IG2 Cement Project
IG2 Cement Project
IG2 Cement Project
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment.Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
Hazardous All the workers of the Dust masks are given to the 1. Install local exhaust ventilation 1 month Finance
substance cement storage areas workers system in the high hazardous Manager
and production hall can General ventilation system in area.
High be harmed. installed. 2. Proper maintenance and 1 month HSE
concentration The workers were All the workers were given inspection plan must be supervisor
of process exposed to the high necessary training and implemented on all the parts of
dust cement concentration of the supervision. the LEV (local exhaust
storage areas process dust that was ventilation system).
and production being produced in cement 3. All the workers must be 6 months Finance
hall storage areas and provided with the health Manager
production hall and the surveillance periodically.
exposure to this dust is 4. All the workers must be 2 weeks HR Manager
dangerous for the health provided with the rest breaks
Health, All the workers that are Fresh water facility was 1. Install Local Exhaust 1 month Finance
welfare and working in boiler hall available to the workers. Ventilation in the boiler hall so manager
working section can be harmed. The workers were young and that accumulated heat remove
environment. energetic outside.
cooling fans were installed in 2. Provide energy booster drinks 1 week Finance
Extremes of There is high temperature these areas to minimise the to the workers. Manager
the producing from the boiler exposure of the workers with 3. Cooling shelters and bathing 1 week Finance
temperature in and workers are working extremes of the temperatures. facility must also be proved to Manager
some areas in this area without safety the workers.
like boiler hall. precaution. The exposure 4. Provide heat retardant clothing 2 weeks HSE
to extreme temperature and personal protective supervisor
can lead to many health equipment to the workers.
problems in the workers 5. Workers must be given rest 2 weeks HR Manager
like workers can get breaks and job rotation.
dehydration problems, the 6. Workers must be give HSE
workers can get stress, information, instruction and 1 week supervisor
Slip & trip All the workers that that 1. Cables must be placed along 2 days Electrical
have to work in the Warning signs were placed. the walls. Supervisor
maintenance workshop 2. Clean the area from the waste 3 days Plant
In can be harmed. PPE like hard helmet and material and trailing cables and Manager
maintenance Any workers moving on safety shoes were given to the stored them separately.
workshop the floor of the workers. 3. Routine inspection system 1 week HSE
some of the maintenance workshop should be implemented for supervisor
waste material can get tripped due these further activities.
like card hazards and they can fall 4. Introduce and implement cable 3 days Electrical
boards, and on the floor due to which management system. Supervisor
some trailing they can get many 5. Implement a proper 4 days Plant
cables were injuries like bone fracture, housekeeping plane in all Manager
observed. internal and external the areas.
injuries and head injuries.
Movement of All the workers working The driver was competent and 1. Segregate all the pathways for 1 month Finance
the people around the vehicles can trained. both vehicles and pedestrians. Manager
and vehicles get harmed. Safety signs were displayed. 2. Conduct tool box talk to the 4 days HSE
in the in case of any emergency Traffic control measure like drivers for safe parking. supervisor
workplace. the vehicles can get speed breakers were installed 3. Traffic warden must be hired 1 month HSE
collide with the workers for the enforcement actions. supervisor
Some vehicles and the workers can have 4. Supervision to the drivers must 1 week Plant
were parked in many injuries like body be given. Manager
the non- part damage, broken 5. Separate parking places 1 month Finance
designated bone, cuts and even must be available. Manager
Specific legal arguments International labour organization has made many convention and recommendation to
protect the workers from the extremes of the temperature present at any site.
R120 - Hygiene (Commerce and Offices) Recommendation, 1964 (No. 120) required that
No worker should be required to work regularly in the immediate neighbourhood of
equipment radiating a large amount of heat or causing an intense cooling of the
surrounding air, considered by the competent authority to be harmful to health, unless
suitable control measures are taken, the time of the worker's exposure is reduced, or he is
provided with suitable protective equipment or clothing.
The likelihood associated with this hazard will be considered as high because there was extreme
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
temperature in the boiler hall and workers were exposed to it for a long period of time due to which
types of injury or ill health there were many chances for the workers to get health risk problems like heat stroke, stress and
number of workers at risk dehydration etc. The current control actions are also ineffective to protect the workers from getting
how often the activity is carried ill health by this hazard.
The risk is present in the boiler hall and affect workers only that are working in this area.
How effective the action is likely to be in Installation of the Local Exhaust Ventilation in the boiler hall will major impact on the temperature of
controlling the risk. This should include: the boiler hall. It will accumulate the heat from the boiler hall to outside. It will maximum control the
high temperature in the working place. The cost of the installation of the Local Exhaust Ventilation
the intended impact of the action;
in the boiler hall will be less than the cost associated with the ill health of the workers.
justification for the timescale that
you indicated in your risk I have given 1 month for this to be completed. I gave this time because action will be agreed by the
assessment; and plant manager and finance manager will allocate the budget for this. So thi will take time and I hope
whether you think the action will this will be completed in 1-month time scale.
fully control the risk I think this control action will control maximum of the risk associated with this hazard with some
other control actions that are mentioned in the risk assessment section.
Specific legal arguments The ILO international labours organisation has published the convention to avoid electrical hazard.
According to the given below convention.
ILO Convention 1988 (C167, Article 26)(Electric Safety) states that employer must take care of
Likelihood associated with this hazard will be considered as high because some equipment and
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
installation in the admin offices have damaged insulated power cables and wirings and the workers
types of injury or ill health were working there due to which there were many chances for the workers of the admin areas to
number of workers at risk get contact with these hazard while plugging or unplugging these wires and they can get harm like
how often the activity is carried fibrillation, electrical burns and cardiac arrest because the overall current control measures were
ineffective to protect the workers against this hazard.
how widespread the risk is
I set the severity factor as major from the above mentioned table in justification action 1 the
workers can face the electrocution, electric burn, cardiac arrest which will require proper hospital
There are eight workers working in this area in three shift and are at risk.
Hazard is always present during working time. The risk is resent in the admin office and affect
workers only that are working in this area.
How effective the action is likely to be in
The risk associated with this hazard can be minimised by replacing all the damaged insulated
controlling the risk. This should include:
wirings and cables of the equipment of the admin areas with new one., be implementing this action
the intended impact of the action; the workers will not be exposed to the risk of contact with damaged cables and hence the overall
justification for the timescale that risk associated with this hazard will be minimised. This action would have also a major impact on
you indicated in your risk the finance saving because the cost of implementation of this action would be less than that
assessment; and associated with worker’s injuries or harm from this hazard.
whether you think the action will The time period is suggested of 1 month for the completion of this control action. Because this
fully control the risk action needs some time to get approval from the managing director for its implementation and
This action will control maximum of the risk associated with this hazard with some other control
actions that are mentioned in the risk assessment section.