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Open Channel Hydraulics Worksheet 2

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Jimma University

Jimma Institute of Technology

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
Open Channel Hydraulics Assignment II for 3rd Year HWRE

1. A 3m wide trapezoidal channel section carrying discharge of 10 m3/s has Manning’s

roughness coefficient 0.001, channel bed slope 0.005. The channel has sides of different
slopes, 2H: 1V on one side and 3H: 2V on the other side. Estimate the normal depth of
2. Determine normal discharge for a 200mm inside diameter common clay (0.013) drainage
tile running half-full if the slope drops 1m over 1000m.

3. A trapezoidal channel of bed width 3m and side slope 1.5horizontal to 1vertical carries a
full supply of 10m3/s at a depth of 1.5m.
a) What would be the discharge at half of full supply depth (i.e at 0.75m)?
b) What would be the depth discharge at half of full supply discharge (i.e at 5m3/s)?
4. Calculate the critical depth for the trapezoidal channel of bottom width 6m with a side
slope of 2.5H: 1V, which carries a discharge of 20m3/s.
a) Use trial and error method
b) Use design chart method

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5. A 3m wide horizontal rectangular channel is narrowed to a width of 1.50m to cause critical
flow in the contracted section. If the depth in contracted section is 0.80m, calculate the
discharge in the channel and the possible depths of flow and corresponding Froude
numbers in the 3.00m wide section. (Neglect energy losses in the transition).
6. A rectangular channel with 1m width has bed slope of 0.002 m/m. When channel bed and
walls roughened by sand grain, the measured normal depth of flow was 1.5 m for a
discharge of 15 m3/s. Then same channel bed and walls were smoothened by cement , the
resulting measured normal depth became 1.5 m for a discharge of 18 m3/s. Calculate the
discharge for the normal depth of 1.5 m if channel bed roughened by sand grain and wall
smoothened by cement ?
7. A rectangular channel 3.6m wide had badly damaged surfaces and had a Manning’s
roughness coefficient (n=0.03). As a first phase of repair, its bed was lined with concrete
(n=0.015). If depth of flow remains same at 1.2m before and after the repair, what is the
increase of discharge obtained as result of repair?
8. Compute discharge for depth of 8m, S = 0.5%, n for bank = 0.06(section 1 and 3) n for
main channel = 0.03

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9. The cross-section of flow in a straight reach of river during a flood is shown in figure
below. The main channel has Manning’s roughness of 0.022 whereas the flood banks are
grassed and have a Manning’s of 0.035. The longitudinal slope of the channel is 0.0002.
Determine the uniform flow discharge.

10. Water flows in a triangular channel of side slope 1:1 and longitudinal slope of 0.001.
Determine whether the channel is mild, steep or critical when a discharge of 0.2m3/s flows
through it. Assume Manning’s coefficient is 0.015. For what range of depths will the flow
be on a type 1, 2 or 3 curves?
11. In a very long trapezoidal channel with width B = 3m, side slope m = 1.5, Manning’s n =
0.016, longitudinal slope So = 0.0004, the nominal depth is measured as 1.2m. Determine
the type of GVF profile existing at section X in this channel when the depth of flow at X
a) y = 0.5m,
b) y = 0.8m,
c) y = 1.5m
12. A trapezoidal channel has three reaches A, B and C connected in series with the following
Reach Channel Bed Side Bed manning roughness
length Width(B) Slope(m) Slope(So) coefficient(n)
A 25m 4m 1 0.0004 0.015
B 25m 4m 1 0.009 0.012
C 25m 4m 1 0.004 0.015
For a discharge of 22.5m /sec, through this channel, sketch the resulting water surface

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13. A trapezoidal channel with width 6m, n=0.015, m=1 and so = 0.001 carries a discharge of
26m3/s. If this channel terminates in a free over fall, determine the gradually varied flow
profile by direct step method.

14. A trapezoidal channel has a bed width b=5m, So = 0.0004,side slope 2H :1V and n=
0.02.The normal depth of flow is yo = 3m. If the channel empties into a pool at downstream
end and the pool elevation is 1.25m higher than the channel bed at the downstream end,

a) Calculate the GVF profile from section having critical depth up to a section having a
depth of 2.96 m by direct step method.
b) Calculate the distance between two sections having depths of 2.30m and 2.80m
15. A trapezoidal channel having a bottom slope of 0.001 is carrying a flow of 30m3/s. The
bottom width is 10.0 m and the side slopes are 2H to 1V. At the downstream end, a control
structure raises the water depth to 5.0 m. Determine the water-surface levels at 1, 2, and 4
km upstream of control structure using Standard Step method. The Manning n for the flow
surfaces is 0.013, α = 1.0 and the elevation of the channel bottom at the downstream end is
16. Design ogee spillway for the following data, when (a) U/s face is vertical and (b) U/s face
slope is 2H: 3V.
i. Height of the spillway crest = 100.0 m
ii. Number of spans = 10
iii. Length of each span (clear) = 12.5
iv. Thickness of each pier = 3 m
v. D/s slope of spillway = 0.8(H): 1(V),
vi. Design discharge = 8500 m3/s, Coefficient of discharge (C = 2.21)
vii. Round nosed piers are supposed to be used with rounded abutments

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