September 26-30, 2022, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
ABSTRACT performing EOS for all ranges of P and T, while the second-
The aspiration for blending hydrogen (H2) into natural gas best performer is BWRS in the range of 0.1-3 MPa and AGA8
(NG) in gas transmission systems is high and is happening in the range of 3-25 MPa, respectively.
globally. However, the principal properties of the blended
mixtures and their thermodynamic derivatives can
significantly vary depending on the Equation of State (EOS) NOMENCLATURE
employed. There is a need to arrive at the best performing EOS
ATR Auto-Thermal Reformer
for the prediction of the blended mixtures from low to high
C Speed of sound in the gas mixture (m/s)
concentration of H2 in the blend with NG. Twelve different
Cp Isobaric heat capacity (J/kg. oC)
EOS were evaluated against measured data found in the open
E Error in property predictions defined by Eq. (3)
literature of pure H2, binary mixtures with alkanes and
EOS Equation of State
mixtures with NG. Three measured properties were found,
h Enthalpy (J/kg)
namely density, speed of sound and isobaric heat capacity
J.T. Joule-Thomson coefficient (oC/MPa)
(Cp) in the range of pressures up to 50 MPa and temperatures
MW Gas molecular weight (kg/kmole)
in the range of -20oC to +80oC and H2 concentration up to
n Number of data points for a given set
88%(mole). The total number of measured data points are 629
NG Natural Gas
for pure H2 and 1788 for Binaries and NG mixtures with H2.
P Pressure (MPa)
Performance of each EOS is based on the average of the
s Entropy (J/kg. oC)
absolute error (deviation%) between predicted vs. measured
SMR Steam Methane Reformer
parameters. These were: density, which represents the
T Temperature (oC)
principal performance of the EOS with respect the basic
W.T. Pipe wall thickness (mm)
formulation of P, and T, the speed of sound, which represents
Ym Measured thermodynamic property (, C or Cp)
a thermodynamic derivative with respect to entropy, and
isobaric heat capacity which represents a thermodynamic Yp Predicted thermodynamic property (, C or Cp)
derivative with respect to enthalpy. All other thermodynamic
derivatives can be related to these three parameters (e.g., J.T. Greek Letters:
coefficient, isochoric heat capacity, enthalpy, internal energy, Density (kg/m3)
, compressibility factor and Helmholtz and Gibbs free
energies, etc.). Transport properties predictions are based on
other empirical and semi-empirical correlations that are 1 INTRODUCTION
independent of the EOS and hence were not considered. It was Gas pipeline companies are actively pursuing extending
found that, for the most part and for pure H2, GERG2008 EOS their business opportunities to transport clean energy
performed best in predicting the above three principal hydrogen either from renewable sources or from valorizations
parameters followed by AGA8. For Binary and NG mixtures processes (e.g. SMR, ATR, etc.), as part of their commitment
with H2, again GERG2008 was found to be the best to climate change and GHG reduction initiatives. One mode of
Figure 5: Data of Measured Densities for Binary and NG Figure 6: Data of Measured Speed of Sound for Binary
Mixtures with Hydrogen at Different Pressures and and NG Mixtures with Hydrogen at Different Pressures
Temperatures. and Temperatures.
and +80oC, as this range, particularly the pressure, would be # Average of Absolute Error (%) Sum of Absolute
of interest to pipeline and distribution systems. Since there is E.O.S. Errors (%) (Principal
no measured data available for Cp for these mixtures, an Density Speed of Sound Heat Capacity (Cp)* Criterion)
average value of E between density and speed of sound
1 GERG2008 0.055 0.040 0.048 0.143
predictions for GERG2008 is assumed for Cp and specific to
the above ranges of P and T. For this range, the error E (as 2 CPA 0.120 0.211 0.152 0.483
defined by Eq. 3) in GERG2008 predictions of density was 3 AGA8 0.142 0.086 0.316 0.544
found to be 0.055%, and in the prediction of the speed of sound 4 BWRS 0.082 0.107 0.119 0.308
is 0.040%, as shown in the first row of Table 4. Hence the
5 BWR-LS 0.130 0.106 0.127 0.363
assumed value of E in the prediction of Cp by the same EOS
would be 0.048%. The performance of the other 11 EOS 6 PR 0.177 0.244 0.187 0.608
predictions is referenced to GERG2008 predictions in so far 7 PR-MHV2 0.634 0.139 0.416 1.189
only to Cp. I 8 PR-BM 0.438 0.131 0.252 0.821
Performance summary of all 12 EOS is compiled in the rest
9 PR-WS 2.560 0.187 0.834 3.581
of Table 4 and ranked with respect to the same three respective
three thermodynamic properties, as well as their respective 10 SRK 0.082 0.322 0.168 0.572
overall error parameter, E, in Fig. 11. Similarly, GERG2008 11 RKS-BM 0.116 0.535 0.261 0.912
was found to outperform all other EOS in all categories. The 12 RKS-WS 1.840 0.551 0.904 3.295
second best and ‘accepted’ EOS can be drawn from Fig. 11: * Since no measured data of Cp are available, error associated with GERG2008 was assumed to be
1. Second best performing EOS in the prediction of density equal to average error of density and speed of sound, while errors in other EOS are w.r.t.
are BWRS and SRK, while RKS-BM,CPA,BWR-LS and GERG2008
as this range, particularly the pressure, would be of interest to # Average of Absolute Error (%) Sum of Absolute
production and blending facilities upstream of conventional E.O.S. Errors (%) (Principal
NG pipeline transmission, and also in industrial and Density Speed of Sound Heat Capacity (Cp)* Criterion)
between density and speed of sound predictions for 3 AGA8 1.420 0.750 0.639 2.809
GERG2008 is assumed for Cp and specific to the above ranges 4 BWRS 3.350 4.900 0.464 8.714
of P and T. In this case, the error E (as defined by Eq. 3) in
5 BWR-LS 3.130 6.070 0.497 9.697
GERG2008 predictions of density was found to be 0.052%,
and in the prediction of the speed of sound is 0.041%, as shown 6 PR 1.490 1.230 1.030 3.750
in the first row of Table 4. Hence the assumed value of E in 7 PR-MHV2 2.930 1.060 2.830 6.820
the prediction of Cp by the same EOS would be 0.047%. 8 PR-BM 2.240 0.741 1.450 4.431
Again, the performance of the other 11 EOS predictions is
9 PR-WS 2.330 1.200 2.790 6.320
referenced to GERG2008 predictions in so far only to Cp.
10 SRK 0.782 1.980 0.838 3.600
Performance summary of all 12 EOS is compiled in Table 6
and ranked with respect to the same three respective three 11 RKS-BM 1.680 4.000 1.640 7.320
thermodynamic properties, as well as their respective overall 12 RKS-WS 3.550 6.500 6.950 17.000
error parameter, E, in Fig. 13. Again, GERG2008 outperforms * Since no measured data of Cp are available, error associated with GERG2008 was assumed to be
all other EOS in all categories. The second best and ‘accepted’ equal to average error of density and speed of sound, while errors in other EOS are w.r.t.
EOS can be drawn from Fig. 13: GERG2008
The following overall conclusions can be drawn from the
present work:
Figure 13: Performance Ranking of the 12 EOS in Terms 1. Overall, GERG2008 performed best in predicting the
of Density, Speed of Sound and Heat Capacity three principal thermodynamic properties: density, speed
Prediction Errors for Binaries and NG Mixtures with of sound and isobaric heat capacity for pure H2 and
Hydrogen in the Range of 10-25 MPa. binaries and NG mixtures with H2 in all ranges of
pressure and temperature.
2. The second-best performing EOS is AGA8 for pure H2.
Table 1: Data of Measured Properties of Pure, Binary and Mixtures of NG with Hydrogen.
# of Data # of Data
# of Data Total #
Pressure Range Temperature Points for Points for
o Components Points for of Data
(MPa) Range ( C) Soeed of Isobaric Heat
Mixtures: Density
Sound Capacity (Cp)
Note: For the "none' cells above, GERG2008 EOS was taken as reference to compare other EOS to.