A Level Que and Answers FRS
A Level Que and Answers FRS
A Level Que and Answers FRS
a) Omnipresent-Just
b) Omnipotent- Creator
c) Omnipresent- Judge
e)Provider- Mighty
f) Giver
a) Believe in judgment.
Importances of Shahad
a) Monotheism
b) Oneness and Unity among the people as there will be no divisions in the religion.
d) Full membership.
-it is obligatory to everyone especially those who have reached the rational age.
- The second prayer must be offered during the midday is called Zuhr.
- The third prayer before the sunset is called Asr (starts soon after the second prayer.)
- The forth prayer starts at sunset and ends when twilight disappears from sun is called the Majhrib.
- The fifth prayer is done in the evening and end before Dawn is called Ishah.
- The Salat is done facing Mecca (pilgrimage and first altar built by Abraham and Ishamael (Ka'ba).
- Wudu is performed.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Promotes illiteracy.
* Creates monotheism.
- it is a Thanksgiving charity.
- The widows, orphans, prisoners , the new believers money used to build charity org and sponsor
during wars like Jihad.
# Humanitarian services.
- It is obligatory.
- It is done on the 9th month on the Lunar Calendar known as the month of Ramadan.
- Women on menstruation , pregnant, travellers , the elderly , children under the age of 12 are not
allowed to fast.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Closer to Allah.
* Bridges the gap between the poor and rich as both are to experience the same hunger.
* Humanitarian services.
* History on the religion is maintained and passed down from one generation to another.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Networking business.
Question 3: Explain the Shariah law and show instances were it is applied.
# Sunnah
# Hadith
# Quran /Koran
# Jurisprudence
# Mystism
# Shariah
* Inheritance distribution
* Dietry laws
* Environmental matters
d) Early marriages.
d) Books that are followed from Islam are from his teachings and his actions.
e) He performed miracles.
g) He established the rules and the laws that were to be followed in the Islamic Religion.
- Legacy refers to the achievements of a person which are left behind for the next generation to benefit
b) The revealed Koran which came to him when he was on Mount Hirah through revelation.
d) His personal character as well , behaviour and sayings which are recorded in the Sunnah and the
e) Miracle worker
f) Upholder of Monotheism
h) He was a Mofti.
I) Honestly
k) Maintenance of peace.
Question 7: Analyse the concept of a Prophet in Islam/ Examine the characteristics of a Prophet in lslam.
- The word Prophet comes from the Arabic word "Nabi" meaning the Messanger.
* Prophets have a superior mind and intelligence, strong memory, superior logic ability and persuasion
as they are not ordinary people.
* They are the bearers of the good news meaning that they are the preachers of Allah to Mankind.
* They give warning to people concerning what is right and what is wrong, the judgment that is to come.
* They are the moral guiders that is they provide guidelines of what is right and wrong.
* Mujiza , they are miracle workers. Allah gave all his prophets quality to produce some extra ordinary
things or events e.g Prophet Muhammed, water dripped out of his hands when they were in a dessert.
To a greater extent, Muhammed can be considered as a prophet . He is known as the last seal of the
prophets in lslam , after him there is no other prophet to be recognized.
# His character can be clearly illustrated from the Sunnah and Hadith.
-These are duties that are given to each and every man to follow and they promote love.
c) Love is also demonstrated by paying Zakat which will help the needy in the Islamic society.
f) Love is also expressed in Marriage between the husband ,wife and children.
h) Jihad is also the expression of love for it is a good cause of others that is to eliminate social
justice ,terrorism and oppression.
a) The punitive laws do not demonstrate love e.g when one's hand has to be amputated or cut or to be
killed over a certain crime.
b) It lacks tolerance.
c) Shariah advocates for punishments which is violent in nature and does not resort to other means of
- Submitting to Allah.
- To recognize him as the last Prophet and the seal of the prophets.
- To follow up the teachings of Prophet Muhammed which are in the Sunnah and Hadith.
I) Husbands
-Give moral support when the wife is sick by doing household chores.
ii) Wife
-Respect the parents and not to call them names during old age.
-Do not build a house that is higher than that of your neighbour.
-Do not cook food with a smell that will affect your neighbour.
-The are also supposed to show love towards the environment by:
Definition of Ethical Principles is principles which guides the moral behaviour of the Muslim.
Sources of Ethics.
i) Koran/Quran.
-It is the Holy Book that involves the direct word of Allah.
ii) Sunnah
-The activities and the behaviours of Prophet Muhammed which is adopted by the Muslim e.g the
concept of Marriage.
iii) Hadith
-Consists of the sayings of Prophet Muhammed e.g Muhammed was asked who should be respected the
most between the father and the mother and he answered that the mother should be respected the
most .
iv) Juriprusdence
v) Mystism
vi) Shariah
- Laws in lslam.
i) Allah.
- Prophets
- Parents
- Elders
ii) Honesty
iii) Hardworking
iv) Trustworthy
vi) No stealing
viii) Visionary
x) Faithfulness
xi) Equality
xi) Transparency
Question 13: Discuss the status of Women in Islam.
c) According to the Hadith , Muhammed claims that a woman must be the most respected person.
d)Right to vote.
f) Right to the custody during divorce of children below 6yrs however those above 6years to the father.
g) Right to choose a professional or a career of choice however in some Islamic states, women are not
allowed to take up some certain professions e.f fuel stations ,soccer, modeling, hotels as it is considered
as Fatina as it brings direspect of woman for she will be involved with the interaction with several men.
a) Not to leave the house without the husband or the father's consent.
b) Not to leave the house without a male acomplice therefore it infringes the right to privacy.
d) One has to produce four male witnesses during a trial of rape cases.
*Nurturing of children
*Maintance of homes
*Provide moral support to the husband during his ups and downs.
* Worship
* Become interprenuers
* Hospitality activities.
Question 15: Analyse the extent to which women are involved in politics
#Right to vote.
#They advice those who are in Political positions e.g Ayisha the wife of Muhammed who participated in
the war of Mecca.
#Some Islamic states are so strict that they do not promote or want to see women in leadership e.g
Nigerian State, Lesotho state
Question 16: What are the reasons for women to shun politics in Islam
*Lack of support
Question 17: Distinguish between the factors that may hinder or promote women's progress in Islam.
*Patriachal beliefs
*Lack of education
*Attitude from women themselves as some believe that only men are supposed to be at the forefront of
doing things.
* Marriage
*Local customs
* Women are allowed to have their to have their own businesses and to keep their own money.
c)Direct Aid
-Offers education
-Offers education
k)The Call TV
l)Red Crescent
-Offers ARVs
*Drilling boreholes.
a) Ashurah
-A chapter found in the Quran/Koran which contains the teachings on how leaders must behave.
b)A leader who fears and respect Allah and Prophet Muhammed.
d) A visionary leader.
f) Accountability
g) Transparency
l) Reliable
Question 22: Assess the challenges of Islamic perception on Governance
Candidates are required to list the weakness or problems associated with the Islamic Concept of
a) Democracy
b)Sometimes the Monarchy has absolute powers which can prevent the participation of people or the
freedom of choice or will.
c)Most Islamic leaders during the Slave Trade in Africa, they promoted Slave Trade which undermined
the right to life.
e)Some leaders can be tyrranical rulers interested in wars e.g the Jihadists.
f) Accountability and Transparency can also lack in the event that a leader is corrupt or misuse funds.
-Jihad means to strive ,to struggle for the good cause of Allah.
-Jihad is not only limited to war for there are various kinds of Jihad.
ai)Internal Jihad
c)It involves enduring the persecution that one might face in the journey of preaching Islam.
d)It also involves one being able to shun evil to avoid temptation and sinning.
*When he was asked ,"What kind of Jihad was better?" and he replied ,"A word of truth in front of an
oppressive ruler". This means that verbal jihad is supposed to be used in order to seek justice.
iii)Physical Jihad
r)It is however misunderstood to be considered to be a Holy War and also a tool which promotes
terrorism and has made islam to be considered as a violent religion.
a)Physical millitary Jihad is permitted in the Quran as Muslim are allowed to enter into war inorder to
promote their rights and justice.
Effects of War
*Loss of lives
*Leads to Violence
*Loss of property
*Leads to terrorism
*They are Jihadists who engage in suicide bomb attacks e.g Boko Haram, Mandinka State, Osama Ben
Laden etc.
b)The idea of men being allowed to beat up women especially their wives.
b)Their greetings when they meet Al-Salam-Alei-Kum as they will be saying Allah himself is a God of
*Promotes justice
*An act of humanitarian service for they fight for the marginalised, disadvantaged, oppressed
*Guards against the manipulation of resources and environment for personal and selfish use by
*Promotes equality.
-This is an idea of trying to solve issues, disputes, conflicts using non-violent means.
-islam has moved from a stage of employing violent means to solve their disputes.
-There are several methods or modes of confict transformation has been adopted by Muslims for
*Peace treaties
*Settling in courts
-Marriage in Islam should be between man and woman not homosexual marriages.
-Men are allowed to marry non-Muslim but women are not allowed to be married by a non-Muslim
-Marriage in islam should be arranged by the families however one is not forced into the marriage.
-During the arranged marriage has been conducted ,they are not allowed to be seen in private together.
-The engagement which involves the man paying the bride price called Mahar as a token of appreciation
and not being bought.
-Sexual intercourse is not allowed even after the engagement but only after their union together.
-The wedding ceremony called Walima which takes place the night after the couple has spent together.
-A man when he divorce his wife in Islam, he is not allowed to marry her again before the divorced wife
gets married to another man and is divorced again
-Man have several responsibilities in marriage as they are required to maintain the wife by providing
with financial and physical support.
Question 28: Assess the importance of Marriage.
*Will of Allah
To a lesser extent
a) Omnipresent-Just
b) Omnipotent- Creator
c) Omnipresent- Judge
e)Provider- Mighty
f) Giver
a) Believe in judgment.
Importances of Shahad
a) Monotheism
b) Oneness and Unity among the people as there will be no divisions in the religion.
d) Full membership.
-it is obligatory to everyone especially those who have reached the rational age.
- The third prayer before the sunset is called Asr (starts soon after the second prayer.)
- The forth prayer starts at sunset and ends when twilight disappears from sun is called the Majhrib.
- The fifth prayer is done in the evening and end before Dawn is called Ishah.
- The Salat is done facing Mecca (pilgrimage and first altar built by Abraham and Ishamael (Ka'ba).
- Wudu is performed.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Promotes illiteracy.
* Creates monotheism.
- it is a Thanksgiving charity.
- The widows, orphans, prisoners , the new believers money used to build charity org and sponsor
during wars like Jihad.
# Humanitarian services.
- It is obligatory.
- It is done on the 9th month on the Lunar Calendar known as the month of Ramadan.
- Women on menstruation , pregnant, travellers , the elderly , children under the age of 12 are not
allowed to fast.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Closer to Allah.
* Bridges the gap between the poor and rich as both are to experience the same hunger.
* Humanitarian services.
* History on the religion is maintained and passed down from one generation to another.
* Spiritual upliftment.
* Networking business.
Question 3: Explain the Shariah law and show instances were it is applied.
# Sunnah
# Hadith
# Quran /Koran
# Jurisprudence
# Mystism
# Shariah
* Religious matters.
* Inheritance distribution
* Dietry laws
* Environmental matters
d) Early marriages.
d) Books that are followed from Islam are from his teachings and his actions.
e) He performed miracles.
g) He established the rules and the laws that were to be followed in the Islamic Religion.
- Legacy refers to the achievements of a person which are left behind for the next generation to benefit
b) The revealed Koran which came to him when he was on Mount Hirah through revelation.
d) His personal character as well , behaviour and sayings which are recorded in the Sunnah and the
e) Miracle worker
f) Upholder of Monotheism
h) He was a Mofti.
I) Honestly
k) Maintenance of peace.
Question 7: Analyse the concept of a Prophet in Islam/ Examine the characteristics of a Prophet in lslam.
- The word Prophet comes from the Arabic word "Nabi" meaning the Messanger.
* Prophets have a superior mind and intelligence, strong memory, superior logic ability and persuasion
as they are not ordinary people.
* They are the bearers of the good news meaning that they are the preachers of Allah to Mankind.
* They give warning to people concerning what is right and what is wrong, the judgment that is to come.
* They are the moral guiders that is they provide guidelines of what is right and wrong.
To a greater extent, Muhammed can be considered as a prophet . He is known as the last seal of the
prophets in lslam , after him there is no other prophet to be recognized.
# His character can be clearly illustrated from the Sunnah and Hadith.
-These are duties that are given to each and every man to follow and they promote love.
c) Love is also demonstrated by paying Zakat which will help the needy in the Islamic society.
f) Love is also expressed in Marriage between the husband ,wife and children.
h) Jihad is also the expression of love for it is a good cause of others that is to eliminate social
justice ,terrorism and oppression.
a) The punitive laws do not demonstrate love e.g when one's hand has to be amputated or cut or to be
killed over a certain crime.
b) It lacks tolerance.
c) Shariah advocates for punishments which is violent in nature and does not resort to other means of
- Submitting to Allah.
- To recognize him as the last Prophet and the seal of the prophets.
- To follow up the teachings of Prophet Muhammed which are in the Sunnah and Hadith.
-Respecting his name by saying (PBUH) Peace Be Upon Him.
I) Husbands
-Give moral support when the wife is sick by doing household chores.
ii) Wife
-Respect the parents and not to call them names during old age.
-Keep the children away from drugs, alcohol , lying , back biting and gossiping.
-Do not build a house that is higher than that of your neighbour.
-Do not cook food with a smell that will affect your neighbour.
-Avoid back biting your neighbour.
-The are also supposed to show love towards the environment by:
Definition of Ethical Principles is principles which guides the moral behaviour of the Muslim.
Sources of Ethics.
i) Koran/Quran.
-It is the Holy Book that involves the direct word of Allah.
ii) Sunnah
-The activities and the behaviours of Prophet Muhammed which is adopted by the Muslim e.g the
concept of Marriage.
iii) Hadith
-Consists of the sayings of Prophet Muhammed e.g Muhammed was asked who should be respected the
most between the father and the mother and he answered that the mother should be respected the
most .
iv) Juriprusdence
v) Mystism
- Laws in lslam.
i) Allah.
- Prophets
- Parents
- Elders
ii) Honesty
iii) Hardworking
iv) Trustworthy
vi) No stealing
viii) Visionary
x) Faithfulness
xi) Equality
xi) Transparency
c) According to the Hadith , Muhammed claims that a woman must be the most respected person.
d)Right to vote.
f) Right to the custody during divorce of children below 6yrs however those above 6years to the father.
g) Right to choose a professional or a career of choice however in some Islamic states, women are not
allowed to take up some certain professions e.f fuel stations ,soccer, modeling, hotels as it is considered
as Fatina as it brings direspect of woman for she will be involved with the interaction with several men.
a) Not to leave the house without the husband or the father's consent.
b) Not to leave the house without a male acomplice therefore it infringes the right to privacy.
d) One has to produce four male witnesses during a trial of rape cases.
*Nurturing of children
*Maintance of homes
*Provide moral support to the husband during his ups and downs.
* Worship
* Become interprenuers
Question 15: Analyse the extent to which women are involved in politics
#Right to vote.
#They advice those who are in Political positions e.g Ayisha the wife of Muhammed who participated in
the war of Mecca.
#Some Islamic states are so strict that they do not promote or want to see women in leadership e.g
Nigerian State, Lesotho state
Question 16: What are the reasons for women to shun politics in Islam
*Lack of support
Question 17: Distinguish between the factors that may hinder or promote women's progress in Islam.
*Patriachal beliefs
*Lack of education
*Attitude from women themselves as some believe that only men are supposed to be at the forefront of
doing things.
* Marriage
*Local customs
* Women are allowed to have their to have their own businesses and to keep their own money.
c)Direct Aid
-Offers education
-Offers education
k)The Call TV
l)Red Crescent
-Offers ARVs
*Drilling boreholes.
a) Ashurah
-A chapter found in the Quran/Koran which contains the teachings on how leaders must behave.
b)A leader who fears and respect Allah and Prophet Muhammed.
d) A visionary leader.
f) Accountability
g) Transparency
l) Reliable
Candidates are required to list the weakness or problems associated with the Islamic Concept of
a) Democracy
b)Sometimes the Monarchy has absolute powers which can prevent the participation of people or the
freedom of choice or will.
c)Most Islamic leaders during the Slave Trade in Africa, they promoted Slave Trade which undermined
the right to life.
f) Accountability and Transparency can also lack in the event that a leader is corrupt or misuse funds.
-Jihad means to strive ,to struggle for the good cause of Allah.
-Jihad is not only limited to war for there are various kinds of Jihad.
ai)Internal Jihad
c)It involves enduring the persecution that one might face in the journey of preaching Islam.
d)It also involves one being able to shun evil to avoid temptation and sinning.
*In the verbal this is when one seeks justice through words and non-Violent actions.
*When he was asked ,"What kind of Jihad was better?" and he replied ,"A word of truth in front of an
oppressive ruler". This means that verbal jihad is supposed to be used in order to seek justice.
iii)Physical Jihad
r)It is however misunderstood to be considered to be a Holy War and also a tool which promotes
terrorism and has made islam to be considered as a violent religion.
a)Physical millitary Jihad is permitted in the Quran as Muslim are allowed to enter into war inorder to
promote their rights and justice.
Effects of War
*Loss of lives
*Leads to Violence
*Loss of property
*Leads to terrorism
*They are Jihadists who engage in suicide bomb attacks e.g Boko Haram, Mandinka State, Osama Ben
Laden etc.
b)The idea of men being allowed to beat up women especially their wives.
b)Their greetings when they meet Al-Salam-Alei-Kum as they will be saying Allah himself is a God of
Question 25: Evaluate the importance of Jihad.
*Promotes justice
*An act of humanitarian service for they fight for the marginalised, disadvantaged, oppressed
*Guards against the manipulation of resources and environment for personal and selfish use by
*Promotes equality.
-This is an idea of trying to solve issues, disputes, conflicts using non-violent means.
-islam has moved from a stage of employing violent means to solve their disputes.
-There are several methods or modes of confict transformation has been adopted by Muslims for
*Peace treaties
*Settling in courts
-Marriage in Islam should be between man and woman not homosexual marriages.
-Men are allowed to marry non-Muslim but women are not allowed to be married by a non-Muslim
-Marriage in islam should be arranged by the families however one is not forced into the marriage.
-During the arranged marriage has been conducted ,they are not allowed to be seen in private together.
-The engagement which involves the man paying the bride price called Mahar as a token of appreciation
and not being bought.
-Sexual intercourse is not allowed even after the engagement but only after their union together.
-The wedding ceremony called Walima which takes place the night after the couple has spent together.
-A man when he divorce his wife in Islam, he is not allowed to marry her again before the divorced wife
gets married to another man and is divorced again
-Man have several responsibilities in marriage as they are required to maintain the wife by providing
with financial and physical support.
*Will of Allah
To a lesser extent
*Right to education
*Right to vote.
*Right to vote.
[1/20, 15:27] +263 77 351 5490: FAMILY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES 6074/1
TIME 3 hours
Answer FOUR questions.
If you use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together.
You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers.
Section A
Indigenous Religion
- they can be difficult and have active interest in the life of their living relatives
- to qualify as an ancestor, the deceased must have been elderly, mature and morally upright
- female elders of the family are transformed into very powerful ancestral spirits when they die
- they give warnings cautions to the living relatives through dreams and visions
- they wipe away deadly diseases affecting both people and their animals
- have a religious function, kurova guva is led by a person of the same totem with the deseased
- solving conflicts
However, nowadays totems seem to be no longer signifying and portraying personal and community
identification due to culture dilution
- totems have lost significance due to mixed or intermarriage of people from different races, eg blacks
and whites to bear coloureds
* taboos are moral sanctions that help in shaping a person's virtue (unhu) and protect the environment
in the community
- prohibition of cutting down sacred trees such as muhacha reduces deforestation, shelter and habitats
for animals
- eating animals that represent one's totem is prohibited, leading to the conservation of wildlife
- pollution of sacred places such as pools, forests is not allowed. This promotes tourism and
conservation of pools (hygiene)
- fetching water using a black (dirty due to burning of fire) is not allowed. This keeps the environment
clean and thus protects acquatic life.
- excreting on the road is prohibited. This helps keep the environment clean (hygiene)
- selling wild fruits is prohibited. This helps to keep food for wild animals
- incest is prohibited. It's a direct provocation of ancestral spirits. This leads to failure of rain. Rain is
good for every living organism.
- eating pangolins is a taboo. It's a preserve for chiefs and Kings. This helps reduces extinction of
Sacred places are places which are set apart from daily activities. It is where the hierophany manifests.
- M Eliade defines sacred places as axis mundi ,a meeting point between God and people.
- The term mundi means earth,in simple terms,it is on the sacred places that the spiritual manifests
- examples of sacred places are choto, chikuva, makuva, chinhoyi caves, Matonjeni, Matopos hills,
Mutiusinazita, Great Zimbabwe monuments and Njelele shrine to mention a few.
- sacred places are almost everywhere. They are found in our homes,water bodies,and the Land
- Religious functions:
- such places are used as rain inducing centers. They are pilgrimage centers where the local community
frequently visit to get spiritual and human inspiration. Any talk about the community union with the
spiritual world achieved its apex when rituals are conducted on these places.
- social functions:
- such places were designed for celebration within the communities. Celebrations or rituals such as
Mukwerera were done on these places. Chief coronation were done and finalized on these sacred
places. The decision making assembly, Zumwe for most chiefs was located on sacred places.
- Political:
- since sacred places are the burial places for the forbearers of the land, inspiration related to land
revolution and spiritual reforms were mooted from sacred places. Most political decisions that were
taken by chiefs were usually born out of the directions presented to the chiefs by the voice from sacred
places.In this way, sacred places play an important political role to the lives and experiences of the
communities around tplace
Economic functions:
- sacredd places are used as the economic harbor of traditional societies. Most of the gold mined, salt
collected etc that communities had at their disposal were kept at sacred places. They are also used as
tourist attractions centers
- Ecological function:
- sacred places are also used to protect the environment. People are not allowed to cut down trees and
thus protect the enviroment. M NYORE
- dreams
- visions
- divination (bone-throwing)
- mediumship
- rainmaking ceremonies
- omen interpretation
- astrology
- palm-reading
⛷️Explore the functions of spirits in Indigenous Religion.
Ancestral spirits
- they protect their relatives against evil spirits, witchcraft and harmful magic
- warn the living against any form of bad works such as incest, dishonest, etc
Avenging spirits
- cause pain, panic, and punishment to a family, mostly because of unsolved and unresolved issues and
Hunting spirits
- music and dance communicate sorrow, grief, birth, anointing of a king and approaching of the rain
- reed mate are important. People sit on it when communicating with ancestors; a coffin is placed on it
- rusero is significant
⛷️Evaluate/Discuss the importance of ethical conduct in shaping family relations in Indigenous Religion.
- it's a humanist philosophy which focuses on people's allegiances and relations with each other
- Louw (1998) suggests that the concept of unhu defines the individuals in their several relationships
with others and stresses its importance as a religious concept
- those who uphold the principle of unhu throughout their lives will, in death, achieve a unity with those
- this means that those who die having upheld the concept of unhu will join the ancestral (spiritual)
world and will be venerated and can be trusted with the duties and the roles of ancestors worthy of the
- it's an appreciation of traditional beliefs and a constant awareness that an individual's actions today
are reflections on the past and will have far reaching consequences for the future
-A person with unhu knows his place in the universe and, consequently, will be able to interact
gracefully with other individuals
- people are able to judge the society from where a person is coming by judging the individual's
- Samkange (1980) places an emphasis on 3 maxims which shape the philosophy of unhuism:
. To be human is to recognise the humanity of others, and on that basis, establish respectful relations
with others
. In a decisive choice between wealth and preservation of the life of another human being, one should
opt for the preservation of life
. The King owes his status, including all his powers associated with it, to the will of the people under him.
NB: unhuism the social, political, economic and religious life of an individual.
- Unfaithfulness (prostitution)
- poor communication
- poor hygiene
NB: Try to give a solution (way) to minimise each cause of divorce, such as:
- avoiding cohabitation
- bride price must be paid by parents and other relatives must attend the ceremony
- satisfaction in bed
- kupindira
⛷️Assess (Analyse the concept of) the land ownership in Indigenous Religion.
⛷️Identify (Explain/Assess the significance of) the sacred phenomena in the natural environment.
⛷️Discuss/Explain the values on (Discuss the ways of) wealth creation in Indigenous Religion.
Identify/Examine the prohibited ways of wealth creation.
- production of artifact
- keeping livestock
- mining
- prostitution or cheating
- kuromba
- stealing
Physical, mental, spiritual and sexual aspects of life can lead to good or ill-health
- Agriculture - people are encouraged to grow traditional crops such as rapoko, millet and sorghum to
ensure good health
- Spiritually, diviners should do cleansing (exorcism) ceremonies in the community (using charms)
- going against taboos that protect springs, waterfalls, etc can attract illness in a family or community
- offering sacrifices and prayers to the Supreme Being ensures good health
- the spiritual world offers protection to the human world, hence ensuring good health
- the spiritual world communicates with the spirit mediums through dreams and visions
- the spiritual world provides rains and other goodies to ensure good health
- the spiritual world can punish and forgive wrongdoers, hence provide good health
⛷️Examine methods of healing in Indigenous Religion. (Highlight the religious practitioners involved and
tools used in each method.)
- Diviners interpret characteristics of bones in consulting the spiritual world to ascertain the cause of
[1/20, 15:27] +263 77 351 5490: *⛱️simple formula for academic achievement in Family and Religious
studies Alevel!!*⛱️
*[ ⚡Monday 15/06/20⚡]*
*🐒1)*"Words of God expressed in human words" how valid is this assertion I'm the authority of the
Bible for Christians.
*🐒2)* How can you explain that the Bible records untrue statement of men ??
🚰 Similarities
🚰 Differences
Student questions:
*1)🐒* Discuss the difference between the old and the new Testament
*2)*🐒 "The continuation of the old in the new " How valid is this assertion on the relationship between
the old and the new testament??
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[1/20, 15:27] +263 77 351 5490: "precanonical prophets in lsrael defended human rights"Discus
Human rights means justice so the assumption in the question is tht non writing prophets fought for
justice to prevail. Therefore side A is tht yes they did fight for justice eg Moses liberated the Israelites to
fight for their ryt to freedom, Nathan attacked David concerning Uriahs wife to fight for the ryts of the
ruled poor citizens, Elijah attacked Ahab on Naboths issue to fight for the ryts of the poor citizens, Moses
was a judge who judged matters inorder to make sure tht justice prevails so did Moses at Mizpah, Ahijah
divided the kingdom to fight fir the ryts of the oppressed Israelites under Solomon
Side b
However there are also situations when they let go the ryts of the pple unattended eg Moses killed an
Egyptian and fled from Egypt, Samuel left Israel under his unscrupulous sons as judges but they were
unfair judges.
NB so the idea is to look for incidents where they fought for justice not just where they acted to help
people. Where they helped like Elisha in most of his miracles is called social work.
We don mix with canonical ppts when the question is specific wth a particular era or prophetic period.
[1/20, 15:27] +263 77 351 5490: QN "Amos deserve to be regarded as a prophet of doom" Examine this
view .To what extent do Zimbabwean church leaders warn people ?(25) -pt 55
The country prophet "Amos" in this case is regarded as a prophet of doom. Amos have been given
different names. Some labeled him as a madman. Scholar Vauld concluded that Amos was a poet. It is
prudent at this stage to remember that Israelites never regarded Amos as a prophet of doom because
the bible our primary source doesn't say so .Therefore, this will lead one to suggest that scholars were
responsible for coining the name .
- Most students tend to conclude that "Israelites regarded Amos as a prophet of doom "If we to
agree ,then will be making violence on a plain language .[check my argument ].
- Dr Thomas Constable define doom as a message of destruction whereas U.S.A English dictionary
defines doom as countable historical A judgment or decision
An impending severe problem or danger that seems inevitable. Or a feeling of danger, impending
danger, darkness or despair
- Amos can be regarded as a prophet of doom because of his oracles concerning Israel and surrounding
nations .The surrounding nations such as Gaza,Edom,Moab,Tyre ,e.t.c were condemned because of their
sins [I once wrote an article concerning sins of the nations and punishment]. Amos used the catch words
"For three transgressions and for four I will not revoke the punishment" This indicates that Yahweh was
not going to loosen the punishment which he had imposed to the Israelites ,this is recorded in Amos 1:3-
2:6.As, such one will be left with no choice but to suggest that Amos deserve to be regarded as a
prophet of doom.
- The similes and metaphors which Amos used to deliver his message bear elements of destruction, this
is valid when one closely analyze Amos 1:2 "motto" ,Amos 2:11-13,Amos 3:8 and Amos 3:12 .The above
biblical references contain the message of destruction, hence ,one will be forced to suggest that Amos
deserve to be regarded as a prophet of doom.
- Amos used a songs to deliver his message of destruction. The songs which Amos used had elements of
doom ,this has led number of authors and authoress to label it as a "funeral dirge "Amos believed that
Israel's destruction was inevitable, this is recorded in Amos 5:2 and Amos 5:16 This has been further
supported by scholars like Constable in his Amos notes page 55 who submitted dirge was a song which
was sung at funeral's friend ,hence Israelites were going to mourn .As such this validate that Amos
deserve to be regarded as a prophet of doom.
- Amos believed that during the day of the lord ,it will be day of destruction and endless weeping.
[Remember the Israelites expected joy during the day of the Lord].The visions of Amos had elements of
destruction [we all know the visions of Amos ].The above points can be supported by Amos 5:18 and
Amos 7:1 to chapter 8.All this augment the view that Amos deserve to be regarded as a prophet of
doom .
It can be argued that Amos doesn't totally deserve to be regarded as a prophet of doom ,as there are
some elements of hope in his book .For instance in Amos 5:4 "seek me and live" This indicates that those
who repented survived ,hence disqualifying the view that Amos can be regarded as a prophet of doom.
~Hope in last chapters of his book can be added even though some scholars doubt that Amos authored
these chapters [What remains is that the bible doesn't tell us that later editors wrote this chapter
beware ] ~In Amos 3:12 and Amos 7:2 there are some elements of hope ,hence ,Amos does not totally
deserve to be regarded as a prophet of doom.
- In Zimbabwean context, number of so many prophets have delivered messages of warning. This is true
in the case of the story of Emmanuel Makandiwa which was recorded by Chronicles,
Bulawayo24.com,Newsday in 2015 warning the Zimbabwean leaders to build bigger prisons as he had
foresaw the economic meltdown. Therefore, this proves to us that Zimbabwean prophets deliver the
message of warning.
There are some prophets in Zimbabwe who deliver a message of destruction /punishment[Remember
there is difference between warning and punishment]. The story of the prophet "Major Provovo man of
style" Uebert Angel who delivered two visions ["My vision to hell and Heaven"]
[1/20, 15:27] +263 77 351 5490: Kindly click the link below👇🏼
There are two broad theories surrounding the origins of prophecy in Ancient in Israel. Thus this is a
contested debate among scholars. Some say prophecy originated as a borrowed phenomenon from the
ANE whereby the other say prophecy in Israel was unique. Greatly the first borrowed theory was
supported by stories and evidence of different legends taken from the ANE. Basing on the unique
theory; it was subdivided into theories like evolutionary and traditional theories explaining the origins of
prophecy supported by Biblical evidence. However it is important to note that these theories have got
their weaknesses and strengths. Much of this will be outlined below.
Firstly, the origins of prophecy in Israel were greatly based on external sources. This is because there
are features of prophecy that are similar to that of Israelite prophecy observed in the ANE. According to
J.Pritchard; prophecy in Israel was borrowed. This is evidenced by the legend of Wen- Amon. A certain
youth experienced ecstasy on arrival of Wen Amon to look for timber to built a Temple for his God. It is
believed the Youth summoned the Prince of Mesopotamia to accept the request of Wen Amon in
ecstasy state. Thus scholars concluded prophecy was borrowed in the ANE as seen in the youth who
experienced ecstasy, forthtell as well as had prophetic authority similar to Israelite prophecy. However
this theory is seen as biased. Basing on ecstasy which is seen as a feature of false prophecy not true
prophecy.Thus discrediting the theory.
Moreover, Prophecy in Israel is as a borrowed phenomenon. This is supported by the features that were
observed in the prophets of the ANE. These prophetic type persons are believed to have been called
seers and man of God as given by Mari Texts which is also similar in Israelite prophecy. For instance,
Samuel and Gad were called a seer whereas Elijah was referred to as the man of God. Thus basing on
this prophecy was borrowed. However it is a religious blunder to ignore that although there are these
features. From the ANE evidence, there is not enough data, bareground on the prophetic type persons
which is different from
To supplement, the origins of prophecy had also been based on the unique theory. Supported by Biblical
evidence and scholars. In this case prophecy was born in Israel and had no foreign origins. The
evolutionary sub theory support this debate. It is believed the office of a prophet evolved from that of a
seer as in 1 Samuel 9 vs 9. This thus had provided conclusions that prophecy was born in Israel with
Samuel. Adding on, the emergence of a monarchy led to the rise of prophecy in the time of of Samuel.
Therefore in this case, prophecy was unique in Israel. However it is not fair to ignore the fact that some
prophets in Israel were also called prophets at the same time as seers. This gives scholars a base for
debating on the different use of those titles between Samuel and Gad. Adding more, it has been
whether Samuel originated with prophecy as his rise was also supported by the downfall of Eli
priesthood. Thus discredits the theory.
Striking forward to the destination, the Uniqueness of prophecy in Israel is also based on the traditional
theory. This is when basing this on the case of covenants.God communicated his covenants to the
people of Israel through prophets. Prophets were messengers of Yahweh. Taking into consideration
Moses, on Mount Sinai.
The characteristics of speaking to the people as well as passing the message of Yahweh and his
commands is tangible evidence from the Bible that prophecy in Israel was unique. However this theory
is strongly criticised. This is so because there are so many traditions in the Bible on covenants and most
of them are not linked to prophecy. This thus creates a question why? Adding more, Mount Sinai is also
called Kadesh and is said to be a cultic centre of Moses uncle inlaw. This also gives a debate on the
origins of prophecy on this Mount as it is associated to many traditions. Thus discredit the unique
In a nutshell, it is clear from the above discussion that the origins of prophecy in Israel is a contested
terrain basing on that prophecy was greatly borrowed as well as the unique theory taking into account
the above analysis. However, it is important to note, that theories have got their strength and
weaknesses as the justice given to the above essay.
*Mark 76%*
[2/2, 17:00] +263 71 657 5230: *‘Without Samuel, prophecy would never have begun; without Elijah,
prophecy would have died.’ How far do you agree?* by Zivave W @ 0773902626
Samuel lived in a time of radical change, and was at the centre of it, so candidates might make some of
the following judgements:
• the Samuel narrative begins with a note that the word of Yahweh was “rare in those days” (1 Samuel
3:1), so it was Samuel who revived it, so in that sense Samuel marked a new beginning for prophecy
• the circumstances of Samuel’s birth & call suggest that he had a particularly special prophetic mission,
hence the ‘newness’ of his prophetic word.
• Samuel seems to have been involved in the development of the role of seer into that of the nabi: 1
Sam.9, in which case his developed prophetic status was perhaps given to him in order to help him cope
with the affairs of Israel. Again, this marks a beginning in terms of a new type of prophecy.
• F.M. Cross sees the origins of prophecy in Israel in connection with the development of the monarchy.
Since Samuel oversaw the anointing of the first two monarchs, then on this view Samuel would be the
first prophet.
Candidates are likely to argue that despite these points, the Bible suggests that prophecy began with
other figures, primarily Moses, but also Abraham, for example.
Elijah had archetypal importance, e.g. at Sinai in connection with election, covenant, salvation, law,
revelation of God, etc.
• his dealings with Ahab and Jezebel, and the threat to Yahwism from worship of Baal & Asherim / the
power of Yahweh manifested in the drought / the contest on Carmel and the destruction of the Baal
prophets, establishing that Yahweh, and not Baal, is Lord of the heavens
• the transfer of his prophetic role to Elisha, continuing the prophetic control over kingship, thus
seeking to guarantee the preservation of Yahweh worship and of Yahweh-prophets.
Some might argue that Samuel was as responsible as Elijah for preserving prophecy. The rise of the
monarchy can be seen as a political necessity in response to the Philistine threat. Israel might have
ceased to be a nation had the Philistines conquered their territories, in which case Yahweh worship
would have ceased also, so Samuel’s actions ensured the survival of both Yahwism and Yahweh-
prophets. A case is sometimes made for Elijah as the first ‘real’ prophet in connection with the threat
from Jezebel and Baal-prophets. Credit all attempts at reasoning in connection with the question.