing methods or
when there is a need to disperse outside of the range of pyrotechnics and cannons. Birds
perceive the laser as a solid threatening object and tend to disperse when the laser beam is
detected. The laser is a handheld unit which is activated from the Wildlife vehicle. Wildlife
staff follows approved FAA protocols when utilizing the laser inside the AOA and off airport
properties. When Wildlife staff identify the need to use the laser they will take precautions
similar to those taken when implementing pyrotechnic dispersals. The laser must be
pointed at the ground and/or other non-reflective surfaces such as dry pavement to
terminate the beam. The laser is most effective in low light conditions.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Paintball Markers
The paintball marker is explicitly used for the hazing and marking wildlife on Port of
Portland aviation property. Only PDX Wildlife staff with specific training is allowed to use it,
and it will only be used for the purpose of hazing and marking wildlife. A protocol for the
use of paintball markers to deter wildlife on aviation property is as follows.
1. Only temporary water soluble paint balls (both colored and clear) are used at TTD
for the purpose of marking or hazing wildlife, and are therefore not subject to the
permit requirements of the USDI Bird Banding Laboratory. Permanent paint balls
are utilized for the marking of mammals for the purpose of documenting individual
2. Before a paintball is discharged, the user will evaluate the location to determine if
there is a potential for FOD from the paintball casing, or a risk of paint marking a
runway, taxiway sign or pavement area. No FOD from paintballs will be allowed to
land on movement areas. No paintballs with colored paint will be shot toward
movement area markings or signage; only clear paint balls will be used under these
3. The user of the paintball marker will consider the distance and species of bird
before firing. An appropriate distance and psi will be used to minimize the potential
of injuries to birds. The user will attempt to hit the bird in the keel or high on the
shoulder. Every attempt will be made to avoid hitting birds in delicate areas. All
birds tagged with the marker will be observed as they fly away to assure that they
have not been harmed. Any bird that appears to be injured will be captured for
treatment at the Audubon Society’s Wildlife Care Center.
5. The paintball marker will be used to discourage wildlife from using the airfield only
after other dispersal techniques (vehicle, siren, horn, cannons, pyrotechnics) have
proven ineffective. Appropriate situations include:
a. Marking a coyote that has been on the airfield to see if it returns. The coyote
should be marked, if possible, during the process of herding it off the airfield.
b. Marking and hazing great blue herons and red-tailed hawks that have grown
accustomed to pyrotechnics and will not leave the area.
c. Marking and hazing flocks of geese that use quiescent ponds or other
adjacent airfield properties to determine if they are residents or migrants.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
2. How to move the bird away from the AOA. If possible, staff will position the vehicle
between the wildlife hazard and the runway or taxiway to push it from a high risk
area to a low risk area.
4. The airfield environmental conditions. In wet conditions, some areas are not
accessible with a vehicle. Alternately, using pyrotechnics in dry conditions can
create a fire hazard.
5. The aircraft in the area and the direction of air traffic. Unless a bird/animal is on the
runway and needs to be moved prior to a departure or landing, the dispersal will
wait until there is a sufficient gap in aircraft movement. Airport staff will monitor
the tower radio and keep a visual on air traffic to avoid moving wildlife species of
concern into the path of landing or departing aircraft.
Airport staff must determine the safest, most effective way to implement pyrotechnic
control of wildlife species of concern. Reactions of birds to pyrotechnics vary by species,
time of year, and numbers present. Generally, the best technique to disperse birds is to get
positioned upwind between the bird(s) and the active runway(s) (birds normally take off
into the wind, turn, and then fly off with the wind when being harassed). Airport staff
should aim away from the runway if FOD is a concern and shoot the pyrotechnic about 45
degrees away from the target, on the opposite side of the desired escape route. Airport staff
should get as close to the bird as possible in order to expedite their departure.
In some situations, birds may circle and move to another part of the airfield or attempt to
return to the same location. In such cases, it is advantageous to have two personnel using
control measures to prevent birds from relocating or returning. If only one person is
available, use of propane cannons in conjunction with the cracker shells can effectively
prevent birds from returning or relocating to another site on the airfield.
Any pyrotechnic FOD should be removed from a runway or taxiway as soon as possible.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
- Coyotes
When dispersing coyotes from the airfield, the acceptable procedure is to guide the coyote
out of an opened perimeter gate or other perimeter access point (e.g., culvert under the
perimeter fence) with vehicles. This may require enlisting assistance from other Airport
staff. Our experience is that aggression towards a coyote makes them more difficult to
control. Anticipating the direction they are likely to go, and providing them an avenue of
escape proves to be an effective technique. Airport staff will coordinate with the Air Traffic
Control tower if the coyote is on the runway, or if access to a movement area is needed to
disperse the coyote away from aircraft activity. In the event that Airport staff are unable to
disperse a coyote and it continues to be a hazard in the AOA, the Aviation Wildlife Manager
will be contacted to discuss further management options.
- Deer
Deer rarely find their way past the security fence and onto the airfield at TTD, and do not
need to be dispersed if they are outside of the airfield security fence. If there is a need to
remove deer from within the security fence, Airport staff may gently coax them to a place
where they can exit the airfield or they will be lethally removed following the Port’s Oregon
Department of Fish & Wildlife permit.
- Mole/Gopher Trapping
Moles and gophers can damage airport facilities by damaging underground electric cables
that power runway lights and by undercutting aircraft movement surfaces by burrowing
under them. These consequences represent indirect hazards to the safe operation of aircraft
at TTD. These species will be removed by direct control measures (e.g., trapping, poison
applications) whenever they become problematic on the airfield.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Communication procedures:
Any access to the movement areas for the purpose of wildlife management will be
coordinated with the Air Traffic Control tower.
2. Upon completion of the wildlife management operation, Airport staff will exit the
movement, safety or critical area by the most direct and safe route. ATC should be
notified when clear.
4. Vehicles will not be allowed to park on any movement area or in the safety area
unless the area is closed or a request is made and permission granted by Air Traffic
Control to park temporarily in a specified location.
Specific guidelines:
Airport staff may access movement, safety or critical areas in the course of wildlife
management operations provided the following requirements are met:
1. Airport staff must have received specific training to implement this procedure.
2. Access to movement, safety or critical areas shall be coordinated with the Air Traffic
Control tower.
3. Airport staff and all associated equipment must be able to clear any area
immediately when instructed by the Air Traffic Control tower.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Red-tailed hawks captured from January through May are primarily released
at sites north of Columbia County, under the assumption that many of the
birds are moving northward. Beginning in June and continuing through
October, the primary release sites for red-tails are west of the Coast Range in
Tillamook County, and in Wasco County near Tygh Valley. Other areas are
used during periods of high activity to better disperse the released birds.
A need for red-tailed hawk nest manipulation has not arisen at TTD. Should a resident red-
tail hawk be identified as nesting on lands adjacent to the airfield, the nest location,
chronology and nesting success may be monitored to determine if a potential aviation risk
exists. Any decision to approve nest manipulation would be handled by the Aviation
Wildlife Manager.
Lethal action on birds is allowed under a MBTA airport depredation permit issued by the
USFWS, and will always be accomplished in accordance with permit guidelines. In any case
where firearms are used to dispatch an animal on the airfield, the lethal action is not
authorized until approved by the General Aviation Manager and the Aviation Wildlife
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Manager. Lethal action using firearms will be conducted solely by PDX Wildlife staff. For
security reasons and in the interests of ensuring that staff is readily identifiable as Port
employees, high visibility vests clearly marked “PDX Wildlife” will be required for any staff
implementing a lethal action against wildlife.
There are three situations that may warrant lethal action against wildlife at TTD. They are:
Each of these situations has a different decision maker, method, and documentation
required. Each will be outlined below.
2. Transport the animal to the Audubon Society of Portland’s Wildlife Care Center.
Method: In this case, euthanasia will be done in the most humane manner possible. In
some situations, it may be appropriate for the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife or
USDA Wildlife Services to be called in to assist.
Documentation: Any action taken will be entered into the AIRMAN database.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
entered the security perimeter of the airfield, and is unresponsive to repeated attempts to
haze it from the airfield. If the animal maneuvers itself into a position that poses an ongoing
danger to air traffic, then lethal force would be an appropriate action. In these types of
cases, lethal force would be focused only on the problem individual rather than as a means
of population control.
Method: The method of lethal removal will be determined by the species encountered.
Wildlife staff may use Port firearms that they have received training on for use in lethal
control. In most situations, a 12-gauge shotgun will be used in accordance with permit
conditions. Only PDX Wildlife staff that have completed firearms training and are proficient
in its use will be authorized to use lethal control with this equipment. In some situations, it
may be appropriate for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife or USDA Wildlife
Services to be called in to assist. Personnel responding to this situation will always consider
the safety of staff involved, and protection of airfield resources such as signs, buildings, and
Documentation: After the ongoing threat has been resolved, the PDX Wildlife staff
member will record the action in AIRMAN.
Decision Maker: General Aviation Manager & Aviation Wildlife Manager. The decision to
begin a new lethal control program against a species of wildlife will be determined by the
General Aviation Manager and the Aviation Wildlife Manager.
Method: In situations where lethal control is used as a population control measure, the
method will be determined by the species involved. Every effort will be made to use a
method that is humane, does not place undue stress on the animal, does not endanger non-
target wildlife, and does not create any other environmental concerns.
1. The presence or behavior of the target wildlife species has posed a significant
ongoing concern for aviation safety.
2. All methods of hazing or harassment have been tried and repeated with ineffective
or limited results.
3. All reasonable means of habitat and/or behavior modification have been exhausted.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
All findings shall be in writing and evaluated on at least an annual basis. An emphasis shall
be placed on the identification and implementation of actions that can be taken to avoid the
need to use lethal actions in the future.
European Starling Trapping Protocol
Box traps with a funnel opening sized to that of a starling will be used to minimize the
capture of non-target species. Traps will be baited with corn chips. Other equipment needed
for the trapping effort includes a CO2 canister, garbage bags and an evacuation tube. While
the traps are active, birds will be provided with food, water, and shelter from the weather.
The Port will make every attempt to provide humane conditions for birds in traps.
Euthanasia Protocol
2. When removing starlings from the traps, a garbage bag will be placed on the end of
the evacuation tube and starlings will be hazed into the garbage bag through the
evacuation tube. Some starlings may be left in the traps to lure other birds in.
3. When all of the birds are in the garbage bag at the bottom of the evacuation tube, the
extra air will be removed from the bag which will then be filled with CO2 sufficient
enough to ensure a quick expiration.
4. After each trap is serviced, the number of starlings euthanized will be recorded in
the AIRMAN database.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
TTD, thereby reducing the probability of a wildlife strike. Habitat modifications will be
carefully planned and closely monitored to ensure that they are effective in reducing
wildlife hazards and do not create new wildlife problems.
Knowledge gained from the Port’s risk evaluation process and through adaptive
management will be used to inform future decisions regarding habitat modification at TTD.
Any recommended changes to habitat management at TTD will be incorporated into future
updates of the WHMP.
The Port owns much of the Secondary Zone that borders TTD. These areas may be managed
by Port staff or by various leaseholders as authorized by the Port. If a wildlife attractant
determined to pose an unacceptable risk is identified on Port-owned lands in the Secondary
Zone, the General Aviation Manager and the Aviation Wildlife Manager will meet to discuss
modifications to habitats and/or land uses, or to consider wildlife control efforts. The
General Aviation Manager and the Aviation Wildlife Manager will also consult whenever
modifications or new land uses are proposed for Port-owned lands adjacent to TTD to
ensure that new attractants for wildlife species of concern are not created.
If a wildlife hazard identified in either the Primary or Secondary Zone involves lands under
lease, the lessee will be included in discussions to resolve the wildlife hazard.
Within this context, the Port will discourage land use practices that are known attractants of
wildlife species of concern on non-Port lands in the Secondary Zone, consistent with FAA AC
150/5200-33B. The risk evaluation process will be used to assess whether the level of risk
expected from actions in the Secondary Zone would be acceptable. The General Aviation
Manager, Aviation Wildlife Manager and other Port staff will participate with local, state and
federal agencies on land-use decisions that could possibly increase the attractiveness of the
properties surrounding the airport to wildlife species of concern. Proposed land use
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
projects that will likely increase populations of species of concern, or their activity within
aircraft flight zones, will be discouraged. The FAA Regional Airport Division provides
technical guidance to airport operators, and local/state governments, in addressing land
use compatibility issues. Guidance on incompatible land uses near airports can be found in
FAA AC 150/5200-33B (Appendix B).
The paragraphs below describe some of the Port’s strategies for managing potential wildlife
hazards on non-Port owned properties in the Secondary Zone. More detail can also be found
in Section 5.4, WHMP Information and Education. Knowledge gained from the Port’s risk
evaluation process and through adaptive management will be used to inform future
decisions regarding land uses in the Secondary Zone.
Private Lands: There are adjacent properties owned by private landowners that are used
for commercial and industrial activities. Should significant wildlife issues be identified on
these lands, the Port would approach the landowner and explain the association between
the wildlife issue on their land and the WHMP. If needed, the Port would use the guidance in
the Advisory Circular 150/5200-33B and ask for support from the FAA to encourage the
landowner to modify any land use or practice found to pose an unacceptable risk to safe
aircraft operations. The Port’s Community Affairs Department would assist in these
outreach efforts.
Proposed New Land Uses: The Port uses the guidance in FAA AC 150/5200-33B, and its
technical experience, to determine whether a proposed land use may result in a wildlife
hazard that is incompatible with safe aircraft operations. If a new land use were proposed
that is not recommended by the FAA, the Port would evaluate this land use using the
accepted forums.
The Port of Portland will work with the City of Troutdale on proposed land use changes that
may be in conflict with safe aircraft operations, such as landscaping requirements, the
location of wetland mitigation sites or stormwater management sites in the Secondary
Zone. The Port’s Planning & Development, and Aviation Planning departments are often
involved in land use decisions, and coordinate with the City of Troutdale, Aviation Wildlife
Manager to ensure that no new wildlife attractants with unacceptable risk are planned for
adjacent properties.
The movement of wildlife species of concern between adjacent lands and aircraft flight
paths, and how wildlife use specific areas is a complex issue. There may be times that it is
beneficial to have an area that draws wildlife species of concern away from the airfield. This
must be balanced with the potential hazard of having an area near TTD that is attractive to
wildlife species of concern. The decisions about habitat modifications or land uses must be
made using the best science, expertise, and risk model data available to ensure that no new
attractants that pose an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations are located near the
perimeter of the TTD airfield.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Jurisdictional wetlands and other waters of the U.S. that lie on Port lands within the
Secondary Zone will be monitored as potential attractants for wildlife species of concern. If
use of these sites by wildlife species of concern is documented, and this use contributes to
an increased presence of wildlife species of concern in the Primary Zone, a risk evaluation
will be conducted to determine the level of risk and inform future decisions regarding
appropriate actions to eliminate or minimize the hazard, when warranted. Actions may
range from seeking a permit to fill the wetland or waters of the U.S. to modifying the
wetland to make it less attractive to wildlife species of concern (e.g., vegetation
modification, installation of netting). The Port will take appropriate actions to prevent new
jurisdictional wetlands or other waters of the U.S. from developing on Port-owned lands
within the Secondary Zone, unless the risk evaluation indicates the level of risk incurred
would be acceptable.
Non-jurisdictional areas of standing water and poor drainage on Port-owned lands in the
Secondary Zone will be monitored as potential attractants for wildlife hazards. If use of
these sites by wildlife hazards is documented, and this use contributes to an increased
presence of wildlife hazards in the Primary Zone, a risk evaluation will be conducted to
determine the level of risk and inform future decisions regarding appropriate actions to
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
eliminate or minimize the drainage problem (e.g., grading, improved drainage facilities),
when warranted.
The following protocol has been developed to manage non-jurisdictional “wet areas” on
Port-owned lands at TTD so they do not develop into jurisdictional wetlands at a future
1. Airport staff and the PDX Wildlife staff are responsible for inspecting TTD
properties and identifying and tracking areas that have the potential of forming
jurisdictional wetlands.
2. If Airport staff and the Aviation Wildlife Manager identify an area that has the
potential to become a jurisdictional wetland, and through verification the area has
not become a jurisdictional wetland, an action request to resolve the drainage
problem will be submitted.
3. If TTD does not have the resources to eliminate the wet area (i.e., the drainage
problem cannot be resolved through surface grading), the General Aviation Manager
will evaluate the area of concern in consultation with the Aviation Wildlife Manager
to determine if involvement by the Planning and Development Department is
4. The General Aviation Manager will take necessary actions through the engineering
process or hiring a contractor to resolve the drainage problem. The General Aviation
Manager will determine the funding source.
5. The Aviation Natural Resource program will communicate any potential projects to
the Airfield Planning Group who will attempt to combine mitigation measures with
already scheduled airfield projects.
Oregon Revised Statute, ORS 836.623: “The following requirements and conditions shall
apply to safety risks associated with potential bird strike hazards resulting from new water
impoundments proposed in close proximity to an airport. No new water impoundments of
one-quarter acre or larger shall be allowed within an approach corridor and within 5,000
feet from the end of a runway; or on land owned by the airport or airport sponsor where
the land is necessary for airport operations.”
Advisory Circular, AC 150/5200-33B, Section 2-3.b: “Storm water detention ponds should
be designed, engineered, constructed, and maintained for a maximum 48–hour detention
period after the design storm and remain completely dry between storms. To facilitate the
control of hazardous wildlife, the FAA recommends the use of steep-sided, rip-rap lined,
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
narrow, linearly shaped water detention basins. When it is not possible to place these ponds
away from an airport’s AOA, airport operators should use physical barriers, such as bird
balls, wire grids, pillows, or netting, to prevent access of hazardous wildlife to open water
and minimize aircraft-wildlife interactions. When physical barriers are used, airport
operators must evaluate their use and ensure they will not adversely affect water rescue.
All vegetation in or around detention basins that provide food or cover for wildlife that are
a risk to aviation should be eliminated. If soil conditions and other requirements allow, the
FAA encourages the use of underground storm water infiltration systems, such as French
drains or buried rock fields, because they are less attractive to wildlife.”
If, despite these guidelines, any new stormwater detention structure attracts wildlife
species of concern, a risk evaluation will be performed to determine if additional
modifications are necessary.
Any new water features proposed for the Primary Zone, or on Port-owned land in the
Secondary Zone, will be assessed for their potential to attract wildlife species of concern.
Either appropriate design criteria will be incorporated to minimize the hazard, or the water
feature will be eliminated unless it can be demonstrated that the water feature would not
present an unacceptable risk to the safe operation of aircraft.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Because landscaping at an airport has the potential to create wildlife attractant issues the
FAA has issued Advisory Circulars that address a variety of landscaping concerns. An FAA
Advisory Circular (AC) is guidance that should be adhered to by all airports that receive
federal funding.
FAA AC 150/5200-33B provides guidance on certain land uses that have the potential to
attract hazardous wildlife on or near public-use airports. Section 2-8 of this AC states:
“There may be circumstances where two (or more) different land uses that would
not, by themselves, be considered hazardous wildlife attractants….are in such an
alignment with the airport as to create a wildlife corridor directly through the
airport and/or surrounding airspace….therefore, airport operators and the wildlife
damage management biologist must consider the entire surrounding landscape and
Additionally, the 2005 Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports Manual, written
jointly by the FAA and USDA specifically states:
“Do not use trees and other landscaping plants for the street side of airports that
produce fruits or seeds attractive to birds. Avoid plants that produce fruits and
seeds desired by birds. Also avoid the creation of areas of dense cover for roosting,
especially by European starlings and blackbirds. Thinning the canopy of trees, or
selectively removing trees to increase their spacing, can help eliminate bird roosts
that form in trees on airports.”
In support of this guidance the Port has developed a set of landscaping design standards for
use within the Primary and Secondary Zones (Figures 7 & 8) that address plant species and
planting standards for spacing of trees and shrubs within the built environment at TTD. A
list of trees, shrubs, and groundcover for vegetation is comprised of species screened by
Port’s Wildlife staff for general wildlife attractant features such as fruit, berries, height,
density, branching structure, crown shape, planting density and arrangement, and location
relative to the Primary Zone and significant habitat features (see Appendix F, List of
Approved TTD Plants). This landscaping list is a refinement of the list developed for the
2009 PDX WHMP. The list is subject to revision whenever new candidate plants are
submitted for variance granted they meet the screening criteria and are accepted by all
members of the Port’s landscaping review team. The process for receiving a variance to the
TTD Approved Plant List entails completing the TTD Plant List Variance Request Form (see
Appendix G). Specific instructions for receiving a variance to the TTD Approved Plant List
are included on the form. Variances to the TTD Approved Plant List will only be granted in
instances where it can be proven that circumstances prohibit use of species found on the
TTD Approved Plant List
The TTD landscaping standards within each zone are described below. For the purpose of
these guidelines please reference the following definitions of trees and shrubs taken from
the Utah State University Agricultural Extension Office. A plant will be defined as a tree
based on having the characteristics of being a woody plant having one erect perennial stem
(trunk) at least 3 inches in diameter at a height of 4 ½ feet above the ground, a definitely
formed crown of foliage, and a mature height of at least 13 feet. A plant will be considered a
shrub if it is a woody plant with several perennial stems that may be erect or may lay close
to the ground, usually having a mature height less than 13 feet and stems no more than
around 3 inches in diameter.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Primary Zone
All landscape management within the Primary Zone will be driven by the operational and
safety needs of the Airport. TTD landscaping standards for the Primary Zone are proposed
as follows:
Existing Landscaping
Existing trees, shrubs, and other landscaping will be assessed. Any landscaping that
is documented to pose a significant wildlife hazard to safe aircraft operations will be
immediately removed.
New Landscaping
1. Each new landscaping project within the Primary Zone will be reviewed by the
Aviation Wildlife Manager and other assigned Port staff before landscaping designs
are finalized.
2. Landscaped areas within the Primary Zone, including tenant landscaping, will only
include shrubs and groundcover. No new trees will be allowed. Species of vegetation
must be represented on the Port’s Primary Zone Plant Species list (see Appendix F),
or be demonstrated to meet the wildlife attractant screening criteria prior to
planting. Design of the landscaping must also comply with the standards outlined in
this document.
3. Trees that penetrate 14 CFR Part 77 Transitional Surfaces, and are demonstrated as
contributing to hazardous wildlife conditions, will be removed rather than topped.
Topping of trees creates an attractive platform for raptor nests, exacerbating bird
strike potential.
4. No shrubs will be allowed within ten (10) feet of the airfield perimeter fence. This
requirement addresses security concerns as well as vertical structure and wildlife
Secondary Zone
Landscaping in the Secondary Zone should not create habitats attractive for wildlife species
of concern. Therefore, the goal of landscaping in this zone is to provide a visually pleasing
landscape that does not constitute an unacceptable wildlife risk to aircraft operations. All
landscape management within the Secondary Zone will consider the operational and safety
needs of the Airport. Landscaping Standards for Port-owned lands in the Secondary Zone
around TTD are proposed as follows:
Existing Landscaping
Existing trees, shrubs, and other landscaping will be assessed. If any landscaping is
documented to pose a significant wildlife hazard to safe aircraft operations,
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
4. Trees approved for planting should have varied canopy types and varied heights,
both at time of planting and at maturity. This will discourage homogeneity, which
attracts starlings (a wildlife species of concern) due to its increased thermal cover
and protection from predation. No uniform, even, or continuous canopies will be
allowed. In addition, trees will be planted in a manner such that there are no more
than 20% evergreen trees per project.
5. Selection of shrubs should be a mix of deciduous and coniferous species with no
more than 50% evergreen species planted to avoid continuous blocks of evergreen
cover. Selection will be based on species that do not exceed a height of 13 feet at
maturity. Shrubs will be planted 10 feet away from all trees (Figure 11).
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
6. Tree species selected should tend toward columnar shapes, which have a vertical
branching structure that minimizes perching and nesting opportunities for birds
(Figures 12 and 13).
8. If, despite following the above guidelines, any landscaped area is documented to be
a safety, security or wildlife hazard attractant, it will be managed using appropriate
techniques such as pruning, thinning, or selective removal. No planting of new trees
will be permitted in areas with documented hazards. Trees removed as documented
hazards may be replaced with approved shrub species at densities meeting the TTD
Landscaping Standards.
Grass Management
Grass is the primary ground cover currently used in undeveloped infield areas inside the
Primary Zone. This ground cover is generally preferable to paving because it visually
defines the AOA for approaching aircraft, is more economical to maintain over time, and it
provides a pervious surface for stormwater management. Unfortunately, this maintained
short-grass cover also provides suitable habitat for small mammals that are a primary food
source for raptors (e.g., red-tailed hawk). If the Port’s risk evaluation efforts indicate that
grass cover represents an unacceptable risk to safe aircraft operations by providing habitat
to wildlife species of concern, other alternate ground cover mixes will be considered.
Unnecessary and unwanted weeds and brush (e.g., Himalayan blackberry) are removed
from all areas within the Primary Zone. Noxious vegetation found on the Secondary Zone
may be sprayed with an herbicide type agent, and/or physically removed.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Grass Type
The type of grass currently planted and maintained in the Primary Zone, and over much of
the Port-owned land in the Secondary Zone, is a low-maintenance endophyte enhanced tall
fescue seed mix. This grass mix grows very well under the normal climatic conditions of the
region. Any future changes to this seed mix shall be reviewed for its palatability to wildlife
species of concern and/or their prey before being used.
Seed mix shall be a three-way blend of endophyte enhanced dwarf turf type tall fescue
meeting the following criteria:
a. Obtain the PLS factor by multiplying the seed label germination percentage
with the seed label purity percentage;
Seeding shall be performed during the period between September 1 and October 15, unless
otherwise approved or directed by the Port. After October 15th an additional 30% of Annual
Rye by weight, may be used as an erosion control BMP. Perennial Rye grass is not approved
for use at TTD.
Grass Height
Much research has been conducted on the optimum grass height to deter birds that pose a
hazard to aircraft. Since different bird species prefer different grass heights, there appears
to be no single grass height that is effective at deterring all wildlife species. Most studies
show that a compromise of 7 to 12 inches works best at deterring both small and large bird
species. The Aviation Wildlife Manager will continue to follow the most recent grass height
studies to determine the best grass height to deter wildlife species of concern at TTD.
During the growing season (April – October), grass mowing is conducted regularly in the
Primary Zone during daylight hours to maintain grass at the heights recommended to deter
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
wildlife species of concern. However, mowing itself can serve as an attractant for several
species of birds considered to be wildlife species of concern (e.g., Red-tailed hawk,
American Crow, gulls) because food sources such as insects, seeds and small mammals
become more readily available during and immediately after cutting. If mowing contributes
to an increase in activity and abundance of wildlife species of concern, hazing and
harassment efforts will be increased to disperse wildlife and eliminate or minimize the
Grass mowing on Port-owned lands within the Secondary Zone occurs once per year during
mid-summer. Whenever mowing contributes to an increase in activity and abundance of
wildlife species of concern in the Primary Zone, hazing and harassment efforts will be
increased to eliminate or minimize the hazard.
Mowing can also interact with bird life history patterns to temporarily increase use of the
airfield by birds of concern. Many factors influence how airfield mowing affects wildlife
activity on and around the airfield. If the initiation of spring mowing coincides with the peak
of spring migration in a given year, numbers of bird species of concern foraging on the
airfield can spike dramatically. The thatch that remains after mowing also influences small
mammal populations, major prey for red-tailed hawks, in ways not yet clearly understood.
The Aviation Wildlife Manager will continue to investigate the dynamic relationship
between use of the airfield by wildlife species of concern and grass mowing. Flexibility will
be introduced into the mowing program so that the timing of, location of and types of
equipment used in mowing can be adjusted to develop mowing prescriptions that reduce
the attractiveness of the airfield to wildlife species of concern.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Existing Structures
All existing structures located in the Primary Zone will be periodically monitored as
potential attractants to wildlife species of concern. If use of structures by wildlife species of
concern is documented, and this use is determined to represent a potential hazard to
aircraft, a risk evaluation will be conducted to inform future decisions regarding
appropriate actions to eliminate or minimize the hazard. Actions may range from the
installation of features that deter wildlife from using existing structures (e.g., netting,
fencing, spikes) to design modifications that make structures less attractive to wildlife
species of concern.
Existing structures that lie on Port-owned land in the Secondary Zone will be monitored as
potential attractants to wildlife species of concern. If use of these sites by wildlife species of
concern is documented, and this use contributes to an increased presence of wildlife species
of concern in the Primary Zone, a risk evaluation will be conducted to inform future
decisions regarding appropriate actions to eliminate or minimize the hazard.
New Structures
Any new structures proposed for the Primary Zone, or on Port-owned land in the Secondary
Zone, will be assessed for their potential to attract wildlife species of concern during the
initial design phase for the project. Architectural plans will be reviewed, and appropriate
design modifications will be incorporated into the structure to eliminate or minimize the
potential attractiveness to wildlife.
Some buildings on the airfield were unintentionally designed with features attractive to
wildlife species of concern. As these buildings are identified, and the source of the
architectural attractiveness is identified, steps shall be implemented to modify the building
to decrease or eliminate the attractive features.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Sliwinski (1995) and Transport Canada Environment and Support Services (1994) identify
common design features attractive to certain species of wildlife that should be avoided.
These include:
2. Overhanging roof ledges, external roof support structures and architectural details
that provide nesting and roosting sites for birds. Sloping the ledges around a
building to an angle greater than 45 degrees can limit the attractiveness for nesting
and roosting.
3. Large buildings such as airport hangars that provide many places for wildlife to nest
or roost. Often hangars have many holes and openings that birds may use to gain
entrance. Blocking or covering all holes and vents is effective in restricting access by
birds. Blocking or covering all drains can also prevent rodents from becoming a
problem inside a building.
4. Excessive numbers of antennae, towers or overhead wires that provide perch sites
for birds.
Abandoned Structures
Structures within the Primary Zone not pertinent to airport operations, and no longer in
use, should be removed if they pose an unacceptable risk. This includes abandoned sheds,
barns, machinery and poles. These unused structures may be attractive to small mammals
and birds, which in turn may attract wildlife species of concern (e.g., red-tailed hawks).
Abandoned structures in the Secondary Zone will be surveyed to determine whether they
are being used by wildlife species of concern, and whether this use poses an unacceptable
Airfield Structures
Airfield structures such as runway and taxiway signs, light poles, navigation aids and radar
reflectors are often used as hunting and loafing perches for raptors and other birds. If it is
determined that these structures are serving as attractants to wildlife species of concern,
retrofitting these structures with bird exclusion devices will be evaluated.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The Port has designed an animal deterrent fence to aid in preventing problem mammals
from accessing the PDX airport. The permanent, 8-foot high chain link fence includes a 4-
foot apron of chain link fence buried at a 45° angle at its base. This apron, which is tied into
the vertical fence, is a very effective device for excluding a variety of medium-sized animals
that attempt to access the airfield by digging under the perimeter fence (e.g., coyote). Design
drawings and specifications for the animal deterrent fencing are presented in Appendix H.
The PDX animal deterrent fencing design has been shared with many other airports that
have problems with mammals accessing the airfield. The FAA has endorsed the design and
is considering it for inclusion in an Advisory Circular.
To be effective, the animal deterrent fencing must be coupled with gates and culverts that
also prevent access by large and medium-sized animals. Existing problem gates can usually
be retrofitted to accomplish this goal. Retrofitting typically involves reducing gaps around a
closed gate to less than 4 inches to limit the opportunity for wildlife to squeeze under or
between the gates. This is usually accomplished by lowering the existing gate to reduce the
space between the bottom of the gate and the surface of the ground, raising the ground
surface by adding asphalt (e.g., speed bump) when lowering the gate is impractical, and/or
attaching metal flashing to the bottom and edges of gates.
- Culvert Exclusion
In order to prevent medium-sized animals such as coyotes and raccoons from accessing the
airfield by way of culverts, metal grates should be placed at the terminal ends of each
culvert that passes under the perimeter fence. The ideal gap size in the grates is 1.5 inches.
This will allow water to flow through the culvert while excluding animals. If cost is a
limiting factor, the priority should be to grate the culvert opening on the inside of the
perimeter fence.
- Bird netting
Small gauge netting is an ideal material for permanent exclusion of birds from buildings and
overhangs that are attractive for nesting and roosting. Although this method of control can
be expensive, the target bird species is permanently excluded from the area. This type of
installation has proven to be very effective in preventing birds from nesting in the eaves of
many buildings located around PDX. Small gauge netting may be appropriate at TTD if
nesting and roosting by birds becomes problematic.
There are currently no storm water detention or retention ponds on the TTD airfield that
could serve as attractants to wildlife species of concern. Should such open water features be
required in the future, they should be covered with small gauge netting structures to
effectively exclude birds. Netting should be designed to go all the way to the ground to
prevent some birds from walking under the net to access the water.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
- Anti-perch Devices
Airfield signs, posts, navigation aids and other structures provide attractive perch posts for
birds in close proximity to runways and taxiways. Anti-perching devices mounted on these
structures can be an effective way of deterring use of these perch posts by birds. If it is
determined that these structures at TTD are serving as attractants to wildlife species of
concern, retrofitting these structures with anti-perching devices will be evaluated.
Wildlife food source management at TTD is primarily an action targeted at the Primary
Zone due to its proximity to the airfield. Whenever wildlife food sources in the Primary
Zone are documented to attract wildlife species of concern, a risk evaluation will be
conducted to inform future decisions regarding appropriate actions to eliminate or
minimize the hazard. Options could range from increased hazing or trapping of wildlife
species of concern until the availability of the food source naturally declines, to the physical
removal of the attractive food source, or to the implementation of proactive control
measures to reduce the abundance or attractiveness of the food source.
At times, wildlife food sources located in the Secondary Zone may contribute to the
increased presence of wildlife species of concern in the Primary Zone. For example,
attractive food sources in the Secondary Zone may result in regular flyovers of the airfield
by bird species of concern as they move between food sources and other important
components of their home range (e.g., roosts, nest sites, other feeding areas). Whenever
these circumstances are documented, the risk evaluation process will be employed to
evaluate the level of risk posed to safe aircraft operations and guide management decisions.
Such a process must, by necessity, include the influence of adjacent non-Port owned
properties in the evaluation. If warranted, actions similar to those proposed for the Primary
Zone could be taken to reduce or eliminate food source hazards on Port-owned lands in the
Secondary Zone.
Insects are an important food source for many species of wildlife. Whenever insect
abundance is unusually high because of climatic conditions, reproductive cycles or other
events, wildlife species may congregate to exploit this food resource. For example, American
kestrels have been observed to target the grasshopper hatch at PDX during late summer. If
insects are determined to be an unacceptable attractant of wildlife species of concern at
TTD, then an appropriate action should be taken to reduce population abundance. The State
Agricultural Department or Extension Agent can help select appropriate control methods
for insects, consistent with the Port’s risk analysis, should this action be deemed necessary.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Earthworms are very attractive to bird species of concern at TTD when heavy rains bring
large numbers of them to the surface. For example, gulls have been documented to feed
opportunistically on earthworms at TTD during wet spring weather. If earthworms at TTD
are determined to be an unacceptable attractant of wildlife species of concern, then an
appropriate pesticide could be applied to reduce population abundance. Again, the State
Agricultural Department or Extension Agent can help select an appropriate pesticide for
control, consistent with the Port’s risk analysis.
Small Mammals
Small mammals appear to be primary attractants of red-tailed hawks and other predatory
wildlife species at TTD. The primary means for population control of small mammals is the
removal or modification of the habitat that supports their populations and by the
application of commercially available rodenticides on an annual basis. These control
measures are focused within the TTD Primary Zone as a means of controlling the hunting
behavior of predators that feed upon this source of food.
The Port annually controls rodent populations within the fenced perimeter of TTD using the
rodenticide zinc phosphide. The rodenticide is broadcast as grain bait laced with 2% zinc
phosphide at a rate of 6 pounds per acre, usually in late summer. Zinc phosphide is highly
toxic to birds and mammals, reacting with moisture and acid in the gastrointestinal tract of
poisoned animals to produce deadly phosphine gas (Johnson and Fagerstone 1994). Death
usually results from asphyxia. Both primary and secondary poisoning of non-target species
may occur through either the consumption of treated baits or from consumption of
poisoned animals (Johnson and Fagerstone 1994). Since zinc phosphide does not
accumulate in a significant manner in the tissue of poisoned animals, secondary toxicity
results from any remaining undigested bait in the gastrointestinal tract of individual prey.
Following the distribution of laced bait, Airport staff should intensify monitoring and
wildlife hazing efforts for a time period sufficient for the chemical degradation of zinc
phosphide (about 1 month). This effort would minimize the potential poisoning risk to non-
target species, such as raptors, from the rodent control.
Small mammals can be difficult to trap, and there are no easy or long-term solutions for
population control. Usually, an integrated control strategy using multiple methods works
best (trapping, poisoning, habitat modification, exclusion). If current rodent control
methods prove ineffective at TTD, refer to the recommendations provided by USDA/APHIS
Wildlife Services (Witmer 2003) for rodent population control at PDX for application to
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
of the attractiveness and the risk posed. If the attractant is linked to trash and debris,
corrective measures to reduce the refuse will be instituted. These could include increasing
the frequency of trash collection, adding additional or modified trash receptacles, and/or
signage to educate the public on the importance of proper trash disposal in these areas.
Food Handouts
Members of the public and airport employees are discouraged from feeding wildlife at TTD.
If a situation develops where animals are given handouts of food, the problem will be
discussed with the person(s) involved so that it can be discontinued. If warranted,
educational materials will be prepared and distributed to individuals or groups informing
them of the prohibition of and the potential hazards associated with feeding wildlife at the
airport. Where necessary, signs will be posted to educate the public on the association
between feeding animals and creating wildlife hazards at the airport, and asking that
individuals refrain from feeding any wildlife near the airport.
Only those pesticides registered through the EPA and the DEQ are considered for usage at
TTD. These registered pesticides are available through private pesticide companies, the
State Agriculture Office or USDA Animal Damage Control. Pesticides are used for a variety of
reasons such as weed, insect, earthworm and rodent control. Pesticides kept on hand are
limited by shelf life and are ordered on an as-needed basis. Insect and rodent control in and
around airport buildings may be contracted to outside companies with licensed applicators.
All legal requirements for pesticide storage, handling and application will be followed.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
In addition to this, there are many ways in which the issues of the Wildlife Hazard
Management program are communicated to the larger Port audience. Briefings are provided
to departmental staff meetings as needed. Presentations are made to Manager’s Forums,
management teams, and the Environmental Quarterly Meetings. New employees are given
an overview of the program by Port staff on their initial Port tour. Members of various
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
departments are encouraged see the program first hand, as appropriate. Displays are set up
in Port facilities to illustrate Wildlife Hazard Management program issues. Internal
publications, such as “Currents,” “PDXaminer” and “Portsmouth” are communication tools
that provide updates on specific projects or milestones of the program. Staff can also learn
about the program when they bring their children to “Bring your Child to Work Day” or at
interactive displays set up for special occasions.
The Wildlife Hazard Management program is greatly assisted by Port staff that learn about
the program, remain current on the issues, and who can connect their specific job function
to areas of interaction with the program.
When new issues arise with the WHMP, members of regulatory agencies are invited to take
a field tour with Airport staff so they can see the issue first hand and provide their
perspective. This allows Port staff to receive advice, and agency representatives to
understand current WHMP issues.
Adjacent Landowners
The Port recognizes that adjacent landowners can have an effect on the Wildlife Hazard
Management program, either positive or negative. How the land is used and what
attractants are present there, will affect the species of wildlife that are found on and around
the airfield. In addition, any wildlife management practices employed on adjacent
properties can push wildlife toward TTD.
The Port meets with adjacent landowners whenever concerns arise about wildlife
management practices that may exacerbate the strike hazard at TTD. Private land owners
may be contacted if they have an attractant of concern on their property. If land use
practices are proposed for adjacent lands that are in conflict with safe aircraft operations, as
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
outlined in FAA AC 150/5200-33B, the Port will meet with the property owner to
recommend that the proposed land use change not occur. If necessary, the Port will ask the
FAA to support these efforts. In order to achieve compatible land-use planning in the
airport environment, a collaborative review of the local land-use is needed to be conducted
by the Port, City of Troutdale, Clean Water Services, and the FAA.
The Oregon Department of Aviation, Board of Aeronautics, is an active member of the PDX
Wildlife Advisory Committee. The Wildlife Advisory Committee is a group started by the
Port in 1996 to provide a forum to discuss Wildlife Hazard Management program issues
pertinent to PDX with regulatory agencies, interest groups, and the public. This allows the
Port to hear of proposed land use changes that may be in conflict with safe aircraft
operations, such as the location of wetland mitigation sites or wastewater treatment plants.
In addition, the Port’s Planning and Development and Aviation Planning departments are
often involved in land use decisions, and will coordinate with the General Aviation Manager
and the Aviation Wildlife Manager to ensure that no new wildlife attractants are planned for
adjacent properties, whether they are Port-owned or privately owned.
General Public
There is a strong interest in wildlife issues in the Portland metropolitan area and in the
Pacific Northwest. The Port promotes opportunities to provide the public with consistent
messages and accurate information about the Wildlife Hazard Management program. This is
done through the Port’s Public Affairs Department. Public Affairs looks for opportunities to
disseminate information to the public, and also responds to requests from the media for
The Port’s public web site, www.portofportland.com, also has a web page to give an
overview of the program and provide an update on current issues.
The Port participates in many public outreach opportunities, such as having a booth at an
Earth Day fair, that provide the public with an overview of the Port’s Wildlife Hazard
Management program. Port staff uses these opportunities to discuss the program with the
public and provide consistent messages.
Transfer of Technology
Some of the technology used for airport wildlife management is very specific to the
industry. The PDX Aviation Wildlife Manager has developed a strong network of contacts at
other airports that share information about their programs, equipment, and techniques. The
Port actively disseminates information and technology gained through implementation of
the Wildlife Habitat Management program with the aviation/bird strike community and
other interested parties through ongoing dialogue, professional conferences, newsletters
and other appropriate avenues.
Many of these contacts have been established through meetings of the Bird Strike
Committee USA / Canada, the International Bird Strike Committee, and the American
Association of Airport Executives. Members of the Port staff will continue to attend these
conferences to expand their network of airports, researchers, vendors, and experts in the
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The Port has also taken advantage of opportunities to host conferences or technical training
sessions that facilitate meaningful dialog with federal and state wildlife management
agencies. Airport staff are also encouraged to participate in inter-agency training
opportunities, like the Vertebrate Pest Control Seminar, or the “West Nile Virus Workshop.”
The Port subscribes to a variety of journals and newsletters to receive current information
about wildlife control at airports.
Some of the technology that can be used for wildlife management comes from other
industries, such as agriculture, wineries, mining, or other sectors that are concerned about
problem wildlife control. The Port utilizes the Internet, professional publications, and local
contacts to hear about new technology or techniques used by other industries to control
problem wildlife in other industries.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The goal of the training course must be to provide the knowledge, skills, and abilities
needed by airport personnel to safely, accurately, and effectively implement relevant
portions of an FAA-approved WHMP. To be acceptable to the FAA, initial and recurrent
training must include the following agenda items:
a. General survey of wildlife hazards to aviation based on the most recent annual
FAA National Wildlife Strike Database Serial Report
b. Review of wildlife strikes, control actions, and observations at the airport over at
least the past 12 months
(2) Review of the airport’s wildlife permits (local, State, and Federal)
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
e. Basic bird and mammal identification, stressing local hazardous and rare or
endangered species of concern
f. For any airport personnel using pyrotechnic launchers or firearms, training on the
following topics from a qualified individual:
(6) Live fire training with pyrotechnic launchers including strategies for
dispersing wildlife away from runways and aircraft movement corridors
(7) For any airport personnel using firearms, live fire training. This training
is highly recommended from a qualified individual but not a requirement for
this training program.
c. The Trainer should retain course attendance records for a period of three years.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Allan, J.R. 2000. A protocol for bird strike risk assessment at airports. International Bird
Strike Proceedings 25: 29-46.
Burt, W.H. and R.P Grossenheider. 1980. A field guide to the mammals. The Peterson field
guide series. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. 289pp.
Cleary and Dolbeer. 2005. Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports: A Manual for
Airport Personnel. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Federal Aviation Administration.
Dolbeer, R., Wright, S., Weller, J., & Begier, M. 2009. Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the
United States, 1990-2008. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation
Dolbeer, R., Wright, S., Weller, J., Anderson, A., & Begier, M. 2015. Wildlife strikes to civil
aircraft in the United States, 1990-2014. Serial Report Number 20. Federal Aviation
Administration, Office of Airport Safety and Standards, Washington, D.C. 101pp.
Eschenfelder, P. 2000. Jet engine certification standards. Proceedings of the International
Bird Strike Committee 25:535-540.
Johnson, G.D. and K.A. Fagerstone. 1994. Primary and secondary hazards of zinc phosphide
to non-target wildlife – A review of the literature. USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service, DWRC Research Report No. 11-55-005. 26pp.
Oregon Department of Aviation. 2003. Airport Land Use Compatibility Guidebook. Salem,
Sibley, D.A. 2000. National Audubon Society: The Sibley guide to birds. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
New York. 545pp.
Sliwinski, R.P. 1995. Habitat management at airports to reduce wildlife hazards. Eleventh
Annual Airport Conference. Federal Aviation Administration, Great Lakes Region.
Transport Canada Environment and Support Services. 1994. Wildlife Control Procedures
Witmer, G. 2003. Assessment of the rodent situation at Portland International Airport: Trip
report, February 5-6, 2003. USDA/APHIS Wildlife Services, Fort Collins, CO. 7pp.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The model for risk evaluation determines potential risk and sets priorities for risk management
actions by combining the calculation of the probability of a strike with a particular species and the
potential severity of the impact associated with striking that species. For purposes of the model,
the Port measures “severity of impact” and “probability of occurrence” as follows:
The Port has defined “severity of impact” as “the likely severity of the damage that will occur to
an aircraft if a collision occurs with wildlife on or near an airport.” To assess the potential
severity of a collision with a given species, the Port uses the United States national strike data
indicating the proportion of strikes with that species which have resulted in damage to the aircraft
struck. The greater the percentage of strikes with a particular species which result in damage, the
greater the potential severity of impact rating is given to that species in the Port’s risk evaluation
matrix. The potential severity of impact portion of the matrix is divided into five decreasing
levels of severity based on the respective decreases in percentages as shown in the following
As a check on this process, the Port maintains an AIRMAN database that tracks wildlife strike
occurrences by species and includes information on whether there was damage associated with
each strike. If there are species for which Port data tracking shows significant variance with
national data, then Port staff will evaluate whether the local data warrants a change in the
potential severity of impact rating for that species.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
The Port has defined “probability” as “the likelihood that an adverse event, (i.e., a collision
involving an aircraft and wildlife), will occur at PDX”. The likelihood is measured using airport
specific data for bird strikes at PDX. Due to TTD’s lack of a reliable means of strike reporting,
strike data from PDX was used as a surrogate because of the two airports close proximity and
similar eco-regional context. As with the severity of impact evaluation, the probability of a strike
occurring is divided into five categories ranging from very high to very low. A particular species
placement in a probability category is based on the number of strikes per year for that species
averaged over a five-year period, as shown in the following table:
Average Number of Strikes per year >10 3-10 1-2.9 0.3-0.9 0.2-0
(based on PDX data)
Probability category Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
Very High 3 3 3 3 2
High 3 3 3 2 2
Moderate 3 3 2 1 1
Low 2 2 1 1 1
Very Low 1 1 1 1 1
This section provides an analysis of the PDX risk evaluation matrix to identify species of concern
at TTD. The PDX risk evaluation matrix is relevant to TTD based on the close proximity and
similar habitats of the two airports. This analysis serves as a starting point to determine which
species of concern are likely to present the highest risk to aircraft at TTD. The data gained from
the wildlife surveys provides additional insight as to which species of concern from the PDX risk
evaluation matrix are likely to present the highest risk to aircraft at TTD. Another source of data
comes from occasional inspections of TTD by the PDX wildlife technicians and notifications
from the TTD Tower. Periodic site visits were made outside of normal wildlife surveys as time
and staffing levels at PDX allowed, and as requests were made by the TTD tower to haze wildlife
hazards from the airfield. Lastly, the results of reported bird strikes and a map of the location of
known strikes are also included.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Very High High Moderate Low Very Low
Osprey Northern Pintail [Bald Eagle]
Gull spp. Canada Goose [Black-tailed Deer]
Very High
Peregrine Falcon
Moderate American Crow
European Starling
American Coot Swift Barn Owl
Low Short-eared Owl
Killdeer Northern Harrier
[Bracketed species] indicate species that have not been struck at PDX or TTD, but are present in the area, and have a high enough severity
potential to warrant inclusion in the model.
*Coyote--- This species has not been struck by aircraft at TTD but is frequently observed on the movement surface, thus warranting inclusion.
Source: Allan, J.R. “Birdstrike Assessment Model.” Central Science Laboratory, United Kingdom, 2003.
FAA National Wildlife Strike Database. “Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in the United States 1990 2014.” Washington DC, 2014
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
U.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
1. PURPOSE. This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance on certain land uses
that have the potential to attract hazardous wildlife on or near public-use airports. It
also discusses airport development projects (including airport construction, expansion,
and renovation) affecting aircraft movement near hazardous wildlife attractants.
Appendix 1 provides definitions of terms used in this AC.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
ranks the wildlife groups commonly involved in damaging strikes in the United States
according to their relative hazard to aircraft. The ranking is based on the 47,212
records in the FAA National Wildlife Strike Database for the years 1990 through 2003.
These hazard rankings, in conjunction with site-specific Wildlife Hazards Assessments
(WHA), will help airport operators determine the relative abundance and use patterns of
wildlife species and help focus hazardous wildlife management efforts on those species
most likely to cause problems at an airport.
Most public-use airports have large tracts of open, undeveloped land that provide added
margins of safety and noise mitigation. These areas can also present potential hazards
to aviation if they encourage wildlife to enter an airport's approach or departure airspace
or air operations area (AOA). Constructed or natural areas—such as poorly drained
locations, detention/retention ponds, roosting habitats on buildings, landscaping, odor-
causing rotting organic matter (putrescible waste) disposal operations, wastewater
treatment plants, agricultural or aquaculture activities, surface mining, or wetlands—can
provide wildlife with ideal locations for feeding, loafing, reproduction, and escape. Even
small facilities, such as fast food restaurants, taxicab staging areas, rental car facilities,
aircraft viewing areas, and public parks, can produce substantial attractions for
hazardous wildlife.
During the past century, wildlife-aircraft strikes have resulted in the loss of hundreds of
lives worldwide, as well as billions of dollars in aircraft damage. Hazardous wildlife
attractants on and near airports can jeopardize future airport expansion, making proper
community land-use planning essential. This AC provides airport operators and those
parties with whom they cooperate with the guidance they need to assess and address
potentially hazardous wildlife attractants when locating new facilities and implementing
certain land-use practices on or near public-use airports.
Director, Office of Airport Safety and
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
Excerpted from the Special Report for the FAA, “Ranking the Hazard Level of Wildlife Species to Civil
Aviation in the USA: Update #1, July 2, 2003”. Refer to this report for additional explanations of criteria
and method of ranking.
Relative rank of each species group was compared with every other group for the three variables,
placing the species group with the greatest hazard rank for > 2 of the 3 variables above the next highest
ranked group, then proceeding down the list.
Percentage values, from Tables 3 and 4 in Footnote 1 of the Special Report, for the three criteria were
summed and scaled down from 100, with 100 as the score for the species group with the maximum
summed values and the greatest potential hazard to aircraft.
Aircraft incurred at least some damage (destroyed, substantial, minor, or unknown) from strike.
Aircraft incurred damage or structural failure, which adversely affected the structure strength,
performance, or flight characteristics, and which would normally require major repair or replacement of
the affected component, or the damage sustained makes it inadvisable to restore aircraft to airworthy
Aborted takeoff, engine shutdown, precautionary landing, or other.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
Table of Contents
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
The FAA recommends the minimum separation criteria outlined below for land-use
practices that attract hazardous wildlife to the vicinity of airports. Please note that FAA
criteria include land uses that cause movement of hazardous wildlife onto, into, or
across the airport’s approach or departure airspace or air operations area (AOA). (See
the discussion of the synergistic effects of surrounding land uses in Section 2-8 of this
The basis for the separation criteria contained in this section can be found in existing
FAA regulations. The separation distances are based on (1) flight patterns of piston-
powered aircraft and turbine-powered aircraft, (2) the altitude at which most strikes
happen (78 percent occur under 1,000 feet and 90 percent occur under 3,000 feet
above ground level), and (3) National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
Figure 1. Separation distances within which hazardous wildlife attractants should be avoided, eliminated, or
PERIMETER A: For airports serving piston-powered aircraft, hazardous wildlife attractants must be 5,000
feet from the nearest air operations area.
PERIMETER B: For airports serving turbine-powered aircraft, hazardous wildlife attractants must be
10,000 feet from the nearest air operations area.
2-1. GENERAL. The wildlife species and the size of the populations attracted to the
airport environment vary considerably, depending on several factors, including land-use
practices on or near the airport. This section discusses land-use practices having the
potential to attract hazardous wildlife and threaten aviation safety. In addition to the
specific considerations outlined below, airport operators should refer to Wildlife Hazard
Management at Airports, prepared by FAA and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
staff. (This manual is available in English, Spanish, and French. It can be viewed and
downloaded free of charge from the FAA’s wildlife hazard mitigation web site:
http://wildlife-mitigation.tc.FAA.gov.). And, Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage,
compiled by the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Division. (This manual
is available online in a periodically updated version at:
2-2. WASTE DISPOSAL OPERATIONS. Municipal solid waste landfills (MSWLF) are
known to attract large numbers of hazardous wildlife, particularly birds. Because of this,
these operations, when located within the separations identified in the siting criteria in
Sections 1-2 through 1-4, are considered incompatible with safe airport operations.
a. Siting for new municipal solid waste landfills subject to AIR 21. Section 503 of
the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century
(Public Law 106-181) (AIR 21) prohibits the construction or establishment of a new
MSWLF within 6 statute miles of certain public-use airports. Before these
prohibitions apply, both the airport and the landfill must meet the very specific
conditions described below. These restrictions do not apply to airports or landfills
located within the state of Alaska.
The airport must (1) have received a Federal grant(s) under 49 U.S.C. § 47101, et.
seq.; (2) be under control of a public agency; (3) serve some scheduled air carrier
operations conducted in aircraft with less than 60 seats; and (4) have total annual
enplanements consisting of at least 51 percent of scheduled air carrier enplanements
conducted in aircraft with less than 60 passenger seats.
The proposed MSWLF must (1) be within 6 miles of the airport, as measured from
airport property line to MSWLF property line, and (2) have started construction or
establishment on or after April 5, 2001. Public Law 106-181 only limits the construction
or establishment of some new MSWLF. It does not limit the expansion, either vertical or
horizontal, of existing landfills.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
b. Siting for new MSWLF not subject to AIR 21. If an airport and MSWLF do not
meet the restrictions of Public Law 106-181, the FAA recommends against locating
MSWLF within the separation distances identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4. The
separation distances should be measured from the closest point of the airport’s AOA
to the closest planned MSWLF cell.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
g. Recycling centers. Recycling centers that accept previously sorted non-food items,
such as glass, newspaper, cardboard, or aluminum, are, in most cases, not
attractive to hazardous wildlife and are acceptable.
i. Fly ash disposal. The incinerated residue from resource recovery power/heat-
generating facilities that are fired by municipal solid waste, coal, or wood is generally
not a wildlife attractant because it no longer contains putrescible matter. Landfills
accepting only fly ash are generally not considered to be wildlife attractants and are
acceptable as long as they are maintained in an orderly manner, admit no
putrescible waste of any kind, and are not co-located with other disposal operations
that attract hazardous wildlife.
Since varying degrees of waste consumption are associated with general incineration
(not resource recovery power/heat-generating facilities), the FAA considers the ash
from general incinerators a regular waste disposal by-product and, therefore, a
hazardous wildlife attractant if disposed of within the separation criteria outlined in
Sections 1-2 through 1-4.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
after storms, they create standing bodies of water that can attract hazardous wildlife.
Where the airport has developed a Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) in
accordance with Part 139, the FAA requires immediate correction of any wildlife
hazards arising from existing storm water facilities located on or near airports, using
appropriate wildlife hazard mitigation techniques. Airport operators should develop
measures to minimize hazardous wildlife attraction in consultation with a wildlife
damage management biologist.
Where possible, airport operators should modify storm water detention ponds to
allow a maximum 48-hour detention period for the design storm. The FAA
recommends that airport operators avoid or remove retention ponds and detention
ponds featuring dead storage to eliminate standing water. Detention basins should
remain totally dry between rainfalls. Where constant flow of water is anticipated
through the basin, or where any portion of the basin bottom may remain wet, the
detention facility should include a concrete or paved pad and/or ditch/swale in the
bottom to prevent vegetation that may provide nesting habitat.
When it is not possible to drain a large detention pond completely, airport operators
may use physical barriers, such as bird balls, wires grids, pillows, or netting, to deter
birds and other hazardous wildlife. When physical barriers are used, airport operators
must evaluate their use and ensure they will not adversely affect water rescue. Before
installing any physical barriers over detention ponds on Part 139 airports, airport
operators must get approval from the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division
The FAA recommends that airport operators encourage off-airport storm water treatment
facility operators to incorporate appropriate wildlife hazard mitigation techniques into
storm water treatment facility operating practices when their facility is located within the
separation criteria specified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4.
b. New storm water management facilities. The FAA strongly recommends that off-
airport storm water management systems located within the separations identified in
Sections 1-2 through 1-4 be designed and operated so as not to create above-
ground standing water. Stormwater detention ponds should be designed,
engineered, constructed, and maintained for a maximum 48–hour detention period
after the design storm and remain completely dry between storms. To facilitate the
control of hazardous wildlife, the FAA recommends the use of steep-sided, rip-rap
lined, narrow, linearly shaped water detention basins. When it is not possible to
place these ponds away from an airport’s AOA, airport operators should use
physical barriers, such as bird balls, wires grids, pillows, or netting, to prevent
access of hazardous wildlife to open water and minimize aircraft-wildlife interactions.
When physical barriers are used, airport operators must evaluate their use and
ensure they will not adversely affect water rescue. Before installing any physical
barriers over detention ponds on Part 139 airports, airport operators must get
approval from the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division Office. All vegetation
in or around detention basins that provide food or cover for hazardous wildlife should
be eliminated. If soil conditions and other requirements allow, the FAA encourages
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
the use of underground storm water infiltration systems, such as French drains or
buried rock fields, because they are less attractive to wildlife.
d. New wastewater treatment facilities. The FAA strongly recommends against the
construction of new wastewater treatment facilities or associated settling ponds
within the separations identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4. Appendix 1 defines
wastewater treatment facility as “any devices and/or systems used to store, treat,
recycle, or reclaim municipal sewage or liquid industrial wastes.” The definition
includes any pretreatment involving the reduction of the amount of pollutants or the
elimination of pollutants prior to introducing such pollutants into a publicly owned
treatment works (wastewater treatment facility). During the site-location analysis for
wastewater treatment facilities, developers should consider the potential to attract
hazardous wildlife if an airport is in the vicinity of the proposed site, and airport
operators should voice their opposition to such facilities if they are in proximity to the
f. Wastewater discharge and sludge disposal. The FAA recommends against the
discharge of wastewater or sludge on airport property because it may improve soil
moisture and quality on unpaved areas and lead to improved turf growth that can be
an attractive food source for many species of animals. Also, the turf requires more
frequent mowing, which in turn may mutilate or flush insects or small animals and
produce straw, both of which can attract hazardous wildlife. In addition, the
improved turf may attract grazing wildlife, such as deer and geese. Problems may
also occur when discharges saturate unpaved airport areas. The resultant soft,
muddy conditions can severely restrict or prevent emergency vehicles from reaching
accident sites in a timely manner.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
NOTE: If questions exist as to whether an area qualifies as a wetland, contact the local
division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Natural Resources Conservation
Service, or a wetland consultant qualified to delineate wetlands.
b. New airport development. Whenever possible, the FAA recommends locating new
airports using the separations from wetlands identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4.
Where alternative sites are not practicable, or when airport operators are expanding
an existing airport into or near wetlands, a wildlife damage management biologist, in
consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, and the state wildlife management agency should evaluate the wildlife
hazards and prepare a WHMP that indicates methods of minimizing the hazards.
c. Mitigation for wetland impacts from airport projects. Wetland mitigation may be
necessary when unavoidable wetland disturbances result from new airport
development projects or projects required to correct wildlife hazards from wetlands.
Wetland mitigation must be designed so it does not create a wildlife hazard. The
FAA recommends that wetland mitigation projects that may attract hazardous wildlife
be sited outside of the separations identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4.
(1) Onsite mitigation of wetland functions. The FAA may consider exceptions
to locating mitigation activities outside the separations identified in Sections 1-2
through 1-4 if the affected wetlands provide unique ecological functions, such as
critical habitat for threatened or endangered species or ground water recharge,
which cannot be replicated when moved to a different location. Using existing
airport property is sometimes the only feasible way to achieve the mitigation ratios
mandated in regulatory orders and/or settlement agreements with the resource
agencies. Conservation easements are an additional means of providing mitigation
for project impacts. Typically the airport operator continues to own the property, and
an easement is created stipulating that the property will be maintained as habitat for
state or Federally listed species.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
Mitigation must not inhibit the airport operator’s ability to effectively control hazardous
wildlife on or near the mitigation site or effectively maintain other aspects of safe airport
operations. Enhancing such mitigation areas to attract hazardous wildlife must be
avoided. The FAA will review any onsite mitigation proposals to determine
compatibility with safe airport operations. A wildlife damage management biologist should
evaluate any wetland mitigation projects that are needed to protect unique wetland
functions and that must be located in the separation criteria in Sections 1-2 through
1-4 before the mitigation is implemented. A WHMP should be developed to reduce the
wildlife hazards.
(2) Offsite mitigation of wetland functions. The FAA recommends that wetland
mitigation projects that may attract hazardous wildlife be sited outside of the
separations identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4 unless they provide unique
functions that must remain onsite (see 2-4c(1)). Agencies that regulate impacts to or
around wetlands recognize that it may be necessary to split wetland functions in
mitigation schemes. Therefore, regulatory agencies may, under certain
circumstances, allow portions of mitigation to take place in different locations.
2-5. DREDGE SPOIL CONTAINMENT AREAS. The FAA recommends against locating
dredge spoil containment areas (also known as Confined Disposal Facilities) within
the separations identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4 if the containment area or the
spoils contain material that would attract hazardous wildlife.
2-6. AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES. Because most, if not all, agricultural crops can
attract hazardous wildlife during some phase of production, the FAA recommends against
the used of airport property for agricultural production, including hay crops, within
the separations identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4. . If the airport has no financial
alternative to agricultural crops to produce income necessary to maintain the viability of
the airport, then the airport shall follow the crop distance guidelines listed in the table
titled "Minimum Distances between Certain Airport Features and Any On- Airport
Agricultural Crops" found in AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, Appendix 17. The cost of
wildlife control and potential accidents should be weighed against the income
produced by the on-airport crops when deciding whether to allow crops on the airport.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
c. Alternative uses of agricultural land. Some airports are surrounded by vast areas
of farmed land within the distances specified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4. Seasonal
uses of agricultural land for activities such as hunting can create a hazardous wildlife
situation. In some areas, farmers will rent their land for hunting purposes. Rice
farmers, for example, flood their land during waterfowl hunting season and obtain
additional revenue by renting out duck blinds. The duck hunters then use decoys
and call in hundreds, if not thousands, of birds, creating a tremendous threat to
aircraft safety. A wildlife damage management biologist should review, in
coordination with local farmers and producers, these types of seasonal land uses
and incorporate them into the WHMP.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
Turf grass areas can be highly attractive to a variety of hazardous wildlife species.
Research conducted by the USDA Wildlife Services’ National Wildlife Research
Center has shown that no one grass management regime will deter all species of
hazardous wildlife in all situations. In cooperation with wildlife damage management
biologist, airport operators should develop airport turf grass management plans on a
prescription basis, depending on the airport’s geographic locations and the type of
hazardous wildlife likely to frequent the airport
Airport operators should ensure that plant varieties attractive to hazardous wildlife are
not used on the airport. Disturbed areas or areas in need of re-vegetating should
not be planted with seed mixtures containing millet or any other large-seed producing
grass. For airport property already planted with seed mixtures containing millet, rye
grass, or other large-seed producing grasses, the FAA recommends disking, plowing, or
another suitable agricultural practice to prevent plant maturation and seed head
production. Plantings should follow the specific recommendations for grass
management and seed and plant selection made by the State University Cooperative
Extension Service, the local office of Wildlife Services, or a qualified wildlife damage
management biologist. Airport operators should also consider developing and
implementing a preferred/prohibited plant species list, reviewed by a wildlife damage
management biologist, which has been designed for the geographic location to reduce
the attractiveness to hazardous wildlife for landscaping airport property.
d. Other hazardous wildlife attractants. Other specific land uses or activities (e.g.,
sport or commercial fishing, shellfish harvesting, etc.), perhaps unique to certain
regions of the country, have the potential to attract hazardous wildlife. Regardless of
the source of the attraction, when hazardous wildlife is noted on a public-use airport,
airport operators must take prompt remedial action(s) to protect aviation safety.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
therefore, airport operators and the wildlife damage management biologist must
consider the entire surrounding landscape and community when developing the WHMP.
NOTE: Telephone numbers for the respective USDA Wildlife Services state offices can
be obtained by contacting USDA Wildlife Services Operational Support Staff, 4700
River Road, Unit 87, Riverdale, MD, 20737-1234, Telephone (301) 734-7921, Fax (301)
734-5157 (http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ws/).
There are many other resources complementary to this manual for use in developing
and implementing WHMPs. Several are listed in the manual's bibliography.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
REGULATIONS, PART 139. Part 139.337(b) requires airport operators to conduct a
Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) when certain events occur on or near the
airport. Part 139.337 (c) provides specific guidance as to what facts must be
addressed in a WHA.
the results of the WHA, along with the aeronautical activity at the airport and the views
of the airport operator and airport users, in determining whether a formal WHMP is
needed, in accordance with Part 139.337. If the FAA determines that a WHMP is
needed, the airport operator must formulate and implement a WHMP, using the WHA as
the basis for the plan.
The goal of an airport’s Wildlife Hazard Management Plan is to minimize the risk to
aviation safety, airport structures or equipment, or human health posed by populations
of hazardous wildlife on and around the airport.
The WHMP must identify hazardous wildlife attractants on or near the airport and the
appropriate wildlife damage management techniques to minimize the wildlife hazard. It
must also prioritize the management measures.
Airport operators should work with local and regional planning and zoning boards so as
to be aware of proposed land-use changes, or modification of existing land uses, that
could create hazardous wildlife attractants within the separations identified in Sections
1-2 through 1-4. Pay particular attention to proposed land uses involving creation or
expansion of waste water treatment facilities, development of wetland mitigation sites,
or development or expansion of dredge spoil containment areas. At the very least,
airport operators must ensure they are on the notification list of the local planning board
or equivalent review entity for all communities located within 5 miles of the airport, so
they will receive notification of any proposed project and have the opportunity to review
it for attractiveness to hazardous wildlife.
a. The FAA discourages the development of waste disposal and other facilities,
discussed in Section 2, located within the 5,000/10,000-foot criteria specified in
Sections 1-2 through 1-4.
b. For projects that are located outside the 5,000/10,000-foot criteria but within 5
statute miles of the airport’s AOA, the FAA may review development plans,
proposed land-use changes, operational changes, or wetland mitigation plans to
determine if such changes present potential wildlife hazards to aircraft operations.
The FAA considers sensitive airport areas as those that lie under or next to
approach or departure airspace. This brief examination should indicate if further
investigation is warranted.
When new or expanded MSWLF are being proposed near airports, MSWLF operators
must notify the airport operator and the FAA of the proposal as early as possible
pursuant to 40 CFR 258.
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The airport operator, project proponent, or land-use operator may use FAA Form 7460-
1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, or other suitable documents similar to
FAA Form 7460-1 to notify the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division Office. Project
proponents can contact the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division Office for
assistance with the notification process.
a. Airports that have received Federal grant-in-aid assistance. Airports that have
received Federal grant-in-aid assistance are required by their grant assurances to
take appropriate actions to restrict the use of land next to or near the airport to uses
that are compatible with normal airport operations. The FAA recommends that
airport operators to the extent practicable oppose off-airport land-use changes or
practices within the separations identified in Sections 1-2 through 1-4 that may
attract hazardous wildlife. Failure to do so may lead to noncompliance with
applicable grant assurances. The FAA will not approve the placement of airport
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8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
1. GENERAL. This appendix provides definitions of terms used throughout this AC.
1. Air operations area. Any area of an airport used or intended to be used for
landing, takeoff, or surface maneuvering of aircraft. An air operations area
includes such paved areas or unpaved areas that are used or intended to be
used for the unobstructed movement of aircraft in addition to its associated
runway, taxiways, or apron.
4. Bird balls. High-density plastic floating balls that can be used to cover ponds
and prevent birds from using the sites.
7. Detention ponds. Storm water management ponds that hold storm water for
short periods of time, a few hours to a few days.
8. Establish a new MSWLF. When the first load of putrescible waste is received
on-site for placement in a prepared municipal solid waste landfill.
9. Fly ash. The fine, sand-like residue resulting from the complete incineration of
an organic fuel source. Fly ash typically results from the combustion of coal or
waste used to operate a power generating plant.
10. General aviation aircraft. Any civil aviation aircraft not operating under 14
CFR Part 119, Certification: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
other types wastes, such as commercial solid waste, non-hazardous sludge, small-
quantity generator waste, and industrial solid waste, as defined under 40 CFR § 258.2.
An MSWLF can consist of either a stand alone unit or several cells that receive
household waste.
13. New MSWLF. A municipal solid waste landfill that was established or
constructed after April 5, 2001.
15. Piston-use airport. Any airport that does not sell Jet-A fuel for fixed-wing
turbine-powered aircraft, and primarily serves fixed-wing, piston-powered
aircraft. Incidental use of the airport by turbine-powered, fixed-wing aircraft
would not affect this designation. However, such aircraft should not be based
at the airport.
17. Public airport. An airport used or intended to be used for public purposes that
is under the control of a public agency; and of which the area used or intended
to be used for landing, taking off, or surface maneuvering of aircraft is publicly
owned (49 U.S.C. § 47102(20)).
18. Public-use airport. An airport used or intended to be used for public purposes,
and of which the area used or intended to be used for landing, taking off, or
surface maneuvering of aircraft may be under the control of a public agency or
privately owned and used for public purposes (49 U.S.C. § 47102(21)).
19. Putrescible waste. Solid waste that contains organic matter capable of being
decomposed by micro-organisms and of such a character and proportion as to
be capable of attracting or providing food for birds (40 CFR §257.3-8).
21. Retention ponds. Storm water management ponds that hold water for several
22. Runway protection zone (RPZ). An area off the runway end to enhance the
protection of people and property on the ground (see AC 150/5300-13). The
dimensions of this zone vary with the airport design, aircraft, type of operation,
and visibility minimum.
8/28/2007 AC 150/5200-33B
operator for which the air carrier, commercial operator, or their representative offers in
advance the departure location, departure time, and arrival location. It does not include
any operation that is conducted as a supplemental operation under 14 CFR Part 119 or
as a public charter operation under 14 CFR Part 380 (14 CFR § 119.3).
24. Sewage sludge. Any solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue generated during the
treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works. Sewage sludge includes,
but is not limited to, domestic septage; scum or solids removed in primary,
secondary, or advanced wastewater treatment process; and a material derived
from sewage sludge. Sewage does not include ash generated during the firing
of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator or grit and screenings
generated during preliminary treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment
works. (40 CFR 257.2)
25. Sludge. Any solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste generated form a municipal,
commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment
plant, or air pollution control facility or any other such waste having similar
characteristics and effect. (40 CFR 257.2)
26. Solid waste. Any garbage, refuse, sludge, from a waste treatment plant, water
supply treatment plant or air pollution control facility and other discarded
material, including, solid liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material
resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and
from community activities, but does not include solid or dissolved materials in
domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or
industrial discharges which are point sources subject to permits under section
402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (86 Stat. 880), or
source, special nuclear, or by product material as defined by the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended, (68 Stat. 923). (40 CFR 257.2)
28. Turbine-use airport. Any airport that sells Jet-A fuel for fixed-wing turbine-
powered aircraft.
29. Wastewater treatment facility. Any devices and/or systems used to store,
treat, recycle, or reclaim municipal sewage or liquid industrial wastes, including
Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), as defined by Section 212 of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (P.L. 92-500) as amended by the Clean
Water Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-576) and the Water Quality Act of 1987 (P.L. 100-4).
This definition includes any pretreatment involving the reduction of the amount
of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of
pollutant properties in wastewater prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise
introducing such pollutants into a POTW. (See 40 CFR Section 403.3 (q), (r), &
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
30. Wildlife. Any wild animal, including without limitation any wild
mammal, bird, reptile, fish, amphibian, mollusk, crustacean,
arthropod, coelenterate, or other invertebrate, including any part,
product, egg, or offspring thereof (50 CFR 10.12, Taking,
Possession, Transportation, Sale, Purchase, Barter, Exportation,
and Importation of Wildlife and Plants). As used in this AC, wildlife
includes feral animals and domestic animals out of the control of
their owners (14 CFR Part 139, Certification of Airports).
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
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Signature on File
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Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
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Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
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Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Signature on File
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Haze & harass of wildlife species of concern
A TRIP (west of
Sundial Rd.) Grass/forb– mowed Mallard Loafing, roosting, Existing to aircraft safety as-needed.
foraging, shelter, wetlands
Unimproved pasture Green-wing Teal and nesting subject to Survey site seasonally for poorly drained
opportunities for jurisdictional areas that develop into temporary standing
Jurisdictional wetlands Canada goose birds and constraints. water and potential wetland creation.
Wetland Conduct site inspections to identify aviation
Blackberry scrub-shrub Great Blue Heron
Open water and mitigation sites wildlife hazards.
nesting habitat for
Cottonwood Red-tailed hawk waterfowl. Activities must Install silt fencing rows to deter geese from
comply with utilizing large open areas.
Hardwood European Starling Large continuous local, state, and
expanse of federal airport Deploy noise cannons to assist with
Pond grassy habitat requirements dispersing wildlife.
(City of
Channel Prey base habitat Troutdale,
for raptors. ORS, and FAA
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
B TRIP (East of
Cottonwood, willow, ash Canada goose Loafing, roosting, Existing Survey site seasonally for poorly drained
Sundial Rd.) forest foraging, shelter, wetlands areas that develop into temporary standing
European Starling and nesting subject to water.
Cottonwood, willow, scrub opportunities for jurisdictional
shrub Mallard
birds and constraints. Haze & harass of wildlife species of concern
mammals. Activities must to aircraft safety as-needed.
Cottonwood Green-wing Teal
comply with Conduct site inspections to identify and
Open water and local, state, and mitigate aviation wildlife hazards.
nesting habitat for federal airport
Scrub-shrub Red-tailed hawk requirements
waterfowl. Install silt fencing rows to deter geese from
(City of utilizing large open areas.
Jurisdictional wetlands Great Blue Heron Troutdale,
Prey base habitat
for raptors. ORS, and FAA
Grass forb- mowed Deploy noise cannons to assist with
Gulls spp. standards)
dispersing wildlife.
Implement the PDX Landscaping Standards
Blackberry scrub-shrub
Herbaceous upland
Located directly
C Levee area east
Grass/forb mowed Mallard Loafing, roosting, under approach Survey site seasonally for poorly drained
of runway 25 foraging, shelter, / departure path areas that develop into temporary standing
Scrub-shrub Canada goose and nesting for runways water.
opportunities for 25/7. Haze & harass of wildlife species of concern
Herbaceous upland European starling birds and to aircraft safety as-needed.
mammals. RPZ constraint
Activities must Conduct site inspections to identify and
Hardwood Osprey
Large continuous comply with mitigate aviation wildlife hazards.
expanse of local, state, and
Cottonwood, willow Red-tailed hawk grassy habitat federal airport Implement the PDX Landscaping Standards
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
scrub-shrub requirements
Great blue heron Prey base habitat (City of TTD,
for raptors. ORS, and FAA
Gulls spp.
E1 SW of Sundial Jurisdictional wetlands Mallard Loafing, roosting, Activities must Survey site seasonally for poorly drained
Road and Blackberry scrub-shrub nesting, foraging, comply with areas that develop into temporary standing
Marine Drive Green-wing Teal and shelter FAA standards water.
opportunities for and limitations. Conduct site inspections to identify and
birds and mitigate aviation wildlife hazards.
Canada goose
mammals Wetlands
subject to Haze & harass of wildlife species of concern
Great Blue Heron
Open water and jurisdictional to aircraft safety as-needed.
nesting habitat for constraints.
Red-tailed hawk waterfowl. Implement the PDX Landscaping Standards
European Starling
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
E2 NW of Sundial Wetlands Mallard Loafing, roosting, Activities must Survey site seasonally for poorly drained
Road and foraging, shelter, comply with areas that develop into temporary
Marine Drive Blackberry scrub-shrub Green-wing Teal and nesting FAA standards standing water.
opportunities for and limitations.
Canada goose
birds and Conduct site inspections to identify and
mammals. Existing mitigate aviation wildlife hazards.
Great Blue Heron
Open water and subject to Haze & harass of wildlife species of
nesting habitat for jurisdictional concern to aircraft safety as-needed.
Red-tailed hawk waterfowl. constraints.
European Starling
Implement the PDX Landscaping
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Map Site: Uses by Wildlife Management Management Strategies by Program Component or “Pillar”
Key Wildlife Species of Issue
Concern Short-Term: Operational Research & Development Long-Term: Information and Education
Strategies Management Strategies
Vegetation Haze and harass wildlife Allow the vegetation to
species of concern on an as- grow into a scrub-shurb
A TRIP Mitigation site-
Secondary Zone needed basis. wetland to be less
attractive to waterfowl.
Work with the Mitigation staff
Loafing, roosting, on the timing of mowing and
foraging, and shelter
swathing so it does not
for birds & coincide with migration.
Undeveloped space Monitor site for wildlife issues Conduct site inspections to identify Obtain the proper
Open water & aviation wildlife hazards. equipment needed.
Install silt fencing rows to
nesting habitat for
deter geese from utilizing Identify access and equipment
large open areas. needed to maintain/reduce
waterfowl habitat.
Jurisdictional Deploy noise cannons to
assist with dispersing wildlife
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Map Site: Uses by Wildlife Management Management Strategies by Program Component or “Pillar”
Key Wildlife Species of Issue
Concern Short-Term: Operational Research & Development Long-Term: Information and Education
Strategies Management Strategies
Wetlands Hazing Increase hazing species of Conduct site inspections to identify Use remote hazing Send out outreach material
concern by personnel trained aviation wildlife hazards. devices, such as propane to the neighbors.
Large continuous in airport operations/wildlife sound cannons.
Investigate the need for increased
expanse of grassy management.
staff during peak hazardous wildlife Increase seasonal staff.
habitat. [Grass/Forb-
Respond to calls from the seasons
tower when there are large
Measure the effectiveness of using
flocks of geese.
Prey base habitat for trained border collies to haze
raptors and coyotes. geese.
Open green space Use large woody debris as
visual barrier to deter geese.
(goose habitat)
Deploy noise cannons to
assist with dispersing wildlife
Natural & Industrial
B areas outside the
airport perimeter
Secondary Zone Vegetation Haze and harass wildlife Determine if the height of Implement landscape
species of concern on an as- vegetation is attractive to species of standards for areas inside
Loafing, roosting, needed basis. concern during periods of the secondary zone.
foraging, and shelter migration.
for birds & Work with the Migration staff
mammals. on the timing of mowing and Explore alternative airfield
swathing so it does not vegetation cover.
Open water and coincide with migration.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Map Site: Uses by Wildlife Management Management Strategies by Program Component or “Pillar”
Key Wildlife Species of Issue
Concern Short-Term: Operational Research & Development Long-Term: Information and Education
Strategies Management Strategies
nesting habitat for Bare Soil Determine if the bare soil is Develop appropriate tax
waterfowl attracting species of concern during lots.
periods of migration.
Prey base habitat for
Explore alternative airfield
vegetation cover.
Undeveloped space Monitor site for wildlife issues Survey site seasonally for poorly Obtain the proper
B drained areas that develop into equipment needed.
temporary standing water.
Identify access and equipment
needed to maintain/reduce
waterfowl habitat.
Hazing Increase hazing species of Investigate the need for increased Use remote hazing Outreach to current and
concern by personnel trained staff during peak hazardous wildlife devices, such as propane future tennets.
in airport operations/wildlife seasons sound cannons.
management on airports.
Increase seasonal staff.
Respond to calls from the
tower when there are large
flocks of geese.
Stormwater Monitor site for aviation Research vegetation types that will
wildlife hazard issues. be appropriate both to deter
hazardous wildlife species and for
Maintain stormwater
stormwater conveyance and
conveyance infrastructure –
this action also minimizes the
attractiveness of the feature
to waterfowl
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Map Site: Uses by Wildlife Management Management Strategies by Program Component or “Pillar”
Key Wildlife Species of Issue
Concern Short-Term: Operational Research & Development Long-Term: Information and Education
Strategies Management Strategies
Primary Zone Adjacent Open Water Increase site inspections. Identify access and equipment Obtain the proper
C (Sandy River) needed to maintain the bank to equipment needed.
Loafing, roosting, reduce food and cover.
foraging, and shelter
Nesting Habitat Increase commitment of Conduct nest surveys. Submit annual depredation
for birds &
resources for waterfowl nest report to the USFWS.
Secondary Zone
Remove vegetation to deter
- Large continuous upland nesting birds –
expanse of grassy
Implement nest depredation
under the Port’s USFWS
Depredation permit.
Hazing •Haze & harass of wildlife Conduct site inspections to identify
C species of concern to aircraft and mitigate aviation wildlife
safety as-needed. hazards.
Respond to calls from the
tower when there is wildlife
on the runway or in the RSA.
Map Site: Uses by Wildlife Management Management Strategies by Program Component or “Pillar”
Key Wildlife Species of Issue
Concern Short-Term: Operational Research & Development Long-Term: Information and Education
Strategies Management Strategies
Airfield Mowing Maintain airfield grass height Verify that mowing is occurring Ensure that GA
D Airfield – paved and during critical nesting season outside of migration for species of Maintenance has the
mowed grass areas for waterfowl. concern. appropriate equipment to
inside the airport mow the airfield and
Mow outside of migration
perimeter fence ditches, including the
periods for species of
acquisition of an arm
Primary Zone mower.
Details on ditch management
Loafing, roosting, specified below.
foraging, and
Prey Base Management Trap moles and gophers. Test new approved rodent control
shelter for birds &
chemicals as they become
mammals. Apply rodenticide and
insecticide to reduce the prey
Open water and base for raptors and
nesting habitat insectivores.
for waterfowl
Hazing Increase hazing species of Test new anti-perching/deterrents. Use remote hazing
concern by personnel trained devices, such as propane
Large continuous Investigate the need for increased
in airport operations/wildlife sound cannons.
expanse of staff during peak hazardous wildlife
management on airports.
grassy habitat. seasons Increase seasonal staff.
[Grass/Forb- Respond to calls from the
Conduct site inspections to identify
Mowed] tower when there is wildlife
& mitigate aviation wildlife hazards.
on the runway or in the RSA.
Prey base habitat
Temporary Standing Avoid driving into wet areas Survey the site seasonally to Re-grade the areas where
for raptors and
Water with heavy equipment or identify locations where temporary there is standing water to
mowers until dry so ruts do standing water is an issue. improve drainage and
not form. reduce wildlife habitat.
Perimeter fence, Monitor for the development of
RVR poles, signs Implement annual ditch wetlands.
and other man- maintenance plan.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Map Site: Uses by Wildlife Management Management Strategies by Program Component or “Pillar”
Key Wildlife Species of Issue
Concern Short-Term: Operational Research & Development Long-Term: Information and Education
Strategies Management Strategies
made perching Perching Monitor natural and man-made Investigate use of effective
sites. perching sites for heavy use areas. anti-perching devices.
Investigate installing anti-perching
devices as necessary.
Secondary Zone
Raptors Trap and translocate Monitor red-tailed hawk activity Identify resident red-tailed
American Kestrels from the hawk territories.
Investigate the need for increased
staff during peak hazardous wildlife Trap & band resident red-
Increase seasonal staff. seasons tailed hawks
Landscaping Implement TTD Landscaping Ensure development Educate tenants about
Standards. meets the approved landscaping standards.
Landscaping Standards.
Wildlife Monitoring and Monitor wildlife species Conduct strike reporting analysis Review and update the Train personnel to identify
strike reporting during runway checks. WHMP every five years or wildlife species.
as needed (following
File all reports with the Port’s Increase the outreach to the
significant events).
Aviation Wildlife Program tenants regarding aviation
and FAA. wildlife management at TTD.
Culverts and ditch Follow the Port’s lethal Monitor the airfield and determine Install coyote exclusion
crossings along control protocol when the locations where animals are fencing and culvert
perimeter fence (serve necessary – decisions to use accessing the airfield. exclusions.
as entry points into lethal control are rare and
airfield for coyotes). are determined based on the
specifics of the situation.
Worms (attract gulls to Use sweepers to remove Ongoing research for controlling
the airfield) worms from the aircraft worms at PDX may be applicable to
movement surfaces. TTD.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Map Site: Uses by Wildlife Management Management Strategies by Program Component or “Pillar”
Key Wildlife Species of Issue
Concern Short-Term: Operational Research & Development Long-Term: Information and Education
Strategies Management Strategies
Other Port owned Herbaceous/jurisdictional Haze & harass of wildlife Survey site seasonally for poorly Implement landscape
E properties outside wetlands species of concern to aircraft drained areas that develop into standards for areas inside
perimeter fence: safety as-needed. temporary standing water. the primary and secondary
Food source- Black
Secondary Zone berries Conduct site inspections to identify
and mitigate aviation wildlife
. Cover- Cottonwoods
Troutdale Airport
2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Fagus sylvatica 'Tricolor' Tricolor European Beech Deciduous 20-30* 10-20* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/fasytri.htm
Ginko biloba Ginko (males only) Deciduous 50+ 30 http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/gibi.htm
Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba' Rotundiloba Sweetgum Deciduous 60-70* 20-30* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/listr.htm
Magnolia x soulangiana Saucer Magnolia Deciduous 15-20 15-25* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/maso.htm
Malus x 'Spring Snow' Spring Snow Crabapple Deciduous 25-30 15-20 http://hort.ufl.edu/trees/MALXE.pdf
Metasequoia glyptostroboides Dawn Redwood (height restricted) Deciduous 70-100 15-25* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/megl.htm
Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood Deciduous 25-60 10-25 http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/oxar.htm
Parrotia persica Persian Parrotia Deciduous 40 25 http://pnwplants.wsu.edu/PlantDisplay.aspx?PlantID=326
Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine (height restricted) Evergreen 60-100 25-30* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/pipo.htm
Prunus serrulata 'Shirotae' Mt Fuji Cherry Deciduous 12-15 20 http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/prsem.htm
Pyrus calleryana 'Cleveland Select' Cleveland Select Flowering Pear Deciduous 30-35* 15-20* http://www.advancedtree.com/tree_clevelandpear.htm
Plant at 60 ft on Center
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus' Compact Winged Burning Bush Deciduous 8-10 9-11* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/eualc.htm
Euonymus fortunei Wintercreeper Euonymus Evergreen 1-3 2-4 http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/eufo.htm
Forsythia spp. Forsythia Deciduous 8-10 10-12 http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/foin.htm
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' Diane Witchhazel Deciduous 8-12* 10-15* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/haind.htm
Hydrangea macrophylla Bigleaf Hydrangea var. Deciduous 4-6 4-6 http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/plant.asp?code=K550
Kerria japonica Japanese Kerria Deciduous 4-8 6-9* http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/keja.htm
Leucothoe fontanesiana Drooping leucothoe Evergreen 3-6 3-6 http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/lefo-i.htm
Gulf Stream False Bamboo http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/factsheets/shrubs/nandina_domes-
Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Ɨ Evergreen 2.5-3.5 3* gulfstream.html
Potentilla fruitcosa Bush Cinquefoil Deciduous 2-4 2-4 http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/pofr-i.htm
Honorable Jean Marie
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
In project specific situations a variance may be granted to supplement the List of Approved Plants
found in the Troutdale Airport (TTD) Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) Landscaping
Standards. Due to the excess amount of time and effort involved with receiving a variance, it is
strongly recommended that contractors use only plants from the Approved Plants List for
landscaping within the Primary and Secondary Zones at TTD. The species on these lists have
been selected to meet criteria for maintenance, wildlife, and security issues. However, if a
contractor wishes to use plant material that is not included in the list, they can obtain approval
through the following process:
1. Fill out the top portion of one “Plant List Variance Form – Signature Form” and completed
“Plant Information Form” for each plant being requested.
2. Forward these forms to the Port Project Manager via email. The Port Project Manager will
disseminate the information to each member of the Port Landscaping Committee for their
3. When all of the members of the Port of Portland Landscaping Committee have reviewed the
plant material, you will be notified within 10 business days that the plant will be
accepted/rejected for addition to the list for the specific project requested.
1. Please review the completed Plant Information Form for each plant being requested. Based
on your individual area of expertise, please accept or reject each plant. Comments are only
necessary for rejections.
2. Forward your signed response to the Aviation Wildlife Manager within 10 business days of
receipt of the forms.
3. Reponses from any member of the committee that are not received by the Aviation Wildlife
Manager within 10 business days will be assumed to be an acceptance of plant material.
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Consultant Name:________________________________
Project Name:___________________________________________________________
2. TBD (Alt: ?)
3. City Representative
Contact Information:
Nick Atwell John Hilterbrand
Aviation Wildlife Manager Aviation Wildlife Technician
503-460-4179 503-460-4680
Port of Portland Port of Portland
7200 NE Airport Way 7200 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97218 Portland, OR 97218
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Flowering? If yes, what time of year and for how long? _____
Fruit, Berries, or Nuts? If yes, what time of year and for how long? _____
What type of wildlife and insects does the research indicate that this
If this plant is found on a City of Portland Plant list or Plant Materials and Suggested
Plant lists please indicate the appropriate list: Native, Nuisance, Prohibited, or
Please provide photographs of the plant for each phase (with and without leaves,
flowers, fruit, etc.)
Cite the sources you used to obtain this information (Note: Must be an agricultural
extension or University web site. No gardening or horticultural websites, please.):
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan
Troutdale Airport 2016 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan