cv10 Graphplan
cv10 Graphplan
cv10 Graphplan
Planning Graphs
Initially the plan consist of 5 literals from the initial state and the CWA literals (S0).
Add actions whose preconditions are satisfied by EXPAND-GRAPH (A0)
Also add persistence actions and mutex relations.
Add the effects at level S1
Repeat until goal is in level Si
In S2, the goal literals exist and are not mutex with any other
Solution might exist and EXTRACT-SOLUTION will try to find it
EXTRACT-SOLUTION can use Boolean CSP to solve the problem or a search process:
Initial state = last level of PG and goal goals of planning problem
Actions = select any set of non-conflicting actions that cover the goals in the state
Goal = reach level S0 such that all goals are satisfied
Cost = 1 for each action.
GRAPHPLAN Termination
Termination? YES
PG are monotonically increasing or decreasing:
Literals increase monotonically
Actions increase monotonically