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Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis

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Joseph I.

Dale E. Newbury
Joseph R. Michael
Nicholas W.M. Ritchie
John Henry J. Scott
David C. Joy

Scanning Electron
Microscopy and
X-Ray Microanalysis
Fourth Edition
Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
Joseph I. Goldstein
Dale E. Newbury
Joseph R. Michael
Nicholas W.M. Ritchie
John Henry J. Scott
David C. Joy

Scanning Electron
Microscopy and
X-Ray Microanalysis
Fourth Edition
Joseph I. Goldstein Dale E. Newbury
University of Massachusetts National Institute of Standards and Technology
Amherst, MA, USA Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Joseph R. Michael Nicholas W.M. Ritchie
Sandia National Laboratories National Institute of Standards and Technology
Albuquerque, NM, USA Gaithersburg, MD, USA
John Henry J. Scott David C. Joy
National Institute of Standards and Technology University of Tennessee
Gaithersburg, MD, USA Knoxville, TN, USA

ISBN 978-1-4939-6674-5    ISBN 978-1-4939-6676-9 (eBook)


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This is not your father’s, your mother’s, or your is that a reader seeking specific information can
grandparent’s Scanning Electron Microscopy and select a topic from the list and obtain a good
X-Ray Microanalysis (SEMXM). But that is not to understanding of the topic from that module
say that there is no continuity or to deny a family alone. While each topic is supported by informa-
resemblance. SEMXM4 is the fourth in the series of tion in other modules, we acknowledge the like-
textbooks with this title, and continues a tradition lihood that not all users of SEMXM4 will “read
that extends back to the “zero-th edition” in 1975 it all.” This approach inevitably leads to a degree
published under the title, “Practical Scanning of overlap and repetition since similar informa-
Electron Microscopy” (Plenum Press, New York). tion may appear in two or more places, and this is
However, the latest edition differs sharply from its entirely intentional.
predecessors, which attempted an encyclopedic
approach to the subject by providing extensive In recognition of these fundamental changes, the
details on how the SEM and its associated devices authors have chosen to modify SEMXM4 exten-
actually work, for example, electron sources, lenses, sively to provide a guide on the actual use of the
electron detectors, X-ray spectrometers, and so on. instrument without overwhelming the reader with
the burden of details on the physics of the opera-
In constructing this new edition, the authors have tion of the instrument and its various attachments.
chosen a different approach. Modern SEMs and the Our guiding principle is that the microscopist-
associated X-ray spectrometry and crystallography microanalyst must understand which parameters
measurement functions operate under such exten- can be adjusted and what is an effective strategy to
sive computer control and automation that it is select those parameters to solve a particular prob-
actually difficult for the microscopist-microanalyst lem. The modern SEM is an extraordinarily flex-
to interact with the instrument except within care- ible tool, capable of operating over a wide range
fully prescribed boundaries. Much of the flexibility of electron optical parameters and producing
of parameter selection that early instruments pro- images from electron detectors with different sig-
vided has now been lost, as instrumental operation nal characteristics. Those users who restrict them-
functions have been folded into software control. selves to a single set of operating parameters may
Thus, electron sources are merely turned “on,” with be able to solve certain problems, but they may
the computer control optimizing the operation, or never know what they are missing by not explor-
for the thermally assisted field emission gun, the ing the range of parameter space available to them.
electron source may be permanently “on.” The user SEMXM4 seeks to provide sufficient understand-
can certainly adjust the lenses to focus the image, ing of the technique for a user to become a com-
but this focusing action often involves complex petent and efficient problem solver. That is not to
interactions of two or more lenses, which formerly say that there are only a few things to learn. To
would have required individual adjustment. More- help the reader to approach the considerable body
over, the nature of the SEM field has fundamentally of knowledge needed to operate at a high degree
changed. What was once a very specialized instru- of competency, a new feature of SEMXM-4 is the
ment system that required a high level of training summary checklist provided for each of the major
and knowledge on the part of the user has become areas of operation: SEM imaging, elemental X-ray
much more of a routine tool. The SEM is now sim- microanalysis, and backscatter-diffraction crystal-
ply one of a considerable suite of instruments that lography.
can be employed to solve problems in the physical
and biological sciences, in engineering, in technol- Readers familiar with earlier editions of SEMXM
ogy, in manufacturing and quality control, in fail- will notice the absence of the extensive material
ure analysis, in forensic science, and other fields. previously provided on specimen preparation.
Proper specimen preparation is a critical step in
The authors also recognize the profound changes solving most problems, but with the vast range of
that have occurred in the manner in which peo- applications to materials of diverse character, the
ple obtain information. The units of SEMXM4, topic of specimen preparation itself has become
whether referred to as chapters or modules, are the subject of entire books, often devoted to just
meant to be relatively self-contained. Our hope one specialized area.
VI Preface

Throughout their history, the authors of the Finally, the author team sadly notes the passing in
SEMXM textbooks have been closely associated 2015 of Professor Joseph I. Goldstein (University
as lecturers with the Lehigh University Summer of Massachusetts, Amherst) who was the “found-
Microscopy School. The opportunity to teach and ing father” of the Lehigh University Summer
interact with each year’s students has provided a Microscopy School in 1970, and who organized
very useful experience in understanding the com- and contributed so extensively to the microscopy
munity of users of the technique and its evolution courses and to the SEMXM textbooks throughout
over time. We hope that these interactions have the ensuing 45 years. Joe provided the stimulus to
improved our written presentation of the subject the production of SEMXM4 with his indefatigable
as a benefit to newcomers as well as established spirit, and his technical contributions are embed-
practitioners. ded in the X-ray microanalysis sections.

Dale E. Newbury
Nicholas W.M. Ritchie
John Henry J. Scott
Gaithersburg, MD, USA

Joseph R. Michael
Albuquerque, NM, USA

David C. Joy
Knoxville, TN, USA

Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated

Techniques: Overview

Imaging Microscopic Features location on the sample is digitized and recorded

into computer memory, and is subsequently used
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is an to determine the gray level at the corresponding
instrument that creates magnified images which X-Y location of a computer display screen, form-
reveal microscopic-scale information on the size, ing a single picture element (or pixel). In a con-
shape, composition, crystallography, and other ventional-vacuum SEM, the electron-optical
physical and chemical properties of a specimen. column and the specimen chamber must operate
The principle of the SEM was originally demon- under high vacuum conditions (<10−4 Pa) to min-
strated by Knoll (1935; Knoll and Theile 1939) imize the unwanted scattering that beam elec-
with the first true SEM being developed by von trons as well as the BSEs and SEs would suffer by
Ardenne (1938). The modern commercial SEM encountering atoms and molecules of atmo-
emerged from extensive development in the 1950s spheric gasses. Insulating specimens that would
and 1960s by Prof. Sir Charles Oatley and his develop surface electrical charge because of
many students at the University of Cambridge impact of the beam electrons must be given a con-
(Oatley 1972). The basic operating principle of ductive coating that is properly grounded to pro-
the SEM involves the creation of a finely focused vide an electrical discharge path. In the variable
beam of energetic electrons by means of emission pressure SEM (VPSEM), specimen chamber pres-
from an electron source. The energy of the elec- sures can range from 1 Pa to 2000 Pa (derived
trons in this beam, E0, is typically selected in the from atmospheric gas or a supplied gas such as
range from E0 = 0.1 to 30 keV). After emission water vapor), which provides automatic discharg-
from the source and acceleration to high energy, ing of uncoated insulating specimens through the
the electron beam is modified by apertures, mag- ionized gas atoms and free electrons generated by
netic and/or electrostatic lenses, and electromag- beam, BSE, and SE interactions. At the high end
netic coils which act to successively reduce the of this VPSEM pressure range with modest speci-
beam diameter and to scan the focused beam in a men cooling (2–5 °C), water can be maintained in
raster (x-y) pattern to place it sequentially at a a gas–liquid equilibrium, enabling direct exami-
series of closely spaced but discrete locations on nation of wet specimens.
the specimen. At each one of these discrete loca-
tions in the scan pattern, the interaction of the SEM electron-optical parameters can be optimized
electron beam with the specimen produces two for different operational modes:
outgoing electron products: (1) backscattered 1. A small beam diameter can be selected for high
electrons (BSEs), which are beam electrons that spatial resolution imaging, with extremely fine
emerge from the specimen with a large fraction of scale detail revealed by possible imaging strate-
their incident energy intact after experiencing gies employing high beam energy, for example,
scattering and deflection by the electric fields of . Fig. 1a (E0 = 15 keV) and low beam energy,
the atoms in the sample; and (2) secondary elec- . Fig. 1b (E0 = 0.8 keV), . Fig. 1c (E0 = 0.5 keV),
trons (SEs), which are electrons that escape the and . Fig. 1d (E0 = 0.3 keV). However, a nega-
specimen surface after beam electrons have tive consequence of choosing a small beam
ejected them from atoms in the sample. Even size is that the beam current is reduced as the
though the beam electrons are typically at high inverse square of the beam diameter. Low beam
energy, these secondary electrons experience low current means that visibility is compromised
kinetic energy transfer and subsequently escape for features that produce weak contrast.
the specimen surface with very low kinetic ener- 2. A high beam current improves visibility of low
gies, in the range 0–50 eV, with the majority below contrast objects (e.g., . Fig. 2). For any combi-
5 eV in energy. At each beam location, these out- nation of beam current, pixel dwell time, and
going electron signals are measured using one or detector efficiency there is always a threshold
more electron detectors, usually an Everhart– contrast below which features of the speci-
Thornley “secondary electron” detector (which is men will not be visible. This threshold contrast
actually sensitive to both SEs and BSEs) and a depends on the relative size and shape of the
“dedicated backscattered electron detector” that is feature of interest. The visibility of large objects
insensitive to SEs. For each of these detectors, the and extended linear objects persists when
signal measured at each individual raster scan small objects have dropped below the visibility
VIII Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated Techniques: Overview

a b

100 nm
EHT - 15.00 kV Signal A = InlLens Mag - 94.28 K X Width - 1.213 mm Date: 19 Oct 2015
YK I Probe - 135 pA ESB Grid = 800 V Image Pixel Size - 1.184 nm
WD - 1.7 mm Signal B = InlLens

HV mag HFW WD 500 nm
800.00 V 100 000 x 1.49 µm 990.7 µm Helios

SU8200 0.50kV-D 1.6mm X 200k SE+BSE(TU) 200nm

10nm JEOL
x500,000 0.30kV UED GBSH WD 2.0mm

SU8200 0.50kV-D 1.6mm X 500k SE+BSE(TU) 100nm

..      Fig. 1 a High resolution SEM image taken at high (image courtesy of Trevan Landin, FEI); Bar = 500 nm. c
beam energy (E0 = 15 keV) of a finFET transistor (16-nm Mesoporous silica nanosphere showing 5-nm-diameter
technology) using an in-lens secondary electron detector. pores imaged with a landing energy of 0.5 keV (specimen
This cross section was prepared by inverted Ga FIB milling courtesy of T. Yokoi, Tokyo Institute of Technology; images
from backside (Zeiss Auriga Cross beam; image courtesy courtesy of A. Muto, Hitachi High Technologies); Upper image
of John Notte, Carl Zeiss); Bar = 100 nm. b High resolu- Bar = 200 nm, Lower image Bar = 100 nm. d Si nanoparticle
tion SEM image taken at low beam energy (E0 = 0.8 keV) of imaged with a landing energy of 0.3 keV; Bar = 10 nm
zeolite (uncoated) using a through-the-lens SE detector (image courtesy V. Robertson, JEOL)

threshold. This threshold can only be lowered 3. The beam divergence angle can be minimized
by increasing beam current, pixel dwell time, to increase the depth-of-field (e.g., . Fig. 3).
and/or detector efficiency. Selecting higher With optimized selection of aperture size and
beam current means a larger beam size, caus- specimen-to-objective lens distance (work-
ing resolution to deteriorate. Thus, there is a ing distance), it is generally possible to achieve
dynamic contest between resolution and visibil- small beam convergence angles and therefore
ity leading to inevitable limitations on feature effective focus along the beam axis that is at
size and feature visibility that can be achieved. least equal to the horizontal width of the image.
Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated Techniques: Overview

0.5 nA 20 nA

20 mm 20 mm
BSE MAG: 1000 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm BSE MAG: 1000 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm

..      Fig. 2 Effect of increasing beam current (at constant pixel dwell time) to improve visibility of low contrast features.
Al-Si eutectic alloy; E0 = 20 keV; semiconductor BSE detector (sum mode): (left) 0.5 nA; (right) 20 nA; Bar = 20 µm


10 mm
BSE MAG: 750 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0mm

..      Fig. 4 Atomic number contrast with backscattered

HV WD mag det mode HFW 4 mm electrons. Raney nickel alloy, polished cross section;
20.00 kV 8.0 mm 12 711 x ETD Custom 11.7 mm NIST FEG ESEM
E0 = 20 keV; semiconductor BSE (sum mode) detector. Note
..      Fig. 3 Large the depth-of-focus; Sn spheres; that four different phases corresponding to different com-
E0 = 20 keV; Everhart–Thornley(positive bias) detector; positions can be discerned; Bar = 10 µm
Bar = 4 µm (Scott Wight, NIST)

A negative consequence of using a small aper- limited to approximately 10–100 nm depend-

ture to reduce the convergence/divergence angle ing on the specimen composition and the
is a reduction in beam current. beam energy selected.
2. Topography (shape) (e.g., . Fig. 5). Topo-
Vendor software supports collection, dynamic graphic structure can be imaged with varia-
processing, and interpretation of SEM images, tions in local surface inclination as small as
including extensive spatial measurements. Open a few degrees. The edges of structures can
source software such as ImageJ-Fiji, which is be localized with a spatial resolution rang-
highlighted in this textbook, further extends these ing from the incident beam diameter (which
digital image processing capabilities and provides can be 1 nm or less, depending on the elec-
the user access to a large microscopy community tron source) up to 10 nm or greater, depend-
effort that supports advanced image processing. ing on the material and the geometric nature
General specimen property information that of the edge (vertical, rounded, tapered, re-
can be obtained from SEM images: entrant, etc.).
1. Compositional microstructure (e.g., . Fig. 4). 3. Visualizing the third dimension (e.g., . Fig. 6).
Compositional variations of 1 unit differ- Optimizing for a large depth-of-field permits
ence in average atomic number (Z) can be visualizing the three-dimensional structure
observed generally with BSE detection, with of a specimen. However, in conventional X-Y
even greater sensitivity (ΔZ = 0.1) for low image presentation, the resulting image is a
(Z = 6) and intermediate (Z = 30) atomic num- projection of the three dimensional informa-
bers. The lateral spatial resolution is generally tion onto a two dimensional plane, suffering
X Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated Techniques: Overview

20 mm 20 mm
SE MAG: 500 X HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm BSE MAG: 500 X HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm

..      Fig. 5 Topographic contrast as viewed with different detectors: Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) and semiconductor
BSE (sum mode); silver crystals; E0 = 20 keV; Bar = 20 µm

Measuring the Elemental


The beam interaction with the specimen produces

two types of X-ray photon emissions which com-
pose the X-ray spectrum: (1) characteristic X-rays,
whose specific energies provide a fingerprint that
is specific to each element, with the exception of H
and He, which do not emit X-rays; and (2) con-
tinuum X-rays, which occur at all photon energies
from the measurement threshold to E0 and form a
background beneath the characteristic X-rays.
This X-ray spectrum can be used to identify and
quantify the specific elements (excepting H and
He, which do not produce X-rays) present within
the beam-excited interaction volume, which has
SEM HV: 15.0 kV WD: 9.42 mm dimensions ranging from approximately 100 nm
View field: 439 mm Det: SE 100 mm
to 10 μm depending on composition and beam
..      Fig. 6 Visualizing the third dimension. Anaglyph ste- energy, over a wide range of concentrations (C,
reo pair (red filter over left eye) of pollen grains on plant expressed in mass fraction):
fibers; E0 = 15 keV; coated with Au-Pd; Bar = 100 µm “Major constituent”: 0.1 < C ≤ 1
“Minor constituent”: 0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1
spatial distortion due to foreshortening. The “Trace constituent”: C < 0.01
true three-dimensional nature of the speci-
men can be recovered by applying the tech- The X-ray spectrum is measured with the semi-
niques of stereomicroscopy, which invokes conductor energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer
the natural human visual process for stereo (EDS), which can detect photons from a threshold
imaging by combining two independent views of approximately 40 eV to E0 (which can be as high
of the same area made with small angular dif- as 30 keV). Vendor software supports collection
ferences. and analysis of spectra, and these tools can be aug-
4. Other properties which can be accessed by mented significantly with the open source software
SEM imaging: (1) crystal structure, including National Institute of Standards and Technology
grain boundaries, crystal defects, and crystal DTSA II for quantitative spectral processing and
deformation effects (e.g., . Fig. 8); (2) mag- simulation, discussed in this textbook.
netic microstructure, including magnetic Analytical software supports qualitative X-ray
domains and interfaces; (3) applied electri- microanalysis which involves assigning the char-
cal fields in engineered microstructures; (4) acteristic peaks recognized in the spectrum to
electron-stimulated optical emission (cath- specific elements. Qualitative analysis presents
odoluminescence), which is sensitive to low significant challenges because of mutual peak
energy electronic structure. interferences that can occur between certain
Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated Techniques: Overview

combinations of elements, for example, Ti and standard spectra can be effectively used if a quality
Ba; S, Mo, and Pb; and many others, especially measurement program is implemented to ensure
when the peaks of major constituents interfere the constancy of measurement conditions, includ-
with the peaks of minor or trace constituents. ing spectrometer performance parameters. With
Operator knowledge of the physical rules govern- such a standards-based measurement protocol and
ing X-ray generation and detection is needed to ZAFc matrix corrections, the accuracy of the anal-
perform a careful review of software-generated ysis can be expressed as a relative deviation from
peak identifications, and this careful review must expected value (RDEV):
always be performed to achieve a robust mea-
surement result. RDEV ( % ) = [ ( Measured − True ) / True ] × 100% (2)
After a successful qualitative analysis has been

performed, quantitative analysis can proceed.
Based on extensive testing of homogeneous
The characteristic intensity for each peak is auto-
binary and multiple component compositions,
matically determined by peak fitting procedures,
the distribution of RDEV values for major con-
such as the multiple linear least squares method.
stituents is such that a range of ±5 % relative cap-
The intensity measured for each element is pro-
tures 95 % of all analyses. The use of stable, high
portional to the concentration of that element,
integrated count spectra (>1 million total counts
but that intensity is also modified by all other ele-
from threshold to E0) now possible with the sili-
ments present in the interaction volume through
con drift detector EDS (SDD-EDS), enables this
their influence on the electron scattering and
level of accuracy to be achieved for major and
retardation (“atomic number” matrix effect, Z),
minor constituents even when severe peak inter-
X-ray absorption within the specimen (“absorp-
ference occurs and there is also a large concen-
tion” matrix effect, A), and X-ray generation
tration ratio, for example, a major constituent
induced by absorption of X-rays (“secondary flu-
interfering with a minor constituent. Trace con-
orescence” matrix effects, F, induced by charac-
stituents that do not suffer severe interference
teristic X-rays and c, induced by continuum
can be measured to limits of detection as low as
X-rays). The complex physics of these “ZAFc”
C = 0.0002 (200 parts per million) with spectra
matrix corrections has been rendered into algo-
containing >10 million counts. For interference
rithms by a combined theoretical and empirical
situations, much higher count spectra (>100
approach. The basis of quantitative electron-
million counts) are required.
excited X-ray microanalysis is the “k-ratio proto-
An alternative “standardless analysis” protocol
col”: measurement under identical conditions
uses libraries of standard spectra (“remote stan-
(beam energy, known electron dose, and spec-
dards”) measured on a different SEM platform
trometer performance) of the characteristic
with a similar EDS spectrometer, ideally over a
intensities for all elements recognized in the
wide range of beam energy and detector parame-
unknown spectrum against a suite of standards
ters (resolution). These library spectra are then
containing those same elements, producing a set
adjusted to the local measurement conditions
of k-ratios, where
through comparison of one or more key spectra
(e.g., locally measured spectra of particular ele-
k = I Unknown / I Standard  (1)
ments such as Si and Ni). Interpolation/extrapola-
tion is used to supply estimated spectral intensities
for each element in the unknown. Standards are for elements not present in or at a beam energy not
materials of known composition that are tested to represented in the library elemental suite. Testing
be homogeneous at the microscopic scale, and of the standardless analysis method has shown
preferably homogeneous at the nanoscale. that an RDEV range of ±25 % relative is needed to
Standards can be as simple as pure elements—e.g., capture 95 % of all analyses.
C, Al, Si, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Ag, Au, etc.—but for High throughput (>100 kHz) EDS enables col-
those elements that are not stable in a vacuum lection of X-ray intensity maps with gray scale rep-
(e.g., gaseous elements such as O) or which resentation of different concentration levels (e.g.,
degrade during electron bombardment (e.g., S, P, . Fig. 7a). Compositional mapping by spectrum
and Ga), stable stoichiometric compounds can be imaging (SI) collects a full EDS spectrum at each
used instead, e.g., MgO for O; FeS2 for S; and GaP pixel of an x-y array, and after applying the quanti-
for Ga and P. The most accurate analysis is per- tative analysis procedure at each pixel, images are
formed with standards measured on the same created for each element where the gray (or color)
instrument as the unknown(s), ideally in the same level is assigned based on the measured concentra-
measurement campaign, although archived tion (e.g., . Fig. 7b).
XII Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated Techniques: Overview

Al Fe


Ni Al Fe Ni


20 mm
BSE MAG: 1000 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm

Ni Fe

0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
0.1 1.0 10 100 wt%

..      Fig. 7 a EDS X-ray intensity maps for Al, Fe, and Ni and color overlay; Raney nickel alloy; E0 = 20 keV. b SEM/BSE (sum)
image and compositional maps corresponding to a
Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated Techniques: Overview

Measuring the Crystal Structure  ual-Beam Platforms: Combined

Electron and Ion Beams
An electron beam incident on a crystal can undergo
electron channeling in a shallow near-surface layer A “dual-beam” instrument combines a fully func-
which increases the initial beam penetration for tional SEM with a focused ion beam (FIB), typi-
certain orientations of the beam relative to the cally gallium or argon. This combination provides
crystal planes. The additional penetration results in a flexible platform for in situ specimen modifica-
a slight reduction in the electron backscattering tion through precision ion beam milling and/or
coefficient, which creates weak crystallographic ion beam mediated material deposition with
contrast (a few percent) in SEM images by which sequential or simultaneous electron beam tech-
differences in local crystallographic orientation nique characterization of the newly revealed
can be directly observed: grain boundaries, defor- specimen surfaces. Precision material removal
mations bands, and so on (e.g., . Fig. 8). enables detailed study of the third dimension of a
The backscattered electrons exiting the speci- specimen with nanoscale resolution along the
men are subject to crystallographic diffraction depth axis. An example of ion beam milling of a
effects, producing small modulations in the intensi- directionally solidified Al-Cu is shown in . Fig. 9,
ties scattered to different angles that are superim- as imaged with the SEM column on the dual-
posed on the overall angular distribution that an beam instrument. Additionally, ion-beam
amorphous target would produce. The resulting induced secondary electron emission provides
“electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)” pattern scanning ion microscopy (SIM) imaging to com-
provides extensive information on the local orienta- plement SEM imaging. For imaging certain speci-
tion, as shown in . Fig. 8b for a crystal of hematite. men properties, such as crystallographic
EBSD pattern angular separations provide mea- structure, SIM produces stronger contrast than
surements of the crystal plane spacing, while the SEM. There is also an important class of stand-
overall EBSD pattern reveals symmetry elements. alone SIM instruments, such as the helium ion
This crystallographic information combined with microscope (HIM), that are optimized for high
elemental analysis information obtained simultane- resolution/high depth-of-field imaging perfor-
ously from the same specimen region can be used to mance (e.g., the same area as viewed by HIM is
identify the crystal structure of an unknown. also shown in . Fig. 9).

a b

40 mm
BSE MAG: 400 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm

..      Fig. 8 a Electron channeling contrast revealing grain boundaries in Ti-alloy (nominal composition: Ti-15Mo-3Nb-3Al-
0.2Si); E0 = 20 keV. b Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) pattern from hematite at E0 = 40 keV
XIV Scanning Electron Microscopy and Associated Techniques: Overview

Field of view Dwell Time Mag (4x5 Polaroid)

50.00 um 5.00 um 50.0 us
mag HV WD HFW curr 20 µm Working Dist Image Size Blankar Current
2,540.00 X
5 000 x 15.00 kV 3.9 mm 51.2 µm 86 pA 12.1 mm 1024x1024 0.7 9A PrimaryETDetector

..      Fig. 9 Directionally-solidified Al-Cu eutectic alloy after ion beam milling in a dual-beam instrument, as imaged by the
SEM column (left image); same region imaged in the HIM (right image)

 odeling Electron and Ion

M References
Knoll M (1935) Static potential and secondary emission of
bodies under electron radiation. Z Tech Physik 16:467
An important component of modern Scanning Knoll M, Theile R (1939) Scanning electron microscope for
Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis determining the topography of surfaces and thin
is modeling the interaction of beam electrons layers. Z Physik 113:260
and ions with the atoms of the specimen and its Oatley C (1972) The scanning electron microscope: part 1,
environment. Such modeling supports image the instrument. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
von Ardenne M (1938) The scanning electron microscope.
interpretation, X-ray microanalysis of challeng- Theoretical fundamentals. Z Physik 109:553
ing specimens, electron crystallography methods,
and many other issues. Software tools for this pur-
pose, including Monte Carlo electron trajectory
simulation, are discussed within the text. These
tools are complemented by the extensive database
of Electron-Solid Interactions (e.g., electron scat-
tering and ionization cross sections, secondary
electron and backscattered electron coefficients,
etc.), developed by Prof. David Joy, can be found
in chapter 3 on SpringerLink: http://link.springer.


1 Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume������������������������������������������������������� 1

1.1 What Happens When the Beam Electrons Encounter Specimen Atoms?���������������������������������������������������������� 2
1.2 Inelastic Scattering (Energy Loss) Limits Beam Electron
Travel in the Specimen��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
1.3 Elastic Scattering: Beam Electrons Change Direction of Flight���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
1.3.1 How Frequently Does Elastic Scattering Occur?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
1.4 Simulating the Effects of Elastic Scattering: Monte Carlo Calculations������������������������������������������������������������� 5
1.4.1 What Do Individual Monte Carlo Trajectories Look Like?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
1.4.2 Monte Carlo Simulation To Visualize the Electron Interaction Volume������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
1.4.3 Using the Monte Carlo Electron Trajectory Simulation to Study
the Interaction Volume���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
1.5 A Range Equation To Estimate the Size of the Interaction Volume������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14

2 Backscattered Electrons�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
2.1 Origin������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16
2.1.1 The Numerical Measure of Backscattered Electrons����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
2.2 Critical Properties of Backscattered Electrons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16
2.2.1 BSE Response to Specimen Composition (η vs. Atomic Number, Z)����������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
2.2.2 BSE Response to Specimen Inclination (η vs. Surface Tilt, θ)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
2.2.3 Angular Distribution of Backscattering���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
2.2.4 Spatial Distribution of Backscattering������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
2.2.5 Energy Distribution of Backscattered Electrons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27
2.3 Summary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27
References���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28

3 Secondary Electrons��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
3.1 Origin������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 30
3.2 Energy Distribution��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
3.3 Escape Depth of Secondary Electrons���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
3.4 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Atomic Number����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
3.5 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Specimen Tilt���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
3.6 Angular Distribution of Secondary Electrons�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
3.7 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Beam Energy����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
3.8 Spatial Characteristics of Secondary Electrons����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
References���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37

4 X-Rays�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
4.1 Overview������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 40
4.2 Characteristic X-Rays������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
4.2.1 Origin������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
4.2.2 Fluorescence Yield������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
4.2.3 X-Ray Families��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
4.2.4 X-Ray Nomenclature��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
4.2.5 X-Ray Weights of Lines����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
4.2.6 Characteristic X-Ray Intensity���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
4.3 X-Ray Continuum (bremsstrahlung)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
4.3.1 X-Ray Continuum Intensity��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
4.3.2 The Electron-Excited X-Ray Spectrum, As-Generated�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
4.3.3 Range of X-ray Production���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
4.3.4 Monte Carlo Simulation of X-Ray Generation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51
4.3.5 X-ray Depth Distribution Function, ϕ(ρz)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53
XVI Contents

4.4 X-Ray Absorption�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54

4.5 X-Ray Fluorescence���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 59
References���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63

5 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation������������������������������������������������������������������� 65

5.1 Electron Beam Parameters�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
5.2 Electron Optical Parameters����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
5.2.1 Beam Energy����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
5.2.2 Beam Diameter������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
5.2.3 Beam Current���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
5.2.4 Beam Current Density������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 68
5.2.5 Beam Convergence Angle, ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
5.2.6 Beam Solid Angle��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
5.2.7 Electron Optical Brightness, ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
5.2.8 Focus�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
5.3 SEM Imaging Modes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
5.3.1 High Depth-of-Field Mode���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
5.3.2 High-Current Mode����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 78
5.3.3 Resolution Mode���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
5.3.4 Low-Voltage Mode������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 81
5.4 Electron Detectors����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
5.4.1 Important Properties of BSE and SE for Detector Design and Operation�������������������������������������������������������������� 83
5.4.2 Detector Characteristics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
5.4.3 Common Types of Electron Detectors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 85
5.4.4 Secondary Electron Detectors��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
5.4.5 Specimen Current: The Specimen as Its Own Detector����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
5.4.6 A Useful, Practical Measure of a Detector: Detective
Quantum Efficiency����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89
References���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91

6 Image Formation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
6.1 Image Construction by Scanning Action����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
6.2 Magnification��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 95
6.2.1 Magnification, Image Dimensions, and Scale Bars�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 95
6.3 Making Dimensional Measurements With the SEM:
How Big Is That Feature?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 95
6.3.1 Calibrating the Image������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 95
6.4 Image Defects�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
6.4.1 Projection Distortion (Foreshortening)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
6.4.2 Image Defocusing (Blurring)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
6.5 Making Measurements on Surfaces With Arbitrary Topography:
Stereomicroscopy����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102
6.5.1 Qualitative Stereomicroscopy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
6.5.2 Quantitative Stereomicroscopy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110

7 SEM Image Interpretation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 111

7.1 Information in SEM Images���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
7.2 Interpretation of SEM Images of Compositional Microstructure����������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
7.2.1 Atomic Number Contrast With Backscattered Electrons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
7.2.2 Calculating Atomic Number Contrast����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
7.2.3 BSE Atomic Number Contrast With the Everhart–Thornley Detector������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
7.3 Interpretation of SEM Images of Specimen Topography�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
7.3.1 Imaging Specimen Topography With the Everhart–Thornley Detector��������������������������������������������������������������� 115
7.3.2 The Light-Optical Analogy to the SEM/E–T (Positive Bias) Image�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
7.3.3 Imaging Specimen Topography With a Semiconductor BSE Detector����������������������������������������������������������������� 119
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121

8 The Visibility of Features in SEM Images��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123

8.1 Signal Quality: Threshold Contrast and Threshold Current��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
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9 Image Defects�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133

9.1 Charging���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
9.1.1 What Is Specimen Charging?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
9.1.2 Recognizing Charging Phenomena in SEM Images���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
9.1.3 Techniques to Control Charging Artifacts (High Vacuum Instruments)��������������������������������������������������������������� 139
9.2 Radiation Damage��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
9.3 Contamination����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
9.4 Moiré Effects: Imaging What Isn’t Actually There����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146

10 High Resolution Imaging���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147

10.1 What Is “High Resolution SEM Imaging”?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 148
10.2 Instrumentation Considerations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 148
10.3 Pixel Size, Beam Footprint, and Delocalized Signals���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 148
10.4 Secondary Electron Contrast at High Spatial Resolution�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150
10.4.1 SE range Effects Produce Bright Edges (Isolated Edges)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
10.4.2 Even More Localized Signal: Edges Which Are Thin Relative
to the Beam Range���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
10.4.3 Too Much of a Good Thing: The Bright Edge Effect Can Hinder
Distinguishing Shape����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
10.4.4 Too Much of a Good Thing: The Bright Edge Effect Hinders
Locating the True Position of an Edge for Critical Dimension Metrology������������������������������������������������������������ 154
10.5 Achieving High Resolution with Secondary Electrons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
10.5.1 Beam Energy Strategies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
10.5.2 Improving the SE1 Signal����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
10.5.3 Eliminate the Use of SEs Altogether: “Low Loss BSEs“������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 161
10.6 Factors That Hinder Achieving High Resolution������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
10.6.1 Achieving Visibility: The Threshold Contrast����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
10.6.2 Pathological Specimen Behavior�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
10.6.3 Pathological Specimen and Instrumentation Behavior��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164

11 Low Beam Energy SEM��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 165

11.1 What Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy SEM Imaging?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
11.2 Secondary Electron and Backscattered Electron Signal Characteristics
in the Low Beam Energy Range�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
11.3 Selecting the Beam Energy to Control the Spatial Sampling
of Imaging Signals��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
11.3.1 Low Beam Energy for High Lateral Resolution SEM���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
11.3.2 Low Beam Energy for High Depth Resolution SEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
11.3.3 Extremely Low Beam Energy Imaging���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 172

12 Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)��������������������������������������������������������� 173

12.1 Review: The Conventional SEM High Vacuum Environment�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 174
12.1.1 Stable Electron Source Operation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 174
12.1.2 Maintaining Beam Integrity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 174
12.1.3 Stable Operation of the Everhart–Thornley Secondary Electron Detector��������������������������������������������������������� 174
12.1.4 Minimizing Contamination������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 174
12.2 How Does VPSEM Differ From the Conventional SEM
Vacuum Environment?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 174
XVIII Contents

12.3 Benefits of Scanning Electron Microscopy at Elevated Pressures���������������������������������������������������������������������� 175

12.3.1 Control of Specimen Charging������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 175
12.3.2 Controlling the Water Environment of a Specimen���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 176
12.4 Gas Scattering Modification of the Focused Electron Beam�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
12.5 VPSEM Image Resolution�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
12.6 Detectors for Elevated Pressure Microscopy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
12.6.1 Backscattered Electrons—Passive Scintillator Detector�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
12.6.2 Secondary Electrons–Gas Amplification Detector������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 182
12.7 Contrast in VPSEM���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 184
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185

13 ImageJ and Fiji������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 187

13.1 The ImageJ Universe����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
13.2 Fiji����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
13.3 Plugins�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 190
13.4 Where to Learn More����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 193

14 SEM Imaging Checklist�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 195

14.1 Specimen Considerations (High Vacuum SEM; Specimen Chamber Pressure < 10−3 Pa)�������������������������� 197
14.1.1 Conducting or Semiconducting Specimens����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
14.1.2 Insulating Specimens����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
14.2 Electron Signals Available������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
14.2.1 Beam Electron Range����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
14.2.2 Backscattered Electrons ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 197
14.2.3 Secondary Electrons ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 197
14.3 Selecting the Electron Detector�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
14.3.1 Everhart–Thornley Detector (“Secondary Electron” Detector)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
14.3.2 Backscattered Electron Detectors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 198
14.3.3 “Through-the-Lens” Detectors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
14.4 Selecting the Beam Energy for SEM Imaging������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 198
14.4.1 Compositional Contrast With Backscattered Electrons��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
14.4.2 Topographic Contrast With Backscattered Electrons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
14.4.3 Topographic Contrast With Secondary Electrons�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
14.4.4 High Resolution SEM Imaging������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
14.5 Selecting the Beam Current��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
14.5.1 High Resolution Imaging���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
14.5.2 Low Contrast Features Require High Beam Current and/or Long Frame Time to Establish Visibility��������� 199
14.6 Image Presentation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
14.6.1 “Live” Display Adjustments������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
14.6.2 Post-Collection Processing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
14.7 Image Interpretation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
14.7.1 Observer’s Point of View������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 199
14.7.2 Direction of Illumination����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
14.7.3 Contrast Encoding����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
14.7.4 Imaging Topography With the Everhart–Thornley Detector����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
14.7.5 Annular BSE Detector (Semiconductor Sum Mode A + B and Passive Scintillator)������������������������������������������� 200
14.7.6 Semiconductor BSE Detector Difference Mode, A−B������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
14.7.7 Everhart–Thornley Detector, Negatively Biased to Reject SE���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
14.8 Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
14.8.1 VPSEM Advantages��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
14.8.2 VPSEM Disadvantages���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200

15 SEM Case Studies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201

15.1 Case Study: How High Is That Feature Relative to Another?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 202
15.2 Revealing Shallow Surface Relief����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204
15.3 Case Study: Detecting Ink-Jet Printer Deposits�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206

16 Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected

Parameters�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 209
16.1 The Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) Process����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 210
16.1.1 The Principal EDS Artifact: Peak Broadening (EDS Resolution Function)������������������������������������������������������������ 210
16.1.2 Minor Artifacts: The Si-Escape Peak��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 213
16.1.3 Minor Artifacts: Coincidence Peaks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 213
16.1.4 Minor Artifacts: Si Absorption Edge and Si Internal Fluorescence Peak�������������������������������������������������������������� 215
16.2 “Best Practices” for Electron-Excited EDS Operation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 216
16.2.1 Operation of the EDS System��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 216
16.3 Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality
Measurement Environment���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 219
16.3.1 Detector Geometry��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 219
16.3.2 Process Time���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 222
16.3.3 Optimal Working Distance�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 222
16.3.4 Detector Orientation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 223
16.3.5 Count Rate Linearity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
16.3.6 Energy Calibration Linearity����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
16.3.7 Other Items������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 227
16.3.8 Setting Up a Quality Control Program���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 228
16.3.9 Purchasing an SDD���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 230
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234

17 DTSA-II EDS Software����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 235

17.1 Getting Started With NIST DTSA-II��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 236
17.1.1 Motivation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 236
17.1.2 Platform������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 236
17.1.3 Overview���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 236
17.1.4 Design��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 237
17.1.5 The Three -Leg Stool: Simulation, Quantification and Experiment Design��������������������������������������������������������� 237
17.1.6 Introduction to Fundamental Concepts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 238
17.2 Simulation in DTSA-II���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
17.2.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
17.2.2 Monte Carlo Simulation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
17.2.3 Using the GUI To Perform a Simulation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247
17.2.4 Optional Tables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 264

18 Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry������������������������ 265

18.1 Quality Assurance Issues for Qualitative Analysis: EDS Calibration������������������������������������������������������������������ 266
18.2 Principles of Qualitative EDS Analysis�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 266
18.2.1 Critical Concepts From the Physics of Characteristic X-ray Generation
and Propagation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 266
18.2.2 X-Ray Energy Database: Families of X-Rays������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
18.2.3 Artifacts of the EDS Detection Process��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
18.3 Performing Manual Qualitative Analysis��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 275
18.3.1 Why are Skills in Manual Qualitative Analysis Important?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 275
18.3.2 Performing Manual Qualitative Analysis: Choosing the Instrument
Operating Conditions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 277
18.4 Identifying the Peaks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 278
18.4.1 Employ the Available Software Tools������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 278
18.4.2 Identifying the Peaks: Major Constituents��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 280
18.4.3 Lower Photon Energy Region�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
18.4.4 Identifying the Peaks: Minor and Trace Constituents������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
18.4.5 Checking Your Work�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
18.5 A Worked Example of Manual Peak Identification��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 287
XX Contents

19 Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition���������������������������������������������������������������������� 289

19.1 What Is a k-ratio?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 290
19.2 Uncertainties in k-ratios����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 291
19.3 Sets of k-ratios����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 291
19.4 Converting Sets of k-ratios Into Composition����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 292
19.5 The Analytical Total�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 292
19.6 Normalization������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 292
19.7 Other Ways to Estimate CZ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
19.7.1 Oxygen by Assumed Stoichiometry�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
19.7.2 Waters of Crystallization������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 293
19.7.3 Element by Difference���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
19.8 Ways of Reporting Composition������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 294
19.8.1 Mass Fraction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 294
19.8.2 Atomic Fraction���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 294
19.8.3 Stoichiometry������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 294
19.8.4 Oxide Fractions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 294
19.9 The Accuracy of Quantitative Electron-Excited X-ray Microanalysis���������������������������������������������������������������� 295
19.9.1 Standards-Based k-ratio Protocol������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 295
19.9.2 “Standardless Analysis”�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296
19.10 Appendix��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
19.10.1 The Need for Matrix Corrections To Achieve Quantitative Analysis���������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
19.10.2 The Physical Origin of Matrix Effects������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 299
19.10.3 ZAF Factors in Microanalysis���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 299
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 307

20 Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio

Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 309
20.1 Requirements Imposed on the Specimen and Standards������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 311
20.2 Instrumentation Requirements�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 311
20.2.1 Choosing the EDS Parameters������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 311
20.2.2 Choosing the Beam Energy, E0������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 313
20.2.3 Measuring the Beam Current��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
20.2.4 Choosing the Beam Current����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 314
20.3 Examples of the k-ratio/Matrix Correction Protocol with DTSA II���������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
20.3.1 Analysis of Major Constituents (C > 0.1 Mass Fraction)
with Well-Resolved Peaks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
20.3.2 Analysis of Major Constituents (C > 0.1 Mass Fraction)
with Severely Overlapping Peaks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 318
20.3.3 Analysis of a Minor Constituent with Peak Overlap From
a Major Constituent�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
20.3.4 Ba-Ti Interference in BaTiSi3O9������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
20.3.5 Ba-Ti Interference: Major/Minor Constituent Interference in K2496
Microanalysis Glass��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
20.4 The Need for an Iterative Qualitative and Quantitative
Analysis Strategy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 319
20.4.1 Analysis of a Complex Metal Alloy, IN100���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 320
20.4.2 Analysis of a Stainless Steel������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 323
20.4.3 Progressive Discovery: Repeated Qualitative–Quantitative Analysis
Sequences�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 324
20.5 Is the Specimen Homogeneous?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 326
20.6 Beam-Sensitive Specimens����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 331
20.6.1 Alkali Element Migration����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 331
20.6.2 Materials Subject to Mass Loss During Electron Bombardment—
the Marshall-Hall Method��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 334
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 339

21 Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 341

21.1 Limits of Detection for SEM/EDS Microanalysis�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 342
21.2 Estimating the Concentration Limit of Detection, CDL������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 343
21.2.1 Estimating CDL from a Trace or Minor Constituent from Measuring
a Known Standard����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 343
21.2.2 Estimating CDL After Determination of a Minor or Trace Constituent
with Severe Peak Interference from a Major Constituent����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 343
21.2.3 Estimating CDL When a Reference Value for Trace or
Minor Element Is Not Available����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 343
21.3 Measurements of Trace Constituents by Electron-Excited Energy
Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 345
21.3.1 Is a Given Trace Level Measurement Actually Valid?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 345
21.4 Pathological Electron Scattering Can Produce “Trace” Contributions
to EDS Spectra����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 350
21.4.1 Instrumental Sources of Trace Analysis Artifacts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 350
21.4.2 Assessing Remote Excitation Sources in an SEM-EDS System��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 353
21.5 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357

22 Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 359

22.1 What Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis?������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 360
22.1.1 Characteristic X-ray Peak Selection Strategy for Analysis����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
22.1.2 Low Beam Energy Analysis Range������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 364
22.2 Advantage of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 365
22.2.1 Improved Spatial Resolution���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 365
22.2.2 Reduced Matrix Absorption Correction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 366
22.2.3 Accurate Analysis of Low Atomic Number Elements at Low Beam Energy��������������������������������������������������������� 366
22.3 Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis���������������������������������������������������������� 369
22.3.1 Reduced Access to Elements���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
22.3.2 Relative Depth of X-Ray Generation: Susceptibility to Vertical Heterogeneity�������������������������������������������������� 372
22.3.3 At Low Beam Energy, Almost Everything Is Found To Be Layered������������������������������������������������������������������������� 373
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380

23 Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk

Objects and Particles������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 381
23.1 The Origins of “Geometric Effects”: Bulk Specimens����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 382
23.2 What Degree of Surface Finish Is Required for Electron-Excited X-ray
Microanalysis To Minimize Geometric Effects?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 384
23.2.1 No Chemical Etching������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 384
23.3 Consequences of Attempting Analysis of Bulk Materials
With Rough Surfaces����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 385
23.4 Useful Indicators of Geometric Factors Impact on Analysis��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 386
23.4.1 The Raw Analytical Total������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 386
23.4.2 The Shape of the EDS Spectrum��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 389
23.5 Best Practices for Analysis of Rough Bulk Samples������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 391
23.6 Particle Analysis�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 394
23.6.1 How Do X-ray Measurements of Particles Differ
From Bulk Measurements?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 394
23.6.2 Collecting Optimum Spectra From Particles����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 395
23.6.3 X-ray Spectrum Imaging: Understanding Heterogeneous Materials�������������������������������������������������������������������� 400
23.6.4 Particle Geometry Factors Influencing Quantitative Analysis of Particles����������������������������������������������������������� 403
23.6.5 Uncertainty in Quantitative Analysis of Particles�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 405
23.6.6 Peak-to-Background (P/B) Method���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 408
23.7 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 410
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 411
XXII Contents

24 Compositional Mapping����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 413

24.1 Total Intensity Region-of-Interest Mapping��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 414
24.1.1 Limitations of Total Intensity Mapping��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 415
24.2 X-Ray Spectrum Imaging��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 417
24.2.1 Utilizing XSI Datacubes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 419
24.2.2 Derived Spectra���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 419
24.3 Quantitative Compositional Mapping�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 424
24.4 Strategy for XSI Elemental Mapping Data Collection��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 430
24.4.1 Choosing the EDS Dead-Time�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 430
24.4.2 Choosing the Pixel Density������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 432
24.4.3 Choosing the Pixel Dwell Time������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 434
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 439

25 Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure

Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 441
25.1 Gas Scattering Effects in the VPSEM������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 442
25.1.1 Why Doesn’t the EDS Collimator Exclude the Remote Skirt X-Rays?��������������������������������������������������������������������� 446
25.1.2 Other Artifacts Observed in VPSEM X-Ray Spectrometry����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 448
25.2 What Can Be Done To Minimize gas Scattering in VPSEM?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 450
25.2.1 Workarounds To Solve Practical Problems��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 451
25.2.2 Favorable Sample Characteristics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 451
25.2.3 Unfavorable Sample Characteristics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 456
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 459

26 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Checklist��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 461

26.1 Instrumentation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 462
26.1.1 SEM��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 462
26.1.2 EDS Detector��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 462
26.1.3 Probe Current Measurement Device������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 462
26.1.4 Conductive Coating�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 463
26.2 Sample Preparation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 463
26.2.1 Standard Materials���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 464
26.2.2 Peak Reference Materials���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 464
26.3 Initial Set-Up��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 464
26.3.1 Calibrating the EDS Detector��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 464
26.4 Collecting Data���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 466
26.4.1 Exploratory Spectrum���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 466
26.4.2 Experiment Optimization���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 467
26.4.3 Selecting Standards�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 467
26.4.4 Reference Spectra������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 467
26.4.5 Collecting Standards������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 467
26.4.6 Collecting Peak-Fitting References���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 467
26.4.7 Collecting Spectra From the Unknown�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 467
26.5 Data Analysis�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 468
26.5.1 Organizing the Data�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 468
26.5.2 Quantification������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 468
26.6 Quality Check������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 468
26.6.1 Check the Residual Spectrum After Peak Fitting��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 468
26.6.2 Check the Analytic Total������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 469
26.6.3 Intercompare the Measurements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 469
Reference���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 470

27 X-Ray Microanalysis Case Studies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 471

27.1 Case Study: Characterization of a Hard-Facing Alloy Bearing Surface������������������������������������������������������������ 472
27.2 Case Study: Aluminum Wire Failures in Residential Wiring���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 474
27.3 Case Study: Characterizing the Microstructure of a Manganese Nodule������������������������������������������������������� 476
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 479

28 Cathodoluminescence��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 481
28.1 Origin���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 482
28.2 Measuring Cathodoluminescence��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 483
28.2.1 Collection of CL���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 483
28.2.2 Detection of CL����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 483
28.3 Applications of CL���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 485
28.3.1 Geology������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 485
28.3.2 Materials Science������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 485
28.3.3 Organic Compounds������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 489
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 489

29 Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 491

29.1 Imaging Crystalline Materials with Electron Channeling Contrast������������������������������������������������������������������� 492
29.1.1 Single Crystals������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 492
29.1.2 Polycrystalline Materials������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 494
29.1.3 Conditions for Detecting Electron Channeling Contrast������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 496
29.2 Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron
Microscope������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 496
29.2.1 Origin of EBSD Patterns������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 498
29.2.2 Cameras for EBSD Pattern Detection������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 499
29.2.3 EBSD Spatial Resolution������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 499
29.2.4 How Does a Modern EBSD System Index Patterns������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 501
29.2.5 Steps in Typical EBSD Measurements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 502
29.2.6 Display of the Acquired Data��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 505
29.2.7 Other Map Components������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 508
29.2.8 Dangers and Practice of “Cleaning” EBSD Data������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 508
29.2.9 Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction in the SEM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 509
29.2.10 Application Example������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 510
29.2.11 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 513
29.2.12 Electron Backscatter Diffraction Checklist��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 513
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 514

30 Focused Ion Beam Applications in the SEM Laboratory��������������������������������������������������������������� 517

30.1 Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 518
30.2 Ion–Solid Interactions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 518
30.3 Focused Ion Beam Systems����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 519
30.4 Imaging with Ions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 520
30.5 Preparation of Samples for SEM������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 521
30.5.1 Cross-Section Preparation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 522
30.5.2 FIB Sample Preparation for 3D Techniques and Imaging������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 524
30.6 Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 526
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 528

31 Ion Beam Microscopy����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 529

31.1 What Is So Useful About Ions?����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 530
31.2 Generating Ion Beams�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 533
31.3 Signal Generation in the HIM������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 534
31.4 Current Generation and Data Collection in the HIM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 536
31.5 Patterning with Ion Beams����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 537
31.6 Operating the HIM��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 538
31.7 Chemical Microanalysis with Ion Beams���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 538
References�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 539

Supplementary Information��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 541

Appendix���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 542

Index���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 547
1 1

Electron Beam—Specimen
Interactions: Interaction
1.1 What Happens When the Beam Electrons Encounter
Specimen Atoms? – 2

1.2 Inelastic Scattering (Energy Loss) Limits Beam

Electron Travel in the Specimen – 2

1.3 Elastic Scattering: Beam Electrons Change

Direction of Flight – 4
1.3.1 How Frequently Does Elastic Scattering Occur? – 4

1.4 Simulating the Effects of Elastic Scattering:

Monte Carlo Calculations – 5
1.4.1 What Do Individual Monte Carlo Trajectories Look Like? – 6
1.4.2 Monte Carlo Simulation To Visualize the Electron
Interaction Volume – 6
1.4.3 Using the Monte Carlo Electron Trajectory Simulation to Study
the Interaction Volume – 8

1.5 A Range Equation To Estimate the Size of the Interaction

Volume – 12

References – 14

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
2 Chapter 1 · Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume

1.1  hat Happens When the Beam

W atomic electrons (binding energy of a few eV) to form sec-
1 Electrons Encounter Specimen Atoms? ondary electrons; ejection of tightly bound inner shell atomic
electrons (binding energy of hundreds to thousands of eV)
By selecting the operating parameters of the SEM electron which subsequently results in emission of characteristic
gun, lenses, and apertures, the microscopist controls the X-rays; deceleration of the beam electron in the electrical
characteristics of the focused beam that reaches the speci- field of the atoms producing an X-ray continuum over all
men surface: energy (typically selected in the range 0.1– energies from a few eV up to the beam’s landing energy (E0)
30 keV), diameter (0.5 nm to 1 μm or larger), beam current (bremsstrahlung or “braking radiation”); generation of waves
(1 pA to 1 μA), and convergence angle (semi-cone angle in the free electron gas that permeates conducting metallic
0.001–0.05 rad). In a conventional high vacuum SEM (typi- solids (plasmons); and heating of the specimen (phonon pro-
cally with the column and specimen chamber pressures duction). While energy is lost in these inelastic scattering
reduced below 10−3 Pa), the residual atom density is so low events, the beam electrons only deviate slightly from their
that the beam electrons are statistically unlikely to encounter current path. The energy loss due to inelastic scattering sets
any atoms of the residual gas along the flight path from the an eventual limit on how far the beam electron can travel in
electron source to the specimen, a distance of approximately the specimen before it loses all of its energy and is absorbed
25 cm. by the specimen.
To understand the specific limitations on the distance
kThe initial dimensional scale traveled in the specimen imposed by inelastic scattering, a
With a cold or thermal field emission gun on a high- mathematical description is needed of the rate of energy loss
performance SEM, the incident beam can be focused to 1 nm (incremental dE, measured in eV) with distance (incremen-
in diameter, which means that for a target such as gold (atom tal ds, measured in nm) traveled in the specimen. Although
diameter ~ 288 pm), there are approximately 12 gold atoms in the various inelastic scattering energy loss processes are
the first atomic layer of the solid within the area of the beam discrete and independent, Bethe (1930) was able to sum-
footprint at the surface. marize their collective effects into a “continuous energy loss
At the specimen surface the atom density changes approximation”:
abruptly to the very high density of the solid. The beam elec-
trons interact with the specimen atoms through a variety of dE / ds ( eV / nm ) = − 7.85 ( Z r / AE ) ln (1.166 E / J ) (1.1a)
physical processes collectively referred to as “scattering
events.” The overall effects of these scattering events are to where E is the beam energy (keV), Z is the atomic number, ρ
transfer energy to the specimen atoms from the beam elec- is the density (g/cm3), A is the atomic weight (g/mol), and J is
trons, thus setting a limit on their travel within the solid, and the “mean ionization potential” (keV) given by
to alter the direction of travel of the beam electrons away
from the well-defined incident beam trajectory. These beam ( )
J ( keV ) = 9.76 Z + 58.5 Z −0.19 x 10−3 (1.1b)
electron–specimen interactions produce the backscattered
electrons (BSE), secondary electrons (SE), and X-rays that The Bethe expression is plotted for several elements (C, Al,
convey information about the specimen, such as coarse- and Cu, Ag, Au) over the range of “conventional” SEM operat-
fine-scale topographic features, composition, crystal struc- ing energies, 5–30 keV in . Fig. 1.1. This figure reveals that
ture, and local electrical and magnetic fields. At the level the rate of energy loss dE/ds increases as the electron
needed to interpret SEM images and to perform electron- energy decreases and increases with the atomic number of
excited X-ray microanalysis, the complex variety of scatter- the target. An electron with a beam energy of 20 keV loses
ing processes will be broadly classified into “inelastic” and energy at approximately 10 eV/nm in Au, so that if this rate
“elastic” scattering. was constant, the total path traveled in the specimen would
be approximately 20,000 eV/(10 eV/nm) = 2000 nm = 2 μm.
A better estimate of this electron “Bethe range” can be
made by explicitly considering the energy dependence of
1.2 I nelastic Scattering (Energy Loss) dE/ds through integration of the Bethe expression, Eq. 1.1a,
Limits Beam Electron Travel from the incident energy down to a lower cut-off energy
in the Specimen (typically ~ 2 keV due to limitations on the range of appli-
cability of the Bethe expression; see further discussion
“Inelastic” scattering refers to a variety of physical processes below). Based on this calculation, the Bethe range for the
that act to progressively reduce the energy of the beam elec- selection of elements is shown in . Fig. 1.2. At a particular
tron by transferring that energy to the specimen atoms incident beam energy, the Bethe range decreases as the
through interactions with tightly bound inner-shell atomic atomic number of the target increases, while for a particu-
electrons and loosely bound valence electrons. These energy lar target, the Bethe range increases as the incident beam
loss processes include ejection of weakly bound outer-shell energy increases.
1.2 · Inelastic Scattering (Energy Loss) Limits Beam Electron Travel in the Specimen
3 1
..      Fig. 1.1 Bethe continuous
energy loss model calculations for Bethe continuous energy loss model
dE/ds in C, Al, Cu, Ag, and Au as a
function of electron energy


Energy loss rate (eV/nm)





5 10 15 20 25 30

Incident beam energy (keV)

..      Fig. 1.2 Bethe range calcula-

tion from the continuous energy Bethe range
loss model by integrating over the 14000
range of energy from E0 down to a
cut-off energy of 2 keV

Bethe range (nm)



4000 Cu, Ag


5 10 15 20 25 30
Incident beam energy (keV)

kNote the change of scale cross section and the Bethe range as its altitude, the volume
The Bethe range for Au with an incident beam energy of of a cylinder 1 nm in diameter and 1200 nm deep would be
20 keV is approximately 1200 nm, a linear change in scale of approximately 940 nm3, and the number of gold atoms it
a factor of 1200 over an incident beam diameter of 1 nm. If contained would be approximately 7.5 × 104, which can be
the beam–specimen interactions were restricted to a cylin- compared to the incident beam footprint surface atom count
drical column with the circular beam entrance footprint as its of approximately 12.
4 Chapter 1 · Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume

1.3  lastic Scattering: Beam Electrons

E a
1 Change Direction of Flight

Simultaneously with inelastic scattering, “elastic scattering”

events occur when the beam electron is deflected by the elec- P1
trical field of an atom (the positive nuclear charge as partially
shielded by the negative charge of the atom’s orbital elec-
trons), causing the beam electron to deviate from its previous
path onto a new trajectory, as illustrated schematically in
. Fig. 1.3a. The probability of elastic scattering depends
strongly on the nuclear charge (atomic number Z) and the
energy of the electron, E (keV) and is expressed mathemati- b
cally as a cross section, Q:

( )
Qelastic ( >φ 0 ) =1.62 ×10−20 Z 2 / E 2 cot 2 (φ0 / 2 ) P1

 (
[events > φ0 / electron atom / cm 2 
 ) (1.2)

where ϕ0 is a threshold elastic scattering angle, for example,

2°. Despite the angular deviation, the beam electron energy is
effectively unchanged in energy. While the average elastic
scattering event causes an angular change of only a few
degrees, deviations up to 180o are possible in a single elastic
scattering event. Elastic scattering causes beam electrons to
deviate out of the narrow angular range of incident trajecto- c
ries defined by the convergence of the incident beam as con-
trolled by the electron optics. P1

1.3.1  ow Frequently Does Elastic
Scattering Occur? P3

The elastic scattering cross section, Eq. 1.2, can be used to

estimate how far the beam electron must travel on average to
experience an elastic scattering event, a distance called the
“mean free path,” λ:
..      Fig. 1.3 a Schematic illustration of elastic scattering. An energetic
electron is deflected by the electrical field of an atom at location P1
λelastic ( cm ) = A /  N 0 ρ Qelastic ( >φ 0 )  (1.3a)
through an angle ϕelastic. b Schematic illustration of the elastic scatter-
ing cone. The energetic electron scatters elastically at point P1 and can
land at any location on the circumference of the base of the cone with
λelastic ( nm ) =107 A /  N 0 ρ Qelastic ( >φ 0 )  (1.3b) equal probability. c Schematic illustration of a second scattering step,
carrying the energetic electron from point P2 to point P3

where A is the atomic weight (g/mol), N0 is Avogadro’s num-

ber (atoms/mol), and ρ is the density (g/cm3). . Figure 1.4 is of the order of nm. Elastic scattering is thus likely to occur
shows a plot of λelastic for various elements as a function of hundreds to thousands of times along a Bethe range of sev-
electron energy, where it can be seen that the mean free path eral hundred to several thousand nanometers.
1.4 · Simulating the Effects of Elastic Scattering: Monte Carlo Calculations
5 1
..      Fig. 1.4 Elastic mean free path
as a function of electron kinetic
Elastic scattering mean free path (f0 = 2°)
energy for various elements


Elastic mean free path (nm)

1 Cu


5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam energy (keV)

1.4  imulating the Effects of Elastic

S shown in . Fig. 1.3c, creating an increasingly complex path.
Scattering: Monte Carlo Calculations Because of the random component of scattering at each of
many steps, this complex behavior cannot be adequately
Inelastic scattering sets a limit on the total distance traveled described by an algebraic expression like the Bethe continu-
by the beam electron. The Bethe range is an estimate of this ous energy loss equation. Instead, a stepwise simulation of
distance and can be found by integrating the Bethe continu- the electron's behavior must be constructed that incorpo-
ous energy loss expression from the incident beam energy E0 rates inelastic and elastic scattering. Several simplifications
down to a low energy limit, for example, 2 keV. Estimating are introduced to create a practical “Monte Carlo electron
the effects of elastic scattering on the beam electrons is much trajectory simulation”:
more complicated. Any individual elastic scattering event 1. All of the angular deviation of the beam electron is ascribed
can result in a scattering angle within a broad range from a to elastic scattering. A mathematical model for elastic
threshold of a fraction of a degree up to 180°, with small scat- scattering is applied that utilizes a random number (hence
tering angles much more likely than very large values and an the name “Monte Carlo” from the supposed randomness of
average value typically in the range 5–10°. Moreover, the gambling) to select a properly weighted value of the elastic
electron scattered by the atom through an angle ϕ in scattering angle out of the possible range (from a threshold
. Fig. 1.3a at point P1 can actually follow any path along the value of approximately 1° to a maximum of 180°). A second
surface of the three-dimensional scattering cone shown in random number is used to select the azimuthal angle in the
. Fig. 1.3b and can land anywhere in the circumference of base of the scattering cone in . Fig. 1.1c.
the base of the scattering cone (i.e., the azimuthal angle in 2. The distance between elastic scattering events, s, which
the base of the cone ranges from 0 to 360° with equal proba- lies on the surface of the scattering cone in . Fig. 1.3b, is
bility), resulting in a three-dimensional path. The length of calculated from the elastic mean free path, Eq. 1.3b.
the trajectory along the surface of the scattering cone 3. Inelastic scattering is calculated with the Bethe
depends on the frequency of elastic events with distance continuous energy loss expression, Eq. 1.1b. The specific
traveled and can be estimated from Eq. 1.3a for the elastic energy loss, ΔE, along the path, s, in the surface of the
scattering mean free path, λelastic. The next elastic scattering scattering cone, . Fig. 1.3b, is calculated with the Bethe
event P2 causes the electron to deviate in a new direction, as continuous energy loss expression: ΔE = (dE/ds)*s
6 Chapter 1 · Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume

Given a specific set of these parameters, the Monte Carlo elec- dimension y projected onto the x-z plane. (An example of the
1 tron trajectory simulation utilizes geometrical expressions to true three-dimensional trajectories, simulated with the Joy
calculate the successive series of locations P1, P2, P3, etc., suc- Monte Carlo, is shown in . Fig. 1.6, in which a small number
cessively determining the coordinate locations (x, y, z) that the of trajectories (to minimize overlap) have been rendered as
energetic electron follows within the solid. At each location P, an anaglyph stereo representation with the convention left
the newly depreciated energy of the electron is known, and after eye = red filter. Inspection of this simulation shows the y
the next elastic scattering angle is calculated, the new velocity motion of the electrons in and out of the x-z plane.) The sto-
vector components vx, vy, vz are determined to transport the chastic nature of the interaction imposed by the nature of
electron to the next location. A trajectory ends when either the elastic scattering is readily apparent in the great variation
electron energy falls below a threshold of interest (e.g., 1 keV), among the individual trajectories seen in . Fig. 1.5a, b. It
or else the path takes it outside the geometric bounds of the quickly becomes clear that individual beam electrons follow a
specimen, which is determined by comparing the current loca- huge range of paths and simulating a small number of trajec-
tion (x, y, z) with the specimen boundaries. The capability of tories does not provide an adequate view of the electron beam
simulating electron beam interactions in specimens with com- specimen interaction.
plex geometrical shapes is one of the major strengths of the
Monte Carlo electron trajectory simulation method.
Monte Carlo electron trajectory simulation can pro- 1.4.2  onte Carlo Simulation To Visualize
vide visual depictions as well as numerical results of the the Electron Interaction Volume
beam–specimen interaction, creating a powerful instructional
tool for studying this complex phenomenon. Several power- To capture a reasonable picture representation of the electron
ful Monte Carlo simulations appropriate for SEM and X-ray interaction volume, which is the region of the specimen in
microanalysis applications are available as free resources: which the beam electrons travel and deposit energy, it is nec-
CASINO [7 http://www.gel.usherbrooke.ca/casino/What.html]
     essary to calculate many more trajectories. . Figure 1.5c
Joy Monte Carlo [7 http://web.utk.edu/~srcutk/htm/
     shows the simulation for copper, E0 = 20 keV at 0° tilt
simulati.htm] extended to 500 trajectories, which reveals the full extent of
NIST DTSA-II [7 http://www.cstl.nist.gov/div837/837.02/
     the electron interaction volume. Beyond a few hundred tra-
epq/dtsa2/index.html] jectories, superimposing the three-dimensional trajectories
to create a two-dimensional representation reaches dimin-
While the static images of Monte Carlo simulations pre- ishing returns due to overlap of the plotted lines. While sim-
sented below are useful instructional aids, readers are ulating 500 trajectories provides a reasonable qualitative
encouraged to perform their own simulations to become view of the electron interaction volume, Monte Carlo calcu-
familiar with this powerful tool, which in more elaborate lations of numerical properties of the interaction volume and
implementations is an important aid in understanding criti- related processes, such as electron backscattering (discussed
cal aspects of SEM imaging. in the backscattered electron module), are subject to statisti-
cally predictable variations because of the use of random
numbers to select the elastic scattering parameters. Variance
1.4.1  hat Do Individual Monte Carlo
W in repeated simulations of the same starting conditions is
Trajectories Look Like? related to the number of trajectories and can be described
with the properties of the Gaussian (normal) distribution.
Perform a Monte Carlo simulation (CASINO simulation) for Thus the precision, p, of the calculation of a parameter of the
copper with a beam energy of 20 keV and a tilt of 0° (beam interaction is related to the total number of simulated trajec-
perpendicular to the surface) for a small number of trajecto- tories, n, and the fraction, f, of those trajectories that produce
ries, for example, 25. . Figure 1.5a, b show two simulations of the effect of interest (e.g., backscattering):
25 trajectories each. The trajectories are actually determined
−1/ 2
p = ( f n) / ( f n) = ( f n)
1/ 2
in three dimensions (x-y-z, where x-y defines the surface (1.4)
plane and z is perpendicular to the surface) but for plotting
are rendered in two dimensions (x-z), with the third
1.4 · Simulating the Effects of Elastic Scattering: Monte Carlo Calculations
7 1
..      Fig. 1.5 a Copper, E0 = 20 keV; 0 tilt; 25 trajec- a
tories (CASINO Monte Carlo simultion). b Copper, Cu E0 = 20 keV 0.0 nm
E0 = 20 keV; 0 tilt; another 25 trajectories. c Copper,
E0 = 20 keV; 0 tilt; 200 trajectories 200 nm
200.0 nm

400.0 nm

600.0 nm

800.0 nm

-582.5 nm -291.3 nm -0.0 nm 291.3 nm 582.5 nm

0.0 nm
Cu E0 = 20 keV

200 nm
180.0 nm

360.0 nm

540.0 nm

720.0 nm

-524.3 nm -262.1 nm -0.0 nm 262.1 nm 524.3 nm

0.0 nm
Cu E0 = 20 keV

200 nm
233.5 nm

466.9 nm

700.4 nm

933.8 nm

-680.0 nm -340.0 nm -0.0 nm 340.0 nm 680.0 nm

8 Chapter 1 · Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume

balance of the energy deposited in a strongly non-linear fash-

1 ion in the much larger portion of the interaction volume.

 ow Does the Interaction Volume Change

with Composition?
. Figure 1.8 shows the interaction volume in various targets,
Energy (keV) 20
C, Si, Cu, Ag, and Au, at fixed beam energy, E0 = 20 keV, and
0° tilt. As the atomic number of the target increases, the lin-
Tilt/TOA 0 ear dimensions of the interaction volume decrease. The
Number 35
form also changes from pear-shaped with a dense conical
region below the beam impact for low atomic number tar-
Select gets to a more hemispherical shape for high atomic number
500 nm

computed BS yield = 0.31 Exit kNote the dramatic change of scale

Approximately 12 gold atoms were encountered within the
..      Fig. 1.6 Three-dimensional representation of a Monte Carlo
simulation (Cu, 20 keV, 0° tilt) using the anaglyph stereo method (left
footprint of a 1-nm diameter at the surface. Without consid-
eye = red filter) (Joy Monte Carlo) ering the effects of elastic scattering, the Bethe range for Au
at an incident beam energy of 20 keV limited the penetra-
tion of the beam to approximately 1200 nm and a cylindri-
1.4.3  sing the Monte Carlo Electron
U cal volume of approximately 940 nm3, containing
Trajectory Simulation to Study approximately 5.6 × 104 Au atoms. The effect of elastic scat-
the Interaction Volume tering is to create a three-dimensional hemispherical inter-
action volume with a radius of approximately 600 nm and a
 hat Are the Main Features of the Beam
W volume of 4.5 × 108 nm3, containing 2.7 × 1010 Au atoms, an
Electron Interaction Volume? increase of nine orders-of-magnitude over the number of
In . Fig. 1.5c, the beam electron interaction volume is seen to atoms encountered in the initial beam footprint on the
be a very complex structure with dimensions extending over surface.
hundreds to thousands of nanometers from the beam impact
point, depending on target material and the beam energy. At  ow Does the Interaction Volume Change
0° tilt, the interaction volume is rotationally symmetric with Incident Beam Energy?
around the beam. While the electron trajectories provide a . Figure 1.9 shows the interaction volume for copper at 0° tilt
strong visual representation of the interaction volume, more over a range of incident beam energy from 5 to 30 keV. The
informative numerical information is needed. The Monte shape of the interaction volume is relatively independent of
Carlo simulation can provide detailed information on many beam energy, but the size increases rapidly as the incident
aspects of the electron beam–specimen interaction. The beam energy increases.
color-encoding of the energy deposited along each trajectory,
as implemented in the Joy Monte Carlo shown in . Fig. 1.11,  ow Does the Interaction Volume Change
creates a view that reveals the general three-dimensional with Specimen Tilt?
complexity of energy deposition within the interaction vol- . Figure 1.10 shows the interaction volume for copper at an
ume. The CASINO Monte Carlo provides an even more incident beam energy of 20 keV and a series of tilt angles. As
detailed view of energy deposition, as shown in . Fig. 1.7. the tilt angle increases so that the beam approaches the surface
The energy deposition per unit volume is greatest just under at a progressively more shallow angle, the shape of the interac-
the beam impact location and rapidly falls off as the periph- tion volume changes significantly. At 0° tilt, the interaction
ery of the interaction volume is approached. This calculation volume is rotationally symmetric around the beam, but as the
reveals that a small cylindrical volume under the beam tilt angle increases the interaction volume becomes asymmet-
impact point, shown in more detail in . Fig. 1.7b, receives ric, with the dense portion of the distribution shifting progres-
half of the total energy deposited by the beam in the speci- sively away from the beam impact point. The maximum
men (that is, the volume within the 50% contour), with the penetration of the beam is reduced as the tilt angle increases.
1.4 · Simulating the Effects of Elastic Scattering: Monte Carlo Calculations
9 1
..      Fig. 1.7 a Isocontours of a
energy loss showing fraction 0.0 nm
remaining; Cu, 20 keV, 0° tilt; Cu E0 = 20 keV
50,000 trajectories (CASINO Monte
Carlo simulation). b Expanded 75%
view of high density region of 1.7a
50% 206.3 nm

412.6 nm

5% 618.9 nm

825.2 nm

-600.9 nm -300.4 nm 0.0 nm 300.4 nm 600.9 nm




200 nm
10 Chapter 1 · Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume

0.0 nm
1 C

892.6 nm

1785.3 nm

2677.9 nm

3570.6 nm

-2600.0 nm -1300.0 nm -0.0 nm 1300.0 nm 2600.0 nm Au

0.0 nm

755.3 nm

E0= 20 keV
0° tilt
1510.6 nm

1 µm

2265.9 nm

3021.3 nm

-2200.0 nm -1100.0 nm -0.0 nm 1100.0 nm 2200.0 nm

..      Fig. 1.8 Monte Carlo simulations for an incident beam energy of 20 keV and 0° tilt for C, Si, Cu, Ag, and Au, all shown at the same scale
(CASINO Monte Carlo simulation)
1.4 · Simulating the Effects of Elastic Scattering: Monte Carlo Calculations
11 1
..      Fig. 1.9 Monte Carlo simula- 0.0 nm
tions for Cu, 0° tilt, incident beam 30 keV
energies 5, 10, 20, and 30 keV
(CASINO Monte Carlo simulation)

432.6 nm

865.2 nm

1297.8 nm

1730.4 nm

-1260.0 nm -630.0 nm 0.0 nm 630.0 nm 1260.0 nm

10 keV
5 keV
0.0 nm

20 keV
233.5 nm

466.9 nm

700.4 nm Cu
0° tilt
933.8 nm

500 nm
-680.0 nm -340.0 nm 0.0 nm 340.0 nm 680.0 nm
12 Chapter 1 · Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume

1 0.0 nm 0.0 nm

233.5 nm
254.1 nm

466.9 nm
508.1 nm

700.4 nm
762.2 nm

933.8 nm

0° tilt 1016.2 nm
60° tilt 500 nm
-680.0 nm -340.0 nm 0.0 nm 340.0 nm 680.0 nm

-740.0 nm -370.0 nm 0.0 nm 370.0 nm 740.0 nm

0.0 nm 0.0 nm

219.7 nm
240.0 nm

439.5 nm
480.0 nm

659.2 nm
720.0 nm

878.9 nm
45° tilt 960.0 nm

-640.0 nm -320.0 nm 0.0 nm 320.0 nm 640.0 nm 75° tilt

-699.0 nm -349.5 nm 0.0 nm 349.5 nm 699.0 nm

..      Fig. 1.10 Monte Carlo simulations for Cu, 20 keV, with various tilt angles (CASINO Monte Carlo simulation)

1.5  Range Equation To Estimate the Size

..      Table 1.1 Kanaya–Okayama range
of the Interaction Volume
5 keV (nm) 10 keV 20 keV 30 keV (μm)
While the Monte Carlo simulation is a powerful tool to depict
the complexity of the electron beam specimen interactions, it C 450 nm 1.4 μm 4.5 μm 8.9 μm
is often useful to have a simple estimate of the size. The Bethe Al 413 nm 1.3 μm 4.2 μm 8.2 μm
range gives the maximum distance the beam electron can
travel in the specimen, but this distance is measured along Fe 159 nm 505 nm 1.6 μm 3.2 μm
the complex trajectory that develops because of elastic scat- Ag 135 nm 431 nm 1.4 μm 2.7 μm
tering. Kanaya and Okayama (1972) developed a range equa-
Au 85 nm 270 nm 860 nm 1.7 μm
tion that considered both inelastic and elastic scattering to
give an estimate of the interaction volume as the radius of a
hemisphere centered on the beam impact point that con-
tained at least 95% of the trajectories: where A is the atomic weight (g/mol), Z is the atomic num-
ber, ρ is the density (g/cm3), and E0 is the incident beam
RK − O ( nm ) = 27.6 A / Z 0.89 ρ E01.67 ) (1.5) energy (keV). Calculations of the Kanaya–Okayama range
are presented in . Table 1.1. The Kanaya–Okayama range
1.5 · A Range Equation To Estimate the Size of the Interaction Volume
13 1
E0 = 20 keV; 0° tilt

Carbon Aluminum

1000 nm 1000 nm

Copper Gold

1000 nm
1000 nm

..      Fig. 1.11 Kanaya–Okayama range (gold arrow) superimposed on the interaction volume for C, Al, Cu, and Au at E0 = 20 keV and 0° tilt (Joy
Monte Carlo simulation)

is shown superimposed on the Monte Carlo simulation of should only be considered as a “gray” number useful for esti-
the interaction volume in . Fig. 1.11 and is plotted graphi- mation purposes. Nevertheless, the Kanaya–Okayama range
cally in . Fig. 1.12. It is, of course, simplistic to use a single is useful as a means to provide scaling to describe the spatial
numerical value of the range to describe such a complex phe- distributions of the signals produced within the interaction
nomenon as the electron interaction volume with its varying volume: secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, and
contours of energy deposition, and thus the range equation X-rays.
14 Chapter 1 · Electron Beam—Specimen Interactions: Interaction Volume

..      Fig. 1.12 Kanaya–Okayama

1 range plotted for C, Al, Cu, Ag and
Au as a function of E0
kanaya-okayama range


8000 C

Range (nm)


2000 Ag
5 10 15 20 25 30

Incident beam energy (keV)

Bethe H (1930) Theory of the transmission of corpuscular radiation
through matter. Ann Phys Leipzig 5:325
CASINO 7    http://www.gel.usherbrooke.ca/casino/What.html
Joy Monte Carlo 7   http://web.utk.edu/~srcutk/htm/simulati.htm
Kanaya K, Okayama S (1972) Penetration and energy-loss theory of elec-
trons in solid targets. J Phys D Appl Phys 5:43
NIST DTSA-II 7   http://www.cstl.nist.gov/div837/837.02/epq/dtsa2/index.
15 2

Backscattered Electrons
2.1 Origin – 16
2.1.1 The Numerical Measure of Backscattered Electrons – 16

2.2 Critical Properties of Backscattered Electrons – 16

2.2.1 BSE Response to Specimen Composition
(η vs. Atomic Number, Z) – 16
2.2.2 BSE Response to Specimen Inclination (η vs. Surface Tilt, θ) – 20
2.2.3 Angular Distribution of Backscattering – 22
2.2.4 Spatial Distribution of Backscattering – 23
2.2.5 Energy Distribution of Backscattered Electrons – 27

2.3 Summary – 27

References – 28

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
16 Chapter 2 · Backscattered Electrons

2.1 Origin 2.2  ritical Properties of Backscattered

Close inspection of the trajectories in the Monte Carlo simu-
2 lation of a flat, bulk target of copper at 0° tilt shown in 2.2.1  SE Response to Specimen
. Fig. 2.1 reveals that a significant fraction of the incident Composition (η vs. Atomic Number, Z)
beam electrons undergo sufficient scattering events to com-
pletely reverse their initial direction of travel into the speci- Use the CASINO Monte Carlo simulation software, which
men, causing these electrons to return to the entrance surface reports η in the output, to examine the dependence of electron
and exit the specimen. These beam electrons that escape backscattering on the atomic number of the specimen.
from the specimen are referred to as “backscattered elec- Simulate at least 10,000 trajectories at an incident energy
trons” (BSE) and constitute an important SEM imaging sig- of E0 = 20 keV and a surface tilt of 0° (i.e., the beam is perpen-
nal rich in information on specimen characteristics. The BSE dicular to the surface). Note that statistical variations will be
signal can convey information on the specimen composition, observed in the calculation of η due to the different selections
topography, mass thickness, and crystallography. This mod- of the random numbers used in each simulation. Repetitions
ule describes the properties of backscattered electrons and of this calculation will give a distribution of results, with a
how those properties are modified by specimen characteris- precision p = (η N)1/2/η N, so that for N = 10,000 trajectories
tics to produce useful information in SEM images. and η ~ 0.15 (Si), p is expected to be 2.5 %. . Figure 2.2 shows
the simulation of 500 trajectories in carbon, silicon, copper,
2.1.1  he Numerical Measure of
T and gold with an incident energy of E0 = 20 keV and a surface
tilt of 0°, showing qualitatively the increase in the number of
Backscattered Electrons
backscattered electrons with atomic number.
Detailed experimental measurements of the backscattered
Backscattered electrons are quantified with the “backscat-
electron coefficient as a function of the atomic number, Z, in
tered electron coefficient,” η, defined as
highly polished, flat pure element targets confirm a generally
η = N BSE / N B (2.1) monotonic increase in η with increasing Z, as shown in
. Fig. 2.3a, where the classic measurements made by Heinrich
where NB is the number of beam electrons that enter the (1966) at a beam energy of 20 keV are plotted. The slope of η
specimen and NBSE is the number of those electrons that sub- vs. Z is highest for low atomic number targets up to approxi-
sequently emerge as backscattered electrons. mately Z =14 (Si). As Z continues to increase into the range of

..      Fig. 2.1 Monte Carlo

s­ imulation of a flat, bulk target of
copper at 0° tilt. Red trajectories BSE
lead to backscattering events

0.0 nm
E0 = 20 keV
0° Tilt
200.0 nm

Absorbed Electrons
(lost all energy and are 400.0 nm
absorbed within specimen)

600.0 nm

500 nm
800.0 nm

-582.5 nm -291.3 nm -0.0 nm 291.3 nm 582.5 nm

2.2 · Critical Properties of Backscattered Electrons
17 2

a b

0.0 nm 0.0 nm

624.9 nm 755.3 nm

1249.7 nm 1510.6 nm

1874.6 nm 2265.9 nm

C Si
E0 = 20 keV E0 = 20 keV
2499.4 nm 3021.3 nm
1 µm
1 µm
-1820.0 nm -910.0 nm -0.0 nm 910.0 nm 1820.0 nm -2200.0 nm -1100.0 nm -0.0 nm 1100.0 nm 2200.0 nm

c d

0.0 nm 0.0 nm

233.5 nm 137.3 nm

466.9 nm 274.7 nm

700.4 nm 412.0 nm

Cu E0 = 20 keV
E0 = 20 keV 933.8 nm 549.3 nm
250 nm
500 nm
-680.0 nm -340.0 nm -0.0 nm 340.0 nm 680.0 nm -400.0 nm -200.0 nm -0.0 nm 200.0 nm 400.0 nm

..      Fig. 2.2 a Monte Carlo simulation of 500 trajectories in carbon c Monte Carlo simulation of 500 trajectories in copper with an incident
with an incident energy of E0 = 20 keV and a surface tilt of 0° (CASINO energy of E0 = 20 keV and a surface tilt of 0°. d Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo simulation). b Monte Carlo simulation of 500 trajectories of 500 trajectories in gold with an incident energy of E0 = 20 keV and a
in silicon with an incident energy of E0 = 20 keV and a surface tilt of 0°. surface tilt of 0°. Red trajectories = backscattering

the transition elements, e.g., Z = 26 (Fe), the slope progressively η mixture = Σηi Ci (2.3)
decreases until at very high Z, e.g., the region around Z = 79
(Au), the slope becomes so shallow that there is very little where C is the mass (weight) fraction and i is an index that
change in η between adjacent elements. Plotted in addition to denotes all of the elements involved.
the experimental measurements in . Fig. 2.3a is a mathemati- When measurements of η vs. Z are made at different
cal fit to the 20 keV data developed by Reuter (1972): beam energies, combining the experimental measurements
of Heinrich and of Bishop in . Fig. 2.3b, little dependence on
η = − 0.0254 + 0.016 Z − 1.86 ×10−4 Z 2 + 8.3×10−7 Z 3 (2.2) the beam energy is found from 5 to 49 keV, with all of the
measurements clustering relatively closely to the curve for
This fit provides a convenient estimate of η for those elements the 20 keV data shown in . Fig. 2.3a. This result is perhaps
for which direct measurements do not exist. surprising in view of the strong dependence of the dimen-
Experimental measurements (Heinrich 1966) have shown sions of the interaction volume on the incident beam energy.
that the backscattered electron coefficient of a mixture of The weak dependence of η upon E0 despite the strong depen-
atoms that is homogeneous on the atomic scale, such as a dence of the beam penetration upon E0 can be understood as
stoichiometric compound, a glass, or certain metallic alloys, a near balance between the increased energy available at
can be accurately predicted from the mass concentrations of higher E0, the lower rate of loss, dE/ds, with higher E0, and
the elemental constituents and the values of η for those pure the increased penetration. Thus, although a beam electron
elements: may penetrate more deeply at high E0, it started with more
18 Chapter 2 · Backscattered Electrons

..      Fig. 2.3 a Electron backscatter

coefficient as a function of atomic a
number for pure elements (Data of
Electron backscatter vs. atomic number (E0 = 20 keV)
Heinrich 1966; fit of Reuter 1972).
2 b Electron backscatter coefficient 0.6
as a function of atomic number for
pure elements for incident beam
energies of 5 keV (data of Bishop 0.5
1966); 10 keV to 49 keV (Data of
Heinrich 1966); Reuter’s fit to Hein-
rich’s 20 keV data, (1972))

Backscatter coefficient

Reuter Fit
Heinrich 20 keV data


0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic number

Electron backscattering vs. atomic number

Backscatter coefficient


0.3 Heinrich 10 keV

Heinrich 20 keV
Heinrich 30 keV
Heinrich 40 keV
Heinrich 49 keV
Bishop 5 keV
Reuter fit 20 keV

0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic number

energy and lost that energy at a lower initial rate than an elec-  EM Image Contrast with BSE: “Atomic
tron at a lower incidence energy. Thus, a higher incidence Number Contrast”
energy electron, despite penetrating deeper in the specimen, Whenever a signal that can be measured in the SEM, such as
retains more energy and can continue to scatter and progress backscattered electrons, follows a predictable response to a
through the target to escape. specimen property of interest, such as composition, the phys-
ical basis for a “contrast mechanism” is established. Contrast,
Ctr , is defined as
2.2 · Critical Properties of Backscattered Electrons
19 2

Ctr = ( S 2 − S1 ) / S 2 with S 2 > S1 (2.4) The monotonic behavior of η vs. Z establishes the physical
basis for “atomic number contrast” (also known as
where S is the signal measured at any two locations of interest “Z-contrast” and “compositional contrast”). When an SEM
in the image field. As shown in . Fig. 2.4, examples include BSE image is acquired from a flat specimen (i.e., no topogra-
the contrast between an object P1 and the general back- phy is present, at least on a scale no greater than about 5 % of
ground P2 or between two objects that share an interface, P3 the Kanaya–Okayama range for the particular material com-
and P4. By this definition, contrast can range numerically position and incident beam energy), then local differences in
from 0 to 1. composition can be observed as differences in the BSE inten-
sity, which can be used to construct a meaningful gray-scale
SEM image. The compositionally-different objects must have
dimensions that are at least as large as the Kanaya-Okayama
range for each distinct material so that a BSE signal charac-
teristic of the particular composition can be measured over at
least the center portion of the object. The BSE signal at beam
•P 2 locations on the edge of the object may be affected by pene-
•P 1 tration into the neighboring material(s).
From the definition of contrast, Ctr, atomic number con-
trast can be predicted between two materials with backscat-
ter coefficients η1 and η2 when the measured signal S is
proportional to η:

Ctr = (η 2 − η1 ) / η 2 with η 2 > η1 (2.5)

P3 An example of atomic number contrast from a polished cross
section of an aluminum-nickel alloy (Raney nickel) is shown
in . Fig. 2.5. At least four distinct gray levels are observed,
which correspond to three different Al/Ni phases with differ-
ent Al-Ni compositions (labeled “1,” “3,” and “4” in . Fig. 2.5)
and a fourth phase that consists of Al-Fe-Ni (labelled “2”),
with the phase containing the highest nickel concentration
..      Fig. 2.4 Illustration of some possible contrast situations of inter-
appearing brightest in the BSE image.
est, e.g., an object P1 and the general background P2 or between two
objects that share an interface, P3 and P4

..      Fig. 2.5 Backscattered electron atomic

number contrast for a polished flat surface of
Raney nickel (nickel-aluminum) alloy. Numbered
locations identify phases with distinctly different

2 1

10 µm
20 Chapter 2 · Backscattered Electrons

2.2.2  SE Response to Specimen Inclination

B ..      Table 2.1 Backscatter vs. tilt angle for aluminum at
(η vs. Surface Tilt, θ) E0 = 15 keV (25,000 trajectories calculated with the CASINO
Monte Carlo simulation)
2 Model the effect of the angle of inclination of the specimen sur-
Tilt (degrees) η
face to the incident beam with the Monte Carlo simulation.
Select a particular element and incident beam energy, e.g., cop- 0 0.129
per and E0 = 20 keV, and vary the angle of incidence. Calculate
at least 10,000 trajectories to obtain adequate simulation 15 0.138
precision. 30 0.169
. Figure 2.6 shows simulations for aluminum with an
45 0.242
incident beam energy of 15 keV at various inclinations calcu-
lated with 200 trajectories, which qualitatively reveals the 60 0.367
increase in backscattering in a forward direction (i.e., con- 75 0.531
tinuing in the general direction of the incident beam) with
80 0.612
increasing tilt angle. A more extensive series of simulations
for aluminum at E0 = 15 keV with 25,000 trajectories cover- 85 0.706
ing a greater range of specimen tilts is presented in . Table 2.1, 88 0.796
where the backscatter coefficient shows a strong dependence
on the surface inclination. 89 0.826

a b
AI 0.0 nm AI 0.0 nm

487.5 nm 330.0 nm

975.0 nm 660.0 nm

1462.6 nm 990.0 nm
Al Al
E0 = 15 keV E0 = 15 keV
0∞ tilt 45∞ tilt
1950.1 nm 1320.0 nm
500 nm
500 nm

-1420.2 nm -710.0 nm -0.0 nm 710.0 nm 1420.0 nm -961.2 nm -480.6 nm -0.0 nm 480.6 nm 961.2 nm

c d
AI 0.0 nm AI 0.0 nm

420.0 nm 240.0 nm

840.0 nm 480.0 nm

1260.0 nm 720.0 nm
Al Al
E0 = 15 keV E0 = 15 keV
60∞ tilt 75∞ tilt
1680.0 nm 960.0 nm
500 nm 500 nm

-1223.3 nm -611.7 nm -0.0 nm 611.7 nm 1223.3 nm -699.0 nm -349.5 nm -0.0 nm 349.5 nm 699.0 nm

..      Fig. 2.6 a Monte Carlo simulation for aluminum at E0 = 15 keV for E0 = 15 keV for a tilt angle of 60°. d Monte Carlo simulation for alumi-
a tilt angle of 0°. b Monte Carlo simulation for aluminum at E0 = 15 keV num at E0 = 15 keV for a tilt angle of 75°
for a tilt angle of 45°. c Monte Carlo simulation for aluminum at
2.2 · Critical Properties of Backscattered Electrons
21 2
. Figure 2.7 shows the results of similar Monte Carlo topography. . Figure 2.8a shows an example of a pure
simulations for various elements as a function of surface material (polycrystalline silver) with grain faces inclined
inclination. As the surface tilt increases, η increases for all at various angles. The higher the inclination of the local
elements, converging toward unity at high tilt and grazing surface to the incident beam, the higher will be the BSE
incidence for the incident beam. signal, so that highly inclined surfaces appear bright, while
dark surfaces are those nearly perpendicular to the beam.
 EM Image Contrast: “BSE Topographic
S This image was prepared with a backscattered electron
Contrast—Number Effects” detector (discussed in the Electron Optics—Detectors
This regular behavior of η vs. θ provides the basis for a module), which has a very large solid angle, so that back-
contrast mechanism by which differences in the relative scattered electrons are collected with high efficiency
numbers of backscattered electrons depend on differences regardless of the direction that they travel after leaving the
in the local surface inclination, which reveals the surface specimen.

..      Fig. 2.7 Monte Carlo calcula- Electron backscattering vs tilt angle

tions of electron backscattering
from various tilted pure element
bulk targets
Backscatter coefficient




0 20 40 60 80
Tilt angle (degrees)

a b

5 µm 5 µm

..      Fig. 2.8 a SEM backscattered electron image of a topographically prepared with a small collection angle BSE detector placed at the top
irregular surface of pure silver prepared with a large collection angle of the image looking down
BSE detector. b SEM backscattered electron image of the same area,
22 Chapter 2 · Backscattered Electrons

2.2.3 Angular Distribution of Backscattering Thus, the largest number of BSEs follow a path parallel to the
surface normal (φ =0°, cosine = 1), while virtually no BSEs
 eam Incident Perpendicular to the Specimen
B exit along a trajectory nearly parallel to the surface (φ =90°,
2 Surface (0° Tilt) cosine = 0). The angular distribution seen in . Fig. 2.8a is also
For a flat, bulk target, backscattered electrons emerge rotationally symmetric around the beam: the same cosine
through the surface along a wide range of possible angular shape would be found in any section through the distribution
paths measured relative to the surface normal. When the in any plane perpendicular to surface containing the beam
incident beam is perpendicular to the specimen surface (0° vector and surface normal.
tilt), experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simula-
tions show that the angular distribution of the trajectories is  eam Incident at an Acute Angle
such that the fraction along any given angle of emission is to the Specimen Surface (Specimen
proportional to the cosine of that angle of emission, φ, Tilt > 0°)
between the electron trajectory and the surface normal, as When a flat, bulk target is tilted so that the beam is incident at
shown in . Fig. 2.9a: an acute angle to the surface, the angular distribution of back-
scattered electrons changes from the rotationally symmetric
η (ϕ ) ~ cos (ϕ ) (2.6) cosine function of . Fig. 2.9a to the asymmetric distribution

..      Fig. 2.9 a Cosine angular distribution

observed for the directionality of backscatter- a
ing from a bulk target at normal incidence (0º
Incident beam
tilt; beam perpendicular to surface). b Angu-
lar distribution observed for the directionality
of backscattering from a bulk target inclined
(60° tilt; beam 30° above surface) (Data of Surface normal
Seidel quoted by Niedrig 1978)
1.0 BSE
330 30
300 60


270 0.0 90
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Flat specimen

b 60 degrees specimen tilt = beam incidence 30 degrees above surface

120 dh/dW 60

0.15 Surface
150 normal 30



180 0.00 0
0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
2.2 · Critical Properties of Backscattered Electrons
23 2
seen in . Fig. 2.9b, with this distribution measured for a tilt of 2.2.4 Spatial Distribution of Backscattering
60° (angle of incidence = 30°). The angular distribution is
peaked in the forward direction away from the incident beam Model a small number of trajectories (~25) so that the indi-
direction, with the maximum BSE emission occurring at an vidual trajectories can be distinguished; e.g., for a copper target
angle above the surface close to the value of the angle of inci- with an incident beam energy of 20 keV and 0° tilt, as seen in
dence above the surface of the beam. This angular asymmetry . Fig. 2.10 (Note: because of the random number sampling,
develops slowly for tilt angles up to approximately 30°, but the repeated simulations will differ from each other and will be dif-
asymmetry becomes increasingly pronounced with further ferent from the printed example.) By following a number of
increases in the specimen tilt. Moreover, the rotational sym- trajectories from the point of incidence to the point of escape
metry of the 0° tilt case is also progressively lost with increas- through the surface as backscattered electrons, it can be seen
ing tilt, with the asymmetric distribution seen in . Fig. 2.9b that the trajectories of beam electrons that eventually emerge
becoming much narrower in the direction out of the plotting as BSEs typically traverse the specimen both laterally and in
plane. See 7 Chapter 29 for effects of crystal structure on depth.
backscattering angular distribution.
Depth Distribution of Backscattering
 EM Image Contrast: “BSE Topographic
S By performing detailed Monte Carlo simulations for many
Contrast—Trajectory Effects” thousands of trajectories and recording for each trajectory
The overall effects of specimen tilt are to increase the number the maximum depth of penetration into the specimen before
of backscattered electrons and to create directionality in the the electron eventually escaped as a BSE, we can determine
backscattered electron emission, and both effects become the contribution to the overall backscatter coefficient as a
increasingly stronger as the tilt increases. The “trajectory function of the depth of penetration, as shown for a series of
effects” create a very strong component of topographic con- elements in . Fig. 2.11a. To compare the different elements,
trast when viewed with a backscattered electron detector that the horizontal axis of the plot is the depth normalized by the
has limited size and is placed preferentially on one side of the Kanaya–Okayama range for each element. From the depth
specimen. . Figure 2.8b shows the same area as . Fig. 2.8a distribution data in . Fig. 2.11a, the cumulative backscatter-
imaged with a small solid angle detector, located at the top ing coefficient as a function of depth can be calculated, and as
center of the image. Very strong contrast is created between shown in . Fig. 2.11b, this distribution follows an S-shaped
faces tilted toward the detector, i.e., facing upward, and those curve. To capture 90 % of the total backscattering, which cor-
tilted away, i.e., facing downward. These effects will be dis- responds to the region where the slope of the plot is rapidly
cussed in detail in the Image Interpretation module. decreasing, the backscattered electrons are found to travel a

..      Fig. 2.10 Monte Carlo simu-

lation of a few trajectories in
copper with an incident beam
energy of 20 keV and 0° tilt to
show effect of penetration depth Cu Maximum 0.0 nm
of backscattered electrons depth of
for this
leading to BSE. 219.7 nm

439.5 nm

659.2 nm
E0 = 20 keV
0º tilt

878.9 nm

500 nm

-640.0 nm -320.0 nm -0.0 nm 320.0 nm 640.0 nm

24 Chapter 2 · Backscattered Electrons

..      Fig. 2.11 a Distribution a

of depth penetration of back- Backscattered electron penetration
scattered electrons in various 0.08
elements. b Cumulative backscat-
2 tering coefficient as a function
of the depth of penetration in
various elements, showing deter- C
mination of 90 % total backscat- AI
tering depth Cu

Backscatter fraction


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Depth/range (Kanaya-Okayama)

Backscattering vs. depth

b 1.0

Cumulative backscattering (normalized)

0.6 Ag



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Depth/range (Kanaya-Okayama)

significant fraction of the Kanaya–Okayama range into the Monte Carlo study performed for a target at 45° tilt. For a
target. Strong elastic scattering materials with high atomic tilted target, all materials show a slightly smaller fraction of
number such as gold sample a smaller fraction of the range the Kanaya–Okayama range to reach 90 % backscattering
than the weak elastic scattering materials such as carbon. compared to the normal incidence case.
. Table 2.2 lists the fractional range to capture 90 % of back- When the beam energy is increased for a specific mate-
scattering at normal beam incidence (0° tilt) and for a similar rial, the strong dependence of the total range on the incident
2.2 · Critical Properties of Backscattered Electrons
25 2
 adial Distribution of Backscattered
..      Table 2.2 BSE penetration depth (D/RK-O) to capture 90 % of
total backscattering
The Monte Carlo simulation can record the x-y location at
0º tilt 45º tilt which a backscattered electron exits through the surface
plane, and this information can be used to calculate the
C 0.285 0.23
radial distribution of backscattering relative to the beam
Al 0.250 0.21 impact location. The cumulative radial distribution is shown
Cu 0.205 0.19 in . Fig. 2.14 for a series of elements, as normalized by the
Kanaya–Okayama range for each element, and an S-shaped
Ag 0.185 0.17
curve is observed. . Table 2.3 gives the fraction of the range
Au 0.155 0.15 necessary to capture 90 % of the total backscattering. The
radial distribution is steepest for high atomic number ele-
ments, which scatter strongly compared to weakly scattering
low atomic number elements. However, even for strongly
beam energy leads to a strong dependence of the sampling scattering elements, the backscattered electrons emerge over
depth of backscattered electrons, as shown in the depth dis- a significant fraction of the range. This characteristic impacts
tributions of backscattered electrons for copper over a wide the spatial resolution that can be obtained with backscat-
energy range in . Fig. 2.12. The substantial sampling depth tered electron images. An example is shown in . Fig. 2.15 for
of backscattered electrons combined with the strong depen- an interface between an aluminum-rich phase and a copper-­
dence of the electron range on beam energy provides a useful rich phase (CuAl2) in directionally solidified aluminum-­
tool for the microscopist. By comparing a series of images of copper eutectic alloy. The interfaces are perpendicular to the
a given area as a function of beam energy, subsurface details surface and are atomically sharp. The backscattered electron
can be recognized. An example is shown in . Fig. 2.13 for an signal response as the beam is scanned across the interface is
engineered semiconductor electronic device with three-­ more than an order-of-magnitude broader (~300 nm) due to
dimensional layered features, where a systematic increase in the lateral spreading of backscattering than would be pre-
the beam energy reveals progressively deeper structures. dicted from the incident beam diameter alone (10 nm).

..      Fig. 2.12 Backscattered elec-

tron depth distributions at vari-
ous energies in copper at 0° tilt
26 Chapter 2 · Backscattered Electrons

5 keV 10 keV

20 keV 30 keV

..      Fig. 2.13 BSE images at various incident beam energies of a semiconductor device consisting of silicon and various metallization layers at dif-
ferent depths

..      Fig. 2.14 Cumulative radial distribution

of backscattered electrons in various bulk
pure elements at 0° tilt showing determina-
tion of 90 % total backscattering radius
2.3 · Summary
27 2

..      Table 2.3 Fraction of the BSE radial distribution (r/RK-O) to

2.2.5  nergy Distribution of Backscattered
capture 90 % of backscattering Electrons
C 0.60 As a beam electron travels in the specimen, inelastic scatter-
Al 0.53
ing progressively diminishes the energy. When the trajectory
of a beam electron intersects a specimen surface so that back-
Cu 0.45 scattering occurs, the backscattered electron will have lost a
Ag 0.40 portion of the initial beam energy, E0, with the amount lost
depending on the length of the path within the specimen.
Au 0.34
The Monte Carlo simulation can record the exit energy of
each backscattered electron, and from this data the energy
distribution of BSE can be calculated, as shown in . Fig. 2.16a.
The energy distribution is seen to extend from the incident
a beam energy down to zero energy. The energy distribution is
sharply peaked at high fractional energy for a strong elastic
scattering material such as gold, but the energy distribution
is much broader and flatter for a weak elastic scattering mate-
rial such as carbon. The backscattered electron energy spec-
tra of . Fig. 2.16a can be used to calculate the cumulative
backscattering distribution as a function of the fractional
energy retained, E/E0, as shown in . Fig. 2.16b. It is worth
noting that even for weakly scattering carbon, more than half
of the backscattered electrons retain at least half of the inci-
dent beam energy. The retained energy is a critical property
that impacts the design of detectors for backscattered
500 nm

b Profile across AI-Cu eutectic lath 2.3 Summary

300 nm Backscattered electrons form an important imaging signal
200 for the SEM. A general understanding of the major proper-
ties of BSE provides the basis for interpreting images:
1. η vs. Z (atomic number)
BSE gray level

150 2. η vs. θ (specimen tilt)

3. η(θ) vs. φ (emission angle relative to surface normal)
100 4. η vs. sampling depth
5. η vs. radial distance from beam
50 6. η(E) vs. Z, energy distribution of BSE (. Fig. 2.16)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Position (nm)

..      Fig. 2.15 a Backscattered electron image of a directionally solidi-

fied aluminum-copper eutectic alloy showing two phases: CuAl2
(bright) and an Al-rich solid solution with copper. b Trace along the
vector indicated in . Fig. 2.15a showing BSE signal profile
28 Chapter 2 · Backscattered Electrons

..      Fig. 2.16 a Monte Carlo sim- a Backscattered electron energy distribution

ulation of the energy of backscat-
tered electrons for various pure
elements at E0 = 20 keV and 0° tilt.
2 b Cumulative backscattered elec-
tron energy distribution for vari- C
ous pure elements at E0 = 20 keV 0.04 AI
and 0° tilt

Backscatter h(E), normalized

0.03 Au



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

b Backscattered electron cumulative energy distribution


Cumulative backscattering (E/E0)

0.6 Ag



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

References Proceeding 4th international conferences on x-ray optics and

microanalysis. Hermann, Paris, p 159
Niedrig H (1978) Physical background of electron backscattering.
Bishop H (1966) Some electron backscattering measurements for solid
Scanning 1:17
targets. In: Castaing R, Deschamps P, Philibert J (eds) Proceeding
Reuter W (1972) Electron backscattering as a function of atomic
4th international conferences on x-ray optics and microanalysis.
number. In: Shinoda G, Kohra K, Ichinokawa T (eds) Proceeding 6th
Hermann, Paris, p 153
International Cong x-ray optics and microanalysis. University of
Heinrich KFJ (1966) Electron probe microanalysis by specimen current
Tokyo Press, Tokyo, p 121
measurement. In: Castaing R, Deschamps P, Philibert J (eds)
29 3

Secondary Electrons
3.1 Origin – 30

3.2 Energy Distribution – 30

3.3 Escape Depth of Secondary Electrons – 30

3.4 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Atomic Number – 30

3.5 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Specimen Tilt – 34

3.6 Angular Distribution of Secondary Electrons – 34

3.7 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Beam Energy – 35

3.8 Spatial Characteristics of Secondary Electrons – 35

References – 37

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this chapter

(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-6676-9_3) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
30 Chapter 3 · Secondary Electrons

3.1 Origin to a few nanometers rather than the hundreds to thousands of

nanometers for the energetic beam electrons and BSE. Thus,
Secondary electrons (SE) are created when inelastic scatter- although SE are generated along the entire trajectory of a beam
ing of the beam electrons ejects weakly bound valence elec- electron scattering in the target, only those SE generated close
trons (in the case of ionically or covalently bonded materials) to a surface have a significant chance to escape. The probabil-
or conduction band electrons (in the case of metals), which ity of escape depends on the initial kinetic energy, the depth
3 have binding energies of ~ 1–15 eV to the parent atom(s). of generation, and the nature of the host material. Since there
Secondary electrons are quantified by the parameter δ, which is a spectrum of initial kinetic energies, each energy repre-
is the ratio of secondary electrons emitted from the speci- sents a different escape probability and depth sensitivity. This
men, NSE, to the number of incident beam (primary) elec- complex behavior is difficult to measure directly, and instead
trons, NB: researchers have made use of the Monte Carlo simulation to
characterize the escape depth. . Figure 3.2a shows the rela-
d = N SE / N B (3.1) tive intensity of secondary electrons (over the energy range
0–50 eV) that escape from a copper target as a function of
the depth of generation in the solid (Koshikawa and Shimizu
3.2 Energy Distribution 1974). . Figure 3.2b shows this same data in the form of the
cumulative secondary electron intensity as a function of initial
The most important characteristic of SE is their extremely generation depth. For copper, virtually no secondary electron
low kinetic energy. Because of the large mismatch in relative escapes if it is created below approximately 8 nm from the
velocities between the primary beam electron (incident surface, and 67 % of the secondary emission originates from
energy 1–30 keV) and the weakly bound atomic electrons a depth of less than 2.2 nm and 90 % from less than 4.4 nm.
(1–15 eV ionization energy), the transfer of kinetic energy Kanaya and Ono (1984) modeled the mean secondary electron
from the primary electron to the SE is relatively small, and escape depth, desc, in terms of various material parameters:
as a result, the SE are ejected with low kinetic energy. After
ejection, the SE must propagate through the specimen while desc ( nm ) = 0.267 A I / ( r Z 0.66 ) (3.2)
undergoing inelastic scattering, which further decreases
their kinetic energy. SE are generated along the complete where A is the atomic weight (g/mol), ρ is the density (g/
trajectory of the beam electron within the specimen, but cm3), Z is the atomic number, and I is the first ionization
only a very small fraction of SE reach the surface with suffi- potential (eV). When this model is applied to the solid ele-
cient kinetic energy to exceed the surface energy barrier and ments of the Periodic Table, the complex behavior seen in
escape. The energy spectrum of the secondary electrons that . Fig. 3.3 results. The mean escape depth varies from a low
escape is peaked at only a few eV, as shown in . Fig. 3.1a for value of ~ 0.25 nm for Ce to a high value of 9 nm for Li. For
a measurement of a copper target and an incident beam copper, desc is calculated to be 1.8 nm, which can be com-
energy of E0 = 1 keV. Above this peak, the intensity falls rap- pared to the 50 % escape value of 1.3 nm from the Monte
idly at higher kinetic energy (Koshikawa and Shimizu 1973). Carlo simulation study in . Fig. 3.2b. Systematic behavior of
. Figure 3.1b shows the cumulative intensity as a function the atomic properties in Eq. 3.1 leads to systematic trends in
of energy: 67 % of the secondary electrons from copper are the mean escape depth, with the low density alkali metals
emitted with less than 4 eV, and 90 % have less than showing the largest values for the escape depth, while min-
8.4 eV. Secondary electron production is considered to cease ima occur for the highest density elements in each period.
for kinetic energies above 50 eV, an arbitrary but reasonable
value considering how sharply the energy distribution of
. Fig. 3.1a is skewed toward low energy. Inspection of the 3.4 Secondary Electron Yield Versus
literature of secondary electrons confirms that the distribu- Atomic Number
tion for copper is generally representative of a large range of
metals and other materials (e.g., Kanaya and Ono 1984). . Figure 3.4 shows a plot of the secondary electron coef-
ficient as a function of atomic number for an incident beam
energy of E0 = 5 keV with data taken from A Database of
3.3 Escape Depth of Secondary Electrons Electron-­Solid Interactions of Joy (2012). The measurements
of δ are chaotic and inconsistent. For example, the values of
The kinetic energy of SE is so low that it has a strong influence δ for gold reported by various workers range from approxi-
on the depth from which SE can escape from the specimen. mately 0.4 to 1.2. Oddly, all of these measured values may
While some inelastic scattering processes are absent because be “correct” in the sense that a valid, reproducible mea-
of the low kinetic energy of SE, nevertheless SE suffer rapid surement was made on the particular specimen used. This
energy loss with distance traveled, limiting the range of an SE behavior is really an indication of how difficult it is to make a
3.4 · Secondary Electron Yield Versus Atomic Number
31 3
..      Fig. 3.1 a Secondary electron
energy spectrum for copper with an Secondary electron energy spectrum for Cu (E0 = 1 keV)
incident beam energy of E0 = 1 keV a 500
(Koshikawa and Shimizu 1973). b
(Data from . Fig. 3.1a replotted as
the cumulative energy distribution)
400 Koshikawa & Shimizu (1973) data

N(E) (arbitrary units)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Energy (eV)

Cumulative secondary electron energy distribution (Cu, E0 = 1 keV)

b 1.0
Cumulative secondary electron emission

0.8 Koshikawa & Shimizu (1973) data




4 eV 8.4 eV
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Secondary electron energy (eV)

representative measurement of a property that results from the “ideal” pure element or pure compound value. If the
very low energy electrons generated within and escaping specimen is pre-cleaned by ion bombardment in an ultra-
from a very shallow layer below the surface. Thus, a surface high vacuum electron beam instrument (chamber pres-
modified by accumulations of oxide and contamination sure maintained below 10−8 Pa) which preserves the clean
(e.g., adsorbed water, chemisorbed water, hydrocarbons, surface, and if the surface composition is confirmed to be
etc.) is likely to produce a value of δ that is different from that of the pure element or compound by a surface-specific
32 Chapter 3 · Secondary Electrons

..      Fig. 3.2 a Escape of secondary a Secondary electron escape depth for Cu

electrons from copper as a function of 1.0
generation depth from Monte Carlo
simulation (Koshikawa and Shimizu Koshikawa & Shimizu (1974) Monte Carlo calculation

Intensity of secondary electrons (arbitrary units)

1974). b (Data from . Fig. 3.2a
replotted to show the cumulative
escape of secondary electrons as a
3 function of depth of generation)




0 2 4 6 8
Depth (nm)

b Cumulative secondary electron emission for copper

Koshikawa-Shimizu (1974) Monte Carlo

Cumulative SE intensity




1.3 nm 2.2 nm 4.4 nm

0 2 4 6 8
Depth (nm)

measurement method such as Auger electron spectroscopy pressure ~ 10−4 Pa) or a variable pressure SEM (chamber
or X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, then the measured pressure from 10−4 Pa to values as high as 2500 Pa) are not
secondary electron coefficient is likely to be representative likely to be that of pure substances, but are almost inevitably
of the pure substance. However, the surfaces of most speci- covered with a complex mixture of oxides, hydrocarbons,
mens examined in the conventional-vacuum SEM (chamber and chemisorbed water molecules that quickly redeposit
3.4 · Secondary Electron Yield Versus Atomic Number
33 3
..      Fig. 3.3 Mean secondary electron
escape depth for various materials as Secondary electron escape depth
modeled by Kanaya and Ono (1984) 10
Kanaya-Ono (1984) calculations

8 K

Escape depth (nm)

6 Rb

Be Bi
2 Hf Th

Ni Rh Re
0 20 40 60 80
Atomic number

..      Fig. 3.4 Secondary electron

coefficient as a function of atomic Secondary electron yield vs. atomic number (E0 = 5 keV)
number for E0 = 5 keV (Data from the 1.2
secondary electron database of Joy
Secondary electron coefficient





0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic number

at such elevated pressures even when ion beam cleaning is Thus, while compositionally dependent secondary electron
utilized to expose the “true” surface. The effective second- signals may be occasionally observed, they are generally
ary electron coefficient of a “real” material under typical not predictable and reproducible, which is the critical basis
SEM or VP-SEM vacuum conditions is unlikely to pro- for establishing a useful contrast mechanism such as that
duce a consistent, predictable response as a function of the found for backscattered electrons as a function of atomic
composition of the nominal substance under examination. number.
34 Chapter 3 · Secondary Electrons

3.5 Secondary Electron Yield Versus

Specimen Tilt
cos θ = Sesc/L
When the secondary electron coefficient is measured as a L = Sesc/cos θ
function of the specimen tilt angle, θ (i.e., the specimen incli- L = Sesc sec θ
nation to the beam, where a tilt of 0° means that the beam is
3 perpendicular to the surface), a monotonic increase with tilt is
observed, as shown for copper at two different incident beam L
energies in . Fig. 3.5, which is taken from the measurements θ
of Koshikawa and Shimizu (1973). This increase in δ with θ
can be understood from the geometric argument presented
schematically in . Fig. 3.6. As the primary beam enters the
specimen, the rate of secondary electron production is effec-
tively constant along the path that lies within the shallow sec- θ
ondary electron escape depth because the beam electrons
have not yet undergone sufficient scattering to modify their
energies or trajectories. The length of the primary beam path
within the depth of escape, desc, increases as the secant of the
tilt angle. Assuming that the number of secondary electrons ..      Fig. 3.6 Simple geometric argument predicting that the secondary
that eventually escape will be proportional to the number pro- electron coefficient should follow a secant function of the tilt angle
duced in this near surface region, the secondary electron coef-
ficient is similarly expected to rise with the secant of the tilt
angle. As shown in . Fig. 3.5, the measured dependence of δ 3.6  ngular Distribution of
upon θ does not rise as fast as the secant relation that the sim- Secondary Electrons
ple geometric argument predicts. This deviation from the
secant function model in . Fig. 3.6 is due to the large contri- When a secondary electron is generated within the escape
bution of secondary electrons produced by the exiting back- depth below the surface, as shown in . Fig. 3.7a, the short-
scattered electrons which follow different trajectories through est path to the surface, s, lies along the direction parallel to
the escape layer, as discussed below. the local surface normal. For any other trajectory at an
The monotonic dependence of the secondary electron angle φ relative to this surface normal, the path length
coefficient on the local surface inclination is an important increases in length as s/cos φ. The probability of secondary
factor in producing topographic contrast that reveals the electron escape decreases as the escape path length
shape of an object. increases, so that the angular distribution of emitted

..      Fig. 3.5 Behavior of the secondary

electron coefficient as a function of Secondary electron emission for copper vs. surface tilt
surface tilt (Data of Koshikawa and 2.5
Shimizu (1973)) showing a monotonic
increase with tilt angle but at a much
slower rate than would be predicted by
Koshikawa & Shimizu data (1973)
a secant function 2.0 Ideal secant function behavior
Secondary electron coefficient

E0 = 1 keV



E0 = 10 keV

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Tilt angle (degrees)
3.8 · Spatial Characteristics of Secondary Electrons
35 3

n Koshikawa and Shimizu (1974)

a b Polar plot Monte Carlo simulation
330 30

300 60
S φ PL
cos φ = s/PL 0.2
PL = s/cos φ
270 0.0 90
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
c SE


..      Fig. 3.7 a Dependence of the secondary electron escape path normal as simulated by Monte Carlo calculations (Koshikawa and
length on the angle relative to the surface normal. The probability of Shimizu 1974) compared to a cosine function. c The escape path length
escape decreases as this path length increases. b Angular distribution situation of . Fig. 3.7a for the case of a tilted specimen. A cosine
of secondary electrons as a function of the angle relative to the surface dependence relative to the surface normal is again predicted

secondary electrons is expected to follow a cosine relation electrons is reduced so more of that energy is deposited and
with the emergence angle relative to the local surface nor- more secondary electrons are generated in the near surface
mal. Behavior close to a cosine relation is seen in the Monte region from which secondary electrons can escape. This is a
Carlo simulation of Koshikawa and Shimizu (1974) in general behavior found across the Periodic Table, as seen in
. Fig. 3.7b. the plots for C, Al, Cu, Ag, and Au in . Fig. 3.8c.
Even when the surface is highly tilted relative to the beam,
the escape path length situation for a secondary electron gen-
erated below the surface is identical to the case for normal 3.8  patial Characteristics of Secondary
beam incidence, as shown in . Fig. 3.7c. Thus, the secondary Electrons
electron trajectories follow a cosine distribution relative to
the local surface normal regardless of the specimen tilt. As the beam electrons enter the sample surface, they begin to
generate secondary electrons in a cylindrical volume whose
cross section is defined by the footprint of the beam on the
3.7  econdary Electron Yield Versus Beam
S entrance surface and whose height is the escape depth of the
Energy SE, as shown schematically in . Fig. 3.9 These entrance surface
SE, designated the SE1 class, preserve the lateral spatial resolu-
The secondary electron coefficient increases as the incident tion information defined by the dimensions of the focused
beam energy decreases, as shown for copper in . Fig. 3.8a for beam and are similarly sensitive to the properties of the near
the conventional beam energy range (5 keV ≤ E0 ≤ 30 keV) surface region due to the shallow scale of their origin. As the
and in . Fig. 3.8b for the low beam energy range (E0 < 5 keV). beam electrons move deeper into the solid, they continue to
This behavior arises from two principal factors: (1) as the generate SE, but these SE rapidly lose their small initial kinetic
beam electron energy decreases, the rate of energy loss, dE/ds, energy and are completely reabsorbed within an extremely
increases so that more energy is deposited per unit of beam short range. However, for those beam electrons that subse-
electron path length leading to more secondary electron gen- quently undergo enough scattering to return to the entrance
eration per unit of path length; and (2) the range of the beam surface to emerge as backscattered electrons (or reach any
36 Chapter 3 · Secondary Electrons

..      Fig. 3.8 a Behavior of the secondary electron coefficient

as a function of incident beam energy for the conventional Secondary electron yield vs. beam energy for copper
beam energy range, E0 = 5–30 keV (Data of Moncrieff and a 0.8
Barker (1976)). b Behavior of the secondary electron Moncrieff and Barker (1976)
coefficient as a function of incident beam energy for the low 0.7

Secondary electron coefficient

beam energy range, E0 < 5 keV (data) (Data of Bongeler et al.
(1993)). c Dependence of the secondary electron coefficient
3 on incident beam energy for C, Al, Cu, Ag, and Au (Reimer
and Tolkamp 1980)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam energy (keV)
Secondary electron yield vs. beam energy for copper
b 2.2

2.0 Data of Bongeler et al. (1993)

Secondary electron coefficient








0 1 2 3 4 5
Beam energy (keV)

c 1.8 Secondary electron emission vs. beam energy

Reimer L. and Tolkamp C. (1980), Scanning 3, 35.

Secondary electron coefficient


1.0 Ag
0.8 AI


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam energy (keV)
37 3
..      Fig. 3.9 Schematic diagram
showing the origins of the SE1, SE2, and
SE3 classes of secondary electrons. The
SE1 class carries the lateral and
near-surface spatial information defined
by the incident beam, while the SE2 and SE3
SE3 classes actually carry backscattered
electron information. The blue rectangle
represents the escape depth for SE, and
the cylinder represents the volume from
which the SE1 escape

other surface for specimens with more complex topography that for gold the sum of the SE2 and SE3 classes which actually
than a simple flat bulk target), the SE that they continue to gen- carry BSE is nearly ten times larger than the high resolution,
erate as they approach the surface region will escape and add to high surface sensitivity SE1 component. These three classes of
the total secondary electron production, as shown in . Fig. 3.9. secondary electrons influence SEM images of compositional
This class of SE is designated SE2 and they are indistinguishable structures and topographic structures in complex ways. The
from the SE1 class based on their energy and angular distribu- appearance of the SE image of a structure depends on the
tions. However, because of their origin from the backscattered details of the secondary electron emission and the properties
electrons, the SE2 class actually carries the degraded lateral spa- of the secondary electron detector used to capture the signal,
tial distribution of the BSE: because the relative number of SE2 as discussed in detail in the image formation module.
rises and falls with backscattering, the SE2 signal actually car-
ries the same information as BSE. That is, the relative number
of the SE2 scales with whatever specimen property affects elec- References
tron backscattering. Finally, the BSE that leave the specimen
Bongeler R, Golla U, Kussens M, Reimer L, Schendler B, Senkel R, Spranck
are energetic, and after traveling millimeters to centimeters in
M (1993) Electron-specimen interactions in low voltage scanning
the specimen chamber, these BSE are likely to hit other metal electron microscopy. Scanning 15:1
surfaces (objective lens polepiece, chamber walls, stage compo- Joy D (2012) Can be found in chapter 3 on SpringerLink: http://link.
nents, etc.), generating a third set of secondary electrons desig- springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4939-6676-9_3
nated SE3. The SE3 class again represents BSE information, Kanaya K, Ono S (1984) Interaction of electron beam with the target in
including the degraded spatial resolution, not true SE1 infor- scanning electron microscope. In: Kyser DF, Niedrig H, Newbury DE,
Shimizu R (eds) Electron interactions with solids. SEM, Inc, Chicago,
mation and resolution. The SE1 and SE2 classes represent an pp 69–98
inherent property of a material, while the SE3 class depends on Koshikawa T, Shimizu R (1973) Secondary electron and backscattering
the details of the SEM specimen chamber. Peters (1984) mea- measurements for polycrystalline copper with a retarding-field
sured the three secondary electron classes for thin and thick analyser. J Phys D Appl Phys 6:1369
gold targets to estimate the relative populations of each class: Koshikawa T, Shimizu R (1974) A Monte Carlo calculation of low-energy
secondary electron emission from metals. J Phys D Appl Phys 7:1303
Incident beam footprint, high resolution, SE1 (9 %) Peters K-R (1984) Generation, collection and properties of an SE-I
BSE generated at specimen, low resolution, SE2 (28 %) enriched signal suitable for high resolution SEM on bulk specimens.
BSE generated remotely on lens, chamber walls, SE3 (61 %) In: Kyser DF, Niedrig H, Newbury DE, Shimizu R (eds) Electron beam
interactions with solids. SEM, Inc, AMF O’Hare, p 363
A small SE contribution designated the SE4 class arises from Moncrieff DA, Barker PR (1976) Secondary electron emission in the
scanning electron microscope. Scanning 1:195
pre-specimen instrumental sources such as the final aperture Reimer L, Tolkamp C (1980) Measuring the backscattering coefficient
(2 %) that depends in detail on the instrument construction and secondary electron yield inside a scanning electron micro-
(apertures, magnetic fields, etc.). These measurements show scope. Scanning 3:35
39 4

4.1 Overview – 40

4.2 Characteristic X-Rays – 40

4.2.1 Origin – 40
4.2.2 Fluorescence Yield – 41
4.2.3 X-Ray Families – 42
4.2.4 X-Ray Nomenclature – 43
4.2.5 X-Ray Weights of Lines – 44
4.2.6 Characteristic X-Ray Intensity – 44

4.3 X-Ray Continuum (bremsstrahlung) – 47

4.3.1 X-Ray Continuum Intensity – 49
4.3.2 The Electron-Excited X-Ray Spectrum, As-Generated – 49
4.3.3 Range of X-ray Production – 50
4.3.4 Monte Carlo Simulation of X-Ray Generation – 51
4.3.5 X-ray Depth Distribution Function, ϕ(ρz) – 53

4.4 X-Ray Absorption – 54

4.5 X-Ray Fluorescence – 59

References – 63

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
40 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

4.1 Overview detection. X-rays are generated throughout a large fraction

of the electron interaction volume. The spatial resolution,
Energetic beam electrons stimulate the atoms of the speci- lateral and in-depth, of electron-excited X-ray microanalysis
men to emit “characteristic” X-ray photons with sharply can be roughly estimated with a modified Kanaya–Okayama
defined energies that are specific to each atom species. The range equation or much more completely described with
critical condition for generating characteristic X-rays is that Monte Carlo electron trajectory simulation. Because of their
the energy of the beam electron must exceed the electron generation over a range of depth, X-rays must propagate
binding energy, the critical ionization energy Ec, for the par- through the specimen to reach the surface and are subject
4 ticular atom species and the K-, L-, M-, and/or N- atomic to photoelectric absorption which reduces the intensity at all
shell(s). For efficient excitation, the incident beam energy photon energies, but particularly at low energies.
should be at least twice the critical excitation energy, E0 > 2 Ec.
Characteristic X-rays can be used to identify and quan-
tify the elements present within the interaction volume. 4.2 Characteristic X-Rays
Simultaneously, beam electrons generate bremsstrahlung, or
braking radiation, which creates a continuous X-ray spec- 4.2.1 Origin
trum, the “X-ray continuum,” whose energies fill the range
from the practical measurement threshold of 50 eV to the The process of generating characteristic X-rays is illustrated
incident beam energy, E0. This continuous X-ray spectrum for a carbon atom in . Fig. 4.1. In the initial ground state, the
forms a spectral background beneath the characteristic carbon atom has two electrons in the K-shell bound to the
X-rays which impacts accurate measurement of the charac- nucleus of the atom with an “ionization energy” Ec (also
teristic X-rays and determines a finite concentration limit of known as the “critical excitation energy,” the “critical

..      Fig. 4.1 Schematic diagram of the process of

X-ray generation: inner shell ionization by inelastic Carbon atom,
scattering of an energetic beam electron that leaves ground state L-shell, EL = 7 eV
the atom in an elevated energy state which it can
lower by either of two routes involving the transition
of an L-shell electron to fill the K-shell vacancy: (1) the
Auger process, in which the energy difference K-shell, Ek = 284 eV
EK – EL is transferred to another L-shell electron, which
is ejected with a characteristic energy:
EK – EL – EL; (2) photon emission, in which the energy
difference Ekin
EK – EL is expressed as an X-ray photon of characteris-
tic energy
Eout = Ein – Ek – Ekin

vacancy Eν = EK – EL = 277eV

Auger branch X-ray branch

Ekin = EK – 2EL
4.2 · Characteristic X-Rays
41 4
absorption energy,” and the “K-edge energy”) of 284 eV and ment of its characteristic kinetic energy can identify the
four electrons in the L-shell, two each in the L1 and the L2 sub- atom species of its origin, forming the physical basis for
shells bound to the atom, with an ionization energy of 7 eV. An “Auger electron spectroscopy.”
incident energetic beam electron having initial kinetic energy 2. The right branch in . Fig. 4.1 involves the creation of an
Ein > Ec can scatter inelastically with a K-shell atomic electron X-ray photon to carry off the inter-shell transition energy:
and cause its ejection from the atom, providing the beam elec-
tron transfers to the atomic electron kinetic energy at least Eν = EK − EL = 277 eV  (4.2b)
equal to the ionization energy, which is the minimum energy
necessary to promote the atomic electron out of the K-shell Because the energies of the atomic shells of an element are
beyond the effective influence of the positive nuclear charge. sharply defined, the shell difference is also a sharply defined
The total kinetic energy transferred to the K-shell atomic elec- quantity, so that the resulting X-ray photon has an energy that is
tron can range up to half the energy of the incident electron. characteristic of the particular atom species and the shells
The outgoing beam electron thus suffers energy loss corre- involved and is thus designated as a “characteristic X-ray.” Char-
sponding to the carbon K-shell ionization energy EK = 284 eV acteristic X-rays are emitted uniformly in all directions over the
plus whatever additional kinetic energy is imparted: full unit sphere with 4 π steradians solid angle. Extensive tables
of characteristic X-ray energies for elements with Z ≥ 4 (beryl-
Eout = Ein − EK − Ekin  (4.1) lium) are provided in the database embedded within the DTSA-
II software. The characteristic X-ray photon energy has a very
The ionized carbon atom is left with a vacancy in the K-shell narrow range of just a few electronvolts depending on atomic
which places it in a raised energy state that can be lowered number, as shown in . Fig. 4.2 for the K–L3 transition.
through the transition of an electron from the L-shell to fill
the K-vacancy. The difference in energy between these shells
must be expressed through one of two possible routes: 4.2.2 Fluorescence Yield
1. The left branch in . Fig. 4.1 involves the transfer of this
K–L inter-shell transition energy difference to another The Auger and X-ray branches in . Fig. 4.1 are not equally
L-shell electron, which is then ejected from the atom probable. For a carbon atom, characteristic X-ray emission
with a specific kinetic energy: only occurs for approximately 0.26 % of the K-shell ioniza-
tions. The fraction of the ionizations that produce photons is
Ekin = EK − EL − EL = 270 eV  (4.2a) known as the “fluorescence yield,” ω. Most carbon K-shell
ionizations thus result in Auger electron emission. The fluo-
This process leaves the atom with two L-shell vacancies rescence yield is strongly dependent on the atomic number
for subsequent vacancy-filling transitions. This ejected of the atom, increasing rapidly with Z, as shown in . Fig. 4.3a
electron is known as an “Auger electron,” and measure- for K-shell ionizations. L-shell and M-shell fluorescence

..      Fig. 4.2 Natural width of K-shell

X-ray peaks up to 25 keV photon energy K-shell natural peak width vs X-ray energy
(Krause and Oliver 1979)

K-L3 Peak Width (eV, FWHM)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

K-L3 photon energy (keV)

42 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

a K-shell fluorescence yield b L3-shell fluorescence yield

0.4 0.5

Fluorescence yield

Fluorescence yield
4 0.2


0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic number Atomic number
c M5-shell fluorescence yield d Fluorescence yield
0.0020 1

Fluorescence yield (photons/ionization)

Fluorescence yield

0.0012 K-shell
0.0010 0.01 M5-shell
0.0000 0.0001
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic number Atomic number, Z

..      Fig. 4.3 a Fluorescence yield (X-rays/ionization) from the K-shell. b Fluorescence yield (X-rays/ionization) from the L3-shell. c Fluorescence yield
(X-rays/ionization) from the M5-shell. d Comparison of fluorescence yields from the K-, L3- and M5- shells (Crawford et al. 2011)

yields are shown in . Fig. 4.3b, c; and K-, L-, and M-shell ″K − L2,3 ″ ( ″K α″ ) EX = EK − EL =1041eV  (4.3a)
yields are compared in . Fig. 4.3d (Crawford et al. 2011).
From . Fig. 4.3d, it can be observed that, when an element ″K − M ″ ( ″K β″ ) EX = EK − EM =1071eV  (4.3b)
can be measured with two different shells, ωK > ωL > ωM.
The shell transitions for carbon are illustrated in the shell For atoms with higher atomic number than sodium, addi-
energy diagram shown in . Fig. 4.4a. Because of the small tional possibilities exist for inter-shell transitions, as shown
number of carbon atomic electrons, the shell energy values are in . Fig. 4.4b, leading to splitting of the K − L2,3 into K − L3
limited, and only one characteristic X-ray energy is possible for and K − L2 (Kα into Kα1 and Kα2), and similarly for Kβ into
carbon with a value of 277 eV. (The apparent possible transi- Kβ1 and Kβ2, which can be observed with energy dispersive
tion from the L1-shell to the K-shell is forbidden by the quan- spectrometry for X-rays with energies above 20 keV.
tum mechanical rules that govern these inter-shell transitions.) As these additional inter-shell transitions become possi-
ble, increasingly complex “families” of characteristic X-rays
are created, as shown in the energy diagrams of . Fig. 4.4c for
4.2.3 X-Ray Families L-shell X-rays, and 4.4d for M-shell X-rays. Only transitions
that lead to X-rays that are measurable on a practical basis
As the atomic number increases, the number of atomic elec- with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry are shown. (There
trons increases and the shell structure becomes more com- are, for example, at least 25 L-shell transitions that are possi-
plex. For sodium, the outermost electron occupies the ble for a heavy element such as gold, but most are of such low
M-shell, so that a K-shell vacancy can be filled by a transition abundance or are so close in energy to a more abundant tran-
from the L-shell or the M-shell, producing two different sition as to be undetectable by energy dispersive X-ray
characteristic X-rays, designated spectrometry.)
4.2 · Characteristic X-Rays
43 4

a c N7
L2 N6
L1 N4

K M3
b N7 L3-M5 L3-N5
Lb1 L g1 L1-N2 L3-M1
L1-M3 L1-M2 Lh
N6 La1 L3-M4 Lb2
L g2
Lb3 Lb4
N5 La2 L g3
N4 L3
N3 L2

M4 K
M1 d N7
K-M3 N6
Kb1 N5
K-N3 N4
Kb2 N3
L3 N1
M5-N7 M5-N6 M4-N6 M3-N5 M4,5-N2,3
L2 Mα1 Mα2 Mβ Mγ Mζ
L1 M4
K-L3 M3
Ka1 K-L2 M1


..      Fig. 4.4 a Atomic shell energy level diagram for carbon illustrating energy level diagram illustrating possible L-shell vacancy-filling transi-
the permitted shell transition K–L2 (shown in green) and the forbidden tions. d Atomic shell energy level diagram illustrating some possible
transition K–L1 (shown in red). b Atomic shell energy level diagram M-shell vacancy-filling transitions
illustrating possible K-shell vacancy-filling transitions. c Atomic shell

4.2.4 X-Ray Nomenclature replaced by the International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry (IUPAC) labeling protocol in which the first
Two systems are in use for designating X-rays. The term denotes the shell or subshell where the original ion-
traditional but now archaic Siegbahn system lists the ization occurs while the second term indicates the sub-
shell where the original ionization occurs followed by a shell from which the electron transition occurs to fill the
Greek letter or other symbol that suggests the order of vacancy; for example, Kα 1 is replaced by K-L3 for a K-shell
the family members by their relative intensity, α > β > γ ionization filled from the L3 subshell. . Table 4.1 gives
> η > ζ. For closely related members, numbers are also the correspondence between the Siegbahn and IUPAC
attached, for example, Lβ1 through Lβ15. Additionally, labeling schemes for the characteristic X-rays likely to
Latin letters are used for the complex minor L-shell fam- be detected by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry.
ily members: l , s, t, u, and v. While still the predominant Note that for the M-shell, there are minor family mem-
labeling system used in commercial X-ray microanalysis bers detectable by EDS for which there are no Siegbahn
software systems, the Siegbahn system has been officially designations.
44 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Table 4.1 Correspondence between the Siegbahn and IUPAC nomenclature protocols (restricted to characteristic X-rays observed
with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and photon energies from 100 eV to 25 keV)

Siegbahn IUPAC Siegbahn IUPAC Siegbahn IUPAC

Kα1 K-L3 Lα1 L3-M5 Mα1 M5-N7

Kα2 K-L2 Lα2 L3-M4 Mα2 M5-N6

Kβ1 K-M3 Lβ1 L2-M4 Mβ M4-N6

Kβ2 K-N2,3 Lβ2 L3-N5 Mγ M3-N5

Lβ3 L1-M3 Mζ M4,5-N2,3

Lβ4 L1-M2 M3-N1

Lγ1 L2-N4 M2-N1

Lγ2 L1-N2 M3-N4,5

Lγ3 L1-N3 M3-O1

Lγ4 L1-O4 M3-O4,5

Lη L2-M1 M2-N4

Ll L3-M1

4.2.5 X-Ray Weights of Lines The relationship of the energy of the exciting electron to
the ionization energy of the atomic electron is an important
Within these families, the relative abundances of the charac- parameter and is designated the “overvoltage,” U:
teristic X-rays are not equal. For example, for sodium the
ratio of the K-L2,3 to K-M is approximately 150:1, and this U = E / Ec  (4.5a)
ratio is a strong function of the atomic number, as shown in
. Fig. 4.5a for the K-shell (Heinrich et al. 1979). For the
The overvoltage that corresponds to the incident beam
L-shell and M-shell, the X-ray families have more members, energy, E0, which is the maximum value because the beam
and the relative abundances are complex functions of atomic electrons subsequently lose energy due to inelastic scattering
number, as shown in . Fig. 4.5b, c. as they progress through the specimen, is designated as U0:

U 0 = E0 / Ec  (4.5b)
4.2.6 Characteristic X-Ray Intensity
For ionization to occur followed by X-ray emission, U > 1.
Isolated Atoms With this definition for U, Eq. (4.4) can be rewritten as
When isolated atoms are considered, the probability of an
energetic electron with energy E (keV) ionizing an atom by (
QI ionizations / e − ( atom / cm 2 )  )
ejecting an atomic electron bound with ionization energy Ec = 6.51× 10−20 ( ns bs ) / U Ec 2  log e ( csU ) (4.6)
(keV) can be expressed as a cross section, QI: 

The critical excitation energy is a strong function of the

QI ionizations / e − ( atom / cm 2 )  ) atomic number of the element and of the particular shell, as
= 6.51× 10−20 ( ns bs ) / E Ec  log e ( cs E / Ec ) (4.4) shown in . Fig. 4.7. Thus, for a specimen that consists of sev-
 eral different elements, the initial overvoltage U0 will be dif-
ferent for each element, which will affect the relative
where ns is the number of electrons in the shell or subshell generation intensities of the different elements.
(e.g., nK = 2), and bs and cs are constants for a given shell (e.g.,
bK = 0.35 and cK = 1) (Powell 1976). The behavior of the ion-
ization cross section for the silicon K-shell as a function of X-Ray Production in Thin Foils
the energy of the energetic beam electron is shown in Thin foils may be defined as having a thickness such that
. Fig. 4.6. Starting with a zero value at 1.838 keV, the K-shell most electrons pass through the foil without suffering elas-
ionization energy for silicon, the cross section rapidly tic scattering out of the ideal beam cylinder (defined by the
increases to a peak value, and then slowly decreases with fur- circular beam footprint on the entrance and exit surfaces
ther increases in the beam energy. and the foil thickness) and without suffering significant
4.2 · Characteristic X-Rays
45 4
..      Fig. 4.5 a Relative abundance of the K-L2,3 to K-M
(Kα to Kβ) (Heinrich et al. 1979). b Relative abundance of K-shell weights of lines (Heinrich et al., 1979)
the L-shell X-rays, L3-M4,5 (Lα1,2) = 1 (Crawford et al. 2011). 0.14
c Relative abundance of the M-shell X-rays, M5-N6,7
(Mα) = 1 (Crawford et al. 2011) 0.12






10 15 20 25 30 35
Atomic number(Z)
L-shell weights of lines [relative to L3-M4,5 (Lα1,2) = 1]
b 1
Relative weights of lines


L3-M1 (L )
L2-M1 (Lη)
0.001 L2-M4 (Lβ1)
L3-N5 (Lβ2)
L2-N4 (Lγ1)
L1-N3 (Lγ3)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Atomic number (Z)

c M-shell weights of lines [relative to M5-N6,7 (Mα1,2) = 1]


M5-N3 (Mζ)
Relative weights of lines

M4-N6 (Mβ)
M3-N5 (Mγ)


65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Atomic number (Z)
46 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Fig. 4.6 Ionization cross section

for the silicon K-shell calculated with K-shell ionization cross section of silicon
Eq. 4.4 1.4e-20


lonization cross section (cm2)


4 8.0e-21




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam energy (keV)

..      Fig. 4.7 Critical ionization

energy for the K-, L-, and M-shells Critical ionization energy of the elements

25 K-shell
L3 shell
M5 shell
Critical ionization energy (keV)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Atomic number (Z)

energy loss. The X-ray production in a thin foil of thick- where A is the atomic weight and N0 is Avogadro’s number.
ness t can be estimated from the cross section by calculat- When several elements are mixed at the atomic level in a
ing the effective density of atom targets within the foil: thin specimen, the relative production of X-rays from differ-
ent elements depends on the cross section and fluorescence
nX  photons / e −  = QI ionizations / e − ( atom / cm 2 )  yield, as given in Eq. 4.7, and also on the partitioning of the
× ω [ X-rays / ionization ] × Ν 0 [ atoms / mole ] X-ray production among the various possible members of
the X-ray families, as plotted in . Fig. 4.5a–c. The relative
× (1/ A ) [ moles / g ] × ρ g / cm3  production for the most intense transition in each X-ray fam-
× t [ cm ] = QI × ω × N 0 × ρ × t / A (4.7) ily is plotted in . Fig. 4.8 for E0 = 30 keV. . Figure 4.8 reveals
4.3 · X-Ray Continuum (bremsstrahlung)
47 4
..      Fig. 4.8 Product of the ionization
cross section, the fluorescence yield, Product of ionization cross section, relative transition
and the relative weights of lines for the probability and fluorescence yield
most intense member of the K-, L-, and 1
M-shells for E0 = 30 keV

QxFxw (x10-20 cm2)



0 20 40 60 80
Atomic number (Z)

strong differences in the relative abundance of the X-rays rises rapidly from a zero value at U = 1. For a reasonably effi-
produced by different elements. This plot also reveals that cient degree of X-ray excitation, it is desirable to select E0 so
over certain atomic number ranges, two different atomic that U0 > 2 for the highest value of Ec among the elements of
shells can be excited for each element, for example, K and L interest.
for Z = 16 to Z = 50, and L and M for Z = 36 to Z = 92. For
lower values of E0, these atomic number ranges will be
diminished. 4.3 X-Ray Continuum (bremsstrahlung)

 -Ray Intensity Emitted from Thick,

X Simultaneously with the inner shell ionization events that
Solid Specimens lead to characteristic X-ray emission, a second physical pro-
A thick specimen is one with sufficient thickness so that it cess operates to generate X-rays, the “braking radiation,” or
contains the full electron interaction volume, which gener- bremsstrahlung, process. As illustrated in . Fig. 4.10, because
ally requires a thickness of at least a few micrometers for of the repulsion that the beam electron experiences in the
most choices of composition and incident beam energy. negative charge cloud of the atomic electrons, it undergoes
Within the interaction volume, the complete range of elastic deceleration and loses kinetic energy, which is released as a
and inelastic scattering events occur. X-ray generation for photon of electromagnetic radiation. The energy lost due to
each atom species takes place across the full energy range of deceleration can take on any value from a slight deceleration
the ionization cross section from the initial value corre- involving the loss of a few electron volts up to the loss of the
sponding to the energy of the incident beam as it enters the total kinetic energy carried by the beam electron in a single
specimen down to the ionization energy of each atom spe- event. Thus, the bremsstrahlung X-rays span all energies from
cies. Based upon experimental measurements, the X-ray a practical threshold of 100 eV up to the incident beam energy,
intensity emitted from thick targets is found to follow an E0, which corresponds to an incident beam electron suffer-
expression of the form ing total energy loss by deceleration in the Coulombic field
of a surface atom as the beam electron enters the target and
before it has lost any energy in any other inelastic scattering
I ≈ ip ( E0 − Ec ) / E0  ≈ ip [U − 1]
n n
(4.8) events. The braking radiation process thus forms a continu-

ous energy spectrum, also referred to as the “X-ray contin-
where ip is the beam current, and n is a constant depending uum,” from 100 eV to E0, which is the so-called Duane–Hunt
on the particular element and shell (Lifshin et al. 1980). The limit. The X-ray continuum forms a background beneath any
value of n is typically in the range 1.5–2.0. Equation 4.8 is characteristic X-rays produced by the atoms. The bremsstrah-
plotted for an exponent of n = 1.7 in . Fig. 4.9. The intensity lung process is anisotropic, being somewhat peaked in the
48 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Fig. 4.9 Characteristic X-ray inten-

sity emitted from a thick specimen; Relative X-ray intensity (thick specimen)
exponent n = 1.7 50


Relative X-ray intensity




0 2 4 6 8 10
Overvoltage, U = E0/Ec

..      Fig. 4.10 Schematic illustration of

the braking radiation (bremsstrahlung)
process giving rise to the X-ray

Eν =E0

direction of the electron travel. In thin specimens where the However, in thick specimens, the near-randomization of
beam electron trajectories are nearly aligned, this anisotropy the beam electron trajectory segments by elastic scattering
can result in a different continuum intensity in the forward effectively smooths out this anisotropy, so that the X-ray con-
direction along the beam relative to the backward direction. tinuum is effectively rendered isotropic.
4.3 · X-Ray Continuum (bremsstrahlung)
49 4
4.3.1 X-Ray Continuum Intensity 4.3.2  he Electron-Excited X-Ray Spectrum,
The intensity of the X-ray continuum, Icm , at an energy Eν is
described by Kramers (1923) as The electron-excited X-ray spectrum generated within the
target thus consists of characteristic and continuum X-rays
I cm ≈ ip Z ( E0 − Eν ) / Eν  (4.9) and is shown for pure carbon with E0 = 20 keV in . Fig. 4.12,

as calculated with the spectrum simulator in NIST Desktop
where ip is the incident beam current and Z is the atomic Spectrum Analyzer (Fiori et al. 1992), using the Pouchou and
number. For a particular value of the incident energy, E0, the Pichoir expression for the K-shell ionization cross section and
intensity of the continuum decreases rapidly relative to lower the Kramers expression for the continuum intensity (Pouchou
photon energies as Eν approaches E0, the Duane–Hunt limit. and Pichoir 1991; Kramers 1923). Because of the energy
An important parameter in electron-excited X-ray micro- dependence of the continuum given by Eq. 4.10, the generated
analysis is the ratio of the characteristic X-ray intensity to the X-ray continuum has its highest intensity at the lowest photon
X-ray continuum intensity at the same energy, Ech = Eν, often energy and decreases at higher photon energies, reaching zero
referred to as the “peak-to-background, P/B.” The P/B can be intensity at E0. By comparison, the energy span of the charac-
estimated from Eqs. (4.8) and (4.9) with the approximation teristic C–K peak is its natural width of only 1.6 eV, which is
that Eν ≈ Ec so that Eq. (4.9) can be rewritten as— related to the lifetime of the excited K-shell vacancy. The
energy width for K-shell emission up to 25 keV photon energy
I cm ≈ ip Z ( E0 − Ec ) / Ec  ≈ ip Z (U − 1) (4.10) is shown in . Fig. 4.2 (Krause and Oliver 1979). For photon
 energies below 25 keV, the characteristic X-ray peaks from the
Taking the ratio of Eqs. (4.8) and (4.10) gives K-, L-, and M- shells have natural widths less than 10 eV. In
the calculated spectrum of . Fig. 4.12, the C–K peak is there-
P / B ≈ (1 / Z )(U − 1)
n −1
(4.11) fore plotted as a narrow line. (X-ray peaks are often referred to
 as “lines” in the literature, a result of their appearance in high-
The P/B is plotted in . Fig. 4.11 with the assumption that energy resolution measurements of X-ray spectra by diffrac-
n = 1.7, where it is seen that at low overvoltages, which are tion-based X-ray spectrometers.) The X-ray spectra
often used in electron-excited X-ray microanalysis, the char- as-generated in the target for carbon, copper, and gold are
acteristic intensity is low relative to higher values of U, and compared in . Fig. 4.13, where it can be seen that at all photon
the intensity rises rapidly with U, while the P/B increases energies the intensity of the X-ray continuum increases with
rapidly at low overvoltage but then more slowly as the over- Z, as given by Eq. 4.9. The increased complexity of the charac-
voltage increases. teristic X-rays at higher Z is also readily apparent.

..      Fig. 4.11 X-ray intensity emitted

from a thick specimen and P/B, both as Relative X-ray intensity and P/B (thick specimen)
a function of overvoltage with expo- 8
nent n = 1.7

6 P/B
Relative X-ray intensity
Relative intensity and P/B

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Overvoltage, U = E0/Ec
50 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Fig. 4.12 Spectrum of pure carbon

as-generated within the target calcu- As-generated electron-excited X-ray spectrum of carbon
lated for E0 = 20 keV with the spectrum
simulator in Desktop Spectrum Ana-






0 5 10 15 20
X-ray photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 4.13 Spectra of pure carbon,

copper, and gold as-generated within As-generated electron-excited X-ray spectra
the target calculated for E0 = 20 keV with 1e+8
the spectrum simulator in Desktop Spec-
trum Analyzer (Fiori et al. 1992)





1e+2 C

0 5 10 15 20
X-ray photon energy (keV)

4.3.3 Range of X-ray Production crude estimate of the limiting range of X-ray generation,
can be obtained from a simple modification of the
As the beam electrons scatter inelastically within the tar- Kanaya–Okayama range equation (IV-5) to compensate
get and lose energy, inner shell ionization events can be for the portion of the electron range beyond which the
produced from U0 down to U = 1, so that depending on E0 energy of beam electrons has deceased below a specific
and the value(s) of Ec represented by the various elements value of Ec:
in the target, X-rays will be generated over a substantial
RK − O ( nm ) = 27.6 ( A / Z 0.89 ρ )  E01.67 − Ec1.67  (4.12)
portion of the interaction volume. The “X-ray range,” a
4.3 · X-Ray Continuum (bremsstrahlung)
51 4
. Table 4.2 lists calculations of the range of generation for in various matrices for the generation of various characteristic
copper K-shell X-rays (Ec = 8.98 keV) produced in various X-rays spanning a wide range of Ec is shown in . Fig. 4.14a–d.
host elements, for example, a situation in which copper is
present at a low level so it has a negligible effect on the over-
all Kanaya–Okayama range. As the incident beam energy 4.3.4  onte Carlo Simulation of X-Ray
decreases to E0 = 10 keV, the range of production of cop- Generation
per K-shell X-rays decreases to a few hundred nanometers
because of the very low overvoltage, U0 = 1.11. The X-ray range The X-ray range given by Eq. 4.12 provides a single value that
captures the limit of the X-ray production but gives no infor-
mation on the complex distribution of X-ray production
within the interaction volume. Monte Carlo electron simula-
..      Table 4.2 Range of Cu K-shell (Ec = 8.98 keV) X-ray
generation in various matrices tion can provide that level of detail (e.g., Drouin et al., 2007;
Joy, 2006; Ritchie, 2015), as shown in . Fig. 4.15a, where the
Matrix 25 keV 20 keV 15 keV 10 keV electron trajectories and the associated emitted photons of
C 6.3 μm 3.9 μm 1.9 μm 270 nm
Cu K-L3 are shown superimposed. For example, the limit of
production of Cu K-L3 that occurs when energy loss causes
Si 5.7 μm 3.5 μm 1.7 μm 250 nm the beam electron energy to fall below the Cu K-shell excita-
Fe 1.9 μm 1.2 μm 570 nm 83 nm tion energy (8.98 keV) can be seen in the electron trajecto-
Au 1.0 μm 630 nm 310 nm 44 nm
ries (green) that extend beyond the region of X-ray
production (red). The effects of the host element on the

Range of X-ray production in carbon Range of X-ray production in aluminum

a 10 b 10

8 Electron range 8 Electron range

C K X-rays C K X-rays
AIK X-rays
Range (micrometers)

Range (micrometers)

AIK X-rays
TiK X-rays TiK X-rays
6 FeK X-rays 6 FeK X-rays
CuK X-rays CuK X-rays

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam energy (keV) Beam energy (keV)

Range of X-ray production in copper Range of X-ray production in gold

c 3.0 d 2.0

2.5 Electron range

C K X-rays Electron range
AIK X-rays 1.5 C K X-rays
Range (micrometers)

Range (micrometers)

2.0 TiK X-rays AIK X-rays

FeK X-rays TiK X-rays
CuK X-rays FeK X-rays
CuK X-rays
1.5 1.0


0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam energy (keV) Beam energy (keV)

..      Fig. 4.14 a X-ray range as a function of E0 for generation of K-shell c X-ray range as a function of E0 for generation of K-shell X-rays of C, Al,
X-rays of C, Al, Ti, Fe, and Cu in a C matrix. b X-ray range as a function of Ti, Fe, and Cu in a Cu matrix. d X-ray range as a function of E0 for gen-
E0 for generation of K-shell X-rays of C, Al, Ti, Fe, and Cu in an Al matrix. eration of K-shell X-rays of C, Al, Ti, Fe, and Cu in an Au matrix
52 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Fig. 4.15 a Monte Carlo simulation (DTSA-II) a

of electron trajectories and associated Cu K-shell
X-ray generation in pure copper; E0 = 20 keV.
b Monte Carlo simulation (DTSA-II) of the distribu-
tion of Cu K-shell and L-shell X-rays in a Cu matrix
with E0 = 10 keV showing the X-rays that escape.
c Monte Carlo simulation (DTSA-II) of the distribu-
tion of Cu K-shell and L-shell X-rays that escape in
Au-1 % Cu with E0 = 10 keV. d Monte Carlo simula-
tion (DTSA-II) of the distribution of Cu K-shell and
4 L-shell X-rays that escape in C-1 % Cu with E0 = 10
keV (Ritchie 2015) Cu K-L3 1 µm
E0 = 20 keV

b Monte Carlo (DTSA-II) simulation of Cu X-ray production in Cu; E0 = 10 keV

Cu K-L3 0.92 mm x 0.92 mm Cu L3-M5 092 mm x 0.92 mm

Cu K-L3 in Cu
E0 = 10 keV Cu L3-M5 in Cu
E0 = 10 keV
250 nm
250 nm

0.089 Emission 1.000 Emission

c Monte Carlo (DTSA-II) simulation of Cu X-ray production in Au; E0 = 10 keV

Cu K-L3 0.54 mm x 0.54 mm Cu L3-M5 0.54 mm x 0.54 mm

Cu K-L3 in Au Cu L3-M5 in Au
E0 = 10 keV E0 = 10 keV

250 nm 250 nm

8.12E-4 Emission 9.76E-3 Emission

d Monte Carlo (DTSA-II) simulation of Cu X-ray production in C; E0 = 10 keV

Cu K-L3 3.15 mm x 3.15 mm Cu L3-M5 3.15 mm x 3.15 mm

Cu K-L3 in C Cu L3-M5 in C
E0 = 10 keV E0 = 10 keV

1 µm 1 µm

3.02E-4 Emission 3.1E-3 Emission

4.3 · X-Ray Continuum (bremsstrahlung)
53 4
emission volumes for Cu K-shell and L-shell X-ray genera- 4.3.5  -ray Depth Distribution Function,
tion in three different matrices—C, Cu, and Au—is shown in ϕ(ρz)
. Fig. 4.15a–c using DTSA-II (Ritchie 2015). The individual
maps of X-ray production show the intense zone of X-ray The distribution of characteristic X-ray production as a func-
generation starting at and continuing below the beam impact tion of depth, designated “ϕ(ρz)” in the literature of quantita-
point and the extended region of gradually diminishing tive electron-excited X-ray microanalysis, is a critical parameter
X-ray generation. In all three matrices, there is a large differ- that forms the basis for calculating the compositionally depen-
ence in the generation volume for the Cu K-shell and Cu dent correction (“A” factor) for the loss of X-rays due to photo-
L-shell X-rays as a result of the large difference in overvolt- electric absorption. As shown in . Fig. 4.16 for Si with E0 = 20
age at E0 = 10 keV: CuK U0 = 1.11 and CuL U0 = 10.8. keV, Monte Carlo electron trajectory simulation provides a

..      Fig. 4.16 a Monte Carlo

calculation of the interaction a
volume and X-ray production in
Si with E0 = 20 keV. The histogram
construction of the X-ray depth
distribution ϕ(ρz) is illustrated.
(Joy Monte Carlo simulation). b
ϕ(ρz) distribution of generated Si
K-L3 X-rays in Si with E0 = 20 keV,
and the effect of absorption from
each layer, giving the fraction,
f(χ)depth, that escapes from each Energy (keV) 20
layer. The cumulative escape from
all layers is f(χ) = 0.80. (Joy Monte
Tilt/TOA 0
Carlo simulation) (Joy 2006)

Number 5000

1 µm Repeat


Energy (keV) 20

Tilt/TOA 0
1 µm

Number 20000



X-ray volume = 3.76312um^3 – f(chi) = 0.8 Exit

54 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

method to model ϕ(ρz) by dividing the target into layers of a peak value in ϕ(ρz) is reached, beyond which the X-ray
constant thickness parallel to the surface, counting the X-rays intensity decreases due to cumulative energy loss, which
produced in each layer, and then plotting the intensity as a his- reduces the overvoltage, and the relative number of backscat-
togram. The intensity in each layer is normalized by the inten- tering events decreases. The ϕ(ρz) distribution then steadily
sity produced in a single unsupported layer which is sufficiently decreases to a zero intensity when the electrons have sustained
thin so that no significant elastic scattering occurs: the electron sufficient energy loss to reach overvoltage U = 1. The limiting
trajectories pass through such a thin layer without deviation. X-ray production range is given by Eq. 4.12.
The ϕ(ρz) distribution has several important characteristics.
4 For a thick specimen, the intensity produced in the first layer
exceeds that of the unsupported reference layer because in 4.4 X-Ray Absorption
addition to the X-ray intensity produced by the passage of all of
the beam electrons through the first layer, elastic scattering The Monte Carlo simulations shown in . Fig. 4.15b–d are in
from deeper in the specimen creates backscattered electrons fact plots of the X-rays emitted from the sample. To escape the
which pass back through the surface layer to escape the target, sample, the X-rays must pass through the sample atoms where
producing additional X-ray generation. The intensity produced they can undergo the process of photoelectric absorption.
in the first layer, designated ϕ0, thus always exceeds unity An X-ray whose energy exceeds the binding energy (critical
because of this extra X-ray production due to backscattering. excitation energy) for an atomic shell can transfer its energy to
Below the surface layer, ϕ(ρz) increases as elastic scattering the bound electron, ejecting that electron from the atom with
increases the path length of the electrons that pass obliquely a kinetic energy equal to the X-ray energy minus the bind-
through each layer, compared to the relatively unscattered pas- ing energy, as shown in . Fig. 4.17, which initiates the same
sage of the incident electrons through the outermost layers processes of X-ray and Auger electron emission as shown
before elastic scattering causes significant deviation in the tra- in . Fig. 4.1 for inner shell ionization by energetic electrons.
jectories. The reverse passage of backscattered electrons also The major difference in the two processes is that the X-ray is
adds to the generation of X-rays in the shallow layers. Eventually annihilated in photoelectric absorption and its entire energy

..      Fig. 4.17 Schematic diagram of the pro-

cess of X-ray generation: inner shell ionization Carbon atom,
by photoabsorption of an energetic X-ray that ground state L-shell, EL = 7 eV
leaves the atom in an elevated energy state
which it can lower by either of two routes
involving the transition of an L-shell electron An energetic X-ray
to fill the K-shell vacancy: 1 the Auger process, K-shell, EK = 284 eV
can undergo
in which the energy difference EK – EL is trans- photoelectric
ferred to another L-shell electron, which is absorption with a
ejected with a characteristic energy: bound atomic Ekin = En-Ec
EK – EL – EL; (2) photon emission, in which the electron.
energy difference EK – EL is expressed as an
X-ray photon of characteristic energy K-shell

vacancy En= EK – EL = 277 eV

Auger branch X-ray branch

Ekin = EK – 2EL
4.4 · X-Ray Absorption
55 4
transferred to the ejected electron. Photoelectric absorption The dimensions of the mass absorption coefficient are cm2/g.
is quantified by the “mass absorption coefficient,” μ/ρ, which For a given material, mass absorption coefficients generally
determines the fraction of X-rays that pass through a thickness decrease with increasing photon energy, as shown for carbon
s of a material acting as the absorber: in . Fig. 4.18a. The exception is near the critical excitation
energy for the atomic shells of a material. The region near the
I / I 0 = exp  − ( µ / ρ ) ρ s  (4.13) C K-shell excitation energy of 284 eV is shown expanded in
. Fig. 4.18b, where an abrupt increase in μ/ρ occurs. An
where I0 is the initial X-ray intensity and I is the intensity after X-ray photon whose energy is just slightly greater than the
passing through a thickness, s, of a material with ­density ρ. critical excitation energy for an atomic shell can very

..      Fig. 4.18 a Mass absorption coef-

ficient for C as a function of photon X-ray mass absorption coefficient of carbon
energy. b Mass absorption coefficient
for C as a function of photon energy
near the C critical excitation energy
Mass absorption coefficient (cm2/g)






0 5 10 15 20

X-ray photon energy (keV)

X-ray mass absorption coefficient of carbon

b 1e+6
Mass absorption coefficient (cm2/g)




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
X-ray photon energy (keV)
56 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Fig. 4.19 a Mass absorption coef-

ficient for Cu as a function of photon Mass absorption coefficient of copper
energy. b Mass absorption coefficient a 1e+6
for Cu as a function of photon energy
near the Cu L-shell critical excitation

Mass absorption coefficient (cm2/g)

4 1e+4



0 5 10 15 20

X-ray photon energy (keV)

Mass absorption coefficient of copper

b 1e+6
Mass absorption coefficient (cm2/g)



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
X-ray photon energy (keV)

e­ fficiently couple its energy to the bound electron, resulting When a material consists of an atomic-scale mixture of
in a high value of μ/ρ. With further increases in photon two or more elements, the mass absorption for the mixture is
energy, the efficiency of the coupling of the photon energy to calculated as
the bound electron decreases so that μ/ρ also decreases. For
more complex atoms with more atomic shells, the mass
( µ / ρ ) mix = Σ j ( µ / ρ ) j Cj
i i
absorption coefficient behavior with photon energy becomes
more complicated, as shown for Cu in . Fig. 4.19a, b, which
shows the region of the three Cu L-edges. For Au, . Fig. 4.20a– where (μ/ρ)ji is the mass absorption coefficient for the X-rays
c shows the regions of the three Au L-edges and the five Au of element i by element j, and Cj is the mass concentration of
M-edges. element j in the mixture.
4.4 · X-Ray Absorption
57 4
..      Fig. 4.20 a Mass absorption coefficient for Au
as a function of photon energy. b Mass absorption X-ray mass absorption coefficient of gold
a 1e+6
coefficient for Au as a function of photon energy
near the Au L-shell critical excitation energies. c
Mass absorption coefficient for Au as a function of

Mass absorption coefficient (cm2/g)

photon energy near the Au M-shell critical excitation 1e+5




0 5 10 15 20
X-ray photon energy (keV)

X-ray mass absorption coefficient of gold

Mass absorption coefficient (cm2/g)


10 11 12 13 14 15
X-ray photon energy (keV)
X-ray mass absorption coefficient of gold
c 10000
Mass absorption coefficient (cm2/g)


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

X-ray photon energy (keV)
58 Chapter 4 · X-Rays



Phiroz Phiroz
f[chi] f[chi]

Phiroz Phiroz
f[chi] f[chi]

..      Fig. 4.21 a Determination of the absorption path length from a layer of the ϕ(ρz) distribution located at depth, d, in the direction of the X-ray
detector. b Monte Carlo determination of the ϕ(ρz) distribution and absorption for carbon at various beam energies. (Joy Monte Carlo simulation)

Photoelectric absorption reduces the X-ray intensity that shown in . Fig. 4.21a from the depth, d, of the histogram
is emitted from the target at all photon energies. The absorp- slice, and the cosecant of the X-ray detector “take-off angle,”
tion loss from each layer of the ϕ(ρz) distribution is calcu- ψ, which is the elevation angle of the detector above the
lated using Eq. 4.15 with the absorption path, s, determined as ­target surface:
4.5 · X-Ray Fluorescence
59 4
in f(χ) are seen at the critical ionization energy of the K-shell
..      Table 4.3 Self-absorption of carbon K-shell X-rays as a
function of beam energy
in carbon, the K- and L-shells in copper, and the M- and
L-shells in gold, corresponding to the sharp increase in μ/ρ
E0 f(χ) just above the critical ionization energy. Because the X-ray
continuum is generated at all photon energies, the continuum
2 keV 0.974 is affected by every ionization edge represented by the atomic
5 0.867 species present, resulting in abrupt steps in the background.
An abrupt decrease in X-ray continuum intensity is observed
10 0.615
just above the absorption edge energy due to the increase in
20 0.237 the mass absorption coefficient. The characteristic peaks in
30 0.103 these spectra are also diminished by absorption, but because
a characteristic X-ray is always lower in energy than the ion-
ization edge energy from which it originated, the mass
absorption coefficient for characteristic X-rays is lower than
s = d cscψ (4.15) that for photons with energies just above the shell ionization
energies. Thus an element is relatively transparent to its own
Normalizing by the intensity generated in each layer, the characteristic X-rays because of the decrease in X-ray absorp-
ϕ(ρz) histogram gives the probability, with a value between 0 tion below the ionization edge energy.
and 1, that a photon generated in that layer and emitted into
the solid angle of the EDS detector will escape and reach the
detector, as shown in . Fig. 4.16b for each histogram bin of 4.5 X-Ray Fluorescence
the silicon ϕ(ρz) distribution. The escape probability of
X-rays integrated over the complete ϕ(ρz) histogram gives As a consequence of photoelectric absorption shown in
the parameter designated “f(χ),” which is the overall escape . Fig. 4.17, the atom will subsequently undergo de-excitation
probability, between 0 and 1, for an X-ray generated any- following the same paths as is the case for electron ionization
where in the ϕ(ρz) distribution. in . Fig. 4.1. Thus, the primary X-ray spectrum of character-
. Figure 4.21b shows a sequence of calculations of the istic and continuum X-rays generated by the beam electron
C K ϕ(ρz) distribution and subsequent absorption as a func- inelastic scattering events gives rise to a secondary X-ray
tion of incident beam energy. As the incident beam energy spectrum of characteristic X-rays generated as a result of tar-
increases, the depth of electron penetration increases so that get atoms absorbing those characteristic and continuum
carbon characteristic X-rays are produced deeper in the tar- X-rays and emitting lower energy characteristic X-rays.
get. For pure carbon with E0 = 5 keV, the cumulative value of Because continuum X-rays are produced up to E0, the
f(χ) = 0.867; that is, 86.7 % of all carbon X-rays that are gener- Duane–Hunt limit, all atomic shells present with Ec < E0 will
ated escape, while 13.3 % are absorbed. As the C X-rays are be involved in generating secondary X-rays, which is referred
produced deeper with increasing beam energy, the total to as “secondary X-ray fluorescence” by the X-ray micro-
X-ray absorption increases so that the value of f(χ) for C K analysis community. Generally, at any characteristic photon
decreases sharply with increasing beam energy, as shown in energy the contribution of secondary fluorescence is only a
. Fig. 4.21b and in . Table 4.3. few percent or less of the intensity produced by the direct
Thus, with E0 = 2 keV, 97.4 % of the carbon X-rays escape electron ionization events. However, there is a substantial
the specimen, while at E0 = 30 keV, nearly 90 % of the carbon difference in the spatial distribution of the primary and sec-
X-rays generated in pure carbon are absorbed before they ondary X-rays. The primary X-rays must be produced within
can exit the specimen. the interaction volume of the beam electrons, which gener-
When the parameter f(χ) is plotted at every photon energy ally has limiting dimensions of a few micrometers at most.
from the threshold of 100 eV up to the Duane–Hunt limit of The secondary X-rays can be produced over a much larger
the incident beam energy E0, X-ray absorption is seen to volume because the range of X-rays in a material is typically
sharply modify the X-ray spectrum that is emitted from the an order-of-magnitude (or more) greater than the range of
target, as illustrated for carbon (. Fig. 4.22), copper an electron beam with E0 from 5 to 30 keV. This effect is
(. Fig. 4.23), and gold (. Fig. 4.24). The high relative intensity shown in . Fig. 4.25 for an alloy of Ni-10 % Fe for the second-
of the X-ray continuum at low photon energies compared to ary fluorescence of Fe K-shell X-rays (EK = 7.07 keV) by the
higher photon energies in the generated spectrum is greatly electron-­excited Ni K-L2,3 X-rays (7.47 keV). The hemispher-
diminished in the emitted spectrum because of the higher ical volume that contains 99 % of the secondary Fe K-L2,3
absorption suffered by low energy photons. Discontinuities X-rays has a radius of 30 μm.
60 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Fig. 4.22 a Absorption parameter f(χ) as a function of

photon energy for carbon and an incident beam energy Absorption parameter f(χ) for C, E0 = 20 keV
of E0 = 20 keV. Note the abrupt decrease for photons a
just above the ionization energy of carbon at 0.284 keV. 1.0
b Expansion of the region from 0 to 5 keV. Note the abrupt
decrease for photons just above the ionization energy
of carbon at 0.284 keV. c Comparison of the generated 0.8
(black) and emitted (red) X-ray spectra for carbon with an
incident beam energy of E0 = 20 keV

4 0.6



0 5 10 15 20
Photon energy (keV)

Absorption parameter f(χ) for C, E0 = 20 keV







0 1 2 3 4 5
Photon energy (keV)

c Generated and emitted X-ray spectra for carbon


1e+7 E0 = 20 keV





1e+1 Emitted

0 5 10 15 20
X-ray photon energy (keV)
4.5 · X-Ray Fluorescence
61 4
..      Fig. 4.23 a Absorption parameter f(χ) as a function
of photon energy for copper and an incident beam a Absorption parameter f(χ) for copper, E0 = 20 keV
energy of E0 = 20 keV. Note the abrupt decrease just
above the ionization energies of the three L-shells near
0.930 keV and the K-shell ionization energy at 8.98 keV.
b Comparison of the generated (red) and emitted (blue)
X-ray spectra for copper with an incident beam energy 0.8
of E0 = 20 keV. c Comparison of the generated and
emitted X-ray spectra for copper with an incident beam
energy of E0 = 20 keV; expanded to show the region of
the Cu L-shell and Cu K-shell ionization e­ nergies



0 5 10 15 20
Photon energy (keV)

b Copper, E0 = 20 keV


X-ray intensity

1e+5 Generated





0 5 10 15 20
Photon energy (keV)

Copper, E0 = 20 keV
c 1e+7


X-ray intensity

1e+5 Generated



0 2 4 6 8 10
Photon energy (keV)
62 Chapter 4 · X-Rays

..      Fig. 4.24 a Absorption parameter f(χ) as a function of

photon energy for gold and an incident beam energy of a Absorption parameter f(c) for gold, E0 = 20 keV
E0 = 20 keV. Note the abrupt decrease in f(χ) for photons
just above the ionization energies of the gold M-shell and 1.0
gold L-shell. b Comparison of the generated (red) and
emitted (blue) X-ray spectra for gold with an incident beam
energy of E0 = 20 keV. c Comparison of the generated (red) 0.8
and emitted (blue) X-ray spectra for gold with an incident
beam energy of E0 = 20 keV; expansion of the region around
the gold M-shell ionization edges 0.6



0 5 10 15 20
Photon energy (keV)

b Gold, E0 = 20 keV

1e+7 Emitted

X-ray intensity





0 5 10 15 20
Photon energy (keV)

Gold, E0 = 20 keV

1e+7 Emitted

X-ray intensity




0 1 2 3 4 5
Photon energy (keV)
63 4
Fiori CE, Swyt CR, Myklebust RL (1992) Desktop Spectrum Analyzer (DTSA), a
Ni-10% Fe comprehensive software engine for electron-excited X-ray spectrome-
E0 = 20 keV try. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – National
Institutes of Health (NIH). United States Patent 5,299,138 (March 29,
1994) (Standard Reference Data Program, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
90% Heinrich KFJ, Fiori CE, Myklebust RL (1979) Relative transition probabili-
10 µm ties for the X-ray lines from the K level. J Appl Phys 50:5589
Joy D (2006) Monte Carlo simulation. Available at 7 http://www.lehigh.
Kramers H (1923) On the theory of X-ray absorption and the continuous
X-ray spectrum. Phil Mag 46:836
..      Fig. 4.25 Range of secondary fluorescence of Fe K-L3 (EK = 7.07 keV) Krause M, Oliver J (1979) Natural widths of atomic K and L levels, Kα
by Ni K-L3 X-rays (7.47 keV). Red arc = extent of direct electron excita- X-ray lines and several KLL Auger lines. J Phys Chem Ref Data
tion of Ni K-L3 and Fe K-L3. Blue arc = range for 50 % of total secondary Monogr 8:329
fluorescence of Fe K-L3 by Ni K-L3; green arc = 90 %; magenta arc = 99 % Lifshin E, Ciccarelli MF, Bolon RB (1980) In: Beaman DR, Ogilvie RE, Wittry
DB (eds) Proceedings 8th international conference on X-ray optics
and microanalysis, vol 141. Pendell, Midland
Pouchou JL, Pichoir F (1991) Quantitative analysis of homogeneous or
References stratified microvolumes applying the model ‘PAP’. In: Heinrich KFJ,
Newbury DE (eds) Electron probe quantitation, vol 31. Plenum
Crawford J, Cohen D, Doherty G, Atanacio A (2011) Calculated K, L and Press, New York
M-shell X-ray line intensities for light ion impact on selected targets Powell C (1976) Use of Monte Carlo Calculations. In: Heinrich KFJ, Newbury
from Z = 6 to 100. ANSTO/E-774, Australian Nuclear Science and DE, Yakowitz H (eds) Electron probe microanalysis and scanning elec-
Technology Organisation (September, 2011) tron microscopy. National Bureau of standard Special Publication
Drouin D, Couture A, Joly D, Tastet X, Aimez V, Gauvin R (2007) CASINO 460. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 97
V2.42 – a fast and easy-to-use modeling tool for scanning electron Ritchie NWM (2015) NIST DTSA-II software, including tutorials, is available
microscopy and microanalysis users. Scanning 29:92–101 free at: 7 www.cstl.nist.gov/div837/837.02/epq/dtsa2/index.html
65 5

Scanning Electron Microscope

(SEM) Instrumentation
5.1 Electron Beam Parameters – 66

5.2 Electron Optical Parameters – 66

5.2.1 Beam Energy – 66
5.2.2 Beam Diameter – 67
5.2.3 Beam Current – 67
5.2.4 Beam Current Density – 68
5.2.5 Beam Convergence Angle, α – 68
5.2.6 Beam Solid Angle – 69
5.2.7 Electron Optical Brightness, β – 70
5.2.8 Focus – 71

5.3 SEM Imaging Modes – 75

5.3.1 High Depth-of-Field Mode – 75
5.3.2 High-Current Mode – 78
5.3.3 Resolution Mode – 80
5.3.4 Low-Voltage Mode – 81

5.4 Electron Detectors – 83

5.4.1 Important Properties of BSE and SE for Detector
Design and Operation – 83
5.4.2 Detector Characteristics – 83
5.4.3 Common Types of Electron Detectors – 85
5.4.4 Secondary Electron Detectors – 86
5.4.5 Specimen Current: The Specimen as Its Own Detector – 88
5.4.6 A Useful, Practical Measure of a Detector:
Detective Quantum Efficiency – 89

References – 91

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
66 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

5.1 Electron Beam Parameters

This chapter addresses essential topics: the quantitative attri-

butes of an electron beam, well-known widely-used SEM
modes, and electron detectors.

zz Why Learn About Electron Optical Parameters?

As we mentioned in the introduction to the book, the main
goal of the text is to help users understand how to operate the α
SEM and its accessories, and how to be effective at using E0
5 these powerful tools for materials characterization and anal-
ysis. It is a fair question, then, to ask why an operator of the
microscope needs to understand electron optics and the W
optical parameters of the beam. Clearly an SEM design engi-
neer needs to be conversant in these subjects, but why learn
these concepts as an end user? The simplest answer is that
while all SEMs have knobs, switches, and controls, in the end
it is the electron optical beam parameters that the operator is
controlling, and a basic understanding of what is being
changed by those knobs is essential to becoming a skilled
user. Whether the knobs and dials are “old-school” analog El Ib
hardware devices or purely virtual objects that exist only in a
software user interface, the operator cannot use the SEM to
best advantage without a clear picture of how those knobs are
changing the beam.

..      Fig. 5.1 Basic elements of the electron beam in an SEM

5.2 Electron Optical Parameters
If you have any experience with electronics or electrical
. Figure 5.1 shows the basic features of an electron beam in a engineering, the electronvolt as a unit of energy may be con-
scanning electron microscope after it emerges from the final fusing at first since it sounds more like a measure of voltage,
aperture of the objective lens and before it impacts the sam- unlike the more common units of energy such as the Joule,
ple surface. While changes to the beam inside the electron the calorie, or the erg. The terms electron volt and the related
gun and inside the electron column are also important to the SI unit electronvolt are related to the method used by the SEM
SEM operator, a thorough understanding of the attributes of to impart energy to the electrons that emerge from the elec-
the beam in the chamber is absolutely essential to mastery of tron source. Typically, the electrons are accelerated from low
the instrument. energy to high energy using an electrostatic potential differ-
ence generated by a high-voltage power supply. Negatively
charged electrons are repelled from surfaces with negative
5.2.1 Beam Energy electrical potential and attracted to surfaces with positive
potential, and the potential difference is measured in volts.
One of the fundamental beam parameters is the energy of the One electronvolt is simply the energy acquired by an electron
electrons in the beam, measured in electronvolts (eV) and when it is accelerated through a potential difference of one
often represented by the symbol E, or E0. This parameter rep- volt; similarly, an electron that drops through a voltage differ-
resents the initial energy of the electrons as they enter the ence of 20 kilovolts (20 kV) emerges with an energy of 20 keV.
SEM chamber or the sample. Beam energy has a direct effect This underlying connection between the accelerating
on many important aspects of SEM operation, such as the voltage used by the microscope and the resulting beam
size of the excitation volume in the sample and the intensity energy can help make sense of the different terminol-
of the X-rays emitted, so it is necessary to choose this param- ogy often used in the SEM community regarding “beam
eter carefully and set it to an appropriate value before acquir- energy.” On many microscopes, you set the accelerating
ing data. Frequently the beam energy is several thousand voltage with a knob or by using a graphical user interface
electronvolts or higher, so the kilo-electronvolt is the most on a computer. On these microscopes, you would select
common unit of beam energy, abbreviated keV. One keV is 30 kV for the accelerating voltage if you wanted to work at
equal to 1000 eV, and many SEMs are capable of generating high beam energy, or you might select 1 kV if you wished to
electron beams up to 30 keV (equal to 30,000 eV), or in a few work at low voltage. Other microscope interfaces allow you
cases even higher. to select the beam energy directly instead of the accelerat-
5.2 · Electron Optical Parameters
67 5
ing voltage, so the corresponding settings would be 30 keV interchangeably without a problem, but when the distinction
for high beam energy work and 1 keV for low-voltage oper- matters it can be crucial to accurate analysis and proper com-
ation. In informal conversation it is common to hear 30 kV munication or reporting.
and 30 keV used interchangeably to mean the same beam
setting, and usually no confusion arises from this practice.
However, in written documents such as reports of analyses 5.2.2 Beam Diameter
or academic publications, the common error of describing
the beam energy using units of kilovolts or of recording the Another important electron beam characteristic under the
accelerating voltage in units of kilo-electronvolts should be control of the SEM operator is the diameter of the electron
avoided. beam, which in most cases refers to the diameter of the beam
as it impacts the sample surface. Beam diameter has units of
Landing Energy length and is frequently measured in nanometers, Ångstroms,
Aside from this possible confusion between beam energy and or micrometers, depending on the size of the beam. For most
accelerating potential, there are other subtleties in the proper SEM applications the beam diameter will fall within the
characterization of the beam energy in the SEM. Depending broad range of 1 nm to 1 μm. It is commonly represented by
on the technology used by the microscope manufacturer, the symbol d, or a subscripted variant such as dprobe or dp.
the electrons in the microscope may change energy more Before developing an understanding of the importance of
than once during their path from the electron source to the beam–specimen interactions, many SEM operators naively
surface of the sample. Some microscopes seek to improve assume that the resolution of their SEM images is dictated
imaging performance by modifying the electrons’ energy solely by the beam diameter. While this may be true in some
during the mid-portion of the optical column. On more situations, more often the relationship between the beam
recent microscope models it is increasingly common to see diameter and the resolution is a complex one. Perhaps this
beam deceleration options, which decrease the beam energy explains why the exact definition of beam diameter is not
just before the electrons emerge from the objective lens. always provided, even in relatively careful writing or formal
Also common on modern instruments is the option to contexts. The simplest model of an electron beam is one
apply a voltage bias to the sample itself, thus allowing the where the beam has a circular cross section at all times, and
SEM operator to increase the energy of the electrons as they that the electrons are distributed with uniform intensity
approach the sample (in the case of a positive sample bias), or everywhere inside the beam diameter and are completely
decrease the energy of the electrons (in the case of a negative absent outside the beam diameter. In this trivial case, the
sample bias). For example, if the electron beam emerges from beam has hard boundaries and is the same size no matter
the objective lens into the SEM sample chamber with a beam which azimuth you use to measure it. In reality the electron
energy of 5 keV, but the sample has a negative voltage bias of beam in an SEM is much more complicated. Even if you
1 kV applied, the electrons will be decelerated to an energy of assume that the cross section is circular, electron beams
4 keV when they impact the specimen. exhibit a gradient of electron density from the core of the
The term used to describe the electron beam energy at beam out to the edges, and in many cases have a tail of faint
the point of impact on the sample surface is landing energy, intensity that extends quite far from the central flux. It is still
usually denoted by the symbol El. The physics of beam–speci- possible in these case to define the meaning of beam diame-
men interaction depends only on the landing energy of the ter in a precise way, in terms of the full width at half-­
electrons, not on their energy at points further up the optical maximum of the intensity for example, or the full width at
path. Critically important phenomena such as the size of the tenth-maximum if the tails are pronounced. More careful
excitation volume in the specimen, the number of character- statistical models of the beam will specify the radial intensity
istic X-ray peaks available for use in compositional measure- distribution function—a Gaussian or Lorentzian distribu-
ments, or the high energy limit of continuum X-rays emitted tion, for example—and will allow for non-circularity. In most
(the Duane–Hunt limit) are all functions of the landing situations where such precision is not warranted, however, it
energy, not the initial beam energy. Because of this, it is very will suffice to assume that the beam diameter is a single num-
important for the SEM operator to understand when land- ber that characterizes the width in nanometers of that por-
ing energy differs from the beam energy at the objective lens tion of the beam that gives rise to the most important fraction
final aperture, and how to control the value of the landing of the contrast or sample excitation as measured at the sur-
energy. The details of such subtleties vary from one vendor face of the specimen.
to another, and even from one microscope model to the next,
but they are invariably described in the user documentation
for every instrument. Seek help from your microscope’s cus- 5.2.3 Beam Current
tomer support team or an application engineer if you are not
absolutely clear on how to control the landing energy on your Of all the electron beam parameters that matter to the SEM
microscope. In many situations, particularly when working operator, beam current is perhaps highest on the list.
with older microscopes, this distinction is not important Fortunately it is a relatively simple parameter to understand
and the terms beam energy and landing energy may be used since it is entirely analogous to electrical currents of the kind
68 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

found in wires, electronics, or electrical engineering. Beam I circle 1 nA nA

current at the sample surface is a measure of the number of J=
circle == 2
.0509 50.9 pA / nm 2 (5.2)
Acircle 19.6 nm nm 2
electrons per second that impact the specimen. It is usually
measured in fractions of an ampere, such as microamperes
. Figure 5.2b shows the situation if you decrease the diame-
(μA), nanoamperes (nA), or picoamperes (pA). A typical
ter of the beam by half, from 5 nm to 2.5 nm, yet keep the
SEM beam current is about 1 nA, which corresponds to 6.25
same total current in the beam. Now the area has gotten
× 109 electrons per second, or approximately one electron
smaller, yet the current is unchanged, so the current density
striking the sample every 160 ps . The usual symbol used to
has increased. The new current density is
represent beam current is I, or i, or a subscripted variant such
as Iprobe, Ibeam, Ip, or Ib. I circle 1 nA nA
J= = = 0=
.204 204 pA / nm 2 (5.3)
5 circle
Acircle 4.91 nm 2
nm 2
5.2.4 Beam Current Density Since focusing the electron beam in an SEM changes the
diameter of the beam but does not change the beam current,
Similar to the beam current, the concept of current density is
the current density must change. As can be seen in . Fig. 5.2,
relatively easy to understand and corresponds directly with
shrinking the beam width by a factor of two results in a four-
the same concept in electrical engineering or electrical
fold increase in beam current density.
design. Current density in an electron beam is defined as the
beam current per unit area, and it is usually represented by
the symbol J, or Jbeam. In standard units this quantity is
expressed in A/m2, but there are also derived units better 5.2.5 Beam Convergence Angle, α
suited to the SEM such as nA/nm2 or similar. The most
important thing to understand about current density is that One of the fundamental characteristics of the electron beam
it is an areal measure, not an absolute measure; this means found in all SEM instruments is that the shape of the beam as
the current depends directly on and varies linearly with the seen from the side is not a parallel-sided cylinder like a pen-
area of the region through which the stated current density cil, but rather a cone. The beam is wide where it exits the final
passes. aperture of the objective lens, and narrows steadily until (if
To make this concrete, let’s consider an example calcula- the sample is in focus) it converges to a very small spot when
tion of the current density in an electron beam. . Figure 5.2 it enters the specimen. A schematic of this cone is shown in
shows a circular beam with a diameter of 5 nm; and the total . Fig. 5.3. The point where the beam lands on the sample is
current inside the circular beam spot is 1 nA. The area of the denoted S at the bottom of the cone, and the beam-defining
beam is aperture is shown in perspective as a circle at the top of the
cone, with line segment AB equal to the diameter of that
d 
 5 nm 
aperture, dapt. The vertical dashed line represents the optical
Acircle = π r 2 = π   = π   = 19.6 nm
(5.1) axis of the SEM column, which ideally passes through the
2  2 
center of the final aperture, is perpendicular to the plane of
and therefore the current density in the round beam is that aperture, and extends down through the chamber into
the sample and beyond. The sides of the cone are defined by
the “edge” of the electron beam. As mentioned above in the
a Current density = 50.9 pA/nm2 definition of the beam diameter, this notion of a hard-edged

a dapt b dapt
b density = 204 pA/nm2
1 nA

1 nA

2α W α W

5 nm 2.5 nm
..      Fig 5.2 a Current density in a circular electron beam; b current
density if the beam diameter is reduced by a factor of two with the ..      Fig. 5.3 a Definition of beam cone opening angle 2α; b definition
same current of beam convergence (half ) angle α
5.2 · Electron Optical Parameters
69 5
beam may not be physically realistic, but it is simple to It is no coincidence that the arc tangent of 0.005 is almost
understand and works well for our purposes here of under- exactly equal to 0.005 radians, since a well-known approxi-
standing basic beam parameters. mation in trigonometry is that
In geometry, the opening angle of a cone is defined as the
vertex angle ASB at the point of the cone, as shown in tan −1 q = q. (5.5)
. Fig. 5.3a. When working with the electron optics of an
SEM, by convention we use the term convergence angle to Since in every practical case encountered in SEM imaging the
describe how quickly the electron beam narrows to its focus angle will be sufficiently small to justify this approximation, we
as it travels down the optic axis. This convergence angle is can write our estimate of the convergence angle in a much sim-
shown in . Fig. 5.3b as α, which is half of the cone opening pler form that does not require any trigonometric functions,
angle. In some cases, the beam convergence angle is referred
rapt d apt
to as the convergence half-angle to emphasize that only half of α= , or α = (5.6)
the opening angle is intended. W 2W
Generally the numerical value of the beam convergence
angle in the SEM is quite small, and the electron beam cones As mentioned earlier, this angle is quite small, approximately
are much sharper and narrower than the cones used for sche- equal to 0.25° or about 17 arc minutes.
matic purposes in . Fig. 5.3. In fact, if you ground down and
reshaped the sides of a sewing needle so that it was a true 5.2.6 Beam Solid Angle
cone instead of a cylinder sharpened only at the tip, you
would then have a cone whose size and shape is reasonably In the previous section we defined the beam convergence
close to the dimensions found in the SEM. angle in terms of 2D geometry and characterized it by a
Estimating the value of the convergence angle of an planar angle measured in the dimensionless units of radi-
electron beam is not difficult using the triangles drawn in ans. However, the electron beam forms a 3D cone, not a 2D
. Fig. 5.3. The length of the vertical dashed line along the triangle, so in reality it subtends a solid angle. This is a con-
optical axis is called the working distance, usually denoted by cept used in 3D geometry to describe the angular spread of
the symbol W. It is merely the distance from the bottom of a converging (or diverging) flux. The usual symbol for solid
the objective lens pole piece (taken here to be approximately angle is Ω, and its units of measure are called steradians,
the same plane as the final aperture) to the point at which abbreviated sr. Usually when solid angles are discussed in the
the beam converges, which is typically also the surface of the context of the SEM they are used to describe the acceptance
sample if the sample is in focus. In practical SEM configura- angle of an X-ray spectrometer, or sometimes a backscat-
tions this distance can be as small as a fraction of a millime- tered electron detector, but they are also important in fully
ter or as large as tens of millimeters or a few centimeters, but describing the electron optical parameters of the primary
in most situations W will be between 1 mm and 5 mm or beam in the SEM as well as the properties of electron guns.
so. The diameter of the wide end of the cone, line segment . Figure 5.4 shows the conical electron beam in 3D,
AB, is the aperture diameter, dapt. This can also vary widely emerging from the circular beam-defining aperture at the top
depending on the SEM model and the choices made by the
operator, but it is certainly no larger than a fraction of a mil-
limeter and can be much smaller, on the order of microm-
eters. For purposes of concreteness, let’s assume W is 5 mm dapt
(i.e., 5000 μm) and the aperture is 50 μm in diameter (25 μm aapt
in radius, denoted rapt).
From . Fig. 5.3b we can see that triangle ASB is com-
posed of two back-to-back right triangles. The rightmost of Ω
these has its vertex angle labeled α. The leg of that triangle
adjacent to α is the working distance W, the opposite leg is
the aperture radius rapt, and the hypotenuse of the right tri-
angle is the slant length of the beam cone, SB. From basic
trigonometry we know that the tangent of the angle is equal
to the length of its opposite leg divided by its adjacent leg, or

tan α = , (5.4) W

 rapt  −1  25 mm 
a = tan −1   = tan   ..      Fig. 5.4 Definition of beam solid angle, Ω. The vertical dashed line
 W   5000 mm  represents the optical axis of the SEM, and the distance from the aperture
= tan −1 ( 0.005 ) = 0.005 radians = 5 mrad. plane to the beam impact point is the working distance, W. This is also
the radius of the imaginary hemisphere used to visualize the solid angle
70 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

of the figure and converging on the sample surface. The Unless you work with solid angle calculations on a regular
diameter of that aperture is dapt, and the area of the aperture basis, this value probably has little physical meaning to you,
is aapt. As discussed earlier, the distance the beam travels ver- and you have no sense of how big or how small 78 microste-
tically from the final aperture to the point where it is focused radians are in real life. To provide some perspective, consider
to a spot is the working distance, W. Now imagine a complete that both the Moon and the Sun subtend about this same
sphere centered on the beam impact point, and with spheri- solid angle when viewed from the surface of the Earth using
cal radius equal to W. The upper hemisphere of this imagi- the naked eye. The exact angular diameters (and therefore
nary dome is depicted in . Fig. 5.4 as well, and since its also the solid angles) of both the Sun and the Moon vary
radius is W, the beam-defining aperture will lie on the sur- slightly during their orbits, depending on how far away they
face of this sphere. are at any given moment, but this variation is small and oscil-
5 The key to understanding the meaning of solid angles and lates around average values:
their numerical measure using units of steradians is to con-
2α Sun = 9.35 mrad, α Sun = 4.68 mrad
sider such a complete sphere and the fractional surface area
of that sphere that is occupied by the object of interest. Every 2α Moon = 9.22 mrad, α Moon = 4.61 mrad
complete sphere, regardless of diameter, subtends exactly 4π
steradians of solid angle. It follows that every hemisphere Ω Sun = 68.7 µ sr
represents a solid angle of 2π steradians, no matter how small
or how large the hemisphere might measure in meters. On Ω Moon = 66.7 µ sr.
the other hand, the surface area of a sphere Asphere most
certainly depends on the radius r, and can be calculated using Of course the Sun is much, much larger than the Moon in
the ancient formula diameter, but it is also much farther away, so the two celestial
bodies appear to be about the same angular size from the per-
Asphere = 4π r 2 . (5.7) spective of the Earthbound viewer. This similarity in angular
size is a coincidence, and it is the reason that during a solar
For the imaginary sphere and electron beam aperture shown eclipse that the Moon almost perfectly occludes the Sun for a
in . Fig. 5.4, we can assume realistic numbers for this calcu- short time. This analogy is instructive for the SEM operator
lation by adopting the values used in the beam convergence because it helps explain how a small final beam aperture
angle discussion above: W = 5000 μm, dapt = 50 μm, and combined with a short working distance can produce the
rapt = 25 μm. With these values we can calculate the surface same convergence angle (and therefore depth of field) as a
area of the complete sphere as configuration that uses a large aperture and a long working
distance. Likewise, an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer
Asphere = 4π W 2 = 4π ( 5000 µ m ) = 3.14 ×108 mm 2 . (5.8)
(EDS detector) with a small area of 10 mm2 can subtend the
same solid angle (and therefore collect the same number of
and we can calculate the area of the beam-defining aperture X-rays) as a much larger 100-mm2 detector sitting at a more
as distant detector-to-sample position.

aapt = π rapt 2 = π ( 25 µ m ) = 1.96 ×103 µ m 2 .

5.2.7 Electron Optical Brightness, β
It is obvious from the diagram that our aperture subtends
only a small fraction of the sphere upon which it rests, and it In practice the beam solid angle described in the previous
is a simple matter to calculate the value of that fraction, section is an obscure and little-used parameter, and it is not
that important for most SEM operators to understand fully.
aapt 1.96 ×103 µ m 2 However, the concept of beam solid angle and the units of
= = 6.25 ×10−6 . (5.10)
Asphere 3.14 ×108 µ m 2 steradians affect the SEM operator much more directly
through the concept of electron optical brightness, β. The
The important step is to realize that if the aperture occupies 6 main reason that field emission gun SEMs (FEG SEMs) enjoy
parts in a million of the whole sphere’s surface area, then it drastically improved performance over SEMs that use therm-
must also subtend 6 parts in a million of the 4π steradian ionic tungsten electron sources is because of the much larger
solid angle of that whole sphere, so we can calculate the electron optical brightness of the FEG electron source.
numerical solid angle of the beam by multiplying by this Further, the brightness of the beam when it lands on the
areal fraction sample is the central mathematical variable in one of the key
equations of SEM operation, the brightness equation. This
aapt equation relates the beam brightness to the beam diameter,
Ω beam = ⋅ Ω sphere = ( 6.25 ×10−6 ) ⋅ ( 4π steradian )
Asphere the beam current, and the convergence angle, and it is an
invaluable tool that lets the SEM operator predict and man-
= 7.85 ×10−5 sr. (5.11)
age the tradeoff between probe size and beam current.
5.2 · Electron Optical Parameters
71 5
Because of this central role in practical use of the SEM, it is for example. However, even without knowing the numerical
worth struggling with the mathematics until you understand value of the brightness β, the functional form of the equation
these concepts and can apply them in your work. can provide very useful information about changes in the
Because the term brightness is used in everyday language, beam.
most people have an intuitive sense that if one source of Because the brightness, even if its value is unknown, is a
energy (say, the Sun) is brighter than another source (say constant and does not change as you change lens settings
your flashlight or torch) then the brighter source is emitting from one imaging condition to the next, the left-hand side of
“more light.” In other words, the flux is higher on the receiv- the equation is constant and has a fixed value. This implies
ing end (i.e., at the sensor). Electron optical brightness is the right-hand side of the equation is also fixed, so that any
similar, but it is more precisely defined, considers current changes in one variable must be offset by equivalent changes
density instead of just total current, and factors in the change in the other variables to maintain the constant value. The
in angular divergence of the beam as it is focused or defo- multiplier “4” in the numerator is a constant, as is π in the
cused by the electron lenses in the SEM column. Using the denominator. That means that the ratio of i to the product
terms and concept defined in the sections above, brightness d2α2 is also constant. Note that the brightness equation con-
can be succinctly defined as current density per unit solid strains the selection of the beam parameters such that all
angle, and it is measured in units of A m−2 sr−1 (i.e., amperes three parameters cannot be independently chosen. For
per square meter per steradian). Based on a quick analysis of example, this means that if the current i is increased by a fac-
the units, it becomes obvious that if two electron beams have tor of 9 but the convergence angle is unchanged, the beam
exactly the same current and same beam diameter at their diameter will increase by a factor of 3 to maintain the equal-
tightest focus (and therefore the same current density), but ity. Alternatively, if the convergence angle is increased by a
they have different convergence angles, the beam with the factor of 2 (say, by decreasing the working distance by mov-
smaller convergence angle will have the higher brightness. ing the sample closer to the objective lens) then the current
This is a result of the sr−1 term in the units, meaning the solid can be increased by a factor of 4 without changing the beam
angle is in the denominator of the definition of brightness, size. Even more complex changes in the beam parameters
and therefore larger solid angles result in smaller bright- can be understood and predicted in this way, so careful study
nesses (all other things being equal). In the case of visible of this equation and its implications will pay many dividends
light, this is why a 1-W laser is far “brighter” than a 200-W during your study of the SEM.
light bulb. This simultaneous dependence on current density
and angular spread is also the reason for one of the most
important properties of brightness as defined above: it is not 5.2.8 Focus
changed as the electron beam is acted upon by the lenses in
the SEM. In other words, to a very good approximation, the One of the first skills taught to new SEM operators is how to
brightness of the electron beam is constant as it travels down focus the image of the sample. From a practical perspective,
the SEM from the electron source to the surface of the sam- all that is required is to observe the image produced by the
ple; and if you can estimate its value at one location along the SEM, and adjust the focus setting on the microscope until the
beam you know it everywhere. One variable that does affect image appears sharp (not blurry) and contains as much fine
the brightness, however, is beam energy. In the SEM the detail as possible. From the perspective of electron optics, it
brightness of all electron sources increases linearly with is not quite as straightforward to understand what happens
beam energy, and this change must be taken into account if during the focusing operation, especially if you remember
you compare the brightness of beams at different energies. that the SEM image is not formed using the action of a lens as
would be the case in a light microscope, but rather by raster-
Brightness Equation ing a conical beam across the surface of the sample.
One of the most valuable equations for understanding the . Figure 5.5 shows the three basic focus conditions: overfo-
behavior of electron beams in the SEM is the brightness cus, correct focus, and underfocus.
equation, which relates the three parameters that define the In the SEM the focus of the microscope is changed by
beam: altering the electrical current in the objective lens, which is
almost always a round, electromagnetic lens. The larger the
4i electrical current supplied to the objective lens, the more
β= (5.12)
π 2 d 2α 2 strongly it is excited and the stronger its magnetic field. This
high magnetic field produces a large deflection in the elec-
If you know the numerical value of the brightness of the trons passing through the lens, causing the beam to be
beam, measured in A m−2 sr−1, then the brightness equation focused more strongly, so that the beam converges to cross-
can provide a rough estimate of other parameters such as over quickly after leaving the lens and entering the SEM
beam diameter, current, and convergence angle. This can be chamber. In other words, a strongly excited objective lens has
useful for explaining (quantitatively) the observed perfor- a shorter focal length than a weakly excited lens. On the left
mance increase of a FEG SEM over a thermionic instrument, in . Fig. 5.5, a strongly excited objective lens (short focal
72 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

..      Fig. 5.5 Schematic of the

conical electron beam as it strikes
the surface of the sample, show-
ing overfocus (left), correct focus
(center), and underfocus (right).
From this view it is clear that if
the beam converges to crossover
above the surface of the sample
(left) or below the surface (right),
the beam diameter is wider at the
sample than the diameter of an
in-focus beam (center)

length) causes the beam to converge to focus before the elec- Astigmatism
trons reach the surface of the sample. Since the electrons then The pointy cones drawn in . Fig. 5.5 are a useful fiction for
begin to diverge from this crossover point, the beam has representing the large-scale behavior of a focused electron
broadened beyond its narrowest waist and is wider than opti- beam, but if we consider the beam shape carefully near the
mal when it strikes the surface of the sample, thus producing beam crossover point this conical model of the beam breaks
an out-of-focus image. Conversely, the right-hand portion of down. . Figure 5.6 is a more realistic picture of the beam
. Fig. 5.5 shows the beam behavior in an underfocused con- shape as it converges to its narrowest point and then begins
dition. Here the magnetic field is too weak, and the beam is to diverge again below that plane. For a variety of reasons,
not fully brought to crossover before it strikes the surface of mostly the effects of lens aberrations and other imperfec-
the sample, and again the beam diameter is broader than tions, even at its narrowest point the beam retains a finite
optimal, resulting in an out-of-focus image. beam diameter. In other words, it can never be focused to a
Using these schematics as a guide, it is easier to under- perfect geometrical point. The left side of . Fig. 5.6 shows the
stand what is happening electron optically when the SEM beam narrowing gently but never reaching a sharp point,
user focuses the image. Changes in the focus control result reflecting this reality. Ideally, cross sections through the beam
in changes in the electrical current in the objective lens, at different heights will all be circles, as shown in the right of
which results in raising or lowering the crossover of the elec- . Fig. 5.6. If the beam is underfocused or overfocused, as
tron beam relative to the surface of the sample. The distance shown in . Fig. 5.5, the consequence is a blurry image caused
between the objective lens exit aperture and this beam cross- by the larger-diameter beam (larger blue circles in . Fig. 5.6
over point is displayed on the microscope as the working above and below the narrowest point).
distance, W. On most microscopes you can see the working In real SEMs the magnetic fields created in the electron
distance change numerically on the screen as you make optics are never perfectly symmetric. Although the
gross changes in the focus setting, reflecting this vertical ­manufacturers strive for ideal circular symmetry in round
motion of the beam crossover in the SEM chamber. It is lenses, invariably there are defects in the lens yoke, the elec-
important to note that the term working distance is also used trical windings, the machining of the pole pieces, or other
by some microscopists when referring to the distance problems that lead to asymmetries in the lens field and ulti-
between the objective lens pole piece and the surface of the mately to distortions in the electron beam. Dirt or contami-
sample. The value of W displayed on the microscope will nation buildup on the apertures in the microscope can also
accurately reflect this lens-to-sample distance if the sample be an important source of distorted beam shapes. Since the
is in focus. dirt on the aperture is electrically non-conductive, it can
5.2 · Electron Optical Parameters
73 5

..      Fig. 5.6 Perspective view of the electron beam as it converges to

..      Fig. 5.7 Perspective view of an astigmatic electron beam as it con-
focus and subsequently diverges (left), and a series of cross-sectional
verges to focus and subsequently diverges (left), and a series of cross-
areas from the same beam as it travels along the optic axis (right). Note
sectional areas from the same beam as it travels along the optic axis
that although this beam does not exhibit any astigmatism it still does
(right). Because this beam exhibits significant astigmatism, the cross
not focus to a point at its narrowest waist
sections are not circular and their major axis changes direction after
passing through focus

accumulate an electric charge when the beam electrons strike cross section changes from an elongated ellipse with long axis
it, and the resulting electrostatic fields can warp and bend the in the y-direction, to a circle (albeit with a larger diameter
beam into odd and complex shapes that no longer have a cir- than the equivalent circle in . Fig. 5.6), and then to another
cular cross section. elongated ellipse, but this time with its long axis oriented in
By far the most important of these distortions is called the x-direction. This progression from a near-line-focus to a
two-fold astigmatism, which in practice is often referred to broader circular focus and then to a near-line-focus in an
just as astigmatism. In this specific distortion the magnetic orthogonal direction is the hallmark of a beam exhibiting
field that focuses the electrons is stronger in one direction astigmatism.
than in the orthogonal direction, resulting in a beam with an This behavior is also easily visible in the images produced
elliptical cross section instead of a circular one. In beams by rastering the beam on a sample. When the beam cross sec-
exhibiting astigmatism the electrons come to closest focus in tion is highly elongated at the surface of the sample, the
the x-direction at a different height than the y-direction, con- image resolution is degraded badly in one direction, produc-
sistent with the formation of elliptical cross sections. These ing a blurring effect with pronounced linear asymmetry. It
effects are shown schematically in . Fig. 5.7. Similar to appears as if the image detail is sheared or stretched in one
. Fig. 5.6, the focused beam is shown in perspective on the direction but not the other. If the focus knob is adjusted when
left side of the diagram, while a series of cross sections of the the beam is astigmatic, a point can be reached when this
beam are shown on the right of the figure. In the case shown image shearing or linear asymmetry is eliminated or at least
here, as the beam moves down the optical axis of the SEM, the greatly reduced. This is the best focus obtainable without
74 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

a a

b b

c c

..      Fig. 5.8 Three SEM micrographs showing strong astigmatism in the X ..      Fig. 5.9 Three additional SEM micrographs from the same field of
direction, when the sample is a overfocused, b underfocused, and c near view shown in Fig. 5.8 above. Here the beam shows strong astigmatism
focus. Note that the shearing or “tearing” appearance of fine detail in a in the Y-direction, when the sample is a overfocused, b underfocused,
appears to be in a direction perpendicular to the effect in b and c near focus

correcting the astigmatism, although it generally produces when the objective lens is overfocused, with the beam
an image that is far inferior to the in-focus images obtainable crossover occurring above the sample surface, corresponding
with a properly stigmated beam. If the focus is further to the left diagram in . Fig. 5.7. In panel . Fig. 5.8b, the same
adjusted, past this point of symmetry, the image will again sample with the same astigmatic beam is shown in underfo-
exhibit large amounts of shearing and stretching of the fine cus, the right side diagram in . Fig. 5.6. . Figure 5.8c shows
details, but in a different direction. This sequence of effects the best achievable focus; here, the shearing and stretching is
can be seen in . Fig. 5.8. In . Fig. 5.8a the sample is shown minimized (or at least balanced), suggesting the cross section
5.3 · SEM Imaging Modes
75 5

a performed correctly, a series of image like those in . Fig. 5.10

can be obtained. In . Fig. 5.10, both overfocused and under-
focused images show loss of fine detail, but no directional
distortion is present. The other significant improvement in
. Fig. 5.10c over . Figs. 5.8c and 5.9c is that the best-focus
image is much sharper when the image is properly stigmated.
While this last benefit is the real reason to master the art of
image stigmation, the characteristic appearance of images
like those in . Figs. 5.8a, b and 5.9a, b are very handy when
adjusting the stigmation controls on the microscope.
Learning how to properly adjust the stigmation coils on an
SEM can be one of the most challenging and frustrating skills
to develop when first learning to use the instrument. However,
as can be seen in the previous figures, being able to quickly and
accurately minimize astigmatism in your electron micrographs
b is an essential milestone along the journey to becoming an
expert scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalyst.

5.3 SEM Imaging Modes

SEMs are very flexible instruments, and the SEM operator has
control over a large number of electron beam, detector, and
stage parameters. Consequently, the number of different imag-
ing conditions that may be employed to analyze any given sam-
ple is nearly infinite, and it is the job of the analyst to choose
these conditions wisely to obtain useful information to meet
the needs of the analysis. Fortunately, in many situations these
choices can be narrowed to using one of the four basic modes of
SEM operation: (1) High Depth-of-Field Mode, (2) Resolution
Mode, (3) High-Current Mode, and (4) Low-Voltage Mode.
Below you will find practical information on how to con-
trol the fundamental electron optical parameters described
earlier in the text and specific guidance for operating the
SEM in the four basic modes just mentioned. Experienced
SEM operators will have mastered these four modes and will
be comfortable moving between them as needed. Choosing
any one of these modes is a compromise, since each of them
sacrifices microscope performance in some areas to achieve
other imaging goals. Appreciating the strengths and weak-
nesses of each mode is essential to understanding when each
mode is warranted. Of course some analyses will demand
imaging conditions that do not fall neatly into one of these
four basic modes, and the expert SEM operator will use the
..      Fig. 5.10 Three additional SEM micrographs from the same field of
full flexibility of the instrument when required.
view seen in . Figs. 5.8 and 5.9 above. Here the sample is imaged with
a fully corrected beam, so neither the overfocused image a nor the
underfocused image b shows significant anisotropic fine detail. Fur- 5.3.1 High Depth-of-Field Mode
ther, the in-focus image in panel c is much sharper then the best-focus
images obtained in panel c of . Figs. 5.8 and 5.9 Anyone familiar with compound light microscopes (LMs)
understands that they have a very limited Depth-of-Field
of the electron beam is approximately circular. . Figure 5.9 (DoF), meaning there is a limited range of vertical heights on
shows the sample field of view seen in . Fig. 5.8, but imaged the sample surface that will all appear to be in focus simul-
using a beam with pronounced astigmatism in the Y direc- taneously. Parts of the sample that fall outside this range
tion. In general the SEM beam will be astigmatic in both X appear blurry. One of the advantages of the SEM over the
and Y, and the operator must correct this beam distortion light microscope is that it is capable of a much deeper depth-
along both axes using the X and Y stigmators. When this is of-­field than the LM.
76 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

..      Fig. 5.11 Schematic showing

why an SEM has finite depth-of- Pixel 1 Pixel 2 Pixel 3
field Df and how it is defined

Scan Scan

Plane of
optimum Df

The shallow depth-of-field in the LM arises from the strikes the surface of the sample, at a height denoted by the
properties of its glass lenses, but SEMs don’t use lenses to upper red dotted line. This is equivalent to underfocusing
form direct images; instead they rely on lenses to focus the the beam, with the same effect: the diameter of the probe at
beam and then scan this beam from pixel to pixel to image the sample surface is larger than optimal. If this increase in
the sample.1 Nonetheless, they suffer from limited DoF probe size is large enough, it will degrade the sharpness of
because of the effect shown schematically in . Fig. 5.11. the image. The height at which this blurring becomes mea-
Here the electron beam is shown striking the sample in sureable, denoted by the upper red dotted line, is the upper
three different locations, producing three different pixels in limit of the DoF for this beam. Similarly, for pixel 3 the
the image. For all three pixels the vertical position of the sample surface is lower (i.e., further from the objective lens)
electron beam crossover is the same; this height is called the than the middle case. This is analogous to overfocus because
plane of optimum focus and is represented in . Fig. 5.11 as the beam comes to crossover and begins to diverge again
a horizontal green dot-dashed line. For the case of pixel 2, before it lands on the sample. As before, this can degrade the
this plane coincides with the surface of the sample. For pixel sharpness of the image, and the height at which this degra-
1, the electron beam has not yet reached crossover when it dation is noticeable is the lower limit of the height range that
defines the DoF. The distance between these two dotted red
lines is labeled Df in . Fig. 5.11, denoting the depth-of-field.
1 Glass lenses and transmission electron microscope lenses also Because the definition of DoF requires the resulting blur
have a related property known as depth-of-focus, a term that is
often confused with depth-of-field. Depth-of-field refers to the
to be noticeable (or at least measureable), it depends on many
range of heights in simultaneous focus on the sample (i.e., the factors and can be somewhat subjective. For example, since
observed field). In contrast, depth-of-focus refers to the range of in most cases sub-pixel blurring is not a concern to the SEM
positions near the imaging plane of the lens where the image is in analyst, the effective DoF will often improve as the magnifi-
focus. This determines, for example, how far away from the ideal cation decreases and the pixel size increases. However, as the
imaging plane of the lens you can place a piece of film, or a CCD
detector, and still capture an in-focus image. Because SEMs
magnification decreases, much more of the sample is visible
capture images via scanning action, the term depth-of-focus is not in the field of view, increasing the chances that pronounced
relevant. topography will lead to blurring. In these cases the DoF is
5.3 · SEM Imaging Modes
77 5
..      Fig. 5.12 a Diagram of the
electron beam emerging from the a b
final aperture in the objective
lens and striking the sample
under typical imaging conditions;
a relatively large aperture diam-
eter and short working distance
create a large convergence angle
and therefore a shallow depth-of-
field. b High Depth-of-Field Mode.
Here a small aperture diameter
and long working distance W
combine to create a small conver-
gence angle and therefore a large
depth-of-­field W

still increased at low magnification, but parts of the sample joystick, or stand-alone stage controller, especially on older
are still blurred in the image because of the large range of microscopes. Recent models typically use a graphical user
height visible in the expanded field of view. Nonetheless, interface, requiring the operator to enter a destination height
operating the SEM in High Depth-of-Field Mode at medium (or “Z position”) in millimeters and then executing the move.
to low magnifications is perhaps the most often used imaging Some also allow the stage height to be changed continuously
condition for routine SEM work. using the mouse.
The basic idea behind High Depth-of-Field Mode is to Depth-of-Field Mode is also optimized by selecting a
create a set of imaging conditions where the convergence relatively small final beam aperture. The mechanisms used
angle of the beam is small, producing a narrow pencil-like to change the diameter of the final aperture, and to center it
electron beam that does not change diameter rapidly with on the optical axis of the microscope, vary widely from one
height above the sample. . Figure 5.12 shows what this looks SEM model to the next. In fact, some SEMs are designed to
like schematically. . Figure 5.12a represents typical imaging use a fixed or semi-fixed final aperture and do not provide an
conditions, with short working distance W and normal aper- easy method of altering the aperture size. Many microscopes
ture diameter. . Figure 5.12b shows the imaging conditions have manual aperture controls mounted on the outside of
used in High Depth-of-Field Mode, where the working dis- the SEM column (. Fig. 5.13). Other microscopes use a
tance has been increased significantly and a smaller diameter graphical user interface (GUI) to allow the operator to select
aperture is inserted. These two changes decrease the conver- one of several available apertures for insertion. Following
gence angle of the electron beam and therefore increase the this selection, motors driven by an X/Y- motion controller
DoF. The effects of the aperture and working distance are physically move the selected aperture into place and recall
independent of each other, meaning either one can improve from memory the X- and Y- positions needed to center it. In
the depth-of-field by itself. either case the apertures themselves are arrayed linearly as a
For best results in Depth-of-Field Mode, determine the series of circular holes in a long, thin aperture strip.
lowest stage position available (largest working distance), A few microscopes permit you to configure Depth-of-­
and drive the sample to that location. Changing the working Field Mode directly by selecting this option in the instrument
distance is straightforward on most SEMs. Those micro- control software. . Figure 5.14 shows an example screenshot
scopes with a manual stage will often have a physical knob on from one manufacturer’s user interface where the operator
the chamber door for changing the height of the sample. can select a dedicated “DEPTH” setting, automatically opti-
Motorized stages are sometimes controlled by a hand panel, mizing the instrument for a small convergence angle.
78 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

5.3.2 High-Current Mode

Like the High Depth-of-Field Mode described above, the

High-Current Mode of operating the SEM is used frequently.
In many common imaging situations it delivers excellent fea-
ture visibility, useful and informative materials contrast, and
adequate resolution and depth-of-field . It is particularly use-
ful when the native contrast of the sample is low, such as when
neighboring materials phases exhibit approximately equal
average atomic number. It is also invaluable when performing
5 X-ray microanalysis since the higher beam current translates
directly into higher X-ray count rates. This can help by short-
ening the acquisition time needed to acquire individual X-ray
spectra with an adequate number of counts for quantitative
analysis, but it is even more important when acquiring X-ray
maps or spectrum image datasets with full spectra at every
spatial pixel. In all the cases mentioned above, feature visibil-
ity and count rate (both enabled by high current) are more
important than spatial resolution or depth-­of-­field .
The basic idea behind High-Current Mode is to increase
the current in the probe to boost both the signal reaching the
detectors and the signal-to-noise ratio. Regardless of the
electron detector in use (e.g., Everhart–Thornley detector,
..      Fig. 5.13 Manual aperture control mounted on the outside of an dedicated backscatter detector, through-the-lens detector,
electron optical column. This mechanism allows the operator to select
one of several different discrete apertures and adjust the X- and
etc.), the signal reaching the detector scales with the signal
Y-positions of the aperture to center it on the optical axis of the micro- generated at the sample, and this in turn scale directly with
scope the current in the electron probe.
Unfortunately, the controls used to vary the electron
beam current vary widely from one SEM model to the next,
and different SEM manufacturers use discordant or conflict-
ing terminology to describe these controls. As dictated by the
brightness equation, the probe diameter must increase with
an increase in probe current, so some manufacturers call the
control “Spot Size.” On some microscopes Spot Size 1 is a
small spot (corresponding to a low beam current) and Spot
Size 10 is a large spot (high current); a different vendor, how-
ever, may have adopted the convention where Spot Size 1 is a
large spot and Spot Size 10 is a small spot. Other companies
use the term Spot Size, but specify it in nanometers in an
attempt to represent the nominal diameter of the probe. An
approach growing in popularity with more modern instru-
ments is to allow the operator to set the nominal probe cur-
rent itself instead of Spot Size. As discussed above, this can be
done either in discrete steps or continuously. In either case,
the current steps can be labeled with arbitrary numbers (e.g.,
7), they can reflect the nominal probe current (e.g., 100 pA),
or sometimes they are specified as a percentage of the maxi-
mum current (e.g., 30 %). This dizzying variety of methods
for labeling the desired probe current on SEMs can be con-
fusing when switching from one instrument to another.
. Figure 5.15 shows two different varieties of physical
knob configuration that might be encountered on the control
..      Fig. 5.14 Graphical user interface from one manufacturer’s instru- panel of SEMs and electron probe microanalyzers (EPMAs).
ment control software that allows the user to select Depth-of-Field
Mode directly. On this microscope, once the Scan Mode is set to
These analog controls are very intuitive to use because turning
“DEPTH,” the electron column is configured automatically to create a the knob changes the beam current in an immediate and con-
small convergence angle and a large depth-of-field tinuous manner, allowing fine control of this parameter. Large
5.3 · SEM Imaging Modes
79 5

a a




..      Fig. 5.16 Examples of graphical user interface controls present in

different manufacturers that allow the operator to control the beam
current continuously. In a, the operator has a choice of setting the
nominal current in pA digitally, or by using coarse and fine slider con-
trols expressed in arbitrary units. In b, the operator also has a nominal
..      Fig. 5.15 Examples of physical knobs on SEMs and electron probe
beam current control expressed in pA as well as buttons to increase to
microanalyzers (EPMAs) used by the operator to adjust the beam cur-
decrease the value
rent. In both cases the operator has access to a coarse and a fine
adjustment, either using one knob and a coarse/fine selector button a,
or dedicated knobs for coarse and fine control b
user interface written by a different manufacturer. In this case,
the operator also has access to a numerical beam current set-
changes in beam current can be made quickly by using the ting, nominally calibrated in true current measured in pA, as
coarse setting of the knob shown in . Fig. 5.15a, or the coarse well as buttons that when clicked will increase or decrease the
knob shown in . Fig. 5.15b. In both cases fine control is also beam current incrementally. Finally, . Fig. 5.17 shows screen-
possible for smaller adjustments. . Figure 5.16 shows two shots from a graphical user interface based on Spot Size instead
examples of computer-based beam current controls of the type of beam current. The operator is asked to select a specific Spot
found in graphical user interfaces. In both cases the operator Size using a quick access pull-down menu (. Fig. 5.17a) or a
can change the beam current using the mouse and keyboard. more flexible combination of a pull-down menu and up/down
In . Fig. 5.16a this can be accomplished either by entering an buttons (. Fig. 5.17b). While these figures provide a sampling
exact digital value for the beam current and clicking the “Set” of the large variety of terms and interface layouts that the oper-
button, by dragging one of the two the slider controls to the left ator might encounter in the field, there are many more varia-
or right, or by clicking the arrow buttons to increase to decrease tions in practice than can be shown here.
the current setting. Note that on this microscope, the slider Regardless of how any given SEM allows the operator to
positions are expressed digitally using arbitrary units (58 units change the probe current, the most important tasks for the
for the coarse slider and 331 units for the fine slider). While operator are to know how to increase and decrease current,
these numbers are not true current values, these arbitrary set- and how to measure the current accurately once set. Even on
tings can be useful for returning the microscope to a specific those instruments that let the operator select a numerical
current. . Figure 5.16b shows a similar GUI window from the probe current (e.g., 1 nA) via the user interface, it is unwise
80 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

to assume this setting will reliably produce the displayed

value. Well-equipped SEMs have a built-in picoammeter that
can be automatically inserted into the beam path to measure
probe current. Getting a reading in these cases is as simple as
triggering the insertion of the meter’s cup and reading the
value off the screen. Alternatively, a stage-mounted Faraday
cup (either purchased commercially or homemade) attached
through an electrical feedthrough to a benchtop picoamme-
ter can be used instead.
Since the basic idea of High-Current Mode is to deliver
5 sufficient probe current to the sample to generate superior
signal-to-noise ratio, optimum results are obtained at
medium to low magnifications, and often a larger final aper-
ture is useful. Frame the field-of-view desired, focus the
beam, and increase probe current until high-quality images
can be obtained within a relatively short frame time, say, a
few seconds to a minute. Check that any low-contrast fea-
tures needed for analysis are sufficiently visible, and increase
probe current further if they are not. For many situations,
this high-current imaging approach will yield excellent
a images quickly and with little wasted time. If you are per-
forming X-ray microanalysis, the approach to High-Current
Mode is very similar to that for imaging, but the choice of
current is dictated not by image quality but by X-ray count
rate or, more suitably, the dead time percentage of the X-ray
spectrometer’s pulse processor.

5.3.3 Resolution Mode

Resolution Mode is probably the most demanding of the four

basic SEM operational modes, chiefly because the micro-
scope is driven at or near its limits of performance. It chal-
lenges the operator mentally, since choosing optimum
imaging parameters requires deeper knowledge of electron
optics and the physics of electron beams, although suitable
images can be obtained with a basic understanding of the
principles. It also demands more skill in operating the micro-
scope, since small misalignments (e.g., residual stigmatism,
imperfectly centered aperture) are more apparent. In fact,
good alignment of the entire column is necessary to get the
best resolution from the scope, while small misalignments
are often tolerated in High-Current or High Depth-of-Field
Mode. Resolution Mode also expects more from the micro-
scope’s environment. Mechanical vibrations, electronic noise,
and AC magnetic fields near the microscope are some of the
many sources of image degradation that, while generally
unnoticeable, become obvious when operating in Resolution
Mode. Poor sample preparation, such as overly thick evapo-
rated metal coatings or insufficient metallographic polishing,
for example, is also more evident at high magnifications.
Most of these challenges are greatly reduced at lower magni-
..      Fig. 5.17 Examples of graphical user interface controls that allow
the operator to control the beam current in discrete steps expressed as fications, but the larger pixel sizes that result from low mag-
changes in Spot Size. In a, the can choose any of several Spot Size val- nification obviate the need for Resolution Mode. In short, the
ues from a pull-down menu. In b, from the same microscope, the oper- same imaging conditions that enable Resolution Mode also
ator can access Spot Size via a pull-down menu or buttons that highlight any shortcomings in the operator’s technique, the
increase or decrease the value
laboratory environment, and the sample preparation.
5.3 · SEM Imaging Modes
81 5
Although every one of the basic SEM operational modes highest magnetic field at the sample. Coupled with the prox-
requires some compromise, in Resolution Mode the pursuit of imity of a short working distance, these high magnetic field
high spatial resolution often involves compromise across the modes may lift your sample off the stage unless it consists of a
board. Small probe diameters require very low beam currents, non-magnetic material. Select the TTL detector if available, or
thereby reducing the signal generated and lengthening the other detector that preferentially utilizes SE1 secondary elec-
frame times needed. Depth-of-field is also reduced, although trons for imaging. Increase the accelerating voltage on the
this is often not noticeable at high magnification, and detector SEM to its highest setting, usually 30 kV or higher, and reduce
choice is usually limited to the one or two channels optimized the beam current to as low a value as practical while still main-
for this purpose (e.g., through-the-lens detectors). taining visibility of the sample as noise increases. Moving to a
The basic idea in Resolution Mode is to (1) minimize the slower frame time, longer dwell time, or enabling frame aver-
probe diameter by raising the beam energy and reducing the aging will help mitigate the effects of reduced signal at low
beam current, (2) emphasize the collection of the resolution-­ probe currents. Finally, select the optimal objective lens aper-
preserving SE1 secondary electrons generated at the beam foot- ture diameter for best resolution. This can be tricky because of
print, and (3) minimize the myriad sources of image competing effects. Small apertures can limit the resolution
degradation by using the shortest working distance possible. due to diffraction effects, so the larger the aperture the less
Raising the beam energy helps produce smaller probe sizes likely that these effects will be a problem. However, large aper-
because it increases the brightness of the gun. For thin samples, tures quickly amplify the effects of objective lens aberrations,
such as small particles sitting on an ultrathin film substrate, this especially spherical aberration, so the smallest aperture size
produces the highest resolution. Likewise for very high-Z sam- available is ideal for reduction of aberrations. Clearly these
ples, even high landing energies have short electron ranges and requirements conflict with one another, and every objective
therefore small excitation volumes. However, for thick samples lens has an intermediate aperture diameter that delivers the
with low atomic number, better resolution may be obtained at best resolution for any given beam energy and working dis-
lower landing energies if the size of the excitation volume is the tance. Some SEMs inform the operator of this optimal aper-
limiting factor. For any given beam energy, smaller currents ture size, while others are less helpful and leave it up to the
always yield smaller probe sizes, as demanded by the brightness operator to determine the best choice. In these cases, contact
equation, so operating at tens of picoamps is not uncommon in the SEM manufacturer’s application engineer for advice or test
this mode. Choice of signal carrier and detector can be crucial a variety of aperture diameters on high quality imaging test
for obtaining high spatial resolution. Since backscattered elec- specimens to understand how to manage this tradeoff.
trons emerge from a disc comparable in size to the electron
range, it is very hard to realize high resolution by using back-
scattered electrons (BSE) directly or BSE-generated secondar- 5.3.4 Low-Voltage Mode
ies such as SE2 secondary electrons (generated at the sample
surface by emerging BSE) or SE3 secondary electrons (gener- Of the four basic SEM modes, Low-Voltage Mode is probably
ated at great distance from the sample by BSE that strike micro- the most esoteric and challenging, regarding both instru-
scope components). The highest resolution is obtained from mentation and specimen issues. Reducing the landing energy
SE1 secondary electrons, because these emerge from the very of the beam is useful in many situations, and varying the
narrow electron probe footprint on the sample surface, compa- beam energy should be considered when operating in High-­
rable in diameter to the probe itself. Microscopes equipped Current Mode or Depth-of-Field Mode as needed. However,
with immersion objective lenses or snorkel lenses and through-­ operating with landing energies below 5 keV, and especially
the-­lens detectors (TTLs) are best at efficient collection of SE1 below 1 keV, is qualitatively different than using higher ener-
electrons. Finally, bringing the sample very close to the objec- gies. The performance of the SEM’s entire electron optical
tive lens, even less than 1 mm if practical, can improve resolu- chain, from the electron gun to the objective lens, is much
tion significantly. SE1 collection is maximized by this proximity, worse at 1 keV than at high beam energy. While modern
and a short working distance (WD) can minimize the length thermionic SEMs are often quite good performers in Low-­
over which beam perturbations such as AC fields can act. Voltage Mode, not many years ago a field emission electron
The practical steps needed to configure the SEM for opera- source (FEG) was considered a de facto requirement for low
tion in Resolution Mode follow from the basic requirements voltage work, and most older thermionic SEMs produce such
outlined above. Get the sample as close to the objective lens as poor images at 1 keV that they are almost useless.
possible by carefully shortening the working distance. For all electron sources the gun’s brightness will be much
Computer-controlled SEMs will frequently have a software lower at 1 keV than at 30 keV, which limits the current density
interlock designed to reduce the chances that the sample will in the probe because of the brightness equation. This in turn
physically impact the pole piece. Learn how this feature func- means the operator must work at much larger probe sizes to
tions and use it effectively but carefully; high resolution is use- obtain sufficient current for imaging. Here field emission
ful, but a scratched or dented pole piece can be a very expensive sources have a big advantage over tungsten or LaB6 therm-
mistake! Also, beware that many microscopes possess more ionic filaments because they are much brighter intrinsically,
than one objective lens mode. Invariably the lens mode and so remain bright enough at low voltage for decent imag-
needed for best resolution will be the one that creates the ing. Another important concern that arises at these low beam
82 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

energies is the chromatic aberration of the objective lens. This

aberration causes beam electrons at different energies to be
focused in different planes, reducing the current density.
Although this aberration is a flaw in the lens itself and not the
electrons in the beam, lower beam energies make the problem
more apparent, in part because they have a larger fractional
energy spread. In fact, the effects of this aberration would not
be noticeable at all in a monochromatic electron beam, where
all the electrons have exactly the same energy. Similarly, elec-
tron sources with naturally narrow energy spreads, such as
5 cold field emission sources, suffer from these problems much
less than sources with large energy spreads like thermionic
guns. Whatever their cause, these reductions in image quality,
both lower resolution and lower current density, explain why
Low-Voltage Mode is commonly employed at low magnifica-
tions. Operators with expensive, high-performing field emis-
sion microscopes designed for low voltage operation will be a
able to work at low voltage and high magnification—even
more so if the microscope is equipped with a beam mono-
chromator, an accessory designed to artificially narrow the
energy spread of the electron beam, thus reducing the effect
of chromatic aberration even at very high magnifications.
Another unwanted consequence of using very low beam
energies is that the resulting electron trajectories are less
“stiff,” meaning the electrons are more easily deflected from
their intended paths by stray electric or magnetic fields near
the beam. At 1 keV landing energy and below, the electrons
are moving relatively slowly and are more susceptible to elec-
trical charging in the sample, AC electric or magnetic fields
in the microscope room, and electrical noise on the micro-
scope’s scan coils. These are some of the many challenges of
imaging in Low-Voltage Mode.
The main advantages of Low-Voltage Mode are the much-­
reduced excitation volume and the resulting change in contrast b
for most sample materials. The range of primary beam elec-
trons in most materials drops very rapidly as the landing ..      Fig. 5.18 Graphical user interface controls that allow the operator to
energy is reduced, so the region in the sample emitting signal-­ control the beam energy. The instrument control software shown in a uti-
carrying electrons can be very small, improving resolution in lizes a pull-down menu on the upper left of the window to allow the oper-
cases where it is limited by this range. The resulting surface ator to select the accelerating voltage in kilovolts (and thus the beam
energy in kilo-electronvolts). The control is currently set to 10 kV. The
sensitivity of the signal also tends to flatten the image contrast
interface in the screenshot in b shows a drop-down menu, allowing the
and it de-emphasizes materials contrast in favor of topography. SEM operator to select one of several discrete accelerating voltages
Because the view of the sample in Low-Voltage Mode is often between 500 V and 30 keV. In most cases, including the two shown above,
dramatically different than the equivalent image at normal the microscope allows the user to select values between the discrete set-
beam energy, this mode often reveals important features in the tings shown in the screenshots, via a different mechanism (not shown)
sample that might be missed using routine imaging conditions.
It is possible to perform X-ray microanalysis at low volt- matters further, the reduced brightness at low voltage means
age, but it presents special challenges and should not be probe currents are low and X-ray count rates can be anemic.
attempted unless it is unavoidable. The very short electron The basic idea behind low voltage mode is simple: reduce
range means the X-rays produced in the sample are gener- the landing energy of the beam. The practical advice for con-
ated close to the surface and very near the beam impact figuring this mode is equally straightforward, since changing
point. This is a good thing, because both lateral and depth the beam energy on most microscopes is controlled by a
resolution are improved, and absorption losses are reduced dedicated knob or can be achieved by selecting the desired
for outgoing X-rays. However, the low landing energies energy on a graphical user interface. . Figure 5.18 shows two
severely limit the number of X-ray lines that are efficiently examples of GUI controls from different instruments. In
excited, and many elements are either inaccessible, or the screenshots the controls are expressed in accelerating voltage
analyst is forced to use M- or N-shell lines with poorly mea- measured in kV; this is equivalent to controlling the beam
sured cross sections or absorption coefficients. Complicating energy in keV.
5.4 · Electron Detectors
83 5
In some cases the SEM may allow the operator to apply a intensity emitted back along the beam). When a surface is
sample bias or use another form of beam deceleration, thus highly inclined to the beam, the angular distribution of the
permitting the electron landing energy to differ from the SE still follows the cosine distribution, but the BSE follow a
beam energy. In these situations the manufacturer’s instru- distribution that becomes progressively more asymmetric
ment manual should be consulted for exact configuration with tilt and is peaked in the forward (down slope) direction.
guidance, and it is important to remember that it is the land- For local surface inclinations above approximately 45°, the
ing energy (not the energy of the beam as it leaves the objec- most likely direction of BSE emission is at an angle above the
tive lens) that governs both the electron range and the X-ray surface that is similar to the beam incidence angle above the
generation physics. surface. The directionality of BSE emission becomes more
strongly peaked as the inclination further increases.

5.4 Electron Detectors Kinetic Energy Response

BSE and SE have sharply differing kinetic energies. BSE
The SEM is equipped with one or more detectors that are
retain a significant fraction of the incident energy of the
sensitive to BSE, SE, or a combination of BSE and SE that
beam electrons from which they originate, with typically
emerge from the specimen as a result of the interaction of the
more than 50 % of the BSE escaping while retaining more
primary electron beam. By measuring the response of BSE
than 0.5 E0. The BSE coefficient, the relative abundance of
and SE as a function of beam location, various properties of energetic BSE, and the peak BSE energy all increase with the
the specimen, including composition, thickness, topography, atomic number of the target. Thus, for an incident beam
crystallographic orientation, and magnetic and electrical energy of E0 = 20 keV, a large fraction of the BSE will escape
fields, can be revealed in SEM images. with a kinetic energy of 10 keV or more. By comparison, SE
are much lower in kinetic energy, being emitted with less
5.4.1 I mportant Properties of BSE and SE than 50 eV (by arbitrary definition). In fact, most SE exit the
specimen with less than 10 eV, and the peak of the SE kinetic
for Detector Design and Operation
energy distribution is in the range 2 eV to 5 eV. Methods of
detecting electrons include (1) charge generation during
inelastic scattering of an energetic electron within semicon-
The total yield per incident beam electron of BSE or SE is ductor devices and (2) scintillation, the emission of light
sensitive to specimen properties such as the average atomic when an energetic electron strikes a suitably sensitive mate-
number (BSE), the chemical state (SE), local specimen incli- rial, which includes inorganic compounds (e.g., CaF2 with a
nation (BSE and SE), crystallographic orientation (BSE), and minor dopant of the rare earth element Eu), certain glasses
local magnetic field (BSE and SE). However, the total elec- incorporating rare earth elements, and organic compounds
tron signal is not what is measured by most electron detec- (e.g., certain plastics). Both charge generation in semicon-
tors in common use for SEM imaging. The actual response of ductors and scintillation require that electrons have elevated
a particular detector is further complicated by its limited kinetic energy, typically above several kilo-electronvolts, to
angular range of acceptance as well as its sensitivity to the initiate the detection process, and the strength of the detec-
energy of the electrons being detected. The only detector tion effect generally increases with increasing kinetic energy.
which is exclusively sensitive to the number of BSE and/or SE Thus, most BSE produced by a beam in the conventional
(and not emitted trajectory or energy distributions) is the energy range of 10–30 keV can be directly detected with
specimen itself when the specimen current is used as an semiconductor and scintillation detectors, while these same
imaging signal. detectors are not sensitive to SE because of their much lower
kinetic energy. To detect SE, post-specimen acceleration
Angular Distribution
must be applied to boost the kinetic energy of SE into the
Knowledge of the trajectories of BSE and SE after leaving the detectable range.
specimen is important for placing a detector to intercept the
useful signals. For a beam incident perpendicularly to a sur-
face (i.e., the beam is parallel to the normal to the surface),
BSE and SE are emitted with the same angular distribution 5.4.2 Detector Characteristics
which approximately follows the cosine function: the relative
abundance along any direction is proportional to the cosine Angular Measures for Electron Detectors
of the angle between the surface normal and that direction. kKey Fact
Thus, the most abundant emission is along the direction par- Knowledge of the location of electron detectors is critical for
allel to the surface normal (i.e., back along the beam, where proper interpretation of SEM images, especially of topo-
the angle = 0° and cos 0° = 1.0), while relatively few BSE or SE graphic features. Apparent illumination in the SEM image
are emitted close to the surface (e.g., along a direction 1° appears to come from the detector, while the observer’s view
above the surface is 89° from the surface normal, cos appears to be along the incident electron beam, as discussed
89° = 0.017, so that only 1.7 % is emitted compared to the in detail in the Image Formation module.
84 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

a b

Azimuthal angle, ζ

Elevation angle, ψ

5 Arbitrary fixed
reference line
within specimen
chamber, e.g.,
parallel to front

Side view Top view

..      Fig. 5.19 a Detector take-off angle, ψ. b Detector azimuthal angle around beam, ζ

Elevation (Take-Off) Angle, ψ, and Azimuthal

Angle, ζ
The effective position of a detector is specified by two angles. A
The elevation (“take-off”) angle, designated ψ, is the angle
above a horizontal plane perpendicular to the beam axis and r
the vector that joins the center of the detector to the beam
impact position on the specimen, as shown in . Fig. 5.19a. Ω
(Alternatively, the take-off angle can be measured as the
Solid angle,
complement of the angle between the beam axis and a line Ω = A/r2
perpendicular to the detector face extended to the beam optic
axis.) The “azimuthal angle,” ζ, of the detector is the rotational
angle around the beam to the detector line, measured relative
to some arbitrary but fixed reference, such as the front face
of the specimen chamber, as shown in . Fig. 5.19b. When an
SEM image is created, it is critical for the user to understand
the relative position of the detector in the scanned image, as
given by the azimuthal angle, since the illumination of the
image will apparently come from the detector. Note that the
“scan rotation” function, which permits the user to arbi- ..      Fig. 5.20 Detector solid angle, Ω
trarily choose the angular orientation for the presentation
of the image on the display, also varies the apparent angular
location of the detector. It is therefore critical for the user to Ω = A / r 2 ( steradians, sr ) (5.13)
establish what setting of scan rotation corresponds to the cor-
rect known value of the detector azimuthal angle. Note the strong dependence of Ω upon the distance of the
detector from the beam impact on the specimen.
kGood Practice As an estimate of the overall geometric efficiency, ε, the
Make a drawing (top view and side view) of the SEM cham- solid angle of the detector can be compared to the solid angle
ber showing the physical locations of all detectors (electron, of the hemisphere (2π sr) into which all electrons leaving a
X-ray, and cathodoluminescence) and mark the values of the thick target are emitted:
elevation angle, ψ, and azimuthal angle, ζ.
ε = Ω / 2π (5.14)
Solid Angle, Ω
As shown in . Fig. 5.20, the effective size of the detector with ε provides only an estimate of efficiency because the simple
an active area A placed at a distance r from the beam impact definition in Eq. (5.14) does not consider the non-­uniform dis-
point on the specimen is given by the solid angle, Ω (Greek tribution in the emission of electrons from the specimen, for
omega, upper case), which is defined as example, the cosine distribution of BSE at normal incidence.
5.4 · Electron Detectors
85 5
Energy Response
The response of a detector may be sensitive to the kinetic To photomultiplier
energy of the striking electron. Generally an electron detec- Objective
tor exhibits an energy threshold below which it has no lens
response, usually a consequence of an insensitive surface
layer such as a metallic coating, needed to dissipate charging,
through which the incident electron must penetrate. Above Light guide
this threshold, the detector response typically increases with
increasing electron energy, making the detector output signal r Scintillator (A = 1 cm2)
more sensitive to the high energy fraction of the electrons. Ω
Ω ψ
Bandwidth ψ

The act of creating an SEM image involves scanning the beam

in a time-serial fashion to dwell at a series of discrete beam
locations (pixels) on the specimen, with the detector measur-
ing the signal of interest at each location. The signal stream
..      Fig. 5.21 Passive scintillator detectors for BSE. High take-off angle
can thus be thought of as changing with a maximum spatial
configuration and low take-off angle configuration
frequency defined by the speed within which successive pix-
els are sampled. “Bandwidth” is a general term used to
describe the range from the lowest to the maximum spatial Scintillation Detectors
frequency that can be measured and transmitted through the
Energetic electrons that strike certain optically active materials
amplification system. To achieve sufficiently fast scanned
cause the emission of light. Optical materials are selected that
imaging to create the illusion of a continuous image (“flicker
produce a high signal response that decays very rapidly, thus
free”) to a human observer, the imaging system must be
enabling high bandwidth operation. The emitted light is col-
capable of producing approximately 30 distinct image frames
lected and passed by total internal reflection through a light
per second.
guide to a photomultiplier, where the light is converted into an
Ideally, the measurements of successive pixel locations
electrical signal with very high gain and very rapid time decay,
are independent, with the detector returning to its quiescent
thus preserving the high bandwidth of the original detector
state before measuring the next pixel. In reality, detectors
signal. Depending on the design, scintillator detectors can vary
typically require a finite decay time to dissipate the electron
widely in solid angle. . Figure 5.21 shows a small solid-angle
charge accumulated before measuring the next pixel. Thus, as
design consisting of a small area scintillator (e.g., A = 1 cm2) on
the scanning speed increases so that the time separation of
the tip of a light guide placed at a distance of 4 cm from the
the pixel samples decreases, a limit will eventually be reached
beam impact, giving a solid angle of Ω = 0.0625 sr and a geo-
where the detector retains a sufficiently high fraction of the
metric efficiency of ε = 0.01 or 1 %. Both a high take-off angle
signal from the previous pixel so as to interfere with the use-
and a low take-off angle arrangement are illustrated.
ful measurement of the signal at the next pixel, producing a
visible degradation of the image. When this situation occurs, kAdjustable Controls
the detector acts as a bandwidth-limiting device. For the dis-
Passive BSE detectors on rigid light guides have no
cussion of detector performance characteristics below, detec-
user-­adjustable operating parameters. (In operation, the
tor bandwidth will be broadly classified as “high” (e.g.,
“brightness” and “contrast” parameters match the ampli-
capable of achieving flicker-free imaging) or “low” (slow scan
fied signal from the detector photomultiplier to the accept-
speeds required).
able input range of the digitizer.) A passive BSE detector
that employs a flexible light guide enables the microscopist
to change the take-off angle, azimuthal angle, and the solid
5.4.3 Common Types of Electron Detectors angle.
Very large solid angle scintillator-BSE detectors are pos-
Backscattered Electrons sible. An example of a large solid angle design is shown in
. Fig. 5.22 that almost entirely surrounds the specimen with
Passive Detectors an aperture to permit the access of the beam. For a planar
Because a large fraction of the BSE emitted from the speci- sample set normal to the beam, this detector spans a large
men under conventional operating conditions (E0 > 5 keV) range of take-off angles. The scintillator also serves as the
retain 50 % or more of the incident energy, they can be light guide, so that a BSE that strikes anywhere on the detec-
detected with a passive detector that does not apply any post-­ tor surface can be detected. Due to its large area and close
specimen acceleration to the BSE. Passive detectors include proximity to the specimen, the solid angle approaches 2π sr
scintillation-based detectors and semiconductor charge-­ in size with a geometric efficiency greater than 90 % (Wells
deposition based detectors. 1957; Robinson 1975).
86 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

Objective Objective
Lens Lens

Semiconductor detector
ψ A B
Scintillator To photomultiplier

Quadrant detector,
Ω Ω bottom view

..      Fig. 5.23 Semiconductor annular detector, quadrant design with
four separately selectable sections

under the objective lens where it will not interfere with other
detectors. The size and proximity to the specimen provide
a large solid angle and a high take-off angle. As shown in
..      Fig. 5.22 Large solid-angle passive BSE detector . Fig. 5.23, the semiconductor detector can also be assem-
bled from segments, each of which can be used as a separate
detector that provides a selectable apparent illumination of
kAdjustable Controls the SEM image, or the signals from any combination of the
The Wells–Robinson scintillation BSE detector is often detectors can be added. Semiconductor detectors can also
mounted on an externally controlled, motorized retractable be placed at various locations around the specimen, simi-
arm. In typical use the detector would be fully inserted to lar to the arrangement shown for scintillator detectors in
maximize the solid angle. A partial insertion that does not . Fig. 5.21.
interrupt the beam access to the specimen can be used to The semiconductor BSE detector has an energy threshold
intentionally provide an asymmetric detector placement to typically in the range 1 keV to 3 keV because of energy loss
give an apparent illumination from one side. suffered by the BSE during penetration through the entrance
surface electrode. Above this threshold, the response of the
Semiconductor BSE Detectors detector increases linearly with increasing electron energy, thus
Certain semiconductor devices can detect energetic elec- providing a greater gain from the high energy fraction of BSE.
trons that penetrate into the active region of the device where
they undergo inelastic scattering. One product of this energy kAdjustable Controls
deposition in the semiconductor is the promotion of loosely The semiconductor BSE detector does not have any user-­
bound valence shell electrons (each leaving behind a vacancy adjustable parameters, with the exception of the choice of
or positively-charged “hole”) into the empty conduction the individual components of a composite multi-detector.
band where they can freely move through the semiconduc- In some systems, the individual quadrants or halves can be
tor in response to an applied potential bias. By applying a selected in various combinations, or the sum of all detectors
suitable electrical field, these free electrons can be collected can be used. Some SEMs add an additional semiconductor
at a surface electrode and measured. For silicon, this process detector that is placed asymmetrically away from the electron
requires 3.6 eV of energy loss per free electron generated, so beam to enhance the effect of apparent oblique illumination.
that a 15-keV BSE will generate about 4000 free electrons.
Thus a BSE current of 1 nA entering the detector will cre-
ate a collected current of about 4 μA as input for the next 5.4.4 Secondary Electron Detectors
amplification stage. The collection electrodes are located on
the entrance and back surfaces of the planar wafer detector, Everhart–Thornley Detector
which is shown in a typical mounting as an annular detec- The most commonly used SEM detector is the Everhart–
tor in . Fig. 5.23. The semiconductor BSE detector has the Thornley (E–T) detector, almost universally referred to as
advantage of being thin, so that it can be readily mounted the “secondary electron detector.” Everhart and Thornley
5.4 · Electron Detectors
87 5

Scintillator Chamber
Light guide Wall
+10 kV

Faraday +10 kV
-50 V to Ω SE3
+300 V SE3
+300 V SE3
ψ Indirect BSE
Direct BSE SE1
SE2 Indirect BSE

..      Fig. 5.24 Schematic of Everhart–Thornley detector showing the

scintillator with a thin metallic surface electrode (blue) with an applied
bias of positive 10 kV surrounded by an electrically isolated Faraday ..      Fig. 5.25 Schematic of electron collection with a +300 V Faraday
cage (red) which has a separate bias supply variable from negative 50 V cage potential. Signals collected: direct BSE that enter solid angle of
to positive 300 V the scintillator; SE1 produced within beam entrance footprint; SE2 pro-
duced where BSE emerge from specimen; SE3 produced where BSE
strike the pole piece and chamber walls. SE2 and SE3 collection actually
represents the remote BSE that could otherwise be lost
(1957) solved the problem of detecting very low energy sec-
ondary electrons by using a scintillator with a thin metal
coating to which a large positive potential, 10 kV or higher, depends on the BSE, rising and falling with the local effects
is applied. This post-specimen acceleration of the second- on backscattering, the SE2 signal actually carries BSE
ary electrons raises their kinetic energy to a sufficient level information. Moreover, the BSE are sufficiently energetic
to cause scintillation in an appropriate material (typically that while they are not significantly deflected and collected
plastic or glass doped with an optically active compound) by the low Faraday cage potential, the BSE continue along
after penetrating through the thin metallization layer that their emission trajectory until they encounter the objective
is applied to discharge the insulating scintillator. To protect lens pole piece, stage components, or sample chamber
the primary electron beam from any degradation due to walls, where they generate still more secondary electrons,
encountering this large positive potential asymmetrically designated SE3. Although SE3 are generated centimeters
placed in the specimen chamber, the scintillator is sur- away from the beam impact, they are collected with high
rounded by an electrically isolated “Faraday cage” to which efficiency by the Faraday cage potential, again constituting
is applied a modest positive potential of a few hundred a signal carrying BSE information since their number
volts (in some SEMs, the option exists to select the bias over depends on the number of BSE (“indirect BSE”). Finally,
a range typically from −50 to + 300 V), as shown in those BSE emitted by the specimen into the solid angle
. Fig. 5.24. The primary beam is negligibly affected by defined by the E-T scintillator disk are detected (“direct
exposure to this much lower potential, but the secondary BSE”). This complex mixture of signals plays an important
electrons can still be collected with great efficiency to the role in creating the apparent illumination of the “second-
vicinity of the Faraday cage, where they are then acceler- ary electron image.”
ated by the much higher positive potential applied to the
scintillator. kAdjustable Controls
While the E–T detector does indeed detect the second- On some SEMs the Faraday cage bias of the Everhart–
ary electrons emitted by the sample, the nature of the total Thornley detector can be adjusted, typically over a range
collected signal is actually quite complicated because of from a negative potential of –100 V or less to a positive
the different sources of secondary electrons, as illustrated potential of a few hundred volts. When the Faraday cage
in . Fig. 5.25. The SE1 component generated within the potential is set to zero or a few volts negative, secondary elec-
landing footprint of the primary beam on the specimen tron collection is almost entirely suppressed, so that only the
cannot be distinguished from the SE2 component pro- direct BSE are collected, giving a scintillator BSE detector
duced by the exiting BSE since they are produced spatially that is of relatively small solid angle and asymmetrically
within nanometers to micrometers and they have the same placed on one side of the specimen. When the Faraday cage
energy and angular distributions. Since the SE2 production potential is set to the maximum positive value available, the
88 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation




..      Fig. 5.26 “Through-the-lens” (TTL) secondary electron detector

..      Fig. 5.27 Currents flowing in and out of the specimen and the
electrical junction equivalent
complete suite of SE1, SE2, SE3, and the direct BSE is collected,
creating a complex mix of BSE and true SE image contrast
effects. 5.4.5  pecimen Current: The Specimen as Its
Own Detector
Through-the-Lens (TTL) Electron Detectors
zz The Specimen Can Serve as a Perfect Detector for the
TTL SE Detector Total Number of BSE and SE Emitted
In SEMs where the magnetic field of the objective lens Consider the interaction of the beam electrons to produce
projects into the specimen chamber, a “through-the-lens” BSE and SE. For a 20-keV beam incident on copper, about 30
(TTL) secondary electron detector can be implemented, as out of 100 beam electrons are backscattered (η = 0.3). The
illustrated schematically in . Fig. 5.26. SE1 from the inci- remaining 70 beam electrons lose all their energy in the solid,
dent beam footprint and SE2 emitted within the BSE sur- are reduced to thermal energies, and are captured.
face distribution are captured by the magnetic field and Additionally, about 10 units of charge are ejected from cop-
spiral up through the lens. After emerging from the top of per as secondary electrons (δ = 0.1). This leaves a total of 60
the lens, the secondary electrons are then attracted to an excess electrons in the target. What is the fate of these elec-
Everhart–Thornley type biased scintillator detector. The trons? To understand this, an alternative view is to consider
advantage of the TTL SE detector is the near complete the electron currents, defined as charge per unit time, which
exclusion of direct BSE and the abundant SE3 class gener- flow in and out of the specimen. Viewed in this fashion, the
ated by BSE striking the chamber walls and pole piece. specimen can be treated as an electrical junction, as illus-
Since these remote SE3 are generated on surfaces far from trated schematically in . Fig. 5.27, and is subject to the fun-
the optic axis of the SEM, they are not efficiently captured damental rules which govern junctions in circuits. By
by the lens field. Because the SE3 class actually represents Thevinin’s junction theorem, the currents flowing in and out
low resolution BSE information, removing SE3 from the of the junction must exactly balance, or else there will be net
overall SE signal actually improves the sensitivity of the accumulation or loss of electrical charge, and the specimen
image to the true SE1 component, which is still diluted by will charge on a macroscopic scale. If the specimen is a con-
the BSE-related SE2 component. A further refinement of ductor or semiconductor and if there is a path to ground
the through-the-lens detector is the introduction of energy from the specimen, then electrical neutrality will be main-
filtering which allows the microscopist to select a band of tained by the flow of a current, designated the “specimen cur-
SE kinetic energy. rent” (also referred to as the “target current” or “absorbed
current”), either to or from ground, depending on the exact
TTL BSE Detector conditions of beam energy and specimen composition. What
For a flat specimen oriented normal to the beam, the cosine is the magnitude of the specimen current?
distribution of BSE creates a significant flux of BSE that pass Considering the specimen as a junction, the current flow-
up through the bore of the objective lens. A TTL BSE detec- ing into the junction is the beam current, iB, and the cur-
tor is created by providing either a direct scintillation BSE rents flowing out of the junction are the backscattered
detector or a separate surface above the lens for BSE-to-SE electron current, iBS, and the secondary electron current,
conversion and subsequent detection with another E-T type iSE. For charge balance to occur, the specimen current, iSC,
detector. is given by
5.4 · Electron Detectors
89 5

iSC = iB − iBS − iSC (5.15) et al. 1974). Such amplifiers can operate with currents as low
as 10 pA and still provide adequate bandwidth to view
For the copper target, the BSE current will be iBSE = η×iB = 0.3 acceptable images at slow visual scan rates (one 500-line
iB and the SE current will be iSE = δ×iB = 0.1 iB. Substituting frame/s).
these values in Eq. (5.15) gives the result that the specimen
current will be iSC = 0.6 iB, double the largest of the conven-
5.4.6  Useful, Practical Measure of a
tional emitted imaging currents, the BSE signal. If a path to
ground is not provided so that the specimen current can flow,
Detector: Detective Quantum
the specimen will rapidly charge. Efficiency
Note that in formulating Eq. (5.15) no consideration is
given to the large difference in energy carried by the BSE and The geometric efficiency is just one factor in the overall per-
SE. Since current is the passage of charge per unit time, the formance of a detector, and while this quantity is relatively
ejection of a 1 eV SE from the specimen carries the same straightforward to define in the case of a passive BSE detec-
weight as a 10 keV BSE in affecting the specimen current sig- tor, as shown in . Fig. 5.20, it is much more difficult to
nal. Moreover, the specimen current is not sensitive to the describe for an E–T detector because of the mix of BSE and
direction of emission of BSE and SE, or to their subsequent direct SE1 and SE2 signal components and the complex con-
fate in the SEM specimen chamber, as long as they do not version and collection of the remote SE3 component pro-
return to the specimen as a result of re-scattering. Thus, duced where BSE strike the objective lens, BSE detector, and
specimen current constitutes a signal that is sensitive only to chamber walls. A second important factor in detector perfor-
number effects, that is, the total numbers of BSE and SE leav- mance is the efficiency with which each collected electron is
ing the specimen. converted into useful signal. Thirdly, noise may be intro-
The specimen serves as its own collector for the specimen duced at various stages in the amplification process to the
current. As such, the specimen current signal is readily avail- digitization which creates the final intensity recorded in the
able just by insulating the specimen from electrical ground computer memory for the pixel at which the beam dwells.
and then measuring the specimen current flowing to ground All of these factors are taken into account by the detective
through a wire to ground. Knowledge of the actual specimen quantum efficiency (DQE). The DQE is a robust measure of
current is extremely useful for establishing consistent operat- detector performance that can be used in the calculation of
ing conditions, and is critical for dose-based X-ray micro- limitations imposed on imaging through the threshold cur-
analysis. The original beam current itself be measured by rent/contrast equation (Joy et al. 1996).
creating a “Faraday cup” in the specimen or specimen stage The DQE is defined as (Jones 1959)
by drilling a blind hole and directing the incident beam into
DQE = ( S / N ) / (S / N )
2 2
the hole: since no BSE or SE can escape the Faraday cup, the experimental theoretictal

measured specimen current then must equal the beam cur-

rent. But by measuring the specimen current as a function of where S is the signal and N is the noise. Determining the
the beam position during the scan, an image can be formed DQE for a detector requires measurement of the experimen-
that is sensitive to the total emission of BSE and SE regardless tal S/N ratio as produced under defined conditions of speci-
of the direction of emission and their subsequent fate inter- men composition, beam current and pixel dwell time that
acting with external detectors, the final lens pole piece, and enable an estimate of the corresponding theoretical S/N ratio.
the walls of the specimen chamber. Does the specimen cur- This measurement can be performed by imaging a featureless
rent signal actually convey useful information? As described specimen that ideally produces a fixed signal response which
below under contrast formation, the specimen current signal translates into a single gray level in the digitally recorded
contains exactly the same information as that carried by the image, giving a direct measure of the signal, S. The corre-
BSE and SE currents. Since external electron detectors mea- sponding noise, N, is determined from the measured width
sure a convolution of backscattered and/or secondary cur- of the distribution of gray levels around the average value.
rent with other characteristics such as energy and/or
directionality, the specimen current signal can give a unique  easuring the DQE: BSE Semiconductor
view of the specimen (Newbury 1976). Detector
To make use of the specimen current signal, the current Joy et al. (1996) describe a procedure by which the experi-
must be routed through an amplifier on its way to ground. mental S/N ratio can be estimated from a digital image of a
The difficulty is that we must be able to work with a current specimen that produces a unique gray level, so that the broad-
similar in magnitude to the beam current, without any high ening observed in the image histogram of the ideal gray level
gain physical amplification process such as electron-hole pair is a quantitative measure of the various noise sources that are
production in a solid state detector or the electron cascade in inevitable in the total measurement process that produces the
an electron multiplier. To achieve acceptable bandwidth at image. Thus, the first requirement is a specimen with a highly
the high gains necessary, most current amplifiers take the polished featureless surface that will produce unique values of
form of a low input impedance operational amplifier (Fiori η and δ and which does not contribute any other sources of
90 Chapter 5 · Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Instrumentation

contrast (e.g., topography, compositional differences, electron

channeling, or most problematically, changing δ and η values 250
BSE detector
due to the accumulation of contamination). A polished sili-
con wafer provides a suitable sample, and with careful pre-
cleaning, including plasma cleaning in the SEM airlock if
available, the contamination problem can be minimized satis-

Gray level
factorily during the sequence of measurements required. As
an alternative to silicon, a metallographically polished (but
not etched) pure metallic element (metallic) surface, such as 100
nickel, molybdenum, gold, etc., will be suitable. Because cal-
5 culation of the theoretical S/N ratio is required for the DQE 50
calculation with Eq. 5.16, the beam current must be accurately Y-Intercept = 36
measured. The SEM must thus be equipped with a picoam- 0
meter to measure the beam current, and if an in-column 0 2 4 6 8 10
Beam current (nA)
Faraday cup is not available, then a specimen stage Faraday
cup (e.g., a blind hole covered with a small [e.g.,
<100-μm-diameter] aperture) is required to completely cap- ..      Fig. 5.28 Plot of measured gray level versus incident beam current
ture the beam without loss of BSE or SE so that a measure- for a BSE detector. E0 = 20 keV; Mo target
ment of the specimen current equals the beam current.
Because the detector will have a “dark current,” i.e., a
response with no beam current, it is necessary to make a
series of measurements with changing beam current. It is
also important to defeat any automatic image gain scaling
that some SEMs provide as a “convenience” feature for the
user that acts to automatically compensate for changes in the
incident beam current by adjusting the imaging amplifier
gain to maintain a steady mid-range gray level.
Measurement sequence
1. Choose a beam current which will serve as the high end
of the beam current range, and using the image histo-
gram function, adjust the imaging amplifier controls
(often designated “contrast” and “brightness”) to place
the average gray level of the specimen near the top of the 0 255
range, being careful that the upper tail of the gray level
Count: 757008 Min: 129
distribution of the image of the specimen does not
Mean: 134.117 Max: 137
saturate (“clip”) at the maximum gray level (255 for an
StdDev: 0.806 Mode: 134 (355350)
8-bit image, 65,535 for a 16-bit image).
2. Keeping the same values for the image amplifier
parameters (autoscaling of the imaging amplifier must ..      Fig. 5.29 Output of image histogram from IMAGE-J for the 4 nA
be defeated before beginning the measurement process), image from Fig. 5.28
choose a beam current that places the average gray level
of the specimen near low end of the gray level range,
checking to see that the gray level distribution of the 5. Choose an image recorded within this range and
image is completely within the histogram range—that is, determine the mean gray level, Gmean, and the variance,
there is no clipping of the distribution at the bottom Svar (the square of the standard deviation) using the
(black) of the range. image histogram function, as shown in . Fig. 5.29.
3. With the minimum and maximum of the current range
established, record a sequence of images with different Calculation sequence:
beam currents between the low and high values and use
the image histogram tool to determine the average gray ( S / N )experimental = ( GLmean − GLDC ) / Svar (5.17)
level for each beam current.
4. A graphical plot of data measured with a semiconductor where is Svar the variance (the square of the standard devia-
BSE detector for a polished Mo target produces the tion) of the gray level distribution. For the values in . Fig. 5.29
result illustrated in . Fig. 5.28, where the y-axis intercept for the 4 nA data point obtained with ImageJ-Fiji,
value is a measure of the dark current gray level inten-
sity, GLDC (corresponding to zero beam current) of this ( S / N )experimental = (134.3 − 36 ) / 0.5752 = 297.3 (5.18)
particular BSE detector.
91 5
The corresponding theoretical S/N ratio is estimated from
..      Table 5.1 DQE of electron detectors from different
the number n of BSE produced, which depends on the inci- manufacturers (Joy et al. 1996)
dent beam current IB, the BSE coefficient η, and the dwell
time per pixel τ: SE detector DQE

n = 6.24 I B ητ (5.19) Everhart–Thornley 0.56

Everhart–Thornley 0.17
where the coefficient 6.24 is appropriate for beam current
expressed in pA and the dwell time expressed in μs. Everhart–Thornley 0.12
Because the image pixels are independent and uncorre- Everhart–Thornley 0.017
lated, if a mean number n of BSE is produced at each pixel the
Everhart–Thornley 0.0008
expected variance is n1/2:
High performance SEM:
( S / N )theory = n / n = ( 6.24 I B ητ )
1/ 2
1/ 2
=n 1/ 2
(5.20) Everhart–Thornley (lower) 0.18

Everhart–Thornley (TTL) 0.76

For IB = 4000 pA, ηMo = 0.38, and τ = 64 μs
Microchannel plate 0.029

( S / N )theory = ( 6.24 I B ητ )
1/ 2
= 779.1 (5.21) BSE detector

Scintillator BSE 0.043

The DQE for this particular detector is thus
Scintillator BSE 0.005

DQE = ( S / N ) / (S / N )
2 2
E–T BSE mode (negative bias) 0.001
experimental theoretictal

= 297.3 / 779.1 = 0.146

2 2
(5.22) E–T BSE mode (negative bias) 0.004

Microchannel plate BSE 0.058

A similar study for an Everhart–Thornley SE-BSE detector
Microchannel plate BSE 0.026
on an electron probe X-ray microanalyzer is shown in
. Fig. 5.30, for which the DQE is calculated as 0.0016.
. Table 5.1 lists values of the DQE for various detectors,
demonstrating that a large range in values is encountered,
even among detectors of a specific class, for example, the E–T References
Everhart T, Thornley R (1960) Wide-band detector for micro-microam-
pere low-energy electron currents. J Sci Instrum 37:246
Fiori C, Yakowitz H, Newbury D (1974) Some techniques of signal pro-
Everhart-Thornley detector on electron probe microanalyzer cessing in scanning electron microscopy. In: Johari O (ed) SEM/1974.
300 IIT Research Institute, Chicago, p 167
Jones R (1959) Phenomenological description of the response and
250 detecting ability of radiation detectors. Adv Electr Electron Opt
200 Joy DC, Joy CS, Bunn RD (1996) Measuring the performance of scanning
electron microscope detectors. Scanning 18:533
Gray level

150 Newbury DE (1976) “The utility of specimen current imaging in the

scanning electron microscope” SEM/1976/I. IIT Research Inst, Chi-
cago, p 111
Robinson V (1975) “Backscattered electron imaging” SEM/1975, I. IIT
Research Inst, Chicago, p 51
Wells OC (1957) The construction of a scanning electron microscope
Y-Intercept = 28.6 and its application to the study of fibres. Ph. D. Diss., Cambridge
0 University, Cambridge
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Beam current (nA)

..      Fig. 5.30 Average gray level versus beam current for an Everhart–
Thornley detector on an electron probe microanalyzer. Specimen: Si;
E0 = 10 keV
93 6

Image Formation
6.1 Image Construction by Scanning Action – 94

6.2 Magnification – 95
6.2.1 Magnification, Image Dimensions, and Scale Bars – 95

6.3 Making Dimensional Measurements With the SEM:

How Big Is That Feature? – 95
6.3.1 Calibrating the Image – 95

6.4 Image Defects – 98

6.4.1 Projection Distortion (Foreshortening) – 98
6.4.2 Image Defocusing (Blurring) – 100

6.5 Making Measurements on Surfaces With Arbitrary

Topography: Stereomicroscopy – 102
6.5.1 Qualitative Stereomicroscopy – 103
6.5.2 Quantitative Stereomicroscopy – 107

References – 110

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
94 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

6.1 I mage Construction by Scanning At any particular time, there is only one ray path (solid line)
Action through the scanning system and the beam reaches only one
location on the specimen, for example, position 3 in . Fig. 6.1.
After leaving the electron source, the beam follows the central The SEM image is a geometric construction created under
(optic) axis of the lens system and is sequentially defined by computer control by addressing the focused beam to a sequence
apertures and focused by the magnetic and/or electrostatic of discrete x-y locations on the specimen and measuring the
fields of the lens system. Within the final (objective) lens, a sys- effect of the interaction of the beam with the specimen at each
tem of scan coils acts to displace the beam off the optic axis so location. For a single gray-­scale SEM image, this interaction
that it can be addressed to a location on the specimen, as illus- could be the output from a single electron detector, such as the
trated schematically for single deflection scanning in . Fig. 6.1. Everhart–Thornley detector. It is also possible to measure the
output from more than one detector simultaneously while the
beam is addressed to a single x-y location. When this is done,
multiple gray-­scale SEM images are built up at the same time
6 during the scan. It is essential to realize that even when these
multiple signals are being collected simultaneously and multi-
ple images are produced, only a single scan is needed; the par-
allel nature of the acquisition arises from parallel detection, not
parallel scanning. Note that no “true image” actually exists
Scan coils within the SEM in the same sense as the image created in a light
optical microscope, where actual ray paths extend from each
point on the specimen through the lens system to a corre-
sponding point on the image recording medium, whether that
is the eye of a human viewer or the positionally sensitive detec-
tor of a digital camera. In the SEM, at each location sampled by
the incident electron beam, each signal is measured with an
appropriate detector and the analog measurement is converted
to an equivalent digital value (using an analog-to-digital con-
verter, ADC). The beam x-y location and the intensity(ies) Ij of
the signal(s) of interest generate a digital stream of data packets
(x, y, Ij), where the index j represents the various signals avail-
able: backscattered electrons (BSE), secondary electrons (SE),
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 absorbed current, X-rays, cathodoluminescence, etc.
A simple description of this “scanning action” to create an
image is shown schematically in . Fig. 6.2, where an area
with equal edge dimensions l being scanned on the specimen
..      Fig. 6.1 Scanning action to produce a sequence of discrete beam
locations on the specimen is effectively divided into an x-y grid of square picture ele-

..      Fig. 6.2 Scanning action in

two dimensions to produce an
x-y raster, and the corresponding
storage and display of image
information by scan location

Beam locations on specimen

and specimen pixels L

Beam locations in computer memory

and display pixels
6.3 · Making Dimensional Measurements With the SEM: How Big Is That Feature?
95 6
ments or “pixels” of number n along an edge. The specimen
pixel edge dimension is given by

Specimen pixel dimension = l / n (6.1)

With equal values of the scan l along the x- and y-­dimensions,

the pixels will be square. Strictly, the pixel is the geometric
center of the area defined by the edges given by Eq. (6.1), and
the center-to-center spacing or pitch is given by Eq. (6.1). In
creating an SEM image, the center of the beam is placed in
the center of a specific pixel, dwells for a specific time, tp, and
the signal information Isig from various sources “j”—e.g., SE,
BSE, X-ray, etc.—collected during that time at that (x, y) Nominal Scale bar
location is stored at a corresponding location in a data
matrix with a minimum of three dimensions (x, y, Ij). The
final image viewed by the microscopist is created by reading
the stored data matrix into a corresponding pattern of (x, y) ..      Fig. 6.3 SEM-SE image of silver crystals showing a typical informa-
display pixels with a total edge dimension L, and adjusting tion bar specifying the electron detector, the nominal magnification,
the display brightness (“gray level”, varying from black to the accelerating voltage, and a scale bar
white) according to the relative strength of the measured
l, in . Fig. 6.2, or for rectangular images, the dimensions
in orthogonal directions, l by k (dimensions: millimeters,
micrometers, or nanometers, as appropriate). While the
6.2 Magnification
image dimension(s) is a much more robust term that auto-
matically scales with the presentation of the image, this term
“Magnification” in such a scanning system is given by the
is also vulnerable to inadvertent mistakes, such as might
ratio of the edge dimensions of the specimen area and the
happen if the image is “cropped,” either digitally or manu-
display area:
ally in hard copy and the appropriate reduction in size is not
M=L / l (6.2) recorded by modifying l (and k, if rectangular) appropriately.
The most robust measure in terms of image integrity is the
Since the final display size is typically fixed, increasing the dimensional scale bar, which shows the length that corre-
magnification in this scanning system means that the edge sponds to a specific millimeter, micrometer, or nanometer
dimension of the area scanned on the specimen is reduced. measure. Because this feature is embedded directly in the
image (as well as in the metadata associated with the image),
it cannot be lost unless the image is severely (and obviously)
6.2.1  agnification, Image Dimensions,
M cropped. Such a scale bar automatically enlarges or contracts
and Scale Bars as the image size is modified for subsequent publication or
One of the most important pieces of information that the
microscopist seeks is the size of objects of interest. The first
step in determining the size of an object is knowledge of the 6.3  aking Dimensional Measurements
parameters in Eq. (6.2): the linear edge length of the area With the SEM: How Big Is That Feature?
scanned on the specimen and on the display. The nominal
SEM magnification appropriate to the display as viewed 6.3.1 Calibrating the Image
by the microscopist is typically embedded in the alphanu-
meric record that appears with the image as presented on The validity of the dimensional marker displayed on the SEM
most SEMs, as shown in the example of . Fig. 6.3, and as image should not be automatically assumed (Postek et al.
recorded with the metadata associated with the digital record 2014). As part of a laboratory quality-assurance program, the
of the image. “Magnification” only has a useful meaning for dimensional marker and/or the x- and y-dimensions of the
the display on which the original image was viewed, since scanned field should be calibrated and the calibration peri-
this is the display for which L in Eq. (6.2) is strictly valid. If odically confirmed. This can be accomplished with a “scale
the image is transferred to another display with a different calibration artifact,” a specimen that contains features with
value of L, for example, projected on a large screen, then the various defined spacings whose dimensions are traceable to
specific magnification value embedded in the metadata bar the fundamental primary length standard through a national
becomes meaningless. Much more meaningful are the x- and measurement institution. An example of such a scale calibra-
y-image dimensions, which are the lengths of the orthogo- tion artifact suitable for SEM is Reference Material RM 8820
nal boundaries of the scanned square area on the specimen, (Postek et al. 2014; National Institute of Standards and
96 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

NIST RM 8820 SEM scale calibration artifact:

(lithographically patterned silicon chip, 20 mm by 20 mm)

10 μm


4 μm


1500 μm
1000 μm
750 μm
6 500 μm
250 μm

100 μm
50 μm


1500 μm

A: 200 nm pitch
G F E D C B A B: 280 nm pitch

C: 400 nm pitch

D: 500 nm pitch

E: 700 nm pitch

F: 1 µm pitch

G: 2 µm pitch



The center area is filled


with 1 µm crosses on

A B C D E F G non-connected structures
and with a 1 µm grid on

11 connected structures


..      Fig. 6.4 a Scale calibration artifact Reference Material 8820 (National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.) (From Postek et al. 2014).
b Detail within the feature noted in . Fig. 6.4a (From Postek et al. 2014)

Technology [USA]), shown in . Fig. 6.4. This scale calibra- magnification of 10× on a 10 x 10-cm display). Scanned fields
tion artifact consists of an elaborate collection of linear fea- as small as 1 × 1 μm (e.g., a nominal magnification of
tures produced by lithography on a silicon substrate. It is 100,000×) can be calibrated with the series of structures with
important to calibrate the SEM over the full range of magnifi- pitches of various repeat distances shown in . Fig. 6.4b. The
cations to be used for subsequent work. RM 8820 contains structures present in RM 8820 enable simultaneous calibra-
large-­scale structures suitable for low and intermediate mag- tion along the x- and y-axes of the image so that image distor-
nifications, for example, a span of 1500 μm (1.5 mm) as indi- tion can be minimized. Accurate calibration in orthogonal
cated by the red arrows in . Fig. 6.4a, that permit calibration directions is critical for establishing “square pixels” in order to
of scan fields ranging up to 1 × 1 cm (e.g., a nominal avoid introducing serious distortions into the scanned image.
6.3 · Making Dimensional Measurements With the SEM: How Big Is That Feature?
97 6
..      Fig. 6.5 a Careful calibration
of the x- and y-scans produces
square pixels, and a faithful repro-
duction of shapes lying in the
scan plane perpendicular to the
optic axis. b Distortion in the dis-
play of an object caused by non-
square pixels in the image scan

Beam locations on specimen
and specimen pixels L

Beam locations in computer memory

l and display pixels



Beam locations on specimen

and specimen pixels Beam locations in computer memory
and display pixels

With square pixels, the shape of an object is faithfully trans- functions. As shown in . Fig. 6.6a, starting with an image
ferred, as shown in . Fig. 6.5a, while non-square pixels in the of a primary or secondary calibration artifact (i.e., where
specimen scan result in distortion in the displayed image, “secondary” refers to a commercial vendor artifact that is
. Fig. 6.5b. traceable to a primary national measurement calibration
Note that for all measurements the calibration artifact must artifact) that contains a set of defined distances, the user
be placed normal to the optic axis of the SEM to eliminate can specify a vector that spans a particular pitch to establish
image foreshortening effects (see further discussion below). the calibration at that magnification setting. This calibra-
tion procedure should then be repeated to cover the range
Using a Calibrated Structure in ImageJ-Fiji of magnification settings to be used for subsequent measure-
The image-processing software engine ImageJ-Fiji includes a ments of unknowns. Note that the calibration that has been
“Set Scale” function that enables a user to transfer the image performed is only strictly valid for the SEM working distance
calibration to subsequent measurements made with various at which the calibration artifact has been imaged. When a
98 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

a different working distance (i.e., objective lens strength) is

used subsequently to image the unknown specimen, the SEM
software is likely to make automatic adjustments for differ-
ent lens strength and scan dimensions that alter the effective
magnification. For the most robust measurement environ-
ment, the user should use the calibration artifact to deter-
mine the validity of the SEM software specified scale at other
working distances to develop a comprehensive calibration.
Alternatively, if the SEM magnification calibration has
already been performed with an appropriate calibration
artifact, then subsequent images of unknowns will be
recorded with accurate dimensional information in the form
of a scale bar and/or specified scan field dimensions. This
6 information can be used with the “Set Scale” function in
ImageJ-Fiji as shown for a specified field width in . Fig. 6.6b
where a vector (yellow) has been chosen that spans the full
Vector spanning 200 µm pitch image width. The “Set Scale” tool will record this length and
the user then specifies the “Known Distance” and the “Unit
of Length.” To minimize the effect of the uncertainty associ-
ated with selecting the endpoints when defining the scale for
this image, the larger of the two dimensions reported in the
vendor software was chosen, in this case the full horizontal
field width of 12 μm rather than the much shorter embedded
b length scale of 2 μm.

 aking Routine Linear Measurements

With ImageJ-Fiji (Flat Sample Placed Normal
to Optic Axis)
For the case of a flat sample placed normal to the optic axis of
the SEM, linear measurements of structures can be made fol-
lowing a simple, straightforward procedure after the image
calibration procedure has been performed. Typical image-­
processing software tools directly available in the SEM opera-
tional software or in external software packages such as
Vector spanning image width
ImageJ-Fiji enable the microscopist to make simple linear
measurements of objects. With the calibration established,
the “Line” tool is used to define the particular linear mea-
surement to be made, as shown in . Fig. 6.6c, and then the
c “Measure” tool is selected, producing the “Results” table that
is shown. Repeated measurements will be accumulated in
this table.
Vector spanning feature

6.4 Image Defects

6.4.1 Projection Distortion (Foreshortening)

The calibration of the SEM image must be performed with

the planar surface of the calibration artifact placed perpen-
dicular to the optic axis (i.e., x- and y-axes at right angles rel-
Result = 2.8 µm ative to the z-axis), and only measurements that are made on
planar objects that are similarly oriented will be valid. When
the specimen is tilted around an axis, for example, the x-axis,
the resulting SEM image is subject to projection distortion
..      Fig. 6.6 a ImageJ (Fiji) “Set Scale” calibration function applied to an causing foreshortening along the y-axis. Foreshortening
image of NIST RM 8820. b ImageJ (Fiji) “Set Scale” calibration function occurs because the effective magnification is reduced along
applied to an image of an unknown (alloy IN100). c After “Set Scale”
image calibration, subsequent use of ImageJ (Fiji) “Measure” function
the y-axis relative to the x-axis (tilt axis), as illustrated in
to determine the size of a feature of interest . Fig. 6.7. For nominal magnifications exceeding 100×, the
6.4 · Image Defects
99 6
..      Fig. 6.7 a Schematic illustra- a
tion of projection distortion of
tilted surfaces. b Illustration of Projection
C Scan Rays
foreshortening of familiar objects, Distortion:
paper clips (upper) Large area Foreshortening D
image at 0 tilt; (lower) large area
image at 70° tilt around a horizon-
tal tilt axis. Note that parallel to
the tilt axis, the paper clips have B
the same size, but perpendicular
to the tilt axis severe foreshorten- Cross-section A
ing has occurred. The magnifica- through rough
tion also decreases significantly specimen Strue = S*
down the tilted surface, so the
third paper clip appears smaller
than the first (Images courtesy
J. Mershon, TESCAN)

A* B* C* D*

In the SEM image, arrows spanning

b A, B, C, D appear to be same length!

0 tilt

70 º tilt

Tilt Axis
100 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

successive scan rays of the SEM image have such a small angu- plane is tilted to θ = 45°, the grid appears to have rectangular
lar spread relative to the optic axis that they create a nearly openings, as shown in . Fig. 6.9b, with the shortened side of
parallel projection to create the geometric mapping of the the true squares running parallel to the y-axis, while the cor-
specimen three-dimensional space to the two-­dimensional rectly sized side runs parallel to the x-axis, which is the axis of
image space. As shown in . Fig. 6.7, a linear feature of length tilt. Some SEMs are equipped with a “tilt correction” feature in
Ltrue lying in a plane tilted at an angle, θ, (where θ is defined which the y-scan perpendicular to the tilt axis is decreased to
relative to a plane perpendicular to the optic axis) is fore- compensate for the extended length (relative to the x-scan
shortened in the SEM image according to the relation along the tilt axis) of the scan excursion on the tilted speci-
men, as shown schematically in . Fig. 6.9c. Tilt correction
Limage = Ltrue * cos θ (6.3) creates the same magnification (i.e., the same pixel dimen-
sion) along orthogonal x- and y-axes, which restores the
For the situation shown in . Fig. 6.7a, all four linear objects proper shape of the squares, as seen in . Fig. 6.9c. However,
would have the same apparent size in the SEM image, but only this scan transformation is only correct for objects that lie in
6 one, object B, would be shown with the correct length since it the plane of the specimen. . Figure 6.9c also contains a spher-
lies in a plane perpendicular to the optic axis, while the true ical particle, which appears to be circular at θ = 0° and at
lengths of the other linear objects would be significantly θ = 45° without tilt correction, since the normal scan projects
underestimated. For the most severe case, object D, which lies the intersection of the plane of the scan sphere as a circle.
on the most highly tilted surface with θ = 75°, the object is a However, when tilt correction is applied at θ = 45°, the sphere
factor of 3.9 longer than it appears in the image. The effect of now appears to be a distorted ovoid. Thus, applying tilt cor-
foreshortening is dramatically illustrated in . Fig. 6.7b, where rection to the image of an object with three-­dimensional fea-
familiar objects, paper clips, are seen in a wide area SEM tures of arbitrary orientation will result in image distortions
image at 0° tilt and 70° tilt. At high tilt, the length of the first that will increase in severity with the degree of local tilt.
paper clip parallel to the tilt axis remains the same, while the
second paper clip that is perpendicular to the tilt axis is highly
foreshortened (Note that the third paper clip, which also lies 6.4.2 Image Defocusing (Blurring)
parallel to the tilt axis, appears shorter than the first paper clip
because the effective magnification decreases down the tilted The act of focusing an SEM image involves adjusting the
surface). As shown schematically in . Fig. 6.8, foreshortening strength of the objective lens to bring the narrowest part of
causes a square to appear as a rectangle. The effect of fore- the focused beam cross section to be coincident with the
shortening is shown for an SEM image of a planar copper grid surface. If the specimen has a flat, planar surface placed nor-
in . Fig. 6.9, where the square openings of the grid are cor- mal to the beam, then the situation illustrated in . Fig. 6.10a
rectly imaged at θ = 0° in . Fig. 6.9a. When the specimen will exist at sufficiently low magnification. . Figure 6.10a

..      Fig. 6.8 Effect of foreshorten-

ing of objects in a titled plane to
distort square grid openings into
Tilt axis How would a square
object on a plane tilted
to 60o from horizontal
appear in the SEM image?

SEM image

True length

In the SEM image, we would see

a rectangle rather than a square, with
vertical dimension = horizontal * cos 60o
V = 0.5 H The vertical dimension is Foreshortened length

Tilt axis
6.4 · Image Defects
101 6

a b

..      Fig. 6.9 a SEM/E–T (positive) image of a copper grid with a poly- openings into rectangles. c Grid tilted to 45°; “tilt correction” applied,
styrene latex sphere; tilt = 0° (grid normal to electron beam). b Grid but note that while the square grid openings are restored to the proper
tilted to 45°; note the effect of foreshortening distorts the square grid shape, the sphere is highly distorted

shows the locations of the beam at the pixel centers in the small fraction of each pixel area so that there is no possibility
middle of the squares and the effective sampling footprint. of overlap, i.e., sampling of adjacent pixels. Now consider
The sampling footprint consists of the contribution of the what happens as the magnification is increased, i.e., the
incident beam diameter (in this case finely focused to a length l in Eq. (6.1) decreases while the pixel number, n,
diameter <10 nm) and the surface emergence area of the BSE remains the same: the distance between pixel centers
and SE, which is controlled by the interaction volume. decreases, but the beam sampling footprint remains the
. Figure 6.10a considers a situation of a low beam energy same size for this particular material and beam landing
(e.g., 5 keV) and a high atomic number (e.g., Au). For these energy. The situation shown in . Fig. 6.10b for the original
conditions, the beam sampling footprint only occupies a beam sampling ­footprint relative to the pixel spacing and
102 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

The effects of blurring are also encountered in the trivial

case when the objective lens is strengthened or weakened,
1 2 3
which moves the minimum beam convergence along the ver-
tical axis (either up or down), as shown schematically in
. Fig. 6.11a, increasing the size of the beam that encounters
the specimen surface. The beam diameter that encounters the
specimen surface will be larger in either case because of the
4 5 6 finite convergence angle, α. As the beam samples progres-
sively more adjacent pixels just due to the increase in beam
size, and not dependent on the BSE-SE sampling footprint,
the observer will eventually perceive the defocusing, and
hopefully correct the situation!
Defocusing is also encountered when the specimen
6 7 8 9
has features that extend along the optic axis. For example,
defocusing may be encountered when planar specimens are
tilted or rough topographic specimens are examined, even
at low magnifications, i.e., large scanned areas, as illustrated
schematically in . Fig. 6.11b, c. In these situations, the diam-
b eter of the converged beam that encounters the specimen
1 2 3
depends on the distance of the feature from the bottom of
the objective lens and the convergence angle of the beam, α.
Because the beam is focused to a minimum diameter at a spe-
cific distance from the objective lens, the working distance W,
any feature of the specimen that the scanned beam encoun-
ters at any other distance along the optic axis will inevitably
4 5 6
involve a larger beam diameter, which can easily exceed the
sampling footprint of the BSE and SE. . Figure 6.11d shows
an image of Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash particles where the
top of the large particle is in good focus, but the focus along
the sides of the particles deteriorates into obvious blurring,
7 8 9
as also occurs for the small particles dispersed around the
large particle on the conductive tape support. This defocus
situation can only be improved by reducing the convergence
angle, α, as described in Depth-of-Field Mode operation.

6.5  aking Measurements on Surfaces

With Arbitrary Topography:
..      Fig. 6.10 a The beam sampling footprint relative to the pixel spac- Stereomicroscopy
ing for a low magnification image with a low energy finely focused
beam and a high atomic number target. b As the magnification is By operating in Depth-of-Field Mode, which optimizes the
increased with fixed beam energy and target material, the beam sam-
choice of the beam convergence angle, α, a useful range of
pling footprint (diameter and BSE-SE convolved) eventually fills the
pixel and progressively leaks into adjacent pixels focus along the optic axis can be established that is sufficient
to render effective images of complex three-dimensional
objects. . Figure 6.12 shows an example of a specimen
four successive increases in magnification reveals that as the (metal fracture surface) with complex surface topography.
pixel spacing becomes smaller, the beam sampling footprint The red arrows mark members of a class of flat objects. If the
eventually leaks into the surrounding pixels, so that the microscopist’s task is to measure the size of these objects,
beam no longer samples exclusively the region of a single the simple linear measurement that is possible in a single
pixel. Eventually, when enough pixels overlap, the observer SEM image is subject to large errors because the local tilt of
will perceive this leakage as image defocusing or blurring. each feature is different and unknown, which corresponds
The reality and limitations of this situation become obvious to the situation illustrated in . Fig. 6.7. Although lost in a
when the microscopist seeks to perform high spatial resolu- single two-­dimensional image, the third dimension of an
tion microscopy, a topic which will be covered in more depth irregular surface can be recovered by the technique of ste-
in module 10 on high resolution SEM. reomicroscopy.
6.5 · Making Measurements on Surfaces With Arbitrary Topography: Stereomicroscopy
103 6
a b




..      Fig. 6.11 a Trivial example of optimal lens strength (focused at ­distances along the optic axis. c Effects similar to . Fig. 6.11b but for a
blue plane) and defocusing caused by selecting the objective lens three-dimensional specimen of arbitrary shape. d An imaging situation
strength too high (focused at green plane) and too low (focused at corresponding to . Fig. 6.11c: coated fragments of Mt. St. Helens ash
magenta plane) relative to the specimen surface. b Effect of a tilted pla- mounted on conducting tape and imaged under high vacuum at
nar surface. The beam is scanned with fixed objective lens strength, so E0 = 20 keV with an E–T (positive) detector
that different beam diameters encounter the specimen at different

6.5.1 Qualitative Stereomicroscopy human visual process and creating two angularly separated
views of the specimen with parallax information. In SEM
The human visual process creates the perception of depth imaging, the electron beam is the “eye of the observer” (see
and the three-dimensional character of objects by combin- the “Image Interpretation” module), so the two required
ing the separate two-dimensional views provided by the left images for stereo imaging must be obtained by either
eye and the right eye to create a fused image, as shown in changing the orientation of the beam relative to the speci-
. Fig. 6.13. The angular difference between the eyes creates men (beam rocking method), or by changing the orienta-
two distinct views containing parallax information, which tion of the specimen relative to the fixed electron beam
is the horizontal shift (relative to a vertical axis) of a feature (specimen tilting method). An appropriate image separa-
common to the two separate views. The parallax is the criti- tion method such as the anaglyph technique (e.g., using red
cal information that the brain uses to create the sensation of and cyan filters to view color-coded images) then presents
depth in the fused image: the larger the parallax, the closer the each member of the image pair to the left or right eye so
the object is to the viewer. To create a similar sensation of that the viewer’s natural imaging process will create a fused
depth, SEM stereomicroscopy operates by mimicking the image that reveals the third dimension. (Note that there is a
104 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

..      Fig. 6.12 SEM/E–T (positive)

image of a metal fracture surface.
The red arrows designate mem-
bers of a class of flat objects
embedded in this surface

10 µm

fraction of the population for whom this process is not

Seeing in three dimensions: stereo vision effective at creating the sense of viewing a three-dimen-
sional object.)
“Parallax ”: the shift
Two views,
between the separate
slightly different Fixed beam, Specimen Position Altered
views of the same
orientations Parallax can be created by changing the specimen tilt relative
object provided by
each eye to the optic axis (beam) by recording two images with a dif-
ference in tilt angle ranging from 2° to 10°. The specific value
depends on the degree of topography of the specimen, and
the optimum choice may require a trial-and-error approach.
Weak topography will generally require a larger tilt difference
to create a suitable three-dimensional effect. However, if the
tilt angle difference between the images is made too large, it
may not be possible for a viewer to successfully fuse the
images and visualize the topography, especially for large-­
scale topography.
A suitable procedure to achieve SEM stereomicroscopy
with a fixed beam by tilting the specimen has the following
Our intrepid observer, 1. Determine where the tilt axis lies in the SEM image. The
viewed from above eventual images must be presented to the viewer with
horizontal parallax (i.e., all the shift between the two
images must be across a vertical axis), so the tilt axis
must be oriented vertically. The images can be recorded
..      Fig. 6.13 Schematic illustration of an observer’s creation of a ste- and rotated appropriately within image processing
reo view of an object. Note that the parallax (shift between the two
views) is across a vertical axis
software such as ImageJ-Fiji, or the scan rotation
function of the SEM can be used to orient the tilt axis
6.5 · Making Measurements on Surfaces With Arbitrary Topography: Stereomicroscopy
105 6
..      Fig. 6.14 Illustration of the RED = LEFT
main page of the “Anaglyph
Maker STEREOEYE” software
(7 http://www.stereoeye.jp/
index_e.html) showing the win-
dows where the left (low tilt) and
right (high tilt) SEM/E–T (positive)
images are selected and the
resulting anaglyph (convention:
red filter for the left eye). Note
that brightness and contrast and
fine position adjustments are
available to the user. Specimen:
ceramic fibers, coated with Au-Pd;
E0 = 5 keV

along the vertical. In either case, note the location of the and blue (right eye) glasses. Note: The image-processing
Everhart–Thornley detector in the image, which will software may allow fine scale adjustments (shifts and/or
provide the general sense of illumination. Ideally, the rotations) to improve the registration of the images. This
position of the E–T detector should be at the top of the procedure is illustrated in . Fig. 6.14 for the “Anaglyph
image. However, after image rotation to orient the tilt Maker STEREOEYE” software (7 http://www.stereoeye.jp/
axis vertically, the effective position of the Everhart- index_e.html). Examples of “stereo pairs” created in this
Thornley detector is likely to be different from this ideal manner are shown in . Fig. 6.15 (a particle of ash from
12-o’clock position (top center of image). the Mt. St. Helens eruption) and . Fig. 6.16 (gypsum
2. Record an image of the area of interest at the low tilt crystals from cement).
angle, for example, stage tilt = 0°.
3. Using this image as a reference, increase the tilt angle to kNote
the desired value, e.g., stage tilt = 5°, while maintaining While usually successful, this SEM stereomicroscopy “recipe”
the location of the field of view. Depending on the may not produce the desired stereo effect on your particular
mechanical sophistication of the specimen stage, instrument. Because of differing conventions for labeling tilt
changing the tilt may cause the field of view to shift motions or due to unexpected image rotation applied in the
laterally, requiring continual relocation of the desired software, the sense of the topography may be reversed (e.g., a
field of view during the tilting process to avoid losing the topographic feature that is an “inner” falsely becomes an
area of interest, especially at high magnification on “outer” and vice versa). It is good practice when first imple-
specimens with complex topography. menting stereomicroscopy with an SEM to start with a simple
4. The vertical position of the specimen may also shift specimen with known topography such as a coin with raised
during tilting. To avoid introducing rotation in the lettering or a scratch on a flat surface. Apply the procedure
second (high tilt image) by changing the objective lens above and inspect the results to determine if the proper sense
strength to re-focus, the vertical stage motion (z-axis) of the topography has been achieved in the resulting stereo
should be used to refocus the image. After careful pair. If not, be sure the parallax shift is horizontal, that is,
adjustment of the x-y-z position of the stage using the across a vertical axis (if necessary, use software functions to
low tilt image to locate the area of interest, record this rotate the images to vertically orient the tilt axis). If the tilt axis
high tilt image. is vertical but the stereo pair still shows the wrong sense of the
5. Within the image-processing software, assign the low tilt topography, try reversing the images so the “high tilt” image is
image to the RED image channel and the high tilt image now viewed by the left eye and the “low tilt” image viewed by
to the CYAN (GREEN-BLUE channels combined, or the the right eye. Once the proper procedure has been discovered
individual GREEN or BLUE image channels, depending to give the correct sense of the topography on a known test
on the type of anaglyph viewing filters available). Apply structure, follow this convention for future stereomicroscopy
the image fusion function to create the stereo image, and work. (Note: A small but significant fraction of observers find
view this image display with appropriate red (left eye) it difficult to fuse the images to form a stereo image.)
106 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

..      Fig. 6.15 Anaglyph stereo

presentation of SEM/E–T(positive)
images (E0 = 20 keV) of a grain of
Mt. St. Helens volcanic ash pre-
pared by the stage tilting stereo

Left image Right image

(red filter) (cyan filter)

Mt. St. Helens


..      Fig. 6.16 Anaglyph stereo

presentation of SEM/E–T(positive)
images (E0 = 20 keV) of a grain of
gypsum crystals prepared by the
stage tilting stereo method

Left image Right image

(red filter) (cyan filter)

gypsum crystals

 ixed Specimen, Beam Incidence Angle

F fractured fragment of galena. By applying the two beam tilts
Changed to alternate image scans at high rate, “live” 3D SEM imaging
The beam incidence angle relative to the specimen can can be achieved that is nearly “flicker free.” By eliminating
be changed by a small value by means of a deflection in the need for mechanical stage motion as well as avoiding
the final stage of the scan to create the two distinct views problems which frequently occur due to shifting of the area
needed to achieve the stereo effect. An example of a stereo of interest during mechanical tilting, the speed of the beam
pair created in this manner is shown in . Fig. 6.17 for a tilting method makes it very powerful for studying complex
6.5 · Making Measurements on Surfaces With Arbitrary Topography: Stereomicroscopy
107 6

100 mm

..      Fig. 6.17 Anaglyph stereo presentation of SEM/E–T(positive)

images (E0 = 15 keV) of a fractured galena crystal prepared by the beam
tilting stereo method
..      Fig. 6.18 Anaglyph stereo presentation of SEM/E–T(positive) images
(E0 = 15 keV) of a silver crystal prepared by the beam tilting stereo method

..      Fig. 6.19 Schematic diagram

of the procedure for making
quantitative stereo measure- Measuring the third dimension by stereomicroscopy

q2 > q1 XR Parallax, P

(0,0,0) (0,0,0) P = XL–XR

Dq = q2 – q1 * *
Reference = *

q1 Tilt Axis q2
Coordinates relative to the reference point (0, 0, 0) in both images

X = [XL – (P/2)] = [XR+(P/2)] Y = YL = YR

Z = P/[ 2 sin (a/2)]

If we have two points, (X1,Y1,Z1) and (X2,Y2,Z2), that define a
linear feature of length S
S = SQRT [(X2–X1)2+ (Y2–Y1)2+(Z2–Z1)2]

topography. This is especially true at high magnification 6.5.2 Quantitative Stereomicroscopy

when the act of mechanical stage tilting is more likely to
cause significant lateral shifting of the specimen, rendering Quantitation of the topography in SEM micrographs can be
the mechanical stage tilt stereo method tedious. An example carried out by calculating the Z-coordinate of the feature
of a stereo pair for a silver crystal produced with the beam from measurements of the x- and y-coordinates in the mem-
tilt method at higher magnification is shown in . Fig. 6.18. bers of a stereo pair, as illustrated schematically in . Fig. 6.19
108 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

(Boyde 1973, 1974a,b; Wells 1974). This procedure can be Measuring a Simple Vertical Displacement
accomplished even if the operator is not personally able to The stereo pair in . Fig. 6.20a illustrates a typical three-­
perceive the qualitative stereo effect using the anaglyph or dimensional measurement problem: for this screw thread,
other methods to present the two images. how far above or below is the feature circled in green relative
1. The first step is to record a stereo pair with tilt angles θ1 to the feature circled in yellow? The left image (low tilt, θ = 0°)
and θ2 and with the tilt axis placed in a vertical orienta- and right image (high tilt, θ = 5°) are prepared according to
tion in the images. The difference in tilt angle between the convention described above and oriented so that the tilt
the members of the stereo pair is a critical parameter: axis is vertical. It is good practice to inspect the stereo pair
with the anaglyph method shown in . Fig. 6.14 to ensure that
∆θ = θ 2 − θ1 the stereo pair is properly arranged, and to qualitatively
assess the nature of the topography, i.e., determine how fea-
2. A set of orthogonal axes is centered on a recognizable tures are arranged relative to each other, as shown for this
feature, as shown in the schematic example in image of the screw thread in . Fig. 6.20a. In . Fig. 6.20b, a
6 . Fig. 6.19. This point will then be arbitrarily assigned set of x- (horizontal) and y- (vertical) axes are established in
the X-, Y-, Z-coordinates (0, 0, 0) and all subsequent each image centered on the feature in the yellow circle, which
height measurements will be with respect to this point. is assigned the origin of coordinates (0, 0, 0). Using this coor-
The axes are selected so that the y-axis is parallel to the dinate system, measurements are made of the feature of
tilt axis and the x-axis is perpendicular to the tilt axis. interest (within the green circle) in the left (XL = 144 μm,
3. For the feature of interest, the (X, Y)-coordinates are YL = −118 μm) and right (XR = 198 μm, YR = −118 μm)
measured in the Left (XL, YL) and Right (XR, YR) images. The parallax P is then
members of the stereo pair using the calibrated distance
marker. The parallax, P, of a feature is given by P = X L − X R =144 µm −198 µm = − 54 µm (6.10)

P =( XL − XR ) (6.5) Note that the sign of the parallax is negative, which means
that the green circle feature is below the yellow circle feature,
With this convention, points lying above the tilt axis will a result that is confirmed by the qualitative inspection of the
have positive parallax values P. Note that as an internal stereo pair in . Fig. 6.20a. Inserting these values into Eq.
consistency check, YL = YR if the y-axis has been properly (6.6), the Z-coordinate of the end of the green circle feature
aligned with the tilt axis. relative to the yellow circle feature is calculated to be:
4. For SEM magnifications above a nominal value of 100×,
the scan angle will be sufficiently small that it can be Z 3 = P /  2 sin ( ∆θ / 2 ) 
assumed that the scan is effectively moving parallel to
the optic axis, which enables the use of simple formulas = − 54 µm /  2 sin ( 5° / 2 ) 
for quantification. With reference to the fixed point (0, 0, = − 619 µm (6.11)
0), the three-dimensional coordinates X3, Y3, Z3 of the
chosen feature are given by Thus, the feature in the green circle is 619 μm below the fea-
ture in the yellow circle at the origin of coordinates. The
Z 3 = P /  2 sin ( ∆θ / 2 )  (6.6) uncertainty budget for this measurement consists of the fol-
lowing components:
X 3 = ( P / 2) + X L = X R − ( P / 2) (6.7) 1. Scale calibration error: with the careful use of a primary
or secondary dimensional artifact, this uncertainty
contribution can be reduced to 1 % relative or less.
(Note that Eq. (6.7) provides a self-consistency check for
2. Measurement of the feature individual coordinates: The
the X3 coordinate.)
magnitude of this uncertainty contribution depends on
3 Y=
L YR (6.8) how well the position of a feature can be recognized and
on the separation of the features of interest. By selecting
Note that if the measured coordinates yL and yR are not a magnification such that the features whose vertical
the same then this implies that the tilt axis is not separation is to be measured span at least half of the
accurately parallel to Y and the axes must then be image field, the uncertainty in the individual coordinates
rotated to correct this error. should be approximately 1 % relative, and in the differ-
By measuring any two points with coordinates, (XM, YM, ence of X-­coordinates (XL–XR) about 2 % relative. For
ZM) and (XN, YM, ZM), the length L of the straight line closely spaced features, the magnitude of this uncer-
connecting the points is given by tainty contribution will increase.
3. Uncertainty in the individual tilt settings: The magni-
L = SQRT ( X M − X N ) + (YM − YN ) + ( Z M − Z N )  (6.9)
2 2 2 tude of this uncertainty is dependent on the degree of
  backlash in the mechanical stage motions. Backlash
6.5 · Making Measurements on Surfaces With Arbitrary Topography: Stereomicroscopy
109 6
..      Fig. 6.20 a Stereo pair of a
machined screw thread—SEM/E– a
T(positive) images; E0 = 20 keV. b
Stereo pair with superimposed
axes for measurement of coordi-
nates needed for quantitative ste-
reomicroscopy calculations

effects can be minimized by selecting the initial (low) tilt estimated to be approximately 2 % for Δθ = 50, with the
value to correspond to a well-defined detent position if relative uncertainty increasing for smaller values of Δθ.
the mechanical stage is so designed, such as a physical 4. Considering all of these sources of uncertainty, the
stop at 0° tilt. With a properly maintained mechanical measurement should be assigned an overall uncertainty
stage, the uncertainty in the tilt angle difference Δθ is of ±5 % relative.
110 Chapter 6 · Image Formation

References Postek MT, Vladar AE, Ming B, Bunday B (2014) Documentation

for Reference Material (RM) 8820: a versatile, multipurpose
dimensional metrology calibration standard for scanned par-
Boyde A (1973) Quantitative photogrammetric analysis and qualitative
ticle beam, scanned probe, and optical microscopy. NIST Special
stereoscopic analysis of SEM images. J Microsc 98:452
Publication 1170 7 https://www-s.nist.gov/srmors/view_detail.
Boyde A (1974a) A stereo-plotting device for SEM micrographs and a
real time 3-D system for the SEM. In: Johari O (ed) SEM/1974. IIT
Wells O (1974) Scanning electron microscopy. McGraw-Hill, New York
Research Institute, Chicago, p 93
Boyde A (1974b) Photogrammetry of stereo pair SEM images using
separate measurements from the two images. In: Johari O (ed)
SEM/1974. IIT Research Institute, Chicago, p 101

111 7

SEM Image Interpretation

7.1 Information in SEM Images – 112

7.2 Interpretation of SEM Images of Compositional

Microstructure – 112
7.2.1 Atomic Number Contrast With Backscattered Electrons – 112
7.2.2 Calculating Atomic Number Contrast – 113
7.2.3 BSE Atomic Number Contrast With the Everhart–Thornley
Detector – 113

7.3 Interpretation of SEM Images of Specimen

Topography – 114
7.3.1 Imaging Specimen Topography With the
Everhart–Thornley Detector – 115
7.3.2 The Light-Optical Analogy to the SEM/E–T (Positive Bias)
Image – 116
7.3.3 Imaging Specimen Topography With a Semiconductor
BSE Detector – 119

References – 121

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
112 Chapter 7 · SEM Image Interpretation

7.1 Information in SEM Images secondary electrons are likely to escape from a shallow
surface region of a specimen and convey surface
Information in SEM images about specimen properties is information.
conveyed when contrast in the backscattered and/or second-
ary electron signals is created by differences in the interac-
tion of the beam electrons between a specimen feature and its 7.2 I nterpretation of SEM Images
surroundings. The resulting differences in the backscattered of Compositional Microstructure
and secondary electron signals (S) convey information about
specimen properties through a variety of contrast mecha- 7.2.1  tomic Number Contrast
nisms. Contrast (Ctr) is defined as With Backscattered Electrons
Ctr = ( S max − S min ) / S max (7.1) The monotonic dependence of electron backscattering upon
atomic number (η vs. Z, shown in . Fig. 2.3) constitutes a
where is Smax is the larger of the signals. By this definition, number effect with predictable behavior that enables SEM
0 ≤ Ctr ≤ 1. imaging to reveal the compositional microstructure of a spec-
7 Contrast can be conveyed in the signal by one or more of imen through the contrast mechanism variously known as
three different mechanisms: “atomic number contrast,” “compositional contrast,” “material
1. Number effects. Number effects refer to contrast which contrast,” or “Z-contrast.” Ideally, to observe unobscured
arises as a result of different numbers of electrons leaving atomic number contrast, the specimen should be flat so that
the specimen at different beam locations in response to topography does not independently modify electron back-
changes in the specimen characteristics at those loca- scattering. An example of atomic number contrast observed
tions. in a polished cross section of Raney nickel alloy using signal
2. Trajectory effects. Trajectory effects refer to contrast collected with a semiconductor backscattered electron (BSE)
resulting from differences in the paths the electrons detector is shown in . Fig. 7.1, where four regions with pro-
travel after leaving the specimen. gressively higher gray levels can be identified. The systematic
3. Energy effects. Energy effects occur when the contrast is behavior of η versus Z allows the observer to confidently con-
carried by a certain portion of the backscattered clude that the average atomic number of these four regions
electron or secondary electron energy distribution. For increases as the average gray level increases. SEM/EDS micro-
example, the high-energy backscattered electrons are analysis of these regions presented in . Table 7.1 gives the
generally the most useful for imaging the specimen compositional results and calculated average atomic number,
using contrast mechanisms such as atomic number Zav, of each phase. The Zav values correspond to the trend of
contrast or crystallographic contrast. Low-energy the gray levels of the phases observed in . Fig. 7.1.

..      Fig. 7.1 Raney nickel;

E0 = 20 keV; semiconductor BSE
detector (SUM mode)


20 µm
7.2 · Interpretation of SEM Images of Compositional Microstructure
113 7

..      Table 7.1 Raney nickel alloy (measured composition, calculated average atomic number, backscatter coefficient, and atomic number
contrast across the boundary between adjacent phases)

Phase Al (mass frac) Fe (mass frac) Ni (mass frac) Zav Calculated, η Contrast

1 0.9874 0.0003 0.0123 13.2 0.155

2 0.6824 0.0409 0.2768 17.7 0.204 1–2 0.24

3 0.5817 0.0026 0.4155 19.3 0.22 2–3 0.073

4 0.4192 0.0007 0.5801 21.7 0.243 3–4 0.095

7.2.2 Calculating Atomic Number Contrast Ctr = (hmax − hmin ) / hmax

= ( 0.164 − 0.152 ) / 0.164 = 0.073 (7.4)
An SEM is typically equipped with a “dedicated backscat-
tered electron detector” (e.g., semiconductor or passive scin- A similar calculation for Cu (Z = 29, η = 0.302) and Zn (Z = 30,
tillator) that produces a signal, S, proportional to the number η = 0.310) where the slope of η versus Z is lower gives
of BSEs that strike it and thus to the backscattered electron
coefficient, η, of the specimen. Note that other factors, such Ctr = ( 0.310 − 0.302 ) / 0.310 = 0.026 (7.5)
as the energy distribution of the BSEs, can also influence the
detector response. For high atomic number elements, the slope of η versus Z
If the detector responded only to the number of BSEs, the approaches zero, so that a calculation for Pt (Z = 78, η = 0.484)
contrast Ctr, can be estimated as and Au (Z = 79, η = 0.487) gives a very low contrast:

Ctr = ( S max − S min ) / S max = (hmax − hmin ) / hmax (7.2) Ctr = ( 0.487 − 0.484 ) / 0.487 = 0.0062 (7.6)

Values of the backscatter coefficient for E0 ≥ 10 keV can be . Figure 7.2 summarizes this behavior in a plot of the BSE
conveniently estimated using the fit to η versus Z (Eq. 2.2). atomic number contrast for a unit change in Z as a function of Z.
Note that for mixtures that are uniform at the atomic level
(e.g., alloy solid solutions, compounds, glasses, etc.), the 7.2.3  SE Atomic Number Contrast
backscattered electron coefficient can be calculated from the
With the Everhart–Thornley Detector
mass fraction average of the atomic number inserted into Eq.
2.2 (as illustrated for the Al-Fe-Ni phases listed in . Table 7.1),
The appearance of atomic number contrast for a polished cross
or alternatively, from the mass fraction average of the pure
section of Al-Cu aligned eutectic, which consists of an Al-2 %
element backscatter coefficients.
Cu solid solution and the intermetallic CuAl2, is shown as
The greater the difference in atomic number between two
viewed with a semiconductor BSE detector in . Fig. 7.3a and an
materials, the greater is the atomic number contrast. Consider
Everhart–Thornley detector (positively biased) in . Fig. 7.3b.
two elements with a significant difference in atomic number,
The E–T detector is usually thought of as a secondary electron
for example, Al (Z = 13, η = 0.152) and Cu (Z = 29, η = 0.302).
detector, and while it captures the SE1 signal, it also captures
From Eq. (7.1), the atomic number contrast between Al and
BSEs that are directly emitted into the solid angle defined by the
Cu is estimated to be
scintillator. Additionally, BSEs are also represented in the E–T
detector signal by the large contribution of SE2 and SE3, which
Ctr = (hmax − hmin ) / hmax are actually BSE-modulated signals. Thus, although the SE1 sig-
= ( 0.302 − 0.152 ) / 0.302 = 0.497 (7.3) nal of the E–T detector does not show predictable variation
with composition, the BSE components of the E–T signal reveal
When the contrast is calculated between elements separated the atomic number contrast seen in . Fig. 7.3b. It must be
by one unit of atomic number, much lower values are found, noted, however, that because of the sensitivity of the E–T detec-
which has an important consequence on establishing visibil- tor to edge effects and topography, these fine-scale features are
ity, as discussed below. Note that the slope of η versus Z much more visible in . Fig. 7.3b than in . Fig. 7.3a.
decreases as Z increases, so that the contrast (which is the For both the dedicated semiconductor BSE detector and
slope of η vs. Z) between adjacent elements (ΔZ = 1) also the E–T detector, the higher atomic number regions appear
decreases. For example, the contrast between Al (Z = 13, brighter than the lower atomic number regions, as indepen-
η = 0.152) and Si (Z = 14, η = 0.164) where the slope of η ver- dently confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry of
sus Z is relatively high is both materials. However, the semiconductor BSE detector
114 Chapter 7 · SEM Image Interpretation

..      Fig. 7.2 Atomic number

contrast for pure elements with Atomic number contrast for ∆Z = 1
ΔZ = 1 0.5






0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic number

a b

..      Fig. 7.3 Aligned Al-Cu eutectic; E0 = 20 keV: a semiconductor BSE detector (SUM mode); b Everhart–Thornley detector (positive bias)

actually enhances the atomic number contrast over that esti- 7.3 I nterpretation of SEM Images
mated from the composition (Al-0.02Cu, η = 0.155; CuAl2, of Specimen Topography
η = 0.232, which gives Ctr = 0.33). The semiconductor detec-
tor shows increased response from higher energy backscat- Imaging the topographic features of specimens is one of the
tered electrons, which are produced in greater relative most important applications of the SEM, enabling the
abundance from Cu compared to Al, thus enhancing the dif- microscopist to gain information on size and shape of fea-
ference in the measured signals. The response of the Everhart-­ tures. Topographic contrast has several components arising
Thornley detector (positive bias) to BSEs is more complex. from both backscattered electrons and secondary electrons:
The BSEs that directly strike the scintillator produce a greater 1. The backscattered electron coefficient shows a strong
response with increasing energy. However, this component is dependence on the surface inclination, η versus θ. This
small compared to the BSEs that strike the objective lens pole effect contributes a number component to the observed
piece and chamber walls, where they are converted to SE3 contrast.
and subsequently collected. For these remote BSEs, the lower 2. Backscattering from a surface perpendicular to the
energy fraction actually create SEs more efficiently. beam (i.e., 0° tilt) is directional and follows a cosine
7.3 · Interpretation of SEM Images of Specimen Topography
115 7
distribution η(φ) ≈ cos φ (where φ is an angle measured 7.3.1 Imaging Specimen Topography
from the surface normal) that is rotationally symmetric With the Everhart–Thornley Detector
around the beam. This effect contributes a trajectory
component of contrast. SEM images of specimen topography collected with the
3. Backscattering from a surface tilted to an angle θ Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector (Everhart and
becomes more highly directional and asymmetrical as θ Thornley 1960) are surprisingly easy to interpret, considering
increases, tending to peak in the forward scattering how drastically the imaging technique differs from ordinary
direction. This effect contributes a trajectory component human visual experience: A finely focused electron beam steps
of contrast. sequentially through a series of locations on the specimen and a
4. The secondary electron coefficient δ is strongly depen- mixture of the backscattered electron and secondary electron
dent on the surface inclination, δ(θ) ≈ sec θ, increasing signals, subject to the four number and trajectory effects noted
rapidly as the beam approaches grazing incidence. This above that result from complex beam–specimen interactions, is
effect contributes a number component of contrast. used to create the gray-scale image on the display. Nevertheless,
a completely untrained observer (even a young child) can be
Imaging of topography should be regarded as qualitative in reasonably expected to intuitively understand the general shape
nature because the details of the image such as shading of a three-dimensional object from the details of the pattern of
depend not only on the specimen characteristics but also highlights and shading in the SEM/E–T (positive bias) image.
upon the response of the particular electron detector as In fact, the appearance of a three-dimensional object viewed in
well as its location and solid angle of acceptance. an SEM/E–T (positive bias) image is strikingly similar to the
Nevertheless, the interpretation of all SEM images of view that would be obtained if that object were viewed with a
topography is based on two principles regardless of the conventional light source and the human eye, producing the so-
detector being used: called “light-­optical analogy.” This situation is quite remarkable,
1. Observer’s Point-of-View: The microscopist views the and the relative ease with which SEM/E–T (positive bias)
specimen features as if looking along the electron beam. images can be utilized is a major source of the utility and popu-
2. Apparent Illumination of the Scene: larity of the SEM. It is important to understand the origin of this
a. The apparent major source of lighting of the SEM/E–T (positive bias) light-optical analogy and what patho-
scene comes from the position of the electron logical effects can occur to diminish or destroy the effect, pos-
detector. sibly leading to incorrect image interpretation of topography.
b. Depending on the detector used, there may appear to The E–T detector is mounted on the wall of the SEM
be minor illumination sources coming from other specimen chamber asymmetrically off the beam axis, as illus-
directions. trated schematically in . Fig. 7.4. The interaction of the beam

..      Fig. 7.4 Schematic illustra-

tion of the various sources of sig-
nals generated from topography:
BSEs, SE1 and SE2, and remote SE3
and collection by the Everhart–
Thornley detector

+10 kV +300 V




116 Chapter 7 · SEM Image Interpretation

with the specimen results in backscattering of beam electrons 7.3.2  he Light-Optical Analogy to the SEM/
and secondary electron emission (type SE1 produced by the E–T (Positive Bias) Image
beam electrons entering the specimen and type SE2 produced
by the exiting BSEs). Energetic BSEs carrying at least a few The complex mix of direct BSEs, SE1 and SE2, and remote SE3
kilo-electronvolts of kinetic energy that directly strike the illustrated in . Fig. 7.4 effectively illuminates the specimen
E–T scintillator are always detected, even if the scintillator is in a way similar to the “real world” landscape scene illus-
passive with no positive accelerating potential applied. In trated schematically in . Fig. 7.5 (Oatley 1972). A viewer in
typical operation the E–T detector is operated with a large an airplane looks down on a hilly landscape that is direction-
positive accelerating potential (+10 kV or higher) on the ally illuminated by the Sun at a shallow (oblique) angle, high-
scintillator and a small positive bias (e.g., +300 V) on the lighting sloping hillsides such as “A,” while a general pattern
Faraday cage which surrounds the scintillator. The small of diffuse light originates from scattering of sunlight by
positive bias on the cage attracts SEs with high efficiency to clouds and the atmosphere that illuminates all features,
the detector. Once they pass inside the Faraday cage, the SEs including those not in the direct path of the sunlight, such
are accelerated to detectable kinetic energy by the high posi- as hillside “B,” while the cave “C” receives no illumination.
tive potential applied to the face of the scintillator. In addi- To establish this light-optical analogy, we must match com-
7 tion to the SE1 and SE2 signals produced at the specimen, the ponents with similar characteristics:
E–T (positive bias) detector also collects some of the remotely 1. The human observer’s eye, which has a very sharply
produced SE3 which are generated where the BSEs strike the defined line-of-sight, is matched in characteristic by the
objective lens and the walls of the specimen chamber. Thus, electron beam, which presents a very narrow cone angle
in . Fig. 7.4 a feature such as face “A,” which is tilted toward of rays: thus, the observer of an SEM image is effectively
the E–T detector, scatters some BSEs directly to the scintilla- looking along the beam, and what the beam can strike is
tor, which add to the SE1, SE2, and SE3 signals that are also what can be observed in an image.
collected, making “A” appear especially bright compared to 2. The illumination of an outdoor scene by the Sun consists
face “B.” Because “B” is tilted away from the E–T (positive of a direct component (direct rays that strongly light
bias) detector, it does not make a direct BSE contribution, but those surfaces that they strike) and an indirect compo-
some SE1 and SE2 signals will be collected from “B” by the nent (diffuse scattering of the Sun’s rays from clouds and
Faraday cage potential, which causes SEs to follow curving the atmosphere, weakly illuminating the scene from all
trajectories, while remote SE3 signals from face “B” will also angles). For the E–T detector (positive bias), there is a
be collected. Only features the electron beam does not direct signal component that acts like the Sun (BSEs
directly strike, such as the re-entrant feature “C,” will fail to emitted by the specimen into the solid angle defined by
generate any collectable signal and thus appear black. the scintillator, as well as SE1 and SE2 directly collected

..      Fig. 7.5 Human visual experi-

ence equivalent to the observer
position and lighting situation of
the Everhart–Thornley (positive
bias) detector
Observer looking down
on scene from vantage
point directly above.

7.3 · Interpretation of SEM Images of Specimen Topography
117 7
from the specimen) and an indirect component that acts c­ollection of the SE3 component. Thus, if we imagine the
like diffuse illumination (SE3 collected from all surfaces specimen scene to be illuminated by a primary light source,
struck by BSEs). then that light source occupies the position of the E–T detec-
tor and the viewer of that scene is looking along the electron
Though counterintuitive, in the SEM the detector is the beam. The SE3 component of the signal provides a general
apparent source of illumination while the observer looks diffuse secondary source of illumination that appears to
along the electron beam. come from all directions.

Establishing a Robust Light-Optical Analogy  etting It Wrong: Breaking the Light-Optical

The human visual process has developed in a world of top Analogy of the Everhart–Thornley (Positive
lighting (. Fig. 7.6): sunlight comes from above in the out- Bias) Detector
doors; our indoor environment is illuminated from light If the microscopist is not careful, it is possible to break the
sources on the ceiling or lamp fixtures placed above our com- light-optical analogy of the Everhart-Thornley (positive bias)
fortable reading chair. We instinctively expect that brightly detector. This situation can arise through improper collec-
illuminated features must be facing upward to receive light tion of the image by misuse of the feature called “Scan
from the source above, while poorly illuminated features are Rotation” (or in subsequent off-line image modification with
facing away from the light source. Thus, to establish the image processing software). “Scan Rotation” is a commonly
strongest possible light-optical analogy for the SEM/E–T available feature of nearly all SEM systems that allows the
(positive bias) image, we need to create a situation of appar- microscopist to arbitrarily orient an image on the display
ent top lighting. Because the strong source of apparent illu- screen. While this may seem to be a useful feature that
mination in an SEM image appears to come from the detector enables the presentation of the features of a specimen in a
(direct BSEs, SE1, and SE2 for an E–T [positive bias] detec- more aesthetically pleasing manner (e.g., aligning a fiber
tor), by ensuring that the effective location of the E–T detec- along the long axis of a rectangular image), scan rotation
tor is at the top of the SEM image field as it is presented to the changes the apparent position of the E–T detector (indeed,
viewer, any feature facing the E–T detector will appear bright, of all detectors) in the image with potentially serious conse-
thus establishing that the apparent lighting of the scene pre- quences that can compromise the light-optical analogy of
sented to the viewer will be from above. All features that can the E–T (positive bias) detector. The observer is naturally
be reached by the electron beam will produce some signal, accustomed to having top illumination when interpreting
even those facing away from the E–T (positive bias) detector images of topography, that is, the apparent source of illumi-
or that are screened by local topography, through the nation coming from the top of the field-of-view and shining

..      Fig. 7.6 We have evolved in

a world of top lighting. ­Features
facing the Sun are brightly
­illuminated, while features ­facing
away are shaded but receive some
illumination from atmospheric
scattering. Bright = facing upwards
118 Chapter 7 · SEM Image Interpretation

a b

10 mm
10 mm

c d

10 mm 10 mm

..      Fig. 7.7 a SEM image of a particle on a surface as prepared with on a surface as prepared with the E–T (negative bias) detector in the 0°
the E–T (negative bias) detector in the 90° clockwise position shown; clockwise (12 o’clock) position shown; E0 = 20 keV. Note strong shadow-
E0 = 20 keV. Note strong shadowing pointing away from E–T . b SEM ing pointing away from E–T . d SEM image of a particle on a surface as
image of a particle on a surface as prepared with the E–T (negative prepared with the E–T (positive bias) detector in the 0° clockwise (12
bias) detector in the 45° clockwise position shown; E0 = 20 keV. Note o’clock) position shown; E0 = 20 keV. Note lack of shadowing but bright
strong shadowing pointing away from E–T . c SEM image of a particle surface facing the E–T (positive bias) detector

down on the features of the specimen. When the top lighting apparent lighting. By comparison, the image of an undulat-
condition is violated and the observer is unaware of the ing surface of an unknown object may provide no clues that
alteration of the scene illumination, then the sense of the cause the proper sense of the topography to “click in” for the
topography can appear inverted. Arbitrary scan rotation can observer. Having top illumination is critical in such cases.
effectively place the E–T detector, or any other asymmetri- When a microscopist works in a multi-user facility, the pos-
cally placed (i.e., off-axis) detector, at the bottom or sides of sibility must always be considered that a previous user may
the image, and if the observer is unaware of this situation of have arbitrarily adjusted the scan rotation. As part of a per-
unfamiliar illumination, misinterpretation of the specimen sonal quality-­assurance plan, the careful microscopist should
topography is likely to result. This is especially true in the confirm that the location of the E–T detector is at the top
case of specimens for which there are limited visual clues. center of the image. . Figure 7.7 demonstrates a procedure
For example, the SEM image of an insect contains many that enables unambiguous location of the E–T detector.
familiar features—e.g., head, eyes, legs, etc.—that make it Some (but not all) implementations of the E–T detector
almost impossible to invert the topography regardless of the enable the user to “deconstruct” the E–T detector image by
7.3 · Interpretation of SEM Images of Specimen Topography
119 7
selectively excluding the SE component of the total signal— . Fig. 7.8a demonstrates the efficiency of the E–T detector
either by changing the Faraday cage voltage to negative val- for collection of signal from virtually all surfaces of the spec-
ues to reject the very low energy SEs (e.g., −50 V cage bias) imen that the primary beam strikes.
or by eliminating the high potential on the scintillator so that
SEs cannot be accelerated to sufficient kinetic energy to
excite scintillation. Even without the high potential applied 7.3.3 Imaging Specimen Topography
to the scintillator, the E–T detector remains sensitive to the With a Semiconductor BSE Detector
high energy BSEs generated by a high energy primary beam,
for example., E0 ≥ 20 keV, which creates a large fraction of A segmented (A and B semicircular segments) semiconduc-
BSEs with energy >10 keV. As a passive scintillator or with tor BSE detector placed directly above the specimen is illus-
the negative Faraday cage potential applied, the E–T (nega- trated schematically in . Fig. 7.9. This BSE detector is
tive bias) detector only collects the small fraction of high mounted below the final lens and is placed symmetrically
energy BSEs scattered into the solid angle defined by the E–T around the beam, so that in the summation mode it acts as
scintillator. When the direct BSE mode of the E–T (negative an annular detector. A simple topographic specimen is illus-
bias) detector is selected, debris on a flat surface is found to trated, oriented so that the left face directs BSEs toward the
create distinct shadows that point away from the apparent A-segment, while the right face directs BSEs toward the
source of illumination, the E–T detector. By using the scan B-segment. This A and B detector pair is typically arranged
rotation, the effective position of the E–T detector can then so that one of the segments, “A,” is oriented so that it appears
be moved to the top of the image, as shown in the sequence to illuminate from the top of the image, while the “B” seg-
of . Fig. 7.7a–c, thus achieving the desired top-lighting situ- ment appears to illuminate from the bottom of the image.
ation. When the conventional E–T (positive bias) is used to The segmented detector enables selection of several modes
image this same field of view (. Fig. 7.7d), the strong shadow of operation: SUM mode (A + B), DIFFERENCE mode
of the particle disappears because of the efficient collection (A−B), and individual detectors A or B) (Kimoto and
of SEs, particularly the SE3 component, and now has a bright Hashimoto 1966).
edge along the top which reinforces the impression that it
rises above the general surface.
SUM Mode (A + B)
Note that physically rotating the specimen stage to change
the angular relation of the specimen relative to the E–T (or The two-segment semiconductor BSE detector operating in
any other) detector does not change the location of the appar- the summation (A + B) mode was used to image the same
ent source of illumination in the displayed image. Rotating pyrite specimen previously imaged with the E–T (positive
the specimen stage changes which specimen features are bias) and E–T (negative bias), as shown in . Fig. 7.8c. The
directed toward the detector, but the scan orientation on the placement of the large solid angle BSE is so close to the pri-
displayed image determines the relative position of the detec- mary electron beam that it creates the effect of apparent
tor in the image presented to the viewer and the apparent wide-angle illumination that is highly directional along the
direction of the illumination. line-of-sight of the observer, which would be the light-optical
equivalent of being inside a flashlight looking along the
beam. With such directional illumination along the observ-
 econstructing the SEM/E–T Image
D er’s line-of-sight, the brightest topographic features are those
of Topography oriented perpendicular to the line-of-sight, while tilted sur-
It is often useful to examine the separate SE and BSE compo- faces appear darker, resulting in a substantially different
nents of the E–T detector image. An example of a blocky impression of the topography of the pyrite specimen com-
fragment of pyrite (FeS2) imaged with a positively-biased pared to the E–T (positive bias) image in . Fig. 7.8a. The
E–T detector is shown in . Fig. 7.8a. In this image, the effec- large solid angle of the detector acts to suppress topographic
tive position of the E–T detector relative to the presentation contrast, since local differences in the directionality of BSE
of the image is at the top center. . Figure 7.8b shows the same emission caused by differently inclined surfaces are effec-
field of view with the Faraday cage biased negatively to tively eliminated when the diverging BSEs are intercepted by
exclude SEs so that only direct BSEs contribute to the SEM another part of the large BSE detector.
image. The image contrast is now extremely harsh, since Another effect that is observed in the A + B image is the
topographic features facing toward the detector are illumi- class of very bright inclusions which were subsequently
nated, while those facing away are completely lost. Comparing determined to be galena (PbS) by X-ray microanalysis. The
. Fig. 7.8a, b, the features that appear bright in the BSE-only large difference in average atomic number between FeS2
image are also brighter in the full BSE + SE image obtained (Zav = 20.7) and PbS (Zav = 73.2) results in strong atomic
with the positively biased E–T detector, demonstrating the number (compositional) between the PbS inclusions and the
presence of the direct-BSE component. The much softer con- FeS2 matrix. Although there is a significant BSE signal com-
trast of nearly all surfaces seen in the BSE + SE image of ponent in the E–T (positive bias) image in . Fig. 7.8a, the
120 Chapter 7 · SEM Image Interpretation

..      Fig. 7.8 a SEM/E–T (posi-

tive bias) image of a fractured a b
fragment of pyrite; E0 = 20 keV. b
SEM/E–T (negative bias) image
of a fractured fragment of pyrite;
E0 = 20 keV. c SEM/BSE (A + B)
SUM-mode image of a fractured
fragment of pyrite; E0 = 20 keV.
d SEM/BSE (A segment) image
(detector at top of image field)
of a fractured fragment of pyrite
(FeS2); E0 = 20 keV. e SEM/BSE
(B segment) image (detector at
bottom of image field) of a frac- 50 mm 50 mm
tured fragment of pyrite (FeS2);
BSE SUM A+B BSE A segment
E0 = 20 keV. f SEM/BSE (A−B) c d
image (detector DIFFERENCE
image) of a fractured fragment
7 of pyrite (FeS2); E0 = 20 keV. g
SEM/BSE (B−A) image (detector
DIFFERENCE image) of a frac-
tured fragment of pyrite (FeS2);
E0 = 20 keV


50 mm 50 mm


e f

50 mm 50 mm
BSE B segment BSE B segment

50 mm
BSE B segment

topographic contrast is so strong that it overwhelms the detector. As illustrated in . Fig. 7.9 for a two-segment BSE
compositional contrast. detector, the individual segments effectively provide an off-­
axis, asymmetric illumination of the specimen. Comparing
 xamining Images Prepared
E the A-segment and B-segment images of the pyrite crystal in
With the Individual Detector Segments . Fig. 7.8d, e, the features facing each detector can be dis-
Some semiconductor BSE detector systems enable the cerned and a sense of the topography can be obtained by
microscopist to view BSE images prepared with the signal comparing the two images. But note the strong effect of the
derived from the individual components of a segmented apparent inversion of the sense of the topography in the
121 7
..      Fig. 7.9 Schematic illustration
of a segmented annular semicon- Bottom view of BSE detector
ductor BSE detector

SEM/BSE image as-viewed

A Bore of final lens



Side view of BSE detector




B-segment image, where the illumination comes from the assumption of top lighting has the effect for most viewers
bottom of the field, compared to the A-segment image, where of . Fig. 7.8g to strongly invert the apparent sense of the
the illumination comes from the top of the field of view. topography, so that protuberances in the A–B image become
concavities in the B–A image. If BSE detector difference
DIFFERENCE Mode (A−B) images are to be at all useful and not misleading, it is critical
The signals from the individual BSE detector segments “A” and to determine the proper order of subtraction. A suitable test
“B” can be subtracted from each other, producing the image procedure is to image a specimen with known topography,
seen in . Fig. 7.8f. Because the detector segments “A” and “B” such as the raised lettering on a coin or a particle standing on
effectively illuminate the specimen from two different direc- top of a flat surface.
tions, as seen in . Fig. 7.8d, e, taking the difference A–B
between the detector signals tends to enhance these directional
differences, producing the strong contrast seen in . Fig. 7.8f. References
Note that when subtracting the signals the order of the
segments in the subtraction has a profound effect on appear- Everhart TE, Thornley RFM (1960) Wide-band detector for micro-­
ance of the final image. . Figure 7.8g shows the image created microampere low-energy electron currents. J Sci Instr 37:246
Kimoto S, Hashimoto H (1966) Stereoscopic observation in scanning
with the order of subtraction reversed to give B–A. Because
microscopy using multiple detectors. In: McKinley T, Heinrich K,
the observer is so strongly biased toward interpreting an Wittry D (eds) The electron microprobe. Wiley, New York, p 480
image as if it must have top lighting, bright ­features are Oatley CW (1972) The scanning electron microscope, Part I, the instru-
automatically interpreted as facing upward. This automatic ment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
123 8

The Visibility of Features in SEM

8.1 Signal Quality: Threshold Contrast and Threshold
Current – 124

References – 131

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
124 Chapter 8 · The Visibility of Features in SEM Images

The detection in SEM images of specimen features such as the same nominal beam current and dwell time will produce
compositional differences, topography (shape, inclination, a range of values distributed about a mean count n, with the
edges, etc.), and physical differences (crystal orientation, standard deviation of this distribution described by n 1/ 2 .
magnetic fields, electrical fields, etc.), depends on satisfying This natural variation in repeated samplings of the signal S is
two criteria: (1) establishing the minimum conditions neces- termed “noise,” N. The measure of the signal quality is termed
sary to ensure that the contrast created by the beam–speci- the “signal-to-noise ratio,” S/N, given by
men interaction responding to differences in specimen
features is statistically significant in the imaging signal (back- S
= n=
/ n 1/ 2 n 1/ 2 (8.1)
scattered electrons [BSE], secondary electrons [SE], or a N
combination) compared to the inevitable random signal fluc-
tuations (noise); and (2) applying appropriate signal process- Equation (8.1) shows that as the mean number of collected
ing and digital image processing to render the contrast signal counts increases, the signal quality S/N improves as
information that exists in the signal visible to the observer the random fluctuations become a progressively smaller frac-
viewing the final image display. tion of the total signal.
. Figure 8.1 shows schematically the result of repeated
scans over a series of pixels that cross a feature of interest. The
8.1  ignal Quality: Threshold Contrast
S signal value S changes in response to the change in the speci-
men property (composition, topography, etc.), but the
8 and Threshold Current
repeated scans do not produce exactly the same response due
to the inevitable noise in the signal generation processes.
An SEM image is constructed by addressing the beam to a
When an observer views a scanned image, this noise is super-
specific location on the specimen for a fixed dwell time, τ,
imposed on the legitimate changes in signal (contrast) of
during which a number of beam electrons are injected
features in the image, reducing the visibility. Rose (1948)
through the focused beam footprint into the specimen. The
made an extensive study of the ability of observers viewing
resulting beam–specimen interactions cause the emission of
scanned television images to detect the contrast between
BSE and SE, a fraction of which will be detected and mea-
objects of different size and the background in the presence
sured with appropriate electron detectors. This measured BSE
of various levels of noise. Rose found that for the average
and/or SE signal is then assigned to that pixel as it is digitally
observer to distinguish small objects with dimensions about
stored and subsequently displayed as a gray-level image. Both
5 % of the image width against the background, the change in
the incident electron beam current and the measured BSE
signal due to the contrast, ΔS, had to exceed the noise, N, by
and/or SE signals, Si, involve discrete numbers of electrons:
a factor of 5:
nB, nBSE, and nSE. The emission of the incident beam current
from the electron gun and the subsequent BSE/SE generation ∆S > 5 N (8.2)
due to elastic and inelastic scattering in the specimen are sto-
chastic processes; that is, the mechanisms are subject to ran- Synthesized digital images in . Figs. 8.2 and 8.3 demonstrate
dom variations over time. Thus, repeated sampling of any how the visibility is affected by noise and the relative size of
imaging signal, S, made at the same specimen location with objects. . Figure 8.2a shows a synthesized object from the

..      Fig. 8.1 Schematic represen-

tation of signal response across a
specimen feature with the
underlying long integration time
average (smooth line)
8.1 · Signal Quality: Threshold Contrast and Threshold Current
125 8

a b






0 20 40 60 80 100
Pixel number

..      Fig. 8.2 a Synthesized image from the template shown in . Fig. 8.3a. b Trace of the signal across the circular object

template shown in . Fig. 8.3a with a specified signal and by (5/C)2, must be collected per picture element. Considering
superimposed random noise, and . Fig. 8.2b shows a plot of electrons as signal carriers, the number of electrons which
the signal through one of the test objects. . Figure 8.3 shows must be collected per picture element in the dwell time, τ,
synthesized images for various levels of the S and ΔS relative can be converted into a signal current, is
to N. In . Fig. 8.3b ΔS = 5 = N; . Fig. 8.3c ΔS = 10 = 2 N; and
. Fig. 8.3d ΔS = 25 = 5 N, which just matches the Rose crite- ne
is = (8.7)
rion. While the large-scale features are visible in all three τ
images, the fine-scale objects are completely lost in image
. Fig. 8.3b, and only fully visible when the Rose criterion is where e is the electron charge (1.6 × 10–19 C). Substituting Eq.
satisfied in image . Fig. 8.3d. (8.6) into Eq. (8.7) gives the following result:
The Rose visibility criterion can be used as the basis to
develop the quantitative relation between the threshold con- 25e
i> (8.8)
trast, that is, the minimum level of contrast potentially visible C 2τ
in the signal, and the beam current. The noise can be consid-
ered in terms of the number of signal events, N = n1/2: The signal current, is, differs from the beam current, iB, by the
fractional signal generation per incident beam electron (η for
∆S > 5n 1/ 2 (8.3) BSE and δ for SE or a combination for a detector which is
simultaneously sensitive to both classes of electrons) and the
Equation (8.3) can be expressed in terms of contrast (defined efficiency with which the signal is converted to useful infor-
as C = ΔS/S) by dividing through by the signal: mation for the image. This factor is given by the detective
quantum efficiency (DQE) (Joy et al. 1996) and depends on
∆S 5n 1 / 2 5n 1 / 2 the solid angle of collection and the response of the detector
=C > = (8.4)
S S n (see the full DQE description in the Electron Detectors
5 ­module):
C> (8.5)
n 1/ 2 is = iB (η ,δ ) DQE (8.9)
n >  (8.6) Combining Eqs. (8.8) and (8.9) yields
C 

Equation (8.6) indicates that in order to observe a specific 25 (1.6 ×10−19 C )

iB > (8.10)
level of contrast, C, a mean number of signal carriers, given (η ,δ ) DQE C 2τ
126 Chapter 8 · The Visibility of Features in SEM Images

..      Fig. 8.3 Synthesized digital images: a template; b object S = 5 counts above background, ΔS = 5 = N, S/B = 1.2; c object S = 10 counts above
background, ΔS = 10 = 2 N, S/B = 1.4; d object S = 25 counts above background, ΔS = 25 = 5 N, S/B = 2

The picture element dwell time, τ, can be replaced by the time For an image with 1024 × 1024 picture elements, Eq. (8.12)
to scan a full frame, tF, from the relation can be stated as

(8.11) iB >
( 4 ×10 −12
N PE (η ,δ ) DQE C 2tF
where NPE is the number of pixels in the entire image. Equation (8.12) is referred to as the “Threshold Equation”
Substituting Eq. (8.11) into Eq. (8.10), (Oatley et al. 1965; Oatley 1972) because it defines the mini-
mum beam current, the “threshold current,” necessary to
( 4 ×10 ) N
observe a specified level of contrast, C, with a signal produc-
( coulomb / s = amperes )
iB > (8.12)
(η ,δ ) DQE C 2tF tion efficiency specified by η and/or δ and the detector
8.1 · Signal Quality: Threshold Contrast and Threshold Current
127 8
..      Fig. 8.4 Plot of the threshold
contrast vs. frame time for an Threshold contrast vs. frame time
image with 1024 by 1024 pixels 1
and an overall signal conversion
efficiency of 0.25. Contours of
constant current from 1 µA to
1 pA are shown 1 pA
10 pA 5 pA
100 pA 50 pA
1 nA
500 pA
10 nA 5 nA

Threshold contrast
100 nA
50 nA
1 µA 500 pA


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Frame time (s)

..      Fig. 8.5 Plot of the threshold

current vs. frame time for an Threshold current vs. frame time
image with 1024 by 1024 pixels 1e-6
and an overall signal conversion
efficiency of 0.25. Contours of 0.001
constant contrast from 1 to 0.001 1e-7 0.002
are shown 0.005
Threshold current (A)

1e-8 0.02
1e-9 0.2


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Frame time (s)

performance described by the DQE (Joy et al. 1996). For any particular selection of operating parameters—
Alternatively, if we measure the current which is available in beam current, signal (backscattered electrons, secondary elec-
the beam that reaches the specimen (e.g., with a Faraday cup trons, or a combination), detector performance (DQE), image
and specimen current picoammeter), then we can calculate the pixel density and dwell time—there is always a level of contrast
minimum contrast, the so-called “threshold contrast,” which below which objects cannot be detected. Objects producing
can be observed in an image prepared under these conditions. contrast below this threshold contrast cannot be recovered by
Objects in the field of view that do not produce this threshold applying any post-collection image-processing algorithms.
contrast cannot be distinguished from the noise of random The graphical plots shown in . Fig. 8.4 (threshold contrast
background fluctuations. Equations (8.12 and 8.13) lead to the vs. frame time for various values of the beam current) and
following critical limitation on SEM imaging performance: . Fig. 8.5 (threshold current vs. frame time for various values
128 Chapter 8 · The Visibility of Features in SEM Images

100 pA 1 µs 0.79 s frametime 200 pA 1 µs 0.79 s frametime

500 pA 1 µs 0.79 s frametime 1 nA 1 µs 0.79 s frametime


..      Fig. 8.6 Al-Si eutectic alloy. BSE images (1024 by 784 pixels; 1-μs pixel dwell) at various beam currents

of the contrast) provide a useful way to understand the rela- trast less than approximately 0.05 (5 %) against the back-
tionships of the parameters of the Threshold Equation. These ground will be lost. Once the current required to image a
plots have been derived from Eq. (8.13) with the assumptions specific contrast level is known from the Threshold Equation,
that the image has 1024 by 1024 pixels and the overall signal the minimum beam size that contains this current can be esti-
generation/collection efficiency (the product of η and/or δ mated with the Brightness Equation. A severe penalty in
and the DQE) is 0.25; that is, one signal-carrying electron minimum probe size is incurred when the contrast is low
(backscattered and/or secondary) is registered in the final because of the requirement for high beam current needed to
image for every four beam electrons that strike the specimen. exceed the threshold current. Moreover, this ideal beam size
This collection efficiency is a reasonable assumption for a tar- will be increased due to the aberrations that degrade electron
get, such as gold, which has high backscattering and second- optical performance.
ary electron coefficients, when the electrons are detected with The Rose criterion is actually a conservative estimate of
an efficient positively-biased E–T detector. . Figure 8.4 visibility threshold conditions since it is appropriate for small
reveals that imaging a contrast level of C = 0.10 (10 %) with a discrete features with linear dimensions down to a few per-
frame time of 1 s (a pixel dwell time of ~1 μs for a 1024 × 1024-­ cent of the image width or small details on larger structures.
pixel scan) requires a beam current in excess of 1 nA, whereas For objects that constitute a large fraction of the image or
if 100 s is used for the frame time (pixel dwell time of ~100 μs), which have an extended linear nature, such as an edge or a
the required beam current falls to about 10 pA. If the speci- fiber, the ability of an observer’s visual process to effectively
men only produces a contrast level of 0.05 (5%), a beam combine information over many contiguous pixels actually
­current above 5 nA must be used. Conversely, if a particular relaxes the visibility criterion, as illustrated in the synthesized
value of the beam current is selected, . Fig. 8.5 demonstrates images in . Fig. 8.3 (Bright et al. 1998). The effect of the size
that there will always be a level of contrast below which objects of a feature on visibility of real features can be seen in
will be effectively invisible. For example, if a beam current of . Figs. 8.6 and 8.7, which show BSE images (semiconductor
1 nA is used for a 10-s frame time, all objects producing con- detector) of a commercial aluminum–silicon eutectic casting
8.1 · Signal Quality: Threshold Contrast and Threshold Current
129 8

100 pA 1 µs 0.79 s frametime 100 pA 4 µs 3.1 s frametime

100 pA 16 µs 12.6 s frametime 100 pA 64 µs 50 s frametime

..      Fig. 8.7 Al-Si eutectic alloy. BSE images (1024 by 784 pixels; 100-pA beam current) pixel dwell at various frame times

alloy under various conditions. The two principal phases of example is shown in . Fig. 8.8, which shows a sequence of
this material are nearly pure Al and Si, which produce a con- images of a polished carbon planchet upon which a droplet
trast based on the respective BSE coefficients of C = Δη/ηmax = containing a dilute salt was deposited by inkjet printing. The
(0.14−0.13)/0.14 ≈ 0.07 or 7 % contrast. As the beam current images were prepared at constant beam current but with
is decreased with fixed frame time (. Fig. 8.6) or the frame increasing pixel dwell time, which represents a section
time is decreased with fixed beam current (. Fig. 8.7), the through the Threshold Equation plot shown in . Fig. 8.9.
visibility of the fine-­scale features at the right-hand side of Even the largest-scale features are lost in the image prepared
the image diminishes and these small features are eventually with the shortest dwell time. Careful study of these images
lost, whereas the large-scale features on the left-hand side of reveals that new information is being added throughout the
the image remain visible over the range of experimental image sequence, and likely there would be additional infor-
parameters despite having the same compositional difference mation recovered with further increases in the pixel time or
and thus producing the same contrast. by increasing the beam current.
While the Threshold Equation provides “gray numbers” Finally, it must be recognized that there is a substantial
for the threshold parameters due to the variability of the “observer effect” for objects producing contrast near the
human observer and the relative size of objects, the impact of threshold of visibility: different observers may have substan-
the Threshold Equation must be considered in developing tially different success in detecting features in images (Bright
imaging strategy. Unfortunately, poor imaging strategy can et al. 1998). Thus the threshold current or threshold contrast
render the SEM completely ineffective in detecting the fea- calculated with Eq. (8.12) should be considered a “fuzzy
tures of interest. A careful imaging strategy will first estimate number” rather than an absolute threshold, since visibility
the likely level of contrast from the objects of interest (or depends on several factors, including the size and shape of
assume the worst possible case that the features being sought the features of interest as well as the visual acuity of the par-
produce very low contrast, e.g., <0.01) and then select instru- ticular observer and his/her experience in evaluating images.
ment parameters capable of detecting that contrast. An The limitations imposed by the threshold equation and the
130 Chapter 8 · The Visibility of Features in SEM Images

..      Fig. 8.8 Threshold imaging visibility; image sequence with increasing pixel dwell time at constant beam current. Inkjet deposited droplet on
carbon planchet; E0 = 10 keV; Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector. Post-collection processing with ImageJ (FIJI) CLAHE function
131 8
..      Fig. 8.9 Threshold current
plot showing time sequence at Threshold current vs. frame time
constant beam current. Contours 1e-6
of constant contrast from 1 to
0.001 are shown
1e-7 0.002

Threshold current (A)

1e-8 0.02
1e-9 0.2


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Frame time (s)

observer effect mean that a negative result in an SEM study, References

that is, the failure to find an expected feature in an image,
may occur because of the choice of imaging conditions and Bright DS, Newbury DE, Steel EB (1998) Visibility of objects in computer
the observer’s limitations, not because the feature does not simulations of noisy micrographs. J Micros 189:25–42
Joy DC, Joy CS, Bunn RD (1996) Experimental measurements of the effi-
exist in the specimen under study. Thus, best practices in
ciency, and the static and dynamic response of electron detectors
SEM imaging of low contrast features must include a com- in the scanning electron microscope. Scanning 18:181
prehensive strategy to systematically vary the imaging Oatley CW (1972) The scanning electron microscope: Part 1 the instru-
parameters, including beam current and dwell time, to be ment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
sure that the visibility threshold is adequately exceeded Oatley CW, Nixon WC, Pease RFW (1965) Scanning electron microscopy.
In: Advances in electronics and electron physics. Academic Press,
before an object can be declared to be absent with a high
New York, p 181
degree of confidence. Rose A (1948) Television pickup tubes and the problem of vision. In:
Marton L (ed) Advances in electronics and electron physics, vol 1.
Academic Press, New York, p 131
133 9

Image Defects
9.1 Charging – 134
9.1.1 What Is Specimen Charging? – 134
9.1.2 Recognizing Charging Phenomena in SEM Images – 135
9.1.3 Techniques to Control Charging Artifacts
(High Vacuum Instruments) – 139

9.2 Radiation Damage – 142

9.3 Contamination – 143

9.4 Moiré Effects: Imaging What Isn’t Actually There – 144

References – 146

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
134 Chapter 9 · Image Defects

SEM images are subject to defects that can arise from a vari- Faraday cage of
ety of mechanisms, including charging, radiation damage, EDS Everhart -Thornley
contamination, and moiré fringe effects, among others. detector
Image defects are very dependent on the specific nature of
the specimen, and often they are anecdotal, experienced but
not reported in the SEM literature. The examples described
below are not a complete catalog but are presented to alert
the microscopist to the possibility of such image defects so as Bore of
to avoid interpreting artifact as fact. objective lens

9.1 Charging BSE detector

Charging is one of the major image defects commonly

encountered in SEM imaging, especially when using the
Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) “secondary electron”
detector, which is especially sensitive to even slight charging. ..      Fig. 9.1 SEM image (Everhart–Thornley detector, positive bias)
obtained by disconnecting grounding wire from the specimen stage
and reflecting the scan from a flat, conducting substrate; E0 = 1 keV

9.1.1 What Is Specimen Charging?

9 relative to ground. The electrical field from this negative
charge will decelerate the incoming beam electrons, and in
The specimen can be thought of as an electrical junction into extreme cases the specimen will actually act like an electron
which the beam current, iB, flows. The phenomena of back- mirror. The scanning beam will be reflected before reaching
scattering of the beam electrons and secondary electron the surface, so that it actually scans the inside of the speci-
emission represent currents flowing out of the junction, iBSE men chamber, creating an image that reveals the objective
(= η iB) and iSE (= δ iB). For a copper target and an incident lens, detectors, and other features of the specimen chamber,
beam energy of 20 keV, η is approximately 0.3 and δ is as shown in . Fig. 9.1.
approximately 0.1, which together account for 0.4 or 40 % of If the electrical path to ground is established, then the
the charges injected into the specimen by the beam current. excess charges will be dissipated in the form of the specimen
The remaining beam current must flow from the specimen to current provided the specimen has sufficient conductivity.
ground to avoid the accumulation of charge in the junction Because all materials (except superconductors) have the
(Kirchoff ’s current law). The balance of the currents for a property of electrical resistivity, ρ, the specimen has a resis-
non-charging junction is then given by tance R (R = ρ L/A, where L is the length of the specimen and
A is the cross section), and the passage of the specimen cur-
∑i in = ∑iout
rent, iSC, through this resistance will cause a potential drop
iB = iBSE + iSE + iSC (9.1) across the specimen, V = iSC R. For a metal, ρ is typically of
the order of 10−6 Ω-cm, so that a specimen 1-cm thick with a
where iSC is the specimen (or absorbed) current. For the cross-sectional area of 1 cm2 will have a resistance of 10−6 Ω,
example of copper, iSC = 0.6 iB. and a beam current of 1 nA (10−9 A) will cause a potential of
The specimen stage is typically constructed so that the about 10−15 V to develop across the specimen. For a high
specimen is electrically isolated from electrical ground to purity (undoped) semiconductor such as silicon or germa-
permit various measurements. A wire connection to the nium, ρ is approximately 104 to 106 Ω-cm, and the 1-nA
stage establishes the conduction path for the specimen cur- beam will cause a potential of 1 mV (10−3 V) or less to
rent to travel to the electrical ground. This design enables a develop across the 1-cm cube specimen, which is still negli-
current meter to be installed in this path to ground, allowing gible. The flow of the specimen current to ground becomes a
direct measurement of the specimen current and enabling critical problem when dealing with non-conducting (insulat-
measurement of the true beam current with a Faraday cup ing) specimens. Insulating specimens include a very wide
(which captures all electrons that enter it) in place of the variety of materials such as plastics, polymers, elastomers,
specimen. Moreover, this specimen current signal can be minerals, rocks, glasses, ceramics, and others, which may be
used to form an image of the specimen (see the “Electron encountered as bulk solids, porous solids, foams, particles, or
Detectors” module) However, if the electrical path from the fibers. Virtually all biological specimens become non-con-
specimen surface to ground is interrupted, the conditions for ducting when water is removed by drying, substitution with
charge balance in Eq. (9.1) cannot be established, even if the low vapor pressure polymers, or frozen in place. For an insu-
specimen is a metallic conductor. The electrons injected into lator such as an oxide, ρ is very high, 106 to 1016 Ω-cm, which
the specimen by the beam will then accumulate, and the prevents the smooth motion of the electrons injected by the
specimen will develop a high negative electrical charge beam through the specimen to ground; electrons accumulate
9.1 · Charging
135 9
in the immediate vicinity of the beam impact, raising the appearance of an isolated insulating particle undergoing
local potential and creating a range of phenomena described charging on a conducting surface is a bright, often saturated
as “charging.” signal (possibly accompanied by amplifier overloading
effects due to signal saturation) surrounded by a dark halo
that extends over surrounding conducting portions of the
9.1.2  ecognizing Charging Phenomena
R specimen where the local field induced by the charging
in SEM Images causes the SEs to be recollected. This type of voltage contrast
must be regarded as an artifact, because it interferes with
Charging phenomena cover a wide range of observed behav- and overwhelms the regular behavior of secondary electron
iors in SEM images of imperfectly conducting specimens. (SE) emission with local surface inclination that we depend
Secondary electrons (SEs) are emitted with very low energy, upon for sensible image interpretation of specimen topogra-
by definition ESE < 50 eV, with most carrying less than phy with the E–T detector. . Figure 9.2 shows examples of
5 eV. Such low energy, slow-moving SEs can be strongly charging effects observed when imaging insulating particles
deflected by local electrical fields caused by charging. The on a conducting metallic substrate with the E–T (positive
Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector collects SEs by bias) detector. There are regions on the particles that are
means of a positive potential of a few hundred volts (e.g., extremely bright due to high negative charging that increases
+300 V) applied to the Faraday cage at a distance of several the detector collection efficiency surrounded by a dark
centimeters (e.g., 3 cm) from the specimen, creating an elec- “halo” where a positive mirror charge develops, lowering the
trical field at the specimen of approximately 104 V/m. SEs collection efficiency. Often these charging effects, while
emitted from a conducting specimen are strongly attracted extreme in the E–T (positive bias) image due to the disrup-
to follow the field lines from the grounded specimen surface tion of SE trajectories, will be negligible in a backscattered
to the positively biased Faraday cage grid, and thus into the electron (BSE) image simultaneously collected from the
high voltage field applied to the face of the scintillator of the same field of view, because the much higher energy BSEs are
Everhart–Thornley (E–T) detector. If the specimen charges not significantly deflected by the low surface potential. An
locally to develop even a few volts’ potential, the local elec- example is shown in . Fig. 9.3, where the SE image,
trical field from the charged region relative to nearby . Fig. 9.3a, shows extreme bright-dark regions due to charg-
uncharged areas of the specimen a few micrometers away or ing while the corresponding BSE image, . Fig. 9.3b, shows
to the grounded stub a few millimeters away is likely to be details of the structure of the particle. In more extreme cases
much stronger (105 to 107 V/m) than the field imposed by of charging, the true topographic contrast image of the spec-
the E–T detector. Depending on the positive or negative imen may be completely overwhelmed by the charging
character, this specimen field may have either a repulsive or effects, which in the most extreme cases will actually deflect
an attractive effect. Thus, depending on the details of the the beam causing image discontinuities. An example is
local electrical field, the collection of SEs by the E–T detec- shown in . Fig. 9.4, which compares images (Everhart–
tor may be enhanced or diminished. Negatively charging Thornley detector, positive bias) of an uncoated calcite crys-
areas will appear bright, while in positively charging areas tal at E0 = 1.5 keV, where the true shape of the object can be
the SEs are attracted back to the specimen surface or to the seen, and at E0 = 5 keV, where charging completely over-
stub so that such a region appears dark. Thus, the typical whelms the topographic contrast.

Extremely bright regions:

Increased SE emission/collection

Dark halo:
decreased SE collection

..      Fig. 9.2 Examples of charging artifacts observed in images of dust particles on a metallic substrate. E0 = 20 keV; Everhart–Thornley (positive
bias) detector
136 Chapter 9 · Image Defects


..      Fig. 9.3 Comparison of images of a dust particle on a metallic substrate: (left) Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector; (right) semiconduc-
tor BSE (sum) detector; E0 = 20 keV

9 E0 = 1.5 keV E0 = 5 keV

100 µm

1. Scan deflection
2. Fully saturated areas (gray level 255)
3. Completely dark areas (gray level 0)

..      Fig. 9.4 Comparison of images of an uncoated calcite crystal viewed at (left) E0 = 1.5 keV, showing topographic contrast; (right) E0 = 5 keV,
showing extreme charging effects; Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector

Charging phenomena are incompletely understood and beam conditions (beam energy, current, and scan rate), the
are often found to be dynamic with time, a result of the time-­ injected charge may only partially dissipate before the beam
dependent motion of the beam due to scanning action and returns in the scan cycle, leading to strong effects in SEM
due to the electrical breakdown properties of materials as images. Moreover, local specimen properties may cause
well as differences in surface and bulk resistivity. An insulat- charging effects to vary with position in the same image. A
ing specimen acts as a local capacitor, so that placing the time-dependent charging situation at a pixel is shown sche-
beam at a pixel causes a charge to build up with an RC time matically in . Fig. 9.5, where the surface potential at a par-
constant as a function of the dwell time, followed by a decay ticular pixel accumulates with the dwell time and then
of that charge when the beam moves away. Depending on the decays until the beam returns. In more extreme behavior, the
exact material properties, especially the surface resistivity accumulated charge may cause local electrical breakdown
which is often much lower than the bulk resistivity, and the and abruptly discharge to ground. The time dependence of
9.1 · Charging
137 9
shown in . Fig. 9.6, where an image of an uncoated mineral
fragment taken with E0 = 1 keV appears to be free of charging
artifacts with a pixel dwell time of 1.6 μs, but longer dwell
times lead to the in-growth of a bright region due to charg-
ing. Charging artifacts can often be minimized by avoiding
–V slow scanning through the use of rapid scanning and sum-
ming repeated scans to improve the signal-to-noise of the
final image.
Charging of some specimens can create contrast that can
easily be misinterpreted as specimen features. An example is
shown in . Fig. 9.7, where most of the polystyrene latex
0 spheres (PSLs) imaged at E0 = 1 keV with the Everhart–
0 Time Thornley (positive bias) detector show true topographic
details, but five of the PSLs have bright dots at the center,
..      Fig. 9.5 Schematic illustration of the potential developed at a pixel which might easily be mistaken for high atomic number
as a function of time showing repeated beam dwells inclusions or fine scale topographic features rising above the
spherical surfaces. Raising the beam energy to 1.5 keV and
charging can result in very different imaging results as the higher reveals ­progressively more extensive and obvious evi-
pixel dwell time is changed from rapid scanning for survey- dence of charging artifacts. The nature of this charging arti-
ing a specimen to slow scanning for recording images with fact is revealed in . Fig. 9.8, which compares an image of the
better signal-to-noise. An example of this phenomenon is PSLs at higher magnification and E0 = 5 keV with a low

1.6 µs 4 µs

8 µs 32 µs

..      Fig. 9.6 Sequence of images of an uncoated quartz fragment imaged at E0 = 1 keV with increasing pixel dwell times, showing development of
charging; Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector
138 Chapter 9 · Image Defects

1 keV 1.5 keV


2 keV 5 keV

..      Fig. 9.7 Polystyrene latex spheres imaged over a range of beam energy, showing development of charging artifacts; Everhart–Thornley (posi-
tive bias) detector

5 keV 2 keV

..      Fig. 9.8 (left) Higher magnification image of PSLs at E0 = 5 keV; (right) reflection image from large plastic sphere that was charged at
E0 = 10 keV and then imaged at E0 = 2 keV; Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector
9.1 · Charging
139 9
magnification image of a large plastic sphere (5 mm in diam- 0.5–2 keV, depending on the material), the emission of SE can
eter) that was first subjected to bombardment at E0 = 10 keV, actually reach very large values for insulators with δmax rang-
followed by imaging at E0 = 2 keV where the deposited charge ing from 2 to 20 depending on the material. Thus, in this
acts to reflect the beam and produce a “fish-eye” lens view of beam energy region η + δ > 1, resulting in positive charging
the SEM chamber. Close examination of the higher magnifi- which increases the kinetic energy of the incoming beam
cation PSL images shows that each of these microscopic electrons until the E2 energy is reached and charge balance
spheres is acting like a tiny “fish-eye lens” and producing a occurs. This dynamic charge stability enables uncoated insu-
highly distorted view of the SEM chamber. lators to be imaged, as shown in the example of the uncoated
mineral particle shown in . Fig. 9.10, where a charge-free
image is obtained at E0 = 1 keV, but charging effects are
9.1.3  echniques to Control Charging
T observed at E0 ≥ 2 keV. Achieving effective “dynamic charge
Artifacts (High Vacuum Instruments) balance microscopy” is sensitive to material and specimen
shape (local tilt as it affects BSEs and particularly SE emis-
Observing Uncoated Specimens sion), and success depends on optimizing several instrument
To understand the basic charging behavior of an uncoated parameters: beam energy, beam current, and scan speed. Note
insulator imaged with different selections of the incident that the uncoated mineral specimen used in the beam energy
beam energy, consider . Fig. 9.9, which shows the behavior of sequence in . Fig. 9.10 is the same used for the pixel dwell
the processes of backscattering and secondary electron emis- time sequence at E0 = 1 keV in . Fig. 9.6 where charging is
sion as a function of beam energy. For beam energies above observed when longer dwell times are used, demonstrating
5 keV, generally η + δ < 1, so that more electrons are injected the complex response of charging to multiple variables.
into the specimen by the beam than leave as BSEs and SEs,
leading to an accumulation of negative charge in an insulator.  oating an Insulating Specimen for Charge
For most materials, especially insulators, as the beam energy Dissipation
is lowered, the total emission of BSEs and SEs increases, even- Conductive coatings can be deposited by thermal evaporation
tually reaching an upper cross-over energy, E2 (which typi- with electron beam heating (metals, alloys) or with resistive
cally lies in the range 2–5 keV depending on the material) heating (carbon), by high energy ion beam sputtering (met-
where η + δ = 1, and the charge injected by the beam is just als, alloys), or by low energy plasma ion sputtering (alloys).
balanced by the charge leaving as BSEs and SEs. If a beam The coating must cover all of the specimen, including com-
energy is selected just above E2 where η + δ < 1, the local build- plex topographic shapes, to provide a continuous conducting
up of negative charge acts to repel the subsequent incoming path across the surface to dissipate the charge injected into
beam electrons while the beam remains at that pixel, lowering the specimen by the electron beam. It is important to coat
the effective kinetic energy with which the beam strikes the all surfaces that are directly exposed to the electron beam
surface eventually reaching the E2 energy and a dynamically or which might receive charge from BSEs, possibly after re-
stable charge balance. For beam energies below the E2 value scattering of those BSEs. Note that applying a conductive
and above the lower cross-over energy E1 (approximately coating alone may not be sufficient to achieve efficient charge
dissipation. Many specimens may be so thick that the sides
may not actually receive an adequate amount of the coating
material, as illustrated in . Fig. 9.11, even with rotation dur-
ing the coating process. It is necessary to complete the path
from the coating to the electrical ground with a conducting
material that exhibits a low vapor pressure material that is
compatible with the microscope’s vacuum requirement, such
as a metal wire, conducting tape, or metal foil.
It is desirable to make the coating as thin as possible,
and for many samples an effective conducting film can be
2–10 nm in thickness. A beam with E0 > 5 keV will penetrate
through this coating and 10–100 times (or more) deeper
~ 0.5-1 keV ~ 2-5 keV depending on material and the incident beam energy, thus
depositing most of the charge in the insulator itself. However,
E1 E2 E0 the presence of a ground plane and conducting path nanome-
ters to micrometers away from the implanted charge creates
..      Fig. 9.9 Schematic illustration of the total emission of backscat-
a very high local field gradient, >106 V/m, apparently lead-
tered electrons and secondary electrons as a function of incident beam ing to continuous breakdown and discharging. The strongest
energy; note upper and lower cross-over energies where η + δ = 1 evidence that a continuous discharge situation is established
140 Chapter 9 · Image Defects

1 keV 2 keV

5 keV 10 keV

..      Fig. 9.10 Beam energy sequence showing development of charging as the energy is increased. Specimen: uncoated quartz fragment; 1.6 μs
per pixel dwell time; Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector

that avoids the build-up of charge is the behavior of the

Directional coating source Duane–Hunt energy limit of the X-ray continuum. As the
beam electrons are decelerated in the Coulombic field of the
atoms, the energy lost is emitted as photons of electromag-
Coating netic radiation, termed bremsstrahlung, or braking radiation,
Grounding and forming a continuous spectrum of photon energies up to
connection the incident beam energy, which is the Duane–Hunt energy
from coating limit. Examination of the upper limit with a calibrated EDS
to ground detector provides proof of the highest energy with which
(e.g., insulating
surface beam electrons enter the specimen. When charging occurs,
tape, wire) Rotate specimen the potential that is developed serves to decelerate subsequent
during coating beam electrons and reduce the effective E0 with which they
arrive, lowering the Duane–Hunt energy limit. . Figure 9.12
illustrates such an experiment. The true beam energy should
..      Fig. 9.11 Schematic diagram showing the need to provide a first be confirmed by measuring the Duane–Hunt limit with
grounding path from a surface coating due to uncoated or poorly a conducting high atomic number metal such as tantalum or
coated sides of a non-conducting specimen gold, which produces a high continuum intensity since Icm
9.1 · Charging
141 9

15 keV



NIST DTSA II Duane Hunt fitted value:

SiO2 (C, 8 nm) 15.08 keV
Si 15.11 keV

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon Energy (keV) 15 keV
NIST DTSA II Duane Hunt fitted value:


1000000 BareGlass_15keV20nA_2ks
SiO2 (C, 8 nm) 15.08 keV

Glass (Uncoated) 8 keV





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 9.12 Effects of charging on the Duane–Hunt energy limit coated (C, 8 nm) SiO2 and uncoated glass showing significant depres-
of the X-ray continuum: (upper) comparison of silicon and coated (C, sion of the Duane–Hunt limit due to charging
8 nm) SiO2 showing almost identical values; (lower) comparison of

scales with the atomic number. Note that because of pulse there is no significant charging in the coated SiO2. When an
coincidence events, there will always be a small number of uncoated glass slide is bombarded at E0 = 15 keV, the charg-
photons measured above the true Duane–Hunt limit. The ing induced by the electron beam causes charging and thus
true limit can be estimated with good accuracy by fitting severely depresses the Duane–Hunt limit to 8 keV, as seen in
the upper energy range of the continuum intensity, prefer- . Fig. 9.12 (lower plot), as well as a sharp difference in the
ably over a region that is several kilo-­electronvolts in width shape of the X-ray continuum at higher photon energy.
and that does not contain any characteristic X-ray peaks,
and then finding where the curve intersects zero intensity Choosing the Coating for Imaging Morphology
to define the Duane–Hunt limit. NIST DTSA II performs The ideal coating should be continuous and featureless so
such a fit and the result is recorded in the metadata reported that it does not interfere with imaging the true fine-scale fea-
for each spectrum processed. Once the beam energy is tures of the specimen. Since the SE1 signal is such an impor-
established on a conducting specimen, then the experiment tant source of high resolution information, a material that
consists of measuring a coated and uncoated insulator. In has a high SE coefficient should be chosen. Because the SE1
. Fig. 9.12 (upper plot) spectra are shown for Si (measured signal originates within a thin surface layer that is a few
Duane–Hunt limit = 15.11 keV) and coated (C, 8 nm) SiO2 nanometers in thickness, having this layer consist of a high
(measured Duane–Hunt limit = 15.08 keV), which indicates atomic number material such as gold that has a high SE
142 Chapter 9 · Image Defects

coefficient will increase the relative abundance of the high Collapsed

resolution SE1 signal, especially if the specimen consists of area
much lower atomic number materials, such as biological
material. By using the thinnest possible coating, there is only +)
a vanishingly small contribution to electron backscattering
which would tend to degrade high resolution performance.
Although gold has a high SE coefficient, pure gold tends
to form discontinuous islands whose structure can interfere
with visualizing the desired specimen fine scale topographic
structure. This island formation can be avoided by using
alloys such as gold-palladium, or other pure metals, for
example, chromium, platinum, or iridium, which can be
deposited by plasma ion sputtering or ion beam sputtering.
The elevated pressure in the plasma coater tends to random-
40 mm
ize the paths followed by the sputtered atoms, reducing the SE MAG: 500 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm Px: 0.22 mm
directionality of the deposition and coating many re-entrant
surfaces. For specimens which are thermally fragile, low ..      Fig. 9.13 SEM Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) image of double-
deposition rates combined with specimen cooling can reduce sticky conducting tab
the damage.

9.2 Radiation Damage a
Certain materials are susceptible to radiation damage (“beam E-T
damage”) under energetic electron bombardment. “Soft”
materials such as organic compounds are especially vulnera-
ble to radiation damage, but damage can also be observed in
“hard” materials such as minerals and ceramics, especially if
water is present in the crystal structure, as is the case for
hydrated minerals. Radiation damage can occur at all length
scales, from macroscopic to nanoscale. Radiation damage
may manifest itself as material decomposition in which mass
is actually lost as a volatile gas, or the material may change
density, either collapsing or swelling. On an atomic scale,
atoms may be dislodged creating vacancies or interstitial
atoms in the host lattice. 100 mm
SE MAG: 200 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm Px: 0.55 mm
An example of radiation damage on a coarse scale is
illustrated in . Fig. 9.13, which shows a conductive double- b
sided sticky polymer tab of the type that is often used as a Collapsed area
substrate for dispersing particles. This material was found
to be extremely sensitive to electron bombardment. As the
magnification was successively reduced in a series of 20-s
scans, radiation damage in the form of collapse of the
structure at the previous higher magnification scan was
readily apparent after a single 20-s scan (20 keV and 10 nA).
Note that when this tab is used as a direct support for par-
ticles, the susceptibility of the tab material to distortion due
radiation damage can lead to unacceptable image drift.
Instability in the position of the target particle occurs due
to changes in the support tape immediately adjacent to the
particle of interest where electrons strike, directly at the 100 mm
edges of the image raster and as a result of backscattering SE MAG: 200 x HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm Px: 0.55 mm

off the particle. Other support materials are less susceptible ..      Fig. 9.14 Conducting tape: a Initial image. b Image after a dose of
to radiation damage. . Figure 9.14 shows a detail on a dif- 15 min exposure at higher magnification (20 keV and 10 nA); Everhart–
ferent conductive sticky tape material. After a much higher Thornley (positive bias)
9.3 · Contamination
143 9
dose (15 min of bombardment at 20 keV and 10 nA), a bombardment. Contamination is a manifestation of radia-
much less significant collapse crater is seen to have formed. tion damage in which the material that undergoes radiation
It is prudent to examine the behavior of the support materi- damage is unintentionally present, usually as a result of the
als under electron bombardment prior to use in a particle original environment of the specimen or as a result of inad-
preparation. equate cleaning during preparation. Contamination typically
If radiation damage occurs and interferes with successful arises from hydrocarbons that have been previously depos-
imaging of the structures of interest, the microscopist has ited on the specimen surface, usually inadvertently. Such
several possible strategies: compounds are very vulnerable to radiation damage.
1. Follow a minimum dose microscopy strategy. Hydrocarbons may “crack” under electron irradiation into
a. Radiation damage scales with dose. Use the lowest gaseous components, leaving behind a deposit of elemental
possible beam current and frame time consistent carbon. While the beam can interact with hydrocarbons
with establishing the visibility of the features of present in the area being scanned, electron beam induced
interest. It may be necessary to determine these migration of hydrocarbons across the surface to actually
parameters for establishing visibility for the particu- increase the local contamination has been observed (Hren
lar specimen by operating initially on a portion of 1986). Sources of contamination can occur in the SEM itself.
the specimen that can be sacrificed. However, for a modern SEM that has been well maintained
b. Once optimum beam current and frame time have and for which scrupulous attention has been paid to degreas-
been established, the SEM can be focused and stig- ing and subsequently cleanly handling all specimens and
mated on an area adjacent to the features of interest, stage components, contamination from the instrument itself
and the stage then translated to bring the area of should be negligible. Ideally, an instrument should be
interest into position. After the image is recorded equipped with a vacuum airlock to minimize the exposure of
using the shortest possible frame time consistent the specimen chamber to laboratory air and possible con-
with establishing visibility, the beam should be tamination during sample exchange. A plasma cleaner that
blanked (ideally into a Faraday cup) to stop further operates in the specimen airlock during the pump down
electron bombardment while the stored image is cycle can greatly reduce specimen-related contamination by
examined before proceeding. decomposing the hydrocarbons, provided the specimen itself
2. Change the beam energy is not damaged by the active oxygen plasma that is produced.
Intuitively, it would seem logical to lower the beam A typical observation of contamination is illustrated in
energy to reduce radiation damage, and depending on . Fig. 9.15a, where the SEM was first used to image an area at
the particular material and the exact mechanism of certain magnification and the magnification was subsequently
radiation damage, a lower beam energy may be useful. reduced to scan a larger area. A “scan rectangle” is observed in
However, the energy deposited per unit volume actually the lower magnification image that corresponds to the area
increases significantly as the beam energy is lowered! previously scanned at higher magnification. Within this scan
From the Kanaya–Okayama range, the beam linear rectangle, the SE coefficient has changed because of the depo-
beam penetration scales approximately as E01.67 so that sition of a foreign material during electron bombardment,
the volume excited by the beam scales as (RK-O)3 or E05. most likely a carbon-rich material which has a lower SE coef-
The energy deposited per unit volume scales as E0/E05 or ficient. Note that the contamination is most pronounced at
1/E04. Thus, the volume density of energy deposition the edge of the scanned field, where the beam is briefly held
increases by a factor of 104 as the beam energy decreases stationary before starting the next scanned line so that the
from E0 = 10 keV to E0 = 1 keV. Raising the beam energy greatest electron dose is applied along this edge.
may actually be a better choice to minimize radiation “Etching,” the opposite of contamination, can also occur
damage. (Hren 1986). An example is shown in . Fig. 9.15b, where a
3. Lower the specimen temperature bright scan rectangle is observed in an image of an aluminum
Radiation damage mechanisms may be thermally sensi- stub after reducing the magnification following scanning for
tive. If a cold stage capable of achieving liquid nitrogen several minutes at higher magnification. In this case, the
temperature or lower is available, radiation damage may radiation damage has actually removed an overlayer of con-
be suppressed, especially if low temperature operation is tamination on the specimen, revealing the underlying alumi-
combined with a minimum dose microscopy strategy. num with its native oxide surface layer (~4 nm thick), which
has an increased SE coefficient compared to the carbon-rich
contamination layer.
9.3 Contamination Contamination is usually dose-dependent, so that the high
dose necessary for high resolution microscopy, for example,
“Contamination” broadly refers to a class of phenomena a small scanned area (i.e., high magnification) with a high
observed in SEM images in which a foreign material is depos- current density beam from a field emission gun, is likely to
ited on the specimen as a result of the electron beam encounter contamination effects. This situation is illustrated
144 Chapter 9 · Image Defects

a b

E0 = 10 keV

..      Fig. 9.15 a Contamination area observed after a higher magnifica- increasing the scanned area. b Etching of a surface contamination layer
tion scan; Everhart–Thornley (positive bias). The extent of the con- observed during imaging of an aluminum stub; Everhart–Thornley
tamination is visible upon lowering the magnification of the scan, thus (positive bias); 10 keV and 10 nA

..      Fig. 9.16 Contamination observed during dimensional measurements performed under high resolution conditions on a patterned silicon
substrate (Postek and Vladar 2014). Note broadening of the structure (right) due to contamination

in . Fig. 9.16, which shows contamination in scanned areas 9.4  oiré Effects: Imaging What Isn’t
on a patterned silicon sample used for dimensional metrol- Actually There
ogy (Postek and Vladar 2014). The c­ ontamination in this case
was so severe that it actually altered the apparent width of An SEM image appears to be continuous, but it is con-
the measured features. To perform successful measurements, structed as a regular repeating two-dimensional pattern of
the authors developed an aggressive cleaning procedure that pixels. Thus, the viewer is effectively looking at the speci-
minimized contamination effects for this class of specimens. men through a two-dimensional periodic grid, and if the
Their strategy may prove useful for other materials as well specimen itself has a structure that has a regularly repeating
(Postek and Vladar 2014). pattern, then a moiré pattern of fringes can form between
9.4 · Moiré Effects: Imaging What Isn’t Actually There
145 9

..      Fig. 9.17 Moiré fringe effects observed for the periodic structures in NIST RM 8820 (magnification calibration artifact). Note the different
moiré patterns in the different calibration regions; Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector

the two patterns. The form of the moiré interference fringes the moiré pattern to change. Finally, at sufficiently high
depends on the spacing and orientation of the specimen magnification, the specimen periodic structure becomes
periodic pattern and the scan pattern. Moiré patterns are sufficiently different from the scan pattern that the moiré
maximized when the spatial frequencies of the two patterns fringes are lost.
are similar or an integer multiple of each other (i.e., they are Moiré effects can be very subtle. The periodic bright flares
commensurate). The formation of moiré patterns is illus- at fine edges, as seen in . Fig. 9.18, are moiré patterns created
trated in . Fig. 9.17, which shows various etched patterns in when the fine scale structure approaches the periodicity of
the NIST RM 8820 magnification calibration artifact. The the scan grid.
structures have different spacings in each of the fields To avoid interpreting moiré effects as real structures, the
viewed at the lowest magnification so that different moiré relative position and/or rotation of the specimen and the
patterns are observed in each field. As the magnification is scan grid should be changed. A real structure will be pre-
increased the scan field decreases in size so that the SEM served by such an action, while the moiré pattern will
pattern changes its periodicity (spatial frequency), causing change.
146 Chapter 9 · Image Defects

Hren J (1986) Barriers to AEM: contamination and etching. In: Joy D,
Moire effects Romig A, Goldstein J (eds) Principles of analytical electron micros-
at fine edges copy. Plenum, New York, p 353
Postek M, Vladar A (2014) Does your SEM really tell the truth? How
would you know? Part 2. Scanning 36:347

..      Fig. 9.18 Moiré effects seen as periodic bright flares at the edge
of fine structures in NIST RM 8820 (magnification calibration artifact);
Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector
147 10

High Resolution Imaging

10.1 What Is “High Resolution SEM Imaging“? – 148

10.2 Instrumentation Considerations – 148

10.3 Pixel Size, Beam Footprint, and Delocalized Signals – 148

10.4 Secondary Electron Contrast at High Spatial Resolution – 150

10.4.1 SE range Effects Produce Bright Edges (Isolated Edges) – 151
10.4.2 Even More Localized Signal: Edges Which Are Thin Relative
to the Beam Range – 152
10.4.3 Too Much of a Good Thing: The Bright Edge Effect Can Hinder
Distinguishing Shape – 153
10.4.4 Too Much of a Good Thing: The Bright Edge Effect Hinders Locating
the True Position of an Edge for Critical Dimension Metrology – 154

10.5 Achieving High Resolution with Secondary Electrons – 156

10.5.1 Beam Energy Strategies – 156
10.5.2 Improving the SE1 Signal – 158
10.5.3 Eliminate the Use of SEs Altogether: “Low Loss BSEs“ – 161

10.6 Factors That Hinder Achieving High Resolution – 163

10.6.1 Achieving Visibility: The Threshold Contrast – 163
10.6.2 Pathological Specimen Behavior – 163
10.6.3 Pathological Specimen and Instrumentation Behavior – 164

References – 164

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
148 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

10.1  hat Is “High Resolution SEM

W instability with a time constant of seconds to minutes and (2)
Imaging”? Schottky thermally assisted field emission, which produces
high brightness (e.g., ~108 A/(cm2sr−1) at E0 = 20 keV) and
“I know high resolution when I see it, but sometimes it high stability both over the short term (seconds to minutes)
doesn’t seem to be achievable!” and long term (hours to days).

“High resolution SEM imaging” refers to the capability of

discerning fine-scale spatial features of a specimen. Such fea- 10.3  ixel Size, Beam Footprint,
tures may be free-standing objects or structures embedded in and Delocalized Signals
a matrix. The definition of “fine-scale” depends on the appli-
cation, which may involve sub-nanometer features in the The fundamental step in recording an SEM image is to create
most extreme cases. The most important factor determining a picture element (pixel) by placing the focused beam at a
the limit of spatial resolution is the footprint of the incident fixed location on the specimen and collecting the signal(s)
beam as it enters the specimen. Depending on the level of generated by the beam–specimen interaction over a specific
performance of the electron optics, the limiting beam diam- dwell time. The pixel is the smallest unit of information that
eter can be as small as 1 nm or even finer. However, the ulti- is recorded in the SEM image. The linear distance between
mate resolution performance is likely to be substantially adjacent pixels (the pixel pitch) is the length of edge of the
poorer than the beam footprint and will be determined by area scanned on the specimen divided by the number of pix-
one or more of several additional factors: (1) delocalization els along that edge. As the magnification is increased at fixed
of the imaging signal, which consists of secondary electrons pixel number, the area scanned on the specimen decreases
and/or backscattered electrons, due to the physics of the and the pixel pitch decreases. Each pixel represents a unique
beam electron ̶ specimen interactions; (2) constraints sampling of specimen features and properties, provided that
imposed on the beam size needed to satisfy the Threshold the signal(s) collected is isolated within the area represented
10 Equation to establish the visibility for the contrast produced by that pixel. “Resolution” means the capability of distin-
by the features of interest; (3) mechanical stability of the guishing changes in specimen properties between contigu-
SEM; (4) mechanical stability of the specimen mounting; (5) ous pixels that represent a fine-scale feature against the
the vacuum environment and specimen cleanliness neces- adjacent background pixels or against pixels that represent
sary to avoid contamination of the specimen; (6) degradation other possibly similar nearby features. Resolution degrades
of the specimen due to radiation damage; and (7) stray elec- when the signal(s) collected delocalizes out of the area repre-
tromagnetic fields in the SEM environment. Recognizing sented by a pixel into the area represented by adjacent pixels
these factors and minimizing or eliminating their impact is so that the signal no longer exclusively samples the pixel of
critical to achieving optimum high resolution imaging per- interest. Signal delocalization has two consequences, the loss
formance. Because achieving satisfactory high resolution of spatial specificity and the diminution of the feature con-
SEM often involves operating at the performance limit of the trast, which affects visibility. Thus, when the lateral leakage
instrument as well as the technique, the experience may vary becomes sufficiently large, the observer will perceive blur-
from one specimen type to another, with different limiting ring, and less obviously the feature contrast will diminish,
factors manifesting themselves in different situations. Most possibly falling below the threshold of visibility.
importantly, because of the limitations on feature visibility How closely spaced are adjacent pixels of an image?
imposed by the Threshold Current/Contrast Equation, for a . Table 10.1 lists the distance between pixels as a function of
given choice of operating conditions, there will always be a the nominal magnification (relative to a 10 x 10-cm display)
level of feature contrast below which specimen features will for a 1000 x 1000 pixel scan. For low magnifications, for
not be visible. Thus, there is always a possible “now you see it, example, less than a nominal value of 100×, the large scan
now you don’t” experience lurking when we seek to operate fields result in pixel-to-pixel distances that are large enough
at the limit of the SEM performance envelope. (pixel pitch >1 μm) to contain nearly all of the possible
information-­carrying backscattered electrons (BSE) and sec-
ondary electrons (SE1, SE2, and SE3) that result from the
10.2 Instrumentation Considerations beam electron–specimen interactions, despite the lateral
delocalization that occurs within the interaction volume for
High resolution SEM requires that the instrument produce a the BSE (SE3) and SE2 signals.
finely focused, astigmatic beam, in the extreme 1 nm or less . Table 10.1 reveals that the footprint of a 1-nm focused
in diameter, that carries as much current as possible to maxi- beam will fit inside a single pixel up to a nominal magnifica-
mize contrast visibility. This challenge has been solved by tion of 100,000×. However, as discussed in the “Electron
different vendors using a variety of electron optical designs. Beam–Specimen Interactions” module, the BSE and the SE2
The electron sources most appropriate to high resolution and SE3 signals, which are created by the BSE and carry the
work are (1) cold field emission, which produces the high- same spatial information, are subject to substantial lateral
est brightness among possible sources (e.g., ~109 A/(cm2sr−1) delocalization because of the scattering of the beam electrons
at E0 = 20 keV) but which suffers from emission current giving rise to the beam interaction volume, which is beam
10.3 · Pixel Size, Beam Footprint, and Delocalized Signals
149 10

..      Table 10.1 Relationship between nominal magnification a

and pixel dimension

Nominal magnification Edge of Pixel pitch (1000 x

(10 × 10-cm display) scanned area 1000-pixel scan)

40× 2500 2.5 μm

100× 1000 1 μm

200× 500 500 nm

400× 250 250 nm

1000× 100 100 nm

2000× 50 50 nm

4000× 25 25 nm

10,000× 10 10 nm b

20,000× 5 5 nm

40,000× 2.5 2.5 nm

100,000× 1 1 nm

200,000× 0.5 500 pm

400,000× 0.25 250 pm

1,000,000× 0.1 100 pm

..      Table 10.2 Diameter of the area at the surface from which

90 % of BSE (SE3) and SE2 emerge

E0 C Cu Au ..      Fig. 10.1 Aluminum-copper eutectic alloy, directionally solidified.

The phases are CuAl2 and an Al(Cu) solid solution. Beam energy = 20 keV.
30 keV 11.8 µm 2.6 µm 1.2 µm a Two-segment semiconductor BSE detector, sum mode (A + B). b Ever-
20 keV 6.0 µm 1.4 µm 590 nm hart–Thornley detector(positive bias)

10 keV 1.9 µm 410 nm 180 nm

image prepared with a high pixel density scan will only per-
5 keV 590 nm 130 nm 58 nm ceive blurring when several pixels effectively overlap, these are
2 keV 128 nm 28 nm 12 nm surprisingly modest magnification values. Considering that
high resolution SEM performance is routinely expected and is
1 keV 41 nm 8.8 nm 3.9 nm
apparently delivered, this begs the question: Is such poor reso-
0.5 keV 12.7 nm 2.8 nm 1.2 nm lution actually encountered in practice and why does it not
0.25 keV 4.0 nm 0.9 nm 0.39 nm prevent useful high resolution applications of the SEM?
. Figure 10.1a shows an example of degraded resolution
0.1 keV 0.86 nm 0.19 nm 0.08 nm
observed in BSE imaging at E0 = 20 keV of what should be
nearly atomically sharp interfaces in directionally solidified
Al-Cu eutectic. This material contains repeated interfaces
energy and composition dependent. . Table 10.2 gives the (which were carefully aligned to be parallel to the incident
diameter of the footprint of the area that contains 90 % of the beam) between the two phases of the eutectic, CuAl2 interme-
BSE, SE2, and SE3 emission, which is compositionally depen- tallic, and Al(Cu) solid solution. A similar image is shown in
dent, as calculated from the cumulative radial spreading plot- . Fig. 2.14 with a plot of the BSE signal (recorded with a large
ted in . Fig. 2.14. The radial spreading is surprisingly large solid angle semiconductor detector) across the interface. The
when compared to the distance between pixels in . Table 10.1. BSE signal changes over approximately 300 nm rather than
For a beam energy of 10 keV, the BSE (SE3) and SE2 signals being limited by the beam size, which is approximately 5 nm
will delocalize out of a single pixel at very low magnifications, for this image. The same area is imaged with the Everhart–
approximately 40× for C, 200× for Cu, and 1000× for Au. Even Thornley detector(positive bias) in . Fig. 10.1b and shows
allowing for the fact that the average observer viewing an SEM finer-scale details, that is, “better resolution.” The positively
150 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

biased Everhart–Thornley (E–T) detector collects a complex bright edges and uniform interiors and are due in part to the
mixture of BSE and SE signals, including a large BSE compo- dominance of the SE1 component that occurs at the edges of
nent (Oatley 1972). The BSE component consists of a rela- structures but which are lost in the pure BSE image of
tively small contribution from the BSEs that directly strike the . Fig. 10.1a.
scintillator (because of its small solid angle) but this direct
BSE component is augmented by a much larger contribution
of indirectly collected BSEs from the relatively abundant SE2 10.4  econdary Electron Contrast at High
(produced as all BSEs exit the specimen surface) and SE3 (cre- Spatial Resolution
ated when the BSEs strike the objective lens pole piece and
specimen chamber walls). For an intermediate atomic num- The secondary electron coefficient responds to changes in the
ber target such as copper, the SE2 class created as the BSEs local inclination (topography) of the specimen approximately
emerge constitutes about 45 % of the total SE signal collected following a secant function:
by the E–T(positive bias) detector (Peters 1984, 1985). The
SE3 class from BSE-to-SE conversion at the objective lens pole δ (θ ) = δ 0 secθ (10.1)
piece and specimen chamber walls constitutes about 40 % of
the total SE intensity. The SE2 and SE3, constituting 85 % of the where δ0 is the secondary electron coefficient at normal beam
total SE signal, respond to BSE number effects and create most incidence, i.e., θ = 0°. The contrast between two surfaces at
of the atomic number contrast seen in the E–T(positive bias) different tilts can be estimated by taking the derivative of
image. However, the SE2 and SE3 are subject to the same lat- Eq. 10.1:
eral delocalization suffered by the BSEs and result in a similar
loss of edge resolution. Fortunately for achieving useful high dδ (θ ) = δ 0 sec θ tan θ dθ (10.2)
resolution SEM, the E–T (positive bias) detector also collects
10 the SE1 component (about 15 % of the total SE signal for cop- The contrast for a small change in tilt angle dθ is then
per) which is emitted from the footprint of the incident beam.
The SE1 signal component thus retains high resolution spatial C ~ dδ (θ ) / δ (θ ) = δ 0 sec θ tan θ dθ / δ 0 sec θ
information on the scale of the beam, and that information is = tan θ dθ (10.3)
superimposed on the lower resolution spatial information
carried by the BSE, SE2, and SE3 signals. Careful inspection of As the local tilt angle increases, the contrast between two
. Fig. 10.1b reveals several examples of discrete fine particles adjacent planar surfaces with a small difference in tilt angle,
which appear in much sharper focus than the boundaries of dθ, increases as the average tilt angle, θ, increases, as shown
the Al-Cu eutectic phases. These particles are distinguished by in . Fig. 10.2 for surfaces with a difference in tilt of dθ = 1°, 5°

..      Fig. 10.2 Plot of secondary

electron topographic contrast Secondary electron topographic contrast
between two flat surfaces with
a difference in tilt angle of 1°, 5°, 1
and 10°
SE contrast between planar surfaces



Dq = 10 degrees
Dq = 1 degree
Dq = 5 degrees

0 20 40 60 80

Average tilt angle (degrees)

10.4 · Secondary Electron Contrast at High Spatial Resolution
151 10
and 10°. Superimposed on this broad scale secondary elec- particles imaged with an E–T(positive bias) detector.
tron topographic contrast are strong sources of contrast High SE signals occur where the beam strikes the edges
associated with situations where the range of SEs dominates of the particles at grazing incidence, compared to the
leading to enhanced SE escape: interior of the particles where the incidence angle is
1. When the beam strikes nearly tangentially, that is, more nearly normal.
grazing incidence when θ approaches 90° and sec θ 2. At feature edges, especially edges that are thin compared
reaches very high values, as the beam travels near the to the primary electron range. These mechanisms result
surface and a high SE signal is produced, an effect that is in a very noticeable “bright edge effect.”
seen in the calculated contrast at high tilt angles in
. Figs. 10.2 and 10.3 show an example of a group of
10.4.1  E Range Effects Produce Bright
Edges (Isolated Edges)

Because of their extremely low kinetic energy of a few kilo-­

electronvolts, SEs have a short range of travel in a solid and
thus can only escape from a shallow depth. The mean escape
depth (SE range) is approximately 10 nm for a conductor.
When the beam is located in bulk material well away from
edges, as shown schematically in . Fig. 10.4, the surface
area from which SEs can escape is effectively constant as the
beam is scanned, and the SE emission (SE1, SE2, and SE2) is
thus constant and equal to the bulk SE coefficient appropri-
ate to the target material at the local inclination angle.
However, when the beam approaches an edge of a feature,
such as the vertical wall shown in . Fig. 10.4, the escape of
SEs is enhanced by the proximity of additional surface area
that lies within the SE escape range. As the incident beam
..      Fig. 10.3 SEM image of SRM 470 (Glass K -411) micro-particles travels nearly parallel to the vertical face, the proximity of
prepared with an Everhart–Thornley detector(positive bias) and the surface along an extended portion of the beam path fur-
E0 = 20 keV. Note bright edges where the beam strikes tangentially ther enhances the escape of SEs, resulting in a very large

..      Fig. 10.4 Schematic diagram

showing behavior of BSE and SE
signals as the beam approaches a SE1 SE1
vertical edge SE1

SE signal

Scan position
152 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

a b

100 nm EHT = 5.00 kV Signal A = InLens Date :30 jul 2015

WD = 1.4 mm Mag = 151.08 K X Time :17:54:00
100 nm

..      Fig. 10.5 a SEM image at E0 = 5 keV of TiO2 particles using a through-the-lens detector for SE1 and SE2 (Bar = 100 nm). b Note bright edge
effects and convergence of bright edges for the smallest particles (Example courtesy John Notte, Zeiss)

excess of SEs compared to the bulk interior. In addition, signal compared to bulk is a significant advantage. This is
there will be enhanced escape of BSEs near the edge, and especially true considering the limitations that are imposed
these BSEs will likely strike other nearby specimen and on high resolution performance by the demands of the
10 instrument surfaces, producing even more SEs. All of the Threshold Current/Contrast Equation, as discussed below.
signals collected when the beam is placed at a given scan
location are assigned to that location in the image no matter
where on the specimen or SEM chamber those signals are 10.4.2  ven More Localized Signal: Edges
generated. The apparent SE emission coefficient when the Which Are Thin Relative to the Beam
beam is placed near an edge is thus greatly increased over Range
the bulk interior value, often by a factor of two to ten
depending on the exact geometric circumstances. The edges The enhanced SE escape near an edge shown in . Fig. 10.4
of an object will appear very bright relative to the interior of is further increased when the beam approaches a feature
the object, as shown in . Fig. 10.5 (e.g., objects in yellow edge that is thin enough for penetration of the beam elec-
circles in . Fig. 10.5b) for particles of TiO2. Since the edges trons. As shown schematically in . Fig. 10.6, not only are
are often the most important factor in defining a feature, a additional SEs generated as the beam electrons emerge as
contrast mechanism that produces such an enhanced edge “BSEs” through the bottom and sides of the thin edge

..      Fig. 10.6 Schematic diagram

of the enhanced BSE and SE pro- BSE
duction at an edge thin enough
for beam penetration. BSEs may BSE
strike multiple surfaces, creating
several generations of SEs



10.4 · Secondary Electron Contrast at High Spatial Resolution
153 10
structure, but these energetic BSEs will continue to travel, 10.4.3  oo Much of a Good Thing: The Bright
backscattering off other nearby specimen surfaces and the Edge Effect Can Hinder
SEM lens and chamber walls, producing additional genera- Distinguishing Shape
tions of SEs at each surface they strike. These additional SEs
will be collected with significant efficiency by the E–T (pos- As the dimensions of a free-standing object such as a particle
itive bias) detector and assigned to each pixel as the beam or the diameter of a fiber approach the secondary electron
approaches the edge, further increasing the signal at a thin escape length, the bright edge effects from two or more edges
edge relative to the interior and thus increasing the contrast will converge, as shown schematically in . Fig. 10.7 and in
of edges. the image of TiO2 particles (e.g., objects in magenta circles)

..      Fig. 10.7 Convergence of

bright edges as feature dimen-
sions approach the SE escape a SE1 SE1
distance. a Object edges sepa- SE1
rated by several multiples of the SE2
SE escape distance so that edge SE1
effects are distinct; b object SE2
edges sufficiently close for edge
effects to begin to merge SE1

SE signal

Scan position

2 SE2


SE signal

Scan position
154 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

shown in . Fig. 10.5b. While the object will appear in high view enabled a best fit estimate of the shape and dimensions
contrast as a very bright feature against the background, of the line. The structure was subsequently cross-sectioned
making it relatively easy to detect, as an object decreases in by ion beam milling to produce the SEM view shown in
size it becomes difficult and eventually impossible to discern . Fig. 10.10b. The best estimate of the structure obtained
the true shape of an equiaxed object and to accurately mea- from the top-down imaging and modeling (red trace) is
sure its dimensions. shown superimposed on the direct image of the cross-section
edges (blue trace), showing excellent correspondence with
this approach.
10.4.4  oo Much of a Good Thing: The Bright
Edge Effect Hinders Locating the True
Position of an Edge for Critical
Dimension Metrology

While the enhanced SE escape at an edge is a great advan-

tage in visualizing the presence of an edge, the extreme signal
excursion and its rapid change with beam position make it
difficult to locate the absolute position of the edge within the
SE range, which can span 10 nm or even more for insulating
materials. For advanced metrology applications such as semi-
conductor manufacturing critical dimension measurements
where nanometer to sub-nanometer accuracy is required,
detailed Monte Carlo modeling, as shown in . Fig. 10.8, of
10 the beam electron, backscattered electron, and secondary
electron trajectories as influenced by the specific geometry of
the edge, is needed to deconvolve the measured signal pro-
file as a function of scan position so as to recover the best
estimate of the true edge location and object shape (NIST
JMONSEL: Villarrubia et al. 2015). An example of an SEM
signal profile across a structure and the shape recovered after
deconvolution through modeling is shown in . Fig. 10.9. An
0.07 mm × 0.07 mm
application of this approach is shown in . Fig. 10.10, where
a three-dimensional photoresist line was first imaged in a ..      Fig. 10.8 Monte Carlo electron trajectory simulation of complex
top-down SEM view (. Fig. 10.10a). Monte Carlo modeling interactions at line-width structures as calculated with the J-­MONSEL
applied to the signal profiles obtained from the top-down code (Villarrubia et al. 2015)

..      Fig. 10.9 Application of

J-MONSEL Monte Carlo simula-
tion to measured SEM profile data Best fit line shape
and the estimated shape that SEM intensity &
1.0 uncertainty
best fits the data (Villarrubia et al.

Intensity(arb. units)

Best Intensity fit




255 260 265 270 275 280
X (nm)
10.4 · Secondary Electron Contrast at High Spatial Resolution
155 10
..      Fig. 10.10 a Top-down SEM
image of line-width test struc- a
tures; E0 = 15 keV. b Side view of 400
structures revealed by focused
ion beam milling showing esti-
mated shape from modeling of
the top-down image (red trace)
compared with the edges directly
found in the cross sectional
image (blue) (Villarrubia et al.
2015) 300
Linescan #



0 100 200 300 400 500
X (nm)

∼60 nm
156 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

10.5  chieving High Resolution

A the SE2 and SE3 that are created from the BSE distribution
with Secondary Electrons that would arise from a beam of intermediate energy, for
example, 10 keV, on a material of intermediate atomic num-
Type 1 secondary electrons (SE1), which are generated within ber, for example, Cu. While the beam can be focused to pro-
the footprint of the incident beam and from the SE escape gressively smaller sizes within the limitations of the
depth of a few nanometers, constitute an inherently high spa- electron-optical system and the SE1 will follow the beam
tial resolution signal. SE1 are capable of responding to speci- footprint as it is reduced, the BSE-SE2-SE3 distributions
men properties with lateral dimensions equal to the beam remain at a fixed size defined by the extent of the interaction
size as it is made progressively finer. Unfortunately, with the volume, which depends primarily on the composition and
conventional Everhart–Thornley (positive bias) detector, the the beam energy and is insensitive to small beam size. For the
SE1 are difficult to distinguish from the SE2 and SE3 signals situation shown in . Fig. 10.11a, the SE1 distribution can
which are created by the emerging BSEs, which effectively interact over a short spatial range with a feature that has
carry BSE information, and which are thus subject to the dimensions similar to the focused beam footprint, but the
same long range spatial delocalization as BSEs. Strategies to extended BSE-SE2-SE3 distribution interacts with this feature
improve high resolution imaging with SEs seek to modify the over a longer range. The BSE-SE2-SE3 create a long, gradually
spatial characteristics and/or relative abundance of the SE2 decreasing signal tail, so that a sharp feature appears blurred.
and SE3 compared to the SE1. There are two different strategies for improving the resolu-
tion by choosing the beam energy at the extreme limits of the
SEM range.
10.5.1 Beam Energy Strategies
Low Beam Energy Strategy
. Figure 10.11a shows schematically the narrow spatial dis- As the beam energy is lowered, the electron range decreases
10 tribution of the SE1 emitted from a finely focused beam rapidly, varying approximately as E01.67. Since the BSE-
superimposed on the broader spatial distribution of the of SE2-­SE3 distributions scale with the range, when the beam

..      Fig. 10.11 a Schematic

diagram of the SE1 and SE2 spatial
distributions for an intermediate SE1
a b
beam energy, e.g., E0 = 5–10 keV. SE1+SE2
b Schematic diagram of the SE1
and SE2 spatial distributions for
low beam energy, e.g., E0 = 1 keV.
c Schematic diagram of the SE1
and SE2 spatial distributions
for high beam energy, e.g., SE2
E0 = 30 keV


10.5 · Achieving High Resolution with Secondary Electrons
157 10

..      Fig. 10.12 a High resolution achieved at low beam energy, courtesy John Notte, Zeiss). b High spatial resolution achieved at low
E0 = 1 keV: image of carbon nanofibers. Note broad fibers (cyan arrows) landing energy: SnO2 whisker imaged with a landing energy of 0.2 keV
with bright edges and darker interiors and thin fibers (yellow arrows) (left, Bar = 100 nm) (right, Bar = 10 nm) (Images courtesy V. Robertson,
for which the bright edge effects converge (Bar = 200 nm) (Example JEOL)

energy is reduced so that E0 ≤ 2 keV, the situation illustrated There are limitations of low beam energy operation that
in . Fig. 10.11b is reached for a finely focused beam (Joy must be acknowledged (Pawley 1984). An inevitable con-
1984; Pawley 1984). The BSE-SE2-SE3 distributions collapse sequence of low beam energy operation is the linear reduc-
onto the SE1 distribution, and all the signals now represent tion in source brightness, which reduces the current that is
high spatial resolution information. An example of carbon contained in the focused probe which in turn affects feature
nanofibers imaged at E0 = 1 keV to achieve high resolution is visibility. Low energy beams are also more susceptible to inter-
shown in . Fig. 10.12a. In . Fig. 10.12a, the edges of the ference from outside sources of electromagnetic radiation.
wider fibers appear bright (e.g., blue arrows) relative to the
interior, as shown schematically in . Fig. 10.7a. . Figure 10.12 High Beam Energy Strategy
also illustrates the convergence of the bright edges of the As the beam energy is increased, the electron range increases
narrow fibers (e.g., yellow arrows), as illustrated in rapidly as E01.67, broadening the spatial distribution of the
. Fig. 10.12b, to produce a very bright object against the BSE-SE2-SE3 signals while the SE1 distribution remains fixed
background. to the beam footprint. For example, when the beam energy
By applying a negative potential to the specimen, the is increased from 10 to 30 keV, the range increases by a fac-
landing energy can be reduced even further while preserving tor of 6.3. With sufficient broadening, the spatial distribu-
high spatial resolution, as shown in . Fig. 10.12b for tin tions of the BSE-SE2-SE3 signals do not significantly respond
oxide whiskers imaged with a TTL SE detector at a landing during beam scanning to small-scale features to which the
energy of E0 = 0.2 keV. SE1 are sensitive. The BSE-SE2-SE3 signals then represent
158 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

 aking More SE1: Apply a Thin High-δ Metal

Because SEs are generated within a thin surface layer, the SE
coefficient δ of the first few atomic layers will dominate the
SE emission of the specimen. For specimens that consist of
elements such as carbon with a low value of δ, the SE1 signal
can be increased by applying a thin coating (one to a few
nanometers) of a high SE emitter such as gold-palladium
(rather than pure gold, which deposits as islands that can be
mistaken for specimen structure), or platinum-family met-
als. While such a coating can also serve to dissipate charging
from an insulating specimen, even for conducting carbona-
ceous materials the heavy-metal coating increases the surface
SE1 emission of the specimen while not significantly increas-
ing the scattering of beam electrons due to its minimal thick-
ness so that BSE, SE2, and SE3 signals are not affected. As
..      Fig. 10.13 High resolution achieved at high beam energy, shown schematically in . Fig. 10.14a, the SE signal across an
E0 = 15 keV: finFET transistor (16-nm technology) using the in lens SE
detector in the Zeiss Auriga Cross beam. This cross section was
uncoated particle shows an increase at the edge due to the
prepared by inverted Ga FIB milling from backside (Bar = 100 nm) grazing beam incidence, but after a thin high-δ metal coating
(Image courtesy of John Notte, Carl Zeiss)

10 a background noise component that, while it reduces the a

overall signal-to-noise, does not significantly alter the signal
profiles across features. An advantage of operating at high
beam energy is that the source brightness is increased, thus
enabling more current to be obtained in a given focused
probe size, which can help to compensate for the reduced
signal-to-­noise caused by the remote BSE-SE2-SE3 signals.
An example of high beam energy imaging to achieve high
resolution is shown in . Fig. 10.13.
SE signal

10.5.2 Improving the SE1 Signal

Since the SE1 Signal Is So Critical To Achieving High Scan position

Resolution, What Can Be Done To Improve It?

Excluding the SE3 Component b

For a bulk specimen, the high resolution SE1 component only
forms 5–20 % of the total SE signal collected by the E–T(positive
bias) detector, while the lower resolution SE2 and SE3 compo-
nents of roughly similar strength form the majority of the SE
signal. While the SE1 and SE2 components are generated within
1 to 10 μm, the SE3 are produced millimeters to centimeters
away from the specimen when the BSEs strike instrument
SE signal

components. This substantial physical separation is exploited

by the class of “through-the-lens” (TTL) detectors, which uti-
lize the strong magnetic field of the objective lens to capture
the SE1 and SE2 which travel up the bore of the lens and are
accelerated onto a scintillator-­ photomultiplier detector.
Virtually all of the SE3 are excluded by their points of origin Scan position
being outside of the lens magnetic field. For an SE1 component
of 10 % and SE2 and SE3 components of 45 %, the ratio of high ..      Fig. 10.14 Schematic illustration of the effect of heavy metal, high
resolution/low resolution signals thus changes from 0.1 for the δ coating to increase contrast from low-Z targets: a SE signal trace from
E–T(positive bias) detector to 0.22 for the TTL detector. an uncoated particle; b signal trace after coating with thin Au-Pd
10.5 · Achieving High Resolution with Secondary Electrons
159 10
is applied (. Fig. 10.14b), the SE signal at the edges of fea- dominates the E–T(positive bias) signal respond to substrate
tures will be substantially enhanced. properties and don’t actually represent specimen information
at all. Thus, the high resolution imaging situation can be sig-
 aking Fewer BSEs, SE2, and SE3
M nificantly improved by eliminating the bulk substrate. The
by Eliminating Bulk Scattering particles are deposited on an ultrathin (~10-nm) carbon film
From the Substrate supported on a metal (Cu, Ni, etc.) grid. This grid is placed
For the important class of specimens such as nanoscale parti- over a deep blind hole drilled in a block of carbon that will
cles which have such small mass thickness that the beam elec- serve as a Faraday cup for the beam electrons that pass though
trons penetrate through the particle into the underlying bulk the particles, as shown schematically in . Fig. 10.15a. An
substrate, the large BSE, SE2 and SE3 components that example of this preparation is shown for particles of SRM470

..      Fig. 10.15 a Schematic illus-

tration of specimen mounting a
strategy to minimize background Everhart-Thornley
by eliminating the bulk substrate. detector
b Scanning transmission electron
microscopy (STEM) two compo-
nent detector for high energy 10 nm ~10 nm carbon or high-d metal
electrons: on-axis bright-field carbon foil coating for discharging and stability
detector and surrounding annu-
lar dark-field detector

Grid bar,
e.g., Cu

hole in


10 nm ~10 nm carbon or high-d metal

carbon foil coating for discharging and stability

Grid bar,
e.g., Cu

bright field

160 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

K-309 particle shards on thin carbon

50 mm 5 mm

10 Conventional Everhart-Thornley (+bias) detector above specimen

..      Fig. 10.16 SEM imaging glass shards deposited on a thin (~ 10-nm carbon) at E0 = 20 keV and placed over a deep blind hole in a carbon block

(K411 glass) in . Fig. 10.16. By selecting operation at the high- will appear dark. Portions of the specimen that do scatter suf-
est beam energy available, for example, 20–30 keV, backscat- ficiently will appear bright. Since elastic scattering depends
tering will be minimized along with the SE2 and SE3 signals. strongly on local atomic number, compositional effects can
be observed in the dark field STEM image. An example of a
high resolution STEM-in-SEM image created with an annu-
 canning Transmission Electron Microscopy
lar off-axis detector is shown in . Fig. 10.17.
in the Scanning Electron Microscope
The “thin film” support method for nanoscale particles and
other thin specimens (either inherently thin or prepared as
thin sections by ion beam milling) can be further exploited
by collecting the beam electrons that transmit through the
specimen to create a scanning transmission electron micro-
scope (STEM) image, as illustrated in . Fig. 10.15b. To create
the STEM image, an appropriate detector, such as a passive
scintillator-photomultiplier, is placed below the specimen
grid on the optical axis. The size of this detector is such that
it accepts only electrons traveling close to the optical axis that
pass through the specimen unscattered. Those electrons that
experience even a small angle elastic scattering event that
causes an angular deviation of a few degrees will miss the
detector. Thus, the regions of the specimen with minimal
scattering will appear bright, while those with sufficient mass
to cause elastic scattering will appear dark, creating a “bright-­
field” image. A more elaborate STEM detector array can
include an annular ring detector co-mounted with the cen-
tral on-axis bright-field detector to capture the elastically
scattered transmitted electrons from the specimen, as illus- ..      Fig. 10.17 Dark-field annular detector STEM image of BaFe12O19
nanoparticles; E0 = 22 keV using oriented dark-field detector in the
trated in . Fig. 10.15b. This off-axis annular detector pro- Zeiss Gemini SEM. The 1.1-nm (002) lattice spacing is clearly evident
duces a “dark-field” image since the thin regions such as the (Image courtesy of John Notte, Carl Zeiss. Image processed with
support film that do not produce significant scattering events ImageJ-Fiji CLAHE function)
10.5 · Achieving High Resolution with Secondary Electrons
161 10
..      Fig. 10.18 Schematic
cross section of a STEM-in-SEM
detector that makes use of the
Everhart–Thornley(positive bias) Short
detector to form a bright-field
working Through the lens detector: SE image
STEM image
distance, ~ 3 mm

C-film and
support grid Scattered
Aperture electrons
E-T detector: “STEM Image”
scattered by Unscattered beam electrons
particle are
cut off by

Au surface

Simple STEM-in-SEM detector

Aerosol particles collected on lacey carbon

25 keV cold-FEG-SEM

a b

500 nm


..      Fig. 10.19 Aerosol contamination particles deposited on lacey-carbon film and simultaneously imaged with a TTL detector for SE1 and the
STEM-in-SEM detector shown in . Fig. 10.18 (Example courtesy John Small, NIST)

A simple STEM-in-SEM bright-field detector can be STEM image collected with the E–T(positive bias) detector,
created as shown in . Fig. 10.18. The grid carrying the thin as shown for particles supported on a lacey-carbon film in
specimen is placed over an aperture that serves to stop elec- . Fig. 10.19.
trons that have suffered an elastic scattering event in the
specimen. The unscattered beam electrons pass through this
aperture and strike a gold-covered surface below, where they 10.5.3  liminate the Use of SEs Altogether:
generate strong SE emission, which is then attracted to the “Low Loss BSEs“
E–T(positive bias) detector, creating a bright-field image. If
the SEM is also equipped with a TTL detector, the nearly pure BSEs are usually considered a low resolution signal because
SE1 image that arises from a thin specimen can be collected of the substantial delocalization that results from multiple
with the TTL detector simultaneously with the bright-field elastic scattering of the beam electrons at conventional beam
162 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

energy, for example, E0 ≥ 10 keV. However, high resolution scattering event greater than 20°, which also has a suitable
SEM can be achieved by eliminating the use of SEs as the azimuthal angular component along the trajectory, can carry
imaging signal and instead relying on the BSEs, specifically the beam electron out of the specimen as a low loss BSE after
those that have lost very little of the initial beam energy. traveling along a short path within the specimen. The energy
Because of the energy loss due to inelastic scattering that filter with an applied potential V + ΔV then serves to deceler-
occurs for high energy beam electrons at a nearly constant ate and exclude BSEs that have lost more than a specified ΔE
rate, dE/ds, with distance traveled in the specimen, low loss of the incident energy. Since the electrons that pass through
BSEs represent beam electrons that have emerged from the the filter have been retarded to a low kinetic energy, the
specimen after traveling very short paths through the detector following the filter must include an acceleration
­specimen. These low loss electrons are thus sensitive to spec- field, such as that of the Everhart–Thornley detector, to raise
imen scattering properties very close to the entrance beam the kinetic energy to a detectable level for detection.
footprint and from a very shallow surface region, thus consti- An example comparing TTL SE and LL BSE (10 % energy
tuting a high resolution signal. Wells (1974a, b) first demon- window) images of etched photoresist at low beam energy
strated the utility of this approach by using an energy filter to (E0 = 2 keV) is shown in . Fig. 10.21 (Postek et al. 2001). Note
select the “low loss” backscattered electrons (LL BSE) that the enhanced surface detail visible on the top of the resist
had lost less than a specified fraction, for example, 5 %, of the pattern in the LL BSE image compared to the SE image. The
initial beam energy. At normal beam incidence, the LL BSE extreme directionality of the LL BSE detector leads to loss of
fraction of the total BSE population is very low, and their tra- signal on surfaces not tilted toward the detector, resulting in
jectories are spread over a wide angular range, the 2π azi-
muth around the beam, making their efficient collection
difficult. The population of LL BSE can be increased, and
their angular spread greatly decreased, by tilting the speci-
10 men to a high angle, for example, 70° or higher. As shown
schematically in . Fig. 10.20, at this tilt angle a single elastic


E0 - ∆E

Energy filter
-V + ∆V

Post-acceleration detector, e.g. E-T detector

..      Fig. 10.21 SE (upper) and low loss BSE (lower) images of photore-
..      Fig. 10.20 Schematic illustration of low loss BSE imaging from a sist at E0 = 2 keV. Note the enhanced detail visible on the surface of the
highly tilted specimen using an energy filter LL-BSE image compared to the SE image (Postek et al. 2001)
10.6 · Factors That Hinder Achieving High Resolution
163 10
poor signal collection on the sides of the steps, which are illu- appropriate to the signal selected, DQE is the detective quan-
minated in the TTL SE detector image. tum efficiency, which includes the solid angle of collection
While the example in . Fig. 10.21 illustrates the utility of for the electrons of interest and the conversion into detected
LL BSE imaging at low beam energy, LL BSE imaging also signal, C is the contrast that the feature produces, and tF is the
enables operation of the SEM at high beam energy (Wells frame time. Equation 10.4 reveals the constraints the micros-
1971), thus maximizing the electron gun brightness to enable copist faces: if the beam current is determined by the require-
a small beam with maximum current. Low loss images pro- ment to maintain a certain beam size and the detector has
vide both high lateral spatial resolution and a shallow sam- been optimized for the signal(s) that the features of interest
pling depth. are likely to produce, then the only factor remaining to
manipulate to lower the threshold contrast is to extend the
dwell time per pixel (tF/NPE). While using longer pixel dwell
10.6  actors That Hinder Achieving High
F times is certainly an important strategy that should be
Resolution exploited, other factors may limit its utility, including speci-
men drift, contamination, and damage due to increased dose.
10.6.1 Achieving Visibility: The Threshold Thus, performing high resolution SEM almost always a
Contrast dynamic tension when establishing the visibility of low con-
trast features between the electron dose needed to exceed the
High resolution SEM involves working with a finely focused threshold of visibility and the consequences of that electron
beam which even when optimized to minimize the effects dose to the specimen.
of aberrations inevitably carries a small current, often as
low as a few picoamperes, because of the restrictions
imposed by the Brightness Equation. The inevitable conse- 10.6.2 Pathological Specimen Behavior
quence of operating with low beam current is the problem
of establishing the visibility of the features of interest The electron dose needed for high resolution SEM even with
because of the restrictions imposed by the Threshold an optimized instrument can exceed the radiation damage
Equation. For a given selection of operating parameters, threshold for certain materials, especially “soft” materials
including beam current, detector solid angle, signal conver- such as biological materials and other weakly bonded organic
sion efficiency, and pixel dwell time, there is always a and inorganic substances. Damage may be readily apparent
threshold of detectable contrast. Features producing con- in repeated scans, especially when the magnification is low-
trast below this threshold contrast will not be visible at the ered after recording an image. If such specimen damage is
pixel density selected for the scan, even with post-process- severe, a “minimum-dose” strategy may be necessary, includ-
ing of the image with various advanced image manipulation ing such procedures as focusing and optimizing the image on
algorithms. It is important to understand that a major con- a nearby area, blanking the beam, translating the specimen to
sequence of the Threshold Equation is that the absence of a an unexposed area, and then exposing the specimen for a
feature in an SEM image is not a guarantee of the absence of single imaging frame.
that feature on the specimen: the feature may not be pro- Another possibility is to explore the sensitivity of the
ducing sufficient contrast to exceed the threshold contrast specimen to damage over a wide range of beam energy. It
for the particular operating conditions chosen. Because of may seem likely that operating at low beam energy should
the action of the “bright edge effect” in high resolution SE minimize specimen damage, but this may not be the case.
images to produce very high contrast, approaching unity, Because the electron range scales as E01.67 and the volume as
between the edges of a feature and its interior, the ready vis- (E01.67)3 while the energy deposited scales as E0, the energy
ibility of the edges of features, while obviously useful and deposited per unit volume scales roughly as
important, can give a false sense of security with regard to
Energy / unit volume = E0 / ( E01.67 ) =1 / E0 4
the absence of topographic details within the bulk of a fea- (10.5)
ture. In fact, those weaker topographic features may be pro-
ducing contrast that is below the threshold of visibility. To Thus, increasing the beam energy from 1 to 10 keV lowers
perform “due diligence” and explore the possibility of fea- the energy deposited per unit volume by a factor of approxi-
tures lurking below the threshold of visibility, the threshold mately 10,000. This simplistic argument obviously ignores
contrast must be lowered: the substantial variation in the energy density within the
interaction volume as well as the possibility that some dam-
( 4 ×10 ) N
age mechanisms have an energy threshold for activation that
( coulomb / s = amperes )
iB > (10.4)
(η ,δ ) DQEC 2tF may be avoided by lowering the beam energy. Nevertheless,
Eq. 10.5 suggests that examining the material susceptibility to
where NPE is the number of pixels in the image scan, η and δ damage over a wide range of beam energy may be a useful
are the backscatter or secondary electron coefficients as strategy.
164 Chapter 10 · High Resolution Imaging

10.6.3  athological Specimen and

Instrumentation Behavior Note periodic tearing at edges

A modern SEM that is well maintained should not be the
source of any contamination that is observed. The first
requirement of avoiding contamination is a specimen prepa-
ration protocol that minimizes the incorporation of or reten-
tion of contaminating compounds when processing the
specimen. This caution includes the specimen as well as the
mounting materials such as sticky conductive tape. A speci-
men airlock that minimizes the volume brought to atmo- 100 nm
sphere for specimen exchange as well as providing the
important capability of pre-pumping the specimen to remove ..      Fig. 10.22 SEM image of nanoparticles showing tearing at the
volatile compounds prior to insertion in the specimen cham- particle edges caused by some source of electromagnetic interference
ber is an important capability for high resolution SEM. The whose frequency is constant and apparently locked to the 60 Hz AC
specimen airlock can also be equipped with a “plasma power
cleaner” that generates a low energy oxygen ion stream for
destruction and removal of organic compounds that produce References
contamination. If contamination is still observed after a care-
ful preparation and insertion protocol has been followed, it is Joy DC (1984) Beam interactions, contrast and resolution in the SEM. J
much more likely that the source of contamination remains Microsc 136:241
10 the specimen itself and not the SEM vacuum system.
Oatley CW (1972) The scanning electron microscope, part 1, the instru-
ment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Pawley JB (1984) Low voltage scanning electron microscopy. J Microsc
Instabilities 136:45
Unstable imaging conditions can arise from several sources. Peters K-R (1984) Generation, collection, and properties of an SE-1
(1) Drift and vibration: The specimen preparation, the enriched signal suitable for high resolution SEM on bulk specimens.
In: Kyser DF, Niedrig H, Newbury DE, Shimizu R (eds) Electron beam
method of attachment to the substrate, the attachment of the interactions with solids for microscopy, microanalysis, and micro-
specimen mount to the stage, and the stage itself must all lithography. SEM, Inc, AMF O’Hare, p 363
have high stability to avoid drift, which is most noticeable at Peters K-R (1985) “Working at higher magnifications in scanning elec-
high magnification, and isolation from sources of vibration. tron microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons on
Note that some mounting materials such as sticky tape may metal coated biological specimens” SEM/1985. SEM, Inc, AMF
O’Hare, p 1519
be subject to beam damage and distortion when struck by the Postek MT, Vladar AE, Wells OC, Lowney JL (2001) Application of the low-
beam electrons, leading to significant drift. One of the most loss scanning electron microscope image to integrated circuit tech-
stable mechanical stage designs is to be mounted within the nology. Part 1 – applications to accurate dimension measurements.
bore of the objective lens, although such designs severely Scanning 23:298
limit the size of the specimen and the extent of lateral motion Villarrubia J, Vladar A, Ming B, Kline R, Sunday D, Chawla J, List S (2015)
Scanning electron microscope measurement of width and shape of
that can be achieved. (2) Electromagnetic radiation interfer- 10 nm patterned lines using a JMONSEL-modeled library. Ultrami-
ence: A periodic distortion is sometimes observed that is a croscopy 154:15–28
result of interference from various sources of electromag- Wells OC (1971) Low-loss image for surface scanning electron micros-
netic radiation, including emissions from 60-Hz AC sources, copy. Appl Phys Lett 19:232
including emissions from fluorescent lighting fixtures. Rather Wells OC (1974a) Scanning electron microscopy. McGraw-Hill, New York
Wells OC (1974b) Resolution of the topographic image in the SEM.
than being random, this type of interference can synchronize SEM/1974. IIT Research Inst, Chicago, p 1
with the scan and can be recorded. An example of this type of
image defect is shown in . Fig. 10.22. Eliminating this type of
interference and the resulting image defects can be extremely
165 11

Low Beam Energy SEM

11.1 What Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy SEM Imaging? – 166

11.2 Secondary Electron and Backscattered Electron

Signal Characteristics in the Low Beam Energy Range – 166

11.3 Selecting the Beam Energy to Control the Spatial

Sampling of Imaging Signals – 169
11.3.1 Low Beam Energy for High Lateral Resolution SEM – 169
11.3.2 Low Beam Energy for High Depth Resolution SEM – 169
11.3.3 Extremely Low Beam Energy Imaging – 171

References – 172

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this chapter

(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-6676-9_11) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.

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J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
166 Chapter 11 · Low Beam Energy SEM

The incident beam energy is one of the most useful parame- will be discussed below, useful SEM imaging can now be
ters over which the microscopist has control because it deter- accomplished down to remarkably low arrival energies at the
mines the lateral and depth sampling of the specimen specimen surface, less than 100 eV. The upper bound for E0 is
properties by the critical imaging signals. The Kanaya– arbitrary, but a reasonable limit is the value discussed in the
Okayama electron range varies strongly with the incident “Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis” module, where it is
beam energy: found that E0 = 5 keV is the lowest beam energy for which a
useful characteristic X-ray peak can be excited for all ele-
RK − O ( nm ) = ( 27.6 A / Z 0.89 ρ ) E01.67 (11.1) ments of the periodic table, excepting H and He, which do
not produce characteristic X-rays. Thus, the plot of the range
where A is the atomic weight (g/mol), Z is the atomic num- for E0 ≤ 5 keV shown in . Fig. 11.1b will be taken to define
ber, ρ is the density (g/cm3), and E0 (keV) is the incident the range for low beam energy SEM.
beam energy, which is shown graphically in . Fig. 11.1a–c.

11.2  econdary Electron and Backscattered

11.1  hat Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy
W Electron Signal Characteristics
SEM Imaging? in the Low Beam Energy Range

The rapid but continuous decrease of the range with E0 shown The characteristics of the secondary electron (SE) and back-
in . Fig. 11.1a raises the question, Where does “low” beam scattered electron (BSE) signals observed in conventional
energy SEM imaging begin? That is, what value of E0 consti- SEM imaging performed at high beam energy (E0 ≥ 10 keV)
tutes the upper bound of “low” beam energy microscopy? As can be summarized as follows: (1) For most elements, η > δ.

a Kanaya-Okayama range b Kanaya-Okayama range

10 0.5
Carbon Carbon
8 Aluminum 0.4 Aluminum
Titanium Titanium
Iron Iron
Silver Silver
Range (µm)

6 0.3
Range (mm)

Gold Gold

4 0.2

2 0.1

0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 1 2 3 4 5
Beam energy (keV)
Beam energy (keV)

Kanaya-Okayama range
c 0.04
0.03 Titanium
Range (µm)



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Beam energy (keV)

..      Fig. 11.1 Plot of the Kanaya–Okayama range for various elements: a 0–30 keV; b 0–5 keV; c 0–1 keV
11.2 · Secondary Electron and Backscattered Electron Signal Characteristics in the Low Beam Energy Range
167 11
..      Fig. 11.2 Secondary electron
coefficient, δ, as a function of Secondary electron coefficient vs. Beam energy
beam energy for C, Al, Cu, and Au, 3.5
taken from the data of Bongeler
et al. (1993)
3.0 Carbon
2.5 Gold

Secondary electron coefficient 2.0




0 1 2 3 4 5
Beam energy (keV)

(2) Although the SE1 are sensitive to surface characteristics the surface characteristics of the material as the beam
within the escape depth of ~ 10 nm (metals), this surface energy is reduced. However, the surface of a material is
sensitivity is diluted by the more numerous SE2 and SE3, often unexpectedly complex. Upon exposure to the atmo-
which compose about 75–85 % of the total SE signal. SE2 and sphere, most “pure” elements form a thin surface oxide
SE3 carry BSE information since they are created by the exit- layer, for example, approximately 4 nm of Al2O3 forms on
ing BSEs at the specimen surface and on the chamber walls. Al. Moreover, this surface layer may incorporate water
Because the BSEs escape from approximately 15 % (high Z) chemically to form hydroxide and/or carbon dioxide to
to 30 % (low Z) of RK–O, BSE depth sensitivity in turn deter- form carbonate, or there may be physical adsorption of
mines the effective sampling of sub-surface information car- these and other compounds from the environment which
ried by the SE2 and the SE3, which is one to two orders of may not evaporate under vacuum. Additionally, there may
magnitude greater than the ~10 nm of the SE1. be unexpected contamination from hydrocarbons depos-
As E0 is reduced into the low beam energy range below ited on the specimen surface which generally arise from the
5 keV, the rapid reduction in the electron range given by environment to which the specimen was exposed prior to
equation 11.1, as shown in . Fig. 11.1 b, strongly influences the SEM. In some cases such contamination may be depos-
the secondary electron coefficient: (1) The fraction of the ited from the SEM vacuum system if sufficient care has not
incident energy lost by the beam electrons near the surface been previously taken to eliminate sources of volatile con-
increases, which in turn increases the production of SEs, so tamination by rigorous specimen cleaning and by pre-­
that δ increases as the beam energy is reduced, as shown in pumping in an airlock prior to transferring into the
. Fig. 11.2 for several elements for measurements con- specimen chamber. Complex surface composition is the
ducted in one laboratory. Because of this significant increase likely reason for the wide range of δ values reported by
in SE production in the low beam energy range, generally various researchers measuring a nominally common target,
δ > η, as shown for Au in . Fig. 11.3. In low beam energy as illustrated in . Fig. 11.4 for aluminum, where reported
SEM, backscattering still occurs, but due to their much values of δ span a factor of 4 or more. This is a common
greater abundance SEs generally dominate the signal col- result across the periodic table, as seen in the SE database
lected by the Everhart–Thornley (E-T)(positive bias) detec- compiled by Joy (2012). The strong surface sensitivity of the
tor. (2) As the beam energy decreases, the collapse of the SE and BSE signals at low beam energy to the condition of
lateral and depth ranges increases the fraction of the SE2 the specimen surface means that SEM image interpretation
and SE3 that carry surface information equivalent to the of “real” as-received specimens will be challenging. In situ
SE1. This trend makes the SE image increasingly sensitive to cleaning by ion beam milling in a “dual beam” platform may
168 Chapter 11 · Low Beam Energy SEM

..      Fig. 11.3 Secondary electron

coefficient, δ, and backscatter BSE and SE coefficients: gold
electron coefficient, η, as a 1.6
function of beam energy for Au,
taken from the data of Bongeler
et al. (1993) 1.4


BSE and SE coefficients


0.8 Secondary electrons

Backscattered electrons



0 1 2 3 4 5
Beam energy (keV)

..      Fig. 11.4 Secondary electron
coefficient, δ, as a function of Aluminum
beam energy for Al (Taken from 4.0
the data of various authors)

3.5 Reimer and Tollkamp (1980)

Moncrieff and Barker (1976)
Bongeler et al. (1993)
3.0 Shimizu (1974)
Secondary electron coefficient

Kanter (1961)
Bruining and De Boer (1938)
Bronstein and Fraiman (1969)
Hilleret et al. (2000)




0 1 2 3 4 5
Beam energy (keV)

remove such artifacts. However, even with ion beam clean- high that a monolayer of oxide will form on a reactive sur-
ing, it must be recognized that at the vacuum levels of the face such as Al in a matter of seconds. Thus, while ion beam
conventional “high vacuum” SEM, for example, 10−4 Pa milling may successfully remove contamination, oxide for-
(10−6 torr), the partial pressure of oxygen is sufficiently mation at least at the monolayer level may be unavoidable
11.3 · Selecting the Beam Energy to Control the Spatial Sampling of Imaging Signals
169 11
..      Fig. 11.5 SEM image of a
Ag filter, E0 = 500 eV
silver filter obtained at E0 = 0.5 keV
with a through-the-lens
secondary electron detector;
Bar = 5 µm (Image courtesy of
Keana Scott, NIST)

unless an ultrahigh vacuum instrument is used, where the most frequent choice to achieve high lateral spatial resolu-
chamber pressure is <10−8 Pa (10−10 torr). tion imaging of bulk specimens, as discussed in detail in
the “High Resolution SEM” module. An example of high
spatial resolution achieved at low beam energy is shown in
11.3  electing the Beam Energy to Control
S . Fig. 11.5 for a silver filter material imaged at E0 = 0.5 keV
the Spatial Sampling of Imaging with a “through-the-lens” secondary electron detector.
Signals Unfortunately, there is no simple rule like η vs. Z at high
beam energy for interpreting the contrast seen in this
11.3.1  ow Beam Energy for High Lateral
L image. For example, why does the population of nanoscale
particles appear extremely bright against the general mid-
Resolution SEM
level gray of the bulk background of the silver structure.
These features may appear bright because of local compo-
The electron range controls the lateral spatial distribution
sitional differences such as thicker oxides or there may be a
of the backscattered electrons: 90 % of BSEs escape radially
physical change such as increased surface area for SE emis-
from approximately 30 % RK-O (high Z) to 60 % RK-O (low
sion due to nanoscale roughening.
Z). The lateral spatial distribution of the SE2, which is cre-
ated as the BSE escape through the surface, and the SE3,
which is the BSE-to-SE conversion signal that results when
BSE strike the objective lens pole piece, the stage compo- 11.3.2  ow Beam Energy for High Depth
nents, and the chamber walls, effectively sample the same Resolution SEM
spatial range as the BSE. As the incident beam energy is
lowered, the BSE (SE3) and SE2 signal lateral distributions The strong exponential dependence of the beam penetration
collapse onto the SE1 distribution, which is restricted to on the incident energy controls the sampling of sub-surface
the beam footprint, so that at sufficiently low beam energy specimen properties by the BSEs and SEs, which can provide
all of these signals carry high spatial resolution informa- insight on the depth dimension. Observing a specimen as the
tion similar to the SE1. With a modern high performance beam energy is progressively lowered to record systematic
SEM equipped with a high brightness source, for example, changes can reveal lateral heterogeneities in surface compo-
a cold field emission gun or a Schottky thermally assisted sition. . Fig. 11.6 shows such a sequence of images from high
field emission gun, capable of delivering a useful beam beam energy (30 keV) to low beam energy (1 keV) prepared
current into a nanometer or sub-­ nanometer diameter with an E–T(positive bias) detector where the specimen is an
beam, low beam energy SEM operation has become the aluminum stub upon which was deposited approximately
170 Chapter 11 · Low Beam Energy SEM

30 keV a 20 keV b

10 keV c 5 keV d


3 keV e 2 keV f

1 keV g

..      Fig. 11.6 Beam energy series of images of a carbon film, nominally 7 nm thick, deposited on an aluminum SEM stub in the as-received
condition prepared with an E–T(positive bias) detector: a 30 keV; b 20 keV; c 10 keV; d 5 keV; e 3 keV; f 2 keV; g 1 keV; Bar = 800 μm
11.3 · Selecting the Beam Energy to Control the Spatial Sampling of Imaging Signals
171 11
7 nm of carbon shadowed through a grid. The contrast 11.3.3 Extremely Low Beam Energy Imaging
between the carbon and the aluminum behaves in a complex
fashion. The C-Al contrast is only weakly visible above High performance SEMs typically operate down to beam
E0 = 5 keV despite a high electron dose, long image integra- energies below 0.5 keV, with the lower limit depending on
tion, and post-acquisition image processing for contrast the vendor and the particular model. Ultralow beam energies
enhancement. The C-Al contrast increases sharply as the below 0.1 keV can be achieved through different electron-­
beam energy decreases below 5 keV, reaching a maximum at optical techniques, including biasing the specimen to
E0 = 2 keV and then decreasing below this energy. The –V. Specimen biasing acts to decelerate the beam electrons
increase in contrast below 5 keV is consistent with the emitted at energy E0 from the column so that the landing
increasing separation between the values of δ for C and Al energy, that is, the kinetic energy remaining when the beam
seen in . Fig. 11.2. The eventual decrease in the C-Al contrast electrons reach the specimen surface, is E0 –eV, where e rep-
below E0 = 2 keV is not consistent with the measurements resents the electronic charge. Ultralow beam energy imaging
plotted in . Fig. 11.2, where the difference between δ for C is illustrated in . Fig. 11.7, where the surface of a silica (SiO2)
and Al actually increases below E0 = 2 keV, which should specimen is imaged at a landing energy of 0.030 keV (30 eV).
increase the contrast. Despite the difficulty in interpreting . Figure 11.8 shows gold islands on carbon imaged with a
these trends in contrast, this example demonstrates that lat- landing energy of 0.01 keV (10 eV). At such low incident
eral differences in the surface can be detected, provided care energy, only the outermost atomic/molecular layers are
is taken to fully explore the image response to changing the probed by the beam.
beam energy parameter.

..      Fig. 11.7 Extremely low

landing energy (E0 = 0.030 keV)
SEM image of silica (SiO2)
prepared with an Everhart-Thorn-
ley E–T(positive bias) detector and
a beam current of 250 pA
revealing fine-scale texture and
surface topography; Bar = 2 µm
(Image courtesy of Carl Zeiss)
172 Chapter 11 · Low Beam Energy SEM

..      Fig. 11.8 Extremely low

landing energy (E0 = 0.010 keV)
image of gold islands evaporated
on carbon; TTL SE detector;
Bar = 100 nm (Image courtesy
of V. Robertson, JEOL)


References Joy D (2012) Can be found in chapter 3 on SpringerLink: http://link.

Kanter M (1961) Energy dissipation and secondary electron emission in
Bongeler R, Golla U, Kussens M, Reimer L, Schendler B, Senkel R, Spranck
solids. Phys Rev 121:1677
M (1993) Electron-specimen interactions in low-voltage scanning
Moncrieff DA, Barker PR (1976) Secondary electron emission in the
electron microscopy. Scanning 15:1
scanning electron microscope. Scanning 1:195
Bronstein IM, Fraiman BS (1969) “Secondary electron emission” Vtorich-
Reimer L, Tolkamp C (1980) Measuring the backscattering coefficient
naya elektronnaya emissiya. Nauka, Moskva, p 340
and secondary electron yield inside a scanning electron micro-
Bruining H, De Boer JM (1938) Secondary electron emission: Part 1 sec-
scope. Scanning 3:35
ondary electron emission of metals. Phys Ther 5:17p
Shimizu R (1974) Secondary electron yield with primary electron beam
Hilleret N, Bojko J, Grobner O, Henrist B, Scheuerlein C, and Taborelli M
of keV. J Appl Phys 45:2107
(2000) “The secondary electron yield of technical materials and its
Variation with surface treatments” in Proc.7th European Particle
Accelerator Conference, Vienna
173 12

Variable Pressure Scanning

Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)
12.1 Review: The Conventional SEM High Vacuum
Environment – 174
12.1.1 Stable Electron Source Operation – 174
12.1.2 Maintaining Beam Integrity – 174
12.1.3 Stable Operation of the Everhart–Thornley Secondary
Electron Detector – 174
12.1.4 Minimizing Contamination – 174

12.2 How Does VPSEM Differ From the Conventional

SEM Vacuum Environment? – 174

12.3 Benefits of Scanning Electron Microscopy at

Elevated Pressures – 175
12.3.1 Control of Specimen Charging – 175
12.3.2 Controlling the Water Environment of a Specimen – 176

12.4 Gas Scattering Modification of the Focused

Electron Beam – 177

12.5 VPSEM Image Resolution – 181

12.6 Detectors for Elevated Pressure Microscopy – 182

12.6.1 Backscattered Electrons—Passive Scintillator Detector – 182
12.6.2 Secondary Electrons–Gas Amplification Detector – 182

12.7 Contrast in VPSEM – 184

References – 185

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J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
174 Chapter 12 · Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)

12.1  eview: The Conventional SEM High

R beam. A critical factor in determining contamination rates is
Vacuum Environment the availability of hydrocarbon molecules for the beam elec-
trons to hit. To achieve a low contamination environment,
The conventional SEM must operate with a pressure in the the pumping system must be capable of achieving low ulti-
sample chamber below ~10−4 Pa (~10−6 torr), a condition mate operating pressures. A specimen exchange airlock can
determined by the need to satisfy four key instrumental pump off most volatiles, minimizing the exposure of the
operating conditions: specimen chamber, and the airlock can be augmented with a
plasma cleaning system to actively destroy volatiles. Finally,
the vacuum system can be augmented with careful cold sur-
12.1.1 Stable Electron Source Operation face trapping of any remaining volatiles from the specimen
or those that can backstream from the pump so as to mini-
The pressure in the electron gun must be maintained below mize the partial pressure of hydrocarbons. Most importantly,
10−4 Pa (~10−6 torr) for stable operation of a conventional to avoid introducing unnecessary sources of contamination,
thermal emission tungsten filament and below 10−7 Pa (~10−9 the microscopist must be very careful in handling instru-
torr) for a thermally assisted field emission source. Although ment parts and specimens to avoid inadvertently depositing
a separate pumping system is typically devoted to the elec- highly volatile hydrocarbons, such as those associated with
tron source to maintain the proper vacuum, if the specimen skin oils deposited in fingerprints, into the conventional
chamber pressure in a conventional SEM is allowed to rise, SEM. With this level of operational care when operating in a
gas molecules will diffuse to the gun, raising the pressure and well maintained modern instrument, beam-induced con-
causing unstable operation and early failure. tamination when observed almost always results from resid-
ual hydrocarbons on the specimen which remain from
incomplete cleaning rather than from hydrocarbons from
12.1.2 Maintaining Beam Integrity the vacuum system itself.
A significant price is paid to operate the SEM with such
An electron emitted from the source that encounters a gas a “clean” high vacuum. The specimen must be prepared in a
atom along the path to the specimen will scatter elastically, condition so as not to evolve gases in the vacuum environ-
changing the trajectory and causing the electron to deviate ment. Many important materials, such as biological tissues,
12 out of the focused beam. To preserve the integrity of the contain liquid water, which will rapidly evaporate at
beam, the column and chamber pressure must be reduced to reduced pressure, distorting the microscopic details of a
the point that the number of collisions between the beam specimen and disturbing the stable operating conditions of
electrons and the residual gas molecules is negligible along the microscope. This water, and any other volatile sub-
the entire path, which typically extends to 25 cm or more. stances, must be removed during sample preparation to
examine the specimen in a “dry” state, or the water must be
immobilized by freezing to low temperatures (“frozen,
12.1.3  table Operation of the Everhart–
S hydrated samples”). Such specimen preparation is both
Thornley Secondary Electron time-consuming and prone to introducing artifacts, includ-
Detector ing the redistribution of “diffusible” elements, such as the
alkali ions of salts.
To serve as a detector for secondary electrons, the Everhart–
Thornley secondary electron detector must be operated with
a bias of +10,000 volts or more applied to the face of the scin- 12.2  ow Does VPSEM Differ
tillator to accelerate the SE and raise their kinetic energy suf- From the Conventional SEM Vacuum
ficiently to cause light emission. If the chamber pressure Environment?
exceeds approximately 100 mPa (~10−3 torr), electrical dis-
charge events will begin to occur due to gas ionization The development of the variable pressure scanning ­electron
between the scintillator (+10,000 V) and the Faraday cage microscope (VPSEM) has enabled operation with elevated
(+250 V), which is located in close proximity, initially specimen chamber pressures in the range ~1–2500 Pa
increasing the noise and thus degrading the signal-to-noise (~0.01–20 torr) while still maintaining a high level of SEM
ratio. As the chamber pressure is further increased, electrical imaging performance (Danilatos 1988, 1991). The VPSEM
arcing will eventually cause total operational failure. utilizes “differential pumping” with several stages to obtain
the desired elevated pressure in the specimen chamber
while simultaneously maintaining a satisfactory pressure
12.1.4 Minimizing Contamination for stable operation of the electron gun and protection of
the beam electrons from encountering elevated gas pres-
A major source of specimen contamination during examina- sure along most of the flight path down the column.
tion arises from the cracking of hydrocarbons by the electron Differential pumping consists of establishing a series of
12.3 · Benefits of Scanning Electron Microscopy at Elevated Pressures
175 12
regions of successively lower pressure, with each region
separated by small apertures from the regions on either
side and each region having its own dedicated pumping
path. The probability of gas ­molecules moving from one
region to the next is limited by the area of the aperture. In
the VPSEM, these differential pumping apertures also
serve as the beam-defining apertures. A typical vacuum
design consists of separate pumping systems for the speci-
men chamber, one region for each lens, and finally the
electron gun. Such a vacuum system can maintain a pres-
sure differential of six orders of magnitude or more
between the specimen chamber and the electron gun,
enabling use of both conventional thermionic sources and
thermally-assisted field emission sources. A wide variety of
gases can be used in the elevated pressure sample chamber,
including oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and water vapor. 20 µm
Because the imaging conditions are extremely sensitive to
the sample chamber pressure, careful regulation of the ..      Fig. 12.1 Uncoated glass polycapillary as imaged in a VPSEM
(conditions: 20 keV; 500 Pa water vapor; gaseous secondary electron
pressure and of its stability for extended periods is required. detector)

12.3  enefits of Scanning Electron

B sitely charged species from this charge cloud, the positively
Microscopy at Elevated Pressures ionized gas atoms or the free electrons, leading to local
dynamic charge neutralization, enabling insulating mate-
There are several special benefits to performing scanning rials to be examined without a coating. Moreover, the
electron microscopy at elevated pressures. environmental gas, the ionized gas atoms, and the free
electrons can penetrate into complex geometric features
such as deep holes, features which would be very difficult
12.3.1 Control of Specimen Charging to coat to establish a conducting path for conventional
high vacuum SEM. An example of VPSEM imaging of a
Insulating materials suffer charging in the conventional high very complex insulating object is shown in . Fig. 12.1,
vacuum SEM because the high resistivity of the specimen which is an array of glass microcapillaries examined with-
prevents the migration of the charges injected by the beam, out any coating. No charging is observed in this secondary
as partially offset by charges that leave the specimen as back- electron VPSEM image with E0 = 20 keV (prepared with a
scattered and secondary electrons, to reach an electrical gaseous secondary electron detector, as described below)
ground. Consequently, there develops a local accumulation despite the very deep recesses in the structure. Another
of charge. Depending on the beam energy, the material prop- example is shown in . Fig. 12.2a, which shows a compari-
erties, and the local inclination of the specimen to the beam, son of images of a complex polymer foam imaged in high
negative or positive charging can occur. Charging phenom- vacuum SEM at a low beam energy of E0 = 4 keV with an
ena can be manifest in many ways in SEM images, ranging at Everhart–Thornley (E–T) detector, showing the develop-
the threshold from diminished collection of secondary elec- ment of charging, and in VPSEM mode with E0 = 20 keV
trons which reduces the signal-to-noise ratio to more extreme and an off-axis backscattered electron (BSE) detector,
effects where the local charge accumulation is high enough to showing no charging effects. A challenging insulating
cause actual displacement of the position of the beam, often sample with a complex surface is shown in . Fig. 12.2b,
seen as discontinuities in the scanned image. In the most which depicts fresh popcorn imaged under VPSEM condi-
extreme cases, the charge may be sufficient for the specimen tions with a BSE detector.
to act as a mirror and deflect the beam entirely. In conven- Achieving suppression of charging for such complex
tional SEM operation, charging is typically eliminated or at insulating objects as those shown in . Figs. 12.1 and 12.2
least minimized by applying a thin conducting coating to an involves careful control of the usual parameters of beam
insulating specimen and connecting the coating layer to elec- energy, beam current, and specimen tilt. In VPSEM opera-
trical ground. tion the additional critical variables of environmental gas
In the VPSEM, incident beam electrons, BSE and SE species and partial pressure must be carefully explored.
can scatter inelastically with gas atoms near the specimen, Additionally, the special detectors for SE that have been
ionizing those gas atoms to create free low kinetic energy developed for VPSEM operation can also play a role in charge
electrons and positive ions. Areas of an insulating suppression.
­specimen that charge will attract the appropriate oppo-
176 Chapter 12 · Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)


..      Fig. 12.2 a Uncoated polymer foam imaged (left) with high vacuum imaged with VPSEM, E0 = 20 keV, BSE detector; 60 Pa N2 (left, bar = 500 µm)
SEM, E0 = 4 keV, E-T(+) detector (bar = 200 µm); and (right) VPSEM, (right, bar = 50 µm) (Images courtesy J. Mershon, TESCAN; sample source:
E0 = 20 keV, off-axis BSE detector (bar = 500 µm) (Images courtesy Lehigh Microscopy School)
J. Mershan, TESCAN). b (left and right) Uncoated freshly popped popcorn

5000 35
12.3.2  ontrolling the Water Environment
of a Specimen 30
Careful control and preservation of the water content of a Liquid 25
Vapor pressure (Pa)

Vapor pres (Torr)

specimen can be critical to recording SEM images that are 3000 20

free from artifacts or suffer only minimal artifacts.
Additionally, when there is control of the partial pressure of 15
water vapor in the specimen chamber to maintain liquid 2000
water in equilibrium with the gas phase, it becomes possible 10
to observe chemical reactions that are mediated by water. 1000
By monitoring and controlling the relative humidity, it 5
(611 Pa, Vapor
is possible to add water by condensation or remove it by 0.01 °C)
0 0
evaporation. . Figure 12.3 shows the pressure–tempera-
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
ture phase diagram for water. The pressure–temperature
Temperature (°C)
conditions to maintain liquid water, ice, and water vapor in
equilibrium can be achieved at the upper end of the oper-
ating pressure range of certain VPSEMs when augmented ..      Fig. 12.3 Phase diagram for water
12.4 · Gas Scattering Modification of the Focused Electron Beam
177 12
..      Fig. 12.4 VPSEM imaging of
water condensed in situ on silicon
treated with a hydrophobic layer
(octadecanethiol), a hydrophilic
layer (erythrocyte membrane), Bare Si
and bare, uncoated silicon (nearly
vertical fracture surfaces)
(Example courtesy Scott Wight,

monolayer on Si

monolayer on Si

100 µm

with a cooling stage capable of reaching −5 °C to 5 °C. With 1 mm to 10 mm or more before reaching the specimen sur-
careful control of both the pressure of water vapor added face. As illustrated schematically in . Fig. 12.5, elastic scatter-
to the specimen chamber and of the specimen tempera- ing events that occur with the gas molecules along this path
ture, the microscopist can select the relative humidity in cause beam electrons to substantially deviate out of the
the sample chamber so that water can be e­ vaporated, con- focused beam to create a “skirt”. Even a small angle elastic
densed, or maintained in liquid–gas or solid-gas equilib- event with a 1-degree scattering angle that occurs 1 mm
rium. In addition to direct examination of water-containing above the specimen surface will cause the beam electron to
specimens, experiments can be ­performed in which the be displaced by 17 μm radially from the focused beam.
presence and quantity amount of water is controlled as a How large is the gas-scattering skirt? The extent of the
variable, enabling a wide range of chemical reactions to be beam skirt can be estimated from the ideal gas law (the density
observed. . Figure 12.4 shows an example of the condensa- of particles at a pressure p is given by n/V = p/RT, where n is
tion of water on a silicon wafer, one side of which was cov- the number of moles, V is the volume, R is the gas constant,
ered with a hydrophobic layer while the other was coated and T is the temperature) and by using the cross section for
with a hydrophilic layer, directly revealing the differences elastic scattering for a single event (Danilatos 1988):
in the wetting behavior on the two applied layers, as well as
the bare silicon exposed by fracturing the specimen.
Rs = ( 0.364 Z / E )( p / T )
1/ 2
L3/ 2 (12.1)

12.4  as Scattering Modification

G where Rs = skirt radius (m)
of the Focused Electron Beam Z = atomic number of the gas
E = beam energy (keV)
The differential pumping system achieves vacuum levels that p = pressure (Pa)
minimize gas scattering and preserve the beam integrity as it T = temperature (K)
passes from the electron source through the electron-optical L = Gas Path Length (GPL) (m)
column. As the beam emerges from the high vacuum of the
electron column through the final aperture into the elevated . Figure 12.6 plots the skirt radius for a beam energy of
pressure of the specimen chamber, the volume density of gas 20 keV as a function of the gas path length through oxygen at
atoms rapidly increases, and with it the probability that elas- several different chamber pressures. For a pressure of 100 Pa
tic scattering events with the gas atoms will occur. Although and a gas path length of 5 mm, the skirt radius is calculated
the volume density of the gas atoms in the chamber is very to be 30 μm. Consider the change in scale from the focused
low compared to the density of a solid material, the path beam to the skirt that results from gas scattering. The high
length that the beam electrons must travel in the elevated vacuum beam footprint that gives the lateral extent of the
pressure region of the sample chamber typically ranges from BSE, SE, and X-ray production can be estimated with the
178 Chapter 12 · Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)

..      Fig. 12.5 Schematic diagram

showing gas scattering leading to
development of the skirt
surrounding the unscattered
beam at the specimen surface Limit for 99 % of
beam electrons
event with
gas atom

beam intensity

Skirt intensity


12 ..      Fig. 12.6 Development of

beam skirt for 20-keV electrons Development of Beam “Skirt”
passing through oxygen at Gas Scattering Skirt (Oxygen; beam energy 20 keV)
various pressures as calculated
with Eq. 12.1 100

1 Pa
10 Pa
80 100 Pa
1000 Pa
2500 Pa
Skirt Radius (micrometers)





0 2 4 6 8 10
Gas Path Length (mm)
12.4 · Gas Scattering Modification of the Focused Electron Beam
179 12
Kanaya–Okayama range equation. For a copper specimen into the skirt. The VPSEM menu of DTSA-II allows selection
and E0 = 20 keV, the full range RK-O = 1.5 μm, which is also a of the critical variables: the gas path length, the gas pressure,
good estimate of the diameter of the interaction volume pro- and the gas species (He, N2, O2, H2O, or Ar). . Table 12.1
jected on the entrance surface. With a beam/interaction vol- gives an example of the Monte Carlo output for the electron
ume footprint radius of 0.75 μm, the gas scattering skirt of scattering out of the beam for a 5-mm gas path length
30-μm radius is thus a factor of 40 larger in linear dimension, through 100 Pa of water vapor. In addition to the radial dis-
and the skirt is a factor of 1600 larger in area than that due tribution, the DTSA II Monte Carlo reports the unscattered
the focused beam and beam specimen interactions. fraction that remains in the focused beam, a value that is
Considering just a 10-nm incident beam diameter (5-nm critical for estimating the likely success of VPSEM imaging,
radius), the gas scattering skirt is 6000 times larger. as described below.
While Eq. 12.1 is useful to estimate the extent of the gas . Figure 12.7a plots the gas scattering predicted by the
scattering skirt under VPSEM conditions, it provides no Monte Carlo simulation for a gas path length of 5 mm and
­information on the relative fraction of the beam that remains 100 Pa of O2, presented as the cumulative electron inten-
unscattered or on the distribution of gas-scattered electrons sity as a function of radial distance out to 50 μm from the
within the skirt. The Monte Carlo simulation embedded in beam center. For these conditions the unscattered beam
NIST DTSA-II enables explicit treatment of gas scattering to retains about 0.70 of the beam intensity that enters the
provide detailed information on the unscattered beam elec- specimen chamber. The skirt out to a radius of 30 μm con-
trons as well as the spatial distribution of electrons scattered tains a cumulative intensity of 0.84 of the incident beam

..      Table 12.1 NIST DTSA-II Monte Carlo simulation for 20-keV electrons passing through 5 mm of water vapor at 100 Pa

Ring Inner Radius, Outer radius, Ring area, Electron count Electron Cumulative (%)
μm μm μm2 fraction

Undeflected — — — 42,279 0.661 —

1 0.0 2.5 19.6 46,789 0.731 73.1

2 2.5 5.0 58.9 2431 0.038 76.9

3 5.0 7.5 98.2 1457 0.023 79.2

4 7.5 10.0 137.4 1081 0.017 80.9

5 10.0 12.5 176.7 834 0.013 82.2

6 12.5 15.0 216.0 730 0.011 83.3

7 15.0 17.5 255.3 589 0.009 84.2

8 17.5 20.0 294.5 554 0.009 85.1

9 20.0 22.5 333.8 490 0.008 85.9

10 22.5 25.0 373.1 393 0.006 86.5

11 25.0 27.5 412.3 395 0.006 87.1

12 27.5 30.0 451.6 341 0.005 87.6

13 30.0 32.5 490.9 271 0.004 88.1

14 32.5 35.0 530.1 309 0.005 88.5

15 35.0 37.5 569.4 274 0.004 89.0

16 37.5 40.0 608.7 248 0.004 89.4

17 40.0 42.5 648.0 224 0.004 89.7

18 42.5 45.0 687.2 217 0.003 90.0

19 45.0 47.5 726.5 204 0.003 90.4

20 47.5 50.0 765.8 191 0.003 90.7

180 Chapter 12 · Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)

..      Fig. 12.7 a Cumulative

electron intensity as a function of a VPSEM 100 Pa O2
distance (0–50 μm) from the 1.0
beam center for 20-keV electrons
passing through 100 Pa of oxygen
as calculated with NIST DTSA-II. b
Cumulative electron intensity as a 0.9
function of distance (0–1000 μm)
from the beam center for 20-keV

Cumulative electron intensity

electrons passing through 100 Pa 0.8
of oxygen as calculated with NIST
DTSA-II (GPL = Gas Path Length)


3 mm GPL
5 mm GPL
10 mm GPL

0 10 20 30 40 50
Radial distance from beam center (micrometers)

VPSEM 100 Pa O2

12 0.9
Cumulative electron intensity



3 mm GPL
5 mm GPL
10 mm GPL

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Radial distance from beam center (micrometers)

current. To capture 0.95 of the total beam current requires gas path length on the skirt radius, which follows a 3/2
a radial distance to approximately 190 μm, as shown in exponent in the scattering Eq. 12.1, can be seen in
. Fig. 12.7b, and the last 0.05 of the beam electrons are . Fig. 12.7 by comparing the plots for 3-, 5-, and 10-mm
distributed out to 1000 μm (1 mm). The strong effect of the gas path lengths.
12.5 · VPSEM Image Resolution
181 12

a b

..      Fig. 12.8 a High resolution SEM imaging of gold deposited on SEM imaging of gold deposited on carbon in VPSEM; 300 Pa N2;
carbon in conventional SEM; E0 = 30 keV; E–T (positive bias) detector E0 = 30 keV; BSE detector (bar = 200 nm) (Image courtesy J. Mershon,
(bar = 200 nm) (image courtesy J. Mershon, TESCAN). b High resolution TESCAN)

12.5 VPSEM Image Resolution of the original beam current reaches the specimen surface
unscattered and contained within the focused beam. The elec-
Remarkably, despite the strong gas scattering and the develop- trons that remain in the beam behave exactly as they would in
ment of the skirt around the focused beam, the image resolu- a high vacuum SEM, creating the same interaction volume and
tion that can be achieved in VPSEM operation is very similar generating secondary and backscattered electrons with exactly
to that for the same specimen imaged at the same incident the same spatial distributions. The electrons that land in the
beam energy in a conventional high vacuum SEM. A compari- scattering skirt also generate secondary and backscattered elec-
son of high vacuum SEM and VPSEM imaging performance trons in response to the local specimen characteristics they
for gold islands on carbon using a modern thermal field emis- encounter, for example, surface inclination, roughness, com-
sion gun SEM is shown in . Fig. 12.8, showing comparable spa- position, an so on, which may be different from the region
tial resolution, as originally demonstrated by Danilatos (1993). sampled by the focused beam. Because these skirt electron
This extraordinary imaging performance in the VPSEM can be interactions effectively arise from a broad, diffuse area rather
understood by recognizing that elastic scattering is a stochastic than a focused beam, they cannot respond to fine-scale spatial
process. As beam electrons encounter the gas molecules and details of the specimen as the beam is scanned. The skirt elec-
atoms in the elevated pressure region, elastic scattering events trons interact over such a broad area that effectively they only
occur, but not every electron suffers elastic scattering immedi- contribute increased noise to the measurement, degrading the
ately. There remains an unscattered fraction of electrons that signal-to-noise ratio of the useful high resolution signal gener-
follows the expected path defined by the objective lens field ated by the unscattered electrons that remain in the focused
and lands in the focused beam footprint identical to the situa- beam. This degraded signal-to-noise does degrade the visibility
tion at high vacuum but with reduced intensity due to the gas threshold, which can be compensated by increasing the beam
scattering events that rob the beam of some of the electrons. As current and/or by increasing the pixel dwell time. The degrada-
the gas scattering path, which is a product of working distance tion of feature visibility due to gas scattering has the most
and the gas pressure, increases, the unscattered fraction of the impact at the short pixel dwell times (high scan rates) that are
beam decreases and eventually reaches zero intensity. The frac- typically selected for rapidly surveying a specimen to search for
tion of unscattered electrons that remain in the beam can be features of interest. The prudent VPSEM microscopist will
calculated by the Monte Carlo simulation in DTSA-II, and an always use long pixel dwell times to reduce the contrast visibil-
example is plotted in . Fig. 12.9. For 20-keV electrons passing ity threshold to ensure that a low-contrast feature of interest
through 10 mm of water vapor at 200 Pa, approximately 20 % can be observed.
182 Chapter 12 · Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)

..      Fig. 12.9 Fraction of a 20-keV

beam that remains unscattered 20 keV 10 mm path H2O
after passage through 10 mm of 1.0
water vapor at various pressures


Unscattered fraction remaining in beam




0 200 400 600 800 1000
Pressure (Pa)

12.6  etectors for Elevated Pressure

D 12.6.2 Secondary Electrons–Gas
12 Microscopy Amplification Detector

12.6.1 Backscattered Electrons—Passive To utilize the low energy secondary electrons in the VPSEM,
Scintillator Detector a special elevated pressure SE detector that utilizes ioniza-
tion of the environmental gas (gaseous secondary electron
As noted above, the E–T detector, or any other detector detector, GSED) has been developed (Danilatos 1990). As
which employs a high accelerating voltage post-specimen, shown schematically in . Fig. 12.12, an electrode (which
such as the channel plate multiplier, cannot be used at ele- may also serve as the final pressure limiting aperture) in
vated VPSEM pressures due to ionization of the gas atoms close proximity to the electrically grounded specimen is
leading to large-scale electrical breakdown. The passive back- maintained at a modest accelerating voltage of a few hun-
scattered electron detectors, including the semiconductor dred volts positive. The exact value of this applied voltage is
and scintillator detectors, are suitable for elevated pressure, selected so as not to exceed the breakdown voltage for the
since the backscattered electrons suffer negligible energy loss gas species and pressure being utilized. The SE emitted from
while transiting the environmental gas and thus retain suffi- the specimen are accelerated toward this electrode and
cient energy to activate the scintillator without post-­specimen undergo collisions with the gas molecules, ionizing them
acceleration. In fact, an added advantage of elevated pressure and creating positive ions and more free electrons. The
VPSEM operation is that the gas discharging allows the bare mean free path for this process is a few tens of micrometers,
scintillator to be used without the metallic coating required depending on the gas pressure and the accelerating voltage,
for conventional high vacuum operation. An example of a so that multiple generations of ionizing collisions can occur
VPSEM image of polymer foam prepared with a large sym- between SE emission from the specimen and collection at
metric BSE detector placed symmetrically above the speci- the positive electrode. Moreover, the electrons ejected from
men is shown in . Fig. 12.10 (left). the gas atoms are also accelerated toward the wire and ion-
. Figure 12.11a shows an example of a BSE image of pol- ize other gas atoms, resulting in a cascade of increasing
ished Raney nickel alloy obtained with a passive scintillator charge carriers, progressively amplifying the current col-
detector in water vapor at a pressure of 500 Pa (3.8 torr) with lected at the electrode by a factor up to several hundred
a beam energy of 20 keV. This BSE image shows composi- compared to the SE current originally emitted from the
tional contrast similar to that observed under high vacuum specimen. While BSE can also contribute to the total signal
conventional SEM imaging. collected at the electrode by collisions with gas molecules,
12.6 · Detectors for Elevated Pressure Microscopy
183 12

..      Fig. 12.10 Uncoated polymer foam imaged under VPSEM conditions at E0 = 20 keV: (left) large solid angle symmetric BSE detector placed
above the specimen; (bar = 500 µm) (right) same area with induced field SE detector (bar = 500 µm) (Images courtesy J. Mershan, TESCAN)


a 150 mm b 150 mm

..      Fig. 12.11 VPSEM imaging of a polished Raney nickel alloy surface. a backscattered electron detector (BSE). b gaseous secondary electron
detector (GSED). Note the details visible in the shrinkage cavity in the GSED image

the mean free path for gas collisions increases rapidly with obtained with the GSED is shown in . Fig. 12.11b, operat-
increasing electron energy thus decreasing the frequency of ing under VPSEM conditions with water vapor at a pressure
gas ionizations by the BSE. The contribution of the high of 600 Pa.
energy BSE to the current amplification cascade is much Other variants of the GSED have been developed that
less than that of the SE. To make simultaneous use of both make use of other physical phenomena that occur in the
the BSE and SE signals, a detector array such as that shown complex charged particle environment around the beam
in . Fig. 12.13 can be utilized, combining an annular scintil- impact on the specimen, including the magnetic field induced
lator BSE detector with the GSED. An example of the same by the motion of the charged particles and the cathodolumi-
area of the polished Raney nickel alloy simultaneously nescence of certain environmental gases induced by the SE
184 Chapter 12 · Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM)

number (compositional) contrast from the flat surface that is

Gaseous Secondary Electron Detector (GSED) consistent with what would be observed for this specimen
with the BSE signal in a conventional high vacuum SEM
operating at the same beam energy. This same atomic num-
ber contrast can be observed in the simultaneously recorded
+V + 30 V to GSED SE image in . Fig. 12.11b. Atomic number contrast
+ 600 V appears in the GSED SE image because of the atomic number
+ + dependence of the SE2 class of secondary electrons that are
+ +
SE generated by the exiting BSEs and are thus subject to the same
+ ions + contrast mechanisms as the BSEs. This is again familiar con-
+ trast behavior equivalent to high vacuum SEM imaging expe-
rience with the E–T detector. An important difference in the
VPSEM case is the loss of the large contribution to atomic
number contrast made by the SE3 class in a high vacuum
SEM. The SE3 contribution is not a significant factor in the
VPSEM since the SE3 are generated on the chamber walls and
objective lens outside of the accelerating field of the GSED
..      Fig. 12.12 Schematic diagram showing principle of operation of and thus do not contribute to the SE signal.
the gaseous secondary electron detector (GSED) Most BSE and SE images can be interpreted from the
experience of high vacuum SEM, but as in all SEM image
interpretation, the microscopist must always consider the
GSED and BSE detector array apparent illumination situation provided by the detector in
use. The GSED class of detectors is effectively located very
close to the incident beam and thus provide apparent illumi-
+ 30 to
+ 600 V nation along the line-of-sight. Moreover, the degree of ampli-
Light guide
fication increases with distance of the surface from the GSED
BSE detector. These characteristics of the GSED lead to an impor-
12 + +
tant difference between . Fig. 12.11a, b. The deep cavity is
+ ions
+ SE +
much brighter in the GSED image compared to the BSE
image. The cavity walls and floor are fully illuminated by the
electron beam and fine scale features can be captured at the
bottom, as shown in the progressive image sequence in
. Fig. 12.14. The differing contrast in these images is a result
of the relative positions and signal responses of the BSE and
GSED detectors. Both detectors are annular, but the GSED
detector is effectively looking along the beam and produces
..      Fig. 12.13 Co-mounted BSE and GSED detectors, showing apparent lighting along the viewer’s direction of sight. The
positions relative to the electron beam
annular BSE detector intercepts BSEs traveling at a minimum
angle of approximately 20 degrees to the beam so that the
effective lighting appears to come from outside the viewer’s
and BSE. An example of an induced-field SE detector image direction of sight. The cavity appears dark in the BSE image
is shown in . Fig. 12.10 (right). because although the primary beam strikes the walls and
floor, there is no line-of-sight from cavity surfaces to the BSE
detector. The BSEs are strongly reabsorbed by the walls and/or
12.7 Contrast in VPSEM scattered out of the line-of-sight collection of the BSE detec-
tor. Because the environmental gas penetrates into the holes,
In general, the contrast mechanisms for the BSE and SE sig- as long as the primary beam can strike a surface and cause it
nals that are familiar from conventional high vacuum SEM to emit secondary electrons, the positive collection potential
operate in a similar fashion in VPSEM. For example, in the on the final pressure limiting aperture will attract electrons
BSE detector image shown in . Fig. 12.11a, most of the region from the ionization cascade and generate a measurable SE sig-
of the Raney nickel alloy being viewed consists of a flat pol- nal, as shown schematically in . Fig. 12.15 (Newbury 1996).
ished surface. Close examination of this image reveals atomic Because of the added ionization path represented by the depth
185 12

150 mm 10 mm

50 mm 2 mm

..      Fig. 12.14 Sequence of VPSEM images showing details revealed at the bottom of a cavity in polished Raney nickel alloy

of the cavity, the SEs generated deep in the cavity create addi-
tional generations of cascade multiplication, increasing the
signal compared to the flat surface of the specimen, making
the cavities appear bright relative to the flat surface.

+ + 30 to
+ + 600 V Danilatos GD (1988) Foundations of environmental scanning electron
+ 1 - 20 torr microscopy. Adv Electronics Electron Opt 71:109
Danilatos GD (1990) Mechanism of detection and imaging in the ESEM.
J Microsc 160:9
Danilatos GD (1991) Review and outline of environmental SEM at pres-
ent. J Microsc 162:391
Danilatos DD (1993) Introduction to the ESEM instrument. Microsc Res
Tech 25:354
Newbury D (1996) Imaging deep holes in structures with gaseous sec-
ondary electron detection in the environmental scanning electron
..      Fig. 12.15 Effect of extended gas path length created by a cavity microscope. Scanning 18:474
187 13

ImageJ and Fiji

13.1 The ImageJ Universe – 188

13.2 Fiji – 188

13.3 Plugins – 190

13.4 Where to Learn More – 191

References – 193

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
188 Chapter 13 · ImageJ and Fiji

Software is an essential tool for the scanning electron micros- becoming popular, Rasband undertook the development of a
copist and X-ray microanalyst (SEMXM). In the past, soft- Mac version of the tool called NIH Image. Largely to enable
ware was an important optional means of augmenting the cross-platform compatibility and to allow non-Macintosh
electron microscope and X-ray spectrometer, permitting users to run the program, it was again rewritten, this time
powerful additional analysis and enabling new characteriza- using the Java programming language. The result was the first
tion methods that were not possible with bare instrumenta- version of ImageJ in 1997 (Schneider et al. 2012, 2015).
tion. Today, however, it is simply not possible to function as The availability of ImageJ on the Microsoft PC and Unix
an SEMXM practitioner without using at least a minimal platforms as well as Macintosh undoubtedly added to its
amount of software. A graphical user interface (GUI) is an popularity, but just as important was the decision to create an
integral part of how the operator controls the hardware on open software architecture that encouraged contributions
most modern microscopes, and in some cases it is the only from a large community of interested software developers. As
interface. Even many seemingly analog controls such as focus a result, ImageJ benefitted from a prodigious number of code
knobs, magnification knobs, or stigmators are actually digital submissions in the form of macros and plugins as well as edits
interfaces mounted on hand-panel controllers that connect to to the core application itself. Partly to manage this organic
the microscope control computer via a USB interface. growth of the package, partly to reorganize the code base, and
In addition to its role in data acquisition, software is now in part to introduce improvements that could not be added
indispensable in the processing, exploration, and visualiza- incrementally, NIH funded the ImageJ2 project in 2009 to
tion of SEMXM data and analysis results. Fortunately, most overhaul this widely useful and very popular program, and to
manufacturers provide high-quality commercial software create a more robust and more capable foundation for future
packages to support the hardware they sell and to aid the enhancements (7 http://imagej.net/ImageJ2).
analyst in the most common materials characterization tasks. Both ImageJ and ImageJ2 have benefitted from indepen-
Usually this software has been carefully engineered, often at dent software development projects that interoperate with
great cost, and smart analysts will take advantage of this soft- these programs. The Bio-Formats file I/O library as well as
ware whenever it meets their needs. However, closed-source other related projects led by the Laboratory for Optical and
commercial software suffers from several limitations. Because Computational Instrumentation (LOCI) at the University of
the source code is not available for inspection, the procedures Wisconsin (7 https://loci.wisc.edu) are important resources
and algorithms used by the software cannot be checked for in the ImageJ universe and have added valuable functional-
accuracy or completeness, and must be accepted as a “black ity. The Bio-Formats project responded to the community’s
box.” Further, it is often very difficult to modify closed source need for software that would read and write the large num-
13 software, either to add missing features needed by the analyst ber of vendor-supplied image file formats, mostly for light
or to customize the workflow to meet specific job require- microscopy (LM). Today the Bio-Formats library goes well
ments. In this regard, open source software is more flexible beyond LM vendor formats and encompasses 140 different
and more extensible. The cost of commercial software pack- file types, including many useful for SEMXM, such FEI and
ages can also be a downside, especially in an academic or JEOL images, multi-image TIFFs (useful for EDS multi-­
teaching environment or in any situation where many dupli- element maps), movie formats like AVI for SEM time-lapse
cate copies of the software are required. Clearly a no-cost, imaging, etc. A follow-on LOCI project called SCIFIO aims
open source solution is preferable to a high-cost commercial to extend the I/O library’s scope to include N-dimensional
application if you need to install 50 copies for instructional files (Hiner et al. 2016). Both projects are closely associated
purposes. with the Open Microscopy Environment (OME) project and
One of the most popular free and open source software the OME consortium (7 http://www.openmicroscopy.org).
packages for SEM image analysis is ImageJ, a Java program Similarly, the ImgLib2 project aims to provide a neutral, Java-­
that has grown over the decades from a small application based computational library for processing N-dimensional
started at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into a large scientific datasets of the kind targeted by SCIFIO (Pietzsch
international collaboration with hundreds of contributors et al. 2012).
and many, many thousands of users (7 http://imagej.net). Given the complexity of this rapidly evolving ecosystem
of interrelated and interoperable tools that support ImageJ, it
is not surprising that some users find it difficult to under-
13.1 The ImageJ Universe stand how all the pieces fit together and how to exploit all the
power available in this software suite. Fortunately, there is a
ImageJ has grown into a large and multifaceted suite of simple way to access much of this power: by installing Fiji.
related tools, and how all these parts fit together (and which
are useful for SEM and X-ray microanalysis) may not be
immediately obvious. The project began in the late 1970s 13.2 Fiji
when Wayne Rasband, working at NIH, authored a simple
image processing program in the Pascal programming lan- Fiji, which is a recursive acronym that stands for “Fiji Is Just
guage that he called Image. This original application ran only ImageJ,” is a coherent distribution of ImageJ2 that is easy to
on the PDP-11, but in 1987 when the Apple Macintosh II was install and comes pre-bundled with a large collection of u
­ seful
13.2 · Fiji
189 13
plugins and enhancements to the bare ImageJ2 application run from its own directory as a standalone application.
(Schindelin et al. 2012). It is often thought of as “ImageJ with Installation is as simple as downloading the distribution and
Batteries Included.” The Fiji website provides several conve- unpacking it; Fiji does not use an installer, does not copy
nient installation packages for both the 32-bit and 64-bit ver- shared libraries into destination directories scattered around
sions of Fiji for common operating systems such as Microsoft the file system, and it does not store configuration information
Windows (currently Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10) and in system databases (e.g., the Windows registry). Because of
Linux (on amd64 and x86 architectures). Pre-built and tested this design, once installed it can be moved or copied simply by
versions for Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and later are also moving the directory tree. This portability also means it runs
available. By default, these bundles include a version of the quite well from a USB flash drive or removable hard drive.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) configured for Fiji’s use that After launching Fiji you will be presented with the Fiji
can coexist with other instances of Java on the host computer, main window (. Fig. 13.1a), which contains the Menu bar,
but “bare” distributions of Fiji are available that will attempt the Tools bar, and a Status bar for messages and other appli-
to utilize your computer’s existing JRE if that is preferred. Of cation feedback to the user. Selecting “Update…” or “Update
course, as an Open Source software project, all of the source Fiji” on the Help menu will trigger the updater, one of the
code for Fiji can be downloaded. most useful features of Fiji. Because Fiji is configured by
Installation of Fiji is straightforward because it has been default to start the updater immediately after program
configured as a portable application, meaning it is designed to launch, for many new users this is the first piece of Fiji

..      Fig. 13.1 a Fiji main window. a

b Fiji updater

190 Chapter 13 · ImageJ and Fiji

..      Fig. 13.2 Fiji’s Manage

Update Sites window

f­unctionality they encounter. Upon activation the updater c­ ommunity. Fiji comes with some of the most useful plugins
will scan your local Fiji installation and calculate checksums pre-installed, and these are accessible from the Plugins menu
for everything to see if any components are out-of-date, or if item. Hundreds of powerful features are accessible this way,
new features have been added since it was last run. It will exposed to the user in a series of cascading menus and sub-
then confer with the global Fiji code repositories to look for menus. Such a large set of choices can be overwhelming at
updated Java Archive files (.jar files) and offer to download first, but many of the plugins are meant for light microscopy,
and install them for the user. . Figure 13.1b shows an exam- so the SEM analyst may find it simpler to ignore some of
ple of this, where the updater has located numerous changes them. However, the Non-local means denoising plugin, the
in the ImageJ, Fiji, and Bio-Formats repositories. By select- Optic flow plugin, and the myriad of morphological opera-
ing the “Apply changes” button the software will fetch the tions under the Plugins|Process menu are all useful for SEM
latest code and apply all the patches to the user’s local Fiji microscopists, as are the dozens of features in the Registration,
installation. . Figure 13.2 shows a window listing a selection Segmentation, Stacks, Stitching, Transform, and Utilities
of available Fiji update sites illustrating the rich community submenus.
resources. Sometimes the appearance of a plugin as a single entry in
the Fiji menu structure belies the full power of that plugin.
Indeed, some of the most impressive plugins available for Fiji
13.3 Plugins might be considered entire image processing packages in their
own right. An example of this is the Trainable WEKA Classifier
One of the most powerful features of Fiji is the enormous plugin that appears as a single entry on the Segmentation sub-
collection of plugins, macros, and other extensions that have menu of the Plugins menu. WEKA is an acronym that stands
been developed by third-party contributors in the scientific for “Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis,” a tool
13.4 · Where to Learn More
191 13
developed by the Machine Learning Group at the University a much larger amount of supplemental code and capability.
of Waikato in New Zealand (Hall et al. 2009). WEKA is a full- For example, the “Cookbook” site listed in . Fig. 13.4a adds
featured and very popular open source software suite written a new top-level menu item to the Fiji main window, as
in Java for machine learning (ML) researchers. It provides an shown in . Fig. 13.4b. This new menu contains example
open, cross-platform workbench for common ML tasks such code to help new users follow along with a community-­
as data mining, feature selection, clustering, classification, and written tutorial introduction to ImageJ, available on the
regression, going well beyond just image analysis. The Fiji plu- ImageJ website (7 http://imagej.net/Cookbook).
gin is a gateway into this large array of tools and provides a Occasionally a set of useful plugins will be written by a
convenient interface for processing SEM images using a mod- researcher or contributor who is unable or unwilling to make
ern machine learning framework (7 http://imagej.net/ them available as an update site. The ImageJ website offers
Trainable_Weka_Segmentation). free hosting of update sites for any author of plugins, and
Some of the most widely used and powerful plugins in organizations can run their own Fiji update sites if they wish.
Fiji have been back-ported into ImageJ itself, and are avail- If these are not already a selectable option on the Manage
able directly from the main application’s menu structure. An update sites list (. Fig. 13.4a), the “Add update site” button
example of this is the Process menu option known as allows the user to manually follow a third-party update site.
“Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization,” or As a last resort, plugins may also be manually installed into
CLAHE (Zuiderveld 1994). First developed in 1994, this the Fiji plugins directory, but they will not be automatically
algorithm has been implemented in a wide variety of image updated so this is discouraged.
processing tools. It is designed to amplify local contrast by Thus, there are really four tiers of plugins across the
performing histogram equalization on small subsets (tiles) ImageJ universe: (1) core ImageJ plugins that are bundled
within the source image, but to limit the allowed amplifica- into the base ImageJ package (more than 1000 plugins in
tion to reduce the tendency to magnify the noise in relatively 2016); (2) core Fiji plugins, included by default in the
homogeneous patches. . Figure 13.3a shows a scanning elec- “Batteries Included” Fiji distributions (more than 1000 addi-
tron micrograph of microfabricated features on silicon, tional plugins in 2016); (3) plugins available from additional
acquired at 20 keV using an Everhart–Thornley detector. update sites; and (4) plugins that must be located, down-
Because of slight misalignment of the raster with the linear loaded, and installed manually. While this last category of
features, Moiré contrast is evident in the image as bright plugins is the most likely to be buggy and poorly supported,
edges on some features, and there are pure white and pure any plugin written by a co-worker or officemate will often fall
black horizontal lines that have been added to simulate con- into this category, so the code may be highly specific to your
trast artifacts. These extreme limits of intensity preclude the task or your organization—don’t overlook these!
usual brightness/contrast adjustments, but the CLAHE algo-
rithm recovers invisible details without loss of information,
. Fig. 13.3b. 13.4 Where to Learn More
While it is possible that the ideal software tool for your
project is available in Fiji itself (e.g., CLAHE) or in one of Learning ImageJ or Fiji can be a daunting task for the
the many plugins loaded into Fiji by default (e.g., Trainable beginner, and no attempt was made here to provide even a
Weka Segmentation), it is much more likely that the tool basic introduction to opening, exploring, manipulating,
you are looking for is not in the distribution you down- and saving SEM micrographs or X-ray data. However, there
loaded from the Fiji website. Only a small fraction of the are many excellent resources for learning Fiji on the web,
plugins available to the user have been installed in the and the community offers several support channels for
menu tree. A much larger collection awaits the user who is those who need additional help. Fiji itself has a built-in
willing to explore the many optional Fiji update sites. The Help menu with links to the ImageJ and Fiji websites, news-
Updater window shown in . Fig. 13.1b has a “Manage groups, online documentation, example code, developer
update sites” button at the lower left. If you press this but- tools, guidance documents, etc. The ImageJ Help page
ton you are presented with a list of optional plugin reposi- maintains links to the ImageJ Forum, Chat Room, and IRC
tories, as shown in . Fig. 13.4a. When checked, these channel as well as pointers to the ImageJ tag on Stack
additional update sites will be accessed and used by the Overflow and Reddit, popular online locations for ImageJ
Updater to find new functionality to add into the base dis- and Fiji questions and answers. Finally, there is a synoptic
tribution. Some of the sites shown in . Fig. 13.4a only add search engine for many of the above resources at 7 http://
one or two items to the Plugins menu, while others import search.imagej.net.
192 Chapter 13 · ImageJ and Fiji

..      Fig. 13.3 Application of Fiji’s a

CLAHE processing to a low-
contrast SEM images a and the
resulting enhanced image b. The
images are 256 μm wide

193 13
..      Fig. 13.4 a Fiji’s Manage
Update Sites window, showing
some of the many optional plugin
repositories available for use. b A
new top-level menu item called
“Cookbook” imported from the
Cookbook update site

References Schindelin J, Arganda-Carreras I, Frise E et al (2012) “Fiji: an open-source

platform for biological-image analysis”. Nat Methods 9(7):676–682,
7 https://fiji.sc (Note that Fiji is not spelled FIJI)
Hall M, Frank E, Holmes G, Pfahringer B, Reutemann P, Witten IH (2009)
Schindelin J, Rueden CT, Hiner MC et al (2015) The imageJ ecosystem: an
The WEKA data mining software: an update. ACM SIGKDD Explor
open platform for biomedical image analysis. Mol Reprod Dev
Newsl 11(1):10–18
Hiner M, Rueden C, Eliceiri K (2016) SCIFIO [Software]. 7 http://scif.io
Schneider CA, Rasband WS, Eliceiri KW (2012) NIH Image to ImageJ: 25
Pietzsch T, Preibisch S, Tomancak P et al (2012) ImgLib2—generic image
years of image analysis. Nat Methods 9(7):671–675
processing in Java. Bioinformatics 28(22):3009–3011, 7 http://
Zuiderveld K (1994) “Contrast limited adaptive histograph equalization.”
graphic gems IV. Academic Press Professional, San Diego, pp 474–485
195 14

SEM Imaging Checklist

14.1 Specimen Considerations (High ­Vacuum SEM; Specimen
Chamber Pressure < 10−3 Pa) – 197
14.1.1 Conducting or Semiconducting Specimens – 197
14.1.2 Insulating Specimens – 197

14.2 Electron Signals Available – 197

14.2.1 Beam Electron Range – 197
14.2.2 Backscattered Electrons – 197
14.2.3 Secondary Electrons – 197

14.3 Selecting the Electron Detector – 198

14.3.1 Everhart–Thornley Detector (“Secondary Electron” Detector) – 198
14.3.2 Backscattered Electron Detectors – 198
14.3.3 “Through-the-Lens” Detectors – 198

14.4 Selecting the Beam Energy for SEM Imaging – 198

14.4.1 Compositional Contrast With Backscattered Electrons – 198
14.4.2 Topographic Contrast With Backscattered Electrons – 198
14.4.3 Topographic Contrast With Secondary Electrons – 198
14.4.4 High Resolution SEM Imaging – 198

14.5 Selecting the Beam Current – 199

14.5.1 High Resolution Imaging – 199
14.5.2 Low Contrast Features Require High Beam Current and/or
Long Frame Time to Establish Visibility – 199

14.6 Image Presentation – 199

14.6.1 “Live” Display Adjustments – 199
14.6.2 Post-Collection Processing – 199

14.7 Image Interpretation – 199

14.7.1 Observer’s Point of View – 199
14.7.2 Direction of Illumination – 199
14.7.3 Contrast Encoding – 200
14.7.4 Imaging Topography With the Everhart–Thornley Detector – 200
14.7.5 Annular BSE Detector (Semiconductor Sum Mode A + B
and Passive Scintillator) – 200
14.7.6 Semiconductor BSE Detector Difference Mode, A−B – 200
14.7.7 Everhart–Thornley Detector, Negatively Biased to Reject SE – 200

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
14.8 Variable Pressure Scanning Electron
Microscopy (VPSEM) – 200
14.8.1 VPSEM Advantages – 200
14.8.2 VPSEM Disadvantages – 200
14.2 · Electron Signals Available
197 14
14.1  pecimen Considerations (High
S The coating should be the thinnest possible that is effective
­Vacuum SEM; Specimen Chamber at discharging the specimen, typically a few nanometers or
Pressure < 10−3 Pa) less for ion-sputtered coatings. For high resolution imaging,
the coating material should be chosen to have the least possi-
14.1.1  onducting or Semiconducting
C ble structure, for example, Au-Pd, which produces a continu-
Specimens ous fine-grained layer, rather than pure Au, which tends to
produce discontinuous islands.
A conducting or semiconducting specimen must maintain Uncoated insulating specimens can be successfully imaged
good contact with electrical ground to dissipate the injected with minimum charging artifacts by carefully choosing the beam
beam current. Without such an electrical path, even a highly energy, typically in the range 0.1 keV–5 keV with the exact value
conducting specimen such as a metal will show charging arti- dependent on the material, specimen topography, tilt, beam cur-
facts, in the extreme case acting as an electron mirror and rent, and scan speed to achieve a charge-neutral condition in
reflecting the beam off the specimen. A typical strategy is to which the charge injected by the beam is matched by the charge
use an adhesive such as double-sided conducting tape to ejected as backscattered electrons and secondary electrons.
both grip the specimen to a support, for example, a stub or a
planchet, as well as to make the necessary electrical path con-
nection. Note that some adhesives may only be suitable for 14.2 Electron Signals Available
low magnification (scanned field dimensions greater than
100 × 100 μm, nominally less than 1,000× magnification) and 14.2.1 Beam Electron Range
intermediate magnification (scanned field dimensions
between 100 μm x 100 μm, nominally less than 1,000× mag- Beam electrons penetrate into the specimen spreading laterally
nification and 10 μm × 10 μm, nominally less than 10,000× through elastic scattering and losing energy through inelastic
magnification) due to dimensional changes which may occur scattering creating the interaction volume (IV). The Kanaya–
as the adhesive outgases in the SEM leading to image insta- Okayama range equation gives the total penetration distance
bility such as drift. Good practice is to adequately outgas the (for a beam incident perpendicular to the specimen surface):

( 27.6 A ) / ( Z0.89ρ) E01.67

mounted specimen in the SEM airlock or a separate vacuum
RK − 0 ( nm ) = (14.1)
system to minimize contamination in the SEM as well as to
minimize further dimensional shrinkage. Note that some where A is the atomic weight (g/mol), Z is the atomic num-
adhesive media are also subject to dimensional change due to ber, ρ is the density (g/cm3), and E0 is the incident beam
electron radiation damage during imaging, which can also energy (keV).
lead to image drift.

14.2.2 Backscattered Electrons

14.1.2 Insulating Specimens
BSEs are beam electrons that escape the specimen after one
For SEM imaging above the low beam energy range or many elastic scattering events. The BSE coefficient
(E0 ≤ 5 keV), insulating specimens must be coated with a increases with increasing atomic number of the target (com-
suitable conducting layer to dissipate the charge injected by positional contrast) and with increasing tilt of a surface
the beam and avoid charging artifacts. Note that after this (topographic contrast). BSEs have a wide spectrum of kinetic
layer is applied, a connection to electrical ground must be energy, but over half retain a significant fraction, 50 % or
established for the coating to be effective. For tall speci- more, of the incident beam energy. BSE sample specimen
mens, the side of the specimen may not receive adequate depths as great as 0.15 (high Z) to 0.3 (low Z) of RK–O and
coating to create a conducting path. A small strip of adhe- spread laterally by 0.2 (high Z) to 0.5 (low Z) of RK–O. From a
sive tape may be used for this purpose, running from the flat surface normal to the incident beam, BSEs follow a cosine
coating to the conducting stub. Note that for complex angular distribution (angle measured relative to the surface
shapes, surfaces that do not receive the coating due to geo- normal), while for tilted flat surfaces, the angular distribu-
metric shading may still accumulate charge even if not tion becomes more strongly peaked in the forward direction
directly exposed to the beam due to re-scattering of back- with increasing surface tilt.
scattered electrons (BSEs).
To optimize imaging, the conductive coating should have
a high secondary electron coefficient (e.g., Au-Pd, Cr, 14.2.3 Secondary Electrons
platinum-­family metals). While thermally evaporated car-
bon is an effective, tough coating suitable for elemental X-ray Secondary electrons (SEs) are specimen electrons that are
microanalysis, the low secondary electron coefficient of car- ejected through beam electron – atom interactions. SE have a
bon makes it a poor choice for imaging, especially for high distribution of kinetic energy which peaks at a few electron-
resolution work involving high magnification where estab- volts. SEs sample only a few nanometers into the specimen
lishing visibility is critical. due to this low kinetic energy. SE emission increases strongly
198 Chapter 14 · SEM Imaging Checklist

with surface tilt (topographic contrast). SE emission increases 14.4  electing the Beam Energy for SEM
as the beam energy decreases. Three classes of SEs are recog- Imaging
nized: (1) SE1 are produced as the beam electrons enter the
specimen surface within footprint of the beam, potentially The optimum beam energy depends on the nature of the
carrying high resolution information, and are sensitive to the imaging problem to be solved. The location of the feature (s)
first few nm below the surface. (2) SE2 are produced as beam of interest on the surface or within the specimen; the contrast
electrons exit as BSEs and are actually sensitive to BSE charac- generating mechanism (s), and the degree of spatial resolu-
teristics (lateral and depth sampling). (3) SE3 are produced as tion to be achieved are examples of factors to be considered.
the BSEs strike the objective lens and specimen chamber
walls, and are also sensitive to BSE characteristics (lateral and
depth sampling). SEs are sensitive to electrical and magnetic 14.4.1 Compositional Contrast
fields, and even a few volts of surface potential (“charging”) With Backscattered Electrons
can alter SE trajectories and eventual collection.
Choose E0 ≥ 10 keV: Above 5 keV, electron backscattering
follows a nearly monotonic increase with atomic number,
14.3 Selecting the Electron Detector resulting in easily interpretable compositional contrast (aka
“atomic number contrast”; “Z-contrast”). Because of the
14.3.1 Everhart–Thornley Detector energy threshold of the passive scintillator BSE detector and
(“Secondary Electron” Detector) semiconductor BSE detector (~1 keV to 5 keV), by selecting
E0 ≥ 10 keV the BSE detector will operate reliably with the
Virtually all SEMs are equipped with an Everhart–Thornley energy spectrum of BSEs produced by the specimen. For
detector, often referred to as the “secondary electron (SE)” maximum compositional contrast, a flat polished specimen
detector. While SEs constitute a large fraction of the E–T sig- should be placed at 00 tilt (i.e., perpendicular to the beam).
nal, the E–T detector is also sensitive to BSEs directly and indi-
rectly through the collection of SE2 and SE3. The E–T detector
is the usual choice for imaging problems involving fine spatial 14.4.2 Topographic Contrast
details. The effective collection angle for SEs is nearly 2π sr. With Backscattered Electrons
Some E–T detectors allow user selection of the potential
applied to the SE-collecting Faraday cage so that the SE signal Choose E0 ≥ 10 keV: BSE detectors can respond strongly to
can be minimized or eliminated leaving a BSE signal. This BSE variations in specimen topography, so the same beam energy
signal is collected over a very small solid angle, ~ 0.01 sr. conditions apply as for compositional contrast (7 Sect. 14.4.1)
14 to assure efficient BSE detector response. Local variations in
14.3.2 Backscattered Electron Detectors the specimen surface tilt cause BSEs to travel in different
directions. BSE topographic contrast is maximized by a small
Most SEMs are also equipped with a “dedicated” backscattered BSE detector placed on one side of the beam (e.g., Everhart–
electron detector which has no sensitivity to SEs. Passive scin- Thornley detector with zero or negative Faraday cage bias)
tillator BSE detectors and semiconductor BSE detectors are and minimized by large BSE detectors placed symmetrically
typically placed on the bottom of the objective lens above the around the beam (e.g., large passive scintillator or semicon-
specimen, giving a large solid angle of collection approaching ductor detector).
2π sr. Both types have an energy threshold below which there is
no response, the value of which depends on the particular
detector in use and is typically in the range 1 keV to 5 keV. Above 14.4.3 Topographic Contrast
this threshold, the detector response increases nearly linearly With Secondary Electrons
with BSE energy, creating a modest energy selectivity.
Choose any E0 within the operating range: Topographic con-
trast is usually viewed in “secondary electron” images pre-
14.3.3 “Through-the-Lens” Detectors pared with the E–T detector, positively biased for SE
collection. The E–T detector is designed to efficiently collect
Some high performance SEMs include “through-the-lens” and detect SEs, which are produced at all incident beam
(TTL) detectors which use the strong magnetic field of the energies and are maximized at low beam energy.
objective lens to capture SEs. The collection is restricted to the
SE1 and SE2 signals, with the SE3 component excluded. Since
SE3 actually carry lower resolution BSE information, exclud- 14.4.4 High Resolution SEM Imaging
ing SE3 benefits high resolution imaging. TTL BSE detectors
capture the portion of the BSEs emitted into the bore of the Two beam energy strategies optimize imaging fine-scale
lens. Some TTL SE and TTL BSE detectors can energy filter details by maximizing the contribution of the SE that are pro-
the signal-carrying electrons according to their energy. duced within the footprint of the focused beam:
14.7 · Image Interpretation
199 14
Strategy 1 specimen. The visibility of this contrast depends on satisfying
Choose the highest available beam energy, E0 ≥ 25 keV. The SE1 the Threshold Current Equation:
component of the total SE signal retains the high resolution
information at the scale of the beam entrance footprint. Due to (
I th > 4 pA / δ DQE C2tr t F ) (14.3a)
lateral spreading of the interaction volume, the BSE and their or in terms of the contrast threshold as
associated SE2 and SE3 signals actually degrade spatial resolu-
tion at intermediate beam energy (e.g., 5 keV to 20 keV). As the  (
C th > SQRT  4 pA / IB δ DQE t F  ) 
beam energy increases, the electron range increases as E01.67,
where δ is the secondary electron coefficient (η if imaging
causing the lateral spreading of BSEs to increase. When these
with backscattered electrons), DQE is the detective quantum
signal components are spread out as much as possible by using
efficiency (effectively the fraction of the collected electrons—
the maximum beam energy, their contribution diminishes
detector solid angle and detection—that contribute to the
toward random noise, while the high resolution SE1 contribu-
measured signal), and tF is the frame time (s) for a 1024 by
tion remains. Degraded signal-­to-­noise means that longer pixel
1024-pixel image. Lower values of Cth can be obtained with
dwell will be necessary to establish visibility of weak contrast.
higher beam current and/or longer frame times. For any selec-
An additional advantage is the improvement in gun brightness,
tion of beam current and frame time, there is always a threshold
which increases linearly with E0, so that more beam current can
contrast below which features will not be visible.
be obtained in the focused beam of a given size.

Strategy 2 14.6 Image Presentation

Choose low beam energy, E0 ≤ 2 keV: as the beam energy is
reduced, the electron range decreases as E01.67, which col- 14.6.1 “Live” Display Adjustments
lapses the BSE and associated SE2 and SE3 signals to dimen-
sions approaching that of the footprint of the focused beam After the visibility threshold has been established for a contrast
which defines the SE1 distribution. These abundant BSE, SE2 level Cth through appropriate selection of beam current and
and SE3 signals thus contribute to the high resolution signal frame time, the imaging signal must be manipulated to prop-
rather than degrading it. Although there is a significant pen- erly present this contrast on the final image display. An image
alty in gun brightness imposed by low beam energy opera- histogram function allows monitoring of the distribution of
tion, the increased abundance of the high resolution signals the displayed signal. Ideally, the signal amplification parame-
partially compensates for the loss in gun brightness. ters (e.g., “contrast” and “gain” or other designations) are
adjusted so signal variations span nearly the entire gray-­scale
range of the digitizer (8-bit, 0– 255) without reaching pure
14.5 Selecting the Beam Current white (level 255) to avoid saturation or pure black (level 0) to
avoid “bottoming”; both conditions cause loss of information.
14.5.1 High Resolution Imaging
14.6.2 Post-Collection Processing
Imaging fine spatial details requires a small beam diameter,
which requires choosing a strong first condenser lens that Provided that the signal has been properly digitized (no satu-
inevitably restricts the beam current to a low value. Beam cur- ration or bottoming), various digital image processing algo-
rent (IB), beam diameter (d), and beam divergence (α) are rithms can be applied to the stored image to improve the
related through the Brightness (β) Equation: displayed image, including contrast and brightness adjust-
β = 4 IB / π 2 d 2 α 2 ) (14.2) ment, non-linear expansion of a portion of the gray scale
range, edge enhancements, and many others. ImageJ-Fiji
Using a small beam for high resolution inevitably restricts the provides a free open source platform of these software tools.
beam current available. An important consequence of operating
with low beam current is poor visibility of low contrast features.
14.7 Image Interpretation

14.7.1 Observer’s Point of View

14.5.2  ow Contrast Features Require High
Beam Current and/or Long Frame The SEM image is interpreted as if the observer is looking
Time to Establish Visibility along the incident electron beam. Your eye is the beam!

Contrast (Ctr), Ctr = (S2 – S1)/S2, where S2 > S1, arises when the
properties of a feature (e.g., composition, mass thickness, and/ 14.7.2 Direction of Illumination
or surface tilt) cause a difference in the BSE (η) and/or SE (δ)
thus altering the measured signal, Sfeature = S2, compared to the The apparent source of illumination is from the position of
background signal, Sbackground = S1, from adjacent parts of the the detector. The detector is the apparent flashlight!
200 Chapter 14 · SEM Imaging Checklist

14.7.3 Contrast Encoding 14.7.7 Everhart–Thornley Detector,

Negatively Biased to Reject SE
SEM image contrast is carried by number effects (different
numbers of electrons leave the specimen because of local prop- E–T(negative bias) collects only BSE within a small solid
erties), trajectory effects (differences in the directions electrons angle, giving the effect of strong oblique illumination (simi-
travel after leaving the specimen), and energy effects (some lar to a scene illuminated with a shallow sun angle and
contrast mechanisms are more sensitive to higher energy BSEs). viewed from above, e.g., observer in an airplane at dawn or

14.7.4 Imaging Topography With the

Everhart–Thornley Detector
14.8  ariable Pressure Scanning Electron
We are strongly conditioned to expect “top lighting”; that is, Microscopy (VPSEM)
the illumination of a scene comes from above (e.g., sun in the
sky, lighting fixtures on the ceiling). The E–T detector (posi- 55 Conventional SEM specimen chamber pressure < 10−3 Pa.
tively biased to collect SE) collects a complex mix of SEs and 55 VPSEM chamber pressure: 1 to 2000 pA (upper limit
BSEs, which produces an image of topographic surfaces that depends on specific VPSEM).
is easily interpretable if the effective position of the E–T
detector is at the top of the scanned image, achieving top
lighting. This condition can be achieved by adjusting the 14.8.1 VPSEM Advantages
“scan rotation” control to place the E–T detector at the top
(i.e., 12 o’ clock position) of the scanned image (use a simple 55 Electron beam–BSE-SE interactions with gas atoms
object like a particle—ideally a sphere—on a flat surface to create ions and free electrons that discharge insulating
establish the proper value of scan rotation). Brightly illumi- specimens, minimizing charging artifacts.
nated features then are those that face upwards. With top 55 Water can be maintained in equilibrium (e.g., 750 Pa
lighting, most viewers will properly interpret the sense of and 3 °C), enabling observation of biological specimens
topography. Stereomicroscopy techniques can be employed with minimum preparation as well as water-based
to reinforce the proper interpretation of topography. reactions.

14.7.5  nnular BSE Detector

A 14.8.2 VPSEM Disadvantages
(Semiconductor Sum Mode A + B
14 and Passive Scintillator) 55 The beam loses electrons due to gas scattering, reducing
the effective useful signal generated by the electrons
Because the BSE detector surrounds the electron beam sym- remaining unscattered in the focused beam while
metrically, the illumination appears to be along the viewer’s increasing noise due to scattered electron interactions.
line-of-sight, much like looking along a flashlight beam. Surfaces Nevertheless, nearly uncompromised high spatial
perpendicular to the beam appear bright, tilted surfaces darker. resolution can be achieved. But for high resolution,
These detectors favor number contrast mechanisms such as compensate for loss of current in the beam by using
BSE compositional contrast (atomic number contrast). longer frame times. For lower magnifications, compen-
sate by using higher beam current.
55 High voltage detectors such as the Everhart–Thornley
14.7.6  emiconductor BSE Detector
S secondary electron detector cannot operate due to high
Difference Mode, A−B chamber pressure.
55 VPSEM electron detectors: Gas cascade amplification
The difference mode suppresses number effects but enhances detector (GSED) for SE detects SE1 and SE2 but avoids SE3;
trajectory effects such as topography. passive semiconductor or scintillator detectors for BSE.
201 15

SEM Case Studies

15.1 Case Study: How High Is That Feature Relative to
Another? – 202

15.2 Revealing Shallow Surface Relief – 204

15.3 Case Study: Detecting Ink-Jet Printer Deposits – 206

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
202 Chapter 15 · SEM Case Studies

15.1  ase Study: How High Is That Feature

C three-dimensional surface, as shown in . Fig. 15.2, which can
Relative to Another? then be rotated to “view” the surface from different orienta-
tions (. Fig. 15.3).
When studying the topographic features of a specimen, the If the question is, How high is that feature relative to
microscopist has several useful software tools available. another?, as shown in . Fig. 15.4 for the step height indicated
Qualitative stereomicroscopy provides a composite view by the yellow arrow, then the methodology of quantitative
from two images of the same area, prepared with different stereomicroscopy can be applied. First, a set of X-Y-­
tilts relative to the optic axis, that gives a visual sensation of coordinates is established by locating features common to
the specimen topography, as shown for a fractured galena both members of the stereo pair; for example, in . Fig. 15.5a
crystal using the anaglyph method in . Fig. 15.1 (software: the red crosshair is placed on a feature in the lower surface
Anaglyph Maker). The “3D Viewer” plugin in ImageJ-Fiji can which will define the origin of coordinates (0, 0). A feature is
take the same members of the stereo pair and render the similarly identified in the upper surface, for example, the
particle marked by the blue crosshair in . Fig. 15.5a and the
red arrow in . Fig. 15.5b. The principle of the parallax mea-
surement of the upper feature relative to the lower feature
using these coordinate axes is illustrated in . Fig. 15.5b, c.
What is needed is the difference in the X-coordinates of the
lower and upper reference features to determine the length of
the X-vector from the measurement axes, which is the paral-
lax for this feature. These measurements are conveniently
made using the pixel coordinate feature in ImageJ-Fiji. By
employing the expanded views presented in . Fig. 15.6a, b for
the left image, the individual pixels that define the reference
points can be more readily seen, which improves the specific-
ity of the feature location within the two images to ±1 pixel,
minimizing this important source of measurement error.
Having first calibrated the images using the “Set Scale” tool,
the x-­coordinate values from the pixel coordinate tool, from
both the left and right images (with a tilt difference Δθ = 40
with an estimated uncertainty of ±10), were used in the fol-
lowing calculations:

Left image : X-vector length ( red )

100 µm
= 214.9 µm −137.8 µm = 77.1 µm (15.1)
15 ..      Fig. 15.1 Anaglyph stereo pair presentation (software: Anaglyph
Maker), to be viewed with the red filter over the left eye. Sample: frac- Right image : X-vector length ( blue )
tured galena; Everhart–Thornley detector(positive bias); E0 = 20 keV = 187.9 µm −121.0 µm = 66.9 µm (15.2)

..      Fig. 15.2 “3D Viewer” plugin tool

in ImageJ-Fiji operating on the same
stereo pair presented as a two-image
stack to create a rendering of the
object surface

100 µm
15.1 · Case Study: How High Is That Feature Relative to Another?
203 15

100 µm
..      Fig. 15.3 “3D Viewer” rotation of the rendered surface
..      Fig. 15.4 Step height to be measured (yellow arrow)

..      Fig. 15.5 a Selection

of lower (red crosshair) a b
and upper (blue crosshair)
features that lie on the
lower and upper surfaces of
the step to be meas­ured. b
Coordinate system estab-
lished in the left-hand image
relative to the lower surface
feature. c Coordinate system
established in the right-hand
image relative to the lower
surface feature

204 Chapter 15 · SEM Case Studies

a b

..      Fig. 15.6 a Use of the single pixel measurement feature in ImageJ-Fiji select the reference pixel (center of the blue circle) on the upper surface
to select the reference pixel (center of the red circle) on the lower surface feature
feature. b Use of the single pixel measurement feature in ImageJ-Fiji to

Parallax = XLeft – Xright = 77.1 μm – 66.9 μm = 10.2 μm (Note BSE rather than in the numbers of the BSE or SE signals, so
that the parallax has a positive sign, so the feature is above the that an appropriate detector should be chosen that empha-
reference point.) sizes the BSE trajectory component of topographic contrast.
(3) Because the shallow relief is likely to provide very few
“clues” as to the sense of the topography, it is critical to estab-
Z = P /  2 sin ( ∆θ ) / 2  = 10.2 µm /  2 sin ( 40 / 2 )  lish a condition of top lighting so that the sense of the local
= 146.1 µm ± 6 % (15.3) topography can be more easily determined. (4) Establishing
15 the visibility of low contrast requires exceeding a high thresh-
old current, so that careful control of beam current will be
Thus, the step represented by the yellow arrow in . Fig. 15.4 necessary. (5) The displayed image must be contrast manipu-
is 146.1 μm ± 6 % above the origin of the yellow arrow. lated to render the low contrast visible to the observer, which
The estimated uncertainty has two major components: an may be challenging if other sources of contrast are present.
uncertainty of 0.10 in the tilt angle difference contributes an An example of the shallow surface relief imaging problem
uncertainty of ± 5 % to the calculated step height. A ± is illustrated by a highly polished specimen with a micro-
1 pixel uncertainty in selecting the same reference pixels for structure consisting of large islands of Fe3C (cementite) in
the lower and upper features in both images contributes ± pearlite (interpenetrating lath-like structures of Fe3C and an
4 % to the calculated step height. iron-­carbon solid solution). The strategy for obtaining a use-
ful image of this complex specimen is based on the realiza-
tion that the weak contrast from the shallow topography will
15.2 Revealing Shallow Surface Relief be maximized with the BSE signal detected with a detector
with a small solid angle of collection placed asymmetrically
Surfaces with topographic structures that create shallow sur- relative to the specimen and with a shallow detector elevation
face relief a few tens to hundreds of nanometers above the angle above the surface to produce the effect of oblique illu-
general surface provide special challenges to SEM imaging: mination. The small solid angle means that most BSE trajec-
(1) Shallow topography creates only small changes in the elec- tories not directed into the detector will be lost, which
tron interaction volume and in the resulting emitted second- actually increases the contrast. The asymmetric placement
ary electron (SE) and backscattered (BSE) signals as the beam and shallow elevation angle ensures that the apparent illumi-
is scanned across a feature, resulting in low contrast. (2) The nation will come from a source that skims the surface, creat-
strongest changes in the emitted signals from the weak topo- ing the effect of oblique illumination which creates strong
graphic features will be found in the trajectory effects of the shadows. The Everhart–Thornley (E–T) detector when
15.2 · Revealing Shallow Surface Relief
205 15
biased negatively to reject SEs becomes a small solid angle intensity levels over a larger gray-scale output range. The
BSE detector with these characteristics. The E–T detector is contrast can be interpreted as follows: With the apparent
typically mounted so as to produce a shallow elevation angle illumination established as coming from the top of the
relative to a specimen plane that is oriented perpendicular to image, bright edges must therefore be facing upward, and
the incident beam (0° tilt for a planar specimen). Before pro- conversely, dark edges must be facing away. Thus, the topog-
ceeding with the imaging campaign, the relative position of raphy of the Fe3C islands can be seen to project slightly
the E–T detector is confirmed to be at the 12-o’clock position above the general surface. This situation occurs because the
in the image by using the “scan rotation” function and a Fe3C is harder than the iron-­carbon solid solution, so that
specimen with known topography. when this material is polished, the softer iron-carbon solid
. Figure 15.7 shows an image of the iron-carbon micro- solution erodes slightly faster than the harder Fe3C phase,
structure with the negatively biased E–T detector placed at which then stands in slight relief above the iron-carbon solid
the top of the image. A high beam current (10 nA) and a solution.
long dwell time (256 μs per pixel) were used to establish the When this same field of view is imaged with the E–T
visibility of low contrast. The displayed contrast was detector positively biased, . Fig. 15.8a, the same general con-
expanded by first ensuring that the histogram of gray levels trast is seen, but there are significant differences in the fine-­
in the raw image was centered at mid-range and did not clip scale details. Several of these differences are highlighted in
at the black or white ends. The “brightness” and “contrast” . Fig. 15.8b. (1) It is much easier to discern the numerous
functions in ImageJ-Fiji were used to spread the input BSE small pits (e.g., yellow circles) in the E–T(positive bias) image
because of the strong “bright edge” effects that manifest along
the lip of each hole. (2) There are small objects (e.g., blue
E-T (-bias)
circles) which appear in the E–T(negative bias) image but
which appear anomalously dark in the E–T(positive bias)
image. These objects are likely to be non-conducting oxide
inclusions that are charging positively, which decreases SE
When this same field of view is imaged with the annular
semiconductor BSE detector (sum mode, A + B) which pro-
vides apparent uniform, symmetric illumination along the
beam, as shown in . Fig. 15.9, the contrast from the shallow
topography of the edges of the Fe3C islands is entirely lost,
whereas the compositional contrast (atomic number con-
trast) between the Fe3C islands and the iron-carbon solid
solution and Fe3C lamellae is much more prominent.
Finally, when the BSE difference mode (A − B) mode is
used, . Fig. 15.10, the atomic number contrast is suppressed
..      Fig. 15.7 Highly polished iron-carbon specimen imaged at
and the topographic contrast is enhanced. Note that the fea-
E0 = 20 keV and Ip = 10 nA with the negatively biased E–T detector. tures highlighted in the blue circles in . Fig. 15.8b are almost
Image dimensions: 140 × 105 μm (Bar = 30 µm) completely lost.

E-T (+ bias) a E-T (+ bias) b

..      Fig. 15.8 a Same area imaged with a positively biased E–T detector. b Selected features highlighted for comparison
206 Chapter 15 · SEM Case Studies

BSE (sum) E0= 5 keV

Two populations
of deposits

500 µm

..      Fig. 15.9 Same area imaged with an annular semiconductor BSE ..      Fig. 15.11 SEM-ET (positive bias) image of ink-jet deposits on a
detector (sum mode, A + B) polished carbon substrate with E0 = 5 keV; 32 μs/pixel = 25 s frame time

the dried deposits was of interest, as well as any heteroge-

BSE (diff )
neity within the deposits, which required elemental
The first critical step, detecting the ink-jet printed spots,
proved to be a challenge because of the low contrast created
by the thin, low mass deposit. Employing a low beam
energy, E0 ≤ 5 keV, and secondary electron imaging using
the positively biased Everhart–Thornley detector, maxi-
mized the contrast of the deposits, enabling detection of
two different size classes of deposits, as seen in . Fig. 15.11.
When the beam energy was increased to enable the required
elemental X-ray microanalysis, the visibility of the deposits
diminished rapidly. Even with E0 = 10 keV, which is the
lowest practical beam energy to excite the K-shell X-rays of
the transition metals, and a beam current of 10 nA, the
15 deposits were not visible in high scan rate (“flicker free”)
imaging that is typically used when surveying large areas of
..      Fig. 15.10 Same area imaged with an annular semiconductor BSE
detector (difference mode, A − B) a specimen to find features of interest. To reliably relocate
the deposits at higher beam energy, a successful imaging
strategy required both high beam current, for example,
10 nA, and long frame time, several seconds or longer, as
15.3  ase Study: Detecting Ink-Jet Printer
C shown in . Fig. 15.12a–h. In this image series, the deposits
Deposits are not visible at the shortest frame time of 0.79 s, which is
similar to the visual persistence of a rapid scanned image.
Ink-jet printing was used to deposit controlled quantities The class of approximately 100-μm diameter deposits is
of reagents in individual droplets onto a polished carbon fully visible in the 6.4 s/frame image. As the frame time is
substrate in a project to create standards and test materials successively extended to 100 s, additional features of pro-
for instrumental microanalysis techniques such as sec- gressively lower contrast become visible with each increase
ondary ion mass spectrometry. The spatial distribution of in frame time.
15.3 · Case Study: Detecting Ink-Jet Printer Deposits
207 15
a b

c d

e f

g h

..      Fig. 15.12 a SEM-ET (positive bias) image of ink-jet deposits on a pol- frame time. e 16 μs/pixel = 12.8 s frame time. f 32 μs/pixel = 25 s frame time.
ished carbon substrate with E0 = 10 keV: 1 μs/pixel = 0.8 s frame time. b 2 μs/ g 64 μs/pixel = 50 s frame time. h 64 μs/pixel = 100 s frame time
pixel = 1.6 s frame time. c 4 μs/pixel = 3.2 s frame time. d 8 μs/pixel = 6.4 s
209 16

Energy Dispersive X-ray

Spectrometry: Physical
Principles and User-Selected
16.1 The Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) Process – 210
16.1.1 The Principal EDS Artifact: Peak Broadening
(EDS Resolution Function) – 210
16.1.2 Minor Artifacts: The Si-Escape Peak – 213
16.1.3 Minor Artifacts: Coincidence Peaks – 213
16.1.4 Minor Artifacts: Si Absorption Edge and Si Internal
Fluorescence Peak – 215

16.2 “Best Practices” for Electron-Excited EDS Operation – 216

16.2.1 Operation of the EDS System – 216

16.3 Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance

for a Quality Measurement Environment – 219
16.3.1 Detector Geometry – 219
16.3.2 Process Time – 222
16.3.3 Optimal Working Distance – 222
16.3.4 Detector Orientation – 223
16.3.5 Count Rate Linearity – 225
16.3.6 Energy Calibration Linearity – 226
16.3.7 Other Items – 227
16.3.8 Setting Up a Quality Control Program – 228
16.3.9 Purchasing an SDD – 230

References – 234

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
210 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

16.1  he Energy Dispersive Spectrometry

T under the user’s control, as described below under “Best
(EDS) Process Practices.” The charge measurement in the detector provides
the fundamental unit of information to construct the EDS
As illustrated in . Fig. 16.1, the physical basis of energy dis- spectrum, which is created in the form of a histogram in
persive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) with a semiconductor which the horizontal axis is a series of energy bins, and the
detector begins with photoelectric absorption of an X-ray vertical axis is the number of photons whose energy fits
photon in the active volume of the semiconductor (Si). The within that bin value. As shown in . Fig. 16.2, from the user’s
entire energy of the photon is transferred to a bound inner point of view this process of EDS detection can be considered
shell atomic electron, which is ejected with kinetic energy simply as a “black box” which receives the X-ray photon,
equal to the photon energy minus the shell ionization energy measures the photon energy, and increments the spectrum
(binding energy), 1.838 keV for the Si K-shell and 0.098 keV histogram being constructed in the computer memory by
for the Si L-shell. The ejected photoelectron undergoes one unit at the appropriate energy bin. The typical photon
inelastic scattering within the Si crystal. One of the conse- energy range that can be measured by EDS starts at a thresh-
quences of the energy loss is the promotion of bound outer old of 0.05 keV and extends to 30 keV or even higher, depend-
shell valence electrons to the conduction band of the semi- ing on the detector design.
conductor, leaving behind positively charged “holes” in the
valence band. In the conduction band, the free electrons can
move in response to a potential applied between the entrance 16.1.1  he Principal EDS Artifact: Peak
surface electrode and the back surface electrode across the Broadening (EDS Resolution
thickness of the Si crystal, while the positive holes in the con- Function)
duction band drift in the opposite direction, resulting in the
collection of electrons at the anode on the back surface of the If the EDS detection and measurement process were perfect,
EDS detector. This charge generation process requires all the measurements for a particular characteristic X-ray
approximately 3.6 eV per electron hole pair, so that the num- peak would be placed in a single energy bin with a very nar-
ber of charge carriers is proportional to the original photon row width. For example, the natural energy width of Mn K-L3
energy, Ep: is approximately 1.5 eV. However, the number of electron–
hole pairs generated from a characteristic X-ray photon that
n = Ep / 3.6 eV (16.1) is sharply defined in energy is nevertheless subject to natural
statistical fluctuations. The number of charge carriers that are
For a Mn K-L3 photon with an energy of 5.895 keV, approxi- created follows the Gaussian (normal) distribution, so that
mately 1638 electron–hole pairs are created, comprising a the variation in the number of charge carriers, n, in repeated
charge of 2.6 × 10−16 coulombs. Because the detector can measurements of photons of the same energy is expected to
respond to any photon energy from a threshold of approxi- follow 1σ = n½. The 1σ value for the 1638 charge carriers for
mately 50 eV to 30 keV or more, the process has been named the MnK-L3 photon is approximately 40 electron-hole pairs,
“energy dispersive,” although in the spectrometry sense there which corresponds to a broadening contribution to the peak
is no actual dispersion such as occurs in a diffraction element width of 0.024 (2.4 %) which can be compared to the natural
16 spectrometer. width of 1.5 eV/5895 eV (from . Fig. 4.2), measured as the
The original type of EDS was the lithium-drifted silicon full peak width a half-maximum height (FWHM), or 0.00025
[Si(Li)-EDS] detector (. Fig. 16.1a), with a uniform elec- (0.025 %), which is a broadening factor of approximately 100.
trode on the front and rear surfaces (Fitzgerald et al. 1968). The EDS peak width (FWHM) measured experimentally is a
Over the last 10 years, the Si(Li)-EDS has been replaced by function of the photon energy, which can be estimated
the silicon drift detector design (SDD-EDS), illustrated in approximately as (Fiori and Newbury 1978)
. Fig. 16.1b (Gatti and Rehak 1984; Struder et al. 1998). The
SDD-EDS uses the same detection physics with a uniform FWHM ( E ) = ( 2.5 ( E − Eref ) + FHWMref 2 ) 
front surface electrode, but the rear surface electrode is a
complex pattern of nested ring electrodes with a small cen-
tral anode. A pattern of potentials applied to the individual where FWHM(E), FHWMref, E and Eref are expressed in elec-
ring electrode creates an internal “collection channel,” which tronvolts. The reference values for Eq. (16.2) can be conve-
acts to bring free electrons deposited anywhere in the detec- niently taken from the values for Mn K-L2,3 for a particular
tor volume to the central anode for collection. (Note that in EDS system.
some designs the small anode is placed asymmetrically on The EDS resolution function creates the principal artifact
one side in a “teardrop” shape.) encountered in the measured EDS spectrum, which is the
The determination of the photon energy through the col- substantial broadening by a factor of 20 or more of the mea-
lection and measurement of this charge deposited in the sured characteristic X-ray peaks, as shown in . Fig. 16.3,
detector requires an extremely sensitive and sophisticated where the peak markers (thin vertical lines) are approxi-
electronic system, which operates automatically under com- mately the true width of the Mn K-family characteristic
puter control with only a limited number of parameters X-ray peaks. Of course, all photons that are measured are
16.1 · The Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) Process
211 16

Al reflective coating, Basic EDS detection principle

20 – 50 nm

Active silicon (intrinsic), 0.5 mm SDD

3 mm Si(Li)
Rear electrode:
Dead layer SDD: patterned
Active area Au electrode, ~20 nm auger electron
Si(Li): uniform
5 – 100 mm2

L Photo-
Si K-L3 (3.8eV / Pair)

Rear Au electrode, ~20 nm

Si 'dead' layer

Si3N4 or
polymer supported
on etched Si grid


Au contact Dead layer

Be window Auger electron
500 mm

hγ K
L Photo-
SDD backsurface SiKα Si K-L3 (3.8eV / Pair)

Ring electrodes
SDDs have a complex
back surface electrode
structure. Applied
potential creates
internal radial Resistor bridge
collection channel

Central anode,
80 mm diameter

Active area 5 – 100 mm2

..      Fig. 16.1 a Basic principle of photon measurement with a semiconductor-based energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. b Schematic of silicon
drift detector (SDD) design, showing the complex patterned back surface electrode with a small central anode
212 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

..      Fig. 16.2 “Black box” repre-

sentation of the EDS detection Output:
and histogram binning process EDS black box an estimate of
Input: photon energy
X-ray photon
True Mn K-L2,3 X-ray energy width ~ 7 eV

Number of photons
Repeated measurements of the same
photon energy produce a range of
values: this is the spectrometer
resolution effect.

Photon energy

100 000

Mn K-L2+3
Mn L2-M4+N1, Mn L3-M4+5 Mn L2-M2+3

80 000 Mn
E0 = 20 keV

60 000

Mn L2-M1+3-M1

40 000
Mn K-M2+3
Si K-L2+3
C K-L2+3

Si K-M2+3

Mn esc

20 000

0 2 4 6 8 10
Photon energy (keV)
100 000
Mn K-L3

80 000
Mn K-L2

60 000

Mn K-M2+3

40 000

20 000

5 000 5 200 5 400 5 600 5 800 6 000 6 200 6 400 6 600 6 800 7 000
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 16.3 SDD-EDS spectrum of Mn with E0 = 20 keV and a time constant that produces a resolution of FWHM = 129 eV at Mn K-L2,3
16.1 · The Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) Process
213 16
..      Fig. 16.4 EDS “black box”
representation of the Si-escape
peak artifact Artifacts: escape peak
Si K-L3 = 1.74 keV
EDS black box

X-ray photon
The EDS estimate of
photon energy is robbed
by the amount of the
Si K-L3 photon energy
(1.74 keV) that is lost.
Number of photons

Should have been

1.74 keV placed here!

placed here!

Photon energy

subject to the EDS resolution function, including the X-ray another photoelectron and further contributing to the charge
bremsstrahlung (continuum) background, but because the generation. However, in a small number of events, as illus-
continuum is created at all energies up to E0 and because of trated schematically in . Fig. 16.4, the Si K-shell X-ray will
its slow variation with photon energy, the distortions intro- escape from the detector, carrying with it 1.740 keV (for a Si
duced into the continuum background by the EDS resolution K-L3 X-ray) and robbing the original photon being captured
function are more difficult to discern. of this amount of energy, which creates an artifact peak at an
The major impact of peak broadening is the frequent energy corresponding to:
occurrence in practical analytical situations of mutually
interfering peaks that arise even with pure elements, for Escape peak energy = Parent peak energy − 1.740 keV (16.3)
example, Si K-L3 and Si K-M3 and the Fe L-family. When
mixtures of elements are analyzed, Interferences are espe- Si-escape peaks are illustrated for tin and gold in . Fig. 16.5.
cially frequent when elements with atomic numbers above 20 The intensity ratio of the Si-escape peak/parent peak depends
are present since these elements have increasingly complex on the energy of the parent photon, with a maximum value
spectra of L- and M- shell X-rays that have a wide energy for this ratio occurring for photon energies just above the Si
span. A secondary impact of peak broadening occurs when K-shell ionization energy (1.838 keV) and decreasing as the
trace elements are to be measured. Peak broadening has the photon energy increases. It is important to identify Si-escape
effect of spreading the characteristic X-rays over a wide range peaks so that they are not mistaken for elements present at
of the X-ray continuum background. Variance in the back- minor or trace levels.
ground sets the ultimate limit of detection.

16.1.3 Minor Artifacts: Coincidence Peaks

16.1.2 Minor Artifacts: The Si-Escape Peak
Although the EDS spectrum appears to an observer to accu-
After photoelectric absorption by a silicon atom in the detec- mulate simultaneously at all energies, the EDS system is in fact
tor, the atom is left in an ionized excited state with a vacancy only capable of processing one photon at a time, with a duty
in the K- or L- shell. This excited state will decay by inter-­ cycle that ranges from 200 ns to several microseconds,
shell electron transitions that result in the emission of a Si depending on the particular EDS. If a second photon should
Auger electron (e.g., KLL), which will undergo inelastic scat- enter the detector during this measurement period, the pho-
tering and contribute to the free charge generation, or in ton energies would be added together, producing an artifact
about 10 % of the events, a Si K-shell X-ray. This Si K-shell known as a “coincidence peak” or a “sum peak,” as illustrated
X-ray will propagate in the detector and in most cases will be schematically in . Fig. 16.6. An “anti-coincidence function”
undergo photoelectric absorption with the L-shell, ejecting or “fast discriminator” is incorporated in the signal processing
214 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

SnL3-M4,5 escape Sn esc


Sn L3-M4+5
12 000
10 000 E0 = 20 keV

SnL2-M4 escape
8 000

Sn L2-M4

C K-L2+3

6 000
Sn M4-N2+5-N3

Sn M3-N5

Sn L1-M3
Sn L3-N5
4 000

Sn L1-N2+3
Sn L1-M2
Sn M2-N1

Sn L2-N4
Sn L3-M1
Sn M3-N1

Sn M2-N4

Sn L2-M1
2 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

16 000 Au_20kV10nA50s
Au M5-N6+7 Au
14 000
E0 = 20 keV
12 000
AuM5-N6,7 escape
Au N4-N6+5-N6

AuM4-N6 escape

10 000
Au M2-N1+3-N4+3-N5

Au M4-N6

8 000
Au M4-N2+5-N3

6 000
Au M3-O4+5
Au M3-N1

Au M2-N4

4 000

2 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 16.5 Si-escape peaks observed with an SDD-EDS for Sn and Au (E0 = 20 keV)

16 ..      Fig. 16.6 EDS “black box” rep-

resentation of photon coincidence Artifacts: coincidence losses and coincidence peaks
EDS black box
Input: Output:
X-ray photons an estimate of
photon energy
Photon #1
A coincidence rejection function
operates to reject incorrect
Photon #2 measurements that result from
two different photons entering the
EDS detector at nearly the same
time and registering as one bad
Number of photons


Coincidence count

Photon energy
16.1 · The Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) Process
215 16


E0 = 20 keV
800,000 Deadtime = 14%




0 2 4 6 8 10
Photon energy (keV)



0 1 2 3 4 5
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 16.7 Al at E0 = 20 keV. Coincidence peak (Al + Al) observed at dead-time = 14 %. Note proximity of this artifact peak to Ar K-L2,3 and Ag L-M

chain to suppress this effect by rejecting the measurement of (which corresponds to the incident beam energy, E0) and
both photons, but as the flux of X-rays increases, an increasing should not be mistaken for the true limit.
frequency of events will occur in which the time separation
between the two events is too short for the anti-coincidence
function to recognize and reject the separate photons, result- 16.1.4  inor Artifacts: Si Absorption Edge
ing in an artifact sum photon. This coincidence phenomenon and Si Internal Fluorescence Peak
can occur between any two photons, for example, two charac-
teristic X-rays, a characteristic X-ray plus a continuum X-ray, X-rays entering the EDS must pass through a window, typi-
or two continuum X-rays. Coincidence produces a readily cally a thin polymer, which is often supported on an etched
recognizable artifact peak when coincidence occurs between silicon grid. Some X-rays will be absorbed in this grid silicon,
two photon energies that are particularly abundant, which is especially those whose photon energy is just above the Si
the case for high intensity characteristic X-ray peaks. An K-ionization energy (1.839 keV). In addition, there is a thin
example is shown in . Fig. 16.7, where two Al K-L3 photons inactive Si layer (“dead-layer”) just below the entrance elec-
(1.487 keV) combine to produce a coincidence peak at trode of the EDS that also acts to absorb X-rays. The X-ray
2.972 keV. Coincidence events can be formed from any two mass absorption coefficient of silicon increases abruptly at the
characteristic peaks, for example, O K-L + Si K-L2. It is impor- K-shell ionization energy, and this has the effect of increasing
tant to identify coincidence peaks so that they are not mis- the absorption of the X-ray continuum, producing an abrupt
taken for characteristic peaks of elements present at minor or step. However, the EDS resolution function acts to broaden all
trace levels. Coincidence events involving lower energy pho- photon energies so that this sharp feature is also broadened, as
tons will occur above the Duane–Hunt high energy limit seen in . Fig. 16.8 (after peak fitting for Si) and made into a
216 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

18 000
16 000

14 000

12 000

10 000

8 000 Cu
E0 = 20 keV
6 000

4 000

2 000

0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500
Photon energy (eV)

18 000
16 000

14 000

12 000

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500
Photon energy (eV)

..      Fig. 16.8 Cu at E0 = 20 keV. The artifact Si peak is a combination of support grid and the Si detector dead-layer, and subsequent Si X-ray
the Si K-absorption edge and the Si internal fluorescence peak (peak emission
16 fitting in lower spectrum) created by absorption of X-rays in the Si

peak-like structure. The absorption of X-rays by the Si grid 16.2.1 Operation of the EDS System
and Si dead-layer ionizes Si atoms and subsequently results in
the emission of Si K-shell X-rays, which contribute a false Si Before commencing any EDS microanalysis campaign, the
peak to the spectrum. In the example for a copper target analyst should follow an established checklist with careful
shown in . Fig. 16.8, the apparent level of Si contributed by attention to the measurement science of EDS operation. To
the internal fluorescence artifact is approximately 0.002 mass establish the basis for quantitative analysis, the EDS param-
fraction. eters must be chosen consistently, especially if the analyst
wishes to use archived spectra to serve as standards.

16.2 “ Best Practices” for Electron-Excited  hoosing the EDS Time Constant (Resolution
EDS Operation and Throughput)
The EDS amplifier time constant (a generic term which may be
While modern EDS systems are well supported by computer locally known as “shaping time,” “processing time,” “resolu-
automation, there remain parameters whose selection is the tion,” “count rate range,” “1–6,” etc.) should be checked. There
responsibility of the user. are usually at least two settings, one that optimizes resolution
16.2 · “Best Practices” for Electron-Excited EDS Operation
217 16
(at the cost of X-ray throughput) and one that optimizes If the EDS is mounted on a translatable slide that can alter the
throughput (at the cost of resolution). Confirming the desired detector-to-specimen distance, then the user must select a
choice of the time constant is critical for consistent recording specific value for this distance for consistency with archived
of spectra, especially if the analyst is using archived spectra to standard spectra if these are to be used in quantitative analy-
serve as standards for quantitative analysis. This is especially sis procedures. Because of the exponent on the distance
important when the EDS system is in a multi-user environ- parameter r in Eq. (16.4), a small error in r propagates to a
ment, since the previous user may have altered this parameter. much larger error in the solid angle and a proportional devia-
tion in the measured intensity.
Channel Width and Number
The energy width of the histogram bins is typically chosen as  electing a Beam Current for an Acceptable
5, 10, or 20 eV. The bin energy width determines how many Level of System Dead-Time
bins will define an X-ray peak. Since the peak width is a func- X-rays are generated randomly in time with an average rate
tion of photon energy, as described by Eq. (16.2), decreasing determined by the flux of electrons striking the specimen,
from approximately 129 eV at Mn K-L3 (5.895 keV) to thus scaling with the incident beam current. As discussed
approximately 50 eV FWHM for C K-L2 (0.282 keV), a selec- above, the EDS system can measure only one X-ray photon at
tion of a 5-eV bin width is a useful choice to optimize peak a time, so that it is effectively unavailable if another photon
fitting since this choice will provide 10 channels across C arrives while the system is “busy” measuring the first photon.
K-L2. The number of bins that comprise the spectrum multi- Depending on the separation in the time of arrival of the sec-
plied by the bin width gives the energy span. It is useful to ond photon, the anti-coincidence function will exclude the
capture the complete energy spectrum from a threshold of second photon, but if the measurement of the first photon is
0.1 keV to the incident beam energy, E0. Thus, to span not sufficiently advanced, both photons will be excluded
0–20 keV with 5 eV bins requires 4096 channels. from the measurement and effectively lost. Due to this pho-
ton loss, the output count rate (OCR) in counts/second of the
Choosing the Solid Angle of the EDS detector will always be less than the input count rate (ICR).
The solid angle Ω of a detector with an active area A at a dis- The relation between the OCR and ICR is shown in . Fig. 16.9
tance r from the specimen is for a four-detector SDD-EDS. An automatic correction func-
tion measures the time increments when the detector is busy
W = A / r2 (16.4) processing photons, and to compensate for possible photon
loss during this “dead-time,” additional time is added at the
conclusion of the user-specified measurement time so that all

..      Fig. 16.9 Output count rate

versus input count rate for a four- Quad SDD (medium peaking time)
detector SDD-EDS
1,000,000 80
OCR E0 = 20 keV
SDD 470 ns 70
Single SDD
Maximum = 130 kcps
600,000 550 kHz
Count rate (c/s)


127.5 eV at MnKα
ICR (c/clock-s) 30

OCR (Medium)
Single SDD chip: maximum output ~ 130 kHz

0 0
0 500 kHz 1MHz 1.5 MHz 2 MHz 2.5 MHz
Input count rate
218 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

measurements are made on the basis of the same “live-time” time over the full dead-time range to 80 % or higher. (Note
so as to achieve constant dose for quantitative measurements. that as a component of a quality measurement system, the
The level of activity of the EDS is reported to the user as a dead-time correction function should be periodically
percentage “dead-time”: checked by systematically changing the beam current and
comparing the measured X-ray intensity with predicted.)
Deadtime ( % ) = ( ICR − OCR ) / ICR  ×100% (16.5) However, as the dead-time increases and the arrival rate of
X-rays at the EDS increases, coincidence events become
Dead-time increases as the beam current increases. The progressively more prominent. This effect is illustrated in
dead time correction circuit can correct the measurement . Fig. 16.10 for a sequence of spectra from a glass with six

140 000 K412

E0 = 20 keV K412 (mass frac)
120 000 7% deadtime O 0.428
Mg 0.117
100 000 Al 0.0491
Si 0.212

80 000 Ca 0.109
Fe 0.0774
60 000

40 000

20 000

0 2 4 6 8 10
Photon energy (keV)

Coincidence Coincidence
14 000
peaks peaks

16 12 000

SiK-L+CaK-L, not CrK-L

AlK+CaK-L, not V K-L
2O K not NaK



10 000

K412 (mass frac)


8 000
20DT O 0.428
Mg 0.117
6 000 16DT
Al 0.0491
12DT Si 0.212
4 000
10DT Ca 0.109
Fe 0.0774
2 000 7DT

0 2 4 6 8 10
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 16.10 Development of coincidence peaks as a function of dead- peaks for O, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, and Fe. (lower) SDD-EDS spectra recorded over
time. NIST Standard Reference Material SRM 470 (Mineral Glasses) K412. arrange of dead-times showing in-growth of coincidence peaks. Note
(upper) SDD-EDS spectrum at 7 % dead-time showing the characteristic elemental misidentifications that are possible
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
219 16
major constituents (O, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, and Fe) measured at setting it too high may make trace element analysis
increasing dead-time. The spectra show the in-growth of a challenging.
series of coincidence peaks as the dead-time increases. With 9. If the ratio is too large, decrease the probe current and
the long pulses of the Si(Li) EDS technology, the pulse re-measure the probe current and the Al spectrum.
inspection function was effective in minimizing coincidence Re-measure the ratio I(Al K + Al K)/I(Al K).
effects to dead-times in the range 20–30 %. There is more 10. Repeat steps 5–10 until a suitable probe current has
vendor-to-vendor variability in SDD-EDS technology. Some been determine.
vendors provide coincidence detection that will permit 11. Finally, note the suitable probe current and use it
dead-­times of up to 50 %, while others are restricted to 10 % consistently at the beam energy for which it was
dead-­time. Since there is variability among vendors’ SDD determined.
performance, it is useful to perform a measurement to deter-
mine the performance characteristic of each detector. See
the sidebar for a procedure implementing such a procedure. 16.3  ractical Aspects of Ensuring EDS
Regardless of dead-time restrictions, an SDD-EDS is still a Performance for a Quality
factor of 10 or more faster than an Si(Li)-EDS for the same
Measurement Environment
resolution. In summary, as a critical step in establishing a
quality measurement strategy, the beam current (for a spe-
The modern energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer is an
cific EDS solid angle) should be selected to produce an
amazing device capable of measuring the energy of tens of
acceptable rate of coincidence events in the worst-case sce-
thousands of X-ray events per second. The spectra can be
nario. This beam current can then be used for all measure-
processed to extract measures of composition with a preci-
ments with reasonable expectation that the dead-time will
sion of a fraction of a weight-percent. However, this poten-
be within acceptable limits.
tial will not be realized if the detector is not performing
kSidebar: Protocol for Determining the Optimal Probe
optimally. It is important to ensure that the detector is
Current and Dead-Time
mounted and configured optimally each time it is used.
Some parameters change infrequently and need only be
Aluminum produces one of the highest fluxes of X-rays per
checked when a significant modification is made to the
unit probe current: With the Al K-shell ionization energy of
detector or the SEM. Other parameters and performance
1.559 keV, a modest beam energy of 15 keV provides an over-
metrics can change from day-to-day and need to be verified
voltage of 9.6 for strong excitation. Al K-L2 is of sufficient
more frequently. The following sections will step through a
energy (1.487 keV) that it has low self-absorption, and at this
series of tests in a rationally ordered progression. The initial
energy the SDD efficiency is also relatively high. The Al K-L2
tests and configuration steps need only be performed occa-
energy is low enough that this peak is also quite susceptible
sionally, for example, when the detector is first commis-
to coincidence events. Pure aluminum thus makes an ideal
sioned or when a significant service event has occurred.
sample for testing the coincidence detection performance of
Later steps, like ensuring proper calibration, should be per-
a detector and for determining the maximum practical probe
formed regularly and a archival record of the results
current for a given beam energy.
1. Place a mounted, flat, polished sample of pure Al in the
SEM chamber at optimal analytical working distance.
2. Mount a Faraday cup with a picoammeter in the SEM
chamber. 16.3.1 Detector Geometry
3. Configure the detector at the desired process time.
4. Configure the SEM at the desired beam energy and an In most electron-beam instruments, the EDS detector is
initial probe current. Measure the probe current using mounted on a fixed flange to ensure a consistent sample/
the Faraday cup/picoammeter. detector geometry with a fixed elevation angle. Almost all
5. Collect a spectrum from the pure Al sample with at modern EDS detectors are mounted in a tubular snout with
least 10,000 counts in the Al K peak. the crystal mounted at the end of the snout and the face of
6. Use your vendor’s software (or NIST DTSA-II) to the active detector element perpendicular to the principle
integrate the background-corrected intensity in the Al axis of the snout. The principal axis of the snout is oriented in
K peak (E = 1.486 keV). the instrument such that it intersects with the electron beam
7. Use your vendor’s software (or NIST DTSA-II) to look axis at the “optimal working distance.” This geometry is illus-
for and integrate the background-corrected intensity in trated in . Fig. 16.11.
the Al K + Al K coincidence peak (E = 2.972 keV). Often the detector is mounted on the flange on a sliding
8. Determine the ratio of the integrated intensity I(Al mechanism that allows the position of the detector to trans-
K + Al K)/I(Al K). We desire this ratio to be smaller late (move in and out) along the axis of the snout. The eleva-
than 0.01 (1 %). In some trace analysis situations, it may tion angle is nominally held fixed during the translation but
desirable to have this ratio less than 0.001 (0.1 %). the distance from the detector crystal changes and along with
Setting this limit too low will limit throughput but it the solid angle (Ω) subtended by the detector. The solid
220 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

..      Fig. 16.11 The elevation

angle is a fixed property of the
instrument/detector C


e te
Axes X ED

Z working ψ:
distance Elevation angle


..      Fig. 16.12 The solid angle is a

function of sample-to-detector
distance and the active detector L



W crystal

Sample Sample-to

angle is illustrated in the . Fig. 16.12. Moving the detector It is important to be able to maintain a reproducible solid
away from the sample is designed to decrease the solid angle angle through consistent repositioning of the detector. Some
but does not change the elevation angle or the optimal work- slide mechanisms are motorized. Motorized mechanisms
ing distance. should define an “inserted” position and a “retracted”
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
221 16
position, which you should test to ensure that the positioning 4. Test the reproducibility of the insertion point by
is reproducible between insertions. Manual mechanisms usu- extracting and inserting the detector and collecting a
ally provide a threaded screw with a manual crank to pull the series of spectra. If the characteristic peak intensities
detector in and out. The threaded screw will usually have a are reproducible (to much better than a fraction of a
pair of interlocking nuts which can be positioned to define a percent) between insertions, the precision is adequate.
consistent insertion position. The procedure in the sidebar
below will allow you to set and maintain a constant solid The take-off angle is the angle at which X-rays exit a flat sam-
angle and thus also a consistent detector collection efficiency. ple in the direction of the detector. For a flat sample mounted
perpendicular to the electron beam at the optimal working
distance, the take-off angle equals the elevation angle. If the
zz Sidebar: Setting a Constant Detector-to-Sample sample is tilted or the sample surface is at a slightly different
Distance to Maintain Solid Angle working distance, then the take-off angle can be computed
1. Locate the pair of lock nuts on the screw mechanism. from the sample tilt, the working distance and the sample-to-
Move the lock nuts to the inner most position on the detector distance. This is shown in . Fig. 16.13. Often you
treaded rod. will hear the terms elevation angle and take-off angle used
2. Insert the detector as close to the sample as possible. interchangeably. It is more precise however to think of the
Ensure that the detector does not touch the interior elevation angle as being a fixed property of the instrument/
of the microscope. The detector snout must be detector geometry and the take-off angle being dependent
electrically isolated (no conductive path) from the upon instrument-specimen configuration.
interior of the chamber to eliminate noise caused by
electrical ground loops. zz Check 1: Verify the Elevation Angle
3. Twist the upper lock nut to limit the motion of the It is critical that your quantitative analysis software has the
detector towards the sample. Tighten the lower nut correct elevation/take-off angle. Matrix correction a­ lgorithms
to lock the upper nut into position. use the take-off angle to calculate the correct absorption

..      Fig. 16.13 The take-off angle

is a function of the elevation angle,
the sample tilt and the actual C
working distance


Op tec
al w S de
ork ED
Axes X ingd
Y nce
Actu Elevation angle
al w
Z Sam rking
ple dist

Sample tilt
222 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

per unit time. By spectral resolution we mean the width of

a characteristic peak, usually taken to be the Mn K-L2,3
(Kα) peak.
Higher throughput is desirable because it allows you to
use higher probe currents to produce more X-rays and pro-
duce measured spectra with a larger number of measured
X-rays. Higher resolution is desirable because it becomes
easier to distinguish characteristic peaks of similar energy.
Both are virtues but one is achieved at the expense of the
The task of selecting a process time is the task of balanc-
ing good throughput with adequate resolution. At the best
resolution settings, throughput is seriously compromised
and as a result the precision of quantitative analysis is also
compromised. At the highest throughput settings, resolution
..      Fig. 16.14 Using a cell phone inclinometer to measure the eleva-
tion angle
is compromised and it becomes much more difficult to dis-
tinguish interfering peaks.
Fortunately, resolution degrades relatively slowly while
correction. The elevation angle (usually sloppily called the throughput increases quickly. Moderate pulse process times
“take-off angle”) is often a configuration option that may be tend to degrade the ultimate resolution by a few percent,
available to you to modify or may require a service engineer. while increasing throughput by much larger factors. Every
Usually you can check the elevation angle by opening a spec- vendor is different but typically a moderate pulse process
trum data file in a text editor. Most spectrum files are ASCII time will produce both adequate resolution and excellent
text files and the vendors write a line containing the elevation throughput.
or nominal take-off angle. While some modern SDD are capable of ultimate resolu-
Compare the value produced by the software with the tions of 122–128 eV, compromising the resolution to 130–
physical position of your detector relative to the beam axis. 135 eV will produce an excellent compromise between
Sometimes, the correct instrument specific value of the take-­ resolution and throughput. Even a resolution of 140–150 eV
off angle will be handwritten in the EDS vendor’s documenta- at high throughputs can produce excellent quantitative
tion. Other times, you can extract the angle from instrument results because the precision of spectrum fitting is more
specific schematic diagrams from the SEM or EDS vendors. determined by the number of measured X-rays than the
Regardless, it is a good idea to verify the elevation angle using spectral resolution.
a protractor or a smart phone. Many smart phones contain
inclinometers which are accurate to within a degree and “bub-
zz Check 2: Selecting a Process Time
ble level apps” are available to turn the phone into a digital
55 Ensure that your EDS detector electronics are set to a
inclinometer. First, test the accuracy of the cell phone incli-
moderate process time that produces a good
nometer using a 30-60-90 triangle or similar reference shape.
16 Then use the cell phone to measure the angle of the snout rela-
throughput with a resolution within 5 eV of the best
resolution. Record this parameter in your electronic
tive to the angle of the column and calculate the elevation
notebook for future reference.
angle. . Figure 16.14 shows that a cell phone measures the
55 Do not use an “adaptive process time” for
elevation angle of this detector to within half a degree (90°–
standards-based quantitative analysis. Adaptive
54.5° = 35.5° ~ 35° nominal value). Achieving similar accu-
process times allow the resolution to change with
racy with a protractor and a bubble level is difficult.
throughput making spectrum fitting challenging and
less accurate.
16.3.2 Process Time
The optimization of throughput is also confounded by an
The “process time” (also called the “throughput setting,” another practical limitation—coincident X-rays or pulse-­
the “detector time constant,” the “resolution setting” or pileup—and will be addressed in a later section.
other names) determines how much time the detector elec-
tronics dedicates to processing each incoming X-ray. A
longer “process time” tends to produce lower X-ray 16.3.3 Optimal Working Distance
throughput but higher spectral resolution. Shorter “pro-
cess times” tend to produce higher X-ray throughput but Nominally, the optimal working distance should be specified
lower spectral resolution. By throughput, we mean the in instrument schematics. However, it is worth checking
maximum number of X-rays that the detector can measure because it may vary slightly or there may be a mistake in
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
223 16
design or manufacturing. From the detector geometry sec- detector element there is usually a window and an electron
tion, we know that the optimal working distance is the dis- trap. Most windows are ultrathin layers of polymer or sili-
tance at which the axis along the detector snout intersects con nitride mounted on a grid for mechanical strength.
with the electron beam axis (see . Fig. 16.13). This working Examples of two support grids are given in . Fig. 16.15.
distance should also produce the largest flux of X-rays and be While the grid may have an open area fraction of 75–80 %,
the distance which is least sensitive to slight errors in vertical the silicon or carbon grid bars are often very thick
positioning. (0.38 mm) to enhance mechanical rigidity under the strain
of up to one atmosphere of differential pressure. Off-axis
zz Check 3: Measuring the Optimal Working Distance the grid bars can occlude the direct transmission of X-rays
1. Select a sample like a piece of copper and mount it from the sample to the detector element. Furthermore, the
perpendicular to the electron beam axis. magnetic electron trap can also occlude X-rays from off-
2. Select a beam energy of 15–25 keV and a moderate axis. As a result, an EDS detector is more sensitive to X-rays
probe current to produce ~ 20% dead time. produced on the snout axis than slightly off the axis. The
3. Move the stage’s vertical axis to place the sample result is a position dependent efficiency which peaks on
close to the objective lens pole piece. Be careful not axis and decreases as the source of the X-rays is further
to run the sample into a detector. from axis.
4. Focus the image and record the working distance A wide field-of-view X-ray spectrum image can demon-
reported by your SEM’s software. strate the position sensitivity and can be used to ensure that
5. Collect a 60 live-time second spectrum. the detector snout and detector active element are oriented
6. Move the stage away from the objective lens pole correctly.
piece in 1-mm steps.
7. Repeat steps 4–6, taking the working distance zz Check 4: Collect a Wide Field X-ray Spectrum Image
through the nominal optimal working distance. 1. Mount a flat, polished piece of Cu in your SEM.
8. Process the spectra. Extract the total number of 2. Image the Cu at the optimal working distance and at
counts in the energy range from about 100 eV to the 20–25 keV to excite both the K and L lines.
beam energy and plot this number against the 3. Find out how wide a field-of-view your SEM can
working distance. image at the optimal working distance. The example
9. Determine the working distance which produces the in . Fig. 16.16 uses a 4-mm field-of-view.
largest number of counts. Since this working distance 4. Collect a high count X-ray spectrum image from the
represents an inflection point, the slope will be Cu. Acquiring at a moderate-to-high probe current
minimum and thus the sensitivity with respect to for an hour or more at 256 × 256-pixel image
working distance will also be minimized. dimensions should produce sufficiently high
signal-to-noise data.
5. Process the data to extract and plot the raw
16.3.4 Detector Orientation intensities at each pixel in each of the Cu K-L2,3 and
Cu L-family lines.
In the previous section, we assumed that the principal axis of 1. It is important to extract the raw intensities and
the detector snout is oriented to intersect with the electron not the normalized intensities since we are
beam axis. In other words, the detector points towards the looking for variation in the raw intensity as a
sample. It is usually the EDS vendor’s responsibility to ensure function of position.
that the mounting flange has been designed to correctly ori- 2. The open source software ImageJ-Fiji (ImageJ
ent and position the detector. The next check will verify this. plus additional tools) can be used to process
The active face of an EDS detector is a planar area that is spectrum image data if it can be converted to a
mounted perpendicular to the snout axis. In front of the RAW format.

Thickness (µm) 380 265
Rib width (µm) 59 45
Opening width (µm) 190 190 Thickness

Open area % 76% 78%

Rib Opening
Acceptance angle 53° 72° width width

..      Fig. 16.15 Window support grid dimensions for two common window types (Source: MOXTEK)
224 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

6. Plot the data to demonstrate the variation of the nished intensities leading to low analytical totals
intensity as a function of position. . Figure 16.16 and sub-optimal quantitative results.
shows the map from a well-oriented detector plotted 3. Typically, the Cu L-family peak is more sensi­tive
using a thermal color scheme in which red due to absorption by the vacuum window support
represents the highest intensity and blue represents grid’s Si ribs. . Figure 16.15 (source: Moxtek)
zero intensity. . Figure 16.17 shows traverses shows the design of two recent Moxtek support
extracted from the . Fig. 16.16 data on diagonals grids. The vertical sensitivity is usually minimized
representing parallel to the detector axis and by orienting the grid ribs vertically.
perpendicular to the detector axis. Verify that the
most intense region in the intensity plots is in the
center of the image area. zz Sidebar: Processing a “RAW” Spectrum Image with
7. Note the extent of the region of uniform efficiency. ImageJ-Fiji
Variation from ideal uniform sensitivity has 1. Convert the X-ray spectrum image data into a RAW
consequences. file. A RAW file is large binary representation of the
1. Low magnification X-ray spectrum images will data in the spectrum image. Each pixel in the
suffer from reduced intensity towards the edges. spectrum image consists of a spectrum encode in an
2. Point mode X-ray spectrum acquisitions collected integer binary format. The pixels are organized in a
off the optical axis will also suffer from dimi­ continuous array row-by-­row. The size of the file is
typically equal to (channel depth) × (row
dimension) × (column dimensions) × (2 or 4 bytes
per integer value).
255.0 2. Import the RAW data file into ImageJ using the
cto “Import → Raw” tools to create a “stack” as shown in
r . Fig. 16.18.
3. As imported, the orientation of the stack will depend
upon how the data in the RAW file is organized.
Regardless of the original orientation, you will need to
pivot the data a couple times using the “Image →
0.0 Stack → Reslice” tool. First, to identify the range of
channels that represent the Cu L-family and Cu K-L2,3
intensities. Second, to align the spectrum data with
the Z dimension so that the “Image → Stack →

Z-project” tool can be used to create plots representing

the intensities in the Cu L-family and Cu K-L2,3
4 mm
4. The initial view of the imported spectrum will
16 ..      Fig. 16.16 A 3D rendering of the intensity in the Cu K line over a usually show the data as shown in . Fig. 16.19. In
4 mm by 4 mm mapped area. Created using ImageJ-Fiji this view it is possible to identify the range of

..      Fig. 16.17 A plot of two diag­

onal traverses extracted from the 300
3D rendering. The blue dots are Perp
perpendicular to the detector axis Parallel
and red are parallel. Created using 250




0 1 2 3 4 5 6
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
225 16
channels to sum together for the Cu L-family and Cu 16.3.5 Count Rate Linearity
K-L2,3 lines. The Cu K-L2,3 lines are often quite dim.
5. Using the “Image → Stack → Reslice” tool (see One of the most important circuits in an X-ray pulse proces-
. Fig. 16.20) rotate the stack until it looks like sor accounts for the time during which the pulse processor is
. Fig. 16.21 busy processing X-ray events. When the pulse processor is
6. Use the “Image → Stack → Z-project” twice processing an X-ray, it is unavailable to process new incoming
(. Fig. 16.22) to extract the range of channels X-rays. This time is called “dead-time.” In contrast, the time
identified in . Fig. 16.19 as associated with the Cu during which the processor is not busy and is available is called
L-family and Cu K-L2,3 lines. “live-time.” The sum of “live-time” and “dead-time” is called
7. Convert the gray-scale image to a thermal scale using “real-time” – the time you would measure using a wall clock.
“Image → Lookup Tables → Thermal.” For calculating the effective probe dose, live-time is the
8. Convert the image to a plot using “Analyze → critical parameter. The effective probe dose consists of those
Surface Plot” electrons which could produce measurable X-rays. So the
9. Extract traverses from the image using the straight effective probe dose equals the live-time times the probe cur-
line tool to define the traverse and then the “Analyze rent. The effective probe dose is always less than the real
→ Plot Profile” tool to extract and plot the data. probe dose, which is the product of the real time and the

..      Fig. 16.18 Importing a RAW formatted spectrum image into

ImageJ-Fiji ..      Fig. 16.20 “Reslice” tool used to rotate the stack

Cu L-family Cu K-L2,3

..      Fig. 16.19 The spectrum image perspective as imported into ImageJ-Fiji. The bright strip is the Cu L-family while the much fainter band is
Cu K-L2,3
226 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

important because it is often hard to replicate the identical

probe current but it is also important because different mate-
rials measured with the same probe current will produce dif-
ferent dead times.
There really is no excuse for a modern X-ray detector not
to be linear. However, it is worth checking because the test
can expose other potential problems like a non-linear or off-
set probe current meter.

zz Check 5: Count Rate Linearity with Effective Probe

55 Faraday cup
55 Picoammeter
55 Flat, polished copper sample
1. Mount the Faraday cup and the polished copper
sample on the stage at the same nominal working
2. Image the sample at the optimal working distance
and a beam energy selected in the 15–25 keV
3. Start a factor of 10 or more below the optimal probe
current. Measure and record the probe current using the
Faraday cup and the picoammeter.
4. Collect a 60 live-time second spectrum from the copper
5. Increase the probe current through a sequence of
..      Fig. 16.21 The spectrum image was collected on a 128 by 128 approximately 10–20 steps from the initial probe current
pixel grid representing 4 × 4 mm. After data rotation to view the x-y to approximately 2 times the optimal probe current.
plane, the first energy slice, 1 out of 1024, is shown. It appears black Collect a 60 live-time second spectrum at each probe
because it contains no counts
current and measure and record the probe current using
the Faraday cup. A plot of such a measurement sequence
is shown in . Fig. 16.23 (upper).
6. Integrate the total number of counts in the range of
channels representing the Cu K-L2,3 characteristic peak.
16 (You don’t need to background correct the integral.) Plot
the measured intensity divided by the probe current
against the measured probe current. The result should
be a horizontal line, as shown in . Fig. 16.23 (lower).
1. If the line is not horizontal, the problem may be in the
detector or in the probe current measurement.
2. The probe current measurement could be non-linear
meaning the plot of the measured probe current to
true probe current is not a straight line.
3. Alternatively, the probe current may have a zero
offset. The zero offset can be measured by blanking
the beam and recording the measured current at zero
..      Fig. 16.22 Extracting the Cu L-family lines from the spectrum true current. Subsequent probe current measurement
planes 89 to 97
can be offset by this value.

probe current, due to the loss of useful electrons during the

dead-time. 16.3.6 Energy Calibration Linearity
It is very important for accurate quantitative analysis that
the measured X-ray intensity is linear with respect to the Consistent energy calibration is critically important for
effective probe dose. Twice the effective probe dose should reproducible quantitative analysis. Pick a nominal channel
produce twice the measured intensity. Not only is this width (5-eV/channel will work fine in almost all cases) and
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
227 16
..      Fig. 16.23 The number of
X-rays recorded in the spectrum 3,000,000
should scale linearly with the f(x) = 35876.1202787172x
dose (the product of live-time R2 = 0.9999923818
and probe current) 2,500,000


Det 2
1,000,000 Linear (Det 2)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Probe dose (nA.s)

Counts / (nA.s)

35,750 Det 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Probe current (nA)

use this value for all your data acquisition. Before each day’s energy. Two points are sufficient to unambiguously calibrate
measurements ensure that the detector is calibrated consis- a linear function. The calibration (peak position) and resolu-
tently by following the same protocol to check and, if neces- tion (peak shape) should be constant with input count rate
sary, recalibrate your detector. (or dead-time), as shown in . Fig. 16.24.
On a modern pulse processor, calibration is usually per- To a very high degree, modern EDS detectors are linear.
formed using the EDS vendor’s software. The software will However if you look carefully in the mid-range of energies,
prompt you to collect a spectrum from an established mate- you many notice the KLM markers may be misaligned by a
rial. The software will examine the spectrum and extract the channel or two. This is evidence that your detector is not per-
positions of various characteristic X-ray features. The soft- fectly linear but this need not represent a true performance
ware will then perform an internal adjustment to center these problem.
features in the correct channels. Most modern pulse proces- Since energy calibration is so critical but is also one of
sors perform a continuous zero offset calibration using a many parameters that should be measured as part of a com-
“zero strobe pulse” the pulse processor adds to the signal plete EDS Quality Control (QC) program, the validation will
stream for diagnostic purposes. Thus the only parameter be discussed in a later section.
they usually adjust when performing a calibration is an elec-
tronic gain. Usually, this involves identifying a single high
energy characteristic line (like the Mn K-L2,3 or the Cu K-L2,3) 16.3.7 Other Items
and adjusting the gain until this feature is centered on the
appropriate channel. The calibration is thus a two-point cali- zz Light Transparency and IR Cameras
bration—either a low energy characteristic line or the zero Most (but not all) modern EDS detectors have a vacuum
strobe at low energy and a second characteristic line at high tight window that is opaque to infrared and visible light.
228 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

..      Fig. 16.24 The position and

widths of the characteristic peaks
should not vary with probe cur-
rent 15 000

10 000

5 000

7.7 7.9 8.1 8.3 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.1
Energy (keV)

150 000

100 000

50 000

0.68 0.78 0.88 0.98 1.08
Energy (keV)

Usually, the window is coated with a thin layer of aluminum 16.3.8 Setting Up a Quality Control Program
(or other metal) to keep light in the chamber from creating a
spurious signal on the EDS detector. An ongoing QC program is a valuable way to demonstrate
Regardless, it is worthwhile to test whether your detector that your data and results can be trusted——yesterday, today,
is sensitive to light. You may be surprised by a pinhole light and tomorrow. If a client ever questions some data, it is useful
leak or a window without an adequate opaque layer. to be able to go back to the day that data was collected and
16 show that your instrument and detector were performing
zz Check 6: Check for SEM Light Sources adequately. A well-designed QC program need not take
The windows on some EDS detectors are not opaque to light much time. A single spectrum from a consistent sample col-
and light in the chamber will produce noise counts particu- lected under consistent conditions is sufficient to identify
larly in low channels. most common failure modes and to document the long-term
1. Enumerate the potential sources of light inside your performance of your detector. A well-designed QC program
SEM. Sources to consider: is likely to save time by eliminating the possibility of collect-
1. An IR camera ing data when the detector is miscalibrated or otherwise
2. Stage position sensors misbehaving.
3. The tungsten filament (essentially a light bulb)
4. Chamber windows zz Check 7: Implement a Quick QC Program
5. Cathodoluminescence from samples like zinc 1. Maintain a sample consisting of a Faraday cup and a
selenide or benitoite. piece of Cu or Mn. Make use of this sample each day
2. Collect a series of spectra and examine these spectra for on which you intend on collecting quantitative EDS
anomalies. data to ensure that the detector is calibrated.
1. When possible collect the spectra without an electron 2. Image the sample at a consistent working distance
beam so there should be no source of X-rays. (the “optimal working distance”), a consistent beam
2. Collect a spectrum with the light source turned off energy, and a consistent probe current.
and a spectrum with the source on. There should be 3. Collect a spectrum from a sample for a consistent
no difference. live-time.
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
229 16
4. Process the spectrum to extract the raw intensities in ideal because it is readily available, stable and has
the K-L2,3 and L-family lines, the resolution, the actual both K-L2,3 (~8.04 keV) and L-family (~930 eV)
zero offset and gain, and the total number of counts. lines.
Record and plot these values on a control chart. 55The beam energy should be sufficient to adequately
excite (overvoltage > 2) all the lines of interest in the
Using the QC Tools Within DTSA-II sample.
While it is possible to implement a QC program by combining 55The nominal working distance should be the
an EDS vendor’s software with careful record-keeping, detector’s optimal working distance. The sample
DTSA-II provides tools specifically designed to implement a should be brought into focus (using the stage Z-axis if
basic EDS detector QC program. The tools import spectra, necessary) at this working distance before collecting a
make some basic sanity checks, process the spectrum to extract spectrum.
QC metrics, archive the metrics and report the metrics. 55The nominal probe current is the probe current at
which the spectra will be collected (to within a few
Creating a QC Project percent). Usually, the “use probe current
55 A QC project is an archive of spectra collected from a normalization” will be selected so that all intensities
specified sample under similar conditions on a specified are scaled relative to the probe current measured with
detector/instrument. The spectra are fitted with a a in-lens cup or a Faraday cup.
modeled spectrum and the resulting quantities 55 After creating the project, you will need to go
recorded to track these values over the lifetime of the through the QC tool additional times to add measured
detector. spectra.
55 Creating a QC Project involves specifying a detector
and the conditions which are to be held consistent
(. Fig. 16.25). If you use a single detector with different zz Adding Spectra to a QC Project
process times, either select a constant process time or, 55 To add spectra to a QC project, you first need to
better yet, create individual projects for each process specify which project you will be adding the spectra.
time. Once you select the project, the “material,” “beam
55The material may be simple or complex but energy,” “nominal working distance,” and “nominal
should be robust, durable and provide characteristic probe current” boxes will fill with the associated
lines over a large range of energies. Copper is information (see . Fig. 16.26).

..      Fig. 16.25 The panel in

DTSA-II for creating QC projects.
This panel is accessed through
the “Tools → QC Alien” menu item
230 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

..      Fig. 16.26 Panel for selection

of detector and material para­

55 Once the project has been selected, you will need to You will specify the detector and QC project along with
specify a spectrum to add to the project. Needless to the fit values that you wish to report. The report will be gen-
say, the spectrum should have been collected on the erated into a new HTML document and the result displayed
correct detector under the conditions specified (see in your system’s default web browser. The report will look
. Fig. 16.27). like . Fig. 16.30, with header information and a series of
55 After selecting the spectrum, the spectrum will be control charts. At the bottom of the report is a table contain-
processed by fitting it to a modeled spectrum shape. ing all the data values that went into creating the control
The resulting fit parameters will be reported and charts. All the values computed when the spectrum was
compared with the fit parameters from previous fits. added to the QC project will be available to display in the
16 The results are organized into columns associated QC report.
with the current fit, the average of all fits, average of
the first (up to) 10 fits and the average of the last (up
to) 10 fits. Review these values to determine whether 16.3.9 Purchasing an SDD
there has been short or long term drift in any of the
fit parameters. The same information is shown in the If you were to survey EDS vendor’s advertisements, you’d
DTSA-II Report table, as shown in . Fig. 16.28. come to conclusion that two hardware characteristics deter-
55 You can also generate reports containing these mine the “best” EDS detector—resolution and detector area.
quantities as tabular values, as shown in . Fig. 16.29, Over the last decade, detector areas have become larger and
and plotted on control charts, as shown in . Fig. 16.30. larger and detector resolutions have improved significantly
too. The performance of Si(Li) detectors scaled poorly with
size because the detector capacitance scaled with size. SDD,
zz Generating QC Reports on the other hand, perform only slightly worse (throughput
A QC Report is a quick way to track the long-term perfor- and resolution) as the detector area increases. As a result,
mance of your detector. QC Reports are also generated using even a basic modern SDD-EDS detector is larger and per-
the QC tool accessible through the “Tools → QC Alien” forms better than the best Si(Li)-EDS detector of a decade
menu item. ago.
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
231 16
..      Fig. 16.27 Panel for selection
of measured spectrum for archive

..      Fig. 16.28 Results of informa-

tion extracted from measured
reference spectrum
232 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

QC Measurement Recorded

Spectrum QC [Detector 0][Pure copper]

Index 920

Timestamp 2016-05-27 10:33:00.071

Project Pure copper at 20.0 keV on Detector 0

Name Value First 10 Last 10 All

Brem Counts 21153.566 20136.119±1587.620 25159.335±10725.581 23104.667±8993.435

Channel width 10.0063±0.0002 9.9958±0.0099 10.0078±0.0119 10.0005±0.0100

Cu Ka 10241.874±22.085 9718.418±673.187 10229.021±114.918 10966.411±4359.408

Cu Kb 1427.926±8.246 1344.469±94.784 1430.549±21.392 1537.000±610.996

Cu L-family 22353.142±32.628 21624.157±2221.392 22593.581±242.852 24192.963±8918.157
Dose 20.997 58.656±3.337 21.770±0.439 26.366±14.180

Duane-Hunt 19.9465 19.9151±0.0577 19.9753±0.0945 19.9656±0.5686

FWHM @ Mn Ka 132.146±0.053 131.758±0.061 136.829±10.091 132.107±3.005

Fano Factor 0.120 0.118±0.000 0.120 0.120±0.001

Noise 6.574±0.014 6.771±0.008 7.570±2.108 6.536±0.690

Total counts 1158592.000 3084061.800±87926.172 1292007.000±230599.127 1481557.909±785814.751

Zero offset 1.405±0.063 2.660±0.085 1.288±0.292 1.744±3.358

..      Fig. 16.29 Report of current QC spectrum measurement parameters compared to archival values

Regardless of what the EDS vendors literature tells us,  esolution and Peak Position Stability
while both of these performance characteristics are impor- with Count Rate
tant, neither is the basis of a well-considered choice of detec- The detector resolution and peak position must not change
tor. Resolution and area are indirect proxies for the appreciably with a variation of a factor of ten or more in
16 performance characteristics that should really drive the deci- X-ray flux.
sion process—good throughput at an adequate resolution The same spectra used to demonstrate linearity can be used
and a large solid angle of detection. to demonstrate peak position and resolution stability. Use
First, a word or two about two characteristics which are DTSA-II’s calibration tool to fit the spectra and extract full
absolutely required for good quantitative analysis. width at half-maximum (FWHM) and channel width values for
Fortunately, almost all modern SDD meet these two impor- each spectrum. Plot the spectra and results as shown in
tant requirements—linearity and stability. . Fig. 16.31.
Having ensured these two basic characteristics, the
 inearity of Output Count Rate
L choice of next most important characteristic depends
with Live-Time Dose upon how your detector will be used. If signal quantity is a
The number of X-rays measured must be proportional to the problem because you are limited to low probe currents,
number of X-rays generated. If you generated ten times as STEM mode analysis of microparticles, low beam energy
many X-rays, you should measure ten times as many X-rays. analysis, or another reason why the flux of X-rays is lim-
Otherwise, the k-ratio, the basis of all quantitative analysis, ited, then a detector that maximizes solid angle is impor-
would depend not only upon the composition of the material tant. If on the other hand, you can produce a lot of X-rays,
but also the probe current. then throughput at an adequate resolution is more impor-
Perform the check in section Count Rate Linearity to tant. Regardless, both criteria should be part of your eval-
evaluate a candidate detector’s linearity performance. uation process.
16.3 · Practical Aspects of Ensuring EDS Performance for a Quality Measurement Environment
233 16

Quality Control Report - May 27, 2016

NIST DTSA-II Version Iona 2015-08-24
EPQ Version Iona 2015-08-24
Operator nritchie
Item Value
Detector Detector 0 - FWHM[Mn Ka]=128.0 eV - initial
Beam Energy 20.0 keV
Material Pure copper
Brem counts
65,000 Brem Counts
10/13/11 6/1/12 1/18/13 9/7/13 4/26/14 12/14/14 8/2/15 3/21/16 6/14/16

Channel width
10,05 Channel width
10/13/11 6/1/12 1/18/13 9/7/13 4/26/14 12/14/14 8/2/15 3/21/16 6/14/16
Cu Kα

..      Fig. 16.30 Quality control report charts

..      Fig. 16.31 Neither the resolu-

tion (FWHM at Mn K-L2,3 (Kα)) or 133.0 10.004
the gain (in eV/channel) should
change with probe current FWHM Gain 10.003

131.5 9.999
130.0 9.994
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Probe current (nA)
234 Chapter 16 · Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry: Physical Principles and User-Selected Parameters

Solid Angle for Low X-ray Flux performance of the detector is three-way trade-off between
The fraction of X-rays emitted by the sample that strike the throughput, resolution, and coincidence rate. Typically, this is
detector is proportional to the solid angle. The solid angle is a accomplished by defining an acceptable coincidence rate as dis-
function of both the active area of the detector and the dis- cussed in the section on process time and determining the pro-
tance from the sample to the detector. The detected fraction is cess time that maximizes the throughput at this coincidence
linearly proportional to the active area of the detector but rate. This process time will typically be a slight compromise
inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the from the one that produces the optimal resolution but typically
sample to the detector so the position of the detector is critical. not by more than a few eV FWHM at Mn K-L2,3 (Kα). A few eV
It is not reasonable to assume that a larger area detector will of resolution degradation is usually an acceptable compromise
always produce a larger solid angle. Larger area detectors may as throughput is far more important than resolution for accu-
require larger diameter snouts which may not be able to be rate quantitative EDS microanalysis.
positioned as close to the sample. Larger area detectors may
also produce slightly poorer resolution and/or slightly lower zz Special Case: Low Energy Sensitivity
ultimate throughput due to increases in “ballistic deficit” — If measuring low energy X-rays in the sub-200-eV range is
the spreading of electron packets in the active detector area. particularly important to you, then you should focus your
The only way to know ahead of time what solid angle you criteria on this energy region and understand that to opti-
can expect is to ask they vendor to provide schematics show- mize this regime will likely require compromises to through-
ing how your detector will be positioned in your instrument. put. Find samples similar to the ones you will commonly
The critical parameters are sample-to-detector distance at the measure and use these samples to evaluate the performance
maximum insertion position, the optimal working distance, of the candidate detectors.
the detector area, and the elevation angle. These parameters
can be used within DTSA-II to model the X-ray signal you
can expect to measure from the types of samples and the
probe currents you use.
Fiori C, Newbury D (1978) Artifacts in energy dispersive X-ray spectrom-
 aximizing Throughput at Moderate
M etry. Scan Electron Microsc 1:401
Resolution Fitzgerald R, Keil K, Heinrich KFJ (1968) Solid-state energy-dispersive
Modern detectors are capable of extraordinary resolutions and spectrometer for electron-microprobe X-ray analysis. Science
high throughput, though not both at the same time. The best Gatti E, Rehak P (1984) Semiconductor drift chamber – an application of
resolutions are achieved at long pulse process times, which pro- a novel charge transport scheme. Nucl Instr Meth A 225:608
duce poor ultimate throughput. The highest throughputs are Struder L, Fiorini C, Gatti E, Hartmann R, Holl P, Krause N, Lechner P,
achieved at short pulse process times; but, while it may be pos- Longini A, Lutz G, Kemmer J, Meidinger N, Popp M, Soltau H, Van
sible to measure many X-rays per unit time, coincidence events Zanthier C (1998) High-resolution high-count-rate X-ray spectros-
copy with state-of-the-art silicon detectors. Mikrochim Acta Suppl
(pulse pile up) limit the quantitative accuracy. The quantitative 15:11

235 17

DTSA-II EDS Software

17.1 Getting Started With NIST DTSA-II – 236
17.1.1 Motivation – 236
17.1.2 Platform – 236
17.1.3 Overview – 236
17.1.4 Design – 237
17.1.5 The Three -Leg Stool: Simulation, Quantification and Experiment
Design – 237
17.1.6 Introduction to Fundamental Concepts – 238

17.2 Simulation in DTSA-II – 245

17.2.1 Introduction – 245
17.2.2 Monte Carlo Simulation – 245
17.2.3 Using the GUI To Perform a Simulation – 247
17.2.4 Optional Tables – 262

References – 264

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
236 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

17.1 Getting Started With NIST DTSA-II 17.1.3 Overview

17.1.1 Motivation DTSA-II was designed around common user interface meta-
phors and should feel consistent with other programs on
Reading about a new subject is good but there is nothing like your operating system. It has a main menu which provides a
doing to reinforce understanding. With this in mind, the handful of high-level interactions such as file access, process-
authors of this textbook have designed a number of practical ing, simulation, reporting, and help. Many of these menu
exercises that reinforce the book’s subject matter. Some of items lead to “wizard-style” dialogs which take you step-by-­
these exercises can be performed with software you have step through some more complex operation like experiment
available to you—either instrument vendor software or a design, spectrum quantification, or spectrum simulation.
spreadsheet like MS Excel or LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc. The goal is to make common operations as simple as possible.
Other exercises require functionality which may not be pres- Additional tools are often available through context sen-
ent in all instrument vendor’s software. Regardless, it is much sitive menus. Each region on the DTSA-II main window pro-
easier to explain an exercise when everyone is working with vides different functionality. Within these regions, you are
the same tools. likely to want to perform various context sensitive opera-
To ensure that everyone has the tools necessary to perform tions. These operations are accesses through menus that are
the exercises, we have developed the National Institute of accessed by placing the mouse over the region and issuing a
Standards and Technology software called DTSA-II (Ritchie, “right-button click” on Windows/Linux/UNIX or an Apple-
2009, 2010, 2011a, b, c, 2012, 2017a, b). NIST DTSA-II is Command key + mouse click on OS X. The context-sensitive
quantitative X-ray microanalysis software designed with edu- menu items may perform operations immediately, or they
cation and best practices in mind. Furthermore, as an output may request additional information through dialog boxes.
of the US Federal Government, it is not subject to copyright On the main screen, the bottom half of window is three
restrictions and freely available to all regardless of affiliation tabs—the Spectrum tab, the Report tab, and the Command
or nationality. From a practical perspective, this means that tab. The spectrum tab is useful for investigating and manipu-
you can install and use DTSA-II on any suitable computer. lating spectra. The report tab provides a record of the work
You can give it to colleagues or students. You can use it at completed during this invocation of the program. Since the
home, in your office, or in the lab. If you are so inclined, the report is in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and stored
source code is available to allow you to review the implemen- by date, it is possible to review old reports either in DTSA-II
tation or to enhance the tool for your own special purposes. or in a standard web browser. Some operating systems will
Exercises in the textbook will be designed around the index HTML documents making it easy to find old designs,
capabilities of DTSA-II. Many will take advantage of the analyses or simulations.
graphical user interface to manipulate and interrogate spec- The final tab contains a command line interface. The
tra. A number will take advantage of the command line command line interface implements a Python syntax script-
scripting interface to access low-level data or to perform ing environment. Python is a popular, powerful and com-
advanced operations. plete scripting language. Through Python it is possible
(though not necessarily easy) to perform anything that can
be done through the GUI. It is also possible to do a lot more.
For example, the GUI makes available some common, useful
17.1.2 Platform geometries for performing Monte Carlo simulations of spec-
17 trum generation. Through scripting, it is possible to simulate
NIST DTSA-II is written in the multi-platform run-time arbitrary sample and detector geometries. Some of the exam-
environment Java. This means that the same program runs ples in the text will involve scripting. These scripts will be
on Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8.X, 10.X), Apple OS X installed with the software so they are readily available and so
10.6+, and many flavors of Linux and UNIX. The run-time you can use these as the basis for your own custom scripts.
environment adjusts the look-and-feel of the application to An important foundational concept in DTSA-II is the
be consistent with the standards for each operating system. definition of an X-ray detector. The software comes with a
For Windows, Linux, and UNIX, the main menu is part of “default detector” which represents a typical Si(Li) detector
the main application window. In OS X, the main menu is at on a typical SEM. This detector will produce adequate results
the top of the primary screen. for many purposes. However, it is better and more useful if
To make installation as easy as possible on each environ- you create your own detector definition or definitions to
ment, an installer has been developed which works on reflect the design and performance of your detector(s) and
Windows, OS X, and Linux/UNIX. The installer verifies that SEM. You define your own detector using the “Preferences”
an appropriate version of Java is available and place the exe- dialog which is access through the “File → Preferences” main
cutable and data files in a location that is consistent with menu item. To select and activate your detector, you select it
operating system guidelines. Detailed installation instruc- in the “Default Detector” drop down lists on the middle, left
tions are available on the download site. side of the main DTSA-II window on the “Spectrum Tab.”
17.1 · Getting Started With NIST DTSA-II
237 17
17.1.4 Design Simulation
Spectrum generation can be modeled either using analytical
DTSA-II is, in many ways, much more like vendor software models or using Monte Carlo models. The difference is that
used to be. This has advantages and disadvantages. Over the analytical models are deterministic, they always produce the
years, vendors have simplified their software. They have same output for the equivalent input, and they are less com-
removed many more advanced spectrum manipulation tools putationally intensive. They are limited, however, in the
and they have streamlined their software to make getting an geometries for which we know how to perform the analytical
answer as straightforward as possible. If your goal is simply calculation. Monte Carlo models are based on pseudo-­
to collect a spectrum, press a button, and report a result, the random simulation of the physics of electron interactions
vendor software is ideal. However, if you want to develop a and X-ray production. Individual electron trajectories are
more deep understanding of how spectrum analysis works, traced as they meander through the sample. Interactions like
many vendors have buried the tools or removed them elastic scattering off the electrons and nucleus in the sample
entirely. DTSA-II retains many of the advanced spectrum are modeled. Inelastic interactions like core-shell ionization
manipulation and interrogation tools. are also modeled. Each core shell ionization is followed by
DTSA-II is designed with Einstein’s suggestion about either an Auger electron or an X-ray photon. The trajectories
simplicity in mind: “Everything should be made as simple as of these can also be modeled. The resulting X-rays can be
possible, but not simpler.” DTSA-II was designed with the collected in a modeled detector and the result presented as a
goal of making the most reliable and accurate means of quan- dose-correct spectrum.
tification, standards-based quantification, as simple as pos- So, in summary, analytical models are quicker, but Montel
sible, but not simpler. When there is a choice that might Carlo models are more flexible. Regardless, in domains where
compromise reliability or accuracy for simplicity, reliability they are both applicable, they produce similar but not identi-
and accuracy wins out. cal results.
One such example is “auto-quant.” Most microanalysis
software will automatically place peak markers on spectra. Quantification
Unfortunately, these markers have time and time again Accurate, reliable quantification is the goal. Turning mea-
been demonstrated to be reliable in many but far from all sured spectra into reliable estimates of material composition
cases. Users grow dependent on auto-quant and when it can be a challenge. Our techniques work well when we are
fails they often don’t have the experience or confidence to careful to prepare our samples, collect our spectra, and pro-
identify the failures. The consequence is that the qualitative cess the data. However, there are many pitfalls and potential
and then since the qualitative results are used to produce sources of error for the novice or the overconfident.
quantitative results, the quantitative results are just plain DTSA-II implements some of the most reliable algo-
wrong. rithms for spectrum quantification. First, DTSA-II assumes
Rather than risking being wrong, DTSA-II requires the that you will be comparing your unknown spectrum to spec-
user to perform manual peak identification. The process is tra collected from standard materials. Standards-based
more tedious and requires more understanding by the user. quantification is the most accurate and reliable technique
But no more understanding than is necessary to judge known. Second, DTSA-II implements robust algorithms for
whether the vendor’s auto-qual has worked correctly. If you comparing peak intensities between standards and unknown.
as a user can’t perform manual qualitative analysis reliably, DTSA-­II uses linear least squares fitting of background fil-
you should not be using the vendor’s auto-qual. tered spectra. This algorithm is robust, accurate, and makes
very good use of the all the information present in each
peak. It also provides mechanism called the residual to
determine whether the correct elements have been identified
17.1.5  he Three -Leg Stool: Simulation,
T and fit.
Quantification and Experiment Fitting produces k-ratios which are the first-order esti-
Design mates of composition. To extract the true composition, the
k-ratios must be scaled to account for differences in absorp-
NIST DTSA-II is designed to tie together three tools which tion, atomic number, and secondary fluorescence. DTSA-II
are integral to the process of performing high-quality X-ray implements a handful of different matrix correction algo-
microanalysis—simulation, quantification, and experiment rithms although users are encouraged to use the default algo-
design. Simulation allows you to understand the measure- rithm (‘XPP’ by Pouchou and Pichoir, 1991) unless they have
ment process for both simple measurements and more com- a compelling reason to do otherwise.
plex materials and geometries. Quantification allows you to
turn spectra into estimates of composition. Experiment Experiment Design
design ties together simulation and quantification to allow One thing that has long hindered people from performing
you to develop the most accurate and reliable measurement standards-based quantification is the complexity of design-
protocols. ing an optimal standards-based measurement. The choices
238 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

that go into designing a good measurement are subtle. How DTSA-II was designed around the idea of being able
does one select the optimal beam energy? How does one simulate what you measure. With DTSA-II, it is possible to
select the best materials to use as standards? How does one simulate the full measurement process for both simple and
determine when a reference spectrum1 is needed in addition complex samples. You can simulate the spectrum from an
to the standard spectra? How long an acquisition is required unknown material and from the standard materials neces-
to produce the desired measurement precision? What limits sary to quantify the unknown spectrum. You can quantify
of detection can I expect to achieve? Do I want to optimize the simulated spectra just like you can quantify measured
accuracy or simply precision? Am I interested in minimizing spectra. This ability allows you to understand the measure-
the total error budget or am I interested in optimizing the ment process in ways that are simply not possible otherwise.
measurement of one (or a couple of) elements? It is possible to investigate how changes in sample geometry
In fact, many of these decisions are interrelated in subtle or contamination or coatings will influence the results. It is
ways. Increasing the beam energy will often improve preci- possible to visualize the electron trajectories and X-ray pro-
sion (more counts) but will reduce accuracy (more absorp- duction and absorption.
tion). The best standard for a precision measurement is likely However to do this, it is necessary to be able to model the
a pure element while the best standard for an accurate mea- sample, the physics of electron transport, atomic ionization
surement is likely a material similar to the unknown. and X-ray production and transport, and the detection of
Then we must also consider subtle interactions between X-rays. The physics of electrons and X-rays is not perfectly
elements. If the emission from one element falls near in known, but at least it doesn’t change between one instrument
energy to the absorption edges of another element, accu- and another. The biggest change between instruments is the
racy may be reduced due to complex near edge absorption X-ray detection process. Not all detectors are created equal.
effects. All the different considerations make the mind reel To compensate for the detection process, DTSA-II builds
and intimidate all but the most confident practitioners of algorithmic models of X-ray detectors based on the proper-
the art. ties of the detector. These models are then used to convert the
DTSA-II addresses these problems through an experi- simulated X-ray flux into a simulated measured spectrum.
ment design tool. The experiment design tool calculates the The better these models, the better DTSA-II is able to simu-
uncertainty budget for an ensemble of different alternative late and quantify spectra.
measurement protocols. It then suggests the experiment pro-
tocol which optimizes the uncertainty budget. It outlines Modeled Detectors (. Fig. 17.1)
which spectra need to be acquired and the doses necessary to To make optimal use of DTSA-II, you will need to create a
achieve the user’s desired measurement precision. This is detector model to describe each of your X-ray detectors.
then presented in the report page as a recipe that the analyst Each detector model reflects the performance of a specific
can taking into the laboratory. detector in a specific instrument at a specific resolution/
Experiment design builds upon an expert’s understand- throughput setting. Each physical detector should be associ-
ing of the quantification process and makes extensive use of ated with at least one detector model. A single physical detec-
spectrum simulation. Through spectrum simulation, tor may have more than one detector model if the detector is
DTSA-­II can understand how peak interferences and detec- regularly operated at different resolution / throughput set-
tor performance will influence the measurement process. tings.
Through spectrum simulation carefully calibrated to the per- Some of the information necessary to build the detector
formance of your detectors, the experiment optimizer can model is readily available from product literature or from a
17 predict how much dose (probe current x time) is required. call to the vendor. Unfortunately, some pieces of information
Often the result is good news. We often spend much too are less easy to discover. Some require access to very special-
much time on some spectra and too little on others. ized samples or equipment, but fortunately, accepting the
default values won’t overly affect utility of the simulated
results. . Table 17.1 identifies which values are critical and
17.1.6 Introduction to Fundamental which are less critical.
Concepts Detector models are created in the “Preferences” dialog
which is accessed through the “File → Preferences” main
For the most part, the functionality of DTSA-II will be intro- menu item. The tree view on the left side of the dialog allows
duced along with the relevant microanalytical concept. you to navigate through various preference pages. By default,
However, there are a handful of concepts which provide a a root node labeled “Instruments and Detectors” is created
skeleton around which the rest of the program is built. It is with a branch called “Probe” and a leaf node called “Si(Li).”
necessary to understand these concepts to use the program The branch “Probe” reflects a very basic traditional SEM/
effectively. microprobe. The leaf “Si(Li)” reflects a typical lithium-drifted
silicon detector with a ultra-thin window and a resolution of
132 eV at Mn Kα. You can examine the definition of this
1 Don’t worry if you don’t understand the difference between a detector to determine which pieces of information are neces-
reference and a standard spectrum. This will be explained later. sary to fully describe a detector.
17.1 · Getting Started With NIST DTSA-II
239 17

..      Fig. 17.1 The preferences dialog showing a panel containing properties of a detector

..      Table 17.1 This table identifies parameters that have a critical influence on simulated spectra and those that have a less critical
influence. You should be able to determine the correct value of the critical parameters from vendor literature or a call to the vendor.
The vendor may be able to provide the less critical values too but if they can’t just accept the defaults

Critical Less critical

Window type Gold layer (accept the default)

Elevation angle Aluminum layer (accept the default)

Optimal working distance Nickel layer (accept the default)

Sample-to-detector distance (estimate) Dead layer (accept the default)

Detector area Zero strobe discriminator (easy to estimate)

Crystal thickness

Number of channels

Energy scale (nominal)

Zero offset (nominal)

Resolution at Mn Kα (approximate)

Azimuthal angle
240 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

Some pieces of information are specific to your instru- 1 keV. Here the absorption edges in the elements making up
ment and the way the detector is mounted in the instrument. the windows can lead to large jumps in efficiency over nar-
Window-type, detector area, crystal thickness, resolution, row energy ranges. Diamond represents an extreme example
gold layer thickness, aluminum layer thickness, nickel layer in which the absorption edge at 0.283 keV leads to a three
thickness, and dead layer thickness are model specific prop- order-of-magnitude change in efficiency.
erties of the detector. Elevation angle, optimal working dis- Your vendor should be able to tell you the make and
tance, sample-to-detector distance, and azimuthal angle are model of the window on your detector.
determined by how the detector is mounted in your instru-
ment. The energy scale, zero offset, and the resolution are The Optimal Working Distance (. Figs. 17.3
dependent upon hardware settings that are usually config- and 17.4)
ured within the vendor’s acquisition software. The oldest sys- The position and orientation of your EDS detector is optimized
tems may have physical hardware switches. for a certain sample position. Typically, the optimal sample
position is located on the electron-beam axis at an optimal
Window Type (. Fig. 17.2) working distance. At this distance, the effective elevation angle
As is discussed elsewhere, most detectors are protected from equals the nominal elevation angle. Sometimes, the optimal
contamination by an X-ray transparent window. Older win- working distance will be specified in the drawings the EDS ven-
dows were made of ultrathin beryllium foils or occasionally dor used to design the detector mounting hardware (. Fig. 17.4).
boron-nitride or diamond films. Almost all modern detectors Other times, it is necessary to estimate the optimal working
use ultrathin polymer windows although the recently intro- distance finding the sample position that produces the largest
duced silicon nitride (Si3N4) windows show great promise. X-ray flux. The optimal working distance is measured on the
Each type of window has a different efficiency as a func- same scale as the focal distance since the working distance
tion of energy. The largest variation in efficiency is seen below value recorded in spectrum files is typically this value.

a b
1.0 1.0
0.7 0.8
0.4 0.6
0.1 0.4
10 100 eV 1000 10000 0.3
Beryllium (5 mm) Beryllium (8 mm) 0.2
Beryllium (12 mm) Beryllium (25 mm)
Moxtek Ap 1.3 Moxtek Ap 1.7 0.1
Moxtek Ap 3.3 (model) Moxtek Ap 3.3 (manufacturer’s table) 0.0
Diamond (0.45 mm) Boron nitride (0.25 mm) 10 100 eV 1000 10000
No window Beryllium (5 mm) Beryllium (12 mm)
Beryllium (8 mm)
17 c d
Beryllium (25 mm)

1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 eV 1000 10000
Moxtek AP 1.3 Moxtek AP 1.7 Beryllium (8 mm) Moxtek Ap 3.3 (model)
Moxtek AP 3.3 (model) Moxtek AP 3.3 (manufacturer’s table) Diamond (0.45 mm) Boron nitride (0.25 mm)

..      Fig. 17.2 a–d: Window transmission efficiency as a function of photon energy

17.1 · Getting Started With NIST DTSA-II
241 17
..      Fig. 17.3 Definitions of
geometric parameters


Optic axis

Nominal elevation

Effective elevation or
is Actual

..      Fig. 17.4 Example of

vendor-supplied schematics
showing the optimal working
distance (17 mm) and the
sample-to-detector distance
(34 mm) for a microscope with
multiple detectors (Source:


34 16
,01 ,43
242 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

The difference between the effective elevation defined by Number of Channels, Energy Scale, and Zero
the actual working distance and the nominal elevation as Offset
defined by the intersection of the detector axis and the optic A detector’s energy calibration is described by three quanti-
axis. The effective elevation angle can be calculated from the ties—the number of bins or channels, the width of each bin
actual working distance given the optimal working distance, (energy scale), and the offset of the zero-th bin (zero offset).
the nominal elevation angle, and the nominal sample-to-­ The number of bins is often a power-of-two, most often 2,048
detector distance. but sometimes 1,024 or 4,096. This number represents the
number of individual, adjacent energy bins in the spectrum.
Elevation Angle The width of each bin is assumed to be a nice constant—typ-
The elevation angle is defined as the angle between the detec- ically 10 eV, 5 eV, 2.5, or occasionally 20 eV. The detector
tor axis and the plane perpendicular to the optic axis. The electronics are then adjusted (in older systems through phys-
elevation angle is a fixed property of the detector as it is ical potentiometers or in modern systems through digital
mounted in an instrument. The elevation angle is closely calibration) to produce this width.
related to the take-off angle. For a sample whose top surface The zero offset allows the vendor to offset (‘shift’) the
is perpendicular to the optic axis, the take-off angle at the energy scale for the entire spectrum by a fixed energy or to
optimal working distance equals the elevation angle. compensate for a slight offset in the electronics. Some ven-
Elevation angles typically range between 30° and 50° with dors don’t make use of ability and the zero offset is fixed at
between 35° and 40° being the most common. The correct zero. Other vendors use a negative zero offset to measure
detector elevation is important for accurate quantification as the full width of an artificial peak they intentionally insert
the matrix correction has a strong dependence on this into the data stream at 0 eV called the zero-strobe peak.
parameter. The zero-strobe peak is often used to automatically correct
for electronic drift. Often, DTSA-II can read these values
Sample-to-Detector Distance from a vendor’s spectrum file using the “Import from spec-
The sample-to-detector distance is the distance from front face trum” tool.
of the detector crystal to the intersection of the optic and detec- You don’t need to enter the exact energy scale and zero
tor axes. The sample-to-detector distance helps to define the offset when you create the detector as the calibration tool can
solid angle of acceptance for the detector. The sample-to-detec- be used to refine these values.
tor distance can often be extracted from the drawings used to
design the detector mounting hardware (See . Fig. 17.3). Resolution at Mn Kα (Approximate)
Alternatively, you can estimate the distance and adjust the
The resolution is a measure of the performance of an EDS
value by comparing the total integrated counts in a simulated
detector. Since the resolution depends upon X-ray energy in
spectrum with the total integrated counts in an equivalent
a predictable manner, the resolution is by long established
measured spectrum. The simulated counts will decrease as
standard reported as the “full width half maximum” (FWHM)
the square in the increase of the sample-to-detector distance.
of the Mn Kα peak (5.899 keV).
Detector Area The full width at half-maximum is defined as the width of
a peak as measured half way from the base to the peak. This
The detector area is the nominal surface area of the detector
is illustrated in the . Fig. 17.5. The full height is measured
crystal visible (unobstructed) from the perspective of the opti-
from the level of the continuum background to the top of the
mal analysis point. The detector area is one of the values that
17 detector vendors explicitly specify when describing a detector.
peak. A line is drawn across the peak at half the full height.
To account for the finite bin width, a line is drawn on each
Typical values of detector area are 5, 10, 30, 50, or 80 mm2. The
side of the peak from the center of the bin above the line to
detector area does not account for area obstructed by grid bars
the center of the bin below the line. The intersection of this
on the window but does account for area obstructed by a col-
diagonal line is assumed to be the true peak edge position.
limator or other permanent pieces of hardware.
The width is then measured from these intersection points
Crystal Thickness and calibrated relative to the energy scale.
The graphical method for estimating the FWHM is not as
The detection efficiency for hard (higher-energy) X-rays
accurate as numerical fitting of Gaussian line shapes. The
depends upon the thickness of the active detector crystal
calibration tool uses the numerical method and is the pre-
area. Si(Li) detectors tend to have much thicker crystals and
ferred method (. Fig. 17.6).
thus measure X-rays with energies above 10 keV more effi-
ciently. Silicon drift detectors (SDD) tend to be about an
order of magnitude thinner and become increasingly trans- Azimuthal Angle
parent to X-rays above about 10 keV. DTSA-II defaults to a The azimuthal angle describes the angular position of the
thickness of 5 mm for Si(Li) detectors and 0.45 mm for detector rotated around the optic axis. The azimuthal angle is
SDD. These values will work adequately for most purposes if particularly important when modeling samples that are tilted
a vendor specified value is unavailable. or have complex morphology.
17.1 · Getting Started With NIST DTSA-II
243 17

35 000

Mn K-L3
Mn 1

30 000

25 000 Full height

20 000

15 000

Mn K-L2
10 000

5 000

5 600 5 700 5 800 5 900 6 000 6 100 6 200
Energy (eV)

..      Fig. 17.5 Estimating the full width at half-maximum peak width. This peak is approximately 139 eV FWHM which you can confirm with a ruler

Side view Top view

looking down








Elevation X
Y Sample

WD: Working distance

DD: Detector distance

..      Fig. 17.6 Definitions of elevation angle and azimuthal angle

Gold Layer, Aluminum Layer, Nickel Layer Dead Layer

Detector crystals typically have conductive layers on their The dead layer is an inactive or partially active layer of silicon
front face to ensure conductivity. These layers can be con- on the front face of the detector. The dead layer will absorb
structed by depositing various different metals on the sur- some X-rays (particularly low energy X-rays) and produce
face. The absorption profiles of these layers will decrease the few to no electron–hole pairs. The result is a fraction of X-rays
efficiency of the detector. The layer thicknesses are particu- which produce no signal or a smaller signal than their energy
larly relevant for simulation; however, other uncertainties would suggest. The result is twofold: The first effect is a dimin-
usually exceed the effect of the conductive layer. ishment of the number of low energy X-rays detected. The
244 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

second effect is a low energy tail, called incomplete charge criminator should be set to an energy just above the high
collection, on low energy X-ray peaks. energy tail of the zero strobe.
The dead layer in modern detectors is very thin and typi-
cally produces very little incomplete charge collection. Older Material Editor Dialog (. Figs. 17.9, 17.10, 17.11,
Si(Li) detectors had thicker layers and worse incomplete 17.12, 17.13, and 17.14)
charge collection. The material editor dialog is used to enter compositional and
density information throughout DTSA-II. This dialog allows
you to enter compositional information either as mass frac-
Zero Strobe Discriminator (. Figs. 17.7 and 17.8) tions or atomic fractions. It also provides shortcut mecha-
The zero strobe discriminator is an energy below which all nisms for looking up definitions in a database or entering
spectrum counts will be set to zero before many spectrum compositions using the chemical formula.
processing operations are performed. Method 1: Mass fractions (see . Fig. 17.10)
The zero strobe is an artificial peak inserted by the detec- Method 2: Atomic fractions (see . Fig. 17.11)
tor electronics at 0 eV. The zero strobe is used to automati- Method 3: Chemical formula (see . Fig. 17.12)
cally determine the noise performance of the detector and to Method 4: Database lookup (see . Fig. 17.13)
automatically adjust the offset of the detector to compensate Method 5: Advanced chemical formulas (see . Fig. 17.16)
for shifts in calibration. The zero strobe does not interfere
with real X-ray events because it is located below the energies So if your database contains a definition for “Albite” and
at which the detector is sensitive. you press the search button , the table will be filled
Some vendors automatically strip out the zero strobe out with the mass and atomic fractions and the density as
before presenting the spectrum. Others leave it in because it recorded in the database for “Albite.” The database is updated
can provide useful information. When it does appear, it can each time you select the “Ok” button. Over time, it is possible
negatively impact processing low energy peaks. To mitigate to fill the database with every material that you commonly
this problem, the zero strobe discriminator can be used to see in your laboratory. The name “unknown” is special and is
strip the zero strobe from the spectrum. The zero strobe dis- never saved to the database.

600 000 Cu

400 000

200 000

-500 0 500 1 000 1500
Energy (eV)

..      Fig. 17.7 A raw Cu spectrum showing the zero strobe peak centered at 0 eV and the Cu L peaks centered near 940 eV

68 eV Cu
6 000 Cu

4 000

2 000

-500 0 500 1 000 1500
Energy (eV)

..      Fig. 17.8 The blue line shows an appropriate placement of the zero strobe discriminator between the high energy edge of the zero strobe
and the start of the real X-ray data
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
245 17

..      Fig. 17.9 The material editor dialog. Materials are defined by a ..      Fig. 17.11 The relative amount of each element in atomic fractions
name (“Albite”), a density (“3.61 g/cm3”), and a mapping between ele- may be entered manually using the “Element” and “Quantity” edit boxes
ments and quantities. Albite is defined as NaAlSi3O8 which is equivalent and the “Add” button. Note that the mode radio button is set to “Atomic
to the mass fractions and atomic fractions displayed in the table Proportions” and that the quantity is entered as a number of atoms in a
unit cell. The element may be specified by the common abbreviation
(“Si”), the full name (“silicon”) or the atomic number (“14”)

17.2 Simulation in DTSA-II

17.2.1 Introduction

Simulation, particularly Monte Carlo simulation, is a pow-

erful tool for understanding the measurement process.
Without the ability to visualize how electrons and X-rays
interact with the sample, it can be very hard to predict the
significance of a measurement. Does the incident beam
remain within the sample? Where are the measured X-rays
coming from? Can I choose better instrumental conditions
for the measurements? Without simulation, these insight
can only be gained with years of experience or based on
simple rules of thumb.
Too often we are asked to analyze non-ideal samples.
Monte Carlo simulation is one of the few mechanisms we have
to ground-truth these measurements. Consider the humble
particle. When is it acceptable to consider a particle to be
essentially bulk and what are the approximate errors associ-
ated with this assumption?

..      Fig. 17.10 The relative amount of each element in mass fractions

may be entered manually using the “Element” and “Quantity” edit boxes 17.2.2 Monte Carlo Simulation
and the “Add” button. Note that the mode radio button is set to “Mass
Fractions” and that the quantity is entered in percent but displayed in
mass fractions, so “10.29” corresponds to a mass fraction of “0.1029”. The Monte Carlo models are particularly useful because they
element may be specified by the common abbreviation (“Al”), the full permit the simulation of arbitrarily complex sample geom-
name (“aluminum”) or the atomic number (“13”) etries. NIST DTSA-II provides a handful of different
246 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

..      Fig. 17.12 It is possible to enter the chemical formula directly into ..      Fig. 17.13 To assist the user, DTSA-II maintains a database of
the “Name” edit box. When the search button is pressed the chemical materials. Each time the user enters a new material or redefines an
formula will be parsed and the appropriate mass and atomic fractions old material, the database is updated. The database is indexed by
entered into the table. Capitalization of the element abbreviations is “Name”
important as “CO” is very different from “Co”—one is a gas and the other
a metal. More complex formulas like fluorapatite (“Ca5(PO4)3F”) can be
entered using parenthesis to group terms. It is important that the for-
mula is unambiguous. Once the formula has been parsed you may
specify a new operator friendly name for the material like “Albite” of “Flu-
orapatite” in the “Name” edit box

c­ ommon geometries through the graphical user interface.

More complex geometries can be simulated using the script-
ing interface.
Monte Carlo modeling is based on simulating the trajec-
tories of thousands of electrons and X-rays. The simulated
electrons are given an initial energy and trajectory which
17 models the initial energy and trajectory of electrons from an
SEM gun. The simulated electrons scatter and lose energy as
their trajectories take them through the sample. Occasionally,
an electron may ionize an atom and generate a characteristic
X-ray. Occasionally, an electron may decelerate and gener-
ate a bremsstrahlung photon. The X-rays can be tracked
from the point of generation to a simulated detector. A
simulated spectrum can be accumulated. If care is taken
modeling the electron transport and the X-ray interactions,
the simulated spectrum can mimic a measured spectrum.
Other data such as emitted intensities, emission images, tra-
jectory images and excitation volumes can be accumulated.
Multi-element materials are modeled as mass-fraction
averaged mixtures of elements. Complex sample geometries ..      Fig. 17.14 Albite (“NaAlSi3O8”) and anorthite (“CaAl2Si2O8”)
can be constructed out of discrete sample shapes that include represent end members of the plagioclase solid solution series. To
calculate a admixture of 50 % by mass albite and 50 % by mass anorthite,
blocks, spheres, cylinders, regions bounded by planar sur- you can enter the formula “0.5*NaAlSi3O8 + 0.5*CaAl2Si2O8”. Other
faces, and sums and differences of the basic shapes. In this way, admixtures of stoichiometric compounds can be calculated in a similar
it is possible to model arbitrarily complex sample geometries. manner. Remember to provide a user friendly name for the database
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
247 17
17.2.3 Using the GUI To Perform 55A model of a user specified radius sphere on a
a Simulation substrate (or, optionally, unsupported).
55 Monte Carlo model of a cube on a bulk, homogeneous
The simplest way to simulate one of an array of common substrate.
sample geometries in through the “simulation alien.” The 55A model of a user specified size cube on a substrate
“simulation alien” is a dialog that takes you step-by-step (or, optionally, unsupported) (see . Fig. 17.19).
through the process of simulating an X-ray spectrum. The 55 Monte Carlo model of an inclusion on a bulk, homoge-
dialog requests information that defines the sample geome- neous substrate.
try, the instrument, and detector, the measurement condi- 55A model of a block inclusion of specified square cross
tions and the information to simulate. The results of the section and specified thickness in a substrate (or,
simulation include a spectrum, raw intensity data, electron optionally, unsupported) (see . Fig. 17.20).
trajectory images, X-ray emission images, and excitation vol- 55 Monte Carlo model of a beam near an interface.
ume information. The “simulation alien” is accessed through 55A model of two materials separated by a vertical
the “Tools” application menu (. Fig. 17.15). interface nominally along the y-axis. The beam can be
Many different common sample geometries are available placed a distance from the interface in either material.
through the “simulation alien.” Positive distances place the beam in the primary
55 Analytical model of a bulk, homogeneous material. material and negative distances are in the secondary
55A φ(ρz)-based analytical spectrum simulation model. material (see . Fig. 17.21).
This model simulates a spectrum in a fraction of a 55 Monte Carlo model of a pyramid with a square base.
second but is only suited to bulk samples. 55The user can specify the length of the base edge and
55 Monte Carlo model of a bulk, homogeneous material. the height of the pyramid (see . Fig. 17.22).
55 The Monte Carlo equivalent of the φ(ρz)-based 55 Monte Carlo model of a cylinder on its side
analytical spectrum simulation model (see . Fig. 17.16). 55The user can specify the length and diameter of the
55 Monte Carlo model of a film on a bulk, homogeneous cylinder (see . Fig. 17.23).
substrate. 55 Monte Carlo model of a cylinder on its end
55A model of a user specified thickness film on a 55The user can specify the length and diameter of the
substrate (or, optionally, unsupported) (see cylinder (see . Fig. 17.24).
. Fig. 17.17). 55 Monte Carlo model of a hemispherical cap
55 Monte Carlo model of a sphere on a bulk, homogeneous 55 The user can specify the radius of the hemispherical cap
substrate (see . Fig. 17.18). (see . Fig. 17.25).

..      Fig. 17.15 Simulation mode

window in DTSA-II
248 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

55 Monte Carlo model of a block sample at which the beam intersects (. Figs. 17.29, 17.30,
55The user can specify the block base (square) and the and 17.31).
height. All the models require you to specify at least one material.
55 Monte Carlo model of an equilateral prism The material editor (described elsewhere) allows you to spec-
55The user can specify the edge of the triangle and the ify the material. Since the density is a critical parameter, you
length of the prism (. Figs. 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19, must specify it (. Fig. 17.32).
17.20, 17.21, 17.22, 17.23, 17.24, 17.25, 17.26, 17.27, Simulations are designed to model the spectra you could
and 17.28). collect on your instrument with your detector. By default, the
simulation “instrument configuration” page assumes that
Each simulation mode takes different parameters to config- you want to simulate the “default detector” as specified on the
ure the sample geometry. This page is for the simulation of a main “Spectrum” tab. However, you can specify a different
cube which requires two materials (substrate and cube), the instrument, detector and calibration if you desire.
dimensions of the cube and the sample rotation. You also need to specify an incident beam energy. This is
The sample rotation parameter is available for all modes the kinetic energy with which the electrons strike the sample
for which are not rotationally invariant. The best way to and is specified in kilo-electronvolts (keV).
understand the sample rotation parameter is to imagine The probe dose determines the relative intensity in the
rotating the sample about the optic axis at the point on the spectrum. Probe dose is specified in nano-amp seconds

1.44 µm × 1.44 µm 1.62 µm × 1.62 µm

Cu K-L3 1.81 µm × 1.81 µm Zn K-L3 2.03 µm × 2.03 µm


1.26E0 Emission 1.06E0 Emission

..      Fig. 17.16 Bulk, homogeneous material ..      Fig. 17.17 Thin film on substrate. Parameters: film thickness
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
249 17

1.75 µm × 1.75 µm 1.75 µm × 1.75 µm

Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm

1.05E0 Emission 1.05E0 Emission

..      Fig. 17.18 Spherical particle on a substrate. Parameters: Sphere’s ..      Fig. 17.19 Cubic particle on a substrate. Parameters: Cube
radius dimension

1.75 µm × 1.75 µm 3.2 µm × 3.2 µm

Zn K-L3 4 µm × 4 µm
Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm

1.18E0 Emission 3.16E0 Emission

..      Fig. 17.20 Block inclusion in substrate. Parameters: Thickness and ..      Fig. 17.21 Interface between two materials. Parameters: Distance
edge length from interface
250 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

1.75 µm × 1.75 µm 1.75 µm × 1.75 µm

Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm

Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm

9.13E-1 Emission 1.15E0 Emission

..      Fig. 17.22 Square pyramid on a substrate. Parameters: Height and ..      Fig. 17.23 Cylinder (fiber) on substrate. Parameters: Fiber diameter
base edge length and length

1.75 µm × 1.75 µm 1.75 µm × 1.75 µm

Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm
Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm

1.18E0 Emission 1.14E0 Emission

..      Fig. 17.24 Cylinder (can) on end on substrate. Parameters: Height ..      Fig. 17.25 Hemispherical cap on substrate. Parameters: Cap radius
and fiber diameter
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
251 17

1.67 µm × 1.67 µm 1.75 µm × 1.75 µm

Zn K-L3 2.09 µm × 2.09 µm Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm

1.05E0 Emission 1.08E0 Emission

..      Fig. 17.26 Rectangular block on substrate. Parameters: Block ..      Fig. 17.27 Triangular prism on substrate. Parameters: Triangle
height and base edge length edge and prism lengths

..      Fig. 17.28 “Configure

sample” menu
252 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

..      Fig. 17.29 a Shows how a

pyramid with square base model a
rotates and b shows how a beam
near an interface model rotates.
Both figures take the perspective
of looking down along the optic
axis at the sample. The shortest
distance to the interface is x x
maintained in . figure b

y y



1.75 µm × 1.75 µm 1.75 µm × 1.75 µm 1.75 µm × 1.75 µm

Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm


1.15EO Emission 1.17EO Emission 1.12EO Emission

Sample rotation: 0 degrees Sample rotation: 45 degrees Sample rotation: 90 degrees

..      Fig. 17.30 A fiber rotated through 0°, 45°, and 90°

17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
253 17
..      Fig. 17.31 “Material editor”

..      Fig. 17.32 “Instrument

configuration” menu
254 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

(nA · s = nC). This quantity is a product of the probe current tistics,” you may also select to output multiple spectra based
(nA) and the spectrum acquisition live-time (seconds.) on the simulated spectrum but differ by pseudorandom
Remember the probe current is a measure of the actual count statistics. You may also select to run additional simu-
number of electrons striking the sample per unit time, so the lated electron trajectories. The number of simulated elec-
probe dose is equivalent to a number of electrons striking tron trajectories determines the simulation to simulation
the sample during the measurement. Doubling the dose variance in characteristic X-ray intensities. The default
doubles the number of electrons striking the sample and number of ­electron trajectories typically produces about 1 %
thus also doubles the average number of X-rays generated in variance. The variance decreases as the square-root of the
the sample. number of simulated trajectories. You may also specify
The incidence angle (nominally 0°) allows you to simu- which X-ray generation modes to simulate including both
late a tilted sample (. Fig. 17.33). characteristic and bremsstrahlung primary emission and
The incident angle is defined relative to the optic axis. The secondary emission due to characteristic primary emission
pivot occurs at the surface of the sample, which is placed at or bremsstrahlung primary emission (. Figs. 17.37, 17.38,
the detector’s optimal working distance. A positive rotation is and 17.39).
towards the X-axis (an azimuth of 0°) and a negative rotation The “configure VP” page provides an advanced option to
towards the –X axis (an azimuth of 180°.) The detector dis- simulate the beam scatter in a variable-pressure or environ-
played is at an azimuth of 180°. A negative incidence angle mental SEM. If the check box is selected, you may select a gas
would tilt the sample toward the detector. Arbitrary tilts may (“water,” “helium,” “nitrogen,” “oxygen” or “argon”), a gas path
be simulated by moving the detector around the azimuth length and a nominal pressure. The gas path length is the dis-
(. Figs. 17.33, 17.34, 17.35, and 17.36). tance from the final pressure limiting aperture to the sample.
The “other options” page allows you to specify whether 1 Torr is equivalent to 133 Pa (. Figs. 17.40 and 17.41).
the spectrum is simulated with or without variance due to The primary output of a simulation is a spectrum. The
count statistics. If you select to “apply simulated count sta- simulated spectrum looks and acts to the best of our ability

..      Fig. 17.33 Definition of

angles for a tilted specimen

Objective Lens


17 Incident

X axis
Z axis
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
255 17
Cu K-L3 1.81 µm × 1.81 µm Cu K-L3 1.81 µm × 1.81 µm Cu K-L3 1.81 µm × 1.81 µm

1.31EO Emission 1.26EO Emission 1.27EO Emission

Sample tilt: -15 degrees Sample tilt: 0 degrees Sample tilt: 15 degrees
Cu K-L3 1.81 µm × 1.81 µm Cu K-L3 1.81 µm × 1.81 µm Cu K-L3 1.81 µm × 1.81 µm

1.35EO Emission 1.12EO Emission 1.3EO Emission

Sample tilt: 30 degrees Sample tilt: 45 degrees Sample tilt: 60 degrees

..      Fig. 17.34 Tilting a bulk sample

Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm Zn K-L3 2.19 µm × 2.19 µm

1.12EO Emission 1.05EO Emission 1.07EO Emission

Sample tilt: -30 degrees Sample tilt: 0 degrees Sample tilt: 30 degrees

..      Fig. 17.35 Tilting a spherical sample

256 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

..      Fig. 17.36 Menu for

selecting number of trajectories,
repetitions, and X-ray generation

to simulate measured spectra like a spectrum collected from generated within the sample and emitted into a milli-stera-
the specified material under the specified conditions on the dian. The emitted column tabulates the X-rays that are
specified detector. You can treat simulated spectra like generated and also escape the sample in the direction of
measured spectra in the sense that you can simulate an the detector. The ratio is the fraction of generated X-rays
“unknown” standards and reference spectra and quantify the that escape the sample in the direction of the detector. The
“unknown” as though it had been measured (. Fig. 17.42). final rows compare the relative amount of characteristic
The report tab contains additional details about the simu- fluorescence to the amount of primary characteristic and
lation including configuration and results information. The bremsstrahlung emission (. Fig. 17.44).
first table summarizes the simulation configuration The emission images show where the measured X-rays
parameters. This table is available for all simulation modes were generated. Because the images only display X-rays
17 (. Fig. 17.43). that escape the sample, the distinction between the strongly
The “simulation results” table contains additional absorbed X-rays like the O K-L3 (Kα) and the less strongly
details derived from the simulation. The first two lines absorbed like the Si K-L3 (Kα) is evidenced by the flattened
contain links to the simulated spectrum and a Virtual emission profile in the Si K-L3 image. The last image shows
Reality Markup Language (VRML) representation of the the first 100 simulated electron trajectories (down to a
sample and electron trajectories. The subsequent rows kinetic energy of 50 eV.) The color of the trajectory seg-
contain raw data detailing the generation and emission of ment varies as the electron passes through the different
various different kinds of characteristic X-rays. Only those materials present in the sample. The gray lines exiting the
modes which were selected will be available. The generated top of the image are backscattered electrons (trajectories in
X-rays column tabulates the relative number of X-rays vacuum).
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
257 17


Counts (Log)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Energy (keV)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 17.37 Simulated admiralty brass (69 % Cu, 30 % Zn, and 1 % Tin) for various different selections of generation modes




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 17.38 Simulated admiralty brass (69 % Cu, 30 % Zn, and 1 % Tin) with (blue) and without (red) simulated variation due to count statistics
258 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

..      Fig. 17.39 Menu for selection

of variable pressure SEM
operating conditions

..      Fig. 17.40 The “perform

simulation” page shows progress
as the electron trajectories are
simulated. When the simulation is
complete the “finish” button will
enable to allow you to close the

17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
259 17

..      Fig. 17.41 Simulation results: X-ray spectrum

..      Fig. 17.42 Simulation results:

configuration record Simulation Configuration

Simulation mode Monte Carlo model of a bulk sample


Element Mass Mass Fraction Atomic

Fraction (normalized) Fraction

Material O 0.4601 0.4601 0.6154

AI 0.1940 0.1940 0.1538
Si 0.2019 0.2019 0.1538
Ca 0.1441 0.1441 0.0769
Sample rotation 0.0°
Sample tilt 0.0°
Beam energy 15.0 keV
Probe dose 60.0 nA s
Instrument MIRA-3
Detector SDD (Medium, 4096)
Calibration FWHM[Mn Kα]=130.8 eV - 2014-02-18 00:00
Overscan False
Vacuum conditions High vacuum
Replicas (with poisson noise) 1
260 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

..      Fig. 17.43 Simulation results:

table of X-ray intensities from Simulation Results
various sources
Result 1 Noisy[MC simulation of bulk Anorthite] #1
Trajectory view VRML World View File

Transition Generated Emitted Ratio

1/msR 1/msR (%)
O AII 91,816,279.1 20,029,188.1 21.8%
AI Kα 28,067,811.9 20,031,447.5 71.4%
Characteristic AI Kβ 114,057.1 84,361.9 74.0%
Si Kα 26,960,986.6 18,249,064.9 67.7%
Si Kβ 459,584.6 325,666.6 70.9%
Ca Kα 8,067,774.1 7,482,648.8 92.7%
Ca Kβ 859,214.2 809,593.5 94.2%

Transition Generated Emitted Ratio

1/msR 1/msR (%)
O AII 103,834.0 13,858.1 13.3%
Characteristic Fluorescence
AI Kα 378,534.1 191,421.7 50.6%
Si Kα 94,400.7 24,117.3 25.5%
Si Kβ 1,069.9 298.3 27.9%
Generated Emitted Ratio
1/msR 1/msR (%)
O AII 52,830.4 8,065.4 15.3%
AI Kα 108,362.6 44,802.6 41.3%
Bremsstrahulung Fluorescence Si Kα 137,984.3 47,597.8 34.5%
Si Kβ 1,563.9 584.1 37.3%
Ca Kα 190,086.6 93,453.6 49.2%
Ca Kβ 20,244.1 11,052.8 54.6%

Generated Emitted
Transition (ratio) (ratio)
O AII 0.0011 0.0007
AI Kα 0.0135 0.0096
Comparing Characteristic to AI Kβ 0.0000 0.0000
Characteristic Fluorescence
Si Kα 0.0035 0.0013
Si Kβ 0.0023 0.0009
Ca Kα 0.0000 0.0000
17 Ca Kβ 0.0000 0.0000
Generated Emitted
Transition (ratio) (ratio)
O AII 0.0006 0.00004
AI Kα 0.0039 0.00022
Comparing Characteristic to AI Kβ 0.0000 0.00000
Bremsstrahulung Fluorescence
Si Kα 0.0051 0.00026
Si Kβ 0.0034 0.00018
Ca Kα 0.0236 0.0125
Ca Kβ 0.0236 0.0137
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
261 17
Al K-L3 5.14 µm × 5.14 µm Al K-L3 5.14 µm × 5.14 µm Cl K-L3 5.14 µm × 5.14 µm

2.5E0 Emission 1.53E-2 Emission 1.02E0 Emission

Al K-M3 Al K-M3 Ca K-L3
Ca K-M3 5.14 µm × 5.14 µm O K-L3 5.14 µm × 5.14 µm Si K-L3 5.14 µm × 5.14 µm

1.09E-1 Emission 6.33E0 Emission 2.51E0 Emission

Ca K-M3 O K-L3 Si K-L3
Si K-M3 5.14 µm × 5.14 µm 4.11 µm × 4.11 µm

4.28E-2 Emission
Si K-M3 Trajectories

..      Fig. 17.44 Simulation results: X-ray emission images and trajectories

262 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

..      Fig. 17.45 Output table

listing depth and volumes from Fractional Emission Depths and Volumes
which 50 % or 90 % of the
measured X-rays are emitted Ionization Ionization F(50 %) F(90 %) F(99.9 %) F(50 %) F(90 %) F(99.9 %)
Edge Energy Depth Depth Depth Volume Volume Volume
(keV) (µm) (µm) (µm) (µm)3 (µm)3 (µm)3
OK 0.532 0.321 0.835 1.740 0.254 4.007 11.420
AI K 1.560 1.597 1.336 1.997 0.686 5.507 12.098
Si K 1.838 0.584 1.233 1.997 0.585 5.219 11.937
Si L1 0.148 0.064 0.193 0.347 0.017 0.618 2.220
Ca K 4.038 0.584 1.226 1.869 0.398 3.948 10.522
Ca L1 0.438 0.205 0.584 1.361 0.102 2.728 9.370
Ca L2 0.350 0.193 0.565 1.233 0.051 2.313 8.421
Ca L3 0.346 0.193 0.482 1.226 0.042 2.254 8.260

..      Fig. 17.46 (upper) Simulated

trajectories for high-vacuum con- 44 µm × 44 µm
ditions. All the electrons strike
the inclusion. (lower) Trajectories
simulated for variable pressure
mode with 1-mm gas path
length through water vapor at
133 Pa. The green trajectories are
the incident and backscattered

44 µm × 44 µm

17.2.4 Optional Tables One way to understand the scatter is to consider a series of
concentric rings on the surface of the sample centered at the
The “Fractional Emission Depths and Volumes” Table beam axis. The “VP Scatter Data” table (. Fig. 17.47), sum-
(. Fig. 17.45) marizes the number and number fraction of the incident elec-
When simulating a bulk sample, an additional report trons which intersect the various rings. In this simulation,
17 table shows the depth and the volumes from which 50 % or 87 % of the initial electrons are undeflected. However, at least
90 % of the measured X-rays are emitted. The depth and vol- one electron (0.1 %) is scattered further than 700 μm and 1.2 %
ume are largely determined by the ionization edge energy are scattered more than 50 μm. This qualitative information is
and X-ray absorption. Low ionization edge energies emit useful because it gives us a sense of how significant beam scat-
from larger volumes but lower energy X-rays also tend to be ter will be in variable pressure mode. It gives a sense of whether
more strongly absorbed. true quantitative analysis is possible and how much of an error
will be introduced by the beam scatter. The consequences are
The “VP Scatter Data” Table evident in the spectrum from an inclusion of admiralty brass
In variable pressure mode, the gas in the chamber can scatter in an aluminum. The aluminum is present in significant quan-
the incident electrons before they strike the sample. Despite tities in the variable pressure mode acquisition.
the fact that these scatters tend to be small angle events, the . Figure 17.48 shows EDS spectra calculated for a brass
path length is relatively long and electrons can scatter hun- inclusion in an aluminum matrix under VPSEM (red) and
dreds of microns to millimeters. The consequence can be conventional vacuum (blue) operation. The large peak for Al
demonstrated by simulating a moderate sized inclusion, under VPSEM conditions reveals the extent of gas scattering
shown in . Fig. 17.46. In simulated high-vacuum mode, the outside the focused beam. Interestingly, the Al is not zero in
excitation volume remains entirely within the inclusion. In the “high-vacuum” spectrum because of continuum gener-
simulated variable-pressure mode, the electrons can scatter ated secondary fluorescence. Increasing the size of the inclu-
out of the beam, entirely missing the inclusion and striking sion does not eliminate the slight Al peak but turning off the
the surrounding matrix. simulation of continuum fluorescence does.
17.2 · Simulation in DTSA-II
263 17
..      Fig. 17.47 Distribution of
gas-scattered electrons into a VP Scatter Data
series of concentric rings Electron trajectory count = 1000
Inner Radius Outer Radius Ring area
Ring µm2 Electron Count Electron Fraction Cumulative
µm µm
Undeflected - - - 869 0.869 -
1 0.0 2.5 19.6 921 0.921 92.1%
2 2.5 5.0 58.9 15 0.015 93.6%
3 5.0 7.5 98.2 8 0.008 94.4%
4 7.5 10.0 137.4 8 0.008 95.2%
5 10.0 12.5 176.7 8 0.008 96.0%
6 12.5 15.0 216.0 7 0.007 96.7%
7 15.0 17.5 255.3 4 0.004 97.1%
8 17.5 20.0 294.5 2 0.002 97.3%
9 20.0 22.5 333.8 3 0.003 97.6%
10 22.5 25.0 373.1 3 0.003 97.9%
11 25.0 27.5 412.3 2 0.002 98.1%
12 27.5 30.0 451.6 2 0.002 98.3%
13 30.0 32.5 490.9 0 0.000 98.3%
14 32.5 35.0 530.1 0 0.000 98.3%
15 35.0 37.5 569.4 1 0.001 98.4%
16 37.5 40.0 608.7 1 0.001 98.5%
17 40.0 42.5 648.0 1 0.001 98.6%
18 42.5 45.0 687.2 0 0.000 98.6%
19 45.0 47.5 726.5 1 0.001 98.7%
20 47.5 50.0 765.8 1 0.001 98.8%
21 50.0 100.0 23561.9 8 0.008 99.6%
22 100.0 150.0 39269.9 0 0.000 99.6%
23 150.0 2000.0 54977.9 1 0.001 99.7%
24 200.0 250.0 70685.8 0 0.000 99.7%
25 250.0 300.0 86393.8 1 0.001 99.8%
26 300.0 350.0 102101.8 0 0.000 99.8%
27 350.0 400.0 117809.7 1 0.001 99.9%
28 400.0 450.0 133517.7 0 0.000 99.9%
29 450.0 500.0 149225.7 0 0.000 99.9%
30 500.0 550.0 164933.6 0 0.000 99.9%
31 550.0 600.0 180641.6 0 0.000 99.9%
32 600.0 650.0 196349.5 0 0.000 99.9%
33 650.0 700.0 212057.5 0 0.000 99.9%
34 700.0 750.0 227765.5 1 0.001 100.0%
35 750.0 800.0 243473.4 0 0.000 100.0%
36 800.0 850.0 259181.4 0 0.000 100.0%
37 850.0 900.0 274889.4 0 0.000 100.0%
38 900.0 950.0 290597.3 0 0.000 100.0%
39 950.0 1000.0 306305.3 0 0.000 100.0%
264 Chapter 17 · DTSA-II EDS Software

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 17.48 Comparison of spectra calculated for a brass inclusion in aluminum: VPSEM (red) and conventional vacuum (blue) operation. 1-mm
gas path length through water vapor at 133 Pa

References Ritchie N (2011b) “Manipulating Spectra with DTSA-II.” In: Lyman C (ed)
Microscopy Today. Cambridge Univ. Press. 19(3):34
Ritchie N (2011c) “Standards-Based Quantification in DTSA-II – Part I.”
Pouchou J-L, Pichoir P (1991) “Quantitative analysis of homogeneous or
In: Lyman C (ed) Microscopy Today. Cambridge Univ. Press. 19(5):30
stratified microvolumes applying the model PAP”. In: Heinrich K,
Ritchie N (2012) “Standards-Based Quantification in DTSA-II – Part II.”
Newbury D (eds) Electron Probe Quantitation. New York: Plenum,
In: Lyman C (ed) Microscopy Today. Cambridge Univ. Press. 20(1):14
Ritchie N (2017a) “DTSA-II, a multiplatform software package for quantita-
Ritchie N (2009) Spectrum simulation in DTSA-II. Microsc Microanal
tive x-ray microanalysis.” Available free at the National Institute of
Standards and Technology website (search “DTSA-II”): 7 http://www.
Ritchie N (2010) Using DTSA-II to simulate and interpret energy disper-
sive spectra from particles. Microsc Microanal 16:248
Ritchie N (2017b) “Efficient simulation of secondary fluorescence Via
Ritchie N (2011a) “Getting Started with NIST DTSA-II.” In: Lyman C (ed)
NIST DTSA-II Monte Carlo” Microsc Microanal 23:618
Microscopy Today. Cambridge Univ. Press. 19(1):26

265 18

Qualitative Elemental Analysis

by Energy Dispersive X-Ray
18.1 Quality Assurance Issues for Qualitative
Analysis: EDS Calibration – 266

18.2 Principles of Qualitative EDS Analysis – 266

18.2.1 Critical Concepts From the Physics of Characteristic
X-ray Generation and Propagation – 266
18.2.2 X-Ray Energy Database: Families of X-Rays – 269
18.2.3 Artifacts of the EDS Detection Process – 269

18.3 Performing Manual Qualitative Analysis – 275

18.3.1 Why Are Skills in Manual Qualitative Analysis Important? – 275
18.3.2 Performing Manual Qualitative Analysis: Choosing
the Instrument Operating Conditions – 277

18.4 Identifying the Peaks – 278

18.4.1 Employ the Available Software Tools – 278
18.4.2 Identifying the Peaks: Major Constituents – 280
18.4.3 Lower Photon Energy Region – 281
18.4.4 Identifying the Peaks: Minor and Trace Constituents – 281
18.4.5 Checking Your Work – 281

18.5 A Worked Example of Manual Peak Identification – 281

References – 287

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
266 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

kOverview 18.2 Principles of Qualitative EDS Analysis

Qualitative elemental analysis involves the assignment of ele-
ments to the characteristic X-ray peaks recognized in the The knowledge base needed to accomplish high-confidence
energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) spectrum. This peak identification consists of three components: (1) the phys-
function is routinely performed with automatic peak identi- ics of characteristic X-ray generation and propagation; (2) a
fication (e.g., “AutoPeakID”) software embedded in the ven- complete database of the energies of all critical ionization
dor EDS system. While automatic peak identification is a energies and corresponding characteristic peaks for all ele-
valuable tool, the careful analyst will always manually iden- ments (except H and He, which do not produce characteristic
tify elements by hand first and only use the automatic peak X-rays); and (3) the artifacts inherent in EDS measurement.
identification to confirm the manual elemental identifica-
tion, even at the level of major constituents (mass concentra-
tion, C > 0.1), but especially for minor (0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1) and 18.2.1  ritical Concepts From the Physics
trace (C < 0.1) constituents. Using automatic peak identifica- of Characteristic X-ray Generation
tion before manual identification tends to lead to a cognitive and Propagation
flaw called confirmation bias - the tendency to interpret data
in a way that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. What factors determine if characteristic peaks are generated
and detectable?
18.1  uality Assurance Issues for
Q Exciting Characteristic X-Rays
Qualitative Analysis: EDS Calibration A specific characteristic X-ray can only be produced if the
incident beam energy, E0, exceeds the critical ionization
Before attempting automatic or manual peak identification, it is energy, Ec, for the atomic shell whose ionization leads to the
critical that the EDS system be properly calibrated to ensure that emission of that characteristic X-ray. This requirement is
accurate energy values are measured for the characteristic X-ray parameterized as the overvoltage, U0:
peaks. Follow the vendor’s recommended procedure to rigor-
ously establish the calibration. The calibration procedure typi- U 0 = E0 / Ec >1 (18.1)
cally involves measuring a known material such as copper that
provides characteristic X-ray peaks at low photon energy (e.g., Note that for a particular element, if the beam energy is
Cu L3-M5 at 0.928 keV) and at high photon energy (Cu K-L3 at selected so that U0 > 1 for the K-shell, then for higher atomic
8.040 keV). Alternatively, a composite aluminum-copper target number elements with complex atomic shell structures, shells
(e.g., a copper penny partially wrapped in aluminum foil and with lower values of Ec will also be ionized; for example, if Cu
continuously scanned so as to excite both Al and Cu) can be used K-shell X-rays are created, there will also be Cu L-shell
to provide the Al K-L3 (1.487 keV) as the low energy peak and X-rays, Au L-family, and Au M-family X-rays, etc.
Cu K-L3 for the high energy peak. After calibration, peaks occur- While U0 > 1 sets the minimum beam energy criterion to
ring within this energy range (e.g., Ti K-L3 at 4.508 keV and Fe generate a particular characteristic X-ray, the relative inten-
K-L3 at 6.400 keV) should be measured to confirm linearity. A sity of that X-ray generated from a thick target (where the
well-­calibrated EDS should produce measured photon energies thickness exceeds the electron range) depends on the over-
within ±2.5 eV of the ideal value. Low photon energy peaks voltage and the incident beam current, iB:
below 1 keV photon energy should also be measured, for exam-
ple, O K (e.g., from MgO) and C K. For some EDS systems, non- I ch ~ iB (U 0 − 1)
linearity may be encountered in the low photon energy range.
18 . Figure 18.1 shows an EDS spectrum for CaCO3 in which the where the exponent n is approximately 1.5. The X-ray con-
O K peak at 0.523 keV is found at the correct energy, but the C K tinuum intensity, Icm, that forms the spectral background at
peak at 0.282 keV shows a significant deviation below the correct all photon energies up to E0 (the Duane–Hunt limit), arises
energy due to non-linear response in this range caused by from the electron bremsstrahlung and depends on the photon
incomplete charge collection. energy, Eν, and the beam energy:
All calibration spectra should be stored as part of the
laboratory Quality Assurance documentation, and the
calibration procedure should be performed regularly, prefer- I cm ~ iB ( E0 − Eν ) / Eν (18.3a)
ably weekly and especially whenever the EDS system is pow- I cm ~ iB (U 0 − 1) for Eν ~ Ec (18.3b)
ered down and restarted.
18.2 · Principles of Qualitative EDS Analysis
267 18

120 000


100 000
E0 = 10 keV
80 000

60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)
120 000

100 000

80 000


60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.1 Spectrum of calcium carbonate. Note non-linear behavior at low photon energy, e.g., the C K-shell peak is significantly shifted below
the true energy value given by the marker

The characteristic peak to continuum background, P/B, depending on the shells involved, with the fluorescence yields
which determines the visibility of peaks above the back- for a particular element generally trending K > L > > M. An
ground, is found as the ratio of equations (18.2) and example for barium L-shell and M-shell X-rays is shown in
(18.3b): . Fig. 18.3, where the Ba M-family X-rays are seen to have a
much lower P/B than the Ba L-family X-rays, making Ba dif-
P / B = I ch / I cm ~ (U 0 − 1) / (U 0 − 1)
ficult to identify with high confidence if only the Ba M-family
= (U 0 − 1)
n −1
(18.4) is excited, a condition that will exist for Ba if E0 is chosen
below the 5.25 keV ionization energy for the Ba L3-­shell.
Since the exponent n ~ 1.5, in the expression for P/B the value X-ray Absorption
of n − 1 ~ 0.5, so that as U0 is lowered, the P/B decreases dra-
A third factor which can strongly influence the visibility and
matically, reducing the visibility of peaks, as shown in
detection of peaks is absorption of characteristic X-rays as
. Fig. 18.2 for the K-shell peaks of silicon.
they travel through the specimen and the window and sur-
Fluorescence Yield face layers of the EDS detector. X-ray absorption along a path
of length s through the specimen is a non-linear process:
A second factor that affects the detectability of characteristic
peaks is the fluorescence yield, the fraction of ionizations that
I / I 0 = exp  − ( µ / ρ ) ρs  (18.5)
leads to photon emission. The fluorescence yield varies sharply
268 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

10 000

1 000



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Photon energy (keV)
14 000

12 000

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.2 Si at various overvoltages, showing diminishing peak visibility as the excitation decreases

where I0 is the original intensity and I is the intensity that relative detector efficiency, εC < εSi, as described in the “EDS”
remains after path s through a material of density ρ having a module.) Because the absorption path length, s, depends
mass absorption coefficient μ/ρ for the photon energy of strongly on the electron range, RK-O, which scales
interest. The mass absorption coefficient depends strongly on approximately as the 1.7 power of the incident beam energy,
the photon energy and the specific elements that the photons decreasing the beam energy reduces the absorption path of
are passing through. Generally, a photon will be strongly the C K X-rays, making the C K-peak more prominent rela-
18 absorbed, i.e., there will be a large mass absorption coeffi- tive to the Si K-peak, as shown in . Fig. 18.4 for a series of
cient, if the energy of the photon lies in a range of approxi- progressively lower beam energies.
mately 1 keV above the critical ionization energy for another The possibility of a high absorption situation for elements
element that is present in the analyzed volume. An extreme that must be measured with a low photon energy requires an
case is illustrated in . Fig. 18.4 for SiC, where at E0 = 20 keV analytical strategy such that when analyzing an unknown,
with the spectrum scaled to the Si K-peak, the C K peak is the analyst should start at high beam energy, E0 ≥ 20 keV, and
barely visible despite C’s making up half of the composition work down in beam energy. The analyst must be prepared to
on an atomic basis. Strong absorption of the C K X-ray at utilize low beam energies, E0 ≤ 5 keV, to evaluate the possibil-
0.282 keV occurs because this energy lies just above the Si L3 ity of high absorption situations, such as those encountered
critical ionization energy at 0.110 keV, resulting in an for low atomic number elements (Z < 10). For these elements,
extremely large value for the mass absorption coefficient. the only detectable peaks have low photon energies (<1 keV)
(There are also other factors that apply to this case, including and are thus subject to high absorption when high incident
the relative fluorescence yields, for which ωC < ωSi, and the beam energy is used.
18.2 · Principles of Qualitative EDS Analysis
269 18

140 000

120 000 BaCl2 (on C-substrate)

E0 = 10 keV
100 000

80 000

60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

35 000

30 000

25 000

20 000

15 000

10 000

5 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.3 EDS spectrum of BaCl2 showing Ba L-family and Ba M-family peaks

18.2.2  -Ray Energy Database: Families

X be resolved by EDS because of the limited energy resolution,
of X-Rays these peaks are nevertheless convolved in the measured
spectrum. When a constituent is present at high concentra-
The X-ray energy database is typically accessed through tion and is excited with adequate overvoltage, at least some
EDS software as a display of “KLM” markers showing the of these low abundance family members will be readily
position of the peak (and possibly also the corresponding detectable, for example, the L3-M1 (Ll) and M4,5N2,3 (Mζ)
critical ionization energies) and the relative peak heights of peaks, as shown for Ba in . Fig. 18.5 and the AuM4,5N2,3,
the members of each X-ray family, examples of which are AuM1N1,3 and AuM2N4 peaks seen in . Fig. 18.6. Note also
seen in . Figs. 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, and 18.4. The underlying that the low energy performance of the silicon drift detec-
database must contain such all characteristic X-rays (for tor (SDD)-EDS is such that the Au N-­family peaks are
ionization energies up to 25 keV) for all elements (except- detected.
ing H and He which do not produce characteristic X-rays).
No elements should be excluded, all X-ray families with
photon energies below 30 keV should be included, and no 18.2.3  rtifacts of the EDS Detection
minor X-ray family members should be excluded. As an Process
example, a section of the DTSA-II X-ray energy database
that displays the information for gold is presented in The EDS detection process is subject to two principal arti-
. Table 18.1. While it is true that many of the closely spaced facts that must be properly cataloged to avoid subsequent
(in photon energy) and low abundance X-ray peaks cannot misidentification.
270 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

350 000

300 000
250 000 E0 = 20 keV

200 000

150 000 C K-L

100 000

50 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

5 keV

10 keV

20 keV

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.4 EDS spectra of SiC: (upper) at E0 = 20 keV, the C K-L3 peak is barely visible; (lower) as the beam energy is lowered to reduce absorp-
tion, the C K-L3 peak becomes more prominent (all spectra scaled to the Si K-L3 region.)

..      Table 18.1 Comprehensive listing of all X-ray transitions for gold (DTSA-II database)

IUPAC Siegbahn Weight Energy (keV) Wavelength (Å)

Au K-N5 Au Kβ4 0.0000 80.391 0.154226

Au K-N3 Au Kβ2 0.0500 80.1795 0.154633

Au K-M5 Au Kβ5 0.0005 78.5192 0.157903

Au K-M3 Au Kβ1 0.1500 77.9819 0.158991

Au K-M2 Au Kβ3 0.1500 77.5771 0.159821

Au K-L3 Au Kα1 1.0000 68.8062 0.180193

Au K-L2 Au Kα2 0.5000 66.9913 0.185075

Au L1-O4 Au L1O4/L1O5 0.0027 14.3445 0.864333

Au L1-O3 Au Lγ4 0.0062 14.2991 0.867077

Au L1-O2 Au Lγ4p 0.0001 14.2811 0.86817

Au L1-O1 Au L1O1 0.0027 14.245 0.87037

18.2 · Principles of Qualitative EDS Analysis
271 18

..      Table 18.1 (continued)

IUPAC Siegbahn Weight Energy (keV) Wavelength (Å)

Au L1-N5 Au Lγ11 0.0007 14.0189 0.884407

Au L1-N4 Au L1N4 0.0001 14.0008 0.885551

Au L1-N3 Au Lγ3 0.0194 13.8074 0.897955

Au L2-O4 Au Lγ6 0.0109 13.7253 0.903326

Au L1-N2 Au Lγ2 0.0015 13.7091 0.904393

Au L2-O3 Au L2O3 0.0001 13.6799 0.906324

Au L2-O2 Au L2O2 0.0001 13.6619 0.907518

Au L2-N6 Au Lν 0.0003 13.6472 0.908495

Au L2-O1 Au Lγ8 0.0007 13.6258 0.909922

Au L1-N1 Au L1N1 0.0001 13.594 0.912051

Au L2-N5 Au L2N5 0.0001 13.3997 0.925276

Au L2-N4 Au Lγ1 0.0841 13.3816 0.926527

Au L2-N3 Au L2N3 0.0027 13.1882 0.940115

Au L2-N2 Au L2N2 0.0001 13.0899 0.947174

Au L2-N1 Au Lγ5 0.0035 12.9748 0.955577

Au L1-M5 Au Lβ9 0.0004 12.1471 1.02069

Au L1-M4 Au Lβ10 0.0054 12.0617 1.02792

Au L3-P1 Au L3P1 0.0001 11.935 1.03883

Au L3-O4 Au Lβ5 0.0438 11.9104 1.04097

Au L3-O2 Au L3O2 0.0001 11.847 1.04655

Au L3-N6 Au Lu 0.0009 11.8323 1.04785

Au L3-O1 Au Lβ7 0.0004 11.8109 1.04974

Au L1-M3 Au Lβ3 0.0690 11.6098 1.06793

Au L3-N5 Au Lβ2 0.2195 11.5848 1.07023

Au L3-N4 Au Lβ15 0.0000 11.5667 1.07191

Au L2-M5 Au L2M5 0.0001 11.5279 1.07551

Au L2-M4 Au Lβ1 0.4015 11.4425 1.08354

Au L3-N3 Au L3N3 0.0001 11.3733 1.09013

Au L3-N2 Au L3N2 0.0001 11.275 1.09964

Au L1-M2 Au Lβ4 0.0594 11.205 1.10651

Au L3-N1 Au Lβ6 0.0140 11.1599 1.11098

Au L2-M3 Au Lβ17 0.0005 10.9906 1.12809

Au L1-M1 Au L1M1 0.0001 10.9279 1.13457

Au L2-M2 Au L2M2 0.0001 10.5858 1.17123

Au L2-M1 Au Lη 0.0138 10.3087 1.20271

Au L3-M5 Au Lα1 1.0000 9.713 1.27648

Au L3-M4 Au Lα2 0.1139 9.6276 1.2878

272 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

..      Table 18.1 (continued)

IUPAC Siegbahn Weight Energy (keV) Wavelength (Å)

Au L3-M3 Au Ls 0.0001 9.1757 1.35122

Au L3-M2 Au Lt 0.0012 8.7709 1.41359

Au L3-M1 Au Lℓ 0.0562 8.4938 1.4597

Au M1-N3 Au M1N3 0.0000 2.8795 4.30575

Au M2-N4 Au M2N4 0.0290 2.7958 4.43466

Au M3-O5 Au M3O5 0.0100 2.73621 4.53124

Au M3-O4 Au M3O4 0.0050 2.73469 4.53375

Au M3-O1 Au M3O1 0.0027 2.6352 4.70493

Au M3-N5 Au Mγ 0.0851 2.4091 5.14649

Au M3-N4 Au M3N4 0.0100 2.391 5.18545

Au M2-N1 Au M2N1 0.0029 2.389 5.18979

Au M4-O2 Au M4O2 0.0010 2.2194 5.58638

Au M4-N6 Au Mβ 0.5944 2.2047 5.62363

Au M5-O3 Au M5O3 0.0001 2.152 5.76135

Au M5-N7 Au Mα1 1.0000 2.1229 5.84032

Au M5-N6 Au Mα2 1.0000 2.1193 5.85024

Au M3-N1 Au M3N1 0.0290 1.9842 6.24857

Au M4-N3 Au M4N3 0.0001 1.7457 7.10226

Au M5-N3 Au Mζ1 0.0134 1.6603 7.46758

Au M4-N2 Au Mζ2 0.0451 1.6474 7.52605

Au N4-N6 Au N4N6 1.0000 0.2656 46.6808

Au N5-N6 Au N5N6/N5N7 1.0000 0.2475 50.0946

Si Escape Peak detected because of the high count spectrum. The EDS sys-
The Si escape peak results when a Si K–L3 X-ray tem should mark all possible escape peaks and not subse-
(E = 1.740 keV), which is created following the photoion- quently misidentify them as other elements. For example, if
ization of a silicon atom and is usually reabsorbed within not properly assigned, the escape peak for Ti K-L2,3 could
the detector volume, escapes. This results in an energy loss be mistaken for Cl K-L2,3. Note that some vendor software
18 of 1.740 keV from the parent X-ray, creating a “silicon removes the escape peaks in the final processed spectrum
escape peak,” as shown in . Fig. 18.7 (upper spectrum) for that is displayed to the user, as shown in . Fig. 18.7 (lower
the titanium K-family X-rays. Escape peaks can only be spectrum).
created for parent photon energies above 1.740 keV and are
formed at a fixed fraction of the parent peak, with that frac- Coincidence Peaks
tion rapidly decreasing as the parent X-ray energy increases Although the EDS spectrum may appear to an observer to be
above 1.740 keV. For parent peaks with photon energies collected simultaneously at all photon energies, in reality
above 6 keV, escape peaks are so small that they are difficult only one photon can be measured at a time. Because X-rays
to detect. Escape peaks can occur from any parent peak, but are created randomly in time, as the rate of production (input
as a practical matter only the major members of a family count rate) increases, the possibility of two photons entering
are likely to produce detectable escape peaks. Note that in the detector and creating an artifact coincidence event
the example shown for the titanium K-family in . Fig. 18.7, increases in probability. An inspection function continu-
the escape peaks for Ti K-L2,3 and Ti K-M2,3 are both ously monitors the detector to reject such events, but at
18.2 · Principles of Qualitative EDS Analysis
273 18

200 000

150 000 E0 = 10 keV

100 000

50 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

50 000

40 000

30 000

20 000

10 000

2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.5 EDS spectrum of BaF2 excited with a beam energy of 10 keV

60 000

50 000

40 000 Au

E0 = 10 keV
30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.6 EDS spectrum of Au excited with a beam energy of 10 keV

274 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

5 000

4 000 Ti
E0 = 20 keV

3 000

2 000

1 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

5 000

4 000 2011 software

2014 software

Ti coincidence

3 000

Ti coincidence
2 000

1 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.7 EDS spectrum of titanium recorded at E0 = 20 keV and a dead-time of 11 %

s­ ufficiently high input count rates its finite time resolution in . Fig. 18.10. As the dead-time increases, numerous coinci-
will be overwhelmed and coincidence events will begin to dence peaks are observed, several of which could be mis-
populate the spectrum. This phenomenon is illustrated in identified as elements present as trace to minor constituents.
. Fig. 18.7 for pure Ti, where coincidence peaks are seen for At the highest dead-­times, the coincidence peaks are seen to
Ti K-L2,3 + Ti K-L2,3 and Ti K-L2,3 + Ti K-M2,3. The height of a occupy much of the useful spectral energy range where legit-
coincidence peak relative to the parent peak depends on the imate minor and trace constituents might be measured.
18 arrival rate of X-rays at the detector, and thus upon the dead- Coincidence can involve any two photons of any energies,
time. Even at low dead-time coincidence events are likely to but the noticeable effects in EDS spectra consist of two char-
be observed for highly excited, low photon energy peaks acteristic peak photons that originate from major constitu-
such as Al and Si in pure element or high concentration tar- ents that are highly excited, for exmple, A + A, A + B, B + B,
gets, as shown for Si in . Fig. 18.8 at 12 % dead-time and in an so on. Since coincidence depends on the arrival rate of
. Fig. 18.9 at 1 % dead-­time. Operating at low dead-time can photons, the analyst can exert some control by operating at
reduce the height of the coincidence peak relative to the par- low dead-time (10 % or less) to minimize but not eliminate
ent peak, but coincidence can never entirely be eliminated by the effect. Some vendor EDS systems use statistical models of
reducing the input count rate. For complex compositions, a coincidence to post process the spectrum, removing the
wide array of coincidence peaks involving many combina- coincidence events and restoring the events to their proper
tions of highly excited peaks can be encountered, as shown parent peaks.
18.3 · Performing Manual Qualitative Analysis
275 18

10 00 000
E0 = 10 keV
100 000 12% deadtime

10 000

1 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)
12 000

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.8 EDS spectrum of silicon at a dead-time of 12 %

18.3  erforming Manual Qualitative

P constituents in several percent of qualitative analyses of
Analysis major constituents. The problem of incorrect assignments
becomes even more significant for minor and trace constitu-
18.3.1 Why Are Skills in Manual Qualitative ents that produce peaks that inevitably occur at low peak-
Analysis Important? to-­background and for which it may be difficult to recognize
more than one characteristic peak (Newbury 2009). The fre-
The automatic peak identification function supplied in all quency of incorrect peak assignments for minor and trace
vendor software is a powerful and useful tool, but it should constituents can be 10 % or more, with both false positives
only be used to confirm manual identifications rather (incorrect peak assignments) and false negatives (legitimate
than vice versa. Studies have shown that incorrect peak peaks ignored). For operation at low beam energy where the
assignments occur with vendor software in a few percent of incident beam energy restricts the atomic shells which can be
analyses even for major constituents (C > 0.1 mass fraction, ionized to produce X-rays, peak identification is even more
10 weight percent) that produce prominent spectral peaks problematic at all concentration levels (Newbury 2007).
(Newbury 2005). . Table 18.2 lists groups of elements for For minor and trace constituents, incorrect elemental
which incorrect peak assignments have been observed in identifications arise from incomplete identification of minor
vendor software from different sources. Extensive observa- family members of X-ray families actually associated with
tions suggest that peak misidentifications occur for major previously identified major constituents, as well as artifact
276 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

10 00 000

E0 = 20 keV
100 000
1% deadtime

10 000

1 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)
4 000

3 000

2 000

1 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.9 EDS Spectrum of silicon at a dead-time of 1 %




Coincidence 66% DT
peaks 56%
120,000 43%
Coincidence 36%
110,000 29%
peaks 21%
18 90,000 6%
SiK+CaKα , not CrKα

80,000 3%

2O K not NaK

K412 (mass frac)


70,000 1% DT


O 0.428
AlK+CaKα , not VKα

60,000 Mg 0.117

Al 0.0491


50,000 Si 0.212

40,000 Ca 0.109
Fe 0.0774

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.10 EDS spectra of NIST glass K412 over a range of dead-times from 1 % to 66 %
18.3 · Performing Manual Qualitative Analysis
277 18

..      Table 18.2 Characteristic X-ray peaks vulnerable to misidentification

Energy range Elements, peaks, and photon energies

0.390–0.395 keV N K-L3 (0.392); Sc L3-M4,5 (0.395)

0.510–0.525 keV O K-L3 (0.523); V L3-M4,5 (0.511)

0.670–0.710 keV F K-L3 (0.677); Fe L3-M4,5 (0.705) (0.677); Fe L3-M4,5 (0.705)

0.845–0.855 keV Ne K-L3 (0.848); Ni L3-M4,5 (0.851)

1.00–1.05 keV Na K-L2,3 (1.041); Zn L3-M4,5 (1.012); Pm M5-N6,7 (1.032)

1.20–1.30 keV Mg K-L2,3 (1.253); As L3-M4,5 (1.282); Tb M5-N6,7 (1.246)

1.45–1.55 keV Al K-L2,3 (1.487); Br L3-M4,5 (1.480); Yb M5-N6,7 (1.521)

1.70–1.80 keV Si K-L2,3 (1.740); Ta M5-N6,7 (1.709); W M5-N6,7 (1.774)

2.00–2.05 keV P K-L2,3 (2.013); Zr L3-M4,5 (2.042); Pt M5-N6,7 (2.048)

2.10–2.20 keV Nb L3-M4,5 (2.166); Au M5-N6,7 (2.120); Hg M5-N6,7 (2.191)

2.28–2.35 keV S K-L2,3 (2.307); Mo L3-M4,5 (2.293); Pb M5-N6,7 (2.342)

2.40–2.45 keV Tc L3-M4,5 (2.424); Pb M4-N6 (2.443); Bi M5-N6,7 (2.419)

2.60–2.70 keV Cl K-L2,3 (2.621); Rh L3-M4,5 (2.696)

2.95–3.00 keV Ar K-L2,3 (2.956); Ag L3-M4,5 (2.983); Th M5-N6,7 (2.996)

3.10–3.20 keV Cd L3-M4,5 (3.132); U M5-N6,7 (3.170)

3.25–3.35 keV K K-L2,3 (3.312); In L3-M4,5 (3.285); U M4-N6 (3.336)

4.45–4.55 keV Ti K-L2,3 (4.510); Ba L3-M4,5 (4.467)

4.90–5.00 keV Ti K-M3 (4.931); V K-L2,3 (4.949)

peaks that arise from the silicon escape peak and from coin- it is important to the analyst to identify the presence of a
cidence peaks. A particularly insidious problem occurs when trace element (s) with a high degree of confidence, manual
automatic peak identification software delivers identifica- peak identification will be necessary.
tions of peaks with low peak-to-background too early in the
EDS accumulation before adequate counts have been
recorded. Statistical fluctuations in the continuum back- 18.3.2  erforming Manual Qualitative
ground create “false peaks” that may appear to correspond to Analysis: Choosing the Instrument
minor or trace constituents. This problem can be recognized Operating Conditions
when an apparent peak identification solution for these low
level peaks subsequently changes as more counts are accu- Beam Energy
mulated. The danger is that the analyst may choose to stop Equation 18.1 reveals that one selection of the beam energy
the accumulation prematurely and be misled by the low level may not be sufficient to solve a particular problem, and the
“peaks” that do not actually exist. analyst must be prepared to explore a range of beam energies
When the analyst must operate only at low beam energy to access desired atomic shells. The peak height relative to the
(E0 ≤ 5 keV), the peak misidentification problem is exacer- spectral background increases rapidly as U0 is increased,
bated by the loss of the higher photon energies where X-ray enabling better detection of the characteristic peak (s). Having
family members are more widely spread and more easily adequate overvoltage is especially important as the concen-
identified, as well as the confidence-increasing redundancy tration of an element decreases from major to minor to trace.
provided by having K-L and L-M family pairs for identifica- As a general rule, it is desirable to have U0 > 2 for the analyzed
tion of intermediate and high atomic number elements shells of all elements that occur in a particular analysis. For
(Newbury 2009). initial surveying of an unknown specimen, it is useful to select
Even well-implemented automatic peak identification a beam energy of 20 keV or higher to provide an overvoltage
software is likely to ignore peaks with low peak-to-­ of at least 2 for ionization edges up to 10 keV. Elements with
background that may correspond to trace constituents intermediate atomic numbers (e.g., 22, Ti ≤ Z ≤ 42, Mo) and
because the likelihood of a mistake becomes so large. Thus, if high atomic number (e.g., Z ≥ 56, Ba) elements have complex
278 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

atomic shell structures that produce two families of detectable measurements. It is often desirable to maximize the recorded
characteristic X-rays (with 20 keV ≤ E0 ≤ 30 keV), for exam- counts per unit of real (clock) time. Higher beam current lead-
ple, the Cu K-family and L-family; the Au L-family and ing to higher dead-time, for example, 30–40 %, can be utilized,
M-family. A second advantage of selecting the beam energy to but the spectrum is likely to have coincidence peaks like those
excite the higher energy X-ray family for an element is that it shown in . Fig. 18.10, which can greatly complicate the recog-
enables a high confidence identification since the peaks that nition and measurement of the peaks of minor and trace con-
form the family are more widely separated in photon energy stituents. Note that some vendor software systems effectively
and thus more likely to be resolved with EDS. Note that the block coincidence peaks or else remove them from the spec-
physics of X-ray generation requires that all members of the trum by post-processing with a stochastic model that predicts
X-ray family of a tentative elemental assignment must be coincidence peaks based on the parent peak count rates.
present. Identifying all family members in the correct relative
intensity ratios gives high confidence that the element assign- Obtaining Adequate Counts
ment is correct as well as avoiding subsequent misidentifica- The analyst must accumulate adequate X-ray counts to dis-
tion of these minor family members. tinguish a peak against the random fluctuations of the back-
ground (X-ray continuum). While it is relatively easy to
 hoosing the EDS Resolution (Detector Time
C record sufficient counts to recognize the principal peak for
Constant) a major constituent, detection of the minor family member
EDS systems provide two or more choices for the detector (s) to increase confidence in the elemental assignment may
time constant. The user has a choice of a short detector time require recording a substantially greater total count. For
constant that gives higher throughput (photons recorded per minor or trace constituents, an even greater dose is likely to
unit time) at the expense of poorer peak resolution or a long be required just to detect the principal family members, and
time constant that improves the resolution at the cost of to obtain minor family members to increase confidence in
throughput. The analyst thus has a critical choice to make: an elemental identification will require a dose greater by
more counts per unit time or better resolution. Statham (1995) another factor of ten or more. A peak is considered detect-
analyzed these throughput-resolution trade-offs with respect able if it satisfies the following criterion (Currie 1968):
to various analytical situations and concluded that a strategy
nP > 3 nB1/ 2 (18.6)
that emphasizes maximizing the number of X-ray counts
rather than resolution produces the most robust results.
where nP is the number of peak counts and nB is the number
of background counts under the peak. Note that “detectable”
 hoosing the Count Rate (Detector
C does not imply optimally measureable, for example, obtain-
Dead-­Time) ing accurate peak energy. While Eq. 18.6 defines the mini-
A closely related consideration is the problem of pulse coinci- mum counts to detect a peak, accurate measurement of the
dence creating artifact peaks, which are reduced (but not peak position to identify the peak may require higher counts.
eliminated) by using lower dead-time. Note that a specific level The effect of increasing the total spectral intensity to “develop”
of dead-time, for example, 10 %, corresponds to a higher low relative intensity peaks from trace constituents is shown
throughput when a shorter time constant is chosen. With the in . Fig. 18.11.
beam energy and detector time constant selected, the rate at
which X-rays arrive at the EDS and subsequent output depends kGolden Rule
on two factors: (1) the detector solid angle and (2) the beam If it is difficult to recognize a peak above fluctuations in the
current. If the EDS detector is movable relative to the speci- background, accumulate more counts. Patience is a virtue!
18 men, the specimen-to-detector distance should be chosen in a
consistent fashion to enable subsequent return to the same
operating conditions for robust standards-based quantitative 18.4 Identifying the Peaks
analysis. A typical choice is to move the detector as close to the
specimen as possible to maximize the detector solid angle, After a suitable spectrum has been accumulated, the analyst
Ω = A/r2, by minimizing r, the detector-to-­specimen distance, can proceed to perform manual qualitative analysis.
where A is the active area of the detector. Always ensure that
any possible stage motions will not cause the specimen to
strike the EDS. With the EDS solid angle fixed, the input count 18.4.1 Employ the Available Software Tools
rate will then be controlled by the beam current. A useful strat-
egy is to choose a beam current that creates an EDS dead-time Manual qualitative analysis is performed using the support of
of approximately 10 % on a highly excited characteristic X-ray, available software tools such as KLM markers that show the
such as Al K-L2,3 from pure aluminum. To establish dose-cor- energy positions and relative heights of X-ray family mem-
rected standards-­based quantitative analysis, this same detec- bers to assign peaks recognized in the spectrum to specific
tor solid angle and beam current should be used for all elements. Before using this important software tool, the user
18.4 · Identifying the Peaks
279 18

1 00 000

10 000

1 000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon energy (keV)
14 000 NIST K491
E0 = 20 keV
12 000 Al: 0.00085 (850 ppm)
Ti: 0.0015 (1500 ppm)
10 000 Ce: 0.0046(4600 ppm)
200 s
Fe: 0.0018 (1800 ppm)
8 000 Ta: 0.0059 (5900 ppm)

6 000
100 s
4 000
50 s
2 000
20 s
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.11 Detection of trace constituent peaks in NIST microanalysis glass K491 as the dose is increased. Integrated spectrum counts:
1 s = 0.14 million; 2 s = 0.28 million; 5 s = 0.70 million; 10 s = 1.4 million; 20 s = 2.8 million; 50 s = 7.1 million; 100 s = 14.3 million; 200 s = 28.5 million

should confirm that all elements in the periodic table are ­ efinitely are present. It isn’t the natural perspective and it
enabled and all X-ray family members are shown in the KLM takes more thought and effort but it is much less prone to
markers. errors of omission.
As each element is tentatively identified from its major Imagine that you are at a zoo. You have a list of 20 animals
family peak, a systematic search must then be made to locate of various sizes and shapes and you are asked to answer the
all possible peaks that must be associated with that element: question, what animals in this list could possibly be in this cage.
(1) all minor family members; (2) a second X-ray family at You look around and see a rhinoceros laying down near the
lower energy (e.g., K and L or L and M), and for the highest back of the cage and no other animal. You might be tempted to
atomic number elements, the N-family can also be observed, say that the only animal that could possibly be in the cage is
as shown in . Fig. 18.6; and (3) any associated EDS artifact the one you see – the rhinoceros. However, the list also con-
peaks (escape peaks and coincidence peaks). This careful tains snakes, mice, fish and elephants. You can rule out ele-
inspection regimen and meticulous bookkeeping raises the phants because they are too big to hide behind a rhino. You
confidence in the tentative assignment. Properly assigning can rule out fish because the environment is inappropriate.
the minor family members and the artifact peaks to the You can’t rule out the possibility that a mouse or snake is in the
proper element will diminish the possibility of subsequent cage hidden behind the rhino. It is only by eliminating those
incorrect assignment of those peaks to other constituents animals that are too large (elephant) or can’t survive (fish)
that might appear to be present at minor or trace levels. behind the rhino that you can come to the full list of animals
It can be helpful to think of qualitative analysis as the pro- that could potentially be present in the cage – the rhino and
cess of eliminating those elements which cannot possibly be any animals which could be hiding behind the rhino. If you
present rather than the process of including those that want to be certain that you haven’t missed an animal that
280 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

could possibly be present in the cage, the process of culling ani- energy region (<4 keV). The logic for this strategy is that
mals that couldn’t possibly be present is far more robust than K-shell and L-shell characteristic X-rays above 4 keV are
the process of including animals that definitely are present. produced in families that provide two or more peaks with
Spectra are similar. Not only is it possible that the obvious distinctive relative abundances for which the energy resolu-
elements are present but also those that could be hidden by the tion of EDS is sufficient to easily separate these peaks. Having
ones that are readily identified. Fortunately, there is a tool to help two or more peaks to identify greatly increases the confi-
us to see through spectra and expose the hidden components – dence with which an elemental identification can be made,
the residual spectrum. The residual spectrum is the intensity enabling the analyst to achieve an unambiguous result. For
that remains in each channel after peak fitting has been per- each peak that is recognized, first test whether its energy cor-
formed for the specified elements. It is like being able to ask the responds closely to a particular K-L3 (Kα) peak. The physics
rhino to move and then being able to see what is hidden behind – of X-ray generation demands that the corresponding K-M3
maybe a mouse or a snake or maybe nothing. An example of the (Kβ) peak must also be present in roughly a 10:1 ratio. If
utility of the residual spectrum is shown in Figure 20.8. K-family peaks do not match the peak in question, examine
L-family possibilities, noting that three or more L-peaks are
likely to be detectable: L3–M4,5 (Lα), L2-M4 (Lβ), and L2-N4
18.4.2 I dentifying the Peaks: Major (Lγ). Locate and mark all minor family members such as L3-
Constituents M1 (Ll). Locate and mark the escape peaks, if any, associated
with the major family members. Locate and mark, if any, the
Start with peaks located in the higher photon energy coincidence peaks associated with the major family mem-
(>4 keV) region of the spectrum and work downward in bers, which may be located at very high energy, for example,
energy, even if there are higher peaks in the lower photon as shown for Cu K-L3 coincidence in . Fig. 18.12.

1 00 000

CuK coincidence
E0 = 20 keV

10 000

1 000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon energy (keV)
6 000

18 5 000

4 000
CuL coincidence

3 000

2 000

1 000

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.12 EDS spectrum of Cu at E0 = 20 keV showing a coincidence peak for CuK-L3 at 16.08 keV
18.5 · A Worked Example of Manual Peak Identification
281 18
18.4.3 Lower Photon Energy Region 18.5  Worked Example of Manual Peak
As major spectral peaks located at lower photon energy
(<4 keV) are considered, the energy separation diminishes Alloy IN100 is a complex mixture of transition and heavy ele-
and the relative peak heights decrease for the members of each ments that provides several challenges to manual peak iden-
X-ray family. EDS is no longer able to resolve these peaks, tification:
leading to a situation where only one peak is available for iden- 1. . Figure 18.14a shows the spectrum from 0 to 20 keV
tification for K-family X-rays below 2 keV in energy. The K-L3 excited with E0 = 20 keV. Using the KLM marker tools in
peak appears symmetric since the K-M3 peak has low relative DTSA II, starting at high photon energy and working
intensity, as shown for Al K-L3 in . Fig. 18.13a. For L- and M- downward, the first high peak encountered shows a
family X-rays in the low photon energy range, the composite good match to Ni K-L3 and the corresponding Ni K-M3
peak appears asymmetric. As shown for Br in . Fig. 18.13b, is also found at the correct ratio, as well as the Ni
the major peaks L3-M5(Lα) and L2-M4(Lβ) occur with a ratio L-family at low photon energy. The position of the Ni
of approximately 2:1 and the low abundance but separated L3- K-L3 escape peak is marked. Inspection for possible
M1 (Ll) and L2-M1 (Lη) can also aid in the identification pro- coincidence peaks does not reveal a significant popula-
viding the spectrum contains adequate counts. Similarly, the tion due to the low dead-time (8 %) used to accumulate
M5-N6,7(Mα) and M4-N6(Mβ) peaks occur with a ratio of 1/0.6 the spectrum and the large number of peaks over which
and the well separated minor family members W M5,4-N3,2 the input count rate is partitioned so that even the most
(Mζ) and W M3-N5 (Mγ) can be detected in a high count spec- intense peak has a relatively low count rate and does not
trum, as shown for W in . Fig. 18.13c. produce significant coincidence.
2. Working down in energy (. Fig. 18.14b), the next
peak is seen to correspond to Co K-L3, but the Co
18.4.4 I dentifying the Peaks: Minor K-M3 suffers interference from Ni K-L3 and only
and Trace Constituents appears as an asymmetric deviation on the high
energy side. Likewise, the Co L-family is unresolved
After all major peaks and their associated minor family mem- from the Ni L-family.
bers and artifact peaks have been located and identified with 3. The next set of peaks match Cr, as shown in . Fig. 18.14c.
high confidence as belonging to particular elements, the ana- 4. Continuing, . Fig. 18.14d shows a match for the peaks of
lyst can proceed to identify any remaining peaks which are Ti, but the apparent ratio of Ti K-L3/Ti K-M3 is approxi-
now likely to be associated with minor and trace level constitu- mately 5:1, whereas the true ratio is about 10:1, which
ents. Achieving the same degree of high confidence in the iden- suggests that another element must be present.
tification of lower concentration constituents is more difficult Expansion of this region in . Fig. 18.14e reveals that V is
since the lower concentrations reduce all X-ray intensities so likely to be present but with severe interference between
that minor family members are more difficult to detect. The V K-L3 and Ti K-M3. While the anomalous peak ratio
situation is likely to require accumulating ­additional X-ray observed for TiK-L3/TiK-­M3 is a strong clue that another
counts to improve the detectability of minor X-ray family element must be present, this example shows one of the
members and increase the confidence of the assignment of limitations of manual peak identification, namely, that
elemental identification. In general, establishing the presence peaks representing minor and trace constituents can be
of a constituent at trace level is a significant challenge that lost under the higher intensity peaks of higher concen-
requires not only collecting a high count spectrum that satisfies tration constituents as the concentration ratio becomes
the limit of detection criterion but also scrupulous attention to large. Detecting such interferences of constituents with
identifying all possible minor family members and artifacts large concentration ratios requires the careful peak-­
from the X-ray families of the major and minor constituents. fitting procedure that is embedded in the quantitative
analysis procedures described in module 19.
5. In . Fig. 18.14f, the next peak group best matches the
18.4.5 Checking Your Work Mo L-family. This photon energy range involves possible
interferences from the S K-family, the Mo L-family, and
The only way to be confident that the qualitative analysis is cor- the Pb M-family. The possibility of identifying the peak
rect to quantify the spectrum and examine the residual spec- group as the Pb M-family which occurs this energy
trum. When every element has been correctly identified and range, can be rejected because of the absence of the Pb
quantified, the analytical total should be approximately unity L-family, as shown in . Fig. 18.14g. The possible
and there should be no obvious structure in the residual spec- presence of the S K-family (. Fig. 18.14h) is much more
trum that cannot be explained through chemistry or minor difficult to exclude because S cannot be effectively
chemical peak shifts. This iterative qualitative – q­ uantitative measured by an alternate X-ray family such as the S
analysis scheme to discover minor and trace elements hidden L-family due to the low fluorescence yield. While the
under the high intensity peaks of major constituents will shape of the peak cluster does not match S K-L3 and S
­covered in 7 Chapter 19. K-M3, the presence of S can only be confidently
282 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

10 00 000

800 000
E0 = 20 keV

600 000

400 000

200 000

1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00
Photon energy (keV)

200 000

150 000 E0 = 20 keV

100 000

50 000

1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00
Photon energy (keV)
350 000

300 000
E0 = 20 keV
250 000

18 200 000

150 000

100 000

50 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.13 a EDS spectrum of Al at E0 = 20 keV; note symmetry of Al K-family peaks. b EDS spectrum of KBr at E0 = 20 keV; note asymmetry of Br
L-family peaks. c EDS spectrum of W at E0 = 20 keV; note asymmetry of W M-family peaks
18.5 · A Worked Example of Manual Peak Identification
283 18

a 40 000

E0 = 20 keV
30 000
8% deadtime

20 000

10 000

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon energy (keV)
b 40 000

30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)
c 40 000
E0 = 20 keV
8% deadtime
30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.14 a Alloy IN100 recorded with E0 = 20 keV and at 8 % of Mo. g Rejection of Pb. h Possible presence of S. i Identification of Al. j
dead-time showing identification of Ni. b Identification of Co. c Identi- Rejection of Br. k Identification of C. l Identification of Si
fication of Cr. d Identification of Ti. e Identification of V. f Identification
284 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

d 40 000

30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

20 000
E0 = 20 keV
8% deadtime
15 000

10 000

5 000

4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0
Photon energy (keV)
f 20 000

15 000

10 000

5 000
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.14 (continued)

18.5 · A Worked Example of Manual Peak Identification
285 18

g 10 000
E0 = 20 keV
8 000 8% deadtime

6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
Photon energy (keV)
h 20 000

15 000

10 000

5 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

40 000
E0 = 20 keV
8% deadtime
30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.14 (continued)

286 Chapter 18 · Qualitative Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry

10 000

1 000



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon energy (keV)
40 000
E0 = 20 keV
8% deadtime
30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)
10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

18 2 000

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 18.14 (continued)

c­ onfirmed by peak fitting procedures during quantitative 7. The last significant peak is found to correspond to C K
analysis. (. Fig. 18.14k) noting that due to the non-­linearity of the
6. The next peak matches the Al K-family (. Fig. 18.14i) photon energy scale for this detector below 400 eV, the
but in this photon energy range only one peak is peak is displaced to a lower energy from the ideal position.
available for identification. The Br L-family also fits this 8. Finally, inspection of the remaining low peak-to-­
peak (. Fig. 18.14j) but Br can be dismissed because of background peaks reveals just one candidate, which cor-
the absence of the Br K-family. responds to the Si K-family (. Fig. 18.14l).
287 18
References Newbury D (2007) Mistakes encountered during automatic peak identi-
fication in low beam energy X-ray microanalysis. Scanning 29:137
Newbury D (2009) Mistakes encountered during automatic peak identi-
Currie LA (1968) Limits for qualitative detection and quantitative deter-
fication of minor and trace constituents in electron-excited energy
mination. Anal Chem 40:586
dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Scanning 31:1
Newbury D (2005) Misidentification of major constituents by automatic
Statham P (1995) Quantifying Benefits of resolution and count rate in
qualitative energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis: a problem that
EDX microanalysis. In: Williams D, Goldstein J, Newbury D (eds)
threatens the credibility of the analytical community. Microsc
X-ray spectrometry in electron beam instruments. Plenum,
Microanal 11:545
New York, pp 101–126
289 19

Quantitative Analysis:
From k-ratio to Composition
19.1 What Is a k-ratio? – 290

19.2 Uncertainties in k-ratios – 291

19.3 Sets of k-ratios – 291

19.4 Converting Sets of k-ratios Into Composition – 292

19.5 The Analytical Total – 292

19.6 Normalization – 292

19.7 Other Ways to Estimate CZ – 293

19.7.1 Oxygen by Assumed Stoichiometry – 293
19.7.2 Waters of Crystallization – 293
19.7.3 Element by Difference – 293

19.8 Ways of Reporting Composition – 294

19.8.1 Mass Fraction – 294
19.8.2 Atomic Fraction – 294
19.8.3 Stoichiometry – 294
19.8.4 Oxide Fractions – 294

19.9 The Accuracy of Quantitative Electron-­Excited X-ray

Microanalysis – 295
19.9.1 Standards-Based k-ratio Protocol – 295
19.9.2 “Standardless Analysis” – 296

19.10 Appendix – 298

19.10.1 The Need for Matrix Corrections To Achieve Quantitative
Analysis – 298
19.10.2 The Physical Origin of Matrix Effects – 299
19.10.3 ZAF Factors in Microanalysis – 299

References – 307

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
290 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

19.1 What Is a k-ratio? known physical parameters are the same for an element
in the standard and the unknown.
A k-ratio is the ratio of a pair of characteristic X-ray line
intensities, I, measured under similar experimental condi- In the history of the development of quantitative electron-­
tions for the unknown (unk) and standard (std): excited X-ray microanalysis, the X-ray intensities for the
unknown and standards were measured sequentially with a
k = I unk / I std (19.1) wavelength spectrometer in terms of X-ray counts. The raw
measurement contains counts that can be attributed to both
The measured intensities can be associated with a single the continuum background (bremsstrahlung) and character-
characteristic X-ray line (as is typically the case for wave- istic X-rays. Since k-ratio is a function of only the character-
length spectrometers) or associated with a family of charac- istic X-rays, the contribution of the continuum must be
teristic X-ray lines (as is typically the case for energy estimated. Usually, this is accomplished by measuring two
dispersive spectrometers.) The numerator of the k-ratio is off-peak measurements bounding the peak and using inter-
typically the intensity measured from an unknown sample polation to estimate the intensity of the continuum back-
and the denominator is typically the intensity measured from ground at the peak position. The estimated continuum is
a standard material—a material of known composition. subtracted from the measured on peak intensity to give the
Both the numerator and the denominator of the k-ratio characteristic X-ray line intensity.
must be measured under similar, well-controlled instrument Extracting the k-ratio with an energy dispersive spec-
conditions. The electron beam energy must be the same. The trometer can be done in a similar manner for isolated peaks.
probe dose, the number of electrons striking the sample dur- However, to deal with the peak interferences frequently
ing the measurement, should be the same (or the intensity encountered in EDS spectra, it is necessary to simultane-
scaled to equivalent dose.) The position of the sample relative ously consider all of the spectrum channels that span the
to the beam and to the detector should be fixed. Both the mutually interfering peaks. Through a process called linear
sample and the standard(s) should be prepared to a high least squares fitting, a scale factor is computed which repre-
degree of surface polish, ideally to reduce surface relief below sents the multiplicative factor by which the integrated area
50 nm, and the surface should not be chemically etched. If under the characteristic peak from the standard must be
the unknown is non-conducting, the same thickness of con- multiplied by to equal the integrated area under the charac-
ducting coating, usually carbon with a thickness below teristic peak from the unknown. This scale factor is the
10 nm, should be applied to both the unknown and the k-ratio, and the fitting process separates the intensity com-
standard(s). Ideally, the only aspect that should differ ponents of the interfering peaks and the continuum back-
between the measurement of the unknown and the standard ground. The integrated counts measured for the unknown
are the compositions of the materials. and for the standard for element Z enable an estimate of the
The k-ratio is the first estimate of material composition. precision of the measurement for that element. Linear least
From a set of k-ratios, we can estimate the unknown material squares fitting is employed in NIST DTSA-II to recover char-
composition. In many cases, to a good approximation: acteristic X-ray intensities, even in situations with extreme
peak overlaps.
CZ , unk ∼ k Z CZ ,std = I unk / I std CZ ,std (19.2) A measured k-ratio of zero suggests that there is none of
the associated element in the unknown. A measurement on a
where CZ,unk and CZ,std are the mass fraction of element Z in standard with exactly the same composition as the unknown
the unknown and standard, respectively, and kZ is the k-ratio will nominally produce a k-ratio of unity for all elements
measured for element Z. This relationship is called “Castaing’s present. Typically, k-ratios will fall in a range from 0 to 10
first approximation” after the seminal figure in X-ray micro- depending on the relative concentration of element Z in the
analysis, who established the k-ratio as the basis for quantita- unknown and the standard. A k-ratio less than zero can
tive analysis (Castaing 1951). occur when count statistics and the fitting estimate of the
19 By taking a ratio of intensities collected under similar background intensity conspire to produce a slightly negative
conditions, the k-ratio is independent of various pieces of characteristic intensity. Of course, there is no such thing as
poorly known information. negative X-ray counts, and negative k-ratios should be set to
1. The k-ratio eliminates the need to know the efficiency of zero before the matrix correction is applied. A k-ratio larger
the detector since both sample and unknown are mea- than unity happens when the standard generates fewer X-rays
sured on the same detector at the same relative position. than the unknown. This can happen if the standard contains
Since the efficiency as a multiplier of the intensity is less of the element and/or if the X-ray is strongly absorbed by
identical in the numerator and denominator of the the standard. Usually, a well-designed measurement strategy
k-ratio, the efficiency cancels quantitatively in the ratio. won’t result in a k-ratio much larger than unity. We desire to
2. The k-ratio mitigates the need to know the physics of the use a standard where the concentration of element Z is high
X-ray generation process if the same elements are excited so as to minimize the contribution of the uncertainty in the
under essentially the same conditions. The ionization amount of Z in the standard to the overall uncertainty budget
cross section, the relaxation rates, and other poorly of the measurement, as well as to minimize the uncertainty
19.3 · Sets of k-ratios
291 19
contribution of the count statistics in the standard spectrum uncertainties. For EDS, each channel in the spectrum has an
to the overall measurement precision. The ideal standard to associated Poissonian statistical uncertainty. In both cases,
maximize concentration is a pure element, but for those ele- the statistical uncertainties must be taken into account care-
ments whose physical and chemical properties prohibit them fully so that an estimate of the measurement precision can be
from being used in the pure state, for example, gaseous ele- associated with the k-ratio.
ments such as Cl, F, I, low melting elements such as Ga or In, The best practices for calculating and reporting measure-
or pure elements which deteriorate under electron bombard- ment uncertainties are described in the ISO Guide to
ment, for example, P, S, a binary compound can be used, for Uncertainty in Measurement (ISO 2008). Marinenko and
example, GaP, FeS2, CuS, KCl, etc. Leigh (2010) applied the ISO GUM to the problem of k-ratios
and quantitative corrections in X-ray microanalytical mea-
surements. In the case of WDS measurements, the applica-
tion of ISO GUM is relatively straightforward and the details
To get the most accurate trace and minor constituent are in Marinenko and Leigh (2010). For EDS measurements,
measurements, it is best to average together many the process is more complicated. If uncertainties are associ-
k-ratios from distinct measurements before applying the ated with each channel in the standard and unknown spec-
matrix correction. Don’t truncate negative k-ratios before tra, the k-ratio uncertainties are obtained as part of the
you average or you’ll bias your results in the positive process of weighted linear squares fitting.

19.3 Sets of k-ratios

19.2 Uncertainties in k-ratios Typically, a single compositional measurement consists of
the measurement of a number of k-ratios—typically one or
All k-ratio measurements must have associated uncertainty more per element in the unknown. The k-ratios in the set are
estimates. The primary source of uncertainty in a k-ratio usually all collected under the same measurement conditions
measurement is typically count statistics although instru- but need not be. It is possible to collect individual k-ratios at
mental instability also can contribute. X-ray emission is a different beam energies, probe doses or even on different
classic example of a Poisson process or a random process detectors (e.g., multiple wavelength dispersive spectrometers
described by a negative exponential distribution. or multiple EDS with different isolation windows).
Negative exponential distributions are interesting because There may more than one k-ratio per element. Particularly
they are “memoryless.” For a sequence of events described by when the data is collected on an energy dispersive spectrom-
a negative exponential distribution, the likelihood of an eter, more than one distinct characteristic peak per element
event’s occurring in an interval τ is equally as likely regard- may be present. For period 4 transition metals, the K and L
less of when the previous event occurred. Just because an line families are usually both present. In higher Z elements,
event hasn’t occurred for a long time doesn’t make an event both the L and M families may be present. This redundancy
any more likely in the subsequent time interval. In fact, the provides a question – Which k-ratio should be used in the
most probable time for the next event is immediately follow- composition calculation?
ing the previous. While it is in theory possible to use all the redundant
If X-rays are measured at an average rate R, the average information simultaneously to determine the composition,
number of X-rays that will be measured over a time t is standard practice is to select the k-ratio which is likely to pro-
N = R · t. Since the X-ray events occur randomly dispersed duce the most accurate measurement. The selection is non-­
in time, the actual number measured in a time t will rarely trivial as it involves difficult to characterize aspects of the
ever be exactly N = R · t. Instead, 68.2 % of the time the measurement and correction procedures. Historically, select-
actual number measured will fall within the interval (N – ing the optimal X-ray peak has been something of an art.
ΔN, N + ΔN) where ΔN ~ N1/2 when N is large (usually true There are rules-of-thumb, but they involve subtle compro-
for X-ray counts). This interval is often called the “one mises and deep intuition.
sigma” interval. The one-sigma fractional uncertainty is This subject is discussed in more detail in Appendix 19.A.
thus N/N1/2 = 1/N1/2, which for constant R decreases as t For the moment, we will assume that one k-ratio has been
increased. This is to say that generally, it is possible to make selected for each measured element.
more precise measurements by spending more time making
the measurement. All else remaining constant, for example, k = { k Z : Z ∈ elements } (19.3)
instrument stability and specimen stability under electron
bombardment, a measurement taken for a duration of 4 t
Our task then becomes converting this set of k-ratios into an
will have twice the precision of a measurement take for t.
estimate of the unknown material’s composition.
Poisson statistics apply to both the WDS and EDS mea-
surement processes. For WDS, the on-peak and background
C = { CZ : Z ∈ elements } (19.4)
measurements all have associated Poissonian statistical
292 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

19.4  onverting Sets of k-ratios Into

C While there is no theoretical guarantee that this algorithm
Composition will always converge or that the result is unique, in practice,
this algorithm has proven to be extremely robust.
As stated earlier, the k-ratio is often a good first approxima-
tion to the composition. However, we can do better. The
physics of the generation and absorption of X-rays is suffi- 19.5 The Analytical Total
ciently well understood that we can use physical models to
compensate for non-ideal characteristics of the measurement The result of the iteration procedure is a set of estimates of
process. These corrections are called matrix corrections as the mass fraction for each element in the unknown. We know
they compensate for differences in the matrix (read matrix to these mass fractions should sum to unity—they account for
mean “material”) between the standard material and the all the matter in the material. However, the measurement
unknown material. process is not perfect and even with the best measurements
Matrix correction procedures are typically divided into there is variation around unity.
two classes φ(ρz) and ZAF-type corrections. The details will The sum of the mass fractions is called the analytical total.
be discussed in Appendix 19.A. The distinction is primarily The analytical total is an important tool to validate the mea-
how the calculation is divided into independent sub-calcu- surement process. If the analytic total varies significantly
lations. In a ZAF-type algorithm, the corrections for differ- from unity, it suggests a problem with the measurement.
ences in mean atomic number (the Z term), X-ray absorption Analytical totals less than one can suggest a missed element
(the A term) and secondary fluorescence (the F term) are (such as an unanticipated oxidized region of the specimen), a
calculated separately. φ(ρz) matrix correction algorithms reduced excitation volume, an unanticipated sample geome-
combine the Z and A terms into a single calculation. The try (film or inclusion), or deviation from the measurement
distinction between φ(ρz) and ZAF is irrelevant for this dis- conditions between the unknown and standard(s). Analytic
cussion so the matrix correction will be described by the totals greater than unity likely arise because of measurement
generic ZAF(CA; P) where this expression refers to the condition deviation or sample geometry issues.
matrix correction associated with a material with composi-
tion CA and measurement parameters P. The terms kZ and
CZ refer to the k-ratio and composition of the Z-th element 19.6 Normalization
in the unknown.
As mentioned in the previous section, the analytical total is
ZAF ( Cunk ;P ) Cunk rarely exactly unity. When it isn’t, the accuracy of a measure-
kz = (19.5a) ment can often be improved by normalizing the measured
ZAF ( Cstd ;P ) Cstd
mass fractions, Ci, by the analytical total of all N constituents
to produce the normalized mass fractions, Ci,n:
To state the task clearly, we have measured {kZ : Z ∈ ele-
ments}. We want to know which {CZ : Z ∈ elements} pro- N

duces the observed set of k-ratios. Ci,n = Ci / ΣCi (19.6)


ZAF ( Cstd ;P ) This procedure should be performed with care and the ana-
Cunk = k z Cstd (19.5b)
ZAF ( Cunk ;P ) lytic total reported along with the normalized mass fractions.
Normalization is not guaranteed to improve results and can
However, there is a problem. Our ability to calculate kZ cover up for some measurement errors like missing an ele-
depends upon knowledge of the composition of the unknown, ment or inappropriately accounting for sample morphology.
Cunk. Unfortunately, we don’t know the composition of the The analytical total is important information and the nor-
unknown. That is what we are trying to measure. malized mass fractions should never be reported without
19 Fortunately, we can use a trick called “iteration” or suc- also reporting the analytical total. Any analysis which sums
cessive approximation to solve this dilemma. The strategy is exactly to unity should be viewed with some skepticism.
as follows: Careful inspection of the raw analytical total is a critical
1. Estimate the composition of the unknown. Castaing’s First step in the analytical process. If all constituents present are
Approximation is a good place to start. measured with a standards-based/matrix correction proce-
2. Calculate an improved estimate of CZ,unk based on the dure, including oxygen (or another element) determined by
previous estimated composition. the method of assumed stoichiometry, then the analytical
3. Update the composition estimate based on the new calcu- total can be expected to fall in the range 0.98 to 1.02 (98
lation. weight percent to 102 weight percent). Deviations outside
4. Test whether the resulting computed k-ratios are suffi- this range should raise the analyst’s concern. The reasons for
ciently similar to the measured k-ratios. such deviations above and below this range may include
5. Repeat steps 2–5 until step 4 is satisfied. unexpected changes in the measurement conditions, such as
19.7 · Other Ways to Estimate C Z
293 19
variations in the beam current, or problems with the speci- occur in natural minerals. The choice of oxidation state can
men, such as local topography such as a pit or other excur- be selected by the user, often relying upon independent
sion from an ideal flat polished surface. For a deviation below information such as a crystallographic determination or
the expected range, an important additional possibility is that based upon the most common oxidation state that is encoun-
there is at least one unmeasured constituent. For example, if tered in nature.
a local region of oxidation is encountered while analyzing a The same basic concept can be applied to other elements
metallic sample, the analytical total will drop to approxi- which combine in predicable ratios.
mately 0.7 (70 weight percent) because of the significant frac-
tion of oxygen in a metal oxide. Note that “standardless
analysis” (see below) may automatically force the analytical 19.7.2 Waters of Crystallization
total to unity (100 weight percent) because of the loss of
knowledge of the local electron dose used in the measure- Water of crystallization (also known as water of hydration or
ment. Some vendor software uses a locally measured spec- crystallization water) is water that occurs within crystals.
trum on a known material, e.g., Cu, to transfer the local Typically, water of crystallization is annotated by adding
measurement conditions to the conditions used to measure “·nH2O” to the end of the base chemical formula. For exam-
the vendor spectrum database. Another approach is to use ple, CuSO4 · 5H2O is copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate. This
the peak-to-background to provide an internal normaliza- expression indicates that five molecules of water have been
tion. Even with these approaches, the analytical total may not added to copper sulfate. Crystals may be fully hydrated or
have as narrow a range as standards-based analysis. The ana- partially hydrated depending upon whether the maximum
lyst must be aware of what normalization scheme may be achievable number of water molecules are associated with
applied to the results. An analytical total of exactly unity (100 each base molecule. CuSO4 is partially hydrated if there are
weight percent) should be regarded with suspicion. fewer than five water molecules per CuSO4 molecule. Some
crystals hydrate in a humid environment. Hydration mole-
cules (water) can often be driven off by strong heating, and
19.7 Other Ways to Estimate CZ some hydrated materials undergo loss of water molecules
due to electron beam damage.
k-ratios are not the only information we can use to estimate Measuring water of crystallization involves measuring O
the amount of an element Z, CZ. Sometimes it is not possible directly and comparing this measurement with the amount
or not desirable to measure kZ. For example, low Z elements, of water predicted by performing a stoichiometric calcula-
like H or He, don’t produce X-rays or low Z elements like Li, tion on the base molecule. Any surplus oxygen (oxygen mea-
B and Be produce X-rays which are so strongly absorbed that sured but not accounted for by stoichiometry) is assumed to
few escape to be measured. In other cases, we might know be in the form of water and two additional hydrogen atoms
the composition of the matrix material and all we really care are added to each surplus oxygen atom. The resulting com-
about is a trace contaminant. Alternatively, we might know position can be reported as the base molecule + “·nH2O”
that certain elements like O often combine with other ele- where n is the relative number waters per base molecule.
ments following predictable stoichiometric relationships. In
these cases, it may be better to inject other sources of infor-
mation into our composition calculation algorithm. 19.7.3 Element by Difference

All matter consists of 100 % of some set of elements. If we

19.7.1 Oxygen by Assumed Stoichiometry were able to measure the mass fraction of N-1 of the N ele-
ments in a material with perfect accuracy then the mass frac-
Oxygen can be difficult to measure directly because of its tion of the Nth element would be the difference
relatively low energy X-rays. O X-rays are readily absorbed by
N −1
other elements. Fortunately, many elements combine readily CN = 1 − ∑Ci (19.7)
with oxygen in predictable ratios. For example, Si oxidizes to i =1
form SiO2 and Al oxidizes to form Al2O3. Rather than mea-
sure O directly, it is useful to compute the quantity of other Of course, we can’t measure the N-1 elements with perfect
elements from their k-ratios and then compute the amount of accuracy, but we can apply the same concept to estimate the
O it would take to fully oxidize these elements. This quantity quantity of difficult to measure elements.
of O is added in to the next estimated composition. This approach has numerous pitfalls. First, the uncer-
NIST DTSA-II has a table of common elemental stoichi- tainty in difference is the sum of the uncertainties for the
ometries for calculations that invoke assumed stoichiometry. mass fractions of the N-1 elements. This can be quite large
For many elements, there may be more than one stable oxi- particularly when N is large. Second, since we assume the
dation state. For example, iron oxidizes to FeO (wüstite), total mass fraction sums to unity, there is no redundant check
Fe3O4 (magnetite), and Fe2O3 (hematite). All three forms like the analytic total to validate the measurement.
294 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

19.8 Ways of Reporting Composition Starting with the atomic fractions, the mass fractions are
calculated according to the formula
19.8.1 Mass Fraction N
Cw,i = ( Ca,i ∗ Ai ) Σ (C a,i ∗ Ai ) (19.11)
The most common way to report the composition of a mate- 1

rial is in terms of the mass fraction. To understand the mass

fraction, consider a block of material containing a mixture of It is appropriate to use the atomic weights as suggested by
different atoms. Weigh the block. Now imagine separating the the IUPAC (7 http://www.ciaaw.org/atomic_weights4.htm).
block into distinct piles, each pile containing all the atoms These weights are based on assumed mixes of isotopes as
from one element in the block. Weigh each of the separated are typically seen in terrestrial samples. Occasionally, when
piles. The mass fraction is calculated as the ratio of the mass of it is known that an element is present in a perturbed isoto-
pile containing element Z over the total mass of the block. pic mix, it may be appropriate to use this information to
Since each element in the block is represented by a pile and calculate a more accurate atomic weight. Since the atomic
since none of the atoms are lost in the process of dividing the fraction depends upon assumed atomic weights, the atomic
block, the sum of mass fractions equals unity. Of course, we fraction is less fundamental than the mass fraction.
can’t really do this measurement this way for most materials
but conceptually we can understand mass fraction as though
we can. As a simple example, consider the mineral pyrite, FeS2. 19.8.3 Stoichiometry
The molecular formula combines one gram-mole of Fe (atomic
weight A = 55.85 g/mole) with two gram moles of S (A = 32.07 g/ Stoichiometry is closely related to atomic fraction. Many
mole) for a compound molecular weight of 119.99 g/mole. The materials can be described simply in terms of the chemical
mass fractions, Cw, of the constituents are thus formula of its most basic constituent unit. For example,
C w,Fe = 55.85 / 119.99 = 0.4655 (19.8a)
silicon and oxygen combine to form a material in which
the most basic repeating element consists of SiO2.
C w,S = 64.14 / 119.99 = 0.5345 (19.8b) Stoichiometry can be readily translated into atomic frac-
tion. Since our measurements are imprecise, the stoichi-
ometry rarely works out in clean integral units. However,
The mass fraction is the fundamental output of electron
the measurement is often precise enough to distinguish
probe X-ray microanalysis measurements. All other output
between two or more valence states.
modes are calculated from the mass fraction.
Weight fraction, mass percent, weight percent are all
commonly seen synonyms for mass fractions. Mass fraction
or mass percent is the preferred nomenclature because it is 19.8.4 Oxide Fractions
independent of local gravity.
Oxide fractions are closely related to stoichiometry. When a
material such as a natural mineral is a mixture of oxides, it
19.8.2 Atomic Fraction can make sense to report the composition as a linear sum of
the oxide constituents by mass fraction.
If we perform the same mental experiment as was described . Table 19.1 shows the analysis of NIST SRM470 (K412
in the mass fraction section, but instead of weighing the piles, glass) with the results reported as oxide fraction, mass frac-
we instead count the number of atoms in the block and each tion, and atomic fraction.
of the piles. If we then calculate the ratio of the number of
atoms of element Z relative to the total number of atoms in Example Calculations
the block, this is the atomic fraction, Ca. For the example of
19 FeS2, which contains a total of three atoms in the molecular
Calculating the mass fraction from the oxide fraction for Al
in K412 glass:
formula, the atomic fractions are
2 × 26.9815
Ca = 1=
/ 3 0.3333 (19.9a) Cw,Al = 0.0927 = 0.04906 (19.12)
2 × 26.9815 + 3 ×15.999
a,S 2=
/ 3 0.6667 (19.9b)
Calculating the atomic fraction from the mass fraction:
We can calculate atomic fraction Ca from mass fraction Cw
and vice versa using the atomic weights A of the elements. 0.0491

Ca,Al = 26.9815
N 0.1166 0.04910.2120 0.1090 0.0774 0.4275
Ca,i = ( Cw,i / Ai ) Σ (C w,i / Ai ) (19.10) + + + + +
1 24.305 26.9815 28.085 40.078 55.845 15.999

Where N is the number of elements involved in the mixture.
19.9 · The Accuracy of Quantitative Electron-­E xcited X-ray Microanalysis
295 19

..      Table 19.1 Three different ways to report the composition of NIST SRM 470 glass K412.

K412 Glass

Element Mg Al Si Ca Fe O Sum

Valence 2 3 1 2 2 −2 –

Atomic weight 24.305 26.9815 28.085 40.078 55.845 15.999


Oxide fraction 0.1933 ± 0.0020 0.0927 ± 0.0020 0.4535 ± 0.0020 0.1525 ± 0.0020 0.0996 ± 0.0020 – 0.9916
MgO Al2O3 Si02 CaO FeO

Mass fraction 0.1166 0.0491 0 2120 0.1090 0.0774 0 4276 0.9916

Atomic 0.1066 0.0404 0.1678 0.0604 0.0308 0.5940 1


Note the analytic total is less than 1, indicating an imprecision in the certified value

19.9  he Accuracy of Quantitative Electron-­

T (also referred to as “relative error”) is calculated with the
Excited X-ray Microanalysis “expected” value taken as the stoichiometric formula value or
the value obtained from an “absolute” analytical method,
19.9.1 Standards-Based k-ratio Protocol such as gravimetric analysis:

Quantitative electron-excited X-ray microanalysis following  ( Analyzed value − expected value ) 

RDEV =   × 100%
the standards-based k-ratio protocol is a relative not an abso-  expected value  (19.14)
lute analysis method. The unknown is measured relative to
standards of well known composition such as pure elements Note that by this equation a positive RDEV indicates an overes-
and stoichiometric compounds with fixed atom ratios, for timate of the concentration, while a negative RDEV indicates an
example, FeS2. The accuracy of the method can only be tested underestimate. By analyzing many test materials spanning the
by analyzing materials whose composition is known from periodic table and determining the relative deviation from the
independent (and ideally absolute) analysis methods and expected value (relative error), the analytical performance can be
whose composition has been found to be homogeneous at estimated. For example, early studies of quantitative electron
the sub-micrometer scale. There are limited numbers of spe- probe microanalysis with wavelength dispersive X-ray spec-
cial materials that fit these strict compositional requirements trometry following the standards-based k-ratio protocol and
to qualify as certified reference materials for electron beam ZAF matrix corrections produced a distribution of RDEV values
X-ray microanalysis, including certain metal alloys, interme- (relative errors) such that 95 % of the analyses were captured in
tallic compounds, and glasses. Limited numbers of these an RDEV (relative error) range of ±5 % relative, as shown in
materials are available from national standards institutions, . Fig. 19.1 (Yakowitz 1975).
such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology Subsequent development and refinement of the matrix
(U.S.) (e.g., Marinenko et al. 1990) and the European correction procedures by many researchers improved upon
Commission Community Bureau of Reference (e.g., Saunders this level of accuracy. Pouchou and Pichoir (1991) described
et al. 2004). Certain mineral species have been characterized an advanced matrix correction model based upon extensive
to serve as standards, which are of particular use to the geo- experimental measurements of the φ(ρz) description of the
chemistry community, by the Smithsonian Institution. These depth distribution of ionization. Incorporating explicit
certified reference materials and related materials such as measurements for low energy photons, this approach has
minerals can serve directly as standards for analyses, but been especially successful for low photon energy X-rays
their other important function is to serve as challenge mate- which were subject to high absorption. A comparison of
rials to test the quantification methods. Additional materials corrections of the same k-ratio dataset with their φ(ρz)
suitable for testing the method include stoichiometric com- method and with the conventional ZAF method showed sig-
pounds with formulae that define specific, unvarying com- nificant narrowing of the RDEV distribution and elimina-
positions; that is, the same materials that can also be used as tion of significant large RDEV values, as shown in . Fig. 19.2.
standards. Thus, FeS2 could be used as an “unknown” for a With this improvement, approximately 95 % of analyses fall
test analysis with Fe and CuS as the standards, while CuS within ±2.5 % RDEV.
could be analyzed with Cu and FeS2 as standards. From such 7 Chapter 20 will illustrate examples of quantitative electron-­
analyses of certified reference materials and other test mate- excited X-ray microanalysis with silicon drift detector (SDD)-
rials, the relative deviation from the expected value (RDEV) EDS performed on flat bulk specimens following the k-ratio
296 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

protocol and PAP φ(ρz) matrix corrections with NIST

NBS (1975) Binary data ZAF DTSA-II. The level of accuracy achieved with this SDD-EDS
60 approach fits within the RDEV histogram achieved with EPMA-
WDS for major, minor, and trace constituents, even when severe
50 peak interference occurs. It should be noted that SDD-EDS is
sufficiently stable with time that, providing a quality measure-
40 ment protocol is in place to ensure that all measurements are
made under identical conditions of beam energy, known dose,

30 specimen orientation, and SDD-­EDS performance, archived

standards can be used without significant loss of accuracy.

10 19.9.2 “Standardless Analysis”

Virtually all vendor analytical software includes the option
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
for “standardless analysis.” Standardless analysis requires
RDEV (%)
only the spectrum of the unknown, the list of elements iden-
tified during qualitative analysis, and the beam energy; and
..      Fig. 19.1 Histogram of relative deviation from expected value the software will report quantitative concentration values,
(relative error) for electron probe microanalysis with wavelength including oxygen by assumed stoichiometry if desired.
dispersive spectrometry following the k-ratio protocol with standards “Standardless analysis” is usually implemented as a “black
and ZAF corrections (Yakowitz 1975)
box” tool without extensive documentation. The approach is
the same as the standards-based analysis protocol: a k-ratio is
the starting point, but the spectrum of the unknown only
provides the numerator of the k-ratio. A “first principles
physics” calculation of the standard intensity for the denomi-
nator of the k-ratio, while possible, is difficult because of the
ZAF lack of accurate values of critical parameters in the equations
for X-ray generation and propagation. Instead, the general
Number of analyses

approach employed throughout the EDS industry is the use

of a library of remotely measured standards to provide the
intensity for the denominator of the k-ratio. Pure element
and binary compound standards are measured under defined
conditions at several beam energies on a well characterized
EDS. When standardless analysis is invoked, the appropriate
elemental intensities are selected from this database of stan-
dards, and any missing elements not represented in the data-
base are supplied by interpolation aided by the physical
-0.8 -0.9 1. 1.1 1.2
equations of X-ray generation and propagation. If a beam
RDEV energy is requested for which reference values are not avail-
110 able in the database, the equations of the physics of X-ray
generation are used to appropriately adjust the available
intensities. Usually a reference spectrum that is locally mea-
Number of analyses

sured on a pure element, for example, Mn or Cu, is used to

19 compare the efficiency of the EDS on a channel-by-channel
basis to the vendor EDS that was originally used to measure
the standards library. Because of its simplicity of operation,
standardless analysis enjoys great popularity. Probably 95 %
or more of quantitative EDS analyses are performed with the
standardless analysis procedure. While it is useful and is con-
tinually being improved, standardless analysis is subject to a
substantially wider RDEV distribution than standards-based
-0.8 -0.9 1. 1.1 1.2
analysis with locally measured standards. Standardless analy-
sis of a wide range of test materials produced the RDEV his-
..      Fig. 19.2 Comparison of quantitative analysis of an EPMA-WDS
togram shown in . Fig. 19.3 (Newbury et al. 1995). This
k = ratio database by conventional ZAF and by the PAP φ(ρz) model distribution is such that 95 % of all analyses fall within a
(Pouchou and Pichoir 1991) range of ±25 % relative. If this level of analytical accuracy is
19.9 · The Accuracy of Quantitative Electron-­E xcited X-ray Microanalysis
297 19
sufficient, then standardless analysis is an acceptable proce-
dure, providing this RDEV distribution, or a version appro-
priate to the standardless analysis software supplied by the
vendor, is used to inform those who will make use of the
40 quantitative analyses of the possible range of the results.
While the standardless protocol may eventually equal the
performance of standards-based analysis, recent results for
current versions of standardless analysis, reported in

. Fig. 19.4, suggest that a wide RDEV distribution is still

20 being experienced, at least from some vendors.
It should be noted that when 95 % of all analyses fall
within a range of ±25 % relative, it may often not be possible
to correctly determine the formula of the major constitu-
ents of a stoichiometric compound. An example of this sit-
0 uation is presented in . Table 19.2, which gives the results
-100 -50 0 50 100 of an SEM-­EDS analysis of a YBa2Cu3O7-X single crystal by
RDEV (%) the k-ratio/standards protocol (NIST DTSA) compared to
standardless analysis performed with two different vendors’
..      Fig. 19.3 RDEV distribution observed for a vendor standardless software. While the proper formula is recovered with the
analysis procedure (Newbury et al. 1995)

..      Fig. 19.4 a RDEV distribution

observed for a vendor standard- a 12
less analysis procedures in 2016
with oxygen calculated directly 142 measurements
for oxidized specimens. b RDEV O directly calculated
distribution observed for a
vendor standardless analysis
procedures in 2016 with oxygen 8
calculated by stoichiometry for
oxidized specimens

15 kev
4 20 keV







RDEV (%)

b 10
102 measurements
O by stoichiometry


15 keV
3 20 keV










RDEV (%)
298 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

For the sake of argument, let’s call these two definitions

..      Table 19.2 SEM-EDS analysis of a YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystal
(O calculated by stoichiometry)
ZAFA and ZAFB. In both definitions, k = I unk I std and Cunk is
the mass fraction of the element in the unknown.
Y (true) Ba (true) Cu (true) 0.286 ZAFA is defined by the expression:
0.133 mass 0.412
conc k = Cunk ZAFA (19.15a)

k-ratio 0.138 (+4 %) 0.411 (−0.2 %) 0.281 (−2 %) Cu-K

ZAFB is defined by the expression:
Stds Y1Ba2Cu3O6.4
Cunk = k ZAFB (19.15b)
Standards: Y and Cu pure elements; Ba (NIST glass K309)

Standardless Analysis (two different vendors): If we solve each equation for k/Cunk and equate the resulting
expression, we discover that
M1 0.173 (+30 %) 0.400 (−3 %) 0.267 (−7 %) Cu-K
Y2Ba3Cu4O10 ZAFA = 1 ZAFB (19.15c)
M1 0.158 (+19 %) 0.362 (−12 %) 0.316 (+10 %) Cu-L
Y2Ba3Cu6O12Needless to say, these inconsistent definitions can cause sig-
M2 0.165 (+24 %) 0.387 (−6 %) 0.287 (+0.4 %) Cu-K nificant confusion. Whenever interpreting matrix correc-
Y2Ba3Cu5O11 tions in the literature, it is important to identify which
convention the author is using.
M2 0.168 (+26 %) 0.395 (−4 %) 0.276 (−3.5 %) Cu-L
The confusion extends to this book. Most of this book has
been written using the first convention (ZAFA) however, the
previous (third) edition of this book used the second conven-
tion (ZAFB). The following section which has been pulled
standards-­based analysis, the formulae calculated from the
from the third edition continues to use the ZAFB convention
standardless results do not match the proper formula.
as this was the definition favored by the writer. NIST DTSA-­II
Another shortcoming of standardless analysis is the loss
and CITZAF uses the k = Cunk ZAFA convention.
of the information on the dose and the absolute spectrometer
(Contribution of the late Prof. Joseph Goldstein taken from
efficiency that is automatically embedded in the standards-­
SEMXM-3, 7 Chapter 9)
based k-ratio/matrix corrections protocol. Without the dose
Upon initial examination, it would seem that quantitative
and absolute spectrometer efficiency information, standard-
analysis should be extremely simple. Just form the ratio of the
less analysis results must inevitably be internally normalized
characteristic X-ray intensity for a given element measured
to unity (100 %) so that the calculated concentrations have
from the specimen to that measured from the standard, and
realistic meaning, thereby losing the very useful information
that ratio should be equal to the ratio of concentrations for a
present in the raw analytical total that is available in the
given element between the specimen and the standard. As
standards-­based k-ratio/matrix corrections protocol. It must
was first noted by Castaing (1951), the primary generated
be noted that standardless analysis results will always sum to
intensities are roughly proportional to the respective mass
unity, even if one or more constituents are not recognized
fractions of the emitting element. If other contributions to
during qualitative analysis or are inadvertently lost from the
X-ray generation are very small, the measured intensity ratios
suite of elements being analyzed. If the local dose and spec-
between specimen and standard are roughly equal to the
trometer efficiency can be accurately scaled to the conditions
ratios of the mass or weight fractions of the emitting element.
used to record remote standards, then standardless analysis
This assumption is often applied to X-ray quantitation and is
can determine a meaningful analytical total, but this is not
called Castaing’s “first approximation to quantitative analy-
commonly implemented in vendor software.
sis” and is given by
19 Ci ,= =
unk / Ci,std I i,unk / I i ,std k (19.16)
19.10 Appendix
The terms Ci,unk and Ci,std are the composition in weight (mass)
19.10.1  he Need for Matrix Corrections
T concentration of element i in the unknown and in the stan-
To Achieve Quantitative Analysis dard, respectively. The ratio of the measured unknown-­to-
standard intensities after continuum background is subtracted
There has long been confusion around the definition of the and peak overlaps are accounted for, Ii,unk/Ii,std, is the basic
expression ‘ZAF’ used to compensate for material differences experimental measurement which underlies all quantitative
in X-ray microanalysis measurements. There are two compet- X-ray microanalysis and is given the special designation as the
ing definitions. Neither is wrong and both exist in the literature “k-ratio.”
and implemented in microanalysis software. However, the two Careful measurements performed on homogeneous sub-
definitions lead to numerical values of the matrix corrections stances of known multi-element composition compared to
that are related by being numerical inverses of each other. pure element standards reveal that there are significant sys-
19.10 · Appendix
299 19
factors of ten or more in certain systems. Recognition of the
1.0 1.0 complexity of the problem of the analysis of solid samples has
Measured Fe
led numerous investigators to develop the theoretical treat-
ment of the quantitative analysis scheme, first proposed by
0.8 0.8 Castaing (1951).

Intensity ratio kFe

Intensity ratio kNi

0.6 0.6
19.10.2 The Physical Origin of Matrix Effects
0.4 0.4 What is the origin of these matrix effects? The X-ray intensity
generated for each element in the specimen is proportional to
the concentration of that element, the probability of X-ray
0.2 0.2
production (ionization cross section) for that element, the
Measured Ni path length of the electrons in the specimen, and the fraction
0.0 0.0 of incident electrons which remain in the specimen and are
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 not backscattered. It is very difficult to calculate the absolute
Weight fraction Ni, CNi generated intensity for the elements present in a specimen
directly. Moreover, the intensity that the analyst must deal
..      Fig. 19.5 Measured Fe K-L3 and Ni K-L3 k-ratios versus the weight with is the measured intensity. The measured intensity is even
fraction of Ni at E0 = 30 keV. Curves are measured k-ratio data, while more difficult to calculate, particularly because absorption
straight lines represent ideal behavior (i.e., no matrix effects) and fluorescence of the generated X-rays may occur in the
specimen, thus further modifying the measured X-ray inten-
tematic deviations between the ratio of measured intensities sity from that predicted on the basis of the ionization cross
and the ratio of concentrations. An example of these devia- section alone. Instrumental factors such as differing spec-
tions is shown in . Fig. 19.5, which depicts the deviations of trometer efficiency as a function of X-ray energy must also be
measured X-ray intensities in the iron-nickel binary system considered. Many of these factors are dependent on the
from the linear behavior predicted by the first approximation atomic species involved. Thus, in mixtures of elements,
to quantitative analysis, Eq. (19.16). . Figure 19.5 shows the matrix effects arise because of differences in elastic and
measurement of Ii,unk/Ii,std = k for Ni K-L3 and Fe K-L3 in nine inelastic scattering processes and in the propagation of
well-characterized homogeneous Fe-Ni standards (Goldstein X-rays through the specimen to reach the detector. For con-
et al. 1965). The data were taken at an initial electron beam ceptual as well as calculational reasons, it is convenient to
energy of 30 keV and a take-off angle ψ = 52.5°. The intensity divide the matrix effects into atomic number, Zi; X-ray
ratio kNi or kFe is the Ii,unk/Ii,std measurement for Ni and Fe, absorption, Ai; and X-ray fluorescence, Fi, effects.
respectively, relative to pure element standards. The straight Using these matrix effects, the most common form of the
lines plotted between pure Fe and pure Ni indicate the rela- correction equation is
tionship between composition and intensity ratio given in
Eq. (19.16). For Ni K-L3, the actual data fall below the linear Ci , unk / Ci ,std = = [ ZAF]i [ Ii,unk /Ii,std ] = [ ZAF ]i .ki (19.17)
first approximation and indicate that there is an X-ray
absorption effect taking place, that is, more absorption in the where Ci,unk is the weight fraction of the element of interest in
sample than in the standard. For Fe K-L3, the measured data the unknown and Ci,std is the weight fraction of i in the stan-
fall above the first approximation and indicate that there is a dard. This equation must be applied separately for each ele-
fluorescence effect taking place in the sample. In this alloy ment present in the sample. Equation (19.17) is used to
the Ni K-L3 radiation is heavily absorbed by the iron and the express the matrix effects and is the common basis for X-ray
Fe K-L3 radiation is increased due to X-ray fluorescence by microanalysis in the SEM/EPMA.
the Ni K-L3 radiation over that generated by the bombarding It is important for the analyst to develop a good idea of
electrons. the origin and the importance of each of the three major
These effects that cause deviations from the simple linear non-linear effects on X-ray measurement for quantitative
behavior given by Eq. (19.16) are referred to as matrix or analysis of a large range of specimens.
inter-element effects. As described in the following sections,
the measured intensities from specimen and standard need
to be corrected for differences in electron backscatter and 19.10.3 ZAF Factors in Microanalysis
energy loss, X-ray absorption along the path through the
solid to reach the detector, and secondary X-ray generation The matrix effects Z, A, and F all contribute to the correction
and emission that follows absorption, in order to arrive at the for X-ray analysis as given in Eq. (19.17). This section dis-
ratio of generated intensities and hence the value of Ci,unk. The cusses each of the matrix effects individually. The combined
magnitude of the matrix effects can be quite large, exceeding effect of ZAF determines the total matrix correction.
300 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

 tomic Number Effect, Z (Effect

of Backscattering [R] and Energy Loss [S]) 1.0 1.0
One approach to the atomic number effect is to consider Measured Cu
directly the two different factors, backscattering (R) and
stopping power (S), which determine the amount of gener- 0.8 0.8
ated X-ray intensity in an unknown. Dividing the stopping
power, S, for the unknown and standard by the backscatter-

Intensity ratio k
0.6 0.6
ing term, R, for the unknown and standard yields the atomic
number matrix factor, Zi, for each element, i, in the unknown.
A discussion of the R and S factors follows. 0.4
Backscattering, R: The process of elastic scattering in a
solid sample leads to backscattering which results in the
premature loss of a significant fraction of the beam elec- 0.2 0.2
trons from the target before all of the ionizing power of
Measured Au
those electrons has been expended generating X-rays of the
various elemental constituents. From . Fig. 2.3a, which 0.0 0.0
depicts the backscattering coefficient as a function of atomic 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
number, this effect is seen to be strong, particularly if the Weight fraction Au, CAu
elements involved in the unknown and standard have widely
differing atomic numbers. For example, consider the analy-
..      Fig. 19.6 Measured Au L3-M5 and Cu K-L3 k-ratios versus the weight
sis of a minor constituent, for example, 1 weight %, of alu- fraction of Au at E0 = 25 keV. Curves are measured k-ratio data, while
minum in gold, against a pure aluminum standard. In the straight lines represent ideal behavior (i.e., no matrix effects)
aluminum standard, the backscattering coefficient is about
15 % at a beam energy of 20 keV, while for gold the value is K-L3 for four well-characterized homogeneous Au-Cu stan-
about 50 %. When aluminum is measured as a standard, dards (Heinrich et al. 1971). The data were taken at an initial
about 85 % of the beam electrons completely expend their electron beam energy of 15 keV and a take-off angle of 52.5°,
energy in the target, making the maximum amount of Al and pure Au and pure Cu were used as standards. The atomic
K-L3 X-rays. In gold, only 50 % are stopped in the target, so number difference between these two elements is 50. The
by this effect, aluminum dispersed in gold is actually under straight lines plotted on . Fig. 19.6 between pure Au and
represented in the X-rays generated in the specimen relative pure Cu indicate the relationship between composition and
to the pure aluminum standard. The energy distribution of intensity ratio given in Eq. (19.17). For both Au L-M and Cu
backscattered electrons further exacerbates this effect. Not K-L3, the absorption matrix effect, Ai, is less than 1 %, and the
only are more electrons backscattered from high atomic fluorescence matrix effect, Fi, is less than 2 %. For Cu K-L3,
number targets, but as shown in . Fig. 2.16a, b, the back- the measured data fall above the first approximation and
scattered electrons from high atomic number targets carry almost all the deviation is due to the atomic number effect,
off a higher fraction of their incident energy, further reduc- the difference in atomic number between the Au-Cu alloy
ing the energy available for ionization of inner shells. The and the Cu standard. As an example, for the 40.1 wt% Au
integrated effects of backscattering and the backscattered specimen, the atomic number matrix factor, ZCu, is 1.12, an
electron energy distribution form the basis of the “R-factor” increase in the Cu K-L3 intensity by 12 %. For Au L-M, the
in the atomic number correction of the “ZAF” formulation measured data fall below Castaing‘s first approximation and
of matrix corrections. almost all the deviation is due to the atomic number effect.
Stopping power, S: The rate of energy loss due to inelastic As an example, for the 40.1 wt % Au specimen, the atomic
scattering also depends strongly on the atomic number. For number effect, ZAu, is 0.806, a decrease in the Au L-M
19 quantitative X-ray calculations, the concept of the stopping ­intensity by 20 %. In this example, the S factor is larger and
power, S, of the target is used. S is the rate of energy loss given the R factor is smaller for the Cu K-L3 X-rays leading to a
by the Bethe continuous energy loss approximation, Eq. (1.1), larger S/R ratio and hence a larger ZCu effect. Just the oppo-
divided by the density, ρ, giving S = − (1/ρ)(dE/ds). Using the site is true for the Au L-M X-rays leading to a smaller ZAu
Bethe formulation for the rate of energy loss (dE/ds), one effect. The effects of R and S tend to go in opposite directions
observes that the stopping power is a decreasing function of and to cancel.
atomic number. The low atomic number targets actually
remove energy from the beam electron more rapidly with X-ray Generation With Depth, φ(ρz)
mass depth (ρz), the product of the density of the sample (ρ), A second approach to calculating the atomic number effect is
and the depth dimension (z) than high atomic number tar- to determine the X-ray generation in depth as a function of
gets. atomic number and electron beam energy. As shown in
An example of the importance of the atomic number 7 Chapters 1, 2, and 4, the paths of beam electrons within the
effect is shown in . Fig. 19.6. This figure shows the measure- specimen can be represented by Monte Carlo simulations of
ment of the intensity ratio kAu and kCu for Au L-M and Cu electron trajectories. In the Monte Carlo simulation tech-
19.10 · Appendix
301 19
E0 = 15 keV
K-L3 = generation
ϕ(ρz) = distribution
AI Ti Cu

1 µm 1 µm 1 µm

Phiroz Phiroz Phiroz

f(chi) f(chi) f(chi)

..      Fig. 19.7 Monte Carlo simulations (Joy Monte Carlo) of X-ray gen- the resulting φ(ρz) distribution. (lower) the φ(ρz) distribution is plotted
eration at E0 = 15 keV for Al K-L3, Ti K-L3, and Cu K-L3, showing (upper) with the associated f(χ) distribution showing the escape of X-rays fol-
the sites of X-ray generation (red dots) projected on the x-z plane, and lowing absorption

nique, the detailed history of an electron trajectory is calcu- characteristic X-rays. A decrease in overvoltage, U, decreases
lated in a stepwise manner. At each point along the trajectory, the energy range over which X-rays can be produced.
both elastic and inelastic scattering events can occur. The One can observe from . Fig. 19.7 that there is a non-even
production of characteristic X-rays, an inelastic scattering distribution of X-ray generation with depth, z, for specimens
process, can occur along the path of an electron as long as the with various atomic numbers and initial electron beam ener-
energy E of the electron is above the critical excitation energy, gies. This variation is illustrated by the histograms on the left
Ec, of the characteristic X-ray of interest. side of the Monte Carlo simulations. These histograms plot the
. Figure 19.7 displays Monte Carlo simulations of the number of X-rays generated with depth into the specimen. In
positions where K-shell X-ray interactions occur for three detail the X-ray generation for most specimens is somewhat
elements, Al, Ti, and Cu, using an initial electron energy, E0, higher just below the surface of the specimen and decreases to
of 15 keV. The incoming electron beam is assumed to have a zero when the electron energy, E, falls below the critical excita-
zero width and to impact normal to the sample surface. X-ray tion energy, Ec, of the characteristic X-ray of interest.
generation occurs in the lateral directions, x and y, and in As illustrated from the Monte Carlo simulations, the
depth dimension, z. The micrometer marker gives the dis- atomic number of the specimen strongly affects the distribu-
tance in both the x and z dimensions. Each dot indicates the tion of X-rays generated in specimens. These effects are even
generation of an X-ray; the dense regions indicate that a large more complex when considering more interesting multi-­
number of X-rays are generated. This figure shows that the element samples as well as the generation of L and M shell
X-ray generation volume decreases with increasing atomic X-ray radiation.
number (Al, Z = 13; Ti, Z = 22; Cu, Z = 29) for the same initial . Figure 19.7 clearly shows that X-ray generation varies
electron energy. The decrease in X-ray generation volume is with depth as well as with specimen atomic number. In prac-
due to (1) an increase in elastic scattering with atomic num- tice it is very difficult to measure or calculate an absolute
ber, which deviates the electron path from the initial beam value for the X-ray intensity generated with depth. Therefore,
direction; and (2) an increase in critical excitation energy, Ec, we follow the practice first suggested by Castaing (1951) of
that gives a corresponding decrease in overvoltage U using a relative or a normalized generated intensity which
(U = E0/Ec) with atomic number. This decreases the fraction varies with depth, called φ (ρz). The term ρz is called the
of the initial electron energy available for the production of mass depth and is the product of the density ρ of the sample
302 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

2.5 Eo = 15 keV
Eo = 15 keV
2.0 AI Kα in AI
1.5 ϕ0
Ai Kα in Ti

f (rz)
Cu Kα in Cu
ϕ(ρ z)

1.0 1.0

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Mass-depth (ρ z) (10-6g/cm2)
0.0 0.5 1.0
ρ Rm ρRx
Mass-depth (ρz) (10 g/cm )
-3 2 ..      Fig. 19.9 Calculated φ(ρz) curves for Al K-L3 in Al; Ti K-L3 in Ti; and
Cu K-L3 in Cu at E0 = 15 keV; calculated using PROZA
0.0 0.5 1.0
Rm Rx dent beam electrons that passed through the surface layer.
Depth (z) (10-4 cm, µm) After the depth ρRm, X-ray production begins to decrease
with depth because the backscattering of the beam electrons
reduces the number of electrons available at increasing depth
..      Fig. 19.8 Schematic illustration of the φ(ρz) depth distribution of ρz and the remaining electrons lose energy and therefore ion-
X-ray generation, with the definitions of specific terms: φ0, φm, ρRm, Rm,
ρRX, and RX
izing power as they scatter at increasing depths. Finally X-ray
production goes to zero at ρz = ρRx where the energy of the
beam electrons no longer exceeds Ec.
(g/cm3) and the linear depth dimension, z (cm), so that the Now that we have discussed and described the depth dis-
product ρz has units of g/cm2. The mass depth, ρz, is more tribution of the production of X-rays using the φ(ρz) versus
commonly used than the depth term, z. The use of the mass ρz curves, it is important to understand how these curves dif-
depth removes the strong variable of density when compar- fer with the type of specimen that is analyzed and the operat-
ing specimens of different atomic number. Therefore it is ing conditions of the instrument. The specimen and operating
important to recognize the difference between the two terms conditions that are most important in this regard are the aver-
as the discussion of X-ray generation proceeds. age atomic number, Z, of the specimen and the initial electron
The general shape of the depth distribution of the gener- beam energy, E0 chosen for the analysis. Calculations of φ(ρz)
ated X-rays, the φ (ρz) versus ρz curve, is shown in . Fig. 19.8. versus ρz curves have been made for this Appendix using the
The amount of X-ray production in any layer of the histogram PROZA program (Bastin and Heijligers 1990). In . Fig. 19.9,
is related to the amount of elastic scattering, the initial elec- the φ(ρz) versus ρz curves for the K-L3 X-rays of pure Al, Ti,
tron beam energy, and the energy of the characteristic X-ray and Cu specimens at 15 keV are displayed. The shapes of the
of interest. The intensity in any layer of the φ (ρz) versus ρz φ(ρz) versus ρz curves are quite different. The φ0 values, rela-
curve is normalized to the intensity generated in an ideal thin tive to the value of φm for each curve, increase from Al to Cu
layer, where “thin” is a thickness such that effectively no due to increased backscattering which produces additional
significant elastic scattering occurs and the incident electrons X-ray radiation. On an absolute basis, the φ0 value for Cu is
pass through perpendicular to the layer. As the incident beam smaller than the value for Ti because the overvoltage, U0, for
penetrates the layers of material in depth, the length of the the Cu K-L3 X-ray at E0 = 15 keV is low (U0 = 1.67) and the
trajectory in each successive layer increases because (1) elastic energy of many of the backscattered electrons is not sufficient
19 scattering deviates the beam electrons out of the straight line to excite Cu K-L3 X-rays near the surface. The values of ρRm
path, which was initially parallel to the surface normal, thus and ρRx decrease with increasing Z and a smaller X-ray exci-
requiring a longer path to cross the layer and (2) backscatter- tation volume is produced. This decrease would be much
ing results in electrons, which were scattered deeper in the more evident if we plotted φ(ρz) versus z, the linear depth of
specimen, crossing the layer in the opposite direction follow- X-ray excitation, since the use of mass depth includes the
ing a continuous range of angles relative to the surface nor- density, which changes significantly from Al to Cu.
mal. Due to these factors, X-ray production increases with . Figure 19.10 shows calculated φ(ρz) versus ρz curves,
depth from the surface, ρz = 0, and goes through a peak, φm, at using the PROZA program (Bastin and Heijligers 1990, 1991)
a certain depth ρRm (see . Fig. 19.8). Another consequence of at an initial beam energy of 15 keV for Al K-L3 and Cu K-L3
backscattering is that surface layer production, φ0, is larger radiation for the pure elements Al and Cu. These curves are
than 1.0 in solid samples because the backscattered electrons compared in . Fig. 19.10 with calculated φ(ρz) versus ρz
excite X-rays as they pass through the surface layer and leave curves at 15 keV for Al K-L3 and Cu K-L3 in a binary sample
the sample, adding to the intensity created by all of the inci- containing Al with 3 wt % Cu. The φ0 value of the Cu K-L3
19.10 · Appendix
303 19

..      Table 19.3 Generated X-ray intensities in Al, Cu, and

2.5 Al-3wt%Cu alloy, as calculated with PROZA (Bastin and
AI Kα in AI-3 wt% Cu Heijligers 1990, 1991)
2.0 AI Kα in AI
Sample X-ray φ(ρz)i,gen Atomic φ0
Cu Kα in Cu Area (cm2/g) number
f (rz)

Cu Kα in Al-3 wt% Cu factor, Zi

Cu Cu 3.34 × 10−4 1.0 1.39
Al Al 7.85 × 10−4 1.0 1.33
0.0 K-L3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Mass-depth (ρz) (10-6g/cm2) Al-­3wt%Cu Cu 2.76 × 10−4 0.826 1.20

Al-­3wt%Cu Al 7.89 × 10−4 1.005 1.34

..      Fig. 19.10 Calculated φ(ρz) curves for Al K-L3 and Cu K-L3 in Al, Cu,
and Al-3wt%Cu at E0 = 15 keV; calculated using PROZA

curve in the alloy is smaller than that of pure Cu because the

average atomic number of the Al – 3 wt % Cu sample is so less than 1.0 and the atomic number correction for a light
much lower, almost the same as pure Al. In this case, less back- element (Al) in a heavy element matrix (Al – 3 wt % Cu) is
scattering of the primary high energy electron beam occurs greater than 1.0. The calculated data in . Table 19.3 also
and fewer Cu K-L3 X-rays are generated. On the other hand show this relationship.
the Al K-L3 φ(ρz) curves for the alloy and the pure element are In summary, the atomic number matrix correction, Zi, is
essentially the same since the average atomic number of the equal to the ratio of Zi,std in the standard to Zi,unk in the
specimen is so close to that of pure Al. Although the variation unknown. Using appropriate φ(ρz) curves, correction Zi can
of φ(ρz) curves with atomic number and initial operating be calculated by taking the ratio of Igen,std for the standard to
energy is complex, a knowledge of the pertinent X-ray genera- Igen,unk for the unknown for each element, i, in the sample. It
tion curves is critical to understanding what is happening in is important to note that the φ(ρz) curves for multi-element
the specimen and the standard for the element of interest. samples and elemental standards which can be used for the
The generated characteristic X-ray intensity, Ii gen, for calculation of the atomic number effect inherently contain
each element, i, in the specimen can be obtained by taking the R and S factors discussed previously.
the area under the φ(ρz) versus ρz curve, that is, by sum-
ming the values of φ(ρz) for all the layers Δ(ρz) in mass X-ray Absorption Effect, A
thickness within the specimen for the X-ray of interest. We . Figure 19.11 illustrates the effect of varying the initial elec-
will call this area “φ(ρz)i,gen Area.” . Table 19.3 lists the cal- tron beam energy using Monte Carlo simulations on the
culated values, using the PROZA program, of the φ(ρz)i,gen positions where K-shell X-ray generation occurs for Cu at
Area for the 15 kev φ(ρz) curves shown in . Fig. 19.10 (Cu three initial electron energies, 10, 20, and 30 keV. This figure
K-L3 and Al K-L3 in the pure elements and Cu K-L3 and Al shows that the Cu characteristic X-rays are generated deeper
K-L3 in an alloy of Al – 3 wt % Cu and the corresponding in the specimen and the X-ray generation volume becomes
values of φ0). A comparison of the φ(ρz)i,gen Area values for larger as E0 increases. From these plots, we can see that the
Al K-L3 in Al and in the Al – 3 wt % Cu alloy shows very sites of inner shell ionizations which give rise to characteris-
similar values while a comparison of the φ(ρz)i,gen Area val- tic X-rays are created over a range of depth below the surface
ues for Cu K-L3 in pure Cu and in the Al – 3 wt % Cu alloy of the specimen.
shows that about 17 % fewer Cu K-L3 X-rays are generated Created over a range of depth, the X-rays will have to pass
in the alloy. The latter variation is due to the different atomic through a certain amount of matter to reach the detector, and
numbers of the pure Cu and the Al – 3 wt% Cu alloy speci- as explained in 7 Chapter 4 (X-rays), the photoelectric
men. The different atomic number matrices cause a change absorption process will decrease the intensity. It is important
in φ0 (see . Table 19.3) and the height of the φ(ρz) curves. to realize that the X-ray photons are either absorbed or else
The atomic number correction, Zi, can be calculated by they pass through the specimen with their original energy
taking the ratio of φ(ρz)i,gen Area for the standard to φ(ρz)i,gen unchanged, so that they are still characteristic of the atoms
Area for element i in the specimen. Pure Cu and pure Al are which emitted the X-rays. Absorption follows an exponential
the standards for Cu K-L3 and Al K-L3 respectively. The val- law, so as X-rays are generated deeper in the specimen, a pro-
ues of the calculated ratios of generated X-ray intensities, gressively greater fraction is lost to absorption.
pure element standard to specimen (Atomic number effect, From the Monte Carlo plots of . Fig. 19.11, one recognizes
ZAl, ZCu) are also given in . Table 19.3 As discussed above, it that the depth distribution of ionization is a complicated func-
is expected that the atomic number correction for a heavy tion. To quantitatively calculate the effect of X-ray absorption,
element (Cu) in a light element matrix (Al – 3 wt % Cu) is an accurate description of the X-ray distribution in depth is
304 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

E0 = 10 keV E0 = 20 keV E0 = 30 keV

0.5 µm 1 µm 1 µm

K-L3 = generation
ϕ(ρz) = distribution

..      Fig. 19.11 Monte Carlo simulations (Joy Monte Carlo) of the X-ray generation volume for Cu K-L3at E0 = 10 keV, 20 keV and 30 keV. The sites of
X-ray generation (red dots) are projected on the x-z plane, and the resulting φ(ρz) distribution is shown

..      Fig. 19.12 Calculated φ(ρz) curves for Cu K-L3 in Cu at E0 = 10 keV,

20 keV, and 30 keV; calculated using PROZA
..      Fig. 19.13 Schematic diagram of absorption in the measurement
or calculation of the φ(ρz) curve for emitted X-rays. PL = path length,
needed. Fortunately, the complex three-­ dimensional dis- ψ = X-ray take-off angle (detector elevation angle above surface)
tribution can be reduced to a one-­dimensional problem for
the calculation of absorption, since the path out of the speci-
men towards the X-ray detector only depends on depth. The I / I 0 = exp  − ( µ / ρ )( ρ t )  (19.18)
19 φ(ρz) curves discussed previously give the generated X-ray
distribution of X-rays in depth (See . Figs. 19.8, 19.9, and The terms in the absorption equation are (μ/ρ), the mass
19.10). . Figure 19.12 shows calculated φ(ρz) curves for Cu absorption coefficient; ρ, the specimen density; and t, the
K-L3 X-rays in pure Cu for initial beam energies of 10, 15, and path length (PL) that the X-ray traverses within the speci-
30 keV. The curves extend deeper (in mass depth or depth) in men before it reaches the surface, z = ρz = 0. For the purpose
the sample with increasing E0. The φ0 values also increase with of our interests, I represents the X-ray intensity which leaves
increasing initial electron beam energies since the energy of the surface of the sample and I0 represents the X-ray inten-
the backscattered electrons increases with higher values of E0. sity generated at some position within the X-ray generation
The X-rays which escape from any depth can be found volume. Since the X-ray spectrometer is usually placed at an
by placing the appropriate path length in the X-ray absorp- acute angle from the specimen surface, the so-called take-off
tion equation for the ratio of the measured X-ray intensity, angle, ψ, the path length from a given depth z is given by
I, to the generated X-ray intensity at some position in the PL = z csc ψ, as shown in . Fig. 19.13. When this correction
sample, I0: for absorption is applied to each of the many layers Δ(ρz) in
19.10 · Appendix
305 19
..      Fig. 19.14 Calculated
generated and emitted φ(ρz) 3.0
curves for Al K-L3 in a Cu matrix at
E0 = 20 keV

2.0 AI Kα in Cu

f (rz)

AI Kα in Cu

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Mass-depth (ρz) (10-6g/cm2)

the φ(ρz) curve, a new curve results, which gives the depth the measurement of the light elements, for example, Be, B, C,
distribution of emitted X-rays. An example of the generated N, O, and so on. For example, the mass absorption coeffi-
and emitted depth distribution curves for Al K-L3 at an ini- cient for C K-L radiation in Ni is 17,270 cm2/g, so large that
tial electron beam energy of 15 keV (calculated using the in most practical analyses, no C K-L radiation can be mea-
PROZA program (Bastin and Heijligers 1990, 1991)) is sured if the absorption path length is 1 μm. Significant
shown in . Fig. 19.14 for a trace amount (0.1 wt%) of Al in a amounts of C K-L radiation can only be measured in a Ni
pure copper matrix. The area under the φ(ρz) curve repre- sample within 0.1 μm of the surface. In such an analysis situ-
sents the X-ray intensity. The difference in the integrated ation, the initial electron beam energy should be held below
area between the generated and emitted φ(ρz) curves repre- 10 keV so that the C K-L X-ray source is produced close to
sents the total X-ray loss due to absorption. The absorption the sample surface.
correction factor in quantitative matrix corrections is calcu- As shown in . Fig. 19.12, X-rays are generated up to sev-
lated on the basis of the φ(ρz) distribution. . Figure 19.5, for eral micrometers into the specimen. Therefore the X-ray
example, illustrates the large amount of Ni K-L3 absorbed in path length (PL = t) and the relative amount of X-rays avail-
the Fe-Ni alloy series as a function of composition. able to the X-ray detection system after absorption (I/I0)
X-ray absorption is usually the largest correction factor vary with the depth at which each X-ray is generated in the
that must be considered in the measurement of elemental specimen. In addition to the position, ρz or z, at which a
composition by electron-excited X-ray microanalysis. For a given X-ray is generated within the specimen, the relation
given X-ray path length, the mass absorption coefficient, of that depth to the X-ray detector is also important since a
(μ/ρ), for each measured characteristic X-ray peak controls combination of both factors determine the X-ray path
the amount of absorption. The value of (μ/ρ) varies greatly length for absorption. . Figure 19.15 shows the geometrical
from one X-ray to another and is dependent on the matrix relationship between the position at which an X-ray is gen-
elements of the specimen (see 7 Chapter 4, “X-rays”). For erated and the position of the collimator which allows
example, the mass absorption coefficient for Fe K-L3 radia- X-rays into the EDS detector. If the specimen is normal to
tion in Ni is 90.0 cm2/g, while the mass absorption coeffi- the electron beam (. Fig. 19.15), the angle between the
cient for Al K-L3 radiation in Ni is 4837 cm2/g. Using Eq. specimen surface and the direction of the X-rays into the
(19.18) and a nominal path length of 1 μm in a Ni sample detector is the take-off angle ψ. The path length, t = PL, over
containing small amounts of Fe and Al, the ratio of X-rays which X-rays can be absorbed in the sample is calculated by
emitted at the sample surface to the X-rays generated in the multiplying the depth in the specimen, z, where the X-ray is
sample, I/I0, is 0.923 for Fe K-L3 radiation but only 0.0135 for generated, by the cosecant (the reciprocal of the sine), of the
Al K-L3 radiation. In this example, Al K-L3 radiation is very take-off angle, ψ. A larger take-­off angle will yield a shorter
heavily absorbed with respect to Fe K-L3 radiation in the Ni path length in the specimen and will minimize absorption.
sample. Such a large amount of absorption must be taken The path length can be further minimized by decreasing the
account of in any quantitative X-ray analysis scheme. Even depth of X-ray generation, Rx, that is by using the minimum
more serious effects of absorption occur when considering electron beam energy, E0, consistent with the excitation of
306 Chapter 19 · Quantitative Analysis: From k-ratio to Composition

In summary, using appropriate formulations for X-ray

Eo generation with depth or φ(ρz) curves, the effect of absorp-
tion can be obtained by considering absorption of X-rays
from element i as they leave the sample. The absorption cor-
rection, Ai, can be calculated by taking the ratio of the effect of
absorption for the standard, Ai,std, to X-ray absorption for the
EDS unknown, Ai,unk, for each element, i, in the sample. The effect
Detector of absorption can be minimized by decreasing the path length
of the X-rays in the specimen through careful choice of the
initial beam energy and by selecting, when possible, a high
take-off angle.

X-ray Fluorescence, F
Photoelectric absorption results in the ionization of inner
atomic shells, and those ionizations can also cause the emis-
sion of characteristic X-rays. For fluorescence to occur, an
atom species must be present in the target which has a critical
Ψ excitation energy less than the energy of the characteristic
X-rays being absorbed. In such a case, the measured X-ray
intensity from this second element will include both the
Z t direct electron-excited intensity as well as the additional
PL intensity generated by the fluorescence effect. Generally, the
fluorescence effect can be ignored unless the photon energy is
Specimen less than 5 keV greater than the critical excitation energy, Ec.
The significance of the fluorescence correction, Fi, can be
illustrated by considering the binary system Fe-Ni. In this sys-
tem, the Ni K-L3 characteristic energy at 7.478 keV is greater
than the energy for excitation of Fe K radiation,
Ec = 7.11 keV. Therefore, an additional amount of Fe K-L3 radi-
..      Fig. 19.15 Schematic diagram showing the X-ray absorption path ation is produced beyond that due to the direct beam on Fe.
length in a thick, flat-polished sample: PL = absorption path length; . Figure 19.5 shows the effect of fluorescence in the Fe-Ni sys-
ψ = X-ray take-off angle (detector elevation angle above surface)
tem at an initial electron beam energy of 30 keV and a take-off
angle, ψ, of 52.5°. Under these conditions, the atomic number
effect, ZFe, and the absorption effect, AFe, for Fe K-L3 are very
..      Table 19.4 Path Length, PL, for Al K-L3 X-rays in Al close to 1.0. The measured kFe ratio lies well above the first
approximation straight line relationship. The additional inten-
E0 Take-Off Angle, ψ Rx (μm) Path Length, PL,
sity is given by the effect of fluorescence. As an example, for a
10 wt% Fe – 90 wt% Ni alloy, the amount of iron fluorescence
10 15 0.3 1.16 is about 25 %.
10 60 0.3 0.35
The quantitative calculation of the fluorescence effect
requires a knowledge of the depth distribution over which the
30 15 2.0 7.7 characteristic X-rays are absorbed. The φ(ρz) curve of elec-
30 60 2.0 2.3 tron-generated X-rays is the starting point for the fluorescence
calculation, and a new φ(ρz) curve for X-ray-­generated X-rays
19 is determined. The electron-generated X-rays are emitted iso-
the X-ray lines used for analysis. . Table 19.4 shows the tropically. From the X-ray intensity generated in each of the
variation of the path length that can occur if one varies the layers Δ(ρz) of the φ(ρz) distribution, the calculation next
initial electron beam energy for Al K-L3 X-rays in Al from considers the propagation of that radiation over a spherical
10 to 30 keV and the take-off angle, ψ = 15° and ψ = 60°. volume centered on the depth ρz of that layer, calculating the
The variation in PL is larger than a factor of 20, from absorption based on the radial distance from the starting layer
0.35 μm at the lowest keV and highest take-off angle to and determining the contributions of absorption to each layer
7.7 μm at the highest keV and lowest take-off angle. Clearly (ρz) in the X-ray-induced φ(ρz) distribution. Because of the
the analyst’s choices of the initial electron beam energy and longer range of X-rays than electrons in materials, the X-ray-
the X-ray take-off angle have a major effect on the path length induced φ(ρz) distribution covers a much greater depth, gen-
and therefore the amount of absorption that occurs. erally an order of magnitude or more than the electron-induced
307 19
φ(ρz) distribution. Once the X-ray-induced φ(ρz) generated Heinrich KFJ, Myklebust RL, Rasberry SD, Michaelis RE (1971) Preparation and
distribution is determined, the absorption of the outgoing Evaluation of SRM’s 481 and 482 Gold-Silver and Gold-Copper Alloys for
Microanalysis. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. NBS
X-ray-induced fluorescence X-rays must be calculated with Spec. Publ., pp 260–28
the absorption path length calculated as above. ISO GUM (2008). Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement;
The fluorescence factor, Fi, is usually the least important Guide 98–3:2008: Geneva, Switzerland, Joint Group for Guides in
factor in the calculation of composition by evaluating the Metrology, Working Group 1. ISO Central. Secretariat, Vernier,
[ZAF] term in Eq. (19.17). In most analytical cases secondary Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standards
Marinenko R, Leigh S (2010) Uncertainties in electron probe microanaly-
fluorescence may not occur or the concentration of the ele- sis. Proc Eur Microbeam Anal Soc 7(1):012017
ment which causes fluorescence may be small. Of the three Marinenko R, Blackburn D, Bodkin J (1990) Glasses for Microanalysis:
effects, Z, A, and F, which control X-ray microanalysis calcu- SRMs 1871-1875” National Institute of Standards and Technology
lations, the fluorescence effect, Fi, can be calculated (Reed (U.S.) Special Publication 260–112 (U.S. Gov. Printing Office,
1965), with sufficient accuracy so that it rarely limits the Washington) available at: 7 http://www.nist.gov/srm/upload/
development of an accurate analysis. Newbury DE, Swyt CR, Myklebust RL (1995) ‘Standardless’ quantitative
electron probe microanalysis with energy-dispersive X-ray spec-
trometry: is it worth the risk? Anal Chem 67:1866
References Pouchou J-L, Pichoir F (1991) Quantitative analysis of homogeneous
or stratified microvolumes applying the model “PAP”. In: Heinrich
Bastin GF, Heijligers HJM (1990) Quantitative electron probe microanal- KFJ, Newbury DE (eds) Electron probe quantitation. Plenum,
ysis of ultralight elements (boron – oxygen). Scanning 12:225–236 New York, p 31
Bastin GF, Heijligers HJM (1991) Quantitative analysis of homogeneous Reed SJB (1965) Characteristic fluorescence corrections in electron-
or stratified microvolumes applying the model “PAP”. In: Heinrich probe microanalysis. Brit J Appl Phys 16:913
KFJ, Newbury DE (eds) Electron probe quantitation. Plenum Press, Saunders S, Karduck P, Sloof W (2004) Certified reference materials for
New York City, p 163 micro-analysis of carbon and nitrogen. Microchim Acta 145:209
Castaing R (1951) “Application of electron probes to local chemical and Yakowitz H (1975) Methods of quantitative analysis. In: Goldstein JI,
crystallographic analysis” Ph.D. thesis, University of Paris. (English Yakowitz H, Newbury DE, Lifshin E, Colby JW, Coleman JR (eds)
translation available from the Microanalysis Society at: 7 http:// Practical scanning electron microscopy. Plenum, New York, p 338
309 20

Quantitative Analysis:
The SEM/EDS Elemental
Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure
for Bulk Specimens,
20.1 Requirements Imposed on the Specimen
and Standards – 311

20.2 Instrumentation Requirements – 311

20.2.1 Choosing the EDS Parameters – 311
20.2.2 Choosing the Beam Energy, E0 – 313
20.2.3 Measuring the Beam Current – 313
20.2.4 Choosing the Beam Current – 314

20.3 Examples of the k-ratio/Matrix Correction

Protocol with DTSA II – 316
20.3.1 Analysis of Major Constituents (C > 0.1 Mass Fraction)
with Well-­Resolved Peaks – 316
20.3.2 Analysis of Major Constituents (C > 0.1 Mass Fraction)
with Severely Overlapping Peaks – 318
20.3.3 Analysis of a Minor Constituent with Peak Overlap
From a Major Constituent – 319
20.3.4 Ba-Ti Interference in BaTiSi3O9 – 319
20.3.5 Ba-Ti Interference: Major/Minor Constituent Interference
in K2496 Microanalysis Glass – 319

20.4 The Need for an Iterative Qualitative and

Quantitative Analysis Strategy – 319
20.4.1 Analysis of a Complex Metal Alloy, IN100 – 320
20.4.2 Analysis of a Stainless Steel – 323
20.4.3 Progressive Discovery: Repeated Qualitative–Quantitative Analysis
Sequences – 324

20.5 Is the Specimen Homogeneous? – 326

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
20.6 Beam-Sensitive Specimens – 331
20.6.1 Alkali Element Migration – 331
20.6.2 Materials Subject to Mass Loss During Electron
Bombardment—the Marshall-Hall Method – 334

References – 339
20.2 · Instrumentation Requirements
311 20
This chapter discusses the procedure used to perform a rig- grinding and polishing. “Chemical polishing” should
orous quantitative elemental microanalysis by SEM/EDS be avoided since chemical reactions may induce shal-
following the k-ratio/matrix correction protocol using the low, near-surface compositional changes that affect
NIST DTSA-II software engine for bulk specimens. Bulk the very shallow region that is excited and sampled
specimens have dimensions that are sufficiently large to by the electron beam. Ion beam milling can be used
contain the full range of the direct electron-excited X-ray to shape and finish the specimen, but it must be
production (typically 0.5–10 μm) as well as the range of recognized that implantation of the primary ion and
secondary X-ray fluorescence induced by the propagation differential material removal caused by differences in
of the characteristic and continuum X-rays (typically the sputtering rates of the elements can modify the
10–100 μm). composition of a shallow surface layer.

20.1 Requirements Imposed 20.2 Instrumentation Requirements

on the Specimen and Standards
The basis of the k-ratio/matrix corrections protocol is mea-
The k-ratio/matrix correction protocol for the analysis of surement of the X-ray spectra of the specimen and standard
bulk specimens has two basic underlying assumptions: (s) under identical conditions of beam energy, known elec-
1. The composition is homogeneous throughout the entire tron dose (the product of beam current and EDS live-time,
volume of the specimen in which primary characteristic with accurate dead-time correction), EDS parameters
X-rays are directly excited by the incident electron beam (detector solid angle, time constant, calibration, and window
and in which secondary X-ray fluorescence is induced efficiency), target orientation (tilt angle, ideally 0° tilt, i.e.,
during the propagation of the primary characteristic beam perpendicular to the target surface), and EDS take-off
and continuum X-rays. A compositionally heteroge- angle (i.e., the detector elevation angle above the flat sample
neous specimen which does not satisfy this requirement surface).
cannot be analyzed by the conventional k-ratio/matrix
correction protocol. Examples of such heterogeneous
specimens include a horizontally layered specimen such 20.2.1 Choosing the EDS Parameters
as a thin film on a substrate or an inclusion with dimen-
sions similar to the interaction volume embedded in a Consistency in the choice of the EDS parameters is critical
matrix. Such specimens must be analyzed with protocols for establishing a robust analytical measurement environ-
that account for the effects of the particular specimen ment, and this is especially important when archived stan-
geometry. dard spectra are used.
2. The X-ray intensities measured on the location of
interest on the specimen and on the standard(s) differ  DS Spectrum Channel Energy Width
only because the compositions are different. No other and Spectrum Energy Span
factors modify the measured intensities. In particular, As shown in . Fig. 20.1, when the energy axis is expanded
geometric effects that arise from physical surface sufficiently, the EDS spectrum is seen to be a histogram of
defects, such as scratches, pits, and so on, can modify energy channels of a specific width (e.g., 5 eV, 10 eV,
the interaction of the electron beam (electron back- 20 eV) and number (e.g., 1024, 2048, 4096). For accurate
scattering, beam penetration) with the specimen and peak-­fitting purposes, it is desirable to have an adequate
can alter the subsequent X-ray absorption path length number of channels spanning the characteristic X-ray
to the detector compared to an ideal flat bulk speci- peaks. Because the EDS resolution is a function of photon
men. This requirement places strict conditions on the energy, low photon energy peaks below 1 keV are substan-
surface condition of the specimen and standards. A tially narrower than higher energy peaks. A choice of 5 eV
highly polished, flat surface must be created following for the channel energy width will provide a sufficient num-
the appropriate metallographic preparation proto- ber of channels to adequately span all of the peaks of ana-
col for each particular material. The surface should lytical interest, including the peaks that occur below
be finished to a surface roughness below 100 nm 1 keV. C K-L2,3 is broadened in EDS to approximately
root mean square (rms) with a typical final polish 50 eV full width at half-maximum (FWHM), so a choice of
performed with 100-nm diamond, alumina, ceria 5-eV/channel will provide at least 10 channels to span the
or other polishing compound as appropriate. When low photon energy peaks, which is important for accurate
the analysis involves measuring low energy photons peak fitting. It is also desirable for the measured spectrum
below 1 keV (e.g., for the elements Be, B, C, N, O, to span the full range of the excited X-ray energy, from an
and F), the surface finish should be better than 50 nm effective threshold of approximately 100 eV to the Duane–
rms. The preparation protocol should utilize physical Hunt limit, which corresponds to the incident beam
312 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

100 000

80 000
E0 = 20 keV

60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

100 000

80 000

5 eV bin width
60 000

40 000 FWHM = 126 eV

20 000

5.60 5.65 5.70 5.75 5.80 5.85 5.90 5.95 6.00 6.05 6.10 6.15 6.20
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.1 SDD-EDS spectrum of Mn (E0 = 20 keV)

energy, E0. The energy span is given by the channel width photoelectron to determine the photon energy, and incre-
multiplied by the number of channels. With a 5-eV chan- menting the appropriate energy bin in the EDS histogram
nel width, a choice of 4096 channels will provide access to by one count. The EDS time constant (also known as the
photon energies as high as 20.48 keV. For beam energy shaping time, the processing time, the maximum through-
above 20 keV, the number of channels should be increased put, or other terms in different vendor EDS systems) effec-
to retain the 5-eV channel width, or alternatively the chan- tively determines the amount of time spent on the
nel width can be increased to 10 eV, but with the conse- measurement cycle. A short time constant enables more
20 quence that fewer channels will describe each characteristic photons to be processed per unit of real (clock) time, but
peak. the trade-off of faster processing is poorer accuracy in
assigning the photon energy. While the characteristic X-ray
 DS Time Constant (Resolution
E peak has a sharply defined energy, with a natural peak width
and Throughput) of a few eV or less, the EDS measurement process inevitably
The EDS is only capable of processing one photon at a time. substantially broadens the measured peak. For example,
The basic measurement cycle is the photoelectric absorp- Mn K-L2,3 has a natural width of approximately 7 eV (deter-
tion of the photon in the detector active volume, measure- mined as the FWHM) but as displayed in the EDS histo-
ment of the charge deposited by scattering of the gram, the Mn K-L2,3 peak is broadened to 122–150 eV
20.2 · Instrumentation Requirements
313 20
FWHM or more, depending on the choice of time constant. reproducible choice must be made for r since this value has
For the particular silicon drift detector (SDD)-EDS and such a strong impact on Ω and thus on the number of pho-
time constant shown in . Fig. 20.1, the broadened EDS tons detected per unit of dose.
peak has a FWHM = 126 eV. The peak width increases (i.e.,
resolution becomes poorer) as the time constant decreases.
The shortest time constant, which gives the highest through- 20.2.2 Choosing the Beam Energy, E0
put but the broadest peaks (poorest resolution), is typically
chosen for analysis situations where it is important to max- The choice of beam energy depends on the particular
imize the total number of X-ray counts per unit of clock aspects of the analysis that the analyst wishes to optimize.
(real) time, such as elemental X-ray mapping. For quantita- As a starting point, a useful general analysis strategy is to
tive analysis, better peak resolution is desirable, and thus a optimize the excitation of photon energies up to 12 keV
longer time constant should be chosen. Whichever time by choosing an incident beam energy of 20 keV, which
constant strategy is selected, it is important for standards- provides sufficient overvoltage (E0/Ec > 1.5) for K-shell
based quantitative analysis that this same time constant be (to Br) and L-shell (elements to Bi) for reasonable excita-
used for all measurements of unknowns and standards, tion. The characteristic peaks of X-ray families that occur
especially if archived standards are used. in the photon energy range from 4 keV to 12 keV are gen-
erally sufficiently separated in energy to be resolved by
EDS Calibration EDS. When it is important to measure those elements
Assigning the proper energy bin for a photon measure- whose characteristic peaks occur below 4 keV, and espe-
ment depends on the EDS being calibrated. The vendor for cially for the low atomic number elements Be, B, C, N, O
a particular EDS system will have a recommended calibra- and F, for which the characteristic peaks occur below
tion procedure that should be followed on a regular basis 1 keV and suffer high absorption, then analysis with
as part of establishing a quality measurement environ- lower beam energy, 10 keV or lower, will be necessary to
ment, with full documentation of the measurements to optimize the results.
establish the on-­going calibration record. A typical cali-
bration strategy is to choose a material such as Cu that
provides (with E0 ≥ 15 keV) strongly excited peaks in the 20.2.3 Measuring the Beam Current
low photon energy range (Cu L3M5 = 0.93 keV) and the
high photon energy range (Cu K-L2,3 = 8.04 keV). The SEM should be equipped for beam current measure-
Alternatively, some EDS systems that provide a “zero ment, ideally with an in-column Faraday cup which can be
energy reference” signal will use this value with a single selected periodically during the analysis procedure to
high photon energy peak such as Cu K-L2,3 or Mn K-L2,3 to determine the beam current. As an alternative, a picoam-
perform calibration. A good quality assurance practice is meter can be installed between the electrically isolated
to begin each measurement campaign by measuring a specimen stage and the electrical ground to measure the
spectrum of Cu (or another element, e.g., Mn, Ni, etc., or a absorbed (specimen) current that must flow to ground to
compound, e.g., CuS, FeS2, etc.) under the user-defined avoid specimen charging. The specimen current is the dif-
conditions. This Cu spectrum can be compared to the Cu ference between the beam current and the loss of charge
spectrum that is stored in the archive of standards to con- due to BSE and SE emission, both of which vary with com-
firm that the current measurement conditions are identi- position. To measure the true beam current, BSE and SE
cal to those used to create the archive. This starting Cu emission must be recaptured, which is accomplished by
spectrum should always be saved as part of the quality placing the beam within a Faraday cup, which is con-
assurance plan. structed as a blind hole in a conducting material (e.g.,
metal or carbon) covered with a small entrance aperture
EDS Solid Angle (e.g., an electron microscope aperture of 50 μm diameter
The solid angle of collection, Ω, is given by or less). This Faraday cup is then placed at a suitable loca-
tion on the electrically isolated specimen stage. By locat-
Ω = A / r2 (20.1) ing the beam in the center of the Faraday cup aperture
opening, the primary beam electrons as well as all BSEs
where A is the active area of the detector and r is the distance and SEs generated at the inner surfaces are collected with
from the X-ray source on the specimen to the detector. Some very little loss through the small aperture, so that the cur-
EDS systems are mounted on a retractable arm that rent flowing to the electrical ground is the total incident
enables the analyst to choose the value of r. A consistent and beam current.
314 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

20.2.4 Choosing the Beam Current SDD-EDS, a more conservative counting strategy is sug-
gested, such that the beam current is chosen so that the
After the analyst has chosen the EDS time constant, the dead-­time on the most highly excited standard of interest,
detector solid angle (for a retractable detector), and the beam for example, Al or Si, is less than 10 %. Despite the opera-
energy, the beam current should be chosen so as to give a tion of the anti-coincidence function, SDD-EDS systems
reasonable detector throughput, as expressed by the system typically show evidence of coincidence peaks above a dead-
dead-time. . Figure 20.2 shows the relationship between the time of 10 % from highly excited parent peaks, as illustrated
input count rate (ICR) of X-rays that arrive at the detector in . Fig. 20.3, which shows the in-growth of an extensive
and the output count rate (OCR) of photons that are actually set of coincidence peaks from several parent peaks. If it is
stored in the measured spectrum. The OCR initially rises lin- important to measure low intensity X-ray peaks that cor-
early with the ICR, but as photons arrive at a progressively respond to minor or trace constituents that occur in spec-
greater rate at the detector, photon coincidence begins to tral regions affected by coincidence peaks, then choosing
occur and the anti-coincidence function begins to reject the low dead-­time to minimize coincidence will be an
these coincidence events, reducing the OCR. Eventually a important issue in selecting the general analytical condi-
maximum OCR value is reached beyond which the OCR tions. If there is no interest in measuring X-ray peaks of
decreases with increasing ICR, eventually falling to zero possible constituents that occur in the region of coinci-
(“paralyzable dead-time”). A useful measure of the activity dence peaks, then these regions can be ignored and a
state of the EDS detector is the system “dead-time” which is counting strategy that involves higher dead-time operation
defined as can be used.
Once the analytical conditions (EDS time constant, solid
Dead-time ( % ) = ( ICR − OCR ) / ICR  ∗100 (20.2) angle, beam energy, and beam current appropriate to the
complete suite of standards) have been chosen, these condi-
A classic strategy with the low throughput Si(Li)-EDS is to tions should be used for all standards and unknowns to
select a beam current on a highly excited pure element such achieve the basic measurement consistency required for the
as Al or Si that produces a dead-time of 30 % or less. With k-ratio/matrix corrections protocol.

..      Fig. 20.2 Output count rate

(OCR) vs. input count rate for an
SDD-EDS array of four 10-mm2 30 mm2 SDD at medium throughtput
Ideal response
(no deadtime)

Output Count Rate (counts/s)




0 40,000 80,000 120,000 160,000 200,000
Input Count Rate (counts/s)
20.2 · Instrumentation Requirements
315 20

3 500 000 K412_20kV5nAMED5eV40kHz3DT_5ks

3 000 000 SRM470 Glass K412

E0 = 20 keV
Deadtime = 3%
2 500 000

2 000 000

1 500 000

1 000 000

5 000 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

100 000

80 000

60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

c K412_20kV5nA40kHz_3DT
Si+Mg; Al+Al

SRM470 Glass K412


E0 = 20 keV
Deadtime = 3%

Deadtime = 29%


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.3 SDD-EDS spectra of NIST SRM (glass K412, E0 = 20 keV: a, b at 3 % dead-time (red); c 3 % (red) and 29 % dead-time (blue), showing
in-growth of coincidence peaks
316 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

20.3 Examples of the k-ratio/Matrix the error budget. In this analysis and the analyses reported
Correction Protocol with DTSA II below, the relative deviation from the expected value (RDEV)
(Newbury and Ritchie 2015b) (also referred to as “relative error”) is calculated with the
“expected” value taken as the stoichiometric formula value or
20.3.1  nalysis of Major Constituents
A the value obtained from an “absolute” analytical method, just
(C > 0.1 Mass Fraction) with as in gravimetric analysis:
Well-­Resolved Peaks  ( Analyzed value − expected value ) 
RDEV =   × 100% (20.3)
The EDS spectra of the minerals pyrite (FeS2) and troilite  expected value 
(FeS) measured at E0 = 20 keV with a dead-time of ~ 10 % are
shown in . Fig. 20.4 and feature well separated peaks for the Optimizing Analysis Strategy
Fe K- and L- families and the S K-family. These spectra were The DTSA II analysis report includes for each analyzed ele-
analyzed with Fe and CuS serving both as peak-fitting refer- ment the ZAF factors and the estimated uncertainties in
ences and as standards. CuS is chosen for the S reference and these factors as well as uncertainties due to the counting sta-
standard rather than elemental S since CuS is stable under tistics associated with the measurements of the unknown and
electron bombardment while elemental S is not stable. The of the standard (Ritchie and Newbury 2012). Careful exami-
spectrum for FeS and the residual spectrum after peak-fitting nation of these factors can be used to refine the analytical
are also shown in . Fig. 20.4. The results for seven replicate strategy to optimize the measurement. Reducing the uncer-
analyses are listed in . Table 20.1 (FeS) and . Table 20.2 (FeS2) tainty due to the counting statistics requires increasing the
along with the ZAF correction factors and the ­components of dose. The absorption factor A is strongly influenced by the

a 180 000
160 000
E0 = 20 KeV
140 000 FeS
120 000 FeS2

100 000

80 000
60 000
40 000
20 000
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)
14 000 FeS_20kV10n9%DT_50s

12 000
E0 = 20 KeV
10 000 FeS
Fitting residual

8 000

20 6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.4 a SDD-EDS spectra of Pyrite (FeS2) (blue) and meteoritic Troilite (FeS (red) at E0 = 20 keV. b NIST DTSA-II analysis of FeS using Fe and
CuS as peak-fitting references and as standards. The original spectrum (red) and the residual spectrum after peak-fitting (blue) are shown
20.3 · Examples of the k-ratio/Matrix Correction Protocol with DTSA II
317 20

..      Table 20.1 Analysis of FeS (meteoritic troilite) at E0 = 20 keV ..      Table 20.3 Analysis of FeS at E0 = 10 keV with CuS and Fe as
with CuS and Fe as fitting references and standards Integrated fitting references and standards Integrated spectrum count,
spectrum count, 0.1–20 keV = 7,048,000; uncertainties expressed 0.1–10 keV = 5,630,000; uncertainties expressed in mass
in mass fraction. Analysis performed with Fe K-L2,3 and S K-L2,3 fraction. Analysis performed with Fe K-L2,3 and S K-L2,3

S Fe S Fe

Cav (atom frac) 0.5052 0.4948 Cav (atom frac) 0.503 0.497

Z-correction 0.977 0.95 Z-correction 0.973 0.937

A-correction 1.118 0.983 A-correction 1.041 0.997

F-correction 1.003 1 F-correction 1.001 1

σ (7 replicates) 0.00075 0.00075 σ (7 replicates) 0.00056 0.00056

σRel (%) 0.15 % 0.15 % σRel (%) 0.11 % 0.11 %

RDEV (%) 1.00 % −1.00 % RDEV (%) 0.59 % −0.59 %

C (mass frac, single analysis) 0.3699 0.6305 C (mass frac, single analysis) 0.3627 0.6257

Counting error, std 0.00020 0.0003 Counting error, std 0.0002 0.0008

Counting error, unk 0.00020 0.0007 Counting error, unk 0.0003 0.0018

A-factor error 0.0017 0.0002 A-factor error 0.0006 4.10E-05

5 4.10×10–6 –5 1.30×10–6
Z-factor error 2.20×10 Z-factor error 2.20×10

Combined errors 0.0017 0.0008 Combined errors 0.0007 0.0019

..      Table 20.2 Analysis of FeS2 (pyrite) at E0 = 20 keV with CuS ..      Table 20.4 Analysis of FeS2 at E0 = 10 keV with CuS and Fe as
and Fe as fitting references and standards Integrated spectrum fitting references and standards Integrated spectrum count,
count, 0.1.–20 keV = 7,765,000; uncertainties expressed in mass 0.1–10 keV = 6,253,000); uncertainties expressed in mass
fraction. Analysis performed with Fe K-L2,3 and S K-L2,3 fraction. Analysis performed with Fe K-L2,3 and S K-L2,3

S Fe S Fe

Cav (atom frac) 0.6726 0.3274 Cav (atom frac) 0.671 0.329

Z-correction 0.957 0.928 Z-correction 0.95 0.91

A-correction 1.181 0.975 A-correction 1.061 0.995

F-correction 1.003 1 F-correction 1.001 1

σ (7 replicates) 0.000314 0.000314 σ (7 replicates) 0.0007 0.0007

σRel (%) 0.05 % 0.10 % σRel (%) 0.11 % 0.21 %

RDEV (%) 0.88 % −1.80 % RDEV (%) 0.65 % −1.30 %

C (mass frac, single analysis) 0.5485 0.4657 C (mass frac, single analysis) 0.537 0.4618

Counting error, std 0.0003 0.0002 Counting error, std 0.0003 0.0006

Counting error, unk 0.0003 0.0006 Counting error, unk 0.0003 0.0016

A-factor error 0.0023 0.0002 A-factor error 0.0008 4.30E-05

Z-factor error 3.30×10–5 2.90×10–6 Z-factor error 3.20×10–5 9.60×10–7

Combined errors 0.0023 0.0007 Combined errors 0.0009 0.0017

choice of beam energy. If the beam energy can be decreased, 10 keV gives the results shown in . Tables 20.3 and 20.4. The
considering also the constraints imposed by having sufficient absorption factor A from is reduced from 1.118 to 1.04 for S
overvoltage for all elements to be analyzed, the absorption in FeS and from 1.18 to 1.06 for S in FeS2, and the relative
correction factor and its uncertainty can also be reduced. For errors are also reduced slightly, from 1 to 0.59 % for S in FeS
the Fe-S examples, lowering the beam energy from 20 to and from 0.88 to 0.65 % for S in FeS2.
318 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

20.3.2  nalysis of Major Constituents

A separated by 36 eV, as shown in . Fig. 20.5. Analysis of PbS
(C > 0.1 Mass Fraction) with Severely with DTSA II using CuS and PbSe as peak-fitting references
Overlapping Peaks and as standards yields the results in . Table 20.5. Despite
the severe peak interference, the relative error based on the
formula stoichiometry is only ±1.2 % for S and Pb.
PbS Note that an alternative analytical approach would be to
The throughput and the peak stability (calibration and reso- select the beam energy such that E0 ≥ 20 keV so that the Pb
lution) of SDD-EDS spectrometry enable collection of high L-family is excited (LIII = 13.04 keV). With this choice of exci-
count, high quality spectra (>5 million counts) within mod- tation, the Pb L3-M4,5 peak at 10.55 keV, which does not suffer
est measurement time, 100 s or less. High count spectra interference, could be chosen to measure Pb. Of course, the S
enable measurements of minor and trace constituents with K still must be deconvoluted from the interference from the
high precision. High counts and stable peak structures are Pb M-family since there is no alternate peak to measure for S.
critical for successful peak intensity measurements by peak-­
fitting methods, which is especially important for situations MoS2
where two or more peaks are so close in photon energy that MoS2 represents an even greater analytical challenge because
the EDS resolution function convolves the peaks into mutual the peaks that must be used for analysis, S K-L2 (2.307 keV)
interference. Despite extreme peak interference, quantitative and Mo L3-M4,5 (2.293 keV), are separated by only 14 eV, as
X-ray microanalysis can be achieved with RDEV values of shown in . Fig. 20.6. Analysis of MoS2 with DTSA II using
5 % relative or less (Newbury and Ritchie 2015a). CuS and Mo as peak-fitting references and as standards yields
PbS (galena) represents a challenging analysis situation the results in . Table 20.6. Despite the severe peak interfer-
for EDS because of the severe interference between the S ence, the relative error based on the formula stoichiometry is
K-L2 (2.307 keV) and Pb M5-N6,7 (2.343 keV), which are only −0.34 % for S and 0.7 % for Mo.

a 120 000 PbS_10kV20nA


100 000 E0 = 10 KeV

80 000 Fitting residual

60 000

40 000

20 000

1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3
Photon energy (keV)

b PbS_10kV20nA
14 000 Residual_PbS_10kV20nA

12 000

10 000

8 000
6 000

4 000

2 000

1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.5 a SDD-EDS spectrum of PbS (red) and residual (blue) after DTSA II analysis using CuS and PbSe as fitting references and standards.
b Expanded view
20.4 · The Need for an Iterative Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Strategy
319 20
analysis, O has been directly analyzed with the k-ratio/matrix
..      Table 20.5 Analysis of PbS at E0 = 10 keV with CuS and PbSe
as fitting references and standards; Integrated spectrum count,
corrections protocol and not by the method of assumed stoi-
0.1–10 keV = 5,482,000; uncertainties expressed in mass fraction. chiometry. The analytical results are seen to closely match the
Analysis performed with Pb M5-N6,7 and S K-L2,3 stoichiometry of the ideal mineral formula.

S Pb

Cav (atom frac) 0.4938 0.5062

20.3.5  a-Ti Interference: Major/Minor
Constituent Interference in K2496
Z-correction 1.31 0.983
Microanalysis Glass
A-correction 1.028 1.056

F-correction 1 1 NIST microanalysis research material K2496 glass contains

these same elements, but with Ba as a major constituent
σ (7 replicates) 0.000953 0.000953
(C = 0.4299 mass fraction) and Ti as a minor constituent
σRel (%) 0.19 % 0.19 % (C = 0.01799 mass fraction), giving an elemental ratio of Ba/
RDEV (%) −1.20 % 1.2 Ti = 23.9. . Figure 20.8a shows the SDD-EDS spectrum and
residual after peak fitting, and . Table 20.8 contains the
C (mass frac, single analysis) 0.1306 0.8651
results of the analysis. Despite the severe overlap and the
Counting error, std 0.0001 0.0009 large elemental ratio, the concentration for Ti is measured
Counting error, unk 0.0003 0.001 with reasonable accuracy. A reasonable question that the
analyst might ask is, If it was not known that the Ti was pres-
A-factor error 0.0002 0.0017
ent, could it be detected? . Figure 20.8b shows the fitting
Z-factor error 1.50×10–5 0.0001 residual for an analysis protocol in which Ti was not fit. The
Combined errors 0.0004 0.0022 peaks for Ti K-L2,3 and Ti K-M3 are revealed in the residual

20.3.3  nalysis of a Minor Constituent

with Peak Overlap From a Major 20.4  he Need for an Iterative Qualitative
Constituent and Quantitative Analysis Strategy
The problem of accurately recovering peak intensities when
The analysis of NIST glass K2496 demonstrates that rigorous
overlaps occur is exacerbated when the concentration ratio of
analysis requires an iterative qualitative analysis–quantita-
the elements producing the overlapping peaks is large, for
tive analysis approach. When analyzing an unknown
example, a major constituent (C > 0.1 mass fraction) interfering
material, it is likely that some constituents at the minor and
with a minor (0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1) constituent. The high throughput
trace level will not be obvious when the first qualitative anal-
(>100 kHz output count rate) of SDD-EDS enables collection
ysis is performed due to peak interference from constituents
of high count EDS spectra in modest collection time (e.g.,
at higher concentrations. An alternating qualitative–quanti-
10 million counts in 100 s). Moreover, the high throughput of
tative analytical strategy is required to discover possibly hid-
SDD-EDS is achieved with stability in both the peak position
den minor and trace constituents. In the initial qualitative
(i.e., calibration) and the peak shape (i.e., resolution) across the
analysis, the EDS spectrum is evaluated to identify the major
entire input count rate range. In simultaneous WDS-EDS
and minor elemental constituents whose peaks are readily
measurements, this SDD-EDS performance been demon-
identifiable. The k-ratio/matrix correction protocol is then
strated to the spectrum measurement capabilities necessary for
applied with appropriate choices for elemental peak-fitting
robust MLLS peak-fitting to achieve accurate measurement of
references and for standards, and the “residual” spectrum is
the interfering peak intensities equal to that of WDS on the
constructed that contains the intensity remaining after the
spectroscopically resolved peaks (Ritchie et al. 2012).
fitted peaks have been subtracted. If all constituents have
been accounted for, this residual spectrum should only con-
sist of the continuum background and possibly also artifact
20.3.4 Ba-Ti Interference in BaTiSi3O9 peaks such as escape and coincidence peaks. However,
because of the relative poor energy resolution of EDS, the
BaTiSi3O9 (benitoite) provides an example of severe interfer- analyst must perform a second qualitative analysis of the
ence between two constituents of identical atomic concentra- residual spectrum for the presence of previously unrecog-
tion but with a mass concentration ratio of Ba/Ti = 2.9—Ti nized peaks that are associated with constituents that suffer
K-L2,3 (4.510 keV) and Ba L3-M4,5 (4.466 keV)—which are interference from the higher intensity peaks. If such peaks
separated by 44 eV, as shown in . Fig. 20.7. DTSA II analysis are discovered and assigned to an element(s) not previously
of benitoite with Ti and sanbornite (BaSi2O5) as fitting refer- recognized, the quantitative analysis must then be repeated
ences and standards is given in . Table 20.7. Note that in this with this element(s) included in the peak-fitting and
320 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

a 350 000 MoS2_10kV20nA11%DT100s


300 000
E0 = 10 KeV
250 000 MoS2
Fitting residual
200 000

150 000

100 000

50 000

1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3
Photon energy (keV)

b MoS2_10kV20nA11%DT100s
20 000

15 000

10 000

5 000

1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.6 a SDD-EDS spectrum of MoS2 (red) at E0 = 10 keV (7,326,000 counts) and residual (blue) after DTSA II analysis using CuS and Mo as
­fitting references and standards. b Expanded view

­ uantification suite of elements. A third iteration may be

..      Table 20.6 Analysis of MoS2 at E0 = 10 keV with CuS and Mo
as fitting references and standards; integrated spectrum count,
necessary to recover constituents present at the trace level
0.1–10 keV = 7,326,000; uncertainties expressed in mass fraction. near the limits of detection.
Analysis performed with Mo L2,3-M4,5 and S K-L2,3

S Mo 20.4.1  nalysis of a Complex Metal Alloy,

Cav (atom frac) 0.6644 0.3356 IN100
Z-correction 1.039 0.884
IN100 is a nickel-based superalloy which produces the
A-correction 1.083 1.024 EDS spectrum shown in . Fig. 20.9. In the first qualitative
F-correction 1 1 analysis, characteristic X-ray peaks were identified for
20 σ (7 replicates) 0.0022 0.0022 Al K; the Ti K-family; the Cr, Co, and Ni K- and L- fami-
lies; and Mo L-family. Analysis with the k-ratio/matrix
σRel (%) 0.33 % 0.66 %
correction protocol using pure elements as peak-fitting
RDEV (%) −0.34 % 0.70 % references and as standards gave the results shown in
C (mass frac, single analysis) 0.3972 0.6046 . Table 20.9, with the analytical total slightly below unity.
Counting error, std 0.0003 0.0003
Close inspection of the residual spectrum in . Fig. 20.9
showed an anomaly at the energy of Ti K-M4,5 (4.931 keV))
Counting error, unk 0.0006 0.0014
which closely corresponds to the energy of V K-L2,3
A-factor error 0.0006 0.0006 (4.952 keV) with a separation of 21 eV. When V
Z-factor error 2.80×10–5 4.40×10–5 was included in the suite of fitted elements, the anomaly
Combined errors 0.0008 0.0015
in the residual spectrum was eliminated, as shown in
. Fig. 20.10, and a minor V constituent was recovered in the
20.4 · The Need for an Iterative Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Strategy
321 20

a Benitoite_10kV20nA7%DT
20 000

15 000

10 000

5 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

b Benitoite_10kV20nA7%DT
5 000

4 000

3 000

2 000

1 000

3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.7 a SDD-EDS spectrum of BaTiSi3O9 (benitoite) (red) at E0 = 10 keV (11,137,000 counts) and residual (blue) after DTSA II analysis using
BaSi2O5 (sanbornite) and Ti as fitting references and standards. b Expanded view

..      Table 20.7 Analysis of BaTiSi3O9 (benitoite) at E0 = 10 keV with Ti and sanbornite (BaSi2O5) as fitting references and standards;
integrated spectrum count = 11,366,000. Analysis performed with O K- L2,3, Si K-L2,3, Ti K-L2,3 and Ba L3-M4,5

O Si Ti Ba

Cav (atom frac) 0.6416 0.2149 0.07096 0.07256

Z-correction 0.955 0.953 0.947 0.943

A-correction 0.804 1.041 0.989 1.004

F-correction 1 1 1.007 1

σ (7 replicates) 0.000269 0.00016 0.000176 0.000176

σRel (%) 0.04 % 0.07 % 0.25 % 0.24 %

RDEV (%) −0.20 % 0.28 % −0.66 % 1.60 %

C (mass frac, single analy- 0.3462 0.2032 0.1143 0.3356


Counting error, std 0.0002 0.0001 7.10×10–5 0.0006

Counting error, unk 0.0002 0.0001 0.0004 0.0009

A-factor error 0.0142 0.0003 2.10×10–5 3.50×10–5

Z-factor error 0.0003 2.40×10–5 1.10×10–6 2.80×10–6

Combined errors 0.0142 0.0003 0.0004 0.0011

322 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

a 24 000 K2496_1_10kV20nAMED73kHz8DT_100s
K2496 glass Residual_K2496_1_10kV20nAMED73kHz8DT_100s]
22 000 E0 = 10 kev
20 000 1000 nA-s
O 0.323
18 000 0.1-10keV integral = 12,175,000 counts
Si 0.229
16 000 SiO2
Ti 0.018
BaSi2O5 (Sanbornite) for Ba

14 000 Ba 0.430
12 000 Ba/Ti = 23.9
10 000
8 000
6 000
4 000
2 000
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Photon energy (keV)

b 6 000 K2496_10kV20nA8%DT
K2496 glass
5 000
BaSi2O5 (Sanbornite) for Ba
4 000 No peak fitting for Ti

3 000

2 000

1 000

3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.8 a SDD-EDS spectrum of NIST microanalysis glass K2496 dards. b Same analysis protocol, but not including Ti in the peak-fitting.
(red) at E0 = 10 keV (12,175,000 counts) and residual (blue) after DTSA II Note low level peaks for Ti K-L2,3 and Ti K-M3 (Ba L-family peaks marked
analysis using BaSi2O5 (sanbornite) and Ti as fitting references and stan- as green lines)

..      Table 20.8 Analysis of NIST microanalysis glass K2496 at E0 = 10 keV with Ti and sanbornite (BaSi2O5) as fitting references and
standards; integrated spectrum count = 12,175,000. Analysis performed with O K- L2,3, Si K-L2,3, Ti K-L2,3 and Ba L3-M4,5

O Si Ti Ba

Cav (atom frac) 0.6228 0.2585 0.01171 0.1069

Z-correction 0.984 0.983 0.983 0.98

A-correction 0.966 1.017 0.986 1.001

F-correction 1 1 1.01 1

20 σ (7 replicates) 0.000158 0.000277 0.000217 0.000226

σRel (%) 0.03 % 0.11 % 1.80 % 0.21 %

RDEV (%) −1.70 % 0.99 % −0.64 % 8.70 %

C (mass frac) 0.3066 0.223 0.0177 0.4527

Counting error, std 0.0002 0.0002 1.10×10–5 0.0008

Counting error, unk 0.0002 0.0001 0.0004 0.0007

A-factor error 0.0021 8.80×10–5 3.90×10–6 1.20×10–5

Z-factor error 0.0003 2.70×10–5 1.80×10–7 4.00×10–6

Combined errors 0.0021 0.0002 0.0004 0.0011

20.4 · The Need for an Iterative Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Strategy
323 20

a IN100_20kV_residual
80 000 IN100 IN100_20kV

E0 = 20 kev
60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

b 10 000 IN100_20kV_residual

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV) Note anomaly
in background at TiK-M2,3
corresponding to V K-L2,3

..      Fig. 20.9 Analysis of IN100 alloy fitting for Al, Ti, Cr, Co, Ni and Mo: K-M4,5 (4.931 keV), which closely corresponds to the energy of V K-L2,3
a full spectrum (blue) and residual spectrum after peak-fitting (red); (4.952 keV)
b expanded view, note anomaly in background at the energy of Ti

analysis (. Table 20.9), despite the severe interference from

..      Table 20.9 Analysis of IN100
the Ti constituent which has a concentration more than four
1st quantitative analysis 2nd quantitative times higher.

Raw 0.9944 ± 0.0011 1.0032 ± 0.0013 20.4.2 Analysis of a Stainless Steel


Al 0.0559 ± 0.0007 0.0562 ± 0.0007 When is a Standard Not Suitable as a Peak-Fitting Reference?
Ti 0.0473 ± 0.0001 0.0474 ± 0.0001 One of the great strengths of the k-ratio/matrix correc-
tion protocol is simplicity of the required standards. Pure
V 0.0110 ± 0.0002 elements can be used for most of the periodic table, and for
Cr 0.0981 ± 0.0002 0.0949 ± 0.0006 those elements that are not in a suitable solid form at ambient
temperature and at the low chamber pressure, stoichiometric
Co 0.1551 ± 0.0003 0.1553 ± 0.0003
binary compounds that are stable under the beam can be
Ni 0.6065 ± 0.0008 0.6069 ± 0.0008 used. This is an excellent situation for the analyst, since it is
Mo 0.0315 ± 0.0002 0.0315 ± 0.0002 generally not possible to have a multi-element standard that
is homogeneous on the microscopic scale and similar in
324 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

a IN100_20kV
10 000 IN100 Residual[IN100_20kV]
E0 = 20 kev
8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

b IN100_20kV_residual
IN100 Residual[IN100_20kV]_withV-fit
4 000 Residual without V
Residual with V
3 000

2 000

1 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.10 a IN100 superalloy, fitting for Al, Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni, and Mo. b Comparison of fitting residuals with and without inclusion of V; the
­background anomaly is eliminated

composition to a particular unknown specimen. For many the results given in . Table 20.10 (column 2) are obtained.
simple binary as well as more complex mixtures of elements, Close examination of the residual spectrum reveals the peaks
Nature favors heterogeneity on the microscale, and many of the Mn K-family. When the analysis is repeated including
combinations of elements tend to phase separate to produce Mn in the suite of fitted elements, the results given in
chemically heterogeneous microstructures. However, there . Table 20.10 (column 3) are obtained with a concentration
are important cases where microscopically homogeneous, of Mn = 0.0154, and the residual spectrum no longer contains
multi-element compositions are available, such as minerals, anomalous peaks, as shown in . Fig. 20.11c, d.
glasses, and a few metal alloys. An example is NIST Standard
Reference Material 479, an Fe-Cr-Ni alloy which is certified
to be homogeneous on a microscopic scale. SRM 479 can 20.4.3  rogressive Discovery: Repeated
serve as a standard for the analysis of another more complex Qualitative–Quantitative Analysis
stainless steel. . Figure 20.11 shows the spectrum of a type Sequences
316 stainless steel which the initial qualitative analysis shows
20 that in addition to Cr, Fe, and Ni also contains peaks for Si Complex unknowns may require several iterations of qualita-
and Mo. While SRM 479 is an ideal standard for this analysis tive and quantitative analysis to discover all of the constitu-
of Cr, Fe, and Ni, it is not suitable to provide peak-fitting ref- ents. For such situations, the analytical total as well as the
erences for Cr, Fe, and Ni because of the mutual interference residual spectrum serve as powerful guides to reach a suc-
of these peaks. Thus, pure elements for Cr, Fe, and Ni are cessful result. As an example, consider the spectrum of a
used for the peak-fitting references, while SRM 479 is used as monazite (a lanthanum-cerium phosphate mineral) shown
the standard, reducing the magnitude of the matrix correc- in . Fig. 20.12a, b. The elements recognized in the first quali-
tions because of the close similarity of the unknown and tative analysis stage are O, P, La, Ce (major) and Al, Si, Ca,
standard compositions. When the analysis is performed, and Th (minor). The first quantitative analysis round for
including elemental Si and Mo as references and standards, these elements, with O calculated by stoichiometry, yielded
20.4 · The Need for an Iterative Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Strategy
325 20

100 000 StainlessSteel_RR_residual
Stainless steel
E0 = 20 kev
80 000

60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

c StainlessSteel_RR_20kV
6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

d Residual[StainlessSteel_RR_20kV]
4 000

3 000

Stainless steel
2 000 Residual without Mn
Residual with Mn

1 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.11 a Stainless steel, fitting for Si, Cr, Fe, Ni, and Mo; residual in blue. b Expanded vertical scale, note detection of Mn. c Stainless steel,
fitting for Si, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Mo; residual in blue. d Comparison of residuals with fitting for Mn (red) and without (blue)
326 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

microstructure. Indeed, the great value of electron excited

..      Table 20.10 Analysis of a type 316 stainless steel (mass
X-ray microanalysis is its capability to measure elemental
composition on the spatial scale of a micrometer and finer to
1st quantitative analysis 2nd quantitative characterize this chemical microstructure.
analysis As part of an effective analysis strategy, it is generally wise
to make multiple measurements of each distinct region of
Raw 0.9861 ± 0.0009 1.0031 ± 0.0009
interest of a specimen rather than just a single measurement.
When a material is sampled at multiple locations under
Si 0.0053 ± 0.0001 0.0053 ± 0.0001 ­carefully controlled, reproducible analytical conditions, there
Cr 0.1705 ± 0.0003 0.1711 ± 0.0003 will inevitably be variations in the results due to the natural
statistical fluctuations in the numbers of measured X-rays,
Mn 0.0154 ± 0.0002
both for the characteristic and continuum background of the
Fe 0.6539 ± 0.0006 0.6545 ± 0.0006 specimen and the standard. The question often arises when
Ni 0.1328 ± 0.0005 0.1330 ± 0.0005 examining the variations in such replicate results if the mate-
rial can be regarded as homogeneous or if the degree of
Mo 0.0237 ± 0.0002 0.0238 ± 0.0002
variation in the results is indicative of actual specimen het-
In electron-excited X-ray microanalysis, what is of ulti-
the results listed in . Table 20.11 (first analysis). The analyti- mate importance is the precision of the composition rather
cal total is anomalously low at 0.7635. The second round of than just that of an individual intensity measurement for an
qualitative analysis of the fitting residuals from the first quan- element. This point has been discussed in detail by Ziebold
titative analysis in . Fig. 20.12c–e shows several new peaks (1967) and Lifshin et al. (1999). Note first that a k ratio con-
that are identified: Sr, Y, and Zr in the P region and Ti, Pr, and sists actually of the averages of four measurements: Nsam, the
Nd in the La-Ce region. When these elements are included in mean intensity measured on the sample; Nsam(B), the corre-
the second round of quantitative analysis, as listed in sponding mean background at the same energy; Nstan, the
. Table 20.11, the analytical total increases to 0.9629. The intensity measured on the standard; and Nstan(B), the corre-
third round of qualitative analysis of the fitting residuals sponding background for the standard:
from the second quantitative analysis in . Fig. 20.12f,g shows
Nb in the P region and Sm and Fe in the La-Ce region. After k =  N sam − N sam ( B )  /  N stan − N stan ( B )  (20.4)
the third round of quantitative analysis, the analytical total
increases to 0.9960, and the third round residuals are shown
In reality a single measurement of each of the four terms in
in . Fig. 20.12h, i superimposed on the residuals from rounds
Eq. (20.4) results in only a single estimate of k and many sets
one and two, indicating only minor changes between rounds
of measurements are required to approach the true mean
two and three. Should this analysis be repeated for a fourth
value of k.
round? The level of Nb that has been measured is only 0.0006
For multiple determinations of the k-ratio, Ziebold (1967)
(600 ppm), and the confidence is this level is low. There
showed that the precision in the k-ratio (σk) is given by
remain some low level structures in the third analysis residu-
als, but to take this analysis further, the spectrum should be
 ( N + N ( B ) ) /  n ( N − N ( B ) ) 2  
measured for additional time to increase the total count at   sam sam  sam sam sam
 
least by a factor of four. σk 2
=k 2
2 
+ ( N stan + N stan ( B ) ) / nstan ( N stan − N stan ( B ) )  
  

20.5 Is the Specimen Homogeneous?
where N represents the mean of the set of measurements for
For the most part, Nature seems to prefer heterogeneity on a each parameter, for example:
microscopic scale. That is, many combinations of two or
20 more elements spontaneously form two or more phases,
N sam = ∑N i / nsam (20.6)
where a phase is defined as matter that is distinct in chemical i
composition and physical state, thus creating a chemical
20.5 · Is the Specimen Homogeneous?
327 20

a 350 000

300 000
Monazite (Kalimantan, Indonesia)
E0 = 20 keV
250 000

200 000

150 000

100 000

50 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

40 000
Analyze for
Major: P, La, Ce (O by stoichiometry)
Minor: Al, Si, Ca, Th
30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)
40 000 Residual_Kalimantan_Mona3-1_La-Ce

30 000

20 000

10 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.12 Monazite (lanthanum-cerium phosphate mineral) at quantitative analysis; d P-region, first residuals; e La-Ce-region, first
E0 = 20 keV; 0.1 keV to 30 keV = 48.7 million counts: a original spectrum; residuals; Round 2: f P-region, second residuals; g La-Ce-region, second
b vertical expansion; c Round 1: full spectrum residuals after first residuals; Round 3; h P-region, all residuals; i La-Ce-region, all residuals
328 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

40 000 Kal_Mona_Si-P-FIT

30 000

20 000

10 000

1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50
Photon energy (keV)
40 000 Kal_Monazite_La-Ce-FIT

30 000

20 000

10 000

4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0
Photon energy (keV)

40 000 Kal_Mona_Si-P-Sr-Zr_FIT

30 000

20 000

10 000

1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50
Photon energy (keV)
..      Fig. 20.12 (continued)
20.5 · Is the Specimen Homogeneous?
329 20

40 000 Kal_Monazite_Ti-La-Ce-Pr-Nd_FIT

30 000

20 000

10 000

4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0
Photon energy (keV)

40 000 Kal_Mona_Si-P-Sr-Y-Zr-Nb_FIT

30 000

20 000

10 000

1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50
Photon energy (keV)

40 000 Kal_Monazite_Ti-La-Ce-Pr-Nd_FIT

30 000

20 000

10 000

4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.12 (continued)

330 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

..      Table 20.11 Analysis of a monazite

Round O (by assumed Al Si P Ca Ti


First analysis 0.2363 ± 0.0008 0.0013 ± 0.0000 0.0049 ± 0.0000 0.1114 ± 0.0006 0.0007 ± 0.0000

Second analysis 0.2828 ± 0.0009 0.0016 ± 0.0000 0.0059 ± 0.0001 0.1240 ± 0.0007 0.0007 ± 0.0000 0.0071 ± 0.0001

Third analysis 0.2908 ± 0.0010 0.0015 ± 0.0000 0.0061 ± 0.0001 0.1263 ± 0.0007 0.0007 ± 0.0000 0.0072 ± 0.0001

Element Fe Sr Y Zr Nb La

First analysis 0.1359 ± 0.0002

Second analysis 0.0016 ± 0.0001 0.0098 ± 0.0002 0.0113 ± 0.0002 0.1585 ± 0.0003

Third analysis 0.0022 ± 0.0001 0.0028 ± 0.0001 0.0030 ± 0.0002 0.0117 ± 0.0002 0.0006 ± 0.0001 0.1591 ± 0.0003

Element Ce Pr Nd Sm Th Raw Sum

First analysis 0.2692 ± 0.0004 0.0038 ± 0.0001 0.7635 ± 0.0011

Second analysis 0.2699 ± 0.0004 0.0221 ± 0.0003 0.0750 ± 0.0003 0.0040 ± 0.0001 0.9629 ± 0.0013

Third analysis 0.2709 ± 0.0004 0.0221 ± 0.0003 0.0751 ± 0.0003 0.0073 ± 0.0005 0.0040 ± 0.0001 0.9960 ± 0.0030

and nsam and nstan are the numbers of measurements of the The use of Eq. (20.7) to calculate σc for an alloy with a
sample and standard. The corresponding precision in the composition of 0.215-Mo_0.785-W (21.5 wt % Mo and
measurement of the concentration is given by 78.5 wt % W) and the spectrum shown in . Fig. 20.13 is as
 ( N + N ( B ) ) / n ( N − N ( B ) ) 2  +  First determine the number of Mo L3-M5 and W L3-M5
  
= C 
sam sam sam sam sam
σC 2 2
 counts measured on the sample and standard as well as the
 ( N stan + N stan ( B ) ) / nstan ( N stan − N stan ( B ) )  
corresponding background counts for each:
  
At E0 = 20 keV and iB =10 nA for an SDD-EDS of
{1− ( a − 1) C / a }
Ω = 0.0077 sr, the spectrum of the alloy and the residual after
peak-fitting, as shown in . Fig. 20.13, gives the following
intensities for a single measurement:
where the parameter “a” is the constant in the hyperbolic
relation (Ziebold and Ogilvie 1964): Mo L3-M5 bkg W L3-M5 bkg
884416 195092 868516 111279
(1 − k ) / k = a (1 − C ) / C  (20.8)
The pure element standards gave the following values for
a single measurement:
The parameter “a” can be calculated using Eq. (20.8) with the
measured value of k and the calculated value of C from the 7016889 211262 1147787 134382
quantitative analysis software results. These intensities yield the following mean k-values:
Equation 20.4 makes it possible to assess statistical uncer-
tainty in an estimate of composition. For example, it can be 0.1260 0.7567
used to construct a confidence interval (e.g., ± 1.96σC gives
From the NIST DTSA-II results and Eq. (20.6):
the 95 % confidence interval) for the difference of two sam-
20 ples or to plan how many counts must be collected to be able
Mo k = 0.1235 C = 0.2132 (normalized C = 0.2148) a = 1.92
to estimate differences between two samples at the desired
W k = 0.7540 C = 0.7792 (normalized C = 0.7852) a = 1.15
level of precision. The calculation of the confidence interval
is based on the normal distribution of the estimate of C for
Substituting these values in Eq. (20.4) gives
large samples. This confidence interval is only based on the
statistical uncertainty inherent in the X-ray counts. The full Mo W
error budget requires also estimating the uncertainty in the σC = 0.0003 σC = 0.0012
principal matrix corrections for absorption (A) and scatter-
Thus, from the statistics of the X-ray counts measured for
ing/energy loss (Z) (Ritchie and Newbury 2012). NIST
the alloy and the pure element standards, the 95 % confidence
DTSA-II provides these error estimates in addition to the
limit for reproducibility is given by ± 1.96σC
error in the measurement of the k-ratio.
20.6 · Beam-Sensitive Specimens
331 20

60 000 21.5-Mo_78.5-W_residual

40 000

20 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.13 EDS spectrum of 0.215-Mo, 0.785-W alloy showing the residuals after peak fitting; E0 = 20 keV

Mo constituent from the ideal values. This deviation is well

..      Table 20.12 Analysis of 0.215-Mo_0.785-W alloy (normal-
outside that expected from natural variations due to statistical
ized mass fractions) (analysis in bold used for the calculations
above) fluctuations in the measured counts as calculated above.
The full uncertainty budget reported by DTSA-II, includ-
Mo W ing the estimates for the uncertainties in the A and Z matrix
corrections as well as the X-ray statistics is
0.2166 0.7834
Mo W
0.2148 0.7852
σC = 0.0039 σC = 0.0017
0.2141 0.7859
The large increase in σC for Mo beyond the contribution
0.2177 0.7823 of the X-ray statistics is due to the contribution of the matrix
0.2185 0.7815 correction factor for absorption, A = 0.528.
0.2180 0.7820

0.2175 0.7825 20.6 Beam-Sensitive Specimens

0.2203 0.7797
In some cases, the interaction of the electron beam can dam-
0.2275 0.7725
age the specimen and locally alter the composition, often
0.2312 0.7688 with the effects showing a strong dependence on the total
0.2346 0.7654
dose, the dose per unit volume, and the dose rate.

0.2363 0.7637

0.2358 0.7642 20.6.1 Alkali Element Migration

0.2344 0.7656
In some insulating materials, especially non-crystalline mate-
0.2389 0.7611 rials such as glasses, alkali family elements can migrate in
response to the local charge injected below the surface by the
beam, even when a thin conducting surface layer such as car-
Mo C = 0.2148 ± 0.0006 or 0.215 ± 0.28 % bon has been applied to discharge the specimen. Migration
W C = 0.7852 ± 0.0024 or 0.785 ± 0.31 % typically leads to diminishing alkali concentration with time
in the excited volume. The phenomenon can be detected by
If multiple locations are measured under consistent mea- measuring a time series of spectra and carefully comparing the
surement conditions—e.g., constant beam energy, beam cur- intensity of alkali element peaks to stable matrix peaks such as
rent, and EDS performance—then values that fall outside the that of Si, as shown in . Fig. 20.14 for “Corning glass A” which
ranges given for Mo and W are indicative of heterogeneity, has a high alkali composition with approximately 10 weight
that is, real deviations in the composition of the alloy. percent Na and 2.4 weight percent potassium (listed in
. Table 20.12 lists 15 measurements on this alloy made at ran- . Table 20.11) (Vicenzi et al. 2002). Each spectrum shown in
domly selected locations, which reveal significant heterogene- . Fig. 20.14 was recorded for 10 s with a fixed, focused beam,
ity with the most extreme excursion approximately 11 % in the which creates the maximum possible dose per unit volume.
332 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

8 000
Corning Glass A CorningA_poi
p nt_10s_15kV15nA

Si ka1+2
p nt_20s_15kV15nA
E0 = 15 keV CorningA_poi
p nt_50s_15kV15nA
p nt_100s_15kV15nA
6 000 Fixed beam
150 nA-s
300 nA-s

4 000 750 nA-s

1500 nA-s

2 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)
2 000
Corning Glass A CorningA_point_20s_15kV15nA
E0 = 15 keV CorningA_point_100s_15kV15nA
1 500 Fixed beam
150 nA-s
300 nA-s

1 000
750 nA-s
1500 nA-s

2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.14 Corning glass A, showing Na and K migration as a function of dose for a fixed beam (15 keV, 15 nA)

Comparing the first (150-nA-s dose) and the second spectra Methods to reduce alkali element migration are based on
(300-nA-s dose), the Na intensity is seen to fall by more than a modifying the total dose, the dose per unit area (and volume),
factor of two as the dose increases, while the K intensity and/or the dose rate. Reducing the dose per unit area is often
diminishes by approximately 20 %. After a dose of 1500 nA-s, one of the most effective ways to control migration. By defo-
the Na peak is reduced to approximately 10 % of its intensity cusing the fixed beam or by scanning the focused beam rap-
after 10 s, while the K peak decreases to approximately 25 % of idly over a large area, the dose per unit area can be greatly
its original value, whereas other non-alkali elements—e.g., reduced, often by several orders of magnitude, compared to a
Mg, Al, Ca, Si, etc.—remain nearly constant with dose. Even fixed, focused beam. Because of the basic assumption of the
this time series is somewhat misleading. If the initial dose is k-ratio/matrix correction protocol that the material being
reduced by a factor of 10, the Na intensity observed is higher analyzed must have the same composition over the entire vol-
by approximately 30 %, as shown in . Fig. 20.15, while the K ume excited by the electron beam, this increased-area strategy
20 intensity is higher by approximately 5 %. At the extremely high is only valid providing the region of analytical interest is
volumetric dose created by the fixed point beam in these homogeneous over a sufficiently large to accommodate the
experiments, significant alkali migration occurs even with the defocused or rapidly scanned beam. The effect of increasing
initial short beam dwell (e.g., 1 s, 15 nA). The effects of the the scanned area is shown in . Fig. 20.16 for Corning glass A,
dose on the results obtained by quantitative analysis with where the measured Na intensity increases rapidly as the
DTSA-II are given in . Table 20.13. Even in the first analysis scanned area is increased. . Table 20.14 compares DTSA-II
(150 nA-s dose), the measured Na concentration is a factor of quantitative analyses of spectra with the same dose (15 keV,
2 lower than the synthesized glass composition, and after the 1500 nA-s) obtained with a point beam and with that beam
maximum dose utilized for this series (1500 nA-s dose), the rapidly scanning over an area 100 μm square. The scanned
Na concentration has decreased by a factor of 11. area results correspond very closely to the as-synthesized
20.6 · Beam-Sensitive Specimens
333 20

Corning Glass A
E0 = 15 keV
15 nA-s

150 nA-s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)


Corning Glass A
E0 = 15 keV
15 nA-s

150 nA-s

2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.15 Corning glass A, showing Na and K migration compared as a function of dose with a reduction of a factor of 10 difference for a
fixed beam (15 keV, 15 nA); spectra normalized to the Si peak

..      Table 20.13 DTSA-II analysis of Corning Glass A (E0 = 15 keV), oxygen by assumed stoichiometry, fixed beam

Element As-­synthesized 150 nA-s raw mass 300 nA-s raw mass 750 nA-s raw mass 1500 nA-s raw mass
mass conc conc conc conc conc

O 0.4421 0.4316 ± 0.0009 0.4313 ± 0.0009 0.4496 ± 0.0009 0.4644 ± 0.0009

Na 0.1061 0.0519 ± 0.0004 0.0364 ± 0.0004 0.0172 ± 0.0003 0.0098 ± 0.0003

Mg 0.0160 0.0161 ± 0.0002 0.0161 ± 0.0002 0.0178 ± 0.0002 0.0186 ± 0.0002

Al 0.0529 0.0050 ± 0.0001 0.0051 ± 0.0001 0.0052 ± 0.0001 0.0058 ± 0.0001

Si 0.3111 0.3192 ± 0.0006 0.3230 ± 0.0007 0.3438 ± 0.0007 0.3574 ± 0.0007

K 0.0238 0.0251 ± 0.0003 0.0230 ± 0.0003 0.0195 ± 0.0003 0.0166 ± 0.0003

Ca 0.0359 0.0363 ± 0.0003 0.0364 ± 0.0003 0.0381 ± 0.0003 0.0386 ± 0.0003

Ti 0.00474 0.0053 ± 0.0002 0.0059 ± 0.0002 0.0057 ± 0.0002 0.0057 ± 0.0002

Mn 0.00775 0.0086 ± 0.0003 0.0084 ± 0.0003 0.0091 ± 0.0003 0.0101 ± 0.0003

Fe 0.00762 0.0083 ± 0.0003 0.0082 ± 0.0003 0.0074 ± 0.0003 0.0090 ± 0.0003

Cu 0.00935 0.0098 ± 0.0005 0.0104 ± 0.0005 0.0112 ± 0.0005 0.0108 ± 0.0005

Sn 0.00150 0.0030 ± 0.0008 0.0034 ± 0.0007 0.0036 ± 0.0007 0.0054 ± 0.0007

Sb 0.0146 0.0124 ± 0.0007 0.0140 ± 0.0007 0.0139 ± 0.0007 0.0140 ± 0.0007

Ba 0.0050 0.0045 ± 0.0005 0.0036 ± 0.0005 0.0056 ± 0.0005 0.0042 ± 0.0005

Raw total 0.938 0.926 0.9485 0.9718

334 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

160 000 CorningA_1mu_15kV15nA

Corning Glass A CorningA_2mu_15kV15nA
140 000 E0 = 15 keV CorningA_5mu_15kV15nA
100 µm square CorningA_50mu_15kV15nA
120 000 CorningA_100mu_15kV15nA
50 µm square CorningA_spot_15kV15nA
10 000 20 µm square

5 µm square
80 000
2 µm square
60 000 1 µm square
40 000

20 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)

20 000
Corning Glass A CorningA_1mu_15kV15nA
E0 = 15 keV CorningA_5mu_15kV15nA
100 µm square CorningA_50mu_15kV15nA
15 000 CorningA_100mu_15kV15nA
50 µm square CorningA_spot_15kV15nA
20 µm square

5 µm square
10 000 2 µm square
1 µm square
5 000

2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.16 Corning glass A, showing Na and K migration as a function of dose for scanning beams covering various areas (20 keV, 10 nA)

v­ alues for the glass, including the alkali elements Na and K, and at the same dose with a fixed beam and two different
whereas the point beam results show reductions in the Na and sizes of scanned areas (lower). Thus, the use of a scanned area
K concentrations. . Figure 20.17 shows that the measured rather than a fixed beam may be necessary when collecting a
sodium and potassium concentrations increase to reach the standard spectrum, even on a crystalline material.
synthesized values as the scanned area dimensions are
increased to cover areas above 20 x 20-μm (nominal magnifi-
cation 5 kX) for the particular dose utilized (15 keV, 1500 nA-s). 20.6.2  aterials Subject to Mass Loss
Thus, while scanning a large homogeneous area obviously During Electron Bombardment—the
concedes the spatial resolution capability of electron-excited Marshall-Hall Method
X-ray microanalysis, this approach may be the most expedient
technique to control and minimize alkali element migration. Thin Section Analysis
20 Materials that can serve as useful standards for sodium The X-ray microanalysis of biological and polymeric speci-
include certain crystalline minerals such as albite (NaAlSi3O8) mens is made difficult, and sometimes impossible, by several
in which the sodium is much more stable under electron forms of radiation damage that are directly caused by the elec-
bombardment. However, even for albite the use of a station- tron beam. At the beam energies used in the SEM (0.1–
ary high intensity point beam may produce significant migra- 30 keV), it is possible for the kinetic energy of individual
tion effects, as shown in . Fig. 20.18 for spectra collected beam electrons to break and/or rearrange chemical bonds.
with a stationary point beam as a function of dose (upper) The radiation damage can release smaller molecules such as
20.6 · Beam-Sensitive Specimens
335 20

..      Table 20.14 DTSA-II quantitative analysis of Corning glass A: Comparison of results with a fixed beam and scanned beam (100 μm
square) (15 keV/15 nA); oxygen by assumed stoichiometry

Element As-­synthesized mass conc 1500 nA-s (fixed beam) raw mass conc 1500 nA-s (100 -μm2 scan) raw mass conc

O 0.4421 0.4644 ± 0.0009 0.4577 ± 0.0006

Na 0.1061 0.0098 ± 0.0003 0.1076 ± 0.0004

Mg 0.0160 0.0186 ± 0.0002 0.0164 ± 0.0001

Al 0.0529 0.0058 ± 0.0001 0.0056 ± 0.0000

Si 0.3111 0.3574 ± 0.0007 0.3239 ± 0.0005

K 0.0238 0.0166 ± 0.0003 0.0257 ± 0.0002

Ca 0.0359 0.0386 ± 0.0003 0.0350 ± 0.0001

Ti 0.00474 0.0057 ± 0.0002 0.0051 ± 0.0001

Mn 0.00775 0.0101 ± 0.0003 0.0082 ± 0.0001

Fe 0.00762 0.0090 ± 0.0003 0.0077 ± 0.0001

Cu 0.00935 0.0108 ± 0.0005 0.0096 ± 0.0003

Sn 0.00150 0.0054 ± 0.0007 0.0045 ± 0.0003

Sb 0.0146 0.0140 ± 0.0007 0.0125 ± 0.0002

Ba 0.0050 0.0042 ± 0.0005 0.0042 ± 0.0002

Raw total 0.9718 1.0254

..      Fig. 20.17 Results of quan-

titative analysis of Corning glass Corning glass A (E0 = 15 keV; 15 nA)
A as a function of the size of the 0.12
area scanned. Nominal magnifica-
tions indicated 2 kX
5 kX 1 kX
10 kX

0.08 Na
Concentration (mass)

0.06 20 kX


50 kX
Fixed 100 kX
0.02 500 kX
200 kX
1e-5 1e-4 1e-3 1e-2 1e-1 1e+0 1e+1 1e+2 1e+3 1e+4
Area bombarded (mm2)
336 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

7 000 Albite Albite_Point_10s_15kV15nA

6 000 E0 = 15 keV
Fixed beam
5 000 10 s spectra

4 000 1st (10 s)


5th (50 s)
3 000 10th (100 s)

2 000

1 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)

140 000 Albite_100kX_15kV15nA

120 000 Albite Albite_spot_15kV15nA

E0 = 15 keV
100 000 100 s spectra
1 µm x 1 µm
80 000

10 µm x 10 µm
60 000 Fixed beam

40 000

20 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 20.18 Albite (NaAlSi3O8); E0 = 15 keV, 15 nA: (upper) effect of increasing dose on the Na peak; (lower) effect of fixed beam versus scanned
beam on the Na peak

CO, CO2, and H2O that evaporate into the vacuum, causing Marshall and Hall (1966) and Hall (1968) made the original
substantial mass loss from the interaction volume. At the suggestion that the X-ray continuum could serve as an inter-
highest beam currents, typically 10–100 nA, used with a nal standard to monitor specimen changes. This assumption
focused beam at a static location, it is also possible to cause permitted development of the key procedure for beam-sensi-
highly damaging temperature elevations, which further exac- tive specimens that is used extensively in the biological com-
erbate mass loss. Indeed, when analyzing this specimen class munity and that is also applicable in many types of polymer
it should be assumed that significant mass loss will occur dur- analysis. This application marks the earliest use of the X-ray
ing the measurement at each point of the specimen. If all con- continuum as a tool (rather than simply a hindrance) for
stituents were lost at the same rate, then simply normalizing analysis, and that work forms the basis for the development of
20 the result would compensate for the mass loss that occurs the peak-to-local background method applied to challenging
during the accumulation of the X-ray spectrum. Unfortunately, geometric forms such as particles and rough surfaces. The
the matrix constituents (principally carbon compounds and technique was initially developed for applications in the high
water) can be selectively lost, while the heavy elements of beam current EPMA, but the procedure works well in the
interest in biological microanalysis (e. g., Mg, P, S, K, Ca, Fe, SEM environment.
etc.) remain in the bombarded region of the specimen and The Marshall–Hall method (Marshall and Hall 1966)
appear to be present at effectively higher concentration than requires that several key conditions:
existed in the original specimen. What is then required of any 1. The specimen must be in the form of a thin section,
analytical procedure for biological and polymeric specimens where the condition of “thin” is satisfied when the
is a mechanism to provide a meaningful analysis under these incident beam penetrates with negligible energy loss. For
conditions of a specimen that undergoes continuous change. an analytical beam energy of 10–30 keV, the energy loss
20.6 · Beam-Sensitive Specimens
337 20
passing through a section consisting of carbon approxi- concentration, Zi is the atomic number, and Ai is the atomic
mately 100–200 nm in thickness will be less than weight. The subscript “A” identifies a specific trace or minor
500 eV. This condition permits the beam energy to be analyte of interest (e.g., Mg, P, S, Cl, Ca, Fe, etc.) in the organic
treated as a constant, which is critical for the develop- matrix, while the subscript “i” represents all elements in the
ment of the correction formula. Biological specimens are electron-excited region. E0 is the incident beam energy and J
thus usually analyzed in the form of thin sections cut to is the mean ionization energy, a function only of atomic
approximately 100-nm thickness by microtome. number as used in the Bethe continuous energy loss equation
Polymers may also be analyzed when similarly prepared Assumption 2 provides that the quantity ∑(Ci•Zi2/Ai) in
as thin sections by microtoming or by ion beam milling. Eq. (20.9) for the biological or polymeric specimen to be ana-
Such a specimen configuration also has a distinct lyzed is dominated by the low-Z constituents of the matrix.
advantage for improving the spatial resolution of the (Some representative values of ∑(Ci•Zi2/Ai) are 3.67 (water),
analysis compared to a bulk specimen. The analytical 3.01 (nylon), 3.08 (polycarbonate) and 3.28 (protein with S).
volume in such thin specimens is approximately the Typically the range is between 2.8 and 3.8 for most biological
cylinder defined by the incident beam diameter and the and many polymeric materials.) The unknown contribution
section thickness, which is at least a factor of 10–100 of the analyte, CA, to the sum may be neglected when consid-
smaller in linear dimensions than the equivalent bulk ering the specimen because CA is low when the analytes are
specimen case at the same energy, as shown in the trace constituents.
polymer etching experiment in the Interaction Volume To perform a quantitative analysis, Eq. (20.9) is used in
module. the following manner: A standard for which all elemental
2. The matrix composition must be dominated by light concentrations are known and which contains the analyte(s)
elements, for example, C, H, N, O, whose contributions of interest “A” is prepared as a thin cross section (satisfying
will form nearly all of the X-ray continuum and whose assumption 3). This standard is measured under defined
concentrations are reasonably well known for the beam and spectrometer parameters to yield a characteristic-­
specimen. Elements of analytical interest such as Mg, P, to-­continuum ratio, IA/Icm. This measured ratio IA/Icm is set
S, Cl, K, Ca, and so on, the concentrations of which are equal to the right side of Eq. (20.9). Since the target being
unknown in the specimen, must only be present irradiated is a reference standard, the atomic numbers Zi,
preferably as trace constituents (<0.01 mass fraction) so atomic weights Ai and weight fractions Ci are known for all
that their effect on the X-ray continuum can be constituents, and the Ji values can be calculated as needed.
neglected. When the concentration rises above the low The only unknown term is then the constant “c” in Eq. (20.9),
end of the minor constituent range (e.g., 0.01 to 0.05 which can now be determined by dividing the measured
mass fraction or more), the analyte contribution to the intensity ratio, IA/Icm, by the calculated term. Next, under the
continuum can no longer be ignored. same measurement conditions, the characteristic “A” inten-
3. A standard must be available with a known concentra- sity and the continuum intensity at the chosen energy are
tion of the trace/minor analyte of interest and for which determined for the specimen location(s). Providing that the
the complete composition of low-atomic-number low-Z elements that form the matrix of the specimen are
elements is also known and which is stable under similar to the standard, or in the optimum case these
electron beam bombardment. Glasses synthesized with ­concentrations are actually known for the specimen (or can
low atomic number oxides such as boron oxide are be estimated from other information about the actual, local-
suitable for this role. The closer the low–atomic-number ized, material being irradiated by the electrons, and not some
element composition of the standard is to that of the bulk property), then this value of “c” determined from the
unknown, the more accurate will be the results. standard can be used to calculate the weight fraction of the
analyte, CA, for the specimen.
The detailed derivation yields the following general expres- This basic theme can be extended and several analytes—
sion for the Marshall–Hall method: “A,” “B,” “C,” etc.—can be analyzed simultaneously if a suit-
able standard or suite of standards containing the analytes is
CA available. The method can be extended to higher concentra-
I ch AA tions, but the details of this extension are beyond the scope of
=c (20.9) this book; a full description and derivation can be found in
I cm   Z2   E 
∑i Ci  Ai  log e 1.166 J 0  Kitazawa et al. (1983). Commercial computer X-ray analyzer
  i   i  systems may have the Marshall–Hall procedure included in
their suite of analysis tools. The Marshall–Hall procedure
In this equation, Ich is the characteristic intensity of the peak works well for thin specimens in the “conventional” analyti-
of interest, for example, S K-L2,3 or Ca K-L2,3, and Icm is the cal energy regime (E0 ≥ 10 keV) of the SEM. The method will
continuum intensity of a continuum window of width ΔE not work for specimens where the average atomic number is
placed somewhere in the high energy portion of the spec- expected to vary significantly from one analysis point to
trum, typically above 8 keV, so that absorption effects are another, or relative to that of the standard. A bulk specimen
negligible and only mass effects are important. Ci is the mass where the beam-damaged region is not constrained by the
338 Chapter 20 · Quantitative Analysis: The SEM/EDS Elemental Microanalysis k-ratio Procedure for Bulk Specimens, Step-by-Step

dimensions of the thin section, so that the region continues ratios are obtained, they can be used for quantitation in a
to change during electron bombardment also violates the number of ways. The P/B value for one element can be com-
fundamental assumptions. Consequently, many materials pared with the P/B value for another element in the same
science applications for “soft” materials cannot be accommo- sample and to a first order:
dated by the classic Marshall–Hall procedure.
( C / C ) = h ( P / B ) / ( P / B ) 
i j ij
Bulk Biological and Organic Specimens
i j

The quantitative procedures devised by Statham and Pawley where Ci and Cj are the percentage concentrations of ele-
(1978) and Small et al. (1979) for the analysis of particles and ments i and j and hij is a correction factor which can be
rough specimens have been adapted to the analysis of bulk obtained from measurements on a standard(s) of known
biological and organic samples (Roomans 1981, 1988; Echlin composition very similar in composition to the unknown.
1998). The method is based on the use of the ratio between Once hij has been empirically for the element(s) of interest,
the intensity of the characteristic and background X-rays measurements of the P/B ratio(s) from the unknown can be
defined as P/B, where P and B are measured over the range of immediately converted into concentration ratios. An advan-
energies that defines an EDS peak. The rationale behind the tage of taking the double ratio of (P/B) in Eq. (20.10) is the
development of the method is that since the characteristic suppression of matrix effects, to a first order.
and background X-rays are generated within nearly the same Alternatively, the P/B value for an element in the sample
depth distribution, they are subject to the same composi- can be compared with the P/B value for the same element in
tional related absorption and atomic number effects. It is a standard provided there is no significant difference in the
assumed that the percentage of characteristic X-rays absorbed matrix composition between sample and standard. If the
by the sample is the same as the percentage of continuum mean atomic number of a given sample is always the same,
X-rays of the same energy which are absorbed. In the ratio the Kramers’ relationship shows that the background radia-
P/B, the absorption factor (A) is no longer relevant as it has tion is proportional to atomic number. If the mean atomic
the same value in the numerator as the denominator and thus number of the sample is always the same, then
cancels. Since backscattered electrons are being lost due to
changes in atomic number (Z), there is a similar decrease in Ci = hi ( P / B )i (20.11)
the efficiency of production of both peak and background.
Because the reduced X-ray production affects both peak and
background in a similar (although not identical way), this where hi is a constant for each element. If it is possible to
factor is also cancelled out to a first order when the ratio P/B analyze all the elements and calculate the concentration of
is measured. Additionally, because nearly all biological and/ elements such as C, H, O, and N by stoichiometry, then rela-
or organic materials consist of low atomic number matrix tive concentrations can be readily converted to absolute
elements (Zmax = 10) the secondary fluorescence effect (F) is ­concentrations.
low and can be treated as a secondary order correction. If there is a significant change in the composition between
Strictly, these assumptions only hold true for homogeneous the unknown and standard(s), then a correction must be
samples as the characteristic and background X-rays will vary applied based upon the dependence of the continuum upon
with changes in the average atomic number of the sample. atomic number, following the original Marshall–Hall thin
However, this is not considered to have any significant effect in section method:
cases where the P/B ratio method is applied to fully hydrated
specimens which contain 85–90 % water or to dried organic ( C / C ) = h ( P / B ) / ( P / B )  ( Z
i j ij i j i
/ Ai ) / ( Z j2 / Aj ) 
material containing a small amount of light element salts. The (20.12)
ratio of peak area to the background immediately beneath the
peak is relatively insensitive to small changes in surface geom- where Z and A are the atomic number and weight.
etry. However, the sample surface should be as smooth as is The peak-to-background ratio method has been found to
practicable because uneven fracture faces give unreliable X-ray be as efficient and accurate for biological materials as the
data because of preferential masking and absorption. more commonly used ZAF algorithms, which have been
20 Spectra are processed by the following procedure. The designed primarily for analyzing non-biological bulk sam-
peaks in the spectra of the unknown and a standard of simi- ples. Echlin (1998) gives details of the accuracy and precision
lar composition are fit by an appropriate procedure, such as of the method as applied to hydrated and organic samples.
multiple linear least squares, to determine the peak area for For the analysis of a frozen hydrated tea leaf standard where
element i, Pi. The spectrum after peak-fitting and subtraction independent analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy was
is then examined again to determine the background inten- available for comparison, peak-to-background corrections
sity remaining in the peak region of interest, giving the cor- generally gave results within ±10 % relative for trace Mg, Al,
responding Bi at the same photon energy. Once accurate P/B Si, and Ca over a range of beam energies from 5 to 20 keV.
339 20
References Ritchie N, Newbury D, Davis J (2012) EDS Measurements at WDS preci-
sion and accuracy using a silicon drift detector. Microsc Microanal
Echlin P (1998) Low-voltage energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis of
Ritchie N, Newbury D (2012) Uncertainty estimates for electron probe
bulk biological specimens. Microsc Microanal 4:577
X-ray microanalysis measurements. Anal Chem 84:9956
Hall T (1968) “Some aspects of the microprobe analysis of biologi-
Roomans GM (1981) Quantitative electron probe X-ray microanalysis of
cal specimens” in Quantitative Electron Probe Microanalysis, ed.
biological bulk specimens. SEM/1981/II (AMF O’Hare, IL, SEM, Inc.,)
Heinrich K. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC) 269
p 345
Kitazawa T, Shuman H, Somlyo A (1983) Quantitative electron probe
Roomans GM (1988) Quantitative X-ray microanalysis of biological
analysis: problems and solutions. Ultramicroscopy 11:251
specimens. J Electron Microsc Tech 9:19
Lifshin E, Doganaksoy N, Sirois J, Gauvin R (1999) Statistical consider-
Small J, Heinrich K, Newbury D, Myklebust R (1979) Progress in the
ations in microanalysis by energy-dispersive spectrometry. Microsc
development of the peak-to-background method for the quantita-
Microanal 4:598
tive analysis of single particles with the electron probe. SEM/1979/
Marshall D, Hall T (1966) “A method for the microanalysis of thin films”,
II, p 807
in X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, eds. Castaing R, Deschamps P,
Statham P, Pawley J (1978) A new method for particle X-ray microanaly-
Philibert J. (Hermann, Paris) 374
sis based on peak-to-background measurements. SEM/1978/I,
Newbury D, Ritchie N (2015a) Review: performing elemental microanal-
p 469
ysis with high accuracy and high precision by Scanning Electron
Vicenzi E, Eggins S, Logan A, Wysoczanski R (2002) Microbeam charac-
Microscopy/Silicon Drift Detector Energy Dispersive X-ray Spec-
terization of Corning archeological reference glasses: new addi-
trometry (SEM/SDD-EDS). J Mats Sci 50:493
tions to the Smithsonian microbeam standard collection. J Res
Newbury D, Ritchie N (2015b) Quantitative electron-excited X-ray
National Inst Stand Technol 107:719
microanalysis of Borides, Carbides, Nitrides, Oxides, and Fluorides
Ziebold T (1967) Precision and sensitivity in electron microprobe analy-
with Scanning Electron Microscopy/Silicon Drift Detector Energy-
sis. Anal Chem 39:858
Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM/SDD-EDS) and NIST DTSA-II. Microsc
Ziebold T, Ogilvie R (1964) An empirical method for electron microanal-
Microanal 21:1327
ysis. Anal Chem 36:322
341 21

Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

21.1 Limits of Detection for SEM/EDS Microanalysis – 342

21.2 Estimating the Concentration Limit of Detection, CDL – 343

21.2.1 Estimating CDL from a Trace or Minor Constituent from Measuring
a Known Standard – 343
21.2.2 Estimating CDL After Determination of a Minor or Trace Constituent
with Severe Peak Interference from a Major Constituent – 343
21.2.3 Estimating CDL When a Reference Value for Trace or Minor Element Is
Not Available – 343

21.3 Measurements of Trace Constituents by Electron-Excited

Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry – 345
21.3.1 Is a Given Trace Level Measurement Actually Valid? – 345

21.4 Pathological Electron Scattering Can Produce “Trace”

Contributions to EDS Spectra – 350
21.4.1 Instrumental Sources of Trace Analysis Artifacts – 350
21.4.2 Assessing Remote Excitation Sources in an SEM-EDS System – 353

21.5 Summary – 357

References – 357

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
342 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

“Trace analysis” refers to the measurement of constituents example, Au-Cu or Au-Ag. When element “A” is present as a
presents at low fractional levels. For SEM/EDS the following major constituent, as the concentration of “A” is reduced and
arbitrary but practical definitions have been chosen to desig- replaced by “B,” the matrix effects are likely to change signifi-
nate various constituent classes according to these mass con- cantly as the composition is changed. The impact of “B” on
centration (C) ranges: electron scattering and X-ray absorption of “A” is likely to pro-
Major: C > 0.1 mass fraction (greater than 10 wt%) duce a complex and non-linear response for NA as a function
Minor: 0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1 (1 wt% to 10 wt%) of CA. However, when the element of interest “A” is present in
Trace: C < 0.01 (below 1 wt%) the trace concentration range, the matrix composition is very
nearly constant as the concentration of “A” is lowered and
Note that by these definitions, while “major” and “minor” replaced by “B,” resulting in a monotonic dependence for NA
constituents have defined ranges, “trace” has no minimum. as a function of CA, as shown in . Fig. 21.1, known as a “work-
Strictly, the presence of a single atom of the element of inter- ing curve,” which in the case of a dilute constituent will be
est within the electron-excited mass that is analyzed by X-ray linear. Consider that we have a known point on this linear plot
spectrometry represents the ultimate trace level that might be with the values (Ns, Cs) in the trace concentration range that
measured for that species, but such detection is far below the corresponds to the measurement of a known standard or is
practical limit for electron-excited energy dispersive X-ray the result of a quantitative analysis of an unknown. The slope
spectrometry of bulk specimens. In this section trace analysis m of this linear function can be calculated from this known
down to levels approaching a mass fraction of C = 0.0001 (100 point and the 0 concentration point, for which NA = 0 + Ncm,
ppm (ppm) will be demonstrated. While such trace measure- since there will still be counts, Ncm, in the “A” energy window
ments are possible with high count EDS spectra, achieving due to the X-ray continuum produced by the other element(s)
reliable trace measurements by electron-­excited energy dis- that comprise the specimen:
persive X-ray spectrometry requires careful attention to iden-
tifying and eliminating, if possible, pathological contributions slope = ( N s − N cm ) / ( Cs − 0 ) (21.1)
to the measured spectrum from unexpected remote radiation
sources such as secondary fluorescence and backscattered The slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) for the linear expres-
electrons (Newbury and Ritchie 2016). sion for the X-ray counts in the “A” energy window, NA, as a
function of concentration, CA, can then be constructed as:

21.1  imits of Detection for SEM/EDS

L N A = ( N s − N cm ) / ( Cs − 0 )  CA + N cm (21.2)
The y-axis intercept, b, is equal to Ncm, as shown in . Fig. 21.1.
How does the measured EDS X-ray intensity (counts in the Because of the presence of the continuum background at all
energy window) for an element behave for constituents in the
trace regime? As described in the modules on X-ray physics
and on quantitative X-ray microanalysis, the X-ray spectrum y = mx +b
that is measured is a result of the complex physics of electron-­ NA = [(Ns – Ncm)/(Cs – 0)]Ca + Ncm
excited X-ray generation and of subsequent propagation of
X-rays through the specimen to reach the EDS spectrometer.
The intensity measured for the characteristic X-rays of a par-
ticular element in the excited volume is affected by all other
elements present, creating the so-called matrix effects: (1) the (Ns, Cs)
atomic number effect that depends on the rate of electron Ns
energy loss and on the number of backscattered electrons and
Counts, NA

the BSE energy distribution; (2) the absorption effect, where NDL
the mass absorption coefficient depends on all elements pres-
ent; and (3) the secondary fluorescence effect, where the
absorption of characteristic and continuum X-rays with pho- Ncm
ton energies above the ionization energy of the element of
21 interest leads to additional emission for that element. Consider
the number of X-rays, NA, including characteristic plus con-
0 CDL Cs
tinuum, measured in the energy window that spans the peak
for element “A” as a function of the concentration CA in a spe- Concentration, CA
cific mixture of other elements “B,” “C,” “D,” and so on. A
simple example would be a binary alloy system where there is ..      Fig. 21.1 Linear working curve for a constituent at low
complete solid solubility from pure “A” to pure “B,” for concentration in an effectively constant matrix
21.2 · E stimating the Concentration Limit of Detection, CDL
343 21
photon energies, the concentration limit of detection, CDL, 21.2.1 Estimating CDL from a Trace or Minor
must have a finite, non-zero value that will be found at some Constituent from Measuring a Known
point (NDL, CDL) along the linear response between (Ncm, 0) Standard
and (Ns, Cs). The work of (Currie 1968) can be used to
define the condition at which the counts from the charac- . Figure 21.2 shows a high count silicon drift detector
teristic X-ray emission can be distinguished with a high (SDD)-EDS spectrum of K493 (and the residual spectrum
degree of confidence above the natural statistical fluctua- after fitting for O, Si, and Pb), in NIST Research Material
tions in the background counts: the characteristic counts glass with the composition (as-synthesized) listed in
must exceed three times the standard deviation of the . Table 21.1. . Table 21.1 also lists the measured peak inten-
background: sity Ns and the background Ncm determined for this spectrum
with the EDS spectrum measurement tools in DTSA-II. For a
N A > 3 N cm
single measurement, the values for Cs, Ns, and Ncm inserted in
Eq. (21.5c) gives the estimate of CDL for each trace element, as
Thus, at the concentration limit of detection, CDL:
also listed in . Table 21.1. If n = 4 repeated measurements
N DL = continuum + characteristic = N cm + 3 N cm
were made (or a single measurement was performed at four
times the dose), CDL would be lowered by a factor of 2.
Examination of the values for CDL in . Table 21.1 reveals
N DL − N cm = 3 N cm
more than an order-­of-­magnitude variation depending on
atomic number, for example, CDL = 52 ppm for Al while
Substituting these conditions for (NDL, CDL) in Eq. (21.2): CDL = 754 ppm for Ta. This strong variation arises from dif-
N DL = ( N s − N cm ) / ( Cs − 0 )  CDL + N cm (21.5a) ferences in the relative excitation (overvoltage) and fluores-
cence yield for the various elements, differences in the
N DL − N cm = 3 N cm
= ( N s − N cm ) / ( Cs − 0 )  CDL (21.5b) continuum intensity, and the partitioning of the characteris-
tic X-ray intensity among widely separated peaks for the
CDL = 3 N cm
/ ( N s − N cm )  Cs (21.5c) L-family of the higher atomic number elements, for example,
Ce and Ta.
Equation (21.5c) enables estimation of CDL from the results of
a single analysis of an unknown or from a single measure- 21.2.2 Estimating CDL After Determination
ment of a known standard to provide a value for Cs. The cor-
of a Minor or Trace Constituent
responding measured EDS spectrum is used to determine Ns
and Ncm. If n repeated measurements are made, Ns and Ncm
with Severe Peak Interference
are then taken as averages, Ṅs and Ṅcm, over the n measure- from a Major Constituent
ments, and Eq. (21.5c) becomes
Because of the relatively poor energy resolution of EDS, peak
CDL = 3 N cm
/ ( N s − N cm ) n1/ 2  Cs (21.6) interference situations are frequently encountered. Multiple
linear least squares peak fitting can separate the contribu-
tions from two or more peaks within an energy window. This
CDL is an estimate of the concentration level of a constituent
effect is illustrated in . Fig. 21.3 for Corning Glass A, the
that can just be detected with a high degree of confidence.
composition of which is listed in . Table 21.2 along with the
Quantification at CDL is not reasonable because the error
DTSA II analysis. There is a significant interference for K and
budget is dominated by the variance of the continuum. To
Ca upon Sb and Sn. The initial qualitative analysis identified
achieve meaningful quantitation of trace constituents,
K and Ca, as shown in . Fig. 21.3(a). When MLLS peak fit-
(Currie 1968) further defines a minimum quantifiable con-
ting is applied for K and Ca, the Sn and Sb L-family peaks are
centration, CMQ, which requires that the characteristic inten-
revealed in the residual spectrum, . Fig. 21.3(b). The limit of
sity exceed 10 Ncm½: Inserting this criterion in Eq. 21.5c gives
detection calculated from the peak for Sn L determined from
peak and background intensities determined from this resid-
CMQ = 10 N cm
/ ( N s − N cm )  Cs (21.7)
ual spectrum is CDL = 0.00002 (200 ppm).

21.2  stimating the Concentration Limit

E 21.2.3 Estimating CDL When a Reference
of Detection, CDL Value for Trace or Minor Element Is
Not Available
Equation (21.5c) or (21.6), as appropriate to single or multi-
ple repeated measurements, can be used to estimate the con- Another type of problem that may be encountered is the situ-
centration limit of detection for various situations. ation where the analyst wishes to estimate CDL for hypothetical
344 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

10 0000
E0 = 20 keV
0.1-20 keV = 15.1 million counts

10 000



0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
Photon energy (keV)

16 000 K493_20kV10nA11%DT200s
14 000
12 000 Residual after peak fitting

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 21.2 SDD-EDS spectrum (0.1–20 keV = 29 million counts) of NIST Research Material Glass K493 at E0 = 20 keV and residual after MLLS peak
fitting for O, Si, and Pb

..      Table 21.1 Limits of detection estimated from a known standard K493 (E0 = 20 keV 0.1–20 keV = 29 million counts)

Element Mass conc Ns (counts) Ncm (counts) CDL (mass conc) CDL (ppm)

O 0.2063

Al 0.00106 434,999 396,617 0.000052 52 ppm

Si 0.1304

Ti 0.00192 280,709 255,991 0.000118 118 ppm

Fe 0.00224 229,356 210,799 0.000166 166 ppm

Zr 0.00363 313,728 303,760 0.000602 602 ppm

21 Ce (L) 0.00554 291,575 269,042 0.000383 383 ppm

Ta (L) 0.00721 156,283 145,340 0.000754 754 ppm

Pb 0.6413
21.3 · M
 easurements of Trace Constituents by Electron-Excited Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry
345 21

120 000 Residual_CorningA_20kV10nA117%DT

100 000 Corning Glass A

E0 = 20 keV
80 000 179 million counts

Residual, 1st analysis

60 000

40 000

20 000

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

b 100 000 Residual_CorningA_20kV10nA117%DT

Sb = 0.013
80 000
Sn = 0.0015
60 000

Ba = 0.00050
40 000
Co = 0.0013

20 000

2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 21.3 a SDD-EDS spectrum (0.1–20 keV = 7.8 million counts) of Corning Glass A at E0 = 20 keV and residual spectrum after MLLS peak fitting
for K and Ca. b Expansion of K and Ca region showing detection of Sn and Sb L-family X-rays

trace constituents that might be present in regions of the spec- correction factors for these constituents at trace levels in Si
trum that consist only of the X-ray continuum background. with DTSA-II, although this is generally a small correction.
An example is shown in . Fig. 21.4 for high purity Si. The
spectrum consists of the Si K-shell X-rays, the associated coin-
cidence peak, and the X-ray continuum background. Consider 21.3  easurements of Trace Constituents
that the task is to estimate CDL for several elements, for exam- by Electron-Excited Energy Dispersive
ple, Al, Cr, and Cu. In the absence of a specimen of Si with X-ray Spectrometry
known trace or minor levels of these elements, a reasonable
estimate of CDL can be made by determining the threshold 21.3.1 I s a Given Trace Level Measurement
k-ratio relative to a pure element, as illustrated for Cr and Cu
Actually Valid?
with the spectra superimposed in . Fig. 21.4(b). Using the
energy window for Cr K-L2,3 (CrKα), the continuum intensity
Trace analysis with high count EDS spectra can be performed
in the Si spectrum at Cr K-L2,3 is measured, Ncm_Si-at-Cr, and is
to concentrations levels down to 0.0001 mass fraction
divided by the Cr K-L2,3 intensity from the Cr spectrum at the
(100 ppm) in the absence of interferences and 0.0005
equivalent dose, giving the k-ratio kDL for detection:
(500 ppm) when peak interference occurs. The careful ana-
lyst will always ask the question, Is a given trace measure-
kDL = 3 N cm
_Si -at -Cr / N Cr (21.8) ment valid? That is, does the measured trace constituent
actually originate within the interaction volume of the speci-
Values of for kDL for Al, Cr, and Cu as measured for this Si men that is excited by primary electron beam, or is it the
spectrum are listed in . Table 21.3. These k-ratios can be result of remote excitation of another part of the specimen or
converted into CDL values by calculating the ZAF matrix from components of the SEM itself?
346 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

fluorescence” induced directly by the beam electrons. Because

..      Table 21.2 Corning Glass A, as synthesized and as analyzed
with DTSA-II (E0 = 20 keV) [O by stoichiometry; Na (albite); Ca, P
the range of X-rays is generally one to two orders of magni-
(fluoroapatite); S (pyrite); K, Cl (KCl); Sr (SrTiO3); Ba aSi2O5); Pb tude greater than the range of electrons, depending on the
(PbTe); Mg, Al, Si, Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Sn, Sb (pure elements)] photon energy and the specimen composition, the volume of
secondary characteristic generation is much larger than the
As-synthesized DTSA-II analysis volume of primary characteristic generation. The range of
Element (mass conc) (mass conc)
fluorescence of Fe K-L2,3 by Ni K-L2,3 in a 75wt% Ni-­25wt%
O 0.4407 0.4474 (stoich.) Fe alloy at E0 = 25 keV is shown in . Fig. 21.5. The electron
range is fully contained with a hemisphere of radius 2.5 μm,
Na 0.106 0.106 ± 0.0002
but a hemisphere of 80 -μm radius is required to capture 99 %
Mg 0.0160 0.0163 ± 0.0001 of the secondary fluorescence of Fe K-L2,3 by Ni K-L2,3. For
Al 0.0053 0.0051 ± 0.00005
quantification with the ZAF matrix correction protocol, the
secondary fluorescence correction factor, F, corrects the cal-
Si 0.3112 0.3171 ± 0.0002 culated composition for the additional radiation created by
P 0.00057 0.0003 ± 0.0001 secondary fluorescence due to characteristic X-rays. An
additional correction, c, is necessary for the continuum-­
S 0.0004 0.00085 ± 0.0001
induced secondary fluorescence. The F matrix correction
Cl 0.00069 0.00072 ± 0.00005 factor is generally small compared to the absorption, A, and
K 0.0238 0.0237 ± 0.0001 atomic number, Z, corrections. For a major constituent, the
additional radiation due to secondary fluorescence repre-
Ca 0.0360 0.0341 ± 0.0001
sents a small perturbation in the apparent concentration,
Ti 0.00474 0.00485 ± 0.0001 often negligible. However, when a constituent is at the trace
Mn 0.00774 0.00768 ± 0.0001
level in the electron interaction volume, propagation of the
primary characteristic and continuum X-rays into a nearby
Fe 0.00762 0.00717 ± 0.0001 region of the specimen that is richer in this element will cre-
Co 0.00134 0.00140 ± 0.0001 ate additional X-rays of the trace element by secondary fluo-
rescence. Because of the wide acceptance area of the EDS,
Cu 0.00935 0.00933 ± 0.0001
this additional remote source of radiation will still be consid-
Zn 0.00035 0.00047 ± 0.0001 ered to be part of the spectrum produced at the beam posi-
Sr 0.00085 0.0156 ± 0.0006 tion, possibly severely perturbing the accuracy of the analysis
of the trace constituent by elevating the measured concentra-
Sn 0.0015 0.0011 ± 0.0003
tion above the true concentration. Compensation for this
Sb 0.0132 0.0128 ± 0.0002 artifact requires careful modeling of the electron and X-ray
Ba 0.00502 0.00405 ± 0.0002

Pb 0.00111 0.050 ± 0.0001  imulation of Long-Range Secondary X-ray

The Monte Carlo electron trajectory simulation embedded in
DTSA-II models the primary electron trajectories and pri-
 he Inevitable Physics of Remote Excitation
T mary X-ray generation, as well as the subsequent propaga-
Within the Specimen: Secondary Fluorescence tion of the primary characteristic and continuum X-rays
Beyond the Electron Interaction Volume through the target and the generation (and subsequent prop-
The electron interaction volume contains the region within agation) of secondary characteristic X-rays. The Monte Carlo
which characteristic and continuum X-rays are directly menu provides “set-pieces” of analytical interest to predict
excited by the beam electrons. Electron excitation effectively the significance of secondary fluorescence at the trace level:
creates a volume source of generated X-rays (characteristic
and continuum with energies up to the incident beam energy, NIST DTSA II Simulation: Vertical Interface
E0) embedded in the specimen that propagates out from the Between Two Regions of Different Composition
21 interaction volume in all directions. A photon propagating in a Flat Bulk Target
into the specimen will eventually undergo photoelectric . Figure 21.6 shows the simulation of an interface between
absorption which ionizes the absorbing atom, and the subse- Cu and NIST SRM470 (K-412 glass) for a beam with an inci-
quent de-excitation of this atom will result in emission of its dent energy of 25 keV placed 10 μm from the interface in the
characteristic X-rays, a process referred to as “secondary flu- Cu region. The map of the distribution of excitation reveals
orescence” to distinguish this source from the “primary the propagation of X-rays from the original electron
21.3 · M
 easurements of Trace Constituents by Electron-Excited Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry
347 21

a 100 0000

100 000
E0 = 20 keV

10 000


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

b 100 0000
Si Cu_20kV10nA10%DT
100 000 Cu
E0 = 20 keV

10 000


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 21.4 a SDD-EDS spectrum of Si (20 keV; 1000 nA-s; 0.1–20 keV = 22 million counts) with energy windows defined for Al, Cr, and Cu.
b Spectrum for Si with the spectra of Cr and Cu superimposed

..      Table 21.3 Estimated limits of detection kDL for a Si Range of characteristic-induced fluorescence
spectrum with 110 million counts (0.1–20 keV)
Range of direct electron excitation
in 75Ni-25Fe at E0 = 25 keV
Element kDL ZAF CDL (mass conc) CDL (ppm)

Al 0.000115 1.12 0.000129 129

Cr 0.000133 1.01 0.000134 134
10 µm 75%
Cu 0.000113 1.00 0.000113 113 90%

interaction volume into the K412 glass to excite secondary
fluorescence. The calculated spectrum shown in . Fig. 21.6
shows the presence of an apparent trace level of Fe (and to a Ni K-L3 in 75Ni-25Fe
Range of secondary X-ray excitation
lesser extent, Ca, Si, Al, and Mg) in the Cu, corresponding to
(characteristic fluorescence)
k = 0.0028 relative to a pure Fe standard. The Fe k-ratio as a of Fe K-L3 by Ni K-L3
function of beam position in the Cu is also shown in
. Fig. 21.6. Even with the beam placed in the Cu at a distance
of 40 μm from the K-412, there is an apparent Fe trace level ..      Fig. 21.5 Range of secondary fluorescence of FeKα by NiKα in a
in the Cu of k = 0.0004, or about 400 ppm. 75Ni-25Fe alloy at E0 = 25 keV
348 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

10.000 m from a pure

300 copper/K412 interface.
280 Fe MC simulation of bulk Fe
X-ray counts

160 Cu, 10 µm from K412
140 E0 = 25 keV Fe

120 Fe std
60 kFe = 0.0028
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Photon energy (keV)





20 µm 0
0 20 40 60
Beam distance from interface ( m)

..      Fig. 21.6 DTSA-II Monte Carlo calculation of fluorescence across a iron, giving kFe = 0.0028. The inset map of the distribution of secondary
planar boundary between copper and SRM 470 (K-412 glass). The FeKα X-ray production shows the extent of penetration of
beam is placed in the copper at various distances from the interface. characteristic Cu Kα and Cu Kβ and continuum X-rays into the K-412
The spectrum calculated for a beam at 10 μm from the interface shows glass to fluoresce FeKα. Simulations at other distances give the
a small Fe peak, which is ratioed to the intensity calculated for pure response plotted in the graph

NIST DTSA II Simulation: Cubic Particle shows no Ti characteristic X-rays. When secondary fluores-
Embedded in a Bulk Matrix cence is included in the simulation, a small Ti peak is
. Figure 21.7(a) shows the results of a simulation of a 1-μm observed, corresponding to an artifact trace level k = 0.0007
cube of K-411 glass embedded in a titanium matrix and (700 ppm), demonstrating the long range of the primary
excited with a beam energy of 20 keV. For this size and beam X-rays and the creation of a trace level artifact.
energy, the primary electron trajectories penetrate through When variable pressure SEM operation is considered, the
the sides and bottom of the cube leading to direct electron large fraction of gas-scattered electrons creates X-rays from
excitation of the titanium matrix, which is seen as a major regions up to many millimeters from the beam impact point.
peak in the calculated spectrum. When the cube dimension Depending on the surroundings, this gas scattering can
21 is increased to 20 μm, the beam trajectories at E0 = 20 keV are greatly modify the EDS spectrum from what would originate
contained entirely within the K-411 cube. DTSA-II allows from the region actually excited by the focused beam.
calculations with and without implementing the secondary . Figure 21.7(c) shows this effect as simulated with DTSA II,
fluorescence calculation. When secondary fluorescence is resulting in a large peak for Ti, which is not present in the
not implemented, the calculated spectrum . Fig. 21.7(b) specimen but which is located in the surrounding region.
21.3 · M
 easurements of Trace Constituents by Electron-Excited Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry
349 21

a Monte Carlo calculation of a cubic inclusion (1 µm edge) of K411 in a Ti matrix at E0 = 20 keV

Si K-M3 5.09 mm x 5.09 mm Ti K-L3 5.09 mm x 5.09 mm

2 mm SiK TiKa
1.21E-3 Emission 8.95E-3 Emission

Si K-M3 Ti K-L3

Si Ti
15 000 Fe

10 000 Ca

Ti Fe
Ca Fe
5 000

Photon energy (keV)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Photon energy (keV)

b 20 000 Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 m

Si cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1
18 000 Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 m
cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1
16 000 20 µm cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti E0 = 20 keV:
14 000 no fluorescence calculated
with fluorescence calculated
12 000

10 000 Fe
8 000
6 000 Ti Fe
Ca Ti Fe
4 000
2 000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Photon energy (keV)

Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 m

10 000 cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1
Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 m
cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1
1 000



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 21.7 a DTSA-II Monte Carlo calculation of a 1-μm cubical Ti with and without calculation of secondary fluorescence. c 20-μm
particle of K411 glass embedded in a Ti matrix with a beam energy of cubical particle of K411 glass embedded in a Ti with calculation of
20 keV, including maps of the distribution of SiK (particle) and TiKα (sur- secondary fluorescence and with calculation of gas scattering in VPSEM
rounding matrix). b 20-μm cubical particle of K411 glass embedded in a operation—water vapor; 133 Pa (1 Torr); 10-mm gas path length
350 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

Si Ti
20 000 Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 mcubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1
Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 m cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1
18 000
20 µm cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti E0 = 20 keV:
16 000 O High vacuum mode (with fluorescence)
Variable pressure mode (water vapor;
14 000
10 mm GPL; 133 Pa = 1 torr)
12 000 Fe Mg

10 000 Ca
8 000
Ti Fe
6 000 Ca
4 000
2 000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Photon energy (keV)
Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 m cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1
10 000 Noisy[MC simulatoin of a 20.000 m cubic inclusion of K411 in Ti] #1

1 000



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 21.7 (continued)

21.4  athological Electron Scattering Can

Produce “Trace” Contributions to EDS
Spectra lens

21.4.1 I nstrumental Sources of Trace EDS

Analysis Artifacts
While secondary fluorescence that leads to generation of
X-rays at a considerable distance from the beam impact is a
physical effect which cannot be avoided, there are addi-
tional pathological scattering effects that can be minimized Specimen x-rays
or even eliminated. . Figure 21.8 depicts the idealized view
21 of the emission of X-rays generated by the electron beam in
the SEM. In this idealized view, the only X-rays that are col-
lected are those emitted into the solid angle of acceptance of
the detector, which is defined by a cone whose apex is cen-
tered on the specimen interaction volume, whose altitude is
the specimen-to-detector distance, and whose base is the
active area of the detector that is not shielded by the ..      Fig. 21.8 Ideal view of the collection angle of an EDS system
21.4 · Pathological Electron Scattering Can Produce “Trace” Contributions to EDS Spectra
351 21
..      Fig. 21.9 Effect of backscat-
tering to produce remote X-ray
sources on SEM components
(objective lens, chamber walls, Final
stage, etc.) and use of collimator lens
to block these contributions from
reaching the EDS Remote X-rays EDS

Collimator &
Chamber electron trap
Specimen X-rays

entrance window or other hardware. However, the reality of generated in the specimen plane within a circular area with
the EDS measurement is likely to be quite different from a diameter of several millimeters, a feature that is important
this ideal case, at least at the trace constituent level, as a for X-ray mapping applications, where the beam is scanned
consequence of electron backscattering, shown schemati- over large lateral areas and X-rays must be accepted from
cally in . Fig. 21.9. For targets of intermediate and high any beam position within the scanned area. Moreover, the
atomic number, a significant fraction of the incident beam acceptance region is three dimensional with a vertical
is emitted as backscattered electrons, and the majority of dimension of several millimeters along the beam axis. To
these BSEs retain more than half of the incident beam determine the true acceptance volume of the EDS collima-
energy. After leaving the specimen, these BSEs are likely to tor, low magnification (maximum scanning area) X-ray
strike the objective lens and the walls of the specimen mapping of a target such as a blank aluminum sample stub
chamber as well as other hardware, where they generate the provides a direct view of the transmission of the EDS colli-
characteristic (and continuum) X-rays of those materials. mator as a function of x-y position and as a function of the
The EDS detector collects X-rays from any source with a z-position, as shown in . Fig. 21.11. For this example, any
line-of-sight to the detector, so to minimize remote BSE- X-ray generated in a large volume (at least 2.5 × 3 × 10 mm)
induced contributions to the measured spectrum, the EDS can potentially be collected by this EDS system despite the
is equipped with a collimator whose function is to restrict otherwise effective collimator. Three important sources of
the view of the EDS, as illustrated schematically in uncontrolled remote excitation within this collimator
. Fig. 21.9. The solid angle of acceptance of the EDS is sub- acceptance volume are shown in . Fig. 21.12: (1) beam elec-
stantially reduced by the collimator, minimizing remote trons scattering off the edge of the final aperture (magenta
contributions from the lens and chamber walls. While the trajectory); (2) beam electrons being stopped by the final
collimator provides a critical improvement to the measured aperture and generating the characteristic and continuum
spectrum, it is important for the analyst to understand its X-rays of the aperture material (e.g., Pt; blue dashed trajec-
inevitable limitations. The actual acceptance solid angle tory); and (3) re-scattering of BSEs that have struck the final
must be constructed by looking out from the detector lens and return to the specimen (red trajectory). Both of
through the aperture of the collimator, as shown in these sources can create X-rays several millimeters or more
. Fig. 21.10. The typical collimator accepts X-rays from the beam impact location.
352 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

..      Fig. 21.10 True extent of

acceptance area of EDS
constructed by looking out
through the collimator Final

Remote X-rays EDS


Collimator &
Chamber electron trap
Specimen X-rays

Green =
Extent of
Several mm specimen
X-ray sources
NOT excluded
by collimator

..      Fig. 21.11 X-ray mapping to 1200

Al counts/pixel

determine the acceptance volume 1000

of the collimator. A series of Al 800
X-ray maps of an aluminum SEM 600
stub at different working 400
distances is shown; the inset 200
graph shows the intensity at the 0
center of each map as a function 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
of working distance
Working distance (mm)
10 mm 12 mm 14 mm

16 mm 18 mm 20 mm

1 mm

Al machined surface
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
21.4 · Pathological Electron Scattering Can Produce “Trace” Contributions to EDS Spectra
353 21
..      Fig. 21.12 Possible sources
Aperture Conventional SEM,
of remote excitation: beam elec- Final lens scattering pathological scattering
trons scattering off edge of final
aperture, beams stopped by
aperture generating characteris- Final aperture
tic and continuum X-rays, and
re-scattering of backscattered Remote X-rays EDS
electrons from the lens detector

Collimator &
electron trap
Specimen X-rays

Green =
Several mm Extent of
X-ray sources
NOT excluded
by collimator

21.4.2  ssessing Remote Excitation Sources

A the element of interest at the beam location is abundant in a
in an SEM-EDS System nearby region.
While a useful measurement and the place to start in assess-
Remote excitation of X-rays can be assessed by measuring ing remote excitation, the “in-hole” measurement only detects
various structures. As shown in . Fig. 21.13, a multi-mate- electrons scattered outside of the beam. Typically, a more seri-
rial Faraday cup can be constructed by placing an SEM ous source of remote excitation is the backscattered electrons
aperture (typically 2.5 mm in diameter and made of plati- (BSEs), which are absent from the “in-hole” measurement.
num or another heavy metal) over a blind hole drilled in a . Figure 21.15 shows a modification of the “in-hole” multi-
block of a different metal, such as a 1-cm diameter alumi- material target in which the central hole is replaced by a flat,
num SEM stub, which is then inserted in a hole drilled in a polished scattering target. . Figure 21.16 shows an example of a
2.5-cm-­diameter brass (Cu-Zn) block. This structure can be spectrum in which the central target is high purity carbon,
used to measure the “in-hole” spectrum to assess sources which has a low BSE coefficient of 0.06, surrounded by a 3-mm-
and magnitude of remote excitation (Williams and Goldstein diameter region filled with Ag-epoxy, which is surrounded by a
1981). The following sequence of measurements is made, as Ti block. No detectable counts for characteristic peaks of Ag
shown in . Fig. 21.14. The beam is successively placed for (conducting epoxy) or Ti (specimen holder) are found.
the same dose on the brass, the Al-stub, the Pt-aperture, and . Figure 21.17 shows a similar measurement for high
finally in the center of the hole (e.g., 200-μm diameter) of purity tantalum, which has a high BSE coefficient of 0.45.
the aperture. Ideally, if there are no electrons scattered out- Both Ag and Ti are detectable at very low relative intensity
side the beam by interacting with the final aperture or other compared to the intensity measured with the beam placed on
electron column surfaces, the “in-hole” specimen will have pure element targets.
no counts. As shown in . Fig. 21.14 with a logarithmic When a three-dimensional target is used for scattering, as
intensity display, a small number of counts is detected for illustrated in . Fig. 21.18, additional BSEs are scattered from the
Pt M, equivalent to k = 0.00008 of the intensity measured for tilted surfaces into the regions of the specimen near the beam
the same dose with the beam placed on the Pt aperture. No impact point as well as more distant regions surrounding the
detectable counts are found for Al from the stub or for the specimen. . Figure 21.19 shows such a measurement for a pyra-
Cu and Zn from the brass block. Thus, for this particular midal fragment of SrF2 placed on a brass substrate. Low level
instrument, a small but detectable pathological scattering signals are observed for CuKα and ZnKα, and also for NiKα,
occurs within approximately 1.5 mm of the central beam which arises from Ni-plating on nearby stage components. This
axis. While this is a very small effect, the analyst must none- extreme case most closely resembles the challenge posed by a
theless be aware that this unfocused electron or aperture rough, topographic specimen. The uncontrollable scattering
X-ray source might contribute an artifact at the trace level if renders most trace constituent determinations questionable.
354 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

..      Fig. 21.13 Measurement of

“in-hole” spectrum with a Conventional SEM,
multi-material Faraday cup Final pathological scattering
consisting of three materials lens
arranged concentrically



Collimator &
Chamber electron trap

Green =
Extent of
X-ray sources
NOT excluded
“In-hole Spectrum” by collimator

Multi-material Faraday Cup “in-hole” test specimen


0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0

Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 21.14 Sequence of measurements for determining pathological at the center of the 200 μm diameter hole of the platinum aperture. A
scattering effects by the “in-hole” method. For the same dose, EDS spectra logarithmic display reveals the very low counts in the “in-hole” spectrum
are measured on the brass block, aluminum stub, platinum aperture, and compared to the spectra measured on the various materials
21.4 · Pathological Electron Scattering Can Produce “Trace” Contributions to EDS Spectra
355 21
..      Fig. 21.15 Schematic
diagram of the “in-hole” Aperture Conventional SEM,
configuration with a pure scattering pathological scattering
element target placed at the Final
center of a multi-material target lens



Chamber Collimator &

wall electron trap

Green =
Extent of
Spectrum from high purity flat
scattering target, e.g., C, Ta, X-ray sources
surrounded by different materials, NOT excluded
e.g., Ag-epoxy, Ti, Al by collimator

Multi-material “flat scatter” test specimen

..      Fig. 21.16 Measurement of

high purity C surrounded by Ag

(doped epoxy) and titanium; no

significant signals for Ag or Ti are
observed FullamplainC_20kV25nAME
Si K-edge

E0 = 20 keV
12% deadtime, 112 kHz
500s (12,500 nA-s)
0.1 – 20 keV integral
= 56 million counts



0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)
356 Chapter 21 · Trace Analysis by SEM/EDS

..      Fig. 21.17 Measurement of

high purity Ta surrounded by Ag
(doped epoxy) and titanium; Ag
or Ti are both observed at very
low levels: Ag, k = 0.000003; Ti,
k = 0.000005

Ag = 0.000003

Ti = 0.000005 Ta
E0 = 20 keV
Ag Ti
8% Deadtime

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 21.18 Modification of Aperture

Conventional SEM,
the “in-hole” configuration with a scattering
three-dimensional target to
pathological scattering
produce the effects of lens
backscattering from inclined


Chamber Collimator &

wall electron trap

Green =
Spectrum from strong
Extent of
topographic scatterer, e.g., SrF2,
surrounded by different
X-ray sources
materials, e.g., Pt, Ti
NOT excluded by
21 Multi-material “topographic scatter” test specimen
357 21
..      Fig. 21.19 Example with a
pyramid of high purity SrF2 as the
scattering target surrounded by a

SrL α,β
carbon tab (1 cm diameter) on a
2.5 cm diameter brass (Cu and Zn) SrF2

disk. The Ni signal that is
observed likely arises from the SrF2_EDGE_20kV10n

Ni-coatings of the specimen
stage components SrF2
Remote scattering peaks
E0 = 20 keV



0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0
Photon energy (keV)

21.5 Summary References

High count EDS spectra can be used to achieve limits of Currie LA (1968) Limits for qualitative detection and quantitative deter-
mination. Anal Chem 40:586–593
detection approaching a mass concentration of CDL = 0.0001
Newbury DE, Ritchie NWM (2016) Measurement of trace constituents by
(100 ppm) when there are no peak interferences from higher electron-excited X-ray microanalysis with energy dispersive spec-
concentration constituents, and CDL = 0.0005 (500 ppm) trometry. Micros Microanal 22(3):520–535
when significant peak interference does occur. However, the Williams DB, Goldstein JI (1981) Artifacts encountered in energy disper-
analyst must carefully test the SEM/EDS measurement envi- sive X-ray spectrometry in the analytical electron microscope. In:
Heinrich KFJ, Newbury DE, Myklebust RL, Fiori CE (eds) Energy dis-
ronment to ensure that the trace measurement is meaningful
persive X-ray spectrometry, National Bureau of Standards Special
and not a consequence of pathological remote scattering Publication 604 (U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC),
effects. pp 341–349
359 22

Low Beam Energy X-Ray

22.1 What Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy X-Ray
Microanalysis? – 360
22.1.1 Characteristic X-ray Peak Selection Strategy for Analysis – 364
22.1.2 Low Beam Energy Analysis Range – 364

22.2 Advantage of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis – 365

22.2.1 Improved Spatial Resolution – 365
22.2.2 Reduced Matrix Absorption Correction – 366
22.2.3 Accurate Analysis of Low Atomic Number Elements
at Low Beam Energy – 366

22.3 Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray

Microanalysis – 369
22.3.1 Reduced Access to Elements – 369
22.3.2 Relative Depth of X-Ray Generation: Susceptibility to Vertical
Heterogeneity – 372
22.3.3 At Low Beam Energy, Almost Everything Is Found To Be Layered – 373

References – 380

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
360 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

22.1  hat Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy

W where b is a constant and Z is the mass-concentration-­
X-Ray Microanalysis? averaged atomic number of the specimen.
The peak-to-background is then obtained as the ratio of
The incident beam energy, E0, is the parameter that deter- Eqs. (22.2) and (22.3):
mines which characteristic X-rays can be excited: the beam
P / B = I ch / I cm ≈ (1 / Z )(U 0 − 1)
n −1
energy must exceed the critical excitation energy, Ec, for an (22.4)
atomic shell to initiate ionization and subsequent emission of
characteristic X-rays. This dependence is parameterized with The value of n −1 in Eq. (22.4) ranges from 0.5 to 1, so that
the “overvoltage” U0, defined as the P/B rises slowly as U0 increases above unity. . Figure 22.1
shows experimental measurements of Si K-L2 + Si K-M3
U 0 = E0 / E c (22.1)
(Si Kα,β) characteristic X-ray intensity as a function of over-
voltage. Near the threshold of U0 = 1, the intensity drops
U0 must exceed unity for X-ray emission. The intensity, Ich, of sharply, and the Si K-L2 + Si K-M3 peak becomes progres-
characteristic X-ray generation follows an exponential sively lower relative to the X-ray continuum background, as
relation: shown in . Fig. 22.2 for Si measured over a range of beam
energies. The peak-to-background strongly influences the
limit-­of-­detection. While X-ray measurements can certainly
I ch =iB a (U 0 − 1)
(22.2) be made with 1 < U0 < 1.25 and the limit-of-detection can be
improved by increasing the integrated spectrum intensity by
where iB is the beam current, a and n are constants, with extending the counting time, the detectability within a prac-
1.5 ≤ n ≤ 2. tical measuring time of a constituent excited in this overvolt-
The intensity of the X-ray continuum (bremsstrahlung), age range diminishes. While major constituents may be
Icm, also depends on the incident beam energy: detected, minor and trace constituents are likely to be below
the limit of detection. Thus the situation for 1 < U0 < 1.25
must generally be considered “marginally detectable” and is
I cm =iB b Z (U 0 − 1) (22.3)
so marked in . Figs. 22.3, 22.4, 22.5, 22.6, 22.7, and 22.8.

..      Fig. 22.1 Production of silicon

K-shell X-rays with overvoltage Excitation of Si K-shell X-rays


Si K X-rays/e–



0 2 4 6 8 10 12
22 Overvoltage
22.1 · What Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis?
361 22

Same scale

100000 Si_2.8keV

10000 Si_1.9keV



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

Same scale

Si Si_4keV
40000 Si_3keV
5 keV Si_2.8keV
4 keV Si_2.4keV
30000 3 keV Si_2.0keV

2.8 keV
2.6 keV
2.4 keV
2.2 keV

10000 2.0 keV


1.9 keV

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.2 Silicon at various incident beam energies from 5 keV to 1.9 keV showing the decrease in the peak-to-background with decreasing overvoltage

..      Fig. 22.3 Periodic table Elemental measurement strategy for conventional beam energy analysis
illustrating X-ray shell choices
for developing analysis strategy Principal shell used for identification
within the conventional beam E0 = 20 keV
energy range, E0 = 20 keV K-shell K-L
U0 > 1.25 (Ec < 16 keV)
(Newbury and Ritchie, 2016)
EDS resolution: 129 eV (FWHM, MnKα)
L-shell L-M

Not detectable M-shell

H He

Li Be
Marginally detectable B C N O F Ne

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra Ac

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
362 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

..      Fig. 22.4 Periodic table Elemental measurement strategy for conventional beam energy analysis
illustrating X-ray shell choices for
developing analysis strategy at Principal shell used for identification
E0 = 10 keV
the lower end of the conventional
K-shell K-L
beam energy range, E0 = 10 keV U0 > 1.25 (Ec < 8 keV)
(Newbury and Ritchie, 2016)
EDS resolution: 129 eV (FWHM, MnKα)
L-shell L-M

Not detectable M-shell

H He

Li Be Marginally detectable B C N O F Ne

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra Ac

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

..      Fig. 22.5 Periodic table Elemental measurement strategy for low beam energy analysis
illustrating X-ray shell choices for
developing analysis strategy for Principal shell used for identification
E0 = 5 keV
the upper end of the low beam K-L
U0 > 1.25 (Ec < 4.0 keV) K-shell
energy range, E0 = 5 keV (Newbury
and Ritchie, 2016)
EDS resolution: 129 eV (FWHM, MnKα)
L-shell L-M

Not detectable M-shell

H He
Marginally detectable:
Li Be B C N O F Ne
1 < U0 ≤ 1.25 or weak emission
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra Ac

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

22.1 · What Constitutes “Low” Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis?
363 22
..      Fig. 22.6 Periodic table Elemental measurement strategy for low beam energy analysis
illustrating X-ray shell choices
for developing analysis strategy Principal shell used for identification
E0 = 2.5 keV
within the low beam energy
K-shell K-L
range, E0 = 2.5 keV (Newbury and U0 > 1.25 (Ec < 2.0 keV)
Ritchie, 2016)
EDS resolution: 129 eV (FWHM, MnKα)
L-shell L-M

Not detectable M-shell

H He
Marginally detectable:
Li Be B C N O F Ne
1 < U0 ≤ 1.25 or weak emission
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra Ac

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

..      Fig. 22.7 Periodic table Elemental measurement strategy for low beam energy analysis
illustrating X-ray shell choices
for developing analysis strategy Principal shell used for identification
E0 = 2.0 keV
within the low beam energy
K-shell K-L
range, E0 = 2.0 keV (Newbury and U0 > 1.25 (Ec < 1.6 keV)
Ritchie, 2016)
EDS resolution: 129 eV (FWHM, MnKα)
L-shell L-M

Not detectable M-shell

H He
Marginally detectable:
Li Be B C N O F Ne
1 < U0 ≤ 1.25 or weak emission
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra Ac

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
364 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

..      Fig. 22.8 Periodic table Elemental measurement strategy for low beam energy analysis
illustrating X-ray shell choices
for developing analysis strategy Principal shell used for identification
E0 = 1.0 keV
within the low beam energy
K-shell K-L
range, E0 = 1.0 keV (Newbury and U0 > 1.25 (Ec < 0.8 keV)
Ritchie, 2016)
EDS resolution: 129 eV (FWHM, MnKα)
L-shell L-M

Not detectable M-shell

H He
Marginally detectable:
Li Be B C N O F Ne
1 < U0 ≤ 1.25 or weak emission
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn

Fr Ra Ac

Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

22.1.1  haracteristic X-ray Peak Selection

C composition and beam energy. Absorption can be minimized
Strategy for Analysis by operating at low beam energy, as discussed below, an
important factor that must also be considered when develop-
“Conventional” electron-excited X-ray microanalysis is typi- ing practical X-ray measurement strategy.
cally performed with an incident beam energy selected As seen in . Fig. 22.3, when the beam energy is selected at
between 10 keV and 30 keV. A beam energy is this range is the high end of the conventional range, X-rays from two dif-
capable of exciting X-rays from one or more atomic shells for ferent atomic shells can be excited for many elements, and the
all elements of the periodic table, except for hydrogen and additional information provided by having two X-ray families
helium, which do not produce characteristic X-ray emission. with two or more peaks to identify greatly increases the confi-
Li can produce X-ray emissions, but the energy of 0.052 keV dence that can be placed in an elemental identification. This is
is below the practical detection limit of most EDS sys- especially valuable when peak interference occurs between
tems, which typically have a threshold of approximately two elements. For example, a severe interference occurs
0.1 keV. Recent progress in silicon drift detector (SDD)-EDS between S K-L2,3 (2.307 keV) and Mo L3-M4,5 (2.293 keV),
detector technology and isolation windows is rapidly improv- which are separated by 14 eV. To confirm the presence of Mo
ing the EDS performance in the photon energy range 50 eV – when S may also be present, operation with E0 > 25 keV
250 eV, raising the measurement situation for Li from (U0 = 1.25) will also excite Mo K-L2,3 (17.48 keV) for unam-
“undetectable” to the level of “marginally detectable.” The biguous identification of Mo.
choices available for the characteristic X-ray peaks to analyze When the beam energy is lowered to the bottom of the con-
various elements are illustrated in the periodic table shown ventional analysis range, E0 = 10 keV, the available X-ray shells
in . Fig. 22.3 for E0 = 20 keV. In constructing this diagram, for measurement are reduced as shown in . Fig. 22.4. Many
the assumption has been made with the requirement that more elements can only be analyzed with X-rays from one shell,
U0 > 1.25 (Ec < 16 keV) to provide for robust detection of for example, the Ni to Rb L-shells and the Hf to U M-shells.
major and minor constituents. Note that in constructing
. Fig. 22.3, only the excitation of characteristic X-rays has
been considered and not the subsequent absorption of X-rays 22.1.2 Low Beam Energy Analysis Range
22 during propagation through the specimen to reach the detec-
tor. Absorption has a strong effect on low energy X-rays When the incident beam energy is reduced to E0 = 5 keV,
below 2-keV photon energy and strongly depends on further reduction in the atomic shells that can be excited
22.2 · Advantage of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis
365 22
creates the situation shown in . Fig. 22.5. At 5 keV, only 22.2  dvantage of Low Beam Energy X-Ray
one shell is available for all elements except Ca, Cd, In, Microanalysis
and Sn. When the incident energy is reduced below 5 keV,
some elements are effectively rendered analytically inac- 22.2.1 Improved Spatial Resolution
cessible by the restrictions imposed by the X-ray physics.
The progressive loss of access to elements in the periodic The spatial resolution of X-ray microanalysis is controlled by
table is illustrated for E0 = 2.5 keV (. Fig. 22.6), E0 = 2 keV the range of the electrons for the excitation of characteristic
(. Fig. 22.7), and E0 = 1 keV (. Fig. 22.8). Indeed, even X-rays, as described by the Kanaya–Okayama (1974) range
with E0 = 5 keV, several elements must be measured with equation modified for the threshold of X-ray production set
X-rays from shells with low fluorescence yield, such as the by the critical excitation energy:
Ti L-family and the Ba M-family, resulting in poor
peak-to-background. RK −O ( µm ) = ( 0.0276 A / Z 0.89 ρ )( E01.67 − Ec1.67 ) (22.5)
Based upon the restrictions imposed by the physics of
X-ray generation, E0 = 5 keV is the lowest energy which still where A (g/mol) is the atomic weight, Z is the atomic num-
gives access to the full periodic table, except for H and He, ber, ρ (g/cm3) is the density, E0 (keV) is the beam energy and
and therefore this value will be considered as the upper Ec (keV) is the shell ionization energy. . Figure 22.9 shows
bound of the beam energy range for low beam energy micro- the range for the production of Na K-shell X-rays in various
analysis. The beam energy range from 5 keV to 10 keV repre- matrices: C, Al, Ti, Fe, Ag, and Au. For low beam energy
sents the transition region between low beam energy analysis conditions, the range at E0 = 5 keV varies from
microanalysis and conventional X-ray microanalysis. 0.46 μm (460 nm) for Na in a C matrix to 0.08 μm (80 nm) in

Range of X-ray production (Na K-shell)

Measuring Na in various matrices
0.5 5 keV
Na in C:
Carbon 0.46 µm
0.4 Iron
Range of X-ray production (μm)

E0 = 2.5 keV


0.1 2.5 keV

Na in C: 5 keV
0.12 µm Na in Au:
Na in Au: 0.08 µm
0.02 µm
1 2 3 4 5
Beam energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.9 Range of production of Na K-shell X-rays in various matrices, as calculated with the Kanaya–Okayama range equation
366 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

..      Fig. 22.10 Absorption correc-

tion factor for O K-L2,3 (relative to X-ray absorption in Cu2O
MgO) and Cu L3-M4,5 (relative to 1.1
Cu) as a function of beam energy


Absorption correction, A


0.7 O K-L2,3
Cu L3-M4,5


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Beam energy (keV)

Au, while at E0 = 2.5 keV, the range for Na collapses to 0.12 μm typically the case for low energy photons, the matrix correc-
(120 nm) in a C matrix to 0.02 μm (20 nm) in Au. tion for absorption diminishes rapidly (i.e., approaches
unity) as the beam energy is reduced, as shown in . Fig. 22.10
for O K-L2,3 and Cu L3-M4,5 in Cu2O (measured relative to
22.2.2  educed Matrix Absorption
R MgO and Cu).

When the range of X-ray production is reduced by lowering 22.2.3  ccurate Analysis of Low Atomic
the beam energy, the generated X-rays undergo lower absorp- Number Elements at Low Beam
tion because of the reduced path length to the surface. This Energy
can be a strong effect, because X-ray absorption follows an
exponential relationship: Low atomic number elements with Z ≤ 10 have characteristic
X-ray energies below 1 keV, and these low energy photons
I / I 0 = exp  − ( µ / ρ ) ρ s  (22.6) suffer especially high absorption. By minimizing absorption
through operation at low beam energy, Li and Be can be
where I0 is the original intensity and I is the intensity detected; and B, C, N, and F, can be quantitatively analyzed
remaining after passing through a distance s (cm) of a mate- with accuracy such that the analyzed value is generally
rial of density ρ (g/cm3) and of mass absorption coefficient, within ± 5 % relative to the true value, as presented in
μ/ρ (cm2/g). For strongly absorbed photons, which is . Table 22.1 (borides), . Table 22.2 (carbides), . Table 22.3

..      Table 22.1 Analysis of metal borides at E0 = 5 keV (5 replicates); atomic concentrations

Compound Metal, Cav Relative σrel, % Boron, Cav Relative σrel, %

accuracy,% accuracy,%
22 CrB2 0.3482 4.5 0.32 0.6518 −2.2 0.17

CrB 0.5149 3.0 0.17 0.4851 −3.0 0.19

Cr2B 0.6769 1.5 0.65 0.3231 −3.1 1.4

TiB2 0.3373 1.2 3.6 0.6627 −0.6 1.8

22.2 · Advantage of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis
367 22

..      Table 22.2 Analysis of metal carbides at E0 = 5 keV (5 replicates); atomic concentrations

Compound Metal, Cav Relative σrel, % Carbon, Cav Relative σrel, %

accuracy,% accuracy,%

SiC 0.4935 −1.3 0.25 0.5065 1.3 0.25

Cr3C2 0.6002 0.03 1.4 0.3998 −0.05 2

Fe3C 0.7479 −0.28 0.23 0.2521 0.84 0.67

ZrC 0.5025 0.49 1.2 0.4975 −0.49 1.2

..      Table 22.3 Analysis of metal nitrides at E0 = 5 keV (5 replicates); atomic concentrations

Compound Metal, Cav Relative σrel, % Nitrogen, Cav Relative σrel, %

accuracy,% accuracy,%

TiN 0.5168 3.4 0.30 0.4832 −3.4 0.32

Cr2N 0.6606 −0.91 0.55 0.3394 1.8 1.1

Fe3N 0.7413 −1.1 2 0.2587 3.5 5.7

HfN 0.5050 1.0 1.4 0.495 −1.0 1.4

..      Table 22.4 Analysis of metal oxides at E0 = 5 keV (5 replicates); atomic concentrations

Compound Metal, Cav Relative σrel, % Oxygen, Cav Relative σrel, %

accuracy,% accuracy,%

TiO2 0.3299 −1.0 0.34 0.6701 0.5 0.17

NiO 0.5110 2.2 0.30 0.4890 −2.2 0.34

CuO 0.5105 2.1 0.10 0.4895 −2.1 0.11

Cu2O 0.6815 2.2 0.13 0.3185 −4.4 0.28

(nitrides), and . Table 22.4 (oxides) (Newbury and Ritchie stoichiometric compounds (MgO, GaN) as peak-fitting ref-
2015). Examples of EDS spectra and the residual spectrum erences and standards. Note that with the exception of the Si
after fitting are shown in . Fig. 22.11 (Cr borides), . Fig. 22.12 K-family, the L-shell and M-shell characteristic X-rays of the
(Cr3C2), . Fig. 22.13 (Fe3N), and . Fig. 22.14 (Cu oxides). metallic elements were used as the analytical peaks because
These examples of analyses for low atomic number elements the low beam energy was not adequate to ionize the K-shells
in compounds with NIST DTSA II used pure elements and of these elements (Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zr).
368 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

50000 Cr Cr2B_5kV20nA10%DT
45000 B E0 = 5 keV CrB_5kV20nA10%DT
40000 CrB2
35000 CrB
30000 Cr2B

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Photon Energy (keV)
35000 Residual_CrB2_5kV20nA10%DT
30000 E0 = 5 keV
25000 Fitting residual

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.11 EDS spectra of chromium borides: CrB2, CrB and Cr2B (upper) and residual after peak fitting for B and Cr in CrB2 (lower); E0 = 5 keV

Simulation of Cr3C2_1_GLR_5kV25nASLOW38kH12DT_60s
30000 Residual_Cr3C2_5kV25nA12%DT

E0 = 5 keV

Fitting residual



0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.12 EDS spectrum of chromium carbide, Cr3C2 and residual after peak fitting for C and Cr; E0 = 5 keV

22.3 · Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis
369 22

80000 Residual_Fe3N_5kV25nA13%DT

E0 = 5 keV
60000 Fitting residual



0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.13 EDS spectrum of iron nitride, Fe3N and residual after peak fitting for N and Fe; E0 = 5 keV

E0 = 5 keV
200000 CuO




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.14 EDS spectra of copper oxides, Cu2O and CuO; E0 = 5 keV

22.3  hallenges and Limitations of Low

C can improve the contrast from surface features of interest.
Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis Since the lateral ranges over which the backscattered elec-
tron (BSE) and closely related SE2 signals are emitted are
22.3.1 Reduced Access to Elements also greatly restricted at low beam energies, these signals
closely approach the beam footprint of SE1 emission and
High performance SEMs can routinely operate with the thus contribute to high spatial resolution imaging rather
beam energy as low as 500 eV; and with special electron than degrading resolution as they do at high beam energy.
optics and/or stage biasing, the landing kinetic energy of Thus, low beam energy operation has strong advantages
the beam can be reduced to 10 eV. Because the beam pen- for SEM imaging down to beam landing energies of tens
etration depth decreases rapidly as the incident energy is of eV.
reduced, as shown in . Fig. 22.9, which plots the Kanaya– While low beam energy SEM imaging can exploit the
Okayama range for 0 – 5 keV, low kinetic energy provides full range of landing kinetic energies to seek to maximize
extreme sensitivity to the surface of the specimen, which contrast from surface features of interest, the situation for
370 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

low beam energy X-ray microanalysis is much more con- spectrum of BaCl2 with E0 = 5 keV is shown in . Fig. 22.16.
strained. As discussed above, as the beam energy is reduced, Due to the low fluorescence yield of ionizations in the Ba
the atomic shells that can be ionized become more M-shell, the Ba M-family peaks are seen to have a relatively
restricted. A beam energy of 5 keV is the lowest energy that low peak-to-­background, despite Ba being present in this
provides access to measureable X-rays for elements of the case as a major constituent (mass concentration C = 0.696),
periodic table from Z = 3 (Li) to Z = 94 (Pu), as shown in making the measurement of Ba when present as a minor to
. Fig. 22.5. If the beam energy is reduced to E0 = 2.5 keV, trace constituent even more problematic. A practical prob-
EDS X-ray microanalysis of large portions of the periodic lem that arises when analyzing with the Ba M-family peaks is
table is no longer possible because no atomic shell with use- the difficulty in obtaining suitable Ba M-family peak refer-
ful X-ray yield can be excited or effectively measured for ences that are free of interferences from other elements.
these elements, creating the situation shown in . Fig. 22.6. While BaCl2 is interference-­free in the Ba M-family region,
Further decreases in the beam energy results in losing BaF2 and BaCO3 are not, as shown in . Fig. 22.16. However,
access to even more elements, with only about half of the BaCl2 shows evidence of degradation under the electron
elements measureable at E0 = 1 keV, and many of those only beam, possibly changing the local compositions and thus dis-
marginally so. qualifying it as a standard. Despite degradation under the
Even to achieve the elemental coverage depicted for beam, BaCl2 can serve as a peak reference, while BaF2 or
E0 = 5 keV in . Fig. 22.5, low beam energy EDS X-ray micro- another Ba-containing compound or glass that is stable
analysis requires measurement of characteristic X-rays that under electron bombardment can serve as a standard.
are not normally utilized in conventional beam energy analy- Despite these challenges, successful analysis of the high tran-
sis for certain elements. Thus Ti must be measured with the sition temperature superconducting material YBa2Cu3O7-X at
Ti L-family when E0 ≤ 5 keV, as shown in . Fig. 22.15. E0 = 2.5 keV with CuO, Y2O3, and BaF2 as the standard and
Similarly, for Ba, the Ba L-family around 4.5 keV is the usual BaCl2 as the peak reference is demonstrated in . Fig. 22.17
choice for microanalysis, but the Ba L3 excitation energy is and . Table 22.5, where analyses with oxygen done directly
5.25 keV, and thus the Ba L-family not excited with E0 = 5 keV, against a standard (ZnO) and by the method of assumed oxy-
forcing the analyst to utilize the Ba M-family. The EDS gen stoichiometry of the cations are presented.

40000 E0 = 5 keV




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.15 EDS spectrum of titanium; E0 = 5 keV

22.3 · Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis
371 22

35000 BaCl2_5kV25nA4%DT

30000 E0 = 5 keV






0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)
140000 BaCl2_5kV25nA4%DT
E0 = 5 keV
100000 BaCl2

80000 BaCO3




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.16 EDS spectrum of barium chloride, showing the Ba M-family (upper); EDS spectra of BaCl2, BaF2, and BaCO3 (lower); E0 = 5 keV

E0 =2.5 keV
50000 YBa2Cu3O7-X
Fitting residual




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.17 EDS spectrum of YBa2Cu3O7-X, and residual after peak fitting for O K-L2, the Ba M-family and Cu L-family; E0 = 2.5 keV
372 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

..      Table 22.5 Analysis of YBa2Cu3O7-X at E0 = 2.5 keV

Element Cav mass conc RDEV % σrel, % Cav mass conc RDEV % σrel, %

O 0.1574 (stoich) −6.4 1.1 0.1787 (ZnO) 6.3 1.3

Cu 0.2910 1.7 3.4 0.3024 5.7 1.4

Y 0.1296 −2.9 3.1 0.1322 −0.90 2.4

Ba 0.4220 2.4 3.6 0.3867 −6.2 2.3

22.3.2  elative Depth of X-Ray Generation:

R which a given photon energy can be generated. Such a range
Susceptibility to Vertical scale is shown parallel to the photon energy axis in . Fig. 22.18
Heterogeneity for a ZnS target with E0 = 5 keV. Points on the Kanaya–
Okayama range scale corresponding to exciting X-rays with
Another challenge in low beam energy X-ray microanalysis is ionization energies of 4 keV, 3 keV, 2 keV and 1 keV are noted.
that the difference in the depth of generation and sampling of The range scale is non-linear when compared to the energy
characteristic X-rays from different elements imposes strong scale due to the E01.67 term in the range equation. In ZnS, S K
requirements on the homogeneity of the specimen along the (Ec = 2.47 keV) can be excited to a depth of approximately
beam axis. While the physics of characteristic X-ray genera- 0.21 μm, while Zn (Ec = 1.02 keV) continues to a depth of
tion is such that relative differences in the generation and 0.28 μm. If the ZnS contained Ca as a trace or minor constitu-
emission of X-rays occur at all beam energies, including the ent, it would only be generated to a depth of 0.09 μm. Thus, if
conventional beam energy range, in the low beam energy quantitative analysis is to be successful by means of the
analysis region the effect is exacerbated due to the rapidly k-ratio/matrix corrections protocol performed at a single
changing range as described by Eq. (22.5). It is useful to con- beam energy in the low beam energy regime, the material
sider that the photon energy axis of an EDS spectrum can must be homogeneous from the surface to the full range of
also be thought of as a range axis that describes the depth to the excited volume.

300000 E0 = 5 keV


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Photon energy (eV)

Zn L (Ec=1.02 keV) S K (Ec=2.47 keV) Ca K (Ec=4.04 keV)

0.28 µm 0.21 µm 0.090 µm

22 0.28 0.24 0.17 0.094 0.0

Kanaya-Okayama range (µm) for X-ray production in ZnS at E0 = 5 keV

..      Fig. 22.18 EDS spectrum of ZnS illustrating concept of the energy axis of the spectrum and the corresponding depth of X-ray generation;
E0 = 5 keV
22.3 · Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis
373 22
22.3.3  t Low Beam Energy, Almost
A 4 eV. Note the large increase in intensity in this region as the
Everything Is Found To Be Layered beam energy is lowered from 10 keV to 2.5 keV due to the
increased contribution from O K-L2,3 as the fraction of the
Most “pure” elements have surface layers such as native oxide, interaction volume represented by the surface oxide increases.
hydration layers, and others that compromise the require- Obtaining an adequate standard and peak reference for Ti for
ment for uniform composition throughout the electron-­ low beam energy analysis is thus problematic. Even when a
excited volume of both the unknown and the standard(s). For compound expected to be oxygen-free such as TiSi2 is selected,
example, when “pure” silicon is used as a standard, the inten- there still appears to be excess intensity due to O K-L2,3, as
sity of the O K-L2,3 peak, which arises from the SiO2 layer on shown in . Fig. 22.20. Thus, it may be necessary to use advanced
Si, increases relative to the Si K-L2,3 peak as the beam energy preparation, such as in situ ion milling to clean the surface of Ti
is lowered, as seen in . Fig. 22.19. In conventional analysis to reduce the oxygen contribution to the spectrum.
with E0 ≥ 10 keV, the deviation from “pure” silicon that this The conductive coating that is applied to eliminate surface
surface oxide represents does not constitute a significant charging in insulating specimens becomes more significant
source of error since the range is so much greater than the as the beam energy is decreased. This effect is illustrated in
native oxide thickness. However, for low beam energy analy- . Fig. 22.21 for spectra of the mineral benitoite (BaTiSi3O9)
sis, the surface oxide constitutes an increasingly significant recorded over a wide range of incident beam energies, where
fraction of the beam excitation volume as the beam energy is the peak for C K-L 2,3 is barely detectable at E0 = 20 keV but
reduced, introducing an increasingly larger error because of becomes one of the most prominent peaks in the spectrum at
the uncertainty in the standard composition. E 0 = 2.5 keV. The analyst should try to minimize the carbon
The presence of the O K-L2,3 peak from a surface oxide is contribution to the spectrum by using the thinnest acceptable
especially problematic when it interferes with the characteristic carbon layer, less than 10 nm thick, and it may be necessary
peak of interest, such as the Ti L-family, as shown in . Fig. 22.20. to explore the use of ultrathin (~1 nm) heavy metal coatings
O K-L2,3 (0.525 keV) is separated from Ti L1-M2 (0.529 keV) by as an alternative if it is desired to analyze for carbon.


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

Si Si_2.8keV
1.9 keV Si_2.4keV
2.0 keV Si_2.0keV
2.2 keV Si_1.9keV

2.4 keV

2.6 keV
2.8 keV
3.0 keV

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.19 EDS spectra of Si over a range of beam energies, showing increase in the O K-L2 peak relative to Si K-L2; all spectra scaled to Si K-L2
374 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

E0 = 2.5 keV
E0 = 5 keV
E0 = 10 keV

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Photon energy (keV)


E0 = 2.5 keV

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.20 (Upper) EDS spectra of Ti at various beam energies showing increase in the O K-L2 peak relative to Ti L-family peaks; (lower) EDS spec-
tra of Ti and TiSi2 at E0 = 2.5 keV

Finding an unexpected composition due to surface modi- obtained, showing no further undiscovered constituents. The
fication is a common experience when performing low beam analysis results presented in . Table 22.6 reveal significant
energy analysis of materials that must be analyzed in the as-­ concentrations of C and O in the TiB2. Note the greater vari-
received condition. Without special surface preparation to ance in the C and O contaminants compared to the B and Ti
expose the interior of the material, such as grinding and pol- host elements.
ishing or ion beam milling, the modified surface region dom-
inates the analysis. . Figure 22.22 (upper spectrum) shows an Analysis of Surface Contamination
example of TiB2, where inspection of the fitting residual after Low beam energy analysis samples such a shallow near-­
analyzing for B and Ti shows significant peaks for C and surface region that unexpected contamination layers can
O. When these elements are included in the analysis, the fit- dominate an analysis. This can lead to the confounding situa-
ting residual shown in . Fig. 22.22 (lower spectrum) is tion where the analysis can be correct, but what is being

22.3 · Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis
375 22

Benitoite Benitoite_2.5kV50nA2%DT
2.5 keV
5 keV

10 keV
20 keV

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.21 EDS Spectra of benitoite (BaTiSi3O9) over arrange of beam energies showing relative increase in the C K-L2 peak as the beam energy

measured is unanticipated. An example is shown in The results of the quantitative analysis after this first repolish-
. Fig. 22.23, which shows a low beam energy SDD-EDS spec- ing, which are presented in . Table 22.7b, show analytical
trum of NIST SRM 481 (alloy 20Au-80Ag) where the surface totals near unity but large RDEV values for Ag and Au, espe-
was prepared metallographically more than 30 years earlier. cially for the 20Au-80Ag alloy. This large deviation from the
The spectrum shows distinct peaks due to S and Cl from the SRM values is likely to be a consequence of the tarnish forma-
formation of a surface tarnish layer. Quantitative X-ray tion process selectively removing Ag from the alloy. After two
microanalysis with DTSA-II confirms the high concentra- additional repolishing steps with 1 μm and 0.25 μm diamond
tions of S and Cl and very large RDEV values for Ag and Au, abrasives (. Tables 22.7c and 22.7d), this perturbed surface
as shown in . Table 22.7a. The specimen mount was re-pol- layer was finally removed, exposing the SRM alloy, with the
ished with 0.25-­μm diamond abrasive, which eliminated the DTSA-II analysis values closely matching the SRM certificate
S- and Cl- rich layer, as seen in the spectrum in . Fig. 22.23. values.
376 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis


E0 = 2.5 keV
30000 TiB2
Residual: B and Ti L fitting



0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Photon energy (keV)

40000 ResidualTiB2_fit_B_C_O_Ti

E0 = 2.5 keV

Residual: B and Ti L fitting

20000 Residual: B, C, O and Ti L fitting


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.22 (Upper) EDS spectrum of TiB2 and residual spectrum after fitting for B K-L2 and Ti L-family revealing peaks for C K-L2and O K-L2; (lower)
after fitting for C K-L2and O K-L2; E0 = 2.5 keV

..      Table 22.6 Analysis of TiB2 at E0 = 2.5 keV

B (atomic concentration) C (atomic concentration) O (atomic concentration) Ti (atomic concentration)

Mean (5 analyses) 0.5110 0.0708 0.1011 0.3171

σrel, % 2.7 27 11 2.7

22.3 · Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis
377 22

20Au-80Ag alloy, original surface
20Au-80Ag alloy, 1st-repolishing (0.25 µm)
E0 = 5 keV


5 000

0 1 2 3 4 5
Photon energy (keV)
NIST DTSA-II 20Au80Ag_repolished
Quantitative analysis 20Au80Ag_residual
20Au80Ag, 1st-repolishing
E0 = 5 keV


1 2 3 4
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 22.23 NIST SRM 481 (Au-Ag alloys). Analysis of an old (>30 years) metallographic preparation at E0 = 5 keV, and the spectrum after repolish-
ing with 0.25 μm diamond abrasive

..      Table 22.7a Analysis of SRM 481 (Au-Ag alloys); 1970s metallographic preparation, original surface; E0 = 5 keV; standards: S (FeS2); Cl (KCl); Ag, Au

Alloy Raw analytical S (norm mass σ(%)5 Cl (norm mass σ(%) 5 Au (norm mass σ(%)5 loc RDEV(%) Ag (norm mass σ(%) 5 loc RDEV (%)
total conc) loc conc) loc conc) conc)

20Au–80Ag 0.9855 0.0934 4.4 0.1061 12 0.0796 12 −64 0.7210 0.44 −7

40Au–60Ag 0.9959 0.0311 5.7 0.0965 10 0.3440 6.1 −14 0.5284 2.2 −12
Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

60Au–40Ag 0.9951 0.0094 5 0.045 22 0.5754 4.7 −4.2 0.3706 4.6 −7.2

80Au–20Ag 1.005 0.0051 8.3 0.0365 4.5 0.7340 0.67 −8.3 0.2244 1.6 +12

..      Table 22.7b Analysis of SRM 481 (Au-Ag alloys); surface after first repolishing with 0.25-μm diamond; E0 = 5 keV; standards: Ag, Au

Alloy Raw analytical Au (norm) σ(%) 5 loc RDEV (%) DTSA-II error Ag (norm) σ(%) 5 loc RDEV (%) DTSA-II error
total budget (%) budget (%)

20Au–80Ag 0.9731 0.3050 7.1 +36 0.34 0.6950 3.1 −10.4 0.75

40Au–60Ag 0.9920 0.4460 0.96 +11.4 0.25 0.5540 0.77 −7.6 1.1

60Au–40Ag 0.9907 0.6322 1.0 +5.3 0.21 0.3678 1.8 −7.9 1.5

80Au–20Ag 0.9930 0.8264 0.24 3.2 0.17 0.1736 1.1 −13 2.1
..      Table 22.7c Analysis of SRM 481 (Au-Ag alloys); surface after second repolishing with 1- and 0.25-μm diamond; E0 = 5 keV; standards: Ag, Au

Alloy Raw analytical Au (norm) σ(%) 5 loc RDEV (%) DTSA-II error Ag (norm) σ(%) 5 loc RDEV (%) DTSA-II error
total budget (%) budget (%)

20Au–80Ag 1.005 0.2398 0.87 % +6.9 % 0.38 % 0.7602 0.28 % −2.0 % 0.64 %

40Au–60Ag 0.9983 0.4045 0.23 +1.1 0.27 0.5955 0.16 −0.64 0.98

60Au–40Ag 0.9897 0.6084 0.13 +1.3 0.21 0.3916 0.21 −1.9 1.4

80Au–20Ag 0.9998 0.8055 0.26 +0.62 0.19 0.1945 1.1 −2.5 1.9

20Au–80Ag 1.005 0.2398 0.87 +6.9 0.38 0.7602 0.28 −2.0 0.64
22.3 · Challenges and Limitations of Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

..      Table 22.7d Analysis of SRM 481 (Au-Ag alloys); surface after third repolishing with 1- and 0.25-μm diamond; E0 = 5 keV; standards: Ag, Au

Alloy Raw analytical Au (norm) σ(%) 5 loc RDEV (%) DTSA-II error Ag (norm) σ(%) 5 loc RDEV (%) DTSA-II error
total budget (%) budget (%)

20Au–80Ag 1.017 0.2251 0.13 −0.11 0.39 0.7749 0.13 +0.35 0.61

40Au–60Ag 0.9988 0.3909 0.25 −2.3 0.28 0.6091 0.16 +1.6 0.93

60Au–40Ag 0.9931 0.5931 0.12 −1.2 0.22 0.4069 0.18 +1.9 1.4

80Au–20Ag 0.9957 0.7979 0.17 −0.32 0.18 0.2021 0.68 +1.2 1.9
22 379
380 Chapter 22 · Low Beam Energy X-Ray Microanalysis

References spectrometry (SEM/SDD-EDS) and NIST DTSA-II. Micros Microanal

Newbury D, Ritchie N (2016) Electron-excited X-ray microanalysis at low
Newbury D, Ritchie N (2015) Quantitative electron-excited X-ray micro-
beam energy: almost always an adventure! Micros Microanal
analysis of borides, carbides, nitrides, oxides, and fluorides with scan-
ning electron microscopy/silicon drift detector energy-­dispersive

381 23

Analysis of Specimens
with Special Geometry:
Irregular Bulk Objects
and Particles
23.1 The Origins of “Geometric Effects”: Bulk Specimens – 382

23.2 What Degree of Surface Finish Is Required for

Electron-Excited X-ray Microanalysis To Minimize
Geometric Effects? – 384
23.2.1 No Chemical Etching – 384

23.3 Consequences of Attempting Analysis of

Bulk Materials With Rough Surfaces – 385

23.4 Useful Indicators of Geometric Factors Impact

on Analysis – 386
23.4.1 The Raw Analytical Total – 386
23.4.2 The Shape of the EDS Spectrum – 389

23.5 Best Practices for Analysis of Rough Bulk Samples – 391

23.6 Particle Analysis – 394

23.6.1 How Do X-ray Measurements of Particles Differ
From Bulk Measurements? – 394
23.6.2 Collecting Optimum Spectra From Particles – 395
23.6.3 X-ray Spectrum Imaging: Understanding Heterogeneous
Materials – 400
23.6.4 Particle Geometry Factors Influencing Quantitative
Analysis of Particles – 403
23.6.5 Uncertainty in Quantitative Analysis of Particles – 405
23.6.6 Peak-to-Background (P/B) Method – 408

23.7 Summary – 410

References – 411

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
382 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

There are two “zero-th level” assumptions that underpin the

basis for quantitative electron-excited X-ray microanalysis: Cu E0 = 20 keV
1. The only reason that the measured X-ray intensity differs 0.8
between the unknown and the standard(s) is that the
composition is different. No other factors such as the 0.7

Backscatter coefficient
specimen shape, orientation, or size influence the
measured X-ray spectrum.
2. The specimen is homogeneous in composition over the 0.5
volume excited by the electron beam from which the
characteristic and continuum X-rays are emitted, 0.4
including the secondary radiation induced by absorption
of the primary electron-excited radiation. 0.3

When either of these conditions is not met, a significant 0.2

increase in the overall uncertainty budget of the analysis can 0 20 40 60 80
occur beyond the ideal situation in which the uncertainties Tilt angle (degrees)
arise from counting statistics and from uncertainties in the
calculated matrix correction factors. ..      Fig. 23.1 Backscatter coefficient η vs. surface tilt θ (inclination) for
Considering “zeroth-level” assumption 1, sample geom- Cu at E0 = 20 keV as calculated with the Monte Carlo electron trajectory
etry can significantly modify the measured X-ray intensity. simulation embedded in NIST DTSA-II
The ideal specimen is flat and placed at known angles to the
incident beam and the X-ray detector(s). Topographic fea- is at a minimum, BSEs carry off energy which would have
tures on bulk specimens (defined as those for which the gone to cause additional inner shell ionization events fol-
thickness is much greater than the electron range) or lowed by subsequent X-ray emission had those electrons
unusual geometric shapes, such as particles with dimensions remained in the specimen. As the local surface inclination
similar to the electron range, can strongly affect the mea- (tilt) increases, backscattering increases and more X-ray gen-
sured X-rays by modifying X-ray generation and by affect- eration is lost compared to normal beam incidence situation.
ing the loss of X-rays due to absorption. In severe cases, the . Figure 23.2 shows Monte Carlo calculations of the Cu
impact of “geometric factors” on the final concentrations K-L2,3 X-ray intensity emitted from a flat, bulk copper speci-
becomes so large as to render the compositional results, as men, expressed as a “k-ratio,” where the denominator is the
calculated with the conventional standards-based/matrix intensity emitted from copper at zero tilt (normal beam inci-
corrections protocol or the standardless protocol, nearly dence). As the local surface inclination (tilt angle) increases
worthless. above zero degrees, the X-ray production decreases with

23.1  he Origins of “Geometric Effects”:

Bulk Specimens Cu K-L2,3 emission vs. Tilt (E0 = 20 keV)

The ideal sample is compositionally homogeneous on a 1.0

microscopic scale, has a flat surface, and is set at known
angles to the incident electron beam and the X-ray spectrom- 0.8
eter. Compared to the X-ray spectrum measured from this
ideal spectrum, geometric effects occur when the size and

shape of the specimen (1) modify the interaction of the elec-
trons with the specimen so as to affect the generated X-ray 0.4
intensity and (2) alter the length of the absorption path along
which the generated X-rays travel to escape the specimen and 0.2
reach the detector so as to affect the measured X-ray
intensity. 0.0
Because electron backscattering depends on the local sur- 0 20 40 60 80
face inclination to the incident beam, tilted samples generate Tilt angle (degrees)
fewer X-rays compared to a sample at normal beam inci-
dence (0° tilt). An illustration of this effect for bulk copper, as
23 calculated with the Monte Carlo simulation embedded in
..      Fig. 23.2 Emitted Cu K-L2,3 X-ray intensity calculated as the k-ratio
relative to the intensity at a tilt of 0°, vs. surface tilt θ (inclination), for
NIST DTSA-II, is shown in . Fig. 23.1. Even at normal beam Cu at E0 = 20 keV as calculated with the Monte Carlo electron trajectory
incidence where the backscattered electron (BSE) coefficient simulation embedded in NIST DTSA-II
23.1 · The Origins of “Geometric Effects”: Bulk Specimens
383 23
..      Fig. 23.3 Schematic illus- Geometric Effects: surface roughness affects local
tration of the effects of surface absorption path to reach detector
topography on the X-ray absorp-
tion path length within the
I/I0 = exp[-(µ/ρ)ρs]

of surface
Normal flat Reduced
bulk target absorption Extended
absorption path due to absorption
path due to
path scratch path due to


increasing tilt due to the increased backscattering seen in

. Fig. 23.1. There is a relatively small decrease in the k-ratio X-ray absorption
at low tilt angles, but the k-ratio decreases rapidly for tilt 1.0
angles above approximately 40°. Because of the high photon
energy of Cu K-L2,3 (8.04 keV) and the relative transparency 0.8 Al K-L2,3 in Si
of any material to its own X-rays, there is no significant Si K-L2,3 in AI
absorption so that the behavior shown in . Fig. 23.2 is almost 0.6
entirely due to the modification of the production of X-rays

due to backscatter loss.

Surface topography modifies the X-ray absorption path
length to the detector compared to a flat specimen at normal
beam incidence. As shown schematically in . Fig. 23.3, topo-
graphic features such as scratches and ridges can increase or
decrease the absorption path length in the direction of the 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10
X-ray detector. X-ray absorption follows an exponential
Absorption path length (mm)
dependence on this path length:

I / I 0 = exp  − ( µ / ρ ) ρ s  (23.1) ..      Fig. 23.4 Absorption as a function of path length for Al K-L2,3
(1.487 keV) passing through Si (Kcrit = 1.838 keV), and Si K-L2,3
where I0 is the initial intensity, I is the intensity that remains (1.740 keV) passing through Al (Kcrit = 1.559 keV)
after passing through a path length s (cm), (μ/ρ) is the mass
absorption coefficient (cm2/g) for the photon energy of interest for absorption as a function of path length for two contrasting
that depends on the absorption contributions of all elements cases: Al K-L2,3 (1.487 keV) passing through Si (Kcrit = 1.838 keV),
present, and ρ is the density (g/cm3). Considering the entire and Si K-L2,3 (1.740 keV) passing through Al (Kcrit = 1.559 keV).
energy range of the generated X-ray spectrum, which extends Because Si K-L2,3 is 0.181 keV above the critical ionization
from a practical minimum threshold of 100 eV to the incident energy for Al, Si is very strongly absorbed by Al (μ/ρ = 3282 cm2/g)
beam energy, E0 (the Duane–Hunt limit), as the X-ray photon such that there is no penetration beyond approximately 6 μm.
energy decreases, absorption generally increases. Absorption is By comparison, Al K-L2,3 is below the critical ionization energy
especially strong if the photon energy is less than 1 keV above for Si, so it much less strongly absorbed (μ/ρ = 535 cm2/g), with
the critical ionization energy for any elemental constituent in approximately 50% of Al K-L2,3 intensity still remaining after
the specimen. An example of this effect is shown in . Fig. 23.4 6-μm penetration through Si.
384 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

23.2  hat Degree of Surface Finish Is

W variation for 20 random measurements to a level similar to
Required for Electron-Excited X-ray the expected variation from the random counting statistics,
Microanalysis To Minimize Geometric expressed as 3 n1/2/n. For the lower photon energy Au M5-N6,7
Effects? which suffers stronger absorption, it was necessary to improve
the surface polish to 0.1 μm alumina to achieve similar results.
Early in the history of microanalysis by electron-excited X-ray For even lower photon energy peaks, such as those asso-
spectrometry, it was recognized that controlling the surface ciated with low atomic number elements with Z ≤ 9 (fluo-
condition of a specimen was critical to achieving high-accu- rine) for which E < 1 keV, even better surface finish is required
racy results by reducing geometric effects to a negligible level. to control the geometric effects. Newbury and Ritchie (2013a)
Yakowitz and Heinrich (1968) performed a series of experi- simulated X-ray emission from crenelated surfaces with the
ments in which the metallographic preparation sequence of Monte Carlo simulation embedded in NIST DTSA-II to
grinding and polishing was interrupted at various stages. examine the influence of surface topography on low photon
Materials examined included pure elements with two widely energy peaks. As shown in . Fig. 23.5 for FeO at an incident
different characteristic peak energies, for example, Au M5- beam energy E0 = 10 keV, the depth of scratches had to be
N6,7 at 2.123 keV and Au L3-M4,5 at 9.711 keV, and homoge- reduced below 50 nm to reduce the geometric effects on O K,
neous binary metal alloys with widely differing characteristic Fe L3-M4,5, and Fe K-L2,3 to a negligible level.
X-ray energies. For each surface condition, the characteristic
X-ray intensity was then measured at random locations and
along line traverses on the specimen surface to examine the 23.2.1 No Chemical Etching
variation in characteristic X-ray intensity that could be
ascribed to surface roughness. Results for selected surface In addition to achieving a high degree of surface finish to
conditions for a gold target are listed in . Table 23.1. For the minimize geometric effects, it is also important to avoid
Au L3-M4,5 measurements, a final polish of the surface with chemical or electrochemical etching of the final surface. For
0.5-μm alumina was necessary to reduce the coefficient of effective optical microscopy of microstructures, chemical

..      Table 23.1 Characteristic X-ray intensity measured on gold after various stages of grinding and polishing (Yakowitz and Heinrich 1968)

Surface condition AuMα (2.123 keV) AuMα (2.123 keV) AuLα (9.711 keV) AuLα (9.711 keV)
Coeff. variation,% 3 n1/2/n,% Coeff. variation,% n1/2/n,%

600 grit SiC 8.6 0.39 1.8 0.93

0.5 μm Al2O3 0.7 0.39 1.1 0.93

0.1 μm Al2O3 0.46 0.39 0.42 0.93

..      Fig. 23.5 Plots of O K, Fe L3-

M4,5, and Fe K-L2,3 as a function FeO E0 = 10 keV
of scratch depth for a crenelated
surface as calculated with the
Monte Carlo simulation embed- 1.0
ded in NIST DTSA-II (Newbury
and Ritchie 2013a,b)


O K-L2,3 (0.523 keV)
Fe L (0.704 keV)
0.4 FeK-L2,3 (6.400 keV)


23 0.0
0.01 0.1 1 10
Scratch depth and period (micrometers)
23.3 · Consequences of Attempting Analysis of Bulk Materials With Rough Surfaces
385 23
etching is usually required to produce contrast from grains at approximately 1% relative along the Mg and Fe concentra-
different crystallographic orientations and from composi- tion axes, while the results for one location fall significantly
tionally distinct phases by creating surface relief through dif- outside this cluster. This anomalous value was found to be
ferential chemical attack and dissolution or by staining associated with a shallow scratch that remained on the pol-
through chemical reactions. Such microscopic physical relief ished surface (location noted on the inset SEM image).
creates unwanted topography similar to mechanically pro- When this highly polished surface was degraded by direc-
duced scratches that can affect SEM/EDS analysis. tional grinding with 1-μm diamond grit, 20 analyses at ran-
Additionally, in some cases chemical etching can actually domly selected locations produce a much wider scatter in the
modify the chemical composition of the surface region, so normalized Mg and Fe concentrations, as shown in . Fig. 23.7,
that it is no longer representative of the bulk of the material. a direct consequence of the effect of surface geometry.
Creating an even more severe topographic feature by
gouging the polished surface of K411 with a diamond scribe
23.3  onsequences of Attempting Analysis
C created the crater seen in the SEM(ET+) SE + BSE image
of Bulk Materials With Rough Surfaces shown in . Fig. 23.8a. Many locations in this gouge crater
were analyzed, and the results are plotted in . Fig. 23.8b,
To illustrate the impact of surface topography on microanal- showing a very wide range of Mg-Fe results. For comparison,
ysis results, a microscopically homogenous glass (NIST SRM note that the 20 Mg-Fe results from the highly polished sur-
470 K411) containing several elements (O, Mg, Si, Ca, and face, including the outlier seen In . Fig. 23.6, are contained
Fe) that provide a wide range of range of photon energies, as within the small red box noted on the plot in . Fig. 23.8b.
listed in . Table 23.2, was analyzed with a range of surface
topography (Newbury and Ritchie 2013b). Analysis was per-
formed with NIST DTSA-II at E0 = 20 keV using elemental ..      Table 23.2 NIST SRM 470 (Glass K411)
(Mg, Si, Fe) and multi-element (SRM 470 glass K412 for Ca)
standards, with oxygen calculated by assumed stoichiometry, Element Mass concentration Characteristic X-ray
followed by normalization of the raw result. When analyzed energy (keV)
in the ideal, highly polished (100-nm alumina final polish) O 0.4236 0.523
flat form, the analyzed concentrations for the Mg and Fe con-
stituents, selected because of their wide difference in photon Mg 0.0885 1.254
energies, measured at 20 randomly selected locations show Si 0.2538 1.740
the distribution of results plotted in . Fig. 23.6. The mean of
Ca 0.1106 3.690
the 20 analyses falls within +1.8 % relative for Fe and −1.0 %
relative for Mg (SRM certificate values). Of the 20 analyzed Fe 0.1121 6.400
locations, 19 fall within a symmetric cluster that spans

..      Fig. 23.6 Analysis of polished

(0.1-μm alumina final polish) Analysis of K411: Bulk polished
NIST SRM 470 (K411 glass) at 11.5
E0 = 20 keV with NIST DTSA-II
and standards: elemental (Mg,
Si, Fe) and multi-element (SRM 1s
Fe (normalized weight percent)

470 K412 glass for Ca), with oxy-

gen calculated by assumed stoi-
1% relative

chiometry. Normalized results. Mean compared to

Note cluster of results and one SRM values
outlier * Av Fe 11.41 (11.21%) +1.8% rel
Mg 8.76 (8.85 %) -1.0% rel

Outlier possibly a
surface finish artifact 1% relative
8.6 8.65 8.7 8.75 8.8 8.85 8.9
Mg (normalized weight percent)
386 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

..      Fig. 23.7 Analysis of SRM470

(K411 glass) with surface rough- 11.55
ness produced by abrading with 1 mm diamond
1-μm diamond grit 0.1 mm alumina polish




Fe (weight percent)
Mean compared to
SRM values
11.3 Fe 11.41 (11.21%) +1.8% rel
Mg 8.76 (8.85 %) -1.0% rel
K411_Highly polished
11.15 Certificate


7.8 7.9 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9
Mg (weight percent)

. Figure 23.9a shows examples of additional ­geometric kThe Takeaway

shapes created with K411 glass: deep, narrow pits from Just because a feature can be observed in an SEM image and
diamond scribe impacts, microscopic particles (major an EDS spectrum can be recorded does not mean that a suc-
dimen­sions < 100 μm), and macroscopic particles (major cessful and useful quantitative analysis can be performed!
dimensions > 500 μm). When random locations are ana-
lyzed on these targets, the range of measured Mg and Fe
­concentration values is shown in . Fig. 23.9b, covering an 23.4  seful Indicators of Geometric Factors
order of magnitude in both constituents. This huge range Impact on Analysis
occurs with EDS spectra that were readily measurable
despite the severe departure from the ideal flat specimen There are strong diagnostic indicators that reveal the impact
geometry. of geometric factors on analysis:
These results demonstrate that the SEM microanalyst
must realize that just because an EDS spectrum can be
obtained when the stationary beam is placed on a topo- 23.4.1 The Raw Analytical Total
graphic feature of interest, the resulting analysis may be sub-
ject to such egregious errors so as to be of little use. The raw analytical total is the sum of all the constituents
Sometimes analysis locations that are surprisingly close on a measured (including any constituents such as oxygen calcu-
microscopic scale can produce very different results. lated on the basis of assumed stoichiometry of the cations).
. Figure 23.10 shows a fractured fragment of pyrite (stoi- For an ideal flat sample measured with the beam energy
chiometric FeS2) which has been analyzed at various loca- selected in the “conventional range” (E0 = 10 keV to 25 keV)
tions (conditions: E0 = 20 keV; DTSA-II calculations with Fe and following a standards-based–matrix correction factor
and CuS as standards, followed by normalization). Despite protocol, the analytical total typically will fall between 0.98
the proximity of the analyzed locations, the results vary and 1.02 mass fraction (98–102 wt %), a consequence of the
greatly. Thus, analysis at location 3 produces a nearly perfect uncertainties inherent in the measurement process (counting
match to the stoichiometric values with relative deviation statistics) and in the calculated matrix correction factors. If
from expected value (RDEV) within ±0.15 %, while analysis the raw analytical total exceeds this range, it is usually an
at nearby location 9 (about 25 μm away) suffers relative indication of a deviation in the measurement conditions
accuracy of ±36 %, while at location 7 (about 50 μm away) (e.g., beam current drift). If the raw analytical total is below
23 the RDEV is ±100 %. this range, this may again indicate a deviation in the
23.4 · Useful Indicators of Geometric Factors Impact on Analysis
387 23
..      Fig. 23.8 a SEM (ET+) Analysis with a compromised sample shape:
SE + BSE image of a crater pro- surface gouge crater left by tool impact
duced in polished K411 glass
after gouging with a diamond a
scribe. b Plot of the normalized
Mg and Fe concentrations calcu-
lated for measurements at vari-
ous locations in this crater

Analysis of K411: Bulk polished and tool gouge crater

35 BULK-K411

Fe (normalized weight percent)


Extent of ideal
flat specimen


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mg (normalized weight percent)
388 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

Analysis with a compromised sample shape

Analysis of K411: Bulk polished, 600 Grit, In-hole, Chips, Shards

Bulk K411 11.5 Ideal flat surface

Fe (normalized weight



Fe (normalized weight percent)

8.6 8.8
50 Macroscopic chips Mg (normalized weight

Surface voids




23 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mg (normalized weight percent)

..      Fig. 23.9 a Examples of deep narrow pits produced in K411 glass b Plot of the normalized Mg and Fe concentrations calculated for mea-
by impacts of a diamond scribe; microscopic particles (major dimen- surements at various locations on these objects combined with the
sions <50 μm); and macroscopic particles (major dimensions >500 μm). measurements previously plotted
23.4 · Useful Indicators of Geometric Factors Impact on Analysis
389 23

Errors in normalized analysis
Element Ideal mass concentration (k-ratio protocol with CuS and Fe, DTSA-II)
S 0.5345
Fe 0.4655 Location 10 Norm conc relative error Location 11 Norm conc RDEV (%)
S 0.2727 -49% S 0.5015 -6%
Fe 0.7273 56% Fe 0.4985 7%
EDS Raw Total 0.0391 Raw Total 0.8773

Location 7 Norm conc R

S 0.0381 -93%
Fe 0.9619 107%
Raw Total 0.1121

Location 9 Norm conc relative error

S 0.3654 -32%
Fe 0.6346 36%
Raw Total 0.5244

Location 3 Norm conc relative error

S 0.5352 0.13%
Fe 0.4648 -0.15%
Raw Total 0.9892

..      Fig. 23.10 Fragment of pyrite (stoichiometric FeS2) analyzed at various locations; conditions: E0 = 20 keV; DTSA-II calculations with Fe and CuS
as standards, followed by normalization

measurement conditions, but a low total can also reveal the geometric shapes. Note that for this data set, the raw analytical
presence on an unexpected elemental constituent that is not total varies from 0.03 to 1.30 mass fraction (3–130 weight wt
in the list of elements analyzed. For example, an oxidized %). For this particular composition (K411 glass), the RDEV for
inclusion in a metallic alloy will typically have an oxygen Mg and Fe is within a range of 10% relative when the analytical
mass fraction of approximately 0.3, leading to a sharp total is in the range 0.8–1.2 mass fraction (80–120 wt %).
decrease in the analytical total to ~ 0.7 (70 %) if oxygen is not Different compositions are likely to have different sensitivities
recognized and included in a standards-based analysis of that to deviations in accuracy, but the general experience is that
location compared to the surrounding metallic region. Thus, when the raw analytical total ranges from 0.9 to 1.1 mass frac-
even for conventional analysis of ideal specimens, the raw tion (90–110 wt %), the impact of the geometric factors on the
analytical total conveys useful information and should always analysis will be minimized.
be inspected.
When a specimen deviates from the ideal flat condition and
geometric factors affect the analysis, the raw analytical total 23.4.2 The Shape of the EDS Spectrum
gives a direct indication, providing a standards-based–matrix
correction factor protocol is being used. Note that “standard- A second powerful indicator that can alert the careful analyst to
less analysis” does not provide this critical information on the the possible impact of geometric factors on an analysis is the
raw analytical total if this protocol reqwuires a forced normal- shape of the EDS spectrum. The shape of the X-ray continuum
ization to unity mass fraction (100 wt %) since the electron (bremsstrahlung) background from an ideal flat specimen has
dose information is not considered. “Standardless analysis” distinctive properties. Consider the spectrum of pure boron,
schemes that use a locally measured elemental spectrum to selected because of the absence of significant characteristic
establish the dose relationship to the vendor’s standard inten- peaks above the energy of boron (0.185 keV), as shown in
sity database or which use the peak-to-background method . Fig. 23.12. A small peak of oxygen that arises from the inevi-
(see below) can provide a meaningful analytical total. table surface oxide on the boron can be seen in this spectrum, as
. Figures 23.11a, b shows the calculated normalized concentra- well as the artifact silicon peak from the absorption and internal
tions as a function of the raw analytical total for Mg and Fe in fluorescence of the silicon window support grid and the silicon
K411 from the suite of spectra obtained from the various dead layer of the detector. Otherwise, the spectrum consists
390 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

..      Fig. 23.11 Calculated nor-

malized concentrations as a a Analysis with a compromised sample shape: raw analytical total for all forms
function of the raw analytical Analysis of K411: Bulk polished and All Geometries
total from the suite of spectra 80
obtained from the various geo-
metric shapes: a Fe, b Mg

60 Bulk K411 All Geometries

Fe (normalized weight percent)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Raw analytical total (weight percent)

b Analysis of K411: Bulk polished and All Geometries


Mg (normalized weight percent)

Bulk K411
4 All Geometries


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Raw analytical total (weight percent)

only of the X-ray bremsstrahlung that occurs at all photon ener- absorption coefficient increases as the photon energy
gies, Eν, up to the incident beam energy, E0 (Duane–Hunt limit). decreases. Absorption is an exponential effect, so that even-
Inspecting this spectrum starting at high photon energy, as the tually the increased absorption overwhelms the increase in
photon energy Eν decreases, the intensity of the continuum, Icm, the continuum intensity so that the intensity reaches a max-
increases, a consequence of the physics of the generation of the imum. For boron with E0 = 20 keV this maximum occurs at
bremsstrahlung, which has the following form: approximately 1.3 keV. Because of the effect on the electron
23 . range and the subsequent X-ray absorption, the exact loca-
I cm ≈ iB Z ( E0 / Ev − 1) (23.2) tion of the maximum in bremsstrahlung intensity depends
on beam energy as well as the specific element(s) acting as
where iB is the beam current, and Ż is the average atomic the absorber. Moreover, for complex compositions the
number of the target. For a given material, the mass numerous characteristic peaks are superimposed on the
23.5 · Best Practices for Analysis of Rough Bulk Samples
391 23





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Photon energy (keV)







0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 23.12 EDS spectrum of polished boron at E0 = 20 keV

background, making it more difficult to discern the position and polishing would modify or destroy the material that is
of the bremsstrahlung maximum. Nevertheless, the general actually necessary for the final result. How should the analyst
shape of the EDS bremsstrahlung continuum is a powerful proceed in such a case?
indicator of geometric effects that modify X-ray produc- The analysis of rough surfaces is inevitably going to be
tion, both bremsstrahlung and characteristic X-rays. compromised compared to analysis of the ideal flat polished
. Figure 23.13 shows this effect for ideal flat polished K411 specimen. The analyst must seek to obtain the best possible
glass and several shards. The deviation in spectral shape result under the circumstances, so the analytical strategy
from the ideal case is readily apparent, and analysis of spec- must be carefully considered. Electrons that backscatter off
tra with such severe deviations in shape results in large rough surfaces are likely to produce remote excitation of
deviations in the relative accuracy of the normalized quan- X-rays from material(s) that are likely to differ from the
titative results. location where the beam is striking, as shown schematically
in . Fig. 23.14. It may be thought that the collimator on the
EDS will restrict the view of the EDS to just the region
23.5  est Practices for Analysis of Rough
B directly excited by the incident beam. This is not the case.
Bulk Samples The collimator typically permits acceptance of X-rays with
at least 50 % efficiency from an area that is 5 mm in diameter
The optimum approach to the analysis of a rough specimen is or larger. The exact transmission response depends on the
obviously to prepare a polished flat surface, but the analyst particular EDS detector and its collimator, but the region of
may be confronted with a situation where no physical modi- transmission can be readily determined by mapping a uni-
fication of the as-received specimen is permitted. That is, the form target, for example, an aluminum SEM mounting stub,
rough surface itself is the object of interest, so that grinding at the lowest magnification setting (maximum sized scan
392 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

100000 K411_SHARDD_15kV




0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

K411 K411_FLAT_15kV
4000 E0 = 15 keV K411_SHARDC_15kV
Flat bulk K411_SHARDE_15kV

3000 Shard A
Shard C

Shard D
Shard E


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 23.13 EDS spectra of K411 glass in the flat polished condition, and from four shards, showing the deviation in the spectral shape from the
ideal; E0 = 20 keV

Extreme rough surfaces




..      Fig. 23.14 SEM (ET+) SE + BSE image of an irregular surface and schematic illustration of electron backscattering from a tilted surface causing
remote X-ray excitation
23.5 · Best Practices for Analysis of Rough Bulk Samples
393 23
..      Fig. 23.15 X-ray mapping experiment to
determine extent of collimator acceptance. Large
scale low magnification map (3 × 2.5 mm) of an
aluminum stub. The graph shows the intensity
measured at the center of a series of such maps
recorded at different working distances

1 mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Al counts/pixel

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Working distance (mm)

field) of the SEM, as shown in . Fig. 23.15. The aluminum Optimizing the EDS spectrum measured from a rough,
stub was mapped with the specimen plane located at the irregularly shaped surface requires careful consideration of
manufacturer’s specified ideal working distance for this the selection of the location on the specimen to be measured.
SEM/EDS. The Al intensity map encoded with a pseudo- The analyst must be aware of the location of the EDS relative
color scale shows that the transmission varies from maxi- to the measured location to avoid the situation illustrated in
mum (100 %) along the top of the image to values in the . Fig. 23.16a, where the beam location leads to an X-ray path
range 60–70 % at the bottom. The top-to-bottom asymme- that must pass through the bulk of the specimen to reach the
try in this map reveals that the collimator on this EDS sys- EDS, leading to extremely high absorption. Ideally, using a
tem is actually misaligned, since with proper orientation the specimen stage with several rotation axes, a rotation about a
maximum of the collimator transmission should be at the vertical axis will bring the feature of interest to directly face
image center (coincident with the optic axis). The transmis- the EDS, thus minimizing the absorption, as shown in
sion function of the collimator as a function of vertical dis- . Fig. 23.16b. A further rotation about a horizontal axis
tance along the SEM optical axis can be determined by places the feature perpendicular to beam to minimize back-
repeating the mapping at different working distances. The scattering and remote X-ray excitation (. Fig. 23.16c). Note
graph in . Fig. 23.15 shows the intensity measured at the that although backscattering is minimized by establishing
center of each map, revealing a decrease of approximately normal beam incidence (effectively a zero tilt angle), the
40 % as the working distance was increased from 10 to backscattered electrons are broadly emitted with a cosine dis-
20 mm. This collimator thus allows high transmission from tribution so that while the majority are emitted at high angles
a large volume of space, with dimensions of at least there still remains a small but significant fraction emitted at
3 × 2.5 × 10 mm, so that any X-rays produced in this volume low angles to the surface that may strike nearby features and
with a line-of-sight to the EDS detector will contribute to excite the surrounding materials, contributing to the spec-
the measured spectrum. trum measured at the beam impact position.
394 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

..      Fig. 23.16 Schematic illustra-

tion of orientation movements a b
to optimize EDS collection from
a feature of a rough, irregular

surface: a initial position gives


high absorption due to X-ray path
through bulk of specimen; b rota-
tion about a vertical axis brings Better!
feature to directly face EDS; c
rotation about a horizontal axis
places feature perpendicular to
beam to minimize backscattering
and remote X-ray excitation


Best, but still compromised!

23.6 Particle Analysis tilted surface of a particle acts to modify electron backscat-
tering, which alters X-ray production, while deviations from
23.6.1  ow Do X-ray Measurements
H the ideal flat surface alter the X-ray path to the detector,
of Particles Differ From Bulk which modifies X-ray absorption compared to a flat bulk tar-
Measurements? get. The geometry of a particle leads to additional loss of
beam electrons due to penetration through the sides and
The analysis of microscopic particles whose dimensions bottom of the particle, as shown in the DTSA-II Monte Carlo
approach or are smaller than the interaction volume in a simulations in . Fig. 23.17, which depict trajectories in a
bulk target of the same composition is subject to effects simi- 1 μm-diameter aluminum particle at different beam ener-
lar to analyzing rough, bulk surfaces but with additional gies. At the highest energy simulated, E0 = 30 keV, most tra-
challenges. Like the rough bulk case, the curved or locally jectories pass through the particle with some lateral

5 keV 10 keV 20 keV 30 keV

1 µm


..      Fig. 23.17 DTSA-II Monte Carlo simulation of electron trajectories particle are blue. Green shows trajectories that emerge from the Al par-
in a 1-μm-diameter Al sphere on a bulk C substrate at various beam ticle which change to orange when they enter the C substrate
energies; incident beam diameter = 50 nm. Trajectories inside the Al
23.6 · Particle Analysis
395 23

0.1 µm 0.2 µm

0.5 µm

1 µm

Al spheres on bulk C
E0 = 20 keV

2 µm 1 µm

..      Fig. 23.18 DTSA-II Monte Carlo simulation of electron trajectories emerge from the Al particle which change to orange when they enter
in Al spheres of various diameters at E0 = 20 keV on a bulk C substrate. the C substrate
Trajectories inside the Al particle are blue. Green shows trajectories that

scattering. As the beam energy is lowered and the electron energy, electron penetration through the particle into the
range decreases, penetration through the bottom and sides substrate occurs, and the C peak of the substrate increases
diminishes, and at E0 = 5 keV the interaction volume is com- relative to the Al-peak from the particle.
pletely contained within the 1-μm-diameter aluminum par-
ticle. The beam penetration effect also depends on the
particle size, as shown in . Fig. 23.18 for particles of various 23.6.2  ollecting Optimum Spectra
sizes at E0 = 20 keV, and on composition, as shown for parti- From Particles
cles with a range of atomic numbers in . Fig. 23.19. Moreover,
as opposed to the backscattered electrons in the high angle Before meaningful qualitative and quantitative analysis of
portion of the cosine distribution which are likely to leave particles can be attempted, it is important to optimize the
the vicinity of the particle without further interaction, the EDS spectrum that is collected. As illustrated in the trajec-
beam electrons that penetrate through the sides and bottom tory plots in the Monte Carlo simulations shown in
of the particle are likely to reach the supporting substrate . Figs. 23.17, 23.18, and 23.19, and the calculated spectra
where they will create X-rays of the substrate material that shown in 23.20, because of the impact of particle size and
contribute to the overall spectrum measured. This effect can shape (geometry) on electron interactions, the EDS spec-
be seen in . Fig. 23.20, which shows the Al and C peaks cal- trum of a particle will always be compromised compared to
culated by the Monte Carlo simulation for 1-μm diameter Al the spectrum of a material of identical composition in the
spherical particles. At a beam energy of E0 = 5 keV, the elec- ideal flat, bulk form. The analyst must be aware of the major
tron trajectories are contained within the particle which factors that modify particle spectra and seek to minimize
effectively acts like a bulk target. No electrons penetrate the these effects. The particle spectrum can be optimized through
sides or bottom to reach the substrate so there is no C contri- careful sample preparation and by understanding of the fac-
bution to the EDS spectrum. With increasing incident tors that affect the strategy for beam placement.
396 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

Al Ti Cu

Ag Hf Au

1 µm

..      Fig. 23.19 DTSA-II Monte Carlo simulation of electron trajectories blue. Green shows trajectories that emerge from the particle which
at E0 = 20 keV in 1 μm-diameter spheres of various elements (Al, Ti, Cu, change to orange when they enter the C substrate
Ag, Hf, Au) on a bulk C substrate. Trajectories inside the particles are

Particle Sample Preparation: Bulk Substrate must measure a blank spectrum of the tape since the polymer
Because beam electrons can penetrate through the sides and base of the tape frequently contains elements such as oxygen
bottom of a particle and reach the underlying substrate, the in addition to carbon. If carbon is of analytical interest, other
measured spectrum will always be a composite of contribu- low atomic number substrates are available, including high
tions from the particle and the substrate, as shown in purity boron and beryllium (but beware of the health hazard
. Fig. 23.21 for a K411 glass particle (~1 μm in diameter) on of handling beryllium, especially in the form of beryllium
a bulk carbon substrate. To obtain a spectrum that is repre- oxide which may be released by surface abrasion). Other pure
sentative of the particle material alone, it is important when- element substrates such as aluminum and silicon can be used
ever possible to choose a substrate consisting of an element(s) if that element(s) is not of interest, but because of the high
not contained in the particle of interest. As part of a quality degree of excitation of the Al K-L2,3 and Si K-L2,3 characteris-
measurement system, the EDS spectrum of the blank sub- tic X-rays under typical operating conditions, a significant
strate material should be measured to determine what ele- fraction of the EDS deadtime will be taken up by the substrate
ments are present at the major, minor, and trace level. X-rays, diminishing the analytical information collected per
Additionally, it is desirable that the characteristic peak(s) of unit time on the particle of interest, as well as contributing
the substrate element(s) should not interfere with character- coincidence peaks that might be misinterpreted as minor or
istic peaks from the constituents of the particle. trace constituents, for example, 2 Al K-L2,3 (2.974 keV) is close
Carbon is an excellent choice for a bulk substrate since it is to the energy of Ag L3-M4,5 (2.981 keV) and 2 Si K-L2,3
available in high purity, is mechanically robust, and supplied (3.480 keV) is close to the energy of Sn L3-M4,5 (3.440 keV)
by various vendors as planchets with different surface finishes, When depositing particles on a substrate, the area density
including a highly polished, glassy surface that is nearly fea- should be minimized to avoid situations where electrons
tureless as a background for SEM imaging of small particles. scattered off the particle being analyzed can strike nearby
The low energy of the C K X-ray (0.285 keV) is unlikely to particles and excite X-rays, which will then contribute an
cause interference with most elements of interest. In addition artifact (“cross talk”). While this remote excitation is likely to
to bulk substrates, carbon is often used in the form of carbon- be at the equivalent of a minor or trace level constituent, it is
23 critical to understand such contributions when low level con-
infused tape with a sticky surface to which particles will read-
ily adhere. If a carbon tape preparation is used, the analyst stituents are of interest.
23.6 · Particle Analysis
397 23

a 130000 Noisy[MC simulation of a 1.000 mm

120000 E0 = 5 keV diameter sphere of Al on] 5keV

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1700 2000 2200 2400
Photon energy (eV)

b 400000 Noisy[MC simulation of a 1.000 mm

diameter sphere of Al on C] 10keV
E0 = 10 keV

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
Photon energy (eV)
c Noisy[MC simulation of a 1.000 mm
280000 E0 = 20 keV diameter sphere of Al on C] 20keV

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
Photon energy (eV)
d 220000 Noisy[MC simulation of a 1.000 mm
diameter sphere of Al on C] 30keV
200000 E0 = 30 keV

0 200 400 600 700 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
Photon energy (eV)

..      Fig. 23.20 EDS spectra calculated with the DTSA-II Monte Carlo absence of the C peak from the substrate at E0 = 5 keV, its appearance
simulation for a 1-μm-diameter Al particle on a C substrate at vari- at E0 = 10 keV and the increase relative to the Al peak as the beam
ous beam energies: a 5 keV, b 10 keV, c 20 keV, and d 30 keV. Note the energy increases
398 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)


E0 = 20 keV
C – tape substrate

C film (20 nm) on Cu grid

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 23.21 Comparison of EDS spectra similar sized K411 spheres mounted on a bulk carbon substrate (red) and on a 20-nm-thick carbon film
on a copper support grid blue). Note artifact Cu peaks arising from lateral electron scattering from particle to excite the support grid

 article Sample Preparation: Minimizing

P The substrate contribution to the composite spectrum can
Substrate Contributions With a Thin Foil be minimized by reducing the mass of the substrate. Fine par-
Substrate ticles, especially those with nanometer dimensions, can be dis-
As the particle dimensions decrease below 1 μm, electron persed by various methods, including air-jetting or deposition
penetration through the particle increases dramatically, rais- from fluid drops, onto thin carbon films, typically 20 nm in
ing the substrate contribution to the X-ray spectrum. Even if thickness, which are supported on a grid (copper, nickel, car-
the characteristic peak(s) of the substrate material is not of bon, etc.), as shown in the sequence of images in . Fig. 23.22.
interest and can be ignored, the deadtime due to the substrate To further stabilize the particle deposit, it is typical practice to
spectrum will eventually dominate the overall spectrum apply a thin (<10 nm) carbon coating to provide conductivity
measurement, even if the substrate consists of carbon which and also to provide some mechanical constraint. The contri-
is relatively poorly excited. Moreover, the contribution of the bution to the spectrum from the thin carbon support film plus
substrate to the composite spectrum occurs not only from the final coating is much reduced compared to the situation on
the characteristic peak(s), for example, C K, but also from the a bulk or thick tape carbon substrate, as shown in the com-
continuum background (bremsstrahlung) which affects all parison of spectra from K411 particles of similar size (~1 μm
photon energies. Increased background from the substrate in diameter) shown in . Fig. 23.21. Beam electrons that are
has the effect of lowering the peak-to-background for all scattered laterally from particles can excite the material of the
characteristic peaks from the elements of the particle, which grid, as shown by the presence of copper in the K411 particle
23 degrades all aspects of quantitative analysis but especially spectrum of . Fig. 23.21, but if this system radiation is prob-
impacts the limit of detection, raising the minimum concen- lematic, this unwanted spectral contribution can be controlled
tration that can be reliably measured. by choosing alternative grid materials, such as carbon.
23.6 · Particle Analysis
399 23


..      Fig. 23.23 Schematic illustration of the effect of beam placement

on a particle on the length of the absorption path to the EDS detector

beam on the side of the particle away from the EDS results in
an extended absorption path. The generated X-rays must
pass through a large mass of the particle to reach the detector.
c This effect is illustrated schematically in . Fig. 23.23, where
absorption paths for X-rays generated near the maximum
penetration of beam electrons in the particle are compared
for three beam positions: top center, and at positions directly
facing and away from the EDS. Because absorption follows
an exponential dependence on path length and becomes
increasingly significant for low energy photons below
approximately 4 keV, the low energy portion of the spectrum
will show the strongest absorption effects. Spectra recorded
at the top of a 5-μm-diameter particle and on the side away
from the EDS are compared in . Fig. 23.24 demonstrating a
factor of two difference in the intensity measured at the
energy of Mg K-L2,3 (1.254 keV). For a beam placed on the
curved side of the particle facing the EDS, the absorption
path length is actually reduced relative to the top center, lead-
..      Fig. 23.22 Particles deposited on a thin (~20-nm) carbon film sup- ing to extra emission from the low energy photons, creating
ported on a copper grid shown at various magnifications. a Nominal 200 about 30 % excess for Mg K-L2,3, as shown in the comparison
X, field width 351 by 263 micrometers; b nominal 1 kX, field width 70 by of spectra in . Fig. 23.25. . Figure 23.26 shows the impact of
53 micrometers; c nominal 5 kX, field width 14 by 11 micrometers beam placement on the accuracy of quantitative analysis, as
discussed below. It is thus critical that the analyst is always
The Importance of Beam Placement aware of the relative position of the EDS in the SEM image
The placement of the beam on the particle relative to the EDS when choosing locations to analyze. A reliable way to locate
detector position can have a strong effect on the measured the EDS is to record an X-ray spectrum image and examine
spectrum. For particles of intermediate size where the inter- selected X-ray intensity maps, as shown in . Fig. 23.27. The
action volume is contained within the particle, placing the general rule that the source of the apparent illumination
400 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

100000 K411_sphere_r/2_away_20kV10nA




0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)
3000 K411_sphere_beam-top-center_20kV10nA

2500 K411
15-µm sphere (20 nm C film on Cu grid)
2000 E0 = 20 keV
Beam position: Top Center

Beam position: R/2, away from EDS




0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 23.24 Comparison of EDS spectra recorded at the top center and on the side away from the EDS

appears to come from the position of the detector immedi- structure within the particle. As described below, overscan-
ately reveals the true EDS position. For this particular parti- ning is NOT a means by which an “average” composition can
cle, the eclipsing effect of the extended absorption path on be found by quantitative microanalysis.
the backside of the particle is readily apparent, even in the
relatively energetic Co K-L2,3 (6.930 keV) intensity map.
23.6.3  -ray Spectrum Imaging:
Overscanning Understanding Heterogeneous
“Overscanning” is a strategy by which the beam is continu- Materials
ously scanned over the particle (or rough surface, heteroge-
neous material, etc.) while the EDS spectrum is being X-ray spectrum imaging (XSI) involves collecting a com-
collected. If the magnification control of the SEM is continu- plete EDS spectrum at every pixel location visited by the
ously variable, then the size of the scan raster can be adjusted scanned beam. When applied to particle analysis, the XSI
to bracket the particle, minimizing the fraction of the time provides the analyst with an abundance of information
that the beam spends on the surrounding substrate, as shown which can be recovered by post-collection processing of the
in . Fig. 23.28 (yellow box). Alternatively, the scan raster can XSI datacube. Composition heterogeneity down to the sin-
be adjusted to fill as much of the particle image as possible gle pixel level can be detected and interpreted. The particle
while remaining within the bounds of the particle, thus X-ray intensity images shown in . Fig. 23.27a, b were
avoiding direct beam placement on the substrate, as shown in extracted from an XSI, and the localization of Ti and Mo in
. Fig. 23.28 (green box). inclusions is immediately obvious. Solidification dendrites
23 While useful for gaining qualitative information on the are outlined in the Ti K-L2,3 map, a feature that is not obvi-
constituents of a particle, overscanning only has utility if the ous in any of the other elemental intensity maps. Software
particle (or other target object) is homogeneous. Overscanning tools enable the analyst to extract spectra that are represen-
discards valuable information on any possible inhomogeneous tative of individual components of the microstructure, such
23.6 · Particle Analysis
401 23





0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)


4000 15-µm sphere (20 nm C film on Cu grid)

E0 = 20 keV
Beam position: Top Center
Beam position: R/2, toward EDS


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 23.25 Comparison of EDS spectra recorded at the top center and on the side facing the EDS

..      Fig. 23.26 Quantitative

­analysis performed at the static
beam locations indicated; relative

errors observed for the normal-


ized concentrations (oxygen cal-

culated by stoichiometry)

Location Mg rel err % Si rel err % Ca rel err % Fe rel err %

R/2 toward 29 % 6% -19 % -24 %
Top Center 9% 3% -5 % -8 %
5 mm
R/2 away -27 % -8 % 27 % 36 %
402 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles


50 µm

Cr Co

Mo Ti

Ni EDS Mo Ti Ni

23 b 50 µm

..      Fig. 23.27 a SEM BSE image and X-ray intensity maps for Al K-L2,3, Mo L3-M4,5, and Ni K-L2,3, and a color overlay with Mo L3-M4,5 = red, Ti
Cr K-L2,3, and Co K-L2,3. Note the shadowing effect of the particle thick- K-L2,3 = green, and Ni K-L2,3 = blue. Note the localization of Ti and Mo in
ness causing attenuation of X-ray intensity. b X-ray intensity maps for inclusions, and the solidification dendrites outlined by Ti
23.6 · Particle Analysis
403 23
detector (SDD)-EDS inevitably shows the shadowing cre-
ated by specimen geometry, such shadowing can be greatly
diminished by collecting the XSI with an array of SDD-EDS
detectors placed symmetrically around the specimen, as
shown in . Fig. 23.29.

23.6.4  article Geometry Factors

Influencing Quantitative Analysis
of Particles

There are two principal “particle geometry” effects: the “par-

ticle mass effect” and the “particle absorption effect” (Small
et al. 1978, 1979).

..      Fig. 23.28 Beam placement strategies for particle analysis: static

“Particle Mass Effect”
point beam placed at particle center, overscanning with a scan field The penetration of beam electrons through the side and bot-
that brackets the particle (yellow box), overscanning within the particle tom of a particle reduces the X-ray production compared to
(green box) a flat bulk target, creating the so called “particle mass effect.”
. Figure 23.30 shows the intensity of Fe K-L2,3 produced as a
as the inclusions, for subsequent analysis. All of this infor- function of sphere diameter for spherical particles of NIST
mation would be lost if these particles were simply over- SRM (K411), the composition of which is listed in
scanned. While the XSI collected with a single silicon drift . Table 23.3, as calculated with the Monte Carlo simulation

Comparison of mapping with a single SDD-EDS and an array of SDD-EDS

Ni Ti Total

Ni 50 µm Ti Total

..      Fig. 23.29 Comparison of X-ray spectrum imaging with a single EDS and with an array of four EDS detectors; note reduction in shadowing
404 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

Monte Carlo Simulation Fe in K411 Spheres, E0 = 20 keV ..      Table 23.3 Composition of K411 glass and analysis of flat,
1.2 bulk target at E0 = 20 keV (Standards: Mg, Si, CaF2, Fe; oxygen by
NIST SRM 470 certificate values
Fe k-ratio (bulk K411)

0.8 Element Mass Analysis Relative

concentration error (%)
O 0.4236 0.4192 −1.0
0.4 Mg 0.0885 0.0870 −1.7

0.2 Si 0.2538 0.2512 −1.0

Ca 0.1106 0.1082 −2.2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fe 0.1121 0.1134 1.1
Sphere diameter (µm)

..      Fig. 23.30 Monte Carlo calculation of the emission of Fe K-L2,3 from observed for spherical particles with diameters of 10 μm and
K411 spheres of various diameters at E0 = 20 keV. The intensity is nor- greater.
malized by the Fe K-L2,3 intensity calculated for a flat bulk target of K411
“Particle Absorption Effect”
The surface curvature of a particle can reduce the absorption
for an incident beam energy of 20 keV. For this plot, the Fe path to the detector compared to the interaction volume in a
K-L2,3 intensity emitted from the particle has been divided by flat bulk target, as shown schematically in . Fig. 23.31. Since
the intensity calculated for a flat bulk K411 target to deter- X-ray absorption depends exponentially on the absorption
mine the k-ratio. Note that as the particle diameter increases path length, surface curvature can significantly modify the
from zero, the Fe K-L2,3 k-ratio increases and asymptotically measured intensity, creating the “particle absorption effect.”
approaches unity (i.e., equivalent to the flat bulk target) for a The magnitude of the particle absorption effect depends
diameter of approximately 10 μm. Thus, for the case K411 at strongly on the energy of the characteristic photons involved.
E0 = 20 keV, bulk behavior for Fe K-L2,3 (6.400 keV) is For the example shown in . Fig. 23.32, the Fe K-L2,3

..      Fig. 23.31 Schematic illus-

tration of the difference in the
X-ray absorption path length in
a particle and in a flat bulk target

of the same material Incident



Path through vacuum

absorption path Absorption
in flat bulk target path
in particle Electron

23.6 · Particle Analysis
405 23
..      Fig. 23.32 Emission of Fe
K-L2,3, O K-L2 and Mg K-L2,3 (nor- Monte Carlo calculations of K411 Spheres (E0 = 20 keV)
malized to O K-L2 and Mg K-L2,3
from bulk K411); note excursion
in the O K-L2,3 and Mg K-L2,3
above unity (i.e., exceeding the 1.8
emission from a flat, bulk target)


k-ratio (K411 bulk)


0.6 Mg


0 2 4 6 8 10

Diameter (micrometers)

radiation at 6.40 keV is sufficiently energetic that it under- modification of the absorption path. Particle geometry and
goes relatively little absorption in the bulk case so that the its impact on X-ray absorption must be considered when
modification of the absorption path length by particle sur- selecting beam locations on a particle for analysis. It is criti-
face curvature produces a negligible effect. However, the cal that the analyst always be aware of the position of the EDS
lower energy characteristic photons such as O K-L2 detector relative to the X-ray source, as demonstrated in
(0.525 keV) and Mg K-L2,3 (1.254 keV) in K411 suffer signifi- . Fig. 23.24, to minimize the effects of particle geometry.
cant absorption in a flat bulk target, so that when these pho-
tons are generated in a spherical particle, the reduced
absorption path in the direction toward the EDS leads to an 23.6.5  ncertainty in Quantitative Analysis
increase in X-ray emission compared to a flat bulk target. of Particles
. Figure 23.32 shows that as the particle diameter increases
from zero, the k-ratios for O K-L2 and Mg K-L2,3 initially Quantitative analysis of particles is performed by following
increase similarly to FeKα as a result of the particle mass the same k-ratio/matrix correction protocol used for flat, bulk
effect. However, for larger particles the reduced absorption specimens. However, it must be recognized that particle
path of the curved particle surface causes the emitted O geometry modification of the interaction of beam electrons
K-L2 k-ratio to actually exceed unity (i.e., higher emission and the subsequent propagation of X-rays introduce factors
than bulk behavior) for a particle diameter of 1.6 μm, reach- which violate the fundamental assumption of the bulk quan-
ing a maximum of 1.35 relative to bulk at a particle diameter tification method, namely that the only reason the X-ray
of 2.8 μm. For Mg K-L2,3, the emission exceeds unity for a intensities measured in the target being analyzed are different
particle diameter of 2 μm and reaches a maximum of 1.17 at from the standards is that the composition(s) is different.
a diameter of 3.0 μm. For particle diameters beyond the Thus, with the impact of the geometric factors, the analytical
intensity maxima, the O K-L2 and Mg K-L2,3 k-ratios gradu- accuracy of the conventional k-ratio/matrix correction proto-
ally decrease with increasing particle diameter, asymptoti- col is inevitably compromised. The critical question to con-
cally approaching the equivalent of bulk behavior at 25 μm sider is the degree to which the uncertainty budget is increased
diameter for O K-L2, and 18 μm diameter for Mg K-L2,3. by the systematic error contribution of the particle effects.
Thus, for spherical particles of the K-411 composition mea-
sured with E0 = 20 keV, effectively bulk behavior is observed  he Analytical Total Reveals the Impact
for all characteristic X-ray energies for particles with diame- of Particle Effects
ters greater than 25 μm for a beam position at the top center The analytical total is the sum of the calculated concentra-
of the particle (detector take-off angle 40°). As demonstrated tions, including oxygen by stoichiometry if calculated.
in . Fig. 23.23, deviations in the beam placement either . Table 23.3 shows the results of the analysis of K411 glass in
toward the EDS or away have significant effects due to the the form of a flat, bulk target. The beam energy was
406 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

..      Table 23.4 Analysis of a 1.3-μm-diameter spherical particle of K411 glass with fixed beam located at particle center (standards: Mg, Si,
CaF2, Fe; oxygen by stoichiometry)

Element SRM value Analysis Rel error (%) Normalized Rel error (%)

O 0.4236 0.1470 −65 0.4224 −0.3

Mg 0.0885 0.0265 −70 0.0761 −14

Si 0.2538 0.0884 −65 0.2541 +0.1

Ca 0.1106 0.0370 −67 0.1064 −3.8

Fe 0.1121 0.0491 −56 0.1410 +26

Raw analytical total 0.3480

..      Table 23.5 Analysis of a 6.1-μm-diameter spherical particle of K411 glass with fixed beam located at particle center (standards: Mg, Si,
Ca [K412 glass], Fe; oxygen by stoichiometry)

Element SRM value Analysis Rel error (%) Normalized Rel error (%)

O 0.4236 0.4748 +12 0.4353 +2.8

Mg 0.0885 0.1110 +25 0.1018 +15

Si 0.2538 0.2874 +13 0.2636 +3.9

Ca 0.1106 0.1062 −4.0 0.0974 −12

Fe 0.1121 0.1112 −0.8 0.1019 −9.1

Raw analytical total 1.091

E0 = 20 keV, and the standards used pure elements Mg, Si, and have such large systematic errors as to offer no realistic
Fe, while SRM 470 K412 glass was used as the Ca standard. meaning. To compensate for the mass effect and thus place
The analytical total was 0.9789 (the sum of the SRM certifi- the concentrations on a meaningful basis, internal normal-
cate values is 0.9886), and the relative errors were all well ization can be applied:
within the ±5 % error envelope, with the largest error at
−2.2 % relative for Ca. Cn (i ) = Ci / ΣCi (23.3)
. Table 23.4 gives the results of applying the k-ratio/
matrix correction factor protocol to the analysis of a Note that normalization is only useful if all constituents pres-
1.3-μm-diameter spherical particle of K411 glass, with the ent in the analyzed volume are included in the total, includ-
EDS spectrum collected with the beam placed at the center of ing any such as oxygen that are calculated by assumed
the particle image. The intensity of each elemental constitu- stoichiometry rather than measured directly. After normal-
ent has been measured relative to the same suite of standards: ization, the relative errors are reduced in magnitude, as given
pure elements Mg, Si, and Fe, and CaF2 as the Ca standard. in . Table 23.4, but the values for Mg (−14 %) and Fe (+26 %)
Oxygen has been calculated by the method of assumed stoi- remain well outside the bulk analysis error histogram.
chiometry. The analytical total is 0.3480, and the relative . Table 23.5 presents similar measurements and calcula-
errors for the raw calculated concentrations are large and tions for a 6.1-μm-diameter K411 particle for which the ana-
negative, for example, −70 % relative for Mg and −56 % rela- lytical total is 1.091. This particle diameter is sufficiently large
tive for Fe. These large negative relative errors (a negative so that the X-ray production for the higher energy photons,
relative error indicates that the calculated concentration Ca K-L2,3 and Fe K-L2,3, has nearly reached equivalence to the
underestimates the true concentration) for both the low pho- flat, bulk target, resulting in relative errors of −5 % or less.
ton energy peaks (e.g., Mg K-L2,3 and Si K-L2,3) and the high For this particle size, the lower energy photon peaks, Mg
photon energy peaks (e.g., Ca Kα and Fe Kα) are a result of K-L2,3 and Si K-L2,3, are still strongly influenced by the parti-
the particle mass effect reducing all X-ray intensities com- cle absorption effect, causing relative errors that are large and
23 pared to bulk behavior. Clearly, these raw concentrations positive, since more of these low energy photons escape than
23.6 · Particle Analysis
407 23
..      Fig. 23.33 Relative errors
observed for various sizes of Analysis of K411 Spheres (E0 = 20 keV)
spherical particles of K411 glass
measured with a fixed beam 40
placed at the center of the par-
ticle image
20 Fe

Relative Error (%)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Diameter (micrometers)

is the case for a flat, bulk target. When these raw concentra- error to the other higher atomic number constituents. In the
tions are normalized, the relative errors for Mg and Si are case of oxygen, the method of assumed stoichiometry is gen-
reduced, but the relative errors for Ca and Fe are increased erally much more effective.
after normalization.
These examples demonstrate the complex interplay of Does Overscanning Help?
X-ray generation and propagation as influenced by particle Because of the difficulty in analyzing particles, overscan-
geometry. While normalization of the raw calculated concen- ning the particle during EDS collection is thought to obtain
trations is necessary to put particle analyses on a realistic a spectrum that averages particle effects. In reality, even for
concentration basis, the uncertainty budget for particle anal- homogeneous particles, overscanning does not decrease
ysis is substantially increased compared to that for the ideal the relative uncertainties but can actually cause an increase.
flat target. . Figure 23.33 plots the relative error envelope for . Figure 23.34a plots the relative errors in the normalized
normalized concentrations as a function of particle diameter concentrations for the analysis of Mg and Fe in K411 spheres
for spherical particles of K411 glass. For particles whose of various sizes, comparing point beam analyses centered on
dimensions are substantially smaller than the bulk interac- the particle image with continuous overscanning during EDS
tion volume, the relative errors in the normalized concentra- collection. Mg and Fe are chosen because the large separa-
tions are large and increase as the particle size decreases. The tion in characteristic X-ray energy provides sensitivity to
relative errors decrease as the particle diameter increases, the action of the particle mass effect, which is the only sig-
eventually converging with the flat bulk case for particles nificant influence on energetic Fe K-L2,3, while both the mass
above approximately 25-μm diameter. effect and the absorption effect influence Mg K-L2,3. While
Normalization is most successful when applied to compo- the error range for point beam analysis is substantially larger
sitions where the measured characteristic X-rays have similar than the ideal error histogram for flat bulk target analysis, the
energies, for example, Mg K-L2,3, Al K-L2,3 and Si K-L2,3. effect of overscanning is actually to shift the distribution of
Although low atomic number elements such as oxygen can be results to even more severe relative errors. This is a result of
measured directly, the high absorption of the low energy pho- the non-linear nature of X-ray absorption, which can be seen
tons of the characteristic X-ray significantly increases the in the beam placement measurements shown in . Figs. 23.24
effect of the particle absorption effect, so that normalization and 23.25. A similar effect is seen for irregular shards in
introduces large errors and effectively transfers increased . Fig. 23.34b.
408 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

..      Fig. 23.34 Relative errors in

normalized analyses for Mg and
Fe in K411 glass with point beam
a K411 Spheres E0 = 20 keV
centered on the image center of
mass and with overscanning: a 50
spherical particles, b fractured
shards 40


Fe relative error (%)



0 Point beam


-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20
Mg relative error (%)

b K411 Shards E0 = 20 keV


80 Point beam
Fe relative error (%)




-60 -40 -20 0 20 40
Mg relative error (%)

23.6.6 Peak-to-Background (P/B) Method Wernisch, 1991a, b, c) is based on the observation that
although the characteristic X-ray intensity emitted from an
Specimen Geometry Severely Affects the irregularly shaped object is highly dependent on local geo-
k-ratio, but Not the P/B metric effects, the P/B ratio measured between the character-
Another approach to establishing quantitative X-ray micro- istic X-rays and the continuum X-rays of the same energy is
analysis for objects of an irregular shape, such as particles much less sensitive to specimen geometry. . Table 23.6 con-
and rough surfaces, is the peak-to-background (P/B) method, tains measurements of the k-ratio (measured relative to bulk
which is an extension of the Marshall–Hall method for the K411) and the P/B from the spectra of the SRM-470 (K-411
23 correction of mass loss in beam-sensitive materials (see glass) shards in Fig. 23.13. The shard spectra show significant
7 Chap. 20) (Marshall and Hall, 1966; Hall, 1968). The P/B
deviations from the spectrum of the polished bulk K411,
method (Small et al., 1978, 1979a,b; Statham and Pawley, especially at low photon energies below 4 keV. Although the
1978; Statham, 1979; Wendt and Schmidt, 1978; August and k-ratio for Mg measured for these shards varies by a factor of
23.6 · Particle Analysis
409 23
and continuum generation processes, at least to a first order for
..      Table 23.6 K411 shards
photons of the same energy. Both types of radiation have a
Sample Element P/B k-ratio similar, although not identical, depth distribution; thus, the
(relative absorption paths to the detector are alike. As the same photon
to bulk energy is chosen for characteristic and continuum X-rays, the
geometric absorption effect is thus comparable for both. When
Shard A Mg 4.52 0.545 making corrections for an irregularly shaped object, the exact
absorption path is very difficult to determine. Because the con-
Shard C Mg 4.49 0.339
tinuum radiation of the same photon energy is following the
Shard D Mg 4.52 1.132 same path to the detector that the characteristic radiation fol-
Shard E Mg 4.73 0.389
lows, regardless of local object shape, this continuum intensity
IB can be used as an automatic internal normalization factor to
Bulk Mg 4.57 1.00 compensate for the major geometric effects. Furthermore, the
Shard A Si 16.35 0.617 P/B ratio is independent of probe current (and thus need not
be measured); yet, the quantification results need not be nor-
Shard C Si 17.32 0.548
malized. Because of this, both standards-based and standard-
Shard D Si 14.95 1.06 less P/B algorithms have been implemented that provide an
Shard E Si 17.33 0.447 estimate of the analytical total. More sophisticated models
have been developed that account for the second-order (i.e.,
Bulk Si 15.80 1.00
subtler) differences between the distributions of characteristic
Shard A Ca 6.78 0.835 and continuum radiation generation (August and Wernisch,
Shard C Ca 6.58 0.866
1991a, b, c).

Shard D Ca 6.43 1.006

Using the P/B Correspondence
Shard E Ca 7.14 0.710 Consider the k-ratio for an object measured relative to a flat,
Bulk Ca 6.37 1.00 bulk standard of the same composition, kobject = Iobject/Ibulk.
I is the characteristic peak intensity corrected for continuum
Shard A Fe 6.48 0.911
background at the same energy, I = P – B. The measured kobject
Shard C Fe 6.29 0.941 is a strong function of the object’s size and shape, but the ratio
Shard D Fe 6.50 0.986
(Iobject/IB,object)/(Ibulk/IB, bulk) involving the background at the
same photon energy is nearly independent of object size,
Shard E Fe 6.82 0.886 except for very small particles where the anisotropy of the
Bulk Fe 6.61 1.00 continuum emission becomes significant (Small et al., 1980).
This experimental observation, which has been confirmed by
Range (shard/bulk) Mg 1.03 2.95
theoretical calculations and Monte Carlo simulations, can be
Range (shard/bulk) Si 1.10 2.24 employed in several ways (Small et al., 1978; Statham, and
Range (shard/bulk) Ca 1.13 1.41 Pawley, 1978). One useful approach is to incorporate the fol-
lowing correction scheme into a conventional ZAF method
Range (shard/bulk) Fe 1.03 1.13
(Small et al., 1978, 1979b). Given that:
P/B peak-to-background
Iobject I bulk
= (23.4)
I B, object I B, bulk
2.95 for the most extreme case, the corresponding P/B ratio
for Mg only differs from that of the bulk K411 by a factor of a modified particle intensity that compensates for the geo-
1.03. For the particular combination of elements in K-411 at metric effects, I*object, can be calculated that is equivalent to
this beam energy (20 keV), the most extreme variation in the the intensity that would be measured from a flat bulk target
P/B observed for these shards is 1.13 for Ca. of the same composition as the particle:
Although the characteristic and continuum X-rays are pro-
I B, bulk
duced by different physical processes (inner shell ionization I∗object ≈ I bulk = Iobject * (23.5)
versus deceleration in a Coulombic field) that have different I B, object
behaviors as a function of the exciting electron energy; espe-
cially near the ionization threshold for an element, both char- To apply Eq. 23.5 for the analysis of an irregularly shaped
acteristic and continuum X-rays are generated in nearly the object of unknown composition, the quantities Iobject and
same volume. Both forms of radiation thus scale similar to the IB,object are determined from the measured X-ray spectrum.
geometric mass effect, because the loss of beam electrons due Because the composition of the object is unknown, the term
to backscattering and penetration also robs both characteristic IB,bulk in Eq. 23.5 is not known, as a bulk multi-element
410 Chapter 23 · Analysis of Specimens with Special Geometry: Irregular Bulk Objects and Particles

..      Table 23.7 Relative Deviation from Expected Value (RDEV) observed with peak-to-background corrections compared to the raw
concentrations and normalized concentrations after conventional k-ratio/matrix corrections

Cbulk Craw RDEV(%) CN RDEV(%) CP/B RDEV(%)

Al 0.0603 0.0201 −67% 0.0241 −60% 0.0552 −8%

Mo 0.0353 0.0194 −45% 0.0233 −34% 0.0437 +24%

Ti 0.0519 0.0406 −22% 0.0487 −6% 0.0480 −7%

Cr 0.0965 0.0788 −18% 0.0945 −2% 0.0996 +3%

Co 0.155 0.139 −11% 0.166 +7% 0.156 +1%

Ni 0.601 0.536 −11% 0.643 +7% 0.598 −0.5%

Spherical particle: IN-100 alloy, 88 μm diameter, with beam placed at 22 μm from the top center on the backside of particle

standard identical in composition to the unknown object is collimator has a large acceptance area at the specimen. To
generally not available. However, an estimate of the concen- minimize the extraneous background contributions, the
trations of elements in the unknown object is always avail- small particles should be mounted on a thin (approximately
able in the ZAF procedure, including the first step, where 10–20 nm) carbon film supported on a metal grid (typically
Ci = ki /Σk. The value of IB,bulk can therefore be estimated copper, as used in the transmission electron microscope) and
from the background measured on pure element standards: mounted over a blind hole drilled into a carbon block. The
continuum contribution from such a thin film is negligible
I B, bulk = ∑C j I j, B,std (23.6) relative to particles as small as approximately 250 nm in
where Ij,B,std is the pure element bremsstrahlung at the energy
of interest and Cj is the concentration of element j. An exam-
ple of an analysis of a complex IN-100 particle with conven- 23.7 Summary
tional k-ratio/matrix corrections (including normalization of
the raw values) and using the k-ratio/matrix corrections aug- 1. Particle analysis is inevitably compromised compared to
mented with the P/B method is given in . Table 23.7. The analysis of ideal flat samples, leading to an increased
relative deviation from the expected value (RDEV) for each error budget.
element is reduced compared with the simple normalization 2. Careful attention must be paid to optimizing particle
procedure, especially for Al, which is highly absorbed when sample preparation to minimize substrate contributions
measured on the backside of the particle. to the spectrum and to reduce contributions from
The special advantage of the P/B method is that it can be nearby particles.
applied to spectra obtained with a focused probe directed at 3. Quantitative analysis of particles follows the k-ratio/
a specific location on a particle. Thus, particles that have a matrix correction protocol. The analytical total that
chemically heterogeneous sub-structure can be directly stud- results from this procedure is an indication of the
ied. To be effective, the P/B method requires spectra with magnitude of particle geometry effects (mass effect and
high counts. Because the ratio of background intensities is absorption effect).
used to scale the particle peak intensities, the statistical 4. Normalization of the raw concentrations (including
uncertainty in the background ratio propagates into the error oxygen by stoichiometry, if appropriate) is necessary
in each concentration value in addition to the statistics of the to place the calculated composition on a realistic
characteristic peak. Even more importantly, the P/B method basis.
depends on the background radiation originating in the 5. Large relative errors, exceeding 10%, are encountered after
excited volume of the specimen only, and not in the sur- normalization. The analytical errors are exacerbated when
rounding substrate. When an irregularly shaped object such low and high photon peaks must be used for analysis.
as a particle becomes small relative to the bulk interaction 6. The analytical errors generally increase as the particle
volume, the penetration of the beam into the substrate means size decreases.
that the continuum continues to be produced, even if the 7. Overscanning does not decrease the analytical errors,
substrate is a low atomic number element such as carbon. As and may well increase the errors depending on the
23 noted above, the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy particular combination of elements being analyzed.
411 23
References spheres for microanalysis. In: Johari O (ed) Scanning electron
microscopy/1978/I. IITRI, Chicago, p 445
Small JA, Heinrich KFJ, Newbury DE, Myklebust RL (1979a) Progress in
August H-J, Wernisch J (1991a) Calculation of the depth distribution
the development of the peak-to-background method for the
function for continuous radiation, Scanning 13:207–215
quantitative analysis of single particles with the electron probe in
August H-J, Wernisch J (1991b) Calculation of depth distribution func-
Scanning Electron Microscopy/1979/II, ed. Johari, O. (IITRI,
tions for characteristic x-radiation using an electron scattering
Chicago), p 807
model. I—theory, X-Ray Spectrom, 20:131–140
Small JA, Newbury DE, Myklebust RL (1979b) Analysis of particles and
August H-J, Wernisch J (1991c) Calculation of depth distribution func-
rough samples by FRAME P, a ZAF method incorporating peak-to-
tions for characteristic x-radiation using an electron scattering
background measurements, in Microbeam analysis, ed. Newbury, D.
model. II—results, X-Ray Spectrom, 20:141–148
(San Francisco Press, San Francisco), p 243
Hall T (1968) Some aspects of the microprobe analysis of biological
Small JA, Heinrich KFJ, Newbury DE, Myklebust RL, Fiori CE (1980)
specimens. In: Heinrich K (ed) Quantitative electron probe micro-
Procedure for the Quantitative Analysis of Single Particles with the
analysis. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, p 269
Electron Probe. In: Heinrich KFJ (ed) Characterization of Particles.
Marshall D, Hall T (1966) A method for the microanalysis of thin films. In:
National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 533, Washington,
Castaing R, Deschamps P, Philibert J (eds) X-ray optics and micro-
pp 29–38
analysis. Hermann, Paris, p 374
Statham PJ, Pawley JB (1978) A new method for particle X-ray micro-
Newbury D, Ritchie W (2013a) Quantitative SEM/EDS, Step 1: What
analysis based on peak to background measurement. In: Johari O
Constitutes a Sufficiently Flat Specimen? Microsc Microanal
(ed) Scanning electron microscopy/1978/I. IITRI, Chicago, p 469
19(Suppl 2):1244
Statham P (1979) A ZAF procedure for microprobe analysis based on
Newbury D, Ritchie W (2013b) Is Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy
measurement of peak-to-background ratios. In: Newbury D (ed)
Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM/EDS) Quantitative? Scanning 35:141
Microbeam Analysis – 1979. San Francisco Press, San Francisco, pp
Small JA, Heinrich KFJ, Fiori CE, Myklebust RL, Newbury DE, Dilmore MF
(1978) The production and characterization of glass fibers and
Wendt M, Schmidt A (1978) Improved reproducibility of energy-disper-
spheres for microanalysis, In: Johari, O (ed) Scanning electron
sive X-ray microanalysis by normalization to the background, Phys
microscopy/1978/I, IITRI, Chicago, p 445
Status Solidi (a) 46:179
Small JA, Heinrich KFJ, Newbury DE, Myklebust RL (1979) SEM/1979/II,
Yakowitz H, Heinrich KFJ (1968) Quantitative electron probe microanaly-
SEM, Inc., AMF O’Hare, Illinois, p 807
sis: fluorescence correction uncertainty. Mikrochim Acta 5:182
Small JA, Heinrich KFJ, Fiori CE, Myklebust RL, Newbury DE, Dillmore MF
(1978) The production and characterization of glass fibers and
413 24

Compositional Mapping
24.1 Total Intensity Region-of-Interest Mapping – 414
24.1.1 Limitations of Total Intensity Mapping – 415

24.2 X-Ray Spectrum Imaging – 417

24.2.1 Utilizing XSI Datacubes – 419
24.2.2 Derived Spectra – 419

24.3 Quantitative Compositional Mapping – 424

24.4 Strategy for XSI Elemental Mapping Data Collection – 430

24.4.1 Choosing the EDS Dead-Time – 430
24.4.2 Choosing the Pixel Density – 432
24.4.3 Choosing the Pixel Dwell Time – 434

References – 439

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
414 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

SEM images that show the spatial distribution of the elemen- per elemental window can vary widely from a few counts
tal constituents of a specimen (“elemental maps”) can be cre- per pixel to several thousand or more. A typical strategy to
ated by using the characteristic X-ray intensity measured for avoid saturation is to collect 2-byte deep X-ray intensity
each element with the energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer data that permits up to 65,536 counts per energy region per
(EDS) to define the gray level (or color value) at each picture pixel. In common with the practice for BSE and SE images,
element (pixel) of the scan. Elemental maps based on X-ray the final elemental map will be displayed with a 1-byte
intensity provide qualitative information on spatial distribu- intensity range (0–255 gray levels). To maximize the con-
tions of elements. Compositional mapping, in which a full trast within each map it is necessary to nearly fill this dis-
EDS spectrum is recorded at each pixel (“X-ray Spectrum play range so that it is common practice to automatically
Imaging” or XSI) and processed with peak fitting, k-ratio scale (“autoscale”) the measured intensity in a linear fashion
standardization, and matrix corrections, provides a quantita- to span slightly less than 1-byte. The displayed gray levels
tive basis for comparing maps of different elements in the are scaled to range from near black, but avoiding black (gray
same region, or for the same element from different regions. level zero) to avoid clipping, to near white, but avoiding full
white (gray level 255), to prevent saturation. The counts are
expanded for elements that span less than 1-byte in the
24.1  otal Intensity Region-of-Interest
T original data collection, while the counts are compressed for
Mapping elements that extend into the 2-byte range. An example of
such total intensity mapping is shown in . Fig. 24.2, which
In the simplest implementation of elemental mapping, presents a set of maps for Si, Fe, and Mn in a cross section of
energy regions are defined in the spectrum that span the a deep-sea manganese nodule with a complex microstruc-
characteristic X-ray peak(s) of interest, as shown in ture. The EDS spectrum shown in . Fig. 24.1 also reveals a
. Fig. 24.1. The total X-ray intensity (counts) within each typical problem encountered in simple intensity window
energy region, IXi, consisting of both the characteristic peak mapping. Manganese is one of the most abundant elements
intensity, including any overlapping peaks, and the contin- in this specimen, and the Mn K-M2,3 (6.490 keV) interferes
uum background intensity, is digitally recorded for each with Fe K-L2,3 (6.400 keV), which is especially significant
pixel, creating a set of x-y-IXi image arrays for the defined since iron is a minor/trace constituent. To avoid the poten-
suite of elements. Depending on the local concentration of tial artifacts in this situation, the analyst can instead choose
an element, the overvoltage U0 = E0/Ec for the measured the Fe K-M2,3 (7.057 keV) which does not suffer the inter-
characteristic peak, the beam current, the solid angle of the ference but which is approximately a factor of ten lower
detector, and the dwell time per pixel, the number of counts intensity than Fe K-L2,3. While sacrificing sensitivity, the






0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Photon energy (KeV)

..      Fig. 24.1 EDS spectrum measured on a cross section of a deep-sea manganese nodule showing peak selection (Si K-L2, Mn K-L2,3, and Fe
K-M2,3) for total intensity elemental mapping

24.1 · Total Intensity Region-of-Interest Mapping
415 24

Si Fe

20 µm
Si Fe Mn

..      Fig. 24.2 Total intensity elemental maps for Si K-L2, Mn K-L2,3, and Fe K-M2,3 measured on a cross section of a deep-sea manganese nodule,
and the color overlay of the gray-scale maps

success of this strategy is revealed in . Fig. 24.2, where the 24.1.1  imitations of Total Intensity
major Mn and minor Fe are seen to be anti-correlated. Mapping
. Figure 24.2 also contains a primary color overlay of
these three elements, encoded with Si in red, Fe in green, and While total intensity elemental maps such as those in
Mn in blue, a commonly used image display tool which pro- . Fig. 24.2 are useful for developing a basic understanding of
vides an immediate visual comparison of the relative spatial the spatial distributions of the elements that make up the
relationships of the three constituents. The appearance of specimen, total intensity mapping is subject to several sig-
secondary colors shows areas of coincidence of any two ele- nificant limitations:
ments, for example, the cyan colored region is a combination 1. By selecting only the spectral regions-of-interest, the
of green and blue and thus shows the coincidence of Fe and amount of mass storage is minimized. However, while all
Mn. The other possible binary combinations are yellow (red spectral regions-of-interest are collected simultaneously,
plus green, Si + Fe) and magenta (red plus blue, Si + Mn), if the analyst needs to evaluate another element not ori­
which are not present in this example. If all three elements ginally selected when the data was collected, the entire
were present at the same location, white would result. image scan must be repeated to recollect the data with that
new element included.
416 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

2. Total intensity maps convey qualitative information only. 4. When peak interference occurs, the raw intensity in
The elemental spatial distributions are meaningful only a given energy window may contain contribu-
in qualitative terms of interpreting which elements are tions from another element, as shown in . Fig. 24.1
present at a particular pixel location(s) by comparing dif- where the region that includes Fe K-L2,3 also con-
ferent elemental maps of the same area, for example, using tains intensity from Mn K-M2,3. While choosing the
the color overlay method. Since the images are recorded non-interfered peak Fe K-M2,3 gives a useful result
simultaneously, the pixel registration is without error even in the case of the manganese nodule, if the speci-
if overall drift or other distortion occurs. However, the men also contained cobalt at a significant level, Co
intensity information is not quantitative and can only con- K-L2,3 (6.930 keV) would interfere with Fe K-M2,3
vey relative abundance information within an individual (7.057 keV) and invalidate this strategy. The peak
elemental map (e.g., “this location has more of element A interference artifact can be corrected by peak fitting,
than this location because the intensity of A is higher”). or by methods in which the measured Mn K-L2,3
The gray levels in maps for different elements cannot be intensity, which does not suffer interference in this
readily compared because the X-ray intensity for each particular case, is used to correct the intensity of the
element that defines the gray level range of the map is Fe K-L2,3 + Mn K-M2,3 window using the known Mn
determined by the local concentration and the complex K-M2,3/K-L2,3 ratio.
physics of X-ray generation, propagation, and detection 5. The total intensity window contains both the charac-
efficiency, all of which vary with the elemental species. teristic peak intensity that is specific to an element
The element-to-element differences in the efficiency of and the continuum (background) intensity, which
X-ray production, propagation, and detection are embed- scales with the average atomic number of all of the
ded in the raw measured X-ray intensities, which are elements within the excited interaction volume but is
then subjected to the autoscaling operation. Unless the not exclusively related to the element that is generat-
autoscaling factor is recorded (typically not), it is not pos- ing the peak. For the map of an element that consti-
sible after the fact to recover the information that would tutes a major constituent (mass concentration C >0.1
enable the analyst to standardize and establish a proper or 10 wt %), the non-specific background intensity
basis for inter-comparison of maps of different elements, contribution usually does not constitute a serious
or even of maps of the same element from different areas. mapping artifact. However, for a minor constituent
Thus, the sequence of gray levels only has interpretable (0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1, 1 wt % to 10 wt %), the average atomic
meaning within an individual elemental map. Gray levels number dependence of the continuum background
cannot be sensibly compared between total intensity maps can lead to serious artifacts. . Figure 24.3 shows an
of different elements, for example, the near-white level in example of this phenomenon for a Raney nickel alloy
the autoscaled maps of . Fig. 24.2 for Si, Fe, and Mn does containing major Al and Ni with minor Fe. The
not correspond to the same X-ray intensity or concentra- complex microstructure has four distinct phases, the
tion for three elements. Because of autoscaling, it is not compositions of which are listed in . Table 24.1, one
possible to compare maps for the same element “A” from of which contains Fe as a minor constituent at a
two different regions, even if recorded with the same dose concentration of approximately C = 0.04 (4 wt %).
conditions, since the autoscaling factor will be controlled This Fe-rich phase can be readily discerned in the Fe
by the maximum concentration of “A,” which may not be gray-scale map, where the intensity of this phase,
the same in two arbitrarily chosen regions of the sample. being the highest iron-containing region in the
3. This lack of quantitative information in elemental total image, has been autoscaled to near white. In addition
intensity maps extends to the color overlay presentation to this Fe-containing phase, there appears to be
of elemental maps seen in . Fig. 24.2. The color over- segregation of lower concentration levels of Fe to the
lay is useful to compare the spatial relationships among Ni-rich phase relative to the Al-rich phase. However,
the three elements, but the specific color observed this effect is at least partially due to the increase in
at any pixel only depicts elemental coincidence not the continuum background in the Ni-rich region
absolute or relative concentration. The particular color relative to the Al-rich region because of the sharp
that occurs at a given pixel depends on the complex difference in the average atomic number. For trace
physics of X-ray generation, propagation, and detec- constituents (C < 0.01, 1 wt %), the atomic number
tion as well as concentration, and the autoscaling of the dependence of the continuum background can
separate maps that precedes the color overlay, which dominate the observed contrast, creating artifacts in
distorts the apparent relationships among the elemental the images that render most trace constituent maps
constituents, also influences the observed colors. nearly useless.

24.2 · X-Ray Spectrum Imaging
417 24

Al Fe

Ni Al Fe Ni

20 µm

..      Fig. 24.3 Total intensity elemental maps for Al K-L2 (major), Fe K-L2,3 (minor), and Ni K-L2,3 (major) measured on a cross section of a Raney
nickel alloy, and the color overlay of the gray-scale maps

(Gorlen et al. 1984; Newbury and Ritchie, 2013). Alternatively,

..      Table 24.1 Phases in Raney nickel; as measured by the data may be recorded as “position-tagged” photons, whereby
electron-excited X-ray microanalysis (mass concentrations) as each photon with energy Ep is detected, it is tagged with the
Al Fe Ni
current beam location (x, y), giving a database of values (x, y, Ep)
which can be subsequently sampled with rules defining the
High Al 0.995 0 0.005 range of Δx and Δy over which to construct a spectrum I(E) at
Fe-rich 0.712 0.042 0.246
a single pixel or over a defined range of pixels. Depending on the
number of pixels and the intensity range of the X-ray count data,
Intermediate Ni 0.600 0 0.400 the recorded XSI can be very large, ranging from hundreds of
High Ni 0.465 0 0.535 megabytes to several gigabytes. Vendor software usually com-
presses the datacube to save mass storage space, but the result-
ing compressed datacube can only be decompressed and viewed
with the vendor’s proprietary software. As an important alterna-
24.2 X-Ray Spectrum Imaging tive, if the datacube can be saved in the uncompressed RAW
format (a simple block of bytes with a header or an associated
X-ray spectrum imaging (XSI) involves collecting the entire file that carries the metadata needed to read the file), the RAW
EDS spectrum, I(E), at each pixel location, producing a large file can be read by publically available, open source software
data structure [x, y, I(E)] typically referred to as a “datacube” such as NIH ImageJ-Fiji or NIST Lispix (Bright, 2017).
418 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

X-ray spectrum imaging

A complete spectrum is
recorded at each pixel.



30 X NiKα


100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Channel (X-ray Energy)

..      Fig. 24.4 X-ray spectrum image considered as a datacube of pixels x, y, I(E)

Regardless of how the measured photons are cataloged, while the lower spectrum from a different pixel in an Al-rich
the XSI captures all possible elemental information about the region has a maximum of 150 counts. An alternative view of
region of the specimen being mapped within the limitations the datacube is shown in . Fig. 24.5, where the datacube can
set by the excitation energy (E0), the dose (beam current be thought of as a stack or deck of x-y image cards, where
multiplied by pixel dwell time, iB * τ), and the EDS spectrom- each x-y image corresponds to a different energy with an
eter performance (solid angle and efficiency). . Figure 24.4 energy range (“card thickness”) equal to the energy channel
shows the conceptual nature of the data. The [x, y, I(E)] data- width, for example, typically 5 eV or 10 eV. If a card is
cube can be thought of as an x-y array of spectra I(E). The selected from the stack with an energy that corresponds to a
individual pixel spectra can be selected by the analyst for characteristic peak, then the card shows the elemental map
inspection by specifying the x-y location. Depending on the for that peak, as shown in . Fig. 24.5. A card with an energy
electron beam current, the pixel dwell time, and the solid that corresponds to spectral background will have fewer
angle of the EDS detector, the counts in an individual pixel counts than a peak card, but such a background card may
spectrum may be low. For the example XSI of Raney nickel still have discernible microstructural information because of
shown in . Fig. 24.4, the upper spectrum taken from an Ni- the atomic number dependence of the X-ray continuum, as
rich area has a maximum of 40 counts per energy channel, shown in . Fig. 24.5.

24.2 · X-Ray Spectrum Imaging
419 24

Cube slices are X-ray AlK

maps (images)

50 µm


The X-ray spectrum image can

be viewed as a card deck of X-ray
images, each a 10-eV energy slice

1 keV

..      Fig. 24.5 X-ray spectrum image considered as a stack of x, y images, each corresponding to a specific photon energy Ep

24.2.1 Utilizing XSI Datacubes 24.2.2 Derived Spectra

In the simplest case, by capturing all possible X-ray informa- SUM Spectrum
tion about an imaged region, the XSI permits the analyst to Simple but highly effective software tools that are present in
define regions-of-interest for total intensity mapping at any nearly all vendor XSI platforms as well as the open source soft-
time after collecting the map datacube, creating elemental ware (NIH ImageJ-Fiji and NIST Lispix) include those that
maps such as those in . Fig. 24.2. If additional information is calculate “derived spectra.” Derived spectra are constructed by
required about other elements not in the initial set-up, there systematically applying an algorithm to the datacube to
is no need to relocate the specimen area and repeat the map extract carefully defined information. The most basic derived
since the full spectrum has been captured in the XSI. spectrum is the “SUM” spectrum, illustrated schematically in
The challenge to the analyst is to make efficient use of the . Fig. 24.6. Conceptually, each energy “card” in the XSI data-
XSI datacube by discovering (“mining”) the useful informa- cube is selected and the counts in all pixels on that card are
tion that it contains. Software for aiding the analyst in the added together, as indicated by the systematic route through
interpretation of XSI datacubes ranges from simple tools in all pixels shown in . Fig. 24.6. This summed count value is
open source software to highly sophisticated, proprietary then placed in the corresponding energy bin of the SUM spec-
vendor software that utilizes statistical comparisons to auto- trum under construction, and the process is then repeated for
matically recognize spatial correlations among elements the next energy card until all energies have been considered.
present in the specimen region that was mapped (Kotula The resulting SUM spectrum has the familiar features of a
et al. 2003). conventional spectrum: characteristic X-ray peaks and the
420 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

Sum Spectrum:
Add the counts from
every pixel in each
energy plane; the
SUM from a plane
becomes the intensity
in the corresponding
energy channel of the
derived spectrum.


Al K-L2,3


Ni L-M
1000000 Ni K-L2,3
Ni K-M2,3
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Channel (X-ray Energy)

..      Fig. 24.6 Concept of the SUM spectrum derived from an X-ray spectrum image by adding the counts from all pixels on an individual image at
a specific photon energy, Ep

X-ray continuum background, as well as artifacts such as channel and view the corresponding energy card to reveal the
coincidence peaks and Si-escape peaks. The SUM spectrum in elemental map for that peak, as shown in . Fig. 24.7. By select-
. Fig. 24.6 was calculated from the same Raney nickel XSI ing a band of adjacent channels that spans the peak and aver-
datacube used for . Fig. 24.4. Note that the count axis now aging the counts for each x-y pixel in the set of energy cards,
extends to more than 3 million counts, much higher than the an elemental image with reduced noise is obtained, as also
count axes of the individual pixel spectra in . Fig. 24.4 because shown in . Fig. 24.7. Systematically selecting each of the
of the large number of pixels that have been added together to prominent characteristic X-ray peaks, total intensity maps for
construct the SUM spectrum. The characteristic peaks that all of the major elemental constituents can be obtained. The
can be recognized in the SUM spectrum (scaled to the highest SUM spectrum can be treated just like a normally recorded
intensity) represent the dominant, most abundant elemental spectrum. By expanding the vertical scale or changing from a
features contained in the XSI. The analyst can select a peak linear display to a logarithmic display, lower relative intensity

24.2 · X-Ray Spectrum Imaging
421 24


2000000 AIKa NiKa CuKa

1000000 NiLaa

0 NiKh CuKh
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Channel (X-ray Energy)

730 766

Single ‘slice’ or X-ray channel

at the NiKα peak

Multichannel image for Ni peak.

..      Fig. 24.7 Using the SUM spectrum to interrogate an X-ray spectrum image to find the dominant elemental peaks for the region being

peaks corresponding to minor and trace constituents can be is a needle you are looking for!) can be recognized with the
recognized, and the corresponding total-intensity region-of- “MAXIMUM PIXEL” derived spectrum (Bright and Newbury
interest images can be constructed, subject to the increas- 2004). As shown in . Fig. 24.8, the MAXIMUM PIXEL derived
ing influence of the continuum background incorporated in spectrum is calculated by making the same tour through all of
the window. For these lower abundance constituents, it is the pixels on each energy card as is done for the SUM spec-
­necessary to use a band of energy channels to reduce the noise trum, but rather than adding the pixel contents, the algorithm
in the resulting elemental image, and such images are sub- now locates the maximum intensity within a card regardless of
ject to the artifacts that arise from the atomic number depen- what pixel it comes from to represent that energy value in the
dence of the X-ray continuum noted above. constructed MAXIMUM PIXEL spectrum. An example of the
application of the MAXIMUM PIXEL spectrum to an XSI is
MAXIMUM PIXEL Spectrum shown in . Fig. 24.9, where an unanticipated Cr peak is recog-
The SUM spectrum reveals dominant elemental features in the nized. When the Cr image is selected from the XSI, the Cr is
mapped region. Rare, unexpected elemental features, which in seen to be localized in a small cluster of pixels. Note that in the
the extreme case may occur at only a single pixel (i.e., looking plot of the SUM, LOG10SUM, and MAXIMUM PIXEL spectra
for a “needle-in-a-haystack” when you don’t even know that it in . Fig. 24.9, the Cr peak is only visible in the MAXIMUM
422 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

..      Fig. 24.8 Concept of the

MAXIMUM PIXEL spectrum Maximum Pixel Spectrum
derived from an X-ray spectrum
Test every pixel in an
image by finding the highest energy plane to find
count among all the pixels on the MAXIMUM
an individual image at a specific value. This
photon energy, Ep maximum value
becomes the intensity
in the corresponding
energy channel of the
derived Maximum
Y Pixel Spectrum.

y En


100 NiL
SiK NiKα
50 ClKα CaKα CrKα CuKα
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Channel (X-ray Energy)

PIXEL spectrum. Because Cr is represented at only a few pix- form are typical choices). Another approach is the creation
els, in the SUM spectrum the Cr intensity is overwhelmed by of a pixel mask by selecting all pixels within a particular
the continuum intensity at all of the other pixels, so that the Cr elemental map (or BSE or SE image) whose intensities fall
peak is not visible even in the logarithmic expansion shown in within a defined range above a specified gray level thresh-
the LOG10SUM plot. old. Pixels that satisfy this intensity criterion can occur any-
After the elemental maps have been created from the where in the x–y plane of the XSI and do not have to be
XSI, additional image processing tools can be brought to contiguous. Selections can range down to an individual
bear. Spatial regions-of-interest can be defined in the ele- pixel. An example of this process is shown in . Figure 24.10,
mental maps or in corresponding BSE or SE images where the Fe-rich phase has been selected from the Fe total
recorded simultaneously with the XSI. These spatial regions intensity map (shown in color overlay with Al and Ni) to
can be selected by simple image processing tools that define create a mask (shown as a binary image in the inset) from
a group of contiguous pixels that fall within a particular which the SUM spectrum representing the Fe-rich phase is
shape (square, rectangle, circle, ellipsoid, or closed free constructed.

24.2 · X-Ray Spectrum Imaging
423 24


10 m Al Cr Ni

0.9 NiL

0.7 CrKα NiKβ

0.6 FeKα
Relative intensity

Log10 SUM



0.1 SUM

500 1000 1500
Sum Log sum Max running sum log running sum running max

..      Fig. 24.9 Use of the MAXIMUM PIXEL spectrum to identify and locate an unexpected Cr-rich inclusion in Raney nickel alloy
424 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

1000000 FINAL_-1900u-Mask_
NiL highFe_phase


Al + Al
Al + NiL
100000 Fe
Log10 Counts


Al Fe Ni

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 µm
50000 FINAL_-1900u-Mask_
Al + Al

Al + NiL


25000 Fe mask
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Photon Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 24.10 Creation of a pixel mask (inset) using the Fe elemental map for Raney nickel to select pixels from which a SUM spectrum is constructed
for the Fe-rich phase

24.3 Quantitative Compositional Mapping elemental intensities are then quantified by a “standardless
analysis” procedure to calculate the individual pixel concen-
The XSI contains the complete EDS spectrum at each pixel (or tration values. Alternatively, rigorous standards-based quan-
the position-tagged photon database that can be used to titative analysis can be performed on the pixel-level intensity
reconstruct the individual pixel spectra). Quantitative com- data with NIST DTSA II by utilizing the scripting language to
positional mapping implements the normal fixed measure- sequentially calculate the pixel spectra in a datacube. MLLS
ment location quantitative analysis procedure at every pixel in peak fitting to extract the characteristic intensities, k-ratio
a map. Qualitative analysis is first performed to identify the calculation relative to a library of measured standards, and
peaks in the SUM and MAXIMUM PIXEL spectra of the XSI matrix corrections to yield the local concentrations of these
to determine the suite of elements present within the mapped elements for each pixel. An example of the NIST DTSA-II
area, noting that all elements are unlikely to be present at procedure applied to an XSI measured on the manganese
every pixel. The pixel-level EDS spectra can then be individu- nodule example of . Fig. 24.2 is presented in . Fig. 24.11,
ally processed following the same quantitative analysis proto- where the Fe K-L2,3 total intensity map, which suffers signifi-
col used for individually measured spectra, ultimately cant interference from Mn K-M2,3, shows a change in the
replacing the gray or color scale in total intensity elemental apparent level of Fe in the center of the image after quantita-
maps, which are based on raw X-ray intensities and which are tive correction, as well as changes in several finer-scale details.
nearly impossible to compare, with a gray or color scale based Quantitative compositional maps for major constituents
on the calculated concentrations, which can be sensibly com- displayed as gray-scale images are virtually identical to raw
pared. Most vendor compositional mapping software extracts intensity elemental maps, as shown for the major constitu-
characteristic peak intensities by applying multiple linear ents Al and Ni in . Figs. 24.12 and 24.13. Significant differ-
24 least squares (MLLS) peak fitting or alternatively fits a back- ences between raw intensity maps and compositional maps
ground model under the peaks. These extracted pixel-level are found for minor and trace constituents, where correction
24.3 · Quantitative Compositional Mapping
425 24
..      Fig. 24.11 Quantitative
compositional mapping with
DTSA-II on the XSI of a deep-
sea manganese nodule from
. Fig. 24.2: direct comparison of
the total intensity map for Fe and
the quantitative compositional
map of Fe; note the decrease in
the apparent Fe in the high Mn
portion in the center of the image
after quantification and local
changes indicated by arrows (yel- Raw Fe K-L2,3 + Mn K-M2,3
low shows extension of high Fe
region; magenta shows elimina-
tion of dark features)

Fe K-L2,3 after DTSA-II


20 µm

for the continuum background significantly changes the of autoscaling noted above still apply. Various pseudo-color
gray-scale image. As shown for the minor Fe constituent in scales, in which bands of contrasting colors are applied to
. Figs. 24.12 and 24.13, the false Fe contrast between the Ni- the underlying data, are typically available in image pro-
rich and Al-rich phases that arises due to the atomic number cessing software. Such pseudo-color scale can partially
dependence of the X-ray continuum is eliminated in the Fe overcome the display limitations of gray-scale presentation,
compositional map. but the resulting images are often difficult to interpret. An
While rendering the underlying pixel data of quantita- example of a five band pseudo-color scale applied to the
tive compositional maps in gray scale is a useful starting compositional maps using NIST Lispix is shown in
point, the problem of achieving a quantitatively meaningful . Fig. 24.15. An effective display scheme for quantitative
display remains. Because of autoscaling, the gray scales of elemental maps that enables a viewer to readily compare
the Al, Ni, and Fe maps in . Fig. 24.12 do not have the same concentrations of different elements spanning major, minor
numerical meaning. The Al and Ni concentrations locally and trace ranges can be achieved with the Logarithmic
reach high enough levels to correspond to brighter gray Three-Band Encoding (Newbury and Bright 1999). A band
levels and have sufficient range to create strong contrast of colors is assigned to each decade of the concentration
with direct gray-scale encoding, as seen in . Figs. 24.12 and range with the following characteristics:
24.13. The Fe ­constituent which is present at a concentra- Major: C > 0.1 to 1 (mass fraction) deep red to red pastel
tion with a maximum of approximately 0.04 mass fraction Minor: 0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1 deep green to green pastel
(4 wt %) never exceeds the minor constituent range, so the Trace: 0.001 ≤ C < 0.01 deep blue to blue pastel
Fe map appears dark with little contrast in the quantita-
tive map of . Fig. 24.13. Autoscaling of the Fe-map in The quantitative elemental maps are displayed with
. Fig. 24.14 improves the contrast, but the same limitations Logarithmic Three-Band Encoding in . Fig. 24.16, and the
426 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

Al Fe

20 µm

Ni Al Fe Ni

..      Fig. 24.12 Raney nickel alloy XSI: total intensity maps for Al, Fe, and Ni with color overlay

Al Fe

20 µm

Ni Al Fe Ni

24 ..      Fig. 24.13 Quantitative compositional maps of the Raney nickel alloy XSI in 24.13; note low contrast in the Fe image presented without
24.3 · Quantitative Compositional Mapping
427 24

Al Fe

20 µm

Ni Al Fe Ni

..      Fig. 24.14 Quantitative compositional maps Raney nickel alloy XSI with contrast enhancement of the Fe map

Al Fe

20 µm


0 50 100 150 200 255

..      Fig. 24.15 Five band pseudo-color presentation of the quantitative compositional maps for Al, Fe, and Ni derived from the Raney nickel
alloy XSI
428 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

major-minor-trace spatial relationships among the elemental from the atomic-number dependence of the X-ray continuum
constituents are readily discernible. seen in the raw Fe intensity image, as shown in . Fig. 24.17.
The Logarithmic Three-Band Encoding of the Fe compo- The Logarithmic Three-Band Encoding shows that this appar-
sitional map in . Fig. 24.16 reveals apparent Fe contrast in the ent contrast occurs near the lower limit of the trace range. Is
Al-rich and Fe-rich phases, and this contrast differs markedly this trace Fe contrast meaningful or merely an uncorrected


Ni Fe

20 µm
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
0.1 1.0 10 100 wt%

..      Fig. 24.16 Logarithmic Three-Band Color encoding of the quantitative compositional maps for Al, Fe, and Ni derived from the Raney nickel alloy XSI

Fe Fe

20 µm

Fe raw intensity
elemental map
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
0.1 1.0 10 100 wt%
Fe compositional map

24 ..      Fig. 24.17 Direct comparison of the Fe total intensity map and the Logarithmic Three-Band Encoding of the Fe quantitative compositional
map. Note the distinct changes in the contrast within the trace concentration (C < 0.01) regions of the image
24.3 · Quantitative Compositional Mapping
429 24


Fe-rich phase highFe_phase


Counts (Log)










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)



24000 Fe=0.044 highFe_phase

22000 Al





10000 Cr Mn







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 24.18 Raney nickel alloy XSI: mask of pixels corresponding to the Fe-rich phase and the corresponding SUM spectrum; the Fe peak corresponds
to C = 0.044 mass fraction

artifact? To examine this question, the analyst can use pixel constituent, with its highest level in the intermediate-Ni phase
masks of each phase selected from the Ni compositional map where CFe = 0.0027 (2700 ppm), falling to CFe = 0.00038
(or the BSE image) to obtain the SUM spectrum, as shown in (380 ppm) in the high-Ni phase and to CFe = 0.00030
. Figs. 24.18 (Fe-rich phase), 24.19 (Al-rich phase), 24.20 (300 ppm) in the high-Al phase. Additionally, trace Cr at a
(Ni-intermediate phase), and 24.21 (Ni-rich phase). These similar concentration is found in the Al-rich phase along with
SUM spectra confirm that Fe is indeed present as a trace the trace Fe.
430 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

Raney1-Mask_ High


10000000 Al-rich phase

Counts (Log)












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)

160000 Ni Raney1-Mask_High




100000 Cr

Fe = 0.00030
80000 Cr








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 24.19 Raney nickel alloy XSI: mask of pixels corresponding to the Al-rich phase and the corresponding SUM spectrum; note the low level
peaks for Fe and Cr; the Fe-peak corresponds to C = 0.00030 = 300 parts per million

24.4  trategy for XSI Elemental Mapping

S peak of the OCR vs. ICR plot varies dramatically with the
Data Collection time ­constant selected. All forms of EDS microanalysis are
improved by increasing the number of X-ray counts mea-
24.4.1 Choosing the EDS Dead-Time sured, but elemental mapping is especially dependent on
accumulating large numbers of X-rays since mapping divides
The analyst has a choice of time constants in the EDS soft- the total count among a large number of pixels. To obtain
ware, a parameter variously known as shaping time, process- adequate counts per pixel for meaningful analytical
ing time, etc., and typically expressed as time value (e.g., ­information at the ­individual pixel level, it is common prac-
200 ns, 400 ns, 1 μs), as a count rate value (e.g., the through- tice to accept the resolution penalty to operate on the highest
put at the peak of the input–output response), or as a simple throughput curve in . Fig. 24.22. Of course, to produce the
integer. The shorter the time constant, the higher the peak X-ray flux necessary to make use of this throughput capabil-
throughput, expressed as the output count rate (OCR) versus ity, the EDS detector solid angle should first be maximized by
the input count rate (ICR), but the poorer the resolution. The operating at the shortest specimen-to-EDS distance (for a
performance of a silicon drift detector (SDD)-EDS with three movable EDS) and the beam current should then be adjusted
time constant choices is illustrated in . Fig. 24.22, where the accordingly to produce an acceptable dead-time. An

24.4 · Strategy for XSI Elemental Mapping Data Collection
431 24


Intermediate Ni-rich phase Intermediate_Ni_phase


Counts (Log)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)
240000 Raney1-Mask_


Cr Fe, 0.0027 Intermediate_Ni_phase




Ni si-escape









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 24.20 Raney nickel alloy XSI: mask of pixels corresponding to the intermediate Ni-rich phase and the corresponding SUM spectrum; note the
low level peak for Fe; the Fe-peak corresponds to C = 0.0027 = 2700 parts per million

a­ cceptable dead-time will depend on the level of spectral arti- coincidence artifacts, which scale with dead-time, must be
facts that the analyst is willing to accept: (1) If the mapping considered. Coincidence peaks for Al + NiL and Al + Al, as
­software collects the XSI at constant pixel dwell time without well as the coincidence continuum between these peaks, are
dead-time correction, the resulting map can be subject to illustrated in . Figs. 24.18, 24.19, 24.20, and 24.21. This por-
severe artifacts if the dead-time is so high that the peak of the tion of the EDS spectrum contains K-shell peaks for S and Cl,
OCR versus ICR response is exceeded at some pixels during L-shell peaks for Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, and Ag, and M-shell
mapping. As shown in . Fig. 24.23, operating at very high peaks for Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi. If none of these elements is of
dead-time can result in the same OCR being produced by two interest at the minor or trace level, then the Al + NiL and
widely different ICR values, which may effectively correspond Al + Al coincidence can be ignored and the advantages of
to two different concentrations. Artifacts produced by this high throughput realized for the other elements of interest.
effect are shown in the Al elemental maps recorded at high However, if this spectral region is required for one or more of
dead-time shown in . Fig. 24.24. Dead-time-corrected data these elements, a lower dead-time should be selected by
collection in elemental mapping avoids this artifact. (2) If the reducing the beam current to reduce coincidence, which
analyst is interested in minor and/or trace level constituents, depends strongly on the input count rate.
432 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping



High Ni-rich phase

1000000 O
Counts (Log)









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)



Al Cr Ni

100000 Fe = 0.00038




Ni si-escape









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Energy (keV)

..      Fig. 24.21 Raney nickel alloy XSI: mask of pixels corresponding to the high Ni-rich phase and the corresponding SUM spectrum; note the low
level peak for Fe; the Fe-peak corresponds to C = 0.00038 = 380 parts per million

24.4.2 Choosing the Pixel Density the empty area of the pixel could be “filled in” by increasing
the number of pixels to reduce the pixel size, but this would
The size of the scanned area, the number of image pixels (nX, lead to extremely large XSI data structures that would require
nY) and the pixel dwell time, τ, are critical parameters that very long accumulation times. A practical upper limit for
the analyst must choose when defining an XSI data collec- XSI mapping is typically 1024 × 1024 pixels, which for a
tion. An estimate of the size of the lateral extent of the X-ray spectrum of 4096 channels of 2 bytes intensity depth would
interaction volume, obtained either from the Kanaya– produce an XSI of 8 Gbytes in the uncompressed RAW for-
Okayama X-ray range or from Monte Carlo simulation, is mat. To reduce the mass storage as well as the subsequent
also useful, especially for small-area, high-magnification processing time for quantitative compositional mapping cal-
mapping. Choosing the size of the scanned area (magnifica- culations, the analyst may choose 512 × 512 or 256 × 256
tion) depends on the lateral extent of the specimen features pixel scan fields, especially when a small area is scanned
that are the objective of the mapping measurement. As is the (high magnification operation) leading to overlapping pix-
case with SEM imaging using BSEs and/or SEs, when large els. A pixel overlap of approximately 25 % serves to fill all
areas are being scanned (low magnification operation), the space in the square pixels, but further oversampling provides
pixel size may be greater than the lateral extent of the X-ray no additional information, so that the analyst would be bet-
source size, which is a convolution of the incident beam size ter served by lowering the magnification to cover more
and the interaction volume for X-ray production, so that specimen area with the chosen pixel density, or alternatively,
much of the pixel area is effectively unsampled. In principle, choose a lower pixel density.
24.4 · Strategy for XSI Elemental Mapping Data Collection
433 24
..      Fig. 24.22 Throughput of an
SDD-EDS system consisting of SDD-EDS Throughput
four 10-mm2 detectors with the Combined output
outputs summed at three differ- 1.4 106
of four 10-mm2 detectors
ent operating time constants Ideal no deadtime
1.2 106
145 eV
> 1.2 MHz

Output Count Rate (X-rays/second)

1.0 106
OCR (1000 ns)
OCR (220 ns)
OCR (470 ns)
8.0 105

> 500 kHz

6.0 105
Single 10-mm2 detector,
128 eV Max OCR = 130 kHz
4.0 105
> 200 kHz
122.5 eV
2.0 105

0.0 100
0 100 1 106 2 106 3 106 4 106 5 106
Input Count Rate (X-rays/second)

..      Fig. 24.23 Example of XSI

mapping at such high through- SDD-EDS Throughput
put level that count rate based
artifacts appear: measured OCR
vs. ICR response for an SDD-EDS,
showing the same OCR for two
different ICR values, which could 5e+5
represent different concentra-
Output Count Rate (counts/s)

tions of a highly excited element





0.0 5.0e+5 1.0e+6 1.5e+6 2.0e+6 2.5e+6

Input Count Rate (counts/s)

434 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

BSE 5% deadtime


60% deadtime 80% deadtime

Al Al

..      Fig. 24.24 Al map in Raney nickel recorded at 5 %, 60 %, and 80 % dead-time; note changes in the high Al region at 80 % dead-time compared
to 5 % dead-time

24.4.3 Choosing the Pixel Dwell Time An XSI was recorded with 640 by 480 pixels with a 64-μs pixel
dwell at on OCR of 750 kHz for a total mapping time of 20 s.
Once the analyst has chosen the pixel density, the product of The raw intensity maps for Cu, Zn, and Pb and their color
the number of pixels in a map and the pixel dwell time gives overlay are shown in . Fig. 24.25b. While very noisy on the
the total mapping time. The OCR of the EDS and the pixel single pixel level, these maps nevertheless reveal the localiza-
dwell time determine the number of counts in the individual tion of the lead corresponding as expected to the bright region
pixel spectra, which sets the ultimate limit on the composi- in the SEM-BSE image. The color overlay, however, shows
tional information that can be subsequently recovered from numerous dark areas within the particle which do not corre-
the XSI. The high throughput of SDD-EDS, especially when spond to Cu, Zn, or Pb. With this short pixel dwell, the pixel
clusters of detectors are used, provides OCR of 105/s to 106/s, level EDS spectra contain only about 50 counts total, the effect
enabling various XSI imaging strategies determined by the of which can be seen in the noisy derived MAXIMUM PIXEL
number of counts in the individual pixel spectra. spectrum in . Fig. 24.26. (An additional derived spectrum,
the RUNNING MAXIMUM PIXEL, which is averaged over
“Flash Mapping” three adjacent energy “cards” to reduce the effect of the low
By operating with a high OCR, major constituents can be count, is also shown.) The SUM spectrum shown in
mapped in less than 60 s, a mode of operation that can be . Fig. 24.26, consisting of all counts recorded in 20 s, approxi-
termed “flash” mapping, which is useful for surveying mately 15 million, contains abundant information. In addition
unknowns. An example of a flash mapping survey of a leaded- to the peaks for Cu, Zn,and Pb, a major peak for Ni is observed.
brass particle is shown in . Fig. 24.25, where the SEM-BSE When the raw elemental map for Ni is constructed from the
image in . Fig. 24.25a reveals a high-atomic-number ­inclusion. XSI, the missing regions in . Fig. 24.25b are filled in, as shown
24.4 · Strategy for XSI Elemental Mapping Data Collection
435 24
Leaded brass particle
a BSE (solid state, summed)

10 µm

b Cu

10 µm

Zn Cu Pb Zn

What is missing?!

640x480 pixels; 64 µs/pixel = ∼ 20 seconds total scan

..      Fig. 24.25 Leaded brass particle XSI: a SEM-BSE image; note bright inclusion; b XSI recorded with 640 × 480 pixels; 64 μs/pixel = ~ 20 s total
scan and total intensity images for Pb, Cu and Zn with color overlay; note apparently missing regions of particle (dark)
436 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

..      Fig. 24.26 Leaded brass par-

ticle XSI: SUM spectrum, logarithm Spectral data from 20 second XSI (64 ms dwell per pixel) on leaded brass particle

of the SUM spectrum, MAXIMUM

PIXEL spectrum, and RUNNING 1.0
MAXIMUM PIXEL spectrum (aver-

aged over three consecutive

energy “cards”); note unexpected 0.8

Ni peak



Relative Intensity

0.5 LOG10 SUM


RUNNING MAX (3 card average)


500 1000 1500 2000
Sum Log sum Max log running sum running sum running max
Photon Energy (10-eV Channel number)

in . Fig. 24.27, which also shows the color overlap of Cu, Zn, the examples in . Figs. 24.25, 24.26, and 24.27. Of course, by
and Ni. This example demonstrates the value of XSI imaging accumulating more counts above this threshold, progres-
to augment the information obtained from the atomic number sively lower concentration contrast details can be revealed
contrast of the SEM-BSE image. In . Fig. 24.27b, the SEM- for the major constituents. For problems involving minor
BSE image easily distinguishes the Pb-rich inclusion from the and/or trace constituents, longer pixel dwell times are nec-
brass matrix but shows no distinct contrast from the Ni-rich essary to accumulate at least 500–5000 counts per pixel
regions relative to the Cu-Zn brass matrix. Ni, Cu, and Zn are spectrum, and the beam current should be reduced to keep
only separated by one unit of atomic number, so that the BSE the dead-time generally below 10 % to minimize
atomic number contrast between these phases is very weak ­coincidence peaks. This dead-time condition can be relaxed
and dominated by the contrast produced by the Pb-rich region if the coincidence peaks, which are only produced by high
relative to the brass matrix. The SEM-BSE contrast situation is count rate parent peaks associated with major constituents,
further complicated by the topographic contrast of the com- do not interfere with the minor/trace constituent peaks of
plex surface of the particle. Element-specific compositional interest.
imaging reveals the details of the complex microstructure of An example of the compositional details that can be
this particle. observed at the level of approximately 5000 counts per pixel
spectrum is shown for a complex Zr-Ni-V alloy with minor
High Count Mapping Ti, Cr, Mn and Co in . Fig. 24.28. Excellent gray-scale (after
The strategy for elemental mapping data collection depends autoscaling) contrast is obtained between the phases which
on the nature of the problem to be solved: the most critical have relatively small changes in composition for the individ-
question is typically, “What concentration levels are of ual elements. Although the single pixel spectra do not have
interest?” If minor and trace level constituents are not adequate counts for robust quantification, the analyst can use
important, then short duration (60 s or less), low pixel den- the images to form pixel masks that contain much higher
sity (256 × 256 or fewer) XSI maps with a high OCR will total counts. The compositional values noted in . Fig. 24.28
usually contain adequate counts, a minimum of approxi- are based on quantifying SUM spectra taken from the two
mately 50–500 counts per pixel spectrum, depending on phases that are specified by the arrows in the elemental maps,
the particular elements and overvoltage, to discern concen- and the very small statistical error reported reflects the very
tration-based contrast for major constituents, as shown in high count SUM spectra.

24.4 · Strategy for XSI Elemental Mapping Data Collection
437 24
Cu Ni

10 µm

Zn Cu Ni Zn

b BSE Pb

10 µm

Cu Ni

..      Fig. 24.27 Leaded brass particle XSI: a total intensity images for and Zn total intensity maps; the SEM-BSE image is insensitive to the
Cu, Zn, and Ni with color overlay showing Ni filling in empty areas seen compositional contrast between the Cu-Zn regions and the Ni-rich
in . Fig. 24.25b; b direct comparison of SEM-BSE image and Cu, Ni, regions
438 Chapter 24 · Compositional Mapping

..      Fig. 24.28 Deep gray 31.97±0.03 31.38±0.03

level mapping of Ni-Zr-V
(with minor Ti, Cr, Mn, and
a BSE Zr
Co) hydrogen-storage alloy
(XSI conditions: 512 × 384
pixels, 8192 μs = 27 min; OCR
637 kHz = ~ 5200 counts/pixel
spec): quantitative composi-
tional maps with autoscaled
gray level presentation for
a major constituents and b
minor constituents. Com-
positional values noted are
derived from SUM spectra
formed from pixel masks of 50 µm ZrO2
the phases marked by arrows
31.09±0.04 36.64±0.04 10.68±0.01
Ni V

8.84±0.01 7.51±0.01 7.28±0.01 8.64±0.01

b Co Ti

50 µm

4.87±0.01 4.01±0.01 4.96±0.01 3.10±0.01

Mn Cr

439 24
References Kotula P, Keenan MR, Joseph R, Michael JR (2003) Automated analysis of SEM
X-ray spectral images: a powerful new microanalysis tool. Microsc Micro-
anal 9:1
Bright D (2017) NIST Lispix, a software engine for image processing,
Newbury D, Bright D (1999) Logarithmic 3-band color encoding: Robust
available free at: 7 http://www.nist.gov/lispix/doc/contents.htm
method for display and comparison of compositional maps in elec-
Bright D, Newbury D (2004) Maximum pixel spectrum: a new tool for
tron probe X-ray microanalysis. Microsc Microanal 5:333
detecting and recovering rare, unanticipated features from spec-
Newbury D, Ritchie N (2013) Elemental mapping of microstructures by
trum image data cubes. J Microsc 216:186
scanning electron microscopy –energy dispersive X-ray spectrom-
Gorlen KE, Barden LK, Del Priore JS, Fiori CE, Gibson CC, Leapman RD
etry (SEM-EDS): extraordinary advances with the Silicon Drift
(1984) Computerized analytical electron microscope for elemental
Detector (SDD). J Anal At Spectrom 28:973
mapping. Rev Sci Instrum 55:912
441 25

Attempting Electron-Excited
X-Ray Microanalysis
in the Variable Pressure
Scanning Electron Microscope
25.1 Gas Scattering Effects in the VPSEM – 442
25.1.1 Why Doesn’t the EDS Collimator Exclude the
Remote Skirt X-Rays? – 446
25.1.2 Other Artifacts Observed in VPSEM X-Ray Spectrometry – 448

25.2 What Can Be Done To Minimize gas Scattering

in VPSEM? – 450
25.2.1 Workarounds To Solve Practical Problems – 451
25.2.2 Favorable Sample Characteristics – 451
25.2.3 Unfavorable Sample Characteristics – 456

References – 459

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
442 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

While X-ray analysis can be performed in the Variable Pres- ­ ressures of 2500 Pa are possible, permitting liquid water
25 sure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM), it is not pos- to be maintained in equilibrium when the specimen is
sible to perform uncompromised electron-excited X-ray cooled to ~ 3 °C. Such specimen chamber pressures are sev-
microanalysis. The measured EDS spectrum is inevitably eral orders of magnitude higher than that of a conventional
degraded by the effects of electron scattering with the atoms high-­vacuum SEM, which typically operates at 10−2 Pa to
of the environmental gas in the specimen chamber before the 10−4 Pa or lower. As the beam emerges from the high vac-
beam reaches the specimen. The spectrum is always a com- uum of the electron column through the final aperture into
posite of X-rays generated by the unscattered electrons that the elevated pressure of the specimen chamber, elastic scat-
remain in the focused beam and strike the intended target tering events with the gas atoms begin to occur. Although
mixed with X-rays generated by the gas-scattered electrons the volume density of the gas atoms in the chamber is very
that land elsewhere, micrometers to millimeters from the low compared to the density of a solid material, the path
microscopic target of interest. length that the beam electrons must travel typically ranges
It is critical to understand how severely the measured from 1 mm to 10 mm or more before reaching the speci-
spectrum is compromised, what strategies can be followed to men. As illustrated in . Fig. 25.1, when elastic scattering
minimize these effects, and what “workarounds” can be occurs along this path, the angular deviation causes beam
applied in special circumstances to solve practical problems. electrons to substantially deviate out of the focused beam
The impact of gas-scattered electrons on the legitimacy of the creating a “skirt.” The unscattered beam electrons follow
analysis depends on the exact circumstances of the VPSEM the expected path defined by the objective lens field and
conditions (beam energy, gas species, path length through land in the focused beam footprint identical to the situa-
the gas) and the characteristics of the specimen and its sur- tion at high vacuum but with reduced intensity due to the
roundings. Gas scattering effects increase in significance as gas scattering events that rob the beam of electrons. The
the constituent(s) of interest range in concentration from electrons that remain in the beam behave exactly as they
major (concentration C > 0.1 mass fraction) to minor would in a high vacuum SEM, creating the same interac-
(0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1) to trace (C < 0.01). tion volume and generating X-rays with exactly the same
spatial distribution to produce identically the same spec-
trum. This “ideal” high vacuum equivalent spectrum rep-
25.1 Gas Scattering Effects in the VPSEM resents the true microanalysis condition. However, this
ideal spectrum is degraded by the remotely scattered elec-
The VPSEM allows operation with elevated gas pressure in trons in the skirt which generate characteristic and con-
the specimen chamber, typically 10 Pa to 1000 Pa but even tinuum (bremsstrahlung) X-rays from whatever material(s)
higher in the “environmental SEM” (ESEM), where they strike.

..      Fig. 25.1 Schematic diagram

of gas scattering in a VPSEM

beam electron

event with
gas atom

Limits of
EDS collimator


Remote X-ray Focused beam

25.1 · Gas Scattering Effects in the VPSEM
443 25
The extent of the beam skirt can be estimated from the footprint.” The gas scattering skirt is thus a factor of 40 larger
ideal gas law (the density of particles at a pressure p is given in diameter, but a factor of 1600 larger in area.
by n/V = p/RT, where n is the number of moles, V is the vol- While Eq. (25.1) is useful to estimate the extent of the gas
ume, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature) and by scattering on the spatial resolution of X-ray microanalysis
assuming single-event elastic scattering (Danilatos 1988): under VPSEM conditions, it provides no information on the
relative fractions of the spectrum that arise from the unscat-
Rs = ( 0.364 Z / E )( p / T ) L3/2 x
(25.1) tered beam electrons (exactly equivalent to the high vacuum
microanalysis footprint) and the skirt. The Monte Carlo simu-
Rs = skirt radius (m) lation embedded in NIST DTSA-II enables explicit treatment
Z = atomic number of the gas of gas scattering to provide detailed information on the
E = beam energy (keV) unscattered beam electrons and the distribution of electrons
p = pressure (Pa) scattered into the skirt. The VPSEM menu of DTSA-II is
T = temperature (K) shown in . Fig. 25.3 and allows selection of the gas path
L = path length in gas (m) (GPL) length, the gas pressure, and the gas species (He, N2, O2, H2O,
or Ar). An example of a portion of the electron scattering
. Figure 25.2 plots the skirt radius for a beam energy of information produced by the Monte Carlo simulation is listed
20 keV as a function of the gas path length through oxygen at in . Table 25.1 for a gas path length of 5 mm through 100 Pa
several different chamber pressures. For a pressure of 100 Pa of oxygen with a 20-keV beam energy; the full table extends to
and a gas path length of 5 mm, the skirt radius is calculated 1000 μm. This data set is plotted as the cumulative electron
to be 30 μm. Consider the change in scale due to gas scatter- intensity as a function of radial distance out to 50 μm from the
ing. The high vacuum microanalysis footprint can be esti- beam center in . Fig. 25.4. For these conditions the unscat-
mated with the Kanaya-Okayama range equation. For a tered beam retains 0.70 of the beam intensity that enters the
copper specimen and E0 = 20 keV, the full range RK-O = 1.5 μm, specimen chamber. The skirt out to a radius of 30 μm contains
which is a good estimate of the diameter of the interaction a cumulative intensity of 0.84 of the incident beam current. To
volume projected on the entrance surface, the “microanalysis capture 0.95 of the total current for a 5-mm gas path length in

..      Fig. 25.2 Radial dimension

of gas scattering skirt as a func- Development of beam “skirt”
tion of gas path length at various
pressures for O2 and E0 = 20 keV Gas scattering skirt (oxygen; beam energy 20 keV)

1 Pa
10 Pa
80 100 Pa
1000 Pa
2500 Pa
Skirt radius (micrometers)





0 2 4 6 8 10
Gas path length (mm)
444 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

..      Fig. 25.3 Selection of VPSEM

25 gas parameters in DTSA-II for

..      Table 25.1 Portion of the electron scattering table for VPSEM simulation. Note the unscattered fraction of the 20 keV beam, 0.701
(100 Pa, 5-mm gas path length, oxygen). The full table extends to 1000 μm

Ring Inner radius, Outer radius, Ring area, Electron count Electron Cumulative, %
μm μm μm2 fraction

Undeflected – – – 701 0.701 –

1 0.0 2.5 19.6 755 0.755 75.5

2 2.5 5.0 58.9 23 0.023 77.8

3 5.0 7.5 98.2 11 0.011 78.9

4 7.5 10.0 137.4 10 0.010 79. 9

5 10.0 12.5 176.7 7 0.007 80.6

6 12.5 15.0 216.0 6 0.006 81.2

7 15.0 17.5 255.3 9 0.009 82.1

8 17.5 20.0 294.5 10 0.010 83.1

9 20.0 22.5 333.8 4 0.004 83.5

10 22.5 25.0 373.1 3i 0.003 83.8

11 25.0 27.5 412.3 6 0.006 84.4

12 27.5 30.0 451.6 4 0.004 84.8

13 30.0 32.5 490.9 6 0.006 85.4

14 32.5 35.0 530.1 2 0.002 85.6

15 35.0 37.5 569.4 2 0.002 85.8

16 37.5 40.0 608.7 3 0.003 86.1

17 40.0 42.5 648.0 4 0.004 86.5

25.1 · Gas Scattering Effects in the VPSEM
445 25
..      Fig. 25.4 DTSA-II Monte
Carlo calculation of gas scattering VPSEM 100 Pa O2
in a VPSEM: E0 = 20 keV; oxygen;
100 Pa; 3-, 5-, and 10-mm gas 1.0
path lengths (GPL) to a radial
distance of 50 μm

Cumulative electron intensity



3 mm GPL
5 mm GPL
10 mm GPL

0 10 20 30 40 50
Radial distance from beam center (micrometers)

..      Fig. 25.5 DTSA-II Monte

Carlo calculation of gas scattering VPSEM 100 Pa O2
in a VPSEM: E0 = 20 keV; oxygen;
100 Pa; 3-, 5-, and 10-mm gas 1.0
path lengths to a radial distance
of 1000 μm
Cumulative electron intensity




3 mm GPL
0.5 5 mm GPL

10 mm GPL

0 200 400 600 800 1000
Radial distance from beam center (micrometers)

100 Pa of oxygen requires a radial distance of approximately The extent of the degradation of the measured EDS spec-
190 μm, as shown in . Fig. 25.5, which plots the skirt distribu- trum by gas scattering is illustrated in the experiment shown
tion out to 1000 μm (1 mm). The strong effect of the gas path in . Fig. 25.6. The incident beam is placed at the center of a
length on the skirt radius, which follows a 3/2 exponent in the polished cross section of a 40 wt % Cu – 60 wt % Au alloy
scattering Eq. 25.1, can be seen in . Fig. 25.5 in the plots for wire 500 μm in diameter surrounded by a 2.5-cm-diameter
3 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm gas path lengths. Al disk. For a beam energy of 20 keV and a gas path length of
446 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

25 80768 Ch#: 170 ChkV: 1.7000 Work: 6120 Results: 3172 Marker: Si 14
AlKα AuMα 500 µm 40Cu-60Au
Spec# Counts
1 6602
2 8435
3 4632
4 4936 25 mm AI
5 4330
6 4685

1600 Pa (12 torr)

1200 Pa (9 torr) CuKα

1000 Pa (7.5 torr)

800 Pa (6 torr) GPL = 4 mm

600 Pa (4.5 torr) Water vapor
400 Pa (3 torr) E0 = 20 keV

133 Pa (1.5 torr) Scaled to AuM

53 Pa (0.4 torr)

0 Kα FeKα

AuLι Α
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00

Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 25.6 EDS spectra measured with the beam placed in the center of a 500 μm diameter wire of 40 wt % Cu–60 wt %Au surrounded by a
2.5-cm-diameter Al disk; E0 = 20 keV; gas path length = 4 mm; oxygen at various pressures

4 mm through water vapor, the EDS spectra measured over a 25.1.1  hy Doesn’t the EDS Collimator
pressure range from 53 Pa to 1600 Pa are superimposed, Exclude the Remote Skirt X-Rays?
showing the in-growth of the Al peak with increasing pres-
sure. Even at 53 Pa, a detectable Al peak is observed, despite Gas scattering in the VPSEM mode always degrades the inci-
the beam center being 250 μm away from the Al. As the pres- dent beam, transferring a significant fraction of the beam elec-
sure is increased, the Al peak ranges from an apparent trace trons into the skirt. The radius of the skirt can reach a
to minor and finally major constituent peak. millimeter or more from the focused beam impact. It might be
DTSA-II also simulates the composite spectrum created thought that the EDS collimator would restrict the acceptance
by these two classes of electrons as they strike the speci- area of the EDS to exclude most of the skirt. As shown in the
men. Various configurations of two different materials can schematic diagram in . Fig. 25.8, while a simple collimator
be specified, one that the unscattered beam strikes, for acts to successfully shield the EDS from accepting X-rays pro-
example, a particle, and the other by the skirt electrons, for duced by backscattered electrons striking the lens and cham-
example, the surrounding matrix. . Figure 25.7 shows ber walls, the acceptance volume near the column optic axis is
spectra simulated for the example of . Fig. 25.6, the quite large. The EDS acceptance is not defined by looking back
500-μm-diameter 40 wt %Cu–60 wt %Au wire in the Al at the detector from the specimen space as the cone of rays
disk with a 4-mm-gas path length through water vapor. The whose apex is at the beam impact on the specimen and whose
simulation of the lowest VPSEM gas pressure of 53 Pa pro- base is the detector active area (the dashed red lines in
duces a low level Al peak similar to the experimental mea- . Fig. 25.8). While the red lines define the solid angle of the
surement. Thus, even at this low pressure and short gas detector for emission from the beam impact point, the accep-
path length for which 89 % of the electrons remain in the tance region is actually defined by looking from the detector
focused beam, there are still gas-­scattered electrons falling through the collimator at the specimen space (the dashed
at least 250 μm from the beam impact. As the pressure is green lines in . Fig. 25.8). The true area of acceptance can be
progressively increased, the in-­growth of the Al peak due to readily determined by conducting X-ray mapping measure-
the skirt electrons is well modeled by the Monte Carlo ments. . Fig. 25.9 shows a series of measurements of X-ray
simulation. maps of a machined Al disk taken at the lowest available
25.1 · Gas Scattering Effects in the VPSEM
447 25

DTSA-II Monte Carlo simulation

16000 High_vacum_40Cu-60Au_20keV

14000 40Cu-60Au 53Pa_H2O_40Cu-60Au_20keV16x

E0 = 20 keV
10000 4 mm gas path length

8000 H2O
53 Pa H2O
High vacuum
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Photon energy (eV)
1600 Pa H2O 1200Pa_H2O_40Cu-60Au_20keV

1200 Pa H2O 53Pa_H2O_40Cu-60Au_20keV16x

Relative Counts


800 Pa H2O
400 Pa H2O
133 Pa H2O
Scaled to AuM
53 Pa H2O
High vacuum

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Photon energy (eV)

..      Fig. 25.7 DTSA-II Monte Carlo simulations of the specimen and gas scattering conditions of . Fig. 25.6. Upper plot: high vacuum and 53 Pa
(4 mm GPL, H2O). Lower plot: high vacuum and various pressures from 53 Pa to 1600 Pa

..      Fig. 25.8 Schematic diagram

showing the acceptance area of Chamber
the EDS collimator wall

Remote X-rays EDS



Collimator &
electron trap
Specimen X-rays
Several mm

Green =
Extent of
Several mm specimen
X-ray sources
NOT excluded
by collimator
448 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

25 1200

Al counts/pixel
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Working distance (mm)

10 mm 12 mm 14 mm

16 mm 18 mm 20 mm

1 mm

Al machined surface

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

..      Fig. 25.9 Collimator acceptance volume as determined by intensity measured at the center of the scan field as a function of
mapping an Al disk at various working distances (10–20 mm) at the working distance
widest scanned field (i.e., lowest magnification); the plot shows the

­ agnification (largest scan field) over a series of working dis-

m inner shell ionization leading to X-ray emission that contrib-
tances. The false color scale shows the while the intensity is not utes to the measured spectrum. The density of gas atoms
uniform within a map, it generally varies by less than 30 % (number/unit volume) is orders of magnitude lower than the
over the full map, a distance of millimeters, and moreover, as density in the solid specimen, but the distance that the beam
the maps are measured at different working distances, there is travels in the gas is orders of magnitude longer than it travels
only about 30 % variation over the vertical range, which is con- in the solid. The contribution of the environmental gas is
firmed by the plot of the intensity measured at the center of illustrated for a simple experiment in . Fig. 25.10, where the
each map. Thus, X-rays generated throughout a large volume beam strikes a carbon target at a series of different pressures.
are accepted through the collimator by the EDS so that colli- The in-growth of the oxygen peak from ionization of the
mation provides virtually no relief from the effects of remote water vapor used as the environmental gas can be seen. A
X-ray generation caused by gas scattering in the VPSEM. detectable oxygen peak is seen for pressures of 133 Pa (1 torr)
and higher for this particular gas path length (6 mm) and
beam energy (20 keV). . Figure 25.11 shows an example of
25.1.2  ther Artifacts Observed in VPSEM
O the contribution of the environmental gas to the spectrum
X-Ray Spectrometry measured from a 50 μm diameter glass shard with the com-
position listed in the figure placed on a carbon substrate. At
Inelastic scattering of the beam electrons and backscattered the lower pressure (266 pA = 2 torr) for the gas path length
electrons with the atoms of the environmental gas causes used (3 mm), the footprint of the focused beam and skirt
25.1 · Gas Scattering Effects in the VPSEM
449 25

Extraneous X-ray peak(s) due to environmental gas

10455 Ch#: 53 Ch kv: 0.5300 Work: 476 Results:5

C Ka

Beam and BSE electrons

can ionize oxygen inner shell
E0 = 20 keV

Gas = H2O
Space# Counts
6 mm gas path 1 788
2 924
C disk, 25 mm diam 3 1523
4 2129
5 2753 EDS
2000 Pa (15 torr)
6 3451
1600 Pa (12 torr)

1200 Pa (9 torr)
O Ka
800 Pa (6 torr)

400 Pa (3 torr)

266 Pa (2 torr)
133 Pa (1 torr)

53 Pa (0.4 torr)

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 25.10 Generation of O K X-rays from the environmental gas as a function of chamber pressure

remain within the 50 μm diameter glass shard, as evidenced If the environmental gas can contribute to the spec-
by the negligible C intensity in the spectrum. An O peak is trum, can the gas also absorb X-rays from the specimen?
also observed, at least some of which is actually from the Because of the low gas density, this effect might be expected
specimen. When the pressure is increased by a factor of five to be negligible, and as listed in . Table 25.2, which is cal-
to 1330 Pa (10 torr), the C intensity rises significantly culated for a 40 –mm-path through the gas from the X-ray
because the skirt now extends beyond the boundary of the source at the beam impact on the specimen to the EDS, for
particle, and the O peak intensity increases by a factor of the lowest pressure considered, 10 Pa, over 99 % of the
four, all of which is due to the environmental gas. It is also X-rays of all energies leaving the specimen in the direction
worth noting that in addition to characteristic X-rays from of the detector arrive there, even for F K, the energy of
the environmental gas, there is increased bremsstrahlung which, 0.677 keV, is just above the O K-shell absorption
generation as well from the inelastic scattering of beam and energy, 0.535 keV, which results in a large mass absorption
backscattered electrons with the gas atoms. In . Fig. 25.11, coefficient. When the pressure is increased to 100 Pa, the
the background is substantially higher for the spectrum loss of F K due to absorption increases to ~ 6 %, and at a
measured at the elevated pressure, leading to a reduced pressure of 2500 Pa (18.8 torr), ~ 80 % of the F K radiation
peak-to-background, which is easily seen for the Zn L-family is lost to gas absorption, and even Al K-L2 suffers a 20 %
and Al K-L2 peaks, an effect which makes for poorer limits of loss in intensity compared to the conventional high vac-
detection. uum SEM situation.
450 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

Extra C from
skirt on substrate
Extra O from environmental H2O
5741 #
Ch : 147 Ch kV: 1.4700 Work: 969 Results: 1506 Marker: Pb B2

Si Pb M NIST Glass K230 on C disk


E0 = 20 keV O 0.245

3 mm GPL Al 0.0265
H 2O
Si 0.140
266 Pa (2 torr)
Zn 0.0402
1330 Pa (10 torr) 50 mm chip
Ba 0.0896
Ta 0.0409

Pb 0.418

Al Ba L
Extra continuum
due to gas scattering

Zn L

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 25.11 Modification of the measured X-ray spectrum by gas scattering, including in-growth of the O K peak from contributions of the
environmental gas as well as increased background due to increased bremsstrahlung created by the gas scattering

25.2  hat Can Be Done To Minimize gas

..      Table 25.2 Absorption of X-rays by the environmental gas
(O2) (40-mm source to EDS) Scattering in VPSEM?
Element/X-ray I/I0 (2500 Pa) I/I0 (100 Pa) I/I0 (10 Pa) Manipulating the parameters in Eq. (25.1) provides the basis
for minimizing, but not eliminating, the effects of gas scatter-
F K (0.677 keV) 0.194 0.940 0.994
NaK (1.041 keV) 0.572 0.979 0.998 1. Z, atomic number of the scattering gas: By lowering the
AlK (1.487 keV) 0.805 0.992 0.9992 atomic number of the gas, the skirt radius is reduced.
This effect is illustrated in . Fig. 25.12, which is derived
SiK (1.740 keV) 0.868 0.995 0.9995 from DTSA-II Monte Carlo simulations comparing the
S K (2.307 keV) 0.939 0.998 0.9998 skirt radius for He and O2 for a 10-mm gas path length
and 100-Pa gas pressure with a beam energy E0 = 20 keV.
ClK (2.622 keV) 0.957 0.998 0.9998
2. E, beam energy (keV). Operating at the highest possible
K K (3.312 keV) 0.986 0.999 0.9999 beam energy reduces the gas scattering skirt.
CaK (3.690 keV) 0.990 0.9996 0.9999 3. p, the gas pressure (Pa): Operating with the lowest pos-
sible gas pressure minimizes the gas scattering skirt
25.2 · What Can Be Done To Minimize gas Scattering in VPSEM?
451 25
..      Fig. 25.12 Comparison of the
scattering skirt for He and O2 VPSEM 100 Pa 10 mm GPL


Cumulative electron intensity

0.8 He




0 10 20 30 40 50
Radial distance from beam center (micrometers)

4. T, the sample chamber temperature (K): The scattering Major constituent: concentration C > 0.1 mass fraction
skirt is reduced by operating at the lowest possible tem- Minor constituent: 0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1
perature. Trace constituent: C < 0.01
5. L, the gas path length (m). The shorter the gas path
length, the smaller the gas scattering skirt, as shown in Depending on the exact nature of the specimen, gas scat-
. Fig. 25.4, where the skirt is compared for gas path tering will almost always introduce spectral artifacts at the
lengths of 3 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm. Note that the gas trace and minor constituent levels, and in severe cases arti-
path length appears in Eq. (25.1) with a 3/2 power, so facts will appear at the level of apparent major constitu-
that the skirt radius is more sensitive to this parameter ents.
than the other parameters in Eq. (25.1). A modification
to the vacuum system of the VPSEM that minimizes the
gas path length consists of using a small diameter tube to 25.2.2 Favorable Sample Characteristics
extend the high vacuum of the electron column into the
sample chamber. Given that the LVSEM operating conditions have been
selected to minimize the gas scattering skirt, what specimen
types are most likely to yield useful microanalysis results? If
25.2.1 Workarounds To Solve Practical most of the gas scattering skirt falls on background material
Problems that contains an element or elements that are different from
the elements of the target and of no interest, then by follow-
Gas scattering effects can be minimized but not avoided, ing a measurement protocol to identify the extraneous ele-
and for many VPSEM measurements and in situ experi- ments, the measured spectrum can still have value for
ments, the microscopist/microanalyst may be significantly identifying the elements within the target area, always recog-
constrained in the extent to which any of the parameters in nizing that the target is being excited by the focused beam
Eq. (25.1) can actually be changed to reduce the gas scatter- and the skirt.
ing skirt without losing the advantages of VPSEM opera-
tion. The measured EDS spectrum is always compromised, Particle Analysis
but by carefully choosing the problems to study, successful Particle samples comprise a broad class of problems related to
X-ray analysis can still be performed. A useful way to con- the environment, technology, forensics, failure analysis, and
sider the impact of gas scattering is the general concentra- other areas. Particles are very often insulating in nature so that
tion level at which the remote scattering corrupts the a conductive coating is required for examination in the con-
measured spectrum: ventional high vacuum SEM, and the complex morphologies
452 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

of particles often make it difficult to apply a suitable coating. germanium, or gold (often as a thick film evaporated on
25 The VPSEM with its charge dissipation through gas ionization silicon). Again, whatever the choice of substrate, the X-ray
is an attractive alternative to achieve successful particle imag- spectrum of the bare substrate should be measured to
ing. When VPSEM X-ray analysis measurements are needed establish the analytical blank prior to analyzing particles
to characterize particles, specimen preparation is critical to on that substrate.
achieve a useful result. There are many methods available for
particle preparation, but the general goal for successful . Figure 25.13a shows a VPSEM image of a particle cluster
VPSEM X-ray analysis is to broadly disperse the particles on a prepared on carbon tape (which has a blank spectrum con-
suitable substrate so that the unscattered beam and the inner- sisting of major C and minor O from the polymer base) and
most intense portion of the skirt immediately surrounding the EDS X-ray spectrum obtained with the beam placed on
the beam can be placed on individual particles without excit- particle “A”. The spectrum is seen to contain a high intensity
ing nearby particles. The more distant portions of the beam peak for Si, lower intensity peaks for O, Al, and K, and peaks
skirt may still excite other particles in the dispersion, but the just at the threshold of detection for Ca, Ti, and Fe. With the
relative fraction of the electrons that falls on these particles is other particles nearby, how much of this spectrum can be
likely to be sufficiently small that the artifacts introduced in reliably assigned to particle “A”? A local “operational blank”
the measured spectrum will be equivalent to trace (C < 0.01 can be measured by placing the beam on several nearby sub-
mass fraction) constituents. strate locations so that focused beam only excites the sub-
1. When particles are collected on a smooth (i.e., not tortu- strate while the skirt continues to excite the specimen over its
ous path) medium such as a porous polycarbonate filter, extended reach. Examples of the “working blanks” for this
the loaded filter can be studied directly in the VPSEM particular specimen are shown in . Fig. 25.13b, c and are
with no preparation other than to attach a portion of the revealed to be surprisingly similar, considering the separa-
filter to a support stub. Prior to attempting X-ray mea- tion of location “BL3” from “BL1” and the particle array.
surements of individual particles, the X-ray spectrum of Inspection of these working blanks show Al and Si at the
the filter material should be measured under the VPSEM minor level, and Ca and Fe at the trace level, as estimated
operating conditions as the first stage of determining the from the peak-to-background ratio. Thus, the interpretation
analytical blank (that is, the spectral contributions of all of the spectrum of particle “A” can make use of the local ana-
the materials involved in the preparation except the lytical blank, as shown in . Fig. 25.13d. The major Al and Si
specimen itself). In addition to revealing the elemental peaks are not significantly perturbed by the low blank contri-
constituents of the filter, this blank spectrum will also butions for these elements, and the minor K is not present in
reveal the contribution of the environmental gas to the the working blank and therefore it can be considered valid.
spectrum. However, the low levels of Ca and Fe observed in the blank
2. When particles are to be transferred from the collection are similar to those in the spectrum on particle “A”, and thus
medium, such as a tortuous path filter, or simply obtained they should be removed these from consideration as legiti-
from a loose mass in a container, the choice of the sample mate trace constituents. Note that despite the size of particle
substrate is the first question to resolve. Conceding that “A,” which is approximately 50 μm in its longest dimension, it
VPSEM operation will lead to significant remote scat- must be remembered that measurement sensitivity to any
tering that will excite the substrate, the sample substrate possible heterogeneity within particle “A” is likely to be lost in
should be chosen to consist of an element that is not of the VPSEM mode because of the large fraction of the inci-
interest in the analysis of individual particles. Carbon dent current that is transferred within the 25-μm radius, as
is a typical choice for the substrate material, but if the demonstrated in . Table 25.1. Another example of the use of
analysis of carbon in the particles is important, then an the working blank is shown in . Fig. 25.13e for particle “D”.
alternative material such as beryllium (but beware of the Here the Ca is much higher than in the working blank, and so
health hazards of beryllium and its oxide) or boron can it can be considered a legitimate particle constituent, as can
be selected. If certain higher atomic number elements can the Mg, which is not in the working blank. The low Fe peak is
be safely ignored in the analysis, then additional materials similar in both the particle spectrum and the working blank,
may be suitable for substrates, such as aluminum, silicon, so it must not be considered legitimate.

..      Fig. 25.13 a VPSEM image of a cluster of particles and an EDS X-ray location BL3 so that only the beam skirt excites the particles. d Use of
spectrum measured with the beam placed on one of them, particle “A.” analytical blank to aid interpretation of the EDS spectrum of Particle “A.”
b EDS X-ray spectrum measured with the beam placed on the substrate e Use of analytical blank to aid interpretation of the EDS spectrum of
at location BL1 so that only the beam skirt excites the particles. c EDS Particle “A”
X-ray spectrum measured with the beam placed on the substrate at
25.2 · What Can Be Done To Minimize gas Scattering in VPSEM?
453 25

3453 Ch#: 261 Ch kV; 2.6100 Work: 51 Results: 0 Marker: Fe 26

Particle “A” BL3


O Ka
Al Ka

MgKa K Ka
C Ka Ti Ka FeKa
S Ka
CaKa Ti Kb1 FeKb1

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

1396 Ch#: 274 ChkV:: 2.7400 Work: 101 Results: 0 Marker: Fe 26

C ka

Operational blank at “BL1”

Si Ka

Al Ka


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)
454 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

25 c 3718
718 Ch#: 266 Ch kV: 2.6600 Work: 269 Results: 0 Marke:r:Fe 26
C Ka

Operational blank at “BL3” E


O Ka

Al Ka


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

AlKa Operational blank adjacent to A

30.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

Particle “A” BL3


0 Ka

K Ka
MgKa S Ka TiKa FeKa
C Ka CaKa TiKb1 FeKb1

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 25.13 (continued)

25.2 · What Can Be Done To Minimize gas Scattering in VPSEM?
455 25

Operational blank adjacent to D


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

Particle “D”


O Ka D BL1


C Ka S Ka K Ka TiKa FeKa
TiKb1 FeKb1

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 25.13 (continued)

456 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

25.2.3 Unfavorable Sample Characteristics SEM-BSE image, there are three different phases present
25 denoted D, I, and B, with different Al/Ni ratios. The spectral
EDS analysis in VPSEM is most problematic for specimens intensities for Al and Ni show differences in the low pressure
consisting of densely packed microscopic features, for exam- EDS spectra shown in . Fig. 25.15a that are sufficient to read-
ple, most solid materials, natural and synthetic, with a micro- ily distinguish the phases despite the gas scattering
structure. The measured EDS X-ray spectrum in such a case (E0 = 20 keV; 50 Pa; water vapor; 6-mm gas path length).
depends very strongly on the VPSEM conditions, the dimen- When the pressure is increased to 665 Pa, two of the phases
sions of the target area of interest, and the exact nature of the can no longer be distinguished in the EDS spectrum shown
surrounding microstructure. An example is presented in in . Fig. 25.15b. This loss of phase recognition is also seen as
. Fig. 25.14, which shows the microstructure of Raney nickel, a loss of contrast in X-ray mapping, as seen in the elemental
an aluminum-nickel catalyst. Based on the contrast in this intensity maps shown in . Fig. 25.16a, b.

..      Fig. 25.14 SEM-BSE image

of Raney nickel in a VPSEM

Raney nickel B
E0 = 20 keV

100 µm
25.2 · What Can Be Done To Minimize gas Scattering in VPSEM?
457 25

a Raney Nickel E0 = 20 keV pressure < 50 Pa (0.4 torr)

57850 Ch#: 279 Ch kV; 2.7900 Work: 318 Results: 425 Marker: Ba 56

Soec# Counts
1 510

AI-rich phase (0.988 AI - 0.012 Ni)

Intermediate phase (0.588 AI - 0.412 Ni)

Ni-rich phase (0.429 AI- 0.571 Ni)

NiLa1 NiKa


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

b Raney Nickel E0 = 20 keV pressure 655 Pa (5 torr)

42649 Ch#: 388 Ch kV; 3.8800 Work: 358 Results: 458 Marker: Ba 56

Soec# Counts
1 481

AI-rich phase (0.988 AI - 0.012 Ni)

Intermediate phase (0.588 AI - 0.412 Ni)

Ni-rich phase (0.429 AI - 0.571 Ni)

NiLa1 NiKa


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 25.15 a EDS spectra obtained at locations “D”, “I,” and “B.” E0 = 20 keV; water vapor; 50 Pa, 6-mm gas path length. b EDS spectra obtained at
locations “D,” “I,” and “B.” E0 = 20 keV; water vapor; 665 Pa, 6-mm gas path length
458 Chapter 25 · Attempting Electron-Excited X-Ray Microanalysis in the Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM)

25 a
E0 = 20 keV

133 Pa
665 Pa

1330 Pa 2000 Pa
50 µm

Ni K-L2
E0 = 20 keV

133 Pa
665 Pa

1330 Pa 50 µm
2000 Pa

..      Fig. 25.16 a Elemental intensity map for Al K-L2 at various pressures (E0 = 20 keV, water vapor and 6-mm gas path length). b Elemental intensity
map for NiKα at various pressures (E0 = 20 keV, water vapor and 6-mm gas path length)
459 25
References Danilatos GD (1993) Introduction to the ESEM instrument. Micros Res
Tech 25:354
Newbury D (2002) X-Ray microanalysis in the variable pressure (envi-
Danilatos GD (1988) Foundations of environmental scanning electron.
ronmental) scanning electron microscope. J Res Natl Inst Stand
Microscopy Adv Electronics Electron Phys 71:109
Technol 107:567
461 26

Energy Dispersive X-Ray

Microanalysis Checklist
26.1 Instrumentation – 462
26.1.1 SEM – 462
26.1.2 EDS Detector – 462
26.1.3 Probe Current Measurement Device – 462
26.1.4 Conductive Coating – 463

26.2 Sample Preparation – 463

26.2.1 Standard Materials – 464
26.2.2 Peak Reference Materials – 464

26.3 Initial Set-Up – 464

26.3.1 Calibrating the EDS Detector – 464

26.4 Collecting Data – 466

26.4.1 Exploratory Spectrum – 466
26.4.2 Experiment Optimization – 467
26.4.3 Selecting Standards – 467
26.4.4 Reference Spectra – 467
26.4.5 Collecting Standards – 467
26.4.6 Collecting Peak-Fitting References – 467
26.4.7 Collecting Spectra From the Unknown – 467

26.5 Data Analysis – 468

26.5.1 Organizing the Data – 468
26.5.2 Quantification – 468

26.6 Quality Check – 468

26.6.1 Check the Residual Spectrum After Peak Fitting – 468
26.6.2 Check the Analytic Total – 469
26.6.3 Intercompare the Measurements – 469

References – 470

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
462 Chapter 26 · Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Checklist

virtually all X-rays below 1-keV photon energy. These

kOverview ­detectors will not be able to measure X-rays from C, O, F, and
This section is intended to take you step-by-step through other light elements. If you need to measure these elements
26 the process of making a careful standards-based quanti- you will need a detector with a thin polymer (“Moxtek”) or
tative measure of composition. It discusses the instru- other high-transparency window. In the end, patience and
mentation, preparation, data acquisition, data analysis, care is more important than owning the latest equipment.
reliability checks, and data reporting—all the steps an 55 Resolution at Mn K-L2,3 of 150 eV or better
expert takes to ensure a high-quality, reliable measure- 55 Throughput of 1,000 cps second or better on bulk Cu
ment. It is intended to be a golden path which if followed 55 A “light element” window capable of seeing C
carefully will take the reader to the intended outcome 55 Software to acquire spectra and export the spectra in the
with the minimum of diversions. As such, it only covers msa (ISO-22029, 2012) format
measurements of bulk, homogeneous, carefully prepared
samples and avoids consideration of special cases like
particles, fibers, or thin films. 26.1.3 Probe Current Measurement Device

You will need a mechanism to measure the probe current—

26.1 Instrumentation a measure of the number of electrons striking the sample.
There are two ways to measure the probe current. You can
What you will need to prepare. measure the probe current directly using a Faraday cup and
picoammeter. Alternatively, you can monitor the probe
current indirectly by measuring an X-ray spectrum of a
26.1.1 SEM specific element, for example, Cu, obtain the integrated
spectrum count, e.g., from 0.1 keV to E0, and then use the
The starting point is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) proportionality between probe current and X-ray emission
with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. A good and to calibrate the probe current over the course of a measure-
useful measurement doesn’t necessarily require a fancy ment campaign.
SEM. Almost any functional SEM will do. However, there are
a handful of basic requirements.  irect Measurement: Using a Faraday Cup
55 The SEM should be capable of beam energies of at least and Picoammeter
15 keV (20–30 keV maximum is better). While it is pos- The classic procedure to measure the probe current is with a
sible to make many measurements at lower voltages, Faraday cup and a picoammeter. Some instruments integrate
15 keV is a useful practical minimum to begin an analyti- a Faraday cup into the stage. A few instruments implement a
cal measurement campaign. Faraday cup as a retractable device within the optics column.
55 The probe current must remain stable to within a per- Most SEMs require a user-provided Faraday cup.
cent or better for minutes or hours. Most thermal To perform a beam current measurement you will need
sources (tungsten filament, LaB6 or Schottky field- the following:
emitters) will work fine. Cold field emitters can be
problematic due to current drift issues. The more stable A Faraday Cup
the probe current the easier and the more accurate A Faraday cup is essentially a hole which electrons enter but
standards-based measurements will be. Note that never leave. It consists of a metal aperture with a 10–100-
“standardless” analysis methods do not require a stable μm diameter orifice mounted over a millimeter-diameter
beam current or knowledge of the value of the beam void, for example, a blind hole drilled in a block. Carbon is
current. While convenient, this is bought at the price of an excellent material for the block because its low backscat-
losing the analytical total, which has considerable tered electron (BSE) coefficient minimizes re-backscatter-
value. ing from the walls of the hole. For a metal block, the interior
of the void can be coated in a material with a low backscat-
ter coefficient (such as carbon dag) to minimize possible
26.1.2 EDS Detector loss through multiple backscatter events. The Faraday cup
should be accessible on the SEM stage simultaneously with
Any functional EDS detector/pulse processor system is likely the specimen so it just a matter of driving the stage to the
to be adequate. Older Si(Li)-EDS detectors with poorer reso- appropriate locations, which is usually an automatable
lution and less throughput may require patience and may function. It should NOT be necessary to break the vacuum
produce slightly less good results. The one caveat is that some and interrupt the specimen measurements to insert the
older detectors utilize thick beryllium windows that absorb Faraday cup.
26.2 · Sample Preparation
463 26
Electrically Isolated Stage Disadvantages:
The stage should be electrically isolated from the instrument 1. It takes longer to acquire a calibration spectrum of
ground. The electrically isolated stage is connected by a sin- equivalent precision than it takes to measure the probe
gle wire to a vacuum electrical feed-through so that the only current with a picoammeter.
path to ground passes through the connected picoammeter.
55 A picoammeter—A current meter capable of measuring Advantages:
currents between picoamps and hundreds of nanoamps. 1. The polished standard used for calibration can be a
55 A cable to connect the vacuum feed-through to the member of the set being used for the analysis so that no
­picoammeter. extra material or preparation needed.
2. A calibration spectrum can compensate for slight differ-
Procedure: ences in measurement geometry.
55 Drive the SEM stage to the location of the Faraday cup, 3. A Faraday cup and picoammeter aren’t necessary.
and center the aperture in the SEM image. Zoom up in 4. The calibration spectrum can also be used for quality
magnification until the aperture fills the screen, and then control purposes.
further increase the magnification so the scanned field is
well within the aperture. Choose the appropriate current
range on the picoammeter and read the current. 26.1.4 Conductive Coating
55 Note: When the beam is not within the Faraday cup, the
current flowing to the picoammeter will represent the Many samples and standard materials are non-conductive
“specimen current,” which is the beam current minus the and need to be coated with a nanoscale coating of a conduc-
backscattered electron and secondary electron emission. tive material. Typical equipment used includes—
Because η and δ change with composition, specimen cur- 1. Carbon coater (usually the best choice for X-ray micro-
rent is NOT a useful measure of absolute beam current analysis unless C, N, or O must be optimized in the anal-
or of stability. ysis)
2. AuPd or other heavy metal/metal alloy coater (usually
I ndirect Measurement: Using a chosen when secondary electron image performance is
Calibration Spectrum important)
A carefully collected spectrum can be used as an alternative
to a Faraday cup and picoammeter. Ultimately, the probe The coater should be capable of laying a controlled thickness
current always appears in formulas for standards-based of a conductive film over the sample. Most coaters rotate to
quantitative analysis as a ratio. We can therefore replace the ensure that all sides of the sample are coated. Use the thinnest
probe current with any quantity which is proportional to the coating that discharges the specimen, for example, 5–10 nm
probe current, even if we don’t know the proportionality of carbon should be sufficient, or 1–3 nm of a high Z coating
constant. A carefully collected spectrum can provide such a such as Au or Au-Pd.
metric. CRITICAL: The applied coating must actually be con-
The calibration spectrum must be collected— nected to electrical ground. Do not assume that an electrical
1. At a consistent beam energy path is automatically established by the coating. The sides of
2. At a consistent working distance (The same working dis- a tall insulating specimen may not actually become ade-
tance that the unknown and standard spectra are col- quately coated. Use a strip of conducting adhesive tape from
lected) the coated surface to the conducting support stub to ensure
3. On a consistent material (flat, polished) the electrical path.
4. For a consistent live-time (acquisition duration)

Typically, a pure metal such as copper, nickel, aluminum, 26.2 Sample Preparation
silicon, among others, is used and the number of counts in
the range of energies around the K characteristic lines is Regardless of whether you are performing standards-based
used as the proxy for the probe current, or the entire spec- or standardless quantitative analysis, you will need to ensure
trum can be integrated from a threshold, for example, that your unknowns and standards, if used, are prepared in a
0.1 keV to E0. suitable fashion for analysis. How you prepare your samples
Precise calibration of the probe current using a spectrum will depend very much on the type of samples that you ana-
takes patience. For 0.1 % precision, you will need to integrate lyze. For the most accurate analysis of bulk materials, includ-
at least 1,000,000 counts in the range of energies used for the ing that utilizing the standardless protocol, the specimen
calibration. must be prepared with a flat surface, with the degree of flat-
464 Chapter 26 · Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Checklist

ness becoming increasingly critical for measurements with (iii) Complex standards:
X-rays having energies below 1 keV—e.g., Be, B, C, N, O, F— In many cases, complex standards similar to the
where the surface roughness should be reduced below 50 nm unknown sample will produce the most accurate
26 root mean square. Some samples require very little prepara- results. However, complex standards often are more
tion (e.g., a silicon wafer) and others (anything that isn’t flat) difficult to work with and it is often hard to find
require a lot. You may need to embed the samples and stan- reliable compositional data. Use of complex stan-
dards in epoxy mounting medium (preferably conductive) dards is an advanced topic and rarely justified
and use suitable equipment to grind and polish the samples. unless suitable pure element and simple compound
Appropriate preparation protocols are so specialized that standards are not available.
rather than provide an exhaustive list of possible procedures,
the analyst is referred to the rich literature on sample prepa-
ration: 26.2.2 Peak Reference Materials
55 Echlin, P., Handbook of Sample Preparation for Scanning
Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis (Springer, Peak reference spectra serve as examples of the shape of an
New York, 2009) element’s characteristic peaks. A peak reference can serve as
55 Geels, K., Metallographic and Materialographic Speci- a reference for one or more families. Standards materials can
men Preparation, Light Microscopy, Image Analysis, and be used as references if there are no interferences for that ele-
Hardness Testing (ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, ment. Paradoxically, some materials suitable to serve as peak
2006) references are not suitable for use as standards, generally due
55 McCall, J., Metallographic Specimen Preparation: Optical to instability under the electron beam; for example, BaCl2
and Electron Microscopy (Springer, New York, 2012). provides an excellent peak reference for the Ba M-family, but
55 Vander Voort, G., Metallography, Principles and Practice it is unstable under electron bombardment and thus cannot
(ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1999) serve as a standard.

26.2.1 Standard Materials 26.3 Initial Set-Up

Standards are specially prepared materials that serve to pro- 26.3.1 Calibrating the EDS Detector
vide X-ray data for the elements present in the unknown. You
will need a standard for each element in the unknown mate- Most EDS detectors allow you to configure two different char-
rial. Note that some standards can serve for two or more ele- acteristics of the detector—the pulse process time and the
ments, for example, FeS2. energy calibration. Some detectors provide other more
To be useful, a standard must be— advanced options. You will need to consult the manufacturer’s
1. Suitably sized—Practically speaking, most standards range documentation to determine the optimal setting for these
in size from tens of micrometers to a tens of millimeters parameters. In general, the goal should be to ensure that the
2. Polished to a smooth, flat surface with surface texture of detector is configured the same way day-in/day-out even if it
less than 100 nm (50 nm for low energy X-rays like oxy- means making small compromises to the ultimate performance.
3. Mounted in a manner that facilitates placement on the Selecting a Pulse Process Time Constant
stage perpendicular to the beam 1. Most EDS detectors will allow you to make a trade-off
4. Conductive or coated with a conductive material between X-ray throughput and detector resolution.
5. There are several different classes of standards, in order Higher throughput comes at the price of poorer detector
of the ease of use: resolution. This setting is called different things by vari-
(i) Pure element standards: ous vendors—throughput, pulse processor setting, shap-
The easiest standards to use are pure elements and ing time, or time-constant.
this is where a novice should start whenever 2. Typically, a pulse processor time constant selected in the
possible. middle of the allowed range represents the best trade-off.
(ii) Simple compound standards: Despite common belief, the highest resolution setting is
Some elements are not stable as pure elements—N, rarely the optimal choice as this setting is usually accom-
O, F, Cl, Br, S—and must be provided as com- panied by severe throughput limitations. Usually, it is
pounds. The easiest to use are typically stable, better to select a moderate resolution and obtain a mod-
stoichiometric compounds like alumina (Al2O3) or erate throughput.
calcium fluoride (CaF2). With stable stoichiometric 3. On a modern silicon drift detector (SDD), throughput is
compounds, the true composition of the standard typically not limited by the pulse-process time but rather
is unambiguous. Ideally, the compound is chosen through pulse pile-up (coincidence) events. Selecting a
so that there are no interferences between the very fast process time won’t actually improve usable
element’s characteristic peaks. throughput.
26.3 · Initial Set-Up
465 26
4. Be sure to turn off “adaptive shaping” or other mecha- just used to calibrate your detector as a record of the detec-
nisms that adapt the process time dynamically depend- tors performance. The program extracts efficiency, calibra-
ing upon X-ray flux. Adaptive shaping changes the shape tion and other pieces of instrumental data and records
of the characteristic peaks as the count rate varies due to them in a database. This database can then be exported as
variations in local composition and makes linear peak control charts or tabulations. It is a nice way to make the
fitting less accurate. most of the calibration data you have already spent the time
to collect.
Energy Calibration
1. Select one material that you will always use to calibrate  aintaining the Working Distance/
your detector. Mount a piece of it near your Faraday cup. Specimen-­to-­EDS Distance
Copper is a good choice but there are other materials Maintaining consistent experimental conditions is critical
that have both low energy and higher energy X-ray for achieving rigorous quantitative microanalysis. A criti-
peaks that can be used for calibration. cal parameter is the specimen-to-EDS distance, SEDS, since
2. Select a channel width and channel count that fully cov- the solid angle of the EDS varies as 1/S2EDS. The SEM and/or
ers the range of beam energies that you may use. A EDS manufacturer(s) will have specified the ideal SEM
width of 10 eV/channel and 2,048 channels is a good working distance (WD) at which the EDS central axis
choice for a 20-keV beam energy. A width of 10 eV/ intersects the SEM optic axis. An electron probe microana-
channel and 4,096 channels is suitable for higher-energy lyzer uses a fixed-focus optical microscope with a very
work. Since EDS spectra comprise relatively small size shallow depth-of-­focus to bring the specimen to this ideal
files and computer storage is inexpensive, consider 5 eV WD position (to which the wavelength dispersive spec-
per channel, especially for low photon energy work to trometers are also focused) on a consistent basis. While
provide adequate channels to describe the peak. very useful, such an optical microscope is rarely available
Whatever choice is made, it is important to consistently on an analytical SEM, so that another method must be used
use that choice. to select the working distance properly and consistently.
3. Each day before you start collecting data, collect and The following procedure assumes the use of a flat polished
store an initial spectrum from your selected calibration specimen.
material, for example, Cu. Use this spectrum and your 1. Load the specimen so that its Z-height is approximately
vendor’s software to calibrate the energy axis. Usually correct for the ideal working distance specified by the
this involves adjusting the electronics to ensure that manufacturer. Most SEMs provide a mechanical mount-
the measured peaks are centered around the correct ing reference frame to approximately set this initial
channels. Most modern detectors automatically and specimen altitude.
dynamically adjust the zero offset and the calibration is 2. Using the manufacturer’s specified value of the ideal
just a matter of the software automatically selecting a SEM working distance for EDS (e.g., 10 mm), set the
gain that produces the desired number of eV/channel. SEM objective lens strength to focus at this optimal
Older detectors may require a manual gain and zero working distance, making use of whatever objective
offset adjustment using external potentiometers. lens meter reading is available to monitor this adjust-
Regardless of the mechanism, at 10 eV/channel a 0.1 % ment.
mis-calibration will correspond to a single channel 3. Select a low magnification to begin (e.g., 100×). Despite
error in the position of a peak at 10 keV, so the detec- care in polishing, there are almost always a few fine
tor calibration should ideally be maintained to better scale scratches or other irregularities to be found.
than 0.1 %. Fortunately, modern detectors are able to Locate one, and use the stage Z-motion (i.e., motion
hold this precision of calibration for days or weeks. along the optic axis of the SEM) to bring this scratch
4. Once the detector is calibrated, set the beam energy and into approximate focus, without adjusting the objective
probe current to established nominal values and collect a lens strength. Increase the magnification in stages to
spectrum for a established live time. Save this spectrum 5000× and refine the focus with the Z-axis motion, not
as a demonstration that your detector is performing cor- by changing the objective lens strength. If the SEM
rectly. DTSA-II provides tools to extract and track per- stage automation system permits, save this
formance metrics and then plot the results over time as a Z-parameter.
control chart. 4. This procedure is likely to be more reproducible at lower
probe currents where the convergence angle is larger
Quality Control and depth-of-focus is smaller.
Sooner or later, you will be asked by a client to demonstrate 5. Consistency is critical. Always collect your spectra at
that your instrument was performing correctly when their this ideal working distance. Before collecting each spec-
data was collected. The easiest way to satisfy this require- trum ensure that the sample surface is at the optimal
ment and to impress the client is to keep a long term record working distance by setting the objective lens/working
and present the data as a control chart. DTSA-II provides distance and bringing the sample into focus using the
­functionality which permits you to archive the spectra you vertical stage axis.
466 Chapter 26 · Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Checklist

Sample Orientation narrow range because this minimizes errors resulting

Sample orientation is also a critical parameter to hold con- from non-linearities in the picoammeter.
stant. 2. Typically, the probe current is selected to maximize the
26 1. The ideal sample orientation has the sample perpendicu- X-ray throughput on a selected material (e.g., Cu), while
lar to the electron column’s optical axis. The electrons simultaneously maintaining a low rate of coincidence
strike the sample normal to the surface and their behav- events (pulse pile-up).
ior in the sample is best understood. 3. Coincidence events occur at all throughputs but become
2. Tilts of a few degrees from the ideal perpendicular ori- much more common at higher throughputs (scaling
entation can significantly degrade the accuracy of quan- roughly as the square of the throughput). The acceptable
titative measurements for highly absorbed X-rays, such coincidence rate is composition dependent. Lower probe
as low energy photons below 1 keV. currents and lower coincidence rates are required for
3. The best way to ensure that the samples are oriented cor- trace element analysis and when a coincidence event
rectly is by checking the orientation of the stage using a occurs at the same energy as a minor elemental peak.
spirit level and then ensuring that the sample’s surface is 4. Older Si(Li) detectors with lower throughputs typically
parallel to the stage datum. Check both orientations as a had less of an issue with coincidence events and main-
stage may be perpendicular to the optic axis in one taining a dead time of 30 % was close to optimal for all
direction (x or y) and tilted on the other (y or x). vendors and most samples.
4. Sometimes it is not possible to use a level to ensure ori- 5. Silicon drift detectors are capable of higher throughput
entation, in these cases you may be able to use a flat por- but are also more susceptible to coincidence events so an
tion of the sample and the image focus to ensure that the acceptable coincidence rate, rather than a specific dead
sample maintains focus as the stage moves. A 1° tilt cor- time, should be used as a metric to select the probe cur-
responds to a change of working distance of 17 μm over rent. Note that coincidence depends strongly on how
a travel of 1 mm. many high-count-rate peaks are present in the spectrum,
so the degree of coincidence will vary with composition.
Detector Position 6. A good starting point is to observe the coincidence
Maintaining the position of the detector relative to the events that occur with alumina (Al2O3). Adjust the
sample is critical. The sample position aspect of this has probe current to maintain the amplitude of the largest
been discussed above in terms of setting the proper work- coincidence peak on this challenging sample as less than
ing distance. On some instruments, it is also possible to 1 % of the amplitude of the parent peak.
position the X-ray detector along a slide mount with a screw
drive (manual or motor driven) that moves the detector
along its central axis out of the chamber and away from the 26.4 Collecting Data
1. Usually, the optimal location for the detector is as close 26.4.1 Exploratory Spectrum
to the sample as possible without obstruction or colli-
sion. 1. Before proceeding to collect final data on a sample, it is
2. The detector snout should not touch anything inside the generally a good idea to collect an exploratory spectrum.
chamber. The snout should be electrically isolated from This exploratory spectrum should be collected for suf-
the chamber. ficiently long to ensure that all the elements (major,
3. The position of the detector should be maintained by minor, and trace) present in specimen can be identified.
setting a stop that ensures that the detector is returned This exploratory spectrum can also be used to determine
to precisely the same position each time it is removed how long an acquisition will be necessary to get the pre-
and returned. cision you desire for each element in the spectrum.
4. The solid angle and therefore also the throughput is a 2. Subject the exploratory spectrum to qualitative analysis
function of the distance of the detector to the sample using the vendor-supplied automatic peak identification
squared. Thus small variations in this distance can con- tool but always follow with manual inspection of the
tribute to large differences in measured X-ray intensities. suggested elemental identifications to determine validity.
A 1 % error in distance leads to a 2 % error in intensity. The elements identified will determine the standards
5. On a few instruments, the take-off angle can be varied. that will be necessary for the analysis.
A single take-off angle should be selected and main- 3. If you suspect that an element may also be present but is
tained. All else remaining the same, higher take-off obscured by another element, a standard should be col-
angles are better than lower ones. lected for that element too.
4. It may be beneficial to perform a standardless analysis
Probe Current on the exploratory spectrum to get a rough idea of the
1. It is not necessary to maintain exactly the same probe composition of the unknown (Be sure that the manually
current throughout the entire measurement process but confirmed element list, not the raw automatic peak iden-
it is beneficial to try to maintain the probe current to a tification list, is used for the standardless analysis.)
26.4 · C
 ollecting Data
467 26
26.4.2 Experiment Optimization 3. It is generally better to collect multiple shorter acquisi-
tion spectra from multiple points on the standard and
Determining the peak fitting reference requirements and the build a single high-quality standard spectrum from the
optimal acquisition times can be a challenge. DTSA-II pro- best of these. Collecting multiple spectra allows you to
vides a tool to help. The user provides an estimate of the com- discern problems with individual spectra that may oth-
position of the unknown (crude estimates are fine), the erwise go unnoticed.
standards you are going to use and the desired measurement 4. Collect N where N > 2 spectra from various different
precision and the tool will tell you when references are points on the standard.
required and suggest approximately how long to acquire each 55 Measure and record the probe current before collect-
standard, reference and unknown spectrum. ing each spectrum and after the last.
55 Note any significant changes in probe current where
“significant” is determined by the desired measure-
26.4.3 Selecting Standards ment precision.
5. Compare the N spectra but plotting them simultane-
1. Select a standard for each element that you believe is ously using the same vertical scale for all. Examine care-
present in the unknown. fully the intensity in the characteristic peak of choice.
2. In certain problem domains, you may be able to omit a Discard any spectra which differ systematically by more
standard if you calculate oxygen by assumed stoichiom- than counting statistics. Sum the remaining spectra
etry or assume an element by difference from an analyti- together to form a single spectrum.
cal total of one. 6. Ensure the following properties are assigned to the stan-
3. It’s generally best to assume that you will measure every dard spectrum.
element and collect a standard for each. You can always (i) Beam energy
change your mind later. (ii) Probe current
4. Initially, it is probably best to select a simple standard (iii) Live-time
(one for which no peak shape references are required) (iv) Composition of the standard
7. Save the standard to disk.
8. Repeat for each required standard.
26.4.4 Reference Spectra

References serve two purposes: 26.4.6 Collecting Peak-Fitting References

1. To resolve interferences in multi-element standards
55 Example: In BaF2, the Ba M lines interfere with the F K References serve as examples of an element’s characteristic
lines. To use BaF2 as a standard for Ba, two references peak shapes. The factors that make for a good reference are
(e.g., BaCl2 for Ba and CaF2 for F) are required to pro- different from those that make a good standard.
vide clear, interference-free views of the Ba M-family 1. A good material for a reference need not be as carefully
peaks and the F K-family peaks in the range of energies mounted and prepared as a standard or unknown.
in which the Ba M lines interfere with the F K lines. 2. Particles or rougher surfaces can serve as adequate refer-
2. To strip elements which are known to contribute to the ence materials.
unknown spectrum but are not really present in the 3. You don’t need to know the probe current or live-time.
material 4. While it is generally a good idea to collect the reference
55 Example: A reference to strip a thin conductive coat- at the same beam energy (particularly for lower over-
ing of Au, Pt, or C. voltages on the L and M lines), it is not always necessary.
5. References should be high count spectra but are less sus-
ceptible to count statistics than the standards. In general,
26.4.5 Collecting Standards a reference should have significantly more than 10,000
counts in the element’s useful characteristic peak to pro-
1. Since standards will typically contribute to many mea- vide an adequate perspective of the peak shape.
surements, it is generally a good idea to spend extra time 6. Simple elemental standards can always be reused as ref-
to ensure that standards are of high quality. erences.
2. The total acquisition time necessary depends upon the 7. Save the references to disk.
measurement goals and can be determined by examin-
ing the intensity in an element’s characteristic peaks. In
particular, you should examine the characteristic peaks 26.4.7 Collecting Spectra
that will be used to perform the quantification. The From the Unknown
background corrected peak integral should contain at
least 10,000 counts for approximately 1 % precision or 1. Examine the exploratory spectrum to determine how
160,000 counts for 0.25 % precision. long an acquisition time to use for the unknown
468 Chapter 26 · Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Checklist

2. Examine the intensity in the measured characteristic 26.5.2 Quantification

peak for each element in the unknown to make realistic
precision goals for each element: DTSA-II quantification proceeds as follows:
26 55 1 % or better precision is realistic for major elements 1. Select the unknown spectrum or group of spectra to
(C > 0.1 mass fraction) quantify.
ȤȤ 1 % precision requires at least 10,000 counts in the 2. Select the standards. If a standard has two or more ele-
unknown’s quantified characteristic peak ments, you will be asked which of the elements are to be
55 3–1 % is realistic for minor elements (0.01 ≤ C ≤ 0.1 mass considered for this analysis: for example, if FeS2 is selected,
fraction) you will can select Fe and/or S. Only one standard can be
ȤȤ 3 % precision requires at least 1,000 counts in the selected per element. If an element present in the standard
unknown’s quantified characteristic peak has already been selected, it will be grayed out.
3. Each element is likely to require a different acquisition 3. Select the references. DTSA-II will inform you if a stan-
time. Select the longest. dard cannot serve as a reference due to a conflict from
4. Collect multiple spectra from different positions on the interfering peaks; for example, for BaF2, the Ba M-­family
unknown as you did with the standards, compare the and F K-peak mutually interfere. If a reference is needed
unknown spectra looking for differences. If one or more that is different from the standard, then select the ele-
spectra are different, try to identify the source of the dif- ment in dispute (which appears in red) from the list and
ferences. The differences may reflect real inhomogene- select an appropriate spectrum to serve as a reference,
ities or they may represent measurement artifacts like for example, CaF2 for F and BaCl2 for Ba M-family.
surface contamination, roughness, voids, or probe insta- 4. DTSA-II will then execute and return a report with the
bility. k-ratios measured, the elemental concentrations calcu-
5. Collect an image with the spectrum so that if there is a lated, the residual spectrum after peak fitting, and the
problem with a particular spectrum, you can assess uncertainty budget consisting of the uncertainties due to
whether there may be a sample-related problem. counting statistics of the unknown and standard, the
6. You may reasonably eliminate (and potentially recollect) atomic number correction, and the absorption correc-
spectra that differ due to recognized measurement artifacts. tion.
However, unexpected differences may be important clues
that the specimen is locally different in some unexpected
manner that this difference comprises real information that 26.6 Quality Check
you do not want to ignore. Reality on the micrometer-scale
is often more complex than we expect. 26.6.1  heck the Residual Spectrum After
7. Identify the subset of the acquired unknown spectra that Peak Fitting
you are going to quantify. Ensure each spectrum from
the unknown contains the following data items: You aren’t done until you’ve checked for blunders, mistakes, and
(i) Beam energy surprises. Two of the most common mistakes are missed ele-
(ii) Probe current ments and misidentified elements. Both of these mistakes can be
(iii) Live-time identified using the residual spectrum. The residual spectrum is
a derived spectrum computed from the unknown spectrum in
which all the quantified characteristic peaks are removed.
26.5 Data Analysis 1. Missed element: One of the most common surprises is a
missed element. Sometimes, the element is hiding under
26.5.1 Organizing the Data the characteristic lines for another element. You won’t
know about the other element until you’ve performed
By this point, you should have collected all the pieces of data peak fitting for the intensity contributions from the ele-
you need to perform the quantification: ments that you already know about. A missed element
1. Standard spectra—One high-quality standard for each will show up as a peak in the residual. If you have missed
element in the unknown an element, you will need to add an appropriate standard
2. Reference spectra—For each standard with an interfer- for that element (and possibly a reference) and re-quan-
ence and for each element to strip tify the data.
3. Unknown spectra
26.6 · Quality Check
469 26
2. Misidentified element: Many characteristic peaks can 4. Is there an outlier? Can you explain the outlier? Examine
be mistaken for another element. A peak may be at the SEM image of the region. Is there any obvious differ-
the correct energy for another element but the resid- ence in the image compared to other areas? If there is no
ual will reveal the mistake. The shape of peaks will be obvious reason for the outlier, does it suggest something
different and the residual will appear irregular and about the sample or does it says something about the mea-
non-physical. Alternatively, there may be other peaks surement process? Can you reproduce the outlier by re-
that remain in the residual unaccounted for by your measuring the spectrum at the same location?
initial choice of standards. To fix this problem you
should replace the standard for the misidentified ele- Report the Results
ment with one for the correct element and re-quantify • What to Report
the data. The analytical report should be a concise description of what
request was made to the analyst, what analytical strategy was
developed, how the measurement was performed and the
26.6.2 Check the Analytic Total results.

The analytic total is the sum of the mass fractions measured • Analytical Procedure
for each element in the unknown. The analytic total should The analytical procedure should provide sufficient detail that
be close to unity if all elements have been recognized and you or someone else with the correct instrumentation could
included in quantitative calculations. When a typical mate- replicate the measurement.
rial is analyzed under typical conditions, the analytical total 1. Scanning electron microscope
may reasonably vary 1 % or 2 % from unity due to measure- 5 Manufacturer and model
ment uncertainties. Simple measurements based on energetic 5 Beam energy
K peak transitions can be reliably measured to better than a 5 Nominal probe current
percent. More complex measurements involving low energy 2. X-ray detector
X-rays (like carbides and oxides) are likely to have larger 5 Manufacturer and model
deviations. A deviation of more than a percent or two should 5 Configuration settings
inspire you to start asking questions. 3. Other aspects
1. Have I missed an element? 5 Picoammeter
(i) Check the residual. Is there a peak that hasn’t been 5 Software
quantified? 4. Standards
(ii) Is it possible that there is an unmeasurable element 5 Identity, composition, source, live time, probe current,
like H, He, or Li in the unknown? sample preparation, coating
2. Is there a problem with the measurement process? 5. References
(i) Is the sample preparation adequate? 5 Identity, composition, characteristic line assignment,
(ii) Is the sample tilted? sample preparation, coating
(iii) Is the sample at the correct working distance? 6. Unknown
(iv) Is the probe current being measured accurately? 5 Identity, sample preparation, coating
(v) Did the probe current drift? 7. How the locations for analysis were selected. Was it based
(vi) Did the specimen charge? on the customer’s directions or if the analyst selected the
locations, what criteria were used?

26.6.3 Intercompare the Measurements • Results

Each spectrum should be reported independently. For multi-
Whenever feasible you should make multiple measurements ple spectra, tabular form works well.
of each material. As part of the quality control process, you 1. Reporting the elemental data
should compare these measurements. 5 It is generally best to report the non-normalized
1. How do the measurements vary among themselves? mass-­fraction unless there is precedent for using an
2. How does the variance calculated from the measured alternative format. It is only acceptable to report the
values compare with the estimated uncertainties (partic- normalized mass-­fraction if the analytical total is also
ularly the uncertainties due to precision)? reported.
3. Do the measured variances suggest that the material is 2. If you report in oxide fraction or atom fraction be sure to
homogeneous or inhomogeneous? include the analytical total since the act of converting
470 Chapter 26 · Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis Checklist

from mass concentration (weight fraction) to atomic frac- v­ ariation between locations for each element. Compare
tion or oxide fraction includes normalization. this value with the uncertainty estimate for a single mea-
3. DTSA-II provides an estimate of the measurement uncer- surement to detect heterogeneity.
26 tainty for each element. The estimate should make clear
which factors were considered and whether the estimate • Conclusions
should be considered an estimate of accuracy or just an esti- Conclusions should be pithy. You should be very careful only
mate of precision. A measurement without an uncertainty to report that which is directly supported by the measure-
estimate is open to misuse. The client may assume that the ment results. In other words, stick to the facts and avoid con-
result is more accurate than it really is and draw conclusions jecture. Don’t answer questions that go beyond the data and
that cannot be justified by the data. Alternatively, the client your personal expertise.
may not trust the data or may assume that it is less accurate
than it is and fail to draw conclusions that are justified. Either
way, data presented without uncertainties is of limited utility.
4. If the spectra represent a nominally homogeneous
International Organization for Standardization (2012) Standard file for-
region (or one you suspect to be), add descriptive statis- mat for spectral data exchange ISO 22029:2012. 7  https://www.iso.
tics (mean, standard deviation) summarizing the org/standard/56211.html
471 27

X-Ray Microanalysis
Case Studies
27.1 Case Study: Characterization of a Hard-­Facing
Alloy Bearing Surface – 472

27.2 Case Study: Aluminum Wire Failures in Residential

Wiring – 474

27.3 Case Study: Characterizing the Microstructure of a

Manganese Nodule – 476

References – 479

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
472 Chapter 27 · X-Ray Microanalysis Case Studies

27.1  ase Study: Characterization of a Hard-­ . Fig. 27.4 and the SEM-BSE image in . Fig. 27.5, which
Facing Alloy Bearing Surface shows strong atomic number contrast. SEM-EDS analysis
with DTSA-II gave the results presented in . Fig. 27.5, which
Background: As part of a study into the in-service failure of the confirm the gray scale sequence as a function of composi-
bearing surface of a large water pump, characterization was tion, with the sharp rise in W (see table in . Fig. 27.5) domi-
requested of the hard-facing alloy, which was observed to have nating backscattering.
27 separated from the stainless steel substrate, causing the failure. The information provided by SEM-EDS enabled metal-
This problem illustrates the critical importance of careful lurgists to modify the hard-facing alloy composition and
specimen preparation of a macroscopic object with centime- deposition conditions to eliminate the void formation during
ter dimensions to locate regions of microscopic interest with deposition, producing satisfactory service behavior.
micrometer dimensions. Metallographic preparation pro-
duced a polished cross section of an intact portion of the Stainless steel substrate
hard-facing alloy layer as deposited onto the stainless steel Voids
base, as shown in . Fig. 27.1. SEM-EDS analysis with
DTSA-II gave the results shown in . Fig. 27.2 for the stain-
less steel base and at one location in the hard-facing alloy.
EDS elemental mapping produced the images shown in
. Fig. 27.3. The SEM-­BSE image (. Fig. 27.1) revealed the
presence of numerous voids that were predominantly located
(white arrows) at the interface between the hard-facing alloy
and the stainless steel substrate, with a smaller population of
voids located within the hard-facing alloy (yellow arrows).
The elemental maps (. Fig. 27.3) revealed that the hard-fac-
ing alloy layer had a very complex microstructure with dis-
tinct heterogeneity. The voids were found to be closely
associated with regions with that had elevated Cr, both near
the hard-facing alloy-stainless steel interface and within the
..      Fig. 27.1 SEM-BSE image of the cross-section of a hard-facing alloy
hard-facing alloy. These voids severely compromised the per-
deposited on a stainless steel substrate. Note the voids at the interface
formance of the bearing surface. between the hard-facing alloy and the stainless substrate (white arrows),
Complex fine-grained regions were also observed within as well as a smaller population of voids entirely within the hard-facing
the hard-facing alloy, as shown in the elemental maps in alloy (green arrows)

..      Fig. 27.2 SEM-BSE image

showing locations of SEM-EDS
analyses with NIST DTSA-II Si Cr Mn Fe Ni Mo
0.0055 0.1818 0.0180 0.6507 0.1188 0.0266
±0.0001 ±0.0007 ±0.0002 ±0.0015 ±0.0008 ±0.0002

200 mm
BSE MAG: 100 ´ HV: 20.0 kV WD: 11.0 mm

Si Cr Mn Fe Co Ni
0.0377 0.0915 0.0006 0.0228 0.3859 0.4616
±0.0002 ±0.0002 ±0.0001 ±0.0001 ±0.0005 ±0.0007
27.1 · Case Study: Characterization of a Hard-­Facing Alloy Bearing Surface
473 27

Ni Co

Cr Ni_Cr_Co
200 µm

..      Fig. 27.3 Elemental mapping, with color overlay: Ni = red; Cr = green; Co = blue

Ni W

Cr Ni_W_Cr
5 µm

..      Fig. 27.4 Elemental mapping of an area of fine-scale grains

474 Chapter 27 · X-Ray Microanalysis Case Studies

Cr Fe Co Ni W

Bright 0.1444 0.0135 0.5374 0.2279 0.0768

phase ±0.0002 ±0.0001 ±0.0007 ±0.0005 ±0.0036
Cr Fe Co Ni W

Inter 0.1037 0.0161 0.4817 0.3468 0.0517

phase ±0.0002 ±0.0001 ±0.0006 ±0.0006 ±0.0025

Cr Fe Co Ni W

Dark 0.3158 0.0142 0.5191 0.1336 0.0173 BSE

5 µm
phase ±0.0003 ±0.0001 ±0.0007 ±0.0004 ±0.0009

..      Fig. 27.5 SEM-BSE image and DTSA-II analyses of selected grains in the fine-scale region

Steel screw
27.2  ase Study: Aluminum Wire Failures
in Residential Wiring
Thermal damage to
Background: In the early 1970s, aluminum wire was used plastic case
extensively as a substitute for more expensive copper wire in
residential and commercial wiring, specifically for 110 V Thermal damage to
electrical outlets that used steel screw compressive clamping Brass
wire insulation
of the wire against a brass or steel plate. The aluminum wire– plate Al wire
steel screw junctions were observed to fail catastrophically 1 cm
through a process of overheating, leading in extreme cases to
..      Fig. 27.6 Residential electrical outlet wired with aluminum. The
initiation of structural fires (Meese and Beausoliel 1977; laboratory test was interrupted after the thermal event initiated and
Rabinow 1978). . Figure 27.6 shows an example of the dam- was automatically detected, but significant thermal damage to the
age to the wire-screw junction and the surrounding plastic plastic casing and wire insulation still occurred
housing and wire insulation caused during an overheating
event observed in a laboratory test. This failure was a puz-
zling occurrence, since aluminum is an excellent electrical
conductor and was long used successfully in high voltage
electrical transmission lines. Moreover, the vast majority of
Al wire–screw connections provided proper service without
overheating. However, those connections that did fail in ser-
vice often produced such catastrophic effects that the critical
evidence of the initiation of the failure was destroyed.
Capturing an event like that shown in . Fig. 27.6 required
intensive laboratory studies in which thousands of junction
boxes were tested and continuously monitored with thermal
sensors until a failure initiated, which was then automatically
interrupted to prevent complete destruction of the evidence.
This problem illustrates the “macro to micro” sampling
problem. The failure mechanism was eventually discovered
by SEM/EDS characterization to have a microscopic point of
origin, but this microscopic failure origin with micrometer
dimensions was hidden within a complex macroscopic struc-
ture with centimeter dimensions. Solving the problem
required a careful sample preparation strategy to locate the
unknown feature(s) of interest. The metallographer mounted
the entire Al-wire/steel screw/brass plate assembly in epoxy, ..      Fig. 27.7 Metallographic mount (2.5-cm diameter) showing the
as shown in . Fig. 27.7, and sequentially ground and p ­ olished cross section of the steel screw, aluminum wire, and brass plate
27.2 · Case Study: Aluminum Wire Failures in Residential Wiring
475 27

Steel beam quantitative X-ray microanalysis with NIST DTSA II

screw and pure element standards (analyses performed during a
revisiting of the 1980 specimens) produced the results shown
Galvanized in . Fig. 27.10, where zone 1 is found to correspond closely
to the intermetallic compound FeAl3, while zone 2 corre-
sponds to Fe2Al5. The presence of these intermetallic com-
pounds is significant because of their resistivity. FeAl3 and
Fe2Al5 have electrical resistivities of approximately 1 μΩ–m,
similar to that of the alloy nichrome (1.1 μΩ–m), which is
Al wire
epoxy used for resistive heating elements and which is a factor of 38
higher than pure Al and 10.3 higher than pure Fe. The forma-
tion of these intermetallic compounds at the screw-wire con-
tact was initiated when electrical arcing occurred because the
connection became mechanically loose due to creep of the Al
wire and the poor compliance (springiness) of the wire–
screw clamp. Once the local formation of the intermetallic
..      Fig. 27.8 SEM-BSE image of an anomalous zone of contact between compounds had been initiated by arcing followed by local
the Al wire and the Fe screw welding of the Al wire and the steel screw, the increased resis-
tivity caused localized resistive heating that stimulated the
through the structure until an anomalous region was revealed interdiffusion of Al and Fe, leading to the further intermetal-
(. Fig. 27.8). As shown with SEM/BSE imaging and elemen- lic compound growth in a runaway positive feedback.
tal mapping in . Fig. 27.9, in this anomalous region the alu- Eventually this intermetallic compound zone expanded to
minum and iron had reacted to form two distinct Al-Fe dimensions of several hundred micrometers, as seen in
zones (Newbury and Greenwald 1980; Newbury 1982). Fixed . Fig. 27.7, creating a resistive heating element that caused

BSE 500 µm


Fe Zn

..      Fig. 27.9 SEM-BSE image and elemental maps for Al, Fe, and Zn of the anomalous contact zone
476 Chapter 27 · X-Ray Microanalysis Case Studies

..      Fig. 27.10 SEM-BSE image of

the anomalous zone of contact Steel
with quantitative X-ray micro- screw
analysis results from fixed-beam
analysis in the two distinct Al-Fe
regions (note the contrast in the
BSE image)

Al 0.759 a/o
Fe 0.241 a/o

Al 0.719 a/o
Fe 0.281 a/o

the damage seen in . Fig. 27.6. (Note that the practical solu-
tion to this problem was to modify the wire connections to
provide much greater springiness to eliminate the opening of
gaps that allowed arcing to occur.)

27.3  ase Study: Characterizing

the Microstructure of a Manganese

“Manganese nodules” are rock concretions that form on the

deep sea floor through the action of microorganisms that
precipitate solid chemical forms from metals dissolved in the
water, often in close association with hydrothermal vents.
The elemental composition of a polished cross section of a
manganese nodule, shown in . Fig. 27.11, was examined by
SEM/BSE and by SEM/EDS X-ray spectrum imaging elemental
mapping. The SEM/BSE image in . Fig. 27.12 reveals a complex
layered microstructure that suggests non-uniform deposition ..      Fig. 27.11 Manganese nodule
of the precipitated minerals over time. This non-­uniform depo-
sition is confirmed by the elemental maps for O, Mn, and Ni titative processing of the XSI with the k-ratio/matrix correction
and color overlay shown in . Fig. 27.13 and for the Mn, Fe, and protocol using DTSA-II. The resulting concentration maps
Ni maps shown in . Fig. 27.14. Note the oxygen-­rich areas have been encoded with the logarithmic three- band color
(green) in . Fig. 27.13. These regions correspond to silica and scheme shown in . Fig. 27.16, enabling quantitative compari-
aluminosilicate grains within the manganese nodule, as revealed son of the constituents, using NIST Lispix.
in . Fig. 27.15. The composition measured with a fixed beam Note that some features in the elemental maps are a result
placed at the center of the field of view is listed in . Table 27.1, of artifacts. Thus, the cracks noted in the SEM/BSE of
showing the high abundance of Mn as a major constituent and . Fig. 27.11 are also seen in the O elemental map, but not in
the presence of other transition elements (e.g., Fe, Ni, and Cu) the Mn or Ni maps. The origin of this artifact is the difference
as minor constituents. . Figure 27.16 shows the results of quan- in the photon energies of these elements. The O K-shell X-ray
27.3 · Case Study: Characterizing the Microstructure of a Manganese Nodule
477 27
..      Fig. 27.12 SEM/BSE image
of a polished cross section; note
the cracks

Note cracks


Note cracks

Mn O

20 µm
Ni Mn O Ni

..      Fig. 27.13 SEM/EDS X-ray spectrum imaging elemental maps for Mn, O, and Ni and color overlay (Mn = red; O = green; Ni = blue). Note cracks are
observed in the O map but are much less visible in Mn and Ni
478 Chapter 27 · X-Ray Microanalysis Case Studies


Mn Fe

20 µm
Ni Mn Fe Ni

..      Fig. 27.14 SEM/EDS X-ray spectrum imaging elemental maps for Mn, Fe, and Ni and color overlay (Mn = red; Fe = green; Ni = blue)

Mn Si

Mn Si Al 20 µm

..      Fig. 27.15 SEM/EDS X-ray spectrum imaging elemental maps for Mn, Si, and Al and color overlay (Mn = red; Si = green; Al = blue)
479 27

..      Table 27.1 Fixed-beam analysis at the center of . Fig. 27.12; NIST DTSA II analysis with pure element and microanalysis glass standards

O Na Mg Al Si K Ca Ti Mn Fe Ni Cu

0.2742 ± 0.0420 ± 0.0196 ± 0.0210 ± 0.0458 ± 0.0100 ± 0.0267 ± 0.0031 ± 0.4412 ± 0.0834 ± 0.0196 ± 0.0134 ±
  0.0003   0.0005   0.0002   0.0001   0.0002   0.0000   0.0001   0.0000   0.0003   0.0002   0.0001   0.0002

Al Fe

0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0

0.1 1.0 10 100 wt%

Mn 20 µm

..      Fig. 27.16 SEM/EDS X-ray spectrum imaging maps after quantitative analysis with DTSA-II presented with logarithmic three-band encoding for
Al, Fe, and Mn. Note Fe-enrichment band

at an energy of 0.523 keV suffers strong absorption when the References

electron beam is located in the crack, so that the intensity is
greatly reduced, producing an accurate representation of the Meese W, Beausoliel R (1977) Exploratory study of glowing electrical
crack. The MnK-L2,3 (5.898 keV) and NiK-L2,3 (7.477 keV) connections”. Nat Bur Stand (US) Build Sci Ser 103:29
Newbury D (1982) What is causing failures of aluminum wire connec-
photons have higher energy and suffer much less absorption,
tions in residential circuits? Anal Chem 54:1059A–1064A
so that most of those photons generated when the beam is in Newbury D, Greenwald S (1980) Observations on the mechanisms of
the crack still escape despite having to pass through more high resistance junction formation in aluminum wire connections. J
material to reach the EDS, greatly reducing the contrast of Res Nat Bur Stand US 85:429–440
the cracks relative to the surrounding matrix. Rabinow J (1978) Some thoughts on electrical connections. Nat Bur
Stand US NBSIR:78–1507
481 28

28.1 Origin – 482

28.2 Measuring Cathodoluminescence – 483

28.2.1 Collection of CL – 483
28.2.2 Detection of CL – 483

28.3 Applications of CL – 485

28.3.1 Geology – 485
28.3.2 Materials Science – 485
28.3.3 Organic Compounds – 489

References – 489

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
482 Chapter 28 · Cathodoluminescence

28.1 Origin
750 380
Cathodoluminescence (CL) is the emission of low energy
photons in the range from approximately 1 eV to 5 eV
(infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light) as a result of inelas- Infrared Ultraviolet
tic scattering of the high energy beam electrons (. Fig. 28.1).
1240 620 410 310 250 nm
Materials that can emit such photons are insulators or semi-
conductors which have an electronic structure with a filled
28 valence band of allowed energy states that is separated by a
gap of disallowed energy states from the empty conduction 0 1 2 3 4 5 eV
band, as shown schematically in . Fig. 28.2a. Inelastic scat-
tering of the beam electron can transfer energy to a weakly ..      Fig. 28.1 Range of photon energies and wavelengths for cathodo-
bound valence electron promoting it to the empty conduc- luminescence
tion band, leaving a positively charged “hole” in the con-
duction band. When a free electron and a positive hole are
attracted and recombine, the energy difference is expressed a “Intrinsic cathodoluminescence”
as a photon, as illustrated in . Fig. 28.2b. Because the pos- Electronic structure has a filled valence band and an empty
sible energy transitions and the resulting photon emission conduction band separated by a band gap of disallowed energy
states’ Initial excitation by inelastic scattering of beam electron
are defined by the intrinsic properties of a high purity mate- to promote valence band electron into conduction band
rial, such as the band-gap energy but also including energy
levels that result from physical defects such as lattice vacan- Conduction band: unoccupied states
cies, rather than by the influence of impurity atoms, this
type of CL is referred to as “intrinsic CL emission.” Since
the valence electron promoted to the conduction band can
receive a range of possible kinetic energies depending on Band gap (Egap ≈ few eV) of disallowed states
the details of the initial scattering, the photons emitted dur-
ing free electron–hole recombination can have a range of
energies, resulting in broad band CL photon emission.
Valence band: occupied states
Because of the great mismatch in the velocity of the high “Hole”

energy (keV) beam electron and the low energy (eV)

valence electron, this is not an efficient process and in gen-
b “Intrinsic emission” occurs when free electron and “hole”
eral CL emission is very weak. The ionization cross section recombine; energy difference is expressed as a photon
is maximized for electrons with three to five times the bind- with minimum energy = Egap
ing energy of the valence electrons, so that most efficient
energy transfer to initiate CL emission occurs from the Conduction band: unoccupied states
more energetic slow SE (>10 eV) and the fast SE (hundreds E ~ Egap
of eV) also created by inelastic scattering of the primary
In more complex materials that are modified by impuri- Band gap (Egap ≈ few eV) of disallowed states
ties, the presence of impurity atoms in the host crystal lattice
can create sharply defined energy levels within the band gap
to which valence electrons can be scattered, as illustrated in Valence band: occupied states
. Fig. 28.3. The subsequent electron–hole transitions that
involve these well-defined energy states create a photon or
series of photons with a sharply defined energy or series of
energies (“extrinsic CL emission”). This sharp line spectrum ..      Fig. 28.2 a Origin of intrinsic CL: the material’s electron energy
states fill the valence band which is separated by a band-gap of several eV
may be superimposed on a broad range intrinsic spectrum from an empty conduction band. Inelastic scattering of the beam electron
which can still occur. promotes a valence band electron to the conduction band, leaving a posi-
tively charged hole in the valence band. b Origin of intrinsic CL: The free
electron and hole are mutually attracted and recombine, with the energy
released as an electromagnetic photon with a minimum energy equal to
the band-gap energy
28.2 · Measuring Cathodoluminescence
483 28
..      Fig. 28.3 Origin of extrinsic
CL: the presence of impurity “Extrinsic cathodoluminescence”
atoms in the host lattice creates
narrow energy levels within the Electronic structure has a filled valence band and a conduction
band-gap. Inelastic scattering of band separated by a band gap of disallowed energy states, but
the beam electron can promote certain impurity atoms create allowed energy states within the
valence band electrons to the bandgap. Initial excitation by inelastic scattering of beam electron
conduction band as well as to the to promote valence band electron into conduction band
impurity levels in the band-gap.
Electron transitions can occur Conduction band: unoccupied states
between the various energy
levels, creating both broadband Narrow extrinsic
CL emission and sharply defined states in band gap
CL emission due to impurity
atoms produce
sharply defined
Band gap
(Egap ≈ few eV)
of disallowed
“Hole” Valence band: occupied states

28.2 Measuring Cathodoluminescence

Some materials such as the mineral benitoite and the com-

pound ZnS produce such strong CL that the emitted light can
be readily observed by the unaided eye, as shown in
. Figs. 28.4 and 28.5. However, in general the CL phenome-
non is weak, requiring the use of an efficient optical collec-
tion scheme for successful measurement.

28.2.1 Collection of CL

To maximize photon collection, the specimen can be sur- 50 µm

rounded by a mirror configured to collect a solid angle of
nearly 2π sr. An example shown in . Fig. 28.6 of an ellipsoidal Visible light illumination
mirror in which the specimen is placed at one mirror focus,
where an aperture permits the electron beam to reach the
specimen, and the collector, typically a fiber optic, is placed
at the other focus. For the examples of direct observation of
CL shown in . Figs. 28.4 and 28.5, the CL emission was col-
lected through the high collection angle optical microscope
integrated into an electron optical column (specifically, an
electron probe microanalyzer configuration with wavelength
dispersive spectrometry, EPMA/WDS, in which the optical
microscope serves as the critical positioning aid for the WDS

28.2.2 Detection of CL b

The photomultiplier (PM) is a useful detector for CL because ..      Fig. 28.4 a CL emission from ZnS observed with a defocused
220-μm-diameter beam with 500 nA of beam current at E0 = 20 keV. b
of its sensitivity to photons in the energy range of interest, its
Corresponding white light illumination image with the electron beam
fast response (hundreds of picoseconds to nanoseconds), and blanked into a Faraday cup
484 Chapter 28 · Cathodoluminescence

Light pipe

50 µm

b ..      Fig. 28.6 Schematic diagram of a high efficiency CL collection

optic based upon an ellipsoidal mirror

its operation as a high gain (gain ~106), low noise amplifier.

The choice of the photocathode material, which converts the
photons to low energy electrons at the first stage of the elec-
tron cascade, determines the spectral response, quantum effi-
ciency, and sensitivity as a function of photon energy, typically
showing a strong dependence as a function of wavelength. By
choosing different photocathodes, PMs can be optimized for
efficiently detecting different photon energies. . Figure 28.7
illustrates a dispersive system in which the CL is scattered by
a grating onto an array of PMs optimized to detect the differ-
ent photon energies. Such a parallel detection strategy is
critical to optimize measurements from weakly emitting sys-
tems, as well as to study systems with complex emission.
..      Fig. 28.5 a CL emission from the mineral Benitoite (BaTiSi3O9)
Another detection scheme makes use of a single wide
observed with a defocused 220-μm-diameter beam with 500 nA of
beam current at E0 = 20 keV. b Corresponding white light illumination energy response photomultiplier to detect CL photons
image with the electron beam blanked into a Faraday cup across the energy range. To separate the different color

..      Fig. 28.7 Schematic diagram

of a dispersive CL system with
an array of photomultpliers to Array of 16 PMTs
sample a broad range of CL pho-
ton energies in parallel (courtesy
of Gatan, Inc.) UV

Diff Cathodoluminescence signal

(low ction
disp gratin
ersi g
28.3 · Applications of CL
485 28
c­ omponents of the CL emission, repeated scans of the area Ancient Impact Zircons
of interest are made with color filters (red, green, and blue) . Figure 28.9 shows CL imaging (using RGB filters) of an
in the optical path to the PM, and the R-, G-, and B-images impact zircon collected using E0 = 20 keV and 5-keV beam
are combined. energies. The details of zircon disproportionation to ZrO2
Systems in which the photons are passed into a scanning and silicate glass, as well as the zircon interior, are more evi-
optical spectrometer make possible detailed study of the CL dent at using a low energy beam (Zanetti et al. 2015).
emission in a single channel mode of operation.

28.3.2 Materials Science

28.3 Applications of CL
28.3.1 Geology As an example of the detailed information that can be
obtained with CL spectrometry, . Fig. 28.10 shows a study
Carbonado Diamond of hexagonal GaN structures grown on a silicon substrate
Carbonado is a rare variety of black diamond found in porous with a patterned mask to define the shape, as shown in the
aggregates of fine polycrystals. SEM image (E0 = 2 keV) (. Fig. 28.10a). The panchromatic
. Figure 28.8 shows CL imaging (using RGB filters) of a CL image formed by the integrated intensity of all measur-
carbonado sample where the polycrystalline diamonds inter- able wavelengths (. Fig. 28.10b), reveals crystal defects
acted with trace uranium during the Precambrian. The which are observed as dark regions in the CL image
resulting MeV radiation damage is evident as metamict halos including: (i) planar defects which can be seen as dark
leaving the defects in the diamond structure (Magee et al. lines where they intersect the face(s) of the pyramid and
2016). These haloes were not evident in SEM SE or BSE (ii) regions with a high concentration of point defects or
images or in elemental maps, indicating the sensitivity of CL impurities. CL spectrum imaging was used to map the
emission to the presence of lattice defects that do not other- near band edge emission of GaN as a 3D datacube where a
wise significantly affect the electron beam specimen interac- full CL spectrum (1D) was acquired at every pixel in the
tion. region of interest (2D). Changes in the near band edge

..      Fig. 28.8 CL imaging (RGB) of a carbonado, a rare variety of dia- halos leaving the defects in the diamond structure (Magee et al. 2016)
mond. The polycrystalline material interacted with uranium during (Images courtesy of E. Vicenzi (Smithsonian Institution))
the Precambrian and MeV radiation damage is evident as metamict
486 Chapter 28 · Cathodoluminescence

glass ZrO2


28 Zircon

..      Fig. 28.9 CL imaging (RGB) of an impact zircon collected using using a low energy beam (Zanetti et al. 2015) (Images courtesy of
E0 = 20 keV (left) and 5 keV (right). The details of zircon disproportionation E. Vicenzi (Smithsonian Institution))
to ZrO2 and silicate glass, as well as the zircon interior, are more evident

emission were investigated by spectral peak fitting. The During the charging and discharging of lead acid battery
derived central wavelength map reveals the strain level of plates, a variety of lead containing phases can form on the
the material with noticeable shifts appearing along the surface of the lead plate. Two important phases are lead sul-
pyramid ridges. The RGB composite image is created from: fide (PbS) and lead sulfate (PbSO4). Note that these com-
high strain state GaN (yellow), low strain state (purple), pounds are similar in backscattering making it difficult to
defect (red). determine PbS from PbSO4 in images. . Figure 28.11a shows
a secondary electron image of the surface of a lead plate after
Lead-Acid Battery Plate Reactions it has been exposed to conditions that may occur in a lead-
It is possible to detect relatively strong CL signals with modi- acid battery. Numerous euhedral crystals were observed on
fied BSE detectors, as most of these solid state detectors are the surface of the lead plate. The EDS spectra indicated Pb
very sensitive to light. The challenge is to exclude BSE from and S as the major constituents and possibly O. Oxygen can
the detected signal. The easiest way to do this is to coat a glass be detected in the EDS spectrum of PbSO4 from an ideal flat
coverslip with a conductive transparent material like indium specimen, as shown in the DTSA-II simulation in
tin oxide (ITO). The glass cover slip prevents the electrons . Fig. 28.11c, but because of the high absorption from Pb, the
from interacting with the solid state detector and the con- time requirement for mapping O to locate PbSO4 becomes
ductive transparent coating prevents charging while allowing prohibitive. Moreover, given the complex topography of the
the CL signal to reach the detector. sample shown in . Fig. 28.11a, mapping oxygen is likely to be
It is interesting to note that some of the low vacuum or badly compromised by strong X-ray absorption artifacts
variable pressure SEMs that are commercially available use from the topography. CL can be of great use in this system as
the CL light generated by the interaction of the secondary PbS does not exhibit CL while PbSO4 strongly exhibits CL,
electrons with the gas in the chamber to produce a signal enabling these compounds to be rapidly distinguished. In
during variable pressure operation. One can use the same order to determine the likely compound, a simple CL system
detector system, which consists of a glass light guide located consisting of a light guide attached to a photomultiplier tube
near the sample that is coupled to a photomultiplier, for was used. . Figure 28.11b is an image obtained using this
direct detection of CL emission. This type of detector is sen- simple CL detector. Note that the euhedral crystals strongly
sitive to low levels of light and thus when used in high vac- exhibit CL, and this clearly indicates that these crystals are
uum mode can be a very simple but effective CL detector. most likely PbSO4 and not PbS.
28.3 · Applications of CL
487 28

a b


..      Fig. 28.10 CL study of GaN structures grown on Si: a SEM SE image (E0 = 2 keV); b panchromatic CL image; c CL spectrum image data analyzed
to derive the central wavelength value; d RGB composite (Example courtesy of D. Stowe, Gatan, Inc.)
488 Chapter 28 · Cathodoluminescence

a b


300 000

250 000
200 000 E0 = 15 keV
DTSA-II simulation

150 000

100 000

50 000

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0
Photon energy (keV)

..      Fig. 28.11 a SEM SE image of deposits on lead-acid battery. b CL image of the same area; c DTSA-II simulation of the EDS spectra of PbS and
PbSO4 from an ideal flat surface at E0 = 15 keV (courtesy of Sandia National Laboratory)
489 28

a b








300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

..      Fig. 28.12 Acetaminophen, E0 = 20 keV: a SEM SE image; b panchromatic CL image; c CL spectrum (Example courtesy of S. Wight, NIST)

28.3.3 Organic Compounds References

Despite the general vulnerability of organic compounds to Magee C, Teles G, Vicenzi E, Taylor W, Heaney P (2016) Uranium irradia-
tion history of carbonado diamond; implications for Paleoarchean
radiation damage under electron bombardment, some organic
oxidation in the São Francisco craton (South America). Geology 44.
compounds can be examined with CL spectrometry. doi: 10.1130/G37749.1
. Figure 28.12 shows an SEM SE image and a panchromatic CL Zanetti M, Wittman A, Carpenter PK, Joliff BL, Vicenzi E, Nemchin A,
image of acetaminophen (paracetamol, N-(4-­hydroxyphenyl) Timms N (2015) Using EPMA, Raman LS, Hyperspetcral CL, SIMS,
ethanamide N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide) along with a CL and EBSD to study impact melt- induced decomposition of zircon.
Microsc Microanal 21:S3 1447–1448
spectrum showing broad CL bands.
491 29

Characterizing Crystalline
Materials in the SEM
29.1 Imaging Crystalline Materials with Electron
Channeling Contrast – 492
29.1.1 Single Crystals – 492
29.1.2 Polycrystalline Materials – 494
29.1.3 Conditions for Detecting Electron Channeling Contrast – 496

29.2 Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the

Scanning Electron Microscope – 496
29.2.1 Origin of EBSD Patterns – 498
29.2.2 Cameras for EBSD Pattern Detection – 499
29.2.3 EBSD Spatial Resolution – 499
29.2.4 How Does a Modern EBSD System Index Patterns – 501
29.2.5 Steps in Typical EBSD Measurements – 502
29.2.6 Display of the Acquired Data – 505
29.2.7 Other Map Components – 508
29.2.8 Dangers and Practice of “Cleaning” EBSD Data – 508
29.2.9 Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction in the SEM – 509
29.2.10 Application Example – 510
29.2.11 Summary – 513
29.2.12 Electron Backscatter Diffraction Checklist – 513

References – 514

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
492 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

While amorphous substances such as glass are encountered

both in natural and artificial materials, most inorganic mate-
rials are found to be crystalline on some scale, ranging from
sub-nanometer to centimeter or larger. A crystal consists of a
regular arrangement of atoms, the so-called “unit cell,” which
is repeated in a two- or three-dimensional pattern. In the pre-
vious discussion of electron beam–specimen interactions, the
crystal structure of the target was not considered as a variable
in the electron range equation or in the Monte Carlo electron
trajectory simulation. To a first order, the crystal structure
29 does not have a strong effect on the electron–specimen inter-
actions. However, through the phenomenon of channeling of
charged particles through the crystal lattice, crystal orienta-
tion can cause small perturbations in the total electron back-
scattering coefficient that can be utilized to image
crystallographic microstructure through the mechanism des-
ignated “electron channeling contrast,” also referred to as
“orientation contrast” (Newbury et al. 1986). The characteris-
tics of a crystal (e.g., interplanar angles and spacings) and its
relative orientation can be determined through diffraction of
the high-energy backscattered electrons (BSE) to form “elec-
tron backscatter diffraction patterns (EBSD). ..      Fig. 29.1 Schematic illustration of the channeling effect: the atomic
area density that the beam encounters depends on its orientation rela-
tive to the crystal

29.1 I maging Crystalline Materials

with Electron Channeling Contrast For other crystal orientations where denser atom packing is
found, the beam electrons begin to scatter immediately at the
29.1.1 Single Crystals surface, increasing the backscatter coefficient relative to the
amorphous target case. As seen in the Monte Carlo simula-
The regular arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids can tion of an amorphous target, the elastic scattering of beam
influence the backscattering of electrons because of the regu- electrons rapidly randomizes their trajectories out of their
lar three-dimensional variations in atomic density in the initially well-collimated condition, reducing and eventually
crystal compared to those same atoms placed in the near eliminating sensitivity to channeling in the crystal. For a bulk
random three-dimensional distribution of an amorphous target, the modulation of the backscatter coefficient between
solid. If a well-collimated (i.e., highly parallel) electron beam the maximum and minimum channeling case is small, typi-
is directed at a crystal array of atoms along a series of differ- cally only about a 2–5 % difference. Nevertheless, this crys-
ent directions, the density of atoms that the beam encounters tallographic or electron channeling contrast can be used to
will vary with the crystal orientation, as shown in the simple form SEM images that contain information about the impor-
schematic of . Fig. 29.1. A sense of this effect can be obtained tant class of crystalline materials.
by manual manipulation of a macroscopic, three-­dimensional To determine the likelihood of electron channeling, the
ball-and-stick model of a crystal. For certain orientations of properties of the electron beam (i.e., its energy, E, or equiva-
the model, the observer can see through the “atoms” along lently, wavelength, λ) are related to the critical crystal prop-
the open gaps between the planes in the model. In a real solid, erty, namely the spacing of the atomic planes, d, through the
the atoms are tightly packed, limited in their approach by the Bragg diffraction relation:
repulsive interaction of their atomic shells. The “channels” in
reality are regions of the crystal where the atomic packing nλ = 2 d sin θ B (29.1)
creates lower charge density with which the beam electrons
will interact more weakly. When the beam is aligned with where n is the integer order of diffraction (n = 1, 2, 3, etc.).
the channels, a small fraction of the beam electrons penetrate Equation 29.1 defines a special beam incidence angle relative
more deeply into the crystal before beginning to scatter. For to a particular set of the crystal planes with spacing d
beam electrons that start scattering deeper in the crystal, the (referred to as the “Bragg angle,” θB) at which the channeling
probability that they will return to the surface as backscat- condition changes sharply from weak to strong as the beam
tered electrons is reduced compared to the amorphous target incidence angle increases relative to that particular set of
case, and so the measured backscatter coefficient is lowered crystal planes. Since a real crystal contains many different
compared to the average value from the amorphous target. possible sets of atom planes, the degree of channeling
29.1 · Imaging Crystalline Materials with Electron Channeling Contrast
493 29
encountered for an arbitrary orientation of the beam to the
crystal is actually the sum of the contributions of many
planes. Generally, these contributions tend to cancel giving
the amorphous average backscattering except when the
Bragg condition for a certain set of planes dominates the mix, –qB qB
giving rise to a sharp change in the channeling condition.
What is the magnitude of Bragg angles for typical SEM beam
and target conditions? Consider an incident beam of E0 =
15 keV, where the electron wavelength, λe is given by the de
Broglie equation:

λe =h/p (29.2a)

where h is Planck’s constant and p is the momentum (m0v). In

terms of beam energy, the wavelength is given by

λe ( nm ) =1.226 /  E 0.5 (1+ 0.979E − 6 E ) 

 

where E is expressed in eV (Hirsch et al. 1965).

At 15 keV, λe = 0.00994 nm. If this 15 keV-beam is directed ..      Fig. 29.2 Wide field (“low magnification”) image scanning produces
at a crystal of silicon, which has a diamond-cubic crystal lat- sufficiently large changes in the scan incidence angle to pass through
the Bragg conditions for the particular set of crystal planes. Note that
tice with a fundamental cube dimension of a = 0.543 nm, the the Bragg condition is satisfied in positive and negative going angles,
series of possible “allowed” Bragg angles (expressed in the giving rise to two sharp changes in contrast
“Miller indices” [hkl] which designate the crystal planes) is
given in . Table 29.1.
We can directly image the effects of crystallographic
the crystal planes. A large area image created at E0 = 15 keV
channeling on the total backscattered electron intensity for
by scanning a flat, topographically featureless silicon crys-
the special case of a large single crystal viewed with a large
tal—prepared with the surface nearly parallel to the (001)
scanned area (i.e., low magnification). As shown schemati-
plane—is shown in . Fig. 29.3. The image consists of a pat-
cally in . Fig. 29.2, the act of image scanning not only moves
tern of bands, each running parallel to a particular crystal
the beam laterally in x- and y-directions, but at each beam
plane, creating a so-called electron channeling pattern
position the angle of the beam relative to the surface normal
(Coates 1967). The channeling effect appears as this series of
changes. For a 10-mm working distance from the scan rock-
prominent bands that span the crystal because the intersec-
ing point, a scan excursion of 2 mm in width causes the beam
tion of the crystal planes with the surface defines a linear
incidence angle to change by ±12° across the field. As seen in
trace, and the Bragg condition is satisfied along lines parallel
. Table 29.1, the allowed Bragg angles for a 15-keV electron
to this trace where the scan angle relative to the planes equals
beam striking Si have values of a fraction of a degree to a few
the Bragg angle, ±θB. “Higher order” Bragg angles (n = 2, 3, 4,
degrees, so that a scan angle of ±12° will certainly cause the
etc., with the specific integers that appear depending on
beam to pass through the Bragg condition for at least some of
“allowed reflections”) are satisfied as a series of progressively
fainter lines parallel to the central bands, which can be seen
in . Fig. 29.3 (b) for the family of {220} type bands. Note that
it is appropriate to apply both a dimensional marker and an
..      Table 29.1 Bragg angles for Si with E0 = 15 keV angular marker to this image. When the scanned area is
decreased, that is, the magnification is increased, the range of
Planes (hkl) Spacing (nm) θB (degrees)
the angular scan is reduced, and consequently, the bands on
111 0.314 0.908 the display appear to widen and the angular extent of the
electron channeling pattern decreases, as shown in
220 0.192 1.48 . Fig. 29.4a, b. If the magnification is made high enough and
311 0.164 1.74 the angular range is sufficiently reduced, the beam will scan
through such a small angle that the observer will see the cen-
400 0.136 2.10
ter of the pattern swell to eventually fill the image with a
422 0.111 2.57 single gray level. Effectively, the crystal presents a single
511 0.105 2.72 atomic density that restricts the channeling effect to a single
intensity value.
494 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

a b


(110) [001]

5° 5 mm 5° 5 mm

..      Fig. 29.3 a Wide field scanning (BSE image) of a Si single crystal planes are marked, as well as the parallel channeling bands defined
wafer whose surface is parallel to the (001) plane, thus looking along when the scan angle to the planes equals ± θB. Images processed with
the [001] pole; E0 = 15 keV. b The traces of two different sets of crystal ImageJ-Fiji CLAHE function

a b

1° 500 µm
2° 1 mm

..      Fig. 29.4 a, b Progressively smaller scanning areas (higher magnifications) restrict the angular range and thus the portion of the electron
channeling pattern that is observed. Images processed with ImageJ-Fiji CLAHE function

29.1.2 Polycrystalline Materials nucleate randomly in the liquid and grow in size until they
encounter each other, producing a three-dimensional
Most crystalline materials are not single crystals. During microstructure of randomly oriented crystalline units
solidification from a molten state, numerous crystals called “grains.” Materials fabrication processes such as
29.1 · Imaging Crystalline Materials with Electron Channeling Contrast
495 29

1 mm

..      Fig. 29.5 Electron channeling contrast from a coarse grain size in

polycrystalline Fe-3.2Si

100 µm

..      Fig. 29.7 Electron channeling contrast from grains in polycrystal-

line 75Fe-25Ni deformed by a diamond scribe impact; E0 = 15 keV; BSE

with a large scan field at low magnification. The scan angle

is nearly the same as for . Fig. 29.3, but the presence of
boundaries between the crystals (“grain boundaries”) inter-
rupts the channeling pattern so that we can no longer
observe enough of the pattern to determine the orientation.
We can, however, detect the grains themselves because of
the pattern discontinuities. In . Fig. 29.6, the grain size has
been further reduced, so that the magnification must be
increased so that the angular change across each grain is
now very small. The grains in this 75Fe-25Ni alloy are seen
with nearly uniform shades of gray because each grain ori-
entation effectively provides an easy, intermediate, or hard
orientation for channeling resulting in low, intermediate, or
100 µm
high BSE emission. How far down in scale can crystalline
features be observed? With special high resolution SEMs
..      Fig. 29.6 Electron channeling contrast from grains in polycrystal-
line 75Fe-25Ni; E0 = 15 keV; BSE detector and energy selecting BSE detectors, the angular distortions
introduced by the strain fields of individual crystal disloca-
tions have been seen (Morin et al. 1979; Kamaladasa and
rolling, extrusion, forging, etc., and subsequent thermal Picard 2010).
treatment result further modify the crystalline microstruc- Finally, the long-range effects of plastic deformation,
ture, resulting in grain sizes ranging from centimeters to which introduces defects and residual stress patterns into
nanometers depending on composition and thermome- ductile metals, can be directly observed in channeling con-
chanical history and often inducing “preferred orienta- trast images. . Figure 29.7 shows the channeling contrast
tions” where certain crystal directions will align among a from the damaged area around a large diamond stylus hard-
subset of the grains. What happens to the channeling con- ness indent in the same 75Fe-25Ni alloy specimen shown in
trast image as the grain size is reduced from the large single . Fig. 29.6. A similar effect around a hardness indentation in
crystal case? . Fig. 29.5 shows a coarse polycrystal with polycrystalline nickel is shown in . Fig. 29.8, revealing the
grain dimensions in the millimeter range, again viewed extent of plastic deformation around the indent.
496 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

visibility. Because a small convergence angle is also desirable

to maximize channeling contrast, a high electron source
brightness is important to maximize the beam current into a
focused beam of useful size. A high beam energy in the range
from 10 to 30 keV is desirable both to increase source bright-
ness and to create high energy BSEs for efficient detection.
Channeling contrast is carried by the high energy fraction of
the backscattered electrons, and to maximize that signal, a
large solid angle BSE detector (solid state or passive scintilla-
tor) is the best choice with the specimen set normal to the
29 beam. The positively biased Everhart–Thornley (E–T) detec-
tor, with its high efficiency for BSEs through capture of the
SE2 and SE3 signals, is also satisfactory. Because of the weak
contrast, the live image display must be enhanced by careful
adjustment of the “black level” and amplifier settings to
spread the channeling contrast over the full black-to-white
50 µm range of the final display to render channeling contrast visi-
ble. Post-collection image processing by various tools, e.g.,
CLAHE in ImageJ-Fiji, can be very effective at recovering
..      Fig. 29.8 Electron channeling contrast from grains in polycrystal-
line Ni deformed by a diamond indentation placed in a single grain; fine scale details.
E0 = 20 keV; BSE detector Crystallographic contrast by electron channeling pro-
vides images of the crystallographic microstructure of
materials. For many applications in materials science, it is
29.1.3 Conditions for Detecting Electron also important to measure the actual orientation of the
Channeling Contrast microstructure on a local basis with high spatial resolu-
tion of 1 micrometer laterally or even finer. The technique
Specimen Preparation of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns pro-
Channeling contrast effects are created in a shallow near-­ vides the ideal complement to channeling contrast
surface layer that is 10–100 nm in depth, depending on the microscopy.
incident beam energy and the material, where the incident
beam has not yet undergone sufficient elastic scatter to
destroy the initial beam collimation. Thus, the condition of 29.2 Electron Backscatter Diffraction
the sample surface is of extreme importance for a successful in the Scanning Electron Microscope
channeling contrast measurement. The low level of channel-
ing contrast, 2–5 %, also requires eliminating other compet- An understanding of the crystallography of a material is
ing sources of contrast, especially surface topography. Thus, a required to fully describe the structure property relation-
typical sample preparation will involve grinding and polish- ships that control a material’s physical properties. By linking
ing to achieve a flat, topography-free surface. However, the the microstructure to the crystallography of the sample, a full
inevitable surface damage layer produced in many materials, picture of the sample can be developed. The development of
especially metals, by mechanical abrasion, including the electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) equipment and
“Beilby layer” that remains after the final polishing with the its placement in commercial tools for phase identification
finest scale abrasives, must be removed by chemical or elec- and orientation determination has provided new insights
trochemical polishing or low energy ion beam sputtering. into microstructure, crystallography and materials physical
(Note that high energy ion sputtering can produce sub-­ properties.
surface damage that can destroy electron channeling EBSD in the SEM has been developed for two different
contrast.) purposes. The oldest application of EBSD is for the mea-
surement of texture on a grain by grain basis. Texture deter-
Instrument Conditions mined in this way is called the microtexture of the sample
Detecting channeling effects that produce weak contrast in (Randle 2013). An example of this is . Fig. 29.9, where the
the range 2–5 % in an SEM image requires careful choice of point-by-­point orientation of an assembly of ZnO crystals is
operating conditions. The low contrast creates a requirement shown where the color coding indicates the orientation of
for a high threshold current, so that typically a beam current the crystal. The other use of EBSD is for the identification or
of 10 nA or more is needed when scanning at rapid frame discrimination of micrometer or sub-micrometer crystal-
rates to find features of interest. After such features have been line phases (Michael 2000; Dingley and Wright 2009).
located, a smaller beam diameter can be used to improve . Figure 29.10 is an example of this, showing a dual-phase
resolution at the inevitable cost of a lower beam current, steel with both ferrite (body-centered cubic) and austenite
which then requires a longer frame time to maintain contrast (face-centered cubic) present. EBSD can easily discriminate
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
497 29
chemistry through energy dispersive spectrometry and the
crystallography of the sample by electron channeling con-
trast imaging and EBSD. EBSD techniques have recently
been developed that allow both the elastic and plastic strains
present in a microstructure to be determined and this has
been called high resolution EBSD or HREBSD. A more use-
ful description would be high angular resolution EBSD. This
technique is beyond the scope of this chapter (Wilkinson
et al. 2006).
Microtexture is a term that means a population of indi-
vidual orientations that are usually related to some feature of
the sample microstructure. A simple example of this is the
..      Fig. 29.9 Inverse pole figure map of ZnO crystals relationship of the individual grain size to grain orientation.
The concept of microtexture may also be extended to include
the misorientation between grains, often termed the meso-
texture. It is now possible using EBSD to collect and analyze
thousands of orientations per minute, thus allowing excellent
statistics in various distributions. The ability to link texture
and microstructure has enabled significant progress in the
understanding of recrystallization, grain boundary structure
and properties, grain growth and many other important
physical phenomena.
The identification of phases in the SEM has usually been
obtained by determining the composition of the phase and
then inferring the identity of the phase. This technique is
subject to the inherent inaccuracies in quantitative analysis
in the SEM using EDS or WDS. In addition, this technique is
not useful when one is attempting to identify a phase that has
multiple crystal structures, but only one composition. A
good example of this concern is TiO2, with three different
b crystal structures. Another important technological problem
is the identification of austenite in ferrite in engineering
steels. Austenite has a face centered cubic crystal structure
and ferrite is body centered cubic and both phases may have
very similar chemistries.
Improved resolution for EBSD has been achieved by uti-
lizing thin samples that allow the transmission and diffrac-
tion of electrons using accelerating voltages (20–30 kV)
achievable in the SEM. The patterns generated in this way
have very similar characteristics to EBSD but are formed in
transmission mode and thus, due to the thin sample, have
much improved spatial resolution as compared to EBSD per-
formed on bulk samples. Transmission Kikuchi diffraction
(TKD) allows the microtexture of ultrafine grained crystal-
line materials to be studied (Keller and Geiss 2012; Trimby
..      Fig. 29.10 EBSD of a dual phase steel that contains both austenite
In order to best use EBSD, it is helpful if the reader has
and ferrite. EBSD of multiphase samples can discriminate phases with some knowledge of crystallography and how crystallography
different crystal structures. a This is a band contrast map, basically a mea- is represented. There are a number of excellent books on this
sure of the pattern sharpness, which accurately reflects the grain struc- subject (McKie and McKie 1986; Rousseau 1998). This mod-
ture of the sample. b Orientation map of the austenite phase while the ule will first describe the origin of the EBSD pattern in the
ferrite is shown in the underlying band contrast image (Bar = 200 µm)
SEM. The detectors or cameras used to detect EBSD patterns
will be described. As sample preparation is critical to the suc-
between these two crystal structures. Both applications add cess of an EBSD investigation, it is important to understand
an important new tool to the SEM. The SEM now has the the methods needed to produce samples of appropriate qual-
capability to study the morphology of a sample through ity. Finally, details of the actual experiment and the resulting
either secondary or backscattered electron imaging, the output will be discussed.
498 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

29.2.1 Origin of EBSD Patterns a

EBSD patterns are obtained in the SEM by illuminating a

highly tilted specimen with a stationary electron beam. The
beam electrons interact with the sample and are initially
inelastically scattered. There are two current methods that
are employed. The first method (conventional EBSD) uses
the sample in a mode where backscattered electrons are
detected (i.e., from a bulk sample). The second method
(often termed TKD or transmission-EBSD although the use
29 of the latter implies the impossibility of simultaneous trans-
mission and backscattering of the electrons) relies on a very
thin sample and the patterns are then formed by the trans-
mitted electrons. In the case of the bulk sample and back-
scattered electron detection, the sample is held at a steep
angle with respect to the electron beam. When a thin sample
is used for TKD, the sample does not need to be tilted at
such a high angle, and in fact the electron beam may be used
to illuminate a sample which is not tilted. In either case,
backscatter or transmission, some of these inelastically scat-
tered electrons that have lost little of their original energy b
satisfy the diffraction condition with the crystalline planes
within the sample. When this interaction happens near the
surface of the sample these electrons escape and form the
EBSD pattern that is observed. These backscattered elec-
trons appear to originate from a virtual point below the sur-
face of the specimen. These types of patterns were first
described by Kikuchi and are often referred to as Kikuchi
patterns (Randle 2013). Some of the backscattered electrons
satisfy the Bragg conditions for diffraction (+θ and −θ) and
are diffracted into cones of intensity with a semi-angle of
(90-θ), with the cone axis normal to the diffracting plane. As
shown by the Bragg Eq. (29.1), and . Table 29.1, the short
wavelength of the electron (at typical accelerating voltages
of 10–30 kV used in the SEM) results in a small Bragg angle
of less than 2°. Each plane yields two cones of intensity. The
cones are quite flat and when they intercept the imaging
plane they are imaged as two nearly straight lines separated
by an angle of twice the Bragg angle. An alternative but
equivalent description is the single event model. In this
model, it is argued that the inelastic and elastic scattering ..      Fig. 29.11 EBSD patterns acquired from the mineral hematite (trigonal)
events are intimately related and may be thought of as one that demonstrate the pattern changes that result from the acceleration
voltage change. Note that as expected from the Bragg equation the band
event. In this case the electron channels out of the sample
widths decrease with increasing accelerating voltage. a 5 kV, b 40 kV
and forms the EBSD pattern (Winkelmann 2009; Randle
2013). . Figure 29.11 are two examples of an EBSD patterns
collected from the mineral hematite at 5 kV and 40 kV. Note
that the Kikuchi bands appear as nearly straight lines. The EBSD patterns consist of what appear to be nearly straight
effect of the accelerating voltage is clearly seen. As the accel- bands (they are actually conic sections) which may have
erating voltage is increased the Bragg angle decreases result- bright or dark centers with respect to the rest of the pattern.
ing in more narrowly spaced Kikuchi bands in the patterns. These straight bands are the Kikuchi lines discussed previ-
It is also important to note that the patterns are fixed with ously. The Kikuchi bands intersect in many locations and
respect to the crystal orientation and so the positions of the these are called zone axes which are actual crystallographic
line traces in the patterns have not moved. Fortunately we directions within the unit cell of the crystal. The angles
need not understand the exact physics of EBSD pattern for- between the Kikuchi bands and the angles between the zone
mation in order to use these patterns for crystallographic axes are specific for a given crystal structure. These features
analysis. can be seen in . Fig. 29.11b where the Kikuchi bands and the
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
499 29
zone axes are clearly visible. In high quality patterns as shown
in . Fig. 29.11, there are many other features that are visible
and may be used to understand the unit cell from which the
pattern was collected.

29.2.2 Cameras for EBSD Pattern Detection

It is relatively easy to collect EBSD patterns in the SEM. The

earliest EBSD images were collected by directly exposing
photographic emulsions inside the specimen chamber of the
SEM. As discussed previously, EBSD patterns are obtained
from bulk samples by illuminating a highly tilted surface
with the electron beam and then collecting the patterns on a
position sensitive detector, sometimes referred to as a cam-
era, that is 1–2 cm from the tilted sample surface. Generally
the detector surface is located normal to the sample tilt axis
so that tilting of the sample is easily achieved but the detec- Sample
tor may also be tilted a few tens of degrees away from the
horizontal position. The first electronic capture of EBSD pat-
terns utilized low-light video rate cameras that produced ..      Fig. 29.12 An image from the inside of an SEM sample region with
the sample tilted for EBSD and the EBSD camera or detector inserted.
useable but somewhat noisy images requiring the use of very Also note at the bottom of the detector screen there are small rect-
high beam currents in the SEM. Current EBSD cameras con- angular solid state electron detectors for imaging the sample while it
sist of a fluorescent screen, either circular or rectangular, is highly tilted. These detectors result in remarkable crystallographic
that is about 2 cm in diameter if circular or 2 cm on a side if contrast
square or rectangular formats are utilized. The screen is
coated with a thin Al coating to avoid charging and to the EBSD camera or detector is shown in . Fig. 29.12. Also
exclude light. The fluorescent screen is kept thin so that it visible at the bottom of the EBSD detector are the forescat-
can be imaged from the opposite side using either a fiber tered electron detectors. These solid state detectors provide
optic bundle or a lens to transfer the image on the phosphor excellent crystallographic contrast when the sample is highly
to a charge coupled device (CCD) or a CMOS type solid tilted and standard backscattered or secondary electron
state imager. Camera designs strive to minimize the loss of imaging are not optimal.
light from the fluorescent screen to increase the speed at
which patterns can be collected or to increase the quality of
the detected patterns. The transfer optics must also be 29.2.3 EBSD Spatial Resolution
designed to minimize any optical distortions to the collected
patterns (Schwarzer et al. 2009). It is important to understand the volume from which the dif-
The imager should have a sufficient number of pixel ele- fraction pattern is generated in the SEM. In many applica-
ments so that the angular resolution is adequate for detection. tions the highest resolution is not required to utilize EBSD
In addition, it is extremely useful to be able to bin the pixels for the mapping of the texture of a microstructure. However,
in the detector. Binning pixels simply means that adjacent there are applications where high spatial resolution is
pixels are summed together (normally in specific patterns required. Examples are the mapping of deformed micro-
like 2 × 2 or 4 × 4) to increase the signal but with a decrease structures or the study of fine grained materials.
in pattern resolution. Currently, detectors are capable of col- The formation of EBSD patterns depends on the scatter-
lecting more than 1000 patterns per second when heavily ing and subsequent diffraction of electrons. Bragg’s Law
binned and with sufficient electron beam current. describes the diffraction of specific wavelengths of electrons
The entire detector must be mounted on a precision from the planes in a crystalline solid. If there is a large spread
retractable stage. The precision retractable stage allows the in the energy of the electrons that are exiting the sample sur-
detector assembly to be moved into the same position each face we would not expect to see the lines that we see in our
time the detector is inserted to maintain the geometrical cali- EBSD patterns due to diffraction. These lines are in nearly the
bration of the system. It is important to position the detector exactly correct position as described by the Bragg diffraction
close to the sample, generally the sample to detector distance of the electrons based on the beam voltage used to produce
should be on the order of or even slightly less than the fluo- the patterns. From this we must conclude that the electrons
rescent screen diameter so that a large portion of the EBSD leaving the surface are of nearly the same energy. Electrons
pattern may be collected. The insertion mechanism is motor- that have lost larger amounts of energy contribute to the
ized to allow the camera to be moved into position in a mat- background intensity and do not contribute to the diffraction
ter of few seconds. A typical arrangement of the sample and features that we want to observe (Deal et al. 2008).
500 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

a b


..      Fig. 29.13 These series of EBSD patterns show the effect of sample tilt on the EBSD pattern quality. a 60°, b 50°, and c 40°

For EBSD, we tilt the sample at a high angle with respect those that lost only 0.2 kV. The pattern is formed from these
to the electron beam. This tilt is important to obtaining the low loss electrons and thus the resolution is quite good. Thus,
high quality patterns that are needed for EBSD. As shown in although EBSD involves backscattered electrons, it is a tech-
. Fig. 29.13, the tilt angle has a large effect on the pattern nique with much higher spatial resolution than standard
quality. The best pattern qualities are obtained at higher tilt backscattered electron imaging. Typically, resolutions of bet-
angles with some optimal condition between the pattern ter than 0.1 μm can be achieved for a beam voltage of 20 kV
quality and the ease of imaging of the highly tilted sample. in the transition metals. The electrons that have lost larger
. Figure 29.14a shows the backscattered electron energy dis- amounts of energy will contribute the background intensity
tribution that is developed from a highly titled sample (70° in the EBSD pattern. These electrons are the main reason
tilt) compared to 0° tilt. Note that the energy is highly peaked why there is limited contrast in EBSD patterns without some
toward the operating voltage of the microscope at 70° tilt form of background removal either through division or sub-
when compared to the same distribution from an electron traction or some other computational method of removal
beam that is normal to the sample surface. Further, since the (Michael and Goehner 1996).
EBSD pattern is clearly visible, they must form from only the The high tilt angle limits the spatial resolution attainable
electrons that have lost either no or a small amount of their due to the elongation of the electron beam foot print on the
energy. The electrons that have lost only a small amount of sample surface. The resolution parallel to the tilt axis is much
their energy are emitted from the sample in regions that are better than the resolution perpendicular to the tilt axis due to
very close to the original beam foot print on the surface of the high sample tilt angles used to acquire EBSD patterns.
the sample. This is shown in . Fig. 29.14b, which is a Monte The resolution perpendicular to the tilt axis is related to the
Carlo simulation of the distance from the initial beam impact resolution parallel to the tilt axis by
point that the electrons emerge from the sample surface for
Lperp = Lpara (1 / cos θ ) (29.3)
all the backscattered electrons, those that lost up to 2 kV and
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
501 29

a b

>19.8 kV
# Backscattered electrons

# Backscattered electrons
>18 kV

All electrons

0 5 10 15 20 200 100 0 –100 –200 –300 –400 –500

Energy (keV) Distance (nm)

..      Fig. 29.14 a Monte Carlo electron trajectory simulations of the back- electron distributions from Ni at 20 kV and a sample tilt of 70° for different
scattered electron distributions for Ni at 20 kV at a tilt of 70° (red) and for a levels of energy loss as a function of distance from the beam impact point
sample at 0° tilt (blue) that is normal to the electron beam. b Backscattered

where θ is the sample tilt with respect to the horizontal, Lperp significant amounts of energy contributing to the overall
is the resolution perpendicular to the tilt axis, and Lpara is the intensity of the pattern background. To compensate for this,
resolution parallel to the tilt axis. The resolution perpendicu- methods of removing the background are utilized. Some sys-
lar to the tilt axis is roughly three times the resolution parallel tems use a software-generated background to compensate for
to the tilt axis for a tilt angle of 70° and increases to 5.75 times the background and increase the pattern contrast. A more
for a tilt angle of 80°. Thus, it is best to work at the lowest established approach uses a background image obtained by
sample tilt angles possible consistent with obtaining good scanning over a large number of grains that produce the
EBSD patterns. background signal. This background is then used to normal-
ize the raw EBSD pattern to produce a pattern with high con-
trast (Michael and Goehner 1996).
29.2.4  ow Does a Modern EBSD System
H EBSD cameras are generally able to collect patterns at
Index Patterns higher angular resolution per pixel than is needed for most
orientation mapping. However, if high accuracy is needed, it
Modern EBSD systems all use the same basic steps to go from is possible to use the full resolution of the camera to produce
a collected EBSD pattern to indexing and to the determina- EBSD patterns. The disadvantage of using the full resolution
tion of the crystal orientation with respect to a reference of the EBSD camera is that longer exposure times are needed
frame. Once the pattern is collected, the necessary informa- to produce usable EBSD patterns. This longer exposure can
tion for indexing of the pattern (indexing refers to assigning really slow down map acquisition. It is possible to bin the
a consistent set of crystallographic directions to the pattern camera resolution, usually by factors of 2, to produce lower
with respect to a given or a set of given candidate structures) resolution patterns but with the ability to collect the patterns
must be derived from the diffraction pattern. Once the pat- at a much higher collection rate. Thus, if the high angular
tern has been indexed correctly (various vendors use differ- resolution is not required, the camera should be used at a
ent measures of what constitutes correct indexing), it is a reduced resolution, (2 × 2, 4 × 4, or 8 × 8 binning) to speed up
simple matter to determine the crystallographic orientation the acquisition. The tradeoff is between orientation accuracy
represented by the EBSD pattern. and speed of the measurement.
The most important factor in obtaining a quality orienta- Once the camera is set correctly for the given experiment,
tion is that the system have good quality patterns for index- the patterns should be of high quality with good contrast.
ing. The quality of the detected patterns needed for a given The next step is for the software to extract the line positions
experimental measurement can be influenced by choices from the collected pattern. In all modern systems this is
made over how the camera is operated. EBSD patterns are of accomplished with an algorithm called the Hough Transform,
low inherent contrast mainly due to electrons that have lost which takes straight lines and transfers them into points
502 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

which are easier for image analysis software to find. It is

possible to adjust the resolution parameters of the Hough Prepare sample
transform to give higher accuracy results, but again at the
expense of time.
The next step is to compare the angles between the bands
in the patterns with a look up table populated with the calcu-
lated values of interplanar angles from a candidate phase Align sample in SEM
crystal structure. Once a consistent set of indices are found
the pattern is considered to be indexed. No indexing will ever
be perfect so the deviation between the calculated pattern
29 and the experimentally measured lines is used as a quality Adjust SEM and set EBSD collection
metric that is stored with the data. The orientation of the parameters
crystal at each pixel can be calculated with respect to the axes
of the microscope and then stored.
It is important to store as much data as possible for each
pixel. Sometimes it may be advantageous to store the com-
plete EBSD pattern at each pixel, particularly when one may Check EBSD pattern quality

wish to reanalyze the data using a different match unit to help

figure out missing pixels that did not index. The data that
should be stored with each pixel at a minimum should
include the pixel coordinates, the phase match, representa- Collect EBSD map data
tion of the pixel orientation, some sort of pattern quality
metric, and the indexing confidence or error. This procedure
of pattern acquisition, line position identification, pattern
indexing, and data storage is repeated for every pixel in the Select display mode for data
map area.

..      Fig. 29.15 Steps to accomplishing a successful EBSD map. One of

29.2.5 Steps in Typical EBSD Measurements the most important steps is sample preparation; without good sample
preparation, quality EBSD is difficult to achieve
The conduct of an EBSD experiment in order to collect orien-
tation maps or perform phase identification from a crystalline
sample requires that the user complete a number of steps, as damage associated with the sectioning and polishing steps. In
shown in . Fig. 29.15. These steps consist of the following: most cases, this simply implies standard metallographic pol-
1. Prepare Sample—samples must be free of ishing techniques applied carefully to the sample. Standard
polishing-induced damage preparation techniques include sectioning, mounting grind-
2. Align sample in the SEM—select the optimal sample tilt ing and final polishing are the starting point for preparing
and mounting samples suitable for EBSD. It is the final polishing step that
3. Adjust SEM and set EBSD parameters—select voltage must be conducted in a manner that leaves the surface free of
and current and detector settings any sectioning damage. As noted previously, like electron
4. Check for patterns—make sure patterns are the highest channeling the EBSD pattern originates from a very thin sur-
quality consistent with the needed speed face layer of the sample. Final polishing with colloidal suspen-
5. Run automated map—start the EBSD map and monitor sions, electro-polishing, and ion polishing are all methods
quality of map in terms of the number of pixels indexed. that have been proven effective for EBSD. Chemical etching is
also sometimes useful but should be applied with caution as
Each step in this sequence is necessary to obtaining high-­ the surface topography and any oxide films should be avoided
quality EBSD results and will be considered separately below. for the best EBSD results. It is of course quite useful to assess
the microstructure with optical microscopy prior to attempt-
Sample Preparation for EBSD ing any EBSD measurements.
As in all materials characterization using the SEM, the prepa- Once the sample is prepared and placed in the SEM cham-
ration of a sample that is representative of the starting mate- ber it is often possible to assess the odds of success before any
rial is critical to the success of an EBSD measurement. EBSD measurements are made. One of the most helpful
Although some samples may not require any sample prepara- methods is channeling contrast or grain contrast imaging
tion at all, such as grown thin films on substrates, naturally using short working distances and a solid state back scattered
occurring crystals, and others, most EBSD samples will electron detector. In this method the sample is moved rela-
require preparation. The main requirement of sample prepa- tively close to the backscatter detector (4–10-mm working
ration for EBSD is that the sample analysis surface is free from distance depending on the sample and the SEM
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
503 29

a Align Sample in the SEM

After the sample is imaged and the sample preparation found
to be of good quality, the sample orientation within the SEM
must be considered. EBSD is often used to determine the tex-
ture or distribution of crystallographic orientations with
respect to some external frame of reference related to the
sample or how the sample was processed. A good example of
this is when metal plates are produced by mechanical rolling.
It is often desired to determine the texture of the sample with
respect to the rolling direction, the transverse direction, or
the plate normal direction. Or for the case where only one
direction of the sample is expected to show a preferred tex-
ture, as in a wire where the preferred crystallographic direc-
tion lies along the wire axis, this axis should be mounted
parallel to one of the primary directions in the SEM. Other
times it is an assessment of the crystallographic growth direc-
tion and thus the sample should be carefully aligned so that
b the growth direction corresponds to one of the primary axes
of the scanned image. Thus, the sample must be carefully
aligned in the SEM, and one must be aware of the tilt axis of
the SEM stage and the directions of the x- and y-stage move-
ments (Britton et al. 2016).
Once the external reference directions have been set par-
allel to the microscope reference direction, then the sample
still must be tilted for EBSD examination. For the best EBSD
the sample must be tilted to about 70° with respect to the
electron beam. This tilt is best performed with a view of the
inside of the chamber with a video image so that the high tilt
does not result in the sample contacting the microscope pole
piece or other hard expensive components of the micro-
scope. Once the sample is tilted to the appropriate angle and
the area of interest brought under the electron beam then
the EBSD camera must be moved into position. The best
camera position is close to the sample so that the camera
..      Fig. 29.16 Backscattered electron images of metallographically captures about 60–90° of the pattern. Also the brightest part
polished dual phase steel for EBSD analysis. Short working distance
of the pattern should be located about one third of the total
backscattered imaging results in excellent crystallographic contrast. a
Standard metallographic practice shows numerous fine scratches that camera area down from the top of the active area. This posi-
are visible in channeling contrast. EBSD mapping is still possible but tion will give the best possibility of good patterns being
not optimal. b Standard practice plus 4 h of vibratory polishing on col- obtained.
loidal silica results in a higher-quality surface finish and optimal EBSD
mapping (Bar = 20 µm) Check for EBSD Patterns
Once the sample has been prepared appropriately and posi-
instrumentation particulars) and a backscattered electron tioned correctly within the SEM, it is sensible to have a quick
image obtained. These images are sensitive to the crystallogra- collection of a few randomly located points to ensure that
phy of the sample and the grain orientation will determine the good patterns can be obtained. This is the opportunity to
backscatter coefficient leading to beautiful images of the sam- optimize the SEM parameters for the acquisition. This is also
ple grain structure. In many cases, subsurface scratches and an excellent opportunity to determine that the phases
other sample preparation artifacts will be visible in this type of selected for indexing are chosen correctly. Correct comple-
image that is not seen in secondary electron images or optical tion of these steps will go a long way to ensure that a quality
microscopy. . Figure 29.16 is an example of a high-quality orientation map can be collected.
metallographically polished sample image of a dual phase The first step is to select correct microscope parameters
stainless steel. Note that the sample as polished with no col- for EBSD acquisition. The accelerating voltage is not
loidal silica polishing exhibits a large number of subsurface extremely critical for success but should be set somewhere
scratches that limit the EBSD results. After colloidal polishing between 10 and 20 kV depending on the sample that is to be
for a few hours the difference in surface condition is readily analyzed. The other microscope-critical setting is the current
apparent. Generally, results like these are a good predictor of a in the electron beam. In general, the best choice is the highest
successful EBSD analysis. beam current that the microscope can generate consistent
504 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

with the beam’s size not being larger than the features of deal with this issue is the use of dynamic focus as discussed
interest within the sample. Modern EBSD cameras have been elsewhere in this book. In brief, the dynamic focus adjusts
developed to be more sensitive and capable of dealing with the focus so that the electron beam focus is changed with
lower beam currents. This in practice means that one should respect to the position of the electron beam on the sample.
try settings that generate 1–2 nA as a starting point. Higher This is of most importance for low magnification detailed
beam currents will be desirable for faster EBSD map acquisi- scans but may still provide some advantages at higher mag-
tion. Once these conditions are set, a few patterns should be nifications as well. Once the dynamic focus has been prop-
collected. If patterns are of poor quality it may be necessary erly set up, one can collect the desired SEM images of the
to revisit the sample preparation steps used and modify them sample.
in order to reduce the surface damage. Although some fine EBSD is useful for a range of samples that include elec-
29 tuning of the microscope operating conditions may improve trical conductors, like metals through electrically insulating
the pattern quality, microscope operating conditions cannot oxide. For insulating samples or metal samples mounted for
make up for poor quality patterns due to inadequate sample metallography, methods must be employed to reduce charg-
preparation. ing of the sample. Sample charging is an important issue as
If good quality patterns are obtained, it now an excellent charging in the extreme can result in pattern distortions to
time to determine that appropriate match units have been the point that the patterns are no longer useful and if only a
selected from a database of crystallographic structures. For minor effect sample drift may result causing the resulting
the highest-quality EBSD work, one should try and calibrate images and maps to be distorted. It is sometimes adequate
the EBSD camera geometry for each experiment. Modern to sputter coat samples to ensure conductivity. However,
systems will use one of the known phases from the sample (if this coating should be kept as thin as possible and it is best
you have a known phase) and the crystallographic data file to use metal films rather than carbon coating as the conduc-
selected to try and index one or multiple diffraction patterns. tivity of metal coating are usually much higher. If the sam-
Once a match has been found, the software will attempt to ple cannot be coated there is another approach that has been
vary the calibration parameters to select the parameters that found to be quite useful and that is the use of variable pres-
give the best fit to the observed EBSD pattern. Once this is sure in the sample chamber. The introduction of a low pres-
done one can assume the system is adequately calibrated. It is sure, generally only a few 10–20 Pa, is required to reduce
recommended though that multiple points be tried to make charging effects for EBSD. If a pressure that is too high is
sure calibration is optimal. utilized there will be a noticeable degradation of the pattern
As discussed, EBSD is not a method that is routinely used quality due to scattering of the electrons between the sample
to determine the crystal structure of the sample, although and the phosphor screen. Thus, some trial and error may be
there has been work in this area, but it is a method that required to set the conditions correctly (El-Dasher and
requires suitable match units to successfully index the EBSD Torres 2009).
patterns. Excellent quality EBSD patterns will not be indexed There is no absolutely correct way to set up EBSD map
if an incorrect candidate unit cell has been selected. One parameters due to the variety of sample types and the
should attempt to index a few of the patterns obtained from information that may be required. There are a few simple
the sample with the selected candidate unit cells. If indexing things that can be done to ensure that quality orientation
is not possible, then it may be necessary to change the candi- data are collected. One, the most important is to determine
date unit cell and attempt indexing. In the case of a multi-­ the step size that will be used for the EBSD map. If too
phase sample it is important to collect patterns from all of the large of a step size is selected, important details of the
phases and insure that they can be indexed from the list of microstructure may be missed; and conversely if too fine of
candidate unit cells. a step size is used, the resulting maps may be of high qual-
ity but will have taken much longer to acquire than if a
Adjust SEM and Select EBSD Map Parameters larger step size had been selected. One strategy for an
The analysis is now at the point where the quality of the EBSD unknown sample is to start with a coarse step size so that a
patterns and therefore the sample preparation has been rather quick map can be obtained and allow better sam-
assessed and found to be adequate. The sample has been cor- pling strategies to be developed. The large step size map
rectly positioned within the microscope with respect to col- will allow the user to determine if the candidate match
lecting data that is referenced to the sample and the phase or phases are appropriate, get an estimate of the
microscope operating conditions have been optimized. The grain size and to begin to visualize the microstructure of
EBSD collection is nearly ready to proceed with a few other the sample. The large-step-size image will then allow a bet-
details. ter selection of step size for more detailed studies. One rule
First, due to the high tilt of the sample it will be apparent of thumb is that at least 10 points across the diameter of a
at lower magnifications that the areas of the sample away grain are required for a reasonable assessment of the
from the focus point will be out of focus. The best way to grain size.
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
505 29
Run the Automated Map physical direction. In order to understand inverse pole figure
Once all of the previous steps have been carried out it is now maps it is important to understand what are pole figures and
time to collect the crystallographic orientations. Once the inverse pole figures and how to interpret them.
run is started the software will collect an EBSD pattern at Pole figures are used to answer the question, Where does
each pixel, detect the bands in the EBSD pattern, calculate a particular crystallographic direction or plane fall in space
the best fit to the band positions using the candidate crystal relative to some arbitrary physical sample direction or plane?
structures, calculate the unit cell orientation, save the infor- Pole figures have been used for many years and are very com-
mation and move to the next pixel and repeat this series. mon in the preferred orientation or texture literature. In
Even though modern EBSD systems are capable of running many cases a single pole figure does not provide sufficient
100–1000 patterns each second, larger maps may consist of information and additional pole figures of other crystallo-
more than a million pixels and thus require hours or days to graphic directions are required. A pole figure is simply a ste-
collect. A map of 2000 × 1000 pixels taken at a setting that reogram with the axes defined by the external reference
allows 100 patterns to be collected and analyzed each second frame. It is common for evaporated or deposited thin films to
will require nearly 6 h to complete. Faster acquisition rates have a specific crystallographic direction parallel to the film
are available but at the expense of orientation accuracy or growth direction. . Figure 29.17 is a series of pole figures
noise. Quite often it is most efficient to run these longer from an evaporated Au thin film. In this example we show the
acquisitions overnight when the SEM is not being utilized [111] and the [110] pole figures. For the <111 > pole figure we
anyway. These long acquisition times put extra emphasis in note that there is a large number of poles plotted in the center
the microscope’s environment in order that sample drift due of the pole figure. This shows that many of the pixels in the
to temperature changes or other disturbances are minimized. data set have the <111 > direction aligned with the sample
It is also quite useful to post a note on the operating panel of normal. There are additional rings also in the <111 > pole fig-
the SEM so that the next user does not disturb an ongoing ure. These are a result of there being more than one <111 > type
acquisition or assume that the microscope has been left in a direction in a cubic crystal (in fact there are actually four of
safe condition with respect to the inserted EBSD cameras. these present). In the <110 > pole figure we see that there is a
number of poles in the center of the pole figure indicating
that there are a number of measured pixels with <110 > direc-
29.2.6 Display of the Acquired Data tions parallel to the sample normal direction.
Inverse pole figures are used to answer the question,
EBSD is somewhat unique in analytical techniques as there What crystallographic poles or planes are preferentially par-
are so many ways to present the collected data in meaningful allel or perpendicular to a specific sample direction? We usu-
ways. Of course, everyone likes to produce beautiful color ally again display these with respect to the physical axes of
maps of microstructures, but in reality it is not just the images the microscope or the sample as described for the pole fig-
that are important but the crystallographic data that is con- ures. For inverse pole figures we plot all of the directions that
tained in every point in an image that is important. In order are pointing in a specific direction of the sample. Inverse pole
to get that data, one must begin to use and understand crys- figures are extremely useful for samples where there are spe-
tallographic representations of the sample that are not simple cific axes of the sample that have a preferred crystallographic
images. Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter to direction. . Figure 29.18 is an example of inverse pole figures
describe every possible way that EBSD data can be displayed plotted for the same Au-thin film shown in . Fig. 29.17. It is
it is important to at least introduce these and how they might often helpful to show all three orthogonal directions so that
be utilized (Randle and Engler 2000). the preferred texture can be visualized. Note that the inverse
Quite often, the first map that EBSD practitioners display pole figures of . Fig. 29.18 show exactly the same informa-
is called a band contrast or an image quality map or other tion that is shown in . Fig. 29.17. It is sometimes helpful to
names depending on the particular vendor involved. These first plot the inverse pole figures as they will give an indica-
images are most commonly shown as gray-scale images tion of the samples texture without plotting pole figures of
where the gray level is scaled by some measure of the quality many different directions. The Z or surface normal direction
of the pixel by pixel EBSD pattern. The sharper or more of the inverse pole figures of . Fig. 29.18 is the one that car-
defined the pattern is the higher the gray level in the image. ries the most information about the sample. Here we see the
These images can be striking representations of the micro- high density of pixel orientations that are clustered around
structure of the sample and can reveal microstructural details the <111 > and less so around the <110 > directions.
not clearly visible in either light-optical microscope images Once we are familiar with the concepts of pole figures
or secondary or backscattered electron images in the SEM. and inverse pole figures, we can then go ahead and under-
One of the most common ways to display EBSD orienta- stand inverse pole figure maps which are one of the more
tion data is with orientation maps. More accurately these are common ways that EBSD orientation data is shown. An
called inverse pole figure maps with respect to a specific inverse pole figure map extends the idea of an inverse pole
506 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

..      Fig. 29.17 Pole figures

for an evaporated Au thin film
constructed from EBSD data. In Y0 Pole figure
the <110 > pole figure all of the <110>
<110 > directions are shown with [Au_20kv_5kx_280pa_r:
respect to the growth direction. Iron fcc (m3m)
Note that there is some intensity Complete data set
in the center of the pole figure as 39083 data points
a result of some of the grains hav- Equal Area projection
ing a <110 > pole parallel to the Upper hemisphere
sample normal direction. In the
<111 > pole figure note that there
is large number of <111 > pole
29 plotted in the center of the pole
figure. This demonstrates that
the majority of the grains have
a <111 > direction parallel to the
sample surface normal

Y0 Pole figure
Iron fcc (m3m)
Complete data set
39083 data points
Equal Area projection
Upper hemisphere

29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
507 29

x0 Inverse Pole Figure 001 x0 Inverse Pole Figure

001 (Folded) (Folded)
[Au_20kv_5kx_280pa_r: [Au_20kv_5kx_280pa_r:
Iron fcc (m3m) Iron fcc (m3m)
Complete data set Complete data set
39083 data points 39083 data points
Equal Area projection Equal Area projection
Upper hermisphere Upper hermisphere


101 101

z0 Inverse Pole Figure

001 (Folded)
Iron fcc (m3m)
Complete data set
39083 data points
Equal Area projection
Upper hermisphere



..      Fig. 29.18 Inverse pole figures that show the same data as the pole direction. The X and Y pole figures show where the other <111 > poles
figures in . Fig. 29.9. The three directions X, Y, and Z (parallel to the plot. The smaller density of poles near the <110 > apex of the triangle
samples surface normal) are shown. The high density of poles plotted indicates that there are a few pixels with a <110 > direction parallel to
near the <111 > apex of the stereographic triangle indicates that many the sample surface normal
of the measured pixels had <111 > parallel to the sample surface normal

figure to an image. In order to do this we must first assign a figures (. Fig. 29.17) or inverse pole figures (. Fig. 29.18).
color to each direction in the inverse pole figure stereo- When inverse pole figure maps are displayed it is important
graphic triangle. A common way this is done is shown in to always include the reference direction, otherwise it is dif-
. Fig. 29.19. Inverse pole figure maps are then plotted by ficult or impossible for the viewer to make sense of the infor-
mapping the orientation of each pixel onto the color key mation shown. . Figure 29.20 is an inverse pole figure map
shown in . Fig. 29.19. . Figure 29.20 is an inverse pole figure with respect to the surface normal direction or the Z direc-
map produced from the same data that is shown as pole tion. Thus, the map is mostly blue, indicating that most of the
508 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

grains have an <111 > direction normal to the sample sur- 29.2.7 Other Map Components
face. There are also some areas that are green in the map and
these areas have an <110 > direction parallel to the surface Once the orientations of the pixels in an array are known, it is
normal. The inverse pole figure map with respect to the X now possible to add additional information to the maps.
direction looks totally different to the Z inverse pole figure There are many possible components the can be plotted based
map. Both of these are shown in . Fig. 29.20. on EBSD data. One of the easiest components to add is that of
grain boundaries. Grain boundaries are the planes (which
intersect the planar surface as lines) that separate two regions
of different crystallographic orientations. It is fairly trivial to
IPF colouring Iron fcc
calculate the change in orientations between two pixels. If we
29 111 do this for an entire map we can then plot lines where the dif-
ference in orientations between two adjacent pixels exceeds a
predefined limit. It is typically assumed that a grain boundary
is represented by a change in orientation that exceeds 10°.
. Figure 29.20 has black lines plotted where the change in ori-
entation exceeds this limit and thus the map shows the size of
individual grains even though they are of consistent color due
to the grain orientations with respect to the sample normal.

29.2.8  angers and Practice of “Cleaning”


Many of the currently available software platforms for EBSD

001 101
allow users to modify the inverse pole figure maps in order to
improve their appearance only (Brewer and Michael 2010).
..      Fig. 29.19 Typical color key used for inverse pole figure maps. This There are always pixels in a map that are either not indexed due
color key is used to color each pixel in an image to produce an inverse to pattern quality or many other reasons or that are mis-­
pole figure map or image. Thus, if a pixel has a <001 > direction parallel
indexed due to some sort of symmetry issues or multiple pos-
to a specific direction then we use this inverse pole figure key to plot
that pixel as red. Or conversely, if we observe a red pixel in an orienta- sible solutions to the bands that are found. These cleaning
tion map we know the orientation of that pixel is close to <100 > paral- routines normally perform two separate operations. The first
lel to the plotted direction step is to remove the mis-indexed pixels. These pixels usually

..      Fig. 29.20 Inverse pole figure maps from the X-direction (left) and the Z-direction (right). This is the same data that is shown in . Figs. 29.9
and 29.10. Inverse pole figure maps show the pixel-by-pixel or spatial arrangements of the crystal orientations (Bar = 5 µm)
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
509 29
show up as single pixels surrounded by correctly indexed pix- the acronym for transmission electron backscattered diffraction,
els. The software searches through the data and where there is which is a rather non-physical description due to the inclusion
a single pixel of a different orientation surrounded by pixels of of both transmission and backscattered in the name) is the
a different but similar orientation, the single mis-­indexed pixel transmission analog to EBSD is a way to achieve extremely high
is replaced by the average of the surrounding orientations. The spatial resolution for crystallographic orientation or phase map-
next step is to deal with the pixels that are not indexed. The ping (Keller and Geiss 2012; Trimby 2012). TKD is realized by
same procedure is applied as with the single mis-indexed pixels using an electron-transparent sample, as in the transmission
in that kernel math is used. Each individual pixel has six near- electron microscope, that is held at normal or near- normal inci-
est neighbors. If a cleaning procedure that requires six nearest dence with respect to the electron beam while a standard EBSD
neighbors to agree then the single un-indexed pixel is assigned camera is placed at the exit surface of the sample, as shown in
the average orientation of it’s nearest neighbors. These proce- . Fig. 29.21. Here the electron beam accelerating voltage must
dures allow the user to select the number of nearest neighbors be high and the sample must be thin in order for transmission of
that must agree and using less than six nearest neighbors allows the electrons to occur. The maximum beam energy typically
larger regions of pixels with no correct indexing to be replaced. available in modern SEMs is 30 kV, which requires that the sam-
Use of these procedures can be very dangerous and must be ple must be quite thin. The use of a thin sample limits the size of
disclosed when inverse pole figure maps are published. the beam interaction volume within the sample and immedi-
ately improves the spatial resolution of TKD. In addition, the
fact that the sample may be oriented normal to the incident elec-
29.2.9  ransmission Kikuchi Diffraction
T tron beam further improves the resolution to the point that
in the SEM 2-nm spatial resolution has been achieved in TKD. It is incredi-
bly fortuitous that the TKD patterns are extremely similar in
One of the limitations of EBSD is that the resolution is com- appearance to EBSD patterns, as shown in . Fig. 29.22, and can
promised by the fact that the patterns are formed by back- be collected with the same cameras and the same analysis soft-
scattered electrons and that the sample is highly tilted leading ware as is used for EBSD. There are two main disadvantages to
to the previously mentioned fact that the resolution perpen- TKD. First, it may be difficult to produce appropriate thin sam-
dicular to the tilt axis is much worse than that parallel to the ples. However, most laboratories will have access to a dual-plat-
tilt axis. The resolution can be greatly improved if the back- form FIB/SEM and thin samples prepared with FIB are perfectly
scattered volume is reduced and the geometrical factors are adequate for TKD. The second disadvantage is that when a small
reduced. One could image EBSD at reduced voltages to pixel size is needed, it is difficult to map larger regions. For
reduce the interaction volume, but this process has practical example, if a map step size of 4 nm is selected, a 1000 × 1000 pixel
limitations related to the need for increased sample prepara- map will only cover 4 × 4 μm. However, if orientation mapping
tion quality. Also, improved EBSD cameras would be needed of extremely fine grained material is needed, TKD may be the
to take advantage of lower voltage operation. Lower voltage only way to achieve the resolution needed.
operation does nothing to reduce the geometrical effects. A typical TKD map acquired at 30 kV of a thinned sam-
Transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD, although some in ple of polycrystalline Si layers in a semiconductor device is
the literature have referred to this method as t-EBSD, which is shown in . Fig. 29.23. This map was acquired with a step size

a b

..      Fig. 29.21 Detector and sample positioning for transmission detector. Note row of solid state detectors located on the detector for
Kikuchi diffraction. a The detector shown is an on-axis detector. collecting transmission images of the sample. b Sample and detector
Sample and detector positioned and inserted for TKD with an on-axis arrangement for TKD with a conventional style EBSD detector
510 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM


..      Fig. 29.22 TKD patterns collected at 30 kV from a thin sample of austenite. The imaging conditions and sample thickness result in either
typical-appearing Kikuchi patterns, as shown in the left image; or if the sample is very thin, spot patterns can be collected (right)

a b

..      Fig. 29.23 TKD of polycrystalline Si layers in a semiconductor device. These maps were acquired at 30 kV with a 6-nm step size. a Band quality
image of the Si layers. b Orientation map with respect to the growth direction of the polycrystalline Si layers

of 6 nm and demonstrates the superior resolution that can be their thermal history. One example of this will be illustrated
attained with think samples and the TKD method. with the Gibeon meteorite. There has been interest in
understanding the beautiful Widmanstatten pattern that is
seen in these meteorites and how this two phase structure
29.2.10 Application Example of ferrite (body-centered cubic crystal structure) and aus-
tenite (face-centered cubic crystal structure). Previous
 pplication of EBSD To Understand Meteorite
A work had studied the formation of this structure and most
Formation of those studies had assumed that at high temperatures in
EBSD has found application in many materials studies from the parent asteroid the meteorite consisted of very large
ceramics, to semiconductors to metals and alloys. It has also grains of austenite. During the cooling of this meteorite in
has been applied to understanding metallic meteorites and space over many millions of years the austenite was assumed
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
511 29
..      Fig. 29.24 a EBSD inverse
pole figure map with respect
to the sample normal direction
that is constructed by tiling 220
separate 1 × 1-mm maps. The
­interesting Widmanstatten pat-
tern can be seen in the large
ferrite plates that are running
nearly the length of the image.
This map contains both indexed
­austenite and f­ errite; although
at this scale only the larger fer-
rite is visible. b This is the same
area as shown in . Fig. 29.23a,
but now we ­present the ferrite
as a band c­ ontrast or a measure
of the p ­ attern sharpness and
the ­austenite in the colors of b
the inverse pole figure map
with respect to the sample
normal ­direction. The amazing
­observation from this EBSD data
is that the a­ ustenite has the same
orientation throughout the large
22 × 10-mm area, which leads
to the i­nterpretation that the
­austenite is retained from the
original parent body

to have fully transformed to ferrite. On further cooling, the The ferrite pole figures are much more complicated and are a
ferrite, super-saturated with Ni, then was thought to decom- result of the many variants of ferrite that form from a single
pose to the two phase ferrite plus austenite structure. orientation of austenite.
However, EBSD has shown that this is not be the correct There are also regions in . Fig. 29.24a that are very fine
path for the observed microstructural evolution (Goldstein grained and difficult to resolve with the 3-μm step size used.
and Michael 2006). Further examination of the microstructure showed that these
. Figure 29.24a is a large-area EBSD map acquired by regions were extremely fine grained and required higher res-
mapping smaller areas of about 1 × 1 mm and tiling together olution than can be achieved with using bulk EBSD. Due to
220 of these tiles into a large area map that covers 22 × 10 mm the small feature size in these areas, TKD is an excellent
with a 3-μm step size. The sample was mechanically polished method to utilize. . Figure 29.26 is a secondary electron
using standard metallographic practice followed by a few image of a focused ion beam produced thin sample. Also
hours of vibratory polishing on colloidal silica. The entire shown is a scanning transmission electron image acquired at
map shown consists of a more than 25 million individual pix- 30 kV which demonstrates that the sample is sufficiently thin
els. The general microstructure at a low magnification is for the transmission of 30 kV electrons. . Figure 29.27 is the
clearly visible in . Fig. 29.24a. . Figure 29.24b shows a band resulting TKD map and phase information obtained from the
contrast image of the ferrite and the austenite as an inverse thin sample using an on-axis TKD detector. The step size for
pole figure map with respect to the sample surface normal. this image was 4 nm. It is now clear from these images that
Note that all of the austenite has the same or very close to the the fine-grained regions in . Fig. 29.24a consist of regions of
same orientation, as shown by the austenite all of the same single crystal austenite that can be seen in . Fig. 29.24b but
color in the inverse pole figure map. This is an important also regions of ferrite that have begun to decompose during
observation as the austenite could not have formed from pre- cooling to the equilibrium austenite plus ferrite that would be
cipitation from the ferrite but must be remnants of the origi- expected. The presence of twinned austenite precipitates is
nal large austenite grains found in the parent meteorite body somewhat surprising, but may be explained by some of the
at elevated temperatures early in the meteorites life. This is stress in the sample during transformation.
further demonstrated by the pole figures shown in This example shows how EBSD and TKD may be applied
. Fig. 29.25. The austenite pole figures show that there is only to complex microstructures and how the use of TKD is
a single orientation of austenite in the 22 mm × 10 mm area. extremely complementary to EBSD. The visualization of the
512 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

{100} {110} {111}



{100} {110} {111}


..      Fig. 29.25 Pole figures from the austenite (top) and the ferrite (bot- also observed from . Fig. 29.23b. The complexity of the ferrite pole
tom). In the austenite pole figures the single orientation of the austen- figures is due to the many crystallographic variants of ferrite that form
ite is shown by the arrangements of the poles that are shown. This was from the single orientation of austenite

a b

..      Fig. 29.26 A thin sample made for TKD of the fine two phase regions image of the thinned sample. b Scanning transmission electron image of
in the Gibeon meteorite. The sample was prepared with conventional FIB the sample at 30 kV
followed by low voltage ion FIB milling at 5 kV. a Secondary electron SEM
29.2 · Electron Backscatter Diffraction in the Scanning Electron Microscope
513 29

a b

..      Fig. 29.27 TKD phase and orientation maps acquired from the thin colored red and ferrite green. b Orientation map of both the austenite
sample shown in . Fig. 29.18. The data was acquired at a beam volt- and ferrite phases. Note the fine-scale twinning that occurs in the aus-
age of 30 kV with a step size of 4 nm. This data was collected using an tenite precipitates
on-axis TKD detector, as shown in . Fig. 29.13a. a Map with austenite

texture of the samples and an understanding of the fine by charging of the polymer material. It is satisfactory to
details present in the microstructure were extremely useful lightly conductively coat the specimen for EBSD analysis
in determining the cooling history and the microstructural provided the coating is kept as thin as possible while remain-
development in this meteorite. It should also not be lost on ing adequate for charge removal.
the reader that EBSD and the related TKD span a huge range Non-conductive samples may also be lightly coated for
of length scales from collecting large mm sized regions to analysis as discussed above. It is also possible to utilize the
using extremely small step sizes to elucidate the nm scalede- variable pressure mode of operation to reduce charging
tails of the microstructure. related artifacts. One must carefully choose the correct pres-
sure to be used as too high of a pressure will result in blurred
patterns due to scattering in the gas and too low of a pressure
29.2.11 Summary may not control the charging.
Proper positioning of the specimen within the SEM is criti-
EBSD and the related technique of TKD are an important cal. One must remember that the sample will be tilted to a high
part of crystalline materials characterization in the SEM. With angle for analysis. The high tilt required for EBSD will limit
EBSD the SEM can now be considered a complete materials how tall the sample is and how it must be mounted on the SEM
characterization tool that can not only take excellent quality sample stage. A sample that is too short may also present dif-
images of samples but can determine the elemental constitu- ficulties in positioning the sample in the proper location.
ents of the sample as well as the detailed crystallography.
EBSD Detector
Due to the limited space in most SEM sample chambers, it
is best to position the sample so that the sample is tilted
29.2.12  lectron Backscatter Diffraction
E appropriately and the area to be analyzed is in the field of
Checklist view. Once the sample position has been established the
EBSD detector should be introduced. The exact location of
Specimen Considerations the detector is not extremely important, but the sample to
EBSD requires a properly prepared sample that is securely detector distance should be sufficiently short so that a large
attached to an appropriate support as the sample will be tilted solid angle can be obtained and the brightest part of the pat-
to high angles to facilitate EBSD pattern acquisition. The tern located in the upper half of the detector image. It is
sample surface should be free of artifacts due to sample prep- very important to keep in mind the position of the sample
aration. Due to the high sample tilt and the generally long and the detector as there are two kinds of people who use
acquisition times required for EBSD, carbon tape is not a EBSD: Those who have hit the EBSD detector and those
good choice as it tends to creep allowing the sample to move who will. So be careful when moving the sample and the
causing drift related image issues. Samples mounted in epoxy detector. A chamberscope is absolutely required for safe
metallographic mounting materials are subject to drift caused EBSD operation.
514 Chapter 29 · Characterizing Crystalline Materials in the SEM

 election of Candidate Crystallographic

S modern systems is entirely automatic provided a suitable
Phases match unit has been specified. It is important that once a cali-
EBSD requires the possible phases that will be analyzed to be bration has been established that the sample to detector
selected before the analysis is started. Generally, EBSD is geometry not be altered or a new calibration will need to be
conducted on samples that are already well characterized determined.
with respect to the phases that are present. Modern systems
are capable of sorting through a large number of phases to Selection of EBSD Acquisition Parameters
match with the experimental patterns, but the operator Successful orientation mapping will depend on careful selec-
should try to keep this list to a minimum to allow maximum tion of the mapping parameters and the most important of
speed of acquisition. There are many databases that provide these is specifying the step size or the spacing between indi-
29 crystallographic data and it is also possible for the operator to vidual measurement points. A selection of a spacing that is
input specific descriptions of unit cells. too large risks missing the important microstructural fea-
tures and a spacing that is too small will require longer acqui-
 icroscope Operating Conditions and Pattern
M sition times with little gain in information. A good starting
Optimization point is to plan on between four and ten pixels or measure-
It is difficult to recommend specific operating conditions for ments across the smallest features to be studied. This sam-
EBSD of all samples, but there are starting conditions that pling will provide quality images and data while not wasting
should allow the system to be set up efficiently. It is suggested time acquiring redundant information.
that 20 kV and a beam current of a few nanoamperes is a At this time it is useful to acquire electron images of the
good starting point for EBSD analysis. The quality of EBSD region of interest. Secondary electron imaging may show
patterns can be rapidly assessed under these conditions. For some surface features but imaging of highly polished samples
faster acquisition higher beam current is always better, as may not provide useful information. The use of forescattered
long as the resolution is consistent with the microstructural detectors is recommended as there is a good signal level and
length scales that are to be studied. Higher operating voltages forescattered images often show surprising high grain
are also sometimes useful with coated samples, and lower contrast.
voltages may be used to provide an improved spatial resolu-
tion at the expense of acquisition speed. The operator should
Collect the Orientation Map
strive for clear patterns. In most commercial systems, the Now that the experimental conditions for the EBSD acquisi-
operator has a choice of the pattern resolution that is to be tion have been selected it is often best to collect a small map
collected. For many orientation studies, the largest number to determine if the parameters selected are capable of pro-
of pixels is almost never needed and the EBSD detector is ducing a quality result. One of the most common ways to
binned to produce larger pixels. For example, a typical EBSD judge a quality result is to look at the number or the fraction
detector may have a maximum pixel resolution of 1600 × of pixels in the map that have been successfully indexed to a
1200, but one would not use the full resolution and would certain level of confidence. Modern systems on well-polished
select to bin the result; so, for example, 4 × 4 binning would samples can be capable of indexing 95 % or more of the pix-
result in an EBSD pattern with 400 × 300 pixels. Binning els. Of course second phase fractions and grain size can influ-
helps with pattern quality as larger pixels collect more signal ence the number of indexed patterns. It is not always
and thus increasing the S/N of the pattern. Binning of the necessary to have 95 % of the pixels indexed to obtain a useful
detector allows higher speed acquisitions to be achieved. result. If a high fraction of the pixels are not indexed it is
Additional increases in pattern quality can be achieved at the important to understand the reasons. If the correct phase or
expense of collection speed. phases have been selected then it may be that the system was
Once the detector settings have been determined it is also not calibrated adequately. If the selected phases are correct
necessary to select the background removal method. Modern and the calibration is correct then it is possible that sample
EBSD systems have many methods for background removal preparation was not optimal or the sample is heavily
while older systems will be limited. Correct background cor- deformed, leading to the low fraction of indexed pixels. Once
rection is important to maximize the signal content of the a satisfactory indexing rate is achieved in the test map it is
patterns while suppressing the high background contribu- now reasonable to select a larger area for orientation map-
tion that is always present. For polycrystalline samples, it is ping and proceed with mapping.
easy to scan a large representative region of the sample which
collects the average background levels without the sharp dif-
fraction features. Other methods that utilize a software blur- References
ring algorithm may also be utilized and can be better than the
collected back ground method. Brewer L, Michael J (2010) Risks of ‘cleaning’ electron backscatter data.
Microsc Today 18:10
Now that the sample and the detector position are set and Britton T, Jiang J, Guo Y, Vilalta-Clemente A, Wallis D, Hansen L,
beam conditions that provide useful EBSD patterns are estab- Winkelmann A, Wilkinson A (2016) Tutorial: crystal orientations and
lished, it is now time to calibrate the system. Calibration on EBSD – or which way is up. Mater Charact 117:113
515 29
Coates D (1967) Kikuchi-like reflection patterns observed in the scan- Michael J, Goehner R (1996) Phase identification in a scanning electron
ning electron microscope. Philos Mag 16:1179 microscope using backscattered electron Kikuchi patterns. J Res
Deal A, Hooghan T, Eades A (2008) Energy-filtered electron backscatter Natl Inst Stand Technol 101:301
diffraction. Ultramicroscopy 108:116 Morin P, Pitaval M, Besnard D, Fontaine G (1979) Electron channeling
Dingley D, Wright S (2009) Phase identification through symmetry deter- imaging a scanning electron microscopy. Philos Mag 40:511–524
mination in EBSD patterns. In: Schwarz AJ, Kumar M, Adams BL, Field Newbury D, Joy D, Echlin P, Fiori C, Goldstein J (1986) Electron channel-
DP (eds) Electron backscatter diffraction in materials science, 2nd ing contrast in the SEM. In: Advanced scanning electron microscopy
edn. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, p 97 and X-ray microanalysis. Plenum Press, New York, p 87
El-Dasher BS, Torres SG (2009) Electron backscatter diffraction in low Randle V (2013) Microtexture determination and its applications, 2nd
vacuum conditions. In: Schwarz AJ, Kumar M, Adams BL, Field DP edn. Maney, London
(eds) Electron backscatter diffraction in materials science, 2nd edn. Randle V, Engler O (2000) Introduction to texture analysis: macrotex-
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York ture, microtexture and orientation mapping. Gordon and Breach
Goldstein J, Michael J (2006) The formation of plessite in meteoritic Science Publications, Amsterdam
metal. Meteorit Planet Sci 41:553 Rousseau JJ (1998) Basic crystallography. Wiley, New York
Hirsch P, Howie A, Nicholson R, Pashley D, Whelan M (1965) Electron Schwarzer R, Field D, Adams B, Kumar M, Schwartz A (2009) Present
microscopy of thin crystals. Butterworths, London, p 85 state of electron backscatter diffraction and prospective develop-
Kamaladasa R, Picard Y (2010) Basic principles and application of elec- ments. In: Schwarz AJ, Kumar M, Adams BL, Field DP (eds) Electron
tron channeling in a scanning electron microscope for disloca- backscatter diffraction in materials science, 2nd edn. Kluwer
tion analysis. In: Mendez-Villas A, Diez J (eds) Microscopy: Science, Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, p 1
Technology, applications and education. Formatex: Spain Trimby P (2012) Orientation mapping of nanostructured materials using
Keller R, Geiss R (2012) Transmission EBSD from 10 nm domains in a transmission Kikuchi diffraction in the scanning electron micro-
scanning electron microscope. J Microsc 245:245 scope. Ultramicroscopy 120:16
McKie D, McKie C (1986) Essentials of crystallography. Blackwell Wilkinson A, Meaden G, Dingley D (2006) High-resolution elastic strain
Scientific Publications, Boston measurement from electron backscatter diffraction patterns: new
Michael J (2000) Phase identification using EBSD in the SEM. In: Schwarz levels of sensitivity. Mater Sci Technol 22:1271
AJ, Kumar M, Adams BL (eds) Electron backscatter diffraction in Winkelmann A (2009) Dynamical simulation of electron backscatter dif-
materials science. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, fraction patterns. In: Electron backscatter diffraction in materials
p 75 science. Springer US, pp 21–33
517 30

Focused Ion Beam Applications

in the SEM Laboratory
30.1 Introduction – 518

30.2 Ion–Solid Interactions – 518

30.3 Focused Ion Beam Systems – 519

30.4 Imaging with Ions – 520

30.5 Preparation of Samples for SEM – 521

30.5.1 Cross-Section Preparation – 522
30.5.2 FIB Sample Preparation for 3D Techniques and Imaging – 524

30.6 Summary – 526

References – 528

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
518 Chapter 30 · Focused Ion Beam Applications in the SEM Laboratory

30.1 Introduction the sample in terms of ion implantation and loss of crystal-
line structure. Sputtering is the process that removes atoms
The use of focused ion beams (FIB) in the field of electron from the target. Secondary electron production is important
microscopy for the preparation of site specific samples and as images formed with secondary electrons induced by ions
for imaging has become very common. Site specific sample have some important advantages over electron-induced sec-
preparation of cross-section samples is probably the most ondary electron imaging. Finally, it is important to realize
common use of the focused ion beam tools, although there that it is impossible to have an ion beam interact with a sam-
are uses for imaging with secondary electrons produced by ple without some form of damage occurring that leaves the
the ion beam. These tools are generally referred to as FIB sample different than before the ion irradiation.
tools, but this name covers a large range of actual tools. There A schematic diagram of the interactions is shown in
are single beam FIB tools which consist of the FIB column on . Fig. 30.1. Here an energetic ion is injected into a crystalline
a chamber and also the FIB/SEM platforms that include both sample. The ion enters the sample at position 1. The ion is
a FIB column for sample preparation and an SEM column for then deflected by interactions with the atomic nuclei and the
30 observing the sample during preparation and for analyzing electron charges. As the ion moves through the sample it has
the sample post-preparation using all of the imaging modali- sufficient energy to knock other atoms off their respective lat-
ties and analytical tools available on a standard SEM column. tice positions as shown at position 2. The target atoms that
A vast majority of the FIB tools presently in use are equipped are knocked off their atomic positions can have enough
with liquid metal ion sources (LMIS) and the most common energy to knock other target atoms off their atomic positions
ion species used is Ga. Recent developments have produced as shown at position 3. Some of the atoms that have been
plasma sources for high current ion beams. The gas field ion knocked from their atomic positions may reoccupy a lattice
source (GFIS) is discussed in module 31 on helium ion position or may end up in interstitial sites. There can also be
microscopy in this book. lattice sites that are not reoccupied by target atoms and are
This chapter will first review ion/solid interactions that left as vacancies. Both interstitials and vacancies are consid-
are important to our use of FIB tools to produce samples that ered damage to the crystalline structure of the sample as
are representative of the original material. This discussion shown in position 4. Most of the time, the original beam ion
will then be followed by how FIB tools are used for special- will end up coming to rest within the sample. This is termed
ized imaging of samples and how they are used to prepare ion implantation and is shown at position 5. Ion implantation
samples for a variety of SEM techniques. results in the detection of the ion beam species in the sample.
Many of the collision cascades will eventually reach the sur-
face of the sample. Sufficient energy may be imparted to
30.2 Ion–Solid Interactions knock an atom from the surface into the vacuum. This pro-
cess is called sputtering and results in a net loss of material
It is important to understand some of the ion-solid interac- from the sample as shown in position 6. At the same time
tions that occur so that the user can appreciate why certain when the ion is either entering or leaving the sample, second-
methods and procedures are followed during sample prepa- ary electrons are generated that are useful for producing
ration. There are many events that occur when an energetic images of the sample surface scanned by the ion beam. It is
ion interacts with the atoms in a solid, but for the case of SEM important to remember that scanning an energetic ion beam
sample preparation and ion imaging we are mainly interested over the surface of the sample will always result in some
in sputtering, secondary electron production and damage to damage to the sample. Understanding the interaction of ions

..      Fig. 30.1 Schematic of some

of the important ion–solid inter- Incident
actions that can occur primary Ga Secondary 6 Sputtered
electrons species
1 e e


Implanted Ga atom
30.3 · Focused Ion Beam Systems
519 30
source or a plasma source to produce ion beams with variable
100 current to allow both large volume removal and fine scale
Ga polishing of the sample. Both the LMIS and the plasma
source have advantages and disadvantages. The most com-
80 mon LMIS produces Ga ions, while it is common for the
plasma sources to utilize inert gases like Ne, Ar, or Xe. Ga ion
sources have higher brightness as compared to the plasma
Ion range (nm)

sources and thus have higher current densities in the focused
ion spots. Ga is a fairly reactive element, however, and may
result in artifacts when implanted into some materials.
Plasma sources have lower brightness but higher overall cur-
rent than the LMIS sources resulting lower current densities
in the focused spot but much higher total current that allows
much faster material removal rates when compared to LMIS
ion sources. Both the LMIS and the plasma ion source utilize
similar optics to produce focused scanning beams of ions.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 . Figure 30.3 shows a schematic of a typical ion column. This
Target atomic number column resembles a simple SEM column with the exception
that the magnetic lenses that are used to focus electrons are
..      Fig. 30.2 Calculated range for 30-kV Xe and Ga ions as a function
of atomic number

Ion source
with the target material is helpful in reducing the amount of
damage to acceptable or tolerable levels through appropriate
sample preparation techniques. For a complete review of Beam acceptance aperture
ion–solid interactions see Nastasi et al. (1996).
In module 1 on electron–beam specimen interactions, the
range that an electron travels in a sample is discussed. Generally
for medium-energy electrons (15–20 keV) the electron range
in the transition elements is on the order of 1 μm. The ranges Lens 1
of heavy ions like Ga and Xe are extremely short when com-
pared to electron ranges for similar energies. . Figure 30.2 is a
plot of the ion ranges for Xe and Ga as a function of the atomic
number of the target material. Note that the range for either Ga
or Xe ions with an energy of 30 keV is generally much less than
50 nm. Thus, ions travel very short distances in solid targets
and as a result the near surface region of the sample is where
the ion interactions take place and where we expect to see the
crystalline sample damage discussed in . Fig. 30.1 (Nastasi Beam blanking plates
et al. 1996; Ziegler and Biersack 1985).

Beam blanking aperture

30.3 Focused Ion Beam Systems
Deflection octopole
Modern focused ion beam tools are almost always two-­
column systems with a FIB column and an SEM column
mounted on one chamber and both columns focused pre-
Lens 2
cisely on the same region of the sample. This allows one to
use the SEM column to monitor the progress of the FIB mill-
ing that is being performed and to image the sample imme-
diately after preparation. This arrangement also enables the
use of sequential FIB milling and SEM imaging leading to the
capability to produce 3D data sets. There are still some highly
specialized uses for single beam FIB tools; for example, inte-
grated circuit modification is done generally with single
beam FIB tools. Modern FIB systems utilize either a LMIS ..      Fig. 30.3 Schematic of a typical focused ion beam column
520 Chapter 30 · Focused Ion Beam Applications in the SEM Laboratory

not capable of focusing the heavier ions. For ions, the lenses
are electrostatic and require high voltages to focus energetic
ions due to their relatively large mass to charge ratio.
Sample stages must be accurate and reproducible for easy
and efficient FIB processing of samples. There can be multi-
ple stage moves during the preparation of samples in a FIB
tool and each move should be reproducible so that the opera-
tor can easily return to the region of interest. Stage accuracy
and reproducibility has become more important as auto-
mated routines have become common place during the pro-
duction of samples or during sequential milling and imaging
operations (Giannuzzi 2006; Orloff et al. 2003).

30.4 Imaging with Ions
..      Fig. 30.4 Spot burns on a tungsten coated silicon wafer. The beam
Although FIB is usually used to remove material via sputter- was held stationary at each point for 10 s. Top row from left to right: 24
ing, ions produce a large yield of secondary electrons. The pA, 80 pA, 0.23 nA, 0.43 nA, 0.79 nA, and 2.5 nA. Bottom row from left to
right: 9 nA, 23 nA, 47 nA and 65 nA (Bar = 200 µm)
secondary electrons signal can be collected and imaged just
like secondary electrons produced with an electron beam,
which means we can use all of the detectors that we are very where the ion beam is put in spot mode and left stationary so
familiar with from electron beam imaging. This leads to the that the substrate is milled away. The beam size is then some
use of the FIB as an imaging tool sometimes referred to as measure of the size of the spot including the halos around the
scanning ion microscopy. Secondary electrons produced milled area as ion beams suffer significant aberrations as occur
with ions are referred to as ion induced secondary electrons with lenses in the SEM. In both the LMIS and the plasma
(iSE). FIB columns are all equipped with one or more iSE cases, the ion columns are capable of producing symmetric
detectors with the most common one being the ET detector ion beams with the exception that at the larger currents vari-
as used in the SEM. iSE imaging has some advantages over SE ous optical aberrations become dominating and result in a less
imaging in the SEM. First, the ion beam produces many well defined ion beams.
more SEs per incident particle than does a similar current The collection of secondary ions requires an additional
electron beam resulting in a high signal, low noise image. detector that is sensitive to secondary ions and can reject the
Also, it is interesting to note that the iSE signal collected in a signal produced by the secondary electrons. These secondary
FIB is free of the backscattered electron component that ion detectors are often now optional on modern instruments.
reduces contrast in electron beam induced SE images. iSE . Figure 30.5 is a comparison between secondary electron
imaging of surfaces shows topographical contrast that is imaging induced by electrons and secondary ion imaging
familiar to anyone who has operated an SEM. iSE imaging of induced by ion scanning. The sample consists of a tungsten
crystalline samples can produce very striking high contrast wire and a human hair. The electron image shows good surface
grain images due to the higher propensity for ions to channel detail, but the uncoated hair is charging and the surface infor-
along specific crystal planes resulting in a varying iSE yield as mation is somewhat obscured. The secondary ion image shows
a function of grain orientation. no charging artifacts on the human hair but also shows an
During ion imaging of a sample there are other signals increased level of surface detail due to the small escape length
produced that are of limited use. The interaction with the of the secondary ions. One must always remember that imag-
sample causes secondary ions to be ejected from the sample. ing with ions will always cause some level of damage within the
These can be used to form images. However there are few sample (Giannuzzi 2006; Mayer 2007; Michael 2011).
secondary ions produced as compared to the iSE and there- . Figure 30.6 is an electron-induced secondary electron
fore the signals tend to be noisy requiring either longer scan (SE) image of free-machining brass coated with layers of Cu,
times or higher beam currents to be used, both of which will Ni, and Au. Note that free-machining brass contains particles
result in increased levels of sample damage during imaging. of Pb. . Figure 30.6 shows the contrast that we have come to
Resolution of scanning ion microscope images is not just a expect from electron beam induced SE imaging. The higher
function of the beam size that is generated by the ion column. atomic number regions appear brighter as a result of higher
The ultimate resolution of a scanning ion image is a convolu- secondary electron yield that results from the SE2 contribu-
tion of the beam size and some measure of the rate at which tions from the unavoidable backscattered electrons (BSEs).
the sample is milled. Resolution is worse for materials that mill . Figure 30.7 is an iSE image (30 kV Ga) of the identical area
quickly and better for those materials that have a slower sput- of the sample. The various layers are immediately obvious
ter rate (Orloff et al. 1996, 2003). Just like the SEM, as the cur- because the ion channeling contrast is quite strong and the
rent in the probe is increased, the beam size increases. grain structure of each layer is revealed. It can also be
. Figure 30.4 shows spot burns from an LMIS (Ga) column observed that the Pb region and the Au layer are no longer
30.5 · Preparation of Samples for SEM
521 30

b ..      Fig. 30.6 Electron beam (5-kV) induced secondary electron imag-

ing of a free-machining brass (Cu-Zn alloy) that has been coated with
layers of Cu, Ni and Au. Note that the various layers are faintly visible
and that the contrast is as expected with the highest atomic number
region (Pb) brighter than the brass or the Cu and Ni. Au also appears

..      Fig. 30.5 Images of a tungsten wire (left) and a human hair (right).
a Secondary electron image induced by 5-kV electrons. b Ion induced
secondary ion images with 30-kV Ga ions. Note the reduced charging
in the ISE image and the increased surface detail visible in the second-
ary ion image

bright relative to the brass as in . Fig. 30.6. . Figure 30.7 ..      Fig. 30.7 Ion beam (30-kV) induced secondary electron imaging
demonstrates that the iSE yield is not a simple function of the of a free-machining brass (Cu-Zn alloy) that has been coated with lay-
ers of Cu, Ni and Au. Note that the various layers are much more easily
target atomic number (Joy and Michael 2014). Also,
visualized due to the high contrast crystallographic contrast. Also, note
. Fig. 30.7 demonstrates the very strong grain contrast that that the brightness of the phases can no longer be interpreted strictly
can be observed in many crystalline materials. This grain by atomic number. Here the Pb and the Au regions appear with lower
contrast is due to the way that the crystallography of the sam- signal levels than does the brass or the Cu and Ni layers
ple impacts the penetration depth of the primary beam ions
and therefore the iSE yield. Small changes in the ion beam
incident angle can change the grain contrast that is observed. 30.5 Preparation of Samples for SEM
Thus, if you are trying to determine the nature of the contrast
that is observed in a crystalline sample it is a simple matter to FIB–based sample preparation for SEM is a large field due to
tilt the sample 2–4° and observe how the contrast changes. If the versatility of modern SEMs and the many techniques that
the contrast is due to ion channeling then the contrast are utilized. One of the most common uses of FIB is for sub-
between grains should change (Giannuzzi and Michael 2013). tractive processing of the sample in that the FIB is used to
522 Chapter 30 · Focused Ion Beam Applications in the SEM Laboratory

sputter site specific regions of the sample to produce cross equipped with gas injectors that can be used during sample
sections. It is also common to produce samples that are preparation. Common precursor gasses used can deposit
manipulated from the bulk for study. One example is the tungsten, platinum, or carbon. Each of these materials works
extraction and production of thin samples for transmission quite well to protect the region of interest from the ion beam.
Kikuchi diffraction as discussed in module 29 on electron The precursor gasses are delivered to the sample surface
backscatter diffraction. FIB has become an indispensable through a small needle that is placed in very close proximity
tool in the production of electron transparent samples for to the area of interest. Either the ion beam or the electron
STEM/TEM and now the FIB can produce samples that are beam can be scanned over the area of interest. Some of the
sufficiently thin for transmission imaging in the SEM at gas molecules that are delivered through the needle absorb
30 keV using the STEM-in-SEM technique. FIB sample prep- on to the sample surface where combined action of the pri-
aration is applicable to many materials classes that are imaged mary beam (electron or ion) and the secondary electrons
in the SEM including polymers, metal, semiconductors, and produced by the interaction of the beam with the sample
ceramics. decomposes the absorbed gas. This leaves behind a deposit
30 that contains the desired material but also includes the ion
beam species (if ions were used) and some residual organics
30.5.1 Cross-Section Preparation from the precursor. Due to the short range of ions in materi-
als, the protective layer need not be very thick; but typically
In materials characterization it is often of interest to image a most applications use about 1 μm to provide protection and
section of the sample that is not visible from a planar section. for ease of subsequent milling of the sample. . Figure 30.9
In this case, the FIB is used to mill away material to expose a shows a cross section produced in a sulfide copper test cou-
cross sectional view of the sample, as shown schematically in pon where the objective of the experiment was to measure
. Fig. 30.8. There are many ways to accomplish this and in the rate of sulfide growth in accelerated aging conditions. The
many modern FIB tools this process is fully automated and first step (. Fig. 30.9a) is to deposit the protective platinum
the user must simply indicate where the cross section is to be layer on the area to be sectioned. The goal is to have the com-
made. The following example will show the steps that are pleted cross section positioned under the platinum protec-
needed for a cross section to be produced. tive layer. A coarse first cut is made with a large current ion
As was discussed earlier, any time the sample is exposed beam, the result of which is shown in . Fig. 30.9b. Although
to the ion beam damage will occur. It is necessary to image the cross section is relatively clean at this point it is not ade-
the sample during preparation so the easiest way to eliminate quate for quality SEM imaging. Further polishing of the cross
the damage to the sample from the beam is to place a protec- section is completed with lower current ion beams in this
tive layer over the area to be cross sectioned. FIB tools come case . Fig. 30.9c was completed with a 1-nA ion beam and
. Fig. 30.9d is the cross section after final polishing with a
300-­pA ion beam. The total time to produce this cross sec-
tion is about 20 min. The completed cross section imaged at
Ion beam higher resolution is shown in . Fig. 30.10. Note that all of the
important microstructural features are easily observed in this
very smooth polished cross section.
Electron beam FIB prepared surfaces can be very smooth and nearly fea-
tureless. The relative brightness between different materials
can often provide sufficient image contrast. Materials con-
trast by itself may be insufficient and a method to enhance
the contrast may be needed. One way to do this is to intro-
duce gasses near the sample that react with the ion beam and
the sample surface to etch the FIB polished surface. One
chemical that does this for semiconductor devices is trifluor-
acetic acid (TFA) that etches oxides and nitrides preferen-
tially to silicon and metals. . Figure 30.11 demonstrates the
use of TFA for enhancing the contrast in FIB milled surfaces.
The sample was prepared using standard cross sectioning
Stair step cut procedures in the FIB. After cross sectioning the sample was
rotated and tilted so that the milled surface was normal to the
ion beam. A low beam current is selected and then the gas is
..      Fig. 30.8 Schematic of an FIB-prepared cross section. A stair-step introduced through a fine needle while the ion beam is
is milled using the ion beam and then the exposed section that is per- scanned over the milled surface. While milling, the sample
pendicular to the original sample surface is polished with a series of
lower current ion beams. The cross section can be immediately imaged
image provides an etching progress monitor so that the etch-
with the SEM beam that is at some inclined angle with respect to the ing progress can be terminated when the correct degree of
ion beam etching has been achieved.
30.5 · Preparation of Samples for SEM
523 30

a b

5 mm

5 mm

c d

5 mm
5 mm

..      Fig. 30.9 Required steps to making a quality cross section of the 7-nA Ga ion beam. c Further polishing with a 1-nA Ga ion beam d Final
surface of a corroded copper test coupon in the FIB. a Deposition of polishing with a 300-pA Ga ion beam to produce the completed cross
platinum protective layer. b Coarse milling of the cross section with a section

..      Fig. 30.10 High resolution

image of the sulfide layer on the
top of the test coupon sectioned
in . Fig. 30.9. Note the surface
smoothness and the feature sizes
Ion beam pt
that can be observed on the ion
milled section

Electron beam pt

Copper sulfide

Au marker layer
200 nm Copper sulfide
524 Chapter 30 · Focused Ion Beam Applications in the SEM Laboratory

Once the sample was attached to the support structure, final

sample polishing was performed and the sample was ready
for analysis. EBSD results obtained from the sample shown in
. Fig. 30.12 are shown in . Fig. 30.13. Note that the sample
surface is nearly ideal for EBSD as the number of mis-indexed
or not indexed pixels is quite low.
This technique of sample lift-out is applicable to all imag-
ing and analysis modes in the SEM. Once the sample is
mounted flat on a surface or a support structure it is in an
2 mm ideal sample orientation for imaging with secondary elec-
trons of backscattered electrons. Lift-out samples also pro-
vide ideal sample orientations for EDS, WDS, or EBSD
analysis. This is not true of cross sections that are milled into
30 the bulk and not lifted out as access to the sample for some
b imaging and analysis techniques is not close to ideal depend-
ing on the particular FIB/SEM platform chosen (Giannuzzi

30.5.2  IB Sample Preparation for 3D

Techniques and Imaging

One of the truly important advances in FIB applications is

the ability to automate the FIB operation and coordinate it
with the SEM imaging or analysis using EDS or EBSD. This
2 mm coordination allows the FIB column to be used to mill speci-
fied volumes from a sample face and then allow that same
..      Fig. 30.11 This figure demonstrates the enhancement of image con-
slice to be imaged or an analytical technique applied and
trast using a TFA as a beam assisted etchant. a As-milled cross section of a then the process can be repeated. This is often referred to as
semiconductor device. Note the surface smoothness and the low contrast. serial sectioning. In this way a direct reconstruction (direct
b Same surface after beam assisted etching with TFA. Note that process tomograph) of a 3D volume can be developed. One must
adds a small amount of topography to the milled surface allowing the dif- always remember though that in this sort of work there is no
ferent materials to be more easily imaged
ability to go back and start over unless a second suitable
region is available. It is also important to remember the
SEM applications of FIB sample preparation can also uti- length scales that are practically reached with FIB methods.
lize samples that have been removed from the bulk material. The typical area that can be accessed with LMIS-based FIB
This is generally done when the research requires EDS, EBSD, columns is 50 μm wide by 10 μm deep. The number of slices
or STEM-in-SEM to be conducted as each of these techniques is limited by the operator’s patience and the stability of the
will not work optimally with standard cross sections (Prasad FIB/SEM being utilized.
et al. 2003). Lift-out samples are made by milling trenches on The first step is to deposit a protective layer over the entire
both sides of the area of interest after a protective layer was region that is to be milled. This step is necessary, as discussed
deposited. The FIB beam is used to cut the sample free from for single sections, to protect the sample region from damage
the bulk material and then it can either be polished in the by the ion beam. The larger the area to be sectioned, the
trench or lifted out to a support grid for subsequent polishing larger the protective layer has to be and this deposition may
and if needed thinning to an acceptable thickness. Figure 30.12 be quite time consuming. Once the protective layer has been
shows some of the steps required to lift-out a 150-μm-wide deposited, there are two ways to proceed with serial section-
sample. This was accomplished with a Xe plasma FIB but the ing and imaging. The easiest method is to simply produce a
steps are the same for a Ga FIB. Ex situ lift-out was used to cross section of the sample, as described previously. The pol-
remove the sample from the bulk followed by attachment to ished face is then used as the starting point of the sectioning.
the Cu support structure to allow safe handling of the sample. One must be very careful when doing this to ensure that the
30.5 · Preparation of Samples for SEM
525 30

a b

c d

..      Fig. 30.12 Gibeon meteorite sample produced by the lift-out method placed across the large gap in the middle and epoxied in place. d Sample
to produce large area samples suitable for EBSD, TKD, EDS, or STEM imag- after final milling of the surface. e Sample arranged on a pre-tilted sample
ing. a Milled sample ready for ex situ lift-out. b Lift-out sample on the holder for EBSD
end of the micromanipulator needle. c Cu support for the sample. It was
526 Chapter 30 · Focused Ion Beam Applications in the SEM Laboratory

a aligned and stacked followed by the user selecting the planes

of interest for image reconstruction.
A much faster method requires the volume of interest to be
milled using any means into a cantilever-like beam that is then
sliced starting at the free end. This method has numerous
advantages over the bulk sample method as there is much eas-
ier access to the sample for imaging and analysis. This can also
b be accomplished by milling a chunk that contains the region of
interest from the sample and then mounting the chunk onto a
suitable support structure. The chunk then represents the can-
tilevered beam sample and is sequentially milled from the free
side of the sample. This method is faster as much less material
needs to be removed for each slice and there is no issue with
30 re-deposition of the sputtered material. . Figure 30.15 shows
c an example of the cantilever beam method for serial section-
ing through a tin whisker on a copper substrate. In this case it
was important to first protect the whisker with electron beam
deposited platinum followed by ion beam deposited platinum.
Once the feature of interest is protected from the ion beam, the
material around the whisker is removed so that actual section-
d ing time during the serial sectioning will be minimized. EBSD
orientation maps were collected at every slice during serial
sectioning. Some commercially available FIB/SEMs require
the sample to be repositioned for EBSD and then FIB slicing,
while others possess a geometry where the sample does not
have to be moved between sectioning and analytical acquisi-
tions. For systems requiring movement between sectioning
..      Fig. 30.13 EBSD results of the FIB prepared sample shown in . Fig. and EBSD, accurate alignment using fiducial marks is manda-
30.12. a Pattern contrast image demonstrates that the sample has little cur- tory. . Figure 30.16 is a reconstruction of the EBSD maps
taining. b Phase map with ferrite (BCC) in red and Austenite (FCC) in blue. c obtained from the tin whisker shown in . Fig. 30.15. This data
Orientation map for the Austenite phase d Orientation map of the Ferrite was acquired with a 200-nm slice thickness and an EBSD step
phase (Bar = 20 µm)
size of 200 nm, leading to a voxel dimension of 200 × 200 ×
200 nm. The acquisition required 75 sections that required a
total time of 48 h to section and collect the EBSD data. Once
trench that is cut is sufficiently wide to prevent the accumula-
this data is obtained and aligned and reconstructed then fur-
tion of redeposited material (material sputtered from the
ther examination of the spatial relationships between grains
sample will often fill in the sides of the trench) from obscur-
and the whisker are possible leading to an improved under-
ing the region of interest. Once the initial trench has been
standing of whisker growth.
prepared, the FIB/SEM can be set in automatic mode to pro-
ceed with the milling and imaging operations. This method is
best used for imaging modes of operation (backscatter or
secondary electron imaging) only as the access to the milled 30.6 Summary
sample surface is limited. The resulting take-off angle for
EDS in this mode is often sub-optimal, although good EDS The combination of FIB and SEM is now an established and
spectrum imaging results have been obtained in this manner important technique for materials and biological sample
(Kotula et al. 2006). preparation and has enable precise site specific samples to be
. Figure 30.14 is an example of the first method of serial produced. LMIS sources (mostly Ga) and plasma sources
sectioning where a volume of interest is imaged in the center (mostly Xe) have been developed. The LMIS-equipped FIB
of a sample. The sample is an electroplated coating on a sub- tools produce much smaller probes that allow more precise
strate. The serial sectioning was accomplished by sequentially sectioning due to a smaller probe size with higher current
milling the exposed cross section followed by imaging with densities while the plasma FIB tools are finding application
secondary electrons with the SEM column. . Figure 30.14a where large amounts of material need to be removed effi-
contains examples of the “real” images obtained from the slic- ciently. The applications of FIB include sample preparation
ing and imaging process. The remaining images shown in for imaging with electrons and ions and for a variety of ana-
. Fig. 30.14b, c are obtained after the individual slices are lytical techniques including EBSD and EDS.
30.6 · Summary
527 30

a b

..      Fig. 30.14 Image reconstruction of a plated stainless steel test reconstructed as it is the collected data. b Reconstructed slice along
coupon. Each section was milled perpendicular to the sample surface. the red plane shown in d. This image is reconstructed once the slice
These reconstructions were made from a series of 360 milled slices and thickness is known. The resolution in this direction is limited by the FIB
required approximately 3 h to collect. The width of the milled area is milled slice thickness. c This is a reconstructed image of a slice parallel
20 μm. a A secondary electron image of one milled cross section that to the sample surface shown in blue in d. d Schematic of milled volume
is the green orientation shown in d. This image does not need to be
528 Chapter 30 · Focused Ion Beam Applications in the SEM Laboratory

27.8 µm
30 16.6 µm

15 µm

..      Fig. 30.16 EBSD 3D reconstruction of a tin whisker from serial
sectioning data in the FIB. The acquisition required 75 200-nm-thick
sections and took nearly 48 h to complete sectioning and data

Giannuzzi L et al (2006) Introduction to focused ion beams: instrumen-

tation, theory, techniques and practice. Springer Science & Business
Media, New York
Joy D, Michael J (2014) Modeling ion-solid interactions for imaging
applications. MRS Bulletin 39:342
Kotula P, Keenan M, Michael J (2006) Tomographic spectral imaging
with multivariate statistical analysis: comprehensive 3D microanal-
ysis. Microsc Microanal 12:36
Mayer J, Giannuzz LA, Kamino T, Michael J (2007) TEM sample prepara-
tion and FIB-induced damage. MRS bulletin 32(05):400–407
Michael J (2011) Focused ion beam-induced microstructural alterations:
texture development, grain growth, and intermetallic formation.
Microsc Microanal 17:386
Nastasi M, Mayer J, Hirvonen J (1996) Ion-solid interactions: fundamen-
tals and applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
..      Fig. 30.15 Preparation of a cantilever beam style sample for serial
Orloff J, Swanson L, Utlaut M (1996) Fundamental limits to imaging reso-
sectioning. a The sample before sectioning consist of the tin whisker
lution for focused ion beams. J Vac Sci Technol B 14:3759
coated extensively with platinum using first the electron beam and
Orloff J, Swanson L, Utlaut M (2003) High resolution focused ion beams:
then the ion beam. The cantilever beam was shaped with the FIB and
FIB and its applications: Fib and its applications: the physics of liq-
thinned to maximize the speed of cutting. b The same beam after serial
uid metal ion sources and ion optics and their application to
sectioning. EBSD was performed at every slice. Note the large cross
focused ion beam technology. Springer Science & Business Media,
used as a fiducial to align images
New York
Prasad S, Michael J, Christenson T (2003) EBSD studies on wear-induced
subsurface regions in LIGA nickel. Scr Mater 48:255
References Ziegler J, Biersack J (1985) The stopping and range of ions in matter. In:
Treatise on heavy-ion science. Springer US, New York, pp 93–129
Giannuzzi L, Michael J (2013) Comparison of channeling contrast
between ion and electron images. Microsc Microanal 19:344
529 31

Ion Beam Microscopy

31.1 What Is So Useful About Ions? – 530

31.2 Generating Ion Beams – 533

31.3 Signal Generation in the HIM – 534

31.4 Current Generation and Data Collection in the HIM – 536

31.5 Patterning with Ion Beams – 537

31.6 Operating the HIM – 538

31.7 Chemical Microanalysis with Ion Beams – 538

References – 539

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
530 Chapter 31 · Ion Beam Microscopy

Electron beams have made possible the development of the

versatile, high performance electron microscopes described
in the earlier chapters of this book. Techniques for the gen- 1
1 1 nm
eration and application of electron beams are now well doc-
umented and understood, and a wide variety of images and Electrons
data can be produced using readily available instruments. 0.1

Wavelength (nm)
While the scanning electron microscope (SEM) is the most
widely used tool for high performance imaging and micro- 0.01
1/86 Protons
analysis, it is not the only option and may not even always
be the best instrument to choose to solve a particular prob- 0.001 1/350 1 pm
lem. In this chapter we will discuss how, by replacing the
beam of electrons with a beam of ions, it is possible to pro- 0.0001
duce a high performance microscope which resembles an
10-5 10 fm
SEM in many respects and shares some of its capabilities
1 10 100 1000 104 105
but which also offers additional and important modes of
31 operation. Energy (eV)

..      Fig. 31.1 Comparison of wavelengths of various particles as a

31.1 What Is So Useful About Ions? function of beam energy

The smallest object or feature that can be imaged by any opti-

cal instrument is determined by the diameter “δ” of the has a wavelength that is 86× smaller, so potentially offering
smallest spot of illumination that can be directed on to a a beam spot of a few picometers (pm), and making
specimen. As first shown by Fresnel (1817, 1826), this param- correspondingly enhanced image resolution possible.
eter “δ” is found to be . Figure 31.2a shows an example of high resolution electron
and He+ imaging of gold islands on carbon with conditions
δ = ( kλ ) / α (31.1) optimized for SEM (i.e., low beam energy) and HIM (high
beam energy). The extraordinary fine-scale detail that can be
where λ is the wavelength of the emitted beam, k is a con- obtained with HIM imaging of Au on C is shown in
stant of the order of unity, and α is the convergence angle of . Fig. 31.2b. . Figure 31.3 shows a more challenging imaging
the beam and so cannot exceed π/2 radians (i.e., 90°). In problem, that of soft material, as viewed by the SEM in the
practice α must usually be chosen to be much smaller than “conventional” beam energy range and by HIM, where much
π/2 in magnitude to minimize the effects of aberrations in finer details are visible in the ion beam image.
the imaging lenses of the microscope. Consequently, an SEM An additional benefit of ion beam imaging is that because
operating in the energy range 10 keV to 30 keV will gener- the ion beam wavelengths λ are so short it is possible to sig-
ally only offer a limiting resolution of the order of 1 nm, even nificantly reduce the convergence angle α of the ion beam,
under the very best conditions. Although as noted elsewhere thus extending the imaging depth of field by a factor of 1/α,
in this volume, further improvements in high resolution while still offering a much superior resolution. . Figure 31.4a
SEM can be achieved by advanced electron optical engineer- shows an example of the large depth of field that can be
ing, this requires complex and expensive aberration correc- achieved simultaneously with wide field-of-view. Unlike high
tion schemes. The constraints imposed on the minimum resolution SEM images, which are essentially two-­
convergence angle that can be used result in a high resolu- dimensional because of the poor depth of field, high resolu-
tion SEM image that has inevitable limitations on the achiev- tion ion beam images can also offer three-dimensional
able depth of field, which is typically only tens of nanometers information, as shown in . Fig. 31.4b, where the depth of
or worse. Fortunately this performance limitation can now field is at least 1.5 μm for 1-μm image width. . Figure 31.5
be overcome by using a beam of ions rather than of illustrates the value of this combination of high resolution
electrons. and high depth of field in ion beam imaging by revealing
Ions are much more massive than electrons, so at any details throughout an image of a complex three-dimensional
given energy their wavelength λ is significantly shorter, as specimen of human pancreatic cells.
shown in . Fig. 31.1. For example, at an energy of 10 keV the All electrons are the same—but all ions are not, and so
wavelength of an electron is 0.012 nm, but for the same many different ion-based microscopes can be configured and
energy a hydrogen (H+) ion has a wavelength that is smaller optimized for the various tasks. At present the most widely
than the electron wavelength by a factor of 43. A helium ion used ion beam for high resolution imaging is helium (He+),
31.1 · What Is So Useful About Ions?
531 31
..      Fig. 31.2 a Gold islands on
carbon as viewed by SEM and
HIM under optimized conditions
for each method: SEM (20-pA
beam current at 1 keV); HIM (1-pA
beam current at 30 keV). b High
magnification HIM image of gold
on carbon sample with lacey
contamination visible. Field of
View is 200 nm (Image acquired
by Shawn McVey using the ORION
Plus HIM) (Image courtesy of Carl

1µm 1µm

50 nm

..      Fig. 31.3 SEM and HIM images

of soft material (polymer fibers) ORION
SEM 30 keV
HIM 30 keV

20 nm
50 nm

Electrons He ions-solid surface

532 Chapter 31 · Ion Beam Microscopy

..      Fig. 31.4 a Image of two

tungsten wires wetted by gal-
lium. In this large field of view, the
depth of field is over 800 μm, and
all features are in focus. (Image
acquired by Shawn McVey using
the ORION NanoFab) (Image cour-
tesy of Carl Zeiss) (Bar = 100 µm).
b Illustration of the depth-of-field
of helium ion microscopy at high
resolution. The depth-of-field is at
least 1.5 μm for an image width
of 1 μm

100 µm

1.5 mm

100 nm

while gallium (Ga+) is widely used for ion beam machining of higher accelerating voltage to operate than does a lighter ion,
materials. Historically the earliest ion beam microscope (Levi- and this heavy ion bombardment may cause significantly
Setti 1974) used protons (H+), while more recently argon more damage to the specimen under examination. Heavy
(Ar+), neon (Ne+), and lithium (Li+) beams have all also been ions also usually have multiple ionization states and these
put into use for nanoscale imaging and fabrication. At present may result in emitted beams whose incident energy is effec-
negatively charged ions are much less widely employed than tively distributed across several values spanning a wide
the corresponding positive species, but it can be safely antici- range. This energy spread, in turn, may result in chromatic
pated that they will eventually be employed for special pur- aberrations in the lenses which may then further degrade the
poses because of the additional versatility that they can offer. achievable resolution.
Although in principle any ion could be employed for In addition, while all energetic ions cause sputtering of
microscopy, using a heavier ion requires a correspondingly the target atoms to some degree and also implant into the
31.2 · Generating Ion Beams
533 31
ionized due to the high electric field gradient and acquired a
positive potential which then resulted in them being acceler-
ated away from the tip and towards the viewing screen where
they formed into an image. On October 11, 1955, Muller and
his students were able to demonstrate for the first time ever
the direct observation of an atomic structure. Almost 20
years later Professor Riccardo Levi-Setti of the University of
Chicago developed a modification of Muller’s ion source
which allowed it to generate ion beams that could be focused,
scanned, and used for imaging in the same way as electrons
in a conventional SEM (Levi-Setti 1974). It was this develop-
ment that became the basis for the source for the present
helium ion microscope (HIM).
In present-day ion beam microscopes, the emitter is once
again fabricated into the form of a needle, but now the exact
size and shape of this tip is very carefully optimized. Using
patented, and proprietary, procedures developed by the Zeiss
company the emitter tip is shaped and sharpened until it con-
tains just three atoms (Notte et al. 2006). This “trimer” con-
100 nm figuration is inherently more stable than any more random
Field Of View
CARL ZEISS SMT 800.00 nm 100.00 nm
Dwell Time
0.5 us
Date: 4/7/2010
Time: 3:19 PM
arrangement and also ensures that the maximum emitted ion
Mag (4×5 Polaroid)
142,875.00 X
Blanker Current
0.2 pA
Line Averaging
Acceleration V
36.5 kV
current is directed parallel to the axis of the ion beam. A
carefully placed, moveable aperture can then be used to select
..      Fig. 31.5 High resolution helium ion imaging with high depth-of- any one of the three “trimer” ion emission peaks to be used as
field of a soft tissue sample, human pancreatic cells (Sample courtesy of
the beam source for the instrument. The available ion beam
Paul Walther, Univ. of Ulm)
current varies with the magnitude of the helium, or other gas,
pressure and can reach values as high of several hundred
target, which can locally alter the target composition, ions of picoamperes.
higher mass, such as Ga+ and above, have higher sputtering Low energy ions, i.e., those with less than about 1 MeV of
rates that may substantially alter the target. While acceptable energy, are not significantly affected by magnetic fields so all
for some tasks such as thinning or machining materials, the of the lenses must be electrostatic in type rather than mag-
level of damage per incident heavy ion is undesirable for netic. The ion beam then travels along the microscope col-
imaging purposes because such significant local alteration umn until it reaches the specimen where its interaction
occurs that the fine spatial details of the specimen are lost generates ion-induced secondary electrons (iSE) as well as, in
before an image representative of the original material can be some cases, other signals. The ion emitter is adequately stable
successfully captured. and provides a bright signal for periods from 5–10 h before
the emitter needs to be re-optimized. Once the available
beam current becomes too low in intensity, or too unstable to
31.2 Generating Ion Beams be useful, then the tip must be reformed. This can be done in
situ by the operator using an automated procedure which
The approach now most commonly employed for producing takes some 10–20 min to complete.
a beam of ions for use in microscopy is a development of the Changing from the familiar He+ beam to a Ne+ beam, or
method originally employed by Prof. Erwin Muller at Penn to some other source of emission, requires that any residual
State University in the 1940s and 1950s (Muller 1965). gas in the chamber must be first pumped away. The desired
Muller’s device was a sealed metal cylinder containing helium new gas of choice can then be injected into the chamber, and
gas which was cooled to a temperature of just a few degrees the system can be brought back into operation by reforming
Kelvin (K). At one end of the cylinder was a sharply pointed the “trimer” as described earlier. The usable overall lifetime
metal needle connected to a power supply capable of sup- of these emitters is typically of the order of many months
porting a positive voltage of up to a few kilovolts, while at the when they are treated with reasonable care and attention.
other end was a fluorescent imaging screen. When neutral Although in many ways operating a helium ion beam
helium atoms drifted towards the needle they became (HIM) microscope is similar to operating a conventional
534 Chapter 31 · Ion Beam Microscopy

SEM, to fully optimize the performance of the HIM it is nec- 31.3 Signal Generation in the HIM
essary to pay more attention to certain details. The ion source
offers just two adjustable controls—the “extractor” which Energetic electrons and ions travel through solid materials
determines the field at the tip and so controls the emission of while undergoing elastic and inelastic scattering events
the source, and the “accelerator” which determines the land- until they either deposit all of their initial energy and come
ing energy of the beam on to the specimen surface. The to a halt, or are re-emitted from a sample surface and sub-
extractor module “floats” on the top of the potential deter- sequently escape while generating secondary electrons and
mined by the accelerator setting, and both the brightness and backscattered electrons or ions as they leave. Every such
the stability of the ion source are affected by the extractor beam particle trajectory is unique and so it is not possible
module settings. As the extractor potential is increased, the to predict in advance how deep, or how far, any particular
emission current rises before reaching a plateau at the so-­ incident ion or electron might travel. Examples of Monte
called “best imaging voltage” (BIV), which for helium ions Carlo simulations for ion beam trajectories are shown in
occurs at a field strength of about 44 V/nm depending on the . Fig. 31.6.
geometry of the tip itself. Exceeding the BIV will make the The most probable depth reached by the beam, and the
beam less stable, and can result in so much damage to the horizontal spread of the beam, can both be estimated using
31 emitter that it may become necessary to reform the tip again the formula developed by Kanaya and Okayama (1972)
before reliable operation can be restored. The “accelerator” which assumes that the range R depends only on the incident
control determines the actual landing energy of the ions on energy E of the incident particle and the density ρ of the
the specimen. For a He+ beam this energy is usually in the material through which the beam is traveling. The “K–O”
range 25–45 keV while for a heavier ion such as Ne+ the cor- range is then given as
responding value is more typically in the 20–35-keV range.
In either case the yield of secondary electrons increases with RK −O = κ E p / ρ (31.2)
the accelerator setting, but continuous operation with the
system at energies of 45 keV or higher may cause problems where RK-O is the beam range (in nm), ρ is the density of the
such as insulator breakdowns and discharges. It is therefore target material (in g/cm3), k is a constant depending on the
good practice to record and save all the experimental param- choice of particle, i.e., electrons or ions, and P is a scaling
eters likely to be encountered. constant. For example, when using a helium ion beam then

H+ Ga+
250 nm 80 nm Ne+ 40 nm

250nm 50nm

He+ Ar+
250 nm 50 nm

40keV beams in Mo (Blue=incident ion, red = recoiling target atom)

..      Fig. 31.6 Monte Carlo ion beam trajectory simulations for various ion species. E0 = 40 keV
31.3 · Signal Generation in the HIM
535 31
where ε is a constant whose value depends on the target
“K-O” range for Ions and Electrons material, E is the instantaneous energy of the incident
106 charged particle, and s is the distance travelled along the
electrons trajectory. The ion-generated SE yield is always larger than
105 the corresponding SE yield from electrons because ions
Range (nm)* Density (gm/cc)

deposit their energy much more rapidly, and much closer to

the surface, than electrons can do. The effect of changing
104 the beam energy on the limiting imaging performance
H+ ,He+ based upon the secondary electron yield is also different in
the electron and ion cases. For an SEM operating in the
Ne+ conventional beam energy range above 10 keV, SE image
Ar+ quality does not improve very much with beam energy
100 Ga+ because the effect of increasing the beam brightness is
mostly offset by the fall in the SE yield with increasing
energy. For ion beams however, raising the beam energy
10 increases both the yield of ions from the gun and the stop-
10 100
Energy (keV) ping power of the target which increases the generation rate
of the iSE, both of which effects contribute to improved SE
imaging performance.
..      Fig. 31.7 Plot of Kanaya–Okayama range for electrons and various Based on these ideas it is now possible to predict how the
ion species
emitted yield of secondary electrons for a given material will
vary for both ion and electron generation. The SE generation
κ = 80 nm, and P = 0.72, so the range versus density plot has rate at a given depth in the sample varies as the stopping
the form shown in . Fig. 31.7 which also shows the corre- power at that point and which is in turn a function of the
sponding RK-O for electrons. In the energy range most likely velocity of the incoming particle. Secondary electrons which
to be of interest, the majority of the emitted secondary signal are generated beneath the specimen surface must diffuse
under electron bombardment from any material of interest back to the surface before they can be detected. The yield of
most likely comes from the SE2 component of the signal, i.e., iSE which reach the surface and so could escape is then pre-
it is generated by backscattered electrons as they exit through dicted to be
the sample surface with reduced resolution compared to the
SE1 component produced by the incident beam. By compari- Yield = 0.5 ∗ exp ( −z / λSE ) (31.4)
son the beam range of He+ ions is not only much shorter than
the corresponding electron range but also increases more where λSE is the appropriate mean free path range for second-
slowly with energy. The iSE yield is typically three to five ary electrons, and z is the distance from the generation point
times larger than the comparable electron-excited SE values to the nearest exit surface. Detailed predictions of iSE yields
and mostly consists of the high resolution SE1 generated by can now be made based on this model; see, for example,
the incident ion beam with little or no SE2 component to Ramachandra et al. (2009) and Dapore (2011). The magni-
degrade the resolution. Secondary electrons have often been tude, and the form, of the iSE yield curves varies with the
considered to be of limited value and for modest resolution energy of the incident beam, as shown in . Fig. 31.8 for Si, as
use only, but recent work (e.g., Zhu et al. 2009) has shown well as with the choice of beam and target material. For a
that, to the contrary, the secondary electron signal is a helium beam and a carbon target the iSE yield reaches a max-
uniquely powerful tool. The SE signal can efficiently capture imum value of about 4 which is achieved at a He + energy of
and display imaging information ranging in scale from mil- 750 keV. For a gold target the iSE yield peaks at a value of 6.4
limeters all the way down to single atoms, and even to the and at an energy of about 1000 keV. The details of these iSE
subatomic range, providing the incident beam footprint can yield curves vary with the choice of both the incident ion and
be made small enough. the target material. For example, when using H+ as the beam
As shown by Bethe (1930, 1933) the generation rate of choice the iSE signal reaches its maximum yield of 1.7 at
N(SE) of secondary electrons by energetic ions or electrons an energy of only about 100 keV, while for an Ar+ beam the
depends on the instantaneous magnitude of the electron iSE yield reaches its maximum yield, which is in excess of 50,
stopping power (−dE/dS) of the beam, so at an energy of 30 MeV. Simulations make it possible to
determine how to optimize resolution, maximize contrast,
N ( SE ) = − (1 / ε ) . ( dE / ds ) (31.3 ) and minimize damage.
536 Chapter 31 · Ion Beam Microscopy


iSE yield


0.5 He+


31 0
Beam Energy (KeV)

..      Fig. 31.8 Yield of secondary electrons from Si for electrons and vari-
ous ions as a function of energy
Field of View Dwell Time Mag (4x5 Polaroid)
CARL ZEISS SMT 10.00 um 1.00 um 50.0 us 12,700.00 X
Working Dist Image Size Blanker Current Detector
12.1 mm 1024x1024 0.7 pA PrimaryETDetector
31.4  urrent Generation and Data
Collection in the HIM ..      Fig. 31.9 High spatial resolution and high depth of field HIM imag-
ing of Ga-ion-beam etched Al-Cu aligned eutectic alloy. Vertical relief
approximately 5 µm. (Bar = 1 µm) (A. Vladar and D. Newbury, NIST)
A typical ion beam microscope operates at energies selected
between 10 and 35 keV, and generates an incident beam cur-
rent of the order of 0.1 pA to >100 pA at the specimen. These limited penetration of the ion beam into materials provides
ions interact with the specimen of interest generating an iSE highly detailed images of surface, and near-surface features
secondary electron signal which can be collected by an are visible in HIM images that would likely never be evident
Everhart–Thornley (ET) detector very similar to that used in in a conventional SEM image.
the conventional SEM. The signal is then passed through an The strategy for operating the HIM is different than that of
“analog to digital” (A/D) convertor for real-time display and a conventional SEM because the incident beam energy is gen-
for storage. Because the incident ion beam currents are quite erally held fixed at the highest possible energy, typically in the
low, the A/D convertor, which samples the incoming iSE sig- range 30–40 keV, because this simultaneously optimizes both
nal at a fixed repetition period of 100 ns, will likely completely the signal-to-noise ratio and the image resolution. When there
miss many of these sparsely generated signal pulses. To over- is a requirement to examine sub-surface detail this can best be
come this problem, an additional image control labeled as achieved by exploiting the inevitable removal of surface layers
“image intensity” (II) has been added to the familiar SEM by the ion beam as it “rasters” across the sample. Material can
brightness and contrast controls. This “image intensity” con- then be removed at the rate of a few tens of nanometers per
trol allows the operator to choose between (a) the true aver- minute, with images stored every few seconds to yield a full
aging mode in which N successive A/D conversions are made three-dimensional reconstruction of the sampled volume.
and the total yield is then divided by N and (b) the true inte- Charging is an inevitable problem for the HIM. The high
gration mode in which N successive A/D conversions are SE coefficient of ion beams tends to cause positive charging at
summed and that value is then reported, or any arbitrary set- the surface, which is further exacerbated by the positive
ting between these two extremes. (J. Notte 2015, personal charge injected by the positive He+ ions. The simplest and
communication). The addition of this illumination control most reliable technique to control such positive charging is to
provides considerable additional imaging flexibility while periodically flood the specimen surface with a very low energy
ensuring that the usual “brightness” and “contrast” controls electron beam so as to re-establish charge balance before
are still able to determine the overall appearance of the image. starting the next scan, although this approach requires care to
In practice, operating the HIM is generally similar to eliminate both under- and over-compensation. An alternative
operating an SEM, but the HIM achieves superior image res- approach is to inject air into the specimen chamber through a
olution and contrast. The small beam probe diameter and the small jet positioned just a short distance away from the desired
much enlarged depth of field together produce highly sample region. This is easy to implement and requires little
detailed images of even the most complicated three dimen- supervision once an initial charge balance has been achieved.
sional structures, as shown in . Fig. 31.9 for Ga-ion-beam The HIM operating mode equivalent to the familiar SEM
etched directionally-solidified Al-Cu eutectic alloy. The “backscattered electron signal” is “Rutherford backscattered
31.5 · Patterning with Ion Beams
537 31


..      Fig. 31.10 Reaction zone at Sn-Ni interface as imaged with ORION ..      Fig. 31.11 Ion channeling contrast observed in deposited copper
Plus HIM from backscattered helium striking the annular microchannel showing the distinct crystal grains. The field of view is 3 μm, and the
plate. Field of view is 30 μm. Material composition is easily distinguished incident beam was helium at E0 = 30 keV (Bar = 200 nm) (Imaged with
by atomic number contrast (Bar = 2 µm) (Sample provided by F. Altmann the E–T detector using the ORION Plus, courtesy of Carl Zeiss)
of the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle, Germany;
Image courtesy of Carl Zeiss)
of the ion beam itself is also one to two orders of magnitude
smaller than for an electron beam making it readily possible
imaging (RBI)” (Rutherford 1911). Some fraction of the inci- to retrieve crystal orientation data from regions at the bot-
dent ion beam is deflected though an angle greater than 90° tom of trenches and holes while still having adequate signal
as a result of high angle elastic scattering events. This elastic intensity with which to work.
scattering generates a signal carrying information about the
crystalline geometry and the orientation of the specimen. An
example of the Ni-Sn reaction zone at an interface between 31.5 Patterning with Ion Beams
Ni and Sn to form intermetallic compounds as imaged with
backscattered He ions is shown in . Fig. 31.10. The RBI sig- When ions strike a target they always remove a finite amount
nal increases in magnitude as a function of the atomic num- of material from the top surface by the process called “sput-
ber of the target material, but is also affected by a periodic tering,” which involves ion-atom collisions that dislodge
variation of the RBI signal in which the signal falls to a much atoms and transfer sufficient kinetic energy so that a small
lower intensity whenever the outer shell of electrons is filled. fraction escape the sample. While this is sometimes a prob-
This behavior occurs at the atomic numbers 2, 8, 18, and son lem when imaging is the main application of a microscope,
on, and so rather restricts the quantitative utility of this mode the ability of ion beams to remove material in a controlled
as an analytical tool. fashion from a surface is of considerable and increasing
When ions travel through a crystalline material they may value. At its simplest this capability can be applied to gener-
experience “channeling contrast,” which is a variation in the ate simple structures such as arrays of holes, or to pattern
signal level that is dependent on the orientation of any cur- substrates. The typical beam choice for this process is gallium
rently placed crystalline target material to the incident beam. because of its high sputtering coefficient, but residual gallium
When using a helium ion beam, signal variations of 40 % or becomes embedded in the material being machined. Neon is
more in magnitude can be obtained in this way so producing also a useful candidate for the gas as it can remove material at
highly visible maps of sample crystallography, as shown in about 60 % of the speed of gallium but without permanently
. Fig. 31.11 for a polycrystalline copper sample. A similar depositing anything into the target material. For the very
effect also occurs for electrons but the corresponding con- softest or most fragile materials a helium ion beam can also
trast is an order-of-magnitude smaller at approximately pattern at a slow but acceptable rate.
2–5 %. The utility of this mode of operation for analytical An important current use of this technology relies on
purposes is enhanced by the fact that the convergence angle “Graphene” as the material of choice. Graphene comes in the
538 Chapter 31 · Ion Beam Microscopy

form of flexible sheets which may be only by a few atom layers Step 4
in thickness and yet can readily be cut and shaped as required. If these are the first observations of the sample which is
Graphene provides the basis to fabricate nanoscale semicon- now in the HIM, then try recording images from some
ductor devices, and varieties of other active structures. expendable region of the specimen at several different
magnifications and currents to confirm whether or not
ion-­induced beam damage is going to be a problem. In
31.6 Operating the HIM any case always start imaging at the lowest possible
magnification and work up from there. Working “high to
Using a He+, or some other, ion beam for imaging materials low” is likely to be unsatisfactory because the damage
is somewhat different from, although not really much more induced at higher magnification will be obvious as the
complex than, conventional imaging with electrons. However magnification is reduced. Also check the imaged field of
some planning prior to turning on the ion beam will help by view from time to time for signs of damage, or any
indications of drift.

Step 1
31 Choose the initial ion beam to be employed. If only one Step 5
beam type is available, for example, Ga+, then this step is Maintain a constant check on the incident ion beam
not crucial because it should imply that the required current. If this is falling, or if the images are becoming
operating choices have already been optimized. noisy and unstable, then the emitter tip should be
However, if several different ion beam species are reformed before continuing.
available then a planned strategy becomes necessary. If
there is only a limited amount of the sample then the
user should start with the softest ion beam available—
helium—so as to minimize damage in the near-surface minimizing beam damage optimizing conditions, and
region of the specimen—and image as required. Only improving specimen throughput.
when this set of images is completed should a more
aggressive beam choice be tried.
31.7  hemical Microanalysis with Ion
Step 2
Select the desired beam energy. The best choice is always The ability of a microscope to image a material while simul-
the highest voltage available because this will enhance taneously performing a chemical microanalysis of the mate-
image resolution, and the ion source will be running at its rial is of great value in all areas of science and technology. As
optimum efficiency. Even at modestly high energies, for a result a high percentage of all SEMs are equipped with
example 45 keV, the depth of penetration of ions into X-ray detectors for the identification and analysis of speci-
most specimens will generally be less than that of a men composition. However, X-ray generation is only possi-
conventional SEM operating at just a few hundred ble when the velocity of the incoming charged particle
electron volts. If the signal-to-noise of the image appears (electrons or ions) equals or exceeds the velocity of the orbit-
to be good enough to record useful information then it is ing electron within the sample. For an incident beam of elec-
worth trying to reduce the incident beam current by trons these two energies will only be numerically equal in
using a smaller beam current in the column to see if the value when their velocities are the same. When the kinetic
damage rate of the sample can be reduced while energy of a beam electron matches the ionization (binding)
simultaneously increasing the imaging depth of field. energy of an atomic shell electron, inelastic scattering of the
beam electron becomes possible, causing ejection of that
atomic electron. But when the incident beam is made of
Step 3 helium ions, which have a mass 7300 times heavier than an
Next choose a working distance (WD) from the source to the electron, then the energy of the ion also has to be increased
sample. Obtaining the shortest possible WD is not as by a factor of 7300× by accelerating it before atomic ioniza-
important in an ion microscope as it is in a conventional SEM tion becomes possible. X-ray microanalysis with an ion
because the aberrations of the ion beam-optical system are beam is therefore only possible with ion beam energies in
much less severe than those in conventional electron optics. the MeV range, which is far above the operating energy of
Using a longer working distance will allow safer specimen the HIM.
tilting and manipulation. Before proceeding also ensure that Possibly the most promising approach for chemical anal-
the specimen stage and its specimens are not touching ysis using ion beams at present is Time of Flight- Secondary
anything else, nor obscuring access to the various detectors, Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), which directly analyzes
probes, and accessories in the column and chamber. the specimen atoms sputtered atoms from the surface by the
primary ion beam. In this method the specimen of interest is
539 31
contained in the sample chamber in the usual way, but on one the area selected, identifying the chemistry of the various
side of the chamber is a shutter which can be opened or compounds, clusters, and elements that are present whereas
closed at very high speed as required. The ion beam is then conventional X-ray microanalysis can only identify which
switched on for a short period of time, striking the specimen elements are present. This technology is presently only avail-
and sputtering the top two or three atomic layers of the speci- able on a few dual-beam Ga+ “focused ion beam source”
men, including neutral, negative, and positive fragments and (SEM–FIB) instruments, but many groups are now working
at the same time the shutter is opened. Which fragment of to extend this capability to the HIM.
the sample, positive or negative, is to be analyzed is deter-
mined by the polarity of the electric field applied in the
chamber. The chosen charged particles from the sample drift References
toward the shutter at which point they are abruptly acceler-
ated by a strong electric field and travel on until they reach Bethe H (1930) Theory of the transmission of corpuscular radiation
the detector which records the time taken from the original through matter. Ann Phys Leipzig 5:325
electrical pulse. This time interval will depend on the mass as Bethe HA (1933) Charged particle energy loss in solids. In: Handbook of
physics, vol 24. Springer, Berlin, p 273
well as the charge of the particle and so by measuring the Dapor M (2011) Secondary electron emission yield calculation per-
transit time required to reach the detector, the mass-to-­ formed using two different Monte Carlo strategies. Nucl Instr
charge ratio of each individual atom cluster can be deduced. Methods Res Phys 269:B269–1671
Given accurate “time of transit” measurement capability on Everhart T, Thornley R (1960) Wide-band detector for micro-microam-
the system, this mass-to-charge ratio data can provide rapid, pere low-energy electron currents. J Sci Instrum 37:246
Fresnel AJ (1817) Memoire sur les modifications que la reflexion imprime
reliable, and unique identification of all the atomic and clus- ala lumiere polarisse. FO 1:441
ter ions ejected during ion bombardment. After a suitable Fresnel A (1826) Diffraction of light. Mem Acad Sci Paris 5:339–487
time interval the shutter is again closed, the system is briefly Kanaya K, Okayama S (1972) Penetration and energy-loss theory of elec-
allowed to stabilize, and the operation is then repeated as trons in solid targets. J Appl Phys 5:43
often as required to achieve adequate statistics. Levi-Setti RL (1974) Proton scanning microscopy: feasibility and prom-
ise. Scanning Electron Microscopy Part 1:125
TOF-SIMS offers some significant advantages over other Muller EW (1965) Field Ion Microscopy. Science 149:591
possible approaches. The incident ion beam can either be Notte J, Hill R, McVey S, Farkas L, Percival R, Ward B (2006) An introduc-
held stationary at a point, or scanned across a chosen area as tion to helium ion microscopy. Micros. Microanal. 12:126
required to produce a chemical map. Each cycle of this pro- Ramachandra R, Griffin B, Joy DC (2009) A model of secondary electron imag-
cess will then physically remove a few atomic layers from the ing in the helium ion scanning microscope. Ultramicroscopy 109:748
Rutherford ER (1911) Radioactive Transformations. Yale University Press,
analyzed area, so repeated measurements on the same area New Haven
can eventually provide a three-dimensional view of the sam- Zhu Y, Inada H, Nakamura M, Wall J (2009) Imaging single atoms using
pled region. Most important of all, this approach to analysis secondary electrons with an aberration-corrected electron micro-
provides detailed information about the actual chemistry of scope. Nat Mater 8:808

Appendix – 542
Index – 547

© Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018

J. Goldstein et al., Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis,
542 Appendix


A Database of Electron–Solid Interactions arsenide at 3 keV to take two random examples—has no

option but to search the literature in the hope of finding a
Compiled by value which must then, in the absence of any other compa-
David C Joy rable evidence, be taken as correct. What is required is a
EM Facility, University of Tennessee, and source which collects and collates all the values available so
Oak Ridge National Laboratory as to provide the user with not only a value, but some indica-
Revision # 12–1 tion as to its likely reliability.
For comments, errata, and suggestions please contact me at
This compilation is © David C Joy May 2012 Structure of the Database
Database can be found in chapter 3 on SpringerLink: http://
link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4939-6676-9_3. The database presented here is an attempt to present as com-
plete a survey as possible of the published results on back-
scattering yields, secondary electron yields, stopping powers,
A Database of Electron–Solid Interactions X-ray ionization cross sections, and fluorescent yields.
Computer-aided literature searches have been conducted to
David C Joy try and find all published references in this general area for
EM Facility, University of Tennessee, the period from 1898 to the present day. Clearly no claim can
Knoxville, TN 37996–0810 be made as to the completeness of any such search, and it is
and perhaps to be hoped that some major body of work has been
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, overlooked because, as discussed below, there are otherwise
Oak Ridge, TN 37831–6064 major omissions in the materials available.
The rules for the data included in this collection are simple:
zz Abstract (a) Only experimental results are included. Values that are
A collection of data comprising secondary and backscattered not specifically indicated by the author(s) as being
electron yields, measurements of electron stopping powers, experimental, or values that are clearly the result of
and X-ray ionization cross sections has been assembled from interpolation, extrapolation, or curve fitting, have been
published sources. Values are provided for both elements and expunged.
many compounds, although the quality and quantity of the (b) No attempt has been made to critically assess the
available data vary widely from one material to another. accuracy or precision of the data, nor to remove any
These compilations provide the basic framework for under- results on the basis of their presumed quality.
standing and interpreting electron beam images in a quanti- (c) Values have been tabulated primarily for the energy
tative way—as is required for example in semiconductor range up to 30 keV, although data points for incident
device metrology—and also form a comprehensive source of energies up to 100 keV have been included where they
experimental data for testing analytical and Monte Carlo are available.
models of electron beam interactions.
The decision not to engage in any judgment of the quality of
any of the sets of results may seem to be a significant draw-
back to the utility of the database. However, until so much
Introduction data has been collated for each element or compound that
rogue values can infallibly be distinguished and eliminated,
The year 1997 marked the one hundredth anniversary of the there is no criterion on which to reject any particular result.
discovery of the electron. Within a year of that event Starke Further it is conceivable that two tabulated values of a given
(1898) in Germany, and Campbell-Swinton (1899) in parameter may differ substantially and yet still both be of
England, independently showed that electrons were back- value. This is because of an inherent contradiction in the
scattered from solid specimens and so made the first quanti- nature of the measurements that are being made. A mea-
tative measurements of the interaction of electrons with surement made in a UHV electron scattering machine with
material. Over the century since then many dozens of papers in situ sample cleaning and baking facilities will naturally be
have been published that contain information on various more “reliable” than a measurement made inside a typical
aspects of electron–solid interactions. Unfortunately no sys- scanning electron microscope. But the values recorded in
tematic collections of the results of such investigations appear the microscope are more “representative” of the conditions
to be available for any part of the field of electron microscopy usually employed on a day-to-day basis in an e-beam tool
and microanalysis. As a result, anyone requiring a specific than those obtained in the environment of a specialist
piece of data—such as the backscattering yield of molybde- instrument. All types of results are, therefore, reported so
num at 15 keV, or the secondary electron yield from gallium that users of the database can make their own judgment as

to the suitability, or otherwise, of any given piece of yields for about 40 or elements, and a collection of inorganic
information. compounds and polymers.
The database currently contains several thousand individual The clear discrepancies that often exist between the compa-
values collected from more than 100 published papers and rable sets of original yield figures for the same material may be
reports spanning the period from 1898 to the present day. Since the result of surface contamination, or the result of a different
this is a “work in progress” the compilation is constantly being assumption about the appropriate emitted energy range for sec-
extended as additional values become available. As far as possi- ondary electrons (usually now taken to be 0–50 eV, although in
ble a consistent style of presentation is used so that data for dif- some early work 0–70 or even 0–100 eV was used). In addition,
ferent elements and compounds may readily be compared. All since many of the materials documented are poorly conducting
of the available data sets are grouped by element or compound the effects of charging must also be considered. For example, in
name for each of the major information groups (SE yields, BSE studies of the oxides (e.g., Whetten and Laponsky 1957) maxi-
yields, stopping powers, X-ray ionization cross sections). The mum SE yields of δ > 10 were measured using pulsed electron-
data is presented in a simple two-­column format with the origin beam techniques. Clearly no non-conducting material can
of each of the data sets (numbered #1 to #n) indicated by a num- sustain this level of emission for any significant period of time,
ber in parenthesis referring back to the bibliography. since it will become positively charged and recollect its own sec-
ondaries. Similarly at higher energies, where the SE yield δ < 1
and negative charging occurs, the incident beam energy must be
Backscattered Electrons corrected for any negative surface potential acquired by the sam-
ple to give a correct result (although there is no little evidence in
The data on the backscattered electron (BSE) yield as a func- the original papers that this has been done). Consequently, all SE
tion of the atomic number of the target and of the incident yield results for insulators must be treated with caution unless
beam energy is of particular importance in Monte Carlo the provenance of the original data is well documented.
computations because it provides the best test of the scatter- Since there is no sum rule for secondary yields, data must
ing models that are used in the simulation. This data is there- be acquired for every compound of interest over the energy
fore both the starting point for the construction of a Monte range required, a task which will be a lengthy one unless suit-
Carlo model, and the source of values against which the sim- ably automated procedures can be developed and applied. In
ulation can be tested. The backscattered electron section con- addition it will be necessary to repeat many of the measure-
tains data for 40 or more elements spread across the periodic ments reported here using better techniques before any level
table, as well as for a selection of compounds. If Castaing’s of precision and accuracy can be obtained. In summary the
rule can be assumed to be correct, then the backscattering SE data is in an even less satisfactory state than that for the BS
yield of a compound can be found if the backscattering coef- electrons, even though a wider range of materials is covered,
ficients and the atomic fraction of the elements that form it because the quality of much of the data is poor.
are known. Hence a desirable long-term goal is to obtain a
complete set of BSE yield curves for elements. At present the
BSE section contains information on more than 45 elements, Stopping Powers
which is barely half of the solid elements in the periodic
table, and of this number perhaps only 25 % of the data sets The stopping power of an electron in a solid, that is, the rate
are of the highest quality, so much experimental work at which the electron transfers its energy to the material
remains to be done especially at the lower energies. through which it is passing, is a quantity of the highest
importance for all studies of electron-solid interactions since
it determines, among other parameters the electron range
Secondary Yields (Bethe 1930), the rate of secondary electron production
(Bethe 1941), the lateral distribution and the distribution in
With the increasing interest in the simulation of secondary depth of X-ray production, and the generation and distribu-
electron (SE) line profiles and images, there is a need to have tion of electron–hole pairs. Despite its importance there is no
detailed information on secondary electron yields as a func- body of experimental measurements of stopping power at
tion of atomic number and incident beam energy. Secondary those energies of interest to electron microscopy and micro-
electron emission was the subject of intense experimental analysis. Instead stopping powers, and the quantities which
study for a period of 20 years or more from the early 1930s, depend on them, have been deduced by analyzing measure-
resulting in the publication of no less than six full-length ments of the transmission energy spectrum of MeV-energy
books on the topic. This effort did not, however, produce as β-particles to yield a value for the mean ionization potential I
much experimental data as would have been expected, of the specimen (ICRU 1983), and then Bethe’s (1930) ana-
because the aim of much of the work that was done was to lytical expression for the stopping power has been invoked to
demonstrate that the SE yield versus energy curve followed a compute the stopping power at the energy of interest. While
“universal law” (Seiler 1984), and to find the parameters this procedure is of acceptable accuracy at high energies
describing this curve. As a result the data actually published (>10 keV) it is not reliable at lower energies because some of
was usually given in a normalized format that makes it diffi- the interactions included in the value of I (e.g., inner shell
cult to derive absolute values. The database currently contains ionizations) no longer contribute.
544 Appendix

The database contains experimentally determined stop- Acknowledgments The original version of the database was
ping power curves for a collection of elements and com- supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation
pounds. The method for obtaining this information from (SRC) under contract 96-LJ-413.001, contract monitor is Dr.
electron energy loss spectra has been described elsewhere D Herr, and by a grant from International SEMATECH.
(Luo et al. 1991). The data is plotted in units of eV/Å as a func-
tion of the incident energy in keV. At the high energy end of
the profiles the data corresponds closely to values deduced References
from Bethe’s (1930) law and using the I-values from the ICRU
tables. At lower energies, however, significant deviations Ashley JC, Tung CJ, and Ritchie RH (1979) Surf Sci 81:409
Bethe HA (1930) Ann Phys 5:325
occur as the Bethe model becomes physically unrealistic Bethe HA (1941) Phys Rev 59:940
although good agreement has been found with values com- Bishop H (1966) Ph.D. Thesis University of Cambridge
puted from a dielectric model of the solids (Ashley et al. 1979). Campbell-Swinton AA (1899) Proc Roy Soc 64:377
The stopping power of a compound is the weighted sum I.C.R.U (1983) “Stopping powers of electrons and positrons”, Report #37
of the stopping power of its constituents; thus a key priority to International Committee on Radiation Units (ICRU:Bethesda, MD)
Luo S, Zhang X, Joy DC (1991) Rad. Effects and Defects in Solids 117:235
for future work should be to complete the set of stopping Seiler H (1984) J Appl Phys 54:R1
power profiles for elements rather than to acquire more data Starke H (1898) Ann Phys 66:49
on compounds. Whetten NR, Laponsky AB (1957) J Appl Phys 28:515

X-ray Ionization Cross Sections Index

Measured values of the X-ray ionization cross sections for vari-
ous elements and emission lines as a function of incident beam Introduction 2
energy are also of great importance in microanalysis.
Index 9
Unfortunately, as a brief study of the graphs included here will
show, the amount of data available is small for K-shells, negligi- Master reference list 10
ble for the L-shells, and all but non-existent for the M-shells and Section 1 Secondary (a) for elements 16
higher. This is the result of pervasive experimental difficulties, in electron yields—
particular, the fact that any measurement couples together the (b) for compounds 92
ionization cross section and the fluorescent yield ω. Since, as can Section 2 Backscattered (a) for elements 131
be seen from the plots in section 5 of the database, the value of electron yields—
(b) for compounds 208
the fluorescent yield ω is poorly known for the L- and M-shells
this causes a significant degree in uncertainty in the cross section Section 3 Electron (a) for elements 219
deduced from this data. A more practically useful approach is, stopping powers—
(b) for compounds 236
instead, to quote an “X-ray generation” cross section which is the
Section 4 X-ray ionization 252
product of the ionization cross section and the fluorescent yield
cross sections
term. Because the fluorescent term is never required separately
in X-ray microanalysis this result looses nothing of its generality Section 5 X-ray fluorescent 299
but is much more robust. Future updates of this database will yields
include results in this format. For completeness section 5 tabu-
lates all the available fluorescent yield data for K-, L-, and
Reference List
1. Hunger HJ, Kuchler L (1979) Phys Stat Sol (a)56:K45
Conclusions 2. Reimer L, Tolkamp C (1980) Scanning 3:35
3. Moncrieff DA, Barker PR (1976) Scanning 1:195
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5. Shimizu R (1974) J Appl Phys 45:2107
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56. Hippler R, Sneed K, McGregor I, Kleinpoppen H (1982) Z Phys A307:83 102. Jopson RC, Mark H, Swift CD (1962) Phys Rev 128:2671
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546 Appendix

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547 AA–EP


A –– collection of 491
–– detection of 491–492
–– sample preparation for 510
–– spatial resolution 507–508
Aluminum wire failures 482–483 –– measurement 491 Electron beam, interaction volume change
Anaglyph stereo pair presentation 218 –– origin 490–491 –– elastic scattering 3–4
Ancient impact zircons 493 Compositional mapping –– elastic scattering cross section 4
Angular distribution, backscattered –– limitations of 427–429 –– inelastic scattering 2–3
­electrons 24–25 –– MAXIMUM PIXEL spectrum 433–435 –– Monte Carlo calculations
Auger electron emission 48 –– quantitative compositional mapping –– beam electron interaction volume 7–8
Auger electron spectroscopy 37 436–441 –– composition 8–9
Avogadro’s number 4 –– SUM spectrum 431–433 –– electron interaction volume 7
–– total intensity region-of-interest –– electron trajectory simulation 4–5
­mapping 426–427 –– incident beam energy 9–10
B –– X-ray spectrum imaging (XSI) 429–431
–– EDS dead-time 441–443
–– Monte Carlo simulation (CASINO
­simulation) 5–7
Backscattered electrons (BSEs) 2, 549, vii –– elemental mapping data collection –– size of the interaction volume 11–12
–– angular distribution 24–25 441–450 –– specimen tilt 10–11
–– atomic number contrast 19–20 –– flash mapping 444–445 –– specimen atoms 2
–– energy distribution 29–30 –– high count mapping 445–450 Electron-excited X-ray microanalysis, geometric
–– η vs. atomic number, Z 17–19 –– pixel density 443–444 effects 398
–– η vs. surface tilt, θ 21–23 –– pixel dwell time 444–450 Electron interaction volume 363–364
–– numerical measure 16 Concentration limit of detection (CDL) Electron optical brightness, β 83
–– origin 16 –– reference value 362–363 Electron optical parameters
–– spatial distribution 25–29 –– trace or minor constituent 359–362 –– astigmatism 85–87
–– topographic contrast—number effects 23–24 Continuous energy loss approximation 2 –– beam convergence angle, α 80–81
Backscattered electron yield data 584–563 –– beam current 79–80
Beam convergence angle, α 80–81
–– beam current density 80
Beam current 79–80, 214 –– beam diameter 79
Beam current density 80 –– beam energy 78–79
Beam diameter 79 A Database of Electron-Solid Interactions (Joy) 37
–– beam solid angle 81–83
Beam energy 78–79, 297, 330. See also Low Detective quantum efficiency (DQE) 101–103
–– electron optical brightness, β 83
beam energy SEM; Low beam energy X-ray DTSA-II EDS software
–– focus 83–87
microanalysis –– design 255
Electron probe microanalyzers (EPMAs) 91
–– compositional contrast with backscattered –– fundamental concepts 256–264
Electron–solid interactions, database of 548
electrons 213 –– GUI 267–279
Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis checklist
–– high resolution SEM imaging 214 –– Monte Carlo simulation 267
–– analytical procedure 477
–– vs. secondary electrons (SE) yield 40 –– motivation 254
–– calibrating the EDS detector
–– topographic contrast –– optional tables 279–283
–– detector position 473–474
–– with backscattered electrons 213 –– overview 254–255
–– energy calibration 472–473
–– with secondary electrons 213 –– platform 254
–– probe current 474
Beam placement 414 –– simulation 264–267
–– pulse process time constant 472
Beam solid angle 81–83 –– three-leg stool
–– quality control 473
Bethe expression 2, 3 –– experiment design 256
–– sample orientation 473
Brightness equation 83 –– quantification 255
–– working distance/pecimen-to-EDS
BSEs. See Backscattered electrons (BSEs) –– simulation 255
distance 473
Bulk biological and organic specimens 355–356 –– collecting data
Bulk specimens
–– origins of geometric effects 396–397 E –– collecting peak-fitting references 475
–– collecting spectra from unknown
–– particle analysis EDS. See Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) 475–476
–– optimum spectra 410–414 Electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) xiii –– collecting standards 475
–– quantitative analysis of particles 415–420 –– align sample 510–511 –– experiment optimization 474
–– uncertainty in 420–422 –– check for EBSD patterns 511–512 –– exploratory spectrum 474
–– X-ray measurements 408–410 –– checklist –– reference spectra 475
–– X-ray spectrum imaging (XSI) 414–415 –– acquisition parameters 522 –– selecting standards 474
–– with rough surfaces 399–401 –– candidate crystallographic phases 522 –– data analysis 476
–– EBSD detector 521–522 –– instrumentation

C –– microscope operating conditions 522

–– orientation map 522–523
–– conductive coater 471
–– EDS detector 470–471
Carbonado diamond 492–493 –– pattern optimization 522 –– SEM 470
CASINO simulation 5–7 –– specimen considerations 521 –– peak reference materials 472
Cathodoluminescence (CL) –– index patterns 508–509 –– quality check 476–477
–– applications of –– map parameters 512 –– quantification 476
–– geology 492–493 –– measurements 509–510 –– results 477
–– materials science 493–495 –– origin of 505–506 –– sample preparation 471
–– organic compounds 495–497 –– pattern detection 506–507 –– standard materials 472
548 Index

Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) xi –– imaging with ions 528–529 –– scale bars 107
–– adequate counts 297–298 –– ion–solid interactions 526–527 –– by scanning action 106–107
–– beam current 330–332 –– SEM, sample preparation 530 –– stereomicroscopy
–– beam energy 297, 330 –– 3D techniques and imaging 532–536 –– qualitative stereomicroscopy 118–121
–– coincidence peaks 294–295 –– quantitative stereomicroscopy 121–124

–– detection process –– surface measurement 117–118
–– coincidence peaks 231–233 ImageJ-Fiji
–– peak broadening 228–231 –– calibrated structure in 109–110
Geometric factors
–– Si absorption edge 233–234 –– routine linear measurements with 110
–– bulk specimens 396–397
–– Si-escape peak 231 ImageJ universe 204
–– electron-excited X-ray microanalysis 398
–– Si internal fluorescence peak 233–234 Imaging crystalline materials
–– useful indicators of
–– detector dead-time 297 –– acquired data 512–513
–– EDS spectrum 404–406
–– detector time constant 297 –– application 518–521
–– raw analytical total 401–404
–– electron-excited EDS operation –– cleaning EBSD data 516–517
–– rough bulk samples 406–408
–– beam current 235–237 –– electron channeling contrast
Graphical user interface (GUI) 90, 204
–– channel width and number 235 –– electron backscattering diffraction
–– EDS time constant 234 (EBSD) 504–512
–– solid angle 235
–– exciting characteristic X-rays 287–288
H –– instrument conditions 504
–– specimen preparation 504
–– fluorescence yield 288 Hard-facing alloy bearing surface 480–482 –– map components 513–516
–– lower photon energy region 300–301 Helium ion microscope (HIM) xiv –– polycrystalline materials 502–503
–– manual peak identification 301–305 High resolution imaging –– single crystals 500–502
–– manual qualitative analysis 296–297 –– achieving visibility 178 –– transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD)  
–– minor and trace constituents 301 –– beam footprint 162–164 517–518
–– parameters –– delocalized signals 162–164 Incident beam energy 9–10
–– calibration 330 –– instrumentation considerations 162 Ink-Jet printer deposits 224–226
–– solid angle 330 –– pathological specimen and instrumentation International Union of Pure and Applied
–– spectrum channel energy width behavior Chemistry (IUPAC) 51
328–329 –– contamination 179 Ion beam microscopy
–– spectrum energy span 328–329 –– instabilities 179 –– chemical microanalysis 546
–– time constant 329–330 –– pathological specimen behavior 178–179 –– generating ion beams 541–542
–– pathological electron scattering –– pixel size 162–164 –– helium ion microscope (HIM)
–– trace analysis artifacts 364–369 –– secondary electron contrast 164–165 –– current generation and data
–– peaks, identifying 299 –– beam range 167 ­collection 543–545
–– principles, qualitative EDS analysis 287 –– bright edge effect 167 –– operating the 545–546
–– QC project 246–249 –– critical dimension metrology 167–169 –– patterning with 545
–– QC tools within DTSA-II 246 –– isolated edges 165–167 –– signal generation in 542–543
–– quality assurance issues 286 –– with secondary electrons 169–171 –– patterning with ion 545
–– quality measurement environment –– beam energy strategies 171–173 –– usefulness 538–541
–– detector geometry 237–240 –– low loss BSEs 176–178
–– SE1 signal 173–176
–– detector orientation 240–245
–– energy calibration linearity 245 –– SEM 162
–– optimal working distance 240 HIM. See Helium ion microscope (HIM)
–– process time 240 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 205
–– Si escape peak 293
–– silicon drift detector (SDD)
–– low X-ray flux 250–251 Image defects
–– moderate resolution 251 –– charging Kanaya–Okayama range 11–12, 60, 182
–– output count rate with live-time dose –– control charging artifacts 153–155 k-ratio
249–250 –– define 148–149 –– analytical total 310
–– resolution and peak position stability 250 –– in SEM images 149–152 –– converting sets of 310
–– software tools 298–299 –– contamination 157–158 –– define 308–309
–– trace level measurement 363–364 –– image defocusing (blurring) 113–117 –– element by difference 311
–– X-ray absorption 288–289 –– Moiré effects 158–159 –– estimate CZ 310–311
–– X-ray energy database 289–292 –– projection distortion (foreshortening) –– matrix corrections 316–317
Energy distribution, backscattered 111–113 –– matrix effects, physical origin of 317
­electrons 29–30 –– radiation damage 155–157 –– normalization 310
EPMAs. See Electron probe microanalyzers Image formation –– oxygen by assumed stoichiometry 311
(EPMAs) –– calibrating the image 107–109 –– quantitative electron-excited X-ray
Everhart–Thornley detector 99–100, 128, –– image defects microanalysis
129–130, 213, 215 –– image defocusing (blurring) 113–117 –– standardless analysis 314–316
–– projection distortion (foreshortening) –– standards-based k-ratio protocol

F 111–113
–– image dimensions 107
–– reporting composition
Fiji 204–206 –– ImageJ-Fiji, calibrated structure in 109–110 –– atomic fraction 312
Focused ion beams (FIB), xiii –– ImageJ-Fiji, routine linear measurements –– mass fraction 311–312
–– cross-section preparation 530–532 with 110 –– oxide fractions 312–313
–– focused ion beam systems 527–528 –– magnification 107 –– stoichiometry 312
549 AE–SP

–– sets of 309 –– optimal working distance 259–260 –– three-dimensional structure ix–x

–– uncertainties in 309 –– panel containing properties 256, 257 –– topography ix, x
–– waters of crystallization 311 –– sample-to-detector distance 261 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image
–– ZAF factors, microanalysis 317–324 –– window type 258–259 interpretation
k-ratio/matrix correction protocol –– zero offset 261 –– compositional microstructure
–– alkali element migration 349–353 –– zero strobe discriminator 263 –– atomic number contrast, calculation
–– Ba-Ti interference 337–338 Monte Carlo calculations 127–128
–– beam-sensitive specimens 349 –– beam electron interaction volume 7–8 –– atomic number contrast with backscattered
–– complex metal alloy, IN100 340, 341 –– composition 8–9 electrons 126–127
–– with DTSA II 333–334 –– electron interaction volume 7 –– BSE atomic number contrast with
–– Hall method 353–356 –– electron trajectory simulation 4–5 Everhart–Thornley detector 128
–– instrumentation requirements 328 –– incident beam energy 9–10 –– information in 126
–– iterative qualitative and quantitative analysis –– Monte Carlo simulation (CASINO –– specimen topography 128–129
strategy 338–339 simulation) 5–7 –– Everhart–Thornley detector 129–130
–– major constituents 334–336 –– size of the interaction volume 11–12 –– light-optical analogy 130–133
–– repeated qualitative–quantitative analysis –– specimen tilt 10–11 –– with semiconductor BSE detector
sequences 343–347 Monte Carlo electron trajectory 133–136
–– specimen and standards 328 simulation 4–5 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images
–– specimen homogeneous 347–349 Monte Carlo simulation 5–7 –– Rose visibility criterion 139
–– stainless steel 340–343 –– DTSA-II EDS software 267 –– signal quality 138–145
–– X-ray generation 62–63 –– signal-to-noise ratio 138

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging

–– beam current
Landing energy 79
–– high resolution imaging 214
Lead-acid battery plate reactions 494–495 National Institutes of Health (NIH) 204
–– low contrast features 214
Light-optical analogy, Everhart–Thornley NIST DTSA II simulation 364
–– beam energy
(positive bias) detector 131–133
–– compositional contrast with backscattered

Long-range secondary X-ray fluorescence 364
electrons 213
Low beam energy SEM
–– high resolution SEM imaging 214
–– backscattered electron signal
Open Microscopy Environment –– topographic contrast with backscattered
­characteristics 182–185
(OME) 204 electrons 213
–– constituent 182
Overscanning 414 –– topographic contrast with secondary
–– extremely low beam energy imaging 187
electrons 213
–– high depth resolution SEM 185–186

–– electron detector
–– for high lateral resolution SEM 185
–– backscattered electron detectors 213
–– Kanaya–Okayama range 182
–– Everhart–Thornley detector 213
–– secondary electron 182–185 Particle absorption effect 415–420
–– electron signals available
Low beam energy X-ray microanalysis Particle analysis
–– backscattered electrons 212
–– advantage of –– optimum spectra 410–414
–– beam electron range 212
–– improved spatial resolution 381–382 –– quantitative analysis of particles 415–420
–– secondary electrons (SEs) 212–213
–– low atomic number elements 382–385 –– uncertainty in 420–422
–– image interpretation
–– reduced matrix absorption correction 382 –– X-ray measurements 408–410
–– annular BSE detector 215
–– challenges and limitations –– X-ray spectrum imaging (XSI) 414–415
–– contrast encoding 215
–– reduced access to elements 385–387 Particle mass effect 415
–– direction of illumination 214
–– surface layers 388–393 Particle sample preparation 413–414
–– Everhart–Thornley detector 215
–– vertical heterogeneity 387–388 Plugins 206–209
–– observer’s point of view 214
–– constitutes 376–380
–– semiconductor BSE detector 215

–– low beam energy analysis range 381
–– image presentation
–– peak selection strategy 380–381
–– live display adjustments 214
Quantitative compositional mapping, –– post-collection processing 214

M 436–441 –– specimen considerations 212

–– VPSEM 215

Magnification vs. pixel dimension 163 Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Manganese nodule 483–488 instrumentation
Modeled detectors –– detective quantum efficiency (DQE)
Robust light-optical analogy 131
–– aluminum layer 261–263 101–103
–– azimuthal angle 261 –– detector characteristics
–– crystal thickness 261
–– dead layer 263
S –– bandwidth 97
–– electron detectors, angular
–– detector area 261 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) measures for 96–97
–– elevation angle 261 –– compositional microstructure ix –– energy response 97
–– energy scale 261 –– crystal structure xii–xiii –– electron beam parameters 78
–– gold layer 261–263 –– dual-beam platforms, combined electron –– electron detectors
–– material editor dialog 264–266 and ion beams xiii–xiv –– abundance 95
–– Mn Kα, resolution at 261 –– electron-optical parameters vii–ix –– angular distribution 95
–– nickel layer 261–263 –– elemental composition x–xii –– backscattered electrons 97–99
–– number of channels 261 –– specimen property information ix–x –– kinetic energy response 95–96
550 Index

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Shallow surface relief 222–224 –– scanning electron microscopy at elevated
instrumentation (cont.) Silicon drift detector (SDD) pressures
–– electron optical parameters –– low X-ray flux 250–251 –– focused electron beam 193–196
–– astigmatism 85–87 –– moderate resolution 251 –– image resolution 196–198
–– beam convergence angle, α 80–81 –– output count rate with live-time dose –– specimen charging 191–192
–– beam current 79–80 249–250 –– water environment of specimen 192–193
–– beam current density 80 –– resolution and peak position stability 250 –– solve practical problems 461
–– beam diameter 79 Single pixel measurement 222 –– unfavorable sample characteristics 462–468
–– beam energy 78–79 Spatial distribution, backscattered electrons –– X-ray spectrometry 458–460
–– beam solid angle 81–83 –– depth distribution 26–28
–– electron optical brightness, β 83 –– Monte Carlo simulation 25
–– focus 83–87
–– imaging modes 87–88
–– radial distribution 28–29
Spectrum imaging (SI) xi
–– high-current mode 90–92 Stopping powers 549–550 X-ray ionization cross sections 550
–– high mode 88–90 X-rays

–– low-voltage mode 94–95 –– characteristic of
–– resolution mode 93–94 –– families 50–51
–– secondary electron detectors –– fluorescence yield 48–50
Thin section analysis 353–355
–– Everhart–Thornley detector 99–100 –– intensity 53–56
3D viewer plugin tool 218, 219
–– through-the-lens (TTL) electron –– isolated atoms 53–54
Transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD)
detectors 100 –– nomenclature 51
–– specimen current 100–101 –– origin 46–47
Scanning electron microscopist and X-ray –– thick, solid specimens 55–56
microanalyst (SEMXM) 204
Scanning transmission electron microscope
V –– thin foils 54–55
–– weights of lines 51–53
(STEM) image 175–176 Variable pressure scanning electron microscopy –– continuum (bremsstrahlung) 56–57
Secondary electron energy (VPSEM) vii –– absorption 65–75
spectrum 34–35 –– contrast in 200–201 –– continuum intensity 57–58
Secondary electrons (SE) 2, 549, vii –– conventional SEM high vacuum environment –– depth distribution function,Φ(ρz) 64–65
–– angular distribution of 39–40 –– beam integrity 190 –– electron-excited X-ray spectrum 58–59
–– energy distribution 34–35 –– difference from 190–191 –– fluorescence 75–76
–– escape depth 35–37 –– Everhart–Thornley secondary electron –– Monte Carlo simulation 62–63
–– origin 34 detector 190 –– range of 60–62
–– spatial characteristics of 40–43 –– minimizing contamination 190 X-ray spectrum imaging (XSI)
–– yield vs. atomic number 37–38 –– stable electron source operation 190 –– compositional mapping 429–431
–– yield vs. beam energy 40 –– EDS collimator 456–458 –– EDS dead-time 441–443
–– yield vs. specimen tilt 38–39 –– elevated pressure microscopy, detectors for –– elemental mapping data collection
Secondary electron yield data 553–584 –– backscattered electrons, passive scintillator 441–450
Secondary yields 549 detector 198–199 –– flash mapping 444–445
SEM/EDS –– secondary electrons, gas amplification –– high count mapping 445–450
–– limits of detection for 358–359 detector 199–200 –– pixel density 443–444
–– remote excitation sources 370–373 –– favorable sample characteristics 461–462 –– pixel dwell time 444–450
Semiconductors 493–494 –– gas scattering effects in 452–456, 460–461 –– particle analysis 414–415

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