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Alpha Particle
Scattering and RutherFord'ANSWERS
s Nuclear Model
1. How is impact parameter related to0 angle of scattering?
Ans, Impact parameter b=-
4TE, 1 ,0= angle of scattering
*2. What are stationary orbits?
Ans These are
permitted non-radiating orbits.
Electron Orbits
**3. What does the negative sign indicate in the expression for total energy of electroni
Ans Ine electron is bound to the atom and energy must be given to the electron to remove it from the
Bohr's Model ofAtom

How does the velocity of electron depends on the princpal quantumnumber?

Itis inversely proportional to the princijpalquantum number.
**8. How does the energy of electron change withthe atomic number?
Ans Energyincreases with increase in atomicnumber(Z)

**9. How is the energy of electron denends on the principal quantum number?

**10. How does the radius of electron depends on the principal quantumnumber?
Ans Ran'

***11. Give the value of Rydberg's constant.

Ans 1.097x 10"'m!.
*12. Give the expression for energy of hyd rogen ato.
Ans E= (-13.6/n) electron volt (eV).

***13. VWhat is wave number?

Ans Itis the number of waves per unit length.
***14. What is ionization energy?
the atom.
Ans Itis the minimum energy required to remove electron completelyfrom
**15. What is ionization potential?
Ans It is the minimum potential required to accelerate the electron so that it acquires kinetic enerp
ionize the atom.

***16.What is excitation energy?

Ans It is the energy required to shift the electron to its higher orbit.
**17. What is excitation potential?
Ans It is the minimum potential difference applied to an external electron must be accelerated so tha
acquires kinetic energy to excite the atom.

***18. Give the expression for angular momentum of electron.

Ans angular momentum =mr =(nh/2r)


Alpha Particle Scattering and RutherFords Nuclear Model

***19. What are the merits of Rutherford's atom model?

Ans a) It explained the neutrality of the atom (IM)
b) Large angle of scattering ofalpha-particles when they pass through the matter.

*20. Give the two drawbacks (demerits) of Rutherford's atom model. (IM)
Ans: a) Failed to explain the stability ofatom. (IM)
b) Failed to explain the spectral series ofatom.
Bohr's Model of Atom
Give any two demerits of Bohr's atom model.
Ans a) Failed to explain spectral lines ofcomplex atoms (1M)
b) Failed to explain intensity of spectral lines.

**22. What are the parameters on which t. : radius of the orbit of hydrogen atom depends?
Ans Principal quantum number- n (IM)
atomic number - Z (IM)

**23. VWhat are the factors on which the velocity of an electron depdends.
Ans Velocity depends on Z (atomic number) (IM)
n (principal quantum number) (IM)

***24. Mention any two postulates of Bohr's atom model.

Ans: a) Electrons revolving round the nucleus donot radiate (emit)energy. (1M)
b) Atoms radiate (emit) energy only when electrons jump from higher orbit to lower orbit.(1 M)
Bohr 's model of hydrogen atom
***26. StateBohr's postulates.
atom usually consists ofpositively charged nucleus. The negatively charged particles called
Ans a) An (paths). The centripetal force is pro
electrons revolve round the nucleus definite circular orbits charge on the nuclues. This
on the electron due to
Vided by the electrostatic force ofattraction
electrostatic force is given by:

1 (+Ze)(-e)

Where [, ’absoulte permittivity of free space.

electronproton, r’radius ofelectron orbit.
Z’ total number ofprotons, e ’charge on (1M)
selected orbits. The angular momentun
b) The electron revolves round the nucleus only in certain
Planck's constant. The
of theelectron is equal to an integral multiple of (h/2r) Where h ’
uar momentum is given by: my =n angular momentum.
Where n= 1,2,3,...
c) Electrons
revolving roundIthe
t nucleus do not radiate (emit) energy. Therefore, (IM)
are non-radiating orbits. orbits
d) Atoms radiate (emit)
energy only when electrons jump from higher orbit to lower
energy of photon emitted by the atom iis er ual to energy difference between the orbitsorbiand
t. The
given by: it is
E = hv= E, - E
Where, E, =Fenergy oflower orbit, E, =energy ofhigher orbit.
h= Planck's constant, v =frequency ofphoton
(radiation). (IM)
***27. Derive an expression for radius of
stationary orbit. (Mar-2012, 2011, June 2009)
(Model paper)
1) Consider an electron of mass m and charge *e revolving
+Ze in a circular orbit ofradius r with velocity v. The round the nucleus having charge
electrostatic force between electron and
nucleus is given by: = 1 (Ze)(e)
4rE Where &, ’ absoulte permittivity of free space.
1 Ze?
ie.,f =
2) The centripetal force acting on electron due to
circular motion is given by:
Comparing equations (1) and (2), we get,
my² 1 Ze Ze'
4TE, -(or)m'r = -3) (IM)

3) But the angular momentum is given by: mvr = nh nh

2 or)v= 2rmr (49)
Substituting equation (4) in equation (3), we get,
n'h? Ze'
m (or) r=n?
This is the expression for radius ofnh stationary orbit.
Where, n= 1,2, 3,..... h-Planck's constant, E, = abso lute
Z =number of protons, e=charge on electron. pemittivity, m= mass of electron,
(Note : From the above equation, r,an',
where, n = 1, 2,3, .. and
r:,:=l:4:9,, =47,=9r, and so on. This shows that electron orbits
spaced. The radius of first
are not egually
orbit is r
28. Derive an expression for =0.53x10"m.)
orbital velocity of electron
Ans 1) Consider. an electron of mass mand charge -e
+Ze in a circular roundthe nucleus having charge
nucleus is given by:
orbit of radius r with
velocity v. Therevolving
electrostaticforce between electronand

f= (Ze)le)
4E0 Where E,’ absoulte permittivity of free space.
1 Ze'
ie., f= ’() (IM)
2) The centripetal force acting on electron due to circular
motion is given by:
Comparing equations () and (2), we get,
my² 1 Ze Ze'
1.e., (or)mv'r= -’(3) (IM)

3)But the angular momentum is given by: mvr = 2r ’(4)

Dividing equation (3) by equation (4), we get, n2¬,h
Where, n=1,2, 3,..
This is the expression for velocityof electron in n stationary orbit.
ofprotons, (IM)
h=Planck's constant, E, = absolute permittivity, Z = number
e=charge on electron.
= 1,2, 3, .. The velocity of of electron in
(Note: From the above equation, v,al/n, where n
Therefore, velocity of electrons is very high.)
first orbit is y =2. 18x10°m /s.
(demerits) of Bohr'satom model
***29.State the limitations ofspectral lines only from
explaining emission
Ans 1)Bohr's atom modelis successful in (IM)
the hydrogen atom.
emissionofspectral lines roma complex atom such as atom consisting
2)It fails toexplain the
large number of electrons.
Bohr's atom model fails to explain intensityof spectrallines. (IM)
3) ofspectral lines. (In additionntto Lyman series,) Blamer series etc,..
fine structure
4) It fails to explain lines).
there are additional spectral
Debroglie explantion for Bohr's second postulate

***31. Write a short note on DeBroglie's explanation of Bohr's second postulate of

1. According to Bohr's second postulate the angular momemtum ofanelectron orbiting around
the nucleus is quantized.
2. Louis De- Broglie argued that the electron in its circular orbit, as proposed by Bohr, must be
seen as a particle wave.
3.In analogy towaves travelling on a string, particle waves too can lead to standing waves under
resonant conditions. We know that when astring is plucked, a vast number of wave lengths re
excited. (IM)
4. However only those wavelengths survive which have nodes at the ends and form astanding
wave in the string. It means that in a string standing waves are formed when the total distance
travelled by a wave down the string and back is one wavelength,,two wavelengths,, or any reflection
number ofwavelengths. Waves with other wavelengths sinterfere with themselves upon
and their amplitudes quickly drop to zero.
circumference of
5. For an electron movingin n circular oribt ofradius r, , the totall distance is the
the orbit, 2rt,.Thus
1 ofelectroninnorbit.
2rr, =nd, n=1,2,3,...where 2, is the de Broghe wavelength Thus
speed of the
light, momentum is my,
Ifthe speed ofthe electron is much less thanthe

nh nh (IM)
From eq.(1), we have 2, = or mY,
mn angular momentum ofthe electron.
This is the quantumcondition proposed t iby Bohr for the

Scattering and RutherFords Nuclear Model

Alpha Particle
are the drawbacks of this model?
Rutherford atom model. What
**32. Describe

Ans. Rutherford nuclear model
Atom is spherical and mostlyhollow. concentrated in a small region at the centre of the
1) of the atom is (IM)
2)The+ve charge and the mass
nucleus. 10-10m
atom is called m and the Radius ofatomis
3)The radius
ofnucleusis 10-13 to
extra nuclear part} are equal in number to
electrons present out side the nucleus (IM)
4)The nucleus. around the nucleu
protons insidethe revolves around the sun, the electrons revolves
5) Just as the planets under the influenceoftwo forces. ie.
electrons is
6)The revolving force of attractiontowards nucleus These two forces being equal
centripetal orbiting path.
a) The
centrifugal force directed away from the electronscontiniouslyrevolves in an orbit.
b) The balanceeach otherand (IM)
and opposite direction and
Rutherford's model: movingundertheiinfluence ofopposite
Drawbacksin charged particle
Rutherford'ss modelifany continuously and come closer andlcloser to the
Accordingto energy
1) particle thenthe particleloose Thenthe atomshall collapse due to the merging of
charged finallyfallsintothe nucleus.
nucleusand nucleus. But it was not
electrons withthe
**33. Describe H. Geiger- E. Marsden experiment on scattering of a particle. H
size of the nucleus estimated in this experiment? How is the
Ans. 1. According HGeiger - Marsden experiment, a particles emitted from a214 Bi
source at athin metal foil made ofgold. From the diagram. Alpha particles emitted by a 24: radioactive
radioactive source were collimated into anarrow beam by their passage through lead bricks
beam was allowed to fall on a thin foil of gold ofthickness 2.1 x10 m
Tlin gold foil

soUce of
-ays sit systen
cicular forescent

Geiger - Marsden experiment

2. The scattered alpha particles were observed through a rotatable detector
consisting of zinc
sulphide screen anda microscope. The scattered alpha particles on striking the screen produced
brief light flashes or scintillations. These flashes may be viewed through a
distribution of thenumber ofscattered particles may be studied as a functionmicroscope and the
ofangle of scattering.
Thin gold foil
Lead Bricks

Small angle
scattering of some
Beam of
a particles
Source of
a particles

ZnS Screen

Backward scattering Large angle

of a very small fraction scattering of some (IM)
(1 in 8000 or so)

Schematic Arrangement of th eGeiger Mars den Experiment

Size of the Nucleus: (IM)

1. It is seen that an a particle close to the mucleus (small impact parameter) suffers large scatter
Ing. Oncoision, the impact parameter is minimum and thea particle
back (0 ).
2. For a largeimpact parameter, the a particle goes nearlyyundeviated and has aSmalldeflection
3. The fact that only asmall fraction ofthe number of incident particles rrebound back indicates that
thenumber of a particles undergoing head on collision issmall. This, in turn, impliesthat the mass
ofthe atom is concentrated in asmall volume. Therefore,, is a wayto determine an upper limit to
the size of the nucleus.

Electron Orbits
**34. Derive an expression for total energy of electron in astationary orbit:
(Mar 2009, July-2014)
Ans 1.Consider anelectronofmass mand charge -e revolving round the nucleus having charge
+Ze ma circular orbit of radius r with velocity v., Due to motion of theelectron, it has kinetic
energy. The electron is in the electric field produced by the nucleus, it has potential energy. Total
energy of theelectron is the sum ofkinetic energy and potential energy.
The electric potential at adistance r from the nucleus having charge +Ze is given by.
1 +Ze
Electric potential

1 (+2e)(-e) -1 Ze'
Therefore potential energy E, is given by: b, = +()
46o r

1 Ze'
2. The electrostatic force between electron and nucleus is given by: J = -’(2)

The centripetal force acting on electron due to circular motion is given by:
my² 1 Ze' 1 Ze'
Comparing equations (2) and (3), we get, i.e., 4nE, r
(or) mv' =

3.The expression for kinetic energy E, ofthe electron is given by:

E, =mv' =4TE, 2rZe'-’(4)

ie, Ex (IM)
1 Ze' 1 Ze'
4.Therefore total energy =E= E7 +E, =- 4TE 2r 4nEo
1 Ze'(
ie., E =
47E, r

Le., E= -1 Ze'-’(5)
4TE, 2r

But =n
IMZe substituting in the equation (5), then (IM)

5. ie.. E= -1 Ze' nmZe'

4zE, 2 n'h'e,

ie, E= mz'e
ie. E n 8h'[ (IM)
This isthe expression for total energy ofelectron in n stationary orbit. Where, n=1,2, 3,.. h
= Planck's constant (6.625x10MJs) , &, = absolute permittivity
(8.854x10"F/m), Z =
number of protons,e=charge on electron (1.6x10 C), m= mass ofelectron (9.lx10 kg).
For hydrogen atom Z=1, then E, =
This is the expression for total energy oftheelectron in the nh orbit.
Note: The negative sign in theabove expression indicates that the electron is bound tothe
atom and energy must be supplied to remove an electron from the atom.
Energy level diagram:

n = o
-0.37 eV n=6

-0.54 eV - -n=5
series n=4
- 0.85 eV
- 1.51 eV

- n=2
n - 3 . 4 eV Balmer
series (IM)
Hs HyHg Ha
To Energy

-13.6 eV.

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