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Pak Paint

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Nippon Paint (Pakistan) (Pvt) Ltd
Site location* Lahore, Pakistan
Number of workers 600
Nippon Paint Pakistan marked its successful entry into the Pakistani market on November 5,
2007. The distribution currently spreads from the far South, Karachi, and Gwadar, to the hilly
areas of Mingora and ahead. A market leader in Paints and Coatings – Industrial, Automotive,
Heavy Duty Coatings and Marine industries with products used by professionals, architects, trade
users and home owners.
The facility primarily products ornamental, industrial, marine, and wood coating paint products.
General description of the organisation
Products with specialized coatings and excellent performance are also created for projects.
Reactors, agitators, mixers, grinders, containers, and boilers are only a few of the machinery and
equipment that the company has. Open and closed type sand mill operations, ball mill, pug
mixer, work at height, and welding were examples of typical activities.
Two shifts. The first shift begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m., while the second shift begins
at 4:00 p.m. and concludes at 12:00 a.m.
Description of the area to be included in the The administration area, the solvent-based paint section, the packaging section, the grinding

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area, the mixing area, resin production area, the powder coating department, the storage
risk assessment warehouses, the liquor production area, the parking area, the washrooms, the waste disposal
centres and the lay down area will all be subject to a risk assessment.
The HSE Manager along with plant manager are the most responsible persons for providing and
Any other relevant information
maintaining H&S at the workplace.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was carried I begin by studying international labour organization (ILO) website for code of practice related to
out this should include: health and safety in pain manufacturing industries.
 sources of information consulted; https://www.ilo.org/safework/cis/WCMS_192389/lang--en/index.htm
 who you spoke to; and https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C170
 how you identified: I also checked HSE website
- the hazards; https://www.hse.gov.uk/skin/casestudies/paint.htm
- what is already being done; and
- any additional controls/actions that may
I also get in-depth details regarding working with solvents and the degree of compliance the
be required.
business has attained with the rules and regulations.
Additionally, I did one-on-one interviews with the employees to find out more about their level of
proficiency as well as the H&S policies in place and how frequently they were utilized. A clean
and pollution-free environment is maintained at the company's manufacturing facilities through
the use of a Solvent Recovery Plant that recycles used solvent, a Xylene recovery system to
ensure the safety of the work environment, and routine safety training programs that are
organized for all staff members, factory workers, and vendors.
At every stage, strict safety regulations for PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and work
procedures are enforced.

Apart from that, I checked company records such as loss time injury, sick pay records, audit
reports, mission statements, working man hours, investigations and inspection records, financial
statistics, and HSE reports to see where the company falls short in providing a safe working

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environment. All of the above, as well as references from
https://www.ilo.org/safework/cis/WCMS 192389/lang—en/index.htm
assisted me in advising additional controls at the plant.

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Nippon Paint (Pakistan) (Pvt) Ltd

Date of assessment: May 25, 2023
Scope of risk assessment: The administration area, the packaging section, the grinding area, the mixing area the storage warehouses, the liquor
production area, the parking area, the waste disposal centres and the lay down area will all be subject to a risk assessment.

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Fire Both non-smokers and Quit smoking seminars and 1. Post no smoking signs and limit 1 day HSE Manager
In a storage smokers at work run the public awareness campaigns workers' access to the area.
warehouse, risk of suffering injury. are held on a regular basis. Area
there was 2. Impose heavy fines on employees 1 week supervisor
smoking near One of the oil canes was Workers will have their own as disciplinary action.
flammable oil harmed as a result of two smoking areas outside of the 3. Install smoke and heat detectors in 3 weeks Area
paints. workers smoking in a plant. various plant zones. supervisor
paint storage facility
where oil paints were 4. Schedule fire safety trainings and 1 month HSE Manager
kept. This conduct has mock fire drills for all employees.
the potential to start a Area
fire and an explosion 5. Install CCTV in various areas of the supervisor
because oil paints are plant for strict monitoring.
naturally combustible, 1 month

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
which might lead to
several fatalities,
property damage, and
personal injuries like skin
Work at Height A worker using a At the workplace, a work at 1. Put an end to the activity, safely 1 day HSE Manager
defective ladder at a height hazards safety sign is remove the worker, and conduct a
In the parking height risk being hurt. displayed. tool box talk.
lot, workers Finance
were working One employee was using 2. Replace the ladder with a more 2 days manager
at a height with a broken ladder with secure one and secure it from top to
a damaged loose rungs while bottom. HSE Manager
ladder. changing a defective bulb
in the parking lot. The 3. Provide all workers with work at 2 weeks Area manager
ladder's base was also heights training.
unsecure. Area manager
4. Establish a system for inspecting 2 weeks
It may lead to a person and maintaining ladders on a regular
falling, which may result basis.
in fatalities, head and 5. Create a safe work system for work
neck injuries, fractured at heights activities by utilising the
bones, and other Permit to Work system. 1 month

Health, This disturbs everyone at Workers were given food. 1. Ensure that soap, hand sanitizers,
Welfare & work, including and tissue rolls are available in 2 days Operational

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Work employees and restrooms. Manager
Environment operators. Provisions for water 2. Provision should be made for the 1 week
installations were made. necessary restroom installations. Operational
At the Such circumstances may Manager
workplace, lead to the spread of 3. Toilets should be cleaned and
there were various diseases and disinfected on a regular basis. 1 month Area manager
only a few viruses, hepatitis,
restroom allergies, and other 4. Workers should have access to a Area manager
facilities, and consequences. rest area.
there was no 2 months
rest space. The 5. All legal requirements must be met. HSE Manager
restrooms 1 month
filthy and
Manual Employees who 1. Ensure employee job rotation. 1 day Area manager
Handling performed manual In the warehouse area, manual
handling tasks could handling hazards and control 2. Provide workers with handling aids Area manager
Handling heavy suffer damage. measures were displayed. such as hand trolleys, sack trucks, and 1 week
loads such as wheelbarrows. HSE Manager
barrels and Heavy goods like barrels
boxes by hand and boxes were handled Workers are given frequent 3. Teach workers safe manual lifting 2 weeks Operational
in a storage manually by workers in rest breaks. and other material handling manager
warehouse storage warehouses. techniques.
area which can Additionally, their lifting 4. Establish a system of worker health 1 year Operational

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
cause back techniques were flawed. surveillance. manager
ergonomics These postures, 5. Introduce conveyors and hoists to 2 months
and cramps. combined with heavy automate the manual lifting process.
loads, are injury-prone
actions that can have
serious health
consequences, such as
fatigue, back pain, spinal
disc injuries, and muscle
cramps and pains.

Electricity Worker performing Workers have been provided 1. Put an end to the activity and give a 1 day Area manager
maintenance work might with Tool Box Talk. local tool box talk.
Panel of be harmed. Area manager
electricity in 2. Use lockout/tag out and then begin 1 week
the admin In the Admin Office, an working. HSE manager
office, electrician was
maintenance performing maintenance 3. Provide workers with insulated HSE manager
work was being and repair work on the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
done without electrical panel without such as gloves and shoes. 1 week
the use of the using a lockout/tag out
Lockout/Tagout system and without Operational
system. wearing personal 4. Provide workers with electrical 2 weeks Manager
protective equipment safety training.
such as insulated gloves.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
This hazardous practise
can result in 5. Implement and create standard 1 month
electrocution, which can operating procedures (SOP) for
cause a variety of shocks, electrical activities.
a fire with an explosion,
electric skin burns, and
cardiac arrest.
Noise Heavy noise may affect Signs about noise were 1. Provide workers with ear 1 day Area manager
workers in the mixing and displayed. protection, such as ear muffs and ear
In the mixing grinding stage. plugs. Area manager
and grinding
section, a The mixing and grinding 2. Implement job rotations and 2 days
heavy ball and section's noisy ball and frequent rest breaks to reduce noise Maintenance
pebble mill is pebble mills were making exposure limits. Manager
making a lot of it difficult for employees
noise. to hear while they 3. Inspect and maintain the ball mill 2 weeks HSE Manager
continuously worked properly to reduce noise levels.
without earplugs. 4. A health surveillance system for
workers who are constantly exposed 1 month Financial
A loud environment may to noise. manager
result in tinnitus (ear
buzzing and ringing), 5. Construct noise-absorbing shelters
temporary hearing loss, around mills. 2 months
or even NIHL.
Vibration The operator of the Regular health surveillance for 1. Limit vibration exposure by 1 day Area manager
vibrating screens might workers in the grinding section providing frequent breaks and job

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
High vibrations be harmed. is done. rotations. Area manager
are produced
by vibrating The operator of the 2. Provide personal protective
screens in grinding section was equipment that meets ANSI 4 days
grinding operating vibrating standards, such as vibration-resistant
sections. screens for filtering gloves and shoes. HSE Manager
required sized pigment,
and oversized pigment 3. Provide workers with training on
was filtered. safe working strategies while working 2 weeks
in a high vibrational environment. Area manager
These screens were 4. Create a safe work system for
causing severe vibrations, operators when working with high-
and the operator was not vibration-producing machinery. 1 month
wearing the necessary Finance
PPE. manager
5. Install vibration isolators to reduce
If the vibration exposure the amount of vibration generated by
limit is exceeded, it can screens.
cause full-body 1 month
vibrations, joint damage,
spinal disc damage, and
other problems.

Health, Employees in the 1. Count the number of damaged 3 days Area

Welfare & packaging department Workers in the packaging lights and replace them with new supervisor

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
Work could be impacted. section, for example, may be ones.
Environment subjected to eye examinations Area
In the packaging area, as part of a health surveillance 2. Keep general lighting levels supervisor
The packaging there was poor lighting system. consistent with standardised LUX 1 week
section had a due to damage or levels. Finance
low lux level insufficient lighting. manager
which effect At night, vehicle movement is 3. Install spot lights at strategic
workers. If two vehicles collision at prohibited in the packaging locations to improve lighting. 2 weeks
night, it may result in section. Operational
temporary or permanent 4. Restructure the packaging section manager
blindness, headaches, and incorporate natural lighting such 2 months
drowsiness, and property as roof lights. Operational
damage. 5. Establish a system for the periodic manager
maintenance and inspection of
artificial lighting at the workplace.
2 months

Hazardous Workers in the grinding 1. Workers should be provided with 3 days

Substances and mixing sections might The workers were given a information training and instruction HSE Manager
be harmed. toolbox talk.
Pigment dust is 2. Employees should be rotated Area manager
created during The grinding and mixing There are now safety signs in through various jobs. 1 month Area manager
the grinding section were found to place.
and mixing have a significant amount 3. Workers should be given rest Area
processes used of pigment dust, which Face masks were provided to breaks as well. 1 week manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
in the could harm employees. workers.
production of This dust also irritates the 4. A complete maintenance
paint. skin and eyes. Employees programme for the LEV system should Area manager
may develop asthma or be carried out once a month. 1 week
respiratory problems,
among other things. 5. A local exhaust ventilation system is
1 month

Work The operator of the There are warning signs about 1. Provide workers with properly 1 day Finance
Equipment and extrusion machine could the hazards of entanglement. fitted coveralls. Manager
Machinery suffer damage.
2. Attach fixed and adjustable guards 2 weeks Area manager
Moving parts The extrusion machine's to the extruder's moving parts to
on an extruder moving parts were not prevent entanglement. Area manager
machine that covered by any safety
are not guards, leaving the 3. Install tripping devices as well as 2 weeks
protected. operator—who was also emergency siren buttons. HSE manager
wearing loose clothing—
It can lead to the 4. Arrange for emergency services for 1 month
operator becoming workers in the event of an HSE manager
tangled in the extruder emergency.
machine's moving parts,
which can cause serious 5. Establish a routine inspection and
physical harm such cuts, maintenance system for all 1 month

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible
category and and how? required? further actions person’s job
hazard to be title
(within …)
bruises, and bone mechanical machinery in the industry.
dislocations, as well as
disability and, in extreme
situations, death.

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial
To ensure that its workers may go home in the same condition they arrived in, Nippon Paint
(Pakistan) (Pvt) Ltd owes them a safe working environment. The company's reputation and moral
position in the marketplace depend on it. One of the duties of the business is to inform and
educate the workers about any risks and hazards related to performing job operations. Employee
morale will be worse as a result of non-compliance with H&S safety requirements, and customers
will be given a bad impression of the company.
Nippon Paint (Pakistan) (Pvt) Ltd is required by law to protect its workers under the International
Labour Organization's Safety and Health Convention (C155).


Legal repercussions include the possibility that the company may receive a restriction, in which
case it will be required to stop all work on a particular project or until the improvement is finished
within a predetermined period of time. Workers who were injured due to workplace health and
safety violations may be eligible to file civil claims against the organization. Workers who have
suffered harm as a result of an organization's disregard for workplace health and safety may bring
civil claims against the company. Some of these claims might be made several years after the
employee last worked there. In civil claims, a sizable amount of compensation is likely to be due.

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The business will suffer both direct and indirect financial repercussions if health and safety
regulations are not followed in compliance with the relevant laws. The employer is responsible for
covering an employee's medical expenses, sick leave, family compensation, legal fees, and civil
claims in the event of an accident or incident at work. The company will eventually incur costs as a
result, including lost time injuries, lost working hours, high insurance premiums, training costs,
hiring costs, replacement costs for damaged machinery and equipment, loss of raw materials,
decreased production levels, high turnover rates, low market face values, and costs associated with
investigation and inspection. The costs involved with the government's legal enforcement actions.

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Install fixed and adjustable guards around the moving parts of the extruder to prevent
entanglement. (Hazard category: Work equipment and machinery)

Specific legal arguments Article 6 of the ILO C119 - Guarding of Machinery Convention, 1963 (No. 119) required that the
use of machinery, any harmful part of which, including the point of operation, is prohibited by
national laws or regulations, or prevented by other equally effective measures, and it also required
that where this prohibition cannot fully apply without preventing the use of the machinery, it shall
apply to the extent that the use of the machinery permits. Machinery must be guarded in such a
way that national regulations and occupational safety and hygiene standards are not violated.
According to Oman labour law, no worker shall use any machinery unless the guards provided are
in place, and no worker shall be required to use any machinery unless the guards provided are in
place. No worker shall render the guards provided inoperative, nor shall such guards be rendered
inoperative on any machinery to be used by any worker.
The likelihood of serious injury is high because the operator, who was wearing loose clothing, was
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
exposed to the moving parts of the extruder machine, which lacked safety protection shields. It can
 types of injury or ill health lead to the operator becoming tangled in the extruder machine's moving parts, which can cause
 number of workers at risk serious physical harm such cuts, bruises, and bone dislocations, as well as disability and, in extreme

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situations, death. The safety measures in place are useless for averting harm.
 how often the activity is carried out
 how widespread the risk is
When recommending the severity, I have specified the category as follows:

 Minimal: There was no harm or damage.

 Minor: An injury occurred that required first aid care and/or unimportant equipment and
machinery damage.
 Major: An injury occurred that necessitated hospitalisation, required time to recuperate
from, or resulted in significant equipment and machinery damage.
 Fatal: Injuries that result in permanent disability or death, as well as damage to buildings,
machinery, or equipment.

The severity rating for this hazard is set to major because if the worker faces any incident in this
aspect, it will cause them cutting, bruises, and bone dislocation, as well as disabilities and the
worker's injury is likely to necessitate hospitalisation. In severe cases, it can also cause death.

Types of injuries or ill health associated with this hazard includes: cutting blades in cutting
machinery can cut or harm an employee's body parts, especially their fingers, hands, and arms.

Five workers were working in mixing section who are at risk.

The activity is carried out 4 hours per day, it is a routine activity.

The risk associated with this hazard is extremely high and widespread because employee body
parts, notably their fingers, hands, and arms, may be hurt or damaged by cutting blades in cutting

How effective the action is likely to be in To prevent entanglement, provide permanent and movable guards around the extruder's moving
controlling the risk. This should include: components. Because machine guarding is intended to safeguard the machine operator and other
 the intended impact of the action; workers in the work area from risks brought on by routine machine operation, there is less chance
 justification for the timescale that that an operator will become entangled in the extruder machine's moving parts. Workers will be
you indicated in your risk able to work safely as a result of this. The chances of serious injury will be reduced.

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assessment; and I've given time period of two weeks to finish this. I gave this time frame because the action will be
 whether you think the action will agreed upon by the area manager and will allow for the action to be implemented, which will take
fully control the risk two weeks. I'm hoping that everything goes as planned to overcome this hazard.

As a result of the action, the risk of serious injury will be minimised to the greatest extent possible.
Installation of fixed and adjustable guards on extruder moving parts to prevent entanglement

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk A local exhaust ventilation system must be installed for dust and chemical fumes (Hazard category:
Hazardous substances)

Specific legal arguments Article 6 of the ILO C170 - Chemicals Convention, 1990 (No. 170) required that where a worker is
liable to be exposed to any chemical, physical, or biological hazard to such an extent that it is
hazardous to health, appropriate preventive measures be taken. Article 13 of the ILO C167 - Safety
and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) required that workers be provided with a
clean and healthy working environment. Oman labour law also required that arrangements be
made to remove or render harmless, to the greatest extent possible, fumes, dust, and any other
noxious or harmful impurities generated during work
The worker's likelihood of serious illness is high because during the grinding and mixing processes
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
used to make paint, pigment dust is created. There was a substantial amount of pigment dust in
 types of injury or ill health the grinding and mixing area, which could be hazardous to workers. The skin and eyes are also
 number of workers at risk irritated by this dust. Among other factors, workers may acquire asthma or respiratory issues.
 how often the activity is carried out There is a risk of harm to the workers in the grinding and mixing areas. The safety measures in
 how widespread the risk is place are inefficient at preventing injury.

For the severity category, please see justification 1.

The severity rating for this hazard is Major, and the worker's illness is likely to necessitate
hospitalisation if he get expose to any dust and fumes of chemical which can cause them skin, eyes
damage as well as lung problems.

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Types of injuries or ill health associated with this hazard includes; Cardiac arrest, Electric burns,
Muscle tissue damage, Neurological effects and Nervous system damage.
Ten workers were working there who are at risk.
The activity is being carried out 6 hours per day as it is a routine activity.
There is a high risk associated with this hazard because of the presence of damaged electric cables
that may cause severe electric shock resulting in health issues as well as property damage.
How effective the action is likely to be in A local exhaust ventilation system needs to be set up here. The amount of dust in the office will
controlling the risk. This should include: decrease as a result. By capturing dust, vapours, and fumes at their source, local exhaust
 the intended impact of the action; ventilation is a mechanical system that reduces the likelihood that employees will breathe polluted
 justification for the timescale that air. The worker will be secure, and the risk of disease and its severity will be diminished.
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and I've set a deadline of one month for this to be completed because it took time for the financial
 whether you think the action will manager to issue the budget, purchase exhaust ventilation system and then installed it.
fully control the risk
As a result of the action, the risk of workers to expose with dust and hazardous fumes will be
maximumly reduced.

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 of risk Install smoke and heat detectors in different areas of the plant. (Hazard category: Fire)

Specific legal arguments Article 29 of the ILO C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) stated
that "Employers are responsible for taking preventive steps to prevent fires in the workplace."
Employers must also conduct and maintain a fire safety risk assessment. This method is
comparable to health and safety risk assessments and can be used as a stand-alone exercise or as
part of a larger risk assessment. Your risk assessment should identify what could start a fire, such as
sources of ignition (heat or sparks) and flammable substances, as well as people who could be in
danger, to help prevent fires in the workplace. Oman's labour law imposes many requirements on

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employers, including the requirement that there be a mechanism to raise the alarm and notify
employees of impending emergencies, such as fire.
There is a high likelihood of serious injury because two workers were smoking in a paint storage
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
warehouse where oil paints were stored, and one of the oil canes was damaged. Oil paints are
 types of injury or ill health flammable by nature, and this act has the potential to cause a fire and an explosion, resulting in
 number of workers at risk both personal injuries such as skin burns, as well as a number of deaths and property damage.
 how often the activity is carried out Workers who smoke, as well as other workers, may be harmed, and current controls are ineffective
 how widespread the risk is in preventing injury.

For the severity category, please see justification 1.

The severity rating for this hazard is set as Major because if any employee injure it will require
proper hospital treatment e.g., burn and injuries.
Types of injuries or ill health associated with this hazard includes: burn injuries, physical problems
and sometimes death.
Three welders and Nine workers were working there who are at risk.
The activity is being carried out on daily basis, so it is said to be routine activity.
The risk associated with this hazard is high because close to flammable material, where sparks
from the certain process could meet the substance and generate a fire hazard that would affect
everyone in that area.

How effective the action is likely to be in The installation of smoke and heat detectors in various zones of the plant will reduce the risk of
controlling the risk. This should include: fire. Because heat detectors are designed to reduce property damage by reacting to temperature
 the intended impact of the action; changes caused by a fire, this will detect the heat and reduce the risk of fire. Smoke detectors are
 justification for the timescale that intended to save lives and property by sounding an alarm when a fire begins.
you indicated in your risk I've given three weeks to them for finishing this. I gave this time because the action will be agreed
assessment; and upon by the manager and will allow installation.
 whether you think the action will

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fully control the risk The action will minimise risk by installing smoke and heat detectors in various zones of the plant.
Action in conjunction with other controls will completely eliminate the risk of fire.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period with The company has a policy of reviewing its risk assessment report after every 12 months. The
reasoning company risk assessment report will be assessed on May 25th, 2024. It can also be evaluated prior
to the scheduled date in the event of an accident, the introduction of new technology, or on the
request of the company owner.
How the risk assessment findings will be In a meeting, the General Manager, Project Manager, Site Supervisor, and HSE Officer will be
communicated AND who you need to informed of the risk assessment's findings. Charts, pie graphs, and accident statistics will be used to
tell illustrate dangers and related hazards. I'll also discuss how using control methods can lower risk.
Following the conversation with higher-ups, the conclusions will be shared with all staff via
trainings, awareness workshops, and the execution of TBT before high-risk activity. The report will
be forwarded to all of the organization's accountable individuals, and the key findings will be
placed on all of the company's bulletin boards. I'll finish by publishing the risk assessment report to
the business website.
How you will follow up on the risk How will you monitor the risk assessment to ensure that the recommended steps have been
assessment to check that the actions taken?One month before the action is due, I'll set reminders. I'll schedule a meeting with the
have been carried out accountable person to go through whether or not each action was completed. In the event that no
action is taken in response to any findings, I will look into why. Then, I'll visit the building site alone
to check that all of the recommendations have been followed and to see if any steps have been
taken as a result of the risk findings. The financial manager will be notified right away if something
doesn't seem to be done on time.

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